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Journal 1

Week 1
9th- 12th Oct, 2016
Thursday 13/10/2016

In this week, I went to Maryam School for to observe students and

teacher's teaching strategies in the classroom also to teaching math
classes. Then in first day, I come late to the school because I lost
the location of Maryam School then I found my colleagues there and
I joined them to ask the reception about the manager assistance.
After waiting for long time, the manager assistance and principal
met us and we introduced ourselves and talked about our mission
(task) in the school. They were happy, welcomed us and they let us
to meet teachers after break to choose which teacher we will join to
her class. After the classes, I liked my MST which teach Math
subjects and her name is Ms. Sameha. Also, I liked class which grade
Four-2 with her students. I took some notes about her teaching and
students' behaviors. Actually, she was very good had a good
strategies used in her class and she can control the class to follow
her roles.
In next day, I found some duties and activities that attracted me.
The most interesting strategies I like from my MST about her
translations from carpet to tables also using technologies in her
class like data show to present videos, workbook and pupil's book
these had related to the lesson. About activities, she used from
pupil's book and depends on practice book but she had tried to
create the activity that have related to the lesson and fix to
student's levels.
Actually, this week I just observe Math, Sciences and English to
know in near of my MST's Math, Science and English also my
students that I have to prepare whole week math lessons and teach
them in next week. In Wednesday, I start teaching my class half a
math lesson and it was good trying to teach students in grade four
and doing only one activity with them to check their level academic.
Finally, I like my students and I really want to teach them again and
again in next week. So, I choose 4 lessons with MST and prepared all
resources that I need to teach children in 6 periods in week 2.

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