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SAISD Human Resources

May 2016


At this time of year, new teachers become overwhelmed with assessments, meeting responsibilities of end-of-year procedures, and
keeping students engaged.
Your Protg has made it this far, help them survive through June
3, 2016:

We make a
living by what

1. Describe what they can expect for the rest of the year

we get, but we

2. Explain end of year procedures and requirements

make a life by

3. Provide timelines and due dates so that the Protg can look

what we give.

4. Help them through the Reflection Phase and how to use their
own insights and lessons-learned to plan for next year

- Winston Churchill

5. Share ideas for keeping students engaged with meaningful

learning experiences through the last day of school

...for your hard
work and dedication in mentoring
a new teacher.
Your efforts are
invaluable in
growing our profession!
I look forward to working with you in the 2016-17 school year!

Reminders for Mentors

Contact Us

1. $$$$$ Mentor training is required annually as per SAISD

Procedure D34. If you did not attend training, you can not
get paid. Call me for assistance! $$$$$

Rosa Linda Lomas

141 Lavaca St.
S. A. TX 78210

2. Submit 4th 9-weeks log and D34-C by May 23, 2016 in order
to receive mentor stipend in your June 2016 pay check.

(210) 554-2253

3. IMPORTANT: These forms require your Principals signature. Please get their signatures before things get too hectic or the Principal goes on vacation!!

4. Submit forms through Schoology, or call Valerie Alcala for

5. If you have not submitted logs on time, you can still complete and submit through Schoology at this time.

Visit the SAISD Human Resources webpage or Schoology site for more information.

- or Valerie Alcala

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