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SRT Rocket Journal

Today, I downloaded google sketch up and started testing it. I also thought
of making my nosecone and getting my tube. I also researched what
thickness and width of a tube would work the best.

In this lesson, I brought my tube from home and started making my rocket
nosecone. I measured my tube so that when I make my nosecone, it can
fit it properly into the rocket tube. The measurements were 30mm or 3cm.
For my nosecone, I started with a pointy cone, but then later, I changed it
to make a curved surface cone.

This lesson, I kept designing my rocket nose cone. While designing it, I
started drawing and designing on my rocket.

In todays lesson, I finished designing most of my rocket nosecone. Then I
started working on the cross section on my rocket. I also designed my
rocket tube some more.

This lesson, I finished my whole rocket nosecone and tube
design and emailed it on a stl file. So after, I researched what
amount of fins would work the best. I found out that three was
the best amount.

Today, I started designing my fins on paper. I decided to make a shape like
the photo on the right. Then I cut it out and collected some balsa wood.
Then, I traced around the shape on the balsa wood and cut it out using a
scalpel. Then, I researched if four fins or three fins was more
aerodynamic. I found out that three fins was better so I only cut out three

In todays lesson, I collected all my fins and sanded them to be more
aerodynamic and smooth. Then I took a string and measured and dotted
where each fin would go. After, I hot glued the fins on.

This lesson, when I came back into class, my rocket was on the ground
and two of the fins had snapped. That meant that I had to re make both
fins, sand them and hot glue them back on.

Today, I had everything up to date so I finished most of the rocket

In this lesson, my rocket nosecone printed. However, my cross section
snapped off when I took the bottom bit off. That meant I had to cut out
some balsa wood as a cross section and glue it onto the nosecone.

In todays lesson, my nosecone was a bit thin and was a bit loose in fitting
so I wrapped a lot of sticky tape around it to make it fit. After, I finished
the rest of my rocket questions.

This lesson, two of my rocket fins broke so I cut out two new ones, sanded
them and hot glued them back on.

In todays lesson, one of my fins broke again so I remade it, sanded it and
hot glued it back on. Then, I drew on my rocket a bit more.

Today, I researched what parachute shape was the best. I decided to go
for a hexagon shape with no hole in the middle.
In todays lesson, I started making my parachute. I cut out my hexagon
shape and measured so all the sides were similar length. Then I cut holes
on each corner to tie strings on.

This lesson, I collected some string and ruled out and cut each string out
to the same length. I made each one 25cm long. Then, I Started tying the
strings through the parachute.

Today, I finished my parachute and attached it to my cross section on my
nosecone. Then, while it was on the table, it got knocked off and one of
the fins broke.

In this lesson, I repaired the broken fin and designed my rocket a bit more.

In todays lesson, I went downstairs to spray paint my rocket tube, fins
and nosecone. I wanted to make my design, the bottom half black
diamond, the upper half metallic silver and the nosecone gold. However,
the black diamond had run out so I designed my lower half and nosecone
gold, whereas my upper half metallic silver. Then I took it back up and left
it in a safe place to dry.

Today, I collected my spray painted rocket and the fins were a bit uneven
in height so I sanded them to be equal length at the bottom.


In todays lesson, I started tracing out a circle onto the balsa wood to the
right diameter. After making the circle, I measured the middle and put a
dot there.

In this lesson, I got my black powder engine and started cutting the
middle of my circle to fit my engine in. However, this was hard because it
kept snapping when I tried sanding it.
In todays lesson, two of my fins snapped off so I made new ones and
attached them on my rocket. Then I went downstairs and re spray painted
my fins. I sprayed the fins and the whole bottom section a purplish colour.
Then I left it to dry.

This lesson, I collected my rocket and continued trying to sand a hole in
the circle.

In todays lesson, I finally managed to finish making my hole wide enough
for the engine to fit. Then, I hot glued the engine into the hole and the
circle to my rocket.

Today, I got a straw and cut it and glued it in line with in between my fins.
Then, I tried finishing my rocket but I didnt have a bungie cord or fuse so I
didnt launch.

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