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Tuer SECRET HIsTORY OF HERMES TRISMEGISTUS Hermeticism from Ancient to Modern Times SSeS S SESE DS FLORIAN EBELING Foreword by Jan Assmann Comell University Press an Soe haa Aten 08 ag mtn sph © Caml Uney teeth nay mi yf mgs tg Palen Date spun pee esceres reer poi Suettssnesie Core Ces eatin enna pie Contents Frees by fe Assman — wi Introduction) 1 Prehistory and Early History of a Phantasm 1 What Ave Herne Tx? 7 2 The Herma Pts of Late Agu, 9 3. Hermes Prac of Phy end Pilsophy 12 4 Heymes Asogs agus, end Aichi 21 5. What Wis Anon! Hematicam? 27 The Middle Ages: Christian Theology and “Antedituvian” Magic 37 1. Clrisinn Honan 38 2 Arab Hermit 44 5 Hermes Latins 32 4 DrutiionsfMedeat Howto 357 | Renaissance: Primeval Wisdom for aNew World 59 1. Triton or Redicoery? 39 2 Herman and Paraeiom 70 3. igus Fert 8h 4. Po Pith of Horton th Bars Mr Pind — 89 0 1 Cando ad the Dating fe Heretic Tints 92 2. Homan andthe Morn Noturel Snes 100 3, Hermon and Pion 108 4. TheDeapitae of Hemetcom? 129 ‘V_Fightcemth and Ninetoonth Centuries: Between Oceultson and Enlightenment 113 1 Ton Gorman Ealtons of th Corpas Hermeticum 118 2. Hanae Tomei in Penasonry 121 43, From Mita w Systematic Harmtcsm 129 ‘Vi Twentieth Century Systemand Esoterica 135 1 fu Bn nd tic Herat, 137 2 Unevo Eons Hema Som ret Hetrich Rombuch's Hemeiciom 139 Chonotegy 183 Ghway 147 Slt Bidograpiy SE Indes 133 Foreword. Jan Assmann ermeticts bone ofthe undertone of Western cular memory: t das never bee aan current, but nether hast been ete maria or catrely forgtten, The cmon thes that was rediscovery ofthe Re nance sonethng of which the Middle Ages ha no inkling conse ingly refuted inthis book, To be se, the appearance of mmerpt of the Cpu Herat andi ration by Mario Fn, complete is 1405 cn fy, signify an intellect rewoion and ewan a eas in Ronence and northern Rak 9 Hermie raion with a charter ll its ows Bc ther had ben thee Hines of tain in which the Hermetic body of though fad subse throvgtow he Middle Ager: tations by the Church Fathers especially Laraviveand Clement of Alexa), the tractte“Asclepis” in Latin translidon, and texte tha ha already boon ‘tale fom Arabic to Latin the welt and thirteenth centre. Florian Ebeling can thus distinguish two enerens of Hermetic tad tie The onc, which was based om the writings of the Cpu Herat, ‘wat home in Tay and spread from there throughout Europe, andthe ther which was ised in particular onthe Tabu Smaraginaa ther ‘iginlly Arabic ex, tad center north ofthe Alpe alan Hermes tiem tndersood fet ara philosophy closey related to Neoplatonsen, tuheres, beyond the Alps, Hermetic vewed fuel ax» praca, a ‘henieabmedval science, Only the appeal to Hermes Tristar was Iv rations Ui om eho have ass eto eter ta the Hermetic af the Fo fathyesee an slopin, Now ys tsuneny of a fe penentather Het iis © Frat lof Fermetie traditions, This bk wt oy summarizes what sale own about Hermetic sho sketches wholly ew pitare of his opie. In his Heidelberg dseration lasing hime om a text comps ‘of well over a hundred pty hues sd tly unknown alchemiea teacates of the seventeen tevonered the ones of ai independent image of Egypt in hie hat land was not am ancien lead culere bot» Unig tri that cule ibeited and eared fon Tus for istance, Pavacelae could Icusderstood asa new Heres. ‘This image of Egypt that of the Rescrcins and the Freemasons, ‘ne encounter for instance, Mozart’ Magic at HecnesTrsmegiss wax conser to bean Eyton sage fat dat snakes the Hermetie tradi eo exraosaiysteesting for Esyprob fgg. Among the tations and etme fice that have kep various ovation alien Wester ctrl Memo ages of ancient Fay ‘Hermes Trismeggss tthe most porta su the image of Egypt he represents isthe mst magnificent For the West long with the Hebrew Moses and the Greek Pato, there has always been, though only seldom tn the same lve the Egyptian Temies Triax As archetype of thie postion beewcen Christianity and pagan, Hemmes Trismegs had bis finest hour dhe Renae, inthe Iramewor of the tach tion of ris sng ancient theology founded by Malo Ficino. For move than a hundred years averted a though the exelsiiy of ‘Chistian monotheism, with is sirp distinction between rlgion and dolar. and betmcen onthe aid heresy es allowing self to be iublimated into. comprehensive, anivesalist perspectie—unti in th Cuise of the Counter Reformation, the boundates were closed ag3in, snd Francesco Pia atid his books ended up on the Index, Campanella nl and Giordano Brune a the stake. the framework Of pre thai, Hermes Teste ws prominent, and at umes the greats, sehile ofa revelation granted by God mor aly Jews aud ‘Critians but ao to pagans. The major problem of Hevea that on de ome ari dhe vac ‘ous trains invoking Hennes cam carol be recondled with one a ‘der, whereas, on she other and some ofthese radon resemble, 10 the point uf contusion, oer munements thar do noc mention Heres. There inno “Hermetic” In the senae of anigue and sine move rent or of single philosophic «stem. Ebeling takes ths point ear ‘is bouk, Thealchem-Puraeeasin he deterbes ere for de is ie | seas an independent Herne radio wit smoxt wotiog in common ‘hth the platoniing Hermetic sit ernated ip arenee. Along om slenean ston nt hey te techie eae Farsnt & x 11 seem 0 me tha the most important element in Hermetic tra tion isthe motif of revelation. The varios Hermetic discourses 40 nck aw thee authority from the persuasive power of thei arguments but {hom thee appeal to a higher eveation that es beyond mundane re son. The st this evelaion on a par mith that ofthe Bible, a the Heraet can show that the Bible and te texts they ascribe to Hermes, ‘TWiemegansagre nthe eel pointso! hee theology and esmolo then clery both ste fom the sane divine wouce of reveain, Hermetic “dscoure revelatory sere. I proceed from above to Belo rom a higher standpoint inzecesile wo Dat of onary reason sn 4 slem and authoritative tne. In late antiquity, rom whic the odes of thes the “book market" was ded with text that purported Yo be wosks of towering. seid Sgr fom a pritveval time nese to dat of the fot These “poeudepigapha were not owed wx cre frgerct but SS sigue of» specie aio to which appeal was made, Trt at ‘nore amatter of antiquity ancl origin than oFeaherence sn evidence, a principle that has characerired Hermetic traditions dwn to their com ‘enporary, postmidern maniferations,Theve reaoas proved tobe the undoing of Hermes Treats, when his presdepigraphie character ve comincingly expored by Isaae Casaubon in the year 1614, Along vi the prool of his aniqui, his pretension ta veracity and his pro Phe chracter one ershing dows. ‘Wheres the clawicl Hermetic writings ed not make a ental point “oftheir senerable age but dere ther revelatory quality more fom the ‘ine rank oftheir author, the ise of aniuiy became 4 deci rte: ‘ion of truth inthe framework of Chrisian chronology, Greate age meant higher eth, The best nowedge was the oldest knowledge. As a rest Hermetic knontedge cae toe ewe! 3 esced pineal knee ‘he wom of Adam, that hin someway wv the Fld, Var. {Gout logenscould be ted on this pointe, Jospins Flavus recounted that the grandchildren of Adam, the sone of Sead iscribed this primera nowdexgeon to columns, oe of them rade af ries in ake of breakof fre, the etheref sone in cae of ettrophie flood The colo stone survived the Flood and supposedly cou tll be soem in Sra, (velo Manetho disingushed two figures named Hermes. The fis ‘wit hiswisdon in hiroginhron wel: Aer the Flood, the ssond 508 i Agate an Cather Ts depose hwo i the temples fh the wie wen of Hype ailing 9 catzarophic Moe, prepared x & Poment legends that Did come o be atc ate sniquity wo de npr ‘Rend monuments of Fayprand then weer ichly embellished by medieval ‘Mab weter from these sources they pase iat alernorFaracelsivm ino the lee of the Rsicrucans and Freemasons chine these legen ofthe founding of Heemeticim sod a co sion that knowlege had been Ys. The oy of hs losin the Spinto “Maia the slehemial Paraceic eovnterpare ro Fino’ conception “a heii ica ty bon eames there genealogy of knowledge, with icine none tae, and Paracel dhe others being the gest moder Callector sn estrer ofthe scattered sparks of the ovina ight La bot ‘Saions Pato hada cent role; bo play hap off against Arie ind be achooluf tht ae theres a phil pi, wnt of {elgiom an! Science, theology aad phidoophreseareh and piety Th fpostinfabackvrdlonking concept of krledge and raison, whieh [eat st inom inthe Beginning. ltr which things could only {Go ova und according to which eetomt apd research conned ‘Senin hol of dese seated spark, esracteized, intr all, the ps lonophyofhisony oft nat ofthe later ghteenth ent. the Content ofthe flermetc aon, ceeaton was hs legiimined theo “Tpstege eomact no wis the hereaer (hy ayo isons a8 i the se Pemanc Swedenorg who utherme xed 3 close to this traton} Toa with the Origin “The coneeptat revelation ental an ane voward the world that Idk wal ‘yperconnism” From angi on, all Hermie triton have ie ‘Sued on the tevetony character of natire on the diy of the word as [Norio God, and on the ever graded levels of presence ot mmavence ‘GP Goa inal Uings a he seme me, however, Hermes thought of Sih perids its cler tha he ewence and wath of God are not bound op 1 te things of he work hat dey cannot be comprehended by Inman ‘osu or descbed with human apooch. This hypetcosmism characte. [Besos onl evil, Mim, sod Christan belie aa arscendent God haat the pan monosham ofa aqui hoe mpl heal fonans of tsonrse ave revelatory adress the form of oraces (6g tniMacbis) or didactic lgues (88 Ae Cau Heratieom). TH ttumendeat ot "hyperesmi® concept of God (dhe concept is ancient ‘ind stems fom Vetus Agovss Pracextans) hat distinguishes Between Cnceamie" and hypercomie™ gods iste deepest eommon denominator ewer Chtianiy and Herel, el a he ass ofthe Hate Chprin ine fameork othe Caan ee ode West he Hermetie rains ae ni of eveaion bow op with fone the self contained). This stems om secrecy diningushes Hermetic from bial revelation. Inte tile radon, revealed knowledge wa tended for genera distribution. The Torah gien to Mos a Sina was to ‘belearned by heat and stced day ad ight by al the people rae, sd the revelation of Chri was proclaimed t 1 peoples, The srctst secrecy, however underlay Hermetic revelation. For that reason, like ‘he Torah it ws coiled notin the leters ofan alphabet bt hero ‘rote: from late antigay tothe nineteenth century these pictorial pe bole were undentood tobe 3 medi of encipherng ideas independent ‘of langage, notwithstanding that the presetved texts wore theses seriten in (or tunaated nto") Greek, Latin, or Arabi Ts the imagination of the Hermes, heropiphs performed three ancien: that arcaixing, of denoting des independent of ngage lication. The concep of scaiog fers the fiction of ital secrecy. shir ep blero anton ceypempy that Hilo ang ont she edo i wel lone ctu of wring inthe Phaeora i Seve Lt, Pato denounced what he took to bean expel grive deficeny of writen Communication: that docs not dings beteen the nated andthe minted, ten enpong it meaage tal es of einan ae cirender ixanding Hieroglyphic wing hacen be ead ony bythe inated co tenth decency. A tedivn of deting ea, erogyt ssed in opporon to phonetic scp which represent the vere of wounds i poten gone. Ascent writer such a Didron td Posi had Aen stewed Unt hirophph did not weir to bls and werd but to concep and (dear, Fall the notion of -inmediate sification,” coined by Ales Ansane, refer tothe dataton intradberd by Plato Between “antral (fie ad eomentonat or sg, Nara gs denon the sigied by means of paral od dus immediate reba ‘hee omen as ow nym de red pon (raced hcecng to the ince of mented sigfcaion Toe Her Inet uaditonn however carded eros aural signs ht ood iam immediate teladonchipto the worl, and for thee tains the ‘orld wera omen of tigetand a syaem of ladonsips a which cach Shing wom printed wieder” of ca tne tothe create, Enew how wo end ther ng. Adah, who gave ‘and this knowledge thved the Fond and the decline ancient cultures tobe handel down oral hve vente Heretic rans se abo al esa ratte as. noinacurive phdowpty iheaahgmtok, Weencemler te concert of Hie aie Prcend in.sytst” sea in Philo of Alesana. bis biography of Moses he ‘ie that Moves wa initiated ato Feta “philosophy. communicated ‘hrough symbols daring his upbsinging a price in Pharaoh's cour, "Along wich revelation and secrecy, “inition” is he third concept ceasing ronneced with te lermete trons. ination smc more ‘han s communication of knowledge. It ineales not only knowing the Ieroglypie code, the enigmatic protective abell of Hermetie wistom, tha sa semnstang that one & worthy of this knowledge. The Eason forthe areansing of Hermetic Klee wax concern dat ic might fall, inno unworn ands, ition 8 rhs, abowe al tet of worthiness {at preceded the conveying of haovledge and onstiuted its necessary presupposition, Kownledge as to he communicated only o the worthy. ‘Worthinem ess nox a question of Knowege of virtue. This cation evconneeed wid the special power ssenibed to natural symbol. On the bass of thinking in terms of references and analogies, rater than ‘sat relationship, Hermetcian developed 3 theory ofthe cobesence ‘tthe world that eon hepato pratical use, magia, mys and stedieatly bu abane al. alchemical for sefining metals, prolonging ie, veNising cory blis—in shes, fox prodicing the Paosopers’ Stone ‘The framework of immed sigacaion was afar ever guide wo the secrets Navare thaa that of conventional sence Tew an many oer mone are common, bat not exclusive, the Hermetic trations: they are alo found i context in which Hermes Tismeginas plays no cole, The Paacese doctrine of sigoatres and thinking in analogies, Cor example, reappears inthe ate cighteenth ce tury inthe workof Enel Swedenborg, and the doctrine of waera ‘oneness resembles the thought ofthe panthess and of the Followers af Spinoza The project ofa ting stem denoting concep Refet SConeepi rising) fainted Leni and other seenteend-centay phi Iouoplers wheres te HayptaniaingFreematons of db ate eighteenth femuury ere concerned with the mites of lian her “weed image Sais? not withthe teachings of Hermes Treg. the nine teenth and twentieth centuries mazy of these elements were taken over ‘by movements such as thconophy sna athroposoply, which hadi com ‘on the tnd of eyeaon, vecrey ind nation. la te malphiiy of ie waditions which cannot he subsumed under a single system.” and inthis complex of concepts, forms of tought, and. pes of discourse Teumeticin developed an alternative, decidedly ackaarnokin cue tre of knowledge that continued nition relereaee to either ancient agp or Hermes Trams ors eens sve che wnimske ing ofthe primal Eppa mage CGH ad thee ypu bey 1 ipherment posimodem, “anything goer” attude, and our radical eejection of the belief in progress characteristic ofthe nineteenth and wentieth cent ries, there it ah atraction sn a backward looking caltre of knowledge Tike Hermetic, which seksi salvation in the protective recollection ‘ferigins, Perhaps te ancient mot only sw seh that maportnt to ‘tod but ao hoe mach thal we have, the meaatine, forgot, Tue Secrer History ov HERMES TRISMEGISTUS eee ee ee Introduction ‘The history of Herein, which begins in aqui, hi yt to come to an end, This book recounts that history, and Toks at some of is mast notable exponents and oppenens but without ong sel in exhaustive ‘decal The goal so olfer an impression ofthe malipliciy of concept ‘worlds nde down to ws ender thereof Termes Tics the fist survey of hi sort to dst, although may works on the subjet exit. At cose examination, the concept of “Hermetiean”eecme to alee comprehension. Many writers understand is the bistory of trey ora various historical expressions of thinking by analogy hers onser una the term refersto thee mn of the tracts of the Cpr “erate ean Resaisince philoso. There is 4 “plosophy of the aby th makes ise of thane, though forma cpap ‘ony or exerci, agi, and ocelim- Others see Hermetic 6 ‘a anthropological constant that emerged with atropogene, wherese fal others hold cto be the fundamental priual mati of ur de. To litte aaurey ofall hese ders inerpretaon of Here, ‘pragmatic decison had tobe made thus the history recounted here & Tus on te works ascribed to Hermes Trsmegists, the pre authority ‘of ermeticim, andon the wos that refer impli tah athon {follows the tal this age left behind from antigay witty. Wha dds the image of Hermes Trimet represent? What hae given eh Figure sch appeal? Why ave his tens ited? The concept of Heretic fel fot the abject here, alough 2 Inttucton ‘great deal ig merely intimates the inten s ot 10 separ che ams seeethscebeiian: wis that have aleeady appeaed The reader who ‘Since earn ove wl ind outstanding scholarly Trace the select, ‘ilaoyepiy, works that form the bass ofthis book and can iin arcber sy. “Te define dhe content of Hermetic sity woudl ental the danger ‘of ane ts history and the Losing sight of many phenomena. Pe tape Hemet has fined 1 way people precisely because it hs de ponte wo prodace many taloyies and relationships anions Troe to Plato ite aay aes, to Stok, to Grote eas lind ever w certain Aistoeian doctrines. The Gnetc the esoteric the Tinton, br the deltas each been tle ind someding fii i therwrlngy and each has ben able towaderstand what was xia he aoa ene, One ast ad to hive penchant for remote aniguFor he ‘dewots Golden onder for Hermetic, witha ofan aient Epgplian rexctation. to have enjoyed such outsanding sce, Termetcam, a pimeval nowledge tha bore all tha followed a em brjome frm, dine revelation imparted even o pagas and one that trop neaty enseal to Ghsanity, an albembracing doctrine of recone ‘Mona have understood! Hermetiun inthis sense, wheveas ers fhe weed fans bate xy in ther sragale aginst Astelianism and vince viish nonsense thes been possible appeal wn Hesmticisn, si tone di to enque for tbe Copernican veotaton wih a metaphs ‘Ri pnthedn: ot entrench oneself 3¢ scent eaconaty behind conte ot reasons ot combatdriniand progresshe movements A {Gis Hitman ns heen 2 theologies a pulosophia! peeoecup thon ith concept of spr but kas also ben aconcean to produce theYntesaphet Stone. Herne wing were wed to promote the Ex Tighienment ba also to polemicie agp i Although is hook sated ae trey of the wealth of phenomena labeled "Hermetic. it cannot offer everyting. One fos ison the Tatar of Germans na another ion the seventeenth century, her tat ste tne 0a only in sing or omitted entre; This not Ce Iistory of Hermetican but ater only one I__ Prehistory and Early History of a Phantasm 1 Baten ge aoe tm te mer oft det ig veer Pas he eee erie ie Tae ses reponse forthe correct perma oe nay and act conte heen he proce te gl The wo a re patent sf Egy ane pted fri rar nar: Be ws ena beth tnorngone bo ort th meow ores SRE wtnce set eomnot be beng ong” Ts ido a treaty wen competes he wa the ono bnows dhe ye HT, Sumi and arse agi hl agit ei “WS Me woo sakes: Avani of he Hyp Fe kinapecat competence over wet and Snowden Feet fal wpow Tor, when he wassspeted of seaing ween material whi he eile “inspiration From ome of this materia er aanca ute in sy graations they could be higher and purer rarer les pur, though ll weve amoral. These souls were asigned ne estat pre eaen, where they would be allowed 0 remain pro hed tiey dad nor rebel aginst Goa i te event of dobedience, they se he pnubed, Out of se ofthe remaining "spstual st Go Haec rae hroponophie and thexomorphisignsof the zodiae st aesicre the higher and purer woulscreted the animal These sou ety Ueatng de animal, Beene atzogant, for dey were incapable of sarge. They longer wished to rem i the etal sphece ‘Ship them, ad so they rose pains God's command ad for spe per in leven, Ae punishment fr tet hubs, God erated “the objec Man thin whi he mprhoned these souls "Sat cremon of man was ot eel t puns dese sous, owe Lawn he fact hate had not been prs fo sre he de Alen ge Hest intermediary to convene an asembly ofthe ge Tie gad thooe dat man shoul be fashioned inorder to pra Got ranted cach planetary dey would courbate meting to die sree Thar te planetary gods (§ 28.) endowed man, even before is seetion by Gosh with youd ai ad gualies, and ont then did Heres, segues comand, evete mantras hese" onh out of bi aac eMinals had psu en created. After Godand Hermes approved ae iereon, Gad commanded dhe souls embody themsehes ina Than othe re ho, anvopageness was punxnent foe the reb Tua otte and en te oher band, God woul thereby be praised. eg osewen Tinted the safering oF dhe sou imprisoned the rnona bies Though ne sakinganid necessity rled the destiny ofthe ae mals had the prospect seating Heaven they wee ok saat sens the eye ir ca es Wa i aay He 8 vee hey wr ef Phir nd Bay Hit Phtac 19 dct wth this rangement, fr they wanted to ret to Shey ened te bois t Shalt 7 ryt nsgt reelion, which he to ww ire a presi The pred dei opiate zai hema age cpio eee ‘mannan io, ning eck yee Inthe dine pt lean Oui bt in who recount the hee Sie about cerything eke, The divine cll achoemento and Dural elms rhe pst und Gearing operation en wiv dine copleeiw subside serene cna Its they who eile the dsine ate on! ste ofthe com thats they “inode al ay acncen, td eral testo mem el wre ter tg (§ 68) They ad leaned to lene tat he omc ad een mie y the erento in rain wo the higher, nd they bled cls coresponding tothe “mses in Hewson They 0 dhinedpitosophy and ti fo the soul ad medicine for he bakin. tisend Ove addrome » pao God celebrate this happy outcome Ofte rebel of he ws an hepato toogh cae ‘The ext ast toes enact ie which ha il na en ex planed sisal Alo cigs the myth of the eign md dey Ofte sols deny two adequty comtined mtn te eed ee Fir. anthropogenes ea pninent God impoeson thee ola ing hit command The acta goal ofthese sul apps on 0 Heinen and notte were othe ces ante ea, Sle eat shal jenotontotcologcaly devalue: cots place fom which he tive cst. eas sch, ofcourse petite ime, wen he we wine help of hel aman bots reeled gains God. Ra God pe Sided forthe earth, bestowing his emaation inthe form of celising fe at dh aa he ated a ie o Staton, teeth bersmea pee fine neat ore Tmt thecean ofa dpc hit athe th penton ne trod ad thet poner earning or Hessen Te other etn any ‘econnthow man ware nore to pre ceaton Here seth rin an, awe ko from he oer Hemi ning A Duta Acanantslamblichs's Nepltoic Iniespttion of evn tests abate! to Hermes Trametes, acount of 9 Capers tne investigates questions of dengan mantic, wih somerous examples pean chain wd espctly ancient Faypcan religion, For bi Earp than eheulogy ws ily sontous with Hermetic Tlic elebrates Heres Tamegsts asa tcologian an pinoy phe. in hs any wring depicted dhe exhucnt as “eral big ada propmned base ontotioleyial dogma. The preexisting sl ae Gon te te prime principle, the ground of Being and tli Caen har no shore in bing and tlh He i i a Seed the ereator and the one exalted over his eat, endow ie exci ings it Beng, bu with mo avohement of himself in wae edng This prime principle cased the emanation of the fist and i aient Ga, from whom farther creation emerged, This God i Tie ete of the being and the ineligible in the worl, Then followed Meat reer fie and sky” For Imblche, Hexmes was de pnp seen eia crates! ontlogy: the higher parts ofthe cosas ae Ho Trexveuorc dine mote cent andthe Yower pasate only degenerate ie ytone of the higher onc, noble and able to exe ons ar 8 hey nip une hgh pats ofthe cosmos, Heres cones of the Part nde imiy that wold st pice “Thus, therefore Trafecaine ot ihe Faypaans concerning principles, proceeding fe Ea ham fara ode of thing, bein fran one piel aad de sano mulinde which ie governed by thi oe.” Kaabiehus does seretpuin s eaonship mythological. as cozomon in many ofthe Tres tga, bu by recourse wo doctrines of Pltoni philosophy Mac eatcloeay higher being, God or the One, the ateligile, reson, teensy to manifest gel in hat which is owes dheveby endemdng eet aigaity and being, And, converses, one may discern the pi Ah umer the dine in the earthy. Bening ith maxi emites vitor art by means of lect, arcves at he tlie ‘hainine The ve manifests ein the material and isbn i vasa thei pel tas an neeaton of ts transcendent ri Tie dtncion benseen material and earthly, spa and eivine, ak Import comeayences fo he been of de faith Divine wae, vr cru tcunge practice nat be comprehensible They ae i meee nota tbat conmensons butane essence ad igh eon ‘Str winch mameends bowoded, haan vaso, And ths divine =r ranch orale For ransaion has meaning ony in Tespectt0 tt Sango whieh beongs tothe man sphere. When sing vine mate, Sen gor rst he sited Tete Pritry ant Ey Hoon oa Prataom @ 21 In pclae wk Bich unde part ha snc serilg Hemet Inept pop ester opin ‘tne In Herr cine, an pcnts sul One hava The ineligible and he her sand in elapse tot pec macs yas te arene ne the bch Ths scm he asm he bots of en. Only a Seah ee nfo he dc a tw ‘eho he dine itor vents tna tesa ea arsine ielig can cen he goad ntti deny (6a ‘cal mane brat hrc tog bong ox a the wot Thi scouat of opecal gas fo the sy ote ee of Hee described abe, for exp, the pusete dacrine of wire one Scat coped i he Astin aed the emp hon ‘inal mt ose incon hte date nl gp Th Oa al ‘thames svenpanaon of ewe bine ames coco idea voperor spa prt ofthe wl vse sn nd then tne acco ane ead nce oe fhorand the Pinna. etal these concep diel Fimoni, snd epcily Neopian dcsn, fointaete concep ‘feavatons ni the detain dhs ny eon eg {in Enntalge in sh soe the Pati “es tthe Good I a Count contented subsiancally othe fat tha Heraetcan eae to Be cine combined ith one doctine 4 Hermes: Astrologer, Magus an Alchemist Horne ster Amp ata cb nay of i Hedin an aslogy ofthe ples, which impart del uals to mensof Heaven asthe origin and goal of wal; and of the correspondence between what ivabove and wlat below Alon wth thin impli aarolony, Hermes ao plas a explicit role anlage sito Alani wets stool ok Hee a Soest the te Heroic consid vl de ino the reaming Hauer ad ightning wa also 22 © Oper pba a tris nen yr lg cone se Posy a Ban sors of Phantom @ 29 Fragment VI, handed down to by Stobaens, dsumient the clon link between theology aad astrology in Hermetic, ICinddes a discusion of sroogial themes in hich Hermes ass Tat regarding the aoc, ‘hich eat called the ‘ice of animal the sn an the moon, and the orbit ofeach of them” and the deco continue wth instruction on the tieyate cans. Between the orbit oF he A whieh endersond ae A sphere and that of the soda ae the decans They Balance the move tment of te rapid orbit of the Allan he slow moxemente assigned to he planets, thus maintaining the harmonie order of the eosin ay ahr nd guardian” ofthe AlleAs intermedi between the higher at lover ‘phere ofthe caxmos theyexerta considerabe influence aver earth e andare tobe undertod athe actual aie of both the proces of history nd the phenomena of natines “Thu derives the fftence of te (ean fn werhing dat happens [ey Orenbaow a king vl of cles famines plage even te ‘These decans that guide earthly ie, homer, rule not only by means ofthe planets they conto! but also by dir efect on the demos who ‘peal their seeds over the earth [J some for «cure some foe pe Iehing™> After futher explanations ofthe vations cases of sar, sd the comets as well he tents ends widh a theological carn, Actlogy does not fncion for on sake but rather to aun knowledge of Gol ad Sel “He who Knows tis pecsely can know God.” Astrology onl pe Timinary wep, an earthly rears forthe perfoct ight of God, kn which ‘man can share ony afer death and the sporaton ofthe sol rom he body. Beholding Co is the goal ofasvology ls sos care for the cathy td Kis ths teed thatthe deca havea effect cm tat ae hat comer serve nsomens. Bat Tt ears noting fom Hermes regarding the ‘we of omens or about the natal chat, Hore a Mags Hermes was also revered as « magus. Among dhe beschnown eats of this genre ithe Geni (alo Cane) s0 named afer ts presumed a thor, Cyranus 1 four books were apparently compiled under this tile lay Byzantine edivor. In dhe prologue i tated that the god Hermes “Tncgits received the book from the anges and pasted i along only tee men wordy of te wrt, Hooks orginally bore te tide Herat Bh © Chajer commend rcreons ante Spon of Tig Herc vo atl rg ori mero > aa fan plo or ones wondertl aoa remedies The hor he pel eecneness af tese dees i he en ws ino ng potest he irra arta rans sea eppemn one pst chan he ct Seen pe ee My peerpons and serapete inset oe eon! tees ofthe Here watg the sols imps ne ayo they eee onthe by an 5 re pun important sole inthe Gresk magi para of amin gp, The tts ste fey i he second the ce He ome go ck he es cen est he, egal pon for the purpose of cary Mt vermey fetes "The pis an aecompansng tial ston te ate esas prphey ake owe chats, harm nese, Pe gunstnjn and ep cath ee. — Sin tonto ons agi ina hat dese conan dente perfomance spose oben out a8 Sa ae eee snes ear, worst sees wea Hs a ae ataum rat 0 Be mined wth ann aot Fi Se rear a figure of Herscs weasing » mantel a tbe ae ie Poel of te on Ths gre Brosght oi eeepc and tora questo in Hira 8» PEE were wpe gos nl ierng tothe A Fee and he quetinn ae ako tobe wsten on ashes of pape TRGRTEEan otto pracstoner hr alse pretest ana eae bemappet around the paps and tf De set a re araf the bgore of ees incense Bio e burned andthe following panes apter: est er aan een vo in esto en “Stuart gen ane aN das wine ap tec glee emt month tere eh een a at STR sfintneen ahem trina ea You ca pase wre longo Per ant ay Hit ofe Peon @ 25 gracou See appeee 0 me, NN, that may esti yo ace, Jour power pa. tr, be gackos me appesrin mean prope Ibe who despot Inthe popular plew expresied in dhe magical papi Hermes revered not asthe prophet of a plilnophy of universal anenes it a cosmic ei He serves. mater earthly, exporea,intereesory sin forte god inthe service of fe om earth, 3 god whose form ca be repro ‘ince and who cau be eazpelled 4 respond throngh magielprsctees hich ace aimed a the well of the ody. ‘That such mundane magic bar to do wis Hermes Tramegisns the ayptian Hern, becomes dear in 8 Berlin magial papyris fn the reign of Agus It bea the heading, “Extract om the magia spel. ‘rom the sated book fouad in Heliopolis in the ain eel Whey] tie empie called the (Bt) of Hermes rte nthe yp langue and wanshted ito Grek Iteontane pels fr ne charmed healing ‘magi, which are accompanied Iystrologie allison an solar hymn Hormel Hennes Dismegiaus and the natura philosophical ideas aseibed to him abo belong tothe miliew im which ache acone in kt antigay ‘Alchemy in al ikellseo, ie ours! in Melons Egypt inthe fiw century. I'combinee 8 muamber of Beterogenco ess sich ax Arisote lian and Sto doctrines gating the elements and anater and phe ‘cand Gacatic das, wi orginally Rabonian astrology and mani fom ayptin mythology, parvenory the myth of Ox The odes collections ‘of chemical formasaze preserved ta papyris in Leiden and Stockholi, ‘contains, aneng other things, insides on how to repiste ser ad ites code names to designate the material requted, from the ‘hiro fourth eentay and wan press fund natn at Thee Ins alchemical text preserved only in Fragent, the Ps fot Maite ‘ar pseudoDemocsns, who profes to he dil ofthe Persian sige ‘Onanes, elles inateucons on the imitation prepurtion of preci meta am base ones. Goll the Philosopher Stone ft be prepared Hom lea: success il be achieved thro a procs by which the met ‘nen sucenively black, wit, yell and red, 2 Kt enn Pd wa en 8B DA oD a Male, pee sas” Zale fe Pig and 2 @ pict Ie fist ator fake extn we cine oi of nope He pra bh he ea il pte of alee Paneer capt om the te And fr hiss alehery hi Henmer Img wes: 1 leak msi, Mere ects a (open 0 Zao Tie Bat peamaticman, wh han hows Rw it ter vik oy cance wth ne hap of Mogi even i ener a ence, tsa ito ae ecoring 8 eae “rnc an alt oY ace log he aan reat hasten Godan to understate ronnie te hace Me tha he Bos 0 Derm dn th a tl tntnante gret Hens Tmeirapp anaes eo eee napa proces ae me of Her sae Go knee ol tid os a pan onl aareera came Hecan conte ee ist Desi Bee as Ismet hago Tons aes ida aoe ee himctfant ns iter Tesi ewe of God” SAE Seance Hen lng as ui nit pee menace Fone a the nig Bl of Heres Te amet ete Cape Hemi ch metphey ‘Senet ba Nhedl with spirit, that has Cr hap aan nae ot le th fer ey Ca Drang tot ma hes Go. Only ween tne sess the pan est ta SINR i ora ge Man we decile beeen ep card the pth fate Fae past em extsareiin using yom he inatevial and wurde spirit nahin kigeomao youre ou vill nam he dine (come) Pend cme hei every, rd ot confined {i oat lace [evo dese digs ol you sul pte ‘cn yore ha ou ane een perfected and ave found he nara ncn), apt mera otening ows Poimenandes (6) sd ecerighap a he asngon! epee) asin “osims also dechos matricial alcemy: Formulas and bors cer tuipment appari and techniques Tor procesing quicker Prin et Bly History fa Phantasy 27 tae deals ith echnical quewsions of dying and gives concrete structions for laboratory practices Bic he pnt side of aly predate, and in explaining ths, he clans the hor of Hermes Tasnegis ere, too, knowledge of sel, God, and nature are ctchwords of Her meta, Hermes leas metalstanaforming technician than peel ‘5, What Was Ancient Hermetic? Harms, the pion Supers Hermes notjust se. Like Ose, Hercules or even Zs hin sete warofspertniman stature Inthe magic papi he saree ‘ier ofthe wordand revered asomniatent. Ang ofa Kacedge a father al eacher fall he hie insrcted se id Osi the goof

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