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Charles Chao
Instructor: M. Rosenfeld
English 113A #14014
About Me
Hello my name is Charles Chao and Im a student at California State University of
Northridge. As a first time freshman in this fine university I have expected many new and
forthcoming events that may make me feel comfortable. As I continue to do well in most of my
class I expect that at some point in my college life I will learn something special that will turn
my life and create something special. I wanted to do try my best that I can be and try to get
college over with.
On my first day as a student as I drove to college, I was pumped and expected me to do
well. As I arrived to my first day the first obstacle sprung up and the challenge was to first find
parking. With only 45 minutes to spare I rushed to get parking as I slowly go around in circles
trying to find parking. Thirty minutes pass by and only 15 minutes left I then rushed to find
parking. Then a parking was empty another tried to reversed but it was too late I had gotten the
parking with only ten minutes left and I was on the top floor I ran down the stairs and just got on
time to my first class sweaty and tired. Its seems I wasnt the only one who was late because of
the parking.

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As I walk the into the first class in which was English 113 at around 11 oclock in Jerome
Richfield hall. I sat there in the comfortable chair as wait to meet my first professor of the day. I
looked around the building and the classroom to see the difference of high school and college. I
was really pretty much disappointed on how people express their feeling on to campus. To be
honest it just feels like a regular high school to me visually but much harder. As of then I was
then really just doing my stuff and trying to passed my class. I really need as of now really try to
pass the class as I wait to see how I will use my education in the real world.
This is my fall semester and I pray that I really pass all my classes and I will do well in
for the rest of the semester of my college years. IM am an extremely hard working young man
you are willing to take up any challenges that may get in my way in their mere future that has to
come in this university. As of now I as of today am writing about myself and on how will pursue
my work as a California State University student. As of right now I am doing very well in my
academic life on this campus and I wish to continue this excellency.
Besides working really hard as a college student I also have a job in the real world and
that job is to sell and bake donut at my parent restaurant that they own. it a very well and nice job
to do especially on how I am willing to learn on how multitask in my own way and how to get
things done on a daily basis and as of now I am willing. I learned how to bake when I was a 15year teenager when my parents said that I needed to get out of the house and I needed to face the
real world and get used to the fact that out in the real world it's really hard to. I am very happy
with what I have learned from my parent business and I am willing to learn more every single

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This is a what I have been doing at this university and how I live and work at that same
time I am learning every single day and Im really happy with the results of my hard work and
Im willing to do it again. this is the just the beginning of my college career and I hope that in the
future I will turn out to be a successful person and I will make a big difference in life for the
better. As I continue what I started I will make sure I will reach to the top no matter what it takes
because I refuse to get up on the work Im doing.

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