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I Want The

Best For You

Because you deserve it. During this unprecedented time I
know how tough it can be for each of you.

By Arnold E. Best

This is my gift to you, I’ve written this eBook with you

in mind, to offer you a gift of appreciation.
I’m happy to be given the opportunity to walk this path
with you.

April 2020 will have been my hallmark event 12 Hours

of Discovery, but due to the pandemic, I had to cancel.
During the pandemic, I worked with many people who
are struggling to cope, and I wanted to give so much
more to others who can’t reach me.

So I looked back at all the articles I did in the past and

decided to compile, edit and create this eBook just for
you. I hope you enjoy, and most importantly, learn from

© Arnold E. Best 2
Chapter 1
What Are You Really Afraid Of?

N ow ask yourself this question, what really stops you

from taking action and achieving what is most important in
your life? What’s your biggest goal, and why haven’t you
accomplished it yet? Yes, you will come up with the lamest
excuses you can think of. But let me share a secret with you,
believe it or not, the answer is fear. Fear is the biggest
limiting factor preventing you from making the decisions
about what you really want. Fear causes us to make excuses
and distracts us, but it doesn’t have to.
I teach my clients that Fear is just a CALL TO ACTION.
There isn’t a person on earth who has not been affected by
fear at one point or another. But it’s how you decide to
respond to fear that sets you apart. While it’s easy to come up
with “excuses” as to why you’re not accomplishing the things
you’re capable of, start to see fear as a call to take some form
of action and not your excuses.
We all have plans, are yours a “someday, maybe” plan, or do
you see it as something you’re working towards – something
that is attainable and you’re willing to commit to? Identify if
your outcome is a “must” and think deeply about why you
want to achieve it. Once you feel that your goal is essential,
the fear of not trying at all eclipses the fear of failure; that's
when you’ll be motivated to act.
Here are some of the lame excuses you all use and see if it
sounds familiar. You’re too tired. You don’t have enough
time. Your idea is not that great anyway. You don’t have the
money for that and the list could go on forever. But ask
yourself, is there any truth to these statements, or are you 3
constructing excuses to avoid potential failure? Making
excuses is a lot easier right?
It’s time to STEP UP! Recognize when you are using excuses
and figure out how to overcome them. Too tired? Adjust your
schedule so you can get a better night’s sleep. Not enough
time? Assess your priorities and find out where you
can make time. And the next time an excuse comes to you,
make the decision to not give in to the little voice telling you
“No,” I call them ANTS (automatic negative thoughts)
because it won’t help you grow in the long run.
Fear has a tendency to make us feel like we’re incapable of
progressing; it holds us back. That is what I call a FIX
MINDSET. But the message you need to tell yourself is that
it’s not about achieving something and being perfect every
step of the way. It’s about getting comfortable with what you
don’t know and continuing anyway, this is the foundation of
Remember this “No matter how many mistakes you make or
how slow your progress, you’re still way ahead of everyone
who isn’t trying.” As you work toward conquering your fear,
realize that there will be lots of trials and tribulations along
the way. As soon as you’ve accepted that the path to success
includes growth and change, you’ll be one step closer to
attaining your goals.
I know for sure pain is something we all try to avoid even if
you don’t understand how to take painful experiences and
turn them into opportunities for growth, you’re simply not
paying attention. Everyone experiences hardships in life. It
doesn’t matter if you have had a personal or a professional
setback, what matters is the lesson you take from those
experiences and how you apply it to your future. Instead of
letting pain and fear dictate your decisions, actively choose to 4
learn from those painful moments to be in control of your
own life.
What is the number one fear most people have when it comes
to accomplishing their goals? That they’ll fail. If you accept
from the onset that failure is an inevitable part of success,
you’ll be less afraid of it. Failure can provide you with
valuable learning experiences that will positively impact your
future strategies.
Recognize that although our society doesn’t always talk about
failure, every single person has encountered a failure on their
path to greatness. The quicker you realize your fear of failure
is preventing you from making the decision to accomplish
your dreams, the sooner you’ll be able to accept the
possibility of failing and move on.
But it’s how you decide to respond to fear that sets you apart.
Work towards overcoming fear by identifying the “musts” in
your life, recognizing the excuses you use, adopting a growth
mindset, learning that pain can bring valuable insight, and
knowing that fear is a necessary part of your journey. 5
Chapter 2
The Power Of You

A re you aware of the power you have? The power of

Mind, Will, and Focus. With constant practice, you know that
you can slowly come to master your inner strength. Because,
when the body is in proper condition, then only it can direct
your mind to a comforting level. And only then it is possible
to coordinate with the signals of the Spirit-to the soul-to the
mind and the bodily action. Your mental strength, your
subconscious mind is filled with infinite riches.

If the mental eyes are awakening, one can experience the

treasure of infinity within, but once the mental eyes are
opened. To truly live life what you need is the inner power
within you so that you can never stop whatever comes as a
barrier in front of you, and that you can extract from the
strength which lies within you. I hope it’s not too complicated
for you to understand; I will try and break it down to the
easiest possible way for you.
The hidden power of the subconscious mind can bring more
power, more prosperity, more happiness, more health, and
more joy into your life, it is the power that we already
possess. The subconscious mind is the solution for all
problems and the cause for every effect. Our experiences and
actions are the responses of our subconscious mind to our
thoughts. Let the mind be occupied with harmony, peace, and
good thoughts and it will give us more than we can imagine.
If we know how to interact with the conscious and
subconscious mind, we can direct our life in a much better
way. The power of our subconscious mind is the only way to
immense power where lies the source of inspiration,
creativity, strength, and prosperity. The subconscious mind
comprehends through intuition. It works even when the 6
conscious mind is in sleep, it sees what we cannot see through
our eyes. It is beyond reasoning, good and bad.
What we think, we become. It is the power that makes us
believe what we can do. "Act as though YOU ARE, and YOU
WILL BE." So when you send an idea to the subconscious
mind that you can achieve what you want, the subconscious
mind accepts that idea and sets out to execute it. The
subconscious mind reacts to the faith that the conscious mind
accepts. When you concentrate on giving mental attention to
your goals, thoughts, and endeavors, your deeper mind
supports your endeavor. Peace, happiness, harmony, are
intangible and the real composition of life, and the source of
it is our Deep Self.

This unlimited intelligence of the subconscious mind is

all-wise, timeless, and infinite. The ultimate truth is what we
are seeking is also seeking us. The most important part is
determination, thought, and belief which has the power to
change everything; true belief is free from fear and it can
achieve what it desires. If we think wisely, our actions will be
based on our wise decisions. If we let the infinite intelligence
of the subconscious mind lead and guide us, the good will
prevail. If we train our minds and souls to believe in the
power of our inner strength, we will be able to expect the best
and receive only the best.

And this leads to HAPPINESS. I truly believe progress equals

happiness, while achievements and material things may excite
you for the moment, the only thing that’s going to make you
happy long-term is knowing that you’re making progress in
some important area of your life. To do this, you have to 7
remember: While change is automatic, progress is not.
Progress results from actively and consciously choosing to
create a life you love; a life where you can’t wait to jump out
of bed in the morning because you are growing, contributing,
impacting, and serving. When we fill our minds with
positivity, the world conspires to grant us happiness and
peace. Your world will be surrounded with love, peace,
well-being, prosperity, and harmony.

The most important thing in life is appreciating what we have.

We have our own visions about a perfect life. We attempt
hard and persistently pursue our goals to attain success. Even
if failure comes, we must not stop appreciating life. Hard days
are certain in the course of our life and accepting that we must
strive hard to learn from the failure, not condemn our fate.
And finally, you must learn and accept the essence of,

Chapter 3
Take Control of Your Emotions.

A ll of us want to enhance the quality of our life. But

almost all of us get stuck at times in our own limiting beliefs
and emotional patterns. We make habits out of feeling
frustrated, worried, sad, or overwhelmed. But it is these
disempowering habits that prevent us from doing what we are
really capable of even if that something is just being happy.

While you may not be able to control most of the events that
are happening around you, what you can do
is, master how you experience these events. You’re always
going to encounter stressful times. It could be living in a
pandemic, losing a job, losing your health, or even losing a
loved one. Something happens that is outside your control,
and it knocks you down. Stress, anger, sadness, these feelings
don’t come from the events; they come from the meaning that
we give these events in our lives. So the question is, how are
you going to allow that to shape your life? Are you going to
let it tear you down, or are you going to use it to empower
and enlighten the way you go through life?

Let’s look at the pandemic we all are facing, for example.

One person might interpret that as, “Life is going to be tough,
really tough now.” Another person, though, might say, “This
means I’m going to live my best life regardless of the
challenges I am facing.”

The thought pattern for each of these individuals will be

different. Each will experience very different emotions. It all 9
boils down to the meaning we give an event. You see the
story you choose will impact your whole life because the
decisions that control us are the decisions about meaning, and
meaning equals emotion. Make sense now?

Listen, we all tell ourselves stupid stories that make us

miserable when we could be feeling joy. We make ourselves
feel sad, worried, anxious, shameful, guilty, and fearful on a
consistent basis. And why is that? Well, we are wired that
way! The human mind is always looking for what you could
lose; it’s just a matter of survival and protection. You are
biologically wired to prepare yourself for the worst at all
times. That is why it is up to you to take conscious control
over the stories you tell yourself and the resulting emotions
you experience. So here is the secret, trade your expectations
for appreciation. If you do this, your whole life will change
at that moment. And if you keep doing it, your life will
change forever.

Now I’ve told you, the choice is yours. What are you going to
focus on now? What stories are you going to tell yourself
now? This is the one power that you have right now at this
moment that can change everything. And here is the thing,
YOU have control over that! The only thing keeping you
from getting what you want is yourself. 10
The only thing keeping you from the joy you deserve is the
disempowering story you keep telling yourself. But what if
you decided right now to offer yourself a new core of belief?
What if everything in your life, including the most painful
and traumatic events, was happening for you and not to you?
What if everything was designed for you to actually have a
greater life and have more to give and more to enjoy?

If you want real freedom in your life, you must make a

decision to stop allowing external events to shape your
happiness. And that is only done by becoming the master of
meaning and finding the empowering meaning in anything
and everything that comes your way. 11
Chapter 4
How Emotional Pain Can Lead To A
Greater Life

I n my line of work, people come to me with so much pain.

But pain is part of life. And while it is seen by most as
something to be avoided, pain can actually be a good thing,
yes a good thing. But it’s up to you to decide what you are
going to fill it up with. And it’s this choice that can take you
to an entirely new realm of possibilities, because even if you
do not understand why the pain you’re feeling right now,
something beautiful can still come from it. Or there’s
something more inside of you because of it.
While it can be scary to acknowledge pain, you can find
strength by commanding it. Tell yourself that things will
never be the same. But this is an opportunity to realize new
levels of opportunity and growth. And this doesn’t just mean
in the long run.

Become emotionally strong by first getting physically fit. Put

your body first, get into a peak state, and you will be able to
change your perspective on pain. Realize that you also have
the power to feed your mind empowering things. Or you can
feed your mind information, strength and spirituality. You can
use the pain to discover more about yourself and what you
want in life. Realize that pain is a signal to turn inward. And
taking control of your physicality and your emotional state is
the first step towards a higher level of self-discovery and
evolution. 12
A certain level of pain allows us to connect with ourselves.
As bad as it feels, we connect. We connect with our emotions,
we connect with our memories and we connect with our
thoughts. This is why it is comfortable to stay in sadness and
difficult to transcend, we are meeting our need for
connection. The only way out of this is to have something
else you want to connect with more. You have to ask yourself,
what do you value more than your pain? Do you value
helping other people more? Perhaps you value helping
animals? Ask yourself: “What is the reason I am here?” By
shifting the focus from yourself to something else, you’ll
learn how to gradually let go of your pain and move on. This
is the power of contribution. Understanding how to find
meaning out of your pain is a way to take a bad situation and
turn it into something that will help you grow and expand
your ability to connect at a higher level. We have to go
through the emotions of shock, denial, hurt and anger. But
eventually there is acceptance. And the best way to reach
peace is to find a higher meaning out of our need to serve

If you can use your pain to find a more empowering meaning,

then you can take that same experience and say: “I’m going to
take control of my life. I’m going to make a change.” Rather
than sitting and becoming a reaction making yourself the
effect of the situation you are realizing that you have the
power to determine what things mean and how you will
approach life from this point forward.
One of the keys to utilization is envisioning a compelling
future. What does your new vision look like? What are you
going to be doing differently in the future? And what are you
going to do differently today? Remember, if you don’t take
control and make the necessary changes, weeds are going to
grow automatically. But if you learn, adapt and become you 13
can achieve a new level of living that would have never been
possible had you not gone through the heartache you did. 14
Chapter 5

I t hurts when I see someone encounter a loss. I myself had

encountered my own loss in the past, which was very painful.
You see when you lose someone or something you love, it can
feel like the world is ending. You lose the will to do simple
things that used to make you happy, and you often can’t find
the motivation to take on more challenging tasks.

Dealing with grief can be a devastating experience; however,

you can’t hold yourself off from the world. You have to face
your fears and learn how to cope with this loss. Whenever we
suffer, there are three places our minds can go to make the
situation immediately worse, which I will explain. It is these
three emotions and fears that are making your grief and
depression feel like they are spiraling out of control.
Although you cannot replace your loved one or whatever it is
you have lost, such as a beloved pet, a job you worked hard
for or a long-term relationship, you can learn how to combat
the three triggers of suffering.

Let’s start with Loss

Loss is the first suffering trigger. When you begin focusing on

the absence of someone or something from your life, you start
to develop depression from loss. You’re not only thinking
about the loss of a close friend or family member, but you’re
letting your mind fixate on lost opportunities with them.
You’re losing out on making future memories. You’ve lost the
opportunity to tell that person how you really feel about them.
It’s easy to let your mind stagnate this way by focusing on the
negatives. What if, instead, you thought about all the good 15
times you had with the person you lost? Instead of reeling
over all the things you won’t get to do with them anymore,
why not try focusing on all the beautiful, joyful experiences
you were able to share together? This taps into the mentality
of believing that life is happening for you, not to you. You are
in charge of dictating your emotions and mental state.
Although some circumstances, like death, are outside of your
control, you are capable of taking that negative experience
and viewing it in a different way. Everyone has experiences in
life that cause him or her to suffer. What matters is how you
handle these intense moments of pain, do you use the loss as a
jumping point to become a stronger, more resilient person, or
do you let your grief consume you?

The second trigger of suffering is believing that you are or

have Less.

As you’re recovering from grief, perhaps you believe that you

are less complete without your loved one in your life. Maybe
you think life is less worth living because you no longer have
a mother, spouse or close friend. When you feed into this
mentality, it only prolongs your suffering.

You might also feel that now that someone you love has
passed away or gone out of your life, that your days will be
“less”: Less joy, less love, less adventure. Realize that these
negative thoughts are only temporary. No matter how painful
your situation feels right now, your life will go on. You will
find happiness again. You will continue growing. In order to
do these things, however, you have to accept that you are not
less, you are complete entirely on your own. Decide to end
your suffering by stopping these limiting thoughts as they
arise. 16
The third trigger of suffering is the most damaging. It’s
buying into the idea of Never.

You’ll never get over your feelings of grief and depression.

You’ll never meet someone who makes you feel the way your
loved one did. You’ll never have a dog as loyal and sweet;
you’ll never get another job at the same level. Are these
thoughts helping anything? No. They’re making you feel
infinitely worse about what’s happening. You’re relinquishing
your sense of self to damaging, limiting beliefs. It’s time to
take control of your story again. Getting over death isn’t a
process that happens overnight, but you have to help yourself
by learning to step away from suffering triggers.

Now that you know about the three triggers of suffering, it’s
time to learn how to cope with them. Acknowledge what
you’re feeling and realize the emotion doesn’t need to be
permanent. Then, make the decision to end these negative
thoughts. Buying into the notions of loss less and never will
only make it harder to manage your grief.

Choose to end suffering as you’re confronted by it. Decide

that you want to feel joyful each day, existing in a beautiful
state, instead of living in pain. You’re dealing with something
devastating right now, but guess what, you’re going to face
more loss in your life, and that’s the reality we face as

By learning how to deal with the overwhelming feelings of

bereavement early on, and trying to turn these damaging
experiences into something more positive, you’ll be able to
master your emotions in the future. Remember, with support,
patience, and effort, you will survive grief. Someday the pain 17
will lessen, leaving you with cherished memories of your
loved one.

DISCLAIMER: The information provided in this chapter, is not

intended and should not be construed as medical advice, nor is the
information a substitute for professional medical expertise or
treatment. 18
Chapter 6
Let Go Of Your Past and Start Living!

I t’s frightening to step into the unknown. It’s difficult to be

vulnerable. And it can be overwhelmingly uncomfortable to
have that sense of uncertainty about what lies ahead. So we
hang on to the past, because even if it cause a certain level of
pain, it’s what we are familiar with and what we have
certainty about.
The other reason it is so difficult to let go of the past has to do
with the way we link emotion to information.

Think back to a tragic day, let’s say, July 27th, 1990 for
example, I can bet most of you can probably picture who you
were with and what you were doing when you heard about the
attacks in Port of Spain. But if you had to think about July
25th, of that same year your memory is likely to be very
blurry when it comes to those details.

This is because we do not retain information that does not

have an emotional attachment to it, that is, an associated
feeling. So, first you must identify your emotional habits.
When you grow accustomed to certain emotions, you don’t
really notice how they impact you on a daily basis. But your
emotional habits can have profound influence on the way you
look at life, the way you carry yourselves, the way you speak,
the words you use and the way you act. So why settle for a
life where you empower the negative emotions and
disempowered the positive? By identifying your emotional
habits, you can start to make the shift towards actively
conditioning yourself towards a more positive experience.
Your emotions are like a muscle you can train yourself to feel
frustrated, sad, stressed or even depressed. Or, you can train 19
yourself to feel passionate, joyful and strong. The more you
condition yourself, the more wired those emotions become.

I mention to my clients all the time that breakthrough happens

by conditioning your mind every single day. If you don’t
make the conscious effort to decide what you allow into your
mind, then you are allowing filth to grow and to spread. I
don’t care how smart you are, how savvy you are, how
inspired you are, if you don’t stand guard at the door of your
mind, then you are giving the approval of the disempowering,
disenchanting and disillusioning to take control. Feed
yourself empowering stories, surround yourself with people
who make you better, put yourself in peak state. It’s the small
rituals that you do every day that build momentum and,
ultimately, lead to massive change.

Lastly, find something you want to serve that is greater than

yourself. Live for your family, for community, for humanity
whatever. Motive does matter. So find motives that go
beyond yourself. No matter how broken you may be or how
broken you feel, you have something to offer others
remember that! And when you finally make that realization
and start giving, you will see your life improve dramatically.

Your life matters and if you align yourself with the truth that
you’re here not just to “get” but to give, then other people
will feel your authenticity and they will open up to you.
Giving back reminds you what you’re made for. Focusing on
the needs of others has a way of motivating you to do more
than you thought possible. You feel the benefits immediately.
You become more productive. You find creative solutions to
problems. 20
You find strength when you’re exhausted. And you’ll be
better able to let go of the painful past, and step forward into
the future in a more loving and giving way. 21
Chapter 7
Stop Living In A Depressed State

W e often wonder why people we think have it all, decide

to commit suicide. In my field of work I have encounter on
many occasion where people came to me in a depressed state
and mention thoughts of committing suicide. But before you
continue reading please note.

DISCLAIMER: The information and other content provided in this

article, are not intended and should not be interpreted as medical
advice, nor is the information a substitute for professional medical
expertise or treatment.

Depression symptoms can vary, but it always results in living

in a negative state. Instead of suffering, change your body and
mind with positive, empowering rituals that make for a
feedback loop that brings you up, and not pull you down.
What are your options for overcoming depression? A host of
treatments exist, and they all have one thing in common: for
all the research and studies performed, we only know a tiny
bit about why brain chemistry works the way it does. What
we do know for sure is that your mind-body connection is a
huge determiner for whether you live in a beautiful state or a
negative state. Here are some strategies to battle depression
symptoms and win:
Happiness is a decision.
You can choose to watch comedy shows and laugh your lungs
out or you can choose to dwell on your sad life while
watching others’ hip photos on Facebook. And you can
choose to enjoy music or spend quality time with family or 22
you can choose to curl up in your bed thinking about the past.
You are the creator of your life, so wake up to this truth and
choose to be happy. To overcome stress and depression, make
this choice every single day.
If you want to get more from life, you have to first get
more from yourself.
Whether it is in relationships, career, wealth, or spirituality, if
you want more, decide to raise your standards. When you
raise your standards, you refuse to accept any less than what
you want. To overcome stress and depression, raise your
standards. Stop accepting a gloomy life and do things that
bring you joy.
Better Yourself
We create an ‘emotional home’ for ourselves over the period
of our lives. As you might already know, happy people are
always happy, stressed people are always stressed about
something, and angry people are always whining about
What you feed your mind will become your reality. The
emotions of fear, stagnation, numbness are physical. So get in
a peak physical state every day with intense exercise. Find
your mission, so you need to work towards a mission that
holds great meaning for you and fuels emotional
commitment. Studies have shown that volunteering efforts
bring the utmost joy to people. When we give to others, our
own life becomes richer.
Believe in Yourself
No matter how corny it may sound, belief is the strongest
power in the world. You can look at all your faults and stop 23
believing in yourself or you can look at your strengths and
start believing.
The choice is yours. Before you get the right relationship or
the right level of success, you have to get the results in your
mind. You have to see the results in your mind. Research
shows that visualization is a great way to “talk” to your
subconscious mind and program it for success.
Find Meaning in Life
To be happy, you have to know your values. What makes you
happy? Is it work, relationships, giving, art, music? You have
to find what brings you the most joy in life to overcome stress
and depression. Whatever meaning you give to every-thing in
your life, becomes your life. If you think life isn’t good
because you don’t have enough money, then you’re wrong.
Money is only a means to accomplish things. It’s not the end
goal. If you want to be happy, set a meaningful goal.
Depression is serious. With all the resources out there, just
knowing where to start can be overwhelming. If you’re
thinking about ending your life, call one of the suicide
hotlines: 800-5588 or 866-5433
The most dangerous thing you can do while depressed is to
think that depression isn’t real. To disassociate from your
true feelings and experience. To believe that it is all in your
head, even though you’ve spent the last few years feeling that
way. And the thing is, depression isn’t crazy. You aren’t
weird or weak for having depression. You’ve just found
yourself in this state called depression. Once you realize that 24
is all that is, then you can seek help and begin seeking out the
root causes of your depression to fix it. 25
Chapter 8

A s a coach, I’ve sat with many people who made some

bad decisions in their past. Some financially, some choose the
wrong partner, others, the wrong carrier. Decisions have such
great power to shape our lives or damage our future. What do
you do when faced with tough decisions? Many of us become
paralysed; worried that if we make the wrong decision terrible
things will happen. Or maybe we become overwhelmed and
have no idea where to start. But there are a lot of people who
make huge decisions daily, decisions that shape everything
from countries to companies. So how do they do it? Below I
will show you simple steps.

Do you have some decisions in your life you know you need
to make? Could you benefit from learning how to be more
assertive? What have you been putting off that you could deal
with today? It’s time for you to decide. Sometimes, all it takes
is for you to step up. Step away from your fear, put yourself
in a courageous state and make it happen. The hardest part
about pursuing your dreams is making the decision to do so.
After that, it’s easy. It’s being on the fence that makes you
feel frustrated and unhappy.
Today, challenge yourself to let go of the fear. Let go of your
desire to be perfect and make one decision that you’ve been
putting off. Find the strength needed to understand how to be
more assertive and pursue what you’ve been avoiding. Then,
let the power of that decision propel you off the fence and
into greater decisive action. By making these small shifts,
you’ll see a big difference in the quality of your life. 26
I’m going to share with you a few tips to help you become a
better decision maker. But before we get started, make sure to
follow the first vital rule of making difficult decisions:
Write everything down on paper! Yes, I know you heard
this before but if you attempt to do everything in your head,
or even on a screen, your brain will end up looping over the
same things. “Once it remains in your head, it’s dead.”
Putting everything on paper removes this pressure. So let’s
get started, first things first.

What’s the result you’re after? Why do you want to achieve

it? You must be clear about your outcome(s). Without this
clarity, tough decisions just become more difficult.
Remember, reasons come first; answers will come second. If
you don’t know the reasons you’re doing something, you
won’t follow through. Get as specific as possible.
So now you have clarity, next step.

Write down all of your options, including those that initially

may sound farfetched. Remember: One option is no choice.
Two options is a dilemma. Three options is a choice. Write
down ALL possible options whether or not you like them. The
more options you have, the more confident you’ll be in your
final decision. 27
Alright you’re doing well so far, next


Review each of the options' upsides and downsides. As you

think about the potential consequences, ask yourself these

What outcomes are affected if I take this option?

How important (on a scale of 0-10) is each upside/downside
in terms of meeting your outcomes?
What is the probability (0-100%) that the upside/downside
will occur?
What is the emotional benefit or consequence if this option
were to actually happen?
After jotting down these answers, you’ll probably be able to
eliminate some options from your list. See, you’re already
getting closer to the best solution. Now you,


For each of your remaining options, now review the

downsides. Then brainstorm alternative ways to eliminate or
reduce those downsides. Again, the more ideas you can come
up with, no matter how far-fetched, the better prepared you’ll
be to face that potential consequence. 28


Time for the big finish. Based on the most probable

consequences, select the option that provides the greatest
certainty that you will meet your desired outcomes and needs.

Resolve that, no matter what happens, this option will give

you a win. Design your MAP/plan for implementation and
then take massive action. Remember, it’s better to make a
tough decision and monitor to see if you need to shift your
approach than to remain paralyzed in indecision.

Having a good process to make tough decisions is clearly

important. But it’s also valuable to understand why many of
us are so afraid of making tough decisions in the first place.
The biggest reason people dread these decisions is because
they are afraid things won’t work out as planned.

They let fear drive the process and wait until they have
absolute certainty that everything will work out before
moving forward. The problem is, there will never be absolute
certainty surrounding any decision. At some point, you
simply have to take a chance. 29
Chapter 9
How Grateful Are You?

W hy do we tend to focus on the negative aspects of a

situation or experience? Because the human brain is wired for
a single purpose, survival. The mind is not designed to make
you happy, it’s designed to help you survive.
It is always looking for what could hurt you, and it magnifies
the bad. And we are wired to operate out of a place of scarcity
and fear. But here’s the thing, you have the choice of what to
focus on. Remember, what’s wrong is always available, but so
is what’s right. Life will never go as planned. There will
always be undesirable surprises. But rather than telling
yourself that you have either lost something, have less of
something, or will never have what it is you want, make the
command decision to focus on adopting an abundance
mindset and focusing on what you can be grateful for.
This doesn’t mean you are repressing your emotions or living
in a state of denial. It simply means you are making the
all-embracing decision to live in a beautiful state every single
day, no matter what happens. Because if the only time you are
happy is when things are going your way, you’re not going to
be happy very often. And the more you start to make these
delicate shifts, the more you can cultivate a sense of
abundance, the more you will begin to experience joy, and,
eventually, create a new emotional pattern.
Here is a crazy question. When was the last time you
celebrated like crazy? Here is the crazy part. When was the
last time you celebrated for no reason at all? Yes, I know it 30
sounds crazy, right? But for most of you it's more than likely,
you haven’t. That’s because as we age, we adopt more
responsibilities and forget to celebrate the little things in life.
As a child, life was more carefree. You had less inhibitions,
were more daring and took more risks, you had nothing to
As an adult, you have everything to lose, or so you think!
Along the years as my personal growth started to develop I
started to create new empowering rituals to help me battle
with my emotions on a daily basis. Gratitude is the antidote.
Period! I’m going to share some ways that you can start living
in that place of gratefulness. But remember this, “You can’t
be angry and grateful simultaneously.” They don’t go
together. The key to fulfillment is gratitude. And, an
interesting thing about gratitude is that you can’t feel angry
while you’re feeling extreme gratitude. Start with these
morning rituals, start small, 15 minutes every morning and
then build on it as you go along. You can storm through your
toughest limitations. You can use his daily start-up routine to
condition your mind, body, and emotions for extraordinary
Let’s get started
1. “Breath walking.” (5mins) per day
In this step, you change the way you move to change the way
you feel. The science behind it is “breath walking.” Energize
your body. You’ll also link your body to a feeling of
confidence and certainty. The approach is to inhale 4 times
through your nose, and exhale 4 times through your mouth, as
you make strong, purposeful strides. It’s 4 short breaths in,
one after the other, and then 4 short breaths out, one after the 31
other: in-in-in-in and out-out-out-out. This will fully use
your sinuses and oxygenate your body. Shake your body a
little to loosen up. As you take your strides, walk with
authority so that you feel more in control. Walk strong. This
will teach your body confidence and certainty, so that it
becomes second nature. Also add a phrase to say, as you
walk, to reinforce your mind, body, and emotional
connection. For example, when you inhale your 4 in breaths,
you can say, “Every day, in every way …”, and when you
exhale your 4 out breaths, you can say, “… I’m feeling better,
and better. Yes!” You have to say it like you mean it for it to
be effective, and the more effectively you do it, the better
you’ll feel. You should actually feel your emotional state
changes. You can also swap out the phrase for whatever you
want to focus on, such as, “Every day, in every way, I’m
feeling happier and happier. Yes!”, or “Every day, in every
way, I’m feeling healthier and healthier. Yes,”
2. “Enormous gratitude” (5mins) per day.
In this step, you create an enormous state of gratitude. You
do so by acknowledging and appreciating both people and
situations that you are grateful for. There are two parts to this
step: Current State: For the first few minutes, you focus on
what you are grateful for that already exists. Future State:
This is where you visualize what you want to create in your
life. For the last few minutes, you focus on the future, and
you envision what you will be grateful for, but you state it as
though it already exists. So, in essence, you are first feeling
grateful for what you have in your life, and then you are
dreaming up what you want in your life, and feeling grateful
for the future. Your mind will build certainty around this
future vision and help you achieve it in resourceful ways. 32
Feel as if it exists. Affirm it. Own it. Your mind and body
will change. Remember that everything we create in our life,
we first create as thoughts, feelings, or desires. People that
don’t feel grateful end up unfulfilled, fearful, and stressed.
You can have all the money in the world, but if you aren’t
grateful, you’ll be miserable. On the flip side, when you are
grateful, you are rich, so give yourself the gift. The goal is to
really lift yourself up by feeling fully grateful for everything
you have in your life right here, right now.
3. “Speak what you want to become”. (5mins) per day
You can use music if you wish, but use your body, and use
your mind, to reinforce your mantras. Here is an example:
All I need is within me now.
All the joy I need is within me now.
All the love I need is within me now.
Speak with certainty and intensity. Now, after 15 minutes.
When you are finished, envision how you want your day to
be. you can extend your 15 Minutes of Fulfillment into 30
Minutes to Thrive or an Hour in Power. All you do is add on
exercise. So if you add 15 minutes of exercise to your 15
Minutes of Fulfillment, then you have 30 Minutes to Thrive.
Also you can add on exercise routines after your 15 Minutes
of Fulfillment will help you feel physically fit and vibrant.
It’s always smart to work out both body and mind. That’s It.
SMILE and start your day. 33
About The Author
Result Specialist and Speaker
Arnold Best is an expert in human behavior, and a trusted advisor
to individuals and business owners in North America, Asia, South
America, Europe and of course his home, Trinidad and Tobago.
Arnold is strategic, forward thinking, and visionary. He
grasps the underlying reason for things and can sense how
situations will unfold in the future. He sees threads of
meaning that many people will miss. Arnold also loves
exploring ideas, theories, and abstract Possibilities and
putting it to the test in the real world. Arnold foresees future
implications, logical, objective ways of solving problems.

Arnold decided a few years ago that the most important way
he could spend his life would be to invest it in something that
will outlast it. He decided that somehow he must contribute in
some way that would live on long after he’s gone.
Today, Arnold has the incredible privilege of sharing his
training and knowledge with literally thousands of people
from all walks of life in many countries. He also has the
fortune of sharing the best of what he has learned with you,
and for that he’s truly grateful and excited. 34

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