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Reflection 2:

During my teaching practice , I noticed that in every classroom there are some
students who do problem all the time ,There are a students in the class do not
complying with the classroom rules, her name is Remas she are talking all the time
and move around , speaks during explain the lesson, shes doing some movements
to draw attention to her, the teacher give her a warning, but she never stop, I think
it speaks a lot and doing some movements because she did not understand the
lesson or she may get bored because shes took this lesson earlier and shes
already have a background about the lesson, I also think it is possible that her
family does not tell her the extent of the importance of attention in the classroom
during the explanation, also she dont wear off the teacher, she does not lend any
attention for the teacher, I think the teacher should call her parents and told them
about their daughter so they can figure out a solution together, I think that this case
related to the theory of (Piaget) ,in step four witch is formal operational ,in this
stage the child start to think like an adults, It is possible that she are trying to
imitate adults, by talking and not loan the teacher's attention, I have learned from
this that we must educate students through lectures , also tell them the
consequences, In the future I will use several ways to attract the attention of
students such as educational games, and a lot more .

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