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Thank you Sir, thank you friends, thank you for the time thats given to me to

deliver my speech. Please accept my greetings in our mother tongue Yaahowu

The Honorable Mr. B. Lase
And all of my beloved friends .
Praise to the Lord, because Him blessing we can assemle in this place.
Ladies and Gentelmant
We know that the problem in this life is very much and one of all is RUBBISH.
Rubbish is all of thing former . Rubbish very near in our life and very adverse our
life. Rubbish can cause various illness. But we cant limit the rubbish production.
Ladies and gentlmant
Maybe, we cant limit the rubbish production in our life but ever you think that
rubbish can exploit the rubbish so that become useful thing. Many people had
done it. And you know, besides can substract quantity of rubbish we can open
the work fiel to less able peope so, we can substract the unemployment people
in our area.
Ladies and Gentelmen
Besides to substract the unemployment people, we can take care our nature so
that we can exploit product of nature to directness of our life and we can operate
te order of God to protect our earth
Ladies and Gentelmant
Because of that, I ask in order to protect our nature with throw the rubbish in
I think thats all and thank you for your attention and God Bless

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