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EPC 2903

MCT Formal Lesson Observations Feedback

Student teachers name: Anfal

Grade Level: FS
Date: 14th November, 2016

Grade: A

Strengths of the lesson:

Good introduction using the game of Simon Says
Good story that was well practiced and which introduced the shapes as per the lesson plan
The LOs were recycled through the class using storytelling, songs, ppt, review with shapes
on the board
LOs were well modelled so that Ss knew what to do
Nice recycling of previous knowledge such as raise your right hand. And if your name
starts with (and students had to identify the phonics sound of their name as the teacher said
it). Teacher did a great job memorizing these phonietic sounds.
Good facilitation of seat work to help students to scaffold towards the days objectives.
Students were generally well scaffolded throughout the classroom using many strategies
such as questioning, tracing shapes with your arm etc. towards the days LOs
Good plenary in which students had to identify the shapes from a variety of everyday
objects chosen from a collection in a basket
Dojo points
A lot of planning
Areas for development:
Remember that an oval is a circle with pointed ends.
Number of faces is a difficult concept for this age and really deals with 3D figures which
were not used actively throughout the class.

EPC 2903

General Comments:
Good job!
Clarify all content (e.g. oval, faces) before.

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