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Tyler Bellor


15 Cole Lane Joliet, Montana,



Bachelor of science in physical education and health studies from Rocky

Mountain College, Billing, Montana, 2017
Educational Experience

Student taught,

Senior field experience, Lockwood Middle School, Mentoring teacher: Jonathan

Bisonette, 2016. Fully taught six lesson. Lesson taught included both classroom
lessons and lessons in the gym. Team taught throughout the entire semester with Mr.

Junior field experience, West High School, Mentoring Teacher: Charlie Johnson, 2015.
Fully taught two lessons. One involving an alternative form of volleyball. Second
involving an alternative version of soccer. Team taught with Mr. Johnson. Engaged in
activities with students

Sophomore field experience, Riverside Middle School, Mentoring teacher: Erin

Tognetti, 2014. Observed both physical education and health classroom. Engaged in
activities with students

, 2017.

Other Pertinent Experiences

Soccer goalie coach for U14 Gillette Edge SC

Assistant volleyball coach for U16 Billing Assent VC

Honors and Awards

Deans list, Rocky Mountain College, Billings Montana

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