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A Practice for Moving on to the New

Identifying our unconscious safety-restraint limiting beliefs is the first step we can take
to overcome self-defeating patterns and start pursuing and enjoying what we truly love.
This is where I began in my own life, and where I have my students and peers begin in
my workshops.
Theres power in simply naming our beliefs without judgingso in this practice, were not
blaming ourselves or others as we question and clarify.

About 20 minutes


Pen and paper (to focus and ground your intent), or a computer if you prefer.
A quiet place where you wont be interrupted by your phone, coworkers, or family
(if your only escape is a bathroom or a parked car, that will do fine).

Consider the ten questions below and write down whatever arises.
Dont worry if your answers feel incomplete or inaccurateyou can reflect on them
further afterward. Okay, here we go:
1 Im not ____________ enough. Write down everything that comes up.
(e.g., empathetic, self-disciplined, logical)

2 Im not a very good _____________. (e.g., daughter, partner, mother, leader)

3 Where might these beliefs have come from? (a parent, sibling, friend, teacher)



4 How much of my self-worth do I get from how I look? (a little, some, a lot)

5 If for some reason I became physically unattractive but remained healthy, how would
I feel in the years ahead? (depressed, resigned, unshaken and focused elsewhere)

6 How much of my self-worth comes from my job position, income, or identity as a

mother or spouse? (a little, some, a lot)

7 How much do I base my value upon how well I am taking care of others at the expense
of myself? (a little, some, a lot)

8 How much is my worth based on self-acceptance and self-appreciation?

(a little, some, a lot)

9 How well do I maintain healthy, loving boundaries with others?

(rarely, sometimes, always)

1 0 How often do I provide myself with self-care time? (rarely, sometimes, daily)

For many, becoming conscious of our inner patterns is all we need to start changing them.
I hope these questions help you begin that process.
Heres to freeing the real, wonderful, and unlimited you within,
HeatherAsh Amara

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