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Tools and Materials

Fluffier rice 150 grams, washed

Pumpkin 150 grams, cut into small cubes
150 grams of sweet potato, cut into small cubes then roughly chopped
Tuna cooked shredded as much as 100 grams
As many as 15 pieces of basil, leaves only
Leeks as much as 2 stalks, coarsely chopped
Bay leaves as much as 2 pieces
Sweet corn by 2 stems, seeds taken alone
Long beans as much as 1 bunch, roughly chopped
As many as 1 bunch of spinach leaves, roughly chopped
As many as 1 stem Serai
Granulated sugar tsp
As much as 2 teaspoons salt
Meat broth 500 ml
Water 500 ml
Rica-rica sauce to taste
Jambal fish salted to taste

How to Make Manado Porridge

Prepare the pan, then boil the water and broth together with the rice, which
had been crushed lemongrass and bay leaves.
After the rice is tender, enter shelled sweet corn, yellow squash, and sweet
potatoes. After that, stir and cook until all the ingredients begin to mush.
Enter leaf spinach, beans, basil, and spinach leaves. Cook until all the
vegetables are wilted.
Add salt and sugar. Stir again until smooth and mature.
Manado porridge is ready served with shredded tuna, salted fish and chili
jambal rica-rica.

Nama Kelompok
Elma reski nanda
Nur afni darmayanti
Widya lestari
Putri amalia

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