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exAcerbate (formal) = to make smth worse, esp. problem .

SYN aggravate
Aggravate = to make smth worse, esp. problem or situation
indIfferent 1) ~ to smb/smth = having or showing no interest in sb/sth. E.g. He
appeared indifferent to her suffering
2) = SYN mediocre
mediOcre = not very good; of only average standard
Apathy = lack of interest E.g. public/political apathy, widespread apathy
impArtial = neutral, unbiased. E.g. impartial observer, impartial advice
amAss = to collect sth, especially in large quantities. SYN accumulate
mUster 1) ~ (up) = to find as much support, courage, etc. as you can. SYN
summon (up)
2) to come together, or bring people, especially soldiers, together for example for
military action. SYN gather
assEmble (formal) = to come together as a group; to bring people or things
together as a group. SYN gather
apt 1) suitable. SYN appropriate. E.g. The song would have been more apt for a
bass voice.
2) apt to do smth/apt to be = have a natural tendency to do smth. SYN tend to
Aptittude for = natural ability to do smth. SYN talent

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