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Student: Espinoza Castro, Franco



Code: 20102662G

Treated hydrous aluminum silicates among clay minerals are divided

into smectic or montmorillonites kaolinite and illite. Clays are formed
by weathering or hydrothermal alteration rich in aluminum
silicates. Clays are transported and deposited strata tabular or
lenses. They consist of hydrated aluminum silicates; impurities are
usually quartz and limonite.
A. Sedimentary deposits: Involves physicochemical conditions of
formation or micas ne includes three stages.
Stage of the sedimentary genesis (Weathering crust transport and accumulation)
Stage of diagenesis (primary sludge, oxidation, reduction ,
transport - accumulation)
Stage of Catagnesis (includes increasing depth,
pressure and temperature, lithification)
B. Deposits related to Volcanic Processes and Sedimentation: They
are products of volcanic activity in coastal areas and the tank
bottom sediment accumulation. Minerals can be supplied as
In the form of volcanic exhalations.
In the form of hydrothermal solutions.
In it has been absorbed into the surface of the pyroclastic
When the volcanic material is decomposed by seawater.
When the volcanic products in coastal areas and in the
bottom of the tanks are leached by post-volcanic
hydrothermal gaseous solutions.

Favorable conditions for the formation of clays

1. Kaolinite
Areas where rainfall exceeds evaporation (wet weather), constant
leaching and acidic water not stagnant.
2. Montmorillonite
Evaporation exceeds precipitation in stagnant waters alkaline-neutral
(lake -oceans).
3. Illite
Areas of moderate rain, in -alkaline sea to neutral conditions.

Chemical composition of clay minerals

Kaolinite: SI2O5AL2 (OH) 4

Pyrophyllite: SI4O10AL2 (OH) 2
Montmorillonite (Si4O10) (A l, M g) 8 (OH) 1012H2O
Illite: 4H2O.K20.4AL203.16SIO2
Beidellite: (Si4O10) (OH) 8.4H2O
Halloysite: Al4 (Si4O10) (OH) 8.4H2O
Alfana: mAl2O3.mSIO2.pH2O
Say to spora: AlO (OH)


Common clays used in red ceramic, for making bricks, tiles,

clay, ceramic tiles and rough.
The white kaolin, for their specific properties used to produce
porcelain, and as industrial load in paper, paints, varnishes and
The great power of absorption of calcium bentonite is used for
cleaning liquids and catalysts in the petroleum industry.
Clays Refractories, kaolin and kaolinite high bauxite, both high
and low alumina composition of alkalis, have high melting
temperature allowing its use in making bricks and other
refractory elements.

Clay deposits in Per

1. KaolIn: Huaylas, Huarochir, Otuzco, Cajatambo, Lima, Chancay,
Castrovirreyna, Huancavelica, Recuay, Piura, Chiclayo,
Huamachuco, Cajamarca.
2. Pyrophyllite: Junn,
Lima, Nazca, Tarma.
3. Fullers earth: Caete, Melgar.
1. Clays litofagas: Sandia.
2. Clays Refractarias:
Lampa, Piura, La
Libertad, Lambayeque;
Huancayo, etc.

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