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What is the colonoscopy

A colonoscopy ua an examination of the lining of the colon with a lighted,
flexible tube about the thickness of your finger. The doctor will insert the
tube through rectum and up through colon. To checking for abnormalities
such as inflamed tissue, abnormal growth, and ulcers. It is most often used
to look for early signs of cancer in the colon and rectum.
What is the colon.
The colon, or large bowel , is the last portion of digestive tract, or
gastrointestinal tract. The colon is a hollow tube that starts at the end of
the small intestine and ends at the rectum and anus. The colon is about 5
feet long, and its main function is to store unabsorbed food waste and
absorb water and other body fluids before the waste is eliminated as stool.
Indication of colonoscopy
1. Rectal bleeding ( which may appears as bright red, very dark or black).
2. Pain in the lower abdomen.
3. Changes in bowel habits.
4. Nondietary weight loss.
Before colonoscopy
Do not take non-steridal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAIDs) for 7 days
prior colonoscopy as all of these drugs may increase risk of bleeding.
One day before colonoscopy
Client may eat a normal breakfast.
Do not eat solid food after noon.
Drink only clear liquids for lunch and dinner.
Do not drink red, orange or purple liquids.
If doing a 1 day prep start first laxative dose 6.00pm and 6.00am.

The day of the colonoscopy.

It is important to drink as many clear liquids as possible
before colonoscopy to keep body hydrated.
Continue clear flulids such as water until 2 hours prior to
Pt. Should take usual morning medications blood pressure.
Pt diabetes do not take it the morning.
Preparation of procedure
1. Take vital sign
2. Sign a consent form
3. I/v line that will be used to give medication to make pt more
comfortable during the colonoscopy
4. Monitoring equipment will be connected to you to help the doctor and
nurse monitor heartbeat and breathing.
5. Sedatives will be given through the i/v to make pt relax
6. The doctor will pass the scope into rectum and colon
7. During the procedure pt may feel mild cramping ask pt take several
slow deep breaths.
8. A colonoscopy usually takes 30 to 60 minutes.
9. Pt may feel some cramping or the sensation of having gas after the
procedure, but it usually stops within an hour
10. After procedure pt will be taken to the recovery area.
11. Pt may not drive himself home.
12. A responsible adult will need to be with pt when pt discharge from the

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