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Step 1)

Company Finalized: Whirlpool and Tata Motors

Step 2)
Average return: it is the average of return values for company whirlpool
Step 3)
Expected Return on portfolio: (Xa*average return of company whirlpool) +
(Xb*average return of company Tata Motors)
Step 4)
Variance: (Xa*Risk of company whirlpool)^2 + (Xb*Risk of company Tata
Motors)^2+(2*Risk of company whirlpool*expected portfolio*Xa*correlation
Step 5)
Standard Deviation: = Square Root of variance
Step 6)
Step 7)
Market value from 2012 to 2016 from the data base
Step 8)
Beta = covariance of stock and market / variance of the market

Step 9)
Minimum variance portfolio:

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