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The aim of this report is to outline the main reasons why agricultural land

becomes less productive and how these causes affected three regions of
the world during the 1990s.
As shown on the pie chart, over-grazing was the number one cause of
worldwide degradation with the percentage of 35. The following cause
was deforestation and it seized 30 percent of the land degradation spread
all over the world. Over-cultivation is in third place with the percentage of
28 and the remaining 7 percent is other causes.
These causes affected three regions of the world during the 1990s. In
Europe, 9.8% of land degraded due to deforestation meanwhile Oceania
and North America have degraded by 1.7 and 0.2%. The given table
shows that the highest land degradation occurred in Europe with the
overall 23%. The second region was Oceania, 13%, and North America was
on third with 5%.
It is clear to see Europe had hardest time with deforestation while other
two causes relating to the North America and Oceania were far smaller
than the former one.

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