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It was another ordinary night and the moon shines

bright on Mati street, children playing on the road
with motorcycles passing by, workers trying to get
home after a tiring day and traffic, vendors
shouting over those who passes by to sell their fish,
you would pass the hallway with laundries hanging
around, the smoke from a barbecue stand overlays
the noisy and dirty squatter area.

Not far away from this area lies a small bungalow

house, the silence and darkness was the only
obvious evidence that this was abandoned for so
long, but walking through the inside gives a dim of
light from a candle. Four young men was sitting on
the unfinished cemented floor.

What is taking Danny so long? said Jigz. Jigz was

one of the youngest among them all, he was tall,
average body structure, and a personality that no
one would want to mess with. He was sitting right
next to his friend,Ben. Ben was more mature than
the others, he has a son who was left on his
familys home far from the city. He was busy trying
to finish a cigarrette that Jag gave him earlier. Jag
was the older brother of Jigz, and his twin. The only
difference they have was he was more stubborn
and troublesome, his tattoo on the right arm can be

seen from afar making him easy to distinguish. On

the kitchen youd see a man busy trying to start a
fire over the pieces of wood he picked up earlier
around the house, Relm. Relm was a responsible
kid,smart and helpful, the only thing you would
obviously recognize about him was his thin body.
But his friends influence on him was more
prevailing than his parents. Were having noodles
and eggs for dinner. He said. As long as its good
to eat we wont have a problem with that, just dont
overcook it. Jigz answered.
They have been friends ever since they could
remember and they were never separated ever
since. They called themselves as the FIVE ACES.
They all shared the two cups of rice ,a bowl of
noodles and eggs while sitting around the melting
candle which serves as their light. They heard the
noise of the clattering pots over the kitchen, it was
Dan. Dan was the oldest, he also has a child like
Ben, but his wife decided to live separately for he
was lazy aside from being addicted to drugs. Yes,
they are all influenced by drugs.
What took you so long? Jigz asked Dan.
I was waiting for Junior on the store but he was not
able to give me some items so I went on the next
street. I walked three blocks you know! he
Stop it you two. Relm, clean up the dishes so we
can start this.. said Ben.

And so they started their daily ritual, they all got

high and enjoyed every second of it. Escaping the
noise from the surrounding, the problems, no one to
scold them, just the unbelievable feeling of smoking

The black mysterious shadow was chasing Relm, he

was running reckless on a deserted street. It was
going to kill him, it was making a noisy growl
enough to give chills down his spine. He doesnt
know what to do, he was running on an endless
road with no one to help him.
Help! Somebody help me please! he shouted.Its
going to kill me!
And he fell into the floor bumping his head on the
edge of the wooden seat he was sleeping to.
Relm, is there





No granny. Im sorry, I was just dreaming

Poor child, okay, I already prepared lunch for both
of us, why dont you join me in the kitchen after you
clean up the beddings. she went to the kitchen
leaving Relm covered in sweat and still shocked
sitting on the floor.
Relm was left by his parents since he was young so
that they could work outside the country. But they
got separated and settled with their own new

families leaving Relm under his Grandmothers

Dan! Are you out smoking pot again last night? a
very familiar voice woke Dan from sleeping on the
floor. It was his wife.
When do you plan to keep this up Dan? When are
you going to change!
Even though they were separated, his wife still
manages to pay him a visit to bring food and
clothes with their little girl to see her father.
You should really stop hanging out with those
friend of yours, sooner or later youll get in troubgle
or even get arrested for what youve been doing.
She added.
But Dan didnt really pay much attention to his
nagging wife, he was busy cuddling with his baby
and they just laugh at her.
You should eat while the soup is still hot. We need
to keep going, we will visit my aunt and try to get a
few jobs on her house to earn some money for
Jeans supplies. His wife and child left not long
after he stood up and looked for something to eat.
Babe wake up!
What time is it? Ben asked.
Its already noon. Did you eat already?
No. I dont want to get up yet. He answered.

You have to.. Come on, lets go to the store and

buy some food. The woman sitting beside Ben was
Mia, his girlfriend. Mia is close with the Five Aces ,
she was hanging out with the twins when she met
Come here, just sleep with me for a couple more

Elaine, what is it? their Mom asked.

My MP3 player is missing, and I have a good idea
that Jag has something to do with it! continues
banging the door.
Wait, maybe you just misplaced it somewhere, did
you look in your room?
Yes Mom. Please stop covering for Jag, he will keep
doing this if you .

Youre tummy is already making this noise calling

you,saying, Master, feed meeee. Dont you hear
it? she laughed.
Fine. But lets get back to bed after we eat okay?
Okay, what were you doing last night by the way?
The twins sister was looking for them. She asked.
We were just hanging out on the abandoned
house.Talked about some bullshit and I dont
remember the rest..
Mia and Bens relationship was on and off, Bens
personality of changing his mind unexpectedly
made him get involved with other girls while being
with Mia. But soon finds himself wrapped around
Mias arms after a couple of weeks,again and
again..Their relationship was already in 3
time if they havnt gone through on and off
Banging on the door.
Jag wake up! his sister was at it again trying to
destroy the door on Jags bedroom.

What is this noisy banging all about? I am trying to

sleep here! Jigz went out of his room and
confonted their sister.
Youre twin stole my MP3 player and I want it
Why would he steal that dumb old MP3 player?
Jigz asked his sister.
Even before she could answer, Jag opened the door.

Who did you sell it to this time huh? she said.

Shut up! I didnt even have any idea where youre

broken player is and dont even try breaking my
door or Ill break your leg! Jag answered.

I know you took it! Why dont you just admit that
everything lost on this house was taken by you!

Children please stop Jag, get back inside your

room..Elaine please begged their mother crying
beside Jigz.
I will get back to you later and you better make
sure to have my MP3 or I will have you arrested!
she warned Jag and went down the stairs.

In the afternoon they meet on the abandoned

house, this time Mia was there with them.They once
again talked about their future plans as if they
could possibly reach it really soon. Mia went home
before sunset and the five young men started doing
crack again. It was their only way of escaping the
sad reality of an unfortunate life.

I got that messed up dream again earlier, it really

felt real bro. I was being chased by these horrid
creature and I got nowhere to go. Relm shared his
dream to his friends.

At least you were just dreaming, me and Jigz got

nagged and reamed by Eliane again this morning.
Jag answered.
But honestly, did you took her MP3 player or not?
Jigz ask Jag.

Of course not! Why would I do that? Im not that

desperate to steal her stuff knowing she could beat
like hell anytime. Her mouth is killing me.

I really hope our family could at least treat us like

humans, even if were not doing something wrong,
we end up being the ones to blame. Except for Ben
of course, Mia doesnt trouble him very much. Said

You think? She always ask me to stop doing this

every time we get to be alone. Shes just shy tot ell
it in front of you guys because she doesnt want
you to get offended.

Lets just forget all the other people, as long as

were together, FIVE ACES forever! Jag shouted.

They all went to Dans little bungalow house and

slept there for the night. The noise of the busy
streets finally came to silence and everyone else in
the street are all in bed asleep.

He runs fast into the dark path with no one to ask

for help, the monster is chasing him once again. No
one could hear him shout so loud begging for

someone to appear, his body was bathing in sweat

and mud trying to escape the monster.

arrived in the house carrying a kilo of rice, and

some canned goods for them to eat.

Help! Someone please helpme! Get away from

me! Relm shouted.

After eating, they talked about the past and teased

how Relm looked like while he was dreaming.

Relm! Relm wake up! the four young men tried to

wake Relm from his deep sleep but he was still on
the run from the monster in his dream. Dan went
out of the house and went back with a bucket of
water and splashed Relm waking up from his sleep.

I need to take Mia home. Ill text you later or lets

just meet in the old house. Theres something I
need to do. Ben took his shirt and called Mia who
was laying in bed.

Weve been shouting for almost 10 minutes to

wake you up! Whats wrong with you? Ben asked.

Nothing, just another nightmare. He answered.

Ben, can you ask Mia to come over and bring some
supplies for our lunch? Theres nothing left here to
eat. Im hungry. Jigz interrupted the two.

Well have to go too. Mom is probably worried we

forgot to tell her we wont be home last night. Jag

You go ahead, Ill go with Relm and just spend a

few more hours there since Elaine is surely at home
during this time of day. Jigz said.

On their way to the house, Relm and Jigz bumped

into one of their friend in the pathway.

Ill try. Give me my phone.

Sorry dude. He said
They all sat down in the balcony with an old rotten
table, a chair, and a muddy floor. An hour later, Mia

Jasper is that you? Jigz asked the young man in

front of him.

I have to go, gotta buy some supplies at home.

See you! Jasper bids goodbye and walked towards
the path to the main street.

Jigz! Relm! Long time no see bro. he answered.

Wow, you looked different from the last time I saw

you Jas. Relm asaid.

Well, you know Needed some extra income and

found something better..Jasper answered.

Really? Bro, maybe you could give us a hand and

help us get on your work too. Jigz asked.

Are you sure?

Are you sure about what Jasper is offering? I cant

help wonder how he could earn something big in a
short time. Relm asked.

Well just have to wait and see this Saturday, if we

wont like it, then we wont lose anything if we walk

In the next morning.

Jigz! Jigz! Youve really outdone yourself this time!

Where is my phone? Elaine is at it again knocking
loudly on Jigz bedroom door.


Well, if you really want to, meet me on the next

street this Saturday. Dont tell anybody else okay?

We wont. Thanks bro.

What is it again this time Elaine? Do you really

have to do that this early? their Mom walked in
from the kitchen.

Mom, my phone! Its my phone this time! I just

bought it last week. You should really try talking to
your son to stop stealing my stuff!

Jigz opened the door and the anger on his face was
clearly recognized by his mother. He slammed
Eliane on the wall in fron of his bedroom and holds
her neck with a tight grip.

Jigz no! Please stop. Shes your sister!

It is not your fault son, please forgive your sister,

the pressure of work and school is already getting
into her. Maybe she just misplaced her stuff
somewhere in the house and was too tired to look
for it.
But why does she blame me?

Im really tired of you nagging every morning,

accusing me of things I didnt even do! My patience
is already empty because of you! he shouted at
Eliane looking at her with a piercing eyes. Their
Mom is crying on the side begging for his son to let
her go.

JigI cant breath Elaine was

struggling to get his hands off her neck.


Jigz, what are you doing! Let her go.. Jag ran
towards the two from his bedroom and managed to
separate Jigz from his sister.

After an hour, Jigz was already back to his old self

and sat outside their balcony, his Mom approached
and sat beside him.

What am I doing wrong Mom? he asked.

I really dont know. Dont worry, well find a way to

pay the stuffs she lost and try to talk to her to stop
this foolish quarrel going on with the both of you.

No, you dont need to. Ill find a way myself. If its
the only way she stops attacking me every morning
she loses something, then Ill solve it myself.

Relm, are you home?

Yes granny. I just finished cleaning the house. Isnt

it too early to be out from work?

Yes, Im not really feleing so well. (Coughs) I just

need to rest for the day and maybe it will get better

Okay, Ill prepare you lunch so you could eat

before going for a nap.

Jigz! Im glad you could come brother. Jester

welcomed the two.

So what is the job? Rlem asnwered.

No. Ill be fine. I already ate on the canteen. You go
ahead and prepare your lunch.Im going to bed.

Its not here, we cant talk about it here. Follow


Okay grandma. Are you sure youre okay?


On Dans house. Ben first arrived and stumbled

when he saw Dan doing some laundry in the
bathroom, he laughed and teased Dan.

Liz wanted to get the laundry done by afternoon.

You know what happens if I dont do what she

I already had my laundry done since Aunt hired

someone to do the laundry for them. Ben said.
It was Saturday morning, Jigz and Relm prepared to
meet Jester , Ben was with Mia, Dan with his family,
and Jag left at home.

They walked to a couple of corners inside the

squater area, and they stopped on a large gate with
a few old men sitting on a table right beside it.

Wheres Boss Alex? Jester approached the couple

of men outside the gate.

Hes waiting for you inside the house.

Lets go.

Boss! Heres the two friends I mentioned to you

last night. You can trust them.

Oh really?They better be or it will be your lost


What do we have to do? Jigz asked the boss.

I like this guy, straight forward. Heres an

envelope, you have to give it to this address and
make sure you get the other envelope theyre
gonna give you and get back to me as soon as

Whats in it? So how do we get paid?

You dont have to know, just do what I ask and

youll get your pay after you return to me with my
envelope. Here.. get something to eat on your way
there.. He hands over 5,000 to Jigz.

Okay, well be back as soon as we can.. Jigz took

the envelope and walked away with Relm.

Would you believe that?He gave us 5,000 just for

allowance! Jigz was hyped to see the money.

Im not really sure about this bro Relm


Dont worry, lets just finish the job and get this
done. Put this in your bagpack so no one can see.

Upon reaching their destination, they handed-over

the envelope and a couple of minutes later, theyre
back on the old factory and gave it to their boss.
Jest gave them a small envelope containing 10,000
pesos as their payment.

Do we have to do something else? ask Relm.

Not today, next time Ill call you when we need

another job done. Enjoy the money!

On that night, Jag and Relm called the three to

meet on the old abandoned house, they were in for
a big pot to enjoy all night.

Where did you get this Jag? his brother asked.

From a friend, dont worry about it. Its all ours and
we wont have a problem about it.

I cant do it tonight. I have to go home early

because my wife wants me to pick them up on her
parents house and sleep on our house. Dan

Its Mia. Shes been calling me all night. Ben


But why?
By the way, heres a little money to get some
supplies for your daughter. Jag handed 1,000
pesos to Dan.

Bro, are you sure? I cant accept this..

We broke up earlier. I just dont really want to have

problems right now.

Problems? Shes a problem to you? Bro, shes

doing all she can that I havent seen other girls did
for their boyfriend.

Just take it okay? Were the five aces. No one else

would help us.
Shes just over-acting sometimes. Its really
Thank you bro

Jigz was a little concerned to see the sudden

changes on Jags face, he was happy like never
before and no trace of worries from home.

If I was your girlfriend,I would be. Having a

boyfriend with a lot of girls roaming around is no
easy task.

They all laughed and enjoyed the night

During their session, a ringing on the phone
interrupted the silent mood..

Who is it? Jigz asked.

In the morning, Ben slept on the other room of

Dans little bungalow house with the pair on the
other side. He texted Mia to come over and bring

him breakfast. An hour later, Mia was knocking on

the door with a pouch for Ben.

No! No! Stay away from me! I will kill you,you

monster! Relm shouted in fear as he run towards
the hallway of a building being chased by that ugly
monster hunting him once again.

Where have you been last night? she asked.

We were out on the old house. Just hanging out.

Ben asnwered while eating .

Im just glad you texted. Im sorry about how I

acted last time..

Leave me alone! Go back to where you came

from! he shouted.

He fell on the floor from the sofa he was sleeping in,

bathing in sweat, waing up from another nightmare.

Are you alright Relm? his granny just came in.

Just forget it. It doesnt matter anymore, just
promise to dont do it again.

Okay. Are they still asleep? I brought enough food

so that Dan can aslo have some.

Shhh. His wife is inside, just let them be.

After they finished eating breakfast, Ben and Mia

went back to the bedroom and layed down, talking
about sweet things like theyve never even had a

Yes granny. It was just a bad dream. Is there

something wrong?

He noticed his grandmother holding her chest and

catching her breath.

We have to get you to the hospital. Ill call a

tricycle. Dont move! He rushed outside on the
streets and called for a tricycle.

Jigz, have you seen your brother this morning? I

knocked on his room but he wasnt there.

No ma. I guess he took off early to avoid my

nagging sister start a war again.

Jigz, can you please talk to Jag about whats on his

mind? Your father is running out of patience from all
the noise in the house.

Ma, we didnt start the quarrels here, its your

daughter. If she only had a little consideration and
talk to Jag personally without shouting and banging
on the door, there wont be any problem.

I know son. But you know how she is. I just dont
want to see your father crossing path with Jag when
he gets home from work.

He doesnt give a damn anyway. All he does when

he gets home is eat, watch tv and sleep. He didnt
even bother to ask how weve been.

His mom was left in his room crying inside to let out
how tired she was of whats happening to her

Jest. Whats up bro? Any favor from the boss that

needs to be done? Jag went back to Jester to earn
more money.

Yes. There is..And youre the perfect man to do this

one. Lets go

On the hospital, Mia and Ben arrived to visit Relms


I brought some fruits and food for both of you.

Mia offered Relm.

Thank you Mia.

Pleae understand. Hes woring so hard to provide
for us.

Well, he can at least try to talk to Jag of whats

going on if he really wants to be a father. I have to
go now.

How is she doing bro?

Not well. The doctor said she needs to go throught

dialysis for her kidney problem.

But that would mean..

And what work did you managed to find?

Yes. Its very costly. But I dont have a choice bro..

Its none of your business. Its a private company

and they pay me well to do easy jobs.

Well see what we can do to help. I still havent

seen the twins yet to give them the news, and Dan
is on his in-laws to help on their store.

Its okay. Ill be out of the abandoned house for a

while, no one else will look after granny.

If you want I can look after her while you search

for a solution to get the amount of money needed
for the operation. Mia offered.

Bro, Im your twin. I can sense that theres

something youre not telling me..

Just dont think about it okay? I just need a little

more and Ill be able to buy her laptop before her

Of course I would think about it, Im your twin! I

can feel that theres something youre not telling

Than you so much.

Leave me alone okay? I already have a full of
mouth telling me what to do and what not to do,
please..Leave me be! Jag went back to bed.
Where have you been all day Jag? Jigz confronted
his brother on his bedroom.

I was looking for work. Im saving up to buy

Loraine a new laptop.

Okay, Im sorry.

The twins heard the news on what happened to

Relms grandmother, Jigz was elft inside the room

to take a nap and the two decided to go out for a

quick smoke.

Shes doing okay Jason. I wasnt able to get the

reason why you too broke up.

I really dont know what to do Jag, it would take

me a whole year to save that amount of money.

Suddenly before her friend could answer, a

muscular cross-dressing man appeared out of
nowhere right in front of them staring down at Mia,
it was Jasons partner.

Maybe Jest can help us. Jag suggested.

What do you think youre doing? he said angrily.
No, I dont want to do it anymore Jag. I may not
have any other choice but we do know what weve
been doing is wrong.

Ill figure a way to help out. Your grandmother was

always there for us, now its time for us to help

The four went out for a drink on a bar, all of them

was talking on how to help Relm and his
grandmother. Mia arrived and joined their table. Not
so soon, they saw an old friend passing nearby and
Mia excused herself to talk to him.

What are you talking about? Mia answered.

He grabbed Mia and Jasons hand trying to make

the to hold each other.

Is this what you want? You can have him! You wnt
me to get a hotel room for you?

Your drunk. Look, I dont want any trouble.

Leave her alone Alex! Shes just a friend.

Mia, how is Jane doing?

Ben and Jigz came running down towards the three,

Ben grabbed Mia away from Alex and Jigz tried to
separate the two.

She knows that wherever Jason is, Alex is just

behind him. But what? She couldnt stop herself to
try not to talk to him.

What are you doing Alex? Shes my girlfriend!

Jason, you better tell your partner to go before
something bad happens here.

Mia walked away and went out of the bar.

Where do you think your going? Ben shouted.

You dont scare me Ben! Didnt you see? They
were talking like theyre flirting with each other!

Alex stop!! Lets go!! Jason pulled away lex and

called a tricycle.

Mia was already bursting into tears when the two


Go after her, you shouldnt just talk to her like

that. She didnt know what could happen, why do
you have to put your angry words, you didnt even
bother to ask if shes okay. Jigz told Ben.
He has a point bro. You should go ttalk to her.
Dan added.

Let her go.. Shes just over-acting. He answered.

What are you crying about? It wouldnt happen if
you just stayed there in the first place! Ben
confronted Mia.

Bro, its not her fault. She was just talking to

Jason. Jag defended Mia.

Jag went out of the bar and called out Mia. He

returned after a while.

I just made sure she went home safely. She said

she was sorry for what happened earlier said Jag.

Lets just continue our drink at home. I lost my

mood. Dan suggested.

Are you alright Sir? If its still hot in here, you can
adjust the air-conditioner.

That is a good idea. Lets go.

Im okay. Thank you.

The night was darker than he caan remember, he

was running with all his might to get away from the
horrid beast. His clothes are filled with mud and
running on the unending maze with his bare-foot.
The growl of the monster is near, its catching up to

Are you okay Relm? ask Granny.

Help! Please! Somebody help me! he shouted.

But the place was deserted. No one could hear him,

no one was there to help him. He tried to hide
himself but the monster kept coming closer.

Stay away from me! Help!

Relm woke up form his sleep and checked on

granny, the nurse came in to give her some

Yes, gran. I fell asleep on the chair I didnt notice

its already morning. Ill go get your breakfast.

The sun was rising up above, but the four was still
asleep right on Dans living room. The smell of hot
breakfast woke up Ben and Jag.

Good morning. Breakfast is ready. Im sorry, I took

the chance to use the kitchen and cook for you. it
was Mia.
Wow, right on time! Im hungry. Dan, Jigz!
Breakfast! said Jag.

Thank you for last night by the way.

It was nothing. Ben would have done it but he was

too drunk, right Ben? Jag looked straight to Ben
giving him a signal of what he meant to say.

Yeah, yeah. I was so drunk last night I couldnt

even remember what happened.

They finished eating their breakfast, and went back

to the living room talking about all their
unreachable dreams again.

Its an emergency, just need some extra money.

Well, Boss did ask for you but I wasnt able to

reach you over the phone.

I mean extra amount of money.

I have to go ahead. I need to finish work. Jag

Ohh, are you sure about that?

Work? You have a work now? Dan asked.

Yes. And they went inside

Yeah, I told you last time dufus! But you were to

busy smooching with your girlfriend.Ill see you

Relm was not able to join them for the past few
days since the doctor advised him to find a way to
get enough money for his grandmothers operation.
He went into every government office to ask for
assisstance, the sweepstakes office, and asked
from his relatives but no one was able to give him
enough. He went back to the hospital with half of
the amount he needed, he saw Jag sitting right
outside the door.

Bro, do you know whats Jag been up to this past

few weeks? Dan asked Jigz.

No. He never told me anything. He just said he

found a work, thats it.
Bro, how is your grandma doing?
Jag my man! Your back early? Jasper was standing
on the corner of the old warehouse.

Not so good, the doctor told me she needs the

diaysis and operation for her kidney but this is all I
got. I dont know what to do anymore.

Here Jag handed him a small brown envelope.

What is that?

Money. What else do you think this is?

Dude, I know thats money but

No buts. I told you Im going to help you. Grandma

will be fine after she gets the operation.

Ill pay you back I promise..

Nahh. Just do what you have to do and Ill look

after grandma.

After a few days, Grandma is already doing well and

they were able to go home. Mia prepared lunch for
all of them and they made a small surprise for the
old lady.

Awwe. Such






We love you Gran.

In the evening, the five aces was reunited once

again in the old abandoned house. Smoking the
green dried leaves of their ruined future.

I cant stay long.. I have to go get Mia.

Ohh, youre doing the moves now? Well, its about

time you become a boyfriend! Jigz implied.

I have to go too. My wife is gonna kill me if I dont

pick them up today. Dan added.

The two of them left Relm,Jag,and Jigz sitting right

in front of the melting candle and the smoke of
cigarrette surrounding the place.

I wonder what would happen to us if we get

settled.. Jigz tried to break a joke.

I would stop all of this, I would work hard so that

Id be able to give what I have to my children. Jag

The two was surprised and looked at Jag like they

were seeing someone else with them.


Nothing. Its just a surprising thought I expected

to come out from Relm. And they laughed out

You bro should finish school. I know that Dad

would surely support you on that.. Jag added.

Do you think so? he asked.

I know so.. Mom believed in you more than she

did in me. And I know you would do great things in
the future.

Bro, why are you being so melodramatic?

Nothing. We dont get to talk about those things

often so wh not say what we want to say

Lets get out of here I feel dizzy. Relm


Once again, the chase is on. He can finally see the

horrid monster thats been chasing him all this
time, its getting closer and faster than he can
remember, its mouth was open wide ready to
devour him anytime. He took his knife out from his
pocket and prepared himself for the worst, he
shouted trying to seek help and maybe someone
would finaly hear his call. The streets was deserted
and the lights was flickering, the muddy road made
it more difficult for him to outrun the beast.

Help! Somebody please help me!! he shouted.

The growling noise of the beast was no longer

there, his heart was pumping so fast he could hear

He ran into the corner it was a dead end. Theres no

other way to go, no corners to climb, the beast
faces the young boy whos scared for his life. Its
eyes was brightly red and scorching with anger, its
ready to gobble him whole and he went for it. He
stabbed the beast right into its heart, the
adrenaline of killing the monster didnt stop him
from stabbing it over and over again. He slashed
the neck with his knife and the blood was scattered
into the ground.

Die! Die you monster!

Jigz, have you seen Jag since last night? Elaine

asked waking up her brother.

No. Why?

I found a box of a new laptop on my table. I asked

Mom and Dad who gave it and they said they didnt
know.. Do you know who?If its from Jag I want to
say thanks personally. Where is he?

No. I dont know where he is. Maybe he slept some

place else

Mrs. Lawrence! Mrs. Lawrence! someone outside

the gate was calling their Mom.

What is it Lita?

I..Ahm. Its Jag

Jigz rushed outside the door when he heard his twin

brothers name.

What is he up to now? his Mom assumed.

When they went out of the gate, people was

already running towards the area their neighbor
was headed.

Excuse me. Let us through. What is this all mob all


Before anyone could answer, his sight went straight

below the old bridge and saw a few people and
police men gathered around. His heart was
pumping like never before, he cant explain how he
felt. He ran towards under the bridge and not from

afar, he saw a body of a young man being carried

into a bag, headless.

He broke into the policemen guarding the area and

went to the dead body, he saw a lions head tattoo
on the right arm of the body, it was Jag.
His mother broke into tears and collapsed upon
seeing the body, Jigz was motionless, he couldnt
move a muscle, he couldnt get a grip of himself on
what to do. His tears started to flow and went back
to his senses running to hug his mother and sister.

Wheres Dan?

He couldnt come here , they left an hour ago.His

Mom asked him to come home to their province
after they heard what happened, he said he will try
to build up his family there for good. He brought his
wife and daughter with him. You know how he gets
dramatic saying goodbyes.

And Relm? Why is he still not here?

A day after that, during the funeral, the coffin was
closed. Jigz was sitting right in front of his brothers
tomb. Ben and Mia sat beside him.

You havent heard?

Heard what?
Im really sorry for what happened Bro..

I couldnt even give him justice, Jasper was

nowhere to be found and the policemen recovered
nothing from the old warehouse. I should have been
there for him..

Early morning before we got the news about Jag

we were supposed to come by and check on
Granny. But when we arrive there were policemen
bringing him out of the house and handcuffed him.

Is he involved in this too?

Please dont blame yourself Jigz. Jag wouldnt want
you to be like this.. Mia tried to make Jigz calm

No dude, a neighbor came into their house to give

a bowl of soup for Grandma, she said the door was

open so she went in and found Relm sitting on the

chair mumbling and crying. She saw him holding a
knife with blood all over his clothes and body. When
she completely opened the door, she found
Grandma on the floor,dead.She said that the body
was like being devoured by an animal.

We have to go, take care of yourself. Just give us a

call when you need us..

And they both stood up, they hugged Jigz and Mia
kissed his cheeks before heading towards the

Thats impossible. Theres no way Relm could


We cant do anything about it.. He is already in

jail, we tried to talk to him but he said he deserves
to be there.

What is happening? Why is this happening?

Im sorry dude, Mia and I are also planning to leave

this town. She found a job in the city so we decided
that maybe its for the better if we stay there for a
while. Someday if you get the chance we could get
together again, although its no longer a complete

I wish you goodluck dude. I dont know what to do

yet but Im sure God has plans for me..


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