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Raised energy sources as an alternative to classic traditional.
However, there is no consensus on what technologies are
encompassed in the concept and definition of "alternative energy"
varies for different authors: in the more restrictive definitions,
alternative energy would be equivalent to the concept of renewable
energy, while definitions broader consider alternative energy to all
sources of energy that do not involve the burning of fossil fuels (coal,
gas and oil); in these definitions, plus renewables, nuclear energy are
included or hydropower.
It is produced by the movement of wind and can get through
turbines. This energy is very effective, but it is not possible to
install wind turbines in any area, it is necessary that the wind is
constant in the absence of wind energy there exists much wind
can affect the devices now for effectiveness and homes than
there are places possess relatively good relationship with this
type of energy production. The wind comes from the Latin term
aeolicus, currently used mainly to move wind turbines. In this
case the wind drives a propeller through a mechanical system
and rotating the rotor of a generator, usually an alternator, which
produces electricity. For installation profitable, usually grouped in

concentrations known as wind farms.

It is produced by the use of water, ocean and tidal energy, is obtained
by the use of water in the oceans and seas. This is put into use when
high tide water dams up. The convertible mechanical energy into
electricity oceans to moving waters (kinetic energy), by tides, waves
or currents. There is some arbitrariness in this division, because tidal
currents cause.
Of the various forms which have been devised to take advantage,
only one will be described for each kinetic source.
Tidal energy (or tidal) requires coastal sites where significant
differences in height (5 meters or more) between high and low tides
Use the decomposition of organic waste. The organic plant matter is
called biomass and short term stored solar energy in the form of
carbon. Biomass is part of the natural carbon cycle between land and
Uses solar radiation with the use of solar panels. The sun is the main
source of energy, this energy comes dare space in waves there are
many forms of radiant energy where the most visible is light energy
for this reason we are most familiar with sunlight than other forms
they are invisible, this radiant energy propagates in all 300000Km / s
or 3.0E8 m / s addresses the use of this energy is used in the
construction of solar collectors in the form of shells that collect
sunlight that is used in heating buildings and residences as well as for
hot water supply, and there are buildings with glass roof coated inside
with panels of black metal: radiant energy is absorbed by the metal
and transformed into heat.

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