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Christmas in another country

Name of Country you are researching:

For your research you must:
-Find out who is Santa in your country and the history behind this figure (what
he/she does, characteristics, etc.)
-Name the country and give a description of where it is located, the landscape, ie.
Canada, is in North America, it has prairies, the Rocky Mountains, and has both the
Atlantic and Pacific Ocean as a natural border. The climate is cold in the winter and
warm in the summer.
-Give a description and a picture of what the traditional dress is for both men and
women in your country.
-Have a Christmas carol from you country, you can find and insert the music in your
power point.
-Have or make a craft that is traditional for your country.
-Tell what traditions are at Christmas for that country, ie, do they go to church on
Christmas Eve, do they have a big meal for breakfast on Christmas day? How long
do the celebrations last?
-Give an example of what the traditional meal is.
-Explain what the day would look like if you were in that country for Christmas,
including gift-giving traditions
-Recipe for some food that is special to your county
-Give a description of how this holiday came to be what it is today: history, stories,
-Include some traditions and pictures that you and your family have over the
holiday season

You will:
-be required to make a dish that comes from that country.
-PowerPoint, prezi or pow toon with pictures and details of your country

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