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Some useful vocabulary used in a discussion

Giving ones opinion

I believe that

Creo que

I think that

Me parece que...

In my opinion, / As I see it

En mi opinin...

If you want my opinion, I feel that

Si quieres mi opinin...

From my point of

Desde mi punto de vista...

As far as I know / To my knowledge

Que yo sepa...

To be honest, I believe that

Para ser sincero, creo que...

I would like to say that

Quiero decir que

I have the impression that

Parece que...

It is my (firm) belief that

Yo considero que... / Pienso que...

I must admit that

Debo reconocer... / admitir que..

I must say that

Tengo que decir que...

I am (quite / absolutely) sure that

Estoy (bastante, totalmente) seguro que...

I am certain that

Estoy seguro que

I am not really sure that / if

No estoy tan seguro que / si.

I am convinced that

Estoy convencido de que...

I strongly believe that

Realmente creo que .

I am (certainly) in favour of (-ing).

Estoy a favor de

It is obvious that / It is evident that

Es obvio que / Es evidente que .

It is clear that / who

Est claro que... / quin...

I assume that / I suppose that

Supongo que / Imagino que...

I can see why...

Entiendo (por) que

Its easy to see why

No me cuesta entender por que...

I (can) understand why

Comprendo por que...

It`s hard to understand why

Me cuesta entender por que...

Asking for opinions

So what do you think (name) ?

Entonces, que piensas.?

What is your position / view on ?

Cual es tu visin sobre?

How do you feel about this / the ?

Como te sientes acerca de ?

What is your opionion of / about ?

Cual es tu opinin acerca de ?

Wouldn`t you agree that ?

No estas de acuerdo en .?

Introducing an issue / Referring to points

I would like to say that

Me gustara decir que

I only want to say that

Solo quiero decir que

I would like to add that

Me gustara agregar que .

I would like to comment on

Me gustara comentar que

I would like to mention a different point.

Me gustara mencionar algo distinto.

I would like to raise a further problem

Me gustara plantear otro problema.

We shouldn`t forget that

No deberamos olvidar que

One mustt foregt that

No debemos olvidar que

There is no denying the fact that

No podemos negar que

We have to ask ourselves why...

Nos tenemos que preguntar por qu

I certainly ask myself why

Yo me pregunto por qu

We (also) have to take into consideration that

Tambin tenemos que considerar que

We have to bear in mind that

Tenemos que tener en cuenta que

As I`ve just said,

Como acabo de decir

Referring to another participant

I would like to come back to the point has just made.

Me gustara volver al punto/ tema

Well, according to

Bueno, de acuerdo a

As we`ve just heard from

Como hemos escuchado de

Let me just take up the point has made.

Permtanme continuar con el tema

I (totally) agree with you on that (point)

Compartimos el mismo punto de vista con respecto a

Estoy de acuerdo con...

I agree that

Estoy de acuerdo contigo en lo que dices de...

I agree with what you say about

What you say about is right.

Tienes razn en lo que dices con respecto a...

You are (totally) right about

En eso tienes toda la razn.

You are quite right there.

It is (certainly) true that..

Es (muy) cierto que...

I know exactly what you mean.

Te entiendo perfectamente.

I would like to support ... in what he says.

Me gustara apoyar a en lo que dice.

Without a doubt

Sin lugar a dudas

Exactly ! / That goes without a saying !

Exacto !

Of course...

Claro que

Arguing for
I am in favour of (-ing) / support (-ing)

Estoy a favor de/ Yo apoyo.

I call for / demand

Yo pido/ Yo exijo

I suggest (-ing) / propose to do sth.

Yo sugiero./ Yo propongo

Disagreement / Doubt
I think you are right up to a point.

Yo creo que tienen razn pero hasta cierto punto.

Yes, up to a point

Si, hasta cierto punto.

As much as I do agree with you about.., I still feel..

Tanto como estoy de acuerdo contigo sobre, aun creo

que .

I do see your point, but

Entiendo lo que dices pero.

(I`m sorry, but) I dont agree with you.

No pienso lo mismo.

I disagree with you on

No estoy de acuerdo contigo en que...

Thats not how I see it.

Yo no lo veo as.

I`m sorry to contradict you, but

Siento llevarte la contraria / contradecirte

Do you really think so ? / Do you believe that ?

Realmente piensas / crees (en) eso?

I am not sure that / if

No estoy seguro que...

I don`t know whether

No s si

Thats very unlikely (to happen)

Eso es muy improbable (que suceda)

I wonder whether / if

Me pregunto si

I doubt that

Dudo que

Its a mistake to believe that

Es un error creer que/ en

You must be joking ! (fam.)

Debes estar bromeando!

Are you kidding ? (fam.)

Ests bromeando?

I think that it isnt as simple as that.

Creo que no es tan simple.

I would like to correct what has just said.

Me gustara corregir lo que .acaba de decir.

I think that you are exaggerating (a bit).

Creo que ests exagerando (un poco).

Thats an exaggeration.

Eso es una exageracin.

Theres a contradiction in what you`ve just said.

Hay una contradiccin en lo que acabas de decir.

Arguing against
I am (certainly) against (-ing).

Estoy en contra de.

I strongly criticize

Yo critico.

I completely disapprove of (-ing)

Yo desapruebo

I would definitely question

Yo cuestionara

Checking that you`ve understood

What exactly are you trying to say ?

Que ests intentando decir exactamente?

Que quieres decir exactamente?

I`m afraid I don`t quite see what you mean.

Me temo que no entiendo lo que quieres decir.

So, if I understand you correctly,

Entonces, sit e comprendo, tu

Do you really mean to say that

Quieres decir que

What exactly do you mean by that ?

Qu quieres decir con?

What are you (really) getting at ?

Que quieres decir con esto?

Could you say that again, please !

Puedes repetirlo? por favor.

Could you be more explicit ?

Puedes ser ms explcito?

I see. / I understand.


I realize that. / I see what you mean.

Me doy cuenta que

You have made yourself quite clear.

Te has explicado bien/claramente.

Correcting misunderstandings
Thats not quite what I meant.

Eso no es lo que quise decir.

Dont get me wrong. What I meant was that

No me mal interpretes, lo que quiero decir es

Look, to put it another way,

Mira, en otras palabras

Let me put it another way.

Permteme explicarlo en otras palabras.

The point I`m trying to make is that

El punto es

Well you see, its like this:

Bueno ves, es as:

Sorry to interrupt, but

Disculpa la interrupcin pero

May I interrupt you for a moment ?

Puedo interrumpir por un momento?

Mind if I say something ?

Te importa si digo algo?

Can I just make a point ?

Puedo decir algo?

Dealing with interruptions

I haven`t finishes, if you dont mind .

No he terminado/termin, is no te importa

If I might just finish

Si pudiera terminar

I haven`t got to my point yet.

No he aclarado mi punto an.

Let me just make my point.

Permteme dejar claro el punto

But its true, I tell you.

Pero es cierto

Its a fact, I assure you.

Es un hecho, te lo aseguro

There`s no doubt about it.

No hay duda sobre

You can take my word for it.

Tienes mi palabra que

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