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The opening scene starts by showing a young actor running through whats

seems to be an abandon planet, using the editing effects of slow motion with this
scene of the actor running creates this type of disillusion and confusion to the
audience as they would like to know reasons why the character is running, this
also creates ambiguity to the scene as they have unanswered questions as to
why the actor is running and what the actor is running from, to enhances the
audiences interest into the short film. The mixture of the slow-motion editing
technique also makes the audience feel a part of whats going on in the film at
that current moment with the use of a point of view shot of the actors feet as
the character runs.
Throughout the short film non diegetic sound is use
this is to add to the levels of intensity, it does this by
adding fear in to the audience as the foot-steps from
the actor running is heavy and loud this generates
extra effect on the scene. The mise-en-scene of the
short film is rocks, grovel and metallic suits the
effect of these chosen mise-en-scene for this
particular short film is that it makes the film seem as
if it was short in out of space or perhaps in a future
version of earth. The choice of using dark deep
colours suggest that the short film has a deeper meaning to whats going on. The
dark colours have a connotation of secrecy, evil and bad this also helps the
audience to understand the short film more as these chose of colours portray
these dark feelings which the audience relates to the main actor of the short
The constant switch between slow-motion editing with the
character that seems to be the predator in the situation and
the main actor moving fast shows the level of anxiety being
pushed through the actors body is at really high levels where
the predator with the slow-motion editing seems more relaxed
as if he believes that no matter fast the actor runs there is no
point as he will be able to get actor because perhaps he knows
that area really well or he has a third sense or some kind of
super-power where he can sense people from their fear.

The cinematographer uses close up shorts to

shows the facial expressions of the characters when the main
actor is caught by the predator. The main actor looks distort as
the actor and predator becomes face to face, at this point the
predator starts to rip away one side of the main characters face
to reveal a bright light thats coming from within the face of the
main character, the white light coming from the actor shows
connotations of pure and angelic this could mean that the actor
was an innocent party in this situation.

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