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Location Scouting

We have chosen to film our media thriller opening sequence in the local C of E
church, in Morton. We have chosen this location because it is conventional to the
thriller genre, as churches have an eerie, creepy connotation. It also gives the
feeling of death, as there are gravestones. This foreshadows to the audience that
something bad is going to happen. An empty church also shows the audience
that there is no one around to help the damsel in distress, keeping them on the
edge of their seats. We also chose this location as it fits in with the theme of
religion in our opening sequence. It relates back to the psychopath and the
content of his diary, foreshadowing to the audience of a religious link.
We have also chosen the local woods, in Bourne, to shoot the chase scene
between the antagonist and damsel in distress. We have chosen the woods
because woods are typically creepy, as there is nobody around to save you. The
ideology behind using the woods is that is makes the audience feel empathy for
the girl, as they could imagine being in a massive wood, trying to hide from
someone chasing you. This makes the opening sequence more tense as it is a
real possibility that it could happen to a member of the audience, as it could be
seen as quite common. This location would also look good on camera, as it will
already have a creepy feel, and so less editing will be needed than in our
previous location.
We also chose to film in Beckys study, as the room is dark and creepy. It also has
most of the props that we need, already there. For example, a desk, a lamp, and
a board to place the pictures. Beckys parents themselves are religious, and so
the decorations of the room tie in with the religious theme e.g. bibles, crucifixes
etc. This location is relatable to the audience because in many houses, there are
studies. It also shows the audience that this psychopath is a normal man, who
lives in a normal house. This gives an overall sinister appearance because it
makes the audience think that anyone could be a psychopath; even people that
they know.

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