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The Cosmos

Dominik Ambrusz

- And what about Ambrusz? He was born on Mindoir. - asked Anderson

- His parents and his friends were killed there by pirates. - said Udina with
full of calmness and with a brutal accent, because his native language was
russian. The translator, which is in the implants unfortunately can't
eliminate the accent.
- He lost his squad during an attack on Akuze. It would break most people.
- said Anderson and he sounded like if he deified Ambrusz.
- He could have serious emotional scars. - said Udina and he just looked
over the dossier for another name.
- Every soldier has scars. Ambrusz's a survivor. - Anderson raised his voice
a bit to make sure if Udina is paying attention.
- Really is this kind of person we want protecting the galaxy? - asked Udina
with some gramatical mistakes.
- It's the only kind of person, who can protect the galaxy! - Anderson
highlighted the "can" word, and he sounded a bit worried.
- Alrighty then... I'll make the call. - said Udina with a doubt in his voice.

In 2150, the greatest discovery was made in human history. On mars,

explorers discovered the remains of an ancient spacefaring civilization. In
the following decades these artifacts revealed

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