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1) What is copyright?

A law that protects an author's personal work.

2) How long does the copyright on an original work last?
70 years after the author passes away.
3) What is the Fair Use Act?
Teachers and students are allowed to use copyright, but have to cite all information.
4) What is plagiarism?
The written words protected by copyright law. Copy and pasting.
5) What types of things can be copyrighted? What cannot be copyrighted?
Informational things for school, as long as you cite. Music.
6) What is the public domain?
The state of belonging or being available to the public as a whole, and therefore not subject to copyright.
7) The Fair Use Act allows anyone to use copyrighted materials for educational purposes. What other uses are
covered under the Fair Use Act?

Comment upon, criticize, or parody a copyrighted work. Such uses can be done without permission
from the copyright owner.

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