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I met with Kyle Yan at Odegaard Library on Thursday (10/27) evening to

interview him about his interests in experiential learning. He discussed his interest
in several programs, many of which exist here at the University of Washington. First,
he mentioned that he was either currently taking or planning on taking German and
Japanese while here. That said, he spoke about his interest to study abroad
(summer quarter) in either country, sometime around the summer of his sophomore
year. He then talked about his general interests in gaining an education in an area
related to computer science or computer engineering. Extending that interest, hes
planning on pursuing an internship at a company that specializes in
software/computer design. In a similar key, hes also interested in research. This
research would be, hopefully, dealing with computer science. This he would prefer
to take place during his senior year here at the UW. As far as leadership, hes
interested in joining some of the cultural associations here and finding a leadership
position in one of those. Adding on to this idea, he says that if there is not an RSO or
a club that fits him, he would look into creating one.
Study Aboard: If Kyles interested in studying abroad in Germany and he is
interested in computer science and engineering, he should look at the CSE
departmental exchange with Saarland University in Saarbrcken, Germany.
FuseAction=Programs.ViewProgram&Program_ID=11091&Type=O) However, this
program is intended for declared CSE majors who are looking to complete senior
level coursework. To fit into his preferred timeframe of the summer of his
sophomore year, he should look at the IES Abroad summer quarter Berlin program.
It would allow him to focus in on learning the language and the culture more.
Research: There are many positions posted for undergraduate research in
the area of computer science. One such program involves the downloading of data
trends from google for the analysis of investor searches on the search engine.
Although the program is run by a professor of business (at the Foster School for
Business), the position requires some proficiency at computer science; the program
would give a feel for how computer science and programming can be used in
multiple areas. (
Internship: For an internship, Kyle should look at the Huskyjobs platform. On
it are filters to help find internships (and jobs, granted) at various organizations,
both here in Seattle, and farther away. One that is currently listed is an internship
with Google, dealing with many facets of the software mogul, but allowing
specialization. (In differing areas, one of which is software design and technology).
This could be undertaken during his senior year and would fit his desire to become a
part of the computer science community. (

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