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Suparna Ganguly

Handful of
Life Themes
Journey Towards Innerself
Handful of Life Themes

Core Principles
Enhance your con dence and faith on your ability to handle the things in a better way. You
might be going through some challenges, problems, some delays or some blockages. You
need to believe in your resourcefulness, that you have the capacity to make the best out
of anything.

Allow yourself to be happy and at peace for all the progress you make so far. Proud of
yourself, because at this point of time , if you have not acknowledged your own efforts, small
to smaller progress and achievements , no one else can see. So, better acknowledge that rst,
and when you do so, you will release a whole new wave of positivity.

Conquering Fear from Falling Apart in Life

Our general mindset is so designed that helps us, prevent us to do worse to ourselves, for
safety and survival reasons, right? Still everyone has fear inside more or less. We can certainly
increase our courage level to counter our inner fear.

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How to get started?

What you can actually do - start by writing down all those matters, you are proud of having
accomplished so far. Do not bother how big or small is the factor, at least write it down in
your own handwriting. This is really important, whenever your mind is clicked with a fear or
doubts or anything uneasy!! Reading the list of your own accomplished jobs so far, will
de nitely help you a lot by replacing your negative and fear stricken thoughts with the
positive and overcoming feelings because of our mind cannot hold two opposite thoughts
simultaneously. So please go and read your success stories in order to keep your mind in a
positive, hopeful and upright state.

This is helpful to think about almost always whenever you face any challenge, obstacle or
problem that, what worse could be happened in reality ----you‘ll nd this is not ‘life and
death’ scenario in most of the time. If you think back wisely this is a so called ‘yet-to-happen-
disaster’ in your life and you always preview (read anticipate) the things much worse than the
scenarios actually take place. Therefore, this is a little step forward to make you out of
aggression of fear now and then. It really works!!

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Get Me That Motivational Pill

People do act either through Inspiration or by Desperation. I do think that starting point of any
greatest accomplishment in the world is the --- HUNGER OF BURNING DESIRE. So, you have
to carry a ‘desire’ to do something at the rst place right? If you haven’t any desire then what
is the function of ‘motivation’ there or even if your desire that is not strong enough, intense
enough, you cannot go ahead consistently and make something happen big or small that you
have desired for.

Sometimes lots of ideas come to us, then we get distracted, we do not take actions and then
nothing has happened to those ideas or imaginations. So, why don’t we start thinking in a

Everyone passes through ups and downs while accomplishing any of his or her dream project
but passion towards that dream or desire keeps them move ahead and get the job done ---so
PASSION keeps you MOTIVATED. Passion carries us through setbacks and keeps us stay
focused. Passion of doing something what you want to do always act as “speed box”, it blows
away all the small obstacles from your path.

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Almost any success story cannot be completed without passion. It is passion that will not let
you quit in the phase of adversities. If Getting Wealthy is your goal ---- its ne but without
passion, that will not keep you motivated for a long time. That is the reason we want to build
our career or business, where we nd interests, inspirations that makes us passionate. Having
experiences also increases the level of passion within us. Hence if you do not nd enough
passion, might possible you need experience more.

How to Deal with Give up Mind Set

The feeling of Giving up is not unusual. We all do feel ‘give up’ moments. I do feel struggle
couple of times to write sometimes, I do feel struggle to stick around hard disciplines and daily
routine. Sometimes I do feel perhaps not many great ideas are left to address, sometimes feel
how to nish the project alone --- so all I have been gone through these , then again my
metaphysics knowledge makes me thought that our mind is a suggestive engine , it can
suggest but this is not an order. Order comes from my consciousness. So , sometimes my mind
suggest that I would be tired, I should give up , I should take easier path . We all are
suggested by our mind sometimes. When you listen such suggestion from your mind, you take
a pause for a moment and just think who is in control, is it you or your mind? When your mind
can suggest to ‘give you up’ on something then it could also suggest you feel good, feel
positive for those tasks that are successfully accomplished by you so far. You tell your mind to
suggest that you respect yourself, you respect the identity that you are building, you have the
ability to nish the tasks, and even you do not like it.

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Always remember discomfort is temporary, relative to time.

Life is much easier now that it was couple of hundred years ago!!! At least we do not need to
move out and hunt for our foods; we do not need to physically build our own houses. So what
bothers us the most today is perhaps that we forget our phone chargers. So it is very
important to maintain the perspective. Our life is good and our discomfort is temporary. So,

Looking Inward for Self Improvement

It is always easy to nd someone to tell you what you want to hear about, but your true allies
who tell you need to learn. Understanding your path forward, you need to take time to know
yourself. All days in a year are not for external show up. Commencing new business, signing
contracts, making network, even meeting friends as for example. Some days are must be
there, when your energy, your environment and your true self do not make you feel to do
external activities, choose those days to spend time to look inward. When you know who you
are, you will be wise enough to know your goals, dreams, your standards, and your convictions
, knowing all those will de nitely allow you to lead a life with purpose and with a deep
meaning. At this juncture, always remember one principle: In order to get, you have to give.

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We are at present in a very challenging period, so it is a good time to take the opportunity to
re ect what has happened in the recent past couple of months, what you have achieved so
far and what is your plan for next step forward.

Notice your days : the days to dream, plan and

Days are there when you are ready to show up fully. The days when you feel positive vibes all
around you, your instinct says not to dwell in the past and do not day dream about those
things what cannot be done or far from the present to concentrate. Mark those days or time
carefully because that phase is the time of your conscious actions and expansion. At the same
time, this is extremely important to be persistent because life is not so much what you
accomplish as what you have overcome. Use those days as the days to overcome challenges
and be your best all the time because you never know when opportunities will appear before
you. Therefore make the best use of ‘present’ always.

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Do not try to impress everyone, because unhappiest people are those who most care what
other people think. Concentrate on your present and be alert what openings are there for you.
Look for ‘Noble Man’s help. The helpful people are always there.

Relationship Dynamics -–the Factor called

Accountability (Couples)
Among around ten relationship issues or mistakes (though less talked) accountability is the
most common. Partners often scan their environment for his or her partner’s mistakes and
transgressions to account for his or her own disappointments or annoyances!!!

To counter this issue always chOose the word “We” over “You”.

Let us read and modify the following imaginary yet very practical statements in the next
paragraphs that might often take place :

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“You always talk about yourself. You never care about what I want to say”. (direct criticism).
Why so harsh? What if it has been told as “we have talked lot about you. Let me in, so could
we talk about mine?” (How mild it is!!)

“You said, you would wash the dishes, but there’s still a pile in the sink. You never do what you
say you will” (common criticism). What if the statement could be as such “there are still some
dirty dishes in the sink, I need you to clean them up please” (gentle enough)

“Come on, hurry up, we are getting late. Are you just being so slow purposefully? (Big no-no.).
Let change a bit “hey we are running late, it’s really important to me that we should get there
on time” (straight but no allegation).

So, next time you need to talk on any troublesome issue or problem, address that problem
with assertive manner, formulate a gentle start up, may complaint but without any blame.

Always ask following two questions before approaching with any problem to your partner:

What do emotions do I need feel?

What do I seek from my partner in this situation?

There are ve more major behavioral changes could bring a really joyful relationship under
‘Accountability ‘section alone!!

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Mistry Behind having a 'Great Idea' and put it to Work in

Only a Great Idea is not enough. We all have the power to create the life that we desire.
Other people can help us, guide us, train us – nally it’s our cent percent decision and
responsibility to choose the direction which way our lives to take. When a good idea, a
fantastic idea rst hits your mind, you always feel ‘WOW!’ You may ooded with euphoria ,
getting your dopamine high, very excited about it , might sharing with near-dear ones or
friends but at the same time you may overlook the dozens and dozens of questions attached
to that idea , must be answered in real life in order to bring that idea into reality. Real
questioning thought is whether you are to be prepared to conquer every little-big problems in
the reality along the way or not , when you come up with such great-great-great ideas. So, no
matter how fantastic or inspirational or practical sound your idea is and how you are feeling
the euphoria or inspired , alone those powerful experiences are not enough to make your idea
work . Hence in most of the time when we sit down and work on our ‘great’ ideas, at some
point that euphoria fades away.

Mind Your ‘Gaps’

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The magical feelings when an idea arrives inside your mind and the idea when actually meets
the reality, there might have a huge gap, what can be called as an ‘effort gap’. Effort gap
arises due to sudden factors. It could be regular routine efforts what make you feel boredom
and you may give up out of it , shallow idea of perfection that further creates a fear of
commitment to put the idea in the real world, credibility factor, similar idea facing
competitions and then a tug of war who has launched the idea rst ( remember here, who
rst possesses the idea never run out of efforts) , creative ideas without risk taking attitude, ,
then ego comes in between and makes you think to lock the idea in your mind does not allow
to take the actions which will close the effort gap. So you see, your idea may suffer a lot by
the effort gap. So you got to make sure to put in the efforts coming up with ideas and make it
happened (easiest path).

Next one, I think it would be ‘Skill gap’, I am sorry to say many people do not recognize this
short fall. You need to also cross the skill gap because if you are willing to put the right efforts
, the next thing is you should also have the relevant skills and if your skills at any point of time
is not good enough to deliver it , having a great idea and even putting the right efforts will be
useless. So capacity of getting fantastic idea is not always the harder part, you have to
require relevant skills along with the right efforts.

So stay energetic and inspired and please ensure to close your effort gap and skill gap in order
to allow your great idea to see the light of the real world.

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Blessings are not always to receive, why not we do

create the blessings by ourselves?
In every place in the world people often lookup for blessings from some heavenly or universal
forces. Sometimes I think, what if we create the blessings for ourselves without looking for it
from stars or universe always, when we are already ever gifted by a greatest gift called “Will
Power “or “Mental strength” ?

Before focusing on how one could become mentally tough, I think it is necessary to get the
idea of what mental toughness is really meant to you at rst place. Somebody says it is self
discipline or getting things done. Now it could be start with a very small things in your daily
life –it could be getting up 5 am every morning, regardless rain or sunshine, it could be going
all 30 or 60 days without missing a single workout, or you may nish your book writing goal
without missing a single by writing one or two pages, delivering your daily post, blog etc.
without missing the schedule you have prepared and so on. This is the rst step, mental
toughness begins with.

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Creating or building small wins, small victories consistently. Rep 15 times when you are asked
to 10, walk 1.5 km when 1 km is necessary, choose to give , where only consume even works,
take small social responsibility when nobody cares , so all such tiny wins on daily basis will
make you mentally strong enough to respond you in extreme situations (if any).

Building strong conscious habits make you ‘stick to a schedule’ always that is the incredible
dose of mental toughness that sets you free from the dependency on “motivation” or
“inspiration” every time.

I think, we should not treat our in built mental power or will power for granted, rather like
other physical muscles, we need to condition it by dedication of every day practice.

Want to nish this post by my mentor’s words: “Ordinary things consistently have done create
extra ordinary results in life”. What a blessing indeed!!

Handful of Life Themes

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Decide to walk your Path by Own----this is very


Seeking for Validations Too Often

While carving your own path for future life, seeking for validation from too many people for
their opinions every now and then , will hinder your progress and makes you stray from your
chosen path. Yes, it is the other people who can support you, help you, train you or guide you
but at the same time, they are the other people who make your success dif cult. So, it will be
good to talk a few people but not too many to appoint for this purpose, that can make you
confused. Some people likes to judge and might create a pressure circle for you. Other
people’s opinions might rule your life. So do not ever let someone to that far whose advice or
goal or dream or whatever may in uence your vision. Finally its cent percent your decision
and your responsibility to chose the direction or the path where it takes you and how long it
takes to reach your goals.

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Creating New
In order to build network, some people often think to amend, to x their old networks, old
ties, broken relationship and all that. I think, it is more important to understand that creating a
new future is much better than xing something from the past. Anything that has been ended
indicates new beginning. It’s a great for you to start a fresh with a trust that your chosen path
and your future life would worth your efforts.

Playing Always Safe Will Not Let You Fully Bloom

Your struggles develop strength. When you do hardship and decide not to surrender that is the
strength. In life you cannot play always safe , always defensive neither you should be intended
to. Choosing the path of defense if is your strategy, then you will remain untested for very
dif cult times, that may appear all on a sudden or in an unavoidable manner. In life you
cannot always win and the things do not always workout, the way you want ,that does not
mean you are weak. Instead dif cult days are the time to show just how strong you truly are.
Struggling through the hard times, bad times, remember that only can make you stronger to
keep working diligently towards better future at least in this new scenario. So, during your
daily struggle, commit to a small win, small challenges that allow you to grow. The ways are
simple – train yourself with small challenging activities when you feel and what you feel most
to do . JUST DO IT. Do it.

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Strength Got a Test in Dif cult Times

It is conquering the small fears that allow you to build the courage to move forward and the
power you will gain , will be no longer over. Not only external , taking challenges in life
always helps to build your inner strength too.

Little Big Hacks of Happiness

Everyone wants to be happy. So people often try to nd the answers of the questions like
“what is my life purpose?” “How to become happy?” “How will I be rich?”, “When do I get
married?”, “am I destined for something great, something good?” and more. Well, this is fact,
if everything around us goes smooth, goes well, if nothing makes us worried, we never been
asking like questions above.

Now, happiness is also vibration energy. When this energy reaches a comfort level, our
thoughts, emotions and even our external environment become pleasant.

My metaphysical learning on Qimen and BaZi obviously help me to nd some ways to

increase the vibration energy like happiness. The more we practice, happier we will be. Below
are ve steps out of them.

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People are very keen to control the outcome. We make plans, ideas, and strategy to control
the circumstances. Metaphysics teaches what we really really can control, that lies inside us.
You really cannot control other’s emotions, thoughts, actions, what you can that is called your
in uence. ‘Being happy’ is a natural state. You can control how you respond to the world and
happiness of your depends to a great extent over this.


Think about just one thing or a person to whom you are grateful for some real causes. Write a
small ‘thank you’ note---this will elevate your mental state to a satisfactory level and often
makes you happy.


Just imagine what will happen if you do absolute nothing for 5-10 minutes every day??
Answer is “NOTHING”. You won’t lose your job, your family will not leave you, you will not lose
any contract but what it can do , it will break the cycle of your thought process and gives you
a ‘re-start’ . It’s so easy! No it is not. Sitting for ve minutes doing nothing mentally is not so
easy. Thinking nothing negative or positive, no analysis needs practice. So start practicing.


Most of us think pleasure is itself happiness. Eating good foods, buying new house, buying
expensive luxury items – all are materialistic gods. We all focus it on much more than feeling
positive, calm, and harmonious inside. Pleasure driven happiness is volatile and often causes


Unhappiness appears when we feel lost in life. Meeting new people, new friends, new
experiences, new ideas ---all new environment uplifts your energy level, making you positive
thinker, enthusiastic and also guides you how to feel happy – might for limited period, what’s
harm in it.

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How to Gain Clarity in Chaos

CLARITY makes our life easier , whether you are perusing your career, or you want live tter
and healthier , or you want to improve relationships or you want to pursue new skill set or
education or whatever , clarity drives your actions.

So, the question is how do we gain clarity or nd clarity?

In my perspective, to gain clarity over anything, you substantially have to have the ‘distance’
from the issue. If we are 'IN' the problem, it is very hard to see the way or direction in which
we way we need to walk. To know our priorities, to know our goal, we have to achieve the
distance or mental positioning from that issue in simple language seeing the problem or the
issue from the outside. Some people can think what if I set my priorities and act accordingly,
YES, that you can do too but before you take any decision isn’t it good to know the pros and
cons of your decision? When you are not certain about your certain activities, how could you
be so sure about the outcome would be only positive or favorable to you? At this juncture, I
think being confused is okay sometimes, at least it makes you feel that you are looking for a
change and 'being confused' is better mindset than fanatic mindset who thinks what he or she
is doing is always right and nally ends up with hitting the wrong wall.

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Some Useful Practices to Gain Clarity

There’s proverb--- ‘Practice makes things Perfect’. I want to say stepping further that,
practices make the things permanent.

Following are tips to help you gain some clarity not only for any particular issue but as a
general practice to gain clarity over the period:

Eliminate at least 30% things that are really not helpful. Whether it’s your excuses like not
having enough time or space or resources or just anything people and matters, where you are
giving more time.

Focus on just one or two points at a time to reduce the burden of distractions. Having too
many possible options often make you overwhelmed and distracted and take your
unnecessary attentions or time.

Schedule your priorities or important activities rst. The things which are scheduled, the
things are done.

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Make some time to observe yourself on regular basis- to know what makes you productively
happy and what not.

Do not expect any solution overnight depending on the gravity of any problem.

Living intentionally requires clarity. Hope, said insights could help you to cope the ‘clarity’
issue to some extent.

Reacting to Bad days

Bad days are stressful, frustrating, and troublesome; always make us felt trapped in an
adverse situation. Decisions made during desperation period are usually wrong. ‘Bad day’ has
the other side too. Bad phase of our life is not necessarily to be that far alarming always as
we think. Bad days come with laden opportunities as well. Off course looking for those
opportunities, one has to be calm and mindful.

What we really need to focus--- what is in our control and suppose

to focus what is not.

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Right now, amidst of this challenging period, what we are going to do? Well, some of us
might ooded with opportunities and some are not so---this is constant more or less. So when
you want to see the picture big or small always say for remaining days of this year, always
carry the clarity in mind that we have enough freedom of choices. Wherever we go what
matters us the most is our choices. How will you evaluate those choices, how will you make
most and best of those ---ask these questions during this remaining period. I term it as period
of ‘self re ection’. The most importantly how do you answer those questions will lead you to a
new direction.

Do not be afraid to make choices, because you have to make it anyway. So, study, think and
understand the circumstances, source what choices are available with you. Instruct your mind
“I am getting clearer”, “I can see better now”, “I am con dent and steady” rather than “I don’t
know how”, “I am confused, I am stressed out” . It is nally your responsibility to replace your
blurred inside with clarity.

Let it go, Bit-by-Bit to Feel Lighter

Even though we all
want to move forward
in our lives, sometimes
inadvertently we place
one foot on our break
and in order to set free
we must learn how to
let go. Lear how to
release the fear, how to release the emotions that are no longer in alignments, learn how to
refuse to entertain the old pains or karmas. So, this would be really necessary to focus on that
sort of breakthroughs. The energy that takes us to the past is holding us back to venture in our
new activities and new life. Thinking of what we can let go that makes our lives better surely
an important thought process.

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To handle ourselves, we have to use our heads to think about, what need to do but while
handling people, we use our hearts. So, destroying what holding us back with no meaningful
reason is a right step feel lighter.

Working on Our Integrity

Everyday our actions , our behaviors, our experiences and even our attitudes do shape who
we are and we still have so much ahead along the way to be tested and trialed ,small or big.
The situation that tests us or how we respond that means what we do , people do not see at
surface level, this is called our ‘integrity’ in modern day language.

So, de nition of integrity could be true to who you are, what you believe in or to do or say
even when people are not watching.

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Note the following that lead us do develop our integrity:

Do what is right even nobody is watching. Not many people could do that. Mostly people
prefer to showcase their actions, especially in this era of social media , that’s not we are
talking about.

Make up your mind before taking any decision without seeking opinions of everyone in the
surrounding—it would make you overwhelmed and confused.

Do not create a situation that makes whatever the situation you are already in harder. People
like to sabotage themselves. See the problem as it is in actual.

If you promise to anyone , please keep that, is called integrity

If you love somebody. Cherish that.

If someone trusts you, respect it. If you want to be trusted got an earn it.

If you do any mistake, just apologies for that, it’s simple.

People love to work more on external factors. Compassion, kindness, respect, honesty loyalty
etc. are the different aspects of integrity, which are purely internal.

If you want to be attracted by 10 times for entire life time, there’s no short-cut but only by
developing your integrity.

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Attach to Yourself and Detach Unhappiness

Why we pray, worship, visit temples or religious places, the purpose is to feel happiness,
pleasure and peace and that’s absolutely okay but happiness often comes from within.

Learning how to tame your own negative emotions –just able to that alone could make you
happy as well .

In life, some are obsessed about problems and works, some are worrying about money, some
are obsessed about relationships…so my perception is--- one cannot get rid of their own
negative thoughts or emotions by controlling it , the more you try to control , more you could
think about. Instead, if you step out of your thoughts, you could gain the ability of detaching
with those worries. We often treat ourselves badly and not like a real good friend. When you
are in so called downward cycle, feeling bad, just ask yourself what suggestions you would
give to your one real friend if he or she feels so?

Happiness is simply the ability to nd true satisfaction in the moment that you are right now.
Hunching for living in this moment without searching for indications of future success.
Expressing gratefulness through your prayers and wish making (not just want more ) itself
plants the seeds of happiness.

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To be in the moment, take some little time to breadth. We 24x7 are consumed of “doing
something”. There’s no better way to feel your very existence by closing your eyes for ve
minutes , counting back 64 to 1 everyday and ‘doing nothing ‘. It may sounds wired for some
people, but it works for me. You may actually be ‘in the moment’ by successfully practicing
making your mind space absolutely vacant sometimes. Make your current moment better to
love the current life you live in.

The Art of Forgiveness ---High Way to a Guilt Free Life

No one is perfect in life. We all do mistakes and might have caused pain and hurt to others.
Having some arguments had some disputes, ghts –- after all these we want to seek amiable
resolutions. If any as such incident what acts as a knife and driven straight to your heart space
and twisted there to cause you pains for months and years, you could not overcome--- you
positively need some Re ections then.

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All mistakes and errors taught us lessons. If you have the courage to become better and
improved, forgive yourself rst internally. Seek way out to that. Sometimes there are issues to
forgive them.

Look for silver lining for your error, some people cannot nd it. If you can see the good by
simple re ection, this will make you matured and you will grow.

Sometimes the pain of your past mistakes might take place for your some unrealistic goal.
Reshape or rede ne your goal then to sort out the issue. Past failures could guide to a new
goal and right direction.

Ask yourself what is your value NOW and why? Every past mistake has its own value---
people, security, love, freedom, loyalty, relationships. Understanding that value of your past
mistake to your current value, use your past mistake as leverage- this is important okay?

Shift your priorities to avoid the past mistakes to repeat. Commit yourself to act differently in
life and commitment requires actions. Take at least one speci c task on every single day to
create the reality you want ,this is necessary.

Help others in their terms and not in your terms, will release your guilt feelings. This is an easy
way to forgive you. Ask yourself sometimes, what are the things you are grateful for , this is
the another way to feel peace inside.

Just relax breadth and let it go. You are NOT the only one who experiences these; millions of
others do carry the same feelings.

Above are some practical ways besides only pray and meditations. Use your karmic energy to
release the chain that holds you back.

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Shed your Old, Bad Habits and Discover a New and

Vibrant YOU.
I always believe there's an eternal possibility of expansion and improvement in life. Such

improvements are not necessarily always being at your external environments. We are not

mindful enough to our habits which are not serving us so far. We nd it hard to get rid of such

habits often. There are some initiating actions involving your free will or your vibration energy

, to help you at least to reduce or keep control over such habits provided what are those

habits, you can identify or aware of in rst place.

I am convinced anything, just

anything could be changed for the

better if we are really put our hearts

and minds to it. Sometimes clashes,

obstacles, anything which is not

favoring us, give a boost to us to

change our old and bad habits for a

long time. So, there is NO excuse for

NOT trying, then why don't you go for

trying to identify those no serving,

back pulling old habits to be get rid of

every single day and get closure to

your goal with clarity in mind, that

will give you happiness, joy, abundance, each day, bit by bit?

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Embrace Gratitude
Sometimes I feel lessoning Gratitude is the key to unlock the life of success and prosperity in
many ways. It helps us to feel our inner peace by silencing our internal enemy called Ego.
Practicing gratitude makes us empowered to overthrow or get out of our own constant sel sh
desires---all time “me”, “me”, “me” things. Gratitude teaches us things will not go always as
per our chosen way or no matter whatever the challenges we are going through in our lives ,
would have been ended with a positive outcome. Not only to others in the human race, we
are to be grateful enough to our mother nature ,the beautiful and useful plants-trees- owers-
fruits-herbs- shrubs-shoots-roots and what not. We are thankful to clean air of the
environment that is getting polluted each moment by the man made causes. We should be
thankful to those challenges, trials, and turbulence and last but not the least to our Nay
Sayers too. All these often work as life transforming!!! Make us strong from within.

So, be Thankful always for the real causes, then feel the remarkable results, feel amazing
about yourself.

GRATITUDE really produces a MEANINGFUL life.

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All copyrights are reserved by Suparna Ganguly.

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