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11 Animation for Digital Media

Production stage- Week 3

Modelling and Animating

Progress made
Highlight from 1 10 how well you feel you have done today with 1 being not
very well and 10 being very well


Bullet point what your achievements today were. What have you completed?
Filled in my body
Replaced old arms
Remodelled feet and legs
Modified face

What did you learn today about modelling or animation?

Did you encounter unexpected challenges or have you developed any new skills?
There werent any unexpected challenges, besides sorting out the characters balance

How did it go?

State what went well today? What are you proud or pleased with.
I remodelled my character to look more like how I want it.

Were there any areas for improvement?

Bulletpoint any obstacles you encountered or anything you werent pleased with.
Not really

Next time?
What are your next steps? e.g What do you plan to achieve/improve/explore in
the next session? What have you learnt from what did not go well? What did you
learn from what did go well.
Next lesson I aim to finalize my character and start to animate him

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