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Reflection 3:

When I observe my class for more than two week I think

that the transitions are important because it provides
time for teachers and students, and also that the student
does not feel bored, give a lesson to the vitality and
facilitate the understanding of the students, help
students to rely on themselves also help students take
responsibility and organize their time, the student will be
responsible for his actions, and also encourage students
to persevere in focus for a longer period, and also the
ability to persevere in the acquisition of skills, Transitions
helps the teacher to safe their time and organize the
class fast, of the most important factors to attract
students to learn through activities and educational
games, and also play these activities to raise the level of
the student through their understanding of the lesson,
are explained clearly through the transitions that student
do it around the class , and also helps to manage an
orderly the classroom.

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