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and the Work of the Priest

Eighteen lectres! con"ersations and #estion$and$ans%er sessions in &ornach fro' ( to
)) *e+te',er -.)/! reconstrcted fro' notes taken ,0 the +artici+ants
Translated ,0 23 4ollis


Rdolf *teiner Press $ (- 5een 4aroline *treet $ London W6 .5L
First +,lished -..7
Originall0 +,lished in 8er'an nder the title Vortrage nd Krse 9,er christlich$religi:ses Wirken!
V3 A+okal0+se nd Priester%irken! "ol'e ;/6 in the Rdolf *teiner 8esa'tasga,e or collected
%orks! ,0 Rdolf *teiner Verlag! &ornach! *%it<erland3 This athori<ed translation +,lished ,0 kind
+er'ission of the Rdolf *teiner Nachlass"er%altng! &ornach
Translation = Rdolf *teiner Press -..7
The 'oral right of the translator has ,een asserted nder the 4o+0right! &esigns and Patents Act!
All rights reser"ed3 No +art of this +,lication 'a0 ,e re+rodced! stored in a retrie"al s0ste'! or
trans'itted! in an0 for' or ,0 an0 'eans! electronic! 'echanical! +hotoco+0ing! recording or
other%ise! %ithot the +rior +er'ission of the +,lishers
A cataloge record for this ,ook is a"aila,le fro' the British Li,rar0
I*BN - 7((7/ >() .
4o"er ,0 Trisha 4onnoll0! incor+orating art%ork ,0 Anne *tockton
T0+eset ,0 &P Photosetting! A0les,r0! Bcks
Printed and ,ond in 8reat Britain ,0 4ro'%ell Press Li'ited!
Tro%,ridge! Wiltshire
Page 1
P,lisher?s Fore%ord
Introdction ,0 Rene 5erido
8reeting ,0 2ohannes Werner Klein
LE4T1RE ONE! &ornach! ( *e+te',er -.)/
The Act of 4onsecration of @an and the Book of Re"elation3 @eaning of the %ord ?a+ocal0+se?3 The
for ages of the @0steries and of the Trans,stantiation3 The 4a,eiri in the third age3
LE4T1RE TWO! &ornach! 6 *e+te',er -.)/
4hanges in eA+eriencing the Trans,stantiation in the different @0ster0 ages3
LE4T1RE THREE! &ornach! B *e+te',er -.)/
Ftre eA+eriences of the Trans,stantiation %ill ,e in the CI?$organi<ation3 The "alidit0 of
anthro+oso+hical trths3 Al+ha and O'ega3 Earlier and ftre conditions of consciosness3 First %ords
of the Book of Re"elation3
LE4T1RE FO1R! &ornach! 7 *e+te',er -.)/
The letters to the Angels of the congregations at E+hess and *ardis3 1nderstanding the n',ers in the
Book of Re"elationD t%el"e! se"en! t%ent0$for3
LE4T1RE FIVE! &ornach! . *e+te',er -.)/
&ring the fifth +ost$Atlantean age h'an ,eings %ill increasingl0 de"elo+ an a%areness of death as a
co'+anion3 To read the Book of Re"elation one 'st a++l0 one?s %ill3
LE4T1RE *IE! &ornach! -> *e+te',er -.)/
N',er secrets in the Book of Re"elation3 H'anit0 for'erl0 enco'+assed ,0 the cos'ic n',er
secretsF in toda0?s stage of the earth?s e"oltion h'anit0 is eAtricating itself fro' the la%s of n',er3
LE4T1RE *EVEN! &ornach! -- *e+te',er -.)/
The 0ear ;;;3 The a+ocal0+tist?s +ro+hetic "ision of a +ossi,le de+artre fro' the 4hrist Princi+le and
retrn to the Father Princi+le3 @oha''edan teachings3 666Gthe n',er of the Beast3
Trans,stantiation and kar'a3
LE4T1RE EI8HT! &ornach! -) *e+te',er -.)/
4hrist?s connection %ith the sn3 The 8enis and the &e'on of the *n3 *orat and the n',er 6663 The
necessit0 to stri"e for s+iritalit03 @ichael '0ster0! 4hrist '0ster0! *orat '0ster03
LE4T1RE NINE! &ornach! -; *e+te',er -.)/
The Book of Re"elation as a +ro+hetic +ictre sho%ing the de"elo+'ent of 4hristianit0 after the
@0ster0 of 8olgotha3 The essential difference ,et%een 4hristianit0 and other religios creeds3 Bilding
the Old and the Ne% 2ersale'3
LE4T1RE TEN! &ornach! -/ *e+te',er -.)/
Varios +ictres fro' the nineteenth cha+ter of the Book of Re"elation3 The %ork of the +riest toda03
LE4T1RE ELEVEN! &ornach! -( *e+te',er -.)/
The three stages in the fall of the +o%ers o++osing the 4hrist$I'+lseD the fall of Ba,0lon! the fall of
the Beast and the False Pro+het! the fall of the di"ine ad"ersaries H*atanI3
LE4T1RE TWELVE! &ornach! -6 *e+te',er -.)/
Transition fro' the forth to the fifth +ost$Atlantean age3 4o'ing age in %hich h'an ,eings %ill ha"e
conscios "isions3 The %o'an clothed %ith the sn3
Page 2
LE4T1RE THIRTEEN! &ornach! -B *e+te',er -.)/
The +rinci+le of n',ers3 The age of the tr'+ets3 H'an ,eings %ith no ?I?3 The e"oltion of races
and de"elo+'ent of indi"idals3
PARTI4IPANT*? 51E*TION*! -7 *e+te',er -.)/
LE4T1RE FO1RTEEN! &ornach! -7 *e+te',er -.)/
Threefold h'an ,eing and threefold h'anit0D clod +eo+le! rain,o% +eo+le and +eo+le %ith fier0
feet3 H'anit0 s+lit into races and nations3 EAa'+lesD Rssia HBolshe"is'I! 4<echs and *lo"aks3
LE4T1RE FIFTEEN! &ornach! -. *e+te',er -.)/
E"ents in natre and histor03 The sea of glass3 Lo"e and light3 Poring ot of the +hials of %rath3
Ans%ers to +artici+ants? #estions3
PRELI@INARJ TALK! )> *e+te',er -.)/
LE4T1RE *IETEEN! &ornach! )> *e+te',er -.)/
The nit0 of starr0 %orld and earthl0 %orld3 FiAed stars! +lanets! co'ets3 The se"en$headed and the
t%o$horned ,east3 The natre of co'etsF Biela?s co'et3
LE4T1RE *EVENTEEN! &ornach! )- *e+te',er -.)/
The Book of Re"elation as a ,ook of initiation3 The letters! seals! tr'+ets! di"ine lo"e and di"ine
%rath in their relation to +h0sical %orld! sol %orld and s+iritland3 Percei"ing the hierarchies and ho%
the0 %ork3 Religion and kno%ledge3
LE4T1RE EI8HTEEN! &ornach! )) *e+te',er -.)/
The de"elo+'ent of the consciosness sol3 Intellectalit0 and *atan3 The danger of for'ing ne%
gro+ solsD 8og and @agog3 I'+lses fro' the Book of Re"elation in the %ork of the +riest3
A++endiA! ?To the @e',ers? ,0 Rdolf *teiner
A Note Fro' the Editors of the 8er'an Edition
IndeA of Na'es
4olor Plates
These lectres on the ,i,lical Book of Re"elation co'+rise the fifth and last corse gi"en ,0 Rdolf
*teiner for +riests! or those 'o"ing to%ards the +riesthood! in the L'o"e'ent for religios rene%alKG
The 4hristian 4o''nit03 The0 %ere attended ,0 (B +riests and also 'e',ers of the EAecti"e of the
Anthro+oso+hical *ociet03 In an article in the Ne%sletter for 'e',ers of the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0
Hsee A++endiAI! Rdolf *teiner confir'ed that attendance at the lectres %as Lstrictl0 li'itedK! and that
he cold not re+ort on L%hat ,0 its "er0 natre can onl0 ,e intended for the circle of +riestsK3
Althogh no official stenogra+her %as +resent at the lectres! notes taken ,0 a n',er of
+artici+ants %ere gathered together at the end of the corse and gi"en to a gro+ of the' %ho had the
res+onsi,ilit0 of co'+iling a single co+03 The teAts created in this %a0 %ere i''ediatel0 d+licated3 It
is not kno%n %hat ,eca'e of the original notes3
Page 3
*ince -.)/! this teAt Hin a so'e%hat re"ised for'I has ,een in +ri"ate circlation a'ong the +riests
of The 4hristian 4o''nit03 For 'an0 0ears the Rdolf *teiner Nachlass"er%altng! the literar0 estate
of Rdolf *teinerGa fll0 inde+endent organi<ation %hich holds the literar0 co+0right to his %orkG
has not "entred to +,lish its co+0 of the notes! res+ecting *teinerKs original intention that the0 %ere
intended onl0 for the circle of +riests3 In -..(! ho%e"er! the decision %as takenG%ithot the s++ort
of The 4hristian 4o''nit0Gto +,lish a "ersion of the teAts3 This +,lication a++eared throgh the
estateKs +,lishing ar'! Rdolf *teiner Verlag! as "ol'e ;/6 in Rdolf *teinerKs collected %orks in
the original 8er'an3
*ince the +,lication of "ol'e ;/6! A+okal0+se nd Priester%irken! Vol3 ( in the series VortrMge
nd Krse 9,er christlich$religi:ses Wirken! the contents of this corse ha"e ,een in the +,lic do'ain3
1nathori<ed English translations a++eared al'ost i''ediatel0! often of "er0 +oor #alit0! and ha"e
,een in %ide circlation3 The ,ook is #oted freel0 in 8er'an! and eAtensi"e #otations ha"e also
a++eared in English +,lications3 In this conteAt! Rdolf *teiner Press decided that it %old ,e sensi,le
to +,lish an official! athori<ed translation3 This! %e felt! %old ,e the onl0 +ractical res+onse to the
gi"en sitation3
It shold ,e noted! ho%e"er! that des+ite the eAcellent editorial %ork on the +art of the *%iss
+,lishers! the teAt is still so'ething of a co'+ro'ise! and cannot necessaril0 ,e regarded as an
athentic record of the lectres3 HReaders are directed to the fll re+ort ,0 the editors of the original
8er'an edition on +3)6/3I
&ring *e+te',er -.)/Gthe last 'onth of his lectring %orkGRdolf *teiner %as gi"ing for to
siA lectres dail0! %ith se"eral corses rnning concrrentl03 The corse of lectres on dra'a %as the
central e"ent at &ornach at the ti'e3 It had ,een intended for actors and s+eech artists! ,t so 'an0
+eo+le %ished to attend that the restriction had to ,e %ai"ed! and the lectres %ere heard ,0 an
adience of o"er B>>3 Fro' 7 to -7 *e+te',er *teiner lectred to +h0sicians and +riests on +astoral
'edicine! and to 'e',ers of the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0 on the kar'ic relationshi+s ,et%een
indi"idals3 The sessions for 'e',ers of the First 4lass of the *chool of *+irital *cienceGan esoteric
school %ithin the *ociet0! o+en to 'e',ers %ho feel a fll co''it'ent to the s+irital strea' of
Anthro+oso+h0Gcontined! and *teiner also s+oke se+aratel0 to the %orkers at the 8oethean'3
@arie *teiner later %rote of this +eriodG*e+te',er -.)/Gas La final glorios ,la<e of his s+irit 333
An ni'agina,le a,ndance of s+irital gifts %as la"ished +on s3 It %as like a conflence! a
concentration of all he had done o"er for decades to ,ring an a%akening to h'anit0D a ri+e frit and
a concentrated seed force for the ftre that %ill +ro"ide s+irital frition for ages 0et to co'e3K
The +resent lectres ,egan in the lectre roo' of the car+entr0 %orksho+ neAt to the re'ains of the
first 8oethean' H,rnt do%n ,0 ss+ected arson on Ne% JearKs E"e -.))I in &ornach! *%it<erland3
The0 contined in Has Brod,eck! no% Rdolf$*teiner$Halde! and %ere finall0 'o"ed to a larger roo'
in the ,ilding office hosed near the car+entr0 sho+ in a %ooden ,ilding that no longer eAists3
The 4hristian 4o''nit0 %as esta,lished in -.)) throgh the L'ediationK of Rdolf
Althogh *teiner coo+erated fll0 %ith its fonding Hndertaken +rinci+all0 ,0 the res+ected
Ltheran +reacher Friedrich Rittel'e0erI
and! significantl0! con"e0ed Lthe clts and the teachings on
%hich he clts is ,asedK! ne"ertheless he %as e'+hatic that the 'o"e'ent %as Lentirel0 inde+endentK
of the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet03 In his anthro+oso+hical %ork Rdolf *teiner soght to fond a
Page 4
'odern science of the s+irit3 The 4hristian 4o''nit0! on the other hand! has the task of Lreligios
Ho%e"er! Anthro+oso+h0 cold fll0 s++ort this 'o"e'ent! Le"en thogh the
anthro+oso+hical 'o"e'ent had to regard its o%n task as l0ing in the clti"ation of s+irital life fro'
other anglesK3
A note on the translationD
In The 4hristian 4o''nit0! the co''nion ser"ice is kno%n as Lthe Act of 4onsecration of @anK! in
8er'an die @enschen%eihehandlng3 In the lectres contained in the +resent "ol'e! Rdolf *teiner
sed this ter' ,oth %hen s+eaking a,ot the ser"ice of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 and %hen descri,ing
religios rites throghot the ages that in"ol"ed the '0ster0 of the Trans,stantiation3 For the +r+oses
of this translation the ter' is sed %ith ++er case initials to denote the ser"ice of The 4hristian
4o''nit0 and %ith lo%er case initials %hen the lectrer %as o,"iosl0 s+eaking a,ot +ast ages3 He
occasionall0 sed the ter'Weihehandlng! %hich has ,een rendered Lact of consecrationK3
The hierarch0 of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 consists of an Er<o,erlenker! t%o O,erlenkers! and
for Lenkers3 Together the0 constitte the 4ircle of *e"en3 There are also additional Lenkers %ith
res+onsi,ilit0 for +articlar contries or regions of a contr03 Priests in indi"idal co''nities are
res+onsi,le to their a++ointed Lenker3 Althogh co'+arisons cold ,e dra%n %ith the +ositions of
arch,isho+! ,isho+ etc3! the fact re'ains that The 4hristian 4o''nit0 is a ni#e chrch and the
a,o"e ter's are not ade#atel0 translata,le into English3
A note on the illstrationsD
The original ,lack,oard illstrations are eAtant as the0 %ere dra%n on ,lack +a+er +inned to the ,oard3
All of the' are re+rodced in this "ol'e either in the section of color +lates or as se+arate H,lack and
%hiteI illstrations %ithin the teAt3
*8! London! 2l0 -..7
It is interesting to note that Rdolf *teiner s+oke re+eatedl0 a,ot the A+ocal0+se! the Book of
Re"elation! o"er a +eriod of 'ore than t%ent0$one 0ears! stretching fro' -.>/ to -.)/! inclding for
'aOor c0cles of lectres on this to+ic in -.>/! -.>B! -.>7 and -.>.3
The corse of lectres he ga"e to the +riests of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 in *e+te',er -.)/
contains so'e re'arka,le re"elations! #ite a+art fro' %hat %as s+ecificall0 addressed to the
+riesthood3 It shold also ,e noted that the eighteen lectres ca'e to an end on )) *e+te',er! Ost a
%eek ,efore *teiner had to relin#ish s+eaking to adiences! and %as forced to take to his sick ,ed for
the siA 'onths ntil he died in @arch -.)(3 This "er0 fact gi"es %hat he re"ealed and +ro+hesied ot
of the Book of Re"elation a "er0 s+ecial 'eaning3
It 'a0 ,e hel+fl to consider ,riefl0 the life of 2ohn the E"angelist! the athor of the Book of
Re"elation3 Who %as this re'arka,le indi"idalit0P In the lectre corse The 8os+el of *t 2ohn and its
Relation to the Other 8os+els! *teiner stated that La<ars! %ho %as ,roght ,ack to life ,0 the 4hrist
Hsee 2ohn --I! %as none other than 2ohn! the &isci+le %ho' the Lord lo"ed3
He %as +resent %ith the
A+ostles at the Last *++er and %as the athor of the 2ohn 8os+el! the three e+istles of 2ohn! and the
Page 5
Book of Re"elation3
Before his initiation La<ars %as a rich 'an! ,rother of @ar0 and @artha! %ho o%ned considera,le
tracts of land in 8alilee3 The0 also had a hose in Bethan0 that 4hrist 2ess "isited on a n',er of
occasions! and %here he sta0ed at night dring Hol0 Week3
2ohn$La<ars can ,e considered not onl0 as the 'ost inti'ate disci+le of 4hrist 2ess! ,t also as
one of the greatest 4hristian initiates3 While all the disci+les fled ,efore the 4rcifiAion! 2ohn$La<ars!
together %ith @ar0 the @other of 2ess! @ar0 the %ife of 4leo+has and @ar0 @agdalene! stood
,eneath the 4ross3 We recall that so'e of the last %ords s+oken fro' the 4ross %ere addressed to @ar0
the @other and to 2ohnD LWhen 2ess therefore sa% his 'other! and the disci+le %ho' he lo"ed
standing ,0 he saith nto his 'other! QWo'an ,ehold th0 sonRQ Then saith he to the disci+le! SBehold
th0 'otherRT And fro' that hor that disci+le took her nto his o%n ho'e3K H2ohn -.! )6$)BI This
relationshi+ is dee+l0 significant for it eAisted not throgh the kinshi+ of ,lood ,t throgh the li"ing
%ord of 4hrist3 It is so'ething that +oints to the ftre3
Legend tells s that after the Resrrection 2ohn$La<ars tra"elled for so'e ti'e ,efore retrning to
the Hol0 Land3 Then! together %ith @ar0 the @other! he settled in E+hess! one of the +rinci+le
@0ster0 4entres of the ancient %orld! dedicated to the 8oddess Arte'is H&ianaI! the +lace of the li"ing
It %old a++ear that @ar0 the @other d%elt in a s'all hose at the to+ of the 'ontain o"erlooking
the @0ster0 4entre! %hile 2ohn li"ed close to the sea ,elo%3
Tits Fla"is &o'itians HA& (-$.6I scceeded his ,rother as Ro'an e'+eror in A& 7-3 Initiall0!
his reign a++ears to ha"e ,een ,ene"olent! ,t later he %as gi"en to ordering the 'ost atrocios
crelties! es+eciall0 against the 4hristians3 2ohn$La<ars! alread0 in his eighties! %as dragged in chains
to Ro'e and s,Oected to a terri,le series of tortres3 Legend tells s ho% he sr"i"ed these ordeals in a
'ost a'a<ing %a03 Not ha"ing ,een a,le to kill hi'! the e'+eror ordered 2ohn$La<ars to ,e eAiled to
Pat'os! a s'all 'ontainos island of great ,eat0 close to the Trkish coast and not far fro'
E+hess3 It %as there! in a ca"e half$%a0 + the 'ontain! that 2ohn resided! and dictated the Book of
Re"elation to Prochoros! his co'+anion and secretar03 This %ork! the last ,ook of the Bi,le! has often
,een characteri<ed as a ,ook %ith se"en seals3 It is +erha+s the 'ost +rofond of all 4hristian esoteric
%ritings3 After the death of &o'itians in A& .6! 2ohn %as a,le to retrn to E+hess! %here he li"ed
for se"eral 'ore 0ears! %riting the 8os+el of 2ohn3 He died %hen he %as o"er one hndred 0ears old3
The first cha+ter of the Book of Re"elation ,egins as follo%sD LThe Re"elation of 2ess 4hrist!
%hich 8od ga"e nto hi'! to sho% nto his ser"ants things %hich 'st shortl0 co'e to +assF and he
sent and signified it ,0 his angel nto his ser"ant 2ohnD Who ,are record of the %ord of 8od! and of the
testi'on0 of 2ess 4hrist! and of all things that he sa%3 Blessed is he that readeth! and the0 that hear the
%ords of his +ro+hec0! and kee+ those things %hich are %ritten therein! for the ti'e is at hand3K
We can readil0 see that 2ohn! the 4hristian initiate %ho' the Lord lo"ed! recei"ed ,0 the grace of
4hrist 2ess a +ro+hetic re"elation that he felt rged to i'+art to the %orld3 The st0le is i'aginati"e
throghot! and highl0 dra'atic3 As+ects of the s+irital +ast of h'anit0! going ,ack to the ,eginning
of the +ost$Atlantean +eriod! are re"ealed! and %e are taken throgh the ftre ordeals that h'an
,eings %ill ha"e to face3
To%ards the 'iddle of this re'arka,le %ork %e hear of La great %onder in hea"enF a %o'an clothed
%ith the sn! and the 'oon nder her feet! and +on her head a cro%n of t%el"e stars3 And she ,eing
%ith child cried! tra"ailing in ,irth! and +ained to ,e deli"ered3 And there a++eared another %onder in
Page 6
hea"enF and ,ehold a great red dragon 333K H Re"3 -)! -$;I
We then hear ho% the Archangel @ichael inter"ened and ho% the great dragon %as cast ot3 In the
neAt cha+ter! ho%e"er! t%o 'ore ,easts a++ear on the earthD one rises ot of the sea! and the other ot
of the earth3 This second ,east has t%o horns like a la',! ,t s+eaks like a dragon3 LAnd he eAerciseth
all the +o%er of the first ,east ,efore hi'! and caseth the earth and the' %hich d%ell therein to
%orshi+ the first ,east! %hose deadl0 %ond %as healed3 And he doeth great %onders! so that he
'aketh fire co'e do%n fro' hea"en on the earth in the sight of 'en3 And decei"eth the' that d%ell on
the earth! ,0 the 'eans of those 'iracles %hich he had +o%er to do in the sight of the ,eastF sa0ing to
the' that d%ell on the earth! that the0 shold 'ake an i'age to the ,east! %hich had the %ond ,0 a
s%ord! and did li"e 333 And that no 'an 'ight ,0 or sell! sa"e he that had the 'ark! or the na'e of the
,east! or the n',er of a 'anF and his n',er is *iA hndred threescore and siA3K HRe"3 -;! -)$-/ and
This ,eing is kno%n as *orat! the *n &e'on and the 'ost +o%erfl o++onent to 4hrist 2ess in the
ni"erse3 *orat rises e"er0 666 0ears to decei"e h'anit03 No% that in -..7 three ti'es 666 0ears ha"e
rn their corse since the ,irth of 4hrist! it %ill ai' its %rath at h'anit0 again3
*orat %ill do
e"er0thing in its +o%er to o,literate h'anit0Ks connection %ith the s+irital %orld and te'+t h'anit0
to den0 the 4hrist3
At the end of Lectre Eight Rdolf *teiner rged his listeners 'ost earnestl0 to consider the three
'0steries of or ti'eD the '0ster0 of @ichael H%ho according to *teiner ,eca'e regent in -7B.I! the
'0ster0 of the a++earance of 4hrist in the etheric real' Hfro' the ,eginning of the t%entieth centr0I!
and the '0ster0 of *orat the *n &e'on Hthat is rearing its head at the end of the t%entieth centr0I3
One can trl0 sa0! LThe ti'e is at handRK and %e are faced all o"er the %orld %ith tre'endos
challenges3 Will the call of Re"elation ,e heardP
Rene 5erido! Bolder! 4olorado
8REETIN8 ,0 2ohannes Werner Klein

&ornach! ( *e+te',er -.)/
As &r Rittel'e0er is n%ell and therefore na,le to ,e here! it has fallen to 'e to s+eak a fe% %ords
on ,ehalf of or circle and eA+ress or gratitde to the destin0 that has 'ade it +ossi,le for s to co'e
to 0o once again3 We feel like a little ,and of tra"ellers clinging together in a ,oat tossed ,0 the
stor'0 %a"es of or ti'e! constantl0 faced %ith the danger of dro%ning and na,le to trn either to
an0 re+resentati"e of eAternal cltre or to an0one %ho stands for %hat +asses as the cltre of the
s+irit in these ti'es3 We cannot ,t feel ,lessed ,0 ,eing a,le to co'e to 0o! and gratefl that 0o
ha"e called s and %ill s+eak to s here3
T%o 0ears ha"e +assed since %e stood here ,efore 0o as a gro+ in that +o%erfl 'o'ent %hen or
life?s task descended +on s3 For 'ost of s this is the first ti'e %e ha"e retrned to this +lace! and %e
no% look %ith dee+ dis'a0 at the +h0sical re'ains of the 8oethean' and cannot hel+ retrning in
'e'or0 to the White Hall %here the destin0 of or life s+oke to s so +o%erfll0F it is the s+ot %here
the earth ot there is no% 'ost dee+l0 torn3
@ost strongl0 in or a%areness there li"es the reflection of %hat has taken +lace here since thenF the
'essage of the 4hrist'as Fondation 4onference echoes on3 The Oo0 %e %ere gi"en at that ti'e li"es
Page 7
on in s! for there is once 'ore a @0ster0 4entre on the earth3 4o'ing to 0o once again in this circle!
%e therefore first and fore'ost %ant to eA+ress ho% +rofondl0 %e %ish to Ooin and enter as
intensi"el0 and strongl0 as +ossi,le into the i'+lses that ha"e gone forth fro' this +lace since that
ti'e3 Withot eAce+tion all the friends ha"e ,0 no% +ersonall0 a++lied for 'e',ershi+ in the *chool
of *+irital *cience3
As a circle %e %ant to eA+ress ,0 this that %e intend to ,elong to the %ork going
on here at &ornach in the 'ost inti'ate and +rofond %a0 i'agina,le3
We ha"e no% ,een %orking in the %orld for a frther 0ear3 Or %ork has re'ained %ithin the
,ondaries of 8er'an0! ,t as a circle %e ha"e gained considera,l0 in n',ers and I %old no% like
to introdce to 0o the ne% friends in or circle3 UEle"en indi"idals %ere introdced %ho had Ooined
the circle of +riests of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 since the at'n of -.))3
We do not consider the 'eetings %e ha"e had together o"er the +ast 0ear to ,e or 'ost i'+ortant
achie"e'ent3 Ne"ertheless the0 ha"e ,eco'e for s the clearest sign that the s+irital %orld has gained
an interest in or %ork and that %e ha"e ,een accorded a +lace in the s+irital %orlds %hich allo%s s
to recei"e gidance3 Or a%areness of this can +ro"ide the starting +oint fro' %hich or confidence in
%hat %e are doing can ger'inate 'ore and 'ore fro' or thinking do%n into the real de+ths of or
,eing3 With this gro%ing confidence in %hat %e are doing %e co'e to 0o %ho are for s the "oice of
the tre re"elation of the s+irital %orld3 We ask 0o to gi"e s %hate"er it is that can ena,le s to
contine finding or %a0 as ti'e goes on3
&ornach! ( *e+te',er -.)/
@0 dear friends! to ,egin ,0 re+l0ing to 0or kind %ords! I %old like to sa0 that it is fll0 Ostifia,le
that 0o shold ha"e s+oken the' Ost no% in the na'e of the circle of +riests3 One cannot al%a0s call
so'ething s+oken %ith the ,est intentions ,0 h'an ,eings fll0 Ostifia,le! ,t in this instance one
can do so3 I sa0 this ,ecase the inner s+irital i'+lse that is intended to flo% fro' the 8oethean'
throgh the anthro+oso+hical 'o"e'ent al%a0s contains an as+ect that goes far ,e0ond an0 theoretical
nderstanding! indeed ,e0ond an0 nderstanding altogether3 A %a0 of eA+ressing a++roAi'atel0 %hat
is 'eant %old ,e to sa0D The tasks h'an ,eings 'st ndertake toda0 are gro%ing great again3 The0
are gro%ing great ,ecase the forces once a"aila,le in the ti'es %hen h'anit0 %as a,le to trn a%a0
'ore or less fro' the i'+lses of the ancient @0steries are no% eAhasted3
The ancient @0steries nfolded actal di"ine s,stances and di"ine forces on the earth in fll realit03
H'anit0 had to de"elo+ sfficientl0 for there to ,e a ti'e %hen +eo+le %ere left 'ore or less to their
o%n de"ices! a ti'e %hen the di"ine s,stances and forces %ere na,le to %ork directl0 on the earth
throgh h'an ,eings3 The forces that held s%a0 in earthl0 h'anit0 dring that inter'ediate +eriod of
h'an e"oltion are no% eAhasted3 Thogh not the 'ost loft0! it is +erha+s a significant! i'+ortant
and far$reaching occlt trth that the forces %hich %ere a,le to ,eco'e effecti"e in h'an e"oltion
%ithot the hel+ of the @0steries are no% eAhasted! so that h'an e"oltion cannot +roceed frther
nless forces fro' the @0steries enter into e"oltion once again3
1nder the inflence of this trth it 'st ,e sensed that toda0 so'ething other than nderstanding
alone is necessar0 for so'eone %ho %ants to %ork ot of genine s+iritalit0 in an0 ,ranch of the
anthro+oso+hical 'o"e'ent3 *o'ething 'st co'e a,ot ane% that rese',les the %orking of the old
@0steries! so'ething that is descri,ed as an offering and de"otion of the %hole h'an ,eing! an
Page 8
o+ening ot of the %hole h'an ,eing %ithin his or her task3
The %ords 0o ha"e s+oken %old not ,e +rofondl0 tre if it %ere not entirel0 o,"iosGand
it is entirel0 o,"iosGthat in 0or circle of +riests this i'+lse is at %ork in +re in%ardness! the
i'+lse to gi"e one?s %hole h'anit0 as an offering to the %ork that 0o ha"e recogni<ed as ,eing
hol03 Before all the di"ine +o%ers %ho shine their light to lead or %ork I a' a,le to sa0D The %ords
0o ha"e said a,ot 0or enthsias' and de"otion to the task eA+ress the trth fll0! geninel0 and
honestl03 It has ,een a,ndantl0 o,"ios that the %hole circle of +riests is filled %ith the 'ost no,le
and in%ard effortG%ith all the inner s+iritalit0 h'an ,eings ha"eGto render the sacrifices that need
to ,e 'ade toda0 fll0 fritfl3 E"en no% it is +ossi,le to sa0 that %hat 0o ha"e done is the ,eginning
of so'ething that can ,ring satisfaction to the di"ine ,eing of the cos'os3 B0 sa0ing this I a' 'aking
an i'+ortant state'ent3
Jor %ork has re'ained %ithin 8er'an0! certainl03 Bt the reasons for this %ill in all +ro,a,ilit0 ,e
o"erco'e in the not too distant ftre3 Interest in the religios rene%al that %as ,rning in 0or hearts
%hen 0o ca'e to 'e here for the fonding of 0or +riestl0 %ork is taking hold of sols in %ides+read
regions otside 8er'an03 Ho% far it %ill ,e +ossi,le to go ,e0ond 8er'an0?s ,orders %ill de+end on
the inner strength 0o can ha"e %ithin 0o3
We cannot hel+ ,eing dee+l0 'o"ed in or hearts %hen %e think of ho% 0or 'o"e'ent %as
inagrated and initiated here t%o 0ears ago %ith the hol0 Act of 4onsecration of @an in the "er0 hall
%here the fla'es %ere first seen %hich then destro0ed or ,elo"ed 8oethean'3
As 0o see! that is
the s+ot %here the earth is no% 'ost dee+l0 scarred3 Bt throgh 0or fine de"otion a ,eginning has
,een 'ade to%ards transfor'ing %hat took +lace in that roo'Gthe first to ,e ,0 ,0 the fla'esGinto
%hat is srel0 a hol0 deed for In earth3 If 0o contine %ith the sacred <eal that first took In of 0o! the
i'+lses %ithin 0or circle of +riests %ill contine to de"elo+ in the right %a03
Ha"ing gathered once again at this +lace! %e shall ha"e i'+ortant 'atters to address in the light and
in the %ar'th that ha"e co'e to s throgh the 4hrist'as Fondation 4onference like a kind of
co'+ensation for or earthl0 losses3 We shall consider %hat cold ,e a genine hel+ to 0o in taking
frther 0or i'+lses of sol3
This ti'e %e shall endea"or to allo% orsel"es to ,e a++roached ,0 the +rofond content of the
Book of Re"elation3 Taking the Book of Re"elation as or +oint of de+artre! %e shall endea"or to
,ring ,efore or sols all that at this 'o'ent in ti'e is es+eciall0 i'+ortant for 0or +riesthood3 B0
looking at the Book of Re"elation in +articlar! %e shall ,e a,le to centre all or %ork here on the Act
of 4onsecration of @an! %hich is %hat gi"es 0or +riestl0 %ork its 'eaning and +r+ose3 We shall
ha"e ,efore s on the one hand the Act of 4onsecration of @an and on the other the Book of
Toda0 alread0 %e shall gi"e a ,rief hint a,ot ho% %e %ant to inagrate this! ho% %e %ant to
inagrate the %ork of 0or +riestl0 'o"e'ent3 We shall sa"e %hat arises in direct connection %ith the
needs of 0or %ork as +riests! %hat needs to ,e said a,ot the +racticalities of 0or +riestl0 %ork! or
a,ot a re"ie% of the +ast and a +ros+ect for the ftreG%e shall sa"e all these things for 'o'ents
%hen the0 fit natrall0 %ith the inner as+ect of or considerations3 Toda0 I %ill ,egin ,0 telling 0o
ho% %e shall take or %ork for%ard o"er the neAt fe% da0s3
Let 'e first greet all of 0o %holeheartedl0 in the na'e of all those +o%ers %ho ha"e ,roght 0o
together here %ho! as 0o kno%! are the 'ltitdes of +o%ers %ho follo% 4hrist3 @a0 the0 gi"e the
right religios i'+lses! the right theological insight and the right i'+lses for toda0 in %orking %ith a
clts that 0o %ant to ado+t religiosl0! theologicall0 and cere'oniall0 in the dee+est 4hristian sense3
Page 9
This is the sense in %hich %e %ant to ,e together and this is the sense in %hich the %ork %e are a,ot
to ndertake together is to ,e sha+ed3
We ,egin ,0 +ointing ot so'ething great in or ti'e! so'ething great that consists in an entirel0
ne% attitde of the h'an sol to%ards that %hich co'es a,ot throgh a +riestl0 action3 What is
+resent in the action of the +riest %hen the Act of 4onsecration of @an is cele,rated is so'ething that
h'an ,eings ha"e al%a0s soght! for as long as there has ,een a h'anit0 on the earth3
If %e %ant to nderstand the light in %hich the Act of 4onsecration of @an 'st a++ear toda0 for
the +riest cele,rating it and for the la0+erson recei"ing it! %e 'st first consider %hat the Act of
4onsecration of @an has 'eant! 'eans no% and %ill 'ean in h'an e"oltion on earth as ti'e 'o"es
on3 Bt if there is to ,e an nderstanding of %hat the Act of 4onsecration of @an is toda0 %hile it is
,eing cele,rated! %e 'st! fro' another angle! also ,e filled %ith the tre content of %hat 2ohn!
initiated ,0 4hrist hi'self! %anted to gi"e to 4hristian +osterit0 throgh his Book of Re"elation3
*trictl0 s+eaking the t%o ,elong togetherGa fitting fra'e of 'ind in cele,rating the Act of
4onsecration of @an! and a fitting fra'e of 'ind in i',ing oneself %ith the s,stance of the Book of
For the 'o'ent! let s set aside the s+ecific for' of A+ocal0+se or re"elation gi"en to 4hristians in
2ohn?s Book of Re"elation3 Let s se the ter' ?a+ocal0+se? to 'ean all occlt trths ,esto%ed on
h'anit0 in order to gi"e it a geninel0 +riestl0 i'+lse for its frther e"oltion3 A great deal can ,e
enco'+assed ,0 the conce+t of a+ocal0+se %hich a++ears in a concentrated s''ar0 in 2ohn?s Book of
Re"elation in a for' that is attned to the 4hrist3 Whene"er a+ocal0+se or re"elation has ,een soght it
has al%a0s ,een nderstood that co'+rehending a+ocal0+se +rofondl0 and fll0 %as onl0 +ossi,le
%hen one %as standing entirel0 %ithin the act of consecration of 'an3
@ch %ill ,eco'e clearer if %e ,egin ,0 stating that there %ere! in the +ast! @0steries %hich I shall
call the ancient @0steries3 Rather than going into the 'atter of s+ecific dates! I %ant in this
introdction si'+l0 to descri,e the for sccessi"e stages of the @0steries3 There %ere ancient
@0steries! there %ere se'i$ancient @0steries! there %ere se'i$ne% @0steries and %e are no% at the
+oint at %hich ne% @0steries %ill ,egin3 We ths ha"e for stages of e"oltion in the nderstanding
h'an ,eings ha"e for a+ocal0+se or re"elation and for an act of consecration of 'an3
Looking at the ancient @0steries %hich eAisted a'ongst h'an ,eings in the distant da%n of h'an
e"oltion on the earth and %hich had the task of ,ringing to h'an ,eings e"er0thing that %as hol0!
tre and ,eatifl! %e can sa0D The essential as+ect of the ancient @0steries %as the %a0 the gods
descended fro' their di"ine thrones and ca'e do%n to h'an ,eings! and the %a0 those h'an ,eings
%ho ,ore the +riestl0 office %ithin the @0steries associated face to face! ,eing to ,eing! %ith the gods3
2st as h'an ,eings toda0 associate %ith one another ,eing to ,eing! so in the @0steries of those
ancient ti'es did the gods associate %ith h'an ,eings and h'an ,eings %ith the gods3
As there are natral la%s that are "alid in ti'e! so are there also +ri'e"al! eternal la%s that do not!
ho%e"er! infringe h'an freedo'3 A'ong these +ri'e"al! eternal la%s there are so'e that relate to
ho% the gods associate %ith h'an ,eings3 These +ri'e"al! eternal la%s ca'e into +la0 %hen in the
ancient @0steries of earliest h'an eAistence the gods the'sel"es associated %ith h'an ,eings! and
%hen all teachings recei"ed ,0 h'an ,eings ca'e a,ot ,et%een the di"ine teachers and the h'an
,eings the'sel"es3 When the clts ,roght the s+ersensi,l0 +o%erfl gods to ,e there a'id the
cele,rants! this %as %hen so'ething %as attained in the ancient @0steries that has al%a0s gi"en
'eaning to an act of consecration of 'an! na'el0 the Trans,stantiation3 What! thogh! %as
Trans,stantiation in the ancient @0steriesP
Page 10
In the ancient @0steries! Trans,stantiation %as %hat the gods regarded as the lti'ate throgh
%hich the0 entered into association %ith h'an ,eings3 The cere'onies %ere deter'ined in accordance
%ith the +ri'e"al! eternal la%s I 'entioned Ost no%3 Ot of certain stellar constellations that %ere
kno%n to genine ancient astrolog0! and ot of the coincidence of these constellations %ith conditions
that can ,e deter'ined ,0 h'an ,eings! the %a0 %as o+ened fro' the gods to h'an ,eings and fro'
h'an ,eings to the gods3
If 0o can get an o"er"ie% of ancient chronolog0 0o %ill find that there are "arios chronologies!
so'e! for eAa'+le! that reckon %ith ;(/ da0s and others that reckon %ith ;6( da0s3 Lea+ da0s and lea+
%eeks %ere inserted into these chronologies to co'+ensate for the non$co'+ati,ilit0 of h'an
calclations %ith the +rogress of the cos'os3 What h'an ,eings %ere a,le to calclate ne"er #ite
confor'ed %ith the actal +rogress of the cos'os3 *o'e%here or other there %as al%a0s a s'all
re'ainder3 The +riests of the ancient @0steries +aid +articlar attention to those s'all re'ainders that
occrred %here h'an chronolog0 did not confor' to the +rogress of the cos'os3 B0 di"iding the 0ear
into 'onths and %eeks! the0 laid do%n certain +eriods %hen this non$confor'it0 %as +articlarl0
cons+icos! so that after se"eral lnar 'onths there %ere al%a0s a fe% da0s left ,efore the ne% 0ear
*o'eone %ho %ants to gain an nderstanding of the +rogress of h'an e"oltion %old do %ell to
look closel0 at those +eriods %hen h'an ,eings! ,0 inserting da0s or %eeks like this! sed this to
eA+ress the non$confor'it0 of h'an calclations %ith the +rogress of the cos'osGthose +eriods
%hich the +riests then regarded as hol0 %eeks3 In those hol0 %eeks %hich sed to 'ake it o,"ios that
the thinking of the gods is different fro' the thinking of h'an ,eings! in those ti'es that sed to
'ake this non$confor'it0 o,"ios! it is +ossi,le! if the heart of the gods is in har'on0 %ith the heart of
h'an ,eings! for the +ath to ,e fond that leads fro' the gods to h'an ,eings and fro' h'an
,eings to the gods3
The 'o'ent %hen the gods entered into the @0steriesGthis %as so'ething +eo+le %ere a,le to
o,ser"e throgh the ancient astrolog0 %hich ena,led the' to nderstand it in the right %a03 At the end
of each 0ear! or at the end of a 'oon c0cle of -7 0ears! or at the end of other +eriods! there %ere al%a0s
hol0 ti'es that signified the non$confor'it0! the ,orderline! ,et%een h'an intelligence and di"ine
intelligence! hol0 ti'es %hen the +riests in the @0steries %ere a,le to recogni<e that the gods cold
find their %a0 to the' and that h'an ,eings cold find their %a0 to the gods3
It %as in sch ti'es that the +riests of old soght to +reser"e the effecti"e forces of sn and 'oon in
the s,stances %ith %hich the0 cele,rated the act of consecration of 'an! so that %hat the0 had
recei"ed in the hol0 ti'es cold ,e s+read ot o"er all the other +arts of the 0ear %hen the0 %old need
to cele,rate3 The0 also +reser"ed %hat the gods had 'ade ot of the earth?s s,stances and forces
dring the hol0 ti'es3 The0 ke+t the %ater fro' those ti'es! the 'ercrial ele'ent! so that at other
ti'es of the 0ear the0 %old ,e a,le to cele,rate the act of consecration of 'an in sch a %a0 that it
%old contain the Trans,stantiation in the %a0 the gods the'sel"es had done it in those acts of
consecration of 'an that had taken +lace in the ?dead ti'es?! as the0 called the'! the ti'es that %ere
Ths in those ancient @0steries! in ti'es %hen the cos'ic langage! not the h'an langage! %as
crrent a'ongst h'an ,eings! +eo+le soght to 'ake contact %ith the gods %ho then descended into
the @0steries and %ho on each occasion 'ade hol0 once 'ore the act of consecration of 'an3 On each
occasion! too! an nderstanding of a+ocal0+tic things %as ,esto%ed +on the h'an ,eings %ho
cele,rated the act of consecration of 'an3 This is ho% the great trths %ere taght in those ancient
ti'es %hen ,eing in the 'idst of the act of consecration of 'an 'eant ,eing filled %ith a+ocal0+tic
Page 11
s,stance3 The act of consecration of 'an is the +ath of kno%ledgeF a+ocal0+se! re"elation! is the
content of the hol0 kno%ledge3
No% %e co'e to the se'i$ancient @0steries! those @0steries of %hich at least a faint shi''er
re'ained in historical ti'es3 HOf those that I ha"e descri,ed as the ancient @0steries nothing historical
re'ainsF the0 can ,e researched onl0 ,0 s+irital science3I The ti'e had co'e %hen the gods %ithdre%
fro' h'an ,eings and no longer descended into the @0steries %ith their o%n ,eingF ,t the0
contined to send do%n their forces3 It %as the ti'e %hen the act of consecration of 'an %as to recei"e
throgh the Trans,stantiation that shining light of the di"ine that %as intended al%a0s to ill'ine the
act of consecration of 'an3
The Trans,stantiation %as no% no longer acco'+lished throgh learning fro' astrological
o,ser"ation of cos'ic +rocesses a,ot %hich s,stances and forces shold flo% into the cele,ration of
the Trans,stantiation3 No% the secret %as soght in a different %a03 The inner natre es+eciall0 of
%hat the old alche'ists called ?lea"ens? %as taken +3 A lea"ening agent is a s,stance that has reached
a s+ecific age %hile ha"ing gone throgh "arios stages of ,ringing a,ot transfor'ations in other
s,stances %ithot changing its o%n s,stance3 To 'ake an e"er0da0 co'+arison %e need onl0 think
of ho% ,read is ,aked3 The +rinci+le is the sa'e3 Jo sa"e a s'all +iece of 0or +re"ios ,atch of
dogh and add it to the ne% ,atch as a lea"ening agent3 I'agine ho% in the se'i$ancient @0steries
age$old s,stances! ha"ing retained their o%n inner s,stantialit0 throgh the ages %hile other
s,stances %ere ndergoing transfor'ation! %ere stored in hol0 "essels that %ere the'sel"es ancient
and hol0 o,Oects! "enera,le o,Oects in the @0steries3
Fro' these ancient "essels %ere taken the s,stances that %ere the lea"ening agents %ith %hich the
Trans,stantiation of the old! still hol0 alche'0 %as +erfor'ed3 Peo+le in those da0s kne%D The
initiated +riest nderstands the transfor'ation! the Trans,stantiation taking +lace throgh the forces
+reser"ed in the s,stancesF he kno%s that the0 send forth sn$radiance in the hol0 #art<$cr0stal
"essels3 What %as looked for in the'! the reason the0 %ere needed! %as that the0 %ere seen to ,e the
cele,rant?s organ of +erce+tion for a+ocal0+se! for re"elation3
The follo%ing %as so'ething that took +lace in those se'i$ancient @0steriesD The +riest %as tested
at the 'o'ent %hen he a++roached the hol0 +lace and the ancient lea"ening agents ,egan to transfor'
the s,stances in the hol0 #art<$cr0stal "essels in sch a %a0 that he cold see in those "essels ho%
the s,stances sent forth sn$radiance3 The "essel containing the little sn %as a 'onstrance3 It %as a
Host sch as can onl0 ,e recreated in i'itation no%ada0s3 The 'o'ent %hen he sa% the sn$radiance
of the Host %as the 'o'ent in %hich he ,eca'e a +riest in his inner ,eing3 HPlate -I
No%ada0s in the 4atholic chrch! e"er0one going to hnch sees the consecrated Host! for no% it is
no 'ore than a s0',ol for %hat it once %as3 In those da0s! ho%e"er! onl0 those indi"idals %ere
genine +riests %ho ,eheld the consecrated Host in that the0 sa% a sn$radiance in the s,stances that
had ,een +reser"ed3 At sch a 'o'ent their kno%ing %as o+en to recei"e that %hich is a+ocal0+tic3
NeAt ca'e those @0steries of %hich the @ass of 'ore recent ti'es is a reflection3 The 4atholic
@ass! the Ar'enian @ass and other @asses ha"e de"elo+ed in a "er0 co'+licated %a0 ot of the se'i$
ne% @0steries3 Althogh the0 ha"e no% ,eco'e eAternal! these @asses still hear %ithin the' the fll
+rinci+le of initiation3 In the ancient @0steries the gods %ere +resentF in the se'i$ancient @0steries the
forces of the gods %ere +resent3 In +lace of these there ca'e into the se'i$ne% @0steries %hat h'an
,eings can +ercei"e %hen the Word a%akens in the'! the 'agical Word! the Word in %hich in%ardness
resonds! the Word that +enetrates into the de+ths of nderstanding concerning the inner ,eing of the
sonds of s+eech3 For in the age of the se'i$ne% @0steries h'an s+eech %as OAta+osed %ith the
Page 12
s+eech of the clts! that cltic s+eech of %hich a last re'nant re'ains in the different religios creeds3
In it! e"er0thing de+ends on rh0th'! on the inner nderstanding of the sonds of s+eech! on the
nderstanding of ho% the sonds of s+eech e'anating fro' the 'oth of the +riest enter in%ardl0 into
h'an hearts3 The 'agical Word! the cltic Word s+oken in the hol0 +lace %as the first %a0 +%ards to
the gods or! initiall0! to the forces of the gods3
First age of h'anit0D
ancient @0steriesGthe gods descend3
*econd age of h'anit0D
se'i$ancient @0steriesGthe gods send do%n their forces3
Third age of h'anit0D
se'i$ne% @0steriesF the h'an ,eing learns the 'agical s+eech and in intoning the
'agical s+eech ,egins to ascend to the forces of the di"ine %orld3
That %as the 'eaning of all that %as intoned in the act of consecration of 'an dring the third age
of the @0steries3 It %as the ti'e %hen the ele'ent of the 4a,eiri +ro"ided the conte'+orar0 religios
clts li"ing in the @0steries3 The ser"ices! the sacrifices of the 4a,eiri! %hich %ere cele,rated at
*a'othrace! are a +art of all that is cere'onial in the se'i$ne% @0steries! a +art of all the cere'onies
the +riest had to +erfor'3
I'agine the altar of the 4a,eiri at *a'othrace3 The 4a,eiri standing on it as eAternal re'inders
%ere offering "essels! Oars in %hich %ere contained! not lea"ening agents no%! ,t s,stances %hich
h'an nderstanding cold find it %as a,le to del"e into the inner s+irital natre of the s,stance3 The
sacrificial s,stances in the Oars %ere set alight! the s'oke rose +! and in the ascending s'oke the
'agical s+eech 'ade "isi,le the I'agination of that %hich the Word intoned3 Ths the +ath +%ards to
the di"ine +o%ers ,eca'e eAternall0 "isi,le in the sacrificial s'oke3
That %as the third stage in the
e"oltion of the @0steries and in %hat is contained for h'an ,eings in the act of consecration of 'an3
Althogh these first stages ha"e ,eco'e decadent! a good 'an0 of their eAternal as+ects ha"e ,een
+reser"ed3 In that 'o'ent o"er there in the no% ,rnt$do%n 8oethean' %hen 0o inagrated a ne%
+riesthood in the 'o"e'ent for it 4hristian rene%al! in that 'o'ent a ne% age of the @0steries ,egan!
a ne% age for the Act of 4onsecration of @an and for an nderstanding of a+ocal0+se! of re"elation3
To'orro% %e shall ,egin to s+eak a,ot %hat 'st no% strea' throgh 0or hearts in order to flfil
+ro+erl0 the forth stage of the @0steries3
&ornach! 6 *e+te',er -.)/
We shall first look 'ore closel0 at the connection ,et%een the Act of 4onsecration of @an and %hat
is 'eant ,0 a+ocal0+se! or re"elation! ,efore considering 2ohnKs Book of Re"elation itself! and its
significance for the +resent and ftre %ork of the +riest3
Jesterda0 it %as or task to +oint to three +ast ages in the @0steries in so far as the0 soght to se
%hat took +lace %ithin the +riest in order to trans+ort hi' into an a+ocal0+tic 'ood3 We s+oke of "er0
ancient @0steries in %hich the gods the'sel"es descended in order to %ork in the @0steries together
Page 13
%ith h'an ,eings3 We also s+oke of se'i$ancient @0steries in %hich the gods sent do%n their forces!
so that ,0 li"ing in these di"ine forces h'an ,eings ,eca'e a,le to %ork together %ith the gods in the
I +ointed ot that the +ath ,egan to lead in the o++osite direction in the third age! that of the se'i$
ne% @0steries3 Here the h'an ,eing sha+ed the forces! %hich he first had to de"elo+ hi'self! in sch
a %a0 that the0 cold lead + to the gods3 We see ho% ,0 intoning the 'agical Word in the cere'onial
of the cltsG%hether ,0 s+eaking the 'agical Word into the s'oke as 'entioned 0esterda0! casing
the I'agination to a++ear in the s'oke throgh the Word! or %hether the Word itself li"ed directl0 in
the h'an ,eingKs %hole 'ood of solGthe h'an ,eing soght the +ath to the di"ine! s+irital forces
of the cos'os in sch a %a0 that it %as in the Word that one sa% the %orking of the di"ine s+irital
This de"elo+ing of a s+ecific religios sense ,0 h'an ,eingsGso'ething that can onl0 ,e
descri,ed se+aratel0G%as al%a0s +aralleled ,0 the necessar0 +recondition for itD a +articlar for' of
Trans,stantiation that %as the focal +oint of the hol0 act of consecration of 'an3 Priests toda0 and in
he near ftre are called +on to eA+erience this Trans,stantiation! and %ith it e"er0thing trl0
,elonging to the %ork of the +riest! in a ne% for'3 This %ill not easil0 ,e +ossi,le %ithot a thorogh
nderstanding of %hat Trans,stantiation and a+ocal0+se consist of in real life in the for sccessi"e
ages of h'an e"oltion3
We ha"e seen the one as+ectD The Act of 4onsecration of @anGinclding the Trans,stantiationG
is a deed condcted ,0 a h'an ,eing in colla,oration %ith the di"ine! s+irital %orld3 To %ork as a
+riest is i'+ossi,le if there is no a%areness of the fact that a h'an ,eing can act in consort %ith the
Let s look again at the oldest for' of the act of consecration of 'an and the oldest for' of ,ringing
a,ot the Trans,stantiation3 We see that the ti'es %hen the gods find then %a0 to h'an ,eings are
those that re+resent the difference ,et%een %hat h'an ,eings can calclate as the se#ence of the
seasons in the corse of the 0ear and %hat takes +lace in the cos'os3 The gods descended in those hol0
+eriods of ti'e that %ere as thogh set aside! those hol0 +eriods into %hich h'an ,eings had to insert
so'ething ,ecase the corse of the cos'os did not confor' %ith their calclations3 &ring those
+eriods %hen h'an ,eings had to +lace the'sel"es directl0 nder the inflence of the cos'os in order
to carr0 ot the Trans,stantiation! the0 +reser"ed so'ething of the s,stances that %ere then
transfor'ed ,0 the cos'os so that the0 %old ,e a,le to se the' to ,ring a,ot the Trans,stantiation
in s,se#ent seasons3
The a++ro+riate +lace for the +riests and la0+eo+le to ,e %hen the Trans,stantiation %as to ,e
,roght a,ot %as nder the grond! in ca"es in the cliffs3 In the ti'es of the ancient @0steries %hen
fll consciosness of the +resence of the gods and the 'eaning of the Trans,stantiation %as
de"elo+ed! %e see e"er0%here that +eo+le endea"ored to hold the hol0 cere'on0 in rock te'+les! in
s,terranean te'+les3
The fact that the0 endea"ored to do this is connected %ith the eA+eriences the +riests had dring
the Trans,stantiation3 In Trans,stantiation the s,stantialit0 of earthl0 'atter is transfor'ed3 Indeed!
the o"erall +rocess incldes that of taking into oneKs o%n ,od0 the s,stance that has ndergone
Trans,stantiation! so that in this sense the last t%o 'ain +arts of the Act of 4onsecration of @anGthe
Trans,stantiation and the 4o''nionGfor' a nit! %ith the 8os+el Reading and the Offertor0 ,eing
the +re+aration3 If %e regard the Trans,stantiation and the 4o''nion as a single +riestl0 act in this
%a0! a single act %ithin the cere'onial of the clts! %e can +oint to the inter+retation ado+ted ,0 those
Page 14
in the 'ost ancient @0steries %ho %ere kno%n as the LFathersK3 This %as a degree attained in
initiation! the degree of LFatherK3 This designation! LFatherK! re'ains to this da0 the na'e of the +riests
in 'an0 confessions3
When cele,rating the Trans,stantiation in the s,terranean te'+le! the rock te'+le! the +riest
eA+erienced ho% his +h0sical organis' ,eca'e one %ith the %hole earth3 That is %h0 te'+les in the
rocks! s,terranean te'+les! %ere sed3 E"en %hen %e li"e ,et%een ,irth and death in or ordinar0
earthl0 consciosness %e 'st! after all! in realit0 feel orsel"es to ,e one %ith the cos'os all arond
s3 This is ho% it has ,een throghot the %hole earthl0 e"oltion of h'anit03
The air 0o no% ha"e inside 0or ,od0 %as a 'o'ent ago otside it! and in another short 'o'ent it
%ill ,e otside it again3 The air inside 0or ,od0 for's a totalit0 %ith the air otside 0or ,od03 The
%hole +heno'enon goes like thisD There is an ocean of air! and %hen 0o ,reathe in! a +art of this
ocean of air is transfor'ed into 0o3 The air is inhaled! it see+s into e"er0 last crann0! entirel0 filling
0o and ,eco'ing a h'an for'3 This h'an for' dissol"es once 'ore into the ocean of air %hen 0o
,reathe ot3 The aerifor' h'an ,ring constantl0 co'es into ,eing and dies a%a0 again! onl0 %e are
na%are that this is ha++ening3
When ancient Indian 0ogis did their ,reathing eAercises consciosl0 the0 %ere a%are of %hat %as
ha++ening3 The0 did not feel se+arate fro' the earthKs ocean of airF the0 felt at one %ith itF in e"er0
s0stole and diastole the0 felt a continos co'ing into ,eing and d0ing a%a0 of the aerifor' h'an
,eing3 This can ,e felt #ite easil0 'erel0 ,0 carr0ing ot ,reathing eAercises! onl0 it is no longer an
a++ro+riate thing for +eo+le to do these da0s3
The h'an ,eing in the +h0sical %orld is not solel0 an earthl0 h'an ,eing3 He is an earthl0 h'an
,eing %hen %hat %e call the +h0sical ,od0 is 'ainl0 at %ork in hi'! ,t he is also a flid h'an
,eing3 The %hole h'an ,eing is filled %ith circlating flid! so the earthl0 h'an ,eing and the flid
h'an ,eing %ork on each other and inflence one another 'tall03 The flid h'an ,eing is 'ainl0
de+endent on the ether ,od0! for the forces of the ether ,od0 %ork less in %hat is solid and 'ore in
%hat is flid3
In addition %e also ha"e %ithin s the aerifor' h'an ,eing and the %ar'th h'an ,eing3 The
aerifor' h'an ,eing %ho takes care of ,reathing is nder the inflences of the astral ,od0! and the
%ar'th h'an ,eing is chiefl0 inflenced ,0 the %orking of the LIK$organi<ation3 Jo need onl0
consider the different degrees of heat 0o find %hen 0o take the te'+eratre of different +arts of 0or
,od0! eAternall0 or internall03 E"en this rather coarse 'ethod of 'easring te'+eratre sho%s the
h'an ,eing to ,e a differentiated %ar'th organis'3
*o %e find all for ele'ents in the h'an ,eingD earth inflenced ,0 the +h0sical ,od0! %ater
inflenced ,0 the ether ,od0! air inflenced ,0 the astral ,od0! and heat! fire! inflenced ,0 the LIK$
What ha++ened %ith the ancient LFathersK throgh the Trans,stantiation co',ined %ith the
4o''nion %as that the0 felt their +h0sical organi<ation in its links %ith the earth %hen the0 %ent
do%n into the rock or s,terranean te'+le in order to ,eco'e one %ith this earthl0 e"oltion3
E"er0thing +eo+le toda0 think a,ot the natre of their o%n ,eingGthe0 think Lscientificall0K! so
the0 sa0Gis in fact entirel0 %rong! or indeed nonsense! for actall0 %e ha"e to ha"e #ite different
inner +ictres of the h'an ,eing3 These inner +ictres are %hat arose for the ancient LFathersK fro'
the hol0 sacrifice for the consecration of 'an throgh a direct "ision ,roght a,ot ,0 the
Trans,stantiation3 The0 kne% that %e not onl0 ,reathe air throgh or res+irator0 organs! ,t also
ceaselessl0 take in all kinds of s,stances fro' the cos'os throgh or sense organsF throgh or hair!
Page 15
throgh or skin all kinds of s,stances are ceaselessl0 a,sor,ed fro' the cos'os3 2st as so'eone
,reathing consciosl0 feels the air ,eing scked into his res+irator0 organs! so did the +riest in ancient
ti'es feel the s,stances fro' the silica$en"iron'ent! in %hich he fond hi'self in the s,terranean
te'+le of consecration! entering and filling his organi<ation of ner"es and senses3 2st as the aerifor'
h'an ,eing feels the air 'o"ing on %hen he ,reathes consciosl0! so do these s,stances fill the
%hole organis'3 The +riests in ancient ti'es kne% that or s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s recei"es
nothing into its 'ake$+ fro' %hat %e eat3 Nothing of %hat %e eat goes into or s0ste' of li',s and
*,stances are a,sor,ed ot of the cos'os3 Toda0Ks %hole theor0 of ntrition is ntre3 The
LFatherK! as he cele,rated! felt %hat is eaten and transfor'ed ,0 the digesti"e s0ste' 'o"ing + fro'
the 'eta,olic h'an ,eing into the h'an ,eing of ner"es and senses! es+eciall0 the head3 He kne%D
What I eat is transfor'ed in 'e into the s,stance of '0 head and all that is connected %ith itF %hat
,ilds the organs in 'e that take care of 'eta,olis' is a,sor,ed fro' the cos'os throgh a 'ore
s,tle for' of ,reathing3 He felt the s,stances of the cos'os ,eing taken in fro' all sides throgh
senses and ner"es and then going on to constitte his s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s3 He felt the
do%n%ard strea'ing flo% that originates fro' all the directions of the cos'os and strea's into his
organis' fro' a,o"e do%n%ards3 And he felt ho% %hat %e take in directl0 in the for' of food is first
transfor'ed %ithin or ,od0 ,efore trning in the o++osite direction and going to constitte or ++er
h'an ,eing3
As he cele,rated the Trans,stantiation! the LFatherK had t%o strea's %ithin hi'! one flo%ing
+%ards! the other do%n%ards3 When he then +roceeded to the 4o''nion he kne%! throgh ha"ing
,eco'e conscios of his +h0sical ,od0 in these strea's! that he %as linked to the cos'os3 What he had
Ost recei"ed throgh cele,rating at the altar he incor+orated into the do%n%ard and +%ard flo%ing
strea's %ithin hi'F ha"ing ,eco'e one %ith the earth! he incor+orated %hat he had +re+ared on the
altar into the strea's %hich ,elonged ,oth to the earth and to his ,od0! he incor+orated it into the
di"ine on earth! %hich is a 'irror of the ni"erse3 He kne% hi'self to ,e at one %ith the ni"erse! %ith
that %hich %as otside of hi'3 He kne% that this @eal! of %hich he had +artaken in this %a0! %as a
@eal ,eing sole'ni<ed ,0 his cos'ic h'an ,eing3 Throgh %hat %as flo%ing into the +%ard and the
do%n%ard strea's he felt ,rgeoning %ithin hi'self the di"ine h'an ,eing %ho %as +er'itted to ,e
a co'+anion for the gods %ho had descended3 He felt that he %as ,eing transfor'ed into a di"ine
h'an ,eing! that he hi'self %as ,eing trans,stantiated ,0 the gods in his +h0sical ,od03 This %as the
'o'ent at %hich he s+oke fro' the dee+est de+ths of his heartD I a' not no% the one %ho %alks a,ot
in the +h0sical %orldF I a' the one in %ho' the god %ho has descended is li"ingF I a' the One %hose
na'e co'+rises all the sonds of s+eech! the One %ho %as in the ,eginning! %ho is in the 'iddle and
%ho shall ,e at the end3 I a' the Al+ha and the O'ega3
On the %a0 his inner ,eing took for'! throgh his 'anner of feeling all these things! de+ended the
degree to %hich he %as actall0 a,le to +artici+ate in the secrets of the cos'os! in the di"ine %orking
and creating in the cos'os! in the re"elation of forces and s,stances and ,eings in the cos'os nder
the inflence of di"ine! s+irital creati"it03 This %as %hat it 'eant to do the %ork of the +riest in the
ancient @0steries3
In the se'i$ancient @0steries the te'+les %ere no longer ,ilt ndergrondGor if the0 %ere! this
%as done ot of tradition no longer nderstoodF the tradition li"ed on ,t the li"ing content %as lost3 In
the te'+les that had no% risen to the srface of the earth great i'+ortance %as attached to e"er0thing
to do %ith consecrated %ater! %ith a,ltions and other cele,rations in"ol"ing %ater3
These traditions still li"e on in the %a0 ,a+tis' is +erfor'ed ,0 i''ersion in %ater3 What the +riest
Page 16
cele,rated %as no% less to do %ith the actal ele'ent and 'ore %ith the fact that throgh the inner
strength ,roght to ,ear on the cele,ration the flid h'an ,eing! the one in %ho' the forces of the
ether ,od0 %ere at %ork! no% ,eca'e one %ith the ni"erse3 When the Trans,stantiation %as
achie"ed at that ti'e and %hen e"er0thing that +receded it and ca'e after it had to do %ith the flid
ele'ent in one %a0 or another! the h'an ,eing again felt ho% the organi<ation of the etheric ,od0 %as
%orking in hi'! te'+orall0 this ti'e3 Throgh the acco'+lish'ent of the Trans,stantiation the
h'an ,eing felt ho% his gro%th fro' childhood on%ards took sha+e nder the inflence of the flid
ele'ent! ho% it sha+ed itself 'ore and 'ore and ho% the ether ,od0 is at %ork in this strea'ing fro'
the +ast "ia the +resent and on into the ftre3
2st as throgh their +h0sical ,od0 the +riests of ancient li'es felt the'sel"es to ,e at one %ith the
earthl0 ele'ent! so did the one %ho cele,rated the Trans,stantiation in the se'i$ancient @0steries of
the second @0ster0 age feel at one %ith all that is %ater0 in the %hole cos'os3 Within hi'self he felt
the forces of gro%th of all li"ing things ger'inating! s+roting! gro%ing and nfrling to ,eco'e a
de"elo+ed organis'! and then contracting again into a seed3 In cele,rating the Trans,stantiation he
felt this s+roting! ,dding! li"ing! d0ing acti"it03 At e"er0 'o'ent he %as a,le to sa0 to hi'selfD No%
I kno% ho% ,eings arise in the %orld and ho% ,eings die in the %orld3 The rising and falling forces of
the etheric %ere acti"e in hi'3 Jo cold sa0 he sensed eternit0 in the hol0 Trans,stantiation3
Taking Trans,stantiation and 4o''nion once again as a single act of consecration! a single
cele,ration! the co''nicating +riest kne% that the s,stances transfor'ed in the %a0 descri,ed
0esterda0 %ere 'erging %ith his etheric! flid h'an ,eing3 He felt hi'self to ,e at one %ith all that
+reser"es i''ortalit0! that co'es into ,eing and dies a%a0 again! that is ,orn and dies in the ni"erse3
Birth and death drifted a,o"e the altar and do%n%ards fro' the altar to%ards and a'ongst the throng
of the faithfl3 Feelings of eternit0 strea'ed throgh one! and it %as this ,eing$strea'ed$throgh ,0
feelings of eternit0 that took the +lace of %hat had ha++ened of old! %hen there had ,een a feeling of
,eing$at$one %ith the %hole cos'os throgh the earth3
When the third +eriod ca'e rond! the h'an ,eing %as to eA+erience consciosl0 throgh the hol0
act of consecration ho% he ,eca'e one %ith the air0 ele'ent! and throgh the air0 ele'ent %ith the
O"er in the Orient %hen an indi"idal stro"e in solitde as a 0ogi he sed a different 'ethod of
,eco'ing conscios of the strea' of di"ine! s+irital s+ersensi,le cos'ic forces in inhalation and
eAhalation3 He took a direct hold of the ,reath3 In Western Asia and! e"en 'ore so! frther %est in
Ero+e! there %as no direct taking hold of the ndifferentiated ,reathF here the 'agical Word %as
intoned into the ,reath3 Ths the ,reath! the air strea'ing into and ot of the h'an ,eing! %as taken
hold of in the 'agical Word! the cltic Word3 In this %a0 it ca'e a,ot that the +%ard effort of h'an
forces to%ards di"ine forces %as eA+erienced! %as re"ealed! either in %hat %as s+oken into the
sacrificial s'oke or directl0 throgh the intonation of the 'agical! cltic Word3 One felt as thogh one
%ere oneself intoning the 'agical! cltic Word! the %ords of the +ra0er3 On the %hole e"er0 +ra0er
'eans the follo%ing3 It 'eans that the h'an ,eing is endea"oring to rise + %ith his forces into the
di"ine! s+irital regionF there he 'eets %ith the gods3 And %hen he there intones the Word it is no
longer he %ho is s+eakingF it is the god %ho is s+eaking in the cltic Word! re"ealing hi'self in the air0
ele'ent3 Throgh his astral ,od0 the h'an ,eing felt hi'self to ,e %ithin %hat rles the forces of the
4onsider no% ho% tre'endos! ho% strong %as the transition fro' the se'i$ancient @0steries to
the se'i$ne% @0steries! fro' the second to the third age3 What the ancient LFathersK eA+erienced %as
eA+erienced in the +h0sical ,od03 It %as an intensification of the acti"it0 of the +h0sical ,od03 What the
Page 17
sn +riest in the second age eA+erienced %as an intensification of the ether ,od0! the flid h'an ,od03
What the +riest in the third age eA+erienced! %hen he intoned the cltic Word and felt the strea'ing of
the di"ine! s+irital forces! %as eA+erienced in the astral ,od03 For ordinar0 consciosness the astral
,od0 e"en then %as onl0 in the least +art a 'ediator of consciosness3 Onl0 in the earlier ti'es of the
third age %ere the +riests still a,le to sense in the 'agicall0 s+oken cltic WordD As I s+eak! the god is
s+eaking in 'e3 Bt this %aned3 In the %a0 it %orks the astral ,od0 re'ained nkno%n ,0
consciosness! %hich %as on the increase all the ti'e3 For toda0Ks consciosness it is entirel0
nkno%n3 Therefore! little ,0 little! the "er,al content of the clts ,eca'e so'ething that for the
chosen 'eant the +resence of the god! and for those not chosen 'erel0 an intonation of so'ething that
did not co'e into their consciosness3
This ,eca'e increasingl0 the case %ith a great n',er of +riests ser"ing in the 4atholic faith3 The
act of consecration of 'an! the @ass! trned gradall0 into so'ething cele,rated ,0 the +riest althogh
he hi'self %as no longer +resent in it3 One cannot! ho%e"er! cele,rate %ith these intoned Words
%ithot the incor+oration of air ,eings! or! in other %ords! %ithot the +resence of s+irit3 No%here is
there an0thing 'ateriall0 sha+ed in %hich s+irit does not i''ediatel0 take + its a,ode3 *o if the act of
consecration is cele,rated %ith the tre cltic Word! e"en ,0 the 'ost n%orth0 +riest! there is al%a0s
so'ething s+irital +resent! thogh +erha+s not his sol3 Therefore %hate"er ha++ens! the ,elie"ers are
+resent at a s+irital e"ent if the litrg0 is right3
Once this had ,eco'e increasingl0 decadent in the final stage of the third age! the 'ore rationall0
inclined deno'inations! the Protestant deno'inations! ,elie"ed the0 cold do %ithot cele,rating the
clts at all3 There %as no longer an0 a%areness of the significance of the clts! of the direct! real
colla,oration of h'an ,eings %ith the gods3 This led to the ti'es of inner eA+erience in %hich %e
no% li"e3 The act of consecration of 'an! %hich ,rings the di"ine! s+irital life directl0 do%n to the
earth! has gradall0 ,eco'e so'ething inco'+rehensi,le3 What oght to ,e eA+erienced throgh it!
na'el0 a+ocal0+se or re"elation! has ,eco'e inco'+rehensi,le3
*ch! ,asicall0! %ere the eA+eriences %hich those of 0o had had %ho ca'e one da0 and saidD There
'st ,e a 4hristian rene%al3 Jo eA+erienced %hat li"es in toda0Ks ci"ili<ation! %hat li"es in toda0Ks
religios lifeF 0o eA+erienced the religios life of all the deno'inations as ha"ing ,een se+arated off
fro' the genine! real s+irital %orld3 Jo %ere looking for the %a0 ,ack to the genine! real s+irital
We ha"e no% reached the +ointer that %ill lead s straight into the de+ths of the @0steries that are
connected %ith the Book of Re"elationD that the Trans,stantiation in the first age is linked to
eA+eriences 'ade %ith the +h0sical ,od0! in the second age to eA+eriences 'ade %ith the ether ,od0!
and in the third age to eA+eriences 'ade %ith the astral ,od03 It %ill de+end on 0o and on 0or inner
eA+erience of the %orking and %ea"ing of the s+irit in the %orld %hether the Act of 4onsecration and
%hether the Book of Re"elation %ill ,e taken hold of ,0 the h'an LIK3
*o a +ro+er nderstanding of the task to ,e flfilled throgh this 'o"e'ent for religios rene%al
%ill de+end on %hat has to ,e done ,eing directl0 seen as carr0ing ot a task s+ersensi,l0 allocated to
s! a task that +laces %hat it does at the ser"ice of the s+ersensi,le +o%ers3 What 0o do 'st either
+eter ot into nothingness! in %hich case it %ill ha"e ,een 'erel0 a kind of incon"enience in the
+resent e"oltion of the ni"erse! if 0o fail to gras+ the +rofond natre of 0or task3 Or 0o do gras+
the +rofond natre of 0or task! 0o do feel this task to ha"e ,een linked fro' the otset not %ith the
%ork of h'an ,eings ,t %ith the %ork of the gods throghot the earthKs e"oltion3 Jo %old then
ha"e to sa0 to 0orsel"esD We ha"e ,een s''oned to share in sha+ing the forth @0ster0 age of
h'an e"oltion on the earth3 Onl0 if 0o ha"e the corage! the strength! the seriosness and the
Page 18
+erse"erance to find 0or %a0 like this into 0or task! onl0 then %ill 0o ha"e +laced 0or task at the
ser"ice of those +o%ers %ho +er'itted the content of that clts to flo% do%n directl0 ot of the
s+irital %orld %hen %e %ere gathered here t%o 0ears ago3 Onl0 then %ill that %hich 0o ha"e taken
on throgh the content of this clts! a re"elation ot of the s+irital %orld %hich as sch ra0ed do%n
+on 0o! ,e real3
Then 0o %ill 'ore and 'ore feel and sense it to ,e tre that the 4hrist first entered into earthl0 life
throgh a cos'icall0 real! tellric deed3 The @0ster0 of 8olgotha eAists as a real deed3 The ti'e has
no% co'e for h'an ,eings to nite this %ith their LIK3 The earlier %a0 in %hich the Hol0 *++er %as
re'e',ered %as still i''ersed in the third @0ster0 age! the age %hen the astral ,od0 took in and
rled the effects of the clts that %ere acco'+lished in the air0 ele'ent3 No%! ho%e"er! it is necessar0
for h'an ,eings to nite their dee+est inner ,eing %ith the 4hrist in fll consciosness! and for the'
to ,egin to nderstand a+ocal0+se! re"elation in a ne% %a03
Ho% %as re"elation nderstood in the first @0ster0 ageP It %as eA+erienced as the +resence of the
gods %ho eAist at the ,eginning! in the 'iddle and at the end! %ho are Al+ha and O'ega3
Ho% %as the +resence of the di"ine +o%ers nderstood in the second @0ster0 ageP It %as
eA+erienced in %hat resonded throgh the ni"erse as the 'sic of the s+heres! in the cos'ic Word
strea'ing fro' hea"en to earth! the Word that has created e"er0thing! that is creating in e"er0thing!
that is ali"e in e"er0thing3 In that age +eo+le eA+erienced in an instant %hat is at the ,eginning! in the
'iddle and at the end3 The0 eA+erienced Al+ha and O'ega in the cos'ic! ni"ersal Word3 Whene"er in
these "arios ages 'ention %as 'ade of Al+ha and O'egaGsing different sonds of s+eech! +erha+s!
althogh ones fairl0 si'ilar to those of the 8reek langageGthere %as al%a0s the endea"or to
recogni<e %hat is reall0 contained in this Al+ha and O'ega! in this First and this Last3
Ho% %as re"elation! a+ocal0+se! nderstood in the third @0ster0 ageP It %as nderstood in that the
h'an ,eing nfolded the as 0et onl0 se'i$conscios cltic Word3 When the h'an ,eing intoned this
se'i$conscios cltic Word and this then trans,stantiated itselfG%hich I shall illstrate in a 'o'ent
Gthat is %hen a+ocal0+se! re"elation! %as +ercei"ed dring the third age3 Perha+s one of 0o! or
+erha+s 'ost of 0o! ha"e had a da0 %hen 0o %ere rece+ti"e %ith 0or senses and 0or sol to
i'+ressions fro' the otside %orld3 Perha+s 0o heard so'e 'sic and then %ent to slee+ still nder
the i'+ression of this 'sic! and then %oke + again in the 'idst of 0or slee+3 @a0,e 0o then felt as
thogh 0o %ere li"ing in a ,illo%ing! ,t a transfor'ed ,illo%ing! of the s0'+hon0 0o had heard
dring the da03 This is ho% it %as for the +riests dring the third @0ster0 age3 What ha++ened to the'
can ,e co'+ared %ith the ordinar0 eA+erience I ha"e Ost descri,ed3 The0 cele,rated the act of
consecration %ith the cltic Word! eA+eriencing ho% the god ,eca'e +resent in it3 The0 had sent the
cltic Word aloft! and the god had strea'ed into the cltic Word3 The0 de+arted fro' the hol0 act of
consecration in the 'ood in %hich it is fitting to de+art fro' it3 The0 eA+erienced in %hat had
ndergone trans,stantiation not onl0 the h'an cltic Word in %hich the di"ine s+irit had ,eco'e
+resentF the0 eA+erienced also ho% %hat the0 had s+oken had ,eco'e trans,stantiated! transfor'ed3
The0 eA+erienced strea'ing to%ards the' the s+ersensi,le echo of %hat the0 the'sel"es had intoned
in the litrg0 of the @ass! transfor'ed no%! and ,ringing re"elation! a+ocal0+se! to the'3 As a retrn
gift for the a++ro+riatel0 cele,rated act of consecration the god re"ealed a+ocal0+se3 This is ho%
a+ocal0+se %as sensed in the third @0ster0 age3
The indi"idal %ho felt hi'self to ha"e ,een 'ade a +riest throgh 4hrist 2ess hi'self! the %riter
of the Book of Re"elation %ith %hich %e shall ,e concerning orsel"es! %as the first to sense
so'ething that hardl0 an0 or onl0 a "er0 fe% others e"er eA+erienced again3 He sensed ho% the
a+ocal0+tic content ,eca'e a,sor,ed into his o%n LIK3 For it %as the astral ,od0 that a,sor,ed the echo
Page 19
I s+oke a,ot! %hen the god ga"e the a+ocal0+tic content as a retrn gift for the Word3
The one %ho %rote 2ohnKs Book of Re"elation felt his fll0 conscios LIK to ,e at one %ith the
content he %rote do%n in that Book3 Fro' the long$since eAtingished consecration ser"ice of E+hess
ca'e the ins+iring sti'ls for that +riest! the athor of the Book of Re"elation! %ho felt hi'self to
ha"e ,een anointed ,0 none other than 4hrist 2ess3 He felt hi'self to ,e %ithin a continos
cele,ration of the ancient! hol0 act of consecration3 In feeling his LIK to ,e entirel0 filled %ith the
'eaning of the act of consecration he no% also felt entirel0 filled %ith the a+ocal0+tic content3
The Book of Re"elation is s+oken ot of 2ohn as! in ordinar0 consciosness! onl0 the little %ord LIK
can ,e s+oken ot of the h'an ,eing3 When %e sa0 LIK %e eA+ress the %hole of or inner ,eing %ith
this se#ence of sonds3 This cannot denote an0thing other than the single! indi"idal h'an ,eing!
%ho is! ho%e"er! richl0 filled %ith content3 The content of the Book of Re"elation is a rich content3
If %e take e"er0thing that religios feeling and dee+ening can gi"e the sol! if all ill'ination
energeticall0 stri"en for! all endea"or to co'+rehend the s+ersensi,le! is allo%ed to %ork in the
h'an s+irit! if %e allo% orsel"es to ,e enthsed ,0 a conte'+lation of the three +ast @0ster0 ages! if
%hat li"ed in the first! second and third @0ster0 age can ,eco'e for s a li"ing ins+irer for the forth!
and if %e let the +o%er of 8odKs s+irit %ork in or sol in the %a0 that is once again +ossi,le toda0!
then shall %e eA+erience that #antitati"el0 here is not onl0 one Re"elation ,t as 'an0 Re"elations as
there are h'an LIKs de"oted to 8od! s+eaking fro' indi"idal +riests to 4hrist! %ho is to ,e fond
ane% throgh this 'o"e'ent for 4hristian rene%al3
In #alit0 the Book of Re"elation is ni#e! ,t #antitati"el0 it can ,eco'e the content of e"er0
indi"idal +riestKs sol3 4on"ersel0! the sol of e"er0 indi"idal %ho cele,rates the Act of 4onsecration
of @an can ,eco'e a +riestl0 sol ,0 +re+aring to identif0 the LIK %ith the content of the Book of
Re"elation3 As h'an ,eings %e are LIKsF %e ,eco'e +riests in the 'odern sense of the %ord if the
Book of Re"elation is not 'erel0 %ritten in the 8os+el! and also if the Book of Re"elation is not onl0
%ithin or hearts as a finished +iece of %riting! ,t if the LIK ,eco'es a%are of the fact that in e"er0
'o'ent of life it can throgh its o%n act of creation ,ring forth a re+rodction of the Book of
The follo%ing +erha+s so'e%hat +edantic or +hilistine +ictre %ill hel+ 0o to nderstand %hat I
'eanD *o'eone %rites do%n the content of a ,ook3 The ,ook is sent to the +rinters %here it is +rinted3
Then a gi"en n',er of co+ies! each one se+arate althogh the content is identical! is sent ot into the
%orld3 It is a ni#e thing to %hich 0or attention is dra%n at the ,eginning of the Book of Re"elation!
a ni#e thing that %as re"ealed to 2ohn ,0 4hrist hi'self3 For this is Lthe re"elation of 2ess 4hristK
recei"ed ,0 his ser"ant 2ohn3 HRe"3-!-I The content is ni#e! ,t it is re+rodced %hen each one
hi'self or herself ,rings it forth ot of the %isdo' of the s+ersensi,le %orlds3
This is %hat it 'eans to nderstand the Re"elation of 2ohn3 In the dee+er sense of the %ords it also
'eans nderstanding that the 4hrist has consecrated s and ths 'ade s +riests3 Jo ha"e felt %hat it
'eans %hen the a+ocal0+tist sa0s that 4hrist hi'self has anointed hi' a +riest3 Beco'ing anointed as a
+riest takes +lace %hen one feels ho% the content of the Book of Re"elation ca'e into ,eing in 2ohn3
When it is felt that these +eo+le of toda0! %ho %ant to ,eco'e +riests! do so throgh creating %ithin
the'sel"es the eA+erience of the LIK in the Re"elation! then the LIK ,eco'es a+ocal0+ticF then the LIK is
@ore of this to'orro%3
Page 20
&ornach! B *e+te',er -.)/

Jesterda0 %e looked at the significant trning$+oint that ca'e a,ot in h'an e"oltion ,ecase
fro' the third @0ster0 age on%ards the h'an ,eingKs +artici+ation in the cos'ic %orld throgh the
act of consecration of 'anGna'el0 in the Trans,stantiationGtook +lace in the astral ,od0! that
'e',er of the h'an ,eing %hich dring slee+! for ordinar0 consciosness! de+arts fro' the +h0sical
,od0 and %hich dring the ti'e of se+aration fro' the +h0sical ,od0 is not rece+ti"e to +erce+tions of
the srronding %orld3
Let s ,e clear a,ot ho% this astral ,od0 %orks in s toda03 It is the astral ,od0 that ,rings s the
thoghts a,ot or srrondings! the thoghts throgh %hich %e co'+rehend the %orld3 The 'o'ent
the astral ,od0 de+arts fro' or +h0sical and or etheric ,od0! the thoghts a,ot or srrondings are
no longer there3
This reali<ation can he s++le'ented ,0 adding that the LIK$organi<ation! the LIK in h'an ,eings as
the0 are constitted toda0! is the reci+ient of the sense i'+ressions3 The sense i'+ressions die a%a0
%hen the LIK$organi<ation %ithdra%s fro' the +h0sical and ether ,od03 Jo cold dra% it like thisD Here
is the h'an ,eingKs +h0sical ,od0! and here is his ether ,od03 HPlate )I &ring slee+ the astral ,od0
and the LIK$organi<ation are otside the'3 When %e are a%ake this LIK$organi<ation +ro"ides s %ith
sensations and sense i'+ressions3 The sense i'+ressions are not there %hen %e slee+ ,ecase the LIK$
organi<ation is not +resent in the +h0sical and ether ,odies and ,ecase the LIK$organi<ation is not
rece+ti"e to i'+ressions of or srrondings %hile %e are aslee+3 The astral ,od0 onl0 s++lies the
thoghts %hile it is in the +h0sical and ether ,od03 When it is otside these it is not sensiti"e for the
things of the %orld and does not s++l0 an0 i'+ressions3
In the third @0ster0 age! %hen the h'an ,eing Uthe +riestV %as to co'e into contact %ith the di"ine
s+irital ,eings throgh the cltic Word ,0 'eans of all the +re+arator0 eAercises! it %as this astral
,od0 that ,eca'e rece+ti"e to %orking ot the Trans,stantiation %ithin itself in the 4o''nion! and
throgh this %orking ot of the Trans,stantiation it ,eca'e rece+ti"e for a+ocal0+se! for re"elation3
Beginning %ith or +resent age! the sa'e kind of +rocess 'st no% take +lace in the LIK$
organi<ation of h'an ,eings3 This LIK$organi<ation 'st ,e constitted in a %a0 that ena,les it to
eA+erience the Trans,stantiation! e"en thogh in ordinar0 consciosness onl0 sense i'+ressions can
,e eA+erienced throgh it3 It 'st ,e constitted in a %a0 that ena,les it to +artici+ate in re"elation! in
a+ocal0+se! throgh the Trans,stantiation3
The h'an ,eing can indeed ,eco'e rece+ti"e to this toda0F the h'an ,eing can geninel0
,eco'e a +riest if he takes into hi'self inner +ictres that are tre s+irital i'ages of the s+ersensi,le
%orld3 B0 sa0ing this %e ha"e! ,asicall0! characteri<ed the inner connection ,et%een an esotericis'
that rightl0 eAists toda0 and that %hich 'st li"e in the sol of the +riest3 We ha"e characteri<ed %hat
can 'ake The 4hristian 4o''nit0 ,eco'e the ,earer of an i'+ortant +art of the ne% @0steries3 We
'st take accont! thogh! of ho% the Anthro+oso+h0 that is dra%ing near to h'an ,eings toda0 is
I ha"e often cited a certain i'age ,0 sa0ingD Peo+le toda0 are inclined to acce+t as kno%ledge
e"er0thing that can in an0 %a0 ,e s++orted ,0 eAternal +erce+tion! ,0 scientific eA+eri'ents3 The0 do
not %ant to acce+t as kno%ledge %hat cannot ,e s++orted ,0 eAternal +erce+tion or ,0 eA+eri'ent3
Bt +eo+le %ho ha"e this attitde rese',le so'eone %ho sa0sD E"er0 stone on the earth needs s++ort
Page 21
if it is not to fall do%nF therefore the +lanets in the ni"erse 'st also ,e s++orted so that the0 do not
fall do%n3 That the +lanets hold each other + in the ni"erse %ithot an0 s++orts is acce+ted as a
'atter of corse toda0! ,ecase this is taght traditionall0! on good athorit03 The fact! ho%e"er! that
anthro+oso+hical trths are sch that the0 do not need to ,e s++orted ,0 eAternal o,ser"ation or ,0
scientific eA+eri'ents ,t 'tall0 s++ort and carr0 one anotherGthis is %idel0 do,ted3
As soon as %e can acce+t that anthro+oso+hical trths are "alid ,ecase one sch trth s++orts
another! so that the trths gi"e each other 'tal s++ortG%hen the 'o'ent arri"es in %hich %e can
acce+t this %e can ,egin to desist fro' re+eating that nfortnate trn of +hrase %hich statesD *ince I
cannot as 0et see into the s+irital %orld! I cannot nderstand the content of Anthro+oso+h03 When this
'o'ent arri"es %e ,egin to nderstand Anthro+oso+h0 throgh the %a0 its trths s++ort one another!
and then %e can del"e 'ore dee+l0 into it3
This task of del"ing 'ore dee+l0 into the kno%ledge a,ot the s+irital %orld gi"en ,0
Anthro+oso+h0 is the task that can! and indeed 'st! lead the +riests to their inner +ath3 We need onl0
reali<e that the dis+osition! the attitde of sol %e enter into! %hen %e honestl0 take hold of
Anthro+oso+h0! is a fitting %a0 of a++roaching so'ething like the Book of Re"elation3 The Book of
Re"elation is ni#e! ,t as I allo% it to %ork on 'e e"er0 one of its i'ages! e"er0 I'agination
,eco'es one %ith '0 o%n LIK3 The 'o'ent then co'es %hen this re"elation can ,e not onl0 the
eA+erience of the h'an LIK ,t also its creation3 What %e ha"e to do is a++roach this Book of
Re"elation in an anthro+oso+hical sense3 Toda0 there is no other %a0 of gaining access to it3
Let s no% endea"or to gras+ a fe% 'ain +oints of the Book of Re"elation s+iritall03
The sentence LI a' Al+ha and O'egaK HRe"3 -!7I is onl0 co'+rehensi,le if 0o kno% that in olden
ti'es the sond A UAhV %as not the a,stract! se+arate! 'eaningless +art of a %ord %e feel it to ,e toda0!
,t a sond of sfficient i'+ort to ha"e its o%n na'e3
H'anit0 has treated the sonds of s+eech! %hich e',race sch an i''ense '0ster0! in a +ecliar
'anner3 H'anit0 has treated the sonds of s+eech like the +olice treat cri'inals! gi"ing each sond a
n',er! Ost as cri'inals are n',ered %hen the0 are sht + in their cells3 B0 losing their na'es and
gaining n',ers instead! the sonds of s+eech ha"e lost their inner natre3 This is a +ictorial %a0 of
+tting it! ,t it is entirel0 tre3
If %e go ,ack ,e0ond those Ro'an$Latin ti'es %hen the sonds of s+eech %ere gi"en n',ers! %e
co'e to ages %hen h'anit0 %as fll0 a%areGand in He,re% this %as certainl0 the caseGthat it %as
+erfectl0 a++ro+riate for a sond of s+eech to ha"e its o%n na'e! so that it cold ,e called Al+haGor
Ale+h in He,re%G,ecase it %as a ,eing! so'ething di"ine! a s+ersensi,le ,eing3 When %e look
'ore closel0 at this first sond of %hat %e no% call the al+ha,et %e shall ha"e to ndergo a kind of
s+irital de"elo+'ent of conce+ts ,efore %e can arri"e at %hat Al+ha reall0 is3
In Anthro+oso+h0 %e descri,e ho% earthl0 e"oltion goes ,ack to the +re$earthl0! +lanetar0
conditions of consciosness kno%n as @oon! *n and right ,ack to the *atrn condition3 In considering
the e"oltion of the %orld %e tr0 to ,ring for%ard %hate"er is linked %ith the e"oltion of the h'an
,eing3 In Old *atrn %e find the first cos'ic h'an seed %hich! after 'anifold transfor'ations
throgh the conditions of consciosness of *n! @oon and Earth! has ,eco'e the h'an +h0sical ,od0
%e kno% toda03 The h'an ,eing eAisted in Old *atrn in a +ri'al seed$,eginning3
It is i'+ortant for those of s %ho seriosl0 and honestl0 %ant to +enetrate to the trth in these
'atters to ask orsel"esD What did this +ri'al seed of the h'an ,eing eA+erience in Old *atrnP Life
in Old *atrn took its corse in "ariations of %ar'th3 In differentiations of heat and cold h'an ,eings
Page 22
a,sor,ed "ar0ing te'+eratres3 The0 li"ed in conditions that told the' 'ch a,ot the heat and cold of
the cos'os and also 'ch a,ot the s+irit! ,t onl0 that real' of the s+irit that %orked in "ariations of
heat and cold3
@o"ing on fro' Old *atrn to Old *n %e find that no% h'an ,eings li"ed in a +h0sical ,od0 that
%as differentiated into %ar'th and air! so that in Old *n the0 had an organis' consisting of %ar'th
ether and the ele'ent of air3 There %as ths a differentiation %ithin the h'an ,eings the'sel"es3 The
h'an ,eing ,eca'e in%ardl0 'ore rich3 Not onl0 are differences in te'+eratre +ercei"ed! as in the
*atrn condition! ,t no% so'ething a++ears that cold ,e called an in%ardness3 H'an ,eings in Old
*n +ercei"ed %ar'th! ,t the0 also +ercei"ed a kind of inner ,reathing rh0th' %ithin the'sel"es!
%hich in trn eA+ressed secrets of the cos'os! %as a 'irror i'age of cos'ic secrets3
We can see ho% the ,eing of 'an gro%s richer as it de"elo+s fro' the *atrn condition to the *n
condition of the earth! and richer again as it de"elo+s fro' the *n condition to the @oon condition
and to the Earth condition3 This ,eing of 'an %ill gro% richer still ,0 de"elo+ing frther throgh the
ftre +lanetar0 conditions + to 2+iter and on to Vlcan3
What %as the h'an ,eingKs relationshi+ to the %orld in Old *atrnP His relationshi+ to the %orld
in Old *atrn %as sch that #antitati"el0 he eA+erienced infinitel0 'an0 "ariations in te'+eratre! ,t
not "er0 'ch #alitati"el03 There %as as 0et little of the %orld in the h'an ,eing3 He eAisted! he %as
h'anF 0o cold sa0 he %as Ost h'an! ha"ing nothing 'ch of the %orld in hi' as 0et3 Bt as he
'o"es for%ard throgh *n! @oon! Earth! + to 2+iter his inner ,eing %ill 'ore and 'ore ,eco'e
filled %ith %orld3 His life %ill ,eco'e e"er 'ore richl0 endo%ed %ith %orld3 No%! here on the earth!
%e alread0 ha"e a good chnk of %orld in s3 And %hen the Earth condition %ill ha"e reached the stage
at %hich it %ill dissol"e once 'ore! h'an ,eings %ill ha"e a great chnk of 'acrocos' in the' that
%ill ha"e ,een %orked throgh in earthl0 i'ages3
We alread0 ,ear a +art of the cos'os in s! onl0 %e do not kno% this %ith or ordinar0 kno%ledge3
As %e +rogress on%ards to%ards s+irital kno%ledge throgh I'agination! Ins+iration and Intition!
or inner eA+eriences %ill ,eco'e e"er 'ore %onderfl and 'agnificent in or sol3 2st consider the
h'an e0e as it is kno%n to or ordinar0 consciosness toda03 Jet this h'an e0e is a cos'os in e"er0
one of its details! %onderfl and 'agnificent like the 'acrocos'3 E"en Ost in the +h0sical ,od0 e"er0
organ is re"ealed as a %hole %onderfl %orld3 When a h'an ,eing looks arond as an initiate! he sees
a %orld do%n there %ith ele'ents and + there %ith stars! %ith sn and 'oon3 When he looks into
hi'self he sees e"er0 organ! e0e! ear! lngs! li"er and so on! each as a %orld in its o%n right3 This
+h0sical ,od0 of the h'an ,eing is a tre'endos %ea"ing and inter+enetrating of %orlds! %orlds that
are co'+lete! %orlds that are as 0et onl0 +resent in seed for'! %orlds that are sense$+erce+ti,le! half
s+ersensi,le and %holl0 s+ersensi,le3 As the h'an ,eing +rogresses throgh 'an0 e"oltions he
gathers 'ore and 'ore %orlds into hi'self3
We can discern the h'an ,eing at the ,eginning of Old *atrn right at the otset of ,eing h'an!
%ith as 0et no %orld in hi'3 The first thing he felt dring the e"oltion of Old *atrn %as that he %as a
,od0 of %ar'thF he +ercei"ed the di'ensions of this ,od0 of %ar'th3 EA+ressed in a diagra' %e cold
sa0 that in Old *atrn the h'an ,eing felt hi'self to ,e %ar'th! ,t gradall0! ha"ing at first felt like
a kind of %ar'th 'ollsc! he noticed so'ething like a collection of different te'+eratres! and then
so'ething like an oter skin! a %ar'th skin! thogh so'e%hat cooler in te'+eratre than the %ar'th
inside3 He felt the inside to ,e so'e%hat %ar'er! %ith 'anifold "ariations! %hile the oter %ar'th
skin had %ar'th of the least intensit03
We can descri,e all this in toda0Ks langage! ,t there is so'ething a,stract a,ot or langage3 It
Page 23
lacks the +o%er of enchant'ent %ith %hich to conOre ,efore or sols the 'agnificence of sch
i'ages %hen %e look into +ast aeons right ,ack to Old *atrn3 Those %ho are toched e"en slightl0 ,0
these "isions %ill also ,e toched ,0 the hol0 a%e %ith %hich sch things %ere seen in the ancient
@0steries3 As late as the chthonic @0steries of ancient 8reece these things %ere s+oken a,ot in a %a0
that recogni<ed the h'an ,eing of Old *atrn %ho did not 0et +ossess the skin of %ar'thF and the0
kne% a,ot this h'an ,eing of Old *atrn that the first thing he took to hi'self fro' the srronding
%orld %as the skin of %ar'th %hich i'itated the %orld in its configration3 That %as the first thing the
h'an ,eing took on fro' the %orld3
When the h'an ,eing %as still a ,eing of %ar'th! %hat did his inner eA+eriences look like
s,Oecti"el0 in the solP His inner eA+erience %as +re %onder'ent a,ot the %orld3 The onl0 %a0
0o can eA+ress %hat he eA+erienced is to sa0 that it %as +re %onder'ent3 War'th cannot ,e
co'+rehended as an0thing other than +re %onder'ent3 EAternall0 it is %ar'th! internall0 it is
eA+erienced as +re %onder'ent3 It is onl0 ,ecase +eo+le ha"e ,eco'e so cl's0 in their conce+ts
that the0 s+eak a,ot the ineA+lica,ilit0 of the Lthing in itselfK as did old Kant3 The Lthing in itselfK of
%ar'th is %onder'entF and the h'an ,eing of *atrn %as Ost as 'ch %onder'ent as he %as
%ar'th3 He li"ed in %onder'ent! in astonish'ent a,ot his o%n eAistence! for he %as onl0 Ost
e',arking on this eAistence3 This is Al+haD the *atrn h'an ,eing! the %ar'th h'an ,eing li"ing in
%onder'ent3 And the first thing the h'an ,eing eA+erienced as %orld! as the oter hosing +ro"ided
,0 %orld! the skin! this is Beta! the h'an ,eing in his hose! in his te'+le3 HPlate )I The hose %as
the first thing the h'an ,eing recei"ed fro' the %orldD the skinGBeta3
If %e +roceed in this %a0 throgh the %hole al+ha,et! %e +roceed throgh the %orld3 After
gradall0 taking into hi'self e"er0thing that is %orld and filling his %hole ,eing %ith it! %hen he
arri"es at Vlcan ha"ing nited %ith hi'self the %hole content of the %orld! of this great All to %hich
he ,elongs! the h'an ,eing %ill ha"e ,eco'e the one he %as at the ,eginning of the *atrn
condition +ls the %hole %orld3 He %ill he Al+ha and O'ega! 'an %ho nites in hi'self e"er0thing
that is %orld3 B0 sa0ing LI a' Al+ha and O'egaK in the %a0 2ohnKs Book of Re"elation does! %e ha"e
designated %hat the h'an ,eing %ill ,e at the end of the Vlcan condition3 At the end of the Vlcan
condition the h'an ,eing! too! %ill ,e +er'itted to sa0D I a' Al+ha and O'ega3
Let s look at %hat %e ha"e i'agined to orsel"es as ,eing the ,eginning! 'iddle and end of
h'anit0Ks e"oltion! let s look at this in conOnction %ith the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 In the ,eing %ho
incarnated in 2ess throgh the @0ster0 of 8olgotha %e ha"eGroghl0 half %a0 throgh h'an
e"oltionGa ,eing in the %orld %ho is alread0 at the stage in %orld e"oltion that the h'an ,eing
%ill ha"e reached at the end of the Vlcan condition3 We ha"e a ,eing as a god sch as 'an %ill ,e as a
h'an ,eing at the end of the Vlcan condition3
What is it to ,e god as co'+ared to ,eing 'anP To ,e god as co'+ared to ,eing 'an 'eans that in
the strea' of ti'e the god is that %hich 'an %ill ,e later on3 &o not sa0 that this is tanta'ont to
,ringing the god do%n to the le"el of 'an or e"en 'aking the god ot to ,e 'an3 The god does not
,eco'e 'an3 For s+ersensi,le "ision ti'e is si'ltaneos realit0! althogh this 'a0 sond
+aradoAical3 The inter"al ,et%een 'an and god is de'onstrated ,0 %hat occrred at the ti'e of the
@0ster0 of 8olgotha3 In tr0ing to co'+rehend sch things one 'st not directl0 relate different ti'es
%ith one another! nor ,eings %ho ,elong to different ti'es3
In %ritings sch as 2ohnKs Book of Re"elation 'an0 things are still eA+ressed in the langage of the
@0steries! so the0 can onl0 ,e nderstood if the 'eaning can ,e eAtricated ot of the @0ster0
langage3 It is not sr+rising that the %riter of the Book of Re"elation s+oke in the @0ster0 langage!
for in his da0 +eo+le %ere still fa'iliar %ith it3 The0 kne% that the sonds of s+eech are s+ersensi,le
Page 24
,eings! that Al+ha is the h'an ,eing as a s+ersensi,le ,eing at the ,eginning of his eAistence! that
%hen 0o 'o"e fro' Al+ha to Beta 0o 'o"e fro' h'an ,eing to %orld! inclding the di"ine %orld!
and that %hen 0o go throgh all the sonds of the al+ha,et to O'ega 0o are taking into 0orself the
%hole of the di"ine %orld3
It is a distr,ing fact toda0 that the sonds of s+eech are nothing ,t trifles as far as %e are
concerned3 What are the sonds of s+eech ,t trifles no%ada0sP Jo do not kno% "er0 'ch if 0o
onl0 kno% the AB43 *ch things are trifles! ,t the0 are trifles that +oint ,ack to a ,eginning %here
there %ere di"ine! s+irital ,eings3 Or trifling letters of the al+ha,et are the descendants of %hat
h'anit0 once +on a ti'e recogni<ed as di"ine! s+irital ,eings3 The %hole al+ha,et %as the s' of
sch di"ine! s+irital ,eings3 The sonds %ere gods! resonding to%ards the h'an ,eing fro' all
sides! sonds sch as A! B! Al+ha! BetaD the h'an ,eing! the h'an ,eing in his hose! and so on3
Al+ha and O'egaD the h'an ,eing %ith the entire %orld3 When s+eaking the'! h'an ,eings
eA+erienced the sonds of s+eech as that %hich filled the' %ith s+irit3
The last re'nant of the di"ine s+irit li"ing in the sonds %as still +resent %hen the clts %as
intoned in the third @0ster0 age3 In the earliest +art of that age this %as still %ell nderstood3 When
h'an ,eings intoned! one after another! the sonds of %hat is toda0 or a,stract! traditional al+ha,et!
the0 %ere intoning the cos'ic Word3 Throgh %hat the0 %ere intoning the0 nited the'sel"es %ith all
the gods3 In the ,eginning %as the WordGthis 'eans the sa'e as %hen 4hrist sa0s LI a' the WordK! or
LI a' Al+ha and O'egaK3
The Book of Re"elation is %ritten in the langage of the @0steries! so it ses eA+ressions that hark
,ack to the great ti'es %hen h'an ,eings felt the 'acrocos' to ,e a s+eaking ni"ersal All3 The
sonds of s+eech! %hich in olden ti'es denoted the highest s+iritalit0 for h'an ,eings! ha"e ,een
redced to trifling shado%s toda03 We 'st learn to sense %hat has ha++ened3 The sonds are there! ,t
the gods are no longer in the sonds as far as h'an ,eings are concerned3 The gods ha"e de+arted
fro' the sonds3 Ahri'anic ,eings are no% hidden in a de'onic %a0 in the sonds of or s+eech3 The
+o+lar '0th that the sonds of or s+eech contain so'ething of ,lack 'agic if the0 can ,e held rigid
is not %ithot fondation3 This is rightl0 'aintained ,0 a health0 +o+lar i'agination! for the di"ine
sonds of the +ast ha"e ,eco'e ahri'ani<ed3 The gods of old ha"e de+arted fro' the sonds and
ahri'anic ,eings ha"e entered into the'3 If %e cannot find the %a0 ,ack in this connection! then e"en
throgh s+eech h'an ,eings %ill 'ore and 'ore fill the'sel"es %ith ahri'anic +o%ers3
These are the kind of feelings %ith %hich %e 'st a++roach the Book of Re"elation3 Onl0 then %ill
the content it +laces ,efore or sols ,e re"ealed in all its 'ight and greatness3 For %hat is it that the
a+ocal0+tist %antsP He %ants %hat all those also %ant %ho rightl0 s+eak a,ot 4hrist fro' genine
2ohn %ants to +resent the 4hrist to h'anit03 He dra%s attention to the fact that the 4hrist is here3
He ,egins the Book of Re"elation ,0 sa0ing that the 4hrist is here3 Translated into or langage! the
first %ords of the Book of Re"elation signif0 si'+l0D Behold the a++earance of 2ess 4hristR Look! I
%ant to sho% 0o this a++earance of 2ess 4hrist %hich 8od has gi"enR
The first thing the a+ocal0+tist does in his o%n %a0! in the a+ocal0+tic %a0! is to +oint ot that the
4hrist %ishes to a++ear ,efore h'anit03 Bt then he i''ediatel0 dra%s attention to the fact that he
not onl0 intends to annonce the a++earance! the I'agination of 2ess 4hrist! %hich to so'e eAtent
+res++oses the a,ilit0 to see s+iritall0F he also intends to dra% attention to the fact that the di"ine
%orld +o%er %hich has ,roght this a++earance into the %orld has also ,roght a descri+tion in %ords
of this thing that it has 'ade "isi,le to the s+irital e0e3
Page 25
These %ords! that are fro' 8od hi'self! are the inter+retation of the a++earance of 2ess 4hrist! and
8od has sent the' throgh an angel to his ser"ant 2ohn3 This is ho% %e 'st nderstand the ,eginning
of the Book of Re"elation3
Actall0! t%o things are in #estion3 Firstl0 there is the 'atter of an I'agination! an i'age of 4hrist!
and secondl0 there is the 'atter of 4hristKs 'essage3 What is s+oken of in the second sentenceGthat
%hich 2ohn %itnessed and of %hich he ,ore recordGthis is the a++earance of 4hrist and the
inter+retation of his a++earanceD 4hrist in an i'age and 4hrist descri,ed in %ords3 The a+ocal0+tistKs
intention is to +lace ,efore h'an ,eings 4hrist in an i'age and 4hrist in %ords3
This i''ediatel0 +oints to so'ething that %as o,"ios to +eo+le of those ti'es ,t %hich has
'ean%hile ,eco'e entirel0 lost to h'anit03 In or +o"ert0$stricken +s0cholog0 %e talk toda0 of a
sense +erce+tion and of a 'ental i'age3 And to 'ake the 'atter as i'+o"erished as +ossi,le +eo+le sa0
that sense +erce+tions are ,roght a,ot ,0 the senses! and that 'ental i'ages are 'ade ,0 h'an
,eings in their 'ind3 E"er0thing is 'erel0 s,Oecti"eF nothing cos'ic is left3 Peo+le +t Kantian
inter+retations on a rich %orld and forget entirel0 that the h'an ,eing eAists in the 'idst of the
The intiti"e ele'ent of the Word has shri"elled in s into i'+o"erished 'ental i'agesF the intiti"e
ele'ent of the Word is the second thing e'+hasi<ed ,0 2ohn! testified to ,0 2ohn3 The a+ocal0+tist
+resents the a++earance of the 4hrist to s as %hat %e 'ight call a +erce+tion of the s+ersensi,le3 We
'st therefore sa0D
*ee the a++earance of 2ess 4hrist! gi"en ,0 8od to sho% his ser"ants %hat 'st co'e to +ass in
the corse of a short ti'eF
I shall eA+lain these %ords later3
8od has +t it into %ords and sent it throgh his angel to his ser"ant 2ohn3 2ohn has testified to
8odKs Word and to the a++earance of 2ess 4hrist! %hich he has seen3
2ohn %ants to gi"e to h'an ,eings %hat he has recei"ed fro' 8od in the letter and %hat he has
It is necessar0 that %e reconsider the scri+tre of 4hristianit0 in this concrete %a03 And it is 0or
task as +riestsG 0o %ho %ant to ,e +riests fro' the dee+est and 'ost honest i'+lse of 0or heartsG
to ,ring concreteness ,ack into scri+tre3 For it is a fact that +eo+le reading the 8os+els in the langage
of toda0 are dishonest if the0 sa0 the0 nderstand the'3 What I ha"e Ost eA+lained to 0o is %hat it
sa0s at the ,eginning of the Book of Re"elation3
LThe Re"elation of 2ess 4hristK! %e read in one translation! L%hich 8od ga"e nto hi'! to sho%
nto his ser"ants things %hich 'st shortl0 co'e to +assF and he sent and signified it ,0 his angel nto
his ser"ant 2ohn3K
This is %hat is %ritten there! and this is +roclai'ed throghot the %orld as the
%ording of the Book of Re"elation3 Jet no one can actall0 i'agine %hat it 'eans3 This is the case for
the greater +art of the 8 os+els3 It is ,ecase of efforts to +ersade +eo+le that there is 'eaning in a teAt
that no longer re+resents %hat %as originall0 %ritten in it that +eo+le ha"e gradall0 co'e to ,elie"e
that one shold not e"en tr0 to go 'ore dee+l0 into the 8os+els3 Indeed! ho% shold one set a,ot
doing soP If 0o read the 8os+els in an0 'odern langage 0o no longer nderstand an0thingGif 0o
are honest3 What 0o read in the 8os+els in these 'odern langages no longer eA+resses an0thing3 One
'st go ,ack to %hat %as originall0 %ritten! as %e did Ost no% for the first t%o sentencesF and %e
shall do this for other sentences as %ell3
Page 26
Peo+le also sa0 that for certain +assages in the 8os+els one 'st go ,ack to the 8reek teAt3 Well!
%ith all de res+ect to or conte'+oraries %ho 'ake sch honest efforts to nderstand 8reek! I ha"e to
sa0 that in fact no one can nderstand ancient 8reek toda0 ,ecase %e no longer ha"e in s %hat the
8reeks had in the' %hen the0 s+oke and %hen the0 listened3 When %e listen to so'eone! or %hen %e
s+eak orsel"es! %e are nothing ,t ,ags of flor3 We re'ain as +assi"e in%ardl0 as the flor in a %ell$
+acked hag3 This %as not so for the 8reeks3 The consciosness of the 8reek "i,rated %hen he listenedF
he ca'e ali"e in%ardl0! and ot of this li"eliness he s+oke3 The %ords he heard and those %hich he
s+oke %ere li"ing ,odies! the0 %ere ali"e for hi'3 And look at the +eo+les of the Orient3 There 'a0 ,e
decadence in the' toda0! ,t the0 are not like Ero+eans %ho can no longer in%ardl0 hear an0thing at
all that is ali"e %hen the0 s+eak or listen3 Listen to an Oriental +oet sch as Ra,indranath Tagore! listen
to ho% sch +eo+le! e"en in their fe% i'+ortant eAa'+les! de+ict the inner %ea"ing and life that can
li"e in langage3
Toda0 +eo+le think the0 ha"e langage if the0 +ossess a dictionar0 %ith English %ords on one side
and 8er'an ones on the other3 The0 are +erfectl0 ha++0 to +t do%n the 8er'an %ords to corres+ond
%ith the English ones3 The0 ha"e not the slightest inkling of the fact that one is lea+ing across a chas'!
that one is entering an entirel0 different %orld! and that %hat li"es in langage shold ,e treated as
so'ething di"ine3
Peo+le 'st ,eco'e conscios of this once 'ore3 Then! in%ardl0! the0 %ill de'and to retrn to
%hat "i,rates %ithin ancient co''nications sch as the Book of Re"elation that conOres + ,efore
or sol the a++earance of 2ess 4hrist3 As a 'ight0 a++earance! indeed! this %ill stand ,efore or sol
if %e can see it as thogh the %hole ele'ent of clods %ere to dra% together sddenl0 and +resent s
%ith %onderfl s+lendor! taking on h'an for' and angel for'3 As if +ast! +resent and ftre %ere to
%ell ot fro' the clod s,stance! re"ealing the s+irital s,stance content of the %orld %hich incldes
%ithin it the h'an ,eingGthis is ho% the a++earance of 2ess 4hrist is +ictred3
The a++earance is initiall0 sch that %e fall silent ,efore it! ,eco'ing one %ith the %orld and
ceasing to eAist for or o%n consciosness3 We stand ,efore the a++earance in sch a %a0 that it alone
is there! %hile %e orsel"es ,eco'e nothing3 Then! ,ehind the a++earance! %e ,eco'e a%are of 8od
%ho re"eals! the Father 8od %ho has gi"en s the a++earance3 Behind the a++earance he gi"es the
ins+iring %ords3 The %ords that are the inter+retation of the a++earance! this is his secret3 Bt the ti'e
has co'e %hen the secret is gi"en ,0 8od to an angel %ho ,rings it do%n to h'an ,eings as a
'essage in a letter fro' 8od! along the sa'e +ath taken ,0 the Ins+iration fro' 8od to h'an ,eings3
When the h'an ,eing has fallen silent! has disa++eared! has ,een a,sor,ed into the a++earance!
,eginning not onl0 to ,e hi'self ,t also in%ardl0 to take in the letter fro' 8od! of %hich he 'st first
,reak the seals! the se"en seals that close it! 'aking it the letter fro' 8od that is sealed %ith se"en
sealsG%hen this ha++ens! the h'an ,eing hi'self ,eco'es %hat is %ritten in the letter3 Then the
h'an ,eing ,egins to regar d %hat is %ritten in the letter as his o%n LIK$,eing3 Then he stands ,efore
the a++earance filled %ith di"ine ideas! %ith the di"ine conce+t! %ith the s+irital inner +ictre of the
When 0o i'agine the Priest 2ohn ,efore the a++earance of 2ess 4hrist! losing his identit0 in
selflessness! %hen 0o see hi' recei"ing fro' the angels the se"en$ti'es sealed letter fro' 8od! %hen
0o see arising in hi' the decision to ,reak the seals and i'+art the content to h'anit0Gthen 0o
ha"e the +ictre! the I'agination! that stands at the ,eginning of the Book of Re"elation3 We 'st
nderstand %hat he takes in to ,e the Word! and that it is as I ha"e descri,ed it in the I'agination3 This
is %hat the a+ocal0+tist %ants to i'+art3 Therefore he sa0sD Blessed is he %ho reads and hears the
Page 27
Words of the 'acrocos'! %ho a,sor,s and +reser"es for hi'self %hat is %ritten in the ,ookGif he can
nderstand itGfor the ti'e has co'e3
It has co'e indeed3 There is nothing ar,itrar0 a,ot this3 It ,elongs to the kar'a of the co''nit0
for 4hristian rene%al that %e are no% s+eaking in this connection a,ot the Book of Re"elation3
&ornach! . *e+te',er -.)/
Or +ri'e concern shold ,e to read the Book of Re"elation in the %a0 that is a++ro+riate for toda03
Toda0 the s+irital de"elo+'ent of the h'an ,eing is to nfold in the sign of the consciosness solF
for this reason alone! therefore! it is a++ro+riate that the gidance of s+irital life 'st ,eco'e fll0
conscios! so it is therefore + to s to ado+t %ith fll consciosness the a++ro+riate orientation a,ot
%hat the a+ocal0+tist tells s3
In earlier ages the re"elations of the a+ocal0+tist no do,t 'eant so'ething onl0 to the highest
initiates! of %ho' there %ere fe%er and fe%er as ti'e %ent on! and nothing to the ordinar0 +riests3
Toda0 %hat the Book of Re"elation contains 'st enter fll0 into the consciosness of +riests3
Jesterda0 %e s+oke of se"en congregations! and fro' one +oint of "ie% %e +ointed to the
congregation at E+hess3 The %orld is 'ost certainl0 fll of "ie%+oints and 'an0 of these can +la0 a
+art in one and the sa'e 'atter3 We can descri,e the congregation of E+hess as %e did 0esterda0! and
find ho% in this +articlar congregation 4hristianit0 de"elo+ed ot of +re"ios +agan conditions3
Another %a0 of looking at it %old ,e to sho% ho% these i'+lses contained a great deal of the ,asic
strctre of the first +ost$Atlantean cltral age! e"en 'ore than %as there in the India of later ti'es3
*o one can in a sense regard the 4hristianit0 that de"elo+ed at E+hess as a 4hristian contination of
the %orld "ie% and "ie% of life of the first +ost$Atlantean cltral age3 The second congregation
'entioned in the Book of Re"elation is the one at *'0rna %here the ancient Persian cltre thri"ed
,efore the transition to 4hristianit03
Then co'es Perga'os! %hich is introdced as the congregation that li"ed dring the third +ost$
Atlantean cltre3 *+ecificall0 in the letter to the congregation at Perga'os %e can disco"er references!
'ore or less n"eiled! to the Her'es @0ster0 that %as ali"e in this cltre3
In the letter to the congregation at Th0atira %e are referred to the forth +ost$Atlantean cltre! the
age in %hich the @0ster0 of 8olgotha itself took +lace3 When %e allo% the effect of this i'+ortant
letter to %ork on s %e are e"er0%here re'inded of the direct 'essage the @0ster0 of 8olgotha had to
Then co'es the congregation at *ardis a,ot %hich %e s+oke 0esterda0 %hen I sho%ed 0o ho%
this congregation had a s+ecificall0 astrological orientation! ho% it %as oriented to%ards a star religion3
Of necessit0 this congregation of *ardis %old ha"e to ha"e a good deal of +ast histor0! ,t a,o"e all
this congregation in +articlar carries ftre things %ithin it3 *o let s no% tr0 to ,ring this into or
s+irital "ie% of toda03 We are li"ing in the fifth +ost$Atlantean cltral age3 When 0o look at *ardis
0o see that there are ele'ents that %ere alread0 +ast at that ti'eF ,t 0o also see so'ething
ger'inating like a seed! so'ething that %as not 0et co'+lete at the ti'e %hen 2ohn %as %riting the
Book of Re"elation3 The %hole tone of this fifth letter is different fro' that of the for +receding ones3
In his letter to the congregation at *ardis 2ohn +oints to the ftre3 The ftre to %hich he %as +ointing!
%hich %as there like a seed in *ardis! is or ti'e no%F it is the ti'e in %hich %e are no% li"ing3
The se#ence of +ost$Atlantean cltral ages! and at the sa'e ti'e the inner de"elo+'ent of
Page 28
4hristianit0! is hinted at in another %a0 in the se"en seals! and this letter ,ears hidden %ithin it the
de"elo+'ent of the +ost$Atlantean ages 'ingled %ith the de"elo+'ent of 4hristianit03 In the se"en
seals! too! the se"en congregations are hinted at3 We are sho%nGand %e shall look at the other
'eaning of the se"en seals laterGho% %hen the forth seal is o+ened! the one corres+onding to the
forth +ost$Atlantean age! a +ale horse a++ears! and no% the talk is of death entering into the %orld3
HRe"3 6!7I With this %e are toching on one of the 'ost i'+ortant secrets of the Book of Re"elation in
so far as or o%n age is concerned3 In the forth +ost$Atlantean age death reall0 does in a sense enter
into h'anit03 Jo 'st ,e "er0 clear a,ot this3 Jo get to kno% h'an natre "er0 %ell %hen 0o
consider death3
Let s initiall0 go ,ack to the first! second and third +ost$Atlantean ages3 The 'ake$+ of the h'an
sol! in fact the 'ake$+ of the %hole h'an ,eing! %hat he felt hi'self to ,e! %as "er0 different in
the earlier ages fro' %hat it ,eca'e later on3 Long ago there %as a distinct inner feeling of gro%ing
into oneKs soOorn on the earth3 In their ordinar0 consciosness h'an ,eings had a clear 'e'or0 of
ha"ing li"ed in the s+irit %orld +rior to life on earth3 This a%areness had ,eco'e considera,l0 di''ed
,0 the ti'e the @0ster0 of 8olgotha %as a++roaching! ,t in the first! second and third +ost$Atlantean
ages it %as so significantl0 +resent that e"er0 h'an ,eing kne%D I %as a s+irit ,eing ,efore I ,eca'e a
child3 There is not 'ch of this state of sol to ,e fond in eAternal doc'ents! ,t it %as so3 One
reckoned not onl0 %ith a ti'e s+ent on earth! for there %as also a contination of oneKs earthl0 ti'e
,ack%ards into the s+irital %orld to consider3 What ca'e into +la0 in the age that coincided %ith the
@0ster0 of 8olgotha %as that earthl0 life ,egan to ,e seen as clearl0 ,onded ,0 t%o gates! the gate of
,irth or conce+tion and in addition the gate of death3
This a%areness! this kind of sol 'ake$+! did indeed onl0 set in dring the forth +ost$Atlantean
age3 Fro' a,ot the eighth +re$4hristian centr0 to the fifteenth centr0 after the @0ster0 of 8olgotha
a consciosness nfolded that sees the h'an ,eing strictl0 enclosed %ithin the ,ondaries of earthl0
life3 *ince then another ne% consciosness has ,een in +re+aration! of %hich %e are onl0 at the
,eginning3 Jo 'st take into accont that onl0 for or fi"e centries ha"e +assed since this ,egan to
de"elo+! so %e are a,ot at the stage the forth +ost$Atlantean age had reached ,0 the third centr0
B4! %hen consciosness %as still #ite different co'+ared %ith the consciosness of the fll0 e"ol"ed
forth age that de"elo+ed later3 Peo+le toda0 on the %hole are not 0et clothed in the gar'ents of the
ne% consciosnessF for the 'ost +art their consciosness is still that of the forth +ost$Atlantean age3
Or ci"ili<ation as a %hole is the case of this3
Think ho% 'ch that ,elongs to the forth +ost$Atlantean age is still %ith s! ho% 'ch +eo+le are
either still li"ing as a 'atter of corse in the forth +ost$Atlantean age or at least are still flirting %ith
it3 The %hole of or gra''ar school edcation still has the forth +ost$Atlantean age %orking in it3 *o
long as Latin %as the langage of scholarsGthis %as the forth +ost$Atlantean age3 In +,lic life! too!
%e still think in the %a0 +eo+le thoght in the forth +ost$Atlantean age3 Jo cold sa0 that for the
fifth +ost$Atlantean age %e ha"e not e"en reached the stage h'anit0 needs to ,e at for the
consciosness sol to ,egin de"elo+ing3 That is %h0 +eo+le toda0 still see their life on earth as ,eing
,onded at either end ,0 the gate of ,irth and the gate of death3
There is of corse so'e de"elo+'ent going on in the ne% consciosness! onl0 in 'ost +eo+le it is
not ha"ing 'ch of an effect 0etF it is onl0 sho%ing in so'e indi"idals %ho are +articlarl0 gifted in
that direction3 I ha"e 'et #ite a n',er of these dring '0 lifeti'e! ,t on the %hole little notice is
taken of the'3 The consciosness to ,e de"elo+ed ,0 h'an ,eings in the fifth +ost$Atlantean age is
sch that the ti'e ,et%een ,irth and death is not #ite sfficient for it! so that death constantl0 +la0s
into oneKs life on earth3 Peo+le %ill ,eco'e a%are that the0 die a little ,it e"er0 da0! so that d0ing is
Page 29
constantl0 +resent in the h'an ,eing! so that death is constantl0 +resent3 There are so'e indi"idals
%ho li"e in great fear of death! sensing that it is constantl0 eating a%a0 at their earthl0 h'anit03 Bt I
ha"e also 'et +eo+le %ho lo"e death ,ecase it is their steadfast co'+anion for %ho' the0
continosl0 long3
An a%areness of ,eing acco'+anied ,0 death is so'ething that %ill ,eco'e 'ore and 'ore
+re"alent in the fifth +ost$Atlantean age3 Let 'e descri,e this 'ore concretel03 H'an ,eings %ill
+ercei"e in the'sel"es the inti'ate fire +rocess %hich is ,ond + %ith the de"elo+'ent of the
consciosness sol3 Es+eciall0 at the 'o'ent of de+arting fro' slee+ consciosness and entering
%aking consciosness the0 %ill eA+erience the %aking consciosness like a kind of fire +rocess %ithin
the' %hich is cons'ing the'3 For the consciosness sol is so'ething highl0 s+irital! and the s+irit
al%a0s cons'es %hat is 'aterial3 The 'anner in %hich the consciosness sol cons'es %hat is
'aterial and %hat is etheric in the h'an ,eing is a kind of inti'ate fier0 +rocess! a +rocess of
transfor'ation3 It is this that h'an ,eings %ill 'ore and 'ore +ercei"e %ithin the'sel"es as the fifth
+ost$Atlantean age +roceeds3 Ho%e"er! one 'st not i'agine this fire to ,e ,rning like a candle
fla'eF this %old ,e too +h0sical a +ictre3 It is in a 'oral %a0 that +eo+le %ill feel this ,eing$
acco'+anied$,0$death taking sha+e in their sol3
When +eo+le notice a good intention! or a strong +r+ose the0 'a0 ha"e! e"a+orating again
i''ediatel0! or in an hor or after a da0 or a 'onth! 'ost of the' %ithin or crrent 'aterialistic "ie%
of the %orld find this acce+ta,le as a +art of the %a0 things are3 Bt it is so'ething a,ot %hich %e
shall 'ore and 'ore learn to feel differentl03 We shall learn to feel ho% a good intention that %e ha"e
,een too %eak to carr0 ot ,egins to cons'e or life! ,egins to di'inish or 'oral %eight3 We shall
learn to feel ho% sch a thing 'akes s 'ore of a 'oral light%eight! 'ore insignificant for the
ni"erse3 No%ada0s %e see sch a thing as no 'ore than a %eakness of sol! not as so'ething that
%orks on in the cos'os! %hich in the ftre! ho%e"er! %e shall indeed feel it to ,e3 In a si'ilar %a0
+eo+le %ill ,egin to feel ho% certain intellectal acti"ities cons'e the'! like a fire in the sol
cons'ing the'3 *ch things are indeed alread0 ha++ening e"en on a grand scale! ,t hitherto the0
ha"e not 0et ,een sensed for %hat the0 are3
One can find oneKs %a0 ste+ ,0 ste+ into the s+irital %orld! for eAa'+le ,0 taking accont of the
sggestions in the ,ook Kno%ledge of the Higher Worlds3
B0 this 'eans it is +ossi,le to achie"e
har'on0 ,et%een s+irit! sol and ,od03 Bt the %a0 'ost +eo+le toda0 carr0 on their inner life! %ithot
these eAercises! and indeed e"en the %a0 the religios life is carried on in the different deno'inations!
cases the religios life to %ork in the h'an ,eing in sch a %a0 that his 'oral %eight is di'inished!
'ade lighter3
These things are ,eing +ercei"ed consciosl0 'ore and 'ore! and h'an ,eings %ill ndergo great
changes dring this fifth +ost$Atlantean age3 It is a "er0 great change %hen one feels either
strengthened or di'inished in oneKs %hole h'anit0 throgh %hat one is in oneKs sol life! %hen one
senses destin0 to ,e not 'erel0 a 'atter of oter circ'stances eAercising their inflence on one! ,t
%hen one feels destin0 to ,e so'ething that 'akes one 'orall0 hea"ier or lighter3
This is the consciosness that is in the +rocess of co'ing a,ot in h'an ,eings! and it can ,e seen
ha++ening #ite eAternall0 and e'+iricall03 We are entering a ti'e in %hich +riests %ill ha"e to take
accont of sch things %hen the0 ha"e their congregation ,efore the'3 It %ill ,e necessar0 to treat
%hat is rising + in +eo+leKs consciosnessGso'ething of %hich the0 are not 0et fll0 a%are! ,t
%hich sho%s in all kinds of restlessness! ner"osness and inhar'onios feelingsGin sch a %a0 that
indi"idals recei"e co'fort and strength3
Page 30
It %ill ,eco'e less and less a++ro+riate for +riests to treat indi"idal h'an ,eings according to
so'e general +reconcei"ed ideas a,ot ho% this shold ,e done3 Please do not ,e offended %hen I sa0
that in so'e %a0s stereot0+ing has ,een and still is the nor'3 When 0o s+eak to a +erson %ho is
+erha+s sffering fro' so'e kind of delsion and has soght refge %ith a 'inister! 0o can hear
eAactl0 %hat that 'inister has said to hi' or her3 Jo can hear ho% the 'inister has soght to a%aken
in that +erson a sense of ,eing sinfl3 In another case again 0o can hear ho% a 'inister has soght to
a%aken a +ersonKs sense of ,eing sinfl3 This kind of stereot0+ing is to ,e fond e"er0%here3
When I once had to attend three fnerals on the sa'e da0 I noticed ho% the 'inister ,egan each
ser"ice %ith the sa'e sentenceD LHo%e"er high a,o"e the earth the hea"ens are! so high are '0
thoghts a,o"e 0or thoghts3K Three ti'es the sa'e stereot0+e %hich %old! ho%e"er! ha"e ,een
'ore or less Ostifia,le dring the forth +ost$Atlantean age3 This is the kind of thing! as I ha"e
'entioned! that is reaching o"er into the fifth age so that it is still ha++ening no%! %hereas in this age
there oght to ,e a 'ch 'ore s,tle %a0 of o,ser"ing! there oght to ,e a transfor'ation in the %a0
things are done3
Priests 'st ,egin to do this no%3 The0 'st ,egin to learn ho% to direct the glance of their sol
right into the heart of the other +erson3 Hardl0 an0one is ca+a,le of this no%ada0s3 H'an ,eings
re'ain terri,l0 nkno%n to one another these da0s3 If 0o read the Book of Re"elation %ith a degree of
re"erenceGin fact 0o cannot read it %ithot re"erenceGif 0o read %ith re"erence the +assage a,ot
the %hite rai'ent HRe"3 ;!/$(I in %hich those %ill ha"e to ,e clothed %ho ha"e flfilled the task of the
fifth cltral age! 0o gain the i'+ressionD It is a 'atter of looking dee+l0 %ith the e0e of the +riest
into this s+ecial t0+e of h'an consciosnessF it is a 'atter of getting to kno% the h'an ,eing as he
a++ears ,efore 0o no% in the fifth +ost$Atlantean age3 This is the ad'onitionD 8et to recogni<e the
h'an ,eing not ,0 the clothes he %ears! not ,0 %hat he +resents to the otside %orld! ,t ,0 the
rai'ent of his sol3 In the letter to the congregation at *ardis the a+ocal0+tist s+eaks this ad'onition to
the +resent ti'e in %hich %e are no% li"ing3
A +riest in or ti'e 'st +enetrate to a +ersonKs sol throgh all the eAternal circ'stances in %hich
h'an ,eings find the'sel"es3 In a sense a +riest 'st look at a +erson in the %a0 I descri,ed the da0
,efore 0esterda0 %ith regard to %anting to find that +ersonKs kar'a3
I said that to reach a +ersonKs
kar'a one 'st disregard his +rofession! his social standing! his a,ilit0 and his inco'+etence and 'st
instead go dee+l0 into his sol! into those characteristics and ca+a,ilities that can find eA+ression in an0
+rofession a +erson 'ight ha"e3 This is ,ecase 0o ha"e to look to %hat the indi"idal %as in his
for'er life on earth3 Well! there is no need for the +riest to go #ite this far! ,t he 'st ,egin to see
throgh e"er0thing eAternal and find the indi"idalKs inner ,eing! that %hich is +rel0 h'an in hi'!
that %hich 'akes the +erson h'an in%ardl0! an indi"idal h'an ,eing3
It is definitel0 the case that %hen %e ha"e read in the Book of Re"elation as far as the letter to the
congregation at *ardis %e can sense that %hat is %ritten there is a direct s''ons to or +resent ti'e3
As %e read on %e can then gain an e"en +rofonder i'+ression3
Let s no% think a,ot the ti'e %hen the fifth +ost$Atlantean age %ill ha"e +assed3 &ring the
corse of this age h'an ,eings %ill ha"e changed their consciosness in a %a0 that %ill ena,le the'
to see ho% death %orks on the'3 The0 %ill learn to nderstand this! ,t not to the eAtent that 'akes
the' a%are all the ti'e of the eAact age the0 are going to reach3 The0 %ill see ho% death %orks on
the'3 The0 %ill ha"e death as their constant co'+anion3 &eath %ill ,e %ith the' natrall03 The ne%
ele'ent that 'st enter into all the different fields of life %ill ,e that the h'an ,eingKs content of sol
'st ena,le hi' to regard this ha"ing$death$,eside$one as so'ething natral3 To ha"e a%akened in
Page 31
oneself the +o%ers of eternal sol alertness 'eansD to ha"e death as a good friend and constant co'$
+anion al%a0s ,0 oneKs side3
When 0o look a,ot 0o! 0o are still seeing things entirel0 in the light of the forth +ost$
Atlantean age3 On the %hole 0o are seeing life %hich has death %ithin it! in e"er0 +lant and e"er0
stone! ,t 0o are not seeing death ,ecase 0o do not 0et see death in 0orself3 Bt h'an ,eings %ill
,egin to see death all the ti'e3 One %ill increasingl0 ha"e to s+eak to +eo+le in this "ein! for as a
+erson increasingl0 +ercei"es death his %hole %a0 of looking changes3
To +ercei"e death 'eans to +ercei"e 'an0 things that are toda0 still entirel0 hidden ,ehind oter
a++earances3 In a sense %e regard natre as ,eing "er0 sta,le ,ecase %e cannot see into its finer! 'ore
inti'ate real's3 Jo 'ight take a %alk in the contr0side and co'e across a notice statingD Foot and
@oth &isease Area3 In realit0 so'ething 'ore inti'ate has ,een taking +lace o"er the %hole of the
area! so'ething that 'ight ,e co'+ared %ith a stor'0 sea or a "olcanic er+tion3 This is the kind of
thing that h'an ,eings %ill face in the siAth +ost$Atlantean age3
Becase h'an ,eings do not 0et see death! the0 onl0 notice an er+tion of Ves"is! sa0! or a
strong earth#ake 'easred ,0 a seis'ogra+h3 Bt the0 do not notice the tension in the etheric s+here
that arises for eAa'+le %hen an i'+ortant genis li"es or is ,orn in a +articlar +lace3 The0 e#all0 do
not see that 'ight0 %orking and %ea"ing of s+irits of %hich the stars and their constellations are
'erel0 an oter sign3
To see all these things in so'e %a0 is %hat h'an ,eings can eA+ect in the siAth +ost$Atlantean age3
The sn as it is toda0 %ill ha"e fallen do%n fro' the hea"ens and the stars %ill ha"e fallen do%n as
%ell3 Where the stars no% shine in! like 'aterial a,stractions! one %ill see a 'ight0 %orking and
%ea"ing of s+irit3 In the corse of the fifth +ost$Atlantean age! therefore! there %ill ,e a great change in
the %a0 h'an ,eings see the'sel"es! and in the corse of the siAth +ost$Atlantean age the %hole
%orld srronding the' %ill change3 &o not i'agine that the initiate! for eAa'+le! sees the %orld in the
sa'e %a0 as one %ho is not initiated3 And the sa'e a++lies to the se#ence of stages in consciosness3
H'an ,eings in different stages of consciosness do not see the %orld in the sa'e %a03
That %e as h'an ,eings are li"ing in a +rocess of transfor'ation! a +rocess of transfor'ation of
the h'an ,eing and of or i'age of the %orld! is indicated in the Book of Re"elation! a'ong other
things! ,0 the %a0 there is a relati"e si'ilarit0 in the first for letters3 The first seal is o+ened and a
%hite horse a++ears! one horse3 The second seal is o+ened and a red horse a++ears! another horse3 The
third seal is o+ened and a ,lack horse a++ears! 0et another horse3 The forth seal is o+ened and a +ale
horse a++ears! again it is a horse3 HRe"3 6I
When the fifth seal is o+ened there is no longer an0 talk of a horse3 The i'+ort of this letter is
indicated in #ite a different %a03 *o as %e +roceed in or reading of the letters %e find an indication of
a fnda'entall0 significant transfor'ation that %ill take +lace in or o%n age3
There is onl0 one thing to ,e said! %hich is that %e 'st +re+are orsel"es to ,eco'e the ne%!
transfor'ed congregation of *ardis3 This ne%! transfor'ed congregation of *ardis %ill ha"e to
nderstand that there is little "ale in kno%ing +lants! ani'als and 'inerals nless one can find the
stars %orking in e"er0 one of the'3 In the s+irital sense the stars 'st fall do%n fro' the hea"ens!
and this can alread0 ,e +ercei"ed3
Let 'e gi"e 0o one s+ecific eAa'+le of this3 Peo+le sall0 notice the eAternal configration of
sch things %ithot taking 'ch accont of the %a0 the0 fit into the %hole s+irital e"oltion of
h'anit03 Each one of s can onl0 do so'ething at the +lace %here %e find orsel"es! and for 'e the
Page 32
follo%ing took +lace here Ost ,efore '0 last tri+ to England3 Jo kno% +erha+s that %hen I a' in
&ornach I set aside one or t%o hors each %eek for the 'en %orking on the ,ilding here %hen I talk
to the' a,ot science and s+irital science dring their %orking hors3 The 'en like it "er0 'ch if I
get the' to sggest the s,Oect3 The0 like choosing the s,Oect the'sel"es and a'ong other things the0
%ant to kno% a,ot toda0Ks s+irital life and cltre3 This is also so'ething that 0o as +riests %ill
srel0 ha"e to nderstand3
Before I set off for England I had one of these sessions %ith the %ork'en! and one of the' had
+re+ared the #estionD What is the reason for so'e +lants ha"ing fragrance and others notP Where does
the fragrance of flo%ers co'e fro'P
Well! these lectres ha"e ,een going on for 0ears and the
%ork'en are ,0 no% sfficientl0 %ell +ri'ed not to +t + %ith the sal che'ical eA+lanation a,ot
so'e s,stance or other ,eing %hat s+reads this or that +erf'eG0o kno% %hat scientific
eA+lanations sall0 a'ont toD +o"ert0 co'es fro' la +a"retW3 No! these %ork'en are after real
*o here in ,rief is %hat I told the' o"er the neAt hor or so3 *o'ething that has fragrance first of all
dra%s or attention to or sense organsF %e +ercei"e the fragrance throgh or organ of s'ell3 We
shold then ask orsel"es %hether or sense of s'ell is s,tle enogh to allo% s to %ork as a sniffer
dog for the +olice3 Of corse 0o %ill agree that it is not3 On the contrar0! 0o %ill ha"e to ad'it that
%e h'an ,eings ha"e rather a ,lnt sense of s'ell! not a s,tle one! and that as 0o go do%n the scale
in natre 0o co'e to 'ore sensiti"e organs of s'ell3
Take the dog %ith an organ of s'ell so delicate that it can ,e trained as a sniffer dog3 Look at the
%a0 its forehead slo+es ,ack%ards follo%ing along the contination of the olfactor0 ner"es %hich carr0
the scent into the "er0 ,eing of the dog3 We h'an ,eings ha"e a forehead that is +ffed +3 Or
intelligence a++arats is a transfor'ed organ of s'ell! es+eciall0 in its ca+acit0 for a++erce+tion3 This
alone 'akes it o,"ios that as %e go do%n the scale to lo%er ani'als %e co'e to 'ore sensiti"e
organs of s'ell3
*+irital science teaches s that in their flo%ers and in the %a0 the0 de"elo+ fragrance "er0 'an0
+lants are nothing other than organs of s'ell! real "egeta,le organs of s'ell of i''ense sensiti"it03
What do the0 s'ellP The0 s'ell the cos'ic fragrance that is al%a0s +resent3 And the cos'ic fragrance
that e'anates fro' Vens is different fro' that e'anating fro' @ars or fro' *atrn3 For eAa'+le the
fragrance of the "iolet is an echo$in$fragrance of %hat the "iolet +ercei"es of the cos'ic fragrance3
Plants that s'ell nice +ercei"e the cos'ic fragrances that co'e fro' Vens! @ercr0 or @ars3 Ferla
fetida +ercei"es the s'ell of *atrn and +asses it on in the asafetida deri"ed fro' it3
This is so'ething these +eo+le %ant to kno%! for in a sense the0 %ant to kno% ho% the stars fall
do%n to earth3 What! after all! are the ,eings in the %orld ,t %hat the stars send do%n3 If 0o %ant to
s+eak realisticall0 a,ot these things! 0o ha"e to sa0D The stars reall0 are falling do%n! for the0 are in
the +lants3 It is not onl0 the fragrance that is in the'! ,t the +lants the'sel"es are actal organs of
@0 first talk toda0
%as once again to the %ork'en! and I asked the' to state the #estions the0
%anted ans%ered3 One #estion %as as follo%sD If %hat 0o said last ti'e a,ot fragrances is right! so
that +lants are sensiti"e organs of s'ell! %here then do the +lantsK colors co'e fro'P
*o I had to eA+lain that the fragrances of the +lants co'e fro' the +lanets! %hile the colors co'e
fro' the +o%er of the sn3 I eA+anded on this! gi"ing eAa'+les that sho% this to ,e the case3 One
'e',er of the adience %as not satisfied! asking %h0 I had not 'entioned the 'inerals! and %h0 %ere
Page 33
the0 also colored3 I can nderstand %h0 the +lants ha"e colors! he said! and that a +lant gro%ing in
the cellar %ithot snlight 'ight ha"e the right sha+e and fragrance ,t no colorG%h0 it %old
re'ain +ale or e"en colorless fro' lack of snlight3 Bt %hat a,ot 'ineralsP
*o I had to eA+lain frther3 The sn has a dail0 corse arising fro' one re"oltion of the earth in )/
hors3 It also has an annal corse that ,rings a,ot the seasons dring %hich it reaches the <enith and
then falls ,ack again3 Bt there is another c0cle as %ell! and I %ent on to eA+lain the Platonic cos'ic
0ear3 I eA+lained ho% the sn no% rises in Pisces at the "ernal e#inoA! ,t that in for'er ti'es it rose
in Aries! and ,efore that in Tars! and then 8e'ini! and so on! taking )(!.)> 0ears to co'+lete one
c0cle rond the Xodiac3 In this %a0 the sn has a corse that takes one da0! another corse that takes
one 0ear! and a frther one lasting a %hole cos'ic 0ear3 Whereas it gi"es the +lants their colors dring
the corse that takes one 0ear! the 'inerals need a cos'ic 0ear of the sn to gain their colors3 In the
colors of the 'inerals! in the green of the e'erald! the %ine$0ello% of the to+a<! the red of cornd'!
there li"es a force that de"elo+s dring the snKs c0cle throgh the Platonic cos'ic 0ear3
*o 0o seeD If 0o take fro' the s+irit %hat 0o ha"e to sa0 a,ot the %orld! +eo+le ,egin to ask
#estions a,ot earthl0 things in a %a0 that sho%s the0 are no longer satisfied %ith atte'+ts to eA+lain
the earth ,0 'eans of the tri"ia e'anating fro' or la,oratories and dissecting roo's3 The0 %ant to
nderstand in the +ro+er %a0! and are %ell satisfied to ,e sho%n things in the L*ardianK %a0 that
in"ol"es inclding the stars and their effects as %ell3 In doing this one is doing %hat the a+ocal0+tist
doesF one is ,ringing *ardis into or +resent ti'e3
What I ha"e ,een telling 0o is 'erel0 one eAa'+le3 We 'st ,egin to ,ring this sense for the stars!
this sense for the ,eings of the stars into or +resent ti'e3 We 'st ,egin to hel+ +eo+le nderstand
ane% that the 4hrist is a *n Being3 This is the fact that 'eets %ith the greatest o++osition of all3
When I tell 0o these things! and es+eciall0 %hen I tell 0o ho% or 'odern fifth +ost$Atlantean age
'st ,eco'e! in a %a0! a re$a%akened *ardis sch as %e find descri,ed ,riefl0! concisel0 and
'ar"ellosl0 in the fifth congregation and the fifth seal that 'st no% ,e o+enedG%hen I tell 0o
these things 0o %ill sense that it is or task toda0 to de"elo+ this s+ecial %a0 of nderstanding the
Book of Re"elation! na'el0 that the Book of Re"elation ,e a task that is knocking dail0 at the door of
or heart3 There is no +oint in 'erel0 inter+reting the Book of Re"elation3 It is necessar0 that %e do the
Book of Re"elation in all things! other%ise %e 'ight as %ell lea"e it alone3 @erel0 to inter+ret it is
al'ost "aleless3
Here%ith I ha"e no% told 0o the second as+ect that 'st ,e in"ol"ed %hen %e read the Book of
Re"elation3 Jesterda0 I soght to eA+lain the for'! toda0 I a' seeking to sho% 0o that to read the
Book of Re"elation one 'st ,e +resent %ith oneKs %ill3 This is onl0 natral! for re"elations ha"e
al%a0s arisen throgh Ins+irations of the %ill3 With this %e are toching on a trl0 a+ocal0+tic +oint! a
li"ing a+ocal0+tic +oint3
There are +eo+le toda0 %ho are in so'e %a0s edcated in an a+ocal0+tic 'anner3 The0 are edcated
a+ocal0+ticall0 in a %a0 that gi"es the' an edcation of the %ill that is oriented s+ecificall0 to%ards
the Ro'an 4atholic chrch3 These are the 2esits3 2esit edcation! the eAercises of the 2esits! ha"e a
strongl0 a+ocal0+tic as+ect3 The eAercises of the 2esits in"ol"e a schooling of the %ill sch as is
al%a0s at the fondation of an0 a+ocal0+tic! an0 re"elator0 "ision3
Edcating the %ill is the 'ost i'+ortant as+ect for an0one %ho takes seriosl0 a genine +riesthood
in the sense of a 4hristian rene%al3 *ch a +erson 'st nderstand the Book of Re"elation if he is to
see in it the right i'+lse for the %ill! %hereas a "er0 one$sided i'+lse for the %ill %as gi"en ,0
Ignatis of Lo0ola! a grand i'+lse no do,t! ,t an eAtre'el0 onesided one3 Toda0 this has ,eco'e
Page 34
ahri'anicall0 rigid! ,t es+eciall0 in looking at Ignatis of Lo0ola %e are sho%n ho% %rong it is to
look at the %orld in an0 other %a0 ,t throgh s+irital science3 Peo+le still attri,te the de"elo+'ent
of the 2esits toda0 to Ignatis of Lo0ola! ,t this is %rong3 Ignatis of Lo0ola has long since ,een
reincarnated and has of corse eAtricated hi'self entirel0 fro' that earlier strea'3 He li"ed ane% as
E'anel *%eden,org! and the de"elo+'ent of the 2esits since then has slid right into the real' of
Ahri'anF it no longer harks ,ack to Ignatis of Lo0ola ,t %orks no% in accordance %ith Ahri'anKs
Jo cold sa0 that this is the shado%! the conter$i'age of %hat 0o 0orsel"es 'st train
0orsel"es to ,e ,0! as I ha"e said! taking the Book of Re"elation into 0or LIK in sch a %a0 that 0or
LIK ,eco'es the s' of +o%ers that %ork in an a+ocal0+tic %a03
&ornach! -> *e+te',er -.)/
When so'eone %as initiated in the ancient @0steries! he first eA+erienced ha"ing his nderstanding!
his %hole h'an sol 'ake$+! gided to%ards the 'eaning of the c0cle of %orld cltral e"oltions! a
c0cle that rns in se"ens3 In the Book of Re"elation %e ha"e a clear after$echo of %hat reslts fro' the
initiation +rinci+le of the ancient @0steries3 The n',er se"en is contained in the Book of Re"elation
in 'an0 different %a0s! inclding its strctre! its co'+osition! and its content3 At the ti'e! of corse!
things linked %ith the n',er se"en %ere not linked %ith it in an0 eAternal sense in the 'anner %e
'ight i'agine toda03 Instead! the +erson in #estion %as initiated into the %hole %a0 in %hich n',ers
%ork and inter%ea"e3
I %ant to dra% 0or attention here! dear friends! to so'ething I eA+lained in #ite a different conteAt
in the other corse of lectres I a' gi"ing on the science of s+eech3
I had to eA+lain ho% it is +ossi,le
to ha"e eA+eriences in the sonds of s+eech! ,t that toda0 h'anit0 has lost the ca+acit0 of ha"ing
eA+eriences throgh the sonds of s+eech3 4onsider ho% a sond of s+eech contains ele'ents of the
for'ati"e! li"ing Word and ho% throgh eA+eriencing sch sonds the 'ost %onderfl cos'ic content
can ,e for'ed throgh co',ining those sond ele'ents! of %hich there are a++roAi'atel0 ;)3 Pt
0orsel"es into a ti'eGand there ha"e ,een ti'es %hen this %as a realit0 for h'an ,eingsGthat
li"ed and 'o"ed in these ele'ents of the sonds of s+eech! "i"idl0 eA+eriencing the %onder of ,eing
a,le to fashion a %orld throgh eA+eriencing these ;) sond ele'ents3 In the for'ation of s+eech! in
the for'ati"e sha+ing of the Word! one felt the %ea"ing of s+irit that acco'+anied the eA+erience of
s+eaking3 One eA+erienced ho% gods li"e in the sonds of s+eech3
Of these ;) sonds it is eas0 to %ork ot that a,ot )/ are consonants and a,ot se"en are "o%elsG
of corse sch things are al%a0s a++roAi'ate3 In the sense of the o+ening of 2ohnKs 8os+elGLIn the
,eginning %as the WordKG0o can then thro% light on the i'age! %hich can also ,e thoght of as an
a+ocal0+tic i'age! of the Al+ha and the O'ega srronded ,0 the se"en angelsGthe "o%elsGand the
)/ eldersGthe consonants3 In this sense it %as also felt that the secret of the ni"erse li"ed entirel0Gin
the %a0 I ha"e alread0 eA+lainedGin %hat %as intoned in the hol0 s+eech of he clts3 *o %hile
cele,rating the clts one felt the 'ight0 +resence of the cos'ic content eAisting in this s0',olic
H'anit0 'st an0%a0 ,egin to feel again %here the gods %ere soght ,0 the %isdo' of the
@0steries3 The0 %ere not soght in sch a distant! transcendental real' as is i'agined toda03 Their
incor+oration %as looked for in sch things as the sonds of s+eech3 L4os'ic WordK denoted that %hich
%ea"es throghot the ni"erse! that in %hich h'an ,eings share throgh their o%n s+eech3
Page 35
It is the sa'e %ith n',ers3 Or +resent idea of n',ers is thoroghl0 a,stract as co'+ared %ith
the %a0 the0 are still seen in the Book of Re"elation3 In the earl0 4hristian centries there %ere so'e
indi"idals %ho nderstood things like the Book of Re"elation to so'e eAtent ,ecase there %as still a
feeling for the secret of n',ers! ,ecase the s+ecific relationshi+s in the strctre of a se#ence of
n',ers %ere still eA+erienced3 A n',er se#ence %as not taken in the %a0 %e take it toda0 as ,eing
a stringing together of one n',er %ith the neAt3 Peo+le eA+erienced %hat %as contained in the three!
in the forF the0 eA+erienced the closed natre of the three! the o+en natre of the for! the natre of the
fi"e! so closel0 related to the ,eing of 'an3 *o'ething di"ine %as felt to ,e in n',ers! Ost as
so'ething di"ine %as also fond in the %ritten letters and in the sonds of s+eech3
Once an indi"idal had reached the stage in the ancient @0steries %hen it %as ti'e for hi' to ,e
initiated into the secret of n',ers it %as his dt0 to think and to feel in the se#ence of these n',er
secrets3 4onsider %hat this in"ol"es3 In 'sic %e ha"e the se"en notes %ith the octa"e! the eighth!
,eing like the first3 In the rain,o% %e ha"e se"en colors3 There are also other +heno'ena in natre
in"ol"ing the n',er se"en3 I'agine it occrring to natre to 'ake the colors of the rain,o% a++ear
in a different orderF the %hole ni"erse %old ,e +set ,0 this3 Or think of ordering the notes
differentl0 in the 'sical scaleF 'sic %old ,eco'e intolera,le3
The one to ,e initiated %as sho%n that! as in natre! there is also a la% a++l0ing to the sol ,eing of
'an3 After his initiation he %as eA+ected not to cast his thoghts hither and thither ar,itraril0! for he
%as no% o,liged to think in accordance %ith n',ers! to eA+erience the secret of n',ers in%ardl0 in
the %a0 it li"es and %ea"es in all ,eings and all +rocesses! in the %a0 it li"es in natre3
The Book of Re"elation %as %ritten in an age %hen it %as still entirel0 "alid for the h'an ,eing to
,e in the 'idst of the cos'ic secret of the n',er se"en or t%el"e or t%ent0$for! or the n',er three3
*ince the ,eginning of or era of the consciosness sol! %hich 'eans since the first third of the
fifteenth centr0! the i'+ortance is retrning of %hat eAisted +rior to the strict "alidit0 of the n',er
se"en! and frther'ore shifts are also ,eginning to occr in the n',er se"en itself3 We are no longer
in the ha++0 +osition of eA+eriencing an e"oltion that rns strictl0 in accordance %ith the n',er
se"en3 We ha"e reached a stage in earth e"oltion %hen irreglarities are ,eginning to co'e into the
secrets of n',ers! so that for s the secrets of n',ers ha"e attained a ne% significance3
While %e enOo0 finding ot ho% the secrets of n',ers li"e in a doc'ent sch as the Book of
Re"elation! it is also the case that %hen %e enter in a li"ing %a0 into 'aterial sch as this Book %e
,eco'e ca+a,le of co'+rehending throgh or senses also those things that take +lace otside the
secrets of n',ers3 Jo cold sa0 that in so'e %a0s %e are eAtricating or life fro' the secrets of
n',ers3 We 'st! ho%e"er! learn ho% to se the' in for's that are a++ro+riate for h'an ha++enings
on the earth no%ada0s! and ho% the0 shold ,e taken into consideration ,0 +riests in the field of
This ,eing said! I shall! ho%e"er! no% s+eak a,ot certain +heno'ena as thogh the0 %ere still
+roceeding in accordance %ith the secrets of n',ers! for it is in a sense a slo% +rocess for %orld
e"ents to eAtricate the'sel"es fro' the secrets of n',ers and enter into a %a0 of +roceeding that is
not ,ond ,0 the'3 The %a0 of thinking in the ancient @0steries %as to see great c0cles of ti'e
follo%ing their corses in the n',er se"en! and also other! s'aller and "er0 s'all c0cles3
In the se"en congregations that eAisted conte'+oraneosl0 as actal concrete gro+ings on the earth
%e also see the contination of the old cltres as %ell as the ,eginning of ne% cltral ages3 Bt there
is on the other hand also a s'aller c0cle that %e can learn to nderstand throgh the Book of
Re"elation3 It is this s'aller c0cle! dear friends! that I %old like to consider %ith 0o no%3
Page 36
Looking ,ack to the ti'e %hen the @0ster0 of 8olgotha took +lace on the earth %e find! %ith regard
to the s+irital e"oltion of h'an ,eings! the archangelic regenc0 of Ori+hiel!
that archangel %ho
recei"es his i'+lses +redo'inantl0 fro' the forces of *atrn3 After this %e co'e to an age %hen
Anael %as the reigning archangel! then to the age of Xachariel! then to the age of Ra+hael! then to that
of *a'ael! then 8a,riel! and then to the +resent age of @ichael3 We ha"e a first! second! third! forth!
fifth! siAth and se"enth age! so that %ith regard to this s'aller c0cle %ithin or larger fifth c0cle %e are
in the se"enth age3 We are li"ing in an age %e %old ha"e to descri,e as follo%s if %e %ere to se
toda0Ks %a0 of for'lating thingsD We are li"ing in the age of fi"eYse"en! the fifth +ost$Atlantean
cltral age! the fifth larger c0cle of h'an e"oltion! andG%ith regard to a s'aller c0cle of the ages
of archangelic regenc0G%e are li"ing in the se"enth age! %hich inter%ea"es %ith the larger one3

A se"enth age! dear friends! signifies an end stage3 The age %e are no% in %as +receded ,0 the siAth!
that of 8a,riel3 In a siAth age a great 'an0 things are decided! and +re+arations are 'ade for the end3
Page 37
Bt the age +rior to it also still %orks into that siAth age3 The @ichael age ,egan arond -7B.! the
8a,riel age arond -/B-3 Before that %as the age of *a'ael! the archangel %ho recei"es his i'+lses
fro' @arsF that %as the fifth age3
The +oint in ti'e %hen the fifth +ost$Atlantean cltral age ,egan occrred dring the age %hen the
archangel of the fifth shorter age %as regent3 &ring the fifth archangelic regenc0! that archangel had
alread0 ,een +re+aring the onset of the fifth +ost$Atlantean cltral age for three to for centries3 *o
,eing alread0 in +rogress! the s'aller age coincided %ith the ,eginning of the larger age3 This signifies
nothing less than that the larger ages are +re+ared ,0 s+irits of the 'iddle hierarch03 The third
hierarch0! to %hich the archangels ,elong! are the ser"ing 'e',ers of the higher hierarchies3 The la%
of n',ers ths ,rings it a,ot that at the ,eginning of the fifth age the fifth archangel coincides at the
height of his s'aller age %ith a higher ,eing fro' a higher hierarch0 %ho is also in the n',er fi"e3
It is a good %hile! relati"el0 s+eaking! since +eo+le s+oke a,ot sch things! ,t the0 %ere s+oken
of for longer than one ordinaril0 i'agines3 In +laces like the *chool of 4hartres these secrets %ere e"en
,eing 'entioned in the t%elfth centr03 At that ti'e there %as still an a+ocal0+tic langage3 It is al%a0s
the case that the ni"erse is seen! so to s+eak! in the +ers+ecti"e! in the as+ect! of n',er3
When Plato sa0sD L8od 'athe'ati<es! 8od geo'etri<es!K
he is referring not to or little hit of
a,stract geo'etr0 or 'athe'atics ,t to that +rofond eA+erience +eo+le in ancient ti'es had
regarding for's and n',ers3 @aterialis' derides this toda0! ,t in fact %e can e"er0%here see that
the la% of the n',er se"en is also at %ork in organic life3 4onsider the ti'e it takes for so'ething to
de"elo+ and then follo% this + ,0 looking at ,tterflies or lar"ae e'erging or the inc,ation +eriod of
certain illnesses3 Jo %ill find the la% of the n',er se"en at %ork e"er0%here3 The initiates %ere
sho%n that n',ers are deri"ed fro' the "er0 natre of things! and this in trn dre% their attention to
the %a0 things stand in the o"erall cos'ic conteAt3
It 'akes s sit + and take notice! dear friends! %hen %e hearD The archangel %ho is in the n',er
fi"e ,egins his +eriod of regenc0 in connection %ith the fifth +ost$Atlantean age %ith forces e'anating
fro' @ars3 If an age ,egins %ith @ars forcesGe"en #ite s+erficiall0 this is hinted atGthen there is
so'ething %arlike in it3
We see that the cltral ages are se+arated fro' one another ,0 i'+ortant e"ents3 Bt %e also see
that there %as an i'+ortant e"ent that se+arated the Atlantean +eriod fro' the +resent! +ost$Atlantean
+eriodG%hich as a fifth +eriod has no% reached its fifth cltral ageGand this e"ent is the ice age
kno%n as the 8reat Flood! the fall of old Atlantis and the rise of ne% continents3 We are no% li"ing in
the fifth +ost$Atlantean age! and a siAth and se"enth age %ill follo%3 The catastro+he that %ill se+arate
the neAt great +eriodGafter the fifth! siAth and se"enth agesG%ill not ,e 'erel0 an eAternal e"ent in
natre sch as the ice age and e"er0thing %e are told a,ot the 8reat Flood3 The se+aration ,et%een the
fifth and siAth +eriod %ill sho% itself 'ore in the 'oral real'3 A %ar of all against all! a,ot %hich I
ha"e often s+oken! %ill ,e a 'oral catastro+he that %ill se+arate the fifth fro' the siAth great +eriod of
earth e"oltion3 It %ill certainl0 also ,e connected %ith e"ents in natre! ,t these e"ents in natre %ill
,e 'ore in the ,ackgrond3
The fifth cltral age %as introdced ,0 %hat co'es throgh *a'ael fro' @ars! the #arrelso'e
s+irit! in that ele'ents of conflict %ere fetched do%n ot of the s+irital %orld3 At the ,eginning of the
consciosness sol era %e see also in the s'aller se#ence ho% or fifth +ost$Atlantean age contains
so'ething of a +re'onition! a +ro+hetic +re'onition of %hat %ill ha++en at the close of the greater
+ost$Atlantean +eriod as a %hole! once the fifth cltral age %ill ha"e ,een follo%ed ,0 the siAth and
Page 38
Listening to the "oices of those s+eaking at the trn of the forteenth to the fifteenth centr0 %ho
still kne% so'ething of the secret +rocesses ,ehind the "isi,le ones! 0o %ill e"en then! in that ti'e of
*a'aelKs @ars regenc0! hear indications a,ot the end of or greater +ost$Atlantean +eriod! thogh
onl0 in tin0 hints3 Once 0o 'ake a correlation ,et%een n',er and %hat is ha++ening! 0o ,egin to
think a+ocal0+ticall03 Jo learn to read the ni"erse a+ocal0+ticall0 and 0o %ill find that contless
secrets re"eal the'sel"es if 0o learn to look at the %orld in this a+ocal0+tic %a03
Think no% of ho% or ti'e lies in the s'all @ichael age and also in the fifth +ost$Atlantean cltral
age as %ell as in the greater c0cle of the +ost$Atlantean +eriod3 Let s in"estigate the 'eaning of this3
We are li"ing in the fifth greater +eriod of the earth! the +ost$Atlantean +eriod3 This fifth +eriod is the
one that has to a considera,le eAtent disengaged the h'an ,eing fro' the di"ine %orld3 The +eo+le of
Atlantis still definitel0 felt the'sel"es to ,e filled %ith 8odF rather than feeling like indi"idal h'an
,eings the0 felt the'sel"es to ,e en"elo+ed in the 'antle of 8od3 A h'an ,eing dring Atlantis felt
that it %as 8od %ho eAisted rather than the indi"idal3
The +r+ose of or +ost$Atlantean +eriod is! essentiall0! to 'ake the h'an ,eing inde+endent! to
disengage the h'an ,eing fro' the di"init0! and this is %hat has ,een ha++ening slo%l0 and gradall0
throgh for cltral ages3 It ,egan slo%l0 in the ancient Indian cltral age %hich cold definitel0 still
,e sensed in the @0steries of E+hess3 In the ancient Indian cltral age the h'an ,eing still felt
hi'self to ,e %ithin the di"init0! %hereas he disengaged hi'self #ite strongl0 dring the second
cltral age! that of ancient Persia3 In the third cltral age he felt e"en 'ore se+arated! so that he
,egan to feel death a++roaching in the distance3 In the 8reco$Latin cltral age death %as felt to sch
an eAtent that the sa0ing ca'e to ,e coinedD LRather a ,eggar in the land of the li"ing than a king in the
No% that %e are destined in the fifth +ost$Atlantean cltral age to find death 'ore and 'ore ,0 or
side as a co'+anion! as I 'entioned 0esterda0! %e shall need 'oral +o%ers if %e are to endre this
constant +resence of death3 *o it is i'+ortant for s that or ti'e in the i''ediate +resent shold see
the consciosness solGacco'+anied ,0 the constant +resence of death ,eside the h'an ,eingG
coinciding %ith the @ichael age! that archangelic regenc0 %hich signifies a kind of end! a kind of
cl'ination of +erfection! ,t in"ol"ing at once ,oth decadence and +erfection3
@ichael! the *+irit %ho li"ed in the sn! the 'ost i'+ortant ser"ant of the 4hrist$*+irit in the sn!
eA+erienced the @0ster0 of 8olgotha fro' the other side3 H'anit0 on earth eA+erienced the @0ster0
of 8olgotha in sch a %a0 that the0 sa% 4hrist a++roaching3 @ichael and his hosts! %ho %ere still in
the sn at the ti'e! eA+erienced it throgh ha"ing to take lea"e of 4hrist3
&ear friends! %e 'st +er'it the t%o +oles of this s+re'e cos'ic e"ent to %ork on or solsD the
hosanna on earth! the arri"al of 4hrist on earth! and the lea"e$taking fro' @ichaelKs hosts in the sn
a,o"e3 The t%o ,elong together3
In this "er0 age of ors @ichael has eA+erienced a great 'eta'or+hosis3 The ,eginning of his
regenc0 entailed his follo%ing after 4hrist in co'ing do%n to the earth! %hereas in ftre his regenc0
%ill entail his striding ahead of 4hristKs deeds on earth3 One %ill learn to nderstand once again %hat is
'eant ,0 the %ordsD @ichael goes on ,efore the Lord3 Before Ori+hiel there %as of corse also a
@ichael age! and in the Old Testa'ent the initiates in Asia s+oke of @ichael as going on ,efore
Jah%ehF Ost as the contenance as a +ersonKs fore'ost +art goes on ,efore hi'! so did the0 s+eak of
@ichael ,eing the 4ontenance of Jah%eh! and so 'st %e learn to s+eak of @ichael as the
4ontenance of 4hrist3 Bt %e are no% in a different age3 4ertain things no% ha"e to attain their
highest +erfection3 We 'st in a sense learn to 'ake so'ething fritfl that %as hitherto not a,le to ,e
Page 39
Take the se"en congregations of the Book of Re"elation3 We can allocate each to one of the
archangelic regencies! and if %e take the first age! %hich +aralleled the 4hrist$E"ent and the ,eginning
of 4hristianit0 and %hich %as still going on %hen the Book of Re"elation %as %ritten! %e shall find
that it is re+resented for s ,0 the congregation at E+hess3 In accordance %ith the Book of Re"elation
%e can also see this congregation at E+hess as the one %hich %as ,ond to 4hristianit0 %ith its first
lo"e3 All this can ,e co'+rehended throgh the secret of n',ers3
The neAt age %e co'e to is that of Anael %ho deri"es his +o%ers fro' Vens3 In that age %e find the
great deeds of lo"e that %ere acco'+lished for the s+read of 4hristianit0! contless deeds of lo"e!
es+eciall0 those that still li"e in the traces of the Irish 'onks %ho s+read 4hristianit0 across Ero+e3 In
the other as+ects of 4hristian life! too! %e find lo"e to ,e s+re'e nder the regenc0 of Anael3
Then follo%s the regenc0 of Xachariel %ho dra%s his +o%ers fro' 2+iter! chiefl0 +o%ers of
%isdo'! +o%ers that %ere! ho%e"er! little nderstood in that age3 Also! instead of an actal reign of
2+iter! the archangel regenc0 ,egan to %ithdra% into the ,ackgrond3 H'anit0 in a %a0 no longer
reached + to the region of 2+iterF it denied the 2+iter s+irit3 The significant 4oncil of
4onstantino+le! that Eighth 4oncil %hich de+ri"ed the e"oltion of h'anit0 of so 'ch ,0
a,olishing the trichoto'0! falls in this age3
No% co'es the age %hen so'ething little noticed in eAternal histor0 %as at %ork3 After the
conclsion of the Xachariel age h'anit0 %as fnda'entall0 sick in sol3 H'anit0 %as reall0 #ite
ill! and s,stances of disease s+read fro' East to West! terri,le s,stances of disease that endangered
4hristianit0 ,ecase the0 ste''ed fro' 'aterialis'! for it %as 'aterialis' that +shed its %a0 into
4hristianit03 Becase the age of 2+iter %isdo' %as finished it ,eca'e +ossi,le for 'aterialis' to
'ake itself felt %ithin 4hristian cltre3
*o'ething re'arka,le that %as +resent on the earth onl0 as a +roOection %as ,ehind all this3 Behind
all these re'nants that %ere like sickness there %as so'ething re'arka,le in the age that follo%ed that
of Xachariel fro' the tenth! ele"enth centr0 on%ards! the age of Ra+hael! the +h0sician a'ong the
archangels3 This %as the age in %hich healing took +lace ,ehind the scenes of %orld histor0! not "isi,l0
in +,lic ,t "er0 'ch %ithin3 @ch %as healed %ith regard to rescing certain 'oral #alities that
%ere a,ot to +erish3 In o++osition to the s,stances of disease that had ,een ,roght to Ero+e
throgh @oha''edanis'! so'ething else %as called for that also had to co'e fro' the Orient ,t in
another for'! so'ething stee+ed in the 4hristian +rinci+le3 Behind the 4rsadesGand in fact in
+rinci+le this %as the case of the 4rsadesGone 'st look for the %ill to heal h'anit0! to cre it of
the 'aterialis' threatened ,oth ,0 @oha''edanis' and ,0 Ro'an 4atholicis'3 Basicall0 it %as
Ra+hael! the +h0sician a'ong the archangels! %ho ins+ired those %ho first taght h'anit0 to look to
that Orient to%ards %hich the 4rsades %ere directed3
In this! dear friends! %e find orsel"es in the forth s'aller age that fell %ithin the forth larger
+ost$Atlantean cltral age! the 8reco$Latin age3 This forth larger age %as destined to ha"e %ithin it
the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 The forth s'aller age! the Ra+hael age! is inti'atel0 related to the %hole
,asic strctre of the forth larger age3 We see ho% the Archangel Ra+haelG,0 ins+iring h'an ,eings
to ndertake the 4rsades! trning their attention +o%erfll0 to%ards the Orient in order to find the
@0ster0 of 4hrist there in the OrientG%e see ho% Ra+hael took + the i'+lses of 4hrist! ho% a
s+irital at'os+here floated a,o"e the grond! floated a,o"e all that %as ha++ening3 Those %ho %ere
a,le to look ,ehind the scenes of eAternal ha++enings e"en onl0 a little ,it %ere se+arated fro' the
i''ediate s+irital %orld ,0 the 'erest gossa'er %e,! Ost as %e %ere %hen @ichael ,egan to %ork
Page 40
"isi,l0 on the earth in the last third of the nineteenth centr03
Otstanding s+irits %ere ali"e in that Ra+hael age! a'ong the' 2oachi' of Floris and Alans de
The0 %ere a,le to o,ser"e Ra+haelKs %ork! this %ork of healing h'anit0 carried on ,ehind
the scenes of eAternal ha++enings3 This %as the ,ackgrond to that age %hen the s+irit %as
s,stantiall0 sick3 Witness to this is also the fact that +recisel0 at this ti'e +eo+le ,egan to gain an
nderstanding s+ecificall0 for the 8os+el of Lke! the 8os+el of Healing3 Ths %hen %e look at the
ti'es in accordance %ith the secret of n',ers %e gain i'+ortant kno%ledge to hel+ s nderstand the
significance of e"ents3
Then follo%ed the age of *a'ael that recei"ed its fnda'ental i'+lses fro' @ars3 Po%ers of
conflict ,egan to %orkF the0 %ere inoclated into h'anit03 The n',er fi"e ,eca'e o++osed to the
n',er for3 Whene"er there is a transition fro' a for to a fi"e there is the +ecliar sitation of the
fi"e al%a0s getting into o++osition to the for3 Back in the ancient @0steries there %ere long ages %hen
the ++ils! the ade+ts! %ere initiated into the secret of n',ers! and there ca'e a ti'e %hen these
++ils e'erged fro' their lessons filled %ith a dee+ con"iction that the0 eA+ressed in the %ordsD No% I
kno% the n',er of e"il! it is the n',er fi"e3
Where"er the n',er fi"e is at %ork in the ni"erse
%e are al%a0s + against the %orld of e"il3 The fi"e re,els against the for! and in conse#ence great
decisions ha"e to ,e taken %hich cl'inate in the transition + into the siA! co'ing a,ot in either a
good %a0 or a ,ad %a03
We shall reflect to'orro% on the eAtent to %hich this can lead into 'ore concrete considerations!
into the %isdo' of the heart and of the h'an sol3 I %anted to sho% 0o ho% one can se n',ers as
a gideline in tr0ing to fatho' e"ents3
&ornach! -- *e+te',er -.)/
Before going an0 frther in or consideration of the Book of Re"elation %e 'st no% add a n',er of
+oints regarding the +ro+er %a0 to read it! +oints that are! ho%e"er! 'ore eAternal3 We shall certainl0
then reach or o%n +resent ti'e %ith %hat %e read in this Book3 First %e 'st look at the s+irital
,ackgrond ot of %hich the Book of Re"elation has e'erged3 Of corse I do not 'ean this in the
sense of toda0?s %a0 of eA+laining a %ork against the ,ackgrond of its ti'e in a s+erficial historical
'anner3 *ch a 'ethod is not a++lica,le in the case of %orks that ha"e ,een concei"ed ot of the
s+irital %orld in the %a0 descri,ed in the Book of Re"elation3 We 'st ,e clear a,ot the fact that the
Book of Re"elation ca'e into ,eing in the %a0 it did according to the s+irital conditions of its ti'e
and not according to eAternal! historical conditions3
Let s no% look at that ti'e of the earl0 4hristian centries! and let s connect it %ith general cos'ic
e"oltion in the s+irital sense3
Looking at e"oltion taking +lace ,ehind the scenes of eAternal ha++enings %e see that the 0ear A&
;;; is an i'+ortant one3 That 0ear re+resents the +oint in ti'e %hen the LIK entered into the intellectal
or 'ind sol of the h'an ,eing that had gradall0 e"ol"ed ,et%een B/B B4 and the ,eginning of the
era of the consciosness sol in the fifteenth centr03 The 0ear ;;; falls in the 'iddle of this +eriod3
The de"elo+'ent of 8reek cltre %as an i'+ortant as+ect of the era of the intellectal or 'ind sol!
and it contined to ha"e its effect ntil the era of the consciosness sol3 The @0ster0 of 8olgotha took
+lace in the era %hen the intellectal or 'ind sol %as e"ol"ing3
Page 41

We 'st nderstand that the entr0 of the LIK into the intellectal or 'ind sol is an i''ensel0
significant e"ent3 The co'ing of the LIK! %hich took +lace arond the 0ear ;;;! had a "er0 +rofond
and serios effect in the sols of those in +articlar %ho %ere sita,le for recei"ing the inflence of the
s+irit3 Those %ho %ant to +artici+ate in the life of the s+irit and %ant to %ork in the sa'e direction as
the life of the s+irit 'st relate the eAternal facts of historical e"oltion to their s+irital ,ackgrond3
What i'+ortant eAternal e"ents took +lace dring the +eriod %hen the LIK %as entering into the
h'an sol ,ehind the scenes of eAternal ha++eningsP What light does the entr0 of the LIK thro% on
these e"entsP &ear friends! it is at sch a +oint that the h'an ,eing finds the %hole relationshi+
,et%een 8od and 'an ,eco'ing inco'+rehensi,le! insecre and o+en to dis+te3
One e"ent that ha++ened at that +oint in ti'e %as the i'+ortant contro"ers0 ,et%een Aris and
With the entr0 of the LIK into the intellectal or 'ind sol! a',igities arise in the in'ost
sol of the h'an ,eing! althogh these re'ain nconscios for the ti'e ,eing3 Bt the0 lead to the
#estionD In %hat %a0 does the di"ine LIK li"e in the natre of 'anP Peo+le at that ti'e ,eca'e
ncertain as to %hat the0 shold think a,ot ho% the di"ine relates to the %orld and to the h'an
,eing3 In this 'atter Aris and Athanasis differed drasticall0! and %e find that the "ie% re+resented ,0
Athanasis gained the ++er hand in Western Ero+e! %hile that of Aris nder%ent a gradal decline3
Let s no% look at this fro' the s+irital +oint of "ie%! for this is the 'ost i'+ortant one if %e %ant
to nderstand the inner 'eaning and the inner s+irit of so'ething like the Book of Re"elation3 Aris
sa% the h'an ,eing on the one hand rising higher and higher and! as it %ere! ha"ing to co'e closer
and closer to the di"ineF and on the other hand he sa% the di"ine ,eing3 In conOnction %ith these t%o
great cos'ic +rinci+les he then had to reach an nderstanding of the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! of the natre
Page 42
of 4hrist3 He %anted to find an ans%er to the #estionD Ho% is the h'an and ho% is the di"ine natre
contained in 4hrist hi'selfP *hold %e reall0 regard 4hrist as a di"ine ,eing or notP The ans%er he
ca'e + %ith %as! actall0D No3 Basicall0 he occ+ied the sa'e grond as that %hich later ,eca'e the
general o+inion a'ongst the +o+lation of Ero+e! %hich %as that a ,arrier 'st ,e erected ,et%een
'an and 8od! that the ind%elling of 8od in the h'an ,eing is not ad'issi,le! and that one 'st +lace
an a,0ss ,et%een 8od and 'an3
Withot +reOdging things let s no% retrn to the ti'e of earl0 4hristianit0 %hich in the 'ain has
nothing in co''on %ith later Ro'an 4atholicis'! for as ti'e %ent on 4hristianit0 ,eca'e decadent in
Ro'an 4atholicis'3 For this reason %e 'st also ,e clear a,ot the fact that for the sake of h'anit0Ks
frther de"elo+'ent it %as essential for the %hole contro"ers0 to ,e decided in fa"or of Athanasis!
%ho sa% 4hrist as a directl0 di"ine ,eing! %ho sa% in 4hrist the trl0 di"ine *n *+irit3 Later! thogh!
this "ie% %as relegated 'ore to the ,ackgrond ,ecase of the a"ersion to i'agining 4hrist as a
cos'ic ,eing3 Athanasis in his %hole trn of 'ind %as +redis+osed to seeing in 4hrist a 8od %ho %as
e#al to the Father 8od3
This "ie% contined to ha"e its effect! eAce+t that it %as de+ri"ed of its lti'ate +oint in A& 76. ,0
the Eighth 4oncil of 4onstantino+le!
%hich ,asicall0 destro0ed the dog'a of the 4oncil of Nicaea
,0 declaring the trichoto'0 a heres03 Herein la0 the ,eginning of decadence in ecclesiastical
4hristianit0F it 'eant that for s,se#ent centries of 4atholic ecclesiastical de"elo+'ent it %as no
longer +ossi,le to gro% into the s+irit3
The re"oltion that occrred in the h'an ,eing %hen the LIK entered into the intellectal or 'ind
sol is certainl0 colored ,0 this e"ent! ,t at the sa'e ti'e it also gi"es that eAternal e"ent an inner
significance of its o%n3
Looking 'ore closel0 at the historical sitation! %e ha"e to sa0 that after the 0ear ;;; there ca'e
ti'esGsignificant a,o"e all for Ero+ean de"elo+'entG%hen contact %ith the cltre of ancient
Ro'e %as discontined3 We see ho% the cltre of ancient Ro'e! sch as it had ,0 then ,eco'e! %as
,asicall0 na,le to acce+t 4hristianit03 A grand "ista nfolds ,efore s %hen %e std0 this 0ear ;;;3 It
is also the 0ear in %hich the +eriod ,egins %hen the cltre of ancient Ro'e shifted frther east%ards
fro' Ro'e3 4hristianit0 fled east%ards fro' Ro'e nder the Ro'an E'+eror! the Ro'an 4aesar %ho
%anted to ado+t 4hristianit03
It is less i'+ortant to std0 the a,se and da'age cased ,0 the 4oncil
of 4onstantino+le than to tr0 and find the 'eaning of %h0 there had to ,e a flight east%ards fro' the
West %hen 4hristianit0 entered Ro'e3 This is i''ensel0 significant3 *een fro' the s+irital %orld it is
so significant and shining an e"ent that ,0 co'+arison all the da'age done ,0 B0<antianis' hardl0
co'es into consideration3
One cannot hel+ sa0ing ho% tre'endosl0 significant it is that 4hristianit0 had to flee at the
'o'ent %hen! in its eAternal 'anifestation! it ca'e into contact %ith the cltre of ancient Ro'e3
Ne"ertheless! after it had fled east%ards nder 4onstantine! 4hristianit0 did florish on the soil of
ancient Ro'e! on the soil of %hat ancient Ro'e had ,een +re+aring for a long ti'e3 Bt as it flo%ered
it %as s#ee<ed into eAternal! seclar for's3
We shold tr0 to i'agine %hat it 'eans %hen the a+ocal0+tist trns his +ro+hetic "ision to%ards
4hristianit0 +re+aring itself in Ro'e! and sees ho% at the "er0 'o'ent %hen the cltre of ancient
Ro'e declares itself in fa"or of 4hristianit0! 4hristianit0 takes on the ancient Ro'an for's3 This is
the as+ect %e seeD On the one side there is the contro"ers0 ,et%een Aris and Athanasis! and on the
other ancient Ro'e con"erting to 4hristianit03 Bt in tra"elling east%ards! 4hristianit0 takes on the
for' that has ,een left ,ehind in Ro'e! the Ro'an state strctre! and ,eco'es! also in the %a0 it
Page 43
%orks eAternall0! a contination of ancient Ro'e3
We %ill no% lea"e on one side for the 'o'ent certain things that %e shall ha"e to eA+lain at a
dee+er s+irital le"el! and trn instead to histor03 The a+ocal0+tist foresa% in a grand and +o%erfl
'anner %hat histor0 %old ,ring3 Althogh he did not eA+ress it clearl0! he had it in his feeling life!
and it nderla0 the co'+osition of his BookD He sho%ed ho% the gro%th of %hat %as to take +lace ,oth
%ithin h'anit0 and eAternall0 in histor0 %old need ;;; 0ears after the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! and
ho% a strange se',lance of de"elo+'ent %old then take +lace in 4hristianit03 The soil on %hich
e"er0thing %as to ,e +re+ared that %old then take another ;;; 0ears + to the 0ear 666Gthis soil %as
that 4hristian Ro'anness! +rooted and 'o"ed east%ards! and that Ro'an 4hristianit0 %hich had
co'forta,l0 adOsted itself to those Ro'an for's3
&ear friends! call + ,efore 0or sols once 'ore %hat %e said 0esterda0 a,ot so'eone still
ins+ired ,0 the ancient @0steries! sch as the a+ocal0+tist! ,eco'ing i''ersed in n',ers3 Jo see
the a+ocal0+tist conte'+lating the neAt ;;; 0ears! in %hich 4hristianit0 %ill see' to ,e florishing
eAternall0! ,t in %hich it %ill in fact ha"e to de"elo+ %hile shroded in 'ist on t%o sides! dri"en
east%ards in 4onstantine?s da0 and +reser"ing so'ething old and ahri'anic fro' the West3 *o'ething
is ,eing +re+ared in the %o', of e"oltion! so'ething that had ,een left o"er fro' non$4hristian
ancient Ro'anness3
What %as this non$4hristian Ro'annessP If %e look into the @0steries! %e find that in the greatest!
'ost de"elo+ed @0steries the trichoto'0! the sacred n',er three! %as dee+l0 significant3 *o let s
ha"e a closer look at %hat this 'eant3 Peo+le thoght of ,eing ,orn into the on%ard flo%ing strea' of
heredit0F this %as ho% the h'an ,eing %as thoght of in! for eAa'+le! the %orld order of the secret
He,re% doctrine3 Peo+le thoght of the h'an ,eing %ith the ca+a,ilities and characteristics he had
,roght %ith hi' throgh heredit0! throgh his ancestr03 Peo+le i'agined h'an life as a de"elo+'ent
going in a straight line %ith %hich nothing i'+ortant interferes eAce+t %hat co'es a,ot throgh the
i'+lse of heredit0D Jo ste' fro' the +h0sical +o%ers of 0or +arentsF in 0o the s+irital i'+lses
of 0or +h0sical +arents are at %ork3 That! essentiall0! %as the doctrine of the LFathersK in the ancient
@0steries3 This is as far as this dog'a %ent! for eAa'+le in the secret He,re% doctrines! ,t also in
other secret doctrines3
In the higher @0steries! ho%e"er! so'ething else %as added3 These @0steries s+oke of the h'an
,eing carr0ing the i'+lses of heredit0 and de"elo+ing throgh the'3 Bt the0 also s+oke of ho%
dring +h0sical eAistence ,et%een ,irth and death the h'an ,eing can take in another i'+lse as %ell!
the i'+lse that ena,les hi' to eAtricate hi'self fro' heredit0! to find his %a0 ot of this in his sol
life3 This is the *on$I'+lse! the 4hrist$I'+lse3 These @0steries saidD The i'+lses of heredit0 are
%ithin the h'an ,eing and ,ring a,ot an e"oltion ,et%een ,irth and death that rns in a straight
line3 The0 co'e fro' the Father! fro' the Father %ho is the grond of e"er0thing3 The i'+lses of the
*on! ho%e"er! do not enter into the forces of heredit03 The0 ha"e to ,e a,sor,ed ,0 the sol and
%orked on ,0 the sol! the0 'st eA+and the sol to sch an eAtent that it ,eco'es free of ,odil0
forces! free of the forces of heredit03 The i'+lses of the *on enter into h'an freedo'Gin the %a0
freedo' %as nderstood in those ti'esGthe0 enter into freedo' of sol! %here the sol is free of the
forces of heredit03 These are the forces that allo% the h'an ,eing to ,e re,orn in sol3 The0 ena,le the
h'an ,eing to take hi'self in hand dring the life gi"en to hi' ,0 the Father3 All those ancient
@0steries sa% the Father H'an BeingF the0 sa% the H'an Being %ho is the *on of the Father! the
Brother of 4hrist! %ho takes hi'self in hand! %ho takes into hi'self %hat is in a sense free of the ,od0!
%ho has to ,ear %ithin hi'self a ne% kingdo' that kno%s nothing of +h0sical natre! that re+resents
an order different fro' that of natreD the kingdo' of the s+irit3
Page 44
In s+eaking of the Father 8od in this sense! %e %old ,e entitledGalthogh not in the eAternal!
'aterialistic %a0 %e do toda0! ,t 'ore after the 'anner of the He,re% teachingsGto s+eak of natral
+heno'ena that are also s+irit +heno'ena! for the s+irit is e"er0%here at %ork in natral +heno'ena3
*cience as %e kno% it toda0! in the %a0 it ca'e into ,eing not so "er0 long ago and in the %a0 it
%orks! is onl0 a one$sided science of the Father3 We 'st add to this the kno%ledge of the *on! of
4hrist! that kno%ledge %hich relates to ho% the h'an ,eing takes hi'self in hand! ho% the h'an
,eing recei"es an i'+lse that can onl0 ,e taken in throgh the sol and that does not co'e fro' the
forces of heredit03 That the h'an ,eing enters into this is at first %ithot an0 la%! %ithot the force or
effecti"eness of an0 la%3 The effecti"eness co'es in for hi' throgh the s+irit! so that in the sense of
the ancient @0steries %e ha"e t%o real'sD the real' of natre %hich is the real' of the Father! and the
real' of the *+irit3 The h'an ,eing is carried fro' the real' of natre into the real' of *+irit ,0 the
*on! ,0 4hrist3
When %e ,eco'e +ro+erl0 a%are of ho% sch conte'+lations still rled the a+ocal0+tist and indeed
the sols of his conte'+oraries! then %e shall ,e a,le to see into his +ro+hetic sol %hich %as a,le to
sr"e0 the ftre in ,road otlines3 This %ill ena,le s to nderstand ho% he no% sa% %hat ca'e do%n
+on 4hristianit0Gdegenerating as it %as in t%o directions into a se',lance of its tre selfGrond
a,ot the 0ear 6663
His +ro+hetic glance no% fell on those teachings %hich %ere co'ing into ,eing arond the 0ear 666
and %hich harked ,ack to those @0steries that kne% nothing of the *onD the @oha''edan teachings3
The @oha''edan teachings do not kno% the strctre of the %orld I ha"e Ost ,een s+eaking a,ot!
the0 do not kno% the t%o real's! that of the Father and that of the *+iritF the0 kno% onl0 the Father3
The0 kno% onl0 the rigid doctrineD There is one 8od! Allah! and none ,eside hi'F and @oha''ed is
his Pro+het3 Fro' this angle! the teachings of @oha''ed are the strongest +olarit0 to 4hristianit0! for
in the' is the %ill to do a%a0 %ith all freedo' for e"er! the %ill to ,ring a,ot deter'inis'! for
nothing else is +ossi,le if 0o can i'agine the %orld solel0 in the sense of the Father 8od3
This ga"e the a+ocal0+tist the feelingD The h'an ,eing cannot find hi'self in thisF the h'an
,eing cannot ,eco'e filled throgh and throgh %ith 4hristF if he can co'+rehend onl0 the old
doctrine of the Father! the h'an ,eing cannot take hold of his o%n h'anness3 For sch an in%ardl0
rigid and closed$off "ie% of the %orld the eAternal for' of the h'an ,eing ,eco'es an illsion3 The
h'an ,eing onl0 ,eco'es h'an ,0 taking hold of hi'self throgh 'aking 4hrist ali"e %ithin
hi'selfF he onl0 ,eco'es h'an %hen he is ada+ted to the s+irital order in real's of s+irit that are
entirel0 free of natre3 He does not ,eco'e h'an if he regresses into a "ie% that reckons solel0 %ith
the Father 8od3
No% that the LIK has ,een entering into 'an since the 0ear ;;;! there is a dangerGso sa0s the
a+ocal0+tistGof h'anit0 gro%ing confsed a,ot this LIK ,eco'ing filled %ith the *on 8od! %ith the
4hrist3 After a +eriod of ti'e that is as long as the +eriod + to then fro' the @0ster0 of 8olgotha!
so'ething ,egins to rise +! so'ething that threatens to kee+ h'anit0 do%n at the le"el of the ,eastF
666 is the n',er of the Beast3
The a+ocal0+tist foresa% #ite decidedl0 %hat %as threatening h'anit03 4hristianit0 %as going to
colla+se in t%o directions into a se',lance of 4hristianit0 or! 'ore clearl0 eA+ressed! it %as going to
degenerate into a 4hristianit0 shroded in 'ist3 That %hich %as threatening to flood o"er it in this %a0
is indicated in the designation of the 0ear 666! for the s+irital %orld the significant 0ear in %hich %hat
li"es in Ara,is'! in @oha''edanis'! s+rang + e"er0%here3 The a+ocal0+tist na'es this 0ear 666 as
clearl0 as can ,e3 Those %ho can read in an a+ocal0+tic 'anner nderstand %hat I 'ean3 B0
designating in his 'ight0 %ords the n',er 666 as the n',er of the Beast the a+ocal0+tist %as
Page 45
foreseeing %hat %old flood into e"oltion3
Ths! ,asicall0! he foresa% in a re"elation e"er0thing that then follo%ed3 One thing %as the
strea'ing of Ara,is' to%ards Ero+e3 Another %as the %a0 4hristianit0 ,eca'e filled %ith a doctrine
that cold onl0 ,ring a,ot a failre to nderstand the h'an ,eing in his h'anness3 This arose
,ecase the doctrine of the Father %as translated into 'aterialis'! leading to the ass'+tion 'ore
recentl0 that h'an e"oltion can onl0 he eA+lained ,0 follo%ing the e"oltion of a se#ence of
ani'als + to the h'an ,eing3
&ar%inis' srel0 %as a case in +ointD As the n',er of the Beast! 666! a++eared! the h'an ,eing
cold no longer co'+rehend hi'self as a h'an ,eing ,t onl0 as so'e kind of higher ani'al3 *rel0
%e are seeing ahri'anic forces of o++osition to the *on 8od at %ork in the %a0 4hristianit0 has
,eco'e i'+regnated %ith the 'aterialistic for' of the Father doctrine3 Are not sch things still at %ork
no%! in or o%n ti'eP I ha"e often +ointed to Harnack?s What is 4hristianit0P as an eAa'+le of recent
theological literatre3
Where"er the na'e of 4hrist a++ears in this ,ook 0o 'ight Ost as %ell re+lace
it %ith the na'e of the Father! for Harnack?s What is 4hristianit0P is nothing ,t a doctrine of the
Father 8od and not a concrete teaching a,ot 4hrist at all3 In fact! it is a denial of the 4hrist doctrine!
for in +lace of 4hrist it +ts a generali<ed Father 8od! and it does not 'ake an0 kind of a++roach to all
that %old co'e nder the heading of 4hristolog03
The a+ocal0+tist sa% this ti'e a++roaching! and in its a++roach he sa% in essence so'ething that
o++ressed his solD the difficlt0 a,ot the Trans,stantiationGif I 'a0 se a h'an eA+ression that
does not #ite coincide %ith the s+irital! ,t there is no other %a0 of +tting it3 &ear friends! 0o are
%ell a%are of ho% 0o 0orsel"es had to strggle %ith the difficlt0 a,ot the Trans,stantiation %hen
this 'o"e'ent for 4hristian rene%al %as inagratedF and 0o kno% ho% 'ch 0o are still ha"ing to
strggle %ith the difficlties inherent in nderstanding the Trans,stantiation3 Think of the hors %e
s+ent discssing this 'atter of the Trans,stantiation o"er there in the roo' %here the fire in the
8oethean' started3 The Trans,stantiation enco'+asses the %hole #estion of *on and Father3 Jo
cold sa0 that the contro"ers0 a,ot the Trans,stantiation as it arose in the @iddle Ages also
contained so'ething of the o++ression eA+erienced ,0 h'anit0 in the contro"ers0 ,et%een Arianis'
and Athanasianis'3
Trans,stantiation can in fact onl0 ,e 'eaningfl if it is fonded on a genine co'+rehension of
4hristolog0 that is in kee+ing %ith the s+irit! a co'+rehension of the %a0 in %hich 4hrist is nited %ith
h'anit0 and %ith the earth3 Bt ,ecase Arianis' flooded in! Trans,stantiation has al%a0s ,een
eA+osed to ,eing likened to the Father doctrine! %hich sees the 'eta'or+hosis taking +lace in the
s,stances that are sita,le for the Trans,stantiation as ha"ing to ,e a +art of the +rocesses in natre!
of the s+irit in natral +rocesses3
All #estions connected %ith the 4o''nion arise fro' sa0ingD Ho% can that %hich co'es a,ot
in the Trans,stantiation ,e gras+ed in a %a0 that allo%s it to ,e co'+ati,le %ith %hat co'es fro' the
Father and is %orking in e"oltion and %ith %hat co'es fro' the *+irit and is %orking in the la%s of
natreP It is not a #estion of a 'iracle ,t a #estion of the sacra'ent! %hich goes in a direction #ite
different to the trifling 'atter of a 'iracle that +resented +eo+le in the nineteenth and e"en in the
eighteenth centr0 %ith sch +ecliar difficlties3 One 'st think of the ordering ,roght a,ot ,0 the
Father and the ordering ,roght a,ot ,0 the *+iritF and ,et%een the' stands the *on %ho in the %orld
of h'an ,eings lifts + the real' of natre into the real' of the *+irit3 If %e +lace this ,efore or sol
%e shall find that the Trans,stantiation does indeed a++ear as so'ething that there is no need to see as
,elonging to the ordering of natre ,t that is no less +ossessed of realit0! of a s+irital realit0! a trl0
Page 46
s+irital realit0 a,ot %hich one can s+eak in the sa'e %a0 as one s+eaks a,ot the realit0 of the
ordering of natre3
The a+ocal0+tist foresa% ho% difficlt it %old ,eco'e for h'anit0! ,ecase of the "iolence %ith
%hich the n',er 666 +la0s into h'an e"oltion! to sa0D Beside the ordering of natre there is also
another ordering! the s+irital order3
Bt no%Gone %old like to call it the 'ost 'odern deli"eranceGthere is so'ething a++roaching
ot of Anthro+oso+h0 that can thro% light on sch a thing as the Trans,stantiation3 It is throgh
Anthro+oso+h0 that %e ,ring to life once 'ore ho% h'an ,eings li"e re+eatedl0 on the earth3 We
sho% ho%! ,0 ha"ing their field of acti"it0 in the eAternal! +h0sical %orld! the0 ha"e in the' i'+lses
co'ing fro' the line of heredit0! and ho% throgh heredit0 the0 are linked %ith the +o%er of the
Father3 *een onl0 eAternall0! there is a great deal in h'an destin0 %hich is linked %ith these forces of
heredit0 and %hich is ,roght a,ot ,0 the +o%ers of the Father hidden in natre3 B0 acting! ho%e"er!
in a %a0 that ,rings *+irit into their +h0sical ,odil0 natre %hich the0 ha"e ,roght into ,eing for this
+resent life! h'an ,eings also ha"e %orking in the' all the reslts of their for'er li"es on earth3
These also %ork in the'F these forces! too! are a fondation for their actions3
Jo can look at so'ething a +erson does fro' t%o "ie%+oints3 It can ,e an action ,orn of father!
'other! grandfather! grand'other and so on! ,t it can also ,e one in %hich forces harking ,ack to
earlier li"es on earth are at %ork3 The latter is an entirel0 different ordering and it can therefore not ,e
nderstood on the ,asis of an0 science of natre! %hich is the science of the Father3
It is +ossi,le to consider t%o things %hich in their nderl0ing realit0 are the sa'e! thogh in oter
a++earance the0 are different3 Look on the one hand at the h'an ,eing and see ho% his kar'a! his
destin0 de"elo+s as the conse#ence of earlier li"es on earthF it does this according to certain la%s that
eAist! ,t the0 are not the la%s of natre3 And no% look to%ards the altar %here %e see that the
Trans,stantiation is also not eAternall0 "isi,le! for it takes +lace in the +h0sical s,stances as a
s+irital realit03 The sa'e la%s are at %ork in ,oth these +rocesses! and %e can ,ring the' togetherD
The one is the %a0 in %hich kar'a %orks! and the other is the %a0 the Trans,stantiation takes +lace3
If 0o nderstand one! 0o can also nderstand the other3
This is one of the '0steries! dear friends! that 0o in this ne% +riesthood 'st gras+3 This is one of
the '0steries nder %hose light this co''nit0 of +riests 'st de"elo+ ot of Anthro+oso+h03 It is one
of the inner reasons %h0 this 'st ,e3
In sa0ing this! one is also +ointing ot the i''ense difficlt0 that arose! %ith regard to
co'+rehending the Trans,stantiation! fro' the fact that +eo+le cold not nderstand the kind of la%
%hich is at %ork in h'an kar'a and %hich +ro"ides the fondation for the Trans,stantiation3 That
0ear in %hich the LIK entered the h'an ,eing! allo%ing hi' to achie"e freedo' in +h0sical life! that
0ear of ;;; in %hich 4hristianit0 on the one hand had to flee east%ards! %hich 'eant on the other hand
that it %as fleeing into the ar's of ancient Ro'anness that cold ne"er ,eco'e entirel0 4hristianGthat
0ear of ;;; not onl0 ,roght %ith it the entr0 of the ?I?! ,t it also had to cast a shado%! a darkness! o"er
the connections ,et%een different li"es on earth3 This is so'ething that %as a +art of h'an e"oltion3
What %old ha"e ha++ened if the LIK had not entered into the h'an ,eing at that ti'eP 2lian the
A+ostateG%ho %old ,e ,etter na'ed 2lian the 4onfessor %here the ancient @0steries are concerned
G%old ha"e %on the da03
With the teachings of the ancient @0steries that he had %anted to
introdce it cold ha"e ha++ened that the LIK entering in fro' s+irital %orlds 'ight ha"e ,een
a,sor,ed ,0 h'anit0 in sch a %a0 that it %old ha"e ,een +ossi,le to gras+ the teaching a,ot
kar'a3 HOf corse this is +rel0 h0+otheticalF %e are onl0 considering %hat 'ight ha"e ha++ened3I
Page 47
H'anit0! ho%e"er! had to scale higher ,arriers and %as not a,le to enter into a co'+rehension of
4hristianit0 so easil0 as %old ha"e ,een the case if 2lian the A+ostate had %on the da03
H'anit0 %as ths eA+osed to the rise of the Beast! to the conse#ences and reslts of the n',er
6663 As I said! %e shall ,e s+eaking 'ore a,ot the inner as+ects of this o"er the neAt fe% da0s3 *o
h'anit0 %as de+ri"ed of teachings a,ot kar'a ,t +laced into the 'idst of teachings a,ot the
Trans,stantiation3 This 'eant that there %as nothing in the eAternal %orld that %as analogos to the
teachings a,ot the Trans,stantiation! for it is teachings a,ot kar'a that are analogos to the
teachings a,ot the Trans,stantiation3 The +o%er throgh %hich the destin0 of a h'an ,eing is
L'adeK in sccessi"e li"es on earth is not a +o%er of natre! not a +o%er of the FatherGit is the +o%er
of the *+irit 'ediated ,0 the *on3 This is the +o%er that is also at %ork on the altar dring the
transfor'ation of the Host3
We 'st certainl0 inscri,e sch a thing "er0 dee+ do%n in or sol if %e are to nderstand it
correctl03 If %e can raise or sol! or in'ost ,eing to the s+irital i'+lses that %ork fro' earthl0 life
to earthl0 life! then %e can also co'+rehend %hat ha++ens at the altar in the Trans,stantiation! for it is
no different there3
If %e look at the consecrated Host %ith or ordinar0 nderstanding %e see nothing of %hat is reall0
ha++ening! Ost as in the destin0 of an indi"idal %e see nothing of %hat is reall0 ha++ening if %e look
onl0 at %hat the strength of his 'scles and ,lood achie"es in the 'aterial sense! ,0 %hich I 'ean ot
of the strea' of heredit0GI a' not s+eaking of the s+irital forces that are at %ork in 'scles and
These things! dear friends! +ro"ide the conteAt! and if %e cannot nderstand the' %e shall
nderstand neither the Book of Re"elation nor the a+ocal0+tist3 The i'+lses %e can read #ite clearl0
in the Book of Re"elation ,ring s right + to the +resent da03
&ornach! -) *e+te',er -.)/
B0 ,ringing ,efore or sols the central +oints in %hich the a+ocal0+tistKs re"elations cl'inateGas
%e ha"e alread0 done %ith certain as+ectsG%e can soon arri"e at the o"erall co'+osition as %ell as
the consecti"e content of the Book of Re"elation3 Toda0 %e shall therefore contine in or
consideration of the central +oints! so that to'orro% %e can reall0 get do%n to the content
Jesterda0 I s+oke a,ot ho% the a+ocal0+tist in a sense sa% so'ething that %as threatening to englf
4hristianit0Gthat %hich he felt to ,e the tre 4hristianit0Gso'ething that %old trn it a%a0 fro' the
4hrist$Princi+le and lead it ,ack to the Father$Princi+le %hich! if it %ere to %in the da0! cold take on
onl0 'aterialistic! natralistic for's in this ti'e3
The a+ocal0+tist sa% things and +rocesses in accordance %ith the secret of n',ers or! ,etter! he ,oth
looked and felt in accordance %ith the secret of n',ers3 2st as the 'sician senses the %a0 notes
sond together in accordance %ith the secret of n',ers! althogh he ,eco'es conscios of this at
'ost in the occasional +assage! so did the a+ocal0+tist sense 'ore or less consciosl0 the secrets that
are linked to a n',er sch as 6663
Let s no% orsel"es look into the cos'os in order to glean fro' it 'ore of those secrets of the n',er
6663 Let s consider that the 4hristian re"elation as a %hole is actall0 a *n re"elation! that 4hrist is
Page 48
the Being %ho co'es fro' the *n and %ho sends @ichael %ith his hosts on ahead! Ost as in a
different %a0 2eho"ah of old sent @ichael on ahead3 If %e consider that %e orsel"es are no% li"ing in
a @ichael age %e shall find that the 4hrist$I'+lse as a *n @0ster0 a++ears "er0 +rofondl0 indeed
,efore or sol3
We 'st ,eco'e +rofondl0 a%are in or sol that in the fight against 4hristianit0 %hat is ,eing
foght against is the fact that the real s+irital ele'ent of 4hristianit0 is connected %ith the *n3
Nothing %old +lease the o++onents of 4hristianit0 'ore than if h'an ,eings entirel0 lost their "ision
of the *n as a s+irital ,eing and retained onl0 the "ie% of the *n as it is in +h0sical eAistenceGas I
ha"e alread0 'entioned else%here dring these lectres3 When Ara,is' ,roke in +on h'anit0 it
,roght %ith it the i''ense danger of h'anit0 forgetting the @0ster0 of the *n as the @0ster0 of
4hrist3 The %hole of h'an e"oltion %old then ,e sent off in a direction different fro' the @ichael
direction %hich has the task of +re+aring the 4hrist$E"oltion in a %a0 that %old 'ake it
co'+rehensi,le for h'an ,eings3
The a+ocal0+tist %ho can see ,ehind the scenes of eAternal histor0 reali<es that %hat is ha++ening
eAternall0 in the order of the %orld is taking +lace on the fondation of s+ersensi,le +rocesses3 *o let
s ha"e a look at these s+ersensi,le +rocesses +ercei"ed ,0 the a+ocal0+tist as standing ,ehind
eAternal ha++enings3
E"er0 star in or +lanetar0 s0ste'! inclding the sn! has a collection of ,eings %ithin it3 On the earth
%e ha"e the collection of h'an ,eings in their e"oltion3 If %e %ant to gain a "er0 +rofond "ie% of
h'an ,eings on the earth %e cold take a look at a later +oint in e"oltion %hen h'anit0 %ill ha"e
attained a 'ch higher stage than the one %e occ+0 toda03 We cold look! for eAa'+le! to the Vlcan
condition! %hich %ill follo% later after the Earth condition3
&ear friends! i'agine %hat kind of a +ictre so'eone %old ha"e of the earth if he %ere to see ,efore
hi' a cos'ic ,od0 containing a collection of Vlcan h'an ,eings3 Jet this %old still ,e the earth
%ith its h'an ,eings! onl0 it %old ,e in a different stage3 It is 'ost i'+ortant for the h'an sol to
i'agine the earth as a totalit0 in this %a0! to i'agine not onl0 h'anit0 in its +resent stage on earth ,t
%hat is alread0 +resent toda0 in seed for'! to look at %hat the h'an ,eing carries %ithin hi' and
therefore %hat he also isD the h'an ,eing at the Vlcan stage3 The other +lanets e"er0%here also ha"e
a collection of ,eings li"ing in the'3 To the earth has ,een assigned the task of ,eing the +lace %here
the h'an ,eing e"ol"es! %hich is %h0 it stands in the 'iddle3 We also ha"e other +lanets! for eAa'+le
toda0Ks 2+iter %hich sho%s s #ite clearl0 that its ,eings are entirel0 different3 After all! %e 'eet
these ,eings %hen %e are %orking ot or kar'a ,et%een death and a ne% ,irth3 If %e take the totalit0
of all the ,eings %ho are at %ork in connection %ith the indi"idal +lanets inclding the *n! %e ha"e
%hat %as seen right + to the forteenth centr0 as the s+irital Intelligence of each of the +lanetsF e"en
,0 the teachers of the 4atholic chrch it %as seen as the Intelligence of the +lanets3 We can s+eak a,ot
the Intelligence of the +lanets as a realit0! Ost as %e can s+eak of h'anit0 on earth ,eing the earthKs
Intelligence3 E"er0 sch +lanet +ossesses not onl0 its Intelligence ,t also its &e'on3 The teachers of
the chrch kne% this right + to the forteenth! fifteenth centr03 The totalit0 of all the o++onents of the
Intelligences on a +lanet are &e'ons3 And ths it is also on the *n3
If %e regard 4hristianit0 +ri'aril0 as an e"oltion that accords %ith the *n 8enis! the *n
Intelligence! then %e ha"e to see that %hich is o++osing this e"oltion of 4hristianit0 as the *n
&e'on3 The a+ocal0+tist sa% this3 He sa% %hat %as ha++ening ,ehind the scenes %hen 4hristianit0
fled east%ards fro' Ro'e! and he sa% 4hristianit0 taking on different %a0s of kno%ing3 He sa% the
'ight0 conter$+rinci+le of Ara,is' ,rsting in on a 4hristianit0 that %as threatened fro' t%o sides
,0 illsion3 And %hat he sa% ,ehind the scenes of eAternal Ara, and @oha''edan deeds 'ade hi'
Page 49
reali<e that the *n &e'on %as %orking there against the *n 8enis! against the *n Intelligence3 *o
he had to de+ict the *n &e'on as %orking and li"ing conter to the 4hristian +rinci+le in the h'an
,eing in sch a %a0 that if a h'an ,eing scc',ed to this *n &e'on he then no longer %anted to
'ake contact %ith the di"init0 of 4hrist ,t %anted instead to re'ain in the s,$h'an real'3 If asked!
the a+ocal0+tist %old ha"e called the re+resentati"es of Ara,is' in Ero+e Lh'an ,eings %ho ha"e
srrendered to the *n &e'onK in their sol natre3 It %as clear to hi' that fro' this Ara,is'
e"er0thing arises that ,rings the h'an ,eing close to ani'al natre! first of all in his "ie%s ,t
gradall0 also in his %ill i'+lses3 Who cold den0 that this also li"es in the %ill i'+lsesP With
things that ha++en as realities in the %orld one does not al%a0s ha"e ,oth case and effect side ,0 sideF
one does not see the +r+ose nor that to%ards %hich the +r+ose is directed3
We 'a0 therefore ask orsel"esD What %old ha++en if Ara,is'! the teaching of the *n &e'on! %ere
to ,e entirel0 "ictoriosP H'anit0 %old ,e %ithdra%n fro' ,eing a,le to eA+erience conditions that
h'an ,eings 'st eA+erience if the0 are to co'+rehend the %orking of kar'a fro' earlier
incarnations or if the0 are to co'+rehend the Trans,stantiation3 In the final anal0sis! that %hich
flo%ed fro' Ara,is' %as directed against an nderstanding of the Trans,stantiation3 4ertainl0
eAternal facts do not look as if this %ere the case! ,t ,0 allotting "alidit0 onl0 to the old Father
Princi+le! to the natral %orld$order! the *n &e'on does indeed intend to s%ee+ a%a0 fro' h'an
"ie% that kind of nion %hich is acti"e in the "er0 highest degree in a sacra'ent sch as the
For the a+ocal0+tist! then! the *n &e'on %as +articlarl0 acti"e arond the 0ear 6663 He descri,es
hi' in a %a0 that allo%s an0 initiate to recogni<e hi'3 All sch s+irital ,eings! the Intelligences of the
+lanets! the Intelligences of the *n! and the &e'ons of the +lanets and the &e'ons of the *n! ha"e
their ke0 sign %ithin the @0steries %here the0 are +resent dring i'+ortant cere'onies! and the *n
&e'on has this signD
The a+ocal0+tist descri,es the *n &e'on as the t%o$horned ,east3 In the Latin era! dring %hich
8reek and Latin %ere Ooined together in the langage of the @0steries! the kind of reading that
in"ol"ed reading in n',ers had alread0 ,eco'e eAternal to so'e eAtent! ,t ne"ertheless! +eo+le did
still read in n',ers3 The a+ocal0+tist sed the s+ecial 'ode of reading that %as crrent in his da03 He
%rote the n',er 666 sing He,re% characters3
Page 50
He %rote the characters ,0 gi"ing their n',er "ales! and he %rote the' to ,e read fro' right to left3
The consonants! to %hich the a++ro+riate "o%els 'st ,e added %hen s+eaking! gi"e the na'e of the
&e'on that has this sign of the *n &e'onD *orat3 *orat is the na'e of the *n &e'on at that ti'e!
and the a+ocal0+tist descri,es this sign %hich %e can easil0 recogni<e3
The a+ocal0+tist sees
e"er0thing that %orks against 4hristianit0 in this %a0Gsch as Ara,is'Gas an otflo%ing of that
s+iritalit0 %hich is re+resented ,0 *orat! the *n &e'on3
&ear friends! the n',er 666 %as there in one instance at the ti'e %hen Ara,is' %as flo%ing into
4hristianit0 in order to i'+ress the seal of 'aterialis' on to %estern cltre3 Bt it %as there for a
second ti'e after a frther 666 0ears had +assed! in -;;)! in the forteenth centr03 At that ti'e once
again the Beast rose + ot of the %a"es of %orld e"ents3 To one %hose "ision is like that of the
a+ocal0+tist! %orld e"ents a++ear as continos %a"es of ti'es+ans 'easring 666 0ears3 The Beast
rises + to threaten 4hristianit0 in its search for tre h'anit0F ,easthood asserts itself against
h'anhoodD *orat stirs3 In the forteenth centr0 %e see *orat! the ad"ersar0! rising + once again3
It %as the ti'e %henGot of the dee+est de+ths of sol 'ch 'ore than ot of orientalis'Gthe Order
of the Knights Te'+lar
%anted to fond a sn "ie% of 4hristianit0! a "ie% of 4hristianit0 that looked
+ again to 4hrist as a *n Being! as a cos'ic ,eing! a "ie% that kne% again a,ot the s+irits of the
+lanets and stars! a "ie% that kne% ho% in cos'ic e"ents Intelligences fro' %orlds that lie far a+art
fro' one another %ork together! not onl0 the ,eings of one +articlar +lanet! a "ie% that kne% a,ot
the 'ight0 o++ositions that are ,roght a,ot ,0 sch o,stinate ,eings as *orat! the *n &e'on! %ho
is one of the 'ost 'ight0 de'ons in or s0ste'3 What is at %ork in the 'aterialis' of h'an ,eings
is! fnda'entall0! the de'onic %ork of the *n &e'on3
It is of corse difficlt no% to consider %hat 'ight ha"e ,eco'e of Ero+ean ci"ili<ation if that
+o%erfl! that eAternall0 +o%erfl Order of the Knights Te'+larGtheir riches %ere confiscated! as %e
kno%Ghad ,een a,le to achie"e its goals3 Bt in the hearts and sols of those %ho cold not rest ntil
the Order had ,een destro0ed in -;-) and ntil 2ac#es de @ola0
had 'et his death in -;-/! in the
hearts of those %ho %ere the ad"ersaries of the 4hrist %ho looked to the cos'os! in these hearts *orat
li"ed again! not least ,0 'aking se of the Ro'an 4hrchKs attitde of 'ind at that ti'e to ,ring a,ot
the death of the Te'+lars3 The a++earance of *orat %as 'ore "isi,le than it had ,een the +re"ios ti'e!
and the de'ise of the Te'+lars is shroded in a st+endos secret3 When 0o can see into %hat %ent
on in the sols of the Te'+lars %hile the0 %ere ,eing tortred 0o can gain so'e idea of ho% %hat
li"ed in their "isions %as instigated ,0 *orat3 As a reslt the0 slandered the'sel"es! +ro"iding their
ene'ies %ith a chea+ indict'ent throgh %hat the0 the'sel"es ttered3 Peo+le %ere confronted %ith
the terri,le s+ectacle of seeing indi"idals ,eing na,le to s+eak a,ot %hat the0 geninel0
re+resented! %hile different s+irits fro' a'ong the cohorts of *orat s+oke throgh the' instead!
accsing the Order of the 'ost disgsting things ot of the 'oths of its o%n adherents3
The n',er 666 has t%ice ,een flfilled3 And no% the ti'e has co'e in the s+irital %orld %hen *orat
and the other o++osing de'ons are +re+aring to +re"ent the *n Princi+le fro' entering into the earth3
@ichael! on the other hand! +re+aring for his ne% regenc0! is fighting %ith his hosts for this entr0 of the
*n Princi+le3 @ichael %as regent of the earth ,efore the ti'e of the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! arond the
ti'e of AleAander3 The other archangels then in trn took o"er fro' hi'D Ori+hiel! Anael! Xachariel!
Ra+hael! 8a,riel3 *ince the last third of the nineteenth centr0 he has again ,een regent of the earth in
order to contine %orking in his %a0 for 4hrist! for %ho' he %orked ntil his +re"ios regenc0 ended!
a++roAi'atel0 ntil the end of AleAanderKs rle3 @ichael is on the earth once again! this ti'e in order
to ser"e here on earth the +re+aration for 4hrist and for the dee+er co'+rehension of the 4hrist$
Page 51
As ti'e has gone on I ha"e s+oken here and in "arios other +laces a,ot ho% 4hristianit0 has ,een
introdced s+iritall0 throgh @ichael3 I 'entioned one as+ect of this t%o da0s ago %hen I s+oke in a
a,ot @ichaelKs regenc0 in the ti'e of Aristotle and AleAander! dring %hich a geninel0
4hristian i'+lse %as alread0 introdced! and %hen I also +ointed to the 0ear 76. in %hich a kind of
s+ersensi,le 4oncil took +lace3 This contined frther3 And at the ,eginning of the ne% era! %hen the
consciosness sol is ,eginning to take effect! %e no% ha"eGif %e look + to s+irital e"ents
,elonging to earthl0 h'anit0 and rnning +arallel %ith earthl0 e"entsGthe %onderfl sight of a
s+ersensi,le school %ith @ichael as its teacher3 Those %ho %ere to %ork to%ards a real de"elo+'ent
of 4hristianit0Gsols not at the 'o'ent incarnated on the earth! and also other s+irital ,eingsG%ere
gathered in great n',ers arond @ichael! fro' the forteenth to the siAteenth centr0! as thogh in a
great! s+ersensi,le school in %hich those sols %ere ,eing +re+ared %ho %ere to a++ear on earth at
the ,eginning of the t%entieth centr0 dring @ichaelKs regenc03 When %e look at %hat %as ,eing
+re+ared there %e find that it %as the anthro+oso+hical %orld "ie%! %hich %ants to %ork for this
Fro' %hat the ancient @0ster0 %isdo' sa%! and throgh the +ro+hetic sight of ftre @0ster0
%isdo'! %e gather that h'an ,eings %ho take in %hat %e call the inner 4hristianit0! the s+iritali<ed
4hristianit0! those %ho look to the 8enis of the *n %ith regard to 4hristD these indi"idals %ill
eA+erience an acceleration of their e"oltion and rea++ear on the earth again at the end of the t%entieth
centr03 &ear friends! e"er0thing %e are a,le to do no% in or ti'e ,0 %a0 of taking in the s+iritalit0
of these teachings is of great significance! for %e are doing it for the h'an ,eings %ho are! s, s+ecie
aeternitatis! ali"e at this ti'e3 It is a +re+aration for %hat is to take +lace at the end of the centr0!
initiall0 in the for' of great! all$e',racing! intense deeds of the s+irit! after a great deal %ill ha"e
ha++ened that is ini'ical to a s+iritali<ation of 'odern ci"ili<ation3 The great re"oltions that ca'e
a,ot in Ero+e as a reslt of the 4rsades ,elonged nder the sign of the second occrrence of the
n',er 6663 This fact fond its eA+ression in the de'ise of the Te'+lars3 *orat contines to %ork on
and on UI@A8E >/V against the forces co'ing fro' the 8enis of the *n that are ,attling for a
genine 4hristianit03

Page 52
Before s lies the ti'e of the third n',er 666D -..73 At the end of this centr0 the ti'e %ill co'e
%hen *orat %ill once again raise his head 'ost strongl0 ot of the %a"es of e"oltion to ,eco'e the
ad"ersar0 of that a++earance of 4hrist %hich those %ho ha"e ,een +re+ared for it %ill alread0
eA+erience dring the first half of the t%entieth centr0 %hen the Etheric 4hrist ,eco'es "isi,le3 Onl0
t%o thirds of the centr0 ha"e still to rn ,efore *orat once again raises his head 'ost 'ightil03
&ring the first 666! dear friends! *orat %as still hidden a%a0 inside the e"oltionar0 +rocess of
e"entsF he %as not seen in an0 eAternal for'! for he li"ed %ithin the deeds of Ara,is'!and initiates
%ere a,le to see hi'3 When the second 666 0ears had +assed he sho%ed hi'self in the thinking and
feeling of the tortred Te'+lars3 And ,efore this centr0 is ot he %ill sho% hi'self ,0 'aking his
a++earance in 'an0 h'ans as the ,eing ,0 %ho' the0 are +ossessed3 H'an ,eings %ill a++ear of
%ho' it %ill ,e i'+ossi,le to ,elie"e that the0 are real h'an ,eings3 The0 %ill e"en de"elo+
eAternall0 in a +ecliar 'anner! for ot%ardl0 the0 %ill ha"e intense! strong dis+ositions %ith sa"age
featres and frios destrcti"eness in their e'otions3 Their faces %ill ,e like the faces of ,easts3 The
*orat h'an ,eings %ill ,e recogni<a,le ,0 their eAternal a++earanceF in a terri,le %a0 the0 %ill not
Page 53
onl0 scoff at e"er0thing ,t also o++ose and %ant to +sh into the +ool of filth an0thing that is s+irital3
This %ill ,e eA+erienced! for eAa'+le! in the %a0 so'ething that is at +resent concentrated into a s'all
s+ace in seed for' as toda0Ks Bolshe"is' %ill ,eco'e incor+orated into the %hole of h'an e"oltion
on earth3
That is %h0 it is so i'+ortant that all %ho are ca+a,le of doing so shold stri"e for s+iritalit03 What
is ini'ical to s+iritalit0 %ill he there an0%a0! for it %orks not throgh freedo' ,t nder deter'inis'3
This deter'inis' has alread0 decreed that at the end of this centr0 *orat %ill ,e on the loose again! so
that the intention to s%ee+ a%a0 an0thing s+irital %ill ,e dee+seated in large n',ers of earthl0 sols!
Ost as the a+ocal0+tist has foreseen in the ,east$like contenance and the ,east$like strength that %ill
nderlie the deeds of the ad"ersar0 against the s+irital3 E"en toda0 the rage against s+irital things is
alread0 i''ense3 Jet it is still onl0 in its "er0 earl0 infanc03
All this %as foreseen ,0 the a+ocal0+tist3 He sa% the tre nfolding of 4hristianit0 as a 'atter
connected %ith the *n! ,t he also foresa% ho% terri,le %old ,e the nfolding of the *n &e'on3 All
this a++eared ,efore hi'3 The entr0 of @ichael into the s+irital e"oltion of h'anit0 at the end of the
nineteenth centr0! and the a++earance of the Etheric 4hrist dring the first half of the t%entieth
centr0 are e"ents that %ill ,e follo%ed ,0 the arri"al of the *n &e'on ,efore this centr0 co'es to
an end3 In this @ichael age of ors! es+eciall0 if %e %ant to %ork in the real' of theolog0 and religion!
%e ha"e e"er0 reason to learn a,o"e all fro' the Book of Re"elation ho% to think and feel in an
a+ocal0+tic %a0! ho% not to re'ain stck in %hat are 'erel0 eAternal facts ,t ho% to rise + to the
s+irital i'+lses that lie ,ehind the'3
The trail is ,eing ,la<ed for the entr0 of the de'ons! the adherents of the great &e'on *orat3 To
gain an idea of this 0o onl0 need to s+eak to +eo+le %ho nderstand so'ething of %hat led to the
World War3 It is fair to sa0 that of the a++roAi'atel0 /> +eo+le %ho are gilt0 of casing that %ar!
al'ost all %ere in a state of lo%ered consciosness at the 'o'ent %hen it ,roke ot3 *ch a state of
consciosness is al%a0s a %a0 in for ahri'anic de'onic +o%ers! and one of the greatest of these
de'ons is *orat3 *ch are the atte'+ts *orat is 'aking to gain at least te'+orar0 access to the
consciosness of h'an ,eings in order to ,ring a,ot cala'it0 and confsion3 Not the World War
itself! ,t %hat follo%ed it and %hat is e"en 'ore terri,le and %hat %ill ,eco'e 'ore terri,le stillGfor
eAa'+le the +resent state in %hich Rssia finds herselfGthis is %hat the *orat s+irits %ho in"ade
h'an sols are ai'ing at3
We 'st ,e a%are of the fact that this is so3 For in ti'es %hen there %as tre s+iritalit0 on the
earth! %hat did it 'ean to %ork as a +riestP It has al%a0s 'eant! dear friends! that one %orked not onl0
%ithin the s+here of earthl0 e"ents ,t also in fll consciosness of ho% one stands in the s+irital
%orld! in intercorse %ith the di"ine %orld3 This and no other %as the s+irit in %hich the a+ocal0+tist
%rote his Book of Re"elation3 *o'eone %ho %ants to lead h'an ,eings into the s+irit 'st hi'self ,e
a,le to see into the s+irit3 E"er0 age has to do this in its o%n %a03 Look at the inner la%s according to
%hichGalthogh +erha+s so'e%hat alienated fro' the s+iritGthe se#ence of Eg0+tian +haraohs
a++ears to ,e so logical3 We can glean fro' this that the sccession of +haraohs %as indeed not
ar,itrar03 Ancient scri+tres told %hich task each +haraoh follo%ing on the +re"ios one 'st regard as
his s+ecific o,ligation and that the i'+lse for the for'lation of that o,ligation e'erged fro' %hat
later ca'e to ,e called the Her'etic re"elation! the re"elation of Her'es3 I do not 'ean the Her'etic
re"elation %e kno% toda0 in a so'e%hat ,o%dleri<ed "ersion! ,t the ancient Her'es %isdo' that also
,elongs to the great @0steries in %hich one s+oke of the re"elation as ,eing three ti'es hol0D a
re"elation of the Father! a re"elation of the *on! a re"elation of the Hol0 *+irit3 All this +oints to the
fact that +riestl0 %ork e"er0%here 'eant %orking ot of the s+irit into the 'aterial %orldF this is %hat
Page 54
+riesthood %as al%a0s nderstood to signif03
This is %hat the i'+lse of +riesthood 'st once again ,eco'e! no% that the +eriod of ti'e is o"er
%hen it %as not felt to ,e tre that one can %ork ot of the s+irital %orld3 With the cltre and
edcation %e ha"e toda0! %hich in the era of the consciosness sol has gradall0 co'e to take on
'aterialistic for's in e"er0 field! +eo+le are "er0 far fro' ,eing a,le to co'+rehend sch a thing as
the '0ster0 of the Trans,stantiation and %ith this the s+irital '0steries of 4hristianit03 For
indi"idal +riests toda0! conte'+orar0 edcation 'akes it see' like a kind of ntrth to s+eak of the
+rofond contents of the @0steries that are connected %ith the Trans,stantiation3 Hence the
rationalistic discssions a,ot Trans,stantiation that ,egan at the ti'e of the second attack ,0 *orat
and contine toda0 + to the ti'e of the third attack3 There is a,soltel0 no +oint in taking the Book of
Re"elation as so'ething a,ot %hich co''entaries can ,e %ritten3 The onl0 'eaningfl thing to do is
to learn throgh the Book of Re"elation ho% to ,eco'e an a+ocal0+tist oneself! and in ,eco'ing an
a+ocal0+tist to get to nderstand oneKs o%n ti'e so %ell that the i'+lses of that ti'e ,eco'e the
i'+lses of oneKs o%n %ork3
As a h'an ,eing of the +resent ti'e and as a +riest one can enter into this ,0 looking directl0 at the
,eginning of the @ichael age in the -7B>s! at the a++earance of 4hrist in the first half of the t%entieth
centr0 and at the threatening rise of *orat and his adherents at the end of the t%entieth centr03 As
h'an ,eings %ho nderstand these things and kno% ho% to inter+ret the signs of the ti'es! let s
arrange or li"es in accordance %ith these three '0steries of or ti'eD the '0ster0 of @ichael! the
'0ster0 of 4hrist! and the '0ster0 of *orat3 If %e do this! %e shall %ork in the right %a0 in the field to
%hich or kar'a has led s! and so %ill the +riest in his +riestl0 field3 We shall contine fro' here
Page 55
We 'st nderstand that the entr0 of the LIK into the intellectal or 'ind sol is an i''ensel0
significant e"ent3 The co'ing of the LIK! %hich took +lace arond the 0ear ;;;! had a "er0 +rofond
and serios effect in the sols of those in +articlar %ho %ere sita,le for recei"ing the inflence of the
s+irit3 Those %ho %ant to +artici+ate in the life of the s+irit and %ant to %ork in the sa'e direction as
the life of the s+irit 'st relate the eAternal facts of historical e"oltion to their s+irital ,ackgrond3
What i'+ortant eAternal e"ents took +lace dring the +eriod %hen the LIK %as entering into the
h'an sol ,ehind the scenes of eAternal ha++eningsP What light does the entr0 of the LIK thro% on
these e"entsP &ear friends! it is at sch a +oint that the h'an ,eing finds the %hole relationshi+
,et%een 8od and 'an ,eco'ing inco'+rehensi,le! insecre and o+en to dis+te3
One e"ent that ha++ened at that +oint in ti'e %as the i'+ortant contro"ers0 ,et%een Aris and
With the entr0 of the LIK into the intellectal or 'ind sol! a',igities arise in the in'ost
sol of the h'an ,eing! althogh these re'ain nconscios for the ti'e ,eing3 Bt the0 lead to the
#estionD In %hat %a0 does the di"ine LIK li"e in the natre of 'anP Peo+le at that ti'e ,eca'e
ncertain as to %hat the0 shold think a,ot ho% the di"ine relates to the %orld and to the h'an
,eing3 In this 'atter Aris and Athanasis differed drasticall0! and %e find that the "ie% re+resented ,0
Athanasis gained the ++er hand in Western Ero+e! %hile that of Aris nder%ent a gradal decline3
Let s no% look at this fro' the s+irital +oint of "ie%! for this is the 'ost i'+ortant one if %e %ant
to nderstand the inner 'eaning and the inner s+irit of so'ething like the Book of Re"elation3 Aris
sa% the h'an ,eing on the one hand rising higher and higher and! as it %ere! ha"ing to co'e closer
and closer to the di"ineF and on the other hand he sa% the di"ine ,eing3 In conOnction %ith these t%o
great cos'ic +rinci+les he then had to reach an nderstanding of the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! of the natre
of 4hrist3 He %anted to find an ans%er to the #estionD Ho% is the h'an and ho% is the di"ine natre
contained in 4hrist hi'selfP *hold %e reall0 regard 4hrist as a di"ine ,eing or notP The ans%er he
ca'e + %ith %as! actall0D No3 Basicall0 he occ+ied the sa'e grond as that %hich later ,eca'e the
general o+inion a'ongst the +o+lation of Ero+e! %hich %as that a ,arrier 'st ,e erected ,et%een
'an and 8od! that the ind%elling of 8od in the h'an ,eing is not ad'issi,le! and that one 'st +lace
an a,0ss ,et%een 8od and 'an3
Withot +reOdging things let s no% retrn to the ti'e of earl0 4hristianit0 %hich in the 'ain has
nothing in co''on %ith later Ro'an 4atholicis'! for as ti'e %ent on 4hristianit0 ,eca'e decadent in
Ro'an 4atholicis'3 For this reason %e 'st also ,e clear a,ot the fact that for the sake of h'anit0Ks
frther de"elo+'ent it %as essential for the %hole contro"ers0 to ,e decided in fa"or of Athanasis!
%ho sa% 4hrist as a directl0 di"ine ,eing! %ho sa% in 4hrist the trl0 di"ine *n *+irit3 Later! thogh!
this "ie% %as relegated 'ore to the ,ackgrond ,ecase of the a"ersion to i'agining 4hrist as a
cos'ic ,eing3 Athanasis in his %hole trn of 'ind %as +redis+osed to seeing in 4hrist a 8od %ho %as
e#al to the Father 8od3
This "ie% contined to ha"e its effect! eAce+t that it %as de+ri"ed of its lti'ate +oint in A& 76. ,0
the Eighth 4oncil of 4onstantino+le!
%hich ,asicall0 destro0ed the dog'a of the 4oncil of Nicaea
,0 declaring the trichoto'0 a heres03 Herein la0 the ,eginning of decadence in ecclesiastical
4hristianit0F it 'eant that for s,se#ent centries of 4atholic ecclesiastical de"elo+'ent it %as no
longer +ossi,le to gro% into the s+irit3
The re"oltion that occrred in the h'an ,eing %hen the LIK entered into the intellectal or 'ind
sol is certainl0 colored ,0 this e"ent! ,t at the sa'e ti'e it also gi"es that eAternal e"ent an inner
significance of its o%n3
Page 56
Looking 'ore closel0 at the historical sitation! %e ha"e to sa0 that after the 0ear ;;; there ca'e
ti'esGsignificant a,o"e all for Ero+ean de"elo+'entG%hen contact %ith the cltre of ancient
Ro'e %as discontined3 We see ho% the cltre of ancient Ro'e! sch as it had ,0 then ,eco'e! %as
,asicall0 na,le to acce+t 4hristianit03 A grand "ista nfolds ,efore s %hen %e std0 this 0ear ;;;3 It
is also the 0ear in %hich the +eriod ,egins %hen the cltre of ancient Ro'e shifted frther east%ards
fro' Ro'e3 4hristianit0 fled east%ards fro' Ro'e nder the Ro'an E'+eror! the Ro'an 4aesar %ho
%anted to ado+t 4hristianit03
It is less i'+ortant to std0 the a,se and da'age cased ,0 the 4oncil
of 4onstantino+le than to tr0 and find the 'eaning of %h0 there had to ,e a flight east%ards fro' the
West %hen 4hristianit0 entered Ro'e3 This is i''ensel0 significant3 *een fro' the s+irital %orld it is
so significant and shining an e"ent that ,0 co'+arison all the da'age done ,0 B0<antianis' hardl0
co'es into consideration3
One cannot hel+ sa0ing ho% tre'endosl0 significant it is that 4hristianit0 had to flee at the
'o'ent %hen! in its eAternal 'anifestation! it ca'e into contact %ith the cltre of ancient Ro'e3
Ne"ertheless! after it had fled east%ards nder 4onstantine! 4hristianit0 did florish on the soil of
ancient Ro'e! on the soil of %hat ancient Ro'e had ,een +re+aring for a long ti'e3 Bt as it flo%ered
it %as s#ee<ed into eAternal! seclar for's3
We shold tr0 to i'agine %hat it 'eans %hen the a+ocal0+tist trns his +ro+hetic "ision to%ards
4hristianit0 +re+aring itself in Ro'e! and sees ho% at the "er0 'o'ent %hen the cltre of ancient
Ro'e declares itself in fa"or of 4hristianit0! 4hristianit0 takes on the ancient Ro'an for's3 This is
the as+ect %e seeD On the one side there is the contro"ers0 ,et%een Aris and Athanasis! and on the
other ancient Ro'e con"erting to 4hristianit03 Bt in tra"elling east%ards! 4hristianit0 takes on the
for' that has ,een left ,ehind in Ro'e! the Ro'an state strctre! and ,eco'es! also in the %a0 it
%orks eAternall0! a contination of ancient Ro'e3
We %ill no% lea"e on one side for the 'o'ent certain things that %e shall ha"e to eA+lain at a
dee+er s+irital le"el! and trn instead to histor03 The a+ocal0+tist foresa% in a grand and +o%erfl
'anner %hat histor0 %old ,ring3 Althogh he did not eA+ress it clearl0! he had it in his feeling life!
and it nderla0 the co'+osition of his BookD He sho%ed ho% the gro%th of %hat %as to take +lace ,oth
%ithin h'anit0 and eAternall0 in histor0 %old need ;;; 0ears after the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! and
ho% a strange se',lance of de"elo+'ent %old then take +lace in 4hristianit03 The soil on %hich
e"er0thing %as to ,e +re+ared that %old then take another ;;; 0ears + to the 0ear 666Gthis soil %as
that 4hristian Ro'anness! +rooted and 'o"ed east%ards! and that Ro'an 4hristianit0 %hich had
co'forta,l0 adOsted itself to those Ro'an for's3
&ear friends! call + ,efore 0or sols once 'ore %hat %e said 0esterda0 a,ot so'eone still
ins+ired ,0 the ancient @0steries! sch as the a+ocal0+tist! ,eco'ing i''ersed in n',ers3 Jo see
the a+ocal0+tist conte'+lating the neAt ;;; 0ears! in %hich 4hristianit0 %ill see' to ,e florishing
eAternall0! ,t in %hich it %ill in fact ha"e to de"elo+ %hile shroded in 'ist on t%o sides! dri"en
east%ards in 4onstantine?s da0 and +reser"ing so'ething old and ahri'anic fro' the West3 *o'ething
is ,eing +re+ared in the %o', of e"oltion! so'ething that had ,een left o"er fro' non$4hristian
ancient Ro'anness3
What %as this non$4hristian Ro'annessP If %e look into the @0steries! %e find that in the greatest!
'ost de"elo+ed @0steries the trichoto'0! the sacred n',er three! %as dee+l0 significant3 *o let s
ha"e a closer look at %hat this 'eant3 Peo+le thoght of ,eing ,orn into the on%ard flo%ing strea' of
heredit0F this %as ho% the h'an ,eing %as thoght of in! for eAa'+le! the %orld order of the secret
He,re% doctrine3 Peo+le thoght of the h'an ,eing %ith the ca+a,ilities and characteristics he had
Page 57
,roght %ith hi' throgh heredit0! throgh his ancestr03 Peo+le i'agined h'an life as a de"elo+'ent
going in a straight line %ith %hich nothing i'+ortant interferes eAce+t %hat co'es a,ot throgh the
i'+lse of heredit0D Jo ste' fro' the +h0sical +o%ers of 0or +arentsF in 0o the s+irital i'+lses
of 0or +h0sical +arents are at %ork3 That! essentiall0! %as the doctrine of the LFathersK in the ancient
@0steries3 This is as far as this dog'a %ent! for eAa'+le in the secret He,re% doctrines! ,t also in
other secret doctrines3
In the higher @0steries! ho%e"er! so'ething else %as added3 These @0steries s+oke of the h'an
,eing carr0ing the i'+lses of heredit0 and de"elo+ing throgh the'3 Bt the0 also s+oke of ho%
dring +h0sical eAistence ,et%een ,irth and death the h'an ,eing can take in another i'+lse as %ell!
the i'+lse that ena,les hi' to eAtricate hi'self fro' heredit0! to find his %a0 ot of this in his sol
life3 This is the *on$I'+lse! the 4hrist$I'+lse3 These @0steries saidD The i'+lses of heredit0 are
%ithin the h'an ,eing and ,ring a,ot an e"oltion ,et%een ,irth and death that rns in a straight
line3 The0 co'e fro' the Father! fro' the Father %ho is the grond of e"er0thing3 The i'+lses of the
*on! ho%e"er! do not enter into the forces of heredit03 The0 ha"e to ,e a,sor,ed ,0 the sol and
%orked on ,0 the sol! the0 'st eA+and the sol to sch an eAtent that it ,eco'es free of ,odil0
forces! free of the forces of heredit03 The i'+lses of the *on enter into h'an freedo'Gin the %a0
freedo' %as nderstood in those ti'esGthe0 enter into freedo' of sol! %here the sol is free of the
forces of heredit03 These are the forces that allo% the h'an ,eing to ,e re,orn in sol3 The0 ena,le the
h'an ,eing to take hi'self in hand dring the life gi"en to hi' ,0 the Father3 All those ancient
@0steries sa% the Father H'an BeingF the0 sa% the H'an Being %ho is the *on of the Father! the
Brother of 4hrist! %ho takes hi'self in hand! %ho takes into hi'self %hat is in a sense free of the ,od0!
%ho has to ,ear %ithin hi'self a ne% kingdo' that kno%s nothing of +h0sical natre! that re+resents
an order different fro' that of natreD the kingdo' of the s+irit3
In s+eaking of the Father 8od in this sense! %e %old ,e entitledGalthogh not in the eAternal!
'aterialistic %a0 %e do toda0! ,t 'ore after the 'anner of the He,re% teachingsGto s+eak of natral
+heno'ena that are also s+irit +heno'ena! for the s+irit is e"er0%here at %ork in natral +heno'ena3
*cience as %e kno% it toda0! in the %a0 it ca'e into ,eing not so "er0 long ago and in the %a0 it
%orks! is onl0 a one$sided science of the Father3 We 'st add to this the kno%ledge of the *on! of
4hrist! that kno%ledge %hich relates to ho% the h'an ,eing takes hi'self in hand! ho% the h'an
,eing recei"es an i'+lse that can onl0 ,e taken in throgh the sol and that does not co'e fro' the
forces of heredit03 That the h'an ,eing enters into this is at first %ithot an0 la%! %ithot the force or
effecti"eness of an0 la%3 The effecti"eness co'es in for hi' throgh the s+irit! so that in the sense of
the ancient @0steries %e ha"e t%o real'sD the real' of natre %hich is the real' of the Father! and the
real' of the *+irit3 The h'an ,eing is carried fro' the real' of natre into the real' of *+irit ,0 the
*on! ,0 4hrist3
When %e ,eco'e +ro+erl0 a%are of ho% sch conte'+lations still rled the a+ocal0+tist and indeed
the sols of his conte'+oraries! then %e shall ,e a,le to see into his +ro+hetic sol %hich %as a,le to
sr"e0 the ftre in ,road otlines3 This %ill ena,le s to nderstand ho% he no% sa% %hat ca'e do%n
+on 4hristianit0Gdegenerating as it %as in t%o directions into a se',lance of its tre selfGrond
a,ot the 0ear 6663
His +ro+hetic glance no% fell on those teachings %hich %ere co'ing into ,eing arond the 0ear 666
and %hich harked ,ack to those @0steries that kne% nothing of the *onD the @oha''edan teachings3
The @oha''edan teachings do not kno% the strctre of the %orld I ha"e Ost ,een s+eaking a,ot!
the0 do not kno% the t%o real's! that of the Father and that of the *+iritF the0 kno% onl0 the Father3
The0 kno% onl0 the rigid doctrineD There is one 8od! Allah! and none ,eside hi'F and @oha''ed is
Page 58
his Pro+het3 Fro' this angle! the teachings of @oha''ed are the strongest +olarit0 to 4hristianit0! for
in the' is the %ill to do a%a0 %ith all freedo' for e"er! the %ill to ,ring a,ot deter'inis'! for
nothing else is +ossi,le if 0o can i'agine the %orld solel0 in the sense of the Father 8od3
This ga"e the a+ocal0+tist the feelingD The h'an ,eing cannot find hi'self in thisF the h'an
,eing cannot ,eco'e filled throgh and throgh %ith 4hristF if he can co'+rehend onl0 the old
doctrine of the Father! the h'an ,eing cannot take hold of his o%n h'anness3 For sch an in%ardl0
rigid and closed$off "ie% of the %orld the eAternal for' of the h'an ,eing ,eco'es an illsion3 The
h'an ,eing onl0 ,eco'es h'an ,0 taking hold of hi'self throgh 'aking 4hrist ali"e %ithin
hi'selfF he onl0 ,eco'es h'an %hen he is ada+ted to the s+irital order in real's of s+irit that are
entirel0 free of natre3 He does not ,eco'e h'an if he regresses into a "ie% that reckons solel0 %ith
the Father 8od3
No% that the LIK has ,een entering into 'an since the 0ear ;;;! there is a dangerGso sa0s the
a+ocal0+tistGof h'anit0 gro%ing confsed a,ot this LIK ,eco'ing filled %ith the *on 8od! %ith the
4hrist3 After a +eriod of ti'e that is as long as the +eriod + to then fro' the @0ster0 of 8olgotha!
so'ething ,egins to rise +! so'ething that threatens to kee+ h'anit0 do%n at the le"el of the ,eastF
666 is the n',er of the Beast3
The a+ocal0+tist foresa% #ite decidedl0 %hat %as threatening h'anit03 4hristianit0 %as going to
colla+se in t%o directions into a se',lance of 4hristianit0 or! 'ore clearl0 eA+ressed! it %as going to
degenerate into a 4hristianit0 shroded in 'ist3 That %hich %as threatening to flood o"er it in this %a0
is indicated in the designation of the 0ear 666! for the s+irital %orld the significant 0ear in %hich %hat
li"es in Ara,is'! in @oha''edanis'! s+rang + e"er0%here3 The a+ocal0+tist na'es this 0ear 666 as
clearl0 as can ,e3 Those %ho can read in an a+ocal0+tic 'anner nderstand %hat I 'ean3 B0
designating in his 'ight0 %ords the n',er 666 as the n',er of the Beast the a+ocal0+tist %as
foreseeing %hat %old flood into e"oltion3
Ths! ,asicall0! he foresa% in a re"elation e"er0thing that then follo%ed3 One thing %as the
strea'ing of Ara,is' to%ards Ero+e3 Another %as the %a0 4hristianit0 ,eca'e filled %ith a doctrine
that cold onl0 ,ring a,ot a failre to nderstand the h'an ,eing in his h'anness3 This arose
,ecase the doctrine of the Father %as translated into 'aterialis'! leading to the ass'+tion 'ore
recentl0 that h'an e"oltion can onl0 he eA+lained ,0 follo%ing the e"oltion of a se#ence of
ani'als + to the h'an ,eing3
&ar%inis' srel0 %as a case in +ointD As the n',er of the Beast! 666! a++eared! the h'an ,eing
cold no longer co'+rehend hi'self as a h'an ,eing ,t onl0 as so'e kind of higher ani'al3 *rel0
%e are seeing ahri'anic forces of o++osition to the *on 8od at %ork in the %a0 4hristianit0 has
,eco'e i'+regnated %ith the 'aterialistic for' of the Father doctrine3 Are not sch things still at %ork
no%! in or o%n ti'eP I ha"e often +ointed to Harnack?s What is 4hristianit0P as an eAa'+le of recent
theological literatre3
Where"er the na'e of 4hrist a++ears in this ,ook 0o 'ight Ost as %ell re+lace
it %ith the na'e of the Father! for Harnack?s What is 4hristianit0P is nothing ,t a doctrine of the
Father 8od and not a concrete teaching a,ot 4hrist at all3 In fact! it is a denial of the 4hrist doctrine!
for in +lace of 4hrist it +ts a generali<ed Father 8od! and it does not 'ake an0 kind of a++roach to all
that %old co'e nder the heading of 4hristolog03
The a+ocal0+tist sa% this ti'e a++roaching! and in its a++roach he sa% in essence so'ething that
o++ressed his solD the difficlt0 a,ot the Trans,stantiationGif I 'a0 se a h'an eA+ression that
does not #ite coincide %ith the s+irital! ,t there is no other %a0 of +tting it3 &ear friends! 0o are
%ell a%are of ho% 0o 0orsel"es had to strggle %ith the difficlt0 a,ot the Trans,stantiation %hen
Page 59
this 'o"e'ent for 4hristian rene%al %as inagratedF and 0o kno% ho% 'ch 0o are still ha"ing to
strggle %ith the difficlties inherent in nderstanding the Trans,stantiation3 Think of the hors %e
s+ent discssing this 'atter of the Trans,stantiation o"er there in the roo' %here the fire in the
8oethean' started3 The Trans,stantiation enco'+asses the %hole #estion of *on and Father3 Jo
cold sa0 that the contro"ers0 a,ot the Trans,stantiation as it arose in the @iddle Ages also
contained so'ething of the o++ression eA+erienced ,0 h'anit0 in the contro"ers0 ,et%een Arianis'
and Athanasianis'3
Trans,stantiation can in fact onl0 ,e 'eaningfl if it is fonded on a genine co'+rehension of
4hristolog0 that is in kee+ing %ith the s+irit! a co'+rehension of the %a0 in %hich 4hrist is nited %ith
h'anit0 and %ith the earth3 Bt ,ecase Arianis' flooded in! Trans,stantiation has al%a0s ,een
eA+osed to ,eing likened to the Father doctrine! %hich sees the 'eta'or+hosis taking +lace in the
s,stances that are sita,le for the Trans,stantiation as ha"ing to ,e a +art of the +rocesses in natre!
of the s+irit in natral +rocesses3
All #estions connected %ith the 4o''nion arise fro' sa0ingD Ho% can that %hich co'es a,ot
in the Trans,stantiation ,e gras+ed in a %a0 that allo%s it to ,e co'+ati,le %ith %hat co'es fro' the
Father and is %orking in e"oltion and %ith %hat co'es fro' the *+irit and is %orking in the la%s of
natreP It is not a #estion of a 'iracle ,t a #estion of the sacra'ent! %hich goes in a direction #ite
different to the trifling 'atter of a 'iracle that +resented +eo+le in the nineteenth and e"en in the
eighteenth centr0 %ith sch +ecliar difficlties3 One 'st think of the ordering ,roght a,ot ,0 the
Father and the ordering ,roght a,ot ,0 the *+iritF and ,et%een the' stands the *on %ho in the %orld
of h'an ,eings lifts + the real' of natre into the real' of the *+irit3 If %e +lace this ,efore or sol
%e shall find that the Trans,stantiation does indeed a++ear as so'ething that there is no need to see as
,elonging to the ordering of natre ,t that is no less +ossessed of realit0! of a s+irital realit0! a trl0
s+irital realit0 a,ot %hich one can s+eak in the sa'e %a0 as one s+eaks a,ot the realit0 of the
ordering of natre3
The a+ocal0+tist foresa% ho% difficlt it %old ,eco'e for h'anit0! ,ecase of the "iolence %ith
%hich the n',er 666 +la0s into h'an e"oltion! to sa0D Beside the ordering of natre there is also
another ordering! the s+irital order3
Bt no%Gone %old like to call it the 'ost 'odern deli"eranceGthere is so'ething a++roaching
ot of Anthro+oso+h0 that can thro% light on sch a thing as the Trans,stantiation3 It is throgh
Anthro+oso+h0 that %e ,ring to life once 'ore ho% h'an ,eings li"e re+eatedl0 on the earth3 We
sho% ho%! ,0 ha"ing their field of acti"it0 in the eAternal! +h0sical %orld! the0 ha"e in the' i'+lses
co'ing fro' the line of heredit0! and ho% throgh heredit0 the0 are linked %ith the +o%er of the
Father3 *een onl0 eAternall0! there is a great deal in h'an destin0 %hich is linked %ith these forces of
heredit0 and %hich is ,roght a,ot ,0 the +o%ers of the Father hidden in natre3 B0 acting! ho%e"er!
in a %a0 that ,rings *+irit into their +h0sical ,odil0 natre %hich the0 ha"e ,roght into ,eing for this
+resent life! h'an ,eings also ha"e %orking in the' all the reslts of their for'er li"es on earth3
These also %ork in the'F these forces! too! are a fondation for their actions3
Jo can look at so'ething a +erson does fro' t%o "ie%+oints3 It can ,e an action ,orn of father!
'other! grandfather! grand'other and so on! ,t it can also ,e one in %hich forces harking ,ack to
earlier li"es on earth are at %ork3 The latter is an entirel0 different ordering and it can therefore not ,e
nderstood on the ,asis of an0 science of natre! %hich is the science of the Father3
It is +ossi,le to consider t%o things %hich in their nderl0ing realit0 are the sa'e! thogh in oter
a++earance the0 are different3 Look on the one hand at the h'an ,eing and see ho% his kar'a! his
Page 60
destin0 de"elo+s as the conse#ence of earlier li"es on earthF it does this according to certain la%s that
eAist! ,t the0 are not the la%s of natre3 And no% look to%ards the altar %here %e see that the
Trans,stantiation is also not eAternall0 "isi,le! for it takes +lace in the +h0sical s,stances as a
s+irital realit03 The sa'e la%s are at %ork in ,oth these +rocesses! and %e can ,ring the' togetherD
The one is the %a0 in %hich kar'a %orks! and the other is the %a0 the Trans,stantiation takes +lace3
If 0o nderstand one! 0o can also nderstand the other3
This is one of the '0steries! dear friends! that 0o in this ne% +riesthood 'st gras+3 This is one of
the '0steries nder %hose light this co''nit0 of +riests 'st de"elo+ ot of Anthro+oso+h03 It is one
of the inner reasons %h0 this 'st ,e3
In sa0ing this! one is also +ointing ot the i''ense difficlt0 that arose! %ith regard to
co'+rehending the Trans,stantiation! fro' the fact that +eo+le cold not nderstand the kind of la%
%hich is at %ork in h'an kar'a and %hich +ro"ides the fondation for the Trans,stantiation3 That
0ear in %hich the LIK entered the h'an ,eing! allo%ing hi' to achie"e freedo' in +h0sical life! that
0ear of ;;; in %hich 4hristianit0 on the one hand had to flee east%ards! %hich 'eant on the other hand
that it %as fleeing into the ar's of ancient Ro'anness that cold ne"er ,eco'e entirel0 4hristianGthat
0ear of ;;; not onl0 ,roght %ith it the entr0 of the ?I?! ,t it also had to cast a shado%! a darkness! o"er
the connections ,et%een different li"es on earth3 This is so'ething that %as a +art of h'an e"oltion3
What %old ha"e ha++ened if the LIK had not entered into the h'an ,eing at that ti'eP 2lian the
A+ostateG%ho %old ,e ,etter na'ed 2lian the 4onfessor %here the ancient @0steries are concerned
G%old ha"e %on the da03
With the teachings of the ancient @0steries that he had %anted to
introdce it cold ha"e ha++ened that the LIK entering in fro' s+irital %orlds 'ight ha"e ,een
a,sor,ed ,0 h'anit0 in sch a %a0 that it %old ha"e ,een +ossi,le to gras+ the teaching a,ot
kar'a3 HOf corse this is +rel0 h0+otheticalF %e are onl0 considering %hat 'ight ha"e ha++ened3I
H'anit0! ho%e"er! had to scale higher ,arriers and %as not a,le to enter into a co'+rehension of
4hristianit0 so easil0 as %old ha"e ,een the case if 2lian the A+ostate had %on the da03
H'anit0 %as ths eA+osed to the rise of the Beast! to the conse#ences and reslts of the n',er
6663 As I said! %e shall ,e s+eaking 'ore a,ot the inner as+ects of this o"er the neAt fe% da0s3 *o
h'anit0 %as de+ri"ed of teachings a,ot kar'a ,t +laced into the 'idst of teachings a,ot the
Trans,stantiation3 This 'eant that there %as nothing in the eAternal %orld that %as analogos to the
teachings a,ot the Trans,stantiation! for it is teachings a,ot kar'a that are analogos to the
teachings a,ot the Trans,stantiation3 The +o%er throgh %hich the destin0 of a h'an ,eing is
L'adeK in sccessi"e li"es on earth is not a +o%er of natre! not a +o%er of the FatherGit is the +o%er
of the *+irit 'ediated ,0 the *on3 This is the +o%er that is also at %ork on the altar dring the
transfor'ation of the Host3
We 'st certainl0 inscri,e sch a thing "er0 dee+ do%n in or sol if %e are to nderstand it
correctl03 If %e can raise or sol! or in'ost ,eing to the s+irital i'+lses that %ork fro' earthl0 life
to earthl0 life! then %e can also co'+rehend %hat ha++ens at the altar in the Trans,stantiation! for it is
no different there3
If %e look at the consecrated Host %ith or ordinar0 nderstanding %e see nothing of %hat is reall0
ha++ening! Ost as in the destin0 of an indi"idal %e see nothing of %hat is reall0 ha++ening if %e look
onl0 at %hat the strength of his 'scles and ,lood achie"es in the 'aterial sense! ,0 %hich I 'ean ot
of the strea' of heredit0GI a' not s+eaking of the s+irital forces that are at %ork in 'scles and
These things! dear friends! +ro"ide the conteAt! and if %e cannot nderstand the' %e shall
Page 61
nderstand neither the Book of Re"elation nor the a+ocal0+tist3 The i'+lses %e can read #ite clearl0
in the Book of Re"elation ,ring s right + to the +resent da03
&ornach! -; *e+te',er -.)/
No% that %e ha"e ,roght a n',er of ele'ents together in order to del"e frther into the essence
of the Book of Re"elation! let s trn or attention to the Book itself3 We shall ,egin ,0 addressing
so'e #estions relating to the end! the goal of %hat the a+ocal0+tist sees in his "ision and %ants to
i'+art to h'anit03 Jo %ill see later %h0 I ha"e chosen to strctre or considerations in this
+articlar %a03
What the a+ocal0+tist gi"es s is %hat 0o 'ight call a co''nication to h'anit0! a re"elation to
h'an ,eings! ,t a re"elation that is "er0 different in its essence fro' other co''nications not
arising ot of clair"o0ance3 *o the a+ocal0+tist +oints ot that the e"ent %hich ena,led hi' to 'ake his
co''nication to h'anit0 %as a s+ecial one! a 'ight0 enlighten'ent3 The Book of Re"elation is ths
sho%n to ,e an e"ent! a fact ,elonging to the frther de"elo+'ent of 4hristianit03
The great starting +oint of 4hristian de"elo+'ent on the earth! %hich ,efore it ha++ened cold onl0
,e foreseen and ho+ed for! is of corse the @0ster0 of 8olgotha itself3 After this co'e the "arios facts
that 'st co'e a,ot if 4hristianit0 is to go on de"elo+ing fro' the @0ster0 of 8olgotha on%ards
throgh all ti'e and eternit03 One sch fact is the content of the Book of Re"elation3 The a+ocal0+tist
is fll0 a%are that he is not onl0 telling others so'ething that he hi'self has eA+erienced and that %ill
contri,te to the de"elo+'ent of his ti'eF he kno%s that the "er0 recei"ing and +assing on of the
content of the Book of Re"elation is a fact in itself3
The i'+ortant as+ect that distingishes 4hristianit0 fro' other religios creeds is that the old
religions %ere teachings! %hereas the essential as+ect of 4hristianit0 is the deed of 8olgotha! and this
essential as+ect 'st ,e follo%ed ,0 frther deeds3 It is therefore not a +ri'ar0 and fnda'ental
+riorit0 that +eo+le shold ha"e the 8os+els eA+lained to the'3 What is essential is that 4hristianit0
shold seek a real and genine connection %ith the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 1nder the inflence of
intellectalis' in recent ti'es! 4hristianit0 has ado+ted intellectalistic for's of its o%n3 This has e"en
led to the fa'os state'ent that 2ess has no +lace in the 8os+els3
This %old 'ean 'ore or less that
the content of the 8os+els 'a0 ,e acce+ted as teachings %hile no accont need ,e taken of the teacher
fro' %ho' the0 ste'3 8od the Father alone has a +lace in the 8os+els! so it is said3 This is tanta'ont
to i'+l0ing that the i'+ortant thing a,ot the @0ster0 of 8olgotha %as that 4hrist 2ess a++eared and
ga"e teachings a,ot the Father3 Bt this is not the essential as+ect at all3 The essential as+ect is that the
&eed %as done on 8olgotha! that 4hrist 2ess li"ed on the earth and acco'+lished the &eed on
8olgotha3 The teachings are the accessories! the0 are secondar0 and inessential3 4hristianit0 'st fight
its %a0 ,ack to a recognition of this! and also to actall0 carr0ing it ot3
*o %hile he is recei"ing the re"elation! the a+ocal0+tist is a%are that this fact has ha++ened and that
it is %orking frther throgh hi'3 This is %hat is i'+ortant to hi'3 What is it that continosl0 takes
+lace throgh thisP Looking at the 'ake$+ of the h'an ,eing as it is toda0! %e kno% that dring the
da0ti'e he %ears his for Lgar'entsK! +h0sical ,od0! etheric ,od0! astral ,od0 and LIK! in #ite a nor'al
%a03 When he slee+s! on the other hand! astral ,od0 and LIK are otside the +h0sical and etheric ,od0!
the0 are in the s+irital srrondings of the earth that are there ,ehind the +heno'ena %e +ercei"e %ith
or +h0sical senses3 The0 are not as 0et +erce+ti,le to the h'an ,eing! for this is onl0 +ossi,le
Page 62
throgh initiation3 &ring slee+ the h'an ,eing leads a di' eAistence of %hich onl0 a generali<ed
sensation re'ains on a%akening! or he sees drea's that rise + ot of slee+ in the %a0 I ha"e often
descri,ed3 Astral ,od0 and LIK are in the s+irital %orld in sch a %a0 that the0 can ha"e no
i'+ressions! no direct i'+ressions of 4hrist and his %hole ,eing3 If there %ere nothing 'ore to this
than %hat I ha"e Ost descri,ed! the LIK and astral ,od0 %old enter into the s+irital %orld each night
,t %old ha"e no direct contact %ith 4hrist3 Bt ,ecase the @0ster0 of 8olgotha has taken +lace
dring the corse of earth e"oltion! %hen the LIK and astral ,od0 retrned to the +h0sical real' of earth
each 'orning the0 %old i''ediatel0 ha"e an i'+ression of 4hrist! for 4hrist is +resent in the earthKs
ara3 Bt this i'+ression %old re'ain di'3 2st as the night$ti'e i'+ressions re'ain di' for the da0!
so %old this i'+ression of 4hrist eAisting %ithin the +h0sical and etheric ,od0 as the0 slee+ onl0 ,e
+erce+ti,le in the %a0 the state of slee+ is +erce+ti,le to so'eone on %aking +! and there %old ,e no
clear eA+erience of 4hrist3
We ha"e to i'agine that i''ediatel0 after the co'+letion of the @0ster0 of 8olgotha on the earth
there %ere indi"idals %ho had eA+erienced it and %ho %ere a,le to +ass on to others the i''ediate
eA+eriences the0 had had of it3 4hrist hi'self also ga"e his disci+les an esoteric schooling after his
resrrectionF he ga"e the' 'an0 +rofond teachings3 All this contined to s+read dring the first fe%
decades after the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 It %old ha"e had to co'e to an end at so'e +oint! and indeed
%e see ho% it gradall0 did dra% to a close in certain circles3 In the notorios %ritings of the 8nostics
and in other older eA+lanations ,0 the first chrch fathers %ho %ere still the ++ils of the a+ostles! or
++ils of the a+ostlesK ++ils! there %ere i''ense esoteric teachings a,ot 4hristianit03 These %ere
rooted ot ,ecase the chrch %anted to ,e rid of so'ething that %as al%a0s a +art of these teachings!
na'el0D an0thing cos'ic3 I''ensel0 significant things %ere destro0ed ,0 the chrch3 The0 %ere
destro0ed! ,t ,0 reading in the Akashic Record the0 %ill ,e restored do%n to the last dot on the i %hen
the ti'e is ri+e3
*o for oter histor0 these great i'+ressions %old ha"e dra%n to a close! ,t Ost as this %as
threatening to ha++en the Book of Re"elation ca'e into ,eing3 And %hen this Re"elation is rightl0
taken inGand indeed eAa'+les of this %ere +ro"ided ,0 a n',er of indi"idals dring the second
stage after the @0ster0 of 8olgothaG%hen this grand! +ro+hetic "ision of e"oltion is rightl0 taken in!
%hich 'eans %hen it has ,een taken into the astral ,od0 and es+eciall0 into the LIK$organi<ation! then
LIK and astral ,od0 %ill carr0 this Re"elationG%hich! as I told 0o in the first lectre! co'es directl0
fro' the s+irital %orld and is actall0 a kind of letter! a direct "er,al Re"elation inclding "isionsG
then LIK and astral ,od0 %ill carr0 it ot into the %orld of the earthKs ara %hen the0 are in the slee+ing
state3 This 'eans! dear friends! that all those %ho ha"e taken the Book of Re"elation into their inner
nderstanding ha"e gradall0 ,een enshrining it in the ether of the earthKs ara! so that no% the
+resence of 4hrist %orking on in the earthKs ara +ro"ides this ara of the earth %ith its fnda'ental
Each night %hen the astral ,od0 and LIK are otside the +h0sical and ether ,od0! this 4hrist$I'+lse
inflences initiall0 the ether ,od0 of the h'an ,eing in a +rofond 'anner3 Bt on retrning %ith his
LIK and astral ,od0 into his +h0sical ,od0 in the 'orning! the h'an ,eing is sall0 not ca+a,le of
finding %hat there is of the 4hrist$I'+lse in his etheric ,od03
As the ++ils of 2ohn gradall0 take in the content of the Book of Re"elation! the 'eaning of the
%ords ,eco'es enshrined in the ether of the earthKs ara3 *o %hat is ths enshrined in the earthKs ara!
indeed %hat %as alread0 enshrined there throgh the great and significant i'+ressions recei"ed fro'
the di"ine! s+irital ,eings ,0 the athor of the Book of Re"elation hi'self! or +erha+s one shold sa0
,0 the one %ho recei"ed the Book of Re"elationGall this %orks on the h'an ,eingKs ether ,od0
Page 63
,et%een going to slee+ and %aking +3 This 'eans that those %ho ha"e an inclination to%ards the
@0ster0 of 8olgotha can eA+ose their ether ,od0 to the content of the Book of Re"elation %hile the0
are in a state of slee+3 This is a fact3 Throgh a right dis+osition to%ards 4hrist one can generate a kind
of slee+ing state that ena,les %hat the content of the Book of Re"elation has ,roght a,ot in the
earthKs ether and %hat lies in earthl0 e"oltion throgh the co'ing of 4hrist into the earthKs ether to
,eco'e enshrined in oneKs ether ,od03 This is the actal +rocess! this is the ongoing deed of the Book
of Re"elation3
In oneKs %ork as a +riest it can ,e #ite +ossi,le to eA+lain to so'eone re#iring oneKs hel+ in that
ca+acit0D 4hrist entered into earthl0 e"oltion throgh the @0ster0 of 8olgothaF in order to +re+are
h'an ,eings he first ,roght a,ot %hat is gi"en in the 8os+els! so that in their astral ,od0 and in
their LIKG0o %ill ha"e to se the kind of ter'inolog0 co'+rehensi,le to 0or congregationGthe0 can
a,sor, the content of the 8os+elsF this +re+ares the' to recei"e the 4hrist$I'+lse into their ether ,od0
on %aking +3 The a+ocal0+tist hi'self! ho%e"er! ,0 ,eing +laced %ithin 4hristianit0 as it de"elo+s!
,eco'es a,le to incor+orate into the h'an ether ,od0 %hat he descri,es so concretel0! that %hich is in
the e"oltion of 4hristianit0 throghot the "arios ages right on into the ftre3
This ,rings an essentiall0 ne% ele'ent into earth e"oltion! in contrast to the teachings of the
ancient @0steries3 What %as it that the ancient @0steries i'+arted to the initiateP The0 i'+arted that
%hich can ,e seen %hen one sr"e0s the s+irital essence of %hat has ,een +resent in the %orld for all
eternit0! that %hich can ,e seen %hen one finds the eternall0 %orking di"ine ,eing in eAternal +h0sical
forces3 The initiate of the ancient @0steries 'ade no de'ands as to recei"ing an0thing else into his
ether ,od0 eAce+t %hat ca'e an0%a0 as the reslt of initiation3
The 4hristian initiate goes frther than this3 He %ants to take into his ether ,od0 %hat has onl0
gradall0 co'e into ,eing dring the corse of earthl0 e"oltion! e"er0thing connected %ith the
@0ster0 of 8olgotha and %ith 4hrist3 The re"elation of the a+ocal0+tic Book ths contains the
,eginning of an initiation for 4hristendo'3 This re"elation is a kind of earl0 stage of an initiation! not
for indi"idals ,t for the %hole of 4hristendo'F and indi"idals can +re+are the'sel"es for
+artici+ation in this3
This o+ens the +ath along %hich the +rinci+le of Natre! of the Father! can ,e transcended3 Basicall0
all the old initiations took the for' of Father initiations3 One looked for natre and for the s+irit in
natre and %as satisfied %ith that! for h'an ,eings %ere the'sel"es +art of that %orld of natre3 Bt
no% 4hrist has ,een here on the earth! and here he %ill re'ain3 He has flfilled his &eed on 8olgotha
and %ill re'ain here3 One cannot take into oneself %hat ha++ened throgh the @0ster0 of 8olgotha
'erel0 ,0 taking +art in the old initiation3 One 'st first raise oneself into a %orld of s+irit that is
different fro' the one that strea'ed throgh the ancient @0steries3 What strea'ed throgh the old
@0steries %as 'erel0 the ho+e that the @0ster0 of 8olgotha %old one da0 strea' throgh the ne%
@0steries3 No%! ho%e"er! the h'an ,eing 'akes contact %ith the s+irit not throgh natre ,t
directl0 throgh 4hrist3
The old initiate al%a0s chose a ronda,ot rote "ia natre3 What the ne% initiate didGthis %as the
"ie% of 'an0 half or +artiall0 initiated indi"idals not in the first centr0 ,t es+eciall0 in later
centries after the @0ster0 of 8olgothaG%as to seek contact %ith the *+irit Being of the %orld "ia
%hat had flo%ed into the %orld throgh 4hrist and throgh %hat is ,ilt on 4hrist3
This %as ho% a ne% initiate "ie%ed the Book of Re"elation3 What he sa% in it 'ade hi' sa0D
Natre is one %a0 of going into the s+irital %orldF the i''ense %isdo' re"ealed in the Book of
Re"elation is the other %a03 It is a %onderfl sr+rise and delight in s+irital research %hen one co'es
Page 64
+on indi"idalsGnot in the first 4hristian centr0! ,t in later ones! fro' the second to the siAthG
%ho sa0D Natre is greatGthe0 'ean %hat the ancient %orld sa% as natreG,t that %hich is re"ealed
ot of the s+ersensi,le real' ,0 the a+ocal0+tist! or ,0 the a+ocal0+tists! is e#all0 great or e"en
greaterF for natre leads to the Father! ,t %hat is re"ealed throgh the a+ocal0+tists leads throgh the
*on to the *+irit3 Those %ere ti'es %hen a +ath to the +re! i''ediate s+irit %as soght "ia the Book
of Re"elation3
This %as at the sa'e ti'e a +ointer to%ards the real change that 'st and %ill co'e a,ot dring
the corse of h'an e"oltion once h'an ,eings ha"e 'ade the'sel"es %orth0 of it3 In olden ti'es
there %as a strong feeling of the h'an ,eing ha"ing ste''ed fro' the s+irital %orld ,t ha"ing to
go throgh a de"elo+'ent that %old strongl0 ,ind hi' to %hat ca'e to%ards hi' fro' the +h0sical!
sense$+erce+ti,le %orld3 This link %ith the +h0sical! sense$+erce+ti,le %orld %as strongl0 felt! and the
"ie% %as that h'ans had ,eco'e sinning and sinfl ,eings throgh their links %ith the 'aterial
natre of the earth3
A different age %as to ,e +re+ared in contrast to this! and the a+ocal0+tist foresa% and +roclai'ed it3
He %as searching for the +ictre! the right I'agination in %hich to +lace this secret ,efore h'an sols
in i'aginati"e +ictres3 *o he enhanced and s''ari<ed a +ictre that %as #ite csto'ar0 in the
secret teachings of the He,re%s3 This is %hat %as sho%n ,0 these secret teachingsD
*ols co'e fro' the s+irital %orldF these sols co'ing fro' the s+irital %orld clothe the'sel"es
%ith %hat co'es fro' the earthF %hen the0 ,ild hoses for the 'ost eAternal tasks of the s+irit! the
reslt is citiesF ,t %hen the0 ,ild ho'es for the inner tasks of the h'an sol the reslt is the h'an
,od0! ,ilt fro' ,ricks +ro"ided ,0 the earth3
The conce+t of ,ilding d%ellings 'erged %ith the conce+t of ,ilding oneKs ,od03 This %as a
,eatifl! a %onderfll0 ,eatifl +ictre! for it is also #ite +ractical3 The ,od0 in %hich deeds %ere
done and %here sol +rocesses and fnctions took +lace %as a hose! and the eAternal hose +ro"ided
+rotection for all of this3 There %as this %onderfl +ictreD If I ,ild a hose fro' earthl0 'aterials for
'0 eAternal acti"ities! then the %alls of the hose! the hose as a %hole! +ro"ides a +rotection for %hat
I do3 This is 'erel0 an eA+anded! or 0o cold sa0 a hardened! 'ore sclerotic contination of the first
hose the h'an ,eing ,iltGthe first hose! the one that contained the inner +rocesses of sol! is his
,od03 Ha"ing ,ilt his ,od0! %hich is a hose! he then ,ilds a second hose! %hich ses ingredients
fro' the earth as ,ilding 'aterials3 It %as considered a +erfectl0 e"er0da0 'atter to regard the ,od0
as a hose! and this hose as the +rotecti"e gar'ent donned ,0 the h'an ,eing here in the +h0sical!
earthl0 %orld3 What is for'ed ot of the sol like this %as regarded as the hose,ilding done ,0 the
h'an ,eing3
In olden ti'es the h'an ,eing did indeed gro% "er0 attached e"en eAternall0 to %hat he felt %as
his hose3 Here is a dra%ing of it HPlate ;! ,otto' rightID This is the h'an ,eingKs ,od0 %ith its skin3
If he %ere to gro% another skin for the eAternal acti"ities of his sol! it %old ,e like a tent! onl0 this
tent does not gro% of its o%n accord! for the h'an ,eing 'akes it for hi'self3
In He,re% secret teachings this conflence of ha"ing co''and o"er the earthl0 real' and of taking
in earthl0 ingredients for h'an de"elo+'ent %as "ie%ed in a +articlar %a03 As far as the +h0sical
earth is concerned! 0o ha"e to ad'it that there is a North Pole and that a degree of coldness is
concentrated there3 This North Pole can ,e descri,ed #ite +h0sicall0 as +art of the geogra+h0 of the
earth! so'ething that ,elongs to the earth and is an essential +art of it3 The He,re% secret teachings
also did this %ith regard to the sol acti"it0 in the forces of the earth3 Like the geogra+hical North Pole!
the0 sa% another +ole on the earth %here all cltre %as concentrated! in other %ords %here the 'ost
Page 65
+erfect hoses %ere gathered! and the0 regarded 2ersale'! the entirel0 +h0sical cit0 of 2ersale' as
this +lace3 This %as the +ole %here eAternal cltre %as concentrated arond the h'an sol! and the
cro%ning glor0 of this cit0 %as *olo'onKs Te'+le3
It then ca'e to ,e felt that this as+ect of the earthKs e"oltion had co'e to an end3 Those %ho
nderstood so'ething of the He,re% secret teachings did not regard %hat ha++ened after the @0ster0
of 8olgotha! in the destrction of 2ersale'! as an eAternal e"ent ,roght a,ot ,0 the Ro'ans3 The
Ro'ans %ere 'erel0 the acco'+lices of the s+irital +o%ers! carr0ing ot on their ,ehalf %hat %as
entirel0 the +lan of those s+irital +o%ers3 The idea the0 had %as that the old %a0 of gathering
ingredients fro' the earth in order to ,ild the h'an ,od0 as a hose had co'e to an end3 With
2ersale'Ks attain'ent of its fll greatness the s,stance! the 'aterial fro' the earth that cold ,e sed
in ,ilding the h'an ,od0 as a hose! %as eAhasted3
Translated into the 4hristian %a0 of thinking! this He,re% secret teaching 'eantD The destrction of
2ersale' %old ha"e ha++ened e"en if the @0ster0 of 8olgotha had not taken +lace! ,t that %hich
can ,eco'e a ne% creation %old not ha"e ,een +lanted in this destrction of the ,eing of 'an %ho
creates %ith the hel+ of the earth3 The seed for an entirel0 ne% creation is laid in the 2ersale' that %as
doo'ed to +erish3 @other Earth dies in 2ersale'3 &aghter Earth li"es in eA+ectation of another seed3
It is no longer the ingredients of the earth that are taken to ,ild ,odies and the hoses of the Old
2ersale'! %hich had stood as the cro%ning glor0 of all that takes +lace on earth! for no% the earth
rises + as a s+irital +ole of the Old 2ersale'3 One %ill no longer ,e ca+a,le of ,ilding so'ething
like the Old 2ersale' ot of earthl0 ingredients3 Instead the ne% era ,egins! for %hich the seed %as
so%n ,0 the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 No% h'an ,eings recei"e fro' a,o"e %hat %ill en"elo+ their inner
,eing HPlate ;I 'ore fro' the otside3 The Ne% 4it0 descends fro' a,o"e and +ors itself ot across
the earth! the Ne% 2ersale'3 The Old 2ersale' %as 'ade fro' the earth and its s,stances! the Ne%
2ersale' co'es fro' hea"en and its s+irital ingredients3
Jo %ill +ro,a,l0 find sch a +ictre rather strange in co'+arison %ith all the things that are
nor'all0 thoght these da0s and %hat 0o ha"e learnt fro' these3 What do +eo+le i'agine the
anato'ical and +h0siological h'an ,eing to ,e likeP He eats! takes the s,stances of his food into his
sto'ach! digests these! discards so'e of the'! and re+laces %hat needs re+lacing %ith the s,stances
he takes in3
Bt this is not ho% things are at all3 The h'an ,eing is threefold and has in hi' a h'an ,eing of
ner"es and senses! a rh0th'ical h'an ,eing! and a h'an ,eing of 'eta,olis' and li',s3 None of the
s,stances taken in throgh food enter the s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s! for all of it goes into the
s0ste' of ner"es and senses3 The s0ste' of ner"es and senses a,sor,s the salts and other necessar0
s,stances that are al%a0s finel0 distri,ted in the air and light! and steers these to%ards the s0ste' of
'eta,olis' and li',s3 The s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s is norished entirel0 fro' a,o"e
do%n%ards3 It is #ite ntre that this +art of the h'an ,eing recei"es the s,stances it needs directl0
fro' food3 If earthl0 s,stances enter the s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s! then the h'an ,eing is ill3
All the s,stances taken in and digested in food +ro"ide solel0 the organs ,elonging to the s0ste' of
ner"es and senses3 The head in +articlar is ,ilt fro' earthl0 s,stances3 The organs of 'eta,olis'
and li',s! on the other hand! are ,ilt fro' hea"en3 And the rh0th'ical h'an ,eing ,rings a,ot
,alance in ,oth directions3 The h'an ,eing does not eat the oA0gen in the air! he inhales it3 The %a0
he takes in s,stances throgh his s0ste' of ner"es and senses is coarser than the %a0 he does this
throgh his s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s3 What the h'an ,eing needs for his s0ste' of
'eta,olis' and li',s is a,sor,ed throgh an i''ensel0 delicate ,reathing +rocess3 Ordinar0
,reathing is #ite coarse ,0 co'+arison3 And %hat the h'an ,eing does %ith oA0genGna'el0
Page 66
+rodcing car,on dioAideGis once again so'ething 'ore delicate than %hat ha++ens so that the foods
+assing throgh the sto'ach can s++l0 the head3 The transition takes +lace in the rh0th'ical h'an
This is the trth a,ot the strctre of the h'an organis' and its +rocesses3 What anato'0 and
+h0siolog0 teach toda0 is nonsense in the face of the trth and co'es a,ot as a reslt of the
'aterialistic otlook3 As soon as 0o kno% so'ething a,ot this! 0o reali<e that %hat ,ilds the
h'an ,od0 co'es not onl0 fro' ,elo%! fro' the +lant! 'ineral and ani'al kingdo's of the earth! ,t
that %hat norishes the organs %hich are often regarded as the coarser ones co'es fro' a,o"e3
Kno%ing this! one %ill ,e a,le to see #ite clearl0 that + to the ti'e %hen 2ersale' +erished there
%as a kind of srfeit of norish'ent fro' ,elo%3 Then! %ith the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! %hat co'es
fro' a,o"e ,egins gradall0 to ass'e i'+ortance3
Althogh +eo+le ha"e re"ersed these facts in the 'anner descri,ed! %hat ha++ens toda0 is that
de"elo+'ent co'es a,ot in 'an0 %a0s as a reslt of the old ntrition fro' ,elo% ,eing re+laced ,0
ntrition fro' a,o"e! %hich is no% 'ore i'+ortant3 This cases the h'an for' to change3 Or head is
no longer like the heads of old3 The h'an head in ancient ti'es had a forehead that slo+ed ,ack 'ore3
HPlate ;I The forehead toda0 is 'ore do'edF the oter +art of the ,rain has ,eco'e 'ore i'+ortant3
This is the actal change! for the +art of the ,rain that is ,eco'ing 'ore i'+ortant is 'ore akin to the
organs of digestion than the +art that lies ,eneath it3 The +eri+heral +art of the ,rain is ,eco'ing 'ore
si'ilar to the organs of digestion than are the 'ore delicate tisses in the 'iddle +art of the ,rain! i3e3
the contination of the sensor0 ner"es to%ards the centre of the head3 The organs of 'eta,olis'! in
+articlar! are norished fro' a,o"e3
One can reall0 look into these things do%n to the tiniest detail if one is %illing to sa0 a,ot certain
things %hat the a+ocal0+tist sa0sD Here is %isdo'3 In the ordinar0 kno%ledge that li"es a'ongst +eo+le
there is not %isdo' ,t darkness3 What +eo+le toda0 call the reslts of science is! in fact! the reslt of
Kali Jga! the t'ost darkening of h'an 'entalit03 This shold ,e regarded as a secret and not talked
a,ot on e"er0 street corner! for esoteric things are things that re'ain %ithin a s+ecific circle3
The gro%th of the Ne% 2ersale' has ,een ongoing since the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 When the
h'an ,eing has entirel0 flfilled his ti'e on earth he %ill ha"e reached the stage in %hich he not onl0
%ea"es the hea"enl0 s,stance into his o%n ,od0 throgh his senses! ,t in %hich he eAtends the
hea"enl0 s,stance throgh %hat %e call s+irital kno%ledge and art into %hat %ill ,e the eAternal cit0!
the frther eAtension of his ,od0 in the sense I ha"e ,een talking a,ot3 The Old 2ersale' %as ,ilt
fro' ,elo% +%ardsF the Ne% 2ersale' %ill ,e ,ilt in all realit0 fro' a,o"e do%n%ards3 This is the
i''ense +ers+ecti"e arising ot of a 'ore than gigantic "ision eA+erienced ,0 the a+ocal0+tist3 The
'ight0 "ision he sa% told hi'D E"er0thing h'an ,eings ha"e scceeded in ,ilding has risen +%ards
ot of the earth! and this %as concentrated in the Old 2ersale'F ,t it has no% co'e to an end3 He sa%
the rising + and the 'elting do%n of the Old 2ersale'! and he sa% the cit0 of 'an! the Ne%
2ersale'! descending fro' a,o"e! fro' s+irital %orlds3
This is the ai'! the final goal of the re"elation in the Book of Re"elation3 It contains trl0 4hristian
+aths for h'anit0 and 4hristian ai's for h'anit0 as %ell3 In endea"oring to nderstand the' %e
arri"e at certain +ecliarities in the Book of Re"elation a,ot %hich a good 'an0 indi"idals ha"e
inklings ,t %hich the0 cannot #ite nderstand3 *o'eone 'aking serios efforts to nderstand the
Book of Re"elation cannot hel+ sa0ingD What can I do to enter into sch a +ictre of the Old and the
Ne% 2ersale'P Ho% can I get inside itP I cannot si'+l0 go on talking a,ot these +ictres %hich
initiall0 ha"e no content co'+rehensi,le to 'eF I 'st so'eho% get inside the content3 In order to
Page 67
enter into the content %e need a cos'olog0 and a "ie% of the h'an ,eing that is gi"en onl0 ,0 a ne%
%orld "ie% sch as Anthro+oso+h0! ,0 tre insight into the s+irital %orld3 We co'e to Anthro+oso+h0
throgh the Book of Re"elation ,ecase %e need the 'eans +ro"ided ,0 Anthro+oso+h0 in order to
nderstand the Book of Re"elation! ,ecase %e noticeD 2ohn recei"ed the Book of Re"elation fro'
regions %here Anthro+oso+h0 d%elt ,efore descending to h'an ,eings3
If one %ants to nderstand the Book of Re"elation honestl0 and earnestl0 one has to nderstand it
anthro+oso+hicall03 This is 'ost o,"ios in connection %ith the final goal! the Ne% 2ersale'3 Jo
'st nderstand the secrets of ho% the h'an ,eing is strctred fro' a,o"e and fro' ,elo%! ,t not
onl0 as if this %ere an eAternal science3 Then 0o can eA+and 0or co'+rehension to inclde the entire
acti"it0 that h'an ,eings carr0 ot on the earth! an acti"it0 that is directed fro' ,elo% +%ards and
then changes into one that goes fro' a,o"e do%n%ards3 The ,ilding of the Old 2ersale' %ill ,e
transfor'ed into the s+irital ,ilding of the Ne% 2ersale'! %hich %ill ,e ,ilt fro' a,o"e
do%n%ards3 Peo+le 'st %ork their %a0 into so'ething that is constrcted s+iritall03 The0 'st not
'erel0 see the Book of Re"elation as so'ething s0',olic or theoretical that s+eaks in +ictres! %hich
is the ha,it of the Bi,lical eAegetists3 The0 'st see it in a %a0 that allo%s the s+irit to ,e e"er0 ,it as
real as the +h0sical earth has ,een for thosands of 0ears3
We 'st hold fir'l0 to the follo%ingD The Book of Re"elation does not contain +ictres! it contains
indications of %holl0 concrete facts! indications of %hat %ill actall0 ha++en and not 'erel0 +ictorial
hints of %hat %ill ha++en3 This is 'ost i'+ortant3 It is ths that %e 'st feel and find or %a0 into the
Book of Re"elation3 @ore of this to'orro%3
&ornach! -; *e+te',er -.)/
No% that %e ha"e ,roght a n',er of ele'ents together in order to del"e frther into the essence
of the Book of Re"elation! let s trn or attention to the Book itself3 We shall ,egin ,0 addressing
so'e #estions relating to the end! the goal of %hat the a+ocal0+tist sees in his "ision and %ants to
i'+art to h'anit03 Jo %ill see later %h0 I ha"e chosen to strctre or considerations in this
+articlar %a03
What the a+ocal0+tist gi"es s is %hat 0o 'ight call a co''nication to h'anit0! a re"elation to
h'an ,eings! ,t a re"elation that is "er0 different in its essence fro' other co''nications not
arising ot of clair"o0ance3 *o the a+ocal0+tist +oints ot that the e"ent %hich ena,led hi' to 'ake his
co''nication to h'anit0 %as a s+ecial one! a 'ight0 enlighten'ent3 The Book of Re"elation is ths
sho%n to ,e an e"ent! a fact ,elonging to the frther de"elo+'ent of 4hristianit03
The great starting +oint of 4hristian de"elo+'ent on the earth! %hich ,efore it ha++ened cold onl0
,e foreseen and ho+ed for! is of corse the @0ster0 of 8olgotha itself3 After this co'e the "arios facts
that 'st co'e a,ot if 4hristianit0 is to go on de"elo+ing fro' the @0ster0 of 8olgotha on%ards
throgh all ti'e and eternit03 One sch fact is the content of the Book of Re"elation3 The a+ocal0+tist
is fll0 a%are that he is not onl0 telling others so'ething that he hi'self has eA+erienced and that %ill
contri,te to the de"elo+'ent of his ti'eF he kno%s that the "er0 recei"ing and +assing on of the
content of the Book of Re"elation is a fact in itself3
The i'+ortant as+ect that distingishes 4hristianit0 fro' other religios creeds is that the old
religions %ere teachings! %hereas the essential as+ect of 4hristianit0 is the deed of 8olgotha! and this
essential as+ect 'st ,e follo%ed ,0 frther deeds3 It is therefore not a +ri'ar0 and fnda'ental
Page 68
+riorit0 that +eo+le shold ha"e the 8os+els eA+lained to the'3 What is essential is that 4hristianit0
shold seek a real and genine connection %ith the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 1nder the inflence of
intellectalis' in recent ti'es! 4hristianit0 has ado+ted intellectalistic for's of its o%n3 This has e"en
led to the fa'os state'ent that 2ess has no +lace in the 8os+els3
This %old 'ean 'ore or less that
the content of the 8os+els 'a0 ,e acce+ted as teachings %hile no accont need ,e taken of the teacher
fro' %ho' the0 ste'3 8od the Father alone has a +lace in the 8os+els! so it is said3 This is tanta'ont
to i'+l0ing that the i'+ortant thing a,ot the @0ster0 of 8olgotha %as that 4hrist 2ess a++eared and
ga"e teachings a,ot the Father3 Bt this is not the essential as+ect at all3 The essential as+ect is that the
&eed %as done on 8olgotha! that 4hrist 2ess li"ed on the earth and acco'+lished the &eed on
8olgotha3 The teachings are the accessories! the0 are secondar0 and inessential3 4hristianit0 'st fight
its %a0 ,ack to a recognition of this! and also to actall0 carr0ing it ot3
*o %hile he is recei"ing the re"elation! the a+ocal0+tist is a%are that this fact has ha++ened and that
it is %orking frther throgh hi'3 This is %hat is i'+ortant to hi'3 What is it that continosl0 takes
+lace throgh thisP Looking at the 'ake$+ of the h'an ,eing as it is toda0! %e kno% that dring the
da0ti'e he %ears his for Lgar'entsK! +h0sical ,od0! etheric ,od0! astral ,od0 and LIK! in #ite a nor'al
%a03 When he slee+s! on the other hand! astral ,od0 and LIK are otside the +h0sical and etheric ,od0!
the0 are in the s+irital srrondings of the earth that are there ,ehind the +heno'ena %e +ercei"e %ith
or +h0sical senses3 The0 are not as 0et +erce+ti,le to the h'an ,eing! for this is onl0 +ossi,le
throgh initiation3 &ring slee+ the h'an ,eing leads a di' eAistence of %hich onl0 a generali<ed
sensation re'ains on a%akening! or he sees drea's that rise + ot of slee+ in the %a0 I ha"e often
descri,ed3 Astral ,od0 and LIK are in the s+irital %orld in sch a %a0 that the0 can ha"e no
i'+ressions! no direct i'+ressions of 4hrist and his %hole ,eing3 If there %ere nothing 'ore to this
than %hat I ha"e Ost descri,ed! the LIK and astral ,od0 %old enter into the s+irital %orld each night
,t %old ha"e no direct contact %ith 4hrist3 Bt ,ecase the @0ster0 of 8olgotha has taken +lace
dring the corse of earth e"oltion! %hen the LIK and astral ,od0 retrned to the +h0sical real' of earth
each 'orning the0 %old i''ediatel0 ha"e an i'+ression of 4hrist! for 4hrist is +resent in the earthKs
ara3 Bt this i'+ression %old re'ain di'3 2st as the night$ti'e i'+ressions re'ain di' for the da0!
so %old this i'+ression of 4hrist eAisting %ithin the +h0sical and etheric ,od0 as the0 slee+ onl0 ,e
+erce+ti,le in the %a0 the state of slee+ is +erce+ti,le to so'eone on %aking +! and there %old ,e no
clear eA+erience of 4hrist3
We ha"e to i'agine that i''ediatel0 after the co'+letion of the @0ster0 of 8olgotha on the earth
there %ere indi"idals %ho had eA+erienced it and %ho %ere a,le to +ass on to others the i''ediate
eA+eriences the0 had had of it3 4hrist hi'self also ga"e his disci+les an esoteric schooling after his
resrrectionF he ga"e the' 'an0 +rofond teachings3 All this contined to s+read dring the first fe%
decades after the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 It %old ha"e had to co'e to an end at so'e +oint! and indeed
%e see ho% it gradall0 did dra% to a close in certain circles3 In the notorios %ritings of the 8nostics
and in other older eA+lanations ,0 the first chrch fathers %ho %ere still the ++ils of the a+ostles! or
++ils of the a+ostlesK ++ils! there %ere i''ense esoteric teachings a,ot 4hristianit03 These %ere
rooted ot ,ecase the chrch %anted to ,e rid of so'ething that %as al%a0s a +art of these teachings!
na'el0D an0thing cos'ic3 I''ensel0 significant things %ere destro0ed ,0 the chrch3 The0 %ere
destro0ed! ,t ,0 reading in the Akashic Record the0 %ill ,e restored do%n to the last dot on the i %hen
the ti'e is ri+e3
*o for oter histor0 these great i'+ressions %old ha"e dra%n to a close! ,t Ost as this %as
threatening to ha++en the Book of Re"elation ca'e into ,eing3 And %hen this Re"elation is rightl0
taken inGand indeed eAa'+les of this %ere +ro"ided ,0 a n',er of indi"idals dring the second
Page 69
stage after the @0ster0 of 8olgothaG%hen this grand! +ro+hetic "ision of e"oltion is rightl0 taken in!
%hich 'eans %hen it has ,een taken into the astral ,od0 and es+eciall0 into the LIK$organi<ation! then
LIK and astral ,od0 %ill carr0 this Re"elationG%hich! as I told 0o in the first lectre! co'es directl0
fro' the s+irital %orld and is actall0 a kind of letter! a direct "er,al Re"elation inclding "isionsG
then LIK and astral ,od0 %ill carr0 it ot into the %orld of the earthKs ara %hen the0 are in the slee+ing
state3 This 'eans! dear friends! that all those %ho ha"e taken the Book of Re"elation into their inner
nderstanding ha"e gradall0 ,een enshrining it in the ether of the earthKs ara! so that no% the
+resence of 4hrist %orking on in the earthKs ara +ro"ides this ara of the earth %ith its fnda'ental
Each night %hen the astral ,od0 and LIK are otside the +h0sical and ether ,od0! this 4hrist$I'+lse
inflences initiall0 the ether ,od0 of the h'an ,eing in a +rofond 'anner3 Bt on retrning %ith his
LIK and astral ,od0 into his +h0sical ,od0 in the 'orning! the h'an ,eing is sall0 not ca+a,le of
finding %hat there is of the 4hrist$I'+lse in his etheric ,od03
As the ++ils of 2ohn gradall0 take in the content of the Book of Re"elation! the 'eaning of the
%ords ,eco'es enshrined in the ether of the earthKs ara3 *o %hat is ths enshrined in the earthKs ara!
indeed %hat %as alread0 enshrined there throgh the great and significant i'+ressions recei"ed fro'
the di"ine! s+irital ,eings ,0 the athor of the Book of Re"elation hi'self! or +erha+s one shold sa0
,0 the one %ho recei"ed the Book of Re"elationGall this %orks on the h'an ,eingKs ether ,od0
,et%een going to slee+ and %aking +3 This 'eans that those %ho ha"e an inclination to%ards the
@0ster0 of 8olgotha can eA+ose their ether ,od0 to the content of the Book of Re"elation %hile the0
are in a state of slee+3 This is a fact3 Throgh a right dis+osition to%ards 4hrist one can generate a kind
of slee+ing state that ena,les %hat the content of the Book of Re"elation has ,roght a,ot in the
earthKs ether and %hat lies in earthl0 e"oltion throgh the co'ing of 4hrist into the earthKs ether to
,eco'e enshrined in oneKs ether ,od03 This is the actal +rocess! this is the ongoing deed of the Book
of Re"elation3
In oneKs %ork as a +riest it can ,e #ite +ossi,le to eA+lain to so'eone re#iring oneKs hel+ in that
ca+acit0D 4hrist entered into earthl0 e"oltion throgh the @0ster0 of 8olgothaF in order to +re+are
h'an ,eings he first ,roght a,ot %hat is gi"en in the 8os+els! so that in their astral ,od0 and in
their LIKG0o %ill ha"e to se the kind of ter'inolog0 co'+rehensi,le to 0or congregationGthe0 can
a,sor, the content of the 8os+elsF this +re+ares the' to recei"e the 4hrist$I'+lse into their ether ,od0
on %aking +3 The a+ocal0+tist hi'self! ho%e"er! ,0 ,eing +laced %ithin 4hristianit0 as it de"elo+s!
,eco'es a,le to incor+orate into the h'an ether ,od0 %hat he descri,es so concretel0! that %hich is in
the e"oltion of 4hristianit0 throghot the "arios ages right on into the ftre3
This ,rings an essentiall0 ne% ele'ent into earth e"oltion! in contrast to the teachings of the
ancient @0steries3 What %as it that the ancient @0steries i'+arted to the initiateP The0 i'+arted that
%hich can ,e seen %hen one sr"e0s the s+irital essence of %hat has ,een +resent in the %orld for all
eternit0! that %hich can ,e seen %hen one finds the eternall0 %orking di"ine ,eing in eAternal +h0sical
forces3 The initiate of the ancient @0steries 'ade no de'ands as to recei"ing an0thing else into his
ether ,od0 eAce+t %hat ca'e an0%a0 as the reslt of initiation3
The 4hristian initiate goes frther than this3 He %ants to take into his ether ,od0 %hat has onl0
gradall0 co'e into ,eing dring the corse of earthl0 e"oltion! e"er0thing connected %ith the
@0ster0 of 8olgotha and %ith 4hrist3 The re"elation of the a+ocal0+tic Book ths contains the
,eginning of an initiation for 4hristendo'3 This re"elation is a kind of earl0 stage of an initiation! not
for indi"idals ,t for the %hole of 4hristendo'F and indi"idals can +re+are the'sel"es for
+artici+ation in this3
Page 70
This o+ens the +ath along %hich the +rinci+le of Natre! of the Father! can ,e transcended3 Basicall0
all the old initiations took the for' of Father initiations3 One looked for natre and for the s+irit in
natre and %as satisfied %ith that! for h'an ,eings %ere the'sel"es +art of that %orld of natre3 Bt
no% 4hrist has ,een here on the earth! and here he %ill re'ain3 He has flfilled his &eed on 8olgotha
and %ill re'ain here3 One cannot take into oneself %hat ha++ened throgh the @0ster0 of 8olgotha
'erel0 ,0 taking +art in the old initiation3 One 'st first raise oneself into a %orld of s+irit that is
different fro' the one that strea'ed throgh the ancient @0steries3 What strea'ed throgh the old
@0steries %as 'erel0 the ho+e that the @0ster0 of 8olgotha %old one da0 strea' throgh the ne%
@0steries3 No%! ho%e"er! the h'an ,eing 'akes contact %ith the s+irit not throgh natre ,t
directl0 throgh 4hrist3
The old initiate al%a0s chose a ronda,ot rote "ia natre3 What the ne% initiate didGthis %as the
"ie% of 'an0 half or +artiall0 initiated indi"idals not in the first centr0 ,t es+eciall0 in later
centries after the @0ster0 of 8olgothaG%as to seek contact %ith the *+irit Being of the %orld "ia
%hat had flo%ed into the %orld throgh 4hrist and throgh %hat is ,ilt on 4hrist3
This %as ho% a ne% initiate "ie%ed the Book of Re"elation3 What he sa% in it 'ade hi' sa0D
Natre is one %a0 of going into the s+irital %orldF the i''ense %isdo' re"ealed in the Book of
Re"elation is the other %a03 It is a %onderfl sr+rise and delight in s+irital research %hen one co'es
+on indi"idalsGnot in the first 4hristian centr0! ,t in later ones! fro' the second to the siAthG
%ho sa0D Natre is greatGthe0 'ean %hat the ancient %orld sa% as natreG,t that %hich is re"ealed
ot of the s+ersensi,le real' ,0 the a+ocal0+tist! or ,0 the a+ocal0+tists! is e#all0 great or e"en
greaterF for natre leads to the Father! ,t %hat is re"ealed throgh the a+ocal0+tists leads throgh the
*on to the *+irit3 Those %ere ti'es %hen a +ath to the +re! i''ediate s+irit %as soght "ia the Book
of Re"elation3
This %as at the sa'e ti'e a +ointer to%ards the real change that 'st and %ill co'e a,ot dring
the corse of h'an e"oltion once h'an ,eings ha"e 'ade the'sel"es %orth0 of it3 In olden ti'es
there %as a strong feeling of the h'an ,eing ha"ing ste''ed fro' the s+irital %orld ,t ha"ing to
go throgh a de"elo+'ent that %old strongl0 ,ind hi' to %hat ca'e to%ards hi' fro' the +h0sical!
sense$+erce+ti,le %orld3 This link %ith the +h0sical! sense$+erce+ti,le %orld %as strongl0 felt! and the
"ie% %as that h'ans had ,eco'e sinning and sinfl ,eings throgh their links %ith the 'aterial
natre of the earth3
A different age %as to ,e +re+ared in contrast to this! and the a+ocal0+tist foresa% and +roclai'ed it3
He %as searching for the +ictre! the right I'agination in %hich to +lace this secret ,efore h'an sols
in i'aginati"e +ictres3 *o he enhanced and s''ari<ed a +ictre that %as #ite csto'ar0 in the
secret teachings of the He,re%s3 This is %hat %as sho%n ,0 these secret teachingsD
*ols co'e fro' the s+irital %orldF these sols co'ing fro' the s+irital %orld clothe the'sel"es
%ith %hat co'es fro' the earthF %hen the0 ,ild hoses for the 'ost eAternal tasks of the s+irit! the
reslt is citiesF ,t %hen the0 ,ild ho'es for the inner tasks of the h'an sol the reslt is the h'an
,od0! ,ilt fro' ,ricks +ro"ided ,0 the earth3
The conce+t of ,ilding d%ellings 'erged %ith the conce+t of ,ilding oneKs ,od03 This %as a
,eatifl! a %onderfll0 ,eatifl +ictre! for it is also #ite +ractical3 The ,od0 in %hich deeds %ere
done and %here sol +rocesses and fnctions took +lace %as a hose! and the eAternal hose +ro"ided
+rotection for all of this3 There %as this %onderfl +ictreD If I ,ild a hose fro' earthl0 'aterials for
'0 eAternal acti"ities! then the %alls of the hose! the hose as a %hole! +ro"ides a +rotection for %hat
I do3 This is 'erel0 an eA+anded! or 0o cold sa0 a hardened! 'ore sclerotic contination of the first
Page 71
hose the h'an ,eing ,iltGthe first hose! the one that contained the inner +rocesses of sol! is his
,od03 Ha"ing ,ilt his ,od0! %hich is a hose! he then ,ilds a second hose! %hich ses ingredients
fro' the earth as ,ilding 'aterials3 It %as considered a +erfectl0 e"er0da0 'atter to regard the ,od0
as a hose! and this hose as the +rotecti"e gar'ent donned ,0 the h'an ,eing here in the +h0sical!
earthl0 %orld3 What is for'ed ot of the sol like this %as regarded as the hose,ilding done ,0 the
h'an ,eing3
In olden ti'es the h'an ,eing did indeed gro% "er0 attached e"en eAternall0 to %hat he felt %as
his hose3 Here is a dra%ing of it HPlate ;! ,otto' rightID This is the h'an ,eingKs ,od0 %ith its skin3
If he %ere to gro% another skin for the eAternal acti"ities of his sol! it %old ,e like a tent! onl0 this
tent does not gro% of its o%n accord! for the h'an ,eing 'akes it for hi'self3
In He,re% secret teachings this conflence of ha"ing co''and o"er the earthl0 real' and of taking
in earthl0 ingredients for h'an de"elo+'ent %as "ie%ed in a +articlar %a03 As far as the +h0sical
earth is concerned! 0o ha"e to ad'it that there is a North Pole and that a degree of coldness is
concentrated there3 This North Pole can ,e descri,ed #ite +h0sicall0 as +art of the geogra+h0 of the
earth! so'ething that ,elongs to the earth and is an essential +art of it3 The He,re% secret teachings
also did this %ith regard to the sol acti"it0 in the forces of the earth3 Like the geogra+hical North Pole!
the0 sa% another +ole on the earth %here all cltre %as concentrated! in other %ords %here the 'ost
+erfect hoses %ere gathered! and the0 regarded 2ersale'! the entirel0 +h0sical cit0 of 2ersale' as
this +lace3 This %as the +ole %here eAternal cltre %as concentrated arond the h'an sol! and the
cro%ning glor0 of this cit0 %as *olo'onKs Te'+le3
It then ca'e to ,e felt that this as+ect of the earthKs e"oltion had co'e to an end3 Those %ho
nderstood so'ething of the He,re% secret teachings did not regard %hat ha++ened after the @0ster0
of 8olgotha! in the destrction of 2ersale'! as an eAternal e"ent ,roght a,ot ,0 the Ro'ans3 The
Ro'ans %ere 'erel0 the acco'+lices of the s+irital +o%ers! carr0ing ot on their ,ehalf %hat %as
entirel0 the +lan of those s+irital +o%ers3 The idea the0 had %as that the old %a0 of gathering
ingredients fro' the earth in order to ,ild the h'an ,od0 as a hose had co'e to an end3 With
2ersale'Ks attain'ent of its fll greatness the s,stance! the 'aterial fro' the earth that cold ,e sed
in ,ilding the h'an ,od0 as a hose! %as eAhasted3
Translated into the 4hristian %a0 of thinking! this He,re% secret teaching 'eantD The destrction of
2ersale' %old ha"e ha++ened e"en if the @0ster0 of 8olgotha had not taken +lace! ,t that %hich
can ,eco'e a ne% creation %old not ha"e ,een +lanted in this destrction of the ,eing of 'an %ho
creates %ith the hel+ of the earth3 The seed for an entirel0 ne% creation is laid in the 2ersale' that %as
doo'ed to +erish3 @other Earth dies in 2ersale'3 &aghter Earth li"es in eA+ectation of another seed3
It is no longer the ingredients of the earth that are taken to ,ild ,odies and the hoses of the Old
2ersale'! %hich had stood as the cro%ning glor0 of all that takes +lace on earth! for no% the earth
rises + as a s+irital +ole of the Old 2ersale'3 One %ill no longer ,e ca+a,le of ,ilding so'ething
like the Old 2ersale' ot of earthl0 ingredients3 Instead the ne% era ,egins! for %hich the seed %as
so%n ,0 the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 No% h'an ,eings recei"e fro' a,o"e %hat %ill en"elo+ their inner
,eing HPlate ;I 'ore fro' the otside3 The Ne% 4it0 descends fro' a,o"e and +ors itself ot across
the earth! the Ne% 2ersale'3 The Old 2ersale' %as 'ade fro' the earth and its s,stances! the Ne%
2ersale' co'es fro' hea"en and its s+irital ingredients3
Jo %ill +ro,a,l0 find sch a +ictre rather strange in co'+arison %ith all the things that are
nor'all0 thoght these da0s and %hat 0o ha"e learnt fro' these3 What do +eo+le i'agine the
anato'ical and +h0siological h'an ,eing to ,e likeP He eats! takes the s,stances of his food into his
sto'ach! digests these! discards so'e of the'! and re+laces %hat needs re+lacing %ith the s,stances
Page 72
he takes in3
Bt this is not ho% things are at all3 The h'an ,eing is threefold and has in hi' a h'an ,eing of
ner"es and senses! a rh0th'ical h'an ,eing! and a h'an ,eing of 'eta,olis' and li',s3 None of the
s,stances taken in throgh food enter the s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s! for all of it goes into the
s0ste' of ner"es and senses3 The s0ste' of ner"es and senses a,sor,s the salts and other necessar0
s,stances that are al%a0s finel0 distri,ted in the air and light! and steers these to%ards the s0ste' of
'eta,olis' and li',s3 The s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s is norished entirel0 fro' a,o"e
do%n%ards3 It is #ite ntre that this +art of the h'an ,eing recei"es the s,stances it needs directl0
fro' food3 If earthl0 s,stances enter the s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s! then the h'an ,eing is ill3
All the s,stances taken in and digested in food +ro"ide solel0 the organs ,elonging to the s0ste' of
ner"es and senses3 The head in +articlar is ,ilt fro' earthl0 s,stances3 The organs of 'eta,olis'
and li',s! on the other hand! are ,ilt fro' hea"en3 And the rh0th'ical h'an ,eing ,rings a,ot
,alance in ,oth directions3 The h'an ,eing does not eat the oA0gen in the air! he inhales it3 The %a0
he takes in s,stances throgh his s0ste' of ner"es and senses is coarser than the %a0 he does this
throgh his s0ste' of 'eta,olis' and li',s3 What the h'an ,eing needs for his s0ste' of
'eta,olis' and li',s is a,sor,ed throgh an i''ensel0 delicate ,reathing +rocess3 Ordinar0
,reathing is #ite coarse ,0 co'+arison3 And %hat the h'an ,eing does %ith oA0genGna'el0
+rodcing car,on dioAideGis once again so'ething 'ore delicate than %hat ha++ens so that the foods
+assing throgh the sto'ach can s++l0 the head3 The transition takes +lace in the rh0th'ical h'an
This is the trth a,ot the strctre of the h'an organis' and its +rocesses3 What anato'0 and
+h0siolog0 teach toda0 is nonsense in the face of the trth and co'es a,ot as a reslt of the
'aterialistic otlook3 As soon as 0o kno% so'ething a,ot this! 0o reali<e that %hat ,ilds the
h'an ,od0 co'es not onl0 fro' ,elo%! fro' the +lant! 'ineral and ani'al kingdo's of the earth! ,t
that %hat norishes the organs %hich are often regarded as the coarser ones co'es fro' a,o"e3
Kno%ing this! one %ill ,e a,le to see #ite clearl0 that + to the ti'e %hen 2ersale' +erished there
%as a kind of srfeit of norish'ent fro' ,elo%3 Then! %ith the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! %hat co'es
fro' a,o"e ,egins gradall0 to ass'e i'+ortance3
Althogh +eo+le ha"e re"ersed these facts in the 'anner descri,ed! %hat ha++ens toda0 is that
de"elo+'ent co'es a,ot in 'an0 %a0s as a reslt of the old ntrition fro' ,elo% ,eing re+laced ,0
ntrition fro' a,o"e! %hich is no% 'ore i'+ortant3 This cases the h'an for' to change3 Or head is
no longer like the heads of old3 The h'an head in ancient ti'es had a forehead that slo+ed ,ack 'ore3
HPlate ;I The forehead toda0 is 'ore do'edF the oter +art of the ,rain has ,eco'e 'ore i'+ortant3
This is the actal change! for the +art of the ,rain that is ,eco'ing 'ore i'+ortant is 'ore akin to the
organs of digestion than the +art that lies ,eneath it3 The +eri+heral +art of the ,rain is ,eco'ing 'ore
si'ilar to the organs of digestion than are the 'ore delicate tisses in the 'iddle +art of the ,rain! i3e3
the contination of the sensor0 ner"es to%ards the centre of the head3 The organs of 'eta,olis'! in
+articlar! are norished fro' a,o"e3
One can reall0 look into these things do%n to the tiniest detail if one is %illing to sa0 a,ot certain
things %hat the a+ocal0+tist sa0sD Here is %isdo'3 In the ordinar0 kno%ledge that li"es a'ongst +eo+le
there is not %isdo' ,t darkness3 What +eo+le toda0 call the reslts of science is! in fact! the reslt of
Kali Jga! the t'ost darkening of h'an 'entalit03 This shold ,e regarded as a secret and not talked
a,ot on e"er0 street corner! for esoteric things are things that re'ain %ithin a s+ecific circle3
The gro%th of the Ne% 2ersale' has ,een ongoing since the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 When the
Page 73
h'an ,eing has entirel0 flfilled his ti'e on earth he %ill ha"e reached the stage in %hich he not onl0
%ea"es the hea"enl0 s,stance into his o%n ,od0 throgh his senses! ,t in %hich he eAtends the
hea"enl0 s,stance throgh %hat %e call s+irital kno%ledge and art into %hat %ill ,e the eAternal cit0!
the frther eAtension of his ,od0 in the sense I ha"e ,een talking a,ot3 The Old 2ersale' %as ,ilt
fro' ,elo% +%ardsF the Ne% 2ersale' %ill ,e ,ilt in all realit0 fro' a,o"e do%n%ards3 This is the
i''ense +ers+ecti"e arising ot of a 'ore than gigantic "ision eA+erienced ,0 the a+ocal0+tist3 The
'ight0 "ision he sa% told hi'D E"er0thing h'an ,eings ha"e scceeded in ,ilding has risen +%ards
ot of the earth! and this %as concentrated in the Old 2ersale'F ,t it has no% co'e to an end3 He sa%
the rising + and the 'elting do%n of the Old 2ersale'! and he sa% the cit0 of 'an! the Ne%
2ersale'! descending fro' a,o"e! fro' s+irital %orlds3
This is the ai'! the final goal of the re"elation in the Book of Re"elation3 It contains trl0 4hristian
+aths for h'anit0 and 4hristian ai's for h'anit0 as %ell3 In endea"oring to nderstand the' %e
arri"e at certain +ecliarities in the Book of Re"elation a,ot %hich a good 'an0 indi"idals ha"e
inklings ,t %hich the0 cannot #ite nderstand3 *o'eone 'aking serios efforts to nderstand the
Book of Re"elation cannot hel+ sa0ingD What can I do to enter into sch a +ictre of the Old and the
Ne% 2ersale'P Ho% can I get inside itP I cannot si'+l0 go on talking a,ot these +ictres %hich
initiall0 ha"e no content co'+rehensi,le to 'eF I 'st so'eho% get inside the content3 In order to
enter into the content %e need a cos'olog0 and a "ie% of the h'an ,eing that is gi"en onl0 ,0 a ne%
%orld "ie% sch as Anthro+oso+h0! ,0 tre insight into the s+irital %orld3 We co'e to Anthro+oso+h0
throgh the Book of Re"elation ,ecase %e need the 'eans +ro"ided ,0 Anthro+oso+h0 in order to
nderstand the Book of Re"elation! ,ecase %e noticeD 2ohn recei"ed the Book of Re"elation fro'
regions %here Anthro+oso+h0 d%elt ,efore descending to h'an ,eings3
If one %ants to nderstand the Book of Re"elation honestl0 and earnestl0 one has to nderstand it
anthro+oso+hicall03 This is 'ost o,"ios in connection %ith the final goal! the Ne% 2ersale'3 Jo
'st nderstand the secrets of ho% the h'an ,eing is strctred fro' a,o"e and fro' ,elo%! ,t not
onl0 as if this %ere an eAternal science3 Then 0o can eA+and 0or co'+rehension to inclde the entire
acti"it0 that h'an ,eings carr0 ot on the earth! an acti"it0 that is directed fro' ,elo% +%ards and
then changes into one that goes fro' a,o"e do%n%ards3 The ,ilding of the Old 2ersale' %ill ,e
transfor'ed into the s+irital ,ilding of the Ne% 2ersale'! %hich %ill ,e ,ilt fro' a,o"e
do%n%ards3 Peo+le 'st %ork their %a0 into so'ething that is constrcted s+iritall03 The0 'st not
'erel0 see the Book of Re"elation as so'ething s0',olic or theoretical that s+eaks in +ictres! %hich
is the ha,it of the Bi,lical eAegetists3 The0 'st see it in a %a0 that allo%s the s+irit to ,e e"er0 ,it as
real as the +h0sical earth has ,een for thosands of 0ears3
We 'st hold fir'l0 to the follo%ingD The Book of Re"elation does not contain +ictres! it contains
indications of %holl0 concrete facts! indications of %hat %ill actall0 ha++en and not 'erel0 +ictorial
hints of %hat %ill ha++en3 This is 'ost i'+ortant3 It is ths that %e 'st feel and find or %a0 into the
Book of Re"elation3 @ore of this to'orro%3
&ornach! -( *e+te',er -.)/
Let s +t orsel"es in the %orld into %hich the a+ocal0+tist %ants to +lace h'anit0 throgh his
descri+tion of the neAt age of the earth3 He descri,es his "isions of s+irital %orlds co'ing in and
taking hold of the earthl0 h'an ,eing3 He descri,es three stages +rior to this! and %e 'st get to
kno% these3 Each of these three stages re+resents so'ething that 'st fall do%n ,efore h'an ,eings
Page 74
%ill ,e %orth0 enogh and ca+a,le enogh to take the s+irital %orld! in all +rit0! into their %orking!
their thinking and their feeling3
The first stage is the fall of Ba,0lonG%e shall for the 'o'ent se the a+ocal0+tistKs ter'inolog03
The second stage is the fall of the Beast and his associate! the False Pro+het! %ho s+reads the teachings
of the Beast3 The third stage is the fall of the di"ine ad"ersaries! as the0 are sall0 called! na'el0 the
do%nfall of *atan3 When %e look at the ftre e"oltion of h'anit0 %ith s+irital e0es %e see these
three stages "er0 realisticall0! "er0 concretel03 In or centr0 in +articlar! dring %hich 'ch %ill he
decided regarding h'an e"oltion! there is e"er0 reason to direct the e0es of or sol to%ards these
three do%nfalls3 The0 %ill co'e +on s in a +articlar for' after the ti'e %hen 4hrist a++ears on the
earth for the first ti'e in the ether ,od0! in other %ords actall0 after 4hristKs second a++earance on the
earth3 H'anit0 'st +re+are for this! so that h'an ,eings %ill ,e strong enogh to go throgh this
threefold do%nfall of the ad"ersaries of the 4hrist$I'+lse %ithot endangering their de"elo+'ent of
We 'st not forget ho% accrate the a+ocal0+tist is3 E"er0 ti'e sch a fall occrs he descri,es an
angel co'ing do%n fro' the s+irital %orld! and %e noticeGand this is rather disconcerting for those
%ho do not go 'ore dee+l0 into a s+irital nderstanding of the %orldG%e notice that he de+icts the
angel as reOoicing at the great tortres! at the frightfl things that then co'e a,ot throgh the fall3 It is
i'+ortant that %e shold nderstand this reOoicing3
First let s look at the three stages in the do%nfall of 4hristKs ad"ersaries! ,eginning %ith the one
ter'ed the fall of Ba,0lon3 We can call + ,efore or sol the s' total of all the errors into %hich
h'an ,eings can fall as a reslt of their h'an natre3 What the a+ocal0+tist calls the Ba,0lonian
te'+tation incldes e"er0thing that takes h'an ,eings do%n ,elo% %hat is actall0 their s+irital
The h'an ,eing is onl0 trl0 h'anGalthogh of corse this is not +ossi,le in e"er0 'o'ent of
his e"oltion! for he 'st first achie"e itG%hen he has %ithin hi' a co'+lete har'on0 ,et%een the
+rinci+le of the 'aterial and the +rinci+le of the s+irital! %hen the 'aterial does not rise + in
e'otions that are not nder the control of the s+irit3 This is %hat is so i'+ortant and %e 'st
nderstand it "er0 thoroghl03 For e"en the a+ocal0+tist %old ,e na,le to s+eak as he does if he had
to +res++ose that all feelings and +assions and e"er0thing that co'es fro' the %ill s+here and the
centre of the heart %ere entirel0 nOstifia,le3 In +articlar to call feelings and +assions nOstifiedG
this false kind of asceticis' in itself arises fro' the e'otions and +assions3 If so'eone does not feel
strong enogh to i',e his +assions %ith s+irit in sch a %a0 that he can +lace the' at the ser"ice of
good %orld e"oltionGthen this is the "er0 %a0 in %hich he +a0s ho'age to his e'otion of %eakness3
E"en if sch a +erson reall0 %ants the good e"oltionGif he allo%s his feeling and heart s+here to
,eco'e i'+o"erishedGhe %ill +a0 ho'age to his %eakness3
The a+ocal0+tist is not concerned %ith ,anishing e'otions or %ith ,anishing feelings and +assions
,t %ith ensring that the0 to not re'ain ncontrolled ,0 the s+irit3 E"er0thing e'otional in h'an
life! all the e'otions! %hether heft0 or slight! that re'ain ncontrolled ,0 the s+irit! these are %hat the
a+ocal0+tist s''ari<es nder the na'e of that cit0 of Ba,0lon in %hich +eo+leKs +assions trned
the' a%a0 fro' the s+iritGif I 'a0 stereot0+e the 'atter in this %a03 Jo need onl0 translate the
coarse eA+ressionsG%hich %ere not coarse in their ti'eGinto the langage of or o%n ti'e3 In the old
%a0 of +ictring things one did not se a,stractionsF one characteri<ed things #ite concretel0! so this is
the %a0 the a+ocal0+tist s+eaks a,ot Ba,0lon3 Bt %h0 Ba,0lonP
In Ba,0lon! or rather at the @0ster0 centre of Ba,0lon! there %ere "er0 eAalted @0steries in %hich
Page 75
one cold ,e initiated into the secrets of the s+ra$earthl0 cos'os! and in %hich one cold learn a,ot
the secrets of the starr0 %orlds and their s+irital content3 The oldest +riests in Ba,0lon sed the
+o%ers of drea'$clair"o0ance in a %a0 that %e %old call 'edi'istic clair"o0ance toda03 The
%onderfl teachings of old Ba,0lon ca'e into ,eing throgh the se of this 'edi'istic +ath3
Toda0 %e can see that e"en 'edi's %ho see' sita,le to 'ediate s+irital teachingsG%hich is
often done! onl0 it oght to ,e nder the gidance of initiates %ith the necessar0 insightGe"en sch
see'ingl0 sita,le 'edi's are ssce+ti,le to inflences that are highl0 #estiona,le 'orall03 Becase
there is often a dis+ro+ortion in 'edi's ,et%een %hat the0 re"eal and %hat the0 are! the0 can often in
the end not distingish ,et%een trth and ntrthF and this can intensif0 to an inca+acit0 to se+arate
%hat is 'oral fro' %hat is i''oral3
Jo 'st nderstand %hat ha++ens %ith a 'edi'3 A +erson ,eco'es a 'edi'Gand this %as the
sa'e %ith the Ba,0lonian +riestsG%hen an eAternal +o%er dra%s the LIK and astral ,od0 ot of the
+h0sical and ether ,od03 The 'o'ent the 'edi'Ks LIK and astral ,od0 ha"e ,een %ithdra%n fro' the
+h0sical and etheric ,od0! another +o%er enters into this LIK and astral ,od03 &e+ending on %hether the
initiator doing this has good or e"il intent! %hether he ,elongs to the left$hand or the right$hand +ath!
this +o%er %ill ,e either good or e"il3 In the ti'e of ancient Ba,0lon! eAcellent kno%ledge and
re"elations ca'e a,ot ,0 this 'eans3 Later on! and toda0! there ,egan to ,e a disad"antageD What
ha++ens %hen the 'edi' re$enters the +h0sical ,od0P
Jo see! the logic %e ha"e in the +h0sical %orld ,0 %hich %e distingish ,et%een ntrth and trth
is no se in the s+irital %orld3 It is a co'+lete 'istake to ,elie"e that one can se in the s+irital %orld
the conce+ts of ntrth and trth that are crrent here in the +h0sical %orld3 There is nothing in the
s+irital %orld that can ,e distingished in this 'anner3 There are ,eings %ho are good and others %ho
are e"il3 Jo ha"e to recogni<e the' for %hat the0 are! for the0 do not tell 0o3 Bt e"en the e"il ones
are tre in their o%n %a03 This is difficlt to nderstand! of corse! Ost as e"er0thing %e enconter on
entering the s+irital %orld is difficlt to nderstand3 Here in the +h0sical %orld %e can state that a
straight line is the shortest distance ,et%een t%o +oints3 In the s+irital %orld this cold ,e the longest
distance! %ith an0 other one ,eing shorter3 None of the logic %e 'ost certainl0 need here in the
+h0sical %orld is an0 se in the s+irital %orld3
*o a tre initiate needs to ha"e a s+ecial dis+osition of sol in order to see into the s+irital %orld3
He 'st ,e fll0 res+onsi,le in the %a0 he i''ediatel0 %orks %ith +h0sical conce+ts as soon as he
retrns to the +h0sical %orld3 A 'edi'! ho%e"er! is not ca+a,le of doing this ,ecase he or she does
not enter the s+irital %orld consciosl03 When the 'edi' retrns! LIK and astral ,od0 fill the +h0sical
and etheric ,od0 %ith a %a0 of thinking that is a++ro+riate for the s+irital %orld ,t %hich corr+ts all
'oral feelings and sensations that are "alid in the +h0sical %orld3 That is %h0 a 'edi' is corr+ted
%ith regard to trth and ntrth! and this then %orks on in e"er0thing else3
We can sa0 that in fact Ba,0lon %ent throgh this +rocess and that ths e"en the highest! 'ost
significant re"elation fro' the s+irital %orld ,eca'e terri,l0 corr+ted3 What initiall0 a++lies to the
+rinci+le of s+irital re"elation can also eAtend to inclde ordinar0 h'an life! so that strong corr+tion
sets in3 Ha"ing entered s+irital life in this %a0! a h'an ,eing then ,eco'es 'ore i''oral than he
%as +re"iosl0 as an ordinar0 +erson3 That is %h0 Ba,0lon %as taken to ,e the re+resentati"e of 'oral
corr+tion! and the eA+ressions sed in the Book of Re"elation are si'+l0 the sal eA+ressions ,0
%hich corr+tion %as descri,ed at that ti'e3
*ince that ti'e the %hole of h'anit0! in so far as it has carried on %hat li"ed in Ba,0lon! has
,eco'e a cit0 of Ba,0lon s+read ot across the %hole %orld3 This is %hat the a+ocal0+tist is sa0ingD
Page 76
The cit0 of Ba,0lon is to ,e fond a'ongst all of 'ankind on earth3 It eAists %here"er h'an ,eings
ha"e fallen "icti' to the Ba,0lonian te'+tation! and it is this attitde that 'st ndergo its do%nfall
,efore that final stage can co'e a,ot of %hich the a+ocal0+tist is s+eaking3 When %e in"estigate %hat
it is that is at %ork in LBa,0lonian corr+tionK %e find that it is the ahri'anic +rinci+le that is at %ork
in this corr+tion3 Ahri'an is inside h'an ,eings! and he is a +o%er %ho is close to the h'an ,eing
%ithin the cos'os as a %hole3 He is in the e'otions that are corr+ted in this %a03 The o++osite +ole to
Ahri'an is Lcifer3 Ahri'an li"es in the things that 'st fall in Ba,0lon! and these are the things to
%hich Lcifer is o++osed3 What is the +ictre that arises for the a+ocal0+tist %hen he sees thisP It is the
+ictre of the lciferic angels reOoicing3 We 'st not gloss o"er this! '0 dear friends3
A good 'an0 %orld "ie%s ha"e ado+ted the great error of thinking that the ,ad is necessaril0 the
o++osite of the ,est! for eAa'+le that the e"il +rinci+le do%n ,elo% is al%a0s 'et ,0 the good co'ing
fro' a,o"e3 This is not the sitation at all3 In this cha+ter of the Book of Re"elation HRe"3 -.I the
ahri'anic ,eingsGBa,0lonGare do%n ,elo%! and the angels a,o"e %ho reOoice at the fall of Ba,0lon
are lciferic3 It is the "oice of Lcifer that gi"es tonge + a,o"e as a reOoicing of angels3 The 4hrist$
Princi+le al%a0s holds the ,alance ,et%een these t%o3
What the a+ocal0+tist is sa0ing here %ill onl0 ,e nderstood %hen the threefold constittion of the
%orld is +ro+erl0 co'+rehended3 It is inco'+rehensi,le for ordinar0 h'an senti'ent that +re! good
s+irits shold shot for Oo0 + there %hen do%n ,elo% sch horrors co'e +on h'anit0 as are
+ortra0ed here3 Bt it is i''ediatel0 nderstanda,le once 0o can see the shots of delight as
e'anating fro' ,eings %ho had originall0 o++osed the creation of a %orld in %hich h'an ,eings
%ere to ndergo their s+irital de"elo+'ent3 The lciferic ,eings %ant to 'aintain the %hole of
e"oltion at #ite a different s+irital le"el3 The0 do not %ant that nion! that 'arriage of s+irit %ith
'atter that has co'e a,ot in earth eAistence3 *o the0 feel in their solsD *ince that %hich Ahri'an has
taken hold of is no% ,eing thro%n ot of earth eAistence %e can he +leased that at least a +art of earth
eAistence %ill not contine and %ill dro+ ot of earth e"oltion3 *o 0o see that in this connection the
+ictre +ainted ,0 the a+ocal0+tist is an i''ensel0 honest +ortra0al of the cos'os3
The first do%nfall! the fall of Ba,0lon! is the fall of errors %hich h'an ,eings ha"e the'sel"es
,roght a,ot3 Althogh these errors are inflenced ,0 the initiation +rinci+le the0 are nonetheless
h'an errors3 When Ba,0lon falls as the reslt of h'an error! a +art of h'anit0 is se+arated off fro'
%orld e"oltion at a +oint in ti'e %hich %e shall discss later3 At +resent I si'+l0 %ant to look
#alitati"el0 at %hat is to co'e3
The second do%nfall is one in %hich not onl0 h'an ,eings alone +artici+ate3 Those actall0
affected ,0 the fall of Ba,0lon are h'an ,eingsF it ha++ens ,ecase of h'an error3 In the fall of the
Beast and of the False Pro+het %ho re+resents the teachings of the Beast so'ething s+ra$h'an!
so'ething s+irital falls! not so'ething h'an3 *o'ething falls that is not %ithin the h'an kingdo'3
The Beast %ho ,reaks in on h'an co''nities falls and the one %ho +roclai's the teachings of the
Beast! the False Pro+het! falls3 What falls is so'ething that can 'ake h'an ,eings +ossessed3 1nlike
in the case of the 'edi'! it is not the %eakness of h'an natre that is the case of the fall ,t
so'ething s+ra$h'an that ,rings a,ot the i'+lse for e"il in h'an ,eings3
To 'ake the +ictre e"en clearer %e cold sa0 the follo%ingD All those %ho %ill ,e affected ,0 the
fall of Ba,0lon %ill ha"e ,een corr+ted ,0 ha"ing stri"en for things for %hich their organi<ation is not
strong enogh! things in connection %ith %hich their organi<ation %ill ha"e gro%n %eak! so that the0
%ill ha"e ,eco'e corr+ted3 *o in the fall of Ba,0lon it is a 'atter of the h'an organi<ation acting
ot of %eakness3 When the Beast and the False Pro+het fall it is not like a 'edi' ha"ing ,eco'e
corr+ted throgh ha"ing gro%n %eak3 It is as thogh the s+irit %ho has laid clai' to the 'edi'Ks LIK
Page 77
and astral ,od0 %ere to goGonce the h0+nosis has ceasedGinto the +h0sical and etheric ,od0 and
there 'ake se of the h'an ,eingKs +h0sical ,od0 in order to get + to 'ischief on the earth3
This is the eAact +ictre gi"en to s ,0 the a+ocal0+tist3 A ti'e %ill co'eGhe %ants to tell sG
%hen %e shall see h'an ,eings going a,ot in the %orld %ho cannot tolerate %hat 4hristianit0
teaches! %ho take 4hrist into their sols ,t %ho cannot reach + to the eAaltedness of 4hrist %ith their
+h0sical and etheric ,od0 and therefore scc', to other s+iritsG,t not in fll consciosness! so that
the0 then fall into corr+tion3 These are the first ones! those %ho are inclded in the fall of Ba,0lon3
Others %ill also go a,ot as h'an ,eings! ,t their lot %ill ,e that their h'an LIK is not in the'! so
that one cannot address the' as h'an ,eings ,ecase the0 are +ossessed ,0 the Beast and ,0 the False
Pro+het3 This %ill co'e a,ot after the fall of Ba,0lon3 After the fall of Ba,0lon there %ill ,e +eo+le
on the earth %ho %ill ,e like %andering de'onsF ahri'anic +o%ers %ill act directl0 in the'3
Enogh +reconditions alread0 eAist for these things toda03 The seeds for all this ha"e alread0 ,een
so%n3 For eAa'+le %e ha"e seen the frightfl incident in %hich! throgh a h'an ,eing! Ahri'an has
,een a'ong s as a %riterG+erha+s not in the %hole h'an ,eing ,t throgh a te'+orar0 %eakness
of that h'an ,eing3 Niet<sche %as a ,rilliant! s+lendid %riter! ,t dring the +eriods %hen he %as
%riting The Antichrist and Ecce Ho'o the Niet<sche indi"idalit0 %as not in hi'3 I kno% the
Niet<sche indi"idalit0! I e"en descri,ed hi' in '0 ,ook The 4orse of '0 Life3
&irectl0 throgh
hi' Ahri'an ,eca'e an athor! and Ahri'an is a 'ch 'ore ,rilliant athor than h'an ,eings3
The ahri'anic +o%ers %ill interfere 'ore and 'ore! so that ahri'anic s+irits %ill se h'an ,odies
for all kinds of actions3 A ti'e %ill co'e %hen 4hristians! on encontering so'e +erson or other! %ill
seriosl0 ha"e to ask the'sel"esD Is this a h'an ,eing or is it a loose cloak for ahri'anic s+iritsP We
shall ha"e to add this to the distinctions %e alread0 'ake a,ot +eo+le3 *o this %ill ,e the second
do%nfallD the de'onic Beast and his Pro+het3 The0 %ill the'sel"es take +ossession of the ,odies of
h'an ,eings3 Bt the Beast and his Pro+het %ill ,e to++led3 *o first %e ha"e the fall of corr+ted
h'an ,eings and then the fall of certain corr+ted s+irits %ho are close to h'an ,eings3 These s+irits
%ill fall as a reslt of the second do%nfall3
After this the Book of Re"elation tells of a third do%nfall! the fall of *atan3 *atan is an eAalted ,eing
%ho! ho%e"er! treads another +ath than those that can ,e trodden on the earth3 The Beast and the False
Pro+het are +o%ers %ho sedce h'an ,eings! %ho ha"e the %ill to te'+t h'anit0 on to the %rong
+aths ,oth 'orall0 and intellectall03 The +o%er! dear friends! %ho' %e 'ean %hen %e talk of the fall
of *atan! this +o%er has #ite other +lans3 He not onl0 %ants to thro% h'anit0 off corse ,t he also
%ants to do this to the earth as a %hole3 Fro' the +oint of "ie% of h'an ,eings and of the earth this
+o%er is a terri,le ad"ersar0 of 8od3
Bt! 0o see! %e can sa0 h0+otheticall0Gfor onl0 in this %a0 can %e do so %ithot falling into
intellectal sin or 'ore es+eciall0 into s+irital sinG%e can sa0 the follo%ing3 We can askD If %e do
not look at this fro' the +oint of "ie% of h'an! earthl0 e"oltion! if %e consider it fro' other! higher
"ie%+ointsG%hat! then! is the +osition of this +o%er of *atan o"er against other s+irits in the cos'osP
It is not sr+rising that @ichael! %hose stand+oint differs fro' that of h'an ,eings! has #ite a
different "ie% a,ot *atan3 H'an ,eings re'ain in the a,stract and think that *atan is an e"il +o%er3
Bt *atan is also an eAalted +o%er! e"en thogh he is in error as regards the directions that are sita,le
for the earth3 He is an eAalted +o%er3 @ichael! %ho has the degree of an archangel! does not ha"e the
rank of *atan! %ho has the degree of an archai3 @ichael is Lonl0K an archangel3 Fro' @ichaelKs +oint of
"ie% *atan is not a +o%er to he des+ised ,t a +o%er to ,e i''ensel0 feared! for @ichael sees this
+o%er %ho ,elongs to the hierarch0 of the archai as ,eing 'ore eAalted than hi'self3 @ichael!
Page 78
ho%e"er! has chosen to go in the direction that is the sa'e as that of earth e"oltion3
A "er0 long ti'e ago @ichael decided to %ork in those +lanetar0 or,its that are +reordained ,0 the
sn eAistence3 *atan is a +o%er %ho for e"er lies in %ait in the cos'os3 There is so'ething eerie a,ot
the %a0 *atan lies in %ait3 We can +ercei"e this! dear friends! in those 'o'ents %hen %e see a co'et
shooting across or sk0! a co'et that follo%s #ite a different or,it fro' that of the +lanets3

If %e dra% it ho% 4o+ernics sa% it! %hich is not #ite right astrono'icall0! ,t that is not rele"ant
here! %e ha"e *nF then @ercr0! Vens! Earth! @arsGthese are the inner +lanets3 The oter ones are
2+iter! *atrn! 1rans! Ne+tne3 If %e dra% it like this %e ha"e to i'agine ho% co'ets ha"e entirel0
irreglar or,its o"er against the reglar ones of the +lanets3 The idea that these co'ets descri,e
elongated elli+ses is nonsense! ,t %e need not go into that Ost no%3 An0%a0! the or,its of the co'ets!
in so far as the0 co'e %ithin or +lanetar0 s0ste'! ,ear no relation to the or,its of the +lanets3
*atan lies in %ait for e"er0 co'et that trns +3 He %ants to catch hold of it and se the direction of
its 'o'ent' to disr+t the or,its of the +lanets and ths also of the earth3 This reall0 is going on in
the ni"erseD the satanic forces are l0ing in %ait %ith the intention of changing the %hole +lanetar0
s0ste'3 If the0 %ere to scceed! the +lanetar0 s0ste' in %hose or,its h'an ,eings are s++osed to
li"e %old ,e taken a%a0 fro' those di"ine! s+irital +o%ers and sent off in #ite other cos'ic
e"oltionar0 directions3 @ichael sees this intention as a terri,le error! a,ot %hich he has to sa0D It
%old ,e +ointless for 'e e"en to har,or sch an intention! since it %old an0%a0 ,e a ho+eless
+roOect for a ,eing in the hierarch0 of the Archangeloi3 Onl0 ,eings in the hierarch0 of the Archai
%old ha"e sfficient strength to achie"e sch a thing3 A'ong the or,its of the +lanets @ichael %orks
fro' the *n and has ,eco'e %hat occltis' calls the archangel of the or,ital +eriods! or the s+irit of
Page 79
the +lanets3 He decided long ago to contine %ith his %ork %ithin the or,ital +eriods3 To re'ain %ith
these or,ital +eriods is an angelic decision3
At a s+ecific ti'e dring the old Atlantean +eriod it %as +ossi,le to learn throgh the @0steries into
%hich the gods descended that the hosts of Archangeloi! %hich 'eans sch archangels as Ori+hiel!
Anael! Xachariel and so on! reached the decision to re'ain %ithin the +redeter'ined or,its of the
+lanets3 This ha++ened at a +articlar ti'e3
Bt the 'ight0 cohorts led ,0 *atan ha"e to this da0 failed to reach this decision3 The0 are still
stri"ing to se e"er0 co'etKs or,it to ,ring a,ot a different configration in the +lanetar0 s0ste'3 We
are here confronted %ith an ad"ersar0 of 4hrist! one %ho %ants not 'erel0 to corr+t single
indi"idals! nor one %ho %ants to corr+t a gro+ of indi"idals! a h'an co''nit0! as do the Beast
and the False Pro+het3 With *atan and his cohorts %e are faced %ith endea"ors to attack the earth in
its conteAt %ithin the +lanetar0 s0ste' as a %hole3 That is the third do%nfall in the Book of Re"elation3
In connection %ith the first t%o do%nfalls %e are told a,ot the reOoicing of the lciferic s+irital
We too 'st foresee these things a,ot %hich the a+ocal0+tist tells s3 The first stage! the fall of
Ba,0lon! %ill ,ring %ith it h'an ,eings %ho ha"e gone astra0 and %ho sho% this e"en in their
+h0sical constittion! so that there can ,e no +ros+ect of these h'an ,odies! o"er %hich the LIK and
astral ,od0 ha"e lost control! e"er ,eco'ing sa,le again in the ftre3 These ,odies 'st he gi"en +
for lost! althogh not the LIK and the astral ,od0 ,elonging to the'! for these carr0 on along the +aths of
kar'a in h'anit03 In a certain +eriod %e shall see h'an ,eings going a,ot %ith their ,odies! h'an
,eings %ho ha"e fallen +re0 to the Ba,0lonian te'+tation and %hose ,odies ha"e therefore fallen a%a0
fro' e"oltion3 That is the fall of Ba,0lon3
In the second stage there %ill ,e +eo+le going a,ot of %ho' one %ill ha"e to sa0Gand this %ill ,e
"isi,leD In these +eo+le li"e the ahri'anic +o%ers3 Here Ahri'an is directl0 in"ol"ed3 This is the Beast!
the fall of the Beast and of the False Pro+het of the Beast %ho is not h'an ,t s+ra$h'an3
In the third stage it %ill ,e noticed that so'ething a,ot the la%s of natre ,eco'es ineA+lica,le3 It
%ill ,e the greatest and 'ost significant eA+erience throgh %hich h'an ,eings %ill ha"e to go in the
ftre %hen the0 ha"e to recogni<e that so'ething ineA+lica,le is going on in the la%s of natre! that
+heno'ena are occrring that do not fit in %ith the la%s of natre3 This %ill ha++en to a high degree!
and it %ill not ,e 'erel0 a 'atter of 'iscalclating the +osition of a +lanet! so that it does not arri"e at
the +osition one has calclated3
*atan %ill scceed in taking his initial ste+s to%ards ,ringing disorder into the +lanetar0 s0ste'3
H'anit0 %ill ha"e to de"elo+ a strong s+iritalit0 to conteract this3 The disorder that %ill co'e
a,ot can onl0 ,e conteracted ,0 the strong s+iritalit0 of h'an ,eings3
These are things! 0o see! that %e 'st foresee toda0 %hen %e call + ,efore or sols the ftre
stages of earthl0 and h'an e"oltion3 These are things %e 'st see %hen the a+ocal0+tist s+eaks to
s3 Jo 'st stri"e! dear friends! to +lace 0orsel"es into this concrrence ,et%een %hat can ,e %on
fro' Anthro+oso+h0 and %hat the a+ocal0+tist re"eals to s3
Based on eAisting re"elations %e can toda0 alread0 sa0 a,ot co'ets that *atan is l0ing in %ait in
the ni"erse in order to se the or,its of co'ets and +t the' in +lace of the cos'os3 If 0o take this in
throgh 0or anthro+oso+hical nderstanding and can redisco"er it in the Book of Re"elation! then this
redisco"er0 ,rings a,ot so'ething i'+ortant! na'el0 a kind of 'eeting in sol %ith the Book of
Re"elation and ths %ith the a+ocal0+tist hi'selfG0es! %ith the a+ocal0+tist hi'selfD this is i'+ortant3
Page 80
It %ill ,e eAtraordinaril0 i'+ortant for a +riest %ho li"es to%ards the ftre increasingl0 to de"elo+ a
longingGat an0 ti'e! %hether he is on the earth or notGto enconter the a+ocal0+tist %ho sa% into the
ftre in this %a0 after the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3
The feeling 'st arise a'ongst the +riests that the hel+ that 2ohn! the creator of the Book of
Re"elation! can gi"e those %ho %ant to %ork in a 4hristian %a0 %ill ,e i''ensel0 i'+ortant hel+! and
it %ill ,e hel+ that one needs3 To %alk in realit0 %ith 2ohn the a+ocal0+tist %ill onl0 ,e +ossi,le if %e
a++roach the Book of Re"elation %ith the attitde of sol I ha"e descri,ed3 Then 2ohn %ill ,eco'e or
all03 He is! as %e kno%! closel0 linked to 4hrist 2essF he %as initiated ,0 4hrist 2ess hi'self! he is an
initiate of 4hrist 2ess3 He is therefore an i'+ortant all0! and to co'e to 4hrist throgh hi' is
so'ething i''ensel0 i'+ortant3
A genine nderstanding of the Book of Re"elation leads dee+l0 into the real' %here one has the
greatest concei"a,le +ros+ect of encontering 2ohn and then the 4hrist hi'self3 This is +rofondl0 tre!
tre in a %a0 that %e can onl0 ho+e %ill %ork on in 0or sol and in'ost heart3 It is a trth that %ill
dra% the +riest in a right %a0 into the real' of the s+irit3 We shall contine fro' here to'orro%3
&ornach! -6 *e+te',er -.)/
Let s ,e a%are toda0 of the +ro+itios kar'ic circ'stance that ,rings s together dring this
+eriod %hen! t%o 0ears ago! the first Act of 4onsecration of @an %as cele,rated here3 The 'ain
de"elo+'ents of or s+irital life here ha"e follo%ed a re'arka,le se#enceD the Act of 4onsecration
of @an t%o 0ears ago! the ,rning of the 8oethean'! one 0ear after that the la0ing of the fondation
stone of the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0! and no%! after the second 0ear! here %e are again! this ti'e to
conte'+late the Book of Re"elation as %as 0or %ish3
As I ha"e ,een 'entioning fro' the "er0 ,eginning! there is a close connection ,et%een considering
the Book of Re"elation and %hat is enco'+assed ,0 the Act of 4onsecration of @an! so that e"er0 da0
%e s+end considering the Book of Re"elation is like a 'e'orial cele,ration of %hat %e 'ade ali"e
a'ongst s t%o 0ears ago in order to ,ring into this life that %hich %anted to re"eal itself ot of the
s+irital %orld as the +resent$da0! 'odern clts3
Taking the coincidence of e"ents into accont! it is +erha+s fitting that toda0 %e shold call +
,efore s the +oint in the Book of Re"elation that is 'ost difficlt of all to nderstand ,t %hich
actall0 leads right into the heart of the Book and %hich is 'ost inti'atel0 connected %ith the '0ster0
of the Act of 4onsecration of @an ,ecase it is linked o,Oecti"el0 %ith the Being of 4hrist3 One can
indeed onl0 s+eak +ro+erl0 a,ot this in connection %ith the Book of Re"elation! for this Book ,ears so
clearl0 the fnda'ental sta'+ of 4hristianit0 that %e cannot +ossi,l0 arri"e at an0thing de"iating fro'
a 4hristian consideration ,0 looking at %hat is natrall0 connected %ith this Re"elation3 I can assre
0o that %hat I shall ha"e to sa0 a,ot the +oint %e %ant to consider toda0 %ill e'erge in #ite an
astonishing %a0 fro' the "isions of the a+ocal0+tist3
*ince the ,eginning of the fifteenth centr0! dear friends! %e ha"e ,een li"ing in the fifth +ost$
Atlantean age! and %ithin this %e are at the ,eginning of the rene%ed strggle that @ichael %ill ha"e to
condct in e"er0thing that %ill ,e ha++ening in the near ftre3 Fro' here %e look ,ack to the forth
+ost$Atlantean age! the one that i''ediatel0 +receded or o%n3
We kno% that the forth +ost$Atlantean age ,egan arond a,ot the 0ear B/B ,efore the @0ster0 of
8olgotha! so that the @0ster0 of 8olgotha took +lace dring that forth +ost$Atlantean age3 Althogh
Page 81
not eAactl0! ,ecase it actall0 occrred 'ore or less dring the first half of the forth +ost$Atlantean
age! one can sa0 that! gi"e or take the dis+lace'ents that al%a0s affect e"ents in %orld e"oltion! it can
,e regarded as ha"ing taken +lace in the 'iddle of that age3 *o %e can 'ake a diagra' of or s+irital
e"oltion like this HPlate /ID Here is the fifth +ost$Atlantean age3 It %as +receded ,0 the forth! third!
second and first! right ,ack to the Atlantean catastro+he %hich essentiall0 ga"e the final for'ation to
the srface of or earth! +ro"iding or earth %ithG0o cold sa0Ga ne% face3
Let s no% look at the forth +eriod! the Atlantean +eriod3 It %as +receded ,0 %hat I ha"e often
called the Le'rian +eriod of earth e"oltion! and ,efore that %ere those %e call the second and the
first +eriod of earth e"oltion3 The three +eriods leading + to the Atlantean +eriod are reca+itlations!
the first of the *atrn condition! the second of the *n condition! and the third of the @oon condition3
Not ntil the forth! the Atlantean +eriod! does so'ething ne% co'e a,ot3 The three +eriods that
+recede it are re+etitions! reca+itlations at a higher le"el3
The forth! the Atlantean +eriod! re+resents so'ething ne%3 What occrred dring the Atlantean
+eriod occrred %hile the earth still had for's that %ere #ite different fro' those that ca'e later3
E"en in the 'iddle of the Atlantean +eriod the earth did not ha"e a solid crst of the kind fa'iliar to s
no%3 The geological dating +osited for these things toda0 is an illsion3 The ti'e %hen the earth
solidified ot of a +artiall0 fir'! +artiall0 flid consistenc0 la0 in the Atlantean +eriod3 *o the h'an
race %as #ite different dring the Atlantean +eriod! for e"en in the 'iddle of that +eriod it did not
ha"e toda0Ks rigid skeleton3 The s,stance of %hich h'an ,eings %ere for'ed in those ti'es %as
'ore like that of the lo%er ani'als! althogh their for' %as 'ost no,le3 The s,stance! ho%e"er!
rese',led the consistenc0 of the Oell0$fishF it %as soft! %ith so'e tendenc0 to for' cartilage3
We can state! therefore! that all +h0sical conditions on the earth ha"e changed since those ti'es! and
%e no% no longer ha"e those radical 'eta'or+hoses! those radical transfor'ations that %ere still
+ossi,le in the 'iddle of the Atlantean +eriod3 In those ti'es %e %ere a,le at an0 'o'ent to
'eta'or+hose or sha+eG%hich %as 'ade of soft 'aterialGand gro% larger or s'aller! ado+t this or
that for'! de+ending on or inner state of sol3
E"er0 stirring of sol i''ediatel0 i'+ressed itself on
or +h0sical ,od03 If so'eone in the 'iddle of the Atlantean +eriod %anted to take hold of an o,Oect
that %as sitated at a distance! his %ill %orked into his Oell0$like organs in sch a %a0 that the0 %ere
a,le to stretch the re#ired distance3 *o the %hole of +h0sical life %as different! +h0sical +rocesses
follo%ed #ite different corses at an0 gi"en 'o'ent3 All +h0sical +rocesses! all transfor'ations and
'eta'or+hoses +ro"ided a +ictre of actal s+irital ha++enings at an0 'o'ent3
This is no longer the case toda03 Toda0 %e look ot and no longer see the s+irit %orking in %hat
ha++ens ot there! not e"en in the corse of the seasons3 Those ra+id transfor'ations that took +lace in
old Atlantis left no roo' for do,t that this %orld contained the di"ine and the s+irital3 Althogh the
continent of Atlantis retained its sha+e in essence! it %as ne"ertheless "er0 'o,ile! and srronded in
e"er0 direction ,0 %ea"ing! "iscos flidit03 Jo cold not ha"e called it se'i$flid! ,t it %as "iscos
and %as a,le to ,ear the ,odies %ith their still "er0 soft organs and also the +lants that %ere at that ti'e
not 0et anchored in the earthF the +lants ho"ered or glided in the soft! 'o,ile s,stance of the earth3 *o
+h0sical conditions %ere #ite different then3 Jo cold sa0 that sea and land %ere not 0et se+arate in
the %a0 the0 ,eca'e later! the0 still 'erged into one another3 Those %ho %ere a,le to see these things
clearl0 at that ti'e s+oke of the oceanG%ith its e"en greater ca+acit0 for eA+ressing 'eta'or+hosis
than the solid$flid land adOacent to itGas ,eing %here the gods held s%a03 The gods %ere seen to hold
s%a0 all arond the edge of Atlantis3 There %ere no do,ts a,ot those gods %ho held s%a0! for s+irit
and sol %ere e"er0%here +ercei"ed as clearl0 as the +h0sical3 H'an ,eings sa% sol and s+irit in the
+h0sical real'3
Page 82
A characteristic +ossessed ,0 the forth +ost$Atlantean age %as that +eo+le then %ere a,le to see the
gods holding s%a0 in the +la0 of the air! althogh this %as no longer so strong in the centries leading
+ to the fifth +ost$Atlantean age! ,t in 8recian ti'es it %as entirel0 o,"ios3 In old Atlantis h'an
,eings sa% the gods hold s%a0 in the solid$flid ele'ent3 In the forth +ost$Atlantean age the gods
%ere seen to hold s%a0 in the flid$air0 ele'ent of the clods! in the t%ilight for'ations and so on3 The
consciosness +eo+le had in the forth +ost$Atlantean age %as not 0et "er0 clear! so there are no
descri+tions defining this eAactl0! ,t ne"ertheless this is ho% it %as3 *rel0 an0 n+reOdiced
o,ser"ation can onl0 arri"e at this inter+retation of those %onderfl +aintings of clods in earl0
Renaissance +ictres! an inter+retation that +oints to the feeling of ho% so'ething s+irital is ,orn ot
of the'! of ho% the %orking of the di"ine s+irit is felt to ,e in the air0 clods! in the air0$%ater0 ,eing
of the air3
H'an ,eings at that ti'e did not trn their attention "er0 'ch to the +h0sical as+ects of clod
for'ations3 The0 looked for %hat the clods %old re"eal to the'3 The feeling this ga"e the' %as
%onderfl! ,t it is difficlt to reconstrct it for toda0Ks consciosness3 E"en as late as the eighth or
ninth +ost$4hristian centr0! %hen +eo+le looked at the 'orning sk0 the0 sa% ,efore their sol the
clods shi''ering in the da%n light and felt that there %as so'ething ali"e in the arora! in the +ink
sk0 of 'orningF and the sa'e %as felt %hen the e"ening t%ilight ca'e3
We can therefore sa0D In old Atlantis the s+irit %as seen +h0sicall03 After Atlantis ca'e the +ost$
Atlantean +eriod %ith its se"en agesF and the reca+itlation of %hat had ha++ened in Atlantis! the
reca+itlation of %hat had ha++ened +h0sicall0 in Atlantis! took +lace at the sol le"el in the forth
+ost$Atlantean age3 The 'ight0 +hea"als I s+oke a,ot! the 0ears A& ;;; and 666! %hich are
+hea"als at the sol le"el in h'an e"oltion! these corres+ond to +h0sical +hea"als in old Atlantis3
When the0 sa% the re"elations in the flid$air0 ele'ent! the seers of the 8reco$Latin age felt that the0
%ere seeing in their sol so'ething like a reca+itlation of earlier conditions of earth that had once
taken +lace in the +h0sical real'3 The0 %ere a%are of this! althogh so'e%hat di'l0! as ,efitted the
consciosness of that ti'e3
E"er0thing that li"ed in schools like that at 4hartres! %hich I ha"e ,een 'entioning in the
anthro+oso+hical lectres!
sho%ed in its descri+tions that the sol eA+eriences of the 8reco$Latin age
%ere a reca+itlation in sol of the 'ore dense! +h0sical eA+eriences and e"ents in Atlantis3
We are no% in the era of the consciosness sol3 An0 direct sol eA+erience of %hat ha++ens in the
air0$flid ele'ent is eAtingished3 Bt throgh the kind of catastro+he %ith %hich the fifth! the +ost$
Atlantean +eriod ,egan! the frther de"elo+'ent of the consciosness sol of h'anit0 is ,eginning to
,e +re+ared3 As regards eAternal ci"ili<ation %e are still so'e%hat ,ogged do%n in the chaos of this
de"elo+'ent of the consciosness sol3 Ho%e"er! the da%n of the @ichael age shold ,ring in so'e
"ision that %ill +ro"ide order for this chaos3 This "ision %ill ,e as follo%sD No longer +h0sicall0 as in
Atlantean ti'es! no longer in the sol as in 8reco$Latin ti'es! ,t entirel0 s+iritall0! +ictres %ill
arise like 'e'ories in the h'an ,eing! +ictres that are so'e%hat like a 'irage of thoghts! and this
%ill ha++en +articlarl0 after the a++earance of the Etheric 4hrist3 *o'ething like an inner 'irage in
+ictres of a "isionar0 natre %ill arise in the thoghts of h'an ,eings! and in the era of the
consciosness sol these +ictres %ill co'e in fll consciosness3 2st as the heat in the desert air
creates a 'irage! so %ill the h'an thoght ,e carried in a %a0 that leads to an nderstanding of %hat
the air0$fier0! the air0$%ar'th ele'ent is3
We can +t it this %a0D In Atlantean ti'es the h'an ,eing +ercei"ed the di"ine in the solid$flid
ele'ent! %hich 'eans 'ore in eAternal! +h0sical 'atterF in the forth +ost$Atlantean age! the 8reco$
Page 83
Latin age! the h'an ,eing +ercei"ed the s+irit in the %onderfl for'ations of the flid$air0 ele'entF
and no%! in the fifth +ost$Atlantean age! %hen it %ill ,e the consciosness sol that does the
+ercei"ing! %e shall eA+erience ho% 'ore and 'ore there %ill a++ear in or consciosness %hat is
air0$fier0! air0 %ar'th3 This %ill case %hat the 8reeks eA+erienced in sol! and %hat the inha,itants
of Atlantis eA+erienced in ,od0! to a++ear to h'an ,eings no% in 'ight0 s+irital +ictres3
*o a ti'e is co'ing in h'an e"oltion %hen "isions %ill a++ear that are as clear as thoghts!
"isions a,ot +ri'e"al earth ti'es and a,ot the origin of the h'an ,eing! and e"er0thing connected
%ith these3 &ar%inKs "ie% that attri,ted a lo%l0 ancestr0 to the h'an ,eing ,ased entirel0 on a single
line of reasoning %ill ,e s+erseded ,0 inner "isions! ,0 the de"elo+'ent of %onderfl I'aginations
that %ill arise ot of inner h'an %ar'th linked %ith the ,reathing +rocess! like "i"id! colored
"isionar0 thoghts fll of 'eaning3 The h'an ,eing %ill kno% %hat he once %as throgh seeing
so'ething like a reflection of the 8reco$Latin age! and then ,ack ,e0ond that of %hat %as there in
Jo see! dear friendsD This seeing concerns s "er0 directl0! for it %ill ,egin to ha++en in the neAt
age of h'anit03 Becase this seeing is so close to s %e find orsel"es looking into the heart of the
a+ocal0+tist3 The seeing that is a,ot to ,egin is %hat he descri,es in the +ictre of the %o'an clothed
%ith the sn %ith the dragon ,eneath her feet! and gi"ing ,irth to a 'ale child3
HRe"3 -)!-I
Throgh %hat is eA+ressed in this +ictre 'an0 indi"idals %ill indeed ,eco'e seers still in the
corse of this t%entieth centr03 @ch ra0s forth fro' this +ictre that %ill ,ring nderstanding to
h'an ,eings3 First of all it shines ,ack into the 8reco$Latin age! %here at the sol le"el an
nderstanding %as +re+ared for the sha+e of this +ictre as it %ill a++ear in the near ftre3 It has taken
on all kinds of sha+esD Isis %ith the child Hors! the 'other of 4hrist %ith the 4hrist childF es+eciall0
in the 8reco$Latin age these things li"ed %ith %onderfl +rofndit0 in 'an0 'eta'or+hoses that are
still +reser"ed in tradition3
In the near ftre! h'an ,eings %ill look ,ack to the kind of seeing that +eo+le had in the forth
+ost$Atlantean age %hen the0 sa% this +ictre in the clods! in the air0$flid ele'ent3 Looking ,ack
e"en frther the0 %ill see %hat li"ed in the +h0sical +rocesses of Atlantis3 This i'age of the %o'an
clothed %ith the sn gi"ing ,irth to a 'ale child! and ha"ing the dragon ,eneath her feet! %ill ,e seen
as thogh throgh a kind of s+irital telesco+e! a kind of oclar! +ointing to%ards a long distant +ast in
%hich the earthl0! +h0sical ele'ent %as linked %ith the s+ra$earthl0! cos'ic ele'ent3 In those ti'es
there %as a far 'ore inti'ate contact ,et%een the earth and the %orld of the +lanets and the %orld of
the sn3
As %e kno%! dring the +eriod of earth e"oltion %hen the ancient *atrn condition %as ,eing
reca+itlated there %ere 'an0 characteristics of *atrn in earthl0 eAistence! althogh in a denser for'3
&ring the second +eriod of earth e"oltion that ,roght %ith it the reca+itlation of the Old *n
condition! the sn! %hich had still ,een ,ond to the earth dring *atrn! se+arated ot fro' the earth!
and %ith it %ent all the ,eings ,elonging to the sn3 In the third +eriod of earth e"oltion! the Le'rian
+eriod! the 'oon! too! de+arted fro' the earth! so that this triad of earth! sn and 'oon ,eca'e the
realit0 for the s,se#ent Earth +eriod3 Jo can see in '0 ,ook Occlt *cience
ho% the +lanets ca'e
to ,e added as %ell3 It is also necessar0 to look at all the +rocesses I ha"e descri,ed in connection %ith
the retrn of h'an sols dring the Atlantean +eriod3 These are earth +rocesses seen fro' the earthl0
There is also so'ething else %e shold add3 *ince the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! dear friends! initiates
%ho ha"e nderstood cos'ic secrets ha"e regarded 4hrist as a *n Being %ho %as connected %ith the
Page 84
sn +rior to the @0ster0 of 8olgotha3 @0ster0 +riests in +re$4hristian ti'es looked + to the sn %hen
the0 %anted to ,e nited %ith 4hrist3 Bt since the @0ster0 of 8olgotha! 4hrist has ,een the *+irit of
the Earth3 We 'st no% look for 4hrist the *n Being in earthl0 life and in earthl0 %ork! %hereas those
%ho %anted to see and ha"e co''nion %ith hi' +rior to the @0ster0 of 8olgotha had to raise
the'sel"es + to the sn3
This *n *+irit! %ho is rightl0 regarded as 'ale in the %a0 he ca'e to the earthGand there ha"e
indeed also ,een si'ilar e"ents in earlier ages! %hich I ha"e often 'entionedGis ,rilliantl0 descri,ed
in the a+ocal0+tistKs "ision! that +rofond "ision %hich a++ears %ith an i''ediac0 al'ost tangi,le in
the 'iddle of the Atlantean +eriod and stands there as a shining +h0sical a++earance3 After that 'o'ent
in ti'e the %ise scholars of the @0steries sa%! %hen the0 looked + to the sn! ho% 4hrist %as
de"elo+ing and 'atring there! + to the +oint %hen he ,eca'e ca+a,le of going throgh the @0ster0
of 8olgotha3 What the0 sa% %hen the0 looked to%ards that +oint in e"oltion dring Atlantean ti'es
%as a ,irth taking +lace ot there in the cos'os inside the sn3
Before seeing the ,irth of 4hrist as a 'ale ,eing in the sn in the 'iddle of the Atlantean +eriod! the
+riests sa% a fe'ale ,eing in the sn3 The i'+ortant change that took +lace in the 'iddle of the
Atlantean +eriod is that ,efore the 'iddle of that +eriod the cos'ic fe'ale %as seen in the s+irital
ara of the sn! Lthe %o'an clothed %ith the snK3 Ptting it this %a0 corres+onds eAactl0 %ith %hat
ha++ened in the s+ra$earthl0 %orld! in the hea"ensD LThe %o'an clothed %ith the sn gi"ing ,irth to a
'ale childK3 The a+ocal0+tist rightl0 calls hi' a 'ale child! and this is the sa'e ,eing %ho later %ent
throgh the @0ster0 of 8olgotha and %ho had earlier gone throgh other for's of eAistence3 What
took +lace dring that Atlantean +eriod %as a kind of ,irth! %hich %as actall0 a co'+licated kind of
'eta'or+hosis3 One sa% ho%Y the sn ga"e ,irth to %hat %as 'ale in it! to %hat %as of the natre of a
son3 Bt %hat does this 'ean for the earthP In the 'iddle of the Atlantean +eriod there %as of corse
#ite a different feeling a,ot %hat a sn eAistence is3 No%ada0s the sn is regarded as a
conglo'eration of craters and fier0 'assesF %hat toda0Ks +h0sicists descri,e is an a,o'ination3 Bt in
those ti'es the initiates sa% %hat I ha"e Ost descri,ed3 The0 reall0 sa% the %o'an clothed %ith the
sn! %ith the dragon ,eneath her feet! and gi"ing ,irth to a 'ale child3 Those %ho sa% and nderstood
sch a thing saidD For the hea"ens that is the ,irth of 4hrist! for s it is the ,irth of or LIK3 The0 said
this althogh the LIK onl0 entered into the h'an ,eing 'ch later3
*ince that 'o'ent in the 'iddle of Atlantis! e"oltion has 'eant that h'an ,eings ha"e ,eco'e
e"er 'ore a%are of their LIK3 The0 %ere of corse not as a%are of it as %e are toda0! ,t in a 'ore
ele'entar0 %a0 the0 ,eca'e e"er 'ore a%are of it %hen the +riests of the @0steries sho%ed the'D The
sn kindles the LIK in the h'an ,eing3 Throgh the ,irth sho%n ,0 the a+ocal0+tist in that +ictre! the
LIK %as continosl0 kindled fro' the otside throgh the %a0 the sn %orked! right + to the forth
+ost$Atlantean age %hen the LIK had finall0 fll0 entered the h'an ,eing3 The h'an ,eing! it %as
felt! ,elonged to the sn3 This %as a feeling that entered dee+l0 into h'an natre3
Ha"ing ,eco'e sch %eaklings in or sol life toda0! %e cannot i'agine ho% the sol eA+eriences
of h'an ,eings srged and stor'ed in ,0gone ages3 As a reslt of recei"ing the LIK ot of the cos'os!
h'an ,eings on the earth felt that e"er0thing in their earlier natre had ,eco'e transfor'ed3 Earlier
the0 had ,een de+endent on their astral ,od0! on %hat li"ed in the astral! and this %orked in the sol$
s+irit in sch a %a0 that h'an ,eings in those ti'es sa% this +ictreD Here HPlate /! leftI is the h'an
,eing! and a,o"e hi' is the snF the LIK has not 0et arri"ed! and %hat %orks do%n fro' the sn is astral3
The h'an ,eing carried in hi' the astral ,od0! %hich ca'e fro' the sn! the astral ,od0 that is not as
0et go"erned ,0 the LIK and so still has ani'al$like! thogh 'ore refined! e'otions3 Bt no% he is an
entirel0 different h'an ,eing! he has ,eco'e LIK! %hereas %hat ,,,led throgh hi' earlier %as the
Page 85
astral ,od03 All this ca'e fro' the sn3
Let s no% i'agine so'ething that I shall dra% like a diagra' HPlate /! ,otto' leftID Here is a
+ictre of the sn in oldest Atlantean ti'es! filled %ith li"ing! shining light ,,,ling and 'o"ing in the
lo%er half of the sn ,eingF ot of this! so'ething is ,orn in the ++er +artF the hint of a face %as
sensed here3 &o%n ,elo% in the ,eing of the sn the h'an ,eing felt the origin of all the e'otions
srging in his o%n astral ,od0! ,t also of e"er0thing that ga"e hi' his sol and his s+irit ,eing3 The
neAt +hase! sho%ing ho% the sn %as seen later! %old ha"e ,een like this HPlate /! ,otto' 'iddleID
e'erging 'ore clearl0! its face ,eco'ing 'ore defined! and ass'ing the for' of a %o'an3 Jo seeG
not clearl0 0etG%hat is to ,e ,roght to the h'an ,eing as the reslt of the LIK taking charge3 The
s+ace do%n ,elo%! %rithing like an ani'al! gro%s s'aller and s'aller ntil finall0 the 'o'ent co'es
%hen the %o'an is in the sn and gi"es ,irth to the 'ale childF and ,eneath the feet of the %o'an is
that %hich %as for'erl0 here HPlate /IF the %o'an in the sn! gi"ing ,irth to the LIK! sho%ing the i'age
of ho% the dragon 'a0 ,e controlledGthe astral %orld of the earlier +eriod that is no% ,eneath her
There in the sn! at that ti'e! the strggle ,egan ,et%een @ichael and the dragon3 The conse#ence
of this %asGand it %as +erfectl0 a++arent +h0sicall0Gthat all things in the sn gradall0 'o"ed
to%ards the earth and ,eca'e earthl0 ingredients! earthl0 content %hich rled the h'an ,eing in his
nconscios %hile into his consciosness the LIK entered 'ore and 'ore3
What took +lace cos'icall0 in this %a0 in the Atlantean +eriod fond its '0thological conter$
i'age in the 8reco$Latin age3 In the neAt age i''ediatel0 follo%ing ors! h'an ,eings %ill ,e a,le to
eA+erience retros+ecti"el0 the earlier +ictre of Isis %ith the Hors child that then ,eca'e the +ictre
of the Virgin %ith the 2ess child3 H'an ,eings %ill see in this +ictre the %o'an clothed %ith the
sn! and the dragon ,eneath her feet! the dragon that %as thro%n do%n to the earth ,0 @ichael that can
no longer ,e fond in the hea"ens3 This +ictre! %hich %ill change! %ill a++ear at the ti'e %hen the
dragon %ill ,e n,ond and %hen %hat I descri,ed 0esterda0 %ill co'e a,ot3 It is a fact that h'anit0
%ill ,e eA+eriencing a dee+ened "ision of earthKs +ri'e"al ti'es and of the origins of h'anit0! and at
the sa'e ti'e also an etheric "ision of the 4hrist$Being! for dring the age of @ichael those e"ents %ill
occr %hich the a+ocal0+tist hints at %hen he s+eaks of @ichael thro%ing the dragon creatre do%n to
the earth! %here it %orks %ithin the natre of the h'an ,eing3 @ichael! ho%e"er! %ill concern hi'self
%ith that in h'an natre %hich he has thro%n do%n as the dragon creatre3
&ear friends! let s tr0 to i'agine "i"idl0 %hat this 'eans3 Let s look once again into the Atlantean
+eriod3 The a+ocal0+tist does so in ad"ance of s3 He has the "ision of the %o'an clothed %ith the sn!
gi"ing ,irth to the 2ess ,o0 and ha"ing the dragon ,eneath her feet3 This +ictre gro%s %eaker and
%eaker as Atlantean ti'es ad"ance3 At the end of the Atlantean +eriod the ne% continents rise + ot of
the ocean! the continents that contain the forces throgh %hich h'an ,eings ha"e fallen into the
"arios errors of the +ost$Atlantean +eriod3 Ot of the ocean rises the Beast %ith the se"en heads HRe"3
-;!-I! and se"enfold land rises + ot of the ocean! dragging do%n the h'an ,eing throgh the
"a+ors that arise s+iritall0 fro' the earth ot of the h'an ,eingKs e'otions3
The a+ocal0+tist also sees the Atlantean catastro+he in the for' of this se"en$headed Beast rising +
ot of the ocean! and this %ill rea++ear in the ftre %hen %hat he is indicating %ill occr again in the
@ichael age3 The a+ocal0+tist is s+eaking of entirel0 real ha++enings %hich are "er0 'ch or concern
%ith regard to the s+irital life of h'anit03 The content of this +ictre in +articlar is connected %ith
the Being of 4hrist3
We are a++roaching an age %hen %e shall once again see ho% the s+irit li"es in the earthl0 real'F
Page 86
%e shall see ho% the s+irital +rocesses at %ork in the Trans,stantiation %ill once again ,e a,le to
a++ear ,efore the sols of h'an ,eings3 Es+eciall0 in the Trans,stantiation there %ill a++ear the
earthl0 reflection of %hat has taken +lace in hea"enl0 regions in sch a %a0 that %hat has ha++ened
since the 'iddle of the Atlantean +eriod is ,t a s'all section of e"er0thing that is connected %ith the
Being of 4hrist3 Then one %ill nderstand ho% a 'eta'or+hosis sch as that taking +lace in the
Trans,stantiation ,eco'es +ossi,le %hen one regards %hat is toda0 +h0sical and che'ical as 'erel0
an e+isode! and %hen one relates the Trans,stantiation to so'ething entirel0 other than %hat is
see'ingl0 'aterial3
In this %a0 let s dee+en or co''e'oration of the first Act of 4onsecration of @an t%o 0ears ago!
this co''e'oration of %hat trl0 descended fro' hea"en! shone do%n fro' hea"en fro' the
Atlantean +eriod! this co''e'oration of %hat a++eared in the clods of the 8reco$Latin age! of the
4hrist %ho %alks on earth and is gras+ed ,0 h'an ,eings in their "isions! of 4hrist %ho %alks on the
earth ethericall0 in or ti'e and can ,e gras+ed ,0 h'an ,eings in I'aginations! in "isions3 The
4hrist is +resent in the Trans,stantiation and he %ill ,e 'ore and 'ore +resent to h'an ,eings3 The
+rocesses I ha"e descri,ed toda0 co'+rise the +aths throgh %hich the 4hrist gradall0 entered into
the ha++enings of earth e"oltion3
Let s take this in as a kind of festi"e inner +ictre in 'e'or0 of the first Act of 4onsecration of
@an cele,rated in the 8oethean' t%o 0ears ago3
&ornach! -B *e+te',er -.)/
Fro' one s+ecific +oint of "ie% I ha"e alread0 sho%n ho% the Book of Re"elation is ,ilt on the
+rinci+le of n',ers! %hich is one of the occlt +rinci+les3 In the considerations earlier toda0
fnda'ental rh0th'ical n',ers of the cos'os and of the h'an ,eing 0o %ill +erha+s ha"e seen
once again ho% +rofondl0 n',ers! in that the0 can re"eal rh0th's! are e',edded in the cos'os3
With occlt re"elations gi"en in the for' of 2ohnKs a+ocal0+tic Book it is entirel0 a 'atter of corse
that the0 are strctred in accordance %ith n',ers3 The "ision a,ot %hich the a+ocal0+tist is
s+eaking arises! in kee+ing %ith the 'odern initiation +rinci+le! %hen Ins+iration s+eaks into the
I'aginations one has ,efore one3 The "ision then takes +lace in that the +ictre #alit0 of the
I'agination eA+ands! %here+on the Ins+iration s+eaks throgh the I'agination3 Things then +roceed
according to the +rinci+le of n',ers! so that this +rinci+le hel+s one follo% %hat is going on3 For
occltists se"en is al%a0s the 'ost +erfect n',erF it al'ost a'onts to an occlt rleD *e"en is the
'ost +erfect n',er3 Bt do not think that this n',er se"en is so "er0 i'+ortant for the contentF its
i''easra,le i'+ortance has to do %ith ,eing a,le to hear the Ins+irations3 If one li"es in the n',er
se"en oneself! one is a,le to nderstand the Ins+irations in all kinds of %a0s3 Let 'e gi"e 0o an
eAa'+le3 *++ose so'eone is sensing i'+ortant s+irital ,ackgronds in connection %ith his o%n
ti'e3 When the o"erall +ictre of the cos'os is taken into accont it is of corse 'ore or less ar,itrar0
to sense s+irital ,ackgronds for oneKs o%n ti'e in +articlarF h'anl0 it is natral! ,t ne"ertheless it
is rather ar,itrar03 If I a' the o,ser"er in the 0ear -.)/! this 'eans that the 0ear ,eing o,ser"ed is
solel0 -.)/3 *o'eone else is the o,ser"er in the 0ear -.>;! in %hich case the 0ear -.>; is the 0ear
nder o,ser"ation3
If as an o,ser"er I a' inde+endent of %hen '0 o,ser"ation is taking +lace and if I
ha"e +ro+er insight into %hat I a' o,ser"ing! and also if I ha"e the a,ilit0 to go ,ack%ards o"er se"en
i'+ressions regardless of %here I ,egin to go ,ack fro'! then! in accordance %ith the la%s of the
s+irital %orld! it is al%a0s the se"enth i'+ression that +ro"ides enlighten'ent a,ot the first! and the
Page 87
forteenth that gi"es enlighten'ent %ith regard to ,oth3 It is reall0 a 'atter of 'ethod! to find oneKs
%a0 into %hat can +ro"ide enlighten'ent3 If 0o kno% a langage! 0o can nderstand a +erson
s+eaking that langageF si'ilarl0! %hat 'atters here is to ,e a,le to li"e in the n',er se"en3 This is
ho% %e 'st nderstand these things! for gi"ing re"elations in accordance %ith the n',er se"en is
eAceedingl0 co'+licated3 All kinds of things in the cos'os are ordered in accordance %ith the n',er
se"en! and to a lesser eAtent in accordance %ith the n',er t%el"e and also other n',ers3 It is
+ossi,le to follo% e"ents fro' an0 +oint ,0 sing 'lti+les of se"en3
When I %as endea"oring to inter+ret 2ohnKs Book of Re"elation in Nre',erg in -.>7! that %as of
corse #ite a different +eriod for the %hole of the anthro+oso+hical 'o"e'ent3 @0 fore'ost intention
at that ti'e %as to inter+ret Anthro+oso+h0 itself on the ,asis of the Book of Re"elation3 A great deal
can ,e inter+reted throgh this Book ,ecase %orld e"ents! too! can he gleaned fro' it! and at that ti'e
it %as i'+ortant for these to ,e 'entioned3 Bt for 0o toda0! as I ha"e alread0 said 'an0 ti'es! it is
necessar0 to identif0 %ith the Book of Re"elation in 0or LIK and to look a,soltel0 concretel0 at the
real fact of ho% the Book of Re"elation sho%s a %hole range of e"ents 'o"ing for%ard in accordance
%ith the n',er se"en3 I ha"e indicated the e"ents connected %ith Lthe %o'an clothed %ith the sn 333
and %ith the dragon ,eneath her feetK fro' the +oint of "ie% of the consciosness solKs eA+erience3
Fro' the %a0 I ha"e done this 0o %ill dedce %hich +eriod %e are li"ing in according to the Book of
Re"elationKs calclations3 As regards the consciosness sol! %e are li"ing in the age of the tr'+etsK
sondingGnot %ith regard to the de"elo+'ent of the astral ,od0 nor %ith regard to the de"elo+'ent of
h'anit0 in general! %hich %as 'ore %hat '0 lectres in -.>7 %ere a,ot3 We are li"ing in the age of
the tr'+etsK sonding %ith regard to the de"elo+'ent of the consciosness sol! %hich does not rn
+arallel %ith the other de"elo+'ents ,t as it %ere edges its %a0 into these3
We are at +resent still onl0 in the ,eginning stages of the consciosness sol! so %e can onl0
+ercei"e the sonding of the tr'+ets if the consciosness sol raises itself to s+ersensi,le "ision3
This is ,ecase h'an ,eings at the +resent ti'e cannot find a s+ersensi,le inter+retation for %hat
goes on do%n here on the earth3 The significant as+ect is that +eo+le do not a++l0 s+ersensi,le
inter+retationsF instead the0 'erel0 acce+t things %ith indifference3 When talking of anthro+oso+hical
considerations I ha"e often +ointed to a definite 'o'ent in the nineteenth centr0! na'el0 the
,eginning of the -7/>s3 I ha"e said that seen s+iritall0 the earl0 -7/>s re+resent an i'+ortant and
significant trning$+oint in the de"elo+'ent of the ci"ili<ed %orld3 These 0ears ,roght %ith the'! so
to s+eak! the cl'ination of 'aterialis'3
E"er0thing a,ot 'aterialis' had in fact alread0 ,een decided ,0 -7/;Y//3 What follo%ed %as no
'ore than conse#ences! and there %ill contine to ,e conse#ences3 Bt %ith regard to %hat ca'e
+on the ci"ili<ed h'anit0 of Ero+e and its A'erican a++endage! the ti'e of the earl0 -7/>s %as
indeed of infinite i'+ortance ,ecase that is %hen the onslaght of ahri'anic +o%ers on h'an affairs
%as tre'endosl0 intense3 Jo 'ight %ant to 'aintain that e"en %orse things ha++ened after -7/;Y//!
,t this onl0 a++ears to ,e so3 &o not forget that Ahri'an is cle"erer than h'an ,eings! and Ahri'an
%as the chief instigator in the 0ear -7/;Y //3 He arranged things in accordance %ith his kind of
intelligence3 That %as the nadir! or +erha+s one shold sa0 the cl'ination of the 'aterialistic +ath3
Thencefor%ard h'an ,eings carried on %ith the 'ess in their o%n %a0 and althogh ot%ardl0 %hat
the0 did 'a0 a++ear 'ch 'ore gl0! it is not all that frightfl %hen seen in conOnction %ith h'an
e"oltion as a %holeF and seen fro' a s+irital "antage +oint it is 'erel0 a conse#ence of %hat
Ahri'an +roOected at the ,eginning of the -7/>s3
The siAth angel ,egan to sond his tr'+et at the ,eginning of the -7/>s! and he %ill contine to
sond it ntil the e"ents I s+oke a,ot 0esterda0 take +lace at the end of the t%entieth centr0! %hen the
Page 88
tr'+et of the se"enth angel %ill ,egin to sond3 We are definitel0 alread0 %ithin the real' of the
%oes3 In the real' of the consciosness sol as ci"ili<ed h'an ,eings %e are in the second %oe3 This
%as +receded for a,ot -(> 0ears ,0 the fifth tr'+et3 If %e follo% the tr'+ets ,ack%ards in
accordance %ith the n',er se"en in the era of the consciosness sol %e arri"e at a so'e%hat earlier
+oint in ti'e3 Here do%n ,elo% on earth the era of the consciosness sol ,egins in -/-;3 Bt things
get so'e%hat dis+laced! so earlier ti'es also ha"e an effect3 *o %ith the sonding of the tr'+ets %e
go ,ack to the ti'e of the 4rsades3 In genine @0ster0 centres the +eriod fro' the 4rsades + to or
ti'e no% %as al%a0s regarded as the age of the sonding of tr'+ets3 Jo %ill he a,le to find the
stages throgh %hat is descri,ed in the Book of Re"elation3 Jo %ill ,e a,le to find %hen 'aterialis'
,rst in on h'anit0! for eAa'+le %hen 4o+ernicanis' a++roached! that one third of h'an ,eings
%ere killed s+iritall0! %hich 'eans that the0 ceased to de"elo+ fll s+iritalit03 HRe"3 .!-(I And the
+lage of locsts descri,ed in the Book of Re"elation is indeed trl0 horri,le3
This ,rings s to a 'atter that one does not like to +t into %ords ,t %hich is ne"ertheless one of
the things that is definitel0 rele"ant to oneKs %ork as a +riest3 In theor0 the +lage of locsts has in the
,roadest sense alread0 ,egn if %e look at it fro' the +oint of "ie% of consciosness3 We shold not
,ring + sch 'atters %hen %e are talking to +eo+le! for there is al%a0s a +ossi,ilit0 that healing 'ight
take +lace in sitations of illness3 Bt if one is to %ork as a +riest one has to kno% %hat one is often
dealing %ith in h'an ,eings3
On the %hole +eo+le %ho call the'sel"es li,eral or de'ocratic are i''ensel0 delighted at ,eing
a,le to #ote again and again figres that +ro"e tre'endos +o+lation gro%th in certain +arts of the
%orld3 Po+lation gro%th is greatl0 longed for ,0 +eo+le %ho are de'ocratic li,erals in the +olitical
sense and also ,0 those %ho consider the'sel"es to ,e free thinkers3
Well! first of all the facts are not #ite %hat the0 see' ,ecase the statistics are ,ased on errorsF
statistical co'+arisons ne"er refer to the earth as a %hole ,t onl0 to +arts! and one forgets that at other
ti'es different +arts of the earth %ere 'ore densel0 +o+lated than the0 are toda03 *o the details are not
al%a0s #ite correct! ,t taken as a %hole it is correct to sa0 that in or ti'e certain s+ern'erar0
+eo+le are a++earing %ho ha"e no LIK and are therefore not h'an ,eings in the fll sense of the %ord3
This is a terri,le trth3 The0 go a,ot ,t are not incarnated LIKsF the0 take their +lace in +h0sical
heredit0! recei"e an ether ,od0 and an astral ,od0 and in a sense ,eco'e e#i++ed in%ardl0 %ith an
ahri'anic consciosness3 The0 a++ear to ,e h'an if 0o do not look too closel0 0et the0 are not
h'an ,eings in the fll sense of the %ord3
This is a terri,le trth and it is a fact3 The a+ocal0+tist is +ointing directl0 at h'an ,eings
the'sel"es %hen he s+eaks a,ot the +lage of locsts in the age of the fifth tr'+et3 Once again %e
can recogni<e the a+ocal0+tist ,0 the 'anner of his "ision3 In their astral ,od0 sch +eo+le a++ear Ost
as the a+ocal0+tist descri,es the'D like etheric locsts %ith h'an faces3 It is definitel0 necessar0 for
s to think in this %a0 a,ot sch s+ersensi,le 'atters and for +riests to kno% these things3 A +riest is
a she+herd of sols3 He 'st ,e a,le to find %ords for e"er0thing that goes on in sch a sol3 These are
not necessaril0 al%a0s e"il solsF the0 'a0 'erel0 ,e sols that de"elo+ as far as the sol real' ,t
lack an LIK3 One is sre to notice if one co'es across sch a +erson! and the +riest 'st kno% a,ot it!
for it %ill ha"e a ,earing on the #alit0 of co''nit0 in his congregation3 A,o"e all! +eo+le %ho ha"e
health0 sols sffer as a conse#ence of those %ho go a,ot as h'an locsts3 *o the #estion can
arise! and indeed 'st arise! as to ho% one shold ,eha"e to%ards sch +eo+le3
This can ,e #ite a difficlt task! for sch +eo+le often ha"e dee+ feelingsF the0 can ha"e "er0 dee+
feelings and 0et one notices that there is no actal indi"idalit0 in the'3 Of corse the fact that there is
Page 89
no indi"idalit0 in the' 'st ,e carefll0 concealed fro' the' for other%ise the0 %old go 'ad3
&es+ite ha"ing to conceal this fro' the' one 'st ensre that sch solsGfor sol the0 are! e"en if
not s+iritG can 'ake contact %ith other h'an ,eings and can de"elo+ in their %ake! so that the0 can!
as it %ere! tag along %ith the others3 *ch h'an ,eings fairl0 accratel0 de'onstrate the natre and
,eing of 'an + to the t%entieth 0ear! for it is not ntil the t%entieth 0ear that the 'ind sol or
intellectal sol is ,orn! %hich is %hat +ro"ides the +ossi,ilit0 for the CIK to li"e on the earth3
It is a great error to ,elie"e that one need not ,eha"e co'+assionatel0 to%ards these LIK$less!
indi"idalit0$less h'an ,eings on the gronds that as the0 ha"e no indi"idalit0 the0 %ill ha"e no
ftre incarnation3 *o'eone %ho ,elie"ed that %old e#all0 ha"e to ,elie"e that one need not ,eha"e
co'+assionatel0 to%ards children3 In each case one has to disco"er %hat is +resent in sch +eo+le3 In
so'e cases it 'ight ,e a +osth'os sol! +osth'os in co'+arison %ith sols %ho ca'e into ,eing
at a +articlar stage of e"oltion and ha"e re+eatedl0 ,een incarnated as h'an ,eings3 Others 'ight
,e retarded sols %ho ha"e co'e ,ack fro' another +lanet to %hich al'ost the %hole of h'anit0
once %ent at so'e s+ecific ti'e3 This kind of sol! too! can enter sch a h'an ,od03 In fll a%areness
of this %e 'st ,ring + sch h'an ,eings like eternal children3
All this is hidden in the Book of Re"elation3 The +ictres that a++ear in it are so'eti'es #ite heart$
rending and it is terri,le to read a,ot all kinds of sffering co'ing +on h'anit0 on earth3 And %hen
these +ictres! %hich a++ear as I'aginations! are taken in this %a0 one cannot hel+ sa0ing that a great
deal of %hat the0 sho% is reall0 +resent in or ti'eGin its s+irital as+ect! of corse3
There are also other +ictres in the Book of Re"elation! +ictres of %onderfl gentleness like that of
the angels co'ing do%n %ith the censer3 HRe"3 7!;I Incense is 'entioned! and or attention is trned
to%ards 'ch that occrred dring the ti'e of the 4rsades3 The first tr'+ets trans+ort s to the
4rsadesF %e go ,ack to the +eriod of the 4rsades %hen %e sr"e0 the de"elo+'ent of the
consciosness sol in h'anit03 We see that certain +ersonalities a++ear in the age of the 4rsades and
the ti'es connected %ith the'! +ersonalities %ho had i''ensel0 strong i'+ressions of sharing in the
life of the s+irital %orld3 The0 are! I %old like to sa0! the genises of +iet03 It is "er0 i'+ortant to ,e
clear a,ot the fact that %e find genises of +iet0 there3
8oing ,ack still frther %e find ,efore or field of consciosness the ti'e fro' the @0ster0 of
8olgotha + to the 4rsades and e"er0thing connected %ith these3 We can regard this +eriod of ti'e as
a s'aller e+och of the o+ening of the se"en seals3 We can onl0 nderstand this fll0 %hen %e are clear
a,ot the follo%ing3 4onsider ho% 'an0 +ersonalities there %ere dring the age of the 4rsades al'ost
all of %ho' trned their religios feeling in%ards to%ards the de+ths of their inner ,eing! to%ards an
intensit0 of feeling! an inner '0stical eA+erience3 This ,egan to ha++en in those ti'es! %hereas earlier
on +eo+le had looked + into the ni"erse %hen the0 %anted to see the di"ine %orldGor at least those
in athorit0 did! e"en thogh the0 continall0 had to strggle %ith the strea' e'anating fro' Ro'e3
There had ,een an nderstanding of a god %ho li"es and %ea"es and %orks in the sense$+erce+ti,le
+heno'enon to %hich one looked +3 Bt then e"er0thing %as trned 'ore or less in%ards! and the
great genises of '0sticis' a++eared3 First there %as a "ision of the ni"erse as a re"elation of the
di"ineF after%ards one had to feel oneKs %a0 to%ards %hat the h'an heart sensed as the inner kindling
of a light! so that the di"ine cold ,e lit fro' %ithin the h'an ,eing3
These stages descri,ed in the Book of Re"elation are also +resent in the s+read of 4hristianit03 First
there is the #iet 0et tri'+hant +rogress of 4hristianit0 throgh the "ictorios s+irit! the "ictorios
Word3 Jo cold descri,e 4hristianit0 as s+reading throgh the s,terranean +assages of social life at
that ti'e3 In the second stage the s+read of 4hristianit0 in"ol"es ro,,ing the earth of 'ch of %hat %e
call +eace3 4hristianit0 +artici+ated thoroghl0 in the conflicts of this second stage3 Then %e see a
Page 90
stage in %hich the inner i'+lse of 4hristianit0 gradall0 diesF 4hristianit0 ,eco'es a state religion
%hich a'onts! of corse! to the death of the genine! original 4hristian i'+lse3 Then co'es the stage
that 'st ,e seen as that of the forth seal! %hen @oha''edanis' arri"es in the 'anner I ha"e
descri,ed3 *eal after seal is o+ened in this %a0! and %hat ha++ens nder the inflence of the 4rsades
is inflenced ,0 those i'+ortant religios genises3 Jo can o,ser"e this if 0o o,ser"e 'ore
accratel0 %hat ha++ened3 In this sense all %ritten histor0 a'onts to a forger03
Before the 4rsades 4hristianit0 %as disse'inated in %hat I %old ter' a good %a03 As 4hristianit0
s+read + to the ti'e of the 4rsades! %hat ha++ened again and again throgh contless 'e',ers of
the 'onastic orders! e"en things that %ere had in the eAternal sense! ha++ened in Ero+e 'ore or less
in direct i'itation of the Palestinian stories! althogh the 8os+els %ere not read ,0 la0 +eo+le! for the0
%ere the concern of the +riests3 Bt %hat ha++ened at that ti'e %as 'ost certainl0 inflenced ,0 %hat
the +riests sa% in the 8os+els3 The +riests had the 8os+els and the clts3 In the clts the
s+ersensi,le %orld %as 'irrored in a sense$+erce+ti,le %a03 The @ass! the cele,ration of the @ass!
%as %hat the +riests sa% as direct doors to the s+ersensi,le3 That is %h0 the0 gradall0 desisted fro'
looking + to re"elations of the di"ine s+irit throgh the starr0 hea"ens and all those %onderfl
+ro+hecies that had re'ained in %hat I ter'ed astroso+h0Gas distinct fro' astrono'0 and astrolog0G
this 'orning3
All this old %isdo' had gradall0 gro%n al'ost entirel0 o,scre ,0 the ti'e of the
&ring the ti'e of the 4rsades %e sddenl0 see indi"idals a++earing e"er0%here 'o"ing fro'
East to West! either those retrning fro' the 4rsades the'sel"es or others %ho ca'e so'e%hat later
and in %ho' secrets of the Orient had taken root3 A +rofsion of %ritings %as ,roght to Ero+e fro'
the East! ,t these %ere later lost ,ecase the %atchers o"er %ritten %orks %ere not as Args$e0ed as
are those %ho %atch o"er sch things toda03 *o hardl0 a great deal has re'ained of those %ritings3
Instead far 'ore a,ot cos'ic 4hristianit0 %as disse'inated ,0 oral tradition! and this took root
es+eciall0 at the ti'e of the 4rsades3
Here a kind of se"enth seal is o+ened3 With regard tores+ect for the %ritten %ord! Ost consider the
fss that is ,eing 'ade ,ecase an Italian +rofessor is said to ha"e disco"ered Li"0Ks 'anscri+tsF %hat
a fss the Italian state is 'aking toda0 to get its hands on those 'anscri+ts of Li"0! e"en thogh
nothing definite is kno%n a,ot the'3 We need onl0 go ,ack a little %a0 to find a ti'e %hen the state
cold not ha"e cared less %hether so'e 'anscri+t or other had ,een fond3 This interest in +reser"ing
%ritten teAts is fairl0 recent3
I '0self o,ser"ed #ite a sccessfl little dra'a in this connection %hen I %as %orking at the
8oethe$*chiller Archi"e3 We %ere sent a letter %ritten ,0 8oethe that looked "er0 odd ,ecase it %as
so dirt0 and torn3
At that ti'e sch a thing %as alread0 regarded as a sinD this %as not the %a0 to treat
8oetheKs letters3 *o %e tried to find ot %hat had ha++ened3 The letter had once ,een in the +ossession
of Kno Fischer!
and he had si'+l0 sent 8oetheKs letter to the +rinter3 Instead of sending a co+0 he
had sent the original to the +rinter together %ith his notes and co''ents3 *o it %as a 'iracle that the
letter sr"i"ed at all! since it %as not sal at that ti'e for +rinters to +reser"e 'anscri+ts3
It is! then! not sr+rising that dring the ti'e %hen 4hristianit0 %as co'ing into contact %ith
Orientalis' throgh the 4rsades trths a,ot 4hristianit0 %ere disse'inated that %e %old ter'
ca,alistic toda03 There %ere +erha+s a good 'an0 +eo+le ali"e at the ti'e %ho kne% 'ore than 2ako,
Boeh'e did %ithot casing an0 stir! %hereas ,0 the ti'e 2ako, Boeh'e ca'e along the "er0 fact of
sch a +ersonKs eAistence cased a stir3
The ti'e of the 4rsades is the ti'e of transition fro' the age of the seals to the age of the tr'+ets3
Page 91
*a0ing this is not so 'ch a re'inder of eAternal e"ents doc'ented in histor0 ,ooks ,t rather an
indication of %hat %as going on in h'an consciosness3 Indi"idals %ith 'ore +rofond feelings
ha"e al%a0s tended to sa0 a,ot the +eriod fro' the 4rsades + to or ti'eD Alas! sch terri,le things
GI a' looking at this fro' the s+ersensi,le +oint of "ie%Gha"e ,een going on in h'an sols nder
the sign of the sonding tr'+ets3 Bt in fact h'an ,eings on earth do not listen to the tr'+ets as
the0 sond3
@an0 +eo+le in or ti'e oght to ha"e this a%areness a,ot this age of the siAth tr'+et in %hich
%e are no% li"ingF 0o kno% %hat its 'ost essential characteristics and its 'ost essential effects are3
One third of h'anit0! so it is said! %ill ,e killed3 HRe"3 .!-(I This %ill of corse ha++en gradall0 as
ti'e goes on3 The %ord LkilledK refers to that a,sence of LIK in those h'an ,eings %ho ha"e alread0
,een +re+ared in ad"ance ,0 the locst for'3
These are the things that 'ake it i'+erati"e for +riests to look 'ore dee+l0 into ho% %hat is going
on is strctred3 Priests are directl0 concerned %ith the s+ersensi,le! and %e are srronded in e"er0
direction ,0 the s+ersensi,le %orld3 The +art of h'an ,eings that can ,e o,ser"ed throgh the fact of
their ha"ing a +h0sical ,od0 is onl0 a section of their h'an life3 As soon as %e ,egin to 'ake or %a0
into the s+ersensi,le %orld %e disco"er the real deeds of h'an ,eings! and %e see ho% +eo+le are
often entirel0 na%are of the conse#ences of these deeds3 One can so'eti'es re'ain entirel0 ignorant
of %hat one +erson does to another ,0 +assing hi' ,0 %ithot taking an0 notice of hi'! %hen
according to his kar'a he shold ha"e ,eha"ed to%ards hi' in so'e s+ecific 'anner3 Later this kar'a
%ill eAert its inflence 'ore strongl0! so a co'+ensation %ill indeed co'e a,ot in the end! ,t
actall0 the co'+ensation oght to ha"e ha++ened in this life3 It is #ite +ossi,le not to notice this in
eAternal +h0sical life! and there is actall0 nothing re+rehensi,le in %hat the +erson has done3 Fro' an
eAternal! ci"ili<ed +oint of "ie% he has done his dt0! 0et in ter's of his connection %ith %orld
e"oltion he 'a0 ha"e inflicted a terri,l0 dee+ %ond3 This is not a s+ra$earthl0 'atter ,t
as+ersensi,le 'atter! for s+ersensi,le +rocesses are constantl0 at %ork in earthl0 life3
To nderstand the Book of Re"elation %ith this le"el of earnestness %ill ,e necessar0 to the degree
that the one %ho' I ha"e called the Etheric 4hrist %ill ,eco'e "isi,le a'ongst h'anit03 *o it %as ot
of a trl0 health0 sense of %hat is needed! co'ing fro' 0or dee+est s,conscios! that 0o! dear
friends! chose the Book of Re"elation as the s,Oect of these considerations3 Perha+s 0o i'agined that
%hat I a' a,le to gi"e a,ot the Book of Re"elation at this ti'e %old ,e so'e%hat different! ,t 0or
%ish to hear 'e s+eak a,ot the Book of Re"elation srel0 e'erged fro' the 'ood of these ti'es
d%elling in 0or hearts3 In fact it is #ite +ossi,le to sa0 that the %a0 0o as a gro+ of +riests %ho
,elong together for'ed the %ish to nderstand the Book of Re"elation sho%s that 0o are alread0 in
so'e degree related to 2ohn the a+ocal0+tist3 *o this thing that 0o need a,o"e all else! this filling of
0orsel"es %ith the s+irit of the Book of Re"elation! %ill in no %a0 clash %ith the necessit0 to
distingish ,et%een certain e+ochs according to the +rinci+le of the n',er se"en or %ith the fact that
one can actall0 ,egin an0%here and fro' that +oint find ot ho% things go3 One %ill ne"er find the
interconnections in %orld e"oltion if one does not a++l0 the +rinci+le of n',ers as oneKs 'ethod of
o,ser"ation3 *o %ith this %e ha"e toched on that side of the Book of Re"elation that is essential and
fritfl es+eciall0 for or ti'e3
There are also other e"ents to ,e fond inters+ersed here and there in the Book of Re"elation!
sall0 at +oints %here there is a transition ,et%een the n',er se"en and other n',ers3 *o this is
so'ething else that needs eA+laining3 We are sho%n the follo%ing throgh n',ersD At a s+ecific ti'e
there is a +articlar n',er of h'an ,eings %ho ,ear the seal of 8od on their foreheadF these are the
lck0 ones! the ones %ho %ill ,e sa"ed or redee'ed! or call it %hat 0o %ill3 HRe"3 B! /$7I The others!
Page 92
ho%e"er! cannot find rede'+tion at all3 Reading the Book of Re"elation in this eAternal %a0 gi"es one
a feeling of de+ression3
One 'st reali<e! ho%e"er! that ancient teAts e"er0%here differentiate ,et%een racial de"elo+'ent
and the de"elo+'ent of indi"idal h'an ,eings3 One 'st reali<e that indi"idals in earlier ti'es did
not feel in the least de+ressed ,0 ,eing told that a certain n',er of a +articlar race %old ,e sa"ed
%hile the others %old +erish3 This %as ,ecase! Ost like +eo+le %ho ha"e the rge to insre their life!
no one inclded hi'self a'ongst the ones %ho %old +erish3
The likel0 dration of oneKs life is calclated and! as 0o kno%! insrance co'+anies do not acce+t
+eo+le %ho are likel0 to die soon! for if the0 %ere to insre +eo+le likel0 to die soon their coffers
%old #ickl0 ,e e'+t03 The0 %ant to insre +eo+le %ho %ill li"e and +a0 their +re'i's for a long
ti'e3 *o ,0 sing a calclation ,ased +on +ro,a,ilit0G %hich is #ite an interesting t0+e of
calclationGthe0 ha"e to %ork ot the likel0 life$s+an of a +erson ,0 a++l0ing a "ariet0 of antecedents3
I ha"e ne"er 0et 'et an0one %ho felt o,liged to die at the 'o'ent %orked ot ,0 the insrance
co'+an0Gsing that assredl0 correct 'ethod of calclationGas the +ro,a,le 'o'ent of death3 There
is no sch thing as feeling o,liged to die at that +articlar 'o'ent3 This! too! is fonded on a realit03
Once 0o enter into the %orld of n',ers 0o are not concerned %ith the le"el of s+iritalit0 occ+ied
,0 the h'an indi"idalit03
When one 'akes state'ents like this one is toching on a degree of '0ster0! an occlt secret3 It is
,ased on the ,elief that if 0o cont off one! t%o! three! for! fi"e indi"idals and then a++l0 this figre
to so'ething s+irital! then this conting %ill also ha"e a 'eaning %ith regard to the s+irital %orld3
Bt it does not ha"e a 'eaning in the sa'e %a03 The +rinci+le of n',ers co'es into +la0 at the
'o'ent %hen the s+irital %orld ,reaks throgh and re"eals itself! for eAa'+le in the Platonic cos'ic
0ear! or in the n',er of ,reaths and so on3 When 0o are ascending to s+irit consciosness! 0o need
the n',er at the ,order! at the threshold to the s+irital %orld3 This is %here 0o get stck if 0o do
not ha"e the n',er or so'ething rese',ling the n',er3 Bt nothing fits at all if 0o tr0 to se
n',ers once 0o ha"e crossed the threshold into the s+irital %orld3 *o it is +erfectl0 in order for
so'eone like the a+ocal0+tist %ho is %riting an occlt doc'ent to s+eakG%hen discssing the
de"elo+'ent of races on the earthGa,ot a +articlar n',er %ho %ill he sa"ed and another n',er
%ho %ill +erish3 Bt indi"idal h'an ,eings cannot feel that this a++lies to the' ,ecase sch
n',ers a++l0 onl0 to the de"elo+'ent of races and not to that of indi"idals3
I shall sa0 'ore neAt ti'e a,ot ho% this can ,e nderstood in detail3
The follo%ing #estions %ere handed to Rdolf *teiner in %ritten for' on -7 *e+te',er -.)/ ,efore
the lectre3
In the hand%riting of 2ohannes Werner KleinD
The sorce of certain difficlties %e enconter fro' ti'e to ti'e in or circle is or lack of clarit0
regarding the s+irital tasks and the ,ackgrond of the 4ircle of *e"en and! in connection %ith this!
regarding the earthl0 leadershi+ of or 'o"e'ent3
*+ecific #estions that concern s at the 'o'ent a,ot the contination of all or %ork areD
-3Is it a good thing to contine +lacing the 'ain e'+hasis on otreach or shold %e for the
ti'e ,eing! in the interests of +re+aring orsel"es rightl0 for or ftre tasks! concentrate 'ore
on intensi"e %ork for the dee+ening of or o%n +ersonalit0P This #estion is ,roght to the fore
Page 93
,0 a deterioration of health in ,oth ,od0 and sol of se"eral 'e',ers of or circle of +riests
since at'n -.)) %hich is casing s concern3
)3What 'easres shold %e ndertake to%ards fonding s+irital colonies in other
;3Ho% are %e to handle the 'e',ershi+ of or congregations and in connection %ith this the
ad'inistration of the 4o''nionP Hitherto 'ost of s ha"e ,een "er0 free and eas0 a,ot this3
In so'e to%ns all those +resent at the reglar *nda0 4o''nion ser"ice for the congregation
ha"e ,een allo%ed to +artici+ate3
In order to recogni<e each other in all or kar'ic di"ersit0 and to disco"er the eAtent of the tasks
facing the circle of +riests as a %hole! %e ha"e concerned orsel"es a good deal o"er the +ast fe%
%eeks %ith the kar'ic sitations that ha"e led each of s to this circle of +riests3 The re"elations 0o
ha"e gi"en s in 0or lectres ha"e once again ,roght s face to face %ith the #estion of the ,eing
and kar'ic strctre of or circle of +riests3
In this connection %e need to ask a,ot the kar'a of the traditional 4hristian chrches and ho% this
kar'a! throgh indi"idals! %orks into or circle of +riests3
The a+ocal0+tic +art of the 8os+els H@ark -;!)>I contains the sentenceD LAnd if the Lord had not
shortened the da0s! no h'an ,eing %old ,e sa"edF ,t for sake of the elect! %ho' he chose! he
shortened the da0sK3 What is the 'eaning of this sentence in "ie% of co'ing e"ents! +erha+s the %ar of
all against allP
These are the #estions %ith %hich or %hole circle of +riests is concerned3 Ho%e"er! ,ecase of
so'e i'+lications these #estions ha"e and also ,ecase of the 'atter of the to%ns and a fe% #ite
,rief concerns! %e %old like to re#est a 'eeting %ith 0o for the 4ircle of
*e"en O,erlenkers and Lenkers3
For the circle of +riestsD 2oh3 Werner Klein
In the hand%riting of Friedrich &oldingerD
-3In the 4atholic 4hrch it is the csto' for the ,isho+ consecrating a chrch to %rite the
letters in the ash on the floor3 Is a corres+onding rital necessar0 %hen %e consecrate a chrchP
Who HLenkerPI %old do thisP HThe case in #estion is the inagration of a roo' in Frei,rg at
@ichael'as %hich %ill ,e sed solel0 for ser"ices3I
)3The se of candles for other cltic occasions3 4an %e se the se"en$,ranched candlestick
%ith lit candles for +r+oses other than the Act of 4onsecration of @an! e3g3 %hen a ,a+tis' is
taking +lace near the altarP
;3The Bre"iar03
There %ere 'an0 +artici+ants at the first corse in &ornach! %hen the Bre"iar0 %as gi"en! %ho
s,se#entl0 did not ,eco'e +riests3 *ince then! chiefl0 throgh these indi"idals ,t also
initiall0 as a reslt of a lack of clarit0 %ithin or circle of +riests! the Bre"iar0 has ,een gi"en to
+eo+le %ho ha"e ne"er e"en considered entering the +riesthood! and e"en to so'e %ho are
casing +ractical difficlties for or %ork3 *o'e of those %ho had recei"ed the Bre"iar0 as a
Llo"ing giftK %ithot reali<ing that it contained 'editations for +riests retrned their co+ies as
soon as this %as 'ade kno%n3 The circle of +riests %old no% like to a++roach all those %ho
+ossess the Bre"iar0 %ithot ha"ing 'ade the "o% %ith the re#est to retrn it3 There is!
Page 94
ho%e"er! a lack of clarit0 %ithin or circle of +riests as to %hether this is +ossi,le in the case of
all those %ho oght not to ha"e it! e3g3 so'e %i"es3 Ho%e"er! al'ost all of s think that onl0
radical 'easres allo%ing no eAce+tions can achie"e the necessar0 orderliness in the 'atter! for
the Bre"iar0 %as #ite clearl0 onl0 intended for those directl0 in"ol"ed in +re+aring the'sel"es
for the +riesthood3
@an0 of s are %orried ,0 the incorrect distri,tion of the Bre"iar03 In connection %ith the %a0
the "erses for the 4lassN are dealt %ith! the #estion has arisen as to %hether the Bre"iar0 'ight
ha"e ,eco'e ineffecti"e throgh the %a0 it has ,een distri,ted and %hether e"en if the
nathori<ed co+ies are retrie"ed a desira,le sitation can ,e restored at all3
N The First 4lass of the *chool of *+irital *cience! &ornach3
&ornach! -7 *e+te',er -.)/
I shall endea"or to ans%er the #estions that ha"e ,een handed to 'e alongside the other things I
ha"e to sa03 Ho%e"er! there are so'e #estions a'ongst the' %hich I shold like to ans%er %ithin the
4ircle of theO,erlenkers! e"en if the0 %ere asked ,0 so'eone otside that circle3 This can ,e done in
the neAt da0 or t%o! and the ans%ers can then ,e +assed on3
Toda0 I %ant to dra% 0or attention to a +ictre in the Book of Re"elation! an I'agination of the
a+ocal0+tist that has ,een re+resented in 'an0 +aintings de+icting the Book3 Not all the +ictorial
re+resentations of the Book of Re"elation are as sccessfl! ,t %ith this +ictreGthe reali<ation of
%hich falls eAactl0 in or ti'e! as %as +ointed ot 0esterda0Git %as hardl0 +ossi,le to 'isnderstand
the different +arts ,ecase the %a0 the0 are descri,ed for s in the Book ca+tres their characteristics
eAactl03 In order to gras+ this +ictre fll0! %e need to 'ention a +arallel 'atter that is i'+ortant for
or ti'e and has alread0 ,een toched on in connection %ith Anthro+oso+h0F the +oint %e ha"e
reached in or +resent discssion of the Book of Re"elation %ill ill'ine it es+eciall03
When the h'an ,eing 'akes the transition in consciosness fro' the +h0sical! sense$+erce+ti,le
%orld to seeing the s+irital %orld he ,eco'es! in a %a0! a ,eing in three +arts! in the %a0 I ha"e
descri,ed in the cha+ters a,ot the 8ardian of the Threshold in '0 ,ook Kno%ledge of the Higher
In the for' of his +h0sical natre the h'an ,eing +ossesses a co',ination of a trinit0 and a
nit0! and this co',ination is +erfectl0 +lain to see3 It is clarified ,0 follo%ing the descri+tion fond in
Anthro+oso+h0 of ho% he is strctred3 Take s+irit! sol and ,od03 The %a0 in %hich this strctre
corres+onds to the other one gi"en ,0 Anthro+oso+h0 is #ite clear3
In the s+irit +ossessed ,0 the h'an ,eing toda0 li"e thoghts! thoghts sch as I ha"e descri,ed!
for eAa'+le! in '0 ,ook The Philoso+h0 of *+irital Acti"it0! thoghts not drenched in sensal
+erce+tions ,t freel0 created! +re thoghts %ithin h'an consciosness3
In #alit0! these thoghts
are onl0 an a++earance! their realit0 is so s'all that the0 ha"e no inner strength3 We can +artl0! thogh
not totall0! co'+are the' %ith 'irror i'ages3 An i'age in a 'irror has no strength in the direction its
lines follo%F it is entirel0 +assi"e3 H'an thoghts do ha"e strength as the0 nfold! so %e can! as I
descri,ed 0esterda0 in the esoteric lesson! take hold of this and stee+ it in %ill3
Bt to the cos'os in all
the fll content of its eAistence these thoghts that the h'an ,eing has dring life are as 'irror
i'agesF so althogh %e carr0 s+irit in or h'an ,eing it is s+irit in a 'irror i'age3
&ear friends! %hat %e ,ear %ithin s in this %a0 ste's fro' the %orld that I call the s+irit land in
Page 95
'0 ,ook Theoso+h0!
and %hen %e think on earth %e ,ring do%n to the earth the ingredients of the
s+irit land as an a++earance! as a reflection3 When %e think! %e ,ring %hat theoso+h0 calls de"achan
do%n to the real' of earth! althogh onl0 in a %eak reflection3 On earth %e carr0 these contents in sF
an a++earance of hea"en in a %eak reflection3
@o"ing on no% to the sol real'! %e find that feeling is %hat chiefl0 li"es there3 When %e are
a%ake it is feeling! and %hen %e slee+ it is the +ictorial natre of drea's3 The onl0 distinction ,et%een
drea's and feelings is that feelings are the content of or sol %hen %e are a%ake %hile drea's are the
content of or sol %hen %e slee+3 What %e carr0 in or feelings as earthl0 h'an ,eings ,et%een
,irth and death ste's fro' a different %orld! fro' the sol %orld that I descri,ed in that
,ook Theoso+h0! the sol %orld throgh %hich %e li"e in its tre gise after death3 Or feeling %orld!
%hich %e onl0 drea'! for %e onl0 drea' this sol %orld in or feelings! relates to that tre gise of the
sol %orld that then confronts s not like a 'irror i'age ,t like an i'age held in or sol ,0 creati"e
ele'ental +o%ersGI ha"e descri,ed this fro' a +articlar angle inTheoso+h03 Realit0 is not 0et in it3
What or ,od0 de"elo+s throgh or eAistence as earthl0 h'an ,eings is not a consciosness of
archet0+al i'agesF or ,od0 carries in it the strongest realities of eAistence3 We are reall0 acti"e in or
,od0! ,t onl0 in the +h0sical! earthl0 %orld3
*o the three +arts of or h'an ,eing ,elong to different %orlds3 And 0o! dear friends! since 0o
intend to %ork on the ,eing of 'an! %ill ha"e to ha"e in 0or feeling so'e indication of %hat lies in
the ,eing of 'an3 Jo 'st de"elo+ a right "ie% of these things3
One 'isnderstanding after another has ,een +resented to 'e ,0 +eo+le %ho are #ite good
+hiloso+hers! 'isnderstanding after 'isnderstanding sho%ing Ost ho% difficlt it is e"en for +eo+le
in the +resent ti'e %ho are #ite ca+a,le of thinking clearl0 to find the right %a0 into Anthro+oso+h03
In a discssion a,ot the threefold h'an ,eing! one sch +hiloso+her inter+reted this to 'ean an
ar,itrar0 di"ision of the h'an ,eing intellectall0 %orked ot and signif0ing a 'erel0 for'alistic
a++roach3 Jo can of corse look at a ta,le as consisting of the ta,le to+! the legs and so on! ,t the
%hole ta,le is 'ade of %oodF or 0o cold look at it as ,eing strctred fro' left to right3 Ar,itrar0
strctring of this kind is not %hat is 'eant in connection %ith the threefold ,eing of 'an3 Another
%a0 of +tting it %old ,e to sa0 that h0drogen is so'ething that eAists in the real %orld and oA0gen
also eAists in the real %orld3 Together the0 0ield %aterF the0 are real things! not artificial constrcts3 In
the sa'e %a0 the +arts of 'anKs ,eing are not ar,itraril0 distingisha,le3 The0 ha"e 'erged so
thoroghl0 to 'ake the real natre of the h'an ,eing that one can sa0D The s+irit ste's fro' the s+irit
land! the sol fro' the sol %orld and the +h0sical ,od0 fro' the +h0sical %orldF these co'+onents of
the h'an ,eing ste' fro' three different %orlds 0et are Ooined together in 'an3
And %hen the h'an ,eing takes his consciosness a%a0 %ith hi' ot of the +h0sical %orld! his
inner ,eing s+litsF ot of one he ,eco'es three3
Throgh the de"elo+'ent of its "arios races and +eo+les! %hat ha++ens %ith indi"idal h'an
,eings is also ha++ening to the %hole of h'anit0G%ithot the h'an ,eing as an indi"idal ha"ing
to +la0 a +art in it3 E"ol"ing h'anit0 li"es in the s,conscios of e"er0 indi"idal h'an ,eing ,t
this does not rise + into ordinar0 consciosnessF e"ol"ing h'anit0 is going throgh stages of
de"elo+'ent that are si'ilar to those gone throgh ,0 each indi"idal3 2st no% in or ti'e h'anit0
is going throgh a +hase in its e"oltion that in"ol"es a kind of crossing of the threshold %ith the
acco'+an0ing s+lit into three3 If the indi"idal h'an ,eing is to go +ast the 8ardian of the
Threshold in this era of the consciosness solGhe 'st %ork at this hi'self if he %ants to acco'+lish
it3 H'anit0 as a %hole! ho%e"er! is going +ast the 8ardian of the Threshold %ithot indi"idals in
Page 96
or ti'e reali<ing this is ha++ening3 H'anit0 as a %hole is crossing the threshold3 1ntil the end of the
eighteenth centr0 the +h0sical! ,odil0 natre %as still a,le to gi"e the h'an ,eing so'ething on
earth throgh the ele'ental ,eings d%elling in it3 In ftre! ho%e"er! the h'an ,eing %ill ha"e to
deri"e e"er0thing in hi'self that is in%ardl0 +rodcti"e! inclding his "irtes! fro' the s+irital %orld!
not as an indi"idal ,t as h'anit03 A crossing of the threshold is to ha++en in the e"oltion of
h'anit0 as a %hole! and this a++ears to the a+ocal0+tist +rior to the "ision of the %o'an clothed %ith
the sn and %ith the dragon ,eneath her feet ,ecase in ti'e it also ha++ens +rior to that3 This +rior
"ision is clearl0 re+resented in %hat the a+ocal0+tist sa0sD The ti'e is co'ing %hen the %hole of
ci"ili<ed h'anit0 %ill ha"e to cross the threshold! %hen a threefoldness %ill a++ear as the cos'ic
I'agination of %hat h'anit0 is ndergoing3 Beside the feeling that can arise %hen so'ething health0
,orders on so'ething +athological! 'ore and 'ore indi"idals %ill ha"e another feeling as %ellD @0
thoghts are tr0ing to rn a%a0 fro' 'e! '0 feet are ,eing +lled do%n%ards ,0 gra"it03 There are
"er0 'an0 h'an ,eings toda0 %ho feel "er0 strongl0 that their thoghts are fl0ing a%a0 fro' the'
%hile their feet are ,eing eAcessi"el0 dra%n to the earth3 Bt in or ci"ili<ation +eo+le are +ersaded
not to take sch things seriosl0! Ost as children %ho eA+erience "isions of things that ha"e a real
fondation are +ersaded that sch things are 'eaningless3
This thing that is so strongl0 ali"e in or ti'e a++eared ,efore the clair"o0ant e0es of the
a+ocal0+tist as the figre %ho 'ateriali<es fro' a clod! has a snlike contenance that 'erges into a
rain,o%! and fier0 feet one of %hich is +lanted on the sea and the other on the land3 HRe"3 ->!-$)I One
cold call this the 'ost significant a++earance that +resent$da0 h'anit0 oght to ,e conte'+lating3 In
the contenance + a,o"e! ,orn of the clods! lie the thoghts that ,elong to the s+irit landF in the
rain,o% lies the h'an solKs %orld of feeling that ,elongs to the sol %orldF in the fier0 feet that ha"e
recei"ed their strength fro' the ocean$co"ered earth lies %hat is contained in the h'an ,eingKs ,od0
%hich ,elongs together %ith the +h0sical %orld3
This +oints ot to s the fnda'ental secret of toda0Ks cltre3 It is not that h'an ,eings
i''ediatel0 a++ear as thogh s+lit into three +arts3 What %e seeGand this is reall0 tangi,le in or ti'e
Gare clod +eo+le %ho can onl0 think %hile the other t%o +arts! the rain,o% and the fier0 feet! ha"e
,eco'e stnted3 Then %e ha"e rain,o% +eo+le in %ho' the feelings are 'ore de"elo+ed than an0thing
else! those! for eAa'+le! %ho can onl0 gras+ Anthro+oso+h0 %ith their feelings and not %ith their
nderstanding3 *ch +eo+le eAist in the %orld otside as %ell as in the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0! of
corse3 The0 can onl0 gras+ the %orld %ith their feelingsF %hile their thinking and %ill ha"e ,eco'e
stnted their feelings are strongl0 de"elo+ed3 Finall0 there are those %hose %ill has h0+ertro+hied3 In
the' thinking and feeling ha"e ,eco'e stntedF the0 ,eha"e like ,lls! 'erel0 reacting to sti'li fro'
otside3 These are the +eo+le %ith the fier0 feet3
2ohnKs "ision de+icts these three t0+es of h'an ,eing %ho' %e 'eet in real life3 We 'st 'ake
orsel"es fa'iliar %ith this secret of or +resent ci"ili<ation so that %e can assess h'an ,eings
+ro+erl03 And! ,0 the %a0! this also sho%s %hen %e consider %orld e"ents3
Look at %hat is ha++ening in Rssia Ost no%3 There %e ha"e the inflence of the clod +eo+le!
those %ho 'ainl0 think! %hile their feelings and %ill are stnted3 The0 %ant to hand the %ill o"er to
social 'echanis'sF and feelings are taken o"er ,0 ahri'anic +o%ers ,ecase h'an ,eings do not take
the' in hand the'sel"es3 The0 are thinkers! ,t ,ecase earthl0 h'an ,eings also ha"e ahri'anic and
lciferic for's the0 ha"e a s+ecific kind of thinking3 Let 'e se a +ictre that %ill ,e o,"ios to those
%ho are fa'iliar %ith s+irital science ,t %ill shock an0one %ho still needs to find his %a0 into sch
things3 If 0o take the thoghts of Lenin and the others and see the' as a +ictre! %hat does the
conflence of thoghts fro' Lenin! Trotski! Lnacharski and so on look likeP If 0o i'agine a %orld
Page 97
consisting of these thoghts 0o %ill arri"e at %hat +h0sics calls a s0ste' of forces3 If one %ere a
gigantic ele'ental ,eing one cold take these forces and for' clods to co"er a "ast area! generating
thnder and lightning3 This is %hat these forces are like %hen seen as ,elonging to the region of clods3
The0 do not ,elong on the earth3 This +ictre 'ight sr+rise 0o! ,t an0one %ho can look into the
occlt ,ackgrond of eAistence has to sa0 this3 In the heads of the leading Rssians the sa'e forces are
at %ork that eAist in lightning! forces that are for'ed in the clods a,o"e or heads and send lightning
do%n to earth! and let the thnder roll3 This is %here sch forces ,elongF the0 are ot of +lace in the
%a0 the0 %ork in the leading Bolshe"iks3
Ths there is 'ch that eAists in or ti'e that is entirel0 clear in the a+ocal0+tistKs +ro+hetic "ision3
He kne% that an e+och sch as this! a +eriod re+resenting a s+ecific ti'e! can ,e indicated throgh
n',ers3 I '0self! dear friends! ha"e indicated an a++roAi'ate n',er of 0ears for the +eriod dring
%hich so'ething like the consciosness sol! or the 'ind or intellectal sol! de"elo+s3 I ha"e said that
its dration is one t%elfth of )(!.)> 0ears3
For a long ti'e I %as eAtre'el0 +<<led as to ho% one 'ight nderstand the +assage in the Book of
Re"elation a,ot %hich I a' s+eaking no%! for in his +ro+hec0 the a+ocal0+tist 'entions -!)6> da0s3
&a0s are often 'entioned %hen 0ears are 'eant3 Bt %hat did the a+ocal0+tist 'ean ,0 the figre
-!)6>P I had to do a considera,le a'ont of research ,efore I disco"ered that these -!)6> da0s HRe"3
-)!6I are an actal L+rinterKs errorK that 'st ha"e arisen in the handing do%n of the Book of
Re"elation H+lease eAcse this co''on or garden eA+ressionI3 L)!-6> da0sK is %hat the +assage oght
to sa0! and then it corres+onds %ith %hat can ,e seen toda03 It is #ite +ossi,le for this lack of clarit0 to
ha"e arisen in so'e school or other %here the teAt %as ,eing handed do%n! es+eciall0 as in "isionar0
sight 'an0 n',ers are seen as 'irror i'ages3 Ho%e"er! this is less i'+ortant as one looks 'ore
dee+l0 into the Book of Re"elation3
Beside those %hose %a0 of ,elonging to their race is that of clod +eo+le! %e also ha"e rain,o%
+eo+le3 Their thinking has ,eco'e stnted! so that the0 +refer conser"ati"e thoghts! and the0 are
rather sh0 of a++roaching the s+irital %orld throgh thoght3 Ver0 'an0 +eo+le es+eciall0 in 4entral
Ero+e sho% the'sel"es to ,e rain,o% +eo+le3
The frther %est%ards %e go! the 'ore are thinking and feeling stnted! so %e co'e to +athological
de"elo+'ents of the +eo+le %ith fier0 feet3 There are 'an0 sch +eo+le %ith fier0 feet in Western
Ero+e and +res'a,l0 also in A'erica3 In this sense %e can no% strctre the earth as follo%sD In the
East there are 'an0 clod +eo+le! in the 'iddle 'an0 rain,o% +eo+le! and in the West 'an0 +eo+le
%ith fier0 feet3 As regards the co'ing into ,eing of races! one 'ight sa0 that looking at the earth
s+iritall0 fro' otside %e %old see s+read across it so'ething like a +ictre in eAactl0 the sha+e
+resented to s here ,0 the a+ocal0+tist3 If %e %ere to rise + fro' the earthGs+iritall0 of corse! not
in a hot$air ,alloon or an airshi+Gif %e %ere to rise + s+iritall0 fro' a +oint so'e%here! let s sa0!
in West+halia! and then look do%n at the earth! %e %old see Asia taking on a clod$like! sn$sha+ed
contenance3 We %old see the colors of the rain,o% s+read ot o"er Ero+e! and frther %est%ards
there %old ,e fier0 feet of %hich one %old ,e +lanted in the Pacific Ocean and the other on the
Andes in *oth A'erica3 The earth itself %old ,e ,eneath this +ictre3
&ear friends! these for or ti'e 'ost far$reaching +ro+hecies of the a+ocal0+tist are eAtre'el0
i'+ortant for the %ork of the +riest! for the0 'ake + the great riddle of or ti'e that has e'erged
since Na+oleon3 It %as the inflence of Na+oleonis'! of the first Na+oleon! that initiall0 ,roght ot
clearl0 this tendenc0 of h'an ,eings to stri"e for races! for nations3 In toda0Ks Wilsonis' this is
finding eA+ression again in a 'ost inOdicios 'anner3 It is trl0 terri,le to see h'an ,eings stri"ing
to ,elong to races and +eo+les and on the %hole ,r0ing an0 kind of cos'o+olitanis'3 It is ha++ening
Page 98
,ecase this +assage throgh the +lace of the threshold is going on3 2st as the indi"idal ,eco'es s+lit
throgh his de"elo+'ent to%ards the real' of the s+irit! so is h'anit0 as a %hole s+litting into regions
of %hich indi"idal h'an ,eings re'ain nconscios! the region of the clod +eo+le! the region of the
rain,o% +eo+le! and the region of the +eo+le %ith feet of fire3 The s+litting of the h'an ,eing into
three in the %a0 I descri,ed for single indi"idals in Kno%ledge of the Higher Worldshas no% taken
+lace for h'anit0 as a %hole on the earthF it is no% in +lace3 The tre'endos +ictre dra%n ,0 the
a+ocal0+tist is no% in +lace in Asia! in Ero+e! in A'erica3 Peo+le can as 0et find no har'on0 a'ong
the three +artsF instead of the har'on0 of nification the0 are seeking frag'entation! and in indi"idal
sitations the reslt is 'ost +ecliar3
In this entirel0 ot%ard %a0 of thinking that h'anit0 is taking on 0o can see! for eAa'+le! that
+eo+le do not find their togetherness throgh an inner nderstanding ,t instead get together for
eAternal reasons3 Look at the region ,et%een the Bohe'ian Forest and the Fichtelge,irge! fro' the
Er<,erg in the Polit<$Aders,ach sandstone hills do%n to the @arch and to %hat sed to ,e Press,rg3
Jo can see! if 0o take the @annharts,erg as the sothern ,ondar0! ho% the 4<echs there are
e'inentl0 clod +eo+le %ho ha"e de"elo+ed onl0 their thinking and ho% %ithot an0 inner
nderstanding the0 ha"e ,een %elded together %ith the *lo"aks! %ho are #ite different and in %ho'
thinking hardl0 eAists ,ecase the0 are rain,o% +eo+le in the eAact sense of the %ords3 On the other
hand %e see ho% a different relationshi+ that had ,een for'ed shortl0 ,eforehand is ,eing dissol"ed
again #ite eAternall03 There is no s+irit at %ork in sch things an0 longer ,t onl0 earthl0 h'an
,eings acting in a %a0 that %ants to eAclde the s+irit3 What %e see is the %hole of *lo"akia ,eing
se+arated off fro' Bohe'ia! @ora"ia and *ilesia! %hich is the region I 'entioned Ost no%3 We see
ho% the %hole of *lo"akia %as for'erl0 nited %ith the contr0 of the @ag0ars! the genine @ag0ars3
HJo ha"e to distingish ,et%een the genine @ag0ars and the i''igrant @ag0ars %ho' 0o can
recogni<e ,0 their na'es3 The genine @ag0ars ha"e na'es no one in the West can +rononce!
es+eciall0 if the0 are alread0 oldF ,t the0 are called Hirschfeld if the0 are one of the es+eciall0
lod'othed agitators of toda03 *o 0o 'st go ,ack to the genine @ag0ars3I The genine @ag0ars
are e'inentl0 fire$footed +eo+le %ho %ere ,riefl0 %elded to the rain,o% +eo+le of *lo"akia3 This is
the ga'e of chance ,eing +la0ed ,0 the lack of s+iritalit0 in the %orld! so that the *lo"aks %ho %ere
for'erl0 Ooined to the @ag0ars are no% l'+ed together %ith the 4<echs3 This is the ga'e of chance
,eing +la0ed toda03 It also finds eA+ression in 'ore +rofond s0'+to's sch as that a trl0 great 'an
like @asar0k %ho heads the Re+,lic of 4<echoslo"akia is a *lo"ak and not a 4<ech3
If 0o kno%
@asar0k 0o kno% that he is a rain,o% +erson %ho is #ite inca+a,le of thinking3 Read his ,ooks and
0o %ill seeD in his ,ooks it is ti'e that thinks3 He is a rain,o% +erson! a tre *lo"ak3
Jo ha"e to ,e a,le to see h'an ,eings toda0 in the light of these categories if 0o %ant to
nderstand the ga'e of chance that is going on at the 'o'ent! thogh of corse this! too! has its origin
in %orld kar'a3 We 'st look at an age! or o%n ti'e! that is +enetrating frther and frther into
h'an consciosness! into the consciosness sol3 Pre"iosl0 +eo+le sa% the content of ancient
tradition and %isdo' %ritten in the stellar scri+t! the0 sa% it all otside the'sel"es3 The h'an ,eing!
s+lit into three! no% ,ears %hat is %ritten in ancient ,ooks like a 'e'or0 %ithin hi'3 Looking at
"arios centres %e see this figre s+read ot o"er Asia! Ero+e! A'erica3 E"er0thing that %as
+roclai'ed in the @0ster0$rich +laces of @acedonia! 8reece! Asia @inor! e"er0thing that %as
+roclai'ed a,ot the %orld in E+hess! *a'othrace! &el+hi and else%here! all this is the Book that has
,een +reser"ed fro' ancient ti'esF it is in the hand of that angel %ho 'akes his contenance of the
clods! his ,reast of the rain,o% and his feet of fire and %ho stands there +o%erfll0 +lanted3 Bt for
the h'an ,eing %ith the consciosness of toda0 all this can onl0 ,e ke+t "i"id and ali"e if %e seek ot
the sorce %ithin orsel"es throgh %hich %e can learn to see the s+irit3 We 'st Leat +K the ,ook that
Page 99
%as +re"iosl0 a"aila,le fro' the otside! %e 'st take it into orsel"es3 At first this hook containing
the secrets of the ni"erse is s%eet in the 'oth for so'e3 Peo+le are "er0 +artial to %hat s+irital
"ision %ants to gi"e the'F the0 find it tastes like hone03 Bt %hen the0 get do%n to the trl0 +rofond
re#ire'ents of life that are +art and +arcel of a s+irital nderstanding of the %orld! then! es+eciall0
%hen this co'es to toda0Ks 'aterialisticall0$'inded h'an ,eings! %hat the a+ocal0+tist descri,ed as
,eing s%eet as hone0 ,eco'es an ache in the ,ell0! for it is +ainfl to digest the s+irital food of %hich
h'an ,eings are so "er0 'ch in need3
*eeing all this %e ha"e to ad'itD With all these ga'es of chance! %ith all this confsed 'ddle! it
%ill ,e essential to recei"eGfro' the s+irital +o%er that sho%s s the threefold h'an ,eingGthe
strength %ith %hich to 'easre e"er0thing ane%3 A reed is gi"en fro' hea"en! actall0 a 0ardstick %ith
%hich to 'easre e"er0thing ane%3 HRe"3 --!-I Look at or o%n ti'e! dear friends3 Is it not necessar0
to 'ake ne% 'easre'entsP @st %e not add to that a,stract constrct of toda0Ks 'a+ of the %orld
so'ething like Asia as a figre of clod! Ero+e colored like the rain,o%! A'erica %ith feet of fireP
@st %e not 'easre e"er0thing ane% fro' the "ie%+oint of s+irital lifeP Are %e not in the "er0
'idst of seeing +t into +ractice %hat the Book of Re"elation has to sho% sP
If %e can gras+ %ith or fll consciosness %hat %e 'st enter into! %e shall 'o"e on fro' that
la0'anKs real' that has to acco'+lish so 'ch in the s,conscios! and enter an entirel0 non$
rationalistic nderstanding of the tasks that need doing toda0 throgh %hat shall ,eco'e a ne%
+riesthood3 This! dear friends! is %hat needed to ,e said %ith reference to the cha+ters of the Book of
Re"elation %ith %hich %e ha"e dealt toda03 E"er0thing fits! do%n to the s'allest detail3 When %e go
into these things again to'orro% it %ill ,e easier to sa0 %hat still needs to ,e said a,ot the
de"elo+'ent of races and of indi"idals3
&ornach! -. *e+te',er -.)/
We shall no%! dear friends! look at ho% in or ti'e 'ight0 re"oltions of the ftre are alread0
"isi,le in seed for'Galthogh in one %a0 this of corse also +oints ,ack to earlier earth eA+eriences3
We can i'agine ho% %hat the Book of Re"elation has to sa0 a,ot the %oes and so on alread0 +la0s a
+art es+eciall0 in or ti'e and ho% the consciosness sol can ,e caght + in this3 HRe"3 7!-;F .!-)F
We 'st 'ake it clear to orsel"es that the things I descri,ed in the inter+retations I ga"e 0esterda0
eAercise an i'+ortant inflence on the %hole for'ation of h'an e"oltion3 We 'st take into
consideration that these things %hich go on in %hat 'ight ,e called the s+irital field are not 'ch
taken into accont! or +erha+s hardl0 at all! ,0 or conte'+orariesF 0et these things! e"en if the0 are
toda0 regarded as +rel0 s+irital e"ents! do ha"e an i''easra,l0 +o%erfl effect that stretches far
,e0ond h'an a%areness3 Jesterda0! for eAa'+le! I 'entioned the %a0 certain leading +ersonalities in
toda0Ks Eastern Ero+e ,ear %ithin the' thoghts that actall0 re+resent +o%ers %hich oght to ,e at
%ork in the clod for'ations3 In other %ords! %hat is going on in the heads of toda0Ks Rssian leaders
%illG%hen the seeds ha"e ger'inated and ,egn to s+rotGone da0 co'e to re+resent so'ething that
%ill 'anifest as clod e"ents3 *o toda0Ks re"oltionar0 +hea"als in Rssia %ill one da0 'anifest as
'ight0! thnderos re"oltions taking +lace a,o"e the heads of h'an ,eings3
We ha"e no% reached so'ething that like%ise ,elongs to the secrets of a+ocal0+tic "ision and
%hich can clarif0 another +assage in the Book of Re"elation3 We are co'ing closer to an actal
inter+retation of the 'ight0 "isions of the Book of Re"elation and %e are a++roaching %hat %e oght
Page 100
to ,e #ite clear a,ot in or +resent h'an eA+erience3 When %e look at the short s+an of ti'e in
%hich %e are accsto'ed to o,ser"e life toda0 %ithot e',arking on an0 a',itios! and 'ostl0
foolish! h0+otheses a,ot the ,eginning or ending of the earth! %hen %e sr"e0 this s+an of ti'e
%ithot calling on an0 s+irital "ision to hel+ s! %e can sa0D Ot there! natre rns its corse3 We see
s'aller natral e"ents taking +lace throghot the seasons! and %e see greater natral e"ents sch as
earth#akes! floods! "olcanic er+tions! and so on3 *ide ,0 side %ith theseGand ,ecase of the ,re"it0
of the ti'e s+an %e are a,le to sr"e0! %e do not feel +ressed to constrct an0 connection ,et%een the
t%oG side ,0 side %ith these %e ha"e the corse of histor0! e"ents sch as the Thirt0 JearsK War! Lois
EIV and so on3 *ch e"ents 'ight follo% one another or the0 'ight take +lace si'ltaneosl0! ,t no
one feels the rge to constrct a connection ,et%een the t%o se#ences! the e"ents in natre and the
+arallel e"ents in histor03
If %e look at a longer s+an of ti'e! ho%e"er! %e shall i''ediatel0 see ho% 'isleading is this idea
of e"ents ,eing 'erel0 +arallel3 When 0o look ,ack fro' 0or +resent incarnation to an earlier oneG
althogh this re'ains theoretical toda0 ntil it can ,e co'+rehended +ro+erl0 in the I'aginations gi"en
,0 a s+irital researcherG%hen 0o 'ake re+eated earth li"es a realit0 and reall0 eA+erience this! then!
%hen 0o look at a 'eado% or a %ood 0o i''ediatel0 get the i'+ression of ho% different these are
fro' %hat the0 %ere in 0or for'er incarnation3 Jo notice this e"en if 0o are no% in #ite a different
region! for e"er0thing on the earth is constantl0 changing! and %here"er 0o %ere! the +lant %orld! the
ani'al %orld %ill ha"e taken on #ite a different character no%3 Initiall0 0o feel this the 'o'ent 0o
sense so'ething of a for'er incarnation and then look %ith an o+en 'ind at the natral %orld arond
0oF 0o feel #ite ,e%ildered! e"en +er+leAed ,0 this3 Jo get a kind of inner feelingD What I see
arond 'e no% has not arisen ot of %hat %as there at the ti'e of the earlier incarnation! for the
essence of %hat is here has co'e fro' #ite so'e%here else3
It is like thisD The ordinar0 scientific "ie% considers the natral %orld to ,e +roceeding in a straight
line3 H*ee ,elo% and Plate (I Here is the 0ear -.)/3

Peo+le i'agine that %hat is gro%ing in the 'eado% toda0 has co'e into ,eing ot of the seeds of
%hat gre% there earlier on3 The0 go ,ack to -)6>! to 7.( and so on and i'agine a straight line of seeds
gro%ing ot of seeds gro%ing ot of seeds3 Bt this %as not so3 I ha"e often +ointed ot that the ,od0
0o are %earing toda0 is not the one 0o %ere %earing se"en or eight 0ears ago! eAce+t for a fe%
enclosres3 *o'e +ortions harden as life goes onGas I descri,ed in the other corse
G,t %hen 0o
%ere a three$0ear$old child 0or ,od0 certainl0 contained nothing of %hat it contains no%3 The %hole
of its +h0sical 'atter has ,een eAchanged3 In the sa'e %a0 nothing is left no% of all the flo%ers that
%ere once in the 'eado%3 Jo 'st i'agine it like thisD What is 'eado% toda0 has co'e do%n fro'
s+irital %orldsF %hat sed to ,e 'eado% had also co'e do%n fro' s+irital %orlds! and so onF and
%hat %as 'eado% centries ago has +assed a%a0 co'+letel03 There is the heredit0 of +h0sical seeds!
,t there is also the fact that s+irital seeds fro' higher real's constantl0 take the +lace of %hat %as
there ,efore3
Page 101
Jo 'st gras+ the fact that the 'eado% toda0 %as not the 'eado% in! sa0! the thirteenth centr0!
for then another 'eado% %as there! %hich has 'ean%hile died a%a03 When 0o ha"e gras+ed this 0o
%ill ,e a,le to i'agine the 'ission of sno%! 0o %ill gain an idea of ho% sno% is the ,earer of %hat is
continall0 d0ing a%a03 *no% rene%s itself each 0ear! and so does ice3 And as natre constantl0 dies
off in this entirel0 ele'entar0 for' that lies in the d0na'ic of sno% and ice for'ation! so is it
constantl0 rene%ed again fro' a,o"e3
This is ho% it is in or ti'e3 Bt this! too! is a condition that is not entirel0 +er'anent3 We shall
s+eak a,ot it in a 'o'ent! ,t first I still %ant to sa0 the follo%ingD Once 0o disco"er this in looking
ot at the 'eado%Git is irrele"ant %hether 0o %ere incarnated in the sa'e district ,eforeGand notice
ho% it arises "ia sno% and ice ot of s+ra$earthl0 regions! 0o kno% that ,et%een the ti'e of 0or last
incarnation and toda0 0o 0orself ha"e +la0ed a +art in 'aking this 'eado%F 0o kno% that 0o
0orself ha"e +la0ed a +art in creating %hat 0o ha"e arond 0o in 0or +resent incarnation! inclding
the natral en"iron'ent3 First 0o notice this! and later 0o also notice that this! too! is a transitional
condition3 When the0 'ake a disco"er0 a,ot so'ething going on in natre! scientists al%a0s ass'e it
to ,e so'ething that %ill last3 Bt this is nonsense3 In realit0 nothing re'ains3 In realit0 e"er0thing
changes! e"en the la%s of natre3 That is %h0 e"en scientists in or ti'e ha"e co'e to regard onl0 the
'ost a,stract la%s as +er'anent3 LThere is a case for e"er0 effectK3 L@atter is constantK3
8enerali<ations like this! %hich actall0 'ean nothing! then co'e to ,e regarded as eternal la%s of
Toda0Ks condition sho%ing s the earth as it changesGthe ,rgeoning of s''er that dissol"es
'oistre into %ar'th! the %ilting of %inter that hardens 'oistre into ice and sno%Gis in its trn
so'ething that has not al%a0s eAisted and that %ill not al%a0s eAist3 Things %ill co'e into ,eing that
do not 0et eAist3 Toda0 %e ha"e the alternating condition! and I %ant 0o to esta,lish this #ite fir'l0
and also to nderstand it fir'l0F %e ha"e the alternating conditionD HPlate (I
-3*''er! dissol"ing 'oistre throgh %ar'th!
)3Winter! hardening 'oistre to ice and sno% throgh coldness3
Oscillating ,et%een these t%o %e ha"e at'n and s+ring3 8radall0 this %ill e"en ot3 There %ill
not ,e sch a +rononced s''er %hen 'oistre is entirel0 dissol"ed! nor %ill there ,e sch a
+rononced %inter %hen 'oistre is hardened to ice and sno%F an in$,et%een condition %ill arise
%hen 'oistre %ill ha"e a different consistenc0! a rather 'ore gelatinos one than in s''er! ,t it
%ill not entirel0 change into so'ething elseF it %ill re'ain the sa'e3 Ice and sno% %ill then not look
like the0 do toda0F the0 %ill look like a reflecting 'ass that is trans+arent! a trans+arent! reflecting
'ass that re'ains in s''er and %inter3 This is the sea of glass! the ad"ent of %hich is descri,ed ,0
the a+ocal0+tist in the Book of Re"elation3 HRe"3 -(!)I
It is a natral +heno'enon that %e co'+rehend throgh o,ser"ing e"ents in natre! and %e ha"e
+laced this in a te'+oral conteAt3 *o no% that %e kno% that %hat is all arond s actall0 ste's fro'
s! no% that %e kno% orsel"es to ,e its co$creators! Ost as %e %ork at creating the 'eado% into
%hich or kar'a +laces s in this +resent incarnationGno% that %e kno% this! %e 'st learn to eAtend
it to inclde the great transfor'ation of the earth as a %hole3 It is #ite tre3 Throgh %hat the0
eA+erience ,0 %a0 of intellectalit0 in the era of the consciosness sol h'an ,eings %ill contri,te
'ore and 'ore throgh their inner d0na'ic to the creation of the sea of glass3 Ths do h'an ,eings
+artici+ate in the great e"ents of the ftre3 This is no 'ere +arallelis'! for it is a colla,oration ,et%een
%hat takes +lace in the h'an ,eing and %hat takes +lace ot there in natre3
Jo %ill no% ,e in a +osition to nderstand so'ething else! na'el0 the follo%ing! a,ot %hich %e
Page 102
'st ,e clearD When %e enter into that di"ine condition %hich is in a state of ,alance! a state of e"er$
re+eated ,alance ,et%een the lciferic and the ahri'anic! and %hen %e gras+ this in its dee+est
essence! %e then reali<eGif %e look correctl0Gthat %here"er the inflence of Lcifer is not and
%here"er the inflence of Ahri'an is not! that is %here there eAists %hat co'es fro' the +rogressi"e
di"ine s+iritalit0 %hich is linked to the e"oltion of h'anit03 If! in the real's into %hich the lciferic
constantl0 strea's and into %hich the ahri'anic constantl0 strea's! %e look to%ards the di"ine that
holds the ,alance! %e find there +re lo"e as the fnda'ental force of e"er0thing that strea's
continosl0! for'ing the h'an ,eing ot%ardl0! and gi"ing hi' sol and s+irit in%ardl03 This
fnda'ental force is +re lo"e3 In its s,stance and in its ,eing! and in so far as it is the cos'os of the
h'an ,eing! the ni"erse consists of +re lo"e! it is nothing other than +re lo"e3 In the +art of the
di"ine that is associated %ith the h'an ,eing %e find nothing eAce+t +re lo"e3 This lo"e is so'ething
in%ardF sols can eA+erience it in%ardl03 It %old ne"er achie"e an ot%ard a++earance if it did not
first ,ild itself a ,od0 ot of the etheric ele'ent of light3 When %e o,ser"e the %orld in a geninel0
occlt 'anner %e cannot hel+ ,t sa0 to orsel"esD The grond of the %orld is the ,eing of in%ard lo"e
a++earing ot%ardl0 as light3
This is not so'ething 'erel0 ,elie"ed ,0 those %ho can discern sch thingsF it is kno%ledge
o,Oecti"el0 %onD The ni"erse! in so far as the h'an ,eing is rooted in it! is the ,eing of in%ard lo"e
a++earing ot%ardl0 throgh light3 It is ,eing ,ecase it is to do %ith all the ,eings of the higher
hierarchies %ho are carried ,0 this lo"e and %ho in%ardl0 eA+erience this lo"e %hich! ho%e"er! if %e
%ant to e'+lo0 an a,stract idea! a++ears as light3 The oter a++earance of ,eings is lo"e! and the oter
a++earance of lo"e is light3 This has ,een e'+hasi<ed o"er and o"er again in all the @0steriesF it is not
'ere ,elief! it is the trl0 %on kno%ledge of e"er0 genine occltist3
The fact is! ho%e"er! that this is one strea' in the ni"erse! one strea' %hich is! thogh! or
+articlar concern as h'an ,eings! ,t ne"ertheless it is one strea'3 We can %ell i'agine the age of
'aterialis' since the fifteenth! siAteenth! se"enteenth centr0! and also the cl'ination of 'aterialis'
dring the -7/>sF %e can %ell i'agine the frther ra'ifications of 'aterialis' after that %ith all that
has ,een in h'an thoght and action! %ith all those terri,l0 destrcti"e forces that ha"e ,een raging in
h'anit0 since the 'iddle of the nineteenth centr0! e"en thogh 'an0 still hardl0 notice it at all3 O"er
all this %ea"es di"ine lo"e nfolding in the light3
&ear friends! take so'e a,soltel0 +re %ater! so'e cr0stal$clear %ater! and then take a dirt0
s+onge! a s+onge that has dirt in it3 Pt the s+onge into the cr0stal$clear! cr0stal$+re %ater! di+ it into
the %ater and then s#ee<e it to let the %ater flo% ot againD no% the %ater is dirt0! 'ddied3 Jo ha"e
let the dirt0 s+onge a,sor, the cr0stal$clear %ater! 0o ha"e s#ee<ed it and the %ater has ,eco'e dirt03
Ho% can the +re! cr0stal$clear %ater hel+ flo%ing ot dirt0 %hen the s+onge is s#ee<edP Ho% can the
di"ine lo"e s+ringing + in the +re light hel+ ,eing taken + into the age of 'aterialis' like the clear
%ater into the s+onge filled %ith dirtP Ho% can it then hel+ ,eco'ing so'ething different %hen it neAt
a++earsP Here is the +ictreD 4r0stal$clear %ater! scked + ,0 the dirt0 s+onge! ,eco'es 'ddied!
ndrinka,le %ater3 &i"ine lo"e a++earing in the light! scked + in the era of consciosness sol
de"elo+'ent ,0 all those ingredients of e"il that rage in h'anit0 either latentl0 or 'anifestl0 dring
this era of consciosness sol de"elo+'ent! ,eco'es di"ine %rath3
The secret of the neAt age is that di"ine lo"e %ill a++ear in the for' of di"ine %rath ,ecase of %hat
ha++ens %ithin h'anit03 It %ill a++ear in the for' of the di"ine %rath %hich %ill gi"e +rotection fro'
all 'aterial constrcts that %ill arise as the reslt of the 'aterialistic consciosness sol eraF ,0 casing
those constrcts to +erish it %ill gi"e +rotection against frther da'aging effects3 *+eaking of %hat
a++ears to hi'! the a+ocal0+tist tells of the +oring ot of the +hials of %rath in the neAt age3 HRe"3
Page 103
-6!-I This is %hat %as s+oken in the @0steries in a sentence that %as terri,l0 shocking to the neo+h0teD
In the s+here of illsion in h'an ,eings di"ine lo"e %ill a++ear in the for' of di"ine %rath3
There is a sa0ing 'an0 thosands of 0ears old that rns throgh the @0steriesF it li"es +ro+heticall0
in 2ohnKs "isions in the %a0 the Book of Re"elation descri,es first ho% the di"ine lo"e is 'ddied and
then %hat %ill ha"e to take +lace as the necessar0 flfil'ent of this ha"ing ha++ened3 That flfil'ent
%ill ,e the +oring ot of the di"ine %rath in the age %henGfar 'ore so than in orsG%hat h'an
,eings do %ill inflence %hat ha++ens in natre3 For the +arallelis' that gi"es h'an ,eings the
illsion that natre on the one hand and the h'an s+irit and the h'an sol on the other go along side
,0 sideGthis +arallelis' onl0 eAists in the 'iddle ages of e"oltion! ths gi"ing rise to that illsion3
E"en in the earlier and latter stages of a s'aller +eriod of e"oltion! for eAa'+le the one lasting fro'
the Atlantean catastro+he to the %ar of all against all! %hat goes on in h'an ,eings al%a0s eAercises
'ch inflence on natral e"ents3 *o it is no idle chatter to sa0 that %hen! in the final stages of the
Atlantean +eriod! a large +ro+ortion of h'anit0 %as occ+ied %ith ,lack 'agic! the conse#ences of
h'an ,eingsK 'isdeeds in ,lack 'agic led on to the natral disasters of the Atlantean catastro+he3
In the sa'e %a0! 'an0 things that are ha++ening at the 'o'ent %ill find their flfil'ent in natral
+heno'ena3 One of these ha++enings %ill ,e that the Rssian re"oltionG%hich also had 'an0 occlt
casesG%ill +or do%n on to the heads of h'an ,eings in stor's of thnder and lightning that %ill
last for %hole s''ers3 Other things that are acc'lating as a cos'ic ele'ent 'dd0ing the di"ine
lo"e %ill also a++ear in natral +heno'ena that %e shall ,e a,le to inter+ret in no other %a0 than as the
transfor'ation of di"ine lo"e into di"ine %rath throgh the illsions h'an ,eings cherish3
What I ha"e Ost said is ho% the sa0ing I 'entioned is for'lated3 Jet %hat the di"ine %rath +ors
ot on to h'an ,eings is in trth still a re"elation of di"ine lo"e3 For if at this ti'e the di"ine lo"e
%ere see'ingl0 to ha"e 'erc0 on the %eakness of h'an ,eings! this %old in realit0 ,e no tre
'erc03 It %old a'ont to trning a ,lind e0e to all the conse#ences so richl0 deser"ed ,0 h'an
thoghts and deeds! %hich %old ,e the 'ost lo"eless act of all! since then h'anit0 %old trl0
+erish3 Onl0 the +oring ot of the di"ine %rath! %hich is nothing other than a 'eta'or+hosis of the
di"ine lo"e! can ,ring a,ot the re'o"al of all the da'aging things h'anit0 has created! %hich %old
other%ise re'ain nttera,l0 da'aging for its on%ard e"oltion3 The sa0ing %ritten in the scri+tres is
so ancient that in Ero+e it is still "er0 often s+oken in its oriental for'D In the real' of 'a0a di"ine
lo"e a++ears as di"ine %rath3
Here%ith %e ha"e seen another eAa'+le sho%ing ho% thoroghl0 the Book of Re"elation is deri"ed
fro' the essential ingredients at %ork in the cos'os3 The 'ore %e +enetrate into it the 'ore do %e find
e"er0thing in it that sho%s in the trest sense ho% 'ch %e can rel0 on itGif I 'a0 se an e"er0da0
eA+ression3 Basicall0 it can ,e regarded as gi"ing the +riest kno%ledge of %hat ha++ens in the corse
of h'an life in the %orld3 Originall0 it %as gi"en to +riests as the esoteric content of 4hristianit0! side
,0 side %ith the other things! %hich %ere eAoteric3
&iscssion of the #estions handed in on -7 *e+te',er -.)/D
Rdolf *teinerD Regarding the Bre"iar0! I did not gi"e it to an0one +ersonall0! ,t onl0 to the corse
itself3 We 'st distingish ,et%een the gatherings %e still had in the 8oethean' and the later ones3
One of the' took +lace in the at'n of -.)- in the 8reat Hall of the 8oethean' and %as attended
,0 a large n',er of +eo+le of %ho' it cold ha"e ,een thoght that the0 %ere interested in the
'o"e'ent for 4hristian rene%al3 Then! in *e+te',er -.))! %e had the 'ore inti'ate gatherings to
%hich 0o said that 0o %old co'e after ha"ing +re+ared 0orsel"es thoroghl0 and %hich then led to
the actal inagration of the 'o"e'ent %hen the first Act of 4onsecration %as cele,rated3 These are
Page 104
t%o stages3 There %as no one at the second gathering %ho s,se#entl0 leftF at that gathering all the
+artici+ants recei"ed the "est'ents and %ere declared ordained +riests3 There %ere none %ho left this
gathering! %hich %as in the strictest sense the inagral +oint of 0or %ork as +riests3 Ho%e"er! there
%ere +ersons +resent at the first gathering %ho not onl0 did not ,eco'e +riests ,t %ho! 0o sa0! are
no% actall0 hostile! geninel0 hostileP
Friedrich Rittel'e0erD For eAa'+le Brno @e0er! the cha+lain for 0oth3
HWerner Klein s+oke a,ot the distri,tion of the Bre"iar0 sa0ing that there %as no +ro+er control
o"er %here co+ies had ended +3I
Rdolf *teinerD Is there no %a0 of finding ot %ho %as here in at'n -.)-P
A +artici+antD Jes! there is3
Rdolf *teinerD *rel0 no one else %as gi"en the Bre"iar0P
Friedrich &oldingerD Bt the others +assed co+ies on3
HThe +artici+ants asked %hether the0 'ight ,e gi"en a +reli'inar0 'editation3I
Rdolf *teinerD A +reli'inar0 'editation %old ,e the last resort3 Before sa0ing an0 'ore a,ot this
I %ant to toch on the other #estion 0o asked! %hich I think is i'+ortant in connection %ith this one3
The #estion is Ureading fro' the note fro' 2ohannes Werner KleinV %hether it is a good thing to
contine +lacing the 'ain e'+hasis on otreach or %old it ,e +refera,le! in the interests of 'aking
,etter +re+aration for ftre tasks! to concentrate 'ore on intensi"e %ork for the dee+ening of oneKs
o%n +ersonalit0P The connection ,et%een the t%o #estions is not o,"ios! ,t it is there3
At all e"ents in the +resent stage of 0or %ork as +riests 0o shold look for %a0s of not crtailing
the otreach acti"it0! as 0o call it3 Jor need for inner dee+ening is all too nderstanda,le! and the
%orries a n',er of 0o in the circle of +riests ha"e had since at'n -.)) in connection %ith La
deterioration of health in ,oth ,od0 and solK are also nderstanda,le3 All this is nderstanda,le3 Bt
+lease do not forget! dear friends! that things %hich can ,e done in all seriosness ot of the s+irital
%orld 'st ,e done + to a s+ecific +oint also in connection %ith the otreach %ork3 1ntil %e ha"e
arri"ed at this +oint %e ha"e no right to %ithdra% into orsel"es3
We ha"e eA+erienced terri,le ,lo%s %ith a n',er of +eo+le in or 'o"e'ent! as 0o kno%F I ha"e
had to +t + %ith a good deal of this kind of thing o"er the last fe% 0ears3 When the 'o"e'ent for
ni"ersit0 stdents %as esta,lished I said to the fonders %ho set it on its %a0D If 0o do sch a thing!
0o 'st kno% that one is onl0 +er'itted to do sch a thing if one has enogh strength to +erse"ere
regardless of %hether one is sccessfl or nsccessflF it is necessar0 to +erse"ere in treading the
straight +ath + to a s+ecific +oint3 Bt this did not ha++en3 Hence the serios set$,ack %e are
eA+eriencing +articlarl0 as a reslt of the 'o"e'ent for stdents! for fe% things ha"e cased s as
'ch da'age as that 'o"e'ent %hich has colla+sed in on itself! or rather on the sols of its 'e',ers3
It has +etered ot co'+letel03 Its +lace has ,een taken ,0 a kind of intros+ection of 0ong sols! and
this is the sitation no%3 The 'o"e'ent for stdents as sch has s+lit entirel03
Of corse this is not so'ething that ,ears co'+arison %ith 0or 'o"e'ent! ,t this one as+ect is
"alid here tooD If %e inagrate a 'o"e'ent that dra%s its original i'+lse directl0 fro' the s+irital
%orld! %e 'st totall0 disregard sccess or failre! %e 'st totall0 disregard %hat ,eco'es of or
efforts and not ot of orsel"es decide on a change of corse3
A good 'an0 things are still likel0 to ,eco'e "er0 difficlt3 Regarding the deterioration of +h0sical
health! this is of corse a 'atter of searching for %a0s and 'eans of hel+ing to re+lenish or +h0sical
Page 105
forces3 Those a'ongst 0o! ho%e"er! %ho s+eak of a deterioration in the health of 0or sol 'st first
ask 0orsel"es "er0 seriosl0D To %hat eAtent can that %hich flo%s fro' the li"ing sorce of this
religios 'o"e'ent filled %ith the 4hrist$I'+lse hel+ 'e! to %hat eAtent can this hel+ '0 sol forces
retain their strength at e"er0 'o'entP
&ear friends! oneKs sol forces 'st ,e 'aintained throgh %hat flo%s throgh the clts and the
teaching3 As far as oneKs +h0sical forces are concerned one 'st look for +h0sical %a0s of 'aintaining
the'3 Bt as to oneKs sol forcesGit has to ,e said that finding ot %hether one is ca+a,le of deri"ing
fro' this 'o"e'ent that %hich can 'aintain oneKs sol forces! ho%e"er 'ch oneKs +h0sical forces
ha"e deteriorated! is al'ost like a test %ith %hich this +riestl0 'o"e'ent is ,eing faced3 We 'st not
lose or corage! or inner intensit0 %ith regard to or concrete %ork! or clear +rsit of the +riestl0
ai's! and connected %ith this or fir' footing on di"ine and h'an grond that ,ears + the sol
fir'l0 in the ni"erse3 If %e did! this %old +ro"e that the +art of s %hich shold ,e the strongest is
not strong enogh3 In fact! to +t it like this is in itself incorrect! for itis strong enogh3 The
deterioration of sol forces is therefore so'ething that is connected to so'e kind of illsion! chiefl0
cases of de+ression co'ing fro' #ite other #arters that di' the ,right ra0s %hich e'anate fro' this
religios 'o"e'ent and %hich +re"ent an0 kind of deterioration of sol forces3 Look a,ot 0o and
0o %ill e"er0%here find these sol forces! e"en if 0o thoght that the0 had deteriorated3 The0
deteriorate ,ecase of so'e kind of inflence +la0ing in fro' otside! so'ething to %hich one accords
too 'ch credit %ith regard to these sol forces and against %hich one does not sfficientl0 call + the
s+rings of the s+irit in defence3 Bt this can change if one ,eco'es fll0 a%are of the loft0 'ission of
this +riestl0 +rofession3
In sa0ing this I also 'ean to sggest that it is a +rere#isite for ,eing a,le e"en to think a,ot doing
so'ething to restore the Bre"iar0! %hich is endangered! to its original effecti"eness3 These t%o things!
dear friends! 'st ,e seen together if! and this cold ha++en ,0 to'orro%! it trns ot that 0o can
achie"e clarit0 a,ot ho% to free the 'atter of the sol forces fro' all illsionGand I 'ean the sol
forces! for the +h0sical forces can ,e dealt %ith ,0 or clinical$thera+etical instittionsGso that the
'o"e'ent can retain the 'o'ent' it had fro' the ,eginning3 Once this is settled! e"en if it +ro"es
i'+ossi,le to retrie"e all the co+ies of the Bre"iar0! %e can then trn or attention to doing so'ething
to restore %hat is da'aged in it3 @ore a,ot this to'orro%3
&ornach! )> *e+te',er -.)/
Rdolf *teinerD Jo ha"e asked for so'ething to ,e discssed ,efore the lectre3
H2ohannes Werner Klein s+oke3I UNot recordedV
Rdolf *teinerD Well 0o see! I %anted to for'late '0 ans%er to 0or #estion to fit in %ith the %a0
the #estion %as asked! and there %as certainl0 an inti'ate connection %ith %hat 0o %rote a,ot the
deterioration of +h0sical and sol forces %hich 0o see'ed to ,e t0ing in %ith %hether 0o shold do
'ore on the otreach %ork or %ork 'ore eAtensi"el0 %ith the inner as+ect3 It %old ha"e ,een difficlt
for 'e to reach a conclsion other than that 0or a%areness of the deterioration of forces %as leadingG
in the %a0 0o +t the #estionGto the sggestion that 0o 'ight %ork less %ith otreach this %inter
and instead %ithdra% into 'ore in%ard %ork3 I had nderstood the #estion to ,e sggesting the choice
,et%een %hether the otreach %ork shold contine as inagrated or %hether! in consideration of the
+h0sical and sol forces! the %ork shold contine for a %hile a'ongst the +riests the'sel"es3 Perha+s
I 'isnderstood the #estionP
Page 106
H2ohannes Werner Klein s+oke a,ot this3I UNot recordedV
Rdolf *teinerD Well! 0o %ill ha"e gathered fro' '0 re+l0 that the otreach %ork is necessar0 for the
+resent3 Bt this does not 'ean that! if things are as 0o sa0! %e cannot also s+eak a,ot the
deterioration of sol forces3 The deterioration of +h0sical forces is a 'edical 'atter! ,t the
deterioration of sol forces is of corse so'ething that shold ,e discssed in the %a0 in %hich it is
nderstood3 Before %e contine! %old an0one else like to s+eak a,ot itP
HE'il Bock asked a,ot kar'ic connections3 Then Friedrich &oldinger s+oke3
I UNeither contri,tion
%as recordedV
Rdolf *teinerD The onl0 +ro,le' for 'e +ersonall0 is that 0o are s+eaking at all a,ot difficlties at
the sol le"el3 One does not s+eak a,ot difficlties at the sol le"el if one is con"inced that the0 do
not eAist3 There is one thing that %e 'st inclde in or considerations! and that is thisD The %a0 in
%hich the 'o"e'ent for religios rene%al has ,een de"elo+ing since the first Act of 4onsecration of
@an t%o 0ears ago shold srel0 fill e"er0one %ith satisfactionGtaking into accont all the factors that
ha"e a ,earing on this de"elo+'ent3 Natrall0 there are al%a0s failres or else inhi,itions co'ing fro'
otside! or +erha+s arising fro' the fact that not e"er0one is i''ediatel0 e#al to his task in an
a,soltel0 ideal %a03 Bt if %e lea"e these details ot of accontG'ost of %hich can an0%a0 ,e
o"erco'e if the de"elo+'ent of the %ork contines! and %hich the 'ain direction in the de"elo+'ent
of the 'o"e'ent for religios rene%al certainl0 +ro'ises %ill he o"erco'eGand consider the ,roader
+ictre! then %e ha"e to sa0D The inhi,itions at the sol le"el! if the0 are regarded as inhi,itions of the
'o"e'ent itself! are so'ething of an illsion! for %ithin the 'o"e'ent these inhi,itions do not
'anifest as sch3 The 'o"e'ent is de"elo+ing #ite %ell! to +t it +lainl03 *o the eAisting inhi,itions
are! in fact! 'ore or less the +ri"ate concern of indi"idals3 At least this is ho% the0 a++ear3 It is not as
thogh an0thing in the 'o"e'ent itself 'ight ,e inflenced ,0 the'3 Ho%e"er! there are so'e +oints
%ithin the 'o"e'ent itself %hich 'ight +erha+s still ,e regarded as inhi,iting factors! and these shold
+ro,a,l0 he discssed3 The #estion is ho% to sha+e this discssion3 Perha+s it %ill ,e +ossi,le for 'e
to s+eak a,ot so'e +oints! one in +articlar! %ith the Lenkers first ,efore e',arking on a general
discssion3 Or +erha+s it is not feasi,le to eAtend the discssion ,e0ond the LenkersK circleF in that case
it %old ,e + to the' 333 to decide ho% to share it %ith the circle of +riests3 These are #estions that
si'+l0 lie along the %a0 of de"elo+'ent3 Bt if there are +s0chological inhi,itions that are taken to ,e
inhi,itions of the 'o"e'ent itself! there is reall0 no need to regard the' as sch if 0o look at the
%hole %a0 in %hich The 4hristian 4o''nit0 has ,een de"elo+ing3 Or! +t differentl0! there is no
need to regard the' as a realit0! for a certain a'ont of illsion is +la0ing a +art in the 'atter3
I 'st sa0 that the +oint in 0or #estion a,ot %orking in%ardl0 or %ith otreach is not i'+ortant Ost
no%3 In 'an0 %a0s! %hat 0or #estion contains si'+l0 does not eAist! es+eciall0 if 0o look at the
facts! for %hat is essential for the 'o"e'ent is the intensit0 in its s,stance! indeed the "er0 fact that
the 'o"e'ent eAists3 I 'st sa0 that %ith regard to the intensit0 in its s,stance I consider the
'o"e'ent to ,e essentiall0 oriented in the right direction and I also think that at +resent it has the
characteristic of going %ith the s+irital3 I cold gi"e 0o "arios eAternal eAa'+les for this that I
fond %hen looking throgh the recent isse of 0or Oornal! %here 0o discssed certain +oints in the
Book of Re"elation sho%ing ho% it can ,e a++lied to toda03
It is not a 'atter of %hether this is correct
or not! ,t the "er0 fact that the #estion is ,roght + and dealt %ith in the %a0 it isG,asing %hat is
%ritten on s,stance that can ,e linked to the s+iritalGsho%s that the 'o"e'ent reall0 is 'o"ing in
the right direction3
There are 'an0 sccesses that cold ,e 'entioned! and I 'ean genine! intensel0 in%ard sccesses3
Page 107
Let 'e +t it like thisD *rel0 it can ,e conted as a sccess that 0o are indeed a,le to discss these
+ointsG%ith the seriosness that o,"iosl0 e'anates fro' this co''nit0Ges+eciall0 %hen 0o
kno% that 0or Oornal alread0 has a circlation of 6!>>>3 Jo 'st inclde +ositi"e things in 0or
reckoning! and srel0 this is a "er0 +ositi"e otco'e3 When I look at all the things that go in this
direction I cannot hel+ telling '0self ho% re'arka,le it is that so 'ch has ,eco'e +ossi,le in religion
in a %a0 that is so different fro' %hat %as there ,efore3 Where! ntil no%! has it ,een +ossi,le to s+eak
to 6!>>> +eo+le a,ot sch things throgh a OornalP And of corse there are 'ore readers than that3 It
%as +ossi,le in sects! large or s'all ones! %hich no one actall0 takes seriosl0F and if the 'ost
'odern theolog0 did so! the s,Oect %as treated in a "er0 n,elie"ing! rationali<ing sense3 The "er0
tone in %hich the Book of Re"elation is discssed in 0or Oornal is an achie"e'ent %hen 0o consider
that it has a circlation of 6!>>>3 These are things that 'st ,e inclded on the +ositi"e side of 0or
reckoning3 The "ale I accord the' is entirel0 o,Oecti"e3 In the light of these things 0o cannot talk of
the 'o"e'ent ha"ing an0 inhi,itions %orth0 of that na'e3 Jo 'st also consider ho% i''ensel0
+o%erfll0 the clts %orks %hene"er it takes +lace3 If +rogress contines as hitherto! then in ten 0earsK
ti'e the 'o"e'ent %ill trl0 ,e %hat it is intended to ,e for h'anit03 *o if 0o are asking %hether the
direction 0o ha"e follo%ed hitherto shold ,e 'aintainedGand I cannot inter+ret 0or #estion to
'ean an0thing elseGthen all I can sa0 isD There is not the slightest reason to consider doing things in a
different %a03 This is %hat I think as regards the 'o"e'ent for religios rene%al3
It is tre! thogh! that in so'e res+ects so'e indi"idals ha"e not ,een fnctioning at the le"el of the
'o"e'ent as a %hole3 Please forgi"e 'e for +tting this so ,lntl03 Bt this shold ,e a reason for
considera,le satisfaction! not dissatisfaction! since it offers the garantee that indi"idals %ill
increasingl0 gro% into the 'o"e'ent that is so filled %ith s+irital s,stance3 These are things that
strengthen sols3 And there is another +ositi"e thing %orth 'entioning! %hich is the %a0 "arios
as+ects of the Book of Re"elation are no% ,eing n"eiled together %ith 0o here3 I a' afraid there is a
good deal of illsion in"ol"ed in the %a0 +ri"ate inhi,itions that eAist are ,eing transferred on to the
'o"e'ent3 These things that are ,eing transferred on to the 'o"e'ent are +ersonal! and the0 %ill #ite
definitel0 ,e re'o"ed again ,0 and ,03 This is ho% I see it! ,t I a' not sre %hether it fits the
direction of 0or #estion3
Jo 'st also not recoil fro' asking 0orsel"es ho% 0o can re'o"e fro' 0or sol an0 re'nants of
Protestant theolog0 that 'a0 still ,e lrking there3 This 'st ,e rooted ot! for it re+resents one
eAtre'e! Ost as 4atholic +ractice is another eAtre'e in the o++osite direction3 The 4atholic chrch
sa0sD We need not concern orsel"es %ith the indi"idal +riestF the indi"idal +riest is entirel0
insignificant! for %hat 'atters is the s,stance re+resented ,0 the chrch3 As soon as he %ears the stole
the indi"idal +riest is regarded as a re+resentati"e of the chrch! and I ha"e ne"er kno%n an0one in
athorit0 to ,e +set ,0 de+ressions assailing indi"idal +riests! let alone ,0 #ite other things than
de+ressions3 The0 ne"er 'ind these things ,ecase the0 cont on the s+irital leadershi+ %hichG
althogh it is rather #estiona,le these da0sGdoes after all +oint to%ards the s+irit3 Protestantis'! on
the other hand! ha"ing +t the %hole e'+hasis on the +ersonalit0! has se+arated itself off fro' the s+irit
al'ost entirel03 That %as the o++osite eAtre'e! and this is %hat 'st ,e re'o"ed fro' 0or hearts and
sols3 Jo reall0 'st look to%ards the realit0 of s+irital life! for this realit0 eAists3 Whate"er 'ight
,e the 'atter %ith the indi"idal! %hate"er 'ight ,e chrning a,ot in his o%n sol! he 'st reali<e
that s+irital life +roceeds in o,Oecti"e realit03 If 0o take into accont that certain Protestant attitdes
'ight %ell still re'ain in so'e sols in conse#ence of their ni"ersit0 stdies or their edcation and
so on! then 0o %ill ,e a,le to heal 0orsel"es of difficlties 0o 'a0 ,e ha"ing in connection %ith the
'o"e'ent3 I a' not referring to indi"idal sols %ith their o%n +ri"ate feelings! for this ,elongs
else%here3 This is the sa'e in the 4atholic chrch! for of corse so'eone in tro,le can al%a0s go to a
Page 108
colleage for ad"ice and so on3 Bt to%ards the la0 congregation and ,elie"ers the chrch +resents a
nited front3 The added factor %ith the 4atholic chrch is that it has gradall0 scc',ed to a s+irital
leadershi+ that is ahri'anic3 It can ,e +ro"ed that this is so3
At the ,eginning of this centr0 the Po+e at the ti'e +,lished an Enc0clical against 'odernis'3
kno% that these things are al%a0s coched in +hrases sch asD We +rohi,it! or %e for,id sch and sch3
And then the +ositi"e assertions are 'ade3 This is the %a0 the *0lla,s of the -76>s is %ritten! and so
is the Bll on 'odernis'3
I ha"e 'ade so'e in"estigations a,ot this and disco"ered that the +a+al
Enc0clical %as in fact a s+irital re"elation! onl0 %hen the re"elation %as +t into %riting e"er0
+ositi"e assertion in the s+irital original %as trned into a negati"e assertion! so that the Bll said the
eAact o++osite of %hat had ,een s+iritall0 re"ealed3 This sho%s that the 4atholic chrch recei"es its
s+irital re"elations falsified ,0 Ahri'an3 Ne"ertheless! this does not 'ean that there is nothing
s+irital a,ot it3 This s+irital ele'ent is +resent in The 4hristian 4o''nit0 in the 'ost a++ro+riate
%a0 for the stage of e"oltion h'anit0 has reached toda03 The 4hristian 4o''nit0 is esta,lished on
s+irital soil ,0 s+irital ,eings in realit03 When this is acce+ted in fll seriosness it %ill heal e"er0
faintness of sol3 We no% ha"e se"eral other things to s+eak a,ot3
&ornach! )> *e+te',er -.)/
I shall ,egin ,0 retrning to so'ething 'entioned earlier! %hich %e shall then se as or +oint of
de+artre3 I dre% 0or attention to the nota,le fact that in +eo+leKs s,conscios longings there is a
strong need for s+iritalit0 and also that %hat ha++ens s+erficiall0 in eA+eriences of the +h0sical +lane
is so'ething fnda'entall0 different fro' %hat is actall0 going on in h'an sols toda03 There is an
astonishing fact that goes to +ro"e this3 A fe% da0s ago I 'entioned the re'arka,le %a0 in %hich the
content of '0 lectres to the 8oethean' %ork'en takes sha+e throgh the #estions asked ,0 the
%orkers the'sel"es3
This re"eals so'ething of the longings that are de"elo+ing3 I also +ointed ot
ho% one can s+eak to +eo+le ot of the s+irit of the Book of Re"elation if onl0 one finds the right tone3
Withot 'entioning the Book of Re"elation as sch one can s+eak in the s+irit of this Book +recisel0
as %e are doing a'ongst orsel"es no%3
I had decided on the s,Oect of toda0Ks talk to 0o ot of the %hole conteAt %e ha"e ,een discssing3
Then! astonishingl0! this 'orning in '0 lectre to the %ork'en a #estion %as asked that 'ade it
necessar0 for 'e to eA+lain the "er0 sa'e scientific 'atters to the' that I %as intending to talk to 0o
a,ot3 Jo see %hat effects are going on ,eneath the srfaceF so'ething trl0 s+irital is going on in
that the lectres I a' gi"ing here call forth longings in that other gro+ of +eo+le! longings %hich
other%ise the0 %old not ha"e3 I %old ne"er ha"e ,een called on to gi"e that lectre there if I %ere
not s+eaking here a,ot the Book of Re"elation3 Jet I ga"e that lectre in ans%er to a #estion that %as
asked ,t %hich I did not kno% a,ot ot%ardl03 *ch a thing sho%s ho% or ti'e is ,eing toched ,0
a s+irital life that is chiefl0 going on ,elo% the srface of consciosness! a s+irital life that is 'ost
strongl0 the concern of the +riest %ho has to tr0 and find ot the degree to %hich sols are inclined to
enter into s+irital 'atters3
Or considerations here %ill ,e carried ot in a %a0 that allo%s the' to ,e gided ,0 the s+irit of
the Book of Re"elation3 This is the gi"en sitation here! ,t this 'orning I had to toch on the sa'e
'atter fro' #ite another angle in ans%er to a #estion3 *ch things 'st ,e taken "er0 seriosl0! for
the0 are significant3 We 'st no% ask orsel"es! dear friends! in %hich %a0 the ter'inolog0 of the
Page 109
a+ocal0+tist is e"en 'ore inti'ate3 If 0o look at e"er0thing I ha"e said! 0o %ill nderstand that %hen
the a+ocal0+tist is s+eaking a,ot ho% the h'an ,eing stands in the 'idst of the %hole ni"erse he
has ,efore hi' a oneness of the stellar %orld and the earthl0 %orld! so that he links the essence of the
h'an ,eing as 'ch %ith the stellar %orld as %ith the earthl0 %orld3 We 'st also +oint realisticall0
to %hat he 'eans %hen he s+eaks of ,easts! of the se"en$headed and the t%o$horned ,east3 HRe"3 -;I
*o far %e ha"e onl0 ,een s+eaking a,ot %hat the h'an ,eing can eA+erience in%ardl03 Jo %ill find!
ho%e"er! that %here"er the a+ocal0+tist s+eaks of fiAed stars he is s+eaking of the di"ine s+irit in the
%a0 this %as still s+oken of throghot the @iddle Ages3 When he s+eaks of +lanets he is s+eaking of
angelic Intelligences! of Intelligences that are angelic or hierarchical in character3 And %hen he s+eaks
of ,easts he 'eans so'ething e#all0 s+ecific3 In or in'ost ,eing he lets s +artici+ate ,oth in the
cr0stal hea"ens and in the hea"ens of the fiAed stars and +lanets! ,t also in %hat is fonded on the
ani'al character in the %hole %a0 it has e"ol"ed! on these ,easts that kee+ +la0ing a +art in the Book
of Re"elation3 What are these %hen it co'es to the eAternal! +h0sical realit0 of the %orldP
Where"er the a+ocal0+tist is s+eaking of the ,east he is actall0 referring to the +o%ers and effects
of co'ets3 Onl0 %hen 0o are fa'iliar %ith this ter'inolog0 %ill 0o also nderstand %hat the
a+ocal0+tist kne% a,ot the natre of co'ets! kno%ledge %hich s,se#entl0 ,eca'e co'+letel0
,ried3 *o let s no% look at the natre of co'ets in the light of %hat the Book of Re"elation tells s3
Take the 4o+ernican s0ste' as it is taght in schools no%ada0sD *n! @ercr0! Vens! Earth! @ars!
then 2+iter and *atrn! and 0o 'ight as %ell add 1rans and Ne+tne3 HPlate 6I The 'o"e'ents of
all these are calcla,le so long as 0o a"oid 'aking ,ig 'istakes and if 0o take into accont the
adOst'ents that ha"e al%a0s ,een necessar03 Jo onl0 ha"e to +oint 0or telesco+e at the s+ot 0o
ha"e calclated and there 0o %ill find the +lanet3 These are the calcla,le things3 Bt %ithin this
+lanetar0 s0ste' %e also ha"e the +aths of the co'ets3 @an0 co'etar0 +aths are also calcla,le! and
these calclations lead to #ite re'arka,le reslts! %hich can gi"e rise to a lot of eAcite'ent if the0 are
si'+l0 taken in the %a0 the0 a++ear according to toda0Ks astrono'ical calclations3 I %ill se Ost one
of these as '0 starting +oint3
In Paris in -BB; it %as annonced that Lalande! the fa'os astrono'er! %as to lectre on co'ets at
the Acade'03
R'or had it that he %as going to +ro"e the i''inence of a collision ,et%een a co'et
and the earth in that "er0 0ear! for calclations of the co'etKs +ath %ere said to sho% that it %old cross
the earthKs or,it and so case the collision3
I'agine the 'ood in the +o+lation at that ti'e3 The
r'or cased the %hole of Paris to +anic! es+eciall0 %hen it %as annonced that the +olice! %ho
al%a0s act correctl0! had had nothing ,etter to do than for,id the lectre on accont of it ,eing
dangeros3 There %ere large n',ers of 'iscarriages and +re'atre ,irths! seriosl0 ill +eo+le died!
and 4atholic +riests did a roaring trade selling a,soltions ,ecase e"er0one rshed to confession and
%anted to recei"e the sacra'ents ,efore the end of the %orldR *ince the lectre did not take +lace! #ite
a %hile +assed ,efore +eo+le fond ot %hat Lalande had actall0 intended to sa03 LalandeKs
calclations %ere #ite correct and did indeed sho% that a certain co'et %old cross the earthKs or,it!
and if it %ere to collide %ith the earth this %old 'ost certainl0 case great 'asses of ocean %ater
fro' the e#ator to flood the land 'asses that lie ,et%een the North and the *oth Pole3 This terri,le
thing did not ha++en! 0et the calclation %as correct3
We can find ot %hat %as at the root of all this! dear friends! ,0 looking at the sitation %ith another
co'et! the fa'os BielaKs co'et3 In -7;) +eo+le #ite rightl0 +aid close attention to the +ath of BielaKs
co'et and e"er0thing that cold ,e 'athe'aticall0 foreseen as reslting fro' that +ath3 When the
co'et a++eared it ,eha"ed eAactl0 as the calclations had foretold3 It ca'e so close to the earth that
+eo+le saidD It is getting closer to the earth e"er0 ti'e it a++ears! so a ti'e %ill co'e %hen this %ill ,e
Page 110
dangeros3 *ince BielaKs co'et a++roaches the earthKs or,it e"er0 siA to se"en 0ears! a hge a'ont of
attention %as focssed on it in the -7/>s %hen calclations sho%ed that it %old co'e so close to the
earthKs or,it as to ,e thirteen ti'es closer to it than the 'oon3 Things %ere looking gri' indeedR As the
co'et contined to co'e closer and closer to the earthKs or,it! astrono'ers noticed that it %as gro%ing
di''er the closer it ca'e3 When it ca'e dangerosl0 close to the earth again in -7/6 the0 o,ser"ed
that it %as not onl0 di''er ,t had s+lit into t%o3 In the -76>s conditions %ere nfa"ora,le for
o,ser"ation! so +eo+le ,eca'e "er0 crios indeed a,ot its neAt a++earance de in -7B)3 If the
calclations %ere as correct as LalandeKs had ,een for the co'et in -BB;! it %as thoght that disaster
%old ,e likel03 I %as onl0 a s'all ,o0 in -7B)! ,t I clearl0 re'e',er leaflets ,eing distri,ted %here
I li"ed! and of corse the0 %ere distri,ted else%here as %ell! statingD The %orld is going to end3
E"er0one %as talking and %riting a,ot it3 There %as a lot of anAiet0! althogh in this instance I cannot
gi"e 0o an0 statistics a,ot 'iscarriages! deaths or a,soltionsR I %ell re'e',er the eAcited
antici+ation as the da0 a++roachedF ,t %hat ha++enedP The co'et failed to a++ear3 Instead there %as
the 'ost %onderfl! ,eatifl 'eteor sho%er! as thogh a fire %ere falling to the earth fro' the night
sk0 in '0riads of tin0 fading s+arks3 Ha"ing s+lit into t%o! the co'et then +roceeded to disintegrate
into nothing ,t tin0 s+linters that the earthKs at'os+here %as a,le to a,sor, and %hich ,eca'e nited
%ith the ,eing of the earth3 It chose the +ath of ,eco'ing a,sor,ed ,0 the earth3
In -7;) a %ell$kno%n astrono'er! Littro%! +,lished a treatise that %as "er0 interesting3
I can still
reco''end std0ing it! e"en toda0F it is 'ost interesting and its co'+licated calclations are entirel0
correct3 Here %as so'eone %ho kne% %hat he %as talking a,ot3 He 'ade a calclation that took
e"er0 +ossi,ilit0 into accont3 He %orked ot that in -7;) there cold not 0et ha"e ,een a cala'it0
cased ,0 a collision! ,t he said that if e"er0thing re'ained as it had ,een %hen the co'etKs corse
%as +lotted %hen it %as still a single ,od0 and not 0et s+lit! then a cala'it0 %old definitel0 occr in
-.;;F -.;; is %hat he said3 *o if the co'et had re'ained as it %as! then there %old definitel0 ,e a
catastro+he in -.;; in %hich all the oceans %old s+read o"er the earth in hge floods! 'aking life on
earth die ot3 Instead! the co'et has disintegratedF in tin0 +articles it has ,een a,sor,ed ,0 the earth!
the earth has norished itself on this cos'ic s,stance3 *o instead of a collision in -.;;Gthat 0ear is
not far off no%G%hat the earth has a,sor,ed is s+iritali<ed ,0 other s,stances! and the s+irital rises
+3 The earth digests the co'et and so'ething s+irital rises +3 &ear friends! s+iritali<ed co'etar0
s,stance does indeed rise + in the earth in this %a0 fro' ti'e to ti'e3
Let 'e tell 0o the +r+ose of this! for there is a +rofond cos'ic +r+ose3 I ha"e often 'entioned
so'e rather grotes#e things that ha++ened %hen rail%a0s %ere first ,ilt3 One of these %as that %hen
the ,ilding of a rail%a0 %as 'ooted! the 'inister for +ost in Berlin
retorted that he sent off t%o 'ail
coaches each %eek and there %ere no +assengers in the'! so %hat %old ,e the +oint in ,ilding a
rail%a03 Another thing that ha++ened %as that %hen asked for an eA+ert o+inion a,ot the ,ilding of a
rail%a0 fro' Nre',erg to F9rth! a +anel of +h0sicians at Nre',erg reco''ended desisting fro'
doing sch a thing since +eo+leKs ner"es %old sffer dreadfll0 in conse#enceF the0 oght not to ,e
eA+osed to it for the0 %old ,e da'aged in ,od0 and solF ,t if it %as felt necessar0 to gi"e in to this
foolish rge! then it %old ,e ad"isa,le at least to ,ild high +lank %alls on either side of the rail%a0 to
+re"ent the far'ers fro' getting concssion3
This %as the scientific o+inion gi"en ,0 the +anel of
+h0sicians in Nre',erg3 Toda0 %e deride the s'all$'indedness of sch +eo+le3 Bt as I ha"e often
said! I cannot #ite lagh in the sa'e %a0 ,ecase the0 %ere right according to the scientific
kno%ledge of their da03 According to %hat %as kno%n at that ti'e 0o had to sa0 that +eo+le %old
rin their ner"es if the0 tra"elled ,0 train! and to a certain degree this is indeed the case3 If 0o
co'+are +eo+leKs ner"es toda0 %ith the ner"es of those li"ing so'e ti'e ago 0o %ill disco"er a s'all
Page 111
cle that eAonerates the +h0sicians of Nre',erg to so'e eAtent3 What science %as sa0ing %as! in
effect! that h'an ,eings %old not ,e a,le to tolerate the de'ands 'ade on their +h0sical ,od0 "ia
the astral ,od0 if the astral ,od0! the ani'al +art of the h'an ,eing! did not constantl0 recei"e a
correction! a thera+0! throgh that %hich ra0s ,ack + to the srface of the earth fro' the a,sor,ed
co'etar0 s,stances! eAercising a ,alancing effect on h'an ca+acities3
*o here %e ha"e the h'an ,eing +laced into the ni"erse in a re'arka,le %a03 Here is BielaKs
co'et in -7B)3 Fire falls fro' the sk0F the earth a,sor,s it in sch a %a0 that so'eone %ith s+irital
"ision can see ho% it retrns and inflences the h'an astral ,od0 either fa"ora,l0 or nfa"ora,l03
There are co'ets that inflence h'an ,eings in the %a0 I ha"e descri,ed ,0 thera+eticall0 ,alancing
their ner"osness! and there are others that let loose %ild astral forces %hen the0 'ake their %a0 + to
the earthKs srface again after ha"ing ,een a,sor,ed3 This is ho% the a+ocal0+tist regards the co'etar0
a++earances3 When he descri,es the ,easts he also descri,es the co'etar0 a++earances! he +laces the'
side ,0 side ,ecase the0 can ,e seen as +arallel +heno'enaF he dra%s a +arallel %ith the se"en$headed
,east ,ecase at that ti'e sch things %ere 'ch 'ore closel0 linked %ith the %hole +h0sical %orld
and ,ecase there %as a co'et then that had s+lit into se"en +ieces! ths eA+ressing in a hea"enl0 %a0
so'ething that %as ha++ening on the earth3 *i'ilarl0 the t%o$horned ,east I 'entioned is linked %ith a
co'et! a co'et %ith t%o tails3
&ear friends! %ild s+erstitions ha"e ,eco'e attached to co'ets and these ha"e +re"ented their
significance fro' ,eing considered in the right lightF their +aths ha"e 'erel0 ,een +lotted and +eo+le
ha"e ,een irritated ,0 their %hi'sical ,eha"ior3 At least once in a %hile so'e intelligent thinker sch
as Hegel has condescended to dra% attention to different t0+es of link ,et%een the natre of co'ets and
the natre of the earth3
Hegel! %ho %as not a"erse to the occasional glass of s+arkling %ine! 'ade the
entirel0 correct o,ser"ation that good and ,ad 0ears for %ine are connected %ith co'ets3
Let s no% look at this %hole 'atter on a cos'ic scale! dear friends3 The earth i',i,es co'etar0
s,stance and s,se#entl0 gi"es it off again in a s+iritali<ed for'F this then nites %ith the astral
,odies of h'an ,eings either in a good or in a ,ad %a03 When %e see a co'et in the sk0 at a certain
ti'e! %here is it after that ti'eP In a lectre I ga"e in Paris in -.>6 I dre% attention to the fact that
co'etar0 s,stance contains c0anide! co'+onds of car,on and nitrogen3
It %as a good %hile ,efore
eAternal science ,egan to 'ention this! ,t later it %as +ro"ed ,0 s+ectral anal0sis3 The fact that there is
c0anide in co'ets is 'ost i'+ortant! for distri,ted o"er the earth in tin0 a'onts this s,stance is
needed for the +rification of astral ,odies3 There is an i''ensel0 great cos'ic +h0sician at %ork in
the cos'os %ho is 'ore or less constantl0 ,s0 ad'inistering thera+ies like this3 2st thinkD What %e
see a,o"e s as a co'et in the sk0 in one +eriod then ,eco'es ato'i<ed as I ha"e descri,edF it co'es
do%n fro' the sk0 in sho%ers of fireF later it is in the soil and still later it 'o"es fro' the soil into the
+lants! into their roots! ste's! lea"es and flo%ers3 We eat the co'etar0 de+osit! the co'etar0 lea"en
that is gi"en to the earth ,0 the cos'os! %e eat it %ith or "er0 ,read3 When the a+ocal0+tist
conte'+lates this +heno'enon he sees fa"ora,le effects fro' one co'et and nfa"ora,le effects
fro' another rising + ,efore his s+irital "ision3 The Beast %ill ,e let loose fro' its i'+rison'ent in
the earthF that is %hat the co'et is in the cos'ic sense3 That the Beast %ill ,e let loose is significant for
the de"elo+'ent of h'an ,eings3 *ch things are eAceedingl0 +o%erfl realities! great and significant
+oints in the e"oltion of h'anit0 and of the earth3
In -.;;! dear friends! there %old ,e a +ossi,ilit0 for the earth and e"er0thing li"ing on it to +erish
if there did not eAist also that other %ise arrange'ent that cannot ,e calclated3 Once co'ets ha"e
taken on other for's calclations can no longer ,e accrate3 What needs to ,e said in the sense 'eant
,0 the a+ocal0+tist isD Before the Etheric 4hrist can ,e co'+rehended ,0 h'an ,eings in the right
Page 112
%a0! h'anit0 'st first co+e %ith encontering the Beast %ho %ill rise + in -.;;3 This is %hat the
a+ocal0+tic langage tells s3 Here a "ie% of the s+irit nites %ith a "ie% of natre3 What is there in the
cos'os ,eco'es clear to s in its fnda'ental s+irital character3 Take the %a0 the +easants descri,ed
%hat the0 sa% in -7B) as the0 stood and %atched the sho%er of light! and add to it %hat the s+irit tells
s as I ha"e descri,ed it! and co'+are this %ith 'an0 of the descri+tions in the Book of Re"elation!
and 0o %ill see that e"en the "er0 %ords sed 'atch one another3 Jo %ill see that the Book of
Re"elation is s+eaking of actal natral e"ents3
These are things that Ostif0 calling the Book of Re"elation a ,ook %ith se"en seals3 The0 ha"e to ,e
nsealed in this %a0 in order to disco"er %hat is actall0 'eant3 When +eo+le ask %h0 the a+ocal0+tist
gi"es s a ,ook that is sealed I do not find this #estion an0 'ore intelligent than %hen so'eone asks
%h0 %e seal or letters %hen %e send the' off in closed en"elo+es3 We seal the' so that the0 %ill not
,e read ,0 those for %ho' the0 are not intended3 The sa'e goes for the a+ocal0+tist3 He %anted the
Book of Re"elation to ,e read onl0 ,0 those called +on to do so3 No one %ill kno% ho% to o+en the
seal %ho has not first! 0o 'ight sa0! recei"ed the a++ro+riate +a+erknife fro' the s+irital +o%ers3
&ear friends! in -7B)! %hen that co'et %as s++osed to ,e retrning! there %as a sho%er of light
instead3 This 'eans that e"er0thing %as alread0 'ch 'ore s+irital than %hen this co'et 'ade its
earlier a++earances3 This co'et %ill no% onl0 a++ear in the for' of a sho%er of ra0s of light falling to
earth3 What ha++ened at the end of the -7B>s %as that the regenc0 of @ichael ca'e do%n to the earth
in that sho%er of golden light3
Ths %e ha"e natral e"ents that are actal s+irital e"ents! and s+irital e"ents that ha"e the +o%er
to ,e natral e"ents3 Onl0 %hen 0o can +enetrate into the %orld %ith an intensit0 that 'akes all
natral e"ents into s+irital e"ents and that gi"es all s+irital e"ents the intensit0 of natral e"ents %ill
0o trl0 gain insight into the for'ation of the %orld3 Then the 'oral and the natral %ill Ooin in a
single e"oltion! and the inclination %ill arise to take kno%ledge as the content of religios life3 Then
there %ill no longer ,e an0 need to fall ,ack on the eAcse that onl0 faith! ,t not kno%ledge! shold
+ro"ide the content of religios life3
This is %hat 0o can gain throgh a dee+er a++roach to the Book of Re"elation3 I ho+e %e shall ,e a,le
to finish these considerations to'orro% or the da0 after3
&ornach! )- *e+te',er -.)/
In addition to the content a,ot %hich %e ha"e ,een s+eaking! the Book of Re"elation also has an
as+ect that 'akes it a ,ook of initiation3 This is the %a0 in %hich it descri,es e"oltion in ti'e! the
se#ence of stages that it %ill ,eco'e +ossi,le for those to eA+erience %ho ha"e ears to hear and e0es
to see! %hereas it %ill of corse +ass ,0 those %ho are earless and e0eless3 These "arios stages are
introdced to s throgh the inner natre of the content %hich sho%s s that the Book of Re"elation is
indeed a ,ook of initiation3
We 'st reali<e that as %e enter consciosl0 into the %orldGas or "ision eA+ands 'ore and 'ore
Gthose things %ill disa++ear %hich are at +resent the content of or sol life and %hich are actall0 a
kind of 'irror i'age of eAternal natre3 The +h0sical! sense$+erce+ti,le %orld disa++ears as %e 'o"e
for%ard %ith inner "ision! and then gradall0! as thogh e'erging ot of the ,ackgrond! the s+irital
%orld co'es into "ie% fro' the other side3 The a+ocal0+tist sho%s #ite clearl0 that he has a "er0
intense! correct nderstanding of ho% to enter into a relationshi+ %ith the s+irital %orld! and this is
%hat has ena,led hi' to disco"er so a++ro+riatel0 %hat he has ,een a,le to disco"er in his i'aginati"e
Page 113
"isions3 There are! dear friends! t%o %a0s of seeing the s+irital as+ect of the %orld3 The one is si'+l0
to d%ell +on the +h0sical! sense$+erce+ti,le as+ects! getting to kno% the' fro' all angles %ith a kind
of lo"ing de"otion3 Throgh this 0o learn to recogni<e it as the %ork of the gods3 Jo ha"e ,efore 0o
%hat %e 'ean ,0 LnatreK in the %idest sense %hen 0o look at the +h0sical %orld not onl0 eAternall0
and 'echanicall0 ,t also in%ardl0 and s+iritall03 We can also i'agine! ho%e"erGand %e %old ,e
right to do soGthat it %old ,e +ossi,le to arri"e at the sa'e %orld content in a +rel0 s+irital %a0!
fro' the inside throgh oneKs o%n sol3 Jo can then go so far as to sa0 that so'eone %ith sfficient
inner strength 'ightGe"en if he had nothing historical to go onGsee so'ething at a s+ecific +oint in
%orld e"ents! so'ething that 'anifested as a natral +heno'enon3 It is +erfectl0 +ossi,le to ,egin %ith
an inside "ie% and arri"e at the ot%ard conclsionD In sch and sch a 0ear! %hen a certain e"ent
occrred for h'anit0! there %ere earth#akes and so on3 @an0 +eo+le ha"e the feelingG%hether the0
are a%are of it or notGthat it is +ossi,le for the h'an ,eing to get to kno% the concrete details of the
%orld ,0 ,eginning fro' %ithin! and this feeling is +erfectl0 correct3 Bt %hat is actall0 ha++ening
%hen a h'an ,eing enters the s+irital %orld on the +ath of I'aginationP
We can discss this in connection %ith the Book of Re"elation! for in this Book %e find descri,ed
the se#ence of different stages in %hich the a+ocal0+tist sees things! and these lead frther and frther
into the s+irital %orld3 First he introdces s to letters! then to sealsF then he 'o"es on to so'ething
that in h'an langage can onl0 he eA+ressed ,0 so'ething adi,le! na'el0 the tr'+etsF and fro'
there he reaches %hat I descri,ed the da0 ,efore 0esterda0 as the di"ine lo"e %ith its conter+art! the
di"ine %rath3 When %e nderstand hi' rightl0! %e kno% he is telling s that %hat he gi"es s throgh
the content of the Book of Re"elation ,0 'eans of the letters he has recei"ed throgh Ins+iration
relates to the +h0sical %orld3 When he 'o"es on to the seals and o+ens the'! this relates to the astral
%orld! the %orld of I'agination! %hat can ,e called the sol %orld3 With the sonding tr'+ets %e
enter s+iritland3 And %hen %e eA+erience the di"ine lo"e and the di"ine %rath in accordance %ith the
content of the Book of Re"elation! %e are entering the inner real' of s+iritland3 We 'st reali<e that
%hile he is treading this +ath of I'agination the h'an ,eing is in the %orld %ith his eA+erience! so
that his eA+erience is %orld eA+erience3 Bt he does not notice this in the initial stages3 The 'ore his
initiation +rogresses! the 'ore he eA+eriences ho% %hate"er takes +lace %ith hi'! throgh hi'! in hi'!
is also taking +lace cos'icall03 He feels hi'self 'ore and 'ore to ,e +ored ot into the o,Oecti"e
content of the cos'os3 The a+ocal0+tist hints at this "er0 clearl03 We can sa0! then! that the content of
the letters refers to the +h0sical %orld3
Let s look at the +h0sical %orld as it a++ears ,efore s3 This +h0sical %orld onl0 see's to ,e %hat
%e see ,efore s3 This +h0sical %orld %old not +resent all those '0riad nances of color! nances of
heat and cold! and all the other nances that flo% to%ards the h'an ,eing fro' all directions! if %e
%ere to think in all that a++ears to s in the +resent age onl0 of its +h0sical content and fail to notice
that %hat a++ears to ,e +h0sical is actall0 s+irital3 Looking into the sol of a h'an ,eing sch as
the a+ocal0+tist! %e 'st learn his sol langage! and this sol langage 'st gro% so fa'iliar for or
o%n +ersonal s+irital se that %e can feel it in or ,ones! to se an e"er0da0 eA+ression3
I shold therefore like to introdce 0o to those +arts of the inner sol langage of the initiate %hich
he does not al%a0s se eAternall0! ,t %hich +ro"ide the 'eans ,0 %hich he can in%ardl0 for' his
inner +ictres! his o%n +ersonal sharing in the s+irital %orld3 Here is an eAa'+leD *,de the
lightnings and 0o %ill gras+ color3 That is the langage of initiates3 What does it 'eanP The initiate
sees ho% the lightning a++ears! he sees it flaring + ot of the cos'os! he regards it as the s+irit
gli''ering in the ni"erse! and he i'agines this lightning ,eco'ing 'ore and 'ore s++ressed and
s,ded! 'ilder and 'ilder! so that %hat he then has is the da'+ing do%n! the gentle sha+ing of color3
The lightning s+reads ot! in a %a0! and ,eco'es a colored srface3 This is %hat an initiate has as an
Page 114
inner +ictre3 Or +erha+s he sa0sD 5ieten the thnder! let the thnder gro% e"er #ieter and listen to it
'odlating! and 'sic %ill arise3 This is ho% the initiate sees the s+reading ta+estr0 of the sense$
+erce+ti,le as a re"elation in one direction! and for hi' it is entirel0 realistic to thinkD Here is the
content of the ni"erse in all its colored 'anifoldness3 What I a' dra%ing here in color 'ight Ost as
%ell ,e 'sical sond3 HPlate B! leftI The %a0 in %hich the content of the ni"erse a++roaches or
senses is like a sense$+erce+ti,le! +h0sical "eil s+read ot in the for' of or sense$+erce+ti,le %orld
into %hich %e first of all %ea"e or a,stract! a++arent thoghts3 If 0o i'agine the ,lack,oard HPlate B!
far leftI to ,e a ta+estr0 s+read ot in e"er0 direction re+resenting the %orld of sond! the %orld of
color! the %orld of heat and cold! then it is ,ehind this ta+estr0 that the initiate sees the lightnings
striking3 The0 are ,ehind! and %hat 0o occasionall0 see as actal lightning is ,reaking throgh this
ta+estr0 of the senses fro' ,ehind! ot of the s+irital %orld3 The s+irital %orld is shining in to%ards
s in e"er0 'anifestation of lightning3 And if %e look at this lightning 'ade 'ild and s++ressed ntil
it ,eco'es the e"en s+read of color o"er the earth! then %e ha"e ,efore s the earth in its
'anifestation of color3
Looking + to the sk0 and the stars! %hat %e see as the starr0 +ointsG%hich like%ise a++ear to ,e
e'erging ot of the s+irital %orldGis another 'anifestation of lightning! onl0 here it li"es as a
+er'anent +heno'enon3 The initiate sees all this as an eAternal re"elation of %hat is ,ehind it! so he
sa0sD What I shold ,e seeingGand he does see it! %hen his sol ,eco'es e"er 'ore acti"eGis the red
rose3 It ,egins to s+lash its redness +%ards and do%n%ards like gentle lightnings! and as the
foregrond gro%s di'! the red reaches ,ack%ards into the s+here of the *era+hi'! Ost as all
'sical sond reaches into the s+here of the 4her,i'! and e"er0thing %e toch into the s+here of the
Thrones3 When %e see natre all arond s! %hat %e are actall0 seeing is e"er0thing in the +h0sical
%orld as an illsion! for all of it is! in trth! the %orks of *era+hi'! 4her,i' and Thrones s,ded
and hshed3 Look! dear friends! at ho% the %orld of colors a++ears to sF it is 'erel0 the lightning
%ork of the *era+hi' e"enl0 s,ded3 This is %hat in ancient ti'es %as called the'a0a character of
the sense$+erce+ti,le! +h0sical %orldF it %as this not$kno%ing that in realit0 *era+hi'! 4her,i' and
Thrones are e"er0%here3
Let s no% take another ste+ in initiation3 Let s 'o"e on to the +assage %here the a+ocal0+tist
+laces the 'ain e'+hasis on the o+ening of the seals3 What is ha++ening hereP It is that the colors in
the %orld are ,eing +eeled a%a0! the heat and cold are ,eing +eeled a%a0! so that 'ore and 'ore
effects arise that are s+irital and that are ,eginning to rese',le the tre for's of lightning taking
sha+e3 In +lace of the <ig$<ag irr+tion of the lightnings! %e no% see! as %e +enetrate throgh the
sensor0 ta+estr0! the s+irital %orld ,ehind itF %e see lightnings that 'o"e gentl03 We kno% the ,eings
li"ing in these to ,e the ser"ants of the *era+hi'! 4her,i' and Thrones3 And it is si'ilar %ith 'sical
sonds! %ith heat and cold! %ith %hat %e can gras+ and toch3 To the degree that %hat %e see as the
earthl0 ta+estr0 of sense fades a%a0 so that ,ehind it this %orld of lightning$like for'ations a++ears!
sha+ing self$contained figres ot of the astral fire! eA+anding 'ore and 'oreGin the sa'e degree do
the stars ,egin to shine do%n3 Like threads of light the0 can ,e follo%ed! and star threads! star ra0s!
lights 'ingle %ith the things of the ele'ental %orld3 The earthl0 nites %ith the hea"enl0! and %e kno%
that %e are entering into the first condition of the second %orld! %here e"er0thing is still shining as in
natre! %here %e onl0 gess that ,ehind it there are ,eings3 We +ercei"e at 'ost the ele'ental ,eings!
%e see the' to so'e eAtent as the fnctioning organs of 'ight0! great and loft0 ,eings3 We are
entering! 0o cold sa0! the first region of the K0riotetes! &0na'is! EAsiai3 The0 are! as it %ere! still
in the ,ackgrond! ,t the0 enter into these ,eings! and as %e +rogress along the +ath of initiation %e
gradall0 reach the +oint %here these K0riotetes! &0na'is! EAsiai 'ore and 'ore re"eal their o%n
essential ,eing3 This is ,ond + %ith the %a0 the har'on0 of the s+heres ,egins to +la0 in cos'ic
Page 115
sonds3 The single notes that sond and onl0 for' har'onies and 'elodies o"er long +eriods! that onl0
co',ine to for' 'elodies in ti'e %hen ti'e ,eco'es a nit0
Gthese are %hat the a+ocal0+tist calls
tr'+et sondings3 In the sondings of the tr'+ets %e ha"e the +re life of the second hierarch0!
%hereas the first hierarch0 in its 'ight0 greatness is the fondation of sense eA+erience3
@o"ing on fro' this %orld in %hich all the +heno'ena of sense ha"e ,eco'e flo%ing and grand
and 'aOestic and are ths no longer onl0 s+read ot o"er the things and +rocesses of the +h0sical %orld
,t also are the actal eA+ression of the ele'ental ,eings at %ork in the second hierarch0G'o"ing on
fro' this %orld! %e enter 'ore and 'ore into a third region %here %e no longer +ercei"e an0thing
,elonging to natre! not e"en natre dissol"ed in ele'ental ,eings! ,t %here an0thing %e %ant to
+ercei"e 'st ,e +ercei"ed s+iritall03 We enter a region of the s+irital %orld of %hich %e ha"e to
sa0D Ha"ing gone throgh the sense +erce+tions of earth that are dissol"ing and 0et at the sa'e ti'e
for'ing the'sel"es into sha+es and that are sei<ed hold of ,0 or eA+anding sense +erce+tion of the
stars! %e ha"e no% learnt to recogni<eGas thogh in last resides of sense +erce+tionGe"er0thing that
%orks in the cos'os in the K0riotetes! EAsiai and &0na'is in a %a0 that sho%s the' to ,e in%ardl0
,ond to the tre s,stantialit0 of the stars3 The stellar %orld has transfor'ed itself for s into the
,eings of the hierarchies3 Instead of looking + to the stars throgh the sensesK illsion %e are no%
li"ing in the %orld of the hierarchies3 Here the hierarchies are still stee+ed in %hat I shold like to call
the dis+ersed! dissol"ed kno%ledge gi"en ,0 the senses3 No% %e are entering the third region! %here
%e no longer +ercei"e all the things of the earth %ith or senses! %here %e 'st +ercei"e the
s+ersensi,le sol ele'ent %ithot an0 hint of sense$+erce+ti,ilit03 We are entering the region of the
actal s+irital %orld %here %e first of all get to kno% it in Angeloi! Archangeloi! Archai3 We can
recogni<e these ,eings in their s+iritalit0! and %hen a +ainter or other artist gi"es the' sha+e he 'st
kno% that the0 onl0 ha"e this sense$+erce+ti,le sha+e ,ecase the0 are %o"en into the sol$s+irital
ele'ents! into the ,eings of the higher hierarchies3 If %e +aint %ings on the'! for eAa'+le! %e 'st
kno% that these %ings co'e fro' the ,eings of the second hierarch0 %ho lend the' their s,stantialit0!
and that the0 recei"e their head fro' the first hierarch0 %ho lend the' this sha+e together %ith its
content3 We 'st ,e a,soltel0 sre of the fact that the onl0 thing %e can see in s+irit is %hat ,elongs
to the third hierarch0GAngeloi! Archangeloi! Archai3
What I a' telling 0o no%! dear friends! is of the greatest +ossi,le historical i'+ortance! for if 0o
take on ancient teAts that treat inti'atel0 of these s+irital %orlds! 0o %ill ,e tterl0 inca+a,le of
reading the' nless 0o kno% that %hen %e enter into the s+irital %orld it is the lo%est hierarch0 that
%e first +ercei"e s+iritall0! %hereas %e still +ercei"e the higher hierarchies %ith ingredients of the
sense$+erce+ti,le %orld3 Jo 'st kno% that the ancient initiation %isdo'! %hich descri,ed these
things #ite correctl0 in the %a0 I ha"e ,een doing! gradall0 fell into all kinds of errors in ti'es %hen
s+irital 'atters ,eca'e decadent3 Ths the 'ore %orldl0 initiates of the @iddle Ages al%a0s
descri,ed the *era+hi'! 4her,i' and Thrones as ,eing the lo%est hierarch0 closest to the earth! so
that one ascended "ia &0na'is! K0riotetes and EAsiai to the angels! archangels and archai3 Look at
illstrated 'edie"al ,ooks3 Jo %ill not kno% %hat the0 'ean and %ill ask %h0 the angels are seated
a,o"e the *era+hi'3 This ca'e a,ot ,ecase +eo+le no longer nderstood these 'atters inti'atel0
and cold not i'agine the' #ite organicall0 enogh3 This error arose in +articlar %hen the once +re
teaching ,eca'e conta'inated ,0 the s0',ols of the Ba,0lonians dring the 2e%ish ca+ti"it0 in
Ba,0lon in +re$4hristian ti'es throgh the contact of the 2e%s %ith the Ba,0lonians3 This error a,ot
the ranks of the s+irital hierarchies then s+read frther "ia the 4a,ala! "ia 'edie"al 2e%ish '0sticis'3
If one %ants to nderstand ho% ideas a,ot the s+irit in h'an e"oltion ha"e de"elo+ed! one 'st
kno% a,ot sch things! and in connection %ith or %ork on nderstanding the Book of Re"elation this
is the right +lace for sch things to ,e discssed3
Page 116
*o! %e go ot into the s+irital %orld3 The first ,eings %ho co'e to 'eet s in the +rel0 s+irital
real' are the ,eings of the third hierarch03 The a+ocal0+tist sho%s ho% inti'atel0 fa'iliar he is %ith
all this! for in e"er0thing he descri,es he sho%s angels as ,eing the 'essengers3 The interesting thing is
that earthl0 real's can 'irror so'ething of %hat the angels! as the 'essengers of the higher
hierarchies! ,ring in3 With the angel a++earances in +articlar %e enter the real' in %hich %e see ho%
the di"ine lo"e reigns as the real ingredient of the %orld to %hich %e h'an ,eings ,elong3 First of all
%e see ho% the nor'al Angeloi! Archangeloi and Archai are in a %a0 e',odi'ents of the higher
hierarchies3 When %e look at the hands! ar's! feet! legs and the rest of the h'an ,od0 %e ha"e the
feelingD This is the ,od0 of the sol$s+irital ele'ent3 In the sa'e %a0! %hen %e ascend into the %orld
of the third hierarch0 %e ha"e the i'+ressionD These are angels! ,t the0 are like li',s! the0 are like
the ,odil0 natre of the higher! di"ine s+iritsF the0 are ,odies 'ade of sol and s+irit3 We feel! dear
friends! that %e are in +re s+iritalit0! and %ith this s+iritalit0 in the ,od0 of 8od3 It is to this that %e
We 'st also concern orsel"es %ith another inner +ictre3 E"er0one %ho trl0 %ants to ,eco'e
fa'iliar %ith the occltis' on %hich s+irital life is fonded 'st do this3 Look at a h'an ,eing %ith
his +h0sical ,od0 on the earth! dear friends3 Jo cannot +ossi,l0 think of this ,od0 as li"ing solel0 in
constrcti"e +rocesses! s+roting and ,rgeoning +rocesses that ,ild the h'an ,eing3 Jo 'st also
think of the destrcti"e +rocesses in the organis'! those leading to secretions3 The destrcti"e ele'ent
that sho%s the ,od0 to ,e in a constant +rocess of de'olition is there for a +r+ose! %hich is that the
destrction in the +h0sical ,od0 ena,les the s+irit to enter and li"e in these +rocesses of +h0sical
The s+irit in the h'an organis' does not li"e in the constrcti"e +rocesses3 When the
child is gro%ing! %hen the +h0sical +rocesses are in the ascendanc0! the s+irital ele'ent is s++ressed!
not +ro'oted3 @aterialists 'ake the +erfectl0 ridiclos ass'+tion that thinking co'es a,ot %hen
the h'an ,eing +rifies the s+roting! ,rgeoning life in his ,rain and refines and transfor's the other
life +rocesses3 If sch a thing %ere to ha++en in the ,rain! this %old 'erel0 'ean a contination of
digesti"e +rocesses! and the reslt %old ,e a di'! +lant$like inner eA+erience3 The s+irit is a,le to
enter the ,rain onl0 ,ecase the ,rain is constantl0 destro0ed! ,ecase it constantl0 disintegrates!
,ecase it is! as it %ere! constantl0 ,eing riddled %ith holes ,0 +h0sical +rocesses3 Along the +ath of
destrction the s+irit finds %a0s throgh %hich it can +la0 a +art creati"el0 in the +h0sical3 *o the
+h0sical acce+ts the +rocesses of destrction3 8ro%th is +ro"ided %ith in,ilt hindrances and
It is i''ensel0 interesting to o,ser"e this in detail3 For eAa'+le 0o can %atch ho% the Fichte
indi"idalit0 ca'e do%n to incarnate in a +o"ert0$stricken "illage3
Jo can o,ser"e this indi"idalit0
esta,lishing itself in the +h0sical ,od0 and %atch the 0ong ,o0 gro%3 Jo see ho% ,it ,0 ,it
hindrances interfered %ith his gro%th Ost a little 'ore strongl0 than sal! not 'ch! in fact "er0 little!
,t this is %hat ha++ened3 The ,o0 Fichte gre% and gre%! ,t +erha+s he %old ha"e gro%n a little
'ore #ickl0 if there had not ,een a tin0 so'ething constantl0 restraining his gro%th3 It %as this
restraint eAercised on his gro%thGhe did indeed re'ain s'all in statreGthat allo%ed the +articlar
nance of his +hiloso+hical gift to de"elo+3 Ths does the s+irit ,eco'e effecti"e in the +h0sical3 *o %e
'st entertain not onl0 anti+ath0 ,t also s0'+ath0 to%ards the destrcti"e forcesF %e 'st ,e assred
that the0 are acce+ta,le! that %e can regard the' %ith lo"e! for in addition to gro%ing! s+roting life
there 'st also ,e so'ething that eAercises restraint3
We 'st ,eco'e a%are of ho% the %hole %orld of Angeloi! Archangeloi and Archai is actall0 the
,odil0 as+ect of the di"ine s+irit! %e 'st see in this %ea"ing! li"ing! ,losso'ing and %orking of the
Angeloi! Archangeloi and Archai ho% the %orld is %o"en! ho% the indi"idal h'an ,eing is cared for
Page 117
in his sol ,0 his Angelos! ho% different gro+s of h'an ,eings are 'o"ed ,0 the Archangeloi and
ho% "arios strea's of ni"ersal ha++enings are +shed along fro' age to age ,0 the Archai3 When %e
see the %hole %ea"ing of this %onderfl gar'ent as it is %o"enG%hich is so ,eatifll0 eA+ressed in
the 8reek '0th of Proser+ina or Perse+honeG%hen %e look at this %hole gar'ent of the %orld! %e
see the di"ine lo"e flooding and flo%ing in it like the red ,lood in the ,od03 Added to this as a
necessar0 adOnct is the strea' of the di"ine %rath that is for'ed fro' all the hindrances in %orld
e"ents ,roght a,ot ,0 ,eings %ith a sense of 'oralit0! ,eings %ith geninel0 'oral feelings %ho can
onl0 ,e in har'on0 %ith the +rogress of the %orld throgh their 'oralit03
In the di"ine lo"e %e see the di"ine ,od0 in its s+roting and ,rgeoning3 And in connection %ith
%eak creatres %ho ne"ertheless indicate the %a0 in %hich the gods %ant to lead the %orld! %e see
so'ething that e'anates fro' the %eak creatresF %e see the s+irit ,od0 of the di"ine s+irit
inters+ersed %ith so'ething rese',ling +rodcts of secretion in the h'an +h0sical ,od0F so'ething
that in h'an ,eings is secreted in glands! so'ething that se+arates itself off3
These centres of
secretion a++ear as the +hials of di"ine %rath! %o"en into the on%ard +rogress of the %orld3
Within these three %orlds %e recogni<e the connection ,et%een di"ine lo"e and di"ine %rath! and
in%ardl0 %e recei"e a +ictre that fills s %ith re"erenceD What is it that ha++ens %hen the +hials of
%rath are +ored otP It is the di"ine! s+irital ,eings %ho are considering ho% the0 can take for%ard
the contining +rogress of the %orld des+ite the 'isdeeds of the %eak creatres and against the
hindrancesGho% the0 can transfor' the hindrances into "ehicles of for%ard$rging! s+irit$filled
ha++ening! so that the h'an ,eing in his destrcti"e +rocesses can sei<e the o++ortnit0 not si'+l0 to
"egetate +h0sicall0 ,t to +ress for%ard in his +h0sical ,od0 in a s+irit$sol %a03 The %a0 the
a+ocal0+tist sho%s all this is entirel0 in accord %ith initiation3 In the Book of Re"elation he enters
'ar"ellosl0 into the +rogress of the %orld! +enetrating right do%n to concrete! +h0sical e"entsGas %e
sa% 0esterda0 and ,efore that as %ell3 At the sa'e ti'e he enters %onderfll0 into the +aths of
When %e conte'+late the Book of Re"elation ths! it in so'e %a0s o+ens or e0es to the +rogress
of the %orld! so that %e are looking into %hat %e need fro' the ftre and can take it into or inner
+ictres3 Frther than this! it also ,eco'es a 'editation ,ookF it can ,e sed as a ,ook for 'editation in
a %onderfl %a0F in fact it is 'ar"ellos in this res+ect3 When 0o co'e to a +assage in the Book of
Re"elation de+icting so'ething that see's +aradoAical to 0o! 0o shold sto+ reading and ,egin to
'editate3 *ch +assages are the +laces %here 0o can gro% in s+iritalit0 ,0 a,sor,ing and %orking
in%ardl0 on so'ething that 0o cannot co'+rehend %ith 0or intellect3 For eAa'+le %hen 0o co'e to
a +assage that s+eaks of a grie"os sore HRe"3 -6!)I! then as an intellectal 0o %ill of corse sa0D Onl0
h'an ,eings and ani'als can ha"e soresF %hat is this s++osed to 'eanF it 'st ,e a +oetic i'age3 *o
0o read +ast it3 Bt this is not %hat it is3 The a+ocal0+tist ses the %ord LsoreK ,ecase he kno%s that
%hat is real in the 'icrocos' can also Ostifia,l0 ,e i'agined in the 'acrocos'3 Jo %ill srel0
disco"er ho% %hat has to do %ith glands! %hich +rodce secretions! leads on to the fnctions of the
di"ine %rath3 In this %a0 the see'ing +aradoAes in the Book of Re"elation are the "er0 thing that hel+s
s 'ake the transition fro' the 'erel0 intellectal +rocesses of sol lifeGto %hich +eo+le are so
accsto'edGinto s+irital +rocesses3
This ,rings s to the +oint %here it is so necessar0 to see things clearl0 and accratel0! es+eciall0 in
connection %ith the %ork of the +riest3 Peo+le feel that in toda0Ks ti'es the sol is ,eco'ing entirel0
intellectali<ed3 In reaction to this the0 %ant inner heart and feeling and long for it in e"er0 real'3
Look at the %a0 the religios deno'inations are o,Oecting to toda0Ks general intellectalis'3 The0 no
longer %ant the trths of sal"ation +reached in intellectal ter'sF the0 %ant the' to ,e gi"en for' ot
Page 118
of the feeling life! ot of %hat is irrational3 This longing is srel0 Ostified! ,t if things %ere to de"elo+
solel0 along these lines! then the reslt of %anting to ha"e religion 'erel0 throgh the feelings %old
,e the loss of religion altogether3
The sa'e a++lies to edcationF this has taken a "er0 +ecliar +ath! %hich 0o as +riests %old do
%ell to note3 Edcation originated in the life of instincts3 It %orked ,est %here +eo+le did not think
edcationall0 ,t did %hat instinct told the' to do3 In da0s gone ,0 +eo+le did not teach +edagogicall0
,t did %hat instinct ins+ired the' to do3 Onl0 since %e ha"e forgotten ho% to edcate instincti"el0
ha"e %e ,egn to talk so 'ch a,ot +edagog0! and all or talk a,ot it +ro"es that %e are the %orst
teachers there ha"e e"er ,een3 Peo+le sall0 ,egin to talk 'ost a,ot so'ething %hen the0 no longer
ha"e it3 In the sa'e sense the0 ,egan to talk a,ot the Trans,stantiation %hen the0 no longer
nderstood it or its secret3 The often first$rate intellectal discssions in a +articlar age oght to 'ake
s ask %hat the +eo+le in that age are lacking3 When the la,or #estion %as ,eing 'ost ardentl0
discssed it 'eant that +eo+le actall0 nderstood "er0 little a,ot it3 This %as e"en 'ore so in the age
%hen h'an ,eings in"ented %riting! and %hen the se of %riting trned 'ore and 'ore to the se of
+rinting3 It %as the age %hen h'an ,eings nderstood less and less of the di"ine scri+t s+eaking ot of
the stars! ot of sn and %ind3
When the 'e',ers of ArthrKs rond ta,le %ere still a,le to read %hat %as ,eing told to the' ,0 the
sea s+lashing +! ,0 the s+ra0 of the %a"es +onding on the cliffs and 'ingling %ith the %a"es of air
stee+ed in light! in that ti'e! %hen the0 cold read all this like a clear hand%riting! there %as not the
least need to seek the hel+ of so'e kind of re+lica,le scri+t3 What one 'st do! ,asicall0! is to take the
sheen of %hat is "isi,le and dedce fro' it the fading in"isi,le %orld of the s+irit3 Then! %hen the
s+irit rises +articlarl0 strongl0 to the srface! one +ercei"es ho% the sense$+erce+ti,le! +h0sical oter
s0',ols recede3
This is %hat 'akes s a%are that or reOection of intellectalis' shold not take the for' of a
shado%0! ne,los feeling life in the sol! ,t that %e can enhance or feeling life in the sol ,0
allo%ing %hat is intellectal to 'eta'or+hose 'ore and 'ore into so'ething s+irital3 Then %e shall
find that or feeling life in the sol can trl0 ,e enno,led throgh the s+irital content of the
re"elations that are then o,Oecti"e and no longer s,Oecti"e3
&ornach! )) *e+te',er -.)/
We ha"e considered the inner s+irit of the Book of Re"elation! and %e ha"e considered the Book of
Re"elation in relation to 0or %ork as +riests3 Of corse it %old still ,e +ossi,le to sa0 all kinds of
other things in connection %ith it! for eAa'+le one cold go dee+l0 into the %a0 it is strctred3 Bt it
see's to 'e that this gathering here at &ornach %ill recei"e the ,est content of all if %hat has ,een said
so far no% contines to 'ake its a++earance in trl0 +ractical %a0s in 0or %ork as +riests3
There is one 'ore s,Oect %e 'st toch on3 We 'st consider that %e are li"ing in the era of the
consciosness sol! that stage of o"erall h'an e"oltion in %hich the h'an ,eing has to gras+ hold
of intellectalit0 and integrate it into his o%n indi"idalit03 This is! of corse! %hat 0o 'ight call the
first stage! the stage as 0et confined to the s+irit of the h'an ,eing! the stage in %hich the integration
of intellectalit0 %ill take +lace in h'an conte'+lation and thinking3 Another stage %ill co'e in
%hich dee+er forces of the h'an sol %ill also ,e sei<ed ,0 %hat at +resent is taking +lace 'ore in the
real' of thoghts and as+irations and thinking3
Page 119
At +resent h'an ,eings are still ca+a,le of ha"ing ideas a,ot ho% the0 'ight 'ake se of the
intellectalit0 that is ,reaking into their o%n indi"idalit03 Bt this era of consciosness sol
de"elo+'ent %ill not +ass ,efore sols! too! %ill ,e sei<ed ,0 intellectalit0 in their dee+est e'otions!
in their feelings and +assions3 When this has ha++ened! %hat the @iddle Ages still soght in the stars
and ter'ed the angelic Intelligences of the stars %ill ha"e entered e"en 'ore dee+l0 and thoroghl0
into h'an ,eings3 All this %ill ,e de+osited in the h'an ,eing3 Later still! %hen the 2+iter condition
co'es! e"en the ,od0 %ill ,e sei<ed ,0 intellectalit03 In or +resent ti'e! %hile the sitation is still
sch that h'an ,eings can +t into thoghts and %ords %hat this is all a,ot! %hile the sol has not
0et ,een sei<ed in its in'ost ,eing ,0 intellectalit0! it is still +ossi,le! for +riests es+eciall0! so to
direct their %ork that the cos'ic +r+oses! the cos'ic goals can reall0 ,e achie"ed3
Althogh it is +art of cos'ic %isdo' that the h'an ,eing shold gras+ the intellectalit0 in the
cos'os for hi'self! ne"ertheless there re'ains the +ossi,ilit0 that %hile he is doing this he 'ightGin
those ngarded 'o'ents that al%a0s eAistGallo% those ahri'anic +o%ers kno%n as *atan in
4hristian tradition to snatch this intellectalit0 fro' hi'3 *atan shold not ,e confsed %ith the
ordinar0 de"il %ho lacks *atanKs characteristics and is 'erel0 a 'ore lo%l0 +o%er3 *atan has the rank
of an Archai! and it %as he %ho sei<ed hold of this intellectalit0 dring the corse of cos'ic
e"oltion! long ,efore it a++roached the h'an ,eing in the 'anner descri,ed3 At +resent *atan is %hat
0o 'ight call the 'ost co'+rehensi"e o%ner of intellectalit0! and he is stri"ing to ,ind h'an
intellectalit0 fir'l0 to his o%n! an occrrence that cold case the h'an ,eing to dro+ a%a0 fro' his
+ro+er e"oltion3 In other %ords! the ahri'anic +o%er is stri"ing to 'ake the @0ster0 of 8olgotha
This ahri'anic +o%er kno%n as *atan in 4hristian tradition is not strong enogh to ha"e an0 effect
in the "arios le"els of the cos'os that are a,o"e the h'an ,eing3 It is inconcei"a,le! for eAa'+le!
that the intelligence of! sa0! an Angelos cold ,e directl0 sei<ed ,0 this satanic +o%er3 *ch a thing can
onl0 ha++en in certain eAce+tional cases3 Kno%ledge of the +ossi,ilit0 that! in the ftre! 'o'ents can
arise in %hich the satanic +o%er %ill ,e strong enogh to ,ind to itself not onl0 h'an ,eings "ia their
intellectalit0 ,t also ,eings fro' the real' of the Angeloi! +articlarl0 ArchangeloiGthis kno%ledge
still ,elongs at +resent to the higher secrets of occltis' a,ot %hich for the +resent one 'st not
s+eak and %hich can onl0 ,e re"ealed nder certain circ'stances3 *o Ost no% %e can onl0 hint at the
fact that in ftre the te'+tation and sedction e"en of ,eings fro' the hierarch0 of the Angeloi and
es+eciall0 the Archangeloi 'ight ,e +ossi,le3 What %e ha"e to reckon %ith toda0 is that the +o%er
called *atan in the 4hristian tradition has the a,ilit0 to attach itself to so'ething in the h'an ,eing
that eAists in hi' as inde+endentl0 as does the intellect3 Once the intellectalit0 in the h'an ,eing has
,een taken hold of ,0 the ahri'anic +o%er! then the h'an ,eing can ,e torn a%a0 fro' his e"oltion
and taken to #ite other +aths si'+l0 ,0 ha"ing his ,eing dragged along ,0 his intellect to %hich *atan
has the +o%er to attach hi'self3 This %old not ,e +ossi,le in the case of an0 other force of sol or
s+irit! nor in the case of an0 ,odil0 force in the h'an ,eing3 It is +ossi,le onl0 in the case of the
intellect! for the intellect is sitated in the h'an ,eing in a %a0 that 'akes it the 'ost inde+endent of
all as+ects3 E"er0 other as+ect is attached in one %a0 or another to certain di"ine +o%ers3 *o if *atan
%anted to sei<e hold of feeling! for eAa'+le! or of desires and %ishes in the h'an ,eing! he %old
find hi'self + against the s+ra$h'an forces hidden in these sol ca+acities3 The intellectalit0 is the
first as+ect %ith %hich the h'an ,eing can detach hi'self fro' the ,eings %ho ,ring a,ot his
+ersonal e"oltion3 It is the first as+ect in %hich the h'an ,eing 'st attach hi'self throgh total
freedo' to those +o%ers %ho fro' the ,eginning ha"e ,een +resent in his e"oltion3
The h'an ,eing %ill ha"e to learn that he 'st identif0 of his o%n free %ill %ith those lti'ate
ai's in the Book of Re"elation that are hinted at ,0 the a+ocal0+tistF he %ill ha"e to learn that a +o%er
Page 120
%ill a++ear %ho is the Al+ha and O'ega of the continos creati"e +o%ers! the continos creati"e
,eing of e"oltionF and he %ill ha"e to learn that he 'st attach hi'self ot of his o%n resol"e to that
,eing %ho had ,een giding hi' %hile he still lacked 'atrit0 for the cos'os3
*atan! ho%e"er! can 'ake se of this great 'o'ent in the e"oltion of h'anit0 to dra% the h'an
,eing across into his o%n real' throgh the intellect3 Alread0 no% %e can o,ser"e ho% the satanic
+o%er is endea"oring to dra% the h'an ,eing across into its e"oltion3 The 'ethod sed is to
co',ine h'an ,eings into gro+s the seeds of %hich are "isi,le e"er0%here toda0Ggro+s in %hich
the old gro+ sols cease to eAist and in %hich a ne% kind of gro+ sol natre can ,egin3 What is
ha++ening o"er in the East of Ero+e Ost no% is so terri,l0 satanic ,ecase its %hole ai' is to force
h'an ,eings together in %a0s that 'ake it necessar0 for there to ,e gro+ sols3 Once the 'ost
intelligent ha"e ,een dragged across into the lo%er real' of Ahri'an! then %ill the gro+s ,eing
for'ed ,e allotted to the ahri'anic +o%ers3 If this %ere to ha++en! the %a0 %old ,e o+en for the
satanic +o%ers to drag h'anit0 a%a0 fro' earth e"oltion and take it across to so'e other +lanetar0
e"oltion3 The introdction of this gro+ sol natre %ill onl0 scceed if the ele'ent of intellect can ,e
co'+letel0 detached fro' its links in a s+ecific %a03 *o'e 'ost cnning ,eginnings are in +rogress
o"er in the East toda0 to%ards the achie"e'ent of this3 Jo oght to nderstand this in 0or %ork as
+riests! for althogh these ,eginnings are 'ost noticea,le in the East! the sa'e is ha++ening all o"er
4entral and Western Ero+e as %ell3
We shold therefore also 'ention so'ething %hich 'a0 a++ear to ,e relati"el0 har'less at the
'o'ent! ,t %hich 'st ,e regarded in all seriosness in eAoteric life! and that is the %a0 +s0cholog0!
the science of the sol! is ,eing allo%ed to ,eco'e a kind of eA+eri'ental o,ser"ation3 This is one of
the %a0s leading to a sitation in %hich the sol forces no longer %ork fro' h'an ,eing to h'an
,eing in the sense re#ired ,0 the old di"ine +o%ers3 Instead the0 are deter'ined #antitati"el0 fro'
the otside throgh an intellect that has ,eco'e detached! or in so'e other eAternal 'anner3 These
things are still relati"el0 har'less in 4entral Ero+e! ,t 0o shold not ignore the fact that in the
West! es+eciall0 throgh Willia' 2a'es
,t also throgh others! a %a0 of looking at things
statisticall0 is co'ing to the fore! an intellectalistic %a0 of looking at things! a %a0 that is detached
fro' the life of sol! and that this is ,eing a++lied e"en to inner transfor'ations in h'an ,eings! to
%hat one 'ight call the inner! religios finding of oneself that occrs toda0 in 'an0 cases rond a,ot
the t%entieth 0ear3 Rond a,ot their t%entieth 0ear 'an0 +eo+le these da0s eA+erience a 'o'ent of
inner con"ersion! a con"ersion that co'es a,ot entirel0 fro' %ithin3 The0 are taken hold of ,0
so'ething that is like a kind of %hirling + of di"init0 ot of their o%n sol3 In A'erica statistics are
co'+iled a,ot %hat +ercentage of the +o+lation goes throgh this kind of inner con"ersion3 This
'atter is treated statisticall03 What is satanic a,ot this is the %a0 it is treated statisticall0! the %a0
things are l'+ed together ,0 the detached intellect3 These con"ersions are so'ething that ha++ens as a
reslt of kar'a! and therefore each case shold ,e looked at on its o%n3
In science toda0 statistics are +raised to the skies3 If 0o follo% scientific 'atters 0o kee+ co'ing
across tre'endos acclai' for statistics3 Peo+le are no longer ca+a,le of getting close to inner as+ects!
so instead the0 seek to find la%s throgh statistics3 O++osing this is 'ost difficlt of all in the field of
'edicine %here it has gained grond frightfll0! and %here clinical 'ethods all cl'inate in statistics
that tell s %hich 'edicines ha"e %orked +ositi"el0 or negati"el0 and so on3 This is %here the
statistical ele'ent has cre+t in! and this is also %here it is entirel0 selessF to kno% ho% 'an0 cases had
this otco'e and ho% 'an0 had that otco'e is 'eaningless3 The i'+ortant thing is to nderstand
each indi"idal case thoroghl0! regardless of the otco'e3 Onl0 after all the different 'ethods ha"e
,een a++lied to std0ing the indi"idal case %ith all its idios0ncracies is it acce+ta,le to e'+lo0
Page 121
statistics3 HAs 0o kno%! statistics has +la0ed a hge role in social considerations %here social
de'ocrac0 is in the forefront3I In realit0 statistics is onl0 acce+ta,le as the final stage! after e"er0thing
else has ,een looked at indi"idall03 Then it is +er'issi,le to sa0 ho% 'an0 cases had a fa"ora,le and
ho% 'an0 an nfa"ora,le otco'e3
*tatistics of sicide or 'adness are e#all0 nonsensical3 Peo+le %ork ot %hat +ercentage in certain
+rofessions co''it sicide or go 'ad3 Jet for a tre nderstanding there is no "ale in kno%ing this3
What is essential is to kno% %h0 the indi"idal +erson co''its sicide or %hat 'akes the indi"idal
+erson go 'ad3
This statistical %a0 of looking at things! that is regarded as so i'+ortant these da0s %here"er
scientists %rite a,ot their theor0 of kno%ledge! this +reocc+ation %ith statistics reall0 does 'ake it
look as thogh *atan has ,roken loose3 It is trl0 terri,le3 This %a0 of looking at things! %hich has
re"ealed the 'achinations of the satanic +o%er in 4entral Ero+e and in the East! has ,eco'e a
+hiloso+h0 %ith A"enaris and @ach! and their ideas in trn ha"e ,een stdied ,0 the leading
Bolshe"ik +hiloso+hers %ho then took this +hiloso+h0 to Rssia3
E"en those %ho good$natredl0
%ant to regard h'anit0 as +rogressing in an e"oltionar0 %a0Gthere is not 'ch 0o can do a,ot
%hat ha++ensR the0 sa0Ge"en sch +eo+le tend to think that the seeds of Bolshe"is' %ere so%n
decades ago in 4entral Ero+e and then 'erel0 transferred to Rssia! Ost as thogh a seed can ,e
trans+lanted and eA+ected to ger'inate an0%here3
*o the satanic +o%er is at %ork e"er0%here alread0! a++ealing to the detached intellect that regards
things as ha"ing no inner connection %ith one anotherF it is at %ork in 'atters of sol and in 'atters of
s+irit! in inner con"ersions and so on3 If *atan shold scceed in 'aking things ha++en in the %a0 he
%ants the' to ha++en ,0 a certain +oint in ti'e! then things %old co'e a,ot that %old da'age
h'an e"oltion3 The e"ents of %hich the a+ocal0+tist s+eaks are co'ing! ,t the #estion is %hat
their otco'e %ill ,e3 There are in fact reall0 onl0 t%o +ossi,ilities for the ftre3 One is that things
%ill trn ot to ,e in har'on0 %ith the e"oltion +lanned ,0 the gods for h'anit0! and the other is the
Intellectalit0! then! is ,reaking in on s! and h'an ,eings are ,eco'ing 'ore and 'ore intelligent
not throgh Ins+iration ,t ,0 their o%n efforts3 This is ha++ening3 Jet on the other hand inflences
co'ing fro' the lciferic direction are also there! and the0 ha"e ke+t h'anit0 in a %eakened state3 *o
gro+ings %ill for'! des+ite the fact that in the age of indi"idalit0Gin %hat is actall0 the 4hristian
ageGe"er0thing that is indi"idal is %hat %old ,e saltar0 for h'anit03 8ro+s %ill for'! ,t these
gro+s 'st ,e re'o"ed fro' the danger in %hich the0 %ill find the'sel"es3
A ti'e %ill co'e %hen the satanic +o%er %ill ha"e 'ade great efforts to %in o"er h'anit0Ks
+o%ers of intelligence and %hen this satanic +o%er %ill ha"e gro%n so great that it %ill a++roach all
the gro+s that ha"e for'edF so the sitation %ill reall0 arise in %hich *atanKs +o%er %ill %ork into all
the for corners of the %orld3 These gro+sGs'aller onesD 8og! and larger onesD @agogG%ill ,e
eA+osed to te'+tation and sedction ,0 the satanic +o%er3 The otco'e of this %ill ,e decided ,0
%hether those %ho ha"e 'ean%hile taken s+iritalit0 in hand %ill ha"e generated sch a degree of
intensit0 that h'an intellectalit0 can ,e led! %ith the hel+ of @ichaelKs strength! to %here it ,elongs!
%hich is to the originating +o%ers that %ere there %hen h'an e"oltion ,egan and that %ant to take
for%ard in colla,oration %ith h'an freedo' %hat h'an ,eings ha"e since ,eco'e3 An i''ense
a'ont %ill de+end on %hether h'an ,eings %ill scceed in thoroghl0 nderstanding genine
s+iritalit0 %ith its o%n inner order3
This %hole 'atter of h'anit0 'st ,e taken into consideration %hen one %orks as a +riest! for
Page 122
onl0 if %e scceed in giding e"er0thing in this direction %ill the great act of sedction that *atan is
+lanning in connection %ith 8og and @agog end in a %a0 that %ill ,e ,eneficial for h'an e"oltion3
Other%ise the onl0 otco'e %ill ,e that at so'e ti'e in the ftre e"er0thing h'an ,eings ha"e
eA+erienced since a,ot the se"enth centr0! since the 0ear 666! %ill ,e snatched fro' the'! e"er0thing
the0 %ill alread0 ha"e eA+erienced nder the inflence of the de"elo+ing indi"idalit03 &arkness %old
o,scre all the earlier incarnations of h'anit0! and a ne% %orld e"oltion %old re+lace earthl0
e"oltion3 We can see the ,eginnings of this toda0 and %e can also see the great danger alread0
threatening h'anit03 All h'an %eaknesses are ,eing sedGfor the ahri'anic +o%ers ha"e the
greatest concei"a,le intellectalit0Gall h'an %eaknesses %ill ,e sed! es+eciall0 +eo+leKs "anit0 and
their lack of trthflness! to get h'an ,eings on to the %rong side3 The +o%er that %as at %ork at the
,eginning of the World War %as so'ething terri,le3 It %as terri,le ho% +eo+leKs "anit0 %as sed ,0 the
satanic +o%ers to ,ring a,otG%ithin a fe% da0s! once a 'onstros slee+$like consciosness had ,een
indcedGa %hirl%ind that set off a terri,le fren<0! so that e"en toda0 it is not clear %hat actall0
ha++ened then3
Jet that is 'erel0 one +hase3 Far %orse +hases are at +resent taking +lace in a +reli'inar0 %a0 in
the +rel0 intellectal so$called cltral ,attles of or ti'e3 Where! tell 'e! does trth still eAistP
E"er0%here 0o can see ho% things are ,eing arranged in a %a0 that 'akes +eo+le less and less
inclined to take trthflness into accont3 Think of the e"er increasing efforts that are ,eing 'ade to
'ake cltral life confor' %ith state re#ire'ents3 Ho% 'ch of or cltral life is alread0 do'inated
,0 the stateR All sch things +ose a great threat to h'anit0! ,t +eo+le are not at all inclined to
engender a genine nderstanding of the'3 Jo sa% %hat ha++ened %hen the 'o"e'ent for a
threefolding of the social order first ,egan to %ork against the sedction of 8og and @agog so that
ftre e"ents 'ight ,e gided in a direction that %old ,e fa"ora,le to the frther e"oltion of
h'anit03 The %a0 in %hich the idea of a threefold societ0 %as recei"ed! the %a0 this idea that %as
intended to lead h'anit0 across this +resent threshold of its e"oltion %as recei"ed! sho%s the
i''ense dangers threatening h'anit0 in connection %ith these things3 That is %h0 it is necessar0 for
+riests! too! to take these things a,soltel0 seriosl03
There %as once an indi"idalit0 %ho li"ed on the earth in the earl0 centries of 4hristian
de"elo+'ent and eA+erienced the 0ear 6663 With a degree of clair"o0ance this indi"idalit0 sa% %hat
%as taking +lace and %hat it 'eant that the satanic +o%er %as +re+aring sch a 'ission e"en then3 This
indi"idalit0! %ho li"ed in the "er0 +lace %here the real strggle of the chrch %as taking +lace! in
Ro'e! and %ho then +re+ared the %a0 for 4hristianit0 in Ero+e! recogni<ed this %ith s+irital clarit03
Later onGas ha++ened to so 'an0Gthis indi"idalit0 'istook the satanic +o%er! %ho' e"en @ichael
recogni<es as s+erior to hi'self! for the de"il of the @iddle AgesF he s+oke of the de"il! ,t in sch a
%a0 that it is o,"ios that it is the satanic +o%er %hich is 'eant3 This indi"idalit0 %as reincarnated in
Berlin dring the first half of the nineteenth centr03 His na'e %as Trahndorff! and he %as an ordinar0
gra''ar$school teacher3
Jes! he defended the eAistence of the de"il! or rather *atan3 He %rote a
,ook Ist der Tefel ein Hirnges+instP HLIs the de"il a chi'eraPKI! and not onl0 thatF he also %rote a ,ook
on aesthetics3
Read that ,ookR There is no +oint talking to theologians a,ot hi' ,ecase he has ,een
ignored ,0 the'F the leading clerg0 in Berlin %ere his ene'ies3
All these things cl'inate in the #estionD Will the +riests ,e ca+a,le of re+resenting the s+irital
%orld in its fll realit0 rather than in the senti'ental 'anner that has co'e into fashion o"er the last
fe% centries! so that as soon as one talks of the s+irit one feels disinclined to inclde the +o%er of
e"ilP The #estion is %hether their energ0 %ill ,e sfficient to re+resent the realit0 of the s+irit3 This!
dear friends! is a,soltel0 the 'ain thing3 The 'ain +oint is that %e need the sa'e attitde of sol for
Page 123
conte'+lating things sch as the kno%ledge of kar'a! honestl0 conte'+lating earlier li"es on earth! as
%e do for conte'+lating the Trans,stantiation %hen it is cele,rated dring the Act of 4onsecration of
@an3 *ch inner +ictres 'st ,eco'e real again for h'anit03 Onl0 if the0 ,eco'e real %ill it ,e
+ossi,le! dear friends! to +resent %hat the a+ocal0+tist %as so dee+l0 concerned a,ot 3 as a +ros+ect
for h'anit0 so that all these things 'a0 ,e gided in the right direction3 The things %e ha"e ,een
talking a,ot here in connection %ith the Book of Re"elation are trths that one oght not to recei"e
%ithot niting oneKs %hole h'anit0 %ith the'! that one oght not to recei"e %ithot regarding the'
as a kind of 4o''nion3
One can trl0 sa0D A genine ecclesia co'+rises the congregation as its oter realit0! %hile the
+riests 'st regard the'sel"es as that gro+ of ,eings %ithin the ecclesia throgh %hose %ork the
s+irit flo%s into h'anit03 For this! one does need! %ith the right nderstanding! the s'all ta,ernacle
%ith the consecrated Host %herein the '0ster0 of the Trans,stantiation is contained3 I'agine 0o
ha"e the chalice in %hich the Trans,stantiation is acco'+lished3 Throgh the Trans,stantiation
h'an ,eings seek the +ath to the Father! to that +ri'e"al creator$+o%er %ho has his ,eing in it in all
realit0! and %ho cannot ,e fond if 0o look onesidedl0 for s+irit alone or onesidedl0 for 'atter alone!
,t %ho is onl0 fond %hen 0o directl0 disco"er the oneness of s+irit %ith 'atter3 8enine
nderstanding of the %orld is onl0 +resent toda0 %hen the Trans,stantiation is cele,rated on the altar3
Then indeed that hol0 e"ent ha++ens in %hich the Father is soght! and the *on sho%s the h'an ,eing
the %a0 to the Father! the *on %ho is the one %ho 'ediates the +ath to the *+irit3
*o %hen he sees %hat is re+resented e"er0%here ,0 the +h0sical %orld! the h'an ,eing can find in
the Trans,stantiation the %holl0 hidden s+irit in the +h0sical! the %ork of *era+hi'! 4her,i' and
Thrones %hose hidden %ork a++ears as +h0sical s,stance3 If one %ants to ha"e this as s+irit! one 'st
tread the +ath to the Father3 The +ath to the Father is sho%n ,0 the *on! %ho then ,rings it a,ot that
the s+irit a++ears ot of the +h0sical3
The ,readGto s+eak onl0 of the ,read! ,t the sa'e can ,e sho%n also for the %ineGthe ,read is
,read! ,t the Father can ,e soght in it3 4hrist sho%s the %a03 Throgh the Trans,stantiation the
,read srronds itself %ith the ara3 In the ara the h'an ,eing eA+eriences the s+irit3 The %ine
'erel0 re+resents an a'+lification of %hat is in the ,read3 HPlate 7I
We can therefore sa0D OneKs 0earning for the Father li"es in seeing the sense$+erce+ti,le in %hich
*era+hi'! 4her,i' and Thrones are hidden3 4hrist leads the h'an ,eing to the +ath! so that ,efore
hi' K0riotetes! &0na'is and EAsiai ,egin to %ork in the 'anner descri,ed 0esterda0! and he ascends
to that real' %here toda0 he can onl0 o,ser"e the s+irital %orld in its s+iritalit0! %here the Hol0
*+irit is right in the 'iddleD Angeloi! Archangeloi! Archai3
This! dear friends! is told in the Book of Re"elation3 To nderstand this! to conclde that it 'st ,e
nderstood toda0G%hat does this 'eanP It 'eans that so'eone %ho nderstands it %ill find his o%n
nderstanding alread0 set ot in the Book of Re"elation3 It is therefore +ossi,le to sa0D It is entirel0 +
to 0o! dear friends! %hether or not it is 0o a,ot %ho' the Book of Re"elation has ,een s+eaking3 If
0o take the i'+lses of the Book of Re"elation into 0or %ork as +riests in a trl0 s+irital sense! then
0o are the ones! dear friends! a,ot %ho' the Book of Re"elation has ,een s+eaking as ,eing the ones
%ho co'e to trn aside the 'ight of the Beast! of the False Pro+het! of *atan3 Then! %here"er the
chalice for the Trans,stantiation stands! 0o %ill al%a0s i'agine ,eneath it the a+ocal0+tic Book3 Jo
%ill think to 0orselfD The chalice is standing +on the a+ocal0+tic ,ook3 And as 0o think this 0o %ill
,e a,le to sa0D Therein lies '0 calling! and %hat %e do a,o"e this is the enact'ent of '0 calling3
&ear friends! I did not %ant to start a theoretical discssion dring this conference3 *ince 0o had
Page 124
the Ostifia,le %ish to hear so'ething a,ot the Book of Re"elation! I %anted to gi"e 0o %hat I ha"e
gi"en 0o! ths +lacing for 0o the Book of Re"elation ,eneath the chalice3 It is to this that or
considerations %ere intended to lead3 Whate"er the circ'stances! 0o %ill scceed in achie"ing %hat
it is +ossi,le to achie"e! dear friends! if 0o eAtend the ideals of 0or %ork as fir'l0 as the0 can ,e
eAtended! es+eciall0 %hen 0o 'ake or earnest considerations of the Book of Re"elation into the
in'ost i'+lse of 0or o%n %ork3
This! dear friends! is %hat I %anted to ,ring to 0o in conclsion of or considerations here3 Jo
%ill srel0 ,elie"e that the 'ost intensi"e thoghts regarding 0or intensi"e! rgent %ork! %orth0 of a
great task! %ill acco'+an0 all that 0o %ill no% do in follo%ing + these considerations3
HFriedrich Rittel'e0er eA+ressed the gratitde of the +artici+ants3I UHis %ords %ere not recorded3V
Rdolf *teinerD These %ords do not refer to an0thing eAternal3 What the0 eA+ress is an inner
heartfelt "o%! and if %e can learn to +lace this into the light of rightl0 co'+rehended grace! then %hat
is to ha++en %ill indeed ha++en! %hich is that the +aths of gods and 'en 'st 'erge in or ti'e3
@ichael %ill ,e the great 'ediator ,et%een the +aths of gods and the +aths of h'an ,eings3 Let s +a0
heed to his %orkR Let s learn fro' the ,eginnings of his %ork in the +ast %hat is to ,e achie"ed in the
ftreR Then shall %e ,e +er'itted to look to the ftre not 'erel0 %ith %ell$'eaning enthsias' ,t
%ith corageos enthsias'! then shall %e find or %ill conOoined 'ore and 'ore %ith the di"ine %ill
that has gided h'anit0 fro' the ,eginning! then shall %e feel or freedo' Ooin forces %ith the
freedo' of the gods3 This is %hat %e 'st feel3 If %e do! %e shall ,e +er'itted to sa0 each da0 %hen
%e ha"e finished or dail0 %ork! ho+ing not for s'aller ,t for greater things for the follo%ing da0D
Perha+s the gods are looking do%n +on s and sa0ingD Jea! so ,e it3
In the Ne%sletter for @e',ers of the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0 Was in der Anthro+oso+hischen
8esellschaft "orgeht of ( Octo,er -.)/! Rdolf *teiner %roteD
To the @e',ers
Regarding the lectres on the Book of Re"elation
gi"en at the 8oethean' in *e+te',er
I %ish to sa0 the follo%ingD
A'ong the corses of lectres gi"en here at the 8oethean' ,et%een / and ); *e+te',er there %as
one for +riests of The 4hristian 4o''nit03 Attendance %as strictl0 li'ited and a+art fro' the +riests
the onl0 other +artici+ants %ere the 'e',ers of the EAecti"e at the 8oethean'3
*o'eti'e +rior to this the +riests had eA+ressed the %ish that the content of the corse shold ,e ,ased
on the Book of Re"elation3
A corse of lectres gi"en ,0 'e in -.>7 to 'e',ers of the then Theoso+hical *ociet0 in Nre',erg
had ,een +rinted for 'e',ers of the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0 nder the title LTheoso+h0 in relation to
the A+ocal0+seK3
It %as not +ossi,le to tie + %hat %as said on that occasion %ith the s,stance +resented this ti'e3 On
that occasion or dear friends fro' a'ong the 'e',ershi+ had ,een fll of eA+ectations %ith regard to
hearing a,ot the kno%ledge one can ha"e! throgh ,eing a,le to see into the s+ersensi,le %orld!
concerning the e"oltion of h'anit0 on earth and of the earth as a +art of the stellar s0ste'3 That is
Page 125
the kind of the'e that fits in %ell %ith the Book of Re"elation! of %hich the content is +<<ling for all
those %ho read the Bi,le! in %hich it is the final ,ook3 It contains infor'ation of a +ro+hetic kind
relating to the e"oltion of earth and h'anit03 In the Nre',erg lectres I %as a,le to sho% ho% in
the +ictre langage of the a+ocal0+tist one can often redisco"er %hat can ,e said throgh
anthro+oso+hical research H%hich goes frther into the s+irital real' ,t is ne"ertheless condcted
%ith strict scientific conscientiosnessI a,ot the de"elo+'ent of h'anit0 and the earth %ithin the
solar s0ste'3 As a reslt of this it %as also +ossi,le for 'e to sho% in the right light ho% the esoteric
trths of 4hristianit0 relate to Anthro+oso+h03 I %as a,le to hel+ '0 adience nderstand ho% eternal
trths that dee+l0 'o"e the h'an sol can ,e heard fro' t%o sides! fro' the side of "ision attained in
esoteric 4hristianit0 and fro' the side of kno%ledge attained in s+irital science3 I %as a,le to sho%
that the sa'e is heard fro' these t%o sides if onl0 one listens +ro+erl03
This ti'e! ho%e"er! '0 task %as different3 Althogh I do not intend to re+ort on %hat ,0 its "er0 natre
can onl0 ,e intended for the circle of +riests! I do feel an o,ligation to eA+lain %hat anthro+oso+hists
oght to kno% a,ot a +rocess that is taking +lace %ithin the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet03
The s+irital s,stance strea'ing throgh the circle of +riests of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 %as
,esto%ed on it throgh '0 'ediation t%o 0ears ago in the 8oethean' %hich since then has ,een
,rnt to the grond3 This ,esto%al %as sch that The 4hristian 4o''nit0 re'ains
entirel0 inde+endent of the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet03 It %old ha"e ,een i'+ossi,le to stri"e for
an0thing other than sch inde+endence! for this 'o"e'ent for 4hristian rene%al has not gro%n + ot
of Anthro+oso+h03 It originated %ith +ersons %ho %ere seeking for a ne% religios +ath ot of their
o%n eA+erience %ith 4hristianit0! not ot of their eA+erience in Anthro+oso+h03 The0 felt the rge to
disco"er the connection of the h'an sol %ith the eternal %orld of its ,eing! throgh finding a li"ing
%a0 of taking hold of the s+ersensi,le content of 4hristianit0! and the0 fir'l0 ,elie"ed that there 'st
,e a %a0 of doing this3 The0 felt! ho%e"er! that the +aths at +resent a"aila,le to the' for attaining the
office of +riesthood cold not ena,le the' to take hold of the content in the %a0 the0 en"isaged3 *o
these ++ils of an honest and s+iritall0 a++ro+riate +riesthood +laced their confidence in 'e3 The0 had
co'e to kno% Anthro+oso+h03 The0 %ere con"inced that Anthro+oso+h0 %old ,e a,le to +ro"ide
%hat the0 %ere looking for3 The0 %ere looking not for the anthro+oso+hical +ath ,t for a s+ecificall0
religios one3
I +ointed ot to the' that the clts and the teachings on %hich the clts is ,ased cold certainl0 ,e
,esto%ed on the' throgh Anthro+oso+h0! e"en thogh the anthro+oso+hical 'o"e'ent had to regard
its o%n task as l0ing in the clti"ation of s+irital life fro' other angles3
It then ,eca'e +ossi,le to a++roach &r Rittel'e0er
a,ot the #est of these ++ils of a s+iritall0
oriented 4hristian +riesthood3 His %as a +ersonalit0 in %hich 4hristian +riest as %ell
as anthro+oso+hist %ere +resent in the trest sense of the %ord3 To a great eAtent! althogh %ithot the
actal clts! he had in his +erson li"ed 4hristian rene%al in all his %ork3 If so'ething %as to ,e
,esto%ed ot of the Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0 that %old ser"e 4hristian rene%al! the +ractical
#estion natrall0 aroseD Ho% %ill Rittel'e0er recei"e that %hich is ,eing ,esto%edP What %ill ,e his
stance %ith regard to reali<ing the desired otco'eP The anthro+oso+hical 'o"e'ent cold not hel+
seeing in Rittel'e0er the +rotot0+e of a +ersonalit0 %ho had co',ined 4hristianit0 and Anthro+oso+h0
,oth %ithin the inner har'on0 of his heart and in the eAternal har'on0 of all his %ork3
Rittel'e0er said LJesK %ith all the strength of his heart3 Ths a fir' +oint of de+artre for the
inde+endent 'o"e'ent for 4hristian rene%al had ,een %on3 What then had to take +lace %as a,le to ,e
inagrated here in the 8oethean' t%o 0ears ago3
Page 126
*ince then! the co''nit0 of +riests for 4hristian rene%al has follo%ed its +ath %ith the greatest of
energ03 It is de"elo+ing a ,eneficial and healing %a0 of %orking3
T%o 0ears on fro' that 'o'entGthe anni"ersar0 of the actal fonding fell %ithin the +eriod of this
corse of lectresGthese +riests felt the need to achie"e a closer relationshi+ %ith the Book of
I ,elie"ed I %old ,e a,le to contri,te to sch a closer relationshi+3 The s+irital +aths I follo% had
ena,led 'e to trace the a+ocal0+tistKs footste+s3
*o I felt that %ith this corse of lectres I %old ,e a,le to achie"e a de+iction that %old con"e0 this
L+riestl0 ,ookK in its tre sense as a s+irital gide for the L+riestK3 The Act of 4onsecration of @an is
central to the %ork of the +riest3 Fro' it there flo%s %hat co'es to the %orld of h'an ,eings ot of
the s+irit throgh the rote of a clts3 The Book of Re"elation can occ+0 the central +lace in the sol
of the +riest3 Fro' it can strea' into all the +riestKs thinking and all the +riestKs feeling %hate"er the
h'an sol condcting the offering is to recei"e throgh grace fro' the s+irit %orld3
These %ere '0 thoghts as to the +r+ose of this corse of lectres for +riests %hen I %as re#ested to
gi"e it3 And this is the sense in %hich I ga"e it3
Regarding the #alit0 of the original 8er'an teAt Hfro' %hich this translation is 'adeI
There is no athentic record of these lectres in the sense of a literal rendering of Rdolf *teinerKs
%ordingF no stenogra+her %as +resent3
The U8er'anV edition is ,ased on a co'+ilation 'ade fro' +artici+antsK notes %hich %as +t together
as follo%sD At the end of the corse! the notes taken ,0 a n',er of the +artici+ants %ere collected and
gi"en to a gro+ %ho %ere to %ork throgh and then d+licate the'3 In the LPriests Ne%sletterK No3 ;7
of ;> Octo,er -.)/ Wolfgang *chickler re+orted on this3 Althogh *chicklerKs 'ain arg'ent is a,ot
the technical difficlties of the d+lication! his descri+tion also re"eals that at least siA +eo+le %orked
on deci+hering the "arios notes! as %ell as co'+iling! dictating and t0+ing the' +3 The na'es
'entioned areD KMthe Wolf$8'+old! Walter 8raden%it<! 2ohannes Thiele'ann! Arnold 8ael!
Her'ann Beckh3 Becase of the "irtal illegi,ilit0 of so'e of the notes! *chickler +la0fll0 referred to
the' as the LPali teAtsK3
The rogh teAt created in this %a0 %as i''ediatel0 d+licated %ithot ha"ing ,een criticall0 ins+ected
or %orked on ,0 a co'+etent +erson fro' a'ong the circle %ho had heard the lectres3 Nothing is
kno%n a,ot %hat ,eca'e of the original notes3
This co'+ilation of the notesGthe onl0 doc'entation on %hich this edition of the lectres is ,asedG
is therefore not a %ord$for$%ord record of Rdolf *teinerKs lectres3 Neither is it a re+ort on the content
of the lectres "oched for ,0 an0 one indi"idal3 The co'+ilation 'ight ,est ,e descri,ed as a kind of
'e'orand' for those %ho had +artici+ated3 The general gist of the lectres and the 'ain trains of
thoght a++ear to ,e %ell recorded! ,t %hen looked at in detail the teAt has a great 'an0 deficiencies
and nclarities! of %hich the chief ones areD
lacking or nclear sentence strctre
non se#itrs
sentences of %hich the 'eaning is nclear
o,"ios ga+s! in 'ost cases recogni<a,le de to the fact that the train of thoght is interr+ted
Page 127
se of LheK! LsheK! LitK %ith no clarit0 a,ot %hat is referred to
re+etiton of a non in a %rong conteAt! %hich entirel0 distorts the 'eaning of a %hole sentence
se of %rong tenses! e3g3 +resent instead of s,Oncti"e! or i'+erfect instead of ftre! %hich
like%ise distorts the 'eaning
re+etition of the sa'e content %ith onl0 slightl0 changed %ording! %here,0 it is nclear
%hether Rdolf *teiner %as re+eating a thoght or sentence! or %hether the notes of se"eral
+artici+ants ha"e si'+l0 ,een +laced one after the other
nclear %ording of #otations
Becase of the o,"ios deficiencies of the notes the editors had no o+tion ,t to edit the U8er'anV
teAtsF the follo%ing gidelines %ere a++liedD
clear sentences ha"e ,een constrcted
+nctation and s+elling ha"e ,een corrected
#otations ha"e ,een +ro+erl0 referenced and #oted correctl0
inco'+lete sentences ha"e ,een co'+leted
in do,tfl cases! "ariations ha"e ,een inclded in the Notes andYor eA+lained
in the case of nclear +assages! +arallel +assages ha"e ,een soght in Rdolf *teinerKs %orks
and sed to constrct 'eaningfl sense3 The follo%ing is an eAa'+leD
1nclear teAt
LOn a n',er of occasions here and in "arios +laces I ha"e descri,ed ho% this @ichaelit0 %as
introdced in the s+irital sense3 Part of this I 'entioned the other da0 in a lectre %here I +ointed ot
that in the 0ear 76. nder @ichaelKs regenc0 the indi"idalities of AleAander and Aristotle introdced a
trl0 4hristian i'+lsation3 This %as carried frther3 At the ,eginning of the ne% age! in %hich the
consciosness sol is taking holdGI ha"e descri,ed thisG%e ha"e a %onderfl insight3 If %e look +
to s+irital e"ents that ,elong to earthl0 h'anit0 and %hich go on +arallel %ith +h0sical e"ents! %e
find a s+ersensi,le school %ith @ichael as the teacher3K
Edited "ersion! sing the lectre 'entioned H-> *e+te',er -.)/ Uin 8A );7V! %hich %as taken do%n
%ord for %ord in shorthandI
LAs ti'e has gone on I ha"e s+oken here and in "arios other +laces a,ot ho% 4hristianit0 has ,een
introdced s+iritall0 throgh @ichael3 I 'entioned one as+ect of this t%o da0s ago %hen I s+oke in a
lectre a,ot @ichaelKs regenc0 in the ti'e of Aristotle and AleAander! dring %hich a geninel0
4hristian i'+lse %as alread0 introdced! and %hen I also +ointed to the 0ear 76. in %hich a kind of
s+ersensi,le 4oncil took +lace3 This contined frther3 And at the ,eginning of the ne% era! %hen the
consciosness sol is ,eginning to take effect! %e no% ha"eGif %e look + to s+irital e"ents
,elonging to earthl0 h'anit0 and rnning +arallel %ith earthl0 e"entsGthe %onderfl sight of a
s+ersensi,le school %ith @ichael as its teacher3K
The ai' of the editorial %ork has ,een to create a co'+rehensi,le teAt in so far as this is +ossi,le on
the ,asis of the inade#ate doc'entation a"aila,le3 O,"iosl0 an0 sch editing cannot hel+ re'aining
nsatisfactor03 It can ne"er re+lace a %ord$for$%ord record taken do%n in shorthand3
Page 128
8A Z 8esa'tasga,e! the collected %orks of Rdolf *teiner in the original 8er'an! +,lished ,0
Rdolf *teiner Verlag! &ornach! *%it<erland3
P,lisherKs Fore%ord
-3*ee A++endiAF also for the follo%ing #otations in this +aragra+h3
)3Friedrich Rittel'e0er H-7B)$-.;7I3 When Rittel'e0er 'et Rdolf *teiner in -.-- his
follo%ers n',ered thosands %hen *teinerKs n',ered ,arel0 hndreds! 0et he recogni<ed
*teinerKs ni#e s+irital statre3 In -.-B Rittel'e0er %as called to Berlin to one of the 'ost
inflential +l+its in 8er'an0 and %old ha"e ,een offered the highest +osition in the Ltheran
4hrch had he not chosen to s++ort The 4hristian 4o''nit0 in its +rocess of co'ing into
,eing! and s,se#entl0 ,eco'e its first Er<o,erlenker3
;3For an o"er"ie% of The 4hristian 4o''nit0! see 2a'es H3 Hindes Rene%ing 4hristianit0!
Edin,rgh! Floris Books -..(3
-3This Introdction first a++eared in a slightl0 longer "ersion in the Ne%sletter of the
Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0 in A'erica! *+ring -..73
)3-.>/D n+,lishedF -.>B and -.>.D Reading the Pictres of the A+ocal0+se H8A ->/aI3 Tr3 23
H3 Hindes! Ne% JorkD Anthro+oso+hic Press -..;F -.>7D The A+ocal0+se of *t3 2ohn3 Lectres
on the Book of Re"elation H8A ->/I3 Tr3 re"3 23 4ollis3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -.BB3
;3R3 *teiner The 8os+el of *t 2ohn and its Relation to the Other 8os+els H8A --)I3 Tr3 re"3 @3
*t 8oar3 Ne% JorkD Anthro+oso+hic Press -.7)3
/3For 'ore on the 666$0ear rh0th' and *orat see R3 *teiner The A+ocal0+se of *t 2ohn! o+3 cit3!
and R3 *teiner Three *trea's in H'an E"oltion H8A -7/I3 Tr3 43 &a"03 LondonD Rdolf
*teiner Press -.6(3
8reeting ,0 2ohannes Werner Klein
-32ohannes Werner Klein H-7.7$-.7/I! an O,erlenker of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 at the ti'e3
)3In a letter dated ;- Agst -.)/! E'il Bock Han O,erlenker of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 at
the ti'eI had told Rdolf *teiner that the circle of +riests felt 'e',ershi+ of the First 4lass of
the *chool of *+irital *cience to ,e +rofondl0 i'+ortant for their li"es3 *e"enteen
a++lications for 'e',ershi+ of the First 4lass %ere enclosed %ith the letter3 T%ent0$for +riests
had alread0 ,eco'e 'e',ersF fifteen others had a++lied ,t not 0et recei"ed an ans%er3
;3*ince the fonding of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 in *e+te',er -.))! the follo%ing +ersons
had also ,een ordainedD Harald Brock! Ro,ert 8oe,el! 2ohannes He'le,en! Her'ann Heisler!
2osef Kral! Karl Ld%ig! Karl Ltten,erger! Rdolf @e0er! Ernst @oll! Her'ann "on *kerst!
8sta" *+iegel! 2ohannes Thiele'ann! KMthe Wolf$8'+old3 It is not kno%n %hether the0 all
+artici+ated in this corse of lectres3
Lectre One
-3The fire that destro0ed the first 8oethean' on Ne% JearKs Night -.))Y); %as first noticed
in the LWhite HallK %here the 'eetings of the fonders of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 had taken
+lace in *e+te',er -.))3
)3At this +oint the internal record of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 contains the follo%ing
sentences! %hich ha"e e"identl0 ,een inade#atel0 recordedD
Page 129
LThen the s,stances %ere 'iAed in a %a0 that had still ,een taght to! sa0! AleAander ,0 Aristotle in
olden ti'es! so that the hol0 I'agination signif0ing the +ath to the gods e'erged fro' the sacrificial
s'oke3 Then this Trans,stantiation! the +riestl0 action! %as a +ro+er one3 The act of consecration of
'an had indeed ,een achie"ed3 The cele,rant and the one %ho recei"ed it kne%D This is the organ for
+ercei"ing kno%ledge! for %hen that %hich flo%s +%ards to the gods lights + in the sacrificial s'oke
and in the +ra0er that is cere'oniall0 sha+ed in 'agical se#ences of %ords! then! as a gift of grace
fro' a,o"e! there co'es do%n the re"elation! the a+ocal0+tic re"elation3K
The content onl0 hinted at here is descri,ed in R3 *teiner @0ster0 Kno%ledge and @0ster0
4entres H8A );)I3 Tr3 re"3 P3 Wehrle3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -..B! lectre of ))
&ece',er -.))3
Lectre T%o
-3In the internal record of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 this +assage is as follo%sD
LBeco'ing anointed takes +lace %hen one feels ho% the content of the Book of Re"elation ca'e into
,eing in 2ohnF as soon as one feelsD These h'an ,eings of toda0 %ant to ,eco'e +riests throgh
creating %ithin the'sel"es the eA+erience of the LIK itself in the Re"elation3 If the LIK ,eco'es
a+ocal0+tic! then it ,eco'es +riestl03K
Lectre Three
-3*teiner %as sing @artin LtherKs translation of the Bi,le3 The English #oted here is fro'
the Athori<ed Version3
Lectre For
-3The Arch,isho+ of *al<,rg! 2ohannes Ba+tist Katschthaler H-7;)$-.-/I! in a +astoral letter
of ) Fe,rar0 -.>( on LThe res+ect de to a 4atholic +riestK +,lished in 4arl @ir,t 5ellen <r
8eschichte des Pa+stt's and des R:'ischen Katholi<is's! No3/! T9,ingen -.)/! ++3/.B$
)3Rdolf *teiner %ent to Tintagel Hon the %est%ard facing cliffs of North 4orn%allI on -B
Agst -.)/3 He s+oke a,ot this eAcrsion in Tor#a0 on )- Agst and in London on )B
Agst -.)/! see R3 *teinerKar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol 7 Hin 8A )/>I3 Tr3 &3 *3 Os'ond3
LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -.B(F and in &ornach on -> *e+te',er -.)/! see R3
*teiner Kar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol / Hin 8A );7I3 Tr3 83 Ada's! re"3 &3 *3 Os'ond! 43 &a"03
LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -..B3
Lectre Fi"e
-3R3 *teiner Kno%ledge of the Higher Worlds H8A ->I3 Tr3 &3 Os'ond [ 43 &a"03 LondonD
Rdolf *teiner Press -.7(F also +,lished asD Ho% to Kno% Higher Worlds3 A @odern Path of
Initiation H8A ->I3 Tr3 43 Ba'ford3 *+ring Valle0! Ne% JorkD Anthro+oso+hic Press -../3
)3R3 *teiner Kar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol /! o+3 cit3! lectre of B *e+te',er -.)/3
;3R3 *teiner The E"oltion of the Earth and @an and the Inflence of the *tars H8A ;(/I3 Tr3 83
Hahn3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -.7B! lectre of . Agst -.)/3
/3I,id3! lectre of . *e+te',er -.)/3
(3Rdolf *teiner s+oke a,ot the kar'a of Ignatis of Lo0ola and E'anel *%eden,org a
n',er of ti'es! ,t es+eciall0 in R3 *teiner Kar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol 6 Hin 8A )/>I3 Tr3 &3 *3
Os'ond3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -.7.! lectre of )/ Agst -.)/3
Page 130
Lectre *iA
-3R3 *teiner *+eech and &ra'a H8A )7)I3 Tr3 @3 Ada's3 Ne% JorkD Anthro+os+hic Press -.763
)3Rdolf *teiner s+oke a n',er of ti'es! in esoteric lessons! a,ot the +eriods in %hich the
archangels rled! sing the chronolog0 of 2ohannes Trithe'is of *+onhei'D R3 *teiner As den
Inhalten der esoterischen *chle H8A )66I! &ornach -..(3 *ee also the lectres of ( &ece',er
-.>B in Beitrage <r Rdolf *teiner 8esa'tasga,e! No36BY67F of -. 2l0 -.)/ in R3
*teiner Kar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol 6! o+3 cit3F of 7 Agst -.)/ in R3 *teiner Kar'ic
Relationshi+s! Vol ; H8A );BI3 Tr3 83 Ada's! re"3 &3 *3 Os'ond3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press
-.BBF and of -7 Agst -.)/ in R3 *teiner Tre and False Paths in *+irital In"estigation H8A
)/;I3 Tr3 A3 Parker3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -.763
;3After Pltarch 5aestiones con"i"iales! VIII! )3
/3Fro' Ho'erKs Od0sse0! EI! /77$/.-3
(3The Eighth 4oncil of 4onstantino+le in 76. deter'ined that the h'an ,eing shold ,e
regarded as consisting of ,od0 and sol and that the sol Lhas a n',er of s+irital
632oachi' of Floris Hd3-)>)I %rote E"angeli' aetern' Han inter+retation of Bi,lical
+ro+heciesI3 Alans de Inslis HAlain de LilleI Hc3--)>$-)>)I! scholastic +hiloso+her! last of the
great teachers of 4hartres! %rote the Anticladians3
B3Rdolf *teiner s+oke in detail a,ot the 'eaning of n',ers in R3 *teiner Occlt *igns and
*0',ols Hin 8A ->-I3 Tr3 *3 Krland3 Anthro+oso+hic Press! Ne% Jork -.B)! lectre of -(
*e+te',er -.>B3
Lectre *e"en
-3Forth centr0 contro"ers0 a,ot the natre of Father 8od and *on 8od3 Aris Hd3 ;;6I! a
to%n +riest of AleAandria! taght that 4hrist %as not identical %ith the Father 8od and had ,een
created in ti'e3 Athanasis H).($;B;I! Bisho+ of AleAandria! dis+ted this and taght that
Father 8od and *on 8od %ere Lof the sa'e s,stanceK3 The 4oncil of Nicaea H;)(I decided in
fa"or of Athanasis3
)3*ee Lectre *iA! Note (3
;34onstantine the 8reat HE'+eror fro' ;>6 to ;;BI3
/3Adolf Harnack H-7(-$-.;>I! Protestant theologian! %rote &as Wesen des
4hristent's H+,lished in -.>>I! English translation What is 4hristianit0P H+,lished in -.>-I3
*ee also Lectre Nine! Note -
(32lian H;;-$;6;I! co''onl0 called 2lian the A+ostate! Ro'an e'+eror3
Lectre Eight
-3The He,re% characters %ith their n'erical e#i"alents are sho%n here in the traditional
se#ence3 H*ee R3 *teiner The A+ocal0+se of *t3 2ohn3 Lectres on the Book of Re"elation H8A
->/I3 Tr3 re"3 23 4ollis3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -.BB3 *ee the s+ecial note on +3)6; of R3
*teiner &ie A+okal0+se des 2ohannes H8A ->/I! &ornach -.7(3 It is not kno%n %h0 Rdolf
*teiner sed the s+elling L*oradtK HNote,ook entr0! Archi"e No3 /.7I3 Another re+resentation of
the n',er 666 is to ,e fond in Agri++a "on Netteshei'Ks &e occlta +hiloso+hia! Part II!
4ha+ter ))D

Page 131
L333 The forth 'agic s#are! that of the sn! consists of the s#are of siA and contains thirt0$siA
n',ers! siA in each ro%! and diagonall0 fro' corner to corner! each ro% ha"ing the s' of one
hndred and ele"en3 The s' of all the n',ers is siA hndred and siAt0$siA3K
Regarding *orat and the n',er 666! see also the lectre of )B A+ril -.>B in R3
*teiner 1rs+rngsi'+lse der 8eistes%issenschaft H8A .6I! &ornach -.7.! and of -- Octo,er
-.-7 in R3 *teiner Three *trea's in H'an E"oltion Hin 8A -7/I3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner
Press -.6(3
)3Regarding the Te'+lars! see lectre of )( *e+te',er -.-6 in R3 *teiner Inner I'+lses of
H'an E"oltion3 The @eAican @0steries and the Knights Te'+lar Hin 8A -B-I3 Tr3 83 4hrch!
F3 Ko<lik! *3 43 Easton3 Ne% JorkD Anthro+oso+hic Press -.7/3
;32ac#es de @ola0 Hd3-/-;I! last grand 'aster of the Knights Te'+lar3
/3On -> *e+te',er -.)/ in R3 *teiner Kar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol /! o+3 cit3
Lectre Nine
-3This state'ent ,0 Adolf Harnack a++ears in the 7th lectre of his ,ook What is 4hristianit0P
)3In the internal record of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 this +assage also contains the follo%ing
notes ,0 another +artici+antD LIn so far as 0o are %orth0 of it! 0o %ill take on the Ne%
2ersale' not 'erel0 as a +ictre sch as that +t for%ard ,0 'odern eAegetists ,t also as
so'ething that hangs do%n fro' a,o"e as reall0 as did the Old 2ersale' stand on its feet fro'
,elo% +%ards3K
Lectre Ten
-3Iess 4hristsD I 4H3
)3For the L%rongK translation Rdolf *teiner %as #oting Lther3 I ha"e sed the Athori<ed
Version3 HTr3I
;32ohann 4hristian Friedrich H:lderlin H-BB>$-7/;I in H0+erion! Book T%o3
Lectre Ele"en
-3*ee R3 *teiner The 4orse of '0 Life H8A )7I3 Tr3 >3 &3 Wanna'aker3 Ne% JorkD
Page 132
Anthro+oso+hic Press -.B>! 4ha+ter EVIII3 There are si'ilar descri+tions in the lectres of 7
Agst -.)/ in R3 *teinerKar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol ;! o+3 citF and )> 2l0 -.)/ in R3
*teiner Kar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol 6! o+3 cit3
Lectre T%el"e
-3Rdolf *teiner s+oke in greater detail concerning this in the lectre of B No"e',er -.-( in R3
*teiner The Occlt @o"e'ent in the 4entr0 H8A )(/I3 Tr3 &3 Os'ond3 LondonD Rdolf
*teiner Press -.B;3
)3*ee lectres es+eciall0 in R3 *teiner Kar'ic Relationshi+s! Vol /! o+3 cit3
;3@ore a,ot this i'age 'a0 ,e fond in R3 *teinerKs article on the theoso+hical congress in
@nich in L<ifer$8nosis! No3 ;/ H*''er -.>BI and the lectre of )- @a0 -.>B3 These ite's
are contained in Bilder Okklter *iegel nd *alen3 &er @9nchener Kongress Pfingsten -.>B
nd seine As%irkngen H8A )7/I! &ornach -..;3 *ee also Occlt *igns and *0',ols! o+3 cit3!
lectre of -6 *e+te',er -.>B3
/3R3 *teiner Occlt *cienceD an Otline H8A -;I3 Tr3 83 [ @3 Ada's3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner
Press -.7/! cha+ter L@an and the E"oltion of the WorldKF also +,lished as An Otline of
Esoteric *cience! Hdson N3JD Anthro+oso+hic Press -..B3
Lectre Thirteen
-3*ee R3 *teiner Pastoral @edicine H8A ;-7I3 Tr3 83 Hahn3 Ne% JorkD Anthro+oso+hic Press
-.7B! lectre of -B *e+te',er -.)/3
)3The notes recording the rest of this +aragra+h gi"e no clear indication of %hat Rdolf *teiner
actall0 said at this +oint3 It is not +ossi,le to edit the teAt to fit in %ith %hat he said in Lectre
*iA! as he 'a0 in fact ha"e ,roght in #ite other angles3 It re'ains for the reader to reach an
nderstanding! +erha+s %ith the hel+ of the follo%ingD R3 *teiner Occlt *igns and *0',ols! o+3
cit3! lectre of -( *e+te',er -.>BF R3 *teiner The Being of @an and his Ftre E"oltion Hin
8A ->BI3 Tr3 P3 Wehrle3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -.7-! lectre of )- &ece',er -.>7F R3
*teiner The East in the Light of the West H8A --;I3 Bla"eltD 8ar,er 4o''nications Inc3
-.76! lectre of ;- Agst -.>.F R3 *teiner Occlt Reading and Occlt Hearing Hin 8A -(6I3
Tr3 &3 Os'ond3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -.B(! lectre of 6 Octo,er -.-/3 Also -) lectres
on +lanetar0 e"oltion in Beitrage <r Rdolf *teiner 8esa'tasga,e! Nos3 6BY67!6.YB>!B-YB)!
and B73
;3*ee also R3 *teiner 4onferences %ith the Teachers of the Waldorf *chool in *tttgart! Vol3 /
H8A ;>>cI3 Tr3 P3 Wehrle3 Forest Ro%D *teiner *chools Fello%shi+ -.76$7.! 'eeting of ; 2l0
-.);F R3 *teinerThe Ne% *+iritalit0 and the 4hrist EA+erience of the )>th 4entr0 H8A )>>I3
Tr3 P3 King! London [ Ne% JorkD Rdolf *teiner Press [ Anthro+oso+hic Press -.77! lectre of
)) Octo,er -.)>3 H3 P3 Bla"atsk0 s+oke of Lsolless 'enK and Ldeath of solK in Isis 1n"eiled!
Vol3 II and in The *ecret &octrine! Vol3III3
/3R3 *teiner Pastoral @edicine! o+3 cit3! lectre of -B *e+te',er -.)/3
(38oetheKs letter to the +h0sicist Tho'as 2ohann *ee,eck3
63Kno Fischer H-7)/$-.>BI! +rofessor of +hiloso+h0 at 2ena and Heidel,erg! +,lished a
+a+er Erinnerngen an @orit< *ee,eck! ne,st AnhangeD 8oethe nd Tho'as *ee,eck in
Heidel,erg in -7763 *ee also the essa0 Rdolf *teiner %rote in the sa'e 0ear L&as Verhalten
Tho'as *ee,ecks < 8oethes Far,enlehreK in @ethodische 8rndlagen der
Anthro+oso+hie H8A ;>I! &ornach -.7.3
Page 133
Lectre Forteen
-3R3 *teiner Kno%ledge of the Higher Worlds! o+3 cit3
)3R3 *teiner The Philoso+h0 of *+irital Acti"it0D A Philoso+h0 of Freedo' H8A /I3 Tr3 re"3 R3
*te,,ing3 Forest Ro%! *sseAD Rdolf *teiner Press -..)3
;3In the siAth reca+itlation lesson on -B *e+te',er -.)/ in Esoteric Lessons for the First 4lass
of the *chool of *+irital *cience at the 8oethean' H8A )B> IGIVI3 Tr3 83 Ada's! re"3 @3
Wilson! ed3 23 4ollis3 LondonD Anthro+oso+hical *ociet0 in 8reat Britain -../! +ri"ate +rinting3
/3R3 *teiner Theoso+h0 H8A .I3 Tr3 @3 4otterell! A3P3 *he+herd3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press
-.B>F also +,lished asD Theoso+h0 H8A .I3 Tr3 H3 @onges! 83 4hrch3 Ne% JorkD
Anthro+oso+hic Press -.B-3
(3Tho'as 8arrige @asar0k H-7(>$-.;BI! +rofessor of +hiloso+h0 and sociolog0 in Prage3
Fro' -.-7$-.;( President of 4<echoslo"akia3
Lectre Fifteen
-3R3 *teiner Pastoral @edicine! o+3 cit3
Preli'inar0 Talk
-3E'il Bock H-7.($-.(.I! an O,erlenker of The 4hristian 4o''nit0 at the ti'e3 Friedrich
&oldinger H-7.B$-.B;I! a Lenker of The 4hristian 4o''nit03
)3In the Oornal &ie 4hristenge'einschaft! -Y6 H6 *e+te',er -.)/I! E'il Bock had +,lished an
article L&ie 8egen%art als Weltenstnde3 &ie sie,en *endschrei,en der Offen,arng 2ohannisK
HThe +resent ti'e as a cos'ic hor3 The se"en letters in the Book of Re"elationI3
;3In -.>B Pis E had declared 'odernis' to ,e a L+ool of all heresiesK3 All its errors %ere
reOected in his &ecree LLa'enta,ili sane eAitK and in the Enc0clical LPascendi do'inici gregisK3
Fro' -.-> on%ards all the clerg0 had to take the so$called Lanti'odernis'K oath! an o,ligation
that %as not annlled ntil -.6B3 *ee R3 *teiner Heilfaktoren fr den so<ialen Organis's H8A
-.7I! lectres of ;> @a0! ; and 6 2ne -.)>! and R3 *teiner Vortrage nd Krse 9,er christlich$
religioses Wirken H8A ;/;I! &ornach -..;! lectre of )6 *e+te',er -.)-3
/3Po+e Pis IEKs Enc0clical L5anta craK of 7 &ece',er -76/ inclded a L*0lla,sK containing
a list of 7> clases stating the 'odern LerrorsK of thoght not co'+ati,le %ith Ro'an
Lectre *iAteen
-3*ee Lectre Fi"e! +3BB3
)32ose+h 2ero'e de Lalande H-B;)$-7>BI! la%0er and astrono'er! ,eca'e +rofessor of
astrono'0 at the 4ollege de France in -B6- and director of the Paris O,ser"ator0 in -B673 @ain
%orksD TraitW dKastrono'ie! Paris -B6/! and Bi,liogra+hic astrono'i#e! Paris -7>;3
;3R3 Wolf Hand,ch der Astrono'ic! ihrer 8eschichte nd Litteratr! Xrich -7.) HBook III!
*ection (B7I contains the follo%ing descri+tion3
L8reat eAcite'ent %as cased in the s+ring of -BB; ,0 an annonce'ent that Lalande of the
Acade'0 %old ,e lectring a,ot Q4o'ets %hich 'ight co'e close to the earthQ3 O%ing to an
eAcessi"e n',er of other lectrers in that sitting! LalandeKs talk had to ,e cancelled3 In
conse#enceGit is not kno%n %hether throgh st+idit0 or e"il intentGthe r'or s+read that
he had intended to annonce the end of the %orld for -) @a0 de to the earthKs collision %ith a
co'et! ,t had ,een +re"ented fro' doing so ,0 the +olice3 The r'or alone sfficed to s+read
sch +anic and dread that as the %hole of Paris ,e%ailed the a++roaching da0 ,a,ies %ere ,orn
Page 134
+re'atrel0 and +eo+le died fro' shock! %hile nscr+los clerg0 +lied a roaring trade selling
a,soltions for eAor,itant s's3 The hrried +,lication of LalandeKs lectre and "arios
atte'+ts! ,oth h'oros and serios! to rectif0 the 'isa++rehension did little to cal' the
sitation3 Not ntil the terri,le da0 +assed %ithot incident of an0 kind did +eo+le retrn to their
nor'al fra'e of 'ind3K
/32ohann 2ose+h "on Littro% H-B7-$-7/>I! +rofessor of astrono'0 at 4raco% and fro' -7-. at
Vienna %here he %as also director of the O,ser"ator03 In his treatise \,er den gef9rchteten
Ko'eten des gegen%Mrtigen 2ahres -7;) and 9,er Ko'eten 9,erha+t! Vienna -7;)! he stated
the follo%ing a,ot BielaKs co'etD
CThis 0ear H-7;)I the co'et %ill toch a +oint onl0 )] of the earthKs dia'eter distant fro' the
earthKs or,it! thogh not fro' the earth itself! on ). Octo,er3 For that to ha++en! the earth itself
%old ha"e to ,e at this +oint on its or,it on ). Octo,er3 Ho%e"er! on that date the earth %ill ,e
far a%a0 fro' the +oint on its or,it that %old ,ring it so close to the co'et as to ,e a case for
concern 333 It %old ,e different if the co'et! %hich %ill ,e closest to the sn on )B No"e',er!
%ere not to co'e closest to the sn ntil )7 &ece',er3 If this %ere to ,e the case! the co'et
%old indeed co'e as close to the earth as stated a,o"e 333 This is not de to occr for the %hole
dration of this centr03 Not ntil -.;; %ill the co'etKs closest a++roach to the sn fall on the
last 333 of &ece',er if! that is! it contines on its +resent or,it of 6^ 0earsK dration3 Ho%e"er!
the distortions of its or,it that %ill ,e cased ,0 the +lanets! in +articlar 2+iter! o"er this long
+eriod %ill ,ring a,ot so 'an0 changes in its or,it that it is ,0 then hardl0 or in fact no longer
likel0 to +ose an0 danger at all to the earth3K
(3Karl Ferdinand Friedrich "on Nagler H-BB>$-7/6I! 8eneral Post'aster of Berlin3
63*ee R3 Hagen &ie erste detsche Eisen,ahn! -77(! and @3 Ke''erich Kltrkriosa! @nich
B3In 8eorg Wilhel' Friedrich Hegel H-BB>$-7;-I Enc0klo+Mdie der +hiloso+hischen
Wissenschaften i' 8rndrisse! ed3 43 @ichelet! Berlin -7/B! Part )3
73Rdolf *teiner lectred in Paris fro' )( @a0 to -/ 2ne -.>63 Edoard *chrWKs s''aries
of these lectres are inclded in the "ol'e Kos'ogonie! &ornach -.7B3 Ho%e"er! *chrW did
not record %hat Rdolf *teiner said on this +oint3 The fact that s+ectral anal0sis sho%s c0anide
to ,e +resent in the s,stance of co'ets ,eca'e +,lic kno%ledge arond the 0ear -.-> in
connection %ith an a++earance of Halle0Ks 4o'et3 Astrono'ers had ,een a%are of this ,0 the
end of the nineteenth centr03
Lectre *e"enteen
-3*ee also R3 *teiner Trning Points in *+irital Histor0! Hin 8A 6>I3 Tr3 W3 F3 KnoA3 LondonD
Rdolf *teiner P,lishing 4o3 -.;/! lectre of -. 2anar0 -.--3
)3*ee R3 *teiner! I3 Weg'an3 EAtending Practical @edicine3 Fnda'ental Princi+les ,ased on
the *cience of the *+irit H8A )BI3 Tr3 A3 R3 @ess3 LondonD Rdolf *teiner Press -..6! 4ha+ter
;32ohann 8ottlie, Fichte H-B6)$-7-/I3 8er'an +hiloso+her3
/3This +ictre of glands H&r9senI that secrete so'ething leads t%o +aragra+hs frther on to Re"3
-6!)! in %hich English translations of the Bi,le s+eak of a Lgrie"os soreK and so'e 8er'an
translations of a L8esch%9rK Ha ,oil or a,scessI3 *teiner! ho%e"er! sed LtherKs %ord L&r9seK
HglandI3 For the +r+oses of this translation I ha"e sed the fa'iliar LsoreK! since a sore! like a
Lte'+orar0 glandK also secretes 'atter3 HTr3I
Page 135
Lectre Eighteen
-3Willia' 2a'es H-7/)$-.->I! A'erican +hiloso+her3
)3Richard Heinrich Ld%ig A"enaris H-7/;$-7.6I! 8er'an +hiloso+her3 Ernst @ach H-7;7$
-.-6I! Astrian +h0sicist and +hiloso+her3
;3Karl Friedrich Ese,is Trahndorff H-B7)$-76;I! li"ed in Berlin3 He %rote &er TefelGkein
dog'atisches Hirnges+instGOffenes *endschrei,en an den Herrn &r *0do%! Prediger an der
Neen Kirche < Berlin HThe &e"ilGnot a dog'atic chi'eraI! Berlin -7(;3 Rdolf *teiner
'entioned this also in Necessit0 and Freedo' H8A -66I3 Tr3 P3 Wehrle3 Ne% JorkD
Anthro+oso+hic Press -.77! lectre of )( 2anar0 -.-63
/3K3 F3 E3 Trahndorff Asthetik oder Lehre "on Weltanschang and Knst! Berlin -7)B3
-3R3 *teiner The A+ocal0+se of *t3 2ohn3 Lectres on the Book of Re"elation! o+3 cit3
)3Friedrich Rittel'e0er! see P,lisherKs Fore%ord! Note )3
Page 136

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