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Dystopian Short Story

By Emin Ladevic

I woke up, I climb out of bed, and sleepily walk over to the restroom. As I look in
the mirror and I see a happy man, a healthy man. With my wife Bella next to me.
You Look beautiful today sweaty.
I walked over to see our son George. His legs were kicking around and he was
giggling with joy he looks so cute and beautiful.
As I walked into the kitchen, Nathan fixed me up some coffee and turned the TV
on just like every other morning. I sat down in front of the window looking
outside. The sun made me squint.
Man what a lovely day, I thought to myself as the news playing in the
background kept me company.
DING DONG, the doorbell rang and shook me out of my daydream.
I walk over and opened the door.
Hello sir, Im here on behalf of the US government and would like to ask you if
you would like to sign up to our bomb shelter? the salesman asked.
NO, stop coming here you are the 4th person this week I told you I already have
my own.
I step back and slam the door with full force. I look at Bella and she has that
stunned look on her face.
lllllooKKK, she stutters
I turn around to look at the TV.
This is a critical waning, I repeat, Russia have reportedly just launched 10 Tsar
Bomba on route to USA, Australia, Canada, England, South America and Africa. I
repeat everyone please get to your nearest bomb shelter
As the warning repeats itself, I waste no time.
I run and make my way over to George and grab him out of hes bed and run him
grab extra supplies from the kitchen.
We flee to the shelter from the back door, I turn my head and see Nathan in the
house as he waves goodbye Nathan is sadly left behind.
We ran over to the shelter and I out George down and open the doors to the
shelter. I walk down into the shelter Bella looks at me and turns around while
running back to the house to get her dropped phone as I see the bomb in the
distance just above her,

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