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To Action
LCWR Global Concerns Committee

Volume 19, Number 2 May 2010

Reducing and Offsetting Our Carbon Footprint

LCWR Global Concerns Committee
than average footprint. Overall, our car- options. Many of the actions mentioned
Experience bon footprints were less than the average are already a part of our lives, yet there

he 2009 LCWR Assembly Resolu- US footprint, but larger than the average is so much more we need to do. A major
tion calls us to measure and worldwide carbon footprint. The world- problem area is transportation. If there
reduce our carbon footprints. The wide target to combat climate change is is no public transportation, we have to
Global Concerns Committee, which one-half the current average worldwide use a car. When our ministry requires
had proposed the resolution, agreed carbon footprint. travel to distant places to visit members
to calculate our personal footprints and attend meetings, our carbon foot-
by going to one of the suggested web What more can we do to reduce our print increases. Conference calls and
sites and discussing the results at carbon footprint? Turning off lights, Skype can help reduce it, but cannot
our fall meeting. It sounded simple unplugging appliances when not in use, eliminate it. The question then becomes,
enough. We arrived at the meeting turning down the heat or air-conditioning what can we do to offset the carbon
and shared our results. when not at home, turning off the com- we release into the atmosphere? When
puter when not in use, car-pooling, using we have done all we can to reduce our
We discovered that some were unable public transportation are actions that do carbon footprint, what can we do to
to calculate their carbon footprint make a difference. When the maintenance mitigate the affect of our carbon use
because they could not separate out staff of one motherhouse was asked and restore a right relationship with
their personal use of energy from the to examine the problem, they formed Earth?
general use of energy in the situations a green team and came up with many
in which they lived. Those who were simple suggestions: make fewer copies,
able to do the calculation found that replace burned out light bulbs with com-
Resolutions to Action is an occasional publica-
their carbon footprint was heavier pact fluorescent or LED bulbs, establish tion of the Global Concerns Committee of the
than they had hoped. As we shared energy use policies and practices, replace Leadership Conference of Women Religious
our experience, we realized that we chemical cleaning supplies with water (LCWR). Members of the committee are:
and vinegar, compost food service waste, Kathleen Bryant, RSC; Jacquelyn Doepker,
learned as much from the experience OSF; Judith Justinger, SSJ; Janet Lehmann,
of doing the carbon footprint calcula- etc. SC; Miriam Mitchell, SHSp; Kathleen Storms,
tion as we did from the failed at- SSND; and Marie Lucey, OSF, staff. Please
tempts to measure how much carbon Social Analysis address correspondence to:

our daily activities released into the LCWR

8808 Cameron Street
atmosphere. ur experience of calculating
Silver Spring, MD 20910
our individual carbon footprint 301-588-4955
Those who travel fairly frequently heightened our awareness and fax: 301-587-4575
and/or travel globally, have a heavier understanding. Conversation generated
We learned from our sharing that we Individuals and communities can and select an action that will offset
can decide on a visible local action purchase carbon offsets to mitigate or mitigate some of the effects of
like planting trees or choosing Green their own greenhouse gas emissions your carbon use. The following
Energy options to offset our carbon from transportation, electricity use, and may offer some specific restorative
emissions. Or we can purchase carbon other sources. For example, an indi- justice actions:
offsets by funding a project that pre- vidual might purchase carbon offsets Plant a tree for every 10 ton of
vents one ton of greenhouse gases from to compensate for the greenhouse gas CO2 emissions you generate
being emitted for each ton that we have emissions caused by personal air travel Decide to invest in green
caused. Carbon offset providers sell or related car rental. In 2008, about energy through your local
the greenhouse gas reductions associ- $705 million of carbon offsets were energy company.
ated with projects like wind farms or purchased in the voluntary market, Share your actions with local
methane-capture facilities to custom- representing about 123.4 million metric area ministries and merchants
ers who want to offset the emissions tons of CO2 reductions. as a way to encourage others
they caused by flying, driving, or using to offset their energy con-
electricity. Offsets are typically achieved through sumption and CO2 emissions.
support of projects that reduce the Support Clean Development
emission of greenhouse gases in the Mechanism (CDM) projects
Reflection short- or long-term. The most com- that have generated Carbon
mon project type is renewable energy, Emission Reduction (CER)
such as wind farms, biomass energy, credits. These projects are

e are reminded of Gerard Man- or hydroelectric dams. Others include fully verified to Kyoto/United
ley Hopkins line, nor can foot energy efficiency projects, the destruc- Nations standards via an
feel now being shod. Our life- tion of industrial pollutants or agricul- independent Designated Op-
styles have removed us from the feel of tural byproducts, destruction of landfill erating Entity, CDM projects
Earth under our feet. As we struggle to methane, and forestry projects. A very support sustainable develop-
become conscious of our energy expen- visible, local and cost-effective offset ment in developing countries
ditures, can we reclaim the feel of bare could be the planting of trees which through projects such as wind
feet on the grass, the sands of the ocean absorb CO2 out of the air and produces energy, hydro power and
coast or fresh mud near the lakeshore? oxygen as a by-product. biomass.
Kinesthetically can we connect the feel Support carbon offsetting
of our feet on Earth with sensing our Discernment has been our way of projects within North, Central
relationship with all of creation? proceeding in community. We must also and South America and/or
discern which choices for ministry are Africaincluding reforesta-
Formerly, we acknowledged our moral necessary, albeit carbon-expensive, and tion and renewable energy
responsibility as stewards of creation, what creative means we can take to re- production. (globalcarbonoff-
and then we moved into a conscious- store a right relationship with Earth. As
ness of how interdependent all of cre- we grow in understanding the new cos- Decide which congregational
ation is, including ourselves. Now we mology, quantum physics and cellular meetings annually could be
are challenged to move to a sense of our biology, we ask, What is our place in done through Skype, MW
unity with all that exists. Realizing that this living matrix? How do we discern Messenger, video-conferenc-
the stewardship imagery sets us over wisely our use of resources and what ing, etc. and which meetings
creation, we now have a richer sense of waste we leave behind? How do we need face-to-face contact.
how we are part of this cosmic creation restore the mark we leave on Earth?
rather than set over it to safeguard it. Suggested Readings
Joelle Novey, Carbon Offsets De-
There is a price to pay for our minis- Action mystified Green America Publica-
try lifestyles. Travel, especially by air tions, Feature Article March/April
incurs a cost to Earth. Perhaps now 2007 (www.GreenAmericaToday.
is the time to re-envision restorative
1. Access one of the following carbon
footprint calculators to determine org/pubs)
justice through cosmic restoration. Judith Purman, Tracking Your Car-
your individual carbon use.
Restorative justice requires that we put bon Footprint: A Step-by-Step Guide
the victim at the center. Earth is the
climatechange/calculator to Understanding and Inventorying
victim, and restorative justice asks what Greenhouse Gas Emissions, iUni-
is needed for healing. Abatements and
calculator.aspx verse Books, 2008.
offsetting what we have taken may be Joanna Yarrow, How to Reduce
seen as cosmic restorative justice.
2. Reduce your carbon footprint
impact first. Your Carbon Footprint: 365 Simple
3. Then study the carbon offset op- Ways to Save Energy, Resources, and
tions presented on these websites Money, Duncan Baird Pub., 2008

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