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First mission: the lord told Jobah Set out for the great city of Niveh, and preach against it;
their wickedness has come up before me

Jonah was ready to go to Tarshish.

He went to Joppa and found ship going to Tarshish
The lord sent out a violent wind
The ship was almost breaking up
Mariners prayed to their God, asking their God to lighten their ship
Captain saw Jonah asleep in one of the rooms
Captain asked Jonah to pray to his God
Captain and the Mariners started interrogating Jonah
Jonah told them that he is a Hebrew and was fleeing away from God
Mariners asked Jonah, what they should do to calm the sea down
Jonah told the crew to throw him into the sea
The crew threw Jonah and they asked for forgiveness from God.

| The Lord sent a large fish to swallow Jonah for three days and three nights.
From the belly of the fish Jonah said the Psalm of thanksgiving to the lord
Word of the lord came to Jonah the second time:
Set out for the great city of Nineveh, and announce to it the message that I will tell you.

Nineveh is a big city ( takes 3 days to go there )

forty days more and Nineveh shall be destroyed
People of Nineveh believed God so they fasted and put on a sackcloth
King heard the news: He wore his sackcloth
King announced that no one ( man and animals) can drink water nor eat food
King also announced that they should stop doing bad things (sinning)
God saw their actions and did not continue with the destruction of Nineveh

:Jonah was angry as God did not destroy the city

Jonah left the city

He built a hut in the east and stayed under it in the shade
He waited to see what happens to the city
God provided Jonah with a gourd plant which provided shade and relieved him from

Next morning

God sent worm

Worm attacked plant
Plant died

God sent burning east wind

Jonah asked God for death
God compared Jonahs situation regarding the guard plant and Himself with the
city of Nineveh
But God said you were concerned over the plant which cost you no labour and
you did not raise it. And should I not be concerned over Nineveh?

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