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Name: Virgnia Soares Toledo

Both texts consider different ways of helping people to achieve a good

relaxation. The first text advocates the emotional benefit of drinking tea due to
some chemicals contained on it which helps people to be calm. The second
text, on the other hand, says that yoga is a physical mean of relieving stress,
highlighting the physical challenge of some specific types.
The first text outlines the benefits of drinking a cup of hot tea as a way to help
you unwind. Thus, the tea has some properties that go far from just being a
relaxing pastime of a stressful experience, simply because of its chemicals that
lead to good feelings and relieve tension. In addition, a research has mentioned
that green and white tea would be more beneficial as they present low levels of
caffeine and also the amino acid L-theanine which produces a sense of
relaxation in the brain. However, this sense doesnt last for so long and it can be
detrimental on high doses.
The second text argues that yoga is an effective relaxation technique as it has
meditation which helps people to take their mind off things. It suggests regular
class in order to stay motivated. The text points out the power yoga, owing to its
particular demanding poses. In this case, it benefits chronic stress relief. Before
taking it up, it is claimed that the person should consider the level of fitness.
Therefore, there is yoga for different purposes from emotional to physical
benefits. Although it is expensive and so for the privileged few, yoga keeps you
active for a long time.
Both texts are related to relaxing pastime that brings emotional and physical
comfort. What depends it is the peoples preference. Considering my own
experience, physical challenging is emotionally uplifting. Hence, yoga is rather
exclusive, If I were you, I would take an intense sport as an alternative to
quieten your mind.

Number of words: 317

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