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The Microsoft Terms of Use (available at the website) govern all
glossary terms in this document (Glossary Terms). The following supplemental ter
ms and conditions also apply. If there is any conflict between the Terms of Use
and the following terms and conditions, the following terms and conditions will
Precedence over the Terms of Use.
1. No part of the Glossary Terms may be reproduced, adapted, distributed, or tra
nsmitted in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, or otherwise, incl
uding photocopying and entry into an information storage and/or retrieval system
, for any purpose without the prior express consent of Microsoft Corporation.
2. You may use the Glossary Terms in the development of any application software
and you may also use the Glossary Terms for personal or non-commercial purposes
only without the prior written consent of Microsoft Corporation, and only if al
l copies contain this Permission Notice and the Microsoft copyright notice in th
e Terms of Use.
3. You are not permitted to make any modifications, deletions or additions to th
e Glossary Terms.
4. Except as expressly set forth above, Microsofts publication of the Glossary Te
rms does not grant any rights to use, distribute, or implement any technology or
intellectual property rights. All rights not expressly granted herein are expre
ssly reserved by Microsoft.
"Source Term",,"Translation",,"String Category",,"Platform",,"Product",,"Version
"Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"Copyright (C) Mic
rosoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Flavor=Retail",,"Flavor=Retail",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework CAS Policy Manager",,"Gestionnaire de stratgies CAS de
Microsoft .NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",," Microsoft Corporation. Tous dro
its rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Improperly formatted hex string.",,"Mise en forme de la chane hex incorrecte.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework CasPol {0}\r\nfor Microsoft .NET Framework version {0}
",,"Microsoft .NET Framework CasPol {0}\r\npour Microsoft .NET Framework version
{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Added union code group with ""{0}"" membership condition to the {1} level."",,
""Ajout d un groupe de codes d union avec la condition d appartenance ""{0}"" au
niveau {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation you are performing will alter security policy.\nAre you sure you
want to perform this operation? (yes/no)",,"L opration que vous effectuez va modi
fier la stratgie de scurit.\nVoulez-vous vraiment effectuer cette opration? (oui/non)
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You have added an assembly to the policy system that is not strongname signed.
This can cause load errors and other unexpected behavior. Are you sure you wan
t to do this?",,"Vous avez ajout un assembly qui n est pas sign avec un nom fort a
u systme de stratgie, ce qui risque de provoquer des erreurs de chargement et d au
tres rsultats inattendus. Voulez-vous vraiment effectuer cette opration?",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only built in groups can be used with this option.",,"Seuls les groupes intgrs pe
uvent tre utiliss avec cette option.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"This operation will make some or all caspol functionality cease to work. If yo

u are sure you want to do this operation, use the -force option before the opt
ion you just executed. For example:\n
caspol -force -machine -remgroup 1.6\n
\nPolicy save aborted.",,"Cette opration va arrter une partie ou la totalit des fon
ctionnalits caspol. Si vous tes sr de vouloir effectuer cette opration, utilisez l o
ption -force avant l option que vous venez d excuter. Par exemple:\n
caspol force -machine -remgroup 1.6\n\nAbandon de l enregistrement de la stratgie.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changed code group in the {0} level.",,"Groupe de codes modifi dans le niveau {0
}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Changed code group attributes to ""{0}"" in the {1} level."",,""Attributs du g
roupe de codes modifis en ""{0}"" dans le niveau {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Changed code group membership condition to type ""{0}"" in the {1} level."",,"
"Condition d appartenance au groupe de codes modifi vers le type ""{0}"" dans le
niveau {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Changed code group permission set to ""{0}"" in the {1} level."",,""Jeu d auto
risations du groupe de codes modifi en ""{0}"" dans le niveau {1}."",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code Groups:",,"Groupes de codes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Full Trust Assemblies:",,"Assemblys de confiance totale:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Grant =",,"Accorder =",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help screen requested",,"cran d aide demand",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Level = {0}",,"Niveau = {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named Permission Sets:",,"Jeux d autorisations nomms:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@@No Description@@",,"@@Aucune description@@",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@@No Label@@",,"@@Sans tiquette@@",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""This option is not valid with the ""{0}"" option"",,""Cette option n est pas v
alide avec l option ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {on|off}",," {on|off}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation aborted",,"Opration interrompue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Policy change prompt is {0}",,"L invite de modification de stratgie est {0}",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Policy save aborted",,"Enregistrement de la stratgie interrompu",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Press <enter> to continue....",,"Appuyez sur <entre> pour continuer...",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removed code group from the {0} level.",,"Groupe de codes supprim du niveau {0}.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resetting policy for the {0} level",,"Rinitialisation de la stratgie pour le nive
au {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Success",,"Opration russie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to display change prompt info due to security constraints.",,"Impossible
d afficher les informations sur l invite de modification pour des raisons de scu
rit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@@Unknown@@",,"@@Inconnu@@",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WARNING: The assembly at {0} cannot be loaded. Caspol can make a partial deter
mination of what evidence would be associated with this assembly. The results o
f the following operation are not necessarily accurate or complete.",,"AVERTISSE
MENT: l assembly {0} ne peut pas tre charg. Caspol peut dterminer partiellement quel
le preuve doit tre associe cet assembly. Les rsultats de l opration suivante ne sont
pas forcment prcis ni complets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly at {0} cannot be loaded. Caspol can make a partial determination
of what evidence would be associated with this assembly. If this evidence is us

ed, the results are not necessarily accurate or complete. Would you like to con
tinue this operation using partial evidence? (yes/no)",,"L assembly {0} ne peut
pas tre charg. Caspol peut dterminer partiellement quelle preuve doit tre associe cet
assembly. Si cette preuve est utilise, les rsultats ne sont pas forcment prcis ni c
omplets. Souhaitez-vous continuer cette opration en utilisant une preuve partiell
e? (oui/non)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Administrator permissions are needed to use the selected options. Use an admini
strator command prompt to complete these tasks.",,"Les droits d administrateur s
ont requis pour utiliser les options slectionnes. Utilisez une invite de commandes
administrateur pour effectuer ces tches.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"ERROR: {0}",,"ERREUR: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot remove the root code group of a policy level",,"Impossible de supprimer
le groupe de codes racine d un niveau de stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changing the permission set for a FileCodeGroup has no effect.",,"La modificati
on du jeu d autorisations dfini pour un FileCodeGroup n a aucun effet.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Names must not begin with a number.",,"Les noms ne doivent pas commencer par un
numro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Label or name must point to a code group",,"L tiquette ou le nom doit pointer ve
rs un groupe de codes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changing the permission set for a NetCodeGroup has no effect.",,"La modificatio
n du jeu d autorisations dfini pour un NetCodeGroup n a aucun effet.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to generate code group labels appropriately.",,"Impossible de gnrer les tiq
uettes de groupe de codes appropries.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Not enough arguments, no permission set specified",,"Pas assez d arguments, pas
de jeu d autorisations spcifi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unrecognized option or permission set name ""{0}""."",,""Nom d option ou de je
u d autorisations non reconnu ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Invalid Xml.",,"Xml non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create specified class.",,"Impossible de crer la classe spcifie.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Warning: unused level indicator ""{0}"" discovered."",,""Avertissement: indicat
eur de niveau ""{0}"" inutilis dcouvert."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to open specified file.",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier spcifi.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This assembly is already fully trusted",,"Cet assembly est dj d un niveau de conf
iance totale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid hash option - {0}.",,"Option de hachage non valide - {0}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient rights to obtain policy level",,"Droits insuffisants pour obtenir
le niveau de stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid label or name",,"tiquette ou nom non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid label or name - {0}",,"tiquette ou nom non valide - {0}",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option: {0}",,"Option non valide: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option to {0} - {1}.",,"Option non valide pour {0} - {1}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not enough arguments",,"Arguments insuffisants",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This assembly is not strong name signed",,"Cet assembly n est pas sign avec un n
om fort",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission set with that name already exists at requested level.",,"Un jeu d au

torisations portant ce nom existe dj au niveau demand.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame

work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Permission set ""{0}"" does not exist in this level"",,""Le jeu d autorisation
s ""{0}"" n existe pas ce niveau"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"No name provided for permission set.",,"Aucun nom n est fourni pour le jeu d au
torisations.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission to alter policy was denied",,"L autorisation de modifier la stratgie
a t refuse",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified file is not signed or does not exist.",,"Le fichier spcifi n est pa
s sign ou n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Runtime error: {0}",,"Erreur d excution: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Improperly formatted version.",,"Mise en forme incorrecte de la version.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid strongname option - {0}",,"Option de nom fort non valide - {0}",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to retrieve the framework directory location.",,"Impossible de rcuprer l e
mplacement du rpertoire de l infrastructure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load assembly",,"Impossible de charger l assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to retrieve level information",,"Impossible d extraire les informations
sur le niveau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to save settings",,"Impossible d enregistrer les paramtres",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled error:",,"Erreur non gre:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Unknown hash algorithm - {0}.",,"Algorithme de hachage inconnu - {0}.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown level type",,"Type de niveau inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown membership condition - {0}.",,"Condition d appartenance inconnue - {0}.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unknown permission set ""{0}"""",,""Jeu d autorisations inconnu ""{0}"""",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid zone - {0}",,"Zone non valide - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
" -allcode
All code",," -allcode
Tout le co
de",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -app
Application",," -app
n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -appdir
Application directory",," -appdir
Rpertoire de l application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -custom <xml_file>
Custom membership condition",," -custom <fichier_xm
Condition d appartenance personnalise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -gac
Installed in the Global Assembly Cache",," -gac
Install dans le Global Assembly Cache",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -hash <hashAlg> {-hex <hashValue>|-file <assembly_name>}\n
Assembly hash",," -hash <hashAlg> {-hex <hashValue>|-file <assembly_nam
Hachage d assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -pub {-cert <cert_file_name> | -file <signed_file_name> | -hex <hex_string>}\
Software publisher",," -pub {-cert <cert_file_name>
| -file <signed_file_name> | -hex <hex_string>}\n
ur de logiciels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -site <website>
Site",," -site <site_web>
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" -strong {-file <assemblyfile_name> | -hex <public_key>}\n

{<name> |
-noname} {<version> | -noversion}\n
Strong name",," strong {-file <assemblyfile_name> | -hex <public_key>}\n
{<name> | -non
ame} {<version> | -noversion}\n
Nom fort",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -url <url>
URL",," -url <url>
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -zone <zone_name>
Zone, where zone can be:",," -zone <nom_zone>
Zone, qui peut tre:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -addfulltrust <assembly_name>\n
Add full trust assembly to policy lev
el",,"caspol -addfulltrust <nom_assembly>\n
Ajouter un assembly de confiance
totale au niveau de stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -addgroup <parent_label|name> <mship> <pset_name> <flag>\n
Add code g
roup to <parent_label|name> with given membership,\n
permission set, and flag
s",,"caspol -addgroup <tiquette_parent|nom> <appartenance> <nom_jeu_autorisations
> <indicateur>\n
Ajouter un groupe de codes <tiquette_parent|nom> avec une app
un jeu d autorisations et des indicateurs donns",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -addpset { <named_xml_file> | <xml_file> <name> } \n
Add named permis
sion set to policy level",,"caspol -addpset { <named_xml_file> | <xml_file> <nam
e> } \n
Ajouter un jeu d autorisations au niveau de stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -a[ll]\n
Set all policy levels as the active levels",,"caspol -a[ll]\
Dfinir tous les niveaux de stratgie comme des niveaux actifs",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -b[uildcache]\n
Build the security policy cache file.",,"caspol -b[ui
Gnrer le fichier cache de la stratgie de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -checkfulltrust\n
Check full trust list",,"caspol -checkfulltrust\n
Vrifier la liste des assemblys d un niveau de confiance totale",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -chggroup <label|name> {<mship>|<pset_name>|<flag>}+\n
Change code gr
oup at <label|name> to given membership,\n
permission set, or flags",,"caspol
-chggroup <label|name> {<mship>|<pset_name>|<flag>}+\n
Modifier le groupe de
codes <tiquette|nom> en une appartenance,\n
un jeu d autorisations ou des ind
icateurs donns",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -chgpset <xml_file> <pset_name>\n
Change named permission set in acti
ve level",,"caspol -chgpset <fichier_xml> <nom_jeu_autorisations>\n
le jeu d autorisations nomm dans le niveau actif",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -customall <path>\n
Modifier that makes additional commands act on al
l levels as a custom user",,"caspol -customall <chemin>\n
Modificateur qui ob
lige les commandes supplmentaires agir tous les niveaux en tant qu utilisateur p
ersonnalis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -customuser <path>\n
Modifier that makes additional commands act on t
he custom user level",,"caspol -customuser <chemin>\n
Modificateur qui oblige
les commandes supplmentaires agir au niveau de l utilisateur personnalis",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -d[escription] <desc>\n
Code group description",,"
-d[escription] <desc>\n
Description du groupe de c
odes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -en[terprise]\n
Modifier that makes additional commands act on the en
terprise level",,"caspol -en[terprise]\n
Modificateur qui oblige les command
es supplmentaires agir au niveau de l entreprise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set the policy statement Exclusive flag",,"Dfinir l indicateur Exclusive de l in
struction de
stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -f[orce]\n
Enable forcing save that will disable caspol functionality
",,"caspol -f[orce]\n
Active l enregistrement forc qui va dsactiver la fonction

nalit caspol",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"caspol -h[elp]\n
Displays this screen",,"caspol -h[elp]\n
Affiche cet cran
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set the policy statement LevelFinal flag",,"Dfinir l indicateur LevelFinal de l
instruction de stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -l[ist]\n
List code groups permission sets",,"caspol -l[ist]\n
rtorie les groupes de codes et les jeux d autorisations",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -listdescription\n
List code group names and descriptions",,"caspol listdescription\n
Rpertorie les noms des groupes de codes et leurs description
s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -listfulltrust\n
List full trust assemblies",,"caspol -listfulltrust\
Rpertorie tous les assemblys de confiance totale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -listgroups\n
List code groups",,"caspol -listgroups\n
Rpertorie le
s groupes de codes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -listpset\n
List permission sets",,"caspol -listpset\n
Rpertorie le
s jeux d autorisations",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -m[achine]\n
Modifier that makes additional commands act on the machi
ne level",,"caspol -m[achine]\n
Modificateur qui oblige les commandes supplmen
taires agir au niveau de l ordinateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" -n[ame] <name>\n
Code group name",," -n[ame] <nom>
Nom du groupe de codes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -polchgprompt { on | off }\n
Enable/Disable policy change prompt",,"c
aspol -polchgprompt { on | off }\n
Active/dsactive l invite de modification de
stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -q[uiet]\n
Disable policy change prompt for this command",,"caspol -q
Dsactiver l invite de modification de stratgie pour cette commande",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -r[ecover]\n
Recover the most recently saved version of a level",,"ca
spol -r[ecover]\n
Rcupre la dernire version enregistre d un niveau",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -remfulltrust <assembly_name>\n
Remove a full trust assembly from the
policy level",,"caspol -remfulltrust <nom_assembly>\n
Supprime un assembly d
e confiance totale du niveau de stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"caspol -remgroup <label|name>\n
Remove code group at <label|name>",,"caspol
-remgroup <tiquette|nom>\n
Supprime un groupe de codes <tiquette|nom>",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -rempset <pset_name>\n
Remove a named permission set from the policy
level",,"caspol -rempset <nom_jeu_autorisations>\n
Supprime un jeu d autorisa
tions nomm du niveau de stratgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -reset\n
Reset a level to its default state",,"caspol -reset\n
lit un niveau son tat par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -resetlockdown\n
Reset a level to its default lockdown state",,"caspo
l -resetlockdown\n
Rtablit un niveau son tat de verrouillage par dfaut",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -resolvegroup <assembly_name>\n
List code groups this file belongs to
",,"caspol -resolvegroup <nom_assembly>\n
Rpertorie les groupes de codes auxqu
els ce fichier appartient",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -resolveperm <assembly_name>\n
List permissions granted to this file"
,,"caspol -resolveperm <nom_assembly>\n
Rpertorie les autorisations accordes ce
fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"caspol -u[ser]\n
Modifier that makes additional commands act on the user lev
el",,"caspol -u[ser]\n Modificateur qui oblige les commandes supplmentaires agi
r au niveau de l utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WARNING: The .NET Framework does not apply CAS policy by default. Any settings
shown or modified by CasPol will only affect applications that opt into using CA

S policy.",,"AVERTISSEMENT: le .NET Framework n applique pas la stratgie CAS par df

aut. Les paramtres affichs ou modifis par CasPol n affecteront que les applications
qui acceptent l utilisation de la stratgie CAS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please see for more information."
,,"Pour plus d informations, consultez
1738.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"no",,"non",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"yes",,"oui",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"y",,"o",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) Shared Source CLI CasPol",,"Microsoft (R) Shared Source CLI CasPo
l",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For usage information, use caspol -? ",,"Pour des informations sur l utilisati
on, utilisez caspol -? ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: caspol <option> <args> ...",,"Utilisation: caspol <option> <args> ...",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""where ""<flag>"" can be any combination of:"",,""o ""<indicateur>"" peut tre n i
mporte quelle combinaison de:"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""where ""<mship>"" can be:"",,""o ""<appartenance>"" peut tre:"",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Because all GAC assemblies always get full trust, the full trust list is no lon
ger meaningful. You should install any assemblies that are used in security poli
cy in the GAC to ensure they are trusted.",,"Dans la mesure o tous les assemblys
GAC sont toujours d un niveau de confiance totale, la liste de confiance totale
n est plus significative. Installez dans le GAC les assemblys qui sont utiliss da
ns la stratgie de scurit afin qu ils soient d un niveau de confiance totale.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The enumerator is not cloneable.",,"L numrateur ne peut pas tre clon.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get the value for the property info since it does not have a getter.",,"
Impossible d obtenir la valeur pour les informations de la proprit car elle n a pa
s d accesseur Get.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified cookie string is invalid.",,"La chane de cookie spcifie n est pas va
lide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified member info is not valid for this IReflect.",,"Les informations d
u membre spcifi ne sont pas valides pour ce IReflect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must specify binding flags describing the invoke operation required.",,"Vous de
vez spcifier des indicateurs de liaisons dcrivant l opration d appel requise.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object is not valid for this method info.",,"L objet n est pas valide pour
les informations de cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the value for the property info since it does not have a setter.",,"
Impossible de dfinir la valeur pour les informations de cette proprit car elle n a
pas de mthode Setter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The target is not valid for this IReflect.",,"La cible n est pas valide pour ce
IReflect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"QI for IEnumVARIANT failed on the unmanaged server.",,"chec de QI pour IEnumVARI
ANT sur le serveur non manag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DISPID returned from GetIDsOfNames is different from the cached DISPID.",,"
Le DISPID retourn de GetIDsOfNames est diffrent du DISPID en cache.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variant returned from Invoke() on member DISPID_NEWENUM is invalid.",,"Le varia
nt retourn de Invoke() pour le membre DISPID_NEWENUM n est pas valide.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member not found.",,"Membre introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"IDispatchEx does not support adding fields.",,"IDispatchEx ne prend pas en char
ge l ajout de champs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IDispatchEx does not support adding methods.",,"IDispatchEx ne prend pas en cha

rge l ajout de mthodes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Microsoft .NET Framework Custom Marshalers",,"Marshaleurs personnaliss Microsoft
.NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework",,"Microsoft .NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"View Log",,"Afficher le journal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete Entry",,"Supprimer l entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Delete All",,"Supprimer tout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh",,"Actualiser",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Settings...",,"Paramtres...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly Binding Log Viewer",,"Visionneuse du journal de liaison d assembly",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log Failures",,"Dfaillances du journal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Log Location",,"Emplacement du journal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Log Categories",,"Catgories du journal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Default",,"Par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Native Images",,"Images natives",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom",,"Personnalis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"About",," propos de",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User Settings",,"Paramtres utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"No Log",,"Pas de journal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Log",,"Activer le journal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Force Log",,"Forcer le journal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Note:Enable log in User Settings will overwrite all the machine settings.",,"Re
marque: l activation du journal dans les paramtres utilisateur crase tous les paramt
res de l ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Settings",,"Paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log disabled",,"Journal dsactiv",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log in exception text",,"Enregistrer dans le texte de l exception",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log bind failures to disk",,"Enregistrer les checs de liaison sur le disque",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log all binds to disk",,"Enregistrer toutes les liaisons sur le disque",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable custom log path",,"Activer le chemin de journal personnalis",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom log path:",,"Chemin du journal personnalis:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable immersive logging",,"Activer la journalisation immersive",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"OK",,"OK",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cancel",,"Annuler",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version",,"Version",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2005. All rights reserved.",,"Copyrigh
t (C) Microsoft Corporation 1998-2005. Tous droits rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log Settings",,"Paramtres du journal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Custom Log Path Setting Error",,"Erreur de spcification du chemin de journal per
sonnalis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom log path must not be relative. And it must be an existing directory. \nP
lease reset custom log path.",,"Le chemin de journal personnalis ne doit pas tre u
n chemin relatif et doit se trouver dans un rpertoire existant. \nRedfinissez le c
hemin de journal personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Application",,"Application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Description",,"Description",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Date/Time",,"Date/heure",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"Copyright (c) Mic
rosoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Attempt to install an assembly without a strong name\r\n",,"Tentative d install
ation d un assembly sans un nom fort\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Strong name signature could not be verified. Was the assembly built delay-sign
ed?\r\n",,"Impossible de vrifier la signature de nom fort. L assembly a-t-il t gnr ave
c une temporisation de la signature?\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"One or more modules specified in the manifest not found.\r\n",,"Un ou plusieurs
modules spcifis dans le manifeste sont introuvables.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more modules were streamed in which did not match those specified by the
manifest. The hash of one or more modules found does not match the hash recorde
d in the manifest.",,"Un ou plusieurs des modules chargs ne correspondaient pas c
eux spcifis dans le manifeste. Le hachage d un ou plusieurs modules ne correspond
pas celui enregistr dans le manifeste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"An unexpected error was encountered in the assembly cache.\r\n",,"Erreur inatte
ndue dans le cache de l assembly.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Invalid file or assembly name. The name of the file must be the name of the as
sembly plus .dll or .exe .\r\n",,"Fichier ou nom d assembly non valide. Le nom d
u fichier doit tre le nom de l assembly plus .dll ou .exe.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly cannot be uninstalled because it is required by the operating system.\
r\n",,"L assembly ne peut pas tre dsinstall car il est requis par le systme d exploi
tation.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown Error hr=0X%x\r\n",,"Erreur inconnue hr=0X%x\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Install Reference has to be one of:\r\n FILEPATH
<filepath> <data>\r\n U
NINSTALL_KEY <registry key> <data>\r\n OPAQUE
<identifier> <data>\r\n",,
"La rfrence d installation doit tre l une des suivantes:\r\n FILEPATH
fichier> <donnes>\r\n UNINSTALL_KEY <cl_registre> <donnes>\r\n OPAQUE
ntificateur> <donnes>\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure adding assembly to the cache: ",,"chec de l ajout de l assembly au cache:
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to add assemblies to the cache: ",,"chec de l ajout d assemblys au cache:
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly already exists in cache. Use /f option to force overwrite\r\n",,"L ass
embly existe dj dans le cache. Utilisez l option /f pour forcer l crasement.\r\n",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly successfully added to the cache\r\n",,"Assembly ajout au cache\r\n",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid assembly filename in input file.\r\n",,"Nom de fichier d assembly non v
alide dans le fichier d entre.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Removing references:\r\n",,"Suppression des rfrences:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly could not be uninstalled because it is required by Windows Installer\r
\n",,"L assembly ne peut pas tre dsinstall car il est requis par Windows Installer.
\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly could not be uninstalled because it is required by the operating syste
m\r\n",,"L assembly ne peut pas tre dsinstall car il est requis par le systme d expl
oitation.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to remove all install references\r\n",,"Impossible de supprimer toutes l

es rfrences d installation.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Reference not found:\r\n",,"Rfrence introuvable:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removed reference:\r\n",,"Rfrence supprime:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to uninstall: assembly is required by one or more applications\r\n",,"Im
possible de dsinstaller: l assembly est requis par une ou plusieurs applications.\
r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pending references:\r\n",,"Rfrences en cours:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure removing assembly from cache: ",,"chec de la suppression de l assembly d
u cache: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\r\nUninstall Failed for: %ws\r\n",,"\r\nchec de la dsinstallation de: %ws\r\n",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Out of Memory!\r\n",,"Erreur: mmoire insuffisante\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure enumerating assemblies: ",,"chec de l numration des assemblys: ",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid assembly display name in input file.\r\n",,"Nom complet de fichier d as
sembly non valide dans le fichier d entre.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error deleting contents of the download cache: ",,"Erreur lors de la suppressio
n du contenu du cache de tlchargement: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Download cache deleted successfully\r\n",,"Cache de tlchargement supprim.\r\n",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate command /%ws.\r\n",,"Commande duplique /%ws.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: multiple commands encountered. Only one command can be specified\r\n",,"
Erreur: plusieurs commandes trouves. Une seule commande peut tre spcifie.\r\n",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown option: %ws\r\n",,"Option inconnue: %ws\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid path: %ws \r\n",,"Chemin non valide: %ws \r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File path is too long: %ws \r\n",,"Chemin d accs au fichier trop long: %ws \r\n",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to open assemblies list file %ws.",,"chec de l ouverture du fichier de li
ste des assemblys %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading file %ws.",,"Erreur lors de la lecture du fichier %ws.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to process assembly %ws.",,"chec du traitement de l assembly %ws.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %ws already exists in cache. Use /f option to force overwrite\r\n",,"L
assembly %ws existe dj dans le cache. Utilisez l option /f pour forcer l crasement
.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %ws successfully added to the cache\r\n",,"Assembly %ws ajout au cache.
\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to add assembly %ws to the cache: ",,"chec de l ajout de l assembly %ws a
u cache: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\r\nNumber of assemblies processed = %d\r\n",,"\r\nNombre d assemblys traits = %
d\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of assemblies installed = %d\r\n",,"Nombre d assemblys installs = %d\r\n"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of assemblies uninstalled = %d \r\n",,"Nombre d assemblys dsinstalls = %d
\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of failures = %d\r\n",,"Nombre d checs = %d\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option %ws takes 1 argument\r\n",,"L option %ws prend 1 argument.\r\n",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Option %ws takes %i arguments\r\n",,"L option %ws prend %i arguments.\r\n",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\r\nAssembly: %ws\r\n",,"\r\nAssembly: %ws\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstalled: %ws\r\n",,"Dsinstall: %ws\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"No assemblies found matching: %ws\r\n",,"Aucun assembly trouv correspondant : %ws
\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error HRESULT=0x%0x\r\n",,"Erreur HRESULT=0x%0x\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Administrator permissions are needed to use the selected options. Use an admini
strator command prompt to complete these tasks.\r\n",,"Les droits d administrate
ur sont requis pour utiliser les options slectionnes. Utilisez une invite de comma
ndes administrateur pour effectuer ces tches.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Global Assembly Cache contains the following assemblies:\r\n",,"Global Asse
mbly Cache contient les assemblys suivants:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\r\nThe cache of ngen files contains the following entries:\r\n",,"\r\nLe cache
des fichiers ngen contient les entres suivantes:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\r\nThe cache of downloaded files contains the following entries:\r\n",,"\r\nLe
cache des fichiers tlchargs contient les entres suivantes:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\r\nNumber of items = %d\r\n",,"\r\nNombre d lments = %d\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
SCHEME: <%ws> ",,"
SCHMA: <%ws> ",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ID: <%ws> ",," ID: <%ws> ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" DESCRIPTION : <%ws> ",," DESCRIPTION: <%ws> ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure initializing gacutil\r\n",,"chec de l initialisation de gacutil\r\n",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/ungen is obsolete. Please use ngen.exe /delete instead.",,"/ungen est obsolte.
Utilisez ngen.exe /delete.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported target runtime version.\r\n",,"Version du runtime cible non prise e
n charge.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: Gacutil <command> [ <options> ]\r\n",,"Utilisation: Gacutil <commande> [
<options> ]\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Commands:\r\n",,"Commandes:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /i <assembly_path>",," /i <assembly_path>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
Installs an assembly to the global assembly cache.\r\n\r\n",,"
un assembly dans le Global Assembly Cache.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /il <assembly_path_list_file>",," /il <assembly_path_list_file>",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Installs one or more assemblies to the global assembly cache.\r\n\r\n",,"
Installe un ou plusieurs assemblys dans le Global Assembly Cache.\r\n\r\n",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /u <assembly_display_name>",," /u <assembly_display_name>",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Uninstalls an assembly from the global assembly cache.\r\n\r\n",,"
alle un assembly du Global Assembly Cache.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ul <assembly_display_name_list_file>",," /ul <assembly_display_name_list_fi
le>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Uninstalls one or more assemblies from the global assembly cache.\r\n\r\n",
Dsinstalle un ou plusieurs assemblys du Global Assembly Cache.\r\n\r\n",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" /l [ <assembly_name> ]\r\n",," /l [ <assembly_name> ]\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,"

.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
List the global assembly cache filtered by <assembly_name>\r\n\r\n",,"
fficher la liste du Global Assembly Cache filtr par <assembly_name>\r\n\r\n",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /lr [ <assembly_name> ]\r\n",," /lr [ <assembly_name> ]\r\n",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
List the global assembly cache with all traced references.\r\n\r\n",,"
ffiche la liste du Global Assembly Cache avec toutes les rfrences suivies.\r\n\r\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Deletes the contents of the download cache\r\n\r\n",,"
Supprime le conte
nu du cache de tlchargement.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
Lists the contents of the download cache\r\n\r\n",,"
Rpertorie le contenu
du cache de tlchargement.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Displays a detailed help screen\r\n\r\n",,"
Affiche un cran d aide dtaill.\
r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Options:\r\n",," Options:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /r <reference_scheme> <reference_id> <description>\r\n",," /r <reference_sch
eme> <reference_id> <description>\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
Specifies a traced reference to install (/i, /il) or uninstall (/u, /ul).\r
Spcifie la rfrence suivie installer (/i, /il) ou dsinstaller (/u, /ul)
.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Forces reinstall of an assembly.\r\n\r\n",,"
Force la rinstallation d un
assembly.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Suppresses display of the logo banner\r\n\r\n",,"
Supprime l affichage d
u logo.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Suppresses display of all output\r\n\r\n",,"
Supprime l affichage de tou
te sortie.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Installs an assembly to the global assembly cache. <assembly_path> is the\r
name of the file that contains the assembly manifest.\r\n",,"
un assembly dans le Global Assembly Cache. <assembly_path> est le\r\n
nom du
fichier qui contient le manifeste de l assembly.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Example: /i myDll.dll",,"
Exemple: /i myDll.dll",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /il <assembly_path_list_file>",," /il <fichier_liste_chemin_d accs_assembly>"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Installs one or more assemblies to the global assembly cache. \r\n",,"
Installe un ou plusieurs assemblys dans le Global Assembly Cache. \r\n",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
<assembly_list_file> is the path to a text file that contains a list of \r\
assembly manifest file paths. Individual paths in the text file must be \r\
separated by CR/LF.\r\n",,"
<assembly_list_file> est le chemin du fichie
r texte qui contient\r\n
la liste des chemins des fichiers manifeste d assemb
Les chemins dans le fichier texte doivent tre spars par des retours\r\n
la ligne ou des retours chariot.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
Example: /il MyAssemblyList.txt",,"
Exemple: /il MyAssemblyList.txt",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"" /r FILEPATH c:\projects\myapp.exe ""My App""\r\n"",,"" /r FILEPATH c:\project
s\myapp.exe ""My App""\r\n"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
myAssemblyList.txt content:\r\n",,"
Contenu de myAssemblyList.txt:\r\
n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /u <assembly_display_name>",," /u <nom_d affichage_assembly>",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Uninstalls an assembly. <assembly_name> is the name of the assembly\r\n
(partial or fully qualified) to remove from the Global Assembly Cache.\r\n",,"
Dsinstalle un assembly. <assembly_name> est le nom de l assembly\r\n

l ou complet) supprimer du Global Assembly Cache.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra

mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
If a partial name is specified all matching assemblies will be uninstalled.
Si un nom partiel est spcifi, tous les assemblys correspondants\r\n
sont dsinstalls.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Exemple:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
/r FILEPATH c:\projects\myapp.exe ""My App""\r\n"",,""
c:\projects\myapp.exe ""My App""\r\n"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" /uf <assembly_name>\r\n",," /uf <nom_assembly>\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Forces uninstall of an assembly by removing all traced references.\r\n",,"
Force la dsinstallation d un assembly en supprimant toutes\r\n
les rfrences s
uivies.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
<assembly_name> is the full name of the assembly to remove.\r\n",,"
embly_name> est le nom complet de l assembly supprimer.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Assembly will be removed unless referenced by Windows Installer.\r\n",,"
L assembly va tre supprim, sauf s il est rfrenc par Windows Installer.\r\n",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
!! Warning: use the /uf command with care as applications may fail to run !
Avertissement: utilisez la commande /uf avec prcautions car certaines
applications risquent de ne plus s excuter.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Example: /uf myDll,Version=,Culture=en,PublicKeyToken=874e23ab874e23
/uf myDll,Version=,Culture=en,PublicKey
Token=874e23ab874e23ab\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ul <assembly_display_name_list_file>",," /ul <fichier_liste_nom_d affichage
_assembly>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Uninstalls one or more assemblies from the global assembly cache. \r\n",,"
Dsinstalle un ou plusieurs assemblys du Global Assembly Cache. \r\n",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
<assembly_list_file> is the path to a text file that contains a list of \r\
assembly names. Individual names in the text file must be \r\n
by CR/LF.\r\n",,"
<assembly_list_file> est le chemin du fichier texte qui co
une liste des noms d assembly. Les noms dans le fichier texte doiv
tre spars par des retours chariot ou des retours la ligne.\r\n",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Example: /ul myAssemblyList.txt",,"
Exemple: /ul myAssemblyList.txt",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""/r FILEPATH c:\projects\myapp.exe ""My App""\r\n"",,""/r FILEPATH c:\projects\
myapp.exe ""My App""\r\n"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /l [ <assembly_name> ]\r\n",," /l [ <nom_assembly> ]\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Lists the contents of the global assembly cache. When the optional \r\n
<assembly_name> parameter is specified only matching assemblies are listed.\r\n\
Affiche le contenu du Global Assembly Cache.\r\n
Lorsque le paramtr
e facultatif <assembly_name> est spcifi, seuls\r\n
les assemblys correspondants
apparaissent dans la liste.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" /lr [ <assembly_name> ]\r\n",," /lr [ <nom_assembly> ]\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Lists the contents of the global assembly cache including traced reference
information. When the optional <assembly_name> parameter is specified on
ly \r\n
matching assemblies are listed.\r\n\r\n",,"
Affiche le contenu du
Global Assembly Cache, avec les informations\r\n
sur les rfrences suivies.\r\n
Lorsque le paramtre facultatif <assembly_name> est spcifi,\r\n
seuls les asse
mblys correspondants apparaissent dans la liste.\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Old command syntax:\r\n",,"Ancienne syntaxe de la commande:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /if <assembly_path>\r\n",," /if <chemin_d accs_assembly>\r\n",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
equivalent to /i <assembly_path> /f\r\n\r\n",,"
quivalent /i <assembly_pa
th> /f\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ir <assembly_path> <reference_scheme> <reference_id> <description>\r\n",,"
/ir <chemin_d accs_assembly> <schma_rfrence> <ID_rfrence> <description>\r\n",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
equivalent to /i <assembly_path> /r <...>\r\n\r\n",,"
quivalent /i <assem
bly_path> /r <...>\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ur <assembly_name> <reference_scheme> <reference_id> <description>\r\n",,"
/ur <nom_assembly> <schma_rfrence> <id_rfrence> <description>\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
equivalent to /u <assembly_path> /r <...>\r\n\r\n",,"
quivalent /u <assem
bly_path> /r <...>\r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options:\r\n",,"Options:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Specifies a traced reference to install (/i, /il) or uninstall (/u, /ul).\r
Spcifie la rfrence suivie installer (/i, /il)\r\n
ou dsinstaller (/u, /
ul).\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
<reference_scheme> is the type of the reference being added \r\n
<reference_scheme> est le type
de rfrence ajoute \r\n
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
<reference_id> is the identifier of the referencing application, \r\n
depending on the <reference_scheme>\r\n",,"
<reference_id> est l identi
ficateur de l application de rfrence, \r\n
selon le <reference_scheme>\r\n"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
<description> is a friendly description of the referencing application.\r
<description> est une description conviviale\r\n
de l applicati
on de rfrence.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Example: /r FILEPATH c:\projects\myapp.exe ""My App""\r\n\r\n"",,""
mple: /r FILEPATH c:\projects\myapp.exe ""My App""\r\n\r\n"",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Forces reinstall of an assembly regardless of any existing assembly with \r
the same assembly name.\r\n\r\n",,"
Force la rinstallation d un assembly
, mme s il existe un assembly\r\n
portant le mme nom d assembly.\r\n\r\n",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dump options",,"Options du dump",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Dump Header",,"En-tte",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dump Statistics",,"Statistiques",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Dump IL Code",,"Code IL",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token Values",,"Valeurs des jetons",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Actual Bytes",,"Octets rels",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source Lines",,"Lignes sources",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Expand try/catch",,"Dvelopper try/catch",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dump Metainfo",,"Mta-informations",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Debug",,"Informations de dbogage",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Raw: Header",,"Brut: En-tte",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More HEX",,"Plus de HEX",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raw: Counts,Sizes",,"Brut: Nombres, Tailles",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unresolved Externals",,"Externes non rsolues",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raw: Header,Schema",,"Brut: En-tte,Schma",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Raw: Header,Schema,Rows",,"Brut: En-tte,Schma,Lignes",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Validate",,"Validation",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raw: Heaps",,"Brut: Tas",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show Progress Bar",,"Afficher la barre de progression",,"Check Box",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dump Class List",,"Liste de classes",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Line Numbers",,"Numros de ligne",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Encoding",,"Encodage",,"Group Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"About IL DASM",," propos de IL DASM",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Static",,"Static",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File",,"Fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"View",,"Afficher",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help",,"?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set Fonts",,"Polices",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tree view",,"Arborescence",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disassembly",,"Dsassemblage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sort by name",,"Trier par nom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hide Public",,"Masquer Public",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hide Private",,"Masquer Private",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hide Family",,"Masquer Family",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hide Assembly",,"Masquer Assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Hide FamANDAssem",,"Masquer FamANDAssem",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Hide FamORAssem",,"Masquer FamORAssem",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Hide PrivateScope",,"Masquer PrivateScope",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Show member types",,"Afficher les types de membres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show bytes",,"Afficher les octets",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Show token values",,"Afficher les valeurs des jetons",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show source lines",,"Afficher les lignes sources",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Quote all names",,"Mettre tous les noms entre guillemets",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Headers",,"En-ttes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statistics",,"Statistiques",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MetaInfo",,"Mta-informations",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raw:Header",,"Brut:En-tte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raw:Counts,Sizes",,"Brut: Nombres, Tailles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Unresolved ext.",,"Ext. non rsolus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Raw:Header,Schema",,"Brut:En-tte,Schma",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Raw:Header,Schema,Rows",,"Brut:En-tte,Schma,Lignes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raw:Heaps",,"Brut:Tas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Validate",,"Valider",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Find",,"Rechercher",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Find Next",,"Suivant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Full Class Names",,"Noms de classe complets",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verbal CA blobs",,"Objets blob CA verbaux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Use RTF",,"Utiliser RTF",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ILDASM command line syntax",,"Syntaxe de la ligne de commande ILDASM",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: ildasm [options] <file_name> [options]\n\n",,"Utilisation : ildasm [opti
ons] <nom_fichier> [options]\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options for output redirection:\n",,"Options pour la redirection de sortie :\n"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /OUT=<file name>
Direct output to file rather than to GUI.\n",," /OUT=<no
m_fichier> Dirige la sortie vers un fichier plutt que vers\n
l interface GUI.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Direct output to console window rather than to GUI.\n\n",
," /TEXT
Dirige la sortie vers la fentre de console plutt\n
que vers l interface GUI.\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
Output in HTML format (valid with /OUT option only).\n",,
Sortie au format HTML (valide avec l option /OUT\n
uniquement).\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /RTF
Output in rich text format (invalid with /TEXT option).\n
",," /RTF
Sortie au format RTF (non valide avec l option /TEXT).
\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options for GUI or file/console output (EXE and DLL files only):\n",,"Options p
our la sortie interface GUI ou fichier/console (fichiers EXE et DLL\nuniquement)
:\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show actual bytes (in hex) as instruction comments.\n",,"
Affiche les octets rels (en hexadcimal) en tant que\n
commentaires d instruction.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
Show exception handling clauses in raw form.\n",," /RAWE
Affiche des clauses de gestion des exceptions\n
l tat brut.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show metadata tokens of classes and members.\n",," /TOKE
Affiche des jetons de mtadonnes de classes\n
t de membres.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show original source lines as comments.\n",," /SOURCE
Affiche les lignes sources d origine en tant que\n
commentaires.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Include references to original source lines.\n",," /LINE
Inclut les rfrences aux lignes sources d origine.\n",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /VISIBILITY=<vis>[+<vis>...]
Only disassemble the items with specified\n",
," /VISIBILITY=<vis>[+<vis>...]
Ne dsassemble que les lments ayant\n",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
visibility. (<vis> = PUB | PRI | FAM | ASM | FAA | FOA | PSC)\n",,"
la visibilit spcifie.\n
(<vis> = PUB | PRI | FAM | ASM | FAA | FOA | PSC)\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Only disassemble the public items (same as /VIS=PUB).\n",
Ne dsassemble que les lments publics\n
(identiques /VIS=PUB).\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Include all names into single quotes.\n",," /QUOTEALLNAM
Inclut tous les noms dans des guillemets simples.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Suppress output of custom attributes.\n",," /NOCA
Supprime la sortie des attributs personnaliss.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

Output CA blobs in verbal form (default - in binary form)
.\n",," /CAVERBAL
Sortie des objets blob CA sous forme verbale\n
(forme binaire par dfaut).\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
Suppress disassembly progress bar window pop-up.\n\n",,"
Supprime la fentre indpendante de la barre\n
de progression du dsassemblage.\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The following options are valid for file/console output only:\n",,"Les options
suivantes ne sont valides que pour la sortie fichier/console :\n",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options for EXE and DLL files:\n",,"Options pour les fichiers EXE et DLL :\n",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /UTF8
Use UTF-8 encoding for output (default - ANSI).\n",," /U
Utilise l encodage UTF-8 pour la sortie (ANSI par dfaut).\n",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Use UNICODE encoding for output.\n",," /UNICODE
Utilise l encodage UNICODE pour la sortie.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Suppress IL assembler code output.\n",," /NOIL
Supprime la sortie du code assembleur IL.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Use forward class declaration.\n",," /FORWARD
Utilise la dclaration de classe anticipe.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
Output full list of types (to preserve type ordering in r
ound-trip).\n",," /TYPELIST
Sortie de la liste entire des types\n
(pour conserver le classement des types dans l aller-retour).\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Display .NET projection view if input is a .winmd file.\n
Afficher la vue de projection .NET si l entre est un fi
chier .winmd.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Include file headers information in the output.\n",," /H
Inclut les informations de l en-tte du fichier\n
dans la sortie.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ITEM=<class>[::<method>[(<sig>)] Disassemble the specified item only\n\n",,
" /ITEM=<classe>[::<mthode>[(<sig>)] Ne dsassemble que l lment spcifi\n\n",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Include statistics on the image.\n",," /STATS
Inclut les statistiques sur l image.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
Include list of classes defined in the module.\n",," /CL
Inclut la liste des classes dfinies dans le module.\n",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ALL
\n",," /ALL
ENS\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options for EXE,DLL,OBJ and LIB files:\n",,"Options pour les fichiers EXE, DLL,
OBJ et LIB :\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /METADATA[=<specifier>] Show MetaData, where <specifier> is:\n",," /METADATA
[=<spcificateur>] Affiche les mtadonnes, o <spcificateur> est :\n",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show MetaData header information and sizes.\n",,"
Affiche les tailles et les informations d en-tte\n
des mtadonnes.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show more things in hex as well as words.\n",,"
Affiche plus d informations en hexadcimal ainsi\n
qu en mots.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show the record counts and heap sizes.\n",,"
Affiche les nombres d enregistrements et les tailles\n

de tas.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

Show unresolved externals.\n",,"
iche les externes non rsolus.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show debug information in addition to other MetaData.\n",
Affiche les informations de dbogage en plus\n
des autres mtadonnes.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show the MetaData header and schema information.\n",,"
Affiche les informations d en-tte et de schma\n
des mtadonnes.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Show the raw MetaData tables.\n",,"
Affiche les tables de mtadonnes brutes.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
Show the raw heaps.\n",,"
Affiche le
s tas bruts.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Validate the consistency of the metadata.\n",,"
Valide la cohrence des mtadonnes.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options for LIB files only:\n",,"Options pour les fichiers LIB uniquement :\n",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /OBJECTFILE=<obj_file_name> Show MetaData of a single object file in library\
n",," /OBJECTFILE=<nom_fichier_obj> Affiche les mtadonnes d un fichier\n
un seul objet dans la bibliothque\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ALL
Combination of /HEADER, /BYTES, /TOKENS\n\n",," /ALL
inaison de /HEADER, /BYTES, /TOKENS\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"\nOption key is - or / , options are recognized by first 3 characters\n\n",,
"\nLa cl option est - ou / , les options sont identifies par les 3 premiers\nca
ractres\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Example: ildasm /tok /byt myfile.exe /\n\n",,"Exemple : ildasm /
tok /byt monfichier.exe /\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n\nPress any key to close the console window...",,"\n\nAppuyez sur une touche
pour fermer la fentre de console...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
s\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disassembling",,"Dsassemblage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File %s",,"Fichier %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File ...%s",,"Fichier ...%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To file %s",,"Vers le fichier %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"To file ...%s",,"Vers le fichier ...%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"%d classes, %d done",,"%d classes, %d termin",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"%d global methods, %d done",,"%d mthodes globales, %d termin",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Writing global data",,"criture des donnes globales",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WARNING: Created Win32 resource file %s",,"AVERTISSEMENT: le fichier de ressourc
es Win32 %s a t cr",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR: Corrupt Win32 resources",,"ERREUR: ressources Win32 endommages",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR: Unable to open file %s",,"ERREUR: Impossible d ouvrir le fichier %s",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR: Unable to access Win32 resources",,"ERREUR: impossible d accder des ressou
rces Win32",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Can t view %s::%s(%s)",,"Impossible d afficher %s::%s(%s)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE

T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t View IL",,"Impossible d afficher IL",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"ILDASM supports only PE files in graphic mode",,"ILDASM ne prend en charge que
les fichiers PE en mode graphique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Invalid File Type",,"Type de fichier non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to open %s for output.",,"Impossible d ouvrir %s en mode Output.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to CreateProcess\n\n",,"chec de CreateProcess\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Text too large for GUI. Use File/Dump menu entry to disassemble to file.",,"Tex
te trop grand pour l interface GUI. Utilisez la commande de menu Fichier/Dump po
ur dsassembler vers un fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open file",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to register libraries!",,"Impossible d inscrire les bibliothques!",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reopening the file with FileToken 0x%08X",,"Erreur lors de la rouverture d
u fichier avec le FileToken 0x%08X",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"error *** Assembly name too long, truncated to 1023 characters",,"erreur *** No
m d assembly trop long, tronqu 1023caractres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"error *** AssemblyRef name too long, truncated to 1023 characters",,"erreur ***
Nom d AssemblyRef trop long, tronqu 1023caractres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR",,"ERREUR",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework IL Disassembler",,"Dsassembleur IL Microsoft (R) .N
ET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version %s",,"Version %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WARNING: managed resource file %s created",,"AVERTISSEMENT: le fichier de ressou
rces manag %s a t cr",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR: reading managed resource %s at offset 0x%X",,"Erreur lors de la lecture
de la ressource manage %s l offset 0x%X",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Protected module -- cannot disassemble",,"Module protg -- impossible dsassembler",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"error : Invalid record (%08x)",,"erreur : enregistrement non valide (%08x)",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please set registry key HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot to po
int \nto the .NET Framework install location",,"Faites pointer la cl de registre
HKLM\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\InstallRoot\nvers l emplacement d installa
tion du .NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application could not be started.",,"Impossible de dmarrer cette applicatio
n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%s could not be loaded",,"Impossible de charger %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application requires one of the following versions of the .NET Framework:\
n %s\n\nDo you want to install this .NET Framework version now?",,"Cette applica
tion requiert l une des versions suivantes du .NET Framework:\n %s\n\nVoulez-vous
installer cette version du .NET Framework maintenant?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to initialize the runtime due to low memory conditions.",,"Impossible d
initialiser le runtime en raison de conditions de mmoire insuffisante.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application could not be started.\n\nDo you want to view information about
this issue?",,"Impossible de dmarrer cette application.\n\nVoulez-vous afficher

des informations sur ce problme?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"This application could not be started. You must enable the .NET Framework from
the Windows Features dialog box (from Control Panel, choose Programs, Turn Windo
ws features on or off).\n\nDo you want to view information about this issue?",,"
Impossible de dmarrer cette application. Vous devez activer le .NET Framework par
tir de la bote de dialogue Fonctionnalits Windows (dans le Panneau de configuratio
n, choisissez Programmes, Activer ou dsactiver des fonctionnalits Windows).\n\nVou
lez-vous afficher des informations sur ce problme?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application could not be started. It relies on a .NET Framework version th
at is not supported on this device.\n\nDo you want to view information about thi
s issue?",,"Impossible de dmarrer cette application. Elle repose sur une version
du .NET Framework qui n est pas prise en charge sur ce dispositif.\n\nVoulez-vou
s afficher des informations sur ce problme?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Found a mscoree.local file. Using the local runtime.",,"Un fichier mscoree.loca
l a t trouv. Utilisation du runtime local.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Found a supportedRuntime tag in the config file",,"Une balise supportedRuntime
a t trouve dans le fichier de configuration",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Using supportedRuntime: %s",,"Utilisation de supportedRuntime: %s",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR: None of the listed supported runtimes are installed on the machine or ca
n be used to satisfy this request.",,"ERREUR: aucun des runtimes pris en charge rp
ertoris n est install sur l ordinateur ou ne peut tre utilis pour rpondre cette deman
de.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found a requiredRuntime tag in the config file : %s",,"Une balise requiredRunti
me a t trouve dans le fichier de configuration: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Applying Standards mapping to the requiredRuntime: %s",,"Mappage des standards
d application au requiredRuntime: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"COMPLUS_VERSION is set to force us to use: %s",,"COMPLUS_VERSION est dfini pour
nous forcer utiliser: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Host supplied version: %s",,"Version fournie de l hte: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alternative value set by host: %s",,"Valeur alternative dfinie par l hte: %s",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%s was built with version: %s",,"%s a t gnr avec la version: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The executing assembly was built with: %s",,"L assembly en cours d excution a t gnr a
vec: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Applying Standards mapping to the executing assembly version: %s",,"Mappage des
standards d application la version de l assembly en cours d excution: %s",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%s is not installed on the machine. Floating to: %s",,"%s n est pas install sur
l ordinateur. Dplacement du traitement vers: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build Flavor: %s",,"Version de build: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Default version of the runtime on the machine: %s",,"Version par dfaut du runtim
e sur l ordinateur: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR: Unable to find a version of the runtime to use.",,"ERREUR: version du run
time utiliser introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR: Version %s is not present on the machine.",,"ERREUR: la version %s n est
pas prsente sur l ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Decided on runtime: %s",,"Dcid durant l excution: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Found config file: %s",,"Le fichier de configuration a t trouv: %s",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input values for ComputeVersionString follow this line",,"Les valeurs d entre po
ur ComputeVersionString suivent cette ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Default Application Name: %s",,"Nom d application par dfaut: %s",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Host Config: %s",,"Configuration de l hte: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"App Config: %s",,"Configuration d application: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default Version: %s",,"Version par dfaut: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Log started at %s on %s",,"Journal commenc %s sur %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLR Loading log for %s",,"Journal de chargement CLR pour %s",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Appcompat lockback shim found, locked to version %s",,"Shim de verrouillage App
compat trouv, verrouill la version %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"COMPLUS_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath is set to: %s",,"COMPLU
S_ApplicationMigrationRuntimeActivationConfigPath a la valeur: %s",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation config file set to: %s",,"Fichier de configuration d activation dfini
: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parsing config file: %s",,"Analyse du fichier de configuration: %s",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple mscoree.dll instances are loaded in the process",,"Plusieurs instances
de mscoree.dll sont charges dans le processus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FunctionCall: InvokeAppXMain",,"FunctionCall : InvokeAppXMain",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FunctionCall: _CorDllMain. Reason: %d",,"FunctionCall : _CorDllMain. Raison :
%d",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FunctionCall: RealDllMain. Reason: %d",,"FunctionCall : RealDllMain. Raison :
%d",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FunctionCall: OnShimDllMainCalled. Reason: %d",,"FunctionCall : OnShimDllMainC
alled. Raison : %d",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launching feature-on-demand installation. CmdLine: %s",,"Lancement de l install
ation de fonctionnalits la demande. CmdLine : %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLRSQM: Opted In",,"CLRSQM : Activ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"CLRSQM: Start Session. Type ID: %d. Session ID: %s. Global: %d. Existing: %
d.",,"CLRSQM : Commencer la session. ID de type : %d. ID de session : %s. Glo
bal : %d. Existant : %d.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLRSQM: End Session. Type ID: %d. Session ID: %s. Global: %d. Existing: %d.
",,"CLRSQM : Terminer la session. ID de type : %d. ID de session : %s. Global
: %d. Existant : %d.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launching browser to download missing .NET Framework version. FWLINK page: %s",
,"Lancement du navigateur pour tlcharger la version manquante de .NET Framework. P
age FWLINK: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Checking if feature-on-demand installation would help",,"Vrification de l utilit
de l installation de fonctionnalits la demande",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could have launched feature-on-demand installation if was not opted out. CmdLin
e: %s",,"L installation de fonctionnalits la demande aurait pu tre lance si elle n

avait pas t dsactive. CmdLine: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Blocking DllGetClassObject for clsid: %s from within a Windows Store app",,"Blo
cage de DllGetClassObject pour clsid : %s depuis une application du Windows Stor
e",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Config File (Open). Result:%08x",,"Fichier de configuration (Ouverture). Rsultat
:%08x",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Config File (Read). Result:%08x",,"Fichier de configuration (Lecture). Rsultat :
%08x",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Engine",,"Microsoft .NET Runtime Execution Eng
ine",,"Version",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework Initialization Error",,"Erreur d initialisation du .NET Framewor
k",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Runtime probably not installed:\nUnable to determine the latest version",,"Le r
untime n est probablement pas install :\nimpossible de trouver la dernire version"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To run this application, you first must install one of the following versions o
f the .NET Framework:\r\n %s\r\nContact your application publisher for instruct
ions about obtaining the appropriate version of the .NET Framework.",,"Pour excut
er cette application, vous devez tout d abord installer l une des versions suiva
ntes du .NET Framework:\r\n %s\r\nContactez votre diteur d application pour obten
ir des instructions sur l obtention de la version approprie du .NET Framework.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find a version of the runtime to run this application.",,"Impossible
de trouver une version du runtime pour excuter cette application.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR: None of the listed supported runtimes are installed on the machine.",,"E
RREUR: aucun des runtimes pris en charge rpertoris n est install sur l ordinateur.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Host supplied values (usually set via CorBindToRuntime)",,"Valeurs fournies par
l hte (gnralement dfinies via CorBindToRuntime)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft Common Language Runtime Class Library",,"Bibliothque de classes Micros
oft Common Language Runtime",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an abstract class.",,"Impossible de crer une classe abstraite.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of {0} because it is an abstract class.",,"Impossible
de crer une instance de {0}, car il s agit d une classe abstraite.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot dynamically create an instance of ArgIterator.",,"Impossible de crer dyna
miquement une instance de ArgIterator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Cannot create a type for which Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true.",,"Impos
sible de crer un type pour lequel Type.ContainsGenericParameters a la valeur true
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of {0} because Type.ContainsGenericParameters is true
.",,"Impossible de crer une instance de {0}, car Type.ContainsGenericParameters a
la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of an interface.",,"Impossible de crer une instance d
une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of {0} because it is an interface.",,"Impossible de c
rer une instance de {0}, car il s agit d une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot dynamically create an instance of System.Void.",,"Impossible de crer dyna
miquement une instance de System.Void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Type initializer was not callable.",,"L initialiseur Type ne pouvait pas tre app
el.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set a constant field.",,"Impossible de dfinir un champ constant.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SkipVerification permission is needed to modify an image-based (RVA) static fie

ld.",,"L autorisation SkipVerification est requise pour modifier un champ statiq

ue (RVA) bas sur une image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length of the access control list exceed the allowed maximum.",,"La longueur de
la liste de contrle d accs dpasse le maximum autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The access rule is not the correct type.",,"Le type de la rgle d accs est incorre
ct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The audit rule is not the correct type.",,"Le type de la rgle d audit est incorr
ect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The security identifier is not allowed to be the primary group of this object."
,,"L identificateur de scurit ne peut pas tre le groupe principal de cet objet.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supplied handle is invalid. This can happen when trying to set an ACL on an
anonymous kernel object.",,"Le handle fourni n est pas valide. Cela peut se pro
duire lors d une tentative de dfinition d une liste ACL sur un objet noyau anonym
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The security identifier is not allowed to be the owner of this object.",,"L ide
ntificateur de scurit ne peut pas tre le propritaire de cet objet.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security descriptor with revision other than 1 are not legal.",,"Un descripte
ur de scurit avec une rvision autre que 1 n est pas conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security descriptor must be in the self-relative form.",,"Le descripteur de scur
it doit tre dans un format auto-relatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The SDDL string contains an invalid sid or a sid that cannot be translated.",,"
La chane SDDL contient un SID non valide ou un SID impossible traduire.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The named parameter must be a container ACL.",,"Le paramtre nomm doit tre un conte
neur d ACL",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The named parameter must be a directory-object ACL.",,"Le paramtre nomm doit tre u
ne liste ACL d objets rpertoires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The named parameter must be a non-container ACL.",,"Le paramtre nomm doit tre un n
on-conteneur d ACL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The named parameter must be a non-directory-object ACL.",,"Le paramtre nomm doit t
re une liste ACL d objets autres que des rpertoires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to perform a security operation on an object that has no associated secu
rity. This can happen when trying to get an ACL of an anonymous kernel object.",
,"Impossible d effectuer une opration de scurit sur un objet qui ne possde pas de scu
rit associe. Cela peut se produire lors d une tentative d obtention d une liste AC
L d un objet noyau anonyme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method failed with unexpected error code {0}.",,"La mthode a chou avec le code d e
rreur inattendu {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of void.",,"Impossible de crer une instance void.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The serialization stream contains no inner exceptions.",,"Le flux de srialisatio
n ne contient aucune exception interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"{0}{1}---> (Inner Exception #{2}) {3}{4}{5}",,"{0}{1}---> (Exception interne #{
2}) {3}{4}{5}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more errors occurred.",,"Une ou plusieurs erreurs se sont produites.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An element of innerExceptions was null.",,"Un lment d innerExceptions avait la va
leur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All code",,"Tout le code",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allocated from:",,"Allou partir de:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The ApplicationBase must be set before retrieving this property.",,"Application
Base doit tre dfini avant d extraire cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework

",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ApplicationName must be set before the DynamicBase can be set.",,"ApplicationNa
me doit tre dfini avant la dfinition de DynamicBase.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access member.",,"Impossible d accder au membre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to read or write protected memory. This is often an indication that o
ther memory is corrupt.",,"Tentative de lecture ou d criture de mmoire protge. Cela
indique souvent qu une autre mmoire est endommage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ambiguous match found.",,"Correspondance ambigu trouve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to access an unloaded AppDomain.",,"Tentative d accs un AppDomain non
charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error in the application.",,"Erreur de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value does not fall within the expected range.",,"La valeur n est pas comprise
dans la plage attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified argument was out of the range of valid values.",,"L argument spcifi n ta
it pas dans les limites de la plage des valeurs valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overflow or underflow in the arithmetic operation.",,"Il y a eu un dpassement de
capacit positif ou ngatif dans l opration arithmtique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array lengths must be the same.",,"Les longueurs de tableau doivent tre identiqu
es.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Destination array is not long enough to copy all the items in the collection. C
heck array index and length.",,"Le tableau de destination n est pas assez long p
our permettre la copie de tous les lments dans la collection. Vrifiez l index et la
longueur du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to access an element as a type incompatible with the array.",,"Tentat
ive d accs un lment sous un type incompatible avec le tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array must not be of length zero.",,"La longueur du tableau ne doit pas tre gale
zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The manifest module of the assembly cannot be null.",,"Le module de manifeste d
e l assembly ne peut pas avoir la valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Format of the executable (.exe) or library (.dll) is invalid.",,"Le format de l
excutable (.exe) ou de la bibliothque (.dll) n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Encountered an invalid type for a default value.",,"Un type non valide a t dtect po
ur une valeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only supported array types for CopyTo on BitArrays are Boolean[], Int32[] and B
yte[].",,"Les seuls types tableau pris en charge pour CopyTo sur BitArrays sont
Boolean[], Int32[] et Byte[].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to sort because the IComparer.Compare() method returns inconsistent resu
lts. Either a value does not compare equal to itself, or one value repeatedly co
mpared to another value yields different results. IComparer: {0} .",,"Impossibl
e d effectuer le tri, car la mthode IComparer.Compare() retourne des rsultats inco
hrents. Une valeur compare n est pas gale elle-mme ou une valeur compare de manire r
ne autre valeur donne des rsultats diffrents. IComparer: {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not enough space available in the buffer.",,"Espace disponible insuffisant dans
la mmoire tampon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Failed to resolve type from string ""{0}"" which was embedded in custom attrib
ute blob."",,""Impossible de rsoudre le type partir d une chane ""{0}"" qui a t inco
rpore dans l objet blob d attribut personnalis."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must specify property Set or Get or method call for a COM Object.",,"Vous devez

spcifier la proprit Set ou Get ou la mthode call pour un objet COM.",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error HRESULT E_FAIL has been returned from a call to a COM component.",,"Une e
rreur HRESULT E_FAIL a t retourne partir d un appel un composant COM.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one of the following binding flags can be set: BindingFlags.SetProperty, B
indingFlags.PutDispProperty, BindingFlags.PutRefDispProperty.",,"Seul l un des
indicateurs de liaisons suivants peut tre dfini: BindingFlags.SetProperty, BindingF
lags.PutDispProperty, BindingFlags.PutRefDispProperty.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TimeSpan does not accept floating point Not-a-Number values.",,"TimeSpan n acce
pte pas les valeurs Not-a-Number en virgule flottante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String cannot contain a minus sign if the base is not 10.",,"La chane ne peut pa
s contenir un signe moins si la base utilise n est pas la base 10.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The usage of IKeyComparer and IHashCodeProvider/IComparer interfaces cannot be
mixed; use one or the other.",,"L utilisation des interfaces IKeyComparer et IHa
shCodeProvider/IComparer ne peut pas tre mixte; utilisez l une ou l autre.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to unload the AppDomain failed.",,"La tentative de dchargement de AppDom
ain a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to marshal an object across a context boundary.",,"Tentative de marsh
al d un objet sur une limite de contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The file of the custom culture {0} is corrupt. Try to unregister this culture."
,,"Le fichier de la culture personnalise {0} est endommag. Essayez de supprimer l
inscription de cette culture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify both CreateInstance and another access type.",,"Impossible de spc
ifier CreateInstance et un autre type d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred during a cryptographic operation.",,"Une erreur s est produite l
ors d une opration de chiffrement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Binary format of the specified custom attribute was invalid.",,"Le format binai
re de l attribut personnalis spcifi n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A datatype misalignment was detected in a load or store instruction.",,"Alignem
ent de type de donne incorrect dans une instruction LOAD ou STORE.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Combination of arguments to the DateTime constructor is out of the legal range.
",,"Cette combinaison d arguments pour le constructeur DateTime est en dehors de
s limites lgales.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Decimal byte array constructor requires an array of length four containing vali
d decimal bytes.",,"Le constructeur de tableau d octets dcimal requiert un tablea
u de longueur quatre contenant des octets dcimaux valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""FileStream will not open Win32 devices such as disk partitions and tape drives
. Avoid use of ""\\.\"" in the path."",,""FileStream n ouvre pas les priphriques W
in32, tels que des partitions de disque et des lecteurs de bande. vitez d utilise
r ""\\.\"" dans le chemin."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to access a path that is not on the disk.",,"Tentative d accs un chemi
n d accs ne se trouvant pas sur le disque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to divide by zero.",,"Tentative de division par zro.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate to an instance method cannot have null this .",,"Le dlgu d une mthode d i
nstance ne peut pas avoir une valeur this null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind to the target method because its signature or security transparency

is not compatible with that of the delegate type.",,"Impossible d tablir une lia
ison avec la mthode cible, car sa signature ou sa transparence de scurit n est pas
compatible avec celle du type dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegates must be of the same type.",,"Les dlgus doivent tre du mme type.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One machine may not have remote administration enabled, or both machines may no
t be running the remote registry service.",,"L administration distante n est pas
active sur l un des ordinateurs, ou les deux ordinateurs n excutent pas le servic
e Registre distant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dll was not found.",,"Dll introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Attempted to access a drive that is not available.",,"Tentative d accs un lecteu
r non disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate objects in argument.",,"Objets dupliqus dans l argument.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This ExceptionHandlingClause is not a clause.",,"Ce ExceptionHandlingClause n e
st pas une clause.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This ExceptionHandlingClause is not a filter.",,"Ce ExceptionHandlingClause n e
st pas un filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array may not be empty.",,"Le tableau n est peut-tre pas vide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection must not be empty.",,"La collection ne doit pas tre vide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array may not be empty or null.",,"Le tableau ne peut pas tre vide ou null.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String may not be empty or null.",,"La chane ne peut pas tre vide ou null.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to read past the end of the stream.",,"Tentative de lecture au-del de
la fin du flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point was not found.",,"Point d entre introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be the same type as the enum. The type passed in was {0} ; the enu
m type was {1} .",,"L objet doit tre du mme type que enum. Le type pass tait {0} ;
le type enum tait {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must set at least one flag.",,"Au moins un indicateur doit tre dfini.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum underlying type and the object must be same type or object. Type passed in
was {0} ; the enum underlying type was {1} .",,"Le type sous-jacent Enum et l
objet doivent tre du mme type ou objet. Le type pass tait {0} ; le type sous-jacen
t enum tait {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal enum value: {0}.",,"Valeur enum non conforme: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Literal value was not found.",,"La valeur littrale est introuvable.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All enums must have an underlying value__ field.",,"Tous les enums doivent avoi
r un champ value__ sous-jacent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must set exactly one flag.",,"Doit dfinir exactement un indicateur.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum underlying type and the object must be same type or object must be a Strin
g. Type passed in was {0} ; the enum underlying type was {1} .",,"Le type sous
-jacent Enum et l objet doivent tre du mme type ou l objet doit tre un String. Le t
ype pass tait {0} ; le type sous-jacent enum tait {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested value {0} was not found.",,"La valeur demande {0} est introuvable.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal error in the runtime.",,"Erreur interne dans le runtime.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"External component has thrown an exception.",,"Un composant externe a lev une ex
ception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to access a field that is not accessible by the caller.",,"Tentative

d accs un champ non accessible l appelant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"Field {0} defined on type {1} is not a field on the target object which is
of type {2} .",,"Le champ {0} dfini dans le type {1} n est pas un champ de l
objet cible de type {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The target file ""{0}"" is a directory, not a file."",,""Le fichier cible ""{0
}"" est un rpertoire et non un fichier."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"No arguments can be provided to Get a field value.",,"Aucun argument ne peut tre
fourni pour obtenir une valeur de champ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify both GetField and SetProperty.",,"Impossible de spcifier GetField
et SetProperty.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only the field value can be specified to set a field value.",,"Seule la valeur
de champ peut tre spcifie pour dfinir une valeur de champ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify both Get and Set on a field.",,"Impossible de spcifier Get et Set
sur un champ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify Set on a Field and Invoke on a method.",,"Impossible de spcifier
Set sur un champ et Invoke sur une mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify both SetField and GetProperty.",,"Impossible de spcifier SetField
et GetProperty.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One of the identified items was in an invalid format.",,"Format non valide de l
un des lments identifis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method must be called on a Type for which Type.IsGenericParameter is false.",,"
La mthode doit tre appele sur un Type pour lequel Type.IsGenericParameter a la vale
ur false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property Get method was not found.",,"La mthode Property Get est introuvable.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Byte array for GUID must be exactly {0} bytes long.",,"La longueur du tableau d
octets pour le GUID doit tre exactement de {0} octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hashtable s capacity overflowed and went negative. Check load factor, capacity
and the current size of the table.",,"La capacit de la table de hachage a t dpasse et
est devenue ngative. Contrlez le facteur de chargement, la capacit et la taille ac
tuelle de la table.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handle does not support asynchronous operations. The parameters to the FileStre
am constructor may need to be changed to indicate that the handle was opened syn
chronously (that is, it was not opened for overlapped I/O).",,"Ce handle ne pren
d pas en charge les oprations asynchrones. Les paramtres du constructeur FileStrea
m doivent peut-tre tre changs, afin d indiquer que le handle a t ouvert de faon synchr
one (c est--dire non ouvert pour les E/S superposes).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handle does not support synchronous operations. The parameters to the FileStrea
m constructor may need to be changed to indicate that the handle was opened asyn
chronously (that is, it was opened explicitly for overlapped I/O).",,"Ce handle
ne prend pas en charge les oprations synchrones. Les paramtres du constructeur Fil
eStream doivent peut-tre tre changs, afin d indiquer que ce handle a t ouvert de faon
asynchrone (c est--dire ouvert explicitement pour les E/S superposes).",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number style AllowHexSpecifier is not supported on floating point data type
s.",,"Le style de nombre AllowHexSpecifier n est pas pris en charge sur les type
s de donnes virgule flottante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"I/O error occurred.",,"Une erreur d E/S s est produite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type library importer encountered an error during type verification. Try im
porting without class members.",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types a dtect un
e erreur lors de la vrification de type. Essayez d importer sans membres de class
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"All indexes must be of type Int32.",,"Tous les index doivent tre de type Int32."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index was outside the bounds of the array.",,"L index se trouve en dehors des l
imites du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient stack to continue executing the program safely. This can happen fr
om having too many functions on the call stack or function on the stack using to
o much stack space.",,"Pile insuffisante pour continuer l excution du programme e
n toute scurit. Cela peut se produire si vous avez trop de fonctions dans la pile
des appels ou si une fonction de la pile utilise trop d espace pile.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ANSI string passed in could not be converted from the default ANSI code pag
e to Unicode.",,"Impossible de convertir la chane ANSI passe de la page de codes A
NSI par dfaut en Unicode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified access entry is invalid because it is unrestricted. The global flags
should be specified instead.",,"L entre d accs spcifie n est pas valide, car elle es
t illimite. Les indicateurs globaux doivent tre spcifis la place.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid Base.",,"Base non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Specified cast is not valid.",,"Le cast spcifi n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt has been made to use a COM object that does not have a backing class fa
ctory.",,"Une tentative a t faite pour utiliser un objet COM qui n a pas de fabriq
ue de classes de stockage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ConsoleColor enum value was not defined on that enum. Please use a defined
color from the enum.",,"La valeur enum ConsoleColor n a pas t dfinie sur cet enum.
Utilisez une couleur dfinie issue de l enum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid File or Directory attributes value.",,"Valeur d attributs de fichier ou
de rpertoire non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified file extension was not a valid extension.",,"L extension de fichier s
pcifie n est pas une extension valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Specified file name was invalid.",,"Le nom de fichier spcifi n est pas valide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified filter criteria was invalid.",,"Le critre de filtre spcifi n est pas val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid handle.",,"Handle non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"With the AllowHexSpecifier bit set in the enum bit field, the only other valid
bits that can be combined into the enum value must be a subset of those in HexNu
mber.",,"Avec le bit AllowHexSpecifier dfini dans le champ de bits enum, les seul
s autres bits valides qui peuvent tre combins dans la valeur enum doivent tre un so
us-ensemble de ceux contenus dans HexNumber.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""The NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute on the assembly ""{0}"" specifies an inv
alid culture name: ""{1}""."",,""Le NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute de l assem
bly ""{0}"" spcifie un nom de culture non valide: ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute specifies an invalid or unrecognized ult
imate resource fallback location: ""{0}""."",,""Le NeutralResourcesLanguageAttri
bute spcifie un emplacement de secours ultime pour les ressources non valide ou n
on reconnu: ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified OLE variant was invalid.",,"Le variant OLE spcifi n tait pas valide.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object.",,"L opration n e
st pas valide en raison de l tat actuel de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Satellite contract version attribute on the assembly {0} specifies an invalid
version: {1}.",,"L attribut de version de contrat satellite sur l assembly {0}

spcifie une version non valide: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

""Search pattern cannot contain "".."" to move up directories and can be contain
ed only internally in file/directory names, as in ""a..b""."",,""Le critre de rec
herche ne peut pas contenir "".."" pour remonter dans l arborescence des rpertoir
es et ne peut tre contenu qu en interne dans les noms de fichier/rpertoire comme "
"a..b""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The return Type contains some invalid type (i.e. null, ByRef)",,"Le type de ret
our contient un type non valide (null, ByRef)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The signature Type array contains some invalid type (i.e. null, void)",,"Le tab
leau Type de la signature contient un type non valide (null, void)",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The UTF8 string passed in could not be converted to Unicode.",,"Impossible de c
onvertir a chane UTF8 passe en Unicode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"InvokeMember can be used only for COM objects.",,"InvokeMember ne peut tre utili
s que pour les objets COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given key was not present in the dictionary.",,"La cl donne tait absente du di
ctionnaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Destination array was not long enough. Check destIndex and length, and the arra
y s lower bounds.",,"Le tableau de destination n est pas assez long. Vrifiez dest
Index et la longueur, ainsi que les limites infrieures du tableau.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source array was not long enough. Check srcIndex and length, and the array s lo
wer bounds.",,"Le tableau source n est pas assez long. Vrifiez srcIndex et la lon
gueur, ainsi que les limites infrieures du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source string was not long enough. Check sourceIndex and count.",,"La chane sour
ce n tait pas assez longue. Vrifiez sourceIndex et le compte.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The arrays lower bounds must be identical.",,"Les limites infrieures du tableau
doivent tre identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AsAny cannot be used on return types, ByRef parameters, ArrayWithOffset, or par
ameters passed from unmanaged to managed.",,"Impossible d utiliser AsAny sur les
types de retour, les paramtres ByRef, ArrayWithOffset ou les paramtres passs de no
n manags manags.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Marshaling directives are invalid.",,"Les directives de marshaling ne sont pas
valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Module object containing the member cannot be null.",,"L objet Module conte
nant le membre ne peut pas avoir la valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to access the method failed.",,"La tentative d accs la mthode a chou.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt by security transparent method {0} to access security critical method
{1} failed.",,"chec de la tentative d accs la mthode critique de scurit {1} par
la mthode transparente de scurit {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""Attempt to access the method ""{0}"" on type ""{1}"" failed."",,""La tentative
d accder la mthode ""{0}"" dans le type ""{1}"" a chou."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AppDomainSetup must specify the activation arguments for this call.",,"Le A
ppDomainSetup doit spcifier les arguments d activation pour cet appel.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to access a non-existing field.",,"Tentative d accs un champ inexistan
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find manifest resource.",,"Impossible de trouver la ressource de mani
feste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to access a missing member.",,"Tentative d accs un membre introuvable.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Attempted to access a missing method.",,"Tentative d accs une mthode introuvable.

",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to add multiple callbacks to a delegate that does not support multica
st.",,"Tentative d ajout de plusieurs rappels un dlgu qui ne prend pas en charge la
multidiffusion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one type argument is not a runtime type.",,"Au moins un argument de ty
pe n est pas un type au moment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Boolean.",,"L objet doit tre de type Boolean.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Byte.",,"L objet doit tre de type Byte.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Char.",,"L objet doit tre de type Char.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type DateTime.",,"L objet doit tre de type DateTime.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type DateTimeOffset.",,"L objet doit tre de type DateTimeOffse
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Decimal.",,"L objet doit tre de type Decimal.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must derive from Delegate.",,"Le type doit driver de Delegate.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Double.",,"L objet doit tre de type Double.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Object must be a root directory (""C:\"") or a drive letter (""C"")."",,""L ob
jet doit tre un rpertoire racine (""C:\"") ou une lettre de lecteur (""C"")."",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type provided must be an Enum.",,"Le type fourni doit tre Enum.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value passed in must be an enum base or an underlying type for an enum, suc
h as an Int32.",,"La valeur passe doit tre une base enum ou un type sous-jacent po
ur enum, tel qu un Int32.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type GUID.",,"L objet doit tre de type GUID.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must be an IdentityReference, such as NTAccount or SecurityIdentifier.",,"
Le type doit tre un IdentityReference, tel que NTAccount ou SecurityIdentifier.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Int16.",,"L objet doit tre de type Int16.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Int32.",,"L objet doit tre de type Int32.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Int64.",,"L objet doit tre de type Int64.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type passed must be an interface.",,"Le type pass doit tre une interface.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must be a Pointer.",,"Le type doit tre Pointer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be an array of primitives.",,"L objet doit tre un tableau de primiti
ves.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type SByte.",,"L objet doit tre de type SByte.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Single.",,"L objet doit tre de type Single.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method must be a static method.",,"La mthode doit tre statique.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type String.",,"L objet doit tre de type String.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The pointer passed in as a String must not be in the bottom 64K of the process
s address space.",,"Le pointeur pass comme chane ne doit pas se trouver dans les d
erniers 64K de l espace d adressage du processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type TimeSpan.",,"L objet doit tre de type TimeSpan.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be true.",,"L argument doit avoir la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must be a type provided by the runtime.",,"Le type doit tre un type fourni
par le runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type UInt16.",,"L objet doit tre de type UInt16.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type UInt32.",,"L objet doit tre de type UInt32.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type UInt64.",,"L objet doit tre de type UInt64.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type Version.",,"L objet doit tre de type Version.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must specify valid information for parsing in the string.",,"Vous devez spcifier
des informations valides pour analyser la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No PInvoke conversion exists for value passed to Object-typed parameter.",,"Auc
une conversion PInvoke n existe pour la valeur passe au paramtre de type Object.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named parameter value must not be null.",,"La valeur du paramtre nomm ne doit pas
tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named parameter array cannot be bigger than argument array.",,"Le tableau de pa
ramtres nomm ne peut pas tre plus grand que le tableau des arguments.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array was not a one-dimensional array.",,"Le tableau n est pas un tableau unidi
mensionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array was not a two-dimensional array.",,"Le tableau n est pas un tableau deux
dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array was not a three-dimensional array.",,"Le tableau n est pas un tableau tro
is dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must provide at least one rank.",,"Vous devez fournir au moins un rang.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument count must not be negative.",,"Le compte d arguments ne doit pas tre nga
tif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must specify binding flags describing the invoke operation required (BindingFla
gs.InvokeMethod CreateInstance GetField SetField GetProperty SetProperty).",,"Vo
us devez spcifier des indicateurs de liaisons dcrivant l opration d appel requise (
BindingFlags.InvokeMethod CreateInstance GetField SetField GetProperty SetProper
ty).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No parameterless constructor defined for this object.",,"Aucun constructeur san
s paramtre dfini pour cet objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified TypeInfo was invalid because it did not support the ITypeInfo interfa
ce.",,"Le TypeInfo spcifi n tait pas valide dans la mesure o il ne prenait pas en ch
arge l interface ITypeInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified TypeLib was invalid because it did not support the ITypeLib interface
.",,"La TypeLib spcifie tait non valide, car elle ne prenait pas en charge l interf
ace ITypeLib.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified type library importer callback was invalid because it did not support
the ITypeLibImporterNotifySink interface.",,"La fonction de rappel de l importa
teur de bibliothques de types spcifi n tait pas valide, car il ne prenait pas en cha
rge l interface ITypeLibImporterNotifySink.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Method cannot be both static and virtual.",,"Une mthode ne peut pas tre la fois s
tatic et virtual.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The lower bound of target array must be zero.",,"La limite infrieure du tableau
cible doit tre gale zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number encountered was not a finite quantity.",,"Le nombre rencontr n est pas un
e quantit finie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Interface not found.",,"Interface introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework

",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not a GenericMethodDefinition. MakeGenericMethod may only be called on a
method for which MethodBase.IsGenericMethodDefinition is true.",,"{0} n est pas
un GenericMethodDefinition. MakeGenericMethod peut uniquement tre appel sur une mt
hode pour laquelle MethodBase.IsGenericMethodDefinition a la valeur true.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method may only be called on a Type for which Type.IsGenericParameter is true."
,,"La mthode peut tre appele uniquement sur un type pour lequel Type.IsGenericParam
eter a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not a GenericTypeDefinition. MakeGenericType may only be called on a typ
e for which Type.IsGenericTypeDefinition is true.",,"{0} n est pas un GenericTyp
eDefinition. MakeGenericType peut uniquement tre appel sur un type pour lequel Typ
e.IsGenericTypeDefinition a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The method or operation is not implemented.",,"La mthode ou l opration n est pas
implmente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified method is not supported.",,"La mthode spcifie n est pas prise en charge.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays indexes must be set to an object instance.",,"Les index de tableaux doiv
ent tre dfinis une instance d objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Object reference not set to an instance of an object.",,"La rfrence d objet n est
pas dfinie une instance d un objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Object type cannot be converted to target type.",,"Impossible de convertir le t
ype de l objet en type cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object of type {0} cannot be converted to type {1} .",,"Impossible de conver
tir l objet de type {0} en type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Not a legal OleAut date.",,"Date OleAut illgale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"OleAut date did not convert to a DateTime correctly.",,"La conversion de la dat
e OleAut en DateTime est incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow.",,"L opration arithmtique a provoqu
un dpassement de capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter name: {0}",,"Nom du paramtre: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The MemberInfo object defining the parameter cannot be null.",,"L objet MemberI
nfo dfinissant le paramtre ne peut pas avoir la valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Module object containing the parameter cannot be null.",,"L objet Module co
ntenant le paramtre ne peut pas avoir la valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must specify one or more parameters.",,"Vous devez spcifier un ou plusieurs para
mtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter count mismatch.",,"Nombre de paramtres incorrects.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Second path fragment must not be a drive or UNC name.",,"La seconde partie d un
chemin d accs ne doit pas tre un lecteur ou un nom UNC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Paths that begin with \\?\GlobalRoot are internal to the kernel and should not
be opened by managed applications.",,"Les chemins qui commencent par \\?\GlobalR
oot sont internes au noyau et ne doivent pas tre ouverts par les applications gres.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The path is not of a legal form.",,"Le chemin d accs n a pas une forme conforme.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The UNC path should be of the form \\server\share.",,"Le chemin d accs UNC doit
avoir le format \\serveur\partage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"Path must not be a drive.",,"Le chemin d accs ne doit pas tre un lecteur.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation is not supported on this platform.",,"L opration n est pas prise en ch
arge sur cette plateforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SecureString is only supported on Windows 2000 SP3 and higher platforms.",,"Sec
ureString est pris en charge uniquement sur Windows2000 SP3 et les plateformes ul
trieures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot widen from source type to target type either because the source type is
a not a primitive type or the conversion cannot be accomplished.",,"Impossible d
largir du type source au type cible, car le type source n est pas un type primit
if ou la conversion ne peut pas tre effectue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find the specified property.",,"Proprit spcifie introuvable.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify both Get and Set on a property.",,"Impossible de spcifier Get et
Set sur une proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify Set on a property and Invoke on a method.",,"Impossible de spcifi
er Set sur une proprit et Invoke sur une mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ReaderWriterLock.RestoreLock was called without releasing all locks acquired si
nce the call to ReleaseLock.",,"ReaderWriterLock.RestoreLock a t appel sans librer t
ous les verrous acquis depuis l appel ReleaseLock.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to operate on an array with the incorrect number of dimensions.",,"Te
ntative d utilisation d un tableau ne comprenant pas le nombre de dimensions cor
rect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indices length does not match the array rank.",,"La longueur des index ne corre
spond pas au rang du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only single dimensional arrays are supported for the requested action.",,"Seuls
les tableaux unidimensionnels sont pris en charge pour l action demande.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of lengths and lowerBounds must match.",,"Le nombre de lengths et lowerB
ounds doivent correspondre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is illegal to reflect on the custom attributes of a Type loaded via Reflecti
onOnlyGetType (see Assembly.ReflectionOnly) -- use CustomAttributeData instead."
,,"Rflchir les attributs personnaliss d un type charg via ReflectionOnlyGetType (voi
r Assembly.ReflectionOnly) n est pas une opration conforme -- utilisez CustomAttr
ibuteData la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is illegal to get or set the value on a field on a Type loaded via Reflectio
nOnlyGetType.",,"Obtenir ou dfinir la valeur sur un champ, sur un type charg via R
eflectionOnlyGetType n est pas une opration conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is illegal to invoke a method on a Type loaded via ReflectionOnlyGetType.",,
"Appeler une mthode sur un type charg via ReflectionOnlyGetType n est pas une oprat
ion conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified RegistryValueKind is an invalid value.",,"La valeur du RegistryVa
lueKind spcifi n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RegistryKey.GetValue does not allow a String that has a length greater than Int
32.MaxValue.",,"RegistryKey.GetValue n autorise pas de String d une longueur supr
ieure Int32.MaxValue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry key name must start with a valid base key name.",,"Le nom d une cl de R
egistre doit commencer par un nom de cl de base valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot delete a registry hive s subtree.",,"Impossible de supprimer la sous-arb
orescence de la ruche du Registre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"No remote connection to {0} while trying to read the registry.",,"Aucune conn
exion distance {0} lors de la tentative de lecture du Registre.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The specified registry key does not exist.",,"La cl de Registre spcifie n existe p
as.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry HKEY was out of the legal range.",,"La valeur HKEY du Registre est en
dehors de la plage autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry key names should not be greater than 255 characters.",,"Les noms de cls
de Registre ne doivent pas comporter plus de 255caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RegistryKey.SetValue does not support arrays of type {0} . Only Byte[] and Str
ing[] are supported.",,"RegistryKey.SetValue ne prend pas en charge les tableaux
de type {0} . Seuls Byte[] et String[] sont pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of the value object did not match the specified RegistryValueKind or t
he object could not be properly converted.",,"Le type de l objet value ne corres
pondait pas au RegistryValueKind spcifi ou l objet n a pas t correctement converti."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RegistryKey.SetValue does not allow a String[] that contains a null String refe
rence.",,"RegistryKey.SetValue ne permet pas un String[] qui contient une rfrence
String null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot delete a subkey tree because the subkey does not exist.",,"Impossible de
supprimer une sous-cl, car elle n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No value exists with that name.",,"Aucune valeur n existe avec le nom spcifi.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry value names should not be greater than 16,383 characters.",,"Les noms
de valeur du Registre ne doivent pas comporter plus de 16383caractres.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot remove the specified item because it was not found in the specified Coll
ection.",,"Impossible de supprimer l lment spcifi, car il est introuvable dans la co
llection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter must refer to a subclass of ResourceSet.",,"Le paramtre de type d
oit faire rfrence une sous-classe de ResourceSet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ResourceReader class does not know how to read this version of .resources f
iles. Expected version: {0} This file: {1}",,"La classe ResourceReader ne sait
pas comment lire cette version des fichiers .resources. Version attendue: {0} Ce
fichier: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The specified resource name ""{0}"" does not exist in the resource file."",,""
Le nom de ressource spcifi ""{0}"" n existe pas dans le fichier de ressources."",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified array was not of the expected rank.",,"Le tableau spcifi n est pas du r
ang attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified array was not of the expected type.",,"Le tableau spcifi n est pas du t
ype attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security error.",,"Erreur de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Serialization error.",,"Erreur de srialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property set method not found.",,"Mthode property-set introuvable.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation caused a stack overflow.",,"L opration a provoqu un dpassement de capaci
t de la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unicode surrogate characters must be written out as pairs together in the same
call, not individually. Consider passing in a character array instead.",,"Les ca
ractres de substitution Unicode doivent tre crits comme paires dans le mme appel et
non pas individuellement. Envisagez de passer un tableau de caractres la place.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object synchronization method was called from an unsynchronized block of code."
,,"La mthode de synchronisation de l objet a t appele partir d un bloc de code non s
ynchronis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System error.",,"Erreur systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Exception has been thrown by the target of an invocation.",,"Une exception a t le

ve par la cible d un appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of parameters specified does not match the expected number.",,"Le nombre
de paramtres spcifi ne correspond pas au nombre attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread failed to start.",,"Le thread n a pas pu dmarrer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread was in an invalid state for the operation being executed.",,"Le thread ta
it dans un tat non valide pour l opration en cours d excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation has timed out.",,"Le dlai d attente de l opration a expir.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to access the type failed.",,"chec de la tentative d accs au type.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure has occurred while loading a type.",,"Une dfaillance s est produite lors
du chargement d un type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A null or zero length string does not represent a valid Type.",,"Une chane de lo
ngueur zro ou null ne constitue pas un type valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypedReferences cannot be redefined as primitives.",,"TypedReferences ne peut p
as tre redfini en primitives.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type had been unloaded.",,"Le type avait t dcharg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TypedReference must be initialized.",,"Le TypedReference doit tre initialis."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to perform an unauthorized operation.",,"Tentative d excution d une opr
ation non autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Late bound operations cannot be performed on fields with types for which Type.C
ontainsGenericParameters is true.",,"Impossible d effectuer des oprations liaison
tardive sur des champs avec des types pour lesquels Type.ContainsGenericParamet
ers a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Late bound operations cannot be performed on types or methods for which Contain
sGenericParameters is true.",,"Impossible d effectuer des oprations liaison tardi
ve sur des types ou des mthodes pour lesquels ContainsGenericParameters a la vale
ur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown TypeCode value.",,"Valeur TypeCode inconnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to make an early bound call on a COM dispatch-only interface.",,"Tent
ative d appel de liaison anticipe sur une interface de rpartition COM uniquement."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing parameter does not have a default value.",,"Un paramtre manquant n a pas
de valeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version string portion was too short or too long.",,"La portion de la chane vers
ion tait trop courte ou trop longue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"IAsyncResult object did not come from the corresponding async method on this ty
pe.",,"L objet IAsyncResult ne provient pas de la mthode async correspondante de
ce type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The value ""{0}"" is not of type ""{1}"" and cannot be used in this generic co
llection."",,""La valeur ""{0}"" n est pas de type ""{1}"" et ne peut pas tre uti
lise dans cette collection gnrique."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MethodOverride s body must be from this type.",,"Le corps de MethodOverride doi
t provenir du type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The binary form of an ACE object is invalid.",,"La forme binaire d un objet ACE
n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The binary form of an ACL object is invalid.",,"La forme binaire d un objet ACL
n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SDDL form of a security descriptor object is invalid.",,"La forme SDDL d un
objet Descripteur de scurit n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,

"Blue 4.5.1"
""The runtime does not support a version of ""{0}"" less than {1}."",,""Le runti
me ne prend pas en charge les versions de ""{0}"" antrieures {1}."",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implementations of all the NLS functions must be provided.",,"Les implmentations
de toutes les fonctions NLS doivent tre fournies.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object is not a array with the same number of elements as the array to compare
it to.",,"L objet n est pas un tableau avec le mme nombre d lments que celui auquel
il doit tre compar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be of type {0}.",,"L argument doit tre de type {0}.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The last element of an eight element tuple must be a Tuple.",,"Le dernier lment d
un tuple de huit lments doit tre un Tuple.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The tuple contains an element of type {0} which does not implement the ICompara
ble interface.",,"Le tuple contient un lment de type {0} qui n implmente pas l inte
rface IComparable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application trust cannot be null.",,"Le niveau de confiance de l applicatio
n ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array cannot be null.",,"Array ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one element in the specified array was null.",,"Au moins un lment du tab
leau spcifi tait null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found a null value within an array.",,"Valeur null dans un tableau.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly cannot be null.",,"Assembly ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AssemblyName cannot be null.",,"AssemblyName ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AssemblyName.Name cannot be null or an empty string.",,"AssemblyName.Name ne pe
ut pas tre null ni une chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Buffer cannot be null.",,"Buffer ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot have a null child.",,"Ne peut pas avoir un enfant null.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection cannot be null.",,"Collection ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CriticalHandle cannot be null.",,"Le CriticalHandle ne peut pas tre null.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CultureInfo cannot be null.",,"CultureInfo ne peut pas avoir la valeur null.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dictionary cannot be null.",,"Dictionary ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name cannot be null.",,"Le nom de fichier ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GUID cannot be null.",,"GUID ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value cannot be null.",,"La valeur ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object Graph cannot be null.",,"Object Graph ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key cannot be null.",,"Key ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member at position {0} was null.",,"Le membre l emplacement {0} tait null.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object cannot be null.",,"Object ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Path cannot be null.",,"Path ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"SafeHandle cannot be null.",,"Le SafeHandle ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All

",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream cannot be null.",,"Stream ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String reference not set to an instance of a String.",,"La rfrence de chane n est
pas dfinie une instance d une chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Type cannot be null.",,"Type ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type parameter cannot be null when scoping the resource s visibility to Pri
vate or Assembly.",,"Le paramtre de type ne peut pas tre null lorsque la porte de l
a visibilit de la ressource passe Private ou Assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type in TypedReference cannot be null.",,"Le type dans TypedReference ne peut p
as tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The waitHandles parameter cannot be null.",,"Le paramtre waitHandles ne peut pas
avoir la valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} cannot be null.",,"Le paramtre {0} ne peut pas tre null.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Actual value was {0}.",,"La valeur relle tait {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value to add was out of range.",,"La valeur ajouter tait hors limites.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of bytes cannot exceed the virtual address space on a 32 bit machine
.",,"Le nombre d octets ne peut pas dpasser l espace d adressage virtuel sur un o
rdinateur 32 bits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number was less than the array s lower bound in the first dimension.",,"Le nomb
re est infrieur la limite infrieure du tableau dans la premire dimension.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Higher indices will exceed Int32.MaxValue because of large lower bound and/or l
ength.",,"Les index suprieurs dpassent Int32.MaxValue en raison d une limite infrie
ure plus grande et/ou de la longueur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The length of the array must be between {0} and {1}, inclusive.",,"La longueur
du tableau doit tre comprise entre {0} et {1}, inclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length of the array must be a multiple of {0}.",,"La longueur du tableau do
it tre un multiple de {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insertion index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than or equal t
o size.",,"L index d insertion tait hors limites. Il ne doit pas tre ngatif et infri
eur ou gal la taille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Destination array is not long enough to copy all the required data. Check array
length and offset.",,"Le tableau de destination n est pas assez long pour la co
pie de toutes les donnes requises. Vrifiez la longueur et l offset du tableau.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hour, Minute, and Second parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.",,"L
es paramtres Hour, Minute et Second dcrivent un DateTime qui ne peut pas tre reprsen
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Year, Month, and Day parameters describe an un-representable DateTime.",,"Les p
aramtres Year, Month et Day dcrivent un DateTime qui ne peut pas tre reprsent.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Console.Beep s frequency must be between {0} and {1}.",,"La frquence de Console.
Beep doit tre comprise entre {0} et {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Larger than collection size.",,"Plus grand que la taille de la collection.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of bytes requested does not fit into BinaryReader s internal buffer.
",,"Le nombre d octets requis ne peut pas tre contenu dans la mmoire tampon intern
e de BinaryReader.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be between {0} and {1}.",,"L argument doit tre compris entre {0} e

t {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Specified time is not supported in this calendar. It should be between {0} (Gre
gorian date) and {1} (Gregorian date), inclusive.",,"L heure spcifie n est pas pri
se en charge dans ce calendrier. Elle doit tre comprise entre {0} (date grgorienne
) et {1} (date grgorienne) inclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Capacity exceeds maximum capacity.",,"La capacit dpasse la capacit maximale.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the console s buf
fer size in that dimension.",,"La valeur doit tre suprieure ou gale zro et infrieure
la taille de la mmoire tampon de la console dans cette dimension.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The console buffer size must not be less than the current size and position of
the console window, nor greater than or equal to Int16.MaxValue.",,"La taille de
la mmoire tampon de la console ne doit pas tre infrieure la taille et la position
actuelles de la fentre de la console, ni suprieure ou gale Int16.MaxValue.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Console key values must be between 0 and 255.",,"Les valeurs de cls de la consol
e doivent tre comprises entre 0 et255.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The console title is too long.",,"Le titre de la console est trop long.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The new console window size would force the console buffer size to be too large
.",,"La nouvelle taille de fentre de la console imposerait une taille trop import
ante de la mmoire tampon de la console.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The window position must be set such that the current window size fits within t
he console s buffer, and the numbers must not be negative.",,"La position de la
fentre doit tre dfinie de telle manire que la taille de la fentre active soit adapte
a mmoire tampon de la console et les valeurs ne doivent pas tre ngatives.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value must be less than the console s current maximum window size of {0} in
that dimension. Note that this value depends on screen resolution and the conso
le font.",,"La valeur doit tre infrieure la taille actuelle maximale de la fentre d
e la console de {0} dans cette dimension. Notez que cette valeur dpend de la rsolu
tion d cran et de la police de la console.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Count must be positive and count must refer to a location within the string/arr
ay/collection.",,"Le compte doit tre positif et faire rfrence un emplacement de la
chane/du tableau/de la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The cursor size is invalid. It must be a percentage between 1 and 100.",,"La ta
ille du curseur n est pas valide. Ce doit tre un pourcentage compris entre 1 et100
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The added or subtracted value results in an un-representable DateTime.",,"La va
leur ajoute ou soustraite rsulte en un DateTime qui ne peut pas tre reprsent.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Months value must be between +/-120000.",,"Les valeurs Months doivent tre compri
ses entre +/-120000.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ticks must be between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks.",,"L
es graduations doivent tre comprises entre DateTime.MinValue.Ticks et DateTime.Ma
xValue.Ticks.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Years value must be between +/-10000.",,"La valeur des annes doit tre comprise en
tre +/-10000.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Day must be between 1 and {0} for month {1}.",,"Day doit tre compris entre 1 et
{0} pour le mois {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DayOfWeek enumeration must be in the range 0 through 6.",,"L numration DayOfW
eek doit tre comprise entre0 et6.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Day parameter must be in the range 1 through 31.",,"Le paramtre Day doit tre
compris entre1 et31.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Decimal can only round to between 0 and 28 digits of precision.",,"Le dcimal ne

peut tre arrondi qu avec une prcision comprise entre 0 et 28 chiffres.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Decimal s scale value must be between 0 and 28, inclusive.",,"La valeur d chelle
de Decimal doit tre comprise entre 0 et 28.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"endIndex cannot be greater than startIndex.",,"endIndex ne peut pas tre suprieur
startIndex.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum value was out of legal range.",,"La valeur Enum tait en dehors de la plage
lgale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Time value was out of era range.",,"La valeur de l heure tait en dehors de la pl
age d re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified file length was too large for the file system.",,"La longueur de fich
ier spcifie est trop grande pour le systme de fichiers.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a valid Win32 FileTime.",,"FileTime Win32 non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value must be positive.",,"La valeur doit tre positive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many characters. The resulting number of bytes is larger than what can be r
eturned as an int.",,"Nombre de caractres trop important. Le nombre d octets rsult
ant est suprieur la valeur maximale accepte pour un entier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many bytes. The resulting number of chars is larger than what can be return
ed as an int.",,"Nombre d octets trop important. Le nombre de caractres rsultant e
st suprieur la valeur maximale accepte pour un entier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Load factor needs to be between 0.1 and 1.0.",,"Le facteur de charge doit tre co
mpris entre 0,1 et 1,0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays larger than 2GB are not supported.",,"Les tableaux suprieurs 2Go ne sont p
as pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the coll
ection.",,"L index tait hors limites. Il ne doit pas tre ngatif et doit tre infrieur
la taille de la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index and count must refer to a location within the string.",,"L index et le co
mpte doivent faire rfrence un emplacement situ dans la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index and count must refer to a location within the buffer.",,"L index et le co
mpte doivent faire rfrence un emplacement situ dans la mmoire tampon.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This collection cannot work with indices larger than Int32.MaxValue - 1 (0x7FFF
FFFF - 1).",,"Cette collection ne peut pas fonctionner avec les index d une tail
le suprieure Int32.MaxValue - 1 (0x7FFFFFFF - 1).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index and length must refer to a location within the string.",,"L index et la l
ongueur doivent faire rfrence un emplacement situ dans la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified index is outside the current index range of this collection.",,"L
index spcifi n appartient pas la plage d index actuelle de cette collection.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the length of the st
ring.",,"L index tait hors limites. Il ne doit pas tre ngatif et doit tre infrieur la
longueur de la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Era value was not valid.",,"La valeur d re n tait pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A valid high surrogate character is between 0xd800 and 0xdbff, inclusive.",,"Un
caractre de substitution tendu valide est compris entre 0xd800 et 0xdbff, inclus.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A valid low surrogate character is between 0xdc00 and 0xdfff, inclusive.",,"Un
caractre de substitution faible valide est compris entre 0xdc00 et 0xdfff, inclus

.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The specified threshold for creating dictionary is out of range.",,"Le seuil spc
ifi pour la cration du dictionnaire est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A valid UTF32 value is between 0x000000 and 0x10ffff, inclusive, and should not
include surrogate codepoint values (0x00d800 ~ 0x00dfff).",,"Une valeur UTF32 v
alide est comprise entre 0x000000 et 0x10ffff, inclus, et elle ne doit pas inclu
re les valeurs de point de code de substitution (0x00d800 ~ 0x00dfff).",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined ACEs must not have a well-known ACE type.",,"Les entres du contrle d
accs (ACE) dfinies par l utilisateur ne doivent pas possder un type d ACE connu.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified length exceeds maximum capacity of SecureString.",,"La longueur s
pcifie dpasse la capacit maximale de SecureString.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length cannot be greater than the capacity.",,"La longueur ne peut pas tre s
uprieure la capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified length exceeds the maximum value of {0}.",,"La longueur spcifie dpas
se la valeur maximale de {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be less than or equal to 2^31 - 1 milliseconds.",,"L argument doi
t tre infrieur ou gal 2^31 - 1 millisecondes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Index must be within the bounds of the List.",,"L index doit tre dans les limite
s de la List.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The total number of parameters must not exceed {0}.",,"Le nombre total de paramt
res ne doit pas dpasser {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of String parameters must not exceed {0}.",,"Le nombre de paramtres S
tring ne doit pas dpasser {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Month must be between one and twelve.",,"Month doit tre compris entre un et douz
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Month parameter must be in the range 1 through 12.",,"Le paramtre Month doit
tre compris entre1 et12.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value must be non-negative and less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue.",,"La vale
ur ne doit pas tre ngative et elle doit tre infrieure ou gale Int32.MaxValue.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} must be non-negative.",," {0} ne doit pas tre ngatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} must be greater than zero.",," {0} doit tre suprieur zro.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-negative number required.",,"Nombre non ngatif requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number must be either non-negative and less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue or
-1.",,"Le nombre doit tre soit non ngatif et infrieur ou gal Int32.MaxValue, soit -1
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Positive number required.",,"Nombre positif requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ID parameter must be in the range {0} through {1}.",,"Le paramtre ID doit tre
compris entre{0} et {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length must be non-negative.",,"La longueur doit tre non ngative.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Capacity must be positive.",,"La capacit doit tre positive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Count cannot be less than zero.",,"Le compte ne peut pas tre infrieur zro.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length cannot be less than zero.",,"La longueur ne peut pas tre infrieure zro.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"objectID cannot be less than or equal to zero.",,"objectID ne peut pas tre infrie
ur ou gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Offset and length must refer to a position in the string.",,"L offset et la lon
gueur doivent faire rfrence une position dans la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram

ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Either offset did not refer to a position in the string, or there is an insuffi
cient length of destination character array.",,"L offset ne fait pas rfrence une p
osition dans la chane ou le tableau de caractres de destination n est pas d une lo
ngueur suffisante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified parameter index is not in range.",,"L index du paramtre spcifi n est
pas dans la plage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pointer startIndex and length do not refer to a valid string.",,"L index de dpar
t(startIndex) et la longueur du pointeur ne font pas rfrence une chane valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Period must be less than 2^32-2.",,"La priode doit tre infrieure 2^32-2.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The position may not be greater or equal to the capacity of the accessor.",,"La
position ne peut pas tre suprieure ou gale la capacit de l accesseur.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Queue grow factor must be between {0} and {1}.",,"Le facteur de croissance de l
a file doit tre compris entre {0} et {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Valid values are between {0} and {1}, inclusive.",,"Les valeurs valides sont co
mprises entre {0} et {1} (inclus).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Rounding digits must be between 0 and 15, inclusive.",,"Les chiffres d arrondi
doivent tre compris entre 0 et 15 inclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"capacity was less than the current size.",,"La capacit tait infrieure la taille ac
tuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MaxCapacity must be one or greater.",,"MaxCapacity doit tre suprieur ou gal un.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StartIndex cannot be less than zero.",,"StartIndex ne peut pas tre infrieur zro.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"startIndex cannot be larger than length of string.",,"startIndex ne peut pas tre
suprieur la longueur de la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"startIndex must be less than length of string.",,"startIndex doit tre infrieur la
longueur de la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream length must be non-negative and less than 2^31 - 1 - origin.",,"La longu
eur du flux ne doit pas tre ngative et doit tre infrieure 2^31 - 1 - origine.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Time-out interval must be less than 2^32-2.",,"L intervalle de dlai d attente do
it tre infrieur 2^32-2.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length of the buffer must be less than the maximum UIntPtr value for your p
latform.",,"La longueur de la mmoire tampon doit tre infrieure la valeur maximale U
IntPtr pour votre plateforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"UnmanagedMemoryStream length must be non-negative and less than 2^63 - 1 - base
Address.",,"La longueur de UnmanagedMemoryStream ne doit pas tre ngative et elle d
oit tre infrieure 2^63 - 1 - baseAddress.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The UnmanagedMemoryStream capacity would wrap around the high end of the addres
s space.",,"La capacit UnmanagedMemoryStream serait renvoye la ligne l extrmit supri
ure de l espace d adressage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TimeSpan parameter must be within plus or minus 14.0 hours.",,"Le paramtre T
imeSpan doit tre compris entre plus ou moins 14heures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The sum of the BaseUtcOffset and DaylightDelta properties must within plus or m
inus 14.0 hours.",,"La somme des proprits BaseUtcOffset et DaylightDelta doit tre c
omprise entre plus ou moins 14heures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Version s parameters must be greater than or equal to zero.",,"Les paramtres de
Version doivent tre suprieurs ou gaux zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The Week parameter must be in the range 1 through 5.",,"Le paramtre Week doit tre

compris entre1 et5.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Year must be between 1 and 9999.",,"L anne doit tre comprise entre 1 et 9999.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified capacity must not be less than the current capacity.",,"La capacit spci
fie ne peut pas tre infrieure la capacit actuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified slot number was invalid.",,"Le numro d emplacement spcifi n est pas vali
de.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Absolute path information is required.",,"Les informations relatives au chemin
d accs absolu sont requises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An item with the same key has already been added.",,"Un lment avec la mme cl a dj t
ut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Item has already been added. Key in dictionary: {0} Key being added: {1} ",
,"L lment a dj t ajout. Cl du dictionnaire: {0}
Cl ajoute: {1} ",,"Text",,"Al
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The elements of the AdjustmentRule array must not contain ambiguous time period
s that extend beyond the DateStart or DateEnd properties of the element.",,"Les lm
ents du tableau AdjustmentRule ne doivent pas contenir de priodes de temps ambigus
qui s tendent au-del des proprits DateStart ou DateEnd de l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The elements of the AdjustmentRule array must not contain invalid time periods
that extend beyond the DateStart or DateEnd properties of the element. ",,"Les lme
nts du tableau AdjustmentRule ne doivent pas contenir de priodes de temps non val
ides qui s tendent au-del des proprits DateStart ou DateEnd de l lment. ",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AdjustmentRule array cannot contain null elements.",,"Le tableau Adjustment
Rule ne peut pas contenir des lments null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The elements of the AdjustmentRule array must be in chronological order and mus
t not overlap.",,"Les lments du tableau AdjustmentRule doivent tre placs dans un ord
re chronologique et ne doivent pas se chevaucher.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The elements of the AdjustmentRule array must not contain Daylight Saving Time
periods that overlap adjacent elements in such a way as to cause invalid or ambi
guous time periods.",,"Les lments du tableau AdjustmentRule ne doivent pas conteni
r de priodes d observation de l heure d t dont le chevauchement avec des lments adjac
ents peut donner des priodes de temps non valides ou ambigus.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The elements of the AdjustmentRule array must not contain Daylight Saving Time
periods that overlap the DateStart or DateEnd properties in such a way as to cau
se invalid or ambiguous time periods.",,"Les lments du tableau AdjustmentRule ne d
oivent pas contenir de priodes d observation de l heure d t dont le chevauchement a
vec les proprits DateStart ou DateEnd peut donner des priodes de temps non valides
ou ambigus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object already has a CCW associated with it.",,"Un CCW est dj associ l objet."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An ApplicationTrust must have an application identity before it can be persiste
d.",,"Un ApplicationTrust doit avoir une identit de l application avant de pouvoi
r tre conserv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument cannot be zero.",,"L argument ne peut pas tre nul.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface maps for generic interfaces on arrays cannot be retrived.",,"Impossib
le de rcuprer les mappages d interface pour les interfaces gnriques sur les tableaux
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The input array length must not exceed Int32.MaxValue / {0}. Otherwise BitArray
.Length would exceed Int32.MaxValue.",,"La longueur du tableau en entre ne doit p
as tre suprieure Int32.MaxValue / {0}. Sinon, BitArray.Length dpasserait Int32.MaxV
alue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array or pointer types are not valid.",,"Les types tableau ou pointeur ne sont
pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Assembly was already fully trusted.",,"L assembly tait dj d un niveau de confiance

suffisant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly was not fully trusted.",,"L assembly n tait pas d un niveau de confianc
e suffisant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly must not be a Windows Runtime assembly.",,"L assembly ne doit pas tre u
n assembly Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute names must be unique.",,"Les noms d attributs doivent tre uniques.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface method must be abstract and virtual.",,"La mthode d interface doit tre
abstract et virtual.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad {0} while generating unmanaged resource information.",," {0} incorrect p
endant la gnration d informations sur les ressources non manages.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad default value.",,"Valeur par dfaut incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot have private or static constructor.",,"Impossible d avoir un constructeu
r private ou static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor must have standard calling convention.",,"Le constructeur doit avoi
r une convention d appel standard.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Bad current local variable for setting symbol information.",,"Variable locale a
ctuelle incorrecte pour la dfinition des informations de symboles.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect code generation for exception block.",,"Gnration de code incorrecte pou
r le bloc d exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field must be on the same type of the given ConstructorInfo.",,"Le champ doit tr
e dans le mme type que le ConstructorInfo donn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field signatures do not have return types.",,"Les signatures de champ n ont pas
de types de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad field type in defining field.",,"Type de champ erron dans le champ de dfiniti
on.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Format specifier was invalid.",,"Spcificateur de format non valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A BadImageFormatException has been thrown while parsing the signature. This is
likely due to lack of a generic context. Ensure genericTypeArguments and generic
MethodArguments are provided and contain enough context.",,"BadImageFormatExcept
ion a t lev lors de l analyse de la signature. Ceci est probablement d un manque de
contexte gnrique. Assurez-vous que genericTypeArguments et genericMethodArguments
sont fournis et qu ils contiennent suffisamment de contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad label in ILGenerator.",,"tiquette incorrecte dans ILGenerator.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad label content in ILGenerator.",,"Contenu d tiquette incorrect dans ILGenerat
or.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visibility of interfaces must be one of the following: NestedAssembly, NestedFa
mANDAssem, NestedFamily, NestedFamORAssem, NestedPrivate or NestedPublic.",,"La
visibilit des interfaces doit tre: NestedAssembly, NestedFamANDAssem, NestedFamily,
NestedFamORAssem, NestedPrivate ou NestedPublic.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid ObjRef provided to {0} .",,"ObjRef non valide fourni {0} .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PInvoke methods must be static and native and cannot be abstract.",,"Les mthodes
PInvoke doivent tre static et native et ne peuvent pas tre abstract.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PInvoke methods cannot exist on interfaces.",,"Les mthodes PInvoke ne peuvent pa
s exister sur les interfaces.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter count does not match passed in argument value count.",,"Le nombre de
paramtres ne correspond pas au nombre de valeurs d arguments pass.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot emit a CustomAttribute with argument of type {0}.",,"Impossible d mettre

un CustomAttribute avec l argument de type {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Passed in argument value at index {0} does not match the parameter type.",,"La
valeur de l argument pass l index {0} ne correspond pas au type du paramtre.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot have a persistable module in a transient assembly.",,"Impossible d avoir
un module Persistable dans un assembly transitoire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property must be on the same type of the given ConstructorInfo.",,"La proprit doi
t tre dans le mme type que le ConstructorInfo donn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown value for the ResourceScope: {0} Too many resource type bits may be se
t.",,"Valeur inconnue pour le ResourceScope: {0} Trop de bits de type ressource
peuvent tre dfinis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown value for the ResourceScope: {0} Too many resource visibility bits may
be set.",,"Valeur inconnue pour le ResourceScope: {0} Trop de bits de visibilit
de ressource peuvent tre dfinis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect signature format.",,"Format de signature incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data size must be > 0 and < 0x3f0000",,"La taille des donnes doit tre > 0 et < 0x
3f0000",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad type attributes. A type cannot be both abstract and final.",,"Attributs de
type incorrects. Un type ne peut pas tre la fois abstract et final.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad type attributes. Invalid layout attribute specified.",,"Attributs de type i
ncorrects. Attribut de disposition spcifi non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad type attributes. Nested visibility flag set on a non-nested type.",,"Attrib
uts de type incorrects. Indicateur de visibilit imbriqu dfini sur un type non imbri
qu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad type attributes. Non-nested visibility flag set on a nested type.",,"Attrib
uts de type incorrects. Indicateur de visibilit non imbriqu dfini sur un type imbri
qu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad type attributes. Reserved bits set on the type.",,"Attributs de type incorr
ects. Bits rservs dfinis sur le type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"An invalid type was used as a custom attribute constructor argument, field or p
roperty.",,"Un type non valide tait utilis comme argument, champ ou proprit de const
ructeur d attribut personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public key must be specified.",,"La cl publique doit tre spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find the method on the object instance.",,"Impossible de trouver la mthod
e dans l instance de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot evaluate a VarArgs function.",,"Impossible d valuer une fonction VarArgs.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use function evaluation to create a TypedReference object.",,"Impossible
de recourir l valuation de fonction pour crer un objet TypedReference.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get TypeToken for a ByRef type.",,"Impossible d obtenir TypeToken pour u
n type ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Abstract methods cannot be prepared.",,"Impossible de prparer les mthodes Abstrac
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set parent to an interface.",,"Impossible d affecter une interface au pa
rent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot evaluate a security function.",,"Impossible d valuer une fonction securit
y.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All objects in the input list must have a parent type of CodeGroup .",,"Tous l
es objets de la liste d entre doivent avoir un type parent de CodeGroup .",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"{0} is not a supported code page.",,"{0} n est pas une page de codes prise en c
harge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CompareOption.Ordinal cannot be used with other options.",,"Impossible d utilis
er CompareOption.Ordinal avec d autres options.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DateTimeStyles value RoundtripKind cannot be used with the values AssumeLoc
al, AssumeUniversal or AdjustToUniversal.",,"Impossible d utiliser la valeur Dat
eTimeStyles RoundtripKind avec les valeurs AssumeLocal, AssumeUniversal ou Adjus
tToUniversal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DateTimeStyles values AssumeLocal and AssumeUniversal cannot be used togeth
er.",,"Impossible d utiliser ensemble les valeurs DateTimeStyles AssumeLocal et
AssumeUniversal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant does not match the defined type.",,"La constante ne correspond pas au
type dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not a supported constant type.",,"Le type de constante {0} n est pas pri
s en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null is not a valid constant value for this type.",,"Null n est pas une valeur
de constante valide pour ce type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The specified constructor must be declared on a generic type definition.",,"Le
constructeur spcifi doit tre dclar dans une dfinition de type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion buffer overflow.",,"Dpassement de capacit de la mmoire tampon de conver
sion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The conversion could not be completed because the supplied DateTime did not hav
e the Kind property set correctly. For example, when the Kind property is DateT
imeKind.Local, the source time zone must be TimeZoneInfo.Local.",,"Impossible d
effectuer la conversion, car la proprit Kind du DateTime fourni n est pas correcte
ment dfinie. Par exemple lorsque la proprit Kind a la valeur DateTimeKind.Local, le
fuseau horaire source doit avoir pour valeur TimeZoneInfo.Local.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Culture IETF Name {0} is not a recognized IETF name.",,"Le nom IETF de culture
{0} n est pas un nom IETF reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Culture {0} is a neutral culture. It cannot be used in formatting and parsing
and therefore cannot be set as the thread s current culture.",,"La culture {0}
est neutre. Elle ne peut pas tre utilise dans le cadre de la mise en forme et de
l analyse et ne peut donc pas tre dfinie comme tant la culture actuelle du thread.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is an invalid culture identifier.",,"{0} n est pas un identificateur de cul
ture valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Culture ID {0} (0x{0:X4}) is a neutral culture; a region cannot be created from
it.",,"L ID de culture {0} (0x{0:X4}) correspond une culture neutre, qui ne per
met pas de crer une rgion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Culture is not supported.",,"La culture n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Customized cultures cannot be passed by LCID, only by name.",,"Impossible de pa
sser les cultures personnalises par LCID, mais seulement par nom.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameters members and data must have the same length.",,"Les paramtres mem
bers et data doivent avoir la mme longueur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The binary data must result in a DateTime with ticks between DateTime.MinValue.
Ticks and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks.",,"Les donnes binaires doivent produire un Dat
eTime avec des graduations comprises entre DateTime.MinValue.Ticks et DateTime.M
axValue.Ticks.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supplied DateTime must have the Year, Month, and Day properties set to 1.
The time cannot be specified more precisely than whole milliseconds.",,"Les prop
rits Year, Month et Day du DateTime fourni doivent avoir la valeur 1. L heure ne p
eut pas tre spcifie plus prcisment qu avec des millisecondes entires.",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The supplied DateTime includes a TimeOfDay setting. This is not supported.",,
"Le DateTime fourni comprend un paramtre TimeOfDay. Cela n est pas pris en charge
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supplied DateTime represents an invalid time. For example, when the clock
is adjusted forward, any time in the period that is skipped is invalid.",,"Le Da
teTime fourni reprsente une heure non valide. Par exemple, lorsque l heure est av
ance, les heures situes dans la priode ignore ne sont pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supplied DateTime is not in an ambiguous time range.",,"Le DateTime fourni
n est pas dans une plage horaire ambigu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The supplied DateTime must have the Kind property set to DateTimeKind.Unspecifi
ed.",,"La proprit Kind du DateTime fourni doit avoir la valeur DateTimeKind.Unspec
ified.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DateTimeStyles value NoCurrentDateDefault is not allowed when parsing Dat
eTimeOffset.",,"La valeur DateTimeStyles NoCurrentDateDefault n est pas autori
se lors de l analyse de DateTimeOffset.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The supplied DateTimeOffset is not in an ambiguous time range.",,"Le DateTimeOf
fset fourni n est pas dans une plage horaire ambigu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate dynamic module name within an assembly.",,"Nom de module dynamique du
pliqu dans un assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tried to add NamedPermissionSet with non-unique name.",,"Tentative d ajout de N
amedPermissionSet avec un nom non unique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate resource name within an assembly.",,"Nom de ressource dupliqu dans un
assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate type name within an assembly.",,"Nom de type dupliqu dans un assembly.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate file names.",,"Noms de fichiers dupliqus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EmitWriteLine does not support this field or local type.",,"EmitWriteLine ne pr
end pas en charge ce champ ou le type local.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"ApplicationId cannot have an empty string for the name.",,"ApplicationId ne peu
t pas avoir une chane vide pour le nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Decimal separator cannot be the empty string.",,"Le sparateur dcimal ne peut pas t
re une chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty file name is not legal.",,"Un nom de fichier vide n est pas autoris.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty name is not legal.",,"Un nom vide n est pas lgal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty path name is not legal.",,"Un nom de chemin d accs vide n est pas lgal.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StrongName cannot have an empty string for the assembly name.",,"StrongName ne
peut pas avoir une chane vide comme nom d assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Waithandle array may not be empty.",,"Le tableau Waithandle ne peut pas tre vide
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must complete Convert() operation or call Encoder.Reset() before calling GetByt
es() or GetByteCount(). Encoder {0} fallback {1} .",,"Il convient de terminer
l opration Convert() ou d appeler Encoder.Reset() avant d appeler GetBytes() ou
GetByteCount(). Encodeur {0} de secours {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The output byte buffer is too small to contain the encoded data, encoding {0}
fallback {1} .",,"La mmoire tampon d octets de sortie est trop petite pour cont
enir les donnes encodes, encodage {0} de secours {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F

ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The output char buffer is too small to contain the decoded characters, encoding
{0} fallback {1} .",,"La mmoire tampon caractre de sortie est trop petite pour
contenir les caractres dcods, encodage {0} de secours {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a supported encoding name.",," {0} n est pas un nom d encodage pr
is en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying type of enum argument must be Int32 or Int16.",,"Le type sous-ja
cent de l argument enum doit tre Int32 ou Int16.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument type, {0} , is not the same as the enum type {1} .",,"Le type d
argument, {0} , n est pas le mme que le type enum {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create a code group of type {0} .",,"Impossible de crer un groupe de
codes de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot change fallback when buffer is not empty. Previous Convert() call left d
ata in the fallback buffer.",,"Impossible de modifier le secours lorsque la mmoir
e tampon n est pas vide. L appel Convert() prcdent a laiss des donnes dans la mmoire
tampon de secours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve field {0} because the declaring type of the field handle {1} is
generic. Explicitly provide the declaring type to GetFieldFromHandle.",,"Impossi
ble de rsoudre le champ {0}, car le type dclarant du handle de champ {1} est gnrique
. Fournissez explicitement le type dclarant GetFieldFromHandle.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified field must be declared on a generic type definition.",,"Le champ
spcifi doit tre dclar dans une dfinition de type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more flags are not supported.",,"Un ou plusieurs indicateurs ne sont pas
pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FrameworkName is invalid.",,"FrameworkName n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FrameworkName version component is missing.",,"Le composant de la version du Fr
ameworkName est manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FrameworkName cannot have less than two components or more than three component
s.",,"FrameworkName ne peut pas avoir moins de deux composants ni plus de trois
composants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericArguments[{0}], {1} , on {2} violates the constraint of type {3} .",
,"GenericArguments[{0}], {1} , sur {2} ne respecte pas la contrainte de type
{3} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of generic arguments provided doesn t equal the arity of the generic
type definition.",,"Le nombre d arguments gnriques fournis n est pas gal l arit de
la dfinition de type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic types are not valid.",,"Les types gnriques ne sont pas valides.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global members must be static.",,"Les membres globaux doivent tre statiques.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pass a GCHandle across AppDomains.",,"Impossible de passer un GCHandle s
ur des AppDomains.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must be an array type.",,"Doit tre un type tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Left to right characters may not be mixed with right to left characters in IDN
labels.",,"Les caractres de gauche droite ne doivent pas tre mlangs avec des caractre
s de droite gauche dans les tiquettes IDN.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"IDN labels must be between 1 and 63 characters long.",,"La longueur des tiquette
s IDN doit tre comprise entre 1 et 63caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"IDN names must be between 1 and {0} characters long.",,"La longueur des noms ID
N doit tre comprise entre 1 et {0}caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"

"Invalid IDN encoded string.",,"Chane encode IDN non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE

T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Label contains character {0} not allowed with UseStd3AsciiRules",,"L tiquette
contient le caractre {0} qui n est pas autoris avec UseStd3AsciiRules",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Decoded string is not a valid IDN name.",,"La chane dcode n est pas un nom IDN val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application base specified is not valid.",,"La base de l application spcifie
n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application identity does not have same number of components as manifest paths.
",,"L identit de l application ne comporte pas le mme nombre de composants que les
chemins d accs des manifestes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application identity does not match identities in manifests.",,"L identit de l a
pplication ne correspond pas aux identits dans les manifestes.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Environment variable name cannot contain equal character.",,"Le nom de la varia
ble d environnement ne peut pas contenir le caractre gal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal name.",,"Nom non conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Illegal security permission zone specified.",,"Zone d autorisation de scurit spcif
ie non conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to impersonate user.",,"Impossible d emprunter l identit de l utilisateur
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one object must implement IComparable.",,"Au moins un objet doit implme
nter IComparable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Improper types in collection.",,"Types incorrects dans la collection.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified index is out of bounds of the specified array.",,"L index spcifi es
t en dehors des limites du tableau spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The specified space is not sufficient to copy the elements from this Collection
.",,"L espace spcifi ne suffit pas pour copier les lments partir de cette collection
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" this type cannot be an interface itself.",,"Le type this ne peut pas tre une
interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No flags can be set.",,"Aucun indicateur ne peut tre dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid identity: no deployment or application identity specified.",,"Identit no
n valide: aucune identit de dploiement ou d application n est spcifie.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Append access can be requested only in write-only mode.",,"Un accs en ajout ne p
eut tre demand qu en mode criture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Type of argument is not compatible with the generic comparer.",,"Le type d argu
ment n est pas compatible avec le comparateur gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length of the array must be {0}.",,"La longueur du tableau doit tre {0}.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Target array type is not compatible with the type of items in the collection.",
,"Le type de tableau cible n est pas compatible avec le type d lments dans la coll
ection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly names may not begin with whitespace or contain the characters / , or
\ or : .",,"Les noms d assembly ne doivent pas commencer par un espace blanc
ni contenir les caractres / , \ et : .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Not a valid calendar for the given culture.",,"Calendrier non valide pour la cu
lture donne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid Unicode code point found at index {0}.",,"Un point de code Unicode non
valide a t trouv l index {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"String contains invalid Unicode code points.",,"La chane contient des points de
code Unicode non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to translate bytes {0} at index {1} from specified code page to Unicode.
",,"Impossible de traduire les octets {0} l index {1} partir de la page de codes
spcifie en Unicode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to translate Unicode character \u{0:X4} at index {1} to specified code p
age.",,"Impossible de traduire le caractre Unicode \u{0:X4} l index {1} vers la p
age de codes spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified constructor must be declared on the generic type definition of th
e specified type.",,"Le constructeur spcifi doit tre dclar dans la dfinition de type g
ique du type spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ConstructorInfo object is not valid.",,"L objet ConstructorInfo n est pas v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Culture name {0} is not supported.",,"Le nom de culture {0} n est pas pris
en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid DateTimeKind value.",,"Valeur DateTimeKind non valide.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An undefined DateTimeStyles value is being used.",,"Une valeur DateTimeStyles n
on dfinie est actuellement utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The DigitSubstitution property must be of a valid member of the DigitShapes enu
meration. Valid entries include Context, NativeNational or None.",,"La proprit Dig
itSubstitution doit tre un membre valide de l numration DigitShapes. Les entres vali
des incluent Context, NativeNational ou None.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid directory, {0} .",,"Rpertoire non valide, {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid directory on URL.",,"Rpertoire non valide sur l URL.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid element name {0} .",,"Nom d lment non valide {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid element tag {0} .",,"Balise de l lment non valide {0} .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid element text {0} .",,"Texte de l lment non valide {0} .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid element value {0} .",,"Valeur de l lment non valide {0} .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Enum type should contain one and only one instance field.",,"Le type Enum d
oit contenir un seul et unique champ d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value {0} is not valid for this usage of the type {1}.",,"La valeur {0}
n est pas valide pour cette utilisation du type {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified field must be declared on the generic type definition of the spec
ified type.",,"Le champ spcifi doit tre dclar dans la dfinition de type gnrique du ty
spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The FieldInfo object is not valid.",,"L objet FieldInfo n est pas valide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Combining FileMode: {0} with FileAccess: {1} is invalid.",,"Association de File
Mode: {0} avec FileAccess: {1} non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Combining FileMode: {0} with FileSystemRights: {1} is invalid.",,"Association d
e FileMode: {0} avec FileSystemRights: {1} non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Combining FileMode: {0} with FileSystemRights: {1} is invalid. FileMode.Truncat
e is valid only when used with FileSystemRights.Write.",,"Association de FileMod
e: {0} avec FileSystemRights: {1} non valide. FileMode.Truncate est valide uniqu
ement s il est utilis avec FileSystemRights.Write.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of flags is invalid.",,"La valeur des indicateurs n est pas valide.",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The generic type parameter was not valid",,"Le paramtre de type gnrique tait non va
lide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic arguments must be provided for each generic parameter and each generic
argument must be a RuntimeType.",,"Des arguments gnriques doivent tre fournis pour
chaque paramtre gnrique et chaque argument gnrique doit tre un RuntimeType.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given generic instantiation was invalid.",,"L instanciation gnrique donne tait
non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Every element in the value array should be between one and nine, except for the
last element, which can be zero.",,"Chaque lment du tableau de valeur doit tre com
pris entre un et neuf, l exception du dernier lment qui peut tre gal zro.",,"Text",,
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The handle is invalid.",,"Le handle n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found a high surrogate char without a following low surrogate at index: {0}. Th
e input may not be in this encoding, or may not contain valid Unicode (UTF-16) c
haracters.",,"Un caractre de substitution tendu a t trouv, non suivi d un substitut f
aible l index: {0}. Cette entre peut ne pas se trouver dans cet encodage ou peut n
e pas contenir des caractres Unicode (UTF-16) valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified ID parameter {0} is not supported.",,"Le paramtre ID {0} spcifi
n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid token for impersonation - it cannot be duplicated.",,"Jeton non valide
pour l emprunt d identit - impossible de le dupliquer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key was invalid.",,"La cl tait non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a valid KeyStore name. ",," {0} n est pas un nom KeyStore valide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This type cannot be represented as a custom attribute.",,"Impossible de reprsent
er ce type en tant qu attribut personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Invalid Label.",,"tiquette non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Found a low surrogate char without a preceding high surrogate at index: {0}. Th
e input may not be in this encoding, or may not contain valid Unicode (UTF-16) c
haracters.",,"Un caractre de substitution faible a t trouv, non prcd d un substitut t
u l index: {0}. Cette entre peut ne pas se trouver dans cet encodage ou peut ne pa
s contenir des caractres Unicode (UTF-16) valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MarshalByRefObject is not valid.",,"L objet MarshalByRefObject n est pas va
lide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The member must be either a field or a property.",,"Le membre doit tre un champ
ou une proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified method must be declared on the generic type definition of the spe
cified type.",,"La mthode spcifie doit tre dclare dans la dfinition de type gnrique
pe spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid name.",,"Nom non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The NativeDigits array must contain exactly ten members.",,"Le tableau NativeDi
gits doit contenir exactement dix membres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Each member of the NativeDigits array must be a single text element (one or mor
e UTF16 code points) with a Unicode Nd (Number, Decimal Digit) property indicati
ng it is a digit.",,"Chaque membre du tableau NativeDigits doit tre un lment de tex
te unique (un ou plusieurs points de code UTF16) avec une proprit Nd (Nombre, Chif
fre dcimal) Unicode indiquant qu il s agit d un chiffre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The region name {0} should not correspond to neutral culture; a specific cultur

e name is required.",,"Le nom de rgion {0} ne doit pas correspondre une culture n
eutre; le nom d une culture spcifique est requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid or unsupported normalization form.",,"Formulaire de normalisation non v
alide ou non pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberData contains an invalid number of members.",,"MemberData contient un nom
bre de membres non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An undefined NumberStyles value is being used.",,"Une valeur NumberStyles non df
inie est actuellement utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the
number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.",,"L offset
et la longueur taient hors limites pour ce tableau ou bien le nombre est suprieur
au nombre d lments de l index la fin de la collection source.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ldtoken, Ldftn and Ldvirtftn OpCodes cannot target DynamicMethods.",,"Ldtoken,
Ldftn et Ldvirtftn OpCodes ne peuvent pas cibler DynamicMethods.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid type for ParameterInfo member in Attribute class.",,"Type non valide po
ur le membre ParameterInfo dans la classe d attributs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ParameterInfo object is not valid.",,"L objet ParameterInfo n est pas valid
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal characters in path.",,"Caractres non conformes dans le chemin d accs.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid permission state.",,"tat d autorisation non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Privilege {0} is not valid on this system.",,"Le privilge {0} n est pas vali
de sur ce systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The REG_TZI_FORMAT structure is corrupt.",,"La structure de REG_TZI_FORMAT est
endommage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Region name {0} is not supported.",,"Le nom de rgion {0} n est pas pris en c
harge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified RegistryKeyPermissionCheck value is invalid.",,"La valeur Registr
yKeyPermissionCheck spcifie n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified RegistryOptions value is invalid.",,"La valeur de RegistryOptions
spcifie n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified RegistryView value is invalid.",,"La valeur de RegistryView spcifie
n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given culture name {0} cannot be used to locate a resource file. Resource
filenames must consist of only letters, numbers, hyphens or underscores.",,"Imp
ossible d utiliser le nom de culture donn {0} pour localiser un fichier de ress
ources. Les noms de fichiers de ressources doivent se composer uniquement de let
tres, de nombres, de traits d union ou de traits de soulignement.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Offset and length were greater than the size of the SafeBuffer.",,"L offset et
la longueur taient suprieurs la taille de SafeBuffer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SafeHandle is invalid.",,"Le SafeHandle n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid seek origin.",,"Origine de l accs non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified serialized string {0} is not supported.",,"La chane de srialisati
on spcifie {0} n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Invalid site.",,"Site non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The directory specified, {0} , is not a subdirectory of {1} .",,"Le rpertoire
spcifi, {0} , n est pas un sous-rpertoire de {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"An undefined TimeSpanStyles value is being used.",,"Une valeur TimeSpanStyles n

on dfinie est actuellement utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Token {0:x} is not valid in the scope of module {1}.",,"Le jeton {0:x} n est pa
s valide dans la porte du module {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The type of arguments passed into generic comparer methods is invalid.",,"Le ty
pe d arguments pass dans les mthodes de comparateur gnrique n est pas valide.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot build type parameter for custom attribute with a type that does not supp
ort the AssemblyQualifiedName property. The type instance supplied was of type
{0} .",,"Impossible de gnrer le paramtre de type pour l attribut personnalis avec un
type qui ne prend pas en charge la proprit AssemblyQualifiedName. L instance de t
ype fournie tait de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid type owner for DynamicMethod.",,"Propritaire de type non valide pour Dyn
amicMethod.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the type is invalid.",,"Le nom de ce type n est pas valide.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token {0:x} is not a valid Type token.",,"Le jeton {0:x} n est pas un jeton Typ
e valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid Unity type.",,"Type Unity non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URL.",,"URL non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value was invalid.",,"La valeur n tait pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid Xml - can only parse elements of version one.",,"Xml non valide- ne peut
analyser que des lments de la version un.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Invalid XML. Missing required tag <{0}> for type {1} .",,"XML non valide. Bali
se <{0}> requise manquante pour le type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid XML. Missing required attribute {0} .",,"XML non valide. Attribut obli
gatoire {0} manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified item does not exist in this KeyedCollection.",,"L lment spcifi n exis
te pas dans ce KeyedCollection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Integer or token was too large to be encoded.",,"Entier ou jeton trop grand pou
r tre encod.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Environment variable name cannot contain 1024 or more characters.",,"Le nom de
la variable d environnement doit comporter moins de 1024caractres.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Environment variable name or value is too long.",,"Le nom ou la valeur de la va
riable d environnement est trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The specified manifest file does not exist.",,"Le fichier de manifeste spcifi n e
xiste pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot supply both a MemberInfo and an Array to indicate the parent of a value
type.",,"Impossible de fournir un MemberInfo et un Array pour indiquer le parent
d un type valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Element must be a <IMembershipCondition> element.",,"L lment doit tre un lment <IMem
bershipCondition>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve method {0} because the declaring type of the method handle {1} i
s generic. Explicitly provide the declaring type to GetMethodFromHandle. ",,"Imp
ossible de rsoudre la mthode {0}, car le type dclarant du handle de mthode {1} est gnr
ique. Fournissez explicitement le type dclarant GetMethodFromHandle. ",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has a generic declaring type {1} . Explicitly provide the declari
ng type to GetTokenFor. ",,"La mthode {0} a un type dclarant gnrique {1} . Fourni
ssez explicitement le type dclarant GetTokenFor. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified method cannot be dynamic or global and must be declared on a gene

ric type definition.",,"La mthode spcifie ne peut pas tre dynamique ou globale et do
it tre dclare dans une dfinition de type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has been already defined.",,"La mthode a dj t dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} cannot be greater than {1}.",," {0} ne peut pas tre suprieur {1}.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Two arrays, {0} and {1}, must be of the same size.",,"Les deux tableaux, {0} e
t {1}, doivent tre de taille identique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"was missing default constructor.",,"constructeur par dfaut manquant.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified module has already been loaded.",,"Le module spcifi a dj t charg.",,"Te
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be initialized to false",,"L argument doit tre initialis avec la va
leur false",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MemberInfo must be an interface method.",,"MemberInfo doit tre une mthode d i
nterface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly must be a runtime Assembly object.",,"Assembly doit tre un objet Assemb
ly au moment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FieldInfo must be a runtime FieldInfo object.",,"FieldInfo doit tre un objet Fie
ldInfo au moment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodInfo must be a runtime MethodInfo object.",,"MethodInfo doit tre un objet
MethodInfo au moment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Module must be a runtime Module object.",,"Module doit tre un objet Module au mo
ment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ParameterInfo must be a runtime ParameterInfo object.",,"ParameterInfo doit tre
un objet ParameterInfo au moment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object must be a runtime Reflection object.",,"L objet doit tre un objet Ref
lection au moment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must be a runtime Type object.",,"Type doit tre un objet Type au moment de
l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String is too long or has invalid contents.",,"La chane est trop longue ou son c
ontenu n est pas valide..",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" type must contain a TypeBuilder as a generic argument.",," type doit conteni
r un TypeBuilder comme argument gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Type passed in must be derived from System.Attribute or System.Attribute itself
.",,"Le type pass doit tre driv de System.Attribute ou System.Attribute.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified structure must be blittable or have layout information.",,"La str
ucture spcifie doit tre blittable ou avoir des informations de disposition.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When supplying a FieldInfo for fixing up a nested type, a valid ID for that con
taining object must also be supplied.",,"Lorsqu un FieldInfo est fourni pour cor
riger un type imbriqu, un ID valide pour cet objet contenant doit galement tre four
ni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When supplying the ID of a containing object, the FieldInfo that identifies the
current field within that object must also be supplied.",,"Lorsque l ID d un ob
jet contenant est fourni, le FieldInfo qui identifie le champ actuel dans cet ob
jet doit galement tre fourni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission set {0} was in use and could not be deleted.",,"Le jeu d autorisat
ions {0} dfini tait en cours d utilisation et n a pas pu tre supprim.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name can be neither null nor empty.",,"Le nom ne peut tre ni null ni vide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name {0} contains characters that are not valid for a Culture or Region."
,,"Le nom {0} contient des caractres qui ne sont pas valides pour une culture o

u une rgion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The name {0} is too long to be a Culture or Region name, which is limited to
{1} characters.",,"Le nom {0} est trop long pour tre un nom de culture ou de rgi
on, qui est limit {1} caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Native resource has already been defined.",,"Une ressource native a dj t dfinie.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method must represent a generic method definition on a generic type definition.
",,"La mthode doit reprsenter une dfinition de mthode gnrique dans une dfinition de ty
e gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified object must not be an instance of a generic type.",,"L objet spcif
i ne doit pas tre une instance d un type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified Type must not be a generic type definition.",,"Le type spcifi ne do
it pas tre une dfinition de type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The specified Type must be a struct containing no references.",,"Le type spcifi d
oit tre une structure ne contenant aucune rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} may not be used as a type argument.",,"Le type {0} ne peut pas
tre utilis comme argument de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Element does not specify a class.",,"L lment ne spcifie pas une classe.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The domain manager specified by the host could not be instantiated.",,"Impossib
le d instancier le gestionnaire de domaine spcifi par l hte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No Era was supplied.",,"Aucune re fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Main entry point not defined.",,"Point d entre principal non dfini.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module file name {0} must have file extension.",,"Le nom de fichier du module
{0} doit avoir une extension de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find a permission set with the provided name.",,"Impossible de trouve
r un jeu d autorisations dfini avec le nom fourni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only LPArray or SafeArray has nested unmanaged marshal.",,"Seul LPArray ou Safe
Array utilise un marshal non manag imbriqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"There is no region associated with the Invariant Culture (Culture ID: 0x7F).",,
"Aucune rgion n est associe la culture dite indiffrente (ID de Culture: 0x7F).",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please select a specific culture, such as zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW, zh-MO, zh-SG.",,
"Slectionnez une culture spcifique, par exemple zh-CN, zh-HK, zh-TW, zh-MO, zh-SG.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object has no underlying COM data associated with it.",,"L objet ne comport
e aucune donne COM sous-jacente associe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Uninitialized Strings cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer des chanes non ini
tialises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unmanaged marshal does not have ElementCount.",,"Marshal non manag n a pas de El
ementCount.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Either obj or ctx must be null.",,"obj ou ctx doit tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type does not inherit from CodeGroup",,"Le type n hrite pas de CodeGroup",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a custom marshal.",,"N est pas un marshal personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type does not implement IMembershipCondition",,"Le type n implmente pas IMem
bershipCondition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" elem was not a permission element.",," elem n tait pas un lment d autorisation.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type does not implement IPermission",,"Le type n implmente pas IPermission",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The UnmanagedType passed to DefineUnmanagedMarshal is not a simple type. None o
f the following values may be used: UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, UnmanagedType.SafeA
rray, UnmanagedType.ByValArray, UnmanagedType.LPArray, UnmanagedType.CustomMarsh
aler.",,"Le type UnmanagedType pass DefineUnmanagedMarshal n est pas un type simp
le. Aucune des valeurs suivantes ne doit tre utilise: UnmanagedType.ByValTStr, Unma
nagedType.SafeArray, UnmanagedType.ByValArray, UnmanagedType.LPArray, UnmanagedT
ype.CustomMarshaler.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must be a TransparentProxy",,"Le type doit tre un TransparentProxy",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a writable property.",,"Proprit non accessible en criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are not enough bytes remaining in the accessor to read at this position."
,,"Il ne reste pas suffisamment d octets dans l accesseur pour lire cette positi
on",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are not enough bytes remaining in the accessor to write at this position.
",,"Il ne reste pas suffisamment d octets dans l accesseur pour crire cette posit
ion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type or method has {1} generic parameter(s), but {0} generic argument(s) we
re provided. A generic argument must be provided for each generic parameter.",,"
Le type ou la mthode comporte {1} paramtres gnriques, mais {0} arguments gnriques ont
fournis. Un argument gnrique doit tre fourni pour chaque paramtre gnrique.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Does not extend Exception.",,"N tend pas Exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not currently in an exception block.",,"Ne se trouve pas actuellement dans un b
loc d exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument passed in was not from the same ModuleBuilder.",,"L argument pass n
e provient pas du mme ModuleBuilder.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The specified opcode cannot be passed to EmitCall.",,"Impossible de passer l op
code spcifi EmitCall.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument passed in is not serializable.",,"L argument pass n est pas srialisable.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The filename must not include a path specification.",,"Le nom de fichier ne doi
t pas inclure une spcification de chemin d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A null StrongName was found in the full trust assembly list.",,"Un StrongName d
e valeur null a t trouv dans la liste des assemblys de confiance totale.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object s type must not be a Windows Runtime type.",,"Le type de l objet ne
doit pas tre un type Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The object s type must be __ComObject or derived from __ComObject.",,"Le type d
e l objet doit tre __ComObject ou driv de __ComObject.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Offset and capacity were greater than the size of the view.",,"L offset et la c
apacit taient suprieurs la taille de la vue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The UTC Offset of the local dateTime parameter does not match the offset argume
nt.",,"L offset UTC du paramtre dateTime local ne correspond pas l argument offse
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field passed in is not a marshaled member of the type {0} .",,"Le champ pass n
est pas un membre marshal de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Offset must be within plus or minus 14 hours.",,"L offset doit tre compris entre
plus ou moins 14 heures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Offset must be specified in whole minutes.",,"L offset doit tre spcifi en minutes
entires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The UTC Offset for Utc DateTime instances must be 0.",,"L offset UTC pour les i
nstances DateTime Utc doit tre gal 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Culture name {0} or {1} is not supported.",,"Le nom de culture {0} ou {1} n est
pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only mscorlib s assembly is valid.",,"Seul l assembly mscorlib est valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DateStart property must come before the DateEnd property.",,"La proprit DateS
tart doit tre antrieure la proprit DateEnd.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Path cannot be the empty string or all whitespace.",,"Le chemin d accs ne peut p
as tre une chane vide ou contenir uniquement des espaces blancs.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given path s format is not supported.",,"Le format du chemin d accs donn n es
t pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"URI formats are not supported.",,"Les formats URI ne sont pas pris en charge.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested policy file does not exist.",,"Le fichier de stratgie demand n exis
te pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Recursive fallback not allowed for character \u{0:X4}.",,"Le secours rcursif n e
st pas autoris pour le caractre \u{0:X4}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Recursive fallback not allowed for bytes {0}.",,"Le secours rcursif n est pas au
toris pour les octets {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Label multiply defined.",,"tiquette dfinie plusieurs fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"UrlMembershipCondition requires an absolute URL.",,"UrlMembershipCondition requ
iert une URL absolue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot remove or modify reserved permissions set {0} .",,"Impossible de suppri
mer ou de modifier le jeu d autorisations rserv {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token {0:x} is not a valid FieldInfo token in the scope of module {1}.",,"Le je
ton {0:x} n est pas un jeton FieldInfo valide dans la porte du module {1}.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type handle {0} and field handle with declaring type {1} are incompatible.
Get RuntimeFieldHandle and declaring RuntimeTypeHandle off the same FieldInfo.",
,"Le handle du type {0} et le handle du champ du type dclarant {1} sont incom
patibles. Obtenez RuntimeFieldHandle et RuntimeTypeHandle dclarant du mme FieldInf
o.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token {0:x} is not a valid MemberInfo token in the scope of module {1}.",,"Le j
eton {0:x} n est pas un jeton MemberInfo valide dans la porte du module {1}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token {0:x} is not a valid MethodBase token in the scope of module {1}.",,"Le j
eton {0:x} n est pas un jeton MethodBase valide dans la porte du module {1}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type handle {0} and method handle with declaring type {1} are incompatible.
Get RuntimeMethodHandle and declaring RuntimeTypeHandle off the same MethodBase
.",,"Le handle du type {0} et le handle de la mthode du type dclarant {1} sont
incompatibles. Obtenez RuntimeMethodHandle et RuntimeTypeHandle dclarant du mme M
ethodBase.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token {0} resolves to the special module type representing this module.",,"Le j
eton {0} est rsolu en type de module spcial reprsentant ce module.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token {0:x} is not a valid string token in the scope of module {1}.",,"Le jeton
{0:x} n est pas un jeton de chane valide dans la porte du module {1}.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token {0:x} is not a valid Type token in the scope of module {1}.",,"Le jeton {
0:x} n est pas un jeton de type valide dans la porte du module {1}.",,"Text",,"Al

l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Resource type in the ResourceScope enum is going from a more restrictive resou
rce type to a more general one. From: ""{0}"" To: ""{1}"""",,""Le type de ress
ource dans l enum ResourceScope va d un type de ressource plus restrictif vers u
n type de ressource plus gnral. De: ""{0}"" : ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The result is out of the supported range for this calendar. The result should b
e between {0} (Gregorian date) and {1} (Gregorian date), inclusive.",,"Le rsultat
sort de la plage prise en charge pour ce calendrier. Le rsultat doit tre compris
entre {0} (date grgorienne) et {1} (date grgorienne), limites comprises.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The date is out of the supported range for the Islamic calendar. The date shoul
d be greater than July 18th, 622 AD (Gregorian date).",,"La date n est pas compr
ise dans la plage de dates prise en charge pour le calendrier islamique. Elle do
it tre postrieure au 18 juillet, 622 ap. J-C (date grgorienne).",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified seek offset {0} would result in a negative Stream position.",,"
L offset de recherche spcifi {0} gnrerait une position Stream ngative.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Should not specify exception type for catch clause for filter block.",,"Vous ne
devez pas spcifier le type d exception pour la clause catch pour le bloc de filt
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Should only set visibility flags when creating EnumBuilder.",,"Vous ne devez dfi
nir des indicateurs de visibilit que lors de la cration de EnumBuilder.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Completed signature cannot be modified.",,"Impossible de modifier la signature
termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Site name must be specified.",,"Le nom du site doit tre spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream was not readable.",,"Le flux ne peut pas tre lu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream was not writable.",,"Le flux ne peut pas tre crit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first char in the string is the null character.",,"Le premier caractre de la
chane est le caractre Null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String cannot be of zero length.",,"La longueur de la chane ne peut pas tre gale zr
o.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to obtain public key for StrongNameKeyPair.",,"Impossible d obtenir la c
l publique pour StrongNameKeyPair.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The structure must not be a value class.",,"La structure ne doit pas tre une cla
sse Value.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TimeSpan parameter cannot be specified more precisely than whole minutes.",
,"Le paramtre TimeSpan ne peut pas tre spcifi plus prcisment qu avec des minutes entir
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The tzfile does not begin with the magic characters TZif . Please verify that
the file is not corrupt.",,"Le fichier tzfile ne commence pas par les caractres
magiques TZif . Assurez-vous que le fichier n est pas endommag.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TZif data structure is corrupt.",,"La structure de donnes TZif est endommage.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fromInclusive must be less than or equal to toExclusive.",,"fromInclusive doit t
re infrieur ou gal toExclusive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Token cannot be zero.",,"Le jeton ne peut pas tre gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception blocks may have at most one finally clause.",,"Les blocs d exception
peuvent avoir au plus une clause finally.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The DaylightTransitionStart property must not equal the DaylightTransitionEnd p
roperty.",,"La proprit DaylightTransitionStart ne doit pas tre gale la proprit Daylig

tTransitionEnd.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Type does not contain the given method.",,"Le type ne contient pas la mthode don
ne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type must not be a Windows Runtime type.",,"Le type ne doit pas tre un type
Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type must be creatable from COM.",,"Le type doit pouvoir tre cr partir de COM.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified type must be visible from COM.",,"Le type spcifi doit tre visible pa
rtir de COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type must not be imported from COM.",,"Le type ne doit pas tre import partir
de COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type name was too long. The fully qualified type name must be less than 1,024 c
haracters.",,"Le nom de type tait trop long. Le nom de type qualifi complet ne doi
t pas dpasser 1024 caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} does not have an activation factory because it is not activatable by
Windows Runtime.",,"Le type {0} n a pas de fabrique d activation, car il ne p
eut pas tre activ par Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The type must be __ComObject or be derived from __ComObject.",,"Le type doit tre
__ComObject ou tre driv de __ComObject.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The Type object is not valid.",,"L objet Type n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field in TypedReferences cannot be static or init only.",,"Le champ dans TypedR
eferences ne peut pas tre static ou init uniquement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The UTC time represented when the offset is applied must be between year 0 and
10,000.",,"L heure UTC reprsente lorsque l offset est appliqu doit tre comprise entr
e l anne 0 et 10000.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to generate permission set; input XML may be malformed.",,"Impossible de
gnrer un jeu d autorisations; XML d entre peut tre incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error while parsing the specified manifest.",,"Erreur inattendue lor
s de l analyse du manifeste spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The IL Generator cannot be used while there are unclosed exceptions.",,"Impossi
ble d utiliser le Gnrateur IL lorsqu il existe des exceptions non fermes.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Supplied MemberInfo does not match the expected type.",,"MemberInfo fourni ne c
orrespond pas au type attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected TypeKind when marshaling Windows.Foundation.TypeName. ",,"TypeKind i
nattendu lors du marshaling de Windows.Foundation.TypeName. ",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninitialized certificate object.",,"Objet certificate non initialis.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown unmanaged calling convention for function signature.",,"Convention d ap
pel non manage inconnue pour la signature de la fonction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The UnmanagedMemoryAccessor capacity and offset would wrap around the high end
of the address space.",,"La capacit et l offset UnmanagedMemoryAccessor seraient
renvoys la ligne l extrmit suprieure de l espace d adressage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local passed in does not belong to this ILGenerator.",,"Le Local pass n appartie
nt pas ce ILGenerator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-matching symbol scope.",,"Porte de symbole sans correspondance.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unrecognized LOADER_OPTIMIZATION property value. Supported values may include
""SingleDomain"", ""MultiDomain"", ""MultiDomainHost"", and ""NotSpecified"".""
,,""Valeur de proprit LOADER_OPTIMIZATION non reconnue. Les valeurs prises en char
ge peuvent inclure ""SingleDomain"", ""MultiDomain"", ""MultiDomainHost"" et ""N

otSpecified""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Identity permissions cannot be unrestricted.",,"Les autorisations d identit ne p
euvent pas tre illimites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"URL must be specified.",,"L URL doit tre spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The unmanaged Version information is too large to persist.",,"Les informations
de version non manage sont trop importantes pour tre rendues persistantes.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name can be no more than 260 characters in length.",,"Le nom ne peut pas co
mporter plus de 260 caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot marshal type {0} to Windows Runtime. Only System.RuntimeType is supp
orted.",,""Impossible de marshaler le type {0} dans Windows Runtime. Seul ""Sy
stem.RuntimeType"" est pris en charge."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" {0} element required.",," {0} lment requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation on type {0} attempted with target of incorrect type.",,"Tentative d
opration sur le type {0} avec une cible de type incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zone must be specified.",,"La zone doit tre spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find cvtres.exe",,"Le fichier cvtres.exe est introuvable",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function does not accept floating point Not-a-Number values.",,"La fonction n a
ccepte pas les valeurs Not-a-Number en virgule flottante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source array type cannot be assigned to destination array type.",,"Impossible d
assigner le type du tableau source au type du tableau de destination.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array.ConstrainedCopy will only work on array types that are provably compatibl
e, without any form of boxing, unboxing, widening, or casting of each array elem
ent. Change the array types (i.e., copy a Derived[] to a Base[]), or use a miti
gation strategy in the CER for Array.Copy s less powerful reliability contract,
such as cloning the array or throwing away the potentially corrupt destination a
rray.",,"Array.ConstrainedCopy fonctionnera uniquement sur les types de tableau
dont la compatibilit a t prouve, sans aucune forme de boxing, d unboxing, d largissem
ent ou de casting de chaque lment de tableau. Modifiez les types de tableau (copie
z un Derived[] vers un Base[]) ou utilisez une stratgie de rduction dans le CER po
ur obtenir un contrat de fiabilit moins puissant de Array.Copy, telle que le clon
age du tableau ou la suppression du tableau de destination potentiellement endom
mag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} was loaded in the ReflectionOnly context but the AssemblyBuilder was
not created as AssemblyBuilderAccess.ReflectionOnly.",,"Le type {0} a t charg da
ns le contexte ReflectionOnly, mais le AssemblyBuilder n a pas t cr comme AssemblyBu
ilderAccess.ReflectionOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} was not loaded in the ReflectionOnly context but the AssemblyBuilder
was created as AssemblyBuilderAccess.ReflectionOnly.",,"Le type {0} n a pas t c
harg dans le contexte ReflectionOnly, mais le AssemblyBuilder a t cr comme AssemblyBu
ilderAccess.ReflectionOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assertion failed.",,"chec d assertion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Assertion failed: {0}",,"chec d assertion: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assumption failed.",,"chec de l hypothse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Assumption failed: {0}",,"chec de l hypothse: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The builder was not properly initialized.",,"Le gnrateur n a pas t correctement ini
tialis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The awaitable or awaiter was not properly initialized.",,"L lment pouvant tre atte

ndu ou en attente n est pas correctement initialis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew

ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. The specified type doesn t exist.",,"Fichier .resourc
es endommag. Le type spcifi n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Corrupt .resources file. String length must be non-negative.",,"Fichier .resour
ces endommag. La longueur de chane ne doit pas tre ngative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameters and the signature of the method don t match.",,"Les paramtres et
la signature de la mthode ne correspondent pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type serialized in the .resources file was not the same type that the .reso
urces file said it contained. Expected {0} but read {1} .",,"Le type srialis da
ns le fichier .resources n tait pas du mme type que celui que le fichier .resource
s disait contenir. {0} attendu, {1} lu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. The specified data length {0} is not a valid positi
on in the stream.",,"Fichier .resources endommag. La longueur de donnes spcifie {0}
n est pas une position valide dans le flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. A resource name extends past the end of the stream.",,
"Fichier .resources endommag. Un nom de ressource s tend au-del de la fin du flux."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. The resource name for name index {0} extends past the
end of the stream.",,"Fichier .resources endommag. Le nom de ressource de l index
de nom {0} s tend au-del de la fin du flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. Invalid offset {0} into data section.",,"Fichier .re
sources endommag. Offset {0} non valide dans la section de donnes.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. Unable to read resources from this file because of inv
alid header information. Try regenerating the .resources file.",,"Fichier .resou
rces endommag. Impossible de lire les ressources dans ce fichier en raison d info
rmations d en-tte non valides. Essayez de rgnrer le fichier .resources.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. The resource index {0} is outside the valid range.",
,"Fichier .resources endommag. L index de ressource {0} se trouve en dehors de
la plage valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. String for name index {0} extends past the end of th
e file.",,"Fichier .resources endommag. La chane de l index de nom {0} s tend audel de la fin du fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. Invalid offset {0} into name section.",,"Fichier .re
sources endommag. Offset {0} non valide dans la section de nom.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. Resource name extends past the end of the file.",,"Fic
hier .resources endommag. Un nom de ressource s tend au-del de la fin du fichier.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corrupt .resources file. The specified position {0} is not a valid position
in the stream.",,"Fichier .resources endommag. La position {0} spcifie n est pas
une position valide dans le flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Corrupt .resources file. The specified type doesn t match the available data i
n the stream.",,"Fichier .resources endommag. Le type spcifi ne correspond pas aux
donnes disponibles dans le flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CancellationTokenSource has been disposed.",,"CancellationTokenSource a t sup
prim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No tokens were supplied.",,"Aucun jeton n a t fourni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CancellationTokenSource associated with this CancellationToken has been dis
posed.",,"Le CancellationTokenSource associ ce CancellationToken a t supprim.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The SyncRoot property may not be used for the synchronization of concurrent col
lections.",,"La proprit SyncRoot ne peut pas tre utilise pour la synchronisation de
collections simultanes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The array is multidimensional, or the type parameter for the set cannot be cast
automatically to the type of the destination array.",,"Le tableau est multidime
nsionnel ou le paramtre de type pour l ensemble ne peut pas tre converti automatiq
uement dans le type du tableau de destination.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index is equal to or greater than the length of the array, or the number of
elements in the dictionary is greater than the available space from index to th
e end of the destination array.",,"L index est suprieur ou gal la longueur du tabl
eau, ou le nombre d lments dans le dictionnaire est suprieur l espace disponible en
tre l index et la fin du tableau de destination.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The capacity argument must be greater than or equal to zero.",,"L argument capa
city doit tre suprieur ou gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The concurrencyLevel argument must be positive.",,"L argument concurrencyLevel
doit tre positif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index argument is less than zero.",,"L argument index est infrieur zro.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TKey is a reference type and item.Key is null.",,"TKey est un type rfrence et ite
m.Key a la valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key already existed in the dictionary.",,"La cl existait dj dans le dictionnai
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The source argument contains duplicate keys.",,"L argument source contient des
cls dupliques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key was of an incorrect type for this dictionary.",,"Le type de la cl tait in
correct pour ce dictionnaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value was of an incorrect type for this dictionary.",,"Le type de la valeur
tait incorrect pour ce dictionnaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The serialization stream contains no elements.",,"Le flux de srialisation ne con
tient aucun lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The count argument must be greater than or equal to zero.",,"L argument count d
oit tre suprieur ou gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The sum of the startIndex and count arguments must be less than or equal to the
collection s Count.",,"La somme des arguments startIndex et count doit tre infrie
ure ou gale l lment Count de la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The startIndex argument must be greater than or equal to zero.",,"L argument st
artIndex doit tre suprieur ou gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Invalid attempt made to decrement the event s count below zero.",,"Tentative no
n valide de dcrmentation du nombre de l vnement en dessous de zro.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The increment operation would cause the CurrentCount to overflow.",,"L opration
d incrmentation risque d entraner un dpassement de capacit de CurrentCount.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event is already signaled and cannot be incremented.",,"L vnement est dj signal
et ne peut pas tre incrment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CryptoConfig cannot add a mapping for a null or empty name.",,"CryptoConfig ne
peut pas ajouter de mappage pour un nom null ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Algorithms added to CryptoConfig must be accessable from outside their assembly
.",,"Les algorithmes ajouts CryptoConfig doivent tre accessibles hors de leur asse
mbly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Algorithm implementation does not support a key size of {0}.",,"L implmentation
de cet algorithme ne prend pas en charge une taille de cl gale {0}.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cryptographic service provider (CSP) could not be found for this algorithm.",,"
Fournisseur de services de chiffrement (CSP) introuvable pour cet algorithme.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feedback size for the cipher feedback mode (CFB) must be 8 bits.",,"La taille d
es commentaires du mode CFB (Cipher Feedback) doit tre de 8bits.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object contains only the public half of a key pair. A private key must also be
provided.",,"L objet ne contient que la partie publique d une paire de cls. Une c
l prive doit galement tre fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested key container was not found.",,"Le conteneur de cl requis est intr
ouvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output feedback mode (OFB) is not supported by this implementation.",,"Le mode
OFB (Output Feedback) n est pas pris en charge par cette implmentation.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified cryptographic service provider (CSP) does not support this key al
gorithm.",,"Le fournisseur de services de chiffrement (CSP) spcifi ne prend pas en
charge cet algorithme de cl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error 0x{0} from the operating system security framework: {1} .",,"Erreur 0x{0
} de l infrastructure de scurit du systme d exploitation : {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error 0x{0} from the operating system security framework.",,"Erreur 0x{0} de l
infrastructure de scurit du systme d exploitation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Encoded OID length is too large (greater than 0x7f bytes).",,"La longueur de OI
D encod est trop grande (suprieure 0x7f octets).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FlushFinalBlock() method was called twice on a CryptoStream. It can only be cal
led once.",,"La mthode FlushFinalBlock() a t appele deux fois sur un CryptoStream. E
lle ne peut tre appele qu une seule fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Hash key cannot be changed after the first write to the stream.",,"Impossible d
e changer la cl de hachage aprs la premire criture dans le flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hash name cannot be changed after the first write to the stream.",,"Impossible
de changer le nom de hachage aprs la premire criture dans le flux.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hash must be finalized before the hash value is retrieved.",,"Le hachage doit tr
e finalis avant l extraction de la valeur de hachage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input buffer contains insufficient data.",,"La mmoire tampon d entre ne contient
pas suffisamment de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified block size is not valid for this algorithm.",,"La taille de bloc spcif
ie n est pas valide pour cet algorithme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Specified cipher mode is not valid for this algorithm.",,"Le mode de chiffremen
t spcifi n est pas valide pour cet algorithme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length of the DSA signature was not 40 bytes.",,"La longueur de la signature DS
A n tait pas de 40octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified feedback size is invalid.",,"La taille spcifie pour les commentaires n
est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input string does not contain a valid encoding of the {0} {1} parameter.",,
"La chane d entre ne contient pas un encodage valide du paramtre {0} {1} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is an invalid handle.",,"{0} est un handle non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} algorithm hash size is {1} bytes.",,"La taille de hachage de l algorithme {
0} est de {1} octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified initialization vector (IV) does not match the block size for this alg
orithm.",,"Le vecteur d initialisation (IV) spcifi ne correspond pas la taille du

bloc pour cet algorithme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Parameter {0} is not a valid key parameter.",," {0} n est pas un paramtre de
cl valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.",,"La cl spcifie n est pas d
une taille valide pour cet algorithme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Specified key is a known semi-weak key for {0} and cannot be used.",,"La cl spc
ifie est une cl semi-faible connue pour {0} et ne peut pas tre utilise.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified key is a known weak key for {0} and cannot be used.",,"La cl spcifie e
st une cl faible connue pour {0} et ne peut pas tre utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object identifier (OID) is unknown.",,"Identificateur d objet (OID) inconnu.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is not supported for this class.",,"Cette opration n est pas pris
e en charge pour cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified padding mode is not valid for this algorithm.",,"Le mode de remplissa
ge spcifi n est pas valide pour cet algorithme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CryptoAPI cryptographic service provider (CSP) for this implementation could no
t be acquired.",,"Impossible d acqurir le fournisseur de services de chiffrement
CryptoAPI pour cette implmentation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Unknown Error {0} .",,"Erreur inconnue {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No asymmetric key object has been associated with this formatter object.",,"Auc
un objet de cl asymtrique n a t associ cet objet formatter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required object identifier (OID) cannot be found.",,"OID requis (Object Identif
ier) introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptogr
aphic algorithms.",,"Cette implmentation ne fait pas partie des algorithmes de ch
iffrement valids FIPS pour les plateformes Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current session is not interactive.",,"La session active n est pas interact
ive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred while decoding OAEP padding.",,"Erreur lors du dcodage du remplis
sage OAEP.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred while decoding PKCS1 padding.",,"Erreur lors du dcodage du rempli
ssage PKCS1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Padding is invalid and cannot be removed.",,"Le remplissage n est pas valide et
ne peut pas tre supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data to be decrypted exceeds the maximum for this modulus of {0} bytes.",,"
Les donnes dchiffrer dpassent de {0} octets le maximum pour ce module.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data to be encrypted exceeds the maximum for this modulus of {0} bytes.",,"
Les donnes chiffrer dpassent de {0} octets le maximum pour ce module.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Direct Encryption and decryption using RSA are not available on this platform."
,,"Le chiffrement direct et le dchiffrement l aide de RSA ne sont pas disponibles
sur cette plateforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Salt is not at least eight bytes.",,"Le salt n est pas d au moins huit octets."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Algorithm is unavailable or is not supported for this operation.",,"L algorithm
e n est pas disponible ou n est pas pris en charge pour cette opration.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Initialization vector should have the same length as the algorithm block si
ze in bytes.",,"Le vecteur d initialisation doit avoir la mme longueur que la tai
lle du bloc d algorithme en octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Requested number of bytes exceeds the maximum.",,"Le nombre d octets demand dpass
e le maximum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of {0} cannot be changed after the bytes have been retrieved.",,"Imposs
ible de changer la valeur de {0} une fois que les octets ont t rcuprs.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EffectiveKeySize value must be at least 40 bits.",,"La valeur EffectiveKeySize
doit tre d au moins 40bits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EffectiveKeySize value must be at least as large as the KeySize value.",,"La va
leur EffectiveKeySize doit tre au moins gale la valeur KeySize.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EffectiveKeySize must be the same as KeySize in this implementation.",,"Effecti
veKeySize doit tre identique KeySize dans cette implmentation.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length of the data to decrypt is invalid.",,"Longueur des donnes dchiffrer non va
lide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length of the data to encrypt is invalid.",,"Longueur des donnes chiffrer non va
lide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a known hash algorithm.",," {0} n est pas un algorithme de hachag
e connu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The certificate export operation failed.",,"L opration d exportation de certific
at a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid content type.",,"Type de contenu non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred while parsing the {0} policy level. The default policy level w
as used instead.",,"Erreur lors de l analyse du niveau de stratgie {0} . Utilisa
tion du niveau de stratgie par dfaut la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error {1} occurred while parsing the {0} policy level. The default policy l
evel was used instead.",,"Erreur {1} lors de l analyse du niveau de stratgie {
0} . Utilisation du niveau de stratgie par dfaut la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event attribute placed on method {0} which does not return void .",,"Un attrib
ut d vnement plac sur la mthode {0} ne retourne pas void .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of {0} is not expected in {1}.",,"Le type de {0} n est pas attendu dan
s {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The provider has already been registered with the operating system.",,"Le fourn
isseur a dj t enregistr avec le systme d exploitation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event {0} has ID {1} which is already in use.",,"L vnement {0} a l ID {1} qui est
dj utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event name {0} used more than once. If you wish to overload a method, the over
loaded method should have a NonEvent attribute.",,"Le nom d vnement {0} est utilis
plusieurs fois. Si vous souhaitez utiliser une mthode surcharge, celle-ci doit avo
ir un attribut NonEvent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An instance of EventSource with Guid {0} already exists.",,"Il existe dj une inst
ance d EventSource utilisant le GUID {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Value {0} for keyword {1} needs to be a power of 2.",,"La valeur {0} du mot-cl {
1} doit tre une puissance de 2.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Creating an EventListener inside a EventListener callback.",,"Cration de EventLi
stener dans un rappel de EventListener.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Listener not found.",,"couteur introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred when writing to a listener.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors
de l criture dans un couteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event {0} is givien event ID {1} but {2} was passed to WriteEvent.",,"L vnement {
0} utilise l ID d vnement {1} mais {2} a t pass WriteEvent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The Guid of an EventSource must be non zero.",,"Le GUID d un EventSource ne doi

t pas tre gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of an EventSource must not be null.",,"Le nom d un EventSource ne doit
pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event IDs must be positive integers.",,"Les ID d vnement doivent tre des entiers p
ositifs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No Free Buffers available from the operating system (e.g. event rate too fast).
",,"Aucune mmoire tampon libre n est disponible sur le systme d exploitation (dbit
d vnements trop rapide, par exemple).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Null passed as a event argument.",,"Valeur Null passe en tant qu argument d vnemen
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The payload for a single event is too large.",,"La charge utile d un vnement uniq
ue est trop importante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keywords values larger than 0x0000100000000000 are reserved for system use",,"L
es mots cls dont les valeurs sont suprieures 0x0000100000000000 sont rservs pour une
utilisation par le systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opcode values less than 11 are reserved for system use.",,"Les valeurs opcode i
nfrieures 11 sont rserves pour une utilisation par le systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Bit position in AllKeywords ({0}) must equal the command argument named ""EtwS
essionKeyword"" ({1})."",,""La position du bit dans AllKeywords ({0}) doit tre gal
e l argument de commande ""EtwSessionKeyword"" ({1})."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many arguments.",,"Arguments trop nombreux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use of undefined channel value {0} for event {1}.",,"Utilisation de la valeur d
e canal non dfinie {0} pour l vnement {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Use of undefined keyword value {0} for event {1}.",,"Utilisation de la valeur d
e mot-cl non dfinie {0} pour l vnement {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Use of undefined opcode value {0} for event {1}.",,"Utilisation de la valeur op
code indfinie {0} pour l vnement {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Unsupported type {0} in event source.",,"Type {0} non pris en charge dans la so
urce de l vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"--- End of inner exception stack trace ---",,"--- Fin de la trace de la pile d
exception interne ---",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"--- End of stack trace from previous location where exception was thrown ---",,
"--- Fin de la trace de la pile partir de l emplacement prcdent au niveau duquel l
exception a t leve ---",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception of type {0} was thrown.",,"Une exception de type {0} a t leve.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Undo operation on a component context threw an exception",,"L opration d annulat
ion sur un contexte de composant a lev une exception",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute cannot have multiple definitions.",,"Un attribut ne peut pas possder p
lusieurs dfinitions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to retrieve security descriptor for this frame.",,"Impossible d extraire
le descripteur de scurit pour ce frame.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"InitOnly (aka ReadOnly) fields can only be initialized in the type/instance con
structor.",,"Les champs InitOnly (c est--dire ReadOnly) ne peuvent tre initialiss q
ue dans le constructeur type/instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Same directory FileIO - {0} ",,"Mme rpertoire FileIO - {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not resolve assembly {0} .",,"Impossible de rsoudre l assembly {0} .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Duplicate AttributeUsageAttribute found on attribute type {0}.",,"Un AttributeU

sageAttribute dupliqu a t trouv sur un type d attribut {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many bytes in what should have been a 7 bit encoded Int32.",,"Nombre d octe
ts trop important dans ce qui aurait d tre un Int32 encod sur 7bits.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid digits for the specified base.",,"Chiffres non valide pour la base spcif
ie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The input is not a valid Base-64 string as it contains a non-base 64 character,
more than two padding characters, or an illegal character among the padding cha
racters. ",,"L entre n est pas une chane Base 64 valide, car elle contient un cara
ctre non-Base 64, plus de deux caractres de remplissage ou un caractre non conforme
parmi les caractres de remplissage. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Invalid length for a Base-64 char array or string.",,"Longueur non valide pour
un tableau de caractres Base 64 ou une chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"String was not recognized as a valid Boolean.",,"La chane n a pas t reconnue en ta
nt que Boolean valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not determine the order of year, month, and date from {0} .",,"Impossibl
e de dterminer l ordre de l anne, mois et date partir de {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String was not recognized as a valid DateTime.",,"La chane n a pas t reconnue en t
ant que DateTime valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DateTime represented by the string is not supported in calendar {0}.",,"Le
DateTime reprsent par la chane n est pas pris en charge dans le calendrier {0}.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String was not recognized as a valid DateTime because the day of week was incor
rect.",,"La chane n a pas pu tre reconnue en tant que DateTime valide, car le jour
de la semaine tait incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find a matching quote character for the character {0} .",,"Impossible d
e trouver un guillemet correspondant pour le caractre {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String was not recognized as a valid TimeSpan.",,"La chane n a pas t reconnue en t
ant que TimeSpan valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DateTime represented by the string is out of range.",,"Le DateTime reprsent p
ar la chane est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input string was either empty or contained only whitespace.",,"La chane d entre ta
it vide ou ne contenait que des espaces blancs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Additional non-parsable characters are at the end of the string.",,"Les caractre
s supplmentaires ne pouvant pas tre analyss sont la fin de la chane.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected {0xdddddddd, etc}.",,"{0xdddddddd, etc} attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a brace, or the length between the previous token and the brace
was zero (i.e., 0x, etc.).",,"Une accolade est introuvable ou la longueur entre
le jeton prcdent et l accolade tait nulle (par exemple, 0x, etc.).",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a comma, or the length between the previous token and the comma
was zero (i.e., 0x, etc.).",,"Impossible de trouver une virgule ou la longueur
entre le jeton prcdent et la virgule tait zro (c est--dire 0x, etc.).",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dashes are in the wrong position for GUID parsing.",,"Tirets situs une position
incorrecte pour l analyse GUID.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find the ending brace.",,"Accolade de fin introuvable.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected hex 0x in {0} .",,"hex 0x attendu dans {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Guid should contain 32 digits with 4 dashes (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxxxxxxxx

xx).",,"Le Guid doit contenir 32 chiffres et 4 tirets (xxxxxxxx-xxxx-xxxx-xxxx-x

xxxxxxxxxxx).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Guid string should only contain hexadecimal characters.",,"Une chane Guid doit c
ontenir uniquement des caractres hexadcimaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized Guid format.",,"Format Guid non reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index (zero based) must be greater than or equal to zero and less than the size
of the argument list.",,"L index (de base zro) doit tre suprieur ou gal zro et infri
ur la taille de la liste des arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Format String can be only ""G"", ""g"", ""X"", ""x"", ""F"", ""f"", ""D"" or "
"d""."",,""La chane de format peut tre uniquement ""G"", ""g"", ""X"", ""x"", ""F"
", ""f"", ""D"" ou ""d""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Format String can be only ""D"", ""d"", ""N"", ""n"", ""P"", ""p"", ""B"", ""b
"", ""X"" or ""x""."",,""La chane de format peut tre uniquement ""D"", ""d"", ""N"
", ""n"", ""P"", ""p"", ""B"", ""b"", ""X"" ou ""x""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input string was not in a correct format.",,"Le format de la chane d entre est in
correct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There must be at least a partial date with a year present in the input.",,"L en
tre doit contenir au moins une date partielle avec une anne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String must be exactly one character long.",,"La chane doit avoir une longueur d
un et un seul caractre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find any recognizable digits.",,"Impossible de trouver des chiffres r
econnaissables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time zone offset must be within plus or minus 14 hours.",,"Le dcalage de fus
eau horaire doit tre compris entre plus ou moins 14 heures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DateTime pattern {0} appears more than once with different values.",,"Le modle
DateTime {0} apparat plusieurs fois avec des valeurs diffrentes.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String cannot have zero length.",,"Une chane ne peut pas tre de longueur zro.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The String being parsed cannot contain two TimeZone specifiers.",,"La chane en c
ours d analyse ne peut pas contenir deux spcificateurs TimeZone.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The UTC representation of the date falls outside the year range 1-9999.",,"La r
eprsentation UTC de la date n est pas comprise dans la plage d annes 1-9999.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The string was not recognized as a valid DateTime. There is an unknown word sta
rting at index {0}.",,"La chane n a pas t reconnue comme DateTime valide. Il existe
un mot inconnu commenant l index {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" Legacy",," Hritage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invariant Language (Invariant Country)",,"Langue indiffrente (Pays indiffrent)",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Afrikaans",,"Afrikaans",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Afrikaans (South Africa)",,"Afrikaans (Afrique du Sud)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Amharic",,"Amharique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Amharic (Ethiopia)",,"Amharique (thiopie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Arabic",,"Arabe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (U.A.E.)",,"Arabe (E.A.U.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Arabic (Bahrain)",,"Arabe (Bahren)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Arabic (Algeria)",,"Arabe (Algrie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"Arabic (Egypt)",,"Arabe (gypte)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Iraq)",,"Arabe (Irak)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Jordan)",,"Arabe (Jordanie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Arabic (Kuwait)",,"Arabe (Kowet)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Lebanon)",,"Arabe (Liban)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Arabic (Libya)",,"Arabe (Libye)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Morocco)",,"Arabe (Maroc)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Arabic (Oman)",,"Arabe (Oman)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Qatar)",,"Arabe (Qatar)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Saudi Arabia)",,"Arabe (Arabie saoudite)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Syria)",,"Arabe (Syrie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Tunisia)",,"Arabe (Tunisie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Arabic (Yemen)",,"Arabe (Ymen)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mapudungun",,"Mapudungun",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mapudungun (Chile)",,"Mapudungun (Chili)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Assamese",,"Assamais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assamese (India)",,"Assamais (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Azeri",,"Azri",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Azeri (Cyrillic)",,"Azri (cyrillique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Azeri (Cyrillic, Azerbaijan)",,"Azri (Cyrillique, Azerbadjan)",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Azeri (Latin)",,"Azri (latin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Azeri (Latin, Azerbaijan)",,"Azri (Latin, Azerbadjan)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bashkir",,"Bachkir",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bashkir (Russia)",,"Bachkir (Russie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Belarusian",,"Bilarussien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Belarusian (Belarus)",,"Bilarussien (Blarus)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Bulgarian",,"Bulgare",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bulgarian (Bulgaria)",,"Bulgare (Bulgarie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Bengali",,"Bengali",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bengali (Bangladesh)",,"Bengali (Bangladesh)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bengali (India)",,"Bengali (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Tibetan",,"Tibtain",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tibetan (PRC)",,"Tibtain (RPC)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Breton",,"Breton",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Breton (France)",,"Breton (France)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Bosnian",,"Bosniaque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bosnian (Cyrillic)",,"Bosniaque (cyrillique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bosnian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",,"Bosniaque (cyrillique, Bosnie-Her
zgovine)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bosnian (Latin)",,"Bosniaque (latin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Bosnian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",,"Bosniaque (latin, Bosnie-Herzgovine)"

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Catalan",,"Catalan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Catalan (Catalan)",,"Catalan (Catalogne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Valencian (Spain)",,"Valencien (Espagne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cherokee",,"Cherokee",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cherokee (Cherokee)",,"Cherokee (Cherokee)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Corsican",,"Corse",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Corsican (France)",,"Corse (France)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Czech",,"Tchque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Czech (Czech Republic)",,"Tchque (Rpublique tchque)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Welsh",,"Gallois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Welsh (United Kingdom)",,"Gallois (Royaume-Uni)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Danish",,"Danois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Danish (Denmark)",,"Danois (Danemark)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"German",,"Allemand",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"German (Austria)",,"Allemand (Autriche)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"German (Switzerland)",,"Allemand (Suisse)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"German (Germany)",,"Allemand (Allemagne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"German (Liechtenstein)",,"Allemand (Liechtenstein)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"German (Luxembourg)",,"Allemand (Luxembourg)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lower Sorbian",,"Bas sorabe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lower Sorbian (Germany)",,"Bas sorabe (Allemagne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Divehi",,"Maldivien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Divehi (Maldives)",,"Maldivien (Maldives)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Greek",,"Grec",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greek (Greece)",,"Grec (Grce)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English",,"Anglais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English (Caribbean)",,"Anglais (Carabes)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"English (Australia)",,"Anglais (Australie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"English (Belize)",,"Anglais (Belize)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"English (Canada)",,"Anglais (Canada)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"English (United Kingdom)",,"Anglais (Royaume-Uni)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English (Ireland)",,"Anglais (Irlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"English (India)",,"Anglais (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"English (Jamaica)",,"Anglais (Jamaque)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"English (Malaysia)",,"Anglais (Malaisie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"English (New Zealand)",,"Anglais (Nouvelle-Zlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew

ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English (Republic of the Philippines)",,"Anglais (Philippines)",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English (Singapore)",,"Anglais (Singapour)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"English (Trinidad and Tobago)",,"Anglais (Trinit-et-Tobago)",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English (United States)",,"Anglais (tats-Unis)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English (South Africa)",,"Anglais (Afrique du Sud)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English (Zimbabwe)",,"Anglais (Zimbabwe)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Spanish",,"Espagnol",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Argentina)",,"Espagnol (Argentine)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Bolivia)",,"Espagnol (Bolivie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Chile)",,"Espagnol (Chili)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Spanish (Colombia)",,"Espagnol (Colombie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Costa Rica)",,"Espagnol (Costa Rica)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Dominican Republic)",,"Espagnol (Rpublique dominicaine)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Ecuador)",,"Espagnol (quateur)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Spanish (Spain)",,"Espagnol (Espagne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Spanish (Guatemala)",,"Espagnol (Guatemala)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Honduras)",,"Espagnol (Honduras)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Mexico)",,"Espagnol (Mexique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Spanish (Nicaragua)",,"Espagnol (Nicaragua)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Panama)",,"Espagnol (Panama)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Spanish (Peru)",,"Espagnol (Prou)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Spanish (Puerto Rico)",,"Espagnol (Porto Rico)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Paraguay)",,"Espagnol (Paraguay)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (El Salvador)",,"Espagnol (Salvador)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (United States)",,"Espagnol (tats-Unis)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Uruguay)",,"Espagnol (Uruguay)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Spanish (Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela)",,"Espagnol (Rpublique bolivarienne d
u Venezuela)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Estonian",,"Estonien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Estonian (Estonia)",,"Estonien (Estonie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Basque",,"Basque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Basque (Basque)",,"Basque (Basque)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Persian",,"Persan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Fulah",,"Fula",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fulah (Latin)",,"Fula (Latin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fulah (Latin, Senegal)",,"Fula (Latin, Sngal)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Finnish",,"Finnois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Finnish (Finland)",,"Finnois (Finlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Filipino",,"Filipino",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filipino (Philippines)",,"Filipino (Philippines)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Faroese",,"Froen",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Faroese (Faroe Islands)",,"Froen (les Fro)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"French",,"Franais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"French (Belgium)",,"Franais (Belgique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"French (Canada)",,"Franais (Canada)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"French (Switzerland)",,"Franais (Suisse)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"French (France)",,"Franais (France)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"French (Luxembourg)",,"Franais (Luxembourg)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"French (Monaco)",,"Franais (Monaco)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Frisian",,"Frison",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Frisian (Netherlands)",,"Frison (Pays-Bas)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Irish",,"Irlandais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Irish (Ireland)",,"Irlandais (Irlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Scottish Gaelic",,"Galique cossais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Scottish Gaelic (United Kingdom)",,"Galique cossais (Royaume-Uni)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Galician",,"Galicien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Galician (Galician)",,"Galicien (Galicien)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Alsatian",,"Alsacien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alsatian (France)",,"Alsacien (France)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Gujarati",,"Goudjrati",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gujarati (India)",,"Goudjrati (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Hausa",,"Haoussa",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hausa (Latin)",,"Haoussa (latin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Hausa (Latin, Nigeria)",,"Haoussa (latin, Nigeria)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hawaiian",,"Hawaen",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hawaiian (United States)",,"Hawaen (tats-Unis)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hebrew",,"Hbreu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hebrew (Israel)",,"Hbreu (Isral)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hindi",,"Hindi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hindi (India)",,"Hindi (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Croatian",,"Croate",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Croatian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",,"Croate (latin, Bosnie-Herzgovine)",,

"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Croatian (Croatia)",,"Croate (Croatie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Upper Sorbian",,"Haut sorabe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Upper Sorbian (Germany)",,"Haut sorabe (Allemagne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hungarian",,"Hongrois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hungarian (Hungary)",,"Hongrois (Hongrie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Armenian",,"Armnien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Armenian (Armenia)",,"Armnien (Armnie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Indonesian",,"Indonsien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indonesian (Indonesia)",,"Indonsien (Indonsie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Igbo",,"Igbo",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Igbo (Nigeria)",,"Igbo (Nigeria)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Yi",,"Yi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Yi (PRC)",,"Yi (RPC)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Icelandic",,"Islandais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Icelandic (Iceland)",,"Islandais (Islande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Italian",,"Italien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Italian (Switzerland)",,"Italien (Suisse)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Italian (Italy)",,"Italien (Italie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Inuktitut",,"Inuktitut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inuktitut (Syllabics)",,"Inuktitut (syllabaire)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inuktitut (Syllabics, Canada)",,"Inuktitut (syllabaire, Canada)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inuktitut (Latin)",,"Inuktitut (latin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Inuktitut (Latin, Canada)",,"Inuktitut (latin, Canada)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Japanese",,"Japonais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Japanese (Japan)",,"Japonais (Japon)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Georgian",,"Gorgien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Georgian (Georgia)",,"Gorgien (Gorgie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Kazakh",,"Kazakh",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kazakh (Kazakhstan)",,"Kazakh (Kazakhstan)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Greenlandic",,"Groenlandais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greenlandic (Greenland)",,"Groenlandais (Groenland)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Khmer",,"Khmer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Khmer (Cambodia)",,"Khmer (Cambodge)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Kannada",,"Kannada",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kannada (India)",,"Kannada (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Korean",,"Coren",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Korean (Korea)",,"Coren (Core)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Konkani",,"Konkani",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Konkani (India)",,"Konkani (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"Central Kurdish",,"Kurde central",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Central Kurdish (Arabic)",,"Kurde central (Arabe)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Central Kurdish (Iraq)",,"Kurde central (Iraq)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kyrgyz",,"Kirghiz",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kyrgyz (Kyrgyzstan)",,"Kirghiz (Kirghizistan)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Luxembourgish",,"Luxembourgeois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Luxembourgish (Luxembourg)",,"Luxembourgeois (Luxembourg)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lao",,"Lao",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lao (Lao P.D.R.)",,"Lao (RDP Lao)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Lithuanian",,"Lituanien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lithuanian (Lithuania)",,"Lituanien (Lituanie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Latvian",,"Letton",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Latvian (Latvia)",,"Letton (Lettonie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Maori",,"Maori",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maori (New Zealand)",,"Maori (Nouvelle-Zlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Macedonian (FYROM)",,"Macdonien (Ex-Rp. yougoslave de Macdoine)",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Macedonian (Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia)",,"Macdonien (Ex-Rp. yougoslav
e de Macdoine)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malayalam",,"Malayalam",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malayalam (India)",,"Malayalam (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Mongolian",,"Mongol",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mongolian (Cyrillic)",,"Mongol (cyrillique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mongolian (Cyrillic, Mongolia)",,"Mongol (Cyrillique, Mongolie)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian)",,"Mongol (mongol traditionnel)",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mongolian (Traditional Mongolian, PRC)",,"Mongol (mongol traditionnel, RPC)",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mohawk",,"Mohawk",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mohawk (Mohawk)",,"Mohawk (Mohawk)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Marathi",,"Marathe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Marathi (India)",,"Marathe (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Malay",,"Malais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malay (Brunei Darussalam)",,"Malais (Brunei Darussalam)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malay (Malaysia)",,"Malais (Malaisie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Maltese",,"Maltais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maltese (Malta)",,"Maltais (Malte)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Norwegian (Bokml)",,"Norvgien (Bokml)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Norwegian, Bokml (Norway)",,"Norvgien, Bokml (Norvge)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nepali",,"Npalais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nepali (Nepal)",,"Npalais (Npal)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Dutch",,"Nerlandais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Dutch (Belgium)",,"Nerlandais (Belgique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Dutch (Netherlands)",,"Nerlandais (Pays-Bas)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Norwegian (Nynorsk)",,"Norvgien (Nynorsk)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway)",,"Norvgien, Nynorsk (Norvge)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Norwegian",,"Norvgien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sesotho sa Leboa",,"Sesotho sa Leboa",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Sesotho sa Leboa (South Africa)",,"Sesotho sa Leboa (Afrique du Sud)",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Punjabi (Arabic)",,"Penjabi (Arabe)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Occitan",,"Occitan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occitan (France)",,"Occitan (France)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Oriya",,"Oriya",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Oriya (India)",,"Oriya (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Punjabi",,"Pendjabi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Punjabi (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)",,"Penjabi (Rpublique islamique du Pakist
an)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Punjabi (India)",,"Pendjabi (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Polish",,"Polonais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Polish (Poland)",,"Polonais (Pologne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Dari",,"Dari",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dari (Afghanistan)",,"Dari (Afghanistan)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Pashto",,"Pachtou",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pashto (Afghanistan)",,"Pachtou (Afghanistan)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Portuguese",,"Portugais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Portuguese (Brazil)",,"Portugais (Brsil)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Portuguese (Portugal)",,"Portugais (Portugal)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pseudo Language (Pseudo)",,"Langage artificiel (artificiel)",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pseudo Language (Pseudo Asia)",,"Langage artificiel (Pseudo Asie)",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pseudo Language (Pseudo Mirrored)",,"Langage artificiel (Pseudo en miroir)",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"K iche",,"Quich",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"K iche (Guatemala)",,"Quich (Guatemala)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Quechua",,"Quechua",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Quechua (Bolivia)",,"Quechua (Bolivie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Quechua (Ecuador)",,"Quechua (quateur)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Quechua (Peru)",,"Quechua (Prou)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Romansh",,"Romanche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Romansh (Switzerland)",,"Romanche (Suisse)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Romanian",,"Roumain",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Romanian (Romania)",,"Roumain (Roumanie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"Russian",,"Russe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Russian (Russia)",,"Russe (Russe)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Kinyarwanda",,"Kinyarwanda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)",,"Kinyarwanda (Rwanda)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sanskrit",,"Sanscrit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sanskrit (India)",,"Sanscrit (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Sakha",,"Sakha",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sakha (Russia)",,"Sakha (Russie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Sindhi",,"Sindhi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sindhi (Arabic)",,"Sindhi (Arabe)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Sindhi (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)",,"Sindhi (Rpublique islamique du Pakistan
)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami (Northern)",,"Sami (du Nord)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Sami, Northern (Finland)",,"Sami du Nord (Finlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami, Northern (Norway)",,"Sami du Nord (Norvge)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami, Northern (Sweden)",,"Sami du Nord (Sude)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sinhala",,"Sinhala",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sinhala (Sri Lanka)",,"Sinhala (Sri Lanka)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Slovak",,"Slovaque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Slovak (Slovakia)",,"Slovaque (Slovaquie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Slovenian",,"Slovne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Slovenian (Slovenia)",,"Slovne (Slovnie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Sami (Southern)",,"Sami (du Sud)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Sami, Southern (Norway)",,"Sami du Sud (Norvge)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami, Southern (Sweden)",,"Sami du Sud (Sude)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami (Lule)",,"Sami (Lule)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami, Lule (Norway)",,"Sami de Lule (Norvge)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami, Lule (Sweden)",,"Sami de Lule (Sude)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Sami (Inari)",,"Sami (Inari)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami, Inari (Finland)",,"Sami d Inari (Finlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami (Skolt)",,"Sami (Skolt)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sami, Skolt (Finland)",,"Sami de Skolt (Finlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Albanian",,"Albanais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Albanian (Albania)",,"Albanais (Albanie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Serbian",,"Serbe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbian (Cyrillic)",,"Serbe (cyrillique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Serbian (Cyrillic, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",,"Serbe (cyrillique, Bosnie-Herzgovi
ne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia and Montenegro (Former))",,"Serbe (cyrillique, Serbie

et Montngro (anciennement))",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbian (Cyrillic, Montenegro)",,"Serbe (cyrillique, Montngro)",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbian (Cyrillic, Serbia)",,"Serbe (cyrillique, Serbie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbian (Latin)",,"Serbe (latin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Serbian (Latin, Bosnia and Herzegovina)",,"Serbie (latin, Bosnie-Herzgovine)",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbian (Latin, Serbia and Montenegro (Former))",,"Serbe (latin, Serbie et Montng
ro (anciennement))",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbian (Latin, Montenegro)",,"Serbe (latin, Montngro)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbian (Latin, Serbia)",,"Serbe (latin, Serbie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Swedish",,"Sudois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Swedish (Finland)",,"Sudois (Finlande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Swedish (Sweden)",,"Sudois (Sude)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kiswahili",,"Swahili",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kiswahili (Kenya)",,"Swahili (Kenya)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Syriac",,"Syriaque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syriac (Syria)",,"Syriaque (Syrie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Tamil",,"Tamoul",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tamil (India)",,"Tamoul (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tamil (Sri Lanka)",,"Tamoul (Sri Lanka)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Telugu",,"Tlougou",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Telugu (India)",,"Tlougou (Inde)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tajik",,"Tadjik",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tajik (Cyrillic)",,"Tadjik (cyrillique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Tajik (Cyrillic, Tajikistan)",,"Tadjik (cyrillique, Tadjikistan)",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thai",,"Tha",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thai (Thailand)",,"Tha (Thalande)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tigrinya",,"Tigrinya",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tigrinya (Eritrea)",,"Tigrinya (rythre)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Tigrinya (Ethiopia)",,"Tigrinya (thiopie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Turkmen",,"Turkmne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turkmen (Turkmenistan)",,"Turkmne (Turkmnistan)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setswana",,"Setswana",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setswana (Botswana)",,"Setswana (Botswana)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Setswana (South Africa)",,"Setswana (Afrique du Sud)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turkish",,"Turc",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turkish (Turkey)",,"Turc (Turquie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Tatar",,"Tatar",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tatar (Russia)",,"Tatar (Russie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Tamazight",,"Tamazight",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tamazight (Latin)",,"Tamazight (latin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Tamazight (Latin, Algeria)",,"Tamazight (latin, Algrie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tamazight (Tifinagh)",,"Tamazight (Tifinagh)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Central Atlas Tamazight (Tifinagh, Morocco)",,"Tamazight de l Atlas central (Ti
finagh, Maroc)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uyghur",,"Ougour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uyghur (PRC)",,"Ougour (RPC)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ukrainian",,"Ukrainien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ukrainian (Ukraine)",,"Ukrainien (Ukraine)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Urdu",,"Ourdou",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Urdu (Islamic Republic of Pakistan)",,"Ourdou (Pakistan)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uzbek",,"Ouszbek",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uzbek (Cyrillic)",,"Ouszbek (cyrillique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Uzbek (Cyrillic, Uzbekistan)",,"Ouszbek (Cyrillique, Ouzbkistan)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uzbek (Latin)",,"Ouszbek (latin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Uzbek (Latin, Uzbekistan)",,"Ouszbek (Latin, Ouzbkistan)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vietnamese",,"Vietnamien",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vietnamese (Vietnam)",,"Vietnamien (Vietnam)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wolof",,"Wolof",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wolof (Senegal)",,"Wolof (Sngal)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invariant Language (Invariant Country)",,"Langue indiffrente (pays indiffrent)",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"isiXhosa",,"Xhosa",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"isiXhosa (South Africa)",,"Xhosa (Afrique du Sud)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Yoruba",,"Yorouba",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Yoruba (Nigeria)",,"Yorouba (Nigeria)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Chinese",,"Chinois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Simplified) Legacy",,"Chinois (Simplifi)- Hrit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Traditional) Legacy",,"Chinois (Traditionnel)- Hrit",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Simplified, PRC)",,"Chinois (Simplifi, RPC)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Traditional, Hong Kong S.A.R.)",,"Chinois (Traditionnel, Hong Kong R.A
.S.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Simplified)",,"Chinois (Simplifi)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Traditional)",,"Chinois (Traditionnel)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Traditional, Macao S.A.R.)",,"Chinois (Traditionnel, Macao R.A.S.)",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Simplified, Singapore)",,"Chinois (Simplifi, Singapour)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese (Traditional, Taiwan)",,"Chinois (Traditionnel, Tawan)",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"isiZulu",,"Zoulou",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"isiZulu (South Africa)",,"Zoulou (Afrique du Sud)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Western European (Mac)",,"Europe de l Ouest (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew

ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Japanese (Mac)",,"Japonais (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Chinese Traditional (Mac)",,"Chinois traditionnel (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Korean (Mac)",,"Coren (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (Mac)",,"Arabe (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hebrew (Mac)",,"Hbreu (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greek (Mac)",,"Grec (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cyrillic (Mac)",,"Cyrillique (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Chinese Simplified (Mac)",,"Chinois simplifi (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Romanian (Mac)",,"Roumain (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ukrainian (Mac)",,"Ukrainien (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Thai (Mac)",,"Tha (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Central European (Mac)",,"Europe centrale (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Icelandic (Mac)",,"Islandais (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Turkish (Mac)",,"Turc (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Croatian (Mac)",,"Croate (Mac)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Turkish Latin-5)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Turc Latin-5)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM Latin-1",,"IBM Latin-1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (EU-Canada-Euro)",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Germany-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Allemagne-Euro)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Danemark-Norvge-Euro)",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Finlande-Sude-Euro)",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Italy-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Italie-Euro)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Spain-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Espagne-Euro)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (UK-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (RU-Euro)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (France-Euro)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (International-Euro)",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic-Euro)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Islandais-Euro)",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unicode (UTF-32)",,"Unicode (UTF-32)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian)",,"Unicode (UTF-32 Big-Endian)",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unicode (Big-Endian)",,"Unicode (Big-Endian)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Central European (Windows)",,"Europe centrale (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cyrillic (Windows)",,"Cyrillique (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Western European (Windows)",,"Europe de l Ouest (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greek (Windows)",,"Grec (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"Turkish (Windows)",,"Turc (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Hebrew (Windows)",,"Hbreu (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Arabic (Windows)",,"Arabe (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Baltic (Windows)",,"Baltique (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Vietnamese (Windows)",,"Vietnamien (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Korean (Johab)",,"Coren (Johab)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese Traditional (CNS)",,"Chinois traditionnel (CNS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TCA Taiwan",,"TCA Tawan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese Traditional (Eten)",,"Chinois traditionnel (Eten)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM5550 Taiwan",,"IBM5550 Tawan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TeleText Taiwan",,"TeleText Tawan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Wang Taiwan",,"Wang Tawan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Western European (IA5)",,"Europe de l Ouest (IA5)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"German (IA5)",,"Allemand (IA5)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Swedish (IA5)",,"Sudois (IA5)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Norwegian (IA5)",,"Norvgien (IA5)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"IBM EBCDIC (Germany)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Allemagne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Denmark-Norway)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Danemark-Norvge)",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Finland-Sweden)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Finlande-Sude)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Italy)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Italie)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Spain)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Espagne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Japanese katakana)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Japonais katakana)",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (France)",,"IBM EBCDIC (France)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Arabic)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Arabe)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Greek)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Grec)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Hebrew)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Hbreu)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Korean Extended)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Coren tendu)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Thai)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Tha)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Cyrillic (KOI8-R)",,"Cyrillique (KOI8-R)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Icelandic)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Islandais)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Russian)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Russe cyrillique)",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Turkish)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Turc)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Japanese (JIS 0208-1990 and 0212-1990)",,"Japonais (JIS 0208-1990 et 0212-1990)
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Chinese Simplified (GB2312-80)",,"Chinois simplifi (GB2312-80)",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Korean Wansung",,"Coren Wansung",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Cyrillic Serbian-Bulgarian)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Serbe cyrillique-bulgare
)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ext Alpha Lowercase",,"Minuscules alpha tendues",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cyrillic (KOI8-U)",,"Cyrillique (KOI8-U)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Western European (ISO)",,"Europe de l Ouest (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Central European (ISO)",,"Europe centrale (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Latin 3 (ISO)",,"Latin 3 (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Baltic (ISO)",,"Baltique (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cyrillic (ISO)",,"Cyrillique (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Arabic (ISO)",,"Arabe (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greek (ISO)",,"Grec (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hebrew (ISO-Visual)",,"Hbreu (ISO-Visual)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Turkish (ISO)",,"Turc (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Estonian (ISO)",,"Estonien (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Latin 9 (ISO)",,"Latin 9 (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Europa",,"Europe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (US-Canada)",,"IBM EBCDIC (EU-Canada)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hebrew (ISO-Logical)",,"Hbreu (ISO-Logical)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"OEM United States",,"OEM tats-Unis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"IBM EBCDIC (International)",,"IBM EBCDIC (International)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User Defined",,"Dfini par l utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Japanese (JIS)",,"Japonais (JIS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana)",,"Japonais (JIS-Kana 1 octet)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Japanese (JIS-Allow 1 byte Kana - SO/SI)",,"Japonais (JIS-Kana 1 octet- SO/SI)"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Korean (ISO)",,"Coren (ISO)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese Simplified (ISO-2022)",,"Chinois simplifi (ISO-2022)",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese Traditional (ISO-2022)",,"Chinois traditionnel (ISO-2022)",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and Japanese Katakana)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Japonais et japonais
Katakana)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and US-Canada)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Japonais et EU-Canada)",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Korean and Korean Extended)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Coren et coren tendu)",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Simplified Chinese)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Chinois simplifi)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Traditional Chinese)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Chinois traditionnel)",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Japanese and Japanese-Latin)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Japonais et japonais-la
tin)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Japanese (EUC)",,"Japonais (EUC)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Chinese Simplified (EUC)",,"Chinois simplifi (EUC)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Korean (EUC)",,"Coren (EUC)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese Simplified (HZ)",,"Chinois simplifi (HZ)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese Simplified (GB18030)",,"Chinois simplifi (GB18030)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ISCII Devanagari",,"ISCII Devanagari",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"ISCII Bengali",,"ISCII Bengali",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ISCII Tamil",,"ISCII Tamoul",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ISCII Telugu",,"ISCII Tlougou",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ISCII Assamese",,"ISCII Assamais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"ISCII Oriya",,"ISCII Oriya",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ISCII Kannada",,"ISCII Kannada",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ISCII Malayalam",,"ISCII Malayalam",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"ISCII Gujarati",,"ISCII Gujarati",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"ISCII Punjabi",,"ISCII Pendjabi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (ASMO 708)",,"Arabe (ASMO 708)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Arabic (DOS)",,"Arabe (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greek (DOS)",,"Grec (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Baltic (DOS)",,"Baltique (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Western European (DOS)",,"Europe de l Ouest (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Central European (DOS)",,"Europe centrale (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"OEM Cyrillic",,"OEM Cyrillique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turkish (DOS)",,"Turc (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"OEM Multilingual Latin I",,"OEM Multilingue Latin I",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Portuguese (DOS)",,"Portugais (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Icelandic (DOS)",,"Islandais (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Hebrew (DOS)",,"Hbreu (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"French Canadian (DOS)",,"Franais canadien (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arabic (864)",,"Arabe (864)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nordic (DOS)",,"Nordique (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cyrillic (DOS)",,"Cyrillique (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Greek, Modern (DOS)",,"Grec moderne (DOS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Multilingual Latin-2)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Multilingue Latin-2)",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thai (Windows)",,"Tha (Windows)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IBM EBCDIC (Greek Modern)",,"IBM EBCDIC (Grec moderne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Japanese (Shift-JIS)",,"Japonais (Shift-JIS)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese Simplified (GB2312)",,"Chinois simplifi (GB2312)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chinese Traditional (Big5)",,"Chinois traditionnel (Big5)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Caribbean",,"Carabes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"U.A.E.",,"E.A.U.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Afghanistan",,"Afghanistan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Albania",,"Albanie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Armenia",,"Armnie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argentina",,"Argentine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Austria",,"Autriche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Australia",,"Australie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Azerbaijan",,"Azerbadjan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bosnia and Herzegovina",,"Bosnie-Herzgovine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Bangladesh",,"Bangladesh",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Belgium",,"Belgique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bulgaria",,"Bulgarie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bahrain",,"Bahren",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Brunei Darussalam",,"Brunei Darussalam",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Bolivia",,"Bolivie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Brazil",,"Brsil",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Belarus",,"Blarus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Belize",,"Belize",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Canada",,"Canada",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Switzerland",,"Suisse",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chile",,"Chili",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"People s Republic of China",,"Rpublique populaire de Chine",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Colombia",,"Colombie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Costa Rica",,"Costa Rica",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbia and Montenegro (Former)",,"Serbie et Montngro (anciennement)",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Czech Republic",,"Rpublique tchque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Germany",,"Allemagne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Denmark",,"Danemark",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dominican Republic",,"Rpublique dominicaine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Algeria",,"Algrie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ecuador",,"quateur (Rpublique de l )",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Estonia",,"Estonie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Egypt",,"gypte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Eritrea",,"rythre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Spain",,"Espagne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ethiopia",,"thiopie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Finland",,"Finlande",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Faroe Islands",,"Fro (les)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"France",,"France",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"United Kingdom",,"Royaume-Uni",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Georgia",,"Gorgie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greenland",,"Groenland",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greece",,"Grce",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Guatemala",,"Guatemala",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hong Kong S.A.R.",,"Hong Kong RAS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Honduras",,"Honduras",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Croatia",,"Croatie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hungary",,"Hongrie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indonesia",,"Indonsie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ireland",,"Irlande",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Israel",,"Isral",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"India",,"Inde",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Iraq",,"Irak",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Iran",,"Iran",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Iceland",,"Islande",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Italy",,"Italie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invariant Country",,"Pays indiffrent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Jamaica",,"Jamaque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Jordan",,"Jordanie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Japan",,"Japon",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kenya",,"Kenya",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kyrgyzstan",,"Kirghizistan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cambodia",,"Cambodge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Korea",,"Core",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kuwait",,"Kowet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Kazakhstan",,"Kazakhstan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lao P.D.R.",,"RDP Lao",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lebanon",,"Liban",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Liechtenstein",,"Liechtenstein",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sri Lanka",,"Sri Lanka",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lithuania",,"Lituanie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Luxembourg",,"Luxembourg",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Latvia",,"Lettonie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Libya",,"Libye",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Morocco",,"Maroc",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Principality of Monaco",,"Principaut de Monaco",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Montenegro",,"Montngro",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Macedonia (FYROM)",,"Macdoine (Ex-Rpublique yougoslave de Macdoine)",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mongolia",,"Mongolie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Macao S.A.R.",,"Macao RAS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malta",,"Malte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maldives",,"Maldives",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mexico",,"Mexique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malaysia",,"Malaisie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nigeria",,"Nigeria",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nicaragua",,"Nicaragua",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Netherlands",,"Pays-Bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Norway",,"Norvge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nepal",,"Npal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New Zealand",,"Nouvelle-Zlande",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Oman",,"Oman",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Panama",,"Panama",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Peru",,"Prou",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Philippines",,"Philippines",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Islamic Republic of Pakistan",,"Rpublique islamique du Pakistan",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Poland",,"Pologne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Puerto Rico",,"Porto Rico",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Portugal",,"Portugal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Paraguay",,"Paraguay",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Qatar",,"Qatar",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Romania",,"Roumanie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serbia",,"Serbie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Russia",,"Russie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rwanda",,"Rwanda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Saudi Arabia",,"Arabie saoudite",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sweden",,"Sude",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Singapore",,"Singapour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Slovenia",,"Slovnie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Slovakia",,"Slovaquie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Senegal",,"Sngal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"El Salvador",,"Salvador",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syria",,"Syrie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thailand",,"Thalande",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tajikistan",,"Tadjikistan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turkmenistan",,"Turkmnistan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tunisia",,"Tunisie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turkey",,"Turquie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trinidad and Tobago",,"Trinit-et-Tobago",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Taiwan",,"Tawan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ukraine",,"Ukraine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"United States",,"tats-Unis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uruguay",,"Uruguay",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uzbekistan",,"Ouzbkistan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bolivarian Republic of Venezuela",,"Rpublique bolivarienne du Venezuela",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vietnam",,"Vietnam",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Yemen",,"Ymen",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"South Africa",,"Afrique du Sud",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zimbabwe",,"Zimbabwe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hash - {0} = {1}",,"Hachage - {0} = {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The demanded resources were:",,"Les ressources demandes taient:",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to perform an operation that was forbidden by the CLR host.",,"Tentat
ive d excution d une opration qui a t interdite par l hte CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The protected resources (only available with full trust) were:",,"Les ressource
s protges (disponibles uniquement avec une confiance totale) taient:",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find the drive {0} . The drive might not be ready or might not be ma
pped.",,"Impossible de trouver le lecteur {0} . Le lecteur peut ne pas tre prt ou
ne pas tre mapp.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to read beyond the end of the stream.",,"Impossible de lire au-del de la
fin du flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load the specified file.",,"Impossible de charger le fichier spcifi.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name: {0} ",,"Nom de fichier: {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find the specified file.",,"Impossible de trouver le fichier spcifi.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find file {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver le fichier {0} .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot create ""{0}"" because a file or directory with the same name already e
xists."",,""Impossible de crer ""{0}"", car un fichier ou un rpertoire du mme nom e
xiste dj."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BindHandle for ThreadPool failed on this handle.",,"chec de BindHandle pour Thre
adPool sur ce handle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified directory {0} cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer le rpertoi
re spcifi {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} already exists.",,"Le fichier {0} existe dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The OS handle s position is not what FileStream expected. Do not use a handle s
imultaneously in one FileStream and in Win32 code or another FileStream. This ma
y cause data loss.",,"La position du handle de systme d exploitation n est pas ce
que FileStream attendait. N utilisez pas simultanment un handle dans un FileStre
am et dans du code Win32 ou dans un autre FileStream. Cela peut entraner une pert
e de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The file is too long. This operation is currently limited to supporting files l
ess than 2 gigabytes in size.",,"Le fichier est trop long. Cette opration est act
uellement limite aux fichiers de prise en charge de taille infrieure 2gigaoctets.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IO operation will not work. Most likely the file will become too long or the ha
ndle was not opened to support synchronous IO operations.",,"L opration IO ne fon
ctionnera pas. Le fichier deviendra probablement trop grand ou le handle n tait p
as ouvert pour prendre en charge les oprations IO synchrones.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to expand length of this stream beyond its capacity.",,"Impossible de dve
lopper la longueur de ce flux au-del de sa capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BinaryReader encountered an invalid string length of {0} characters.",,"BinaryR
eader a rencontr une longueur de chane non valide de {0} caractres.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no console.",,"Il n y a pas de console.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<Path discovery permission to the specified directory was denied.>",,"<L autori
sation de dcouverte de chemin pour le rpertoire spcifi a t refuse.>",,"Text",,"All",,"
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable seek backward to overwrite data that previously existed in a file opened
in Append mode.",,"Impossible de rechercher vers l arrire pour remplacer les don
nes qui existaient prcdemment dans un fichier ouvert en mode Append.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attempt was made to move the position before the beginning of the stream.",,
"Une tentative a t faite pour dplacer l emplacement avant le dbut du flux.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to truncate data that previously existed in a file opened in Append mode
.",,"Impossible de tronquer des donnes qui existaient prcdemment dans un fichier ou
vert en mode Append.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The process cannot access the file {0} because it is being used by another pr
ocess.",,"Le processus ne peut pas accder au fichier {0} , car il est en cours d
utilisation par un autre processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The process cannot access the file because it is being used by another process.
",,"Le processus ne peut pas accder au fichier, car il est utilis par un autre pro
cessus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source and destination path must be different.",,"Le chemin d accs source et cel
ui de destination doivent tre diffrents.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Source and destination path must have identical roots. Move will not work acros
s volumes.",,"Le chemin d accs source et celui de destination doivent avoir des r
acines identiques. Le dplacement n est pas possible entre ces volumes.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream was too long.",,"Le flux tait trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a part of the path.",,"Impossible de trouver une partie du chemi
n d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a part of the path {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver une partie du
chemin d accs {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified path, file name, or both are too long. The fully qualified file n
ame must be less than 260 characters, and the directory name must be less than 2
48 characters.",,"Le chemin d accs spcifi, le nom de fichier ou les deux sont trop
longs. Le nom de fichier qualifi complet doit comprendre moins de260caractres et le
nom du rpertoire moins de 248caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""A StreamWriter was not closed and all buffered data within that StreamWriter w
as not flushed to the underlying stream. (This was detected when the StreamWrit
er was finalized with data in its buffer.) A portion of the data was lost. Con
sider one of calling Close(), Flush(), setting the StreamWriter s AutoFlush prop

erty to true, or allocating the StreamWriter with a ""using"" statement. Stream

type: {0}\r\nFile name: {1}\r\nAllocated from:\r\n {2}"",,""Un StreamWriter n ta
it pas ferm et toutes les donnes mises en mmoire tampon au sein de ce StreamWriter
n ont pas t vides vers le flux sous-jacent. (Cela a t dtect lorsque le StreamWriter a
inalis avec des donnes dans sa mmoire tampon). Une partie des donnes ont t perdues. En
visagez d appeler Close(), Flush(), d attribuer la valeur true la proprit AutoFlus
h du StreamWriter ou d allouer une instruction ""using"" au StreamWriter. Type d
e flux: {0}\r\nNom de fichier: {1}\r\nAllou partir de:\r\n {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"callstack information is not captured by default for performance reasons. Pleas
e enable captureAllocatedCallStack config switch for streamWriterBufferedDataLos
t MDA (refer to MSDN MDA documentation for how to do this). ",,"Par dfaut, les i
nformations de la pile d appels ne sont pas captures pour des raisons de performa
nces. Activez le commutateur de configuration captureAllocatedCallStack pour str
eamWriterBufferedDataLost MDA (pour plus d informations sur cette opration, repor
tez-vous la documentation MSDN MDA). ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"[Unknown]",,"[Inconnu]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Account name is too long.",,"Le nom du compte est trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Well-known SIDs of type LogonIdsSid cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer des
SID connus de type LogonIdsSid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Domain name is too long.",,"Le nom de domaine est trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The domainSid parameter must be specified for creating well-known SID of type {
0}.",,"Le paramtre domainSid doit tre spcifi pour la cration d un SID connu de type {
0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the identifier authority must not exceed 6 bytes.",,"La taille de l
autorit d identificateur ne doit pas dpasser 6octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Some or all identity references could not be translated.",,"Impossible de tradu
ire certaines ou toutes les rfrences d identit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of sub-authorities must not exceed {0}.",,"Le nombre de sous-autorits
ne doit pas dpasser {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SIDs with revision other than 1 are not supported.",,"Les identificateurs de
scurit (SID) avec une rvision autre que 1 ne sont pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The targetType parameter must be of IdentityReference type.",,"Le paramtre targe
tType doit tre de type IdentityReference.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The domainSid parameter is not a valid Windows domain SID.",,"Le paramtre domain
Sid n est pas un SID de domaine Windows valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array does not have that many dimensions.",,"Le tableau n a pas autant de dimen
sions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memory. The I/O package is n
ot thread safe by default. In multithreaded applications, a stream must be acces
sed in a thread-safe way, such as a thread-safe wrapper returned by TextReader s
or TextWriter s Synchronized methods. This also applies to classes like StreamW
riter and StreamReader.",,"Condition de concurrence critique d E/S probable dtecte
lors de la copie dans la mmoire. Le package d E/S n est pas thread-safe par dfaut
. Dans des applications multithread, l accs au flux doit se faire de faon thread-s
afe, par exemple un wrapper thread-safe retourn par les mthodes Synchronized de Te
xtReader ou TextWriter. Cela s applique galement aux classes telles que StreamWri
ter et StreamReader.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unmanaged memory stream position was beyond the capacity of the stream.",,"La p
osition du flux de mmoire non manag se trouve au-del de la capacit du flux.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient available memory to meet the expected demands of an operation at t

his time. Please try again later.",,"Mmoire disponible insuffisante pour rpondre
aux demandes attendues d une opration ce stade. Ressayez ultrieurement.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient memory to meet the expected demands of an operation, and this syst
em is likely to never satisfy this request. If this is a 32 bit system, conside
r booting in 3 GB mode.",,"La mmoire est insuffisante pour rpondre aux demandes re
quises par une opration et il est probable que ce systme ne satisfera jamais cette
demande. S il s agit d un systme 32 bits, dmarrez en mode 3 Go.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient available memory to meet the expected demands of an operation at t
his time, possibly due to virtual address space fragmentation. Please try again
later.",,"Mmoire disponible insuffisante pour rpondre aux demandes attendues d un
e opration ce stade, peut-tre en raison de la fragmentation de l espace d adressag
e virtuel. Ressayez ultrieurement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type mismatch between source and destination types.",,"Incompatibilit de type en
tre les types source et de destination.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Cannot marshal: Encountered unmappable character.",,"Impossible de marshaler: ca
ractre non mappable rencontr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null object cannot be converted to a value type.",,"Impossible de convertir un
objet null en un type valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object cannot be coerced to the original type of the ByRef VARIANT it was obtai
ned from.",,"Impossible de forcer l objet correspondre au type d origine du VARI
ANT ByRef partir duquel il a t obtenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Object cannot be cast to DBNull.",,"Impossible d effectuer un cast d objet en D
BNull.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one element in the source array could not be cast down to the destinat
ion array type.",,"Impossible d effectuer au moins un cast d lment du tableau sour
ce dans le type tableau de destination.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Object cannot be cast to Empty.",,"Impossible d effectuer un cast d objet en Em
pty.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object cannot be cast from DBNull to other types.",,"Impossible d effectuer un
cast d un objet de DBNull en d autres types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid cast from {0} to {1} .",,"Cast non valide de {0} en {1} .",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must implement IConvertible.",,"L objet doit implmenter IConvertible.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"OleAut reported a type mismatch.",,"OleAut a signal une incompatibilit de type.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object cannot be stored in an array of this type.",,"Impossible de stocker l ob
jet dans un tableau de ce type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object in an IPropertyValue is of type {0} which cannot be convereted to a {
1} due to array element {2} : {3}.",,"L objet dans IPropertyValue est du type
{0} qui ne peut pas tre converti en {1} en raison de l lment de tableau {2} :
{3}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object in an IPropertyValue is of type {0} with value {1} , which cannot be
converted to a {2} .",,"L objet dans IPropertyValue est du type {0} avec la v
aleur {1} , lequel ne peut pas tre converti en {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object in an IPropertyValue is of type {0} , which cannot be converted to a {
1} .",,"L objet dans IPropertyValue est du type {0} qui ne peut pas tre convert
i en {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Actor cannot be set so that circular directed graph will exist chaining the sub
jects together.",,"L acteur ne peut pas tre dfini de sorte que le graphique orient
circulaire enchane les sujets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The API {0} cannot be used on the current platform. See
om/fwlink/?LinkId=248273 for more information.",,"Impossible d utiliser l API {

0} sur la plateforme actuelle. Pour plus d informations, consultez http://go.mi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The activation arguments and application trust for the AppDomain must correspon
d to the same application identity.",,"Les arguments d activation et le niveau d
e confiance de l application pour l AppDomain doivent correspondre la mme identit
d application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to add properties to a frozen context.",,"Tentative d ajout de proprits
un contexte fig.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An anonymous identity cannot perform an impersonation.",,"Une identit anonyme ne
peut pas excuter un emprunt d identit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Failed to set the specified COM apartment state.",,"Impossible de dfinir l tat de
cloisonnement COM spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This API requires the ApplicationBase to be specified explicitly in the AppDoma
inSetup parameter.",,"Cette API requiert que l ApplicationBase soit spcifi de faon
explicite dans le paramtre AppDomainSetup.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Assembly has been loaded as ReflectionOnly. This API requires an assembly capab
le of execution.",,"L assembly a t charg comme ReflectionOnly. Cette API requiert u
n assembly apte tre excut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} has been saved.",,"L assembly {0} a t enregistr.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot perform CAS Asserts in Security Transparent methods",,"Impossible d effe
ctuer des assertions CAS dans des mthodes transparentes de scurit",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AsyncFlowControl objects can be used to restore flow only on the Context that h
ad its flow suppressed.",,"Les objets AsyncFlowControl peuvent tre utiliss pour re
staurer le flux uniquement sur le contexte dont le flux a t supprim.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream is currently in use by a previous operation on the stream.",,"Le flu
x est actuellement utilis par une opration prcdente ralise sur celui-ci.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} does not have a method body.",,"La mthode {0} ne possde pas de cor
ps de mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ILGenerator usage is invalid.",,"Utilisation non valide de ILGenerator.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSIL instruction is invalid or index is out of bounds.",,"Instruction MSIL non
valide ou index hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface must be declared abstract.",,"L interface doit tre dclare abstract.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} cannot have a method body.",,"La mthode {0} ne peut pas avoir un
corps de mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to add resource to transient module or transient assembly.",,"Impossible
d ajouter une ressource un module ou un assembly transitoire.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to make a reference to a transient module from a non-transient module.",
,"Impossible de faire rfrence un module transitoire partir d un module non transit
oire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must be declared abstract if any of its methods are abstract.",,"Le type d
oit tre dclar abstract si l une de ses mthodes est abstract.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method cannot be called twice on the same instance.",,"Impossible d appeler
deux fois la mthode sur la mme instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to alter assembly information.",,"Impossible de modifier les information
s de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only newly captured contexts can be copied",,"Seuls les contextes nouvellement
capturs peuvent tre copis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to import a global method or field from a different module.",,"Impossibl

e d importer une mthode globale ou un champ partir d un module diffrent.",,"Text",

,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must override both HostExecutionContextManager.SetHostExecutionContext and Host
ExecutionContextManager.Revert.",,"Doit remplacer la fois HostExecutionContextMa
nager.SetHostExecutionContext et HostExecutionContextManager.Revert.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removal is an invalid operation for Stack or Queue.",,"La suppression est une o
pration non valide pour la pile ou la file d attente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot remove the last element from an empty collection.",,"Impossible de suppr
imer le dernier lment d une collection vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Cannot restore context flow when it is not suppressed.",,"Impossible de restaur
er le flux de contexte lorsqu il n est pas supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Context flow is already suppressed.",,"Le flux de contexte est dj supprim.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AsyncFlowControl object can be used only once to call Undo().",,"L objet AsyncF
lowControl peut tre utilis une seule fois pour appeler Undo().",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AsyncFlowControl object must be used on the thread where it was created.",,"L o
bjet AsyncFlowControl doit tre utilis sur le thread o il a t cr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Undo operation must be performed on the thread where the corresponding context
was Set.",,"L opration Undo doit tre effectue sur le thread o le contexte correspond
ant a t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Applications may not prevent control-break from terminating their process.",,"L
es applications peuvent ne pas empcher Ctrl+Arrt de terminer leur processus.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instances of abstract classes cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer des insta
nces de classes abstraites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instances of function pointers cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer des inst
ances de pointeurs fonction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot save a transient assembly.",,"Impossible d enregistrer un assembly trans
itoire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Claim {0} was not able to be removed. It is either not part of this Iden
tity or it is a claim that is owned by the Principal that contains this Identity
. For example, the Principal will own the claim when creating a GenericPrincipal
with roles. The roles will be exposed through the Identity that is passed in th
e constructor, but not actually owned by the Identity. Similar logic exists for
a RolePrincipal.",,"La revendication {0} n a pas pu tre supprime. Elle n appart
ient pas cette identit ou il s agit d une revendication dtenue par le principal qu
i contient cette identit. Par exemple, le principal dtiendra la revendication lors
de la cration d un GenericPrincipal avec des rles. Les rles seront exposs par l ide
ntit passe dans le constructeur, mais non dtenus rellement par l identit. Une logique
similaire existe pour un RolePrincipal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The collection backing this Dictionary contains too many elements.",,"La collec
tion qui stocke ce dictionnaire contient trop d lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection backing this List contains too many elements.",,"La collection q
ui stocke cette liste contient trop d lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"A prior operation on this collection was interrupted by an exception. Collectio
n s state is no longer trusted.",,"Une opration antrieure sur cette collection a t i
nterrompue par une exception. L tat de la collection n est plus approuv.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Computer name could not be obtained.",,"Impossible d obtenir le nom de l ordina
teur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot see if a key has been pressed when either application does not have a co

nsole or when console input has been redirected from a file. Try Console.In.Peek
.",,"Impossible de voir si une touche a t presse lorsque l application ne possde pas
de console ou lorsque l entre sur la console a t redirige partir d un fichier. Essa
yez Console.In.Peek.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot read keys when either application does not have a console or when consol
e input has been redirected from a file. Try Console.Read.",,"Impossible de lire
les touches lorsque l application ne possde pas de console ou lorsque l entre su
r la console a t redirige partir d un fichier. Essayez Console.Read.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface cannot have constructors.",,"L interface ne peut pas avoir de constru
cteurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Context is already frozen.",,"Le contexte est dj fig.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SecurityTransparent and SecurityCritical attributes cannot be applied to the as
sembly scope at the same time.",,"Impossible d appliquer les attributs SecurityT
ransparent et SecurityCritical la porte de l assembly en mme temps.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal Error in DateTime and Calendar operations.",,"Erreur interne dans les
oprations DateTime et Calendar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Debugger unable to launch.",,"Impossible de lancer le dbogueur.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method body of the default constructor cannot be changed.",,"Le corps de mth
ode du constructeur par dfaut ne peut pas tre modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to access ILGenerator on a constructor created with DefineDefaultConstru
ctor.",,"Impossible d accder ILGenerator sur un constructeur cr avec DefineDefaultC
onstructor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Another property by this name already exists.",,"Une proprit avec ce nom existe dj.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Queue empty.",,"File d attente vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Stack empty.",,"Pile vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EndInvoke can only be called once for each asynchronous operation.",,"EndInvoke
ne peut tre appel qu une seule fois par opration asynchrone.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EndRead can only be called once for each asynchronous operation.",,"EndRead ne
peut tre appel qu une fois pour chaque opration asynchrone.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EndWrite can only be called once for each asynchronous operation.",,"EndWrite n
e peut tre appel qu une fois pour chaque opration asynchrone.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry method is not defined in the same assembly.",,"La mthode Entry n est pas df
inie dans le mme assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration already finished.",,"numration dj termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection was modified; enumeration operation may not execute.",,"La collectio
n a t modifie; l opration d numration peut ne pas s excuter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.",,"L numration n a pas encore commenc.
Appelez MoveNext.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration has either not started or has already finished.",,"L numration n a pa
s commenc ou est dj termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This API does not support EventInfo tokens.",,"Cette API ne prend pas en charge
les jetons EventInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is not a delegate type. EventTokenTable may only be used with deleg
ate types.",,"Le type {0} n est pas un type dlgu. EventTokenTable peut uniquement
tre utilis avec des types dlgus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread.ExceptionState cannot access an ExceptionState from a different AppDomai
n.",,"Thread.ExceptionState ne peut pas accder un ExceptionState partir d un AppD
omain diffrent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The generic parameters are already defined on this MethodBuilder.",,"Les paramtr

es gnriques sont dj dfinis sur ce MethodBuilder.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"OSVersion s call to GetVersionEx failed.",,"chec de l appel de OSVersion GetVers
ionEx.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type definition of the global function has been completed.",,"La dfinition du ty
pe de la fonction globale est termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Handle is not initialized.",,"Le handle n a pas t initialis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handle is not pinned.",,"Le handle n est pas pingl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hashtable insert failed. Load factor too high. The most common cause is multipl
e threads writing to the Hashtable simultaneously.",,"chec de l insertion Hashtab
le. Facteur de charge trop important. Le plus souvent, ce problme est d au fait qu
e plusieurs threads crivent simultanment dans la table de hachage.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The security state of an AppDomain was modified by an AppDomainManager configur
ed with the NoSecurityChanges flag.",,"L tat de scurit d un AppDomain a t modifi par u
n AppDomainManager configur avec l indicateur NoSecurityChanges.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to compare two elements in the array.",,"Impossible de comparer deux lment
s dans le tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid internal state.",,"tat interne non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM register function must have a System.Type parameter and a void return type.
",,"La fonction inscrite COM doit avoir un paramtre System.Type et un type de ret
our void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM unregister function must have a System.Type parameter and a void return typ
e.",,"La fonction non inscrite COM doit avoir un paramtre System.Type et un type
de retour void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized OS PlatformId.",,"OS PlatformId non reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Metadata operation failed.",,"chec de l opration Metadata.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method is not supported by the current object.",,"Cette mthode n est pas pr
ise en charge par l objet actif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type definition of the method is complete.",,"La dfinition du type de la mthode e
st termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The signature of the MethodBuilder can no longer be modified because an operati
on on the MethodBuilder caused the methodDef token to be created. For example, a
call to SetCustomAttribute requires the methodDef token to emit the CustomAttri
bute token.",,"Il n est plus possible de modifier la signature du MethodBuilder
car une opration sur le MethodBuilder a entran la cration du jeton methodDef. Par ex
emple, l appel de SetCustomAttribute requiert l mission par le jeton methodDef du
jeton CustomAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method already has a body.",,"La mthode a dj un corps.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The IAsyncResult object provided does not match this delegate.",,"L objet IAsyn
cResult fourni ne correspond pas ce dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"This access control list is not in canonical form and therefore cannot be modif
ied.",,"Cette liste de contrle d accs n est pas de forme canonique et ne peut donc
pas tre modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to modify a read-only NumberFormatInfo object.",,"Impossible de modifier
un objet NumberFormatInfo en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"ReadOnlyPermissionSet objects may not be modified.",,"Les objets ReadOnlyPermis
sionSet ne peuvent pas tre modifis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Module {0} has been saved.",,"Le module {0} a t enregistr.",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} has more than one COM registration function.",,"Le type {0} a plus
ieurs fonctions d inscription COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Type {0} has more than one COM unregistration function.",,"Le type {0} a pl
usieurs fonctions de non-inscription COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"This operation must take place on the same thread on which the object was creat
ed.",,"Cette opration doit prendre place sur le mme thread o l objet a t cr.",,"Text",
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must call Initialize on this object instance before using it.",,"Vous devez
appeler Initialize dans l instance de cet objet avant de l utiliser.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be locked for read or write.",,"L objet doit tre verrouill en lecture
ou criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be locked for read.",,"L objet doit tre verrouill en lecture.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must revert the privilege prior to attempting this operation.",,"Vous devez rtab
lir le privilge avant de tenter cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly does not have a code base.",,"L assembly ne dispose pas de base de cod
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly does not have an assembly name. In order to be registered for use by C
OM, an assembly must have a valid assembly name.",,"L assembly ne possde pas un n
om d assembly. Pour pouvoir tre inscrit afin d tre utilis par l interface COM, un a
ssembly doit possder un nom d assembly valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot have more than one dynamic module in each dynamic assembly in this v
ersion of the runtime.",,"Chaque assembly dynamique ne peut comporter qu un seul
module dynamique dans cette version du runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add the event handler since no public add method exists for the event.",
,"Impossible d ajouter le gestionnaire d vnements dans la mesure o aucune mthode add
publique n existe pour l vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot remove the event handler since no public remove method exists for the ev
ent.",,"Impossible de supprimer le gestionnaire d vnements dans la mesure o aucune
mthode remove publique n existe pour cet vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object does not contain a security descriptor.",,"L objet ne contient pas d
e descripteur de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Underlying type information on enumeration is not specified.",,"Les information
s de type sous-jacentes sur l numration ne sont pas encore spcifies.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nullable object must have a value.",,"Un objet qui autorise la valeur Null doit
possder une valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM register function must be static.",,"La fonction d inscription COM doit tre
static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM unregister function must be static.",,"La fonction de dsinscription COM doit
tre static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a debug ModuleBuilder.",,"N est pas un ModuleBuilder de dbogage.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Calling convention must be VarArgs.",,"La convention d appel doit tre VarArgs.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested operation is invalid for DynamicMethod.",,"L opration demande n est
pas valide pour DynamicMethod.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested operation is invalid in the ReflectionOnly context.",,"L opration
demande n est pas valide dans le contexte ReflectionOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You can only define a dynamic assembly on the current AppDomain.",,"Vous pouvez

dfinir uniquement un assembly dynamique sur l AppDomain actuel.",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is only valid on generic types.",,"Cette opration n est valide qu
e sur les types gnriques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot apply a context that has been marshaled across AppDomains, that was not
acquired through a Capture operation or that has already been the argument to a
Set call.",,"Impossible d appliquer un contexte qui a t marshal sur des AppDomains,
qui n a pas t acquis via une opration de capture ou qui a dj t l argument d un appel
et.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding or removing event handlers dynamically is not supported on WinRT events.
",,"L ajout ou la suppression de gestionnaires d vnements de faon dynamique n est p
as pris en charge sur les vnements WinRT.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"This API is not available when the concurrent GC is enabled.",,"Cette API n est
pas disponible lorsque le GC simultan est activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying array is null.",,"Le tableau sous-jacent est null.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call Set on a null context",,"Impossible d appeler Set sur un contexte n
ull",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested operation is invalid when called on a null ModuleHandle.",,"L opra
tion demande n est pas valide lorsqu elle est appele pour un ModuleHandle null.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding ACEs with Object Flags and Object GUIDs is only valid for directory-obje
ct ACLs.",,"L ajout d entres de contrle d accs (ACE) avec des indicateurs d objet e
t des GUID d objet est valide uniquement pour des ACL d objets rpertoires.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local variable scope was not properly closed.",,"La porte de la variable locale
n a pas t correctement ferme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pack a packed Overlapped again.",,"Impossible de compresser de nouveau u
n Overlapped compress.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Primary interop assemblies must be strongly named.",,"Les assemblys PIA (Primar
y Interop Assembly) doivent porter des noms forts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This API does not support PropertyInfo tokens.",,"Cette API ne prend pas en cha
rge les jetons PropertyInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance is read-only.",,"L instance est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry key has subkeys and recursive removes are not supported by this method
.",,"La cl de Registre a des sous-cls et les suppressions rcursives ne sont pas pri
ses en charge par cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} : ResourceSet derived classes must provide a constructor that takes a Stri
ng file name and a constructor that takes a Stream.",," {0} : les classes drives Re
sourceSet doivent fournir un constructeur qui prend un nom de fichier String et
un autre constructeur qui prend Stream.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Resource {0} was not a Stream - call GetObject instead.",,"La ressource {0}
n tait pas un Stream - appel GetObject la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource {0} was not a String - call GetObject instead.",,"La ressource {0}
n tait pas un String - appelez GetObject la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource was of type {0} instead of String - call GetObject instead.",,"La re
ssource tait de type {0} au lieu de String - appelez GetObject la place.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The resource writer has already been closed and cannot be edited.",,"Le writer
de ressource a dj t ferm et ne peut pas tre modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
"Blue 4.5.1"
"An additional permission should not be supplied for setting loader information.
",,"Une autorisation supplmentaire ne doit pas tre fournie pour dfinir les informat

ions de chargeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"SetData cannot be used to set the value for {0} .",,"Impossible d utiliser Set
Data pour dfinir la valeur de {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"SetData can only be used to set the value of a given name once.",,"SetData perm
et uniquement de dfinir la valeur d un nom donn une seule reprise.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Volume labels can only be set for writable local volumes.",,"Les noms de volume
s peuvent tre dfinis uniquement pour des volumes locaux accessibles en criture.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method body should not exist.",,"Le corps de mthode ne doit pas exister.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LocalDataStoreSlot storage has been freed.",,"Le stockage LocalDataStoreSlot a t
libr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A strong name key pair is required to emit a strong-named dynamic assembly.",,"
Une paire de cls de nom fort est ncessaire pour mettre un assembly dynamique de nom
fort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set sub-classed {0} object to {1} object.",,"Impossible de dfinir l objet
{0} de sous-classe dans l objet {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The Undo operation encountered a context that is different from what was applie
d in the corresponding Set operation. The possible cause is that a context was S
et on the thread and not reverted(undone).",,"L opration d annulation a rencontr u
n autre contexte que celui qui tait appliqu dans l opration Set correspondante. Il
est possible qu un contexte ait t dfini sur le thread et non restaur (rtabli).",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use CompressedStack.(Capture/Run) or ExecutionContext.(Capture/Run) APIs instea
d.",,"Utilisez les API CompressedStack.(Capture/Run) ou ExecutionContext.(Captur
e/Run) la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The thread was created with a ThreadStart delegate that does not accept a param
eter.",,"Le thread a t cr avec un dlgu ThreadStart qui n accepte pas un paramtre.",,"
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Timeouts are not supported on this stream.",,"Les dlais d attente ne sont pas pr
is en charge sur ce flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given type cannot be boxed.",,"Impossible de convertir le type donn.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to change after type has been created.",,"Impossible de changer une fois
que le type a t cr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type has not been created.",,"Le type n a pas t cr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This range in the underlying list is invalid. A possible cause is that elements
were removed.",,"Cette plage de la liste sous-jacente n est pas valide. Il est
possible que des lments aient t enlevs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Unexpected error when calling an operating system function. The returned error
code is 0x{0:x}.",,"Une erreur inattendue s est produite lors de l appel d une
fonction du systme d exploitation. Le code d erreur retourn est 0x{0:x}.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown enum type.",,"Type enum inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"UserDomainName native call failed.",,"chec de l appel natif UserDomainName.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot wait on a transparent proxy.",,"Attente impossible sur un proxy transpar
ent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This API is not available when AppDomain Resource Monitoring is not turned on."
,,"Cette API n est pas disponible lorsque l analyse de ressource AppDomain n est
pas active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property has already been set and cannot be modified.",,"Cette proprit a dj t df
nie et ne peut pas tre modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Either the IAsyncResult object did not come from the corresponding async method

on this type, or the End method was called multiple times with the same IAsyncR
esult.",,"L objet IAsyncResult ne venait pas de la mthode async correspondante da
ns ce type ou la mthode End a t appele plusieurs fois avec le mme IAsyncResult.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Either the IAsyncResult object did not come from the corresponding async method
on this type, or EndRead was called multiple times with the same IAsyncResult."
,,"Soit l objet IAsyncResult ne provient pas de la mthode async correspondante de
ce type, soit EndRead a t appel plusieurs fois avec le mme IAsyncResult.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Either the IAsyncResult object did not come from the corresponding async method
on this type, or EndWrite was called multiple times with the same IAsyncResult.
",,"Soit l objet IAsyncResult ne provient pas de la mthode async correspondante d
e ce type, soit EndWrite a t appel plusieurs fois avec le mme IAsyncResult.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Common Language Runtime detected an invalid program.",,"Le Common Language Runt
ime a dtect un programme non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The time zone ID {0} was found on the local computer, but the registry inform
ation was corrupt.",,"L ID de fuseau horaire {0} a t trouv sur l ordinateur local
, mais les informations de Registre sont endommages.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Local time zone was found on the local computer, but the data was corrupt."
,,"Le fuseau horaire local a t trouv sur l ordinateur local, mais les donnes sont en
dommages.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invariant failed.",,"chec de l invariant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Invariant failed: {0}",,"chec de l invariant: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine granted permission for application.",,"Impossible de dtermin
er l autorisation accorde pour l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine application identity of the caller.",,"Impossible de dtermin
er l identit de l application de l appelant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine identity of application.",,"Impossible de dterminer l identi
t de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application cannot be determined on an Assembly or Domain store.",,"Impossible
de dterminer l application sur un magasin d assemblys ou de domaines.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine granted permission for assembly.",,"Impossible de dterminer
l autorisation accorde pour l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to determine assembly of the caller.",,"Impossible de dterminer l assembl
y de l appelant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine identity of assembly.",,"Impossible de dterminer l identit de
l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly cannot be determined for an Application store.",,"Impossible de dtermin
er l assembly d un magasin d applications.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create directory.",,"Impossible de crer le rpertoire.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current size cannot be determined for this store.",,"Impossible de dterminer la
taille actuelle pour ce magasin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to delete; directory or files in the directory could be in use.",,"Suppr
ession impossible; le rpertoire ou les fichiers du rpertoire sont peut-tre en cours
d utilisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to delete, directory not empty or does not exist.",,"Suppression impossi
ble; le rpertoire n est pas vide ou n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to delete file.",,"Impossible de supprimer le fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unable to determine granted permission for domain.",,"Impossible de dterminer l
autorisation accorde pour le domaine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Unable to determine domain of the caller.",,"Impossible de dterminer le domaine
de l appelant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine the identity of domain.",,"Impossible de dterminer l identit
du domaine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Domain cannot be determined on an Assembly or Application store.",,"Impossible
de dterminer le domaine sur un magasin d assemblys ou d applications.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred while accessing IsolatedStorage.",,"Une erreur s est produite
lors de l accs IsolatedStorage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid mode, see System.IO.FileMode.",,"Mode non valide, consultez System.IO.F
ileMode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Initialization failed.",,"chec de l initialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Site scope is currently not supported.",,"La porte de site n est actuellemen
t pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The new quota must be larger than the old quota.",,"Le nouveau quota doit tre su
prieur l ancien.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Increasing the quota of this scope is not supported. Only the user application
scopes quota can be increased.",,"L augmentation du quota de cette porte n est pa
s prise en charge. Seul le quota de la porte de l application utilisateur peut tre
augment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation not permitted.",,"Opration non autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation not permitted on IsolatedStorageFileStream.",,"Opration non autorise su
r IsolatedStorageFileStream.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Path must be a valid file name.",,"Le chemin d accs doit tre un nom de fichier va
lide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not defined for this store. An operation was performed that requires acc
ess to {0}. Stores obtained using enumeration APIs do not have a well-defined {0
}, since partial evidence is used to open the store.",,"{0} n est pas dfini pour
ce magasin. Une opration a t effectue, qui demande un accs {0}. Les magasins obtenus
l aide d API d numration n ont pas de {0} bien dfini, car une preuve partielle est
utilise pour ouvrir le magasin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid scope.",,"Porte non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Invalid scope, expected User, User|Roaming or Machine.",,"Porte non valide, User
, User|Roaming ou Machine attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Invalid origin, see System.IO.SeekOrigin.",,"Origine non valide, consultez Syst
em.IO.SeekOrigin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Store must be open for this operation.",,"Le magasin doit tre ouvert pour cette
opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is not enough free space to perform the operation.",,"Il n y a pas suffis
amment d espace libre pour excuter cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The lazily-initialized type does not have a public, parameterless constructor."
,,"Le type initialis tardivement n a pas de constructeur public, sans paramtre.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ValueFactory returned null.",,"ValueFactory a retourn null.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value is not created.",,"La valeur n est pas cre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ValueFactory attempted to access the Value property of this instance.",,"ValueF
actory a tent d accder la proprit Value de cette instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The info argument is null.",,"L argument info a la valeur null.",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The mode argument specifies an invalid value.",,"L argument de mode spcifie une
valeur non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The valueSelector argument is null.",,"L argument valueSelector a la valeur nul
l.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Value cannot be null.",,"La valeur ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} of .NET Framework assemblies is not supported in AppX.",,"{0} des assemblys
.NET Framework ne sont pas pris en charge dans AppX.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Context Policies:",,"Stratgies de contexte:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""Relative path must be a string that contains the substring, "".."", or does no
t contain a root directory."",,""Le chemin d accs relatif doit tre une chane qui co
ntient la sous-chane, "".."", ou qui ne contient pas de rpertoire racine."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name:",,"Nom:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are no context policies.",,"Aucune stratgie de contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event has been disposed.",,"L vnement a t supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The spinCount argument must be in the range 0 to {0}, inclusive.",,"L argument
spinCount doit tre compris entre 0 et {0}, inclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are too many threads currently waiting on the event. A maximum of {0} wai
ting threads are supported.",,"Trop de threads attendent actuellement l vnement. {
0} threads en attente sont pris en charge au maximum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Marshaler restriction: Excessively long string.",,"Restriction du marshaleur: ch
ane trop longue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First Match",,"Premire correspondance",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Union",,"Union",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor on type {0} not found.",,"Le constructeur sur le type {0} est i
ntrouvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field not found.",,"Champ introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Field {0} not found.",,"Champ {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not find a manifest resource entry called ""{0}"" in assembly ""{1}"". P
lease check spelling, capitalization, and build rules to ensure ""{0}"" is being
linked into the assembly."",,""Une entre de ressource de manifeste appele ""{0}""
est introuvable dans l assembly ""{1}"". Vrifiez les rgles d orthographe, de capi
talisation et de gnration pour vous assurer que ""{0}"" est li dans l assembly."",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""A case-insensitive lookup for resource file ""{0}"" in assembly ""{1}"" found
multiple entries. Remove the duplicates or specify the exact case."",,""Une rech
erche ne respectant pas la casse du fichier de ressources ""{0}"" dans l assembl
y ""{1}"" a donn plusieurs entres. Supprimez les doublons ou spcifiez la casse exac
te."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture or the neut
ral culture. Make sure ""{0}"" was correctly embedded or linked into assembly "
"{1}"" at compile time, or that all the satellite assemblies required are loadab
le and fully signed."",,""Impossible de trouver des ressources appropries pour la
culture spcifie ou la culture neutre. Assurez-vous que ""{0}"" a t correctement inc
orpor ou li dans l assembly ""{1}"" au moment de la compilation ou que tous les as
semblys satellites requis sont chargeables et compltement signs."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find any resources appropriate for the specified culture (or the neut
ral culture) on disk.",,"Impossible de trouver des ressources appropries pour la

culture spcifie (ou la culture neutre) sur le disque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame

work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to open Package Resource Index.",,"Impossible d ouvrir Package Resource
Index.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unable to load resources for resource file ""{0}"" in package ""{1}""."",,""Im
possible de charger des ressources pour le fichier de ressources ""{0}"" dans le
package ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypedReference can only be made on nested value Types.",,"TypedReference ne peu
t tre fait que sur des types valeur imbriqus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"FieldInfo does not match the target Type.",,"FieldInfo ne correspond pas au typ
e cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member {0} not found.",,"Membre {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} not found.",,"Mthode {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module {0} not found.",,"Module {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The satellite assembly named ""{1}"" for fallback culture ""{0}"" either could
not be found or could not be loaded. This is generally a setup problem. Please
consider reinstalling or repairing the application."",,""L assembly satellite no
mm ""{1}"" pour la culture de secours ""{0}"" est introuvable ou n a pas pu tre ch
arg. Ceci tient gnralement un problme d installation. Envisagez la rinstallation ou l
a rparation de l application."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource lookup fell back to the ultimate fallback resources in a satellite ass
embly, but that satellite either was not found or could not be loaded. Please co
nsider reinstalling or repairing the application.",,"La recherche de ressource s
est replie sur les dernires ressources de secours dans un assembly satellite, mai
s ce satellite est introuvable ou n a pas pu tre charg. Envisagez la rinstallation
ou la rparation de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} not found.",,"Type {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegates that are not of type MulticastDelegate may not be combined.",,"Les dlgus
qui ne sont pas du type MulticastDelegate ne peuvent pas tre associs.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""An assembly (probably ""{1}"") must be rewritten using the code contracts bina
ry rewriter (CCRewrite) because it is calling Contract.{0} and the CONTRACTS_FUL
L symbol is defined. Remove any explicit definitions of the CONTRACTS_FULL symb
ol from your project and rebuild. CCRewrite can be downloaded from http://go.mi \r\nAfter the rewriter is installed, it can b
e enabled in Visual Studio from the project s Properties page on the Code Contra
cts pane. Ensure that ""Perform Runtime Contract Checking"" is enabled, which w
ill define CONTRACTS_FULL."",,""Un assembly (probablement ""{1}"") doit tre rcrit l
aide du module de rcriture binaire de contrats de code (CCRewrite), car il appell
e Contract.{0} et que le symbole CONTRACTS_FULL est dfini. Supprimez toute dfiniti
on explicite du symbole CONTRACTS_FULL dans votre projet et rgnrez ce dernier. Vous
pouvez tlcharger CCRewrite sur le site
180.\r\nUne fois le module de rcriture install, vous pouvez l activer dans Visual S
tudio partir de la page Properties du projet dans le volet Code Contracts. Vrifie
z que l option ""Perform Runtime Contract Checking"" est active afin de dfinir CON
TRACTS_FULL."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Same site Web",,"Web de site identique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"[{0}]\r\nArguments: {1}\r\nDebugging resource strings are unavailable. Often th
e key and arguments provide sufficient information to diagnose the problem. See{2}&File={3}&Key={4}",,"[{0
}]\r\nArguments: {1}\r\nLes chanes de ressource de dbogage ne sont pas disponibles.
Souvent la cl et les arguments fournissent suffisamment d informations pour diag
nostiquer le problme. Consultez
ion={2}&File={3}&Key={4}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Resource files longer than 2^63 bytes are not currently implemented.",,"Les fic
hiers de ressources dont la longueur est suprieure 2^63 octets ne sont pas actuel
lement implments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This non-CLS method is not implemented.",,"Cette mthode non-CLS n est pas implmen
te.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation Attributes are not supported for types not deriving from MarshalByRe
fObject.",,"Les attributs d activation ne sont pas pris en charge pour les types
qui ne drivent pas de MarshalByRefObject.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Activation Attributes not supported for COM Objects.",,"Les attributs d activat
ion ne sont pas pris en charge pour les objets COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation is ambiguous because the permission represents multiple identitie
s.",,"L opration est ambigu, car l autorisation reprsente plusieurs identits.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not supported in AppX.",,"{0} n est pas pris en charge dans AppX.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ByRef return value not supported in reflection invocation.",,"La valeur de reto
ur ByRef n est pas prise en charge dans les appels de rflexion.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vararg calling convention not supported.",,"Convention d appel Vararg non prise
en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to save a ModuleBuilder if it was created underneath an AssemblyBuilder.
Call Save on the AssemblyBuilder instead.",,"Impossible d enregistrer un Module
Builder cr sous un AssemblyBuilder. Appelez plutt Save sur AssemblyBuilder.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot write to a BufferedStream while the read buffer is not empty if the unde
rlying stream is not seekable. Ensure that the stream underlying this BufferedSt
ream can seek or avoid interleaving read and write operations on this BufferedSt
ream.",,"Impossible d crire dans un BufferedStream tant que la mmoire tampon n est
pas vide, si le flux sous-jacent ne prend pas en charge la recherche. Vrifiez qu
e le flux sous-jacent ce BufferedStream peut rechercher ou viter l entrelacement
d oprations en lecture et en criture sur ce BufferedStream.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Deny stack modifier has been obsoleted by the .NET Framework. Please see h
ttp:// for more information.",,"Le modific
ateur de pile Deny a t rendu obsolte par le .NET Framework. Pour plus d information
s, consultez",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ChangeType operation is not supported.",,"Opration ChangeType non prise en charg
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ISO-2022-CN Encoding (Code page 50229) is not supported.",,"L encodage ISO2022-CN (page de codes 50229) n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resolving to a collectible assembly is not supported.",,"La rsolution en un asse
mbly pouvant tre collect n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A non-collectible assembly may not reference a collectible assembly.",,"Un asse
mbly ne pouvant pas tre collect ne peut pas faire rfrence un assembly pouvant tre col
lect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM Interop is not supported for collectible types.",,"COM Interop n est pas pr
is en charge pour les types pouvant tre collects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate marshaling for types within collectible assemblies is not supported.",
,"Le marshaling de dlgus pour les types dans les assemblys pouvant tre collects n est
pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object cannot be created through this constructor.",,"Impossible de crer l objet
via ce constructeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create boxed TypedReference, ArgIterator, or RuntimeArgumentHandle Objec
ts.",,"Impossible de crer des objets boxed TypedReference, ArgIterator ou Runtime

ArgumentHandle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot create arrays of TypedReference, ArgIterator, ByRef, or RuntimeArgumentH
andle Objects.",,"Impossible de crer des tableaux d objets TypedReference, ArgIte
rator, ByRef ou RuntimeArgumentHandle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"CreateInstance cannot be used with an object of type TypeBuilder.",,"Impossible
d utiliser CreateInstance avec un objet de type TypeBuilder.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one DBNull instance may exist, and calls to DBNull deserialization methods
are not allowed.",,"Il ne peut exister qu une instance DBNull, etles appels aux
mthodes de dsrialisation DBNull ne sont pas autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assert, Deny, and PermitOnly are not supported on methods with a Vararg calling
convention.",,"Assert, Deny et PermitOnly ne sont pas pris en charge sur les mth
odes avec une convention d appel Vararg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Declarative unionizing of these permissions is not supported.",,"L union dclarat
ive de ces autorisations n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application code cannot use Activator.CreateInstance to create types that deriv
e from System.Delegate. Delegate.CreateDelegate can be used instead.",,"Le code
de l application ne peut pas utiliser Activator.CreateInstance pour crer des type
s drivs de System.Delegate. Delegate.CreateDelegate peut tre utilis la place.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegates cannot be marshaled from native code into a domain other than their h
ome domain.",,"Impossible de marshaler les dlgus partir du code natif dans un domai
ne autre que leur domaine d accueil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"DelegateSerializationHolder objects are designed to represent a delegate during
serialization and are not serializable themselves.",,"Les objets DelegateSerial
izationHolder ont t conus pour reprsenter un dlgu lors de la srialisation et ne sont
srialisables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic assembly.",,"Le membre appel n
est pas pris en charge dans un assembly dynamique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot execute code on a dynamic assembly without run access.",,"Impossible d e
xcuter le code sur un assembly dynamique sans accs Run.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wrong MethodAttributes or CallingConventions for DynamicMethod. Only public, st
atic, standard supported",,"MethodAttributes ou CallingConventions incorrects po
ur DynamicMethod. Seul un standard public, statique, est pris en charge",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The invoked member is not supported in a dynamic module.",,"Le membre appel n es
t pas pris en charge dans un module dynamique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File encryption support only works on NTFS partitions.",,"La prise en charge du
chiffrement de fichier fonctionne uniquement sur les partitions NTFS.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileStream was asked to open a device that was not a file. For support for devi
ces like com1: or lpt1: , call CreateFile, then use the FileStream constructo
rs that take an OS handle as an IntPtr.",,"FileStream devait ouvrir un priphrique
qui n tait pas un fichier. Pour une prise en charge de priphriques tels que com1:
ou lpt1: , appelez CreateFile, puis utilisez les constructeurs FileStream qui
utilisent un handle OS (de systme d exploitation) comme IntPtr.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection was of a fixed size.",,"La collection tait d une taille fixe.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The get method is not supported on this property.",,"La mthode get n est pas
prise en charge sur cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"The type definition of the global function is not completed.",,"La dfinition du

type de la fonction globale n est pas termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serialization of global methods (including implicit serialization via the use o
f asynchronous delegates) is not supported.",,"La srialisation des mthodes globale
s (y compris la srialisation implicite via l utilisation de dlgus asynchrones) n est
pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invoking default method with named arguments is not supported.",,"L appel de la
mthode par dfaut avec des arguments nomms n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal one-byte branch at position: {0}. Requested branch was: {1}.",,"Branche
un octet en position {0} non conforme. La branche demande tait: {1}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A type must implement IComparable<T> or IComparable to support comparison.",,"U
n type doit implmenter IComparable<T> ou IComparable pour prendre en charge la co
mparaison.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mutating a key collection derived from a dictionary is not allowed.",,"La mutat
ion d une collection de cls drive d un dictionnaire n est pas autorise.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create uninitialized instances of types requiring managed activation.",,
"Impossible de crer les instances non initialises des types qui requirent l activat
ion manage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The arithmetic type {0} does not have a maximum value.",,"Le type arithmtique
{0} n a pas de valeur maximale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The number of WaitHandles must be less than or equal to 64.",,"Le nombre de Wai
tHandles doit tre infrieur ou gal 64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Memory stream is not expandable.",,"Le flux de mmoire n est pas extensible.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is not supported.",,"Mthode non prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The arithmetic type {0} does not have a minimum value.",,"Le type arithmtique
{0} n a pas de valeur minimale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Module argument must be a ModuleBuilder.",,"L argument de module doit tre un Mod
uleBuilder.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This feature is not currently implemented.",,"Cette fonctionnalit n est pas enco
re implmente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The arithmetic type {0} cannot represent negative infinity.",,"Le type arithmt
ique {0} ne peut pas reprsenter l infini ngatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No data is available for encoding {0}.",,"Aucune donne n est disponible pour l e
ncodage {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parent does not have a default constructor. The default constructor must be exp
licitly defined.",,"Le parent n a pas de constructeur par dfaut. Le constructeur
par dfaut doit tre explicitement dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cannot resolve {0} to a TypeInfo object.",,"Impossible de rsoudre {0} un objet T
ypeInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not supported in a non-reflected type.",,"Non pris en charge dans le type non rf
lchi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"UrlAttribute is the only attribute supported for MarshalByRefObject.",,"UrlAttr
ibute est le seul attribut pris en charge pour MarshalByRefObject.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} was not completed.",,"Le type {0} n tait pas termin.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MethodRental.SwapMethodBody method can only be called to swap the method bo
dy of a method in a dynamic module.",,"La mthode MethodRental.SwapMethodBody ne p
eut tre appele que pour permuter le corps d une mthode dans un module dynamique.",,

"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Found an obsolete .resources file in assembly {0} . Rebuild that .resources fi
le then rebuild that assembly.",,"Fichier .resources obsolte trouv dans l assembly
{0} . Rgnrez ce fichier .resources, puis rgnrez l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given Variant type is not supported by this OleAut function.",,"Le type Var
iant donn n est pas pris en charge par cette fonction OleAut.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The arithmetic type {0} cannot represent the number one.",,"Le type arithmtiqu
e {0} ne peut pas reprsenter le numro un.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create arrays of open type. ",,"Impossible de crer des tableaux de type o
pen. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output streams do not support TypeBuilders.",,"Les flux de sortie ne prennent p
as en charge TypeBuilders.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Primary Interop Assembly is not supported in AppX.",,"Un assembly PIA (Primar
y Interop Assembly) n est pas pris en charge dans AppX.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This Surrogate does not support PopulateData().",,"Ce substitut ne prend pas en
charge PopulateData().",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The arithmetic type {0} cannot represent positive infinity.",,"Le type arithmt
ique {0} ne peut pas reprsenter l infini positif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified operation is not supported on Ranges.",,"L opration spcifie n est pa
s prise en charge sur les plages.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Collection is read-only.",,"Collection est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessor does not support reading.",,"L accesseur ne prend pas en charge la lec
ture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method explicitly uses CAS policy, which has been obsoleted by the .NET Fr
amework. In order to enable CAS policy for compatibility reasons, please use the
NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy configuration switch. Please see http://go.microso for more information.",,"Cette mthode utilise explic
itement la stratgie CAS, qui a t rendue obsolte par le .NET Framework. Afin d active
r la stratgie CAS pour des raisons de compatibilit, utilisez le commutateur de con
figuration NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy. Pour plus d informations, consultez htt
p://",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"This method implicitly uses CAS policy, which has been obsoleted by the .NET Fr
amework. In order to enable CAS policy for compatibility reasons, please use the
NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy configuration switch. Please see http://go.microso for more information.",,"Cette mthode utilise implic
itement la stratgie CAS, qui a t rendue obsolte par le .NET Framework. Afin d active
r la stratgie CAS pour des raisons de compatibilit, utilisez le commutateur de con
figuration NetFx40_LegacySecurityPolicy. Pour plus d informations, consultez htt
p://",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot read resources that depend on serialization.",,"Impossible de lire les r
essources dpendant de la srialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"SecurityContextSource.CurrentAppDomain is not supported in heterogenous AppDoma
ins.",,"SecurityContextSource.CurrentAppDomain n est pas pris en charge dans les
AppDomains htrognes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Union is not implemented.",,"Union non implmente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The set method is not supported on this property.",,"La mthode set n est pas
prise en charge sur cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"SignalAndWait on a STA thread is not supported.",,"SignalAndWait sur un thread

STA n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"This operation is not supported on SortedList nested types because they require
modifying the original SortedList.",,"Cette opration n est pas prise en charge s
ur les types imbriqus SortedList, car ils requirent la modification du SortedList
d origine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The string comparison type passed in is currently not supported.",,"Le type de
comparaison de chanes pass n est actuellement pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Derived classes must provide an implementation.",,"Les classes drives doivent fou
rnir une implmentation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not supported in an array method of a type definition that is not complete.",,"
Non pris en charge dans une mthode Array dont la dfinition du type n est pas termi
ne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack size too deep. Possibly too many arguments.",,"Taille de la pile trop pro
fonde. Nombre ventuellement trop important d arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type is not supported.",,"Ce type n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Direct deserialization of type {0} is not supported.",,"La dsrialisation direct
e de type {0} n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The invoked member is not supported before the type is created.",,"Le membre ap
pel n est pas pris en charge avant la cration du type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is not supported for an UnmanagedMemoryStream created from a Saf
eBuffer.",,"Cette opration n est pas prise en charge pour un UnmanagedMemoryStrea
m cr partir d un SafeBuffer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The UnitySerializationHolder object is designed to transmit information about o
ther types and is not serializable itself.",,"L objet UnitySerializationHolder e
st conu pour transmettre des informations sur les autres types et n est pas sriali
sable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeCode {0} was not valid.",,"Le TypeCode {0} n tait pas valide.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream does not support reading.",,"Le flux ne prend pas en charge la lecture."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This accessor was created with a SafeBuffer; use the SafeBuffer to gain access
to the pointer.",,"Cet accesseur a t cr l aide d un SafeBuffer ; utilisez le SafeBuf
fer pour accder au pointeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream does not support seeking.",,"Le flux ne prend pas en charge la recherche
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream does not support writing.",,"Le flux ne prend pas en charge l criture.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom marshalers for value types are not currently supported.",,"Les marshaleu
rs personnaliss pour les types valeur ne sont pas actuellement pris en charge.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mutating a value collection derived from a dictionary is not allowed.",,"La mut
ation d une collection de valeurs drive d un dictionnaire n est pas autorise.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays of System.Void are not supported.",,"Les tableaux de System.Void ne sont
pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WaitAll for multiple handles on a STA thread is not supported.",,"WaitAll pour
plusieurs handles sur un thread STA n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime is not supported in partial trust.",,"Windows Runtime n est pas
pris en charge avec une confiance partielle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessor does not support writing.",,"L accesseur ne prend pas en charge l critu
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This .resources file should not be read with this reader. The resource reader
type is ""{0}""."",,""Ce fichier .resources ne doit pas tre lu l aide de ce lecte

ur. Le type de lecteur de ressources est ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew

ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The arithmetic type {0} cannot represent the number zero.",,"Le type arithmtiq
ue {0} ne peut pas reprsenter le numro zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The pointer for this method was null.",,"Le pointeur de cette mthode tait null.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a closed file.",,"Impossible d accder un fichier ferm.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a disposed object.",,"Impossible d accder un objet supprim.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object name: {0} .",,"Nom de l objet: {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot read from a closed TextReader.",,"Impossible de lire partir d un TextRea
der ferm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a closed registry key.",,"Impossible d accder une cl ferme du Regist
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a closed resource set.",,"Impossible d accder un ensemble de resso
urces ferm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a closed Stream.",,"Impossible d accder un Stream ferm.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a closed accessor.",,"Impossible d accder un accesseur ferm.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot write to a closed TextWriter.",,"Impossible d crire dans un TextWriter fe
rm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation was canceled.",,"L opration a t annule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GetPartitions returned an incorrect number of partitions.",,"GetPartitions a re
tourn un nombre incorrect de partitions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The GCHandle MDA has run out of available cookies.",,"Le MDA GCHandle est cours
de cookies disponibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value was either too large or too small for an unsigned byte.",,"La valeur tait
trop grande ou trop petite pour un octet non sign.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value was either too large or too small for a character.",,"La valeur tait trop
grande ou trop petite pour un caractre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Value was either too large or too small for a Currency.",,"La valeur tait trop g
rande ou trop petite pour un Currency.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Value was either too large or too small for a Decimal.",,"La valeur tait trop gr
ande ou trop petite pour un Decimal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Value was either too large or too small for a Double.",,"La valeur tait trop gra
nde ou trop petite pour un Double.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The duration cannot be returned for TimeSpan.MinValue because the absolute valu
e of TimeSpan.MinValue exceeds the value of TimeSpan.MaxValue.",,"Impossible de
retourner la dure pour TimeSpan.MinValue, car la valeur absolue de TimeSpan.MinVa
lue dpasse la valeur de TimeSpan.MaxValue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Value was either too large or too small for an Int16.",,"La valeur tait trop gra
nde ou trop petite pour un Int16.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Value was either too large or too small for an Int32.",,"La valeur tait trop gra
nde ou trop petite pour un Int32.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Value was either too large or too small for an Int64.",,"La valeur tait trop gra
nde ou trop petite pour un Int64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Negating the minimum value of a twos complement number is invalid.",,"La mise e
n ngatif de la valeur minimale du complment deux d un nombre n est pas valide.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The string was being parsed as an unsigned number and could not have a negative
sign.",,"La chane tait en cours d analyse en tant que nombre non sign et ne peut p
as avoir un signe ngatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value was either too large or too small for a signed byte.",,"La valeur tait tro
p grande ou trop petite pour un octet sign.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Value was either too large or too small for a Single.",,"La valeur tait trop gra
nde ou trop petite pour un Single.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The TimeSpan could not be parsed because at least one of the numeric components
is out of range or contains too many digits.",,"Impossible d analyser TimeSpan,
car au moins l un des composants numriques se situe en dehors de la plage ou con
tient trop de chiffres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TimeSpan overflowed because the duration is too long.",,"TimeSpan dpass, car la d
ure est trop longue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value was either too large or too small for a UInt16.",,"La valeur tait trop gra
nde ou trop petite pour un UInt16.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Value was either too large or too small for a UInt32.",,"La valeur tait trop gra
nde ou trop petite pour un UInt32.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Value was either too large or too small for a UInt64.",,"La valeur tait trop gra
nde ou trop petite pour un UInt64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Break was called after Stop was called.",,"Break a t appel aprs Stop.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method is not supported.",,"Cette mthode n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stop was called after Break was called.",,"Stop a t appel aprs Break.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Partitioner source returned a null enumerator.",,"La source du partitionneu
r a retourn un numrateur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method requires the use of an OrderedPartitioner with the KeysNormalized p
roperty set to true.",,"Cette mthode requiert l utilisation d un OrderedPartition
er avec la proprit KeysNormalized ayant la valeur True.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Partitioner used here must support dynamic partitioning.",,"Le partitionneu
r utilis ici doit prendre en charge le partitionnement dynamique.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Partitioner used here returned a null partitioner source.",,"Le partitionne
ur utilis ici a retourn une source de partitionneur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One of the actions was null.",,"L une des actions avait la valeur null.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not call GetEnumerator on partitions after the source enumerable is dispose
d",,"Impossible d appeler GetEnumerator sur les partitions une fois l objet Enum
erable source supprim",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MoveNext must be called at least once before calling Current.",,"MoveNext doit t
re appel au moins une fois avant d appeler Current.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dynamic partitions are not supported by this partitioner.",,"Les partitions dyn
amiques ne sont pas prises en charge par ce partitionneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is only supported on Windows Vista and above.",,"Cette opration e
st prise en charge uniquement sur Windows Vista et version ultrieure.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"This operation is only supported on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and higher.",,"Ce
tte opration est prise en charge uniquement sur Windows2000, WindowsXP et les versi
ons ultrieures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is only supported on Windows 2000 SP3 or later operating systems
.",,"Cette opration est prise en charge uniquement sur Windows2000 SP3 ou les systm
es d exploitation ultrieurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime is not supported on this operating system.",,"Windows Runtime n
est pas pris en charge sur ce systme d exploitation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code group grants all code full trust and forms the root of the code group tree
.",,"Ce groupe de codes accorde tout le code une confiance totale et forme la ra
cine de l arborescence du groupe de codes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Code group grants no permissions and forms the root of the code group tree.",,"
Ce groupe de codes n accorde aucune autorisation et forme la racine de l arbores
cence du groupe de codes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ApplicationTrust grant set does not contain ActivationContext s minimum request
set.",,"Le jeu accord ApplicationTrust ne contient pas le jeu demand minimum Acti
vationContext.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Policy configuration XML is invalid. The required tag {0} is missing.",,"Conf
iguration de stratgie XML non valide. La balise requise {0} est manquante.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All assemblies loaded as part of AppDomain initialization must be fully trusted
.",,"Tous les assemblys chargs comme faisant partie de l initialisation AppDomain
doivent tre d un niveau de confiance totale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred while performing a policy operation.",,"Une erreur s est produit
e lors d une opration de stratgie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The evidence collection already contains evidence of type {0} . Multiple piece
s of the same type of evidence are not allowed.",,"La collection de preuves cont
ient dj une preuve de type {0} . Plusieurs lments du mme type de preuve ne sont pas
autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code group grants full trust to code signed with the ECMA strong name.",,"Ce gr
oupe de codes accorde un niveau de confiance totale au code sign avec le nom fort
ECMA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Objects used as evidence must be serializable.",,"Les objets utiliss comme preuv
e doivent pouvoir tre srialiss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An assembly was provided an invalid grant set by runtime host {0} . In a homog
enous AppDomain, the only valid grant sets are FullTrust and the AppDomain s san
dbox grant set.",,"Un jeu accord non valide a t fourni un assembly par l hte du runt
ime {0} . Dans un AppDomain homogne, les seuls jeux accords valides sont FullTrus
t et le jeu accord en mode Bac sable (sandbox) d AppDomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Runtime host {0} returned evidence of type {1} from a request for evidence
of type {2} .",,"L hte du runtime {0} a retourn une preuve de type {1} partir
d une demande de preuve de type {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"All Internet code gets the right to connect back to the site of its origin.",,"
Tout le code Internet peut se connecter son site d origine.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code group grants code from the Internet zone the Internet permission set. This
permission set grants Internet code the right to use isolated storage and limit
ed UI access.",,"Ce groupe de codes accorde au code de la zone Internet le jeu d
autorisations Internet. Ce jeu d autorisations accorde au code Internet le droi
t d utiliser le stockage isol et l accs interface utilisateur limit.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All intranet code gets the right to read from its install directory.",,"Tout le
code intranet peut lire son rpertoire d installation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All intranet code gets the right to connect back to the site of its origin.",,"

Tout le code intranet peut se connecter son site d origine.",,"Text",,"All",,".N

ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code group grants the intranet permission set to code from the intranet zone. T
his permission set grants intranet code the right to use isolated storage, full
UI access, some capability to do reflection, and limited access to environment v
ariables.",,"Ce groupe de codes accorde le jeu d autorisations intranet au code
de la zone intranet. Ce jeu d autorisations accorde au code intranet le droit d
utiliser le stockage isol, l accs interface utilisateur (UI) complet, certaines fo
nctionnalits pour la rflexion et l accs limit aux variables d environnement.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code group grants full trust to code signed with the Microsoft strong name.",,"
Ce groupe de codes accorde un niveau de confiance totale au code sign avec le nom
fort Microsoft.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application evidence does not contain a Fusion activation context.",,"La pr
euve de l application ne contient pas de contexte d activation Fusion.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More than one exclusive group is not allowed.",,"L existence de plusieurs group
es qui s excluent n est pas autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Code group grants full trust to all code originating on the local computer",,"C
e groupe de codes accorde un niveau de confiance totale tout le code provenant d
e l ordinateur local",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Execution permission cannot be acquired.",,"Impossible d acqurir l autorisation
d excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required permissions cannot be acquired.",,"Impossible d acqurir les autorisatio
ns requises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A trust manager could not be loaded for this application.",,"Impossible de char
ger un gestionnaire de confiance pour cette application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Policy references an assembly not in the full trust assemblies list.",,"La stra
tgie fait rfrence un assembly qui ne se trouve pas dans la liste des assemblys d un
niveau de confiance totale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Runtime host {0} returned null when asked for assembly evidence for assembly
{1} .",,"L hte du runtime {0} a retourn la valeur null lorsqu une preuve d asse
mbly lui a t demande pour l assembly {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Runtime host {0} returned a null grant set from ResolvePolicy.",,"L hte du run
time {0} a retourn un jeu accord null partir de ResolvePolicy.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allows unrestricted access to all resources covered by built-in permissions",,"
Permet un accs illimit toutes les ressources couvertes par des autorisations intgres
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permits execution",,"Permet l excution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Allows full access to all resources",,"Permet un accs complet toutes les ressour
ces",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default rights given to Internet applications",,"Droits par dfaut accords aux app
lications Internet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default rights given to applications on the local intranet",,"Droits par dfaut a
ccords aux applications sur votre intranet local",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Denies all resources, including the right to execute",,"Refuse toutes les resso
urces, y compris le droit d excution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Grants right to bypass the verification",,"Accorde le droit d ignorer la vrifica
tion",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Policy for this domain cannot be set twice.",,"Impossible de dfinir deux fois la
stratgie pour ce domaine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default principal object cannot be set twice.",,"Impossible de dfinir deux fois
l objet principal par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"No old configuration file exists to recover.",,"Aucun ancien fichier de configu

ration rcuprer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PolicyLevel object not based on a file cannot be recovered.",,"Impossible de rcu
prer un objet PolicyLevel qui n est pas bas sur un fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PolicyLevel object not based on a file cannot be saved.",,"Impossible d enregis
trer un objet PolicyLevel qui n est pas bas sur un fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All Trusted Code gets the right to connect back to the site of its origin.",,"T
out le code de confiance peut se connecter son site d origine.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code from a trusted zone is granted the Internet permission set. This permissio
n set grants the right to use isolated storage and limited UI access.",,"Le jeu
d autorisations Internet est accord au code d une zone de confiance. Ce jeu d aut
orisations accorde le droit d utiliser le stockage isol et l accs interface utilis
ateur limit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Policy level {0} could not be saved: {1}.",,"Impossible d enregistrer le nive
au de stratgie {0} : {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code coming from a restricted zone does not receive any permissions.",,"Le code
provenant d une zone restreinte ne peut pas recevoir des autorisations.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Postcondition failed.",,"chec de la post-condition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Postcondition failed: {0}",,"chec de la post-condition: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Postcondition failed after throwing an exception.",,"chec de la post-condition a
prs la leve d une exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Postcondition failed after throwing an exception: {0}",,"chec de la post-conditi
on aprs la leve d une exception: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Precondition failed.",,"chec de la condition pralable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Precondition failed: {0}",,"chec de la condition pralable: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The process does not possess some privilege required for this operation.",,"Le
processus ne possde pas un certain privilge requis pour cette opration.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The process does not possess the {0} privilege which is required for this ope
ration.",,"Le processus ne possde pas le privilge {0} requis pour cette opration.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Publisher",,"diteur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Publisher - {0}",,"diteur - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple custom attributes of the same type found.",,"Plusieurs attributs perso
nnaliss du mme type ont t trouvs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An Int32 must be provided for the filter criteria.",,"Un Int32 doit tre fourni p
our les critres de filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A String must be provided for the filter criteria.",,"Une chane doit tre fournie
pour les critres de filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} field specified was not found.",,"Champ {0} spcifi introuvable.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} property specified was not found.",,"Proprit {0} spcifie introuvable.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object does not match target type.",,"L objet ne correspond pas au type cible."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-static field requires a target.",,"Un champ non static requiert une cible."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-static method requires a target.",,"Une mthode non statique requiert une cib
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only single dimension arrays are supported here.",,"Seuls les tableaux unidimen
sionnels sont pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The specified arrays must have the same number of dimensions.",,"Les tableaux s
pcifis doivent avoir le mme nombre de dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load one or more of the requested types. Retrieve the LoaderException
s property for more information.",,"Impossible de charger un ou plusieurs des ty
pes requis. Extrayez la proprit LoaderExceptions pour plus d informations.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Async Activation not supported.",,"Activation Async non prise en charge.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation attribute does not implement the IContextAttribute interface.",,"L a
ttribut d activation n implmente pas l interface IContextAttribute.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Proxy Attribute returned an incompatible object when constructing an instance o
f type {0}.",,"L attribut proxy a retourn un objet incompatible lors de la constr
uction d une instance de type {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"An attempt to connect to the remote activator failed with exception {0} .",,"ch
ec de la tentative de connexion l activateur distant avec l exception {0} .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation failed due to an unknown reason.",,"chec de l activation du fait d un
e raison inconnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent state during activation; there may be two proxies for the same obj
ect.",,"tat incohrent lors de l activation; deux proxies existent peut-tre pour le mm
e objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Proxy Attributes are supported on ContextBound types only.",,"Les attributs pro
xy sont pris en charge uniquement par les types ContextBound.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find an entry for remote application {0} .",,"Entre introuvable pour l a
pplication distante {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"InternalUnmarshal of returned ObjRef from activation call returned null.",,"Int
ernalUnmarshal de ObjRef retourn par l appel d activation a retourn la valeur null
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return value of construction call was null.",,"La valeur de retour de l appel d
e construction est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is not registered for activation.",,"Le type {0} n est pas inscrit
pour l activation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A context property did not approve the candidate context for activating the obj
ect.",,"Une proprit de contexte n a pas approuv le contexte candidat pour l activat
ion de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot run a non-default constructor when connecting to well-known objects.",,"
Impossible d excuter un constructeur autre que celui par dfaut lors de la connexio
n des objets connus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve the invocation to the correct constructor.",,"Impossible de rsoud
re l invocation en constructeur correct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve the invocation to the correct method.",,"Impossible de rsoudre l
invocation en mthode correcte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The target application domain has been unloaded.",,"Le domaine d application ci
ble a t dcharg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application domain in which the thread was running has been unloaded.",,"Le
domaine d application dans lequel le thread s excutait a t dcharg.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission denied: cannot call methods on the AppDomain class remotely.",,"Auto
risation refuse: Impossible d appeler distance des mthodes sur une classe AppDomain
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This feature is not yet supported for cross-application domain.",,"Cette foncti
onnalit n est pas encore prise en charge pour un domaine d applications croises.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load assembly {0} .",,"Impossible de charger l assembly {0} .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"UseAttribute not allowed in SoapTypeAttribute.",,"UseAttribute non autoris dans

SoapTypeAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remoting cannot find field {0} on type {1} .",,"La communication distance ne
peut pas trouver le champ {0} sur le type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid internal state: Activation service failed to initialize.",,"tat interne
non valide: chec de l initialisation du service d activation.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid internal state: Failed to create an envoy sink for the object.",,"tat in
terne non valide: impossible de crer un rcepteur d envoi pour l objet.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid internal state: A marshal by ref object should not have a proxy in its
own AppDomain.",,"tat interne non valide: un objet marshal-par-rfrence ne doit pas po
ssder un proxy dans son propre AppDomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot load type {0} .",,"Impossible de charger le type {0} .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call disconnect on a proxy.",,"Impossible d appeler disconnect sur un pr
oxy.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot invoke methods on IRemoteDispatch.",,"Impossible d appeler des mthodes su
r IRemoteDispatch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pointer types cannot be passed in a remote call.",,"Impossible de passer les ty
pes pointeur dans un appel distant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The channel {0} is already registered.",,"Le canal {0} est dj inscrit.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The channel {0} is not registered with remoting services.",,"Le canal {0} n
est pas inscrit auprs des services de communication distance.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Channel {0} cannot be secured. Please consider using a channel that implements
ISecurableChannel",,"Impossible de scuriser le canal {0}. Si possible, utilisez u
n canal qui implmente ISecurableChannel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Cannot call the AsyncProcessResponse method on the previous channel sink becaus
e the stack is empty.",,"Impossible d appeler la mthode AsyncProcessResponse sur
le rcepteur de canal prcdent, car la pile est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Called FlipRememberedStack() when stack was not null.",,"Appel de FlipRemembere
dStack() lorsque la pile n tait pas null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot call the GetResponseStream method on the previous channel sink because t
he stack is empty.",,"Impossible d appeler la mthode GetResponseStream sur le rcep
teur de canal prcdent, car la pile est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"No message was deserialized prior to calling the DispatchChannelSink.",,"Aucun
message n a t dsrialis avant l appel DispatchChannelSink.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request stream should be null when the DispatchChannelSink is called. ",,"L
e flux de demande doit tre null lorsque DispatchChannelSink est appel. ",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A channel sink tried to pop data from the stack without first pushing data onto
the stack.",,"Un rcepteur de canal a essay de dpiler les donnes de la pile sans avo
ir d abord excut un push des donnes dans la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tried to pop data from an empty channel sink stack.",,"Tentative pour dpiler les
donnes partir d une pile de rcepteur de canal vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A channel sink called the Store method when the sink stack was empty.",,"Un rcep
teur de canal a appel la mthode Store lorsque la pile du rcepteur tait vide.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"A channel sink called the Store method on the sink stack without first pushing
data onto the stack.",,"Un rcepteur de canal a appel la mthode Store sur la pile du
rcepteur sans avoir d abord excut un push des donnes dans la pile.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remoting application name, {0} , had already been set.",,"Le nom de l appl
ication de communication distance, {0} , a dj t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to redirect activation for type {0}, {1} . This is not allowed since e
ither a well-known service type has already been registered with that type or th
at type has been registered has a activated service type.",,"Tentative de redire
ction de l activation pour le type {0}, {1} . Cela n est pas autoris, car un typ
e de service connu a dj t inscrit avec ce type ou ce type a t inscrit avec un type de
service activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to register a well-known or activated service type of type {0}, {1} .
This is not allowed since the type has already been redirected to activate elsew
here.",,"Tentative d inscription d un type de service connu ou activ {0}, {1} .
Cela n est pas autoris, car le type a dj t redirig de faon s activer ailleurs.",,"Te
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To be used from a .config file, the channel type {0} must have a constructor
of the form {1} ",,"Pour pouvoir tre utilis partir d un fichier .config, le type
de canal {0} doit avoir un constructeur du type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remoting configuration failed with the exception {0} .",,"chec de la configurat
ion de communication distance avec l exception {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remoting custom errors mode had already been set.",,"Le mode customErrors d
e communication distance a dj t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" {0} does not implement IChannelReceiver or IChannelSender. All channels must
implement one of these interfaces.",," {0} n implmente pas IChannelReceiver ou I
ChannelSender. Tous les canaux doivent implmenter l une de ces interfaces.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to use {0} as a channel sink provider. It does not implement {1} .",,
"Impossible d utiliser {0} comme fournisseur de rcepteur de canal. Il n implment
e pas {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid time format {0} . Examples of valid time formats include 7D, 10H, 5M,
30S, or 20MS.",,"Format d heure non valide, {0} . Des exemples de formats d heu
re valides sont 7D, 10H, 5M, 30S ou 20MS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" {0} entries must contain a {1} attribute of the form typeName, assemblyNam
e .",,"Les entres {0} doivent contenir un attribut {1} sous la forme typeNam
e, assemblyName .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Well-known service entries must contain a mode attribute with a value of Sin
gleton or SingleCall .",,"Les entres de service connues doivent contenir un att
ribut mode avec la valeur Singleton ou SingleCall .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} entries must contain a {1} attribute of the form xmlTypeName, xmlTypeN
amespace .",,"Les entres {0} doivent contenir un attribut {1} sous la forme
xmlTypeName, xmlTypeNamespace .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Improper remoting configuration: missing ApplicationName property.",,"Configura
tion de communication distance incorrecte: proprit ApplicationName absente.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There can be only one {0} node in the {1} section of a config file.",,"Il p
eut exister un seul noeud {0} dans la section {1} d un fichier de configurat
ion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only {0} templates can have an id attribute.",,"Seuls les modles {0} peuve
nt possder un attribut id .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preload entries require a type or assembly attribute.",,"Les entres Preload requ
irent un type ou un attribut d assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Sink providers must have an element name of formatter or provider .",,"Les f

ournisseurs de rcepteur doivent avoir un nom d lment formatter ou provider .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".Config file {0} cannot be read successfully due to exception {1} .",,"Impos
sible de lire le fichier .Config {0} en raison de l exception {1} .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} entries require a {1} attribute.",,"Les entres {0} requirent un attribu
t {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To be used from a .config file, the sink provider type {0} must have a constr
uctor of the form {1} ",,"Pour pouvoir tre utilis partir d un fichier .config, le
type de fournisseur de rcepteur {0} doit avoir un constructeur du type {1} ",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A sink provider of type {0} is incorrectly labeled as a formatter .",,"Un fo
urnisseur de rcepteur du type {0} est tiquet de manire incorrecte en tant que for
matter .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A {0} template cannot reference another {0} template.",,"Un modle {0} ne p
eut pas rfrencer un autre modle {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Attempt to redirect activation of type {0}, {1} which is already redirected."
,,"Tentative de redirection de l activation de type {0}, {1} qui est dj redirige.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve {0} template reference: {1} .",,"Impossible de rsoudre la rfrenc
e de modle {0} : {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown value {1} was found on the {0} node.",,"Une valeur inconnue {1} a t trouve
sur le noeud {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version information is present in the assembly name {0} which is not allowed
for {1} entries.",,"Les informations de version sont prsentes dans le nom d ass
embly {0} , ce qui n est pas autoris pour les entres {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create channel sink to connect to URL {0} . An appropriate channel has
probably not been registered.",,"Impossible de crer un rcepteur de canal pour la c
onnexion l URL {0} . Un canal appropri n a probablement pas t inscrit.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A property that contributed a bad sink to the chain was found.",,"Une proprit fou
rnissant un rcepteur erron la chane a t trouve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
ue 4.5.1"
"Context should be frozen before calling the DoCallBack method.",,"Le contexte d
oit tre fig avant d appeler la mthode DoCallBack.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A property with the name {0} was not found.",,"La proprit nomme {0} est introu
vable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown remoting error.",,"Erreur de communication distance inconnue.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The delegate must have only one target.",,"Le dlgu ne doit avoir qu une cible.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object {0} has been disconnected or does not exist at the server.",,"L objet
{0} a t dconnect ou n existe pas sur le serveur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The tracking handler of type {0} is not registered with Remoting Services.",,
"Le gestionnaire de suivi de type {0} n est pas inscrit auprs des services de c
ommunication distance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Server encountered an internal error. For more information, turn off customErro
rs in the server s .config file.",,"Le serveur a rencontr une erreur interne. Pou
r plus d informations, dsactivez customErrors dans le fichier .config du serveur.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to call a method declared on type {0} on an object which exposes {
1} .",,"Tentative d appel d une mthode dclare sur le type {0} d un objet qui expo
se {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The context is not valid.",,"Le contexte n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Invalid Message Object.",,"Objet message non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra

mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server object type cannot be cast to the requested type {0} .",,"Cast impo
ssible du type demand {0} sur le type d objet serveur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attempt was made to calculate the address of a value type field on a remote
object. This was likely caused by an attempt to directly get or set the value of
a field within this embedded value type. Avoid this and instead provide and use
access methods for each field in the object that will be accessed remotely.",,"
Une tentative a t effectue pour calculer l adresse d un champ de type valeur sur un
objet distant. Cela est probablement d une tentative pour obtenir ou dfinir direc
tement la valeur d un champ au sein de ce type valeur incorpor. vitez cela et four
nissez et utilisez la place des mthodes d accs pour chaque champ dans l objet qui
sera accd distance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected a return object of type ILease, but received {0} .",,"Objet de retour
attendu de type ILease, mais {0} reu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"InitialLeaseTime property can only be set when the lease is in initial state. T
he state is {0} .",,"La proprit InitialLeaseTime ne peut tre dfinie que lorsque le
bail est dans son tat initial. L tat est {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RenewOnCallTime property can only be set when the lease is in initial state. Th
e state is {0} .",,"La proprit RenewOnCallTime ne peut tre dfinie que lorsque le ba
il est dans son tat initial. L tat est {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"SponsorshipTimeout property can only be set when the lease is in initial state.
State is {0} .",,"La proprit SponsorshipTimeout ne peut tre dfinie que lorsque le
bail est dans son tat initial. L tat est {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} can only be set once within an AppDomain.",," {0} ne peut tre dfini qu une
fois dans un AppDomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{2} arguments were passed to {0}::{1} . {3} arguments were expected by this me
thod.",,"{2} arguments ont t passs {0}::{1} . {3} arguments taient attendus par cet
te mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The async result object is null or of an unexpected type.",,"L objet rsultat asy
nc est null ou de type inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Bad return value or out-argument inside the return message.",,"Valeur de retour
ou argument de sortie incorrect l intrieur du message de retour.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid or malformed serialization information for the message object.",,"Infor
mations de srialisation non valides pour l objet message.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method was called with a Message of an unexpected type.",,"La mthode a t appele
avec un message de type inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The argument type {0} cannot be converted into parameter type {1} .",,"Impos
sible de convertir le type d argument {0} en type de paramtre {1} .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method {0} was not found on the interface/type {1} .",,"La mthode {0} e
st introuvable sur l interface/type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Expecting an instance of type {0} at pos {1} in the args array.",,"Une instan
ce de type {0} est attendue la position {1} dans le tableau des arguments.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No remoting information was found for this object.",,"Aucune information de com
munication distance n a t trouve pour cet objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission denied: cannot call non-public or static methods remotely.",,"Autori
sation refuse: Impossible d appeler des mthodes non publiques ou statiques distance

.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Trying to create a proxy to an unbound type.",,"Tentative de cration d un proxy
avec un type indpendant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method was called with a null message.",,"La mthode a t appele par un message n
ull.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return argument has an invalid type.",,"L argument de retour a un type non vali
de.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad return type for activation call via Invoke: must be of type IConstructionRe
turnMessage.",,"Type de retour incorrect pour l appel d activation via Invoke: le
type doit tre IConstructionReturnMessage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The proxy is of an unsupported type.",,"Le type du proxy n est pas pris en char
ge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type mismatch between proxy type {0} and activation type {1} .",,"Incompatib
ilit de type entre le type de proxy {0} et le type d activation {1} .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The message passed to Invoke should be passed to PropagateOutParameters.",,"Le
message pass Invoke doit tre pass PropagateOutParameters.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trying to call proxy while constructor call is in progress.",,"Tentative d appe
l du proxy pendant l appel du constructeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Only the synchronous call type is supported for messages that are not of type M
essage.",,"Seul le type d appel synchrone est pris en charge pour les messages q
ui ne sont pas de type Message.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Channel sink does not exist. Failed to dispatch async call.",,"Le rcepteur de ca
nal n existe pas. La distribution de l appel asynchrone a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This remoting proxy has no channel sink which means either the server has no re
gistered server channels that are listening, or this application has no suitable
client channel to talk to the server.",,"Ce proxy de communication distance n a
pas de rcepteur de canal, ce qui signifie que le serveur ne possde pas de canaux
serveur inscrits l coute ou que cette application ne possde pas de canal client ap
propri pour communiquer avec le serveur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"classToProxy argument must derive from MarshalByRef type.",,"L argument classTo
Proxy doit driver de MarshalByRef type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"ByRef value type parameter cannot be null.",,"Le paramtre de type valeur ByRef n
e peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ExecuteMessage can be called only from the native context of the object.",," E
xecuteMessage ne peut tre appel qu partir du contexte natif de l objet.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to reset the URI for an object from {0} to {1} .",,"Tentative de rini
tialisation de l URI pour un objet de {0} {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Soap Parse error, xsd:type {0} invalid {1}",,"Erreur d analyse soap, xsd:type
{0} {1} non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SoapQName missing a Namespace value {0} .",,"Valeur d espace de noms {0} man
quante dans SoapQName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server object for URI {0} is not registered with the remoting infrastruct
ure (it may have been disconnected).",,"L objet serveur pour l URI {0} n est p
as inscrit auprs de l infrastructure de communication distance (il est peut-tre dco
nnect).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetObjectUriForMarshal method should only be called for MarshalByRefObjects tha
t exist in the current AppDomain.",,"La mthode SetObjectUriForMarshal ne doit tre
appele que pour MarshalByRefObjects existant dans l AppDomain actuel.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetObjectUriForMarshal method has already been called on this object or the obj
ect has already been marshaled.",,"La mthode SetObjectUriForMarshal a dj t appele sur

cet objet ou l objet a dj t marshal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The transparent proxy field of a real proxy must be null.",,"Le champ proxy tra
nsparent d un proxy rel doit tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The specified flag {0} does not have one of the valid values.",,"L indicateur
{0} spcifi n a pas l une des valeurs valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The handler has already been registered with TrackingServices.",,"Le gestionnai
re a dj t inscrit auprs de TrackingServices.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The given type cannot be passed in a remote call.",,"Impossible de passer le ty
pe donn dans un appel distant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found two different objects associated with the same URI, {0} .",,"Deux objets
diffrents trouvs associs au mme URI, {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The remoted object already has an associated URI.",,"L objet distant a dj un URI
associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trying to associate the URI with a proxy.",,"Tentative d association de l URI a
vec un proxy.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create a transparent proxy. If a custom RealProxy is being used ensur
e it sets the proxy type.",,"Impossible de crer un proxy transparent. Si un RealP
roxy personnalis est en cours d utilisation, assurez-vous qu il dfinit le type de
proxy.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to connect to a server using its object URI: {0} . A valid, complete U
RL must be used.",,"Tentative de connexion un serveur l aide de son URI d objet:
{0} . Une URL complte valide doit tre utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} : A well-known object cannot marshal itself in its constructor, or perform
any action that would cause it to be marshaled (such as passing the this poin
ter as a parameter to a remote method).",," {0} : un objet connu ne peut pas se m
arshaler lui-mme dans son constructeur, ni excuter aucune action entranant son mars
haling (exemple: passage du pointeur this en tant que paramtre une mthode distant
e).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to create well-known object of type {0} . Well-known objects must de
rive from the MarshalByRefObject class.",,"Tentative de cration d un objet connu
de type {0} . Les objets bien connus doivent driver de la classe MarshalByRefObj
ect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ResourceReader is closed.",,"ResourceReader est ferm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stream is not a valid resource file.",,"Le flux n est pas un fichier de ressour
ces valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Caller is not a friend.",,"L appelant n est pas un ami.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An object that does not derive from System.Exception has been wrapped in a Runt
imeWrappedException.",,"Un objet qui ne drive pas de System.Exception a t inclus da
ns un wrapper dans RuntimeWrappedException.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The action that failed was:",,"L action qui a chou tait:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly or AppDomain that failed was:",,"L assembly ou le AppDomain qui a c
hou tait:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hash for the assembly cannot be generated.",,"Impossible de gnrer le hachage pour
l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly bytes could not be retrieved.",,"Impossible de rcuprer les octets de l a
ssembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time zone ID {0} was found on the local computer, but the application doe
s not have permission to read the registry information.",,"L ID de fuseau horair
e {0} a t trouv sur l ordinateur local, mais l application n est pas autorise lire
les informations de Registre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The demand was for:",,"La demande tait pour:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"The denied permissions were:",,"Les autorisations refuses taient:",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first permission that failed was:",,"La premire autorisation qui a chou tait:",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request for the permission of type {0} failed.",,"chec de la demande d autoris
ation de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request failed.",,"chec de la demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The granted set of the failing assembly was:",,"Le jeu autoris de l assembly dfai
llant tait:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method that caused the failure was:",,"La mthode qui a caus l chec tait:",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack walk modifier must be reverted before another modification of the same ty
pe can be performed.",,"Un modificateur de parcours de la pile doit tre restaur av
ant qu une autre modification du mme type puisse tre effectue.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"That assembly does not allow partially trusted callers.",,"Cet assembly n autor
ise pas les appelants d un niveau de confiance partiel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The only permitted permissions were:",,"Les seules autorisations permises taient:
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request for principal permission failed.",,"chec de la demande d autorisation pr
incipale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The refused set of the failing assembly was:",,"Le jeu refus de l assembly dfaill
ant tait:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested registry access is not allowed.",,"Accs au registre demand non autoris."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of the first permission that failed was:",,"Le type de la premire autor
isation qui a chou tait:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Url of the assembly that failed was:",,"L URL de l assembly qui a chou tait:",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Zone of the assembly that failed was:",,"La zone de l assembly qui a chou tait:
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The semaphore has been disposed.",,"Le smaphore a t supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The releaseCount argument must be greater than zero.",,"L argument releaseCount
doit tre suprieur zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The timeout must represent a value between -1 and Int32.MaxValue, inclusive.",,
"Le dlai d attente doit reprsenter une valeur comprise entre-1 et Int32.MaxValue, i
nclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The initialCount argument must be non-negative and less than or equal to the ma
ximumCount.",,"L argument initialCount ne doit pas tre ngatif et doit tre infrieur o
u gal maximumCount.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximumCount argument must be a positive number. If a maximum is not requir
ed, use the constructor without a maxCount parameter.",,"L argument maximumCount
doit tre un nombre positif. Si aucun maximum n est requis, utilisez le construct
eur sans paramtre maxCount.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array specifies an invalid length.",,"Le tableau spcifie une longueur non valide
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array does not specify a length.",,"Le tableau ne spcifie pas une longueur.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid array type {0} .",,"Type tableau {0} non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array element type is Object, dt attribute is null.",,"Le type de l lment table
au est Object, l attribut dt est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"No assembly information is available for object on the wire, {0} .",,"Pas d in
formations d assembly disponibles pour l objet sur le cble, {0} .",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"No assembly ID for object type {0} .",,"Pas d ID d assembly pour le type d obj
et {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find assembly {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver l assembly {0} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non existent ParameterInfo. Position bigger than member s parameters length.",,
"ParameterInfo inexistant. La position est plus grande que la longueur des paramt
res du membre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binary stream {0} does not contain a valid BinaryHeader. Possible causes are
invalid stream or object version change between serialization and deserializatio
n.",,"Le flux binaire {0} ne contient pas de BinaryHeader valide. Les raisons
possibles sont un flux non valide ou une modification de la version de l objet e
ntre la srialisation et la dsrialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Cannot get the type {0} .",,"Impossible d obtenir le type {0} .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The constructor to deserialize an object of type {0} was not found.",,"Le con
structeur est introuvable pour dsrialiser un objet de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of the field {0} is invalid. The serialized data is corrupt. ",,"
La valeur du champ {0} n est pas valide. Les donnes srialises sont endommages. ",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid BinaryFormatter stream.",,"Flux BinaryFormatter non valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cross-AppDomain BinaryFormatter error; expected {0} but received {1} .",,"Er
reur BinaryFormatter entre AppDomains; attendu {0} , mais reu {1} .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid serialized DateTime data. Ticks must be between DateTime.MinValue.Ticks
and DateTime.MaxValue.Ticks. ",,"Donnes srialises DateTime non valides. Les gradua
tions doivent tre comprises entre DateTime.MinValue.Ticks et DateTime.MaxValue.Ti
cks. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selector is already on the list of checked selectors.",,"Le slecteur fait dj parti
e de la liste des slecteurs activs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Header reflection error: number of value members: {0}.",,"Erreur de rflexion d e
n-tte; numro des membres Value: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object with ID {0} implements the IObjectReference interface for which all
dependencies cannot be resolved. The likely cause is two instances of IObjectRef
erence that have a mutual dependency on each other.",,"L objet avec l ID {0} imp
lmente l interface IObjectReference pour lequel toutes les dpendances n ont pas pu
tre rsolues. La cause probable est que deux instances de IObjectReference ont une
dpendance mutuelle l une pour l autre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MemberInfo requested for ISerializable type.",,"MemberInfo demand pour le type I
Serializable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Types not available for ISerializable object {0} .",,"Types non disponibles po
ur l objet ISerializable {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object IDs must be greater than zero.",,"Les ID de l objet doivent tre suprieurs
zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ObjectManager found an invalid number of fixups. This usually indicates a p
roblem in the Formatter.",,"ObjectManager a trouv un nombre non valide de correct
ions. Cela indique en rgle gnrale un problme dans le formateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient state to deserialize the object. Missing field {0} . More informa
tion is needed.",,"tat insuffisant pour dsrialiser l objet. Champ manquant {0} . I
nformations complmentaires ncessaires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Insufficient state to return the real object.",,"tat insuffisant pour retourner
l objet rel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred while deserializing the object. The serialized data is corru
pt.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de la dsrialisation de l objet. Les donnes sr

ialises sont endommages.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot serialize delegates over unmanaged function pointers, dynamic methods or
methods outside the delegate creator s assembly.",,"Impossible de srialiser des
dlgus sur des pointeurs fonction non manags, des mthodes dynamiques ou des mthodes en
dehors de l assembly du crateur de dlgus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The serialized data contained an invalid escape sequence \{0} .",,"Les donnes sr
ialises contenaient une squence d chappement non valide \{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object fields may not be properly initialized.",,"Les champs objet ne sont pas
correctement initialiss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A fixup on an object implementing ISerializable or having a surrogate was disco
vered for an object which does not have a SerializationInfo available.",,"Une co
rrection sur un objet implmentant ISerializable ou possdant un substitut a t dtecte po
ur un objet qui ne possde pas de SerializationInfo disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A member fixup was registered for an object which implements ISerializable or h
as a surrogate. In this situation, a delayed fixup must be used.",,"Une correcti
on de membre a t inscrite pour un objet qui implmente ISerializable ou possde un sub
stitut. Dans cette situation, une correction diffre doit tre utilise.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The input stream is not a valid binary format. The starting contents (in bytes)
are: {0} ...",,"Le flux d entre n est pas un format binaire valide. Le contenu i
nitial (en octets) est: {0} ...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object specifies an invalid ID.",,"L objet spcifie un ID non valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"OnDeserialization method was called while the object was not being deserialized
.",,"La mthode OnDeserialization a t appele alors que l objet n tait pas en cours de
dsrialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An IntPtr or UIntPtr with an eight byte value cannot be deserialized on a machi
ne with a four byte word size.",,"Impossible de dsrialiser un IntPtr ou un UIntPtr
avec une valeur de huit octets sur un ordinateur avec une taille de mot de quat
re octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only system-provided types can be passed to the GetUninitializedObject method.
{0} is not a valid instance of a type.",,"Seuls des types fournis par le systme
peuvent tre passs la mthode GetUninitializedObject. {0} n est pas une instance v
alide de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The keys and values arrays have different sizes.",,"Les tableaux de cls et de va
leurs sont de tailles diffrentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} must be marshaled by reference in this context.",,"Le type {0} doit tre
marshal par rfrence dans ce contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The array information in the stream is invalid.",,"Les informations du tableau
dans le flux ne sont pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"No map for object {0} .",,"Pas de mappage pour l objet {0} .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberInfo cannot be obtained for ISerialized Object {0} .",,"Impossible d obt
enir MemberInfo pour l objet ISerialized {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The deserialized value of the member ""{0}"" in the class ""{1}"" is out of ra
nge."",,""La valeur dsrialise du membre ""{0}"" dans la classe ""{1}"" est hors lim
ites."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown member type.",,"Type de membre inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid MethodCall or MethodReturn stream format.",,"Format de flux MethodCall
ou MethodReturn non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field {0} is missing.",,"Le champ {0} est manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid serialized DateTime data. Unable to find ticks or dateData .",,"Donne

s srialises DateTime non valides. Impossible de trouver ticks ou dateData .",,"

Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The KeyValuePairs for this Dictionary are missing.",,"Les KeyValuePairs pour ce
Dictionary sont absentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Keys for this Hashtable are missing.",,"Les cls pour ce Hashtable sont absen
tes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member {0} in class {1} is not present in the serialized stream and is not
marked with {2}.",,"Le membre {0} dans la classe {1} n est pas prsent dans le
flux srialis et n est pas marqu avec {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The object with ID {0} was referenced in a fixup but has not been registered.",
,"L objet avec l ID {0} a t rfrenc dans une correction mais n a pas t inscrit.",,"Text
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The values for this dictionary are missing.",,"Les valeurs pour ce dictionnaire
sont absentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve multiple members with the same name.",,"Impossible de rsoudre plu
sieurs membres avec le mme nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A fixup is registered to the object with ID {0}, but the object does not appear
in the graph.",,"Une correction est inscrite pour l objet avec l ID {0}, mais l
objet n apparat pas dans le graphe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Object does not specify a base type.",,"L objet ne spcifie pas un type de base."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object has never been assigned an objectID.",,"ObjectID n a jamais t assign un obj
ectID.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No MemberInfo for Object {0}.",,"Pas de MemberInfo pour l objet {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serialized member does not have a ParameterInfo.",,"Le membre srialis ne comporte
pas de ParameterInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object does not specify a type.",,"L objet ne spcifie pas un type.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} in Assembly {1} is not marked as serializable.",,"Le type {0} da
ns l assembly {1} n est pas marqu comme srialisable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}.SetObjectData returns a value that is neither null nor equal to the first p
arameter. Such Surrogates cannot be part of cyclical reference.",,"{0}.SetObject
Data retourne une valeur qui n est pas null ou gale au premier paramtre. Ces subst
ituts ne peuvent pas faire partie d une rfrence cyclique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member {0} was not found.",,"Membre {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given object does not implement the ISerializable interface.",,"L objet don
n n implmente pas l interface ISerializable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"One of the serialized keys is null.",,"L une des cls srialises est null.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method signature cannot be null.",,"La signature de la mthode ne peut pas tre
null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object {0} has never been assigned an objectID.",,"Aucun objectID n a jamais t as
sign l objet {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object with ID {0} was referenced in a fixup but does not exist.",,"L objet
avec l ID {0} a t rfrenc dans une correction, mais il n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid ObjectTypeEnum {0}.",,"ObjectTypeEnum non valide {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An object was used before its deserialization callback ran, which may break hig
her-level consistency guarantees in the application.",,"Un objet a t utilis avant l
excution de son rappel de dsrialisation, ce qui peut altrer les garanties de cohrenc
e de niveau suprieur dans l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Version value must be positive.",,"La valeur de la version doit tre positive.",,

"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ID of the containing object cannot be the same as the object ID.",,"L ID de
l objet contenant ne peut pas tre le mme que l ID de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parse error. Current element is not compatible with the next element, {0}.",,"E
rreur d analyse. L lment actif n est pas compatible avec l lment suivant, {0}.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fixing up a partially available ValueType chain is not implemented.",,"La corre
ction d une chane ValueType partiellement disponible n est pas implmente.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An object cannot be registered twice.",,"Impossible d inscrire deux fois un obj
et.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A type {0} that is defined in a partially trusted assembly cannot be type for
warded from an assembly with a different Public Key Token or without a public ke
y token. To fix this, please either turn on unsafeTypeForwarding flag in the con
figuration file or remove the TypeForwardedFrom attribute.",,"Un type {0} qui
est dfini dans un assembly partiellement approuv ne peut pas tre transmis partir d
un assembly avec un jeton de cl publique diffrent ou sans jeton de cl publique. Pou
r rsoudre ce problme, activez l indicateur unsafeTypeForwarding dans le fichier de
configuration ou supprimez l attribut TypeForwardedFrom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add the same member twice to a SerializationInfo object.",,"Impossible d
ajouter deux fois le mme membre l objet SerializationInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Because of security restrictions, the type {0} cannot be accessed.",,"En raison
de restrictions de scurit, le type {0} est inaccessible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberInfo type {0} cannot be serialized.",,"Impossible de srialiser le type Mem
berInfo {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempting to deserialize an empty stream.",,"Tentative de dsrialisation d un flu
x vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End of Stream encountered before parsing was completed.",,"Fin de flux rencontre
avant la fin de l analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The serialized Capacity property of StringBuilder must be positive, less than o
r equal to MaxCapacity and greater than or equal to the String length.",,"La pro
prit Capacity srialise de StringBuilder doit tre positive, infrieure ou gale MaxCapa
y et suprieure ou gale la longueur de chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The serialized MaxCapacity property of StringBuilder must be positive and great
er than or equal to the String length.",,"La proprit MaxCapacity srialise de StringB
uilder doit tre positive et suprieure ou gale la longueur de chane.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding selector will introduce a cycle.",,"L ajout d un slecteur introduira un c
ycle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selector contained a cycle.",,"Le slecteur contenait un cycle.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The internal array cannot expand to greater than Int32.MaxValue elements.",,"Le
tableau interne ne peut pas s tendre au-del des lments Int32.MaxValue.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The implementation of the IObjectReference interface returns too many nested re
ferences to other objects that implement IObjectReference.",,"L implmentation de
l interface IObjectReference retourne trop de rfrences imbriques vers d autres obje
ts qui implmentent IObjectReference.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"No top object.",,"Pas d objet de niveau suprieur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top object cannot be instantiated for element {0} .",,"Impossible d instancier
l objet de niveau suprieur pour l lment {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"

"Invalid type code in stream {0} .",,"Code de type non valide dans le flux {0}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid expected type.",,"Type attendu non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load type {0} required for deserialization.",,"Impossible de charger
le type {0} requis pour la dsrialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Type is missing for member of type Object {0} .",,"Type manquant pour le membr
e de type Object {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid read type request {0} .",,"Demande de type lecture non valide {0} .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type is not resolved for member {0} .",,"Type non rsolu pour le membre {0} .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} and the types derived from it (such as {1}) are not permitted to be de
serialized at this security level.",,"Le type {0} et les types qui en drivent (te
l que {1}) ne peuvent pas tre dsrialiss avec ce niveau de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid write type request {0} .",,"Demande de type d criture non valide {0} .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given module {0} cannot be found within the assembly {1}.",,"Module donn {0}
introuvable dans l assembly {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot perform fixup.",,"Impossible d excuter la correction.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get the member {0} .",,"Impossible d obtenir le membre {0} .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only FieldInfo, PropertyInfo, and SerializationMemberInfo are recognized.",,"Se
uls FieldInfo, PropertyInfo et SerializationMemberInfo sont reconnus.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ValueType fixup on Arrays is not implemented.",,"La correction ValueType sur le
s tableaux n est pas implmente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid element {0} .",,"lment non valide {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Site",,"Site",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Site - {0}",,"Site - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The calling thread does not hold the lock.",,"Le thread appelant ne contient pa
s le verrou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread tracking is disabled.",,"Le suivi des threads est dsactiv.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The timeout must be a value between -1 and Int32.MaxValue, inclusive.",,"Le dlai
d attente doit tre une valeur comprise entre -1 et Int32.MaxValue, incluses.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The calling thread already holds the lock.",,"Le thread appelant contient dj le v
errou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The tookLock argument must be set to false before calling this method.",,"L arg
ument tookLock doit avoir la valeur false avant d appeler cette mthode.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The condition argument is null.",,"L argument condition a la valeur null.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"in {0}:line {1}",,"dans {0}:ligne {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Stack trace: \r\n{0}",,"Trace de la pile :\r\n{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"name = {0}",,"nom = {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StrongName - {0}{1}{2}",,"StrongName - {0}{1}{2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"version = {0}",,"version = {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The awaited task has not yet completed.",,"La tche attendue n est pas encore ter
mine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A task was canceled.",,"Une tche a t annule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"The exceptions collection was empty.",,"La collection des exceptions tait vide."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The exceptions collection included at least one null element.",,"La collection
des exceptions contenait au moins un lment null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Task s exception(s) were not observed either by Waiting on the Task or access
ing its Exception property. As a result, the unobserved exception was rethrown b
y the finalizer thread.",,"Aucune exception de tche n a t observe en attendant la tch
e ou en accdant sa proprit Exception. Par consquent, l exception non prise en charge
a t nouveau leve par le thread finaliseur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"(Internal)Expected an Exception or an IEnumerable<Exception>",,"(Interne) Excep
tion ou IEnumerable<Exception> attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"An exception was thrown by a TaskScheduler.",,"Une exception a t leve par un TaskS
cheduler.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExecuteTask may not be called for a task which was already executed.",,"Execute
Task peut ne pas tre appel pour une tche qui a dj t excute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExecuteTask may not be called for a task which was previously queued to a diffe
rent TaskScheduler.",,"ExecuteTask peut ne pas tre appel pour une tche qui a t prcdemm
nt mise dans la file d attente d un autre TaskScheduler.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current SynchronizationContext may not be used as a TaskScheduler.",,"Le Sy
nchronizationContext actuel ne peut pas tre utilis en tant que TaskScheduler.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TryExecuteTaskInline call to the underlying scheduler succeeded, but the ta
sk body was not invoked.",,"L appel TryExecuteTaskInline au planificateur sous-j
acent a abouti, mais le corps de la tche n a pas t appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{Not yet computed}",,"{Pas encore calcul}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"A task s Exception may only be set directly if the task was created without a f
unction.",,"Le paramtre Exception d une tche ne peut tre dfini directement que si el
le a t cre sans fonction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attempt was made to transition a task to a final state when it had already c
ompleted.",,"Une tentative de transition d une tche vers un tat final a t effectue al
ors qu elle tait dj termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is invalid to specify TaskCreationOptions.SelfReplicating for a Task<TResult
>.",,"Vous ne devez pas spcifier TaskCreationOptions.SelfReplicating pour une tche
<TResult>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified TaskContinuationOptions combined LongRunning and ExecuteSynchrono
usly. Synchronous continuations should not be long running.",,"Le TaskContinuat
ionOptions spcifi combinait LongRunning et ExecuteSynchronously. L excution des con
tinuations synchrones ne doit pas tre longue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified TaskContinuationOptions excluded all continuation kinds.",,"Le Ta
skContinuationOptions spcifi a exclu tous les genres de continuation.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value needs to translate in milliseconds to -1 (signifying an infinite time
out), 0 or a positive integer less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue.",,"La valeur
doit se traduire en millisecondes par -1 (ce qui signifie un dlai infini), 0 ou
un entier positif infrieur ou gal Int32.MaxValue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value needs to be either -1 (signifying an infinite timeout), 0 or a positi
ve integer.",,"La valeur doit tre -1 (ce qui signifie un dlai infini), 0 ou un ent
ier positif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A task may only be disposed if it is in a completion state (RanToCompletion, Fa
ulted or Canceled).",,"Une tche ne peut tre supprime que si elle est dans un tat d a

chvement (RanToCompletion, Faulted ou Canceled).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework

",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is invalid to specify TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning in calls to FromAsync.
",,"Vous ne devez pas spcifier TaskCreationOptions.LongRunning dans des appels Fr
omAsync.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is invalid to specify TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness in calls to FromAsy
nc.",,"Vous ne devez pas spcifier TaskCreationOptions.PreferFairness dans des app
els FromAsync.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is invalid to specify TaskCreationOptions.SelfReplicating in calls to FromAs
ync.",,"Vous ne devez pas spcifier TaskCreationOptions.SelfReplicating dans des a
ppels FromAsync.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FromAsync was called with a TaskManager that had already shut down.",,"FromAsyn
c a t appel avec un TaskManager qui tait dj arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
ue 4.5.1"
"The tasks argument contains no tasks.",,"L argument tasks ne contient aucune tch
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is invalid to exclude specific continuation kinds for continuations off of m
ultiple tasks.",,"Vous ne devez pas exclure des genres de continuation spcifiques
pour les continuations de plusieurs tches.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The tasks argument included a null value.",,"L argument tasks contenait une val
eur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RunSynchronously may not be called on a task that was already started.",,"RunSy
nchronously peut ne pas tre appel sur une tche qui a dj dmarr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RunSynchronously may not be called on a continuation task.",,"RunSynchronously
peut ne pas tre appel sur une tche de continuation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RunSynchronously may not be called on a task not bound to a delegate, such as t
he task returned from an asynchronous method.",,"RunSynchronously peut ne pas tre
appel sur une tche indpendante d un dlgu, telle que la tche retourne d une mthode a
rone.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RunSynchronously may not be called on a task that has already completed.",,"Run
Synchronously peut ne pas tre appel sur une tche qui est dj termine.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start may not be called on a task that was already started.",,"Start peut ne pa
s tre appel sur une tche qui a dj dmarr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Start may not be called on a continuation task.",,"Start peut ne pas tre appel su
r une tche de continuation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start may not be called on a promise-style task.",,"Start peut ne pas tre appel s
ur une tche promise-style.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start may not be called on a task that has completed.",,"Start peut ne pas tre a
ppel sur une tche qui est termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The task has been disposed.",,"La tche a t supprime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The tasks array included at least one null element.",,"Le tableau des tches cont
enait au moins un lment null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Internal)An attempt was made to create a LongRunning SelfReplicating task.",,"
(Interne) Une tentative a t faite pour crer une tche LongRunning SelfReplicating.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ThreadLocal object has been disposed.",,"L objet ThreadLocal a t supprim.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ThreadLocal object is not tracking values. To use the Values property, use
a ThreadLocal constructor that accepts the trackAllValues parameter and set the
parameter to true.",,"L objet ThreadLocal n effectue pas le suivi des valeurs. P
our utiliser la proprit Values, utilisez un constructeur ThreadLocal qui accepte l
e paramtre trackAllValues et attribuez au paramtre la valeur True.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to reset abort because no abort was requested.",,"Impossible de rinitiali

ser l abandon, car aucun abandon n a t demand.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"The wait completed due to an abandoned mutex.",,"Attente termine en raison d un
mutex abandonn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No handle of the given name exists.",,"Aucun handle du nom spcifi n existe.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A WaitHandle with system-wide name {0} cannot be created. A WaitHandle of a d
ifferent type might have the same name.",,"Impossible de crer un WaitHandle avec
le nom systme {0} . Un WaitHandle d un type diffrent porte peut-tre le mme nom.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WaitHandle cannot be signaled because it would exceed its maximum count.",,
"Impossible de signaler le WaitHandle, car il dpasserait sa valeur de compteur ma
ximale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding the specified count to the semaphore would cause it to exceed its maximu
m count.",,"L ajout du nombre spcifi au smaphore forcerait ce dernier dpasser son no
mbre maximal autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time zone ID {0} was not found on the local computer.",,"L ID de fuseau h
oraire {0} est introuvable sur l ordinateur local.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type constructor threw an exception.",,"Une exception a t leve par le constructeur
de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type initializer for {0} threw an exception.",,"Une exception a t leve par l
initialiseur de type pour {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Assembly imported from type library {0} .",,"Assembly import partir de la bibli
othque de types {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not resolve nested type {0} in type ""{1} ."",,""Impossible de rsoudre
le type imbriqu {0} en type ""{1} ."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Could not resolve type {0} .",,"Impossible de rsoudre le type {0} .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not resolve type {0} in assembly {1} .",,"Impossible de rsoudre le type
{0} dans l assembly {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access to the path is denied.",,"L accs au chemin d accs est refus.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access to the path {0} is denied.",,"L accs au chemin d accs {0} est refus.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemoryStream s internal buffer cannot be accessed.",,"Impossible d accder la mmoi
re tampon interne de MemoryStream.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Access to the registry key {0} is denied.",,"L accs la cl de Registre {0} est
refus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot write to the registry key.",,"Impossible d crire dans la cl de Registre.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot execute an assembly in the system domain.",,"Impossible d excuter un asse
mbly dans le domaine systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown error.",,"Erreur inconnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""Unknown error ""{0}""."",,""Erreur inconnue ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Url",,"URL",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Url - {0}",,"URL - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation could destabilize the runtime.",,"Cette opration pourrait dstabiliser l
e runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The weak reference is no longer valid.",,"La rfrence faible n est plus valide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"at",,"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected > character.",,"Caractre > attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected / character or string.",,"Caractre / ou chane attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Invalid syntax.",,"Syntaxe non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Invalid XML in file ""{0}"" near element ""{1}"". The <satelliteassemblies> se
ction only supports <assembly> tags."",,""XML non valide dans le fichier ""{0}""
prs de l lment ""{1}"". La section <satelliteassemblies> prend en charge uniquemen
t les balises <assembly>."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid XML in file ""{0}"" near ""{1}"" and ""{2}"". In the <satelliteassembl
ies> section, the <assembly> tag must have exactly 1 attribute called name , wh
ose value is a fully-qualified assembly name."",,""XML non valide dans le fichie
r ""{0}"" prs de ""{1}"" et ""{2}"". Dans la section <satelliteassemblies>, la ba
lise <assembly> doit comporter exactement 1attribut name , dont la valeur est un
nom d assembly qualifi complet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid XML in file ""{0}"". In the <satelliteassemblies> section, the <assemb
ly> tag must have exactly 1 attribute called name , whose value is a fully-qual
ified assembly name."",,""XML non valide dans le fichier ""{0}"". Dans la sectio
n <satelliteassemblies>, la balise <assembly> doit comporter exactement 1attribut
name , dont la valeur est un nom d assembly qualifi complet."",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid syntax on line {0}.",,"Syntaxe non valide sur la ligne {0}.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid syntax on line {0} - {1} .",,"Syntaxe non valide sur la ligne {0} - {
1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected > character.",,"Caractre > inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected end of file.",,"Fin de fichier inattendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid XML in file {0} near element {1} .",,"XML non valide dans le fichier
{0} prs de l lment {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zone - {0}",,"Zone - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Barrier finishing phase {1}.",,"Phase de fin de barrire {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ConcurrentBag stealing in TryPeek.",,"ConcurrentBag drobe des donnes dans TryPeek
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ConcurrentBag stealing in TryTake.",,"ConcurrentBag drobe des donnes dans TryTake
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ConcurrentDictionary acquiring all locks on {0} bucket(s).",,"ConcurrentDiction
ary acquiert tous les verrous sur {0} compartiment(s).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pop from ConcurrentStack spun {0} time(s).",,"La mthode Pop de ConcurrentStack a
tourn {0} fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Push to ConcurrentStack spun {0} time(s).",,"La mthode Push vers ConcurrentStack
a tourn {0} fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Task {1} entering fork/join {2}.",,"La tche {1} accde la bifurcation/jonction {2}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Beginning ParallelInvoke {2} from Task {1} for {4} actions.",,"Dbut de ParallelI
nvoke {2} partir de la tche {1} pour {4} actions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ending ParallelInvoke {2}.",,"Fin de ParallelInvoke {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Task {1} leaving fork/join {2}.",,"La tche {1} quitte la bifurcation/jonction {2
}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Beginning {3} loop {2} from Task {1}.",,"Dbut {3} de la boucle {2} partir de la
tche {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ending loop {2} after {3} iterations.",,"Fin de la boucle {2} aprs {3} itrations.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SpinLock beginning to spin.",,"SpinLock commence tourner.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Next spin will yield.",,"La prochaine rotation va gnrer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Task {2} completed.",,"Tche {2} termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Task {2} scheduled to TaskScheduler {0}.",,"Tche {2} planifie dans TaskScheduler
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Task {2} executing.",,"Tche {2} en cours d excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Beginning wait ({3}) on Task {2}.",,"En attente de dbut ({3}) de la tche {2}.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ending wait on Task {2}.",,"En attente de fin de la tche {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File or assembly name %1 , or one of its dependencies, was not found.",,"Le fi
chier ou l assembly nomm %1 ou l une de ses dpendances, est introuvable.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The system cannot open file %1 . There may be too many open files.",,"Le systm
e ne peut pas ouvrir le fichier %1 . Les fichiers ouverts sont peut-tre trop nom
breux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access is denied: %1 .",,"Accs refus: %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The actual object was not found for %1 .",,"L objet rel est introuvable pour %
1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connection was established, but data cannot be retrieved for %1 .",,"La connex
ion a t tablie, mais les donnes ne peuvent pas tre rcupres pour %1 .",,"Text",,"All"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WinInet download failed for URL %1 .",,"chec du tlchargement WinInet pour l URL
%1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The format of the file %1 is invalid.",,"Le format du fichier %1 n est pas
valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown URL protocol: %1 .",,"Protocole d URL inconnu: %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security problem encountered when connecting to URL for %1 .",,"Problme de scuri
t rencontr lors de la connexion l URL pour %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access file %1 because it is being used by another process.",,"Impossi
ble d accder au fichier %1 , car il est utilis par un autre processus.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access file %1 because another process has locked a portion of the fil
e.",,"Impossible d accder au fichier %1 , car un autre processus a verrouill une
partie du fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open file %1 .",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier %1 .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The path is too long after being fully qualified. Make sure the full path is l
ess than 260 characters and the directory name is less than 248 characters.",,"L
e chemin d accs qualifi complet est trop long. Assurez-vous que le chemin complet
comporte moins de 260 caractres et que le nom du rpertoire comporte moins de 248car
actres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is not enough space on the disk. Unable to load %1 .",,"Espace insuffis
ant sur le disque. Impossible de charger %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The filename, directory name, or volume label syntax is incorrect: %1 .",,"Le
nom du fichier, le nom du rpertoire ou la syntaxe du nom de volume n est pas corr
ecte: %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A procedure imported by %1 could not be loaded.",,"Impossible de charger une
procdure importe par %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create/shadow copy %1 when that file already exists.",,"Impossible de
crer un clich instantan %1 lorsque ce fichier existe dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Notifies a subscribing client when a specified process is initializing the CLR.
If this service is stopped, the client will not receive such notification. If
this service is disabled, any services that explicitly depend on it will fail t
o start.",,"Avertit un client qui s abonne lorsqu un processus spcifique est en t

rain d initialiser le CLR. Si ce service est arrt, le client ne reoit pas de notifi
cation. Si ce service est dsactiv, tous les services qui en dpendent explicitement
ne dmarreront pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The volume does not contain a recognized file system.",,"Le volume ne contient
pas un systme de fichiers reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" %1 is not a valid file.",," %1 n est pas un fichier valide.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The dll initialization routine failed for file %1 .",,"La routine d initialisa
tion de la dll a chou pour le fichier %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The specified user does not have a valid profile. Unable to load %1 .",,"L ut
ilisateur spcifi ne possde pas un profil valide. Impossible de charger %1 .",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file or directory for %1 is corrupt and unreadable.",,"Le fichier ou le rp
ertoire pour %1 est endommag et n est pas lisible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The disk structure is corrupt and unreadable. Unable to load %1 .",,"La struc
ture du disque est endommage et n est pas lisible. Impossible de charger %1 .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not execute CVTRES.EXE.",,"Impossible d excuter CVTRES.EXE.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to delay load library %hs (Win32 error: %d).\n\nThis program can no lo
nger run and will now terminate.",,"Impossible de diffrer le chargement de la bib
liothque %hs (erreur Win32: %d).\n\nCe programme ne peut plus tre excut et va se te
rminer maintenant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to get entry point %s in library %hs . Win32 error: %d.\n\nThis prog
ram can no longer run and will now terminate.",,"Impossible d obtenir le point d
entre %s dans la bibliothque %hs . Erreur Win32: %d.\n\nCe programme ne peut plus
tre excut et va se terminer maintenant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Error: Attempt to access unloaded AppDomain.",,"Erreur: Tentative d accs un AppDo
main non charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The module %1 was expected to contain an assembly manifest.",,"Le module %1
tait cens contenir un manifeste de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load executable %1 because it contains extra relocations or has reloca
tions stripped.",,"Impossible de charger l excutable %1 , car il contient des rad
ressages supplmentaires ou car des radressages ont t supprims.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime, and
cannot be loaded.",,"L assembly est gnr par un runtime plus rcent que le runtime ac
tuellement charg et il ne peut pas tre charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The check of the module s hash failed for file %1 .",,"La vrification du hachag
e du module a chou pour le fichier %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The located assembly s manifest definition with name %1 does not match the as
sembly reference.",,"La dfinition trouve du manifeste de l assembly qui porte le n
om %1 ne correspond pas la rfrence de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The found private assembly, %1 , was located outside the ApplicationBase.",,"L
assembly priv trouv, %1 , tait en dehors de ApplicationBase.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A module specified in the manifest of assembly %1 could not be found.",,"Un m
odule spcifi dans le manifeste de l assembly %1 est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 is required to be strongly named.",,"L assembly %1 doit porter
un nom fort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strong name signature verification failed for assembly %1 . The assembly may

have been tampered with, or it was delay signed but not fully signed with the co
rrect private key.",,"La vrification de la signature de nom fort a chou pour l asse
mbly %1 . L assembly a pu tre falsifi ou il est signature diffre, mais pas totaleme
nt sign avec la cl prive correcte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given assembly name or codebase, %1 , was invalid.",,"Le nom ou le code ba
se de l assembly donn, %1 , n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HTTP download of assemblies has been disabled for this appdomain.",,"Le tlchargem
ent HTTP d assemblys a t dsactiv pour cet appdomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly returned from the host store has a different strong name signature
than the corresponding one in GAC. Assembly: %1 ",,"L assembly retourn partir d
u magasin hte a une signature de nom fort diffrente de celle du GAC. Assembly: %1
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) and LoadModule() have been disabled by the
host.",,"LoadFrom(), LoadFile(), Load(byte[]) et LoadModule() ont t dsactivs par l
hte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to add file to AppDomain cache.",,"chec de l ajout du fichier au cache Ap
pDomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested assembly version conflicts with what is already bound in the app
domain or specified in the manifest.",,"La version de l assembly requise est en
conflit avec celle dj lie au domaine d application ou spcifie dans le manifeste.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested assembly name was neither found in the GAC nor in the manifest or
the manifest s specified location is wrong.",,"Le nom de l assembly requis n a t
trouv ni dans le GAC ni dans le manifeste, ou l emplacement spcifi pour le manifest
e est erron.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given assembly name is invalid because a processor architecture is specifie
d.",,"Le nom de l assembly donn n est pas valide car une architecture de processe
ur est spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %s is not a valid name.",," %s n est pas un nom valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version %d.%d is not a compatible version.",,"La version %d.%d n est pas une ve
rsion compatible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shared memory %hs already exists.",,"La mmoire partage %hs existe dj.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No metadata was found.",,"Aucune mtadonne n a t trouve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Database is read-only.",,"La base de donnes est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Database file is corrupt and may not be usable.",,"Le fichier de base de donnes
est endommag et peut-tre inutilisable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Version %d of schema %hs not found.",,"La version %d du schma %hs est introu
vable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null value is not allowed in unique index or primary key.",,"Valeur NULL non au
torise dans un index unique ou une cl primaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate record violates index %s.",,"Violation entre l enregistrement dupliqu
et l index %s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"VARIANT data type is not allowed in an index.",,"Le type de donnes VARIANT n est
pas autoris dans un index.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index %s not found.",,"Index %s introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No records found.",,"Aucun enregistrement n a t trouv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Record capacity has been reached.",,"Le nombre maximal d enregistrements a t atte
int.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Record violates the primary key constraint for the table.",,"Violation entre l
enregistrement et la contrainte de cl primaire pour la table.",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Primary key value is required.",,"Valeur de cl primaire requise.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access to deleted records is not allowed.",,"Accs aux enregistrements supprims no
n autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to update read-only column failed (column %d, table %s ).",,"chec de la
tentative de mise jour de la colonne en lecture seule (colonne %d, table %s ).
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one column can be the RID or primary key column.",,"Une seule colonne peut
tre la colonne RID ou la colonne cl primaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Primary key column %s may not allow the null value.",,"La colonne cl primaire
%s n accepte pas les valeurs NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Object not found.",,"Objet introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Column %s not found.",,"Colonne %s introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%d out of range.",,"%d hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"A token passed to a metadata function has the wrong type.",,"Un jeton pass une f
onction de mtadonnes a un type incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Type %ls is invalid and may only be partially converted.",,"Le type %ls n e
st pas valide et risque de n tre converti que partiellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error converting a type. The name of the type cannot be determine
d. It is index %d in the type library.",,"Erreur lors de la conversion d un typ
e. Impossible de dterminer le nom du type. Il s agit de l index %d dans la biblio
thque de types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%ls, while processing %ls .",,"%ls, lors du traitement de %ls .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered an error while processing %ls . Error: %ls",
,"L exportateur de bibliothques de types a rencontr une erreur lors du traitement
de %ls . Erreur: %ls",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered an error while attempting to save the type li
brary %ls : Error: (%x) %ls.",,"L exportateur de bibliothques de types a dtect une
erreur lors de l enregistrement de la bibliothque de types %ls . Erreur: (%x) %l
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter warning: Referenced type is defined in managed component,
which is imported from a type library that could not be loaded because it was n
ot registered (type: %ls ; component: %ls ).",,"Avertissement de l exportateur
de bibliothques de types: le type rfrenc est dfini dans le composant manag import
r d une bibliothque de types qui n a pas pu tre charge, n ayant pas t inscrite (type
: %ls ; composant : %ls ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced type is defined in managed component, which is imported from a type
library that could not be loaded (type: %ls ; component: %ls ).",,"Le type rfren
c est dfini dans le composant manag, qui est import partir d une bibliothque de types
qui n a pas pu tre charge (type: %ls ; composant: %ls ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer has encountered an invalid VT type (type: 0x%x; imported
member: %ls.%ls ).",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types a dtect un type VT no
n valide (type: 0x%x; membre import: %ls.%ls ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter cannot load required library MSCOREE.TLB.",,"L exportateu
r de bibliothques de types ne peut pas charger la bibliothque requise MSCOREE.TLB.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter has encountered an error reading from library MSCOREE.TLB
.",,"L exportateur de bibliothques de types a dtect une erreur lors de la lecture d
e la bibliothque MSCOREE.TLB.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Type library importer has encountered an exception: 0x%x.",,"L importateur de b

ibliothques de types a dtect une exception: 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer has encountered a method with multiple [lcid] parameters
while importing %ls.%ls .",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types a dtect une mth
ode avec plusieurs paramtres [lcid] lors de l importation de %ls.%ls .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %ls imported.",,"Type %ls import.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer has encountered a method with an unexpected [out, retval]
parameter: %ls.%ls .",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types a dtect une mthode
avec un paramtre [out, retval] inattendu: %ls.%ls .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer has encountered a duplicate type name: %ls .",,"L import
ateur de bibliothques de types a dtect un nom de type dupliqu: %ls .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter could not find the type library for %ls . IUnknown was
substituted for the interface.",,"L exportateur de bibliothques de types n a pas
trouv la bibliothque de types pour %ls . IUnknown a t remplac pour l interface.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one of the arguments for %ls.%ls cannot be marshaled by the runtime
marshaler. Such arguments will therefore be passed as a pointer and may require
unsafe code to manipulate.",,"Au moins l un des arguments pour %ls.%ls ne peu
t pas tre marshal par le marshaleur runtime. Ces arguments seront passs en tant que
pointeur et peuvent ncessiter la manipulation de code unsafe.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type library importer could not convert the signature for the member %ls.%
ls .",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types n a pas pu convertir la signature
pour le membre %ls.%ls .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type has explicit layout, and has been exported as an empty record. Types w
ith explicit layout can only be properly exported if all members have an offset
of 0 (a union).",,"Le type possde une disposition explicite et a t export en tant qu
enregistrement vide. Les types avec une disposition explicite ne peuvent tre cor
rectement exports que si tous les membres possdent l offset 0 (union).",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter warning processing %ls . Warning: %ls",,"Avertissement d
e l exportateur de bibliothques de types lors du traitement de %ls . Avertisseme
nt: %ls",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer has failed to resolve a referenced type library.",,"L imp
ortateur de bibliothques de types n a pas pu rsoudre une bibliothque de types rfrence.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type contains [MarshalAs(AsAny)], which is only valid for PInvoke. The MarshalA
s directive was ignored.",,"Le type contient [MarshalAs(AsAny)], qui n est valid
e que pour PInvoke. La directive MarshalAs a t ignore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of the LCID conversion attribute must not exceed the number of parame
ters.",,"La valeur de l attribut de conversion LCID ne doit pas dpasser le nombre
de paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The LCIDConversionAttribute is not allowed on dispatch only interfaces.",,"LCID
ConversionAttribute n est pas autoris sur les interfaces de distribution uniqueme
nt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The public struct contains one or more non-public fields that will be exported.
",,"Le struct public contient un ou plusieurs champs non publics qui seront expo
rts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %hs exported.",,"Type %hs export.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The type had one or more duplicate DISPIDs specified. The duplicate DISPIDs wer
e ignored.",,"Un ou plusieurs DISPID spcifis est en double. Les DISPID dupliqus ont
t ignors.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The names list was not valid.",,"La liste des noms n est pas valide.",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The reference type had sequential or explicit layout, and so was exported as a
struct.",,"Le type rfrence a une disposition squentielle ou explicite et a t export en
tant que struct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered a generic type instance in a signature. Gener
ic code may not be exported to COM.",,"L exportateur de bibliothques de types a r
encontr une instance de type gnrique dans une signature. Le code gnrique peut ne pas t
re export vers COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered a generic type parameter in a signature. Gene
ric code may not be exported to COM.",,"L exportateur de bibliothques de types a
rencontr un paramtre de type gnrique dans une signature. Le code gnrique peut ne pas t
e export vers COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered a generic type. Generic classes may not be ex
posed to COM.",,"L exportateur de bibliothques de types a rencontr un type gnrique.
Les classes gnriques peuvent ne pas tre exposes COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module information inconsistent upon merge.",,"Informations du module non cohren
tes lors de la fusion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ignoring IDL custom attribute %ls on %ls because it must be used with an in
tegral value.",,"Ignorance de l attribut IDL personnalis %ls sur %ls , car il
doit tre utilis avec une valeur intgrale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Ignoring IDL custom attribute %ls on %ls because it cannot be used on an IU
nknown interface.",,"Ignorance de l attribut IDL personnalis %ls sur %ls , car
il ne doit pas tre utilis sur une interface IUnknown.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %hs contains arrays of SafeHandles, which cannot be exported to a type l
ibrary.",,"Le type %hs contient des tableaux de SafeHandles, qui ne peuvent pa
s tre exports vers une bibliothque de types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent method declarations in duplicated types (types: %s; methods: %s):
(0x%08x).",,"Dclarations de mthodes incohrentes dans des types dupliqus (types: %s; mt
odes: %s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent field declarations in duplicated types (types: %s; fields: %s): (0
x%08x).",,"Dclarations de champs incohrentes dans des types dupliqus (types: %s; cham
ps: %s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent parameter information in duplicated methods (methods: %s; type: %s
): (0x%08x).",,"Informations sur les paramtres incohrentes dans des mthodes duplique
s (mthodes: %s; type: %s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent implemented interfaces in duplicated types (types: %s; interfaces:
%s): (0x%08x).",,"Interfaces implmentes incohrentes dans des types dupliqus (types:
%s; interfaces: %s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %hs contains arrays of CriticalHandles, which cannot be exported to a ty
pe library.",,"Le type %hs contient des tableaux de CriticalHandles, qui ne pe
uvent pas tre exports vers une bibliothque de types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent layout information in duplicated types (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Informat
ions de disposition incohrentes dans des types dupliqus (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent event declarations in duplicated types (types: %s; events: %s): (0
x%08x).",,"Dclarations d vnements incohrentes dans des types dupliqus (types: %s; vn
s: %s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent property declarations in duplicated types (types: %s; properties:
%s): (0x%08x).",,"Dclarations de proprits incohrentes dans des types dupliqus (types:
%s; proprits: %s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent method implementation flags in duplicated methods (methods: %s; ty
pe: %s): (0x%08x).",,"Indicateurs d implmentation de mthodes incohrents dans des mth
odes dupliques (mthodes: %s; type: %s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom attributes are not consistent: (0x%08x).",,"Les attributs personnaliss ne

sont pas cohrents: (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Inconsistent Generic information in duplicated types or methods (%s): (0x%08x).
",,"Informations gnriques incohrentes dans des types ou des mthodes dupliqus (%s): (0x
%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Differing number of events in duplicated types (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Nombre diffren
t d vnements dans des types dupliqus (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Differing number of properties in duplicated types (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Nombre di
ffrent de proprits dans des types dupliqus (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A TypeRef exists which should, but does not, have a corresponding TypeDef: (%s)
: (0x%08x).",,"Un TypeRef existe qui devrait avoir un TypeDef correspondant, mai
s ne l a pas: (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter cannot load assembly %2 .",,"L exportateur de bibliothque
s de types ne peut pas charger l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter cannot load type %hs .",,"L exportateur de bibliothques d
e types ne peut pas charger le type %hs .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"CLR assembly %2 was imported from a type library and cannot be re-exported to
a type library. Make sure the type library from which the assembly was importe
d is registered.",,"L assembly CLR %2 a t import d une bibliothque de types et ne
peut pas tre de nouveau export vers une bibliothque de types. Vrifiez que la bibliot
hque de types partir de laquelle l assembly a t import est inscrite.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library %s was exported from a CLR assembly and cannot be re-imported as
a CLR assembly.",,"La bibliothque de types %s a t exporte d un assembly CLR et ne
peut pas tre de nouveau importe en tant qu assembly CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method or field has an invalid managed/unmanaged type combination, check th
e MarshalAs directive.",,"La mthode ou le champ contient une combinaison de types
manags/non manags non valide, vrifiez la directive MarshalAs.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vtable slot number associated with member %s of type %s in type library %s
is invalid.",,"Le numro d emplacement vtable associ au membre %s de type %s
dans la bibliothque de types %s n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM register method is invalid (not static) (method: %hs ; type: %hs ).",,"La
mthode inscrite COM n est pas valide (non statique) (mthode: %hs ; type: %hs ).",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM register method has an invalid signature (method: %hs ; type: %hs ). The
COM register method must have a single string argument and a return type of void
.",,"La mthode inscrite COM a une signature non valide (mthode: %hs ; type: %hs ).
Cette mthode COM doit comporter un seul argument string et un type de retour voi
d.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter cannot load type %hs (error: %s).",,"L exportateur de b
ibliothques de types ne peut pas charger le type %hs (erreur: %s).",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered an unknown signature element.",,"L exportateu
r de bibliothques de types a dtect un lment de signature inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Successful import of type library may require prior import (library: %ls ; imp
ort: %ls ).",,"L importation de la bibliothque de types ncessite une importation
pralable (bibliothque: %ls ; importation: %ls ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library has an invalid namespace and cannot be imported (library: %ls ; n
amespace: %ls ).",,"La bibliothque de types comporte un espace de noms non valid
e et ne peut pas tre importe (bibliothque: %ls ; espace de noms: %ls ).",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered an error while attempting to lay out the Type

Info %2 : (%1) %3",,"L exportateur de bibliothques de types a dtect une erreur lor
s de la disposition de TypeInfo %2 : (%1) %3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer has encountered an interface not derived from IUnknown:
%ls .",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types a dtect une interface non drive de IU
nknown: %ls .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non COM visible value type %s is being referenced either from the type curren
tly being exported or from one of its base types.",,"Le type valeur %s non vis
ible par COM est rfrenc partir du type en cours d exportation ou partir de l un de
ses types de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %s has a method or field with an unmanaged type of LPTStr which cannot b
e exported to COM.",,"Le type %s comporte une mthode ou un champ dont le type n
on manag LPTStr ne peut pas tre export vers une interface COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %s has a char set of auto. Types with a char set of auto cannot be expo
rted to COM.",,"Le type %s comporte un jeu de caractres dfini auto. Les types ay
ant un jeu de caractres auto ne peuvent pas tre exports vers une interface COM.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %hs has an IID of IID_IUnknown or IID_IDispatch, which is not allowed.",
,"Le type %hs possde un IID de IID_IUnknown ou IID_IDispatch, ce qui n est pas
autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method %hs.%hs has a duplicate dispid, %d, which will be ignored.",,"La mt
hode %hs.%hs comporte un attribut dispid dupliqu, %d, qui sera ignor.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The enum member %hs.%ls has a value that cannot be expressed as a 32-bit inte
ger. Type library enum members must be 32-bit integers.",,"Le membre Enum %hs.
%ls possde une valeur qui ne peut pas tre exprime en nombre entier 32bits. Les memb
res Enum d une bibliothque de types doivent tre des nombres entiers 32bits.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %ls and type %ls both have the same UUID.",,"Les types %ls et %ls
possdent le mme UUID.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %hs contains nested arrays, which cannot be exported to a type library."
,,"Le type %hs comporte des tableaux imbriqus qui ne peuvent pas tre exports vers
une bibliothque de types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error while importing type: parameter referenced a type library that is not ava
ilable (type: %ls ; parameter: %ls ; method: %ls ).",,"Erreur lors de l impor
tation du type: un paramtre a rfrenc une bibliothque de types qui n est pas disponible
(type: %ls ; paramtre: %ls ; mthode: %ls ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Error while importing type: parameter referenced a type library that is not ava
ilable (type: %ls ; parameter: %d ; method: %ls ).",,"Erreur lors de l import
ation du type: un paramtre a rfrenc une bibliothque de types qui n est pas disponible
(type: %ls ; paramtre: %d ; mthode: %ls ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered a size agnostic signature element.",,"L expor
tateur de bibliothques de types a dtect un lment de signature de taille non spcifie.",
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter failed.",,"chec de l exportateur de bibliothques de types."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface %ls is marked as [dual], but does not derive from IDispatch. It wil
l be converted as an IUnknown-derived interface.",,"L interface %ls est marque
comme [dual], mais elle n est pas drive de l interface IDispatch. Elle va tre conve
rtie en interface drive de IUnknown.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Arrays in structs must be SafeArrays or ByValArrays.",,"Les tableaux dans les s
tructures doivent tre SafeArrays ou ByValArrays.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference types with layout in structs need [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)
].",,"Les types rfrence avec une disposition dans les structures ont besoin de [Ma
rshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"The custom attribute is not valid for the target object s type.",,"L attribut p
ersonnalis n est pas valide pour le type de l objet cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect argument value.",,"Valeur d argument incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to process the custom attribute value - it may be corrupt or incorrect."
,,"Impossible de traiter la valeur de l attribut personnalis - valeur endommage ou
incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom attribute argument %*s should not be repeated.",,"L argument d attribut
personnalis %*s ne doit pas tre rpt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized custom attribute argument: %*s.",,"Argument d attribut personnalis
non reconnu: %*s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom attribute does not yet support variants.",,"L attribut personnalis ne pre
nd pas encore en charge les types variant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Custom attribute does not yet support arrays.",,"L attribut personnalis ne prend
pas encore en charge les types array.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unexpected argument type.",,"Type d argument inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected property found in custom attribute value.",,"Une proprit inattendue a t
trouve dans la valeur de l attribut personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument %s cannot be applied to objects of this type.",,"Impossible d appliq
uer l argument %s aux objets de ce type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect UUID format.",,"Format UUID incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MarshalAs attribute has fields set that are not valid for the specified unmanag
ed type.",,"L attribut MarshalAs comporte des champs dfinis qui ne sont pas valid
es pour le type non manag spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified unmanaged type is only valid on fields.",,"Le type non manag spcifi n es
t valide que pour les champs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter index cannot be negative.",,"L index de paramtre ne peut pas tre ngatif.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiplier cannot be negative.",,"Le multiplicateur ne peut pas tre ngatif.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant size cannot be negative.",,"La taille de la constante ne peut pas tre ng
ative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SizeConst is required for a fixed string.",,"SizeConst requis pour une chane de
taille fixe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A MarshalType or MarshalTypeRef setting is required for a custom marshaler.",,"
Un paramtre MarshalType ou MarshalTypeRef est requis pour un marshaleur personnal
is.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A filename is required for DllImport.",,"Nom de fichier requis pour DllImport."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer has encountered a source interface containing properties:
%ls .",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types a rencontr une interface source
contenant des proprits: %ls .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Differing number of methods in duplicated types (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Nombre diffre
nt de mthodes dans des types dupliqus (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Differing number of fields in duplicated types (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Nombre diffren
t de champs dans des types dupliqus (%s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Differing number of parameters in duplicated method (types: %s; methods: %s): (
0x%08x).",,"Nombre diffrent de paramtres dans une mthode duplique (types: %s; mthodes:
%s): (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %hs has auto-layout but is being exported. Consider marking the type [Co

mVisible(false)] since the exported definition is not guaranteed to work.",,"Le

type %hs a une prsentation automatique, mais est en cours d exportation. Envisa
gez le marquage du type [ComVisible(false)], car il n est pas garanti que la dfin
ition exporte fonctionne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot export TypedReference.",,"Impossible d exporter TypedReference.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default interface is not visible to COM.",,"L interface par dfaut n est pas visi
ble dans l interface COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.Array fields without a SafeArraySubType cannot be used from COM. For leg
acy reasons, they are exported as SAFEARRAYs of VARIANTs. However, at runtime, t
hey are not marshaled as such.",,"Impossible d utiliser les champs System.Array
sans SafeArraySubType partir de l interface COM. Pour des raisons d hritage, ils
sont exports en tant que SAFEARRAYs de VARIANTs. Toutefois, au moment de l excutio
n, ils ne sont pas marshals en tant que tels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered a reference type with layout marked as [Marsh
alAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] in a signature. The reference type was instead tr
eated as if it were marked with [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)].",,"L export
ateur de bibliothques de types a rencontr un type rfrence avec une disposition marque
comme [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] dans une signature. Le type rfrence a t
trait la place comme s il tait marqu avec [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.IUnknown)].",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library exporter encountered a type that derives from a generic class and
is not marked as [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Class interfaces can
not be exposed for such types. Consider marking the type with [ClassInterface(Cl
assInterfaceType.None)] and exposing an explicit interface as the default interf
ace to COM using the ComDefaultInterface attribute.",,"L exportateur de bibliothq
ues de types a rencontr un type qui drive d une classe gnrique et qui n est pas marq
ue comme [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)]. Les interfaces de classe ne p
euvent pas tre exposes pour de tels types. Envisagez le marquage du type avec [Cla
ssInterface(ClassInterfaceType.None)] et l exposition d une interface explicite
comme interface par dfaut l interface COM l aide de l attribut ComDefaultInterfac
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to export this assembly with the specified machine type as the assembly
is marked machine specific with a different machine type.",,"Impossible d export
er cet assembly avec le type d ordinateur spcifi, car l assembly est marqu comme spc
ifique l ordinateur avec un type d ordinateur diffrent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer encountered a source interface on coclass %ls with a Ne
wEnum member. This is not supported.",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types a
rencontr une interface source sur la coclasse %ls avec un membre NewEnum. Cela
n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library importer encountered a property getter %ls on type %ls without
a valid return type. The importer will attempt to import this property as a me
thod instead.",,"L importateur de bibliothques de types a rencontr une mthode Gette
r de proprit %ls sur le type %ls sans type de retour valide. L importateur ten
tera la place d importer cette proprit en tant que mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate managed types have different visibilities.",,"Les types manags dupliqus
ont diffrentes visibilits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[%1] InternalsVisibleTo declarations cannot have a version, culture, public key
token, or processor architecture specified.",,"[%1] Les dclarations InternalsVis
ibleTo ne peuvent pas avoir une version, une culture, un jeton de cl publique ou
une architecture de processeur spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"[%1] Strong-name signed assemblies must specify a public key in their Internals
VisibleTo declarations.",,"Les assemblys [%1] signs avec des noms forts doivent s
pcifier une cl publique dans leurs dclarations InternalsVisibleTo.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has rid out of range.

",,"Erreur structurelle: Tableau =0x%08x, Colonne =0x%08x, Ligne =0x%08x, RID hor
s limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has coded token type
out of range.",,"Erreur structurelle: Tableau =0x%08x, Colonne =0x%08x, Ligne =0x
%08x, type de jeton cod hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Error (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has coded rid out of
range.",,"Erreur structurelle: Tableau =0x%08x, Colonne =0x%08x, Ligne =0x%08x, R
ID cod hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has an invalid String
offset.",,"Erreur structurelle: Tableau =0x%08x, Colonne =0x%08x, Ligne =0x%08x,
offset String non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has an invalid GUID o
ffset.",,"Erreur structurelle: Tableau =0x%08x, Colonne =0x%08x, Ligne =0x%08x, o
ffset GUID non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error (Structural): Table=0x%08x, Col=0x%08x, Row=0x%08x, has an invalid BLOB o
ffset.",,"Erreur structurelle: Tableau =0x%08x, Colonne =0x%08x, Ligne =0x%08x, o
ffset BLOB non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Multiple module records found.",,"Erreur: Plusieurs enregistrements de mo
dule ont t trouvs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Module has no MVID.",,"Erreur: Le module ne possde pas de MVID.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeRef has no name.",,"Erreur: TypeRef n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeRef has a duplicate, token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: TypeRef a un doublon, j
eton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef has no name.",,"Erreur: TypeDef n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef has a duplicate based on namespace and name, token=0x%08x.",,"Er
reur: TypeDef a un doublon fond sur l espace de noms et le nom, jeton =0x%08x.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: TypeDef has a duplicate based on GUID, token=0x%08x.",,"Avertissement:
TypeDef a un doublon fond sur le GUID, jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef that is not an Interface and not the Object class extends Nil to
ken.",,"Erreur: TypeDef, qui n est pas une interface ni la classe Object, tend le
jeton Nil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef for Object class extends token=0x%08x which is not nil.",,"Erreu
r: TypeDef pour la classe Object tend le jeton =0x%08x, qui n est pas Nil.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef extends token=0x%08x which is marked Sealed.",,"Erreur: TypeDef te
nd le jeton =0x%08x qui est marqu comme Sealed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef is a Deleted record but not marked RTSpecialName.",,"Erreur: Type
Def est un enregistrement Deleted mais il n est pas marqu comme RTSpecialName.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef is marked RTSpecialName but is not a Deleted record.",,"Erreur: T
ypeDef est marqu comme RTSpecialName mais ce n est pas un enregistrement Deleted.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl overrides private method (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: MethodImpl
se substitue la mthode prive (jeton=0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Assembly name contains leading spaces or path or extension.",,"Erreur: le
nom de l assembly contient des espaces gauche, un chemin d accs ou une extension
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: File has a reserved system name.",,"Erreur: le fichier a un nom systme rser
v.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl has static overriding method (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Method
Impl a une mthode de substitution statique (jeton=0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: TypeDef is marked Interface but not Abstract.",,"Erreur: TypeDef est marq
u comme Interface mais pas comme Abstract.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef is marked Interface but extends non-Nil token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur:
TypeDef est marqu comme Interface mais tend le jeton =0x%08x, qui n est pas Nil.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: TypeDef is marked Interface but has no GUID.",,"Avertissement: TypeDef
est marqu comme Interface mais n a pas de GUID.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl overrides final method (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: MethodImpl s
e substitue la mthode finale (jeton=0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef is a Value Type, Enum or Delegate, but not marked Sealed.",,"Err
eur: TypeDef est marqu comme ValueType, Enum ou Delegate, mais pas comme Sealed.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Parameter has invalid flags set 0x%08x.",,"Erreur: Le paramtre comporte de
s indicateurs non valides dfinis 0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error: InterfaceImpl has a duplicate, token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: InterfaceImpl a u
n doublon, jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MemberRef has no name.",,"Erreur: MemberRef n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MemberRef name starts with _VtblGap.",,"Erreur: Le nom de MemberRef comme
nce par _VtblGap.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MemberRef name starts with _Deleted.",,"Erreur: Le nom de MemberRef comme
nce par _Deleted.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MemberRef parent is Nil but the module is a PE file.",,"Erreur: Le parent
MemberRef est Nil, mais le module est un fichier PE.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MemberRef signature has invalid calling convention=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: La
signature de MemberRef comporte une convention d appel =0x%08x non valide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MemberRef has MethodDef parent, but calling convention is not VARARG (pa
rent:0x%08x; callconv: 0x%08x).",,"Erreur: MemberRef possde le parent MethodDef ma
is la convention d appel n est pas VARARG (parent: 0x%08x; callconv: 0x%08x).",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MemberRef has different name than parent MethodDef, token=0x%08x.",,"Err
eur: MemberRef a un nom diffrent du MethodDef parent, jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MemberRef has fixed part of signature different from parent MethodDef, t
oken=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: MemberRef comporte une partie prdfinie de signature diffrent
e de la dfinition parent MethodDef, jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: MemberRef has a duplicate, token=0x%08x.",,"Avertissement : MemberRef
a un doublon, jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ClassLayout has parent TypeDef token=0x%08x marked AutoLayout.",,"Erreur:
ClassLayout comporte une dfinition parent TypeDef (jeton =0x%08x) marque comme Au
toLayout.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ClassLayout has invalid PackingSize; valid set of values is {1,2,4,...,1
28} (parent: 0x%08x; PackingSize: %ld).",,"Erreur: ClassLayout spcifie une taille
PackingSize non valide; les valeurs autorises sont {1,2,4,...,128} (parent: 0x%08x;
PackingSize: %ld).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ClassLayout has a duplicate (parent: 0x%08x; duplicate rid: 0x%08x).",,"
Erreur: ClassLayout a un doublon (parent: 0x%08x; rid dupliqu: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: FieldLayout2 record has invalid offset (field: 0x%08x; offset: 0x%08x)."
,,"Erreur: l enregistrement FieldLayout2 comporte un offset non valide (champ: 0x%
08x; offset: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: FieldLayout2 record for Field token=0x%08x has TypeDefNil for parent.",,
"Erreur: L enregistrement FieldLayout2 pour le champ jeton =0x%08x possde le paren

t TypeDefNil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: FieldLayout2 record for field of type that has no ClassLayout record (fi
eld: 0x%08x; type: 0x%08x).",,"Erreur: enregistrement FieldLayout2 pour un champ
de type qui ne comporte aucun enregistrement ClassLayout (champ: 0x%08x; type: 0x%0
8x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Explicit offset specified for field of type marked AutoLayout (field: 0x
%08x; type: 0x%08x).",,"Erreur: offset explicite spcifi pour le champ de type marqu
comme AutoLayout (champ: 0x%08x; type: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: FieldLayout2 record has Field token=0x%08x marked Static.",,"Erreur: L en
registrement FieldLayout2 comporte un champ (jeton =0x%08x) marqu comme Static.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: FieldLayout2 record has a duplicate, rid=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: L enregistrem
ent FieldLayout2 a un doublon, RID =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ModuleRef has no name.",,"Erreur: ModuleRef n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: ModuleRef has a duplicate, token=0x%08x.",,"Avertissement : ModuleRef
a un doublon, jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeRef has invalid resolution scope.",,"Erreur: La porte de rsolution de T
ypeRef n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef is marked Nested but has no enclosing type.",,"Erreur: TypeDef es
t marqu comme Nested mais ne possde pas de type englobant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: Type extends TypeRef which resolves to TypeDef in the same module (Typ
eRef: 0x%08x; TypeDef: 0x%08x).",,"Avertissement : Type tend la rfrence TypeRef qui
est rsolue en une dfinition TypeDef dans le mme module (TypeRef: 0x%08x; TypeDef:0x%0
x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature has zero size.",,"Erreur: Signature de taille nulle.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature does not have enough bytes left at byte=0x%08x as indicated by
the compression scheme.",,"Erreur: La signature ne comporte plus assez d octets
l octet =0x%08x, tel que l indique le schma de compression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature has invalid calling convention=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: la signature
comporte une convention d appel =0x%08x non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method is marked Static but calling convention=0x%08x is marked HASTHIS.
",,"Erreur: la mthode est marque comme Static, mais la convention d appel =0x%08x e
st marque comme HASTHIS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method is not marked Static, but calling convention=0x%08x is not marked
HASTHIS.",,"Erreur: la mthode n est pas marque comme Static, mais la convention d
appel =0x%08x n est pas marque comme HASTHIS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature has no argument count at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: la signature n
e spcifie pas le nombre d arguments l octet =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing element type after modifier (modifier: 0x%02x; offset:
0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la signature ne spcifie pas le type d lment aprs le modificateur
(modificateur: 0x%02x; offset: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Error: Signature missing token after element 0x%x.",,"Erreur: la signature ne spc
ifie pas de jeton aprs l lment 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Error: Signature has an invalid token (token: 0x%08x; offset: 0x%08x).",,"Erreu
r: la signature comporte un jeton non valide (jeton: 0x%08x; offset: 0x%08x).",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing function pointer at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: La signatur
e ne spcifie pas de pointeur fonction l octet =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: Signature has function pointer missing argument count at byte=0x%08x.",,

"Erreur: La signature ne spcifie pas le nombre d arguments du pointeur fonction l
octet =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing rank at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: La signature ne spcifie
pas de rang l octet =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing count of sized dimensions of array at byte=0x%08x.",,"
Erreur: La signature ne spcifie pas le nombre de dimensions, de taille dfinie, du t
ableau l octet =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing size of dimension of array at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: L
a signature ne spcifie pas la taille de la dimension du tableau l octet =0x%08x."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing count of lower bounds of array at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erre
ur: La signature ne spcifie pas le nombre de limites infrieures du tableau l octet
=0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing lower bound of array at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: La sign
ature ne spcifie pas la limite infrieure du tableau l octet =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature has invalid ELEMENT_TYPE_* (element type: 0x%08x; offset: 0x%0
8x).",,"Erreur: la signature comporte un ELEMENT_TYPE_* non valide (type d lment: 0x
%08x; offset: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing size for VALUEARRAY at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: La signa
ture ne spcifie pas la taille de VALUEARRAY l octet =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field signature has invalid calling convention=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: La sign
ature de champ comporte une convention d appel =0x%08x non valide.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has no name.",,"Erreur: La mthode n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method parent is Nil.",,"Erreur: La mthode parent est Nil.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has a duplicate, token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: La mthode a un doublon, j
eton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field has no name.",,"Erreur: Le champ n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field parent is Nil.",,"Erreur: Le champ parent est Nil.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field has a duplicate, token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: Le champ a un doublon, je
ton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Multiple assembly records found.",,"Erreur: Plusieurs enregistrements d a
ssembly ont t trouvs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Assembly has no name.",,"Erreur: L assembly n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Token 0x%08x following ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS (_VALUETYPE) in signature is a
ValueType (Class,respectively).",,"Erreur: le jeton 0x%08x qui suit ELEMENT_TYPE
_CLASS (_VALUETYPE) dans la signature est un ValueType (Class).",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ClassLayout has parent TypeDef token=0x%08x marked Interface.",,"Erreur:
ClassLayout possde un jeton TypeDef parent=0x%08x marqu comme Interface.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: AssemblyOS entry has invalid platform ID=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: l entre Assemb
lyOS spcifie une plateforme non valide, ID =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: AssemblyRef has no name.",,"Erreur: AssemblyRef n a pas de nom.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef is not marked Nested but has an enclosing type.",,"Erreur: TypeDe
f n est pas marqu comme Nested mais possde un type englobant.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: AssemblyRefOS entry for AssemblyRef=0x%08x has invalid platform ID=0x%08
x.",,"Erreur: l entre AssemblyRefOS pour AssemblyRef=0x%08x spcifie une plateforme
non valide, ID =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: File has no name.",,"Erreur: Le fichier n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ExportedType has no name.",,"Erreur: ExportedType n a pas de nom.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef extends its own child.",,"Erreur: TypeDef tend son propre enfant."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ManifestResource has no name.",,"Erreur: ManifestResource n a pas de nom.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: File has a duplicate, token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur : le fichier a un doublon,
jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: File name is fully-qualified, but should not be.",,"Erreur: le nom de fic
hier est un nom complet alors qu il ne devrait pas l tre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ExportedType has a duplicate, token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: ExportedType a un
doublon, jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ManifestResource has a duplicate by name, token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: Manife
stResource a un doublon, jeton =0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error: ManifestResource is not marked Public or Private.",,"Erreur: ManifestReso
urce n est marqu ni Public ni Private.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Warning: [CLS] TypeDef is Enum but has no value__ field.",,"Avertissement: [CLS]
TypeDef a la valeur Enum mais ne possde pas de champ value__.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field value__ (token=0x%08x) in Enum is marked static.",,"Erreur: le cham
p value__ (jeton =0x%08x) dans Enum est marqu comme static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field value__ (token=0x%08x) in Enum is not marked RTSpecialName.",,"Err
eur: le champ value__ (jeton =0x%08x) dans Enum n est pas marqu comme RTSpecialNam
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field (token=0x%08x) in Enum is not marked static.",,"Erreur: le champ (j
eton =0x%08x) dans Enum n est pas marqu comme static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field (token=0x%08x) in Enum is not marked literal.",,"Erreur: le champ (
jeton =0x%08x) dans Enum n est pas marqu comme Literal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: [CLS] Enum has no literal fields.",,"Avertissement : Enum [CLS] ne pos
sde aucun champ littral.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature of field (token=0x%08x) in Enum does not match enum type.",,"E
rreur: la signature du champ (jeton =0x%08x) dans Enum ne correspond pas au type
Enum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field value__ (token=0x%08x) in Enum is not the first one.",,"Erreur: le
champ value__ (jeton =0x%08x) dans Enum n est pas le premier.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field (token=0x%08x) is marked RTSpecialName but not named value__.",,"E
rreur: le champ (jeton =0x%08x) est marqu comme RTSpecialName, mais il n est pas n
omm value__.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field name value__ is reserved for Enums only.",,"Erreur: le nom de champ
value__ est rserv aux valeurs Enum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Error: Instance field in Interface.",,"Erreur: champ d instance dans l interface
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Non-public field in Interface.",,"Erreur: champ non public dans l interfa
ce.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Global item (field,method) must be Public, Private, or PrivateScope.",,"
Erreur: l lment Global (champ, mthode) doit tre de type Public, Private ou PrivateSco
pe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Global item (field,method) must be Static.",,"Erreur: l lment Global (champ
, mthode) doit tre de type Static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Global field has no RVA assigned.",,"Erreur: aucun RVA n est assign au cha

mp Global.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: Type/instance constructor has zero RVA.",,"Erreur: le constructeur de typ
e/instance ne possde pas de RVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field is marked marshaled but has no marshaling information.",,"Erreur: l
e champ est marqu comme marshal, mais il ne comporte pas d informations de marshal
ing.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field has marshaling information but is not marked marshaled.",,"Erreur:
le champ comporte des informations de marshaling, mais il n est pas marqu comme m
arshal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field is marked HasDefault but has no const value.",,"Erreur: le champ es
t marqu comme HasDefault mais n a pas de valeur const.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field has const value but is not marked HasDefault.",,"Erreur: le champ a
une valeur const mais n est pas marqu comme HasDefault.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Item (field,method) is marked HasSecurity but has no security informatio
n.",,"Erreur: l lment (champ, mthode) est marqu comme HasSecurity mais ne comporte pa
s d informations de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Item (field,method) has security information but is not marked HasSecuri
ty.",,"Erreur: l lment (champ, mthode) comporte des informations de scurit mais n est
pas marqu comme HasSecurity.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: PInvoke item (field,method) must be Static.",,"Erreur: l lment PInvoke (cha
mp, mthode) doit tre de type Static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Error: PInvoke item (field,method) has no Implementation Map.",,"Erreur: l lment P
Invoke (champ, mthode) ne comporte pas de table d implmentation.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Item (field,method) has Implementation Map but is not marked PInvoke.",,
"Erreur: l lment (champ, mthode) comporte une table d implmentation, mais il n est pa
s marqu comme PInvoke.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: Item (field,method) has invalid Implementation Map.",,"Avertissement :
l lment (champ, mthode) comporte une table d implmentation non valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Implementation Map has invalid Module Ref, token 0x%08x.",,"Erreur: la ta
ble d implmentation comporte une rfrence de module (jeton 0x%08x) non valide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Implementation Map has invalid Member Forwarded, token 0x%08x.",,"Erreur:
la table d implmentation comporte un Member Forwarded (jeton 0x%08x) non valide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Implementation Map has no import name.",,"Erreur: la table d implmentation
n a pas de nom d importation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Implementation Map has invalid calling convention 0x%04x.",,"Erreur: la c
arte d implmentation comporte une convention d appel (0x%04x) non valide.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Item (field,method) has invalid access flag.",,"Erreur: l lment (champ, mtho
de) comporte un indicateur d accs non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field marked both InitOnly and Literal.",,"Erreur: champ marqu comme InitO
nly et Literal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Literal field must be Static.",,"Erreur: un champ littral doit tre Static."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Item (field,method) is marked RTSpecialName but not SpecialName.",,"Erre
ur: l lment (champ, mthode) est marqu comme RTSpecialName, mais pas comme SpecialName
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Abstract method in non-abstract type (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: mthode Abs
tract dans un type non Abstract (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Neither static nor abstract method in interface (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreu
r: ni mthode static, ni mthode abstract dans l interface (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: Non-public method in interface (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: mthode non publi

que dans l interface (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Error: Instance constructor in interface (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: constructeur
d instance dans l interface (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Global constructor.",,"Erreur: constructeur global.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Static instance constructor in type (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: constructe
ur d instance Static dans le type (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Constructor/initializer in type (token=0x%08x) is not marked SpecialName
and RTSpecialName.",,"Erreur: le constructeur/initialiseur dans le type (jeton =
0x%08x) n est pas marqu comme SpecialName et RTSpecialName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Virtual constructor/initializer in type (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: constr
ucteur/initialiseur Virtual dans le type (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Abstract constructor/initializer in type (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: const
ructeur/initialiseur Abstract dans le type (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Non-static type initializer in type (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: initialise
ur de type non static dans le type (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method marked Abstract, Runtime, InternalCall or Imported must have zero
RVA, and vice versa.",,"Erreur: la mthode marque comme Abstract, Runtime, Internal
Call ou Imported ne doit pas avoir de RVA et inversement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method marked Final or NewSlot or CheckAccessOnOverride but not Virtual.
",,"Erreur: mthode marque comme Final, NewSlot ou CheckAccessOnOverride mais pas co
mme Virtual.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Static method cannot be Final or NewSlot or Virtual.",,"Erreur: une mthode
statique ne peut pas tre de type Final, NewSlot ou Virtual.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method cannot be both Abstract and Final.",,"Erreur: une mthode ne peut pa
s tre la fois de type Abstract et Final.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error: Abstract method marked ForwardRef.",,"Erreur: mthode Abstract marque comme
ForwardRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Abstract method marked PInvokeImpl.",,"Erreur: mthode Abstract marque comme
PInvokeImpl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Abstract method not marked Virtual.",,"Erreur: mthode Abstract non marque c
omme Virtual.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Non-abstract method not marked ForwardRef.",,"Erreur: mthode non abstraite
non marque comme ForwardRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Non-abstract method must have RVA or be PInvokeImpl or Runtime.",,"Erreu
r: une mthode non abstraite doit possder un RVA ou tre marque comme PInvokeImpl ou Ru
ntime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: PrivateScope method has zero RVA.",,"Erreur: la mthode PrivateScope ne pos
sde pas de RVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Global method marked Abstract,Virtual.",,"Erreur: la mthode Global est mar
que comme Abstract et Virtual.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature contains long form (such as ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS<token of System
.String>).",,"Erreur: la signature contient une forme longue (par exemple, ELEMEN
T_TYPE_CLASS<jeton de System.String>).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Warning: Method has multiple semantics.",,"Avertissement : la mthode comporte pl
usieurs smantiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has invalid semantic association (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la mtho
de comporte une association de smantiques (jeton =0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"

All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: Method has semantic association (token=0x%08x) that does not exist.",,"E
rreur: la mthode comporte une association de smantiques (jeton =0x%08x) qui n exist
e pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl overrides non-virtual method (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Method
Impl se substitue la mthode non virtuelle (jeton=0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: [CLS] Global item (field,method).",,"Avertissement : lment Global [CLS]
(champ, mthode).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has multiple semantic flags set for association (token=0x%08x).",
,"Erreur: la mthode comporte plusieurs indicateurs de smantiques dfinis pour l assoc
iation (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has no semantic flags set for association (token=0x%08x).",,"Erre
ur: la mthode ne comporte aucun indicateur de smantiques dfini pour l association (j
eton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: [CLS] Field in Interface.",,"Avertissement : champ [CLS] dans l interf
ace.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: Unrecognized Hash Algorithm ID (0x%08x).",,"Avertissement : ID d algor
ithme de hachage (0x%08x) non reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error: Unrecognized Processor ID (0x%08x) in Assembly.",,"Erreur: ID de processe
ur (0x%08x) non reconnu dans l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Warning: Unrecognized Processor ID (0x%08x) in AssemblyRef (token=0x%08x).",,"A
vertissement : ID de processeur (0x%08x) non reconnu dans AssemblyRef (jeton =0x
%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Constant parent token (0x%08x) is out of range.",,"Erreur: jeton parent c
onstant (0x%08x) hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Invalid Assembly flags (0x%04x).",,"Erreur: indicateurs d assembly (0x%04
x) non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: TypeDef (token=0x%08x) has same name as TypeRef.",,"Avertissement : Ty
peDef (jeton =0x%08x) porte le mme nom que TypeRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: InterfaceImpl has invalid implementing type (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Interfac
eImpl comporte un type d implmentation (0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: InterfaceImpl has invalid implemented type (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Interface
Impl comporte un type implment (0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef has security information but is not marked HasSecurity.",,"Erreu
r: TypeDef comporte des informations de scurit mais n est pas marqu comme HasSecurit
y.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef is marked HasSecurity but has no security information.",,"Erreur:
TypeDef est marqu comme HasSecurity mais ne comporte pas d informations de scurit.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Type constructor must have no arguments.",,"Erreur: un constructeur de ty
pe ne doit pas avoir d argument.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ExportedType has invalid Implementation (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Export
edType comporte une implmentation non valide (jeton=0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl has body from another TypeDef (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Metho
dImpl a un corps provenant d un autre TypeDef (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Type constructor has invalid calling convention.",,"Erreur: un constructe
ur de type comporte une convention d appel non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl has invalid Type token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: MethodImpl comporte
un jeton de type=0x%08x non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Error: MethodImpl declared in Interface (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: MethodImpl dcl

ar dans l interface (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Error: MethodImpl has invalid MethodDeclaration token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: MethodI
mpl comporte un jeton MethodDeclaration (jeton =0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl has invalid MethodBody token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: MethodImpl com
porte un jeton MethodBody (jeton =0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl has a duplicate (rid=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: MethodImpl a un doubl
on (rid=0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field has invalid parent (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: le champ possde un cha
mp parent (jeton =0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Warning: Parameter out of sequence (parameter: %d; seq.num: %d).",,"Avertisseme
nt : le paramtre est hors squence (paramtre: %d; numro de squence: %d).",,"Text",,"All
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Parameter has sequence number exceeding number of arguments (parameter:
%d; seq.num: %d; num.args: %d).",,"Erreur: le paramtre comporte un numro de squence
dpassant le nombre d arguments (paramtre: %d; numro de squence: %d; nombre d arguments
%d).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Parameter #%d is marked HasFieldMarshal but has no marshaling informatio
n.",,"Erreur: le paramtre #%d est marqu comme HasFieldMarshal, mais il ne comporte
pas d informations de marshaling.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Error: Parameter #%d has marshaling information but is not marked HasFieldMarsh
al.",,"Erreur: le paramtre #%d comporte des informations de marshaling, mais il n
est pas marqu comme HasFieldMarshal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Error: Parameter #%d is marked HasDefault but has no const value.",,"Erreur: le
paramtre #%d est marqu comme HasDefault mais n a pas de valeur const.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Parameter #%d has const value but is not marked HasDefault.",,"Erreur: le
paramtre #%d a une valeur const mais n est pas marqu comme HasDefault.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has invalid scope (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la proprit a une porte
(jeton =0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has no name.",,"Erreur: la proprit n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has no signature.",,"Erreur: la proprit n a pas de signature.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has a duplicate (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la proprit a un doublon
(jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has invalid calling convention (0x%x).",,"Erreur: la proprit compo
rte une convention d appel (0x%x) non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property is marked HasDefault but has no const value.",,"Erreur: la propr
it est marque comme HasDefault mais n a pas de valeur const.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has const value but is not marked HasDefault.",,"Erreur: la prop
rit a une valeur const mais n est pas marque comme HasDefault.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has related method with invalid semantics (method: 0x%08x; sema
ntics: 0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la proprit comporte une mthode associe qui contient des sma
ntiques non valides (mthode: 0x%08x; smantiques: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has related method with invalid token (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la pr
oprit comporte une mthode associe qui contient un jeton (0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Property has related method belonging to another type (method: 0x%08x; t
ype: 0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la proprit comporte une mthode associe qui appartient un aut

re type (mthode: 0x%08x; type: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Error: Constant of type (0x%02x) must have null value.",,"Erreur: la constante d
e type (0x%02x) doit avoir une valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Constant of type (0x%02x) must have non-null value.",,"Erreur: la constan
te de type (0x%02x) doit avoir une valeur non null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has invalid scope (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: l vnement a une porte (je
ton =0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has no name.",,"Erreur: l vnement n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has a duplicate (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: l vnement a un doublon (je
ton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has invalid EventType (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: l vnement possde un E
ventType non valide (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Error: Event s EventType (token=0x%08x) is not a class (flags=0x%08x).",,"Erreu
r: le EventType de l vnement (jeton=0x%08x) n est pas une classe (indicateurs=0x%08
x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has related method with invalid semantics (method: 0x%08x; semanti
cs: 0x%08x).",,"Erreur: l vnement comporte une mthode associe qui contient des smantiq
ues non valides (mthode: 0x%08x; smantiques: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has related method with invalid token (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: l vnement
comporte une mthode associe qui contient un jeton (0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has related method belonging to another type (method: 0x%08x; type
: 0x%08x).",,"Erreur: l vnement comporte une mthode associe qui appartient un autre t
ype (mthode: 0x%08x; type: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has no AddOn related method.",,"Erreur: l vnement ne comporte pas de
mthode AddOn associe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event has no RemoveOn related method.",,"Erreur: l vnement ne comporte pas
de mthode RemoveOn associe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ExportedType has same namespace and name as TypeDef, token 0x%08x.",,"Er
reur: ExportedType comporte un espace de noms et un nom identiques TypeDef, jeton
0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ManifestResource refers to non-PE file but offset is not 0.",,"Erreur: Ma
nifestResource fait rfrence un fichier non PE, mais l offset n est pas gal 0.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Decl.Security is assigned to invalid item (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Decl
.Security est assign un lment non valide (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Decl.Security has invalid action flag (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Decl.Security
comporte un indicateur d action (0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Decl.Security has no associated permission BLOB.",,"Erreur: Decl.Security
n est associ aucun BLOB d autorisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error: ManifestResource has invalid Implementation (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Ma
nifestResource comporte une implmentation (jeton =0x%08x) non valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: [CLS] MemberRef has VARARG calling convention.",,"Avertissement : Memb
erRef [CLS] possde une convention d appel VARARG.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Constructor, initializer must return void.",,"Erreur: le constructeur/ini
tialiseur doit retourner void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Event s Fire method (0x%08x) must return void.",,"Erreur: la mthode Fire (
0x%08x) de l vnement doit retourner void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Warning: Invalid locale string.",,"Avertissement: chane de paramtres rgionaux non v

alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Constant has parent of invalid type (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur : la const
ante a un parent de type non valide (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL is only allowed in MemberRef signatures.",,"Erreur:
ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL est autoris uniquement dans les signatures MemberRef.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature containing ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL must be VARARG.",,"Erreur: la
signature contenant ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL doit tre VARARG.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Multiple ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL in signature.",,"Erreur: plusieurs ELEMENT
_TYPE_SENTINEL dans la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Error: Trailing ELEMENT_TYPE_SENTINEL in signature.",,"Erreur: ELEMENT_TYPE_SENT
INEL la fin de la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature is missing argument # %d.",,"Erreur: argument # %d manquant dan
s la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field of ByRef type.",,"Erreur: champ de type ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Synchronized method in ValueType (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: mthode synchro
nise dans ValueType (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Error: Full name length exceeds maximum allowed (length: %d; max: %d).",,"Erreu
r: la longueur du nom complet dpasse la longueur maximale autorise (longueur: %d; max
imum: %d).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Duplicate Assembly Processor record (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: enregistrement A
ssembly Processor dupliqu (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Error: Duplicate Assembly OS record (0x%08X).",,"Erreur: enregistrement Assembly
OS dupliqu (0x%08X).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: ManifestResource has invalid flags (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: ManifestResource
comporte des indicateurs non valides (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: ExportedType has no TypeDefId.",,"Avertissement : ExportedType n a pas
de TypeDefId.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: File has invalid flags (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: le fichier comporte des indic
ateurs non valides (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: File has no hash BLOB.",,"Erreur: le fichier n a pas de BLOB de hachage."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Module has no name.",,"Erreur: le module n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Module name is fully-qualified.",,"Erreur: le nom du module est un nom co
mplet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef marked as RTSpecialName but not SpecialName.",,"Erreur: TypeDef e
st marqu comme RTSpecialName mais pas comme SpecialName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef extends an Interface (token=0x%08x).",,"Erreur: TypeDef tend une i
nterface (jeton =0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Type/instance constructor marked PInvokeImpl.",,"Erreur: le constructeur
de type/instance est marqu comme PInvokeImpl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: System.Enum is not marked Class.",,"Erreur: System.Enum n est pas marqu co
mme Class.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: System.Enum must extend System.ValueType.",,"Erreur: System.Enum doit tend
re System.ValueType.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl s Decl (token=0x%08x) and Body (token=0x%08x) method signatur
es do not match.",,"Erreur: la dclaration (token=0x%08x) et le corps (token=0x%08x
) des signatures de mthode MethodImpl ne correspondent pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: Enum has method(s).",,"Erreur: Enum possde une ou plusieurs mthodes.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Enum implements interface(s).",,"Erreur: Enum implmente une ou plusieurs i
nterfaces.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Enum has properties.",,"Erreur: Enum possde des proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Enum has one or more events.",,"Erreur: Enum possde un ou plusieurs vnements
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef has invalid Method List (> Nmethods+1).",,"Erreur: TypeDef compor
te une liste de mthodes non valide (> Nmethods+1).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef has invalid Field List (> Nfields+1).",,"Erreur: TypeDef comporte
une liste de champs non valide (> Nfields+1).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Constant has illegal type (0x%02x).",,"Erreur: la constante comporte un t
ype non conforme (0x%02x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Enum has no instance field.",,"Erreur: Enum ne possde pas de champ d insta
nce.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Enum has multiple instance fields.",,"Erreur: Enum comporte plusieurs cha
mps d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Cannot increase the maximum nesting level in Edit-and-Continue.",,"Erreu
r: impossible d accrotre le niveau maximal d imbrication en mode Modifier & Contin
uer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Module must be loaded in Edit-and-Continue mode.",,"Erreur: le module doi
t tre charg en mode Modifier & Continuer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Variable type cannot be changed.",,"Impossible de changer le type d une variabl
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get the local signature for the method.",,"Impossible d obtenir la signa
ture locale pour la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field cannot be added to a value or layout type.",,"Impossible d ajouter un cha
mp un type de valeur ou de disposition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Field properties cannot be changed.",,"Impossible de changer les proprits d un ch
amp.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit-and-Continue impossible: Zap file was created without Edit-and-Continue fl
ag set.",,"Modifier & Continuer impossible: le fichier Zap a t cr sans indicateur Mod
ifier & Continuer dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal data structures missing method information.",,"Les structures de donnes
internes ne contiennent pas les informations de la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"JIT unable to update internal structures.",,"JIT ne peut pas mettre jour les st
ructures internes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal type data structures are missing.",,"Structures de donnes de type inter
nes manquantes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not allowed to change interface inheritance.",,"Impossible de modifier l hritage
de l interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function 0x%08x had not yet been compiled.",,"La fonction 0x%08x n a pas encore
t compile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ID 0x%08x had not yet been fully loaded or defined.",,"L ID 0x%08x n est pa
s encore totalement charg ou dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The Module containing function ID 0x%08x is not configured for updateable metho
ds.",,"Le module contenant l ID de fonction 0x%08x n est pas configur pour les mth
odes modifiables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method ID 0x%08x could not be updated.",,"Impossible de mettre jour l ID de mtho
de 0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profiling error: the method has no associated IL.",,"Erreur de profilage: La mtho
de n a pas de IL (Intermediate Language) associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Profiling error: the thread is unmanaged and has never run managed code before.
",,"Erreur de profilage: le thread est non manag et n a jamais excut de code manag au
paravant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profiling error: this function may only be called during profiler initializatio
n.",,"Erreur de profilage: cette fonction ne peut tre appele que durant l initialis
ation du profileur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profiling error: in-process debugging must be enabled during profiler initializ
ation.",,"Erreur de profilage: le dbogage en cours de processus doit tre activ duran
t l initialisation du profileur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profiling error: cannot get a JIT map because the profiler did not enable JIT m
ap tracking.",,"Erreur de profilage: impossible d obtenir un mappage JIT, car le
profileur n a pas activ le suivi de mappage JIT.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profiling error: BeginInprocDebugging cannot be called more than once.",,"Erreu
r de profilage: impossible d appeler plusieurs fois BeginInprocDebugging.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profiling error: in-process debugging not allowed during this profiler callback
.",,"Erreur de profilage: le dbogage en cours de processus n est pas autoris durant
le rappel du profileur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profiling error: the requested information is not yet available.",,"Erreur de p
rofilage : les informations demandes ne sont pas encore disponibles.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 security permission grant set is incompatible between appdomains.
",,"Le jeu d autorisations de scurit de l assembly %1 n est pas compatible entre
les domaines de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unverifiable assembly %1 failed policy check.",,"chec de la vrification de la s
tratgie pour l assembly %1 non vrifiable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 already loaded without additional security evidence.",,"L assembl
y %1 est dj charg sans preuve de scurit supplmentaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StrongName APIs not supported on system.",,"Les API StrongName ne sont pas pris
es en charge sur le systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StrongName APIs could not locate a matching CSP.",,"Les API StrongName n ont pa
s trouv de fournisseur de services de chiffrement correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Policy exception occurred while processing %1 .",,"Une exception de stratgie s
est produite lors du traitement de %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Failed to grant required minimum permissions to %1 .",,"chec de l attribution d
es autorisations minimales requises sur %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to grant permission to execute %1 .",,"Impossible d accorder l autorisa
tion d excuter %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strong name validation failed for assembly %1 .",,"chec de la validation de nom
fort pour l assembly %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 is missing the required strong name.",,"L assembly %1 ne spcifie
pas le nom fort requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strong name key container not found.",,"Conteneur de cl de nom fort introuvable.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The public key for assembly %1 was invalid.",,"La cl publique pour l assembly
%1 tait non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The allocated signature slot for assembly %1 does not correspond to the gener
ated signature size.",,"La zone alloue la signature pour l assembly %1 ne corre
spond pas la taille de la signature gnre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Key pair does not match public key from assembly %1 .",,"La paire de cls ne cor
respond pas la cl publique de l assembly %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid custom attribute.",,"Attribut personnalis non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,"

.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The permission associated with this attribute is missing a required constructor
.",,"Un constructeur requis est manquant pour l autorisation associe cet attribut
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create an instance of the permission for this attribute.",,"Impossibl
e de crer une instance de l autorisation pour cet attribut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SecurityAction type invalid on assembly.",,"Type SecurityAction non valide sur
l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SecurityAction type invalid on types and methods.",,"Type SecurityAction non va
lide sur les types et les mthodes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Security custom attribute attached to invalid parent.",,"Attribut personnalis de
scurit attach un parent non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Serialized security custom attribute is truncated or incorrectly formed.",,"L a
ttribut personnalis de scurit srialis est tronqu ou incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serialized security custom attribute has unrecognized version.",,"L attribut pe
rsonnalis de scurit srialis a une version non reconnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security custom attribute has invalid SecurityAction.",,"L attribut personnalis
de scurit a un SecurityAction non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Security custom attributes cannot be referenced from defining assembly.",,"Impo
ssible de faire rfrence aux attributs personnaliss de scurit partir de l assembly de
dfinition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid SecurityAction for non-Code Access Security permission.",,"SecurityActi
on non valide pour une autorisation n tant pas de Scurit d Accs du Code.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load assembly %s .",,"Impossible de charger l assembly %s .",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load assembly %s - %s.",,"Impossible de charger l assembly %s - %
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load type %s .",,"Impossible de charger le type %s .",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load type %s - %s.",,"Impossible de charger le type %s - %s.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security custom attribute cannot be abstract.",,"L attribut personnalis de scurit
ne peut pas tre abstract.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security custom attributes do not support array or Type fields and properties."
,,"Les attributs personnaliss de scurit ne prennent pas en charge les champs et pro
prits de tableau ou Type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported enumeration base type.",,"Type de base de l numration non pris en cha
rge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to locate field %s .",,"Impossible de trouver le champ %s .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to locate property %s .",,"Impossible de trouver la proprit %s .",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected exception processing attribute - %s .",,"Exception inattendue lors
du traitement de l attribut - %s .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Unexpected exception processing attribute - HRESULT 0x%08X.",,"Exception inatte
ndue lors du traitement de l attribut - HRESULT 0x%08X.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IsolatedStorage operation failed.",,"chec de l opration IsolatedStorage.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to open the store.",,"Impossible d ouvrir le magasin.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create store file mapping.",,"Impossible de crer le mappage des fichie

rs du magasin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unable to map the store file.",,"Impossible de mapper le fichier du magasin.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine store file size.",,"Impossible de dterminer la taille du fic
hier du magasin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create mutex.",,"Impossible de crer le mutex.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to lock the store.",,"Impossible de verrouiller le magasin.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File Write failed.",,"chec de l criture sur un fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set file pointer.",,"Impossible de dfinir le pointeur de fichier.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create the store directory.",,"Impossible de crer le rpertoire du magas
in.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Store file is corrupt.",,"Fichier du magasin endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Store version is not supported.",,"Version du magasin non prise en charge.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Store file is not mapped.",,"Fichier du magasin non mapp.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Block size is too small.",,"Taille des blocs trop petite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allocation size is too large.",,"Taille d allocation trop grande.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allowed quota is fully used.",,"Quota autoris entirement utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row not found.",,"Ligne introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Unable to deprecate old store.",,"Impossible de dsapprouver l ancien magasin.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine the caller.",,"Impossible de dterminer l appelant.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Path length is too long.",,"Chemin d accs trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Machine Store is not supported.",,"Magasin de l ordinateur non pris en charge."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DACL for the machine store is incorrect or could not be created.",,"La list
e DACL pour le magasin de l ordinateur est incorrecte ou n a pas pu tre cre.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An internal error happened in the Common Language Runtime s Execution Engine.",
,"Une erreur interne s est produite dans le moteur d excution du Common Language
Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A security violation has occurred.",,"Une violation de scurit s est produite.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error relating to remoting occurred during the load of file or assembly %1
.",,"Une erreur lie la communication distance s est produite lors du chargement d
u fichier ou de l assembly %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error relating to serialization occurred during the load of file or assembly
%1 .",,"Une erreur lie la srialisation s est produite lors du chargement du fich
ier ou de l assembly %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Missing method %2 from class %1 .",,"Erreur : mthode %2 manquante da
ns la classe %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 .",,"Impossible de charger le type
%1 partir de l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load file %1 .",,"Impossible de charger le fichier %1 .",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method s type signature is not PInvoke compatible.",,"La signature du type de c
ette mthode n est pas compatible avec PInvoke.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Exception from HRESULT: ",,"Exception de HRESULT : ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram

ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid PInvoke or UnmanagedFunctionPointer metadata format.",,"Format de mtadon
nes PInvoke ou UnmanagedFunctionPointer non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load DLL %1 : %2",,"Impossible de charger la DLL %1 : %2",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find an entry point named %2 in DLL %1 .",,"Impossible de trouver
le point d entre %2 dans la DLL %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Method s type signature is not Interop compatible.",,"La signature du type de c
ette mthode n est pas compatible avec l interoprabilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Synchronized attribute cannot be used with this method type.",,"Impossible d ut
iliser l attribut Synchronized avec ce type de mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid PInvoke calling convention. Thiscall requires that the first parameter
is present and can be enregistered.",,"Convention d appel PInvoke non valide. Ce
t appel ncessite que le premier paramtre soit prsent et puisse tre enregistr.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Main method not found for type %1 .",,"Mthode Main introuvable pour le type %1
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Main method for type %1 has invalid signature.",,"La mthode Main pour le type
%1 n a pas une signature valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The method returned a COM Variant type that is not Interop compatible.",,"La mth
ode a retourn un type Variant COM qui n est pas compatible avec l interoprabilit.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method returned a VT_RECORD Variant, which is not supported by Interop.",,"
La mthode a retourn un Variant VT_RECORD qui n est pas pris en charge par l intero
prabilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error occurred loading type %1 .",,"Une erreur inattendue s est pro
duite lors du chargement du type %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Multiple methods named Invoke.",,"Plusieurs mthodes ont le mme nom Invoke.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method s type signature contains a type that cannot be automatically converted.
",,"La signature du type de cette mthode contient un type qui ne peut pas tre conv
erti automatiquement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function pointer was not created by a Delegate.",,"Le pointeur fonction n a pas
t cr par un dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a PInvoke method.",,"Ce n est pas une mthode PInvoke.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSCOREE.DLL load error.",,"Erreur de chargement de MSCOREE.DLL.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Two different copies of MSCORWKS.DLL have been loaded.\n\nFirst copy:\n%s\n\nSe
cond copy:\n%s\n\nThis is typically caused by having a registered MSCOREE.DLL th
at is different\nfrom the one that is statically linked with the application.",,
"Deux copies diffrentes de MSCORWKS.DLL ont t charges.\n\nPremire copie:\n%s\n\nSecond
e copie:\n%s\n\nCette erreur se produit gnralement en prsence d une bibliothque inscr
ite MSCOREE.DLL diffrente\nde celle qui est lie de manire statique l application.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom marshalers can only be specified for classes.",,"Les marshaleurs personn
aliss ne peuvent tre spcifis que pour des classes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No exception available to rethrow.",,"Aucune exception n est disponible pour tre
de nouveau leve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified OLE variant is invalid.",,"Le variant OLE spcifi n est pas valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default domain cannot be unloaded.",,"Impossible de dcharger le domaine par

dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Exception from HRESULT: 0x%1. Failed to load %2 .",,"Exception de HRESULT: 0x%
1. chec du chargement de %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature for the entry point has too many arguments.",,"La signature du point
d entre comporte trop d arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Entry point not found in assembly %1 .",,"Point d entre introuvable dans l asse
mbly %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified entry point in assembly %1 is not a legal method.",,"Le point d ent
re spcifi dans l assembly %1 n est pas une mthode valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point must be static.",,"Le point d entre doit tre static.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point must have a return type of void, integer, or unsigned integer.",,"L
e point d entre doit avoir comme type de retour la valeur void , integer ou u
nsigned integer .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (String fields must be paired with L
PStr, LPWStr, LPTStr, BStr, or ByValTStr).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non man
ags non valide (les champs String doivent tre associs LPStr, LPWStr, LPTStr, BStr o
u ByValTStr).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom marshalers cannot be used on fields of structures.",,"Impossible d utili
ser les marshaleurs personnaliss sur des champs de structures.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fixed sized array fields inside structures must have the MarshalAs SizeConst fi
eld set to the size of the array.",,"La taille du champ MarshalAsSizeConst des c
hamps de tableau de taille fixe au sein de structures doit tre identique celle du
tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fixed sized array fields cannot have a SizeConst of zero.",,"Les champs de tabl
eau de taille fixe ne doivent pas avoir un SizeConst gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Classes with layout fields must be
paired with Struct or Interface).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non v
alide (les classes avec des champs de disposition doivent tre associes Struct ou I
nterface).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Array fields must be paired with By
ValArray or SafeArray).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les
champs de tableaux doivent tre associs ByValArray ou SafeArray).",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Strings cannot be paired with LPTSt
r for parameters and return types of methods in interfaces exposed to COM).",,"C
ombinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les chanes ne peuvent pas tre asso
cies LPTStr pour des paramtres et des types de retour de mthodes dans des interface
s exposes l interface COM).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type definition of this field has layout information but has an invalid man
aged/unmanaged type combination or is unmarshalable.",,"La dfinition de type de c
e champ possde des informations de disposition, mais elle prsente une combinaison
de types manags/non manags non valide ou elle ne peut pas tre marshale.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mismatch has occurred between the runtime type of the array and the sub type re
corded in the metadata.",,"Incompatibilit entre le type du tableau au moment de l
excution et le sous-type enregistr dans les mtadonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SafeArray of rank %1 has been passed to a method expecting an array of rank %2.
",,"Un SafeArray de rang %1 a t pass une mthode qui attendait un tableau de rang %2.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination.",,"Combinaison de types manags/non m
anags non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (chars must be paired with I1, I2, U
1, or U2).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types char do
ivent tre associs I1, I2, U1 ou U2).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (booleans must be paired with I1, U1
, Bool, or VariantBool).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les
types boolens doivent tre associs I1, U1, Bool ou VariantBool).",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Byte/SByte must be paired with I1 o
r U1).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Byte/SByte
doivent tre associs I1 ou U1).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Int16/UInt16 must be paired with I2
or U2).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Int16/UIn
t16 doivent tre associs I2 ou U2).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Int32/UInt32 must be paired with I4
, U4, or Error).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types I
nt32/UInt32 doivent tre associs I4, U4 ou Error).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Int64/UInt64 must be paired with I8
or U8).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Int64/UIn
t64 doivent tre associs I8 ou U8).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Int/UInt must be paired with SysInt
or SysUInt).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Int/
UInt doivent tre associs SysInt ou SysUInt).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Single must be paired with R4).",,"
Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Single doivent tre ass
ocis R4).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Double must be paired with R8).",,"
Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Double doivent tre ass
ocis R8).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (pointers must not have a MarshalAs
attribute set).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (un attribut
MarshalAs ne doit pas tre dfini pour les pointeurs).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type definition of this type has no layout information.",,"La dfinition de t
ype de ce type ne contient aucune information de disposition.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (String parameters and return types
must be paired with LPStr, LPWStr, LPTStr, BStr, TBStr, VBByRefStr, or AnsiBStr)
.",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les paramtres et les types
de retour String doivent tre associs LPStr, LPWStr, LPTStr, BStr, TBStr, VBByRefSt
r ou AnsiBStr).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (StringBuilders must be paired with
LPStr, LPWStr, or LPTStr).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (l
es types StringBuilders doivent tre associs LPStr, LPWStr ou LPTStr).",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Delegates must be paired with Funct
ionPtr or Interface).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les ty
pes Delegate doivent tre associs FunctionPtr ou Interface).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (function pointers must be paired wi
th FunctionPtr).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les pointeu
rs fonction doivent tre associs FunctionPtr).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Interfaces must be paired with Inte
rface).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Interface
doivent tre associs Interface).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (this type must be paired with LPStr
uct or Interface).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (ce type d
oit tre associ LPStruct ou Interface).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (this value type must be paired with

Struct).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (ce type valeur doi
t tre associ Struct).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the Object class must be paired wit
h Interface, IUnknown, IDispatch, AsAny, or Struct).",,"Combinaison de types man
ags/non manags non valide (la classe Object doit tre associe Interface, IUnknown, ID
ispatch, AsAny ou Struct).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the Object class must be paired wit
h Interface, IUnknown, IDispatch, or Struct).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non
manags non valide (la classe Object doit tre associe Interface, IUnknown, IDispatch
ou Struct).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Decimal parameters and return types
must be paired with Struct, LPStruct, or Currency).",,"Combinaison de types man
ags/non manags non valide (les paramtres et les types de retour Decimal doivent tre
associs Struct, LPStruct ou Currency).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the Guid class must be paired with
Struct or LPStruct).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (la clas
se Guid doit tre associe Struct ou LPStruct).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the DateTime class must be paired w
ith Struct).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (la classe DateT
ime doit tre associe Struct).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Arrays can only be marshaled as LPA
rray, ByValArray, or SafeArray).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non val
ide (la classe Array doit tre marshale uniquement comme LPArray, ByValArray ou Saf
eArray).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no marshaling support for this type.",,"Pas de prise en charge du mars
haling pour ce type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object type must be __ComObject or derived from __ComObject.",,"L objet doit tre
du type __ComObject ou d un type driv de __ComObject.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source object cannot be converted to the destination type since it does not sup
port all the required interfaces.",,"Impossible de convertir l objet source dans
le type de destination, car il ne prend pas en charge toutes les interfaces req
uises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pointers cannot reference managed objects. Use ByRef instead.",,"Les pointeurs
ne peuvent pas faire rfrence des objets manags. Utilisez ByRef la place.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pointers cannot reference marshaled structures. Use ByRef instead.",,"Les poin
teurs ne peuvent pas faire rfrence des structures marshales. Utilisez ByRef la plac
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This type can only be marshaled in restricted ways.",,"Ce type ne peut tre marsh
al que dans certaines conditions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ansi char arrays cannot be marshaled as ByRef or as unmanaged-to-managed parame
ters.",,"Les tableaux de caractres ANSI ne peuvent pas tre marshals comme ByRef ou
comme paramtres non manags-manags.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"VBByRefStr can only be used in combination with in/out, ByRef managed-to-unmana
ged strings.",,"Un VBByRefStr peut uniquement tre utilis en association avec des c
hanes manages-non manages in/out, ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"ArrayWithOffsets can only be marshaled as inout, non-ByRef, managed-to-unmanage
d parameters.",,"Les ArrayWithOffsets peuvent tre marshals uniquement comme des pa
ramtres manags-non manags inout, non-ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Internal error.",,"Erreur interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Classes with copy-ctors can only be marshaled non-ByRef.",,"Les classes avec co
nstructeurs de copie peuvent tre marshales uniquement comme des paramtres non-ByRef
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ArgIterators cannot be marshaled ByRef.",,"Impossible de marshaler les types Ar

gIterators comme des paramtres ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"HandleRefs cannot be marshaled ByRef or from unmanaged to managed.",,"Impossibl
e de marshaler les types HandleRefs comme des paramtres ByRef ou de non manags man
ags.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AppDomain cannot be unloaded during object finalization.",,"Impossible de dcharg
er AppDomain lors de la finalisation de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AppDomain cannot be unloaded because the thread %1 cannot be unwound out of i
t.",,"Impossible de dcharger AppDomain, car le thread %1 ne peut pas en tre extr
ait.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reached the end of the file.",,"Fin du fichier atteinte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File has not been opened.",,"Le fichier n a pas t ouvert.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Buffer is shorter than requested bytes.",,"La mmoire tampon est plus petite que
le nombre d octets demands.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name was not supplied.",,"Nom de fichier non fourni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Undefined seek modifier.",,"Modificateur de recherche non dfini.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request for permission of type %1 failed.",,"La demande d autorisation du typ
e %1 a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 cannot be marshaled as an unmanaged structure; no meaningful size or
offset can be computed.",,"Impossible de marshaler le type %1 comme une struct
ure non manage; il n est pas possible de calculer une taille ou un offset.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: A StringBuilder buffer has been overflowed by unmanaged code. The pro
cess may become unstable. Insufficient capacity allocated to the StringBuilder
before marshaling it.",,"Avertissement: Du code non manag a provoqu un dpassement de
capacit de mmoire tampon StringBuilder. Le processus peut devenir instable. Une c
apacit insuffisante a t alloue StringBuilder avant son marshaling.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hash validation failed for file or assembly %1 .",,"La validation du hachage a
chou pour le fichier ou l assembly %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Could not load type %1 because the module containing it from assembly %2 fa
iled to load.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 , car le module le contenant
partir de l assembly %2 n a pas t charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because the format is invalid.",,"I
mpossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car le format n est
pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not create array type %1 from assembly %2 .",,"Impossible de crer un ty
pe tableau %1 partir de l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"No server registered or could not load class for CLSID %1.",,"Pas de serveur in
scrit ou impossible de charger la classe pour le CLSID %1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because the method %3 could not b
e loaded.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car l
a mthode %3 n a pas pu tre charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Method %3 in type %1 from assembly %2 cannot be a static and a virtual.",
,"La mthode %3 du type %1 de l assembly %2 ne peut pas tre une mthode statiqu
e ni virtuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Derived method %3 in type %1 from assembly %2 cannot reduce access.",,"Un
e mthode drive %3 du type %1 de l assembly %2 ne peut pas rduire l accs.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not get PINVOKE information for method %3 in type %1 from assembly %

2 .",,"Impossible d obtenir les informations PINVOKE pour la mthode %3 du type

%1 partir de l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array of type %1 from assembly %2 cannot be created because base value type
is too large.",,"Impossible de crer le tableau de type %1 de l assembly %2 ,
car le type valeur de base est trop important.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 in type %1 from assembly %2 does not have an implementation.",,
"La mthode %3 du type %1 de l assembly %2 n a pas d implmentation.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because the parent does not exist."
,,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car le parent n
existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because the parent type is an inter
face.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car le ty
pe parent est une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load interface %1 from assembly %2 because it must extend from Ob
ject.",,"Impossible de charger l interface %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car e
lle doit tre tendue partir de Object.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because the interface does not exis
t.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car l interf
ace n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because it attempts to implement a
class as an interface.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembl
y %2 , car il essaie d implmenter une classe en tant qu interface.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load the value type %1 from assembly %2 because it has an instanc
e field of itself.",,"Impossible de charger le type valeur %1 partir de l asse
mbly %2 , car il comporte un champ d instance de lui-mme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because generic types cannot have e
xplicit layout.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 ,
car les types gnriques ne peuvent pas avoir une disposition explicite.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type name %1 from assembly %2 is invalid.",,"Le nom de type %1 de l assem
bly %2 n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1 from assembly %2 has too many dimensions.",," %1 de l assembly %2 uti
lise trop de dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Managed method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 is not supported.",,"La mtho
de manage %3 sur le type %1 de l assembly %2 n est pas prise en charge.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Native method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 is not supported.",,"La mthod
e native %3 sur le type %1 de l assembly %2 n est pas prise en charge.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 does not have sufficient permission to override su
per type methods.",,"Le type %1 de l assembly %2 ne dispose pas des autorisa
tions suffisantes pour se substituer aux mthodes super type.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because its enclosing type is not s
pecified with a type definition.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de
l assembly %2 , car son type englobant n est pas spcifi avec une dfinition de typ
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because it contains an object field
at offset %3 that is incorrectly aligned or overlapped by a non-object field.",
,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car il contient
un champ objet l offset %3 qui n est pas correctement align ou qui est chevauch
par un champ non objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because the parent type is sealed."
,,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car le type par
ent est sealed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Type %1 from assembly %2 has a method with no name.",,"Le type %1 de l as

sembly %2 a une mthode sans nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Private method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 cannot be virtual.",,"La mth
ode prive %3 sur le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 ne peut pas tre virtuell
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 does not have the correct name
or signature.",,"Le constructeur %3 sur le type %1 de l assembly %2 possde
un nom ou une signature non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Method override %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 cannot find a method to re
place.",,"Impossible de trouver la mthode substituer la mthode override %3 sur l
e type %1 partir de l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 is overriding a method that has bee
n overridden.",,"La mthode %3 sur le type %1 de l assembly %2 se substitue
une mthode qui a elle-mme t substitue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 is overriding a method that is not
visible from that assembly.",,"La mthode %3 sur le type %1 de l assembly %2
se substitue une mthode qui n est pas visible dans cet assembly.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 is overriding a method impl.",,"La
mthode %3 sur le type %1 de l assembly %2 se substitue une mthode impl.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 tried to override a method with a d
ifferent signature.",,"La mthode %3 sur le type %1 de l assembly %2 a essay
de se substituer une mthode avec une signature diffrente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 tried to override method %3 but does not impleme
nt or inherit that method.",,"Le type %1 de l assembly %2 a essay de se subst
ituer la mthode %3 , mais il n implmente pas cette mthode ou n en hrite pas.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 tried to implement a method declara
tion with a different virtual state.",,"La mthode %3 sur le type %1 de l asse
mbly %2 a essay d implmenter une dclaration de mthode avec un tat virtuel diffrent."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 must be virtual to implement a meth
od on an interface or super type.",,"La mthode %3 sur le type %1 de l assembl
y %2 doit tre virtuelle pour implmenter une mthode sur une interface ou un super
type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because the method %3 has no impl
ementation (no RVA).",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly
%2 , car la mthode %3 n a pas d implmentation (pas de RVA).",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Size of field of type %1 from assembly %2 is too large.",,"La taille du cha
mp de type %1 de l assembly %2 est trop grande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot connect to URL for %1 .",,"Impossible de se connecter l URL pour %1 ."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 cannot extend from any other type.",,"Impossible d
tendre le type %1 de l assembly %2 partir d un autre type.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 has zero size.",,"Le type %1 de l assembly %2
a une taille nulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load TypeSpec from assembly %2 .",,"Impossible de charger TypeSpec p
artir de l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 has a field of an illegal type.",,"Le type %1 de
l assembly %2 comporte un champ de type non conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Body referenced in a method implementation must be defined in the same type. T

ype: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Le corps rfrenc dans une implmentation de mthode doit t
re dfini dans le mme type. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Body referenced in a method implementation cannot be static. Type: %1 . Asse
mbly: %2 .",,"Le corps rfrenc dans une implmentation de mthode ne peut pas tre static
. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Body token used in a method implementation is out of range. Type: %1 . Assem
bly: %2 .",,"Le jeton du corps utilis dans une implmentation de mthode est hors li
mites. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declaration token used in a method implementation is out of range. Type: %1 .
Assembly: %2 .",,"Le jeton de dclaration utilis dans une implmentation de mthode
est hors limites. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Declaration referenced in a method implementation cannot be on a sealed type.
Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"La dclaration rfrence dans une implmentation de mthode
ne peut pas l tre sur un type sealed. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declaration referenced in a method implementation cannot be a final method. Ty
pe: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"La dclaration rfrence dans une implmentation de mthode n
e peut pas tre une mthode finale. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declaration referenced in a method implementation must be a virtual method. Ty
pe: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"La dclaration rfrence dans une implmentation de mthode d
oit tre une mthode virtuelle. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature of the body and declaration in a method implementation do not match.
Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"La signature du corps et la dclaration dans une
implmentation de mthode ne correspondent pas. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature for the body in a method implementation cannot be found. Type: %1 .
Assembly: %2 .",,"La signature pour le corps dans une implmentation de mthode e
st introuvable. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Signature for the declaration in a method implementation cannot be found. Type
: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"La signature pour la dclaration dans une implmentation
de mthode est introuvable. Type: %1 . Assembly: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 because the assembly containing it failed to load.",,"
Impossible de charger le type %1 , car l assembly le contenant n a pas pu tre ch
arg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because objects overlapped at offse
t %3 and the assembly must be verifiable.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1
partir de l assembly %2 , car les objets se chevauchent l offset %3 et l assemb
ly doit tre vrifiable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Configuration error.",,"Erreur de configuration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 . Internal limitation: Too many gene
ric arguments.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 .
Limitation interne: arguments gnriques trop nombreux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PInvoke method not permitted on type %1 from collectible assembly %2 .",,"Mth
ode PInvoke non autorise sur le type %1 partir de l assembly pouvant tre collect
%2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collectible type %1 may not have Thread or Context static members.",,"Le type
pouvant tre collect %1 ne peut pas avoir de membres statiques Thread ni Context
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLR error: %lx.\n The program will now terminate.",,"Erreur CLR: %lx.\n Le progr
amme va se terminer maintenant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fatal error",,"Erreur irrcuprable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error",,"Erreur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"An invalid VARIANT has been passed as argument %i of method %s of type %s .
If this argument is meant to be an interface pointer, add [MarshalAs(UnmanagedT
ype.Interface)] to the managed definition of the argument.\n\nClick CANCEL to br
eak into the debugger and OK to continue.",,"Un VARIANT non valide a t pass comme a
rgument %i de la mthode %s de type %s . Si cet argument doit tre un pointeur d
interface, ajoutez [MarshalAs(UnmanagedType.Interface)] la dfinition manage de l a
rgument.\n\nCliquez sur ANNULER pour vous arrter dans le dbogueur et sur OK pour c
ontinuer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid VARIANT.",,"VARIANT non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Warning: Components of the Common Language Runtime debugging services are from
different builds.\nContinuing to run will cause unpredictable results.\n\nIn-pro
cess component (mscoree.dll) is version %d.%d (%s)\nOut-of-process component (ms
cordbi.dll) is version %d.%d (%s).\n.",,"AVERTISSEMENT: Les composants des servic
es de dbogage du Common Language Runtime proviennent de versions diffrentes.\nLa p
oursuite de l excution peut avoir des consquences imprvisibles.\n\nLe composant inprocess (mscoree.dll) est de version%d.%d (%s)\nLe composant hors processus (msco
rdbi.dll) est de version%d.%d (%s).\n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Application Error",,"Erreur d application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"No debugger found.",,"Aucun dbogueur n a t trouv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application has generated an exception that could not be handled.\n\nProcess ID
=0x%x (%d), Thread ID=0x%x (%d).\n\nClick OK to terminate the application.\nClic
k CANCEL to debug the application.",,"L application a gnr une exception non gre.\n\nI
D de processus=0x%x (%d), ID de thread=0x%x (%d).\n\nCliquez sur OK pour termine
r l application.\nCliquez sur ANNULER pour dboguer l application.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"INTERNAL ERROR:\n\nUnhandled exception in Debugger::HandleIPCEvent.\n\nEvent ID
=0x%x.\n\nException code=0x%08x, Eip=0x%08x.\n\nProcess ID=0x%x (%d), Thread ID=
0x%x (%d).\n\n",,"ERREUR INTERNE:\n\nException non gre dans Debugger::HandleIPCEven
t.\n\nID d vnement=0x%x.\n\nCode d exception=0x%08x, Eip=0x%08x.\n\nID de processu
s=0x%x (%d), ID de thread=0x%x (%d).\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Performance Monitor Extension DLL for CLR. This can only be used on Windows NT
.",,"DLL d extension de l Analyseur de performances pour CLR. Elle ne peut tre ut
ilise qu avec WindowsNT.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load on non-Windows NT system.",,"Chargement impossible sur un systme
autre que WindowsNT.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application has encountered a user-defined breakpoint.\n\nProcess ID=0x%x (%d),
Thread ID=0x%x (%d).\n\nClick ABORT to terminate the application.\nClick RETRY
to debug the application.\nClick IGNORE to ignore the breakpoint.",,"L applicati
on a dtect un point d arrt utilisateur.\n\nID de processus=0x%x (%d), ID de thread=
0x%x (%d).\n\nCliquez sur ABANDONNER pour terminer l application.\nCliquez sur RE
SSAYER pour dboguer l application.\nCliquez sur IGNORER pour ignorer le point d a
rrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AppDomain cannot be unloaded because it is not local to the current process.",,
"Impossible de dcharger AppDomain, car il n est pas local pour le processus actue
l.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal attempt to replace or redimension a fixed or locked SafeArray.",,"Tenta
tive de remplacement ou de redimensionnement non conforme pour les tableaux Safe
Array verrouills ou fixes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid unmanaged calling convention: must be one of stdcall, cdecl, or thiscal
l.",,"Convention d appel non manage non valide: doit tre stdcall, cdecl ou thiscall
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type could not be marshaled because an embedded valuetype has no layout informa
tion.",,"Impossible de marshaler le type, car un valuetype incorpor ne contient a
ucune information de disposition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because field %3 was not given an
explicit offset.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2
, car le champ %3 n a pas reu d offset explicite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type could not be marshaled because an embedded string could not be converted f
rom Unicode to ANSI.",,"Impossible de marshaler le type, car une chane incorpore n
a pas pu tre convertie de Unicode en Ansi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Type could not be marshaled because the length of an embedded array instance do
es not match the declared length in the layout.",,"Impossible de marshaler le ty
pe, car la longueur d une instance de tableau incorpore ne correspond pas la long
ueur dclare dans la disposition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure converting Unicode string to ANSI.",,"Erreur de conversion de chanes Uni
code en Ansi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure converting ANSI string to Unicode.",,"Erreur de conversion de chanes ANS
I en Unicode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no marshaling support for nested arrays.",,"Il n existe aucune prise e
n charge du marshaling pour les tableaux imbriqus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure decoding embedded permission set object.",,"Impossible de dcoder l objet
permission set incorpor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mscorlib.dll is missing types required by security.",,"Types requis par la scuri
t manquant dans Mscorlib.dll.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The list of COM source interfaces for type %1 contains non interface or gener
ic type %2 .",,"La liste des interfaces sources COM pour le type %1 contient
un type %2 qui n est pas un type gnrique ni interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The new wrapper type must have an empty constructor.",,"Le nouveau type wrapper
doit avoir un constructeur vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Standard DISPID member name is formed incorrectly. The name must be in the fol
lowing format: [DISPID=XXX].",,"Nom de membre DISPID standard incorrect. Le nom
doit tre au format suivant: [DISPID=XXX].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"COM target does not implement IDispatch.",,"La cible COM n implmente pas IDispat
ch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All named parameters must be specified as [DISPID=XXX] when invoking on a stand
ard members specified as [DISPID=XXX}.",,"Tous les paramtres nomms doivent tre spcif
is sous la forme [DISPID=XXX] lors de l appel de membres spcifis sous la forme [DIS
PID=XXX].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variant returned from an Invoke call with a DISPID of -4 does not contain a val
id IUnknown pointer.",,"Le variant retourn partir d un appel Invoke avec un DISPI
D de -4 ne contient pas un pointeur IUnknown valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used. The
COM object was released while it was still in use on another thread.",,"Impossib
le d utiliser un objet COM qui a t spar de son RCW sous-jacent. L objet COM a t libr
rs qu il tait toujours utilis sur un autre thread.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM object that has been separated from its underlying RCW cannot be used.",,"I
mpossible d utiliser un objet COM qui a t spar de son RCW sous-jacent.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function can only be called from inside the class constructor of a class derive
d from a COM imported class.",,"La fonction ne peut tre appele qu partir du constr
ucteur de classe d une classe drive d une classe COM importe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Base type has already registered a type creation callback.",,"Le type de base a
dj inscrit une fonction de rappel de cration de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Invalid PInvoke or UnmanagedFunctionPointer calling convention.",,"Convention d

appel PInvoke ou UnmanagedFunctionPointer non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to cast object of type %1 to type %2 .",,"Impossible d effectuer un c
ast d un objet de type %1 en type %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Object contains non-primitive or non-blittable data.",,"L objet contient des do
nnes qui ne sont ni des primitives ni blittables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field passed in is not a marshaled member of the type %1 .",,"Le champ pass n e
st pas un membre marshal du type %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Requested range extends past the end of the array.",,"La plage demande s tend audel de la fin du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object type cannot be pinned.",,"Le type d objet ne peut pas tre pingl.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ArrayWithOffset: offset exceeds array size.",,"ArrayWithOffset: l offset dpasse l
a taille du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ran out of internal resource while executing marshaling operation. Possible ca
use: overly complex method signature.",,"Ressources internes puises lors de l excut
ion de l opration de marshaling. Cause possible: signature de mthode trop complexe.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A call to GetInstance() for custom marshaler %1 returned null, which is not a
llowed.",,"Un appel GetInstance() pour un marshaleur personnalis %1 a retourn nu
ll, ce qui n est pas autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array size control parameter index is out of range.",,"L index du paramtre de co
ntrle de la taille du tableau est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array size control parameter type not supported.",,"Type du paramtre de contrle d
e la taille du tableau non pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Multiple permission sets specified with the same SecurityAction.",,"Plusieurs j
eux d autorisations spcifis avec le mme SecurityAction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SafeArray cannot be marshaled to this array type because it has either nonzero
lower bounds or more than one dimension.",,"Impossible de marshaler SafeArray po
ur ce type tableau, car il possde des limites infrieures diffrentes de zro ou plusie
urs dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of the VARIANT specified for a parameter with a custom marshaler is not su
pported by the custom marshaler.",,"Le type du VARIANT spcifi pour un paramtre avec
un marshaleur personnalis n est pas pris en charge par le marshaleur personnalis.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Types extending from COM objects should override all methods of an interface im
plemented by the base COM class.",,"Les types qui s tendent partir des objets COM
doivent se substituer toutes les mthodes d une interface implmente par la classe C
OM de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error loading file %s .\n%s.",,"Erreur lors du chargement du fichier %s .\n%s
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error 0x%08x.\n\n%s.",,"Erreur 0x%08x.\n\n%s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: %s.",,"Erreur: %s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown import key operation specified.",,"Opration d importation de cl spcifie inc
onnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieving the COM class factory for component with CLSID %2 failed due to the
following error: %1 %3.",,"La rcupration de la fabrique de classes COM pour le com
posant avec le CLSID %2 a chou en raison de l erreur suivante: %1 %3.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StrongName APIs could not locate a matching CSP for assembly %1 .",,"Les API S
trongName n ont pas trouv de fournisseur de services de chiffrement correspondant
pour l assembly %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Field not found: %1 .",,"Champ introuvable: %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew

ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method not found: %1 .",,"Mthode introuvable: %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The interface does not support late bound calls since it does not derive from I
Dispatch.",,"L interface ne prend pas en charge les appels de liaison tardive, c
ar elle n est pas drive de IDispatch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"MSCOREE is not loaded.",,"MSCOREE n est pas charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing entrypoint in MSCOREE: %1 .",,"Point d entre manquant dans MSCOREE: %1
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled Exception:",,"Exception non gre:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot print exception string because Exception.ToString() failed.",,"Impossibl
e d imprimer la chane d exception en raison de l chec de Exception.ToString().",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load the structure %1 from assembly %2 . The structure is marked a
s eligible for type equivalence, but it has a method.",,"Impossible de charger l
a structure %1 partir de l assembly %2 . La structure est marque comme tant dis
ponible pour l quivalence des types, mais elle a une mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load the structure %1 from assembly %2 . The structure is marked a
s eligible for type equivalence, but it has a static or non-public field.",,"Imp
ossible de charger la structure %1 partir de l assembly %2 . La structure est
marque comme tant disponible pour l quivalence des types, mais elle a un champ sta
tique ou non public.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[offset 0x%08X]",,"[offset 0x%08X]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"[opcode %s]",,"[opcode %s]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[operand 0x%08X]",,"[oprande 0x%08X]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"[token 0x%08X]",,"[jeton 0x%08X]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"[exception #0x%08X]",,"[exception #0x%08X]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"[stack slot 0x%08X]",,"[emplacement pile 0x%08X]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[local variable #0x%08X]",,"[variable locale #0x%08X]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[argument #0x%08x]",,"[argument #0x%08x]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"[found %s]",,"[%s trouv]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[expected %s]",,"[%s attendu]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[local variable %s ]",,"[variable locale %s ]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown opcode [0x%08X].",,"Opcode [0x%08X] inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown calling convention [0x%08X].",,"Convention d appel [0x%08X] inconnue.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown ELEMENT_TYPE [0x%08x].",,"ELEMENT_TYPE [0x%08x] inconnu.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[return sig]",,"[signature retourne]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"[field sig]",,"[signature de champ]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Protected method access through an open instance delegate is not verifiable.",,
"L accs la mthode protge par le biais d un dlgu d instance ouverte n est pas vrifia
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack is too large.",,"Taille de pile trop grande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame

work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array name is too long.",,"Nom de tableau trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fall through end of the method without returning.",,"passage la fin de la mthode
sans revenir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"try start >= try end.",,"dbut de try >= fin de try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"try end > code size.",,"fin de try > taille du code.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"handler start >= handler end.",,"dbut de gestionnaire >= fin de gestionnaire.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"handler end > code size.",,"fin de gestionnaire > taille du code.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Try starts in the middle of an instruction.",,"Try commence au milieu d une ins
truction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handler starts in the middle of an instruction.",,"Handler commence au milieu d
une instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Try block overlap with another block.",,"Chevauchement du bloc try avec un autr
e bloc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Try and filter/handler blocks are equivalent.",,"Blocs try et filter/handler qui
valents.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shared try has finally or fault handler.",,"Le try partag a un gestionnaire fina
lly ou d erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handler block overlaps with another block.",,"Chevauchement du bloc handler ave
c un autre bloc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handler block is the same as another block.",,"Bloc handler identique un autre
bloc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filter block overlaps with another block.",,"Chevauchement du bloc filter avec
un autre bloc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filter block is the same as another block.",,"Bloc filter identique un autre bl
oc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filter contains try.",,"Filter contient try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filter contains handler.",,"Filter contient handler.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nested filters.",,"Filtres imbriqus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"filter >= code size.",,"filtre >= taille du code.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filter starts in the middle of an instruction.",,"Filter commence au milieu d u
ne instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fallthru the end of an exception block.",,"passe la fin d un bloc exception.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fallthru into an exception handler.",,"passe un gestionnaire d exceptions.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fallthru into an exception filter.",,"passe un filtre d exception.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Leave from outside a try or catch block.",,"Quitte de l extrieur d un bloc try o
u catch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rethrow from outside a catch handler.",,"Lever de nouveau en dehors d un gestio
nnaire catch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Endfinally from outside a finally handler.",,"Endfinally en dehors d un gestion
naire finally.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Endfilter from outside an exception filter block.",,"Endfilter en dehors d un b
loc de filtre d exceptions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing Endfilter.",,"Endfilter manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Branch into try block.",,"Branche dans un bloc try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branch into exception handler block.",,"Branche dans un bloc de gestionnaire d

exceptions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Branch into exception filter block.",,"Branche dans un bloc de filtre d excepti
ons.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branch out of try block.",,"Branche en dehors d un bloc try.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branch out of exception handler block.",,"Branche en dehors d un bloc de gestio
nnaire d exceptions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branch out of exception filter block.",,"Branche en dehors d un bloc de filtre
d exceptions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branch out of finally block.",,"Branche en dehors d un bloc finally.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return out of try block.",,"Retour depuis un bloc try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return out of exception handler block.",,"Retour depuis un bloc de gestionnaire
d exceptions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return out of exception filter block.",,"Retour depuis un bloc de filtre d exce
ptions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"jmp / exception into the middle of an instruction.",,"exception jmp / au milieu
d une instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-compatible types depending on path.",,"Types non compatibles selon le chemi
n d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Init state for this differs depending on path.",,"L tat d initialisation de this
dpend du chemin d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-compatible types on stack depending on path.",,"Types non compatibles sur l
a pile selon le chemin d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack depth differs depending on path.",,"Profondeur de la pile diffrente selon
le chemin d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance variable (this) missing.",,"Variable d instance (this) manquante.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninitialized this on entering a try block.",,"This non initialis l entre d un bl
oc try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Store into this when it is uninitialized.",,"Stockage dans this lorsqu il n est
pas initialis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return from .ctor when this is uninitialized.",,"Retour du constructeur (.ctor)
alors que this n est pas initialis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Return from .ctor before all fields are initialized.",,"Retour du constructeur
(.ctor) avant l initialisation de tous les champs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branch back when this is uninitialized.",,"Rebranchement alors que this n est p
as initialis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ldftn/ldvirtftn not allowed on .ctor.",,"ldftn/ldvirtftn non autoris sur .ctor."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-compatible types on the stack.",,"Types non compatibles sur la pile.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected type on the stack.",,"Type inattendu sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing stack slot for exception.",,"Emplacement de pile manquant pour l except
ion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack overflow.",,"Dpassement de capacit de la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack underflow.",,"Dpassement de capacit ngatif de la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninitialized item on stack.",,"lment non initialis sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected I, I4, or I8 on the stack.",,"Type I, I4 ou I8 attendu sur la pile.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected R, R4, or R8 on the stack.",,"Type R, R4 ou R8 attendu sur la pile.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"unexpected R, R4, R8, or I8 on the stack.",,"R, R4, R8 ou I8 inattendu sur la p

ile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Expected numeric type on the stack.",,"Type numrique attendu sur la pile.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected an ObjRef on the stack.",,"ObjRef attendu sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected address of an ObjRef on the stack.",,"Adresse d un ObjRef attendue sur
la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected ByRef on the stack.",,"ByRef attendu sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected pointer to function on the stack.",,"Pointeur de fonction attendu sur
la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected single dimension array on the stack.",,"Tableau une seule dimension at
tendu sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected value type instance on the stack.",,"Instance de type valeur attendue
sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected address of value type on the stack.",,"Adresse de type valeur attendue
sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected value type instance on the stack.",,"Instance de type valeur inatten
due sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local variable is unusable at this point.",,"Variable locale actuellement inuti
lisable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized local variable number.",,"Numro de variable locale non reconnu.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized argument number.",,"Numro d argument non reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to resolve token.",,"Impossible de rsoudre le jeton.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to resolve type of the token.",,"Impossible de rsoudre le type du jeton."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected memberRef, memberDef or methodSpec token.",,"Jeton memberRef, memberDe
f ou methodSpec attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected memberRef or fieldDef token.",,"Jeton memberRef ou fieldDef attendu.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected signature token.",,"Jeton signature attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instruction cannot be verified.",,"Impossible de vrifier l instruction.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operand does not point to a valid string ref.",,"L oprande ne pointe pas vers un
e rfrence de chane valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return type is ByRef, TypedReference, ArgHandle, or ArgIterator.",,"Le type de
retour est ByRef, TypedReference, ArgHandle ou ArgIterator.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack must be empty on return from a void function.",,"La pile doit tre vide au
retour d une fonction void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return value missing on the stack.",,"Valeur de retour manquante sur la pile.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack must contain only the return value.",,"La pile doit contenir uniquement l
a valeur de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return uninitialized data.",,"Retourne les donnes non initialises.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal array access.",,"Accs au tableau non conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Store non Object type into Object array.",,"Stockage d un type non Object dans
un tableau Object.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected single-dimension zero-based array.",,"Tableau de base zro une seule dim
ension attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected single dimension array of pointer types.",,"Tableau une seule dimensio
n, de type pointeur, attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array field access is denied.",,"Accs au champ du tableau refus.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Allowed only in vararg methods.",,"Autoris uniquement dans les mthodes vararg.",,

"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value type expected.",,"Type valeur attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is not visible.",,"Mthode non visible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field is not visible.",,"Champ non visible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Item is unusable at this point.",,"lment actuellement inutilisable.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected static field.",,"Champ static attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected non-static field.",,"Champ non static attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Address of not allowed for this item.",,"Adresse non autorise pour cet lment.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Address of not allowed for ByRef.",,"Adresse non autorise pour ByRef.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Address of not allowed for literal field.",,"Adresse non autorise pour un champ
littral.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot change initonly field outside its .ctor.",,"Impossible de modifier un ch
amp initonly en dehors de son constructeur (.ctor).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot throw this object.",,"Impossible de lever cet objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Callvirt on a value type method.",,"Callvirt sur une mthode de type valeur.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Call signature mismatch.",,"Non-correspondance de signature d appel.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static function expected.",,"Fonction static attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".ctor expected.",,"Constructeur (.ctor) attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use callvirt on .ctor.",,"Impossible d utiliser callvirt sur le construc
teur (.ctor).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only super::ctor or typeof(this)::ctor allowed here.",,"Seul le constructeur su
per::ctor ou typeof(this)::ctor est autoris ici.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Possible call to .ctor more than once.",,"Plusieurs appels possibles au constru
cteur (.ctor).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized signature.",,"Signature non reconnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve Array type.",,"Impossible de rsoudre le type tableau.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array of ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR.",,"Tableau de ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
YPE_BYREF ou ELEMENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR cannot be verified.",,"Impossible de vrifier ELEMENT_TYPE_PTR."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected vararg.",,"Vararg inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Unexpected Void.",,"Void inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"ByRef of ByRef",,"ByRef de ByRef",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Code size is zero.",,"Code de taille nulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized use of vararg.",,"Utilisation non reconnue de vararg.",,"Text",,"A

ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Missing call/callvirt/calli.",,"Call/callvirt/calli manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pass ByRef to a tail call.",,"Impossible de passer ByRef un appel tail."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing ret.",,"Ret manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Void ret type expected for tail call.",,"Type void ret attendu pour un appel ta
il.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tail call return type not compatible.",,"Type de retour d un appel tail non com
patible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack not empty after tail call.",,"Pile non vide aprs un appel tail.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method ends in the middle of an instruction.",,"Fin de la mthode au milieu d une
instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branch out of the method.",,"Branche en dehors de la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Finally handler blocks overlap.",,"Les blocs de gestionnaires finally se chevau
chent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lexical nesting.",,"Imbrication lexicale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Missing ldsfld, stsfld, ldind, stind, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk, or c
pblk.",,"Ldsfld, stsfld, ldind, stind, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk ou cp
blk manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing ldind, stind, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk, cpblk.",,"Ldind, sti
nd, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk ou cpblk manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Innermost exception blocks should be declared first.",,"Les blocs d exception l
es plus profonds doivent tre dclars en premier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Calli not allowed on virtual methods.",,"Appel non autoris pour les mthodes virtu
elles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Call not allowed on abstract methods.",,"Appel non autoris pour les mthodes abstr
aites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected array type on the stack.",,"Type tableau inattendu sur la pile.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value type with NotInGCHeap attribute being created on the GC heap.",,"Type val
eur avec attribut NotInGCHeap cr sur le tas GC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to enter a try block with nonempty stack.",,"Tentative d entre dans un b
loc try avec une pile non vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized arguments for delegate .ctor.",,"Arguments non reconnus pour le .c
tor dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate .ctor not allowed at the start of a basic block when the function poin
ter argument is a virtual method.",,".ctor dlgu interdit au dbut d un bloc de base l
orsque l argument du pointeur fonction est une mthode virtual.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dup, ldvirtftn, newobj delegate::.ctor() pattern expected (in the same basic bl
ock).",,"Modle dup, ldvirtftn, newobj delegate::.ctor() attendu (dans le mme bloc
de base).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ldftn or ldvirtftn instruction required before call to a delegate .ctor.",,"Ins
truction ldftn ou ldvirtftn requise avant d appeler un .ctor dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to load address of an abstract method.",,"Tentative de chargement de l
adresse d une mthode abstraite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS ValueClass in signature.",,"ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS ValueClass da
ns la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
on ValueClass dans la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Box operation on TypedReference, ArgHandle, or ArgIterator.",,"Opration box sur
TypedReference, ArgHandle ou ArgIterator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"ByRef of TypedReference, ArgHandle, or ArgIterator.",,"ByRef de TypedReference,
ArgHandle ou ArgIterator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array of TypedReference, ArgHandle, or ArgIterator.",,"Tableau de TypedReferenc
e, ArgHandle ou ArgIterator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack not empty when leaving an exception filter.",,"Pile non vide en quittant
un filtre d exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized delegate .ctor signature; expected I.",,"Signature .ctor dlgu non rec
onnue; I attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized delegate .ctor signature; expected Object.",,"Signature .ctor dlgu no
n reconnue; Object attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mkrefany on TypedReference, ArgHandle, or ArgIterator.",,"Mkrefany sur TypedRef
erence, ArgHandle ou ArgIterator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Value type not allowed as catch type.",,"Type valeur interdit en tant que type
catch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ByRef not allowed as catch type.",,"ByRef interdit en tant que type catch.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"filter block should immediately precede handler block",,"Le bloc filter doit im
mdiatement prcder le bloc handler",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ldvirtftn on static",,"ldvirtftn sur static",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"callvirt on static",,"callvirt sur static",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"initlocals must be set for verifiable methods with one or more local variables.
",,"initlocals doit tre dfini pour les mthodes verifiable avec une ou plusieurs var
iables locales.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"branch/leave to the beginning of a catch/filter handler",,"se branche/quitte au
dbut d un gestionnaire catch/filter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"call to .ctor only allowed to initialize this pointer from within a .ctor. Try
newobj.",,"Appel .ctor autoris uniquement pour initialiser ce pointeur l intrieur
d un .ctor. Essayez newobj.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value type, ObjRef type or variable type expected.",,"Type valeur, type ObjRef
ou type variable attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected address of value type, ObjRef type or variable type on the stack.",,"A
dresse de type valeur, de type ObjRef ou de type variable attendue sur la pile."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized type parameter of enclosing class.",,"Paramtre de type non reconnu
de classe englobante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized type parameter of enclosing method.",,"Paramtre de type non reconnu
de mthode englobante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized type argument of referenced class instantiation.",,"Argument de ty
pe non reconnu d instanciation de classe rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized type argument of referenced method instantiation.",,"Argument de t
ype non reconnu d instanciation de mthode rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve generic type.",,"Impossible de rsoudre le type gnrique.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method instantiation contains non boxable type arguments.",,"L instanciation de
la mthode contient des arguments de type non convertible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method parent instantiation contains non boxable type arguments.",,"L instancia
tion de la mthode parent contient des arguments de type non convertible.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field parent instantiation contains non boxable type arguments.",,"L instanciat
ion du champ parent contient des arguments de type non convertible.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized calling convention for an instantiated generic method.",,"Conventi

on d appel non reconnue pour une mthode gnrique instancie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr

amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized generic method in method instantiation.",,"Mthode gnrique non reconnu
e en instanciation de mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing ldelema or call following readonly prefix.",,"ldelema ou call manquant
aprs le prfixe readonly .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing callvirt following constrained prefix.",,"Callvirt manquant aprs le prfix
e constrained .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method parent has circular class type parameter constraints.",,"La mthode parent
possde des contraintes circulaires de paramtre de type de classe.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has circular method type parameter constraints.",,"La mthode possde des co
ntraintes circulaires de paramtre de type de la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method instantiation has unsatisfied method type parameter constraints.",,"L in
stanciation de la mthode possde des contraintes non satisfaites de paramtre de type
de la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method parent instantiation has unsatisfied class type parameter constraints.",
,"L instanciation de la mthode parent possde des contraintes non satisfaites de pa
ramtre de type de classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field parent instantiation has unsatisfied class type parameter constraints.",,
"L instanciation du champ parent possde des contraintes non satisfaites du paramtr
e type de classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type operand of box instruction has unsatisfied class type parameter constraint
s.",,"L oprande de type de l instruction box a des contraintes non satisfaites de
paramtre de type de classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The this argument to a constrained call must have ByRef type.",,"L argument
this pour un appel avec contraintes doit avoir un type ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operand to a constrained prefix instruction must be a type parameter.",,"L
oprande d une instruction de prfixe avec contraintes doit tre un paramtre de type.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The readonly prefix may only be applied to calls to array methods returning ByR
efs.",,"Le prfixe readonly peut uniquement tre appliqu aux appels des mthodes Array
retournant des ByRefs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal write to readonly ByRef.",,"criture non autorise dans un ByRef readonly."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A readonly ByRef cannot be used with mkrefany.",,"Impossible d utiliser un ByRe
f readonly avec mkrefany.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alignment specified for unaligned prefix must be 1, 2, or 4.",,"L alignement
spcifi pour le prfixe unaligned doit tre 1, 2 ou 4.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The (or calli or callvirt) instruction cannot be used to transfer con
trol out of a try, filter, catch, or finally block.",,"Impossible d utiliser l i
nstruction (calli ou callvirt) pour transfrer le contrle en dehors d un
bloc try, filter, catch ou finally.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Stack height at all points must be determinable in a single forward scan of IL.
",,"La hauteur de la pile doit pouvoir tre dtermine tous les points lors d une seul
e analyse vers l avant de l IL (Intermediate Language).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Call to base type of valuetype.",,"Appel un type de base de valuetype.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot construct an instance of abstract class.",,"Impossible de construire une
instance de classe abstraite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unmanaged pointers are not a verifiable type.",,"Les pointeurs non manags ne son
t pas un type vrifiable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot LDFTN a non-final virtual method for delegate creation if target object
is potentially not the same type as the method class.",,"Impossible d utiliser L
DFTN avec une mthode virtuelle non finale pour la cration de dlgu si l objet cible a

potentiellement un autre type que celui de la classe Method.",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessing type with overlapping fields.",,"Accs au type avec champs superposs.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The this parameter to the call must be the calling method s this parameter.
",,"Le paramtre this de l appel doit tre le paramtre this de la mthode d appel."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected I4 on the stack.",,"I4 attendu sur la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unverifiable PE Header/native stub.",,"En-tte/stub natif du PE non vrifiables.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized metadata, unable to verify IL.",,"Mtadonnes non reconnues, impossibl
e de vrifier l IL (Intermediate Language).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized appdomain pointer.",,"Pointeur appdomain non reconnu.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type load failed.",,"chec du chargement du type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module load failed.",,"chec du chargement du module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot modify an imaged based (RVA) static",,"Impossible de modifier une mthode
statique base sur l image (RVA)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A call to PInvoke function %1$s has unbalanced the stack. This is likely beca
use the managed PInvoke signature does not match the unmanaged target signature.
Check that the calling convention and parameters of the PInvoke signature match
the target unmanaged signature.",,"Un appel la fonction PInvoke %1$s a dsquilib
r la pile. Cela peut se produire, car la signature PInvoke manage ne correspond pa
s la signature cible non manage. Vrifiez que la convention d appel et les paramtres
de la signature PInvoke correspondent la signature non manage cible.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The %1$s configuration file is invalid.",,"Le fichier de configuration %1$s
n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A callback was made on a garbage collected delegate of type %1$s . This may ca
use application crashes, corruption and data loss. When passing delegates to unm
anaged code, they must be kept alive by the managed application until it is guar
anteed that they will never be called.",,"Un rappel a t effectu sur un dlgu rcupr pa
garbage collector de type %1$s . Cela peut entraner un arrt brutal de l applicati
on, des dysfonctionnements et des pertes de donnes. Lors du passage de dlgus du code
non manag, ils doivent tre maintenus actifs par l application manage jusqu ce qu i
l soit garanti qu ils ne seront jamais appels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attempt was made to change the apartment state of the thread to %1$s, but it
has already been set to %2$s. When creating a new thread the apartment state sh
ouldbe set before the thread is started. For the main thread of the application,
the apartmentstate can be set by specifying either [STAThreadAttribute] or [MTA
ThreadAttribute] on themain method of the application. If the application really
needs to attempt to set the apartment state on a running thread, Thread.TrySetA
partmentState should be used and the return value should be consulted to determi
ne if the operation was successful. Note that Thread.TrySetApartmentState will n
ot fire the InvalidApartmentStateChange MDA.",,"Une tentative de remplacement de
l tat de cloisonnement du thread par l tat %1$s a eu lieu, mais l tat dfini a dj pour
valeur %2$s. Lors de la cration d un thread, l tat de cloisonnement doit tre dfini
avant le dmarrage du thread. Pour le thread principal de l application, l tat de c
loisonnement peut tre dfini en spcifiant [STAThreadAttribute] ou [MTAThreadAttribut
e] sur la mthode principale de l application. Si l application doit rellement tent
er de dfinir l tat de cloisonnement d un thread en cours d excution, vous devez uti
liser Thread.TrySetApartmentState; par ailleurs, vous devez examiner la valeur de
retour pour dterminer si l opration a russi. Remarquez que Thread.TrySetApartmentS
tate ne dclenche pas l architecture MDA InvalidApartmentStateChange.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The current thread used to have an apartment state of %1$s, but the application
has CoUnitialized this thread and it is now %2$s. This may cause calls on Runti
meCallableWrappers representing some COM components to fail and may also cause C
OM component that are not multi-threaded to be accessed from multiple threads at
the same time which can cause corruption or data loss.",,"Le thread actuel avai
t l tat de cloisonnement %1$s mais l application a effectu une opration CoUnitializ
ed sur ce thread et celui-ci est prsent %2$s. Cela peut entraner l chec des appels
sur les RuntimeCallableWrappers reprsentant certains composants COM. Cela peut gal
ement entraner des accs multiples aux composants COM qui ne sont pas multithread d
e la part de plusieurs threads la fois avec des risques de dysfonctionnements et
de pertes de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to run manag
ed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function since doing so can cau
se the application to hang.",,"Tentative d excution manage dans le verrou du charg
eur du systme d exploitation (OS). N essayez pas d excuter du code manag dans une f
onction d initialisation d image ou DllMain, car cela risque d entraner un blocag
e de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception was caught but handled while releasing a COM interface pointer thr
ough Marshal.Release, Marshal.ReleaseComObject or implicitly after the correspon
ding RuntimeCallableWrapper was garbage collected. This is the result of a user
refcount error or other problem with a COM object s Release. Make sure refcounts
are managed properly. While these types of exceptions are caught by the CLR, th
ey can still lead to corruption and data loss so if possible the issue causing t
he exception should be addressed",,"Une exception a t intercepte mais gre lors de la
libration d un pointeur d interface COM l aide de Marshal.Release, Marshal.Releas
eComObject ou de manire implicite, une fois que le RuntimeCallableWrapper a t rcupr pa
r le garbage collector. Cela rsulte d une erreur refcount utilisateur ou d un aut
re problme li la libration d un objet COM. Assurez-vous que les erreurs refcount so
nt gres correctement. Bien que les exceptions de ce type soient interceptes par le
Common Language Runtime (CLR), elles peuvent entraner des dysfonctionnements et d
es pertes de donnes; par consquent, le problme l origine de l exception doit tre trai
t dans la mesure du possible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid VARIANT was detected during a conversion from an unmanaged VARIANT t
o a managed object. Passing invalid VARIANTs to the CLR can cause unexpected exc
eptions, corruption or data loss.",,"Un VARIANT non valide a t dtect durant la conve
rsion d un VARIANT non manag en objet manag. Le passage d un VARIANT non valide au
Common Language Runtime (CLR) peut provoquer des exceptions inattendues, des dy
sfonctionnements ou des pertes de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The call to QI for interface %1$s with IID %2$s failed with HRESULT 0x%3$s
(%4$s). One likely reason this failed is that the object does not have a proxy/s
tub dll properly registered.",,"L appel QI pour l interface %1$s avec l IID %
2$s a chou avec HRESULT 0x%3$s (%4$s). L une des raisons probables de cet chec tie
nt au fait qu une DLL proxy/stub de l objet n est pas inscrite correctement.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transition into COM context 0x%1$x for this RuntimeCallableWrapper failed with
the following error: %2$s. This is typically because the COM context 0x%1$x wher
e this RuntimeCallableWrapper was created has been disconnected or it is busy do
ing something else and cannot process the context transition. No proxy will be u
sed to service the request on the COM component and calls will be made to the CO
M component directly. This may cause corruption or data loss. To avoid this prob
lem, please ensure that all COM contexts/apartments/threads stay alive and are a
vailable for context transition, until the application is completely done with t
he RuntimeCallableWrappers that represents COM components that live inside them.
",,"chec de la transition vers le contexte COM 0x%1$x pour ce RuntimeCallableWrap
per avec l erreur suivante : %2$s. Cela se produit habituellement car le context
e COM 0x%1$x dans lequel ce RuntimeCallableWrapper a t cr a t dconnect ou est occup
chose et ne peut pas traiter la transition des contextes. Aucun proxy ne sera u
tilis pour traiter la demande sur le composant COM. Cela peut entraner des dysfonc
tionnements ou des pertes de donnes. Pour viter ce problme, assurez-vous que tous l

es contextes/cloisonnements/threads COM restent actifs et sont disponibles pour

la transition des contextes, tant que l application n en a pas termin avec les Ru
ntimeCallableWrappers qui reprsentent les composants COM qui s y trouvent.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transition into COM context 0x%1$x for this RuntimeCallableWrapper failed with
the following error: %2$s. This is typically because the COM context 0x%1$x wher
e this RuntimeCallableWrapper was created has been disconnected or it is busy do
ing something else. Releasing the interfaces from the current COM context (COM c
ontext 0x%3$x). This may cause corruption or data loss. To avoid this problem, p
lease ensure that all COM contexts/apartments/threads stay alive and are availab
le for context transition, until the application is completely done with the Run
timeCallableWrappers that represents COM components that live inside them.",,"che
c de la transition vers le contexte COM 0x%1$x pour ce RuntimeCallableWrapper av
ec l erreur suivante : %2$s. Cela se produit habituellement car le contexte COM
0x%1$x dans lequel ce RuntimeCallableWrapper a t cr a t dconnect ou est occup autr
. Libration des interfaces du contexte COM actuel (contexte COM 0x%3$x). Cela peu
t entraner des dysfonctionnements ou des pertes de donnes. Pour viter ce problme, as
surez-vous que tous les contextes/cloisonnements/threads COM restent actifs et s
ont disponibles pour la transition des contextes, tant que l application n en a
pas termin avec les RuntimeCallableWrappers qui reprsentent les composants COM qui
s y trouvent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A non marshalable COM component is being used from a different apartment/contex
t then the one where it first entered the CLR. Since the component is non marsha
lable, it will be called directly from the current apartment/context. This may c
ause corruption or data loss if the component does not support being accessed fr
om multiple threads at once. This is most likely caused by a faulty IMarshal imp
lementation on the part of the COM component.",,"Un composant COM non marshalabl
e est utilis partir d un autre cloisonnement/contexte que celui qui tait le sien l
ors de sa premire entre dans le CLR. Dans la mesure o le composant n est pas marsha
lable, il est appel directement depuis le cloisonnement/contexte actuel. Cela peu
t entraner des dysfonctionnements ou des pertes de donnes si le composant ne prend
pas en charge les accs de plusieurs threads la fois. Cela est probablement d une
implmentation incorrecte de IMarshal de la part du composant COM.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid IUnknown* was detected during a conversion from a COM component to a
managed object. Passing invalid IUnknown pointers to the CLR can cause unexpect
ed exceptions, corruption or data loss.",,"Un IUnknown* non valide a t dtect durant
la conversion d un composant COM en objet manag. Le passage de pointeurs IUnknown
non valides au Common Language Runtime (CLR) peut provoquer des exceptions inat
tendues, des dysfonctionnements ou des pertes de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Marshaling parameter with index %1$i and name %2$s from %3$s to %4$s ",,"M
arshaling du paramtre avec l index %1$i et le nom %2$s de %3$s %4$s ",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid function pointer 0x%1$x was passed into the runtime to be converted to
a delegate. Passing in invalid function pointers to be converted to delegates ca
n cause crashes, corruption or data loss. ",,"Le pointeur fonction non valide 0x
%1$x a t pass au runtime afin d tre converti en dlgu. Le passage de pointeurs fonction
non valides destins tre convertis en dlgus peut entraner des arrts brutaux, des dysf
tionnements ou des pertes de donnes. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"An early bound call (vtable call) was made on the following member of an auto d
ispatch class interface: %1$s . Early bound calls on members of auto dispatch c
lass interfaces are not allowed. Please consider using an explicit interface as
the default interface for the type. If a class interface must be called early bo
und, change it to auto dual. This can be accomplished by marking the class with
the following attribute, located in the System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace
: [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType.AutoDual)] ",,"Un appel de liaison anticipe
(appel vtable) a t effectu sur le membre suivant d une interface de classe auto dis
patch: %1$s . Les appels de liaison anticipe sur les membres d interfaces de clas

se auto dispatch ne sont pas autoriss. Envisagez l utilisation d une interface ex

plicite comme interface par dfaut pour le type. Si une interface de classe doit f
aire l objet d un appel de liaison anticipe, modifiez-la en spcifiant AutoDual. Po
ur cela, vous pouvez marquer la classe l aide de l attribut suivant, situ dans l
espace de noms System.Runtime.InteropServices: [ClassInterface(ClassInterfaceType
.AutoDual)] ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1$s , while executing within a constrained execution region, makes a c
all at IL offset 0x%2$04X to %3$s , which does not have a sufficiently strong r
eliability contract and might cause non-deterministic results.",,"La mthode %1$s
, lors de son excution au sein d une rgion d excution limite, effectue un appel l o
ffset IL 0x%2$04X %3$s , qui ne possde pas un contrat de fiabilit suffisamment fo
rt et peut tre l origine de rsultats non dterministes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1$s , while executing within a constrained execution region, makes a c
all at IL offset 0x%2$04X to %3$s , which is virtual and cannot be prepared aut
omatically at compile time. The caller must ensure this method is prepared expli
citly at runtime before entering the constrained execution region.",,"La mthode
%1$s , lors de son excution au sein d une rgion d excution limite, effectue un appel
l offset IL 0x%2$04X %3$s , qui est virtuel et ne peut pas tre prpar automatique
ment au moment de la compilation. L appelant doit s assurer que cette mthode est
prpare explicitement au moment de l excution, avant d entrer dans la rgion d excution
limite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1$s , which contains at least one constrained execution region, cannot
be prepared automatically since it has one or more unbound generic type paramet
ers. The caller must ensure this method is prepared explicitly at runtime prior
to execution.",,"La mthode %1$s , qui contient au moins une rgion d excution limite
, ne peut pas tre prpare automatiquement, car elle possde un ou plusieurs paramtres d
e type gnrique indpendant. L appelant doit s assurer que cette mthode est prpare expli
citement au moment de l excution, avant son excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1$s calls RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions() at IL offset 0x%
2$04X. This is invalid since it does not coincide with the beginning of a try cl
ause.",,"La mthode %1$s appelle RuntimeHelpers.PrepareConstrainedRegions() l of
fset IL 0x%2$04X. Ceci est incorrect, car cela ne concide pas avec le dbut d une c
lause Try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CLR marshaler encountered an error while attempting to restore the thread c
ulture after a call from unmanaged to managed where an LCID was used to specify
the culture for the call. This will cause the thread s culture to remain set to
the one associated with the LCID. The cause of the failure was: %1$s",,"Le marsh
aleur CLR a rencontr une erreur lors de la restauration de la culture d un thread
aprs un appel entre du code non manag et du code manag, o un LCID a t utilis pour sp
ier la culture de l appel. La culture du thread restera dfinie en fonction de cel
le qui est associe au LCID. La cause de l erreur tait: %1$s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CLR marshaler encountered an error while attempting to release the referenc
e to a SafeHandle it acquired in order to marshal the SafeHandle to an unmanaged
pointer during a call from managed to unmanaged. This may cause the unmanaged r
esource the SafeHandle represents to be leaked. The cause of the failure was: %1
$s",,"Le marshaleur CLR a rencontr une erreur lors de la libration de la rfrence Saf
eHandle, qu il a acquis afin de marshaler SafeHandle vers un pointeur non manag d
urant un appel entre du code manag et du code non manag. Cela peut entraner une fui
te au niveau de la ressource non manage reprsente par SafeHandle. La cause de l err
eur tait: %1$s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CLR marshaler encountered an error while attempting to associate a SafeHand
le with an unmanaged resource. This may cause the unmanaged resource to be leake
d. The cause of the failure was: %1$s",,"Le marshaleur CLR a rencontr une erreur
lors de l association de SafeHandle une ressource non manage. Cela peut entraner u
ne fuite au niveau de la ressource non manage. La cause de l erreur tait: %1$s",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception was thrown from the CleanupNativeData method of a custom marshaler

of type %1$s . This may cause an unmanaged data leak and should be corrected i
f possible. The cause of the failure was: %1$s",,"Une exception a t leve partir de
la mthode CleanupNativeData d un marshaleur personnalis de type %1$s . En raison
du risque de fuite des donnes non manages, le problme doit tre corrig dans la mesure
du possible. La cause de l erreur tait: %1$s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"A SafeHandle or CriticalHandle of type %1$s failed to properly release the ha
ndle with value 0x%2$p. This usually indicates that the handle was released inco
rrectly via another means (such as extracting the handle using DangerousGetHandl
e and closing it directly or building another SafeHandle around it.)",,"Un SafeH
andle ou CriticalHandle de type %1$s n a pas pu librer correctement le handle a
vec la valeur 0x%2$p. Cela indique habituellement que le handle n a pas t libr corre
ctement par un autre moyen (par exemple, en extrayant le handle l aide de Danger
ousGetHandle et en le fermant directement, ou en construisant un autre SafeHandl
e autour de lui.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function DllMain, called with reason DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, returned FALSE. DLL in
itialization failed. To ignore the DllMain return, set Registry value HKEY_LOCAL
_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\IgnoreDllMainReturn to 1",,"La fonctio
n DllMain, appele avec la raison DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH, a retourn FALSE. chec d initia
lisation de la DLL. Pour ignorer le retour DllMain, dfinissez la valeur de Regist
re HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\.NETFramework\IgnoreDllMainReturn 1",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reflection has created a memberInfo cache.",,"La rflexion a cr un cache memberInfo
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User code running on thread %1$i has attempted to abort thread %2$i. This may r
esult in a corrupt state or resource leaks if the thread being aborted was in th
e middle of an operation that modifies global state or uses native resources. Ab
orting threads other than the currently running thread is strongly discouraged."
,,"Le code utilisateur qui s excute sur le thread %1$i a essay d abandonner le thr
ead %2$i. Cela peut entraner un tat endommag ou des fuites de ressources si le thre
ad abandonn est engag dans une opration qui modifie l tat global ou utilise des ress
ources natives. L abandon de threads autres que le thread en cours d excution est
vivement dconseill.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly named %1$s was loaded from %2$s using the LoadFrom context. Th
e use of this context can result in unexpected behavior for serialization, casti
ng and dependency resolution. In almost all cases, it is recommended that the Lo
adFrom context be avoided. This can be done by installing assemblies in the Glob
al Assembly Cache or in the ApplicationBase directory and using Assembly.Load wh
en explicitly loading assemblies.",,"L assembly nomm %1$s a t charg partir de %2$
s l aide du contexte LoadFrom. L utilisation de ce contexte peut provoquer un c
omportement inattendu lors des oprations de srialisation, de conversion et de rsolu
tion de dpendance. Dans la grande majorit des cas, il est recommand d viter le conte
xte LoadFrom. Pour ce faire, il suffit d installer les assemblys dans le Global
Assembly Cache ou dans le rpertoire ApplicationBase et d utiliser Assembly.Load l
ors du chargement explicite des assemblys.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The CLR has been unable to transition from COM context 0x%1$x to COM context 0x
%2$x for 60 seconds. The thread that owns the destination context/apartment is m
ost likely either doing a non pumping wait or processing a very long running ope
ration without pumping Windows messages. This situation generally has a negative
performance impact and may even lead to the application becoming non responsive
or memory usage accumulating continually over time. To avoid this problem, all
single threaded apartment (STA) threads should use pumping wait primitives (such
as CoWaitForMultipleHandles) and routinely pump messages during long running op
erations.",,"Le CLR n a pas pu effectuer de transition du contexte COM 0x%1$x au
contexte COM 0x%2$x pendant 60 secondes. Le thread qui possde le contexte/cloiso
nnement de destination est probablement en train d attendre ou de traiter une opr
ation trs longue sans pompage des messages Windows. Cette situation a gnralement de
s effets ngatifs sur les performances et peut parfois entraner le blocage de l app
lication ou une utilisation ininterrompue de la mmoire. Pour viter ce problme, tous

les threads STA (Single Threaded Apartment) doivent utiliser des primitives d a
ttente de pompage (par exemple CoWaitForMultipleHandles) et pomper de manire rgulir
e les messages lors des oprations qui sont longues s excuter.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attempt has been made to free an RCW that is in use. The RCW is in use on t
he active thread or another thread. Attempting to free an in-use RCW can cause
corruption or data loss.",,"Tentative de libration d un RCW en cours d utilisatio
n. Le RCW est utilis sur le thread actif ou sur un autre thread. Une tentative de
libration d un RCW en cours d utilisation peut entraner des dysfonctionnements ou
des pertes de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A UTC DateTime is being converted to text in a format that is only correct for
local times. This can happen when calling DateTime.ToString using the z format
specifier, which will include a local time zone offset in the output. In that c
ase, either use the Z format specifier, which designates a UTC time, or use th
e o format string, which is the recommended way to persist a DateTime in text.
This can also occur when passing a DateTime to be serialized by XmlConvert or D
ataSet. If using XmlConvert.ToString, pass in XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.Round
tripKind to serialize correctly. If using DataSet, set the DateTimeMode on the D
ataColumn object to DataSetDateTime.Utc. ",,"Un DateTime UTC est en cours de con
version en texte dans un format qui est correct uniquement pour les heures local
es. Cela peut se produire lorsque vous appelez DateTime.ToString l aide du spcifi
cateur de format z , ce qui inclut un offset de fuseau horaire local dans la so
rtie. Dans ce cas, utilisez soit le spcificateur de format Z , qui dsigne une heu
re UTC, ou la chane de format o , qui correspond la mthode recommande pour conserv
er un DateTime sous forme de texte. Cela peut galement se produire lorsque vous p
assez un DateTime srialiser par XmlConvert ou DataSet. Si vous utilisez XmlConver
t.ToString, passez dans XmlDateTimeSerializationMode.RoundtripKind pour effectue
r une srialisation correcte. Si vous utilisez DataSet, dfinissez DateTimeMode dans
l objet DataColumn DataSetDateTime.Utc. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The following error occurred while determining how to marshal the parameters of
member %1$s of type %2$s : %3$s This is most likely due to an incompatible M
arshalAs attribute on one of the parameters. ",,"L erreur suivante s est produit
e lors de l identification de la faon de marshaler les paramtres du membre %1$s
de type %2$s : %3$s. Cela est probablement d un attribut MarshalAs incompatible s
ur l un des paramtres. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A COM client has called managed method %1$s on type %2$s . This method does
not have an HRESULT return type and an exception was thrown that was not handled
. The exception contains the following message: %3$s. This exception will be cau
ght and zero will be returned to the COM caller if the method s return type is n
ot void.",,"Un client COM a appel la mthode manage %1$s sur le type %2$s . Cette
mthode ne possde pas un type de retour HRESULT et une exception a t leve qui n a pas
t gre. L exception contient le message suivant: %3$s. Cette exception sera intercepte
et la valeur zro sera retourne l appelant COM si le type de retour de la mthode n
est pas void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempting to call into managed code without transitioning out first. Do not a
ttempt to run managed code inside low-level native extensibility points, such as
the vectored exception handler, since doing so can cause corruption and data lo
ss.",,"Tentative d appel de code manag sans transition pralable. N essayez pas d e
xcuter du code manag dans des points d extensibilit natifs de bas niveau, par exemp
le le gestionnaire d exceptions vectorises, car cela risque d entraner des dysfonc
tionnements et des pertes de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"A QueryInterface call was made requesting the class interface of COM visible ma
naged class %1$s . However since this class derives from non COM visible class
%2$s , the QueryInterface call will fail. This is done to prevent the non COM v
isible base class from being constrained by the COM versioning rules.",,"Un appe
l QueryInterface a t effectu pour demander l interface de classe de la classe manage
visible par COM %1$s . Toutefois, comme cette classe drive de la classe non vis
ible par COM %2$s , l appel QueryInterface chouera. Cela a pour objectif d empche

r la classe de base non visible par COM d tre limite par les rgles de contrle de ver
sion COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A QueryInterface call was made requesting the default IDispatch interface of CO
M visible managed class %1$s . However since this class does not have an explic
it default interface and derives from non COM visible class %2$s , the QueryInt
erface call will fail. This is done to prevent the non COM visible base class fr
om being constrained by the COM versioning rules.",,"Un appel QueryInterface a t e
ffectu pour demander l interface IDispatch par dfaut de la classe manage visible pa
r COM %1$s . Toutefois, comme cette classe ne possde pas une interface explicite
par dfaut et drive de la classe non visible par COM %2$s , l appel QueryInterfac
e chouera. Cela a pour objectif d empcher la classe de base non visible par COM d t
re limite par les rgles de contrle de version COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly with display name %1$s loaded from code base %2$s failed to lo
ad in the %3$s binding context of the AppDomain with ID %4$d. The cause of the
failure was: %5$s",,"L assembly avec le nom complet %1$s charg partir de la ba
se de code %2$s n a pas pu se charger dans le contexte de liaison %3$s de l
AppDomain ayant l ID %4$d. La cause de l erreur tait: %5$s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attempt was made to retrieve a GCHandle from an invalid IntPtr cookie (0x%1$
x). The cookie was most likely invalid because the cookie does not represent a G
CHandle, the GCHandle has already been freed, the retrieval was attempted in the
wrong AppDomain, or the GCHandle was marshaled to native code as a GCHandle but
passed back into managed code as an IntPtr where a cast was attempted. Attempti
ng to use an invalid pointer to reclaim a GC handle can cause unexpected excepti
ons, crashes, corruption or data loss. ",,"Tentative de rcupration d un GCHandle p
artir d un cookie IntPtr (0x%1$x) non valide. Le cookie tait probablement non val
ide pour les raisons suivantes: le cookie ne reprsente pas un GCHandle, le GCHandl
e a dj t libr, la tentative de rcupration a t effectue dans un AppDomain incorrect
le GCHandle a t marshal en code natif en qualit de GCHandle mais repass en code manag
en tant que IntPtr o une tentative de cast a eu lieu. Toute tentative d utilisati
on d un pointeur non valide pour rcuprer un handle GC peut entraner des exceptions
inattendues, des arrts brutaux d excution, des dysfonctionnements ou des pertes de
donnes. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception was caught but handled while releasing a COM interface pointer thr
ough Marshal.Release or Marshal.ReleaseComObject or implicitly after the corresp
onding RuntimeCallableWrapper was garbage collected. This is the result of a use
r refcount error or other problem with a COM object s Release. Make sure refcoun
ts are managed properly. The COM interface pointer s original vtable pointer wa
s 0x%1$x. While these types of exceptions are caught by the CLR, they can still
lead to corruption and data loss so if possible the issue causing the exception
should be addressed",,"Une exception a t intercepte mais gre lors de la libration d un
pointeur d interface COM l aide de Marshal.Release, Marshal.ReleaseComObject ou
de manire implicite, une fois que le RuntimeCallableWrapper a t rcupr par le garbage
collector. Cela rsulte d une erreur refcount utilisateur ou d un autre problme li l
a libration d un objet COM. Assurez-vous que les erreurs refcount sont gres correct
ement. Le pointeur vtable d origine du pointeur d interface COM tait 0x%1$x. Bien
que les exceptions de ce type soient interceptes par le Common Language Runtime
(CLR), elles peuvent entraner des dysfonctionnements et des pertes de donnes; par c
onsquent, le problme l origine de l exception doit tre trait dans la mesure du possi
ble.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first PInvoke call to export %1$s in module %2$s has been made.",,"Le p
remier appel PInvoke pour exporter %1$s dans le module %2$s a t effectu.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The runtime has encountered a fatal error. The address of the error was at 0x%1
$08x, on thread 0x%2$x. The error code is 0x%3$08x. This error may be a bug in t
he CLR or in the unsafe or non-verifiable portions of user code. Common sources
of this bug include user marshaling errors for COM-interop or PInvoke, which may
corrupt the stack.",,"Le runtime a rencontr une erreur irrcuprable. L adresse de l
erreur tait 0x%1$08x sur le thread 0x%2$x. Le code d erreur est 0x%3$08x. Il s a

git peut-tre d un bogue dans le CLR ou dans les portions unsafe ou non vrifiables
du code utilisateur. Les causes courantes de ce bogue incluent des erreurs de ma
rshaling utilisateur pour COM-Interop ou PInvoke, erreurs susceptibles d endomma
ger la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User code has attempted to call the following API: %1$s . This may result in a
deadlock in the process.",,"Le code utilisateur a tent d appeler l API suivante:
%1$s . Cette tentative risque de gnrer un interblocage dans le processus.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An overlapped pointer (0x%1$p) that was not allocated on the GC heap was passed
via PInvoke to the Win32 function %2$s in module %3$s . If the AppDomain is
shut down, this can cause heap corruption when the async I/O completes. The best
solution is to pass a NativeOverlapped structure retrieved from a call to Syste
m.Threading.Overlapped.Pack(). If the AppDomain exits, the CLR will keep this st
ructure alive and pinned until the I/O completes.",,"Un pointeur superpos (0x%1$p
) non allou au tas GC a t pass via PInvoke la fonction Win32 %2$s dans le module
%3$s . En cas d arrt du AppDomain, cela peut endommager le tas lors de l opration
d E/S asynchrone. La meilleure solution est de passer une structure NativeOverla
pped extraite d un appel System.Threading.Overlapped.Pack(). Si le AppDomain est
ferm, le CLR conserve cette structure et l pingle jusqu ce que l opration d E/S so
it termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An overlapped pointer (0x%1$p) may have been freed before the I/O operation com
pleted. Freeing an overlapped pointer before the I/O operation completes will ca
use GC heap corruption when the I/O does complete. Note that this MDA may not re
present an error if the overlapped operation did not start successfully",,"Un po
inteur superpos (0x%1$p) a peut-tre t libr avant la fin de l opration d E/S. La libra
n d un pointeur superpos avant la fin de l opration d E/S va endommager le tas GC
une fois l opration d E/S bel et bien termine. Remarquez que ce MDA peut ne pas re
prsenter une erreur si l opration superpose n a pas dmarr correctement.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The native component calling into the CLR through this ComCallWrapper has perfo
rmed an illegal cast on this IUnknown or IDispatch pointer. The caller neglecte
d to call QueryInterface for the correct interface before making this call.",,"L
e composant natif qui appelle le CLR via ComCallWrapper a effectu un cast non con
forme sur ce pointeur IUnknown ou IDispatch. L appelant a nglig d appeler QueryInt
erface pour l interface approprie avant d effectuer cet appel.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A thread has entered fiber mode and therefore debugging must be stopped.",,"Un
thread est pass en mode fibre et le dbogage doit tre arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly loaded from code base %1$s failed to load in the %2$s binding
context of the AppDomain with ID %3$d. The cause of the failure was: %4$s",,"L a
ssembly charg partir de la base de code %1$s n a pas pu se charger dans le cont
exte de liaison %2$s de l AppDomain ayant l ID %3$d. La cause de l erreur tait:
%4$s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly with display name %1$s failed to load in the %2$s binding cont
ext of the AppDomain with ID %3$d. The cause of the failure was: %4$s",,"L assem
bly avec le nom complet %1$s n a pas pu se charger dans le contexte de liaison
%2$s de l AppDomain ayant l ID %3$d. La cause de l erreur tait: %4$s",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Marshaling field %1$s from %2$s to %3$s ",,"Marshaling du champ %1$s de
%2$s %3$s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"return value",,"valeur de retour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"unknown",,"inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DLL %1$s is attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attemp
t to run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function since do
ing so can cause the application to hang.",,"La DLL %1$s tente une excution man
age dans le verrou du chargeur du systme d exploitation. N essayez pas d excuter du
code manag dans une fonction d initialisation d image ou DllMain, car cela risqu
e d entraner un blocage de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
"%1$s Managed Debugging Assistant",,"Assistant Dbogage manag %1$s",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use SizeParamIndex for ByRef array parameters.",,"Impossible d utiliser
SizeParamIndex pour les paramtres de tableau ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This object cannot be marshaled as an IDispatch.",,"Impossible de marshaler cet
objet en tant que IDispatch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal limitation: method signature is too complex or too large.",,"Limitatio
n interne: la signature de la mthode est trop complexe ou trop grande.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal limitation: structure is too complex or too large.",,"Limitation inter
ne: la structure est trop complexe ou trop grande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array size exceeds addressing limitations.",,"La taille du tableau dpasse les li
mitations fixes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Struct or class fields cannot be of type StringBuilder. The same effect can usu
ally be achieved by using a String field and preinitializing it to a string with
length matching the length of the appropriate buffer.",,"Les champs struct ou d
e classe ne peuvent pas tre de type StringBuilder. Le mme effet peut tre obtenu en
utilisant un champ String et en l initialisant l avance avec une chane dont la lo
ngueur correspond celle de la mmoire tampon approprie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<Unknown>",,"<Inconnu>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<In Memory Module>",,"<Dans le module de la mmoire>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread has not been started.",,"Le thread n a pas t dmarr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An instance of the __ComObject type cannot be created unless the type has been
obtained using GetTypeFromProgID or GetTypeFromCLSID.",,"Impossible de crer une i
nstance du type __ComObject, sauf si le type a t obtenu en utilisant GetTypeFromPr
ogID ou GetTypeFromCLSID.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<Unknown %1>",,"<%1 inconnu>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The declaration referenced in a method implementation is inaccessible. Type:
%1 Assembly: %2 ",,"La dclaration rfrence dans une implmentation de mthode n est pas
accessible. Type: %1 Assembly: %2 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Invalid custom attribute provided.",,"Attribut personnalis fourni non valide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid custom attribute provided: %1 ",,"Attribut personnalis fourni non valid
e: %1 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread is running or terminated; it cannot restart.",,"Le thread est en cours d
excution ou arrt; il ne peut pas redmarrer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to cast transparent proxy to type %1 .",,"Impossible d effectuer un cas
t du proxy transparent en type %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The current thread has been chosen as a deadlock victim.",,"Le thread actuel a t
choisi comme victime de l interblocage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to retrieve thread information.",,"Impossible d extraire les information
s relatives aux threads.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread is not running; it cannot be suspended.",,"Le thread n est pas en cours
d excution; il ne peut pas tre suspendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Thread is not running; it cannot be resumed.",,"Le thread n est pas en cours d
excution; il ne peut pas reprendre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Thread is not user-suspended; it cannot be resumed.",,"Le thread n a pas t interr
ompu par l utilisateur; il ne peut pas reprendre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor

k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread is dead; priority cannot be accessed.",,"Le thread est inactif; impossibl
e d accder la priorit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread is dead; state cannot be accessed.",,"Le thread est inactif; impossible d
accder l tat.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread in invalid state.",,"tat non valide du thread.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread is suspended; attempting to abort.",,"Le thread est suspendu; tentative d
abandon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PInvoke restriction: cannot return variants.",,"Restriction PInvoke: impossible
de retourner des variants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connection timeout for URL %1 .",,"Dlai d attente de connexion pour l URL %1 .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The path contains illegal characters.",,"Le chemin d accs contient des caractres
non conformes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal layout for type %1 from assembly %2 : valuetypes with non-public fie
lds may not overlap with other fields.",,"Disposition non conforme pour le type
%1 partir de l assembly %2 : valuetypes avec des champs non public ne peuvent
pas se superposer d autres champs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Lookup of token information timed out.",,"Dlai d attente dpass pour la recherche d
es informations de jeton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified SAFEARRAY is invalid.",,"SAFEARRAY spcifi n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1 of COM event interface %2 is not present on event provider %3 ."
,,"La mthode %1 de l interface des vnements COM %2 n est pas prsente sur le four
nisseur d vnements %3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods on COM event interfaces must take a single delegate derived class as a
parameter and have a void return type.",,"Les mthodes sur les interfaces d vnements
COM doivent prendre une classe unique drive d un dlgu comme paramtre et avoir un type
de retour void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strong name validation failed for assembly %s . The file may have been tamper
ed with or it was delay signed, but not fully signed with the correct private ke
y.",,"La validation de nom fort a chou pour l assembly %s . Le fichier a pu tre fa
lsifi ou il est signature diffre, mais pas totalement sign avec la cl prive correcte.
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strong name validation failed.",,"chec de la validation de nom fort.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid delegate layout.",,"Disposition du dlgu non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Common Language Runtime could not run the given program.",,"Le Common Langu
age Runtime ne peut pas excuter le programme indiqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not run the given program. _CorExeMain failed.",,"Impossible d excuter le
programme indiqu. chec de _CorExeMain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Custom marshaler %1 does not implement the ICustomMarshaler interface.",,"Le
marshaleur personnalis %1 n implmente pas l interface ICustomMarshaler.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom marshaler %1 does not implement a static GetInstance method that takes
a single string parameter and returns an ICustomMarshaler.",,"Le marshaleur per
sonnalis %1 n implmente pas une mthode GetInstance statique qui prend un seul par
amtre chane et retourne un ICustomMarshaler.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Custom marshalers are only allowed on classes, strings, arrays, and boxed value
types.",,"Les marshaleurs personnaliss ne sont autoriss que sur les classes, les
chanes, les tableaux et les types valeur boxed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM import type %1 from assembly %2 cannot have layout information.",,"Le t
ype d importation COM %1 de l assembly %2 ne peut pas avoir d informations d

e disposition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Type %1 has an invalid default COM interface: %2 .",,"Le type %1 a une int
erface COM par dfaut non valide: %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Type %1 does not support the specified default COM interface: %2 ",,"Le type
%1 ne prend pas en charge l interface COM par dfaut spcifie: %2 ",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 that has the requested GUID is not a value class.",,"Le type %1 qui
a le GUID demand n est pas une classe value.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified record cannot be mapped to a managed value class.",,"Impossible d
e mapper l enregistrement spcifi une classe value manage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid marshaling metadata.",,"Mtadonnes de marshaling non valides.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SafeHandles cannot be marshaled from unmanaged to managed.",,"Impossible de mar
shaler les SafeHandles de non manags manags.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Ref and out SafeHandle parameters cannot be abstract.",,"Les paramtres SafeHandl
e ref et out ne peuvent pas tre abstraits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"SafeHandles cannot be returned from managed to unmanaged.",,"Les SafeHandles ne
peuvent pas tre retourns de manags non manags.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (SafeHandles must not have a Marshal
As attribute set and cannot be used in arrays).",,"Combinaison de types manags/no
n manags non valide (aucun attribut MarshalAs ne doit tre dfini pour les SafeHandle
s et ceux-ci ne peuvent pas tre utiliss dans des tableaux).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Safe handle has been closed",,"Le handle scuris a t ferm",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Safe handle s handle field can only be set if the safe handle is not closed and
has a ref count of 1.",,"Le champ handle du handle scuris peut tre dfini seulement
si le handle scuris n est pas ferm et que son dcompte de rfrences a pour valeur 1.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Structures containing SafeHandle fields are not allowed in this operation.",,"L
es structures contenant des champs SafeHandle ne sont pas autorises dans cette opr
ation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SafeHandle fields cannot be created from an unmanaged handle.",,"Impossible de
crer des champs SafeHandle partir d un handle non manag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure decoding embedded permission set collection object.",,"chec lors du dcoda
ge de l objet de collection de jeu d autorisations incorpor.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returned SafeHandles cannot be abstract.",,"Les SafeHandles retourns ne peuvent
pas tre abstraits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SafeHandle subclasses may not override the finalizer. Put logic in ReleaseHandl
e instead.",,"Les sous-classes SafeHandle ne doivent pas se substituer au finali
seur. Placez une logique dans ReleaseHandle la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SafeHandle derived types cannot be stored in Variants.",,"Impossible de stocker
les types drivs de SafeHandle dans des Variants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (System.Array must be paired with Sa
feArray or Interface).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (Syste
m.Array doit tre associ SafeArray ou Interface).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"VariantWrappers cannot be stored in Variants.",,"Impossible de stocker les Vari
antWrappers dans des Variants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The structure contains fields that are not supported in unmanaged records.",,"L

a structure contient des champs qui ne sont pas pris en charge dans des enregist
rements non manags.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The generic type %1 was used with the wrong number of generic arguments in as
sembly %2 .",,"Le type gnrique %1 a t utilis avec un nombre incorrect d arguments
gnriques dans l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A method in the type %1 from assembly %2 was used with the wrong number of
generic arguments.",,"Une mthode de type %1 issue de l assembly %2 a t utilise a
vec un nombre incorrect d arguments gnriques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because field %3 was given a nega
tive offset.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , ca
r un offset ngatif a t attribu au champ %3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Unable to set thread priority.",,"Impossible de dfinir la priorit de thread.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 in assembly %2 is not marked as serializable.",,"Le type %1 dans
l assembly %2 n est pas marqu comme srialisable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The constructor to deserialize an object of type %1 was not found.",,"Le cons
tructeur pour dsrialiser un objet de type %1 est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member %1 in class %2 is not present in the serialized stream and is not ma
rked with System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute.",,"Le membre %1
de la classe %2 n est pas prsent dans le flux srialis et n est pas marqu avec l a
ttribut System.Runtime.Serialization.OptionalFieldAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Possible version mismatch. Field %1 in class %2 has mismatched types.",,"In
compatibilit de versions possible. Le champ %1 dans la classe %2 a des types
non compatibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not all delayed fixup objects could be resolved. Such objects could be cyclic
IObjectReferences, IObjectReferences that return other IObjectReferences too man
y times (i.e. objects with too long an IObjectReference chain) or nested valuety
pes.",,"Tous les objets de correction diffre n ont pas pu tre rsolus. De tels objets
peuvent tre des IObjectReferences cycliques, des IObjectReferences qui retournen
t d autres IObjectReferences trop souvent (c est--dire des objets avec une chane I
ObjectReference trop longue) ou des types valeurs imbriqus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type is not resolved for member %1,%2 .",,"Le type n est pas rsolu pour le memb
re %1,%2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object %1 has been disconnected or does not exist at the server.",,"L objet
%1 a t dconnect ou n existe pas sur le serveur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method %1 was not found on type %2 .",,"Mthode %1 introuvable sur le ty
pe %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Paths starting with \\?\GlobalRoot are internal to the kernel and should not be
opened by managed applications.",,"Les chemins commenant par \\?\GlobalRoot sont
internes au noyau et ne doivent pas tre ouverts par les applications gres.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The generic type %1 was used with an invalid instantiation in assembly %2 ."
,,"Le type gnrique %1 a t utilis avec une instanciation non valide dans l assembly
%2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length for ByValTStr strings cannot be zero.",,"La longueur des chanes ByVal
TStr ne peut pas tre nulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error formatting message.",,"Erreur lors du formatage du message.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[IL]: Error: ",,"[IL]: Erreur: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server or proxy was not found for %1 .",,"Serveur ou proxy introuvable pou
r %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code execution is prohibited in an assembly loaded as ReflectionOnly.",,"L excut
ion du code est interdite dans un assembly charg comme ReflectionOnly.",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"CriticalHandles cannot be marshaled from unmanaged to managed.",,"Impossible de
marshaler les CriticalHandles de non manags manags.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ref and out CriticalHandle parameters cannot be abstract.",,"Les paramtres Criti
calHandle ref et out ne peuvent pas tre abstraits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (CriticalHandles must not have a Mar
shalAs attribute set and cannot be used in arrays).",,"Combinaison de types mana
gs/non manags non valide (aucun attribut MarshalAs ne doit tre dfini pour les Critic
alHandles et ceux-ci ne peuvent pas tre utiliss dans des tableaux).",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Critical handle has been closed",,"Le CriticalHandle a t ferm",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Structures containing CriticalHandle fields are not allowed in this operation."
,,"Les structures contenant des champs CriticalHandle ne sont pas autorises dans
cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CriticalHandle fields cannot be created from an unmanaged handle.",,"Impossible
de crer les champs CriticalHandle partir d un handle non manag.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returned CriticalHandles cannot be abstract.",,"Les CriticalHandles retourns ne
peuvent pas tre abstraits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CriticalHandle derived types cannot be stored in Variants.",,"Impossible de sto
cker les types drivs de CriticalHandle dans des Variants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CriticalHandle subclasses may not override the finalizer. Put logic in ReleaseH
andle instead.",,"Les sous-classes CriticalHandle ne doivent pas se substituer a
u finaliseur. Placez une logique dans ReleaseHandle la place.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AssemblyResolveEvent handlers cannot return Assemblies loaded for reflection on
ly.",,"Les gestionnaires AssemblyResolveEvent ne peuvent pas retourner des assem
blys chargs pour la rflexion seulement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve handlers must return Assemblies loaded for reflec
tion only.",,"Les gestionnaires ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve doivent retourner
des assemblys chargs pour la rflexion seulement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 tried to implicitly override a meth
od with weaker type parameter constraints.",,"La mthode %3 sur le type %1 de
l assembly %2 a essay de se substituer implicitement une mthode avec des contrai
ntes de paramtre de type plus faible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 tried to implicitly implement an in
terface method with weaker type parameter constraints.",,"La mthode %3 sur le t
ype %1 de l assembly %2 a essay d implmenter implicitement une mthode d interfa
ce avec des contraintes de paramtre de type plus faible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 tried to explicitly implement a loc
al method with weaker type parameter constraints.",,"La mthode %3 sur le type
%1 de l assembly %2 a essay d implmenter implicitement une mthode locale avec de
s contraintes de paramtre de type plus faible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 tried to explicitly implement a par
ent method with weaker type parameter constraints.",,"La mthode %3 sur le type
%1 de l assembly %2 a essay d implmenter explicitement une mthode parente avec
des contraintes de paramtre de type plus faible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2 tried to explicitly implement an in
terface method with weaker type parameter constraints.",,"La mthode %3 sur le t
ype %1 de l assembly %2 a essay d implmenter explicitement une mthode d interfa

ce avec des contraintes de paramtre de type plus faible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F

ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A circular dependency was detected when loading file or assembly %1 .",,"Une dp
endance circulaire a t dtecte lors du chargement du fichier ou de l assembly %1 .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid PInvoke calling convention. Vararg functions must use the cdecl calling
convention.",,"Convention d appel PInvoke non valide. Les fonctions Vararg doiv
ent utiliser la convention d appel cdecl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 in assembly %2 cannot be persisted into the native image.",,"Le typ
e %1 dans l assembly %2 ne peut pas tre rendu persistant dans l image native.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Explicit assembly name must be specified when loading a type as ReflectionOnly"
,,"Un nom d assembly explicite doit tre spcifi lors du chargement d un type comme R
eflectionOnly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ModuleResolveEvent returned an incompatible Module. ReflectionOnly assemblies c
annot bind to normal Modules, nor vice-versa.",,"ModuleResolveEvent a retourn un
module incompatible. Impossible de lier les assemblys ReflectionOnly des modules
normaux et vice-versa.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because a covariant or contravarian
t type parameter was used illegally in the signature for an argument in method
%3 .",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car un par
amtre de type covariant ou contravariant a t utilis illgalement dans la signature d u
n argument dans la mthode %3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because a covariant or contravarian
t type parameter was used illegally in the signature for the result type in meth
od %3 .",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car un
paramtre de type covariant ou contravariant a t utilis illgalement dans la signature
du type de rsultat dans la mthode %3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because a covariant or contravarian
t type parameter was used illegally in an inherited interface.",,"Impossible de
charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car un paramtre de type covariant
ou contravariant a t utilis de manire non conforme dans une interface hrite.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because a covariant or contravarian
t type parameter was used illegally in a type parameter constraint in method %3
.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car un paramt
re de type covariant ou contravariant a t utilis de manire non conforme dans une con
trainte de paramtre de type dans la mthode %3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because it declares a covariant or
contravariant type parameter and is not an interface or delegate.",,"Impossible
de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car il dclare un paramtre de ty
pe covariant ou contravariant et il n est pas une interface ou un dlgu.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because it uses an illegal variance
annotation on a type parameter.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de
l assembly %2 , car il utilise une annotation de variance non conforme sur un
paramtre de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %1 in assembly %2 has a contracting interface set for some instant
iations",,"Le type %1 dans l assembly %2 possde une interface contraignante df
inie pour certaines instanciations",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Attempted to load a 64-bit assembly on a 32-bit platform. Use ReflectionOnlyLoa
d() instead if trying to load for reflection purposes.",,"Tentative de chargemen
t d un assembly 64bits sur une plateforme 32bits. Utilisez ReflectionOnlyLoad() la
place si vous essayez d effectuer un chargement dans un objectif de rflexion.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Configuration parser error",,"Erreur d analyse de configuration",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error parsing %s\nParser returned error 0x%08X.",,"Erreur lors de l analyse de
%s\nL analyseur a retourn l erreur 0x%08X.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Type names passed to Assembly.GetType() must not specify an assembly.",,"Les no
ms de types passs Assembly.GetType() ne doivent pas spcifier un assembly.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mixed mode assembly is built against version %1 of the runtime and cannot be
loaded in the %2 runtime without additional configuration information.",,"L asse
mbly en mode mixte est cr avec la version %1 du runtime et ne peut pas tre charg d
ans le runtime %2 sans d autres informations de configuration.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected assembly-qualifier in a typename.",,"Assembly-qualificateur inattend
u dans un TypeName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typename needs an assembly qualifier.",,"TypeName ncessite un qualificateur d as
sembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load file or assembly %1 or one of its dependencies. %2",,"Impossib
le de charger le fichier ou l assembly %1 ou une de ses dpendances. %2",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature is not Interop compatible.",,"La signature n est pas compatible avec
l interoprabilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (String[] must be paired with an Arr
aySubType of LPStr, LPWStr, BStr, or LPTStr).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non
manags non valide (String[] doit tre associ un ArraySubType de LPStr, LPWStr, BStr
ou LPTStr).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Object[] or System.Array must be pa
ired with an ArraySubType of Struct, Interface, IUnknown or IDispatch).",,"Combi
naison de types manags/non manags non valide (un Object[] ou System.Array doit tre
associ un ArraySubType de Struct, Interface, IUnknown ou IDispatch).",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (DateTime[] must be paired with an A
rraySubType of Struct).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (un D
ateTime[] doit tre associ un ArraySubType de Struct).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Decimal[] must be paired with an Ar
raySubType of Struct or Currency).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non v
alide (un Decimal[] doit tre associ un ArraySubType de Struct ou Currency).",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Arrays of SafeHandles are not suppo
rted).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Arrays de S
afeHandles ne sont pas pris en charge).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Arrays of CriticalHandles are not s
upported).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les types Arrays
de CriticalHandles ne sont pas pris en charge).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid SafeArraySubType/managed element type combination.",,"Combinaison de ty
pes SafeArraySubType/lment manag non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot marshal field %2 of type %1 : %3",,"Impossible de marshaler le champ
%2 de type %1 : %3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot marshal %1 : %2",,"Impossible de marshaler %1 : %2",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ISerializable type %1 tried to deserialize itself as type %2 which is an in
valid type.",,"Le type ISerializable %1 a essay de se dsrialiser comme type %2 ,
lequel est un type non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"API restriction: The assembly %1 has already loaded from a different location
. It cannot be loaded from a new location within the same appdomain.",,"Limitati
on API: l assembly %1 a dj t charg partir d un emplacement diffrent. Il ne peut pa
e charg partir d un nouvel emplacement au sein du mme appdomain.",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot resolve dependency to assembly %1 because it has not been preloaded. W
hen using the ReflectionOnly APIs, dependent assemblies must be pre-loaded or lo
aded on demand through the ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve event.",,"Impossible de
rsoudre la dpendance dans l assembly %1 , car il n a pas t prcharg. Lorsque vous uti
lisez les API ReflectionOnly, les assemblys dpendants doivent tre prchargs ou chargs
la demande via l vnement ReflectionOnlyAssemblyResolve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This type has a ComVisible(false) parent in its hierarchy, therefore QueryInter
face calls for IDispatch or class interfaces are disallowed.",,"Ce type possde un
parent ComVisible(false) dans sa hirarchie; en consquence, les appels QueryInterfa
ce pour IDispatch ou des interfaces de classe sont interdits.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieving the COM class factory for remote component with CLSID %2 from machin
e %3 failed due to the following error: %1 %3.",,"La rcupration de la fabrique de
classes COM pour le composant distant avec le CLSID %2 partir de l ordinateur %3
a chou en raison de l erreur suivante: %1 %3.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID %2 from the IClassFactory
failed due to the following error: %1 %3.",,"La cration d une instance du composa
nt COM avec le CLSID %2 partir de IClassFactory a chou en raison de l erreur suiva
nte: %1 %3.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Creating an instance of the licensed COM component with CLSID %2 from the IClas
sFactory failed due to the following error: %1 %3.",,"La cration d une instance d
u composant COM sous licence avec le CLSID %2 partir de IClassFactory a chou en ra
ison de l erreur: %1 %3.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to cast COM object of type %2 to interface type %3 . This operation f
ailed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface wit
h IID %4 failed due to the following error: %1.",,"Impossible d effectuer un c
ast d un objet COM de type %2 en type d interface %3 . Cette opration a chou, ca
r l appel QueryInterface sur le composant COM pour l interface avec l IID %4 a
chou en raison de l erreur suivante: %1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to cast COM object of type %2 to event interface type %3 . This opera
tion failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interfa
ce with IID %4 failed due to the following error: %1 and the COM component d
oes not support the source interface with IID %5 .",,"Impossible d effectuer un
cast d un objet COM de type %2 en type d interface d vnement %3 . Cette opratio
n a chou, car l appel QueryInterface sur le composant COM pour l interface avec l
IID %4 a chou en raison de l erreur suivante: %1 et le composant COM ne prend p
as en charge l interface source avec l IID %5 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to cast COM object of type %2 to interface type %3 . This operation f
ailed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for the interface wit
h IID %4 failed due to the following error: %1 and the COM component does no
t support IDispatch::Invoke calls for DISPID_NEWENUM.",,"Impossible d effectuer
un cast d un objet COM de type %2 en type d interface %3 . Cette opration a cho
u, car l appel QueryInterface sur le composant COM pour l interface avec l IID %
4 a chou en raison de l erreur suivante: %1 et le composant COM ne prend pas en
charge les appels IDispatch::Invoke pour DISPID_NEWENUM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to cast COM object of type %2 to standard managed interface type %3 .
This operation failed because the QueryInterface call on the COM component for
the managed interface with IID %4 failed due to the following error: %1 and
the QueryInterface call for the native interface with IID %5 that corresponds
to this managed interface failed due to the following error: %6.",,"Impossible d
effectuer un cast de l objet COM de type %2 en type d interface manage standar
d %3 . Cette opration a chou, car l appel QueryInterface sur le composant COM pour
l interface manage avec l IID %4 a chou en raison de l erreur suivante: %1 et l
appel QueryInterface pour l interface native avec l IID %5 qui correspond cet

te interface manage a chou en raison de l erreur suivante: %6.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE

T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to cast COM object of type %1 to class type %2 . COM components that
enter the CLR and do not support IProvideClassInfo or that do not have any inter
op assembly registered will be wrapped in the __ComObject type. Instances of thi
s type cannot be cast to any other class; however they can be cast to interfaces
as long as the underlying COM component supports QueryInterface calls for the I
ID of the interface.",,"Impossible d effectuer un cast d un objet COM de type %
1 en type de classe %2 . Les composants COM qui entrent dans le CLR et ne pren
nent pas en charge IProvideClassInfo ou qui ne possdent aucun assembly d interopra
bilit inscrit seront inclus dans un wrapper dans le type __ComObject. Il est impo
ssible d effectuer un cast d instances de ce type en une autre classe; toutefois,
il est possible d effectuer un cast de ces instances en interfaces, tant que le
composant COM sous-jacent prend en charge les appels QueryInterface pour l IID
de l interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to cast COM object of type %1 to class type %2 . Instances of types t
hat represent COM components cannot be cast to types that do not represent COM c
omponents; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying COM
component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.",,"Impossi
ble d effectuer un cast d un objet COM de type %1 en type de classe %2 . Les
instances de types qui reprsentent des composants COM ne peuvent pas tre castes en
types qui ne reprsentent pas des composants COM; toutefois, elles peuvent tre castes
en interfaces tant que le composant COM sous-jacent prend en charge les appels
QueryInterface pour l IID de l interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Unable to cast COM object of type %1 to class type %2 . Instances of types t
hat represent COM components cannot be cast to different types that represent CO
M components; however they can be cast to interfaces as long as the underlying C
OM component supports QueryInterface calls for the IID of the interface.",,"Impo
ssible d effectuer un cast d un objet COM de type %1 en type de classe %2 . L
es instances de types qui reprsentent des composants COM ne peuvent pas tre castes
en types diffrents reprsentant des composants COM; toutefois, elles peuvent tre caste
s en interfaces tant que le composant COM sous-jacent prend en charge les appels
QueryInterface pour l IID de l interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Generic types cannot be marshaled.",,"Impossible de marshaler les types gnriques.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread was being aborted.",,"Le thread a t abandonn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread was interrupted from a waiting state.",,"Thread interrompu partir d un ta
t d attente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient memory to continue the execution of the program.",,"Mmoire insuffis
ante pour continuer l excution du programme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load Jit Compiler: (%s): file may be missing or corrupt. Please check
or rerun setup.",,"Impossible de charger le compilateur JIT: (%s): le fichier est
peut-tre manquant ou endommag. Vrifiez ou relancez le programme d installation.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profiling failure",,"chec du profilage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Generic types cannot be marshaled to COM interface pointers.",,"Impossible de m
arshaler les types gnriques sur des pointeurs d interface COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mixed mode assembly cannot be loaded into version %1 of the runtime because i
t is already loaded into version %2 .",,"Impossible de charger l assembly en mo
de mixte dans la version %1 du runtime, car il est dj charg dans la version %2 .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1 in ComImport class %2 must implement an interface method.",,"La mt
hode %1 de la classe ComImport %2 doit implmenter une mthode d interface.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Insufficient memory within specified address space range to continue the execut
ion of the program.",,"La mmoire de la plage d espace d adressage n est pas suffi
sante pour la poursuite de l excution du programme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array dimensions exceeded supported range.",,"Les dimensions du tableau dpassent
la plage prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%General_AppName% has encountered a user-defined breakpoint.",,"%General_AppNam
e% a rencontr un point d arrt dfini par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A breakpoint in an application indicates a program error. After this dialog is
dismissed, the application will continue running, but it may be in an unstable
state.",,"Un point d arrt insr dans une application indique une erreur du programme
. Une fois cette bote de dialogue ferme, l application continue de fonctionner mai
s de manire instable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File %1 was loaded in a passive domain in a manner that makes it unable to ru
n.",,"Le fichier %1 a t charg dans un domaine passif d une manire qui empche son exc
ution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot override runtime implemented method %3 on type %1 from assembly %2
.",,"Impossible de substituer la mthode implmente par runtime %3 sur le type %1
partir de l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1 has an incompatible metadata format. The assembly must be compiled using m
etadata format %2 .",,"Le format de mtadonnes de %1 n est pas compatible. L ass
embly doit tre compil l aide du format de mtadonnes %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collectible type %1 has unsupported FixedAddressValueTypeAttribute applied to
a field.",,"Le type pouvant tre collect %1 contient un FixedAddressValueTypeAtt
ribute non pris en charge qui est appliqu un champ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 . The type is marked as eligible for
type equivalence, but either it has generic parameters, or it is not a structur
e, COM imported interface, enumeration, or delegate.",,"Impossible de charger le
type %1 partir de l assembly %2 . Le type est marqu comme tant disponible pour
l quivalence des types, mais il comprend des caractres gnriques ou il ne s agit pas
d une structure, d une interface importe COM, d une numration ni d un dlgu.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 . The type is marked as eligible for
type equivalence, but the containing assembly is not loaded as fully trusted.",
,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 . Le type est marq
u comme tant disponible pour l quivalence des types, mais l assembly conteneur n es
t pas charg avec un niveau de confiance suffisant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 . The type is marked as eligible for
type equivalence, but either it is not marked as safe-critical or transparent,
or it has a field or method that is not marked as safe-critical or transparent."
,,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 . Le type est mar
qu comme tant disponible pour l quivalence des types, mais il n est pas marqu comme t
ant critique scuris (security-safe-critical) ou transparent, ou bien il dispose d
un champ ou d une mthode qui n est pas marqu(e) comme tant critique scuris(e) ou tran
sparent(e).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 . The type is marked as eligible for
type equivalence, but it is not marked as public.",,"Impossible de charger le t
ype %1 partir de l assembly %2 . Le type est marqu comme tant disponible pour l
quivalence des types, mais il n est pas marqu comme tant public.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not execute the method because either the method itself or the containing
type is not fully instantiated.",,"Impossible d excuter la mthode, car soit la mth
ode proprement dite, soit le type contenant n est pas pleinement instanci(e).",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load file or assembly %1 . This assembly was compiled for a differen
t processor.",,"Impossible de charger le fichier ou l assembly %1 . Cet assembl

y a t compil pour un autre processeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Creating an instance of the COM component with CLSID %2 using CoCreateInstanceF
romApp failed due to the following error: %1 %3. Please make sure your COM objec
t is in the allowed list of CoCreateInstanceFromApp.",,"La cration d une instance
du composant COM avec le CLSID %2 en utilisant CoCreateInstanceFromApp a chou cau
se de l erreur suivante: %1 %3. Assurez-vous que votre objet COM figure dans la l
iste autorise de CoCreateInstanceFromApp.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve dependency to Windows Runtime type %1 . When using the Reflecti
onOnly APIs, dependent Windows Runtime assemblies must be resolved on demand thr
ough the ReflectionOnlyNamespaceResolve event.",,"Impossible de rsoudre la dpendan
ce en type Windows Runtime %1 . Lorsque vous utilisez les API ReflectionOnly, l
es assemblys Windows Runtime dpendants doivent tre rsolus la demande via l vnement Re
flectionOnlyNamespaceResolve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find Windows Runtime type %1 .",,"Type Windows Runtime %1 introuva
ble.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To resolve a namespace from a custom Windows Runtime component, you must supply
the packageGraphFilePaths argument to ResolveNamespace.",,"Pour rsoudre un espac
e de noms partir d un composant Windows Runtime personnalis, vous devez fournir l
argument packageGraphFilePaths ResolveNamespace.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returning a .NET Framework assembly to resolve a Windows Runtime reference is n
ot supported.",,"Le retour d un assembly .NET Framework pour rsoudre une rfrence Wi
ndows Runtime n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Types from custom Windows Runtime components are not supported in desktop appli
cations.",,"Les types de composants Windows Runtime personnaliss ne sont pas pris
en charge dans les applications bureautiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: InterfaceImpl s implemented type (0x%08x) not marked tdInterface.",,"Err
eur: le type implment pour InterfaceImpl (0x%08x) n est pas marqu comme tdInterface.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field is marked HasRVA but has no RVA record.",,"Erreur: le champ est mar
qu comme HasRVA, mais il ne comporte pas d enregistrement RVA.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Field is assigned zero RVA.",,"Erreur: aucun RVA n est assign au champ.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has both non-zero RVA and Implementation Map.",,"Erreur: la mthode
a un RVA non nul et une table d implmentation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Extraneous bits in Flags (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: bits superflus dans les ind
icateurs (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef extends itself.",,"Erreur: TypeDef s tend lui-mme.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: System.ValueType must extend System.Object.",,"Erreur: System.ValueType d
oit tendre System.Object.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: TypeDef extends TypeSpec (0x%08x), not supported in Version 1.",,"Aver
tissement: TypeDef tend TypeSpec (0x%08x), non pris en charge dans la version1.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Value class has neither fields nor size parameter.",,"Erreur: la classe V
alue n a ni champ ni paramtre de taille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error: Interface is marked Sealed.",,"Erreur: interface marque comme Sealed.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: NestedClass token (0x%08x) in NestedClass record is not a valid TypeDef.
",,"Erreur: jeton NestedClass (0x%08x) dans l enregistrement NestedClass n est pa
s un TypeDef valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: EnclosingClass token (0x%08x) in NestedClass record is not a valid TypeD
ef.",,"Erreur: jeton EnclosingClass (0x%08x) dans l enregistrement NestedClass n

est pas un TypeDef valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: Duplicate NestedClass record (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: enregistrement NestedCl
ass dupliqu (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Nested type token (0x%08x) has multiple EnclosingClass tokens (0x%08x, 0
x%08x).",,"Erreur: le jeton de type imbriqu (0x%08x) a plusieurs jetons EnclosingC
lass (0x%08x, 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Zero RVA of field 0x%08x in FieldRVA record.",,"Erreur: pas de RVA du cha
mp 0x%08x dans l enregistrement FieldRVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Error: Invalid field token in FieldRVA record (field: 0x%08x; RVA: 0x%x).",,"Er
reur: jeton de champ non valide dans l enregistrement FieldRVA (champ: 0x%08x; RVA:
0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Same RVA in another FieldRVA record (RVA: 0x%x; field: 0x%08x).",,"Erreu
r: RVA identique dans un autre enregistrement FieldRVA (RVA: 0x%x; champ: 0x%08x).",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Same field in another FieldRVA record(field: 0x%08x; record: 0x%08x).",,
"Erreur: champ identique dans un autre enregistrement FieldRVA (champ: 0x%08x; enre
gistrement: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Invalid token specified as EntryPoint in CLR header.",,"Erreur: jeton non
valide spcifi comme EntryPoint dans l en-tte CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Instance method token specified as EntryPoint in CLR header.",,"Erreur: j
eton de mthode d instance spcifi comme EntryPoint dans l en-tte CLR.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Invalid type of instance field(0x%08x) of an Enum.",,"Erreur: type de cha
mp d instance non valide(0x%08x) d un Enum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has invalid RVA (0x%x).",,"Erreur: la mthode comporte un RVA (0x%x)
non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Literal field has no const value.",,"Erreur: le champ littral n a pas de v
aleur constante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Class implements interface but not method (class:0x%08x; interface:0x%08
x; method:0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la classe implmente l interface mais pas la mthode (c
lasse: 0x%08x; interface: 0x%08x; mthode: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: CustomAttribute has invalid Parent token (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: CustomAttri
bute possde un jeton Parent non valide (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: CustomAttribute has invalid Type token (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: CustomAttribu
te possde un jeton Type non valide (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: CustomAttribute has non-constructor Type (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: CustomAttri
bute possde un Type non-constructeur (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: CustomAttribute s Type (0x%08x) has invalid signature.",,"Erreur : Custo
mAttribute possde un Type (0x%08x) dont la signature n est pas valide.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: CustomAttribute s Type (0x%08x) has no signature.",,"Erreur : CustomAttr
ibute possde un Type (0x%08x) qui n a pas de signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: CustomAttribute s blob has invalid prolog (0x%04x).",,"Erreur: le prologu
e (0x%04x) de l objet blob de CustomAttribute n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has invalid local signature token (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: le jeton de
signature local n est pas valide pour la mthode (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method has invalid header.",,"Erreur: l en-tte de la mthode n est pas valid
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: EntryPoint method has invalid number of arguments, expecting %d.",,"Erre
ur: la mthode EntryPoint a un nombre d arguments non valide, %d attendu.",,"Text",

,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error: EntryPoint method has invalid return type.",,"Erreur: la mthode EntryPoint
a un type de retour non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: EntryPoint method has invalid argument number %d.",,"Erreur: la mthode Ent
ryPoint a un nombre d arguments non valide %d.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Illegal use of type void in signature.",,"Erreur: utilisation non confo
rme du type void dans la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Error: Multiple implementation of interface method (class:0x%08x; interface:0x%
08x; method:0x%08x).",,"Erreur: implmentation multiple d une mthode d interface (cl
asse: 0x%08x; interface: 0x%08x; mthode: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam has no name.",,"Erreur: GenericParam n a pas de nom.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: GenericParam has nil owner.",,"Avertissement: GenericParam possde un pro
pritaire nil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam has a duplicate based on owner and name, token=0x%08x.",,"E
rreur: GenericParam a un doublon bas sur un propritaire et un nom, jeton=0x%08x.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam has a duplicate based on owner and number, token=0x%08x.",,
"Erreur: GenericParam a un doublon bas sur un propritaire et un numro, jeton=0x%08x.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam is out of sequence by owner.",,"Erreur: GenericParam est hor
s squence par propritaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam is out of sequence by number.",,"Erreur: GenericParam est ho
rs squence par numro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam is co-or-contra variant but its owner, token (0x%08x), is n
ot an interface or delegate.",,"Erreur: GenericParam est covariant ou contravaria
nt mais son propritaire, jeton (0x%08x), n est pas une interface ni un dlgu.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam is a method type parameter and must be non-variant, not coor-contra variant.",,"Erreur: GenericParam est un paramtre de type de mthode et doi
t tre non variant: non covariant et non contravariant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam has invalid variance value in flags (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: Gen
ericParam possde une valeur de variance non valide dans les indicateurs (0x%08x).
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParam has inconsistent special constraints ReferenceTypeConstrain
t and ValueTypeConstraint in flags (0x%08x).",,"Erreur: GenericParam possde des co
ntraintes spciales incohrentes ReferenceTypeConstraint et ValueTypeConstraint dans
les indicateurs (0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParamConstraint has nil owner.",,"Erreur: GenericParamConstraint p
ossde un propritaire nil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParamConstraint has a duplicate based on owner and constraint, to
ken=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: GenericParamConstraint a un doublon bas sur un propritaire e
t une contrainte, jeton=0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: GenericParamConstraint is non-contiguous with preceding constraints for
same owner, token=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: GenericParamConstraint n est pas contigu ave
c les contraintes prcdentes pour le mme propritaire, jeton=0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec has nil method.",,"Erreur: MethodSpec comporte une mthode nil."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec has a duplicate based on method and instantiation, token=0x%0
8x.",,"Erreur: MethodSpec a un doublon bas sur une mthode et une instanciation, jet
on=0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec signature has invalid calling convention=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: la
signature MethodSpec possde une convention d appel non valide=0x%08x.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec signature is missing arity at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: la signa

ture MethodSpec ne spcifie pas l arit l octet=0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame

work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec signature is missing type argument # %d.",,"Erreur: l argument
de type # %d manque dans la signature MethodSpec.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec has generic method of arity %d but instantiation of different
arity %d.",,"Erreur: MethodSpec possde une mthode gnrique d arit %d, mais une instanc
iation d arit diffrente %d.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec method is not generic.",,"Erreur: la mthode MethodSpec n est pa
s gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature missing arity of instantiated generic type at byte=0x%08x.",,"
Erreur: la signature a une arit manquante de type gnrique instanci l octet=0x%08x.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature has generic type of arity %d instantiated at different arity %
d at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: la signature possde un type gnrique d arit %d instanci u
e arit diffrente %d l octet=0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Error: Method cannot be both generic and a class constructor.",,"Erreur: la mthod
e ne peut pas tre la fois gnrique et un constructeur de classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method cannot be both generic and an instance constructor.",,"Erreur: la
mthode ne peut pas tre la fois gnrique et un constructeur d instance.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method cannot be both generic and defined on an imported type.",,"Erreur:
la mthode ne peut pas tre la fois gnrique et dfinie sur un type import.",,"Text",,"A
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method cannot be both generic and have non-default calling convention.",
,"Erreur: la mthode ne peut pas la fois tre gnrique et avoir une convention d appel a
utre que celle par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Entry point in CLR header is the token for a generic method.",,"Erreur: l
e point d entre dans l en-tte CLR est le jeton d une mthode gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method signature is generic but is missing its arity at byte=0x%08x.",,"
Erreur: la signature de la mthode est gnrique, mais son arit est manquante l octet=0x
%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Method signature is generic but its arity is zero at byte=0x%08x.",,"Err
eur: la signature de la mthode est gnrique, mais son arit est nulle l octet=0x%08x.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature has generic type instantiated at arity 0 at byte=0x%08x.",,"Er
reur: la signature possde un type gnrique instanci l arit0 l octet=0x%08x.",,"Text
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec signature has arity 0 at byte=0x%08x.",,"Erreur: la signature
MethodSpec comporte une arit0 l octet=0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodDef signature has arity %d but the token owns %d GenericParams.",,
"Erreur: la signature MethodDef comporte une arit %d, mais le jeton est propritaire
de %d GenericParams.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Entry point in CLR header is the token for a method in a generic type.",
,"Erreur: le point d entre dans l en-tte CLR est le jeton d une mthode dans un type
gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl overrides non-generic method (token=0x%08x) with generic meth
od.",,"Erreur: MethodImpl substitue une mthode gnrique une mthode non gnrique (jeton
%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl overrides generic method (token=0x%08x) with non-generic meth
od.",,"Erreur: MethodImpl substitue une mthode non gnrique une mthode gnrique (jeton
%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodImpl overrides generic method (token=0x%08x) of arity %d with gene
ric method of arity %d.",,"Erreur: MethodImpl substitue une mthode gnrique (jeton=0x
%08x) d arit %d une mthode gnrique d arit %d.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"

"Error: TypeDef extends a TypeSpec (0x%08x) that is not an instantiated type.",,

"Erreur: un TypeDef tend un TypeSpec (0x%08x) qui n est pas un type instanci.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Signature has type instantiated at ByRef at offset 0x%08x.",,"Erreur: la
signature possde un type instanci ByRef, l offset 0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: MethodSpec has type instantiated at ByRef at offset 0x%08x.",,"Erreur: Me
thodSpec comporte un type instanci ByRef, l offset 0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeSpec has empty signature.",,"Erreur: TypeSpec comporte une signature
vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeSpec has signature containing one or more sentinels.",,"Erreur: TypeS
pec comporte une signature contenant une ou plusieurs sentinelles.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: TypeDef is generic but has explicit layout.",,"Erreur: TypeDef est gnrique,
mais possde une disposition explicite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error: Signature has token following ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS (_VALUETYPE) that is no
t a TypeDef or TypeRef (token: 0x%08x; offset: 0x%08x).",,"Erreur: la signature p
ossde un jeton aprs ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS (_VALUETYPE) qui n est pas un TypeDef ni un
TypeRef (jeton: 0x%08x; offset: 0x%08x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Warning: Class does not implement interface method in this module (class:0x%08x
; interface:0x%08x; method:0x%08x).",,"Avertissement: une classe n implmente pas l
a mthode d interface dans ce module (classe: 0x%08x; interface: 0x%08x; mthode: 0x%08x
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLR assembly %s was imported from a type library and cannot be re-exported to
a type library. Make sure the type library from which the assembly was importe
d is registered.",,"L assembly CLR %s a t import d une bibliothque de types et ne
peut pas tre de nouveau export vers une bibliothque de types. Vrifiez que la bibliot
hque de types partir de laquelle l assembly a t import est inscrite.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal error 0x%08x.",,"Erreur interne 0x%08x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid file token.",,"Jeton de fichier non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid token type.",,"Type de jeton non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid entry point token.",,"Jeton de point d entre non valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid token.",,"Jeton non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Invalid token in v-table fix-up table; use ildasm to find code generation error
.",,"Jeton non valide dans la table de correction v-table ; utilisez ildasm pour
rechercher l erreur de gnration de code.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to get nested type properties.",,"Impossible d obtenir les proprits de typ
e imbriqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method token out of range.",,"Jeton de mthode hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method name too long.",,"Nom de mthode trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method name is not null terminated.",,"Le nom de la mthode ne se termine pas par
null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method in an Enum.",,"Mthode dans un Enum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Method with non-zero RVA in an Import.",,"Mthode avec RVA non nul dans une impor
tation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Abstract method with non-zero RVA.",,"Mthode abstraite avec RVA non nul.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Runtime-implemented method with non-zero RVA.",,"Mthode implmente pour l excution a

vec RVA non nul.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal call method with non_NULL RVA.",,"Mthode d appel interne avec RVA non_N
ULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Abstract method in non-abstract class.",,"Mthode abstraite dans une classe non a
bstraite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-virtual abstract method.",,"Mthode abstraite non virtuelle.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-abstract, non-.cctor method in an interface.",,"Mthode non abstraite, non .c
ctor dans une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Virtual PInvoke implemented method.",,"Mthode implmente PInvoke virtuelle.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Virtual Static Method.",,"Mthode statique virtuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Virtual Instance Constructor.",,"Constructeur d instance virtuelle.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Virtual Non-Abstract Interface Method.",,"Mthode d interface non abstraite virtu
elle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nonvirtual Instance Interface Method.",,"Mthode d interface d instance non virtu
elle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Synchronized Method in Value Type.",,"Mthode synchronise dans un type valeur.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-Static Global Method.",,"Mthode globale non statique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global Instance Constructor.",,"Constructeur d instance globale.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic method or method in generic class is internal call, PInvoke, or is defi
ned in a COM Import class.",,"Une mthode gnrique ou une mthode dans une classe gnrique
est un appel interne, PInvoke ou est dfinie dans une classe d importation COM.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic method is marked runtime-implemented.",,"Une mthode gnrique est marque comm
e implmente pour l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad use of Runtime Impl attribute.",,"Utilisation incorrecte de l attribut Runt
ime Impl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad flags on delegate constructor.",,"Indicateurs incorrects sur le constructeu
r dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown runtime implemented delegate method.",,"La mthode dlgue implmente par runtime
est inconnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic methods should always be mcInstantiated.",,"Les mthodes gnriques doivent t
oujours tre mcInstantiated.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field token out of range.",,"Jeton de champ hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid Field Access Flags.",,"Indicateurs d accs au champ non valide.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field is Literal and InitOnly.",,"Le champ est littral et InitOnly.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-Static Global Field.",,"Champ global non statique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance Field in an Interface.",,"Champ d instance dans une interface.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No Instance Field in an Enum.",,"Aucun champ d instance dans un Enum.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-virtual methods should not be searched.",,"Aucune recherche ne doit tre effe
ctue sur des mthodes non virtuelles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"This method cannot be an Init Method.",,"Cette mthode ne peut pas tre une mthode I
nit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Managed native not presently supported.",,"Code natif manag encore non pris en c
harge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad implementation flags.",,"Indicateurs d implmentation incorrects.",,"Text",,"

All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Bad unmanaged code entry point.",,"Point d entre de code non manag incorrect.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic code may not be varargs.",,"Un code gnrique ne peut pas comporter des var
args.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because it cannot inherit directly
from the delegate class.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assem
bly %2 , car il ne peut pas hriter directement de la classe dlgue.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because delegate classes must be se
aled.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car les c
lasses dlgues doivent tre sealed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enclosing type(s) not found for type %1 in assembly %2 .",,"Types englobants
introuvables pour le type %1 dans l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal definition for runtime implemented delegate method.",,"Dfinition non con
forme pour la mthode dlgue implmente par runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing definition for required runtime implemented delegate method.",,"Dfinitio
n manquante pour la mthode dlgue implmente par runtime et qui est requise.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate type with name %1 in assembly %2 .",,"Type en double avec le nom
%1 dans l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad method token.",,"Jeton de mthode incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get LinkRef.",,"Impossible d obtenir LinkRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ECall methods must be packaged into a system module.",,"Les mthodes ECall doiven
t tre empaquetes dans un module systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Could not get classlayout.",,"Impossible d obtenir classlayout.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature is not IMAGE_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_LOCAL_SIG.",,"La signaturen est pas IMAGE
_CEE_CS_CALLCONV_LOCAL_SIG.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad class token.",,"Jeton de classe incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad IL range.",,"Plage IL incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MethodDef without TypeDef as Parent.",,"MethodDef sans TypeDef comme parent.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodSpec or MemberRef has parent with no members.",,"MethodSpec ou MemberRef
possde un parent sans membres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fields inside generic classes must be referenced using MemberRefs, even in the
same module as the class.",,"Les champs au sein des classes gnriques doivent tre rfre
ncs l aide de MemberRefs, mme dans le mme module que la classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid token saved in ManifestResource.",,"Jeton non valide enregistr dans Mani
festResource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty assembly simple name.",,"Nom simple d assembly vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad IL format.",,"Format IL incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 due to value type mismatch.",,"Impo
ssible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 en raison de types vale
ur incompatibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method declaration is not a methoddef.",,"La dclaration de mthode n est pas un me
thoddef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate definition for runtime implemented delegate method.",,"Dfinition dupli
que pour la mthode dlgue implmente par runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
e 4.5.1"

"Ecalls must have a 0 RVA.",,"Les Ecalls doivent possder un RVA gal 0.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The metadata is corrupt.",,"Mtadonnes endommages.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The signature is incorrect.",,"La signature est incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Full Name of Typeref is too long.",,"Le nom complet de Typeref est trop long.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid Typeref token.",,"Jeton Typeref non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ClassInterface custom attribute is invalid.",,"Attribut personnalis ClassInt
erface non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClassInterface custom attribute does not have the right format.",,"L attribut p
ersonnalis ClassInterface n a pas le format appropri.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal or unimplemented ELEM_TYPE in signature.",,"ELEM_TYPE non conforme ou n
on implment dans la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad element type in SizeOf.",,"Type d lment incorrect dans SizeOf.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 in assembly %2 has more than one method with the following custom a
ttribute %3 .",,"Le type %1 dans l assembly %2 possde plusieurs mthodes avec
l attribut personnalis %3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 in assembly %2 has method %3 with an incorrect signature for the
serialization attribute that it is decorated with.",,"Le type %1 dans l assemb
ly %2 possde la mthode %3 avec une signature incorrecte pour l attribut de sria
lisation avec lequel elle est dcore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Structures defined in untrusted code cannot be marshaled to and from native cod
e as either parameters or return values.",,"Impossible de marshaler les structur
es dfinies dans du code non fiable vers ou depuis du code natif, comme des paramtr
es ou des valeurs de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 is attempting to implement an inaccessible interfa
ce.",,"Le type %1 de l assembly %2 essaye d implmenter une interface inaccess
ible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malformed custom attribute header.",,"En-tte d attribut personnalis incorrect.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malformed custom attribute string.",,"Chane d attribut personnalis incorrect.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad string token.",,"Jeton de chane incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No string associated with token.",,"Aucune chane n est associe au jeton.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image has a platform-specific fixup type that is not compatible with this platf
orm.",,"L image possde un type de correction spcifique la plateforme qui n est pas
compatible avec cette plateforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Token specifying generic type must be either a typeref or typedef.",,"Le type gnr
ique de spcification de jeton doit tre un typeref ou un typedef.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array rank may not be zero.",,"Le rang d un tableau ne doit pas tre nul.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Single-dimensional array rank must be one.",,"Le rang d un tableau unidimension
nel doit tre gal un.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClassLayout has invalid PackingSize; valid set of values is {1,2,4,...,128}.",,
"ClassLayout spcifie une taille PackingSize non valide; les valeurs autorises sont
{1,2,4,...,128}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array type not expected here.",,"Type tableau non attendu ici.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad type visibility flag value.",,"Valeur d indicateur de visibilit de type inco
rrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Family flag is not allowed on global functions.",,"L indicateur Family n est pa

s autoris sur les fonctions globales.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Could not find exported type in metadata.",,"Type export introuvable dans les mta
donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected array type.",,"Type tableau attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic member ref must be of type MethodDef or MemberRef.",,"La rfrence du membr
e gnrique doit tre de type MethodDef ou MemberRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected interface.",,"Interface attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Metadata method count does not match method enumeration length for type %1 fr
om assembly %2 .",,"Le nombre de mthodes de mtadonnes ne correspond pas la longueu
r d numration des mthodes pour le type %1 de l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Metadata field count does not match field enumeration length for type %1 from
assembly %2 .",,"Le nombre de champs de mtadonnes ne correspond pas la longueur
d numration des champs pour le type %1 de l assembly %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 must be declared as a value type to be used as a v
alue type.",,"Le type %1 de l assembly %2 doit tre dclar comme type valeur pour
tre utilis comme tel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type contains improperly formed type variance signature.",,"Le type contient un
e signature de variance de type qui n est correctement forme.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because it declares a field in a co
variant type.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , c
ar il dclare un champ dans un type covariant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom attributes that are TypeSpecs must be of type ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE or
ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS.",,"Les attributs personnaliss dsignant des TypeSpecs doivent tr
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unexpected field signature was found.",,"Une signature de champ inattendue a
t trouve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A valid typedef or typeref token is expected to follow a ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS or
ELEMENT_TYPE_VALUETYPE.",,"Un jeton typedef ou typeref valide doit normalement s
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR cannot have a field signature.",,"Un ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR ne
peut pas comporter une signature de champ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"A ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR cannot be generic.",,"Un ELEMENT_TYPE_FNPTR ne peut pas tre
gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A valid typedef or typeref token is expected to follow a ELEMENT_TYPE_GENERICIN
ST.",,"Un jeton typedef ou typeref valide doit normalement suivre un ELEMENT_TYP
E_GENERICINST.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only pointer to void allowed in function arguments.",,"Seul un pointeur vers vo
id est autoris dans les arguments de fonction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
MENT_TYPE_TYPEDBYREF ne peut pas contenir un modificateur ELEMENT_TYPE_BYREF.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 in assembly %2 has method %3 which is either static, virtual, abs
tract or generic, but is marked as being a serialization callback method.",,"Le
type %1 de l assembly %2 contient une mthode %3 statique, virtuelle, abstra
ite ou bien gnrique mais marque en tant que mthode de rappel de srialisation.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 contains an invalid method implementation signatur

e.",,"Le type %1 de l assembly %2 contient une signature d implmentation de mt

hode non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal limitation: too many property methods associated with this method.",,"
Limitation interne: trop de mthodes de proprit associes cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All"
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal limitation: too many fields.",,"Limitation interne: trop de champs.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A library name must be specified in a DllImport attribute applied to non-IJW me
thods.",,"Un nom de bibliothque doit tre spcifi dans un attribut DllImport appliqu de
s mthodes non-IJW.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic context-bound objects are not supported.",,"Les objets gnriques lis au con
texte ne sont pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Context-bound objects with generic methods are not supported.",,"Les objets lis
au contexte avec des mthodes gnriques ne sont pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericArguments[%1], %2 , on %3 violates the constraint of type parameter
%4 .",,"GenericArguments[%1], %2 , pour %3 ne respecte pas la contrainte du p
aramtre de type %4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1.%2: type argument %3 violates the constraint of type parameter %4
.",,"Mthode %1.%2: l argument de type %3 ne respecte pas la contrainte du paramt
re de type %4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1 from assembly %2 contains more methods than the current implementat
ion allows.",,"Le type %1 de l assembly %2 contient davantage de mthodes que
ne le permet l implmentation actuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Enumerated types cannot have any generic type parameters, beyond any inherited
from their enclosing type (for nested enums).",,"Les types numrs ne peuvent pas avo
ir des paramtres de type gnrique, au-del de ceux hrits de leur type englobant (pour le
s enums imbriqus).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DebuggerError",,"DebuggerError",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ignoring managed exception from unknown thread.",,"Exception manage de thread in
connu ignore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Catch handler cannot precede try block.",,"Un gestionnaire catch ne peut pas prcd
er un bloc try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type %1 from assembly %2 because it has recursive generic de
finition.",,"Impossible de charger le type %1 partir de l assembly %2 , car i
l a une dfinition gnrique rcursive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal to load assemblies for ReflectionOnly in a verification domain.",,"Char
ger des assemblys pour ReflectionOnly dans un domaine de vrification n est pas un
e opration conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"JIT Compiler encountered an internal limitation.",,"Le compilateur JIT a rencon
tr une limitation interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The security object (Permission or PermissionSet) used for performing a Demand
caused an error relating to serialization/deserialization.",,"L objet de scurit (P
ermission ou PermissionSet) utilis pour effectuer une demande a provoqu une erreur
lie la srialisation/dsrialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type forwarding chain is too long or is recursive.",,"La chane de transfert de t
ype est trop longue ou rcursive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application: ",,"Application: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Framework Version: ",,"Version du Framework: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Description: The process was terminated due to an unhandled exception.",,"Descr
iption : le processus a t arrt en raison d une exception non gre.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception Info: ",,"Informations sur l exception: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Description: The application requested process termination through System.Envir
onment.FailFast(string message).",,"Description : l application a demand l arrt du
processus via System.Environment.FailFast(message de la chane).",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Message: ",,"Message : ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Description: The process was terminated due to an internal error in the .NET Ru
ntime ",,"Description : le processus a t arrt en raison d une erreur interne dans le
runtime .NET ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Description: The process was terminated due to stack overflow.",,"Description :
le processus a t arrt en raison d un dpassement de capacit de la pile.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack:",,"Pile:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"at IP %1 (%2) with exit code %3.",," l adresse IP %1 (%2) avec le code de sortie
%3.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"exception code %1, exception address %2",,"code d exception %1, adresse d excep
tion %2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remainder of the message was truncated.",,"Le reste du message a t tronqu.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Marshaling to and from COM VARIANTs
isn t supported).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (marshalin
g depuis/vers les types VARIANT COM non pris en charge).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Marshaling to and from COM interfac
e pointers isn t supported).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide
(marshaling depuis/vers les pointeurs d interface COM non pris en charge).",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to access method %1 in violation of security transparency rules failed.
",,"chec de la tentative d accs la mthode %1 en violation des rgles de transparence
de la scurit (Security Transparency).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Attempt to access type %1 in violation of security transparency rules failed.",
,"chec de la tentative d accs au type %1 en violation des rgles de transparence de
la scurit (Security Transparency).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application assemblies cannot be directly executed: %1",,"Impossible d excuter d
irectement les assemblys d application : %1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Application code cannot access %1 using Reflection.",,"Le code de l application
ne peut pas accder %1 par rflexion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Inheritance security rules violated while overriding member: %1 . Security acc
essibility of the overriding method must match the security accessibility of the
method being overriden.",,"Violation des rgles de scurit lies l hritage lors de la s
ubstitution du membre %1 . L accessibilit la scurit de la mthode de substitution do
it correspondre celle de la mthode en cours de substitution.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inheritance security rules violated by type: %1 . Derived types must either ma
tch the security accessibility of the base type or be less accessible.",,"Violat
ion des rgles de scurit lies l hritage par le type %1 . Les types drivs doivent cor
pondre l accessibilit la scurit du type de base ou tre moins accessibles.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Decimal fields must be paired with
Struct or Currency).",,"Combinaison de types manags/non manags non valide (les cha
mps Decimal doivent tre associs Struct ou Currency).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[A]%1 cannot be cast to [B]%2. %3. %4.",,"[A]%1 ne peut pas tre converti en [B]%
2. %3. %4.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %s originates from %s in the context %s in a byte array",,"Le type %s
provient de %s dans le contexte %s d un tableau d octets",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %s originates from %s in the context %s at location %s ",,"Le type %s
provient de %s dans le contexte %s l emplacement %s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collectible context-bound objects are not supported.",,"Les objets lis au contex

te pouvant tre collects ne sont pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 is partially trusted, however it is not entirely security transpa
rent. If this assembly is meant to be used in partial trust, you will need to a
pply the SecurityTransparentAttribute to it.",,"L assembly %1 est partiellemen
t approuv, mais n est pas entirement transparent de scurit. Si cet assembly doit tre
utilis avec une confiance partielle, vous devrez lui appliquer SecurityTransparen
tAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt by security transparent method %1 to access LinkDemand protected meth
od %2 failed. Methods must be security critical or security safe-critical to
satisfy a LinkDemand.",,"chec de la tentative d accs de la mthode transparente de sc
urit %1 la mthode protge LinkDemand %2 . Les mthodes doivent tre critiques de scu
ou critiques scurises (security-safe-critical) pour rpondre une LinkDemand.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1 is security transparent, but is a member of a security critical typ
e.",,"La mthode %1 est transparente de scurit, mais est membre d un type critique
de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 specified an unknown security rule set.",,"L assembly %1 a spcif
i un ensemble de rgles de scurit inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Partial trust applications may not specify an AppDomainManager for the default
domain.",,"Les applications de confiance partielle ne peuvent pas spcifier un App
DomainManager pour le domaine par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"An attempt was made to load an assembly from a network location which would hav
e caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions of the .NET Framework
. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS policy by default, so t
his load may be dangerous. If this load is not intended to sandbox the assembly,
please enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. See
ink/?LinkId=155569 for more information.",,"Tentative de chargement d un assembl
y partir d un emplacement rseau qui aurait entran l utilisation de l assembly en mo
de Bac sable (sandbox) dans les versions antrieures du .NET Framework. Cette vers
ion du .NET Framework n activant pas la stratgie CAS par dfaut, ce chargement peut
tre dangereux. Si ce chargement n est pas destin utiliser l assembly en mode Bac
sable (sandbox), activez le commutateur loadFromRemoteSources. Pour plus d infor
mations, consultez",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stub class %1 specified in ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute and int
erface %2 must be from the same assembly.",,"La classe stub %1 spcifie dans Ma
nagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute et l interface %2 doivent provenir du mme
assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %1 specified in ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute cannot be a g
eneric type.",,"Le type %1 spcifi dans ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute ne
peut pas tre un type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %1 specified in ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute cannot be an
interface.",,"Le type %1 spcifi dans ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute ne p
eut pas tre une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find stub method %1 in %2 as specified in ManagedToNativeComInteropS
tubAttribute. Please make sure the stub method is static, non-generic, and has t
he expected name and signature.",,"Mthode stub %1 introuvable dans %2 comme s
pcifi dans ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute. Vrifiez que la mthode stub est st
atique, non gnrique et dispose des nom et signature attendus.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The interop method %1 cannot access the stub method %2 specified in Managed
ToNativeComInteropStubAttribute. Please make sure they have compatible access mo
difiers and security accessibility.",,"La mthode d interoprabilit %1 ne peut pas
accder la mthode stub %2 spcifie dans ManagedToNativeComInteropStubAttribute. Vrifi
ez qu elles ont une accessibilit la scurit et des modificateurs d accs compatibles."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code size",,"Taille du code",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot load a reference assembly for execution.",,"Impossible de charger un ass

embly de rfrence pour l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt by method %1 to access field %2 failed.%3",,"chec de la tentative d
accs de la mthode %1 au champ %2 .%3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Attempt by method %1 to access method %2 failed.%3",,"chec de la tentative d
accs de la mthode %1 la mthode %2 .%3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Attempt by method %1 to access type %2 failed.%3",,"chec de la tentative d a
ccs de la mthode %1 au type %2 .%3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Attempt by security transparent method %1 to access security critical field
%2 failed.%3",,"chec de la tentative d accs de la mthode transparente de scurit %1
au champ critique de scurit %2 .%3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Attempt by security transparent method %1 to access security critical method
%2 failed.%3",,"chec de la tentative d accs de la mthode transparente de scurit %1
la mthode critique de scurit %2 .%3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Attempt by security transparent method %1 to access security critical type %
2 failed.%3",,"chec de la tentative d accs de la mthode transparente de scurit %1
au type critique de scurit %2 .%3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt by security transparent method %1 to call native code through method
%2 failed. Methods must be security critical or security safe-critical to cal
l native code.",,"chec de la tentative de la mthode transparente de scurit %1 d ap
peler du code natif par le biais de la mthode %2 . Les mthodes doivent tre critiqu
es de scurit ou critiques scurises (security-safe-critical) pour appeler du code nat
if.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security transparent method %1 cannot access %2 using reflection.",,"La mthode t
ransparente de scurit %1 ne peut pas accder %2 par rflexion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reflection invocation to internal or private types or members in the framework
is not allowed.",,"L invocation de la rflexion sur les types et membres internes
ou privs de l infrastructure n est pas autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 is marked with the AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute, and use
s the level 2 security transparency model. Level 2 transparency causes all meth
ods in AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers assemblies to become security transparent by
default, which may be the cause of this exception.",,"L assembly %1 est marqu
avec AllowPartiallyTrustedCallersAttribute, et utilise le modle de transparence d
e scurit de niveau2. Si la transparence de niveau2 est utilise, toutes les mthodes des
assemblys AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers deviennent transparentes de scurit pardfaut,
ce qui peut la cause de cette exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 has had an APTCA killbit set for it, which prevents it from being
used by partial trust or security transparent code.",,"Un killbit APTCA a t dfini
pour l assembly %1 , ce qui empche son utilisation par du code de confiance part
ielle ou transparent de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 is a conditionally APTCA assembly which is not enabled in the cur
rent AppDomain. To enable this assembly to be used by partial trust or security
transparent code, please add assembly name %2 to the the PartialTrustVisibleA
ssemblies list when creating the AppDomain.",,"L assembly %1 est un assembly A
PTCA conditionnel qui n est pas activ dans l AppDomain actuel. Pour permettre l u
tilisation de cet assembly par du code de confiance partielle ou transparent de
scurit, ajoutez le nom d assembly %2 la liste PartialTrustVisibleAssemblies lors
de la cration de l AppDomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1 is partially trusted, which causes the CLR to make it entirely se
curity transparent regardless of any transparency annotations in the assembly it
self. In order to access security critical code, this assembly must be fully tr
usted.",,"L assembly %1 est partiellement fiable. Par consquent, le CLR le rend

entirement transparent de scurit, quelles que soient les annotations de transparen

ce de l assembly proprement dit. Pour accder au code critique de scurit, cet assemb
ly doit tre totalement fiable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attempt was made to load an assembly that was downloaded from a network loca
tion, which would have caused the assembly to be sandboxed in previous versions
of the .NET Framework. This release of the .NET Framework does not enable CAS po
licy by default, so this load may be dangerous. If this assembly is trusted, eit
her remove the Zone marker from it or enable the loadFromRemoteSources switch. S
ee for more information.",,"Tentat
ive de chargement d un assembly tlcharg partir d un emplacement rseau, ce qui aurait
pu entraner le sandboxing de l assembly dans les versions prcdentes de .NET Framew
ork. Cette version de .NET Framework n activant pas la stratgie CAS par dfaut, ce
chargement peut tre dangereux. Si cet assembly est de confiance, supprimez le mar
queur Zone ou activez le commutateur loadFromRemoteSources. Consultez http://go. pour en savoir plus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type specified by the IBC data is no longer present in the assembly s metad
ata",,"Le type spcifi par les donnes IBC ne figure plus dans les mtadonnes de l assem
bly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method specified by the IBC data is no longer present in the assembly s met
adata",,"La mthode spcifie par les donnes IBC ne figure plus dans les mtadonnes de l a
ssembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. COR_ENABLE_PROFILING was set properly, but COR_PROFIL
ER was not. COR_PROFILER must be set to the CLSID of the profiler to load.",,"ch
ec du chargement du profileur. COR_ENABLE_PROFILING a t correctement dfini, contrai
rement COR_PROFILER. COR_PROFILER doit avoir pour valeur le CLSID du profileur c
harger.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed due to an internal profiling services initialization fa
ilure. Profiler CLSID: %s . HRESULT: 0x%x.",,"Le chargement du profileur a cho
u en raison de l chec d initialisation des services de profilage internes. CLSID d
u profileur : %s . HRESULT : 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Loading profiler failed. COR_PROFILER is set to an invalid CLSID: %s . HRESU
LT: 0x%x.",,"chec du chargement du profileur. COR_PROFILER a pour valeur un CLSID
non valide : %s . HRESULT : 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Loading profiler failed. COR_PROFILER is set to a CLSID of a COM object that d
oes not implement the interface GUID (IID) requested by the CLR. This often ind
icates that the profiler does not support this version of the CLR. Profiler CLS
ID: %s . Requested IID: %s .",,"chec du chargement du profileur. COR_PROFILER
a pour valeur un CLSID d un objet COM qui n implmente pas le GUID d interface (II
D) requis par le CLR. En gnral, cela indique que le profileur ne prend pas en char
ge cette version du CLR. CLSID du profileur : %s . IID requis : %s .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed during CoCreateInstance. Profiler CLSID: %s . HRESUL
T: 0x%x.",,"Le chargement du profileur a chou lors de l appel de CoCreateInstance.
CLSID du profileur : %s . HRESULT : 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. The profiler COM object was instantiated, but the pro
filer failed during its initialization callback. Profiler CLSID: %s . HRESULT
: 0x%x.",,"chec du chargement du profileur. L objet COM du profileur a t instanci, m
ais le profileur a chou lors de son rappel d initialisation. CLSID du profileur :
%s . HRESULT : 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process ID (decimal): %d. Message ID: [0x%x].",,"ID de processus (dcimal) : %d.
Id de message : [0x%x].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The profiler was loaded successfully. Profiler CLSID: %s .",,"Le profileur a t
correctement charg. CLSID du profileur : %s .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. COR_ENABLE_PROFILING and COR_PROFILER were set proper
ly, but COR_PROFILER_PATH was not. COR_PROFILER_PATH must be set to the full pa

th of the profiler DLL to load with no more than 260 charaters including the nul
l terminator.",,"chec du chargement du profileur. COR_ENABLE_PROFILING et COR_PRO
FILER ont t correctement dfinis, contrairement COR_PROFILER_PATH. COR_PROFILER_PATH
doit avoir pour valeur le chemin d accs complet de la DLL du profileur charger s
ans dpasser 260caractres, y compris la marque de fin null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was a failure initializing profiling API attach infrastructure. This pro
cess will not allow a profiler to attach. HRESULT: 0x%x.",,"chec de l initialisa
tion de l infrastructure d attachement de l API de profilage. Ce processus ne pe
rmet pas l attachement d un profileur. HRESULT : 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. Failed creating interprocess communication infrastruc
ture. HRESULT: 0x%x.",,"chec du chargement du profileur. L chec est survenu lors
de la cration de l infrastructure de communication entre processus. HRESULT : 0x%
x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. Unable to connect to the process that is trying to re
quest the attach. HRESULT: 0x%x.",,"chec du chargement du profileur. Impossible
de se connecter au processus requrant l attachement. HRESULT : 0x%x.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. The inter-process communication mechanism was initial
ized, but an attach request was not received. HRESULT: 0x%x.",,"chec du chargemen
t du profileur. Le mcanisme de communication entre processus a t initialis, mais une
demande d attachement n a pas t reue. HRESULT : 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. Failed trying to receive from out of process a reques
t to attach a profiler. HRESULT: 0x%x.",,"chec du chargement du profileur. La rce
ption hors processus d une demande d attachement de profileur a chou. HRESULT : 0x
%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. The profiler COM object was instantiated, but the pro
filer does not support attaching to a live process. The profiler must be loaded
at application startup by using a launcher program included with the profiler (
if any) or by setting the COR_ENABLE_PROFILING and COR_PROFILER environment vari
ables before launching the application to be profiled. Profiler CLSID: %s ",,"c
hec du chargement du profileur. L objet COM du profileur a t instanci, mais le prof
ileur ne prend pas en charge l attachement un processus en cours. Le profileur d
oit tre charg lors du dmarrage de l application l aide d un programme de lancement,
parfois fourni avec le profileur, ou en dfinissant les variables d environnement
COR_ENABLE_PROFILING et COR_PROFILER avant le lancement de l application profil
er. CLSID du profileur: %s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. There was an unhandled exception while trying to inst
antiate the profiler COM object. Please ensure the CLSID is associated with a v
alid profiler designed to work with this version of the runtime. Profiler CLSID
: %s .",,"chec du chargement du profileur. Une exception non gre est survenue lors
de l instanciation de l objet COM du profileur. Assurez-vous que le CLSID est a
ssoci un profileur valide, conu pour fonctionner avec cette version du runtime. CL
SID du profileur : %s .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. Received an improperly formatted attach request.",,"ch
ec du chargement du profileur. Le format de la demande d attachement reue est inc
orrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. A profiler is already loaded, so the request to attac
h another profiler was denied.",,"chec du chargement du profileur. Un profileur e
st dj charg et, par consquent, la demande d attachement d un autre profileur a t rejet
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CLR received a request to attach a profiler. Profiler CLSID: %s .",,"Le CL
R a reu une demande d attachement pour un profileur. CLSID du profileur : %s .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The profiler currently in use has requested to be detached from the process. T
he CLR has disabled communication with the profiler and will unload the profiler
when it is safe to do so.",,"Le profileur actuellement utilis a demand tre dtach du
processus. Le CLR a dsactiv la communication avec le profileur et le dchargera ds qu

e l opration ne prsentera aucun risque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"The CLR has fully detached and unloaded the profiler.",,"Le CLR a entirement dtac
h et dcharg le profileur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an internal failure in the profiling API detach infrastructure. The
profiler will not be able to be detached. Error code: %d.",,"Une erreur interne
s est produite dans l infrastructure de dtachement de l API de profilage. Le pro
fileur ne pourra pas tre dtach. Code d erreur: %d.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The profiler has requested that the CLR instance not load the profiler into thi
s process. Profiler CLSID: %s .",,"Le profileur a demand que l instance du CLR
ne charge pas le profileur dans ce processus. CLSID du profileur: %s .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading profiler failed. The profiler that was configured to load was designe
d for an older version of the CLR. You can use the COMPLUS_ProfAPI_ProfilerComp
atibilitySetting environment variable to allow older profilers to be loaded by t
he current version of the CLR. Please consult the documentation for information
on how to use this environment variable, and the risks associated with it. Pro
filer CLSID: %s .",,"chec du chargement du profileur. Le profileur configur pour
le chargement a t conu pour une version antrieure du CLR. Vous pouvez utiliser la va
riable d environnement COMPLUS_ProfAPI_ProfilerCompatibilitySetting pour permett
re le chargement de profileurs plus anciens par la version actuelle du CLR. Pour
plus d informations sur l utilisation de cette variable d environnement et les
risques associs, consultez la documentation. CLSID du profileur: %s .",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A profiler designed for an older version of the CLR was loaded because of the e
nvironment variable setting below. Older profilers will continue to work in man
y cases, but if you encounter problems, please consider upgrading the profiler o
r changing the setting of the environment variable. Please consult the document
ation for information on how to use this environment variable, and the risks ass
ociated with it. Environment variable setting: %s=%s. Profiler CLSID: %s .",,
"Un profileur conu pour une version antrieure du CLR a t charg en raison du paramtre d
e la variable d environnement ci-dessous. Les profileurs plus anciens continuero
nt de fonctionner dans de nombreux cas mais, si vous rencontrez des problmes, met
tez le profileur niveau ou modifiez le paramtre de la variable d environnement. P
our plus d informations sur l utilisation de cette variable d environnement et l
es risques associs, consultez la documentation. Paramtre de la variable d environn
ement: %s=%s. CLSID du profileur: %s .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"A profiler designed for an older version of the CLR was already loaded by an ol
der version of the CLR in the process, and the profiler will therefore not be lo
aded into this process again. Please consider upgrading your profiler in order
to gain better support profiling processes that load multiple instances of the C
LR. Profiler CLSID: %s .",,"Un profileur conu pour une version antrieure du CLR a
dj t charg par une version antrieure du CLR dans le processus et le profileur ne sera
par consquent pas charg une nouvelle fois dans ce processus. Mettez votre profile
ur niveau afin d obtenir une meilleure prise en charge lors du profilage des pro
cessus qui chargent plusieurs instances du CLR. CLSID du profileur: %s .",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Profilers will not be loaded by the current version of the CLR because of the e
nvironment variable setting below. Please consult the documentation for informa
tion on how to use this environment variable, and the risks associated with it.
Environment variable setting: %s=%s. Profiler CLSID: %s .",,"Les profileurs ne
seront pas chargs par la version actuelle du CLR en raison du paramtre de la vari
able d environnement ci-dessous. Pour plus d informations sur l utilisation de c
ette variable d environnement et les risques associs, consultez la documentation.
Paramtre de la variable d environnement: %s=%s. CLSID du profileur: %s .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Description: The application encountered a bug. A managed code contract (preco
ndition, postcondition, object invariant, or assert) failed.",,"Description: l ap

plication a rencontr un bogue. chec d un contrat de code manag (condition pralable,

post-condition, invariant objet ou assertion).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contract details: ",,"Dtails du contrat: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Profiler timed out on waiting for concurrent GC to finish after %d millisecon
ds. Please configure your profiler to increase its attaching time out value or c
onsult the documentation for the COMPLUS_ProfAPI_AttachProfilerMinTimeoutInMs en
vironment variable and try again. Profiler CLSID: %s .",,"Le profileur a expir e
n attendant la fin du GC en cours au bout de %d millisecondes. Configurez votr
e profileur de manire augmenter sa valeur d expiration associe ou consultez la doc
umentation de la variable d environnement COMPLUS_ProfAPI_AttachProfilerMinTimeo
utInMs et ressayez. CLSID du profileur : %s .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Abort",,"Abandonner",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Debug",,"Dboguer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ignore",,"Ignorer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null strings may not be marshaled in Windows Runtime fields.",,"Les chanes null
ne seront peut-tre pas marshales dans les champs Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Windows Runtime parameters and fiel
ds must not have a MarshalAs attribute set).",,"Combinaison incorrecte de types
manags/non manags (les paramtres et les champs Windows Runtime ne doivent pas avoir
d attribut MarshalAs dfini).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null strings may not be marshaled in Windows Runtime arrays. Null string was en
countered at index %1.",,"Les chanes null ne seront peut-tre pas tre marshales dans
les tableaux Windows Runtime. La chane null a t trouve l index %1.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime marshaler does not support the type.",,"Le marshaleur Windows R
untime ne prend pas en charge le type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Windows Runtime value types must have sequential layout.",,"Les types de valeur
Windows Runtime doivent avoir une disposition squentielle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The PreserveSigAttribute may not be used on Windows Runtime methods.",,"L attri
but PreserveSigAttribute ne sera peut-tre pas utilis dans les mthodes Windows Runti
me.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime delegates may not be used for PInvoke interop.",,"Les dlgus Window
s Runtime ne doivent pas tre utiliss pour l interop PInvoke.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Windows Runtime interfaces, classes
and delegates must have a Guid or a default interface).",,"Combinaison incorrec
te de types manags/non manags (les interfaces, classes et dlgus Windows Runtime doive
nt avoir un GUID ou une interface par dfaut).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default interface must refer to a Windows Runtime interface with a GUID.",,
"L interface par dfaut doit faire rfrence une interface Windows Runtime avec un GUI
D.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default interface must refer to an interface that is implemented by the typ
e.",,"L interface par dfaut doit faire rfrence une interface implmente par le type.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (Delegates must be Windows Runtime d
elegates).",,"Combinaison incorrecte de types manags/non manags (les dlgus doit tre de
s dlgus Windows Runtime).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected change made to file %1 .",,"Une modification inattendue a t apporte au
fichier %1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid managed/unmanaged type combination (the DateTimeOffset structure must b
e paired with Struct).",,"Combinaison incorrecte de types manags/non manags (la st
ructure DateTimeOffset doit tre apparie Struct).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"

"There is not enough information to call IEnumerable.GetEnumerator on a Windows

Runtime object, please cast the object to IEnumerable<T> first.",,"Informations
insuffisantes pour appeler IEnumerable.GetEnumerator sur un objet Windows Runtim
e. Veuillez convertir le type de l objet en IEnumerable<T> au pralable.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is not enough information to cast a Windows Runtime object to IEnumerable
, please cast the object to IEnumerable<T> first.",,"Informations insuffisantes
pour convertir le type d un objet Windows Runtime en IEnumerable. Veuillez conve
rtir le type de l objet en IEnumerable<T> au pralable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime interface %1 in assembly %2 must have a valid GUID.",,"L in
terface Windows Runtime %1 dans l assembly %2 doit avoir un GUID valide.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to compute GUID for type %1 because the instantiation contains types t
hat are not supported by Windows Runtime.",,"Impossible de calculer le GUID du t
ype %1 , car l instanciation contient des types qui ne sont pas pris en charge
par Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to compute GUID because type %1 does not have a default Windows Runtim
e interface.",,"Impossible de calculer le GUID, car le type %1 n a pas d inter
face Windows Runtime par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot construct type %1 . Windows Runtime attribute types are not constructa
ble.",,"Impossible de construire le type %1 . Les types d attributs Windows Run
time ne sont pas constructibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime types can only be declared in Windows Runtime assemblies.",,"Le
s types Windows Runtime peuvent seulement tre dclars dans des assemblys Windows Run
time.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested Windows Runtime type %1 is not registered.",,"Le type Windows Runti
me demand %1 n est pas enregistr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Windows Runtime factory %1 is not a factory for Windows Runtime type %2 .",,
"La fabrique Windows Runtime %1 n est pas une fabrique pour le type Windows Ru
ntime %2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given System.Uri cannot be converted into a Windows.Foundation.Uri. Please
see for details.",,"Le System.Uri
donn ne peut pas tre converti en Windows.Foundation.Uri. Consultez http://go.micro pour obtenir des dtails.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime marshaler does not support types with copy constructor.",,"Le m
arshaleur Windows Runtime ne prend pas en charge les types avec constructeur de
copie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime type %1 has a invalid Windows Runtime factory",,"Le type Wind
ows Runtime %1 a une fabrique Windows Runtime non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Windows Runtime Object can only be used in the threading context where it w
as created, because it implements INoMarshal or has MarshalingBehaviorAttribute(
MarshalingType.None) set.",,"L objet Windows Runtime peut uniquement tre utilis da
ns le contexte de thread dans lequel il a t cr, car il implmente INoMarshal ou sa val
eur MarshalingBehaviorAttribute(MarshalingType.None) a t dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime type %1 has invalid namespace that does not begin with the fi
le name in assembly %2 .",,"Le type Windows Runtime %1 comporte un espace de
noms incorrect qui ne commence pas par le nom du fichier dans l assembly %2 .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly %1 that the application tried to load has a known vulnerability. P
lease go to %2 to find a fix for this issue.",,"L assembly %1 que l application
a tent de charger prsente une vulnrabilit connue. Accdez %2 pour trouver une solution
ce problme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Given Windows.Foundation.IReference can not be converted to System.Nullable typ
e. Type arguments can t be empty, string or non-value types. ",,"Impossible de c
onvertir le Windows.Foundation.IReference spcifi vers le type System.Nullable. Les

arguments de type ne peuvent pas correspondre des types vides, des types String
ou des types sans valeur. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Found match in cache, but cannot create assembly from the cache informatio
n.",,"AVT: une correspondance a t trouve dans le cache, mais il est impossible de cre
r un assembly partir des informations du cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: GAC Lookup was unsuccessful.",,"JRN: chec de la recherche dans le GAC.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: NAME",,"AVT: la compa
raison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: NAME",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Major Version",,"AVT:
la comparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: Version principale",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Minor Version",,"AVT:
la comparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: Version secondaire",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Revision Number",,"A
VT: la comparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: Numro de rvision",,
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Build Number",,"AVT:
la comparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: Numro de build",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: PUBLIC KEY TOKEN",,"
AVT: la comparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: PUBLIC KEY TOKEN"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: CULTURE",,"AVT: la co
mparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: CULTURE",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: CUSTOM",,"AVT: la com
paraison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: CUSTOM",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Fatal error occurred attempting to canonicalize the codebase for this bind
.",,"ERR: une erreur irrcuprable s est produite en tentant de rendre canonique le c
ode base pour cette liaison.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Unable to prepare policy cache object.",,"JRN: impossible de prparer l objet
cache de stratgie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Download of application configuration file is already in progress.",,"JRN:
le tlchargement du fichier de configuration de l application est dj en cours.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"=== Pre-bind state information ===",,"=== Informations d tat de liaison pralable
===",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: DisplayName = %ws\n (%ws)",,"JRN: DisplayName = %ws\n (%ws)",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Where-ref bind. Location = %ws",,"JRN: liaison where-ref. Emplacement = %ws
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Appbase = %ws",,"JRN: Appbase = %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"LOG: Initial PrivatePath = %ws",,"JRN: PrivatePath initial = %ws",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Dynamic Base = %ws",,"JRN: base dynamique = %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Cache Base = %ws",,"JRN: base de cache = %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: AppName = %ws",,"JRN: AppName = %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"LOG: Attempting application configuration file download.",,"JRN: tentative de tlch
argement du fichier de configuration de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Download of application configuration file was attempted from %ws.",,"JRN:

tentative de tlchargement du fichier de configuration de l application partir de %

ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Reusing an assembly instance that was previously loaded (%ws).",,"JRN: rutil
isation d une instance d assembly pralablement charge (%ws).",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Configuration file %ws does not exist.",,"JRN: Le fichier de configuration
%ws n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Found application configuration file (%ws).",,"JRN: le fichier de configura
tion de l application a t trouv (%ws).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"LOG: Found assembly in DEVOVERRIDE location [%ws], but the assembly reference d
id not match the assembly definition found.",,"JRN: un assembly a t trouv l emplacem
ent DEVOVERRIDE [%ws], mais la rfrence d assembly ne correspond pas la dfinition d
assembly trouve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Found assembly in DEVOVERRIDE location [%ws], but signature validation fai
led.",,"JRN: un assembly a t trouv l emplacement DEVOVERRIDE [%ws], mais la validati
on de la signature a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Binding redirects specified for assemblies without strong names are ignore
d.",,"AVT: les redirections de liaison spcifies pour les assemblys sans noms forts
sont ignores.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: There was an error parsing XML (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: une erreur s est produi
te lors de l analyse XML (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"WRN: The assemblyIdentity was not processed because the name attribute was miss
ing.",,"AVT: l lment assemblyIdentity n a pas t trait, car l attribut de nom est manqu
ant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: bindingRedirect tag not processed due to insufficient data.",,"AVT: balise
bindingRedirect non traite en raison de donnes insuffisantes.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: codeBase tag not processed because href not present.",,"AVT: balise codeBas
e non traite en raison de l absence de href.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Invalid XML. Encountered more than 1 assemblyIdentity inside single depend
entAssembly. Ignoring.",,"AVT: XML non valide. Plusieurs lments assemblyIdentity dte
cts au sein d un lment dependentAssembly unique. XML ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Private path set. Ignoring duplicate entry.",,"AVT: chemin d accs priv dfini.
Doublon d entre ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Policy not being applied to reference at this time (private, custom, parti
al, or location-based assembly bind).",,"JRN: stratgie non applique la rfrence ce st
de (liaison d assembly prive, personnalise, partielle ou base sur l emplacement).",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Using host configuration file: %ws",,"JRN: utilisation du fichier de config
uration d hte: %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Host configuration file not found.",,"JRN: fichier de configuration d hte in
trouvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Redirect found in host configuration file: %ws redirected to %ws.",,"JRN: u
ne redirection a t trouve dans le fichier de configuration d hte: %ws redirig vers %ws
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: No redirect found in host configuration file.",,"JRN: aucune redirection n
a t trouve dans le fichier de configuration d hte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Redirect found in application configuration file: %ws redirected to %ws.",
,"JRN: une redirection a t trouve dans le fichier de configuration de l application:
%ws redirig vers %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Safe mode is set (publisher policy disallowed).",,"JRN: mode sans chec dfini
(stratgie d diteur interdite).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Publisher policy file is not found.",,"JRN: le fichier de stratgie d diteur e
st introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Publisher policy file is found at %ws.",,"JRN: le fichier de stratgie d diteu

r a t trouv %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"LOG: Publisher policy file redirect is found: %ws redirected to %ws.",,"JRN: la
redirection du fichier de stratgie d diteur a t trouve: %ws redirig vers %ws.",,"Text"
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Machine configuration file does not exist at %ws.",,"JRN: le fichier de con
figuration de l ordinateur n existe pas %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Using machine configuration file from %ws.",,"JRN: utilisation du fichier d
e configuration de l ordinateur partir de %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Machine configuration policy file redirect found: %ws redirected to %ws.",
,"JRN: la redirection du fichier de stratgie de configuration de l ordinateur a t tr
ouve: %ws redirig vers %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Binding redirect encountered, but could not retrieve codebase.",,"AVT: redi
rection de liaison dtecte, mais impossible de rcuprer la base code.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Using codebase from policy file: %ws.",,"JRN: utilisation de la base code p
artir du fichier de stratgie: %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Post-policy reference: %ws",,"JRN: rfrence post-stratgie: %ws",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Failed to apply policy (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: impossible d appliquer la stratg
ie (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Private path hint found in configuration file: %s.",,"JRN: une indication d
e chemin d accs priv a t trouve dans le fichier de configuration: %s.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Error parsing XML file %ws. Ignoring.",,"AVT: erreur lors de l analyse du f
ichier XML %ws. Fichier ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: A fatal error occurred when retrieving next codebase for download (hr = 0x
%x).",,"ERR: une erreur irrcuprable s est produite lors de la rcupration de la base c
ode suivante pour le tlchargement (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Attempting download of new URL %ws.",,"JRN: tentative de tlchargement de la n
ouvelle URL %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Probing in application directory failed, but assembly bind was still able
to complete.",,"JRN: la dtection dans le rpertoire de l application a chou, mais la l
iaison d assembly tait encore en mesure de se terminer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Failed to complete setup of assembly (hr = 0x%x). Probing terminated.",,"E
RR: impossible de terminer l installation de l assembly (hr = 0x%x). Dtection term
ine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unrecoverable error occurred during pre-download check (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR:
une erreur irrcuprable s est produite lors de la vrification avant le tlchargement (
hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Unable to find URLMON.DLL. Assemblies cannot be downloaded.",,"AVT: URLMON.
DLL introuvable. Impossible de tlcharger les assemblys.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Duplicate download found. Re-using the download in progress.",,"JRN: un dou
blon de tlchargement a t trouv. Rutilisation en cours du tlchargement.",,"Text",,"All
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Assembly download was successful. Attempting setup of file: %ws",,"JRN: le
tlchargement de l assembly a russi. Tentative d installation du fichier: %ws",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unable to extract last modified time from %ws.",,"ERR: impossible d extrair
e l heure de dernire modification partir de %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Current version does not support CODEBASEs to .MSI files. Setup is unable
to complete.",,"AVT: la version actuelle ne prend pas en charge les CODEBASEs aux
fichiers .MSI. Impossible de terminer l installation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Unable to find assembly from extracted CAB location: %ws.",,"JRN: assembly

introuvable partir de l emplacement d extraction du fichier CAB: %ws.",,"Text",,"

All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: All probing URLs attempted and failed.",,"JRN: toutes les URL recherches ont
t tentes et ont chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Partial binds to assemblies in the global assembly cache are not supported
.",,"ERR: les liaisons partielles des assemblys dans le Global Assembly Cache ne
sont pas prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Lookup in global assembly cache succeeded.",,"JRN: la recherche dans le Glo
bal Assembly Cache a russi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Attempting to install assembly using Windows Installer.",,"JRN: tentative d
installation de l assembly l aide de Windows Installer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Successfully installed assembly using Windows Installer.",,"JRN: l assembly
a t install avec succs l aide de Windows Installer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Error inserting entry into policy cache.",,"ERR: erreur lors de l insertion
d une entre dans le cache de stratgie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"WRN: Windows Installer was able to provide the requested assembly, but setup of
resulting file failed.",,"AVT: Windows Installer a pu fournir l assembly demand,
mais l installation du fichier obtenu a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Entering run-from-source setup phase.",,"JRN: entre dans la phase d installa
tion excution partir de la source.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"ERR: Module integrity check failed.",,"ERR: chec de la vrification d intgrit du modu
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Entering download cache setup phase.",,"JRN: entre dans la phase d installat
ion du cache de tlchargement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: The assembly reference did not match the assembly definition found.",,"ERR:
la rfrence d assembly ne correspond pas la dfinition d assembly trouve.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Setup failed with hr = 0x%x.",,"ERR: chec de l installation avec hr = 0x%x."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Not probing location %ws, because the location falls outside of the appbas
e.",,"AVT: aucune dtection de l emplacement %ws, car cet emplacement est extrieur l
appbase.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Found assembly by looking in the GAC.",,"JRN: un assembly a t trouv en recherc
hant dans le GAC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Expected to find a pre-jit assembly in cache, but assembly was not found."
,,"ERR: assembly pr-JIT attendu dans le cache, mais assembly introuvable.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Error occurred constructing the probing codebase list.",,"ERR: une erreur s
est produite lors de la construction de la liste des codes base de dtection.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: No codebases found to download from.",,"ERR: codes base introuvables pour e
ffectuer le tlchargement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Found assembly by looking in the download cache.",,"JRN: un assembly a t trou
v en recherchant dans le cache de tlchargement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Setting up CAB file.",,"JRN: installation du fichier CAB.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unable to create a temporary directory (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: impossible de c
rer un rpertoire temporaire (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"ERR: Unable to extract the CAB file (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: impossible d extraire l
e fichier CAB (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Found matching assembly from CAB file: %ws.",,"JRN: un assembly corresponda
nt a t trouv partir du fichier CAB: %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"LOG: Successfully extracted assembly from CAB file.",,"JRN: assembly extrait cor
rectement du fichier CAB.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unable to create assembly in download cache (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: impossible
de crer l assembly dans le cache de tlchargement (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Unable to find target assembly in CAB file.",,"JRN: assembly cible introuva
ble dans le fichier CAB.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unable to remove temporary directory: %ws.",,"ERR: impossible de supprimer
le rpertoire temporaire: %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Error extracting manifest import from file (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: erreur lors
de l extraction de l importation du manifeste partir du fichier (hr = 0x%x).",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Error retrieving assembly name definition from manifest import (hr = 0x%x)
.",,"ERR: erreur lors de la rcupration de la dfinition du nom d assembly partir du m
anifeste import (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Private assembly found in invalid location.",,"JRN: un assembly priv a t trouv
dans un emplacement non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: A partially-specified assembly bind succeeded from the application directo
ry. Need to re-apply policy.",,"JRN: une liaison d assembly spcifie partiellement a
russi partir du rpertoire de l application. La stratgie doit tre rapplique.",,"Text"
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: The post-policy assembly reference requires probing again.",,"JRN: la rfrence
d assembly post-stratgie requiert une nouvelle dtection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: A duplicate assembly was found while copying the assembly item to the cach
e.",,"AVT: un doublon d assembly a t trouv lors de la copie de l lment assembly dans l
e cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Invalid assembly platform or ContentType in file (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: plate
forme d assembly ou ContentType non valide dans le fichier (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unable to copy file to cache location.",,"ERR: impossible de copier le fich
ier dans l emplacement du cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: The private assembly was located outside of appbase. Source Url = %ws.",,"
ERR: l assembly priv tait en dehors d appbase. URL source = %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: The asynchronous application configuration file download successful. Downl
oad location %ws",,"JRN: le tlchargement asynchrone du fichier de configuration de
l application a russi. Emplacement de tlchargement %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: The asynchronous configuration file download unsuccessful.",,"JRN: chec du tlc
hargement asynchrone du fichier de configuration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unable to create assembly cache item (hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: impossible de crer
un lment du cache d assembly (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unable to commit cache item. Attempt to put assembly in cache unsuccessful
(hr = 0x%x).",,"ERR: impossible de valider l lment du cache. chec de la tentative v
isant placer l assembly dans le cache (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation was successful.",,"L opration a russi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation failed.",,"L opration a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"--- A detailed error log follows. \n",,"--- Un journal des erreurs dtaill suit. \
n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"*** Assembly Binder Log Entry ",,"*** Entre du journal Binder d assembly ",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bind result: hr = 0x%x. %ws",,"Rsultat de liaison: hr = 0x%x. %ws",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No description available.\n",,"Aucune description disponible.\n",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Assembly manager loaded from: ",,"Gestionnaire des assemblys charg partir de: ",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Running under executable ",,"Excution sous l excutable ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Partial reference qualified from config file. New reference: %ws.",,"JRN: rfr
ence partielle qualifie partir du fichier de configuration. Nouvelle rfrence: %ws.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Calling assembly : %ws.",,"Assembly appelant: %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: AssemblyStore path = %ws",,"JRN: chemin d accs AssemblyStore = %ws",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Run-from-source setup phase failed with hr = 0x%x.",,"ERR: la phase d insta
llation excution partir de la source a chou avec hr = 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Retargetable flag",,
"AVT: la comparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit: indicateur Retar
getable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Retarget policy is not found.",,"JRN: la stratgie Retarget est introuvable."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Name redirect found in retarget config: %ws redirected to %ws.",,"JRN: la r
edirection de nom a t trouve dans la configuration de redirection: %ws redirig vers %
ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Version redirect found in retarget config: %ws redirected to %ws.",,"JRN: l
a redirection de version a t trouve dans la configuration de redirection: %ws rediri
g vers %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: PublicKeyToken redirect found in retarget config: %ws redirected to %ws.",
,"JRN: la redirection de PublicKeyToken (jeton de cl publique) a t trouve dans la con
figuration de redirection: %ws redirig vers %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Parse XML memory stream failed.",,"ERR: chec de l analyse du flux de mmoire X
ML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: bindingRetarget tag is not processed due to insufficient data.",,"ERR: la b
alise bindingRetarget n est pas traite en raison de donnes insuffisantes.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Invalid processor architecture is specified in assemblyIdentity. Valid pro
cessor architectures are neutral/x86/IA64/AMD64.",,"AVT: architecture de processe
ur non valide spcifie dans assemblyIdentity. Les architectures de processeur valid
es sont neutral/x86/IA64/AMD64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Binding succeeds. Returns assembly from %ws.",,"JRN: la liaison a russi. Ell
e retourne un assembly partir de %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"WRN: Application configuration file safe mode disallowed.",,"AVT: le mode sans ch
ec du fichier de configuration de l application est interdit.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Application configuration file binding redirects disallowed.",,"AVT: les re
directions de liaison du fichier de configuration de l application sont interdit
es.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: App base probing is disallowed.",,"AVT: la dtection d Appbase est interdite.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: This is an inspection only bind.",,"JRN: ceci est une liaison d inspection
seulement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: This bind starts in %ws load context.",,"JRN: cette liaison dmarre dans le c
ontexte de chargement de %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Assembly is loaded in %ws load context.",,"JRN: l assembly est charg dans le
contexte de chargement %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: An assembly with different processor architecture is already loaded.",,"ER
R: un assembly avec une architecture de processeur diffrente est dj charg.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log: framework config is not found.",,"JRN: la configuration de l infrastructure

est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"LOG: Version redirect found in framework config: %ws redirected to %ws.",,"JRN:
la redirection de version a t trouve dans la configuration d infrastructure: %ws red
irig vers %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: appliesTo has already been set. Ignoring duplicate appliesTo.",,"AVT: appli
esTo a dj t dfini. Le doublon appliesTo est ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Global DEVOVERRIDE path = %ws",,"JRN: chemin d accs DEVOVERRIDE global = %ws
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Local DEVOVERRIDE path = %ws",,"JRN: chemin d accs DEVOVERRIDE local = %ws",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Found assembly in DEVOVERRIDE path %ws",,"JRN: un assembly a t trouv dans le c
hemin d accs DEVOVERRIDE %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Did not find assembly in DEVOVERRIDE path %ws",,"JRN: assembly introuvable
dans le chemin d accs DEVOVERRIDE %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"LOG: DEVPATH = %ws",,"JRN: DEVPATH = %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"WRN: assemblyStore has already been set. Ignoring duplicate entry.",,"AVT: assem
blyStore a dj t dfini. Doublon d entre ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"WRN: devOverridePath has already been set. Ignoring duplicate entry.",,"AVT: dev
OverridePath a dj t dfini. Doublon d entre ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
lue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Reusing a host assembly instance that was previously loaded.",,"JRN: rutilis
ation d une instance d assembly hte prcdemment charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Assembly binding is resolved by the host.",,"JRN: la liaison d assembly est
rsolue par l hte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Codebase hint found in machine config file: %ws",,"JRN: une indication de c
ode base a t trouve dans le fichier de configuration de l ordinateur: %ws",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: ProcessorArchitecture is locked to %ws.",,"JRN: ProcessorArchitecture est v
errouill %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Fusion is hosted. Check host about this assembly.",,"JRN: Fusion est hberge.
Vrifiez l hte au sujet de cet assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"LOG: Assembly is not in CLR Loaded list. Asking host assembly store.",,"JRN: l a
ssembly n est pas dans la liste charge de la CLR. Demande en cours du magasin d
assemblys de l hte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Assembly is in CLR Loaded list. Proceed to normal probing.",,"JRN: l assemb
ly est dans la liste charge de la CLR. Procdez la dtection normale.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Try host assembly store with assembly %ws.",,"JRN: essayez le magasin d ass
emblys de l hte avec l assembly %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"WRN: Host assembly store does not contain this assembly.",,"AVT: le magasin d as
semblys de l hte ne contient pas cet assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Host did not provide an assembly store.",,"AVT: l hte n a pas fourni un maga
sin d assemblys.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Bind to native image succeeded.",,"JRN: la liaison une image native a russi.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Error encountered when binding to native image assembly. (hr = 0x%x).",,"E
RR: une erreur s est produite lors de la liaison l assembly d image native. (hr =
0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Native image will not be probed in LoadFrom context. Native image will onl
y be probed in default load context, like with Assembly.Load().",,"AVT: l image n
ative ne sera pas dtecte dans le contexte LoadFrom. Elle sera dtecte uniquement dans
le contexte de chargement par dfaut, comme pour Assembly.Load().",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"WRN: Native image compile options do not match request. Looking for next native
image.",,"AVT : les options de compilation d image native ne correspondent pas
la requte. Recherche de l image native suivante en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: No matching native image found.",,"AVT: aucune image native correspondante
n a t trouve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Cannot load IL assembly. (hr = 0x%x).",,"AVT: impossible de charger l assem
bly IL. (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Start validating all the dependencies.",,"JRN: commencez valider toutes les
dpendances.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Validation of dependencies succeeded.",,"JRN: la validation des dpendances a
russi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: IL assembly loaded from %ws.",,"JRN: assembly IL charg partir de %ws.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: [Level %d]Start validating native image dependency %ws.",,"JRN: [Niveau %d]
commencez valider la dpendance d image native %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: [Level %d]Start validating IL dependency %ws.",,"JRN: [Niveau %d] commencez
valider la dpendance IL %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Dependency assembly was not found at ngen time, but is found at binding ti
me. Disallow using this native image.",,"AVT: assembly de dpendance introuvable lo
rs de l excution de ngen, mais trouv au moment de la liaison. Interdisez l utilisa
tion de cette image native.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: IJW explicit bind. File path:%ws.",,"JRN: liaison explicite IJW. Chemin d a
ccs au fichier: %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: EXE explicit bind. File path:%ws.",,"JRN: liaison explicite EXE. Chemin d a
ccs au fichier: %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: IJW assembly bind failure. hr = 0x%x.",,"ERR: chec de liaison d assembly IJW
. hr = 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: IJW assembly bind returned a different path: %ws. Use the file provided.",
,"JRN: la liaison d assembly IJW a retourn un chemin d accs diffrent: %ws. Utilisez l
e fichier fourni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: IJW assembly bind returned the same manifest path.",,"JRN: la liaison d ass
embly IJW a retourn le mme chemin d accs au manifeste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: IJW assembly bind returned file not found.",,"JRN: la liaison d assembly IJ
W a retourn un fichier introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"ERR: Assembly with the same identity has already been loaded.",,"ERR: un assembl
y avec la mme identit a dj t charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Publisher policy assembly is found, but there is no config file.",,"ERR: un
assembly de stratgie d diteur a t trouv, mais il n existe aucun fichier de configura
tion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Unsupported linked configuration location: %ws",,"ERR: emplacement de confi
guration lie non pris en charge: %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"ERR: Error processing linked configurations (hr = 0x%x)",,"ERR: erreur lors du t
raitement des configurations lies (hr = 0x%x)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Ignoring duplicate linked configuration",,"AVT: le doublon de configuration
lie est ignor",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Processing linked configuration: %ws",,"JRN: traitement en cours de la conf
iguration lie: %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in mismatch of Processor Architecture
: Ref %ws, Def %ws.",,"AVT: la comparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompat
ibilit de l architecture de processeur: Ref %ws, Def %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Comparing the assembly name resulted in the mismatch: Content Type",,"AVT
: la comparaison du nom de l assembly a entran l incompatibilit suivante : Type de

contenu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"LOG: Re-apply policy for where-ref bind.",,"JRN: r-appliquez la stratgie pour la l
iaison where-ref.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Switch from LoadFrom context to default context.",,"JRN: basculez du contex
te LoadFrom vers le contexte par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"LOG: Switch from default context to LoadFrom context.",,"JRN: basculez du contex
te par dfaut vers le contexte LoadFrom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"LOG: Codebase matches assembly in GAC.",,"JRN: le code base correspond l assembl
y dans le GAC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Codebase does not match assembly in GAC.",,"JRN: le code base ne correspond
pas l assembly dans le GAC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Where-ref bind Codebase matches what is found in default context. Keep the
result in default context.",,"JRN: le code base de liaison Where-ref correspond
ce qui est trouv dans le contexte par dfaut. Conservez le rsultat dans le contexte
par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Where-ref bind Codebase does not match what is found in default context. K
eep the result in LoadFrom context.",,"JRN: le code base de liaison Where-ref ne
correspond pas ce qui est trouv dans le contexte par dfaut. Conservez le rsultat da
ns le contexte LoadFrom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Input is partial name. Skip host assembly store lookup.",,"JRN: l entre est
un nom partiel. Ignorez la recherche de magasin d assemblys de l hte.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Downloaded file was not cached. The web server may be configured to expire
content immediately.",,"ERR: le fichier tlcharg n a pas t mis en cache. Le serveur We
b peut tre configur de manire faire expirer immdiatement le contenu.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: The assembly returned from host store has different signature from the one
in GAC.",,"AVT: l assembly retourn partir du magasin hte ne comporte pas la mme sig
nature que celui dans le GAC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Host store returns assembly stream with id = %I64u, context = %I64u.",,"JR
N: le magasin hte retourne le flux d assembly avec ID = %I64u, contexte = %I64u.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Host store does not provide debug stream.",,"JRN: le magasin hte ne fournit
pas de flux de dbogage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Using application configuration file: %ws",,"JRN: utilisation du fichier de
configuration de l application: %ws",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"LOG: No application configuration file found.",,"JRN: aucun fichier de configura
tion de l application n a t trouv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Assembly Name is: %ws",,"JRN: le nom de l assembly est: %ws",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: The same bind was seen before, and was failed with hr = 0x%x.",,"JRN: la mme
liaison a t vue avant et a chou avec hr = 0x%x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Assembly in default load context is loaded from a different location than
the one in LoadFrom context.",,"JRN: l assembly dans le contexte de chargement pa
r dfaut est charg partir d un emplacement diffrent de celui dans le contexte LoadFr
om.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Loader location access permission check failed for URL %ws (hr = 0x%x).",,
"ERR : La vrification des autorisations d accs l emplacement du chargeur a chou pour
l URL %ws (hr = 0x%x).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Attempt to load an assembly with ProcessorArchitecture incompatible with t
he running process.",,"ERR: la tentative de charger un assembly avec ProcessorArc
hitecture est incompatible avec le processus en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Partial Name Binding is not allowed when the same assembly exists in both
the host assembly store and application base.",,"ERR: la liaison de nom partiel
n est pas autorise lorsque le mme assembly existe la fois dans le magasin d assemb

lys de l hte et la base de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
"ERR: Rejecting native image due to corrupted or missing .aux file (%ws).",,"ERR
: l image native est refuse en raison de la corruption ou de l absence du fichie
r .aux (%ws).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Successfully updated stale timestamp in .aux file (%ws).",,"JRN : la mise
jour de l horodatage caduque dans le fichier .aux (%ws) a russi.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Signature of the IL assembly does not match record in .aux file. Validatio
n stops.",,"AVT : la signature de l assembly IL ne correspond pas la valeur enre
gistre dans le fichier .aux. La validation est interrompue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: TPBand of the IL assembly does not match record in .aux file. Validation s
tops.",,"AVT : la valeur TPBand de l assembly IL ne correspond pas la valeur enr
egistre dans le fichier .aux. La validation est interrompue.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Timestamp of the IL assembly does not match record in .aux file. Loading I
L to compare signature.",,"AVT : l horodatage de l assembly IL ne correspond pas
la valeur enregistre dans le fichier .aux. Chargement d IL pour comparer la sign
ature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Timestamp of the IL assembly does not match record in .aux file. Loading I
L to compare TPBand.",,"AVT : l horodatage de l assembly IL ne correspond pas la
valeur enregistre dans le fichier .aux. Chargement d IL pour comparer TPBand.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Assembly resolved to a different version or identity than expected. Check
if binding policy changed since native image built.",,"AVT : l assembly a t rsolu v
ers une version ou une identit diffrente de celle attendue. Vrifiez si la stratgie d
e liaison a t modifie depuis la gnration de l image native.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: The application has opted out of using native images for this assembly.",,
"AVT : l utilisation d images natives pour cet assembly a t dsactive pour l applicat
ion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Assembly binding logging is turned OFF.",,"AVT: la journalisation de liaiso
n d assembly est dsactive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To enable assembly bind failure logging, set the registry value [HKLM\Software\
Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD) to 1.",,"Pour activer la journalisation des c
hecs de liaison d assembly, attribuez la valeur 1 la valeur de Registre [HKLM\So
ftware\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog] (DWORD).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Note: There is some performance penalty associated with assembly bind failure l
ogging.",,"Remarque: une certaine perte de performance est associe l enregistremen
t dans le journal des checs de liaison d assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To turn this feature off, remove the registry value [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fu
sion!EnableLog].",,"Pour dsactiver cette fonctionnalit, supprimez la valeur de Reg
istre [HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Fusion!EnableLog].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERR: Partial GAC binds disallowed. [Partial Name = %ws : Calling Assembly = %ws
: EXE Name = %ws].",,"ERR: liaisons GAC partielles interdites. [Nom partiel = %w
s : Assembly appelant = %ws : Nom de l EXE = %ws].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Partial binding information was supplied for an assembly:",,"AVT: des infor
mations de liaison partielle ont t fournies pour un assembly:",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: A partial bind occurs when only part of the assembly display name is provi
ded.\r\nWRN: This might result in the binder loading an incorrect assembly.\r\nW
RN: It is recommended to provide a fully specified textual identity for the asse
mbly,\r\nWRN: that consists of the simple name, version, culture, and public key
token.\r\nWRN: See whitepaper for
more information and common solutions to this issue.",,"AVT: une liaison partiel

le se produit lorsqu une partie seulement du nom complet de l assembly est fourn
ie.\r\nAVT: cela peut entraner le chargement d un assembly erron par le classeur.\r
\nAVT: il est recommand de fournir une identit textuelle compltement spcifie pour l as
sembly,\r\nAVT: qui comprend le nom simple, la version, la culture et le jeton de
cl publique.\r\nAVT: pour plus d informations et pour obtenir des solutions ce pr
oblme, consultez le livre blanc l adresse suivante
/?LinkId=109270.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Assembly Name: %s | Domain ID: %d",,"AVT: Nom d assembly: %s | ID de domaine:
%d",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Multiple versions of the same assembly were loaded into one context of an
application domain:",,"AVT: plusieurs versions du mme assembly ont t charges dans le
contexte d un domaine d application:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"WRN: This might lead to runtime failures.\r\nWRN: It is recommended that you re
move the dependency on multiple versions, and change the app.config file to poin
t to the required version of the assembly only.\r\nWRN: See whitepaper http://go for more information.",,"AVT: cela peut entr
aner des problmes de runtime.\r\nAVT: il est recommand de supprimer la dpendance des
versions multiples et de modifier le fichier app.config de sorte qu il pointe un
iquement vers la version requise de l assembly.\r\nAVT: pour plus d informations,
consultez le livre blanc l adresse suivante
kId=109270.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: Context: %s | Domain ID: %d | Assembly Name: %s",,"AVT: Contexte: %s | ID de
domaine: %d | Nom d assembly: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: The same assembly was loaded into multiple contexts of an application doma
in:",,"AVT: le mme assembly a t charg dans plusieurs contextes d un domaine d applica
tion:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: This might lead to runtime failures.\r\nWRN: It is recommended to inspect
your application on whether this is intentional or not.\r\nWRN: See whitepaper h
ttp:// for more information and common sol
utions to this issue.",,"AVT: cela peut entraner des problmes de runtime.\r\nAVT: il
est recommand de vrifier votre application pour dterminer si cela est intentionnel
ou non.\r\nAVT: pour plus d informations et pour obtenir des solutions ce problme
, consultez le livre blanc l adresse suivante
nkId=109270.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Name redirect found in portability config: %ws redirected to %ws.",,"JRN: l
a redirection de nom a t trouve dans la configuration de portabilit: %ws redirig vers
%ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: Version redirect found in portability config: %ws redirected to %ws.",,"JR
N: la redirection de version a t trouve dans la configuration de portabilit: %ws redir
ig vers %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LOG: PublicKeyToken redirect found in portability config: %ws redirected to %ws
.",,"JRN: la redirection de PublicKeyToken a t trouve dans la configuration de porta
bilit: %ws redirig vers %ws.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: supportPortability tag is not processed due to missing PKT attribute.",,"A
VT: la balise supportPortability n est pas traite en raison d un attribut PKT manq
uant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: supportPortability tag is not processed due to missing enable attribute.",
,"AVT: la balise supportPortability n est pas traite en raison d un attribut enabl
e manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WRN: supportPortability tag is not processed due to enable attribute not being
true or false .",,"AVT: la balise supportPortability n est pas traite en raison
d un attribut enable sans valeur true ni false .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BEGIN : %s",,"DBUT : %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"END",,"FIN",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"END : %s",,"FIN : %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Native image dependency bind.",,"Liaison de dpendance d image native.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Immersive bind.",,"Liaison immersive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Framework bind.",,"Liaison d infrastructure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly.LoadFile bind.",,"Liaison Assembly.LoadFile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime Type bind.",,"Liaison de type Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dependency name: %s",,"Nom de la dpendance : %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found: %s",,"Trouv : %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IL image bind.",,"Liaison d image IL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Native image bind.",,"Liaison d image native.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found .NET Framework assembly is not supported in AppX.",,"L assembly .NETFramew
ork trouv n est pas pris en charge dans AppX.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The format of a DLL or executable being loaded is invalid.",,"Le format d une D
LL ou d un excutable en cours de chargement n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid entrypoint information.",,"Informations sur le point d entre non valide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cvtres.exe not found.",,"cvtres.exe introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to delayload a library.",,"Impossible de diffrer le chargement d une bibl
iothque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to get dll entrypoint.",,"Impossible d obtenir le point d entre de DLL.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple copies of mscoree.dll have been loaded into the same process.",,"Plusi
eurs copies de mscoree.dll ont t charges dans le mme processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type has been unloaded.",,"Le type a t dcharg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to access an unloaded appdomain.",,"Tentative d accs un AppDomain non
charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error while unloading appdomain.",,"Erreur pendant le dchargement d appdomain.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly is still being loaded.",,"L assembly est toujours en cours de chargeme
nt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to create appdomain failed.",,"chec de la tentative de cration d appdomai
n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The module was expected to contain an assembly manifest.",,"Le module tait cens c
ontenir un manifeste de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Attempt to load an unverifiable executable with fixups (IAT with more than 2 se
ctions or a TLS section.)",,"Tentative de chargement d un excutable non vrifiable
avec des corrections (table IAT avec plus de 2sections ou une section TLS.)",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to LoadLibrary a managed image in an improper way (only assemblies with
EAT area allowed).",,"Tentative d excution incorrecte d une opration LoadLibrary
sur une image manage (seuls les assemblys avec une zone EAT sont autoriss).",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This assembly is built by a runtime newer than the currently loaded runtime and
cannot be loaded.",,"Cet assembly a t construit par un runtime plus rcent que le r
untime actuellement charg et ne peut pas tre charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set security policy under MultiDomain after non-GAC assemblies have been
loaded in appdomain.",,"Impossible de dfinir la stratgie de scurit sous MultiDomain
une fois que des assemblys non-GAC ont t charges dans appdomain.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot specify assembly evidence under MultiDomain after non-GAC assemblies wit
h default evidence have been loaded in appdomain.",,"Impossible de spcifier une p
reuve d assembly sous MultiDomain une fois que des assemblys non-GAC avec une pr
euve par dfaut ont t chargs dans appdomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The module cannot be loaded because only single file assemblies are supported."
,,"Impossible de charger ce module car seuls les assemblys fichier unique sont p
ris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Host detected a deadlock on a blocking operation.",,"L hte a dtect un interblocage
sur une opration de blocage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Host interrupted a wait.",,"L hte a interrompu une attente.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid operation.",,"Opration non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"CLR has been disabled due to unrecoverable error.",,"Le CLR a t dsactiv en raison d
une erreur irrcuprable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A wait has timed out.",,"Une attente a expir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The leave operation has been attempted on a synchronization primitive that is n
ot owned by the current thread.",,"Une tentative d opration leave a t effectue sur u
ne primitive de synchronisation qui n appartient pas au thread actuel.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An event has been abandoned.",,"Un vnement a t abandonn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process exited due to ThreadAbort escalation.",,"Le processus s est termin en ra
ison d une hirarchie ThreadAbort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process exited due to AD Unload escalation.",,"Le processus s est termin en rais
on d une hirarchie AD Unload.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process exited due to Timeout escalation.",,"Le processus s est termin en raison
d une hirarchie Timeout.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process exited due to OutOfMemory escalation.",,"Le processus s est termin en ra
ison d une hirarchie OutOfMemory.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process exited due to StackOverflow escalation.",,"Le processus s est termin en
raison d une hirarchie StackOverflow.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The check of the module s hash failed.",,"La vrification du hachage du module a c
hou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The located assembly s manifest definition does not match the assembly referenc
e.",,"La dfinition trouve du manifeste de l assembly ne correspond pas la rfrence de
l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The private assembly was located outside the appbase directory.",,"L assembly p
riv a t trouv en dehors du rpertoire appbase.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"A module specified in the manifest was not found.",,"Un module spcifi dans le man
ifeste est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Modules which are not in the manifest were streamed in.",,"Des modules qui ne s
ont pas dans le manifeste ont t transmis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"A strongly-named assembly is required.",,"Un assembly avec un nom fort est requ
is.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strong name signature could not be verified. The assembly may have been tamper
ed with, or it was delay signed but not fully signed with the correct private ke
y.",,"Impossible de vrifier la signature de nom fort. L assembly a pu tre falsifi o
u il est signature diffre, mais pas totalement sign avec la cl prive correcte.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unexpected error was encountered in the Assembly Cache database.",,"Une erre
ur inattendue s est produite dans la base de donnes du cache d assembly.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given assembly name or codebase was invalid.",,"Le nom ou le code base de l
assembly donn n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Uninstall of given assembly is not allowed.",,"La dsinstallation de l assembly d

onn n est pas autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application configuration file not allowed in AppX process.",,"Le fichier de co
nfiguration de l application n est pas autoris dans le processus AppX.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly in host store has a different signature than assembly in GAC.",,"L ass
embly dans le magasin hte n a pas la mme signature que l assembly dans le GAC.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The module was expected to not contain an assembly manifest.",,"Le module tait c
ens ne pas contenir de manifeste de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference assemblies should not be loaded for execution. They can only be load
ed in the Reflection-only loader context.",,"Les assemblys de rfrence ne doivent p
as tre chargs pour l excution. Ils ne peuvent tre chargs que dans le contexte de char
geur de rflexion uniquement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The native image could not be loaded, because it was generated for use by a dif
ferent version of the runtime.",,"Impossible de charger l image native, car elle
a t gnre pour tre utilise par une autre version du runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred during a read.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de la lecture."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred during a write.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de l criture.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is read only.",,"Le fichier est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ill-formed name.",,"Nom incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Data value was truncated.",,"La valeur des donnes a t tronque.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Old version error.",,"Erreur de version ancienne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A shared memory open failed to open at the originally assigned memory address."
,,"Une ouverture de mmoire partage n a pas russi s ouvrir l adresse mmoire assigne
origine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create of shared memory failed. A memory mapping of the same name already exis
ts.",,"chec de la cration d une mmoire partage. Un mappage de mmoire du mme nom existe
dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No .CLB data in the memory or stream.",,"Donnes .CLB inexistantes dans la mmoire
ou le flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Database is read only.",,"La base de donnes est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Importing scope is not compatible with the emitting scope.",,"La porte d importa
tion n est pas compatible avec la porte d mission.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is corrupt.",,"Le fichier est endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required version of schema not found.",,"Version requise de schma introuvable.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open a incrementally build scope for full update.",,"Impossible d ouvrir
une porte gnre par incrment pour une mise jour complte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null value not allowed in unique index or primary key.",,"Valeur NULL non autor
ise dans un index unique ou une cl primaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Index has been duplicated.",,"L index a t dupliqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The columns data type is not allowed in an index.",,"Le type de donnes des colon
nes n est pas autoris dans un index.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Index not found.",,"Index introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Record not found on lookup.",,"Enregistrement introuvable lors de la recherche.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many records were returned for criteria.",,"Un nombre excessif d enregistre
ments a t retourn pour les critres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Record is a duplicate.",,"L enregistrement est un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Record is valid but deleted.",,"Enregistrement valide mais supprim.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Record is emitted out of order.",,"L enregistrement est mis de manire dsordonne.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data too large.",,"Donnes trop importantes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Column cannot be changed.",,"Impossible de changer la colonne.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many RID or primary key columns, 1 is max.",,"Trop de colonnes cls primaires
ou RID, le maximum est 1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Primary key column may not allow the null value.",,"La colonne cl primaire ne pe
ut pas autoriser la valeur NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted auto-drop of table while open.",,"Tentative de suppression automatiqu
e d une table l ouverture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object not found in the database.",,"Objet introuvable dans la base de donnes.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column not found.",,"Colonne introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Invalid index.",,"Index non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"A blob or string was too big.",,"Un objet blob ou une chane tait trop grand.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A token of the wrong type passed to a metadata function.",,"Un jeton de type in
correct est pass une fonction de mtadonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: Invalid type, not converted.",,"Importation de typelib: type non
valide, non converti.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: Invalid type, not converted - name unknown.",,"Importation de t
ypelib: type non valide, non converti - nom inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: TLBX_E_CTX_NESTED",,"Exportation de typelib: TLBX_E_CTX_NESTED",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: General error. See IError info for more information.",,"Exporta
tion de typelib: erreur gnrale. Consultez IError pour plus d informations.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: SaveAllChanges() failed.",,"Exportation de typelib: chec de SaveA
llChanges().",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Type library is not registered.",,"Exportation de typelib: la bi
bliothque de types n est pas inscrite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Typelib export: Type library could not be loaded.",,"Exportation de typelib: imp
ossible de charger la bibliothque de types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: Invalid vartype, not converted.",,"Importation de typelib: varty
pe non valide, non converti.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Could not load mscoree.tlb.",,"Exportation de typelib: impossibl
e de charger mscoree.tlb.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Could not get a required typeinfo from mscoree.tlb.",,"Exportat
ion de typelib: impossible d obtenir un typeinfo requis partir de mscoree.tlb.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: Fault reading a typelib.",,"Importation de typelib: problme lors
de la lecture d une typelib.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: Multiple [lcid] parameters on a method.",,"Importation de typel

ib: plusieurs paramtres [lcid] sur une mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: Duplicate or ambiguous return types.",,"Importation de typelib:
types de retour en double ou ambigus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Typelib import: Duplicate name (due to user-defined name).",,"Importation de ty
pelib: doublon de nom (en raison d un nom dfini par l utilisateur).",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Cannot convert non-sequential structs.",,"Exportation de typeli
b: impossible de convertir des structures non squentielles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: The resolve ref call failed.",,"Importation de typelib: chec de l
appel de la rfrence rsoudre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Encountered AsAny - ignored.",,"Exportation de typelib: type AsA
ny dtect - ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Encountered an [lcid] attribute set to an invalid parameter.",,
"Exportation de typelib: attribut [lcid] dtect, dfini comme paramtre non valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Encountered an [lcid] attribute on a pure dispatch interface.",
,"Exportation de typelib: attribut [lcid] dtect sur une interface de dispatch pure.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Non-public field in public struct.",,"Exportation de typelib: ch
amp non publique dans une structure publique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Bad names list.",,"Exportation de typelib: liste de noms incorre
cts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: generic type instance in signature.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: i
nstance de type gnrique dans la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: generic type parameter in signature.",,"Exportation de TypeLib:
paramtre de type gnrique dans la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Attempted to define an object that already exists.",,"Tentative de dfinition d u
n objet dj existant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A guid was not provided where one was required.",,"Un GUID n a pas t fourni alors
qu il tait requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: an import typedef matched, but not version and guid.",,"Fusion: u
n typedef d importation correspond, mais pas la version ni le GUID.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: conflict between import and emit.",,"Fusion: conflit entre importation et
mission.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: Detected array of SafeHandles.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: tablea
u de SafeHandles dtect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: Class already in emit scope, but member not found.",,"Fusion: classe dj sit
ue dans la porte d mission, mais membre introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: Parameter information mismatched.",,"Fusion: incompatibilit entre les info
rmations sur les paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: Inconsistency in meta data import scope.",,"Fusion: incohrence dans la por
te d importation des mtadonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: Class already in emit scope, but interfaceimpl not found.",,"Fusion: clas
se dj dans la porte d mission, mais interfaceimpl introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: Detected array of CriticalHandles.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: ta
bleau de CriticalHandles dtect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: Duplicate classes have inconsistent class layout information.",,"Fusion:
des doublons de classes comportent des informations de disposition de classe inc
ohrentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: Field is duplicated but no matching FieldMarshal information.",,"Fusion:
le champ est dupliqu, mais aucune information FieldMarshal correspondante.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Merge: Method is duplicated but no matching event info.",,"Fusion: la mthode est
duplique, mais aucune information relative des vnements correspondante.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: Method is duplicated but no matching property info.",,"Fusion: la mthode e
st duplique, mais aucune information de proprit correspondante.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad binary signature.",,"Signature binaire incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad input parameters.",,"Paramtres d entre incorrects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: duplicated methods have inconsistent ImplFlags.",,"Fusion: les mthodes dup
liques possdent des ImplFlags incohrents.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Merge: Inconsistency in meta data.",,"Fusion: incohrence dans les mtadonnes.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve typeref.",,"Impossible de rsoudre typeref.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No logical space left to create more user strings.",,"Pas d espace logique rest
ant pour la cration de chanes utilisateur supplmentaires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected TokenRemap.",,"TokenRemap inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unmark all has been called already.",,"Supprimer toutes les marques a dj t appel.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must call UnmarkAll first before marking.",,"Vous devez appeler UnmarkAll avant
de commencer le marquage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: duplicated types or methods have inconsistent GenericParams.",,"Fusion: d
es doublons de types ou de mthodes possdent des GenericParams incohrents.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: different event counts in import and emit scopes.",,"Fusion: nombres d vnem
ents diffrents dans les portes d importation et d mission.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: different property counts in import and emit scopes.",,"Fusion: nombres d
e proprits diffrents dans les portes d importation et d mission.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: An input scope has a TypeRef which does not have a matching TypeDef.",,"
Fusion: une porte d entre comporte un TypeRef sans TypeDef correspondant.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: cannot open the module to export.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: imp
ossible d ouvrir le module exporter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"TypeLib export: cannot load a class.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: impossible de ch
arger une classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: the hModule of a loaded class is 0; cannot export it.",,"Export
ation de TypeLib: le hModule d une classe charge est0; impossible de l exporter.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: no CLSID or Interface subkey to HKCR.",,"Exportation de TypeLib:
aucune sous-cl CLSID ou Interface HKCR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"TypeLib export: attempted to export an Assembly imported from a TLB.",,"Exporta
tion de TypeLib: tentative d exportation d un assembly import partir d un TLB.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib import: attempted to import a TLB exported from an Assembly.",,"Importa
tion de TypeLib: tentative d importation d un TLB export partir d un assembly.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: bad Native type in method signature.",,"Exportation de TypeLib:
type natif incorrect dans la signature de la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib import: non-increasing vtable (duplicate slots).",,"Importation de Type

Lib: vtable qui n augmente pas (doublons d emplacements).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: the COM register method is non static.",,"Exportation de TypeLi
b: la mthode d inscription COM n est pas statique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: the specified COM register method does not have the correct sig
nature.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: la mthode d inscription COM spcifie ne comporte p
as la signature correcte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: cannot load CLR type.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: impossible de c
harger le type CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: unknown element in signature.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: lment inc
onnu dans la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib import: reference to an external typelib.",,"Importation de TypeLib: rfren
ce une typelib externe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib import: an imported typelib has an invalid namespace name.",,"Importati
on de TypeLib: une typelib importe comporte un nom d espace de noms non valide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: an error on Layout()",,"Exportation de Typelib: erreur sur Layou
t()",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: Interface not derived from IUnknown.",,"Importation de typelib:
interface non drive de IUnknown.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Non COM visible value type in method signature.",,"Exportation
de typelib: type valeur non visible par COM dans la signature de la mthode.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Types which contain the native type NATIVE_TYPE_LPTSTR are not
allowed to be exported to COM.",,"Exportation de typelib: les types contenant le
type natif NATIVE_TYPE_LPTSTR ne sont pas autoriss tre exports vers COM.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Types with a charset of auto are not allowed to be exported to
COM.",,"Exportation de typelib: les types avec un CharSet auto ne sont pas autori
ss tre exports vers COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: The enum value is not legal for a typelib.",,"Exportation de ty
pelib: la valeur enum n est pas autorise pour une typelib.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: Duplicate IID.",,"Exportation de typelib: doublon d IID.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: detected nested arrays.",,"Exportation de typelib: tableaux imbr
iqus dtects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: parameter type could not be converted.",,"Importation de typeli
b: impossible de convertir le type de paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: parameter type could not be converted - parameter name unknown.
",,"Importation de typelib: impossible de convertir le type de paramtre - nom de p
aramtre inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: size agnostic element in signature.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: lme
nt de taille non spcifie dans la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: exporter failed.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: chec de l exportateur
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib import: [dual] interface not derived from IDispatch.",,"Importation de
typelib: interface [dual] non drive de IDispatch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: bad signature.",,"Exportation de typelib: signature incorrecte."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: non-fixed or non-safearray array in struct.",,"Exportation de t
ypelib: tableau non fixe ou non-safearray dans la structure.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typelib export: non-interface class in struct.",,"Exportation de typelib: classe
non-interface dans la structure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Known custom attribute on invalid target.",,"Attribut personnalis connu sur une

cible non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known custom attribute had invalid value.",,"Un attribut personnalis connu compo
rtait une valeur non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known custom attribute blob has bad format.",,"Format incorrect d un objet blob
d attribut personnalis connu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known custom attribute blob has repeated named argument.",,"Un objet blob d att
ribut personnalis connu possde un argument nomm rpt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known custom attribute named argument not recognized.",,"Argument nomm d un attr
ibut personnalis non reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known attribute named argument does not support variant.",,"Un argument nomm de
l attribut connu ne prend pas en charge le type variant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known attribute named argument does not support array.",,"Un argument nomm de l
attribut connu ne prend pas en charge le type array.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known attribute parser found unexpected type.",,"L analyseur d attributs connus
a trouv un type inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known attribute parser only handles fields, not properties.",,"L analyseur d at
tributs connus gre uniquement les champs, pas les proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Known attribute parser found an argument that is invalid for the object it is a
pplied to.",,"L analyseur d attributs connus a trouv un argument non valide pour
l objet auquel il s applique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The format of the UUID was invalid.",,"Format de l UUID non valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MarshalAs attribute has fields set that are not valid for the specified unm
anaged type.",,"L attribut MarshalAs comporte des champs dfinis non valides pour
le type non manag spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified unmanaged type is only valid on fields.",,"Le type non manag spcifi
est valide uniquement sur des champs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The parameter index cannot be negative.",,"L index de paramtre ne peut pas tre nga
tif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The multiplier cannot be negative.",,"Le multiplicateur ne peut pas tre ngatif.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The constant size cannot be negative.",,"La taille de la constante ne peut pas t
re ngative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A fixed string requires a size.",,"Une chane fixe requiert une taille.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A custom marshaler requires the custom marshaler type.",,"Un marshaleur personn
alis requiert le type de marshaleur personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A DllImport attribute requires a filename.",,"Un attribut DllImport requiert un
nom de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib import: Detected properties in a source dispinterface.",,"Importation d
e TypeLib: proprits dtectes dans une dispinterface source.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SaveDelta was called without being in EnC mode.",,"SaveDelta a t appel alors qu il
n est pas en mode EnC (Modifier & Continuer).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: different method counts in import and emit scopes.",,"Fusion: nombres de
mthodes diffrents dans les portes d importation et d mission.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: different field counts in import and emit scopes.",,"Fusion: nombres de c
hamps diffrents dans les portes d importation et d mission.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Merge: different parameter counts in import and emit scopes.",,"Fusion: nombres
de paramtres diffrents dans les portes d importation et d mission.",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"TypeLib export: Exporting a TypedReference.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: exportati
on d un TypedReference.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeLib export: bitness of assembly does not match bitness of output type libra
ry.",,"Exportation de TypeLib: le nombre de bits de l assembly ne correspond pas
au nombre de bits de la bibliothque de types de sortie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"InternalsVisibleTo can t have a version, culture, or processor architecture.",,
"InternalsVisibleTo ne peut pas avoir une version, une culture ni une architectu
re de processeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rid is out of range.",,"RID hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Coded token type is out of range.",,"Type de jeton cod hors limites.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Coded rid is out of range.",,"RID cod hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String offset is invalid.",,"Offset String non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GUID offset is invalid.",,"Offset GUID non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Blob offset if invalid.",,"Offset de l objet blob non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple module records found.",,"Plusieurs enregistrements de module ont t trouvs
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module has null MVID.",,"Le module comporte un MVID nul.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeRef name is NULL.",,"Le nom TypeRef est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeRef has a duplicate.",,"TypeRef possde un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef name is NULL.",,"Le nom TypeDef est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef has a duplicate based on name+namespace.",,"TypeDef a un doublon fond su
r nom+espace de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef has a duplicate based on GUID.",,"TypeDef a un doublon fond sur le GUID.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef that is not an Interface and not System.Object extends nil parent.",,"U
n TypeDef qui n est pas une Interface ni System.Object tend un parent Nil.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.Object extends a non-nil parent.",,"System.Object tend un parent qui n es
t pas Nil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef extends sealed class.",,"TypeDef tend une classe sealed.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef is Deleted but not marked with RTSpecialName.",,"TypeDef est Deleted ma
is il n est pas marqu comme RTSpecialName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef is marked RTSpecialName, but is not a Deleted record.",,"TypeDef est ma
rqu comme RTSpecialName mais ce n est pas un enregistrement Deleted.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl s Decl is private.",,"La dclaration de MethodImpl est prive.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly [Ref] name has path and/or extension.",,"Le nom [Ref] de l assembly co
mporte un chemin d accs et/ou une extension.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"File has a system name (con, com, aux, etc.).",,"Le fichier a un nom systme (con
, com, aux, etc.).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl s body is static.",,"Le corps de MethodImpl est statique.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef is marked Interface but not Abstract.",,"TypeDef est marqu comme Interfa
ce mais pas comme Abstract.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"TypeDef is marked Interface but parent is not Nil.",,"TypeDef est marqu comme In
terface mais le parent n est pas Nil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"TypeDef is marked Interface but GUID is NULL.",,"TypeDef est marqu comme Interfa
ce mais le GUID est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TMethodImpl s Decl is final.",,"La dclaration de TMethodImpl est finale.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef is marked ValueType but not marked Sealed.",,"TypeDef est marqu comme Va
lueType mais pas marqu comme Sealed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Parameter has extra bits in flags.",,"Le paramtre a des bits supplmentaires dans
les indicateurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"InterfaceImpl has a duplicate.",,"InterfaceImpl a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef name is NULL.",,"Le nom MemberRef est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef has an invalid name, _VtblGap*.",,"MemberRef a un nom non valide, _Vt
blGap*.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef has an invalid name, _Deleted*.",,"MemberRef a un nom non valide, _De
leted*.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef parent Nil in a PE file.",,"Parent MemberRef Nil dans un fichier PE."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef has invalid calling convention.",,"MemberRef possde une convention d a
ppel non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef has Method parent but calling convention is not VARARG.",,"MemberRef
a une mthode parent mais la convention d appel n est pas VARARG.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef name different from parent MethodDef.",,"Nom MemberRef diffrent du par
ent MethodDef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef signature different from parent MethodDef.",,"Signature MemberRef dif
frente du parent MethodDef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemberRef has a duplicate.",,"MemberRef a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClassLayout parent TypeDef is marked AutoLayout.",,"Le TypeDef parent de ClassL
ayout est marqu comme AutoLayout.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClassLayout has bad PackingSize.",,"ClassLayout spcifie une taille PackingSize i
ncorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClassLayout has a duplicate.",,"ClassLayout a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FieldLayout2 has bad offset.",,"FieldLayout2 comporte un offset incorrect.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FieldLayout2 has field with nil parent.",,"FieldLayout2 comporte un champ avec
un parent Nil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FieldLayout2 has no ClassLayout record.",,"FieldLayout2 ne comporte aucun enreg
istrement ClassLayout.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FieldLayout2 parent TypeDef is not marked with ExplicitLayout.",,"Le TypeDef pa
rent de FieldLayout2 n est pas marqu comme ExplicitLayout.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FieldLayout2 has field marked Static.",,"FieldLayout2 comporte un champ marqu co
mme Static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FieldLayout2 has a duplicate.",,"FieldLayout2 a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ModuleRef name is NULL.",,"Le nom ModuleRef est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ModuleRef has a duplicate.",,"ModuleRef a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeRef has a bad resolution scope.",,"La porte de rsolution de TypeRef est incor
recte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef marked nested has no encloser.",,"Le TypeDef marqu comme Nested ne possde
pas de type englobant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"TypeDef extends a TypeRef which resolves to a TypeDef in the same module.",,"Ty

peDef tend un TypeRef qui est rsolu en un TypeDef dans le mme module.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature specified is zero-sized.",,"La signature spcifie est de taille zro.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature does not have enough data at specified byte.",,"La signature ne compo
rte pas assez de donnes l octet spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Method signature has invalid calling convention.",,"La signature de la mthode a
une convention d appel non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Method is marked static but has HASTHIS/EXPLICITTHIS set on the calling convent
ion.",,"La mthode est marque comme Static mais comporte HASTHIS/EXPLICITTHIS sur l
a convention d appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is not marked static but is not HASTHIS or EXPLICITTHIS.",,"La mthode n e
st pas marque comme Static mais n est pas HASTHIS ou EXPLICITTHIS.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method signature is missing the argument count.",,"La signature de la mthode ne
spcifie pas le nombre d arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Signature missing element type.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas le type d lment.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature missing token.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas le jeton.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature has bad token.",,"La signature comporte un jeton incorrect.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature is missing function pointer.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas de pointeu
r fonction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature has function pointer missing argument count.",,"La signature ne spcifi
e pas le nombre d arguments du pointeur fonction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature is missing rank specification.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas de spcifi
cation de rang.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature is missing count of sized dimensions.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas l
e nombre de dimensions, de taille dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Signature is missing size of dimension.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas la taille
de la dimension.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature is missing count of lower bounds.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas le no
mbre de limites infrieures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature is missing a lower bound.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas de limite infr
ieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature has bad element type.",,"La signature comporte un type d lment incorrec
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature has value array missing size.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas la taille
du tableau de valeurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field signature has invalid calling convention.",,"La signature de champ compor
te une convention d appel non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Method name is NULL.",,"Le nom de la mthode est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has parent NIL.",,"La mthode possde un parent NIL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has a duplicate.",,"La mthode a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field name is NULL.",,"Le nom du champ est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field parent is Nil.",,"Le champ parent est Nil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field has a duplicate.",,"Le champ a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple Assembly records found.",,"Plusieurs enregistrements d assembly ont t tr
ouvs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly name is NULL.",,"Le nom de l assembly est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"E_T_VALUETYPE<class token> or E_T_CLASS<vtype token>.",,"E_T_VALUETYPE<jeton de
classe> ou E_T_CLASS<jeton vtype>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Class layout on an Interface.",,"Prsentation de classe sur une Interface.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AssemblyOS platform ID invalid.",,"ID de plateforme AssemblyOS non valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AssemblyRef name is NULL.",,"Le nom AssemblyRef est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef not nested has encloser.",,"Le TypeDef non imbriqu possde un type engloba
nt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AssemblyRefOS has invalid platform ID.",,"AssemblyRefOS possde un ID de platefor
me non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name is NULL.",,"Le nom de fichier est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExportedType name is NULL.",,"Le nom ExportedType est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef extends its own child.",,"TypeDef tend son propre enfant.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ManifestResource name is NULL.",,"Le nom ManifestResource est NULL.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File has a duplicate.",,"Le fichier a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name is fully qualified.",,"Le nom de fichier est qualifi complet.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExportedType has a duplicate.",,"ExportedType a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ManifestResource has a duplicate.",,"ManifestResource a un doublon.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ManifestResource is neither Public nor Private.",,"ManifestResource n est ni Pu
blique ni Priv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum has no value__ field.",,"Enum ne comporte aucun champ value__.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum s value__ field is static.",,"Le champ value__ de l enum est static.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum s value__ field is not SpecialName.",,"Le champ value__ de l enum n est pa
s SpecialName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum s field is not static.",,"Le champ de l enum n est pas static.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum s field is not literal.",,"Le champ de l enum n est pas littral.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum has no literal fields.",,"Enum ne comporte aucun champ littral.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum s field signature does not match value__ signature.",,"La signature du cha
mp de l enum ne correspond pas la signature value__.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum s value__ field is not first.",,"Le champ value__ de l enum n est pas le p
remier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field is RTSpecialName but name is not value__.",,"Le champ est RTSpecialName m
ais le nom n est pas value__.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field value__ in not Enum class.",,"Champ value__ n tant pas dans une classe Enu
m.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance field in interface.",,"Champ d instance dans l interface.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-public field in interface.",,"Champ non public dans l interface.",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Global field or method is neither Public nor PrivateScope.",,"Le champ global o
u la mthode globale n est ni Public ni PrivateScope.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global field or method is not static.",,"Le champ global ou la mthode globale n
est pas static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global field has no RVA.",,"Le champ global ne possde aucun RVA.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".ctor or .cctor has zero RVA.",,".ctor ou .cctor ne possde pas de RVA.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field is marked marshaled but has no marshaling record.",,"Le champ est marqu co
mme marshal mais ne possde pas d enregistrement de marshaling.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field has marshaling record but is not marked marshaled.",,"Le champ possde un e
nregistrement de marshaling mais n est pas marqu comme marshal.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field is marked HasDefault but has no const value.",,"Le champ est marqu comme H
asDefault mais n a pas de valeur const.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Field has const value record but is not marked HasDefault.",,"Le champ a un enr
egistrement de valeur const mais n est pas marqu comme HasDefault.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or method is marked HasSecurity but has no security record.",,"Le champ o
u la mthode est marqu comme HasSecurity mais n a pas d enregistrement de scurit.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or method has security record but is not marked HasSecurity.",,"Le champ
ou la mthode a un enregistrement de scurit mais n est pas marqu comme HasSecurity.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or method is PInvoke but is not marked Static.",,"Le champ ou la mthode es
t PInvoke mais n est pas marqu comme Static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or method is marked PInvoke but has no ImplMap.",,"Le champ ou la mthode e
st marqu comme PInvoke mais ne possde pas de ImplMap.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or method has ImplMap but is not marked PInvoke.",,"Le champ ou la mthode
a un ImplMap mais n est pas marqu comme PInvoke.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or method has invalid ImplMap.",,"Le champ ou la mthode a un ImplMap non v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ImplMap has invalid ModuleRef.",,"ImplMap a un ModuleRef non valide.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ImplMap has invalid MemberForwarded.",,"ImplMap a un MemberForwarded non valide
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ImplMap has invalid ImportName.",,"ImplMap a un ImportName non valide.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ImplMap has invalid call conv.",,"ImplMap a une convention d appel non valide."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or method has invalid access flag.",,"Le champ ou la mthode a un indicateu
r d accs non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field is InitOnly and Literal.",,"Le champ est InitOnly et Literal.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field is Literal but not Static.",,"Le champ est Literal mais pas Static.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or method is RTSpec.Name but not Spec.Name.",,"Le champ ou la mthode est R
TSpec.Name mais pas Spec.Name.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is abstract, parent is not.",,"La mthode est abstraite, le parent ne l es
t pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method not static or abstract in interface.",,"Mthode non statique ou abstraite
dans l interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method not public in interface.",,"Mthode non publique dans l interface.",,"Text

",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

".ctor in interface.",,".ctor dans l interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"global .ctor or .cctor.",,".ctor ou .cctor global.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"static .ctor.",,".ctor statique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
".ctor or .cctor not marked SpecialName or RTSpecialName.",,".ctor ou .cctor non
marqu comme SpecialName ou RTSpecialName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"virtual .ctor or .cctor.",,".ctor ou .cctor virtuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"abstract .ctor or .cctor.",,".ctor ou .cctor abstrait.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"instance .cctor.",,".cctor d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"RVA set to zero, but method not abstract or pinvoke or runtime, or reverse.",,"
RVA dfini zro mais mthode non abstraite, pinvoke, runtime ou reverse.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is final and not virtual.",,"La mthode est finale et non virtuelle.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is static and final or virtual.",,"La mthode est statique et finale ou vi
rtuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is abstract and final.",,"La mthode est abstraite et finale.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is abstract and implemented.",,"La mthode est abstraite et implmente.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is abstract and pinvoke.",,"La mthode est abstraite et PInvoke.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is abstract and not virtual.",,"La mthode est abstraite et non virtuelle.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is not abstract and not implemented.",,"La mthode n est pas abstraite et
pas implmente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is not abstract and not (non-zero RVA or PInvoke or runtime).",,"La mthod
e n est pas abstraite et pas (RVA non nul ou PInvoke ou runtime).",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is PrivateScope and has RVA set to zero.",,"La mthode est PrivateScope et
comporte RVA dfini zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global method is abstract or virtual.",,"La mthode globale est abstraite ou virt
uelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature uses long form.",,"La signature utilise une forme longue.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has multiple semantics (warning).",,"La mthode comporte plusieurs smantiqu
es (avertissement).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has invalid semantics (not event or property.)",,"La mthode comporte des
smantiques non valides (ni vnement ni proprit).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Method has semantics association that does not exist.",,"La mthode comporte une
association de smantiques qui n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl s Decl is not virtual.",,"La dclaration de MethodImpl n est pas virtu
elle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global field or method (warning, CLS).",,"Champ ou mthode global (avertissement,
CLS).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has multiple semantic flags set.",,"La mthode comporte plusieurs indicate
urs de smantiques dfinis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has no semantic flags set.",,"La mthode ne comporte aucun indicateur de sm
antique dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field in Interface (warning, CLS).",,"Champ dans l Interface (avertissement, CL
S).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unrecognized Hash Alg ID (warning).",,"ID d algorithme de hachage non reconnu (

avertissement).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized Processor ID in Assembly(warning).",,"ID de processeur non reconnu
dans Assembly(avertissement).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized Processor ID in AssemblyRef(warning).",,"ID de processeur non reco
nnu dans AssemblyRef(avertissement).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Constant: parent token out of range.",,"Constante: jeton parent hors limites.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid flags in Assembly.",,"Indicateurs non valides dans l assembly.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is TypeDef with same name as TypeRef (warning).",,"TypeDef porte le mme no
m que TypeRef (avertissement).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"In InterfaceImpl, the implementing token is not TypeDef.",,"Dans InterfaceImpl,
le jeton d implmentation n est pas TypeDef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"In InterfaceImpl, the implemented token is not TypeDef or TypeRef.",,"Dans Inte
rfaceImpl, le jeton implment n est pas TypeDef ni TypeRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef has security record but it is not marked HasSecurity.",,"TypeDef compor
te un enregistrement de scurit mais n est pas marqu comme HasSecurity.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef marked HasSecurity but has no security record.",,"TypeDef est marqu comm
e HasSecurity mais ne comporte pas d enregistrement de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".cctor has arguments.",,".cctor comporte des arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExportedType has invalid Implementation.",,"ExportedType comporte une implmentat
ion non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl has body from other class.",,"Le corps de MethodImpl provient d une
autre classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".cctor has invalid calling convention.",,".cctor a une convention d appel non v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl has invalid Class token.",,"MethodImpl comporte un jeton de classe n
on valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl declared in Interface.",,"MethodImpl dclar dans l interface.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl has invalid MethodDeclaration token.",,"MethodImpl comporte un jeton
MethodDeclaration non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl has invalid MethodBody token.",,"MethodImpl comporte un jeton Method
Body non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl has duplicate.",,"MethodImpl a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad field parent.",,"Champ parent incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter out of sequence (warning).",,"Paramtre hors squence (avertissement).",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter s sequence number exceeds number of arguments.",,"Le numro de squence d
u paramtre dpasse le nombre d arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Parameter marked HasMarshal, has no marshaling info.",,"Le paramtre est marqu com
me HasMarshal, mais il ne comporte pas d informations de marshaling.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter has marshaling info, not marked HasMarshal.",,"Le paramtre comporte de
s informations de marshaling, mais il n est pas marqu comme HasMarshal.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter marked HasDefault, has no const value.",,"Le paramtre est marqu comme H
asDefault mais ne comporte pas de valeur const.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter has const value, not marked HasDefault.",,"Le paramtre comporte une va

leur const, mais il n est pas marqu comme HasDefault.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram

ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has invalid scope.",,"La proprit a une porte non valide.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has no name.",,"La proprit n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has no signature.",,"La proprit n a pas de signature.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has a duplicate.",,"La proprit a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has bad calling convention.",,"La proprit a une convention d appel incor
recte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property marked HasDefault, has no const value.",,"La proprit est marque comme Has
Default mais ne comporte pas de valeur const.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has const value, not marked HasDefault.",,"La proprit comporte une valeu
r const, mais elle n est pas marque comme HasDefault.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has method that is neither a Setter nor a Getter.",,"La proprit comporte
une mthode qui n est ni une mthode Setter ni une mthode Getter.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has method with invalid token.",,"La proprit comporte une mthode avec jet
on non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property has method from another class.",,"La proprit comporte une mthode issue d
une autre classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Const has non-null blob when it should not.",,"Const comporte un objet blob non
null alors qu il ne devrait pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Const has null value blob.",,"Const comporte un objet blob de valeur null.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event has invalid scope.",,"L vnement a une porte non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event has no name.",,"L vnement n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event has a duplicate.",,"L vnement a un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event has invalid EventType.",,"L vnement possde un EventType non valide.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event s EventType is not a class.",,"Le EventType de l vnement n est pas une cla
sse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event has method not (AddOn,RemoveOn,Fire,Other).",,"L vnement comporte une mthode
Not (AddOn,RemoveOn,Fire,Other).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Event has method with invalid token.",,"L vnement comporte une mthode avec jeton n
on valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event has method from another class.",,"L vnement comporte une mthode issue d une
autre classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event has no AddOn method.",,"L vnement ne comporte pas de mthode AddOn.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event has no RemoveOn method.",,"L vnement ne comporte pas de mthode RemoveOn.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExportedType has same name as TypeDef.",,"ExportedType porte le mme nom que Type
Def.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MRes refers to non-PE file with non-zero offset.",,"MRes fait rfrence un fichier
non PE avec un offset diffrent de 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Declarative security has invalid owner token.",,"La scurit dclarative comporte un
jeton de propritaire non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declarative security has invalid action flags.",,"La scurit dclarative comporte de
s indicateurs d action non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Declarative security has no permission blob.",,"La scurit dclarative ne comporte a
ucun objet blob d autorisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest resource has invalid Implementation.",,"La ressource de manifeste comp
orte une implmentation non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MemberRef has VARARG calling conv. (CLS warning).",,"MemberRef possde une conven
tion d appel VARARG (avertissement CLS).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
".ctor or .cctor returns something other than void.",,".ctor ou .cctor retourne
une valeur autre que void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fire method returns something other than void.",,"La mthode Fire retourne une va
leur autre que void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid locale.",,"Paramtres rgionaux non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant has parent of invalid type.",,"La constante possde un parent de type no
n valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"E_T_SENTINEL in MethodDef signature.",,"E_T_SENTINEL dans la signature MethodDe
f.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple E_T_SENTINELs.",,"Plusieurs E_T_SENTINELs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"E_T_SENTINEL not followed by type.",,"E_T_SENTINEL non suivi d un type.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature missing argument.",,"La signature ne spcifie pas un argument.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field of ByRef type.",,"Champ de type ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Synchronized method in value class.",,"Mthode synchronise dans la classe value.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef name too long.",,"Nom TypeDef trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate Assembly Processor.",,"Assembly Processor dupliqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate Assembly OS (ID+ver.major+ver.minor).",,"Assembly OS dupliqu (ID+ver.m
ajor+ver.minor).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest Resource has bad flags.",,"La ressource de manifeste comporte des indi
cateurs incorrects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExportedType has nil TypeDefId.",,"ExportedType comporte un TypeDefId nul.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File has bad flags.",,"Le fichier comporte des indicateurs incorrects.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File has no hash blob.",,"Le fichier ne comporte pas d objet blob de hachage.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module has no name.",,"Le module n a pas de nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module has fully-qualified name.",,"Le module a un nom qualifi complet.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef is tdRTSpecialName but not tdSpecialName.",,"TypeDef est tdRTSpecialNam
e mais pas tdSpecialName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef extends interface.",,"TypeDef tend l interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".ctor or .cctor is PInvokeImpl.",,".ctor ou .cctor est PInvokeImpl.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.Enum is not a class.",,"System.Enum n est pas une classe.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.Enum extends not System.ValueType.",,"System.Enum n tend pas System.Value
Type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl s Decl and Body signatures mismatch.",,"Incompatibilit entre les sign
atures de la dclaration et du corps implments par MethodImpl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"TypeDef extends System.Enum but has methods.",,"TypeDef tend System.Enum mais co

mporte des mthodes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef extends System.Enum but implements an interface.",,"TypeDef tend System.
Enum mais implmente une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"TypeDef extends System.Enum but has a property.",,"TypeDef tend System.Enum mais
comporte une proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef extends System.Enum but has an event.",,"TypeDef tend System.Enum mais c
omporte un vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef has MethodList > Nmethods+1.",,"TypeDef comporte MethodList > Nmethods+
1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef has FieldList > Nfields+1.",,"TypeDef comporte FieldList > Nfields+1.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant has wrong type.",,"Type de la constante incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum has no instance fields.",,"Enum ne comporte pas de champ d instance.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum has multiple instance fields.",,"Enum comporte plusieurs champs d instance
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Validator has been interrupted by the VEHandler.",,"Le validateur a t interrompu
par le VEHandler.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Validator failed to initialize correctly.",,"Le validateur n a pas pu s initial
iser correctement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecoverable API error.",,"Erreur API irrcuprable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process was terminated.",,"Le processus a t arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process not synchronized.",,"Processus non synchronis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A class is not loaded.",,"Une classe n est pas charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An IL variable is not available at the current native IP.",,"Une variable IL n
est pas disponible l adresse IP native actuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A reference value was found to be bad during dereferencing.",,"Une valeur de rfre
nce incorrecte a t dtecte au cours de l annulation de rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A field in a class is not available, because the runtime optimized it away.",,"
Un champ n est pas disponible dans une classe, car le runtime l a optimis.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Native-frame-only operation on non-native frame.",,"Opration Native-frame-onl
y sur un frame non natif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot Continue on non-continuable exception.",,"Impossible de continuer sur un
e exception qui ne peut pas tre continue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The code is currently unavailable.",,"Le code n est pas disponible actuellement
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to get a ICorDebugFunction for a function that is not IL.",,"Tentative
d obtention d un ICorDebugFunction pour une fonction qui n est pas IL.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetIP is not possible because SetIP would move EIP from outside of an exception
handling finally clause to a point inside of one.",,"SetIP n est pas possible,
car SetIP aurait pour consquence le dplacement de EIP d un point externe une claus
e finally de gestion des exceptions vers un point interne une telle clause.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetIP is not possible because it would move EIP from within an exception handli
ng finally clause to a point outside of one.",,"SetIP n est pas possible, car ce
la aurait pour consquence le dplacement de EIP d un point interne une clause final
ly de gestion des exceptions vers un point externe une telle clause.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"SetIP is not possible, because SetIP would move EIP from outside of an exceptio
n handling catch clause to a point inside of one.",,"SetIP n est pas possible, c
ar SetIP aurait pour consquence le dplacement de EIP d un point externe une clause
catch de gestion des exceptions vers un point interne une telle clause.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetIP cannot be done on any frame except the leaf frame.",,"Impossible d effect
uer SetIP sur aucun frame l exception du frame terminal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetIP is not allowed.",,"SetIP n est pas autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Func eval cannot work. Bad starting point.",,"La fonction eval ne peut pas fonc
tionner. Point de dpart incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"This object value is no longer valid.",,"Cette valeur d objet n est plus valide
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CordbEval::GetResult called before func eval has finished.",,"CordbEval::GetRes
ult appel avant la fin de la fonction eval.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The in-process version of the debugging API does not support this function.",,"
La version intra-processus de l API de dbogage ne prend pas en charge cette fonct
ion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A static variable is not available because it has not been initialized yet.",,"
Une variable statique n est pas disponible, car elle n a pas encore t initialise.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot copy a VC with object refs in it.",,"Impossible de copier un VC avec des
rfrences d objets l intrieur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetIP cannot leave or enter a filter.",,"SetIP ne peut pas quitter un filtre ou
entrer dans un filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"JIT settings for ZAP modules cannot be changed.",,"Impossible de modifier les p
aramtres JIT des modules ZAP.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetIP is not possible because it would move EIP from within a finally clause to
a point outside of one on WIN64 platforms.",,"SetIP n est pas possible, car cel
a aurait pour consquence le dplacement de EIP d un point interne une clause finall
y vers un point externe une telle clause sur les plateformes WIN64.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetIP is not possible because it would move EIP from within a catch clause to a
point outside of one on WIN64 platforms.",,"SetIP n est pas possible, car cela
aurait pour consquence le dplacement de EIP d un point interne une clause catch ve
rs un point externe une telle clause sur les plateformes WIN64.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remote device closed the connection.",,"Le priphrique distant a ferm la connex
ion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The connection was closed due to a keep-alive failure.",,"La connexion a t ferme e
n raison de l chec d une opration visant la garder active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic error that the device connection has been broken with no chance for rec
overy.",,"Erreur gnrique o la connexion du priphrique a t interrompue sans possibilit
rcupration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use JMC on this code (likely wrong JIT settings).",,"Impossible d utilis
er JMC sur ce code (paramtres JIT probablement incorrects).",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stack walk has reached the end of the stack. There are no more frames to w
alk.",,"Le parcours de la pile a atteint la fin de la pile. Il n y a pas d autre
s frames parcourir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal frame markers have no associated context.",,"Les marqueurs de frame in
terne n ont pas de contexte associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The current frame is not a child frame.",,"Le frame actuel n est pas un frame e
nfant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The provided CONTEXT does not match the specified thread.",,"Le paramtre CONTEXT

fourni ne correspond pas au thread spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"The stackwalker is now past the end of stack. No information is available.",,"
L explorateur de pile a dpass la fin de la pile. Aucune information n est disponib
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Func eval cannot update a variable stored in a register on a non-leaf frame. T
he most likely cause is that such a variable is passed as a ref/out argument.",,
"La fonction eval ne peut pas mettre jour une variable enregistre dans un registr
e ou un frame avec descendants. La cause la plus probable est que cette variable
est passe comme argument ref/out.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The state of the thread is invalid.",,"L tat du thread n est pas valide.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This process has already been attached.",,"Ce processus a dj t attach.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returned from a call to Continue that was not matched with a stopping event.",,
"Retourn partir d un appel Continue auquel aucun vnement d arrt n a correspondu.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot perfrom SetValue on non-leaf frames.",,"Impossible d effectuer SetValue
sur des frames avec descendants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When doing Edit and Continue, some JITs do not allow increasing the maximum lev
el to which exception handling can be nested.",,"Au cours d une opration Modifier
& Continuer, certains JIT n autorisent pas une augmentation du niveau maximal d
imbrication possible de la gestion des exceptions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tried to do Edit and Continue on a module that was not started in Edit and Cont
inue mode.",,"Tentative de Modifier & Continuer sur un module qui n a pas t commen
c en mode Modifier & Continuer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetIP cannot be done on any exception.",,"Impossible d effectuer SetIP sur une
exception quelconque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The variable does not exist because it is a literal optimized away by the com
piler.",,"La variable n existe pas, car c est un littral optimis par le compilat
eur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process has been detached.",,"Le processus a t dtach.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not allowed to change the signature of an existing method.",,"Impossible de mod
ifier la signature d une mthode existante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Adding a field to a value or layout class is prohibited.",,"Il est interdit d a
jouter un champ une classe value ou layout.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot change field after adding.",,"Impossible de modifier un champ aprs l avoi
r ajout.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only support addition of private members.",,"Prise en charge uniquement de l aj
out de membres privs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GetStaticFieldValue called on a non-static field.",,"GetStaticFieldValue appel s
ur un champ non statique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returned if someone tries to call GetStaticFieldValue on a non-instance field."
,,"Retourn lors d une tentative d appel de GetStaticFieldValue sur un champ qui n
est pas d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If a zap file was created without the Edit and Continue flag set, then we canno
t do Edit and Continue on it, no matter what.",,"Si un fichier zap a t cr sans indic
ateur Modifier & Continuer dfini, il est impossible d effectuer Modifier & Contin
uer dessus, quel qu il soit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lacking information about method.",,"Informations manquantes sur la mthode.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The JIT is unable to update the method.",,"Le JIT est incapable de mettre jour
la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An internal structure about the class is missing.",,"Une structure interne rela
tive la classe est manquante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Internal Runtime Error while doing Edit-and-Continue.",,"Erreur d excution inter

ne lors de l opration Modifier & Continuer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The field was added via Edit and Continue after the class was loaded.",,"Le cha
mp a t ajout via Modifier & Continuer, une fois la classe charge.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module not loaded.",,"Le module n a pas t charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not allowed to change base class.",,"Impossible de modifier la classe de base."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set a breakpoint here.",,"Impossible de dfinir un point d arrt ici.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Debugging is not possible due to an incompatibility within the CLR implementati
on.",,"Le dbogage est impossible en raison d une incompatibilit avec l implmentatio
n CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A kernel debugger is enabled on the system. User-mode debugging will trap to t
he kernel debugger.",,"Un dbogueur du noyau est activ sur le systme. Le dbogage en m
ode utilisateur permettra d effectuer les interceptions vers le dbogueur du noyau
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A kernel debugger is present on the system. User-mode debugging will trap to t
he kernel debugger.",,"Un dbogueur du noyau est prsent sur le systme. Le dbogage en
mode utilisateur permettra d effectuer les interceptions vers le dbogueur du noya
u.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The debugger s internal helper thread is dead.",,"Le thread d assistance intern
e du dbogueur est inactif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The debugger s protocol is incompatible with the debuggee.",,"Le protocole du db
ogueur est incompatible avec le programme dbogu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The debugger can only handle a finite number of debuggees.",,"Le dbogueur peut t
raiter uniquement un nombre fini de programmes dbogus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interop debugging is not supported.",,"Le dbogage d interoprabilit n est pas pris
en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call RemapFunction until have received RemapBreakpoint.",,"Impossible d
appeler RemapFunction tant que RemapBreakpoint n a pas t reu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object is in a zombie state.",,"L objet est l tat zombie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function not yet compiled.",,"Fonction pas encore compile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ID is not fully loaded/defined yet.",,"L ID n a pas encore t compltement charg/
dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Module is not configured for updateable methods.",,"Le module n est pas con
figur pour les mthodes modifiables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The Method could not be updated for re-JIT.",,"Impossible de mettre jour la mtho
de pour re-JIT.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Method has no associated IL.",,"La mthode ne comporte pas de IL (Intermediat
e Language) associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The thread has never run managed code before.",,"Le thread n a jamais excut de co
de manag auparavant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The function may only be called during profiler initialization.",,"La fonction
ne peut tre appele que durant l initialisation du profileur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"In-process debugging must be enabled during initialization.",,"Le dbogage en cou
rs de processus doit tre activ durant l initialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get a JIT map becuase they are not enabled.",,"Impossible d obtenir un m
appage JIT, car ils ne sont pas activs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"BeginInprocDebugging already called.",,"BeginInprocDebugging dj appel.",,"Text",,"

All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"In-process debugging not allowed at this point.",,"Dbogage en cours de processus
non autoris ce stade.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested information is not yet available.",,"Les informations demandes ne sont
pas encore disponibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given type is a generic and cannot be used with this method.",,"Le type don
n est gnrique et il ne peut pas tre utilis avec cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given function is a generic and cannot be used with this method.",,"La fonc
tion donne est gnrique et elle ne peut pas tre utilise avec cette mthode.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to convert XML to ASN.",,"chec lors de la conversion de XML en ASN.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading this assembly would produce a different grant set from other instances.
",,"Le chargement de cet assembly produirait un jeu accord diffrent des autres ins
tances.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unverifiable code failed policy check.",,"chec de la vrification de la stratgie po
ur le code non vrifiable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly already loaded without additional security evidence.",,"L assembly est
dj charg sans preuve de scurit supplmentaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Failure decoding permission set.",,"chec lors du dcodage du jeu d autorisations."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure encoding permission set.",,"chec lors de l encodage du jeu d autorisatio
ns.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized encoding format.",,"Format d encodage non reconnu.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid security custom attribute.",,"Attribut personnalis de scurit non valide.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PolicyException thrown.",,"Exception PolicyException leve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to grant minimum permission requests.",,"Impossible d accorder les deman
des d autorisation minimales.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to grant permission to execute.",,"Impossible d accorder l autorisation
d excuter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML Syntax error.",,"Erreur de syntaxe XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly is not strong named.",,"L assembly ne porte pas de nom fort.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid assembly file format.",,"Format de fichier d assembly non valide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid assembly public key.",,"Cl publique d assembly non valide.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature size mismatch.",,"Tailles de signatures incompatibles.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public key of assembly did not match signing public key.",,"La cl publique de l
assembly ne correspond pas la cl publique de signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid signature public key specified in AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute.",,"Une
cl publique de signature non valide a t spcifie dans AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid countersignature specified in AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute.",,"Une con
tre-signature non valide a t spcifie dans AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure during Cryptographic operation.",,"chec lors de l opration de chiffrement
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected Cryptographic operation.",,"Opration de chiffrement inattendue.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic problem with a custom attribute.",,"Problme gnrique avec un attribut perso

nnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Missing a required constructor.",,"Un constructeur requis est manquant.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create a permission for this attribute.",,"Impossible de crer une auto
risation pour cet attribut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad custom attribute serialized blob.",,"Objet blob srialis d attribut personnali
s incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad custom attribute serialized blob version.",,"Version de l objet blob srialis
d attribut personnalis incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Invalid security action code.",,"Code d action de scurit non valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CA reference to CA definition in same assembly.",,"Rfrence du CA vers la dfinition
du CA dans le mme assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use of non-CAS permission with invalid action.",,"Utilisation d une autorisatio
n non-CAS avec une action non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Failed to load assembly containing CA (or required CA type).",,"Impossible de c
harger l assembly contenant l Autorit de certification (ou le type d Autorit de ce
rtification requis).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load CA type (or required CA type).",,"Impossible de charger le type
d Autorit de certification (ou le type d Autorit de certification requis).",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CA type is abstract.",,"Le type d Autorit de certification est abstrait.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported base type for enum field or property.",,"Type de base non pris en c
harge pour le champ ou la proprit de type numration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a CA field.",,"Champ Autorit de certification introuvable.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a CA property.",,"Proprit Autorit de certification introuvable.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected exception.",,"Exception inattendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"General Exception",,"Exception gnrale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"An argument was out of its legal range.",,"Un argument tait en dehors des limite
s lgales.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to store an object of the wrong type in an array.",,"Tentative de sto
cker un objet de type incorrect dans un tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation timed out.",,"Le dlai de l opration a expir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal CLR error.",,"Erreur CLR interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Access to this field is denied.",,"Accs refus ce champ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array subscript out of range.",,"Indice de tableau hors limites.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An operation is not legal in the current state.",,"Une opration n est pas lgale d
ans l tat actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error relating to security occurred.",,"Une erreur lie la scurit s est produite
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error relating to remoting occurred.",,"Une erreur lie la communication dista
nce s est produite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error relating to serialization occurred.",,"Une erreur lie la srialisation s
est produite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A verification failure has occurred.",,"Un chec de vrification s est produit.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error relating to ServicedComponent occurred.",,"Une erreur lie ServicedCompo

nent s est produite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Access to this method is denied.",,"Accs refus cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field does not exist.",,"Le champ n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member does not exist.",,"Le membre n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method does not exist.",,"La mthode n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to combine delegates that are not multicast.",,"Tentative de combinaiso
n de dlgus qui ne sont pas multicast.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Operation is not supported.",,"L opration n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arithmetic, casting or conversion operation overflowed or underflowed.",,"Oprati
on arithmtique, de cast ou de conversion avec dpassement de capacit positif ou ngati
f.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An array has the wrong number of dimensions for a particular operation.",,"Un t
ableau comporte un nombre incorrect de dimensions pour une opration particulire.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation must be called from a synchronized block.",,"Cette opration doit t
re appele partir d un bloc synchronis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Access to this member is denied.",,"Accs refus ce membre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread is in an invalid state for this operation.",,"Le thread est dans un tat n
on valide pour cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread is stopping.",,"Arrt du thread en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find or load a type.",,"Impossible de trouver ou de charger un type."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find the specified DllImport entrypoint.",,"Point d entre DllImport spc
ifi introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find the specified DllImport Dll.",,"DLL DllImport spcifie introuvable.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid __ComObject has been used.",,"Un __ComObject non valide a t utilis.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a Number.",,"N est pas un nombre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"An object appears more than once in the wait objects array.",,"Un objet apparat
plusieurs fois dans le tableau d objets d attente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reached maximum count for semaphore.",,"Nombre maximal atteint pour le smaphore.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No semaphore of the given name exists.",,"Aucun smaphore du nom spcifi n existe.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread has aborted.",,"Thread abandonn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"OLE Variant has an invalid type.",,"Type non valide du variant OLE.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expected resource in the assembly manifest was missing.",,"Une ressource att
endue n tait pas spcifie dans le manifeste de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A mismatch has occurred between the runtime type of the array and the sub type
recorded in the metadata.",,"Une incompatibilit s est produite entre le type du t
ableau au moment de l excution et le sous-type enregistr dans les mtadonnes.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uncaught exception during type initialization.",,"Exception non intercepte duran
t l initialisation de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid marshaling directives.",,"Directives de marshaling non valides.",,"Text

",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"An expected satellite assembly containing the ultimate fallback resources for a
given culture was not found or could not be loaded.",,"Impossible de trouver ou
de charger un assembly satellite attendu, contenant les ressources de secours u
ltimes pour une culture donne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The format of one argument does not meet the contract of the method.",,"Le form
at d un argument ne correspond pas au contrat de la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A mismatch has occurred between the runtime rank of the array and the rank reco
rded in the metadata.",,"Une incompatibilit s est produite entre le rang d excutio
n du tableau et le rang enregistr dans les mtadonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid IL or CLR metadata.",,"Mtadonnes IL ou CLR non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation was cancelled.",,"L opration a t annule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Valid IL which cannot be compiled into MDIL.",,"IL valide ne pouvant pas tre com
pil dans MDIL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Devices not supported.",,"Appareils non pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A managed code contract (ie, precondition, postcondition, invariant, or assert)
failed.",,"chec d un contrat de code manag (condition pralable, post-condition, in
variant ou assertion).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access to this type is denied.",,"L accs ce type est refus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fail to access a CCW because the corresponding managed object is already collec
ted.",,"chec de l accs un CCW, car l objet manag correspondant est dj collect.",,"Tex
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A method in this assembly is greater than the maximum allowed method size.",,"U
ne mthode dans cet assembly est suprieure la taille de mthode autorise maximale.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application exception",,"Exception d application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given filter criteria does not match the filter content.",,"Le critre de fil
tre donn ne correspond pas au contenu du filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find or load a specific class that was requested through Reflection."
,,"Impossible de trouver ou de charger une classe spcifique qui tait demande par rfl
exion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to invoke non-static method with a null Object.",,"Tentative d appel d
une mthode non statique avec un objet NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Uncaught exception thrown by method called through Reflection.",,"Exception non
intercepte, leve par la mthode appele par rflexion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom attribute has invalid format.",,"L attribut personnalis a un format non v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error during managed I/O.",,"Erreur lors de l E/S manage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find or load a specific file.",,"Impossible de trouver ou de charger
un fichier spcifique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object has already been disposed.",,"L objet a dj t supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Runtime operation halted by call to System.Environment.FailFast().",,"Opration d
e runtime arrte par l appel System.Environment.FailFast().",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The host has forbidden this operation.",,"L hte a interdit cette opration.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to call into managed code when executing inside a low level extensibi
lity point.",,"Tentative d appel de code manag lors de l excution dans un point d

extensibilit de bas niveau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Failed to load the runtime.",,"chec de chargement du runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to find a required export in the runtime.",,"Exportation requise introuv
able dans le runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Install root is not defined.",,"La racine de l installation n est pas dfinie.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected component of the runtime is not available.",,"Le composant attendu du
runtime n est pas disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A runtime has already been bound for legacy activation policy use.",,"Un runtim
e a dj t li pour l utilisation de la stratgie d activation de l hritage.",,"Text",,"Al
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation is invalid because the process may be shutting down.",,"Opration n
on valide car le processus est peut-tre en cours d arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown opcode.",,"Opcode inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Unknown calling convention.",,"Convention d appel inconnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown ELEMENT_TYPE.",,"ELEMENT_TYPE inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fall through end of the method without returning",,"passage la fin de la mthode
sans revenir",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"try start >= try end",,"dbut de try >= fin de try",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"try end > code size",,"fin de try > taille du code",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"handler start >= handler end",,"dbut de gestionnaire >= fin de gestionnaire",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"handler end > code size",,"fin de gestionnaire > taille du code",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"filter >= code size",,"filtre >= taille du code",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fallthru the end of an exception block",,"passe la fin d un bloc exception",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fallthru into an exception handler",,"passe un gestionnaire d exceptions",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fallthru into an exception filter",,"passe un filtre d exception",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Endfinally from outside a finally handler",,"Endfinally en dehors d un gestionn
aire finally",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Endfilter from outside an exception filter block",,"Endfilter en dehors d un bl
oc de filtre d exceptions",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ldftn and ldvirtftn not allowed on .ctor.",,"ldftn et ldvirtftn non autoriss sur
.ctor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected single dimension array.",,"Tableau une seule dimension attendu.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing call, callvirt or calli.",,"Call, callvirt ou calli manquant.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing ldsfld, stsfld, ldind, stind, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk or cp
blk.",,"Ldsfld, stsfld, ldind, stind, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk ou cpb
lk manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing ldind, stind, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk or cpblk.",,"Ldind, s
tind, ldfld, stfld, ldobj, stobj, initblk ou cpblk manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"filter block should immediately precede handler block",,"le bloc filter doit im
mdiatement prcder le bloc handler",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"branch or leave to the beginning of a catch/filter handler",,"se branche ou qui
tte au dbut d un gestionnaire catch/filter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"

"Call to .ctor only allowed to initialize this pointer from within a .ctor. Try
newobj.",,"Appel .ctor autoris uniquement pour initialiser ce pointeur l intrieur
d un .ctor. Essayez newobj.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing ldelema or call following readonly. prefix.",,"ldelema ou call manquant
aprs le prfixe readonly. .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing callvirt following constrained. prefix.",,"Callvirt manquant aprs le prfi
xe constrained. .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot LDFTN a non-final virtual method.",,"Impossible d utiliser LDFTN avec un
e mthode virtuelle non finale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ldtoken instruction required before call to System.Runtime.CompilerServices.Ini
tializeArray.",,"Instruction Ldtoken requise avant l appel System.Runtime.Compil
erServices.InitializeArray.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface in InterfaceImpl is not marked tdInterface.",,"L interface dans Inter
faceImpl n est pas marque comme tdInterface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Field marked fdHasFieldRVA but has no RVA record.",,"Le champ est marqu comme fd
HasFieldRVA, mais il ne comporte pas d enregistrement RVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field marked fdHasFieldRVA has RVA set to zero.",,"Le champ marqu comme fdHasFie
ldRVA comporte un RVA dfini zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has both non-zero RVA and ImplMap.",,"La mthode comporte la fois un RVA n
on nul et ImplMap.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef has extraneous bits in flags.",,"TypeDef comporte des bits superflus da
ns les indicateurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef extends itself.",,"TypeDef s tend lui-mme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.ValueType does not extend System.Object.",,"System.ValueType n tend pas S
ystem.Object.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class extends TypeSpec (warning).",,"La classe tend TypeSpec (avertissement).",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value Class has zero size.",,"La classe Value a une taille nulle.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface is sealed.",,"L interface est sealed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad nested token in NestedClass.",,"Jeton nested incorrect dans NestedClass
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad enclosing token in NestedClass.",,"Jeton enclosing incorrect dans Neste
dClass.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate NestedClass record.",,"Enregistrement NestedClass dupliqu.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate NestedClass with different encloser.",,"NestedClass dupliqu avec un ty
pe englobant diffrent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RVA set to zero in FieldRVA record.",,"RVA dfini zro dans l enregistrement FieldR
VA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid field token in FieldRVA record.",,"Jeton de champ non valide dans l enr
egistrement FieldRVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate RVA in FieldRVA record.",,"RVA dupliqu dans l enregistrement FieldRVA.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate field in FieldRVA record.",,"Champ dupliqu dans l enregistrement Field
RVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad token as entry point in CLR header.",,"Jeton incorrect comme point d entre d
ans l en-tte CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point in CLR header is a token of instance method.",,"Le point d entre dan
s l en-tte CLR est un jeton de mthode d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum has non-integral underlying type.",,"Enum possde un type sous-jacent non in
tgral.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has bogus RVA.",,"La mthode comporte un RVA erron.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Literal field has no const value.",,"Le champ littral n a pas de valeur constant

e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Class implementing an interface does not implement one of methods.",,"La classe
implmentant une interface n implmente pas l une des mthodes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CA has invalid owner.",,"L Autorit de certification a un propritaire non valide."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CA has invalid type.",,"L Autorit de certification a un type non valide.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CA type is not .ctor.",,"Le type d Autorit de certification n est pas .ctor.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CA type has bad signature.",,"Le type d Autorit de certification possde une signa
ture incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CA type has no signature.",,"Le type d Autorit de certification ne possde pas de
signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CA blob has bad prolog (not 0x01 0x00).",,"L objet blob d Autorit de certificati
on comporte un prologue incorrect (autre que 0x01 0x00).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has invalid LocalSig token.",,"La mthode comporte un jeton LocalSig non v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method has invalid header.",,"L en-tte de la mthode n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point has more than one argument.",,"Le point d entre comporte plusieurs a
rguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point has bad return type.",,"Le point d entre possde un type de retour inc
orrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point has bad argument.",,"Le point d entre comporte un argument incorrect
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal void in signature.",," void non conforme dans la signature.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple implementation of method.",,"Implmentation multiple de la mthode.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam name is NULL.",,"Le nom GenericParam est NULL.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam has nil owner.",,"GenericParam possde un propritaire nil.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam has duplicate by owner and name.",,"GenericParam possde un doublon
par propritaire et nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam has duplicate by owner and number.",,"GenericParam possde un doublo
n par propritaire et numro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam is non sequential by owner.",,"GenericParam n est pas squentiel par
propritaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam is non sequential by number.",,"GenericParam n est pas squentiel pa
r numro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam has variance but its owner is not an interface or delegate.",,"Gen
ericParam a une variance, mais son propritaire n est pas une interface ni un dlgu.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam is a method type parameter and must be non-variant.",,"GenericPara
m est un paramtre de type de mthode et il ne doit pas tre variant.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam has illegal value for variance flags.",,"GenericParam a une valeur
non conforme pour les indicateurs de variance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParam has incompatible special constraints reference type and valuetype.
",,"GenericParam possde un type rfrence et un type valeur de contraintes spciales in
compatibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParamConstraint has nil owner.",,"GenericParamConstraint possde un proprit
aire nil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GenericParamConstraint has duplicate by owner and constraint.",,"GenericParamCo
nstraint possde un doublon par propritaire et contrainte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"GenericParamConstraint is non-contiguous with preceeding constraints for same o

wner.",,"GenericParamConstraint est non contigu avec les contraintes prcdentes pou
r le mme propritaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodSpec has nil method.",,"MethodSpec comporte une mthode nil.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodSpec has duplicate based on method and instantiation.",,"MethodSpec possde
un doublon fond sur la mthode et l instanciation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodSpec signature has invalid calling convention.",,"La signature de MethodS
pec possde une convention d appel non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodSpec signature is missing arity specification.",,"La signature MethodSpec
ne spcifie pas de spcification d arit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"MethodSpec signature is missing type argument.",,"La signature MethodSpec ne spc
ifie pas d argument de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodSpec arity of generic method and instantiation do not match.",,"L arit Met
hodSpec de la mthode gnrique n est pas compatible avec celle de l instanciation.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodSpec method is not generic.",,"La mthode MethodSpec n est pas gnrique.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature missing arity of instantiated generic type.",,"La signature ne spcifie
pas l arit du type gnrique instanci.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Signature has generic type of arity instantiated at different arity.",,"La sign
ature possde un type gnrique d arit instancie une arit diffrente.",,"Text",,"All",,"
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method cannot be both generic and a class constructor.",,"La mthode ne peut pas t
re la fois gnrique et un constructeur de classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method cannot be both generic and an instance constructor.",,"La mthode ne peut
pas tre la fois gnrique et un constructeur d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method cannot be both generic and defined on an imported type.",,"La mthode ne p
eut pas tre la fois gnrique et dfinie sur un type import.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method cannot be both generic and have non-default calling convention.",,"La mth
ode ne peut pas la fois tre gnrique et avoir une convention d appel autre que celle
par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point in CLR header is the token for a generic method.",,"Le point d entre
dans l en-tte CLR est le jeton d une mthode gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method signature is generic but is missing its arity.",,"La signature de la mtho
de est gnrique, mais elle ne spcifie pas son arit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method signature is generic but its arity is zero.",,"La signature de la mthode
est gnrique, mais son arit est nulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Signature has generic type instantiated at arity 0.",,"La signature a un type gnr
ique instanci l arit0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodSpec signature has arity 0.",,"La signature de MethodSpec possde l arit0.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodDef signature has arity n but owns m GenericParams.",,"La signature de Me
thodDef possde l aritn mais possde mGenericParams.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point in CLR header is the token for a method in a generic type.",,"Le po
int d entre dans l en-tte CLR est le jeton d une mthode dans un type gnrique.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl overrides non-generic method with generic method.",,"MethodImpl subs
titue une mthode gnrique une mthode non gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

lue 4.5.1"
"MethodImpl overrides generic method of arity n with generic method of arity m."
,,"MethodImpl substitue la mthode gnrique d aritn une mthode gnrique d aritm.",,"
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef extends a TypeSpec that is not an instantiated type.",,"TypeDef tend un
TypeSpec qui n est pas un type instanci.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Signature has type instantiated at ByRef at offset i.",,"La signature a un type
instanci ByRef l offset i.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeSpec has empty signature.",,"TypeSpec comporte une signature vide.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeSpec has signature containing one or more sentinels.",,"TypeSpec comporte u
ne signature contenant une ou plusieurs sentinelles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypeDef is generic but has explicit layout.",,"TypeDef est gnrique mais possde une
disposition explicite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature has token following ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS (_VALUETYPE) that is not a Typ
eDef or TypeRef.",,"La signature possde un jeton aprs ELEMENT_TYPE_CLASS (_VALUETY
PE) qui n est pas un TypeDef ni un TypeRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: Class does not implement interface method in this module.",,"Avertisse
ment: la classe n implmente pas une mthode d interface dans ce module.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread is not scheduled. Thus we may not have OSThreadId, handle, or context.",
,"Le thread n est pas planifi. Ainsi, nous n avons peut-tre pas de OSThreadId, de
handle ou de contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handle has been disposed.",,"Le handle a t supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot intercept this exception.",,"Impossible d intercepter cette exception.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When intercepting an exception, cannot intercept above the current frame.",,"Lo
rs de l interception d une exception, il est impossible d intercepter au-dessus
du frame actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The intercept frame for this exception has already been set.",,"Le frame d inte
rception pour cette exception a dj t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"There is no native patch at the given address.",,"Il n existe pas de correctif
natif l adresse donne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This API is only allowed when interop debugging.",,"Cette API est autorise uniqu
ement lors du dbogage d interoprabilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"There is already a native patch at the address.",,"Il existe dj un correctif nati
f cette adresse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A wait timed out, likely an indication of deadlock.",,"Un dlai d attente a expir,
probablement une indication d interblocage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use the API on this thread.",,"Impossible d utiliser l API sur ce thread
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method was not JIT d in EnC mode.",,"La mthode n a pas t traite avec JIT en mode En
C (Modifier & Continuer).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Frame cannot be updated due to change in max nesting of handlers.",,"Impossible
de mettre jour le frame en raison de la modification de l imbrication maximale
des gestionnaires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is in a callable handler/filter. Cannot increase stack.",,"La mthode se t
rouve dans un gestionnaire/filtre pouvant tre appel. Impossible d augmenter la pil
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Frame cannot be updated due to localloc.",,"Impossible de mettre jour le frame
en raison de localloc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to perform unsupported edit.",,"Tentative de modification non prise en
charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Attempt to func eval abort on a suspended thread.",,"Tentative d abandon de la

fonction eval sur un thread suspendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The LS is not in a good spot to perform the requested operation.",,"Le sparateur
de ligne n est pas dans une zone correcte pour effectuer l opration demande.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"We failed to resolve assembly given an AssemblyRef token. Assembly may be not l
oaded yet or not a valid token.",,"La rsolution de l assembly avec un jeton Assem
blyRef a chou. L assembly n est peut-tre pas encore charg ou n est pas un jeton vali
de.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must be in context of LoadModule callback to perform requested operation.",,"L
opration demande peut tre effectue seulement dans le contexte d un rappel LoadModule
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested operation cannot be performed during an attach operation.",,"Impossib
le d effectuer l opration demande durant une opration d attachement.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"NGEN must be supported to perform the requested operation.",,"NGEN doit tre pris
en charge pour que l opration demande soit effectue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trying to shutdown out of order.",,"Tentative d arrt dsordonne.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Debugging fiber mode managed process is not supported.",,"Le dbogage d un proces
sus manag en mode fibre n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must be in context of CreateProcess callback to perform requested operation.",,
"L opration demande peut tre effectue seulement dans le contexte d un rappel CreateP
rocess.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All outstanding func-evals have not completed, detaching is not allowed at this
time.",,"Toutes les fonctions eval en attente ne sont pas termines, le dtachement
n est pas autoris ce stade.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All outstanding steppers have not been closed, detaching is not allowed at this
time.",,"Toutes les excutions pas pas en attente n ont pas t fermes, le dtachement n
est pas autoris ce stade.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot have an ICorDebugStepper do a native step-out.",,"Impossible de faire exc
uter un pas pas sortant natif un ICorDebugStepper.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All outstanding breakpoints have not been closed, detaching is not allowed at t
his time.",,"Tous les points d arrt en attente n ont pas t ferms, le dtachement n est
pas autoris ce stade.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation is illegal because of a stack overflow.",,"L opration n est pas co
nforme en raison d un dpassement de capacit de la pile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation failed because it is a GC unsafe point.",,"L opration a chou, car c
est un point risqu du GC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation failed because the thread is in the prolog.",,"L opration a chou, ca
r le thread est dans le prologue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The operation failed because the thread is in native code.",,"L opration a chou, c
ar le thread est dans le code natif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The operation failed because the thread is in optimized code.",,"L opration a cho
u, car le thread est dans le code optimis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The information requested is not supported by minidumps.",,"Les informations de
mandes ne sont pas prises en charge par les minidumps.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A supplied object or type belongs to the wrong AppDomain.",,"Un objet ou un typ
e fourni appartient un AppDomain incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The thread s context is not available.",,"Le contexte du thread n est pas dispo

nible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The operation failed because debuggee and debugger are on incompatible platform
s.",,"L opration a chou parce que le programme dbogu et le dbogueur oprent sur des pla
eformes incompatibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation failed because the debugging has been disabled",,"L opration a chou
parce que le dbogage a t dsactiv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Detach is illegal after an Edit and Continue on a module.",,"Un dtachement n est
pas autoris aprs une opration Modifier & Continuer sur un module.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot intercept the current exception at the specified frame.",,"Impossible d
intercepter l exception actuelle au niveau du frame spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The debugger helper thread cannot obtain the locks it needs to perform this ope
ration.",,"Le thread d assistance du dbogueur ne peut pas obtenir les verrous don
t il a besoin pour effectuer cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation failed because the debugger could not get the metadata.",,"L oprat
ion a chou car le dbogueur n a pas pu obtenir les mtadonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The debuggee is in a corrupt state.",,"Le programme dbogu est endommag.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Detach failed because there are outstanding resources in the target.",,"chec du
dtachement car la cible contient des ressources en attente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The debuggee is read-only.",,"Le programme dbogu est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The version of clr.dll in the target does not match the one mscordacwks.dll was
built for.",,"La version de clr.dll figurant dans la cible ne correspond pas ce
lle pour laquelle mscordacwks.dll a t gnr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Symbols are not supplied for modules loaded from disk.",,"Aucun symbole n est f
ourni pour les modules chargs partir d un disque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application did not supply symbols when it loaded or created this module, o
r they are not yet available.",,"L application n a fourni aucun symbole lors du
chargement ou de la cration de ce module, ou ils ne sont pas encore disponibles."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A debug component is not installed.",,"Aucun composant de dbogage n est install."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connection authentication failed due to mismatched certificates.",,"chec de l au
thentification de la connexion en raison de certificats incompatibles.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connection failed due to a miscellaneous network error.",,"La connexion a chou en
raison d une erreur rseau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connection failed due to no endpoint at remote machine (no proxy configured?)."
,,"La connexion rseau a chou en raison de l absence d un point de terminaison sur l
ordinateur distant (aucun proxy configur?).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Connection failed due to inability to locate remote machine.",,"La connexion a c
hou en raison de l incapacit de trouver l ordinateur distant.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local debugger configuration was missing or invalid.",,"La configuration du dbog
ueur local tait absente ou non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Connection failed due to protocol version mismatch between local and remote com
ponents.",,"La connexion a chou en raison d une incompatibilit de version de protoc
ole entre les composants locaux et distants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ICLRDebuggingLibraryProvider callback returned an error or did not provide
a valid handle.",,"Le rappel d ICLRDebuggingLibraryProvider a retourn une erreur

ou n a pas fourni de handle valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"The module at the base address indicated was not recognized as a CLR",,"Le modu
le l adresse de base indique n a pas t reconnu en tant que CLR",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The provided data target does not implement the required interfaces for this ve
rsion of the runtime",,"La cible de donnes fournie n implmente pas les interfaces
requises pour cette version du runtime",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"This debugging model is unsupported by the specified runtime",,"Ce modle de dboga
ge n est pas pris en charge par le runtime spcifi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The debugger is not designed to support the version of the CLR the debuggee is
using.",,"Le dbogueur n est pas conu pour prendre en charge la version du CLR util
ise par l lment dbogu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The version struct has an unrecognized value for wStructVersion",,"La structure
de version a une valeur non reconnue pour wStructVersion",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A call into a ReadVirtual implementation returned failure",,"Un appel une implme
ntation ReadVirtual a retourn un signal d chec",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Debugging API doesn t support dereferencing function pointers.",,"L API de
dbogage ne prend pas en charge le drfrencement des pointeurs fonction.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The address provided does not point to a valid managed object.",,"L adresse fou
rnie ne pointe pas vers un objet manag valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The GC heap structures are not in a valid state for traversal.",,"L tat des stru
ctures du tas GC n est pas valide pour la traverse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified IL offset or opcode is not supported for this operation.",,"L off
set ou l opcode IL n est pas pris en charge pour cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified action is unsupported by this version of the runtime.",,"L action
spcifie n est pas prise en charge par cette version du runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is empty.",,"Le fichier est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"File has no NT headers.",,"Le fichier ne comporte aucun en-tte NT.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is PE32+.",,"Le fichier est PE32+.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"File has no COR header.",,"Le fichier ne comporte aucun en-tte COR.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Flag IL_ONLY not set.",,"Indicateur IL_ONLY non dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad import DLLs.",,"DLL d importation incorrectes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EXE file has no mgd entry point.",,"Le fichier EXE ne comporte aucun point d en
tre mgd.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad base relocations.",,"Radressages de base errons.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad managed entry point.",,"Point d entre manag incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"OptHeader.SizeOfCode is set to zero.",,"OptHeader.SizeOfCode a la valeur zro.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File has invalid COR header.",,"Le fichier comporte un en-tte COR non valide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is PE32",,"Le fichier est PE32",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"The operation was interrupted by the CLR Optimization Service controller.",,"L

opration a t interrompue par le contrleur du service d optimisation CLR.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to get dependencies for assembly.",,"Impossible d obtenir des dpendances
pour l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to delete native image.",,"Impossible de supprimer l image native.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module contains too many interfaces to successfully compile all methods.",,"Le
module contient trop d interfaces pour compiler correctement toutes les mthodes."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested runtime does not support side-by-side NGen.",,"Le runtime demand ne pr
end pas en charge NGen cte cte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Worker exited unexpectedly during startup",,"Le travail s est arrt de faon inatten
due lors du dmarrage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to synchronize with worker during startup",,"Impossible de synchroniser
avec le travail lors du dmarrage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"NGen cannot proceed because Mscorlib.dll does not have a native image",,"NGen n
e peut pas se poursuivre, car Mscorlib.dll n a pas d image native",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The image file is not compatible with the version of Ngen you re running. Use
32bit Ngen for 32bit assemblies, and 64bit Ngen for 64bit assemblies.",,"Le fich
ier image n est pas compatible avec la version de Ngen que vous excutez. Utilisez
Ngen 32 bits pour les assemblys 32 bits et Ngen 64 bits pour les assemblys 64 b
its.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error parsing the NGen assembly exclusion Xml file.",,"Une erreur
s est produite pendant l analyse du fichier XML d exclusion de l assembly NGen."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A hardbound dependent native image is missing.",,"Une image native dpendance matr
ielle est manquante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"NGen is not running in expected package.",,"NGen ne s excute pas dans le package
escompt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The image being compiled is not a .NET assembly",,"L image en cours de compilat
ion n est pas un assembly .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The bound assembly has a version that is lower than that of the request.",,"La
version de l assembly li est infrieure celle de la requte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly version has a public key token that does not match that of the req
uest.",,"La version de l assembly a un jeton de cl publique qui ne correspond pas
celui de la requte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested image was not found or is unavailable.",,"L image demande est intr
ouvable ou indisponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The provided identity format is not recognized.",,"Le format d identit fourni n
est pas reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A binding for the specified assembly name was not found.",,"Impossible de trouv
er une liaison pour le nom d assembly spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"A binding for the specified type name was not found.",,"Impossible de trouver u
ne liaison pour le nom de type spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Could not use native image because Mscorlib.dll is missing a native image",,"Im
possible d utiliser l image native, car il manque une image native dans Mscorlib
.dll",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Native image was generated in a different trust level than present at runtime",
,"L image native a t gnre avec un niveau de confiance diffrent de celui utilis au mome
t de l excution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Native image identity mismatch with respect to its dependencies",,"Incompatibil
it d identit de l image native en ce qui concerne ses dpendances",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security Warning",,"Avertissement de scurit",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Yes",,"Oui",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"No",,"Non",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More Info",,"Informations",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Perform this action and don t ask again about this zone.",,"Excuter cette action
et ne plus redemander pour cette zone.",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Confirmation",,"Confirmation",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"More Information",,"Informations",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Do you want to run a .NET Framework-reliant component that is not signed with A
uthenticode?",,"Voulez-vous excuter un composant dpendant du .NET Framework non si
gn avec Authenticode?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Site: %1!s!",,"Site : %1!s!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zone: %1!s!",,"Zone : %1!s!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework-reliant components run in a protected environment with limited a
ccess to private data and system settings. If you choose not to run this compon
ent, this page might not work.",,"Les composants dpendant du .NET Framework s excu
tent dans un environnement protg avec un accs limit aux donnes personnelles et aux pa
ramtres systme. Si vous dcidez de ne pas excuter ce composant, il se peut que cette
page ne fonctionne pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown Error",,"Erreur inconnue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Are you sure you no longer want to be asked about components from the %1!s! zon
e? You will not be asked again and all components from this zone will run autom
atically.",,"Voulez-vous vraiment ne plus tre consult propos des composants de la
zone %1!s! ? Vous ne serez plus consult et les composants de cette zone s excutero
nt automatiquement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Are you sure you want to disable components from the %1!s! zone? You will not
be asked again and no components from this zone will run.",,"Voulez-vous vraimen
t dsactiver les composants de la zone %1!s! ? Vous ne serez plus consult et aucun
composant de cette zone ne s excutera.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"You can change this setting later in the Security tab of the Internet Options d
ialog box.\n",,"Vous pouvez modifier ce paramtre ultrieurement dans l onglet Scurit
de la bote de dialogue Options Internet.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"This Web site contains a .NET Framework-reliant component that you must run in
order for this page to work. However, Windows cannot identify the publisher of t
his component.\n\nClicking Yes allows this component to run with restricted acce
ss to your computer as defined by the .NET Framework security settings. You shou
ld only run this component if you trust content from this site.\n\nClicking Yes
does not modify your existing .NET Framework security settings, but instead allo
ws the component to run under the existing settings.\n\nYou can choose to bypass
this dialog box in the future and automatically run all .NET Framework-reliant
components from this zone by selecting the check box and clicking Yes. This act
ion will change your Internet Explorer settings so that you will not be asked ab
out this zone in the future and .NET Framework-reliant components will always ru
n. You should only perform this action if you trust all content from this zone.\
n\nYou can also choose to disable all .NET Framework-reliant components from thi
s zone by selecting the check box and clicking No. This action will change your
Internet Explorer settings so that you will not be asked about this zone in the
future and .NET Framework-reliant components will not run.\n\nClick No if you d
o not want to run this component.\n\n",,"Ce site Web comprend un composant dpenda
nt du .NET Framework que vous pouvez excuter afin de rendre cette page fonctionne
lle. Cependant, Windows n est pas en mesure d identifier l diteur de ce composant
.\n\nLe fait de cliquer sur Oui permet ce composant de s excuter avec un accs limi
t votre ordinateur selon les paramtres de scurit .NET Framework dfinis. Pour excuter
e composant, vous devez absolument faire confiance au contenu de ce site.\n\nLe
fait de cliquer sur Oui ne modifie pas les paramtres de scurit .NET Framework exist

ants mais permet au contraire au composant de s excuter avec les paramtres existan
ts.\n\nVous pouvez choisir d ignorer cette bote de dialogue l avenir et d excuter
automatiquement les composants dpendant du .NET Framework partir de cette zone en
cochant la case correspondante et en cliquant sur Oui. Cette opration modifie vo
s paramtres Internet Explorer de sorte que vous ne serez pas consult propos de cet
te zone l avenir et que les composants dpendants du .NET Framework s excuteront sy
stmatiquement. Pour effectuer cette opration, vous devez absolument faire confian
ce tout le contenu de cette zone.\n\nVous pouvez galement dcider de dsactiver tous
les composants dpendants du .NET Framework de cette zone en cochant la case corre
spondante et en cliquant sur Non. Cette opration modifie les paramtres Internet Ex
plorer de sorte que vous ne soyez plus consult propos de cette zone l avenir et q
ue les composants dpendants du .NET Framework ne s excutent pas.\n\nCliquez sur No
n si vous ne voulez pas excuter ce composant.\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Continue",,"Continuer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\nMicrosoft (R) .NET Framework PE Verifier. Version ",,"\nOutil de vrification
PE Microsoft (R) .NET Framework. Version ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
": Error: ",,": Erreur : ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Error: 0x%08X)",,"(Erreur : 0x%08X)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Error: %x\n",,"Erreur : %x\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%d Error(s) Verifying ",,"%d Erreur(s) Vrification ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" PASS\n",," SUCCS\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" FAIL (%d error(s))\n",," CHEC (%d erreurs)\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(0x%08X)",,"(0x%08X)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" [token:0x%08X]",," [jeton :0x%08X]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" [at:0x%X]",," [sur :0x%X]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework Internal error: 0x%08x",,"Erreur interne .NET Framework : 0x%08x
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to initialize COM, error %08X\n",,"Impossible d initialiser COM, erreur
%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to initialize the Validator:%08X\n",,"Impossible d initialiser le valida
teur :%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create VEHandlerClass\n",,"Impossible de crer VEHandlerClass\n",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to CoCreateInstance of IVEHandler:%08X\n",,"Impossible d appeler la fonc
tion CoCreateInstance de IVEHandler:%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Unable to get IMetaDataValidate:%08X\n",,"Impossible d obtenir IMetaDataValidat
e :%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File not found or has bad headers.\n",,"Fichier introuvable ou contenant des en
-ttes incorrects.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to CoCreate Meta-data Dispenser:%08X\n",,"Impossible d appeler la foncti
on CoCreate pour le distributeur de mtadonnes:%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Errors Instantiating .NET Framework\n",,"Erreurs lors de l instanciation de .NE
T Framework\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error starting .NET Framework\n",,"Erreur lors du dmarrage de .NET Framework\n",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not open file %s error:0x%08X\n",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier %s
- erreur :0x%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not get size of file %s error:0x%08X\n",,"Impossible d obtenir la taill
e du fichier %s - erreur :0x%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"File too big !\n",,"Fichier trop volumineux\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Could not create mapping for file %s error:0x%08X\n",,"Impossible de crer le m

appage du fichier %s - erreur :0x%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Could not map the file %s error:0x%08X\n",,"Impossible de mapper le fichier
%s - erreur :0x%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not get IValidator interface error:0x%08X\n",,"Impossible d obtenir l int
erface IValidator - erreur :0x%08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"\nVerifyPEformat: Error Opening file\n",,"\nVerifyPEformat : erreur lors de l o
uverture du fichier\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\nIL verification failed: 0x%08X\n",,"\nchec de la vrification IL : 0x%08X\n",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All Classes and Methods in ",,"Toutes les classes et les mthodes dans ",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Verified.\n",," Vrifi.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(%d Warnings)\n",,"(%d avertissements)\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Timing: Total run
%d msec\n",,"Minutage : Temps d excution total
%d ms\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
MD Val.cycle %d msec\n",,"
MD Val.cycle %d ms\n",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
MD Val.pure %d msec\n",,"
MD Val.pure %d ms\n",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
IL Ver.cycle %d msec\n",,"
IL Ver.cycle %d ms\n",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
IL Ver.pure %d msec\n",,"
IL Ver.pure %d ms\n",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to retrieve appdomain id: %08X\n",,"Impossible d extraire l ID d appdoma
in : %08X\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to open file %s \n",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier %s \n",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option: %s \n\n",,"Option non valide : %s \n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IL Verification cannot be performed on system library %s\n",,"Impossible de pro
cder la vrification IL dans la bibliothque systme %s\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: PEverify <image file> [Options]\n\n",,"Utilisation : PEverify <fichier_i
mage> [Options]\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\nOptions:",,"\nOptions :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Verify only the PE structure and IL",,"\n/IL
Vrifier u
niquement la structure de PE et IL",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
Verify only the PE structure and MetaData",,"\n/MD
fier uniquement la structure de PE et les mtadonnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Verify only the PE structure and CLS compliance",,"\n/CLS
Vrifier uniquement la structure de PE et la conformit CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Verify only the PE structure and MetaData, w/o CLS compliance",
Vrifier uniquement la structure de PE et les mtadonnes sans la co
nformit CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Disregard repeating error codes",,"\n/UNIQUE
Ignorer les
codes d erreur rptitifs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Display error codes in hex format",,"\n/HRESULT
Afficher l
es codes d erreur au format hexadcimal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
Measure and report verification times",,"\n/CLOCK
r et signaler les heures de vrification",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"\n/IGNORE=<hex.code>[,<hex.code>...] Ignore specified error codes",,"\n/IGNORE

=<hex.code>[,<hex.code>...] Ignorer les codes d erreur spcifis",,"Text",,"All",,"

.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n/IGNORE=@<file name>
Ignore error codes specified in <file nam
Ignorer les codes d erreur spcifis\n
dans <nom_fichier>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Display only file and Status. Do not display all errors.",,"\n/
Afficher uniquement le fichier et l tat.\n
Ne pas affic
her toutes les erreurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Display additional info in IL verification error messages.",,"\
Afficher des informations supplmentaires\n
dans les m
essages d erreur de vrification IL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
Don t display product version and copyright info.",,"\n/NOLOGO
Ne pas afficher les informations de copyright\n
et de version
du produit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n\nNote: By default, MD is verified and then if there were no errors, IL is",,
"\n\nRemarque : par dfaut, MD est vrifi, puis si aucune erreur ne se produit,\n
IL est son tour vrifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
verified. If /MD /IL options are specified, IL is verified even if",,"
\nSi les options /MD /IL sont spcifies, IL est vrifi mme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
there were MD verification errors.",,"\n
en cas d erreurs
de vrifications MD.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n/TRANSPARENT Verify only transparent methods",,"\n/TRANSPARENT Vrifie unique
ment les mthodes transparentes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ambiguous option: /{0}",,"Option ambigu: /{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The /asmpath option is only supported when generating a reg file using the /reg
file option",,"L option /asmpath est prise en charge uniquement lors de la gnratio
n d un fichier .reg l aide de l option /regfile",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error creating an app domain to perform the registration",,"Erreur lors de la c
ration d un domaine d application pour effectuer l inscription",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load the RemoteRegAsm type required to perform the registration",,"Im
possible de charger le type RemoteRegAsm requis pour effectuer l inscription",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The /regfile option cannot be used with the /tlb option",,"L option /regfile ne
peut pas tre utilise avec l option /tlb",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The /regfile option cannot be used with the /unregister option",,"L option /reg
file ne peut pas tre utilise avec l option /unregister",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred while writing the registration information to the registry. A
dministrator permissions are needed to use the selected options. Use an administ
rator command prompt to complete these tasks.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors
de l criture des informations d inscription dans le Registre. Les droits d admini
strateur sont requis pour utiliser les options slectionnes. Utilisez une invite de
commandes administrateur pour effectuer ces tches.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred inside the user defined Register/Unregister functions: ",,"Un
e erreur s est produite l intrieur des fonctions Register/Unregister, dfinies par
l utilisateur: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to locate input assembly {0} or one of its dependencies.",,"Impossible
de trouver l assembly d entre {0} ou une de ses dpendances.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load {0} because it is not a valid .NET assembly",,"chec de chargeme
nt de {0} , car ce n est pas un assembly .NET valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"An invalid option has been specified",,"Une option non valide a t spcifie",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly {0} does not have a code base",,"L assembly {0} ne dispose pas
de base de code",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No input file has been specified",,"Aucun fichier d entre n a t spcifi",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The /{0} option does not require a value",,"L option /{0} ne requiert pas de va
leur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The following referenced assembly could not be located in any of the locations
specified via /asmpath: {0}",,"Impossible de localiser l assembly rfrenc suivant da
ns les emplacements spcifis par le biais de /asmpath: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry file would overwrite the input file",,"Le fichier de registre remplace
rait le fichier d entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the type library cannot be specified for assemblies containing embe
dded type libraries",,"Le nom de la bibliothque de types ne peut pas tre spcifi pour
les assemblys contenant des bibliothques de types incorpores",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The following exceptions were thrown while loading the types in the assembly:\r
\n",,"Les exceptions suivantes ont t leves lors du chargement des types dans l asse
mbly:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred while registering the exported type library: ",,"Une erreur s
est produite lors de l inscription de la bibliothque de types exporte: ",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred while saving the exported type library: ",,"Une erreur s est
produite lors de l enregistrement de la bibliothque de types exporte: ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown option: /{0}",,"Option inconnue: /{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred while un-registering the type library: ",,"Une erreur s est p
roduite lors de la suppression de l inscription de la bibliothque de types: ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The /{0} option requires a value",,"L option /{0} requiert une valeur",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly exported to {0} , and the type library was registered successfully",,
"L assembly a t export vers {0} et la bibliothque de types a t inscrite avec succs",
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto exporting {0} as {1} .",,"Exportation automatique de {0} en {1} .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework Assembly Registration Utility version {0}\r\nfor Micro
soft .NET Framework version {0}\r\nCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rig
hts reserved.\r\n",,"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Assembly Registration Utility
version {0}\r\npour Microsoft .NET Framework version {0}\r\nCopyright (C) Micros
oft Corporation 1998-2004. Tous droits rservs.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception[{0}] = {1}",,"Exception[{0}] = {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception[{0}] ==>> {1}",,"Exception[{0}] ==>> {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library embedded in {0} loaded and registered successfully",,"Chargement
et inscription russis de la bibliothque de types incorpore dans {0} ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly reference {0} has been resolved to assembly {1} with the following
code base: {2}",,"La rfrence d assembly {0} a t rsolue vers l assembly {1} avec
la base de code suivante: {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry script {0} generated successfully",,"Gnration du script de registre {
0} russie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library {0} un-registered successfully",,"Suppression de l inscription d
e la bibliothque de types {0} russie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Types registered successfully",,"Inscription des types russie",,"Text",,"All",,"

.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Types un-registered successfully",,"Suppression de l inscription des types russi
e",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax: RegAsm AssemblyName [Options]\r\nOptions:",,"Syntaxe: RegAsm NomAssembly
[Options]\r\nOptions:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Unregister types",,"
l inscription des types",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Export the assembly to the specified type library",,"
Exporter l assembly vers la bibliothque de types spcifie"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
and register it",,"
et l inscr
ire dans le Registre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
/regfile[:FileName] Generate a reg file with the specified name",,"
gfile[:NomFichier] Gnrer un fichier .reg avec le nom spcifi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
instead of registering the types. This option",,"
au lieu d inscrire les types. Cette option",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
cannot be used with the /u or /tlb options",,"
ne peut pas tre utilise avec les options /u ou /tlb",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Set the code base in the registry",,"
Dfinir la base de code dans le Registre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
Only refer to already registered type libraries",,"
Faire rfrence uniquement des bibliothques de types dj inscrites
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
/asmpath:Directory Look for assembly references here",,"
ctory Rechercher ici des rfrences d assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
Prevents RegAsm from displaying logo",,"
Empche RegAsm d afficher un logo",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
Silent mode. Prevents displaying of success messages",
Mode silencieux. Empche l affichage des messages de su
ccs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Displays extra information",,"
Affiche des informations supplmentaires",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
/? or /help
Display this usage message",,"
/? ou /help
Afficher ce message d utilisation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Registering an unsigned assembly with /codebase can cause your assembly to inte
rfere with other applications that may be installed on the same computer. The /c
odebase switch is intended to be used only with signed assemblies. Please give y
our assembly a strong name and re-register it.",,"Lorsqu un assembly non sign est
inscrit avec /codebase, il peut interfrer avec d autres applications installes su
r le mme ordinateur. Le commutateur /codebase doit uniquement tre utilis avec des a
ssemblys signs. Affectez votre assembly un nom fort et l inscrire nouveau.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library not un-registered since the assembly was imported from COM",,"La s
uppression de l inscription de la bibliothque de types n a pas eu lieu, car l ass
embly a t import partir de COM",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No registry script will be produced since there are no types to register",,"Auc
un script de registre ne sera produit, car il n existe aucun type inscrire",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No types were registered",,"Aucun type n tait inscrit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No types were un-registered",,"Aucun type n a t dsinscrit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F

ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Assembly Registration Utility",,"Microsoft .NET Assembly Registr
ation Utility",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework {0} Preview SDK (ENU)",,"Microsoft .NET Framework {0}
Preview SDK (Franais)",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Annotating {0} .",,"Annotation de {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Annotation of {0} stopped due to the detection of a potential annotation loop
which could not be automatically resolved.",,"L annotation de {0} s est arrte e
n raison de la dtection d une boucle d annotation potentielle qui n a pas pu tre rs
olue automatiquement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Annotating complete. {0} errors found.",,"Annotation termine. {0} erreurs trouves
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All assemblies did not pass transparency annotation verification. Assemblies n
eeding additional annotations:",,"Tous les assemblys n ont pas russi la vrificatio
n des annotations de transparence. Assemblys ayant besoin d annotations supplment
aires:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparency annotations on all assemblies successfully verified.",,"Vrification
des annotations de transparence sur tous les assemblys termine avec succs.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Beginning pass {0}.",,"Dbut de la passe {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pass complete, {0} new annotation(s) generated.",,"Passe termine, {0} nouvelle(s
) annotation(s) gnre(s).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pass {0}: {1}",,"Passe {0}: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Annotation of {0} stopped due to reaching the maximum number of allowed passe
s.",,"L annotation de {0} a t arrte, car le nombre maximal de passes autorises a t a
teint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No report file generated since no annotations are required.",,"Aucun fichier de
rapport gnr, car aucune annotation n est requise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} : {1} violation(s)",,"{0} : {1} violation(s)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification complete. {0} error(s) found.",,"Vrification termine. {0} erreur(s)
trouve(s).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verifying {0} .",,"Vrification de {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Writing annotation report {0} .",,"criture du rapport d annotation {0} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding transparency rule {0} .",,"Ajout de la rgle de transparence {0} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} : {1} annotation(s) required.",,"{0} : {1} annotation(s) requise(s).",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Suppressing the usage of rule {0} .",,"Suppression de l utilisation de la rgle
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Critical",,"Critique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Safe-critical",,"Scuris",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent",,"Transparent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Security Transparency Annotator {0}",,"Microsoft (
R) .NET Framework Security Transparency Annotator {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: {0} [arguments] assemblies",,"Utilisation: {0} [arguments] assemblys",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Suppress searching for referenced assemblies in the Global Assembly Cache.",,"S
upprime la recherche d assemblys rfrencs dans le Global Assembly Cache.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/o:output.xml or /out:output.xml",,"/o:output.xml ou /out:output.xml",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the output annotation file.",,"Spcifie le fichier d annotation de sort
ie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"/p:maxpasses or /maximumpasses:maxpasses",,"/p:maxpasses ou /maximumpasses:maxp

asses",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the maximum number of annotation passes to make on assemblies before st
opping the generation of new annotations.",,"Spcifie le nombre maximal de passes
d annotation effectuer avant d arrter la gnration de nouvelles annotations.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/q or /quiet",,"/q ou /quiet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Quiet mode: annotator will only output error information and no status messages
.",,"Mode silencieux: l annotateur produira uniquement des informations d erreurs
mais pas de messages d tat.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/r:assembly or /referenceassembly:assembly",,"/r:assembly ou /referenceassembly
:assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Include the specified assembly when resolving dependent assemblies during annot
ation. Reference assemblies are given priority over assemblies found in the refe
rence path.",,"Inclut l assembly spcifi lors de la rsolution des assemblys dpendants
lors de l annotation. Les assemblys de rfrence sont prioritaires sur les assembly
s trouvs dans le chemin d accs des rfrences.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"/s:rulename or /suppressrule:rulename",,"/s:rulename ou /suppressrule:rulename"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arguments:",,"Arguments:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Suppress running a transparency rule on the input assemblies.",,"Arrte l excution
d une rgle de transparence sur les assemblys d entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/t or /forcetransparent",,"/t ou /forcetransparent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Forces Annotator to treat all assemblies without any transparency annotations a
s if they were entirely transparent.",,"Force l annotateur traiter tous les asse
mblys sans annotation de transparence comme s ils taient transparents.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/v or /verify",,"/v ou /verify",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verify that an assembly s annotations are correct only, do not attempt to make
multiple passes to find all required annotations if the assembly does not verify
.",,"Vrifie uniquement que des annotations d assembly sont correctes, n essaie pa
s d effectuer plusieurs passes afin de trouver toutes les annotations requises s
i la vrification de l assembly choue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"/x or /verbose",,"/x ou /verbose",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Verbose output while annotating",,"Sortie dtaille lors de l annotation",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/y:directory or /symbolpath:directory",,"/y:directory ou /symbolpath:directory"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Include the specified directory when searching for symbol files during annotati
on.",,"Inclut le rpertoire spcifi dans la recherche de fichiers de symboles lors de
l annotation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arguments and assemblies may also be provided in a response file provided on th
e command line prefixed with an @. Each line in the response file should contain
a single argument or assembly name.",,"Les arguments et les assemblys peuvent ga
lement tre fournis dans un fichier rponse fourni sur la ligne de commande avec le
prfixe @. Chaque ligne du fichier rponse doit contenir un seul nom d argument ou d
assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/a or /showstatistics",,"/a ou /showstatistics",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/t:assembly or /forcetransparent:assembly",,"/t:assembly ou /forcetransparent:a
ssembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Force the given assembly to be transparent, regardless of its current assembly
level annotations.",,"Forcer l assembly donn tre transparent, quelles que soient s
es annotations actuelles de niveau d assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Show statistics about the use of transparency in assemblies being analyzed.",,"

Affiche les statistiques relatives l utilisation de la transparence dans les ass
emblys analyss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/d:directory or /referencedir:directory",,"/d:directory ou /referencedir:direct
ory",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Include the specified directory when searching for dependent assemblies during
annotation.",,"Inclut le rpertoire spcifi dans la recherche d assemblys dpendants lo
rs de l annotation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/i or /includesignatures",,"/i ou /includesignatures",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Include extended signature information in the annotation report file.",,"Inclut
les informations de signature tendue dans le fichier de rapport d annotation.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/n or /nogac",,"/n ou /nogac",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error running annotator: {0}",,"Erreur lors de l excution de l annotateur: {0}",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find referenced assembly {0} . Ensure that the reference paths and a
ssemblies are setup correctly.",,"Assembly rfrenc {0} introuvable. Vrifiez que les
chemins d accs des rfrences sont corrects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} could not be loaded. Check to ensure the file exists, and is a v
alid assembly.",,"Impossible de charger l assembly {0} . Vrifiez que le fichier
existe et qu il s agit d un assembly valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter for the maximum passes command line parameter must be an integer.
",,"Le paramtre pour le nombre maximal de passes [paramtre de ligne de commande] d
oit tre un entier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is missing its required parameter.",,"Le paramtre requis pour l a
rgument {0} est manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error parsing the command line: {0}",,"Erreur lors de l analyse de la ligne de
commande: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A potential infinite annotation loop was detected for {0} due to duplicated a
nnotations being generated in passes {1} . The suggested annotations for this
method cannot be automatically resolved.",,"Une boucle d annotation infinie pote
ntielle a t dtecte pour {0} en raison de la gnration d annotations dupliques dans le
passes {1} . Les annotations suggres pour cette mthode ne peuvent pas tre rsolues
automatiquement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error processing assembly {0} : {1}",,"Erreur lors du traitement de l assembly
{0} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unable to determine the identity of the core assembly. This may be caused by
having a set of facade core assemblies which form a loop. Assembly identites th
at were considered are:\n{0}"""",,""Impossible de dterminer l identit de l assembl
y principal. Cela est peut-tre d au fait d avoir un jeu d assemblys principaux de
faade qui forment une boucle. Les identits d assembly considres sont:\n{0}"""",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is unknown.",,"Argument {0} inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error writing report file: {0}",,"Erreur lors de l criture du fichier de rapport:
{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"During the preparation of this annotation report, the following assemblies were
treated as if they were fully transparent:",,"Lors de la prparation de ce rappor
t d annotation, les assemblys suivants taient traits comme s ils taient compltement
transparents:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} was treated as transparent for annotation purposes, but has not
yet adopted transparency.",,"L assembly {0} a t considr comme transparent pour des
raisons d annotation, mais n a pas encore adopt la transparence.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"In addition to annotations mentioned in this report, the assembly needs to add
the following attributes:",,"En plus des annotations indiques dans ce rapport, l
assembly doit ajouter les attributs suivants:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,

"Blue 4.5.1"
"[assembly: System.Security.SecurityRuleSet(System.Security.SecurityRuleSet.Leve
l1)]",,"[assembly: System.Security.SecurityRuleSet(System.Security.SecurityRuleS
et.Level1)]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[assembly: System.Security.SecurityCritical(System.Security.SecurityCriticalSco
pe.Explicit)]",,"[assembly: System.Security.SecurityCritical(System.Security.Sec
urityCriticalScope.Explicit)]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[assembly: System.Security.SecurityRuleSet(System.Security.SecurityRuleSet.Leve
l2)]",,"[assembly: System.Security.SecurityRuleSet(System.Security.SecurityRuleS
et.Level2)]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[assembly: System.Security.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]",,"[assembly: System.S
ecurity.AllowPartiallyTrustedCallers]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Transparency statistics for assembly {0} :",,"Statistiques de transparence pou
r l assembly {0} :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fields:",,"Champs:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
{0,7:n0} ({1:p1})",,"Critique:
{0,7:n0} ({1:p1})",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Safe-critical: {0,7:n0} ({1:p1})",,"Critique scuris: {0,7:n0} ({1:p1})",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent: {0,7:n0} ({1:p1})",,"Transparent: {0,7:n0} ({1:p1})",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods:",,"Mthodes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Types:",,"Types:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using core assembly: {0} from {1} .",,"Utilisation de l assembly principal:
{0} partir de {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load symbols file {0} : {1}",,"chec de chargement du fichier de symbo
les {0} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Treating unmarked assembly {0} as entirely transparent.",,"Assembly non marqu
{0} trait comme transparent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loaded assembly {0} from {1} .",,"Assembly charg {0} partir de {1} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loaded referenced assembly from {0} .",,"Assembly rfrenc charg partir de {0} .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Looking for symbol file {0} .",,"Recherche du fichier de symboles {0} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pass took {0} milliseconds.",,"Dure de la passe : {0} millisecondes.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resolving assembly {0} .",,"Rsolution de l assembly {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} has not adopted transparency.",,"L assembly {0} n a pas adopt l
a transparence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} is using transparency model {1} .",,"L assembly {0} utilise l
e modle de transparence {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using symbol file {0} .",,"Utilisation du fichier de symboles {0} .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification took {0} milliseconds.",,"Dure de la vrification : {0} millisecondes
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error probing for assembly {0} in path {1} : {2}",,"Erreur lors de la dtectio
n de l assembly {0} dans le chemin {1} : {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error probing for symbol file {0} in path {1} : {2}",,"Erreur lors de la dtec
tion du fichier de symboles {0} dans le chemin {1} : {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unifying desktop and CoreCLR mscorlib references together. Make sure that all
assemblies being loaded are desktop assemblies, or all assemblies are CoreCLR as
semblies.",,"Unification des rfrences du bureau et des rfrences CoreCLR mscorlib. Vri
fiez que tous les assemblys chargs sont des assemblys du bureau ou des assemblys
CoreCLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: {0}",,"Avertissement: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"Microsoft .NET Framework Security Transparency Annotator",,"Microsoft .NET Fram
ework Security Transparency Annotator",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Methods decorated with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute have an impl
icit LinkDemand placed upon all of their callers. This LinkDemand requires that
the calling code be security critical. Marking the method which uses SuppressU
nmanagedCodeSecurity as security critical makes this requirement more obvious fo
r callers of the method.",,"Les mthodes dcores avec l attribut SuppressUnmanagedCod
eSecurity ont un LinkDemand implicite plac sur tous les appelants. Ce LinkDemand
requiert que le code appelant soit critique de scurit. Si vous marquez la mthode qu
i utilise SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity comme critique de scurit, cette exigence e
st alors vidente pour les appelants de la mthode.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent code must not use security critical attributes. This includes usin
g security critical constructors, properties, or fields of attributes. Violatio
ns of this rule will result in an exception when code attempts to retrieve the c
ustom attributes from the transparent target.",,"Le code transparent ne peut pas
utiliser d attributs critiques de scurit. Il s agit notamment de constructeurs, d
e proprits ou de champs critiques de scurit d attributs. Toute violation de cette rgl
e gnre une exception lorsque le code tente de rcuprer les attributs personnaliss de l
a cible transparente.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Since P/Invokes may not be called by transparent code, they should not be marke
d as safe-critical methods. Doing so can lead to confusion on the part of devel
opers who may believe that their transparent code should be able to call the P/I
nvoke method since it is marked safe-critical.",,"tant donn que les dclarations P/I
nvoke ne peuvent pas tre appeles par le code transparent, elles ne doivent pas tre
marques en tant que mthodes scurises. Sinon, cela risquerait de prter confusion les d
eloppeurs qui pourraient croire que leur code transparent doit tre en mesure d ap
peler la mthode P/Invoke puisqu elle est marque comme mthode scurise.",,"AppData",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"P/Invoke and COM interop methods with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribu
te result in a LinkDemand being done against the calling method. Since security
transparent code may not satisfy LinkDemands, it may also not call methods with
SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity either on the method itself or on the type contai
ning the method.",,"Les mthodes P/Invoke et COM Interop avec l attribut SuppressU
nmanagedCodeSecurity produisent un LinkDemand effectu sur la mthode appelante. Pui
sque le code transparent de scurit peut ne pas rpondre aux LinkDemands, il est galem
ent possible qu il n appelle pas les mthodes avec SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity df
ini sur la mthode mme ou sur le type contenant la mthode.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If a virtual method has a LinkDemand, in many cases, so should any override of
it, and if an override has a LinkDemand, so should the overridden virtual method
. Because it is possible to call any of the overrides of a virtual method explic
itly, they should all have the same LinkDemand status or, if not, should be revi
ewed. This also applies to LinkDemand security checks for methods that part of a
n interface implementation, because the caller might use an interface-typed refe
rence to access the method.",,"Dans de nombreux cas, si une mthode virtuelle est
dote d un LinkDemand, toute substitution de ce dernier devrait galement en tre dote;
de mme, si une substitution contient un LinkDemand, tel doit tre le cas aussi de l
a mthode virtuelle substitue. Puisqu il est possible d appeler explicitement n imp
orte quelle substitution d une mthode virtuelle, toutes les substitutions doivent
afficher le mme tat ou, sinon, tre vrifies. Ce paramtre vaut galement pour les vrifi
ions de scurit LinkDemand des mthodes intervenant dans l implmentation d une interfa
ce puisque l appelant peut utiliser une rfrence type interface pour accder la mthode.
",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent code cannot refer to security critical methods, types, or fields.
At runtime these references will result in MemberAccessExceptions or TypeLoadExc
eptions.",,"Le code transparent ne peut pas faire rfrence aux mthodes, types ou cha
mps critiques de scurit. Au moment de l excution, ces rfrences rsultent en MemberAcces

sExceptions ou TypeLoadExceptions.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"Security transparent code should not be responsible for verifying the security
of an operation, and therefore should not be protected from partial trust caller
s with LinkDemands.",,"Le code transparent de scurit ne doit pas tre responsable de
la vrification de la scurit d une opration. Par consquent, il ne doit pas tre protg
tre les appelants de confiance partielle avec des LinkDemands.",,"AppData",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The HandleProcessCorruptingExceptions attribute may only be used by security cr
itical methods, and will not be honored if it is applied to a transparent method
.",,"L attribut HandleProcessCorruptingExceptions ne peut tre utilis que par des mt
hodes critiques de scurit, et n est pas honor s il est appliqu une mthode transparent
e.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security transparent code should not be responsible for verifying the security
of an operation, and therefore should not demand permissions. Any code which is
performing security checks, such as security demands, should be safe-critical i
nstead.",,"Le code transparent de scurit ne doit pas tre responsable de la vrificati
on de la scurit d une opration. Par consquent, il ne doit pas demander d autorisatio
ns. Tout code qui effectue des vrifications de scurit, telles que des demandes de sc
urit, devrait plutt tre scuris (safe-critical).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"On CoreCLR, if a base type has a public or protected non-transparent default co
nstructor than the derived type must obey default constructor inheritance rules.
The derived type must also have a default constructor and that constructor mus
t be at least as critical as the base type s default constructor. If the base t
ype s default constructor is safe-critical, the derived type s default construct
or must be safe-critical or critical. If the base type s default constructor is
critical, then the derived type s default constructor must also be critical.",,
"Dans CoreCLR, si un type de base a un constructeur par dfaut non transparent pro
tg ou public, alors le type driv doit se conformer aux rgles d hritage du constructeur
par dfaut. Le type driv doit galement avoir un constructeur par dfaut et ce construc
teur doit tre au moins aussi critique que le constructeur par dfaut du type de bas
e. Si le constructeur par dfaut du type de base est scuris (safe-critical), le cons
tructeur par dfaut du type driv doit tre scuris ou critique. Si le constructeur par df
ut du type de base est critique, alors le constructeur par dfaut du type driv doit
aussi tre critique.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparency visibility must be preserved between overriding methods and the me
thods that are being overridden. If the virtual method being overridden or inte
rface method being implemented is security safe-critical or security transparent
, then the overriding method must also be either security safe-critical or secur
ity transparent. Similarly, if the method being overridden is security critical
, the overriding method must be security critical.",,"La visibilit de la transpar
ence doit tre conserve entre les mthodes de substitution et les mthodes qui sont sub
stitues. Si la mthode virtuelle qui est substitue ou la mthode d interface implmente e
st critique scurise (security safe-critical) ou transparente de scurit, la mthode de
substitution doit galement tre soit critique scurise (security safe-critical) soit t
ransparente de scurit. De mme, si la mthode substitue est critique de scurit, la mtho
de substitution doit tre critique de scurit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent code must be fully verifiable. This rule looks for any use of poin
ter types to check for unverifiable code, however it is not a complete verifier
and PEVerify / transparent must be run on assemblies to ensure that all of their
transparent code is verifiable.",,"Le code transparent doit tre entirement vrifiab
le. Cette rgle recherche toute utilisation de types pointeur pour trouver du code
non vrifiable. Cependant, il ne s agit pas d un vrificateur complet et PEVerify /
transparent doit tre excut sur les assemblys pour s assurer que tout leur code tran
sparent est vrifiable.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assemblies loaded from byte arrays inherit the grant set of the loading assembl
y. Since this means that the loaded assembly may be fully trusted, any calls to
load from byte array from trusted code should be reviewed to ensure that it is

secure. Transparent code is not subjected to the same audit scrutiny as critica
l code, and therefore should not load assemblies from byte arrays.",,"Les assemb
lys chargs depuis les tableaux d octets hritent du jeu accord de l assembly de char
gement. Puisque cela signifie que l assembly charg peut tre de confiance totale, t
ous les appels de chargement depuis un tableau d octets par un code de confiance
doivent tre vrifis, afin de s assurer qu ils sont srs. Le code transparent n est pa
s soumis au mme audit minutieux que le code critique. Par consquent, il ne doit pa
s charger les assemblys depuis des tableaux d octets.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparency attributes are applied from larger scopes inward. For instance, i
f a type is marked as entirely security critical, than all methods introduced by
the type will also be security critical. Members should not have transparency
annotations which conflict with larger scoped annotations, as these smaller scop
ed annotations will be ignored by the CLR and can be misleading during a code re
view. Methods not introduced by their type, such as virtual methods being overr
idden from a base type or interface methods being implemented, do have their ann
otations considered under the level 2 security rule set and are not considered b
y this rule.",,"Les attributs de transparence sont appliqus depuis des portes larg
es vers l intrieur. Par exemple, si un type est marqu comme entirement critique de
scurit, toutes les mthodes introduites par ce type sont galement critiques de scurit.
Les membres ne doivent pas avoir d annotations de transparence en conflit avec d
es annotations de porte plus large, car ces annotations de porte moindre sont igno
res par le CLR et peuvent tre trompeuses lors d une rvision du code. Les annotation
s des mthodes non introduites par leur type, telles que des mthodes virtuelles sub
stitues par des mthodes de type de base ou d interface implmentes, sont considres comm
e appartenant l ensemble de rgles de scurit de niveau 2 et ne sont pas prises en co
mpte par cette rgle.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilers inline accesses to constants, and as such transparency enforcement is
not done for them since there is no runtime access to the field. These fields
should be security transparent so that code reviewers do not assume that transpa
rent code cannot access the constant.",,"Les compilateurs alignent les accs sur l
es constantes, et, par consquent, la mise en application de la transparence n est
pas effectue pour eux car il n existe aucun accs au champ au moment de l excution.
Ces champs devraient tre transparents de scurit afin que les rviseurs du code ne su
pposent pas que le code transparent n a pas accs la constante.",,"AppData",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Satisfying a LinkDemand is a security sensitive operation which can cause unint
entional elevation of privilege. Security transparent code must not satisfy Lin
kDemands, since it is not subject to the same security audit requirements as sec
urity critical code. Transparent methods is security rule set level 1 assemblie
s will cause all LinkDemands they satisfy to be converted to full demands at run
time, which can cause performance problems. In security rule set level 2 assemb
lies, transparent methods will fail to JIT if they attempt to satisfy a LinkDema
nd.",,"Rpondre un LinkDemand est une opration relative la scurit qui peut entraner u
e lvation des privilges accidentelle. Le code transparent de scurit ne doit pas rpondr
e aux LinkDemands, car il n est pas soumis aux mmes exigences d audit de scurit que
le code critique de scurit. Les mthodes transparentes contenues dans les assemblys
de niveau 1 d ensembles de rgles de scurit entranent la conversion de tous les Link
Demands auxquels elles rpondent en demandes compltes au moment de l excution, ce qu
i peut influencer les performances. Dans les assemblys de niveau 2 d ensembles d
e rgles de scurit, le traitement juste--temps des mthodes transparentes choue si celle
s-ci tentent de rpondre un LinkDemand.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Fields which have a critical type cannot be used from transparent code, and sho
uld therefore be marked security critical. This makes it obvious to the users o
f the field that they must also be critical. Additionally, such fields frequent
ly store sensitive information such as a handle value.",,"Les champs qui ont un
type critique ne peuvent pas tre utiliss par le code transparent et doivent par co
nsquent tre marqus comme champs critiques de scurit. Cela indique clairement aux util
isateurs des champs qu ils doivent galement tre critiques. En outre, ces champs st

ockent frquemment des informations sensibles telles qu une valeur de handle.",,"A

ppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate types and the methods that they bind to must have consistent transpare
ncy. Transparent and safe-critical delegates may only bind to other transparent
or safe-critical methods. Similarly, critical delegates may only bind to criti
cal methods. These binding rules ensure that the only code which can invoke a m
ethod via a delegate could have also invoked the same method directly. It preve
nts, for instance, transparent code from calling critical code directly via a tr
ansparent delegate.",,"Les types dlgus et les mthodes qu ils lient doivent avoir une
transparence cohrente. Les dlgus transparents et scuriss (safe-critical) peuvent tre
is uniquement d autres mthodes transparentes et scurises (safe-critical). De mme, les
dlgus critiques peuvent tre lis uniquement des mthodes critiques. Ces rgles de liai
garantissent que seul le code qui peut appeler une mthode via un dlgu peut galement
appeler la mme mthode directement. Cela empche, par exemple, le code transparent d
appeler du code critique directement via un dlgu transparent.",,"AppData",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"While any type may derive from a transparent type or interface, restrictions ap
ply as to the types that can inherit from or implement safe-critical or critical
types. Only safe-critical or critical types may derive from or implement safecritical interfaces and base types. Only critical types may derive from or impl
ement critical interfaces and base types.",,"Alors que n importe quel type peut
driver d un type transparent ou d une interface transparente, les restrictions s
appliquent en fonction des types dont elles peuvent hriter ou implmenter des types
scuriss (safe-critical) ou critiques. Seuls les types scuriss (safe-critical) ou cr
itiques peuvent driver d interfaces scurises (safe-critical) et de types de base, o
u les implmenter. Seuls les types critiques peuvent driver d interfaces critiques
ou de types de base, ou les implmenter.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Transparent code may not use security asserts, since asserting permissions can
result in elevating the effective permissions of the call stack. Transparent co
de which attempts to assert will receive an InvalidOperationException at runtime
.",,"Le code transparent ne peut pas utiliser d assertions de scurit, car les auto
risations d assertion peuvent entraner l lvation des autorisations effectives sur l
a pile d appels. Le code transparent qui tente l assertion reoit une exception In
validOperationException au moment de l excution.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LinkDemands are deprecated in the level 2 security rule set. Instead of using
LinkDemands to enforce JIT time security, SecurityCritical methods, types, and f
ields should be used instead.",,"Les LinkDemands sont dconseills dans l ensemble d
e rgles de scurit de niveau 2. Utilisez des mthodes, types et champs SecurityCritica
l plutt que des LinkDemands pour appliquer la scurit JIT.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type equivalence requires that all participating types, as well as all methods
and fields within those types, are transparent or security safe-critical. The C
LR will fail to load any type which violates this rule.",,"L quivalence des types
ncessite que tous les types participants, ainsi que toutes les mthodes et tous le
s champs de ces types, soient transparents ou critiques scuriss (security safe-cri
tical). Le CLR ne peut pas charger les types qui enfreignent cette rgle.",,"AppDa
ta",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent code may not call native code directly. This rule looks for any tr
ansparent code which calls a method stub (such as a P/Invoke declaration) which
is really a direct call into native code.",,"Le code transparent ne peut pas app
eler du code natif directement. Cette rgle recherche tout code transparent qui ap
pelle un stub de mthode (p. ex. une dclaration P/Invoke) qui est rellement un appel
direct au code natif.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent methods should not be decorated with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecur
ityAttribute",,"Les mthodes transparentes ne doivent pas tre dcores avec SuppressUnm
anagedCodeSecurityAttribute",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods must keep consistent transparency when overriding base methods",,"La tr
ansparence des mthodes doit rester cohrente lors de la substitution de mthodes de b

ase",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Security critical types may not participate in type equivalence",,"Les types cr
itiques de scurit ne peuvent pas participer l quivalence des types",,"AppData",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent methods must not call into native code",,"Les mthodes transparentes
ne doivent pas appeler du code natif",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Default constructors must be at least as critical as base type default construc
tors",,"Les constructeurs par dfaut doivent tre au moins aussi critiques que les c
onstructeurs par dfaut de type de base",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Transparent code must not reference security critical items",,"Le code transpar
ent ne doit pas faire rfrence des lments critiques de scurit",,"AppData",,"All",,".NE
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Level 2 assemblies should not contain LinkDemands",,"Les assemblys de niveau 2
ne doivent pas contenir de LinkDemands",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Transparent methods must not satisfy LinkDemands",,"Les mthodes transparentes ne
rpondent pas aux LinkDemands",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent methods may not use the HandleProcessCorruptingExceptions attribute
",,"Les mthodes transparentes ne peuvent pas utiliser l attribut HandleProcessCor
ruptingExceptions",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fields with critical types should be security critical.",,"Les champs avec des
types critiques doivent tre des champs critiques de scurit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent methods should not use security demands",,"Les mthodes transparentes
ne doivent pas utiliser de demandes de scurit",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent methods must contain only verifiable IL",,"Les mthodes transparentes
doivent contenir uniquement des IL vrifiables",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent code may not use security critical attributes",,"Le code transparen
t ne peut pas utiliser d attributs critiques de scurit",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent code may not use security asserts",,"Le code transparent ne peut pa
s utiliser d assertions de scurit",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Override link demands should be identical to base",,"Les demandes de liaison de
substitution doivent tre identiques au composant de base",,"AppData",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Types must be at least as critical as their base types and interfaces",,"Les ty
pes doivent tre au moins aussi critiques que les types de base et les interfaces"
,,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent code should not load assemblies from byte arrays",,"Le code transpa
rent ne doit pas charger d assemblys depuis des tableaux d octets",,"AppData",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members should not have conflicting transparency annotations",,"Les membres ne
doivent pas avoir d annotations de transparence conflictuelles",,"AppData",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegates must bind to methods with consistent transparency",,"Les dlgus doivent l
ier les mthodes avec une transparence cohrente",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent methods must not call methods with the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurit
y attribute",,"Les mthodes transparentes ne doivent pas appeler les mthodes ayant
l attribut SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"P/Invoke declarations should not be safe-critical.",,"Les dclarations P/Invoke n
e doivent pas tre scurises.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security critical constants should be transparent",,"Les constantes critiques d
e scurit doivent tre transparentes",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"Transparent code should not be protected with LinkDemands",,"Le code transparen
t ne doit pas tre protg avec des LinkDemands",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security demand for {
1}. {0} should be made security-safe critical or the demand should be removed f
rom the transparent code.",,"{0}, type transparent ou mthode transparente, contie
nt une demande de scurit dclarative pour {1}. {0} doit tre critique scuris (security s
afe-critical) ou la demande doit tre supprime du code transparent.",,"AppData",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} is protected with a LinkDemand for {1}. Remove this Lin
kDemand, or make the method security critical or safe-critical.",,"La mthode tran
sparente {0} est protge avec un LinkDemand pour {1}. Supprimez ce LinkDemand, ou r
endez la mthode critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical).",,"A
ppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a security transparent member, is marked with a safe-critical annotation.
This annotation should be removed.",,"{0}, membre transparent de scurit, est marq
u avec une annotation scurise (safe-critical). Cette annotation doit tre supprime.",,
"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a security safe-critical member, is marked with a critical annotation. Th
is annotation should be removed.",,"{0}, membre critique scuris (security safe-cri
tical), est marqu avec une annotation critique. Cette annotation doit tre supprime.
",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is protected with a LinkDemand for {1}. In the level 2 security rule set,
it should be protected by being security critical instead. Remove the LinkDeman
d and mark {0} security critical.",,"{0} est protg avec un LinkDemand pour {1}. Da
ns l ensemble de rgles de scurit de niveau 2, il devrait plutt tre protg en tant crit
e de scurit. Supprimez le LinkDemand et marquez {0} comme critique de scurit.",,"App
Data",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent or safe critical method {0} is overriding critical method {1} in vi
olation of method override rules. {0} must become security critical in order to
override a critical virtual method or implement a critical interface method.",,
"La mthode transparente ou scurise (safe critical) {0} substitue la mthode critique
{1}, ce qui enfreint les rgles de substitution de mthodes. {0} doit tre critique de
scurit afin de substituer une mthode virtuelle critique ou d implmenter une mthode d
interface critique.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} calls {1} to load an assembly from a byte array. This m
ethod should be marked security critical or safe-critical if it wishes to load a
ssemblies from byte arrays.",,"La mthode transparente {0} appelle {1} pour charge
r un assembly depuis un tableau d octets. Cette mthode doit tre marque comme tant cr
itique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical) si elle souhaite charg
er des assemblys depuis des tableaux d octets.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} binds a transparent or safe-critical delegate of type {1} to critical metho
d {2} in violation of secure delegate binding rules. {1} should be made critica
l or {2} should be made transparent or safe-critical in order to allow this dele
gate binding to succeed.",,"{0} lie un dlgu transparent ou scuris (safe-critical) de
type {1} la mthode critique {2}, ce qui enfreint les rgles de liaison de dlgus scuris
. {1} doit tre critique ou {2} doit tre transparente ou scurise (safe-critical) afin
que cette liaison de dlgus puisse russir.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} is a member of security critical type {1}. Since this m
ethod will not have access to its own instance reference due to transparency rul
es, this method must either become static, security critical or security safe-cr
itical. Alternately, the type containing the method could become security tran
sparent or security safe-critical.",,"La mthode transparente {0} est membre du ty
pe critique de scurit {1}. tant donn que cette mthode n a pas accs sa propre rfrenc
nstance en raison des rgles de transparence, elle doit soit tre statique, critique
de scurit ou critique scurise. Il est galement possible de marquer le type contenant
la mthode comme tant transparent de scurit ou critique scuris.",,"AppData",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Field {0} is transparent or safe-critical but has security critical type {1}.
This field should be marked security critical.",,"Le champ {0} est transparent o
u scuris mais a un type critique scuris {1}. Ce champ doit tre marqu comme champ criti
que de scurit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} contains unverifiable code. Mark this method security c
ritical or safe-critical, or remove the unverifiable code from the method.",,"La
mthode transparente {0} contient du code non vrifiable. Marquez cette mthode comme
critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical), ou supprimez le co
de non vrifiable de la mthode.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security transparent method {0} satisfies a LinkDemand for {2} on method {1}.
{0} should become critical or safe-critical in order to call {1}.",,"La mthode tr
ansparente de scurit {0} rpond un LinkDemand pour {2} sur la mthode {1}. {0} doit tre
critique ou scurise (safe-critical) afin d appeler {1}.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a transparent method, contains a security demand. {0} should be made secu
rity safe-critical, or the demand should be removed from the transparent code.",
,"{0}, mthode transparente, contient une demande de scurit. {0} doit tre critique scu
rise (security safe-critical) ou la demande doit tre supprime du code transparent."
,,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a transparent type or method, contains a declarative security assert for {
1}. {0} should be made security critical or security safe-critical, or the asse
rt should be removed from the transparent code.",,"{0}, type transparent ou mthod
e transparente, contient une assertion de scurit dclarative pour {1}. {0} doit tre c
ritique de scurit ou critique scuris (security safe-critical), ou l assertion doit tr
e supprime du code transparent.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Transparent method {0} handles security critical exception type {1}. In order
for this exception handler to be allowed under the security transparency rules,
either {0} must become security critical or safe-critical, or {1} become securit
y safe-critical or transparent.",,"La mthode transparente {0} gre le type d except
ion critique de scurit {1}. Pour que ce gestionnaire d exceptions soit autoris selo
n les rgles de transparence de scurit, soit {0} doit tre critique de scurit ou critiqu
e scurise (security safe-critical), soit {1} doit tre critique scuris (security safecritical) ou transparent de scurit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"{0}, a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute field {1}.
Mark this target as security critical or security safe-critical, or remove the
attribute from the target.",,"{0}, un membre transparent de scurit, utilise le cha
mp d attribut critique de scurit {1}. Marquez cette cible comme tant critique de scu
rit ou critique scurise (security-safe-critical), ou supprimez l attribut de la cib
le.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a security transparent method, calls {1} which is decorated with the Suppr
essUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute. Remove the attribute from {1}, or mark {0}
security critical or safe-critical in order to allow this call to succeed.",,"{0
}, mthode transparente de scurit, appelle {1}, dcor avec l attribut SuppressUnmanaged
CodeSecurity. Supprimez l attribut de {1}, ou marquez {0} comme tant critique de
scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical) pour que cet appel puisse russir.
",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a security transparent member, is marked with a treat as safe annotation.
This annotation should be removed.",,""{0}, membre transparent de scurit, est mar
qu avec une annotation ""traite comme scurise"" (treat as safe). Cette annotation do
it tre supprime."",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} returns security critical type {1}. In order for this r
eturn type to be allowed under the security transparency rules, either {0} must
become security critical or safe-critical, or {1} must become security safe-crit
ical or transparent.",,"La mthode transparente {0} retourne le type critique de sc
urit {1}. Pour que ce type de retour soit autoris selon les rgles de transparence d
e scurit, soit {0} doit tre critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-crit
cal), soit {1} doit tre critique scuris (security safe-critical) ou transparent de

scurit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Critical method {0} is overriding transparent or safe critical method {1} in vi
olation of method override rules. {0} must become transparent or safe-critical
in order to override a transparent or safe-critical virtual method or implement
a transparent or safe-critical interface method.",,"La mthode critique {0} substi
tue la mthode transparente ou scurise (safe critical) {1}, ce qui enfreint les rgles
de substitution de mthodes. {0} doit tre transparente ou scurise (safe-critical) af
in de substituer une rgle virtuelle transparente ou scurise (safe-critical) ou d im
plmenter une mthode d interface transparente ou scurise (safe-critical).",,"AppData"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent or safe-critical type {0} derives from critical type {1} in violati
on of the transparency inheritance rules. {0} must be critical to derive from a
critical type or implement a critical interface.",,"Le type transparent ou scuri
s (safe-critical) {0} drive du type critique {1}, ce qui enfreint les rgles d hritag
e de transparence. {0} doit tre critique pour driver d un type critique ou implment
er une interface critique.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is a critical method contained in a type which is participating in type equ
ivalence. In order to allow type {1} to participate in equivalence, {0} must be
come security transparent or safe-critical.",,"{0} est une mthode critique conten
ue dans un type qui participe l quivalence des types. Afin de permettre au type {
1} de participer l quivalence, {0} doit devenir transparente de scurit ou critique
scurise (security safe-critical).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"{0} binds a critical delegate of type {1} to transparent or safe-critical metho
d {2} in violation of secure delegate binding rules. {1} should be made transpa
rent or {2} should be made critical in order to allow this delegate binding to s
ucceed.",,"{0} lie un dlgu critique de type {1} la mthode transparente ou scurise (sa
e-critical) {2}, ce qui enfreint les rgles de liaison de dlgus scurises. {1} doit tre
ransparent ou {2} doit tre critique afin que cette liaison de dlgus puisse russir.",,
"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The LinkDemands on override {0} do not exactly match the following LinkDemands
on base method {1}: {2}. Add, remove, or modify LinkDemands where required.",,"L
es LinkDemands de la substitution {0} ne correspondent pas exactement aux LinkDe
mands suivants dans la mthode de base {1}: {2}. Ajoutez, supprimez ou modifiez les
LinkDemands aux endroits ncessaires.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"{0}, a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute property {
1}. Mark this target as security critical or security safe-critical, or remove t
he attribute from the target.",,"{0}, un membre transparent de scurit, utilise la
proprit d attribut critique de scurit {1}. Marquez cette cible comme tant critique de
scurit ou critique scurise (security-safe-critical), ou supprimez l attribut de la
cible.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a security critical member, is marked with a treat as safe annotation. Th
is annotation should be removed.",,""{0}, membre critique de scurit, est marqu avec
une annotation ""traite comme scurise"" (treat as safe). Cette annotation doit tre
supprime."",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Override {0} has the following LinkDemand that is not present on base method {1
}: {2}. If possible, apply the same LinkDemand to the base method. Otherwise, re
place it with a full Demand or remove it entirely.",,"La substitution {0} dispos
e du LinkDemand suivant non prsent dans la mthode de base {1}: {2}. Si possible, ap
pliquez le mme LinkDemand la mthode de base. Sinon, remplacez-le par un Demand com
plet ou supprimez-le entirement.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Add the following security attribute to {0} in order to match a LinkDemand on b
ase method {1}: {2}.",,"Ajoutez l attribut de scurit suivant {0} afin de faire co
rrespondre un LinkDemand dans la mthode de base {1}: {2}.",,"AppData",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent type {0} derives from safe-critical type {1} in violation of the tr
ansparency inheritance rules. {0} must be safe-critical or critical to derive f
rom a safe-critical type or implement a safe-critical interface.",,"Le type tran

sparent {0} drive du type scuris (safe-critical) {1}, ce qui enfreint les rgles d hri
tage de transparence. {0} doit tre scuris (safe-critical) ou critique pour driver d
un type scuris (safe-critical) ou implmenter une interface scurise (safe-critical).",
,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} derives from {1} but does not have a default constructor. {1} needs to add
a default constructor to obey the security inheritance rules on CoreCLR.",,"{0}
drive de {1} mais n a pas de constructeur par dfaut. {1} doit ajouter un construc
teur par dfaut pour tre conforme aux rgles d hritage de scurit dans CoreCLR.",,"AppDat
a",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security transparent method {0} calls {1} which is in non-APTCA assembly {2}.
Non-APTCA assemblies have implicit LinkDemands on their public surface area, and
cannot be called by transparent methods.",,"La mthode transparente de scurit {0} a
ppelle {1}, qui est un assembly non APTCA {2}. Les assemblys non APTCA ont des L
inkDemands implicites dans leur surface publique et ne peuvent pas tre appels par
les mthodes transparentes.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} derives from {1} which has a critical default constructor while {0} has a t
ransparent or safe-critical default constructor. Change the default constructor
of {0} to be critical in order to allow this inheritance relationship to succee
d.",,"{0} drive de {1} qui a un constructeur par dfaut critique alors que {0} a un
constructeur par dfaut transparent ou scuris (safe-critical). Changez le construct
eur par dfaut de {0} pour qu il soit critique afin que cette relation d hritage pu
isse russir.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} has a local variable {1} of security critical type {2}.
In order for this local variable to be allowed under the security transparency
rules, either {0} must become security critical or safe-critical, or {2} must be
come security safe-critical or transparent.",,"La mthode transparente {0} a une v
ariable locale {1} de type critique de scurit {2}. Pour que cette variable locale
soit autorise selon les rgles de transparence de scurit, soit {0} doit tre critique d
e scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical), soit {2} doit tre critique scur
is (security safe-critical) ou transparent de scurit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a security transparent member, uses security critical attribute constructo
r {1}. Mark this target as security critical or security safe-critical, or remov
e the attribute from the target.",,"{0}, un membre transparent de scurit, utilise
le constructeur d attribut critique de scurit {1}. Marquez cette cible comme tant c
ritique de scurit ou critique scurise (security-safe-critical), ou supprimez l attri
but de la cible.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent or safe-critical method {0} uses the SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityA
ttribute, either directly on the method or on the containing type. Remove the S
uppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity attribute or mark the method as security critical."
,,"La mthode transparente ou scurise (safe-critical) {0} utilise SuppressUnmanagedC
odeSecurityAttribute, soit directement sur la mthode soit sur le type conteneur.
Supprimez l attribut SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurity ou marquez la mthode comme cri
tique de scurit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is a critical type which also participates in type equivalence. In order t
o successfully use type equivalence, {0} must become security transparent or saf
e-critical.",,"{0} est un type critique qui participe galement dans l quivalence d
es types. Afin d utiliser efficacement l quivalence des types, {0} doit devenir t
ransparent de scurit ou critique scuris (security safe-critical).",,"AppData",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is a literal field which is SecurityCritical; it should be transparent inst
ead.",,"{0} est un champ littral SecurityCritical; il devrait tre transparent.",,"A
ppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security transparent method {0} satisfies a LinkDemand for {3} on type {1} when
calling method {2}. {0} should become critical or safe-critical in order to ca
ll {2}.",,"La mthode transparente de scurit {0} rpond un LinkDemand pour {3} sur le
type {1} lors de l appel de la mthode {2}. {0} doit tre critique ou scurise (safe-cr
itical) afin d appeler {2}.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} returns a byref type. Change the return type of this me
thod, or mark it security critical or safe-critical.",,"La mthode transparente {0

} retourne un type byref. Changez le type de retour de cette mthode, ou marquez-l

a comme critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical).",,"AppData"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} derives from {1} which has a safe-critical default constructor while {0} ha
s a transparent default constructor. Change the default constructor of {0} to b
e safe-critical or critical in order to allow this inheritance relationship to s
ucceed.",,"{0} drive de {1} qui a un constructeur par dfaut scuris (safe-critical) a
lors que {0} a un constructeur par dfaut transparent. Changez le constructeur par
dfaut de {0} pour qu il soit scuris (safe-critical) ou critique afin que cette rel
ation d hritage puisse russir.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a transparent method, uses the HandleProcessCorruptingExceptionsAttribute.
In order to handle process corrupting exceptions, this method must become secu
rity critical or security safe-critical.",,"{0}, mthode transparente, utilise Han
dleProcessCorruptingExceptionsAttribute. Afin de grer les exceptions d endommagem
ent des processus, cette mthode doit tre critique de scurit ou critique scurise (secur
ity safe-critical).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a transparent method, contains a security assert for {1}. {0} should be m
ade security critical or security safe-critical, or the assert should be removed
from the transparent code.",,"{0}, mthode transparente, contient une assertion d
e scurit pour {1}. {0} doit tre critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security saferitical), ou l assertion doit tre supprime du code transparent.",,"AppData",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} calls {1} which is a P/Invoke method. Mark this method
as security-critical or remove the call to the P/Invoke method.",,"La mthode tran
sparente {0} appelle {1} qui est une mthode P/Invoke. Marquez cette mthode comme ta
nt critique de scurit ou supprimez l appel de la mthode P/Invoke.",,"AppData",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a transparent method, contains a security assert. {0} should be made secu
rity critical or security safe-critical, or the assert should be removed from th
e transparent code.",,"{0}, mthode transparente, contient une assertion de scurit.
{0} doit tre critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical), ou l as
sertion doit tre supprime du code transparent.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} references security critical method {1}. In order for t
his reference to be allowed under the security transparency rules, either {0} mu
st become security critical or safe-critical, or {1} become security safe-critic
al or transparent.",,"La mthode transparente {0} fait rfrence la mthode critique de
scurit {1}. Pour que cette rfrence soit autorise selon les rgles de transparence de sc
rit, soit {0} doit tre critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical)
, soit {1} doit tre critique scurise (security safe-critical) ou transparente de scu
rit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} references security critical field {1}. In order for th
is reference to be allowed under the security transparency rules, either {0} mus
t become security critical or safe-critical, or {1} become security safe-critica
l or transparent.",,"La mthode transparente {0} fait rfrence au champ critique de sc
urit {1}. Pour que cette rfrence soit autorise selon les rgles de transparence de scur
it, soit {0} doit tre critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical),
soit {1} doit tre critique scuris (security safe-critical) ou transparent de scurit.
",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} has generic parameter {1} with security critical constra
int {2}. In order for this generic parameter to be allowed under the security t
ransparency rules, either {0} must become security critical or safe-critical, or
{2} become security safe-critical or transparent.",,"La mthode transparente {0}
a le paramtre gnrique {1} avec la contrainte critique de scurit {2}. Pour que ce para
mtre gnrique soit autoris selon les rgles de transparence de scurit, soit {0} doit tr
ritique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical), soit {2} doit tre cri
tique scurise (security safe-critical) ou transparente de scurit.",,"AppData",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The LinkDemands on override {0} do not exactly match the LinkDemands on base me
thod {1}. Add, remove, or modify LinkDemands where required.",,"Les LinkDemands

de la substitution {0} ne correspondent pas exactement aux LinkDemands dans la mt

hode de base {1}. Ajoutez, supprimez ou modifiez les LinkDemands aux endroits nce
ssaires.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} references security critical type {1}. In order for thi
s reference to be allowed under the security transparency rules, either {0} must
become security critical or safe-critical, or {1} become security safe-critical
or transparent.",,"La mthode transparente {0} fait rfrence au type critique de scur
it {1}. Pour que cette rfrence soit autorise selon les rgles de transparence de scurit
soit {0} doit tre critique de scurit ou critique scurise (security safe-critical), s
oit {1} doit tre critique scuris (security safe-critical) ou transparent de scurit.",
,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a transparent method, contains a security demand for {1}. {0} should be m
ade security safe-critical, or the demand should be removed from the transparent
code.",,"{0}, mthode transparente, contient une demande de scurit pour {1}. {0} do
it tre critique scurise (security safe-critical) ou la demande doit tre supprime du c
ode transparent.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"P/Invoke method {0} is marked safe-critical. Since P/Invokes may only be calle
d by critical code, this declaration should either be marked as security critica
l, or have its annotation removed entirely to avoid being misleading.",,"La mthod
e P/Invoke {0} est marque comme mthode scurise. Les lments P/Invoke ne pouvant tre app
ls que par le code critique, vous devez soit marquer cette dclaration comme tant cr
itique de scurit, soit supprimer compltement son annotation pour viter toute confusi
on.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is a critical field contained in a type which is participating in type equi
valence. In order to allow type {1} to participate in equivalence, {0} must bec
ome security transparent or safe-critical.",,"{0} est un champ critique contenu
dans un type qui participe l quivalence des types. Afin de permettre au type {1}
de participer l quivalence, {0} doit devenir transparent de scurit ou critique scuri
s (security safe-critical).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transparent method {0} has parameter {1} of security critical type {2}. In ord
er for this parameter to be allowed under the security transparency rules, eithe
r {0} must become security critical or safe-critical, or {2} must become securit
y safe-critical or transparent.",,"La mthode transparente {0} a le paramtre {1} de
type critique de scurit {2}. Pour que ce paramtre soit autoris selon les rgles de tr
ansparence de scurit, soit {0} doit tre critique de scurit ou critique scurise (securi
y safe-critical), soit {2} doit tre critique scuris (security safe-critical) ou tra
nsparent de scurit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a security critical member, is marked with a safe-critical annotation. Th
is annotation should be removed.",,"{0}, membre critique de scurit, est marqu avec
une annotation scurise (safe-critical). Cette annotation doit tre supprime.",,"AppDa
ta",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, a security transparent member, is marked with a critical annotation. This
annotation should be removed.",,"{0}, membre transparent de scurit, est marqu avec
une annotation critique. Cette annotation doit tre supprime.",,"AppData",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security Transparency Rules",,"Rgles de transparence de la scurit",,"AppData",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997570(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997570(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997567(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997567(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997443(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997443(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997445(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997445(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997568(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997568(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997447(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997447(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@bb264475(VS.100).aspx",,"@bb264475(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram

ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@bb264493(VS.100).aspx",,"@bb264493(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997446(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997446(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997566(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997566(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997569(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997569(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@ms182305(VS.100).aspx",,"@ms182305(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997711(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997711(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997565(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997565(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd983956(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd983956(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997564(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997564(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd983954(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd983954(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@dd997710(VS.100).aspx",,"@dd997710(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@ee155709(VS.100).aspx",,"@ee155709(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@bb264482(VS.100).aspx",,"@bb264482(VS.100).aspx",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework Security Transparency FxCop Rules",,"Rgles FxCop de tra
nsparence de la scurit Microsoft .NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All users",,"Tous les utilisateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Assembly %s successfully re-signed",,"L assembly %s a t correctement resign",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %s is valid",,"L assembly %s est valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key containers are machine based",,"Les conteneurs de cls sont bass sur l ordinat
eur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key containers are user based",,"Les conteneurs de cls sont bass sur l utilisateu
r",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Container %s deleted",,"Le conteneur %s a t supprim",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default CSP reset",,"Rinitialisation du CSP par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default CSP set to %s ",,"CSP par dfaut dfini sur %s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assemblies differ by more than their signatures",,"Les assemblys ne diffrent pas
seulement par leurs signatures",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assemblies are identical (including signatures)",,"Les assemblys sont identique
s (y compris leurs signatures)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assemblies differ only by their signatures",,"Les assemblys diffrent seulement p
ar leurs signatures",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%s was empty",,"%s tait vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to allocate buffer",,"chec de l allocation de la mmoire tampon",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to empty clipboard -- %s",,"chec du vidage du Presse-papiers -- %s",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to open clipboard -- %s",,"chec de l ouverture du Presse-papiers -- %s",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to write to clipboard -- %s",,"chec de l criture dans le Presse-papiers --

%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Failed to compare assemblies -- %s",,"chec de la comparaison des assemblys -- %s
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to initialize COM -- %s",,"chec de l initialisation COM -- %s",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to convert key to token -- %s",,"chec de la conversion de la cl en jeton - %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create %s -- %s",,"chec de la cration de %s -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to delete container %s -- %s",,"chec de la suppression du conteneur %s
-- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to extract public key from key pair -- %s",,"chec de l extraction de la c
l publique de la paire de cls -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Failed to install key pair -- %s",,"chec de l installation de la paire de cls -%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to generate a strong name key pair -- %s",,"chec de la gnration d une paire
de cls de nom fort -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to access metadata API -- %s",,"chec de l accs l API de mtadonnes -- %s",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to locate assembly metadata in %s -- %s",,"chec de la dtection des mtadonnes
de l assembly dans %s -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to open metadata scope on %s -- %s",,"chec de l ouverture de la porte des
mtadonnes sur %s -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to read %s -- %s",,"chec de la lecture de %s -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to read token from assembly -- %s",,"chec de la lecture du jeton dans l a
ssembly -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to delete registry value -- %s",,"chec de la suppression de la valeur de
Registre -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to delete registry key -- %s",,"chec de la suppression de la cl de Registr
e -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to delete registry key for %s -- %s",,"chec de la suppression de la cl de
Registre de %s -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to open registry key -- %s",,"chec de l ouverture de la cl de Registre -%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to read registry -- %s",,"chec de la lecture du Registre -- %s",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to write registry value -- %s",,"chec de l criture de la valeur de Registr
e -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to re-sign the assembly -- %s",,"chec de la resignature de l assembly -%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to read strong name from %s -- %s",,"chec de la lecture du nom fort de %s
-- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to verify assembly -- %s",,"chec de la vrification de l assembly -- %s",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal error: unknown comparison type %u",,"Erreur interne: type de comparaiso
n inconnu %u",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option %s",,"Option non valide %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Invalid *,<strong name> assembly name format",,"* non valide, format de nom d a
ssembly de <nom fort>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid -V option, %s",,"Option -V non valide, %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key pair installed into %s ",,"Paire de cls installe dans %s ",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key pair written to %s",,"Paire de cls crite dans %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%s does not represent a strongly named assembly",,"%s ne reprsente pas un assemb
ly de nom fort",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"No verification entries registered",,"Aucune entre de vrification n a t enregistre",

,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Options:",," Options:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option -%s takes between %u and %u arguments",,"L option -%s prend entre %u et
%u arguments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Set/reset the name of the CSP to use for MSCORSN operations.",,"
nitialise le nom du CSP utiliser pour les oprations MSCORSN.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -d <container>",," -d <conteneur>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
Delete key container named <container>.",,"
Supprime la cl de conteneur n
omme <conteneur>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -e <assembly> <outfile>",," -e <assembly> <fichier_sortie>",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Extract public key from <assembly> into <outfile>.",,"
Extrait la cl publ
ique de <assembly> dans <fichier_sortie>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
Displays this help text.",,"
Affiche ce texte d aide.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -i <infile> <container>",," -i <fichier_entree> <conteneur>",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Install key pair from <infile> into a key container named <container>.",,"
Installe la paire de cls de <fichier_entree> dans un conteneur de cls nomm <cont
eneur>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -k [<keysize>] <outfile>",," -k [<taille_cle>] <fichier_sortie>",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Generate a new key pair of the specified size and write it into <outfile>."
Gnre une nouvelle paire de cls de la taille spcifie et l crit dans <fichier_sor
tie>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Enable (y), disable (n) or check (no parameter) whether key containers",,"
Active (y), dsactive (n) ou vrifie (aucun paramtre) si les cls de conteneur",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
are machine specific (rather than user specific).",,"
sont spcifiques l o
rdinateur (plutt qu l utilisateur).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Option -%s takes no arguments",,"L option -%s ne prend aucun argument",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option -%s takes %u arguments",,"L option -%s prend %u arguments",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option -%s takes 1 argument",,"L option -%s prend 1 argument",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -o <infile> [<outfile>]",," -o <fichier_entree> [<fichier_sortie>]",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Convert public key in <infile> to text file <outfile> with comma separated\
list of decimal byte values.",,"
Convertit la cl publique situe dans <fich
ier_entree> en fichier texte <fichier_sortie> avec une liste de valeurs d octets
spares par des virgules.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
If <outfile> is omitted, text is copied to clipboard instead.",,"
Si <fi
chier_sortie> est omis, le texte est copi dans le Presse-papiers la place.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -pc <container> <outfile> [<hashalg>]",," -pc <conteneur> <fichier_sortie> [
<algo_hach>]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Extract public key from key pair in <container> and export to <outfile>,\n
embedding the specified hash algorithm (%s).",,"
Extrait la cl publique de
la paire de cls situe dans <conteneur> et l exporte dans <fichier_sortie>,\n en
incorporant l algorithme de hachage spcifi (%s).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -p <infile> <outfile> [<hashalg>]",," -p <fichier_entree> <fichier_sortie> [
<algo_hach>]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

Extract public key from key pair in <infile> and export to <outfile>,\n
embedding the specified hash algorithm (%s).",,"
Extrait la cl publique de la
paire de cls situe dans <fichier_entree> et l exporte dans <fichier_sortie>,\n e
n incorporant l algorithme de hachage spcifi (%s).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Quiet mode. This option must be first on the command line and will suppress
any output other than error messages.",,"
Mode silencieux. Cette option
doit tre la premire sur la ligne de commande et supprime\n
toute sortie autre
que les messages d erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -t[p] <infile>",," -t[p] <fichier_entree>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
Display token for public key in <infile> (together with the public key\n
itself if -tp is used).",,"
Affiche le jeton pour la cl publique situe dans <f
ichier_entree> (avec la cl publique\n proprement dite si -tp est utilis).",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -D <assembly1> <assembly2>",," -D <assembly1> <assembly2>",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Verify <assembly1> and <assembly2> differ only by signature.",,"
Vrifie q
ue <assembly1> et <assembly2> diffrent uniquement par leurs signatures.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -Rc[a] <assembly> <container> [-ecma]",," -Rc[a] <assembly> <conteneur> [-ec
ma]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Re-sign signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in the key\n
container named <container>.",,"
Resigne l assembly sign ou partiellement s
ign avec la paire de cls\n
situe dans le conteneur de cls nomm <conteneur>.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
If -Rca is used, hashes are recomputed for all files in the assembly.",,"
Si -Rca est utilis, les hachages sont recalculs pour tous les fichiers de l asse
mbly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -R[a] <assembly> <infile> [-ecma]",," -R[a] <assembly> <fichier_entree> [-ec
ma]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Re-sign signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in <infile>."
Resigne l assembly sign ou partiellement sign avec la paire de cls situe dans
<fichier_entree>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -T[p] <assembly>",," -T[p] <assembly>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
Display token for public key of <assembly> (together with the public key\n
itself if -Tp is used).",,"
Affiche le jeton pour la cl publique de <assemb
ly> (avec la cl publique\n
proprement dite si -Tp est utilis).",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -v[f] <assembly> [{-ecmakey <keyfile> | -ecmacontainer <container>}]",," -v[
f] <assembly> [{-ecmakey <fichier_cle> | -ecmacontainer <conteneur>}]",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Verify <assembly> for strong name signature self consistency. If -vf is\n
specified, force verification even if disabled in the registry.",,"
Vrifie l
a cohrence de la signature de nom fort de <assembly>. Si -vf est\n
spcifi, force
la vrification mme si elle dsactive dans le Registre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
If -ecmakey is specified, keyfile is treated as the real ECMA key.",,"
i -ecmakey est spcifi, fichier_cle est trait comme la cl ECMA relle.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
List current settings for strong name verification on this machine.",,"
Rpertorie les paramtres actuels pour la vrification de nom fort sur cet ordinateur.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -Vr <assembly> [<userlist>] [<infile>]",," -Vr <assembly> [<liste_utilisateu
rs>] [<fichier_entree>]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Register <assembly> for verification skipping (with an optional, comma\n
separated list of usernames for which this will take effect and an\n optional t
est public key in <infile>).\n <assembly>
can be specified as * to indicate a
ll assemblies or *,<public key token> to\n
indicate that all assemblies with

the given public key token. Public key\n

tokens should be specified as a stri
ng of hex digits.",,"
Enregistre <assembly> pour que sa vrification soit ignore
(avec une liste facultative\n
des noms d utilisateurs concerns, spars par des v
irgules, et une\n cl publique de test facultative dans <fichier_entree>).\n <asse
peut tre spcifi en tant que * pour indiquer tous les assemblys ou en tant
que *,<jeton_cle_publique> pour\n
indiquer tous les assemblys avec le jeton d
e cl publique spcifi. Les jetons\n
de cl publique doivent tre spcifis sous la forme
d une chane de chiffres hexadcimaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" -Vu <assembly>",," -Vu <assembly>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
Unregister <assembly> for verification skipping. The same rules for\n
ssembly> naming are followed as for -Vr.",,"
Supprime l inscription de <assem
bly> pour l omission de la vrification. Les rgles d affectation de nom suivies pou
<assembly> sont les mmes que pour -Vr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
Remove all verification skipping entries.",,"
Supprime toutes les entres
concernes par l omission de la vrification.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"<out of memory>",,"<memoire_insuffisante>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Public key (hash algorithm: %s):\n%s",,"Cl publique (algorithme de hachage: %s):\n
%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public key token is %s",,"Le jeton de cl publique est %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public key extracted to %s",,"Cl publique extraite dans %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public key written to %s",,"Cl publique crite dans %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public key written to clipboard as CSV",,"Cl publique crite dans le Presse-papier
s au format CSV",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public key written to %s as CSV",,"Cl publique crite dans %s au format CSV",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification entry added for assembly %s ",,"Entre de vrification ajoute pour l a
ssembly %s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification entries for all assemblies unregistered",,"Entres de vrification pou
r tous les assemblys dsenregistres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification entry for assembly %s unregistered",,"Entre de vrification pour l
assembly %s dsenregistre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly/Strong Name
Users",,"Assembly/Nom fort
Utilisateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Test public key is",,"La cl publique de test est",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Strong Name Utility Version %s",,"Microsoft (R) .
NET Framework Strong Name Utility Version %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: sn [-q|-quiet] <option> [<parameters>]",,"Utilisation: sn [-q|-quiet] <op
tion> [<parametres>]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error code: ",,"Code d erreur: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one option (excluding -q) may be passed to SN at a time",,"Une seule optio
n la fois ( l exception de -q) peut tre passe SN",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
If -Ra is used, hashes are recomputed for all files in the assembly.",,"
Si -Ra est utilis, les hachages sont recalculs pour tous les fichiers de l assemb
ly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
If -ecma is used, container is treated as the real key for ECMA signing.",,
Si -ecma est utilis, le conteneur est trait comme la cl relle pour la signature
ECMA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"%s is a delay-signed or test-signed assembly",,"%s est un assembly signature di

ffre ou dont le test de signature a t effectu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Key pair does not match public key from assembly -- %s",,"La paire de cls ne cor
respond pas la cl publique de l assembly -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enter the password for the PKCS#12 key file: ",,"Entrez le mot de passe du fich
ier de cl PKCS#12: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to parse the PKCS#12 blob in %s -- %s",,"chec de l analyse de l objet blo
b PKCS#12 dans %s -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported PKCS#12 blob -- the file %s contains multiple certificates with ass
ociated private keys.",,"Objet blob PKCS#12 non pris en charge -- le fichier %s
contient plusieurs certificats avec des cls prives associes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to re-hash the linked modules to assembly -- %s",,"chec du nouveau hachag
e des modules lis l assembly -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Linked modules to assembly %s successfully re-hashed",,"Le nouveau hachage de
s modules lis l assembly %s a russi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" -Rh <assembly>",," -Rh <assembly>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
Re-compute hashes for all files in the assembly.",,"
Recalcule les hacha
ges pour tous les fichiers de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %s successfully test-signed",,"Le test de signature de l assembly %
s a russi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to test-sign the assembly -- %s",,"chec du test de signature de l assembl
y -- %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -TS <assembly> <infile>",," -TS <assembly> <fichier_entree>",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Test-sign signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in \n
Assembly partiellement sign ou dont le test de signature a t effectu
avec la paire de cls dans \n
<fichier_entree>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -TSc <assembly> <container>",," -TSc <assembly> <conteneur>",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Test-sign signed or partially signed assembly with the key pair in the key\
container named <container>.",,"
Assembly partiellement sign ou dont le t
est de signature a t effectu avec la paire de cls\n
dans le conteneur de cls nomm <
conteneur>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The public key supplied for test signing is invalid",,"La cl publique fournie po
ur le test de signature n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"A fully-signed strongly named assembly cannot be test-signed.",,"Un assembly co
mpltement sign portant un nom fort ne peut pas avoir subi un test de signature.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
If -ecma is used, infile is treated as the real key for ECMA signing.",,"
Si -ecma est utilis, fichier_entree est trait comme la cl relle pour la signature
ECMA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
If -ecmacontainer is specified, container is treated as the real ECMA key."
Si -ecmacontainer est spcifi, le conteneur est trait comme la cl ECMA relle.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: -ecma specified but %s does not represent an ECMA signed assembly.",
,"Avertissement: -ecma a t spcifi, mais %s ne reprsente pas un assembly ECMA sign.",
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: -ecmakey or -ecmacontainer specified but %s does not represent an EC
MA signed assembly.",,"Avertissement: -ecmakey ou -ecmacontainer a t spcifi, mais %s
ne reprsente pas un assembly ECMA sign.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Unable to identify the format of key file %s .",,"Impossible d identifier le f

ormat du fichier de cl %s .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not read password for PKCS#12 blob in %s -- Console input may not be redi
rected for password entry.",,"Impossible de lire le mot de passe de l objet blob
PKCS#12 dans %s -- L entre de la console ne peut pas tre redirige pour la saisie d
u mot de passe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Enable (y), disable (n) or check (no parameters) the CLR policy allowing",,
Active (y), dsactive (n) ou vrifie (aucun paramtre) la stratgie CLR permettant"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
trusted applications to bypass strong name signature verification on their"
aux applications approuves d ignorer la vrification de la signature de nom
fort sur leurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
assemblys.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Invalid -P option, %s",,"Option -P non valide, %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid -Pb option, %s",,"Option -Pb non valide, %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trusted applications may bypass strong name verification on this machine.",,"Le
s applications approuves peuvent ignorer la vrification de nom fort sur cet ordina
teur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trusted applications may not bypass strong name verification on this machine.",
,"Les applications approuves ne peuvent pas ignorer la vrification de nom fort sur
cet ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -a identityPublicKeyFile identityKeyPairFile signaturePublicKeyFile",," -a i
dentityPublicKeyFile identityKeyPairFile signaturePublicKeyFile",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Generate AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute data to migrate the identity key to
the signature key from a file.",,"
Gnre les donnes AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute
pour migrer la cl d identit vers la cl de signature partir d un fichier.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Information for key migration attribute.",,"Informations relatives l attribut d
e migration de cl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(%s):",,"(%s):",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%s=\n%s",,"%s=\n%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identity public key (hash algorithm: %s):\n%s",,"Cl publique d identit (algorithm
e de hachage: %s):\n%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature public key (hash algorithm: %s):\n%s",,"Cl publique de signature (algo
rithme de hachage: %s):\n%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid public key file: %s",,"Fichier de cl publique non valide: %s",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid key pair file: %s",,"Fichier de paire de cls non valide: %s",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create countersignature: %s (0x%08x)",,"chec de la cration de la contre
-signature: %s (0x%08x)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified identity public key file and the identity key pair do not match - %s, %s",,"Le fichier de cl publique d identit et la paire de cls d identit spcifis n
e correspondent pas -- %s, %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid hash algorithm specified: %s. Hash algorithm must be one of the followi
ng: %s",,"Algorithme de hachage non valide spcifi: %s. L algorithme de hachage doit
tre l un des suivants: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t call into the runtime: %s",,"Appel impossible dans le runtime: %s",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -ac identityPublicKeyFile identityKeyPairContainer signaturePublicKeyFile",,"
-ac identityPublicKeyFile identityKeyPairContainer signaturePublicKeyFile",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Generate AssemblySignatureKeyAttribute data to migrate the identity key to
the signature key from a key container.",,"
Gnre les donnes AssemblySignatureKey
Attribute pour migrer la cl d identit vers la cl de signature partir d un conteur d
e cl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Assembly %s is verified with a key other than the identity key",,"L assembly
%s est vrifi avec une cl autre que la cl d identit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid key pair container: %s",,"Conteneur de paire de cls non valide: %s",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provider type set to %lu ",,"Type de fournisseur dfini sur %lu ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" -Vk <regfile> <assembly> [<userlist>] [<testkey>]",," -Vk <fichier_reg> <ass
embly> [<liste_utilisateurs>] [<cle_test>]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
Generate a registry script in <regfile> to register <assembly> for\n
ification skipping (with an optional, comma separated list of usernames\n
which this will take effect and an optional test public key in\n
<assembly> can be specified as * to indicate all assemblies or\n
*,<public k
ey token> to indicate that all assemblies with the given public\n
key token.
Public key tokens should be specified as a string of hex digits.",,"
Gnre un sc
ript de registre dans <fichier_reg> afin d enregistrer <assembly> pour que sa vri
fication soit ignore (avec une liste\n
facultative des noms d utilisateurs con
cerns, spars par des virgules, et une\n cl publique de test facultative dans\n
le_test>). <assembly> peut tre spcifi en tant que * pour indiquer tous les assembly
s ou en tant que *,<jeton_cle_publique> pour\n
indiquer tous les assemblys av
ec le jeton de cl publique spcifi. Les jetons\n
de cl publique doivent tre spcifis
ous la forme d une chane de chiffres hexadcimaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wrote skip verification keys to file: %s",,"criture des cls pour ignorer la vrific
ation dans le fichier: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to write skip verification keys to file %s : %s",,"chec de l criture des
cls pour ignorer la vrification dans le fichier %s : %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TextInfo.ANSICodePage and TextInfo.OEMCodePage properties must be the same
when either one is a multi-byte code page.",,"Les proprits TextInfo.ANSICodePage e
t TextInfo.OEMCodePage doivent tre identiques lorsque l une d entre elles est une
page de codes multi-octet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument can not be zero.",,"L argument ne peut pas tre gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use culture name {1} instead of alternate sort name {0} to replace system cultu
re {1}.",,"Utilisez le nom de la culture {1} la place du nom de tri de substitut
ion {0} pour remplacer la culture systme {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"To be a Parent, a culture must be able to fall back to the Invariant culture wi
thin {0} steps. Unfortunately, the {1} culture has too deep of a fallback chain.
Please select a different culture.",,"Pour tre un Parent, une culture doit tre en
mesure de revenir la culture Invariant en {0} tapes. Malheureusement, la culture
{1} a une chane de secours trop raide. Slectionnez une culture diffrente.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CultureAndRegionModifiers.Neutral flag does not match the CultureInfo.Neutr
al property for culture {0}.",,"L indicateur CultureAndRegionModifiers.Neutral n
e correspond pas la proprit CultureInfo.Neutral pour la culture {0}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Some of the calendar values are changed. Please use AvailableCalendars property
or LoadDataFromCultureInfo method to set the calendars list.",,"Certaines des v
aleurs du calendrier ont chang. Utilisez la proprit AvailableCalendars ou la mthode
LoadDataFromCultureInfo pour dfinir la liste des calendriers.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified ConsoleFallbackUICulture contains a cycle in its fallback chain."
,,"La ConsoleFallbackUICulture spcifie contient un cycle dans sa chane de secours."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid file name {0}.",,"Nom de fichier non valide {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} has an invalid value {1} .",,"La proprit {0} a une valeur n

on valide {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The property {0} has an invalid value.",,"La proprit {0} a une valeur non val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set {0} as the parent for {1} because {0} is already a child of {1}. Cu
ltures may not be their own ancestors.",,"Impossible de dfinir {0} comme parent p
our {1} car {0} est dj un enfant de {1}. Les cultures ne peuvent pas tre leurs pro
pres anctres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The culture {0} is not a specific culture and cannot be assigned to SpecificC
ultureName.",,"La culture {0} n est pas une culture spcifique et ne peut pas tre assig
ne SpecificCultureName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is a custom culture but not a replacement culture. Please don t specify Cul
tureAndRegionModifiers.Replacement.",,"{0} est une culture personnalise, mais n e
st pas une culture de remplacement. Ne spcifiez pas CultureAndRegionModifiers.Rep
lacement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is a replacement custom culture. Please specify CultureAndRegionModifiers.R
eplacement.",,"{0} est une culture personnalise de remplacement. Spcifiez CultureA
ndRegionModifiers.Replacement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Item number {0} of the {1} property must be no greater than {2} characters in l
ength.",,"La longueur de l lment {0} de la proprit {1} ne doit pas dpasser {2} caractr
es.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} must be less than or equal to {1} characters in length.",,"L
a longueur de la proprit {0} doit tre infrieure ou gale {1} caractres.",,"Text",,"A
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} property can only contain ASCII characters.",,"La proprit {0} ne peut con
tenir que des caractres ASCII.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} must be between {1} and {2} characters in length.",,"La long
ueur de la proprit {0} doit tre comprise entre {1} et {2} caractres.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot replace nonexistent system culture {0}.",,"Impossible de remplacer la cu
lture systme inexistante {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot replace built-in culture {0} without specifying the CultureAndRegionModi
fiers.Replacement flag.",,"Impossible de remplacer la culture {0} intgre sans spcif
ier l indicateur CultureAndRegionModifiers.Replacement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not a valid specific culture for culture {1}. Specific cultures must ha
ve themselves as specific targets.",,"{0} n est pas une culture spcifique pour la
culture {1}. Une culture spcifique est une culture dont la cible spcifique est el
le-mme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object field has an unsupported type.",,"Le champ Object a un type non pris en
charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When a custom culture that is an override of a built-in culture like {1} , the
property {0} cannot be changed.",,"Lorsqu une culture personnalise remplace un
e culture intgre telle que {1} , la proprit {0} ne peut pas tre change.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create Ietf name registry index.",,"Impossible de crer l index de regi
stre de nom Ietf.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} method failed because the {1} property, meant to contain a {2} ob
ject, was not assigned and was not able to be derived from a template culture.",
,"La mthode {0} a chou, car la proprit {1} , conue pour contenir un objet {2} , n
a pas t assigne et n a pas pu tre drive partir d une culture modle.",,"Text",,"All",
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot unregister {0} in the current time. The culture file is in use.",,"Impos
sible d annuler l inscription {0} l heure actuelle. Le fichier de culture est en
cours d utilisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom calendars are not currently supported.",,"Les calendriers personnaliss ne
sont pas actuellement pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The {0} method failed because the custom culture {1} already exists.",,"La
mthode {0} a chou, car la culture personnalise {1} existe dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The custom culture {0} is in use.",,"La culture personnalise {0} est en cour
s d utilisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified custom culture {0} was not found.",,"La culture personnalise spci
fie {0} est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was a problem unregistering the {0} culture. The file may be in use or
you may not have the appropriate permission.",,"Un problme est survenu lors de l
annulation de l inscription de la culture {0} . Le fichier peut tre en cours d u
tilisation ou vous ne disposez pas des autorisations ncessaires.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The culture name ""{0}"" is invalid."",,""Le nom de la culture ""{0}"" n est p
as valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid CultureAndRegionModifiers value.",,"Valeur CultureAndRegionModifiers no
n valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot unregister the culture {0} because it is a console fallback UI culture f
or {1}. Try to unregister {1} first.",,"Impossible d annuler l inscription de la
culture {0}, car il s agit d une culture UI de secours de console pour {1}. Ess
ayez d annuler d abord l inscription de {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot unregister this culture because it is a parent for {0}. Try to unregiste
r {0} first.",,"Impossible d annuler l inscription de cette culture, car il s ag
it d un parent pour {0}. Essayez d annuler d abord l inscription de {0}.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parent culture must be a supported culture. {0} is not currently an instal
led culture.",,"La culture parente doit tre une culture prise en charge. {0} n es
t pas actuellement une culture installe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Culture name cannot be empty string.",,"Le nom de la culture ne peut pas tre une
chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid day name in CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.",,"Nom de jour non valide dans
CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid DigitSubstitution value ""{0}"" in the LDML file."",,""Valeur DigitSub
stitution non valide ""{0}"" dans le fichier LDML."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid LDML document format. ",,"Format de document LDML non valide. ",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid LeadingZero value ""{0}"" in the LDML file."",,""Valeur LeadingZero no
n valide ""{0}"" dans le fichier LDML."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Invalid week rule value in CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.",,"Valeur de rgle de sem
aine non valide dans CultureAndRegionInfoBuilder.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String cannot be empty or null.",,"La chane ne peut pas tre vide ou null.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index was out of range. Must be non-negative and less than the size of the col
lection.",,"L index tait hors limites. Il ne doit pas tre ngatif et doit tre infrieur
la taille de la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The value of ""class"" attribute is invalid."",,""La valeur de l attribut ""cl
ass"" n est pas valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Offset and length were out of bounds for the array or count is greater than the
number of elements from index to the end of the source collection.",,"Offset et
length taient hors limites pour ce tableau ou bien le nombre est suprieur au nomb
re d lments de l index la fin de la collection source.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create CMS enveloped for empty content.",,"Impossible de crer des message
s CMS envelopps pour un contenu vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The subject identifier type {0} is not valid.",,"Le type d identificateur d obj
et {0} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The subject identifier type {0} does not match the value data type {1}.",,"Le t
ype d identificateur d objet {0} ne correspond pas au type de donnes de valeur {1

}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The Date property is not available for none KID key agree recipient.",,"La prop
rit Date n est disponible pour aucun destinataire de cl KID convenu.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The OtherKeyAttribute property is not available for none KID key agree recipien
t.",,"La proprit OtherKeyAttribute n est disponible pour aucun destinataire de cl K
ID convenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CMS message is not encrypted.",,"Le message CMS n est pas chiffr.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CMS message is not signed.",,"Le message CMS n est pas sign.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Cryptographic Message Standard (CMS) is not supported on this platform.",,"
Le standard CMS (Cryptographic Message Standard) n est pas pris en charge sur ce
tte plateforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The recipient certificate is not specified.",,"Le certificat du destinataire n
est pas spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create CMS signature for empty content.",,"Impossible de crer une signatu
re CMS pour un contenu vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CmsSigner has to be the first signer with NoSignature.",,"CmsSigner doit tre le
premier signataire avec NoSignature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Application names and purposes must contain at least one character which is not
white space.",,"Les noms d application et les objectifs doivent contenir au moi
ns un caractre autre qu un espace blanc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The purpose of the protected blob does not match the expected purpose value of
this data protector instance.",,"L objectif de l objet blob protg ne correspond pa
s la valeur d objectif attendue pour cette instance de protecteur de donnes.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length of the data should be a multiple of 16 bytes.",,"La longueur des don
nes doit tre un multiple de 16 octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The data protection operation was unsuccessful. This may have been caused by no
t having the user profile loaded for the current thread s user context, which ma
y be the case when the thread is impersonating.",,"L opration de protection des d
onnes a chou. Cela peut se produire lorsque le profil utilisateur n a pas t charg pour
le contexte utilisateur du thread actuel, ce qui peut tre le cas lorsque le thre
ad emprunte une identit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The chain context handle is invalid.",,"Le handle de contexte de la chane n est
pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter should be a PKCS 9 attribute.",,"Le paramtre doit tre un attribut P
KCS 9.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add multiple PKCS 9 signing time attributes.",,"Impossible d ajouter plu
sieurs attributs de signature PKCS 9.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Invalid encoding format.",,"Format d encodage non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Cipher Data element should have either a CipherValue or a CipherReference ele
ment.",,"Un lment CipherData doit contenir un lment CipherValue ou CipherReference."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not create hash algorithm object.",,"Impossible de crer un objet algorithm
e de hachage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not create the XML transformation identified by the URI {0}.",,"Impossibl
e de crer la transformation XML identifie par l URI {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create signing key.",,"Impossible de crer une cl de signature.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A DigestMethod must be specified on a Reference prior to generating XML.",,"Un
DigestMethod doit tre spcifi sur une Reference avant de gnrer le XML.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"A Reference must contain a DigestValue.",,"Une Reference doit contenir un Diges

tValue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An XmlDocument context is required for enveloped transforms.",,"Un contexte Xml
Document est requis pour les transformations enveloppes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of input object is invalid. ",,"Le type d objet en entre n est pas valide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malformed element {0}.",,"lment {0} incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malformed encryption property element.",,"lment de proprit de chiffrement incorrect
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key size should be a non negative integer.",,"La taille de la cl doit tre un
entier non ngatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malformed reference element.",,"lment incorrect de Reference.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length of the signature with a MAC should be less than the hash output leng
th. ",,"La longueur de la signature avec un MAC doit tre infrieure la longueur du
hachage de sortie. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length in bits of the signature with a MAC should be a multiple of 8. ",,"
La longueur en bits de la signature avec un MAC doit tre un multiple de 8. ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length of the encrypted data in Key Wrap is either 32, 40 or 48 bytes.",,"L
a longueur des donnes chiffres dans Key Wrap est de 32, 40 ou 48 octets.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A KeyInfo element is required to check the signature.",,"Un lment KeyInfo est req
uis pour vrifier la signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signing key is not loaded.",,"La cl de signature n est pas charge.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Symmetric algorithm is not specified.",,"L algorithme symtrique n est pas spcifi."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cipher data is not specified.",,"Les donnes de chiffrement ne sont pas spcifies.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to retrieve the decryption key.",,"Impossible d extraire la cl de dchiffre
ment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to retrieve the encryption key.",,"Impossible d extraire la cl de chiffre
ment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified cryptographic transform is not supported.",,"La transformation de
chiffrement spcifie n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one Reference element is required.",,"Au moins un lment Reference est re
quis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Reference type must be set in an EncryptedReference object.",,"Le type Refe
rence doit tre dfini dans un objet EncryptedReference.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An XmlDocument context is required to resolve the Reference Uri {0}.",,"Un cont
exte XmlDocument est requis pour rsoudre l URI Reference {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SignatureDescription could not be created for the signature algorithm supplied.
",,"Impossible de crer SignatureDescription pour l algorithme de signature fourni
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key does not fit the SignatureMethod.",,"La cl ne s ajuste pas SignatureMeth
od.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A signature method is required.",,"Une mthode signature est requise.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature requires a SignatureValue.",,"Signature requiert un SignatureValue.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature requires a SignedInfo.",,"Signature requiert un SignedInfo.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The input type was invalid for this transform. ",,"Le type d entre tait incorrect
pour cette transformation. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unknown transform has been encountered.",,"Une transformation inconnue a t rencon

tre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to resolve Uri {0}.",,"Impossible de rsoudre l URI {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" The specified Uri is not supported.",," L URI spcifi n est pas pris en charge.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Uri attribute is required for a CipherReference element.",,"Un attribut URI e
st requis pour un lment CipherReference.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Null Context property encountered.",,"Proprit Context null dtecte.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IRelDecryptor is required.",,"IRelDecryptor est requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Issuer node is required.",,"Le noeud metteur est requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"License node is required.",,"Le noeud Licence est requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to decrypt grant content.",,"Impossible de dchiffrer le contenu autoris.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate items are not allowed in the collection.",,"Les lments dupliqus ne sont
pas autoriss dans la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Actual hash value: {0}",,"Valeur de hachage relle: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application policies:",,"Stratgies d application:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Beginning canonicalization using ""{0}"" ({1})."",,""Dbut de la canonisation l
aide de ""{0}"" ({1})."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Beginning signature computation.",,"Dbut du calcul de signature.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Beginning signature verification.",,"Dbut de la vrification de signature.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Building and verifying the X509 chain for certificate {0}.",,"Gnration et vrificat
ion de la chane X509 pour le certificat {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Canonicalization transform is using resolver {0} and base URI ""{1}""."",,""La
transformation de canonisation utilise le programme de rsolution {0} et l URI de
base ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output of canonicalization transform: {0}",,"Sortie de transformation de canoni
sation: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Certificate chain:",,"Chane de certificats:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Certificate policies:",,"Stratgies de certificat:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Checking signature format using format validator ""[{0}] {1}.{2}""."",,""Vrific
ation du format de signature l aide du validateur de format ""[{0}] {1}.{2}"".""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Checking signature on SignedInfo with id ""{0}""."",,""Vrification de la signat
ure sur SignedInfo avec l ID ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Certificate {0} is available for chain building.",,"Le certificat {0} est dispo
nible pour la gnration de la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature format validation failed.",,"chec de la validation du format de signat
ure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signature format validation was successful.",,"Russite de la validation du forma
t de signature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found key usages ""{0}"" in extension {1} on certificate {2}."",,""Utilisation
s de cls ""{0}"" trouves dans l extension {1} sur le certificat {2}."",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No namespaces are being propagated.",,"Aucun espace de noms n est actuellement
propag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Propagating namespace {0}=""{1}""."",,""Propagation de l espace de noms {0}=""

{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raw signature: {0}",,"Signature brute: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""Reference {0} hashed with ""{1}"" ({2}) has hash value {3}, expected hash valu
e {4}."",,""La rfrence {0} hache avec ""{1}"" ({2}) a la valeur de hachage {3}, val
eur de hachage attendue {4}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Revocation flag for chain building: {0}.",,"Indicateur de rvocation pour la gnrati
on de la chane: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Revocation mode for chain building: {0}.",,"Mode de rvocation pour la gnration de
la chane: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Calculating signature with key {0} using signature description {1}, hash algori
thm {2}, and asymmetric signature formatter {3}.",,"Calcul de la signature l aid
e de la cl {0}, de la description de signature {1}, de l algorithme de hachage {2
} et du module de dformatage de signature asymtrique {3}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Calculating signature using keyed hash algorithm {0}.",,"Calcul de la signature
l aide de l algorithme de hachage cl {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""Hashing reference {0}, Uri ""{1}"", Id ""{2}"", Type ""{3}"" with hash algorit
hm ""{4}"" ({5})."",,""Hachage de la rfrence {0}, URI ""{1}"", ID ""{2}"", type "
"{3}"" avec l algorithme de hachage ""{4}"" ({5})."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transformed reference contents: {0}",,"Contenu de rfrence transform: {0}",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Canonicalization method ""{0}"" is not on the safe list. Safe canonicalization
methods are: {1}."",,""La mthode de canonisation ""{0}"" ne figure pas sur une l
iste scurise. Les mthodes de canonisation scurises sont : {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"URL retrieval timeout for chain building: {0}.",,"Dlai de rcupration d URL pour la
gnration de la chane: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification failed checking {0}.",,"chec de la vrification lors du contrle de {0}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"references",,"rfrences",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SignedInfo",,"SignedInfo",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"X509 chain verification",,"Vrification de la chane X509",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"X509 key usage verification",,"Vrification de l utilisation de la cl X509",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification flags for chain building: {0}.",,"Indicateurs de vrification pour l
a gnration de la chane: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification time for chain building: {0}.",,"Heure de vrification pour la gnratio
n de la chane: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification with key {0} was not successful.",,"La vrification avec la cl {0} a c
hou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification with key {0} was successful.",,"La vrification avec la cl {0} a russi
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Processing reference {0}, Uri ""{1}"", Id ""{2}"", Type ""{3}""."",,""Traiteme
nt de la rfrence {0}, URI ""{1}"", ID ""{2}"", type ""{3}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verifying SignedInfo using key {0}, signature description {1}, hash algorithm {
2}, and asymmetric signature deformatter {3}.",,"Vrification de SignedInfo l aide
de la cl {0}, de la description de signature {1}, de l algorithme de hachage {2}
et du module de dformatage de signature asymtrique {3}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verifying SignedInfo using keyed hash algorithm {0}.",,"Vrification de SignedInf
o l aide de l algorithme de hachage cl {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Error building X509 chain: {0}: {1}.",,"Erreur lors de la gnration de la chane X50
9: {0}: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Using context: {0}",,"Contexte d utilisation: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The certificate key algorithm is not supported.",,"L algorithme de cl du certifi
cat n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework Windows Metadata Exporter",,"Programme d exportation d
e mtadonnes Windows Microsoft .NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"DDBLD760",,"DDBLD760",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: {0} [arguments] <winmdmodule>",,"Utilisation: {0} [arguments] <winmdmodul
e>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Suppress the given warning number",,"Supprimer le numro d avertissement donn",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/o:<file> or /out:<file>",,"/o:<fichier> ou /out:<fichier>",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the name of the output Windows Metadata file",,"Spcifier le nom du fichi
er de sortie des mtadonnes Windows",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/p:<symbolfile> or /pdb:<symbolfile>",,"/p:<fichiersymboles> ou /pdb:<fichiersy
mboles>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the name of the PDB file to contain the symbols for the exported Window
s Metadata file",,"Spcifier le nom du fichier PDB devant contenir les symboles po
ur le fichier de mtadonnes Windows export",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"/r:<winmd> or /reference:<winmd>",,"/r:<winmd> ou /reference:<winmd>",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adds a winmd file to reference during export",,"Ajouter un fichier .winmd la rfre
nce pendant l exportation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arguments and assemblies can also be provided in a response file provided on th
e command line prefixed with an @. Each line in the response file should contain
a single argument or assembly name.",,"Les arguments et les assemblys peuvent ga
lement tre fournis sous la forme d un fichier de rponse spcifi sur la ligne de comma
nde, prcd du symbole @. Chaque ligne du fichier de rponse ne doit contenir qu un seu
l nom d argument ou d assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/warnaserror+",,"/warnaserror+",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Treat all warnings as errors.",,"Considre tous les avertissements comme des erre
urs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/utf8output",,"/utf8output",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output messages in UTF-8 encoding.",,"Messages de sortie au format d encodage U
TF-8.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/assemblyunificationpolicy:<policy> or /up:<policy>",,"/assemblyunificationpoli
cy:<stratgie> ou /up:<stratgie>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set the assembly unification policy, choices are:",,"Dfinissez la stratgie d unif
ication de l assembly. Les choix sont les suivants:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HighestVersion - Unify assemblies to the highest referenced version. Unificati
on will only succeed if the unified assembly version is greater than or equal to
the referenced assembly version. Unification applies to assemblies with identi
cal names, public key tokens, and cultures. [default]",,"HighestVersion-Unifie les
assemblys en fonction de la version rfrence la plus leve. L unification ne russit que
si la version de l assembly unifi est suprieure ou gale la version de l assembly rfr
enc. L unification s applique aux assemblys ayant des noms, des jetons de cl publi
que et des cultures identiques. [par dfaut]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"ExactMatch - Do not unify assemblies, instead require exact version matching",,
"ExactMatch-N unifie pas les assemblys mais exige la place une correspondance de v
ersion parfaite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/d:<docfile> or /doc:<docfile>",,"/d:<fichierdocumentation> ou /doc:<fichierdoc
umentation>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the name of the output XML documentation file",,"Spcifier le nom du fich
ier de documentation XML de sortie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"/md:<docfile> or /moduledoc:<docfile>",,"/md:<fichierdocumentation> ou /moduled

oc:<fichierdocumentation>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the name of the XML documentation file for the winmdmodule being export
ed",,"Spcifier le nom du fichier de documentation XML pour le winmdmodule en cour
s d exportation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/mp:<symbolfile> or /modulepdb:<symbolfile>",,"/mp:<fichiersymboles> ou /module
pdb:<fichiersymboles>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the name of the PDB file containing symbols for the winmdmodule being e
xported",,"Spcifier le nom du fichier PDB contenant les symboles pour le winmdmod
ule en cours d exportation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/nowarn:<warning>",,"/nowarn:<avertissement>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} has different implementations for Object.ToString() and Windows.Foun
dation.IStringable.ToString() which is not allowed. Please consider overriding O
bject.ToString() and removing explicit implementation for Windows.Foundation.ISt
ringable.ToString().",,"Le type {0} a des implmentations diffrentes pour Object.
ToString() et Windows.Foundation.IStringable.ToString(), ce qui n est pas autori
s. Substituez Object.ToString() et supprimez l implmentation explicite de Windows.
Foundation.IStringable.ToString().",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Windows Runtime type {0}.{1} was found in multiple referenced winmd files. Pl
ease remove either {2} or {3} from the list of referenced files.",,"Le type
Windows Runtime {0}.{1} figure dans plusieurs fichiers winmd rfrencs. Supprimez
{2} ou {3} de la liste des fichiers rfrencs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The attribute {0} is not supported. Error on {1} .",,"L attribut {0} n est
pas pris en charge. Erreur au niveau de {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AttributeUsage attribute on type {0} cannot be parsed.",,"Impossible d an
alyser l attribut AttributeUsage du type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" The attribute {0} is not supported. Error on parameter of {1} .",," L attri
but {0} n est pas pris en charge. Erreur au niveau du paramtre de {1} .",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The attribute {0} is not supported. Error on return type of {1} .",,"L attri
but {0} n est pas pris en charge. Erreur au niveau du type de retour de {1} .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} with ref modifier. Windows Runtime methods c
annot use parameters for both input and output. Consider using the out modifie
r instead.",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {1} avec le modificateur ref .
Les mthodes Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas utiliser la fois les paramtres d entre e
t de sortie. Utilisez plutt le modificateur out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} with ByRef modifier. Windows Runtime methods
cannot use parameters for both input and output. Consider using <System.Runtim
e.InteropServices.Out> ByRef instead.",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {1}
avec le modificateur ByRef . Les mthodes Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas utiliser
la fois les paramtres d entre et de sortie. Utilisez plutt <System.Runtime.Inter
opServices.Out> ByRef .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is an abstract type. Abstract classes cannot be exported to the Win
dows Runtime.",," {0} est un type abstrait. Les classes abstraites ne peuvent p
as tre exportes vers le Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Type {0} is a MustInherit type. MustInherit classes cannot be exported to th
e Windows Runtime.",," {0} est un type MustInherit. Les classes MustInherit ne
peuvent pas tre exportes vers le Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} is an abstract method. Abstract methods cannot be exported to the
Windows Runtime.",," {0} est une mthode abstraite. Les mthodes abstraites ne peu
vent pas tre exportes vers le Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,

"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} is a MustOverride method. MustOverride methods cannot be exported
to the Windows Runtime.",," {0} est une mthode MustOverride. Les mthodes MustOve
rride ne peuvent pas tre exportes vers le Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is a nested type. Nested types cannot be exported to the Windows Ru
ntime.",," {0} est un type imbriqu. Les types imbriqus ne peuvent pas tre exports v
ers le Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} is a public virtual method on an unsealed class. The Windows Runti
me requires virtual methods on unsealed types are protected rather than public."
,," {0} est une mthode virtuelle publique d une classe unsealed. Le Windows Runt
ime ncessite que les mthodes virtuelles des types unsealed soient protges plutt que p
ubliques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} is a public Overridable method on an inheritable class. The Window
s Runtime requires Overridable methods on inheritable types are protected rather
than public.",," {0} est une mthode Overridable publique d une classe hritable.
Le Windows Runtime ncessite que les mthodes Overridable des types hritables soient
protges plutt que publiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} contains externally visible constant field {1} . Constants can onl
y appear on Windows Runtime enumerations.",,"Le type {0} contient le champ con
stant {1} qui est visible de l extrieur. Les constantes ne peuvent tre utilises q
ue dans le cadre des numrations Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor {0} has an output parameter {1} . The Windows Runtime does not s
upport output parameters on constructors.",,"Le constructeur {0} possde un para
mtre de sortie {1} . Le Windows Runtime ne prend pas en charge les paramtres de s
ortie dans les constructeurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} has multiple constructors with {1} argument(s). Windows Runtime ty
pes cannot have multiple constructors with same number of arguments.",,"Le type
{0} possde plusieurs constructeurs avec un ou plusieurs arguments {1} . Les ty
pes Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas possder plusieurs constructeurs ayant un mme no
mbre d arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameterized constructor {0} has a parameter named {1} which is the sa
me as the default return value name. Consider using another name for the paramet
er.",,"Le constructeur paramtrable {0} possde un paramtre nomm {1} , ce qui corre
spond au nom de la valeur de retour par dfaut. Utilisez un autre nom pour ce para
mtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not write file {0} : {1} .",,"Impossible d crire le fichier {0} : {1} .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not resolve reference {0} .",,"Impossible de rsoudre la rfrence {0} .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is a custom attribute. Custom attributes cannot be exported.",,"Le t
ype {0} est un attribut personnalis, or il est impossible d exporter les attrib
uts personnaliss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime class {0} has an invalid base type {1} . Exporting custom ex
ception types is not allowed.",,"La classe Windows Runtime {0} possde le type d
e base {1} qui n est pas valide. L exportation de types d exception personnali
ss n est pas autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} has a default constructor {1} that is deprecated. The Windows Runtime
does not support Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttribute on the default
constructor.",,"Le type {0} a un constructeur par dfaut {1} qui est dconseill. Wi
ndows Runtime ne prend pas en charge Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttri
bute sur le constructeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Unable to determine a default interface for Windows Runtime class {0} .",,"Imp
ossible de dterminer l interface par dfaut de la classe Windows Runtime {0} .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DefaultInterfaceAttribute on Windows Runtime class {0} references interfa
ce {1} , which is not implemented by the class.",,"Le DefaultInterfaceAttribute
de la classe Windows Runtime {0} rfrence l interface {1} , qui n est pas implme

nte par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Multiple overloads of {0}.{1} have the same overload name, {2} , specified b
y using Windows.Foundation.Metadata.OverloadAttribute.",,"Plusieurs surcharges d
e {0}.{1} portent le mme nom ( {2} ), spcifi via l utilisation de Windows.Foundat
ion.Metadata.OverloadAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The InterfaceImplementedInVersionAttribute on Windows Runtime class {0} refer
encing interface {1} is specified multiple times.",,"L InterfaceImplementedInV
ersionAttribute de la classe Windows Runtime {0} rfrenant l interface {1} est s
pcifi plusieurs fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error processing module {0} : {1} .",,"Erreur lors du traitement du module {
0} : {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event add method {0} has return type {1} . Event add methods must return Sy
stem.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken. Was the mod
ule that you are exporting compiled as a winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) for Wind
ows Metadata export?",,"La mthode d ajout d vnement {0} possde le type de retour
{1} . Les mthodes d ajout d vnement doivent renvoyer System.Runtime.InteropServices
.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken. Vrifiez que le module que vous exportez a
bien t compil en tant que winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) lors de l exportation des
mtadonnes Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event {0} accessor s do not have equal deprecation. {1}",,"Les accesseurs de
l vnement {0} n ont pas la mme dsapprobation. {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member {0} implements more than one interface member. Please make sure this m
ethod only implements one interface member.",,"Le membre {0} implmente plusieur
s membres d interface. Cette mthode ne doit implmenter qu un seul membre d interfa
ce.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is generic. Windows Runtime types cannot be generic.",,"Le type {0
} est gnrique. Les types Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas tre gnriques.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} implements interface {1} , which is not a Windows Runtime interface
. All interfaces that are implemented by exported types must be Windows Runtime
interfaces.",,"Le type {0} implmente l interface {1} , qui n est pas une inte
rface Windows Runtime. Toutes les interfaces implmentes par des types exports doive
nt tre des interfaces Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Field names cannot differ only by case: {0} , {1} .",,"Les noms de champs ne
peuvent tre diffrents que par la casse utilise: {0} , {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} contains externally visible field {1} . Fields can be exposed only
by structures.",,"Le type {0} contient le champ {1} qui est visible de l ex
trieur. Les champs ne peuvent tre exposs que par les structures.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {1} , generated by the export process for type {0} , has the same name a
s a type that is already in the module being exported. Please rename the existi
ng type or move it to a different namespace.",,"Le type {1} , gnr par le processus
d exportation du type {0} , porte le mme nom qu un type du module en cours d ex
portation. Renommez le type existant ou placez-le dans un autre espace de noms."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} has a set method with no or weaker deprecation w.r.t to the get
method. {1}",,"La proprit {0} a une mthode Set qui ne fait l objet d aucune dsappr
obation ou d une dsapprobation moindre par rapport la mthode Get. {1}",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not export {0} . Global members cannot be exported.",,"Impossible d expo
rter {0} . Les membres globaux ne peuvent pas tre exports.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} which is an array, and which has either a Syst
em.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute or a System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAt
tribute. In the Windows Runtime, array parameters must have either {2} or {3}. P
lease remove these attributes or replace them with the appropriate Windows Runti
me attribute if necessary.",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {1} qui est un t

ableau possdant un attribut System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute ou System.

Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute. Dans le Windows Runtime, les paramtres de t
ableau doivent possder soit {2}, soit {3}. Supprimez ces attributs ou remplacez-l
es par l attribut Windows Runtime appropri si ncessaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} with a System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttrib
ute or System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute. Windows Runtime does not sup
port marking parameters with System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute or Syste
m.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute. Please consider removing System.Runtime.
InteropServices.InAttribute and replace System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttrib
ute with out modifier instead.",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {1} possdan
t l attribut System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute ou System.Runtime.Intero
pServices.OutAttribute. Le Windows Runtime ne prend pas en charge le marquage de
s paramtres par System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute ou System.Runtime.Inte
ropServices.OutAttribute. Supprimez System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute,
puis remplacez System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute par le modificateur
out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} with a System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttrib
ute or System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute. Windows Runtime only support
s marking ByRef parameters with System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute, and
does not support other usages of those attributes.",,"La mthode {0} possde le p
aramtre {1} possdant un attribut System.Runtime.InteropServices.InAttribute ou S
ystem.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttribute. Le Windows Runtime ne prend en charg
e que le marquage des paramtres ByRef par System.Runtime.InteropServices.OutAttri
bute, et ne prend en charge aucune autre utilisation de ces attributs.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input module {0} is not a valid module.",,"Le module d entre {0} n est pas v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface {0} requires interface {1} , which is not a Windows Runtime interf
ace. Exported interfaces can require only other Windows Runtime interfaces.",,"
L interface {0} ncessite l interface {1} , qui n est pas une interface Windows
Runtime. Les interfaces exportes ne peuvent ncessiter que d autres interfaces Win
dows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class {0} implements interface {1} . Implementing an internal interface is n
ot allowed.",,"La classe {0} implmente l interface {1} . L implmentation d une
interface interne n est pas autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Class {0} implements Interface {1} , which is declared Friend . Implementin
g Friend interfaces is not allowed by Windows Runtime.",,"La classe {0} implm
ente l interface {1} , qui est dclare en tant que Friend . L implmentation des in
terfaces Friend n est pas autorise par le Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event add method {0} has a parameter of type {1} . The parameters to event
add methods must be Windows Runtime delegates. Was the module being exported com
piled as a winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) for Windows Metadata export?",,"La mtho
de d ajout d vnement {0} possde un paramtre de type {1} . Les paramtres des mthodes
d ajout d vnement doivent tre des dlgus Windows Runtime. Vrifiez que le module que vo
s exportez a bien t compil en tant que winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) lors de l exp
ortation des mtadonnes Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event {0} has a parameter of type {1} . Events exposed to Windows Runtime m
ust use delegate types that are also exposed to Windows Runtime. Was the module
being exported compiled as a winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) for Windows Metadata
export?",,"L vnement {0} possde un paramtre de type {1} . Les vnements exposs au W
ndows Runtime doivent utiliser des types dlgus qui sont eux aussi exposs au Windows
Runtime. Vrifiez que le module que vous exportez a bien t compil en tant que winmdmo
dule (/target:winmdobj) lors de l exportation des mtadonnes Windows.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} uses calling convention {1} . Windows Runtime methods must use t
he default calling convention.",,"La mthode {0} utilise la convention d appel
{1} . Les mthodes Windows Runtime doivent utiliser la convention d appel par dfaut

.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Argument {0} is an invalid file",,"L argument {0} n est pas un fichier vali
de.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is invalid",,"L argument {0} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration type {0} is backed by values of type {1} . Enumerations must be
backed by either Int32 or UInt32 values.",,"Le type d numration {0} est soutenu
par des valeurs de type {1} . Les numrations doivent tre soutenues par les valeur
s Int32 ou UInt32.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event add method {0} has an invalid signature. Add method signatures must ha
ve a single parameter that is a Windows Runtime delegate. Was the module being e
xported compiled as a winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) for Windows Metadata export
?",,"La mthode d ajout d vnement {0} possde une signature non valide. Les signatur
es de mthodes d ajout ne doivent avoir qu un seul paramtre devant correspondre un
dlgu Windows Runtime. Vrifiez que le module que vous exportez a bien t compil en tant
ue winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) lors de l exportation des mtadonnes Windows.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event remove method {0} has a parameter of type {1} . Windows Runtime event
s must have a System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationTok
en parameter value. Was the module being exported compiled as a winmdmodule (/ta
rget:winmdobj) for Windows Metadata export?",,"La mthode de suppression d vnement
{0} possde un paramtre de type {1} . Les vnements Windows Runtime doivent avoir Sy
stem.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.EventRegistrationToken comme valeur
de paramtre. Vrifiez que le module que vous exportez a bien t compil en tant que winm
dmodule (/target:winmdobj) lors de l exportation des mtadonnes Windows.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event remove method {0} has an invalid signature. Remove method signatures m
ust have no return value and must take a single event registration token paramet
er. Was the module being exported compiled as a winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) f
or Windows Metadata export?",,"La mthode de suppression d vnement {0} possde une s
ignature non valide. Les signatures de mthodes de suppression ne doivent pas avoi
r de valeur de retour, et ne doivent possder qu un seul paramtre de jeton d enregi
strement d vnement. Vrifiez que le module que vous exportez a bien t compil en tant qu
e winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) lors de l exportation des mtadonnes Windows.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Structure {0} has field {1} of type {2} . {2} is not a valid Windows Run
time field type. Each field in a Windows Runtime structure can only be UInt8, In
t16, UInt16, Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Single, Double, Boolean, String, Enum
, or itself a structure.",,"La structure {0} possde le champ {1} de type {2}
. {2} n est pas un type de champ Windows Runtime valide. Les champs de la str
ucture Windows Runtime doivent uniquement avoir la valeur UInt8, Int16, UInt16,
Int32, UInt32, Int64, UInt64, Single, Double, Boolean, String, Enum, ou bien cor
respondre une structure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} of type {2} .
{2} is not a valid Windows R
untime parameter type.",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {1} de type {2} .
{2} n est pas un type de paramtre Windows Runtime valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} has a get method that has an invalid signature. The Windows Runt
ime does not support indexers.",,"La proprit {0} possde une mthode Get comportant
une signature non valide. Le Windows Runtime ne prend pas en charge les indexeur
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} has a get method that has an invalid signature. The Windows Runt
ime does not support properties with parameters.",,"La proprit {0} possde une mtho
de Get comportant une signature non valide. Le Windows Runtime ne prend pas en c
harge les proprits ayant des paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Property {0} has a set method that has an invalid signature. The Windows Runt
ime does not support indexers.",,"La proprit {0} possde une mthode Set comportant
une signature non valide. Le Windows Runtime ne prend pas en charge les indexeur
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"= Property {0} has a set method that has an invalid signature. The Windows Ru
ntime does not support properties with parameters.",,"= La proprit {0} possde une
mthode Set comportant une signature non valide. Le Windows Runtime ne prend pas
en charge les proprits ayant des paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The method {0} has an invalid return value name.",,"La mthode {0} possde un n
om de valeur de retour non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Method {0} has a multi-dimensional array of type {1} in its signature. Arr
ays in Windows Runtime method signatures must be one dimensional.",,"La mthode {
0} possde un tableau multidimensionnel de type {1} dans sa signature. Les tabl
eaux des signatures de mthodes Windows Runtime doivent tre unidimensionnels.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has a generic type parameter of type {1} in its signature. Gene
ric type parameters cannot appear in method signatures of Windows Runtime method
s.",,"La mthode {0} possde un paramtre de type gnrique {1} dans sa signature. Les
signatures des mthodes Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas comprendre de paramtres de
type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has a nested array of type {1} in its signature. Arrays in Wind
ows Runtime method signatures cannot be nested.",,"La mthode {0} possde un table
au imbriqu de type {1} dans sa signature. Les tableaux des signatures de mthodes
Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas tre imbriqus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has an array of type {1} with non-zero lower bound in its signat
ure. Arrays in Windows Runtime method signatures must have a lower bound of zer
o.",,"La mthode {0} possde un tableau de type {1} avec une limite infrieure non
gale zro dans sa signature. Les tableaux des signatures de mthodes Windows Runtime
doivent avoir une limite infrieure gale zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Consider changing the type {0} in the method signature. It is not a valid Win
dows Runtime parameter type. ",,"Le type de paramtre {0} de la signature de mtho
de n est pas un type de paramtre Windows Runtime valide. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Consider changing the type Task in the method signature to one of the follow
ing types instead: Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction, Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOpe
ration, or one of the other Windows Runtime async interfaces. The standard .NET
awaiter pattern also applies when consuming Windows Runtime async interfaces. Pl
ease see System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.AsyncInfo for more inform
ation about converting managed task objects to Windows Runtime async interfaces.
",," Remplacez le type Task de la signature de mthode par l un des types suivan
ts: Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction, Windows.Foundation.IAsyncOperation, ou bien
l une des autres interfaces asynchrones Windows Runtime. Le modle d awaiter .NET
standard s applique galement lors de la consommation des interfaces asynchrones W
indows Runtime. Pour plus d informations sur la conversion d objets de tches mana
ges en interfaces asynchrones Windows Runtime, consultez System.Runtime.InteropSe
rvices.WindowsRuntime.AsyncInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Consider changing the type {0} in the method signature to one of the followin
g types instead: {1} .",,"Remplacez le type {0} de la signature de mthode par
l un des types suivants: {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has a parameter of type {1} in its signature. Although this gene
ric type is not a valid Windows Runtime type, the type or its generic parameters
implement interfaces that are valid Windows Runtime types. {2}",,"La mthode {0}
possde un paramtre de type {1} dans sa signature. Ce type gnrique n est pas un t
ype Windows Runtime valide. Toutefois, le type ou ses paramtres gnriques implmentent
des interfaces qui correspondent des types Windows Runtime valides. {2}",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has a parameter of type {1} in its signature. Instead of using
a managed Task type, use Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction, Windows.Foundation.IAs
yncOperation, or one of the other Windows Runtime async interfaces. The standard
.NET await pattern also applies to these interfaces. Please see System.Runtime

.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.AsyncInfo for more information about converting

managed task objects to Windows Runtime async interfaces.",,"La mthode {0} possd
e un paramtre de type {1} dans sa signature. Au lieu d utiliser un type Task ma
nag, utilisez un type Windows.Foundation.IAsyncAction, Windows.Foundation.IAsyncO
peration, ou bien l une des autres interfaces asynchrones Windows Runtime. Le mo
dle d awaiter .NET standard s applique galement ces interfaces. Pour plus d inform
ations sur la conversion d objets de tches manages en interfaces asynchrones Windo
ws Runtime, consultez System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.AsyncInfo.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has a parameter of type {1} in its signature. Although this typ
e is not a valid Windows Runtime type, it implements interfaces that are valid W
indows Runtime types. Consider changing the method signature to use one of the
following types instead: {2} .",,"La mthode {0} possde un paramtre de type {1}
dans sa signature, qui ne correspond pas un type Windows Runtime valide. Toutef
ois, il implmente des interfaces qui correspondent des types Windows Runtime vali
des. Remplacez le type de la signature de mthode par l un des types suivants: {2}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has pointer type {1} in its signature. Windows Runtime methods
cannot have pointer types in their signatures.",,"La mthode {0} possde le type p
ointeur {1} dans sa signature. Les signatures des mthodes Windows Runtime ne pe
uvent pas contenir de types pointeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" {0} is not a valid warning number.",," {0} n est pas un numro d avertissement
valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration type {0} is not valid. An enumeration type must have a backing f
ield type.",,"Le type d numration {0} n est pas valide. Un type d numration doit tr
e associ un type de champ de stockage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" {0} is a public P/Invoke method or the method implemented by the runtime. Man
aged types can expose only managed methods in the Windows Runtime. All P/Invoke
methods must be internal.",," {0} est une mthode P/Invoke publique, ou correspon
d la mthode implmente par le runtime. Seules les mthodes manages peuvent tre exposes
r les types manags dans le Windows Runtime. Toutes les mthodes P/Invoke doivent tre
internes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method names cannot differ only by case: {0} , {1} .",,"Les noms de mthodes n
e peuvent tre diffrents que par la casse utilise: {0} , {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} in method {1} and parameter {2} in implemented interface me
thod {3} must both be input parameters or output parameters.",,"Le paramtre {0
} dans la mthode {1} et le paramtre {2} dans la mthode d interface implmente {3
} doivent tre soit des paramtres d entre, soit des paramtres de sortie.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has a parameter named {1} whereas the corresponding parameter in
the implemented interface method {2} is named {3} . Please make sure that th
e names are identical.",,"La mthode {0} possde un paramtre nomm {1} , alors que l
e paramtre correspondant dans la mthode d interface implmente {2} est nomm {3} . A
ssurez-vous que les noms sont identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has a return value named {1} whereas the implemented interface m
ethod {2} has a return value named {3} . Please make sure that the names are
identical.",,"La mthode {0} possde une valeur de retour nomme {1} , alors que ce
lle de la mthode d interface implmente {2} est nomme {3} . Assurez-vous que les n
oms sont identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is a generic method. Windows Runtime methods cannot be generic.",," {0}
est une mthode gnrique. Les mthodes Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas tre gnriques.",,"T
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} returns {1} , which is not a valid Windows Runtime type. Methods
exposed to Windows Runtime must return only Windows Runtime types.",,"La mthode
{0} renvoie {1} , qui n est pas un type Windows Runtime valide. Les mthodes ex
poses au Windows Runtime doivent uniquement renvoyer des types Windows Runtime.",

,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"All referenced WindowsRuntime assemblies must target the same Windows version."
,,"Tous les assemblys WindowsRuntime rfrencs doivent cibler la mme version de Window
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} and its implemented interface method {1} do not have equal deprecati
on. {2}",,"La mthode {0} et sa mthode d interface implmente {1} n ont pas la mme dsapp
robation. {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate type {0} does not have all required delegate members. Delegates mus
t have a single standard constructor and a single Invoke method.",,"Le type dlgu {
0} ne possde pas tous les membres dlgus requis. Les dlgus ne doivent avoir qu un seul
constructeur standard, ainsi qu une seule mthode Invoke.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Platform Attribute {0} is either defined in an assembly that is not reference
d or does not have the expected constructor. Please ensure that your assembly re
ferences include the .NET Framework and Windows Runtime platform assemblies, suc
h as System.Runtime.dll and Windows.winmd.",,"L attribut de plateforme {0} est
dfini dans un assembly qui n est pas rfrenc, ou ne possde pas le constructeur attend
u. Vrifiez que les rfrences de l assembly comprennent les assemblys de plateforme .
NET Framework et Windows Runtime, tels que System.Runtime.dll et Windows.winmd."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"References to type {0} are exported as type {1} . However, no Windows metad
ata file provides a definition for {1} . Supply a winmd file that contains a de
finition for this type.",,"Les rfrences au type {0} sont exportes en tant que typ
e {1} . Cependant, aucun fichier de mtadonnes Windows ne fournit de dfinition pour
{1} . Fournissez un fichier .winmd contenant une dfinition pour ce type.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input module {0} does not exist.",,"Le module d entre {0} n existe pas.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multi-module assemblies are not supported for Windows Metadata export.",,"Les a
ssemblys multimodules ne sont pas pris en charge dans le cadre de l exportation
de mtadonnes Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple {0}-parameter overloads of {1}.{2} are decorated with Windows.Founda
tion.Metadata.DefaultOverloadAttribute.",,"Plusieurs surcharges {0} paramtre(s) d
e {1}.{2} sont dcores avec Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DefaultOverloadAttribute.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Namespace names cannot differ only by case: {0} , {1} .",,"Les noms des espa
ces de noms ne peuvent tre diffrents que par la casse utilise: {0} , {1} .",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} which is an array. In the Windows Runtime, the
contents of array parameters must be either readable or writable. Please apply
either {2} or {3} to {1} .",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {1} qui corresp
ond un tableau. Dans le Windows Runtime, le contenu des paramtres du tableau doit
tre accessible en lecture ou en criture. Appliquez {2} ou {3} {1} .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not determine the core reference assembly. Please make sure mscorlib.dll
and System.Runtime.dll is referenced using the /reference switch.",,"Impossible
de dterminer l assembly de rfrence principal. Vrifiez que mscorlib.dll et System.Run
time.dll sont rfrencs l aide du commutateur /reference.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0}-parameter overloads of {1}.{2} must have exactly one method specified a
s the default overload by decorating it with Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Default
OverloadAttribute.",,"Les surcharges {0} paramtre(s) de {1}.{2} ne doivent avoir
qu une seule mthode spcifie en tant que surcharge par dfaut dcore avec Windows.Foundat
ion.Metadata.DefaultOverloadAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"No reference was made to mscorlib.dll. A reference to this metadata file is re
quired in order to export correctly.",,"Il n existe aucune rfrence mscorlib.dll. U
ne rfrence ce fichier de mtadonnes est ncessaire au processus d exportation.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input module must contain at least one public type that is located inside a nam

espace.",,"Le module d entre doit contenir au moins un type public situ dans un es
pace de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input module must contain at least one public type that is located inside a nam
espace. The only types found inside namespaces are private.",,"Le module d entre
doit contenir au moins un type public situ dans un espace de noms. Les seuls type
s trouvs dans les espaces de noms sont des types privs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A public type has a namespace ( {1} ) that shares no common prefix with other n
amespaces ( {0} ). All types within a Windows Metadata file must exist in a sub
namespace of the namespace that is implied by the file name.",,"Un type public p
ossde un espace de noms ( {1} ) qui ne partage de prfixe avec aucun autre espace d
e noms ( {0} ). Tous les types compris dans un fichier de mtadonnes Windows doiven
t se trouver dans le sous-espace de noms indiqu dans le nom du fichier.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} does not have a public getter method. Windows Metadata does not
support setter-only properties.",,"La proprit {0} ne possde pas de mthode Getter p
ublique. Les mtadonnes Windows ne prennent pas en charge les proprits possdant unique
ment une mthode Setter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} is declared WriteOnly or its Get method is not Public . Win
dows Metadata does not support such properties.",,"La proprit {0} est dclare comme
WriteOnly , ou sa mthode Get n est pas Public . Les mtadonnes Windows ne prenn
ent pas en charge de telles proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" {0} is an operator overload. Managed types cannot expose operator overloads i
n the Windows Runtime.",," {0} est une surcharge d oprateur. Les types manags ne
peuvent pas exposer de surcharges d oprateur dans le Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} which is optional. Windows Runtime methods can
not have optional parameters.",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {1} qui est f
acultatif. Les mthodes Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas possder de paramtres facultat
ifs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} overrides a virtual method. An override method must be sealed in o
rder to override an inherited virtual method.",,"La mthode {0} remplace une mtho
de virtuelle. Une mthode de remplacement doit tre sealed afin de pouvoir remplacer
une mthode virtuelle hrite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} overrides an Overridable method. Windows Runtime requires that met
hod {0} must be marked NotOverridable.",,"La mthode {0} remplace une mthode Ov
erridable. Le Windows Runtime ncessite que la mthode {0} soit marque comme NotOve
rridable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} which takes variable number of arguments. Wind
ows Runtime methods cannot have variable number of arguments.",,"La mthode {0}
possde le paramtre {1} qui prend un nombre variable d arguments. Les mthodes Wind
ows Runtime ne peuvent pas avoir un nombre variable d arguments.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error parsing the command line: {0}.",,"Erreur lors de l analyse de la ligne de
commande: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is a protected constructor. Exporting a protected constructor within a s
ealed class is not allowed. Either unseal {1} or change the visibility of {0}
.",," {0} est un constructeur protg. L exportation d un constructeur protg d une c
lasse sealed n est pas autorise. Attribuez la valeur unsealed {1} , ou modifiez
la visibilit de {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is a protected constructor. Exporting a protected constructor within a N
otInheritable class is not allowed. Either make {1} inheritable or change the
visibility of {0} .",," {0} est un constructeur protg. L exportation d un constr
ucteur protg d une classe NotInheritable n est pas autorise. Attribuez la valeur In
heritable {1} , ou modifiez la visibilit de {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is a protected static method. Static methods exposed to Windows Runtime
must be public. Static methods that are not exposed to Windows Runtime should b
e visible only to the containing type or assembly.",," {0} est une mthode statiq

ue protge. Les mthodes statiques exposes au Windows Runtime doivent tre publiques. Le
s mthodes statiques qui ne sont pas exposes au Windows Runtime ne doivent tre visib
les que par le type ou l assembly contenant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
" Shared method {0} is declared Protected . Shared methods exposed to Wind
ows Runtime must be Public .
Shared methods that are not exposed to Windows
Runtime must be declared either Private or Friend .",,"La mthode Shared {0}
est dclare comme Protected . Les mthodes Shared exposes au Windows Runtime doiv
ent tre Public . Les mthodes Shared qui ne sont pas exposes au Windows Runtime d
oivent tre dclares comme Private ou Friend .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"A public type {0} does not belong to any namespace. All types in Windows Runt
ime must belong to a common namespace which must be a sub namespace of the names
pace that is implied by the file name.",,"Un type public {0} n appartient aucu
n espace de noms. Tous les types Windows Runtime doivent appartenir un espace de
noms commun et ce dernier doit lui-mme tre un sous espace de noms de l espace de
noms impliqu par le nom de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Method {0} has an output parameter {1} which is an array, but which has {2}
. In the Windows Runtime, the contents of output arrays are writable. Please rem
ove the attribute from {1} .",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre de sortie {1}
qui correspond un tableau possdant l attribut {2}. Dans le Windows Runtime, le c
ontenu des tableaux de sortie est accessible en criture. Supprimez l attribut de
{1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} which is an array, and which has both {2} and
{3}. In the Windows Runtime, the contents array parameters must be either readab
le or writable. Please remove one of the attributes from {1} .",,"La mthode {0}
possde le paramtre {1} qui correspond un tableau possdant la fois les attributs
{2} et {3}. Dans le Windows Runtime, le contenu des paramtres de tableaux doit tr
e accessible en lecture ou en criture. Supprimez l un des attributs de {1} .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method {0} has the return value named {1} which is the same as a parame
ter name. Windows Runtime method parameters and return value must have unique na
mes.",,"La mthode {0} possde une valeur de retour nomme {1} , ce qui correspond
au nom d un des paramtres. Les paramtres et la valeur de retour des mthodes Windows
Runtime ne doivent pas porter le mme nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The method {0} has a parameter named {1} which is the same as the default r
eturn value name. Consider using another name for the parameter or use the Syste
m.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.ReturnValueNameAttribute to explicitly
specify the name of the return value.",,"La mthode {0} possde un paramtre nomm {1
} , ce qui correspond au nom de la valeur de retour par dfaut. Si possible, utili
sez un autre nom pour le paramtre, ou utilisez System.Runtime.InteropServices.Win
dowsRuntime.ReturnValueNameAttribute pour spcifier explicitement le nom de la val
eur de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} has an instance method and a static method that have the same name
{1} . To export to the Windows Runtime, the method names must be unique.",,"Le t
ype {0} possde une mthode d instance et une mthode statique portant le mme nom ( {
1} ). Afin de permettre l exportation vers le Windows Runtime, les noms des mthod
es doivent tre uniques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} has an instance method and a Shared method that have the same name
{1} . To export to the Windows Runtime, the method names must be unique.",,"Le t
ype {0} possde une mthode d instance et une mthode partage portant le mme nom ( {1}
). Afin de permettre l exportation vers le Windows Runtime, les noms des mthodes
doivent tre uniques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only StructLayout.Sequential is supported. Error on {0} .",,"Seul StructLayout
.Sequential est pris en charge. Erreur au niveau de {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} contains no public fields. Windows Runtime structures must contain
at least one public field.",,"Le type {0} ne contient aucun champ public. Les

structures Windows Runtime doivent contenir au moins un champ public.",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} contains non-field member {1} . Windows Runtime structures can cont
ain only fields.",,"Le type {0} contient un membre autre qu un champ ( {1} ).
Les structures Windows Runtime ne peuvent contenir que des champs.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} contains non-public field {1} . Windows Runtime structures can contain
only public fields.",," {0} contient un champ non public ( {1} ). Les structur
es Windows Runtime ne peuvent contenir que des champs publics.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You can export only one winmdmodule at a time.",,"Vous ne pouvez exporter qu un
seul winmdmodule la fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type names cannot differ only by case: {0} , {1} .",,"Les noms de types ne
peuvent tre diffrents que par la casse utilise: {0} , {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} cannot have the same name as namespace {1} .",,"Le type {0} ne pe
ut pas porter le mme nom que l espace de noms {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} implements Windows Runtime async interface {1} . Windows Runtime t
ypes cannot implement async interfaces. Please use the System.Runtime.InteropSe
rvices.WindowsRuntime.AsyncInfo class to generate async operations for export to
Windows Runtime.",,"Le type {0} implmente l interface asynchrone Windows Runti
me {1} . Les types Windows Runtime ne peuvent pas implmenter d interfaces asynch
rones. Utilisez la classe System.Runtime.InteropServices.WindowsRuntime.AsyncInf
o pour gnrer les oprations asynchrones lors de l exportation vers le Windows Runtim
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate type {0} has an unexpected member, {1} . Windows Runtime delegates
do not expose asynchronous invoke methods. Was the module that you are exportin
g compiled as a winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) for Windows Metadata export?",,"L
e type dlgu {0} possde un membre inattendu ( {1} ). Les dlgus Windows Runtime ne peu
ent pas exposer les mthodes Invoke asynchrones. Vrifiez que le module que vous exp
ortez a bien t compil en tant que winmdmodule (/target:winmdobj) lors de l exportat
ion des mtadonnes Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate type {0} has an unexpected base type, {1} . The base type of the de
legate must be System.MulticastDelegate.",,"Le type dlgu {0} possde un type de bas
e inattendu ( {1} ). Le type de base du dlgu doit tre System.MulticastDelegate.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate type {0} has an unexpected member, {1} .",,"Le type dlgu {0} possde u
n membre inattendu ( {1} ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration type {0} has an unexpected base type, {1} . The base type of an
enumeration must be System.Enum.",,"Le type d numration {0} possde un type de ba
se inattendu ( {1} ). Le type de base de l numration doit tre System.Enum.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} which is not an array, and which has either a
{2} or a {3}. Windows Runtime does not support marking non-array parameters with
{2} or {3}.",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {1} qui n est pas un tableau e
t qui est associ un {2} ou un {3}. Le Windows Runtime ne prend pas en charge le m
arquage des paramtres autres que des tableaux associs un {2} ou un {3}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime class {0} has an invalid base type, {1} . Classes must deri
ve either from System.Object or from a composable Windows Runtime class. Implem
entation inheritance is not allowed.",,"La classe Windows Runtime {0} possde un
type de base non valide ( {1} ). Les classes doivent driver de System.Object ou
d une classe composable Windows Runtime. L hritage de l implmentation n est pas au
toris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a unification policy.",," {0} n est pas une stratgie d unification
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exporting unsealed types is not supported. Please mark type {0} as sealed.",,
"L exportation de types unsealed n est pas prise en charge. Marquez le type {0}
comme sealed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Exporting inheritable types is not supported. Please mark type {0} as NotInhe
ritable.",,"L exportation de types hritables n est pas prise en charge. Marquez l
e type {0} comme NotInheritable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The version format is not valid.",,"Le format de la version n est pas valide.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The InterfaceImplementedInVersionAttribute on Windows Runtime class {0} refer
ences interface {1} which is not implemented by the class.",,"L InterfaceImple
mentedInVersionAttribute de la classe Windows Runtime {0} rfrence l interface {
1} qui n est pas implmente par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is a virtual method. Managed types cannot expose new virtual methods in W
indows Runtime.",," {0} est une mthode virtuelle. Les types manags ne peuvent pas
exposer de nouvelles mthodes virtuelles dans le Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is an Overridable method. Managed types cannot expose new Overridable met
hods in Windows Runtime.",," {0} est une mthode Overridable. Les types manags ne
peuvent pas exposer de nouvelles mthodes Overridable dans le Windows Runtime.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Consider applying Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttribute[""{0}"", {1}
, {2}] Or System.ObsoleteAttribute[""{0}"",{4} ] to {3}. {5} "",,""Envisagez d a
ppliquer Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttribute[""{0}"", {1}, {2}] ou S
ystem.ObsoleteAttribute[""{0}"",{4} ] {3}. {5} "",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Consider applying Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttribute or System.Obs
oleteAttribute to {0}.",,"Envisagez d appliquer Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Depr
ecatedAttribute ou System.ObsoleteAttribute {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Consider applying {0} to {1}.",,"Envisagez d appliquer {0} {1}.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Consider applying {0} to {1}. {2}",,"Envisagez d appliquer {0} {1}. {2}",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttribute with (DeprecationType = any, ve
rsion = {1} or lower)",,"Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttribute avec (D
eprecationType = n importe lequel, version = {1} ou antrieure)",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttribute with (DeprecationType = {0} , v
ersion = {1} or lower)",,"Windows.Foundation.Metadata.DeprecatedAttribute avec (
DeprecationType = {0}, version = {1} ou antrieure)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.ObsoleteAttribute with (IsError = any, version = {1} or lower)",,"System
.ObsoleteAttribute avec (IsError = n importe laquelle, version = {1} ou antrieure
)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.ObsoleteAttribute with (IsError = {0} , version = {1} or lower)",,"Syste
m.ObsoleteAttribute avec (IsError = {0}, version = {1} ou antrieure)",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version number of the ObsoleteAttribute can be updated by applying the Windows.
Foundation.Metadata.VersionAttribute to {0}.",,"Le numro de version d ObsoleteAtt
ribute peut tre mis jour en appliquant Windows.Foundation.Metadata.VersionAttribu
te {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one documentation file is currently supported.",,"Un seul fichier de docum
entation est actuellement pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Export is only supported to a single Windows Metadata file.",,"L exportation ne
prend en charge qu un seul fichier de mtadonnes Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one PDB file is currently supported.",,"Un seul fichier PDB est actuelleme
nt pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only a single winmdmodule documentation file is currently supported.",,"Seul un
fichier de documentation winmdmodule est actuellement pris en charge.",,"Text",

,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Export is only supported from a single winmdmodule.",,"L exportation ne prend e
n charge qu un seul winmdmodule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only a single winmdmodule symbol file is supported.",,"Seul un fichier de symbo
les winmdmodule est pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Looking for projected type {1}.{2} in {0} .",,"Recherche du type projet {1}.
{2} dans {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Creating helper interface for type {0} : {1} .",,"Cration d une interface d as
sistance pour le type {0} : {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Failed to find WinRT type {0}.{1} .",,"Le type WinRT est introuvable dans {0}
.{1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to find assembly {0} when probing in {1} : {2}.",,"Assembly {0} int
rouvable aprs le sondage effectu dans {1} : {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to probe for XML documentation file {0} : {1}.",,"chec du sondage du fic
hier de documentation XML {0} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Failed to probe for symbol file {0} : {1}.",,"chec du sondage du fichier de sym
boles {0} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found projected type {1}.{2} in {0} .",,"Type projet {1}.{2} trouv dans {0}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generated GUID for type {0} : {1} .",,"GUID gnr pour le type {0} : {1} .",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loaded assembly {0} .",,"Assembly {0} charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loaded reference assembly {0} .",,"Assembly de rfrence {0} charg.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Looking for XML documentation file {0} .",,"Recherche du fichier de documentat
ion XML {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Looking for symbols in file {0} .",,"Recherche des symboles dans le fichier {
0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Writing XML documentation file {0} .",,"criture du fichier de documentation XML
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Writing symbol file {0} .",,"criture du fichier de symboles {0} .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resolving assembly reference {0} .",,"Rsolution de la rfrence d assembly {0} .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unified assembly identity from {0} to {1} (Unification policy: {2} ) .",,"
Identit d assembly unifie de {0} vers {1} (stratgie d unification: {2} ).",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using XML documentation file {0} .",,"Utilisation du fichier de documentation
XML {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class {0} has no or weaker deprecation w.r.t its base class {1}. {2}",,"La clas
se {0} ne fait l objet d aucune dsapprobation ou d une dsapprobation moindre par r
apport sa classe de base {1}. {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Error referencing metadata {0} : {1}.",,"Erreur lors du rfrencement des mtadonnes
{0} : {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find referenced metadata {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver les mtadonnes
rfrences {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Did not find debug symbols to match the module being exported.",,"Aucun symbole
de dbogage correspondant au module en cours d exportation n a t trouv.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Did not find XML documentation to match the module being exported.",,"Aucun fic
hier de documentation XML correspondant au module en cours d exportation n a t tro
uv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GUID {0} is used by type {1} and {2} . Types must have unique GUIDs.",,"L
e GUID {0} est utilis par les types {1} et {2} . Les types doivent possder d

es GUID uniques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Interface {0} is exclusive to the Runtime class {1} and has no or weaker deprec
ation w.r.t to the class. {2}",,"L interface {0} est exclusive pour la classe Ru
ntime {1} et ne fait l objet d aucune dsapprobation ou d une dsapprobation moindre
par rapport la classe. {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} declares a .NET GUID of {1} but is being exported with a Windows R
untime GUID of {2} . Please ensure that the .NET and Windows Runtime GUID attr
ibutes on the type represent the same GUID.",,"Le type {0} dclare un GUID .NET
{1} , mais est export avec un GUID Windows Runtime {2} . Vrifiez que les attrib
uts de GUID .NET et Windows Runtime du type reprsentent le mme GUID.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member name {0} declared on {1} has been renamed to {2} because name collisions
occurred across members on {3}.",,"Le nom de membre {0} dclar au niveau de {1} a t
remplac par le nom {2} en raison de conflits de noms de membres au niveau de {3}.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has no or weaker deprecation w.r.t its parameter {1} . {2}",,"La
mthode {0} ne fait l objet d aucune dsapprobation ou d une dsapprobation moindre
par rapport son paramtre {1} . {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Multiple {0} references were found: {1} , {2} ",,"Plusieurs rfrences {0} ont t tr
ouves: {1} , {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} has parameter {1} which is an array. In the Windows Runtime, the
contents of array parameters must be either readable or writable. In this case,
parameter {1} will be readable unless you apply an attribute. We recommend th
at you explicitly apply either {2} or {3}.",,"La mthode {0} possde le paramtre {
1} qui est un tableau. Dans le Windows Runtime, le contenu des paramtres de tabl
eau doit tre accessible en lecture ou en criture. Dans ce cas, le paramtre {1} se
ra accessible en lecture, moins qu un attribut ne soit appliqu. Il est recommand d
appliquer explicitement {2} ou {3}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" {0} is not a valid winmd file name for this assembly. All types within a Win
dows Metadata file must exist in a sub namespace of the namespace that is implie
d by the file name. Types that do not exist in such a sub namespace cannot be l
ocated at runtime. In this assembly, the smallest common namespace that could s
erve as a filename is {1} .",," {0} n est pas un nom de fichier .winmd valide
pour cet assembly. Tous les types contenus dans un fichier de mtadonnes Windows do
ivent se trouver dans le sous-espace de noms indiqu dans le nom du fichier. Les t
ypes qui ne s y trouvent pas ne pourront pas tre localiss au moment de l excution.
Dans cet assembly, le plus petit espace de noms commun qui pourrait servir de no
m de fichier est {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor {0} is obsolete. The Windows Runtime does not support deprecation o
n non parameterized constructor and hence this will not be considered Obsolete o
n other Windows Runtime languages.",,"Le constructeur {0} est obsolte. Windows Ru
ntime ne prend pas en charge la dsapprobation sur un constructeur non paramtr et il
sera donc considr comme obsolte dans les autres langages Windows Runtime.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class public method {0} has been made private, because it implements an inter
face method {1} with a different name, and therefore is not callable from Wind
ows Runtime. Please make sure either this class method is private or use the sam
e name as the interface method.",,"La mthode de classe publique {0} a t dfinie com
me prive, car elle implmente une mthode d interface {1} avec un nom diffrent, et n
e peut donc pas tre appele par le Windows Runtime. Assurez-vous que cette mthode de
classe est prive, ou utilisez le mme nom que celui de la mthode d interface.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface {0} implemented on Type {2} is considered projected to Windows Ru
ntime interface {1} and all methods on this interface {0} need to be either
all implicitly implemented or explicitly implemented. As a result, all methods o
n this interface {1} will be exported as public and you might encounter name c
ollisions.",,"L interface {0} implmente dans le type {2} est considre comme proj
ete vers l interface Windows Runtime {1} , alors que les mthodes de cette interfa

ce {0} doivent tre toutes implmentes implicitement ou explicitement. Par consquent

, toutes les mthodes de l interface {1} seront exportes en tant que mthodes publi
ques, ce qui peut entraner des conflits de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface {0} and {1} implemented on Type {3} are considered projected to
Windows Runtime interface {2} and all methods on both interface {0} and {1
} needs to be either all implicitly implemented or explicitly implemented. As a
result, all methods on this interface {2} will be exported as public and you
might encounter name collisions.",,"Les interfaces {0} et {1} implmentes dans
le type {3} sont considres comme projetes vers l interface Windows Runtime {2} ,
alors que toutes les mthodes des interfaces {0} et {1} doivent tre implmentes i
mplicitement ou explicitement. Par consquent, toutes les mthodes de l interface {
2} seront exportes en tant que mthodes publiques, ce qui peut entraner des conflit
s de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface {0} and {1} implemented on Type {3} are considered projected to
Windows Runtime interface {2} and all methods on both interface {0} and {1
} needs to be either all implemented as public methods with the same name as th
e interface method name, or all implemented as private methods. As a result, all
methods on this interface {2} will be exported as public and you might encoun
ter name collisions.",,"Les interfaces {0} et {1} implmentes dans le type {3}
sont considres comme projetes vers l interface Windows Runtime {2} , alors que l
es mthodes des interfaces {0} et {1} doivent toutes tre implmentes en tant que mt
hodes publiques portant le mme nom que la mthode d interface, ou bien tre toutes im
plmentes en tant que mthodes prives. Par consquent, toutes les mthodes de l interface
{2} seront exportes en tant que mthodes publiques, ce qui peut entraner des confl
its de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface {0} implemented on Type {2} is considered projected to Windows Ru
ntime interface {1} and all methods on this interface {0} need to be either
all implemented as public methods with the same name as the interface method nam
e, or all implemented as private methods. As a result, all methods on this inter
face {1} will be exported as public and you might encounter name collisions.",
,"L interface {0} implmente dans le type {2} est considre comme projete vers l in
terface Windows Runtime {1} , alors que les mthodes de l interface {0} doivent
tre toutes implmentes en tant que mthodes publiques portant le mme nom que la mthode
d interface, ou bien toutes tre implmentes en tant que mthodes prives. Par consquent,
toutes les mthodes de l interface {1} seront exportes en tant que mthodes publiqu
es, ce qui peut entraner des conflits de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} has a redirected member {1} which is deprecated. This member does
not exist in the winmd and hence will not be deprecated.",,"Le type {0} a un mem
bre redirig {1} qui est dconseill. Ce membre n existe pas dans winmd et ne sera don
c pas dconseill.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field {0} has no or weaker deprecation w.r.t to its type {1}. {2}",,"Le champ
{0} ne fait l objet d aucune dsapprobation ou d une dsapprobation moindre par r
apport son type {1}. {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The major ( {0} ) or minor ( {1} ) component of the assembly version number was
truncated when generating the default Windows Runtime version number {2} . To
avoid truncation, use version components smaller than 8 bits. Alternately, you
can specify a default version number by applying the Windows.Foundation.Metadata
.Version attribute to the assembly.",,"Le composant majeur ( {0} ) ou mineur ( {
1} ) du numro de version de l assembly a t tronqu durant la gnration du numro de versi
n par dfaut du Windows Runtime ( {2} ). Pour viter toute troncation, utilisez des
composants de version infrieurs 8bits. Sinon, vous pouvez galement spcifier un numro
de version par dfaut en appliquant l attribut Windows.Foundation.Metadata.Version
l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} : error WME{1:0000} : {2}",,"{0} : erreur WME{1:0000} : {2}",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"error WME{0:0000} : {1}",,"erreur WME{0:0000} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exported to {0} .",,"Export vers {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
"Exporting {0} .",,"Exportation de {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Windows Metadata Exporter {0}",,"Programme d expor
tation des mtadonnes Windows Microsoft (R) .NET Framework {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} : warning WME{1:0000} : {2}",,"{0} : avertissement WME{1:0000} : {2}",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"warning WME{0:0000} : {1}",,"avertissement WME{0:0000} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the rate of bytes per second allocated on the GC Heap. Th
is counter is updated at the end of every GC; not at each allocation. This count
er is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values ob
served in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.",
,"Ce compteur affiche le taux d octets par seconde allous au tas GC. Il est mis j
our la fin de chaque GC et non chaque allocation. Il ne reprsente pas une moyenne
temporelle; il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derni
ers intervalles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allocated Bytes/sec",,"Octets allous/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Rate at which threads in the runtime attempt to acquire a managed lock unsucce
ssfully. Managed locks can be acquired in many ways; by the ""lock"" statement i
n C# or by calling System.Monitor.Enter or by using MethodImplOptions.Synchroniz
ed custom attribute."",,""Taux auquel les threads dans le runtime tentent en vai
n d acqurir un verrou manag. Les verrous manags peuvent tre acquis de diffrentes manir
es:par l instruction ""lock"" dans C#, en appelant System.Monitor.Enter ou en uti
lisant l attribut personnalis MethodImplOptions.Synchronized."",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contention Rate / sec",,"Taux de conflits/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""This counter displays the total number of times threads in the CLR have attemp
ted to acquire a managed lock unsuccessfully. Managed locks can be acquired in m
any ways; by the ""lock"" statement in C# or by calling System.Monitor.Enter or
by using MethodImplOptions.Synchronized custom attribute."",,""Ce compteur affic
he le nombre total de fois o les threads dans le CLR ont tent en vain d acqurir un
verrou manag. Les verrous manags peuvent tre acquis de diffrentes manires:par l instru
ction ""lock"" dans C#, en appelant System.Monitor.Enter ou en utilisant l attri
but personnalis MethodImplOptions.Synchronized."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total # of Contentions",,"Nombre total de conflits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of remoting channels registered across a
ll AppDomains since the start of the application. Channels are used to transport
messages to and from remote objects.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre total de
canaux de communication distance inscrits auprs de tous les AppDomains depuis le
dmarrage de l application. Les canaux servent transporter des messages depuis et
vers les objets distants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Channels",,"Canaux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of context-bound classes loaded. Class
es that can be bound to a context are called context-bound classes; context-boun
d classes are marked with Context Attributes which provide usage rules for synch
ronization; thread affinity; transactions etc.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre
actuel de classes lies au contexte charges. Les classes qui peuvent tre lies un cont
exte sont appeles classes lies au contexte; elles sont marques avec des attributs de
contexte qui fournissent les rgles d usage pour la synchronisation, l affinit du
thread, les transactions, etc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Context-Bound Classes Loaded",,"Classes lies au contexte charges",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of remoting contexts in the applicatio

n. A context is a boundary containing a collection of objects with the same usag

e rules like synchronization; thread affinity; transactions etc.",,"Ce compteur
affiche le nombre actuel de contextes de communication distance de l application
. Un contexte est une limite qui contient une collection d objets avec les mmes rg
les d usage, telles que la synchronisation, l affinit du thread, les transactions
, etc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contexts",,"Contextes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of context-bound objects allocated per second.
Instances of classes that can be bound to a context are called context-bound ob
jects; context-bound classes are marked with Context Attributes which provide us
age rules for synchronization; thread affinity; transactions etc. This counter i
s not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observ
ed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.",,"Ce
compteur affiche le nombre d objets lis au contexte allous par seconde. Les insta
nces de classes qui peuvent tre lies un contexte sont appeles objets lis au contexte;
les classes lies au contexte sont marques avec des attributs de contexte qui four
nissent les rgles d usage pour la synchronisation, l affinit du thread, les transa
ctions, etc. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la di
ffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers intervalles de temps, di
vise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Context-Bound Objects Alloc / sec",,"Objets lis au contexte allous/s",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of remoting proxy objects created in thi
s process since the start of the process. Proxy object acts as a representative
of the remote objects and ensures that all calls made on the proxy are forwarded
to the correct remote object instance.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre total d
objets proxy de communication distance crs dans ce processus depuis le dmarrage du
processus. L objet proxy reprsente les objets distants et garantit que tous les
appels effectus sur le proxy sont transmis l instance d objet distant approprie.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Context Proxies",,"Proxies de contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"This counter displays the number of remote procedure calls invoked per second.
A remote procedure call is a call on any object outside the caller;s AppDomain.
This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the
values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample i
nterval.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre d appels de procdure distants par secon
de. Un appel de procdure distante est un appel sur tout objet en dehors du AppDom
ain de l appelant. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche
la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers intervalles de tem
ps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remote Calls/sec",,"Appels distants/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"This counter displays the total number of remote procedure calls invoked since
the start of this application. A remote procedure call is a call on any object o
utside the caller;s AppDomain.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre total d appels d
e procdure distants depuis le dmarrage de cette application. Un appel de procdure d
istante est un appel sur tout objet en dehors du AppDomain de l appelant.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total Remote Calls",,"Total d appels distants",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of Com-Callable-Wrappers (CCWs). A CCW
is a proxy for the .NET managed object being referenced from unmanaged COM clie
nt(s). This counter was designed to indicate the number of managed objects being
referenced by unmanaged COM code.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre actuel de CC
W (Com-Callable-Wrappers). Un CCW est un proxy pour l objet manag.NET rfrenc partir d
e clients COM non manags. Ce compteur a t conu pour indiquer le nombre d objets mana
gs rfrencs par le code COM non manag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"# of CCWs",,"Nombre CCW",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"This counter displays the number of current .NET thread objects in the applicat
ion. A .NET thread object is created either by new System.Threading.Thread or wh
en an unmanaged thread enters the managed environment. This counters maintains t
he count of both running and stopped threads. This counter is not an average ove
r time; it just displays the last observed value.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nomb
re d objets thread.NET actuels dans l application. Un objet thread.NET est cr par le
nouveau System.Threading.Thread ou lorsqu un thread non manag entre dans l envir
onnement manag. Ce compteur gre le compte des threads en cours d excution et arrts. I
l ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche uniquement la dernire valeur
observe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of current logical Threads",,"Nombre de threads actuels logiques",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of native OS threads created and owned by the
CLR to act as underlying threads for .NET thread objects. This counters value do
es not include the threads used by the CLR in its internal operations; it is a s
ubset of the threads in the OS process.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de thre
ads natifs du systme d exploitation crs et dtenus par le CLR pour jouer le rle de thr
eads sous-jacents pour les objets thread.NET. La valeur de ce compteur n inclut p
as les threads utiliss par le CLR dans ses oprations internes; il s agit d un sousensemble des threads dans le processus du systme d exploitation.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of current physical Threads",,"Nombre de threads actuels physiques",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of stubs created by the CLR. Stubs are
responsible for marshalling arguments and return values from managed to unmanag
ed code and vice versa; during a COM Interop call or PInvoke call.",,"Ce compteu
r affiche le nombre actuel de stubs crs par le CLR. Les stubs sont chargs de marsha
ler les arguments et les valeurs de retour entre le code manag et le code non man
ag, lors d un appel COM Interop ou PInvoke.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"# of Stubs",,"Nombre de stubs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Runtime statistics on CLR exception handling.",,"Statistiques l excution sur la
gestion des exceptions CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET CLR Exceptions",,"Exceptions CLR .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Stats for CLR interop.",,"Statistiques de l interoprabilit CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET CLR Interop",,"Interoprabilit CLR .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Stats for CLR Jit.",,"Statistiques de Jit CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET CLR Jit",,"Jit CLR .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statistics for CLR Class Loader.",,"Statistiques du chargeur de classes CLR.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET CLR Loading",,"Chargement CLR .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Stats for CLR Locks and Threads.",,"Statistiques des verrous et threads CLR.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET CLR LocksAndThreads",,"Verrous et threads CLR .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Counters for CLR Garbage Collected heap.",,"Compteurs pour le tas rcupr par le gar
bage collector CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET CLR Memory",,"Mmoire CLR .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Stats for CLR Remoting.",,"Statistiques de la communication distance CLR.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET CLR Remoting",,"Accs distant CLR .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Stats for CLR Security.",,"Statistiques de la scurit CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET CLR Security",,"Scurit CLR .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"This counter displays the number of stack frames traversed from the frame that
threw the .NET exception to the frame that handled the exception per second. Thi
s counter resets to 0 when an exception handler is entered; so nested exceptions
would show the handler to handler stack depth. This counter is not an average o
ver time; it displays the difference between the values observed in the last two
samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.",,"Ce compteur affiche
le nombre de frames de pile traverss entre le frame qui a lev l exception.NET et ce
lui qui a gr l exception par seconde. Ce compteur est remis 0 lorsqu un gestionnaire
d exceptions est entr. Par consquent, les exceptions imbriques indiquent la profon
deur de la pile, de gestionnaire gestionnaire. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une m
oyenne temporelle; il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux
derniers intervalles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Throw To Catch Depth / sec",,"Profondeur Throw Catch/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of exceptions thrown per second. These include
both .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions that get converted into .NET exce
ptions e.g. null pointer reference exception in unmanaged code would get re-thro
wn in managed code as a .NET System.NullReferenceException; this counter include
s both handled and unhandled exceptions. Exceptions should only occur in rare si
tuations and not in the normal control flow of the program; this counter was des
igned as an indicator of potential performance problems due to large (>100s) rat
e of exceptions thrown. This counter is not an average over time; it displays th
e difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the
duration of the sample interval.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre d exceptions l
eves par seconde. Elles comprennent la fois les exceptions .NET et les exceptions
non manages qui sont converties en exceptions .NET (par exemple, une exception d
e rfrence de pointeur null dans du code non manag est nouveau leve dans du code mana
g en tant qu exception .NET System.NullReferenceException). Ce compteur comprend
la fois les exceptions gres et non gres. Les exceptions ne doivent se produire qu en
de rares occasions et non dans le flux de contrle normal du programme. Ce compte
ur a t conu en tant qu indicateur d ventuels problmes de performances causs par un tau
x lev (>100s) d exceptions leves. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporell
e; il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers interv
alles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of Exceps Thrown / sec",,"Nombre d exceptions leves/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of exceptions thrown since the start of
the application. These include both .NET exceptions and unmanaged exceptions tha
t get converted into .NET exceptions e.g. null pointer reference exception in un
managed code would get re-thrown in managed code as a .NET System.NullReferenceE
xception; this counter includes both handled and unhandled exceptions. Exception
s that are re-thrown would get counted again. Exceptions should only occur in ra
re situations and not in the normal control flow of the program.",,"Ce compteur
affiche le nombre total d exceptions leves depuis le dmarrage de l application. El
les comprennent la fois les exceptions .NET et les exceptions non manages qui son
t converties en exceptions .NET (par exemple, une exception de rfrence de pointeur
null dans du code non manag est nouveau leve dans du code manag en tant qu excepti
on .NET System.NullReferenceException). Ce compteur comprend la fois les excepti
ons gres et non gres. Les exceptions qui sont nouveau leves sont nouveau comptes. L
exceptions ne doivent se produire qu en de rares occasions et non dans le flux d
e contrle normal du programme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of Exceps Thrown",,"Nombre d exceptions leves",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of pinned objects encountered in the last GC.
This counter tracks the pinned objects only in the heaps that were garbage colle

cted e.g. a Gen 0 GC would cause enumeration of pinned objects in the generation
0 heap only. A pinned object is one that the Garbage Collector cannot move in m
emory.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre d objets pingls trouvs dans le dernier GC.
Il effectue le suivi des objets pingls uniquement dans les tas rcuprs par le garbage
collector (par exemple un GC de gnration0 entrane l numration des objets pingls dans
tas de gnration0 uniquement). Un objet pingl ne peut pas tre dplac par le Garbage Col
tor dans la mmoire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of Pinned Objects",,"Nombre d objets pingls",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of sync blocks in use. Sync blocks are
per-object data structures allocated for storing synchronization information. S
ync blocks hold weak references to managed objects and need to be scanned by the
Garbage Collector. Sync blocks are not limited to storing synchronization infor
mation and can also store COM interop metadata. This counter was designed to ind
icate performance problems with heavy use of synchronization primitives.",,"Ce c
ompteur affiche le nombre actuel de blocs de synchronisation utiliss. Les blocs d
e synchronisation sont des structures de donnes par objet alloues pour le stockage
des informations de synchronisation. Ils comportent des rfrences faibles aux obje
ts manags et doivent tre analyss par le Garbage Collector. Ces blocs ne sont pas li
mits au stockage des informations de synchronisation et peuvent galement stocker d
es mtadonnes COM Interop. Ce compteur a t conu pour indiquer des problmes de performan
ces lors de l utilisation intensive des primitives de synchronisation.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of Sink Blocks in use",,"Nombre de blocs de synchronisation utiliss",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the bytes of memory that survive garbage collection (GC)
and are promoted from generation 0 to generation 1; objects that are promoted ju
st because they are waiting to be finalized are not included in this counter. Th
is counter displays the value observed at the end of the last GC; its not a cumu
lative counter.",,"Ce compteur affiche les octets de mmoire qui survivent au GC (
garbage collection) et sont promus de la gnration0 la gnration1; les objets qui sont
omus uniquement car ils sont en attente de finalisation ne sont pas inclus dans
ce compteur. Ce compteur affiche la valeur observe la fin du dernier GC; il ne s a
git pas d un compteur cumulatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Promoted Memory from Gen 0",,"Mmoire promue de la gnration 0",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of times the generation 0 objects (youngest; m
ost recently allocated) are garbage collected (Gen 0 GC) since the start of the
application. Gen 0 GC occurs when the available memory in generation 0 is not su
fficient to satisfy an allocation request. This counter is incremented at the en
d of a Gen 0 GC. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. This co
unter is explicitly incremented when a higher generation (Gen 1 or Gen 2) GC occ
urs. _Global_ counter value is not accurate and should be ignored. This counter
displays the last observed value.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de fois o les
objets de gnration0 (les plus rcents, les derniers allous) sont rcuprs par le garbage
llector (GC de gnration0) depuis le dmarrage de l application. Le GC de gnration0 inte
vient lorsque la mmoire disponible dans la gnration0 n est pas suffisante pour rpondr
e une demande d allocation. Ce compteur est incrment la fin d un GC de gnration0. Le
GC de gnration suprieure comprennent tous ceux de gnration infrieure. Ce compteur est
incrment de faon explicite lorsqu un GC de gnration suprieure (gnration1 ou2) se p
La valeur _Global_ counter n est pas exacte et doit tre ignore. Ce compteur affic
he la dernire valeur observe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# Gen 0 Collections",,"Nombre de collections de la gnration 0",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the bytes of memory that are promoted from generation 0 t
o generation 1 just because they are waiting to be finalized. This counter displ
ays the value observed at the end of the last GC; its not a cumulative counter."
,,"Ce compteur affiche les octets de mmoire qui sont promus de la gnration0 la gnrati
n1 uniquement car ils sont en attente de finalisation. Ce compteur affiche la val
eur observe la fin du dernier GC; il ne s agit pas d un compteur cumulatif.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 0",,"Finalisation-mmoire promues de la gnrat
ion 0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the maximum bytes that can be allocated in generation 0 (
Gen 0); its does not indicate the current number of bytes allocated in Gen 0. A
Gen 0 GC is triggered when the allocations since the last GC exceed this size. T
he Gen 0 size is tuned by the Garbage Collector and can change during the execut
ion of the application. At the end of a Gen 0 collection the size of the Gen 0 h
eap is infact 0 bytes; this counter displays the size (in bytes) of allocations
that would trigger the next Gen 0 GC. This counter is updated at the end of a GC
; its not updated on every allocation.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre maximal
d octets qui peuvent tre allous la gnration0; il n indique pas le nombre actuel d oct
ts allous la gnration0. Un GC de gnration0 est dclench lorsque les allocations eff
epuis le dernier GC dpassent cette taille. La taille de la gnration0 est dfinie par l
e Garbage Collector et peut tre modifie lors de l excution de l application. la fin
d une collection de gnration0, la taille du tas de gnration0 est en fait de 0octet;
compteur affiche la taille (en octets) des allocations qui dclenchent le prochain
GC de gnration0. Ce compteur est mis jour la fin d un GC, et non chaque allocation
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gen 0 heap size",,"Taille du tas de la gnration 0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the bytes per second that are promoted from generation 0
(youngest) to generation 1; objects that are promoted just because they are wait
ing to be finalized are not included in this counter. Memory is promoted when it
survives a garbage collection. This counter was designed as an indicator of rel
atively long-lived objects being created per sec. This counter displays the diff
erence between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the durati
on of the sample interval.",,"Ce compteur affiche les octets par seconde qui son
t promus de la gnration0 (la plus rcente) la gnration1; les objets qui sont promus
ement car ils sont en attente de finalisation ne sont pas inclus dans ce compteu
r. La mmoire est promue lorsqu elle survit une opration garbage collection. Ce com
pteur a t conu en tant qu indicateur d objets dure de vie relativement longue crs par
seconde. Il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers
intervalles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gen 0 Promoted Bytes/Sec",,"Octets promus de la gnration 0/s",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the bytes of memory that survive garbage collection (GC)
and are promoted from generation 1 to generation 2; objects that are promoted ju
st because they are waiting to be finalized are not included in this counter. Th
is counter displays the value observed at the end of the last GC; its not a cumu
lative counter. This counter is reset to 0 if the last GC was a Gen 0 GC only.",
,"Ce compteur affiche les octets de mmoire qui survivent au GC (garbage collectio
n) et sont promus de la gnration1 la gnration2; les objets qui sont promus uniquemen
ar ils sont en attente de finalisation ne sont pas inclus dans ce compteur. Ce c
ompteur affiche la valeur observe la fin du dernier GC; il ne s agit pas d un comp
teur cumulatif. Ce compteur est remis 0 si le dernier GC tait un GC de gnration0 uniqu
ement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Promoted Memory from Gen 1",,"Mmoire promue de la gnration 1",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of times the generation 1 objects are garbage
collected since the start of the application. The counter is incremented at the
end of a Gen 1 GC. Higher generation GCs include all lower generation GCs. This
counter is explicitly incremented when a higher generation (Gen 2) GC occurs. _G
lobal_ counter value is not accurate and should be ignored. This counter display
s the last observed value.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de fois o les objets
de gnration1 sont rcuprs par le garbage collector depuis le dmarrage de l application.
Le compteur est incrment la fin d un GC de gnration1. Les GC de gnration suprieure
ennent tous ceux de gnration infrieure. Ce compteur est incrment de faon explicite lor
squ un GC de gnration suprieure (gnration2) se produit. La valeur _Global_ counter n e

st pas exacte et doit tre ignore. Ce compteur affiche la dernire valeur observe.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# Gen 1 Collections",,"Nombre de collections de la gnration 1",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of bytes in generation 1 (Gen 1); this
counter does not display the maximum size of Gen 1. Objects are not directly al
located in this generation; they are promoted from previous Gen 0 GCs. This coun
ter is updated at the end of a GC; its not updated on every allocation.",,"Ce co
mpteur affiche le nombre actuel d octets dans la gnration1; il n affiche pas la tail
le maximale de la gnration1. Les objets ne sont pas allous directement cette gnration
ils sont promus partir des GC de gnration0 prcdents. Ce compteur est mis jour la f
d un GC, et non chaque allocation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Gen 1 heap size",,"Taille du tas de la gnration 1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the bytes per second that are promoted from generation 1
to generation 2 (oldest); objects that are promoted just because they are waitin
g to be finalized are not included in this counter. Memory is promoted when it s
urvives a garbage collection. Nothing is promoted from generation 2 since it is
the oldest. This counter was designed as an indicator of very long-lived objects
being created per sec. This counter displays the difference between the values
observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.
",,"Ce compteur affiche les octets par seconde qui sont promus de la gnration1 la gnr
ation2 (la plus ancienne); les objets qui sont promus uniquement car ils sont en
attente de finalisation ne sont pas inclus dans ce compteur. La mmoire est promue
lorsqu elle survit une opration garbage collection. Aucun lment n est promu partir
de la gnration2, dans la mesure o il s agit de la plus ancienne. Ce compteur a t conu
en tant qu indicateur d objets dure de vie trs longue crs par seconde. Il affiche la
diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers intervalles de temps,
divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gen 1 Promoted Bytes/Sec",,"Octets promus de la gnration 1/s",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of times the generation 2 objects (older) are
garbage collected since the start of the application. The counter is incremented
at the end of a Gen 2 GC (also called full GC). _Global_ counter value is not a
ccurate and should be ignored. This counter displays the last observed value.",,
"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de fois o les objets de gnration2 (les plus anciens)
sont rcuprs par le garbage collector depuis le dmarrage de l application. Le compteu
r est incrment la fin d un GC de gnration2 (galement appel GC complet). La valeur _G
al_ counter n est pas exacte et doit tre ignore. Ce compteur affiche la dernire val
eur observe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# Gen 2 Collections",,"Nombre de collections de la gnration 2",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of bytes in generation 2 (Gen 2). Obje
cts are not directly allocated in this generation; they are promoted from Gen 1
during previous Gen 1 GCs. This counter is updated at the end of a GC; its not u
pdated on every allocation.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre actuel d octets dan
s la gnration2. Les objets ne sont pas allous directement cette gnration; ils sont p
us partir de la gnration1 lors des GC de gnration1 prcdents. Ce compteur est mis
fin d un GC, et non chaque allocation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Gen 2 heap size",,"Taille du tas de la gnration 2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the peak number of times a garbage collection was perform
ed because of an explicit call to GC.Collect. Its a good practice to let the GC
tune the frequency of its collections.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre maximal
de fois o un garbage collection a t effectu en raison d un appel explicite GC.Collec
t. Il est conseill de laisser le GC rgler la frquence de ses collections.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"# Induced GC",,"Nombre GC induit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

""This counter displays the total IL bytes jitted since the start of the applica
tion. This counter is exactly equivalent to the ""Total # of IL Bytes Jitted"" c
ounter."",,""Ce compteur affiche le nombre total d octets IL traits avec Jit depu
is le dmarrage de l application. Ce compteur quivaut exactement au compteur ""Nomb
re total d octets IL traits avec Jit""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"# of IL Bytes Jitted",,"Nombre d octets IL traits avec Jit",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the rate at which IL bytes are jitted per second. This co
unter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values
observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval
.",,"Ce compteur affiche le taux auquel les octets IL sont traits avec Jit par se
conde. Il ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la diffrence entre le
s valeurs observes dans les deux derniers intervalles de temps, divise par la dure
de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IL Bytes Jitted / sec",,"Octets IL traits avec Jit/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This counter displays the total IL bytes jitted since the start of the applica
tion. This counter is exactly equivalent to the ""# of IL Bytes Jitted"" counter
."",,""Ce compteur affiche le nombre total d octets IL traits avec Jit depuis le
dmarrage de l application. Ce compteur quivaut exactement au compteur ""Nombre d o
ctets IL traits avec Jit""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total # of IL Bytes Jitted",,"Nombre total d octets IL traits avec Jit",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the peak number of methods the JIT compiler has failed to
JIT since the start of the application. This failure can occur if the IL cannot
be verified or if there was an internal error in the JIT compiler.",,"Ce compte
ur affiche le nombre maximal de mthodes que le compilateur JIT n a pas pu traiter
depuis le dmarrage de l application. Cet chec peut avoir lieu si l octet IL ne pe
ut pas tre vrifi ou qu une erreur interne s est produite dans le compilateur JIT.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Standard Jit Failures",,"checs Jit standard",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current size of the Large Object Heap in bytes. Objec
ts greater than a threshold are treated as large objects by the Garbage Collecto
r and are directly allocated in a special heap; they are not promoted through th
e generations. In CLR v1.1 and above this threshold is equal to 85000 bytes. Thi
s counter is updated at the end of a GC; its not updated on every allocation.",,"
Ce compteur affiche la taille actuelle du tas des objets volumineux en octets. L
es objets dont la taille est suprieure au seuil sont considrs comme des grands obje
ts par le Garbage Collector et sont directement allous un tas spcial; ils ne sont p
as promus d une gnration l autre. Dans CLR version 1.1 et ultrieures, ce seuil est g
al 85 000 octets. Ce compteur est mis jour la fin d un GC et non chaque allocati
on.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Large Object Heap size",,"Taille du tas des objets volumineux",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of AppDomains loaded in this applicati
on. AppDomains (application domains) provide a secure and versatile unit of proc
essing that the CLR can use to provide isolation between applications running in
the same process.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de AppDomains actuellement c
hargs dans cette application. Les AppDomains (domaines d application) fournissent
une unit de traitement scurise et polyvalente que le CLR peut utiliser pour offrir
une isolation entre les applications excutes dans le mme processus.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current appdomains",,"Appdomains actuels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of AppDomains loaded per second. AppDomains (a
pplication domains) provide a secure and versatile unit of processing that the C

LR can use to provide isolation between applications running in the same process
. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between t
he values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample
interval.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de AppDomains chargs par seconde. Les
AppDomains (domaines d application) fournissent une unit de traitement scurise et
polyvalente que le CLR peut utiliser pour offrir une isolation entre les applica
tions excutes dans le mme processus. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une moyenne tempor
elle; il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers int
ervalles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rate of appdomains",,"Taux de Appdomains",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the peak number of AppDomains loaded since the start of t
his application. AppDomains (application domains) provide a secure and versatile
unit of processing that the CLR can use to provide isolation between applicatio
ns running in the same process.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre maximal de AppD
omains chargs depuis le dmarrage de cette application. Les AppDomains (domaines d
application) fournissent une unit de traitement scurise et polyvalente que le CLR p
eut utiliser pour offrir une isolation entre les applications excutes dans le mme p
rocessus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total Appdomains",,"Total de Appdomains",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of AppDomains unloaded per second. This counte
r is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the values obs
erved in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.",,
"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de AppDomains dchargs par seconde. Il ne reprsente p
as une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans
les deux derniers intervalles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantill
on.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rate of appdomains unloaded",,"Taux des appdomains dchargs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of AppDomains unloaded since the start o
f the application. If an AppDomain is loaded and unloaded multiple times this co
unter would count each of those unloads as separate.",,"Ce compteur affiche le n
ombre total de AppDomains dchargs depuis le dmarrage de l application. Si un AppDom
ain est charg, puis dcharg plusieurs fois, ce compteur compte sparment chaque dchargem
ent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total appdomains unloaded",,"Total de appdomains dchargs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reserved for future use.",,"Rserv pour un usage futur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly Search Length",,"Longueur de la recherche de l assembly",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDom
ains in this application. If the Assembly is loaded as domain-neutral from multi
ple AppDomains then this counter is incremented once only. Assemblies can be loa
ded as domain-neutral when their code can be shared by all AppDomains or they ca
n be loaded as domain-specific when their code is private to the AppDomain.",,"C
e compteur affiche le nombre d assemblys actuellement chargs dans tous les AppDom
ains de cette application. Si l assembly est charg comme tant indpendant du domaine
partir de plusieurs AppDomains, ce compteur n est incrment qu une seule fois. Les
assemblys peuvent tre chargs comme tant indpendants du domaine lorsque leur code pe
ut tre partag par tous les AppDomains ou comme tant spcifiques au domaine lorsque le
ur code est priv pour le AppDomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Current Assemblies",,"Assemblys actuels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of Assemblies loaded across all AppDomains per
second. If the Assembly is loaded as domain-neutral from multiple AppDomains th
en this counter is incremented once only. Assemblies can be loaded as domain-neu

tral when their code can be shared by all AppDomains or they can be loaded as do
main-specific when their code is private to the AppDomain. This counter is not a
n average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed in t
he last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.",,"Ce compte
ur affiche le nombre d assemblys chargs dans tous les AppDomains par seconde. Si
l assembly est charg comme tant indpendant du domaine partir de plusieurs AppDomain
s, ce compteur n est incrment qu une seule fois. Les assemblys peuvent tre chargs co
mme tant indpendants du domaine lorsque leur code peut tre partag par tous les AppDo
mains ou comme tant spcifiques au domaine lorsque leur code est priv pour le AppDom
ain. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la diffrence e
ntre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers intervalles de temps, divise par
la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Rate of Assemblies",,"Taux des assemblys",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of Assemblies loaded since the start of
this application. If the Assembly is loaded as domain-neutral from multiple AppD
omains then this counter is incremented once only. Assemblies can be loaded as d
omain-neutral when their code can be shared by all AppDomains or they can be loa
ded as domain-specific when their code is private to the AppDomain.",,"Ce compte
ur affiche le nombre total d assemblys chargs depuis le dmarrage de cette applicat
ion. Si l assembly est charg comme tant indpendant du domaine partir de plusieurs A
ppDomains, ce compteur n est incrment qu une seule fois. Les assemblys peuvent tre
chargs comme tant indpendants du domaine lorsque leur code peut tre partag par tous l
es AppDomains ou comme tant spcifiques au domaine lorsque leur code est priv pour l
e AppDomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total Assemblies",,"Total d assemblys",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"This counter displays the current number of classes loaded in all Assemblies.",
,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre actuel de classes charges dans tous les assemblys
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current Classes Loaded",,"Classes charges actuelles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of classes loaded per second in all Assemblies
. This counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between t
he values observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample
interval.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de classes charges par seconde dans t
ous les assemblys. Il ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la diffre
nce entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers intervalles de temps, divise
par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Rate of Classes Loaded",,"Taux des classes charges",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the cumulative number of classes loaded in all Assemblies
since the start of this application.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre cumulatif
de classes charges dans tous les assemblys depuis le dmarrage de cette applicatio
n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total Classes Loaded",,"Total de classes charges",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the current size (in bytes) of the memory committed by th
e class loader across all AppDomains. (Committed memory is the physical memory f
or which space has been reserved on the disk paging file.)",,"Ce compteur affich
e la taille actuelle (en octets) de la mmoire alloue par le chargeur de classes to
us les AppDomains. (La mmoire alloue est la mmoire physique pour laquelle l espace
a t rserv dans le fichier d change du disque.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Bytes in Loader Heap",,"Octets dans le tas du chargeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of classes that failed to load per second. Thi
s counter is not an average over time; it displays the difference between the va

lues observed in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample inte
rval. These load failures could be due to many reasons like inadequate security
or illegal format. Full details can be found in the profiling services help.",,"
Ce compteur affiche le nombre de classes qui n ont pas pu tre charges par seconde.
Il ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la diffrence entre les vale
urs observes dans les deux derniers intervalles de temps, divise par la dure de l i
ntervalle chantillon. Ces checs de chargement peuvent avoir de nombreuses causes,
telles qu une scurit inapproprie ou un format non conforme. Vous trouverez tous les
dtails dans l aide des services de profil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Rate of Load Failures",,"Taux d checs de chargement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the peak number of classes that have failed to load since
the start of the application. These load failures could be due to many reasons
like inadequate security or illegal format. Full details can be found in the pro
filing services help.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre maximal de classes qui n
ont pas pu tre charges depuis le dmarrage de l application. Ces checs de chargement
peuvent avoir de nombreuses causes, telles qu une scurit inapproprie ou un format n
on conforme. Vous trouverez tous les dtails dans l aide des services de profil.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total # of Load Failures",,"Total des checs de chargement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"% Time Loading",,"% temps chargement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"This counter displays the current number of GC Handles in use. GCHandles are ha
ndles to resources external to the CLR and the managed environment. Handles occu
py small amounts of memory in the GCHeap but potentially expensive unmanaged res
ources.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre actuel de handles GC utiliss. Les Handle
s GC sont des handles pour les ressources externes au CLR et l environnement man
ag. Les handles occupent de petites quantits de mmoire dans le tas GC, mais ncessite
nt des ressources non manages qui peuvent tre coteuses.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# GC Handles",,"Nombre de handles GC",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"This counter displays the total number of times arguments and return values hav
e been marshaled from managed to unmanaged code and vice versa since the start o
f the application. This counter is not incremented if the stubs are inlined. (St
ubs are responsible for marshalling arguments and return values). Stubs usually
get inlined if the marshalling overhead is small.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nomb
re total de fois o les arguments et les valeurs de retour ont t marshals entre le co
de manag et le code non manag depuis le dmarrage de l application. Ce compteur n es
t pas incrment si les stubs sont inline. (Les stubs sont chargs de marshaler les ar
guments et les valeurs de retour). Les stubs sont en gnral inline si la charge mmoi
re de marshaling est faible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of marshalling",,"Nombre de marshaling",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"% Time in GC is the percentage of elapsed time that was spent in performing a g
arbage collection (GC) since the last GC cycle. This counter is usually an indic
ator of the work done by the Garbage Collector on behalf of the application to c
ollect and compact memory. This counter is updated only at the end of every GC a
nd the counter value reflects the last observed value; its not an average.",,"%
Temps dans le GC reprsente le pourcentage de temps pass excuter une opration GC (gar
bage collection) depuis le dernier cycle GC. Ce compteur est habituellement un i
ndicateur du travail effectu par le Garbage Collector de la part de l application
pour collecter et compresser de la mmoire. Ce compteur n est mis jour qu la fin
de chaque GC et sa valeur reflte la dernire valeur observe; il ne reprsente pas une m
oyenne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"% Time in GC",,"% temps dans le GC",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Not Displayed.",,"Non affich.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Not Displayed",,"Non affich",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"This counter displays the process ID of the CLR process instance being monitore
d. The value displayed will be 0 until after the first garbage collection.",,"Ce
compteur affiche l ID de processus de l instance du processus CLR qui est surve
ille. La valeur affiche sera 0 jusqu la fin du premier garbage collection.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process ID",,"ID de processus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of threads currently waiting to acquire
some managed lock in the application. This counter is not an average over time;
it displays the last observed value.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre total de t
hreads actuellement en attente d acquisition d un verrou manag dans l application
. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la dernire valeur
observe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current Queue Length",,"Longueur de la file actuelle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of threads per second waiting to acquire some
lock in the application. This counter is not an average over time; it displays t
he difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by the
duration of the sample interval.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de threads pa
r seconde en attente d acquisition d un verrou dans l application. Il ne reprsent
e pas une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes da
ns les deux derniers intervalles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chant
illon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Queue Length / sec",,"Longueur de la file/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of threads that waited to acquire some m
anaged lock since the start of the application.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre
total de threads qui ont attendu pour acqurir un verrou manag depuis le dmarrage d
e l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Queue Length Peak",,"Longueur de la file maximale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of threads that are currently recognized by th
e CLR; they have a corresponding .NET thread object associated with them. These
threads are not created by the CLR; they are created outside the CLR but have si
nce run inside the CLR at least once. Only unique threads are tracked; threads w
ith same thread ID re-entering the CLR or recreated after thread exit are not co
unted twice.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de threads actuellement reconnus p
ar le CLR; un objet thread.NET correspondant leur est associ. Ces threads ne sont p
as crs par le CLR; ils sont crs en dehors du CLR, mais ont depuis t excuts au moins
ois l intrieur du CLR. Seuls les threads uniques sont suivis; ceux qui ont le mme I
D de thread et qui entrent nouveau dans le CLR, ou ceux recrs aprs l arrt de thread
ne sont pas compts deux fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of current recognized threads",,"Nombre de threads actuellement reconnus",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of threads per second that have been recognize
d by the CLR; these threads have a corresponding .NET thread object associated w
ith them. These threads are not created by the CLR; they are created outside the
CLR but have since run inside the CLR at least once. Only unique threads are tr
acked; threads with same thread ID re-entering the CLR or recreated after thread
exit are not counted twice. This counter is not an average over time; it displa
ys the difference between the values observed in the last two samples divided by
the duration of the sample interval.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre de thread
s par seconde reconnus par le CLR; un objet thread.NET correspondant leur est asso
ci. Ces threads ne sont pas crs par le CLR; ils sont crs en dehors du CLR, mais ont de
puis t excuts au moins une fois l intrieur du CLR. Seuls les threads uniques sont sui
vis; ceux qui ont le mme ID de thread et qui entrent nouveau dans le CLR, ou ceux
recrs aprs l arrt de thread ne sont pas compts deux fois. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas
une moyenne temporelle; il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans le
s deux derniers intervalles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"rate of recognized threads / sec",,"taux de threads reconnus/s",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of threads that have been recognized by
the CLR since the start of this application; these threads have a corresponding
.NET thread object associated with them. These threads are not created by the CL
R; they are created outside the CLR but have since run inside the CLR at least o
nce. Only unique threads are tracked; threads with same thread ID re-entering th
e CLR or recreated after thread exit are not counted twice.",,"Ce compteur affic
he le nombre total de threads reconnus par le CLR depuis le dmarrage de cette app
lication; un objet thread.NET correspondant leur est associ. Ces threads ne sont pa
s crs par le CLR; ils sont crs en dehors du CLR, mais ont depuis t excuts au moins u
is l intrieur du CLR. Seuls les threads uniques sont suivis; ceux qui ont le mme ID
de thread et qui entrent nouveau dans le CLR, ou ceux recrs aprs l arrt de thread n
e sont pas compts deux fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of total recognized threads",,"Nombre total de threads reconnus",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the depth of the stack during that last runtime Code Acce
ss Security check. Runtime Code Access Security check is performed by crawling t
he stack. This counter is not an average; it just displays the last observed val
ue.",,"Ce compteur affiche l paisseur de la pile lors de la dernire vrification Scur
it d Accs du Code (CAS) l excution. La vrification Scurit d Accs du Code l excuti
effectue en analysant la pile. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une moyenne; il affiche
uniquement la dernire valeur observe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Stack Walk Depth",,"paisseur de la pile",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"This counter displays the total number of linktime Code Access Security (CAS) c
hecks since the start of the application. Linktime CAS checks are performed when
a caller makes a call to a callee demanding a particular permission at JIT comp
ile time; linktime check is performed once per caller. This count is not indicat
ive of serious performance issues; its indicative of the security system activit
y.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre total de vrifications Scurit d Accs du Code (CAS
) durant l dition de liens effectues depuis le dmarrage de l application. Ces vrific
ations sont effectues lorsqu un utilisateur en appelle un autre pour demander une
autorisation particulire au moment de la compilation JIT; la vrification durant l d
ition de liens est effectue une fois par appelant. Ce compteur n indique pas de g
raves problmes de performances, mais l activit du systme de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# Link Time Checks",,"Nombre de vrifications durant l dition de liens",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"% Time Sig. Authenticating",,"% temps authentification de la signature",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the percentage of elapsed time spent in performing runtim
e Code Access Security (CAS) checks since the last such check. CAS allows code t
o be trusted to varying degrees and enforces these varying levels of trust depen
ding on code identity. This counter is updated at the end of a runtime security
check; it represents the last observed value; its not an average.",,"Ce compteur
affiche le pourcentage de temps pass effectuer des vrifications Scurit d Accs du Cod
e (CAS) l excution depuis la dernire vrification de ce type. La Scurit d Accs du Code
permet de dfinir divers niveaux de confiance pour le code et d appliquer ces degrs
de confiance en fonction de l identit du code. Ce compteur est mis jour la fin d
une vrification de la scurit l excution. Il reprsente la dernire valeur observe et
une moyenne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"% Time in RT checks",,"% temps pour les vrifications RT",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This counter displays the total number of runtime Code Access Security (CAS) c
hecks performed since the start of the application. Runtime CAS checks are perfo
rmed when a caller makes a call to a callee demanding a particular permission; t
he runtime check is made on every call by the caller; the check is done by exami
ning the current thread stack of the caller. This counter used together with ""S

tack Walk Depth"" is indicative of performance penalty for security checks."",,"

"Ce compteur affiche le nombre total de vrifications Scurit d Accs du Code (CAS) l e
xcution effectues depuis le dmarrage de l application. Ces vrifications sont effectue
s lorsqu un utilisateur en appelle un autre pour demander une autorisation parti
culire; la vrification l excution est ralise sur chaque appel de l appelant, en exami
ant sa pile des threads actuelle. Ce compteur utilis avec ""Stack Walk Depth"" in
dique les altrations des performances pour les contrles de scurit."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total Runtime Checks",,"Total de vrifications l excution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This counter displays the number of garbage collected objects that survive a c
ollection because they are waiting to be finalized. If these objects hold refere
nces to other objects then those objects also survive but are not counted by thi
s counter; the ""Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 0"" and ""Promoted Finali
zation-Memory from Gen 1"" counters represent all the memory that survived due t
o finalization. This counter is not a cumulative counter; its updated at the end
of every GC with count of the survivors during that particular GC only. This co
unter was designed to indicate the extra overhead that the application might inc
ur because of finalization."",,""Ce compteur affiche le nombre d objets rcuprs par
le garbage collector qui survivent une collecte, car ils sont en attente de fina
lisation. Si ces objets comportent des rfrences d autres objets, ces derniers surv
ivent galement, mais ne sont pas compts par ce compteur. Les compteurs ""Promoted
Finalization-Memory from Gen 0"" et ""Promoted Finalization-Memory from Gen 1""
reprsentent toute la mmoire qui a survcu grce la finalisation. Ce compteur n est pas
cumulatif; il est mis jour la fin de chaque GC avec le compte de survivants ce G
C uniquement. Ce compteur a t conu pour indiquer la charge supplmentaire que l appli
cation peut subir en raison de la finalisation."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Finalization Survivors",,"Survivants de finalisation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the percentage of elapsed time spent in JIT compilation s
ince the last JIT compilation phase. This counter is updated at the end of every
JIT compilation phase. A JIT compilation phase is the phase when a method and i
ts dependencies are being compiled.",,"Ce compteur affiche le pourcentage de tem
ps pass la compilation JIT depuis la dernire phase de compilation JIT. Ce compteur
est mis jour la fin de chaque phase de compilation JIT, qui est la phase pendan
t laquelle une mthode et ses dpendances sont compiles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"% Time in Jit",,"% temps en Jit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the amount of virtual memory (in bytes) currently committ
ed by the Garbage Collector. (Committed memory is the physical memory for which
space has been reserved on the disk paging file).",,"Ce compteur affiche la quan
tit de mmoire virtuelle (en octets) actuellement alloue par le Garbage Collector. (
La mmoire alloue est la mmoire physique pour laquelle l espace a t rserv dans le fichi
r d change du disque.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# Total committed Bytes",,"Nombre total d octets valids",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of .NET exception filters executed per second.
An exception filter evaluates whether an exception should be handled or not. Th
is counter tracks the rate of exception filters evaluated; irrespective of wheth
er the exception was handled or not. This counter is not an average over time; i
t displays the difference between the values observed in the last two samples di
vided by the duration of the sample interval.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre d
e filtres d exception.NET excuts par seconde. Un filtre d exception value si une exc
eption doit tre gre ou non. Ce compteur effectue le suivi du taux des filtres d exc
eption valus, que l exception ait t gre ou non. Il ne reprsente pas une moyenne tempor
lle; il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers inte
rvalles de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of Filters / sec",,"Nombre de filtres/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B

lue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the number of finally blocks executed per second. A final
ly block is guaranteed to be executed regardless of how the try block was exited
. Only the finally blocks that are executed for an exception are counted; finall
y blocks on normal code paths are not counted by this counter. This counter is n
ot an average over time; it displays the difference between the values observed
in the last two samples divided by the duration of the sample interval.",,"Ce co
mpteur affiche le nombre de blocs finally excuts par seconde. Un bloc finally est
toujours excut, quelle que soit la mthode de sortie du bloc try. Seuls les blocs fi
nally qui sont excuts pour une exception sont compts; ceux situs dans des chemins de
code normaux ne le sont pas. Ce compteur ne reprsente pas une moyenne temporelle;
il affiche la diffrence entre les valeurs observes dans les deux derniers interval
les de temps, divise par la dure de l intervalle chantillon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of Finallys / sec",,"Nombre de Finally/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter is the sum of four other counters; Gen 0 Heap Size; Gen 1 Heap Siz
e; Gen 2 Heap Size and the Large Object Heap Size. This counter indicates the cu
rrent memory allocated in bytes on the GC Heaps.",,"Ce compteur est la somme de
quatre autres compteurs: Gen 0 Heap Size, Gen 1 Heap Size, Gen 2 Heap Size et Lar
ge Object Heap Size. Il indique la mmoire actuellement alloue en octets aux tas GC
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# Bytes in all Heaps",,"Nombre d octets dans tous les tas",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the total number of methods compiled Just-In-Time (JIT) b
y the CLR JIT compiler since the start of the application. This counter does not
include the pre-jitted methods.",,"Ce compteur affiche le nombre total de mthode
s compiles juste--temps (JIT) par le compilateur JIT CLR depuis le dmarrage de l ap
plication. Ce compteur n inclut pas les mthodes ayant subi un traitement pr-JIT.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of Methods Jitted",,"Nombre de mthodes traites avec Jit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This counter displays the amount of virtual memory (in bytes) currently reserve
d by the Garbage Collector. (Reserved memory is the virtual memory space reserve
d for the application but no disk or main memory pages have been used.)",,"Ce co
mpteur affiche la quantit de mmoire virtuelle (en octets) actuellement rserve par le
Garbage Collector. (La mmoire rserve est l espace de mmoire virtuelle rserv l applic
tion, mais aucun disque, ni page de mmoire principale n ont t utiliss.)",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# Total reserved Bytes",,"Nombre total d octets rservs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of TLB exports / sec",,"Nombre d exportations TLB/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"# of TLB imports / sec",,"Nombre d importations TLB/s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal compiler error (0x%1!8.8x!)",,"Erreur interne du compilateur (0x%1!8.8
x!)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Out of memory",,"Mmoire insuffisante",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Warning treated as error",,"Avertissement considr comme une erreur",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiler option %1!ls! must be followed by an argument",,"L option du compila
teur %1!ls! doit tre suivie d un argument",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Metadata file %1!ls! could not be found",,"Le fichier de mtadonnes %1!ls! est
introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected common language runtime initialization error -- %1!ls! ",,"Erreur d
initialisation du Common Language Runtime inattendue -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error reading metadata from file %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Erreur inat

tendue lors de la lecture des mtadonnes dans le fichier %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Metadata file %2!ls! could not be opened -- %1!ls! ",,"Impossible d ouvrir l
e fichier de mtadonnes %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected fatal error -- %1!ls! ",,"Erreur irrcuprable inattendue -- %1!ls! ",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The base class or interface %2!ls! in assembly %3!ls! referenced by type %
1!ls! could not be resolved",,"La classe de base ou l interface %2!ls! dans l
assembly %3!ls! rfrenc par le type %1!ls! n a pas pu tre rsolue",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %1!ls! is defined in an assembly that is not referenced. You must ad
d a reference to assembly %2!ls! .",,"Le type %1!ls! est dfini dans un assembl
y qui n est pas rfrenc. Vous devez ajouter une rfrence l assembly %2!ls! .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error writing metadata to file %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Erreur inatte
ndue lors de l criture des mtadonnes dans le fichier %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required file %1!ls! could not be found",,"Le fichier requis %1!ls! est int
rouvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of type %1!ls! is too long",,"Le nom du type %1!ls! est trop long"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not write to output file %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Impossible d crire dans l
e fichier de sortie %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Program %2!ls! has more than one entry point defined: %1!ls! . Compile with
/main to specify the type that contains the entry point.",,"Le programme %2!ls
! a plusieurs points d entre dfinis: %1!ls! . Compilez avec l option /main pour s
pcifier le type qui contient le point d entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator %1!ls! is not yet implemented",,"L oprateur %1!ls! n est pas encore
implment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator %1!ls! cannot be applied to operands of type %2!ls! and %3!ls! ",
,"L oprateur %1!ls! ne peut pas tre appliqu aux oprandes de type %2!ls! et %3!l
s! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Division by constant zero",,"Division par zro constant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type %1!ls! ",,"Impossible d
appliquer l indexation l aide de [] une expression de type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wrong number of indices inside []; expected %1!d!",,"Nombre d index incorrect d
ans [], %1!d! attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator %1!ls! cannot be applied to operand of type %2!ls! ",,"L oprateur %
1!ls! ne peut pas tre appliqu un oprande de type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Standard library file %1!ls! could not be found",,"Impossible de trouver le f
ichier bibliothque standard %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Keyword this is not valid in a static property, static method, or static fiel
d initializer",,"Le mot cl this n est pas valide dans un initialiseur de proprit
statique, de mthode statique ou de champ statique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keyword this is not available in the current context",,"Le mot cl this n est
pas disponible dans le contexte actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" %1!ls! has the wrong signature to be an entry point",," %1!ls! possde une sig
nature errone pour un point d entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot implicitly convert type %1!ls! to %2!ls! ",,"Impossible de convertir
implicitement le type %1!ls! en %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B

lue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert type %1!ls! to %2!ls! ",,"Impossible de convertir le type %1
!ls! en %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant value %1!ls! cannot be converted to a %2!ls! ",,"La valeur de const
ante %1!ls! ne peut pas tre convertie en %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator %1!ls! is ambiguous on operands of type %2!ls! and %3!ls! ",,"L o
prateur %1!ls! est ambigu pour des oprandes de type %2!ls! et %3!ls! ",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator %1!ls! is ambiguous on an operand of type %2!ls! ",,"L oprateur %1!
ls! est ambigu pour un oprande de type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An out parameter cannot have the In attribute",,"Un paramtre out ne peut pas avo
ir l attribut in",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert null to %1!ls! because it is a non-nullable value type",,"Impo
ssible de convertir null en %1!ls! , car il s agit d un type valeur qui n autor
ise pas les valeurs null",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a non-static member of outer type %1!ls! via nested type %2!ls
! ",,"Impossible d accder un membre non statique de type externe %1!ls! par l i
ntermdiaire du type imbriqu %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot convert type %1!ls! to %2!ls! via a reference conversion, boxing con
version, unboxing conversion, wrapping conversion, or null type conversion",,"Im
possible de convertir le type %1!ls! en %2!ls! via une conversion de rfrence,
une conversion boxing, une conversion unboxing, une conversion wrapping ou une c
onversion null type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected debug information initialization error -- %1!ls! ",,"Erreur inatten
due lors de l initialisation des informations de dbogage -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error writing debug information to file %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Erre
ur inattendue lors de l criture des informations de dbogage dans le fichier %2!ls
! -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error creating debug information file %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Erreur
inattendue lors de la cration du fichier des informations de dbogage %1!ls! -%2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PDB file %1!ls! has an incorrect or out-of-date format. Delete it and rebuild
.",,"Le format du fichier PDB %1!ls! est incorrect ou obsolte. Supprimez-le et
relancez une gnration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: return type %2!ls! is less accessible than method
%1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de retour %2!ls! est moins accessib
le que la mthode %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type %2!ls! is less accessible than met
hod %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de paramtre %2!ls! est moins acce
ssible que la mthode %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: field type %2!ls! is less accessible than field
%1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de champ %2!ls! est moins accessible
que le champ %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: property type %2!ls! is less accessible than prop
erty %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de proprit %2!ls! est moins acces
sible que la proprit %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: indexer return type %2!ls! is less accessible tha
n indexer %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de retour de l indexeur %2!
ls! est moins accessible que l indexeur %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type %2!ls! is less accessible than ind
exer %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de paramtre %2!ls! est moins acc
essible que l indexeur %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: return type %2!ls! is less accessible than operat
or %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de retour %2!ls! est moins access
ible que l oprateur %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type %2!ls! is less accessible than ope

rator %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de paramtre %2!ls! est moins ac
cessible que l oprateur %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: return type %2!ls! is less accessible than delega
te %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de retour %2!ls! est moins access
ible que le dlgu %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: parameter type %2!ls! is less accessible than del
egate %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de paramtre %2!ls! est moins ac
cessible que le dlgu %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: base class %2!ls! is less accessible than class
%1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: la classe de base %2!ls! est moins accessible
que la classe %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: base interface %2!ls! is less accessible than int
erface %1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: l interface de base %2!ls! est moins
accessible que l interface %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" %1!ls! : event property must have both add and remove accessors",," %1!ls! : la
proprit event doit possder la fois des accesseurs add et remove",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : event must be of a delegate type",," %1!ls! : l vnement doit tre de type
dlgu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event %1!ls! is never used",,"L vnement %1!ls! n est jamais utilis",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : event in interface cannot have initializer",," %1!ls! : l vnement dans l
interface ne peut pas avoir d initialiseur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"An event in an interface cannot have add or remove accessors",,"Un vnement dans u
ne interface ne peut pas avoir d accesseurs add ou remove",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event %1!ls! can only appear on the left hand side of += or -= (except wh
en used from within the type %2!ls! )",,"L vnement %1!ls! ne peut apparatre qu g
auche de += ou -= (sauf en cas d utilisation partir du type %2!ls! )",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An explicit interface implementation of an event must use event accessor syntax
",,"Une implmentation d interface explicite d un vnement doit utiliser la syntaxe d
es accesseurs d vnement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot override; %2!ls! is not an event",," %1!ls! : impossible de s
ubstituer; %2!ls! n est pas un vnement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"An add or remove accessor must have a body",,"Un accesseur add ou remove doit a
voir un corps",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : abstract event cannot have initializer",," %1!ls! : un vnement abstract
ne peut pas avoir un initialiseur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"To cast a negative value, you must enclose the value in parentheses",,"Pour eff
ectuer un cast d une valeur ngative, vous devez la mettre entre parenthses",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The enumerator name %1!ls! is reserved and cannot be used",,"Le nom d numrateur
%1!ls! est rserv et ne peut pas tre utilis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The as operator must be used with a reference type or nullable type ( %1!ls! i
s a non-nullable value type)",,"L oprateur as doit tre utilis avec un type rfrence ou
un type Nullable ( %1!ls! est un type valeur qui n autorise pas les valeurs nu
ll)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The l suffix is easily confused with the digit 1 -- use L for clarity",,"
Le suffixe l risque d tre facilement confondu avec le chiffre 1 -- utilisez p
lutt L ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event %1!ls! can only appear on the left hand side of += or -=",,"L vnement
%1!ls! ne peut apparatre qu gauche de+= ou-=",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"

"Constraints are not allowed on non-generic declarations",,"Les contraintes ne s

ont pas autorises sur des dclarations non gnriques",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter declaration must be an identifier not a type",,"La dclaration du
paramtre de type doit tre un identificateur et non un type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter name %1!ls! is a duplicate",,"Le nom de paramtre %1!ls! est un
doublon",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The namespace %2!ls! already contains a definition for %1!ls! ",,"L espace d
e noms %2!ls! contient dj une dfinition de %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %2!ls! already contains a definition for %1!ls! ",,"Le type %2!ls!
contient dj une dfinition pour %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The name %1!ls! does not exist in the current context",,"Le nom %1!ls! n ex
iste pas dans le contexte actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is an ambiguous reference between %2!ls! and %3!ls! ",," %1!ls! es
t une rfrence ambigu entre %2!ls! et %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The using directive for %1!ls! appeared previously in this namespace",,"La di
rective using de %1!ls! est apparue prcdemment dans cet espace de noms",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The modifier %1!ls! is not valid for this item",,"Le modificateur %1!ls! n
est pas valide pour cet lment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More than one protection modifier",,"Prsence de plusieurs modificateurs de prote
ction",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! hides inherited member %2!ls! . Use the new keyword if hiding was int
ended.",," %1!ls! masque le membre hrit %2!ls! . Utilisez le mot cl new si le mas
quage est intentionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The member %1!ls! does not hide an inherited member. The new keyword is not r
equired.",,"Le membre %1!ls! ne masque pas un membre hrit. Le mot cl new n est pa
s requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The evaluation of the constant value for %1!ls! involves a circular definitio
n",,"L valuation de la valeur de constante de %1!ls! implique une dfinition circ
ulaire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %2!ls! already defines a member called %1!ls! with the same parameter
types",,"Le type %2!ls! dfinit dj un membre appel %1!ls! avec les mmes types de p
aramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A static member %1!ls! cannot be marked as override, virtual, or abstract",,"
Un membre static %1!ls! ne peut pas tre marqu comme override, virtual ni abstrac
t",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A member %1!ls! marked as override cannot be marked as new or virtual",,"Un m
embre %1!ls! marqu comme override ne peut pas tre marqu comme new ni virtual",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! hides inherited member %2!ls! . To make the current member override t
hat implementation, add the override keyword. Otherwise add the new keyword.",,"
%1!ls! masque le membre hrit %2!ls! . Pour que le membre actif se substitue cet
te implmentation, ajoutez le mot cl override. Sinon, ajoutez le mot cl new.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : no suitable method found to override",," %1!ls! : aucune mthode appropr
ie n a t trouve pour la substitution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A namespace cannot directly contain members such as fields or methods",,"Un esp
ace de noms ne peut pas contenir directement des membres tels que des champs ou
des mthodes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not contain a definition for %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! ne contient pas
de dfinition pour %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is a %2!ls! but is used like a %3!ls! ",," %1!ls! est un %2!ls!
mais est utilis comme un %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is a %2!ls! , which is not valid in the given context",," %1!ls! est
un %2!ls! , qui n est pas valide dans le contexte donn",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F

ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property
%1!ls! ",,"Une rfrence d objet est requise pour la proprit, la mthode ou le champ non
statique %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: %1!ls! and
%2!ls! ",,"L appel est ambigu entre les mthodes ou proprits suivantes: %1!ls! et
%2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is inaccessible due to its protection level",," %1!ls! est inaccessib
le en raison de son niveau de protection",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"No overload for %1!ls! matches delegate %2!ls! ",,"Aucune surcharge pour %1
!ls! ne correspond au dlgu %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"An object of a type convertible to %1!ls! is required",,"Un objet d un type c
onvertible en %1!ls! est requis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Since %1!ls! returns void, a return keyword must not be followed by an object
expression",,"Comme %1!ls! retourne void, un mot cl return ne peut pas tre suiv
i d une expression d objet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A local variable named %1!ls! is already defined in this scope",,"Une variabl
e locale nomme %1!ls! est dj dfinie dans cette porte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The left-hand side of an assignment must be a variable, property or indexer",,"
La partie gauche d une assignation doit tre une variable, une proprit ou un indexeu
r",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : a static constructor must be parameterless",," %1!ls! : un constructeu
r statique ne peut pas s accompagner de paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The expression being assigned to %1!ls! must be constant",,"L expression assi
gne %1!ls! doit tre constante",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is of type %2!ls! . A const field of a reference type other than stri
ng can only be initialized with null.",," %1!ls! est de type %2!ls! . Un champ
const d un type rfrence autre que string ne peut tre initialis qu avec null.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %2!ls! conflicts with the declaration %1!ls! ",,"Conflit entre %2!ls! et l
a dclaration %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A local variable named %1!ls! cannot be declared in this scope because it wou
ld give a different meaning to %1!ls! , which is already used in a %2!ls! sco
pe to denote something else",,"Une variable locale nomme %1!ls! ne peut pas tre
dclare dans cette porte, car elle modifierait la signification de %1!ls! , dj utilise
dans une porte %2!ls! pour dsigner autre chose",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A using namespace directive can only be applied to namespaces; %1!ls! is a ty
pe not a namespace",,"Une directive d espace de noms using ne peut tre applique qu
aux espaces de noms; %1!ls! est un type, pas un espace de noms",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No enclosing loop out of which to break or continue",,"Absence de boucle englob
ant break ou continue ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The label %1!ls! is a duplicate",,"L tiquette %1!ls! est un doublon",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %1!ls! has no constructors defined",,"Aucun constructeur n est dfini
pour le type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of the abstract class or interface %1!ls! ",,"Imposs
ible de crer une instance de la classe abstraite ou de l interface %1!ls! ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A const field requires a value to be provided",,"Un champ const ncessite une val
eur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Circular base class dependency involving %1!ls! and %2!ls! ",,"Dpendance de c
lasse de base circulaire utilisant %1!ls! et %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The delegate %1!ls! does not have a valid constructor",,"Le dlgu %1!ls! ne pos
sde pas de constructeur valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method name expected",,"Nom de mthode attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A constant value is expected",,"Une valeur de constante est attendue",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A value of an integral type expected",,"La valeur d un type intgral est attendue
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The label %1!ls! already occurs in this switch statement",,"L tiquette %1!ls!
figure dj dans cette instruction switch",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"A goto case is only valid inside a switch statement",,"Un goto case n est valid
e qu au sein d une instruction switch",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The property or indexer %1!ls! cannot be used in this context because it lack
s the get accessor",,"La proprit ou l indexeur %1!ls! ne peut pas tre utilis dans
ce contexte, car il lui manque l accesseur get",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type caught or thrown must be derived from System.Exception",,"Le type inte
rcept ou lev doit tre driv de System.Exception",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"A throw statement with no arguments is not allowed outside of a catch clause",,
"Une instruction throw sans argument n est pas autorise l extrieur d une clause ca
tch",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control cannot leave the body of a finally clause",,"Le contrle ne peut pas lais
ser le corps d une clause finally",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The label %1!ls! shadows another label by the same name in a contained scope"
,,"L tiquette %1!ls! cache une autre tiquette qui porte le mme nom dans une porte
contenue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No such label %1!ls! within the scope of the goto statement",,"Il n existe pa
s d tiquette %1!ls! dans la porte de l instruction goto",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A previous catch clause already catches all exceptions of this or of a super ty
pe ( %1!ls! )",,"Une clause catch prcdente intercepte dj toutes les exceptions de th
is ou d un super type ( %1!ls! )",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : not all code paths return a value",," %1!ls! : tous les chemins de cod
e ne retournent pas ncessairement une valeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unreachable code detected",,"Impossible d atteindre le code dtect",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control cannot fall through from one case label ( %1!ls! ) to another",,"Le con
trle ne peut pas passer d une tiquette case ( %1!ls! ) une autre",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This label has not been referenced",,"Cette tiquette n est pas rfrence",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use of unassigned local variable %1!ls! ",,"Utilisation d une variable locale
non assigne %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control cannot fall through from one case label to another ( %1!ls! )",,"Le con
trle ne peut pas passer d une tiquette case une autre ( %1!ls! )",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The variable %1!ls! is declared but never used",,"La variable %1!ls! est dcl
are, mais jamais utilise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The field %1!ls! is never used",,"Le champ %1!ls! n est jamais utilis",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use of possibly unassigned field %1!ls! ",,"Utilisation ventuelle d un champ no
n assign %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field %1!ls! must be fully assigned before control is returned to the caller"
,,"Le champ %1!ls! doit tre totalement assign avant que le contrle soit retourn l
appelant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because %1!ls! and %2!ls

! implicitly convert to one another",,"Le type d expression conditionnelle ne p
eut pas tre dtermin, car %1!ls! et %2!ls! excutent implicitement une conversion
croise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of conditional expression cannot be determined because there is no implici
t conversion between %1!ls! and %2!ls! ",,"Le type d expression conditionnell
e ne peut pas tre dtermin, car il n existe pas de conversion implicite entre %1!ls
! et %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A base class is required for a base reference",,"Une classe de base est requi
se pour une rfrence base ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use of keyword base is not valid in this context",,"L utilisation du mot cl b
ase n est pas valide dans ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Member %1!ls! cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with
a type name instead",,"Le membre %1!ls! est inaccessible avec une rfrence d inst
ance; qualifiez-le avec un nom de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The out parameter %1!ls! must be assigned to before control leaves the curren
t method",,"Le paramtre de sortie %1!ls! doit tre assign avant que le contrle quit
te la mthode actuelle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid rank specifier: expected , or ] ",,"Spcificateur de rang non valide:
, ou ] attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot be extern and declare a body",," %1!ls! ne peut pas tre extern
et tre dclar",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot be both extern and abstract",," %1!ls! ne peut pas tre la fois
extern et abstract",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attribute argument must be a constant expression, typeof expression or array
creation expression of an attribute parameter type",,"Un argument d attribut do
it tre une expression constante, une expression typeof ou une expression de cratio
n de tableau d un type de paramtre d attribut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given expression is always of the provided ( %1!ls! ) type",,"L expression
donne est toujours du type fourni ( %1!ls! )",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The given expression is never of the provided ( %1!ls! ) type",,"L expression d
onne n est jamais du type fourni ( %1!ls! )",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not a reference type as required by the lock statement",," %1!ls!
n est pas un type rfrence requis par l instruction lock",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use of null is not valid in this context",,"L utilisation de null n est pas val
ide dans ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The this object cannot be used before all of its fields are assigned to",,"L
objet this ne peut pas tre utilis avant que tous ses champs soient assigns",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The __arglist construct is valid only within a variable argument method",,"La c
onstruction __arglist est valide uniquement avec une mthode arguments de variable
s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a constructor or a variable i
nitializer)",,"Un champ readonly ne peut pas tre assign (sauf s il appartient un c
onstructeur ou un initialiseur de variable)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"A readonly field cannot be passed ref or out (except in a constructor)",,"Un ch
amp readonly ne peut pas tre pass en ref ou out (sauf s il appartient un construct
eur)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The * or -> operator must be applied to a pointer",,"L oprateur * ou -> doit tre
appliqu un pointeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A pointer must be indexed by only one value",,"Un pointeur ne doit tre index que
par une seule valeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Passing %1!ls! as ref or out or taking its address may cause a runtime except

ion because it is a field of a marshal-by-reference class",,"Le passage de %1!l

s! comme ref ou out ou la prise de son adresse peut provoquer une exception run
time, car il s agit d un champ d une classe marshale-par-rfrence",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A static readonly field cannot be assigned to (except in a static constructor o
r a variable initializer)",,"Un champ readonly statique ne peut pas tre assign (sa
uf s il appartient un constructeur statique ou un initialiseur de variable)",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A static readonly field cannot be passed ref or out (except in a static constru
ctor)",,"Un champ readonly statique ne peut pas tre pass en ref ou out (sauf s il
appartient un constructeur statique)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Property or indexer %1!ls! cannot be assigned to -- it is read only",,"La pro
prit ou l indexeur %1!ls! ne peut pas tre assign -- il est en lecture seule",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only assignment, call, increment, decrement, await, and new object expressions
can be used as a statement",,"Seuls une assignation, un appel, un incrment, un dcrm
ent, une attente et des expressions d objet new peuvent tre utiliss comme instruct
ion",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"foreach requires that the return type %1!ls! of %2!ls! must have a suitable
public MoveNext method and public Current property",,"foreach requiert que le t
ype de retour %1!ls! de %2!ls! possde une mthode MoveNext publique approprie et
une proprit Current publique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only 65534 locals are allowed",,"Seules 65534 variables locales sont autorises",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call an abstract base member: %1!ls! ",,"Impossible d appeler un membre
de base abstrait: %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A property, indexer or dynamic member access may not be passed as an out or ref
parameter",,"Une proprit, un indexeur ou l accs au membre dynamique ne peut pas tre
pass en tant que paramtre de sortie (out) ni de rfrence (ref)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer to a managed
type ( %1!ls! )",,"Impossible de prendre l adresse, d obtenir la taille ou de dcl
arer un pointeur vers un type manag ( %1!ls! )",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of a local declared in a fixed statement must be a pointer type",,"Le
type des variables locales dclar dans une instruction fixed doit tre un type pointe
ur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must provide an initializer in a fixed or using statement declaration",,"Vo
us devez fournir un initialiseur dans une dclaration d instruction fixed ou using
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot take the address of the given expression",,"Impossible de prendre l adre
sse de l expression donne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You can only take the address of an unfixed expression inside of a fixed statem
ent initializer",,"Vous ne pouvez prendre l adresse d une expression non fixed q
u l intrieur d un initialiseur d instruction fixed",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot use the fixed statement to take the address of an already fixed expr
ession",,"Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser l instruction fixed pour prendre l adresse
d une expression qui est dj fixed",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pointers and fixed size buffers may only be used in an unsafe context",,"Les po
inteurs et les mmoires tampons de taille fixe ne peuvent tre utiliss que dans un co
ntexte unsafe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The return type of operator True or False must be bool",,"Le type de retour de
l oprateur True ou False doit tre bool",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The operator %1!ls! requires a matching operator %2!ls! to also be defined"
,,"L oprateur %1!ls! exige qu un oprateur correspondant %2!ls! soit galement dfi
ni",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"In order to be applicable as a short circuit operator a user-defined logical op

erator ( %1!ls! ) must have the same return type as the type of its 2 parameters
",,"Pour tre applicable en tant qu oprateur de court-circuit, un oprateur logique df
ini par l utilisateur ( %1!ls! ) doit possder le mme type de retour que le type de
ses 2paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type ( %1!ls! ) must contain declarations of operator true and operator fal
se",,"Le type ( %1!ls! ) doit contenir les dclarations de l oprateur true et de l
oprateur false",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The variable %1!ls! is assigned but its value is never used",,"La variable %
1!ls! est assigne, mais sa valeur n est jamais utilise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation overflows at compile time in checked mode",,"L opration engendre u
n dpassement de capacit au moment de la compilation dans le mode checked",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant value %1!ls! cannot be converted to a %2!ls! (use unchecked synt
ax to override)",,"La valeur de constante %1!ls! ne peut pas tre convertie en
%2!ls! (utilisez la syntaxe unchecked )",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"A method with vararg cannot be generic, be in a generic type, or have a paramet
er array",,"Une mthode avec vararg ne peut pas tre gnrique, se trouver dans un type
gnrique ou avoir un tableau de paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The parameter array must be a single dimensional array",,"Le tableau de paramtre
s doit tre un tableau une seule dimension",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"An __arglist expression may only appear inside of a call or new expression",,"U
ne expression __arglist ne peut apparatre qu l intrieur d un appel ou d une expres
sion new",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsafe code may only appear if compiling with /unsafe",,"Du code unsafe ne peut
apparatre qu en cas de compilation avec /unsafe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not contain a definition for %2!ls! , or it is not accessible",,
" %1!ls! ne contient pas de dfinition pour %2!ls! ou n est pas accessible",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ambiguity between %1!ls! and %2!ls! ",,"Ambigut entre %1!ls! et %2!ls! ",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type and identifier are both required in a foreach statement",,"Le type et l id
entificateur sont tous deux requis dans une instruction foreach",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A parameter array must be the last parameter in a formal parameter list",,"Le t
ableau de paramtres doit tre le dernier paramtre spcifi dans une liste de paramtres fo
rmels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not have a predefined size, therefore sizeof can only be used in
an unsafe context (consider using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf)
",," %1!ls! n a pas de taille prdfinie; c est pourquoi sizeof ne peut tre utilis que
dans un contexte unsafe (utilisez System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf
)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type or namespace name %1!ls! does not exist in the namespace %2!ls! (a
re you missing an assembly reference?)",,"Le type ou le nom d espace de noms %1
!ls! n existe pas dans l espace de noms %2!ls! (une rfrence d assembly est-elle
manquante?)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property
%1!ls! ",,"Un initialiseur de champ ne peut pas faire rfrence au champ, la mthode
ou la proprit non statique %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" %1!ls! cannot be sealed because it is not an override",," %1!ls! ne peut pas
tre sealed, car il ne s agit pas d une substitution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot override inherited member %2!ls! because it is sealed",," %1
!ls! : ne peut pas se substituer un membre hrit %2!ls! , car il est sealed",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" %1!ls! cannot be both abstract and sealed",," %1!ls! ne peut pas tre la fois
abstract et sealed",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation in question is undefined on void pointers",,"L opration en questio
n n est pas dfinie sur les pointeurs void",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The Conditional attribute is not valid on %1!ls! because it is an override me
thod",,"L attribut Conditional n est pas valide sur %1!ls! , car il s agit d un
e mthode override",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Neither is nor as is valid on pointer types",," is et as ne sont pas val
ides sur les types pointeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Destructors and object.Finalize cannot be called directly. Consider calling IDi
sposable.Dispose if available.",,"Impossible d appeler directement des destructe
urs et object.Finalize. Appelez IDisposable.Dispose s il est disponible.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type or namespace name %1!ls! could not be found (are you missing a using
directive or an assembly reference?)",,"Le type ou le nom d espace de noms %1!
ls! est introuvable (une directive using ou une rfrence d assembly est-elle manqu
ante?)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use a negative size with stackalloc",,"Impossible d utiliser une taille
ngative avec stackalloc",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an array with a negative size",,"Impossible de crer un tableau ave
c une taille ngative",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not override object.Finalize. Instead, provide a destructor.",,"Ne pas subst
ituer object.Finalize. Fournir un destructeur la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not directly call your base class Finalize method. It is called automaticall
y from your destructor.",,"Ne pas appeler directement votre mthode Finalize de la
classe de base. La mthode est automatiquement appele partir de votre destructeur.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indexing an array with a negative index (array indices always start at zero)",,
"Indexation d un tableau avec un index ngatif (les index de tableau commencent to
ujours zro)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Possible unintended reference comparison; to get a value comparison, cast the l
eft hand side to type %1!ls! ",,"Possibilit d une comparaison de rfrences involont
aire; pour obtenir une comparaison de valeurs, effectuez un cast de la partie gau
che en type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Possible unintended reference comparison; to get a value comparison, cast the r
ight hand side to type %1!ls! ",,"Possibilit d une comparaison de rfrences involon
taire; pour obtenir une comparaison de valeurs, effectuez un cast de la partie dr
oite en type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The right hand side of a fixed statement assignment may not be a cast expressio
n",,"La partie droite d une assignation d instruction fixed peut ne pas tre une e
xpression de cast",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"stackalloc may not be used in a catch or finally block",,"stackalloc ne peut tre
utilis dans un bloc catch ou finally",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"An __arglist parameter must be the last parameter in a formal parameter list",,
"Le paramtre __arglist doit tre le dernier paramtre spcifi dans une liste de paramtres
formels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing partial modifier on declaration of type %1!ls! ; another partial decla
ration of this type exists",,"Modificateur partiel manquant sur la dclaration de
type %1!ls! ; une autre dclaration partielle de ce type existe",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial declarations of %1!ls! must be all classes, all structs, or all inter
faces",,"Les dclarations partielles de %1!ls! ne doivent tre que des classes, de
s structs ou des interfaces",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial declarations of %1!ls! have conflicting accessibility modifiers",,"Le
s dclarations partielles de %1!ls! ont des modificateurs d accessibilit en confl
it",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial declarations of %1!ls! must not specify different base classes",,"Les

dclarations partielles de %1!ls! ne doivent pas spcifier des classes de base di

ffrentes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial declarations of %1!ls! must have the same type parameter names in the
same order",,"Les dclarations partielles de %1!ls! doivent avoir les mmes noms
de paramtre de type dans le mme ordre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Partial declarations of %1!ls! have inconsistent constraints for type paramet
er %2!ls! ",,"Les dclarations partielles de %1!ls! ont des contraintes incohren
tes pour le paramtre de type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cannot implicitly convert type %1!ls! to %2!ls! . An explicit conversion exi
sts (are you missing a cast?)",,"Impossible de convertir implicitement le type
%1!ls! en %2!ls! . Une conversion explicite existe (un cast est-il manquant?)",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The partial modifier can only appear immediately before class , struct , i
nterface , or void ",,"Le modificateur partial ne peut apparatre qu immdiatemen
t avant class , struct , interface ou void ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Imported type %1!ls! is invalid. It contains a circular base class dependency
.",,"Le type import %1!ls! n est pas valide. Il contient une dpendance de classe
de base circulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use of unassigned out parameter %1!ls! ",,"Utilisation du paramtre out non assi
gn %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array size cannot be specified in a variable declaration (try initializing with
a new expression)",,"La taille du tableau ne peut pas tre spcifie dans une dclara
tion de variable (essayez d initialiser avec une expression new )",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property or indexer %1!ls! cannot be used in this context because the get
accessor is inaccessible",,"La proprit ou l indexeur %1!ls! ne peut pas tre util
is dans ce contexte, car l accesseur get n est pas accessible",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property or indexer %1!ls! cannot be used in this context because the set
accessor is inaccessible",,"La proprit ou l indexeur %1!ls! ne peut pas tre util
is dans ce contexte, car l accesseur set n est pas accessible",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The accessibility modifier of the %1!ls! accessor must be more restrictive th
an the property or indexer %2!ls! ",,"Le modificateur d accessibilit de l access
eur %1!ls! doit tre plus restrictif que la proprit ou l indexeur %2!ls! ",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify accessibility modifiers for both accessors of the property or in
dexer %1!ls! ",,"Impossible de spcifier les modificateurs d accessibilit pour les
accesseurs de la proprit ou de l indexeur %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : accessibility modifiers may not be used on accessors in an interface"
,," %1!ls! : les modificateurs d accessibilit ne peuvent pas tre utiliss sur des acc
esseurs dans une interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : accessibility modifiers on accessors may only be used if the property
or indexer has both a get and a set accessor",," %1!ls! : les modificateurs d ac
cessibilit sur les accesseurs ne peuvent tre utiliss que si la proprit ou l indexeur
a un accesseur get et un accesseur set",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" %1!ls! does not implement interface member %2!ls! . %3!ls! is not public."
,," %1!ls! n implmente pas le membre d interface %2!ls! . %3!ls! n est pas pu
blic.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not implement the %2!ls! pattern. %3!ls! is ambiguous with %
4!ls! .",," %1!ls! n implmente pas le modle %2!ls! . %3!ls! est ambigu avec %
4!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not implement the %2!ls! pattern. %3!ls! is either static or
not public.",," %1!ls! n implmente pas le modle %2!ls! . %3!ls! est static ou
non public.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" %1!ls! does not implement the %2!ls! pattern. %3!ls! has the wrong signat
ure.",," %1!ls! n implmente pas le modle %2!ls! . %3!ls! a une signature errone
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Friend access was granted to %1!ls! , but the output assembly is named %2!ls!
. Try adding a reference to %1!ls! or changing the output assembly name to ma
tch.",,"Un accs ami a t accord %1!ls! , mais l assembly de sortie est nomm %2!ls! .
Essayez d ajouter une rfrence %1!ls! ou de modifier le nom de l assembly de sor
tie pour qu il corresponde.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no defined ordering between fields in multiple declarations of partial
class or struct %1!ls! . To specify an ordering, all instance fields must be i
n the same declaration.",,"Il n existe pas de classement dfini entre les champs d
ans plusieurs dclarations de classe partielle ou struct %1!ls! . Pour spcifier un
classement, tous les champs d instance doivent se trouver dans la mme dclaration.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %1!ls! cannot be declared const",,"Le type %1!ls! ne peut pas tre dc
lar const",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of the variable type %1!ls! because it does not hav
e the new() constraint",,"Impossible de crer une instance du type de variable %1
!ls! , car il n a pas de contrainte new()",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Using the generic %2!ls! %1!ls! requires %3!d! type arguments",,"L utilisatio
n du %2!ls! %1!ls! gnrique requiert les arguments de type %3!d!",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %1!ls! may not be used as a type argument",,"Le type %1!ls! ne peu
t pas tre utilis en tant qu argument de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The %2!ls! %1!ls! cannot be used with type arguments",,"Le %2!ls! %1!ls! ne
peut pas tre utilis avec des arguments de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The non-generic %2!ls! %1!ls! cannot be used with type arguments",,"Le %2!ls!
%1!ls! non gnrique ne peut pas tre utilis avec des arguments de type",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %3!ls! must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor in
order to use it as parameter %2!ls! in the generic type or method %1!ls! ",,
" %3!ls! doit tre un type non abstrait avec un constructeur sans paramtre public
afin de l utiliser comme paramtre %2!ls! dans le type ou la mthode gnrique %1!ls!
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %4!ls! cannot be used as type parameter %3!ls! in the generic type
or method %1!ls! . There is no implicit reference conversion from %4!ls! to
%2!ls! .",,"Le type %4!ls! ne peut pas tre utilis comme paramtre de type %3!ls!
dans le type ou la mthode gnrique %1!ls! . Il n y a pas de conversion de rfrence i
mplicite de %4!ls! en %2!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The type %4!ls! cannot be used as type parameter %3!ls! in the generic type
or method %1!ls! . The nullable type %4!ls! does not satisfy the constraint
of %2!ls! .",,"Le type %4!ls! ne peut pas tre utilis comme paramtre de type %3!
ls! dans le type ou la mthode gnrique %1!ls! . Le type Nullable %4!ls! ne satis
fait pas la contrainte de %2!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The type %4!ls! cannot be used as type parameter %3!ls! in the generic type
or method %1!ls! . The nullable type %4!ls! does not satisfy the constraint
of %2!ls! . Nullable types can not satisfy any interface constraints.",,"Le typ
e %4!ls! ne peut pas tre utilis comme paramtre de type %3!ls! dans le type ou l
a mthode gnrique %1!ls! . Le type Nullable %4!ls! ne satisfait pas la contrainte
de %2!ls! . Les types Nullable ne peuvent pas satisfaire les contraintes d int
erface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %4!ls! cannot be used as type parameter %3!ls! in the generic type
or method %1!ls! . There is no boxing conversion or type parameter conversion
from %4!ls! to %2!ls! .",,"Le type %4!ls! ne peut pas tre utilis comme paramtr
e de type %3!ls! dans le type ou la mthode gnrique %1!ls! . Il n y a pas de conv

ersion boxing ou de conversion de paramtre de type de %4!ls! en %2!ls! .",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %4!ls! cannot be used as type parameter %3!ls! in the generic type
or method %1!ls! . There is no boxing conversion from %4!ls! to %2!ls! .",,
"Le type %4!ls! ne peut pas tre utilis comme paramtre de type %3!ls! dans le ty
pe ou la mthode gnrique %1!ls! . Il n y a pas de conversion boxing de %4!ls! en
%2!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter name %1!ls! conflicts with an automatically-generated parameter
name",,"Le nom du paramtre %1!ls! est en conflit avec un nom de paramtre gnr autom
atiquement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type or namespace name %1!ls! could not be found in the global namespace
(are you missing an assembly reference?)",,"Le type ou le nom d espace de noms
%1!ls! est introuvable dans l espace de noms global (une rfrence d assembly est-e
lle manquante?)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The new() constraint must be the last constraint specified",,"La contrainte new
() doit tre la dernire contrainte spcifie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" %1!ls! : an entry point cannot be generic or in a generic type",," %1!ls! : un
point d entre ne peut pas tre gnrique ou d un type gnrique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert null to type parameter %1!ls! because it could be a non-nullab
le value type. Consider using default(%1!ls!) instead.",,"Impossible de conver
tir null en paramtre de type %1!ls! , car il peut s agir d un type valeur qui n
autorise pas les valeurs null. Utilisez default(%1!ls!) la place.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" < unexpected : attributes cannot be generic",," < inattendu: les attributs ne
peuvent pas tre gnriques",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate constraint %1!ls! for type parameter %2!ls! ",,"Contrainte %1!ls!
en double pour le paramtre de type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The class type constraint %1!ls! must come before any other constraints",,"La
contrainte de type classe %1!ls! doit tre place avant toute autre contrainte",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %2!ls! %1!ls! has the wrong return type",," %2!ls! %1!ls! ne possde pas le ty
pe de retour correct",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A constraint clause has already been specified for type parameter %1!ls! . All
of the constraints for a type parameter must be specified in a single where cla
use.",,"Une clause de contrainte a dj t spcifie pour le paramtre de type %1!ls! . Tou
es les contraintes pour un paramtre de type doivent tre spcifies dans une seule clau
se where.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No overload for %1!ls! has the correct parameter and return types",,"Aucune s
urcharge pour %1!ls! ne possde les types de paramtres et de retour corrects",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type arguments for method %1!ls! cannot be inferred from the usage. Try s
pecifying the type arguments explicitly.",,"Les arguments de type pour la mthode
%1!ls! ne peuvent pas tre dduits partir de l utilisation. Essayez de spcifier les
arguments de type de faon explicite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" %1!ls! : a parameter or local variable cannot have the same name as a method t
ype parameter",," %1!ls! : un paramtre ou une variable locale ne peut pas avoir le
mme nom que le paramtre de type de la mthode",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The type parameter %1!ls! cannot be used with the as operator because it do
es not have a class type constraint nor a class constraint",,"Le paramtre de ty
pe %1!ls! ne peut pas tre utilis avec l oprateur as , car il n a pas de contrain
te de type classe ni de contrainte class ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The field %1!ls! is assigned but its value is never used",,"Le champ %1!ls!
est assign, mais sa valeur n est jamais utilise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The %1!ls! attribute is valid only on an indexer that is not an explicit inte
rface member declaration",,"L attribut %1!ls! est valide uniquement sur un ind
exeur qui n est pas une dclaration de membre d interface explicite",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : an attribute argument cannot use type parameters",," %1!ls! : un argum
ent d attribut ne peut pas utiliser de paramtres de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot provide arguments when creating an instance of a variable type
",," %1!ls! : impossible de fournir des arguments lors de la cration d une instanc
e d un type variable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : an abstract class cannot be sealed or static",," %1!ls! : une classe a
bstraite ne peut pas tre sealed ou static",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Ambiguous reference in cref attribute: %1!ls! . Assuming %2!ls! , but could h
ave also matched other overloads including %3!ls! .",,"Rfrence ambigu dans l attri
but cref: %1!ls! . %2!ls! pris par dfaut, mais peut correspondre galement d autr
es surcharges telles que %3!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" %1!ls! : a reference to a volatile field will not be treated as volatile",," %
1!ls! : une rfrence un champ volatile ne sera pas traite comme volatile",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The /incremental option is no longer supported",,"L option /incremental n est p
lus prise en charge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Since %2!ls! has the ComImport attribute, %1!ls! must be extern or abstract
",,"Dans la mesure o %2!ls! a l attribut ComImport, %1!ls! doit tre extern ou
abstract",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : a class with the ComImport attribute cannot specify a base class",,"
%1!ls! : une classe avec l attribut ComImport ne peut pas spcifier une classe de b
ase",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The constraints for type parameter %1!ls! of method %2!ls! must match the c
onstraints for type parameter %3!ls! of interface method %4!ls! . Consider us
ing an explicit interface implementation instead.",,"Les contraintes pour le par
amtre de type %1!ls! de la mthode %2!ls! doivent correspondre aux contraintes
pour le paramtre de type %3!ls! de la mthode d interface %4!ls! . Utilisez une
implmentation d interface explicite la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type name %1!ls! does not exist in the type %2!ls! ",,"Le nom de type %
1!ls! n existe pas dans le type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert method group %1!ls! to non-delegate type %2!ls! . Did you int
end to invoke the method?",,"Impossible de convertir le groupe de mthodes %1!ls!
en type non-dlgu %2!ls! . Souhaitiez-vous appeler la mthode?",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unreachable expression code detected",,"Impossible d atteindre le code expressi
on dtect",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The extern alias %1!ls! was not specified in a /reference option",,"L alias e
xtern %1!ls! n a pas t spcifi dans une option /reference",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use alias %1!ls! with :: since the alias references a type. Use .
instead.",,"Impossible d utiliser l alias %1!ls! avec :: dans la mesure o l a
lias fait rfrence un type. Utilisez . la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alias %1!ls! not found",,"Alias %1!ls! introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %2!ls! exists in both %1!ls! and %3!ls! ",,"Le type %2!ls! exis
te dans %1!ls! et dans %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The namespace %2!ls! in %1!ls! conflicts with the type %4!ls! in %3!ls!
",,"L espace de noms %2!ls! dans %1!ls! est en conflit avec le type %4!ls!
dans %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The namespace %2!ls! in %1!ls! conflicts with the imported type %4!ls! in
%3!ls! . Using the namespace defined in %1!ls! .",,"L espace de noms %2!ls!
dans %1!ls! est en conflit avec le type import %4!ls! dans %3!ls! . Utilisa
tion de l espace de noms dfini dans %1!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %2!ls! in %1!ls! conflicts with the imported type %4!ls! in %3!
ls! . Using the type defined in %1!ls! .",,"Le type %2!ls! dans %1!ls! est
en conflit avec le type import %4!ls! dans %3!ls! . Utilisation du type dfini d
ans %1!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %2!ls! in %1!ls! conflicts with the imported namespace %4!ls! in
%3!ls! . Using the type defined in %1!ls! .",,"Le type %2!ls! dans %1!ls!
est en conflit avec l espace de noms import %4!ls! dans %3!ls! . Utilisation
du type dfini dans %1!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %2!ls! in %1!ls! conflicts with the namespace %4!ls! in %3!ls!
",,"Le type %2!ls! dans %1!ls! est en conflit avec l espace de noms %4!ls!
dans %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An extern alias declaration must precede all other elements defined in the name
space",,"Une dclaration d alias extern doit prcder tous les autres lments dfinis dans
l espace de noms",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defining an alias named global is ill-advised since global:: always referen
ces the global namespace and not an alias",,"La dfinition d un alias nomm global
n est pas trs judicieuse dans la mesure o global:: fait toujours rfrence l espace
de noms global et non un alias",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : a class cannot be both static and sealed",," %1!ls! : une classe ne pe
ut pas tre la fois static et sealed",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" %1!ls! : abstract properties cannot have private accessors",," %1!ls! : les pro
prits abstraites ne peuvent pas avoir d accesseurs private",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error; value expected",,"Erreur de syntaxe ; valeur attendue",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Predefined type %1!ls! was not found in %2!ls! but was found in %3!ls! ",,
"Le type prdfini %1!ls! est introuvable dans %2!ls! mais a t trouv dans %3!ls! "
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot modify the result of an unboxing conversion",,"Impossible de modifier le
rsultat d une conversion unboxing",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Foreach cannot operate on a %1!ls! . Did you intend to invoke the %1!ls! ?",,
"Foreach ne peut pas fonctionner sur %1!ls! . Souhaitiez-vous appeler %1!ls! ?"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attributes cannot be used on type arguments, only on type parameters",,"Les att
ributs ne peuvent pas tre utiliss sur des arguments de type, uniquement sur des pa
ramtres de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The return type for ++ or -- operator must be the containing type or derived fr
om the containing type",,"Le type de retour pour l oprateur ++ ou -- doit tre le t
ype conteneur ou driv du type conteneur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The class or struct constraint must come before any other constraints",,"La
contrainte class ou struct doit tre place avant toutes les autres contraintes
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot specify both a constraint class and the class or struct co
nstraint",," %1!ls! : impossible de spcifier une classe de contrainte et la contra
inte class ou struct ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The new() constraint cannot be used with the struct constraint",,"La contra
inte new() ne peut pas tre utilise avec la contrainte struct ",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %3!ls! must be a reference type in order to use it as parameter %2!
ls! in the generic type or method %1!ls! ",,"Le type %3!ls! doit tre un type
rfrence afin d tre utilis comme paramtre %2!ls! dans le type ou la mthode gnrique
ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The type %3!ls! must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as param
eter %2!ls! in the generic type or method %1!ls! ",,"Le type %3!ls! doit tre
un type valeur non Nullable afin d tre utilis comme paramtre %2!ls! dans le type
ou la mthode gnrique %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Circular constraint dependency involving %1!ls! and %2!ls! ",,"Dpendance de c
ontrainte circulaire utilisant %1!ls! et %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter %1!ls! inherits conflicting constraints %2!ls! and %3!ls! "
,,"Le paramtre de type %1!ls! hrite des contraintes en conflit %2!ls! et %3!l
s! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter %2!ls! has the struct constraint so %2!ls! cannot be used
as a constraint for %1!ls! ",,"Le paramtre de type %2!ls! a la contrainte str
uct , donc %2!ls! ne peut pas tre utilis comme contrainte pour %1!ls! ",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ambiguous user defined conversions %1!ls! and %2!ls! when converting from
%3!ls! to %4!ls! ",,"Conversions dfinies par l utilisateur ambigus %1!ls! et
%2!ls! lors de la conversion de %3!ls! en %4!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The result of the expression is always null of type %1!ls! ",,"Le rsultat de
l expression est toujours null de type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot take the address of a read-only local variable",,"Impossible de prendre
l adresse d une variable locale en lecture seule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraints for override and explicit interface implementation methods are inhe
rited from the base method, so they cannot be specified directly",,"Les contrain
tes pour les mthodes d implmentation d interface override et explicite sont hrites d
e la mthode de base et ne peuvent donc pas tre spcifies directement",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The inherited members %1!ls! and %2!ls! have the same signature in type %3
!ls! , so they cannot be overridden",,"Les membres hrits %1!ls! et %2!ls! ont
la mme signature dans le type %3!ls! et ne peuvent donc pas tre substitus",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Evaluation of the decimal constant expression failed with error: %1!ls! ",,"che
c de l valuation de l expression de constante dcimale avec l erreur: %1!ls! ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Comparing with null of type %1!ls! always produces false ",,"La comparaison
avec null de type %1!ls! produit toujours false ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Introducing a Finalize method can interfere with destructor invocation. Did y
ou intend to declare a destructor?",,"L introduction d une mthode Finalize peut
interfrer avec un appel destructeur. Souhaitiez-vous dclarer un destructeur?",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! should not have a parameter array since %2!ls! does not",," %1!ls!
ne doit pas avoir un tableau de paramtres, car %2!ls! n en a pas",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ambiguity between method %1!ls! and non-method %2!ls! . Using method group."
,,"Ambigut entre la mthode %1!ls! et l lment %2!ls! qui n est pas une mthode. Util
isation du groupe de mthodes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ambiguity between %1!ls! %2!ls! and %3!ls! %4!ls! ",,"Ambigut entre %1!ls! %2
!ls! et %3!ls! %4!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The goto case value is not implicitly convertible to type %1!ls! ",,"La vale
ur goto case n est pas implicitement convertible en type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1!ls! cannot implement interface accessor %2!ls! for type %3!ls! .
Use an explicit interface implementation.",,"La mthode %1!ls! ne peut pas implm
enter l accesseur d interface %2!ls! pour le type %3!ls! . Utilisez une implme
ntation d interface explicite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The %2!ls! %1!ls! is not a generic method. If you intended an expression list
, use parentheses around the < expression.",,"Le %2!ls! %1!ls! n est pas une mt

hode gnrique. Si vous voulez une liste d expressions, utilisez les parenthses autou
r de l expression <.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The result of the expression is always %1!ls! since a value of type %2!ls!
is never equal to null of type %3!ls! ",,"Le rsultat de l expression est toujo
urs %1!ls! , car une valeur de type %2!ls! n est jamais gale null du type %
3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Explicit interface implementation %1!ls! matches more than one interface memb
er. Which interface member is actually chosen is implementation-dependent. Consi
der using a non-explicit implementation instead.",,"L implmentation d interface
%1!ls! explicite correspond plusieurs membres d interface. Le membre d interfac
e choisi dpend de l implmentation. Utilisez une implmentation non explicite la plac
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot declare a body because it is marked abstract",," %1!ls! ne peu
t pas dclarer un corps, car il est marqu comme abstract",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! must declare a body because it is not marked abstract, extern, or part
ial",," %1!ls! doit dclarer un corps, car il n est pas marqu comme abstract, exte
rn ou partial",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The abstract method %1!ls! cannot be marked virtual",,"La mthode %1!ls! de t
ype abstract ne peut pas tre marque virtual",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The constant %1!ls! cannot be marked static",,"La constante %1!ls! ne peut
pas tre marque static",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot override because %2!ls! is not a function",," %1!ls! : substi
tution impossible, car %2!ls! n est pas une fonction",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot override inherited member %2!ls! because it is not marked vi
rtual, abstract, or override",," %1!ls! : ne peut pas substituer le membre hrit %2
!ls! , car il n est pas marqu comme virtual, abstract ou override",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot change access modifiers when overriding %2!ls! inherited mem
ber %3!ls! ",," %1!ls! : ne peut pas changer les modificateurs d accs en cas de s
ubstitution du membre hrit %3!ls! de %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : return type must be %3!ls! to match overridden member %2!ls! ",,"
%1!ls! : le type de retour doit tre %3!ls! pour correspondre au membre substitu
%2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot derive from sealed type %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! : impossible de driv
er du type sealed %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is abstract but it is contained in non-abstract class %2!ls! ",," %1!
ls! est abstrait, mais est contenu dans la classe non abstraite %2!ls! ",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : static constructor cannot have an explicit this or base construct
or call",," %1!ls! : constructeur statique qui ne peut pas possder un appel de con
structeur this ou base explicite",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" %1!ls! : access modifiers are not allowed on static constructors",," %1!ls! : l
es modificateurs d accs ne sont pas autoriss sur les constructeurs statiques",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor %1!ls! cannot call itself",,"Le constructeur %1!ls! ne peut pas
s appeler lui-mme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! has no base class and cannot call a base constructor",," %1!ls! ne po
ssde pas de classe de base et ne peut pas appeler un constructeur de base",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Predefined type %1!ls! is not defined or imported",,"Le type prdfini %1!ls! n
est pas dfini ou import",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Predefined type %1!ls! is declared incorrectly",,"Le type prdfini %1!ls! n es
t pas dclar correctement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : structs cannot call base class constructors",," %1!ls! : les structure
s ne peuvent pas appeler les constructeurs de classe de base",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Struct member %1!ls! of type %2!ls! causes a cycle in the struct layout",,"
Le membre %1!ls! de la structure de type %2!ls! engendre un cycle dans la di
sposition de la structure",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : interfaces cannot declare types",," %1!ls! : les interfaces ne peuvent
pas dclarer de types",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interfaces cannot contain fields",,"Les interfaces ne peuvent pas contenir de c
hamps",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interfaces cannot contain constructors",,"Les interfaces ne peuvent pas conteni
r de constructeurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1!ls! in interface list is not an interface",,"Le type %1!ls! qui fig
ure dans la liste des interfaces n est pas une interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is already listed in interface list",," %1!ls! est dj numr dans la liste d
es interfaces",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inherited interface %2!ls! causes a cycle in the interface hierarchy of %1!l
s! ",,"L interface hrite %2!ls! provoque un cycle dans la hirarchie des interface
s de %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : interface members cannot have a definition",," %1!ls! : les membres d
interface ne peuvent pas avoir de dfinition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! hides inherited abstract member %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! masque le membre
abstrait hrit %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not implement inherited abstract member %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! n im
plmente pas le membre abstract hrit %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not implement interface member %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! n implmente pa
s le membre d interface %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The class System.Object cannot have a base class or implement an interface",,"L
a classe System.Object ne peut pas possder de classe de base ni implmenter une int
erface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! in explicit interface declaration is not an interface",," %1!ls! dans
une dclaration d interface explicite n est pas une interface",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! in explicit interface declaration is not a member of interface",," %1!
ls! dans une dclaration d interface explicite n est pas un membre d interface",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : containing type does not implement interface %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! : le
type conteneur n implmente pas l interface %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : explicit interface declaration can only be declared in a class or str
uct",," %1!ls! : la dclaration d interface explicite ne peut tre dclare que dans une
classe ou une structure",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : member names cannot be the same as their enclosing type",," %1!ls! : l
es noms de membres doivent tre diffrents de leur type englobant",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : the enumerator value is too large to fit in its type",," %1!ls! : la v
aleur de l numrateur est trop grande pour ce type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot override because %2!ls! is not a property",," %1!ls! : substi
tution impossible, car %2!ls! n est pas une proprit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot override because %2!ls! does not have an overridable get acc
essor",," %1!ls! : substitution impossible, car %2!ls! ne possde pas d accesseur
get substituable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot override because %2!ls! does not have an overridable set acc
essor",," %1!ls! : substitution impossible, car %2!ls! ne possde pas d accesseur
set substituable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : property or indexer cannot have void type",," %1!ls! : la proprit ou l i
ndexeur ne peut pas tre de type void",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

" %1!ls! : property or indexer must have at least one accessor",," %1!ls! : la pr
oprit ou l indexeur doit possder au moins un accesseur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is a new virtual member in sealed class %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! est un no
uveau membre virtuel dans une classe sealed %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! adds an accessor not found in interface member %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! aj
oute un accesseur introuvable dans le membre d interface %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Explicit interface implementation %1!ls! is missing accessor %2!ls! ",,"Il m
anque l accesseur %2!ls! dans l implmentation d interface explicite %1!ls! ",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : user-defined conversions to or from an interface are not allowed",,"
%1!ls! : les conversions dfinies par l utilisateur vers ou d une interface ne sont
pas autorises",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : user-defined conversions to or from a base class are not allowed",,"
%1!ls! : les conversions dfinies par l utilisateur vers ou d une classe de base ne
sont pas autorises",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : user-defined conversions to or from a derived class are not allowed",
," %1!ls! : les conversions dfinies par l utilisateur vers ou d une classe drive ne
sont pas autorises",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined operator cannot take an object of the enclosing type and convert t
o an object of the enclosing type",,"L oprateur dfini par l utilisateur ne peut pa
s prendre un objet du type englobant et le convertir en un objet du type engloba
nt",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined conversion must convert to or from the enclosing type",,"La conver
sion dfinie par l utilisateur doit convertir vers le type englobant ou partir de
celui-ci",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate user-defined conversion in type %1!ls! ",,"La conversion dfinie par l
utilisateur dans le type %1!ls! est en double",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined operator %1!ls! must be declared static and public",,"L oprateur
dfini par l utilisateur %1!ls! doit tre dclar static et public",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter type for ++ or -- operator must be the containing type",,"Le type
de paramtre pour l oprateur ++ ou -- doit tre le type conteneur",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter of a unary operator must be the containing type",,"Le paramtre d u
n oprateur unaire doit tre le type conteneur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"One of the parameters of a binary operator must be the containing type",,"Un de
s paramtres d un oprateur binaire doit tre le type conteneur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first operand of an overloaded shift operator must have the same type as th
e containing type, and the type of the second operand must be int",,"Le premier
oprande d un oprateur de dcalage surcharg doit tre du mme type que le type conteneur e
t le type du second oprande doit tre int",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Interfaces cannot contain operators",,"Les interfaces ne peuvent pas contenir d
oprateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Structs cannot contain explicit parameterless constructors",,"Les structures ne
peuvent pas contenir de constructeurs exempts de paramtres explicites",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot override %2!ls! because it is not supported by the language"
,," %1!ls! : impossible de substituer %2!ls! , car il n est pas pris en charge p
ar le langage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not supported by the language",," %1!ls! n est pas pris en charge
par le langage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot explicitly call operator or accessor",," %1!ls! : impossible d

appeler explicitement un oprateur ou un accesseur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor

k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot reference a type through an expression; try %2!ls! instead",
," %1!ls! : impossible de rfrencer un type par l intermdiaire d une expression; essay
ez plutt %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot have instance field initializers in structs",," %1!ls! : imposs
ible d avoir des initialiseurs de champ d instance dans des structures",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name of destructor must match name of class",,"Le nom du destructeur doit corre
spondre au nom de classe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only class types can contain destructors",,"Seuls les types classe peuvent cont
enir des destructeurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Namespace %2!ls! contains a definition conflicting with alias %1!ls! ",,"L e
space de noms %2!ls! contient une dfinition en conflit avec l alias %1!ls! ",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Conditional attribute is not valid on %1!ls! because it is a constructor,
destructor, operator, or explicit interface implementation",,"L attribut Condit
ional n est pas valide sur %1!ls! , car il s agit d un constructeur, d un destr
ucteur, d un oprateur ou d une implmentation d interface explicite",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Conditional attribute is not valid on %1!ls! because its return type is n
ot void",,"L attribut Conditional n est pas valide sur %1!ls! , car son type de
retour n est pas void",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate %1!ls! attribute",,"L attribut %1!ls! est en double",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Conditional attribute is not valid on interface members",,"L attribut Condi
tional n est pas valide sur les membres d interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal Compiler Error (0x%1!8.8x! at address %3!p!): likely culprit is %2!ls
! .\n\nAn internal error has occurred in the compiler. To work around this probl
em, try simplifying or changing the program near the locations listed below. Loc
ations at the top of the list are closer to the point at which the internal erro
r occurred. Errors such as this can be reported to Microsoft by using the /error
report option.\n ",,"Erreur interne du compilateur (0x%1!8.8x! l adresse %3!p!):
%2!ls! en est probablement la cause.\n\nUne erreur interne s est produite dans
le compilateur. Pour rsoudre ce problme, essayez de simplifier ou de changer le p
rogramme prs des emplacements indiqus ci-dessous. Les emplacements situs au dbut de
la liste sont les plus proches de l erreur interne. Les erreurs telles que celle
-ci peuvent tre signales Microsoft l aide de l option /errorreport.\n ",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal Compiler Error: stage %2!ls! symbol %1!ls! ",,"Erreur interne du co
mpilateur: tape %2!ls! symbole %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Internal Compiler Error: stage %1!ls! ",,"Erreur interne du compilateur: tape %
1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal Compiler Error: stage LEX ",,"Erreur interne du compilateur: tape LEX
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal Compiler Error: stage PARSE ",,"Erreur interne du compilateur: tape PA
RSE ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined operators cannot return void",,"Les oprateurs dfinis par l utilisate
ur ne peuvent pas retourner void",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid value for argument to %1!ls! attribute",,"Valeur non valide pour l ar
gument de l attribut %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute %1!ls! is not valid on this declaration type. It is only valid on
%2!ls! declarations.",,"L attribut %1!ls! n est pas valide dans ce type de dcl
aration. Il n est valide que dans les dclarations %2!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Floating-point constant is outside the range of type %1!ls! ",,"La constante v
irgule flottante sort de la plage du type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The Guid attribute must be specified with the ComImport attribute",,"L attribut
Guid doit tre spcifi avec l attribut ComImport",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid value for named attribute argument %1!ls! ",,"Valeur non valide pour l
argument d attribut nomm %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The DllImport attribute must be specified on a method marked static and exte
rn ",,"L attribut DllImport doit tre spcifi sur une mthode marque static et extern
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The feature %1!ls! is deprecated. Please use %2!ls! instead .",,"La fonctio
nnalit %1!ls! est dconseille. Utilisez %2!ls! la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the IndexerName attribute on an indexer marked override",,"Impossibl
e de dfinir l attribut IndexerName sur un indexeur marqu override ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field or property cannot be of type %1!ls! ",,"Ni le champ, ni la proprit ne peu
vent tre de type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array elements cannot be of type %1!ls! ",,"Les lments de tableau ne peuvent pas
tre de type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is obsolete",," %1!ls! est obsolte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not an attribute class",," %1!ls! n est pas une classe d attributs
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not a valid named attribute argument. Named attribute arguments mus
t be fields which are not readonly, static, or const, or read-write properties w
hich are public and not static.",," %1!ls! n est pas un argument d attribut nom
m valide. Les arguments d attributs nomms doivent tre des champs qui ne sont pas re
adonly, statiques ou constants, ou des proprits en lecture-criture qui sont publiqu
es et non statiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is obsolete: %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! est obsolte: %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indexers cannot have void type",,"Les indexeurs ne peuvent pas tre de type void"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : virtual or abstract members cannot be private",," %1!ls! : les membres
virtual ou abstract ne peuvent pas tre private",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can only use array initializer expressions to assign to array types. Try using
a new expression instead.",,"Les expressions d initialiseur de tableau ne peuven
t tre utilises que pour assigner des types tableau. Essayez plutt d utiliser une ex
pression new.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array initializers can only be used in a variable or field initializer. Try usi
ng a new expression instead.",,"Les initialiseurs de tableau ne peuvent tre utili
ss que dans un initialiseur de champ ou de variable. Essayez plutt d utiliser une
expression new.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : instance field types marked with StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit) mu
st have a FieldOffset attribute",," %1!ls! : les types de champ d instance marqus
avec StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit) doivent possder un attribut FieldOffset",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method, operator, or accessor %1!ls! is marked external and has no attributes
on it. Consider adding a DllImport attribute to specify the external implementa
tion.",,"La mthode, l oprateur ou l accesseur %1!ls! est marqu comme external et
n a pas d attribut. Ajoutez un attribut DllImport pour spcifier l implmentation ex
terne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : new protected member declared in sealed class",," %1!ls! : nouveau mem
bre protected dclar dans une classe sealed",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Conditional member %1!ls! cannot implement interface member %2!ls! in type
%3!ls! ",,"Le membre Conditional %1!ls! ne peut pas implmenter le membre d int
erface %2!ls! dans le type %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"ref and out are not valid in this context",,"ref et out ne sont pas valides dan
s ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument to the %1!ls! attribute must be a valid identifier",,"L argument
de l attribut %1!ls! doit tre un identificateur valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The FieldOffset attribute can only be placed on members of types marked with th
e StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)",,"L attribut FieldOffset ne peut tre plac que
sur des membres de types marqus avec StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The FieldOffset attribute is not allowed on static or const fields",,"L attribu
t FieldOffset n est pas autoris sur des champs static ou const",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute %1!ls! is only valid on classes derived from System.Attribute",,"L
attribut %1!ls! n est valide que sur des classes drives de System.Attribute",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Possible mistaken empty statement",,"Possibilit d instruction vide errone",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! duplicate named attribute argument",,"L argument d attribut nomm %1!ls
! est en double",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot derive from special class %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! ne peut pas drive
r de la classe spciale %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifier too long",,"Identificateur trop long",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify the DefaultMember attribute on a type containing an indexer",,"I
mpossible de spcifier l attribut DefaultMember sur un type contenant un indexeur"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error emitting %2!ls! attribute -- %1!ls! ",,"Erreur lors de l mission de l a
ttribut %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is a type not supported by the language",," %1!ls! est un type qui n
est pas pris en charge par le langage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Field %1!ls! is never assigned to, and will always have its default value %2!
ls!",,"Le champ %1!ls! n est jamais assign et possdera toujours sa valeur par dfa
ut %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad array declarator: To declare a managed array the rank specifier precedes th
e variable s identifier. To declare a fixed size buffer field, use the fixed key
word before the field type.",,"Dclarateur de tableau erron. Pour dclarer un tableau
manag, le spcificateur de rang prcde l identificateur de la variable. Pour dclarer u
n champ de mmoire tampon de taille fixe, utilisez le mot cl fixed avant le type de
champ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Comparison to integral constant is useless; the constant is outside the range o
f type %1!ls! ",,"La comparaison avec la constante intgrale est inutile, car la
constante se situe hors de la plage du type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot apply attribute class %1!ls! because it is abstract",,"Impossible d ap
pliquer la classe d attributs %1!ls! , car elle est abstraite",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not a valid named attribute argument because it is not a valid attr
ibute parameter type",," %1!ls! n est pas un argument d attribut nomm valide, ca
r il n est pas un type de paramtre d attribut valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing compiler required member %1!ls!.%2!ls! ",,"Membre requis par le compil
ateur %1!ls!.%2!ls! manquant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not a valid attribute location for this declaration. Valid attribut
e locations for this declaration are %2!ls! . All attributes in this block will
be ignored.",," %1!ls! n est pas un emplacement d attribut valide pour cette dc
laration. Les emplacements d attributs valides pour cette dclaration sont %2!ls!
. Tous les attributs de ce bloc seront ignors.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not a recognized attribute location. All attributes in this block w

ill be ignored.",," %1!ls! n est pas un emplacement d attribut reconnu. Tous le

s attributs de ce bloc seront ignors.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" %1!ls! overrides Object.Equals(object o) but does not override Object.GetHash
Code()",," %1!ls! se substitue Object.Equals(object o) mais pas Object.GetHashC
ode()",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.Equals
(object o)",," %1!ls! dfinit l oprateur == ou l oprateur != mais ne se substitue p
as Object.Equals(object o)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! defines operator == or operator != but does not override Object.GetHas
hCode()",," %1!ls! dfinit l oprateur == ou l oprateur != mais ne se substitue pas
Object.GetHashCode()",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot specify only Out attribute on a ref parameter. Use both In and
Out attributes, or neither.",," %1!ls! ne peut pas spcifier uniquement un attrib
ut Out sur un paramtre ref. Utilisez les deux attributs In et Out ou aucun des de
ux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot define overloaded method %1!ls! because it differs from another method
only on ref and out",,"Impossible de dfinir la mthode surcharge %1!ls! car elle
diffre d une autre mthode uniquement sur ref et out",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Literal of type double cannot be implicitly converted to type %2!ls! ; use an
%1!ls! suffix to create a literal of this type",,"Un littral de type double ne
peut pas tre converti implicitement en type %2!ls! ; utilisez un suffixe %1!ls!
pour crer un littral de ce type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assignment in conditional expression is always constant; did you mean to use ==
instead of = ?",,"L assignation dans une expression conditionnelle est toujours
constante; voulez-vous utiliser == au lieu de = ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : new protected member declared in struct",," %1!ls! : nouveau membre pr
otected dclar dans struct",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Two indexers have different names; the IndexerName attribute must be used with
the same name on every indexer within a type",,"Deux indexeurs ont des noms diffr
ents; l attribut IndexerName doit tre utilis avec le mme nom sur chaque indexeur d u
n type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A class with the ComImport attribute cannot have a user-defined constructor",,"
Une classe avec l attribut ComImport ne peut pas avoir un constructeur dfini par
l utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field cannot have void type",,"Un champ ne peut pas tre de type void",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member %1!ls! overrides obsolete member %2!ls! . Add the Obsolete attribute
to %1!ls! .",,"Le membre %1!ls! se substitue au membre obsolte %2!ls! . Ajout
ez l attribut Obsolete %1!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.Void cannot be used from C# -- use typeof(void) to get the void type obj
ect",,"Impossible d utiliser System.Void dans C#: utilisez typeof(void) pour obte
nir l objet de type void",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not use System.ParamArrayAttribute . Use the params keyword instead.",,"N
utilisez pas System.ParamArrayAttribute . Utilisez plutt le mot cl params .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bitwise-or operator used on a sign-extended operand; consider casting to a smal
ler unsigned type first",,"Oprateur de bits or utilis sur un oprande de signe tendu;
effectuez un cast en type plus faible non sign",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : a volatile field cannot be of the type %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! : un champ
volatile ne peut pas tre de type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : a field cannot be both volatile and readonly",," %1!ls! : un champ ne
peut pas tre la fois volatile et readonly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Other languages may permit the internal virtual member %1!ls! to be overridde
n",,"D autres langages peuvent autoriser la substitution du membre virtuel inter

ne %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The modifier abstract is not valid on fields. Try using a property instead.",
,"Le modificateur abstract n est pas valide dans les champs. Essayez d utilise
r une proprit la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot implement %2!ls! because it is not supported by the language"
,," %1!ls! ne peut pas implmenter %2!ls! , car il n est pas pris en charge par
le langage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! explicit method implementation cannot implement %2!ls! because it is
an accessor",,"L implmentation de la mthode explicite %1!ls! ne peut pas implmen
ter %2!ls! , car il s agit d un accesseur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! interface marked with CoClassAttribute not marked with ComImportAtt
ribute ",,"Interface %1!ls! marque avec CoClassAttribute et non avec ComImpo
rtAttribute ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conditional member %1!ls! cannot have an out parameter",,"Le membre condition
al %1!ls! ne peut pas avoir un paramtre out",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessor %1!ls! cannot implement interface member %2!ls! for type %3!ls! .
Use an explicit interface implementation.",,"L accesseur %1!ls! ne peut pas i
mplmenter le membre d interface %2!ls! pour le type %3!ls! . Utilisez une implm
entation d interface explicite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The namespace alias qualifier :: always resolves to a type or namespace so is
illegal here. Consider using . instead.",,"Le qualificateur d alias d espace
de noms :: est toujours rsolu en type ou en espace de noms; il est donc non conf
orme ici. Utilisez . la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot derive from %1!ls! because it is a type parameter",,"Drivation impossib
le partir de %1!ls! , car il s agit d un paramtre de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input file %1!ls! contains invalid metadata",,"Le fichier d entre %1!ls! con
tient des mtadonnes non valides",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate type parameter %1!ls! ",,"Paramtre de type %1!ls! en double",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter %1!ls! has the same name as the type parameter from outer type
%2!ls! ",,"Le paramtre de type %1!ls! porte le mme nom que le paramtre de type
du type externe %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter %1!ls! has the same name as the containing type, or method",,"
Le paramtre de type %1!ls! porte le mme nom que le type conteneur ou la mthode",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot implement both %2!ls! and %3!ls! because they may unify for
some type parameter substitutions",," %1!ls! ne peut pas implmenter %2!ls! et
%3!ls! , car ils peuvent tre runis pour des substitutions de paramtre de type",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A generic type cannot derive from %1!ls! because it is an attribute class",,"
Un type gnrique ne peut pas driver de %1!ls! , car il s agit d une classe d attrib
uts",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %2!ls! does not define type parameter %1!ls! ",," %2!ls! ne dfinit pas le pa
ramtre de type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not a valid constraint. A type used as a constraint must be an inte
rface, a non-sealed class or a type parameter.",," %1!ls! n est pas une contrai
nte valide. Un type utilis comme contrainte doit tre une interface, une classe non
-sealed ou un paramtre de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraint cannot be special class %1!ls! ",,"La contrainte ne peut pas tre la
classe spciale %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent accessibility: constraint type %2!ls! is less accessible than %
1!ls! ",,"Accessibilit incohrente: le type de contrainte %2!ls! est moins accessi
ble que %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot do member lookup in %1!ls! because it is a type parameter",,"Impossibl
e de rechercher un membre dans %1!ls! , car il s agit d un paramtre de type",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid constraint type. A type used as a constraint must be an interface, a no

n-sealed class or a type parameter.",,"Type de contrainte non valide. Un type ut

ilis comme contrainte doit tre une interface, une classe non-sealed ou un paramtre
de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot declare instance members in a static class",," %1!ls! : impossi
ble de dclarer les membres d instance dans une classe static",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %2!ls! : cannot derive from static class %1!ls! ",," %2!ls! : drivation impossi
ble partir d une classe static %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Static classes cannot have instance constructors",,"Les classes static ne peuve
nt pas avoir de constructeurs d instance",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Static classes cannot contain destructors",,"Les classes static ne peuvent pas
contenir de destructeurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of the static class %1!ls! ",,"Impossible de crer une
instance de la classe static %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Static class %1!ls! cannot derive from type %2!ls! . Static classes must der
ive from object.",,"La classe statique %1!ls! ne peut pas driver du type %2!ls
! . Les classes statiques doivent driver d objets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : static classes cannot implement interfaces",," %1!ls! : les classes st
atic ne peuvent pas implmenter d interfaces",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : static classes cannot contain user-defined operators",," %1!ls! : les
classes static ne peuvent pas contenir d oprateurs dfinis par l utilisateur",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert to static type %1!ls! ",,"Conversion impossible en type static
%1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : static classes cannot be used as constraints",," %1!ls! : les classes
static ne peuvent pas tre utilises en tant que contraintes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : static types cannot be used as type arguments",," %1!ls! : impossible
d utiliser les types static en tant qu arguments de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : array elements cannot be of static type",," %1!ls! : les lments de table
au ne peuvent pas tre de type static",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" %1!ls! : cannot declare indexers in a static class",," %1!ls! : impossible de dc
larer des indexeurs dans une classe static",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : static types cannot be used as parameters",," %1!ls! : les types stati
c ne peuvent pas tre utiliss en tant que paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : static types cannot be used as return types",," %1!ls! : les types sta
tic ne peuvent pas tre utiliss en tant que types de retour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot declare a variable of static type %1!ls! ",,"Impossible de dclarer une v
ariable de type static %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A throw statement with no arguments is not allowed in a finally clause that is
nested inside the nearest enclosing catch clause",,"Une instruction throw sans a
rgument n est pas autorise dans une clause finally qui est imbrique dans la clause
catch englobante la plus proche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Possibly incorrect assignment to local %1!ls! which is the argument to a usin
g or lock statement. The Dispose call or unlocking will happen on the original v
alue of the local.",,"Assignation potentiellement incorrecte la variable locale
%1!ls! qui est l argument d une instruction using ou lock. L appel Dispose ou
le dverrouillage se produira sur la valeur d origine de la variable locale.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1!ls! is defined in this assembly, but a type forwarder is specified fo

r it",,"Le type %1!ls! est dfini dans cet assembly, mais un redirecteur de type
est spcifi pour ce type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot forward type %1!ls! because it is a nested type of %2!ls! ",,"Impossi
ble de transfrer le type %1!ls! , car il s agit d un type imbriqu de %2!ls! ",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type forwarder for type %1!ls! in assembly %2!ls! causes a cycle",,"Le
redirecteur de type pour le type %1!ls! dans l assembly %2!ls! provoque un c
ycle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The /moduleassemblyname option may only be specified when building a target typ
e of module ",,"L option /moduleassemblyname ne peut tre spcifie que lors de la gnra
tion d un type cible de module ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid type specified as an argument for TypeForwardedTo attribute",,"Type non
valide spcifi comme argument pour l attribut TypeForwardedTo",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not implement interface member %2!ls! . %3!ls! cannot implemen
t an interface member because it is static.",," %1!ls! n implmente pas le membre
d interface %2!ls! . %3!ls! ne peut pas implmenter un membre d interface, car
il est static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not implement interface member %2!ls! . %3!ls! cannot implemen
t an interface member because it is not public.",," %1!ls! n implmente pas le me
mbre d interface %2!ls! . %3!ls! ne peut pas implmenter un membre d interface,
car il n est pas public.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not implement interface member %2!ls! . %3!ls! cannot implemen
t %2!ls! because it does not have the matching return type of %4!ls! .",," %1
!ls! n implmente pas le membre d interface %2!ls! . %3!ls! ne peut pas implmen
ter %2!ls! , car il ne dispose pas du type de retour correspondant %4!ls! .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! duplicate TypeForwardedToAttribute",," %1!ls! est un doublon de TypeF
orwardedToAttribute",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A query body must end with a select clause or a group clause",,"Un corps de req
ute doit terminer par une clause select ou une clause group",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected contextual keyword on ",,"Mot cl contextuel on attendu",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected contextual keyword equals ",,"Mot cl contextuel equals attendu",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected contextual keyword by ",,"Mot cl contextuel by attendu",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid anonymous type member declarator. Anonymous type members must be declar
ed with a member assignment, simple name or member access.",,"Dclarateur de membr
e de type anonyme non valide. Les membres de type anonyme doivent tre dclars avec u
ne assignation de membre, un nom simple ou un accs membre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid initializer member declarator",,"Dclarateur de membre initialiseur non v
alide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inconsistent lambda parameter usage; parameter types must be all explicit or al
l implicit",,"Utilisation du paramtre lambda incohrente; les types de paramtres doiv
ent tre tous explicites ou tous implicites",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"A partial method cannot have access modifiers or the virtual, abstract, overrid
e, new, sealed, or extern modifiers",,"Une mthode partielle ne peut pas avoir de
modificateurs d accs ou de modificateurs virtual, abstract, override, new, sealed
ou extern",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A partial method must be declared within a partial class or partial struct",,"U
ne mthode partielle doit tre dclare au sein d une classe partielle ou d une structur
e partielle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A partial method cannot have out parameters",,"Une mthode partielle ne peut pas
avoir de paramtres out",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only methods, classes, structs, or interfaces may be partial",,"Seules les mthod
es, classes, structs ou interfaces peuvent tre partielles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A partial method may not explicitly implement an interface method",,"Une mthode
partielle ne peut pas implmenter explicitement une mthode d interface",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Both partial method declarations must be extension methods or neither may be an
extension method",,"Soit les deux dclarations de mthode partielles sont des mthode
s d extension, soit aucune ne l est",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"A partial method may not have multiple defining declarations",,"Une mthode parti
elle ne peut pas avoir plusieurs dclarations de dfinition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A partial method may not have multiple implementing declarations",,"Une mthode p
artielle ne peut pas avoir plusieurs dclarations d implmentation",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Both partial method declarations must use a parameter array or neither may use
a parameter array",,"Soit les deux dclarations de mthode partielles utilisent un t
ableau de paramtres, soit aucune des deux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"No defining declaration found for implementing declaration of partial method %
1!ls! ",,"Aucune dclaration de dfinition trouve pour la dclaration d implmentation de
la mthode partielle %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial method declarations of %1!ls! have inconsistent type parameter constr
aints",,"Les dclarations de mthode partielle de %1!ls! ont des contraintes de pa
ramtre de type incohrentes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create delegate from method %1!ls! because it is a partial method with
out an implementing declaration",,"Impossible de crer un dlgu partir de la mthode %1
!ls! , car il s agit d une mthode partielle sans dclaration d implmentation",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Both partial method declarations must be static or neither may be static",,"Soi
t les deux dclarations de mthode partielles sont statiques, soit aucune ne l est",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Both partial method declarations must be unsafe or neither may be unsafe",,"Soi
t les deux dclarations de mthode partielles sont unsafe, soit aucune ne l est",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial methods with only a defining declaration or removed conditional methods
cannot be used in expression trees",,"Les mthodes partielles avec uniquement une
dclaration de dfinition ou des mthodes conditionnelles supprimes ne peuvent pas tre
utilises dans des arborescences d expressions",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial methods must have a void return type",,"Les mthodes partielles doivent a
voir un type de retour void",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot inherit interface %1!ls! with the specified type parameters because it
causes method %2!ls! to contain overloads which differ only on ref and out.",
,"Impossible d hriter de l interface %1!ls! avec les paramtres de type spcifis car
cela entrane des surcharges dans la mthode %2!ls! qui diffrent uniquement au niv
eau des paramtres ref et out.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Obsolete member %1!ls! overrides non-obsolete member %2!ls! ",,"Le membre ob
solte %1!ls! se substitue au membre non-obsolte %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The fully qualified name for %1!ls! exceeds the debug information size limit.
Some operations may not succeed when debugging this binary.",,"Le nom qualifi co
mplet pour %1!ls! dpasse la limite de taille des informations de dbogage. Certai
nes oprations peuvent ne pas russir lors du dbogage de cet lment binaire.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot assign %1!ls! to an implicitly-typed local variable",,"Impossible d assi
gner %1!ls! une variable locale implicitement type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implicitly-typed local variables must be initialized",,"Les variables locales i
mplicitement types doivent tre initialises",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Implicitly-typed local variables cannot have multiple declarators",,"Les variab

les locales implicitement types ne peuvent pas avoir plusieurs dclarateurs",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot initialize an implicitly-typed local variable with an array initializer"
,,"Impossible d initialiser une variable locale implicitement type avec un initia
liseur de tableau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implicitly-typed local variables cannot be fixed",,"Les variables locales impli
citement types ne peuvent pas tre fixed",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Implicitly-typed local variables cannot be constant",,"Les variables locales im
plicitement types ne peuvent pas tre constant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor %1!ls! is marked external",,"Constructeur %1!ls! marqu comme ext
ernal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The contextual keyword var may only appear within a local variable declaratio
n",,"Le mot cl contextuel var ne peut apparatre que dans une dclaration de variab
le locale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No best type found for implicitly-typed array",,"Aucun meilleur type trouv pour
le tableau implicitement typ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot assign %1!ls! to anonymous type property",,"Impossible d assigner %1!ls!
une proprit de type anonyme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree may not contain a base access",,"Une arborescence de l expre
ssion ne peut pas contenir un accs de base",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree may not contain an assignment operator",,"Une arborescence d
e l expression ne peut pas contenir un oprateur d assignation",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An anonymous type cannot have multiple properties with the same name",,"Un type
anonyme ne peut pas avoir plusieurs proprits du mme nom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A lambda expression with a statement body cannot be converted to an expression
tree",,"Une expression lambda avec un corps d instruction ne peut pas tre convert
ie en arborescence de l expression",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot convert lambda to an expression tree whose type argument %1!ls! is not
a delegate type",,"Impossible de convertir une expression lambda en arborescenc
e de l expression dont l argument de type %1!ls! n est pas un type dlgu",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use anonymous type in a constant expression",,"Impossible d utiliser un
type anonyme dans une expression constante",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The first operand of an is or as operator may not be a lambda expression or
anonymous method",,"Le premier oprande d un oprateur is ou as ne peut pas tre
une expression lambda ou une mthode anonyme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree may not contain a multidimensional array initializer",,"Une
arborescence de l expression ne peut pas contenir un initialiseur de tableau plu
sieurs dimensions",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument missing",,"Argument manquant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" %1!ls! must declare a body because it is not marked abstract or extern. Autom
atically implemented properties must define both get and set accessors.",," %1!l
s! doit dclarer un corps, car il n est pas marqu comme abstract ni extern. Les pr
oprits implmentes automatiquement doivent dfinir les accesseurs get et set.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use local variable %1!ls! before it is declared",,"Impossible d utilis
er une variable locale %1!ls! avant qu elle soit dclare",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : Automatically implemented properties cannot be used inside a type mar
ked with StructLayout(LayoutKind.Explicit)",," %1!ls! : les proprits implmentes autom

atiquement ne peuvent pas tre utilises au sein d un type marqu avec StructLayout(La
youtKind.Explicit)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Backing field for automatically implemented property %1!ls! must be fully ass
igned before control is returned to the caller. Consider calling the default con
structor from a constructor initializer.",,"Le champ de stockage pour la proprit i
mplmente automatiquement %1!ls! doit tre totalement assign avant que le contrle soi
t retourn l appelant. Appelez le constructeur par dfaut partir d un initialiseur d
e constructeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use local variable %1!ls! before it is declared. The declaration of th
e local variable hides the field %2!ls! .",,"Impossible d utiliser la variable
locale %1!ls! avant qu elle soit dclare. La dclaration de la variable locale masq
ue le champ %2!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree may not contain a named argument specification",,"Une arbore
scence de l expression ne peut pas contenir une spcification d argument nomm",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree may not contain a call or invocation that uses optional argu
ments",,"Une arborescence de l expression ne peut pas contenir un appel qui util
ise des arguments facultatifs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree may not contain an indexed property",,"Une arborescence de l
expression ne peut pas contenir une proprit indexe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indexed property %1!ls! has non-optional arguments which must be provided",,"
La proprit indexe %1!ls! a des arguments obligatoires, qui doivent tre fournis",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indexed property %1!ls! must have all arguments optional",,"Tous les argument
s de la proprit indexe %1!ls! sont facultatifs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial declarations of %1!ls! must have the same type parameter names and va
riance modifiers in the same order",,"Les dclarations partielles de %1!ls! doiv
ent avoir les mmes noms de paramtre de type et modificateurs de variance dans le mm
e ordre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using is to test compatibility with dynamic is essentially identical to tes
ting compatibility with object and will succeed for all non-null values",,"L u
tilisation de is pour tester la compatibilit avec dynamic est fondamentalemen
t identique au test de la compatibilit avec object et elle aboutit pour toutes
les valeurs non null",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifier expected",,"Identificateur attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"; expected",,"; attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error, %1!ls! expected",,"Erreur de syntaxe, %1!ls! attendu",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate %1!ls! modifier",,"Le modificateur %1!ls! est en double",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property accessor already defined",,"Accesseur de proprit dj dfini",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type byte, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, or ulong expected",,"Type byt
e, sbyte, short, ushort, int, uint, long ou ulong attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized escape sequence",,"Squence d chappement non reconnue",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Newline in constant",,"Saut de ligne dans la constante",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty character literal",,"Littral de caractre vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many characters in character literal",,"Trop de caractres dans le littral de
caractre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid number",,"Nombre non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"A get or set accessor expected",,"Accesseur get ou set attendu",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"A class type expected",,"Type classe attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",

,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named attribute argument expected",,"Argument d attribut nomm attendu",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Catch clauses cannot follow the general catch clause of a try statement",,"Des
clauses Catch ne peuvent pas suivre la clause catch gnrale d une instruction try",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keyword this or base expected",,"Mot cl this ou base attendu",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overloadable unary operator expected",,"Oprateur unaire surchargeable attendu",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overloadable binary operator expected",,"Oprateur binaire surchargeable attendu"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Integral constant is too large",,"Constante intgrale trop grande",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type or namespace definition, or end-of-file expected",,"Dfinition de type ou d
espace de noms, ou fin de fichier attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Embedded statement cannot be a declaration or labeled statement",,"L instructio
n incorpore ne peut pas tre une dclaration ni une instruction tiquete",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preprocessor directive expected",,"Directive de prprocesseur attendue",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Single-line comment or end-of-line expected",,"Commentaire sur une seule ligne
ou fin de ligne attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
") expected",,") attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#endif directive expected",,"directive #endif attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected preprocessor directive",,"Directive de prprocesseur inattendue",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#error: %1!ls! ",,"#erreur: %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"#warning: %1!ls! ",,"#avertissement: %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type expected",,"Type attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot define/undefine preprocessor symbols after first token in file",,"Imposs
ible de dfinir/annuler la dfinition des symboles de prprocesseur la suite du premie
r jeton du fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiler limit exceeded: File cannot exceed %1!d! lines",,"Limite du compilateu
r dpasse: le fichier ne peut pas compter plus de %1!d! lignes",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiler limit exceeded: Line cannot exceed %1!d! characters",,"Limite du compi
lateur dpasse: la ligne ne peut pas compter plus de %1!d! caractres",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End-of-file found, */ expected",,"Fin de fichier trouve, */ attendu",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"( or . expected",,"( ou . attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Overloadable operator expected",,"Oprateur surchargeable attendu",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#endregion directive expected",,"directive #endregion attendue",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unterminated string literal",,"Littral de chane inachev",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preprocessor directives must appear as the first non-whitespace character on a
line",,"Les directives du prprocesseur doivent tre le premier caractre (autre qu un
espace blanc) d une ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifier expected; %2!ls! is a keyword",,"Identificateur attendu; %2!ls! e
st un mot cl",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{ or ; expected",,"{ ou; attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot use more than one type in a for, using, fixed, or declaration statement"
,,"Impossible d utiliser plusieurs types dans une instruction for, using, fixed
ou declaration",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An add or remove accessor expected",,"Un accesseur add ou remove est attendu",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected character %1!ls! ",,"Caractre %1!ls! inattendu",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : static classes cannot contain protected members",," %1!ls! : les class
es static ne peuvent pas contenir de membres protgs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A previous catch clause already catches all exceptions. All non-exceptions thro
wn will be wrapped in a System.Runtime.CompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException.
",,"Une clause catch prcdente intercepte dj toutes les exceptions. Tous les objets l
evs autres que les exceptions seront inclus dans un wrapper dans System.Runtime.C
ompilerServices.RuntimeWrappedException.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The operand of an increment or decrement operator must be a variable, property
or indexer",,"L oprande d un oprateur d incrmentation ou de dcrmentation doit tre une
variable, une proprit ou un indexeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Use of possibly unassigned field %1!ls! . Struct instance variables are initia
lly unassigned if struct is unassigned.",,"Utilisation ventuelle d un champ non a
ssign %1!ls! . Les variables d instance Struct sont initialement non assignes si
struct n est pas assign.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not contain a definition for %2!ls! and no extension method %2
!ls! accepting a first argument of type %1!ls! could be found (are you missin
g a using directive or an assembly reference?)",," %1!ls! ne contient pas une df
inition pour %2!ls! et aucune mthode d extension %2!ls! acceptant un premier
argument de type %1!ls! n a t trouve (une directive using ou une rfrence d assembly
est-elle manquante?)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method %1!ls! has a parameter modifier this which is not on the first param
eter",,"La mthode %1!ls! a un modificateur de paramtre this qui ne se trouve p
as sur le premier paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter modifier ref cannot be used with this ",,"Le modificateur de
paramtre ref ne peut pas tre utilis avec this . ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter modifier out cannot be used with this ",,"Le modificateur de
paramtre out ne peut pas tre utilis avec this . ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first parameter of an extension method cannot be of type %1!ls! ",,"Le pre
mier paramtre d une mthode d extension ne peut pas tre de type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A parameter array cannot be used with this modifier on an extension method",,
"Un tableau de paramtres ne peut pas tre utilis avec le modificateur this dans un
e mthode d extension",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension method must be static",,"La mthode d extension doit tre statique",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension method must be defined in a non-generic static class",,"La mthode d ex
tension doit tre dfinie dans une classe statique non gnrique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A parameter can only have one %1!ls! modifier",,"Un paramtre ne peut avoir qu
un modificateur %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A parameter cannot have all the specified modifiers; there are too many modifer
s on the parameter",,"Un paramtre ne peut pas avoir tous les modificateurs indiqus;
il y a trop de modificateurs dans le paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension method must be defined in a top level static class; %1!ls! is a neste
d class",,"La mthode d extension doit tre dfinie dans une classe statique de niveau
suprieur, %1!ls! est une classe imbrique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Cannot define a new extension method because the compiler required type %1!ls!
cannot be found. Are you missing a reference?",,"Impossible de dfinir une nouve
lle mthode d extension, car le type de compilateur requis %1!ls! est introuvabl
e. Une rfrence est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not use %1!ls! . Use the this keyword instead.",,"Ne pas utiliser %1!ls!
. Utiliser le mot cl this la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Extension methods %1!ls! defined on value type %2!ls! cannot be used to cre
ate delegates",,"Les mthodes d extension %1!ls! dfinies dans un type valeur %2!
ls! ne peuvent pas tre utilises pour crer des dlgus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member %2!ls! on embedded interop type %1!ls! cannot be evaluated while deb
ugging since it is never referenced in the program. Consider casting the source
object to type dynamic first or building with the Embed Interop Types proper
ty set to false when debugging",,"Impossible d valuer le membre %2!ls! sur le t
ype interop incorpor %1!ls! lors du dbogage, car il n a jamais fait rfrence au pro
gramme. Si possible, effectuez un cast de l objet source en type dynamic en pr
emier ou effectuez une gnration en affectant la valeur false la proprit Incorporer
les types interop lors du dbogage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"No overload for method %1!ls! takes %2!d! arguments",,"Aucune surcharge pour
la mthode %1!ls! ne prend d arguments %2!d!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overloaded method match for %1!ls! has some invalid arguments",,"La
mthode surcharge correspondant le mieux %1!ls! possde des arguments non valides",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument %1!d!: cannot convert from %2!ls! to %3!ls! ",,"Argument %1!d!: impo
ssible de convertir de %2!ls! en %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Source file %1!ls! could not be opened ( %2!ls! )",,"Le fichier source %1!ls
! n a pu tre ouvert ( %2!ls! )",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot link resource file %1!ls! when building a module",,"Impossible de lier
le fichier de ressources %1!ls! lors de la gnration d un module",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource identifier %1!ls! has already been used in this assembly",,"L identi
ficateur de ressource %1!ls! a dj t utilis dans cet assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced file %1!ls! is not an assembly; use /addmodule option instead",,
"Le fichier rfrenc %1!ls! n est pas un assembly; utilisez plutt l option /addmodul
e ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A ref or out argument must be an assignable variable",,"Un argument ref ou out
doit tre une variable qui peut tre assigne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Keyword base is not available in a static method",,"Le mot cl base n est pas
disponible dans une mthode statique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Keyword base is not available in the current context",,"Le mot cl base n est
pas disponible dans le contexte actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"} expected",,"} attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{ expected",,"{ attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" in expected",," in attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid preprocessor expression",,"Expression de prprocesseur non valide",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected class, delegate, enum, interface, or struct",,"Class, delegate, enum,
interface ou struct attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid token %1!ls! in class, struct, or interface member declaration",,"Jet
on %1!ls! non valide dans la dclaration de membres de la classe, de la structur
e ou de l interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method must have a return type",,"La mthode doit avoir un type de retour",,"Text

",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Invalid base type",,"Type de base non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty switch block",,"Bloc switch vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Expected catch or finally",,"Catch ou finally attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid expression term %1!ls! ",,"Terme d expression non valide %1!ls! ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A new expression requires (), [], or {} after type",,"Une expression new exige
que type soit suivi de (), [] ou {}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Elements defined in a namespace cannot be explicitly declared as private, prote
cted, or protected internal",,"Les lments dfinis dans un espace de noms ne peuvent
pas tre explicitement dclars comme private, protected ou protected internal",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected ; or = (cannot specify constructor arguments in declaration)",,"; ou =
attendu (impossible de spcifier des arguments de constructeur dans une dclaration
)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A using clause must precede all other elements defined in the namespace except
extern alias declarations",,"Une clause using doit prcder tous les autres lments dfin
is dans l espace de noms sauf les dclarations d alias extern",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keyword new is not allowed on elements defined in a namespace",,"Le mot cl new
n est pas autoris dans les lments dfinis dans un espace de noms",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overloaded binary operator %1!ls! takes two parameters",,"L oprateur binaire s
urcharg %1!ls! accepte deux paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Overloaded unary operator %1!ls! takes one parameter",,"L oprateur unaire surc
harg %1!ls! accepte un paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid parameter type void ",,"Type de paramtre non valide void ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The using alias %1!ls! appeared previously in this namespace",,"L alias using
%1!ls! est apparu prcdemment dans cet espace de noms",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access protected member %1!ls! via a qualifier of type %2!ls! ; the q
ualifier must be of type %3!ls! (or derived from it)",,"Impossible d accder au
membre protg %1!ls! par l intermdiaire d un qualificateur de type %2!ls! ; le qua
lificateur doit tre de type %3!ls! (ou driv de celui-ci)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid reference option: %1!ls! -- cannot reference directories",,"Option de
rfrence non valide: %1!ls! -- ne peut pas faire rfrence des rpertoires",,"Text",,"
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot be added to this assembly because it already is an assembly; us
e /R option instead",," %1!ls! ne peut pas tre ajout cet assembly, car il s agi
t dj d un assembly; utilisez plutt l option /R ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Added module %1!ls! has unresolved reference to type %2!ls! ",,"Le module aj
out %1!ls! possde une rfrence non rsolue au type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Added module %2!ls! references module %1!ls! which was not added",,"Le modu
le ajout %2!ls! rfrence le module %1!ls! qui n avait pas t ajout",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property, indexer, or event %1!ls! is not supported by the language; try dire
ctly calling accessor methods %2!ls! or %3!ls! ",,"La proprit, l indexeur ou l vn
ement %1!ls! n est pas pris en charge par le langage; essayez d appeler directe
ment les mthodes d accesseur %2!ls! ou %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property, indexer, or event %1!ls! is not supported by the language; try dire

ctly calling accessor method %2!ls! ",,"La proprit, l indexeur ou l vnement %1!ls!
n est pas pris en charge par le langage; essayez d appeler directement la mthode
d accesseur %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keyword void cannot be used in this context",,"Le mot cl void ne peut pas tre
utilis dans ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cryptographic failure while signing assembly %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"chec de chi
ffrement pendant la signature de l assembly %2!ls! -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Appropriate cryptographic service not found",,"Le service de chiffrement approp
ri est introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indexers must have at least one parameter",,"Les indexeurs doivent possder au mo
ins un paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array type specifier, [], must appear before parameter name",,"Le spcificateur d
e type tableau, [], doit apparatre avant le nom de paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declaration is not valid; use %1!ls! operator <dest-type> (... instead",,"Dcla
ration non valide; utilisez plutt %1!ls! operator <type de destination> (... ",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declaration is not valid; use <type> operator %1!ls! (... instead",,"Dclaratio
n non valide; utilisez plutt <type> operator %1!ls! (... ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find %1!ls! specified for Main method",,"Impossible de trouver %1!
ls! spcifi pour la mthode Main",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! specified for Main method must be a valid class or struct",," %1!ls!
spcifi pour la mthode Main doit tre une classe ou une structure valide",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use %1!ls! for Main method because it is in a different output file",,
"Impossible d utiliser %1!ls! pour la mthode Main, car il figure dans un autre
fichier de sortie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not have a suitable static Main method",," %1!ls! ne dispose pas
d une mthode Main static approprie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot use %1!ls! for Main method because it is imported",,"Impossible d util
iser %1!ls! pour la mthode Main, car il est import",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid filename specified for preprocessor directive. Filename is too long or
not a valid filename.",,"Nom de fichier spcifi non valide pour la directive de prpr
ocesseur. Le nom de fichier est trop long ou n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output filename is too long or invalid",,"Le nom de fichier de sortie est trop
long ou n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Outputs without source must have the /out option specified",,"L option /out doi
t tre spcifie pour les sorties dpourvues de source",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output %1!ls! does not have any source files",,"La sortie %1!ls! ne possde a
ucun fichier source",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method or delegate cannot return type %1!ls! ",,"Ni la mthode, ni le dlgu ne peuve
nt retourner un type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conflicting options specified: Win32 resource file; Win32 icon",,"Options spcifie
s en conflit: fichier de ressources Win32; icne Win32",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading resource file %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Erreur lors de la lecture d
u fichier de ressources %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error generating Win32 resource: %1!ls!",,"Erreur lors de la gnration de la resso
urce Win32: %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error generating XML documentation file %1!ls! ( %2!ls! )",,"Erreur lors de l
a gnration du fichier de documentation XML %1!ls! ( %2!ls! )",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment on %2!ls! has badly formed XML -- %1!ls! ",,"Le commentaire XML

sur %2!ls! contient du code XML mal rdig -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment on %2!ls! has a duplicate param tag for %1!ls! ",,"Le commentair
e XML sur %2!ls! a une balise param en double pour %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment on %2!ls! has a param tag for %1!ls! , but there is no parameter
by that name",,"Le commentaire XML sur %2!ls! possde une balise param pour %1
!ls! , alors qu il n existe aucun paramtre de ce nom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter %1!ls! has no matching param tag in the XML comment for %2!ls! (b
ut other parameters do)",,"Le paramtre %1!ls! ne possde pas de balise param corr
espondante dans le commentaire XML pour %2!ls! (contrairement d autres paramtre
s)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment on %2!ls! has cref attribute %1!ls! that could not be resolved"
,,"Le commentaire XML sur %2!ls! possde l attribut cref %1!ls! qui n a pas pu
tre rsolu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A stackalloc expression requires [] after type",,"Une expression stackalloc exi
ge la prsence de [] la suite du type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The line number specified for #line directive is missing or invalid",,"Le numro
de ligne spcifi pour la directive #line est manquant ou non valide",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly generation failed -- %1!ls!",,"chec de la gnration de l assembly -- %1!ls
!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filename, single-line comment or end-of-line expected",,"Nom de fichier, commen
taire sur une seule ligne ou fin de ligne attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type %1!ls! because %2!ls!
does not contain a public definition for %3!ls! ",,"L instruction foreach ne p
eut pas fonctionner sur des variables de type %1!ls! , car %2!ls! ne contient
pas de dfinition public pour %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Invalid type for parameter %1!d! in XML comment cref attribute: %2!ls! ",,"Typ
e non valide pour le paramtre %1!d! dans l attribut cref du commentaire XML: %2!l
s! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid return type in XML comment cref attribute",,"Type de retour non valide
dans l attribut cref de commentaire XML",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" %1!ls! is not a valid Win32 resource file",," %1!ls! n est pas un fichier de
ressources Win32 valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment on %2!ls! has syntactically incorrect cref attribute %1!ls! ",,"
Le commentaire XML sur %2!ls! comporte une erreur de syntaxe au niveau de l at
tribut cref %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member modifier %1!ls! must precede the member type and name",,"Le modificate
ur de membre %1!ls! doit prcder le type et le nom du membre",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array creation must have array size or array initializer",,"La cration de tablea
u doit possder une taille de tableau ou un initialiseur de tableau",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment is not placed on a valid language element",,"Le commentaire XML n e
st pas plac dans un lment valide du langage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot determine common language runtime directory -- %1!ls! ",,"Impossible de
dterminer le rpertoire common language runtime -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to include XML fragment %2!ls! of file %1!ls! -- %3!ls!",,"Impossibl
e d inclure un fragment XML %2!ls! du fichier %1!ls! -- %3!ls!",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid XML include element -- %1!ls!",,"lment include XML non valide -- %1!ls!",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Missing XML comment for publicly visible type or member %1!ls! ",,"Commentaire
XML absent pour un type ou membre visible publiquement %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Badly formed XML in included comments file -- %1!ls! ",,"Code XML incorrect da
ns le fichier de commentaires inclus -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate %1!ls! does not take %2!d! arguments",,"Le dlgu %1!ls! ne prend pas l
es arguments %2!d!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate %1!ls! has some invalid arguments",,"Le dlgu %1!ls! utilise des argum
ents non valides",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML parser could not be loaded for the following reason: %2!ls! . The XML docu
mentation file %1!ls! will not be generated.",,"L analyseur XML n a pas pu tre
charg pour la raison suivante: %2!ls! . Le fichier de documentation XML %1!ls!
ne sera pas gnr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Semicolon after method or accessor block is not valid",,"Point-virgule non vali
de aprs un bloc de mthode ou d accesseur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Compilation cancelled by user",,"Compilation annule par l utilisateur",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method or delegate parameter cannot be of type %1!ls! ",,"Le paramtre de la mtho
de ou du dlgu ne peut pas tre de type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Cannot assign to %1!ls! because it is read-only",,"Impossible d assigner %1!
ls! , car il est en lecture seule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot pass %1!ls! as a ref or out argument because it is read-only",,"Imposs
ible de passer %1!ls! comme argument ref ou out, car il est en lecture seule",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly signing failed; output may not be signed -- %1!ls!",,"chec de la signat
ure de l assembly; la sortie n est peut-tre pas signe -- %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly generation -- %1!ls!",,"Gnration de l assembly -- %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Required attribute is not permitted on C# types",,"L attribut Required n es
t pas autoris sur les types C#",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Modifiers cannot be placed on event accessor declarations",,"Les modificateurs
ne peuvent pas tre placs sur des dclarations d accesseurs d vnement",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to delete temporary file %1!ls! used for default Win32 resource -- %2!
ls!",,"Impossible de supprimer le fichier temporaire %1!ls! utilis pour la ress
ource Win32 par dfaut -- %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter array cannot be declared as ref or out",,"Le tableau de paramtres
ne peut pas tre dclar comme ref ou out",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Cannot modify the return value of %1!ls! because it is not a variable",,"Impo
ssible de modifier la valeur de retour de %1!ls! , car il ne s agit pas d une v
ariable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The managed coclass wrapper class %1!ls! for interface %2!ls! cannot be fou
nd (are you missing an assembly reference?)",,"La classe wrapper de la coclasse
manage %1!ls! pour l interface %2!ls! est introuvable (une rfrence d assembly e
st-elle manquante?)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is ambiguous between %2!ls! and %3!ls! ; use either @%1!ls! or %
1!ls!Attribute ",," %1!ls! est ambigu entre %2!ls! et %3!ls! ; utilisez @%1!
ls! ou %1!ls!Attribute ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument %1!d! should not be passed with the %2!ls! keyword",,"L argument %1!
d! ne doit pas tre pass avec le mot cl %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option %1!ls! overrides attribute %2!ls! given in a source file or added mo
dule",,"L option %1!ls! se substitue l attribut %2!ls! spcifi dans un fichier
source ou un module ajout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Invalid option %1!ls! for /langversion; must be ISO-1, ISO-2, 3, 4, 5 or Defa

ult",,"Option %1!ls! non valide pour /langversion; doit avoir la valeur ISO-1,
ISO-2, 3, 4, 5 ou Default",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create delegate with %1!ls! because it has a Conditional attribute",,"
Impossible de crer un dlgu avec %1!ls! , car il a un attribut conditionnel",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create temporary file %2!ls! -- %1!ls!",,"Impossible de crer le fichier
temporaire %2!ls! -- %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument %1!d! must be passed with the %2!ls! keyword",,"L argument %1!d! doi
t tre pass avec le mot cl %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The yield statement cannot be used inside an anonymous method or lambda express
ion",,"L instruction yield ne peut pas tre utilise dans une mthode anonyme ou une e
xpression lambda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot return a value from an iterator. Use the yield return statement to retur
n a value, or yield break to end the iteration.",,"Impossible de retourner une v
aleur partir d un itrateur. Utilisez l instruction yield return pour retourner un
e valeur, ou yield break pour mettre fin l itration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Iterators cannot have ref or out parameters",,"Les itrateurs ne peuvent pas avoi
r de paramtres ref ou out",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The body of %1!ls! cannot be an iterator block because %2!ls! is not an ite
rator interface type",,"Le corps de %1!ls! ne peut pas tre un bloc itrateur, car
%2!ls! n est pas un type interface itrateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot yield in the body of a finally clause",,"Impossible de gnrer dans le corps
d une clause finally",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot yield a value in the body of a try block with a catch clause",,"Impossib
le de gnrer une valeur dans le corps d un bloc try avec une clause catch",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression expected after yield return",,"Expression attendue aprs yield return"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use ref or out parameter %1!ls! inside an anonymous method, lambda exp
ression, or query expression",,"Impossible d utiliser le paramtre ref ou out %1!
ls! dans une mthode anonyme, une expression lambda ou une expression de requte",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsafe code may not appear in iterators",,"Du code unsafe ne peut pas s affiche
r dans des itrateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option %1!ls! for /errorreport; must be prompt, send, queue, or none"
,,"Option %1!ls! non valide pour /errorreport; doit avoir la valeur prompt, sen
d, queue ou none",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot yield a value in the body of a catch clause",,"Impossible de gnrer une val
eur dans le corps d une clause catch",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Control cannot leave the body of an anonymous method or lambda expression",,"Le
contrle ne peut pas quitter le corps d une mthode anonyme ou d une expression lam
bda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized #pragma directive",,"Directive #pragma non reconnue",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected disable or restore",,"Disable ou restore attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot restore warning CS%1!04d! because it was disabled globally",,"Impossib
le de restaurer l avertissement CS%1!04d! , car il a t dsactiv globalement",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"__arglist is not allowed in the parameter list of iterators",,"__arglist n est
pas autoris dans la liste de paramtres des itrateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Iterators cannot have unsafe parameters or yield types",,"Les itrateurs ne peuve
nt pas avoir de paramtres unsafe ou de types yield",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The managed coclass wrapper class signature %1!ls! for interface %2!ls! is

not a valid class name signature",,"La signature de classe wrapper de la coclass

e manage %1!ls! pour l interface %2!ls! n est pas une signature de nom de cla
sse valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"foreach statement cannot operate on variables of type %1!ls! because it imple
ments multiple instantiations of %2!ls! ; try casting to a specific interface i
nstantiation",,"L instruction foreach ne peut pas fonctionner sur des variables
de type %1!ls! , car elle implmente plusieurs instanciations de %2!ls! ; essayez
d effectuer un cast en une instanciation d interface spcifique",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A fixed size buffer field must have the array size specifier after the field na
me",,"Un champ de mmoire tampon de taille fixe doit utiliser le spcificateur de la
taille du tableau aprs le nom du champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Fixed size buffer fields may only be members of structs",,"Les champs de mmoire
tampon de taille fixe ne peuvent tre membres que de structs",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not all code paths return a value in %1!ls! of type %2!ls! ",,"Tous les chemin
s de code ne retournent pas une valeur dans %1!ls! de type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature %1!ls! cannot be used because it is not part of the %2!ls! C# languag
e specification",,"La fonctionnalit %1!ls! ne peut pas tre utilise, car elle ne f
ait pas partie de la spcification du langage C# %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature %1!ls! is not part of the standardized ISO C# language specification,
and may not be accepted by other compilers",,"La fonctionnalit %1!ls! ne fait
pas partie de la spcification du langage C# ISO standardise et peut ne pas tre acce
pte par d autres compilateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keyword, identifier, or string expected after verbatim specifier: @",,"Mot cl, i
dentificateur ou chane attendue aprs le spcificateur textuel: @",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression is too long or complex to compile",,"Une expression est trop long
ue ou complexe compiler",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members of readonly field %1!ls! cannot be modified (except in a constructor
or a variable initializer)",,"Les membres d un champ readonly %1!ls! ne peuven
t pas tre modifis (sauf s ils appartiennent un constructeur ou un initialiseur de
variable)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members of readonly field %1!ls! cannot be passed ref or out (except in a con
structor)",,"Les membres d un champ readonly %1!ls! ne peuvent pas tre passs en
ref ou out (sauf s ils appartiennent un constructeur)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fields of static readonly field %1!ls! cannot be assigned to (except in a sta
tic constructor or a variable initializer)",,"Les champs du champ readonly stati
que %1!ls! ne peuvent pas tre assigns (sauf s ils appartiennent un constructeur
statique ou un initialiseur de variable)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Fields of static readonly field %1!ls! cannot be passed ref or out (except in
a static constructor)",,"Les champs d un champ readonly statique %1!ls! ne pe
uvent pas tre passs en ref ou out (sauf s ils appartiennent un constructeur statiq
ue)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot modify members of %1!ls! because it is a %2!ls! ",,"Impossible de mod
ifier les membres de %1!ls! , car il s agit d un %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pass fields of %1!ls! as a ref or out argument because it is a %2!ls!
",,"Impossible de passer les champs de %1!ls! en tant qu argument ref ou out,
car il s agit d un %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot assign to %1!ls! because it is a %2!ls! ",,"Impossible d assigner %1
!ls! , car il s agit d un %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot pass %1!ls! as a ref or out argument because it is a %2!ls! ",,"Impos
sible de passer %1!ls! en tant qu argument ref ou out, car il s agit d un %2!

ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"%1!ls!. See also error CS%2!04d!.",,"%1!ls!. Consultez galement l erreur CS%2!04
d!.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert %1!ls! to type %2!ls! because it is not a delegate type",,"Imp
ossible de convertir %1!ls! en type %2!ls! , car il ne s agit pas d un type dlgu",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert %1!ls! to delegate type %2!ls! because the parameter types do
not match the delegate parameter types",,"Impossible de convertir %1!ls! en type
dlgu %2!ls! , car les types de paramtres ne correspondent pas aux types de paramtre
s dlgus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert %1!ls! to delegate type %2!ls! because some of the return type
s in the block are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type",,"Imp
ossible de convertir %1!ls! en type dlgu %2!ls! , car certains types de retour du
bloc ne sont pas implicitement convertibles en type de retour dlgu",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fixed size buffer type must be one of the following: bool, byte, short, int, lo
ng, char, sbyte, ushort, uint, ulong, float or double",,"Le type de mmoire tampon
de taille fixe doit tre: bool, byte, short, int, long, char, sbyte, ushort, uint,
ulong, float ou double",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fixed size buffer of length %1!d! and type %2!ls! is too big",,"La mmoire tamp
on de taille fixe de longueur %1!d! et de type %2!ls! est trop volumineuse",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fixed size buffers must have a length greater than zero",,"Les mmoires tampons d
e taille fixe doivent avoir une longueur suprieure zro",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot use fixed size buffers contained in unfixed expressions. Try using t
he fixed statement.",,"Vous ne pouvez pas utiliser des mmoires tampons de taille
fixe contenues dans des expressions non fixed. Essayez d utiliser l instruction
fixed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute %1!ls! is not valid on property or event accessors. It is only vali
d on %2!ls! declarations.",,"L attribut %1!ls! n est pas valide dans les acc
esseurs de proprit ou d vnement. Il n est valide que dans les dclarations %2!ls! .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid search path %1!ls! specified in %2!ls! -- %3!ls! ",,"Chemin de rec
herche %1!ls! non valide spcifi dans %2!ls! -- %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"__arglist is not valid in this context",,"__arglist n est pas valide dans ce co
ntexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"params is not valid in this context",,"params n est pas valide dans ce contexte
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A namespace declaration cannot have modifiers or attributes",,"Une dclaration d
espace de noms ne peut pas avoir de modificateurs ou d attributs",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option %1!ls! for /platform; must be anycpu, anycpu32bitpreferred, x8
6, Itanium, x64 or arm",,"Option %1!ls! non valide pour /platform; doit tre anyc
pu, anycpu32bitpreferred, x86, Itanium, x64 ou arm",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous methods, lambda expressions, and query expressions inside structs can
not access instance members of this . Consider copying this to a local variab
le outside the anonymous method, lambda expression or query expression and using
the local instead.",,"Les mthodes anonymes, les expressions lambda et les expres
sions de requte dans des structs ne peuvent pas accder aux membres d instance de
this . Copiez this dans une variable locale en dehors de la mthode anonyme, de
l expression lambda ou de l expression de requte et utilisez la variable locale l
a place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : type used in a using statement must be implicitly convertible to Sys
tem.IDisposable ",," %1!ls! : le type utilis dans une instruction using doit tre co
nvertible implicitement en System.IDisposable ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enums cannot have type parameters",,"Les enums ne peuvent pas avoir de paramtres

de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Parameter %1!d! must be declared with the %2!ls! keyword",,"Le paramtre %1!d!
doit tre dclar avec le mot cl %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Parameter %1!d! should not be declared with the %2!ls! keyword",,"Le paramtre
%1!d! ne doit pas tre dclar avec le mot cl %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter %1!d! is declared as type %2!ls! but should be %3!ls! ",,"Le paramt
re %1!d! est dclar comme type %2!ls! mais doit tre %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid extern alias for /reference ; %1!ls! is not a valid identifier",,"Al
ias extern non valide pour /reference ; %1!ls! n est pas un identificateur val
ide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid reference alias option: %1!ls!= -- missing filename",,"Option d alias
de rfrence non valide: %1!ls!= -- nom de fichier manquant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot redefine the global extern alias",,"Vous ne pouvez pas redfinir l ali
as extern global",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference to type %1!ls! claims it is nested within %2!ls! , but it could no
t be found",,"Une rfrence au type %1!ls! dclare qu il est imbriqu dans %2!ls! , m
ais il est introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference to type %1!ls! claims it is defined in this assembly, but it is not
defined in source or any added modules",,"Une rfrence au type %1!ls! dclare qu i
l est dfini dans cet assembly, mais il n est pas dfini dans la source ou dans les
modules ajouts",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference to type %1!ls! claims it is defined in %2!ls! , but it could not b
e found",,"Une rfrence au type %1!ls! dclare qu il est dfini dans %2!ls! , mais i
l est introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The predefined type %1!ls! is defined in multiple assemblies in the global al
ias; using definition from %2!ls! ",,"Le type prdfini %1!ls! est dfini dans plus
ieurs assemblys dans l alias global; utilisation de la dfinition de %2!ls! ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local %1!ls! or its members cannot have their address taken and be used insid
e an anonymous method or lambda expression",,"L adresse de la variable locale %
1!ls! ou de ses membres ne peut pas tre prise et utilise dans une mthode anonyme o
u une expression lambda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source file has exceeded the limit of 16,707,565 lines representable in the PDB
; debug information will be incorrect",,"Le fichier source a dpass la limite de 167
07565 lignes pouvant tre reprsentes dans le PDB; les informations de dbogage seront in
correctes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert anonymous method block without a parameter list to delegate type
%1!ls! because it has one or more out parameters",,"Impossible de convertir u
n bloc de mthode anonyme sans une liste de paramtres en type dlgu %1!ls! , car il a
un ou plusieurs paramtres out",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute %1!ls! is only valid on methods or attribute classes",,"L attribut
%1!ls! n est valide que sur les mthodes ou les classes d attributs",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessing a member on %1!ls! may cause a runtime exception because it is a fi
eld of a marshal-by-reference class",,"L accs un membre sur %1!ls! peut provoqu
er une exception runtime, car il s agit d un champ d une classe marshale-par-rfrenc
e",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid #pragma checksum syntax; should be #pragma checksum ""filename"" ""{XX
XXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXXXXXXXXXXX}"" ""XXXX..."""",,""Syntaxe de #pragma checks
um non valide; doit tre #pragma checksum ""nom_fichier"" ""{XXXXXXXX-XXXX-XXXX-XXX
X-XXXXXXXXXXXX}"" ""XXXX..."""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Different checksum values given for %1!ls! ",,"Valeurs de checksum diffrentes d
onnes pour %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Circular assembly reference %1!ls! does not match the output assembly name %
2!ls! . Try adding a reference to %1!ls! or changing the output assembly name
to match.",,"La rfrence d assembly circulaire %1!ls! ne correspond pas au nom de

l assembly de sortie %2!ls! . Essayez d ajouter une rfrence %1!ls! ou de modif

ier le nom de l assembly de sortie pour qu il corresponde.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use command line option /%1!ls! or appropriate project settings instead of %
2!ls! ",,"Utilisez l option de ligne de commande /%1!ls! ou les paramtres de pr
ojet appropris plutt que %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly reference %1!ls! is invalid and cannot be resolved",,"La rfrence d ass
embly %1!ls! n est pas valide et ne peut pas tre rsolue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assuming assembly reference %1!ls! matches %2!ls! , you may need to supply r
untime policy",,"En supposant que la rfrence de l assembly %1!ls! corresponde %
2!ls! , il se peut que vous deviez fournir une stratgie runtime",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An assembly with the same identity %1!ls! has already been imported. Try remo
ving one of the duplicate references.",,"Un assembly avec la mme identit %1!ls!
a dj t import. Essayez de supprimer l une des rfrences en double.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An assembly with the same simple name %1!ls! has already been imported. Try re
moving one of the references or sign them to enable side-by-side.",,"Un assembly
avec le mme nom simple %1!ls! a dj t import. Essayez de supprimer l une des rfrence
u signez-les pour activer le cte cte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Assembly %1!ls! uses %2!ls! which has a higher version than referenced asse
mbly %3!ls! ",,"L assembly %1!ls! utilise %2!ls! qui a une version suprieure
par rapport l assembly %3!ls! rfrenc",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Expression cannot contain anonymous methods or lambda expressions",,"Une expres
sion ne peut pas contenir de mthodes anonymes ou d expressions lambda",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate %1!ls! bound to %2!ls! instead of %3!ls! because of new language
rules",,"Dlgu %1!ls! li %2!ls! la place de %3!ls! en raison de nouvelles rgle
de langage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fixed size buffers can only be accessed through locals or fields",,"Les mmoires
tampons de taille fixe ne sont accessibles que via des variables locales ou des
champs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filename specified for preprocessor directive is empty",,"Le nom de fichier spci
fi pour la directive de prprocesseur est vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment on %2!ls! has a duplicate typeparam tag for %1!ls! ",,"Le commen
taire XML sur %2!ls! a une balise typeparam en double pour %1!ls! ",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment on %2!ls! has a typeparam tag for %1!ls! , but there is no type
parameter by that name",,"Le commentaire XML sur %2!ls! a une balise typeparam
pour %1!ls! , mais il n existe pas de paramtre de type pour ce nom",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter %1!ls! has no matching typeparam tag in the XML comment on %2
!ls! (but other type parameters do)",,"Le paramtre de type %1!ls! ne possde pas
de balise typeparam correspondante dans le commentaire XML sur %2!ls! (contra
irement d autres paramtres de type)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Unexpected error building metadata name for type %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Erreur
inattendue lors de la gnration du nom de mtadonnes pour le type %1!ls! -- %2!ls!
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The base class or interface of %1!ls! could not be resolved or is invalid",,"
La classe de base ou l interface de %1!ls! n a pas pu tre rsolue ou n est pas va
lide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : type must be %3!ls! to match overridden member %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! :
le type doit tre %3!ls! pour correspondre au membre substitu %2!ls! ",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not use System.Runtime.CompilerServices.FixedBuffer attribute. Use the fi

xed field modifier instead.",,"N utilisez pas l attribut System.Runtime.Compil

erServices.FixedBuffer . Utilisez le modificateur de champ fixed la place.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assignment made to same variable; did you mean to assign something else?",,"Ass
ignation effectue la mme variable; souhaitiez-vous assigner un autre lment?",,"Text",
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Comparison made to same variable; did you mean to compare something else?",,"Co
mparaison effectue avec la mme variable; souhaitiez-vous comparer autre chose?",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading Win32 resource file %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Erreur lors de la lec
ture du fichier de ressources Win32 %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression will always cause a System.NullReferenceException because the defaul
t value of %1!ls! is null",,"L expression provoquera toujours un System.NullRe
ferenceException, car la valeur par dfaut de %1!ls! est null",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class %1!ls! cannot have multiple base classes: %2!ls! and %3!ls! ",,"La c
lasse %1!ls! ne peut pas avoir plusieurs classes de base: %2!ls! et %3!ls! "
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Base class %1!ls! must come before any interfaces",,"La classe de base %1!ls
! doit se trouver avant une interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"XML comment on %2!ls! has cref attribute %1!ls! that refers to a type param
eter",,"Le commentaire XML sur %2!ls! possde l attribut cref %1!ls! qui fait
rfrence un paramtre de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value specified for the argument to System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultChar
SetAttribute is not valid",,"La valeur spcifie pour l argument de System.Runtime
.InteropServices.DefaultCharSetAttribute n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Friend assembly reference %1!ls! is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations
cannot have a version, culture, public key token, or processor architecture spec
ified.",,"La rfrence d assembly Friend %1!ls! n est pas valide. Les dclarations I
nternalsVisibleTo ne peuvent pas avoir une version, une culture, un jeton de cl p
ublique ou une architecture de processeur spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Friend assembly reference %1!ls! is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies mu
st specify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations.",,"La rfrence d
assembly Friend %1!ls! n est pas valide. Les assemblys signs avec un nom fort d
oivent spcifier une cl publique dans leurs dclarations InternalsVisibleTo.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot send error report automatically without authorization. Please visit %1!
ls! to authorize sending error report.",,"Impossible d envoyer le rapport d err
eur automatiquement sans autorisation. Visitez %1!ls! pour autoriser l envoi d
es rapports d erreurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind delegate to %1!ls! because it is a member of System.Nullable<T>
",,"Impossible de lier le dlgu %1!ls! , car il s agit d un membre de System.Nulla
ble<T> ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not contain a constructor that takes %2!d! arguments",," %1!ls!
ne contient pas un constructeur qui accepte des arguments %2!d!",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly and module attributes must precede all other elements defined in a fil
e except using clauses and extern alias declarations",,"Les attributs de l assem
bly et du module doivent prcder tous les autres lments dfinis dans un fichier l excep
tion des clauses using et des dclarations d alias extern",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conflicting options specified: Win32 resource file; Win32 manifest",,"Options s
pcifies en conflit: fichier de ressources Win32 ; manifeste Win32",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading Win32 manifest file %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Erreur lors de la lec
ture du fichier manifeste Win32 %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram

ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ignoring /win32manifest for module because it only applies to assemblies",,"Opt
ion /win32manifest ignore pour le module, car elle s applique uniquement aux asse
mblys",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert %1!ls! to delegate because some of the return types in the blo
ck are not implicitly convertible to the delegate return type",,"Impossible de c
onvertir %1!ls! en dlgu, car certains types de retour du bloc ne sont pas implici
tement convertibles en type de retour dlgu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Expected parameter",,"Paramtre attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Expected expression",,"Expression attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Filename given with /appconfig is too long or invalid",,"Le nom de fichier donn
avec /appconfig est trop long ou n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning level must be in the range 0-4",,"Le niveau d avertissement doit tre com
pris entre 0 et 4",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option %1!ls! for /debug; must be full or pdbonly",,"Option non valid
e %1!ls! pour /debug; doit tre full ou pdbonly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized value %1!ls! provided for /test option",,"Valeur %1!ls! non
reconnue fournie pour l option /test ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" %1!ls! is not a valid warning number",," %1!ls! n est pas un numro d avertiss
ement valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option %1!ls! ; Resource visibility must be either public or privat
e ",,"Option %1!ls! non valide; la visibilit de la ressource doit tre public ou
private ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of the argument to the DefaultParameterValue attribute must match the
parameter type",,"Le type de l argument de l attribut DefaultParameterValue doit
correspondre au type de paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DefaultParameterValue attribute is not applicable on parameters of type %1
!ls! ",,"L attribut DefaultParameterValue n est pas applicable sur des paramtres
de type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument of type %1!ls! is not applicable for the DefaultParameterValue attri
bute",,"L argument de type %1!ls! n est pas applicable pour l attribut Default
ParameterValue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate initialization of member %1!ls! ",,"Initialisation du membre %1!ls!
en double",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member %1!ls! cannot be initialized. It is not a field or property.",,"Le mem
bre %1!ls! ne peut pas tre initialis. Il ne s agit pas d un champ ou d une propr
it.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static field or property %1!ls! cannot be assigned in an object initializer",
,"Le champ ou la proprit Static %1!ls! ne peut pas tre assign dans un initialiseur
d objet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members of readonly field %1!ls! of type %2!ls! cannot be assigned with an
object initializer because it is of a value type",,"Un initialiseur d objet ne p
eut pas tre assign aux membres d un champ readonly %1!ls! de type %2!ls! , car
il s agit d un type valeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members of property %1!ls! of type %2!ls! cannot be assigned with an object
initializer because it is of a value type",,"Un initialiseur d objet ne peut pa
s tre assign aux membres de la proprit %1!ls! de type %2!ls! , car il s agit d un
type valeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsafe type %1!ls! cannot be used in object creation",,"Le type unsafe %1!ls
! ne peut pas tre utilis dans la cration d objet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Element initializer cannot be empty",,"L initialiseur d lment ne peut pas tre vide
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overloaded method match for %1!ls! has wrong signature for the initi

alizer element. The initializable Add must be an accessible instance method.",,"

La mthode surcharge correspondant le mieux %1!ls! n a pas la bonne signature pou
r l lment initialiseur. Add initialisable doit tre une mthode d instance accessible.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot initialize type %1!ls! with a collection initializer because it does n
ot implement System.Collections.IEnumerable ",,"Impossible d initialiser un typ
e %1!ls! avec un initialiseur de collection, car il n implmente pas System.Col
lections.IEnumerable ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot initialize object of type %1!ls! with a collection initializer",,"Impo
ssible d initialiser l objet de type %1!ls! avec un initialiseur de collection
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"method",,"mthode",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"type",,"type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"namespace",,"espace de noms",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"field",,"champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"property",,"proprit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"element",,"lment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"variable",,"variable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"event",,"vnement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"type parameter",,"paramtre de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"using alias",,"alias using",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"extern alias",,"alias extern",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"child",,"enfant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"parent or current",,"parent ou en cours",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"class",,"classe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"delegate",,"dlgu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"interface",,"interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"struct",,"struct",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"enum",,"enum",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods with variable arguments are not CLS-compliant",,"Les mthodes qui possdent
des arguments de variables ne sont pas conformes CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument type %1!ls! is not CLS-compliant",,"Le type d argument %1!ls! n es
t pas conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return type of %1!ls! is not CLS-compliant",,"Le type de retour %1!ls! n es
t pas conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of %1!ls! is not CLS-compliant",,"Le type %1!ls! n est pas conforme CL
S",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mixed and decomposed Unicode characters are not CLS-compliant",,"Les caractres U
nicode mlangs et dcomposs ne sont pas conformes CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifier %1!ls! differing only in case is not CLS-compliant",,"L identifica
teur %1!ls! qui ne diffre que dans case n est pas conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overloaded method %1!ls! differing only in ref or out, or in array rank, is n
ot CLS-compliant",,"La mthode surcharge %1!ls! qui ne diffre qu au niveau de ref
ou out ou du rang du tableau n est pas conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overloaded method %1!ls! differing only by unnamed array types is not CLS-com
pliant",,"La mthode surcharge %1!ls! qui diffre uniquement par les types de table
au sans nom n est pas conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Identifier %1!ls! is not CLS-compliant",,"L identificateur %1!ls! n est pas
conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : base type %2!ls! is not CLS-compliant",," %1!ls! : le type de base
%2!ls! n est pas conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : CLS-compliant interfaces must have only CLS-compliant members",," %1!
ls! : les interfaces conformes CLS doivent comporter uniquement des membres confo

rmes CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" %1!ls! : only CLS-compliant members can be abstract",," %1!ls! : seuls les memb
res conformes CLS peuvent tre abstract",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"You must specify the CLSCompliant attribute on the assembly, not the module, to
enable CLS compliance checking",,"Vous devez spcifier l attribut CLSCompliant su
r l assembly, non sur le module, pour activer la vrification de la conformit CLS",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Added modules must be marked with the CLSCompliant attribute to match the assem
bly",,"Les modules ajouts doivent tre marqus avec l attribut CLSCompliant pour corr
espondre l assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot be marked as CLS-compliant because the assembly does not have a
CLSCompliant attribute",," %1!ls! ne peut pas tre marqu comme conforme CLS, car
l assembly n a pas d attribut CLSCompliant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! has no accessible constructors which use only CLS-compliant types",,"
%1!ls! ne possde aucun constructeur accessible qui utilise uniquement des types
conformes CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays as attribute arguments is not CLS-compliant",,"L utilisation de tableaux
en tant qu arguments d attributs n est pas conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot specify the CLSCompliant attribute on a module that differs from the
CLSCompliant attribute on the assembly",,"Vous ne pouvez pas spcifier l attribut
CLSCompliant sur un module qui diffre de l attribut CLSCompliant de l assembly",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot be marked as CLS-compliant because it is a member of non-CLS-co
mpliant type %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! ne peut pas tre marqu comme conforme CLS, car il
est membre d un type %2!ls! non conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLS compliance checking will not be performed on %1!ls! because it is not vis
ible from outside this assembly",,"La vrification de conformit CLS ne sera pas eff
ectue sur %1!ls! , car il n est pas visible hors de cet assembly",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not need a CLSCompliant attribute because the assembly does not h
ave a CLSCompliant attribute",," %1!ls! n a pas besoin d un attribut CLSComplia
nt, car l assembly n a pas d attribut CLSCompliant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLSCompliant attribute has no meaning when applied to parameters. Try putting i
t on the method instead.",,"L attribut CLSCompliant n a pas de sens lorsqu il es
t appliqu des paramtres. Essayez de le placer dans la mthode la place.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLSCompliant attribute has no meaning when applied to return types. Try putting
it on the method instead.",,"L attribut CLSCompliant n a pas de sens lorsqu il
est appliqu des types de retour. Essayez de le placer dans la mthode la place.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraint type %1!ls! is not CLS-compliant",,"Le type de contrainte %1!ls! n
est pas conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CLS-compliant field %1!ls! cannot be volatile",,"Le champ conforme CLS %1!ls
! ne peut pas tre volatile",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is not CLS-compliant because base interface %2!ls! is not CLS-compli
ant",," %1!ls! n est pas conforme CLS, car l interface de base %2!ls! n est p
as conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred during a read",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de la lecture",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred during a write",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de l criture",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is read only",,"Le fichier est en lecture seule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An ill-formed name was given",,"Un nom incorrect a t donn",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Data value was truncated",,"La valeur des donnes a t tronque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Old version error",,"Erreur de version ancienne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A shared memory open failed to open at the originally assigned memory address",
,"Une ouverture de mmoire partage n a pas russi s ouvrir l adresse mmoire assigne
rigine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create of shared memory failed. A memory mapping of the same name already exist
s.",,"chec de la cration d une mmoire partage. Un mappage de mmoire du mme nom existe
dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There isn t metadata in the memory or stream",,"Mtadonnes inexistantes dans la mmo
ire ou le flux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Database is read only",,"La base de donnes est en lecture seule",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The importing scope is not compatible with the emitting scope",,"La porte d impo
rtation n est pas compatible avec la porte d mission",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is corrupt",,"Le fichier est endommag",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Version of schema not found",,"Version du schma introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open a incrementally built scope for full update",,"Impossible d ouvrir
une porte construite par incrment pour une mise jour complte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown compiler option %1!ls! ",,"Option de compilateur inconnu %1!ls! ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Program %1!ls! does not contain a static Main method suitable for an entry
point",,"Le programme %1!ls! ne contient pas une mthode Main statique appropr
ie pour un point d entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set warning level (0-4)",,"Dfinir le niveau d avertissement (0-4)",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Report all warnings as errors",,"Signaler tous les avertissements comme des err
eurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Define conditional compilation symbol(s)",,"Dfinir des symboles de compilation c
onditionnelle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not reference standard library (mscorlib.dll)",,"Ne pas rfrencer la bibliothque
standard (mscorlib.dll)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Emit debugging information",,"mettre des informations de dbogage",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable optimizations",,"Activer les optimisations",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference metadata from the specified assembly files",,"Rfrencer les mtadonnes part
ir des fichiers d assembly spcifis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference metadata from the specified assembly file using the given alias",,"Rfre
ncer les mtadonnes partir du fichier d assembly spcifi l aide de l alias donn",,"Tex
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only check code for errors; do not emit executable",,"Vrifier seulement la prsenc
e d erreurs dans le code; ne pas crer de fichier excutable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output mini-profile (timings of important code sections)",,"Sortir un mini-prof
il (minutage des principales sections du code)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable incremental compilation",,"Activer la compilation incrmentielle",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Link the specified modules into this assembly",,"Lier les modules spcifis dans ce
t assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disable specific warning messages",,"Dsactiver des messages d avertissement dterm
ins",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML Documentation file to generate",,"Fichier de documentation XML gnrer",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Generate overflow checks",,"Gnrer des contrles de dpassement de capacit",,"Text",,"A

ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allow unsafe code",,"Autoriser du code unsafe ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Report specific warnings as errors",,"Signaler des avertissements spcifiques com
me des erreurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Limit which platforms this code can run on: x86, Itanium, x64, arm, anycpu32bit
preferred, or anycpu. The default is anycpu.",,"Limiter les plateformes sur lesq
uelles ce code peut s excuter: x86, Itanium, x64, arm, anycpu32bitpreferred ou any
cpu. La valeur par dfaut est anycpu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Name of the assembly which this module will be a part of",,"Nom de l assembly d
ont ce module fera partie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the filename of a Win32 manifest",,"Spcifiez le nom de fichier d un mani
feste Win32",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embed metadata from the specified interop assembly files",,"Incorporer les mtado
nnes partir des fichiers d assembly d interoprabilit spcifis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<error>",,"<erreur>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Location of symbol related to previous error)",,"(Emplacement du symbole par r
apport l erreur prcdente)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Location of symbol related to previous warning)",,"(Emplacement du symbole par
rapport l avertissement prcdent)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""<!-- Badly formed XML comment ignored for member ""%1!ls!"" -->"",,""<!-- Comm
entaire XML incorrect ignor pour le membre ""%1!ls!"" -->"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""<error><!-- Badly formed XML file ""%1!ls!"" cannot be included --></error>"",
,""<error><!-- Fichier XML incorrect ""%1!ls!"" ne peut pas tre inclus --></error
>"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Failed to insert some or all of included XML ",," Impossible d insrer tout ou p
artie du code XML inclus ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Include tag is invalid ",," Balise include non valide ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" No matching elements were found for the following include tag ",," Aucun lment c
orrespondant n a t trouv pour la balise include suivante ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing file attribute",,"Attribut file manquant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing path attribute",,"Attribut path manquant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<global namespace>",,"<espace de noms global>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<this assembly>",,"<cet assembly>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Source file %1!ls! could not be found",,"Impossible de trouver le fichier sou
rce %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error opening response file %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Erreur lors de l ouverture
du fichier rponse %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Missing file specification for %1!ls! option",,"Spcification de fichier manqua
nte pour l option %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized option: %1!ls! ",,"Option non reconnue: %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No source files specified",,"Aucun fichier source spcifi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command-line syntax error: Missing :<text> for %1!ls! option",,"Erreur de s
yntaxe de ligne de commande: :<texte> manquant pour l option %1!ls! ",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response file %1!ls! included multiple times",,"Fichier rponse %1!ls! inclus
plusieurs fois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Source file %1!ls! specified multiple times",,"Fichier source %1!ls! spcifi p

lusieurs fois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open %1!ls! for writing",,"Impossible d ouvrir %1!ls! en criture",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid image base number %1!ls! ",,"Numro de base d image non valide %1!ls! "
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiler option %1!ls! is obsolete, please use %2!ls! instead",,"L option d
e compilateur %1!ls! est obsolte. Utilisez plutt %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is a binary file instead of a text file",," %1!ls! est un fichier bin
aire et non un fichier texte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code page %1!ls! is invalid or not installed",,"La page de codes %1!ls! n e
st pas valide ou n est pas installe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot specify /main if building a module or library",,"Impossible de spcifier /
main en cas de gnration d un module ou d une bibliothque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid target type for /target: must specify exe , winexe , library , modu
le , appcontainerexe or winmdobj ",,"Type de cible non valide pour /target: vo
us devez spcifier exe , winexe , library , module , appcontainerexe ou win
mdobj ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only the first set of input files can build a target other than module ",,"Seu
l le premier jeu de fichiers d entre peut gnrer une cible diffrente de module ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name %1!ls! is too long or invalid",,"Le nom de fichier %1!ls! est tro
p long ou non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options /out and /target must appear before source file names",,"Les option
s /out et /target doivent apparatre avant les noms de fichiers sources",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ignoring /noconfig option because it was specified in a response file",,"Option
/noconfig ignore, car elle tait spcifie dans un fichier rponse",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid file section alignment number %1!ls! ",,"Numro d alignement de section
de fichier non valide %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must emit debug info with /sourcemap. Are you missing /debug ?",,"Les informat
ions de dbogage doivent tre mises avec /sourcemap. /debug est-il manquant?",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sourcemap file %1!ls! is a binary file instead of a text file",,"Le fichier d
e mappage de source %1!ls! est un fichier binaire et non un fichier texte",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid value for /define ; %1!ls! is not a valid identifier",,"Valeur non v
alide pour /define ; %1!ls! n est pas un identificateur valide",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sourcemap file is invalid; there was an error on line %1!ls!",,"Le fichier de m
appage de source n est pas valide; erreur la ligne %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to open source map file %1!ls! ",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier de ma
ppage de source %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Character %1!lc! is not allowed on the command-line or in response files",,"L
e caractre %1!lc! n est pas autoris sur la ligne de commande ou dans les fichier
s rponse",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create short filename %1!ls! when a long filename with the same short
filename already exists",,"Impossible de crer le nom de fichier court %1!ls! lo
rsqu un nom de fichier long avec le mme nom de fichier court existe dj",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A /reference option that declares an extern alias can only have one filename. T
o specify multiple aliases or filenames, use multiple /reference options.",,"Une
option /reference qui dclare un alias extern ne peut avoir qu un seul nom de fic
hier. Pour spcifier plusieurs alias ou noms de fichiers, utilisez plusieurs optio
ns /reference.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Command-line syntax error: Missing :<number> for %1!ls! option",,"Erreur de

syntaxe de ligne de commande: :<numro> manquant pour l option %1!ls! ",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler version %1!ls!\r\nfor Microsoft (R) .NET Frame
work 4.5",,"Compilateur Microsoft (R) Visual C# version %1!ls!\r\npour Microsoft
(R) .NET Framework 4.5",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"Copyright (C) Micr
osoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Visual C# Compiler Options",,"Options du compilateur Visual C#",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Short form",,"Forme abrge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build a module that can be added to another assembly",,"Gnrer un module qui peut t
re ajout un autre assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build a console executable (default)",,"Gnrer un fichier excutable console (par dfa
ut)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build a Windows executable",,"Gnrer un fichier excutable Windows",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build a library",,"Gnrer une bibliothque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Specify output file name (default: base name of file with main class or first f
ile)",,"Spcifier un nom de fichier de sortie (par dfaut: nom de base du fichier ave
c classe principale ou premier fichier)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Specify a Win32 resource file (.res)",,"Spcifier un fichier de ressources Win32
(.res)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use this icon for the output",,"Utiliser cette icne pour la sortie",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embed the specified resource",,"Incorporer la ressource spcifie",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Link the specified resource to this assembly",,"Lier la ressource spcifie cet ass
embly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Read response file for more options",,"Lire le fichier rponse pour plus d option
s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Include all files in the current directory and subdirectories according to the
wildcard specifications",,"Inclure tous les fichiers dans le rpertoire et les sou
s-rpertoires actifs en fonction des spcifications de caractres gnriques",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display this usage message",,"Afficher ce message d utilisation",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Suppress compiler copyright message",,"Supprimer le message de copyright du com
pilateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a Bug Report file",,"Crer un fichier Rapport de bogue ",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the codepage to use when opening source files",,"Spcifier la page de cod
es utiliser l ouverture des fichiers sources",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the type that contains the entry point (ignore all other possible entry
points)",,"Spcifier le type qui contient le point d entre (ignorez tous les autre
s points d entre possibles)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Base address for the library to be built",,"Adresse de base de la bibliothque gnre
r",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiler generates fully qualified paths",,"Le compilateur gnre des chemins quali
fis complets",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify debugging type ( full is default, and enables attaching a debugger to
a running program)",,"Spcifier le type de dbogage ( full est la valeur par dfaut e
t attache un dbogueur un programme en cours d excution)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not auto include CSC.RSP file",,"Ne pas inclure automatiquement un fichier C
SC.RSP",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Specify additional directories to search in for references",,"Spcifier des rperto

ires supplmentaires dans lesquels rechercher les rfrences",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the alignment used for output file sections",,"Spcifier l alignement uti
lis pour les sections du fichier de sortie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Output compiler messages in UTF-8 encoding",,"Messages du compilateur de sortie
encods en UTF-8",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key",,
"Diffrer la signature de l assembly en utilisant uniquement la partie publique de
la cl de nom fort",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify a strong name key file",,"Spcifier un fichier de cl de nom fort",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify a strong name key container",,"Spcifier un conteneur de cl de nom fort",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify language version mode: ISO-1, ISO-2, 3, 4, 5, or Default",,"Spcifier le
mode de version de langage: ISO-1, ISO-2, 3, 4 , 5 ou Default",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify how to handle internal compiler errors: prompt, send, queue, or none. T
he default is queue.",,"Spcifier comment grer les erreurs internes du compilateur:
prompt, send, queue ou none. La valeur par dfaut est queue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify debug information file name (default: output file name with .pdb extens
ion)",,"Spcifier le nom du fichier des informations de dbogage (par dfaut: nom du fi
chier de sortie avec l extension .pdb)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Specify a Win32 manifest file (.xml)",,"Spcifier un fichier manifeste (.xml) Win
32",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not include the default Win32 manifest",,"Ne pas inclure le manifeste Win32
par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify an application configuration file containing assembly binding settings"
,,"Spcifier un fichier de configuration d application contenant des paramtres de l
iaison d assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output line and column of the end location of each error",,"Ligne de sortie et
colonne du lieu d arrive de chaque erreur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Build a Windows Runtime intermediate file that is consumed by WinMDExp",,"Gnrer u
n fichier intermdiaire Windows Runtime qui sera utilis par WinMDExp",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build an Appcontainer executable",,"Gnrer un excutable Appcontainer",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the preferred output language name.",,"Spcifiez le nom de la langue de s
ortie prfre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Visual C# Compiler Defect Report, created %s",,"### Rapport du compilateur
Visual C#, cr %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Compiler version: %s",,"### Version du compilateur: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Operating System: %s %d.%d.%d %s",,"### Systme d exploitation: %s %d.%d.%d
%s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Compiler command line",,"### Ligne de commande du compilateur",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Source file: %s ",,"### Fichier source: %s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Compiler output",,"### Rsultats de la compilation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### User description",,"### Description de l utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### User suggested correct behavior",,"### Comportement correct suggr par l utili
sateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### .NET common language runtime version: %s",,"### Version du Common Language

Runtime.NET: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"### Binary file: %ws ",,"### Fichier binaire: %ws ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Console and Defect Report Code Page: %d",,"### Page de codes du rapport et
de la console: %d",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A file is being created with information needed to reproduce your compiler prob
lem. This information includes software versions, the pathnames and contents of
source code files, referenced assemblies and modules, compiler options, compiler
output, and any additional information you provide in the following prompts. Th
is file will not include the contents of any keyfiles.",,"Un fichier est cr avec l
es informations ncessaires pour reproduire le problme de votre compilateur. Ces in
formations comprennent: les versions des logiciels, les noms de chemins d accs et
le contenu des fichiers de code source, les assemblys rfrencs et les modules, les o
ptions du compilateur, les rsultats de la compilation et toute information supplme
ntaire que vous fournissez dans les invites suivantes. Ce fichier ne contiendra
pas le contenu des keyfiles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please describe the compiler problem (press Enter twice to finish):",,"Dcrivez l
e problme de compilation (appuyez deux fois sur Entre pour terminer):",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Describe what you think should have happened (press Enter twice to finish):",,"
Dcrivez ce qui aurait d se passer (appuyez deux fois sur Entre pour terminer):",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- OUTPUT FILES -",,"- FICHIERS DE SORTIE -",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"- INPUT FILES -",,"- FICHIERS D ENTRE -",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"- RESOURCES -",,"- RESSOURCES -",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- CODE GENERATION -",,"- GNRATION DE CODE -",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- LANGUAGE -",,"- LANGAGE -",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- MISCELLANEOUS -",,"- DIVERS -",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- ADVANCED -",,"- AVANC -",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<file list>",,"<fichiers>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<file>",,"<fichier>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<symbol list>",,"<liste des symboles>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"<wildcard>",,"<caractre gnrique>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<type>",,"<type>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<resinfo>",,"<resinfo>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<warn list>",,"<liste d avertissements>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"<address>",,"<adresse>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<string>",,"<chane>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<alias>=<file>",,"<alias>=<fichier>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"generics",,"gnriques",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"anonymous methods",,"mthodes anonymes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"module as an attribute target specifier",,"module en tant que spcificateur cible
d attribut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"namespace alias qualifier",,"qualificateur d alias d espace de noms",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fixed size buffers",,"mmoires tampons de taille fixe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"foreach iteration variable",,"variable d itration foreach",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"using variable",,"variable using",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"fixed variable",,"variable fixed",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler",,"Compilateur Microsoft (R) Visual C#",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No information has been lost. Please check the compiler output for possible way
s to avoid this error.",,"Aucune information n a t perdue. Recherchez dans les rsul
tats de la compilation d ventuels moyens d viter cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"static classes",,"classes static",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"partial types",,"types partiels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"method group",,"groupe de mthodes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"anonymous method",,"mthode anonyme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"LIB environment variable",,"variable d environnement LIB",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/LIB option",,"option /LIB",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"switch on boolean type",,"commutateur sur type boolen",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning as Error: %1!ls!",,"Avertissement en tant qu erreur: %1!ls!",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"collection",,"collection",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Microsoft (R) Visual C# Compiler has encountered an internal error. We are
sorry for the inconvenience.",,"Le compilateur Microsoft (R) Visual C# a rencont
r une erreur interne. Nous vous prions de nous excuser pour le dsagrment encouru.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"access modifiers on properties",,"modificateurs d accs sur des proprits",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"iterators",,"itrateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"default operator",,"oprateur par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Where the resinfo format is <file>[,<string name>[,public|private]]",,"O le form
at resinfo est <fichier>[,<nom de chane>[,public|private]]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"nullable types",,"types Nullable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Type %2!ls! already reserves a member called %1!ls! with the same parameter
types",,"Le type %2!ls! rserve dj un membre appel %1!ls! avec les mmes types de
paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The /pdb option requires that the /debug option also be used",,"L option /pdb e
xige que l option /debug soit galement utilise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"lambda expression",,"expression lambda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"anonymous type",,"type anonyme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not contain a definition for %2!ls! and the best extension meth
od overload %3!ls! has some invalid arguments",," %1!ls! ne contient pas une
dfinition pour %2!ls! et la meilleure surcharge de la mthode d extension %3!ls!
contient des arguments non valides",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Instance argument: cannot convert from %1!ls! to %2!ls! ",,"Argument d insta
nce: conversion impossible de %1!ls! en %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The range variable %1!ls! has already been declared",,"La variable de porte %
1!ls! a dj t dclare",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The range variable %2!ls! conflicts with a previous declaration of %1!ls! ",
,"La variable de porte %2!ls! est en conflit avec une dclaration prcdente de %1!l
s! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot assign %1!ls! to a range variable",,"Impossible d assigner %1!ls! une va

riable de porte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Expression cannot contain query expressions",,"L expression ne peut pas conteni
r d expressions de requte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type %1!ls! .
%2!ls! not found. Consider explicitly specifying the type of the range vari
able %3!ls! .",,"Impossible de trouver une implmentation du modle de requte pour l
e type source %1!ls! . %2!ls! introuvable. Spcifiez explicitement le type de l
a variable de porte %3!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type %1!ls! .
%2!ls! not found. Are you missing a reference or a using directive for Sys
tem.Linq ?",,"Impossible de trouver une implmentation du modle de requte pour le ty
pe source %1!ls! . %2!ls! introuvable. Une rfrence ou une directive using pour
System.Linq est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find an implementation of the query pattern for source type %1!ls! .
%2!ls! not found.",,"Impossible de trouver une implmentation du modle de requte
pour le type source %1!ls! . %2!ls! introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name %1!ls! is not in scope on the left side of equals . Consider swapp
ing the expressions on either side of equals .",,"Le nom %1!ls! n est pas dan
s la porte du ct gauche de equals . changez les expressions de chaque ct de equals .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name %1!ls! is not in scope on the right side of equals . Consider swap
ping the expressions on either side of equals .",,"Le nom %1!ls! n est pas da
ns la porte du ct droit de equals . changez les expressions de chaque ct de equals .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pass the range variable %1!ls! as an out or ref parameter",,"Impossibl
e de passer la variable de porte %1!ls! en tant que paramtre out ou ref",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple implementations of the query pattern were found for source type %1!ls
! . Ambiguous call to %2!ls! .",,"Plusieurs implmentations du modle de requte ont
t trouves pour le type source %1!ls! . Appel ambigu %2!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of one of the expressions in the %1!ls! clause is incorrect. Type inf
erence failed in the call to %2!ls! .",,"Le type de l une des expressions dans
la clause %1!ls! est incorrect. L infrence de type a chou dans l appel %2!ls! .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of the expression in the %1!ls! clause is incorrect. Type inference f
ailed in the call to %2!ls! .",,"Le type de l expression dans la clause %1!ls!
est incorrect. L infrence de type a chou dans l appel %2!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression of type %1!ls! is not allowed in a subsequent from clause in a
query expression with source type %2!ls! . Type inference failed in the call t
o %3!ls! .",,"Une expression de type %1!ls! n est pas autorise dans une clause
from ultrieure dans une expression de requte avec un type source %2!ls! . L infre
nce de type a chou dans l appel %3!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"implicitly typed array",,"tableau implicitement typ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"implicitly typed local variable",,"variable locale implicitement type",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"anonymous types",,"types anonymes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"automatically implemented properties",,"proprits automatiquement implmentes",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"object initializer",,"initialiseur d objet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"collection initializer",,"initialiseur de collection",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"query expression",,"expression de requte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"

"extension method",,"mthode d extension",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"partial method",,"mthode partielle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"An expression tree may not contain an unsafe pointer operation",,"Une arboresce
nce de l expression ne peut pas contenir une opration pointeur unsafe",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree may not contain an anonymous method expression",,"Une arbore
scence de l expression ne peut pas contenir une expression de mthode anonyme",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An anonymous method expression cannot be converted to an expression tree",,"Une
expression de mthode anonyme ne peut pas tre convertie en arborescence de l expre
ssion",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range variable %1!ls! cannot be assigned to -- it is read only",,"La variable
de porte %1!ls! ne peut pas tre assigne -- elle est en lecture seule",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The range variable %1!ls! cannot have the same name as a method type paramete
r",,"La variable de porte %1!ls! ne peut pas avoir le mme nom qu un paramtre de t
ype de mthode",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The contextual keyword var cannot be used in a range variable declaration",,"
Le mot cl contextuel var ne peut pas tre utilis dans une dclaration de variable de
porte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overloaded Add method %1!ls! for the collection initializer has some
invalid arguments",,"La mthode Add surcharge %1!ls! correspondant le mieux l in
itialiseur de collection a des arguments non valides",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree lambda may not contain an out or ref parameter",,"Une arbore
scence de l expression lambda ne peut pas contenir un paramtre out ou ref",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree lambda may not contain a method with variable arguments",,"U
ne arborescence de l expression lambda ne peut pas contenir une mthode avec des a
rguments de variables",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree lambda may not contain a method group",,"Une arborescence de
l expression lambda ne peut pas contenir un groupe de mthodes",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overloaded method match %1!ls! for the collection initializer elemen
t cannot be used. Collection initializer Add methods cannot have ref or out pa
rameters.",,"La mthode surcharge %1!ls! correspondant le mieux l lment de l initia
liseur de collection ne peut pas tre utilise. Les mthodes Add de l initialiseur d
e collection ne peuvent pas avoir de paramtres ref ou out.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-invocable member %1!ls! cannot be used like a method.",,"Un membre %1!ls
! ne pouvant pas tre appel ne peut pas tre utilis comme une mthode.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pass null for friend assembly name",,"Impossible de passer null pour un
nom d assembly friend",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member %1!ls! implements interface member %2!ls! in type %3!ls! . There ar
e multiple matches for the interface member at run-time. It is implementation de
pendent which method will be called.",,"Le membre %1!ls! implmente le membre d
interface %2!ls! dans le type %3!ls! . Il existe plusieurs correspondances po
ur le membre d interface au moment de l excution. La mthode appele dpend de l implmen
tation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member %2!ls! overrides %1!ls! . There are multiple override candidates at r
un-time. It is implementation dependent which method will be called.",,"Le membr
e %2!ls! remplace %1!ls! . Plusieurs candidats sont possibles pour ce remplac
ement au moment de l excution. La mthode appele dpend de l implmentation.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object and collection initializer expressions may not be applied to a delegate
creation expression",,"Les expressions d initialiseur d objet et de collection n
e peuvent pas tre appliques une expression de cration de dlgu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is of type %2!ls! . The type specified in a constant declaration must
be sbyte, byte, short, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, dec
imal, bool, string, an enum-type, or a reference-type.",," %1!ls! est de type
%2!ls! . Le type spcifi dans une dclaration de constante doit tre sbyte, byte, short
, ushort, int, uint, long, ulong, char, float, double, decimal, bool, string, un
type enum ou un type rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree lambda may not contain a coalescing operator with a null lit
eral left-hand side",,"Une arborescence de l expression lambda ne peut pas conte
nir un oprateur de fusion avec une partie gauche de littral null",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A switch expression or case label must be a bool, char, string, integral, enum,
or corresponding nullable type",,"Une expression de switch ou une tiquette case
doit tre de type bool, char, string, integral, enum ou Nullable correspondant",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A nested array initializer is expected",,"Un initialiseur de tableau imbriqu est
attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An array initializer of length %1!d! is expected",,"Un initialiseur de tablea
u de longueur %1!d! est attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"XML comment on %2!ls! has a paramref tag for %1!ls! , but there is no parame
ter by that name",,"Le commentaire XML sur %2!ls! possde une balise paramref po
ur %1!ls! , alors qu il n existe aucun paramtre de ce nom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment on %2!ls! has a typeparamref tag for %1!ls! , but there is no ty
pe parameter by that name",,"Le commentaire XML sur %2!ls! a une balise typepa
ramref pour %1!ls! , mais il n existe pas de paramtre de type de ce nom",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid variance modifier. Only interface and delegate type parameters can be s
pecified as variant.",,"Modificateur de variance non valide. Seuls les paramtres
de type d interface et dlgu peuvent tre spcifis comme tant variants.",,"Text",,"All",,
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid variance: The type parameter %2!ls! must be %4!ls! valid on %1!ls! .
%2!ls! is %3!ls!.",,"Variance non valide: le paramtre de type %2!ls! doit tre
%4!ls!, valide sur %1!ls! . %2!ls! est %3!ls!.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"contravariant",,"contravariant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"contravariantly",,"selon la mthode contravariant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"covariant",,"covariant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"covariantly",,"selon la mthode covariant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"invariantly",,"selon la mthode invariant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot define overloaded constructor %1!ls! because it differs from another c
onstructor only on ref and out",,"Impossible de dfinir le constructeur surcharg %
1!ls! car il diffre d un autre constructeur uniquement sur ref et out",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default parameter value for %1!ls! must be a compile-time constant",,"La vale
ur de paramtre par dfaut pour %1!ls! doit tre une constante au moment de la compi
lation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Optional parameters must appear after all required parameters",,"Les paramtres f
acultatifs doivent apparatre aprs tous les paramtres requis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named argument specifications must appear after all fixed arguments have been s
pecified",,"Les spcifications d argument nomm doivent s afficher aprs la spcificatio
n de tous les arguments fixes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overload for %1!ls! does not have a parameter named %2!ls! ",,"La m
eilleure surcharge pour %1!ls! n a pas de paramtre nomm %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Named argument %1!ls! cannot be specified multiple times",,"L argument nomm %

1!ls! ne peut pas tre spcifi plusieurs fois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"A ref or out parameter cannot have a default value",,"Un paramtre ref ou out ne
peut pas avoir de valeur par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"An array access may not have a named argument specifier",,"L accs au tableau ne
peut pas avoir un spcificateur d argument nomm",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify a default value for the this parameter",,"Impossible de spcifie
r une valeur par dfaut pour le paramtre this ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named argument %1!ls! specifies a parameter for which a positional argument h
as already been given",,"L argument nomm %1!ls! spcifie un paramtre pour lequel u
n argument de position a dj t indiqu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify default parameter value in conjunction with DefaultParameterAttr
ibute or OptionalAttribute",,"Impossible de spcifier une valeur de paramtre par dfa
ut conjointement DefaultParameterAttribute ou OptionalAttribute",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree lambda may not contain a COM call with ref omitted on argume
nts",,"Une arborescence de l expression lambda ne peut pas contenir un appel COM
avec des arguments o ref a t omis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The delegate %1!ls! does not have a parameter named %2!ls! ",,"Le dlgu %1!ls!
n a pas de paramtre nomm %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The typeof operator cannot be used on the dynamic type",,"L oprateur typeof ne p
eut pas tre utilis sur le type dynamic",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"An expression tree may not contain a dynamic operation",,"Une arborescence de l
expression ne peut pas contenir une opration dynamique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : user-defined conversions to or from the dynamic type are not allowed"
,," %1!ls! : les conversions dfinies par l utilisateur vers ou d un type dynamic n
e sont pas autorises",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overloaded Add method %1!ls! for the collection initializer element
is obsolete. %2!ls! ",,"La mthode Add surcharge %1!ls! correspondant le mieux l
lment de l initialiseur de collection est obsolte. %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overloaded Add method %1!ls! for the collection initializer element
is obsolete.",,"La mthode Add surcharge %1!ls! correspondant le mieux l lment de l
initialiseur de collection est obsolte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" %1!ls! : cannot derive from the dynamic type",," %1!ls! : impossible de driver d
u type dynamic",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : cannot implement a dynamic interface %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! : impossible
d implmenter une interface dynamique %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraint cannot be the dynamic type",,"La contrainte ne peut pas tre du type d
ynamic",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraint cannot be a dynamic type %1!ls! ",,"La contrainte ne peut pas tre un
type dynamic %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more types required to compile a dynamic expression cannot be found. Are
you missing a reference?",,"Un ou plusieurs types requis pour compiler une expr
ession dynamique sont introuvables. Une rfrence est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not use %1!ls! . Use the dynamic keyword instead.",,"Ne pas utiliser %1!
ls! . Utiliser le mot cl dynamic la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot embed interop types from assembly %1!ls! because it is missing the %2
!ls! attribute",,"Impossible d incorporer les types interop de l assembly %1!l
s! car l attribut %2!ls! est manquant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
"Cannot find the interop type that matches the embedded interop type %1!ls! . A
re you missing an assembly reference?",,"Impossible de trouver le type interop q
ui correspond au type interop incorpor %1!ls! . Une rfrence d assembly est-elle ma
nquante?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type %1!ls! is not found, and is required to embed interop types. Are you
missing an assembly reference?",,"Le type %1!ls! est introuvable et est requi
s pour incorporer les types interop. Une rfrence d assembly est-elle manquante?",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A value of type %1!ls! cannot be used as a default parameter because there ar
e no standard conversions to type %2!ls! ",,"Une valeur de type %1!ls! ne peu
t pas tre utilise comme paramtre par dfaut car il n existe pas de conversions standa
rd de type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify a default value for a parameter array",,"Impossible de spcifier u
ne valeur par dfaut pour un tableau de paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default values are not valid in this context",,"Les valeurs par dfaut ne sont pa
s valides dans ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interop type %1!ls! cannot be embedded. Use the applicable interface instead.
",,"Impossible d incorporer le type interop %1!ls! . Utilisez l interface appli
cable la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1!ls! cannot be embedded because it is a nested type. Consider setting
the Embed Interop Types property to false.",,"Le type %1!ls! ne peut pas tre
incorpor car il s agit d un type imbriqu. Dfinissez la proprit Incorporer les types
interop false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TypeIdentifierAttribute attribute constructor for interop type %1!ls! i
s invalid",,"Le constructeur de l attribut TypeIdentifierAttribute pour le typ
e interop %1!ls! n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Interop type %1!ls! cannot be embedded because it is missing the required %2
!ls! attribute",,"Impossible d incorporer le type interop %1!ls! car l attrib
ut %2!ls! requis est manquant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embedded interop struct %1!ls! can contain only public instance fields",,"La
structure d interoprabilit incorpore %1!ls! ne peut contenir que des champs d ins
tance publics",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot embed interop type %1!ls! found in both assembly %2!ls! and %3!ls!
. Consider setting the Embed Interop Types property to false.",,"Impossible d
incorporer le type interop %1!ls! trouv dans les assemblys %2!ls! et %3!ls!
. Dfinissez la proprit Incorporer les types interop false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot embed interop types from assembly %1!ls! because it is missing either
the %2!ls! attribute or the %3!ls! attribute",,"Impossible d incorporer les
types interop de l assembly %1!ls! car l attribut %2!ls! ou %3!ls! est man
quant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly %1!ls! cannot be specified for both /link and /reference compile
r options",,"Impossible de spcifier l assembly %1!ls! pour les options de compi
lateur /link et /reference",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embedding the interop type %1!ls! from assembly %2!ls! causes a name clash
in the current assembly. Consider setting the Embed Interop Types property to
false.",,"L incorporation du type interop %1!ls! de l assembly %2!ls! entrane
un conflit de noms dans l assembly actuel. Dfinissez la proprit Incorporer les ty
pes interop false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A reference was created to embedded interop assembly %1!ls! because of an ind
irect reference to that assembly created by assembly %2!ls! . Consider changing
the Embed Interop Types property on either assembly.",,"Une rfrence a t cre pour l
assembly d interoprabilit incorpor %1!ls! en raison d une rfrence indirecte cet ass
embly cre par l assembly %2!ls! . Modifiez la proprit Incorporer les types interop
pour l un des assemblys.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"dynamic",,"dynamique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"type variance",,"variance de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"named argument",,"argument nomm",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"optional parameter",,"paramtre facultatif",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The default value specified for parameter %1!ls! will have no effect because
it applies to a member that is used in contexts that do not allow optional argum
ents",,"La valeur par dfaut spcifie pour le paramtre %1!ls! n aura aucun effet car
elle s applique un membre utilis dans des contextes qui n autorisent pas les arg
uments facultatifs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The call to method %1!ls! needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be b
ecause it is part of a base access expression. Consider casting the dynamic argu
ments or eliminating the base access.",,"L appel la mthode %1!ls! doit tre distr
ibu dynamiquement, mais ne peut pas l tre car il fait partie d une expression d ac
cs de base. Effectuez un cast des arguments dynamiques ou supprimez l accs de base
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The indexer access needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be because it
is part of a base access expression. Consider casting the dynamic arguments or
eliminating the base access.",,"L accs de l indexeur doit tre distribu dynamiquemen
t, mais ne peut pas l tre car il fait partie d une expression d accs de base. Effe
ctuez un cast des arguments dynamiques ou supprimez l accs de base.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! has no applicable method named %2!ls! but appears to have an extensi
on method by that name. Extension methods cannot be dynamically dispatched. Cons
ider casting the dynamic arguments or calling the extension method without the e
xtension method syntax.",," %1!ls! n a aucune mthode applicable nomme %2!ls! ma
is semble avoir une mthode d extension portant ce nom. Impossible de distribuer d
e faon dynamique les mthodes d extension. Effectuez un cast des arguments dynamiqu
es ou appelez la mthode d extension sans la syntaxe de mthode d extension.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The dynamically dispatched call to method %1!ls! may fail at runtime because
one or more applicable overloads are conditional methods",,"L appel distribu dyna
miquement la mthode %1!ls! peut chouer l excution car une ou plusieurs surcharges
applicables sont des mthodes conditionnelles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is of type %2!ls! . A default parameter value of a reference type oth
er than string can only be initialized with null",," %1!ls! est de type %2!ls!
. Une valeur de paramtre par dfaut d un type rfrence autre que string peut tre initi
alise uniquement avec null",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use fixed local %1!ls! inside an anonymous method, lambda expression,
or query expression",,"Impossible d utiliser %1!ls! local fixe dans une mthode
anonyme, une expression lambda ou une expression de requte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The constructor call needs to be dynamically dispatched, but cannot be because
it is part of a constructor initializer. Consider casting the dynamic arguments.
",,"L appel du constructeur doit tre distribu dynamiquement, mais ne peut pas l tre
car il fait partie d un initialiseur de constructeur. Effectuez un cast des arg
uments dynamiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embedded interop types will not contain the %1!ls! attribute because it is no
t found. Are you missing an assembly reference?",,"Les types interop incorpors ne
contiennent pas l attribut %1!ls! car il est introuvable. Une rfrence d assembl
y est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source interface %1!ls! is missing method %2!ls! which is required to embed
event %3!ls! ",,"L interface source %1!ls! n a pas de mthode %2!ls! qui est
requise pour incorporer l vnement %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Interface %1!ls! has an invalid source interface which is required to embed e
vent %2!ls! ",,"L interface %1!ls! a une interface source non valide qui est
requise pour incorporer l vnement %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Type %1!ls! cannot be embedded because it has a generic argument. Consider se

tting the Embed Interop Types property to false.",,"Le type %1!ls! ne peut p
as tre incorpor car il a un argument gnrique. Dfinissez la proprit Incorporer les typ
s interop false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use %1!ls! as an argument to a dynamically dispatched operation becaus
e it is a method group. Did you intend to invoke the method?",,"Impossible d uti
liser %1!ls! comme argument pour une opration distribue dynamiquement car il s a
git d un groupe de mthodes. Souhaitiez-vous appeler la mthode?",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use a lambda expression as an argument to a dynamically dispatched opera
tion without first casting it to a delegate or expression tree type",,"Impossibl
e d utiliser une expression lambda comme argument pour une opration distribue dyna
miquement sans tout d abord en effectuer un cast en type dlgu ou en type d arboresc
ence de l expression",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use an expression of type %1!ls! as an argument to a dynamically dispa
tched operation",,"Impossible d utiliser une expression de type %1!ls! comme a
rgument pour une opration distribue dynamiquement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Query expressions over source type dynamic or with a join sequence of type d
ynamic are not allowed",,"Les expressions de requte sur le type de source dynam
ic ou avec une squence de jointure de type dynamic ne sont pas autorises",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot define a class or member that utilizes dynamic because the compiler re
quired type %1!ls! cannot be found. Are you missing a reference?",,"Impossible
de dfinir une classe ou un membre qui utilise dynamic , car le type de compilat
eur requis %1!ls! est introuvable. Une rfrence est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type name %1!ls! could not be found in the global namespace. This type ha
s been forwarded to assembly %2!ls! Consider adding a reference to that assemb
ly.",,"Impossible de trouver le nom de type %1!ls! dans l espace de noms globa
l. Ce type a t transmis l assembly %2!ls! . Si possible, ajoutez une rfrence cet as
sembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type name %1!ls! could not be found in the namespace %2!ls! . This type
has been forwarded to assembly %3!ls! Consider adding a reference to that asse
mbly.",,"Impossible de trouver le nom de type %1!ls! dans l espace de noms %2
!ls! . Ce type a t transmis l assembly %3!ls! . Si possible, ajoutez une rfrence ce
t assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type name %1!ls! could not be found. This type has been forwarded to asse
mbly %2!ls! . Consider adding a reference to that assembly.",,"Impossible de tr
ouver le nom de type %1!ls! . Ce type a t transmis l assembly %2!ls! . Si possib
le, ajoutez une rfrence cet assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Type %1!ls! from assembly %2!ls! cannot be used across assembly boundaries
because it has a generic type parameter that is an embedded interop type.",,"Imp
ossible d utiliser le type %1!ls! de l assembly %2!ls! dans les limites de l
assembly car il a un paramtre de type gnrique qui est un type interop incorpor.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A value of type %1!ls! cannot be used as default parameter for nullable param
eter %2!ls! because %3!ls! is not a simple type",,"Impossible d utiliser une
valeur de type %1!ls! comme paramtre par dfaut pour le paramtre Nullable %2!ls!
car %3!ls! n est pas un type simple",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Member %1!ls! from assembly %2!ls! cannot be used across assembly boundarie
s because it contains a type which has a generic type parameter that is an embed
ded interop type.",,"Impossible d utiliser le membre %1!ls! de l assembly %2!
ls! dans les limites de l assembly car il contient un type qui a un paramtre de
type gnrique qui est un type interop incorpor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1!ls! from assembly %2!ls! cannot be used across assembly boundaries
because a type in its inheritance hierarchy has a generic type parameter that is
an embedded interop type.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type %1!ls! de l assemb

ly %2!ls! dans les limites de l assembly car un type de sa hirarchie d hritage a

un paramtre de type gnrique qui est un type interop incorpor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot use dynamic expressions in an attribute specification",,"Vous ne pou
vez pas utiliser d expressions dynamiques dans une spcification d attribut",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find the type %1!ls! that is required for Windows Runtime interop. Are
you missing a reference?",,"Impossible de trouver le type %1!ls! qui est requ
is pour interop Windows Runtime. Une rfrence est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot implement both Windows Runtime event %2!ls! and .NET event %
3!ls! ",," %1!ls! ne peut pas implmenter l vnement Windows Runtime %2!ls! et l vne
ment .NET %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"async function",,"fonction async",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot await in the body of a finally clause",,"Impossible d attendre dans le c
orps d une clause finally",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot await in the body of a catch clause",,"Impossible d attendre dans le cor
ps d une clause catch",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" await requires that the type %1!ls! have a suitable GetAwaiter method",," a
wait requiert que le type %1!ls! possde une mthode GetAwaiter approprie",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Async methods cannot have ref or out parameters",,"Les mthodes Async ne peuvent
pas avoir de paramtres ref ou out",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Async lambda expressions cannot be converted to expression trees",,"Les express
ions lambda Async ne peuvent pas tre converties en arborescences de l expression"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot await %1!ls! ",,"Impossible d attendre %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The await operator can only be used when contained within a method or lambda
expression marked with the async modifier",,"L oprateur await peut seulement t
re utilis lorsqu il est contenu dans une mthode ou une expression lambda marque ave
c le modificateur async ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The async modifier can only be used in methods that have a statement body",,"
Le modificateur async peut seulement tre utilis dans des mthodes qui ont un corps
d instruction",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find all types required by the async modifier. Are you targeting the w
rong framework version, or missing a reference to an assembly?",,"Impossible de
trouver tous les types requis par le modificateur async . Ciblez-vous la mauvai
se version de l infrastructure ou une rfrence d assembly est-elle manquante?",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The return type of an async method must be void, Task or Task<T>",,"Le type de
retour d une mthode async doit tre void, Task ou Task<T>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The await operator may only be used in a query expression within the first co
llection expression of the initial from clause or within the collection expres
sion of a join clause",,"L oprateur await peut seulement tre utilis dans une ex
pression de requte dans la premire expression de collection de la clause from in
itiale ou dans l expression de collection d une clause join ",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The await operator cannot be used in the body of a lock statement",,"L oprateu
r await ne peut pas tre utilis dans le corps d une instruction lock",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Since %1!ls! is an async method that returns Task , a return keyword must no
t be followed by an object expression. Did you intend to return Task<T> ?",," %
1!ls! tant une mthode async qui retourne Task , un mot cl return ne peut pas tre s
uivi d une expression d objet. Souhaitiez-vous retourner Task<T> ?",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This async method lacks await operators and will run synchronously. Consider
using the await operator to await non-blocking API calls, or await Task.Run(.

..) to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.",,"Cette mthode async n a pas d

oprateur await et elle s excutera de faon synchrone. Utilisez l oprateur await
pour attendre les appels d API non bloquants ou await Task.Run() pour effectuer
un travail utilisant le processeur sur un thread d arrire-plan.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- SECURITY -",,"- SCURIT -",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable high-entropy ASLR",,"Activer la randomisation du format d espace d adres
se d entropie leve",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" await cannot be used as an identifier within an async method or lambda expres
sion",," await ne peut pas tre utilis comme identificateur dans une mthode async o
u une expression lambda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot await in an unsafe context",,"Impossible d attendre dans un contexte uns
afe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Async methods cannot have unsafe parameters or return types",,"Les mthodes ne pe
uvent pas avoir de paramtres unsafe ou de types de retour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"__arglist is not allowed in the parameter list of async methods",,"__arglist n
est pas autoris dans la liste de paramtres de mthodes async",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" await cannot be used in an expression containing the type %1!ls! ",," await
ne peut pas tre utilis dans une expression contenant le type %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not return a Task and cannot be awaited. Consider changing it to
return Task.",," %1!ls! ne retourne pas de tche et ne peut pas tre attendu. Chang
ez-le en une tche retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : an entry point cannot be marked with the async modifier",," %1!ls! :
un point d entre ne peut pas tre marqu avec le modificateur async ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert async %1!ls! to delegate type %2!ls! . An async %1!ls! may retu
rn void, Task or Task<T>, none of which are convertible to %2!ls! .",,"Impossib
le de convertir %1!ls! async en type dlgu %2!ls! . Un %1!ls! async peut retourner
void, Task ou Task<T>, aucun n tant convertible en %2!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" await requires that the return type %1!ls! of %2!ls!.GetAwaiter() have su
itable IsCompleted, OnCompleted, and GetResult members, and implement INotifyCom
pletion or ICriticalNotifyCompletion",," await exige que le type de retour %1!
ls! de %2!ls!.GetAwaiter() ait des membres IsCompleted, OnCompleted et GetRes
ult appropris et qu ils implmentent INotifyCompletion ou ICriticalNotifyCompletion
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameters or locals of type %1!ls! cannot be declared in async methods or la
mbda expressions",,"Les paramtres ou variables locales de type %1!ls! ne peuven
t pas tre dclars dans les mthodes async ou les expressions lambda",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance of type %1!ls! cannot be used inside an anonymous method, lambda exp
ression, or query expression",,"L instance de type %1!ls! ne peut pas tre utili
se dans une mthode anonyme, une expression lambda ou une expression de requte",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues bef
ore the call is completed. Consider applying the await operator to the result
of the call.",,"Dans la mesure o cet appel n est pas attendu, l excution de la mtho
de actuelle continue avant la fin de l appel. Envisagez d appliquer l oprateur a
wait au rsultat de l appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The language name %1!ls! is invalid.",,"Le nom de langue %1!ls! n est pas v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" MethodImplOptions.Synchronized cannot be applied to an async method",," Metho
dImplOptions.Synchronized ne peut pas tre appliqu une mthode async",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Since this is an async method, the return expression must be of type %1!ls! r
ather than Task<%1!ls!> ",,"tant donn qu il s agit d une mthode async, l expressio
n de retour doit tre de type %1!ls! plutt que Task<%1!ls!> ",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The CallerLineNumberAttribute cannot be applied because there are no standard c
onversions from type %1!ls! to type %2!ls! ",,"Le CallerLineNumberAttribute n
e peut pas tre appliqu, car il n existe pas de conversion standard du type %1!ls!
en type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CallerFilePathAttribute cannot be applied because there are no standard con
versions from type %1!ls! to type %2!ls! ",,"Le CallerFilePathAttribute ne pe
ut pas tre appliqu, car il n existe pas de conversion standard du type %1!ls! en
type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CallerMemberNameAttribute cannot be applied because there are no standard c
onversions from type %1!ls! to type %2!ls! ",,"Le CallerMemberNameAttribute n
e peut pas tre appliqu, car il n existe pas de conversion standard du type %1!ls!
en type %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CallerLineNumberAttribute may only be applied to parameters with default va
lues",,"Le CallerLineNumberAttribute peut seulement tre appliqu aux paramtres avec
des valeurs par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CallerFilePathAttribute may only be applied to parameters with default valu
es",,"Le CallerFilePathAttribute peut seulement tre appliqu aux paramtres avec des
valeurs par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CallerMemberNameAttribute may only be applied to parameters with default va
lues",,"Le CallerMemberNameAttribute peut seulement tre appliqu aux paramtres avec
des valeurs par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/platform:anycpu32bitpreferred is not a valid setting for option /target:librar
y or /target:module",,"/platform:anycpu32bitpreferred n est pas un paramtre valid
e pour option /target:library ou /target:module",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CallerLineNumberAttribute applied to parameter %1!ls! will have no effect
because it applies to a member that is used in contexts that do not allow optio
nal arguments",,"Le CallerLineNumberAttribute appliqu au paramtre %1!ls! n aura
aucun effet, car il s applique un membre utilis dans des contextes qui n autorise
nt pas les arguments facultatifs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CallerFilePathAttribute applied to parameter %1!ls! will have no effect b
ecause it applies to a member that is used in contexts that do not allow optiona
l arguments",,"Le CallerFilePathAttribute appliqu au paramtre %1!ls! n aura aucu
n effet, car il s applique un membre utilis dans des contextes qui n autorisent p
as les arguments facultatifs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CallerMemberNameAttribute applied to parameter %1!ls! will have no effect
because it applies to a member that is used in contexts that do not allow optio
nal arguments",,"Le CallerMemberNameAttribute appliqu au paramtre %1!ls! n aura
aucun effet, car il s applique un membre utilis dans des contextes qui n autorise
nt pas les arguments facultatifs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! does not implement %2!ls! ",," %1!ls! n implmente pas %2!ls! ",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" await requires that the type %1!ls! have a suitable GetAwaiter method. Are
you missing a using directive for System ?",," await requiert que le type %1!
ls! ait une mthode GetAwaiter approprie. Une directive using pour System est-el
le manquante?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot return an expression of type void ",,"Impossible de retourner une expre
ssion de type void ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security attribute %1!ls! cannot be applied to an Async method.",,"L attribut
de scurit %1!ls! ne peut pas tre appliqu une mthode Async.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Async methods are not allowed in a [Interface|Class|Structure] which has the %
1!ls! attribute.",,"Les mthodes Async ne sont pas autorises dans une [Interface|C
lasse|Structure] avec l attribut %1!ls! .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The await operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking
this method with the async modifier and changing its return type to Task<%1!l
s!> .",,"L oprateur await peut seulement tre utilis dans une mthode async. Marquez
cette mthode avec le modificateur async et changez son type de retour en Task

<%1!ls!> .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The await operator can only be used within an async method. Consider marking
this method with the async modifier and changing its return type to Task .",,
"L oprateur await peut seulement tre utilis dans une mthode async. Marquez cette mt
hode avec le modificateur async et changez son type de retour en Task .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The await operator can only be used within an async lambda expression. Consid
er marking this lambda expression with the async modifier.",,"L oprateur await
peut seulement tre utilis dans une expression lambda async. Marquez cette expres
sion lambda avec le modificateur async .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The await operator can only be used within an async anonymous method. Conside
r marking this anonymous method with the async modifier.",,"L oprateur await
peut seulement tre utilis dans une mthode anonyme async. Marquez cette mthode anonym
e avec le modificateur async .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify subsystem version of this assembly",,"Spcifier la version du sous-systme
de cet assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid version %1!ls! for /subsystemversion. The version must be 6.02 or gre
ater for ARM or AppContainerExe, and 4.00 or greater otherwise",,"Version %1!ls
! non valide pour /subsystemversion. La version doit tre6.02 ou suprieure pour ARM
ou AppContainerExe, et4.00 ou suprieure dans les autres cas",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Runtime interface %2!ls! has already been implemented by a base type
of %1!ls! . Re-implementation of %2!ls! is not allowed",,"L interface Windows
Runtime %2!ls! a dj t implmente par le type de base %1!ls! . Vous n tes pas autori
rimplmenter %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual C# Compiler Error/Warning Messages",,"Messages d erreur/avertissement du
compilateur Visual C#",,"Version",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Finished updating cache ",,"Fin de la mise jour du cache ",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: {0}",,"Erreur: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: {0}: {1}",,"Erreur: {0}: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Error: Specify the PipelineRoot or the AddInRoot, but not both. Use -? for hel
p.",,"Erreur: spcifiez PipelineRoot ou AddInRoot, mais pas les deux. Utilisez -? p
our obtenir de l aide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Specify either the PipelineRoot or the AddInRoot. Use -? for help.",,"E
rreur: spcifiez PipelineRoot ou AddInRoot. Utilisez -? pour obtenir de l aide.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Error: The path specified ""{0}"" is invalid. {1}"",,""Erreur: le chemin spcifi
""{0}"" n est pas valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Error: Unknown parameter ""{0}"". Use -? for help."",,""Erreur: paramtre ""{0}"
" inconnu. Utilisez -? pour obtenir de l aide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) Add-In deployment cache updating utility version {0}\r\nCopyright
(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n\r\nAddInUtil [-PipelineRoot
:<path>] [-AddInRoot:<path>] [-Rebuild] [-Silent]\r\n\r\nThis tool updates the c
ache file in the specified folder, \r\ninforming the add-in model that new add-i
n segments have been deployed into \r\nthis folder. The pipeline root should be
a folder containing subfolders for \r\nvarious add-in segments like host adapte
rs, contracts, an optional AddIns \r\nsubfolder, etc. The AddIn Root path shoul
d be a folder that contains one \r\nsubfolder for each add-in.\r\n Options:\r\n
-Rebuild Forcibly rebuild the cache file, even if not necessary.\r\n -Silent
Ignore warnings about broken add-ins, etc.",,"Microsoft (R) Utilitaire de mi
se jour du cache de dploiement de complment version {0}\r\nCopyright (C) Microsoft
Corporation. Tous droits rservs.\r\n\r\nAddInUtil [-PipelineRoot:<path>] [-AddInR
oot:<path>] [-Rebuild] [-Silent]\r\n\r\nCet outil met jour le fichier de cache d
ans le dossier spcifi \r\net informe le modle de complment que de nouveaux segments
de complment ont t dploys\r\ndans ce dossier. La racine du pipeline doit tre un dossie
r contenant des sous-dossiers pour \r\nles diffrents segments de complment tels qu

e les adaptateurs htes, les contrats, un sous-dossier Complments\r\nfacultatif, et

c. Le chemin Racine complment doit tre un dossier qui contient un\r\nsous-dossier
pour chaque complment.\r\n Options:\r\n -Rebuild Rgnrer de faon force le fichier d
cache, mme si ce n est pas ncessaire.\r\n -Silent
Ignorer les avertissements
relatifs des complments endommags, etc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",," Microsoft Corporation. Tous dr
oits rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AxImp Error: {0}",,"Erreur AxImp: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The assembly {0} failed to load with this error: {1}.",,"Le chargement de l a
ssembly {0} a chou cause de cette erreur: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error creating an app domain to perform the conversion",,"Erreur lors de la crat
ion d un domaine d application pour effectuer la conversion",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load the RemoteAxImp type required to perform the conversion",,"Impos
sible de charger le type RemoteAxImp requis pour effectuer la conversion",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error writing to output file",,"Erreur d criture dans le fichier de sortie",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The referenced type library, {0} , contains a circular reference, and may not
be fully imported.",,"La bibliothque de types rfrence, {0} , contient une rfrence cir
culaire et ne peut pas tre compltement importe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The /delay option should be used with /keyfile or /keycontainer.",,"L option /d
elay doit tre utilise avec /keyfile ou /keycontainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The following error occured while trying to open file {0}:",,"L erreur suivante
s est produite lors de l ouverture du fichier {0}:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to locate input ActiveX library: {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver la bibl
iothque ActiveX d entre: {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} cannot be used to resolve a reference to a type library since it
does not have a guid attribute.",,"L assembly {0} ne peut pas tre utilis pour rs
oudre une rfrence une bibliothque de types, car il ne possde pas d attribut guid.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} cannot be used to resolve a reference to a type library since it
was not imported from a type library.",,"L assembly {0} ne peut pas tre utilis
pour rsoudre une rfrence une bibliothque de types, car il n a pas t import partir
bibliothque de types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to locate input type library: {0} ",,"Impossible de trouver la bibliothq
ue de types d entre: {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The input file {0} is not a valid type library",,"Le fichier d entre {0} n e
st pas une bibliothque de types valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The extension for the output assembly must be either .dll or .mcl",,"L extensio
n de l assembly de sortie doit tre .dll ou .mcl",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output directory does not exist",,"Le rpertoire de sortie n existe pas",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid strong name parameters specified.",,"Les paramtres de nom fort spcifis ne
sont pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} cannot be used to resolve a reference to a type library since it
has multiple guid attributes which is not allowed.",,"L assembly {0} ne peut
pas tre utilis pour rsoudre une rfrence une bibliothque de types, car il possde plus
rs attributs guid, ce qui n est pas autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly {0} does not appear to be a Runtime Callable Wrapper, and has no
ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute.",,"L assembly {0} ne semble pas tre un wrapper R

CW (Runtime Callable Wrapper) et n a pas de ImportedFromTypeLibAttribute.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The output file name cannot specify a directory.",,"Le nom du fichier de sortie
ne peut pas spcifier de rpertoire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Output file name, created from Type Library name, would be too long:\r\n{0}",,"
Le nom du fichier de sortie, cr partir du nom de la bibliothque de types, serait tr
op long:\r\n{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output file would overwrite input file",,"Le fichier de sortie remplacerait le
fichier d entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced assembly {0} is not a valid assembly",,"L assembly rfrenc {0} n est
pas un assembly valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to locate referenced assembly: {0} ",,"Impossible de trouver un assembl
y rfrenc: {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library {0} is not in the list of references",,"La bibliothque de types
{0} ne figure pas dans la liste de rfrences",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Only one key pair/public key may be specified on the command line",,"Une seule
paire de cls/cl publique peut tre spcifie sur la ligne de commande",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred while opening type library:\r\n{0}",,"Erreur lors de l ouverture
de la bibliothque de types:\r\n{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Generated Assembly: {0}",,"Assembly gnr: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Generated Source: {0}",,"Source gnre: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Microsoft (R) .NET ActiveX Control to Windows Forms Assembly Generator \n[Micro
soft .Net Framework, Version {0}]\n{1}\n\n",,"Microsoft (R) .NET ActiveX Control
to Windows Forms Assembly Generator\n[Microsoft .Net Framework, Version {0}]\n{
1}\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type library imported successfully to {0}",,"Bibliothque de types importe dans {0
}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generates a Windows Forms Control that wraps ActiveX controls defined in the gi
ven OcxName.\n\n",,"Gnre un contrle Windows Forms qui encapsule les contrles ActiveX
\ndfinis dans le OcxName donn.\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Used with /keyfile, /keycontainer or /publickey\r\n
Utilis avec /keyfile, /keycontainer ou /publickey
\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /source
Generate C# source code for Windows Forms wrapper\r
\n",," /source
Gnre le code source C# pour le wrapper\n
de Windows Forms\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
" /rcw:FileName
Assembly to use for Runtime Callable Wrapper rather
than generating new one.\r\n",," /rcw:NomFichier
Assembly utiliser p
our un wrapper RCW\n
(Runtime Callable Wrapper)\n
plutt que d en gnrer un autre.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Multiple instances of this option may be specified.
Current directory is used\r\n",,"
Vous pouvez spcifie
r plusieurs instances de cette option.
Le rpertoire ac
tif est utilis\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
as a root for relative paths\r\n",,"
en tant que racine pour les chemins relatifs\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ignoreregisteredocx
version of OcxName library supplied on the comman
d line is used to generate\r\n ",," /ignoreregisteredocx
la v
ersion de la bibliothque OcxName fournie sur la ligne de commande est utilise po
ur gnrer\r\n ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
the Windows Forms wrapper, if this type library is

registered on the machine,\r\n",,"

le wrapper Windows
Forms, si cette bibliothque de type est enregistres sur l ordinateur,\r\n",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
then the registered version is ignored\r\n",,"
alors la version enregistre est ignore\r\n",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /nologo
Prevents AxImp from displaying logo\r\n",," /nolo
Empche AxImp d afficher le logo\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /silent
Prevents AxImp from displaying success message\r\n"
,," /silent
Empche AxImp d afficher le message de russite\r\n",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage:\n",,"Utilisation:\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /verbose
Displays extra information\r\n",," /verbose
Affiche des informations supplmentaires\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /? or /help
Display this usage message\r\n",," /? ou /help
Afficher ce message d utilisation\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AxImp OcxName [Options]\r\n",," AxImp OcxName [Options]\r\n",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /out:FileName
File name of assembly to be produced\r\n",," /out
Nom de fichier de l assembly produire\r\n",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /publickey:FileName
File containing strong name public key\r\n",," /p
Fichier contenant la cl publique du nom fort\r\n",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /keyfile:FileName
File containing strong name key pair\r\n",," /key
Fichier contenant la paire de cls du nom fort\r\n",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /keycontainer:FileName Key container holding strong name key pair\r\n",,"
/keycontainer:NomFichier Conteneur de cl comportant la paire de cls\n
du nom fort\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" /delaysign
Force strong name delay signing\r\n",," /delaysig
Force la signature diffre du nom fort\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework Windows forms ActiveX conversion utility",,".NET Framework - Uti
litaire de conversion ActiveX de Windows Forms",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClickOnce Application Deployment Manifest",,"Manifeste de dploiement de l applic
ation ClickOnce",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClickOnce Application Reference",,"Rfrence de l application ClickOnce",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClickOnce Application Deployment Support Library",,"Bibliothque d assistance au
dploiement de l application ClickOnce",,"Version",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Installation utility Version {0}\r\n{1}\r\n",,"Mic
rosoft (R) .NET Framework Installation utility Version {0}\r\n{1}\r\n",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework installation utility",,"Utilitaire d installation .NET Framework
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Creating Licenses file {0}...",,"Cration du fichier de licences {0} en cours..."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"({0}) : error LC{1:0000} : {2}",,"({0}): erreur LC{1:0000}: {2}",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error LC0000: {0} ",,"Erreur LC0000: {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"lc : error LC0000 : {0}",,"lc: erreur LC0000: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"{0} ({1}) : error LC0003 : Unable to resolve type {2} ",,"{0} ({1}): erreur LC0
003: impossible de rsoudre le type {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"{0} ({1}) : error LC0004 : Exception occurred creating type {2} {3}",,"{0} ({
1}): erreur LC0004: une exception s est produite lors de la cration du type {2} {
3}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) .NET License Compiler \n[Microsoft .Net Framework, Version {0}]\n
{1}\n\n",,"Microsoft (R) .NET License Compiler \n[Microsoft .NET Framework, Vers
ion {0}]\n{1}\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Processing complist {0} ...",,"Traitement de complist {0} en cours...",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to resolve type {0} ",,"Impossible de rsoudre le type {0} ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"lc : warning LC0000 : Unable to find assembly {0} ",,"lc: avertissement LC0000:
assembly {0} introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning LC0000: Unable to find assembly {0} ",,"Avertissement LC0000: assembly
{0} introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception occurred creating type {0} {1} ",,"Une exception s est produite lors
de la cration du type {0} {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generates a .NET Licenses file and adds it to the manifest of the given assembl
lc /target:TargetAssembly /complist:filename [/outdir:path] [/i:m
odules] [/v] [/nologo]\n\nOptions:\n
Target assemb
ly for the generated licenses file\n
Licensed comp
onent list file\n
Output directory for the generat
ed licenses file\n
Specify modules to load\n
Verbose output\n
the display of the startup banner\n",,"Gnre un fichier de licences .NET et l ajou
te au manifeste de l assembly donn\nUtilisation:\n
lc /target:AssemblyCible /co
mplist:nomfichier [/outdir:chemin] [/i:modules] [/v] [/nologo]\n\nOptions:\n
Assembly cible pour le fichier de licences\n
Fichier de liste des composants sous licence\n
Rpertoire de sortie pour le fichier de licences\n
Spcifie les modules charger\n
Sortie des c
Supprime l affichage de la bannire de
dmarrage\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} ({1}) : info LC0001 : Processing component entry {2} ",,"{0} ({1}): info LC
0001: traitement de l entre de composant {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} ({1}) : info LC0002 : Resolved entry to {2} ",,"{0} ({1}): info LC0002: Entre
rsolue en {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework license compiler",,".NET Framework License Compiler",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application cache cleared.",,"Cache d application effac.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application manifest specified does not include the HostInBrowser tag requi
red for a Windows Presentation Foundation Browser Application.",,"Le manifeste d
application spcifi n inclut pas la balise HostInBrowser requise pour une applicat
ion de navigateur Windows Presentation Foundation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New Application",,"Nouvelle application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
""Deployment manifest is not signed - ""{0}"""",,""Le manifeste de dploiement n e
st pas sign - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Deployment manifest contains invalid signature - ""{0}"""",,""Le manifeste de
dploiement contient une signature non valide - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to clear application cache.",,"Impossible d effacer le cache d applicati
on.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Error writing output file ""{0}""."",,""Erreur d criture dans le fichier de sor
tie ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Cannot write to file ""{0}"""",,""Impossible d crire dans le fichier ""{0}"""",

,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Info",,"Infos",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal error, please try again.",,"Erreur interne. Veuillez recommencer.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Algorithm has to be sha1RSA or sha256RSA. Specified - ""{0}""."",,""L algorith
me doit tre sha1RSA ou sha256RSA. Algorithme spcifi: ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cert file is not of proper format - ""{0}"""",,""Le format du fichier de certi
ficat n est pas correct - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""This certificate does not contain a private key - ""{0}"""",,""Ce certificat n
e contient aucune cl prive - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""This certificate cannot be used for signing - ""{0}"""",,""Ce certificat ne pe
ut pas tre utilis pour la signature - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""The codebase is invalid - ""{0}"""",,""Le code base n est pas valide - ""{0}""
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Directory not found - ""{0}"""",,""Rpertoire introuvable - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid file type, must be ""Application"", or ""Deployment"""",,""Type de fic
hier non valide. Doit tre ""Application"" ou ""Deployment""."",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""No cert found matching specified hash - ""{0}"""",,""Aucun certificat correspo
ndant au hachage spcifi n a t trouv - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""The -IncludeProviderURL option must be ""true"", ""false"", ""t"", or ""f"" ""{0}"""",,""L option -IncludeProviderURL doit avoir la valeur ""true"", ""false
"", ""t"" ou ""f"" - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unrecognized file type - ""{0}"""",,""Type de fichier non reconnu - ""{0}"""",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The -Install option must be ""true"", ""false"", ""t"", or ""f"" - ""{0}"""",,
""L option -Install doit avoir la valeur ""true"", ""false"", ""t"" ou ""f"" - "
"{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Key file is not of proper format - ""{0}"""",,""Le format du fichier de cl n es
t pas correct - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum version specified is not valid.",,"La version minimale spcifie n est
pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" option can only be used with the following types of files:"",,""L
option ""{0}"" peut uniquement tre utilise avec les types de fichiers suivants :""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cert password is incorrect - ""{0}"""",,""Le mot de passe du certificat est in
correct - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""File not found - ""{0}"""",,""Fichier introuvable - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unknown processor type ""{0}"". Supported processor types are:"",,""Type de p
rocesseur inconnu ""{0}"". Les types de processeurs pris en charge sont :"",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The -RequiredUpdate option must be ""true"", ""false"", ""t"", or ""f"" - ""{0
}"""",,""L option -RequiredUpdate doit avoir la valeur ""true"", ""false"", ""t"
" ou ""f"" - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" option can only be used with the -Update or -New commands."",,""L
option ""{0}"" peut uniquement tre utilise avec les commandes -Update ou -New."",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The timestamp URI specified is not valid.",,"L URI d horodatage spcifie n est pas
valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid trust level, must be either ""LocalIntranet"", ""Internet"", or ""Full
Trust"" - ""{0}"""",,""Niveau de confiance non valide ; doit tre ""LocalIntranet"
", ""Internet"" ou ""FullTrust"" - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
""The URL is not of the proper format - ""{0}"""",,""Le format de l URL n est pa
s correct - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The -UseManifestForTrust option must be ""true"", ""false"", ""t"", or ""f"" ""{0}"""",,""L option -UseManifestForTrust doit avoir la valeur ""true"", ""fal
se"", ""t"" ou ""f"" - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Version must be of format X.X.X.X (ex - ""{0}"""",,""La version doit
se prsenter sous la forme X.X.X.X (par exemple : - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The -WPFBrowserApp option must be ""true"", ""false"", ""t"", or ""f"" - ""{0}
"""",,""L option -WPFBrowserApp option doit avoir la valeur ""true"", ""false"",
""t"" ou ""f"" - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WPFBrowserApp and Install options cannot be set to true at the same time",,
"Les options WPFBrowserApp et Install ne peuvent pas avoir simultanment la valeur
true",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not including locked file {0}",,"Fichier verrouill {0} non inclus",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Missing value following the ""{0}"" option"",,""Valeur manquante aprs l option
""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The IncludeProviderURL option is set to true, but no deployment provider Url is
provided.",,"L option IncludeProviderURL a la valeur true mais aucune URL de fo
urnisseur de dploiement n est fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Missing Password option, this is required when using the CertFile option.",,"Op
tion Password manquante ; requise lors de l utilisation de l option CertFile.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When generating or updating an application manifest, the {0} option can only be
used when the UseManifestForTrust option is set to true.",,"Lors de la gnration o
u de la mise jour d un manifeste d application, l option {0} peut uniquement tre
utilise lorsque l option UseManifestForTrust la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one type of signing method may be specified.",,"Un seul type de mthode de s
ignature peut tre spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New License",,"Nouvelle licence",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The -Sign command requires one of -CertFile, or -CertHash.",,"La commande -Sign
ncessite une option -CertFile ou -CertHash.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"No output file was specified. Please use -ToFile <filename>.",,"Aucun fichier
de sortie n a t spcifi. Utilisez -ToFile <nom_fichier>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first argument must be one of the following: -New, -Update, -Sign",,"Le pre
mier argument doit tre l un des suivants : -New, -Update, -Sign",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ClearApplicationCache should not be used with any other switch.",,"ClearApplica
tionCache ne doit pas tre employ avec un autre commutateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"However, some errors were encountered.",,"Certaines erreurs se sont nanmoins pro
duites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"successfully created",,"cr avec succs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"successfully signed",,"sign avec succs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"successfully updated",,"mis jour avec succs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Mage does not have the security permissions necessary to run. Ensure that mage
is not running from an untrusted source such as a network share or web site.",,
"L outil Mage ne dispose pas des autorisations de scurit pour s excuter. Assurez-v
ous que mage n est pas excut depuis une source non fiable, telle qu un partage rsea
u ou un site Web.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one of -KeyFile, -CertFile, or -CertHash can be used.",,"Une seule option

-KeyFile, -CertFile ou -CertHash peut tre utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor

k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Trust license is not signed - ""{0}"""",,""La licence de confiance n est pas s
igne - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unable to open certificate ""{0}"":"",,""Impossible d ouvrir le certificat ""{
0}"":"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unable to locate Mage UI - ""{0}"""",,""Impossible de localiser Mage UI - ""{0
}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Parameter not recognized - ""{0}"""",,""Paramtre non reconnu - ""{0}"""",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning",,"Avertissement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest Generation And Editing Tool",,"Outil Manifest Generation and Editing",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"About Mage",," propos de Mage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework\r\nManifest Generation and Editing Tool\r\nVersion
{0}\r\nCopyright (C) 2010 Microsoft Corporation. All Rights Reserved.",,"Micros
oft (R) .NET Framework\r\nOutil Manifest Generation and Editing\r\nVersion {0}\r
\nCopyright (C) 2010 Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Files",,"Fichiers",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The selected directory does not exist.",,"Le rpertoire slectionn n existe pas.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name",,"Nom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Options",,"Options d application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permissions Required",,"Autorisations requises",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select an application manifest",,"Slectionnez un manifeste d application",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Manifests (*.exe.manifest)|*.exe.manifest|All Files (*.*)|*.*",,"Ma
nifestes d application(*.exe.manifest)|*.exe.manifest|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.
*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" has changed. Would you like to save it before closing?"",,""""{0}"" a
t modifi. Voulez-vous l enregistrer avant de le fermer ?"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This assembly is not signed.",,"Cet assembly n est pas sign.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Browse",,"Parcourir",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application type cannot be changed to Install Locally because its applicati
on manifest identifies it as a Windows Presentation Foundation Browser Applicati
on.",,"Impossible de redfinir le type d application Installation locale car son m
anifeste d application l identifie en tant qu application de navigateur Windows
Presentation Foundation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application type cannot be changed to Online Only because its application m
anifest identifies it as a Windows Presentation Foundation Browser Application."
,,"Impossible de redfinir le type d application En ligne uniquement car son manif
este d application l identifie en tant qu application de navigateur Windows Pres
entation Foundation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application type cannot be changed to WPF Browser Application because its a
pplication manifest does not identify it as such.",,"Impossible de redfinir le ty
pe d application Application de navigateur WPF car son manifeste d application n
e l identifie pas en tant que tel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""Manifest ""{0}"" cannot be opened."",,""Impossible d ouvrir le manifeste ""{0}
""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cert Files (*.pfx, *.p12)|*.pfx;*.p12|All Files (*.*)|*.*",,"Fichiers de certif
icat (*.pfx, *.p12)|*.pfx;*.p12|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This certificate does not include a private key - ""{0}"""",,""Ce certificat n
inclut pas de cl prive - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unable to start certmgr. Exception: {0} ",,"Impossible de dmarrer certmgr. Excep

tion : {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to continue?",,"Voulez-vous continuer?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<!-- You may add or remove permissions below. -->",,"<!-- Vous pouvez ajouter o
u supprimer des autorisations ci-dessous. -->",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom",,"Personnaliser",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Group",,"Groupe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Optional",,"Facultatif",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Status",,"tat",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File Type",,"Type de fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"neutral",,"neutre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New",,"Nouveau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application manifest description",,"Description du manifeste d application",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Reference",,"Rfrence d application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment Options",,"Options de dploiement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Trust Licenses",,"Licences de confiance",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Update Options",,"Options de mise jour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Version must be of the form """""",,""La version doit tre au format ""0.
0.0.0"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Install Locally",,"Installation locale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Online Only",,"En ligne uniquement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"WPF Browser Application",,"Application de navigateur WPF",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment Manifests (*.application, *.xbap)|*.application;*.xbap|All Files (*.
*)|*.*",,"Manifestes de dploiement (*.application, *.xbap)|*.application;*.xbap|T
ous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Mage is busy processing ""{0}"". Please try again later."",,""Mage traite act
uellement ""{0}"". Ressayez ultrieurement."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"This file is not signed.",,"Ce fichier n est pas sign.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This file is already present in the manifest - ""{0}"""",,""Ce fichier est dj prs
ent dans le manifeste - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(no title)",,"(sans titre)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"< Enter name >",,"< Entrez le nom >",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"< Enter version >",,"< Entrez la version >",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Errors were encountered renaming the following files:",,"Des erreurs se sont pr
oduites lors de l attribution de nouveaux noms aux fichiers suivants :",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Errors during rename to .deploy",,"Erreurs lors du changement du nom avec l ext
ension .deploy",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"These files were not added to the manifest.",,"Ces fichiers n ont pas t ajouts au
manifeste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mage Files (*.exe.manifest, *.application, *.xbap)|*.exe.manifest;*.application
;*.xbap|Application Manifests (*.exe.manifest)|*.exe.manifest|Deployment Manifes
ts (*.application, *.xbap)|*.application;*.xbap|All Files (*.*)|*.*",,"Fichiers
Mage (*.exe.manifest, *.application, *.xbap)|*.exe.manifest;*.application;*.xbap
|Manifestes d application (*.exe.manifest)|*.exe.manifest|Manifestes de dploiemen
t (*.application, *.xbap)|*.application;*.xbap|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""The file does not contain a certificate - ""{0}"""",,""Le fichier ne contient
aucun certificat - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The file ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""Le fichier ""{0}"" n existe pas."",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File not found",,"Fichier introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""The application manifest is invalid - ""{0}"""",,""Le manifeste d application
n est pas valide - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The file is not a valid trust license - ""{0}"""",,""Le fichier n est pas une
licence de confiance valide - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unsigned",,"Non sign",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key Files (*.pfx)|*.pfx|All Files (*.*)|*.*",,"Fichiers de cl (*.pfx)|*.pfx|Tous
les fichiers (*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start Location is required for Install Application Type",,"L emplacement de dmar
rage est ncessaire pour le type d application d installation",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Being Trusted",,"Application approuve",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conditions",,"Conditions",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"License Title",,"Titre de la licence",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"All Files (*.*)|*.*",,"Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Publisher Being Trusted",,"diteur approuv",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
""The trust license ""{0}"" is not signed."",,""La licence de confiance ""{0}""
n est pas signe."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized file type - {0}",,"Type de fichier non reconnu - {0}",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Manifest ""{0}"" is not signed"",,""Le manifeste ""{0}"" n est pas sign"",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Minimum Version",,"Version minimale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"A minimum version must be specified.",,"Vous devez prciser une version minimale.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum version is larger than the application s version.",,"La version min
imale est suprieure la version de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This manifest is not yet ready for use. Please review the following information
.",,"Ce manifeste n est pas prt l emploi. Passez les informations suivantes en re
vue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to save it anyway?",,"Voulez-vous l enregistrer quand mme ?",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No entry point specified",,"Aucun point d entre spcifi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The file is not an application manifest - ""{0}"""",,""Le fichier n est pas un
manifeste d application - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""""{0}"" is not a deployment manifest."",,""""{0}"" n est pas un manifeste de dp
loiement."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" is not a valid .snk file"",,""""{0}"" n est pas un fichier .snk valide
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of units",,"Nombre d units",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"When trying to append .deploy, the existing file {0} was found with the .deploy
extension. Overwrite?",,"Le fichier existant {0} a t trouv avec l extension .depl
oy lors de la tentative d ajout de l extension .deploy. Voulez-vous le remplace
r?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"page",,"page",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Full Trust",,"Confiance totale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internet",,"Internet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Intranet",,"Intranet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"None",,"Aucun",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mage was unable to add the following file references to the manifest:",,"Mage n
a pas pu ajouter les rfrences de fichier suivantes au manifeste :",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to save anyway?",,"Voulez-vous l enregistrer quand mme ?",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more referenced files were not found",,"Un ou plusieurs fichiers rfrencs so
nt introuvables",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do you wish to have Mage add the .deploy file extension to any files listed abo
ve that do not already have the .deploy extension?",,"Voulez-vous que Mage ajout
e l extension de fichier .deploy tous les fichiers rpertoris ci-dessus qui ne possd
ent pas encore cette extension .deploy ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Do you wish to have Mage remove the .deploy file extension to any files listed
above that have the .deploy extension?",,"Voulez-vous que Mage supprime l extens
ion de fichier .deploy dans tous les fichiers rpertoris ci-dessus qui possdent cett
e extension .deploy ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Renaming files",,"Attribution de nouveaux noms aux fichiers",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This will permanently rename files",,"Cette opration renommera dfinitivement les
fichiers",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation will permanently add the .deploy extensions to all files in this
directory that do not already have it. As part of the rename, existing files
with the .deploy extension may be overwritten. Are you sure you want to proceed?
",,"Cette opration ajoutera dfinitivement des extensions .deploy tous les fichiers
de ce rpertoire qui n en sont pas dots. Dans le cadre du changement des noms, l
es fichiers existants portant l extension .deploy peuvent tre remplacs. Voulez-vou
s vraiment continuer?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required",,"Requis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a publisher certificate below:",,"Slectionnez un certificat d diteur ci-de
ssous :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a certificate",,"Slectionner un certificat",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Config File",,"Fichier de configuration",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Data File",,"Fichier de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry Point",,"Point d entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Icon File",,"Fichier icne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} files in {1}",,"{0} fichiers dans {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Opening file, please wait...",,"Ouverture du fichier, veuillez patientez...",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Updating extension for {0}",,"Mise jour de l extension pour {0}",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Saving, please wait...",,"Enregistrement en cours, veuillez patienter...",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Updating file information for {0}",,"Mise jour des informations de fichier pour
{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Updating references, please wait...",,"Mise jour des rfrences, veuillez patienter
...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unable to open certificate file ""{0}"""",,""Impossible d ouvrir le fichier de
certificat ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to open certificate.",,"Impossible d ouvrir le certificat.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unable to open key file ""{0}"""",,""Impossible d ouvrir le fichier de cl ""{0}
"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unable to rename the file at {0}",,"Impossible de renommer le fichier sur {0}",

,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Units",,"Units",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The application manifest is not signed - ""{0}"""",,""Le manifeste d applicati
on n est pas sign - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Manifest",,"Manifeste d application",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Close",,"Fermer",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contents",,"Sommaire",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copy",,"Copier",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cut",,"Couper",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete",,"Supprimer",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment Manifest",,"Manifeste de dploiement",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exit",,"Quitter",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Open",,"Ouvrir",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Paste",,"Coller",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit",,"Edition",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Window",,"Fentre",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preferences...",,"Prfrences...",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Save",,"Enregistrer",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save All",,"Enregistrer tout",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Save As",,"Enregistrer sous",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Trust License",,"Licence de confiance",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Undo",,"Annuler",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Close All",,"Fermer tout",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Close the current document",,"Fermer le document actif",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a new application manifest",,"Crer un manifeste d application",,"Dialog I
tem",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a new deployment manifest",,"Crer un manifeste de dploiement",,"Dialog Ite
m",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Open a manifest file",,"Ouvrir un fichier manifeste",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save the current document",,"Enregistrer le document actif",,"Dialog Item",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save all documents",,"Enregistrer tous les documents",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toolbar",,"Barre d outils",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""These fields are only effective when the ""Use Application Manifest for Trust
Information"" option is selected in the Application Options tab."",,"Ces champs
s appliquent uniquement lorsque la case cocher Utiliser le manifeste d applicati
on pour les informations d approbation est active dans l onglet Options d applica
tion.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Product:",,"Produit :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Publisher:",,"diteur:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support Location:",,"Emplacement du support :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must be a valid URL",,"Doit tre une URL valide",,"Edit Box",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Populate",,"Remplir",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When populating add the .deploy extension to any file that does not have it",,"
Lors du peuplement, ajouter l extension .deploy tous les fichiers qui n en sont
pas dots",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File Population",,"Peuplement des fichiers",,"Group Box Title",,"All",,".NET Fr

amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application directory:",,"Rpertoire d application :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application files:",,"Fichiers d application :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Locate the application directory to populate the table with the application fil
es, or add them manually.",,"Recherchez le rpertoire d application pour remplir l
a table avec les fichiers d application ou ajoutez-les manuellement.",,"Static T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Advanced",,"Avanc",,"Group Box Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"General",,"Gnral",,"Group Box Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Culture:",,"Culture:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Processor:",,"Processeur :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Public key token:",,"Jeton de cl publique :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version:",,"Version:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Example:",,"Exemple :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Version must be of the format """""",,""La version doit tre au format """""",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use Application Manifest for Trust Information",,"Utiliser le manifeste d appli
cation pour les informations d approbation",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Presentation Foundation Browser Application",,"Application de navigateu
r Windows Presentation Foundation",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Fill in the Product, Publisher and Support Location fields when this option is
checked.",,"Renseignez les champs Produit, diteur et Emplacement du support lorsq
ue cette option est active.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Permission set type:",,"Type de jeu d autorisations :",,"Static Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Details:",,"Dtails:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Manifest...",,"Slectionner un manifeste...",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Click on the Select Manifest button to select an application manifest.",,"Cliqu
ez sur le bouton Slectionner un manifeste pour choisir un manifeste d application
.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Location:",,"Emplacement:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public Key Token:",,"Jeton de cl publique :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must select an application manifest for this manifest to be valid.",,"Vous
devez slectionner un manifeste d application pour que ce manifeste soit valide.",
,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must be a valid path",,"Doit tre un chemin valide",,"Edit Box",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support Location:",,"Emplacement support :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application type:",,"Type d application :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public key token",,"Jeton de cl publique",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Run location:",,"Emplacement d excution :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Example: http://, \\server\share",,"Exemple: http://, \\serveur\partage",,"Stat
ic Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Location must be an absolute path or URL.",,"L emplacement doit tre un chemin d
accs absolu ou une URL.",,"Edit Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Automatically run application after installing",,"Excuter automatiquement l appl

ication aprs l installation",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Allow URL parameters to be passed to application",,"Autoriser le transfert des
paramtres d URL vers l application",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Include Start Location (ProviderURL) in the manifest",,"Inclure l emplacement d
e dmarrage (ProviderURL) dans le manifeste",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use .deploy file name extension",,"Utiliser l extension de fichier .deploy",,"C
heck Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Type:",,"Type d application :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When enabled all files in the application manifest must have the .deploy extens
ion.",,"Lorsqu ils sont activs, tous les fichiers du manifeste d application doiv
ent tre dots de l extension .deploy.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Example: http://../my.application, \\server\share\my.application",,"Exemple : h
ttp://../mon.application, \\serveur\partage\mon.application",,"Static Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start Location:",,"Emplacement de dmarrage :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application should check for updates",,"Cette application doit rechercher
des mises jour",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify a minimum required version for this application",,"Spcifier une version
minimale requise pour cette application",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose when the application should check for updates:",,"Choisissez quel moment
l application doit vrifier la disponibilit de mises jour :",,"Static Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update check frequency:",,"Frquence de vrification des mises jour :",,"Static Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update options are not applicable to online deployments.",,"Les options de mise
jour ne concernent pas les dploiements en ligne.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"After the application starts",,"Aprs le dmarrage de l application",,"Radio Button
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Before the application starts",,"Avant le dmarrage de l application",,"Radio But
ton",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Check every time the application runs",,"Vrifier chaque excution de l application
",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Check every: ",,"Vrifier tou(te)s les : ",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rename Files?",,"Renommer les fichiers ?",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preferences",,"Prfrences",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sign on save",,"Signer l enregistrement",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use default signing certificate",,"Utiliser le certificat de signature par dfaut
",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"sha1RSA",,"sha1RSA",,"Combo Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"sha256RSA",,"sha256RSA",,"Combo Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Digest algorithm",,"Algorithme Digest",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Certificate file",,"Fichier de certificat",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signing Options",,"Options de signature",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Don t Sign",,"Ne pas signer",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sign with stored certificate",,"Signer avec le certificat stock",,"Dialog Item",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Password",,"Mot de passe",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"TimeStamping URI:",,"URI du service d horodatage :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NE

T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sign with certificate file",,"Signer avec le fichier de certificat",,"Radio But
ton",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"View",,"Affichage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mage",,"Mage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"app",,"app",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"msil",,"msil",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"application",,"application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"tlic",,"tlic",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"trustlicense",,"trustlicense",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"xbap",,"xbap",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit",,"Modifier",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"statusStrip",,"statusStrip",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Support Location:",,"Emplacement du support:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call an abstract base member: {0} ",,"Impossible d appeler un membre de
base abstrait : {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator {0} is ambiguous on operands of type {1} and {2} ",,"L oprateur {
0} est ambigu pour des oprandes de type {1} et {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: {0} and {
1} ",,"L appel est ambigu entre les mthodes ou proprits suivantes : {0} et {1} "
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ambiguity between {0} and {1} ",,"Ambigut entre {0} et {1} ",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ambiguous user defined conversions {0} and {1} when converting from {2} t
o {3} ",,"Conversions dfinies par l utilisateur ambigus {0} et {1} lors de la
conversion de {2} en {3} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator {0} is ambiguous on an operand of type {1} ",,"L oprateur {0} est
ambigu pour un oprande de type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Members of readonly field {0} cannot be modified (except in a constructor or
a variable initializer)",,"Impossible de modifier les membres d un champ readonl
y {0} (sauf s ils appartiennent un constructeur ou un initialiseur de variable
)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot assign to {0} because it is read-only",,"Impossible d assigner {0} ,
car il est en lecture seule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot assign to {0} because it is a {1} ",,"Impossible d assigner {0} , ca
r il s agit d un {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property or indexer {0} cannot be assigned to -- it is read only",,"Impossibl
e d assigner la proprit ou l indexeur {0} -- il est en lecture seule",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fields of static readonly field {0} cannot be assigned to (except in a static
constructor or a variable initializer)",,"Impossible d assigner les champs du c
hamp readonly statique {0} (sauf s ils appartiennent un constructeur statique
ou un initialiseur de variable)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is inaccessible due to its protection level",," {0} est inaccessible en
raison de son niveau de protection",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"No overload for method {0} takes {1} arguments",,"Aucune surcharge pour la
mthode {0} ne prend d arguments {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Argument {0} should not be passed with the {1} keyword",,"L argument {0}
ne doit pas tre pass avec le mot cl {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Argument {0} must be passed with the {1} keyword",,"L argument {0} doit tr
e pass avec le mot cl {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} : cannot convert from {1} to {2} ",,"Argument {0} : impossible

de convertir de {1} en {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The best overloaded method match for {0} has some invalid arguments",,"La mtho
de surcharge correspondant le mieux {0} a des arguments non valides",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overloaded Add method {0} for the collection initializer has some in
valid arguments",,"La mthode Add surcharge {0} correspondant le mieux l initiali
seur de collection a des arguments non valides",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using the generic {1} {0} requires {2} type arguments",,"L utilisation du {
1} {0} gnrique requiert les arguments de type {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator {0} cannot be applied to operands of type {1} and {2} ",,"Impossi
ble d appliquer l oprateur {0} aux oprandes de type {1} et {2} ",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"In order to be applicable as a short circuit operator a user-defined logical op
erator ( {0} ) must have the same return type as the type of its 2 parameters",,
"Pour tre applicable en tant qu oprateur de court-circuit, un oprateur logique dfini
par l utilisateur {0} ) doit avoir le mme type de retour que le type de ses 2par
amtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} does not contain a constructor that takes {1} arguments",," {0} ne con
tient pas de constructeur qui accepte des arguments {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate {0} does not take {1} arguments",,"Le dlgu {0} ne prend pas les arg
uments {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate {0} has some invalid arguments",,"Le dlgu {0} utilise des arguments n
on valides",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The delegate {0} does not have a valid constructor",,"Le dlgu {0} n a pas de c
onstructeur valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} does not contain a definition for {1} and the best extension method ove
rload {2} has some invalid arguments",," {0} ne contient pas de dfinition pour
{1} et la meilleure surcharge de la mthode d extension {2} contient des argu
ments non valides",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wrong number of indices inside []; expected {0} ",,"Nombre d index incorrects
dans [], {0} attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot apply indexing with [] to an expression of type {0} ",,"Impossible d ap
pliquer l indexation l aide de [] une expression de type {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance argument: cannot convert from {0} to {1} ",,"Argument d instance :
impossible de convertir {0} en {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The best overload for {0} does not have a parameter named {1} ",,"La meilleu
re surcharge pour {0} n a pas de paramtre nomm {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The delegate {0} does not have a parameter named {1} ",,"Le dlgu {0} n a pas
de paramtre nomm {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access protected member {0} via a qualifier of type {1} ; the qualifi
er must be of type {2} (or derived from it)",,"Impossible d accder au membre pr
otg {0} par l intermdiaire d un qualificateur de type {1} ; le qualificateur doit
tre de type {2} (ou driv de celui-ci)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" {1} {0} has the wrong return type",," {1} {0} n a pas le type de retour corr
ect",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} may not be used as a type argument",,"Le type {0} ne peut pas t
re utilis comme argument de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator {0} cannot be applied to operand of type {1} ",,"Impossible d appli
quer l oprateur {0} un oprande de type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter {0} inherits conflicting constraints {1} and {2} ",,"Le par
amtre de type {0} hrite des contraintes en conflit {1} et {2} ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" {0} is not supported by the language",," {0} n est pas pris en charge par le
langage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property, indexer, or event {0} is not supported by the language; try directl
y calling accessor method {1} ",,"La proprit, l indexeur ou l vnement {0} n est p
as pris en charge par le langage; essayez d appeler directement la mthode d access
eur {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property, indexer, or event {0} is not supported by the language; try directl
y calling accessor methods {1} or {2} ",,"La proprit, l indexeur ou l vnement {0
} n est pas pris en charge par le langage; essayez d appeler directement les mtho
des d accesseur {1} ou {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is a type not supported by the language",," {0} est un type qui n est pa
s pris en charge par le langage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Destructors and object.Finalize cannot be called directly. Consider calling IDi
sposable.Dispose if available.",,"Impossible d appeler directement des destructe
urs et object.Finalize. Appelez IDisposable.Dispose, s il est disponible.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} : cannot explicitly call operator or accessor",," {0} : impossible d appe
ler explicitement un oprateur ou un accesseur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type arguments for method {0} cannot be inferred from the usage. Try spec
ifying the type arguments explicitly.",,"Impossible de dduire les arguments de ty
pe pour la mthode {0} partir de l utilisation. Essayez de spcifier les arguments
de type de faon explicite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Circular constraint dependency involving {0} and {1} ",,"Dpendance de contrai
nte circulaire utilisant {0} et {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Type parameter {1} has the struct constraint so {1} cannot be used as a c
onstraint for {0} ",,"Le paramtre de type {1} a la contrainte struct , donc
{1} ne peut pas tre utilis comme contrainte pour {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant value {0} cannot be converted to a {1} ",,"Impossible de convertir
la valeur de constante {0} en {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Constant value {0} cannot be converted to a {1} (use unchecked syntax to
override)",,"Impossible de convertir la valeur de constante {0} en {1} (util
isez la syntaxe unchecked)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert to static type {0} ",,"Impossible de convertir en type static
{0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind delegate to {0} because it is a member of System.Nullable<T> ",,
"Impossible de lier le dlgu {0} car il s agit d un membre de System.Nullable<T>
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named argument {0} cannot be specified multiple times",,"Impossible de spcifie
r plusieurs fois l argument nomm {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"A field initializer cannot reference the non-static field, method, or property
{0} ",,"Un initialiseur de champ ne peut pas faire rfrence au champ, la mthode ou
la proprit non statique {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} : static types cannot be used as type arguments",," {0} : impossible d ut
iliser les types static en tant qu arguments de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {3} cannot be used as type parameter {2} in the generic type or me
thod {0} . The nullable type {3} does not satisfy the constraint of {1} .",,
"Impossible d utiliser le type {3} comme paramtre de type {2} dans le type ou
la mthode gnrique {0} . Le type Nullable {3} ne satisfait pas la contrainte de
{1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {3} cannot be used as type parameter {2} in the generic type or me
thod {0} . The nullable type {3} does not satisfy the constraint of {1} . Nu
llable types can not satisfy any interface constraints.",,"Impossible d utiliser
le type {3} comme paramtre de type {2} dans le type ou la mthode gnrique {0} .
Le type Nullable {3} ne satisfait pas la contrainte de {1} . Les types Nulla

ble ne peuvent pas satisfaire les contraintes d interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE

T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {3} cannot be used as type parameter {2} in the generic type or me
thod {0} . There is no implicit reference conversion from {3} to {1} .",,"Im
possible d utiliser le type {3} comme paramtre de type {2} dans le type ou la
mthode gnrique {0} . Il n y a pas de conversion de rfrence implicite de {3} en {
1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {3} cannot be used as type parameter {2} in the generic type or me
thod {0} . There is no boxing conversion or type parameter conversion from {3}
to {1} .",,"Impossible d utiliser le type {3} comme paramtre de type {2} d
ans le type ou la mthode gnrique {0} . Il n y a pas de conversion boxing ou de con
version de paramtre de type de {3} en {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {3} cannot be used as type parameter {2} in the generic type or me
thod {0} . There is no boxing conversion from {3} to {1} .",,"Impossible d u
tiliser le type {3} comme paramtre de type {2} dans le type ou la mthode gnrique
{0} . Il n y a pas de conversion boxing de {3} en {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The non-generic {1} {0} cannot be used with type arguments",,"Impossible d ut
iliser le {1} {0} non gnrique avec des arguments de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property or indexer {0} cannot be used in this context because the get ac
cessor is inaccessible",,"Impossible d utiliser la proprit ou l indexeur {0} dan
s ce contexte, car l accesseur get n est pas accessible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property or indexer {0} cannot be used in this context because the set ac
cessor is inaccessible",,"Impossible d utiliser la proprit ou l indexeur {0} dan
s ce contexte, car l accesseur set n est pas accessible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The best overloaded method match {0} for the collection initializer element c
annot be used. Collection initializer Add methods cannot have ref or out param
eters.",,"La mthode surcharge {0} correspondant le mieux l lment de l initialiseur
de collection ne peut pas tre utilise. Les mthodes Add de l initialiseur de coll
ection ne peuvent pas avoir de paramtres ref ou out.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Literal of type double cannot be implicitly converted to type {1} ; use an {0
} suffix to create a literal of this type",,"Impossible de convertir implicitem
ent un littral de type double en type {1} ; utilisez un suffixe {0} pour crer
un littral de ce type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot take the address of, get the size of, or declare a pointer to a managed
type ( {0} )",,"Impossible de prendre l adresse, d obtenir la taille ou de dclare
r un pointeur vers un type manag ( {0} )",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"No overload for {0} matches delegate {1} ",,"Aucune surcharge pour {0} ne
correspond au dlgu {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert method group {0} to non-delegate type {1} . Did you intend to
invoke the method?",,"Impossible de convertir le groupe de mthodes {0} en type
non-dlgu {1} . Souhaitiez-vous appeler la mthode?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing compiler required member {0}.{1} ",,"Membre requis par le compilateur
{0}.{1} manquant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type ( {0} ) must contain declarations of operator true and operator false"
,,"Le type ( {0} ) doit contenir les dclarations de l oprateur true et de l oprateu
r false",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<null>",,"<null>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named argument {0} specifies a parameter for which a positional argument has
already been given",,"L argument nomm {0} spcifie un paramtre pour lequel un para
mtre positionnel a dj t donn",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {2} must be a non-abstract type with a public parameterless constructor in or
der to use it as parameter {1} in the generic type or method {0} ",," {2} do

it tre un type non abstrait avec un constructeur sans paramtre public afin de l ut
iliser comme paramtre {1} dans le type ou la mthode gnrique {0} ",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} has no constructors defined",,"Aucun constructeur n est dfini pou
r le type {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert type {0} to {1} ",,"Impossible de convertir le type {0} en
{1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot implicitly convert type {0} to {1} ",,"Impossible de convertir implic
itement le type {0} en {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot implicitly convert type {0} to {1} . An explicit conversion exists (a
re you missing a cast?)",,"Impossible de convertir implicitement le type {0} e
n {1} . Une conversion explicite existe (un cast est-il manquant?)",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} does not contain a definition for {1} ",," {0} ne contient pas de dfinit
ion pour {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} does not contain a definition for {1} and no extension method {1} acc
epting a first argument of type {0} could be found (are you missing a using di
rective or an assembly reference?)",," {0} ne contient pas de dfinition pour {1
} et aucune mthode d extension {1} acceptant un premier argument de type {0}
n a t trouve (une directive using ou une rfrence d assembly est-elle manquante?)",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-invocable member {0} cannot be used like a method.",,"Impossible d utilis
er un membre {0} ne pouvant pas tre appel comme une mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member {0} cannot be accessed with an instance reference; qualify it with a t
ype name instead",,"Le membre {0} est inaccessible avec une rfrence d instance; q
ualifiez-le avec un nom de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An object reference is required for the non-static field, method, or property
{0} ",,"Une rfrence d objet est requise pour la proprit, la mthode ou le champ non st
atique {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create delegate from method {0} because it is a partial method without
an implementing declaration",,"Impossible de crer un dlgu partir de la mthode {0} ,
car il s agit d une mthode partielle sans dclaration d implmentation",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Predefined type {0} is declared incorrectly",,"Le type prdfini {0} n est pas
dclar correctement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Predefined type {0} is not defined or imported",,"Le type prdfini {0} n est p
as dfini ou import",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property or indexer {0} cannot be used in this context because it lacks t
he get accessor",,"Impossible d utiliser la proprit ou l indexeur {0} dans ce co
ntexte, car il lui manque l accesseur get",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The type {2} must be a reference type in order to use it as parameter {1} i
n the generic type or method {0} ",,"Le type {2} doit tre un type rfrence afin d
tre utilis comme paramtre {1} dans le type ou la mthode gnrique {0} ",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A property or indexer may not be passed as an out or ref parameter",,"Impossibl
e de passer une proprit ou un indexeur en tant que paramtre de sortie (out) ni de rfr
ence (ref)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members of readonly field {0} cannot be passed ref or out (except in a constr
uctor)",,"Impossible de passer les membres d un champ readonly {0} en ref ou o
ut (sauf s ils appartiennent un constructeur)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pass {0} as a ref or out argument because it is read-only",,"Impossibl
e de passer {0} comme argument ref ou out, car il est en lecture seule",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pass {0} as a ref or out argument because it is a {1} ",,"Impossible
de passer {0} en tant qu argument ref ou out, car il s agit d un {1} ",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fields of static readonly field {0} cannot be passed ref or out (except in a

static constructor)",,"Impossible de passer les champs d un champ readonly stati

que {0} en ref ou out (sauf s ils appartiennent un constructeur statique)",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot modify the return value of {0} because it is not a variable",,"Impossi
ble de modifier la valeur de retour de {0} car il ne s agit pas d une variable
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} does not have a predefined size, therefore sizeof can only be used in an
unsafe context (consider using System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf)",,
" {0} n a pas de taille prdfinie; c est pourquoi sizeof ne peut tre utilis que dans
un contexte unsafe (utilisez System.Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal.SizeOf)",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {1} {0} cannot be used with type arguments",,"Impossible d utiliser le {1
} {0} avec des arguments de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot convert null to type parameter {0} because it could be a non-nullable
value type. Consider using default({0}) instead.",,"Impossible de convertir nu
ll en paramtre de type {0} car il peut s agir d un type valeur qui n autorise p
as les valeurs null. Utilisez default({0}) la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} cannot implement both {1} and {2} because they may unify for some typ
e parameter substitutions",," {0} ne peut pas implmenter {1} et {2} , car ils
peuvent tre runis pour des substitutions de paramtre de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dynamic calls cannot be used in conjunction with pointers",,"Impossible d utili
ser des appels dynamiques avec des pointeurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {2} must be a non-nullable value type in order to use it as paramete
r {1} in the generic type or method {0} ",,"Le type {2} doit tre un type val
eur non Nullable afin d tre utilis comme paramtre {1} dans le type ou la mthode gnri
que {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert null to {0} because it is a non-nullable value type",,"Impossi
ble de convertir null en {0} , car il s agit d un type valeur qui n autorise pa
s les valeurs null",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension methods {0} defined on value type {1} cannot be used to create de
legates",,"Impossible d utiliser les mthodes d extension {0} dfinies dans un typ
e valeur {1} pour crer des dlgus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a non-static member of outer type {0} via nested type {1} ",,"
Impossible d accder un membre non statique de type externe {0} par l intermdiair
e du type imbriqu {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot perform member assignment on a null reference",,"Impossible d effectuer
une assignation de membre sur une rfrence null",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binary operators cannot be invoked with one argument",,"Impossible d appeler le
s oprateurs binaires avec un argument",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Binary operators must be invoked with two arguments",,"Les oprateurs binaires do
ivent tre appels avec deux arguments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Overload resolution failed",,"chec de la rsolution de surcharge",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot dynamically invoke method {0} because it has a Conditional attribute",
,"Impossible d appeler dynamiquement la mthode {0} car elle a un attribut Condi
tional",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Explicit conversion takes exactly one argument",,"La conversion explicite n acc
epte qu un seul argument",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implicit conversion takes exactly one argument",,"La conversion implicite n acc
epte qu un seul argument",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot invoke a non-delegate type",,"Impossible d appeler un type non-dlgu",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event {0} can only appear on the left hand side of += or -=",,"L vnement {

0} ne peut apparatre qu gauche de += ou -=",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B

lue 4.5.1"
"The name {0} is bound to a method and cannot be used like a property",,"Le no
m {0} est li une mthode et ne peut pas tre utilis comme une proprit",,"Text",,"All"
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind call with no calling object",,"Impossible de lier l appel sans obje
t appelant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot implicitly convert type void to object ",,"Impossible de convertir im
plicitement le type void en object ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unary operators must be invoked with one argument",,"Les oprateurs unaires doive
nt tre appels l aide d un seul argument",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"No further information on this object could be discovered",,"Aucune autre infor
mation sur cet objet n a t dcouverte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Write Only properties are not supported",,"Les proprits Write Only ne sont pas pr
ises en charge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unexpected exception occurred while binding a dynamic operation",,"Une excep
tion inattendue s est produite lors de la liaison d une opration dynamique",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot perform runtime binding on a null reference",,"Impossible d effectuer un
e liaison au moment de l excution sur une rfrence null",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Advanced)",,"(Avances)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Advanced Dynamic Properties allows you to configure and set key names by which
to store any dynamic property values.",,"Les proprits dynamiques avances vous perme
ttent de configurer et de dfinir des noms de cls pour stocker les valeurs des prop
rits dynamiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dynamic Properties",,"Proprits dynamiques",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"(Custom)",,"(Personnalis)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Default)",,"(Par dfaut)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maps values in the application configuration file <appSettings> section to this
component s properties.",,"Mappe les valeurs de la section <appsettings> du fic
hier de configuration de l application ces proprits du composant.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit...",,"Modifier...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No component to get the value from",,"Aucun composant partir duquel obtenir la
valeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error loading app.config. Since the document being loaded uses Dy
namic Properties, the config file must be valid. Correct the following error in
app.config:\n\n{0}",,"Erreur lors du chargement de app.config. Comme le documen
t a t charg l aide de proprits dynamiques, le fichier de configuration doit tre valid
. Corrigez l erreur suivante dans app.config:\n\n{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing key attribute on add tag in appSettings section.",,"Attribut de cl manqu
ant sur une balise d ajout dans la section appSettings.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The configuration file is not valid because the root element is not <configurat
ion>.",,"Le fichier de configuration n est pas valide, car l lment racine n est pa
s <configuration>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing value attribute on add tag in appSettings section.",,"Attribut value ma
nquant sur une balise d ajout dans la section appSettings.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(None)",,"(Aucun)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This project does not support dynamic properties. The project must implement {
0}.",,"Ce projet ne prend pas en charge les proprits dynamiques. Le projet doit im
plmenter {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No component to set the value on",,"Aucun composant sur lequel dfinir la valeur"

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" User application and configured property settings go here.",," Les paramtre
s de l application utilisateur et de proprit configure se placent ici.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"" Example: <add key=""settingName"" value=""settingValue""/> "",,"" Exemple:
<add key=""settingName"" value=""settingValue""/> "",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The service {0} must be installed for this operation to succeed. Ensure that
this service is available.",,"Le service {0} doit tre install pour que cette opr
ation russisse. Assurez-vous que ce service est disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AddInstaller failed.",,"chec de AddInstaller.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Installer",,"Ajouter le programme d installation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown project type. Project installers are supported only in Visual Basic and
CSharp projects.",,"Type de projet inconnu. Les programmes d installation du pr
ojet sont pris en charge uniquement dans les projets Visual Basic et CSharp.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not create installer of type {0} .",,"Impossible de crer un programme d i
nstallation de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t get IExtensibilityService.",,"Impossible d obtenir IExtensibilityServi
ce.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to add installer. The designer could not be shown for the ProjectInstall
er class. Check to make sure there are no syntax errors in the file.",,"Impossib
le d ajouter un programme d installation. Le concepteur ne peut pas tre affich pou
r la classe ProjectInstaller. Vrifiez que le fichier ne contient pas d erreur de
syntaxe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t find installer template.",,"Le modle de programme d installation est in
trouvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} , specified as installer for components of type {1} , is not an
installer. It must inherit from System.Configuration.Installer.",,"Le type {0}
, spcifi comme programme d installation pour les composants de type {1} , n est p
as un programme d installation. Il doit hriter de System.Configuration.Installer.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given component of type {0} does not have an associated installer. (Insta
llers are associated through an InstallerTypeAttribute in the component s metada
ta.)",,"Le composant de type {0} donn n a pas de programme d installation assoc
i. (Les programmes d installation sont associs via un InstallerTypeAttribute dans
les mtadonnes du composant.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to add installer. Could not determine file type.",,"Impossible d ajoute
r le programme d installation. Impossible de dterminer le type de fichier.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to add installer. The designer could not add a ProjectInstaller.",,"Impo
ssible d ajouter le programme d installation. Le concepteur n a pas pu ajouter u
n ProjectInstaller.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to add installer. Could not find templates directory for this project t
ype.",,"Impossible d ajouter le programme d installation. Le rpertoire des modles
est introuvable pour ce type de projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Visual Studio .NET Configurable Properties",,"Proprits configurables Visual Studi
o .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Close the form and try opening it again later.",,"{0} Fermez le formulaire
et essayez de le rouvrir ultrieurement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Ignoring these exceptions will put the designer in an unstable state that could
result in the loss of controls. Do you want to continue?",,"Si ces exceptions s
ont ignores, le concepteur sera dans un tat instable qui pourra entraner une perte
de contrles. Voulez-vous continuer?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Check Windows Forms Design-Time error list",,"Vrifier la liste d erreurs au mome

nt du design des Windows Forms",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help with this error",,"Aide sur cette erreur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instances of this error ({0})",,"Instances de cette erreur ({0})",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} {1} Line:{2} Column:{3}",,"{0} {1} Ligne:{2} Colonne:{3}",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Errors",,"{0} erreurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Error",,"{0} erreur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Forum posts about this error",,"Publications de forum sur cette erreur",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Go to code",,"Accder au code",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hide Call Stack",,"Masquer la pile des appels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ignore and Continue",,"Ignorer et continuer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"To prevent possible data loss before loading the designer, the following errors
must be resolved:",,"Pour viter tout risque de perte de donnes avant le chargemen
t du concepteur, les erreurs suivantes doivent tre rsolues:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSDN Help",,"Aide sur MSDN",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no stack trace or error line information available for this error.",,"
Aucune trace de la pile ou information de ligne d erreur n est disponible pour c
ette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find an associated help topic for this error.",,"Impossible de trouve
r une rubrique d aide associe cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Search the MSDN Forums for posts related to this error",,"Rechercher sur les fo
rums MSDN les publications relatives cette erreur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show Call Stack",,"Afficher la pile des appels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Why am I seeing this page?",,"Pourquoi cette page s affiche-t-elle?",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh Toolbox complete",,"Fin de l actualisation de la bote outils",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh Toolbox started... ",,"Dbut de l actualisation de la bote outils... ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load toolbox item {0} . It will be removed from the toolbox.",,"Imp
ossible de charger l lment de bote outils {0} . Il sera supprim de la bote outils."
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create property for resource named {0} .",,"Impossible de crer une propr
it pour la ressource {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t parse {0} into numeric value.",,"Impossible d analyser {0} dans une v
aleur numrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate class {0} has no Invoke method. Is this class a delegate?",,"La cla
sse dlgue {0} n a pas de mthode Invoke. Cette classe est-elle dlgue?",,"Text",,"All
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Designer Generated Code",,"Code gnr par le concepteur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code generation for {0} failed because of Exception {1} .",,"La gnration de co
de pour {0} a chou en raison de l exception {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to parse method {0} . The parser reported the following error {1} . Pl
ease look in the Task List for potential errors.",,"Impossible d analyser la mtho
de {0} . L analyseur a signal l erreur suivante {1} . Consultez les erreurs pot
entielles dans la liste des tches.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"An error was encountered during code generation. The changes you have made in

the designer have only been partially committed to the source code. You should
check the source code carefully for errors before saving. It is recommended tha
t you examine the source code for errors and then close and re-open the source f
ile. The error message follows: \r\n\r\n{0}",,"Une erreur s est produite lors d
e la gnration du code. Les modifications que vous avez apportes au concepteur ont t u
niquement valides en partie dans le code source. Examinez attentivement le code s
ource et assurez-vous qu il ne contient aucune erreur avant de l enregistrer. Il
est recommand de rechercher la prsence d erreurs dans le code source, puis de fer
mer et de rouvrir le fichier source. Le message d erreur est le suivant: \r\n\r\n
{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error was encountered during code generation. The changes you have made in
the designer have not been committed to the source code. It is recommended that
you close and re-open the source file. The error message follows: \r\n\r\n{0}"
,,"Une erreur s est produite lors de la gnration du code. Les modifications que vo
us avez apportes au concepteur n ont pas t valides dans le code source. Il est recom
mand de fermer, puis de rouvrir le fichier source. Le message d erreur est le sui
vant: \r\n\r\n{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The class name {0} is not a valid identifier for this language.",,"Le nom de
classe {0} n est pas un identificateur valide pour cette langue.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a valid identifier.",," {0} n est pas un identificateur valide.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer cannot process the code at line {0}, please see the Task List for
details. The code within the method {1} is generated by the designer and shou
ld not be manually modified. Please remove any changes and try opening the desi
gner again.",,"Le concepteur ne peut pas traiter le code de la ligne {0}. Consul
tez la liste des tches pour obtenir des dtails. Le code dans la mthode {1} est gnr p
ar le concepteur et ne doit pas tre modifi manuellement. Supprimez les modificatio
ns et essayez de rouvrir le concepteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The designer has fixed inconsistent type names in a partial class. The partial
class name {1} has been changed to {0} .",,"Le concepteur comporte des noms
de types incohrents prdfinis dans une classe partielle. Le nom de la classe partiel
le {1} a t modifi en {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Undoing this operation may result in a loss of work. The operation represents
all changes made in the designer before the code window was shown. These change
s will be lost if you proceed. To undo only your previous change switch back to
the designer and invoke undo from there.\r\n\r\nDo you want to undo these chang
es?",,"L annulation de cette opration peut entraner la perte de donnes. Cette oprati
on reprsente toutes les modifications effectues dans le concepteur avant l afficha
ge de la fentre de code. Ces modifications seront perdues si vous continuez. Pour
annuler seulement votre premire modification, revenez dans le concepteur et, de
l, annulez cette modification.\r\n\r\nSouhaitez-vous annuler ces modifications?",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to parse the following code: \r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nThe code within the meth
od {1} is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Plea
se remove any changes and try opening the designer again.",,"chec d analyse du co
de suivant: \r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nLe code dans la mthode {1} est gnr par le concepteur
et ne doit pas tre modifi manuellement. Supprimez les modifications et essayez de
rouvrir le concepteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer cannot process the code at line {0}: \r\n\r\n{1}\r\n\r\nThe code w
ithin the method {2} is generated by the designer and should not be manually m
odified. Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.",,"Le co
ncepteur ne peut pas traiter le code de la ligne {0}: \r\n\r\n{1}\r\n\r\nLe code
dans la mthode {2} est gnr par le concepteur et ne doit pas tre modifi manuellement
. Supprimez les modifications et essayez de rouvrir le concepteur.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer cannot process unknown name {0} . The code within the method {1
} is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified. Please rem
ove any changes and try opening the designer again.",,"Le concepteur ne peut pas

traiter le nom inconnu {0} . Le code dans la mthode {1} est gnr par le concepteu
r et ne doit pas tre modifi manuellement. Annulez toute modification et tentez de
rouvrir le concepteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer cannot process unknown name {0} at line {1}. The code within th
e method {2} is generated by the designer and should not be manually modified.
Please remove any changes and try opening the designer again.",,"Le concepteur
ne peut pas traiter le nom inconnu {0} la ligne {1}. Le code dans la mthode {
2} est gnr par le concepteur et ne doit pas tre modifi manuellement. Annulez toute
modification et tentez de rouvrir le concepteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The language parser class {0} is not implemented properly. Please contact th
e vendor for an updated parser module.",,"La classe de l analyseur de langage {
0} n est pas implmente correctement. Contactez le fabricant pour obtenir une mise
jour du module d analyse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} must inherit or implement {1}.",,"Le type {0} doit hriter de {1} ou
l implmenter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Studio is unable to open {0} in design view.\r\nNo parser is installed
for the file type.",,"Visual Studio n a pas pu ouvrir {0} en mode Design.\r\n
Aucun analyseur n est install pour ce type de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This language service does not support a CodeModel with which to load a designe
r.",,"Ce service de langage ne prend pas en charge un objet CodeModel permettant
de charger un concepteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The language for this file does not support the necessary code parsing and gene
ration services. Please ensure the file you are opening is a member of a projec
t and then try to open the file again.",,"Le langage pour ce fichier ne prend pa
s en charge les services d analyse et de gnration de code ncessaires. Assurez-vous
que le fichier que vous ouvrez est membre d un projet et ressayez d ouvrir ce fic
hier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This project has not reported its project type so we cannot locate a CodeModel
for it.",,"Ce projet n a pas signal son type de projet. La recherche d un objet C
odeModel pour ce projet est donc impossible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The command set for this design surface is not available. Either the design su
rface has not been loaded or the view hasn t been requested yet.",,"La commande
dfinie pour cette aire de conception n est pas disponible. L aire de conception n
a pas t charge ou la vue n a pas encore t demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer cannot be shown due to the following error:\r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nCorr
ect the error and then try opening the designer again.",,"Impossible d afficher
le concepteur en raison de l erreur suivante:\r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nCorrigez l erreur
et ressayez d ouvrir le concepteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The designer is already loaded.",,"Le concepteur est dj charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[Design]",,"[Design]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer loader has already been loaded from another host. You can only ha
ve one designer loader for each host.",,"Le chargeur du concepteur a dj t charg parti
r d un autre hte. Vous ne pouvez disposer que d un chargeur de concepteur par hte.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Another editor has the file open in an incompatible mode. Please close the edit
or and try this operation again.",,"Le fichier est ouvert dans un autre diteur da
ns un mode incompatible. Fermez l diteur et recommencez l opration.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Another editor has the file {0} open in an incompatible mode. Please close th
e editor and try this operation again.",,"Le fichier {0} est ouvert dans un au
tre diteur dans un mode incompatible. Fermez l diteur et recommencez l opration.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer cannot be shown because the document for it was never loaded.",,"I
mpossible d afficher le concepteur, car le document n a pas pu tre charg.",,"Text"

,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"[Read Only]",,"[Lecture seule]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} cannot be modified in the designer while building or debugging.",,
"Le fichier {0} ne peut pas tre modifi dans le concepteur lors de la gnration ou du
dbogage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer loader class {0} either does not inherit from DesignerLoader or do
es not implement IVSMDDesignerLoader. Both are needed for Visual Studio initiali
zation.",,"La classe du chargeur de concepteur {0} n hrite pas de DesignerLoader
ou n implmente pas IVSMDDesignerLoader. Ces deux composants sont ncessaires l init
ialisation de Visual Studio.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The interface {1} is not implemented on the object of type {0} .",,"L interf
ace {1} n est pas implmente pour l objet de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<unknown>",,"<inconnu>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is not available in the target framework.",,"Le type {0} n est pas
disponible dans le Framework cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"This project does not support component licensing. The project must implement
{0}.",,"Ce projet ne prend pas en charge les licences des composants. Le projet
doit implmenter {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} is made of several partial classes in the same file.",,"Le type {0
} comporte plusieurs classes partielles dans le mme fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Components",,"Composants {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"{0} WPF User Controls",,"{0} contrles utilisateur WPF",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly {0} could not be found. Ensure that the assembly is referenced.
If the assembly is part of the current development project, ensure that the pr
oject has been built.",,"Impossible de trouver l assembly {0} . Assurez-vous qu
e l assembly est rfrenc. Si l assembly fait partie du projet de dveloppement actuel,
vrifiez que ce projet a t gnr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly name {0} is invalid.",,"Le nom de l assembly {0} n est pas val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type resolution service may only be called from the main application thread
.",,"Le service de rsolution de type ne peut tre appel qu partir du thread d applic
ation principal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must rebuild your project for the changes to {0} to show up in any open des
igners.",,"Vous devez rgnrer votre projet afin que les modifications apportes {0} s
affichent dans les concepteurs ouverts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The type {0} could not be found. Ensure that the assembly containing the typ
e is referenced. If the assembly is part of the current development project, en
sure that the project has been built.",,"Le type {0} est introuvable. Assurezvous que l assembly contenant ce type est rfrenc. Si l assembly fait partie du proj
et de dveloppement actuel, vrifiez que le projet a t gnr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Studio .NET Framework Designer",,"Concepteur Visual Studio .NET Framewor
k",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
ZJ0D8RIA3K0IAAMD8JTJA",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework Designer",,"Concepteur .NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",," Microsoft Corporation. Tous droi
ts rservs.",,"Version",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh Project Toolbox Items",,"Actualiser les lments de bote outils du projet",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The service {0} must be installed for this feature to work. Ensure that this

service is available.",,"Le service {0} doit tre install afin que cette fonctio
nnalit soit active. Assurez-vous que ce service est disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Components",,"Composants",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected Object",,"Objet slectionn",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"typeName argument cannot be an empty string.",,"L argument typeName ne peut pas
tre une chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" is not a toolbox category."",,""""{0}"" n est pas une catgorie de bote o
utils."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The toolbox item is invalid.",,"L lment de bote outils n est pas valide.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The provided designer host cannot be used to create a linked toolbox item.",,"V
ous ne pouvez pas utiliser l hte fourni par le concepteur pour crer un lment de bote
outils li.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot obtain IVsToolbox.",,"Impossible d obtenir IVsToolbox.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Designer Toolbox Data Provider",,"Fournisseur de donnes de bote outils du Co
ncepteur .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Studio .NET Framework Components",,"Composants Visual Studio .NET Framew
ork",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays inside other arrays in custom attributes is not supported.",,"L inclusio
n de tableaux au sein d autres tableaux dans des attributs personnaliss n est pas
prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly reference token expected.",,"Jeton de rfrence d assembly attendu.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type universe has not selected an assembly as the system assembly.",,"L Univers
e de type n a pas slectionn d assembly comme assembly systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find type {0} in module {1}.",,"Impossible de trouver le type {0} dans l
e module {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve module reference on a single net module.",,"Impossible de rsoudre
la rfrence de module sur un module rseau unique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resolve RVA.",,"Impossible de rsoudre le RVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Case insensitive type lookup is not implemented.",,"La recherche de type non se
nsible la casse n est pas implmente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Image is corrupt. Attempting to read an out of range RVA.",,"L image est endomm
age. Tentative de lecture d un RVA hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Without an assembly qualified name, a default token resolver is required.",,"Sa
ns nom qualifi d assembly, un programme de rsolution de jetons par dfaut est requis
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Outer type has different token resolver.",,"Le type externe a un programme de rs
olution de jetons diffrent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Escape sequence missing character after the backslash.",,"Un caractre est manqua
nt aprs la barre oblique inverse dans la squence d chappement.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected positive number of generic parameters. ",,"Nombre positif de paramtres
gnriques attendu. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected property or field ID.",,"Proprit ou ID de champ attendu(e).",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} token expected.",,"Jeton {0} attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Non-manifest module contains assembly manifest or module is corrupted.",,"Le mo
dule non-manifeste contient un manifeste d assembly ou est endommag.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extra characters after type name.",,"Caractres en trop aprs le nom de type.",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"More information left after last parameter is processed.",,"Les informations su
pplmentaires laisses aprs le dernier paramtre sont traites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly qualified name requires a host.",,"Le nom qualifi d assembly requiert u
n hte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Id token type expected.",,"Type de jeton d ID attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal element type {0}.",,"Type d lment {0} illgal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal layout mask.",,"Masque de disposition illgal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect core element type value.",,"Valeur de type d lment principal incorrect.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid custom attribute format.",,"Format d attribut personnalis non valide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid custom attribute blob. Enum parameters must have full type name specifi
ed.",,"Objet blob d attribut personnalis non valide. Le nom de type complet des p
aramtres d numration doit tre spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid core element type in custom attribute blob.",,"Type d lment principal non
valide dans l objet blob d attribut personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid file format.",,"Format de fichier non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid file name: ""{0}""."",,""Nom de fichier non valide: ""{0}""."",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid metadata.",,"Mtadonnes non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Invalid metadata signature.",,"Signature de mtadonnes non valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid metadata token {0}.",,"Jeton de mtadonnes non valide {0}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length of public key token must be even.",,"La longueur du jeton de cl publique
doit tre un nombre pair.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Jagged array in custom attributes is not supported.",,"Les tableaux multidimens
ionnels ne sont pas pris en charge dans les attributs personnaliss.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest module must be provided.",,"Le module manifeste doit tre fourni.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is using unsupported binding flags {1}",,"{0} utilise les indicateurs de li
aisons {1} non pris en charge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method token expected.",,"Jeton de mthode attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest module does not contain assembly manifest or module is corrupted.",,"L
e module de manifeste ne contient pas de manifeste d assembly ou est endommag.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation cannot be be applied to RVA fields with auto-layout.",,"Impossib
le d appliquer cette opration aux champs RVA avec disposition automatique.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is valid on an array type only.",,"Cette opration n est valide qu
e sur un type de tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is valid on Enum types only.",,"Cette opration n est valide que s
ur des types d numration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation can be applied to literal fields only.",,"Cette opration ne peut t
re applique qu aux champs littraux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"This operation is valid on RVA fields only.",,"Cette opration n est valide que s
ur des champs RVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This metadata importer doesn t have a base address to resolve RVA address again
st.",,"Cet importateur de mtadonnes n a pas d adresse de base pour rsoudre l adress

e RVA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Resolved assembly must be within the same universe.",,"L assembly rsolu doit se
trouver dans le mme Universe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resolver must resolve to a valid assembly.",,"Le programme de rsolution doit obt
enir un assembly valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resolver must resolve module reference to a valid module.",,"Le programme de rso
lution doit rsoudre une rfrence de module en un module valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resolver must set assembly property to this assembly.",,"Le programme de rsoluti
on doit dfinir la proprit d assembly sur cet assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type argument cannot be resolved.",,"Impossible de rsoudre l argument de type.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type token expected.",,"Jeton de type attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected character found while parsing.",,"Caractre inattendu trouv lors de l a
nalyse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected end of input.",,"Fin d entre inattendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type universe cannot resolve assembly: {0}.",,"L Universe de type ne peut pas rs
oudre l assembly: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized assembly attribute: {0}.",,"Attribut d assembly non reconnu: {0}.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported exception flags {0}.",,"Balises d exception {0} non prises en charg
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported image type.",,"Type d image non pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported type argument in custom attribute signature.",,"Argument de type no
n pris en charge dans la signature d attribut personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signatures with variable number of arguments are not implemented.",,"Les signat
ures avec un nombre variable d arguments ne sont pas implmentes.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version already defined.",,"Version dj dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wrong number of generic arguments.",,"Nombre d arguments gnriques incorrect.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid attribute scope data. AttributeScope of {0} requires a scope data type
of {1}.",,"Donnes de porte des attributs non valides. La valeur AttributeScope de
{0} exige un type de porte de {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The scope {0} is not supported on this attribute.",,"La porte {0} n est pas pris
e en charge dans cet attribut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To register the {0} file extension, you must prefix the extension with a . .",
,"Pour inscrire l extension de fichier {0}, vous devez faire prcder l extension d
un . .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method {0} cannot be the method for an event because a class this class d
erives from already defines the method.",,"La mthode {0} ne peut pas tre utilise
pour un vnement car elle est dj dfinie par une classe dont provient cette classe.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} does not have any class definitions in it. Add a class definiti
on. If you have verified that there is at least one class definition in the fil
e and you still receive this message, make sure the file can be compiled in your
project and then try again.",,"Le fichier {0} ne contient aucune dfinition de
classe. Ajoutez une classe de dfinition. Si vous avez vrifi qu il existe au moins u
ne dfinition de classe dans le fichier mais recevez toujours ce message, assurezvous que le fichier peut tre compil dans votre projet, puis ressayez.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} could not be parsed. Check and correct any errors that are disp
layed in the task list.",,"Impossible d analyser le fichier {0} . Vrifiez et cor

rigez toutes les erreurs affiches dans la liste des tches.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The project containing file {0} does not support the generation of source cod
e.",,"Le projet contenant le fichier {0} ne prend pas en charge la gnration du c
ode source.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The project containing file {0} does not support parsing of source code.",,"L
e projet contenant le fichier {0} ne prend pas en charge l analyse du code sou
rce.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} does not support code parsing or generation because it is not co
ntained within a project that supports code.",,"Le fichier {0} ne prend pas en
charge l analyse ou la gnration du code source parce qu il ne figure pas dans un
projet avec prise en charge du code.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Value cannot be null or empty.",,"La valeur ne peut pas tre null ou vide.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid ConfigurationUserLevel.",,"ConfigurationUserLevel non valide.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to get one or more required project properties.",,"Impossible d obtenir
une ou plusieurs proprits de projet requises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to checkout the current file. The file may be locked, or you may need t
o check the file out manually.",,"Impossible d extraire le fichier actif. Ce fic
hier peut tre verrouill ou vous devez l extraire manuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation cannot be completed because the doc data is not one returned from
DesignerDocDataService.",,"Impossible d effectuer cette opration car l objet don
nes de document ne provient pas de DesignerDocDataService.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument {0} must implement the interface {1}.",,"L argument {0} doit implme
nter l interface {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} could not be loaded.",,"Impossible de charger le fichier {0}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} cannot be modified at this time.",,"Impossible de modifier le fich
ier {0} pour l instant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} is not part of any project in the solution so it cannot be opened.
Add the file to a project and try again.",,"Le fichier {0} n appartient aucun
projet de la solution et ne peut tre ouvert. Ajoutez-le un projet et ressayez.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection is read only and cannot be modified.",,"La collection est en lec
ture seule et ne peut tre modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} has not been implemented correctly. The implementor of the type
should ensure that all parameters and return values are correct.",,"Le type {0
} n a pas t implment correctement. L implmentation du type doit veiller ce que tous
les paramtres et les valeurs de retour soient corrects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected an argument of type {0} , not {1} .",,"Argument attendu de type {0}
et non {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The global object provider factory {0} returned an invalid array of providers."
,,"La fabrique de fournisseurs d objets globaux {0} a retourn un tableau de fourn
isseurs non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data type of property {1} on type {0} has changed from {2} to {3} s
o the value stored in the property will be removed.",,"Le type de donnes de la pr
oprit {1} du type {0} a t modifi de {2} {3} . La valeur stocke dans la propri
ra donc supprime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {1} is no longer defined on {0} so the value stored in the pro
perty will be removed.",,"La proprit {1} n est plus dfinie dans {0} . La valeur
stocke dans la proprit sera donc supprime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The property {1} on type {0} threw an exception so the value stored in the
property will be removed. The exception was: {2}",,"Une exception a t leve par la

proprit {1} du type {0} . La valeur stocke dans la proprit sera donc supprime. L ex
ception tait la suivante: {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Designer Extension:{0}",,"Extension du Concepteur:{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Designer Loader: {0} : {1} ({2})",,"Chargeur du Concepteur: {0}: {1} ({2})",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Designer Metadata: {0}",,"Mtadonnes du Concepteur: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Designer Options: {0}",,"Options du concepteur: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
{0} : {1}",,"Gnrateur:
{0}: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global Object:
{0}",,"Objet global:
{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Startup Service: {0}",,"Service de dmarrage: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Window pane:
{0} : {1} {2} {3}",,"Volet de fentre:
{0}: {1} {2} {3}",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The attribute {0} cannot be placed on this object.",,"Impossible de placer l
attribut {0} dans cet objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not specify both CreateInstance and another access type.",,"Impossible de s
pcifier CreateInstance et un autre type d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A new virtual type cannot be created because the {0} property must first be s
et.",,"Impossible de crer un nouveau type virtuel car vous devez d abord dfinir la
proprit {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not specify both GetField and SetProperty.",,"Impossible de spcifier GetFiel
d et SetProperty.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not specify both Get and Set on a field.",,"Impossible de spcifier Get et Se
t sur un champ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not specify Set on a Field and Invoke on a method.",,"Impossible de spcifier
Set sur un champ et Invoke sur une mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Can not specify both SetField and GetProperty.",,"Impossible de spcifier SetFiel
d et GetProperty.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute can not have multiple definitions.",,"Un attribut ne peut pas possder
plusieurs dfinitions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The attributes on member {0} are not allowed. Allowed attribute values inclu
de Public and Static.",,"Les attributs du membre {0} ne sont pas autoriss. Les
valeurs autorises incluent les attributs Public et Static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This collection only accepts items of type {0} .",,"Cette collection accepte u
niquement des lments de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The object returned from InvokeConstructor cannot be null, must match the seria
lization model of the type, and must derive from the base type.",,"L objet retou
rn par InvokeConstructor ne peut pas tre null, doit correspondre un modle de srialis
ation du type et doit provenir du type de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameters array must contain a single delegate element.",,"Le tableau des
paramtres doit contenir un seul lment dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The type attributes in the type declaration are not valid. Types must be publi
c and cannot be abstract or interfaces.",,"Les attributs de type de la dclaration
de type ne sont pas valides. Les types doivent tre publics et ne peuvent pas tre
de type abstract ou des interfaces.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The name {0} is not a valid type name.",,"Le nom {0} n est pas un nom de ty
pe valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This MemberInfo is not bound to a virtual type and cannot be invoked.",,"Ce typ

e MemberInfo n est pas li un type virtuel et ne peut tre appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named parameter array can not be bigger than argument array.",,"Le tableau de p
aramtres nomm ne peut pas tre plus grand que le tableau des arguments.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The code namespace must offer a single type declaration.",,"L espace de noms du
code doit contenir une seule dclaration de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot specify a custom type description provider for a virtual type.",,"Vo
us ne pouvez pas spcifier un fournisseur de description de type personnalis pour u
n type virtuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not specify both Get and Set on a property.",,"Impossible de spcifier Get et
Set sur une proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not specify Set on a property and Invoke on a method.",,"Impossible de spcif
ier Set sur une proprit et Invoke sur une mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CodeNamespace must contain exactly one type.",,"L espace de noms du code do
it contenir exactement un seul type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The base type of a virtual type cannot be sealed.",,"Le type de base d un type
virtuel ne peut pas tre sealed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The base type of a virtual type must be public.",,"Le type de base d un type vi
rtuel doit tre public.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type must be a real type, not a virtual type or a type builder.",,"Le type
doit tre un vritable type, pas un type virtuel ou un gnrateur de types.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown ConfigurationUserLevel specified.",,"ConfigurationUserLevel inconnu spci
fi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object instance is not of type {0} .",,"L instance de l objet n a pas un type
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} on {1}",,"{0} sur {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not resolve mscorlib for target framework {0} . This can happen if the
target framework is not installed or if the framework moniker is incorrectly for
matted.",,"Impossible de rsoudre mscorlib pour le Framework cible {0} . Cela peu
t se produire si le Framework cible n est pas install ou si le format du moniker
du Framework est incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute {0} does not have a constructor matching the specified arguments.",
,"L attribut {0} n a pas de constructeur qui correspond aux arguments spcifis.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer loaded, but the user interface it provides is not compatible with
this version of Visual Studio.",,"Le concepteur est charg mais son interface util
isateur n est pas compatible avec cette version de Visual Studio.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New Application Setting",,"Nouveau paramtre d application",,"Dialog Title",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a new application setting by completing the fields below.",,"Crez un nouv
eau paramtre d application en renseignant les champs ci-dessous.",,"Static Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Settings",,"Paramtres de l application",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Change and manage application settings with the project designer.",,"Modifiez e
t grez les paramtres de l application avec le concepteur de projets.",,"Static Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bind properties to application settings:",,"Lier les proprits aux paramtres d appl
ication:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inheritance Picker",,"Slecteur d hritage",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Browse...",,"Parcourir...",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Component Name",,"Nom du composant",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"

"Namespace",,"Espace de noms",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Location",,"Emplacement",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the component to inherit from:",,"Spcifier le composant partir duquel hri
ter:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New component name:",,"Nouveau nom du composant:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: No built assemblies contain components to inherit from. Build the curr
ent application, or click Browse and select a previously built assembly from ano
ther application.",,"Avertissement: il n existe pas d assemblys gnrs contenant des c
omposants desquels hriter. Gnrez l application actuelle ou cliquez sur Parcourir et
slectionnez un assembly prcdemment gnr partir d une autre application.",,"Static Tex
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dll files (*.dll)|*.dll|All Files (*.*)|*.*",,"Fichiers Dll (*.dll)|*.dll|Tous
les fichiers (*.*)|*.*",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a file that contains a component to inherit from:",,"Slectionner un fichi
er qui contient un composant duquel hriter:",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Resource",,"Slectionner une ressource",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clear",,"Effacer",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Import...",,"Importer...",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local resource:",,"Ressource locale:",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preview",,"Aperu",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project resource file:",,"Fichier de ressources du projet:",,"Radio Button",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource context",,"Contexte de la ressource",,"Group Box Title",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collapse All",,"Rduire tout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Down",,"Descendre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move down in container",,"Descendre dans le conteneur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expand All",,"Dvelopper tout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Full",,"Complet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type Name Display Style",,"Tapez le style d affichage du nom",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Into",,"Dplacer vers",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move into next container",,"Dplacer vers le conteneur suivant",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Out",,"Dplacer de",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move out of current container",,"Dplacer du conteneur actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Short",,"Short",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move {0} ",,"Dplacer {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Up",,"Monter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move up in container",,"Monter dans le conteneur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(none)",,"(aucun)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load assembly {0} . Ensure that the file is a valid .Net Framework
assembly.",,"Impossible de charger l assembly {0} . Vrifiez que le fichier est u
n assembly .Net Framework valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Assembly Load Error",,"Erreur de chargement de l assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Either {0} already exists in {1} or the assembly is out of date. Please en
ter a unique name or rebuild the project.",," {0} existe dj dans {1} ou l assem
bly est obsolte. Entrez un nom unique ou rgnrez le projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File Exists",,"Le fichier existe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Assembly {0} Could not be opened. Check that the file still exists.",,"Impossib
le d ouvrir l assembly {0}. Vrifiez que le fichier existe encore.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly Error",,"Erreur de l assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to add reference {0} to the current application. Check that a differe
nt version of {0} is not already referenced.",,"Impossible d ajouter une rfrence
{0} l application actuelle. Vrifiez qu une version diffrente de {0} n est pas
dj rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to reference assembly {0} . Only assemblies with a dll extension can
be referenced across projects.",,"Impossible de rfrencer l assembly {0} . Seuls
les assemblys dots d une extension dll peuvent tre rfrencs dans les projets.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference Error",,"Erreur de rfrence",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Could not locate the project item templates for inherited components.",,"Imposs
ible de trouver les modles des lments de projet pour les composants hrits.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Template Error",,"Erreur de modle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Create MenuItem",,"Crer MenuItem",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete MenuItem",,"Supprimer MenuItem",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Move MenuItem",,"Dplacer MenuItem",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Edit Menu",,"Modifier le menu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add a new item to this menu because it is inherited.",,"Impossible d ajo
uter un nouvel lment ce menu, car il est hrit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Invalid property value for MenuItem.",,"Valeur de la proprit non valide pour Menu
Item.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top-level menu names cannot contain separators.
",,"Les noms
des menus de niveau suprieur ne peuvent pas contenir de sparateurs.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select {0} ",,"Slectionner {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Form Resource",,"Ressource de formulaire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Image Files(*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.png)|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wm
f;*.png|All Files(*.*)|*.*",,"Fichiers image(*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.pn
g)|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.png|Tous les fichiers(*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid ResX",,"ResX non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a valid resource type.",," {0} n est pas un type de ressource val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Import Failed",,"chec de l importation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to create a valid identifier to refer to resource {0} . Please rename t
he resource to something more appropriate and try importing again.",,"Impossible
de crer un identificateur valide pour faire rfrence la ressource {0} . Renommez l
a ressource avec un nom plus appropri et ressayez d importer.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maps property settings to an application configuration file.",,"Mappe les paramt
res de proprit au fichier de configuration d une application.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value is bound to Application Setting {0} ",,"La valeur est lie au paramtre Appl
ication {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Settings for {0} ",,"Paramtres d application de {0} ",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Setting names cannot be blank.",,"Les noms des paramtres ne peuvent pas tre vides
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a valid setting name. Setting names must be valid identifiers.",,"
{0} n est pas un nom de paramtre valide. Les noms des paramtres doivent tre des i
dentificateurs valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a valid value for the property you are trying to bind to.",," {0}
n est pas une valeur valide pour la proprit laquelle vous tentez d effectuer une
liaison.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No settings files can be found in the project. Add a settings file and try aga
in.",,"Aucun fichier de paramtres n a t trouv dans le projet. Ajoutez un fichier de
paramtres, puis ressayez.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose which properties to bind to configuration file settings.",,"Choisissez l
es proprits auxquelles lier les paramtres du fichier de configuration.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Configure application settings.",,"Configurez les paramtres d application.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} has been related to {1} , which is a read only property and
cannot be set. Remove the relationship between these two objects to change the
property.",,"La proprit {0} a t associe la proprit en lecture seule {1} qui ne
t tre dfinie. Supprimez la relation entre ces deux objets afin de modifier la prop
rit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Setting was unable to add the setting {0} . Please navigate to the settin
gs file using the solution explorer and add the setting by hand.",,"Impossible d
ajouter le paramtre {0} . Accdez au fichier de paramtres via l Explorateur de sol
utions et ajoutez le fichier manuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"About... ",," propos de... ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contents ",,"Sommaire ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copy ",,"Copier ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create Standard Menu",,"Crer un menu standard",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Customize ",,"Personnaliser ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cut ",,"Couper ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit ",,"Edition ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exit ",,"Quitter ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File ",,"Fichier ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help ",,"Aide ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index ",,"Index ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New ",,"Nouveau ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Open ",,"Ouvrir ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options ",,"Options ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Paste ",,"Coller ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Print ",,"Imprimer ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Print Preview ",,"Aperu avant impression ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Redo ",,"Rtablir ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save ",,"Enregistrer ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save As ",,"Enregistrer sous ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Search ",,"Rechercher ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select All ",,"Slectionner tout ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Standard Menus ",,"Menus standard ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Tools ",,"Outils ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Undo ",,"Annuler ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles whether the toolbox is automatically populated with Components built by
the project. The current solution must be closed and reopened for changes to t
ake effect.",,"Dfinit si la bote outils est automatiquement remplie avec les compo
sants gnrs par le projet. Vous devez fermer, puis rouvrir la solution actuelle pour
valider les modifications effectues.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Automatically Populate Toolbox",,"Remplir automatiquement la bote outils",,"Text

",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refactoring",,"Refactorisation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When set to true and you rename a component or control from the property grid o
r document outline, a rename refactoring operation occurs.",,"Quand sa valeur es
t true et que vous renommez un composant ou un contrle partir de la grille des pr
oprits ou de la structure du document, une opration de refactorisation de changemen
t de nom se produit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Refactoring on Rename",,"Autoriser la refactorisation lors du changement
de nom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Layout Mode",,"Mode de disposition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Toggles the layout mode for the designer. Changes to this property will be seen
when the designer is closed and reopened.",,"Active/Dsactive le mode de disposit
ion du concepteur. Les modifications apportes cette proprit apparaissent lorsque vo
us fermez et rouvrez le concepteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Layout Settings",,"Paramtres de disposition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Toolbox",,"Bote outils",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred while loading the document. Fix the error, and then try load
ing the document again. The error message follows:\r\n\r\n{0}",,"Une erreur s e
st produite lors du chargement du document. Corrigez cette erreur et essayez de
charger de nouveau le document. Le message d erreur est le suivant:\r\n\r\n{0}",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Document Outline - {0}",,"Structure du document - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[Design]",,"[Cration]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[Design - {0}]",,"[Cration - {0}]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"An error occurred while loading the document. The document provided no additio
nal information.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors du chargement du document. Le
document n a pas fourni d informations supplmentaires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Studio .NET Windows Forms Designer",,"Concepteur Windows Forms Visual St
udio .NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Forms Designer",,"Concepteur Windows Forms",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"General and Data UI customizations related to the Windows Forms Designer. These
settings can be found in the Options dialog box.",,"Personnalisations gnrales et
de l interface utilisateur du formulaire de donnes lies au Concepteur Windows Form
s. Ces paramtres se trouvent dans la bote de dialogue Options.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data",,"Donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Containers",,"Conteneurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Menus Toolbars",,"Menus et barres d outils",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Printing",,"Impression",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dialogs",,"Botes de dialogue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All Windows Forms",,"Tous les Windows Forms",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Common Controls",,"Contrles communs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Turn optimized code generation on or off;Change Designer layout grid settings;T
urn automatic display of Designer Smart Tag windows on or off;Turn automatic Too
lbox population after rebuild on or off;Turn automatic refactoring after renamin
g on or off",,"Activer ou dsactiver la gnration de code optimis; Modifier les paramtre
s de grille de disposition du concepteur; Activer ou dsactiver l affichage automat
ique des fentres des balises actives du concepteur; Activer ou dsactiver le remplis
sage automatique de la bote outils aprs rgnration; Activer ou dsactiver la refactor

tion automatique aprs le changement de nom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"Line Up Icons",,"Aligner les icnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Show Large Icons",,"Afficher des grandes icnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move To Child",,"Atteindre l enfant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Properties",,"Proprits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Customizer Verbs",,"Verbes de personnalisation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Parent",,"Slectionner le parent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MoveChild",,"MoveChild",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Moves to the first child of a parent control.",,"Se place sur le premier enfant
d un contrle parent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selection",,"Slection",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Container",,"Conteneur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Document Outline",,"Structure du document",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Component Tray",,"Barre d tat des composants",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Layout",,"Disposition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework Components",,"Composants .NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Properties Window",,"Fentre Proprits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Properties Window sort order and display settings.",,"Paramtres d affichage et d
ordre de tri de la fentre Proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Reset",,"Rinitialiser",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Commands",,"Commandes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PropertyBrowser",,"PropertyBrowser",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""Assembly ""{0}"" isn t fully signed. Please fully sign this assembly using sn
.exe before shipping it to customers."",,""L assembly ""{0}"" n est pas totaleme
nt sign. Signez-le totalement l aide de sn.exe avant de le livrer aux clients."",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unrecognized switch: ""{0}"". Use ResGen /? for usage information."",,""Commu
tateur non reconnu: ""{0}"". Utilisez ResGen /? pour obtenir des informations sur
l utilisation."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unsupported or invalid escape character in value! Escape char: {0} Name was
: ""{1}"""",,""Caractre d chappement {0} non pris en charge ou non valide dans l
a valeur! Son nom tait: ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The file named ""{0}"" does not have a known extension. Managed resource file
s must end in .ResX, .restext, .txt, or .resources. Response files must end in .
rsp and be specified as @respFile.rsp."",,""Le fichier nomm ""{0}"" n a pas d ext
ension connue. Les noms des fichiers de ressources manags doivent se terminer par
.ResX, .txt ou .resources. Les fichiers rponse doivent se terminer en .rsp et tre
spcifis comme @respFile.rsp."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The file named ""{0}"" does not have a known extension. Managed resource file
s must end in .ResX, .restext, .txt, .resources, .resources.dll, .dll or .exe. R
esponse files must end in .rsp and be specified as @respFile.rsp."",,""Le fichie
r nomm ""{0}"" n a pas d extension connue. Les noms des fichiers de ressources ma
nags doivent se terminer par .ResX, .restext, .txt, .resources, .resources.dll, .
dll ou .exe. Les fichiers rponse doivent se terminer en .rsp et tre spcifis comme @r
espFile.rsp."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Did not recognize ""{0}"" as a managed assembly."",,""""{0}"" n a pas t reconnu
comme assembly manag."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating strongly typed resource class ""{0}""... "",,""Cration de la classe d

e ressource fortement type ""{0}""... "",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

""Creating strongly typed resource class ""{0}.{1}""... "",,""Cration de la clas
se de ressource fortement type ""{0}.{1}""... "",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Writing resource file... ",,"criture du fichier de ressources... ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Loading assembly ""{0}"" failed. {1}"",,""chec du chargement de l assembly ""{
0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""ResGen cannot write assemblies, only read from them. Cannot create assembly ""
{0}""."",,""ResGen ne peut pas crire d assemblys, mais seulement les lire. Imposs
ible de crer l assembly ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not load referenced assembly ""{0}"". Caught a {1} saying ""{2}""."",,"
"Impossible de charger l assembly rfrenc ""{0}"". Intercept un {1} au lieu d un ""{2
}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The base name of your output file, ""{0}"", does not match the base name used
by the strongly typed resources, ""{1}"". In order for the strongly typed resou
rces to work correctly, you will need to rename your output file to ""{1}.resour
ces""."",,""Le nom de base de votre fichier de sortie ""{0}"" ne correspond pas
au nom de base utilis par les ressources fortement types ""{1}"". Pour garantir le
bon fonctionnement des ressources fortement types, vous devez renommer votre fic
hier de sortie""{1}.resources""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot use /compile /str simultaneously if you specify a class name or an outp
ut file name to the /str switch as well as multiple input files to /compile. Yo
u would end up with duplicate classes or overwrite one of your classes.",,"Impos
sible d utiliser simultanment /compile et /str si vous spcifiez un nom de classe o
u un nom de fichier de sortie aprs le commutateur /str et plusieurs fichiers d en
tre aprs le commutateur /compile. Ceci aboutirait dupliquer des classes ou remplac
er l une de vos classes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/compile is not supported with assemblies (.resources.dll, .dll or .exe) as inp
ut.\r\nUse ResGen /? for usage information.",,"/compile n est pas pris en charge
avec les assemblys (.resources.dll, .dll ou .exe) comme entre.\r\nUtilisez ResGe
n /? pour obtenir des informations sur l utilisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Output file is possibly corrupt. Deleting ""{0}"""",,""Le fichier de sortie e
st peut-tre endommag. Suppression de ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating the CultureInfo failed for assembly ""{2}"". Note the set of culture
s supported is Operating System-dependent, and the Operating System has removed
some cultures from time to time (ie, some Serbian cultures are split up in Windo
ws 7). The culture may be a user-defined custom culture that we can t currently
load on this machine. Exception info: {0}: {1}"",,""La cration de CultureInfo a
chou pour l assembly ""{2}"". Notez que le jeu de cultures pris en charge dpend du
systme d exploitation, et que celui-ci a supprim certaines cultures de faon priodiq
ue (par ex., certaines cultures serbes sont fractionnes dans Windows 7). Il peut
s agir d une culture personnalise dfinie par l utilisateur que nous ne pouvons pas
charger actuellement sur cet ordinateur. Informations sur l exception: {0}: {1}""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not delete possibly corrupted output file ""{0}""."",,""Impossible de su
pprimer le fichier de sortie ""{0}"", peut-tre endommag."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Done.",,"Termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Two output filenames resolved to the same output path: ""{0}"""",,""Deux noms
de fichiers de sortie ont t rsolus vers le mme chemin de sortie: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Duplicate resource key! Name was: ""{0}"""",,""Cl de ressource duplique. Son no
m tait: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} error(s).",,"{0} erreur(s).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Couldn t find input file ""{0}"""",,""Fichier d entre ""{0}"" introuvable"",,"T

ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Error while writing the output file ""{0}"""",,""Erreur lors de l criture du fi
chier de sortie ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unexpected INF file bracket syntax - ResGen does not support text in square br
ackets. Bad text: ""[{0}""."",,""Syntaxe inattendue avec des crochets dans le f
ichier INF - ResGen ne prend pas en charge le texte entre crochets. Texte incorr
ect: ""[{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Main assembly ""{1}"" was built improperly. The manifest resource ""{0}"" end
s in .en-US.resources, when it should end in .resources. Either rename it to so
mething like foo.resources (and consider using the NeutralResourcesLanguageAtrib
ute on the main assembly), or move it to a US English satellite assembly."",,""L
assembly principal ""{1}"" a t gnr de faon incorrecte. La ressource de manifeste ""{0
}"" se termine par .en-US.resources, alors qu elle devrait se terminer par .reso
urces. Renommez-la en utilisant par exemple foo.resources (et envisagez d utilis
er NeutralResourcesLanguageAtribute dans l assembly principal) ou placez-la dans
un assembly satellite Anglais (tats-Unis)."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Satellite assembly ""{2}"" was built improperly. The manifest resource ""{0}"
" will not be found by the ResourceManager. It must end in ""{1}""."",,""L asse
mbly satellite ""{2}"" a t gnr de faon incorrecte. ResourceManager ne trouvera pas la
ressource de manifeste ""{0}"". Elle doit finir par ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid command line syntax. Switch: ""{0}"" Bad value: ""{1}"". Use ResGen
/? for usage information."",,""Syntaxe de ligne de commande non valide. Commuta
teur: ""{0}"". Valeur incorrecte:""{1}"". Utilisez ResGen /? pour obtenir des info
rmations sur l utilisation."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found an invalid #ifdef value, ""{0}"". ResGen supports very simple syntax cu
rrently, and doesn t include parentheses, || nor &&."",,""Valeur #ifdef non vali
de trouve, ""{0}"". ResGen prend en charge actuellement une syntaxe simple et ne
comprend pas de parenthses, || ou &&."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Invalid format or contents in input. ""{0}"" error trying to read input."",,""
Format ou contenu non valide dans l entre. Erreur ""{0}"" de lecture de l entre.""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""You must specify an input outfile file name like this:\r\ninFile.txt,outFile.
resources.\r\nYou passed in ""{0}""."",,""Vous devez spcifier un nom de fichier d
entre et de sortie, comme suit:\r\nfichierEntre.txt,fichierSortie.resources.\r\nVo
us avez pass ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Response files must be line-delimited; ""{0}"" contains ""{1}""."",,""Les fich
iers rponse doivent tre dlimits par des lignes; ""{0}"" contient ""{1}""."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""You must specify response file names like this:\r\n@respFile.rsp\r\nYou passed
in ""{0}""."",,""Vous devez spcifier des noms de fichiers rponse sous la forme:\r\
n@respFile.rsp\r\nVous avez pass ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Can t verify assembly without a file location.",,"Impossible de vrifier l assemb
ly sans un emplacement de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"You specified multiple response files; at most one is allowed.",,"Vous avez ind
iqu plusieurs fichiers rponse; un seul est autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When specifying an assembly (.resources.dll, .dll or .exe) as input, an output
directory must be specified.\r\n{0} appears to be an output filename but will be
treated as a directory name.\r\nUse ResGen /? for usage information.",,"Lorsque
vous spcifiez un assembly (.resources.dll, .dll ou .exe) comme entre, vous devez
spcifier un rpertoire de sortie.\r\n{0} semble tre un nom de fichier de sortie mais
sera trait comme un nom de rpertoire.\r\nUtilisez ResGen /? pour obtenir des info
rmations sur l utilisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This assembly contains neutral resources corresponding to the culture ""{0}"".
These resources will not be considered neutral in the output format as we are u

nable to preserve this information. The resources will continue to correspond to

""{0}"" in the output format."",,""Cet assembly contient des ressources neutres
correspondant la culture ""{0}"". Ces ressources ne seront pas considres comme ne
utres dans le format de sortie parce que nous ne pouvons pas conserver ces infor
mations. Les ressources continueront correspondre ""{0}"" dans le format de sort
ie."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found an equals sign at beginning of a line! Expected a name / value pair like
name = value ",,""Signe gal rencontr au dbut d une ligne. Une paire nom/valeur du
type ""nom = valeur"" tait plutt attendue"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Found a resource that had a new line in it, but couldn t find the equal sign wi
thin! Length: {0} name: {1} .",,"Ressource avec une nouvelle ligne, mais ne c
ontenant pas de signe gal. Longueur: {0} nom: {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Missing value! Expected a name / value pair like name = value . Name was ""
{0}"""",,""Valeur manquante. Une paire nom/valeur du type ""nom = valeur"" tait p
lutt attendue. Le nom tait ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""Couldn t find the linked resources file ""{0}"" listed in the assembly manifes
t."",,""Impossible de trouver un fichier de ressources lies ""{0}"" rpertori dans l
e manifeste d assembly."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This assembly claims to contain neutral resources, but doesn t contain any .res
ources files as manifest resources. Either the NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribut
e was wrong, or there is a build-related problem with this assembly.",,"Cet asse
mbly dclare contenir des ressources neutres, mais ne contient pas de fichiers .re
sources comme ressources de manifeste. NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute tait inc
orrect ou cet assembly prsente un problme li la build.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only strings can be written to a .txt or .restext file; the value of {0} is a
{1} ",,"Seules des chanes peuvent tre crites dans un fichier .txt ou .restext; la
valeur de {0} est un {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified output directory {0} does not exist.",,"Le rpertoire de sortie spci
fi {0} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Read in {0} resources from ""{1}"""",,""Lit dans les ressources {0} partir de
""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The specified response file doesn t exist. You passed in ""{0}""."",,""Le fich
ier rponse spcifi n existe pas. Vous avez pass ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/str is not supported with assemblies (.resources.dll, .dll or .exe) as input.\
r\nUse ResGen /? for usage information.",,"/str n est pas pris en charge avec le
s assemblys (.resources.dll, .dll ou .exe) comme entres.\r\nUtilisez ResGen /? po
ur obtenir des informations sur l utilisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The assembly ""{0}"" says it is a satellite assembly, but it contains code. Ma
in assemblies shouldn t specify the assembly culture in their manifest, and sate
llites should not contain code. This is almost certainly an error in your build
process."",,""L assembly ""{0}"" dclare tre un assembly satellite, mais il contie
nt du code. Les assembly principaux ne doivent pas spcifier la culture d assembly
dans leur manifeste et les satellites ne doivent pas contenir de code. Il y a c
ertainement une erreur dans votre processus de gnration."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This assembly claims to be a satellite assembly, but doesn t contain any proper
ly named .resources files as manifest resources. The name of the files should e
nd in {0}.resources. There is probably a build-related problem with this assemb
ly.",,"Cet assembly dclare tre un assembly satellite, mais ne contient aucun fichi
er .resources correctement nomm comme ressource de manifeste. Le nom des fichiers
doit finir par {0}.resources. Cet assembly prsente probablement un problme li la b
uild.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The assembly in file ""{0}"" has an assembly culture, indicating it is a satel
lite assembly for culture ""{1}"". But satellite assembly simple names must end

in "".resources"", while this one s simple name is ""{2}"". This is either a m

ain assembly with the culture incorrectly set, or a satellite assembly with an i
ncorrect simple name."",,""L assembly dans le fichier ""{0}"" a une culture d as
sembly, ce qui indique qu il s agit d un assembly satellite pour la culture ""{1
}"". Toutefois, les noms simples d assembly satellite doivent finir par "".resou
rces"", alors que le nom simple de celui-ci est ""{2}"". Il s agit soit d un ass
embly principal dont la culture est dfinie de manire incorrecte, soit d un assembl
y satellite avec un nom simple incorrect."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""Specific exception: ""{0}"" Message: ""{1}"""",,""Exception spcifique: ""{0}""
Message: ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""[strings]"" tag is no longer necessary in your text files. Please remov
e it."",,""La balise ""[strings]"" n est plus ncessaire dans vos fichiers texte.
Supprimez-la."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found an #endif without a matching #ifdef.",,"#endif trouv sans #ifdef correspon
dant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found an #ifdef but not a matching #endif before reaching the end of the file.
Unmatched #ifdef: ""{0}""."",,""#ifdef trouv, mais pas de #endif correspondant
avant la fin du fichier . #ifdef: ""{0}"" non appari."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unknown file extension ""{0}"" for file ""{1}"""",,""Extension de fichier inco
nnue ""{0}"" pour le fichier ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Could not create a property on the strongly typed resource class for the resou
rce name ""{0}""."",,""Impossible de crer une proprit sur la classe de ressource fo
rtement type pour le nom de ressource ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Invalid or unrecognized UltimateResourceFallbackLocation value in the NeutralR
esourcesLanguageAttribute for assembly ""{1}"". Location: ""{0}"""",,""Valeur Ul
timateResourceFallbackLocation non valide ou non reconnue dans NeutralResourcesL
anguageAttribute pour l assembly ""{1}"". Emplacement: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Microsoft (R) .NET Resource Generator \r\n[Microsoft .Net Framework, Version {
0}]\r\n{1}\r\n\r\nUsage:\r\n ResGen inputFile.ext [outputFile.ext] [/str:lang[
,namespace[,class[,file]]]]\r\n ResGen [options] /compile inputFile1.ext[,outp
utFile1.resources] [...]\r\n\r\nWhere .ext is .resX, .restext, .txt, or .resourc
es\r\n\r\nConverts files from one resource format to another. If the output\r\n
filename is not specified, inputFile.resources will be used.\r\nOptions:\r\n/com
Converts a list of resource files from one format to another\r\n
in one bulk operation. By default, it converts into .resources\r\n
files, using inputFile[i].resources for the output file name.\r\n
/str:<language>[,<namespace>[,<class name>[,<file name>]]]] \r\n
Creates a strongly-typed resource class in the specified\r\n
ramming language using CodeDOM. In order for the strongly\r\n
ed resource class to work properly, the name of your output \r\n
file without the .resources must match the\r\n
ame of your strongly typed resource class.\r\n
You may need to re
name your output file before using it or\r\n
embedding it into an
assembly. \r\n/useSourcePath Use each source file s directory as the current d
for resolving relative file paths.\r\n/publicClass
Create the strongly typed resource class as a public class.\r\n
This option is ignored if the /str: option is not used.\r\n/r:<assembly> Load
types from these assemblies. A ResX file with a previous\r\n
sion of a type will use the one in this assembly, when set.\r\n/define:A[,B] F
or #ifdef support in .ResText files, pass a comma-separated\r\n
ist of symbols. ResText files can use ""#ifdef A"" or ""#if !B"".\r\n\r\nMiscel
Read response file for more options. At most one res
ponse file\r\n
may be specified, and its entries must be line-sep
arated.\r\n\r\n.restext .txt files have this format:\r\n\r\n
# Use # at the
beginning of a line for a comment character.\r\n
more elabo

rate name=value\r\n\r\nExample response file contents: \r\n\r\n

# Use # at th
e beginning of a line for a comment character.\r\n
"",,""Microsoft (R) .NET Resource Generator \r\n[Microsoft .NET Framework, Versi
on {0}]\r\n{1}\r\n\r\nUtilisation:\r\n ResGen inputFile.ext [outputFile.ext] [/
str:langage[,espace de noms[,classe[,fichier]]]]\r\n ResGen [options] /compile
inputFile1.ext[,outputFile1.resources] [...]\r\n\r\nO .ext est .resX, .restext,
.txt ou .resources\r\n\r\nConvertit les fichiers d un format de ressource en un
autre. Si le nom\r\nde fichier de sortie n est pas spcifi, inputFile.resources ser
a utilis.\r\nOptions:\r\n/compile
Convertit une liste de fichiers de ressou
rces d un format en un autre\r\n
en une opration en bloc. Par dfaut
, la conversion produit des fichiers .resources\r\n
en utilisant
inputFile[i].resources comme nom de fichier de sortie.\r\n/str:<langage>[,<espac
e de noms>[,<nom de classe>[,<nom de fichier>]]]] \r\n
Cre une cla
sse de ressource fortement type dans le langage de\r\n
on spcifi l aide de CodeDOM. Pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de la classe\r\n
de ressources fortement type, le nom du fichier de sortie \r\n
sans .resources doit correspondre au nom\r\n
de noms.]nom de classe de la classe de ressources fortement type.\r\n
Vous devrez peut-tre renommer le fichier de sortie avant de l utiliser ou de\
l incorporer dans un assembly. \r\n/useSourcePath Utilise le
rpertoire de chaque fichier source comme rpertoire actif\r\n
rsoudre les chemins de fichier relatifs.\r\n/publicClass
Cre la classe de resso
urce fortement type en tant que classe publique.\r\n
Cette option
est ignore lorsque l option /str: n est pas utilise.\r\n/r:<assembly> Charge les
types partir de cet assembly. Un fichier ResX avec une version\r\n
antrieure d un type utilisera la version contenue dans cet assembly, si elle e
st dfinie.\r\n/define:A[,B] Pour la prise en charge #ifdef dans les fichiers .R
esText, passe une liste de symboles\r\n
spare par des virgules. Le
s fichiers ResText peuvent utiliser ""#ifdef A"" ou ""#if !B"".\r\n\r\nDivers:\r\
Lit le fichier rponse pour plus d option. Un seul fichier rponse\
doit tre spcifi et ses entres doivent tre spares par des lignes.\r\
\r\nLes fichiers .restext .txt ont le format suivant:\r\n\r\n
# Utilisez # au
dbut d une ligne pour un caractre de commentaire.\r\n
nom pl
us labor=valeur\r\n\r\nExemple de contenu de fichier rponse: \r\n\r\n
# Utilisez
# au dbut d une ligne pour un commentaire.\r\n
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Microsoft (R) .NET Resource Generator \r\n[Microsoft .Net Framework, Version {
0}]\r\n{1}\r\n\r\nUsage:\r\n ResGen inputFile.ext [outputFile.ext] [/str:lang[
,namespace[,class[,file]]]]\r\n ResGen [options] /compile inputFile1.ext[,outp
utFile1.resources] [...]\r\n ResGen inputFile.ext2 [outputDirectory]\r\nWhere
.ext is .resX, .restext, .txt or .resources\r\nand .ext2 is .resources.dll, .dll
or .exe. outputDirectory must already exist.\r\nResources will be extracted und
er outputDirectory in resW format.\r\n\r\nConverts files from one resource forma
t to another. If the output\r\nfilename is not specified, inputFile.resources w
ill be used.\r\nOptions:\r\n/compile
Converts a list of resource files fr
om one format to another\r\n
in one bulk operation. By default,
it converts into .resources\r\n
files, using inputFile[i].resourc
es for the output file name.\r\n/str:<language>[,<namespace>[,<class name>[,<fil
e name>]]]] \r\n
Creates a strongly-typed resource class in the s
programming language using CodeDOM. In order for the
typed resource class to work properly, the name of
your output \r\n
file without the .resources must match the\r\n
[namespace.]classname of your strongly typed resource class.\r\n
You may need to rename your output file before using it or\r\n
embedding it into an assembly. \r\n/useSourcePath Use each source f
ile s directory as the current directory\r\n
for resolving relati
ve file paths.\r\n/publicClass
Create the strongly typed resource class as a
public class.\r\n
This option is ignored if the /str: option is n

ot used.\r\n/r:<assembly> Load types from these assemblies. A ResX file with a

version of a type will use the one in this assembly
, when set.\r\n/define:A[,B] For #ifdef support in .ResText files, pass a comm
list of symbols. ResText files can use ""#ifdef
A"" or ""#if !B"".\r\n\r\nMiscellaneous:\r\n@<file>
Read response file f
or more options. At most one response file\r\n
may be specified,
and its entries must be line-separated.\r\n\r\n.restext .txt files have this fo
# Use # at the beginning of a line for a comment character.\r\n
more elaborate name=value\r\n\r\nExample response file con
tents: \r\n\r\n
# Use # at the beginning of a line for a comment character.\r
le2.resx,file2.resources\r\n\r\n"",,""Microsoft (R) .NET Resource Generator \r\n
[Microsoft .Net Framework, Version {0}]\r\n{1}\r\n\r\nUtilisation:\r\n ResGen i
nputFile.ext [outputFile.ext] [/str:lang[,espace de noms[,classe[,fichier]]]]\r\
n ResGen [options] /compile inputFile1.ext[,outputFile1.resources] [...]\r\n
ResGen inputFile.ext2 [outputDirectory]\r\nO .ext est .resX, .restext, .txt ou .
resources\r\net .ext2 est .resources.dll, .dll ou .exe. outputDirectory doit dj ex
ister.\r\nLes ressources seront extraites sous outputDirectory au format resW.\r
\n\r\nConvertit une liste de fichiers de ressources d un format en un autre. Si
le nom \r\nde fichier de sortie n est pas spcifi, inputFile.resources sera utilis.
Convertit une liste de fichiers de ressources d
un format en un autre\r\n
en une opration en bloc. Par dfaut, la co
nversion produit des fichiers .resources\r\n
, en utilisant input
File[i].resources comme nom de fichier de sortie.\r\n/str:<langage>[,<espace de
noms>[,<nom de classe>[,<nom de fichier>]]]] \r\n
Cre une classe d
e ressource fortement type dans le langage de\r\n
programmation spc
ifi l aide de CodeDOM. Pour garantir le bon fonctionnement de la classe\r\n
de ressources fortement type, le nom du fichier de sortie \r\n
sans .resources doit correspondre au nom\r\n
[espace de no
ms.]nom de classe de la classe de ressources fortement type.\r\n
ous devrez peut-tre renommer le fichier de sortie avant de l utiliser ou de\r\n
l incorporer dans un assembly. \r\n/useSourcePath Utilise le rpert
oire de chaque fichier source comme rpertoire actif\r\n
pour rsoudr
e les chemins de fichier relatifs.\r\n/publicClass
Cre la classe de ressource
fortement type en tant que classe publique.\r\n
Cette option est i
gnore lorsque l option /str: n est pas utilise.\r\n/r:<assembly> Charge les type
s partir de cet assembly. Un fichier ResX avec une version\r\n
trieure d un type utilisera la version contenue dans cet assembly, si elle est dfi
nie.\r\n/define:A[,B] Pour la prise en charge #ifdef dans les fichiers .ResTex
t, passe une liste de symboles\r\n
spare par des virgules. Les fic
hiers ResText peuvent utiliser ""#ifdef A"" ou ""#if !B"".\r\n\r\nDivers:\r\n@<fi
Lit le fichier rponse pour plus d option. Un seul fichier rponse\r\n
doit tre spcifi et ses entres doivent tre spares par des lignes.\r\n\r\n
es fichiers .restext .txt ont le format suivant:\r\n\r\n
# Utilisez # au dbut
d une ligne pour un caractre de commentaire.\r\n
nom plus lab
or=valeur\r\n\r\nExemple de contenu de fichier rponse: \r\n\r\n
# Utilisez # au
dbut d une ligne pour un commentaire.\r\n
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Language names valid for the /str:<language> option are:",,"Les noms de langue
valides pour l option /str:<langue> sont:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"{0} warnings(s).",,"{0} avertissements.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
""Couldn t write output file ""{0}"""",,""Impossible d crire le fichier de sortie
""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot create an add-in. An add-in adapter was loaded into the host s appdoma
in, which can cause subtle problems involving loader contexts. Ensure the add-i
n adapter doesn t exist alongside the host s executable or hasn t been otherwise
loaded. Add-in Adapter assembly: ""{0}"" Expected location: ""{1}""\r\nWe loa

ded the assembly from the following locations: {2}"",,""Impossible de crer un com
plment. Un adaptateur de complment a t charg dans l appdomain de l hte, ce qui peut pr
ovoquer de lgers problmes en ce qui concerne les contextes du chargeur. Vrifiez que
l adaptateur de complment n existe pas en plus de l excutable de l hte ou qu il n
a pas t d une faon ou d une autre charg. Assembly de l adaptateur de complment: ""{0}
"" Emplacement attendu: ""{1}""\r\nL assembly a t charg partir des emplacements sui
vants: {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add-in Adapters must be marshal-by-reference objects. Bad Add-in Adapter: {0}"
,,"Les adaptateurs de complment doivent tre des objets marshals par rfrence. Adaptate
ur de complment incorrect: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add-in adapters must implement an add-in contract (an interface derived from IC
ontract). Bad Add-in adapter: {0}",,"Les adaptateurs de complment doivent implmen
ter un contrat de complment (une interface drive de IContract). Adaptateur de complm
ent incorrect: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add-in Adapter {0} defined no usable constructors.",,"L adaptateur de complment
{0} n a pas dfini de constructeurs utilisables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add-in Adapter {0} defines a constructor that doesn t take one parameter. This
constructor can t be used in the add-in model.",,"L adaptateur de complment {0}
dfinit un constructeur qui ne prend pas de paramtre. Ce constructeur ne peut pas tr
e utilis dans le modle de complment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""AddInAdapter Name: ""{0}"" Location: ""{1}"""",,""AddInAdapter Nom: ""{0}"" E
mplacement: ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AddInBase must be an abstract base class or an interface. Type: {0}",,"AddInBa
se doit tre une classe de base abstraite ou une interface. Type: {0}",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""AddInBase Name: ""{0}"" Location: ""{1}"""",,""AddInBase Nom: ""{0}"" Emplace
ment: ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""An Add-in was found in the AddInViews folder. Name: ""{0}"" Location: ""{1}"
""",,""Un complment a t trouv dans le dossier AddInViews. Nom: ""{0}"" Emplacement:
""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add-in must specify a non-empty name in its AddInAttribute. Add-in: {0} in {1}
",,"Le complment doit spcifier un nom qui n est pas vide dans son AddInAttribute.
Complment: {0} dans {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Add-in Name must not be empty.",,"Le nom du complment ne doit pas tre vide.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Add-in is no longer available because it has been unloaded.",,"Le complment
n est plus disponible, car il a t dcharg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Add-in Name: ""{0}"" Location: ""{1}"""",,""Complment Nom: ""{0}"" Emplacement:
""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The appdomain has already been shut down.",,"L appdomain a dj t arrt.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"While examining an assembly for pipeline segments, got a FileNotFoundException:
{0} File Name: {1}",,"Lors de l examen d un assembly pour les segments de pipe
line, FileNotFoundException: {0} Nom de fichier: {1} reu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""While examining an assembly for pipeline segments, expected an assembly with a
certain identity but found a different one instead! Assembly: {0} Assembly iden
tity expected: ""{1}"" Found: ""{2}""."",,""Lors de l examen d un assembly pour
les segments de pipeline, assembly avec une certaine identit attendu, mais un ass
embly diffrent a t trouv! Assembly: {0} Identit d assembly attendue: ""{1}"" Trouv:
"."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"While examining an assembly for pipeline segments, got a {0}: {1} File Name: {
2}",,"Lors de l examen d un assembly pour les segments de pipeline, {0}: {1} obt
enu Nom de fichier: {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file is not a valid binary: {0}",,"Le fichier n est pas un binaire valide: {
0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Add-in store is corrupt. Please use AddInUtil and rebuild this store: {0}",

,"Le magasin de complments est endommag. Utilisez AddInUtil et rgnrez le magasin: {0}"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not find the add-in deployment cache file, ""{0}"". Please run AddInSto
re.Update or Rebuild (or run AddInUtil.exe on the command line). Also, ensure y
our code has permission to read this file."",,""Impossible de trouver le fichier
de cache de dploiement de complment, ""{0}"". Excutez AddInStore.Update ou Rebuild
(ou excutez AddInUtil.exe sur la ligne de commande). Vrifiez que votre code dispo
se des autorisations pour lire ce fichier."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t find an expected type! Full type name: {0}::{1} Please run AddInStore
.Update or Rebuild (or run AddInUtil.exe on the command line).",,"Impossible de
trouver un type attendu! Nom complet du fichier: {0}::{1} Excutez AddInStore.Updat
e ou Rebuild (ou excutez AddInUtil.exe sur la ligne de commande).",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Coded integer more than 4 bytes long",,"Entier cod de plus de 4 octets",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The assembly ""{0}"" should not be in location ""{1}"". Remove it to avoid loa
der context problems. "",,""L assembly ""{0}"" ne doit pas se trouver l emplacem
ent ""{1}"". Supprimez-le pour viter les problmes de contexte de chargeur. "",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The pipeline segment ""{0}"" is a generic type, and therefore cannot be used."
",,""Le segment de pipeline ""{0}"" est un type gnrique et ne peut pas tre utilis.""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot create an add-in. The add-in s contract assembly was loaded multiple t
imes from different locations. Ensure the contract doesn t exist alongside the
host s executable or hasn t been otherwise loaded. Contract assembly: ""{0}""
Expected location: ""{1}""\r\nWe loaded the assembly from the following location
s: {2}"",,""Impossible de crer un complment. L assembly de contrat du complment a t c
harg plusieurs fois partir de diffrents emplacements. Vrifiez que le contrat n exis
te pas en mme temps que l excutable de l hte ou n a pas t charg. Assembly du contrat:
"{0}"" Emplacement attendu: ""{1}""\r\nL assembly a t charg partir des emplacements
suivants: {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type has an AddInContractAttribute, but must be an interface! Name: {0}",,"Le
type a un AddInContractAttribute, mais doit tre une interface! Nom: {0}",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type has an AddInContractAttribute, but doesn t implement IContract! Name: {0}
",,"Le type a un AddInContractAttribute, mais n implmente pas IContract! Nom: {0}"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Contract Name: ""{0}"" Location: ""{1}"""",,""Contrat Nom: ""{0}"" Emplacemen
t: ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The add-in either was not activated through an AddInToken or has already been s
hut down.",,"Le complment n a pas t activ via un AddInToken ou a dj t arrt.",,"Text
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not create AddInProcess(32).exe process within the startup timeout of {0}
. ",,"Impossible de crer le processus AddInProcess(32).exe dans le dlai de dmarrag
e de {0}. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not connect {0} valid add-in model parts.",,"Impossible de crer {0} partie
s de modle de complment valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not connect up a part in a pipeline to its neighbors: {0}.",,"Impossible
de connecter une partie d un pipeline ses voisins: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add-In deployment cache file {0} is corrupted. Please use AddInUtil and rebuild
this store.",,"Le fichier de cache de dploiement de complment {0} est endommag. Ut
ilisez AddInUtil et rgnrez ce magasin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"System.AddIn.ContractBase warning: The following error occurred while unloading
AppDomain {0} : {1} . The AppDomain was not unloaded.",,"Avertissement Syste
m.AddIn.ContractBase: l erreur suivante s est produite lors du dchargement d AppDo
main {0} : {1} . L AppDomain n a pas t dcharg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"

"Each Add-In should be placed in its own subfolder, not in the root AddIn folder
. The following executable file was unexpected: {0}.",,"Chaque complment doit tre
plac dans son propre sous-dossier, et non dans le dossier Complment racine. Le fi
chier excutable suivant tait inattendu: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""Cannot find assembly ""{0}"" for inspection."",,""Impossible de trouver l asse
mbly ""{0}"" pour inspection."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The given folder ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""Le dossier ""{0}"" indiqu n exist
e pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a problem accessing file information. This may be caused by missing
file(s) or folder(s), unauthorized file(s) or folder(s), a full disk or another
issue. Run with ""Full Trust"" permissions for further information."",,""Un pr
oblme est survenu lors de l accs aux informations du fichier. Cela peut tre d des fi
chiers ou des dossiers manquants, des fichiers ou des dossiers non autoriss, un d
isque plein ou un autre problme. Excutez avec des autorisations ""Confiance totale
"" pour plus d informations."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A host adapter doesn t have any usable constructors! Type: {0}",,"Un adaptateu
r hte n a pas de constructeurs utilisables! Type: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""HostAdapter Name: ""{0}"" Location: ""{1}"""",,""HostAdapter Nom: ""{0}"" Emp
lacement: ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It s generic - don t do this.",,"Ne pas utiliser de gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The host adapter ""{0}"" defined an unusable constructor. Parameter must be a
n interface that extends System.AddIn.IContract. Bad parameter: ""{1}"""",,""L
adaptateur hte ""{0}"" a dfini un constructeur inutilisable. Le paramtre doit tre un
e interface qui tend System.AddIn.IContract. Paramtre incorrect: ""{1}"""",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The host adapter ""{0}"" defined an unusable constructor. The constructor mus
t take one parameter that implements IContract."",,""L adaptateur hte ""{0}"" a df
ini un constructeur inutilisable. Le constructeur doit avoir un paramtre qui implm
ente IContract."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""System.AddIn.AddInStore.FindAddIn(s) warning: The type ""{0}"" is a generic ty
pe, and therefore cannot be used as a host view."",,""Avertissement System.AddIn
.AddInStore.FindAddIn(s): le type ""{0}"" est un type gnrique qui ne peut donc pas t
re utilis comme vue hte."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The Add-In base assembly ""{0}"" is identical to the Host Host View of Add-In
assembly except for the version number. The loader does not support loading the
se in the same appdomain. Either activate in an isolated appdomain or rename th
e Add-In base assembly."",,""L assembly de base du complment ""{0}"" est identiqu
e la vue hte d un assembly de complment l exception du numro de version. Le chargeu
r ne prend pas en charge le chargement de ces deux lments dans le mme appdomain. Ac
tivez dans un appdomain isol ou renommez l assembly de base du complment."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"While inspecting an assembly, caught a {0}: {1} This occurred while inspecting
assembly {2}.",,"Lors de l inspection d un assembly, {0}: {1} a t intercept. Cela s
est produit lors de l inspection de l assembly {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot launch a 64-bit process on a 32-bit operating system.",,"Impossible de l
ancer un processus 64 bits sur un systme d exploitation 32 bits.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This file is not a valid binary. ",,"Ce fichier n est pas un binaire valide. ",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The metadata for this file is corrupted.",,"Les mtadonnes pour ce fichier sont en
dommages.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The metadata for this file is corrupted. The row number can t be 0.",,"Les mtad
onnes pour ce fichier sont endommages. Le numro de ligne ne peut pas tre gal 0.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The metadata for this file is corrupted. Invalid metadata token. Seek to row {
0}, but table {1} ({2}) only has {3} rows.",,"Les mtadonnes pour ce fichier sont e

ndommages. Le jeton de mtadonnes n est pas valide. Recherche de la ligne {0}, mais
la table {1} ({2}) n a que {3} lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"There was a problem accessing the add-in pipeline.",,"Un problme est survenu lor
s de l accs au pipeline du complment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""The parameter ""{0}"" is not a valid PipelineStoreLocation value."",,""Le para
mtre ""{0}"" n est pas une valeur PipelineStoreLocation valide."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The lifetime token was not found.",,"Le jeton de dure de vie est introuvable.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MakeRelativePath requires two related paths.",,"MakeRelativePath requiert deux
chemins associs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AddInProcess executable is missing. Path: {0}.",,"L excutable AddInProcess e
st manquant. Chemin: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The registry entry for the path to AddInProcess is missing.",,"L entre du Regist
re pour le chemin vers AddInProcess est manquante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No support for multi-file assemblies. Assembly: {0}",,"Aucune prise en charge
pour les assemblys multifichiers. Assembly: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No support for multi-module assemblies. Assembly: {0}",,"Aucune prise en charg
e pour les assemblys multimodules. Assembly: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An add-in s base was an interface, but there were multiple interfaces marked as
being valid add-in bases. Add-in {0} in {1}",,"Une base de complment tait une in
terface, mais plusieurs interfaces taient marques comme tant des bases de complment
valides. Complment {0} dans {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must specify the security level when calling this method with this AddInEnviron
ment",,"Doit spcifier le niveau de scurit lorsque cette mthode est appele avec ce Add
InEnvironment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Out of process activation requires Execution security permissions in the add-in
appdomain.",,"L activation hors processus requiert des autorisations de scurit Exc
ution dans l appdomain du complment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The metadata for this file is corrupted. Cannot seek to a nil metadata token.
{0}",,"Les mtadonnes pour ce fichier sont endommages. Impossible de rechercher dans
un jeton de mtadonnes nil. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""AddIn ""{0}"" is not derived from an add-in base. Assembly: {1}"",,""Le complm
ent ""{0}"" n est pas driv d une base du complment. Assembly: {1}"",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There were no add-in bases found in ""{0}"""",,""Aucune base du complment trouve
dans ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a valid add-in in the directory {0}.",,"Impossible de trouver un
complment valide dans le rpertoire {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""No usable {0} parts could be found in assembly ""{1}""."",,""Aucune partie {0}
utilisable n a t trouve dans l assembly ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a public default constructor for add-in {0} in {1}.",,"Impossibl
e de trouver un constructeur public par dfaut pour le complment {0} dans {1}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly is not strongly named.",,"L assembly n a pas un nom fort.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported type {0} from assembly {1}. Either a constructor has an invalid pa
rameter for the add-in model, or the assembly isn t currently supported.",,"Type
{0} non pris en charge partir de l assembly {1}. Un constructeur a un paramtre n
on valide pour le modle de complment ou l assembly n est pas actuellement pris en
charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting and stopping an AddInProcess is only allowed for external processes, n

ot the current process.",,"Le dmarrage et l arrt d un AddInProcess est autoris uniq

uement pour les processus externes, et non pour le processus actuel.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial trust hosts must activate add-ins in the current appdomain or a new app
domain.",,"Les htes de confiance partielle doivent activer les complments dans l a
ppdomain actuel ou un nouvel appdomain.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Path can t be an empty string",,"Le chemin ne peut pas tre une chane vide",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The required folder ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""Le dossier requis ""{0}"" n e
xiste pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The process is already running.",,"Le processus est dj en cours d excution.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The process was either not started or already shut down.",,"Le processus n a pa
s dmarr ou est dj arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Once all outstanding references to a Contract have been revoked, new ones may n
ot be acquired.",,"Une fois que toutes les rfrences un contrat en attente ont t rvoqu
s, de nouvelles ne peuvent pas tre acquises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The type cannot be an empty string",,"Le type ne peut pas tre une chane vide",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The type ""{0}"" could not be found in assembly ""{1}"""",,""Le type ""{0}"" e
st introuvable dans l assembly ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""The type ""{0}"" is neither serializable nor a derivative of IContract."",,""L
e type ""{0}"" n est pas srialisable ni un driv de IContract."",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TypedByRef not allowed here",,"TypedByRef n est pas autoris ici",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpectedly loading a satellite assembly, there should not be any code in a sa
tellite assembly. File Name: {0}",,"Chargement inattendu d un assembly satellit
e, l assembly satellite ne doit pas contenir de code. Nom de fichier: {0}",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The metadata for this file is corrupted:{1} .Contains non-empty, unknown metada
ta table {0}.",,"Les mtadonnes pour ce fichier sont endommages: {1}. Contient une ta
ble de mtadonnes inconnue non vide {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Unknown named parameter to AddInAttribute constructor: {0} Add-in {1} in {2}",
,"Paramtre nomm inconnu pour le constructeur AddInAttribute : {0} Complment {1} da
ns {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" The metadata for this file is corrupted:{1}. Support for token types of {0} is
not yet implemented.",," Les mtadonnes pour ce fichier sont endommages:{1}. La pris
e en charge pour les types de jeton de {0} n est pas encore implmente.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not parse a constructor s signature for type {0}. Caught a {1}: {2}",,"I
mpossible d analyser une signature de constructeur pour le type {0}. {1}: {2} i
ntercept",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The constructor has an invalid parameter type: {0}",,"Le constructeur a un type
de paramtre non valide: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update has encountered warning situation(s) examining assemblies, but due to se
curity restrictions, is not returning them. Rerun the application under the ful
l trust to see the warnings, or run AddInUtil.exe from the command prompt.",,"La
mise jour a rencontr des avertissements lors de l examen des assemblys, mais en
raison de limitations de scurit, elle ne les retourne pas. Rexcutez l application av
ec une confiance totale pour afficher ces avertissements ou excutez AddInUtil.exe
partir de l invite de commandes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
".NET Framework",,".NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"" {0} cannot be an empty string ("""")."",,"" {0} ne peut pas tre une chane vid

e ("""")."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The value of argument {0} ({1}) is invalid for Enum type {2} .",,"La valeur
de l argument {0} ({1}) n est pas valide pour le type Enum {2} .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of argument {0} ({1}) is not supported. Allowed values are : {2} .
",,"La valeur de l argument {0} ({1}) n est pas prise en charge. Les valeurs a
utorises sont: {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument was a value type which is not supported.",,"L argument tait un type
valeur qui n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" {0} is a reflection-only assembly which is not supported.",," {0} est un ass
embly de rflexion uniquement qui n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} contains a reflection-only type which is not supported.",," {0} contient
un type de rflexion uniquement qui n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" exports cannot be empty when ImportDefinition.ImportCardinality is ImportCard
inality.ExactlyOne.",," exports ne peut pas tre vide lorsque ImportDefinition.Im
portCardinality a la valeur ImportCardinality.ExactlyOne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" exports cannot contain more than one element when ImportDefinition.ImportCard
inality is ImportCardinality.ZeroOrOne or ImportCardinality.ExactlyOne.",," expo
rts ne peut pas contenir plusieurs lments lorsque ImportDefinition.ImportCardinal
ity a la valeur ImportCardinality.ZeroOrOne ou ImportCardinality.ExactlyOne.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} cannot contain a null (Nothing in Visual Basic) element.",," {0} ne peut
pas contenir un lment null (Nothing en Visual Basic).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} returns a mapped type that is a reflection-only type which is not support
ed.",," {0} retourne un type mapp de type rflexion uniquement qui n est pas pris
en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly file {0} is either not found or not a dll or exe file.",,"Le fichier d
assembly {0} est introuvable ou n est pas un fichier DLL ou EXE.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The atomicComposition can no longer be changed because the atomicComposition ha
s already been completed.",,"atomicComposition ne peut plus tre modifi, car atomic
Composition est dj termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The atomicComposition already contains an inner atomicComposition and cannot co
ntain more than one atomicComposition at a time.",,"atomicComposition contient dj
un atomicComposition interne et ne peut pas contenir plusieurs atomicComposition
la fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The atomicComposition contains another inner atomicComposition and cannot be ch
anged until the that inner atomicComposition has been completed.",,"atomicCompos
ition contient un autre atomicComposition interne et ne peut pas tre modifi tant q
ue cet atomicComposition interne n est pas termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No exports were found that match the constraint: {0}",,"Aucune exportation corr
espondant la contrainte {0} n a t trouve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"More than one export was found that matches the constraint: {0}",,"Plusieurs ex
portations correspondant la contrainte {0} ont t trouves.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ScopingPolicyCatalog does not support catalog mutation.",,"ScopingPolicyCatalog
ne prend pas en charge la mutation de catalogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown Origin",,"Origine inconnue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The composition remains unchanged. The changes were rejected because of the fol
lowing error(s): {0}",,"La composition reste inchange. Les modifications ont t reje
tes en raison des erreurs suivantes: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Element: {0}",,"lment: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resulting in:",,"Rsultat:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create an instance of the Metadata view {0} because a constructor c
ould not be selected. Ensure that the type implements a constructor which takes
an argument of type IDictionary<string, object>.",,"Impossible de crer une insta
nce dans la vue de mtadonnes {0} , car un constructeur n a pas pu tre slectionn. Vrif
iez que le type implmente un constructeur qui accepte un argument de type IDictio
nary<chane, objet>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The composition produced multiple composition errors, with {0:N0} root causes.
The root causes are provided below.",,"La composition a produit plusieurs erreur
s de composition, avec {0:N0} causes initiales. Ces causes initiales sont fourni
es ci-aprs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Review the CompositionException.Errors property for more detailed information."
,,"Pour plus d informations, passez en revue la proprit CompositionException.Error
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The composition produced a single composition error, with {0:N0} root causes. T
he root causes are provided below.",,"La composition a produit une seule erreur
de composition, avec {0:N0} causes initiales. Ces causes initiales sont fournies
ci-aprs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The composition produced a single composition error. The root cause is provided
below.",,"La composition a produit une seule erreur de composition. La cause in
itiale est fournie ci-aprs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The catalog {0} could not load assembly {1} . {2}",,"Le catalogue {0} n a
pas pu charger l assembly {1} . {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The ComposablePartDefinition {0} was ignored because it contains no exports."
,,"Le ComposablePartDefinition {0} a t ignor, car il ne contient aucune exportati
on.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ComposablePartDefinition {0} was ignored because it was marked with PartN
otDiscoverableAttribute.",,"Le ComposablePartDefinition {0} a t ignor, car il tait
marqu avec PartNotDiscoverableAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The composable part definition {0} was ignored because the export {1} has d
ifferent generic parameters than the part type.",,"La dfinition d lment composable
{0} a t ignore, car les paramtres gnriques de l exportation {1} sont diffrents du
ype d lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The member or parameter {0} is marked with multiple Import and ImportMany att
ributes. Only the first attribute encountered will be respected.",,"Le membre ou
paramtre {0} est marqu avec plusieurs attributs Import et ImportMany. Seul le p
remier attribut rencontr sera respect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The ComposablePartDefinition {0} has been rejected. {1}",,"Le ComposablePartD
efinition {0} a t rejet. {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ComposablePartDefinition {0} that was previously rejected has been resurr
ected.",,"Le ComposablePartDefinition {0} prcdemment rejet a t ractiv.",,"Text",,"Al
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot cast the underlying exported value of type {0} to type {1} .",,"Impos
sible d effectuer un cast de la valeur exporte sous-jacente de type {0} en type
{1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view {0} because the exporter ex
ported the metadata for the item {1} with the value {2} as type {3} but t
he view imports it as type {4} .",,"Impossible de crer une instance dans la vue
de mtadonnes {0} , car l exportateur a export les mtadonnes de l lment {1} avec la
aleur {2} comme type {3} , mais la vue les importe en tant que type {4} .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The implementation type for the MetadataView {0} can not be null.",,"Le type d
implmentation pour MetadataView {0} ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view {0} because the implementat

ion class : {0} does not implement the MetadataView interface {1} .",,"Imposs
ible de crer une instance de la vue Metadata {0} car la classe d implmentation
{0} n implmente pas l interface MetadataView {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create an Instance of the Metadata view {0} because the exporter ex
ported the metadata for the item {1} with a null value and null is not a valid
value for type {2} .",,"Impossible de crer une instance dans la vue de mtadonnes
{0} , car l exportateur a export les mtadonnes de l lment {1} avec une valeur null
, alors que null n est pas une valeur valide pour le type {2} .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Directory {0} could not be found.",,"Impossible de trouver le rpertoire {0} .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member or Type {0} contains multiple metadata entries with the name {1} . Th
e metadata entries could be coming from the ExportMetadataAttribute or from a pr
operty of a custom metadata attribute. Either remove the duplicate entries or en
able the metadata entry with name {1} to allow multiple entries via the IsMult
iple property on ExportMetadataAttribute or AttributeUsage.AllowMultiple on cust
om metadata attributes.",,"Le membre ou type {0} contient plusieurs entres de mt
adonnes portant le nom {1} . Les entres de mtadonnes proviennent peut-tre d ExportMe
tadataAttribute ou d une proprit d un attribut de mtadonnes personnalis. Supprimez le
s entres en double ou activez l entre de mtadonnes portant le nom {1} de faon autor
iser plusieurs entres via la proprit IsMultiple sur ExportMetadataAttribute ou Attr
ibuteUsage.AllowMultiple sur les attributs de mtadonnes personnaliss.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} has type {1} which is an invalid metadata type. Metadata can o
nly contain values with a type that is available to be embedded at compile-time
into attributes. For more details of what types are valid reference section 17.1
.3 in the C# specification.",,"La proprit {0} possde le type {1} , qui est un ty
pe de mtadonnes non valide. Les mtadonnes ne peuvent contenir que des valeurs dont l
e type peut tre incorpor dans des attributs au moment de la compilation. Pour plus
d informations sur les types valides, reportez-vous la section17.1.3 de la spcifi
cationC# .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member or Type {0} contains a metadata entry with the name {1} , which is a
reserved metadata key name. Either remove this metadata entry or change the name
associated with the entry.",,"Le membre ou type {0} contient une entre de mtado
nnes portant le nom {1} , lequel est un nom de cl de mtadonnes rserv. Supprimez cette
entre de mtadonnes ou modifiez le nom associ l entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} did not originate from the ExportDefinitions property on this ComposablePar
t or its ComposablePartDefinition.",,"{0} ne provient pas de la proprit ExportDefi
nitions sur ce ComposablePart ou sur son ComposablePartDefinition.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExportFactory subclass {0} can not have more than two generic parameters.",,"
La sous-classe ExportFactory {0} ne peut pas comporter plus de deux paramtres gnr
iques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Export is not valid on an Indexer property. The export {0} was not retrieved
.",,"L exportation n est pas valide sur une proprit Indexer. L exportation {0} n
a pas t rcupre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} did not originate from the ImportDefinitions property on this ComposablePar
t or its ComposablePartDefinition.",,"{0} ne provient pas de la proprit ImportDefi
nitions sur ce ComposablePart ou sur son ComposablePartDefinition.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The composition failed because it did not complete within {0:N0} iterations.
This is most likely caused by a cycle in the dependency graph of a part which is
marked with a non-shared creation policy.",,"La composition a chou, car elle ne s
est pas termine en {0:N0} itrations. Cela est probablement d un cycle dans le grap
hique de dpendance d un composant qui est marqu avec une stratgie de cration non par
tage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ComposablePart of type {0} cannot be recomposed because it is in an inval
id state. It can only be recomposed if it has already been fully previewed or co

mposed.",,"Impossible de recomposer le ComposablePart de type {0} , car il est

dans un tat non valide. Il ne peut tre recompos que s il a dj t totalement affich sou
orme d aperu ou s il a dj t totalement compos.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot activate part {0} .",,"Impossible d activer le composant {0} .",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get export {0} from part {1} .",,"Impossible d obtenir l exportation
{0} du composant {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set import {0} on part {1} .",,"Impossible de dfinir l importation {0
} sur le composant {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot compose part {0} because a cycle exists in the dependencies between th
e exports being composed. To break this cycle, consider changing some imports fr
om constructor to property injection.",,"Impossible de composer le composant {0
} , car il existe un cycle dans les dpendances entre les exportations en cours de
composition. Pour rompre ce cycle, modifiez certaines importations en remplaant
l injection de constructeurs par l injection de proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Change in exports prevented by non-recomposable import {0} on part {1} .",,"
Modification des exportations empche par l importation non recomposable {0} sur
le composant {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not finishing composing object of type {0} . The import {1} was not sa
tisfied.",,"Impossible de terminer la composition de l objet de type {0} . L im
portation {1} n a pas t satisfaite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Import is not valid on an Indexer property. The import {0} was not satisfied
.",,"L importation n est pas valide sur une proprit Indexer. L importation {0} n
a pas t satisfaite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal error occurred. Additional information: {0} .",,"Une erreur interne s
est produite. Informations supplmentaires: {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" reflectionContext must be a type that is assignable from System.Reflection.Re
flectionContext.",,"Le type de reflectionContext doit pouvoir tre assign depuis
System.Reflection.ReflectionContext.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Metadata can only contain values with a type that is available to be embedded a
t compile-time into attributes. For more details of what types are valid referen
ce section 17.1.3 in the C# specification.",,"Les mtadonnes ne peuvent contenir qu
e des valeurs dont le type peut tre incorpor dans des attributs au moment de la co
mpilation. Pour plus d informations sur les types valides, reportez-vous la sect
ion17.1.3 de la spcificationC# .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Type {0} supplied is not a valid Metadata View.",,"Le type {0} fourni n
est pas une vue de mtadonnes valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"A call to Compose occurred during a call to Compose on the same CompositionCont
ainer object. Use the IsComposing property on CompositionContainer to ensure a c
omposition is not already in progress before calling Compose.",,"Un appel Compos
e s est produit pendant un appel Compose sur le mme objet CompositionContainer. U
tilisez la proprit IsComposing sur CompositionContainer pour garantir qu une compo
sition n est pas dj en cours avant d appeler Compose.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" definition cannot be set after Activate has been called because ImportDefinit
ion.IsRecomposable is false.",,"Impossible de dfinir definition aprs avoir appel
Activate, car ImportDefinition.IsRecomposable a la valeur false.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GetExportedValue cannot be called before prerequisite import {0} has been set
.",,"Impossible d appeler GetExportedValue avant d avoir dfini l importation prreq
uise {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AtomicComposition encountered an unexpected Exception, review InnerException fo
r details.",,"AtomicComposition a rencontr une exception inattendue. Pour plus d
informations, consultez InnerException.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"A CreationPolicy of (0) can not be applied to an Import that is not an Export
Factory.",,"Une stratgie CreationPolicy de (0) ne peut pas tre applique un Import
qui n est pas un ExportFactory.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MetadataView {0} is invalid because property {1} has a property set met
hod.",,"Le MetadataView {0} n est pas valide, car la proprit {1} a une mthode p
roperty-set.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessors must not be null (Nothing in Visual Basic).",,"Les accesseurs ne doiv
ent pas avoir la valeur null (Nothing en Visual Basic).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A member of type {0} must have exactly a single accessor of type {0} ",,"Un
membre de type {0} doit avoir exactement un seul accesseur de type {0} ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An event must have exactly three accessors.",,"Un vnement doit avoir exactement t
rois accesseurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A property must have exactly two accessors.",,"Une proprit doit avoir exactement
deux accesseurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A member must have at least one accessor.",,"Un membre doit avoir au moins un a
ccesseur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All event accessors must be methods.",,"Tous les accesseurs d vnement doivent tre
des mthodes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All property accessors must be methods.",,"Tous les accesseurs de proprit doivent
tre des mthodes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The lazily evaluated value of type {0} passed to the ReflectionModelServices
API as part of the argument {1} must not return null (Nothing in Visual Basic)
.",,"Une valeur value tardivement de type {0} qui est passe l API ReflectionModel
Services en tant qu lment de l argument {1} ne doit pas retourner une valeur nul
l (Nothing en Visual Basic).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This export does not support the metadata item {0} .",,"Cette exportation ne p
rend pas en charge l lment de mtadonnes {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The {0} member must be overridden by a derived class.",,"Le membre {0} doit tre
substitu par une classe drive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This CompositionService does not support catalog changes.",,"Ce CompositionServ
ice ne prend pas en charge les modifications de catalogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface {0} is not a valid MetadataView; MetadataViews do not support non-p
ublic interfaces, and interfaces that contain members that are not properties.",
,"L interface {0} n est pas un MetadataView valide; les MetadataView ne prennen
t pas en charge les interfaces non publiques, ni les interfaces contenant des me
mbres qui n ont pas de proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying dictionary is read-only.",,"Le dictionnaire sous-jacent est en l
ecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property cannot be set after the object s public surface has been accessed
.",,"Impossible de dfinir cette proprit une fois que la surface publique de l objet
a fait l objet d un accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This object has not been initialized - the property {0} must be set.",,"Impos
sible d initialiser cet objet- la proprit {0} doit tre dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Currently composing another batch in this ComposablePartExportProvider. Only on
e batch can be composed at a time.",,"Composition en cours d un autre lot dans c
e ComposablePartExportProvider. Un seul lot peut tre compos la fois.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A ReflectionContext must have a default constructor.",,"ReflectionContext doit
avoir un constructeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type specified in the ReflectionContextDiscoveryAttribute must be assignabl
e to System.Reflection.ReflectionContext.",,"Le type spcifi dans ReflectionContext
DiscoveryAttribute doit pouvoir tre assign System.Reflection.ReflectionContext.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get the value of property {0} , because the member is not readable. The

property must have an accessible getter.",,"Impossible d obtenir la valeur de l

a proprit {0} , car le membre n est pas lisible. La proprit doit avoir un accesseur
Get accessible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred while trying to get the value of property {0} .",,"Une e
xception s est produite lors de la tentative d obtention de la valeur de la prop
rit {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot populate the collection {0} because an exception occurred while callin
g the Add method on the type {1} .",,"Impossible de remplir la collection {0}
, car une exception s est produite lors de l appel de la mthode Add sur le type
{1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot populate the collection {0} because an exception occurred while callin
g the Clear method on the type {1} .",,"Impossible de remplir la collection {0
} , car une exception s est produite lors de l appel de la mthode Clear sur le ty
pe {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot populate the collection {0} because an exception occurred while callin
g the default constructor on the type {1} .",,"Impossible de remplir la collect
ion {0} , car une exception s est produite lors de l appel du constructeur par
dfaut sur le type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot populate the collection {0} because an exception occurred while trying
to access the collection value. If the collection is not IEnumerable<T> or T[]
it must implement ICollection<T> and be either pre-initialized or be writable wi
th a default constructor.",,"Impossible de remplir la collection {0} , car une
exception s est produite lors de la tentative d accs la valeur de la collection.
Si la collection n est pas IEnumerable<T> ou T[], elle doit implmenter ICollectio
n<T> et tre soit prinitialise soit accessible en criture avec un constructeur par dfa
ut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot populate the collection {0} because an exception occurred while readin
g the IsReadOnly property on the type {1} .",,"Impossible de remplir la collect
ion {0} , car une exception s est produite lors de la lecture de la proprit IsRea
dOnly sur le type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot populate the collection {0} because it does not implement ICollection<
T> or is read-only. If the collection is not IEnumerable<T> or T[] it must imple
ment ICollection<T> and be either pre-initialized or be writable with a default
constructor.",,"Impossible de remplir la collection {0} , car elle n implmente p
as ICollection<T> ou est en lecture seule. Si la collection n est pas IEnumerabl
e<T> ou T[], elle doit implmenter ICollection<T> et tre soit prinitialise soit acces
sible en criture avec un constructeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot populate the value of enumerable member {0} because it is null (Nothin
g in Visual Basic). If the collection is not IEnumerable<T> or T[] it must imple
ment ICollection<T> and be either pre-initialized or be writable with a default
constructor.",,"Impossible de remplir la valeur du membre numrable {0} , car elle
est null (Nothing en Visual Basic). Si la collection n est pas IEnumerable<T> o
u T[], elle doit implmenter ICollection<T> et tre soit prinitialise soit accessible
en criture avec un constructeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The importing constructor on type {0} is using ImportManyAttribute on paramet
er {1} with a non-assignable type. On constructor parameters the ImportManyAtt
ribute only supports importing into types T[] or IEnumerable<T>.",,"Le construct
eur d importation sur le type {0} utilise ImportManyAttribute sur le paramtre
{1} avec un type qui ne peut pas tre assign. Sur les paramtres du constructeur, Im
portManyAttribute prend uniquement en charge l importation dans des typesT[] ou I
Enumerable<T>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The export {0} is not assignable to type {1} .",,"L exportation {0} ne peu
t pas tre assigne au type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the value of {0} because the member is not writable. If the member
is a property, it must have an accessible setter; otherwise, if it is a field,
it must not be read-only.",,"Impossible de dfinir la valeur de {0} , car le memb
re n est pas accessible en criture. Si le membre est une proprit, il doit avoir une
mthode setter accessible; sinon, s il s agit d un champ, il ne doit pas tre en lec

ture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"An exception occurred while trying to set the value of property {0} .",,"Une e
xception s est produite lors de la tentative de dfinition de la valeur de la prop
rit {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ExportDefinition of type {0} cannot be used in this context. Only export defi
nitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateExportDefinition are suppo
rted.",,"Impossible d utiliser un ExportDefinition de type {0} dans ce context
e. Seules les dfinitions d exportation produites par ReflectionModelServices.Crea
teExportDefinition sont prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"ImportDefinition of type {0} cannot be used in this context. Only import defi
nitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition are suppo
rted.",,"Impossible d utiliser un ImportDefinition de type {0} dans ce context
e. Seules les dfinitions d importation produites par ReflectionModelServices.Crea
teImportDefinition sont prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"ImportDefinition of type {0} cannot be used in this context. Only import defi
nitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition based on
members are supported. Use ReflectionModelServices.IsImportingParameter to deter
mine whether a given import definition is based on a member or a parameter.",,"I
mpossible d utiliser un ImportDefinition de type {0} dans ce contexte. Seules
les dfinitions d importation produites par ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDe
finition bases sur des membres sont prises en charge. Utilisez ReflectionModelSer
vices.IsImportingParameter pour dterminer si une dfinition d importation donne est
base sur un membre ou sur un paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"ImportDefinition of type {0} cannot be used in this context. Only import defi
nitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreateImportDefinition based on
parameters are supported. Use ReflectionModelServices.IsImportingParameter to de
termine whether a given import definition is based on a member or a parameter.",
,"Impossible d utiliser un ImportDefinition de type {0} dans ce contexte. Seul
es les dfinitions d importation produites par ReflectionModelServices.CreateImpor
tDefinition bases sur des paramtres sont prises en charge. Utilisez ReflectionMode
lServices.IsImportingParameter pour dterminer si une dfinition d importation donne
est base sur un membre ou sur un paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"ComposablePartDefinition of type {0} cannot be used in this context. Only par
t definitions produced by the ReflectionModelServices.CreatePartDefinition are s
upported.",,"Impossible d utiliser un ComposablePartDefinition de type {0} dan
s ce contexte. Seules les dfinitions de composant produites par ReflectionModelSe
rvices.CreatePartDefinition sont prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of type {0} because a constructor could not be sele
cted for construction. Ensure that the type either has a default constructor, or
a single constructor marked with the System.ComponentModel.Composition.Importi
ngConstructorAttribute .",,"Impossible de crer une instance de type {0} , car un
constructeur n a pas pu tre slectionn pour la construction. Vrifiez que le type a u
n constructeur par dfaut ou un seul constructeur marqu avec System.ComponentModel
.Composition.ImportingConstructorAttribute .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred while trying to create an instance of type {0} .",,"Une
exception s est produite lors de la tentative de cration d une instance de type {
0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred while calling the OnImportsSatisfied method on type {0
} .",,"Une exception s est produite lors de l appel de la mthode OnImportsSatisf
ied sur le type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} (Types= {1} ).",,"{0} (Types= {1} ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"<Empty>",,"<Vide>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of argument {0} is not supported. The expression must use operator

new.",,"La valeur de l argument {0} n est pas prise en charge. L expression d

oit utiliser l oprateur new.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of argument {0} is not supported. The expression must be a propert
y member expression.",,"La valeur de l argument {0} n est pas prise en charge.
L expression doit tre une expression membre de la proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A constructor selection convention that would apply to Type {0} has been over
ridden by attributes applied in the source file or by a prior convention.",,"Une
convention de slection du constructeur qui s appliquerait au type {0} a t rempla
ce par des attributs appliqus dans le fichier source ou par une convention antrieur
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An Export specification convention that would apply to Member {0} of type {1
} has been overridden by attributes applied in the source file or by a prior co
nvention.",,"Une convention de spcification d exportation qui s appliquerait au m
embre {0} de type {1} a t remplace par des attributs appliqus dans le fichier so
urce ou par une convention antrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Only one import specification convention can apply to a single Member. More tha
n one convention specification applies to this Member {0} of Type {1} .",,"Un
e seule convention de spcification d importation peut s appliquer un membre uniqu
e. Plusieurs spcifications de convention s appliquent ce membre {0} de type {1
} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An Import specification convention that would apply to Member {0} of type {1
} has been overridden by attributes applied in the source file or by a prior co
nvention.",,"Une convention de spcification d importation qui s appliquerait au m
embre {0} de type {1} a t remplace par des attributs appliqus dans le fichier so
urce ou par une convention antrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"A ParameterImport specification convention that would apply to Parameter {0}
of Constructor {1} has been overridden by attributes applied in the source fil
e or by a prior convention.",,"Une convention de spcification ParameterImport qui
s appliquerait au paramtre {0} du constructeur {1} a t remplace par des attribu
ts appliqus dans le fichier source ou par une convention antrieure.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A PartCreationPolicy specification convention that would apply to Type {0} ha
s been overridden by attributes applied in the source file or by a prior convent
ion.",,"Une convention de spcification PartCreationPolicy qui s appliquerait au t
ype {0} a t remplace par des attributs appliqus dans le fichier source ou par une
convention antrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A PartMetadata specification convention that would apply to Type {0} has been
overridden by attributes applied in the source file or by a prior convention.",
,"Une convention de spcification PartMetadata qui s appliquerait au type {0} a t
remplace par des attributs appliqus dans le fichier source ou par une convention a
ntrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An Export specification convention that would apply to type {0} has been over
ridden by attributes applied in the source file or by a prior convention.",,"Une
convention de spcification d exportation qui s appliquerait au type {0} a t remp
lace par des attributs appliqus dans le fichier source ou par une convention antrie
ure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HashSet capacity is too big.",,"La capacit de HashSet est trop importante.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MaxLength should be greater than MinLength.",,"MaxLength doit tre suprieur MinLen
gth.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name {0} is already in use.",,"Le nom {0} est dj utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate parameter attributes with the same parameter set on parameter {0}.",,
"Attributs du paramtre en double avec le mme paramtre dfini sur le paramtre {0}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The position {0} is already in use.",,"La position {0} est dj utilise.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Can not set {0} as the remaining arguments parameter for parameter set {1} beca
use that parameter set already has a parameter set as the remaining arguments pa
rameter.",,"Impossible de dfinir {0} comme le paramtre des arguments restants pour
le paramtre dfini sur {1}, car ce paramtre dfini a dj un paramtre dfini comme le par
e des arguments restants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help message base name may not be null or empty.",,"Le nom de base du message d
aide ne peut pas tre null ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Help message may not be null or empty.",,"Le message d aide ne peut pas tre null
ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help message resource id may not be null or empty.",,"L identificateur de resso
urce du message d aide ne peut pas tre null ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is an invalid parameter name.",,"{0} est un nom de paramtre non valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot accept MaxLength value. Specify MaxLength value greater than the value o
f MinLength and try again.",,"Impossible d accepter la valeur MaxLength. Spcifiez
une valeur MaxLength suprieure la valeur de MinLength et ressayez.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"On parameter {0}, either both HelpMessageBaseName and HelpMessageResourceId mus
t be set or neither can be set.",,"Pour le paramtre {0}, HelpMessageBaseName et H
elpMessageResourceId doivent tre dfinis ou aucune de ces valeurs ne peut tre dfinie.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object has no parameters associated with it.",,"L objet n a aucun paramtre a
ssoci.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter toBind may not be an instance of a value type.",,"Le paramtre toBi
nd n est peut-tre pas une instance d un type de valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot accept MaxRange because it is less than MinRange. Specify a MaxRange val
ue that is greater than or equal to the MinRange value and try again.",,"Impossi
ble d accepter MaxRange, car il est infrieur MinRange. Spcifiez une valeur MaxRang
e suprieure ou gale la valeur MinRange et ressayez.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot accept MinRange {0} because it is not the same type as MaxRange {1}. Ver
ify that the MaxRange and MinRange values are of the same type and try again.",,
"Impossible d accepter MinRange {0}, car il n est pas du mme type que MaxRange {1
}. Vrifiez que les valeurs MaxRange et MinRange sont du mme type et ressayez.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot accept MaxRange and MinRange because they are not IComparable.",,"Imposs
ible d accepter MaxRange et MinRange, car ils ne sont pas IComparable.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The regular expression pattern may not be null or empty.",,"Le modle d expressio
n rgulire ne peut pas tre null ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Optional positional parameter {0} cannot precede required positional parameter
{1}.",,"Le paramtre de position facultatif {0} ne peut pas prcder le paramtre de pos
ition requis {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} must be an array of strings if it can have its value from the rem
aining arguments.",,"Le paramtre {0} doit tre un tableau de chanes s il peut obteni
r sa valeur des arguments restants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Parameter {0} has not been added to this parser.",,"Le paramtre {0} n a pas t ajou
t cet analyseur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Validator {0} may not be applied to a parameter of type {1}.",,"Le validateur {
0} ne peut pas tre appliqu un paramtre de type {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fileStream cannot be null.",,"fileStream ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Map name cannot be null.",,"Le nom du mappage ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""serverName cannot be null. Use ""."" for current machine."",,""serverName ne p

eut pas tre une valeur null. Utilisez ""."" pour l ordinateur actuel."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"additionalAccessRights is limited to the PipeAccessRights.ChangePermissions, Pi
peAccessRights.TakeOwnership, and PipeAccessRights.AccessSystemSecurity flags wh
en creating NamedPipeServerStreams.",,"additionalAccessRights est limit aux indic
ateurs PipeAccessRights.ChangePermissions, PipeAccessRights.TakeOwnership et Pip
eAccessRights.AccessSystemSecurity lors de la cration de NamedPipeServerStreams."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The pipeName ""anonymous"" is reserved."",,""Le pipeName ""anonymous"" est rser
v."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The capacity may not be smaller than the file size.",,"La capacit ne peut pas tre
infrieure la taille du fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The capacity cannot be greater than the size of the system s logical address sp
ace.",,"La capacit ne peut pas tre suprieure la taille de l espace d adresse logiqu
e du systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PipeDirection.In or PipeDirection.Out required.",,"PipeDirection.In ou PipeDire
ction.Out requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For named pipes, the pipe direction can be PipeDirection.In, PipeDirection.Out
or PipeDirection.InOut. For anonymous pipes, the pipe direction can be PipeDirec
tion.In or PipeDirection.Out.",,"Pour les canaux nomms, le sens du canal peut tre
PipeDirection.In, PipeDirection.Out ou PipeDirection.InOut. Pour les canaux anon
ymes, le sens du canal peut tre PipeDirection.In ou PipeDirection.Out.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HandleInheritability.None or HandleInheritability.Inheritable required.",,"Hand
leInheritability.None ou HandleInheritability.Inheritable requis.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TokenImpersonationLevel.None, TokenImpersonationLevel.Anonymous, TokenImpersona
tionLevel.Identification, TokenImpersonationLevel.Impersonation or TokenImperson
ationLevel.Delegation required.",,"TokenImpersonationLevel.None, TokenImpersonat
ionLevel.Anonymous, TokenImpersonationLevel.Identification, TokenImpersonationLe
vel.Impersonation ou TokenImpersonationLevel.Delegation requis.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"impersonationOptions contains an invalid flag.",,"impersonationOptions contient
un indicateur non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid PipeAccessRights flag.",,"Indicateur PipeAccessRights non valide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Timeout must be non-negative or equal to -1 (Timeout.Infinite)",,"Le dlai d atte
nte doit avoir une valeur non ngative ou gale -1 (Timeout.Infinite)",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The total number of parameters must not exceed {0}. ",,"Le nombre total de para
mtres ne doit pas dpasser {0}. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"maxNumberOfServerInstances must either be a value between 1 and 254, or NamedPi
peServerStream.MaxAllowedServerInstances (to obtain the maximum number allowed b
y system resources).",,"maxNumberOfServerInstances doit tre une valeur comprise e
ntre1 et254 ou gale NamedPipeServerStream.MaxAllowedServerInstances (pour obtenir l
e nombre maximal autoris par les ressources systme).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maximum file size value should be greater than or equal to bufferSize.",,"La va
leur de la taille de fichier maximale doit tre suprieure ou gale bufferSize.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non negative number is required.",,"Un nombre non ngatif est requis.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A positive number is required.",,"Un nombre positif est requis.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Need valid log retention option.",,"Option de rtention de journal valide ncessair
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maximum number of files value should be greater than or equal to {0} for this
retention",,"La valeur du nombre maximal de fichiers doit tre suprieure ou gale {
0} pour cette rtention.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Need valid PipeAccessRights value.",,"Valeur PipeAccessRights valide ncessaire."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"options contains an invalid flag.",,"options contient un indicateur non valide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The capacity must be greater than or equal to 0. 0 represents the the size of t
he file being mapped.",,"La capacit doit tre suprieure ou gale 0. 0 reprsente la tail
le du fichier en cours de mappage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The size must be greater than or equal to 0. If 0 is specified, the view extend
s from the specified offset to the end of the file mapping.",,"La taille doit tre
suprieure ou gale 0. Si 0 est spcifi, la vue s tend du dcalage spcifi la fin du
du fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For named pipes, transmission mode can be TransmissionMode.Byte or PipeTransmis
sionMode.Message. For anonymous pipes, transmission mode can be TransmissionMode
.Byte.",,"Pour les canaux nomms, le mode de transmission peut tre TransmissionMode
.Byte ou PipeTransmissionMode.Message. Pour les canaux anonymes, le mode de tran
smission peut tre TransmissionMode.Byte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"A positive capacity must be specified for a Memory Mapped File backed by an emp
ty file.",,"Une capacit positive doit tre spcifie pour un fichier mapp en mmoire bas s
r un fichier vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""serverName cannot be an empty string. Use ""."" for current machine."",,""ser
verName ne peut pas tre une chane vide. Utilisez ""."" pour l ordinateur actuel.""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Map name cannot be an empty string.",,"Le nom du mappage ne peut pas tre une chan
e vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delimiter cannot be an empty string.",,"Le dlimiteur ne peut pas tre une chane vid
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"pipeName cannot be an empty string.",,"pipeName ne peut pas tre une chane vide.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileMode.Append is not permitted when creating new memory mapped files. Instead
, use MemoryMappedFileView to ensure write-only access within a specified region
.",,"FileMode.Append n est pas autoris lors de la cration de fichiers mapps en mmoir
e. Utilisez MemoryMappedFileView la place pour garantir l accs en criture seule da
ns une rgion spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemoryMappedFileAccess.Write is not permitted when creating new memory mapped f
iles. Use MemoryMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite instead.",,"MemoryMappedFileAccess.Wr
ite n est pas autoris lors de la cration de fichiers mapps en mmoire. Utilisez Memor
yMappedFileAccess.ReadWrite la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"This flag may not be set on a pipe.",,"Cet indicateur ne peut pas tre dfini sur u
n canal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When specifying MemoryMappedFileAccess.Read access, the capacity must not be la
rger than the file size.",,"Lors de la spcification de l accs MemoryMappedFileAcce
ss.Read, la capacit ne doit pas tre suprieure la taille du fichier.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Aliases",,"Alias",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage",,"Utilisation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The keys from both parties must be the same size to generate a secret agreement
.",,"Les cls des deux parties doivent avoir la mme taille pour permettre la gnration
d un accord secret.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keys used with the ECDiffieHellmanCng algorithm must have an algorithm group of
ECDiffieHellman.",,"Les cls utilises avec l algorithme ECDiffieHellmanCng doivent
avoir un groupe d algorithmes de ECDiffieHellman.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keys used with the ECDsaCng algorithm must have an algorithm group of ECDsa.",,
"Les cls utilises avec l algorithme ECDsaCng doivent avoir un groupe d algorithmes
de ECDsa.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DeriveKeyMaterial requires an ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey.",,"DeriveKeyMaterial
requiert ECDiffieHellmanCngPublicKey.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Object must be of type CngAlgorithm.",,"L objet doit tre de type CngAlgorithm.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type CngAlgorithmGroup.",,"L objet doit tre de type CngAlgorit
hmGroup.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type CngKeyBlobFormat.",,"L objet doit tre de type CngKeyBlobF
ormat.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type CngProvider.",,"L objet doit tre de type CngProvider.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Decrypting a value requires that a key be set on the algorithm object.",,"Le dch
iffrement d une valeur requiert la dfinition d une cl sur l objet algorithme.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML serialization of an elliptic curve key requires using an overload which spe
cifies the XML format to be used.",,"La srialisation XML d une cl courbe elliptiqu
e requiert l utilisation d une surcharge qui spcifie le format XML utiliser.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The algorithm group {0} is invalid.",,"Le groupe d algorithmes {0} n est pa
s valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The algorithm name {0} is invalid.",,"Le nom d algorithme {0} n est pas val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified cipher mode is not valid for this algorithm.",,"Le mode de chiffr
ement spcifi n est pas valide pour cet algorithme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified initialization vector (IV) does not match the block size for this
algorithm.",,"Le vecteur d initialisation (IV) spcifi ne correspond pas la taille
du bloc pour cet algorithme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key blob format {0} is invalid.",,"Le format de l objet blob de cl {0} n
est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified key is not a valid size for this algorithm.",,"La cl spcifie n est p
as d une taille valide pour cet algorithme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The provider name {0} is invalid.",,"Le nom de fournisseur {0} n est pas va
lide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not read the domain parameters from the XML string.",,"Impossible de lire
les paramtres de domaine de la chane XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The cipher mode specified requires that an initialization vector (IV) be used."
,,"Le mode de chiffrement spcifi requiert l utilisation d un vecteur d initialisat
ion (IV).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not read the public key from the XML string.",,"Impossible de lire la cl p
ublique de la chane XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TransformBlock may only process bytes in block sized increments.",,"TransformBl
ock ne peut traiter que les octets des incrments d une taille de bloc.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CNG key handle being opened was detected to be ephemeral, but the Ephemeral
Key open option was not specified.",,"Le handle de cl CNG en cours d ouverture es
t phmre, mais l option d ouverture EphemeralKey n a pas t spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open an invalid handle.",,"Impossible d ouvrir un handle valide.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The input data is not a complete block.",,"Les donnes d entre ne constituent pas
un bloc complet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified cryptographic algorithm is not supported on this platform.",,"L a
lgorithme de chiffrement spcifi n est pas pris en charge sur cette plateforme.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TLS key derivation function requires both the label and seed properties to
be set.",,"La fonction de drivation de cl TLS requiert la dfinition des proprits labe
l et seed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to transform beyond end of buffer.",,"Tentative de transformation aprs l
a fin du tampon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The XML namespace {0} was unexpected, expected {1} .",,"L espace de noms XML
{0} tait inattendu, {1} attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Unknown elliptic curve.",,"Courbe elliptique inconnue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown elliptic curve algorithm.",,"Algorithme de courbe elliptique inconnue."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown padding mode used.",,"Un mode de remplissage inconnu a t utilis.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid pipe handle.",,"Handle de canal non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pipe is broken.",,"Le canal est endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Not enough memory to map view.",,"Mmoire insuffisante pour mapper la vue.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memory. The I/O package is n
ot thread safe by default unless stated otherwise. In multithreaded applications
, access streams in a thread-safe way, such as a thread-safe wrapper returned by
TextReader s or TextWriter s Synchronized methods. This also applies to classes
like StreamWriter and StreamReader.",,"Condition de concurrence critique d E/S
probable dtecte lors de la copie dans la mmoire. Le package d E/S n est pas threadsafe par dfaut, sauf spcification contraire. Dans des applications multithread, ac
cdez aux flux de faon thread-safe, par exemple avec un wrapper thread-safe retourn
par les mthodes Synchronized de TextReader ou TextWriter. Cela s applique galement
aux classes telles que StreamWriter et StreamReader.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameters may not be added after Parse has been called.",,"Les paramtres ne peu
vent pas tre ajouts une fois que Parse a t appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parse may only be called once.",,"Parse ne peut tre appel qu une seule fois.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} may not retrieved with type {1} since it is of type {2}.",,"Le pa
ramtre {0} ne peut pas tre extrait avec le type {1}, car il a le type {2}.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parse must be called before retrieving parameter values.",,"Parse doit tre appel
avant d extraire les valeurs de paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"GetRemainingArguments may not be called unless AllowRemainingArguments is set t
o true.",,"GetRemainingArguments ne peut pas tre appel si AllowRemainingArguments
n est pas dfini sur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SpecifiedParameterSet property may only be accessed after Parse has been ca
lled successfully.",,"La proprit SpecifiedParameterSet est accessible uniquement u
ne fois que Parse a t appel avec succs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"AllowRemainingArguments may not be set after Parse has been called.",,"AllowRem
ainingArguments ne peut pas tre dfini une fois que Parse a t appel.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call this operation twice.",,"Impossible d appeler cette opration deux fo
is.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create file mapping.",,"Impossible de crer le mappage des fichiers.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EndWaitForConnection can only be called once for each asynchronous operation.",
,"EndWaitForConnection ne peut tre appel qu une fois pour chaque opration asynchron
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Already in a connected state.",,"Dj connect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Already in a disconnected state.",,"Dj dconnect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pipe is closed.",,"Le canal est ferm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"Pipe is in a disconnected state.",,"Le canal est dconnect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pipe handle has not been set. Did your PipeStream implementation call Initiali
zeHandle?",,"Le handle du canal n a pas t dfini. Est-ce que votre implmentation de P
ipeStream appelle InitializeHandle?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"This pipe does not support message type transmission.",,"Ce canal ne prend pas
en charge la transmission du type de message.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pipe is not opened in asynchronous mode.",,"Le canal n est pas ouvert en mode a
synchrone.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pipe hasn t been connected yet.",,"Le canal n a pas encore t connect.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ReadMode is not of PipeTransmissionMode.Message.",,"ReadMode n est pas de PipeT
ransmissionMode.Message.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A read lock may not be acquired with the write lock held in this mode.",,"Impos
sible d acqurir un verrou de lecture lorsque le verrou d criture est maintenu dans
ce mode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Recursive read lock acquisitions not allowed in this mode.",,"Les acquisitions
de verrous de lecture rcursifs ne sont pas autorises dans ce mode.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Recursive upgradeable lock acquisitions not allowed in this mode.",,"Les acquis
itions de verrous pouvant tre mis niveau et rcursifs ne sont pas autorises dans ce
mode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Recursive write lock acquisitions not allowed in this mode.",,"Les acquisitions
de verrous d criture rcursifs ne sont pas autorises dans ce mode.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Upgradeable lock may not be acquired with read lock held.",,"Impossible d acquri
r un verrou pouvant tre mis niveau lorsqu un verrou de lecture est maintenu.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Upgradeable lock may not be acquired with write lock held in this mode. Acquiri
ng Upgradeable lock gives the ability to read along with an option to upgrade to
a writer.",,"Impossible d acqurir un verrou pouvant tre mis niveau lorsqu un verr
ou d criture est maintenu dans ce mode. L acquisition d un verrou pouvant tre mis
niveau permet d excuter des oprations de lecture en ayant la possibilit d effectuer
une mise niveau vers un writer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Write lock may not be acquired with read lock held. This pattern is prone to de
adlocks. Please ensure that read locks are released before taking a write lock.
If an upgrade is necessary, use an upgrade lock in place of the read lock.",,"Im
possible d acqurir un verrou d criture lorsqu un verrou de lecture est maintenu. C
e modle entrane souvent des interblocages. Vrifiez que les verrous de lecture sont
librs avant d acqurir un verrou d criture. Si une mise niveau est requise, utilisez
un verrou pouvant tre mis niveau la place du verrou de lecture.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous pipes do not support PipeTransmissionMode.Message ReadMode.",,"Les ca
naux anonymes ne prennent pas en charge le ReadMode de PipeTransmissionMode.Mess
age.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous pipes can only be in one direction.",,"Les canaux anonymes ne peuvent
avoir qu un seul sens.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MemoryMappedFileOptions.DelayAllocatePages option is not supported with mem
ory mapped files mapping files on disk.",,"L option MemoryMappedFileOptions.Del
ayAllocatePages n est pas prise en charge avec des fichiers mapps en mmoire associs
des fichiers sur le disque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This functionality is only supported in Windows Vista and above.",,"Cette fonct
ionnalit n est prise en charge que dans Windows Vista ou version ultrieure.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Opening Win32 devices other than file such as COM ports, printers, disk partit
ions and tape drives is not supported. Avoid use of ""\\.\"" in the path."",,""L
ouverture de priphriques Win32 autres que des fichiers, par exemple des ports COM
, des imprimantes, des partitions de disque et des lecteurs de bande n est pas p

rise en charge. vitez d utiliser ""\\.\"" dans le chemin d accs."",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MemoryMappedViewStreams are fixed length.",,"Les MemoryMappedViewStreams sont d
une longueur fixe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setting TextWriter is unsupported on this listener.",,"La dfinition de TextWrite
r n est pas prise en charge sur cet couteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a closed pipe.",,"Impossible d accder un canal ferm.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access a closed Stream.",,"Impossible d accder un flux ferm.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Prefix {0} resolves to multiple parameters: {1}. Use a more specific prefix fo
r this parameter. ",,"Le prfixe {0} est rsolu en plusieurs paramtres: {1}. Utilisez
un paramtre plus spcifique pour ce paramtre. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Named parameters specify an ambiguous parameter set. Specify more parameters b
y name.",,"Les paramtres nomms spcifient un jeu de paramtres ambigus. Spcifiez plus
de paramtres par nom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A response file may not contain references to other response files.",,"Un fichi
er rponse ne peut pas contenir de rfrences d autres fichiers rponse.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} already given value of {1}.",,"Le paramtre {0} a dj la valeur donne d
e {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} must be followed by a value.",,"Le paramtre {0} doit tre suivi par
une valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not open response file {0}: {1}",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier rponse {
0}: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not convert {0} to type {1}.",,"Impossible de convertir {0} en type {1}."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unbound parameters left on command line: {0}.",,"Paramtres lis restants dans la l
igne de commande: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Values for required parameters missing: {0}.",,"Valeurs manquantes pour les par
amtres requis: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown parameter {0}.",,"Paramtre inconnu {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No valid parameter set for named parameters. Make sure all named parameters be
long to the same parameter set.",,"Aucun paramtre valide dfini pour les paramtres n
omms. Assurez-vous que tous les paramtres nomms appartiennent au mme jeu de paramtre
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not validate parameter {0}: {1}",,"Impossible de valider le paramtre {0}: {
1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CounterId {0} already added to CounterSet {1} .",,"CounterId {0} dj ajout Cou
nterSet {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CounterName {0} already added to CounterSet {1} .",,"CounterName {0} dj ajou
t CounterSet {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CounterSet {0} already registered.",,"CounterSet {0} dj inscrit.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-empty counterName required.",,"counterName non vide requis.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-empty instanceName required.",,"instanceName non vide requis.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance {0} already exists in CounterSet {1} .",,"L instance {0} existe dj
dans CounterSet {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CounterSetInstanceType {0} is not a valid CounterSetInstanceType.",,"CounterS
etInstanceType {0} n est pas un CounterSetInstanceType valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CounterType {0} is not a valid CounterType.",,"CounterType {0} n est pas un
CounterType valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Single instance type CounterSet {0} can only have 1 CounterSetInstance.",,"Le
type instance unique du CounterSet {0} ne peut avoir que 1 CounterSetInstance

.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"CounterSet provider {0} not found.",,"Fournisseur du CounterSet {0} introuv
able.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot allocate memory for CounterSet {0} template with size {1} .",,"Imposs
ible d allouer de la mmoire pour le modle du CounterSet {0} avec la taille {1}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot allocate raw counter data for CounterSet {0} Instance {1} .",,"Imposs
ible d allouer des donnes de compteur brutes pour le CounterSet {0} , dans l ins
tance {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot AddCounter to CounterSet {0} after CreateCounterSetInstance.",,"Imposs
ible d excuter AddCounter sur le CounterSet {0} aprs CreateCounterSetInstance.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot locate raw counter data location for CounterSet {0} , Counter {1}, in
Instance {2} .",,"Impossible de localiser l emplacement des donnes de compteur b
rutes pour le CounterSet {0} , compteur {1}, dans l instance {2} .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CounterSet {0} does not include any counters.",,"Le CounterSet {0} ne compr
end pas de compteurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CounterSet {0} not installed yet.",,"Le CounterSet {0} n est pas encore ins
tall.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find Instance {0} in CounterSet {1} .",,"Impossible de trouver l inst
ance {0} dans le CounterSet {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"CounterSet provider {0} not active.",,"Fournisseur du CounterSet {0} inacti
f.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Classes in System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData is only supported in Windows Vist
a and above.",,"Les classes de System.Diagnostics.PerformanceData ne sont prises
en charge que dans Windows Vista ou version ultrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named Pipe Servers are not supported on Windows 95/98/ME.",,"Les serveurs de ca
naux nomms ne sont pas pris en charge sur Windows 95/98/ME.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Keys for this dictionary are missing.",,"Les cls pour ce dictionnaire sont a
bsentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The lock is being disposed while still being used. It either is being held by a
thread and/or has active waiters waiting to acquire the lock.",,"Le verrou est
en cours de suppression alors qu il est encore utilis. Il est contenu dans un thr
ead et/ou des objets waiter actifs attendent de pouvoir l acqurir.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The read lock is being released without being held.",,"Le verrou de lecture est
libr alors qu il n est pas maintenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The upgradeable lock is being released without being held.",,"Le verrou pouvant
tre mis niveau est libr alors qu il n est pas maintenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The write lock is being released without being held.",,"Le verrou d criture est
libr alors qu il n est pas maintenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Trace",,"Trace",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of values should be less than or equal to {0} instead of {1}.",,"Le
nombre de valeurs doit tre infrieur ou gal {0} plutt qu {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of values should be greater than or equal to {0} instead of {1}.",,"
Le nombre de valeurs doit tre suprieur ou gal {0} plutt qu {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length should be less than or equal to {0} instead of {1}.",,"La longueur d
oit tre infrieure ou gale {0} plutt qu {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The length should be greater than or equal to {0} instead of {1}.",,"La longueu
r doit tre suprieure ou gale {0} plutt qu {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B

lue 4.5.1"
"The value {0} does not match the pattern {1}.",,"La valeur {0} ne correspond pa
s au modle {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value {0} was greater than the maximum value {1}. Specify a value less than
or equal to the maximum value and try again.",,"La valeur {0} tait suprieure la v
aleur maximale {1}. Spcifiez une valeur infrieure ou gale la valeur maximale et ress
ayez.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value {0} was smaller than the minimum value {1}. Specify a value greater t
han or equal to the minimum value and try again.",,"La valeur {0} tait infrieure l
a valeur minimale {1}. Spcifiez une valeur suprieure ou gale la valeur minimale et
ressayez.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessor indexes cannot be passed ByRef.",,"ByRef ne peut pas tre pass aux index
d accesseur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessor method should not have VarArgs.",,"La mthode Accessor ne doit pas avoir
de VarArgs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All case bodies and the default body must have the same type.",,"Tous les corps
de case et le corps par dfaut doivent avoir le mme type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All test values must have the same type.",,"Toutes les valeurs de test doivent
avoir le mme type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot jump to ambiguous label {0} .",,"Impossible d accder l tiquette ambigu {0
} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More than one key matching {0} was found in the ExpandoObject.",,"Plusieurs c
ls correspondant {0} trouves dans le ExpandoObject.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument count must be greater than number of named arguments.",,"Le nombre d a
rguments doit tre suprieur au nombre d arguments nomms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument type cannot be System.Void.",,"Le type de l argument ne peut pas tre Sy
stem.Void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The member {0} is not declared on type {1} being created",,"Le membre {0}
n est pas dclar pour le type {1} cr",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Argument must be array",,"L argument doit tre un tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument for array index must be of type Int32",,"L argument de l index de tabl
eau doit tre de type Int32.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be boolean",,"L argument doit tre une valeur boolenne.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be either a FieldInfo or PropertyInfo",,"L argument doit tre Field
Info ou PropertyInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be either a FieldInfo, PropertyInfo or MethodInfo",,"L argument d
oit tre un FieldInfo, PropertyInfo ou MethodInfo",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be an instance member",,"L argument doit tre un membre d instance"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be of an integer type",,"L argument doit tre d un type entier.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be single dimensional array type",,"L argument doit tre de type ta
bleau une seule dimension",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must not have a value type.",,"L argument ne doit pas avoir un type va
leur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument type cannot be void",,"Le type de l argument ne peut pas tre void",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument type {0} does not match the corresponding member type {1} ",,"Le ty
pe d argument {0} ne correspond pas au type de membre {1} associ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument types do not match",,"Les types des arguments ne correspondent pas.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"arrayType must be an array type",,"arrayType doit tre un type tableau",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The binary operator {0} is not defined for the types {1} and {2} .",,"L oprat
eur binaire {0} n est pas dfini pour les types {1} et {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The result type {0} of the binder {1} is not compatible with the result typ
e {2} expected by the call site.",,"Le type de rsultat {0} du classeur {1}
n est pas compatible avec le type de rsultat {2} attendu par le site d appel.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bind cannot return null.",,"La liaison ne peut pas retourner une valeur null.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Body of catch must have the same type as body of try.",,"Le corps de Catch doit
avoir le mme type que le corps de Try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Both accessors must be static.",,"Les deux accesseurs doivent tre statiques.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bounds count cannot be less than 1",,"Le nombre de limites doit tre infrieur 1",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot auto initialize elements of value type through property {0} , use assig
nment instead",,"Impossible d initialiser automatiquement des lments de type valeu
r via la proprit {0} , utilisez une assignation la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot auto initialize members of value type through property {0} , use assign
ment instead",,"Impossible d initialiser automatiquement des membres de type val
eur via la proprit {0} , utilisez une assignation la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot close over byref parameter {0} referenced in lambda {1} ",,"Impossibl
e de fermer avec le paramtre ByRef {0} rfrenc dans l expression lambda {1} ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CompileToMethod cannot compile constant {0} because it is a non-trivial value
, such as a live object. Instead, create an expression tree that can construct t
his value.",,"CompileToMethod ne peut pas compiler la constante {0} car il s a
git d une valeur non triviale, par exemple un objet en direct. Crez une arboresce
nce de l expression pouvant construire cette valeur la place.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dynamic expressions are not supported by CompileToMethod. Instead, create an ex
pression tree that uses System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite.",,"CompileToMe
thod ne prend pas en charge les expressions dynamiques. Crez une arborescence de
l expression qui utilise System.Runtime.CompilerServices.CallSite la place.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Coalesce used with type that cannot be null",,"Fusion utilise avec un type qui n
e peut pas tre null",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No coercion operator is defined between types {0} and {1} .",,"Aucun oprateur
de forage de type n est dfini entre les types {0} et {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection is read-only.",,"La collection est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control cannot enter an expression--only statements can be jumped into.",,"Le c
ontrle ne peut pas entrer dans une expression ; seuls les sauts vers les instruct
ions sont autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control cannot enter a try block.",,"Le contrle ne peut pas entrer dans un bloc
Try.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control cannot leave a filter test.",,"Le contrle ne peut pas quitter un test de
filtrage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control cannot leave a finally block.",,"Le contrle ne peut pas quitter un bloc
Finally.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion is not supported for arithmetic types without operator overloading."
,,"Conversion non prise en charge pour les types arithmtiques sans surcharge d opr
ateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Count must be non-negative.",,"Le nombre ne doit pas tre ngatif.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Default body must be supplied if case bodies are not System.Void.",,"Vous devez
fournir un corps par dfaut si les corps de case ne sont pas System.Void.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found duplicate parameter {0} . Each ParameterExpression in the list must be a
unique object.",,"Paramtre {0} en double trouv. Chaque ParameterExpression de l
a liste doit tre un objet unique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The result type {0} of the dynamic binding produced by binder {1} is not co
mpatible with the result type {2} expected by the call site.",,"Le type de rsul
tat {0} de la liaison dynamique gnre par le classeur {1} n est pas compatible a
vec le type de rsultat {2} attendu par le site d appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The result of the dynamic binding produced by the object with type {0} for th
e binder {1} needs at least one restriction.",,"Le rsultat de la liaison dynami
que produite par l objet de type {0} pour le binder {1} requiert au moins un
e restriction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The result type {0} of the dynamic binding produced by the object with type
{1} for the binder {2} is not compatible with the result type {3} expected
by the call site.",,"Le type de rsultat {0} de la liaison dynamique gnre par l obj
et de type {1} pour le classeur {2} n est pas compatible avec le type de rsul
tat {3} attendu par le site d appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Parameter {0} of element initializer method {1} must not be a pass by refer
ence parameter",,"Le paramtre {0} de la mthode d initialiseur d lment {1} ne doi
t pas tre un paramtre de rfrence pass by",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Element initializer method must be named Add ",,"La mthode d initialiseur d lment
doit tre nomme Add ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Element initializer method must be an instance method",,"La mthode d initialiseu
r d lment doit tre une mthode d instance",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Element initializer method must have at least 1 parameter",,"La mthode d initial
iseur d lment doit avoir au moins un paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The user-defined equality method {0} must return a boolean value.",,"La mthode
d galit dfinie par l utilisateur {0} doit retourner une valeur boolenne.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression must be readable",,"L expression doit tre accessible en lecture",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression must be writeable",,"L expression doit tre accessible en criture",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression of type {0} cannot be used to initialize an array of type {1}
",,"Impossible d utiliser une expression de type {0} pour initialiser un table
au de type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression of type {0} cannot be used for assignment to type {1} ",,"Impossi
ble d utiliser une expression de type {0} pour une assignation au type {1} ",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression of type {0} cannot be used for constructor parameter of type {1}
",,"Une expression de type {0} ne peut pas tre utilise pour un paramtre de constr
ucteur de type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression of type {0} cannot be used for label of type {1} ",,"Impossible d
utiliser une expression de type {0} pour une tiquette de type {1} ",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression of type {0} cannot be used for parameter of type {1} of method
{2} ",,"Une expression de type {0} ne peut pas tre utilise pour un paramtre de ty
pe {1} d une mthode {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression of type {0} cannot be used for parameter of type {1} ",,"Une expr
ession de type {0} ne peut pas tre utilise pour un paramtre de type {1} ",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression of type {0} cannot be used for return type {1} ",,"Une expression
de type {0} ne peut pas tre utilise pour un type de retour {1} ",,"Text",,"All

",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Expression of type {0} cannot be invoked",,"Impossible d appeler une expressi
on de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension node must override the property {0}.",,"Le nud d extension doit substi
tuer la proprit {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension should have been reduced.",,"L extension aurait d tre rduite.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"fault cannot be used with catch or finally clauses",,"Impossible d utiliser Fau
lt avec les clauses Catch et Finally",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Field {0}.{1} is not defined for type {2} ",,"Le champ {0}.{1} n est pas df
ini pour le type {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field {0} is not defined for type {1} ",,"Le champ {0} n est pas dfini pour
le type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First argument of delegate must be CallSite",,"Le premier argument du dlgu doit tre
CallSite",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No generic method {0} on type {1} is compatible with the supplied type argu
ments and arguments. No type arguments should be provided if the method is non-g
eneric. ",,"Aucune mthode gnrique {0} sur le type {1} n est compatible avec les
arguments de type et les arguments fournis. Aucun argument de type ne doit tre f
ourni si la mthode n est pas gnrique. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Dynamic operations can only be performed in homogenous AppDomain.",,"Les opratio
ns dynamiques peuvent uniquement tre excutes dans un AppDomain homogne.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create instance of {0} because it contains generic parameters",,"Impossi
ble de crer une instance de {0}, car il contient des paramtres gnriques",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect number of arguments for the given members ",,"Nombre incorrect d argu
ments pour les membres donns ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect number of arguments for constructor",,"Nombre incorrect d arguments p
our le constructeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect number of indexes",,"Nombre incorrect d index",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect number of arguments supplied for lambda invocation",,"Nombre incorrec
t d arguments fournis pour un appel lambda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect number of parameters supplied for lambda declaration",,"Nombre incorr
ect de paramtres fournis pour une dclaration lambda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect number of members for constructor",,"Nombre incorrect de membres pour
le constructeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incorrect number of arguments supplied for call to method {0} ",,"Nombre incor
rect d arguments fournis pour l appel de la mthode {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An incorrect number of type args were specified for the declaration of an Actio
n type.",,"Un nombre incorrect d arguments de type a t spcifi pour la dclaration d un
type Action.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An incorrect number of type args were specified for the declaration of a Func t
ype.",,"Un nombre incorrect d arguments de type a t spcifi pour la dclaration d un ty
pe Func.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type used in TypeAs Expression must be of reference or nullable type, {0} i
s neither",,"Le type utilis dans l expression TypeAs doit tre de type rfrence ou Nul
lable, {0} n est aucun de ces deux types",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indexing parameters of getter and setter must match.",,"Les paramtres d indexati
on de l accesseur Get et de la mthode setter doivent correspondre.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} declared on type {1} cannot be called with instance of type {2}
",,"Impossible d appeler la mthode {0} dclare sur le type {1} avec une instanc

e de type {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Instance field {0} is not defined for type {1} ",,"Le champ d instance {0}
n est pas dfini pour le type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Instance property {0} is not defined for type {1} ",,"La proprit d instance {
0} n est pas dfinie pour le type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Instance property {0}{1} is not defined for type {2} ",,"La proprit d instance
{0}{1} n est pas dfinie pour le type {2} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance property {0} that takes no argument is not defined for type {1} ",,
"La proprit d instance {0} qui ne prend aucun argument n est pas dfinie pour le t
ype {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid argument value",,"Valeur d argument non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid assembly name or file extension.",,"Nom d assembly ou extension de fich
ier non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot cast from type {0} to type {1}",,"Impossible d effectuer un cast du t
ype {0} en type {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid lvalue for assignment: {0}.",,"lvalue non valide pour l assignation : {
0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid member type: {0}.",,"Type de membre non valide : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An IDynamicMetaObjectProvider {0} created an invalid DynamicMetaObject instance
.",,"Un IDynamicMetaObjectProvider {0} a cr une instance DynamicMetaObject non val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value null is not of type {0} and cannot be used in this collection.",,"L
a valeur null n est pas de type {0} et ne peut pas tre utilise dans cette collec
tion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value {0} is not of type {1} and cannot be used in this collection.",,"
La valeur {0} n est pas de type {1} et ne peut pas tre utilise dans cette coll
ection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid operation: {0} ",,"Opration non valide: {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid output directory.",,"Rpertoire de sortie non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can only unbox from an object or interface type to a value type.",,"Unboxing po
ssible uniquement d un type objet ou interface en type valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified key {0} does not exist in the ExpandoObject.",,"La cl spcifie {0}
n existe pas dans le ExpandoObject.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Label type must be System.Void if an expression is not supplied",,"Le type de l
tiquette doit tre System.Void si aucune expression n est fournie",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot redefine label {0} in an inner block.",,"Impossible de redfinir l tiquet
te {0} dans un bloc interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot jump to undefined label {0} .",,"Impossible d accder l tiquette non dfinie
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must be System.Void for this label argument",,"Le type doit tre System.Void
pour cet argument d tiquette",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lambda type parameter must be derived from System.Delegate",,"Le paramtre de typ
e Lambda doit tre driv de System.Delegate.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"List initializers must contain at least one initializer",,"Les initialiseurs de
liste doivent contenir au moins un initialiseur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The user-defined operator method {1} for operator {0} must have associated
boolean True and False operators.",,"La mthode d oprateur {1} dfinie par l utilis
ateur pour l oprateur {0} doit avoir des oprateurs boolens True et False associs."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Member {0} not field or property",,"Le membre {0} n est pas un champ ni une
proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MethodBuilder does not have a valid TypeBuilder",,"MethodBuilder n a pas de Typ
eBuilder valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} contains generic parameters",,"La mthode {0} contient des paramtres gnri
ques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No method {0} exists on type {1} .",,"Aucune mthode {0} n existe sur le typ
e {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} is a generic method definition",,"La mthode {0} est une dfinition de mt
hode gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method {0}.{1} is not a property accessor",,"La mthode {0}.{1} n est pas
un accesseur de proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method precondition violated",,"Violation de condition pralable de mthode",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No method {0} on type {1} is compatible with the supplied arguments.",,"Auc
une mthode {0} sur le type {1} n est compatible avec les arguments fournis.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More than one method {0} on type {1} is compatible with the supplied argume
nts.",,"Plusieurs mthodes {0} sur le type {1} sont compatibles avec les argum
ents fournis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"must be reducible node",,"doit tre un nud rductible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"node cannot reduce to itself or null",,"le nud ne peut pas se rduire lui-mme ou tre
null",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rewriting child expression from type {0} to type {1} is not allowed, becaus
e it would change the meaning of the operation. If this is intentional, override
{2} and change it to allow this rewrite.",,"La rcriture de l expression enfant
du type {0} au type {1} n est pas autorise, car elle changerait la significat
ion de l opration. Si cela est intentionnel, remplacez {2} et modifiez-le afin
d autoriser la rcriture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When called from {0} , rewriting a node of type {1} must return a non-null v
alue of the same type. Alternatively, override {2} and change it to not visit
children of this type.",,"Lors d un appel partir de {0} , la rcriture d un nud de
type {1} doit retourner une valeur non null du mme type. Vous pouvez galement re
mplacer {2} et le modifier afin qu il ne visite pas les enfants de ce type.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rewritten expression calls operator method {0} , but the original node had no
operator method. If this is is intentional, override {1} and change it to allo
w this rewrite.",,"L expression rcrite appelle la mthode d oprateur {0} , mais le nu
d d origine n avait pas de mthode d oprateur. Si cela est intentionnel, remplacez
{1} et modifiez-le afin d autoriser cette rcriture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No or Invalid rule produced",,"Rgle produite manquante ou non valide",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-empty collection required",,"Collection non vide requise",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot jump to non-local label {0} with a value. Only jumps to labels defined
in outer blocks can pass values.",,"Impossible d accder une tiquette non locale
{0} avec une valeur. Seuls les sauts vers des tiquettes dfinies dans des blocs ex
ternes peuvent passer des valeurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" {0} is not a member of type {1} ",," {0} n est pas un membre de type {1} "
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static field requires null instance, non-static field requires non-null instanc
e.",,"Un champ statique requiert une instance null, tandis qu un champ non stati
que requiert une instance non null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Static method requires null instance, non-static method requires non-null insta
nce.",,"Une mthode statique requiert une instance null, tandis qu une mthode non s

tatique requiert une instance non null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Static property requires null instance, non-static property requires non-null i
nstance.",,"Une proprit statique requiert une instance null, tandis qu une proprit n
on statique requiert une instance non null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The operands for operator {0} do not match the parameters of method {1} .",,
"Les oprandes de l oprateur {0} ne correspondent pas aux paramtres de la mthode {
1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operator {0} is not implemented for type {1} ",,"L oprateur {0} n est p
as implment pour le type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} must be greater than or equal to {1}",,"{0} est suprieur ou gal {1}",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The return type of overload method for operator {0} does not match the parame
ter type of conversion method {1} .",,"Le type de retour de la mthode de surchar
ge de l oprateur {0} ne correspond pas au type de paramtre de la mthode de conver
sion {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ParameterExpression of type {0} cannot be used for delegate parameter of type
{1} ",,"Impossible d utiliser le ParameterExpression de type {0} pour le par
amtre de dlgu de type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DebugInfoGenerator created by CreatePdbGenerator can only be used with LambdaEx
pression.CompileToMethod.",,"Le DebugInfoGenerator cr par CreatePdbGenerator peut t
re utilis uniquement avec LambdaExpression.CompileToMethod.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property cannot have a managed pointer type.",,"La proprit ne peut pas avoir un t
ype pointeur manag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} has no get or set accessors",,"La proprit {0} n a pas d
accesseurs get ou set ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} has no get accessor",,"La proprit {0} n a pas d accesseur
get .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} has no set accessor",,"La proprit {0} n a pas d accesseur
set .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} is not defined for type {1} ",,"La proprit {0} n est pas dfinie
pour le type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property type must match the value type of setter",,"Le type de la proprit doit c
orrespondre au type valeur de la mthode setter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property cannot have a void type.",,"La proprit ne peut pas avoir un type void.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More than one property {0} on type {1} is compatible with the supplied argu
ments.",,"Plusieurs proprits {0} sur le type {1} sont compatibles avec les arg
uments fournis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Quoted expression must be a lambda",,"L expression entre guillemets doit tre une
expression lambda",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cannot assign from the reduced node type to the original node type",,"impossibl
e d assigner du type de nud rduit au type de nud d origine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"reducible nodes must override Expression.Reduce()",,"les nuds rductibles doivent
remplacer Expression.Reduce()",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference equality is not defined for the types {0} and {1} .",,"galit de rfrenc
e non dfinie pour les types {0} et {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Rethrow statement is valid only inside a Catch block.",,"L instruction Rethrow
est valide dans un bloc Catch uniquement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"An element with the same key {0} already exists in the ExpandoObject.",,"Un lme
nt avec la mme cl {0} existe dj dans le ExpandoObject.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setter must have parameters.",,"La mthode setter doit avoir des paramtres.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Setter should have void type.",,"La mthode setter doit avoir le type void.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start and End must be well ordered",,"Start et End doivent tre correctement ordo
nns",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Switch value of type {0} cannot be used for the comparison method parameter o
f type {1} ",,"Impossible d utiliser la valeur de commutateur de type {0} pou
r le paramtre de mthode de comparaison de type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Test value of type {0} cannot be used for the comparison method parameter of
type {1} ",,"Impossible d utiliser la valeur de test de type {0} pour le para
mtre de mthode de comparaison de type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"try must have at least one catch, finally, or fault clause",,"Try doit avoir au
moins une clause Catch, Finally ou Fault",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Try expression is not allowed inside a filter body.",,"Expression Try non autor
ise dans le corps d un filtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TryExpression is not supported as an argument to method {0} because it has an
argument with by-ref type. Construct the tree so the TryExpression is not neste
d inside of this expression.",,"TryExpression n est pas pris en charge en tant q
u argument de la mthode {0} , car il comporte un argument de type by-ref. Constr
uisez l arborescence de manire ce que TryExpression ne soit pas imbriqu dans cette
expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TryExpression is not supported as a child expression when accessing a member on
type {0} because it is a value type. Construct the tree so the TryExpression
is not nested inside of this expression.",,"TryExpression n est pas pris en char
ge en tant qu expression enfant lors de l accs un membre sur le type {0} car il
s agit d un type valeur. Construisez l arborescence de manire ce que TryExpressi
on ne soit pas imbriqu dans cette expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} contains generic parameters",,"Le type {0} contient des paramtres gnrique
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type doesn t have constructor with a given signature",,"Le type n a pas de cons
tructeur avec une signature donne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is a generic type definition",,"Le type {0} est une dfinition de type gnr
ique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} does not have a default constructor",,"Le type {0} n a pas de cons
tructeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type must be derived from System.Delegate",,"Le type doit tre driv de System.Deleg
ate",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"type must not be ByRef",,"le type ne doit pas tre ByRef",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} is not IEnumerable",,"Le type {0} n est pas IEnumerable",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter is {0}. Expected a delegate.",,"Le paramtre de type est {0}. Dlgu at
tendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The unary operator {0} is not defined for the type {1} .",,"L oprateur unaire {
0} n est pas dfini pour le type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"variable {0} of type {1} referenced from scope {2} , but it is not defined
",,"la variable {0} de type {1} est rfrence partir de l tendue {2} , mais elle
n est pas dfinie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected coalesce operator.",,"Oprateur de fusion inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected VarArgs call to method {0} ",,"Appel VarArgs inattendu la mthode {0
} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled binary: {0}",,"Oprateur binaire non gr: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled binding ",,"Liaison non gre ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"Unhandled Binding Type: {0}",,"Type de liaison non gr: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled convert: {0}",,"Conversion non gre: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled Expression Type: {0}",,"Type d expression non gr: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled unary: {0}",,"Oprateur unaire non gr: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown binding type",,"Type de liaison inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"unknown lift type: {0} .",,"type d lvation inconnu : {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The user-defined operator method {1} for operator {0} must have identical p
arameter and return types.",,"La mthode d oprateur {1} dfinie par l utilisateur p
our l oprateur {0} doit avoir des types de paramtres et de retour identiques.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The user-defined operator method {1} for operator {0} must return the same
type as its parameter or a derived type.",,"La mthode d oprateur {1} dfinie par l
utilisateur pour l oprateur {0} doit retourner le mme type que son paramtre ou u
n type driv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined operator method {0} must be static.",,"La mthode d oprateur {0}
dfinie par l utilisateur doit tre statique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"User-defined operator method {0} must not be void.",,"La mthode d oprateur {0}
dfinie par l utilisateur ne doit pas tre void.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variable {0} uses unsupported type {1} . Reference types are not supported f
or variables.",,"La variable {0} utilise le type non pris en charge {1} . Les
types rfrence ne sont pas pris en charge pour les variables.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} has too many elements",,"Le paramtre {0} a trop d lments.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not IEnumerable<>",,"{0} n est pas IEnumerable<>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is not a LambdaExpression",,"L argument {0} n est pas un LambdaExp
ression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not a sequence",,"{0} n est pas une squence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is not valid",,"L argument {0} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The conversion could not be completed because the supplied DateTime did not hav
e the Kind property set correctly. For example, when the Kind property is DateT
imeKind.Local, the source time zone must be TimeZoneInfo.Local.",,"Impossible d
effectuer la conversion, car la proprit Kind du DateTime fourni n est pas correcte
ment dfinie. Par exemple, lorsque la proprit Kind a la valeur DateTimeKind.Local, l
e fuseau horaire source doit avoir pour valeur TimeZoneInfo.Local.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The tzfile does not begin with the magic characters TZif . Please verify that
the file is not corrupt.",,"Le fichier tzfile ne commence pas par les caractres
magiques TZif . Assurez-vous que le fichier n est pas endommag.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration yielded no results",,"L numration n a gnr aucun rsultat",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The two sequences have incompatible element types",,"Les deux squences ont des t
ypes d lments incompatibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sequence contains more than one element",,"La squence contient plusieurs lments.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sequence contains more than one matching element",,"La squence contient plusieur
s lments correspondants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no method {0} on class System.Linq.Enumerable that matches the speci

fied arguments",,"Aucune mthode {0} dans la classe System.Linq.Enumerable ne co

rrespond aux arguments spcifis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sequence contains no elements",,"La squence ne contient aucun lment.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sequence contains no matching element",,"La squence ne contient aucun lment corres
pondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no method {0} on type {1} ",,"Il n y a aucune mthode {0} dans le t
ype {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no method {0} on type {1} that matches the specified arguments",,"
Aucune mthode {0} dans le type {1} ne correspond aux arguments spcifis.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no method {0} on class System.Linq.Queryable that matches the specif
ied arguments",,"Aucune mthode {0} dans la classe System.Linq.Queryable ne corr
espond aux arguments spcifis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration has not started. MoveNext must be called to initiate enumeration.",
,"L numration n a pas dmarr. MoveNext doit tre appel pour lancer l numration.",,"Text
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The query enumerator has been disposed.",,"L numrateur de requtes a t supprim.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The query enumerator previously threw an exception.",,"L numrateur de requtes a prcd
emment lev une exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The query has been canceled via the token supplied to WithCancellation.",,"La r
equte a t annule via le jeton fourni WithCancellation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The second data source of a binary operator must be of type System.Linq.Paralle
lQuery<T> rather than System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable<T>. To fix this pro
blem, use the AsParallel() extension method to convert the right data source to
System.Linq.ParallelQuery<T>.",,"La deuxime source de donnes d un oprateur binaire
doit tre du type System.Linq.ParallelQuery<T> plutt que System.Collections.Generic
.IEnumerable<T>. Pour corriger ce problme, utilisez la mthode d extension AsParall
el() pour convertir la source de donnes correcte en System.Linq.ParallelQuery<T>.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one dimension length must be provided.",,"Au moins une longueur de dim
ension doit tre fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The mergeOptions argument contains an invalid value.",,"L argument mergeOptions
contient une valeur non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The executionMode argument contains an invalid value.",,"L argument executionMo
de contient une valeur non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The returned array s length must equal the number of partitions requested.",,"L
a longueur du tableau retourn doit tre gale au nombre de partitions demandes.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Elements returned must not be null.",,"Les lments retourns ne doivent pas tre null.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The return value must not be null.",,"La valeur de retour ne doit pas tre null."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WithDegreeOfParallelism operator may be used at most once in a query.",,"L
oprateur WithDegreeOfParallelism peut tre utilis au plus une fois dans une requte.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WithExecutionMode operator may be used at most once in a query.",,"L oprateu
r WithExecutionMode peut tre utilis au plus une fois dans une requte.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WithMergeOptions operator may be used at most once in a query.",,"L oprateur
WithMergeOptions peut tre utilis au plus une fois dans une requte.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WithTaskScheduler operator may be used at most once in a query.",,"L oprateu
r WithTaskScheduler peut tre utilis au plus une fois dans une requte.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WithCancellation operator may by used at most once in a query.",,"L oprateur
WithCancellation peut tre utilis au plus une fois dans une requte.",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"AsOrdered may only be called on the result of AsParallel, ParallelEnumerable.Ra
nge, or ParallelEnumerable.Repeat.",,"AsOrdered peut tre appel uniquement sur le rs
ultat de AsParallel, ParallelEnumerable.Range ou ParallelEnumerable.Repeat.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-generic AsOrdered may only be called on the result of the non-generic AsPar
allel.",,"AsOrdered non gnrique peut tre appel uniquement sur le rsultat de AsParalle
l non gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AsOrdered may not be used with a partitioner that is not orderable.",,"AsOrdere
d ne peut pas tre utilis avec un partitionneur qui n est pas organisable.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partitioner returned a null partition.",,"Le partitionneur a retourn une partiti
on null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partitioner returned null instead of a list of partitions.",,"Le partitionneur
a retourn null au lieu d une liste de partitions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partitioner returned a wrong number of partitions.",,"Le partitionneur a retour
n un nombre incrorrect de partitions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Query {2} beginning from Task {1}.",,"La requte {2} commence partir de la tche {1
}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Query {2} ending from Task {1}.",,"La requte {2} se termine partir de la tche {1}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Task {1} joining Query {2}.",,"La tche {1} est jointe la requte {2}.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Task {1} leaving Query {2}.",,"La tche {1} quitte la requte {2}.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Details...",,"Dtails...",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More Information...",,"Plus d infos...",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Choose the type of maintenance you need.",,"Choisir le type de maintenance qui
vous convient.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove the application from this computer.",,"Supprimer l application de cet or
dinateur.",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Restore the application to its previous state.",,"Restaurer l tat prcdent de l app
lication.",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"From:",,"De:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Downloading: Waiting...",,"Tlchargement en cours: en attente...",,"Static Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This may take several minutes. You can use your computer to do other tasks duri
ng the installation.",,"Ceci peut prendre plusieurs minutes. Vous pouvez utilise
r votre ordinateur pour d autres tches pendant l installation.",,"Static Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verifying application requirements. This may take a few moments.",,"Vrification
de la configuration requise pour l application. Ceci peut ncessiter quelques minu
tes.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Skip",,"Ignorer",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name:",,"Nom :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application update",,"Mise jour de l application",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation of {0} resulted in exception.",,"L activation de {0} a provoqu une ex
ception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation of {0} succeeded.",,"Activation de {0} russie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application activation is not possible.",,"Impossible d activer l application."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation succeeded",,"Installation termine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Click on the application desktop icon or select it from the Start Menu.",,"Cliq
uez sur l icne de l application sur le Bureau ou slectionnez l application partir

du menu Dmarrer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Application is successfully installed. You can activate the application from th
e Start Menu.",,"L application a t installe. Vous pouvez l activer partir du menu Dm
arrer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Common Language Runtime version {0} not found for .NET Framework {1}.",,"Imposs
ible de trouver la version du Common Language Runtime {0} pour .NET Framework {1
}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cleaning up of online application cache successfully completed.",,"Nettoyage du
cache d application en ligne termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cleaning up of online application cache could not be successfully completed.",,
"Impossible de terminer le nettoyage du cache d application en ligne.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found compatible runtime version {0}.",,"Une version {0} du runtime compatible
a t trouve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Detecting dependent assembly {0} using {1}.",,"Dtection de l assembly dpendant {0
} l aide de {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic exception handler is disabled.",,"Le gestionnaire d exceptions gnriques e
st dsactiv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot retrieve application. Authentication error.",,"Impossible d extraire l a
pplication. Erreur d authentification.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to install or run this application. This application requires {0} or oth
er compatible .NET Framework.",,"Impossible d installer ou d excuter cette applic
ation. Cette dernire ncessite {0} ou une autre version de .NET Framework compatibl
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many deployed activations are attempting to load at once.",,"Des activation
s dployes tentent de se charger simultanment en trop grand nombre.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot start application {0} from this location because it is already insta
lled from a different location.",,"Impossible de dmarrer l application {0} partir
de cet emplacement car elle est dj installe dans un autre emplacement.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot start the application. There is not enough available space on the disk."
,,"Impossible de dmarrer l application. Espace disponible insuffisant sur le disq
ue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error has occurred writing to the hard disk. Check if there is enough availa
ble space on the disk. Contact the application vendor.",,"Une erreur s est produ
ite lors de l criture sur le disque. Vrifiez si l espace disponible sur le disque
est suffisant. Contactez le fournisseur de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot download the application. The application is missing required files. Con
tact application vendor for assistance. ",,"Impossible de tlcharger l application.
Des fichiers manquent pour l application. Pour obtenir de l aide, contactez le
fournisseur de l application. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application installation did not succeed. Cannot locate application files on th
e server. Contact the application vendor or your administrator for assistance.",
,"chec de l installation de l application. Impossible de trouver les fichiers de
l application sur le serveur. Pour obtenir de l aide, contactez le fournisseur d
e l application ou votre administrateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Application cannot be started. Contact the application vendor.",,"Impossible de
dmarrer l application. Contactez le fournisseur de l application.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Click here to send this error to the deployment server and check for known solu
tions to this problem.",,"Cliquez ici pour envoyer cette erreur au serveur de dpl
oiement et rechercher des solutions connues ce problme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot continue. The application is improperly formatted. Contact the applicati
on vendor for assistance. ",,"Impossible de continuer. L application n est pas c

orrectement formate. Pour obtenir de l aide, contactez le fournisseur de l applic

ation. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to retrieve application files. Files corrupt in deployment.",,"Impossibl
e d extraire les fichiers de l application. Fichiers endommags dans le dploiement.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This Application cannot be installed because it requires an unsupported featur
e. Contact your application vendor for assistance.",,"Impossible d installer cet
te application car elle ncessite une fonctionnalit non prise en charge. Pour obten
ir de l aide, contactez le fournisseur de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application download did not succeed. Check your network connection, or contact
your system administrator or network service provider.",,"Le tlchargement de l ap
plication n a pas abouti. Vrifiez votre connexion rseau ou contactez votre adminis
trateur systme ou votre fournisseur de services rseau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to install or run this application. This application requires your syste
m to be updated to {0}.",,"Impossible d installer ou d excuter cette application.
Cette application requiert une mise jour de votre systme vers {0}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to install or run the application. The application requires that assembl
y {0} be installed in the Global Assembly Cache (GAC) first. ",,"Impossible d in
staller ou d excuter l application. Cette application requiert l assembly {0}, qu
i doit d abord tre installe dans le Global Assembly Cache. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application is too large to run online in partial trust.",,"L application e
st trop volumineuse pour tre excute en ligne en confiance partielle.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot start the application. Contact the application vendor for assistance.",,
"Impossible de dmarrer l application. Pour obtenir de l aide, contactez le fourni
sseur de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to to grant required permissions to the application. {0}",,"Impossible d
accorder les autorisations requises l application. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application validation did not succeed. Unable to continue.",,"chec de la valida
tion de l application. Impossible de continuer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation failed due to a Windows Side-by-Side error. System Event Log may con
tain some more information about this failure.",,"chec de l activation en raison
d une erreur cte cte de Windows. Le journal des vnements systme peut contenir des inf
ormations complmentaires sur cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Activation in progress exception.",,"Exception lie l activation en cours.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot disable updates for this application. To install this application uninst
all the previous version first.",,"Impossible de dsactiver les mises jour pour ce
tte application. Pour installer cette application, dsinstallez d abord la version
prcdente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application manifests must specify at least one dependency.",,"Les manifestes d
application doivent dfinir au moins une dpendance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application identity does not match the application already installed.",,"L ide
ntit de l application ne correspond pas l application dj installe.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application identity is not set.",,"L identit de l application n est pas dfinie."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application identity is too long.",,"L identit de l application est trop longue.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified <entryPoint> is not valid. Check that the path to the entrypoint is w
ell-formed and the entrypoint exists in the deployment.",,"Le <entryPoint> spcifi
n est pas valide. Vrifiez si le chemin d accs au point d entre est bien form et si l

e point d entre existe dans le dploiement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
"Parameters attribute is not supported in <entryPoint> command line.",,"L attrib
ut des paramtres n est pas pris en charge dans la ligne de commande <entryPoint>.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Icon file specified in the application manifest is not valid.",,"Le fichier d i
cne spcifi dans le manifeste d application n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application manifest has either a different computed hash than the one specifie
d or no hash specified at all. ",,"Le manifeste d application possde un hachage c
alcul diffrent de celui spcifi ou aucun hachage n est spcifi. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application manifest must specify the CLR dependency.",,"Le manifeste de l appl
ication doit spcifier la dpendance CLR.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Application manifest does not accept specification of <compatibleFrameworks>.",
,"Le manifeste de l application n accepte pas la spcification de <compatibleFrame
works>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application manifest does not accept specification of the <deployment> section.
",,"Le manifeste d application n accepte pas la spcification de la section <depl
oyment>. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If you specify <useManifestForTrust> in the application manifest, you must also
specify a publisher and product name.",,"Si vous spcifiez <useManifestForTrust>
dans le manifeste de l application, vous devez galement spcifier un diteur et un no
m de produit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If you do not specify <useManifestForTrust> in the application manifest, you sh
ould not specify a publisher or a product name.",,"Si vous ne spcifiez pas l lment
<useManifestForTrust> dans le manifeste de l application, il n est pas ncessaire
de spcifier d diteur ni de nom de produit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Application manifests must specify exactly one <entryPoint> section.",,"Les man
ifestes d application doivent spcifier exactement une section <entryPoint>.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application contains an assembly with the same identity as the application or d
eployment: {0}.",,"L application contient un assembly avec la mme identit que l ap
plication ou le dploiement: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application manifest is signed, but the deployment manifest is unsigned. Bo
th manifests must be either signed or unsigned.",,"Le manifeste de l application
est sign alors que le manifeste de dploiement ne l est pas. Les deux manifestes d
oivent tre signs ou non signs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to install this application because an application with the same identit
y is already installed. To install this application, either modify the manifest
version for this application or uninstall the preexisting application.",,"Imposs
ible d installer cette application car une application disposant de la mme identi
t est dj installe. Pour installer cette application, modifiez la version du manifest
e correspondante ou dsinstallez l application prexistante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ARP entry {0} does not exist.",,"L entre ARP {0} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind to a deployment that is not the current version.",,"Impossible de l
ier un dploiement dont la version n est pas la version actuelle.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind to a deployment that is not installed.",,"Impossible de lier un dplo
iement qui n est pas install.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bind must be called first.",,"La liaison doit tre appele d abord.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bind cannot be called more than once.",,"La liaison ne peut pas tre appele plus d
une fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot call AssertApplicationRequirements when installing a ClickOnce appli
cation that specifies a custom host.",,"Impossible d appeler la mthode AssertAppl

icationRequirements lors de l installation d une application ClickOnce spcifiant

un hte personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot call UninstallCustomAddin for a ClickOnce application that has not s
pecified a custom host.",,"Impossible d appeler la mthode UninstallCustomAddin po
ur une application ClickOnce n ayant pas spcifi d hte personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot call the UninstallCustomUXApplication method for a ClickOnce applica
tion that is not marked as a customUX type.",,"Impossible d appeler la mthode Uni
nstallCustomUXApplication pour une application ClickOnce n tant pas marque comme u
n type customUX.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AssertApplicationRequirements method either did not get called or timed out
. There is no trust decision before the commit.",,"La mthode AssertApplicationReq
uirements n a pas t appele ou a expir. Il n existe aucune dcision d approbation pralab
le la validation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DeterminePlatformRequirements method failed. The application cannot be comm
itted.",,"chec de la mthode DeterminePlatformRequirements. L application ne peut p
as tre valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AssertApplicationRequirements method failed. The application cannot be comm
itted.",,"chec de la mthode AssertApplicationRequirements. L application ne peut p
as tre valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot specify a <customUX> element for a browser-hosted application.",,"Im
possible de spcifier un lment <customUX> pour une application hberge dans un navigate
ur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must not specify a deployment provider for a ClickOnce application that spe
cifies a custom host.",,"Vous ne devez pas spcifier de fournisseur de dploiement p
our une application ClickOnce spcifiant un hte personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot specify a <useManifestForTrust> element for a ClickOnce application
that specifies a custom host.",,"Impossible de spcifier un lment <useManifestForTru
st> pour une application ClickOnce spcifiant un hte personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load internal manifest from component file.",,"Impossible de charger le
manifeste interne partir du fichier composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cleaning up online application cache did not succeed.",,"chec du nettoyage du ca
che d application en ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Revision number (4th part) in Version field of Microsoft Common Language Ru
ntime dependency section must be zero: {0}.",,"Le numro de rvision (4me partie) du
champ Version de la section de dpendance de Microsoft Common Language Runtime doi
t tre zro: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code limit exceeded for hash transforms or digest method.",,"Limite de code dpas
se pour les transformations de hachage ou la mthode digest.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Subscription identity argument is not valid : {0}.",,"L argument d identit d abo
nnement n est pas valide: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Subscription identity argument cannot be null.",,"L argument d indentification
de l abonnement ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Subscription identity argument cannot have version attribute.",,"L argument d i
ndentification de l abonnement ne peut pas avoir d attribut de version.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compatible framework missing exception.",,"Exception manquante pour l infrastru
cture compatible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support url is not absolute for <compatibleFrameworks>.",,"L URL de support tec
hnique ne correspond pas une adresse absolue pour <compatibleFrameworks>.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a supported scheme for the <compatibleFrameworks> support url. Only file, h
ttp and https schemes are supported.",,"Ce schma n est pas pris en charge pour l
URL de support technique <compatibleFrameworks>. Seuls les schmas de fichier, HTT
P et HTTPS sont pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Support url for <compatibleFrameworks> is not a valid url.",,"L URL de support

technique pour <compatibleFrameworks> est une URL non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support url is too long for <compatibleFrameworks>.",,"L URL de support techniq
ue est trop longue pour <compatibleFrameworks>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The customHostSpecified attribute is not supported for Windows Forms applicatio
ns.",,"L attribut customHostSpecified n est pas pris en charge pour les applicat
ions WindowsForms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An earlier version of this application is already installed and marked as a cus
tomUX type. To install this application, either use the customUX element to mark
this application as a customUX type or uninstall the earlier version.",,"Une ve
rsion antrieure de cette application est dj installe et marque comme type customUX. P
our installer cette application, utilisez l lment customUX pour marquer cette appl
ication comme type customUX ou dsinstallez la version antrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The customUX element is not supported for Windows Forms applications.",,"L lment
customUX n est pas pris en charge pour les applications Windows Forms.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Minimum required version specified in the deployment manifest cannot be lower t
han the previous minimum required version.",,"La version minimale requise spcifie
dans le manifeste de dploiement ne peut pas tre infrieure la version minimale requi
se prcdente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application reference identity has invalid hash element.",,"L identit de la rfrenc
e l application contient un lment de hachage non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The deployment manifest codebase reference to the application manifest is not v
alid.",,"La rfrence du code base du manifeste de dploiement au manifeste de l appli
cation n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the application reference identity has invalid characters: {0}.",,"
Le nom de l identit de la rfrence l application contient des caractres non autoriss:
0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application reference identity must be strongly named.",,"L identit de la rfrence
l application doit porter un nom fort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Application reference in deployment manifest must not be optional or pre-requis
ite or must not have resource fallback culture.",,"La rfrence l application dans l
e manifeste de dploiement ne doit pas tre facultative, ne doit pas tre un pr-requis
ou ne doit pas avoir une culture de secours pour la ressource.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application reference identity processor architecture, {0}, does not match the
processor architecture of the deployment: {1}.",,"L architecture de processeur {
0} de l identit de la rfrence l application ne correspond pas l architecture du pro
cesseur du dploiement: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest must specify an application dependency.",,"Le manifeste de
dploiement doit spcifier une dpendance d application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must specify at least one <framework> element in <compatibleFrameworks> sec
tion.",,"Vous devez spcifier au moins un lment <framework> dans la section <compati
bleFrameworks>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest cannot contain both <beforeApplicationStartup> and <maximum
Age>.",,"Le manifeste de dploiement ne peut pas contenir la fois <beforeApplicati
onStartup> et <maximumAge>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest does not accept specification of <entryPoint>.",,"Le manife
ste de dploiement n accepte pas la spcification de <entryPoint>.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File associations are not allowed in deployment manifest.",,"Les associations d
e fichiers ne sont pas autorises dans un manifeste de dploiement.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest does not accept specification of <file>.",,"Le manifeste de

dploiement n accepte pas la spcification de <file>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew

ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must specify profile for .NET Framework version {0}.",,"Vous devez spcifier
un profil pour la version de .NET Framework {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest does not accept specification of icon file.",,"Le manifeste
de dploiement n accepte pas la spcification du fichier d icne.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supportedRuntime is not a valid version string: {0}.",,"La chane supportedRu
ntime n est pas une chane de version valide: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The targetVersion is not a valid version string: {0}.",,"La chane targetVersion
n est pas une chane de version valide: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest is missing <compatibleFrameworks>.",,"<compatibleFrameworks
> manquant dans le manifeste de dploiement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest requires <deployment> section.",,"Le manifeste de dploiement
requiert la section <deployment>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Deployment manifest cannot specify minimumRequiredVersion for online applicatio
ns.",,"Le manifeste de dploiement ne peut pas spcifier minimumRequiredVersion pour
les applications en ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest identity must be strongly named.",,"L identit du manifeste d
e dploiement doit porter un nom fort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Online only application cannot specify disallowUrlActivation.",,"Les applicatio
ns uniquement en ligne ne peuvent pas spcifier disallowUrlActivation.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest identity contains missing or unsupported processor architec
ture.",,"L identit du manifeste de dploiement contient une architecture de process
eur manquante ou non prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Deployment provider is not an absolute uri.",,"Le fournisseur de dploiement n es
t pas un uri absolu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uri scheme for the deployment provider is not supported. Only file, HTTP and HT
TPS schemes are supported.",,"Ce mode d uri pour le fournisseur de dploiement n e
st pas pris en charge. Seuls les modes File, HTTP et HTTPS sont pris en charge."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment provider is not a valid url: {0}.",,"Le fournisseur de dploiement n e
st pas une URL absolue: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must specify an absolute URI for the deployment provider for installed appl
ications that check for updates.",,"Vous devez spcifier un URI absolu pour le fou
rnisseur de dploiement pour les applications installes qui recherchent les mises j
our.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified deployment provider length exceeds the limit.",,"La longueur du fourn
isseur de dploiement spcifi est suprieure la limite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest requires that you specify a publisher and a product.",,"Le
manifeste de dploiement requiert qu un diteur et un produit soient spcifis.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application manifest identity is same as deployment manifest identity: {0}.",,"
L identit du manifeste d application est identique celle du manifeste de dploiemen
t: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The deployment manifest is signed, but the application manifest is unsigned. Bo
th manifests must be either signed or unsigned.",,"Le manifeste de dploiement est
sign alors que le manifeste de l application ne l est pas. Les deux manifestes d
oivent tre signs ou non signs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"trustUrlParameters and disallowUrlActivation cannot both be true at the same ti
me.",,"trustUrlParameters et disallowUrlActivation ne peuvent pas avoir la valeu

r true en mme temps.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The profile {0} is not supported for .NET Framework version {1}.",,"Le profil {
0} n est pas pris en charge dans la version de .NET Framework version {1}.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The .NET Framework version {0} is not supported.",,"La version de .NET Framewor
k {0} n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The deployment manifest does not support the <useManifestForTrust> element.",,"
Le manifeste de dploiement ne prend pas en charge l lment <useManifestForTrust>.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GAC pre-requisite dependency must be strongly named: {0}.",,"La dpendance pralabl
e au GAC doit porter un nom fort: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Hash is not properly formatted: {0}.",,"Le hachage n est pas correctement forma
t: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No codebase found for dependency: {0}.",,"Aucun code base trouv pour la dpendance:
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The codebase specified for a dependency element in the application manifest mus
t be a relative path: {0}.",,"Le code base spcifi pour un lment de dpendance dans le
manifeste de l application doit correspondre un chemin d accs relatif: {0}.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dependency is optional but is not assigned to a group: Dependency identity: {0}
.",,"La dpendance est facultative mais n est pas affecte un groupe: Identit de la dpe
ndance: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource dependency cannot have codebase: {0}.",,"La dpendance de la ressource n
e peut pas avoir de code base: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"This dependency cannot have ResourceFallbackCulture: {0}.",,"Cette dpendance ne
peut pas avoir de culture de secours pour la ressource: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource dependency cannot have hash elements: {0}.",,"La dpendance de la ressou
rce ne peut pas contenir d lments de hachage: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support url is not absolute for dependency: {0}.",,"L URL de support ne corresp
ond pas une adresse absolue pour la dpendance: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a supported scheme for the dependency support url. Only file, http and http
s schemes are supported: {0}.",,"Ce mode n est pas pris en charge pour l url de
support de la dpendance. Seuls les modes File, HTTP et HTTPS sont pris en charge:
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support url for dependency is not a valid url: {0}.",,"L URL de support pour la
dpendance n est pas une URL valide: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Support url is too long for dependency: {0}.",,"L url de support est trop longu
e pour la dpendance: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support url for dependent operating system is not a valid url: {0}.",,"La longu
eur de l url de support pour le systme d exploitation dpendant n est pas une URL v
alide: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dependent platform missing exception.",,"Exception manquante pour la plateforme
dpendante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support url length for dependent operating system is not absolute.",,"La longue
ur de l url de support pour le systme d exploitation dpendant n est pas absolue.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a supported scheme for the dependent operating system support url. Only fil
e, http and https schemes are supported.",,"Ce mode n est pas pris en charge pou
r l url de support du systme d exploitation dpendant. Seuls les modes File, HTTP e
t HTTPS sont pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support url length for dependent operating system exceeds the limit.",,"La long
ueur de l url de support du systme d exploitation dpendant est suprieure la limite.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment and application do not have matching security zones.",,"Les zones de

scurit du dploiement et de l application ne correspondent pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot activate a deployment with earlier version than the current minimum requ
ired version of the application.",,"Impossible d activer un dploiement avec une v
ersion antrieure la version actuelle minimale requise pour l application.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment download exception.",,"Exception de tlchargement du dploiement.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment exception.",,"Exception de dploiement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The deployment identity does not match the subscription.",,"L identit de dploieme
nt ne correspond pas l abonnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Deployment manifest identity has no version.",,"Absence de version de l identit
du manifeste de dploiement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot start application {0} from location {1} it is already installed from
location {2}. You can start it from location {2} or you can uninstall it and re
install it from location {1}. If you reinstall the application, be aware that yo
u might lose any customizations that you made to the application.",,"Impossible
de dmarrer l application {0} partir de l emplacement {1} car elle est dj installe da
ns l emplacement {2}. Vous pouvez la dmarrer partir de l emplacement {2} ou la dsi
nstaller puis la rinstaller dans l emplacement {1}. Si vous rinstallez l applicati
on, les personnalisations apportes cette application risquent d tre perdues.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The following application error report URL is not valid: {0}",,"L URL de rappor
t d erreurs d application suivante est non valide: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Support url length for the application is not absolute.",,"La longueur de l url
de support pour l application n est pas absolue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a supported scheme for the application support url. Only file, http and htt
ps schemes are supported.",,"Ce mode n est pas pris en charge pour l url de supp
ort de l application. Seuls les modes File, HTTP et HTTPS sont pris en charge.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application support url is not a valid url: {0}.",,"L URL de support d applicat
ion n est pas une URL valide: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Support url length for the application exceeds the limit.",,"La longueur de l u
rl de support de l application dpasse la limite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred while determining platform requirements.",,"Une exception
s est produite lors de la dtermination de la configuration requise pour la plate
-forme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred while determining trust.",,"Une exception s est produite
lors de la dtermination du niveau de confiance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File, {0}, has a different computed hash than specified in manifest.",,"Le fich
ier {0} possde un hachage calcul diffrent de celui spcifi dans le manifeste.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Digest method {0} is not supported.",,"La mthode Digest {0} n est pas prise en c
harge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HTTP redirect is not allowed for application files and assemblies. Cannot downl
oad {0}.",,"La redirection HTTP n est pas autorise pour les fichiers d applicatio
n et les assemblys. Tlchargement de {0} impossible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred while downloading the application.",,"Une exception s est
produite lors du tlchargement de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Download cancelled exception.",,"Exception de tlchargement annul.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot download file group after the application has been updated. Restart the
application before attempting the download.",,"Impossible de tlcharger le groupe d
e fichiers aprs la mise jour de l application. Redmarrez l application avant de re
nouveler le tlchargement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference in the manifest does not match the identity of the downloaded assembl
y {0}.",,"La rfrence dans le manifeste ne correspond pas l identit de l assembly tlch
arg {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal manifest for a dll has an empty identity.",,"Un manifeste interne pour
une dll comporte une identit vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"An exception occurred while downloading the manifest.",,"Une exception s est pr
oduite lors du tlchargement du manifeste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Downloading {0} did not succeed.",,"chec du tlchargement de {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error encountered while deleting the file association CLSID {1} from the regist
ry for application {0}.",,"Erreur lors de la suppression du CLSID de l associati
on de fichiers {1} du Registre pour l application {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error encountered while deleting the {1} file association from the registry for
application {0}.",,"Erreur lors de la suppression de l association de fichiers
{1} du Registre pour l application {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error encountered while deleting the file association ProgID {1} from the regis
try for application {0}.",,"Erreur lors de la suppression du ProgID de l associa
tion de fichiers {1} du Registre pour l application {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""File association extension must start with dot. Offending file association ""{
0}""."",,"L extension d association de fichiers doit commencer par un point. Ass
ociation de fichiers incrimine {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""File association default icon ""{0}"" must be listed as a non-optional <file>
element."",,"L icne par dfaut de l association de fichiers {0} doit tre rpertorie en
tant qu lment <file> non facultatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""The following file association extension is not valid for this computer: ""{0}
"""",,"L extension d association de fichiers suivante n est pas valide pour cet
ordinateur : {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to start the associated application {0}. The application could not be fo
und or a remote URL could not be located.",,"Impossible de dmarrer l application
associe {0}. L application est introuvable ou une URL distante n a pas pu tre loca
lise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File associations are not supported for custom-hosted applications.",,"Les asso
ciations de fichiers ne sont pas prises en charge pour les applications hberges de
manire personnalise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File associations are not supported for browser-hosted applications.",,"Les ass
ociations de fichiers ne sont pas prises en charge pour les applications hberges d
ans un navigateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File associations are not supported for online applications.",,"Les association
s de fichiers ne sont pas prises en charge pour les applications en ligne.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File being downloaded from {0} has exceeded its acceptable size (The limit for
this file was {1} bytes).",,"Le fichier en cours de tlchargement partir de {0} a dp
ass la taille acceptable (la limite est de{1} octets).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One of the <fileAssociation> elements is missing an extension, description, pro
gID, or defaultIcon attribute.",,"L un des lments <fileAssociation> ne comporte pa
s d extension, de description, de progID ou d attribut defaultIcon.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File associations are only supported for Full Trust applications.",,"Les associ

ations de fichiers ne sont prises en charge que pour les applications de confian
ce totale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""File association extension ""{0}"" is longer than maximum limit."",,"L extensi
on d association de fichiers {0} est plus longue que la limite maximale.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File {0} is marked as a data file. It cannot be optional.",,"Le fichier {0} est
marqu en tant que fichier de donnes. Il ne peut pas tre facultatif.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File {0} is optional but is not assigned to a file group.",,"Le fichier {0} est
facultatif mais n est pas affect un groupe de fichiers.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File element {0} must have a relative path.",,"L lment de fichier {0} doit possder
un chemin relatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation failed.",,"chec de l activation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Application {0} is already installed from another location. Please uninstall {0
}.",,"L application {0} est dj installe partir d un autre emplacement. Dsinstallez {
0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No hash specified in manifest for file {0}.",,"Aucun hachage spcifi dans le manif
este pour le fichier {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Digest value for hash is null.",,"La valeur Digest du hachage est null.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred during hash validation.",,"Une exception s est produite a
u cours de la validation du hachage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Application manifest specifies the hostInBrowser attribute. This is not support
ed for Windows Forms applications.",,"Le manifeste d application spcifie l attrib
ut HostInBrowser. Cet attribut n est pas pris en charge pour les applications Wi
ndows Forms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To use an InPlaceHostingManager object created with the launchInHostProcess par
ameter set to true, the application must be browser-hosted or custom-hosted.",,"
Pour utiliser un objet InPlaceHosting Manager cr avec le paramtre launchInHostProce
ss dfini sur True, l application doit tre hberge dans un navigateur ou de manire pers
onnalise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identities in strong name signature and id_1 manifest do not match.",,"Les iden
tits dans la signature de nom fort et le manifeste id_1 ne correspondent pas.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest identity is not valid.",,"Identit de manifeste non valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest identity is too long.",,"Identit de manifeste trop longue.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest identity has one or more invalid characters: {0}.",,"L identit du manif
este comporte un ou plusieurs caractres non valides: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An application for this deployment is already installed with a different applic
ation identity.",,"Une application pour ce dploiement est dj installe sous une ident
it d application diffrente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The image CLR version ""{0}"" in file ""{1}"" is not supported."",,""La versio
n CLR de l image ""{0}"" dans le fichier ""{1}"" n est pas prise en charge."",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"In-place update of an application is not possible, please revise its version.",
,"La mise jour sur place d une application n est pas possible. Vrifiez sa version
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method you call cannot work on installed applications.",,"La mthode appele ne
peut pas fonctionner sur les applications installes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""CLR version string ""{0}"" in file ""{1}"" is not valid."",,""La chane de versi
on CLR ""{0}"" dans le fichier ""{1}"" n est pas valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copy or read request has some arguments that are not valid.",,"La demande de co

pie ou de lecture contient des arguments non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra

mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment does not exist or it is not valid.",,"Le dploiement n existe pas ou n
est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment exception is not valid.",,"Exception de dploiement non valide.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment manifest is not valid.",,"Le manifeste de dploiement n est pas valide
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a valid number of matching trusts were given an application version.",,"Le
numro de version d application donn aux approbations correspondantes est incorrect
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File stream is not of valid Portable Executable (PE) format.",,"Le flux de fich
ier n est pas au format PE (Portable Executable).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File {0} is not a valid Portable Executable (PE) file.",,"Le fichier {0} n est
pas un fichier PE (Portable Executable) valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Product or publisher name is not valid. All characters in the name are not vali
d or the name is null.",,"Nom de produit ou d diteur non valide. Les caractres du
nom ne sont pas valides ou le nom est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The Deployment Provider specified in the manifest cannot be reached. Maybe due
to network error and/or the deployment provider is not responding correctly.",,"
Impossible d atteindre le fournisseur de dploiement spcifi dans le manifeste. Ce pr
oblme est d une erreur rseau et/ou au fait que le fournisseur de dploiement ne rpond
pas correctement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid relative file path.",,"Chemin de fichier relatif non valide.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested operation was out of sequence.",,"L opration demande tait hors squenc
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shortcut format is not valid.",,"Le format de raccourci n est pas valide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Store metadata ""{0}"" is not valid."",,""Les mtadonnes de stockage ""{0}"" ne s
ont pas valides."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred during trust request. Trust information in the applicatio
n manifest may not be valid.",,"Une exception s est produite lors de la demande
d approbation. Les informations d approbation du manifeste d application ne sont
peut-tre pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest XML signature is not valid.",,"La signature XML de manifeste n est pas
valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of items fetched from enumerator is not equal to the item count.",,"Le n
ombre d lments extraits partir de l numrateur ne correspond pas au compte d lments.",
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null Cms object created by manifest parser.",,"Objet Cms null cr par l analyseur
de manifeste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lifetime has already ended.",,"La dure de vie a dj expir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lock timeout exception.",,"Exception d expiration de verrou.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parsing and DOM creation of the manifest resulted in error. Following parsing e
rrors were noticed: {0}",,"L analyse et la cration de DOM du manifeste ont gnr des e
rreurs. Les erreurs d analyse releves sont les suivantes: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Execution level requested by this application is not supported.",,"Le nivea
u d excution demand par cette application n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The manifest file size too large.",,"Le fichier du manifeste est trop volumineu
x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception reading manifest from {0}: the manifest may not be valid or the file
could not be opened.",,"Exception lors de la lecture du manifeste partir de {0}:

le manifeste n est pas valide ou le fichier n a pas pu tre ouvert.",,"Text",,"All

",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception occurred loading manifest from file {0}: the manifest may not be vali
d or the file could not be opened. ",,"Exception lors du chargement du manifeste
partir du fichier {0}: le manifeste n est pas valide ou le fichier n a pas pu tre
ouvert. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred while reading the manifest.",,"Une exception s est produi
te au cours de la lecture du manifeste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Maximum age value for updates in the deployment manifest cannot be larger than
365 days.",,"La valeur dfinissant l anciennet maximale des mises jour dans le mani
feste de dploiement ne peut pas tre suprieure 365jours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Minimum required version specified in the deployment manifest cannot exceed the
version of this deployment.",,"La version minimale requise spcifie dans le manife
ste de dploiement ne peut pas tre suprieure la version de ce dploiement.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple embedded manifests (with id=1, possibly with different language ids) a
re found which is not supported.",,"Multiple manifestes incorpors (avec id=1, vent
uellement avec des ID de langue diffrents) et non pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot include the file extension {0} more than one time in the application
manifest.",,"Vous ne pouvez pas inclure l extension de fichier {0} plusieurs fo
is dans le manifeste de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Deployment manifest has no valid application specified.",,"Aucune application v
alide spcifie dans le manifeste de dploiement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"No current application is available for the given subscription. The installatio
n may be corrupted.",,"Aucune application actuellement disponible pour l abonnem
ent indiqu. L installation est peut-tre endommage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No further operations are possible with this instance.",,"Aucune autre opration
n est possible avec cette instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Assembly matching the entry point cannot be found.",,"Aucun assembly correspond
ant au point d entre n a t trouv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There is no download group named ""{0}""."",,""Aucun groupe de tlchargement port
ant le nom ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User has refused to grant required permissions to the application.",,"L utilisa
teur a refus d accorder les autorisations requises l application.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An earlier version of this application is already installed and not marked as a
customUX type. To install this application, either remove the customUX element
or uninstall the earlier version.",,"Une version antrieure de cette application e
st dj installe et n est pas marque comme type customUX. Pour installer cette applica
tion, supprimez l lment customUX ou dsinstallez la version antrieure.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest is not a valid deployment manifest or shortcut.",,"Le manifeste n est
pas un manifeste de dploiement ou un raccourci valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PE file does not have enough data.",,"Le fichier PE ne dispose pas de suffisamm
ent de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deployment is not installed or is not visible in the shell. ",,"Le dploiement n
est pas install ou n est pas visible dans le shell. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not supported hash algorithm.",,"Algorithme de hachage non pris en charge.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uri scheme is not supported. Only file, HTTP, and HTTPS schemes are supported."
,,"Mode URI non pris en charge. Seuls les modes File, HTTP et HTTPS sont pris en

charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Application cannot be updated programmatically unless the deployment manifest i
ncludes the <deploymentProvider> element.",,"L application ne peut pas tre mise j
our par programme, except si le manifeste de dploiement inclut l lment <deploymentPr
ovider>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot make this application an online application because the previous version
is installed. To install this application uninstall the previous version, or ma
rk this application as installed.",,"Impossible de mettre cette application en l
igne car la version prcdente est installe. Pour installer cette application, dsinsta
llez tout d abord la version prcdente ou marquez l application comme tant installe."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Online applications cannot be started from a file association.",,"Les applicati
ons en ligne ne peuvent pas tre dmarres partir d une association de fichiers.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Online applications cannot have file associations.",,"Les applications en ligne
ne peuvent pas avoir d association de fichiers.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application size exceeds the size limit for online semi-trust applications({0}
bytes).",,"La taille de l application dpasse la taille limite des applications en
ligne de niveau de confiance partiel ({0} octets).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only System.IO.Stream type is supported.",,"Seul le type System.IO.Stream est p
ris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Portable executable (PE) image is not supported. Only 32 bit or 64 bit images a
re supported. ",,"Cette image PE (Portable executable) n est pas prise en charge
. Seules les images 32 ou 64bits sont prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dependency {0} cannot be processed for patching.",,"La dpendance {0} ne peut pas
tre traite pour une mise jour corrective.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"File {0} cannot be opened for patching.",,"Le fichier {0} ne peut pas tre ouvert
pour la correction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The deployment identity at the deployment provider is not the same as the origi
nal deployment identity.",,"L identit du dploiement sur le fournisseur de dploiemen
t n est pas identique l identit du dploiement d origine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Publisher and/or Product name in the deployment manifest must be less than 260
characters.",,"Le nom de l diteur et/ou du produit dans le manifeste de dploiement
doit compter moins de 260caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Reference in the deployment does not match the identity defined in the applicat
ion manifest. ",,"La rfrence dans le dploiement ne correspond pas l identit dfinie da
ns le manifeste d application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requires XP or higher.",,"Ncessite XP ou une version ultrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The runtime CLR version ""{0}"" requested by file ""{1}"" is not supported."",
,""La version de CLR du runtime ""{0}"" demande par le fichier ""{1}"" n est pas
prise en charge."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Satellite resources are not supported.",,"Les ressources satellites ne sont pas
prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application manifest is not semantically valid.",,"Le manifeste d application n
est pas valide au niveau smantique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Deployment manifest is not semantically valid.",,"Le manifeste de dploiement n e
st pas valide au niveau smantique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"File system does not support short 8.3 file names.",,"Le systme de fichiers ne p
rend pas en charge les noms de fichiers courts au format8.3.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shortcut cannot reference an online-only deployment.",,"Le raccourci ne peut pa

s faire rfrence un dploiement en ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Shortcuts could not be removed. Try again later.",,"Impossible de supprimer les
raccourcis. Ressayez ultrieurement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Shortcut removal could not be completed. Publisher or product value is not vali
d. ",,"Impossible de supprimer le raccourci. La valeur de l diteur ou du produit
n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The shortcut file is too large.",,"Le fichier de raccourci est trop volumineux.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Your Web browser settings do not allow you to run signed applications.",,"Les p
aramtres de votre navigateur Web ne vous permettent pas d excuter des applications
signes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The manifest is missing required hashes for some application components. The ma
nifest signature is regarded as not valid.",,"Le manifeste ne comporte pas les h
achages requis pour certains composants d application. La signature du manifeste
est considre comme non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Simply named assembly {0} has identity with non-null public key token.",,"L ass
embly {0} de nom simple possde une identit avec un jeton de cl publique incomplet."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Simply named mixed mode assembly {0} embeds strong name complib metadata.",,"L
assembly en mode mixte {0} de nom simple contient des mtadonnes de bibliothque de c
ompatibilit pour nom fort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update or check-for-update operation is already in progress.",,"Une mise jour o
u une opration de vrification de mise jour est dj en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception occurred during store operation.",,"Une exception s est produite lors
de l opration d enregistrement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strong name assembly {0} identity does not have any public key token.",,"L asse
mbly {0} de nom fort ne possde pas de jeton de cl publique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strong name signature not valid for this assembly {0}.",,"Signature de nom fort
non valide pour cet assembly {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot verify strongly named assembly {0}.",,"Impossible de vrifier l assembly p
ortant un nom fort {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application identity is not valid : {0}.",,"Identit d application non valide: {0}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application cannot restore. There are no previous versions installed.",,"Imposs
ible de restaurer l application. Aucune version prcdente installe.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application is not installed.",,"Application non installe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This is not an installed application.",,"Cette application n est pas installe.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Supported runtime missing exception.",,"Exception manquante pour le runtime pri
s en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Synchronize of group {0} cannot be called more than once at any given time.",,"
La synchronisation du groupe {0} ne peut pas tre appele plus d une fois un instant
donn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Synchronize(null) must be called first.",,"Synchronize(null) doit tre appel d abo
rd.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Synchronize(null) cannot be called more than once.",,"Synchronize(null) ne peut
pas tre appel plus d une fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Temporary path string is not valid.",,"La chane du chemin d accs temporaire n est
pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Temporary path string is too short.",,"La chane du chemin d accs temporaire est t
rop courte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are too many assemblies in the application manifest.",,"Le manifeste de l
application comporte trop d assemblys.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"You cannot have more than {0} file associations for an application.",,"Vous ne
pouvez pas avoir plus de {0} associations de fichiers pour une application.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are too many files in the application manifest.",,"Le manifeste de l appl
ication comporte trop de fichiers.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Transaction did not complete. The file name may be too long. Shorten the file n
ame, and try again.",,"chec de la transaction. Le nom de fichier est trop long. Rd
uisez le nombre de caractres et ressayez.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Transform algorithm {0} is not supported.",,"L algorithme de transformation {0}
n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trust not granted exception.",,"Exception de confiance non accorde.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Your Web browser settings do not allow you to run unsigned applications.",,"Les
paramtres de votre navigateur Web ne vous permettent pas d excuter des applicatio
ns non signes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update not available.",,"Mise jour non disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given activation url is too long.",,"L URL d activation indique est trop lon
gue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load {0}. The component may not be valid. Win32 error code was 0x{1}.",,
"Impossible de charger {0}. Le composant n est peut-tre pas valide. Le code d err
eur Win32 est 0x{1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load resource from {0}. The component may not be valid. Win32 error code
was 0x{1}.",,"Impossible de charger la ressource partir de {0}. Le composant n
est peut-tre pas valide. Le code d erreur Win32 est 0x{1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Forcing AppLaunch.exe for all activations.",,"AppLaunch.exe forc pour toutes les
activations.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Forcing /COR for all activations.",,"/COR forc pour toutes les activations.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version {0}",,"Version {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version {0} {1}",,"Version {0} {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Service ended while there are still {0} operations in progress.",,"Le service a
pris fin alors que {0} oprations sont toujours en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR DETAILS\r\n",,"DTAILS DE L ERREUR\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"ERROR SUMMARY\r\n",,"RSUM DES ERREURS\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"{0} (Unknown subtype)",,"{0} (sous-type inconnu)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IDENTITIES\r\n",,"IDENTITS\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SOURCES\r\n",,"SOURCES\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
E COMPOSANTS\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
TION DU MAGASIN DE COMPOSANTS\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Installation of deployment ({0}) did not succeed.",,"chec de l installation du dp
loiement ({0}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Pinning of deployment ({0}) did not succeed.",,"chec de l pinglage du dploiement (

{0}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setting one or more of the deployment metadata did not succeed.",,"chec de la dfi
nition d une ou de plusieurs mtadonnes de dploiement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Staging of a component ({0}) did not succeed.",,"chec de la mise en attente d un
composant ({0}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Staging of a component file ({0}) did not succeed.",,"chec de la mise en attente
d un fichier composant ({0}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unpinning of deployment ({0}) did not succeed.",,"chec de la suppression de l pin
glage du dploiement ({0}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Un-installation of deployment ({0}) did not succeed.",,"chec de la dsinstallation
du dploiement ({0}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WARNINGS\r\n",,"AVERTISSEMENTS\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Log verbosity level in the Registry is set to {0}.",,"Le niveau de dtail du jour
nal dans le Registre est dfini sur {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error occurred during store lookup, component store may have been corrupted.",,
"Une erreur s est produite au cours de la recherche dans le magasin. Le magasin
de composants est peut-tre endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Error occurred during uninstall of the application.",,"Une erreur s est produit
e lors de la dsinstallation de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Completed maintenance of application {0}.",,"Maintenance de l application {0} t
ermine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception occurred during maintenance of application {0}.",,"Une exception s es
t produite lors de la maintenance de l application {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maintenance of application {0} did not succeed.",,"chec de la maintenance de l a
pplication {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application could not be maintained. Try again later.",,"chec de la maintenance
de l application. Ressayez ultrieurement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Due to a format change ClickOnce applications and store has been cleaned up. Pl
ease reinstall your applications.",,"En raison d une modification de format, les
applications ClickOnce et le magasin ont t nettoys. Rinstallez vos applications.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Store format upgrade.",,"Mise niveau du format du magasin.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file named {0} does not have a hash specified in the manifest. Hash validat
ion will be ignored.",,"Le fichier nomm {0} ne comporte pas de hachage spcifi dans
le manifeste. La validation de hachage sera ignore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Commit of the downloaded application has started.",,"La validation de l applica
tion tlcharge a commenc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Consuming new update.",,"Utilisation de la nouvelle mise jour.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Performing necessary update check as specified by the deployment.",,"Excution de
la vrification de mise jour ncessaire, telle que spcifie par le dploiement.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Downloading of subscription dependencies is complete.",,"Tlchargement des dpendanc
es d abonnement termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation of the application has started.",,"L installation de l application
a commenc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation of application has successfully completed.",,"Installation de l ap
plication termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request of trust and detection of platform is complete.",,"Requte de confiance e
t dtection de plateforme termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Processing of application manifest has successfully completed.",,"Traitement du

manifeste de l application termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Processing of deployment manifest has successfully completed.",,"Traitement du
manifeste de dploiement termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Activation of {0} has started.",,"L activation de {0} a commenc.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Looking up information from component store.",,"Recherche d informations dans l
e magasin du composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Version {1}",,"{0} version {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Microsoft Common Language Runtime Version {0}",,"Microsoft Common Language Runt
ime version {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft Windows Operating System Version {0}",,"Systme d exploitation Microsof
t Windows Version {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Completed restoration of application {0}.",,"Restauration de l application {0}
termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception occurred during restoration of application {0}.",,"Une exception s es
t produite lors de la restauration de l application {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Restoration of application {0} did not succeed.",,"chec de la restauration de l
application {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Restoring the application did not succeed.",,"chec de la restauration de l appli
cation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Semantic validation is skipped on all manifests.",,"La validation de smantique e
st ignore sur tous les manifestes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"StrongName signature validation is skipped on all manifests.",,"La validation d
e la signature StrongName est ignore sur tous les manifestes.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application dependency hash check is skipped on all deployment manifests.",,"La
vrification du hachage de dpendance de l application est ignore sur tous les manif
estes de dploiement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Following Deployment Provider is skipped on all manifests.",,"Le suivi du fourn
isseur de dploiement est ignor sur tous les manifestes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Schema validation is skipped on all manifests.",,"La validation de schma est ign
ore sur tous les manifestes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""File association for ""{0}"" skipped, since another application is using it.""
,,"Association de fichiers pour {0} ignore car une autre application l utilise.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework 3.5 SP1 SKU detection is turned off.",,"La dtection de SKU .NET F
ramework 3.5 SP1 est dsactive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Skipping detection of dependent assembly {0}.",,"Dtection de l assemblage dpendan
t {0} ignore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} online support",,"Support en ligne de {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Limitation on the number simultaneous activations is suppressed.",,"La limite a
pplique au nombre d activations simultanes est supprime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"here",,"ici",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot Start Application",,"Impossible de dmarrer l application",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Maintenance",,"Maintenance de {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Maintenance Issue",,"Problme de maintenance",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"More information on this system update can be found by visiting the site here."
,,"Pour plus d informations sur la mise jour du systme, visitez ce site.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"here",,"site",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Please contact your system administrator.",,"Contactez votre administrateur sys
tme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System Update Required",,"Mise jour du systme requise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Bytes",,"{0} octets",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preparing Application...",,"Prparation de l application...",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Downloading: {0} of {1}",,"Tlchargement: {0} sur {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Downloading {0}",,"Tlchargement de {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Installing {0}",,"Installation de {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Required update for {0}",,"Mise jour requise pour {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Updating {0}",,"Mise jour de {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Previous version of the application is now available. On the Windows taskbar, c
lick Start, and select All Programs.",,"La version prcdente de l application est m
aintenant disponible. Dans la barre des tches Windows, cliquez sur Dmarrer et slect
ionnez Tous les programmes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Restored",,"Application restaure",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launching Application",,"Lancement de l application",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A new version of {0} is available. Do you want to download it now?",,"Une nouve
lle version de {0} est disponible. Voulez-vous la tlcharger maintenant?",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update Available",,"Mise jour disponible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Completed uninstall of application {0}.",,"Dsinstallation de l application {0} t
ermine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception occurred during uninstall of application {0}.",,"Une exception s est
produite lors de la dsinstallation de l application {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstall of application {0} did not succeed.",,"chec de la dsinstallation de l a
pplication {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstall of application did not succeed. See details for more information.",,"c
hec de la dsinstallation de l application. Pour plus d informations, voir les dtai
ls.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The manifest for this application does not have a signature. Signature validati
on will be ignored.",,"Le manifeste pour cette application ne comporte pas de si
gnature. La validation de signature sera ignore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update check completed for application.",,"Vrification de mise jour pour l appli
cation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Updated application {0} from source {1} has been accepted.",,"L application {0}
mise jour partir de la source {1} a t accepte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"User has decided to skip the update.",,"L utilisateur a dcid d ignorer la mise jo
ur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception occurred while performing update check for application.",,"Une except
ion s est produite lors de la vrification des mises jour de l application.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update check for application did not succeed.",,"chec de la vrification de la mis
e jour de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found update to application {0} - version {1} found at {2}",,"Mise jour trouve p
our l application {0}. Version {1} trouve l adresse {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Download exception occurred while performing an update check for application {0

}.",,"Une exception de tlchargement s est produite lors de la vrification de mises
jour pour l application {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Byte Array Property Editor",,"diteur de proprits du tableau d octets",,"Dialog Tit
le",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save...",,"Enregistrer...",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display Mode",,"Mode d affichage",,"Group Box Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"ANSI",,"ANSI",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto",,"Auto",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hexadecimal",,"Hexadcimal",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Unicode",,"Unicode",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Collection Editor",,"diteur de collections {0}",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add",,"Ajouter",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members:",,"Membres:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Properties:",,"Proprits:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove",,"Supprimer",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ActiveX - About...",,"ActiveX - propos de...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load TypeLib from {0} .",,"Impossible de charger TypeLib partir de
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error writing to output file {0} .",,"Erreur lors de l criture dans le fichier
de sortie {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiler errors occurred when generating a Windows Forms wrapper for ActiveX co
ntrol {0} . Source code saved in {1} .",,"Des erreurs du compilateur se sont p
roduites lors de la gnration d un wrapper Windows Forms pour le contrle ActiveX {0
} . Code source enregistr dans {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"ActiveX - Edit",,"ActiveX - Edition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Did not find a registered ActiveX control in {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver un
contrle ActiveX inscrit dans {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Could not create ActiveX control {0} because it is not properly registered.",
,"Impossible de crer le contrle ActiveX {0} , car il n est pas correctement inscr
it.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The control {0} is not a valid ActiveX control.",,"Le contrle {0} n est pas
un contrle ActiveX valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ActiveX - Properties...",,"ActiveX - Proprits...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot overwrite read-only file {0} .",,"Impossible de remplacer le fichier {
0} en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft Access data file:",,"Fichier de donnes Microsoft Access :",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} either does not exist or could not be mapped to a local file tha
t could be read.",,"Le fichier {0} n existe pas ou n a pas pu tre mapp sur un fi
chier local lisible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enter the relative path to a Microsoft Access database file (*.MDB) or choose B
rowse to locate the file on your computer.",,"Entrez le chemin d accs relatif un
fichier de base de donnes Microsoft Access (*.MDB) ou cliquez sur Parcourir pour
rechercher le fichier sur votre ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose a Database",,"Choisir une base de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Advanced binding allows you to bind properties of the control.",,"La liaison av
ance vous permet de lier les proprits d un contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anchor Editor",,"diteur d ancres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Bottom",,"Bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Left",,"Gauche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Right",,"Droite",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top",,"Haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the application setting in web.config.",,"Nom du paramtre d applicat
ion dans web.config.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto-adjusting margins for {0} and {1}",,"Ajustement automatique des marges pou
r {0} et {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not determine default value for optional parameter {1} of type {2} , spe
cified in method {0} . A default value is not specified by the type library fo
r this parameter, and its type is recognized as having a standard default value.
Change the type library to only specify known OLE automation types.",,"Impossi
ble de dterminer une valeur par dfaut pour le paramtre optionnel {1} de type {2}
, spcifi dans la mthode {0} . Aucune valeur par dfaut n est prcise par la bibliothqu
de types de ce paramtre et son type est reconnu comme dot d une valeur standard p
ar dfaut. Modifiez la bibliothque de types pour spcifier uniquement des types OLE a
utomation connus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {1} of method {0} has a specified default value that is not of a
type ({2}) recognized by the ActiveX Importer. Change the type of the parameter
to a known OLE automation compatible type.",,"Le paramtre {1} de la mthode {0}
contient une valeur par dfaut n appartenant pas un type ({2}) reconnu par l imp
ortateur ActiveX. Changez le type du paramtre en type compatible OLE automation c
onnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to import the ActiveX control. Please ensure it is properly registered.
",,"chec de l importation du contrle ActiveX. Assurez-vous qu il est correctement
inscrit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ActiveX Control",,"Contrle ActiveX",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Apply",,"Appliquer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto Formats",,"Mises en forme automatiques",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column 1",,"Colonne1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column 2",,"Colonne 2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No preview available",,"Aucun aperu disponible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Footer",,"Pied de page",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Header",,"En-tte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help",,"Aide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preview:",,"Aperu:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove Formatting",,"Supprimer la mise en forme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a scheme:",,"Slectionner un schma:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Skins",,"Apparences (skins)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto Format",,"Mise en forme automatique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Border color:",,"Couleur de la bordure:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Border lines",,"Lignes de bordure",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Border width:",,"paisseur de la bordure:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Set a border width unit by choosing a unit from the list.",,"Dfinissez une unit d
paisseur de bordure en la slectionnant dans la liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Border width units",,"Units d paisseur de bordure",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set a border width value by typing a number.",,"Tapez un nombre pour dfinir une
valeur d paisseur de bordure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Border width",,"paisseur de la bordure",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Cell margins",,"Marges de la cellule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Cell padding:",,"Marge intrieure:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cell spacing:",,"Esp. entre les cellules:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Choose Color",,"Choisir une couleur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Press this button to bring up a color palette chooser to set the border color f
or your control.",,"Appuyez sur ce bouton pour ouvrir un slecteur de couleurs per
mettant de dfinir la couleur de la bordure de votre contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use this page to set border properties on your control.",,"Utilisez cette page
pour dfinir les proprits de bordure de votre contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Both",,"Les deux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Horizontal",,"Horizontal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vertical",,"Vertical",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Grid lines:",,"Quadrillage:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Borders",,"Bordures",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alignment",,"Alignement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wrap text within cell",,"Renvoi la ligne dans les cellules",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Appearance",,"Apparence",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Back color:",,"Couleur d arrire-plan:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Press this button to bring up a color palette chooser to set the BackColor of y
our control.",,"Appuyez sur ce bouton pour ouvrir un slecteur de couleurs permett
ant de dfinir la proprit BackColor de votre contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launch color picker",,"Lancer le slecteur de couleurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Press this button to bring up a color palette chooser to set the ForeColor of y
our control.",,"Appuyez sur ce bouton pour ouvrir un slecteur de couleurs permett
ant de dfinir la proprit ForeColor de votre contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use this page to set formatting properties on your control.",,"Utilisez cette p
age pour dfinir les proprits de mise en forme de votre contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Larger",,"Plus grand",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Smaller",,"Plus petit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bold",,"Gras",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Italic",,"Italique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Font name:",,"Nom de police:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overline",,"Ligne au-dessus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Font size:",,"Taille de police:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set a font size unit by choosing a unit from the list.",,"Dfinissez une unit de t
aille de police en la slectionnant dans la liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Font size units",,"Units de taille de police",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set a font size value by typing a number.",,"Tapez un nombre pour dfinir une val
eur de taille de police.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Font size",,"Taille de police",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Strikeout",,"Barr",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Underline",,"Soulign",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fore color:",,"Couleur de premier plan:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Center",,"Centrer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Justify",,"Justifier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Right",,"Droit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Horizontal alignment:",,"Alignement horizontal:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alternating Items",,"lments de remplacement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Columns",,"Colonnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Mode Items",,"lments du mode dition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Items",,"lments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Normal Items",,"lments normaux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pager",,"Pagineur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected Items",,"lments slectionns",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Separators",,"Sparateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Objects:",,"Objets :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Format",,"Format",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle",,"Milieu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vertical alignment:",,"Alignement vertical:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Width:",,"Largeur:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set a width unit by choosing a unit from the list.",,"Dfinissez une unit de large
ur en la slectionnant dans la liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Width units",,"Units de largeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set a width value by typing a number.",,"Tapez un nombre pour dfinir une valeur
de largeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Width",,"Largeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Apple Orchard",,"Pommeraie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mocha",,"Moka",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Autumn",,"Automne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Oceanica",,"Ocan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Brown Sugar",,"Cassonade",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Slate",,"Ardoise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sand Sky",,"Sable et ciel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Colorful",,"Couleur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Classic",,"Classique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Simple",,"Simple",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Professional",,"Professionnel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rainy Day",,"Jour pluvieux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Snowy Pine",,"Pin sous la neige",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lilacs in Mist",,"Lilas dans la brume",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Black Blue 1",,"Noir et bleu 1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Black Blue 2",,"Noir et bleu 2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clover Field",,"Champ de trfles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Behavior",,"Comportement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is marked as a private member.\nThe data source s modifier must be change
d to public before it can be selected.",," {0} est marqu comme membre priv.\nLe m
odificateur de la source de donnes doit tre modifi en public avant de pouvoir tre sle
ctionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data source Selection Error",,"Erreur de slection de la source de donnes",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property Builder",,"Gnrateur de proprits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Use Property Builder to configure your data control",,"Utilisez le Gnrateur de pr
oprits pour configurer votre contrle de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Property Builder...",,"Gnrateur de proprits...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The control does not support property editing while it is in template editing m
ode.\nYou must first exit out of template editing before bringing up the Propert

y Builder.",,"Ce contrle ne prend pas en charge l dition de proprit lorsqu il est en

mode de modification de modle.\nVous devez quitter le mode de modification de mo
dle avant d afficher le Gnrateur de proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Choose Data Source:",,"Choisir la source de donnes :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connect to an existing data source or create a new one",,"Connectez-vous une so
urce de donnes existante ou crez une nouvelle source",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a new data source",,"Crez une nouvelle source de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Node",,"Nud",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The service {0} is required but could not be found. If you have removed this s
ervice ensure that you provide a replacement.",,"Le service {0} requis est intro
uvable. Si vous avez supprim ce service, assurez-vous qu un service de remplaceme
nt est fourni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer loader has not been initialized yet. You may only call this metho
d after initialization.",,"Le chargeur du concepteur n a pas encore t initialis. Vo
us pouvez uniquement appeler cette mthode aprs initialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copy and move {0}",,"Copier et dplacer {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Copy and move {0} Controls",,"Copier et dplacer les contrles {0}",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move {0}",,"Dplacer {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move {0} Controls",,"Dplacer les contrles {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resize {0}",,"Redimensionner {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Resize {0} Controls",,"Redimensionner les contrles {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All Files",,"Tous les fichiers",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error writing to file: {0}",,"Erreur lors de l criture dans le fichier : {0}",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save File As",,"Enregistrer le fichier sous",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"All",,"Tous",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binding field",,"Champ de liaison",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Common",,"Commun",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom format",,"Format personnalis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Binding Drop Down Button",,"Bouton droulant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Decimal places",,"Nombre de dcimales",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Currency",,"Monnaie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the format for monetary values.",,"Spcifiez le format des valeurs montair
es.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type a custom format string. A custom string may require extra handling unless
it is a read-only value.",,"Tapez une chane de format personnalise. Une chane perso
nnalise peut exiger un traitement supplmentaire sauf s il s agit d une valeur en l
ecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid format",,"Format non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Date Time",,"Date et heure",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the format for date and time values.",,"Spcifie le format des valeurs de
date et d heure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No Formatting",,"Aucune mise en forme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Use no formatting to display the value from the source without adornment.",,"N
utilise aucune mise en forme pour afficher la valeur de la source sans fioriture
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Numeric",,"Numrique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the format for numbers. Note that the Currency format type offers speci
alized formatting for monetary values.",,"Spcifie le format des nombres. Notez qu
e le type de format Monnaie propose une mise en forme spcialise pour les valeurs m
ontaires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Scientific",,"Scientifique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the format for values that use scientific notation.",,"Spcifie le format
des valeurs qui utilisent une notation scientifique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(List)",,"(Liste)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null value:",,"Valeur null :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type:",,"Type:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When selected, options to setup data binding are displayed",,"Une fois slectionne
s, les options de configuration de la liaison de donnes s affichent",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use Data Bound Items",,"Utilisez des lments lis aux donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data Binding Mode",,"Mode Liaison de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The property the SelectedValue is bound to",,"Proprit laquelle SelectedValue est
lie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected Value",,"Valeur slectionne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The value for column {0} in table {1} is DBNull.",,"La valeur pour la colon
ne {0} dans la table {1} est DBNull.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"ICodeGenerator passed to generator is null.",,"Le ICodeGenerator pass au gnrateur
est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CodeNamespace passed to generator is null.",,"Le CodeNamespace pass au gnrateur es
t null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataSet passed to generator is null.",,"Le DataSet pass au gnrateur est null.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to generate code. {0}",,"chec de gnration du code. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input file content passed to generator is null or empty.",,"Le contenu du fichi
er d entre pass au gnrateur est null ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Unable to convert input xml file content to a DataSet. {0}",,"Impossible de con
vertir le contenu d un fichier xml d entre en DataSet. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataSource class name {0} was changed to {1} .",,"Le nom de la classe DataSo
urce {0} a t remplac par {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataSet Name is null or empty.",,"Le nom du DataSet est null ou vide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Table {0} : Cannot find main select command.",,"Table {0} : Impossible de tr
ouver la commande Select principale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Column {0} : Type {1} does not have a parameterless constructor.",,"Colonne
{0} : Le type {1} n a pas de constructeur sans paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column {0} : Type {1} does not have a constructor with string argument.",,"C
olonne {0} : Le type {1} n a pas de constructeur avec un argument string.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value for parameter {0} is DBNull.",,"La valeur du paramtre {0} est DBNu
ll.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typed Row class for table {0} : The column name {1} was changed to {2} .",,
"Classe Row type de la table {0} : Le nom de colonne {1} a t remplac par {2} ."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"TableAdapterManager contains no connection information. Set each TableAdapterMa
nager TableAdapter property to a valid TableAdapter instance.",,"TableAdapterMan
ager ne contient pas d informations de connexion. Dfinissez chaque proprit TableAda
pterManager TableAdapter une instance valide de TableAdapter.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All TableAdapters managed by a TableAdapterManager must use the same connection
string.",,"Tous les TableAdapters manags par un TableAdapterManager doivent util
iser la mme chane de connexion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The transaction cannot begin. The current data connection does not support tran
sactions or the current state is not allowing the transaction to begin.",,"La tr
ansaction ne peut pas commencer. La connexion de donnes actuelle ne prend pas en
charge les transactions ou l tat actuel n autorise pas le dbut de la transaction."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Table property name {0} was changed to {1} .",,"Le nom de la proprit Table {0
} a t remplac par {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Table {0} : the query name {1} was changed to {2} .",,"Table {0} : Le nom d
e requte {1} a t remplac par {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Column {0} : Type {1} cannot be null.",,"Colonne {0} : Le type {1} ne peut
pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Query {0} , parameter {1} : Unable to convert parameter s DbType into an UrtT
ype.",,"Requte {0} , paramtre {1} : Impossible de convertir le DbType du paramtr
e en UrtType.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Query {0} , parameter {1} : Unable to convert parameter s SqlDbType into a Sq
lType.",,"Requte {0} , paramtre {1} : Impossible de convertir le SqlDbType du p
aramtre en SqlType.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to read extended properties key-value pair.",,"Impossible de lire la pa
ire cl-valeur des proprits tendues.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Name ""{0}"" already exists."",,""Le nom ""{0}"" existe dj."",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The given name ""{0}"" is invalid"",,""Le nom donn ""{0}"" n est pas valide"",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name cannot be empty",,"Le nom ne peut pas tre vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name is too long",,"Le nom est trop long",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Colorful 1",,"Couleur 1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Colorful 2",,"Couleur 2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Professional 1",,"Professionnel 1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Professional 2",,"Professionnel 2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Calendar Auto Format",,"Mise en forme automatique du calendrier",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add CatalogParts to this zone by editing its ZoneTemplate by<br>selecting Edit
Templates in the context menu.",,"Pour ajouter des CatalogParts cette zone, modi
fiez sa valeur ZoneTemplate en<br>slectionnant Modifier les modles dans le menu co
ntextuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CatalogZone control can only contain CatalogPart controls.",,"Le contrle Cat
alogZone peut uniquement contenir des contrles CatalogPart.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebPart {0}",,"WebPart {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""Normal Preview"""",,""""Aperu normal"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"This preview shows properties from inherited CellStyles (Table, Column, Row)",,
"Cet aperu affiche les proprits des CellStyles hrits (Table, Column, Row)",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""Selected Preview"""",,""""Aperu slectionn"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"

"CellStyle Builder",,"Gnrateur CellStyle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"user",,"utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Elegant",,"lgant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Change Password",,"Modifier le mot de passe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose Icon...",,"Choisir une icne...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Select the image displayed in the PictureBox",,"Slectionnez l image affiche dans
PictureBox",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose Image...",,"Choisir une image...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"This class was auto-generated by the StronglyTypedResourceBuilder",,"Cette clas
se a t gnre automatiquement par la classe StronglyTypedResourceBuilder",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"class via a tool like ResGen or Visual Studio.",," l aide d un outil, tel que Re
sGen ou Visual Studio.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To add or remove a member, edit your .ResX file then rerun ResGen",,"Pour ajout
er ou supprimer un membre, modifiez votre fichier .ResX, puis rexcutez ResGen",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"with the /str option, or rebuild your VS project.",,"avec l option /str ou rgnrez
votre projet VS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc.",,"
Une classe de ressource fortement type destine, entre autres, la consultation des
chanes localises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The serialization store is closed. New objects cannot be added to a closed sto
re.",,"Le magasin de srialisation est ferm. Impossible d ajouter de nouveaux objet
s un magasin ferm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Complete deserialization of {0} failed.",,"La dsrialisation de {0} a chou.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This type of serialization store is not supported. Use a store returned by the
CreateStore method.",,"Ce type de magasin de srialisation n est pas pris en char
ge. Utilisez un magasin retourn par la mthode CreateStore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The serialization data object is not of the proper type.",,"Le type de l objet
serialization data n est pas correct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"There is already a component named {0} . Components must have unique names, a
nd names must be case-insensitive. A name also cannot conflict with the name of
any component in an inherited class.",,"Il existe dj un composant appel {0} . Les
composants doivent avoir des noms uniques qui ne respectent pas la casse. Un no
m ne peut pas tre en conflit avec le nom d un composant dans une classe hrite.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty identifiers are not valid.",,"Les identificateurs vides ne sont pas valid
es.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The language did not provide a code parser for this file. Please make sure tha
t this file type supports a designer.",,"Le langage n a fourni aucun analyseur d
e code pour ce fichier. Vrifiez que ce type de fichier prend en charge un concept
eur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes withi
n it can be designed.",,"Impossible d afficher le concepteur pour ce fichier, ca
r aucune des classes qu il contient ne peut tre cre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer could not be shown for this file because none of the classes withi
n it can be designed. The designer inspected the following classes in the file:
\r\n{0}",,"Impossible d afficher le concepteur pour ce fichier, car aucune des
classes qu il contient ne peut tre cre. Le concepteur a inspect les classes suivante
s dans le fichier: \r\n{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer loader did not supply a type resolution service, which is a requir
ement for CodeDom serialization.",,"Le chargeur du concepteur n a fourni aucun s

ervice de rsolution de type (lment requis pour la srialisation CodeDom).",,"Text",,"

All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if a member variable will be generated for this component.",,"Indique
si une variable membre sera gnre pour ce composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the visibility level of the object.",,"Indique le niveau de visibilit
de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The class {0} can be designed, but is not the first class in the file. Visual
Studio requires that designers use the first class in the file. Move the class
code so that it is the first class in the file and try loading the designer agai
n.",,"La classe {0} peut tre conue, mais il ne s agit pas de la premire classe du f
ichier. Visual Studio requiert que les concepteurs utilisent la premire classe du
fichier. Dplacez le code de la classe afin qu il s agisse de la premire classe du
fichier et essayez de recharger le concepteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The item {0} cannot be removed.",,"L lment {0} ne peut pas tre supprim.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Read-only component(s) selected.",,"Composants en lecture seule slectionns.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} properties:",,"Proprits {0}:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multi-Select Properties:",,"Slectionner plusieurs proprits:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add or remove {0} objects",,"Ajouter ou supprimer des objets {0}",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Format {0} components (alignment)",,"Mettre en forme les composants {0} (aligne
ment)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Align {0} components to grid",,"Aligner les composants {0} sur la grille",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bring {0} controls to front",,"Mettre les contrles {0} au premier plan",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cut {0} Components",,"Couper les composants {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete {0} components",,"Supprimer les composants {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred while processing this command.\r\n{0}",,"Une erreur s est pro
duite lors du traitement de cette commande.\r\n{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Format {0} components (spacing)",,"Mettre en forme les composants {0} (espaceme
nt)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lock {0} components",,"Verrouiller les composants {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Paste components",,"Coller les composants",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Send {0} controls to back",,"Envoyer les contrles {0} l arrire-plan",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Size {0} components",,"Redimensionner les composants {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Size {0} components to grid",,"Ajuster les composants {0} la grille",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown spacing command",,"Commande d espacement inconnue",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding event {0} ",,"Ajout de l vnement {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To add components to your class, drag them from the Toolbox and use the Propert
ies window to set their properties. To create methods and events for your class,
click here to switch to code view.",,"Pour ajouter des composants votre classe,
faites-les glisser de la bote outils et utilisez la fentre Proprits pour dfinir leur
s proprits. Pour crer des mthodes et des vnements pour votre classe, cliquez ici pour
passer en mode code.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"click here to switch to code view",,"cliquez ici pour passer en mode code",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Configure Data Source - {0}",,"Configurer la source de donnes - {0}",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type a connection string in the space below.",,"Tapez une chane de connexion dan
s l espace ci-dessous.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<New connection...>",,"<Nouvelle connexion...>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Connection String",,"Modifier la chane de connexion",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the connection in web.config.",,"Nom de la connexion dans web.confi
g.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Either the provider name or connection string of the connection in web.config."
,,"Nom du fournisseur ou chane de connexion de la connexion dans web.config.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To edit this region, click here and type text or drag a control from the Toolbo
x.",,"Pour modifier cette zone, cliquez ici et tapez du texte ou faites glisser
un contrle partir de la bote outils.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"This control can only be used in a MasterPage.",,"Ce contrle peut uniquement tre
utilis dans un MasterPage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default to Master s Content",,"Contenu du matre par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create Custom Content",,"Crer un contenu personnalis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Align To Grid",,"Aligner sur la grille",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Bring To Front",,"Mettre au premier plan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Lock Controls",,"Verrouiller les contrles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Select",,"Slectionner",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Send To Back",,"Mettre en arrire-plan",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Toggles the ShowCheckMargin property",,"Active/Dsactive la proprit ShowCheckMargin
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the ShowImageMargin property",,"Active/Dsactive la proprit ShowImageMargin
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the ShowShortcuts property",,"Active/Dsactive la proprit ShowShortcuts",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"View Code",,"Afficher le code",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value must be of type {0} .",,"La valeur doit tre de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not get DesignTimeResourceProviderFactory {0} .\r\nException details:\r\
n{1}",,"Impossible d obtenir DesignTimeResourceProviderFactory {0} .\r\nDtails d
e l exception :\r\n{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not get ExpressionBuilder for prefix {0} .\r\nException details:\r\n{1}"
,,"Impossible d obtenir ExpressionBuilder pour le prfixe {0} .\r\nDtails de l exc
eption :\r\n{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error Rendering Control",,"Erreur de rendu du contrle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Editing databindings requires that the control has an ID.",,"La modification de
liaisons de donnes requiert que le contrle ait unID.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The component should have its Site property set to a valid service provider.",,
"Un fournisseur de services valide doit tre dfini pour la proprit Site du composant.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unhandled exception has occurred.",,"Une exception non gre s est produite.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The control {0} has thrown an unhandled exception in the designer and has been
disabled. \r\n\r\nException:\r\n{1}\r\n\r\nStack trace:{2}",,"Le contrle {0} a l

ev une exception non gre dans le concepteur et a t dsactiv. \r\n\r\nException :\r\n{1

\r\n\r\nTracede la pile :{2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The host must implement IFilterResolutionService in order for localization to f
unction.",,"L hte doit implmenter IFilterResolutionService pour que la localisatio
n puisse fonctionner.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A control of type {0} can only be placed inside a control of type {1} .",,"U
n contrle de type {0} peut uniquement tre insr dans un contrle de type {1} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error rendering the control.<br>Check to make sure all properties
are valid.",,"Erreur de rendu du contrle.<br>Vrifiez que toutes les proprits sont va
lides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error rendering the control.",,"Erreur de rendu du contrle.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The expressions that are bound to properties of this control.",,"Expressions lie
s aux proprits de ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose a Data Source Type",,"Choisir un type de source de donnes",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the source of your data.",,"Prcisez la source de vos donnes.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify an ID for the data source:",,"Spcifiez un ID pour la source de donnes :",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is another control on your page with the same name. Please pick a unique
name for your new control.",,"Un autre contrle du mme nom apparat sur votre page.
Choisissez un nom unique pour votre nouveau contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A data source with the given name could not be created. {0}",,"Une source de d
onnes du mme nom n a pas pu tre cre. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Where will the application get data from?",," partir d o l application obtiendrat-elle les donnes?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a data source type from the box above. Descriptive text for the selected
data source will appear here.",,"Slectionnez un type de source de donnes dans la
zone ci-dessus. Le texte descriptif de la source de donnes slectionne apparatra ici.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data Source Configuration Wizard",,"Assistant Configuration de source de donnes"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WizardStep Collection Editor",,"diteur de collections WizardStep",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert to CustomNavigationTemplate",,"Convertir en CustomNavigationTemplate",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Customize Complete Step",,"Personnaliser l tape",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Converts the Complete Step into an editable template",,"Convertit l tape de fin
en un modle modifiable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Customize Create User Step",,"Personnaliser l tape Crer un utilisateur",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Converts the Create User Step into an editable template",,"Convertit l tape de c
ration d utilisateur en un modle modifiable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Navigate to step {0}",,"Accder l tape {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Reset Complete Step",,"Rinitialiser l tape",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Clears the Complete Step template and resets to default rendering",,"Efface le
modle de l tape de fin et rinitialise le rendu par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset Create User Step",,"Rinitialiser l tape Crer un utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clears the Create User Step template and resets to default rendering",,"Efface
le modle de l tape de cration d utilisateur et rinitialise le rendu par dfaut",,"Text

",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Overrides the current thread s CurrentUICulture property for all",," Remplac
e la proprit CurrentUICulture du thread actuel pour toutes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class.",," les recherche
s de ressources l aide de cette classe de ressource fortement type.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bindable properties:",,"Proprits pouvant tre lies:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binding for {0}",,"Liaison pour {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Custom binding:",,"Liaison personnalise :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Code expression:",,"Expression de code :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Bound to:",,"Li :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field binding:",,"Liaison de champs :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Currency - {0}",,"Montaire - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Date and time - {0}",,"Date et heure - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Decimal - {0}",,"Dcimal - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fixed-point - {0}",,"Virgule fixe - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Full date - {0}",,"Date complte - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"General - {0}",,"Gnral - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hexadecimal - {0}",,"Hexadcimal - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Long date - {0}",,"Date longue - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Long time - {0}",,"Heure complte - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Number - {0}",,"Numrique - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Scientific - {0}",,"Scientifique - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Short date - {0}",,"Date courte - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Short time - {0}",,"Heure abrge - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Format:",,"Format:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select the property to bind to. You can then bind it by selecting a field. Alte
rnatively, you can bind it using a custom code expression.",,"Slectionnez la prop
rit laquelle se lier. Vous pouvez ensuite la lier en slectionnant un champ. Vous po
uvez galement la lier l aide d une expression de code personnalise.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<Invalid format>",,"<Format non valide>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Refresh Schema",,"Actualiser le schma",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Sample:",,"Aperu:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show all properties",,"Afficher toutes les proprits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} DataBindings",,"DataBindings {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Two-way databinding",,"Liaison de donnes bidirectionnelle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Unbound)",,"(Indpendant)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Get text from data field:",,"Insrer le texte partir du champ de donnes :",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Get URL from data field:",,"Insrer l URL partir du champ de donnes :",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Button type:",,"Type de bouton:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose a field type:",,"Choisissez un type de champ :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command Buttons:",,"Boutons de commande :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Command name:",,"Nom de commande:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Data field:",,"Champ de donnes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image data",,"Donnes image",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show delete command button",,"Afficher le bouton de commande Supprimer",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit/Update",,"Modifier/Mettre jour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Show edit and update command buttons",,"Afficher les boutons de commande Modifi
er et Mettre jour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Example: images/img{0}.jpg",,"Exemple : images/img{0}.jpg",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Header text:",,"Texte de l en-tte:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Hyperlink text",,"Texte du lien hypertexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Hyperlink URL",,"URL du lien hypertexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The field contains:",,"Contenu du champ :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"URL format string:",,"Chane de format de l URL:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The URL of the image",,"URL de l image",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"New/Insert",,"Nouveau/Insrer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show new and insert command buttons",,"Afficher les boutons de commande Nouveau
et Insrer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Read only",,"Lecture seule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show select command button",,"Afficher le bouton de commande Slectionner",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show cancel button",,"Afficher le bouton Annuler",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show cancel command button",,"Afficher le bouton de commande Annuler",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify text:",,"Spcifiez le texte :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Specify URL:",,"Spcifiez l URL :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Text:",,"Texte:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Text format string:",,"Chane de format de texte:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Example: View details for {0}...",,"Exemple : Afficher les dtails de {0}...",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Field",,"Ajouter un champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Example: Details.aspx?field={0}",,"Exemple : Details.aspx?field={0}",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto-generate fields",,"Gnrer automatiquement les champs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Available fields:",,"Champs disponibles:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Button",,"Bouton",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete the selected field.",,"Supprimez le champ slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete field",,"Supprimer le champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Field properties:",,"Proprits du champ :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"HyperLink",,"Lien hypertexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected field down one place.",,"Dplacez le champ slectionn d une positi
on vers le bas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move field down",,"Dplacer le champ vers le bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected field up one place.",,"Dplacez le champ slectionn d une position
vers le haut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move field up",,"Dplacer le champ vers le haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(All Fields)",,"(Tous les champs)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"CheckBoxField",,"CheckBoxField",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit, Update, Cancel",,"Modifier, Mettre jour, Annuler",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HyperLinkField",,"HyperLinkField",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"New, Insert, Cancel",,"Nouveau, Insrer, Annuler",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected fields:",,"Champs slectionns:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Convert this field into a TemplateField",,"Convertir ce champ en TemplateField"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fields",,"Champs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CommandType.TableDirect is only valid for Microsoft .Net Framework Data Provide
r for OLE DB",,"CommandType.TableDirect est valide uniquement pour le fournisseu
r de donnes Microsoft.Net Framework pour OLE DB",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Column",,"Ajouter une colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Create columns automatically at run time",,"Crer des colonnes automatiquement au
moment de l excution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Available columns:",,"Colonnes disponibles:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Text field:",,"Champ de texte:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column list",,"Liste des colonnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Column properties",,"Proprits des colonnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"{0} properties",,"Proprits {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data Field:",,"Champ de donnes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data formatting expression:",,"Expression de mise en forme:",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete Column",,"Supprimer une colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Use this page to configure columns on your DataGrid.",,"Utilisez cette page pou
r configurer les colonnes de votre DataGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cancel text:",,"Texte Annuler :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Text:",,"Texte Modifier :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Update text:",,"Texte Mettre jour :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Footer text:",,"Texte du pied de page:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"URL field:",,"Champ URL:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Target:",,"Cible:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"URL:",,"URL:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Header image:",,"Image d en-tte:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Browse for header image file",,"Accdez au fichier image d en-tte",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Column Down",,"Dplacer la colonne vers le bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Column Up",,"Dplacer la colonne vers le haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid Column",,"Colonne DataGrid",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Bound Column",,"Colonne dpendante",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Button Column",,"Colonne de boutons",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Data Fields",,"Champs de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HyperLink Column",,"Colonne HyperLink",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Template Column",,"Colonne modle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected columns:",,"Colonnes slectionnes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Sort expression:",,"Expression de tri:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Convert this column into a Template Column",,"Convertir cette colonne en colonn
e modle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Header Image",,"Slectionner une image d en-tte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image Files(*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.png)|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wm
f;*.png|All Files(*.*)|*.*|",,"Fichiers image(*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.p
ng)|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.png|Tous les fichiers(*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update",,"Mettre jour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visible",,"Visible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allow sorting",,"Autoriser le tri",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"DataGrid columns will be automatically generated from the selected data source.
Additional columns can be defined in the Columns page.",,"Les colonnes DataGrid
seront automatiquement gnres partir de la source de donnes slectionne. Des colonnes
upplmentaires peuvent tre dfinies dans la page Colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid columns are defined in the Columns page.",,"Les colonnes DataGrid sont
dfinies dans la page Colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data key field:",,"Champ de cl de donnes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Use this page to set general properties on your DataGrid.",,"Utilisez cette pag
e pour dfinir les proprits gnrales de votre DataGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Header and footer",,"En-tte et pied de page",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Show footer",,"Afficher le pied de page",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Show header",,"Afficher l en-tte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allow custom paging",,"Pagination personnalise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allow paging",,"Autoriser la pagination",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Numeric buttons:",,"Boutons numriques:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Use this page to set paging properties on your DataGrid.",,"Utilisez cette page
pour dfinir les proprits de pagination de votre DataGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mode:",,"Mode:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Next, Previous buttons",,"Boutons Suivant, Prcdent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Page numbers",,"Numros de page",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Page navigation",,"Navigation entre les pages",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Next page button text:",,"Texte du bouton page suivante:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Page size:",,"Taille de la page:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Paging",,"Pagination",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top and bottom",,"Haut et bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Position:",,"Position:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Previous page button text:",,"Texte du bouton page prcdente:",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"rows",,"lignes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show navigation buttons",,"Afficher les boutons de navigation",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use this page to set general properties on your DataList.",,"Utilisez cette pag
e pour dfinir les proprits gnrales de votre DataList.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extract rows from Tables in template content",,"Extraire les lignes des tables
dans le contenu du modle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Flow",,"Flux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Table",,"Table",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Columns:",,"Colonnes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Direction:",,"Sens:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Layout:",,"Disposition:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Repeat layout",,"Rpter la disposition",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Templates",,"Modles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Database connection data could not be retrieved from XML document. The XML docu
ment format is invalid.",,"Les donnes de connexion la base de donnes ne peuvent pa
s tre extraites partir du document XML. Le format du document XML n est pas valid
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Don t know how to deserialize XmlElement <{0}>.",,"Incapable de dsrialiser XmlEle
ment <{0}>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name {1} is used by more than one {0} objects",,"Le nom {1} est utilis par plusi
eurs objets {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name is required for {0} object, but we didn t find it in the persisted schema
file.",,"Un nom est requis pour l objet {0}, mais il n a pas t trouv dans le fichie
r de schma enregistr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot match DbTable {0} to a DataTable in the DataSet, the persisted schema fi
le is corrupted.",,"Impossible de faire correspondre DbTable {0} un DataTable da
ns le DataSet; le fichier de schma enregistr est corrompu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property is data bound.",,"La proprit est lie aux donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set the DataSourceID",,"Dfinir le DataSourceID",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"column",,"colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"row",,"ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh Fields and Keys for {0} ",,"Actualiser les champs et les cls pour {0}
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to regenerate the {0} {1} fields and data keys using the selecte
d data source schema? Warning: this will delete all existing {1} fields.",,"Vou
lez-vous rgnrer les champs {0} {1} et les objets DataKey l aide du schma de source d
e donnes slectionn ? Avertissement : tous les champs {1} existants seront supprims."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to clear the {0} {1} fields and data keys? Warning: this will d
elete all existing {1} fields.",,"Voulez-vous effacer les champs {0} {1} et les
objets DataKey ? Avertissement : tous les champs {1} existants seront supprims.",

,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Create data fields and data keys for a data source",,"Crer des champs de donnes e
t des objets DataKey pour une source de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Available data fields:",,"Champs de donnes disponibles :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data Fields Collection Editor",,"diteur de collections Champs de donnes",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected data fields:",,"Champs de donnes slectionns :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Click to move the selected field down.",,"Cliquez pour dplacer le champ slectionn
vers le bas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove field",,"Supprimer le champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Click to remove the selected field from the list of selected data fields.",,"Cl
iquez pour supprimer le champ slectionn de la liste des champs de donnes slectionns."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add field",,"Ajouter un champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Click to add the selected field to the list of selected data fields.",,"Cliquez
pour ajouter le champ slectionn la liste des champs de donnes slectionns.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Click to move the selected field up.",,"Cliquez pour dplacer le champ slectionn ve
rs le haut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Advanced Data Binding - {0}",,"Liaison de donnes avance - {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"256 Color 1",,"256 Couleurs 1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"256 Color 2",,"256 Couleurs 2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Colorful 3",,"Couleur 3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Colorful 4",,"Couleur 4",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Professional 3",,"Professionnel 3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Professional 4",,"Professionnel 4",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Auto Format...",,"Mise en forme automatique...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First Name",,"Prnom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Last Name",,"Nom",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto Format {0} ",,"Appliquer la mise en forme automatique {0} ",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid must be bound to a valid Data Source in order to be populated.",,"Data
Grid doit tre li un DataSource valide afin d tre rempli.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show All",,"Afficher tout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Column ...",,"Ajouter une colonne...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Add Column...",,"Ajouter une colonne...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Bound Column Properties",,"Proprits des colonnes dpendantes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose Data Source:",,"Choisir la source de donnes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<{0}> DataSource changed",,"DataSource <{0}> a chang",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DataGridViewColumn type.",,"Type DataGridViewColumn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataBound column",,"Colonne lie aux donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Columns in the DataSource",,"Colonnes du DataSource",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create columns for the data source. The data source is no longer vali

d.",,"Impossible de crer des colonnes pour la source de donnes. La source de donnes

n est plus valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove column",,"Supprimer une colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Disable Adding",,"Dsactiver l ajout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Disable Column Reordering",,"Dsactiver la rorganisation des colonnes",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disable Deleting",,"Dsactiver la suppression",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disable Editing",,"Dsactiver la modification",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name {0} is already in use by another column.",,"Le nom {0} est dj utilis par
une autre colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Columns",,"Modifier les colonnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Edit Columns...",,"Modifier les colonnes...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Editing",,"Activer la modification",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Enable Adding",,"Activer l ajout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Enable Column Reordering",,"Activer la rorganisation des colonnes",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Deleting",,"Activer la suppression",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Frozen",,"Fig",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move column down",,"Dplacer la colonne vers le bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move column up",,"Dplacer la colonne vers le haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Normal:",,"Normal :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Read Only",,"Lecture seule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected Columns:",,"Colonnes slectionnes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Selected:",,"Slectionn:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unbound column",,"Colonne indpendante",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Unbound Column Properties",,"Proprits des colonnes indpendantes",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to clear the DataList ItemTemplate and DataKeyField? Warning: t
his will delete your existing item templates and key contents.",,"Voulez-vous ef
facer les composants DataList ItemTemplate et DataKeyField ? Avertissement : vos
modles d lment et vos contenus cls existants seront supprims.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset Templates",,"Rinitialiser les modles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Header and Footer Templates",,"Modles d en-tte et de pied de page",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Item Templates",,"Modles d lment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Right-click or choose the Edit Templates task to edit template content.<br>The
ItemTemplate is required.",,"Cliquez avec le bouton droit ou choisissez la tche M
odifier les modles pour modifier le contenu des modles.<br>ItemTemplate est requis
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Switch to source view to edit the control s templates.<br>The ItemTemplate is r
equired.",,"Basculez en mode Source pour modifier les modles du contrle.<br>ItemTe
mplate est requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create default templates with data source schema",,"Crez des modles par dfaut l ai
de du schma de source de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to regenerate the DataList ItemTemplate and DataKeyField using t

he selected data source schema? Warning: this will delete your existing item te
mplates and key contents.",,"Voulez-vous rgnrer les composants ItemTemplate et Data
KeyField du contrle DataList l aide du schma de source de donnes slectionn ? Avertiss
ement : vos modles d lment et vos contenus cls existants seront supprims.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Separator Template",,"Modle de sparateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Fills the Items collection with this data source",,"Remplit la collection Items
avec cette source de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Configure Data Source...",,"Configurer la source de donnes...",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Configure your data source s settings.",,"Configurez les paramtres de votre sour
ce de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh the designer schema applied by the data source.",,"Actualisez le schma d
u concepteur appliqu par la source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Data Source",,"Source de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<New data source...>",,"<Nouvelle source de donnes...>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot modify the Items collection when the DataSource property is set.",,"Impo
ssible de modifier la collection d lments lorsque la proprit DataSource est dfinie.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resume data source events when they are not being suppressed.",,"Impossi
ble de reprendre les vnements de la source de donnes lorsqu ils ne sont pas supprims
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Configure Data Source",,"Configurer la source de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception was thrown when calling {0} . The exception message is:\r\n\r\n{1
}",,"Une exception a t leve lors de l appel de {0} . Message d exception :\r\n\r\n
{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add web parts to this catalog part by editing its WebPartsTemplate by<br>select
ing Edit Templates in the context menu.",,"Pour ajouter des WebParts ce CatalogP
art, modifiez sa valeur WebPartsTemplate en<br>slectionnant Modifier les modles da
ns le menu contextuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t parse binding string {0}",,"Impossible d analyser la chane de liaison {
0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find component {0}",,"Impossible de trouver le composant {0}",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Context required to parse string {0}",,"Contexte requis pour analyser la chane {
0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data binding editor",,"diteur de liaisons de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Project Data Source...",,"Ajouter la source de donnes du projet...",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Click the Add Project Data Source... link to connect to data.",,"Cliquez sur
le lien Ajouter la source de donnes du projet... pour vous connecter aux donnes.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Currently data bound to {0} .",,"Actuellement li aux donnes de {0} .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a BindingSource to bind to.",,"Slectionnez un BindingSource auquel vous p
ouvez vous lier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a data source under Other Data Sources to connect to data.",,"Slectionn
ez une source de donnes sous Autres sources de donnes pour vous connecter aux do
nnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a data member to bind to.",,"Slectionnez une donne membre laquelle vous po
uvez vous lier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selecting a BindingSource property binds to the corresponding property of the l
ist that this BindingSource binds to.",,"La slection d une proprit BindingSource pe
rmet de se lier la proprit correspondante de la liste laquelle ce BindingSource es
t li.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Contains the data bindable properties of the list that this BindingSource binds
to.",,"Contient les proprits pouvant tre lies des donnes de la liste laquelle ce Bi
dingSource est li.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selecting a BindingSource binds directly to that BindingSource.",,"La slection d
un BindingSource permet d tablir une liaison directe avec ce BindingSource.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selecting a related list creates a new related BindingSource and binds to this
BindingSource.",,"La slection d une liste associe permet de crer un nouveau Binding
Source associ et d tablir une liaison avec ce BindingSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selecting a property of a form list instance binds directly to that property.",
,"La slection de la proprit d une instance de liste de formulaire entrane une liaiso
n directe avec cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contains the data bindable properties of this list.",,"Contient les proprits pouv
ant tre lies des donnes de cette liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Selecting a form list instance binds directly to that instance.",,"La slection d
e l instance de liste d un formulaire entrane une liaison directe avec cette inst
ance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contains all form components that implement IList, IListSource or Array.",,"Con
tient tous les composants de formulaire qui implmentent IList, IListSource ou Arr
ay.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selecting None clears the current data binding.",,"La slection de l option Au
cun entrane la suppression de la liaison de donnes actuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contains all project data sources and local form list instances.",,"Contient to
utes les sources de donnes des projets et les instances de listes des formulaires
locaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contains all project data sources.",,"Contient toutes les sources de donnes des
projets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selecting a property of a project data source creates an instance of the data s
ource on the form, and binds to that property through a new BindingSource.",,"La
slection d une proprit de la source de donnes d un projet permet de crer une instanc
e de la source de donnes dans le formulaire, puis d tablir une liaison avec cette
proprit via un nouveau BindingSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Contains the data bindable properties of this project data source.",,"Contient
les proprits pouvant tre lies des donnes de la source de donnes de ce projet.",,"Text
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selecting a project data source creates an instance on the form and binds to it
through a new BindingSource.",,"La slection de la source de donnes d un projet cre
une instance dans le formulaire et tablit une liaison avec elle via un nouveau B
indingSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contains project data sources belonging to this namespace.",,"Contient les sour
ces de donnes des projets appartenant cet espace de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} List Instances",,"Instances de listes {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Other Data Sources",,"Autres sources de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project Data Sources",,"Sources de donnes du projet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bindable data sources and data members",,"Sources de donnes et donnes membres pou
vant tre lies",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The container cannot be disposed at design time.",,"Le conteneur ne peut pas tre
supprim au moment du design.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create a view for this design surface because the designer is not loaded
.",,"Impossible de crer une vue pour cette aire de conception, car le concepteur
n est pas charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer loader did not provide a root component but has not indicated why.

",,"Le chargeur du concepteur n a fourni aucun composant racine et n a pas indiq

u pourquoi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer loaded, but it does not offer a view compatible with this design s
urface.",,"Le concepteur est charg mais n offre aucune vue compatible avec cette
aire de conception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The service {0} cannot be removed from the service container.",,"Impossible de
supprimer le service {0} dans le conteneur de service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The dataMember parameter should not be populated when the dataSource does not c
ontain a list collection.",,"Le paramtre dataMember ne doit pas tre renseign lorsqu
e dataSource ne contient aucune collection de listes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Child Node",,"Nud enfant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current Node",,"Nud actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple nodes with the same url {0} were found. XmlSiteMapProvider requires
that sitemap nodes have unique urls.",,"Plusieurs nuds dots de la mme URL {0} ont
t trouvs. XmlSiteMapProvider exige que les nuds sitemap soient dots d URL uniques.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parent Node",,"Nud parent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Root Node",,"Nud racine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sibling Node",,"Nud frre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not convert value {0} to the type {1} .",,"Impossible de convertir la
valeur {0} en type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find method {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver la mthode {0} .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find property {0} on {1} .",,"Impossible de trouver la proprit {0}
sur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Tasks",,"Tches {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error using the dropdown: {0}",,"Erreur lors de l utilisation du menu droulant: {
0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error invoking {0} . Details: {1}",,"Erreur lors de l appelde {0} . Dtails: {1}
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error setting value {0} to property {1} . Details: {2}",,"Erreur lors de l
affectation de la valeur {0} la proprit {1} . Dtails: {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Creating components in tool {0} ",,"Cration de composants dans l outil {0} ",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Call to BeginDrag must succeed before calling drag functions.",,"L appel BeginD
rag doit avoir lieu avant l appel aux fonctions de glissement.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add component of type {0} to container of type {1} ",,"Impossible d a
jouter un composant de type {0} au conteneur de type {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must have type CatalogPart.",,"L argument doit contenir le type Catalo
gPart.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must have type EditorPart.",,"L argument doit contenir le type EditorP
art.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot remove or destroy inherited component {0} .",,"Impossible d enlever ou
de dtruire le composant hrit {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add an instance of {0} to the designer because it would create a circula
r dependency. Make sure that the type does not have the same namespace and type
name as the root component {1}.",,"Impossible d ajouter une instance de {0} au
concepteur, car cela entranerait la cration d une dpendance circulaire. Vrifiez que
le type n a pas le mme espace de noms ni le mme nom que le composant racine {1}.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure initializing the designer. It has no Component member.",,"chec d initia
lisation du concepteur. Il ne dispose d aucun membre de Component.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deleting {0} .",,"Suppression de {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"

"The name {0} is already in use by another component.",,"Le nom {0} est dj utilis p
ar un autre composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Component of type {0} could not be created. Make sure the type implements ICom
ponent and provides an appropriate public constructor. Appropriate constructors
either take no parameters or take a single IContainer parameter.",,"Impossible
de crer le composant de type {0}. Assurez-vous que le type implmente IComponent et
offre un constructeur public appropri. Les constructeurs jugs appropris n adoptent
aucun paramtre ou acceptent un paramtre IContainer unique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No Description Available",,"Aucune description disponible",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A designer loader has already been configured for this design surface.",,"Un ch
argeur de concepteur a dj t configur pour cette aire de conception.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer transaction {0} cannot be committed or canceled because nested t
ransaction {1} is still active. Commit or cancel the nested transaction first
.",,"Impossible de valider ou d annuler la transaction {0} du concepteur, car
une transaction imbrique {1} est toujours active. Validez ou annulez d abord la
transaction imbrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open a designer for the file because the class within it does not inheri
t from a class that can be visually designed.",,"Impossible d ouvrir un concepte
ur pour le fichier, car la classe qu il contient n hrite pas d une classe qui peu
t tre conue visuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no designer for the class {0}.",,"Aucun concepteur n existe pour la cl
asse {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New components cannot be added while a designer is unloading.",,"Impossible d a
jouter de nouveaux composants lors du dchargement d un concepteur.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inherited control",,"Contrle hrit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inherited control (Private)",,"Contrle hrit (priv)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The user control {0} could not be loaded. Ensure that the library containing
the control has been built and a project reference has been made to the library
containing the control. If you have changed the name of the user control, clos
e and re-open the control s designer to update the toolbox item.",,"Impossible d
e charger le contrle utilisateur {0} . Assurez-vous que la bibliothque contenant
le contrle a t gnre et qu une rfrence de projet a t cre vers la bibliothque cont
rle. Si vous avez modifi le nom du contrle utilisateur, fermez et rouvrez le concep
teur du contrle pour mettre jour l lment de bote outils.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified IServiceProvider already contains an existing DesignerOptions ins
tance.",,"Le IServiceProvider spcifi contient dj une instance DesignerOptions exista
nte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified IServiceProvider does not contain an instance of the IServiceCont
ainer service.",,"Le IServiceProvider spcifi ne contient aucune instance du servic
e IServiceContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to Create specific DesignerOptionService.",,"Impossible de crer un Design
erOptionService spcifique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Optimized Code Generation",,"Gnration de code optimis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code Generation Settings",,"Paramtres de gnration de code",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"InSitu Editing",,"Modification InSitu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Controls whether InSitu editing is enabled.",,"Contrle si la modification InSitu
est active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable InSitu Editing",,"Activer la modification InSitu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the default X and Y grid setting on designers when LayoutMode = SnapToGrid
.",,"Dfinit les paramtres X et Y de la grille sur les concepteurs lorsque LayoutMo

de = SnapToGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Default Grid Cell Size",,"Taille de cellule de grille par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether designer smart tag windows should be shown by default.",,"Cont
rle si les fentres des balises actives du concepteur doivent tre affiches par dfaut."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Automatically Open Smart Tags",,"Ouvrir automatiquement les balises actives",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object Bound Smart Tag Settings",,"Paramtres des balises actives lies un objet",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enabled optimized code generation. Some controls may not be compatible with th
is mode. For this change to take effect, Visual Studio must be closed and re-op
ened.",,"Gnration de code optimis active. Certains contrles peuvent ne pas tre compati
bles avec ce mode. Pour que cette modification soit applique, Visual Studio doit t
re ferm et rouvert.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether designers should display a sizing grid when LayoutMode = SnapT
oGrid.",,"Contrle si les concepteurs doivent afficher une grille de dimensionneme
nt lorsque LayoutMode = SnapToGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Show Grid",,"Afficher la grille",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether designers should snap to grid dots when LayoutMode = SnapToGri
d.",,"Contrle si les concepteurs doivent s aligner sur des points de la grille lo
rsque LayoutMode = SnapToGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Snap to Grid",,"Aligner sur la grille",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Controls whether designers should show smart tag popup windows.",,"Contrle si le
s concepteurs doivent afficher des fentres contextuelles de balises actives.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether designers should use snap lines. If true, snap lines will be
used as guides. If false, grid lines will be used.",,"Contrle si les concepteurs
doivent utiliser des lignes d alignement. Si tel est le cas, les lignes d align
ement sont utilises titre de guides. Dans le cas contraire, un quadrillage est ut
ilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the name used in code to identify the object.",,"Indique le nom utili
s dans le code pour identifier l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The property {0} does not exist on the type {1} .",,"La proprit {0} n existe
pas sur le type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dock Fill in Form",,"Ancrer dans le formulaire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dock in Parent Container",,"Ancrer dans le conteneur parent",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dock Fill in UserControl",,"Ancrer dans le UserControl",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Horizontal Splitter Orientation",,"Fractionnement horizontal",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Re-parent Controls",,"Apparenter les contrles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Undock in Parent Container",,"Annuler l ancrage dans le conteneur parent",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vertical Splitter Orientation",,"Fractionnement vertical",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit DataBindings...",,"Modifier les DataBindings...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit the control s DataBindings",,"Modifiez les DataBindings du contrle",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add a new field to the DetailsView",,"Ajoutez un nouveau champ au contrle Detail
sView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add New Field",,"Ajouter un nouveau champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"

"Add New Field...",,"Ajouter un nouveau champ...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor

k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit the DetailsView s fields",,"Modifiez les champs du contrle DetailsView",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Fields",,"Modifier les champs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Edit Fields...",,"Modifier les champs...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Enable deleting a record in the DetailsView",,"Activez la suppression d un enre
gistrement dans le contrle DetailsView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Enable or Disable Deleting",,"Activer ou dsactiver la suppression",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable editing a record in the DetailsView",,"Activez la modification d un enre
gistrement dans le contrle DetailsView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Enable or Disable Editing",,"Activer ou dsactiver la modification",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Inserting",,"Activer l insertion",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Enable inserting a new record in the DetailsView",,"Activez l insertion d un no
uvel enregistrement dans le contrle DetailsView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable or Disable Inserting",,"Activer ou dsactiver l insertion",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Paging",,"Activer la pagination",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Enable paging on the DetailsView",,"Activez la pagination dans le contrle Detail
sView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable or Disable Paging",,"Activer ou dsactiver la pagination",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Field Down",,"Dplacer le champ vers le bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected field down",,"Dplacez le champ slectionn vers le bas",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected field up",,"Dplacez le champ slectionn vers le haut",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Field Up",,"Dplacer le champ vers le haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove the selected field",,"Supprimez le champ slectionn",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove a Field",,"Supprimer un champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Remove Field",,"Supprimer le champ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Unknown framework version: {0}.",,"Version de Framework inconnue : {0}.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property from the data source is displayed in the list",,"Cette proprit de l
a source de donnes est affiche dans la liste",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Display Member",,"Afficher le membre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Dock Picker",,"Slecteur de Dock",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fill",,"Remplir",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Drag {0} components",,"Faire glisser les composants {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Drop components",,"Dposer les composants",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Move {0} components",,"Dplacer les composants {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"This IDataObject doesn t support SetData.",,"Ce IDataObject ne prend pas en cha

rge SetData.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Size {0}",,"Dimensionner {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opens the Items collection editor",,"Ouvre l diteur de collections Items",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Items...",,"Modifier les lments...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Opens the Lines collection editor",,"Ouvre l diteur de collections Lines",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Text Lines...",,"Modifier les lignes de texte...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add EditorParts to this zone by editing its ZoneTemplate by<br>selecting Edit T
emplates in the context menu.",,"Pour ajouter des EditorParts cette zone, modifi
ez sa ZoneTemplate en<br>slectionnant Modifier les modles dans le menu contextuel.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The EditorZone control can only contain EditorPart controls.",,"Le contrle Edito
rZone peut uniquement contenir des contrles EditorPart.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event {0} expects an argument type of {1}.",,"L vnement {0} attend un type d
argument de {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event {0} is read-only and cannot be changed.",,"L vnement {0} est en lecture
seule et ne peut tre modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Events cannot be set on the object passed to the event binding service because
a site associated with the object could not be located.",,"Impossible de dfinir l
es vnements dans l objet pass au service de liaison d vnements, car un site associ l
bjet n a pas pu tre trouv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set {0}.{1} event",,"Dfinir l vnement {0}.{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Property is expression bound.",,"La proprit est lie une expression.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression type:",,"Type d expression :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The control implicitly uses a resource specified in its meta: attribute, and a
value for this property is defined in the resource (for example, in a .resx file
in the App_LocalResource folder). To create an explicit resource expression for
this property, either remove the control s meta: attribute in Source view, or r
emove the property value in the resource.",,"Le contrle utilise de manire implicit
e une ressource spcifie dans son attribut meta: et une valeur de cette proprit est df
inie dans la ressource (par exemple, dans un fichier .resx du dossier App_LocalR
esource). Pour crer une expression de ressource explicite pour cette proprit, suppr
imez l attribut meta: du contrle en mode Source ou bien la valeur de la proprit dan
s la ressource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select the property to bind to. You can then bind it by selecting an expressio
n type and setting the properties for that expression.",,"Slectionnez la proprit la
quelle se lier. Vous pouvez ensuite la lier en slectionnant un type d expression
et en dfinissant les proprits de cette expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression properties:",,"Proprits de l expression :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Expressions",,"Expressions {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The expression prefix {0} was not found in config.\nYou will need to add an <
expressionBuilder> definition to your config file for the page to function prope
rly.",,"Le prfixe d expression {0} est introuvable dans la configuration.\nVous
devez ajouter une dfinition <expressionBuilder> votre fichier de configuration p
our que la page fonctionne comme il se doit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"A custom expression.",,"Expression personnalise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The extender provider {0} has already been added as an extender. Adding anothe

r would result in duplicate properties.",,"Le fournisseur d extendeurs {0} a dj t aj

out en tant qu extendeur. L ajout d un autre crerait des proprits en double.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select the folder to watch.",,"Slectionnez le dossier surveiller.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create component {0} . The error message follows:\r\n {1} ",,"Impo
ssible de crer le composant {0} . Le message d erreur est le suivant:\r\n {1} ",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Dynamic Data support",,"Activer la prise en charge des donnes dynamiques"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Dynamic Data support on the FormView",,"Activer la prise en charge des d
onnes dynamiques sur le FormView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable paging on the FormView",,"Autorisez la pagination dans le contrle FormVie
w",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insert",,"Insrer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset Templates and Keys for {0} ",,"Rinitialiser les modles et les objets DataK
ey pour {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to regenerate the FormView templates and data keys using the sel
ected data source schema? Warning: this will delete the existing templates.",,"
Voulez-vous rgnrer les objets DataKey et les modles FormView l aide du schma de sourc
e de donnes slectionn ? Avertissement : les modles existants seront supprims.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to generate the FormView templates and data keys using the selec
ted data source schema?",,"Voulez-vous gnrer les objets DataKey et les modles FormV
iew l aide du schma de source de donnes slectionn ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to clear the FormView templates and data keys? Warning: this wi
ll delete the existing templates.",,"Voulez-vous effacer les objets DataKey et l
es modles FormView ? Avertissement : les modles existants seront supprims.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Format String Dialog",,"Bote de dialogue Chane de format",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All Files(*.*)|*.*",,"Tous les fichiers(*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Open File",,"Ouvrir un fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add a new column to the GridView",,"Ajoutez une nouvelle colonne au contrle Grid
View",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add New Column",,"Ajouter une nouvelle colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add New Column...",,"Ajouter une nouvelle colonne...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit the GridView s columns",,"Modifiez les colonnes du contrle GridView",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable deleting of a row on the GridView",,"Activez la suppression d une ligne
dans le contrle GridView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable editing of a row on the GridView",,"Activez la modification d une ligne
dans le contrle GridView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable paging on the GridView",,"Activez la pagination dans le contrle GridView"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Selection",,"Activer la slection",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Enable selection of a row on the GridView",,"Activez la slection d une ligne dan
s le contrle GridView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable or Disable Selection",,"Autoriser ou refuser la slection",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable Sorting",,"Activer le tri",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Enable sorting of rows on the GridView",,"Activez le tri des lignes dans le con
trle GridView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable or Disable Sorting",,"Activer ou dsactiver le tri",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected column to the left",,"Dplacez la colonne slectionne vers la gauc
he",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Column Left",,"Dplacer la colonne vers la gauche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected column to the right",,"Dplacez la colonne slectionne vers la dro
ite",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move Column Right",,"Dplacer la colonne vers la droite",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove the selected column from the GridView",,"Supprimez la colonne slectionne d
u contrle GridView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove a Column",,"Supprimer une colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Remove Column",,"Supprimer une colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Create data columns and data keys for a data source",,"Crez des colonnes de donne
s et des objets DataKey pour une source de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All Help Files(*.chm,*.col,*.htm,*.html)|*.chm;*.col;*.htm;*.html|Compressed HT
ML Files(*.chm)|*.chm|Help Collection Files(*.col)|*.col|HTML Files(*.htm,*.html
)|*.htm;*.html|All Files(*.*)|*.*",,"Tous les fichiers d aide(*.chm,*.col,*.htm,
*.html)|*.chm;*.col;*.htm;*.html|Fichiers HTML compresss(*.chm)|*.chm|Fichiers de
collection d aide(*.col)|*.col|Fichiers HTML(*.htm,*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Tous le
s fichiers(*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Open Help File",,"Ouvrir le fichier d aide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Leaf {0}",,"Feuille {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parent {0}",,"Parent {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Root",,"Racine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Images Collection Editor",,"diteur de collections Images",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image Generator Files(*.asix)|*.asix|All Files(*.*)|*.*|",,"Fichiers Gnrateur d i
mage(*.asix)|*.asix|Tous les fichiers(*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opens the Images collection editor",,"Ouvre l diteur de collections Images",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose images",,"Choisir des images",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Changes the bit depth images imported into this ImageList are stored at",,"Modi
fie la profondeur de couleur selon laquelle les images importes dans cet ImageLis
t sont stockes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image Bit Depth",,"Profondeur de couleur de l image",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the size images imported into this ImageList are stored at",,"Modifie l
a taille selon laquelle les images importes dans cet ImageList sont stockes",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image Size",,"Taille de l image",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chooses an ImageList to use with this TreeView",,"Choisit un ImageList utiliser
avec ce contrle TreeView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type ImageListImage",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type ImageLis
tImage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ImageList:",,"ImageList:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property is implicitly expression bound.",,"La proprit est implicitement lie une e
xpression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enter the integers in the array (one per line):",,"Entrez les entiers dans le t
ableau (un par ligne ) :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Integer Collection Editor",,"diteur de collections Integer",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {1} is not a valid value for {0} .",," {1} n est pas une valeur valide pour
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" {0} is not of type {1} .",," {0} n est pas de type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {1} is not a valid value for {0} . {0} should be between {2} and {3}.",,"
{1} n est pas une valeur valide pour {0} . {0} doit tre compris entre {2} et
{3}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifier {0} is not valid.",,"L identificateur {0} n est pas valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opens the Nodes collection editor",,"Ouvre l diteur de collections Nodes",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Nodes...",,"Modifier les nuds...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"LinkArea Editor",,"diteur LinkArea",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Select a range of text to make your link:",,"Slectionnez une plage de texte pour
votre lien:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Links",,"Liens",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose a Data Source",,"Choisir une source de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify a data source for the {0} items.",,"Spcifiez une source de donnes pour le
s lments {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a data source:",,"Slectionnez une source de donnes :",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a data field to display in the {0}:",,"Slectionnez un champ de donnes affi
cher dans {0} :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a data field for the value of the {0}:",,"Slectionnez un champ de donnes p
our la valeur de {0} :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Items",,"Modifier les lments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose Data Source...",,"Choisir la source de donnes...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit the ListItems in your control",,"Modifiez les ListItems de votre contrle",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable AutoPostBack",,"Activer AutoPostBack",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Forces the control to post back each time an item is selected",,"Force le contrl
e publier chaque fois qu un lment est slectionn",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Opens the Columns collection editor",,"Ouvre l diteur de collections Columns",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opens the Groups collection editor",,"Ouvre l diteur de collections Groups",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Groups...",,"Modifier les groupes...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Selects an ImageList to use with LargeIcon mode",,"Slectionne un ImageList utili
ser en mode LargeIcon",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Large ImageList:",,"Grand ImageList:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Selects an ImageList to use with SmallIcon mode",,"Slectionne un ImageList utili
ser en mode SmallIcon",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Small ImageList:",,"Petit ImageList:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Changes the type of View this ListView shows",,"Modifie le type de vue affich pa
r ce ListView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"View:",,"Afficher:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the current localizable language.",,"Indique la langue de localisatio
n actuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if localizable code will be generated for this object.",,"Dtermine si
le code localisable va tre gnr pour cet objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"You must close and re-open the designer for this change to take effect.",,"Vous
devez fermer et rouvrir le concepteur afin que cette modification soit prise en

compte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"To edit this region, click here and type text.",,"Pour modifier cette zone, cli
quez ici et tapez du texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Components cannot be added in localization mode. Select (Default) in the Langu
age property to return to the default form and add components.",,"Impossible d a
jouter des composants en mode de localisation. Slectionnez (Par dfaut) dans la pro
prit Language pour rtablir le formulaire par dfaut et ajouter des composants.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Logged In",,"Connect",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Logged Out",,"Dconnect",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Anonymous Template is empty.",,"Le modle Anonyme est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit RoleGroups...",,"Modifier les RoleGroups...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opens the RoleGroup collection editor",,"Ouvre l diteur de collections RoleGroup
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit RoleGroups",,"Modifier les RoleGroups",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error rendering the LoginView control.",,"Erreur de rendu du contrl
e LoginView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Logged In Template is empty.",,"Le modle Connect est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Right-click or choose the Edit Templates task to edit template content.",,"Cliq
uez avec le bouton droit ou slectionnez la tche Modifier les modles pour modifier l
e contenu du modle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} Template is empty.",,"Le modle {0} est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Administer Website",,"Administrer le site Web",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launches the Web Administration Tool",,"Lance l outil d administration Web",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a Mail File",,"Slectionner un fichier de courrier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Text Files(*.txt)|*.txt|HTML Files(*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|All Files(*.*)|*.
*|",,"Fichiers texte(*.txt)|*.txt|Fichiers HTML(*.htm;*.html)|*.htm;*.html|Tous
les fichiers(*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Mail File",,"Slectionner un fichier de courrier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All Files(*.*)|*.*|Image Files(*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.png)|*.gif;*.jp
g;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.png|Text Files(*.txt)|*.txt|HTML Files(*.htm)|*.htm",,"To
us les fichiers(*.*)|*.*|Fichiers image(*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.png)|*.
gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.bmp;*.wmf;*.png|Fichiers texte(*.txt)|*.txt|Fichiers HTML(*.h
tm)|*.htm",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mask is not full.",,"Le masque n est pas plein.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The provided MaskDescriptor is null.",,"Le MaskDescriptor fourni est null.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more required properties are null or empty.",,"Une ou plusieurs proprits r
equises sont null ou vides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<Custom>",,"<Personnalis>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data Format",,"Format des donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input Mask",,"Masque de saisie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mask Description",,"Description du masque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Validating Type",,"Type de validation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Set Mask...",,"Dfinir le masque...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Alphanumeric character expected",,"Caractre alphanumrique attendu",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"ASCII character expected",,"Caractre ASCII attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew

ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Digit expected",,"Chiffre attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Invalid input character",,"Caractre d entre non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Letter expected",,"Lettre attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Non edit position",,"Position de non modification",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Position out of range",,"Position hors limites",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Prompt character disallowed as input",,"Caractre d invite non autoris en tant qu
entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Signed digit expected",,"Chiffre sign attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unavailable edit position",,"Position de modification non disponible",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error at position {0}: {1}.",,"Erreur sur la position {0} : {1}.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Microsoft Access Database",,"Slectionner une base de donnes Microsoft Acce
ss",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launch Microsoft Access Database file picker",,"Lancer le slecteur de fichiers d
e base de donnes Microsoft Access",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft Access Databases (*.mdb;*.accdb)|*.mdb;*.accdb|All Files (*.*)|*.*|",
,"Bases de donnes Microsoft Access (*.mdb;*.accdb)|*.mdb;*.accdb|Tous les fichier
s (*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto-generate data bindings",,"Gnrer automatiquement les liaisons de donnes",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data binding properties:",,"Proprits de liaison de donnes :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected data bindings:",,"Liaisons de donnes slectionnes :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete the selected binding from the list",,"Supprimez la liaison slectionne de l
a liste",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Empty)",,"(Vide)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected binding down in the list",,"Dplacez la liaison slectionne vers l
e bas de la liste",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Down",,"Bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected binding up in the list",,"Dplacez la liaison slectionne vers le
haut de la liste",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Up",,"Haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Available data bindings:",,"Liaisons de donnes disponibles :",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Menu DataBindings Editor",,"diteur de DataBindings pour les menus",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is already a command handler for the menu command {0} .",,"Il existe dj un
gestionnaire de commandes pour la commande de menu {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert to DynamicItemTemplate",,"Convertir en DynamicItemTemplate",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert Dynamic Menu to Template.",,"Convertir le menu dynamique en modle.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert to StaticItemTemplate",,"Convertir en StaticItemTemplate",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert Static Menu to Template.",,"Convertir le menu statique en modle.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create Line Images...",,"Crer des images de ligne...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Menu",,"Menu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Edit MenuItem Databindings...",,"Modifier les Databindings MenuItem...",,"Text"

,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit the Bindings of the Items to the data source.",,"Modifier les liaisons des
lments avec la source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit MenuItem DataBindings",,"Modifier les DataBindings MenuItem",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Menu Items...",,"Modifier les lments de menu...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Items displayed in Menu.",,"Modifier les lments affichs dans le menu.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit MenuItems",,"Modifier les lments de menu (MenuItems)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use the collection editor to add items.",,"Utilisez l diteur de collections pour
ajouter des lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to bind to data. Please check your data source and bindings.",,"Liaison
aux donnes impossible. Vrifiez votre source de donnes et vos liaisons.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error parsing control: {0}",,"Erreur lors de l analyse du contrle : {0}",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset DynamicItemTemplate",,"Rinitialiser DynamicItemTemplate",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Revert to non-templated Dynamic Display",,"Revenir l affichage dynamique sans m
odles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset StaticItemTemplate",,"Rinitialiser StaticItemTemplate",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Revert to non-templated Static Display",,"Revenir l affichage statique sans modl
es",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Switch Menu views between Static Display and Dynamic Display.",,"Basculer entre
les affichages statique et dynamique des menus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add a child item",,"Ajouter un lment enfant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Add a root item",,"Ajouter un lment racine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"A MenuItem must be selectable and enabled to be selected.",,"Un MenuItem doit p
ouvoir tre slectionn et doit tre activ pour tre slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Make the selected item the child of its preceding sibling",,"Dfinir l lment slectio
nn en tant qu enfant de son frre prcdent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Move an item down amongst its siblings",,"Dplacer un lment vers le bas dans la lis
te de ses frres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the item up amongst its siblings",,"Dplacer un lment vers le haut dans la lis
te de ses frres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New Item",,"Nouvel lment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Items:",,"lments :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove an item",,"Supprimer un lment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Menu Item Editor",,"diteur d lments de menu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Make the selected item a sibling of its parent",,"Dfinir l lment slectionn en tant q
u enfant de son parent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dynamic",,"Dynamique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static",,"Statique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When passing ResXDataNodes as the IDictionary values to StronglyTypedResourceBu
ilder.Create, the keys must match the corresponding values for ResXDataNode.Name
. Key name: {0} , ResXDataNode.Name: {1} .",,"Lors du passage de ResXDataNode
s comme valeurs IDictionary StronglyTypedResourceBuilder.Create, les cls doivent t
re identiques aux valeurs correspondantes de ResXDataNode.Name. Nom de cl : {0}
, ResXDataNode.Name : {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Puts the TextBox in a mode where it can display multiple lines of text",,"Bascu
le le contrle TextBox en mode permettant l affichage de plusieurs lignes de texte
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Press Enter to begin a new line.\r\nPress Ctrl+Enter to accept Text.",,"Appuyez
sur Entre pour commencer une nouvelle ligne.\r\nAppuyez sur Ctrl+Entre pour valid
er le texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Looks up a localized resource of type {0}.",," Recherche une ressource local
ise de type {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Looks up a localized resource of type {0} similar to {1}.",," Recherche une
ressource localise de type {0} semblable {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data objects required for some of the methods specified are incompatible wi
th each other. For example, all methods that use a user-defined type as a parame
ter must use the same user-defined type in the other methods (or not use a user
defined type). That is, if the Insert method takes a single parameter of type Pr
oduct, the Update method must also take a single parameter of type Product, not
of type Customer.",,"Les objets de donnes requis pour certaines des mthodes spcifies
ne sont pas compatibles entre eux. Par exemple, toutes les mthodes utilisant un
type dfini par l utilisateur en guise de paramtre doivent utiliser le mme type dfini
par l utilisateur dans les autres mthodes (ou ne pas utiliser de type dfini par l
utilisateur). Ainsi, si la mthode Insert adopte un paramtre unique de type Produc
t, la mthode Update doit galement adopter un paramtre unique de type Produit, et no
n de type Client.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Define Data Methods",,"Dfinir les mthodes de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Example: MyCompany.ProductsDB",,"Exemple : MaSocit.BDProduits",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show only data components",,"Afficher les composants de donnes",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a business object that can be used to retrieve or update data (for examp
le, an object defined in the Bin or App_Code directory for this application).",,
"Slectionnez un objet mtier l aide duquel vous pouvez extraire ou mettre jour des
donnes (par exemple, un objet dfini dans le rpertoire Bin ou App_Code de cette appl
ication).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose your business object:",,"Choisissez votre objet mtier :",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose a Business Object",,"Choisir un objet mtier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The wizard has detected one or more parameters in your SELECT method. For each
parameter in the SELECT method, choose a source for the parameter s value.",,"L
Assistant a dtect un ou plusieurs paramtres dans votre mthode SELECT. Pour chaque pa
ramtre de la mthode SELECT, choisissez une source correspondant la valeur du paramt
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Define Parameters",,"Dfinir les paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The schema of type {0} could not be retrieved.",,"Impossible d extraire le sc
hma de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} could not be loaded. If the type is located in the App_Code fold
er, please check that it compiles. If the type is located in a compiled assembly
, please check that the assembly is referenced by the project.",,"Impossible de
charger le type {0} . Si le type figure dans le dossier App_Code, vrifiez qu il
peut tre compil. S il figure dans un assembly compil, vrifiez que l assembly est rfren
c par le projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose a method of the business object to associate with the DELETE operation.
The method should accept a parameter for each primary key for the data object or
a single parameter which is the data object to delete.\r\n\r\nExamples: DeleteP
roduct(Product p), or DeleteProduct(Int32 productID)",,"Choisissez une mthode de
l objet mtier associer avec l opration DELETE. La mthode doit valider un paramtre pa
r cl primaire pour l objet de donnes ou un paramtre unique correspondant l objet de
donnes supprimer.\r\n\r\nExemples : DeleteProduct(Product p) ou DeleteProduct(In

t32 productID)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Choose a method of the business object to associate with the INSERT operation.
The method should accept a parameter for each property of the data object, or a
single parameter which is the data object to insert.\r\n\r\nExamples: InsertProd
uct(Product p), or InsertProduct(Int32 productID, String name, Double price)",,"
Choisissez une mthode de l objet mtier associer avec l opration INSERT. La mthode do
it valider un paramtre pour chaque proprit de l objet de donnes ou un paramtre unique
correspondant l objet de donnes insrer.\r\n\r\nExemples : InsertProduct(Product p
) ou InsertProduct(Int32 productID, nom String, prix Double)",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose a method:",,"Choisissez une mthode :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose a method of the business object that returns data to associate with the
SELECT operation. The method can return a DataSet, DataReader, or strongly-typed
collection.\r\n\r\nExample: GetProducts(Int32 categoryId), returns a DataSet.",
,"Choisissez une mthode de l objet mtier retournant des donnes associer avec l oprat
ion SELECT. La mthode peut retourner un DataSet, un DataReader ou une collection
fortement type.\r\n\r\nExemple : GetProducts(Int32 categoryId) retourne un DataSe
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, returns {1}",,"{0}, retourne {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Choose a method of the business object to associate with the UPDATE operation.
The method should accept a parameter for each property of the data object, or a
single parameter which is the data object to update.\r\n\r\nExamples: UpdateProd
uct(Product p), or UpdateProduct(Int32 productID, String name, Double price)",,"
Choisissez une mthode de l objet mtier associer avec l opration UPDATE. La mthode do
it valider un paramtre pour chaque proprit de l objet de donnes ou un paramtre unique
correspondant l objet de donnes mettre jour.\r\n\r\nExemples : UpdateProduct(Pro
duct p) ou UpdateProduct(Int32 productID, String name, Double price)",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method signature:",,"Signature de la mthode :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter Collection Editor",,"diteur de collections Parameter",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value being edited must be a ParameterCollection and not null.",,"La valeur
modifie doit tre de type ParameterCollection et ne pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Parameter",,"Ajouter un paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Specify ControlID and PropertyName",,"Spcifier ControlID et PropertyName",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify CookieName",,"Spcifier CookieName",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Delete parameter",,"Supprimer le paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Specify FormField",,"Spcifier FormField",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Hide advanced properties",,"Masquer les proprits avances",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move parameter down",,"Dplacer le paramtre vers le bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move parameter up",,"Dplacer le paramtre vers le haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value",,"Valeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameters:",,"Paramtres :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify PropertyName",,"Spcifier PropertyName",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify QueryStringField",,"Spcifier QueryStringField",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify RouteKey",,"Spcifier une cl d itinraire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",

,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Route Key:",,"Cl d itinraire:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify SessionField",,"Spcifier SessionField",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show advanced properties",,"Afficher les proprits avances",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter source:",,"Source du paramtre :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether or not to draw the positioning grid.",,"Indique si la grille
de positionnement doit tre dessine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Determines the size of the positioning grid.",,"Dtermine la taille de la grille
de positionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Place existing controls in new container, {0} .",,"Placez les contrles existant
s dans le nouveau conteneur, {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Determines if controls should snap to the positioning grid.",,"Dtermine si les c
ontrles doivent s aligner sur la grille de positionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Question",,"Question",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"UserName",,"UserName",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicating AnchorStyles from {0} to {1} .",,"Duplication des AnchorStyles d
e {0} vers {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"German phone number",,"Numro de tlphone allemand",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"((\(0\d\d\) |(\(0\d{3}\) )?\d )?\d\d \d\d \d\d|\(0\d{4}\) \d \d\d-\d\d?)",,"((\
(0\d\d\) |(\(0\d{3}\) )?\d )?\d\d \d\d \d\d|\(0\d{4}\) \d \d\d-\d\d?)",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"German postal code",,"Code postal allemand",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"(D-)?\d{5}",,"(D-)?\d{5}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internet e-mail address",,"Adresse de messagerie Internet",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"French phone number",,"Numro de tlphone franais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"French postal code",,"Code postal franais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Japanese phone number",,"Numro de tlphone japonais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Japanese postal code",,"Code postal japonais",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"P.R.C. phone number",,"Numro de tlphone R.P.C.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"P.R.C. Social Security number (ID number)",,"Numro de scurit sociale R.P.C. (Numro
d ID)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"P.R.C. postal code",,"Code postal R.P.C.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"U.S. Social Security number",,"Numro de scurit social amricain",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internet URL",,"URL Internet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"U.S. phone number",,"Numro de tlphone amricain",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"U.S. ZIP code",,"Code postal amricain",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Invalid regular expression.",,"Expression rgulire non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input is not valid.",,"Entre non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Input is valid.",,"Entre valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sample Input:",,"Exemple d entre:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Standard expressions:",,"Expressions standard:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"

,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Test Expression",,"Expression de test",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Regular Expression Editor",,"diteur d expressions rgulires",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Validation expression:",,"Expression de validation:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset properties on outer table element",,"Rinitialiser les proprits sur l lment de
table externe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove Outer Table and Reset Style Properties for the {0} Control with ID {1}
",,"Supprimer les proprits Table externe et Rinitialiser le style pour le contrle {0
} ayant l ID {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to remove the outer table element? Warning: this will clear all
the currently set style properties on the outer table element.",,"Voulez-vous su
pprimer l lment de table externe? Avertissement: cela annulera toutes les proprits de
style actuellement dfinies sur l lment de table externe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Switch to source view to edit the control s templates.",,"Basculez en mode Sour
ce pour modifier les modles du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class.",," Retourne
l instance ResourceManager mise en cache utilise par cette classe.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For a global resource, specify the class name for the resource (for example the
name of a .resx file in the App_GlobalResources folder). For a local resource (
for example, a .resx file the App_LocalResources folder), leave this field blank
.",,"Dans le cadre d une ressource globale, spcifiez le nom de la classe de la re
ssource (par exemple, le nom d un fichier .resx dans le dossier App_GlobalResour
ces). Pour une ressource locale (par exemple, un fichier .resx dans le dossier A
pp_LocalResources), laissez ce champ vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The resource key cannot be null or empty.",,"La cl de ressource ne peut pas tre n
ull ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key specifying the resource.",,"Cl spcifiant la ressource.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the route to bind against.",,"Nom de l itinraire avec lequel tablir l
a liaison.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The values for the route url to bind against.",,"Valeurs de l URL d itinraire av
ec laquelle tablir la liaison.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid expression, RouteUrlExpressionBuilder expects a string with format: Rou
teName=route,Key1=Value1,Key2=Value2.",,"Expression non valide, RouteUrlExpressi
onBuilder attend une chane au format: RouteName=route,Key1=Value1,Key2=Value2.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value in the route to bind against.",,"Valeur de l itinraire avec lequel tabl
ir la liaison.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rtf Files(*.rtf)|*.rtf",,"Fichiers RTF(*.rtf)|*.rtf",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Open Rtf File",,"Ouvrir le fichier RTF",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Databound Col{0}",,"Col{0} lie aux donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Databound",,"Li aux donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unbound",,"Indpendant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select the path to the folder that will initially be selected in the FolderBrow
serDialog.",,"Slectionnez le chemin du dossier qui sera slectionn initialement dans
FolderBrowserDialog.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot create a new session because this serialization manager already has
an active serialization session.",,"Vous ne pouvez pas crer une nouvelle session,
car ce gestionnaire de srialisation dispose dj d une session de srialisation active

.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Duplicate declaration of member {0} ",,"Dclaration de membre {0} duplique",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name {0} is already used by another object.",,"Le nom {0} est dj utilis pa
r un autre objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} does not have a constructor with parameters of types {1}.",,"Le type
{0} n a pas de constructeur avec les paramtres de types {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method cannot be invoked because the serialization manager does not have a
n active serialization session.",,"Cette mthode ne peut pas tre appele, car le gest
ionnaire de srialisation ne dispose d aucune session de srialisation active.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot name the object {0} because it is already named {1} .",,"Impossible d
e nommer l objet {0} , car il est dj nomm {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method cannot be invoked because the serialization manager has an active s
erialization session.",,"Cette mthode ne peut pas tre appele, car le gestionnaire d
e srialisation dispose d une session de srialisation active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""Bad element type. This serializer expects an element of type {0} ."",,""""
Type d lment incorrect. Ce srialiseur ncessite un lment de type {0} ."",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""Elements of type {0} are not supported. The serializer expects the element
to be one of the following: {1}."""",,""""Les lments de type {0} ne sont pas pris
en charge. Le srialiseur ncessite un lment appartenant l un des types suivants : {1}
."""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The field {0} could not be found on the target object. Make sure that the fi
eld is defined as an instance variable on the target object and has the correct
scope.",,"Le champ {0} est introuvable dans l objet cible. Vrifiez que le champ
est dfini en tant que variable d instance dans l objet cible et qu il a la porte
correcte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array rank {0} is too high. Visual Studio can only save and load arrays with
a rank of 1.",,"Le rang du tableau {0} est trop lev. Visual Studio ne peut enre
gistrer et charger que des tableaux de rang 1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code statements for the object {0} were lost during serialization. This may
have been a result of another object misbehaving during serialization.",,"Les in
structions de code de l objet {0} ont t perdues lors de la srialisation. Le mauva
is comportement d un autre objet lors de la srialisation en est peut-tre la cause.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members of type {0} cannot be serialized.",,"Les membres de type {0} ne peu
vent pas tre srialiss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A service required for generating and parsing source code is missing. The serv
ice name is {0}.",,"Un service requis pour la gnration et l analyse du code source
est absent. Le nom du service est {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The source code contains a reference to the class definition, but the class def
inition cannot be found.",,"Le code source contient une rfrence la dfinition de cla
sse mais cette dernire est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The object {0} failed to serialize itself. It may not support code generatio
n.",,"L objet {0} n est pas parvenu se srialiser. Il ne prend peut-tre pas en ch
arge la gnration de code.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} has no event named {1} .",,"Le type {0} n a pas d vnement nomm
{1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} has no field named {1} .",,"Le type {0} n a pas de champ nomm
{1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} has no property named {1} .",,"Le type {0} n a pas de proprit n
omme {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object {0} returned null for the property {1} but this is not allowed."

,,"L objet {0} a retourn null pour la proprit {1} mais cela n est pas autoris.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code generation for property {0} failed. Error was: {1} ",,"Impossible de gnr
er le code pour la proprit {0} . L erreur tait: {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading resources from the resource file for the culture {0}: {1}",,"Erre
ur lors de la lecture des ressources partir du fichier de ressources pour la cul
ture {0}: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading resources from the resource file for the default culture: {0}",,"
Erreur lors de la lecture des ressources partir du fichier de ressources pour la
culture par dfaut: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The designer must create an instance of type {0} but it cannot because the ty
pe is declared as abstract.",,"Le concepteur doit crer une instance de type {0}
mais il ne peut pas, car le type est dclar comme abstract.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The variable {0} is either undeclared or was never assigned.",,"La variable
{0} n est pas dclare ou n a jamais t assigne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"(Unknown)",,"(Inconnu)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the sizing mode of the Image displayed in the PictureBox",,"Modifie le
mode de redimensionnement de l image dans PictureBox",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Size Mode:",,"Mode de redimensionnement:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Open Sound File",,"Ouvrir le fichier audio",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Files (*.wav)|*.wav",,"Fichiers (*.wav)|*.wav",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Play Now",,"Lecture",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Information.",,"Informations.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MDI Applications do not support the SplitContainer. A Splitter control will be
added to the Form instead of a SplitContainer. To use a SplitContainer, set th
e IsMdiContainer property of the Form to false.",,"Les applications MDI ne prennen
t pas en charge le SplitContainer. Un contrle Splitter sera ajout au formulaire la
place d un SplitContainer. Pour utiliser un SplitContainer, dfinissez la proprit I
sMdiContainer du formulaire false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Horizontal splitter orientation",,"Fractionnement horizontal",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vertical splitter orientation",,"Fractionnement vertical",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Advanced SQL Generation Options",,"Options de gnration SQL avances",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generate INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements",,"Gnrer des instructions INSERT,
UPDATE et DELETE",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generates INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements based on your SELECT statement.
You must have all primary key fields selected for this option to be enabled.",,
"Gnre des instructions INSERT, UPDATE et DELETE en fonction de votre instruction S
ELECT. Vous devez slectionner tous les champs cls primaires pour pouvoir activer c
ette option.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Additional INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements can be generated to update the
data source.",,"D autres instructions INSERT, UPDATE et DELETE peuvent tre gnres po
ur la mise jour de la source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Use optimistic concurrency",,"Utiliser l accs concurrentiel optimiste",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Modifies UPDATE and DELETE statements to detect whether the database has change
d since the record was loaded into the DataSet. This helps prevent concurrency c
onflicts.",,"Modifie les instructions UPDATE et DELETE pour dtecter si la base de
donnes a chang depuis le chargement de l enregistrement dans le DataSet. Cela per

met d viter des conflits d accs concurrentiel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,

"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add WHERE Clause",,"Ajouter une clause WHERE",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column:",,"Colonne :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control ID:",,"ID du contrle :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cookie name:",,"Nom du cookie :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SQL Expression",,"Expression SQL",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"SQL Expression:",,"Expression SQL :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Form field:",,"Champ de formulaire:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Add one or more conditions to the WHERE clause for the statement. For each cond
ition you can specify either a literal value or a parameterized value. Parameter
ized values get their values at runtime based on their properties.",,"Ajoutez un
e ou plusieurs conditions la clause WHERE de l instruction. Pour chaque conditio
n, vous pouvez spcifier soit une valeur littrale, soit une valeur paramtrable. Les
valeurs paramtrables obtiennent leurs valeurs au moment de l excution en fonction
de leurs proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator:",,"Oprateur :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default value:",,"Valeur par dfaut :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Parameter properties",,"Proprits du paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Property name:",,"Nom de la proprit :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"QueryString field:",,"Champ QueryString :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Route key:",,"Cl d itinraire:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Session field:",,"Champ Session :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Source:",,"Source :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value:",,"Valeur:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WHERE clause:",,"Clause WHERE :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The wizard has detected one or more parameters in your SELECT statement. For ea
ch parameter in the SELECT statement, choose a source for the parameter s value.
",,"L Assistant a dtect un ou plusieurs paramtres dans votre instruction SELECT. Po
ur chaque paramtre de l instruction SELECT, choisissez une source correspondant l
a valeur du paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Advanced...",,"Options avances...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Schema could not be retrieved for this table. Please make sure the connection s
ettings are correct and that the database is online.",,"Impossible d extraire le
schma de cette table. Vrifiez que les paramtres de connexion sont corrects et que
la base de donnes est en ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify a custom SQL statement or stored procedure",,"Spcifiez une instruction S
QL personnalise ou une procdure stocke",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Configure the Select Statement",,"Configurer l instruction Select",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"How would you like to retrieve data from your database?",,"Comment voulez-vous
extraire les donnes de votre base de donnes ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Return only unique rows",,"Retourner seulement des lignes uniques",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify columns from a table or view",,"Spcifiez les colonnes d une table ou d u
ne vue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ascending",,"Croissant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add ORDER BY Clause",,"Ajouter une clause ORDER BY",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame

work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Descending",,"Dcroissant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the columns you would like to order by.",,"Spcifiez les colonnes sur les
quelles vous voulez effectuer votre tri.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Sort by",,"Trier par",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First sort column",,"Premire colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Second sort column",,"Deuxime colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Third sort column",,"Troisime colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"First sort column direction",,"Sens de tri de la premire colonne",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Second sort column direction",,"Sens de tri de la deuxime colonne",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Third sort column direction",,"Sens de tri de la troisime colonne",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Then by",,"Puis par",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Database schema could not be retrieved for this connection. Please make sure th
e connection settings are correct and that the database is online.",,"Impossible
d extraire le schma de base de donnes pour cette connexion. Vrifiez que les paramtr
es de connexion sont corrects et que la base de donnes est en ligne.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data provider {0} could not be found in the system configuration.",,"Le f
ournisseur de donnes {0} est introuvable dans la configuration systme.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Schema could not be retrieved for this stored procedure. Please make sure the c
onnection settings are correct and that the database is online.",,"Impossible d
extraire le schma pour cette procdure stocke. Vrifiez que les paramtres de connexion
sont corrects et que la base de donnes est en ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Query Builder Needs Connection String",,"Le Gnrateur de requtes ncessite une chane d
e connexion",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Query Builder...",,"Gnrateur de requtes...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"SQL statement:",,"Instruction SQL :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Stored procedure:",,"Procdure stocke :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Click a tab to create a SQL statement for that operation.",,"Cliquez sur un ong
let pour crer une instruction SQL pour cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Define Custom Statements or Stored Procedures",,"Dfinir des instructions personn
alises ou des procdures stockes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Which data connection should your application use to connect to the database?",
,"Quelle connexion de donnes votre application doit-elle utiliser pour tablir une
connexion la base de donnes?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connection string",,"Chane de connexion",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Click for connection string details below.",,"Cliquez ici pour obtenir les dtail
s de la chane de connexion ci-dessous.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Connection string details",,"Dtails de la chane de connexion",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New Connection...",,"Nouvelle connexion...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Choose Your Data Connection",,"Choisir votre connexion de donnes",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to retrieve schema. Ensure that the ConnectionString and SelectCommand p

roperties are valid.",,"Impossible d extraire le schma. Assurez-vous que les prop

rits ConnectionString et SelectCommand sont valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not create connection. Please check your connection string or other relat
ed settings.",,"Impossible de crer la connexion. Vrifiez votre chane de connexion o
u d autres paramtres associs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete Query",,"Requte Delete",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Query",,"Requte Edit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error inferring the parameters of the stored procedure:\r\n\r\n{0}
",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de l infrence des paramtres de la procdure stocke
:\r\n\r\n{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deriving parameters for stored procedures is not supported with the {0} provi
der.",,"La rcupration de paramtres pour les procdures stockes n est pas prise en char
ge avec le fournisseur {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insert Query",,"Requte Insert",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A command must be specified in order to perform this operation.",,"Vous devez s
pcifier une commande pour pouvoir effectuer cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refreshing schema requires that both a connection string and select command be
set.",,"Pour tre actualis, le schma exige la fois qu une chane de connexion et une c
ommande Select soient dfinies.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Count Query",,"Requte Select Count",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Select Query",,"Requte Select",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update Query",,"Requte Update",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter Values Editor",,"diteur de valeurs de paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For each parameter defined in the select statement, specify a type and value.",
,"Spcifiez un type et une valeur pour chaque paramtre dfini dans l instruction Sele
ct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more parameters have an invalid value for the specified type. Please mak
e sure the value corresponds to the specified type.",,"Un ou plusieurs paramtres
prsentent une valeur non valide pour le type spcifi. Vrifiez que la valeur correspon
d au type spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter",,"Paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameters Grid",,"Grille Paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Type",,"Type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Query)",,"(Requte)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command and Parameter Editor",,"diteur de commandes et de paramtres",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} command:",,"Commande {0} :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A command must first be entered in order to refresh parameters.",,"Vous devez d
abord entrer une commande pour actualiser les paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh Parameters",,"Actualiser les paramtres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A connection string must be set for this data source for the query builder to b
e available.",,"Pour que le gnrateur de requtes soit disponible, vous devez dfinir u
ne chane de connexion pour cette source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To be able to retrieve schema for a command the names and types of the paramete
rs must be specified. For each parameter choose a type and enter an optional val
ue.",,"Pour extraire le schma d une commande, vous devez spcifier les noms et les
types des paramtres. Pour chaque paramtre, choisissez un type et entrez une valeur
facultative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh Data Source Schema - {0}",,"Actualiser le schma de source de donnes - {0}
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not save connection to web.config.",,"Impossible d enregistrer la connexi
on dans web.config.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The name {0} is already used by another connection. Please enter a new name."
,,"Le nom {0} est dj utilis par une autre connexion. Entrez un nouveau nom.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Storing connection strings in the application configuration file simplifies mai
ntenance and deployment. To save the connection string in application configurat
ion file, enter a name in the text box and then click Next. If you choose not to
do this, the connection string is saved in the page as a property of the data s
ource control.",,"Le stockage des chanes de connexion dans le fichier de configur
ation de l application simplifie la maintenance et le dploiement. Pour enregistre
r la chane de connexion dans le fichier de configuration de l application, entrez
un nom dans la zone de texte, puis cliquez sur Suivant. Si vous n effectuez pas
cette opration, la chane de connexion est enregistre dans la page en tant que prop
rit du contrle de source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Saved connection name",,"Nom de la connexion enregistre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save the Connection String to the Application Configuration File",,"Enregistrer
la chane de connexion dans le fichier de configuration de l application",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Yes, save this connection as:",,"Oui, enregistrer cette connexion en tant que :
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do you want to save the connection in the application configuration file?",,"Vo
ulez-vous enregistrer la connexion dans le fichier de configuration de l applica
tion ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error executing the query. Please check the syntax of the command
and if present, the types and values of the parameters and ensure they are corre
ct.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de l excution de la requte. Vrifiez la syntax
e de la commande et, le cas chant, les types et les valeurs des paramtres, puis ass
urez-vous qu ils sont corrects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The query did not return any data tables.",,"La requte n a retourn aucune table d
e donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could Not Create Connection",,"Impossible de crer la connexion",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To preview the data returned by this data source, click Test Query. To complete
this wizard, click Finish.",,"Pour apercevoir les donnes retournes par cette sour
ce de donnes, cliquez sur Tester la requte. Pour terminer cet Assistant, cliquez s
ur Terminer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Test Query",,"Tester la requte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Test Query Results Grid",,"Grille de rsultats du test de la requte",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SELECT statement:",,"Instruction SELECT :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"About...",," propos de...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Customize",,"Personnaliser",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index",,"Index",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options",,"Options",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Print",,"Imprimer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Print Preview",,"Aperu avant impression",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Redo",,"Rtablir",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Search",,"Rechercher",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select All",,"Slectionner tout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Standard MenuStrip",,"MenuStrip standard",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Standard Menus",,"Menus standard",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Tools",,"Outils",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select application or document to start",,"Slectionnez l application ou le docum
ent dmarrer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StringDictionary Editor",,"diteur StringDictionary",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Looks up a localized string similar to {0}.",," Recherche une chane localise s
emblable {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""{0} [rest of string was truncated]"";"",,""{0} [le reste de la chane a t tronqu]""
;"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrows",,"Flches",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrows 2",,"Flches 2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bulleted List",,"Liste puces",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bulleted List 2",,"Liste puces 2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Bulleted List 3",,"Liste puces 3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Bulleted List 4",,"Liste puces 4",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Bulleted List 5",,"Liste puces 5",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Bulleted List 6",,"Liste puces 6",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Contacts",,"Contacts",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Events",,"vnements",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inbox",,"Bote de rception",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"News",,"Informations",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Simple2",,"Simple2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Table of Contents",,"Table des matires",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Windows Help",,"Aide de Windows",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XP File Explorer",,"Explorateur de fichiers XP",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Tab",,"Ajouter un onglet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add tab to {0} ",,"Ajouter un onglet {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add {0} to TabControl. Only TabPages can be directly added to TabCont
rols.",,"Impossible d ajouter {0} TabControl. Seuls des TabPages peuvent tre aj
outs directement des TabControls.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove Tab",,"Supprimer l onglet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Remove tab {0} from {1} ",,"Supprimer l onglet {0} de {1} ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Absolute",,"Absolu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Column on {0}",,"Ajouter une colonne dans {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Row",,"Ajouter une ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Row on {0}",,"Ajouter une ligne dans {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AutoSize",,"Redimensionner automatiquement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Change SizeType on {0}",,"Modifier SizeType dans {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clearing Anchor property of {0} for {1}",,"Suppression de la proprit Anchor de {0
} pour {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clearing Dock property of {0} for {1}",,"Suppression de la proprit Dock de {0} po
ur {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column",,"Colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copy TableLayoutPanel",,"Copier TableLayoutPanel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cut TableLayoutPanel",,"Couper TableLayoutPanel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete TableLayoutPanel",,"Supprimer TableLayoutPanel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} swapped with {1}",,"{0} chang avec {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"

"Edit Rows and Columns...",,"Modifier les lignes et les colonnes...",,"Text",,"A

ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} must be greater than zero.",,"{0} doit tre suprieur zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Percentage",,"Pourcentage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove Last Column",,"Supprimer la dernire colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove Column on {0}",,"Supprimer la colonne dans {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove Last Row",,"Supprimer la dernire ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove Row on {0}",,"Supprimer la ligne dans {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row",,"Ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Additional Rows or Columns cannot be created. TableLayoutPanel is full and Gro
wStyle is FixedSize .",,"Impossible de crer des lignes ou colonnes supplmentaires
. TableLayoutPanel est satur et GrowDirection est FixedSize .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resizing {0} within {1}",,"Redimensionnement de {0} dans {1}",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TableLayoutPanel cannot expand to contain the control, because the panel s Grow
Style property is set to FixedSize .",,"Impossible d tendre TableLayoutPanel pou
r contenir le contrle, car la proprit GrowStyle du panneau a la valeur FixedSize .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property name {0} does not specify a valid ITemplate property.",,"Le nom
de proprit {0} ne spcifie pas une proprit ITemplate valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To edit templates, type text and drag controls from the Toolbox onto the templa
te. To end template editing, right-click anywhere on the control or choose the E
nd Template Editing task.",,"Pour modifier les modles, tapez le texte et faites g
lisser les contrles de la bote outils sur le modle. Pour terminer la modification d
u modle, cliquez avec le bouton droit n importe o sur le contrle ou choisissez la tc
he Terminer la modification du modle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cannot set the SupportsDataBinding property on TemplateEditableDesignerRegion."
,,"Impossible de dfinir la proprit SupportsDataBinding dans TemplateEditableDesigne
rRegion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the AllowItemReorder property",,"Active/Dsactive la proprit AllowItemReord
er",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the CanOverflow property",,"Active/Dsactive la proprit CanOverflow",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the Dock property",,"Modifie la proprit Dock",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the GripStyle property",,"Modifie la proprit GripStyle",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Layout && Appearance",,"Disposition et apparence",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the Name property",,"Modifie la proprit Name",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the Raft property",,"Modifie la proprit Raft",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the RenderMode property",,"Modifie la proprit RenderMode",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the ShowItemToolTips property",,"Active/Dsactive la proprit ShowItemToolTi
ps",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the SizingGrip property",,"Active/Dsactive la proprit SizingGrip",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the Stretch property",,"Modifie la proprit Stretch",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the visible property",,"Active/Dsactive la proprit visible",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Adding {0} Item",,"Ajout de l lment {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"AllowItemReorder and AllowDrop cannot both be true.",,"AllowItemReorder et Allo
wDrop ne peuvent pas tre true en mme temps.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the parent DropDown to the current item s DropDown property.",,"Impo
ssible de dfinir le DropDown parent la proprit DropDown de l lment actuel.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the participation of BottomToolStripPanel in runtime dragging of ToolSt
rip.",,"Active/Dsactive la participation de BottomToolStripPanel lors du dplacemen
t de ToolStrip l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the participation of LeftToolStripPanel in runtime dragging of ToolStri
p.",,"Active/Dsactive la participation de LeftToolStripPanel lors du dplacement de
ToolStrip l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the participation of RightToolStripPanel in runtime dragging of ToolSt
rip.",,"Active/Dsactive la participation de RightToolStripPanel lors du dplacement
de ToolStrip l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show",,"Afficher",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggles the participation of TopToolStripPanel in runtime dragging of ToolStrip
.",,"Active/Dsactive la participation de TopToolStripPanel lors du dplacement de T
oolStrip l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Panel Visibility",,"Visibilit des panneaux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"ToolStrip New Item create Transaction.",,"Transaction Cration d un nouvel lment To
olStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embed in ToolStripContainer",,"Incorporer dans ToolStripContainer",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embeds the current ToolStrip in ToolStripContainer",,"Incorpore le ToolStrip ac
tuel dans ToolStripContainer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load ToolStripItem type {0} .",,"chec du chargement du type ToolStrip
Item {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insert Item",,"Insrer un lment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select ToolStrip",,"Slectionner ToolStrip",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Insert Standard Items",,"Insrer des lments standard",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inserts standard items in the current ToolStrip",,"Insre les lments standard dans
le ToolStrip actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type Here",,"Tapez ici",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type Text for ToolStripMenuItem",,"Tapez le texte de ToolStripMenuItem",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add ToolStripStatusLabel",,"Ajouter ToolStripStatusLabel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add ToolStripButton",,"Ajouter ToolStripButton",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only ToolStripItems can be added to a ToolStrip.",,"Seuls des ToolStripItems pe
uvent tre ajouts un ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding Item",,"Ajout de l lment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removing Item",,"Suppression de l lment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"DropDownMenu",,"DropDownMenu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit DropDownItems...",,"Modifier les DropDownItems...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insert Items",,"Insrer des lments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ToolStrip MenuItem Insert in DropDown Transaction.",,"Transaction Insertion d u
n MenuItem ToolStrip dans DropDown.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"(Multiple Items)",,"(Plusieurs lments)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"Convert To",,"Convertir en",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Set Image...",,"Dfinir l image...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"ToolStripItem Property Change Transaction.",,"Transaction Modification des prop
rits d un ToolStripItem.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ToolStripItem Morphing Transaction.",,"Transaction Transformation de ToolStripI
tem.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported Dock",,"Dock non pris en charge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add ToolStripSeparator to MenuStrip.",,"Impossible d ajouter ToolStripSe
parator MenuStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current image will be cleared.",,"L image actuelle sera efface.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"View in Browse Mode",,"Afficher en mode de navigation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"View the ToolZone as it will appear when the page is in Browse Mode.",,"Affiche
z le ToolZone tel qu il apparatra lorsque la page sera en mode de navigation.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The attributeType must be of type PersistChildrenAttribute.",,"L attribut attri
buteType doit tre de type PersistChildrenAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebForms Toolbox items can only be used on WebForms pages.",,"Les lments de bote o
utils Web Forms peuvent uniquement tre utiliss sur des pages Web Forms.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto Arrange Tray Icons",,"Rorganiser automatiquement les icnes de la barre d tat
systme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Line Up Tray Icons",,"Aligner les icnes de la barre d tat systme",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show Large or Small Icons",,"Afficher les grandes ou les petites icnes",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add a child node",,"Ajouter un nud enfant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Add a root node",,"Ajouter un nud racine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Make the selected node the child of its preceding sibling",,"Dfinir le nud slectio
nn en tant qu enfant de son frre prcdent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Move a node down amongst its siblings",,"Dplacer un nud vers le bas dans la liste
de ses frres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the node up amongst its siblings",,"Dplacer un nud vers le haut dans la list
e de ses frres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New Node",,"Nouveau nud",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nodes:",,"Nuds :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove a node",,"Supprimer un nud",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"TreeView Node Editor",,"diteur de nuds TreeView",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Make the selected node a sibling of its parent",,"Dfinir le nud slectionn en tant q
u enfant de son parent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TreeView DataBindings Editor",,"diteur de DataBindings TreeView",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Customize Line Images...",,"Personnaliser les images de ligne...",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create custom Line Images for TreeView.",,"Crez des images de ligne personnalises
pour le TreeView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create Line Images",,"Crer des images de ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit TreeNode Databindings...",,"Modifier les Databindings TreeNode...",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit the Bindings of the TreeNodes to the data source. ",,"Modifiez les liaison

s des TreeNodes avec la source de donnes. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"Edit Node Databindings",,"Modifiez les Databindings Node",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Nodes displayed in TreeView.",,"Modifiez les nuds affichs dans le TreeView."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit Nodes",,"Modifier les nuds",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use the collection editor to add nodes.",,"Utilisez l diteur de collections pour
ajouter des nuds.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to bind to data. Please check your data source and data bindings.",,"Li
aison aux donnes impossible. Vrifiez votre source de donnes et vos liaisons de donne
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show Lines",,"Afficher les lignes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Show the lines on the TreeView.",,"Affichez les lignes dans le TreeView.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collapse image for nodes in the tree.",,"Image rduire des nuds de l arbre.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not open the image at {0} . Do you want to change the image path?",,"Im
possible d ouvrir l image dans {0} . Voulez-vous changer le chemin d accs l imag
e ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The folder {0} cannot be created because a document already exists with the s
ame name. Please try again.",,"Impossible de crer le dossier {0} , car un docum
ent du mme nom existe dj. Ressayez.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create the folder {0} . Please check the location and try again.",,
"Impossible de crer le dossier {0} . Vrifiez l emplacement et ressayez.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error writing the image files to {0} . Please check the location
and try again.",,"Erreur lors de l criture des fichiers image dans {0} . Vrifiez
l emplacement et ressayez.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The expand image for nodes in the tree.",,"Image dvelopper des nuds de l arbre.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Folder name:",,"Nom du dossier :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"This dialog allows you to create a series of images for use with the TreeView.
Use the property grid to modify the look of the images. The expand images can
be modified by changing the ExpandImage, CollapseImage, and NoExpandImage proper
ties. The characteristics of the line can be modified by changing the LineWidth
, LineStyle, and LineColor properties. LineImageHeight and LineImageWidth contr
ol the size of the generated image.",,"Cette bote de dialogue vous permet de crer
une srie d images utiliser avec le TreeView. Utilisez la grille des proprits pour m
odifier l apparence des images. Les images dvelopper peuvent tre retouches en modif
iant les proprits ExpandImage, CollapseImage et NoExpandImage. Les caractristiques
de la ligne peuvent tre changes en modifiant les proprits LineWidth, LineStyle et Li
neColor. LineImageHeight et LineImageWidth contrlent la taille de l image gnre.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image Files|*.jpg;*.gif;*.bmp;*.png|All Files (*.*)|*.*",,"Fichiers image|*.jpg
;*.gif;*.bmp;*.png|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The folder name {0} contains invalid characters. Please try again.",,"Le nom
de dossier {0} contient des caractres non valides. Ressayez.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} has an invalid value. Please correct the value and try again.
",,"La proprit {0} contient une valeur non valide. Corrigez la valeur et ressayez."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color of the tree lines.",,"Couleur des lignes de l arbre.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The height of each tree line image.",,"Hauteur de chaque image de ligne de l ar
bre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The width of each tree line image.",,"Largeur de chaque image de ligne de l arb

re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"TreeView line images generated in {0} .",,"Images de ligne TreeView gnres dans {
0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The dash style of the tree lines.",,"Style de ligne des lignes de l arbre.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The thickness of the tree lines.",,"paisseur des lignes de l arbre.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please specify a folder name for the image files.",,"Spcifiez un nom de dossier
pour les fichiers image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The no expand image for nodes in the tree.",,"Image ne pas dvelopper des nuds de
l arbre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The folder {0} does not exist. Do you want to create it?",,"Le dossier {0}
n existe pas. Voulez-vous le crer ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Creating images:",,"Cration d images:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Root {0}",,"Racine {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ASP.NET TreeView Line Image Generator",,"Gnrateur d images de ligne TreeView ASP.
NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color the image generator will use as the transparent color.",,"Couleur que
le gnrateur d images utilisera comme couleur transparente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Yes to All",,"Oui pour tout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unbound Mode",,"Mode indpendant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add Component",,"Ajouter un composant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Add {0}",,"Ajouter {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Change Component",,"Modifier un composant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Change {0}",,"Changer {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Change {0}.{1}",,"Changer {0}.{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Remove Component",,"Supprimer un composant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove {0}",,"Supprimer {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rename {0} to {1}",,"Renommer {0} en {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"<Not Set>",,"<Non dfini>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select URL",,"Slectionner une URL",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"All Files(*.*)|*.*|",,"Tous les fichiers(*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Image",,"Slectionner une image",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Select XML File",,"Slectionner un fichier XML",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML Files(*.xml)|*.xml|All Files(*.*)|*.*|",,"Fichiers XML(*.xml)|*.xml|Tous le
s fichiers(*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select XSL Transform File",,"Slectionner un fichier XSLT",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XSL Files(*.xsl;*.xslt)|*.xsl;*.xslt|All Files(*.*)|*.*|",,"Fichiers XSL(*.xsl;
*.xslt)|*.xsl;*.xslt|Tous les fichiers(*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Component with name {0} already exists.",,"Un composant nomm {0} existe dj.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cycle detected, UserControls cannot contain themselves.",,"Cycle dtect ; les User
Controls ne peuvent pas se contenir eux-mmes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Edit UserControl",,"Modifier UserControl",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"

"{0} ID property is not specified.",,"La proprit ID de {0} n est pas spcifie.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file {0} was not found.",,"Fichier {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Refresh Contents",,"Actualiser le contenu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Select User Control",,"Slectionner un contrle utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User Controls (*.ascx)|*.ascx|All Files (*.*)|*.*|",,"Contrles utilisateur (*.as
cx)|*.ascx|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"My User Controls",,"Mes contrles utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"value: {0}",,"valeur: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property from the data source will be returned when the SelectedValue prop
erty is accessed",,"Cette proprit de la source de donnes sera retourne ds l accs la p
oprit SelectedValue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value Member",,"Membre Value",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert to Template",,"Convertir en modle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Converts the control into an editable template",,"Convertit le contrle en un modl
e modifiable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Converts the current view into an editable template",,"Convertit l affichage ac
tuel en un modle modifiable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clears the template for the control and resets to default rendering",,"Efface l
e modle du contrle et rinitialise le rendu par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clears the template for the current view and resets to default rendering",,"Eff
ace le modle de l affichage actuel et rinitialise le rendu par dfaut",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Views:",,"Affichages:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes the current view",,"Modifie l affichage actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sample",,"Exemple",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add WebParts to this zone by editing its ZoneTemplate by<br>selecting Edit Temp
lates in the context menu.",,"Pour ajouter des WebParts cette zone, modifiez sa
ZoneTemplate en<br>slectionnant Modifier les modles dans le menu contextuel.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error rendering this zone.",,"Erreur lors du rendu de cette zone."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""<couldn t find resource string ""WindowsFormsAddEvent"">"",,""<la chane de ress
ource ""WindowsFormsAddEvent"" est introuvable>"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Horizontal center of {0} component(s)",,"Centre horizontal des composants {0}",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vertical center of {0} component(s)",,"Centre vertical des composants {0}",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- Read Only",,"- Lecture seule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert to FinishNavigationTemplate",,"Convertir en FinishNavigationTemplate",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert to SideBarTemplate",,"Convertir en SideBarTemplate",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert to StartNavigationTemplate",,"Convertir en StartNavigationTemplate",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Convert to StepNavigationTemplate",,"Convertir en StepNavigationTemplate",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Converts the {0} content into an editable template",,"Convertit le contenu {0}
en un modle modifiable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Finish",,"Terminer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid region type pass in, only WizardStepEditableRegion or WizardStepTemplat

edEditableRegion are allowed.",,"Transmission de type de rgion non valide ; seul

WizardStepEditableRegion ou WizardStepTemplatedEditableRegion est autoris.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Next >",,"Suivant >",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"< Previous",,"< Prcdent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset CustomNavigationTemplate",,"Rinitialiser CustomNavigationTemplate",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clears the {0} template and resets to default rendering",,"Efface le modle {0} e
t rinitialise le rendu par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset FinishNavigationTemplate",,"Rinitialiser FinishNavigationTemplate",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset SideBarTemplate",,"Rinitialiser SideBarTemplate",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset StartNavigationTemplate",,"Rinitialiser StartNavigationTemplate",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset StepNavigationTemplate",,"Rinitialiser StepNavigationTemplate",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add/Remove WizardSteps...",,"Ajouter/Supprimer WizardSteps...",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opens the WizardStep collection editor",,"Ouvre l diteur de collections WizardSt
ep",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Step:",,"tape :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Steps in the wizard.",,"tapes de l Assistant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select the folder that the process will use as an initial working directory.",,
"Slectionnez le dossier que le processus va utiliser comme rpertoire de travail in
itial.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object must be of type {0}.",,"L objet doit tre de type {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML Files(*.xml)|*.xml|All Files(*.*)|*.*",,"Fichiers XML(*.xml)|*.xml|Tous les
fichiers(*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launch XML file picker",,"Lancer le slecteur de fichier XML",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML Files (*.xml)|*.xml|All Files (*.*)|*.*|",,"Fichiers XML (*.xml)|*.xml|Tous
les fichiers (*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data file:",,"Fichier de donnes :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Specify the XML data file to use as the source for this control. You can option
ally specify additional files that will be used to modify the XML before it is u
sed by the control.",,"Spcifiez le fichier de donnes XML utiliser comme source de
ce contrle. Vous pouvez ventuellement spcifier d autres fichiers utiliser pour modi
fier les donnes XML avant que le contrle ne les utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A transform file describes how the structure of the XML file should be converte
d to a different structure.",,"Un fichier de transformation dcrit la manire dont l
a structure du fichier XML doit tre convertie en structure diffrente.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transform file:",,"Fichier de transformation :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An XPath expression allows you to filter the data in the XML file and return on
ly a subset of the file.",,"Une expression XPath vous permet de filtrer les donne
s du fichier XML et de retourner uniquement un sous-ensemble du fichier.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XPath expression:",,"Expression XPath :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Use this control to perform XSL transforms.",,"Utilisez ce contrle pour effectue
r des transformations XSL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select XML Schema File",,"Slectionner le fichier de schma XML",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launch XML schema file picker",,"Lancer le slecteur de fichier de schma XML",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"XML Schema Files (*.xsd)|*.xsd|All Files (*.*)|*.*|",,"Fichiers de schma XML (*.
xsd)|*.xsd|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Select XML Transform File",,"Slectionner le fichier de transformation XML",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Launch XML transform file picker",,"Lancer le slecteur de fichier de transformat
ion XML",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML Transform Files (*.xsl)|*.xsl|All Files (*.*)|*.*|",,"Fichiers de transform
ation XML (*.xsl)|*.xsl|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*|",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All image files",,"Tous les fichiers image",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The Locked property determines if we can move or resize the control.",,"La prop
rit Locked dtermine si le contrle peut tre dplac ou redimensionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Formatting and Advanced Binding",,"Mise en forme et liaison avance",,"Dialog Tit
le",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binding:",,"Liaison :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bind the properties of a control to a source, and format the result.",,"Liez le
s proprits d un contrle une source et mettez en forme le rsultat.",,"Static Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property:",,"Proprit :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data Source Update Mode:",,"Mode de mise jour de la source dedonnes:",,"Static Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sample Data Grid",,"Grille de donnes d exemple",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Formats:",,"Formats :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Databound column",,"Colonne lie aux donnes",,"Radio Button",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add...",,"Ajouter...",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Format type:",,"Type de format :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Null value",,"Valeur null",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"sample",,"exemple",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Decimal places",,"Nb de dcimales",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Note: Custom format strings are not guaranteed to successfully complete a roun
d trip between the data source and the bound control. In order to ensure that a
custom-formatted value successfully displays in the control and is persisted to
the data base, handle the parse or format event for the binding.",,"Remarque : i
l n est pas garanti que les chanes de format personnalises effectuent correctement
un aller-retour entre la source de donnes et le contrle dpendant. Pour vous assure
r qu une valeur de format personnalis s affiche dans le contrle et est enregistre d
ans la base de donnes, grez l analyse ou formatez l vnement pour la liaison.",,"Stat
ic Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use ValidatingType",,"Utiliser ValidatingType",,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a predefined mask description from the list below or select Custom to de
fine a custom mask.",,"Slectionnez une description de masque prdfini dans la liste
ci-dessous ou bien l option Personnalis pour dfinir un masque personnalis.",,"Stati
c Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mask:",,"Masque :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shortcut Keys Editor",,"diteur de touches de raccourci",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alt key",,"Touche Alt",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control key",,"Touche Contrle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shift key",,"Touche Maj",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shortcut key",,"Touche de raccourci",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Key:",,"Touche :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Modifiers:",,"Modificateurs :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String Collection Editor",,"diteur de collections String",,"Dialog Title",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enter the strings in the collection (one per line):",,"Entrez les chanes dans la
collection (une par ligne) :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Column and Row Styles",,"Styles de ligne et de colonne",,"Dialog Title",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Columns and Rows List",,"Liste des colonnes et des lignes",,"Dialog Item",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rows",,"Lignes",,"Combo Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column and row spanning:\r\nIf you want a control to span multiple rows or colu
mns, set the RowSpan and ColumnSpan properties on the control.",,"tendue de ligne
et de colonne :\r\nSi vous voulez tendre un contrle sur plusieurs lignes ou colon
nes, dfinissez les proprits RowSpan et ColumnSpan dans le contrle.",,"Dialog Item",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alignment and stretching:\r\nIf you want to align a control within a cell, or i
f you want a control to stretch within a cell, use the control s Anchor property
.",,"Alignement et tirement :\r\nSi vous voulez aligner ou tirer un contrle dans un
e cellule, utilisez la proprit Anchor du contrle.",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Show:",,"Afficher :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member",,"Membre",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Percent",,"Pourcentage",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"pixels",,"pixels",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Size Type",,"Type de taille",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Items Collection Editor",,"diteur de collections Items",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected item down in the list",,"Dplacez l lment slectionn vers le bas de
la liste",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move the selected item up in the list",,"Dplacez l lment slectionn vers le haut de l
a liste",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove the selected item from the list",,"Supprimez l lment slectionn de la liste",
,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select item and add to list below:",,"Slectionnez un lment et ajoutez-le la liste
ci-dessous:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TreeNode Editor",,"diteur TreeNode",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Add Child",,"Ajouter un enfant",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Add Root",,"Ajouter une racine",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Select a node to edit:",,"Slectionner un nud modifier :",,"Static Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alternation conditions do not capture and cannot be named.",,"Les conditions d
alternative ne capturent pas et ne peuvent pas tre nommes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alternation conditions cannot be comments.",,"Les conditions d alternative ne p
euvent pas tre des commentaires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value {0} was found in the appSettings configuration section for key {1}
, and this value is not a valid {2}.",,"La valeur {0} a t trouve dans la section
de configuration appSettings pour la cl {1} , et cette valeur n est pas un {2}
valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(empty string)",,"(chane vide)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key {0} does not exist in the appSettings configuration section.",,"La cl
{0} n existe pas dans la section de configuration appSettings.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Type {0} does not have a Parse method.",,"Le type {0} n a pas de mthode Pars
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array cannot be empty or null.",,"Le tableau ne peut pas tre vide ou null.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient space in the target location to copy the information.",,"Espace in
suffisant l emplacement cible pour copier les informations.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given port name does not start with COM/com or does not resolve to a valid
serial port.",,"Le nom spcifi ne dmarre pas avec COM/com ou n est pas rsolu en port
srie valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given port name is invalid. It may be a valid port, but not a serial port.
",,"Le nom de port spcifi n est pas valide. Peut-tre est-ce celui d un port valide,
mais pas d un port srie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multi dimension array is not supported on this operation.",,"Les tableaux multi
dimensionnels ne sont pas pris en charge pour cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The port name cannot start with \ .",,"Le nom du port ne peut pas commencer pa
r \ .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The value ""{0}"" isn t of type ""{1}"" and can t be used in this generic coll
ection."",,""La valeur ""{0}"" n est pas de type ""{1}"" et ne peut pas tre utili
se dans cette collection gnrique."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument was not a permission Element.",,"L argument n tait pas un lment d autoris
ation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The array cannot contain null elements.",,"Le tableau ne peut pas contenir d lmen
ts null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value must be less than UInt32.MaxValue (2^32).",,"La valeur doit tre infrieu
re UInt32.MaxValue (2^32).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number must be greater than or equal to zero.",,"Le nombre doit tre suprieur
ou gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index is less than zero.",,"Index infrieur zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The timeout must be greater than or equal to -1.",,"Le dlai d attente doit tre su
prieur ou gal -1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The timeout must be either a positive number or -1.",,"Le dlai d attente doit tre
un nombre positif ou gal -1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument should be of type {0}.",,"L argument doit tre de type {0}.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An entry with the same key already exists.",,"Une entre avec la mme cl existe dj.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Byte[] length must be a multiple of 4.",,"La longueur de Byte[] doit tre un
multiple de4.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FrameworkName version component is invalid.",,"Le composant de la version du Fr
ameworkName n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The string contained an invalid character.",,"La chane contenait un caractre non
valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The value of ""nameType"" is invalid."",,""La valeur de ""nameType"" n est pas
valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The OID value was invalid.",,"La valeur OID n tait pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"maximumThreshold cannot be less than initialThreshold.",,"maximumThreshold ne p
eut pas tre infrieur initialThreshold.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Argument {0} should be larger than {1}.",,"L argument {0} doit tre suprieur {1}."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter must be a BigInteger.",,"Le paramtre doit tre un BigInteger.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" securityElement was not a permission element.",," securityElement n tait pas
un lment d autorisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Comment property of the CodeCommentStatement {0} cannot be null.",,"La
proprit Comment de CodeCommentStatement {0} ne peut pas avoir la valeur null."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The parsed string was invalid.",,"La chane analyse n tait pas valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The initial count for the semaphore must be greater than or equal to zero and l
ess than the maximum count.",,"Le nombre initial du smaphore doit tre suprieur ou ga
l zro et infrieur au nombre maximal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The total arity specified in {0} does not match the number of TypeArguments s
upplied. There were {1} TypeArguments supplied.",,"L arit totale spcifie dans {
0} ne correspond pas au nombre de TypeArguments fournis. {1} TypeArguments on
t t fournis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Array",,"Tableau de {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad Xml {0}",,"XML incorrect {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"True if operation was cancelled.",,"True si l opration a t annule.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception that occurred during operation. Null if no error.",,"Exception surve
nue lors de l opration. Null si aucune erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-supplied state to identify operation.",,"tat prcis par l utilisateur pour ide
ntifier l opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred during the operation, making the result invalid. Check I
nnerException for exception details.",,"Une exception s est produite lors de l o
pration, ce qui rend le rsultat non valide. Consultez InnerException pour plus de
dtails sur l exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A non-null SendOrPostCallback must be supplied.",,"Un SendOrPostCallback non nu
ll doit tre fourni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation has already had OperationCompleted called on it and further call
s are illegal.",,"OperationCompleted a dj t appel pour cette opration. D autres tentat
ives d appel ne seraient pas conformes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Operation has been cancelled.",,"L opration a t annule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Percentage progress made in operation.",,"Progression en pourcentage ralise au co
urs de l opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Queuing WaitCallback failed.",,"chec de la mise en attente de WaitCallback.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a valid configuration attribute for type {1} .",," {0} n est pas
un attribut de configuration valide pour le type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This code was generated by a tool.",,"Ce code a t gnr par un outil.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Runtime Version:",,"Version du runtime :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Changes to this file may cause incorrect behavior and will be lost if",,"Les mo
difications apportes ce fichier peuvent provoquer un comportement incorrect et se
ront perdues si",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the code is regenerated.",,"le code est rgnr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"BackgroundWorker is already running.",,"BackgroundWorker est dj en cours d excutio
n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BackgroundWorker does not support cancellation.",,"BackgroundWorker ne prend pa
s en charge l annulation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Has the user attempted to cancel the operation? To be accessed from DoWork even
t handler.",,"L utilisateur a-t-il tent d annuler l opration ? Accessible depuis l
e gestionnaire d vnements DoWork.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Executes an operation on a separate thread.",,"Excute une opration sur un thread
spar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event handler to be run on a different thread when the operation begins.",,"Le
gestionnaire d vnements doit tre excut sur un thread diffrent lorsque l opration comme

ce.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Argument passed into the worker handler from BackgroundWorker.RunWorkerAsync.",
,"Argument pass dans le gestionnaire de travail partir de BackgroundWorker.RunWor
kerAsync.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Result from the worker function.",,"Rsultat de la fonction de travail.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Is the worker still currently working on a background operation?",,"Le thread d
e travail est-il toujours en train de traiter une opration d arrire-plan ?",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation has already been completed.",,"L opration est dj termine.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raised when the worker thread indicates that some progress has been made.",,"Es
t dclench lorsque le thread de travail indique que des progrs ont t raliss.",,"Text",,
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BackgroundWorker does not support progress.",,"BackgroundWorker ne prend pas en
charge la progression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raised when the worker has completed (either through success, failure, or cance
llation).",,"Est dclench lorsque le thread de travail a termin (aprs russite, chec ou
annulation).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This BackgroundWorker is currently busy and cannot run multiple tasks concurren
tly.",,"BackgroundWorker est actuellement occup et ne peut pas excuter plusieurs tc
hes simultanment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This BackgroundWorker states that it doesn t report progress. Modify WorkerRepo
rtsProgress to state that it does report progress.",,"Ce BackgroundWorker prcise
qu il ne signale aucune progression. Modifiez WorkerReportsProgress afin qu il s
ignale bel et bien une progression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"This BackgroundWorker states that it doesn t support cancellation. Modify Worke
rSupportsCancellation to state that it does support cancellation.",,"Ce Backgrou
ndWorker signale qu il ne prend pas en charge l annulation. Modifiez WorkerSuppo
rtsCancellation afin qu il valide la prise en charge de l annulation.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether the worker will report progress.",,"Indique si le thread de travail sig
nale la progression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether the worker supports cancellation.",,"Indique si le thread de travail pr
end en charge l annulation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected Character: {0} .",,"Caractre inattendu: {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot include class \{0} in character range.",,"Impossible d inclure une class
e \{0} dans une plage de caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The config value for Switch {0} was invalid.",,"La valeur de configuration du
commutateur {0} n tait pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Event log names must consist of printable characters and cannot contain \, *, ?
, or spaces",,"Les noms des journaux des vnements doivent tre composs uniquement de
caractres imprimables et ne peuvent pas contenir les caractres \,* et?, ou bien des
espaces.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Maximum working set size is invalid. It must be greater than or equal to the mi
nimum working set size.",,"La taille maximale du jeu de travail n est pas valide
. Elle doit tre suprieure ou gale la taille minimale du jeu de travail.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Minimum working set size is invalid. It must be less than or equal to the maxim
um working set size.",,"La taille minimale du jeu de travail n est pas valide. E
lle doit tre infrieure ou gale la taille maximale du jeu de travail.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Xml version was wrong.",,"La version XML tait incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The postPhaseAction failed with an exception.",,"chec de postPhaseAction avec un
e exception. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The participantCount argument must be a positive value.",,"L argument participa

ntCount doit tre une valeur positive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Adding participantCount participants would result in the number of participants
exceeding the maximum number allowed.",,"L ajout de participants participantCou
nt aboutirait un dpassement du nombre maximal de participants autoris.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The barrier has been disposed.",,"Le cloisonnement a t supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method may not be called from within the postPhaseAction.",,"Cette mthode n
e peut pas tre appele partir de postPhaseAction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The participantCount argument must be less than or equal the number of particip
ants.",,"L argument participantCount doit tre infrieur ou gal au nombre de particip
ants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The participantCount argument is greater than the number of participants that h
aven t yet arrived at the barrier in this phase.",,"L argument participantCount
est suprieur au nombre de participants qui ne sont pas encore arrivs au cloisonnem
ent de cette phase.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified timeout must represent a value between -1 and Int32.MaxValue, inc
lusive.",,"Le dlai d attente spcifi doit reprsenter une valeur comprise entre -1 et
Int32.MaxValue, incluses.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of threads using the barrier exceeded the total number of registered
participants.",,"Le nombre de threads qui utilisent le cloisonnement a dpass le n
ombre total de participants inscrits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The barrier has no registered participants.",,"Le cloisonnement n a aucun parti
cipant inscrit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The participantCount argument must be non-negative and less than or equal to 32
767.",,"L argument participantCount ne doit pas tre ngatif et doit tre infrieur ou ga
l 32767.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The BaseStream is only available when the port is open.",,"Le BaseStream est di
sponible uniquement lorsque le port est ouvert.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The baud rate to use on this serial port.",,"La vitesse en bauds utiliser sur c
e port srie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start index cannot be less than 0 or greater than input length.",,"L index de db
ut ne peut pas tre infrieur 0 ou suprieur la longueur d entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binary serialization is current not supported by the LocalFileSettingsProvider.
",,"LocalFileSettingsProvider ne prend actuellement pas en charge la srialisation
binaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bit vector is full.",,"Le vecteur de bits est plein.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CompleteAdding may not be used concurrently with additions to the collection.",
,"CompleteAdding ne peut pas tre utilis simultanment avec des ajouts la collection.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying collection didn t accept the item.",,"La collection sous-jacente
n a pas accept l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one of the specified collections is marked as complete with regards to
additions.",,"Au moins l une des collections spcifies est marque comme tant termine
en ce qui concerne les ajouts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All collections are marked as complete with regards to additions.",,"Toutes les
collections sont marques comme tant termines en ce qui concerne les ajouts.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection argument is empty and has been marked as complete with regards t
o additions.",,"L argument de collection est vide et a t marqu comme tant termin en c
e qui concerne les ajouts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection argument has already been marked as complete with regards to add
itions.",,"L argument de collection a dj t marqu comme tant termin en ce qui concerne

es ajouts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The collection has been marked as complete with regards to additions.",,"La col
lection a t marque comme tant termine en ce qui concerne les ajouts.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The array argument is of the incorrect type.",,"Le type de l argument de tablea
u est incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The array argument is multidimensional.",,"L argument de tableau est multidimen
sionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index argument must be greater than or equal zero.",,"L argument d index do
it tre suprieur ou gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of elements in the collection is greater than the available space fr
om index to the end of the destination array.",,"Le nombre d lments dans la collec
tion est suprieur l espace disponible entre l index et la fin du tableau de desti
nation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection has been disposed.",,"La collection a t supprime.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying collection was modified from outside of the BlockingCollection<T
>.",,"La collection sous-jacente a t modifie partir de l extrieur de BlockingCollect
ion<T>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified timeout must represent a value between -1 and {0}, inclusive.",,"
Le dlai d attente spcifi doit reprsenter une valeur comprise entre -1 et {0}, inclus
es.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collections argument contains at least one disposed element.",,"L argument
des collections contient au moins un lment supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collections length is greater than the supported range for 32 bit machine."
,,"La longueur des collections est suprieure la plage prise en charge pour l ordi
nateur 32bits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collections argument contains at least one null element.",,"L argument des
collections contient au moins un lment null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The collections argument is a zero-length array.",,"L argument des collections
est un tableau de longueur zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The boundedCapacity argument must be positive.",,"L argument boundedCapacity do
it tre positif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection argument contains more items than are allowed by the boundedCapa
city.",,"L argument de collection contient plus d lments que le nombre autoris par
boundedCapacity.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The setting {0} has both an ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute and a UserScopedS
ettingAttribute.",,"Le paramtre {0} dispose la fois d un ApplicationScopedSetting
Attribute et d un UserScopedSettingAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified buffer size is too large. FileSystemWatcher cannot allocate {0} b
ytes for the internal buffer.",,"La taille de la mmoire tampon spcifie est trop gra
nde. FileSystemWatcher ne peut pas allouer {0} octets pour la mmoire tampon inter
ne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The checkout was canceled by the user.",,"L extraction a t annule par l utilisateu
r.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event log source {0} cannot be deleted, because it s equal to the log nam
e.",,"La source {0} du journal des vnements ne peut pas tre supprime, car elle est
identique au nom du journal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get the effective time of the SSPI context.",,"Impossible d obtenir l he
ure effective du contexte SSPI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get the expiry time of the SSPI context.",,"Impossible d obtenir l heure
d expiration du contexte SSPI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reading from the compression stream is not supported.",,"La lecture partir du f
lux de compression n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Writing to the compression stream is not supported.",,"L criture dans le flux de
compression n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Cannot specify both the {0} and {1} CodeDom provider options to choose a co
mpiler. Please remove one of them.",,"Impossible de spcifier les deux options de
fournisseur CodeDom {0} et {1} pour choisir un compilateur. Supprimez l une
d elles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Server cannot clear configuration sections from within section groups. <clear/
> must be a child of <configSections>.",,"Le serveur ne peut pas effacer les sec
tions de configuration des groupes de sections. <clear/> doit tre un enfant de <c
onfigSections>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use a leading .. to exit above the top directory.",,"Impossible d utilis
er .. en dbut de commande partir du rpertoire de niveau suprieur.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot remove with null name.",,"Suppression impossible avec un nom null.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create or delete the Performance Category {0} because access is denied
.",,"Impossible de crer ni de supprimer la catgorie de performance {0} , car l ac
cs est refus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array {0} cannot contain null entries.",,"Le tableau {0} ne peut pas conten
ir des entres null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An instance with a lifetime of Global can only be accessed from a PerformanceCo
unter with the InstanceLifetime set to PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime.Global
.",,"Une instance avec une dure de vie Global n est accessible qu partir d un Per
formanceCounter dont InstanceLifetime a la valeur PerformanceCounterInstanceLife
time.Global.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An instance with a lifetime of Process can only be accessed from a PerformanceC
ounter with the InstanceLifetime set to PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime.Proce
ss.",,"Une instance avec une dure de vie Process n est accessible qu partir d un
PerformanceCounter dont InstanceLifetime a la valeur PerformanceCounterInstanceL
ifetime.Process.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot delete Performance Category because this category is not registered or i
s a system category.",,"Impossible de supprimer la catgorie Performance. Il s agi
t d une catgorie non inscrite ou d une catgorie systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot calculate the size of the file view.",,"Impossible de calculer la taille
de l affichage des fichiers.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot retrieve process identifier from the process handle.",,"Impossible d ext
raire l identificateur du processus du handle de processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StandardError has not been redirected.",,"StandardError n a pas t redirig.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StandardIn has not been redirected.",,"StandardIn n a pas t redirig.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StandardOut has not been redirected or the process hasn t started yet.",,"Stand
ardOut n a pas t redirig ou le processus n a pas encore commenc.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot map view of file.",,"Impossible de mapper la vue du fichier.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot mix synchronous and asynchronous operation on process stream.",,"Impossi
ble de mlanger une opration synchrone et asynchrone dans le flux de traitement.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Once a ListSortDescriptionCollection has been created it can t be modified.",,"
Un ListSortDescriptionCollection qui a t cr ne peut pas tre modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot monitor EntryWritten events for this EventLog. This might be because the
EventLog is on a remote machine which is not a supported scenario.",,"Impossibl
e de surveiller les vnements EntryWritten pour cet EventLog. Il est possible que l
EventLog se trouve sur un ordinateur distant et ce scnario n est pas pris en cha
rge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open log {0} on machine {1}. Windows has not provided an error code.",,"
Impossible d ouvrir le journal {0} sur l ordinateur {1}. Windows n a fourni aucu

n code d erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot open log for source {0} . You may not have write access.",,"Impossible
d ouvrir le journal pour la source {0} . Vrifiez que vous bnficiez de l accs en crit
ure requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot read Category {0}.",,"Impossible de lire la catgorie {0}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not Read Category Index: {0}.",,"Impossible de lire l index de catgorie:{0}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Counter {0} does not exist in the specified Category.",,"Le compteur {0} n ex
iste pas dans la catgorie spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance {0} does not exist in the specified Category.",,"L instance {0} n ex
iste pas dans la catgorie spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot read log entry number {0}. The event log may be corrupt.",,"Impossible
de lire l entre de journal numro{0}. Le journal des vnements est peut-tre endommag.",,
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Process object must have the UseShellExecute property set to false in order
to redirect IO streams.",,"L objet Process doit avoir la proprit UseShellExecute
dfinie la valeur false afin de rediriger les flux d E/S.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot retrieve all entries.",,"Impossible d extraire la totalit des entres.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The InstanceLifetime cannot be set after the instance has been initialized. Yo
u must use the default constructor and set the CategoryName, InstanceName, Count
erName, InstanceLifetime and ReadOnly properties manually before setting the Raw
Value.",,"La proprit InstanceLifetime ne peut pas tre dfinie aprs initialisation de l
instance. Vous devez utiliser le constructeur par dfaut et dfinir manuellement le
s proprits CategoryName, InstanceName, CounterName, InstanceLifetime et ReadOnly a
vant de dfinir RawValue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RtsEnable cannot be accessed if Handshake is set to RequestToSend or RequestToS
endXOnXOff.",,"Impossible d accder RtsEnable si le protocole de transfert a la va
leur RequestToSend ou RequestToSendXOnXOff.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The Process object must have the UseShellExecute property set to false in order
to start a process as a user.",,"L objet Process doit avoir la proprit UseShellEx
ecute dfinie false pour dmarrer un processus en tant qu utilisateur.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Process object must have the UseShellExecute property set to false in order
to use environment variables.",,"Pour utiliser des variables d environnement, l
objet Process doit avoir une proprit UseShellExecute ayant la valeur false.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} cannot be set while the port is open.",,"Impossible de dfinir {0} tant q
ue le port est ouvert.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Capture number cannot be zero.",,"Le nombre de captures ne peut pas tre gal zro.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Capture group numbers must be less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue.",,"Les nomb
res de groupes de capture doivent tre infrieurs ou gaux Int32.MaxValue.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load Category Help data because an invalid index {0} was read from the
registry.",,"Impossible de charger les donnes d aide de la catgorie, car un index
non valide {0} a t lu partir du Registre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Failed to initialize because CategoryName is missing.",,"L initialisation a chou,
car CategoryName est manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Category name property has not been set.",,"La proprit category name n a pas t dfini
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Category names must be 1024 characters or less.",,"Les noms des catgories doiven
t contenir 1024 caractres ou moins.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"There is no CodeDom provider defined for the language.",,"Aucun fournisseur Cod
eDom n est dfini pour le langage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The output writer for code generation and the writer supplied don t match and c
annot be used. This is generally caused by a bad implementation of a CodeGenerat
or derived class.",,"Le writer de sortie pour la gnration de code et le writer fou
rni ne correspondent pas et ne peuvent pas tre utiliss. En rgle gnrale, cela est d un
mauvaise implmentation d une classe drive CodeGenerator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This code generation API cannot be called while the generator is being used to
generate something else.",,"Impossible d appeler cette API de gnration de code tan
t que vous utilisez le gnrateur pour crer autre chose.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Collection)",,"(Collection)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiler executable file {0} cannot be found.",,"Le fichier excutable du compila
teur {0} est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index argument must be less than the array length.",,"L argument d index do
it tre infrieur la longueur du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The array argument is multidimensional or of an incorrect type.",,"L argument d
e tableau est multidimensionnel ou de type incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of elements in the bag is greater than the available space from inde
x to the end of the destination array.",,"Le nombre d lments dans le conteneur est
suprieur l espace disponible entre l index et la fin du tableau de destination."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The array argument is null.",,"L argument de tableau a la valeur null.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection argument is null.",,"L argument de collection a la valeur null."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} section can only appear once per config file.",,"La section {0} ne
peut figurer qu une seule fois par fichier de configuration.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} tag can only appear once per section.",,"La balise {0} ne peut figu
rer qu une seule fois par section.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Only elements allowed.",,"Seuls lments autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Child nodes not allowed.",,"Nuds enfants non autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required attribute {0} cannot be empty.",,"L attribut requis {0} ne peut pa
s tre vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required attribute {0} not found.",,"Attribut obligatoire {0} introuvable."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time span for the property {0} exceeds the maximum that can be stored in
the configuration.",,"L intervalle de temps de la proprit {0} dpasse la capacit ma
ximale de stockage dans la configuration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The ConfigurationValidation attribute must be derived from ConfigurationValidat
ion.",,"L attribut ConfigurationValidation doit tre driv de ConfigurationValidation
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ConfigurationPropertyConverter attribute must be derived from TypeConverter
.",,"L attribut ConfigurationPropertyConverter doit tre driv de TypeConverter.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown",,"Inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized attribute {0} . Note that attribute names are case-sensitive.",,"
Attribut {0} non reconnu. Notez que les noms d attributs respectent la casse."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized element.",,"lment non reconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} must have value true or false .",,"La proprit {0} doit av
oir la valeur true ou false .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} attribute must be set to an integer value.",,"L attribut {0} doit a

voir une valeur entire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The {0} attribute must be set to a positive integer value.",,"L attribut {0}
doit avoir une valeur entire positive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The {0} attribute must be set to a valid Type name.",,"L attribut {0} doit t
re dfini avec un nom de type valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The {0} attribute must be specified on the {1} tag.",,"L attribut {0} doi
t tre spcifi sur la balise {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The root element must match the name of the section referencing the file, {0}
",,"L lment racine doit correspondre au nom de la section faisant rfrence au fichier
, {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} cannot be empty or null.",,"La proprit {0} ne peut pas tre vide o
u null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provider must implement the class {0} .",,"Le fournisseur doit implmenter la cl
asse {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provider name cannot be null or empty.",,"Le nom du fournisseur ne peut pas tre
null ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The provider was not found in the collection.",,"Le fournisseur est introuvable
dans la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot clear section handlers. Section {0} is locked.",,"Impossible d efface
r les gestionnaires de section. La section {0} est verrouille.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SectionRecord not found.",,"SectionRecord introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The File property cannot be used with the ConfigSource property.",,"La proprit
File ne peut pas tre utilise avec la proprit ConfigSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The configuration system can only be set once. Configuration system is already
set",,"Le systme de configuration ne peut tre dfini qu une fois. Le systme de confi
guration est dj dfini",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to read security policy.",,"Impossible de lire la stratgie de scurit.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WriteXml returned null.",,"Le WriteXml retourn est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified content disposition is invalid.",,"La disposition de contenu spcif
ie n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified content type is invalid.",,"Le type de contenu spcifi n est pas val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} cannot convert from {1}.",,"Conversion de {0} impossible partir de {1}.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not a valid value for {1}.",,"{0} n est pas une valeur valide pour {1}."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is unable to convert {1} to {2} .",," {0} ne peut pas convertir {1}
en {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The magic number in GZip header is not correct. Make sure you are passing in a
GZip stream.",,"Le nombre magique dans l en-tte GZip n est pas correct. Assurez-v
ous que votre passage s opre dans un flux GZip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} could not be created from it s default value. Error message:
{1}",,"Impossible de crer la proprit {0} partir de sa valeur par dfaut. Message d
erreur : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property {0} could not be created from it s default value because the def
ault value is of a different type.",,"Impossible de crer la proprit {0} partir de
sa valeur par dfaut, car cette dernire est de type diffrent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t create listener {0} .",,"Impossible de crer l couteur {0} .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not create {0}.",,"Impossible de crer {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Couldn t find type for class {0}.",,"Impossible de trouver le type de la classe

{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t find constructor for class {0}.",,"Impossible de trouver le constructe
ur de la classe {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t connect to remote machine.",,"Connexion impossible l ordinateur distan
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t get process information from performance counter.",,"Impossible de tra
iter les informations du compteur de performance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Count cannot be less than -1.",,"Le nombre ne peut pas tre infrieur -1.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load Performance Counter data because an unexpected registry key value t
ype was read from {0} .",,"Impossible de charger les donnes des compteurs de per
formance, car un type valeur de cl de Registre inattendu a t lu partir de {0} .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not locate Performance Counter with specified category name {0} , counte
r name {1} .",,"Impossible de trouver le compteur de performance avec le nom de
catgorie spcifi {0} , nom du compteur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Help information for this counter.",,"Aide relative ce compteur.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Counter layout for the Category specified is invalid, a counter of the type
: AverageCount64, AverageTimer32, CounterMultiTimer, CounterMultiTimerInverse,
CounterMultiTimer100Ns, CounterMultiTimer100NsInverse, RawFraction, or SampleFra
ction has to be immediately followed by any of the base counter types: AverageBa
se, CounterMultiBase, RawBase or SampleBase.",,"La disposition du compteur pour
la catgorie spcifie n est pas valide, un compteur de type: AverageCount64, AverageTi
mer32, CounterMultiTimer, CounterMultiTimerInverse, CounterMultiTimer100Ns, Coun
terMultiTimer100NsInverse, RawFraction ou SampleFraction doit tre suivi de l un d
es types de compteurs de base: AverageBase, CounterMultiBase, RawBase ou SampleBa
se.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of this counter.",,"Nom de ce compteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load Counter Name data because an invalid index {0} was read from the
registry.",,"Impossible de charger les donnes de nom de compteur, car un index no
n valide {0} a t lu partir du Registre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Failed to initialize because CounterName is missing.",,"L initialisation a chou,
car CounterName est manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of this counter.",,"Type de ce compteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom counters file view is out of memory.",,"Mmoire insuffisante pour afficher
le fichier des compteurs personnaliss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The AsnEncodedData object does not have the same OID for the collection.",,"L o
bjet AsnEncodedData ne dispose pas du mme OID pour la collection.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The recipient info type {0} is not valid.",,"Le type d information de destinata
ire {0} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CMS message is not signed by NoSignature.",,"Le message CMS n est pas sign p
ar NoSignature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The store handle is invalid.",,"Le handle du magasin n est pas valide.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The OID value is invalid.",,"La valeur OID n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The PKCS 9 attribute cannot be explicitly added to the collection.",,"L attribu
t PKCS 9 ne peut pas tre ajout de manire explicite la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The OID does not represent a valid PKCS 9 attribute.",,"L OID ne reprsente pas u
n attribut PKCS 9 valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Adding certificate with index {0} failed.",,"chec lors de l ajout du certifica

t avec l index {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input data cannot be coded as a valid certificate.",,"Les donnes d entre ne peuve
nt pas tre codes dans un certificat valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The parameter should be an X509Extension.",,"Le paramtre doit tre une extension X
509Extension.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid find type.",,"Type de recherche non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid find value.",,"Valeur de recherche non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The public key of the certificate does not match the value specified.",,"La cl p
ublique du certificat ne correspond pas la valeur spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removing certificate with index {0} failed.",,"chec lors de la suppression du
certificat avec l index {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The X509 certificate store has not been opened.",,"Le magasin de certificats X5
09 n a pas t ouvert.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} culture cannot be converted to a CultureInfo object on this computer.",
,"La culture {0} n a pas pu tre convertie en objet CultureInfo sur cet ordinateur
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of data bits per transmitted/received byte.",,"Le nombre de bits de
donnes par octet transmis/reu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"---- Assert Long Message ----",,"---- Message long d assertion ----",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"---- Assert Short Message ----",,"---- Message court d assertion ----",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assertion Failed: Abort=Quit, Retry=Debug, Ignore=Continue",,"chec d assertion: A
bandonner=Quitter, Ressayer=Dboguer, Ignorer=Continuer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot launch the debugger. Make sure that a Microsoft (R) .NET Framework debu
gger is properly installed.",,"Impossible de lancer le dbogueur. Vrifiez qu un dbog
ueur Microsoft (R) .NET Framework est correctement install.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework Debug Launch Failure",,"chec du lancement du dbogage Mic
rosoft.NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}...\r\n<truncated>",,"{0}...\r\n<tronqu>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""The fully qualified, or relative path to the directory you wish to read from.
E.g., ""c:\temp""."",,""Le chemin d accs qualifi complet ou relatif menant au rpert
oire partir duquel vous souhaitez lire. Par exemple : ""c:\temp""."",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must specify a directory name, not a relative or absolute path.",,"Vous dev
ez spcifier un nom de rpertoire et non un chemin d accs relatif ou absolu.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether to discard null bytes received on the port before adding to serial buff
er.",,"Indique si les octets null reus sur le port sont ignors avant l ajout la mmo
ire tampon srie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether to enable the Data Terminal Ready (DTR) line during communications.",,"
Indique si la ligne DTR (Data Terminal Ready) est active lors des communications.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate component name {0} . Component names must be unique and case-insens
itive.",,"Nom de composant {0} dupliqu. Les noms de composants doivent tre uniqu
es et sans distinction minuscules/majuscules.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create Performance Category with counter name {0} because the name is a
duplicate.",,"Impossible de crer la catgorie Performance avec le nom de compteur {
0}, parce que le nom est un doublon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"The file name {0} was already in the collection.",,"Le nom de fichier {0} f
igurait dj dans la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only the first eight characters of a custom log name are significant, and there
is already another log on the system using the first eight characters of the na
me given. Name given: {0} , name of existing log: {1} .",,"Seuls les premiers
huit caractres sont pris en compte dans un nom de journal personnalis. Or il exist
e dj sur le systme un nom de journal personnalis commenant par les huit caractres du n
om spcifi. Nom spcifi: {0} , nom du journal existant: {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End of data stream encountered.",,"Fin du flux de donnes rencontr.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stack has no items in it.",,"La pile ne contient pas d lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"switchType needs to be a valid class name. It can t be empty.",,"switchType doi
t tre un nom de classe valide et ne peut tre vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} attribute cannot be an empty string.",,"L attribut {0} ne peut pas t
re une chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The encoding to use when reading and writing strings.",,"L encodage utiliser lo
rs de l criture et de la lecture de chanes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The value {0} is not a valid value for the enum {1} .",,"La valeur {0} n e
st pas valide pour l enum {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to enumerate the process modules.",,"Impossible d numrer les modules du pr
ocessus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A 32 bit processes cannot access modules of a 64 bit process.",,"Un processus 3
2bits ne peut pas accder aux modules d un processus 64bits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The environment block provided doesn t have the correct format.",,"Le bloc envi
ronment fourni n a pas un format correct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The environment block used to start a process cannot be longer than 65535 bytes
. Your environment block is {0} bytes long. Remove some environment variables
and try again.",,"Le bloc d environnement utilis pour dmarrer un processus ne peut
pas comporter plus de 65535 octets. Votre bloc d environnement comporte {0} oct
ets en trop. Supprimez certaines variables d environnement et ressayez.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} extender provider is not compatible with the {1} type.",,"Le fournisseu
r d extendeurs {0} n est pas compatible avec le type {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create system events window thread.",,"Impossible de crer le thread de
fentre des vnements systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create timer.",,"Impossible de crer la minuterie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User event handler to call for async IO with StandardError stream.",,"Gestionna
ire d vnements utilisateur appeler pour une opration d E/S asynchrone avec flux Sta
ndardError.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get temporary file name",,"Impossible d obtenir le nom de fichier tempor
aire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid event handler for the {0} event.",,"Gestionnaire d vnements non valide po
ur l vnement {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid type for the {0} event.",,"Type non valide pour l vnement {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid type for the {0} property.",,"Type non valide pour la proprit {0}.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The service instance must derive from or implement {0}.",,"L instance de servic
e doit driver de {0} ou l implmenter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Cannot end timer.",,"Impossible d arrter la minuterie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr

amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessor methods for the {0} event are missing.",,"Les mthodes d accesseur pour
l vnement {0} sont introuvables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accessor methods for the {0} property are missing.",,"Les mthodes d accesseur po
ur la proprit {0} sont introuvables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Property accessor {0} on object {1} threw the following exception: {2} ",,"
L accesseur de proprit {0} sur l objet {1} a lev l exception suivante: {2} ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The service {0} already exists in the service container.",,"Le service {0} exis
te dj dans le conteneur de service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"System event notifications are not supported under the current context. Server
processes, for example, may not support global system event notifications.",,"Le
s notifications d vnements systme ne sont pas prises en compte dans le contexte act
uel. Les processus serveur, par exemple, risquent de ne pas prendre en charge le
s notifications d vnements systme globaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Invalid eventID value {0} . It must be in the range between {1} and {2} .",
,"Valeur eventID {0} non valide. Elle doit tre comprise entre {1} et {2} .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides interaction with Windows event logs.",,"Fournit une interaction avec l
es journaux des vnements Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred writing trace output to log file {0} . {1}",,"Une except
ion s est produite lors de l criture de la sortie de trace dans le fichier journa
l {0} . {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid return code was encountered waiting for a program to execute. The co
mmand being executed was {0}.",,"Un code de retour non valide a t rencontr en atten
te de l excution d un programme. La commande en cours d excution tait {0}.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot execute a program. The command being executed was {0}.",,"Impossible d e
xcuter un programme. La commande en cours d excution tait {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to get the return code for a program being executed. The command that wa
s being executed was {0} .",,"Impossible d obtenir le code de retour pour un pr
ogramme en cours d excution. La commande en cours d excution tait {0} .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot execute a program. Impersonation failed.",,"Impossible d excuter un progr
amme. L emprunt d identit a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create file {0}.",,"Impossible de crer le fichier {0}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Timed out waiting for a program to execute. The command being executed was {0}.
",,"Dlai dpass en attente de l excution d un programme. La commande en cours d excuti
on tait {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An extension name in the CodeDom configuration section must be a non-empty stri
ng which starts with a period.",,"Un nom d extension dans la section de configur
ation CodeDom doit tre une chane non vide dbutant par un point.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The LinkedList node does not belong to current LinkedList.",,"Le noeud LinkedLi
st n appartient pas au LinkedList actif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Too many changes at once in directory:{0}.",,"Trop de modifications la fois dan
s le rpertoire : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a file and/or directory change matches the filter.",,"Se produit lo
rsque la modification d un fichier et/ou d un rpertoire correspond au filtre.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Flag to indicate which change event to monitor.",,"Indicateur qui spcifie l vnemen
t de modification surveiller.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a file and/or directory creation matches the filter.",,"Se produit
lorsque la cration d un fichier et/ou d un rpertoire correspond au filtre.",,"Text

",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Occurs when a file and/or directory deletion matches the filter.",,"Se produit
lorsque la suppression d un fichier et/ou d un rpertoire correspond au filtre.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Flag to indicate whether this component is active or not.",,"Indicateur qui spci
fie si ce composant est actif ou non.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The file pattern filter.",,"Filtre du modle de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading the {0} directory.",,"Erreur lors de la lecture du rpertoire {0}."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Flag to watch subdirectories.",,"Indicateur qui spcifie la surveillance des sous
-rpertoires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The path to the directory to monitor.",,"Chemin d accs du rpertoire surveiller.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a file and/or directory rename matches the filter.",,"Se produit lo
rsque le changement de nom d un fichier et/ou d un rpertoire correspond au filtre
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object used to marshal the event handler calls issued as a result of a Dire
ctory change.",,"Objet utilis pour ordonner les appels du gestionnaire d vnements mi
s la suite d une modification d un rpertoire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot start process because a file name has not been provided.",,"Impossible d
e dmarrer le processus, car un nom de fichier n a pas t indiqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the file will be parsed to see if it has a byte order mark i
ndicating its encoding. If it does, this will be used rather than the current s
pecified encoding.",,"Dtermine si le fichier sera analys pour vrifier s il dispose
d une marque d ordre d octet indiquant son encodage. Si tel est le cas, cet enco
dage sera utilis la place de l encodage actuellement spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The encoding to use when reading the file. UTF-8 is the default.",,"L encodage
utiliser lors de la lecture du fichier. Le format par dfaut est UTF-8.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The fully qualified, or relative path to the file you wish to read from. E.g.,
""myfile.txt""."",,""Le chemin d accs qualifi complet ou relatif menant au rpertoi
re partir duquel vous souhaitez lire. Par exemple : ""monfichier.txt""."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file is already open. Call Close before trying to open the FileObject agai
n.",,"Le fichier est dj ouvert. Utilisez Close avant d essayer de rouvrir le FileO
bject.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The FileObject is currently closed. Try opening it.",,"Le FileObject est actue
llement ferm. Essayez de le rouvrir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"File information cannot be queried if the file does not exist.",,"Impossible d
interroger les informations du fichier si ce dernier n existe pas.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumerator is positioned before the first line or after the last line of the fi
le.",,"L numrateur est plac avant la premire ligne ou aprs la dernire ligne du fichier
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileObject s open mode wasn t set to a valid value. This FileObject is corrupt
.",,"Le mode d ouverture du FileObject n a pas t dfini une valeur valide. Ce FileOb
ject est endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation can only be done when the FileObject is closed.",,"Cette opration
ne peut avoir lieu que lorsque le FileObject est ferm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must specify a file name, not a relative or absolute path.",,"Vous devez spc
ifier un nom de fichier et non un chemin d accs relatif ou absolu.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset is not supported on a FileLineEnumerator.",,"La rinitialisation n est pas

prise en charge dans un FileLineEnumerator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"File information cannot be queried while open for writing.",,"Impossible d inte
rroger les informations du fichier lorsque ce dernier est ouvert en criture.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The path has not been set, or is an empty string. Please ensure you specify so
me path.",,"Le chemin d accs n a pas t dfini ou est une chane vide. Veillez spcifier
n chemin d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file is currently open for reading. Close the file and reopen it before at
tempting this.",,"Le fichier est actuellement ouvert en lecture. Fermez-le et ro
uvrez-le avant de tenter cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The file is currently open for writing. Close the file and reopen it before at
tempting this.",,"Le fichier est actuellement ouvert en criture. Fermez-le et rou
vrez-le avant de tenter cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Monitors file system change notifications and raises events when a directory or
file changes.",,"Analyse les notifications de modifications du systme de fichier
s et dclenche des vnements lorsqu un rpertoire ou un fichier est modifi.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value is too large to be represented by this format specifier.",,"La valeur
est trop importante pour tre reprsente par ce spcificateur de format.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found invalid data while decoding.",,"Donnes non valides dtectes lors du dcodage.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} can not be empty string.",," {0} ne peut pas tre une chane vide.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The handshaking protocol for flow control in data exchange, which can be None."
,,"Le protocole de communication (handshaking) pour le contrle de flux dans l chan
ge de donnes, qui peut avoir la valeur None.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Help not available.",,"Aide non disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown input/output failure.",,"Erreur d entre/sortie inconnue.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The I/O operation has been aborted because of either a thread exit or an applic
ation request.",,"L opration d E/S a t abandonne en raison de l arrt d un thread ou l
a demande d une application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified port name is too long. The port name must be less than 260 chara
cters.",,"Le nom du port spcifi est trop long. Il doit contenir moins de 260 carac
tres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified port does not exist.",,"Le port spcifi n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The port {0} does not exist.",,"Le port {0} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The process cannot access the port {0} because it is being used by another pr
ocess.",,"Le processus ne peut pas accder au port {0} , car il est utilis par un
autre processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The process cannot access the port because it is being used by another process.
",,"Le processus ne peut pas accder au port, car il est utilis par un autre proces
sus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies support for transacted initialization.",,"Spcifie la prise en charge d
e l initialisation traite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly references cannot begin with - , or contain a / or \ .",,"Les rfrenc
es d assembly ne peuvent pas commencer par - ou contenir un a / ou \ .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal conditional (?(...)) expression.",,"Expression conditionnelle (?(...))
non conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AppDomain data {0} contains an invalid value or object for specifying a defau
lt matching timeout for System.Text.RegularExpressions.Regex.",,"Les donnes AppDo

main {0} contiennent une valeur ou un objet incorrect(e) pour la spcification d

un dlai de mise en correspondance par dfaut pour System.Text.RegularExpressions.R
egex.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal \ at end of pattern.",,"\ non conforme la fin du modle.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal {x,y} with x > y.",,"{x,y} non conforme avec x > y.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The port is in the break state and cannot be written to.",,"Le port est en mode
arrt et n est pas accessible en criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Incomplete \p{X} character escape.",,"Caractre d chappement \p{X} incomplet.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified type, {0} is not derived from the appropriate base type, {1} .
",,"Le type spcifi {0} n est pas driv du type de base appropri {1} .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index cannot be negative.",,"L index ne peut pas tre ngatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index {0} is out of bounds.",,"L index {0} est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index {0} is out of range.",,"L index {0} est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Probable I/O race condition detected while copying memory. The I/O package is
not thread safe by default. In multithreaded applications, a stream must be acc
essed in a thread-safe way, such as a thread-safe wrapper returned by TextReader
s or TextWriter s Synchronized methods. This also applies to classes like Stre
amWriter and StreamReader.",,"Condition de concurrence critique d E/S probable dt
ecte lors de la copie dans la mmoire. Le package d E/S n est pas thread-safe par df
aut. Dans des applications multithread, l accs au flux doit se faire de faon threa
d-safe, par exemple un wrapper thread-safe retourn par les mthodes Synchronized de
TextReader ou TextWriter. Cela s applique galement aux classes telles que Stream
Writer et StreamReader.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot initialize the same object twice.",,"Impossible d initialiser deux fois
le mme objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WaitForInputIdle failed. This could be because the process does not have a gra
phical interface.",,"chec de WaitForInputIdle. Cet chec est peut-tre d l absence d i
nterface graphique pour le processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Instance {0} already exists with a lifetime of Process. It cannot be recreat
ed or reused until it has been removed or until the process using it has exited.
",,"L instance {0} existe dj avec une dure de vie du processus. Elle ne peut pas
tre recre ni rutilise tant qu elle n a pas t supprime ou tant que le processus qui l
ploite n est pas arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(New...)",,"(Nouveau...)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter cannot be static.",,"Le paramtre ne peut pas tre static.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length mismatch.",,"Discordance de longueur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be readable.",,"Le paramtre doit pouvoir tre lu.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be static.",,"Le paramtre doit tre static.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Single instance categories are only valid with the Global lifetime.",,"Les catgo
ries instance unique sont uniquement valides avec la dure de vie globale.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"InstanceLifetime is unused by ReadOnly counters.",,"InstanceLifetime n est pas
utilis par les compteurs ReadOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Counter is single instance, instance name {0} is not valid for this counter c
ategory.",,"Le compteur est une instance unique, le nom de l instance {0} n es
t pas valide pour cette catgorie de compteurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",

,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Counter is not single instance, an instance name needs to be specified.",,"Le c
ompteur n est pas une instance unique; un nom d instance doit tre spcifi.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance names used for writing to custom counters must be 127 characters or le
ss.",,"Les noms d instances utiliss pour l criture dans des compteurs personnaliss
ne doivent pas comporter plus de 127 caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal error in ScanRegex.",,"Erreur interne dans ScanRegex.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified executable is not a valid application for this OS platform.",,"L
excutable spcifi n est pas une application valide pour cette plateforme de systme d
exploitation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Offset plus count is larger than the length of target array.",,"La somme des of
fsets est suprieure la longueur du tableau cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AsyncResult is not valid.",,"Le AsyncResult n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of attribute {0} could not be converted to the proper type.",,"Impo
ssible de convertir la valeur de l attribut {0} en type appropri.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one asynchronous reader is allowed time at one time.",,"Un seul lecteur as
ynchrone est autoris la fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Block length does not match with its complement.",,"La longueur du bloc ne corr
espond pas son complment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CRC in GZip footer does not match the CRC calculated from the decompressed
data.",,"Le CRC dans l en-tte GZip ne correspond pas au CRC calcul partir des donne
s dcompresses.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid empty or null string for counter name.",,"Chane vide ou nulle non valide
pour un nom de compteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The log name: {0} is invalid for customer log creation.",,"Le nom du journal:
{0} n est pas valide pour la cration d un journal client.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The directory name {0} is invalid.",,"Le nom de rpertoire {0} n est pas valide."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Element type {0} is not supported.",,"Le type d lment {0} n est pas pris en charg
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EndRead is only callable when there is one pending asynchronous reader.",,"EndR
ead peut uniquement tre appel lorsqu un lecteur asynchrone est en attente.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} is not a valid {1} value.",,"{0} n est pas une valeur {1} valide.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid group name: Group names must begin with a word character.",,"Nom de gro
upe non valide: les noms de groupes doivent commencer par un caractre alphabtique."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid character was found in header name.",,"Un caractre non valide a t trouv
dans le nom de l en-tte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid character was found in header value.",,"Un caractre non valide a t trou
v dans la valeur d en-tte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid hex digit {0} .",,"Chiffre hexadcimal non valide {0} .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to construct a huffman tree using the length array. The stream might be
corrupted.",,"chec lors de la construction d un arbre Huffman l aide du tableau l
ong. Le flux est peut-tre endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""The identifier:""{0}"" on the property:""{1}"" of type:""{2}"" is not a valid
language-independent identifier name. Check to see if CodeGenerator.IsValidLangu
ageIndependentIdentifier allows the identifier name."",,""L identificateur:""{0}"
" de la proprit:""{1}"" de type:""{2}"" n est pas un nom d identificateur indpendant
du langage valide. Contrlez si CodeGenerator.IsValidLanguageIndependentIdentifier

autorise le nom de l identificateur."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

" {1} is not a valid value for {0} . {0} must be greater than {2}.",," {1}
n est pas une valeur valide pour {0} . {0} doit tre suprieur {2}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid member name.",,"Nom de membre non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null is not a valid value for {0}.",,"Null n est pas une valeur valide pour {0}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} cannot be null or zero-length.",,"L argument {0} ne peut ni avoir
la valeur null, ni tre de longueur nulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"This operation is not valid on an empty collection.",,"Cette opration n est pas
valide dans une collection vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The enumeration has already completed.",,"L numration est dj termine.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection was modified after the enumerator was instantiated.",,"La collection
a t modifie aprs l instanciation de l numrateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumeration has not started. Call MoveNext.",,"L numration n a pas encore commen
c. Appelez MoveNext.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumerator is positioned before the first element or after the last element of
the collection.",,"L numrateur est positionn avant le premier lment ou aprs le dernier
lment de la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handle collector count overflows or underflows.",,"Dpassement positif ou ngatif d
u volume du collecteur de handles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Invalid value {1} for parameter {0} .",,"Valeur {1} non valide pour le par
amtre {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid format for argument {0}.",,"Format non valide pour l argument {0}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CodeChecksumPragma file name {0} contains invalid path characters.",,"Le
nom de fichier CodeChecksumPragma {0} contient des caractres de chemin non vali
des.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid permission level.",,"Niveau d autorisation non valide.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified port is invalid. The port must be greater than 0.",,"Le port spcif
i n est pas valide. Le port doit tre suprieur 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text {0} is not a valid {1}.",,"Le texte {0} n est pas un {1} valide.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid Primitive Type: {0}. Consider using CodeObjectCreateExpression.",,"Type
Primitive non valide: {0}. Utilisez CodeObjectCreateExpression la place.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid value {1} for property {0}.",,"Valeur {1} non valide pour la proprit {0}.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The region directive {0} contains invalid characters. RegionText cannot cont
ain any new line characters.",,"La direction de rgion {0} contient des caractres
non valides. RegionText ne peut pas contenir des caractres de nouvelle ligne.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SSPI context is not valid.",,"Le contexte SSPI n est pas valide.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A null session key was obtained from SSPI.",,"Une cl de session null a t obtenue d
e SSPI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid SSPI BinaryNegotiationElement.",,"BinaryNegotiationElement SSPI non val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream size in GZip footer does not match the real stream size.",,"La taill
e de flux dans l en-tte GZip ne correspond pas la taille de flux relle.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The type name:""{0}"" on the property:""{1}"" of type:""{2}"" is not a valid l

anguage-independent type name."",,""Le nom de type:""{0}"" de la proprit:""{1}"" de

type:""{2}"" n est pas un nom de type indpendant du langage valide."",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} attribute must be a non-negative integer.",,"L attribut {0} doit tre
un entier non ngatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Capacity overflowed and went negative. Check capacity of the collection.",,"La
capacit a t dpasse et est devenue ngative. Vrifiez la capacit de la collection.",,"T
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add item since the item with the key already exists in the collection.",
,"Impossible d ajouter un lment, car l lment avec la cl existe dj dans la collection."
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keys must be non-null non-empty Strings.",,"Les cls doivent tre des chanes qui ne
sont pas null et vides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find the key {0} in the collection.",,"Impossible de trouver la cl {0} da
ns la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Need a non negative number for capacity.",,"Un nombre non ngatif est ncessaire po
ur la capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key reference with respect to which the insertion operation was to be perfo
rmed was not found.",,"La rfrence de cl associe l opration d insertion effectuer est
introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You need to specify a non-empty String for a language name in the CodeDom confi
guration section.",,"Vous devez spcifier une chane non vide pour un nom de langage
dans la section de configuration CodeDom.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Length cannot be less than 0 or exceed input length.",,"La longueur ne peut pas
tre infrieure 0 ou suprieure la longueur d entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An instance of type {1} was being created, and a valid license could not be g
ranted for the type {0} . Please, contact the manufacturer of the component fo
r more information.",,"Une instance de type {1} tait en cours de cration et une
licence valide n a pas pu tre accorde pour le type {0} . Contactez le fabricant d
u composant pour plus d informations.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"A valid license cannot be granted for the type {0}. Contact the manufacturer of
the component for more information.",,"Une licence valide n a pas pu tre accorde
pour le type {0}. Contactez le fabricant du composant pour plus d informations."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager is already locked by another
user.",,"La proprit CurrentContext du LicenseManager est dj verrouille par un autre u
tilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager is currently locked and canno
t be changed.",,"La proprit CurrentContext du LicenseManager est actuellement verr
ouille et ne peut pas tre modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CurrentContext property of the LicenseManager can only be unlocked with the
same contextUser.",,"La proprit CurrentContext du LicenseManager ne peut tre dverro
uille qu avec le mme contextUser.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The LinkedList is empty.",,"Le LinkedList est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The LinkedList node already belongs to a LinkedList.",,"Le nud LinkedList appart
ient dj un LinkedList.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log {0} has already been registered as a source on the local computer.",,"Le jo
urnal {0} a dj t inscrit comme source sur l ordinateur local.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open registry key {0}\{1}\{2}.",,"Impossible d ouvrir la cl de Registre {
0}\{1}\{2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source {0} already exists on the local computer.",,"La source {0} existe dj sur l
ordinateur local.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source {0} is not registered on the local computer.",,"La source {0} n est pas
inscrite sur l ordinateur local.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log {0} has already been registered as a source on the computer {1} .",,"Le jo

urnal {0} a dj t inscrit comme source sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The event log {0} on computer {1} does not exist.",,"Le journal des vnements
{0} de l ordinateur {1} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The contents of the log.",,"Contenu du journal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The category for this message.",,"Catgorie de ce message.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An application-specific category number assigned to this entry.",,"Numro de catgo
rie spcifique l application assign cette entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The binary data associated with this entry in the event log.",,"Donnes binaires
associes cette entre dans le journal des vnements.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of entry - Information, Warning, etc.",,"Type d entre: Information, Aver
tissement, etc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number identifying the message for this source.",,"Numro identifiant le mess
age pour cette source.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The sequence of this entry in the event log.",,"Ordre de cette entre dans le jou
rnal des vnements.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The machine on which this event log resides.",,"Ordinateur sur lequel se trouve
ce journal des vnements.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text of the message for this entry",,"Texte du message associ cette entre",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application-supplied strings used in the message.",,"Chanes provenant de l a
pplication utilises dans le message.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The full number identifying the message in the event message dll.",,"Nombre com
plet identifiant le message dans la DLL du message d vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the application that wrote this entry.",,"Nom de l application qui
a crit cette entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time at which the application logged this entry.",,"Heure laquelle l applic
ation a enregistr cette entre dans le journal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time at which the system logged this entry to the event log.",,"Heure laque
lle le systme a enregistr cette entre dans le journal des vnements.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log entry string is too long. A string written to the event log cannot exceed 3
2766 characters.",,"La chane de l entre du journal est trop longue. Une chane crite
dans le journal des vnements ne peut pas contenir plus de32766 caractres.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The username of the account associated with this entry by the writing applicati
on.",,"Nom d utilisateur du compte associ cette entre par l application en cours."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raised each time any application writes an entry to the event log.",,"Est dclenc
h chaque fois qu une application crit une entre dans le journal des vnements.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets the name of the log to read from and write to.",,"Obtient ou dfinit
le nom du journal utilis des fins de lecture et d criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the machine on which to read or write events.",,"Nom de l ordinateu
r sur lequel sont crits les vnements ou partir duquel ceux-ci sont lus.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the component monitors the event log for changes.",,"Indique si le
composant surveille les modifications effectues dans le journal des vnements.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The application name (source name) to use when writing to the event log.",,"Nom
d application (nom source) utiliser lors de l criture d entres dans le journal de

s vnements.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""The source {0} is not registered in log {1} . (It is registered in log {2}
.) "" The Source and Log properties must be matched, or you may set Log to the
empty string, and it will automatically be matched to the Source property."",,"L
a source {0} n est pas inscrite dans le journal {1} , mais dans le journal {
2} . Vous devez modifier les proprits Source et Log pour les faire correspondre, o
u vous pouvez attribuer une chane vide la proprit Log afin qu elle corresponde auto
matiquement la proprit Source.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object used to marshal the event handler calls issued as a result of an Eve
ntLog change.",,"Objet utilis pour ordonner les appels du gestionnaire d vnements mi
s la suite d une modification de EventLog.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The specified string is not in the form required for an e-mail address.",,"La c
hane spcifie n est pas de la forme requise pour une adresse de messagerie.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid character was found in the Base-64 stream.",,"Un caractre non valide
a t trouv dans le flux Base 64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection is read-only.",,"La collection est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The date is in an invalid format.",,"Le format de la date n est pas valide.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified singleton field already exists in the collection and cannot be ad
ded.",,"Le champ singleton spcifi existe dj dans la collection et ne peut tre ajout.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid character was found in the mail header: {0} .",,"Un caractre non val
ide a t trouv dans l en-tte du courrier: {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The mail header is malformed.",,"L en-tte du courrier est incorrect.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The header name does not match this property.",,"Le nom de l en-tte ne correspon
d pas cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index value is outside the bounds of the array.",,"L index se trouve en deh
ors des limites du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ContentID cannot contain a < or > character.",,"Le ContentID ne peut pa
s contenir un caractre < or > .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The Item property can only be used with singleton fields.",,"La proprit Item peut
uniquement tre utilise avec des champs singleton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying list has been changed and the enumeration is out of date.",,"La
liste sous-jacente a t modifie et l numration est obsolte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream should have been consumed before resetting.",,"Le flux doit avoir t ut
ilis avant d tre rinitialis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The target array is too small to contain all the headers.",,"Le tableau cible e
st trop petit pour contenir tous les en-ttes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SMTP host was not found.",,"L hte SMTP est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GetContentStream() can only be called once.",,"GetContentStream() peut tre appel
une seule fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Premature end of stream.",,"Fin de flux prmature.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Server does not support secure connections.",,"Le serveur ne prend pas en charg
e les connexions scurises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server response was: {0}",,"La rponse du serveur tait: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified string is not in the form required for a subject.",,"La chane spcif
ie n a pas le format requis pour un objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"

"This operation cannot be performed while in content.",,"Impossible d effectuer

cette opration lorsque vous oprez dans le contenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""parsing ""{0}"" - {1}"",,""analyse de ""{0}"" - {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malformed \k<...> named back reference.",,"Rfrence arrire nomme \k<...> incorrecte.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(?({0}) ) malformed.",,"(?({0}) ) incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malformed \p{X} character escape.",,"Caractre d chappement \p{X} incorrect.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot continue the current operation, the performance counters memory mapping
has been corrupted.",,"Impossible de poursuivre l opration en cours: le mappage mmo
ire des compteurs de performance a t endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified character value is not allowed for this property.",,"La valeur de
caractre spcifie n est pas admise pour cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified mask contains invalid characters.",,"Le masque spcifi contient des
caractres non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Mask value cannot be null or empty.",,"La valeur du masque ne peut pas tre n
ull ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The PasswordChar and PromptChar values cannot be the same.",,"Les valeurs Passw
ordChar et PromptChar ne peuvent pas tre identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum baud rate for the device is {0}.",,"La vitesse en bauds maximale du
priphrique est {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MaximumKilobytes must be between 64 KB and 4 GB, and must be in 64K increments.
",,"MaximumKilobytes doit tre compris entre 64 Ko et 4 Go et tre dfini par incrments
de 64 Ko.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified media type is invalid.",,"Le type de mdia spcifi n est pas valide.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Relationships between {0}.{1} and {2}.{3} are not supported.",,"Les relations e
ntre {0}.{1} et {2}.{3} ne sont pas prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The description for Event ID {0} in Source {1} cannot be found. The local
computer may not have the necessary registry information or message DLL files to
display the message, or you may not have permission to access them. The follow
ing information is part of the event:",,"La description de l ID d vnement {0} da
ns la source {1} est introuvable. L ordinateur local ne dispose peut-tre pas de
s informations du Registre ou des fichiers DLL ncessaires l affichage du message,
ou vous n tes peut-tre pas autoris y accder. Les informations suivantes ont trait l
vnement :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One of the streams has already been used and can t be reset to the origin.",,"U
n des flux a dj t utilis et son tat d origine ne peut tre rtabli.",,"Text",,"All",,".
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MIME transfer encoding {0} is not supported.",,"L encodage de transfert M
IME {0} n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Mismatched counter types.",,"Types de compteurs non compatibles.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Category does not exist.",,"La catgorie n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Category {0} does not exist.",,"La catgorie {0} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing control character.",,"Caractre de contrle manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Counter {0} does not exist.",,"Le compteur {0} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance {0} does not exist in category {1}.",,"L instance {0} n existe pas dan

s la catgorie {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot find Log {0} on computer {1} .",,"Le journal {0} est introuvable sur l
ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Log property value has not been specified.",,"La valeur de la proprit Log n a pas
t spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Must specify value for {0}.",,"Vous devez spcifier une valeur pour {0}.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process with an Id of {0} is not running.",,"Un processus ayant l ID {0} n est
pas excut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Category {0} is marked as multi-instance. Performance counters in this categ
ory can only be created with instance names.",,"La catgorie {0} est marque en ta
nt que catgorie instances multiples. Les compteurs de performance de cette catgori
e peuvent uniquement tre crs avec des noms d instances.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Text)",,"(Texte)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only objects of type CounterCreationData can be added to a CounterCreationDataC
ollection.",,"Seuls les objets de type CounterCreationData peuvent tre ajouts un C
ounterCreationDataCollection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only TraceListeners can be added to a TraceListenerCollection.",,"Seuls des Tra
ceListeners peuvent tre ajouts un TraceListenerCollection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor only supports either a Reset, Add, or Remove action.",,"Le construc
teur prend uniquement en charge une action Reset, Add ou Remove.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source property was not set before opening the event log in write mode.",,"La p
roprit Source n a pas t dfinie avant l ouverture du journal des vnements en mode crit
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source property was not set before writing to the event log.",,"Vous devez dfini
r la proprit Source avant d crire dans le journal des vnements.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nested quantifier {0}.",,"Quantificateur imbriqu {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The string used by ReadLine and WriteLine to denote a new line.",,"Chane utilise
par ReadLine et WriteLine pour dsigner une nouvelle ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot obtain account information.",,"Impossible d obtenir des informations sur
le compte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No process is associated with this object.",,"Aucun processus n est associ cet o
bjet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No async read operation is in progress on the stream.",,"Aucune opration de lect
ure asynchrone n est en cours dans le flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"No current EventLog entry available, cursor is located before the first or afte
r the last element of the enumeration.",,"Aucune entre EventLog disponible, le cu
rseur est situ avant le premier ou aprs le dernier lment de l numration.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot retrieve file mapping size while initializing configuration settings.",,
"Impossible d extraire la taille de mappage de fichiers pendant l initialisation
des paramtres de configuration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} category doesn t provide any instance information, no accurate data can
be returned.",,"La catgorie {0} ne fournit pas des informations sur l instance,
aucune donne prcise ne peut tre retourne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Log to delete was not specified.",,"Le journal supprimer n a pas t spcifi.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process was not started by this object, so requested information cannot be dete
rmined.",,"Le processus n ayant pas t dmarr par cet objet, les informations demandes
ne peuvent pas tre dtermines.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process has exited, so the requested information is not available.",,"Les infor
mations demandes ne sont pas disponibles, car le processus n est plus excut.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Could not find a property for the attribute {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver une
proprit pour l attribut {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Result cannot be called on a failed Match.",,"Le rsultat ne peut pas tre appel sur
un Match ayant chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The setting {0} does not have either an ApplicationScopedSettingAttribute or Us
erScopedSettingAttribute.",,"Le paramtre {0} ne dispose pas d un ApplicationScope
dSettingAttribute ou d un UserScopedSettingAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested Performance Counter is not a custom counter, it has to be initial
ized as ReadOnly.",,"Le compteur de performance demand n est pas un compteur pers
onnalis, il doit tre initialis en ReadOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Not enough ) s.",,"Nombre de ) insuffisant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}: Not implemented",,"{0}: Non implment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The base stream is not readable.",,"Le flux de base n est pas accessible en lec
ture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[Not Set]",,"[Non dfini]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is not supported.",,"Cette opration n est pas prise en charge.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SerialPort does not support encoding {0} . The supported encodings include AS
CIIEncoding, UTF8Encoding, UnicodeEncoding, UTF32Encoding, and most single or do
uble byte code pages. For a complete list please see the documentation.",,"Seri
alPort ne prend pas en charge l encodage {0} . Les encodages pris en charge inc
luent ASCIIEncoding, UTF8Encoding, UnicodeEncoding, UTF32Encoding et la plupart
des pages de codes codes sur un ou deux octets. Pour obtenir une liste complte, co
nsultez la documentation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GetPortNames is not supported on Win9x platforms.",,"GetPortNames n est pas pri
s en charge sur les plateformes Win9x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Feature is not supported for remote machines.",,"Cette fonctionnalit n est pas p
rise en charge pour les ordinateurs distants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature is not supported for threads on remote computers.",,"Cette fonctionnali
t n est pas prise en charge pour les threads sur les ordinateurs distants.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This CodeDomProvider does not support this method.",,"Le CodeDomProvider ne pre
nd pas en charge cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset is not supported on the Enumerator.",,"L numrateur ne prend pas en charge l
a rinitialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only asymmetric keys that implement ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm are supported.",,"S
eules les cls asymtriques permettant d implmenter ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm sont pris
es en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The NumberStyle option is not supported.",,"L option NumberStyle n est pas pris
e en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is only supported on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and higher.",,"Ce
tte opration est prise en charge uniquement sur Windows 2000, Windows XP et les v
ersions ultrieures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The base stream is not writeable.",,"Le flux de base n est pas accessible en cri
ture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} property cannot contain null or empty strings.",,"La proprit {0} ne p
eut pas contenir des chanes null ou vides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The specified type is not a nullable type.",,"Le type spcifi n est pas un type nu
llable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object {0} has been disposed and can no longer be used.",,"L objet {0} a t suppri
m et ne peut plus tre utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can not access a closed Stream.",,"Impossible d accder un Stream ferm.",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Can not write to a closed TextWriter.",,"Impossible d crire dans un TextWriter f
erm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot change ObservableCollection during a CollectionChanged event.",,"Impossi
ble de modifier ObservableCollection pendant un vnement CollectionChanged.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is only allowed once per object.",,"Cette opration n est autorise
qu une fois par objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" switchValue and switchName cannot both be specified on source {0} .",," sw
itchValue et switchName ne peuvent pas tre spcifis la fois dans la source {0} .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The OrderedDictionary is readonly and cannot be modified.",,"OrderedDictionary
est en lecture seule et ne peut tre modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"There was an error deserializing the OrderedDictionary. The ArrayList does not
contain DictionaryEntries.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de la dsrialisation
de OrderedDictionary. ArrayList ne contient pas DictionaryEntries.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not allocate needed memory.",,"Impossible d allouer la mmoire ncessaire.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User event handler to call for async IO with StandardOutput stream.",,"Gestionn
aire d vnements utilisateur appeler pour une opration d E/S asynchrone avec flux St
andardOutput.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BigInteger cannot represent infinity.",,"BigInteger ne peut pas reprsenter un in
fini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value is not a number.",,"La valeur n est pas un nombre.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value could not be parsed.",,"Impossible d analyser la valeur.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property Pages",,"Pages de proprits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Category name of the performance counter object.",,"Nom de catgorie de l objet p
erformance counter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Counter name of the performance counter object.",,"Nom du compteur de l objet p
erformance counter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the lifetime of the instance.",,"Spcifie la dure de vie de l instance."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance name of the performance counter object.",,"Nom d instance de l objet p
erformance counter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the machine from where to read the performance data.",,"Spcifie l ordi
nateur partir duquel lire les donnes de performance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Writeable performance counters are not allowed when running in AppContainer.",,
"Les compteurs de performance accessibles en criture ne sont pas autoriss en cas d
excution dans AppContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The description message for this counter.",,"Message de description pour ce com
pteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The counter type indicates how to interpret the value of the counter, for examp
le an actual count or a rate of change.",,"Le type de compteur indique comment l
a valeur du compteur doit tre interprte, par exemple, comme un dcompte rel ou comme u
n taux de changement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Directly accesses the raw value of this counter. The counter must have been cr
eated using this component.",,"Accde directement la valeur brute de ce compteur.
Celui-ci doit avoir t cr l aide de ce composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the counter is read only. Remote counters and counters not create
d using this component are read-only.",,"Indique si le compteur est en lecture s
eule. Les compteurs distants et les compteurs n ayant pas t crs avec ce composant so
nt en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of {0} is too big. It cannot be longer than {1} characters.",,"La tail

le de {0} est trop importante. Elle ne peut pas dpasser {1}caractres.",,"Text",,"Al

l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The scheme for parity checking each received byte and marking each transmitted
byte.",,"Le schma pour le contrle de parit de chaque octet reu et le marquage de cha
que octet transmis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Byte with which to replace bytes received with parity errors.",,"Octet par lequ
el remplacer les octets reus avec des erreurs de parit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<The original value of this property potentially contains file system informati
on and has been suppressed.>",,"<La valeur d origine de cette proprit peut conteni
r des informations sur le systme de fichiers et t supprim.>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When used in partial trust, langID must be C#, VB, J#, or JScript, and the lang
uage provider must be in the global assembly cache.",,"S il est utilis dans une c
onfiance partielle, langID doit adopter le langage C#, VB, J# ou JScript et le f
ournisseur de langage doit figurer dans le Global Assembly Cache.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The character {0} in the pattern provided is not valid.",,"Le caractre {0} d
u modle fourni n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An async read operation has already been started on the stream.",,"Une opration
de lecture asynchrone a dj t lance dans le flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error calculating the PerformanceCounter value (0x{0}).",,"Erreur
lors du calcul de la valeur PerformanceCounter (0x{0}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid category name. Its length must be in the range between {0} and {1} .
Double quotes, control characters and leading or trailing spaces are not allowe
d.",,"Nom de catgorie non valide. Sa longueur doit tre comprise entre {0} et {1
} . Les guillemets doubles, les caractres de contrle et les espaces de dbut ou de f
in ne sont pas autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid counter name. Its length must be in the range between {0} and {1} .
Double quotes, control characters and leading or trailing spaces are not allowed
.",,"Nom de compteur non valide. Sa longueur doit tre comprise entre {0} et {1
} . Les guillemets doubles, les caractres de contrle et les espaces de dbut ou de f
in ne sont pas autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid help string. Its length must be in the range between {0} and {1} .",
,"Chane d aide non valide. Sa longueur doit tre comprise entre {0} et {1} .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create Performance Category {0} because it already exists.",,"Impossib
le de crer cette catgorie de compteurs de performance {0} , car elle existe dj.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Represents a Windows performance counter component.",,"Reprsente un composant de
compteur de performance Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Parameter must be of type enum.",,"Le paramtre est de type Enum.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length must be greater than {0}.",,"La longueur doit tre suprieure {0}.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested item doesn t exist.",,"L lment demand n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The item provided already exists.",,"L lment fourni existe dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of elements on the access path must be the same as the number of tag
names.",,"Le nombre d lments sur le chemin d accs doit tre gal au nombre de noms de
balises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type mismatch.",,"Incompatibilit de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The name of the communications port to open.",,"Le nom du port de communication
ouvrir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The PortName cannot be empty.",,"La valeur PortName ne peut pas tre vide.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The port is already open.",,"Le port est dj ouvert.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The port is closed.",,"Le port est ferm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Position cannot be less than zero.",,"La position ne peut pas tre infrieure zro.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation couldn t be completed, potential internal deadlock.",,"L opration
n a pas pu tre termine, interblocage interne potentiel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AboveNormal and BelowNormal priority classes are not available on this plat
form.",,"Les classes de priorits AboveNormal et BelowNormal ne sont pas disponibl
es sur cette plateforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The memory address that the module loaded at.",,"Adresse mmoire laquelle le modu
le est charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The memory address of the function that runs when the module is loaded.",,"Adre
sse mmoire de la fonction excute lors du chargement du module.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file name of the module.",,"Nom de fichier du module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount of virtual memory required by the code and data in the module file."
,,"Quantit de mmoire virtuelle requise par le code et les donnes dans le fichier du
module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the module.",,"Nom du module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Command line arguments that will be passed to the application specified by the
FileName property.",,"Arguments de la ligne de commande passer l application spci
fie par la proprit FileName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the process component is associated with a real process.",,"Indiqu
e si le composant du processus est associ un processus rel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The base priority computed based on the priority class that all threads run rel
ative to.",,"Priorit de base, dfinie par la classe de priorits, selon laquelle tous
les threads sont excuts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether to start the process without creating a new window to contain it.",,"In
dique si le processus doit tre dmarr sans crer une nouvelle fentre qui le contient.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides access to local and remote processes, enabling starting and stopping o
f local processes.",,"Fournit l accs des processus locaux et distants, permettant
ainsi le dmarrage et l arrt des processus locaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process performance counter is disabled, so the requested operation cannot be p
erformed.",,"Impossible d excuter l opration demande, car le compteur de performanc
e Process est actuellement dsactiv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Whether the process component should watch for the associated process to exit,
and raise the Exited event.",,"Indique si le composant du processus doit surveil
ler la fin de l excution du processus associ, et dclencher l vnement Exited le cas cha
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set of environment variables that apply to this process and child processes.",,
"Ensemble de variables d environnement qui s appliquent ce processus et aux proc
essus enfants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether to show an error dialog to the user if there is an error.",,"Indique si
une bote de dialogue d erreur doit tre affiche l utilisateur lorsqu une erreur se
produit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value returned from the associated process when it terminated.",,"Valeur re
tourne par le processus associ la fin de son excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time that the associated process exited.",,"Heure laquelle l excution du pro
cessus associ s est termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"If the WatchForExit property is set to true, then this event is raised when the
associated process exits.",,"Si la proprit WatchForExit a la valeur true, cet vneme
nt est dclench au terme de l excution du processus associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the application, document or URL to start.",,"Nom de l application,
du document ou de l URL dmarrer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returns the native handle for this process. The handle is only available if t
he process was started using this component.",,"Retourne le handle natif pour ce
processus. Ce handle n est disponible que si le processus a t dmarr l aide de ce co
mposant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of native handles associated with this process.",,"Nombre de handles
natifs associs ce processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot process request because the process ({0}) has exited.",,"Impossible de t
raiter la demande, car le processus ({0}) n est plus excut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot process request because the process has exited.",,"Impossible de traiter
la demande, car le processus n est plus excut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The unique identifier for the process.",,"Identificateur unique du processus.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature requires a process identifier.",,"Cette fonctionnalit requiert un identi
ficateur de processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PerformanceCounterInstanceLifetime.Process is not valid in the global shared me
mory. If your performance counter category was created with an older version of
the Framework, it uses the global shared memory. Either use PerformanceCounter
InstanceLifetime.Global, or if applications running on older versions of the Fra
mework do not need to write to your category, delete and recreate it.",,"Perform
anceCounterInstanceLifetime.Process n est pas valide dans la mmoire partage global
e. Si la catgorie de votre compteur de performance a t cre avec une version antrieure
du Framework, elle utilise la mmoire partage globale. Utilisez PerformanceCounterI
nstanceLifetime.Global ou, si des applications qui s excutent sur des versions an
trieures du Framework n ont pas besoin d crire dans cette catgorie, supprimez-la et
recrez-la.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the machine the running the process.",,"Nom de l ordinateur sur leq
uel est excut le processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The main module for the associated process.",,"Module principal du processus as
soci.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The handle of the main window for the process.",,"Handle de la fentre principale
pour le processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The caption of the main window for the process.",,"Titre de la fentre principale
pour le processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum amount of physical memory the process has required since it was sta
rted.",,"Quantit maximale de mmoire physique requise par le processus depuis son dm
arrage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum amount of physical memory the process has required since it was sta
rted.",,"Quantit minimale de mmoire physique requise par le processus depuis son dm
arrage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The modules that have been loaded by the associated process.",,"Modules chargs p
ar le processus associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of bytes of non pageable system memory the process is using.",,"Nom
bre d octets de mmoire systme non paginable actuellement utilis par le processus.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread {0} found, but no process {1} found.",,"Le thread {0} a t trouv, mais pas l
e processus {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current amount of memory that can be paged to disk that the process is usin
g.",,"Quantit de mmoire paginable sur le disque actuellement utilise par le process
us.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of bytes of pageable system memory the process is using.",,"Nombre d
octets de mmoire systme paginable actuellement utilis par le processus.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The maximum amount of memory that can be paged to disk that the process has use
d since it was started.",,"Quantit maximale de mmoire paginable sur le disque que
le processus a utilis depuis son dmarrage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The maximum amount of virtual memory the process has allocated since it was sta
rted.",,"Quantit maximale de mmoire virtuelle que le processus a alloue depuis son
dmarrage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum amount of physical memory the process has used since it was started
.",,"Quantit maximale de mmoire physique que le processus a utilise depuis son dmarr
age.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether this process would like a priority boost when the user interacts with i
t.",,"Indique si ce processus requiert un renforcement de priorit dans le cas d i
nteractions utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The priority that the threads in the process run relative to.",,"Priorit selon l
aquelle sont excuts les threads du processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The current amount of memory that the process has allocated that cannot be shar
ed with other processes.",,"Quantit de mmoire actuellement alloue par le processus
qui ne peut pas tre partage avec d autres processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount of CPU time the process spent inside the operating system core.",,"T
emps CPU utilis par le processus dans le noyau du systme d exploitation.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the process.",,"Nom du processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A bit mask which represents the processors that the threads within the process
are allowed to run on.",,"Masque de bits qui reprsente les processeurs sur lesque
ls peuvent tre excuts les threads du processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether the process s error output is written to the Process instance s Standar
dError member.",,"Indique si la sortie d erreur du processus est crite dans le me
mbre StandardError de l instance Process.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Whether the process command input is read from the Process instance s StandardI
nput member.",,"Indique si l entre de commande du processus est lue partir du mem
bre StandardInput de l instance Process.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Whether the process output is written to the Process instance s StandardOutput
member.",,"Indique si la sortie du processus est crite dans le membre StandardOut
put de l instance Process.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether this process is currently responding.",,"Indique si ce processus rpond a
ctuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The identifier for the session of the process.",,"Identificateur de la session
du processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Standard error stream of the process.",,"Flux d erreurs standard du processus."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Standard input stream of the process.",,"Flux d entre standard du processus.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Standard output stream of the process.",,"Flux de sortie standard du processus.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies information used to start a process.",,"Spcifie les informations utili
ses pour dmarrer un processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time at which the process was started.",,"Heure laquelle le processus a t dmar
r.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object used to marshal the event handler calls issued as a result of a Proc
ess exit.",,"Objet utilis pour ordonner les appels du gestionnaire d vnements mis au
terme de l excution d un processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Indicates if the associated process has been terminated.",,"Indique si l excutio
n du processus associ s est termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"The threads running in the associated process.",,"Threads excuts dans le processu
s associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount of CPU time the process has used.",,"Temps CPU utilis par le processu
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether to use the operating system shell to start the process.",,"Indique si l
e shell du systme d exploitation doit tre utilis pour dmarrer le processus.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount of CPU time the process spent outside the operating system core.",,"
Temps CPU utilis par le processus en dehors du noyau du systme d exploitation.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The verb to apply to the document specified by the FileName property.",,"Verbe
appliquer au document spcifi par la proprit FileName.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount of virtual memory the process has currently allocated.",,"Quantit de
mmoire virtuelle actuellement alloue par le processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"How the main window should be created when the process starts.",,"Indique la fao
n dont la fentre principale doit tre cre au dmarrage du processus.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The initial working directory for the process.",,"Rpertoire de travail d origine
pour ce processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current amount of physical memory the process is using.",,"Quantit de mmoire
physique actuellement utilise par le processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Action",,"Action",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Asynchronous",,"Asynchrone",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Configurations",,"Configurations",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Misc",,"Divers",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Design",,"Design",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Drag Drop",,"Glisser-dplacer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Focus",,"Focus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Font",,"Police",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key",,"Cl",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"List",,"Liste",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mouse",,"Souris",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Position",,"Position",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Scale",,"chelle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Text",,"Texte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Window Style",,"Style de la fentre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Parameter must be of type int or string.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type int ou s
tring.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type PropertyDescriptor.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type Pro
pertyDescriptor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"tabClasses must have the same number of items as tabScopes",,"Les tabClasses do
ivent contenir le mme nombre d lments que les tabScopes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Scope must be PropertyTabScope.Document or PropertyTabScope.Component",,"La por
te doit tre PropertyTabScope.Document ou PropertyTabScope.Component",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An array of tab type names or tab types must be specified",,"Un tableau de noms
de types de tabulation ou de types de tabulation doit tre spcifi",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t find type {0}",,"Impossible de trouver le type {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to instantiate provider: {0}.",,"Impossible d instancier le fournisseur
: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load provider type: {0}.",,"chec lors du chargement du type de fournis

seur : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"This provider instance has already been initialized.",,"Cette instance du fourn
isseur a dj t initialise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This CodeDomProvider type does not have a constructor that takes providerOptio
ns - ""{0}"""",,""Ce type CodeDomProvider ne contient pas de constructeur qui ac
cepte providerOptions - ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Quantifier {x,y} following nothing.",,"Quantificateur {x,y} ne suivant rien.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the read buffer in bytes. This is the maximum number of read bytes
which can be buffered.",,"La taille de la mmoire tampon de lecture en octets. Il
s agit du nombre maximal d octets lus qui peuvent tre mis en mmoire tampon.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reading is not supported on this stream.",,"La lecture n est pas prise en charg
e dans ce flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot update Performance Counter, this object has been initialized as ReadOnly
.",,"Impossible de mettre jour l objet Performance Counter, il a t initialis en Rea
dOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot remove Performance Counter Instance, this object as been initialized as
ReadOnly.",,"Impossible de supprimer l instance Performance Counter, cet objet a
t initialis en ReadOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The read timeout in Milliseconds.",,"Dlai d attente de lecture en millisecondes.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of bytes required to be available before the Read event is fired.",,"Nom
bre d octets devant tre disponibles avant que l vnement Read ne soit dclench.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A listener with no type name specified references the sharedListeners section a
nd cannot have any attributes other than Name . Listener: {0} .",,"Un couteur
sans nom de type spcifi rfrence la section sharedListeners et ne peut contenir d aut
res attributs que Name . couteur : {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Listener {0} does not exist in the sharedListeners section.",,"L couteur {0}
n existe pas dans la section sharedListeners.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open registry key {0}\{1}\{2} on computer {3} .",,"Impossible d ouvrir
la cl de Registre {0}\{1}\{2} sur l ordinateur {3} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open registry key {0} on computer {1}.",,"Impossible d ouvrir la cl de Re
gistre {0} sur l ordinateur {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open registry key {0} on computer {1}. You might not have access.",,"Imp
ossible d ouvrir la cl de Registre {0} sur l ordinateur {1}. Vous n avez peut-tre
pas les droits d accs requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The RegEx engine has timed out while trying to match a pattern to an input stri
ng. This can occur for many reasons, including very large inputs or excessive ba
cktracking caused by nested quantifiers, back-references and other factors.",,"L
e dlai d attente du moteur RegEx a expir pendant la tentative d appariement d un m
odle avec une chane d entre. Ce problme peut se produire pour de nombreuses raisons,
notamment en cas d entres volumineuses ou de retour sur trace excessif caus par l
es quantificateurs imbriqus, les rfrences arrire et d autres facteurs.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Creating or Deleting Performance Counter Categories on remote machines is not s
upported.",,"La cration ou la suppression des catgories de compteurs de performanc
e sur des ordinateurs distants n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot write to a Performance Counter in a remote machine.",,"Impossible d crire
dans un compteur de performance sur un ordinateur distant.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" retentionDays must be between 1 and 365 days.",,"La valeur retentionDays do
it tre comprise entre 1 et 365 jours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Replacement pattern error.",,"Erreur de motif de remplacement.",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Reset action must be initialized with index -1.",,"L action Reset doit tre initi
alise avec la valeur d index -1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reset action must be initialized with no changed items.",,"L action Reset doit t
re initialise sans lment modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[x-y] range in reverse order.",,"Plage [x-y] en ordre inverse.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether to enable the Request To Send (RTS) line during communications.",,"Indi
que si la ligne RTS (Request To Send) est active lors des communications.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AuthenticationType and ServicePrincipalName cannot be specified as null for ser
ver s SSPI Negotiation module.",,"AuthenticationType et ServicePrincipalName ne
peuvent pas tre spcifis comme null dans le module de ngociation SSPI du serveur.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a supported handle type.",," {0} n est pas un type de handle pris
en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} failed with error {1}.",,"{0} a chou avec l erreur {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error saving {0} - The LocalFileSettingsProvider does not support saving change
s to application-scoped settings.",,"Erreur lors de l enregistrement de {0} - Lo
calFileSettingsProvider ne prend pas en charge l enregistrement des modification
s apportes aux paramtres de porte application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} value was invalid.",,"La valeur {0} n tait pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Seeking is not supported on this stream.",,"Ce flux ne prend pas en charge la r
echerche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raised each time when data is received from the SerialPort.",,"Dclench chaque rcep
tion de donnes de SerialPort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raised each time when an error is received from the SerialPort.",,"Dclench chaque
fois qu une erreur est reue du SerialPort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Raised each time when pin is changed on the SerialPort.",,"Dclench chaque changem
ent de la broche SerialPort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Represents a serial port resource.",,"Reprsente une ressource de port srie.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The serialized Count information doesn t match the number of items.",,"Les info
rmations sur le nombre srialis ne correspondent pas au nombre d lments.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The values for this collection are missing.",,"Les valeurs de cette collection
sont manquantes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot initialize security descriptor initialized.",,"Impossible d initialiser
le descripteur de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The settings property {0} was not found.",,"La proprit {0} des paramtres est i
ntrouvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The settings property {0} is read-only.",,"La proprit {0} des paramtres est en
lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The settings property {0} is of a non-compatible type.",,"Le type de proprit {
0} des paramtres n est pas compatible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Failed to reset settings: unable to access the configuration section.",,"chec de
rinitialisation des paramtres : impossible d accder la section de configuration.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to save settings: {0}",,"chec d enregistrement des paramtres : {0}",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to save settings: unable to access the configuration section.",,"chec d e
nregistrement des paramtres : impossible d accder la section de configuration.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access shared memory, AppDomain has been unloaded.",,"Impossible d accder
la mmoire partage, AppDomain a t dcharg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Category {0} is marked as single-instance. Performance counters in this cate
gory can only be created without instance names.",,"La catgorie {0} est marque e
n tant que catgorie instance unique. Les compteurs de performance de cette catgori
e peuvent uniquement tre crs sans noms d instances.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to send to all recipients.",,"Impossible d envoyer tous les destinataire
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Already connected.",,"Toujours connect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The server returned an invalid response in the authentication handshake.",,"Le
serveur a retourn une rponse non valide dans le protocole de transfert d authentif
ication.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Authentication failed.",,"chec de l authentification.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Authentication failed due to lack of credentials.",,"L authentification a chou en
raison d un manque d informations d identification.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad sequence of commands.",,"Squence de commandes incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Client does not have permission to submit mail to this server.",,"Le client n e
st pas autoris soumettre du courrier ce serveur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command not implemented.",,"Commande non implmente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command parameter not implemented.",,"Paramtre de commande non implment.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error, command unrecognized.",,"Erreur de syntaxe, commande non reconnue
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data stream is still open.",,"Le flux de donnes est toujours ouvert.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This is a multi-part MIME message.",,"Ce message MIME est compos de plusieurs pa
rties.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"@@SOAP Application Message",,"Message d application @@SOAP",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server returned an invalid response to the EHLO command.",,"Le serveur a re
tourn une rponse non valide la commande EHLO.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Exceeded storage allocation.",,"Allocation de stockage dpasse.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A from address must be specified.",,"Une adresse d expditeur doit tre spcifie.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get IIS pickup directory.",,"Impossible d obtenir le rpertoire de collect
e IIS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help message.",,"Message d aide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Insufficient system storage.",,"Espace de stockage systme insuffisant.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The address has an invalid host name: {0}.",,"L adresse comporte un nom d hte in
correct : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation cannot be performed while a message is being sent.",,"Impossible
d effectuer cette opration lorsqu un message est en cours d envoi.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Smtp server returned an invalid response.",,"Le serveur SMTP a retourn une rponse
non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error in processing.",,"Erreur lors du traitement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mailbox unavailable.",,"Bote aux lettres non disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mailbox name not allowed.",,"Nom de bote aux lettres non autoris.",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The SMTP server requires a secure connection or the client was not authenticate
d.",,"Le serveur SMTP requiert une connexion scurise ou le client n tait pas authen
tifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only absolute directories are allowed for pickup directory.",,"Seuls les rpertoi
res absolus sont autoriss pour le rpertoire de collecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The client or server is only configured for E-mail addresses with ASCII local-p
arts: {0}.",,"Le client ou le serveur est uniquement configur pour les adresses le
ctroniques avec des noms locaux ASCII : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not connected.",,"Aucune connexion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Completed.",,"Termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Previous operation is still in progress.",,"L opration prcdente est toujours en co
urs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Client does not have permission to Send As this sender.",,"Le client n est pas
autoris envoyer en tant que cet expditeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"SSL must not be enabled for pickup-directory delivery methods.",,"SSL ne doit p
as tre activ pour les mthodes de remise dans le rpertoire de collecte.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to send to a recipient.",,"Impossible d envoyer un destinataire.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A recipient must be specified.",,"Un destinataire doit tre spcifi.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failure sending mail.",,"chec d envoi du courrier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service closing transmission channel.",,"Fermeture du canal de transmission par
le service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service not available, closing transmission channel.",,"Service non disponible,
fermeture du canal de transmission.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Service ready.",,"Service prt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>.",,"Dmarrer l enregistrement du courrie
r ; terminer par <CRLF>.<CRLF>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error in parameters or arguments.",,"Erreur de syntaxe dans les paramtres
ou les arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System status, or system help reply.",,"tat systme ou rponse du systme d aide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Transaction failed.",,"chec de la transaction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User not local; please try a different path.",,"Utilisateur non local. Essayez
un autre chemin d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User not local; will forward to specified path.",,"Utilisateur non local. Trans
fert au chemin d accs spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. In
accessible logs: {0}.",,"La source est introuvable mais certains ou l ensemble d
es journaux des vnements n ont pas pu faire l objet d une recherche. Journaux inac
cessibles : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The source was not found, but some or all event logs could not be searched. To
create the source, you need permission to read all event logs to make sure that
the new source name is unique. Inaccessible logs: {0}.",,"La source est introu
vable, mais certains ou l ensemble des journaux des vnements n ont pas pu faire l
objet d une recherche. Pour crer la source, vous avez besoin de l autorisation de
lire tous les journaux des vnements pour vous assurer que le nom de la nouvelle s
ource est unique. Journaux inaccessibles: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not determine a universal resource identifier for the sound location.",,"
Impossible de dterminer un URI (Universal Resource Identifier) pour l emplacement

du son.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Please be sure a sound file exists at the specified location.",,"Vrifiez qu un f
ichier audio existe l emplacement spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Sound API only supports playing PCM wave files.",,"L API son prend uniquement e
n charge la lecture des fichiers son PCM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The file located at {0} is not a valid wave file.",,"Le fichier situ {0} n est p
as un fichier son valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The wave header is corrupt.",,"L en-tte wave est endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request to load the wave file in memory timed out.",,"Expiration du dlai de
la demande de chargement du fichier audio en mmoire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The LoadTimeout property of a SoundPlayer cannot be negative.",,"La proprit LoadT
imeout d un SoundPlayer ne peut pas tre ngative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error reading the file located at {0}. Please make sure that a val
id wave file exists at the specified location.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors
de la lecture du fichier situ {0}. Vrifiez qu un fichier audio valide existe l em
placement spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source {0} already exists on the computer {1} .",,"La source {0} existe dj sur l
ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The listener {0} added to source {1} must have a listener with the same nam
e defined in the main Trace listeners section.",,"L couteur {0} ajout la source
{1} doit contenir un couteur du mme nom dfini dans la section principale des coute
urs Trace.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The source {0} is not registered on machine {1} , or you do not have write a
ccess to the {2} registry key.",,"La source {0} n est pas inscrite sur l ordin
ateur {1} , ou vous ne bnficiez pas d un accs en criture la cl de Registre {2}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The source {0} must have a switch with the same name defined in the Switches
section.",,"La source {0} doit contenir un commutateur du mme nom dfini dans la
section Commutateurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StandardErrorEncoding is only supported when standard error is redirected.",,"S
tandardErrorEncoding est uniquement pris en charge en cas de redirection de l er
reur standard.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to get marshaler for IID {0}.",,"Impossible d obtenir le marshaleur pour
IID {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"StandardOutputEncoding is only supported when standard output is redirected.",,
"StandardOutputEncoding est uniquement pris en charge en cas de redirection de l
a sortie standard.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of stop bits per transmitted/received byte.",,"Le nombre de bits d a
rrt par octet transmis/reu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The gzip stream can t contain more than 4GB data.",,"Le flux GZIP ne peut pas c
ontenir plus de 4 Go de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not use String deserialization for setting: {0}.",,"Impossible de recouri
r la dsrialisation des chanes pour le paramtre : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not use String serialization for setting: {0}.",,"Impossible de recourir
la srialisation des chanes pour le paramtre : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A subtraction must be the last element in a character class.",,"Un retrait doit
tre le dernier lment dans une classe de caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"initializeData needs to be valid for this TraceListener.",,"initializeData doit
tre valide pour ce TraceListener.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Target not WebBrowserPermissionLevel.",,"La cible n est pas WebBrowserPermissio
nLevel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The current base priority of the thread.",,"Priorit de base actuellement dfinie p

our le thread.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current priority level of the thread.",,"Niveau de priorit actuellement dfini
pour le thread.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request cannot be processed because the thread ({0}) has exited.",,"La dema
nde ne peut pas tre traite, car le thread ({0}) s est arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The unique identifier for the thread.",,"Identificateur unique du thread.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether the thread would like a priority boost when the user interacts with UI
associated with the thread.",,"Indique si le thread requiert un renforcement de
la priorit dans le cas d interactions de l utilisateur avec l interface utilisate
ur associe ce thread.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The priority level of the thread.",,"Niveau de priorit dfini pour le thread.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount of CPU time the thread spent inside the operating system core.",,"Te
mps CPU utilis par le thread dans le noyau du systme d exploitation.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The memory address of the function that was run when the thread started.",,"Adr
esse mmoire de la fonction excute lors du dmarrage du thread.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The time the thread was started.",,"Heure laquelle le thread a t dmarr.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The execution state of the thread.",,"tat d excution du thread.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount of CPU time the thread has consumed since it was started.",,"Temps C
PU que le thread a utilis depuis son dmarrage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount of CPU time the thread spent outside the operating system core.",,"T
emps CPU utilis par le thread en dehors du noyau du systme d exploitation.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The reason the thread is waiting, if it is waiting.",,"Raison de l attente du t
hread, le cas chant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the timer will be restarted when it is enabled.",,"Indique si
la minuterie doit tre redmarre lorsqu elle sera active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the timer is enabled to fire events at a defined interval.",,
"Indique si la minuterie est active pour dclencher des vnements en fonction d un int
ervalle dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of milliseconds between timer events.",,"Le nombre de millisecondes
entre les vnements de la minuterie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Occurs when the Interval has elapsed.",,"Se produit lorsque l intervalle s est c
oul.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a valid value for Interval . Interval must be greater than {1}.
",," {0} n est pas une valeur valide pour Interval . Interval doit tre suprieu
r {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object used to marshal the event handler calls issued when an interval has
elapsed.",,"Objet utilis pour marshaler les appels du gestionnaire d vnements mis lo
rsqu un intervalle s est coul.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(null)",,"(null)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient hexadecimal digits.",,"Chiffres hexadcimaux insuffisants.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many | in (?()|).",,"Trop de | dans (?()|).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many ) s.",,"Trop de ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum allowed number of replacement strings is 255.",,"Le nombre maximal
autoris de chanes de remplacement est 255.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Failed to create ToolboxItem of type: {0}",,"Impossible de crer un ToolboxItem d

e type : {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Trace",,"Suivi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fail:",,"chec:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The IndentSize property must be non-negative.",,"La proprit IndentSize doit tre no
n ngative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Level must be set to a value in the enumeration TraceLevel.",,"Le niveau do
it tre dfini une certaine valeur dans l numration TraceLevel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to set {0} to a value that is too high. Setting level to TraceLevel.
Verbose",,"Tentative de dfinition de {0} une valeur trop leve. Dfinition du niveau T
raceLevel.Verbose",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempted to set {0} to a value that is too low. Setting level to TraceLevel.O
ff",,"Tentative de dfinition de {0} une valeur trop basse. Dfinition du niveau Tra
ceLevel.Off",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The primary and secondary objects are already associated with each other.",,"Le
s objets primaires et secondaires sont dj associs les uns aux autres.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of elements in the Type and Object arrays must match.",,"Le nombre d
lments dans les tableaux Type et Object doivent correspondre.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected types in the collection to be of type {0}.",,"Les types attendus dans
la collection sont de type {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type description provider {0} has returned null from {1} which is illegal."
,,"Le fournisseur de description de type {0} a retourn une valeur null de {1} qui
n est pas conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an association when the primary and secondary objects are the sam
e.",,"Impossible de crer une association lorsque les objets primaires et secondai
res sont identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object {0} is being remoted by a proxy that does not support interface disc
overy. This type of remoted object is not supported.",,"L objet {0} est mis dis
tance par le proxy qui ne prend pas en charge la dcouverte d interface. Ce type d
objet distant n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Could not add trace listener {0} because it is not a subclass of TraceListener.
",,"Impossible d ajouter l couteur de suivi {0}, car il ne s agit pas d une sousclasse de TraceListener.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The CodeDom provider type ""{0}"" could not be located."",,""Impossible de loc
aliser le type de fournisseur CodeDom ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a type-converter to convert object if type {0} from string.",,
"Impossible de trouver un convertisseur de type pour convertir le type d objet
{0} partir d une chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a type-converter to convert object if type {0} to string.",,"I
mpossible de trouver un convertisseur de type pour convertir le type d objet {0
} en chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access to the port is denied.",,"L accs au port est refus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access to the port {0} is denied.",,"L accs au port {0} est refus.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference to undefined group number {0}.",,"Rfrence un numro de groupe non dfini {0
}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference to undefined group name {0}.",,"Rfrence un nom de groupe non dfini {0}."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(?({0}) ) reference to undefined group.",,"(?({0}) ) rfrence un groupe non dfini."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected opcode in regular expression generation: {0}.",,"opcode inattendu da
ns la gnration d expressions rgulires: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unimplemented state.",,"tat non implment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Unknown block type. Stream might be corrupted.",,"Type de bloc inconnu. Le flux

est peut-tre endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The compression mode specified in GZip header is unknown.",,"Le mode de compres
sion spcifi dans l en-tte GZip est inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Unknown property {0} .",,"Proprit inconnue {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown SeekOrigin specified.",,"SeekOrigin inconnu spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown serialization format specified.",,"Format de srialisation spcifi inconnu."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Decoder is in some unknown state. This might be caused by corrupted data.",,"Le
dcodeur est dans un tat inconnu li peut-tre des donnes endommages.",,"Text",,"All",,
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized control character.",,"Caractre de contrle non reconnu.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized escape sequence \{0}.",,"Squence d chappement \{0} non reconnue.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unrecognized grouping construct.",,"Construction de regroupement non reconnue."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SMTP host was not specified.",,"L hte SMTP n a pas t spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unterminated [] set.",,"Ensemble [] inachev.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unterminated (?#...) comment.",,"Commentaire (?#...) inachev.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} cannot convert {1} to {2}.",,"{0} ne peut pas convertir {1} en {2}.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current thread is not in Single Thread Apartment (STA) mode. Starting a process
with UseShellExecute set to True requires the current thread be in STA mode. E
nsure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked.",,"Le thread actuel
n est pas en mode STA (Single Thread Apartment). Dbuter un processus lorsque Use
ShellExecute a la valeur True suppose que le thread actuel soit en mode STA. Ass
urez-vous que votre fonction Main est marque STAThreadAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current configuration system does not support user-scoped settings.",,"Le s
ystme de configuration actuel ne prend pas en charge les paramtres de porte utilisa
teur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error in trace switch {0} : The value of a switch must be integral.",,"Erreur
dans le commutateur de suivi {0} : La valeur d un commutateur doit tre intgrale."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WaitReason is only available if the ThreadState is Wait.",,"WaitReason est disp
onible uniquement si ThreadState a la valeur Wait.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process must exit before requested information can be determined.",,"L excution
du processus doit tre termine pour que les informations demandes puissent tre dtermine
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature requires Windows 2000 or later.",,"Cette fonctionnalit requiert Windows20
00 ou version ultrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature requires Windows 2000.",,"Cette fonctionnalit requiert Windows 2000.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature requires Windows NT.",,"Cette fonctionnalit requiert WindowsNT.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operating system does not support accessing processes on remote computers. This
feature requires Windows NT or later.",,"Le systme d exploitation ne prend pas e
n charge l accs aux processus d ordinateurs distants. Cette fonctionnalit requiert
WindowsNT ou version ultrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the write buffer in bytes. This is the maximum number of bytes whi
ch can be queued for write.",,"La taille de la mmoire tampon d criture en octets.
Il s agit du nombre maximal d octets qui peuvent tre mis en file d attente pour tr

e crits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Writing is not supported on this stream.",,"L criture n est pas prise en charge
dans ce flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The write timeout in milliseconds.",,"Le dlai d criture en millisecondes.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The write timed out.",,"Dlai d attente de l criture dpass.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor supports only the {0} action.",,"Le constructeur ne prend en char
ge que l action {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not use Xml deserialization for setting: {0}.",,"Impossible d utiliser la
dsrialisation XML pour le paramtre : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Could not use Xml serialization for setting: {0}.",,"Impossible d utiliser la sr
ialisation XML pour le paramtre : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The underlying compression routine could not be loaded correctly.",,"La routine
de compression sous-jacente n a pas t correctement charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream state of the underlying compression routine is inconsistent.",,"L tat
du flux de la routine de compression sous-jacente n est pas cohrent.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying compression routine received incorrect initialization parameters
.",,"La routine de compression sous-jacente a reu des paramtres d initialisation i
ncorrects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying compression routine could not reserve sufficient memory.",,"La r
outine de compression sous-jacente n a pas pu rserver suffisamment de mmoire.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream state of the underlying compression routine was freed prematurely.",
,"L tat du flux de la routine de compression sous-jacente a t libr prmaturment.",,"Tex
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying compression routine returned an unexpected error code.",,"La rou
tine de compression sous-jacente a retourn un code d erreur inattendu.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The version of the underlying compression routine does not match expected versi
on.",,"La version de la routine de compression sous-jacente ne correspond pas la
version attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid IP address was specified.",,"Une adresse IP non valide a t spcifie.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AddressFamily {0} is not valid for the {1} end point, use {2} instead.",,"A
ddressFamily {0} n est pas valide pour le point de terminaison {1} ; utilisez {2
} la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supplied EndPoint of AddressFamily {0} is not valid for this Socket, use {1
} instead.",,"Le point de terminaison d AddressFamily {0} fourni n est pas valid
e pour ce socket, utilisez {1} la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The supplied {0} is an invalid size for the {1} end point.",,"Le {0} fourni est
de taille non valide pour le point de terminaison {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The socket handle is not valid.",,"Le handle de socket n est pas valide.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server returned a status code outside the valid range of 100-599.",,"Le ser
veur a retourn un code d tat en dehors de la plage valide de 100-599.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method is not implemented by this class.",,"Cette mthode n est pas implmente
par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method is not supported by this class.",,"Cette mthode n est pas prise en c
harge par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property is not implemented by this class.",,"Cette proprit n est pas implmen
te par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property is not supported by this class.",,"Cette proprit n est pas prise en

charge par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The {0} protocol is not supported by this class.",,"Le protocole {0} n est
pas pris en charge par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The {0} select mode is not supported by this class.",,"Le mode select {0} n
est pas pris en charge par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Specified value has invalid CRLF characters.",,"La valeur spcifie est compose de c
aractres CRLF non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified value has invalid Control characters.",,"La valeur spcifie est compose d
e caractres de contrle non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Specified value has invalid HTTP Header characters.",,"La valeur spcifie est comp
ose de caractres d en-tte HTTP non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Specified value has invalid non-ASCII characters.",,"La valeur spcifie est compose
de caractres non ASCII non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Specified value does not have a : separator.",,"La valeur spcifie n est pas dote
d un sparateur : .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CR must be followed by LF",,"CR doit tre suivi par LF",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid header name",,"Nom d en-tte non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response chunk format is invalid",,"Le format du segment de rponse n est pas val
ide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Content-Length header value is invalid",,"La valeur de l en-tte Content-Lengt
h n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Header name is invalid",,"Le nom de l en-tte n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected server response received",,"Rponse inattendue reue du serveur",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} operation was called on an incoming WebSocket request without required
{1} header. ",,"L opration {0} a t appele sur une requte WebSocket entrante sans l
en-tte {1} requis. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} operation was called on an incoming request that did not specify a {1}
: {2} header or the {2} header not contain {3} . {2} specified by the client w
as {4} .",,"L opration {0} a t appele sur une requte entrante qui n a pas spcifi d en
tte {1} : {2} , ou l en-tte {2} ne contient pas {3} . Le {2} spcifi par le client t
ait {4} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket client request requested {0} protocol(s), but server is only ac
cepting {1} protocol(s).",,"La requte du client WebSocket a demand {0} protoco
le(s), mais le serveur accepte seulement {1} protocole(s).",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} operation was called on an incoming request with WebSocket version {1}
, expected {2} . ",,"L opration {0} a t appele sur une requte entrante avec la vers
ion {1} de WebSocket, alors que la version {2} tait attendue. ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket has already been started.",,"Le WebSocket a dj t dmarr.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The byte array must have a length of at least {0} bytes. ",,"La longueur du
tableau d octets doit tre d au moins {0} octets. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of the {0} parameter ({1}) must be less than or equal to {2}.",,"La
valeur du paramtre {0} ({1}) doit tre infrieure ou gale {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument must be a value greater than {0}.",,"L argument doit correspondre
une valeur suprieure {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The message type {0} is not allowed for the {1} operation. Valid message ty
pes are: {2}, {3} . To close the WebSocket, use the {4} operation instead. ",

,"Le type de message {0} n est pas autoris pour l opration {1} . Les types de m
essage valides sont: {2}, {3} . Pour fermer le WebSocket, utilisez l opration {4
} la place. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket client did not request any protocols, but server attempted to acc
ept {0} protocol(s). ",,"Le client WebSocket n a pas demand de protocole, mais
le serveur a tent d accepter {0} protocole(s). ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket client sent a blank {0} header; this is not allowed by the WebS
ocket protocol specification. The client should omit the header if the client is
not negotiating any sub-protocols. ",,"Le client WebSocket a envoy un en-tte {0}
vide, ce qui n est pas autoris par la spcification du protocole WebSocket. Le cl
ient doit omettre l en-tte s il ne ngocie aucun sous-protocole. ",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server returned status code {0} when status code 101 was expected.",,"L
e serveur a retourn le code d tat {0} alors que le code d tat attendu tait 101 ."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remote party closed the WebSocket connection without completing the close h
andshake.",,"Le site distant a ferm la connexion de WebSocket sans terminer le pr
otocole de transfert de fermeture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"An internal WebSocket error occurred. Please see the innerException, if present
, for more details. ",,"Une erreur WebSocket interne s est produite. Consultez i
nnerException, le cas chant, pour plus d informations. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket request or response contained unsupported header(s). ",,"La requte
ou la rponse WebSocket contenait un ou plusieurs en-ttes non pris en charge. ",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The buffer type {0} is invalid. Valid buffer types are: {1} , {2} , {3} ,
{4} , {5} .",,"Le type de mmoire tampon {0} n est pas valide. Les types de mmo
ire tampon valides sont: {1} , {2} , {3} , {4} , {5} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket protocol {0} is invalid because it contains the invalid charact
er {1} .",,"Le protocole WebSocket {0} n est pas valide, car il contient le c
aractre non valide {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The close status code {0} is reserved for system use only and cannot be speci
fied when calling this method.",,"Le code de statut de clture {0} est rserv l usa
ge du systme uniquement et ne peut pas tre spcifi lors de l appel de cette mthode.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The close status description {0} is too long. The UTF8-representation of the
status description must not be longer than {1} bytes.",,"La description du statu
t de clture {0} est trop longue. La longueur de la reprsentation UTF8 de la desc
ription ne doit pas tre suprieure {1} octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Empty string is not a valid subprotocol value. Please use ""null"" to specify
no value."",,""Une chane vide n est pas une valeur de sous-protocole valide. Util
isez ""null"" pour ne spcifier aucune valeur."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The received message type {2} is invalid after calling {0}. {0} should only b
e used if no more data is expected from the remote endpoint. Use {1} instead t
o keep being able to receive data but close the output channel.",,"Le type de me
ssage reu {2} n est pas valide aprs l appel de {0}. {0} doit seulement tre utilis
si aucune autre donne n est attendue du point de terminaison distant. Utilisez {
1} la place pour continuer pouvoir recevoir des donnes mais fermer le canal de s
ortie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The received message type is invalid after calling {0}. {0} should only be use
d if no more data is expected from the remote endpoint. Use {1} instead to kee
p being able to receive data but close the output channel.",,"Le type de message
reu n est pas valide aprs l appel de {0}. {0} doit seulement tre utilis si aucune a
utre donne n est attendue du point de terminaison distant. Utilisez {1} la plac
e pour continuer pouvoir recevoir des donnes mais fermer le canal de sortie.",,"T

ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The WebSocket schemes must be registered with the HttpWebRequest class.",,"Les
schmas WebSocket doivent tre inscrits avec la classe HttpWebRequest.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} header value {1} is invalid.",,"La valeur d en-tte {0} {1} n est
pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket is in an invalid state ( {0} ) for this operation. Valid states a
re: {1} ",,"Le WebSocket est dans un tat non valide ( {0} ) pour cette opration.
Les tats valides sont: {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} instance cannot be used for communication because it has been transit
ioned into the {1} state.",,"L instance {0} ne peut pas tre utilise pour la co
mmunication, car sa transition l tat {1} a t effectue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket instance cannot be used for communication because it has been tra
nsitioned into an invalid state.",,"L instance WebSocket ne peut pas tre utilise p
our la communication, car sa transition un tat non valide a t effectue.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred when sending the WebSocket HTTP upgrade response during the {
0} operation. The HRESULT returned is {1} ",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de
l envoi de la rponse de mise niveau WebSocket HTTP au cours de l opration {0}. Le
HRESULT retourn est {1} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate protocols are not allowed: {0} .",,"Les protocoles en double ne sont
pas autoriss : {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A WebSocket operation was called on a request or response that is not a WebSock
et.",,"Une opration WebSocket a t appele sur une requte ou une rponse qui n est pas un
WebSocket.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket is not connected.",,"Le WebSocket n est pas connect.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The close status description {0} is invalid. When using close status code {1
} the description must be null.",,"La description du statut de fermeture {0}
n est pas valide. Lorsque vous utilisez un code de statut de fermeture {1} , la
description doit tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket is in an invalid state for this operation. The {0} method has a
lready been called before on this instance. Use {1} instead to keep being able
to receive data but close the output channel.",,"Le WebSocket est dans un tat no
n valide pour cette opration. La mthode {0} a dj t appele auparavant pour cette inst
nce. Utilisez {1} la place pour continuer pouvoir recevoir des donnes mais ferm
er le canal de sortie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only Uris starting with ws:// or wss:// are supported.",,"Seuls les URI com
menant par ws:// ou wss:// sont pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket protocol is not supported on this platform.",,"Le protocole WebSo
cket n est pas pris en charge sur cette plateforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebSocket request or response operation was called with unsupported protoco
l(s). ",,"L opration de requte ou de rponse WebSocket a t appele avec un ou plusieurs
protocoles non pris en charge. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unsupported WebSocket version.",,"Version de WebSocket non prise en charge.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is already one outstanding {0} call for this WebSocket instance. Receiv
eAsync and SendAsync can be called simultaneously, but at most one outstanding o
peration for each of them is allowed at the same time.",,"Il y a dj un appel {0}
en attente pour cette instance de WebSocket. ReceiveAsync et SendAsync peuvent t
re appels simultanment, mais une seule opration en attente au maximum est autorise s
imultanment pour chacun d entre eux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"An exception caused the WebSocket to enter the Aborted state. Please see the In
nerException, if present, for more details.",,"Une exception inattendue a entran l
e passage de WebSocket l tat Abandonn. Consultez InnerException, le cas chant, pour
plus d informations.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""""Buffer and BufferList properties cannot both be non-null."";"",,""""Les prop

rits Buffer et BufferList ne peuvent pas tre toutes les deux non null."";"",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The target array is too small.",,"Le tableau cible est trop petit.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A call to SSPI failed, see inner exception.",,"chec d un appel SSPI, consultez l
exception interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Authentication failed on the remote side (the stream might still be available f
or additional authentication attempts).",,"chec de l authentification sur le ct dis
tant (le flux est peut-tre toujours disponible pour d autres tentatives d authent
ification).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server has rejected the client credentials.",,"Le serveur a rejet les inform
ations d identification du client.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Either the target name is incorrect or the server has rejected the client crede
ntials.",,"Soit le nom de la cible est incorrect, soit le serveur a rejet les inf
ormations d identification du client.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Once authentication is attempted as the client or server, additional authentica
tion attempts must use the same client or server role.",,"Aprs la tentative d aut
hentification sur le client ou le serveur, toute tentative supplmentaire d authen
tification doit utiliser le mme rle de client ou de serveur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A security requirement was not fulfilled during authentication. Required: {0},
negotiated: {1}.",,"Une condition de scurit n a pas t remplie lors de l authentifica
tion. Requis : {0}, ngoci : {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A remote side security requirement was not fulfilled during authentication. Try
increasing the ProtectionLevel and/or ImpersonationLevel.",,"Une condition de sc
urit du ct distant n a pas t remplie lors de l authentification. Essayez d augmenter
les valeurs ProtectionLevel et/ou ImpersonationLevel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Protocol error: cannot proceed with SSPI handshake because an empty blob was re
ceived.",,"Erreur de protocole : impossible d utiliser le protocole de transfert
SSPI, car un objet blob vide a t reu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Authentication failed because the remote party has closed the transport stream.
",,"chec de l authentification, car le site distant a ferm le flux de transport.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Authentication failed, see inner exception.",,"chec de l authentification, consu
ltez l exception interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Re-authentication failed because the remote party continued to encrypt more tha
n {0} bytes before answering re-authentication.",,"chec de la rauthentification, c
ar le site distant continuait de chiffrer plus de {0} octets avant de rpondre la
rauthentification.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Protocol error: A received message contains a valid signature but it was not en
crypted as required by the effective Protection Level.",,"Erreur de protocole :
un message reu contient une signature valide mais n a pas t chiffr conformment au niv
eau de protection en application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"An extended protection policy must specify either a custom channel binding or a
custom service name collection.",,"Une stratgie de protection tendue doit spcifier
une liaison de canal personnalise ou une collection de noms de services personna
lise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TokenImpersonationLevel.Anonymous level is not supported for authentication
.",,"Le niveau TokenImpersonationLevel.Anonymous n est pas pris en charge pour l
authentification.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is only allowed using a successfully authenticated context.",,"C
ette opration est uniquement autorise avec l utilisation d un contexte correctemen
t authentifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This authenticated context does not support data encryption.",,"Ce contexte aut

hentifi ne prend pas en charge le chiffrement des donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F

ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is not allowed on a security context that has already been authe
nticated.",,"Cette opration n est pas autorise dans un contexte de scurit dj authentif
i.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supported values are Identification, Impersonation or Delegation.",,"Les va
leurs prises en charge sont l identification, l emprunt d identit ou la dlgation.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supplied authentication module is not registered.",,"Le module d authentifi
cation fourni n est pas inscrit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no registered module for this authentication scheme.",,"Aucun module n
est inscrit pour ce schma d authentification.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid IP address prefix was specified.",,"Un prfixe d adresse IP non valide
a t spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An invalid physical address was specified.",,"Une adresse physique non valide a
t spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of the date string in the header is invalid.",,"La valeur de la chane
de date dans l en-tte n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Cannot set null or blank methods on request.",,"Impossible de dfinir des mthodes
null ou blank la demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""The Buffer space specified by the Count property is insufficient for the Acc
eptAsync method."";"",,""""L espace de mmoire tampon spcifi par la proprit Count n es
t pas suffisant pour la mthode AcceptAsync."";"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For this RequestCache object, {0} access is denied.",,"L accs {0} est refus pour
cet objet RequestCache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request failed because no cache entry (CacheKey = {0}) was found and the ef
fective CachePolicy is {1}.",,"La demande a chou, car aucune entre du cache (CacheK
ey = {0}) n a t trouve et le CachePolicy effectif est {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request (Method = {0}) cannot be served from the cache and will fail becaus
e of the effective CachePolicy: {1}.",,"Impossible de traiter la demande (Method
= {0}) partir du cache cause du CachePolicy effectif : {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cache protocol returned a cached response but the cache entry is invalid be
cause it has a null stream. (Cache Key = {0}).",,"Le protocole du cache a retour
n une rponse mise en cache mais l entre du cache n est pas valide, car elle comport
e un flux null. (Cache Key = {0}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The transport stream instance passed in the RangeStream constructor is not seek
able and therefore is not supported.",,"L instance de flux de transport passe dan
s le constructeur RangeStream ne peut faire l objet d une recherche et n est don
c pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cache protocol refused the server response. To allow automatic request retr
ying, set request.AllowAutoRedirect to true.",,"Le protocole du cache a rejet la
rponse du serveur. Pour permettre une tentative de demande automatique, dfinissez
request.AllowAutoRedirect true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No cache protocol is available for this request.",,"Aucun protocole du cache n
est disponible pour cette demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The cached response is not supported for a request with a content body.",,"La rp
onse mise en cache n est pas prise en charge pour une demande avec corps de cont
enu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cached response is not supported for a request with the specified request m
ethod.",,"La rponse mise en cache n est pas prise en charge pour une demande util
isant la mthode de demande spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache retrieve failed: {0}.",,"chec de l extraction du cache : {0}.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Shadow stream must be writable.",,"Le flux Shadow doit tre accessible en criture.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A partial content stream does not support this operation or some method argumen
t is out of range.",,"Un flux de contenu partiel ne prend pas en charge cette opr
ation ou un argument de mthode quelconque est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The validation method {0}() returned a failure for this request.",,"La mthode de
validation {0}() a chou pour cette demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The validation method {0}() returned the unexpected status: {1}.",,"La mthode de
validation {0}() a retourn l tat inattendu suivant : {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value cannot be false.",,"La valeur spcifie ne peut pas tre false.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load the proxy script runtime environment from the Microsoft.JScript
assembly.",,"Impossible de charger l environnement d excution du script de proxy
partir de l assembly Microsoft.JScript.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to create another web proxy script environment at this time.",,"Impossib
le de crer un autre environnement de script de proxy Web pour l instant.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t determine OS installation type: Can t read key {0} . Exception message:
{1}",,"Impossible de dterminer le type d installation du systme d exploitation: imp
ossible de lire la cl {0} . Message d exception: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation cannot be performed while the AppDomain is shutting down.",,"Cet
te opration ne peut pas avoir lieu lors de l arrt du AppDomain.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Content-Length value must be greater than or equal to zero.",,"La valeur Co
ntent-Length doit tre suprieure ou gale zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"This operation cannot be performed on a completed asynchronous result object.",
,"Impossible d effectuer cette opration sur un objet rsultat asynchrone termin.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error creating the modules specified in the
configuration section.",,"Erreur lors de la cration des modules spcifis dans la sec
tion de configuration .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient permissions for setting the configuration element {0} .",,"Autori
sations insuffisantes pour la dfinition de l lment de configuration {0} .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient permissions for setting the configuration property {0} .",,"Autor
isations insuffisantes pour la dfinition de la proprit de configuration {0} .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error creating the Web Proxy specified in the configu
ration section.",,"Erreur lors de la cration du proxy Web spcifi dans la section de
configuration .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The specified proxy module type is not public.",,"Le type du module proxy spcifi
n est pas public.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error creating the Web Request caching policy specified in the
estCaching configuration section.",,"Erreur lors de la cration de la stratgie de
mise en cache des requtes Web spcifie dans la section de configuration
requestCaching .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient permissions for setting the configuration section {0} .",,"Autori
sations insuffisantes pour la dfinition de la section de configuration {0} .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error creating the modules specified in the conf
iguration section.",,"Erreur lors de la cration des modules spcifis dans la section
de configuration .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keep-Alive and Close may not be set using this property.",,"Keep-Alive et Close
ne peuvent pas tre dfinis l aide de cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlying connection was closed: {0}.",,"La connexion sous-jacente a t ferme:
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred when adding a cookie to the container.",,"Une erreur s est pr
oduite lors de l ajout d un cookie au conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When performing a write operation with AllowWriteStreamBuffering set to false,
you must either set ContentLength to a non-negative number or set SendChunked to
true.",,"Lors d une opration en criture avec AllowWriteStreamBuffering dfini false
, vous devez soit dfinir ContentLength un nombre non ngatif, soit dfinir SendChunke
d true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} = {1} part of the cookie is invalid.",,"La partie {0} = {1} du cook
ie n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} has to be greater than {1} and less than {2} .",," {0} doit tre suprieu
r {1} et infrieur {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cookie already exists.",,"Le cookie existe dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cookie format error.",,"Erreur de format du cookie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid contents for cookie = {0} .",,"Contenu non valide pour le cookie = {0
} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred when parsing the Cookie header for Uri {0} .",,"Une erreur s
est produite pendant l analyse de l en-tte du cookie pour l URI {0} .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value size of the cookie is {0} . This exceeds the configured maximum size
, which is {1} .",,"La valeur taille du Cookie est {0} . Elle dpasse la valeur
maximale configure dfinie {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Registry value {0} was either empty or not a string type.",,"La valeur de
Registre {0} tait vide ou n tait pas un type chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter {0} cannot be an empty string.",,"Le paramtre {0} ne peut pas t
re une chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property cannot be set to an empty string.",,"Cette proprit ne peut pas tre df
inie en tant que chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must write ContentLength bytes to the request stream before calling [Begin]
GetResponse.",,"Vous devez crire des octets ContentLength dans le flux de demande
avant d appeler [Begin]GetResponse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Bytes to be written to the stream exceed the Content-Length bytes size specifie
d.",,"Les octets crire dans ce flux dpassent la taille des octets Content-Length s
pcifis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The shell expression {0} could not be parsed because it is formatted incorrec
tly.",,"Impossible d analyser l expression shell {0} , car son format est incor
rect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The payload size is limited to {0}, attempted set it to {1}.",,"La taille de la
charge est limite {0}, tentative de dfinition {1} effectue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Received incomplete authentication message. Remote party has probably closed th
e connection.",,"Rception d un message d authentification incomplet. Un site dist
ant a sans doute ferm la connexion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot determine the frame size or a corrupted frame was received.",,"Impossibl
e de dterminer la taille du frame ou un frame endommag a t reu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Received an invalid authentication frame. The message size is limited to {0} by
tes, attempted to read {1} bytes.",,"Un frame d authentification non valide a t reu
. La taille du message est limite {0} octets, tentative de lecture de {1} octets

effectue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The From parameter cannot be less than To.",,"Le paramtre From ne peut pas tre in
frieur To.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data connection was made from an address that is different than the address
to which the FTP connection was made.",,"La connexion de donnes a t effectue partir
d une adresse qui est diffrente de l adresse de la connexion FTP.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FTP Method names cannot be null or empty.",,"Les noms de mthodes FTP ne peuvent
pas tre null ou vides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The RenameTo filename cannot be null or empty.",,"Le nom de fichier RenameTo ne
peut pas tre null ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server returned the filename ({0}) which is not valid.",,"Le serveur a reto
urn le nom de fichier ({0}) qui n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The status response ({0}) is not expected in response to {1} command.",,"La rp
onse d tat ({0}) la commande {1} est inattendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested URI is invalid for this FTP command.",,"L URI demande n est pas va
lide pour cette commande FTP.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default credentials are not supported on an FTP request.",,"Les informations d
identification par dfaut ne sont pas prises en charge dans une demande FTP.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested FTP command is not supported when using HTTP proxy.",,"La command
e FTP demande n est pas prise en charge lors de l utilisation du proxy HTTP.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Offsets are not supported when sending an FTP request over an HTTP proxy.",,"Le
s offsets ne sont pas pris en charge dans le cadre de l envoi d une demande FTP
sur un proxy HTTP.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SSL cannot be enabled when using a proxy.",,"SSL ne peut pas tre activ lorsqu un
proxy est utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The response string {0} has invalid format.",,"Le format de la chane de rponse
{0} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server failed the passive mode request with status response ({0}).",,"La de
mande en mode passif sur le serveur a chou avec la rponse d tat ({0}).",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This type of FTP request does not return a response stream.",,"Ce type de deman
de FTP ne retourne pas de flux de rponse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Need account for storing files",,"Un compte est ncessaire pour le stockage des f
ichiers",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local error in processing",,"Erreur locale lors du traitement",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Page type unknown",,"Type de page inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"File unavailable (e.g., file not found, no access)",,"Fichier non disponible (p
ar exemple, fichier introuvable, accs impossible)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File unavailable (e.g., file busy)",,"Fichier non disponible (par exemple, fich
ier occup)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name not allowed",,"Nom de fichier non autoris",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient storage space in system",,"Espace systme de stockage insuffisant",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error in parameters or arguments",,"Erreur de syntaxe dans les paramtres
ou les arguments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad sequence of commands",,"Squence de commandes incorrecte",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t open data connection",,"Impossible d ouvrir la connexion de donnes",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command not implemented",,"Commande non implmente",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor

k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error, command unrecognized",,"Erreur de syntaxe, commande non reconnue"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connection closed; transfer aborted",,"Connexion ferme. Transfert interrompu.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exceeded storage allocation (for current directory or data set)",,"Allocation d
e stockage dpasse (pour le rpertoire ou le groupe de donnes actif)",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not logged in",,"Non connect",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service not available, closing control connection",,"Service non disponible. Fe
rmeture de la connexion au contrle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The {0} header must be modified using the appropriate property or method.",,"
L en-tte {0} doit tre modifi l aide de la proprit ou mthode adquate.",,"Text",,"Al
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This collection holds response headers and cannot contain the specified request
header.",,"Cette collection comporte des en-ttes de rponse et ne peut pas conteni
r l en-tte de demande spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This collection holds request headers and cannot contain the specified response
header.",,"Cette collection comporte des en-ttes de demande et ne peut pas conte
nir l en-tte de rponse spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Header values cannot be longer than {0} characters.",,"La longueur des valeurs
d en-tte ne peut pas dpasser {0} caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Ambiguous Redirect",,"Redirection ambigu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Bad Gateway",,"Passerelle incorrecte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Bad Request",,"Demande incorrecte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Conflict",,"Conflit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Forbidden",,"Interdit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found Redirect",,"Redirection trouve",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Gateway Timeout",,"Dpassement du dlai de la passerelle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gone",,"Non disponible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Http Version Not Supported",,"Version HTTP non prise en charge",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal Server Error",,"Erreur interne du serveur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length Required",,"Longueur requise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Method Not Allowed",,"Mthode non autorise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Moved Redirect",,"Redirection dplace",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Moved Permanently Redirect",,"Redirection dplace de faon permanente",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple Choices Redirect",,"Redirection choix multiple",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No Content",,"Pas de contenu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non Authoritative Information",,"Informations ne faisant pas autorit",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not Acceptable",,"Non acceptable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Not Found",,"Introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not Implemented",,"Non implment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not Modified",,"Non modifi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial Content",,"Contenu partiel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Payment Required",,"Paiement requis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Proxy Authentication Required",,"Authentification proxy requise",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Redirect",,"Rediriger",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Redirect Keep Verb",,"Rediriger le verbe Keep",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Redirect Method",,"Mthode de redirection",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Request Timeout",,"Dlai de demande",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Reset Content",,"Rinitialiser le contenu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"See Other",,"Afficher d autres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Server Unavailable",,"Serveur non disponible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Temporary Redirect",,"Redirection temporaire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unauthorized",,"Non autoris",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use Proxy Redirect",,"Utiliser la redirection proxy",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} attribute cannot appear when {1} is present.",,"L attribut {0} ne
peut pas apparatre lorsque {1} est prsent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} attribute can only appear when {1} is present.",,"L attribut {0}
peut uniquement apparatre lorsque {1} est prsent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An asynchronous call is already in progress. It must be completed or canceled b
efore you can call this method.",,"Un appel asynchrone est dj en cours. Il doit tre
men terme ou annul avant que vous ne puissiez appeler cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"None of the discovered or specified addresses match the socket address family."
,,"Aucune des adresses dcouvertes ou spcifies n entre dans la famille des adresses
de sockets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The buffer length must not exceed 65500 bytes.",,"La longueur de la mmoire tampo
n ne doit pas dpasser 65 500 octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Invalid cast from {0} to {1}.",,"Cast non valide de {0} en {1}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value is not valid in the {0} enumeration.",,"La valeur spcifie n
est pas valide dans l numration {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The specified value is not a valid Host header string.",,"La valeur spcifie n est
pas une chane d en-tte d hte valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"IPv4 address and IPv6 address ::0 are unspecified addresses that cannot
be used as a target address.",,"L adresse IPv4 et l adresse IPv6::0 sont
des adresses non spcifies qui ne peuvent pas tre utilises comme adresses cibles.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of offset cannot be negative or greater than the length of the buffer.",,
"La valeur de l offset ne peut pas tre ngative ou suprieure la longueur de la mmoire
tampon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The status code must be exactly three digits.",,"Le code d tat doit comporter ex
actement trois chiffres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This protocol version is not supported.",,"Cette version de protocole n est pas
prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot block a call on this socket while an earlier asynchronous call is in pro
gress.",,"Impossible de bloquer un appel sur ce socket, pendant qu un appel asyn
chrone antrieur est en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The parameter: {0} is not valid. Use the object returned from corresponding Beg
in async call.",,"Le paramtre {0} n est pas valide. Utilisez l objet retourn parti
r de l appel asynchrone Begin correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The socket has already been bound to an io completion port.",,"Un socket a dj t li u
n port de terminaison d E/S.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The connection was closed",,"La connexion a t ferme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The decryption operation failed, see inner exception.",,"L opration de dchiffreme
nt a chou, consultez l exception interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The encryption operation failed, see inner exception.",,"L opration de chiffreme
nt a chou, consultez l exception interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Received an unexpected EOF or 0 bytes from the transport stream.",,"Rception d u
n EOF inattendu ou de 0 octet du flux de transport.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found a wrong header field {0} read = {1}, expected = {2}.",,"Un champ d en-tte
incorrect a t trouv {0} lu = {1}, attendu = {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal Error: A socket handle could not be bound to a completion port.",,"Err
eur interne: Un handle de socket n a pas pu tre li un port de terminaison.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The IAsyncResult object was not returned from the corresponding asynchronous me
thod on this class.",,"L objet IAsyncResult n a pas t retourn de la mthode asynchron
e correspondante sur cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"{0} can only be called once for each asynchronous operation.",,"{0} ne peut tre
appel qu une fois pour chaque opration asynchrone.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} method cannot be called when another {1} operation is pending.",,"Impos
sible d appeler la mthode {0} lorsqu une autre opration {1} est en attente.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream has to be read/write.",,"Le flux doit tre accessible en lecture/critur
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"NetworkStream does not support a 0 millisecond timeout, use a value greater tha
n zero for the timeout instead.",,"NetworkStream ne prend pas en charge un dlai d
attente de 0 milliseconde. Utilisez une valeur suprieure zro pour le dlai d attent
e la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot close stream until all bytes are written.",,"Impossible de fermer le flu
x tant que tous les octets ne sont pas crits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The byte count must not exceed {0} bytes for this stream type.",,"Le nombre d o
ctets ne doit pas dpasser {0} octets pour ce type de flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The read operation failed, see inner exception.",,"L opration de lecture a chou, c
onsultez l exception interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to read data from the transport connection: {0}.",,"Impossible de lire l
es donnes de la connexion de transport : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Timeout can be only be set to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite or a value >=
0.",,"Timeout peut uniquement tre dfini System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite ou un
e valeur >= 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Timeout can be only be set to System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite or a value >
0.",,"Timeout peut uniquement tre dfini System.Threading.Timeout.Infinite ou une
valeur > 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create a transport connection.",,"Impossible de crer une connexion de
transport.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The write operation failed, see inner exception.",,"L opration d criture a chou, co
nsultez l exception interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unable to write data to the transport connection: {0}.",,"Impossible d crire les

donnes sur la connexion de transport : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"IPv4 is not installed.",,"IPv4 n est pas install.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IPv6 is not installed.",,"IPv6 n est pas install.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The proxy JScript file threw an exception while being initialized: {0}.",,"Le f
ichier JScript du proxy a lev une exception lors de son initialisation : {0}.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to listen on prefix {0} because it conflicts with an existing registra
tion on the machine.",,"L coute du prfixe {0} a chou parce que le prfixe est en con
flit avec un enregistrement existant sur l ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot re-call {0} while a previous call is still in progress.",,"Impossible de
rappeler {0} lorsqu un appel prcdent est en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom channel bindings are not supported.",,"Les liaisons de canaux personnali
ses ne sont pas prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HTTP.SYS doesn t support extended protection. Please install the latest HTTP.SY
S update.",,"HTTP.SYS ne prend pas en charge la protection tendue. Installez la d
ernire mise jour de HTTP.SYS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t close Url group. Status code: {0}.",,"Impossible de fermer le groupe d UR
L. Code d tat: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t detach Url group from request queue. Status code: {0}.",,"Impossible de dt
acher le groupe d URL de la file d attente des demandes. Code d tat: {0}.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only Uri prefixes with a valid hostname are supported.",,"Seuls les prfixes URI
avec un nom d hte valide sont pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Querying the {0} Channel Binding is not supported.",,"L interrogation de la lia
ison de canal {0} n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please call the {0} method before calling this method.",,"Appelez la mthode {0}
avant d appeler cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The in-progress method {0} must be completed first.",,"La mthode en cours {0} do
it d abord tre applique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No service names could be determined from the registered prefixes. Either add p
refixes from which default service names can be derived or specify an ExtendedPr
otectionPolicy object which contains an explicit list of service names.",,"Aucun
nom de service n a pu tre dtermin partir des prfixes inscrits. Ajoutez des prfixes
artir desquels les noms de services par dfaut peuvent tre drivs ou spcifiez un objet
ExtendedProtectionPolicy qui contient une liste explicite de noms de services.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method cannot be called twice.",,"Cette mthode ne peut pas tre appele deux fo
is.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only Uri prefixes starting with http:// or https:// are supported.",,"Seuls
les prfixes URI commenant par http:// ou https:// sont pris en charge.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only Uri prefixes ending in / are allowed.",,"Seuls les prfixes URI terminant
par / sont autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempting to restart the session using the user-provided certificate: {0}.",,"
Tentative de redmarrage de la session l aide du certificat fourni par l utilisate
ur: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The challenge string is not valid for this authentication module: {0}",,"La chan
e de demande d accs n est pas valide pour ce module d authentification : {0}",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Buffered {0} bytes.",,"Mise en mmoire tampon de {0}octets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A 206 Response has been received and either ETag or Last-Modified header value

does not match cache entry.",,"Une rponse206 a t reue; la valeur d en-tte ETag ou Last
Modified ne correspond pas l entre de cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The starting position for 206 Response is not adjusted to the end of cache entr
y.",,"La position de dpart de la rponse206 n est pas rgle par rapport la fin de l ent
re de cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A 304 response resulted from a HEAD request has different Last-Modified header.
",,"Une rponse304 rsultant d une demande HEAD a un autre en-tte Last-Modified.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"304 response was received on an unconditional request.",,"Une rponse304 a t reue lor
s d une demande inconditionnelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"304 response was received on an unconditional request, but expected response co
de is 200 or 206.",,"Une rponse304 a t reue lors d une demande inconditionnelle, alor
s que le code de rponse attendu est 200 ou 206.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accept this response base on the retry count = {0}.",,"Accepter cette rponse en
fonction du nombre de tentatives = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"After Response Cache Validation.",,"Aprs validation du cache des rponses.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache Age = {0}, Cache MaxAge = {1}.",,"Cache : Age = {0}, Cache : MaxAge = {1}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[Age1] NowTime-Date Header = {0}, Date Header: {1}.",,"[Age1] NowTime-Date Head
er = {0}, en-tte Date : {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request carries Authorization Header and no s-maxage, proxy-revalidate or publi
c directive found.",,"La demande comporte l en-tte Authorization et les directive
s s-maxage, proxy-revalidate ou public sont introuvables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache Cache-Control = {0}.",,"Cache : Cache-Control = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid CacheControl header = {0}.",,"En-tte CacheControl non valide = {0}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
LastModified={0}, ContentLength= {1}.",,"Cache :
ContentLength= {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cached entry has Authorization Header and cache is not fresh.",,"L entre mis
e en cache a l en-tte Authorization; par ailleurs, le cache n est pas actualis.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cached entry has Authorization Header and no Cache-Control directive presen
t that would allow to use that entry.",,"L entre mise en cache a l en-tte Authoriz
ation; par ailleurs aucune directive Cache-Control n est prsente pour autoriser l
utilisation de cette entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Conditional Range request cannot be constructed.",,"Impossible de construire
une demande Range conditionnelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"A Conditional Request cannot be constructed.",,"Impossible de construire une de
mande conditionnelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Cannot Remove (throw): Key = {1}, Error = {2}.",,"{0} Impossible de supprim
er (lever) : cl = {1}, erreur = {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Cannot update cache if Response status == 304 and a cache entry was not found."
,,"Impossible de mettre jour le cache si l tat Response == 304; par ailleurs une e
ntre de cache est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot update cache with HEAD response if the cache entry does not exist.",,"Im
possible de mettre jour le cache avec la rponse HEAD si l entre de cache n existe
pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}: {1} Closing effective cache stream, type = {2}, cache entry key = {3}.",,"
{0}: {1} Fermeture du flux de cache effectif, type = {2}, cl d entre de cache = {3}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Creation of a combined response has been requested from the cache protocol.",,"

La cration d une rponse associe a t demande partir du protocole du cache.",,"Text",,"

ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Key = {1}, Commit operation failed -> {2}.",,"{0}, cl = {1}, chec de l oprati
on de validation -> {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Key = {1}, Committed entry as partial, not cached bytes count = {2}.",,"{0
}, cl = {1}, validation de l entre partielle, nombre d octets non mis en cache = {
2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request Condition = If-Modified-Since:{0}.",,"Condition de demande = If-Modifie
d-Since:{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request Condition = If-None-Match:{0}.",,"Condition de demande = If-None-Match:
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request Condition = If-Range:{0}.",,"Condition de demande = If-Range:{0}.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Conditional Range request on Http <= 1.0 is not implemented.",,"Une demande R
ange conditionnelle sur Http <= 1.0 n est pas implmente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid format of Response Content-Range:{0}.",,"Format Response non valide, Co
ntent-Range:{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cached CacheControl = must-revalidate and Cache is not fresh.",,"Mise en cache
de CacheControl = must-revalidate; par ailleurs, le cache n est pas actualis.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cached CacheControl = no-cache.",,"Mise en cache de CacheControl = no-cache.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cached CacheControl = no-cache, Removing some headers.",,"Mise en cache de Cach
eControl = no-cache, suppression de certains en-ttes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could be a Partial Cached Response, Size = {0}, Response Content Length = {1}."
,,"Il s agit peut-tre d une rponse partiellement mise en cache, taille = {0}, long
ueur du contenu de la rponse = {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Create operation failed -> {0}.",,"chec de l opration de cration -> {0}.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response Date header value is older than that of the cache entry.",,"La valeur
d en-tte Date de la rponse est plus ancienne que celle de l entre de cache.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Key = {1}, Delete operation failed -> {2}.",,"{0}, cl = {1}, chec de l oprati
on de suppression -> {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disable MaxStale (set to 0).",,"Dsactivez MaxStale (prend la valeur0).",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not update Cached Headers.",,"Ne mettez pas jour les en-ttes mis en cache.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"...Dumping...",,"...Dump...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"...Dumping Cache Context...",,"...Dump du contexte du cache...",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"...Dumping Metadata...",,"...Dump des mtadonnes...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable MaxStale (sec) ={0}.",,"Activez MaxStale (s) ={0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Cache Entry not found, freshness result = Undefined.",,"{0}, entre de cache
introuvable, rsultat de l actualisation = non dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cached Entry Size = {0} is too big, cannot do a range request.",,"Taille de l e
ntre mise en cache = {0} est trop important, impossible d effectuer une demande r
ange.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Error deleting a Filename = {1}.",,"{0}, erreur lors de la suppression d u
n nom de fichier = {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Exception = {1}.",,"{0}, exception = {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}: an exception (ignored) on {1} = {2}.",,"{0}: exception (ignore) sur {1} = {2
}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"An existing cache entry has to be discarded.",,"Une entre de cache existante doi
t tre ignore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An existing cache entry should be discarded.",,"Une entre de cache existante doi
t tre ignore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Existing cache entry should but cannot be removed due to unexpected response St
atus = ({0}) {1}.",,"L entre de cache existante doit tre supprime mais cela est imp
ossible en raison d un code d tat de rponse inattendu = ({0}) {1}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected length (0=none)= {0}.",,"Longueur attendue (0=aucune)= {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
(0=none)= {0}.",,"Expiration
(0=aucune)= {0}.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failing request with the WebExceptionStatus = {0}.",,"chec de la demande avec We
bExceptionStatus = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} -> Filename = {1}, Status = {2}.",,"{0} -> Nom de fichier = {1}, tat = {2}."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response freshness is not within the specified policy limits.",,"L actualisatio
n de la rponse ne fait pas partie des limites de stratgie spcifies.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FTP request method={0}.",,"Mthode de demande FTP ={0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This FTP request is configured to use a proxy through HTTP protocol. Cache reva
lidation and partially cached responses are not supported.",,"Cette demande FTP
est configure pour utiliser un proxy via le protocole HTTP. La revalidation du ca
che et les rponses partiellement mises en cache ne sont pas prises en charge.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FTP Response Status={0}, {1}.",,"Code d tat de rponse FTP={0}, {1}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Caching is not supported for non-binary FTP request mode.",,"La mise en cache n
est pas prise en charge en mode de demande FTP non binaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A response resulted from a HEAD request has different Content-Length header.",,
"Une rponse rsultant d une demande HEAD a un autre en-tte Content-Length.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A response resulted from a HEAD request has different Content-MD5 header.",,"Un
e rponse rsultant d une demande HEAD a un autre en-tte Content-MD5.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A response resulted from a HEAD request has different ETag header.",,"Une rponse
rsultant d une demande HEAD a un autre en-tte ETag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot parse HTTP headers in entry metadata, offending string: {0}.",,"Impossib
le d analyser les en-ttes HTTP dans les mtadonnes de l entre, chane incrimine: {0}.",,
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HttpWebResponse is null.",,"HttpWebResponse est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry Status Line = HTTP/{0} {1} {2}.",,"Ligne d tat de l entre = HTTP/{0} {1} {2
}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot Parse Cache HTTP Status Line: {0}.",,"Impossible d analyser la ligne d ta
t HTTP du cache: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cached version is invalid, assuming HTTP 1.0.",,"La version mise en cache n
est pas valide, HTTP 1.0 pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"{0}, Key = {1}.",,"{0}, cl = {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"{0}, Key = {1}, Remove operation failed -> Status = {2}.",,"{0}, cl = {1}, chec d
e l opration de suppression -> tat = {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"{0}, Key = {1}, -> Status = {2}.",,"{0}, cl = {1}, -> tat = {2}.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
(0=none)= {0}.",,"LastModified
(0=aucun)= {0}.",,"Text",,"Al

l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"HTTP 1.0 Response Last-Modified header value is older than that of the cache en
try.",,"La valeur d en-tte Last-Modified de la rponse HTTP 1.0 est plus ancienne q
ue celle de l entre de cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cache entry last synchronized time = {0}.",,"Heure de la dernire synchronisa
tion de l entre de cache = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Lookup operation failed -> {1}.",,"{0}, chec de l opration de recherche -> {
1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[MaxAge] Absolute time expiration check (sensitive to clock skew), cache Expire
s: {0}.",,"[MaxAge] Vrification de l expiration de l heure absolue (sensible aux
variations d horloges), expiration du cache: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[MaxAge] Cache MaxAge = {0}.",,"[MaxAge] Cache : MaxAge = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[MaxAge] Cache s_MaxAge = {0}.",,"[MaxAge] Cache : s_MaxAge = {0}.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[MaxAge] Cache Expires - Date = {0}, Expires: {1}.",,"[MaxAge] Cache : Expires
- Date = {0}, expiration : {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MaxStale (sec)
= {0}.",,"MaxStale (s)
= {0}.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, MaxStale = {1}, Update Status = {2}.",,"{0}, MaxStale = {1}, tat de mise jo
ur = {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot parse all strings in system metadata as ""name:value"", offending strin
g: {0}."",,""Impossible d analyser toutes les chanes des mtadonnes systme en tant qu
e ""name:value"", chane incrimine: {0}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Multiple/complexe ranges are not implemented.",,"Les plages multiples/complexes
ne sont pas implmentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Need to remove an invalid cache entry with status code == 304(NotModified).",,"
Ncessit de supprimer une entre de cache non valide avec le code d tat == 304(NotModi
fied).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response can be cached although it will always require revalidation.",,"La rpons
e peut tre mise en cache; toutefois, elle ncessitera toujours une revalidation.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} has requested a cache response but the entry does not exist (Stream.Null)."
,,"{0} a demand une rponse du cache mais l entre n existe pas (Stream.Null).",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Nothing was written to the stream, do not commit that cache entry.",,"{0},
rien n a t crit dans le flux, cette entre de cache ne doit pas tre valide.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No request headers are found in cached metadata to test based on the cached res
ponse Vary header.",,"En-ttes de demande introuvables dans les mtadonnes mises en c
ache tester d aprs l en-tte Vary de la rponse mise en cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This Cache Entry does not carry HTTP response headers.",,"Cette entre de cache n
e comporte pas d en-ttes de rponse HTTP.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"[MaxAge] Cannot compute Cache MaxAge, use 10% since LastModified: {0}, LastModi
fied: {1}.",,"[MaxAge] Impossible de calculer le MaxAge du cache, utiliser10% depu
is LastModified: {0}, LastModified: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"[MaxAge] Cannot compute Cache MaxAge, using default RequestCacheValidator.Unspe
cifiedMaxAge: {0}.",,"[MaxAge] Impossible de calculer le MaxAge du cache, utilis
ation de la valeur par dfaut de RequestCacheValidator.UnspecifiedMaxAge: {0}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache is not updated based on the request Method = {0}.",,"Le cache n est pas m
is jour d aprs la mthode de demande = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"This was Not a GET, HEAD or POST request.",,"Ceci n tait pas une demande GET, HE
AD ou POST.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"{0}, Cache is not updated based on the current cache protocol status = {1}.",,"
{0}, le cache n est pas mis jour d aprs l tat du protocole du cache actuel = {1}."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache is not updated based on the FTP response status. Expected = {0}, actual =
{1}.",,"Le cache n est pas mis jour d aprs l tat de la rponse FTP. Attendu = {0},
rel = {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache is not updated based on Policy = {0}.",,"Le cache n est pas mis jour d ap
rs la stratgie = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache is not updated because there is no response associated with the request."
,,"Le cache n est pas mis jour, car il n y a pas de rponse associe la demande.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[Now Time (UTC)] = {0}.",,"[Heure actuelle (UTC)] = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} has requested a cache response but the cached stream is null.",,"{0} a dema
nd une rponse du cache mais le flux mis en cache est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response is null so this Request should fail.",,"La rponse est null; par consquent
, cette demande doit chouer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} exception: {1}.",,"{0} exception: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Ranges other than bytes are not implemented.",,"Les plages qui ne sont pas des
octets ne sont pas implmentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Cache Entry is partial and the user request has non zero ContentOffset = {0}.
A restart from cache is not supported for partial cache entries.",,"Une entre de
cache est partielle; par ailleurs, la demande de l utilisateur a une valeur diffr
ente de zro pour ContentOffset = {0}. Un redmarrage partir du cache n est pas pris
en charge pour les entres de cache partielles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serving Partial Response (206) from cache, Content-Range:{0}.",,"Traitement de
rponse partielle (206) partir du cache, Content-Range:{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A partial response is not combined with existing cache entry, Cache Stream Size
= {0}, response Range Start = {1}.",,"Une rponse partielle n est pas associe une
entre de cache existante, taille du flux du cache = {0}, dbut de la plage de rponse
= {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Client Policy CacheSyncDate (UTC) = {0}, Cache LastSynchronizedUtc = {1}.",,"St
ratgie du client: CacheSyncDate (UTC) = {0}, cache: LastSynchronizedUtc = {1}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Client Policy MaxAge = {0}.",,"Stratgie du client : MaxAge = {0}.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Client Policy MaxStale = {0}.",,"Stratgie du client : MaxStale = {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Client Policy MinFresh = {0}.",,"Stratgie du client : MinFresh = {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"POST Response without Cache-Control or Expires headers.",,"Rponses POST sans entte Cache-Control ou Expires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request Range (not in Cache yet) = Range:{0}.",,"Plage de demande (pas encore d
ans le cache) = Range:{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Serving Request Range from cache, Range:{0}.",,"Traitement de la plage de deman
de partir du cache, Range:{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid format of Request Range:{0}.",,"Format non valide de la demande, Range:
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot serve from Cache, Range:{0}.",,"Traitement impossible partir du cache, R
ange:{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range Request (user specified), Range: {0}.",,"Plage de demande (spcifie par l ut
ilisateur), Range: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Caching protocol has refused the server response. To allow automatic request re
trying set request.AllowAutoRedirect=true.",,"Le protocole de mise en cache a re
jet la rponse du serveur. Pour permettre une tentative de demande automatique, dfin
issez request.AllowAutoRedirect=true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"Existing cache entry is removed since a restarted response was changed on the s
erver, cache LastModified date = {0}, new LastModified date = {1}.",,"L entre de
cache existante est supprime, car une rponse redmarre a t modifie sur le serveur, date
LastModified du cache = {0}, nouvelle date LastModified = {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Existing cache entry is removed based on the request Method = {0}.",,"L entre de
cache existante est supprime d aprs la mthode de demande = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Existing cache entry is removed based on Policy = {0}.",,"L entre de cache exist
ante est supprime d aprs la stratgie = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Existing entry is removed because it was found invalid.",,"L entre existante est
supprime, car elle n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Replacing cache entry metadata with HTTP/1.1 200 OK status line to satisfy HT
TP cache protocol logic.",,"Remplacement des mtadonnes d entre de cache par la lign
e d tat HTTP/1.1 200 OK pour satisfaire la logique du protocole du cache HTTP."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User Request contains a conditional header.",,"La demande utilisateur contient
un en-tte conditionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request Method = {0}.",,"Mthode de demande = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} has requested a combined response but the cached stream is null.",,"{0} a d
emand une rponse associe mais le flux mis en cache est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response==304 or Request was HEAD, updating cache entry.",,"Rponse==304 ou deman
de HEAD, mise jour de l entre de cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Response explicitly allows caching = Cache-Control: {0}.",,"La rponse autorise e
xplicitement la mise en cache = Cache-Control: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response Cache-Control = no-store.",,"Rponse avec Cache-Control = no-store.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response Cache-Control = private, and Cache is public.",,"Rponse avec Cache-Cont
rol = private; par ailleurs, le cache est public.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response Cache-Control = private+Headers, removing those headers.",,"Rponse avec
Cache-Control = private+Headers, suppression de ces en-ttes.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response Cache-Control = public.",,"Rponse avec Cache-Control = public.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response with no CacheControl and Status Code = {0}.",,"Rponse sans CacheControl
et code d tat = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"HttpWebResponse date is older than of the cached one.",,"La date de HttpWebResp
onse est plus ancienne que celle mise en cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response Status = {0}.",,"tat de rponse = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response status == 304 but the cache entry does not exist.",,"tat de rponse == 30
4, mais l entre de cache n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Accept this response as valid based on the retry count = {0}.",,"Accepter cette
rponse comme valide en fonction du nombre de tentatives = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response LastModified={0}, ContentLength= {1}.",,"Rponse : LastModified={0}, C
ontentLength= {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response is valid based on Policy = {0}.",,"La rponse est valide d aprs la stratgi
e = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, result = {1}.",,"{0}, rsultat = {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"{0} has returned a range cache stream, Offset = {1}, Length = {2}.",,"{0} a ret
ourn un flux de cache de plage, offset = {1}, longueur = {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, No cache entry revalidation is needed.",,"{0}, aucune revalidation d entre
de cache n est ncessaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response revalidation is always required but neither Last-Modified nor ETag hea
der is set on the response.",,"La revalidation de la rponse est toujours requise
mais ni l en-tte Last-Modified, ni l en-tte ETag n est dfini dans la rponse.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Saving Request Headers, Vary: {0}.",,"Enregistrement des en-ttes de demande, Var
y: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Server did not satisfy the range: {0}.",,"Le serveur n a pas satisfait la plage:
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set Expires
={0}.",,"Dfinir Expires
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set LastModified
={0}.",,"Dfinir LastModified
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set LastSynchronized
={0}.",,"Dfinir LastSynchronized
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set new Metadata.",,"Dfinir de nouvelles mtadonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Response Status Code is not 304 or 206.",,"Un code d tat de rponse n est pas 30
4 ou 206.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, stream = {1}.",,"{0}, flux = {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Suppressing cache update since the entry was synchronized within the last minut
e.",,"Suppression de la mise jour du cache, car l entre a t synchronise au cours de
la dernire minute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Suppressing cache headers update on 304, new headers don t add anything.",,"Sup
pression de la mise jour des en-ttes du cache sur 304, les nouveaux en-ttes n ajou
teront rien.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A 5XX Response and Cache-Only like policy, serving from cache.",,"Rponse 5XX et
stratgie Cache-Only, traitement partir du cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A 5XX Response that can be replaced by existing cache entry.",,"Rponse 5XX pouva
nt tre remplace par l entre de cache existante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cache protocol method {0} has returned unexpected status: {1}.",,"La mthode
du protocole du cache {0} a retourn un tat inattendu: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update Cached Headers.",,"Mettez jour les en-ttes mis en cache.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, Key = {1}, Update operation failed -> {2}.",,"{0}, cl = {1}, chec de l oprati
on de mise jour -> {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache update is not supported for restarted FTP responses. Restart offset = {0}
.",,"La mise jour du cache n est pas prise en charge pour les rponses FTP redmarres
. Offset de redmarrage = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Updating headers on 304 response.",,"Mise jour des en-ttes sur la rponse 304.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Updating cache entry last synchronized time = {0}.",,"Mise jour de l heure de l
a dernire synchronisation de l entre de cache = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request Uri has a Query, and cached response is from HTTP 1.0 server.",,"L URI
de la demande comporte une requte; par ailleurs, la rponse mise en cache provient d
un serveur HTTP 1.0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Request Uri has a Query, and no explicit expiration time is provided.",,"L URI
de la demande comporte une requte; par ailleurs, aucune heure d expiration explici
te n est fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, UseCount = {1}, File = {2}.",,"{0}, UseCount = {1}, fichier = {2}.",,"Text

",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Valid as fresh or because of Cache Policy = {0}.",,"Valide une fois actualis ou
en raison de la stratgie du cache = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Valid based on Status Code: {0}.",,"Valide d aprs le code d tat: {0}.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resubmitting this request because cache cannot validate the response.",,"Renvoi
de la demande, car le cache ne peut pas valider la rponse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This validator should not be called for policy : {0}.",,"Ce validateur ne doit
pas tre appel pour la stratgie: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache entry Vary header contains * .",,"L en-tte Vary de l entre de cache contie
nt * .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cache entry Vary header is empty.",,"L en-tte Vary de l entre de cache est vide."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All required Request headers match based on cached Vary response header.",,"Tou
s les en-ttes de demande requis correspondent d aprs l en-tte de rponse Vary mis en
cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vary header: Request and cache header fields count does not match, header name
= {0}.",,"En-tte Vary: le nombre de champs d en-tte de la demande et du cache ne co
rrespond pas, nom de l en-tte = {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Vary header: A Cache header field mismatch the request one, header name = {0},
cache field = {1}, request field = {2}.",,"En-tte Vary: le champ d en-tte du cache
ne correspond pas celui de la demande, nom de l en-tte = {0}, champ du cache = {1
}, champ de la demande = {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Certificate is of type X509Certificate2 and contains the private key.",,"Le cer
tificat est de type X509Certificate2 et contient la cl prive.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}#{1} - Closed as idle.",,"{0}#{1} - Ferm car arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find the certificate in either the LocalMachine store or the CurrentUser
store.",,"Certificat introuvable dans le magasin LocalMachine ou CurrentUser.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The hash algorithm is not supported by Digest authentication: {0}.",,"L algorit
hme de hachage n est pas pris en charge par l authentification Digest: {0}.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Quality of Protection value is not supported by Digest authentication: {0}.
",,"La valeur de qualit de protection n est pas prise en charge par l authentific
ation Digest: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A nonce parameter required for Digest authentication was not found or was prece
ded by an invalid parameter.",,"Un paramtre valeur unique requis pour l authentif
ication Digest est introuvable ou a t prcd par un paramtre non valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception in {0}::{1} - {2}.",,"Exception dans {0}::{1} - {2}.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception in callback: {0}.",,"Exception dans le rappel: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trying to find a matching certificate in the certificate store.",,"Tentative d
identification d un certificat correspondant dans le magasin de certificats.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Found the certificate in the {0} store.",,"Certificat trouv dans le magasin {0}.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Got a certificate from the client delegate.",,"Certificat obtenu de la part du
dlgu du client.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t convert bytes {0} into UTF-16 characters: {1}",,"Impossible de converti
r les octets {0} en caractres UTF-16: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Can t convert percent encoded value {0} .",,"Impossible de convertir la valeur
encode de pourcentage {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Can t convert Uri path {0} using encoding {1} .",,"Impossible de convertir l
e chemin d accs l URI {0} l aide de l encodage {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t convert string {0} into UTF-8 bytes: {1}",,"Impossible de convertir la
chane {0} en octets UTF-8: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t create Uri from string {0}://{1}{2}{3} .",,"Impossible de crer l URI part
ir de la chane {0}://{1}{2}{3} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Channel binding check enabled.",,"Vrification de liaison de canal active.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create a valid Identity for an incoming request.",,"Impossible de crer
une identit valide pour une demande entrante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sending 500 response, AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegate threw an exception:
{0}.",,"Envoi d une rponse 500, AuthenticationSchemeSelectorDelegate a lev une exc
eption: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception thrown while reading Registry key {0} : {1}",,"Exception leve lors de
la lecture de la cl de Registre {0} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Can t open Registry key {0} .",,"Impossible d ouvrir la cl de Registre {0} .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No channel binding check because extended protection is disabled.",,"Aucune vrif
ication de liaison de canal, car la protection tendue est dsactive.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No channel binding check for requests without a secure channel.",,"Aucune vrific
ation de liaison de canal pour les demandes sans canal scuris.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No channel binding check because the underlying platform does not support exten
ded protection.",,"Aucune vrification de liaison de canal, car la plateforme sous
-jacente ne prend pas en charge la protection tendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No channel binding check for the trusted proxy scenario.",,"Aucune vrification d
e liaison de canal pour le scnario de proxy approuv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No service name check because the channel binding was already checked.",,"Aucun
e vrification de nom de service, car la liaison de canal a dj t vrifie.",,"Text",,"All
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No service name check because extended protection is disabled.",,"Aucune vrifica
tion de nom de service, car la protection tendue est dsactive.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No explicit service name check because Kerberos authentication already validate
s the service name.",,"Aucune vrification de nom de service explicite, car l auth
entification Kerberos a dj valid le nom de service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No service name check because the authentication was from a client on the local
machine.",,"Aucune vrification de nom de service, car l authentification provena
it d un client sur l ordinateur local.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"No service name check because the underlying platform does not support extended
protection.",,"Aucune vrification de nom de service, car la plateforme sous-jace
nte ne prend pas en charge la protection tendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No service name check because the client did not provide a service name and the
server was configured for PolicyEnforcement.WhenSupported.",,"Aucune vrification
de nom de service, car le client n a pas fourni de nom de service et le serveur
a t configur pour PolicyEnforcement.WhenSupported.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Client provided service name {0} .",,"Nom de service fourni par le client {0}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding default service name {0} from prefix {1} .",,"Ajout du nom de service
par dfaut {0} partir du prfixe {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Service name check failed.",,"chec de la vrification de nom de service.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service name check failed because the client did not provide a service name and
the server was configured for PolicyEnforcement.Always.",,"chec de la vrification
de nom de service, car le client n a pas fourni de nom de service et le serveur
a t configur pour PolicyEnforcement.Always.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Dumping acceptable service names:",,"Dump des noms de services acceptables:",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No acceptable service names were configured!",,"Aucun nom de service acceptable
n a t configur!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No default service name added for prefix {0} .",,"Aucun nom de service par dfau
t n a t ajout pour le prfixe {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No default service name removed for prefix {0} .",,"Aucun nom de service par df
aut n a t supprim pour le prfixe {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Service name check succeeded.",,"Vrification de nom de service russie.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removing default service name {0} from prefix {1} .",,"Suppression du nom de
service par dfaut {0} du prfixe {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Received a request with an unmatched or no authentication scheme. Authenticatio
nSchemes:{0}, Authorization:{1}.",,"Rception d une demande avec un schma d authent
ification incompatible ou manquant. AuthenticationSchemes:{0}, Authorization:{1}
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Received a request with an unsupported authentication scheme, Authorization:{0}
SupportedSchemes:{1}.",,"Rception d une demande avec un schma d authentification
non pris en charge, Authorization:{0} SupportedSchemes:{1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Locating the private key for the certificate: {0}.",,"Localisation de la cl prive
pour le certificat: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method={0}.",,"Mthode={0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Left with {0} client certificates to choose from.",,"Laiss avec un choix de {0}
certificats clients.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Client delegate did not provide a certificate; and there are not other user-pro
vided certificates. Need to attempt a session restart.",,"Le dlgu du client n a pas
fourni de certificat; par ailleurs, il n existe pas d autres certificats fournis
par l utilisateur. Une tentative de redmarrage de session est requise.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Client delegate did not provide a certificate; but there are other user-provid
ed certificates""."",,""Le dlgu du client n a pas fourni de certificat; toutefois, i
l existe d autres certificats fournis par l utilisateur""."",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"We have user-provided certificates. The server has not specified any issuers, s
o try all the certificates.",,"Nous disposons de certificats fournis par l utili
sateur. Le serveur n a pas spcifi d metteurs; par consquent, essayez tous les certifi
cats.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opening Certificate store {0} failed, exception: {1}.",,"chec de l ouverture du
magasin de certificats {0}, exception: {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"{0} returned {1}.",,"{0} a retourn {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"WebProxy failed to autodetect a Uri for a proxy script.",,"WebProxy n a pas pu
dtecter automatiquement un URI pour un script de proxy.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""WebProxy failed to parse the auto-detected location of a proxy script:""{0}""
into a Uri."",,""WebProxy n a pas pu analyser l emplacement dtect automatiquement
d un script de proxy: ""{0}"" dans un URI."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"

"{0} was called with an invalid parameter.",,"{0} a t appel avec un paramtre non val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} was called with a null {1} parameter.",,"{0} a t appel avec un paramtre {1}
null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RAS is not supported. Can t create RasHelper instance.",,"RAS n est pas pris en
charge. Impossible de crer une instance RasHelper.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RAS supported: {0}",,"RAS pris en charge: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebProxy caught an exception while downloading/compiling the proxy script: {0}
.",,"WebProxy a intercept une exception lors du tlchargement/de la compilation du s
cript de proxy: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebProxy caught an exception while executing the ScriptReturn script: {0}.",,"W
ebProxy a intercept une exception lors de l excution du script ScriptReturn: {0}.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ScriptEngine was notified of a potential change in the system s proxy settings
and will update WebProxy settings.",,"ScriptEngine a reu une notification concern
ant une modification potentielle des paramtres proxy du systme et va mettre jour l
es paramtres WebProxy.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ScriptEngine was notified of a change in the IP configuration and will update W
ebProxy settings.",,"ScriptEngine a reu une notification concernant une modificat
ion de la configuration IP et va mettre jour les paramtres WebProxy.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t open WinHttp session. Error code: {0}.",,"Impossible d ouvrir une session
WinHTTP. Code d erreur : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t retrieve proxy settings for Uri {0} . Error code: {1}.",,"Impossible de
rcuprer les paramtres du proxy pour l URI {0} . Code d erreur: {1}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t specify proxy discovery timeout. Error code: {0}.",,"Impossible de spcifie
r l expiration du dlai de dcouverte du proxy. Code d erreur: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Received headers\r\n{{\r\n{0}}}.",,"En-ttes reus\r\n{{\r\n{0}}}.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Received response [{0}]",,"Rponse reue [{0}]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Received status line: Version={0}, StatusCode={1}, StatusDescription={2}.",,"Li
gne d tat reue: Version={0}, StatusCode={1}, StatusDescription={2}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Releasing FTP connection#{0}.",,"Libration de la connexion FTP # {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remote certificate has errors:",,"Le certificat distant comporte des erreurs:",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remote certificate has no errors.",,"Le certificat distant ne comporte pas d er
reurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Certificate name mismatch.",,"Incompatibilit du nom du certificat.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remote server did not provide a certificate.",,"Le serveur distant n a pas
fourni de certificat.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remote certificate was verified as invalid by the user.",,"Le certificat distan
t a t vrifi comme tant non valide par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remote certificate was verified as valid by the user.",,"Le certificat distant
a t vrifi comme tant valide par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Remote certificate: {0}.",,"Certificat distant: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A resolved ServicePoint host could be wrongly considered as a remote server.",,
"Un hte ServicePoint rsolu peut tre considr tort comme un serveur distant.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resubmitting request.",,"Renvoi de la demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework

",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unexpected exception while retrieving the local address list: {0}.",,"Except
ion inattendue lors de la rcupration de la liste d adresses locales: {0}.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected certificate: {0}.",,"Certificat slectionn: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sending command [{0}]",,"Envoi de la commande [{0}]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sending headers\r\n{{\r\n{0}}}.",,"Envoi des en-ttes\r\n{{\r\n{0}}}.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"We have user-provided certificates. The server has specified {0} issuer(s). Loo
king for certificates that match any of the issuers.",,"Nous disposons de certif
icats fournis par l utilisateur. Le serveur a spcifi {0} metteur(s). Recherche des
certificats qui correspondent aux metteurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Error code {0} was received from server response.",,"Le code d erreur {0} a t reu
partir de la rponse du serveur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ShellServices.ShellExpression.Parse() was called with a badly formatted patter
n :{0}.",,"ShellServices.ShellExpression.Parse() a t appel avec un pattern mis en
forme de manire incorrecte:{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Accepted connection from {0} to {1}.",,"Connexion accepte entre {0} et {1}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connecting to a DnsEndPoint.",,"Connexion un DnsEndPoint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Created connection from {0} to {1}.",,"Connexion cre entre {0} et {1}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not logging data from file: {0}.",,"Pas de consignation des donnes partir du fic
hier : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumerating security packages:",,"numration des packages de scurit:",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}(In-Buffer length={1}, Out-Buffer length={2}, returned code={3}).",,"{0}(lon
gueur de In-Buffer={1}, longueur de Out-Buffer={2}, code retourn={3}).",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}(In-Buffers count={1}, Out-Buffer length={2}, returned code={3}).",,"{0}(nom
bre de In-Buffer={1}, longueur de Out-Buffer={2}, code retourn={3}).",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security package {0} was not found.",,"Le package de scurit {0} est introuvab
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}(Protocol={1}, Cipher={2} {3} bit strength, Hash={4} {5} bit strength, Key E
xchange={6} {7} bit strength).",,"{0}(Protocole={1}, chiffrement={2} force de bi
ts {3}, hachage={4} force de bits {5}, change de cl={6} force de bits {7}).",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected exception in {0}.",,"Exception inattendue dans {0}.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"unknown",,"Inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using the cached credential handle.",,"Utilisation du gestionnaire d informatio
ns d identification mises en cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Too many addresses to sort. The maximum number of addresses allowed are {0}.",,
"Nombre d adresses trier trop important. Le nombre maximum d adresses autoris est
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum number of service points was exceeded.",,"Le nombre maximum de poin
ts de service a t dpass.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""Multiple buffers cannot be used with this method."";"",,""""Plusieurs mmoires
tampons ne peuvent pas tre utilises avec cette mthode."";"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must provide a request body if you set ContentLength>0 or SendChunked==true
. Do this by calling [Begin]GetRequestStream before [Begin]GetResponse.",,"Vous
devez fournir un corps de la demande si vous avez dfini ContentLength>0 ou SendC
hunked==true. Pour ce faire, appelez [Begin]GetRequestStream avant [Begin]GetRes

ponse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The {0} parameter must represent a valid Uri (see inner exception).",,"Le paramt
re {0} doit reprsenter un URI valide (consultez l exception interne).",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requirement for mutual authentication was not met by the remote server.",,"
La condition d authentification mutuelle requise n a pas t remplie par le serveur
distant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This request requires buffering data to succeed.",,"Pour aboutir avec succs, cet
te demande requiert la mise en mmoire tampon des donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TransferEncoding requires the SendChunked property to be set to true.",,"Transf
erEncoding requiert que la proprit SendChunked ait la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There were not enough free threads in the ThreadPool to complete the operation.
",,"Le nombre de threads libres dans le ThreadPool n est pas suffisant pour term
iner l opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"100-Continue may not be set using this property.",,"100-Continue ne peut pas tre
dfini l aide de cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified value does not contain a class attribute.",,"La valeur spcifie ne con
tient pas un attribut de classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream does not support concurrent IO read or write operations.",,"Le flux
ne prend pas en charge les oprations de lecture ou d criture d E/S simultanes.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value class attribute is not valid.",,"L attribut de classe de la valeur n
est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chunked encoding must be set via the SendChunked property.",,"L encodage mmoris e
n bloc doit tre dfini via la proprit SendChunked.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Chunked encoding upload is not supported on the HTTP/1.0 protocol.",,"Le transf
ert d encodage mmoris en bloc n est pas pris en charge par le protocole HTTP/1.0."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Content-Length or Chunked Encoding cannot be set for an operation that does not
write data.",,"Content-Length ou l encodage mmoris ne peut pas tre dfini pour une o
pration ne permettant pas l criture de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Default credentials cannot be supplied for the {0} authentication scheme.",,"Le
s informations d identification par dfaut ne peuvent pas tre fournies pour le schma
d authentification {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A non-CLS Compliant Exception (i.e. an object that does not derive from System.
Exception) was thrown.",,"Une exception non conforme CLS (soit un objet non driv d
e System.Exception) a t leve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The URI scheme for the supplied IWebProxy has the illegal value {0} . Only ht
tp is supported.",,"Le schma d URI pour le IWebProxy fourni a la valeur non conf
orme {0} . Seul http est pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream does not support seek operations.",,"Ce flux ne prend pas en charge
les oprations de recherche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified value does not contain IPermission as its tag.",,"La valeur spcifie n
e contient pas la balise IPermission .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The operation is not allowed on non-connected sockets.",,"Cette opration n est p
as autorise sur des sockets non connects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The operation is not allowed on non-stream oriented sockets.",,"Cette opration n
est pas autorise sur des sockets qui ne sont pas orients vers le flux.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The supplied string is not a valid HTTP token.",,"La chane fournie n est pas un
jeton HTTP valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot send a content-body with this verb-type.",,"Impossible d envoyer un corp
s de contenu avec ce type de verbe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Sum of offset and count cannot be greater than the length of the buffer.",,"La
somme et le nombre d offsets ne peuvent pas tre suprieurs la longueur de la mmoire
tampon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current OS installation type is {0} .",,"Le type d installation du systme d exp
loitation actuelest {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be a string instead of {0}.",,"L argument doit tre une chane et non
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t queue counter initialization logic on a thread pool thread. System.Net pe
rformance counters will not be available.",,"Impossible de mettre en file d atte
nte la logique d initialisation des compteurs dans un pool de threads. Les compt
eurs de performance System.Net ne seront pas disponibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.Net performance counter initialization started.",,"L initialisation des
compteurs de performance System.Net a dmarr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"System.Net performance counters initialization completed with errors. See Syste
m.Net trace file for more information.",,"L initialisation des compteurs de perf
ormance System.Net s est termine avec des erreurs. Pour plus d informations, cons
ultez le fichier de suivi System.Net.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"System.Net performance counters initialization completed successful.",,"L initi
alisation des compteurs de performance System.Net s est correctement termine.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Performance counter category {0} doesn t exist. No System.Net performance cou
nter values available.",,"La catgorie du compteur de performance {0} n existe p
as. Aucune valeur de compteur de performance System.Net n est disponible.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value for {0} must be specified.",,"La valeur pour {0} doit tre spcifie.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The permission {0}={1} cannot be added. Add a separate Attribute statement.",
,"L autorisation {0}={1} ne peut pas tre ajoute. Ajoutez une instruction Attribu
te spare.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot subset Regex. Only support if both patterns are identical.",,"Impossible
de crer un sous-ensemble de Regex. Pris en charge uniquement si les deux modles s
ont identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument value {0} is invalid for creating a SocketPermission object.",,"
La valeur d argument {0} n est pas valide pour la cration d un objet SocketPerm
ission.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter value {0}={1} is invalid.",,"La valeur du paramtre {0}={1} n e
st pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} element contains one or more invalid values.",,"L lment {0} contient
une ou plusieurs valeurs non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"There are no permissions to check.",,"Aucune autorisation vrifier.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot cast target permission type.",,"Impossible d effectuer un cast du type T
arget Permission.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred during a Ping request.",,"Une exception s est produite lo
rs d une demande PING.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} Client can only accept InterNetwork or InterNetworkV6 addresses.",,"Le cl
ient {0} peut uniquement accepter des adresses InterNetwork ou InterNetworkV6.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multicast family is not the same as the family of the {0} Client.",,"La famil
le multicast n est pas la mme que la famille du client {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value is not a valid day of the week.",,"La valeur spcifie n est pa
s un jour valide de la semaine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The system proxy settings contain an invalid proxy server setting: {0} .",,"Le
s paramtres du proxy systme contiennent un paramtre de serveur proxy non valide: {0

} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The specified value is not a valid GMT time.",,"La valeur spcifie n est pas une h
eure GMT valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ServicePointManager does not support proxies with the {0} scheme.",,"Le Ser
vicePointManager ne prend pas en charge les proxies avec le schma {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The From or To parameter cannot be less than 0.",,"Le paramtre From ou To ne peu
t pas tre infrieur 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A different range specifier has already been added to this request.",,"Un autre
spcificateur Range a dj t ajout cette demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
ue 4.5.1"
"The stream does not support writing.",,"Le flux ne prend pas en charge l criture
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebPermission demand failed for redirect URI.",,"chec de la requte WebPermission
pour l URI de redirection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot re-call BeginGetRequestStream/BeginGetResponse while a previous call is
still in progress.",,"Impossible de rappeler BeginGetRequestStream/BeginGetRespo
nse lorsqu un appel prcdent est en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"This operation cannot be performed after the request has been submitted.",,"Cet
te opration ne peut pas tre effectue aprs qu une demande a t envoye.",,"Text",,"All",,
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request was aborted: {0}.",,"La demande a t abandonne: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred on an automatic resubmission of the request.",,"Une erreur s
est produite lors de la nouvelle soumission automatique de la demande.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot handle redirect from HTTP/HTTPS protocols to other dissimilar ones.",,"I
mpossible de grer la redirection partir des protocoles HTTP/HTTPS vers d autres p
rotocoles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to revert the thread token after authenticating a Web Request.",,"Imposs
ible de retourner le jeton du thread aprs l authentification d une requte Web.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation cannot be performed after the response has been submitted.",,"Im
possible d effectuer cette opration aprs avoir soumis la rponse.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested security package is not supported.",,"Le package de scurit demand n
est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested security protocol is not supported.",,"Le protocole de scurit deman
d n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remote server returned an error: {0}.",,"Le serveur distant a retourn une er
reur: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property is not supported for protocols that do not use URI.",,"Cette prop
rit n est pas prise en charge pour les protocoles qui n utilisent pas l URI.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to impersonate a thread doing authentication of a Web Request.",,"Imposs
ible d emprunter l identit d un thread qui authentifie une requte Web.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""An asynchronous socket operation is already in progress using this SocketAsy
ncEventArgs instance."";"",,""""Une opration socket asynchrone est dj en cours qui
utilise cette instance de SocketAsyncEventArgs."";"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation is not allowed on a non-blocking Socket.",,"Cette opration n est p
as autorise sur un socket non bloquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Once the socket has been disconnected, you can only accept again asynchronously
. BeginAccept must be called on a thread that won t exit until the operation ha
s been completed.",,"Une fois le socket dconnect, vous pouvez uniquement l accepte
r de nouveau de manire asynchrone. BeginAccept doit tre appel sur un thread qui ne
fermera pas tant que l opration n a pas t mene terme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Once the socket has been disconnected, you can only reconnect again asynchronou
sly, and only to a different EndPoint. BeginConnect must be called on a thread
that won t exit until the operation has been completed.",,"Une fois le socket dco
nnect, vous pouvez uniquement le reconnecter de manire asynchrone, et sur un point
de terminaison (EndPoint) diffrent. BeginConnect doit tre appel sur un thread qui
ne fermera pas tant que l opration n a pas t mene terme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All lists are either null or empty.",,"Toutes les listes ont une valeur null ou
sont vides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parameter {0} must not be of type DnsEndPoint.",,"Le paramtre {0} ne doit pa
s tre de type DnsEndPoint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of specified IP addresses has to be greater than 0.",,"Le nombre des
adresses IP spcifies doit tre suprieur 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The specified value is not a valid {0} .",,"La valeur spcifie n est pas un {0}
valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value is not valid.",,"La valeur spcifie n est pas valide.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value for the socket information is invalid.",,"La valeur spcifie p
our les informations du socket n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""This operation is only valid for IPv6 Sockets."";"",,""""Cette opration est u
niquement valide pour les sockets IPv6."";"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"You must call the Bind method before performing this operation.",,"Vous devez a
ppeler la mthode Bind avant d effectuer cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must call the Listen method before performing this operation.",,"Vous devez
appeler la mthode Listen avant d effectuer cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The socket must not be bound or connected.",,"Le socket ne doit pas tre li ou con
nect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You may not perform this operation after calling the Listen method.",,"Vous ne
pouvez pas effectuer cette opration aprs avoir appel la mthode Listen.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}: The socket must not be bound or connected.",,"{0} : Le socket ne doit pas t
re li ou connect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BeginConnect cannot be called while another asynchronous operation is in progre
ss on the same Socket.",,"Impossible d appeler BeginConnect pendant qu une autre
opration asynchrone est en cours sur le mme Socket.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation is not allowed on objects of type {0}. Use only objects of type {
1}.",,"Cette opration n est pas autorise sur les objets de type {0}. Utilisez uniq
uement des objets de type {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The {0} list contains too many items; a maximum of {1} is allowed.",,"La liste
{0} contient trop d lments. Le nombre maximal autoris est {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use the Blocking property to change the status of the Socket.",,"Utilisez la pr
oprit Blocking pour modifier l tat du socket.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The parameter {0} must contain one or more elements.",,"Le paramtre {0} doit con
tenir un ou plusieurs lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Async context creation failed.",,"chec de la cration d un contexte asynchrone.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remote certificate is invalid according to the validation procedure.",,"Le
certificat distant n est pas valide selon la procdure de validation.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The security context has expired.",,"Le contexte de scurit a expir.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The stream is corrupted due to an invalid SSL version number in the SSL protoco
l header.",,"Le flux a t endommag suite un numro de version SSL non valide dans l en
-tte du protocole SSL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The handshake failed due to an unexpected packet format.",,"chec du protocole de
transfert en raison d un format de paquet inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The handshake failed, see inner exception.",,"chec du protocole de transfert, co
nsultez l exception interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The handshake failed. The remote side has dropped the stream.",,"chec du protoco
le de transfert. Le ct distant a supprim le flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} cannot be called when another {1} operation is pending.",,"{0} ne peut tre a
ppel lorsqu une autre opration {1} est en attente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server mode SSL must use a certificate with the associated private key.",,"
Le mode SSL serveur doit utiliser un certificat avec la cl prive associe.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Security Service Providers don t support extended protection. Please instal
l the latest Security Service Providers update.",,"Les fournisseurs de service d
e scurit ne prennent pas en charge la protection tendue. Installez la dernire mise j
our des fournisseurs de service de scurit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Not listening. You must call the Start() method before calling this method.",,"
Pas l coute. Vous devez appeler la mthode Start() avant d appeler cette mthode.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TcpListener must not be listening before performing this operation.",,"Le T
cpListener ne doit pas couter avant d effectuer cette opration.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SSL version is not supported.",,"La version SSL n est pas prise en charge."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many automatic redirections were attempted.",,"Les tentatives de redirectio
n automatique ont t trop nombreuses.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The size of {0} is too long. It cannot be longer than {1} characters.",,"La tai
lle de {0} est trop importante. Elle ne peut pas dpasser {1} caractres.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value must be greater than 0.",,"La valeur spcifie doit tre suprieure
0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot send packets to an arbitrary host while connected.",,"Impossible d envoy
er des paquets un hte arbitraire lors d une connexion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown Windows installation type {0} .",,"Type d installation Windows inconnu
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The URI prefix is not recognized.",,"Le prfixe URI n est pas reconnu.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A URI scheme name {0} already has a registered custom parser.",,"Un nom de mo
dle URI {0} dispose dj d un analyseur personnalis inscrit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: The Authority/Host could not be parsed.",,"URI non valide: Impossib
le d analyser l autorit/hte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: The Authority/Host cannot end with a backslash character ( \ ).",,
"URI non valide : L autorit/hte ne peut pas se terminer par une barre oblique inve
rse ( \ ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: The format of the URI could not be determined.",,"URI non valide: I
mpossible de dterminer le format de l URI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: The hostname could not be parsed.",,"URI non valide: Impossible d a
nalyser le nom d hte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: Invalid port specified.",,"URI non valide : Port non valide spcifi."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Invalid URI: The URI scheme is not valid.",,"URI non valide: Le modle URI n est p
as valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: There is an invalid sequence in the string.",,"URI non valide: il e
xiste une squence non valide dans la chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"An invalid Unicode character by IDN standards was specified in the host.",,"Un
caractre Unicode non valide selon les normes IDN a t spcifi dans l hte.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: The username:password construct is badly formed.",,"URI non valide:
La construction nom d utilisateur:mot de passe est incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A relative URI cannot be created because the uriString parameter represents a
n absolute URI.",,"Impossible de crer un URI relatif, car le paramtre uriString
reprsente un URI absolu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: The URI is empty.",,"URI non valide: L URI est vide.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The generic authority {0} is not a valid dns name.",,"L autorit gnrique {0} n
est pas un nom DNS valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value {0} passed for the UriKind parameter is invalid.",,"La valeur {0}
passe pour le paramtre UriKind n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: A Dos path must be rooted, for example, c:\ .",,"URI non valide :
Un chemin DOS doit tre associ une racine telle que c:\ .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The URI parser instance passed into uriParser parameter is already registered
with the scheme name {0} .",,"L instance de l analyseur URI passe dans le paramt
re uriParser est dj inscrite avec le nom de modle {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation is not supported for a relative URI.",,"Cette opration n est pas
prise en charge pour un URI relatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"UriComponents.SerializationInfoString must not be combined with other UriCompon
ents.",,"UriComponents.SerializationInfoString ne doit pas tre combin d autres Uri
Components.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A derived type {0} has reported an invalid value for the Uri port {1} .",,"U
n type driv {0} a signal une valeur non valide pour le port URI {1} .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: The Uri scheme is too long.",,"URI non valide : Le modle URI est tr
op long.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid URI: The Uri string is too long.",,"URI non valide: La chane de l URI est
trop longue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A derived type {0} is responsible for parsing this Uri instance. The base imp
lementation must not be used.",,"Un type driv {0} est charg de l analyse de cette
instance d URI. L implmentation de base ne doit pas tre utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value cannot be negative.",,"La valeur spcifie ne peut pas tre ngativ
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An exception occurred during a WebClient request.",,"Une exception s est produi
te lors d une requte WebClient.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Content-Type header cannot be changed from its default value for this reque
st.",,"L en-tte Content-Type ne peut pas changer de valeur par dfaut pour cette de
mande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Content-Type header cannot be set to a multipart type for this request.",,"
Impossible d affecter un type multipart l en-tte Content-Type pour cette demande.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value is not a valid base address.",,"La valeur spcifie n est pas u
ne adresse de base valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebClient does not support concurrent I/O operations.",,"WebClient ne prend pas
en charge des oprations d E/S simultanes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"

"The request cache-only policy does not allow a network request and the response
is not found in cache",,"La stratgie de cache n autorise pas une demande rseau et
la rponse est introuvable dans le cache",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to connect to the remote server",,"Impossible de se connecter au serveur
distant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The connection was closed unexpectedly",,"La connexion a t interrompue de manire i
nattendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A connection that was expected to be kept alive was closed by the server",,"Le
serveur a ferm une connexion qui devait tre maintenue active",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The message length limit was exceeded",,"La limite de longueur du message a t dpas
se",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remote name could not be resolved",,"Le nom distant n a pas pu tre rsolu",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A pipeline failure occurred",,"chec du pipeline",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The proxy name could not be resolved",,"Le nom du proxy n a pas pu tre rsolu",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unexpected error occurred on a receive",,"Une erreur inattendue s est produi
te lors de la rception",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request was canceled",,"La demande a t annule",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request could not be satisfied using a cache-only policy",,"Impossible de s
atisfaire la demande l aide d une stratgie de cache",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The IWebProxy object associated with the request did not allow the request to p
roceed",,"L objet IWebProxy associ la demande n a pas permis la demande de poursu
ivre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not create SSL/TLS secure channel",,"Impossible de crer un canal scuris SSL/
TLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unexpected error occurred on a send",,"Une erreur inattendue s est produite
lors de l envoi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The server committed a protocol violation",,"Le serveur a commis une violation
de protocole",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Status success",,"tat Success",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation has timed out",,"Le dlai d attente de l opration a expir.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not establish trust relationship for the SSL/TLS secure channel",,"Imposs
ible d tablir une relation de confiance pour le canal scuris SSL/TLS",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream does not support reading.",,"Le flux ne prend pas en charge la lectu
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This property cannot be set after writing has started.",,"Impossible de dfinir l
a proprit aprs le dbut de l criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only HTTP/1.0 and HTTP/1.1 version requests are currently supported.",,"Seules
les demandes des versions HTTP/1.0 et HTTP/1.1 sont prises en charge.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ServiceNameCollection must contain at least one service name.",,"ServiceNam
eCollection doit contenir au moins un nom de service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To construct a policy with PolicyEnforcement.Never, the single-parameter constr
uctor must be used.",,"Pour construire une stratgie avec PolicyEnforcement.Never,
le constructeur paramtre unique doit tre utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation requires OS support for extended protection.",,"Cette opration re
quiert la prise en charge du systme d exploitation pour la protection tendue.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A service name must not be null or empty.",,"Un nom de service ne doit pas tre n
ull ni vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"(unknown)",,"(inconnu)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Color Picker",,"Slecteur de couleurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Web",,"Web",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System",,"Systme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alignment Picker",,"Slecteur d alignement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Bottom Center",,"Infrieur centre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bottom Left",,"Infrieur gauche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bottom Right",,"Infrieur droit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle Center",,"Milieu centre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle Left",,"Milieu gauche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle Right",,"Milieu droit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top Center",,"Suprieur centre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top Left",,"Suprieur gauche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top Right",,"Suprieur droit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The assembly {0} could not be loaded.",,"Impossible de charger l assembly {0
} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The toolbox item could not be retrieved from the toolbox. Try removing the ite
m from the toolbox and adding it back.",,"Impossible de rcuprer l lment de bote outil
s partir de la bote outils. Essayez de supprimer l lment de la bote outils, puis aj
utez-le de nouveau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The toolbox item could not be retrieved from the toolbox. Make sure the assemb
ly that contains the toolbox item is correctly installed. The toolbox item rais
ed the following error: {0}",,"Impossible de rcuprer l lment de bote outils partir d
la bote outils. Vrifiez que l assembly qui contient l lment de bote outils est corr
ctement install. L lment de bote outils a dclench l erreur suivante: {0}",,"Text",,"
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The toolbox item cannot be deserialized due to lack of serializer.",,"L lment de
bote outils ne peut pas tre dsrialis car il n y a pas de srialiseur.",,"Text",,"All",
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bitmap files",,"Fichiers bitmap",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Icon files",,"Fichiers icne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Metafiles",,"Mtafichiers",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changes cannot be made to {0} because permissions are not valid.",,"Des modific
ations ne peuvent pas tre apportes {0}, car les autorisations ne sont pas valides.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bitmaps that are icons cannot be made transparent. Icons natively support trans
parency. Use the Icon constructor to create an icon.",,"Les bitmaps qui sont des
icnes ne peuvent pas tre transparentes. Les icnes prennent en charge la transparen
ce en mode natif. Utilisez le constructeur Icon pour crer une icne.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(printer name protected due to security restrictions)",,"(nom de l imprimante p
rotg en raison de restrictions de scurit)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The color {0} is not a system color.",,"La couleur {0} n est pas une couleur sy
stme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GetObjectType on this dc returned an invalid value.",,"GetObjectType a retourn u
ne valeur non valide dans ce contrleur de domaine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function was ended.",,"Arrt de la fonction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"File access is denied.",,"Accs au fichier refus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Graphics object cannot be created from an image that has an indexed pixel for
mat.",,"Un objet Graphics ne peut pas tre cr partir d une image au format de pixel
index.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetPixel is not supported for images with indexed pixel formats.",,"SetPixel n
est pas pris en charge pour les images avec des formats de pixel index.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Destination points must be an array with a length of 3 or 4. A length of 3 defi

nes a parallelogram with the upper-left, upper-right, and lower-left corners. A
length of 4 defines a quadrilateral with the fourth element of the array specify
ing the lower-right coordinate.",,"Les points de destination doivent correspondr
e un tableau de longueur 3 ou 4. Une longueur de 3 dfinit un paralllogramme par se
s sommets situs en haut et gauche, en haut et droite et en bas et gauche. Une lon
gueur de 4 dfinit un quadrilatre dont le quatrime lment du tableau spcifie les coordon
nes de l angle situ en bas et droite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Destination points define a parallelogram which must have a length of 3. These
points will represent the upper-left, upper-right, and lower-left coordinates (d
efined in that order).",,"Les points de destination dfinissent un paralllogramme q
ui doit tre de longueur 3. Ces points, dfinis dans l ordre suivant, reprsentent les
coordonnes des angles situs en haut gauche, en haut droite et en bas gauche.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File not found.",,"Fichier introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Font {0} cannot be found.",,"Impossible de trouver la police {0} .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Font {0} does not support style {1} .",,"La police {0} ne prend pas en cha
rge le style {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A generic error occurred in GDI+.",,"Une erreur gnrique s est produite dans GDI+.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Buffer is too small (internal GDI+ error).",,"Mmoire tampon trop petite (Erreur
GDI+ interne).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter is not valid.",,"Le paramtre n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rectangle {0} cannot have a width or height equal to 0.",,"Le rectangle {0}
ne peut pas avoir une largeur ou une hauteur gale 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation requires a transformation of the image from GDI+ to GDI. GDI does not
support images with a width or height greater than 32767.",,"L opration requiert
une transformation de l image de GDI+ vers GDI. GDI ne prend pas en charge les
images avec une largeur ou une hauteur suprieure 32767.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not implemented.",,"Non implment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GDI+ is not properly initialized (internal GDI+ error).",,"GDI+ n est pas corre
ctement initialis (Erreur GDI+ interne).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Only TrueType fonts are supported. {0} is not a TrueType font.",,"Seules les
polices TrueType sont prises en charge. {0} n est pas une police TrueType.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only TrueType fonts are supported. This is not a TrueType font.",,"Seules les p
olices TrueType sont prises en charge. Cette police n est pas une police TrueTyp
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object is currently in use elsewhere.",,"L objet est actuellement utilis ailleur
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Out of memory.",,"Mmoire insuffisante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Overflow error.",,"Erreur de dpassement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Property cannot be found.",,"La proprit est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property is not supported.",,"La proprit n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown GDI+ error occurred.",,"Une erreur GDI+ inconnue s est produite.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image format is unknown.",,"Format d image inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current version of GDI+ does not support this feature.",,"La version actuelle d

e GDI+ ne prend pas en charge cette fonctionnalit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bitmap region is already locked.",,"Rgion bitmap dj verrouille.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Global Assembly Cache)",,"(Global Assembly Cache)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BufferedGraphicsContext cannot be disposed of because a buffer operation is cur
rently in progress.",,"Impossible de supprimer BufferedGraphicsContext, car la mm
oire tampon est actuellement en cours d utilisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Screen-compatible bitmap cannot be created. The screen bitmap format cannot be
determined.",,"Impossible de crer une bitmap compatible avec l cran. Le format bit
map cran ne peut pas tre dtermin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal state of the {1} class is invalid.",,"L tat interne de la classe {1} n
est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property must be set to a valid ColorBlend object to use interpolation colors."
,,"Pour utiliser les couleurs avec interpolation, la proprit doit avoir la valeur
d un objet ColorBlend valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}{1} ColorBlend objects must be constructed with the same number of positions
and color values. Positions must be between 0.0 and 1.0, 1.0 indicating the las
t element in the array.",,"{0}{1}Les objets ColorBlend doivent tre construits ave
c le mme nombre de valeurs de positions et de couleur. Les positions doivent tre c
omprises entre 0.0 et 1.0., 1.0 tant le dernier lment du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ColorBlend object that was set is not valid.",,"Un objet ColorBlend non valide
a t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Position s last element must be equal to 1.0.",,"La position du dernier lment doi
t tre gale 1.0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Position s first element must be equal to 0.",,"La position du premier lment doit
tre gale 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array of colors and positions must contain at least two elements.",,"Le tableau
des couleurs et des positions doit contenir au moins 2 lments.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Colors and positions do not have the same number of elements.",,"Les couleurs e
t les positions n ont pas le mme nombre d lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} .",,"La valeur de {1} n est pas valide p
our {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} should be greater than {2} and les
s than or equal to {3}.",,"La valeur de {1} n est pas valide pour {0} . {0}
doit tre suprieur {2} et infrieur ou gal {3}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Class name is not valid.",,"Le nom de la classe n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Color {0} is not valid.",,"La couleur {0} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DashPattern value is not valid.",,"La valeur DashPattern n est pas valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} should be greater than or equal to
{2} and less than or equal to {3}.",,"La valeur de {1} n est pas valide pour
{0} . {0} doit tre suprieur ou gal {2} et infrieur ou gal {3}.",,"Text",,"All",,"
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Frame is not valid. Frame must be between 0 and FrameCount.",,"Frame non valide
. La valeur de frame doit tre comprise entre0 et la valeur de FrameCount.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Win32 handle that was passed to {0} is not valid or is the wrong type.",,"Le ha
ndle Win32 pass {0} n est pas valide ou d un type incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image type is unknown.",,"Type d image inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} must be greater than or equal to {
2}.",,"La valeur de {1} n est pas valide pour {0} . {0} doit tre suprieur ou g
al {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission level is not valid.",,"Niveau d autorisation non valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission state is not valid.",,"tat d autorisation non valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be a picture that can be used as a {1}.",,"L argument {0}
doit tre une image qui peut tre utilise en tant que {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Settings to access printer {0} are not valid.",,"Les paramtres d accs l imprima
nte {0} ne sont pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No printers are installed.",,"Aucune imprimante n est installe.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handle {0} is not valid.",,"Le handle {0} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Native handle is 0.",,"Le handle natif est gal 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default printer is not set.",,"L imprimante par dfaut n est pas dfinie.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the document is about to be printed.",,"Se produit lorsque le docum
ent va tre imprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the document shown to the user.",,"Le nom du document affich l utili
sateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The page settings of the page currently being printed.",,"Les paramtres de la pa
ge en cours d impression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs after the document has been printed.",,"Se produit une fois que le docum
ent a t imprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates that the graphics origin is located at the user-specified page margin
s.",,"Indique que l origine du graphisme est situe dans les marges de la page spci
fies par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the print controller for this document.",,"Extrait le contrleur d impr
ession pour ce document.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs once for each page to be printed.",,"Se produit une fois pour chaque pag
e imprimer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the settings for the printer the document is currently being printed
to.",,"Extrait les paramtres de l imprimante sur laquelle le document est en cour
s d impression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs before each page is printed. Useful for changing PageSettings for a par
ticular page.",,"Se produit avant que chaque page soit imprime. Utile pour change
r PageSettings pour une page spcifique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"PaperSize cannot be changed unless the Kind property is set to Custom.",,"Impos
sible de changer PaperSize sauf si la proprit Kind a la valeur Custom.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines an object that sends output to a printer.",,"Dfinit un objet qui envoie
les sorties vers une imprimante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission level must be between PrintingPermissionLevel.NoPrinting and Printin
gPermissionLevel.AllPrinting.",,"Le niveau d autorisation doit tre entre Printing
PermissionLevel.NoPrinting et PrintingPermissionLevel.AllPrinting.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML is not valid.",,"Xml non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"IDictionary parameter contains at least one entry that is not valid. Ensure all
values are consistent with the object s properties.",,"Le paramtre IDictionary c
ontient au moins une entre non valide. Assurez-vous que toutes les valeurs corres
pondent aux proprits de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource {1} cannot be found in class {0} .",,"La ressource {1} est introu
vable dans la classe {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Target does not have permission to print.",,"La cible ne dispose pas des autori

sations pour imprimer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Text ""{0}"" cannot be parsed. The expected text format is ""{1}""."",,""Impos
sible d analyser le texte ""{0}"". Le format du texte attendu est ""{1}""."",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument should be a non-empty string.",,"L argument ne peut pas tre une chane vi
de.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} requires an argument of type {1}.",,"La proprit {0} requiert un argu
ment de type {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toolbox item cannot be modified.",,"L lment de bote outils ne peut pas tre modifi.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type {0} is not serializable. Items added to a property dictionary must be
serializable.",,"Le type de donnes {0} n est pas srialisable. Les lments ajouts un d
ictionnaire de proprits doivent tre srialisables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TriState.Default cannot be converted into a Boolean.",,"Impossible de convertir
TriState.Default en boolen.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be positive and < Width.",,"Le paramtre doit tre positif et infrieu
r la largeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be positive and < Height.",,"Le paramtre doit tre positif et infrie
ur la hauteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Icon)",,"(Icne)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are valid conversions from {0} to {1}.",,"Il y a des conversions valides
de {0} en {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM object does not support events.",,"L objet COM ne prend pas en charge les vne
ments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM object does not support specified source interface.",,"L objet COM ne prend
pas en charge l interface source spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot perform call.",,"Impossible d effectuer l appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
tRetrieveTypeInformation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM object is expected.",,"Un objet COM est attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not get dispatch ID for {0} (error: {1}).",,"Impossible d obtenir l ID de
distribution pour {0} (erreur : {1}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Error while invoking {0}.",,"Erreur lors de l appel de {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error while invoking {0}. Named arguments are not supported.",,"Erreur lors de
l appel de {0}. Les arguments nomms ne sont pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error while invoking {0}. A required parameter was omitted.",,"Erreur lors de l
appel de {0}. Un paramtre obligatoire a t omis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not convert argument {0} for call to {1}.",,"Impossible de convertir l ar
gument {0} pour l appel de {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IDispatch::GetIDsOfNames behaved unexpectedly for {0}.",,"IDispatch::GetIDsOfNa
mes s est comport de manire inattendue pour {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method exists only to keep the compiler happy.",,"Cette mthode existe uniqu
ement pour les besoins du compilateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Marshal.SetComObjectData failed.",,"chec de Marshal.SetComObjectData.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected VarEnum {0}.",,"VarEnum {0} inattendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempting to wrap an unsupported enum type.",,"Tentative d inclusion dans un w
rapper d un type enum non pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"

"Attempting to pass an event handler of an unsupported type.",,"Tentative de pas

sage d un gestionnaire d vnements d un type non pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variant.GetAccessor cannot handle {0}.",,"Variant.GetAccessor ne peut pas grer {
0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument must be non-negative.",,"L argument doit tre non ngatif.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Central Directory corrupt.",,"Rpertoire central endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String cannot be empty.",,"La chane ne peut pas tre vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Central Directory is invalid.",,"Le rpertoire central n est pas valide.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create entries on an archive opened in read mode.",,"Impossible de crer d
es entres dans une archive ouverte en mode lecture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use create mode on a non-writeable stream.",,"Impossible d utiliser le m
ode cration dans un flux non inscriptible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Entries cannot be created while previously created entries are still open.",,"I
mpossible de crer des entres tant que les entres cres prcdemment sont toujours ouverte
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entries in create mode may only be written to once, and only one entry may be h
eld open at a time.",,"Vous pouvez crire une seule fois dans les entres en mode cra
tion et une seule entre peut tre ouverte la fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DateTime in the Zip file is invalid.",,"Le DateTime dans le fichier Zip n e
st pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DateTimeOffset specified cannot be converted into a Zip file timestamp.",,"
Le DateTimeOffset spcifi ne peut pas tre converti en horodatage de fichier Zip.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delete can only be used when the archive is in Update mode.",,"La suppression p
eut seulement tre utilise lorsque l archive est en mode de mise jour.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot delete an entry currently open for writing.",,"Impossible de supprimer u
ne entre actuellement ouverte en criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Cannot modify deleted entry.",,"Impossible de modifier l entre supprime.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End of Central Directory record could not be found.",,"Impossible de trouver l
enregistrement End of Central Directory.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot access entries in Create mode.",,"Impossible d accder des entres en mode c
ration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified entry name encoding is not supported.",,"L encodage de nom d entre
spcifi n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry names cannot require more than 2^16 bits.",,"Les noms d entres ne peuvent
pas requrir plus que 2^16bits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entries larger than 4GB are not supported in Update mode.",,"Les entres d une ta
ille suprieure 4Go ne sont pas prises en charge en mode de mise jour.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compressed Size cannot be held in an Int64.",,"Compressed Size ne peut pas tre c
ontenu dans un Int64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local Header Offset cannot be held in an Int64.",,"Local Header Offset ne peut
pas tre contenu dans un Int64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of Entries cannot be held in an Int64.",,"Number of Entries ne peut pas t
re contenu dans un Int64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Offset to Central Directory cannot be held in an Int64.",,"Offset to Central Di
rectory ne peut pas tre contenu dans un Int64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Offset to Zip64 End Of Central Directory record cannot be held in an Int64.",,"

Offset to Zip64 End Of Central Directory record ne peut pas tre contenu dans un I
nt64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start Disk Number cannot be held in an Int64.",,"Start Disk Number ne peut pas t
re contenu dans un Int64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uncompressed Size cannot be held in an Int64.",,"Uncompressed Size ne peut pas t
re contenu dans un Int64.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot modify entry in Create mode after entry has been opened for writing.",,"
Impossible de modifier une entre en mode cration aprs qu elle a t ouverte en criture."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A stream from ZipArchiveEntry has been disposed.",,"Un flux de ZipArchiveEntry
a t supprim.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length properties are unavailable once an entry has been opened for writing.",,
"Les proprits de longueur ne sont plus disponibles une fois qu une entre a t ouverte
en criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A local file header is corrupt.",,"Un en-tte de fichier local est endommag.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of entries expected in End Of Central Directory does not correspond to n
umber of entries in Central Directory.",,"Le nombre d entres attendu dans End Of
Central Directory ne correspond pas au nombre d entres dans le rpertoire central."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The offset and length parameters are not valid for the array that was given.",,
"Les paramtres offset et length ne sont pas valides pour le tableau donn.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use read mode on a non-readable stream.",,"Impossible d utiliser le mode
lecture dans un flux illisible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot modify read-only archive.",,"Impossible de modifier une archive en lectu
re seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream from ZipArchiveEntry does not support reading.",,"Ce flux de ZipArc
hiveEntry ne prend pas en charge la lecture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream from ZipArchiveEntry does not support seeking.",,"Ce flux de ZipArc
hiveEntry ne prend pas en charge la recherche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetLength requires a stream that supports seeking and writing.",,"SetLength req
uiert un flux qui prend en charge la recherche et l criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Split or spanned archives are not supported.",,"Les archives fractionnes ou tendu
es ne sont pas prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zip file corrupt: unexpected end of stream reached.",,"Fichier Zip endommag: fin
de flux inattendue atteinte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The archive entry was compressed using an unsupported compression method.",,"L
entre d archive a t compresse l aide d une mthode de compression non prise en charge.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update mode requires a stream with read, write, and seek capabilities.",,"Le mo
de de mise jour requiert un flux avec des fonctionnalits de lecture, d criture et
de recherche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entries cannot be opened multiple times in Update mode.",,"Les entres ne peuvent
pas tre ouvertes plusieurs fois en mode de mise jour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream from ZipArchiveEntry does not support writing.",,"Ce flux de ZipArc
hiveEntry ne prend pas en charge l criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Zip 64 End of Central Directory Record not where indicated.",,"Zip 64 End de Ce
ntral Directory Record n est pas l endroit indiqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zip entry name ends in directory separator character but contains data.",,"Le n
om de l entre CP se termine par un caractre sparateur de rpertoire mais contient des
donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extracting Zip entry would have resulted in a file outside the specified destin

ation directory.",,"L extraction de l entre CP aurait pour rsultat un fichier en d

ehors du rpertoire de destination spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Either getter or setter must be specified.",," getter ou setter doit tre
spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The get accessor of the property was not found.",,"L accesseur get de la proprit
est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property type needs to be mapped to the current ReflectionContext.",,"Le ty
pe de proprit doit tre mapp sur le ReflectionContext actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The set accessor of the property was not found.",,"L accesseur set de la proprit
est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate AttributeUsageAttribute records found on attribute type {0}.",,"Enreg
istrements AttributeUsageAttribute dupliqus trouvs dans le type d attribut {0}.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AddProperties returned a null property.",,"AddProperties a retourn une proprit nul
l.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AddProperties returned a property not created by CustomReflectionContext.Create
Property in the current reflection context.",,"AddProperties a retourn une proprit
non cre par CustomReflectionContext.CreateProperty dans le contexte de rflexion act
uel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AddProperties returned a property that has already been added to another type."
,,"AddProperties a retourn une proprit qui a dj t ajoute un autre type.",,"Text",,"
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The member {0} has an invalid MemberType {1}.",,"Le membre {0} a un MemberType
{1} non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The method is neither a MethodInfo nor a ConstructorInfo: {0}.",,"La mthode n es
t ni un MethodInfo ni un ConstructorInfo: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get the TypeInfo object from the Type object: {0}.",,"Impossible d obten
ir l objet TypeInfo de l objet de type : {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The attribute object cannot be null.",,"L objet d attribut ne peut pas tre null.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the length of a stream to a negative value.",,"Impossible d attribue
r une valeur ngative la longueur d un flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Cannot seek to an absolute stream position that is negative.",,"Impossible de r
echercher une position de flux absolue qui soit ngative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified value is not a valid member of the InputStreamOptions enumeration
.",,"La valeur spcifie n est pas un membre valide de l numration InputStreamOptions.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The buffer size for a Windows Runtime stream adapter may not be negative. Use a
positive buffer size or 0 to disable buffering.",,"La taille de la mmoire tampon
d un adaptateur de flux Windows Runtime ne peut pas tre ngative. Utilisez une tai
lle de mmoire tampon positive ou 0 pour dsactiver la mise en mmoire tampon.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified buffer index is not within the buffer capacity. ",,"L index de la
mmoire tampon spcifi n est pas dans la capacit de la mmoire tampon. ",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified useful data length exceeds the capacity of this buffer. ",,"La lo
ngueur des donnes utiles spcifies dpasse la capacit de cette mmoire tampon. ",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot append to this file because its size is unknown. The file must be cast-a
ble to an IStorageItem in order to append.",,"Ajout ce fichier impossible, car s
a taille est inconnue. Le fichier doit pouvoir tre cast en IStorageItem pour que l
ajout soit possible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified Windows Runtime stream supports the IRandomAccessStream interface
and its CanRead property returns TRUE, however it does not implement the IInput

Stream interface. Windows Runtime streams with such inconsistent capabilities ca

nnot be converted to managed Stream objects. IRandomAccessStream instances whose
CanRead property returns TRUE must implement the IInputStream interface.",,"Le
flux Windows Runtime spcifi prend en charge l interface IRandomAccessStream et sa
proprit CanRead retourne TRUE ; toutefois, il n implmente pas l interface IInputStr
eam. Les flux Windows Runtime prsentant des incohrences de ce type ne peuvent pas t
re convertis en objets Stream manags. Les instances IRandomAccessStream dont la p
roprit CanRead retourne TRUE doivent implmenter l interface IInputStream.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified Windows Runtime stream supports the IRandomAccessStream interface
and its CanWrite property returns TRUE, however it does not implement the IOutp
utStream interface. Windows Runtime streams with such inconsistent capabilities
cannot be converted to managed Stream objects. IRandomAccessStream instances who
se CanWrite property returns TRUE must implement the IOutputStream interface.",,
"Le flux Windows Runtime spcifi prend en charge l interface IRandomAccessStream et
sa proprit CanWrite retourne TRUE ; toutefois, il n implmente pas l interface IOut
putStream. Les flux Windows Runtime prsentant des incohrences de ce type ne peuven
t pas tre convertis en objets Stream manags. Les instances IRandomAccessStream don
t la proprit CanWrite retourne TRUE doivent implmenter l interface IOutputStream.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified array does not contain the specified number of elements starting
at the specified offset.",,"Le tableau spcifi ne contient pas le nombre spcifi d lment
s commenant au dcalage spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified buffer capacity is not sufficient to hold data of the specified l
ength.",,"La capacit de la mmoire tampon spcifie n est pas suffisante pour contenir
les donnes de la longueur spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified source buffer does not contain the specified number of elements s
tarting at the specified offset. ",,"La mmoire tampon source spcifie ne contient pa
s le nombre spcifi d lments commenant au dcalage spcifi. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified destination buffer is not large enough to hold the specified numb
er of bytes starting at the specified offset.",,"La mmoire tampon de destination
spcifie n est pas suffisante pour contenir le nombre spcifi d octets commenant au dcal
age spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified destination buffer has insufficient capacity to copy all data fro
m the source buffer.",,"La mmoire tampon de destination spcifie a une capacit insuff
isante pour copier toutes les donnes de la mmoire tampon source.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert the specified Stream object to a Windows Runtime stream because
it does not have sufficient capabilities. In order to convert a System.IO.Stream
instance to a Windows Runtime stream at least one of the properties CanRead, Ca
nWrite, CanSeek must return TRUE; however, none of these properties returns TRUE
for the specified Stream.",,"Impossible de convertir l objet Stream spcifi en flu
x Windows Runtime, car il dispose pas de capacits suffisantes. Pour pouvoir conve
rtir une instance System.IO.Stream en flux Windows Runtime, au moins une des pro
prits CanRead, CanWrite et CanSeek doit retourner TRUE, or aucune de ces proprits ne
retourne TRUE pour l objet Stream spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The specified object cannot be converted to a System.IO.Stream instance because
it is not a Windows Runtime stream. In order to convert an object to a Stream i
nstance it must implement at least one of the following 3 Windows Runtime stream
interfaces: IInputStream, IOutputStream, IRandomAccessStream.",,"Impossible de
convertir l objet spcifi en instance System.IO.Stream car il ne s agit pas d un fl
ux Windows Runtime. Pour pouvoir convertir un objet en instance Stream, celui-ci
doit implmenter au moins l une des trois interfaces de flux Windows Runtime suiv
antes : IInputStream, IOutputStream et IRandomAccessStream.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified relative path may not consist of white spaces only",,"Le chemin d
accs relatif spcifi ne peut pas tre compos uniquement d espaces",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The specified stream position is beyond the end of the stream.",,"La position d
e flux spcifie est au del de la fin du flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The specified AsyncResult does not correspond to any outstanding IO operation."
,,"Le AsyncResult spcifi ne correspond aucune opration IO en attente.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified Windows Runtime stream does not support reading nor writing. Wind
ows Runtime streams with such capabilities cannot be converted to managed Stream
objects. Use a Windows Runtime stream that can support reading, writing or both
.",,"Le flux Windows Runtime spcifi ne prend pas en charge la lecture et l criture.
Les flux Windows Runtime utilisant de telles fonctionnalits ne peuvent pas tre co
nvertis en objets Stream manags. Utilisez un flux Windows Runtime prenant en char
ge la lecture, l criture ou les deux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Empty.",,"Vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot seek to an absolute stream position that is larger than 2^63 - 1 bytes.
(2^63 - 1 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = Int64.MaxValue).",,"Impossible de rechercher un
e position de flux absolue suprieure 2^63 - 1 octets. (2^63 - 1 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFF
FFF = Int64.MaxValue).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This Windows Runtime stream is backed by a .NET Stream; its size cannot be set
to a value that is larger than 2^63 - 1 bytes. (2^63 - 1 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF =
Int64.MaxValue).",,"Ce flux Windows Runtime est soutenu par un flux .NET Stream
; sa taille ne peut pas tre dfinie sur une valeur suprieure 2^63 - 1 octets. (2^63
- 1 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = Int64.MaxValue).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"An IO error occurred in the Windows runtime system.",,"Une erreur IO s est prod
uite dans le systme Windows Runtime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"This Stream is backed by a Windows Runtime stream with a length that exceeds 2^
63 - 1 bytes. Operations related to the stream s length or position cannot be pe
rformed on streams when the length exceeds 2^63 - 1 bytes. (2^63 - 1 = 0x7FFFFFF
FFFFFFFFF = Int64.MaxValue = approx. 8000 PetaBytes.)",,"Cet objet Stream est as
soci un flux Windows Runtime dont la longueur dpasse 2^63 - 1 octets. Les oprations
relatives la longueur du flux ou sa position ne peuvent pas tre effectues sur les
flux dont la longueur dpasse 2^63 - 1 octets. (2^63 - 1 = 0x7FFFFFFFFFFFFFFF = I
nt64.MaxValue = environ 8 000 ptaoctets.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The state of this object does not permit invoking this method.",,"L tat de cet o
bjet ne permet pas d appeler cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert the specified Windows Runtime stream to a managed System.IO.Stre
am object with the specified buffer size because this Windows Runtime stream has
been previously converted to a managed Stream object with a different buffer si
ze. Ensure that the bufferSize argument matches the existing buffer or use the
{0} -overload without the bufferSize argument to convert the specified Windo
ws Runtime stream to a Stream object with the same buffer size as previously.",,
"Impossible de convertir le flux Windows Runtime spcifi en objet System.IO.Stream
manag avec la taille de mmoire tampon spcifie, car ce flux Windows Runtime a t convert
i au pralable en objet Stream manag avec une autre taille de mmoire tampon. Assurez
-vous que l argument bufferSize correspond la mmoire tampon existante ou utilis
ez la surcharge {0} sans l argument bufferSize pour convertir le flux Window
s Runtime spcifi en objet Stream avec la mme taille de mmoire tampon que prcdemment.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert the specified Windows Runtime stream to a managed System.IO.Stre
am object without a buffer because this Windows Runtime stream has been previous
ly converted to a managed Stream object with a buffer. Ensure that the bufferSi
ze argument matches the existing buffer or use the {0} -overload without the
bufferSize argument to convert the specified Windows Runtime stream to a Stream
object with the same buffer size as previously.",,"Impossible de convertir le f
lux Windows Runtime spcifi en objet System.IO.Stream manag sans mmoire tampon, car c

e flux Windows Runtime a dj t converti en objet Stream manag avec une mmoire tampon. V
ifiez que l argument bufferSize correspond la mmoire tampon existante ou utilis
ez la surcharge {0} sans l argument bufferSize pour convertir le flux Window
s Runtime spcifi en objet Stream avec la mme taille de mmoire tampon que prcdemment.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert this Task to Windows.Foundation.IAsyncInfo or any of the derivin
g interfaces because it is already running. Use an overload that permits specify
ing a Completed handler.",,"Impossible de convertir cette tche en Windows.Founda
tion.IAsyncInfo ou une des interfaces drives, car elle est dj en cours d excution. Ut
ilisez une surcharge qui permet de spcifier le gestionnaire Termin.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call GetResults on this asynchronous info because the underlying operati
on has not completed. ",,"Impossible d appeler GetResults dans ces informations
asynchrones car l opration sous-jacente n est pas termine. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Completed handler delegate cannot be set more than once, but this handler
has already been set.",,"Le dlgu du gestionnaire Completed ne peut pas tre dfini p
lusieurs fois, mais ce gestionnaire a dj t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the size of this stream because it cannot be written to.",,"Impossib
le de dfinir la taille de ce flux, car il n est pas accessible en criture.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot invoke Start more than once on the same asynchronous operation.",,"Impos
sible d appeler Start plus d une fois sur la mme opration asynchrone.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified state transition is illegal for the current state of this object.
",,"La transition d tat spcifie est interdite pour l tat actuel de cet objet.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The asynchronous operation could not be completed.",,"L opration asynchrone n a
pas pu tre termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A callback for the same asynchronous IO operation was invoked more than once.",
,"Un rappel pour la mme opration d E/S asynchrone a t appel plusieurs fois.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Send is not supported in the Windows Runtime SynchronizationContext",,"L envoi
n est pas pris en charge dans le SynchronizationContext Windows Runtime",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Task provider delegate specified for this IAsyncInfo instance returned a Ta
sk object that was not started. Task instances must be run immediately upon crea
tion.",,"Le dlgu de fournisseur de tche spcifi pour cette instance IAsyncInfo a retour
n un objet de tche qui n a pas t dmarr. Les instances de tches doivent tre excutes
ment aprs leur cration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This AsyncResult or Task corresponds to a different asynchronous operation ID t
han the one that invoked the completion callback.",,"Cette AsyncResult ou cette
tche correspond un ID d opration asynchrone diffrent de celui qui a appel le rappel
d achvement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified underlying Task is not started. Task instances must be run immedi
ately upon creation.",,"La tche sous-jacente spcifie n est pas dmarre. Les instances
de tche doivent tre excutes immdiatement aprs leur cration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A native library routine was not found: {0}.",,"Une routine de bibliothque nativ
e est introuvable: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use the specified Stream as a Windows Runtime IInputStream because this
Stream is not readable.",,"Impossible d utiliser l objet Stream spcifi comme IInpu
tStream Windows Runtime, car il n est pas accessible en lecture.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use the specified Stream as a Windows Runtime IRandomAccessStream becaus
e this Stream does not support seeking.",,"Impossible d utiliser le flux spcifi en
tant que Windows Runtime IRandomAccessStream, car il ne prend pas en charge la
recherche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use the specified Stream as a Windows Runtime IOutputStream because this

Stream is not writable.",,"Impossible d utiliser l objet Stream spcifi comme IOut

putStream Windows Runtime, car il n est pas accessible en criture.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream does not support read access.",,"Ce flux ne prend pas en charge l a
ccs en lecture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream does not support seeking.",,"Ce flux ne prend pas en charge la rech
erche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream does not support the Length property because it is not seekable.",,
"Ce flux ne prend pas en charge la proprit Length, car il n est pas accessible en
recherche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream does not support the Position property because it is not seekable.
",,"Ce flux ne prend pas en charge la proprit Position, car il n est pas accessibl
e en recherche. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This stream does not support write access.",,"Ce flux ne prend pas en charge l
accs en criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This IRandomAccessStream does not support the {0} method because it requires cl
oning and this stream does not support cloning.",,"IRandomAccessStream ne prend
pas en charge la mthode {0}, car il ncessite un clonage qui n est pas pris en char
ge par ce flux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Windows Runtime stream that underlies this System.IO.Stream object has invo
ked an IO completion callback and specified null for the IAsyncInfo instance tha
t describes the completed IO operation. This behavior is not supported because r
esults cannot be retrieved from a null operation. Either the underlying Windows
Runtime stream has a faulty implementation, or you are using a Windows Runtime o
bject in an unsupported runtime environment.",,"Le flux Windows Runtime sous-jac
ent cet objet System.IO.Stream a appel un rappel d achvement d E/S et spcifi Null po
ur l instance IAsyncInfo qui dcrit l opration d E/S acheve. Ce comportement n est p
as pris en charge, car les rsultats ne peuvent pas tre extraits d une opration Null
. Soit l implmentation du flux Windows Runtime sous-jacent est incorrecte, soit v
ous utilisez un objet Windows Runtime dans un environnement d excution non pris e
n charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The task provider delegate used to create this asynchronous operation returned
null, but a valid Task object was expected.",,"Le dlgu de fournisseur de tche utilis
pour crer cette opration asynchrone a retourn null, mais un objet Task valide tait a
ttendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested invocation is not permitted because this IAsyncInfo instance has
already been closed.",,"L invocation requise n est pas autorise car cette instanc
e IAsyncInfo a dj t ferme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested operation cannot be performed because this stream has already bee
n disposed.",,"L opration demande ne peut pas tre effectue, car ce flux a dj t suppri
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error has occurred.",,"Une erreur s est produite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid value for {0} property on CornerRadius.",,"Valeur non valide pour la pr
oprit {0} sur CornerRadius.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty",,"Vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid argument.",,"Argument non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The element is not available.",,"L lment n est pas disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The element is not enabled.",,"L lment n est pas activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A cycle occurred while laying out the GUI.",,"Un cycle s est produit lors de la
disposition de l interface GUI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XAML parsing failed.",,"L analyse XAML a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set Service Login",,"Dfinir l ouverture de session du service",,"Dialog Title",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Username:",,"Nom d utilisateur:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Password:",,"Mot de passe:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Confirm password:",,"Confirmer le mot de passe:",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arguments within the args array passed to Start cannot be null. ",,"Les argum
ents du tableau args pass Start ne peuvent pas tre null. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MachineName value {0} is invalid.",,"Valeur {0} de MachineName non valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot register control callback handler for service {0}.",,"Impossible d inscr
ire le gestionnaire de rappel de contrle pour le service {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot change service name when the service is running.",,"Impossible de change
r le nom du service lorsque le service s excute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot change CanStop, CanPauseAndContinue, CanShutdown, CanHandlePowerEvent, o
r CanHandleSessionChangeEvent property values after the service has been started
.",,"Impossible de changer les valeurs des proprits CanStop, CanPauseAndContinue,
CanShutdown, CanHandlePowerEvent ou CanHandleSessionChangeEvent une fois que le
service a t dmarr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot start service {0} on computer {1} .",,"Impossible de dmarrer le service
{0} sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operating system does not support controlling a Windows service. A service can
only be controlled on Windows NT, Windows 2000, or later.",,"Le systme d exploita
tion ne prend pas en charge un service Windows. Un service ne peut tre contrl que s
ur WindowsNT, Windows2000 ou version ultrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"A Windows service cannot be installed on this operating system. It can only be
installed on Windows NT, Windows 2000, or later.",,"Impossible d installer un se
rvice Windows sur ce systme d exploitation. Il ne peut tre install que sur WindowsNT
, Windows2000 ou version ultrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Operating system does not support a Windows service. A service can only be run
on Windows NT, Windows 2000, or later.",,"Le systme d exploitation ne prend pas e
n charge un service Windows. Il ne peut tre excut que sur WindowsNT, Windows2000 ou v
ersion ultrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Service Error",,"Erreur de service Windows",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot start service from the command line or a debugger. A Windows Service mu
st first be installed (using installutil.exe) and then started with the ServerEx
plorer, Windows Services Administrative tool or the NET START command.",,"Imposs
ible de dmarrer un service partir de la ligne de commande ou d un dbogueur. Un ser
vice Windows doit tout d abord tre install (en utilisant installutil.exe), puis dma
rr avec l Explorateur de serveurs, l outil d administration des services Windows
ou la commande NET START.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Service Start Failure",,"chec du dmarrage du service Windows",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to process service command. {0}",,"Impossible de traiter la commande du
service. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service command was processed successfully.",,"La commande du service a t traite a
vec succs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to continue service. {0}",,"Impossible de poursuivre le service. {0}",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service continued successfully.",,"Le service s est poursuivi avec succs.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot control {0} service on computer {1} .",,"Impossible de contrler le servi
ce {0} sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display name {0} is too long. Display name must be 255 characters or less.",,"L
e nom complet {0} est trop long. Il doit comporter au maximum 255 caractres.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Windows Error number: {0}.",,"Numro d erreur Windows: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to unload app domain {0}. The following exception occurred: {1}.",,"chec
lors du dchargement d un domaine d application {0}. L exception suivante s est p
roduite : {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get service file name.",,"Impossible d obtenir un nom de fichier de serv
ice.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options for installing a Service Application:\r\n/username=name\r\n
Sets the
user account to run the service under. You must also\r\n
specify the /passwo
rd= option.\r\n\r\n/password=pwd\r\n
Sets the password for the account to run
the service under.\r\n\r\nThe /username and /password options will be used only
if the vendor of\r\nthe service designated it as requiring a user account. If a
service was\r\nso designated, and you do not use the /username and /password op
tions,\r\nyou will be prompted at install time for the account.\r\n/unattended\r
Unattended install. Will not prompt for username or password.",,"Options
pour l installation d une application de service:\r\n/username=nom\r\n
Dfinit l
e compte d utilisateur pour excuter le service. Vous devez galement\r\n
l option /password=.\r\n\r\n/password=MotDePasse\r\n
Dfinit le mot de passe p
our le compte sous lequel excuter le service.\r\n\r\nLes options /username et /pa
ssword seront utilises uniquement si le fabricant du\r\n service l a dsign comme nce
ssitant un compte d utilisateur. Si un service a t\r\ndsign ainsi et que vous n util
isez pas les options /username et /password,\r\nvous devrez indiquer le compte a
u moment de l installation.\r\n/unattended\r\n
Installation sans assistance.
Ne demandera pas de nom d utilisateur ni de mot de passe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Install Error",,"Erreur d installation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Failed to install service. Service may have been installed already.",,"chec de l
installation du service. Le service est peut-tre dj install.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service {0} has been successfully installed.",,"Le service {0} a t install avec su
ccs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Install Service : {0}",,"Installer le service : {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service was installed successfully.",,"Le service a t install avec succs.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installing service {0}...",,"Installation du service {0} en cours...",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid value {1} for parameter {0}.",,"Valeur {1} non valide pour le paramtre {
0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The passwords do not match. Re-enter the password.",,"Les mots de passe ne cor
respondent pas. Entrez de nouveau le mot de passe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display name could not be retrieved for service {0} on computer {1} .",,"Le no
m complet n a pas pu tre extrait pour le service {0} sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ServiceName and DisplayName have not been set. Either ServiceName or DisplayNam
e is required. ",,"ServiceName et DisplayName n ont pas t dfinis. ServiceName ou Di
splayName est requis. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation failed due to the absence of a ServiceProcessInstaller. The Servic
eProcessInstaller must either be the containing installer, or it must be present
in the Installers collection on the same installer as the ServiceInstaller.",,"c
hec de l installation en raison de l absence d un ServiceProcessInstaller. Servi
ceProcessInstaller doit tre le programme d installation contenant ou il doit tre p
rsent dans la collection Installers sur le mme programme d installation que Servic
eInstaller.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MachineName was not set.",,"MachineName n a pas t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service {0} was not found on computer {1} .",,"Le service {0} est introuvable
sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Service has not been supplied. At least one object derived from ServiceBase is
required in order to run.",,"Le service n a pas t fourni. Au moins un objet driv de
ServiceBase est requis pour l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"ServiceInstaller cannot install the component because it does not inherit from
Service.",,"ServiceInstaller ne peut pas installer le composant, car il n hrite p
as du service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"UpdatePendingStatus can only be called during the handling of Start, Stop, Paus
e and Continue commands.",,"UpdatePendingStatus peut uniquement tre appel lors du
traitement des commandes Dmarrer, Arrter, Suspendre et Continuer.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open Service Control Manager on computer {0} . This operation might req
uire other privileges.",,"Impossible d ouvrir le Gestionnaire de contrle des serv
ices sur l ordinateur {0} . Cette opration requiert des privilges supplmentaires."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot open {0} service on computer {1} .",,"Impossible d ouvrir le service {0
} sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to pause service. {0}",,"Impossible d interrompre le service. {0}",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot pause {0} service on computer {1} .",,"Impossible d interrompre le serv
ice {0} sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service paused successfully.",,"Le service a t interrompu avec succs.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed in handling the PowerEvent. The error that occurred was: {0}.",,"Le serv
ice n a pas russi grer PowerEvent. L erreur qui s est produite tait: {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PowerEvent handled successfully by the service.",,"Le service a gr avec succs Powe
rEvent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot resume {0} service on computer {1} .",,"Impossible de reprendre le serv
ice {0} sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether the service should automatically write to the event log on common event
s such as Install and Start.",,"Indique si le service doit automatiquement crire
dans le journal des vnements les vnements courants, tels que Install et Start.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The description of the service.",,"La description du service.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name by which the service is identified to the system.",,"Le nom qui identi
fie le service pour le service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether this service recognizes the Pause and Continue commands.",,"Indique si
ce service reconnat les commandes Suspendre et Continuer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether this service can respond to a system shutdown.",,"Indique si ce service
peut rpondre un arrt du systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Whether this service can be stopped.",,"Indique si ce service peut tre arrt.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The services that depend on this service in order to run.",,"Les services qui dp
endent de ce service afin de s excuter.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The descriptive name of the service.",,"Le nom descriptif du service.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the machine on which this service resides.",,"Le nom de l ordinateu
r sur lequel ce service rside.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The short name of the service.",,"Le nom court du service.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of this service.",,"Le type de ce service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Services that must be started in order for this one to start.",,"Les services q
ui doivent tre dmarrs afin que ce service dmarre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The status of the service, e.g., Running or Stopped.",,"L tat du service, par ex

emple : En cours d excution ou Arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Provides the ability to connect to, query, and manipulate running or stopped Wi
ndows services.",,"Fournit une possibilit de connexion, d interrogation et de man
ipulation de services Windows en cours d excution ou interrompus.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service dependency name {1} of service {0} contains invalid characters.",,"Le n
om de dpendance {1} du service {0} contient des caractres non valides.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Contains the delayed auto-start setting of service. This setting is ignored unl
ess the service is an auto-start service.",,"Contient le paramtre de dmarrage auto
matique diffr du service. Ce paramtre est ignor sauf si le service est un service dma
rrage automatique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the service s description (a brief comment that explains the purpose
of the service). ",,"Indique la description du service (commentaire sommaire exp
liquant l objectif du service). ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the friendly name that identifies the service to the user.",,"Indique
le nom convivial qui identifie le service offert l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the name used by the system to identify this service.",,"Indique le n
om utilis par le systme pour identifier ce service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the services that must be running in order for this service to run.",
,"Indique les services excuter pour la mise en marche de ce service.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how and when this service is started.",,"Indique le mode de dmarrage d
e ce service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service name {0} contains invalid characters, is empty, or is too long (max len
gth = {1}).",,"Le nom du service {0} contient des caractres non valides, est vide
ou est trop long (longueur max = {1}).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Service name must be 80 characters or less on this operating system.",,"Le nom
du service ne doit pas comporter plus de 80 caractres sur ce systme d exploitation
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the account type under which the service will run.",,"Indique le type
de compte sous lequel le service est excut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Service {0} was successfully removed from the system.",,"Le service {0} a t retir
avec succs du systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service {0} is being removed from the system...",,"Le service {0} est en cours
de suppression du systme...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Start type of the {0} service is invalid. ",,"Le type de dmarrage du service {0}
n est pas valide. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service was not started correctly. Type net start [<ServiceName>] from the comm
and line or use the Control Panel to start the service.",,"Le service n a pas t dma
rr correctement. Tapez net start [<NomService>] partir de la ligne de commande ou
utilisez le Panneau de configuration pour dmarrer le service.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: <ServiceExeName> <Options> \r\n -Install \r\n -InstallLogin [<UserName>
<Password>] \r\n -Uninstall",,"Utilisation: <NomExeService> <Options> \r\n -Insta
ll \r\n -InstallLogin [<NomUtilisateur> <MotDePasse>] \r\n -Uninstall",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to process session change. {0}",,"Le traitement du changement de session
chou. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to shut down service. The error that occurred was: {0}.",,"Le service n
a pas pu tre arrt. L erreur qui s est produite tait: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service has been successfully shut down.",,"Le service a t arrt avec succs.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service cannot be started. {0}",,"Le service ne peut pas tre dmarr. {0}",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot start {0} service on computer {1} .",,"Impossible de dmarrer le service
{0} sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service started successfully.",,"Le service a dmarr avec succs.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting service {0}...",,"Dmarrage du service {0} en cours...",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to stop service. {0}",,"Impossible d arrter le service. {0}",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot stop {0} service on computer {1} .",,"Impossible d arrter le service {0}
sur l ordinateur {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service stopped successfully.",,"Le service s est arrt avec succs.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Time out has expired and the operation has not been completed.",,"Le dlai d atte
nte a expir et l opration n a pas t termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Attempt to stop service {0}.",,"Tentative d arrt du service {0}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Username and password were not provided when installing the service located at
{0}. Unattended installation does not provide a logon prompt for the username an
d password during installation. ",,"Un nom d utilisateur et un mot de passe n
ont pas t fournis lors de l installation du service situ sur {0}. Une installation
sans assistance ne fournit pas une invite d ouverture de session pour le nom d u
tilisateur et le mot de passe lors de l installation. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to uninstall service. Service may be running.",,"Impossible de dsinstalle
r le service. Le service peut tre en cours d excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Service was uninstalled successfully.",,"Dsinstallation du service russie.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User has canceled installation of services in executable {0}.",,"L utilisateur
a annul l installation des services dans l excutable {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User Name:",,"Nom d utilisateur:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number must be no greater than the value specified in BoundedCapacity.",,"Le no
mbre ne doit pas tre suprieur la valeur spcifie dans BoundedCapacity.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number must be positive.",,"Le nombre doit tre positif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number must be either non-negative and less than or equal to Int32.MaxValue or
-1",,"Le nombre doit tre soit non ngatif, soit infrieur ou gal Int32.MaxValue ou -1"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BoundedCapacity must be Unbounded or -1 for this dataflow block.",,"BoundedCapa
city doit tre Unbounded ou -1 pour ce bloc de flux de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The argument must be false if no source from which to consume is specified.",,"
L argument doit tre false si aucune source utiliser n est spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DataflowMessageHeader instance does not represent a valid message header.",
,"L instance de DataflowMessageHeader ne reprsente pas un en-tte de message valide
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To construct a DataflowMessageHeader instance, either pass a non-zero value or
use the parameterless constructor.",,"Pour construire une instance de DataflowMe
ssageHeader, passez une valeur non nulle ou utilisez le constructeur sans paramtr
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This block must only be used with the source from which it was created.",,"Ce b
loc doit tre utilis seulement avec la source partir de laquelle il a t cr.",,"Text",,
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Greedy must be true for this dataflow block.",,"Greedy doit tre true pour ce blo
c de flux de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The source completed without providing data to receive.",,"La source s est term
ine sans fournir de donnes recevoir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The target block failed to consume a message it had successfully reserved.",,"L
e bloc cible n a pas pu utiliser un message qu il avait rserv avec succs.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The target does not have the message reserved.",,"La cible ne contient pas le m
essage rserv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This member is not supported on this dataflow block. The block is intended for
a specific purpose that does not utilize this member.",,"Ce membre n est pas pri
s en charge sur ce bloc de flux de donnes. Le bloc est conu pour un but spcifique q
ui n utilise pas ce membre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Block {0} completed as {1}. {2}",,"Le bloc {0} doit tre termin en tant que {1}. {
2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Block of type {0} instantiated with Id {1}.",,"Bloc de type {0} instanci avec Id
{1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source {0} linked to target {1}.",,"Source {0} lie la cible {1}.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source {0} unlinked from target {1}.",,"Source {0} dissocie de la cible {1}.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{1} task launched from block {0} with {2} message(s) pending.",,"{1} tche lance p
artir du bloc {0} avec {2} messages en attente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trust Manager More Information Dialog Box",,"Bote de dialogue Informations sur l
e gestionnaire de confiance",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Close button to discard the dialog box",,"Bouton de fermeture pour ignorer la b
ote de dialogue",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation Section",,"Section Installation",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation",,"Installation",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Installation Section Body",,"Corps de la section Installation",,"Static Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Location Section",,"Section Emplacement",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Location Section Body",,"Corps de la section Emplacement",,"Static Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Machine Access Section",,"Section Accs ordinateur",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Machine Access",,"Accs ordinateur",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Machine Access Section Body",,"Corps de la section Accs ordinateur",,"Static Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Publisher Section",,"Section diteur",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Publisher Section Body",,"Corps de la section diteur",,"Static Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Install",,"Installer",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Source",,"Source de l application",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"From (Hover over the string below to see the full domain):",,"De (pointez sur l
a chane ci-dessous pour afficher le domaine complet):",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Name",,"Nom de l application",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Publisher",,"diteur de l application",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Trust Manager Question",,"Question Gestionnaire de confiance",,"Static Text",,"

All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Window",,"Slectionner une fentre",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Print preview",,"Aperu avant impression",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fit to window",,"Largeur de page",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Close this window",,"Fermer cette fentre",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display four pages",,"Afficher quatre pages",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Four pages",,"Quatre pages",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Display one page",,"Afficher une page",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One page",,"Une page",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Page up and down",,"Faire dfiler la page vers le haut/bas",,"Dialog Item",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Page",,"Page",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Print the document",,"Imprimer le document",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Print Button",,"Bouton Imprimer",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Display six pages",,"Afficher six pages",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Six pages",,"Six pages",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display three pages",,"Afficher trois pages",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Three pages",,"Trois pages",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Display two pages",,"Afficher deux pages",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Two pages",,"Deux pages",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zoom the document",,"Effectuer un zoom sur le document",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zoom",,"Zoom",,"Dialog Item",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event {0} is not valid on this ActiveX control.",,"L vnement {0} n est pas valide
sur ce contrle ActiveX.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""ActiveX control named {0} already exists in this container. Change or set th
e ""Name"" property for this ActiveX control and try again."",,""Le contrle Activ
eX nomm {0} existe dj dans ce conteneur. Modifiez ou dfinissez la proprit ""Name"" p
our ce contrle ActiveX et recommencez."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Edit ActiveX component properties",,"Modifier les proprits de composant ActiveX",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ActiveX controls only accept fonts that are defined in GraphicsUnit.Point.",,"L
es contrles ActiveX acceptent uniquement des polices dfinies dans GraphicsUnit.Poi
nt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a valid argument.",,"Argument non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} cannot be invoked at this time.",,"Impossible d appeler la mthode
{0} actuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property get of {0} cannot be invoked at this time.",,"Impossible d appeler l
a proprit get de {0} actuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Property set of {0} cannot be invoked at this time.",,"Impossible d appeler l
a proprit set de {0} actuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"ActiveX control {0} cannot be instantiated because the current thread is not

in a single-threaded apartment.",,"Impossible d instancier le contrle ActiveX {0

} , car le thread actuel n est pas un thread cloisonn (STA, Single-Threaded Apart
ment).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Connection point for event interface {0} cannot be created.",,"Impossible de
crer un point de connexion pour l interface d vnement {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source object does not expose IConnectionPointContainer.",,"L objet source n ex
pose pas IConnectionPointContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Source object does not expose {0} event interface.",,"L objet source n expose
pas l interface d vnement {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must have a license to use this ActiveX control.",,"Vous devez disposer d u
ne licence pour utiliser ce contrle ActiveX.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not Advise() the event interface {0} .",,"Impossible d appeler Advise()
pour l interface d vnement {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Given sink object does not implement {0} event interface.",,"L objet sink
donn n implmente pas l interface d vnement {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to verify required threading model of apartment or free-threaded. This c
ontrol cannot be hosted.",,"Impossible de vrifier le modle de thread cloisonn (Apar
tment) ou libre requis. Ce contrle ne peut pas tre hberg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ActiveX control must have at least one ContainerControl in its parent hierarchy
to be properly instantiated. Set the ContainingControl property on {0} to a n
on-null value and try again.",,"Le contrle ActiveX doit possder au moins un Contai
nerControl dans sa hirarchie parente pour pouvoir tre correctement instanci. Dfiniss
ez la proprit ContainingControl de {0} une valeur non null et recommencez.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to get the window handle for the {0} control. Windowless ActiveX contr
ols are not supported.",,"Impossible d obtenir le handle de fentre pour le contrle
{0} . Les contrles ActiveX sans fentre ne sont pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ActiveX control cannot be reloaded with an OcxState of a different storage type
.",,"Impossible de recharger le contrle ActiveX avec un OcxState dont le type de
stockage est diffrent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control is single threaded. It cannot be hosted.",,"Le contrle est mono-thread.
Il ne peut pas tre hberg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top-level Windows Forms control cannot be exposed as an ActiveX control.",,"Le
contrle Windows Forms de niveau suprieur ne peut pas tre expos en tant que contrle Ac
tiveX.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown image type.",,"Type d image inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ActiveX control is a windowless control. The control is not supported in this v
ersion of the .NET Framework.",,"Le contrle ActiveX est un contrle sans fentre. Ce
contrle n est pas pris en charge dans cette version du .NET Framework.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays the About box for this component",,"Affiche la bote de dialogue prop
os de pour ce composant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collapse",,"Rduire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expand",,"Dvelopper",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Navigate",,"Naviguer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Navigate Back",,"Naviguer vers l arrire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"(Create New)",,"(Crer nouveau)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parent Row",,"Ligne parente",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parent Rows",,"Lignes parentes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Check",,"Activer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Click",,"Cliquer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Press",,"Appuyer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Uncheck",,"Ne pas activer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Controls created on one thread cannot be parented to a control on a different t
hread.",,"Les contrles crs sur un thread ne peuvent pas tre parents d un contrle d un
autre thread.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application exception mode cannot be changed once any Controls are created in t
he application.",,"Impossible de modifier le mode d exceptions de l application
une fois que des Controls ont t crs dans l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Thread exception mode cannot be changed once any Controls are created on the th
read.",,"Impossible de modifier le mode d exceptions du thread une fois que des
Controls ont t crs sur le thread.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays {0} and {1} must be the same size.",,"Les tableaux {0} et {1} do
ivent tre de la mme taille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"autoComplete cannot be initialized with given custom source.",,"Impossible d in
itialiser autoComplete avec la source personnalise donne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"autoComplete cannot be initialized with the list items.",,"Impossible d initial
iser autoComplete avec les lments de liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Interface is not supported.",,"L interface n est pas prise en charge.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Complex DataBinding accepts as a data source either an IList or an IListSource.
",,"DataBinding complexe accepte IList ou IListSource comme source de donnes.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ListManager for {0} cannot be found.",,"Impossible de trouver ListManager pour
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolStripItem on the BindingNavigator that raises the Add new action.",,"
L outil ToolStripItem de BindingNavigator qui dclenche l action Ajouter nouveau
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add new",,"Ajouter nouveau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The BindingSource that the BindingNavigator navigates.",,"Le BindingSource parc
ouru par le BindingNavigator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"of {0}",,"de {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Formatting to apply to count displayed in the CountItem ToolStrip item.",,"Mise
en forme appliquer au nombre affich dans l lment ToolStrip CountItem.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolStripItem on the BindingNavigator that displays the total number of ite
ms.",,"Le ToolStripItem du BindingNavigator qui affiche le nombre total d lments."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Total number of items",,"Nombre total d lments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolStripItem on the BindingNavigator that raises the Delete action.",,"L
e ToolStripItem du BindingNavigator qui dclenche l action Supprimer .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolStripItem on the BindingNavigator that raises the Move first action."
,,"Le ToolStripItem du BindingNavigator qui dclenche l action Placer en premier
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move first",,"Placer en premier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolStripItem on the BindingNavigator that raises the Move last action.",
,"Le ToolStripItem du BindingNavigator qui dclenche l action Placer en dernier .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move last",,"Placer en dernier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolStripItem on the BindingNavigator that raises the Move next action.",
,"Le ToolStripItem du BindingNavigator qui dclenche l action Dplacer vers le bas
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move next",,"Dplacer vers le bas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolStripItem on the BindingNavigator that raises the Move previous actio
n.",,"Le ToolStripItem du BindingNavigator qui dclenche l action Dplacer vers le
haut .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Move previous",,"Dplacer vers le haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"The ToolStripItem on the BindingNavigator that displays the current position.",
,"Le ToolStripItem du BindingNavigator qui indique la position actuelle.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current position",,"Position actuelle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Event raised when BindingNavigator ToolStrip items need to be refreshed to refl
ect current state of data.",,"vnement dclench lorsque les lments ToolStrip BindingNavi
gator doivent tre actualiss pour reflter l tat actuel des donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binding Navigator",,"Navigateur de liaisons",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the user calls AddNew on the BindingSource",,"vnement dclench lor
sque l utilisateur appelle AddNew sur le BindingSource",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the BindingSource allows new items to be added to the list."
,,"Dtermine si le BindingSource permet d ajouter de nouveaux lments la liste.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sort string not valid.",,"Chane de tri non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised after data has been exchanged between the data source and a contro
l property bound to that data source.",,"vnement dclench une fois les donnes changes e
tre la source de donnes et une proprit de contrle lie cette source de donnes.",,"Text
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Item cannot be added to a read-only or fixed-size list.",,"Impossible d ajouter
un lment une liste en lecture seule ou de taille fixe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AddNew cannot be called on the {0} type. This type does not have a public def
ault constructor. You can call AddNew on the {0} type if you handle the Adding
New event and create the appropriate object.",,"Impossible d appeler AddNew pour
le type {0} . Ce type n a pas de constructeur par dfaut public. Vous pouvez app
eler AddNew pour le type {0} si vous grez l vnement AddingNew et crez l objet appr
opri.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AddNew cannot be called on the {0} type. This type does not have a public def
ault constructor. You can call AddNew on the {0} type if you set AllowNew=true
and handle the AddingNew event.",,"Impossible d appeler AddNew pour le type {0
} . Ce type n a pas de constructeur par dfaut public. Vous pouvez appeler AddNew
pour le type {0} si vous dfinissez AllowNew=true et grez l vnement AddingNew.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of Current changes.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeu
r de Current change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of Current changes, or a property of the current it
em changes.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de Current change ou qu une proprit d
e l lment actuel change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when an exception thrown during data binding is handled internally
by the CurrencyManager.",,"vnement dclench lorsqu une exception leve lors de la liai
son de donnes est gre de manire interne par le CurrencyManager.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the DataMember changes.",,"vnement dclench lorsque le DataMember
change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates a sub-list of the DataSource that the BindingSource is bound to.",,"I
ndique une sous-liste du DataSource laquelle le BindingSource est li.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the DataSource changes.",,"vnement dclench lorsque le DataSource
change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the source of data for the BindingSource.",,"Indique la source de don
nes pour le BindingSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates a database column expression used to filter the set of rows returned
by the data source.",,"Indique une expression de colonne de base de donnes utilise
pour filtrer l ensemble de lignes retourn par la source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All

",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"BindingSource unable to create list based on the Type specified in the DataSour
ce property.",,"BindingSource ne peut pas crer de liste sur la base du type spcifi
dans la proprit DataSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls how the BindingSource raises the ListChanged event as a result of chan
ging an item in the BindingSource.",,"Dtermine la faon dont le BindingSource dclenc
he l vnement ListChanged la suite de la modification d un lment du BindingSource.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add null to BindingSource if the underlying list stores value types.",,"
Impossible d ajouter null BindingSource si la liste sous-jacente stocke des type
s valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Objects added to a BindingSource s list must all be of the same type.",,"Les ob
jets ajouts la liste d un BindingSource doivent tous tre du mme type.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when a change occurs in the BindingSource s list.",,"vnement dclench l
orsqu un changement se produit dans la liste du BindingSource.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of Position changes.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la vale
ur de Position change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BindingSource cannot be its own data source. Do not set the DataSource and Data
Member properties to values that refer back to BindingSource.",,"BindingSource n
e peut pas tre sa propre source de donnes. N attribuez pas aux proprits DataSource e
t DataMember des valeurs qui font rfrence BindingSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current item cannot be removed from the list because there is no current item."
,,"Impossible de supprimer de la liste l lment actuel, car celui-ci n existe pas."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current item cannot be removed from the list because the list does not allow re
moval of items.",,"Impossible de supprimer l lment actuel de la liste, car celle-c
i ne permet pas de supprimer des lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Indicates names of database columns used to sort the set of rows returned by th
e data source.",,"Indique les noms de colonnes de base de donnes utiliss pour filt
rer l ensemble de lignes retourn par la source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sort string contains a property that is not in the IBindingList.",,"La chane de
tri contient une proprit qui ne se trouve pas dans le IBindingList.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"dataBinding already belongs to this BindingsCollection.",,"dataBinding appartie
nt dj cette BindingsCollection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"dataBinding belongs to another BindingsCollection.",,"dataBinding appartient un
e autre BindingsCollection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binding {0
} cannot be found.",,"Impossible de trouver la liaison {0
} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This causes two bindings in the collection to bind to the same property.",,"Deu
x liaisons de la collection vont tre lies la mme proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Binding does not belong to this BindingsCollection.",,"La liaison n appartient
pas ce BindingsCollection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BlinkRate must be zero or greater. Negative values are not permitted.",,"BlinkR
ate doit tre suprieur ou gal zro. Les valeurs ngatives ne sont pas autorises.",,"Text
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables the automatic handling of text that extends beyond the width of the but
ton.",,"Permet le traitement automatique du texte qui dpasse les limites de la la
rgeur du bouton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For buttons whose FlatStyle is FlatStyle.Flat, this property specifies the colo
r of the border around the button.",,"Pour les boutons dont le FlatStyle est Fla
tStyle.Flat, cette proprit spcifie le couleur de bordure du bouton.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For buttons whose FlatStyle is FlatStyle.Flat, this property specifies the size

, in pixels, of the border around the button.",,"Pour les boutons dont le FlatSt
yle est FlatStyle.Flat, cette proprit spcifie la taille, en pixels, de la bordure d
u bouton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For buttons whose FlatStyle is FlatStyle.Flat, this property specifies the colo
r of the client area of the button when the button is checked and the mouse poin
ter is outside the bounds of the control.",,"Pour les boutons dont le FlatStyle
est FlatStyle.Flat, cette proprit spcifie la couleur de la zone cliente du bouton l
orsque le bouton est activ et que le pointeur de la souris se trouve hors des lim
ites du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The dialog-box result produced in a modal form by clicking the button.",,"Le rsu
ltat de la bote de dialogue produit dans un formulaire modal en cliquant sur le b
outon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For buttons whose FlatStyle is FlatStyle.Flat, determines the appearance of the
border and the colors used to indicate check state and mouse state.",,"Pour les
boutons dont le FlatStyle est FlatStyle.Flat, cette proprit dtermine l apparence d
e la bordure et des couleurs utilises pour signaler l tat d activation et celui de
la souris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ButtonBase controls do not support setting the BorderColor to Transparent.",,"L
es contrles ButtonBase ne prennent pas en charge l affectation de Transparent Bor
derColor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the appearance of the control when a user moves the mouse over the c
ontrol and clicks.",,"Dtermine l affichage du contrle lorsqu un utilisateur dplace
la souris sur le contrle et clique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The alignment of the image that will be displayed on the control.",,"L aligneme
nt de l image qui sera affiche sur le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The image that will be displayed on the control.",,"L image qui sera affiche sur
le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index of the image in the ImageList to display on the control.",,"L index d
e l image dans ImageList afficher sur le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList to get the image to display on the control.",,"Le ImageList pour
obtenir l image afficher sur le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"For buttons whose FlatStyle is FlatStyle.Flat, this property specifies the colo
r of the client area of the button when the mouse is pressed within the bounds o
f the control.",,"Pour les boutons dont le FlatStyle est FlatStyle.Flat, cette p
roprit spcifie la couleur de la zone cliente du bouton lorsque vous cliquez avec la
souris dans les limites du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"For buttons whose FlatStyle is FlatStyle.Flat, this property specifies the colo
r of the client area of the button when the mouse pointer is within the bounds o
f the control.",,"Pour les boutons dont le FlatStyle est FlatStyle.Flat, cette p
roprit spcifie la couleur de la zone cliente du bouton lorsque le pointeur de la so
uris se trouve dans les limites du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The alignment of the text that will be displayed on the control.",,"L alignemen
t du texte qui sera affich sur le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Specifies the relative location of the image to the text on the button.",,"Spcif
ie l emplacement relatif de l image par rapport au texte sur le bouton.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If true, the first character preceded by an ampersand (&&) will be used as the
button s mnemonic key.",,"Si la valeur est true, le premier caractre prcd d un signe
&& sera utilis comme touche mnmonique du bouton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the background is drawn using visual styles, if visual style
s are supported.",,"Dtermine si l arrire-plan est dessin l aide de styles visuels,
lorsque ceux-ci sont pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Enables and disables the Define Custom Colors button.",,"Active ou dsactive le b
outon Dfinir des couleurs personnalises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Indicates whether the dialog box displays all available colors in the set of ba
sic colors.",,"Indique si la bote de dialogue affiche toutes les couleurs disponi
bles dans le jeu de couleurs de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The color selected in the dialog box.",,"La couleur slectionne dans la bote de dia
logue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The custom set of colors shown in the dialog box.",,"Le jeu de couleurs personn
alis affich dans la bote de dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Controls whether the custom color section of the dialog box is initially displa
yed.",,"Contrle si la section de couleurs personnalise de la bote de dialogue est i
nitialement affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the Help button is displayed.",,"Contrle si le bouton Aide est
affich.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the dialog box will restrict users to only selecting solid co
lors.",,"Indique si la bote de dialogue ne permettra aux utilisateurs de slectionn
er que des couleurs unies.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handler type ({0} != {1}) is not valid.",,"Le type de gestionnaire ({0} != {1})
n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Names and values must be non-null and of same length.",,"Les noms et les valeur
s ne doivent pas tre null et doivent tre de la mme longueur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} is read-only.",,"La proprit {0} est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled VT: {0}.",,"VT non gr: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Invisible or disabled control cannot be activated",,"Impossible d activer un co
ntrle invisible ou dsactiv",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot alter the document or add to it once you have printed it.",,"Vous ne
pouvez modifier ni ajouter le document une fois que vous l avez imprim.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Double cannot be converted to a date.",,"Impossible de convertir une valeur dou
ble en date.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Integer cannot be converted to a float.",,"Impossible de convertir une valeur i
nteger en float.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting a second message loop on a single thread is not a valid operation. Use
Form.ShowDialog instead.",,"Le dmarrage d une deuxime boucle de messages sur un s
eul thread n est pas une opration valide. Utilisez Form.ShowDialog la place.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Showing a service notification message box with a Help button is not a valid op
eration.",,"L affichage d une bote de message de notification de service dote d un
bouton d aide n est pas une opration valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Showing a service notification message box with an owner window is not a valid
operation. Use the Show method that does not take an owner.",,"L affichage d une
bote de message de notification de service avec une fentre propritaire n est pas u
ne opration valide. Utilisez la mthode Show qui n utilise pas de propritaire.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Showing a modal dialog box or form when the application is not running in UserI
nteractive mode is not a valid operation. Specify the ServiceNotification or Def
aultDesktopOnly style to display a notification from a service application.",,"L
affichage d une bote de dialogue modale ou d un formulaire lorsque l application
ne s excute pas en mode UserInteractive n est pas une opration valide. Spcifiez le
style ServiceNotification ou DefaultDesktopOnly pour afficher une notification
partir d une application de service.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Accessibility",,"Accessibilit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Colors",,"Couleurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display",,"Afficher",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Folder Browsing",,"Parcours du dossier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Key",,"Touche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Private",,"Priv",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property Changed",,"Proprit modifie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Controls the appearance of the check box.",,"Contrle l apparence de la case coch
er.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Causes the check box to automatically change state when clicked.",,"Entrane le c
hangement d tat automatique de la case cocher suite un clic.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the location of the check box inside the control.",,"Dtermine l empla
cement de la case cocher dans le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates the state of the component. ",,"Indique l tat du composant. ",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the component is in the checked state. ",,"Indique si le comp
osant a un tat activ. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Appearance property is changed on CheckBox."
,,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Appearance du CheckBox est modifie.
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the CheckState property is changed.",,"Se produit chaque fois q
ue la proprit CheckState est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Occurs whenever the Check property is changed.",,"Se produit chaque fois que la
proprit Check est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the CheckBox will allow three check states rather than two.",
,"Indique si CheckBox autorise trois tats d activation plutt que deux.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the check box should be toggled with the first click on an item.",
,"Indique si la case cocher doit tre active ou dsactive lors du premier clic sur un l
ent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CheckedListBox.CheckedIndexCollection is read only.",,"CheckedListBox.CheckedIn
dexCollection est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"CheckedListBox.CheckedItemCollection is read only.",,"CheckedListBox.CheckedIte
mCollection est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Multi-selection is not supported on CheckedListBox.",,"Les slections multiples n
e sont pas prises en charge sur CheckedListBox.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates that an item is about to have its checked state changed. The value is
not updated until after the event occurs.",,"Indique que l tat activ d un lment va
changer. Cette valeur n est pas mise jour tant que l vnement ne s est pas produit.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether check boxes have a ButtonState of Flat or Normal.",,"Indique
si les cases cocher ont un ButtonState avec une valeur Flat ou Normal.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A circular control reference has been made. A control cannot be owned by or par
ented to itself.",,"Une rfrence de contrle circulaire a t cre. Un contrle ne peut pas
propritaire de lui-mme ou tre son propre parent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested Clipboard operation did not succeed.",,"chec de l opration du Presse-pa
piers demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Due to security restrictions on clipboard, the specified clipboard format canno
t be set.",,"En raison des restrictions de scurit du Presse-papiers, il est imposs
ible de dfinir le format de Presse-papiers spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework

",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Path ""{0}"" in the argument ""{1}"" is not valid."",,""Le chemin ""{0}"" dans
l argument ""{1}"" n est pas valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Value {0}() cannot be called while doing CreateHandle().",,"Impossible d appele
r la valeur {0}() pendant un CreateHandle().",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot operate with an empty collection.",,"Impossible d agir avec une collecti
on vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the horizontal alignment of the text displayed in the column header."
,,"Indique l alignement horizontal du texte affich dans l en-tte de colonne.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text displayed in the column header.",,"Le texte affich dans l en-tte de colo
nne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DisplayIndex value is out of bounds. Value must be greater than or equal to 0 a
nd less than or equal to number of columns minus 1.",,"La valeur DisplayIndex es
t hors limites. Elle doit tre suprieure ou gale 0 et infrieure ou gale au nombre de c
olonnes moins 1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be of type ColumnHeader.",,"L argument doit tre de type ColumnHead
er.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The display index of the column",,"Index d affichage de la colonne",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the column header.",,"Le nom de l en-tte de colonne.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The visual width of the column in pixels.",,"La largeur visuelle de la colonne
en pixels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The autocomplete custom source, which is a custom StringCollection used when th
e AutoCompleteSource is CustomSource.",,"La source personnalise de saisie automat
ique, qui est un StringCollection personnalis utilis lorsque AutoCompleteSource co
rrespond CustomSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the text completion behavior of the combo box.",,"Indique le comporte
ment de la saisie de texte de la zone de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only the value AutoCompleteMode.None can be used when DropDownStyle is ComboBox
Style.DropDownList and AutoCompleteSource is not AutoCompleteSource.ListItems.",
,"Seule la valeur de AutoCompleteMode.None peut tre utilise lorsque DropDownStyle
est ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList et AutoCompleteSource n est pas AutoCompleteSourc
e.ListItems.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The source of complete strings used for automatic completion.",,"La source des
chanes saisies utilise pour la saisie semi-automatique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only the value AutoCompleteSource.ListItems can be used when DropDownStyle is C
omboBoxStyle.DropDownList and AutoCompleteMode is not AutoCompleteMode.None.",,"
Seule la valeur AutoCompleteSource.ListItems peut tre utilise lorsque DropDownStyl
e est ComboBoxStyle.DropDownList et que AutoCompleteMode n est pas AutoCompleteM
ode.None.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataSource cannot be set in a combo box that is sorted.",,"Impossible de dfinir
le DataSource dans une zone de liste droulante trie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the code or the operating system will handle drawing of eleme
nts in the list.",,"Indique si le code ou le systme d exploitation gre le dessin d
es lments dans la liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The height, in pixels, of the drop-down box in a combo box.",,"La hauteur, en p
ixels, de la zone droulante dans une zone de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DropDownStyle property changes.",,"Se produit lors
que la valeur de la proprit DropDownStyle change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The width, in pixels, of the drop-down box in a combo box.",,"La largeur, en pi
xels, de la zone droulante dans une zone de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE

T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the combo box is currently dropped down.",,"Indique si la zone de
liste droulante est droule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the display of the control.",,"Dtermine l affichage du contrle.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the combo box should resize to avoid showing partial items.",
,"Indique si la zone de liste droulante doit tre redimensionne afin de ne pas affic
her des lments partiels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The height, in pixels, of items in an owner-draw combo box.",,"La hauteur, en p
ixels, des lments dans une zone de liste droulante owner-draw.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many items in the combo box.",,"La zone de liste droulante contient trop d lme
nts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The items in the combo box.",,"Les lments contenus dans la zone de liste droulante
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum number of entries to display in the drop-down list.",,"Le nombre ma
ximal d entres afficher dans la liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the combo b
ox.",,"Indique le nombre maximal de caractres qui peuvent tre entrs dans la zone de
liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates that the drop-down portion of the combo box has closed.",,"Indique la
fermeture de la partie droulante de la zone de liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the drop-down portion of the combo box is shown.",,"Se produit lors
que la partie droulante de la zone de liste est affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the combo box text has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque le texte de l
a zone de liste droulante a chang.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The preferred height of this control.",,"La hauteur par dfaut de ce contrle.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index of the currently selected item of the combo box.",,"L index de l lment
actuellement slectionn dans la zone de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The currently selected item in the combo box, or null.",,"L lment actuellement sle
ctionn dans la zone de liste droulante ou null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The selected text in the edit component of the combo box.",,"Le texte slectionn d
ans la zone de texte de la zone de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length of the selected text in the edit component of the combo box.",,"La l
ongueur du texte slectionn dans la zone de texte de la zone de liste droulante.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index of the first character in the selected text.",,"L index du premier ca
ractre dans le texte slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ComboBox that has a DataSource set cannot be sorted. Sort the data using the un
derlying data model.",,"Impossible de trier un ComboBox pour lequel un DataSourc
e est dfini. Triez les donnes en utilisant le modle de donnes sous-jacent.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether items in the list portion of the combo box are sorted.",,"Spci
fie si les lments de la partie liste de la zone de liste droulante sont tris.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls the appearance and functionality of the combo box.",,"Contrle l apparen
ce et la fonctionnalit de la zone de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New command ID cannot be allocated.",,"Impossible d allouer un nouvel ID de com
mande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user clicks the Help button.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateu
r clique sur le bouton Aide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type IComponent.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type IComponent.

",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"{0} Properties",,"Proprits {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to register the IMsoComponent. The maximum number of registered IMsoCom
ponents has been reached.",,"Impossible d inscrire le IMsoComponent. Le nombre m
aximal de IMsoComponents inscrits a t atteint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Server cannot recognize the attribute {0}.",,"Le serveur ne peut pas reconnatre
l attribut {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IConnectionPoint::Advise did not succeed with hr=0x{0:X} for event interface {1
}.",,"chec de IConnectionPoint::Advise avec hr=0x{0:X} pour l interface d vnement {
1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sink object does not implement the event interface.",,"L objet sink n implmente
pas l interface d vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source object does not expose the {0} event interface.",,"L objet source n expo
se pas l interface d vnement {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled type {0}.",,"Type {0} non gr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The currently active control.",,"Le contrle actuellement actif.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines how the form or control will scale when screen resolution or fonts c
hange.",,"Dtermine la mise l chelle du formulaire ou du contrle lorsque la rsolution
d cran ou les polices changent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether controls in the container will be automatically validated whe
n the focus changes.",,"Indique si les contrles dans le conteneur seront automati
quement valids lorsque le focus changera.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The binding manager for the container control. This manages all bindings of ch
ild controls to lists.",,"Le gestionnaire de liaisons pour le contrle conteneur.
Il gre toutes les liaisons des contrles enfants avec les listes.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The width and height of AutoScaleDimensions must be greater than or equal to ze
ro.",,"La largeur et la hauteur de AutoScaleDimensions doivent tre suprieures ou ga
les zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the AutoValidate property is changed.",,"Se produit lorsque la
proprit AutoValidate est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parent form of this container control.",,"Le formulaire parent de ce contrle
conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raised when the context menu collapses.",,"Dclench lorsque le menu contextuel est
rduit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets the ImageList associated with this context menu.",,"Obtient ou dfin
it le ImageList associ ce menu contextuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"ContextMenu cannot be shown on an invisible control.",,"ContextMenu ne peut pas
tre affich sur un contrle invisible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Gets or sets a value indicating whether the menu has an image margin.",,"Obtien
t ou dfinit une valeur indiquant si le menu dispose d une marge d image.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The last control that caused this context menu to be displayed.",,"Dernier cont
rle ayant provoqu l affichage de ce menu contextuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The last control that caused this context menu strip to be displayed.",,"Dernie
r contrle ayant provoqu l affichage de cette bande de menus contextuels.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control s accessible object is in an invalid state.",,"L objet accessible du co
ntrle est dans un tat non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The accessibility object for this control.",,"L objet d accessibilit de ce contrl
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default action description of the control.",,"La description de l action pa
r dfaut de ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The description that will be reported to accessibility clients.",,"La descripti

on qui sera indique aux clients d accessibilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name that will be reported to accessibility clients.",,"Le nom qui sera ind
iqu aux clients d accessibilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The role that will be reported to accessibility clients.",,"Le rle qui sera indi
qu aux clients d accessibilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control can accept data that the user drags onto it.",,"I
ndique si le contrle peut accepter des donnes si l utilisateur les fait glisser de
ssus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the opacity of the control can be adjusted. ",,"Indique si l
opacit du contrle peut tre modifie. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the edges of the container to which a certain control is bound. When a
control is anchored to an edge, the distance between the control s closest edge
and the specified edge will remain constant. ",,"Dfinit les bords du conteneur au
quel un contrle est li. Lorsqu un contrle est ancr un bord, la distance entre le bor
d le plus proche du contrle et le bord spcifi reste constante. ",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance {0} cannot be added. This instance is of a ComponentArrayBase type.
",,"Impossible d ajouter l instance {0} . Cette instance appartient au type Com
ponentArrayBase.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot perform ControlArray.AddCopy() because the ControlArray is empty. Add t
he control you want copied to the first position in the ControlArray.",,"Impossi
ble d excuter ControlArray.AddCopy(), car le ControlArray est vide. Ajoutez le co
ntrle copier la premire position du ControlArray.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance {0} must have a default constructor or one without parameters to be
copied by the ControlArray.",,"L instance {0} doit avoir un constructeur par df
aut ou exempt de paramtres copier par le ControlArray.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance {0} cannot be added. This instance already exists in the ControlArr
ay {1} .",,"Impossible d ajouter l instance {0} . Cette instance existe dj dans
le ControlArray {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of {0} cannot be added to ControlArray. Type of {1} , or a type derive
d from that type, is expected.",,"Impossible d ajouter le type de {0} au Contr
olArray. Le type de {1} , ou un type driv de celui-ci, est attendu.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the control will be auto-relocated in response to the movemen
t of peer controls.",,"Spcifie si le contrle est automatiquement dplac en rponse au m
ouvement des contrles homologues.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether a control will automatically size itself to fit its contents.
",,"Indique si le contrle se redimensionne automatiquement pour s ajuster son con
tenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the mode by which the user interface element automatically resizes it
self.",,"Spcifie le mode en fonction duquel l lment de l interface utilisateur est
automatiquement redimensionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background color of the component. ",,"La couleur d arrire-plan du composant
. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background image used for the control.",,"L image d arrire-plan utilise pour
le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background image layout used for the component.",,"La disposition de l imag
e d arrire-plan du composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type ThreadMethodEntry.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type Thre
adMethodEntry.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type Control.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type Control.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The binding context for the control.",,"Le contexte de liaisons pour le contrle.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data bindings for the control.",,"Les liaisons de donnes pour le contrle.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The bottom of the control, in container coordinates.",,"Le bas du contrle, en co

ordonnes conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The bounds of the control, in container coordinates.",,"Les limites du contrle,
en coordonnes conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Checks if this control can receive the focus.",,"Indique si ce contrle peut rece
voir le focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Checks if this control can be selected.",,"Indique si ce contrle peut tre slection
n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control cannot be null.",,"Control ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if this control is currently capturing all mouse input.",,"Dtermine s
i ce contrle capture actuellement toutes les entres de la souris.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether this component raises validation events. ",,"Indique si ce co
mposant dclenche des vnements de validation. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether illegal cross-thread calls raise exceptions. This can be used
as a debugging aid.",,"Indique si des appels inter-threads non conformes lvent d
es exceptions. Cela peut tre une aide au dbogage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the rectangle of the inner area of this control.",,"Extrait le rectan
gle de la zone interne de ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Determines the size of the inner area of this control.",,"Dtermine la taille de
la zone interne de ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the company name for this control.",,"Extrait le nom de socit du contrle
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if this control or one if its children currently has the focus.",,"Dt
ermine si ce contrle ou l un de ses enfants a le focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The shortcut menu to display when the user right-clicks the control.",,"Le menu
contextuel afficher lorsque l utilisateur clique avec le bouton droit sur le co
ntrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the ContextMenuStrip property changes.",,"Se produit l
orsque la valeur de la proprit ContextMenuStrip change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection of child controls within this control.",,"La collection des cont
rles enfants dans ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the control has been fully created.",,"Dtermine si le contrle a t cr co
mpltement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cursor that appears when the pointer moves over the control.",,"Le curseur
qui s affiche lorsque le pointeur passe sur le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the display rectangle of this control.",,"Extrait le rectangle d affi
chage de ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if this control has been disposed.",,"Dtermine si ce contrle a t supprim.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether this control is in the process of being disposed. ",,"Dtermin
e si ce contrle va tre supprim. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines which borders of the control are bound to the container. ",,"Dfinit les
bordures du contrle lies au conteneur. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Indicates whether the control will be double buffered.",,"Indique si le contrle
peut faire l objet d une double mise en mmoire tampon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control is enabled.",,"Indique si le contrle est activ.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if this control has focus.",,"Dtermine si ce contrle a le focus.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The font used to display text in the control.",,"La police utilise pour afficher

le texte dans le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The foreground color of this component, which is used to display text.",,"La co
uleur de premier plan de ce composant, utilise pour afficher le texte.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control has a handle associated with it.",,"Indique si un
handle est associ ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The native handle for this control.",,"Le handle natif de ce contrle.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control contains one or more child controls.",,"Indique s
i le contrle contient un ou plusieurs contrles enfants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The height of the user interface element, in pixels.",,"La hauteur de l lment d i
nterface utilisateur, en pixels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the IME (Input Method Editor) status of the object when selected.",,
"Dtermine l tat de l IME (diteur de mthode d entre) de l objet slectionn.",,"Text",,"A
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Scaling factor cannot be zero or empty.",,"Le facteur d chelle ne peut ni tre gal
zro, ni tre vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if Invoke or BeginInvoke should be used to access this control cross
-thread.",,"Dtermine si Invoke ou BeginInvoke doit tre utilis pour un accs inter-thr
eads ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control is visible to accessibility applications.",,"Indi
que si le contrle est visible aux applications d accessibilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified key is not supported.",,"La cl spcifie n est pas prise en charge.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The upper left of the control, in container coordinates.",,"Le coin suprieur gau
che du contrle, en coordonnes conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The coordinates of the upper-left corner of the control relative to the upper-l
eft corner of its container.",,"Les coordonnes du coin suprieur gauche du contrle p
ar rapport au coin suprieur gauche de son conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies space between this control and another control s margin.",,"Indique l
espace entre ce contrle et la marge d un autre contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the maximum size of the control.",,"Indique la taille maximale du con
trle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Size cannot have negative width or height.",,"La taille ne peut pas avoir une l
argeur ou une hauteur ngative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the minimum size of the control.",,"Indique la taille minimale du con
trle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" child is not a child control of this parent.",," child n est pas un contrle e
nfant de ce parent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the AutoSize property has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque la proprit A
utoSize est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the BackColor property is changed on Control.",,
"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit BackColor du contrle est modifie.",,
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the BackgroundImage property is changed on Contr
ol.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit BackgroundImage du contrle est
odifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the BackgroundImageLayout property is changed on
Control.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit BackgroundImageLayout du
contrle est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the BindingContext property is changed on Contro
l.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit BindingContext du contrle est mo
ifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the CausesValidation property is changed on Cont
rol.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit CausesValidation du contrle es

modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Occurs when focus rectangles and keyboard cue underlines are being shown or hid
den.",,"Se produit quand les rectangles de focus et les souligns d indications de
clavier sont affichs ou masqus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the component is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un clic sur le compo
sant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the ClientSize property is changed on Control.",
,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit ClientSize est modifie sur Control."
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the ContextMenu property changes.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e la valeur de la proprit ContextMenu change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a control is added to this control.",,"Se produit lorsqu un contrle
est ajout ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a control is removed from this control.",,"Se produit lorsqu un con
trle est supprim de ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control s native handle is created.",,"Se produit lorsque le ha
ndle natif du contrle est cr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Cursor property is changed on Control.",,"vnem
ent dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Cursor du contrle est modifie.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control s native handle is destroyed.",,"Se produit lorsque le
handle natif du contrle est dtruit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Event raised when the value of the Dock property is changed on Control.",,"vnemen
t dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Dock du contrle est modifie.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the component is double-clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un double-cli
c sur le composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a drag-and-drop operation is completed.",,"Se produit lors d une opr
ation de glisser-dplacer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse drags an item into the client area for this Control.",,"S
e produit lorsque la souris fait glisser un lment dans la zone cliente de ce contrl
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an object is dragged out of the control s bounds.",,"Se produit lor
squ un objet est dplac en dehors des limites d un contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an object is dragged over the control s bounds.",,"Se produit lorsq
u un objet est gliss sur les limites d un contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control s enabled state changes.",,"Se produit lorsque l tat Ena
bled du contrle change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control becomes the active control of the form.",,"Se produit l
orsque le contrle devient le contrle actif du formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Font property is changed on Control.",,"vnemen
t dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Font du contrle est modifie.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the ForeColor property is changed on Control.",,
"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit ForeColor du contrle est modifie.",,
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse drags an item. The system requests that the Control provi
de feedback to that effect.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris fait glisser un lment.
Le systme demande que le contrle ragisse cet effet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control gets focus.",,"Se produit lorsque le contrle obtient le
focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user invokes Help for the control.",,"Se produit lorsque l util
isateur appelle l aide pour ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Occurs when the control s input method editor (IME) mode changes.",,"Se produit
lorsque le mode IME (diteur de mthode d entre) du contrle change.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a control s display requires redrawing.",,"Se produit lorsque l aff
ichage d un contrle doit tre redessin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Occurs when a key is first pressed.",,"Se produit lorsqu une touche est enfonce
pour la premire fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control has focus and the user presses and releases a key.",,"S
e produit lorsque le contrle a le focus et que l utilisateur appuie sur une touch
e et la relche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a key is released.",,"Se produit lorsqu une touche est relche.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control is about to lay out its contents.",,"Se produit lorsque
le contrle va disposer son contenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Occurs when the control is no longer the active control of the form.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque le contrle n est plus le contrle actif du formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Location property is changed on Control.",,"vn
ement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Location du contrle est modifie.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control loses focus.",,"Se produit lorsque le contrle perd le fo
cus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the Margin property has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque la proprit Mar
gin change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs after the mouse capture is changed.",,"Se produit en cas de modification
de la capture de la souris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control is clicked by the mouse.",,"Se produit aprs un clic de s
ouris sur le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control is double clicked by the mouse.",,"Se produit aprs un do
uble-clic de souris sur le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the component and a mouse button is press
ed.",,"Se produit lorsque le pointeur de la souris passe sur le composant et que
le bouton de la souris est enfonc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Occurs when the mouse enters the visible part of the control.",,"Se produit lor
sque la souris entre dans la partie visible du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse remains stationary inside of the control for an amount of
time.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris reste dans le contrle pour une certaine du
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse leaves the visible part of the control.",,"Se produit lor
sque la souris quitte la partie visible du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse pointer is moved over the component.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e le pointeur de la souris est pass sur le composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse pointer is over the component and a mouse button is relea
sed.",,"Se produit lorsque le pointeur de la souris est pass sur le composant et
que le bouton de la souris est relch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Occurs when the mouse wheel moves while the control has focus.",,"Se produit lo
rsque la roulette de la souris bouge pendant que le contrle a le focus.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a control is moved.",,"Se produit lorsqu un contrle est dplac.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the Padding property has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque la proprit Pa
dding change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Occurs when a control needs repainting.",,"Se produit lorsqu un contrle doit tre
repeint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Parent property is changed on Control.",,"vnem
ent dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Parent de Control est modifie.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an Accessibility client invokes Help for the control.",,"Se produit
lorsqu un client d accessibilit appelle de l aide pour le contrle.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse drags an item. The system requests whether the drag-and-d
rop operation should be allowed to continue.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris fai
t glisser un lment. Le systme demande si l opration de glisser-dplacer doit continuer
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control enters the sizing modal loop.",,"Se produit lorsque le
contrle entre dans la boucle modale de dimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a control is resized.",,"Se produit lorsqu un contrle est redimensio
nn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control exits the sizing modal loop.",,"Se produit lorsque le c
ontrle quitte la boucle modale de redimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the RightToLeft property changes.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e la valeur de la proprit RightToLeft change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the RightToLeftLayout property changes.",,"Se produit
lorsque la valeur de la proprit RightToLeftLayout change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Size property is changed on Control.",,"vnemen
t dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Size du contrle est modifie.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the window style of a Control is changed.",,"vnement dclench lors
que le style de la fentre d un contrle est modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the system colors change.",,"vnement dclench lorsque les couleurs
systme changent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the TabIndex property is changed.",,"vnement dclenc
h lorsque la valeur de la proprit TabIndex change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the TabStop property is changed on Control.",,"vne
ment dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit TabStop du contrle est modifie.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Text property is changed on Control.",,"vnemen
t dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Text de Control est modifie.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs after a control has been successfully validated.",,"Se produit aprs la va
lidation russie d un contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control is validating.",,"Se produit lors de la validation du c
ontrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control s visibility changes.",,"Se produit lorsque l tat de vis
ibilit du contrle change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the interior spacing of a control.",,"Spcifie l espacement interne d u
n contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parent of this control.",,"Le parent de ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the name of the product associated with this component.",,"Extrait le
nom du produit associ ce composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Retrieves the version of the product associated with this component.",,"Extrait
la version du produit associe ce composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if this control is in the process of recreating its handle.",,"Dtermi

ne si ce contrle est en train de recrer son handle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of Region property is changed on Control.",,"vnement
dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Region du contrle est modifie.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The region, or shape, of this control.",,"La rgion ou la forme de ce contrle.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control should redraw itself when resized.",,"Indique si
le contrle doit se redessiner lorsqu il est redimensionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The distance, in pixels, between the right edge of the control and the left edg
e of its container s client area.",,"La distance, en pixels, entre le bord droit
du contrle et le bord gauche de la zone cliente de son conteneur.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the component should draw right-to-left for RTL languages.",,
"Indique si le composant doit tre dessin de droite gauche pour les langues s crivan
t de droite gauche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control layout is right-to-left when the RightToLeft prop
erty is set to Yes.",,"Indique si le contrle est dispos de droite gauche lorsque l
a proprit RightToLeft a la valeur Yes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The size of the control in pixels.",,"La taille du contrle en pixels.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the index in the TAB order that this control will occupy.",,"Dtermine
l index de ce contrle dans l ordre de tabulation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the user can use the TAB key to give focus to the control.",,
"Indique si l utilisateur peut utiliser la touche TABULATION pour donner le focu
s au contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined data associated with the object.",,"Donnes dfinies par l utilisateur
associes l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text associated with the control.",,"Le texte associ au contrle.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The top of the control, in container coordinates.",,"Le bord suprieur du contrle,
en coordonnes conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the top-level control that contains this control.",,"Extrait le contrl
e de niveau suprieur qui contient ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Getting value of property {0} is not supported by this method.",,"L obtention
de la valeur de la proprit {0} n est pas prise en charge par cette mthode.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When this property is true, the Cursor property of the control and its child co
ntrols is set to WaitCursor.",,"Lorsque cette proprit est true, la proprit Cursor du
contrle et de ses contrles enfants prend la valeur WaitCursor.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when SystemInformation UserPreference changed event is raised",,"vne
ment dclench lorsque l vnement modifi SystemInformation UserPreference est dclench",,"
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when SystemInformation UserPreferenceChanging event is raised",,"vne
ment dclench lorsque l vnement SystemInformation UserPreferenceChanging est dclench",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the control is visible or hidden.",,"Dtermine si le contrle es
t visible ou masqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The width of the control, in container coordinates.",,"La largeur du contrle, en
coordonnes conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The location where native messages will be routed.",,"L emplacement vers lequel
les messages natifs sont routs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the control if the screen were infinitely large.",,"Le taille du co
ntrle si l cran tait sans limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The list must be an IBindingList to AddNew.",,"La liste doit tre un IBindingList

pour AddNew.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"System cursors cannot be converted to byte[].",,"Impossible de convertir les cu
rseurs systme en byte[].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom cursors cannot be converted to string.",,"Impossible de convertir des cu
rseurs personnaliss en chane.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stock cursors cannot be serialized.",,"Les curseurs de stock ne peuvent pas tre
srialiss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AddNew is not supported for property to property binding.",,"AddNew n est pas p
ris en charge pour la liaison de proprit proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Detected a property binding cycle for the property {0} ",,"PropertyBinding cir
culaire dtect pour la proprit {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataBinding cannot find a row in the list that is suitable for all bindings.",,
"DataBinding n a pas trouv dans la liste une ligne adquate pour toutes les liaison
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RemoveAt is not supported for property-to-property binding.",,"RemoveAt n est p
as pris en charge pour la liaison de proprit proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the grid can be re-sorted by clicking a column header.",,"Ind
ique si la grille peut tre retrie en cliquant sur un en-tte de colonne.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the background color of alternating rows for a ledger appearance.",,"
Indique la couleur d arrire-plan des lignes en alternance pour obtenir une appare
nce livre comptable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user clicks the Back button on a child table to return to the p
arent table.",,"Se produit lors d un clic sur le bouton Prcdent d une table enfant
pour retourner la table parente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Indicates the color of the DataGrid background.",,"Indique la couleur de l arrir
e-plan du DataGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BeginInit() has already been called without an EndInit().",,"BeginInit() a dj t app
el sans EndInit().",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the DataGridBoolColumn allows null values.",,"Indique si Data
GridBoolColumn autorise les valeurs null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the border style for the DataGrid.",,"Indique le style de bordure du
DataGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Navigates back to the parent rows.",,"Navigue vers l arrire jusqu aux lignes par
entes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the background color of the top caption.",,"Indique la couleur d arrir
e-plan de la lgende suprieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shows/Hides the parent rows for the current set of child rows.",,"Affiche/masqu
e les lignes parentes pour l ensemble actuel de lignes enfants.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the font of the top caption.",,"Indique la police de la lgende suprieur
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the color of text that appears in the top caption.",,"Indique la coul
eur de texte qui s affiche dans la lgende suprieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the text displayed in the top caption.",,"Indique le texte affich dans
la lgende suprieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the top caption is visible.",,"Indique si la lgende suprieure e
st visible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridColumn instance does not exist in the collection.",,"L instance DataGri
dColumn n existe pas dans la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the column headers are visible.",,"Indique si les en-ttes de c
olonnes sont visibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Position of ListManager must be equal to rowNum .",,"La position de ListManage
r doit tre gale rowNum .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"PropertyDescriptor has not been set on this DataGridColumn.",,"PropertyDescript

or n a pas t dfini ce DataGridColumn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Data grid column styles collection already contains a column style with the sam
e mapping name.",,"La collection de styles de colonne de la grille de donnes cont
ient un style de colonne avec le mme nom de mappage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridColumnStyle of {0} cannot be used because it is not associated with a
Property or Column in the DataSource.",,"DataGridColumnStyle de {0} ne peut p
as tre utilis, car il n est pas associ une proprit ou une colonne dans le DataSource
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ColumnWidth must be greater than or equal to 0.",,"ColumnWidth doit tre suprieur
ou gal 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The currently selected cell in the DataGrid.",,"La cellule actuellement slection
ne dans le DataGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates a sub-list of the DataSource to show in the DataGrid.",,"Indique une
sous-liste du DataSource afficher dans le DataGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the source of data for the DataGrid.",,"Indique la source des donnes p
our le DataGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User cannot change the contents of the default GridColumnStylesCollection.",,"L
utilisateur ne peut pas changer le contenu de GridColumnStylesCollection par dfa
ut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of this property cannot be changed on the default DataGridTableStyle.",,"
Impossible de changer la valeur de cette proprit pour le DataGridTableStyle par dfa
ut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Occurs when the user clicks the ""show/hide parent rows"" icon. "",,"Se produi
t lors d un clic de l utilisateur sur l icne d affichage/masquage des lignes pare
ntes. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value {0} cannot be set to an empty value.",,"Impossible de dfinir une valeur
vide pour {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Committing the row to the original data store has caused an error.",,"Erreur lo
rs de la validation de la ligne avec le magasin de donnes d origine.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid received an exception at design time. Reset the DataSource and DataMem
ber property on the grid.",,"DataGrid a reu une exception au moment du design. Rin
itialisez les proprits DataSource et DataMember dans la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Program cannot get information about the painting and scrolling region.",,"Impo
ssible d obtenir des informations sur la rgion utilise pour la peinture et le dfile
ment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the index of the column that is first shown.",,"Indique l index de la
colonne qui est affiche en premier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Indicates whether the grid has a flat appearance.",,"Indique si la grille a une
apparence deux dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the color of the grid lines.",,"Indique la couleur des lignes de la g
rille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the style of the grid lines.",,"Indique le style des lignes de la gri
lle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection of DataGridTableStyle objects that the DataGrid can render its d
ata with.",,"La collection d objets DataGridTableStyle avec lesquels le DataGrid
peut afficher ses donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the background color of the column and row headers.",,"Indique la cou
leur d arrire-plan des en-ttes de colonnes et de lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the font of the text in the column and row headers.",,"Indique la pol
ice du texte dans les en-ttes de colonnes et de lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the color of the text in the column and row headers.",,"Indique la co

uleur du texte dans les en-ttes de colonnes et de lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returns the horizontal scroll bar used by the grid.",,"Retourne la barre de dfil
ement horizontale utilise par la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Indicates the color of the text that appears inside the child links.",,"Indique
la couleur du texte qui s affiche dans les liaisons enfants.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the color of the text that appears inside a child link when the mouse
pointer moves over it.",,"Indique la couleur du texte qui s affiche dans une li
aison enfant lorsque le pointeur de la souris passe dessus.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The CurrencyManager that the DataGrid uses to get data from the data source.",,
"Le CurrencyManager que le DataGrid utilise pour obtenir des donnes de la source
de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user navigates to the child rows or when the user navigates bac
k to the parent rows.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur navigue jusqu aux lign
es enfants ou lorsqu il navigue vers l arrire jusqu aux lignes parentes.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether links to child tables are shown.",,"Indique si les liaisons v
ers les tables enfants s affichent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Occurs when the user clicks on the expansion glyph on the row header.",,"Se pro
duit lorsque l utilisateur clique sur le glyphe d expansion de l en-tte de ligne.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the BackgroundColor property is changed on DataG
rid.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit BackgroundColor de DataGrid es
t modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the BorderStyle property is changed on DataGrid.
",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit BorderStyle de DataGrid est modifi
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the CaptionVisible property is changed on DataGr
id.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit CaptionVisible de DataGrid est
modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the CurrentCell property is changed on DataGrid.
",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit CurrentCell de DataGrid est modifi
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the DataSource property is changed on DataGrid."
,,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataSource de DataGrid est modifie.
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the FlatMode property is changed on DataGrid.",,
"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit FlatMode de DataGrid est modifie.",,"
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the NavigationMode property is changed on DataGr
id.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit NavigationMode de DataGrid est
modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the ParentRowsLabelStyle property is changed on
DataGrid.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit ParentRowsLabelStyle de D
ataGrid est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the ParentRowsVisible property is changed on Dat
aGrid.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit ParentRowsVisible de DataGri
d est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the ReadOnly property is changed on DataGrid.",,
"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit ReadOnly de DataGrid est modifie.",,"
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the background color of the parent rows.",,"Indique la couleur d arrir
e-plan des lignes parentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the color of the text in the parent rows.",,"Indique la couleur du te
xte dans les lignes parentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the parent rows show labels for the table and for the columns

.",,"Indique si les lignes parentes affichent des tiquettes pour la table et pour
les colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the parent rows area is visible.",,"Indique si la zone de lig
nes parentes est visible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies what the default pixel widths of the grid columns are. The default va
lue for PreferredColumnWidth is 75.",,"Spcifie les largeurs par dfaut en pixels de
s colonnes de la grille. La valeur par dfaut pour PreferredColumnWidth est gale 75
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the preferred height of the rows.",,"Indique la hauteur par dfaut des
lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value {0} Do you want to correct this value?",,"Valeur {0} Voulez-vous corriger
cette valeur?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether rows in the grid can be edited, added, or deleted.",,"Indique
si les lignes de la grille peuvent tre modifies, ajoutes ou supprimes.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the width of the row headers.",,"Indique la largeur des en-ttes de lig
nes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the row headers are visible.",,"Indique si les en-ttes de lign
es sont visibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridRow.Height cannot be negative.",,"DataGridRow.Height ne peut pas avoir
une valeur ngative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridRow cannot have a negative row number.",,"DataGridRow ne peut pas avoir
un nombre de lignes ngatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user scrolls either the horizontal or vertical scroll bar.",,"S
e produit lorsque l utilisateur fait dfiler l aide de la barre de dfilement horizo
ntale ou verticale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the index of the current row.",,"Indique l index de la ligne actuelle
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the background color of any selected cells or rows.",,"Indique la cou
leur d arrire-plan des cellules ou des lignes slectionnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the color of the text in any selected cells or rows.",,"Indique la co
uleur du texte dans les cellules ou les lignes slectionnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ListManager can be set using the DataSource and DataMember properties.",,"ListM
anager peut tre dfini l aide des proprits DataSource et DataMember.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Position on a null ListManager cannot be set.",,"Impossible de dfinir la positio
n sur un ListManager null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CurrentCell cannot be set at this time. Moving your code to the Form.Load event
should solve this problem.",,"Impossible de dfinir CurrentCell actuellement. Pou
r rsoudre ce problme, dplacez votre code dans Form.Load.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridTable instance does not exist in the collection.",,"L instance DataGrid
Table n existe pas dans la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"DataGridTableStyle that is already parented to another DataGrid cannot be added
.",,"Impossible d ajouter un DataGridTableStyle dj enfant d un autre DataGrid.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data grid table styles collection already contains a table style with the same
mapping name.",,"La collection de styles de la grille de donnes contient un style
de table avec le mme nom de mappage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"DataGridTableStyle does not support transparent AlternatingBackColor.",,"DataGr
idTableStyle ne prend pas en charge un AlternatingBackColor transparent.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridTableStyle does not support transparent BackColor.",,"DataGridTableStyl
e ne prend pas en charge un BackColor transparent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridTableStyle does not support transparent HeaderBackColor.",,"DataGridTab

leStyle ne prend pas en charge un HeaderBackColor transparent.",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridTableStyle does not support transparent SelectionBackColor.",,"DataGrid
TableStyle ne prend pas en charge un SelectionBackColor transparent.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"null rectangle for icon bounds when adding tool tip.",,"rectangle null pour les
limites d icne lors de l ajout d une info-bulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid control does not support transparent AlternatingBackColor.",,"Le contrl
e DataGrid ne prend pas en charge un AlternatingBackColor transparent.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid control does not support transparent BackColor.",,"Le contrle DataGrid
ne prend pas en charge un BackColor transparent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid control does not support transparent CaptionBackColor.",,"Le contrle Da
taGrid ne prend pas en charge un CaptionBackColor transparent.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid control does not support transparent HeaderBackColor.",,"Le contrle Dat
aGrid ne prend pas en charge un HeaderBackColor transparent.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid control does not support transparent ParentRowsBackColor.",,"Le contrle
DataGrid ne prend pas en charge un ParentRowsBackColor transparent.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGrid control does not support transparent SelectionBackColor.",,"Le contrle
DataGrid ne prend pas en charge un SelectionBackColor transparent.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data cannot be read from a DataGrid which is not bound to a DataTable.",,"Les d
onnes ne peuvent pas tre lues partir d un DataGrid qui n est pas li un DataTable.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returns the vertical scroll bar used by the grid.",,"Retourne la barre de dfilem
ent verticale utilise par la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Occurs when the value of the AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle property changes."
,,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit AlternatingRowsDefaultCellStyle chan
ge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AutoSizeMode property of a column changes.",,"Se p
roduit lorsque la valeur de la proprit AutoSizeMode d une colonne change.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AutoSizeColumnsMode property changes.",,"Se produi
t lorsque la valeur de la proprit AutoSizeColumnsMode change.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AutoSizeRowsMode property changes.",,"Se produit l
orsque la valeur de la proprit AutoSizeRowsMode change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridView.BackgroundColor property changes.",,"
Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridView.BackgroundColor change.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background color of the DataGridView.",,"La couleur d arrire-plan du DataGri
dView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected property cannot be altered before this object is added to a DataGridVi
ew control.",,"Impossible de modifier la proprit Selected avant d avoir ajout cet o
bjet un contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Minimum height provided cannot be smaller than {0}.",,"La hauteur minimale indi
que ne peut pas tre infrieure {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Minimum width provided cannot be smaller than {0}.",,"La largeur minimale indiq
ue ne peut pas tre infrieure {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uncommitted new row cannot be made invisible.",,"Impossible de rendre invisible
la nouvelle ligne non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the BorderStyle property changes.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e la valeur de la proprit BorderStyle change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"The owning DataGridViewCell object is already set.",,"L objet propritaire DataGr
idViewCell est dj dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The owning DataGridViewCell object has not been set.",,"L objet propritaire Data
GridViewCell n a pas t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one of the provided cells is null.",,"Au moins l une des cellules four
nies a une valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least two provided cells are identical. Each provided cell must be unique.",
,"Au moins deux cellules fournies sont identiques. Chaque cellule fournie doit tr
e unique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cell provided already belongs to a grid. This operation is not valid.",,"La cel
lule fournie appartient dj une grille. Cette opration n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cell provided already belongs to a row. This operation is not valid.",,"La cell
ule fournie appartient dj une ligne. Cette opration n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cell provided cannot be found in the collection.",,"La cellule fournie est intr
ouvable dans la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection already belongs to a DataGridView control. This operation is no long
er valid.",,"Cette collection appartient dj un contrle DataGridView. Cette opration
n est plus valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the position of the content within a cell.",,"Indique la position du
contenu dans une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridViewCellStyle does not support transparent {0}.",,"DataGridViewCellStyl
e ne prend pas en charge le {0} transparent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"ReadOnly property of a cell cannot be set before it is added to a row.",,"Impos
sible de dfinir la proprit ReadOnly d une cellule avant de l avoir ajout une ligne."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected property of a cell cannot be set before the cell is added to a DataGri
dView control.",,"Impossible de dfinir la proprit Selected d une cellule avant d av
oir ajout celle-ci un contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Formatted value of the cell has a wrong type.",,"La valeur mise en forme de la
cellule est d un type incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FormattedValueType property of a cell cannot be null.",,"La proprit FormattedValu
eType d une cellule ne peut pas avoir une valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ValueType property of a cell in a grid cannot be null.",,"La proprit ValueType d
une cellule d une grille ne peut pas avoir une valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected",,"Slectionn",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indeterminate",,"Indtermin",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cleared",,"Effac",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value provided for the DataGridViewCheckBoxCell has the wrong type.",,"La v
aleur fournie pour DataGridViewCheckBoxCell est du type incorrect.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column named {0} cannot be found.",,"La colonne nomme {0} est introuvable.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column header s SortGlyphDirection cannot be set to {0} while the column s Sort
Mode is set to NotSortable.",,"Le SortGlyphDirection de l en-tte de colonne ne pe
ut pas prendre la valeur {0} lorsque le SortMode de la colonne a la valeur NotSo
rtable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle property changes.",,
"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit ColumnHeadersDefaultCellStyle change."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the ColumnHeadersHeight property changes.",,"Se produi
t lorsque la valeur de la proprit ColumnHeadersHeight change.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the column headers row is displayed.",,"Indique si la ligne d

es en-ttes de colonnes est affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Occurs when the value of the SortMode property for a column changes.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque la valeur de la proprit SortMode pour une colonne change.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column AutoSize mode cannot be based on the column headers alone while they are
invisible.",,"Le mode de redimensionnement automatique de la colonne ne peut pa
s reposer uniquement sur les en-ttes de colonnes lorsque ceux-ci sont invisibles.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the auto size mode for this column.",,"Dtermine le mode de redimensio
nnement automatique pour cette colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Operation cannot be completed because this DataGridViewColumn does not have a C
ellTemplate.",,"Impossible d effectuer cette opration, car ce DataGridViewColumn
ne possde pas de CellTemplate.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DisplayIndex property of a DataGridViewColumn must be smaller than the numb
er of columns.",,"La proprit DisplayIndex d un DataGridViewColumn doit tre plus pet
ite que le nombre de colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DisplayIndex property of a DataGridViewColumn cannot be negative.",,"La proprit D
isplayIndex d un DataGridViewColumn ne peut pas avoir une valeur ngative.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DisplayIndex property of a DataGridViewColumn must be smaller than {0}.",,"La p
roprit DisplayIndex d un DataGridViewColumn doit avoir une valeur infrieure {0}.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DisplayIndex property of a detached DataGridViewColumn cannot be smaller th
an -1.",,"La proprit DisplayIndex d un DataGridViewColumn dtach ne peut pas tre infrie
ure -1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The weight that is used when sizing this column in the Fill auto size mode.",,"
Le poids qui est utilis lors du redimensionnement de cette colonne en mode de dim
ensionnement du remplissage automatique (Fill).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column s AutoSize mode cannot be set to Fill when it is also a frozen column.",
,"Le mode de redimensionnement automatique d une colonne ne peut pas prendre la
valeur de remplissage Fill quand la colonne est de type fige.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column s SortMode cannot be set to {0} while the DataGridView control s Selecti
onMode is set to {1}.",,"Le SortMode d une colonne ne peut pas prendre la valeur
{0} quand le SelectionMode du contrle DataGridView a la valeur {1}.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DropDownWidth value cannot be smaller than {0}.",,"La valeur DropDownWidth ne p
eut pas tre infrieure {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field called {0} does not exist.",,"Le champ appel {0} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridViewComboBoxCell value is not valid.",,"La valeur DataGridViewComboBoxC
ell n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MaxDropDownItems value cannot be smaller than {0} or larger than {1}.",,"La val
eur MaxDropDownItems ne peut pas tre infrieure {0} ni suprieure {1}.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataMember property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque
la valeur de la proprit DataMember change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Indicates a sub-list of the DataSource to show in the DataGridView control.",,"
Indique une sous-liste du DataSource afficher dans le contrle DataGridView.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataSource property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque
la valeur de la proprit DataSource change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the source of data for the DataGridView control.",,"Indique la source
des donnes pour le contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Occurs when the value of the DefaultCellStyle property changes.",,"Se produit l

orsque la valeur de la proprit DefaultCellStyle change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ColumnIndex property is out of range.",,"La proprit ColumnIndex est hors limites.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RowIndex property is out of range.",,"La proprit RowIndex est hors limites.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color of the grid lines separating the cells of the DataGridView.",,"La cou
leur du quadrillage qui spare les cellules du DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined text associated with the image.",,"Texte dfini par l utilisateur et
associ l image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The icon displayed in the cells of this column when the cell s DataGridViewCell
.Value property is not set and the cell s DataGridViewImageCell.ValueIsIcon prop
erty is set to true.",,"L icne affiche dans les cellules de cette colonne lorsque
la proprit DataGridViewCell.Value de la cellule n est pas dfinie et que la proprit Da
taGridViewImageCell.ValueIsIcon de la cellule a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The image displayed in the cells of this column when the cell s DataGridViewCel
l.Value property is not set and the cell s DataGridViewImageCell.ValueIsIcon pro
perty is set to false.",,"L image affiche dans les cellules de cette colonne lors
que la proprit DataGridViewCell.Value de la cellule n est pas dfinie et que la prop
rit DataGridViewImageCell.ValueIsIcon de la cellule a la valeur false.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The image layout in the cells for this column.",,"La disposition de l image dan
s les cellules pour cette colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Indicates whether cells in this column display System.Drawing.Icon values.",,"I
ndique si les cellules de cette colonne affichent les valeurs System.Drawing.Ico
n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AllowUserToAddRows property changes.",,"Se produit
lorsque la valeur de la proprit AllowUserToAddRows change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AllowUserToDeleteRows property changes.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque la valeur de la proprit AllowUserToDeleteRows change.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AllowUserToOrderColumns property changes.",,"Se pr
oduit lorsque la valeur de la proprit AllowUserToOrderColumns change.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AllowUserToResizeColumns property changes.",,"Se p
roduit lorsque la valeur de la proprit AllowUserToResizeColumns change.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AllowUserToResizeRows property changes.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque la valeur de la proprit AllowUserToResizeRows change.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the GridColor property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque
la valeur de la proprit GridColor change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Occurs when the value of the MultiSelect property changes.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e la valeur de la proprit MultiSelect change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the ReadOnly property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque l
a valeur de la proprit ReadOnly change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Owning DataGridViewRow object is already set.",,"L objet propritaire DataGridVie
wRow est dj dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Owning DataGridViewRow object has not been set.",,"L objet propritaire DataGridV
iewRow n a pas t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rows cannot be programmatically added to the DataGridView s rows collection whe
n the control is data-bound.",,"Impossible d ajouter par programmation des ligne

s la collection de lignes DataGridView lorsque le contrle est li aux donnes.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected row cannot be added to or inserted into the DataGridView control. The
row must be deselected first.",,"Impossible d ajouter ou d insrer dans le contrle
DataGridView une ligne slectionne. Vous devez d abord dslectionner la ligne.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uncommitted new row cannot be deleted.",,"Impossible de supprimer la nouvelle l
igne non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rows collection cannot be programmatically cleared when the DataGridView contro
l is data-bound to anything else than an IBindingList that supports change notif
ication and allows deletion.",,"Impossible d effacer par programmation la collec
tion de lignes lorsque le contrle DataGridView n est pas li un IBindingList qui pr
end en charge la notification de modifications et autorise la suppression.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rows cannot be programmatically removed unless the DataGridView is data-bound t
o an IBindingList that supports change notification and allows deletion.",,"Impo
ssible de supprimer des lignes par programmation si le DataGridView n est pas li
un IBindingList qui prend en charge la notification de modifications et autorise
la suppression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of copies to create must be strictly positive.",,"Le nombre de copies cre
r doit tre strictement positif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index of the destination row is out of range.",,"L index de la ligne de destina
tion est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index of the row to copy is out of range.",,"L index de la ligne copier est hor
s limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No row can be added to a DataGridView control that does not have columns. Colum
ns must be added first.",,"Impossible d ajouter une ligne un contrle DataGridView
dpourvu de colonnes. Les colonnes doivent tre ajoutes au pralable.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No row can be inserted after the uncommitted new row.",,"Impossible d ajouter u
ne ligne aprs la nouvelle ligne non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"No row exists to make a copy of. A first row must be added to the DataGridView
control before you can add copies of it.",,"La ligne copier n existe pas. Vous d
evez d abord ajouter une premire ligne au contrle DataGridView avant de pouvoir en
ajouter des copies.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row index provided is out of range.",,"L index de ligne fourni est hors limites
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The RowTemplate row contains more cells than there are columns.",,"La ligne Row
Template contient plus de cellules qu il n y a de colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provided row contains more cells than there are columns.",,"La ligne fournie co
ntient plus de cellules qu il n y a de colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle property changes.",,"Se
produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit RowHeadersDefaultCellStyle change.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the column that contains row headers is displayed.",,"Indique
si la colonne qui contient les en-ttes de lignes est affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the RowHeadersWidth property changes.",,"Se produit lo
rsque la valeur de la proprit RowHeadersWidth change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the RowsDefaultCellStyle property changes.",,"Se produ
it lorsque la valeur de la proprit RowsDefaultCellStyle change.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The owning DataGridView control is already set.",,"Le contrle DataGridView propr
itaire est dj dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The owning DataGridView control has not been set.",,"Le contrle DataGridView pro
pritaire n a pas t dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Value provided for CellTemplate must be of type {0} or derive from it.",,"La va
leur fournie pour CellTemplate doit tre du type {0} ou en driver.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether you have provided your own data-management operations for the
DataGridView control. ",,"Indique si vous avez fourni vos propres oprations de g
estion de donnes pour le contrle DataGridView. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one of the DataGridView control s columns has no cell template.",,"Au
moins l une des colonnes du contrle DataGridView n a pas de modle de cellule.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Press to check",,"Appuyez pour activer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Press to uncheck",,"Appuyez pour ne pas activer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Press to sort column",,"Appuyez pour trier la colonne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Press to select column",,"Appuyez pour slectionner la colonne",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Row {1}",,"{0} Ligne {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Editing Control",,"Modification de contrle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Editing Panel",,"Modification de panneau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Horizontal Scroll Bar",,"Barre de dfilement horizontale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row {0}",,"Ligne {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selected Cells",,"Cellules slectionnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Selected Row Cells",,"Cellules de lignes slectionnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Press to Select All",,"Appuyez sur Slectionner tout",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top Left Header Cell",,"Cellule d en-tte suprieure gauche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top Right Header Cell",,"Cellule d en-tte suprieure droite",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top Row",,"Ligne du haut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vertical Scroll Bar",,"Barre de dfilement verticale",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} cannot be set to the advanced cell border style provided.",,"La pr
oprit {0} ne peut pas prendre comme valeur le style de bordure de cellule avanc fou
rni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the option to add rows is displayed to the user.",,"Indique s
i l option pour ajouter des lignes est affiche l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the user is allowed to delete rows from the DataGridView.",,"
Indique si l utilisateur est autoris supprimer des lignes du DataGridView.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether manual column repositioning is enabled. ",,"Indique si le rep
ositionnement manuel des colonnes est activ. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether users can resize columns.",,"Indique si les utilisateurs peuv
ent redimensionner les colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether users can resize rows.",,"Indique si les utilisateurs peuvent
redimensionner les lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default cell style applied to odd-numbered rows. ",,"Le style de cellule pa
r dfaut appliqu aux lignes impaires. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"At least one of the provided columns is null.",,"Au moins l une des colonnes fo
urnies est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"At least one of the provided rows is null.",,"Au moins l une des lignes fournie
s est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the auto size mode for the visible columns.",,"Dtermine le mode de ta
ille automatique des colonnes visibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Determines the auto size mode for the visible rows.",,"Dtermine le mode de taill
e automatique des lignes visibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the BeginEdit
function.",,"L opration n est pas valide, car elle provoque un appel rentrant la f
onction BeginEdit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The border style for the DataGridView.",,"Le style de bordure pour le DataGridV
iew.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The flat style appearance of the button cells in the column.",,"Le style deux d
imensions (flat) des cellules de bouton dans la colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default text displayed on the button cell.",,"Le texte par dfaut affich sur l
a cellule du bouton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the DataGridViewButtonColumn.Text property value is displayed
as the button text for cells in this column.",,"Indique si la proprit DataGridVie
wButtonColumn.Text est affiche en tant que texte du bouton pour les cellules dans
cette colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of a DataGridView control is
true and a row edit should be canceled.",,"Se produit lorsque la proprit DataGridV
iew.VirtualMode d un contrle DataGridView est true et qu une modification de lign
e doit tre annule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visible column cannot be added because its AutoSize mode is Fill, and the colum
n is frozen.",,"Impossible d ajouter la colonne visible, car son mode de redimen
sionnement automatique est Fill, et la colonne est fige.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visible column cannot be added because its AutoSize mode includes its header, a
nd the column headers are invisible.",,"Impossible d ajouter la colonne visible,
car son mode de redimensionnement automatique comprend son en-tte, et les en-ttes
de colonnes sont invisibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column cannot be added because it is frozen and placed after an unfrozen column
.",,"Impossible d ajouter la colonne, car elle est fige et place aprs une colonne n
on fige.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row cannot be added because it is frozen and placed after an unfrozen row.",,"I
mpossible d ajouter la ligne, car elle est fige et place aprs une ligne non fige.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least two provided columns are identical. Each provided column must be uniqu
e.",,"Au moins deux colonnes fournies sont identiques. Chaque colonne fournie do
it tre unique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least two provided rows are identical. Each provided row must be unique.",,"
Au moins deux lignes fournies sont identiques. Chaque ligne fournie doit tre uniq
ue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column cannot be added because it is unfrozen and placed before a frozen column
.",,"Impossible d ajouter la colonne, car elle est fige et place devant une colonn
e non fige.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row cannot be added because it is unfrozen and placed before a frozen row.",,"I
mpossible d ajouter la ligne, car elle est fige et place devant une ligne non fige.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column cannot be added because its CellType property is null.",,"Impossible d a
jouter la colonne, car sa proprit CellType est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation cannot be performed while an auto-filled column is being resized
.",,"Impossible d effectuer cette opration lorsqu une colonne renseigne automatiqu
ement est en cours de redimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"This operation cannot be performed while the DisplayIndex of a column is being

adjusted.",,"Cette opration ne peut pas tre excute tant que le DisplayIndex d une co
lonne est en cours d ajustement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Columns AutoSize mode cannot be set to Fill because at least one visible column
would inherit this AutoSize mode and is frozen.",,"Le mode de redimensionnement
automatique des colonnes ne peut pas prendre la valeur de remplissage Fill, car
au moins une colonne visible hriterait de ce mode de redimensionnement automatiq
ue alors qu elle est fige.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Columns AutoSize mode cannot be based exclusively on the headers because the co
lumn headers are invisible and at least one visible column would inherit this Au
toSize mode.",,"Le mode de redimensionnement automatique des colonnes ne peut pa
s reposer exclusivement sur les en-ttes, car les en-ttes de colonnes sont invisibl
es et au moins une colonne visible hriterait de ce mode de redimensionnement auto
matique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column AutoSize mode cannot be based exclusively on the header because the colu
mn headers are invisible.",,"Le mode de redimensionnement automatique de la colo
nne ne peut pas reposer exclusivement sur l en-tte, car les en-ttes de colonnes so
nt invisibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row AutoSize mode cannot be based on the row headers alone while they are invis
ible.",,"Le mode de redimensionnement automatique ne peut pas reposer uniquement
sur les en-ttes de lignes lorsque ceux-ci sont invisibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rows AutoSize mode cannot be based on the row headers alone while they are invi
sible.",,"Le mode de redimensionnement automatique ne peut pas reposer uniquemen
t sur les en-ttes de lignes lorsque ceux-ci sont invisibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column cannot be made visible because its AutoSize mode includes its header and
the column headers are invisible.",,"Impossible de rendre la colonne visible, c
ar son mode de redimensionnement automatique comprend son en-tte, et les en-ttes d
e colonnes sont invisibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Frozen column cannot be moved after an unfrozen column.",,"Impossible de dplacer
la colonne fige pour la placer aprs une colonne non fige.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unfrozen column cannot be moved before a frozen column.",,"Impossible de dplacer
la colonne non fige pour la placer devant une colonne fige.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ColumnCount property cannot be set on a data-bound DataGridView control.",,"Imp
ossible de dfinir la proprit ColumnCount sur un contrle DataGridView li aux donnes.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"RowCount property cannot be set on a data-bound DataGridView control.",,"Imposs
ible de dfinir la proprit RowCount sur un contrle DataGridView li aux donnes.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridView control must be bound to an IBindingList object to be sorted.",,"P
our tre tri, un contrle DataGridView doit tre li l objet IBindingList.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception property is not set to a valid exception. ThrowException cannot be se
t to true.",,"La proprit Exception ne correspond pas une exception valide. ThrowEx
ception ne prend pas la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"DataGridView control is data-bound. The control cannot use the comparer to perf
orm the sort operation.",,"Le contrle DataGridView est li aux donnes. Il ne peut pa
s utiliser le comparateur pour effectuer l opration de tri.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when edit mode starts for the selected cell.",,"Se produit lorsque le mo
de dition dmarre pour la cellule slectionne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the border style of a cell changes.",,"Se produit lorsque le style
de bordure d une cellule change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cell border style for the DataGridView.",,"Le style de bordure de cellule p
our le DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation did not succeed because the program cannot commit or quit a cell valu

e change.",,"chec de l opration, car le programme n a pas pu valider ou abandonner

une modification de la valeur de cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when any part of the cell is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un clic sur u
ne partie d une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the content within a cell is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un clic
sur le contenu d une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a user double-clicks a cell s contents.",,"Se produit lorsque l uti
lisateur double-clique sur le contenu d une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridViewCell.ContextMenuStrip property changes. ",,"Se prod
uit lorsque la proprit DataGridViewCell.ContextMenuStrip change. ",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a cell s context menu strip is needed. ",,"Se produit lorsque la ba
nde de menus contextuels d une cellule est requis. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provided cell does not belong to this DataGridView control.",,"La cellule fourn
ie n appartient pas au contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation can only be performed on cells that belong to a DataGridView control.
",,"L opration ne peut tre effectue que sur des cellules appartenant au contrle Data
GridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user double-clicks anywhere in a cell.",,"Se produit lorsque l
utilisateur double-clique dans une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when edit mode stops for the currently selected cell.",,"Se produit lors
que le mode dition est arrt pour la cellule actuellement slectionne.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the cell receives input focus, becoming the current cell in the Dat
aGridView.",,"Se produit lorsque la cellule reoit le focus d entre et devient la c
ellule active du DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewCell.ErrorText property of a cell chan
ges.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewCell.ErrorText d un
e cellule change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a cell s error text is needed.",,"Se produit lorsque le texte d err
eur d une cellule est requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the contents of a cell need to be formatted for display.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque le contenu d une cellule doit tre mis en forme pour tre affich.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a cell loses input focus and is no longer the current cell.",,"Se p
roduit lorsqu une cellule perd le focus d entre et n est plus la cellule active."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever a mouse clicks anywhere on a cell.",,"Se produit lors d un clic
de souris sur une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a cell within the DataGridView is double-clicked.",,"Se produit lor
s d un double-clic sur une cellule du DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user presses a mouse button while the mouse pointer is within t
he boundaries of a cell.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur appuie sur le bouto
n de la souris lorsque le pointeur de la souris se trouve dans les limites d une
cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse pointer enters a cell.",,"Se produit lorsque le pointeur
de la souris entre dans une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Occurs when the mouse pointer leaves a cell.",,"Se produit lorsque le pointeur
de la souris quitte une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse pointer moves over the DataGridView control.",,"Se produi
t lorsque le pointeur de la souris passe sur le contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user releases a mouse button while over a cell.",,"Se produit l

orsque l utilisateur relche le bouton de la souris lorsqu il se trouve sur une ce

llule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cell is not in a DataGridView. The cell cannot retrieve the inherited cell styl
e.",,"La cellule ne se trouve pas dans un DataGridView. Elle ne peut donc pas ex
traire le style de cellule hrit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a cell needs to be drawn.",,"Se produit lorsqu une cellule doit tre
dessine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user leaves edit mode, regardless of whether the value of the c
urrent cell has been modified.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur quitte le mod
e dition, que la valeur de la cellule active ait t ou non modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a cell state changes, such as when the cell loses or gains focus.",
,"Se produit lorsque l tat d une cellule change, par exemple perte ou obtention d
u focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridViewCell.Style property of a DataGridViewCell changes."
,,"Se produit lorsque la proprit DataGridViewCell.Style d une cellule DataGridView
Cell change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when one of the values of a cell style changes.",,"Se produit lorsque l
une des valeurs d un style de cellule change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridViewCell.ToolTipText property value changes for a cell
in the DataGridView.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewCel
l.ToolTipText change pour une cellule du DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text displayed by the ToolTip associated with this cell.",,"Le texte affich
par le ToolTip associ cette cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Occurs when a cell s ToolTip text is needed.",,"Se produit lorsque le texte Too
lTip d une cellule est requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs after the cell has finished validating.",,"Se produit aprs que la cellule
a t valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the cell is validating.",,"Se produit lorsque la cellule est valide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of a cell changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur d une
cellule change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView control i
s true and the DataGridView requires a value for a cell in order to format and d
isplay the cell.",,"Se produit lorsque la proprit DataGridView.VirtualMode du cont
rle DataGridView est true et que le DataGridView requiert une valeur pour une cel
lule afin de mettre en forme et d afficher la cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView control i
s true, and a cell value has changed and requires storage in the underlying data
source.",,"Se produit lorsque la proprit DataGridView.VirtualMode du contrle DataG
ridView est true et qu une valeur de cellule a chang et requiert un stockage dans
la source de donnes sous-jacente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The underlying value corresponding to a cell value of false, which appears as a
n unchecked box.",,"La valeur sous-jacente correspondant une valeur de cellule ga
le false, qui s affiche sous la forme d une case dsactive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The flat style appearance of the check box cells.",,"Le style deux dimensions (
flat) des cellules de case cocher.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The underlying value corresponding to an indeterminate or null cell value, whic
h appears as a disabled checkbox.",,"La valeur sous-jacente correspondant une va
leur de cellule indtermine ou null, qui s affiche sous la forme d une case cocher
dsactive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the hosted check box cells will allow three check states rath
er than two.",,"Indique si les cellules de case cocher hberges autorisent trois tat

s au lieu de deux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The underlying value corresponding to a cell value of true, which appears as a
checked box.",,"La valeur sous-jacente correspondant une valeur de cellule gale t
rue, qui s affiche sous la forme d une case active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether users can copy cell text values to the Clipboard and whether
row and column header text is included.",,"Indique si les utilisateurs peuvent c
opier les valeurs texte de cellule dans le Presse-papiers et si le texte des enttes de lignes et de colonnes est inclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a column is added to the control.",,"Se produit lorsqu une colonne
est ajoute au contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provided column already belongs to the DataGridView control.",,"La colonne four
nie appartient dj au contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"DataGridView column bound to a read-only field must have ReadOnly set to True."
,,"Une colonne DataGridView lie un champ en lecture seule doit avoir ReadOnly dfin
i True.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridViewColumn.ContextMenuStrip property of a column change
s.",,"Se produit lorsque la proprit DataGridViewColumn.ContextMenuStrip d une colo
nne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The shortcut menu for the column.",,"Le menu contextuel pour la colonne.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewColumn.DataPropertyName property for a
column changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewColumn.
DataPropertyName d une colonne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The name of the data source property or database column to which the DataGridVi
ewColumn is bound.",,"Le nom de la proprit de la source de donnes ou de la colonne
de base de donnes laquelle le DataGridViewColumn est li.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewBand.DefaultCellStyle property for a c
olumn changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewBand.Defa
ultCellStyle d une colonne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The column s default cell style.",,"Le style de cellule par dfaut de la colonne.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value the DataGridViewColumn.DisplayIndex property for a column
changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewColumn.Display
Index d une colonne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user double-clicks a divider between two columns.",,"Se produit
lorsque l utilisateur double-clique sur un sparateur entre deux colonnes.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when DataGridViewColumn.DividerWidth changes.",,"Se produit lorsque Data
GridViewColumn.DividerWidth change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"The width of the column divider in pixels.",,"La largeur du sparateur de colonne
en pixels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column provided does not belong to this DataGridView control.",,"La colonne fou
rnie n appartient pas ce contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether a column will move when a user scrolls the DataGridView contr
ol horizontally.",,"Indique si une colonne est dplace lorsqu un utilisateur fait df
iler horizontalement le contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the contents of a column header cell change.",,"Se produit lorsque
le contenu de la cellule d un en-tte de colonne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user clicks a column header.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateu
r clique sur un en-tte de colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Occurs when a column header is double-clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un double-c
lic sur un en-tte de colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The caption text on the column s header cell.",,"Le texte de lgende de la cellul
e d en-tte de colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridView.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle property changes.",,"Se p
roduit lorsque la proprit DataGridView.ColumnHeadersBorderStyle change.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The border style applied to the column headers.",,"Le style de bordure appliqu a
ux en-ttes de colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column headers cannot be made invisible because at least one column uses its he
ader in its AutoSize mode.",,"Impossible de rendre les en-ttes de colonnes invisi
bles, car au moins une colonne utilise son en-tte dans son mode de redimensionnem
ent automatique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default column header style.",,"Le style d en-tte de colonne par dfaut.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The height, in pixels, of the column headers row. ",,"La hauteur, en pixels, de
s lignes d en-tte de colonne. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode property changes.",,"S
e produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit ColumnHeadersHeightSizeMode change.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the behavior for adjusting the column headers height.",,"Dtermine le
comportement pour l ajustement de la hauteur des en-ttes de colonnes.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewColumn.MinimumWidth property for a col
umn changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewColumn.Mini
mumWidth d une colonne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum width of the column in pixels.",,"La largeur minimale de la colonne
en pixels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewColumn.Name property for a column chan
ges.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewColumn.Name d une c
olonne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the column.",,"Le nom de la colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data-bound DataGridView control can only be sorted on data-bound columns.",,"Un
contrle DataGridView li aux donnes ne peut tre tri que sur des colonnes lies aux donn
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the user can edit the column s cells.",,"Indique si l utilisa
teur peut modifier les cellules de la colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a column is removed from the control.",,"Se produit lorsqu une colo
nne est supprime du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the column is resizable.",,"Indique si la colonne peut tre red
imensionne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The sort mode for the column. ",,"Le mode de tri de la colonne. ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a column changes state, such as gaining or losing focus.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque l tat d une colonne change, par exemple obtention ou perte du focus."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridViewColumn.ToolTipText property value changes for a col
umn in the DataGridView.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridVie
wColumn.ToolTipText change pour une colonne dans le DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text used for ToolTips.",,"Le texte utilis pour ToolTips.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the column is visible.",,"Indique si la colonne est visible."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewColumn.Width property for a column cha
nges.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewColumn.Width d une
colonne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The current width of the column.",,"La largeur actuelle de la colonne.",,"Text"

,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether cells in the column will match the characters being entered i
n the cell with one from the possible selections. ",,"Indique si les cellules da
ns la colonne correspondent aux caractres entrs dans la cellule partir de l une de
s slections possibles. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data source that populates the selections for the combo boxes.",,"La source
de donnes qui remplit les slections pour les zones de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A string that specifies the property or column from which to retrieve strings f
or display in the combo boxes.",,"Une chane qui spcifie la proprit ou la colonne par
tir de laquelle extraire les chanes afficher dans les zones de liste droulante.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines how the combo box is displayed when not editing.",,"Dtermine le mode
d affichage de la zone de liste droulante hors mode d dition.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the display style only applies to the current cell.",,"Indique si
le style d affichage s applique uniquement la cellule active.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The width of the drop-down lists of the combo boxes.",,"La largeur des listes dr
oulantes des zones de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The flat style appearance of the column s cells.",,"Le style deux dimensions (f
lat) des cellules de la colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection of objects used as selections in the combo boxes.",,"La collecti
on d objets utiliss en tant que slections dans les zones de liste droulante.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum number of items in the drop-down list of the cells in the column.",
,"Le nombre maximal d lments dans la liste droulante des cellules de la colonne.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the items in the combo box are sorted.",,"Indique si les lments
de la zone de liste droulante sont tris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"A string that specifies the property or column from which to get values that co
rrespond to the selections in the drop-down list.",,"Une chane qui spcifie la prop
rit ou la colonne partir de laquelle obtenir les valeurs qui correspondent aux slec
tions de la zone de liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Operation cannot be completed because the current cell could not be committed."
,,"Opration impossible excuter, car la cellule active n a pas pu tre valide.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row associated with the currency manager s position cannot be made invisible.",
,"Impossible de rendre invisible la ligne associe la position du gestionnaire de
devise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current cell cannot be set to an invisible cell.",,"La cellule active ne peut p
as tre paramtre en tant que cellule invisible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when DataGridView.CurrentCell changes.",,"Se produit lorsque DataGridVie
w.CurrentCell change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the state of a cell changes in relation to a change in its contents
.",,"Se produit lorsque l tat d une cellule change en raison de la modification d
e son contenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value DataGridViewCellBorderStyle. Custom cannot be used to set the {0} propert
y.",,"Valeur DataGridViewCellBorderStyle. Custom ne peut pas tre utilis pour dfinir
la proprit {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised whenever the data source list changes.",,"vnement dclench en cas de mo
difications dans la liste de la source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an external data-parsing or validation operation throws an exceptio
n, or when an attempt to commit data to a data source does not succeed.",,"Se pr

oduit lorsqu une opration d analyse de donnes externe ou de validation lve une exce
ption ou lorsqu une tentative de validation des donnes par rapport une source de
donnes a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The DataGridViewBand.DefaultCellStyle to be applied to the DataGridView if no o
ther style is set.",,"Le DataGridViewBand.DefaultCellStyle appliquer au DataGrid
View, si aucun autre style n est dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Occurs when the user enters the row for new records so that it can be populated
with default values.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur ajoute la ligne pour d
e nouveaux enregistrements afin qu elle puisse tre remplie avec des valeurs par df
aut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generating Clipboard content is not supported when the ClipboardCopyMode proper
ty is Disable.",,"La gnration de contenu du Presse-papiers n est pas prise en char
ge lorsque la proprit ClipboardCopyMode a la valeur Disable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridView.EditMode property changes.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridView.EditMode change.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifies the mode that determines how cell editing is started.",,"Identifie l
e mode qui dtermine la faon dont la modification des cellules est dmarre.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a control for editing a cell is showing.",,"Se produit lorsqu un co
ntrle pour modifier une cellule est affich.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether row and column headers use the visual styles of the user s cu
rrent theme if visual styles are enabled for the application.",,"Indique si les
en-ttes de lignes et de colonnes utilisent les styles visuels du thme actuel de l
utilisateur, si les styles visuels sont activs pour l application.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridView Default Error Dialog",,"Bote de dialogue Erreur par dfaut DataGridVi
ew",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception occurred in the DataGridView.\r\n\r\nTo replace this default dialog b
ox, handle the DataError event.",,"Une exception s est produite dans le DataGrid
View.\r\n\r\nPour remplacer cette bote de dialogue par dfaut, grez l vnement DataErro
r.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The following exception occurred in the DataGridView:\r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nTo repl
ace this default dialog please handle the DataError event.",,"L exception suivan
te s est produite dans le DataGridView:\r\n\r\n{0}\r\n\r\nPour remplacer cette bot
e de dialogue par dfaut, traitez l vnement DataError.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First displayed cell cannot be set to a header or shared cell.",,"La premire cel
lule affiche ne peut tre dfinie en tant que cellule d en-tte ou cellule partage.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First displayed cell cannot be set to an invisible cell.",,"La premire cellule a
ffiche ne peut tre dfinie en tant que cellule invisible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FirstDisplayedScrollingColumnIndex property cannot be set to a frozen column.",
,"Impossible d affecter la proprit FirstDisplayedScrollingColumnIndex une colonne
fige.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FirstDisplayedScrollingColumnIndex property cannot be set to an invisible colum
n.",,"Impossible d affecter la proprit FirstDisplayedScrollingColumnIndex une colo
nne invisible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex property cannot be set to a frozen row.",,"Impo
ssible d affecter la proprit FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex une ligne fige.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex property cannot be set to an invisible row.",,"
Impossible d affecter la proprit FirstDisplayedScrollingRowIndex une ligne invisib
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation cannot be performed in this event handler.",,"L opration n est pas aut
orise dans ce gestionnaire d vnements.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"The frozen columns do not leave any room for a scrolling column to be displayed
.",,"Les colonnes figes ne laissent pas suffisamment de place pour afficher une c
olonne de dfilement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The frozen rows do not leave any room for a scrolling row to be displayed.",,"L
es lignes figes ne laissent pas suffisamment de place pour afficher une ligne de
dfilement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} of a DataGridViewHeaderCell cell cannot be set.",,"Impossible de df
inir la proprit {0} d une cellule DataGridViewHeaderCell.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridView control cannot be sorted if it is bound to an IBindingList that do
es not support sorting.",,"Impossible de trier un contrle DataGridView li un IBind
ingList ne prenant pas en charge le tri.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} is not a valid combination of DataGridViewElementState flags.",,"
Le paramtre {0} n est pas une combinaison valide d indicateurs DataGridViewElemen
tState.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} is not a valid combination of DataGridViewPaintParts flags.",,"Le
paramtre {0} n est pas une combinaison valide d indicateurs DataGridViewPaintPar
ts.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"EditType property of the current cell does not point to a class that derives fr
om System.Windows.Forms.Control and implements the interface IDataGridViewEditin
gControl.",,"La proprit EditType de la cellule active ne pointe pas vers une class
e qui drive de System.Windows.Forms.Control et implmente l interface IDataGridView
EditingControl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation is not valid when the DataGridView control is in virtual mode.",,"Cet
te opration n est pas valide lorsque le contrle DataGridView est en mode virtuel."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation cannot be performed on a cell of a shared row.",,"Impossible d effect
uer cette opration sur une cellule d une ligne partage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation cannot be performed on a shared row.",,"Impossible d effectuer cette
opration sur une ligne partage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Getting the {0} property of a cell in a shared row is not a valid operation.",,
"L obtention de la proprit {0} d une cellule d une ligne partage n est pas une oprat
ion valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Getting the {0} property of a shared row is not a valid operation.",,"L obtenti
on de la proprit {0} d une ligne partage n est pas une opration valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setting the {0} property of a shared row is not a valid operation.",,"La dfiniti
on de la proprit {0} d une ligne partage n est pas une opration valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color used to display an active link within cells in the column. ",,"La cou
leur utilise pour afficher un lien actif dans les cellules de la colonne. ",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A value that represents the behavior of links within cells in the column.",,"Un
e valeur qui reprsente le comportement des liens dans les cellules de la colonne.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color used to display an unselected link within cells in the column.",,"La
couleur utilise pour afficher un lien non slectionn dans les cellules de la colonne
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The link text displayed in all of the column s cells.",,"Le texte du lien affic
h dans toutes les cellules de la colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the link changes color if it has been visited.",,"Indique si
le lien change de couleur lorsqu il a t visit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the DataGridViewLinkColumn.Text property value is displayed a
s the link text.",,"Indique si la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewLinkColumn.Text
est affiche comme texte du lien.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The color used to display a link that has been previously visited.",,"La couleu
r utilise pour afficher un lien qui a t prcdemment visit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the user is allowed to select more than one cell, row, or col
umn of the DataGridView at a time.",,"Indique si l utilisateur est autoris slectio
nner plusieurs cellules, lignes ou colonnes du DataGridView simultanment.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} is not valid for this operation. This parameter value must specif
y a mode which AutoSizes.",,"Le paramtre {0} n est pas valide pour cette opration.
La valeur de ce paramtre doit spcifier un mode de redimensionnement automatique."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} is not valid for this operation. It cannot be NotSet, None or Fil
l but needs to indicate a sizing criteria.",,"Le paramtre {0} n est pas valide po
ur cette opration. Il ne peut prendre la valeur NotSet, None ou Fill mais doit in
diquer un critre de dimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView is true a
nd the user navigates to the new row at the bottom of the DataGridView.",,"Se pr
oduit lorsque la proprit DataGridView.VirtualMode du DataGridView est true et que
l utilisateur passe la nouvelle ligne la fin du DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation cannot be performed because there is no current cell. The CurrentCell
property needs to be set first.",,"Opration impossible effectuer en l absence de
cellule active. Vous devez d abord dfinir la proprit CurrentCell.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No room is available to display columns.",,"Aucune place disponible pour affich
er les colonnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No room is available to display rows.",,"Aucune place disponible pour afficher
les lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation is not supported when VirtualMode is set to true.",,"Cette opration n
est pas prise en charge lorsque VirtualMode a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PreviousModes array has the wrong length. Its length must be equal to the numbe
r of columns in the DataGridView control.",,"Le tableau PreviousModes a une long
ueur incorrecte. Sa longueur doit tre gale au nombre de colonnes du contrle DataGri
dView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} must be set to 0.",,"La proprit {0} doit avoir la valeur 0.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation not supported. Collection is read-only.",,"L opration n est pas prise
en charge. La collection est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the user can edit the cells of the DataGridView control.",,"I
ndique si l utilisateur peut modifier les cellules du contrle DataGridView.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row provided already belongs to a DataGridView control.",,"La ligne fournie app
artient dj un contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when DataGridViewRow.ContextMenuStrip changes.",,"Se produit lorsque Dat
aGridViewRow.ContextMenuStrip change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The shortcut menu for the row.",,"Le menu contextuel pour la ligne.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the context menu strip is needed.",,"Se produit lorsque la bande de
menus contextuels est requise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewBand.DefaultCellStyle property for a r
ow changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewBand.Default
CellStyle pour une ligne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default cell style to be applied to the DataGridViewRow if no other style i
s set.",,"Le style de cellule par dfaut appliquer au DataGridViewRow, si aucun au
tre style n est dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView control i

s true and the DataGridView needs to determine whether the current row has uncom
mitted changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la proprit DataGridView.VirtualMode du contrl
e DataGridView est true et que le DataGridView a besoin de dterminer si la ligne
actuelle a subi des modifications non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user double-clicks the divider between two rows.",,"Se produit
lorsque l utilisateur double-clique sur le sparateur entre deux lignes.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridViewRow.DividerHeight property changes. ",,"Se produit
lorsque la proprit DataGridViewRow.DividerHeight change. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The height of the row divider in pixels.",,"La hauteur du sparateur de ligne en
pixels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row provided does not belong to this DataGridView control.",,"La ligne fournie
n appartient pas ce contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Operation can only be performed on rows that belong to a DataGridView control."
,,"L opration ne peut tre effectue que sur des lignes appartenant un contrle DataGri
dView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a row receives input focus and becomes the current row.",,"Se produ
it lorsqu une ligne reoit le focus d entre et devient la ligne actuelle.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridViewRow.ErrorText property of a row changes.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque la proprit DataGridViewRow.ErrorText d une ligne change.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The error message text for row-level errors.",,"Le texte du message d erreur po
ur les erreurs au niveau des lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Occurs when the DataGridView.VirtualMode property of the DataGridView control i
s true and the DataGridViewRow.ErrorText property for a row requires a value.",,
"Se produit lorsque la proprit DataGridView.VirtualMode du contrle DataGridView est
true et que la proprit DataGridViewRow.ErrorText pour une ligne requiert une vale
ur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user changes the contents of a row header cell.",,"Se produit l
orsque l utilisateur change le contenu d une cellule d en-tte de ligne.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user clicks within the boundaries of a row header.",,"Se produi
t lorsque l utilisateur clique dans les limites d un en-tte de ligne.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a row header is double-clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un double-clic
sur un en-tte de ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridView.RowHeadersBorderStyle property changes.",,"Se prod
uit lorsque la proprit DataGridView.RowHeadersBorderStyle change.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The border style of the row header cells.",,"Le style de bordure des cellules d
en-tte de ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row headers cannot be made invisible because the DataGridView control includes
the row headers in its AutoSize mode.",,"Impossible de rendre invisibles les enttes de lignes, car le contrle DataGridView inclut les en-ttes de lignes dans son m
ode de redimensionnement automatique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The default style applied to the row header cells.",,"Le style par dfaut appliqu
aux cellules d en-tte de ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The width, in pixels, of the column that contains the row headers.",,"La largeu
r, en pixels, de la colonne qui contient les en-ttes de lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the RowHeadersWidthSizeMode property changes.",,"Se pr
oduit lorsque la valeur de la proprit RowHeadersWidthSizeMode change.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the behavior for adjusting the row headers width.",,"Dtermine le comp

ortement pour l ajustement de la largeur des en-ttes de lignes.",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewRow.Height property for a row changes.
",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewRow.Height pour une lig
ne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current height of the row.",,"La hauteur actuelle de la ligne.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when information about row height is requested. ",,"Se produit lorsque d
es informations sur la hauteur de ligne sont demandes. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user changes the height of a row.",,"Se produit lorsque l utili
sateur change la hauteur d une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Occurs when a row loses input focus and is no longer the current row.",,"Se pro
duit lorsqu une ligne perd le focus d entre et n est plus la ligne actuelle.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the DataGridViewRow.MinimumHeight property for a row c
hanges.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataGridViewRow.MinimumHeigh
t pour une ligne change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum height of the row.",,"La hauteur minimale de la ligne.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row provided must be unshared first.",,"Vous devez au pralable annuler le partag
e de la ligne fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised to perform row level painting, after all cell painting has occurre
d.",,"vnement dclench pour effectuer une peinture de niveau ligne, une fois que tout
es les cellules ont t peintes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised to perform row level painting, before any cell painting has occurr
ed.",,"vnement dclench pour effectuer une peinture de niveau ligne, avant la peintur
e des cellules.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the row is read-only.",,"Indique si la ligne est en lecture s
eule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether users can resize the row or indicates that the behavior is in
herited from the DataGridView.AllowUserToResizeRows property.",,"Indique si les
utilisateurs peuvent redimensionner la ligne ou indique que le comportement est
hrit de la proprit DataGridView.AllowUserToResizeRows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a row changes state, such as losing or gaining input focus.",,"Se p
roduit lorsque l tat de la ligne change, par exemple perte ou obtention du focus
d entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifies the template row whose characteristics are used as the basis for all
new implicitly added rows.",,"Identifie la ligne modle dont les caractristiques s
ervent de base pour toutes les lignes nouvelles ajoutes implicitement.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a row s state changes from shared to unshared.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e l tat d une ligne passe de partag non partag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs after a row has finished validating.",,"Se produit aprs la validation d u
ne ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a row is validating.",,"Se produit lorsqu une ligne est valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when one or more rows are added to the rows collection.",,"vnement dc
lench lorsqu une ou plusieurs lignes sont ajoutes la collection des lignes.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default style applied to the row cells of the DataGridView.",,"Le style par
dfaut appliqu aux cellules de la ligne du DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when one or more rows are removed from the rows collection.",,"vneme
nt dclench lorsqu une ou plusieurs lignes sont supprimes de la collection des ligne
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of scroll bars to display for the DataGridView control.",,"Le type de

barres de dfilement afficher pour le contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the grid scrolls horizontally or vertically. Use the ScrollEv
entArgs.Orientation to determine the direction scrolled.",,"vnement dclench lorsque
la grille dfile horizontalement ou verticalement. Utilisez ScrollEventArgs.Orient
ation pour dterminer le sens du dfilement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the current selection changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la slection act
uelle change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataGridView control s SelectionMode cannot be set to {0} while it has a column
with SortMode set to DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic.",,"Impossible de dfin
ir le SelectionMode du contrle DataGridView {0} tant qu il dispose d une colonne
avec SortMode dfinie DataGridViewColumnSortMode.Automatic.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how the cells of the DataGridView can be selected.",,"Indique comment
les cellules du DataGridView peuvent tre slectionnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} The SelectionMode property was reset to its default value {1}.",,"{0} La pr
oprit SelectionMode a t rinitialise sa valeur par dfaut {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation is not valid because it results in a reentrant call to the SetCurrent
CellAddressCore function.",,"L opration n est pas valide, car elle se traduit par
un appel rentrant la fonction SetCurrentCellAddressCore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether to show cell errors.",,"Indique si les erreurs de cellule s a
ffichent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether or not ToolTips will show when the mouse pointer pauses on a
cell.",,"Indique si les ToolTips sont affichs lorsque le pointeur de la souris s
arrte sur une cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether or not the editing glyph is visible in the row header of the
cell being edited.",,"Indique si le glyph d dition est visible dans l en-tte de li
gne de la cellule qui est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Indicates whether row headers will display error glyphs for each row that conta
ins a data entry error. ",,"Indique si les en-ttes de lignes affichent les glyphs
d erreur pour chaque ligne qui contient une erreur d entre de donnes. ",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Width and height of the control cannot be set to values larger than {0}.",,"La
largeur et la hauteur du contrle ne peuvent pas avoir des valeurs suprieures {0}."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DataGridView compares two cell values to perform a sort operati
on.",,"Se produit lorsque le DataGridView compare deux valeurs de cellules pour
effectuer une opration de tri.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the TAB key moves the focus to the next control in the tab or
der rather than moving focus to the next cell in the control.",,"Indique si la t
ouche TAB dplace le focus sur le contrle suivant de l onglet plutt que sur la cellu
le suivante du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the text bo
x.",,"Spcifie le nombre maximal de caractres pouvant tre entrs dans la zone de liste
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Color {0} cannot be set to a transparent color.",,"Impossible d affecter la c
ouleur {0} une couleur transparente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Occurs when the user has finished adding a row to the DataGridView control.",,"
Se produit lorsque l utilisateur a termin d ajouter une ligne au contrle DataGridV
iew.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user has finished deleting a row from the DataGridView control.
",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur a termin de supprimer une ligne du contrle Da
taGridView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user deletes a row from the DataGridView control.",,"Se produit

lorsque l utilisateur supprime une ligne du contrle DataGridView.",,"Text",,"All

",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sum of the columns FillWeight values cannot exceed {0}.",,"La somme des valeur
s FillWeight des colonnes ne peut pas dpasser {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provided {0} must be of type {1} or derive from it.",,"Le {0} fourni doit tre de
type {1} ou en driver.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returns the count of visible columns in the grid.",,"Retourne le nombre des col
onnes visibles dans la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returns the count of visible rows in the grid.",,"Retourne le nombre des lignes
visibles dans la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bitmap object does not directly support the device-independent bitmap format.
Either specify auto-conversion or perform a SetData with the Bitmap data format.
",,"L objet Bitmap ne prend pas directement en charge le format de bitmap indpend
ante du priphrique. Spcifiez une conversion automatique ou dfinissez un SetData avec
le format de donnes Bitmap.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataMember property {0} cannot be found on the DataSource.",,"La proprit DataMe
mber {0} est introuvable dans le DataSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Items collection cannot be modified when the DataSource property is set.",,"Imp
ossible de modifier la collection d lments lorsque la proprit DataSource est dfinie."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested number of bytes did not get written to the underlying IStream impleme
ntation.",,"Impossible d crire le nombre d octets demands dans l implmentation IStr
eam sous-jacente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The font used to display the calendar.",,"La police utilise pour afficher le cal
endrier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color used to display text within a month.",,"La couleur utilise pour affich
er le texte dans un mois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background color displayed within the month.",,"La couleur d arrire-plan aff
iche dans le mois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background color displayed in the calendar s title.",,"La couleur d arrire-p
lan affiche dans le titre du calendrier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The color used to display text within the calendar s title.",,"La couleur utili
se pour afficher le texte dans le titre du calendrier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color used to display header day and trailing day text. Header and trailing
days are the days from the previous and following months that appear on the cur
rent month calendar.",,"La couleur utilise pour afficher le texte des jours prcdent
s et suivants. Les jours prcdents et suivants sont les jours des mois prcdent et sui
vant qui s affichent dans le calendrier du mois en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When ShowSelectBox is true, determines if the check box is checked, indicating
that the user has selected a value.",,"Lorsque ShowSelectBox a la valeur true, dt
ermine si la case cocher est active, ce qui indique que l utilisateur a slectionn u
ne valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The custom format string used to format the date and/or time displayed in the c
ontrol.",,"La chane de format personnalise utilise pour mettre en forme la date et/
ou l heure affiche dans le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Controls how the month drop-down is aligned to the DateTimePicker. Can be LEFT
or RIGHT.",,"Contrle la faon dont la liste droulante des mois est aligne par rapport
DateTimePicker. Peut tre gauche ou droite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether dates and times are displayed using standard or custom forma
tting.",,"Dtermine si les dates et les heures sont affiches en utilisant une mise
en forme standard ou personnalise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"DateTimePicker does not support dates after {0}.",,"DateTimePicker ne prend pas

en charge les dates ultrieures {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"The maximum date that can be selected.",,"La date maximale pouvant tre slectionne.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DateTimePicker does not support dates before {0}.",,"DateTimePicker ne prend pa
s en charge les dates antrieures {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The minimum date that can be selected.",,"La date minimale pouvant tre slectionne.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user is finished selecting a date from the drop-down calendar."
,,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur a termin de slectionner une date dans le calen
drier droulant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the drop-down calendar is about to drop.",,"Se produit lorsque le c
alendrier droulant va tre droul.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Format property is changed on DateTimePicker
.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Format de DateTimePicker est modi
fie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether a check box is displayed in the control. When the box is unc
hecked, no value is selected.",,"Dtermine si une case cocher est affiche dans le c
ontrle. Lorsque la case cocher n est pas active, aucune valeur n est slectionne.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether a spin box rather than a drop-down calendar is displayed for
modifying the control value.",,"Indique si un calendrier de zone de slection numri
que est affich la place d un calendrier droulant pour la modification de la valeur
du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current date/time value for this control.",,"La valeur actuelle de date/d h
eure pour ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} This exception is only raised if a debugger is attached to the process.",,"
{0} Cette exception n est dclenche que si un dbogueur est attach au processus.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default manifest file required to enable visual styles cannot be found.",,"Le f
ichier manifeste par dfaut requis pour activer les styles visuels est introuvable
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides a user interface for navigation and manipulation of data bound to cont
rols on a form.",,"Fournit une interface utilisateur pour la navigation et la ma
nipulation de contrles lis aux donnes sur un formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Encapsulates a data source for a form and provides navigation, filtering, sorti
ng, and updating capabilities.",,"Encapsule une source de donnes pour un formulai
re et offre des fonctionnalits de navigation, de filtrage, de tri et de mise jour
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Raises an event when the user clicks it.",,"Dclenche un vnement lorsque l utilisat
eur clique dessus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables the user to select or clear the associated option.",,"Permet l utilisat
eur de slectionner ou de supprimer l option associe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a list of items with a check box on the left side of each item.",,"Aff
iche une liste d lments avec une case cocher place gauche de chaque lment.",,"Text",
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays available colors along with controls that enable the user to define cu
stom colors.",,"Affiche les couleurs disponibles avec un contrle qui permet l uti
lisateur de dfinir des couleurs personnalises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays an editable text box with a drop-down list of permitted values.",,"Aff
iche une zone de texte modifiable avec une liste droulante de valeurs autorises.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a shortcut menu when the user right-clicks the associated control.",,"
Affiche un menu contextuel lorsque l utilisateur clique avec le bouton droit sur
le contrle associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays rows and columns of data in a grid you can customize.",,"Affiche des l

ignes et des colonnes de donnes dans une grille que vous personnalisez.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables the user to select a date and time, and to display that date and time i
n a specified format.",,"Permet l utilisateur de slectionner une date et une heur
e, et d afficher la date et l heure dans un format spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a single string value that the user selected from a list of items by c
licking up and down buttons in the control.",,"Affiche une valeur de chane unique
que l utilisateur a slectionne dans une liste d lments en cliquant sur les boutons
droulants du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides a user interface to indicate to the user that a control on a form has
an error associated with it.",,"Fournit une interface utilisateur pour indiquer
l utilisateur qu une erreur est associe un contrle dans un formulaire.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handles the layout of its components and arranges them in a flow layout automat
ically.",,"Gre la disposition des composants et leur applique automatiquement une
mise en page fluide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a dialog box that prompts the user to select a folder.",,"Affiche une
bote de dialogue qui invite l utilisateur slectionner un dossier.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a dialog box that prompts the user to choose a font from those install
ed on the local computer.",,"Affiche une bote de dialogue qui demande l utilisate
ur de choisir une police parmi celles installes sur l ordinateur local.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a frame around a group of controls with an optional caption.",,"Affich
e un frame autour d un groupe de contrles avec une lgende facultative.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables its parent component to scroll content horizontally. Unnecessary if the
parent has an autoscroll attribute, and that attribute is enabled.",,"Permet so
n composant parent de faire dfiler le contenu horizontalement. Ceci n est pas uti
le si le parent a un attribut autoscroll et que l attribut est activ.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides pop-up or online Help for controls.",,"Fournit une aide contextuelle o
u en ligne pour les contrles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manages a collection of images that are typically used by other controls such a
s ListView, TreeView, or ToolStrip.",,"Gre une collection d images qui sont gnralem
ent utilises par d autres contrles tels que ListView, TreeView et ToolStrip.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides run-time information or descriptive text for a control.",,"Fournit des
informations d excution ou un texte descriptif pour un contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a label control that supports hyperlink functionality, formatting, and
tracking.",,"Affiche un contrle label qui prend en charge la fonctionnalit de lie
n hypertexte, la mise en forme et le suivi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a list from which the user can select items.",,"Affiche une liste part
ir de laquelle l utilisateur peut slectionner des lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a collection of items in one of five different views.",,"Affiche une c
ollection d lments dans l un des cinq modes d affichage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uses a mask to distinguish between proper and improper user input.",,"Utilise u
n masque pour distinguer entre une entre d utilisateur correcte et incorrecte.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays application commands and options grouped by functionality.",,"Affiche
des commandes et des options d application groupes par fonctionnalit.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a monthly calendar from which the user can select a date.",,"Affiche u
n calendrier mensuel dans lequel l utilisateur peut slectionner une date.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Displays an icon in the notification area, on the right side of the Windows tas
kbar, during run time.",,"Affiche une icne dans la zone de notification, sur le ct
droit de la barre des tches Windows, pendant l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a single numeric value that the user can increment and decrement by cl
icking up and down buttons on the control.",,"Affiche une valeur numrique que l u
tilisateur peut incrmenter et dcrmenter en cliquant sur les boutons droulants du con
trle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a dialog box that prompts the user to open a file.",,"Affiche une bote
de dialogue qui demande l utilisateur d ouvrir un fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a dialog box that enables the user to change page-related print settin
gs, including margins and paper orientation.",,"Affiche une bote de dialogue qui
permet l utilisateur de modifier les paramtres d impression lis la page, notamment
les marges et l orientation de la page.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Enables you to group collections of controls.",,"Vous permet de grouper des col
lections de contrles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays an image.",,"Affiche une image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Displays a dialog box that enables the user to select a printer and choose othe
r print options such as the number of copies and page orientation.",,"Affiche un
e bote de dialogue qui permet l utilisateur de slectionner une imprimante et de ch
oisir d autres options d impression, telles que le nombre de copies et l orienta
tion de la page.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Represents only the portion of a print preview that shows the document being pr
eviewed. Does not contain any dialog boxes or buttons.",,"Reprsente uniquement la
partie d un aperu avant impression qui montre le document prvisualis. Ne contient
ni botes de dialogue, ni boutons.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a dialog box that shows the user a preview of what the associated docu
ment will look like when printed.",,"Affiche une bote de dialogue qui montre l ut
ilisateur un aperu montrant quoi ressemblera le document associ une fois imprim.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a bar that fills to indicate to the user the progress of an operation.
",,"Affiche une barre de remplissage qui indique l utilisateur la progression d
une opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides a user interface for browsing the properties of an object.",,"Fournit
une interface utilisateur permettant de parcourir les proprits d un objet.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables the user to select a single option from a group of choices when paired
with other RadioButtons.",,"Permet l utilisateur de slectionner une option unique
partir d un groupe de choix en association avec d autres cases d option.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides advanced text entry and editing features such as character and paragra
ph formatting.",,"Fournit des fonctionnalits avances d entre et d dition de texte, c
omme la mise en forme des caractres et des paragraphes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a dialog box that prompts the user to select a location for saving a f
ile.",,"Affiche une bote de dialogue qui demande l utilisateur de slectionner un e
mplacement pour l enregistrement d un fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Divides a container s display area into two resizable panels to which you can a
dd controls.",,"Divise la zone d affichage d un conteneur en deux panneaux redim
ensionnables auxquels vous pouvez ajouter des contrles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Divides a container s display area into two areas which can be resized.",,"Spare
la zone d affichage d un conteneur en deux zones susceptibles d tre redimensionne
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays information to the user about the object being viewed, the object s co
mponents, or the object s operation.",,"Affiche des informations destines l utili

sateur sur l objet visualis, les composants de l objet, ou l opration de l objet."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manages and displays to the user a related collection of tabs that can contain
controls and components.",,"Gre et affiche l intention de l utilisateur une colle
ction d onglets apparents contenant des contrles et des composants.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handles the layout of its components and arranges them in the format of a table
automatically.",,"Manipule la disposition de ses composants et les rorganise aut
omatiquement sous forme de tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Enables the user to enter text, and provides multiline editing and password cha
racter masking.",,"Permet l utilisateur d entrer du texte et fournit des fonctio
ns d dition multiligne et de masquage des caractres du mot de passe.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Component that raises an event at user defined intervals",,"Composant qui dclenc
he un vnement des intervalles dfinis par l utilisateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides toolbars and other user interface elements that support many appearanc
e options, and that support overflow and run-time item reordering.",,"Fournit de
s barres d outils et d autres lments de l interface utilisateur qui prennent en ch
arge de nombreuses options d apparence, et grent le dpassement de capacit et le rec
lassement des lments au moment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Displays information when the user moves the pointer over an associated control
.",,"Affiche des informations lorsque l utilisateur passe le pointeur sur un con
trle associ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables the user to choose between a range of values by sliding a small bar alo
ng another bar.",,"Permet l utilisateur de choisir entre une plage de valeurs en
faisant glisser une petite barre le long d une autre barre.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays a hierarchical collection of labeled items to the user that optionally
contain an image.",,"Affiche pour l utilisateur une collection hirarchique d lment
s tiquets qui contiennent ventuellement une image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables its parent component to scroll content vertically. Unnecessary if the p
arent has an autoscroll attribute, and the attribute is enabled.",,"Permet au co
mposant parent de faire dfiler le contenu verticalement. Ceci n est pas ncessaire
si le parent possde un attribut de dfilement automatique, et que cet attribut est
activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables the user to browse Web pages inside your form.",,"Permet l utilisateur
de parcourir les pages Web au sein de votre formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation {0} on the component did not succeed, generating the error code 0x{1:
X}.",,"L opration {0} sur le composant a chou avec le code d erreur 0x{1:X}.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The allowable values of the DomainUpDown.",,"Les valeurs possibles de DomainUpD
own.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the selected item in the control changes.",,"Se produit lorsque l lme
nt slectionn dans le contrle change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The index of the selected domain value.",,"L index de la valeur de domaine slect
ionne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The currently selected domain value.",,"La valeur de domaine actuellement slecti
onne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether items in the domain list are sorted.",,"Contrle si les lments de
la liste des domaines sont tris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether values wrap around at either end of the item list.",,"Indique
si les valeurs sont renvoyes la ligne aux extrmits de la liste d lments.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DragDrop registration did not succeed.",,"chec de l inscription DragDrop.",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"inputLanguage is not recognized by the system.",,"inputLanguage n est pas recon
nu par le systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection has reached its maximum capacity.",,"La collection a atteint sa capa
cit maximale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error creating window handle.",,"Erreur lors de la cration d un handle de fentre.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invoke or BeginInvoke cannot be called on a control until the window handle has
been created.",,"Impossible d appeler Invoke ou BeginInvoke sur un contrle tant
que le handle de fentre n a pas t cr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Component did not succeed to show the property page.",,"Le composant n a pas rus
si afficher la page de proprits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The rate in milliseconds at which the error icon blinks.",,"La vitesse en milli
secondes laquelle l icne d erreur clignote.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the error icon blinks when an error is set.",,"Contrle si l icne
d erreur clignote lorsqu une erreur est dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parent control, usually the form, that contains the data-bound controls on
which the ErrorProvider can display error icons.",,"Le contrle parent, en rgle gnral
e le formulaire, qui contient les contrles lis aux donnes sur lesquels ErrorProvide
r peut afficher des icnes d erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Indicates the sub-list of data from the DataSource to bind errors against.",,"I
ndique la sous-liste de donnes partir du DataSource auquel lier les erreurs.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the source of data to bind errors against.",,"Indique la source de do
nnes laquelle lier les erreurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The error description for a control.",,"La description de l erreur pour un cont
rle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The location of the error icon relative to the control.",,"L emplacement de l i
cne d erreur par rapport au contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The icon used to indicate an error.",,"L icne utilise pour indiquer une erreur.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of pixels to leave between the error icon and the control.",,"Le nom
bre de pixels laisser entre l icne d erreur et le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error occurred while trying to set the window region for the MDI client.",,"Une
erreur s est produite lors de la dfinition d une rgion de fentre pour le client MD
I.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Component did not succeed to show the editor.",,"Le composant n a pas russi affi
cher l diteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework",,"Microsoft .NET Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled exception has occurred in a component in your application. If you cli
ck Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.\r\n
\r\n{0}.",,"Une exception non gre s est produite dans un composant de votre applic
ation. Si vous cliquez sur Continuer, votre application va ignorer cette erreur
et essayer de continuer.\r\n\r\n{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Error Text",,"Texte d erreur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unhandled exception has occurred in your application. If you click Continue, th
e application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. If you click Quit,
the application will close immediately.\r\n\r\n{0}.",,"Une exception non gre s es
t produite dans votre application. Si vous cliquez sur Continuer, l application
va ignorer cette erreur et essayer de continuer. Si vous cliquez sur Quitter, l
application va s arrter immdiatement.\r\n\r\n{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception Text",,"Texte de l exception",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Application does not support Windows Forms just-in-time (JIT)\r\ndebugging. Con
tact the application author for more\r\ninformation.\r\n",,"L application ne pre
nd pas en charge le dbogage juste--temps (JIT)\r\nWindows Forms. Contactez l auteu
r de l application pour plus\r\nd informations.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""To enable just-in-time (JIT) debugging, the .config file for this\r\napplicati
on or computer (machine.config) must have the\r\njitDebugging value set in the s section.\r\nThe application must also be compiled with debug
ging\r\nenabled.\r\n\r\nFor example:\r\n\r\n<configuration>\r\n
ws.forms jitDebugging=""true"" />\r\n</configuration>\r\n\r\nWhen JIT debugging
is enabled, any unhandled exception\r\nwill be sent to the JIT debugger register
ed on the computer\r\nrather than be handled by this dialog box.\r\n"",,""Pour a
ctiver le dbogage juste--temps (JIT), le fichier de configuration pour cette\r\nap
plication ou cet ordinateur (machine.config) doit avoir la valeur\r\njitDebuggin
g dfinie dans la section\r\nL application doit galement tre c
ompile avec le dbogage\r\nactiv.\r\n\r\nPar exemple:\r\n\r\n<configuration>\r\n
< jitDebugging=""true"" />\r\n</configuration>\r\n\r\nLorsque
le dbogage juste--temps est activ, les exceptions non gres\r\nseront envoyes au dbogu
ur JIT inscrit sur l ordinateur\r\nplutt que d tre gres par cette bote de dialogue.\r
\n"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application does not support just-in-time (JIT)\r\ndebugging. See the end of th
is message for details.\r\n",,"L application ne prend pas en charge le dbogage\r\
njuste--temps (JIT). Consultez la fin de ce message pour plus de dtails.\r\n",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"See the end of this message for details on invoking \r\njust-in-time (JIT) debu
gging instead of this dialog box.\r\n",,"Consultez la fin de ce message pour plu
s de dtails sur l appel du dbogage\r\njuste--temps (JIT) la place de cette bote de d
ialogue.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"JIT Debugging",,"Dbogage JIT",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Assembly Version: {1}\r\n
Win32 Version: {2}\r\n
CodeBase: {3}
Version de l assembly: {1}\r\n
Version Win32: {2}\r\n
eBase: {3}\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loaded Assemblies",,"Assemblys chargs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Quit",,"Quitter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security polic
y. To grant this application the required permission, contact your system admini
strator, or use the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool.\r\n\r\nIf you c
lick Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.\r
\n\r\n{1}.",,"L application a essay d effectuer une opration qui est interdite par
la stratgie de scurit. Pour accorder cette application les autorisations requises,
contactez votre administrateur systme ou utilisez l outilMicrosoft .NET Framework
Configuration.\r\n\r\nSi vous cliquez sur Continuer, l application va ignorer c
ette erreur et essayer de continuer.\r\n\r\n{1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application attempted to perform an operation not allowed by the security polic
y. To grant this application the required permission, contact your system admini
strator, or use the Microsoft .NET Framework Configuration tool.\r\n\r\nIf you c
lick Continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue. I
f you click Quit, the application will close immediately.\r\n\r\n{1}.",,"L appli
cation a essay d effectuer une opration qui est interdite par la stratgie de scurit.
Pour accorder cette application les autorisations requises, contactez votre admi
nistrateur systme ou utilisez l outilMicrosoft .NET Framework Configuration.\r\n\r
\nSi vous cliquez sur Continuer, l application va ignorer cette erreur et essaye
r de continuer. Si vous cliquez sur Quitter, l application va s arrter immdiatemen
t.\r\n\r\n{1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Details",,"Dtails",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ComponentEditorControl: {0} cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer ComponentEd
itorControl: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Exception occurred while trying to create an instance of {0}. The exception wa

s ""{1}""."",,""Une exception s est produite lors de la cration d une instance de
{0}. L exception tait ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"External exception",,"Exception externe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the file names of all selected files in the dialog box.",,"Extrait le
s noms de fichiers de tous les fichiers slectionns dans cette bote de dialogue.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether extensions are automatically added to file names.",,"Contrle si
les extensions sont automatiquement ajoutes aux noms de fichiers.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Checks that the specified file exists before returning from the dialog.",,"Vrifi
e que le fichier spcifi existe avant le retour partir de cette bote de dialogue.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Checks that the specified path exists before returning from the dialog.",,"Vrifi
e si le chemin d accs spcifi existe avant le retour partir de cette bote de dialogue
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default file name extension. If the user types a file name, this extension
is added at the end of the file name if one is not specified.",,"L extension de
nom de fichier par dfaut. Si l utilisateur tape un nom de fichier, cette extensio
n est ajoute la fin du nom de fichier en l absence de toute extension.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether shortcuts are dereferenced before returning from the dialog.",
,"Contrle si les raccourcis sont drfrencs avant le retour de la bote de dialogue.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file first shown in the dialog box, or the last one selected by the user.",
,"Le premier fichier affich dans cette bote de dialogue ou le dernier slectionn par
l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user clicks the Open or Save button in the dialog box.",,"Se pr
oduit lorsque l utilisateur clique sur le bouton Ouvrir ou Enregistrer dans cett
e bote de dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The file filters to display in the dialog box, for example, ""C# files|*.cs|Al
l files|*.*""."",,""Les filtres de fichier afficher dans cette bote de dialogue,
par exemple, ""Fichiers C#|*.cs|Tous les fichiers|*.*""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index of the file filter selected in the dialog box. The first item has an
index of 1.",,"L index du filtre du fichier slectionn dans la bote de dialogue. L i
ndex du premier lment est gal 1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The initial directory for the dialog box.",,"Le rpertoire d origine pour cette b
ote de dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the dialog box restores the current directory before closing."
,,"Contrle si la bote de dialogue rtablit le rpertoire actif avant de se fermer.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables the Help button.",,"Active le bouton d aide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether multi-dotted extensions are supported.",,"Contrle si les extens
ions multi-points sont prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The string to display in the title bar of the dialog box.",,"La chane afficher d
ans la barre de titre de cette bote de dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the dialog box ensures that file names do not contain invalid
characters or sequences.",,"Contrle si la bote de dialogue s assure que les noms d
e fichiers ne contiennent pas de caractres ou de squences non valides.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many files selected. Select fewer files and try again.",,"Trop de fichiers
slectionns. Slectionnez moins de fichiers et ressayez.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File {0} does not exist.\r\nDo you want to create it?",,"Le fichier {0} n exist
e pas.\r\nVoulez-vous le crer?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"File {0} does not exist.\r\nVerify that the correct file name was given.",,"Le
fichier {0} n existe pas.\r\nVrifiez que le nom de fichier correct a t indiqu.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File {0} is not a valid file name.",,"Le fichier {0} n est pas un nom de fichie
r valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Filter string you provided is not valid. The filter string must contain a desc
ription of the filter, followed by the vertical bar (|) and the filter pattern.
The strings for different filtering options must also be separated by the vertic
al bar. Example: ""Text files (*.txt)|*.txt|All files (*.*)|*.*"""",,""La chane d
e filtre fournie n est pas valide. La chane de filtre doit contenir une descripti
on du filtre, suivie d une barre verticale (|) et du modle du filtre. Les chanes p
our les diffrentes options de filtre doivent galement tre spares par la barre vertica
le. Exemple: ""Fichiers texte (*.txt)|*.txt|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*"""",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filter index not valid.",,"Index de filtre non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File {0} already exists.\r\nDo you want to replace it?",,"Le fichier {0} existe
dj.\r\nVoulez-vous le remplacer?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempt to subclass a list box did not succeed. Not enough memory is available.
",,"La tentative de sous-classement d une zone de liste a chou, car la mmoire dispo
nible tait insuffisante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can only set filter on an IBindingListView where SupportsFiltering is true.",,"
La dfinition d un filtre sur un IBindingListView est possible uniquement si Suppo
rtsFiltering a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key specified was either empty or null.",,"La cl spcifie tait vide ou avait une val
eur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the direction in which controls are laid out.",,"Spcifie la direction
dans laquelle les contrles seront disposs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether contents are wrapped or clipped at the control boundary.",,"I
ndique si le contenu est inclus dans un wrapper ou attach la limite du contrle.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the character set of the font can be changed.",,"Contrle si le
jeu de caractres de la police peut tre chang.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether GDI font simulations are allowed.",,"Contrle si les simulations
de police GDI sont autorises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether vector fonts can be selected.",,"Contrle si les polices vectori
elles peuvent tre slectionnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether vertical fonts can be selected.",,"Contrle si les polices verti
cales peuvent tre slectionnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user clicks the Apply button.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisate
ur clique sur le bouton Appliquer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Controls whether only fixed pitch fonts can be selected.",,"Contrle si seules le
s polices non proportionnelles peuvent tre slectionnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The font selected in the dialog box.",,"La police slectionne dans la bote de dialo
gue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to report an error if the selected font does not exist.",,"Con
trle si une erreur doit tre signale si la police slectionne n existe pas.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum point size that can be Selected (or zero to disable).",,"La taille
maximale en points qui peut tre slectionne (ou zro pour dsactiver).",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum point size that can be Selected (or zero to disable).",,"La taille
minimale en points qui peut tre slectionne (ou zro pour dsactiver).",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to exclude OEM and Symbol character sets.",,"Contrle si les jeu
x de caractres OEM et Symbol doivent tre exclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"

,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to show the Apply button.",,"Contrle l affichage du bouton Appl
iquer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to show a color choice.",,"Contrle l affichage d un choix de co
uleurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to show the underline, strikeout, and font color selections.",
,"Contrle si les slections soulign, barr et couleur de police doivent tre affiches.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to show the Help button.",,"Contrle l affichage du bouton Aide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The string that is displayed above the tree view control in the dialog box. Thi
s string can be used to specify instructions to the user.",,"Chane affiche au-dess
us du contrle TreeView dans la bote de dialogue. Cette chane peut tre utilise pour spc
ifier des instructions l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Unable to retrieve the root folder.",,"Impossible de rcuprer le dossier racine.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The location of the root folder from which to start browsing. Only the specifie
d folder and any subfolders that are beneath it will appear in the dialog box.",
,"Emplacement du dossier racine partir duquel commencer l exploration. Seuls le
dossier spcifi et ses sous-dossiers s afficheront dans la bote de dialogue.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The path of the folder first selected in the dialog or the last one selected by
the user.",,"Chemin du dossier slectionn en premier dans la bote de dialogue ou le
dernier slectionn par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Include the New Folder button in the dialog box.",,"Inclure le bouton Nouveau d
ossier dans la bote de dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The accept button of the form. If this is set, the button is clicked whenever
the user presses the ENTER key.",,""Le bouton d acceptation du formulaire. S
il est dfini, le bouton est ""cliqu"" lorsque l utilisateur appuie sur la touche "
"ENTRE""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The currently active MDI child form.",,"Le formulaire enfant MDI actuellement a
ctif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If set to true, the form will automatically scale with the screen font.",,"S il
a la valeur true, le formulaire ajuste automatiquement sa taille en fonction de
la police cran.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether scroll bars automatically appear when the control contents ar
e larger than its visible area.",,"Indique si les barres de dfilement s affichent
automatiquement lorsque le contenu du contrle dpasse la zone visible.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The margin around controls during auto scroll.",,"La marge autour des contrles l
ors d une slection par dfilement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum logical size for the auto scroll region.",,"La taille logique minim
ale pour la rgion de slection par dfilement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The current position of the auto-scrolling scroll bar.",,"La position actuelle
de la barre de dfilement automatique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Indicates the appearance and behavior of the border and title bar of the form."
,,"Indique l apparence et le comportement de la bordure et de la barre de titre
du formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cancel button of the form. If this property is set, the button is clicked
whenever the user presses the ESC key.",,""Le bouton d annulation de ce formu
laire. Si cette proprit est dfinie, le bouton est ""cliqu"" lorsque l utilisateur ap
puie sur la touche ""CHAP""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether a form has a Control/System menu box.",,"Dtermine si un formu
laire a un menu Systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The bounds of this form in desktop coordinates.",,"Les limites de ce formulaire
en coordonnes du bureau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The location of this form in desktop coordinates.",,"L emplacement de ce formul

aire en coordonnes du bureau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value this form will return if displayed as a dialog box.",,"La valeur que
ce formulaire retourne s il est affich en tant que bote de dialogue.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the help button is clicked.",,"vnement qui est dclench la suite d
un clic sur le bouton d aide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether a form has a Help button on the caption bar.",,"Dtermine si u
n formulaire a un bouton d aide sur la barre de lgende.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the icon for a form. This icon is displayed in the form s system menu
box and when the form is minimized.",,"Indique l icne pour un formulaire. Cette
icne s affiche dans le menu Systme du formulaire et lorsque celui-ci est rduit.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the form is a child of a MDI container.",,"Dtermine si le for
mulaire est un enfant d un conteneur MDI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the form is an MDI container.",,"Dtermine si le formulaire es
t un conteneur MDI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether keyboard events for controls on the form are registered with
the form.",,"Dtermine si les vnements du clavier pour les contrles sur le formulair
e sont inscrits avec le formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Retrieves the MDI children of this form.",,"Extrait les enfants MDI de ce formu
laire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Form cannot be both an MDI child and MDI parent.",,"Un formulaire ne peut pas tr
e la fois un enfant MDI et un parent MDI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Form cannot be added to the Controls collection that has a valid MDI parent.",,
"Impossible d ajouter un formulaire ayant un parent MDI valide la collection Con
trols.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the MDI parent of this form.",,"Extrait le parent MDI de ce formulair
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether a form has a maximize box in the upper-right corner of its c
aption bar.",,"Dtermine si un formulaire dispose d un bouton d agrandissement dan
s le coin suprieur droit de sa barre de lgende.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum size the form can be resized to.",,"La taille maximale laquelle le
formulaire peut tre redimensionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The main menu of the form. This must be set to a component of type MainMenu.",,
"Le menu principal du formulaire. Il doit tre un composant de type MainMenu.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the primary MenuStrip for the Form. This property is used for keyboar
d activation and automatic merging in MDI.",,"Spcifie le MenuStrip principal du f
ormulaire. Cette proprit est utilise pour l activation clavier et la fusion automat
ique en MDI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The merged menu of this form, which is used when displaying a single merged MDI
menu.",,"Le menu fusionn de ce formulaire, qui est utilis lors de l affichage d u
n menu MDI fusionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether a form has a minimize box in the upper-right corner of its c
aption bar.",,"Dtermine si un formulaire dispose d un bouton de rduction dans le c
oin suprieur droit de sa barre de lgende.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The minimum size the form can be resized to.",,"La taille minimale laquelle le
formulaire peut tre redimensionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if this form is currently being displayed as a modal dialog box.",,"I
ndique si ce formulaire est actuellement affich sous forme de bote de dialogue mod
ale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the form is activated.",,"Se produit lorsque le formulaire est
activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Occurs whenever the user closes the form, after the form has been closed.",,"Se
produit lorsque l utilisateur ferme le formulaire, aprs la fermeture du formulai
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the user closes the form, before the form has been closed.",,"S
e produit lorsque l utilisateur ferme le formulaire, avant la fermeture du formu
laire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the form is deactivated.",,"Se produit lorsque le formulaire es
t dsactiv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the user closes the form, after the form has been closed and sp
ecifies the close reason.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur ferme le formulair
e, aprs la fermeture du formulaire et donne la raison de cette fermeture.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the user closes the form, before the form has been closed and s
pecifies the close reason.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur ferme le formulai
re, avant la fermeture du formulaire et donne la raison de cette fermeture.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the language used for input for this form changes.",,"Se produi
t lorsque le langage utilis pour les entres de ce formulaire change.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A request by the system to change the input language for this form. This reques
t can be refused.",,"Une demande mise par le systme pour changer le langage d entre
pour ce formulaire. Cette demande peut faire l objet d un refus.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the user loads the form.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur ch
arge le formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an MDI Child window is activated.",,"Se produit lorsqu une fentre en
fant MDI est active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the MaximizedBounds property is changed on Form.
",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit MaximizedBounds du formulaire est
modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the MaximumSize property is changed on Form.",,"vn
ement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit MaximumSize du formulaire est modifie."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when menu selection is completed and menu modal message loop has exited.
",,"Se produit lorsqu une slection de menu est termine et qu une boucle de message
s modale de menu s est termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when any menu is displayed and menu modal message loop is entered.",,"Se
produit lorsqu un menu est affich et lors de l entre dans une boucle de messages
modale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the MinimumSize property is changed on Form.",,"vn
ement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit MinimumSize du formulaire est modifie."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the form enters the sizing modal loop.",,"Se produit lorsque le for
mulaire entre dans la boucle modale de redimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the form exits the sizing modal loop.",,"Se produit lorsque le form
ulaire quitte la boucle modale de redimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the form is first shown.",,"Se produit lorsque le formulaire es
t affich la premire fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The opacity percentage of the control. ",,"Le pourcentage d opacit du contrle. ",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array of forms owned by this form.",,"Tableau de formulaires dont ce formulaire
est propritaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The owner of this form.",,"Le propritaire de ce formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether an icon is displayed in the title bar of the form.",,"Indique
si une icne est affiche dans la barre de titre du formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the form appears in the Windows Taskbar.",,"Dtermine si le fo

rmulaire s affiche dans la barre des tches de Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra

mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines when the SizeGrip will be displayed for the form.",,"Dtermine quand l
e SizeGrip du formulaire est affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Determines the position of a form when it first appears.",,"Dtermine la position
d un formulaire lorsqu il s affiche pour la premire fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the form always appears above all other forms that do not hav
e this property set to true.",,"Indique si le formulaire s affiche toujours au-d
essus de tous les autres formulaires pour lesquels cette proprit n a pas la valeur
true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A color which will appear transparent when painted on the form.",,"Une couleur
transparente lorsqu elle est peinte sur le formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the initial visual state of the form.",,"Dtermine l tat visuel initial
du formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the Format object that this control is currently using to format its
values.",,"Indique l objet Format que ce contrle utilise pour mettre en forme ses
valeurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value {0} cannot be converted to type {1} .",,"Impossible de convertir la va
leur {0} en type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null value cannot be converted to type {1} .",,"Impossible de convertir la val
eur null en type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The GridItem has been disposed and is no longer usable.",,"Le GridItem a t suppri
m et ne peut plus tre utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The GridItem cannot be expanded.",,"Le GridItem ne peut pas tre dvelopp.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the Row and Column position of the control.",,"Spcifie la position Row
et Column du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The column position of the specified child control.",,"La position de la colonn
e du contrle enfant spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The column styles of the table.",,"Styles de colonnes dans la table.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of columns on the table.",,"Nombre de colonnes dans la table.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The alignment of the control.",,"Alignement du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The box stretch of the control.",,"tirement de la zone du contrle.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The column span of the control.",,"tendue de colonne du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The row span of the control.",,"tendue de ligne du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The row position of the absolutely positioned element.",,"La position de ligne
de l lment positionn de faon absolue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The row styles of the table.",,"Styles de ligne de la table.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of rows on the table.",,"Nombre de ligne de la table.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Window handle already exists.",,"Le handle de fentre existe dj.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Help URL {0} is not valid.",,"URL de l aide {0} non valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the Help keyword associated with this control.",,"Dtermine le mot cl d
aide associ ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Help namespace (for example HTML 1.0 Help file) that will be used. It is on
ly used for controls that have the HelpKeyword set.",,"L espace de noms d aide (
par exemple, Fichier d aide HTML 1.0) qui sera utilis. Utilis uniquement pour les

contrles pour lesquels HelpKeyword est dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the Help string associated with this control.",,"Dtermine la chane d a
ide associe ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the kind of Help associated with this control.",,"Dtermine le genre d
aide associ ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if Help should be displayed for this control.",,"Dtermine si l aide d
oit tre affiche pour ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument for the Domain property must be a fully qualified domain name using Do
main Name System (DNS) conventions.",,"L argument de la proprit Domain doit tre un
nom de domaine qualifi complet conforme aux conventions DNS (Domain Name System).
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The attribute you specified is not supported on this element.",,"L attribut que
vous avez spcifi n est pas pris en charge dans cet lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method is not supported on this type of HtmlElement.",,"Cette mthode n est pas p
rise en charge sur ce type de HtmlElement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Property is not supported on this type of HtmlElement.",,"Cette proprit n est pas
prise en charge sur ce type de HtmlElement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides custom binding management for components.",,"Fournit la gestion des li
aisons personnalises pour les composants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Specifies support for transacted initialization. ",,"Spcifie la prise en charge
de l initialisation traite. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cross-thread operation not valid: Control {0} accessed from a thread other th
an the thread it was created on.",,"Opration inter-threads non valide: le contrle
{0} a fait l objet d un accs partir d un thread autre que celui sur lequel il a t
cr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cross-thread operation not valid: Control {0} accessed from a thread other t
han the thread it was created on.\r\nStack trace where the illegal operation occ
urred was:\r\n{1}"""",,""Opration inter-threads non valide: le contrle {0} a fait
l objet d un accs partir d un thread autre que celui sur lequel il a t cr.\r\nCette
opration non conforme s est produite sur la trace de la pile :\r\n{1}"""",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal state of the {1} class is not valid.",,"L tat interne de la classe {1}
n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image cannot be added to the ImageList.",,"L image ne peut pas tre ajoute l Image
List.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the images in the list should be mirrored.",,"Indique si les
images de la liste doivent tre mises en miroir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type Image.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type Image.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image must be a Bitmap.",,"L image doit tre une bitmap.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unless the list is empty, {0} cannot be changed once the ImageList has been u
sed.",,"Sauf si la liste est vide, {0} ne peut pas tre modifi une fois que Image
List a t utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of colors to use to render images.",,"Le nombre de couleurs utiliser
pour restituer les images.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Creation of the ImageList handle did not succeed.",,"chec de la cration du handle
ImageList.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image added to an ImageList must either derive from Image or be an Icon.",,"Une
image ajoute ImageList doit driver de Image ou tre un Icon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieval of the image from ImageList did not succeed.",,"chec de l extraction d
e l image de ImageList.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the native handle has been created for this ImageList.",,"Indique

si le handle natif a t cr pour ce ImageList.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
"The native handle of the ImageList.",,"Le handle natif de ce ImageList.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves an ImageList streamer for persisting images.",,"Extrait un gestionnai
re de flux de ImageList afin de rendre persistantes les images.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image strip shorter than the ImageSize property cannot be added.",,"Impossible
d ajouter une bande d image plus petite que la proprit ImageSize.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The images stored in this ImageList.",,"Les images stockes dans cet ImageList.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the ImageList needs to recreate its handle.",,"Se produit lorsque l
e ImageList doit recrer son handle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Removal of the image from ImageList did not succeed.",,"chec de la suppression d
une image de ImageList.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Replacement of the image in ImageList did not succeed.",,"chec du remplacement d
e l image dans ImageList.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Inherit is not a valid value for this property. Must be set to Yes or No
.",," Inherit n est pas une valeur valide pour cette proprit. Doit prendre la val
eur Yes ou No .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of individual images in the ImageList.",,"La taille des images individ
uelles dans le ImageList.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading of the ImageList did not succeed.",,"chec de chargement de ImageList.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Saving of the ImageList did not succeed.",,"chec d enregistrement de ImageList."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Width of the image strip must be a positive multiple of ImageSize.Width.",,"La
largeur de la bande d images doit tre un multiple positif de ImageSize.Width.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color that is treated as transparent.",,"La couleur qui est considre comme tr
ansparente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"InvalidArgument=Value of {1} is not valid for {0} .",,"InvalidArgument=La va
leur {1} n est pas valide pour {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} should be between {2} and {3}.",,"
La valeur {1} n est pas valide pour {0} . {0} doit tre compris entre {2} et
{3}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Action being performed on this control is being called from the wrong thread. M
arshal to the correct thread using Control.Invoke or Control.BeginInvoke to perf
orm this action.",,"L action effectue sur ce contrle est appele partir d un thread
incorrect. Vous devez marshaler le thread correct en utilisant Control.Invoke ou
Control.BeginInvoke pour effectuer cette action.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} should be greater than {2} and les
s than {3}.",,"La valeur {1} n est pas valide pour {0} . {0} doit tre suprieu
r {2} et infrieur {3}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File format is not valid.",,"Format de fichier non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File type is not valid.",,"Type de fichier non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Win32 handle passed to {0} is not valid or is the wrong type.",,"Le handle Win3
2 pass {0} n est pas valide ou d un type incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} must be less than {2}.",,"La valeu
r {1} n est pas valide pour {0} . {0} doit tre infrieur {2}.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} must be less than or equal to {2}.
",,"La valeur {1} n est pas valide pour {0} . {0} doit tre infrieur ou gal {2}

.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} must be greater than {2}.",,"La va
leur {1} n est pas valide pour {0} . {0} doit tre suprieur {2}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Null is not a valid value for {0} .",,"Null n est pas une valeur valide pour
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more items in the collection are null.",,"Un ou plusieurs des lments de la
collection a une valeur null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image format is not valid. The image file may be corrupted.",,"Format d image n
on valide. Le fichier image peut tre endommag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property can be changed only before the enumeration.",,"La proprit ne peut tre mod
ifie qu avant l numration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ResX file {0} cannot be parsed.",,"Le fichier ResX {0} ne peut pas tre analys.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""ResX input is not valid. Cannot find valid ""resheader"" tags for the ResX rea
der and writer type names."",,""Entre ResX non valide. Impossible de trouver des
balises ""resheader"" valides pour les noms de type du lecteur et du writer ResX
."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find a type for a name. The type name was {0} .",,"Impossible de tr
ouver un type pour un nom. Le nom de type tait {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find a name for the resource with the value {0} .",,"Impossible de trou
ver un nom pour la ressource avec la valeur {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Keyword ""{0}"" is not valid."",,""Mot cl ""{0}"" non valide."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified repeat count is not valid.",,"Valeur de rptition spcifie non valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SendKeys string {0} is not valid.",,"La chane SendKeys {0} n est pas valide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MonthCalendar size information cannot be retrieved.",,"Les informations de tail
le de MonthCalendar ne peuvent pas tre extraites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Window class name is not valid.",,"Nom de classe de fentre non valide.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute {0} must be set to true or false.",,"L attribut {0} doit avoir la val
eur true ou false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} in the data at line {1}, position {2}, cannot be loaded because it thr
ew the following exception during construction: {3}",,"Le type {0} dans les donne
s la ligne {1}, position {2}, ne peut pas tre charg, car il a lev l exception suiva
nte pendant la construction: {3}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control is mirrored.",,"Indique si le contrle est mis en m
iroir.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key combination is not valid.",,"La combinaison de touches n est pas valide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Key name is not valid.",,"Le nom de la touche n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables the automatic handling of text that extends beyond the width of the lab
el control.",,"Active la gestion automatique du texte qui dpasse les limites de l
argeur du contrle label.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables automatic resizing based on font size. Note that this is only valid for
label controls that do not wrap text.",,"Active le redimensionnement automatiqu
e en fonction de la taille de police. Cela n est valide que pour les contrles lab
el qui ne renvoient pas le texte la ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The background image of this control.",,"L image d arrire-plan de ce contrle.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the label has a visible border.",,"Dtermine si l tiquette utilise u
ne bordure visible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Event raised when the value of the TextAlign property is changed on Label.",,"vne
ment dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit TextAlign de Label est modifie.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The preferred width of this control.",,"La largeur par dfaut de ce contrle.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the position of the text within the label.",,"Dtermine la position du
texte dans cette tiquette.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If true, the first character preceded by an ampersand (&&) will be used as the
label s mnemonic key.",,"Si la valeur est true, le premier caractre prcd d un signe
&& sera utilis comme touche mnmonique de l tiquette.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LayoutEngine cannot arrange objects of type {0} .",,"LayoutEngine ne peut disp
oser les objets de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the color of the hyperlink when the user clicks the link.",,"Dtermine
la couleur du lien hypertexte lorsque l utilisateur clique sur le lien.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LinkArea length cannot be negative.",,"La longueur de LinkArea ne peut pas tre ng
ative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LinkArea start cannot be negative.",,"Le dbut de LinkArea ne peut pas tre ngatif."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type Link.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type Link.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the color of the hyperlink when disabled.",,"Dtermine la couleur du l
ien hypertexte lorsqu il est dsactiv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Portion of the text in the label to render as a hyperlink.",,"Partie du texte d
ans l tiquette correspondant au lien hypertexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the underline behavior of the hyperlink.",,"Dtermine le comportement
du trait soulign du lien hypertexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Occurs when the link is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un clic sur le lien.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the color of the hyperlink in its default state.",,"Dtermine la coule
ur du lien hypertexte dans son tat par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the hyperlink should be rendered as visited.",,"Dtermine si le lie
n hypertexte doit tre rendu comme ayant t visit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overlapping link regions.",,"Rgions de liens superposes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the color of the hyperlink when the LinkVisited property is set to t
rue.",,"Dtermine la couleur du lien hypertexte lorsque la proprit LinkVisited a la
valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind to the property or column {0} on the DataSource.",,"Impossible d ef
fectuer une liaison la proprit ou la colonne {0} sur le DataSource.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind to the property {0} on the target control.",,"Impossible d effect
uer une liaison la proprit {0} sur le contrle cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind to property {0} because it is read-only.",,"Impossible d effectue
r une liaison la proprit {0} , car elle est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot format the value to the desired type.",,"Impossible de mettre en forme l
a valeur avec le type souhait.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls what type of border is drawn around the ListBox.",,"Contrle le type de
bordure dessine autour du contrle ListBox.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"ListBox.IntegerCollection is sorted, and items cannot be inserted into it.",,"D
es lments ne peuvent pas tre insrs dans ListBox.IntegerCollection, car il est tri.",,"

Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Indicates how wide each column should be in a multicolumn ListBox.",,"Indique l
a largeur de chaque colonne dans un contrle ListBox multicolonne.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection of pixel offsets each corresponding TAB character will be placed
from the near edge of the client area.",,"La collection de pixels dcalant chaque
caractre TAB sera place partir du bord de la zone cliente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls list box painting. Either the system [NORMAL] or the user [OWNERDRAW]
paints each item.",,"Contrle la faon dont la zone de liste est peinte. Le systme [N
ORMAL] ou l utilisateur [OWNERDRAW] peint chaque lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The width, in pixels, by which a list box can be scrolled horizontally. Only va
lid if HorizontalScrollBars is true.",,"La largeur en pixels de la zone de dfilem
ent horizontale d une zone de liste. Valide uniquement si HorizontalScrollBars a
la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the ListBox will display a horizontal scroll bar for items be
yond the right edge of the ListBox.",,"Indique si la ListBox affiche une barre d
e dfilement horizontale pour les lments situs au-del du bord droit de la ListBox.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the list can contain only complete items.",,"Indique si la li
ste peut contenir uniquement des lments complets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call this method when SelectionMode is SelectionMode.NONE.",,"Impossible
d appeler cette mthode lorsque SelectionMode est SelectionMode.NONE.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The height, in pixels, of items in a fixed-height owner-draw list box.",,"La ha
uteur en pixels des lments dans une zone de liste de hauteur fixe owner-draw.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"List box contains too many items.",,"La zone de liste contient trop d lments.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The items in the list box.",,"Les lments dans la zone de liste.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if values should be displayed in columns horizontally.",,"Indique si
les valeurs doivent tre affiches horizontalement dans les colonnes.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the list box should always have a scroll bar present, regardless o
f how many items are in it.",,"Indique si la zone de liste doit toujours utilise
r une barre de dfilement, quel que soit le nombre d lments qu elle contient.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ListBox.SelectedIndexCollection is read only.",,"ListBox.SelectedIndexCollectio
n est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the index of the first selection in the list box, or -1 if there is n
o selection.",,"Extrait l index de la premire slection de la zone de liste ou -1 s
il n y a pas de slection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A collection of indexes for the currently selected items in the list box.",,"Un
e collection d index pour les lments actuellement slectionns dans la zone de liste."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The currently selected item in the list box, or null.",,"L lment actuellement slec
tionn dans la zone de liste ou null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"A collection of currently selected items.",,"Une collection des lments actuelleme
nt slectionns.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ListBox.SelectedObjectCollection is read only.",,"ListBox.SelectedObjectCollect
ion est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the list box is to be single-select, multi-select, or not selectab
le.",,"Indique si la zone de liste est slection simple, slection multiple ou non sl
ectionnable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the list is sorted.",,"Contrle si la liste est trie.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The index of the first visible item in the list box.",,"L index du premier lment
visible dans la zone de liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if TAB characters should be expanded into full spacing.",,"Indique si
les caractres TABULATION doivent tre affichs sous la forme d espaces.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ListBox cannot have variable height and be multicolumn. Either make the ListBox
owner-draw fixed height, or make the ListBox single column.",,"Un ListBox ne pe
ut pas tre de hauteur variable et multicolonne. Vous pouvez soit rendre le ListBo
x owner-draw de hauteur fixe, soit dfinir le ListBox avec une colonne unique.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the list that this control will use to get its items.",,"Indique la l
iste que ce contrle utilisera pour obtenir ses lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the property to display for the items in this control.",,"Indique la
proprit afficher pour les lments de ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the SelectedValue in a ListControl with an empty ValueMember.",,"Imp
ossible de dfinir SelectedValue dans un ListControl avec un ValueMember vide.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised to allow you to convert the value to a value suitable for display.
",,"vnement dclench pour permettre de convertir la valeur en une valeur pouvant tre a
ffiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the FormatInfo property changed.",,"vnement dclench
lorsque la valeur de la proprit de FormatInfo est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the FormatString property is changed.",,"vnement dc
lench lorsque la valeur de la proprit FormatString est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The format specifier characters that indicate how a value is to be displayed.",
,"Les caractres de spcificateur de format qui indiquent comment une valeur doit tre
affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the FormattingEnabled property is changed.",,"vnem
ent dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit FormattingEnabled est modifie.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If this property is true, the value of FormatString is used to convert the valu
e of DisplayMember into a value that can be displayed.",,"Si cette proprit est tru
e, la valeur de FormatString est utilise pour convertir la valeur de DisplayMembe
r en une valeur pouvant tre affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Event raised when the value of the DataSource property is changed on ListContro
l.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit DataSource de ListControl est mo
difie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the DisplayMember property is changed on ListCon
trol.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit DisplayMember de ListControl
est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the SelectedValue property is changed on ListCon
trol.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit SelectedValue de ListControl
est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the ValueMember property is changed on ListContr
ol.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit ValueMember de ListControl est
modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the actual value of the currently selected item. Setting it will caus
e the item whose actual value is equal to become selected.",,"Indique la valeur
relle de l lment actuellement slectionn. La dfinition de cet lment entrane la slect
l lment dont la valeur relle est identique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates the property to use as the actual value for the items in the control.
",,"Indique la proprit utiliser comme valeur relle pour les lments du contrle.",,"Tex
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot bind to the new display member.",,"Liaison au nouveau membre Display imp

ossible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot bind to the new value member.",,"Liaison au nouveau membre Value impossi
ble.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumerator s current position is out of the bounds of the list.",,"La position
actuelle de l numrateur est hors des limites de la liste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"List that this enumerator is bound to has been modified. An enumerator can only
be used if the list does not change.",,"La liste laquelle cet numrateur est li a t m
odifie. Un numrateur ne peut tre utilis que si la liste ne change pas.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Position is either less than 0 or greater than the number of items in the data
source.",,"La position est soit infrieure 0 soit suprieure au nombre d lments dans l
a source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot operate with an empty list.",,"Impossible d agir avec une liste vide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index {0} does not have a value.",,"L index {0} n a pas de valeur.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data sources of type {0} are not supported.",,"Les sources de donnes de type {0}
ne sont pas prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the type of action required by the user to activate an item, and the
feedback given.",,"Indique le type d action requis par l utilisateur pour active
r un lment et les commentaires donns.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"When HotTracking is on, activation must be ItemActivation.OneClick.",,"Quand Ho
tTracking est actif, l activation doit correspondre ItemActivation.OneClick.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Column cannot be added to ListView.",,"Impossible d ajouter une colonne ListVie
w.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Item cannot be added to ListView.",,"Impossible d ajouter un lment ListView.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the text of an item has been edited by the user.",,"Se produit lors
que le texte d un lment a t modifi par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how items are aligned within the ListView.",,"Indique la faon dont les
lments sont aligns dans le ListView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Indicates whether the user can reorder columns in Details view.",,"Indique si l
utilisateur peut rorganiser les colonnes en mode Dtails.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether items are kept arranged automatically when in LargeIcon or Sm
allIcon view.",,"Indique si les lments restent organiss automatiquement en mode Lar
geIcon ou SmallIcon.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the background image will be tiled to fill the entire backgro
und of the control.",,"Indique si l image d arrire-plan sera affiche en mosaque pou
r remplir la totalit de l arrire-plan du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type ListViewSubItem.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type ListVi
ewSubItem.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the text of an item is about to be edited by the user.",,"Se produi
t lorsque le texte d un lment va tre modifi par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BeginEdit did not succeed because the LabelEdit property is false.",,"chec de Be
ginEdit, car la proprit LabelEdit a la valeur false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Notifies users of virtual ListView controls that they should prepare their cach
e.",,"Informe les utilisateurs de contrles ListView virtuels qu ils doivent prpare
r leur cache.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot access the checked items collection when the ListView is in virtual mode
.",,"Impossible d accder la collection des lments activs lorsque le ListView est en
mode virtuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot access the selected items collection when the ListView is in virtual mod
e.",,"Impossible d accder la collection des lments activs lorsque le ListView est en
mode virtuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When the ListView is in virtual mode, you cannot add items to the ListView item
s collection. Use the VirtualListSize property instead to change the size of th
e ListView items collection.",,"Lorsque le ListView est en mode virtuel, vous ne
pouvez pas ajouter des lments la collection des lments ListView. Utilisez plutt la p
roprit VirtualListSize pour redimensionner la collection d lments ListView.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When the ListView is in virtual mode, you cannot enumerate through the ListView
items collection using an enumerator or call GetEnumerator. Use the ListView it
ems indexer instead and access an item by index value.",,"Lorsque le ListView es
t en mode virtuel, vous ne pouvez pas effectuer une numration parmi la collection
d lments ListView l aide d un numrateur ou appeler GetEnumerator. Utilisez l indexeu
r d lments ListView la place et accdez un lment par sa valeur d index.",,"Text",,"Al
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot modify the items collection in a virtual ListView.",,"Impossible de modi
fier la collection des lments dans un ListView virtuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When the ListView is in virtual mode, you cannot remove items from the ListView
items collection. Use the VirtualListSize property instead to change the size o
f the ListView items collection.",,"Lorsque le ListView est en mode virtuel, vou
s ne pouvez pas supprimer des lments de la collection ListView. Utilisez plutt la p
roprit VirtualListSize pour redimensionner la collection d lments ListView.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tile view is not supported in VirtualMode.",,"L affichage en mosaque n est pas p
ris en charge en VirtualMode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"VirtualMode is not supported in Tile view.",,"VirtualMode n est pas pris en cha
rge en mode Tile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether check boxes are displayed beside items.",,"Indique si des cas
es cocher sont affiches ct des lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"CheckBoxes are not supported in Tile view. Choose a different view or set Check
Boxes to false.",,"Les cases cocher (CheckBoxes) ne sont pas prises en charge en
mode Tile. Choisissez un autre mode d affichage ou dfinissez CheckBoxes false.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a column header is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un clic sur l en-tt
e de colonne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ColumnInfo cannot be set.",,"Impossible de dfinir ColumnInfo.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the ListView column header has been reordered.",,"Se produit aprs la
rorganisation de l en-tte de colonne ListView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user stops dragging the column header divider. Works only in De
tails mode.",,"Se produit une fois que l utilisateur a fini de faire glisser le
sparateur d en-tte de colonne. Fonctionne uniquement en mode Dtails.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user drags the column header divider. Works only in Details mod
e.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur fait glisser le sparateur d en-tte de colon
ne. Fonctionne uniquement en mode Dtails.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The columns shown in Details view.",,"Les colonnes affiches en mode Dtails.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs in owner draw mode, when a column header needs to be drawn.",,"Se produi
t en mode owner draw, lorsqu il est ncessaire de dessiner un en-tte de colonne.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs in owner-draw mode, when an item needs to be drawn.",,"Se produit en mod
e owner-draw, lorsqu il est ncessaire de dessiner un lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs in owner-draw mode, when a SubItem (Details view only) needs to be drawn

.",,"Se produit en mode owner-draw, lorsqu il est ncessaire de dessiner un SubIte

m (mode Dtails uniquement).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FindNearestItem is supported only when the ListView is in SMALLICON or LARGEICO
N view.",,"FindNearestItem est pris en charge uniquement lorsque le ListView est
en mode SMALLICON ou LARGEICON.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ListView item that currently has the user focus.",,"L lment ListView qui a ac
tuellement le focus utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether all SubItems are highlighted along with the item when selecte
d.",,"Indique si tous les SubItems sont mis en surbrillance avec l lment lorsqu il
est slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get the top item in LargeIcon, SmallIcon, or Tile view.",,"Impossible d
obtenir l lment suprieur en mode LargeIcon, SmallIcon ou Tile.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays grid lines around items and SubItems. Only shown when in Details view.
",,"Affiche un quadrillage autour des lments et des SubItems. Affichage uniquement
en mode Dtails.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of this group.",,"Nom de ce groupe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The groups in the ListView.",,"Les groupes dans le ListView.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The style of the column headers in Details view.",,"Le style des en-ttes de colo
nnes en mode Dtails.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removes highlighting from the selected item when the control does not have focu
s.",,"Supprime la surbrillance de l lment slectionn lorsque le contrle n a pas le foc
us.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allows items to appear as hyperlinks when the mouse hovers over them.",,"Permet
d afficher les lments en tant que liens hypertexte lorsque la souris pointe sur e
ux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When HotTracking is on, HoverSelection must also be enabled.",,"Lorsque HotTrac
king est actif, HoverSelection doit galement tre activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allows items to be selected by hovering over them with the mouse.",,"Permet la
slection des lments en pointant dessus avec la souris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"IndentCount property on the ListViewItem class does not accept negative values.
",,"La proprit IndentCount de la classe ListViewItem n accepte pas les valeurs ngat
ives.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allows insertion mark attributes to be changed.",,"Autorise la modification des
attributs des marques d insertion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Event raised when the checked property of a ListView item changes.",,"vnement dcle
nch lorsque la proprit Checked d un lment ListView est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an item is activated.",,"Se produit lorsqu un lment est activ.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user begins dragging an item.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisate
ur fait glisser un lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList index value of the image displayed when the list view item is in
the unselected state.",,"La valeur d index ImageList de l image affiche lorsque l
lment de l affichage de liste est dans un tat non slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key in the image-list value that represents the image to display. when the
list view item is in the unselected state.",,"La cl dans la valeur image-list qui
reprsente l image afficher lorsque l lment de l affichage de liste est dans un tat
non slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of indents for a list ListViewItem",,"Nombre de retraits pour une liste
ListViewItem",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse hovers over an item.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris poin
te sur un lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the selection state of an item has changed.",,"vnement dclench lo

rsque l tat de slection d un lment est modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"The sorting comparer for this view.",,"Le comparateur de tri pour cette vue.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The image-list index value of the state image displayed.",,"La valeur d index i
mage-list de l image d tat affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The key in the image-list value that represents the image to display.",,"La cl d
ans la valeur image-list qui reprsente l image afficher.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SubItems for this ListViewItem.",,"Les SubItems de ce ListViewItem.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The items in the ListView.",,"Les lments du contrle ListView.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allows item labels to be edited in place by the user.",,"Autorise la modificati
on sur place par l utilisateur des tiquettes d lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether label text can wrap to a new line.",,"Dtermine si le texte de
l tiquette peut tre renvoy sur une nouvelle ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList control used by the ListView for images in Large Icon View.",,"Le
contrle ImageList utilis par le ListView pour les images en mode Grandes icnes.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allows multiple items to be selected.",,"Autorise la slection de plusieurs lments.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the system or the user paints items/SubItems.",,"Dtermine si le
systme ou l utilisateur peint les lments ou les SubItems.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the virtual item from the user.",,"Rcupre l lment virtuel au niveau de l
utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control will display scroll bars if it contains more item
s than can fit in the client area.",,"Indique si le contrle doit afficher des bar
res de dfilement s il contient un nombre d lments suprieur au nombre pouvant tenir d
ans la zone cliente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Notifies the user that a search is taking place on a virtual ListView.",,"Infor
me l utilisateur qu une recherche se droule sur un ListView virtuel.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the SelectedIndex property for this ListView changes.",,"Se p
roduit lorsque la proprit SelectedIndex de ce ListView change.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A collection of items that are currently selected in the ListView.",,"Une colle
ction d lments qui sont actuellement slectionns dans le ListView.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the TopItem in LargeIcon, SmallIcon, or Tile View.",,"Impossible dfin
ir le TopItem en mode LargeIcon, SmallIcon ou Tile.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control will display the items in group form.",,"Indique
si le contrle affichera les lments sous forme de groupe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allows ListViewItems to display ToolTips.",,"Permet ListViewItems d afficher de
s info-bulles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList control used by the ListView for images in all views except for t
he large icon view.",,"Le contrle ImageList utilis par le ListView pour les images
dans toutes les vues l exception du mode Grandes icnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sorting is not allowed in a virtual ListView.",,"Le tri n est pas autoris dans u
n ListView virtuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the manner in which items are to be sorted.",,"Indique la faon dont le
s lments doivent tre tris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The startIndex value cannot be larger than the endIndex value.",,"La valeur sta

rtIndex ne peut pas tre suprieure la valeur endIndex.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame

work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList control used by the ListView for custom states.",,"Le contrle Imag
eList utilis par le ListView pour les tats personnaliss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument must be of type ListViewSubItem.",,"L argument doit tre de type ListVie
wSubItem.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the tile in Tile view.",,"La taille de la mosaque en mode Tile.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TileSize must be positive.",,"TileSize doit tre positif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tile view does not support CheckBoxes. Choose a different view or set CheckBoxe
s to false.",,"Le mode Tile ne prend pas en charge les cases cocher (CheckBoxes)
. Choisissez un autre mode d affichage ou dfinissez CheckBoxes false.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first item that is visible to the user.",,"Le premier lment visible l utilisa
teur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selects one of five different views that items can be shown in.",,"Slectionne l
une des cinq vues dans lesquelles les lments peuvent tre affichs.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ListView virtualization requires a valid ListViewItem to be provided by the Ret
rieveVirtualItem event or in the OnRetrieveVirtualItem method.",,"La virtualisat
ion de ListView ncessite la fourniture d un ListViewItem valide par l vnement Retri
eveVirtualItem ou dans la mthode OnRetrieveVirtualItem.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the state of a virtual item is changed.",,"Se produit en cas de
modification de l tat d un lment virtuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Event raised when the selection state of a range of items has changed. This eve
nt in raised only in virtual mode.",,"vnement dclench en cas de modification de l tat
de slection d une plage d lments. Cet vnement est dclench uniquement en mode virtuel.
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the count of the item collection when the ListView is in virtual mode.",,"
Dfinit le nombre de la collection d lments lorsque le ListView est en mode virtuel.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of {1} is not valid for {0} . {0} should be greater than or equal to 0
.",,"La valeur {1} n est pas valide pour {0} , {0} doit tre suprieur ou gal 0.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set VirtualMode=true on a list whose checked items collection is not emp
ty.",,"Impossible de dfinir VirtualMode=true sur une liste dont la collection d lme
nts activs n est pas vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set VirtualMode=true on a ListView that has items.",,"Impossible de dfini
r VirtualMode=true sur un ListView contenant des lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set VirtualMode=true on a ListView whose selected items collection is no
t empty.",,"Impossible de dfinir VirtualMode=true sur un ListView dont la collect
ion d lments slectionns n est pas vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"When in VirtualMode the ListView RetrieveVirtualListItem event needs a list vie
w SubItem for each ListView column.",,"En mode VirtualMode, l vnement RetrieveVirt
ualListItem de ListView requiert un SubItem d affichage de liste pour chaque col
onne ListView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables ListView virtual mode.",,"Active le mode virtuel ListView.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot load the ""{0}"" DLL into memory."",,""Impossible de charger la DLL ""{
0}"" en mmoire."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot load the text.",,"Impossible de charger le texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MDI child forms can be added only to an MdiClient.",,"Des formulaires enfants M
DI ne peuvent tre ajouts qu un MdiClient.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"MDI container forms must be top-level.",,"Les formulaires conteneur MDI doivent
tre de niveau suprieur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More Windows...",,"Plus de fentres...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Form that was specified to be the MdiParent for this form is not an MdiContaine
r.",,"Le formulaire qui a t spcifi comme tant le MdiParent pour ce formulaire n est p
as un MdiContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the main menu collapses.",,"Se produit lors de la rduction du menu p
rincipal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets the ImageList associated with this main menu.",,"Obtient ou dfinit
l ImageList associ ce menu principal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"<No Form>",,"<Pas de formulaire>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Indicates whether the prompt character is valid as input.",,"Indique si le cara
ctre d invite est valide en tant qu entre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether only ASCII characters are accepted as valid input.",,"Indique
si seulement les caractres ASCII sont accepts en tant qu entre valide.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control will beep when an invalid character is typed.",,"
Indique si le contrle mettra un signal sonore lors de la frappe d un caractre non v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The culture that determines the value of the localizable mask language separato
rs and placeholders.",,"Culture qui dtermine la valeur des sparateurs et des espac
es rservs du langage de masquage localisable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the text to be copied to the clipboard includes literals and/
or prompt characters.",,"Indique si le texte copier dans le Presse-papiers inclu
t des littraux et/ou des caractres d invite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether prompt characters are displayed when the control does not hav
e focus.",,"Indique si les caractres d invite sont affichs lorsque le contrle n a p
as le focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mask input is not complete.",,"Entre de masque incomplte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the masked text box input character typing mode.",,"Indique le mode d
e frappe de caractres d entre dans la zone de texte masque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified character value is not allowed for this property.",,"La valeur de car
actre spcifie n est pas admise pour cette proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of IsOverwriteMode property changes.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e la proprit de IsOverwriteMode est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of Mask property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur
de la proprit Mask est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the string governing the input allowed for this control.",,"Dfinit la chane
gouvernant l entre admise pour ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the input character or text does not comply with the mask specifica
tion.",,"Se produit lorsque le texte ou le caractre d entre n est pas conforme la
spcification du masque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified mask contains characters that are not valid.",,"Le masque spcifi contie
nt des caractres non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PasswordChar and PromptChar values cannot be the same.",,"Les valeurs PasswordC
har et PromptChar ne peuvent pas tre identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the character to display for password input.",,"Indique le caractre af

ficher pour l entre du mot de passe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Indicates the character used as the placeholder.",,"Indique le caractre utilis en
tant qu espace rserv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If true, the input text is rejected whenever a character fails to comply with t
he mask; otherwise, characters in the text are processed one by one as individua
l inputs.",,"Si la valeur est true, le texte d entre est rejet chaque fois qu un c
aractre n est pas conforme au masque, autrement les caractres formant le texte son
t traits un par un en tant qu entres individuelles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether to reset and skip the current position if editable, when the
input character has the same value as the prompt.",,"Spcifie s il faut rinitialise
r et ignorer la position actuelle si elle est modifiable, lorsque le caractre d e
ntre a la mme valeur que l invite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether to reset and skip the current position if editable, when the
input is the space character.",,"Spcifie s il faut rinitialiser et ignorer la posi
tion actuelle si elle est modifiable, lorsque l entre correspond un caractre espac
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether to skip the current position if non-editable and the input ch
aracter has the same value as the literal at that position.",,"Spcifie s il faut
rinitialiser et ignorer la position actuelle si elle est modifiable et que le car
actre d entre a la mme valeur que le littral cette position.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the string returned from the Text property includes literals
and/or prompt characters.",,"Indique si la chane retourne par la proprit Text inclut
des littraux et/ou des caractres d invite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the ValidatingType object has completed parsing the input text.",,"
Se produit lorsque l objet ValidatingType a termin l analyse du texte d entre.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type validation succeeded.",,"La validation de type a russi.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the text in the edit control should appear as the default password
character.",,"Indique si le texte dans le contrle d dition doit apparatre en tant
que caractre de mot de passe par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Occurs when the ValidatedValue changes after type validation has been completed
.",,"Se produit la modification de ValidatedValue une fois la validation de type
termine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the Type of the object to be used for parsing the input text when the
control looses focus.",,"Spcifie le Type de l objet utiliser pour l analyse du t
exte d entre lorsque le contrle perd le focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type MenuItem.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type MenuItem.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets the background color of this menu s image margin.",,"Obtient ou dfi
nit la couleur d arrire-plan de la marge d image de ce menu.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if this menu contains any child items.",,"Indique si ce menu contient
des lments enfants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add MenuItem {0} . It already exists as a parent of the current menu it
em.",,"Impossible d ajouter MenuItem {0} , car il existe dj en tant que parent de
l lment de menu actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the item is checked.",,"Indique si l lment est coch.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the item is the default item.",,"Indique si l lment est l lment p
ar dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the item is enabled.",,"Indique si l lment est activ.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets the image to be displayed on this menu item.",,"Obtient ou dfinit l

image afficher sur cet lment de menu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Gets or sets the ImageList associated with this menu item.",,"Obtient ou dfinit
l ImageList associ cet lment de menu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Gets or sets the background color of this menu item s image margin.",,"Obtient
ou dfinit la couleur d arrire-plan de la marge d image de cet lment de menu.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"True is not a valid value for the Checked property. This is only valid for Men
uItems that have no children and are not top-level.",,"True n est pas une valeur
valide pour la proprit Checked. Elle n est valide que pour les MenuItems qui n on
t pas d enfants et ne sont pas de niveau suprieur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the MDI child window list is appended to this item.",,"Dtermi
ne si la liste des fentres enfants MDI est ajoute cet lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the merge order of the item.",,"Dtermine l ordre de fusion de l lment."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines how the item is handled when menus are merged.",,"Dtermine la faon don
t l lment est gr lors de la fusion de menus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the menu item is selected.",,"Se produit lorsque l lment de menu est
slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs before the containing menu is displayed.",,"Se produit avant l affichage
du menu contenant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if Windows will draw the menu item or if the user will handle the pai
nting.",,"Indique si Windows doit dessiner l lment de menu ou si l utilisateur gre
la peinture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"If the item is checked, this value will determine whether the check style is a
radio button.",,"Si l lment est activ, cette valeur dtermine si le style de slection
est une case d option.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The shortcut key associated with the menu item. ",,"La touche de raccourci asso
cie l lment de menu. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the shorcut key for the menu item is displayed on the item. "
,,"Indique si la touche de raccourci pour l lment de menu est affiche sur l lment. ",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The caption displayed by the item.",,"La lgende affiche par l lment.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the item is visible.",,"Indique si l lment est visible.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Retrieves the menu item that contains a list of MDI child windows.",,"Extrait l
lment de menu qui contient une liste des fentres enfants MDI.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The menu items for the menu.",,"Les lments de menu pour le menu.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot merge a menu with itself.",,"Impossible de fusionner un menu avec lui-mme
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if this menu should display right to left",,"Indique si ce menu doit
s afficher de droite gauche",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the item whose DropDown will show the list of MDI windows.",,"Spcifie
l lment dont le DropDown affichera la liste des fentres MDI.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user has started accessing the menu through the keyboard or mou
se.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur accde au menu via le clavier ou la souris
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user has finished accessing the menu through the keyboard or mo
use.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur a cess d accder au menu via le clavier ou
la souris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates which annual dates should be boldface.",,"Indique les dates annuelles
mettre en gras.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The number of rows and columns of months in a month calendar.",,"Le nombre de l

ignes et de colonnes de mois dans un calendrier mensuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first day of the week.",,"Le premier jour de la semaine.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Calendar dimensions ({0}, {1}) are not valid.",,"Dimensions du calendrier ({0},
{1}) non valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The maximum date that can be selected for a month calendar control.",,"La date
maximale qui peut tre slectionne pour un contrle month calendar.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to set the MonthCalendar maximum selection count to {0}.",,"Impossible d
e dfinir {0} le nombre maximal de slections de MonthCalendar.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The total number of days that can be selected for the control.",,"Le nombre tot
al de jours qui peuvent tre slectionns pour le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum date that can be selected for a month calendar control.",,"La date
minimale qui peut tre slectionne pour un contrle month calendar.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates which monthly dates to bold.",,"Indique les dates mensuelles mettre e
n gras.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the range of dates changes due to user selection, or through next/p
revious month navigation.",,"Se produit lorsque la plage de dates change en rais
on d une slection de l utilisateur ou lors de l utilisation de la navigation entr
e les mois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user selects a date or a range of dates.",,"Se produit lorsqu u
n utilisateur slectionne une date ou une plage de dates.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to set the MonthCalendar range from {0} to {1}.",,"Impossible de dfinir l
a plage MonthCalendar de {0} {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The number of months that a single click on a next/previous button moves the di
splay by.",,"Le dplacement en nombre de mois de l affichage lorsque vous cliquez
sur le bouton suivant/prcdent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The end date in a range of dates selected in a month calendar control.",,"La da
te de fin d une plage de dates slectionne dans un contrle month calendar.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The range of dates selected in a month calendar control.",,"La plage de dates sl
ectionne dans un contrle month calendar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The start date in a range of dates selected in a month calendar control.",,"La
date de dbut d une plage de dates slectionne dans un contrle month calendar.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Indicates whether the month calendar control will circle the ""today"" date.""
,,""Indique si le contrle month calendar doit entourer la date ""aujourd hui"".""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Indicates whether the month calendar control will display the ""today"" date a
t the bottom of the control."",,""Indique si le contrle month calendar affiche la
date ""aujourd hui"" en bas du contrle."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the month calendar control will display week numbers (1 to 52
) to the left of each row of days.",,"Indique si le contrle Month Calendar affich
e le numro de la semaine (1 52) gauche de chaque ligne de jours.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum size required to display a full month.",,"La taille minimale requis
e pour afficher un mois complet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current day.",,"Le jour actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Indicates if the current day has been set.",,"Indique si le jour actuel a t dfini.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The color used to display the previous and following months that appear on the
month calendar.",,"La couleur utilise pour afficher les mois prcdents et suivants q
ui s affichent dans le calendrier mensuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"AllowNew can only be set to true on an IBindingList or on a read-write list wit
h a default public constructor.",,"AllowNew ne peut avoir la valeur true que pou
r un IBindingList ou une liste en lecture-criture avec un constructeur public par
dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"AllowRemove can only be set to true on an IBindingList or on a read-write list.
",,"AllowRemove ne peut avoir la valeur true que pour un IBindingList ou une lis
te en lecture-criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} must have a public constructor, without parameters, to be serialized
.",,"Le type {0} doit disposer d un constructeur public sans paramtre pour tre sr
ialis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are no more columns in the table. Use NextRow() to start printing on the
next row.",,"Il n y a plus de colonnes dans la table. Utilisez NextRow() pour la
ncer l impression de la ligne suivante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Only top-level controls can have an owner.",,"Seuls les contrles de premier nive
au peuvent avoir un propritaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"n/a",,"Non applicable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Item named {0} of type {1} cannot be added to the resource file because it
is not serializable.",,"Un lment nomm {0} de type {1} ne peut pas tre ajout au fi
chier de ressources, car il n est pas srialisable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type {0} on line {1}, position {2} threw the following exception while bein
g converted: {3}",,"Le type {0} la ligne {1}, position {2}, a lev l exception sui
vante lors de sa conversion: {3}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The icon to associate with the balloon ToolTip.",,"L icne associer l info-bulle.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text to associate with the balloon ToolTip.",,"Le texte associer l info-bul
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The title of the balloon ToolTip.",,"Le titre de l info-bulle.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Balloon tip text must have a non-empty value.",,"Le texte d une info-bulle ne p
eut pas avoir une valeur vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The icon to display in the system tray.",,"L icne afficher dans la barre d tat sy
stme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The shortcut menu to show when the user right-clicks the icon.",,"Le menu conte
xtuel afficher lorsque l utilisateur clique sur l icne avec le bouton droit.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the component is clicked with the mouse.",,"Se produit lors d un cl
ic de la souris sur le composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Occurs when the component is double-clicked with the mouse. ",,"Se produit lors
d un double-clic de la souris sur le composant. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a balloon ToolTip is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un clic sur une
info-bulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a balloon ToolTip is closed.",,"Se produit la fermeture d une infobulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a balloon tip is shown.",,"Se produit lors de l affichage d une inf
o-bulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text that will be displayed when the mouse hovers over the icon.",,"Le text
e qui sera affich lorsque la souris pointe sur l icne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one of the NumericUpDownAcceleration elements is null.",,"Au moins un
des lments numriques de NumericUpDownAcceleration est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument is null or is not a NumericUpDownAcceleration object.",,"L argument es

t null ou n est pas un objet NumericUpDownAcceleration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F

ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the number of decimal places to display.",,"Indique le nombre de dcima
les afficher.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the numeric up-down should display its value in hexadecimal."
,,"Indique si le contrle NumericUpDown doit afficher sa valeur en notation hexadci
male.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the amount to increment or decrement on each button click.",,"Indique
l incrmentation/dcrmentation chaque clic sur le bouton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter value must be greater than or equal to 0.",,"La valeur du paramtre doi
t tre suprieure ou gale 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the maximum value for the numeric up-down control.",,"Indique la vale
ur maximale pour le contrle NumericUpDown.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the minimum value for the numeric up-down control.",,"Indique la vale
ur minimale pour le contrle NumericUpDown.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value in the up-down control changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la
valeur du contrle UpDown change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the thousands separator will be inserted between every three
decimal digits.",,"Indique si le sparateur des milliers est insr tous les trois chi
ffres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current value of the numeric up-down control.",,"La valeur actuelle du cont
rle numeric up-down.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether a warning appears when the user specifies a file that does no
t exist.",,"Indique si un avertissement s affiche lorsque l utilisateur spcifie u
n fichier qui n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether multiple files can be selected in the dialog.",,"Contrle si plu
sieurs fichiers peuvent tre slectionns dans la bote de dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The state of the read-only check box in the dialog.",,""L tat de la case cocher
""lecture seule"" dans la bote de dialogue."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to show the read-only check box in the dialog.",,""Contrle si l
a case cocher ""lecture seule"" s affiche dans la bote de dialogue."",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disposed {0} can no longer be used.",," {0} supprim ne peut plus tre utilis.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object already has a parent.",,"L objet a dj un parent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add or insert the item {0} in more than one place. You must first remo
ve it from its current location or clone it.",,"Impossible d ajouter ou d insrer
l lment {0} plusieurs emplacements. Vous devez tout d abord le supprimer de son
emplacement actuel ou le cloner.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation requires an IBindingList.",,"Cette opration requiert un IBindingL
ist.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This operation requires an IBindingListView.",,"Cette opration requiert un IBind
ingListView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot allocate needed memory.",,"Impossible d allouer la mmoire ncessaire.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Form {0} tried to set an ineligible form as its owner. Forms cannot own themsel
ves or their owners.",,"Le formulaire {0} a essay de dfinir un formulaire inligible
comme son propritaire. Les formulaires ne peuvent pas s appartenir ou appartenir
leurs propritaires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Description Pane",,"Volet Description",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Property value is not valid.",,"Valeur de proprit non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Drop-down list option is not valid.",,"L option de liste droulante n est pas val

ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Alphabetical",,"Alphabtique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Categorized",,"Catgories",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables and disables the Current Page option button.",,"Active ou dsactive la ca
se d option Page active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables and disables the Pages option button.",,"Active ou dsactive la case d op
tion Pages.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables and disables the Print To File check box.",,"Active ou dsactive la case
cocher Imprimer dans un fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables and disables the Selection option button.",,"Active ou dsactive la case
d option Slection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PrintDialog needs a PrinterSettings object to display. Set PrintDialog.Document
(preferred) or PrintDialog.PrinterSettings.",,"PrintDialog a besoin d un objet
PrinterSettings pour s afficher. Dfinissez PrintDialog.Document (par dfaut) ou Pri
ntDialog.PrinterSettings.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The PrintDocument to get printer settings from.",,"Le PrintDocument partir duqu
el obtenir les paramtres de l imprimante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Value {0} is out of range.",,"La valeur {0} est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the Print To File check box is selected.",,"Dtermine si la ca
se cocher Imprimer dans un fichier est active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The PrinterSettings to use.",,"PrinterSettings utiliser.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the Network button is displayed.",,"Contrle si le bouton Rseau e
st affich.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets a value indicating whether the print dialog box in the Windows XP
style should be shown for systems running Windows XP and later.",,"Obtient ou dfi
nit une valeur qui indique si la bote de dialogue Imprimer de style WindowsXP doit
tre affiche pour les systmes excutant WindowsXP ou une version ultrieure.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables and disables editing of margins.",,"Active ou dsactive la modification d
es marges.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables and disables the Orientation radio buttons.",,"Active ou dsactive la cas
e d option Orientation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables and disables editing of paper size.",,"Active ou dsactive la modificatio
n de la taille du papier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables and disables Printer button.",,"Active ou dsactive le bouton Imprimante.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PageSetupDialog needs a PageSettings object to display. Set PageSetupDialog.Doc
ument (preferred), PageSetupDialog.PrinterSettings, or PageSetupDialog.PageSetti
ngs.",,"PageSetupDialog a besoin d un objet PageSettings pour s afficher. Dfiniss
ez PageSetupDialog.Document (par dfaut), PageSetupDialog.PrinterSettings ou PageS
etupDialog.PageSettings.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets a value indicating whether the margin settings, when displayed in
millimeters, should be automatically converted to and from hundredths of an inch
.",,"Obtient ou dfinit une valeur indiquant si les paramtres des marges, lorsqu il
s sont affichs en millimtres, doivent tre automatiquement convertis en centimes de p
ouce et inversement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The smallest margins the user is allowed to select.",,"Les plus petites marges
que l utilisateur peut slectionner.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The PageSettings the dialog box will modify.",,"Le PageSettings modifi par la bot
e de dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The PrinterSettings the dialog box will modify when the user clicks the Printer
button.",,"Le PrinterSettings modifi par la bote de dialogue lorsque l utilisateu
r clique sur le bouton Imprimante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Number of pixels along all borders to pad docked controls.",,"Distance en pixel

s de toutes les bordures aux contrles ancrs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B

lue 4.5.1"
"Number of pixels along the bottom border to pad docked controls.",,"Distance en
pixels de la bordure infrieure aux contrles ancrs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of pixels along the left border to pad docked controls.",,"Distance en p
ixels de la bordure gauche aux contrles ancrs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of pixels along the right border to pad docked controls.",,"Distance en
pixels de la bordure droite aux contrles ancrs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of pixels along the top border to pad docked controls.",,"Distance en pi
xels de la bordure suprieure aux contrles ancrs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the panel should have a border.",,"Indique si le panneau doit
avoir une bordure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls what type of border the PictureBox should have.",,"Contrle le type de b
ordure utilis par PictureBox.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempts to cancel any current image-loading operation.",,"Tente d annuler tout
e opration de chargement d image en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Image to display when the load of another image fails.",,"Image afficher lorsqu
e le chargement d une autre image choue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The image displayed in the PictureBox.",,"L image affiche dans le PictureBox.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disk or Web location to load image from.",,"Emplacement Web ou disque partir du
quel charger l image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Image to display while another image is loading.",,"L image afficher pendant le
chargement d une autre image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loads the image from the location specified in ImageLocation.",,"Charge l image
partir de l emplacement spcifi dans ImageLocation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loads the image from the provided location.",,"Charge l image partir de l empla
cement fourni.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Initiates asynchronous loading of the image from the location specified in Imag
eLocation.",,"Dmarre le chargement asynchrone de l image partir de l emplacement
spcifi dans ImageLocation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Initiates asynchronous loading of the image from the provided location.",,"Dmarr
e le chargement asynchrone de l image partir de l emplacement fourni.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when loading into a PictureBox finishes.",,"vnement dclench lors la fi
n du chargement dans un PictureBox.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Event raised when progress is reported during loading into a PictureBox.",,"vneme
nt dclench lors de l indication de la progression pendant le chargement dans un Pi
ctureBox.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the progress of the background download task.",,"Indique la progressi
on de la tche de tlchargement en arrire-plan.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"ImageLocation must be set.",,"ImageLocation doit tre dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the SizeMode property is changed on the PictureB
ox.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit SizeMode du PictureBox est modi
fie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls how the PictureBox will handle image placement and control sizing.",,"
Contrle la faon dont le PictureBox gre le placement de l image et le dimensionnemen
t du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether processing will stop until the image is loaded.",,"Dtermine si
le traitement s interrompra jusqu au chargement de l image.",,"Text",,"All",,".N

ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set the ParentPopup to be yourself.",,"Impossible de dfinir ParentPopup c
omme tant vous-mme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs before the KeyDown event when a key is pressed while focus is on this co
ntrol.",,"Se produit avant l vnement KeyDown lorsqu une touche est enfonce alors qu
e le contrle a le focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Canceling Print...",,"Annulation de l impression...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generating Previews",,"Gnration d aperus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Page {0} of {1}",,"Page {0} sur {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Controls if the print preview will be rendered with anti-aliasing. Using AntiAl
ias provides a more accurate display of the document, but it is slower.",,"Contrl
e si l aperu avant impression est rendu avec anticrnelage. AntiAlias fournit un af
fichage plus prcis du document, mais est plus lent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether to automatically adjust zoom to fill available space.",,"Dter
mine s il faut ajuster automatiquement le zoom afin d occuper toute la quantit d
espace disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of pages across.",,"Nombre de pages horizontalement.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Zoom must be 0 or greater. Negative values are not permitted.",,"Zoom doit tre s
uprieur ou gal 0. Les valeurs ngatives ne sont pas autorises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PrintDocument to be previewed.",,"PrintDocument pour lequel afficher un aperu.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Document cannot be displayed.",,"Le document ne peut pas tre affich.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Document does not contain any pages.",,"Le document ne contient pas de pages.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PrintPreviewControl to use as the dialog s core.",,"PrintPreviewControl utilise
r en tant qu lment principal de la bote de dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of pages displayed vertically down the screen.",,"Le nombre de pages
affich verticalement en bas de l cran.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Indicates the page number to start previewing.",,"Indique le numro de page parti
r duquel commencer l aperu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how large the pages will appear.",,"Indique la largeur des pages.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used when the button is checked.",,"Couleur de db
ut du dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used when the button is checked.",,"Couleur de fin du
dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Middle color of the gradient used when the button is checked.",,"Couleur intermd
iaire du dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Border color to use with ButtonCheckedHighlight.",,"Couleur de la bordure utili
ser avec ButtonCheckedHighlight.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Solid color used when the button is checked.",,"Couleur unie utilise lorsque le
bouton est activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Border color to use with the pressed button gradient colors (ButtonPressedGradi
ent*).",,"Couleur de la bordure utiliser avec les couleurs de dgrad du bouton enfo
nc (ButtonPressedGradient*).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used when the button is pressed.",,"Couleur de db
ut du dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est enfonc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"

"End color of the gradient used when the button is pressed.",,"Couleur de fin du
dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est enfonc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Middle color of the gradient used when the button is pressed.",,"Couleur intermd
iaire du dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est enfonc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Border color to use with ButtonPressedHighlight.",,"Couleur de la bordure utili
ser avec ButtonPressedHighlight.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Solid color used when the button is pressed.",,"Couleur unie utilise lorsque le
bouton est enfonc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Border color to use with the selected button gradient colors (ButtonCheckedGrad
ient*).",,"Couleur de la bordure utiliser avec les couleurs de dgrad du bouton slec
tionn (ButtonCheckedGradient*).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used when the button is selected.",,"Couleur de
dbut du dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used when the button is selected.",,"Couleur de fin d
u dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Middle color of the gradient used when the button is selected.",,"Couleur inter
mdiaire du dgrad utilis lorsque le bouton est slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Border color to use with ButtonSelectedHighlight.",,"Couleur de la bordure util
iser avec ButtonSelectedHighlight.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Solid color used when the button is selected.",,"Couleur unie utilise lorsque le
bouton est slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Solid color to use when the button is checked and gradients are being used.",,"
Couleur unie utiliser lorsque le bouton est activ et que les dgrads sont utiliss.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Solid color to use when the button is checked and selected and gradients are be
ing used.",,"Couleur unie utiliser lorsque le bouton est activ et slectionn et que
des dgrads sont utiliss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Color to use to for shadow effects on the grip.",,"Couleur utiliser pour les ef
fets d ombre sur la poigne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Color to use to for highlight effects on the grip.",,"Couleur utiliser pour les
effets de surbrillance sur la poigne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Starting color of the gradient used in the image margin.",,"Couleur de dbut du dg
rad utilis dans la marge d image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used in the image margin.",,"Couleur de fin du dgrad ut
ilis dans la marge d image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle color of the gradient used in the image margin.",,"Couleur intermdiaire d
u dgrad utilis dans la marge d image.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Starting color of the gradient used in the image margin when an item is reveale
d.",,"Couleur de dbut du dgrad utilis dans la marge d image lorsqu un lment est affich
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used in the image margin when an item is revealed.",,
"Couleur de fin du dgrad utilis dans la marge d image lorsqu un lment est affich.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle color of the gradient used in the image margin when an item is revealed.
",,"Couleur intermdiaire du dgrad utilis dans la marge d image lorsqu un lment est aff
ich.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The border color to use around the edge of a drop-down menu.",,"Couleur de la b
ordure utiliser autour d un menu droulant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The border color to use with MenuItem.",,"La couleur de la bordure utiliser ave
c MenuItem.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used when a top level menu item is pressed.",,"L

a couleur de dbut du dgrad utilis lorsqu un lment de menu de niveau suprieur est enfon
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used when a top level menu item is pressed.",,"La cou
leur de fin du dgrad utilis lorsqu un lment de menu de niveau suprieur est enfonc.",,"
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle color of the gradient used when a top level menu item is pressed.",,"La
couleur intermdiaire du dgrad utilis lorsqu un lment de menu de niveau suprieur est en
onc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Solid color to use when a non-top level menu item is selected",,"La couleur uni
e utiliser lorsqu un lment de menu n tant pas de niveau suprieur est slectionn",,"Tex
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used when the menu item is selected.",,"La coule
ur de dbut du dgrad utilis lorsque l lment de menu est slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used when the menu item is selected.",,"La couleur de
fin du dgrad utilis lorsque l lment de menu est slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used in the MenuStrip.",,"La couleur de dbut du dg
rad utilis avec MenuStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle color of the gradient used in the MenuStrip.",,"La couleur de fin du dgra
d utilis avec MenuStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used in the overflow button.",,"La couleur de dbu
t du dgrad utilis avec le bouton de dpassement de capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used in the overflow button.",,"La couleur de fin du
dgrad utilis avec le bouton de dpassement de capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle color of the gradient used in the overflow button.",,"La couleur intermdi
aire du dgrad utilis avec le bouton de dpassement de capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used in the RaftingContainer.",,"La couleur de db
ut du dgrad utilis dans le RaftingContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used in the RaftingContainer.",,"La couleur de fin du
dgrad utilis dans le RaftingContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Color to use to for shadow effects on the separator.",,"Couleur utiliser pour l
es effets d ombre sur le sparateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Color to use to for highlight effects on the separator.",,"Couleur utiliser pou
r les effets de surbrillance sur le sparateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used in the StatusStrip.",,"Couleur de dbut du dgr
ad utilis dans le StatusStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used in the StatusStrip.",,"Couleur de fin du dgrad uti
lis dans le StatusStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Border color to use on the bottom edge of the ToolStrip.",,"Couleur de la bordu
re utiliser sur le bord infrieur du ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used in the ToolStripContentPanel.",,"Couleur de
dbut du dgrad utilis dans le ToolStripContentPanel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End color of the gradient used in the ToolStripContentPanel.",,"Couleur de fin
du dgrad utilis dans le ToolStripContentPanel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Solid background color of the ToolStripDropDown.",,"Couleur d arrire-plan unie d
u ToolStripDropDown.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used in the ToolStrip background.",,"Couleur de
dbut du dgrad utilis dans l arrire-plan du ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"End color of the gradient used in the ToolStrip background.",,"Couleur de fin d

u dgrad utilis dans l arrire-plan du ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Middle color of the gradient used in the ToolStrip background.",,"Couleur inter
mdiaire du dgrad utilis dans l arrire-plan du ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Starting color of the gradient used in the ToolStripPanel.",,"Couleur de dbut du
dgrad utilis dans le ToolStripPanel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"End color of the gradient used in the ToolStripPanel.",,"Couleur de fin du dgrad
utilis dans le ToolStripPanel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Increment should not be called if the style is Marquee.",,"L incrment ne doit pa
s tre appel si le style est Texte dfilant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The speed of the marquee animation in milliseconds.",,"La vitesse d animation d
u texte dfilant est exprime en millisecondes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The upper bound of the range this ProgressBar is working with.",,"La limite supr
ieure de la plage que ProgressBar utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The lower bound of the range this ProgressBar is working with.",,"La limite infr
ieure de la plage que ProgressBar utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"PerformStep should not be called if the style is Marquee.",,"PerformStep ne doi
t pas tre appel si le style est Texte dfilant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount to increment the current value of the control by when the PerformSte
p() method is called.",,"La valeur ajouter la valeur actuelle du contrle lorsque
la mthode PerformStep() est appele.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"This property allows the user to set the style of the ProgressBar.",,"Cette pro
prit permet l utilisateur de dfinir le style du ProgressBar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current value for the ProgressBar, in the range specified by the minimum an
d maximum properties.",,"La valeur actuelle pour le ProgressBar, dans la plage s
pcifie par les proprits minimum et maximum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Value must not be set if the style is Marquee.",,"La valeur ne doit pas tre dfini
e si le style est Texte dfilant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tab index not valid.",,"L index de tabulation n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets whether the commands window will be displayed for components with commands
.",,"Dfinit si la fentre de commandes est affiche pour les composants avec des comm
andes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets whether OS-enabled visual style glyphs can be used for the expansion nodes
in the grid area.",,"Permet de dfinir si les glyphes de style visuel activs par l
e systme d exploitation peuvent tre utiliss pour les nuds d expansion de la grille."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text color used for category headings. The background color is determined b
y the LineColor property.",,"Couleur de texte utilise pour les en-ttes des catgorie
s. La couleur d arrire-plan est dtermine par la proprit LineColor.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color of the line that separates categories.",,"Couleur de la ligne sparant
les catgories.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color of active links in the hot commands region.",,"Couleur des liens acti
fs dans la rgion des commandes ractives.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The background color of the hot commands region.",,"La couleur d arrire-plan de
la rgion des commandes ractives.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color of the border surrounding the hot commands region.",,"Couleur des bor

dures de la zone des commandes ractives.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"The color of disabled links in the hot commands region.",,"Couleur des liens dsa
ctivs dans la rgion des commandes ractives.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The foreground color of the hot commands region.",,"La couleur de premier plan
de la rgion des commandes ractives.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The color of enabled links in the hot commands region.",,"Couleur des liens act
ivs dans la rgion des commandes ractives.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Show the commands pane if the selected object exposes verbs.",,"Afficher le vol
et de commandes si l objet slectionn expose des verbes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The foreground color of disabled text in the grid area.",,"Couleur de premier p
lan du texte dsactiv de la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error Information",,"Informations sur l erreur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Exception has occurred while painting the label for property {0} . See below
for details."""",,""Une exception s est produite lors de la peinture de l tiquett
e pour la proprit {0} . Pour plus d informations, consultez les dtails ci-dessous.
"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background color of the description pane.",,"La couleur d arrire-plan du vol
et Description.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color of the border surrounding the description pane.",,"Couleur des bordur
es du volet de description.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The foreground color of the description pane.",,"La couleur de premier plan du
volet Description.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets whether to show the description pane.",,"Dfinit si le volet Description s a
ffiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"GridItem specified to PropertyGrid.SelectedGridItem must be a valid GridItem.",
,"Le GridItem spcifi pour PropertyGrid.SelectedGridItem doit tre un GridItem valide
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets buttons to large (32x32) on the PropertyGrid tool bar.",,"Dfinit des bouton
s larges (32x32) sur la barre d outils PropertyGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the color of the borders and grid lines within the grid area.",,"Dfinit la
couleur des bordures et des lignes de la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tab {0} does not have a bitmap.",,"L onglet {0} n a pas de bitmap.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the PropertySort property on the PropertyGrid has changed.",,"Se pr
oduit lorsque la proprit PropertySort de PropertyGrid est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the type of sorting that the PropertyGrid will use to display properties."
,,"Dfinit le type de tri que PropertyGrid utilise pour afficher les proprits.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PropertyTabCollection is read-only.",,"PropertyTabCollection est en lecture seu
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a property tab changes.",,"Se produit en cas de modification d un o
nglet de proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a property value changes.",,"Se produit en cas de modification d un
e valeur de proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object {0} is being remoted by a proxy that does not support interface discover
y. This type of remoted object is not supported.",,"L objet {0} est mis distanc
e par le proxy qui ne prend pas en charge la dcouverte d interface. Ce type d obj
et distant n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Static tabs cannot be removed from the PropertyGrid.",,"Impossible de supprimer
des onglets statiques de PropertyGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Reset property {0} ",,"Rinitialiser la proprit {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the selected grid item has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque l lment de
grille slectionn est modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background color of selected items that have focus.",,"Couleur d arrire-plan
des lments slectionns ayant le focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The foreground color of selected items that have focus.",,"Couleur de premier p
lan des lments slectionns ayant le focus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Sets the currently selected object that the grid will browse.",,"Dfinit l objet
slectionn actuellement pour lequel ses proprits seront affiches dans la grille.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the SelectedObjects property has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque la
proprit SelectedObjects est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" objs array must have at least {0} members.",,"Le tableau objs doit comporte
r au moins {0} membres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Item {0} in the objs array is null. The array must begin with at least {1} m
embers.",,"L lment {0} du tableau objs est null. Le tableau doit commencer au mo
ins par {1} membres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set Property {0} ",,"Dfinir la proprit {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Tab {0} must have a valid name.",,"L onglet {0} doit avoir un nom valide.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TabScope must be TabScopeEnum.Component or TabScopeEnum.Document",,"TabScope do
it tre TabScopeEnum.Component ou TabScopeEnum.Document",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ToolBar",,"ToolBar",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets whether to display the ToolBar at the top of the PropertyGrid.",,"Dfinit si
le ToolBar est affich en haut de PropertyGrid.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the background color of the grid area.",,"Dfinit la couleur d arrire-plan de
la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color of the border surrounding the grid area.",,"Couleur des bordures de l
a grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Editor created an object that is not valid. The created object must be of type
{0} .",,"L diteur a cr un objet non valide. L objet cr doit tre de type {0} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the foreground color of the grid area.",,"Dfinit la couleur de premier plan
de la grille.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} does not exist in {1}.",,"La proprit {0} n existe pas dans {1}.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One or more entries are not valid in the IDictionary parameter. Verify that all
values match up to the object s properties.",,"Le paramtre IDictionary contient
au moins une entre non valide. Vrifiez que toutes les valeurs correspondent aux pr
oprits de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the RadioButton appears as normal or as a Windows PushButton."
,,"Contrle si le RadioButton s affiche sous la forme normale ou sous la forme d u
n PushButton Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Causes the radio button to automatically change state when clicked.",,"Entrane l
e changement d tat automatique de la case d option suite un clic.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the radio button is checked or not.",,"Indique si la case d o
ption est active ou non.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the Appearance property is changed on RadioButto
n.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit Appearance du RadioButton est mo
difie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the checked property changes value.",,"Se produit lorsque la

proprit checked change de valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Event raised when the value of the StartPage property is changed on RadioButton
.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit StartPage du RadioButton est modi
fie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the TextAlign property changes",,"Se produit lorsque l
a valeur de la proprit TextAlign change",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Collection is read only.",,"La collection est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clipboard format registration did not succeed.",,"Impossible d inscrire le form
at du Presse-papiers.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Child list for field {0} cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer une liste enfa
nt pour le champ {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource writer has been saved. You may not edit it.",,"Le writer de ressource
a t enregistr. Vous ne pouvez pas le modifier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Restart method is not supported for this application type.",,"La mthode Restart
n est pas prise en charge pour ce type d application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lresult for the accessibility object cannot be obtained.",,"Impossible d obteni
r Lresult pour l objet d accessibilit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Turns on/off automatic word selection.",,"Active/dsactive la slection automatique
des mots.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the indent for the bullets in the control.",,"Dfinit le retrait pour les
puces dans le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the rich edit control can redo the previous action.",,"Indique si
le contrle RichEdit peut refaire l action prcdente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control s contents are either smaller or larger than the contro
l s window size.",,"Se produit lorsque le contenu du contrle est plus grand ou pl
us petit que la taille de la fentre du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether URLs are automatically formatted as links.",,"Indique si les
URL sont automatiquement mises en forme sous forme de liens.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable drag/drop of text, pictures, and other data",,"Activer le glisser-dplacer
de texte, d images et d autres donnes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Occurs when the control s horizontal scroll bar is clicked.",,"Se produit lors
d un clic sur la barre de dfilement horizontale du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control s IME conversion status changes. (East Asian versions o
f OS only.)",,"Se produit lorsque l tat de conversion IME du contrle change. (Uniq
uement pour les versions d Extrme-Orient de l OS.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a hyperlink in the text is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un clic su
r un lien hypertexte contenu dans le texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user takes an action that would change a protected range of tex
t.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur excute une action qui pourrait changer une
plage de texte protge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the rich text-formatted contents of the control.",,"Dfinit le contenu RT
F du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the action that will be performed if the user redoes a previous act
ion.",,"Le nom de l action qui sera excute si l utilisateur refait une action prcden
te.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the right margin dimensions.",,"Dfinit les dimensions de la marge de dro
ite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Defines the behavior of the scroll bars of the control.",,"Dfinit le comportemen

t des barres de dfilement du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Defines the alignment of the currently selected text.",,"Dfinit l alignement du
texte actuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the text color for the currently selected text.",,"Dfinit la couleur du tex
te actuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turns on/off the bullets in front of the currently selected text.",,"Active/dsac
tive les puces devant le texte actuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the current selection has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque la slection
actuelle est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the superscript/subscript mode for the characters.",,"Dfinit le mode exp
osant/indice pour les caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the font of the currently selected text.",,"Dfinit la police du texte ac
tuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the hanging indent of the currently selected text.",,"Dfinit le retrait
ngatif de premire ligne du texte actuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the indent of the currently selected text.",,"Dfinit le retrait du texte
actuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turns on/off the selection margin.",,"Active/dsactive la marge de slection.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Turns on/off protection around the contents of the currently selected text.",,"
Active/dsactive la protection autour du contenu du texte actuellement slectionn.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the rich text formatted contents of the currently selected text.",,"Dfin
it le contenu RTF du texte actuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the right-indent of the currently selected text.",,"Dfinit le retrait dr
oite du texte actuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Defines the locations of tab stops in the currently selected text.",,"Dfinit les
emplacements des taquets de tabulation dans le texte actuellement slectionn.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Displays the currently selected text in the control.",,"Affiche le texte slectio
nn dans le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of selection.",,"Le type de slection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the action that will be performed if the user undoes a previous edi
t.",,"Le nom de l action qui sera excute si l utilisateur annule une modification
antrieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the control s vertical scroll bar is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d
un clic sur la barre de dfilement verticale du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Defines the current scaling factor of the RichTextBox display; 1.0 is normal vi
ewing.",,"Dfinit le facteur d chelle actuel de l affichage RichTextBox; 1.0 corresp
ond l affichage normal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Drag and Drop",,"Glisser-dplacer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Typing",,"Saisie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value {0} is not a valid value for end .
end must be greater than or equa
l to start , or -1.",,"La valeur {0} n est pas valide pour end . end doit t
re suprieur ou gal start ou -1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to prompt the user when a new file is about to be created. It
is only applicable if ValidateNames is set to true.",,"Contrle si l utilisateur
doit confirmer la cration d un nouveau fichier. Applicable uniquement si Valida
teNames a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether to prompt the user when an existing file is about to be overwr
itten. It is only applicable if ValidateNames is set to true.",,"Contrle si l u
tilisateur doit confirmer le remplacement d un fichier existant. Applicable uniq

uement si ValidateNames a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"Text is not saved.",,"Impossible d enregistrer le texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets a Boolean value controlling whether the scrollbar is enabled.",,"O
btient ou dfinit une valeur Boolean dterminant si la barre de dfilement est active."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount by which the scroll box position changes when the user clicks in the
scroll bar or presses the PAGE UP or PAGE DOWN keys.",,"La distance de dplacemen
t de la case de dfilement lorsque l utilisateur clique dans la barre de dfilement
ou appuie sur les touches PG. SUIV ou PG. PRC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The upper limit value of the scrollable range. ",,"La valeur de la limite suprie
ure de la plage de dfilement. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The lower limit value of the scrollable range. ",,"La valeur de la limite infrie
ure de la plage de dfilement. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the user moves the scroll box.",,"Se produit lorsque l utilisateur
dplace la case de dfilement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The amount by which the scroll box position changes when the user clicks a scro
ll arrow or presses an arrow key.",,"La distance de dplacement de la case de dfile
ment lorsque l utilisateur clique sur une flche de dfilement ou appuie sur une tou
che de direction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value that the scroll box position represents. ",,"La valeur reprsente par la
position de la case de dfilement. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Gets or sets a Boolean value controlling whether the scrollbar is showing.",,"O
btient ou dfinit une valeur Boolean dterminant si la barre de dfilement est affiche.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets the horizontal scroll bar for this ScrollableControl.",,"Obtient la barre
de dfilement horizontale pour ce ScrollableControl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property being set to false will not raise MouseEnter and MouseLeave events unt
il the mouse leaves the client area and the scrollbars.",,"L attribution de la v
aleur false cette proprit ne dclenchera les vnements MouseEnter et MouseLeave que lor
sque la souris quitte la zone cliente et les barres de dfilement.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets the vertical scroll bar for this ScrollableControl.",,"Obtient la barre de
dfilement verticale pour ce ScrollableControl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Application Information",,"Informations sur les applications Mic
rosoft.NET",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assemblies",,"Assemblys",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To submit a bug report, first save the report, and then click Submit. Attach th
e saved report to the online form.",,"Pour envoyer un rapport de bogue, enregist
rez le rapport, puis cliquez sur Envoyer. Attachez le rapport enregistr au formul
aire en ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Beta Bug Report",,"Rapport de bogue bta",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"File Version",,"Version de fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Include Application Information",,"Inclure les informations de l application",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Include System Information",,"Inclure les informations systme",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security",,"Scurit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Window is running in a restricted mode. Some UI features may be disabled for se
curity reasons. \r\n\r\nFor more information, contact your system administrator
or the application author.",,"Cette fentre s excute en mode restreint. Certaines f
onctionnalits de l interface utilisateur (UI) peuvent tre dsactives pour des raisons
de scurit. \r\n\r\nPour plus d informations, contactez votre administrateur systme

ou l auteur de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Mixed Zone",,"Zone mixte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple Sites",,"Plusieurs sites",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Unknown Site",,"Site inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown Zone",,"Zone inconnue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Xml Files (*.xml)|*.xml",,"Fichiers Xml (*.xml)|*.xml",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Submit",,"Envoyer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
et/net/sdk/feedback.asp",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Changing the switch value will affect only the currently running version of thi
s application.",,"La modification de la valeur du commutateur affecte uniquement
la version actuellement en cours d excution de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Switches",,"Commutateurs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Security Warning",,"Avertissement de scurit Microsoft.NET",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Never enter personal information or passwords into a window unless you can veri
fy and trust the source of the request.",,"N entrez jamais d informations person
nelles ou de mot de passe dans une fentre sauf si vous pouvez vrifier et faire con
fiance la source de la demande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source: {0}",,"Source: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Window is running in an unrestricted mode. Although the main window is running
unrestricted, some features may be disabled for security reasons. \r\n\r\nFor mo
re information, contact your system administrator or the application author.",,"
Cette fentre s excute en mode non restreint. Bien que la fentre principale s excute
en mode non restreint, certaines fonctionnalits peuvent tre dsactives pour des raiso
ns de scurit. \r\n\r\nPour plus d informations, contactez votre administrateur sys
tme ou l auteur de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly Version",,"Version de l assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"SelTabCount out of range.",,"SelTabCount hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of selected items does not match actual selected items.",,"Le nombre d lme
nts slectionns ne correspond pas aux lments actuellement slectionns.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Group delimiters are not balanced.",,"Le groupe est constitu de dlimiteurs non qui
librs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hook cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer un raccordement.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keyword delimiter is missing.",,"Dlimiteur de mot cl manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only three levels of nesting are supported.",,"Seuls trois niveaux d imbricatio
n sont pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SendKeys cannot run inside this application because the application is not hand
ling Windows messages. Either change the application to handle messages, or use
the SendKeys.SendWait method.",,"SendKeys ne peut pas s excuter dans cette appli
cation, car l application ne gre pas les messages Windows. Modifiez l application
pour qu elle gre les messages ou utilisez la mthode SendKeys.SendWait.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} could not be read from the data in line {1}, position {2}. The type s
internal structure may have changed. Either implement ISerializable on the typ
e or provide a type converter that can provide a more reliable conversion format
, such as text or an array of bytes. The conversion exception was: {3}",,"Le ty
pe {0} n a pas pu tre lu partir des donnes de la ligne {1}, position {2}. La struc
ture interne du type a peut-tre t modifie. Implmentez ISerializable sur le type ou fo
urnissez un convertisseur de type pouvant fournir un format de conversion plus f
iable, tel qu un texte ou un tableau d octets. L exception de conversion tait: {3}
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Forms that are not enabled cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Set the f
orm s enabled property to true before calling {0}.",,"Les formulaires qui ne son
t pas activs ne peuvent pas tre affichs sous la forme d une bote de dialogue modale.
Affectez la valeur true la proprit enabled du formulaire avant d appeler {0}.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Form that is already displayed modally cannot be displayed as a modal dialog bo
x. Close the form before calling {0}.",,"Un formulaire qui est dj affich sous forme
modale ne peut pas tre affich sous la forme d une bote de dialogue modale. Fermez
le formulaire avant d appeler {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Form that is not a top-level form cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Re
move the form from any parent form before calling {0}.",,"Un formulaire qui n es
t pas de niveau suprieur ne peut pas tre affich sous la forme d une bote de dialogue
modale. Supprimez le formulaire des parents avant d appeler {0}.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Form that is already visible cannot be displayed as a modal dialog box. Set the
form s visible property to false before calling {0}.",,"Un formulaire qui est dj
visible ne peut pas tre affich sous la forme d une bote de dialogue modale. Affecte
z la valeur false la proprit visible du formulaire avant d appeler {0}.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sorting requires an IBindingList that supports sorting or an IBindingListView t
hat supports advanced sorting.",,"Le tri requiert un IBindingList qui prend en c
harge tri ou un IBindingListView qui prend en charge le tri avanc.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates that a particular SplitContainer s Panel should remain fixed in size
during resize events.",,"Indique que la taille d un panneau spcifique de SplitCon
tainer doit rester la mme lors d vnements de redimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the splitter can move.",,"Dtermine si le sparateur peut se dplacer."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the splitter is vertical or horizontal.",,"Dtermine si le sparateur
est vertical ou horizontal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This determines if Panel1 is collapsed.",,"Cela dtermine si le Panel1 est rduit."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Left or Top panel in the SplitContainer.",,"Panneau de gauche ou du haut da
ns le SplitContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the minimum distance of pixels of the splitter from the left or the
top edge of Panel1.",,"Dtermine la distance minimale de pixels du sparateur partir
du bord gauche ou suprieur de Panel1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"This determines if Panel2 is collapsed.",,"Cela dtermine si Panel2 est rduit.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Right or Bottom panel in the SplitContainer.",,"Panneau de droite ou du bas
du SplitContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the minimum distance of pixels of the splitter from the right or the
bottom edge of Panel2.",,"Dtermine la distance minimale en pixels du sparateur pa
rtir du bord droit ou infrieur de Panel2.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The SplitterPanel s height cannot be set explicitly. Set the SplitterDistance o
n the SplitContainer instead.",,"La hauteur du SplitterPanel ne peut pas tre dfini
e de manire explicite. Dfinissez le SplitterDistance sur le SplitContainer la plac
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The SplitterPanel s width cannot be set explicitly. Set the SplitterDistance on
the SplitContainer instead.",,"La largeur du SplitterPanel ne peut pas tre dfinie
de manire explicite. Dfinissez le SplitterDistance sur le SplitContainer la place
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines pixel distance of the splitter from the left or top edge.",,"Dtermine
la distance en pixels du sparateur partir du bord gauche ou suprieur.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the number of pixels the splitter moves in increments. Default is 1.

",,"Dtermine le nombre de pixels que parcourt le sparateur par incrments. La valeur

par dfaut est 1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the rectangle bounds of the splitter.",,"Dtermine les limites du rect
angle du sparateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the thickness of the splitter.",,"Dtermine l paisseur du sparateur.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The border type of the control.",,"Le type de bordure du contrle.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SplitterDistance must be between Panel1MinSize and Width - Panel2MinSize.",,"Le
SplitterDistance doit se situer entre Panel1MinSize et Width - Panel2MinSize.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Splitter control must be docked left, right, top, or bottom.",,"Un contrle split
ter doit tre ancr gauche, droite, en haut ou en bas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the minimum size of the undocked area.",,"Spcifie la taille minimale d
e la zone non ancre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the minimum size of the control being resized.",,"Spcifie la taille mi
nimale du contrle en cours de redimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The current position of the splitter, or -1 if it is not bound to a control.",,
"La position actuelle du sparateur ou -1 s il n est pas li un contrle.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the splitter is done being moved.",,"Se produit lorsque le dplacemen
t du sparateur est termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the splitter is being moved.",,"Se produit lorsque le sparateur est
en cours de dplacement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding the panel to the native status bar control has not succeeded.",,"chec de
l ajout du panneau au contrle de barre d tat natif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type StatusBarPanel.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type StatusB
arPanel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever a panel in the StatusBar needs to be painted.",,"Se produit lor
squ un panneau dans le StatusBar doit tre peint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a panel within the status bar is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un c
lic sur un panneau de la barre d tat.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The alignment of the panel s text.",,"L alignement du texte du panneau.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines how a panel will resize when the parent changes size.",,"Dtermine la
faon dont un panneau est redimensionn lorsque la taille du parent change.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines what type of border a panel has.",,"Dtermine le type de bordure d un
panneau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines what icon is displayed in the panel.",,"Dtermine l icne affiche dans le
panneau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum width of the panel.",,"La largeur minimale du panneau.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the panel.",,"Le nom du panneau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The style of the panel.",,"Le style du panneau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text displayed in the panel.",,"Le texte affich dans le panneau.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The panel s ToolTip text.",,"Le texte info-bulle du panneau.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The width of the panel.",,"La largeur du panneau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The panels in the status bar.",,"Les panneaux dans la barre d tat.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Determines if a status bar displays panels, or if it displays a single line of

text.",,"Dtermine si une barre d tat affiche des panneaux ou si elle affiche une s
eule ligne de texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether a status bar has a sizing grip.",,"Dtermine si une barre d tat
a une poigne de dimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the sides of the panel that should display borders.",,"Spcifie les cts d
u panneau qui doivent afficher des bordures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the border style for the panel.",,"Spcifie le style de bordure du pann
eau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether a StatusStrip has a sizing grip.",,"Dtermine si StatusStrip a
une poigne de dimensionnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature not supported with this operating system.",,"Fonctionnalit non prise en
charge par ce systme d exploitation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"TabPage cannot be added to a {0} . TabPages can only be added to TabControls.
",,"Un TabPage ne peut pas tre ajout un {0} . Les TabPages ne peuvent tre ajouts qu
aux TabControls.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TabPage cannot be added to another TabPage. TabPages can only be added to TabC
ontrols.",,"Un TabPage ne peut pas tre ajout un autre TabPage. Les TabPages ne peu
vent tre ajouts qu aux TabControls.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"ITypeInfo::GetDocumentation for DISPID 0x{0:X} returned hr=0x{1:X}, which will
cause this property to be ignored. S_OK must be returned. Component={2}",,"IType
Info::GetDocumentation pour DISPID 0x{0:X} a retourn hr=0x{1:X}, si bien que cett
e proprit ne sera pas prise en compte. S_OK doit tre retourn. Composant={2}",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ITypeInfo::GetRefTypeInfo returned hr={0:X}, so the data type cannot be retriev
ed.",,"ITypeInfo::GetRefTypeInfo a retourn hr={0:X}, les types de donnes ne peuven
t pas tre extraits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ITypeInfo::GetTypeAttr returned hr={0:X}, so the data type cannot be retrieved.
",,"ITypeInfo::GetTypeAttr a retourn hr={0:X}, les types de donnes ne peuvent pas t
re extraits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the tabs appear on the top, bottom, left, or right side of t
he Control (left or right are implicitly multilined).",,"Dtermine si les onglets
s affichent en haut, en bas, gauche ou droite du contrle (gauche et droite sont m
ultilignes).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the tabs are painted as buttons or regular tabs.",,"Indique s
i les onglets sont peints sous forme de boutons ou d onglets normaux.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the user or the system paints the captions.",,"Indique si l u
tilisateur ou le systme peint les lgendes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the tabs visually change when the mouse passes over them.",,"
Indique si l aspect des onglets change lorsque la souris passe dessus.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList object from which this tab takes its images.",,"L objet ImageList
partir duquel cet onglet obtient ses images.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the width of fixed-width or owner-draw tabs and the height of all ta
bs.",,"Dtermine la largeur des onglets de largeur fixe ou owner-draw et la hauteu
r de tous les onglets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if more than one row of tabs is allowed.",,"Indique si plusieurs lign
es d onglets sont autorises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how much extra space should be added around the text/image in the tab
.",,"Indique l espace supplmentaire ajout autour du texte/de l image dans l onglet
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of rows currently being displayed in the tab strip.",,"Le nombre de
lignes actuellement affiches dans la bande d onglets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Indicates whether ToolTips should be shown for tabs that have their ToolTips se
t.",,"Indique si les info-bulles doivent tre affiches pour les onglets dont les in
fo-bulles sont dfinies.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how tabs are sized.",,"Indique la faon dont les onglets sont dimension
ns.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of tabs in the tab strip.",,"Le nombre d onglets dans la bande d ong
lets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs after a tab page is deselected as the topmost tab page.",,"Se produit ap
rs la dslection d une page d onglets en tant que page d onglets au premier plan.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a tab page is being deselected.",,"Se produit lors de la dslection d
une page d onglets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs after a tab page is selected as the topmost tab page.",,"Se produit aprs
la slection d une page d onglets en tant que page d onglets au premier plan.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The currently selected tab page.",,"La page d onglets actuellement slectionne.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a tab page is being selected. ",,"Se produit lors de la slection d u
ne page d onglets. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The TabPages in the TabControl.",,"Les TabPages contenus dans le TabControl.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifies the image displayed on the tab.",,"Identifie l image affiche sur cet
onglet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text that is shown when the mouse hovers over this tab.",,"Le texte qui est
affich lorsque la souris pointe sur cet onglet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the background is drawn using visual styles, if supported.",,"Dter
mine si l arrire-plan est dessin l aide de styles visuels, lorsque ceux-ci sont pr
is en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TableBegin() must be called before using this method.",,"TableBegin() doit tre a
ppel pralablement l utilisation de cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No table is currently being printing. TableBegin() has not been called.",,"Auc
une table n est actuellement en cours d impression. TableBegin() n a pas t appel.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the appearance of cell borders in a table.",,"Indique l apparence des
bordures de cellule dans une table.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Indicates whether a TableLayoutPanel will expand to include new cells when all
existing cells are occupied.",,"Indique si des cellules supplmentaires seront ajo
utes un TableLayoutPanel lorsque toutes les cellules existantes sont occupes.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a cell needs repainting.",,"Se produit lorsqu une cellule doit tre r
epeinte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Directly setting TableLayoutSettings is not supported. Use individual properti
es instead.",,"La dfinition directe de TableLayoutSettings n est pas prise en cha
rge. Utilisez des proprits individuelles la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the row and column of the cell.",,"Indique la ligne et la colonne de
la cellule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the row and column of the cell.",,"Dfinit la ligne et la colonne de la cell
ule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TablePrintLayout instance specified was constructed for a different document.",
,"L instance de TablePrintLayout spcifie a t construite pour un autre document.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if return characters are accepted as input for multiline edit control
s.",,"Indique si les retours chariot sont accepts en tant qu entres pour les contrl
es d dition multiligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if tab characters are accepted as input for multiline edit controls."
,,"Indique si les tabulations sont acceptes en tant qu entres pour les contrles d di

tion multiligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The StringCollection to use when the AutoCompleteSource property is set to Cust
omSource.",,"Le StringCollection utiliser lorsque la proprit AutoCompleteSource a
la valeur CustomSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the text completion behavior of the text box.",,"Indique le comportem
ent de la saisie de texte de la zone de texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The autocomplete source, which can be one of the values from AutoCompleteSource
enumeration.",,"La source de saisie automatique, qui peut tre l une des valeurs
de l numration AutoCompleteSource.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value AutoCompleteSource.ListItems is not applicable to the TextBox control
.",,"La valeur AutoCompleteSource.ListItems n est pas applicable au contrle TextB
ox.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables automatic resizing based on font size for single-line edit controls.",,
"Active le redimensionnement automatique bas sur la taille de police pour les con
trles d dition sur une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the AcceptsTab property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque
la valeur de la proprit AcceptsTab change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the AutoSize property is changed on TextBoxBase.
",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit AutoSize de TextBoxBase est modifi
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the HideSelection property changes.",,"Se produit lors
que la valeur de la proprit HideSelection change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the Modified property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque l
a valeur de la proprit Modified change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Occurs when the value of the Multiline property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque
la valeur de la proprit Multiline change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Indicates whether the edit control should have a border.",,"Indique si le contrl
e d dition doit avoir une bordure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Indicates if the edit control can undo the previous action.",,"Indique si le co
ntrle d dition peut annuler l action prcdente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if all characters should be left alone or converted to uppercase or l
owercase.",,"Indique si les caractres ne doivent pas tre modifis ou s ils doivent tr
e convertis en majuscules ou en minuscules.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates that the selection should be hidden when the edit control loses focus
.",,"Indique que la slection doit tre masque lorsque le contrle d dition perd le focu
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The lines of text in a multiline edit, as an array of String values.",,"Les lig
nes de texte dans une dition multiligne, sous la forme d un tableau de valeurs St
ring.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the maximum number of characters that can be entered into the edit co
ntrol.",,"Spcifie le nombre maximal de caractres qui peuvent tre entrs dans le contrl
e d dition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if the text in the edit control has been modified by the user.",,"Ind
ique si le texte du contrle d dition a t modifi par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the text of the edit control can span more than one line.",,"C
ontrle si le texte du contrle d dition peut s tendre sur plusieurs lignes.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the character to display for password input for single-line edit cont
rols.",,"Indique le caractre afficher pour la saisie du mot de passe pour les con
trles d dition sur une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the text in the edit control can be changed or not.",,"Contrle

si le texte dans le contrle d dition peut tre ou non modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates, for multiline edit controls, which scroll bars will be shown for thi
s control.",,"Indique, pour les contrles d dition multiligne, quelles barres de dfi
lement seront affiches pour ce contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The currently selected text.",,"Le texte actuellement slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The length of the currently selected text.",,"La longueur du texte actuellement
slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The beginning of the currently selected text.",,"Le dbut du texte actuellement sl
ectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether shortcuts defined for the control are enabled.",,"Indique si
les raccourcis dfinis pour le contrle sont activs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how the text should be aligned for edit controls.",,"Indique la faon d
ont le texte doit tre align pour les contrles d dition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if lines are automatically word-wrapped for multiline edit controls."
,,"Indique si les lignes sont automatiquement renvoyes la ligne pour les contrles
d dition multiligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Parse of Text(""{0}"") expected text in the format ""{1}"" did not succeed."",
,""L analyse de Text(""{0}"") qui attendait du texte au format ""{1}"" n a pas ru
ssi."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current thread must be set to single thread apartment (STA) mode before OLE cal
ls can be made. Ensure that your Main function has STAThreadAttribute marked on
it.",,"Le thread actuel doit tre en mode STA (Single Thread Apartment) avant que
des appels OLE puissent tre effectus. Assurez-vous que votre fonction Main est mar
que comme STAThreadAttribute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred invoking the method. The destination thread no longer exists
.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de l appel de la mthode. Le thread de destina
tion n existe plus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred invoking the method. A message loop is required to marshal t
he thread call.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de l appel de la mthode. Une bo
ucle de messages est requise pour marshaler l appel de thread.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enables generation of Elapsed events.",,"Active la gnration des vnements Elapsed.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The frequency of Elapsed events in milliseconds.",,"La frquence des vnements Elaps
ed en millisecondes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value {0} is not a valid value for Interval. Interval must be greater than {1
}.",,"La valeur {0} n est pas valide pour Interval. Interval doit tre suprieur {
1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the specified interval time elapses.",,"Se produit lorsque l in
tervalle de temps spcifi s est coul.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many calls to ResumeUpdateMenuHandles.",,"Trop d appels vers ResumeUpdateMe
nuHandles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls the appearance of the ToolBar control, using values from the ToolBarAp
pearance enumeration.",,"Contrle l apparence du contrle ToolBar, en utilisant les
valeurs de l numration ToolBarAppearance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Controls whether the ToolBar will automatically size itself based on Button siz
e.",,"Contrle si la barre d outils est automatiquement redimensionne en fonction d
e la taille des boutons.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type ToolBarButton.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type ToolBarB
utton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls what type of border the ToolBar control will have.",,"Contrle le type d
e bordure du contrle ToolBar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever a button in the ToolBar is clicked by the user.",,"Se produit l
orsqu un utilisateur clique sur un bouton du ToolBar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra

mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever a button with the DropDownButton style is pressed.",,"Se produi
t lorsqu un bouton de style DropDownButton est enfonc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether this button responds to user input.",,"Contrle si ce bouton rpon
d aux entres d utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifies the image displayed on the button.",,"Identifie l image affiche sur c
e bouton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The drop-down menu for a ToolBarButton must be of type ContextMenu.",,"Le type
d un menu droulant d un ToolBarButton doit tre ContextMenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The shortcut menu that will appear if this button s style is set to DropDownBut
ton.",,"Le menu contextuel qui s affiche si le style du bouton a la valeur DropD
ownButton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"References that a non-existent ToolBarButton has been received.",,"Indique qu u
n ToolBarButton inexistant a t reu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the button should be displayed as partially pushed or not, but
only if the style of the button is ToggleButton.",,"Contrle si le bouton doit tre
affich comme tant partiellement enfonc, mais uniquement si le style du bouton est
ToggleButton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the button is pushed or not. This is most commonly seen for b
uttons with the TOGGLEBUTTON style.",,"Indique si le bouton est ou non enfonc. Ut
ilis pour les boutons avec le style TOGGLEBUTTON.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the buttons on the control if the button contents do not require a
larger size.",,"La taille des boutons du contrle, si le contenu du bouton ne ncess
ite pas une taille plus grande.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates what style of ToolBarButton this will be.",,"Indique le style du Tool
BarButton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The caption to be displayed for this button.",,"La lgende afficher pour ce bouto
n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolTip text to be displayed for this button.",,"Le texte ToolTip afficher
pour ce bouton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether this button should be visible.",,"Indique si ce bouton doit tr
e visible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The collection of ToolBarButtons that make up this ToolBar.",,"La collection de
ToolBarButtons qui composent ce ToolBar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the ToolBar will display a 3-D line at the top of its client a
rea.",,"Contrle si le ToolBar affiche une ligne 3D en haut de la zone cliente.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the ToolBar will display an arrow on the side of drop-down but
tons.",,"Contrle si le ToolBar affiche une flche sur le ct des boutons droulants.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList from which this ToolBar will get all of the button images.",,"Le
ImageList partir duquel ce ToolBar obtient toutes les images de boutons.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the images within the ToolBar s ImageList.",,"La taille des images
dans le ImageList du ToolBar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether ToolTips will be shown for each of the buttons, if available.
",,"Indique si des info-bulles sont affiches pour chaque bouton, si elles sont di
sponibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls how the text is positioned relative to the Image in each button.",,"Co
ntrle la faon dont le texte est positionn par rapport l image dans chaque bouton.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if more than one row of buttons is allowed.",,"Indique si plusieurs l
ignes de boutons sont autorises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Allows the items to be reordered when the ALT key is pressed.",,"Autorise la ror
ganisation des lments lorsque la touche ALT est enfonce.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Allow the items to be merged.",,"Autorise la fusion des lments.",,"Text",,"All",,

".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the background color of the ToolStrip.",,"Spcifie la couleur d arrire-p
lan du ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the item should toggle its selected state when clicked.",,"In
dique si l tat activ de l lment doit changer lors d un clic.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the ToolStripButton is pressed in or not pressed in.",,"Indiq
ue si le ToolStripButton est activ ou dsactiv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"ToolStrip cannot position another ToolStrip s items.",,"ToolStrip ne peut pas p
ositionner d autres lments ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Indicates whether items can be sent to an overflow menu.",,"Indique si les lments
peuvent tre envoyer vers un menu de dpassement de capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must explicitly insert one item and remove the other.",,"Vous devez explici
tement insrer un lment et supprimer l autre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The bottom panel of the ToolStripContainer. This area is used for moving ToolS
trips, MenuStrips and StatusStrips.",,"Le panneau infrieur du ToolStripContainer.
Cette zone est utilise pour dplacer les ToolStrips, MenuStrips et StatusStrips.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the visibility of the bottom panel of the ToolStripContainer.",,"Spcif
ie la visibilit du panneau infrieur du ToolStripContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The center panel of the ToolStripContainer.",,"Panneau central du ToolStripCont
ainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Provides panels on each side of the form that can contain one or more ToolStrip
, MenuStrip, or StatusStrip controls.",,"Fournit des panneaux sur chaque ct du for
mulaire susceptibles de contenir un ou plusieurs contrles ToolStrip, MenuStrip ou
StatusStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The left panel of the ToolStripContainer. This area is used for moving ToolStr
ips, MenuStrips and StatusStrips.",,"Le panneau gauche du ToolStripContainer. Ce
tte zone est utilise pour dplacer les ToolStrips, MenuStrips et StatusStrips.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the visibility of the left panel of the ToolStripContainer.",,"Spcifie
la visibilit du panneau gauche du ToolStripContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The right panel of the ToolStripContainer. This area is used for moving ToolSt
rips, MenuStrips and StatusStrips.",,"Le panneau droit du ToolStripContainer. Ce
tte zone est utilise pour dplacer les ToolStrips, MenuStrips et StatusStrips.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the visibility of the right panel of the ToolStripContainer.",,"Spcifi
e la visibilit du panneau droit du ToolStripContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The top panel of the ToolStripContainer. This area is used for moving ToolStri
ps, MenuStrips and StatusStrips.",,"Le panneau suprieur du ToolStripContainer. Ce
tte zone est utilise pour dplacer les ToolStrips, MenuStrips et StatusStrips.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the visibility of the top panel of the ToolStripContainer.",,"Spcifie
la visibilit du panneau suprieur du ToolStripContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding controls directly to the ToolStripContainer is not supported. Use the
ContentPanel.Controls property instead.",,"L ajout direct de contrles au ToolStr
ipContainer n est pas pris en charge. Utilisez la proprit ContentPanel.Controls
la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the content panel loads.",,"Se produit lors du chargement du pa
nneau de contenu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the default direction for DropDowns to open.",,"Spcifie la direction d

ouverture des listes droulantes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"ToolStrip doesn t support the AutoScroll property.",,"ToolStrip ne prend pas en
charge la proprit AutoScroll.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the DropDown automatically closes through user action.",,"Spci
fie si la liste droulante se ferme automatiquement via l action utilisateur.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether or not an arrow should be shown on the drop down button.",,"S
pcifie si une flche doit s afficher en haut du bouton droulant.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DropDown has closed.",,"Se produit lors de la fermeture de la l
iste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DropDown is about to close.",,"Se produit lorsque la liste droul
ante va se fermer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies a ToolStripDropDown to show when the item is clicked.",,"Spcifie unToo
lStripDropDown pour indiquer quand l lment reoit un clic.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the direction in which to drop the drop down.",,"Spcifie dans quelle d
irection drouler la liste droulante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Specifies a ToolStripItem to display when the item is clicked.",,"Spcifie un Too
lStripItem afficher lorsque l lment est cliqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the check margin will be shown.",,"Spcifie si la marge de slect
ion est affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the image margin will be shown.",,"Spcifie si la marge d image
est affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DropDown has opened.",,"Se produit l ouverture du DropDown.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the DropDown is opening.",,"Se produit au moment de l ouverture du
DropDown.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the PreferredWidth of the ToolStripDropDown when it is shown.",,"Spcif
ie le PreferredWidth du ToolStripDropDown lorsqu il est affich.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ToolStripDropDown does not support rafting.",,"ToolStripDropDown ne prend pas e
n charge le rafting.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Grip",,"Poigne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the orientation of the grip on the ToolStrip.",,"Spcifie l orientation
de la poigne sur le ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the external spacing between the grip and the padding of the ToolStri
p and the displayed item.",,"Spcifie l espacement externe entre la poigne et le re
mplissage du ToolStrip d une part et l lment affich d autre part.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies visibility of the grip on the ToolStrip.",,"Spcifie la visibilit de la
poigne sur le ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the ImageList on the ToolStrip.",,"Spcifie le ImageList sur le ToolStr
ip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the size of images on items. To control the scaling of items, use th
e ToolStripItem.ImageScaling property.",,"Spcifie la taille des images dans les
lments. Pour contrler la mise l chelle des lments, utilisez la proprit ToolStripI
mageScaling .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AccessibleObject assigned to the control.",,"L AccessibleObject assign au co
ntrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default action description of the item.",,"Description de l action par dfaut
de cet lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a ToolStripItem has been added to the ToolStrip s item collection."
,,"Se produit lorsqu un ToolStripItem a t ajout la collection d lments du ToolStrip."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The alignment of the item with respect to it s owner ToolStrip.",,"L alignement
de l lment par rapport son ToolStrip propritaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Indicates whether the item aligns toward the beginning or end of the ToolStrip.
",,"Indique si l lment s aligne sur le dbut ou la fin du ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the item will receive drag-drop notifications.",,"Dtermine si l lmen
t doit recevoir des notifications glisser-dplacer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the item should automatically size based on its image and te
xt.",,"Dtermine si l lment doit automatiquement tre redimensionn en fonction de l ima
ge et du texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether to use the Text or ToolTipText property to display on the Too
lTip.",,"Spcifie s il faut utiliser la proprit Text ou ToolTipText pour affichage s
ur l info-bulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether or not an item should be placed on a ToolStrip. ",,"Spcifie s
i un lment doit tre plac ou non sur un ToolStrip. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background color used to display text and graphics in the control.",,"La co
uleur d arrire-plan utilise pour afficher le texte et les graphismes dans le contrl
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot add owner item to the drop-down items collection.",,"Impossible d ajoute
r un lment propritaire la collection d lments droulants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection of ToolStripItems is read-only.",,"La collection de ToolStripItems e
st en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the image and text are rendered.",,"Spcifie si l image et le t
exte sont rendus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the DoubleClick event will occur.",,"Spcifie si l vnement Double
Click se produit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the drawing mode of the ToolStrip item.",,"Spcifie le mode dessin de l
lment ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the enabled state of the item has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque l t
at activ de l lment a t modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The font used to display text in the item.",,"La police utilise pour afficher le
texte dans l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The foreground color used to display text and graphics in the item.",,"La coule
ur de premier plan utilise pour afficher du texte et des graphiques dans l lment.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The alignment of the image that will be displayed on the item.",,"L alignement
de l image qui sera affiche sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The image that will be displayed on the item.",,"L image qui sera affiche sur l lm
ent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index of the image in the ImageList to display on the item.",,"L index de l
image dans le ImageList afficher sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key representing the image in the ImageList to display on the item.",,"La t
ouche reprsentant l image dans le ImageList afficher sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList to get the image to display on the item.",,"Le ImageList permetta
nt d obtenir l image afficher sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the image on the item will size to fit on the ToolStrip. To
control the image size, use the ToolStrip.ImageScalingSize property.",,"Spcifie
si la taille de l image sur l lment sera ajuste pour tenir sur le ToolStrip. Pour
contrler la taille de l image, utilisez la proprit ToolStrip.ImageScalingSize .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the transparent color on the item s image for images that support tra
nsparency.",,"Spcifie la couleur transparente sur l image de l lment pour les image
s qui prennent en charge la transparence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the spacing between this item and an adjacent item.",,"Spcifie l espac

ement entre cet lment et un lment adjacent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Occurs when the value of the Available property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque
la valeur de la proprit Available change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Occurs when the value of the BackColor property is changed on the item.",,"Se p
roduit lorsque la valeur de la proprit BackColor est modifie sur l lment.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the item is clicked.",,"Se produit lors d un clic sur l lment.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse drags an item and the user releases the mouse indicating
that the item should be dropped into this item.",,"Se produit lorsque la souri
s fait glisser un lment et que l utilisateur relche la souris, ce qui indique que l
lment doit tre dpos sur cet lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse drags an item into the client area for this item.",,"Se p
roduit lorsque la souris fait glisser un lment dans la zone cliente de cet lment.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse drags an item and is no longer over the client area for t
his item.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris fait glisser un lment et ne se trouve pl
us sur la zone cliente de cet lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Occurs when the mouse drags an item over the client area for this item.",,"Se p
roduit lorsque la souris fait glisser un lment dans la zone cliente de cet lment.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse drags an item. The system requests that the Item provide
feedback to that effect.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris fait glisser un lment. Le
systme demande que l lment ragisse cet effet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the location of a ToolStripItem is updated.",,"Se produit lors de l
a mise jour de l emplacement d un ToolStripItem.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a mouse button is pressed.",,"Se produit lorsqu un bouton de la sou
ris est enfonc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse enters the visible part of the item.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e la souris entre dans la partie visible de l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse remains stationary inside of the item for an amount of ti
me.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris reste dans l lment pour une certaine dure.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse leaves the visible part of the item.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e la souris quitte la partie visible de l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse is moved.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris est dplace.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a mouse button is released.",,"Se produit lorsqu un bouton de la so
uris est relch.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an item needs repainting.",,"Se produit lorsqu un lment doit tre repei
nt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an Accessibility client invokes help for the item.",,"Se produit lo
rsqu un client d accessibilit appelle de l aide sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event raised when the value of the RightToLeft property is changed on this item
.",,"vnement dclench lorsque la valeur de la proprit RightToLeft de l lment est modif
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the Text property is changed on the item.",,"se produit lorsque la
proprit Text de l lment est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the visibility of an item has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque l tat d
e visibilit de l lment change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether an item will always be sent to the overflow, never be sent to
the overflow, or sent to the overflow as needed.",,"Spcifie si un lment doit toujo

urs tre plac dans la liste d lments supplmentaire, n tre jamais plac dans la liste d
ts supplmentaire ou y tre plac selon les besoins.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the item will always move to the overflow, move to the overfl
ow as needed, or never move to the overflow.",,"Spcifie si l lment doit toujours tre
dplac vers le dpassement de capacit, tre dplac vers le dpassement de capacit en fon
des besoins ou n y tre jamais dplac.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Occurs when the value of the Owner property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la v
aleur de la proprit Owner change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the internal spacing within this item.",,"Spcifie l espacement interne
au sein de cet lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a ToolStripItem has been removed from the ToolStrip s item collecti
on.",,"Se produit lorsqu un ToolStripItem a t supprim de la collection d lments du To
olStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the image should mirror when the RightToLeft property equals
RightToLeft.Yes.",,"Spcifie si l image doit tre mise en miroir quand la proprit Righ
tToLeft est gale RightToLeft.Yes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the item should draw right-to-left for RTL languages.",,"Indi
que si l lment doit tre dessin de droite gauche pour les langues RTL.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the item.",,"La taille de l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The size of the item in pixels.",,"La taille de l lment en pixels.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User-defined data associated with the item.",,"Donnes dfinies par l utilisateur a
ssocies l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The alignment of the text that will be displayed on the item.",,"L alignement d
u texte qui sera affich sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The text to display on the item.",,"Le texte afficher sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the relative location of the image to the text on the item.",,"Spcifie
l emplacement relatif de l image par rapport au texte sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the text to show on the ToolTip.",,"Spcifie le texte afficher sur l in
fo-bulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the item is visible or hidden.",,"Dtermine si l lment est visib
le ou masqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection of items to display on the ToolStrip.",,"La collection d lments affich
er sur le ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the color of the link when the link is active.",,"Spcifie la couleur d
u lien lorsque celui-ci est actif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Specifies whether the label acts as a link.",,"Spcifie si l tiquette agit en tant
que lien.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The underlining behavior of the link.",,"Le comportement sous-jacent de la liai
son.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the color of the link.",,"Spcifie la couleur du lien.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the color of the link when the link has been visited.",,"Spcifie la co
uleur du lien lorsque celui-ci a t visit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Occurs after layout and placement of items on the ToolStrip.",,"Se produit aprs
la disposition et le placement des lments sur le ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the layout orientation of the ToolStrip.",,"Spcifie l orientation de d
isposition du ToolStrip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the layout style of the ToolStrip has changed.",,"Se produit lorsqu
e le style de disposition du ToolStrip est modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo

rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The string to be displayed as the shortcut key.",,"La chane afficher en tant que
touche de raccourci.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies what action to take if match is successful.",,"Spcifie l action prendr
e en cas de correspondance parfaite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Operation impossible. Source and target are identical.",,"Opration impossible. L
a source et la cible sont identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Used for matching and positioning within target ToolStrip.",,"Utilis pour la rec
herche de correspondants et le positionnement dans le ToolStrip cible.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Call the empty ToolStripComboBox constructor, which will provide a ComboBox.",,
"Appelez le constructeur ToolStripComboBox vide, qui fournira un ComboBox.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Call the empty ToolStripTextBox constructor, which will provide a TextBox.",,"A
ppelez le constructeur ToolStripTextBox vide, qui fournira un TextBox.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the ToolStrip has started to move within a ToolStripPanel.",,"Se pr
oduit lorsque le ToolStrip commence se dplacer dans le ToolStripPanel.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the ToolStrip has stopped moving within a ToolStripPanel.",,"Se pro
duit lorsque le ToolStrip cesse de se dplacer dans un ToolStripPanel.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ToolBar Options",,"Options de la barre d outils",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the move handle needs repainting.",,"Se produit lorsque la poigne de
dplacement doit tre repeinte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A collection of rows in the panel. ",,"Un ensemble de lignes dans le panneau. "
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The painting styles applied to the control.",,"Les styles de peinture appliqus a
u contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The RenderMode property cannot directly be set to Custom , to use a custom Too
lStripRenderer, set the Renderer property instead.",,"La proprit RenderMode ne peu
t pas tre directement dfinie Custom ; pour utiliser un ToolStripRenderer personnal
is, dfinissez la proprit Renderer la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Occurs when the value of the Renderer property changes.",,"Se produit lorsque l
a valeur de la proprit Renderer change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Specifies whether the ToolStrip should persist user settings via IPersistCompon
entSettings.",,"Spcifie si le ToolStrip doit rendre persistant les paramtres utili
sateur via IPersistComponentSettings.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Specifies the settings key to use to save settings.",,"Spcifie la cl des paramtres
utiliser pour enregistrer les paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"DropDown is the same as the Parent ToolStrip. Cannot Drop Down.",,"DropDown est
identique au ToolStrip parent. Impossible d afficher la liste droulante.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether to display ToolTips on items.",,"Spcifie si des info-bulles do
ivent s afficher sur des lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies how much space to give to the DropDownButton portion of the ToolStrip
SplitButton.",,"Spcifie la quantit d espace donner la partie DropDownButton du Too
lStripSplitButton.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the button portion of the split button has been clicked.",,"Se prod
uit lorsqu un clic est effectu sur le bouton partag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the button portion of the split button has been double clicked.",,"
Se produit lors d un double-clic sur la partie bouton du bouton partag.",,"Text",

,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Occurs when the DefaultItem property has changed.",,"Se produit lorsque la prop
rit DefaultItem est modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the width of the split section between the default and drop-down butt
on.",,"Spcifie la largeur de la section de partage entre le bouton par dfaut et le
bouton droulant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Container must be a ToolStrip.",,"Le conteneur doit tre un ToolStrip.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the item fills up the remaining space.",,"Spcifie si l lment rem
plit l espace restant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the ToolStrip stretches from end to end in the rafting contai
ner.",,"Spcifie si le ToolStrip s tire d un bout l autre dans le conteneur de raft
ing.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the TextBoxTextAlign property changes.",,"Se produit l
orsque la valeur de la proprit TextBoxTextAlign change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the direction to draw the text on the item.",,"Spcifie la direction de
dessin du texte sur l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the ToolTip is active. A tip will only appear if the ToolTip has
been activated.",,"Dtermine si le ToolTip est actif. Un conseil ne s affiche que
si le ToolTip a t activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding the tip to the native ToolTip control did not succeed.",,"chec de l ajout
du conseil au contrle ToolTip natif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Determines the length of time the ToolTip window remains visible if the pointer
is stationary inside a ToolTip region.",,"Dtermine la dure pendant laquelle une f
entre d info-bulle reste visible si le pointeur est immobile dans une rgion d info
-bulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sets the values of AutoPopDelay, InitialDelay, and ReshowDelay to the appropria
te values.",,"Dfinit les valeurs appropries de AutoPopDelay, InitialDelay et Resho
wDelay.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The background color of the ToolTip control.",,"La couleur d arrire-plan du cont
rle ToolTip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs in OwnerDraw mode when the ToolTip needs to be drawn.",,"Se produit en m
ode OwnerDraw lorsque l info-bulle doit tre dessine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The foreground color of the ToolTip control.",,"La couleur de premier plan du c
ontrle ToolTip.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the length of time the pointer must remain stationary within a ToolT
ip region before the ToolTip window appears.",,"Dtermine la dure pendant laquelle
le pointeur doit rester immobile dans une rgion d info-bulle avant que la fentre d
info-bulle ne s affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the ToolTip will take on a balloon form.",,"Indique si l info
-bulle va prendre la forme d une bulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Controls whether the system or the user paints items/sub items.",,"Dtermine si l
e systme ou l utilisateur peint les lments/les sous-lments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever a ToolTip is about to be shown.",,"Se produit lorsqu une info-b
ulle va tre affiche.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the length of time it takes for subsequent ToolTip windows to appear
as the pointer moves from one ToolTip region to another.",,"Dtermine le temps nce
ssaire aux info-bulles suivantes pour s afficher lorsque le pointeur passe d une
info-bulle l autre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines if the tool tip will be displayed always, even if the parent window
is not active.",,"Dtermine si l info-bulle doit en permanence s afficher, mme si l
a fentre parente n est pas active.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"When set to true, any ampersands () in the Text property are not displayed.",,"
Lorsqu elle a la valeur true, la proprit Text n affiche aucun et commercial ().",,

"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Determines the title of the ToolTip.",,"Dtermine le titre de l info-bulle.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the ToolTip shown when the mouse hovers over the control.",,"Dtermine
l info-bulle affiche lorsque la souris pointe sur le contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines the icon that is shown on the ToolTip.",,"Dtermine l icne qui s affich
e sur l info-bulle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When set to true, animations are used when the ToolTip is shown or hidden.",,"Q
uand sa valeur est true, des animations sont utilises lorsque l info-bulle est af
fiche ou masque.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When set to true, a fade effect is used when ToolTips are shown or hidden.",,"Q
uand sa valeur est true, un effet de fondu est utilis lorsque les info-bulles son
t affiches ou masques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top-level control cannot be added to a control.",,"Impossible d ajouter un cont
rle de premier niveau un contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TopLevel property cannot be set to true for ActiveX controls.",,"La proprit TopLe
vel ne peut pas avoir la valeur true pour les contrles ActiveX.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Top-level style of a parented control cannot be changed.",,"Impossible de chang
er le style de niveau suprieur d un contrle avec parent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the control will resize itself automatically based on a compu
tation of the default scroll bar dimensions.",,"Indique si le contrle se redimens
ionne automatiquement en fonction d un calcul des dimensions par dfaut de la barr
e de dfilement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of positions the slider moves in response to mouse clicks or the PAG
E UP and PAGE DOWN keys.",,"Dplacement du curseur en rponse aux clics de souris ou
l utilisation des touches PG. PRC et PG. SUIV.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"LargeChange: Value {0} must be greater than or equal to 0.",,"LargeChange: la
valeur {0} doit tre suprieure ou gale 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The maximum value for the position of the slider on the TrackBar.",,"La valeur
maximale pour la position du curseur sur le TrackBar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The minimum value for the position of the slider on the TrackBar.",,"La valeur
minimale pour la position du curseur sur le TrackBar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the TrackBar slider moves.",,"Se produit lorsque le curseur TrackBa
r est dplac.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The orientation of the control.",,"L orientation du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of positions the slider moves in response to keyboard input (arrow k
eys).",,"Dplacement du curseur en rponse une entre au clavier (touches de direction
).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SmallChange: Value {0} must be greater than or equal to 0.",,"SmallChange: la
valeur {0} doit tre suprieure ou gale 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The number of positions between tick marks.",,"Le nombre de positions entre les
graduations.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates where the ticks appear on the TrackBar.",,"Indique l emplacement o les
graduations s affichent sur le TrackBar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The position of the slider.",,"La position du curseur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control does not support transparent background colors.",,"Le contrle ne prend p
as en charge les couleurs d arrire-plan transparentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Text length must be less than 64 characters long.",,"La longueur du texte doit t

re infrieure 64 caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The background color of tree node.",,"La couleur d arrire-plan du nud d arbre.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BeginEdit did not succeed because LabelEdit property is false.",,"chec de BeginE
dit, car la proprit LabelEdit a la valeur false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the tree node is in a checked state.",,"Indique si le nud d ar
bre a un tat activ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter must be of type TreeNode.",,"Le paramtre doit tre de type TreeNode.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The foreground color of tree node.",,"La couleur de premier plan du nud d arbre.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList index value of the image displayed when the tree node is in the u
nselected state.",,"La valeur de l index du ImageList affiche lorsque le nud d arb
re est dans un tat non slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifies the image to display on the node when it is not selected.",,"Identif
ie l image afficher sur le nud lorsqu il n est pas slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The position of the tree node in the tree node collection.",,"La position du nud
d arbre dans la collection de nud d arbre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Full path can only be retrieved when a TreeNode has been added to a TreeView. T
his TreeNode has not been added to a TreeView.",,"Le chemin d accs complet ne peu
t tre extrait que lorsqu un TreeNode a t ajout un TreeView. Ce TreeNode n a pas t ajo
t un TreeView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The font used to display the text on the tree node s label.",,"La police utilise
pour afficher le texte dans l tiquette du nud d arbre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the object. ",,"Le nom de l objet. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key in the image-list value that represents the image to display when the t
ree node is in the selected state.",,"La cl dans la valeur image-list qui reprsent
e l image afficher lorsque le nud d arbre est en tat slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key in the ImageList value that represents the image to display when the tr
ee node is in the selected state.",,"La cl dans la valeur ImageList qui reprsente
l image afficher lorsque le nud d arbre est en tat slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index in the StateImageList displayed when CheckBoxes is set to false on th
e TreeView.",,"L index dans le StateImageList affich lorsque CheckBoxes a la vale
ur false pour le TreeView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifies the image to display on the node to indicate its current state.",,"I
dentifie l image afficher sur le nud pour indiquer son tat actuel.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The text displayed in the label of the tree node.",,"Le texte affich dans l tique
tte du nud d arbre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ToolTip text that will be displayed when the mouse hovers over the node.",,
"Le texte info-bulle affich lorsque la souris pointe sur le nud.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a check box on a tree node has been checked or unchecked.",,"Se pro
duit lorsqu une case cocher sur un nud d arbre a t active ou dsactive.",,"Text",,"All
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a node has been collapsed.",,"Se produit lorsqu un nud a t rduit.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the text of a node has been edited by the user.",,"Se produit lorsq
ue le texte d un nud a t modifi par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a node has been expanded.",,"Se produit lorsqu un nud a t dvelopp.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the selection has been changed.",,"Se produit lorsque la slection a t

modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Occurs when a check box on a tree node is about to be checked or unchecked.",,"
Se produit lorsqu une case cocher sur un nud d arbre va tre active ou dsactive.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a node is about to be collapsed.",,"Se produit lorsqu un nud va tre rd
uit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the text of a node is about to be edited by the user.",,"Se produit
lorsque le texte d un nud va tre modifi par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a node is about to be expanded.",,"Se produit lorsqu un nud va tre dve
lopp.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the selection is about to change.",,"Se produit lorsque la slection
va tre modifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether check boxes are displayed beside nodes.",,"Indique si des cas
es cocher sont affiches ct des nuds.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls whether the system or the user paints the nodes.",,"Dtermine si l utili
sateur ou le systme peint les nuds.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Occurs in owner-draw mode, when a node needs to be drawn.",,"Se produit en mode
owner-draw, lorsqu un nud doit tre peint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the highlight spans the width of the TreeView.",,"Indique si
la surbrillance s tend sur la largeur du TreeView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removes highlight from the selected node when control does not have focus.",,"S
upprime la surbrillance du nud slectionn lorsque le contrle n a pas le focus.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether nodes give feedback when the mouse is moved over them.",,"Ind
ique si les nuds affichent des commentaires lorsque la souris se dplace dessus.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default image index for nodes.",,"L index de l image par dfaut pour les nuds.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default image key for nodes.",,"La cl de l image par dfaut pour les nuds.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList control from which node images are taken.",,"Le contrle ImageList
partir duquel les images de nud sont obtenues.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The indentation width of child nodes in pixels.",,"La largeur de la mise en ret
rait des nuds enfants en pixels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The height of every node in the TreeView.",,"La hauteur de chaque nud du TreeVie
w.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the user can edit the label text of nodes.",,"Indique si l ut
ilisateur peut modifier le texte de l tiquette des nuds.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The color of the lines that connect the nodes of the TreeView.",,"La couleur de
s lignes qui connectent les nuds du TreeView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a node is clicked with the mouse.",,"Se produit lors d un clic de s
ouris sur un nud.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a node is double-clicked with the mouse.",,"Se produit lors d un do
uble-clic de souris sur un nud.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the mouse hovers over a TreeNode.",,"Se produit lorsque la souris p
ointe sur un TreeNode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The sorting comparer for the TreeView.",,"Le comparateur de tri pour ce TreeVie
w.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The root nodes in the TreeView control.",,"Les nuds racine dans le contrle TreeVi
ew.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The string delimiter used for the path returned by a node s FullPath property."
,,"Le dlimiteur de chane utilis pour le chemin d accs retourn par la proprit FullPath
un nud.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Indicates whether the control will display scroll bars if it contains more node
s than can fit in the visible area.",,"Indique si le contrle doit afficher les ba
rres de dfilement s il contient plus de nuds que le nombre pouvant tre contenu dans
la zone visible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default image index for selected nodes.",,"L index de l image par dfaut pour
les nuds slectionns.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default image for selected nodes.",,"L image par dfaut des nuds slectionns.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The currently selected node, or null if no node is selected.",,"Le nud actuellem
ent slectionn ou null si aucun nud n est slectionn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether lines are displayed between sibling nodes and between parent
and child nodes.",,"Indique si les lignes sont affiches entre les nuds frres et ent
re les nuds parents et enfants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates if plus/minus buttons are shown next to parent nodes.",,"Indique si l
es boutons plus/moins s affichent ct des nuds parents.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether lines are displayed between root nodes.",,"Indique si les lig
nes sont affiches entre les nuds racine.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Indicates whether ToolTips will be displayed on the nodes.",,"Indique si les in
fo-bulles vont tre affiches sur les nuds.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Indicates whether nodes are sorted.",,"Indique si les nuds sont tris.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The ImageList control used by the TreeView for custom states.",,"Le contrle Imag
eList utilis par le TreeView pour les tats personnaliss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first visible node in the TreeView.",,"Le premier nud visible dans le TreeVi
ew.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of visible nodes in the TreeView.",,"Le nombre de nuds visibles dans
le TreeView.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML not valid. Expecting {0} tag.",,"Xml non valide. Balise {0} attendue.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Install - More Information",,"Installation d application - Informat
ions supplmentaires",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the Internet",,"Internet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application was published by {0}. Only run applications from publishers th
at you trust.",,"Cette application a t publie par {0}. N excutez que des application
s provenant d diteurs fiables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the Local Computer",,"l ordinateur local",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"the Local Network",,"le rseau local",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"This application comes from {0}. Only run applications from locations that you
trust.",,"Cette application provient de {0}. N excutez que des applications prove
nant d emplacements fiables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Run - More Information",,"Excution d application - Informations supp
lmentaires",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application has only limited access to your computer.",,"Cette application
n a qu un accs limit votre ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"a Trusted Site",,"un site de confiance",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The publisher of this application cannot be verified. Only run applications fro
m publishers that you trust.",,"Impossible de vrifier l diteur de cette applicatio
n. N excutez que des applications provenant d diteurs fiables.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application will gain access to additional resources on your computer, suc
h as your file system or your network connection. This may put your computer at

risk. Do not approve unless you trust the application s publisher.",,"Cette appl
ication bnficiera d un accs aux ressources supplmentaires de votre ordinateur, notam
ment votre systme de fichiers ou votre connexion rseau. Cet octroi peut exposer vo
tre ordinateur des risques. Ne l approuvez pas moins de faire confiance l diteur
de l application.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"an Untrusted Site",,"un site non fiable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"This application will be installed on your computer. It will add a shortcut to
your Start menu and will be added to the Add or Remove Programs list.",,"Cette a
pplication va tre installe sur votre ordinateur. Elle ajoutera un raccourci votre
menu Dmarrer et figurera dans la liste Ajouter ou supprimer des programmes.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This application will be temporarily installed onto your computer. It will not
be added to your Start menu or to the Add or Remove Programs list.",,"Cette appl
ication va tre temporairement installe sur votre ordinateur. Elle ne sera pas ajou
te votre menu Dmarrer ni la liste Ajouter ou supprimer des programmes.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trust Manager Dialog - Install Blocked",,"Bote de dialogue Gestionnaire de confi
ance - Installation bloque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trust Manager Dialog - Install Confirmation",,"Bote de dialogue Gestionnaire de
confiance - Confirmation de l installation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Trust Manager Dialog - Install with elevated permissions",,"Bote de dialogue Ges
tionnaire de confiance - Installation avec des autorisations leves",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trust Manager Dialog - Run Blocked",,"Bote de dialogue Gestionnaire de confiance
- Excution bloque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Trust Manager Dialog - Run Confirmation",,"Bote de dialogue Gestionnaire de conf
iance - Confirmation de l excution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Trust Manager Dialog - Run with elevated permissions",,"Bote de dialogue Gestion
naire de confiance - Excution avec des autorisations leves",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Your administrator has blocked this application because it potentially poses a
security risk to your computer.",,"Votre administrateur a bloqu cette application
, car elle prsente un risque pour la scurit de votre ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Don t Install",,"Ne pas installer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Don t Run",,"Ne pas excuter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"While applications can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If y
ou do not trust the source, do not install this software. {0}",,"Bien que les ap
plications soient utiles, elles sont susceptibles d endommager votre ordinateur.
Si vous ne faites pas confiance la source de ce logiciel, n installez pas ce de
rnier. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do you want to install this application?",,"Voulez-vous installer cette applica
tion?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Install - Security Warning",,"Installation d application - Avertiss
ement de scurit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"While applications from the Internet can be useful, they can potentially harm y
our computer. If you do not trust the source, do not install this software. {0}"
,,"Bien que les applications en provenance d Internet soient utiles, elles sont
susceptibles d endommager votre ordinateur. Si vous ne faites pas confiance la s
ource de ce logiciel, n installez pas ce dernier. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Your security settings do not allow this application to be installed on your co
mputer.",,"Vos paramtres de scurit n autorisent pas l installation de cette applica
tion sur votre ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More Information...",,"Informations...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Warning text and link to get more information",,"Texte d avertissement et lien

pour obtenir des informations supplmentaires",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Publisher cannot be verified.\r\nAre you sure you want to install this applicat
ion?",,"L diteur ne peut pas tre vrifi.\r\nVoulez-vous vraiment installer cette appl
ication?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Publisher cannot be verified.\r\nAre you sure you want to run this application?
",,"L diteur ne peut pas tre vrifi.\r\nVoulez-vous vraiment excuter cette application?
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Run",,"Excuter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Your security settings do not allow this application to be run on your computer
.",,"Vos paramtres de scurit n autorisent pas l excution de cette application sur vo
tre ordinateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"While applications can be useful, they can potentially harm your computer. If y
ou do not trust the source, do not run this software. {0}",,"Bien que les applic
ations soient utiles, elles sont susceptibles d endommager votre ordinateur. Si
vous ne faites pas confiance la source de ce logiciel, n excutez pas ce dernier.
{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do you want to run this application?",,"Voulez-vous excuter cette application?",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application Run - Security Warning",,"Excution d application - Avertissement de
scurit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"While applications from the Internet can be useful, they can potentially harm y
our computer. If you do not trust the source, do not run this software. {0}",,"B
ien que les applications en provenance d Internet soient utiles, elles sont susc
eptibles d endommager votre ordinateur. Si vous ne faites pas confiance la sourc
e de ce logiciel, n excutez pas ce dernier. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown Publisher",,"diteur inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Warning text",,"Texte d avertissement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"{0} - High Risk",,"{0} - Risque lev",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"{0} - Low Risk",,"{0} - Risque faible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"{0} - Medium Risk",,"{0} - Risque moyen",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Type {0} in the data at line {1}, position {2} cannot be located.",,"Le type {0
} dans les donnes la ligne {1}, position {2}, est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} cannot be located.",,"Le type {0} est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Controls added to this collection must be of type {0} .",,"Les contrles ajouts c
ette collection doivent tre de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Controls added to this collection must be of type {0} or {1} .",,"Les contrle
s ajouts cette collection doivent tre de type {0} ou {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to initialize component.",,"Impossible d initialiser le composant.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to set the panel text.",,"Impossible d initialiser le texte du panneau."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown ATTRIBUTE type.",,"Type ATTRIBUTE inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown layout",,"Disposition inconnue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Indicates how the up-down control will position the up and down buttons relativ
e to its edit box.",,"Indique la faon dont le contrle up-down positionne les bouto
ns haut et bas par rapport sa zone d dition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the border style of the up-down control.",,"Indique le style de bordu
re du contrle up-down.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the up-down control will increment and decrement the value wh
en the UP ARROW and DOWN ARROW keys are pressed.",,"Indique si le contrle up-down
incrmente et dcrmente la valeur lorsque les touches de direction HAUT et BAS sont
utilises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether the edit box is read-only.",,"Indique si la zone d dition est
en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how the text should be aligned in the edit box.",,"Indique la faon don
t le texte doit tre align dans la zone d dition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether text rendering should be compatible with previous releases of
Windows Forms.",,"Spcifie si le rendu de texte doit tre compatible avec les versi
ons antrieures de Windows Forms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the user control loads.",,"Se produit lors du chargement du con
trle utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Style handle creation operation did not succeed.",,"chec de l opration de
cration de handle de style visuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Visual Styles-related operation resulted in an error because no visual style is
currently active.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de l excution d une opration
lie aux styles visuels, car aucun style visuel n est actuellement actif.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Styles-related operation resulted in an error because visual styles are
currently disabled in the client area.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de l exc
ution d une opration lie aux styles visuels, car les styles visuels sont actuellem
ent dsactivs dans la zone cliente.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Given combination of Class, Part, and State is not defined by the current visua
l style.",,"La combinaison donne Classe, Partie et tat n est pas dfinie par le styl
e visuel actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebBrowser control does not support AllowDrop. Use AllowWebBrowserDrop to
allow the WebBrowser to process drag/drop.",,"Le contrle WebBrowser ne prend pas
en charge AllowDrop. Utilisez AllowWebBrowserDrop pour autoriser WebBrowser util
iser le glisser-dplacer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the WebBrowser control can browse to another page after initi
ally loading.",,"Spcifie si le contrle WebBrowser peut accder une autre page aprs av
oir t charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the WebBrowser control will receive drop notifications.",,"Spc
ifie si le contrle WebBrowser va obtenir des notifications glisser.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebBrowser control does not support the BackgroundImageLayout property.",,"
Le contrle WebBrowser ne prend pas en charge la proprit BackgroundImageLayout.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebBrowser control does not support the BackgroundImage property.",,"Le con
trle WebBrowser ne prend pas en charge la proprit BackgroundImage.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the availability of a previous page in the Web browser navigation h
istory changes. ",,"Se produit lorsque la disponibilit d une page prcdente dans l
historique de navigation du navigateur Web change. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the availability of a next page in the Web browser navigation histo
ry changes. ",,"Se produit lorsque la disponibilit d une page suivante dans l hi
storique de navigation du navigateur Web change. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebBrowser control does not support the Cursor property.",,"Le contrle WebBr
owser ne prend pas en charge la proprit Cursor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the document hosted in the Web browser control is fully loaded.",,"
Se produit lorsque le document hberg dans le contrle de navigateur Web est complteme

nt charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Occurs whenever the title text changes.",,"Se produit lorsque le texte du titre
est modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebBrowser control does not support the Enabled property.",,"Le contrle WebB
rowser ne prend pas en charge la proprit Enabled.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever encryption level changes.",,"Se produit lorsque le niveau de ch
iffrement est modifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a file download occurs.",,"Se produit en cas de tlchargement d un fic
hier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding a WebBrowser control in Internet Explorer is not supported.",,"L ajout d
un contrle WebBrowser dans Internet Explorer n est pas pris en charge.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Determines whether the Web browser control operates in offline mode.",,"Dtermine
si le contrle de navigateur Web fonctionne en mode hors connexion.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates whether to use the context menu of the native web browser.",,"Indique
si le menu contextuel du navigateur Web natif doit tre utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Navigation to a relative URL unsuccessful.",,"chec de la navigation vers une URL
relative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs after WebBrowser navigation occurs.",,"Se produit aprs la navigation du c
ontrle WebBrowser.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs before WebBrowser navigation occurs.",,"Se produit avant la navigation d
u contrle WebBrowser.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when a new window is created for the WebBrowser.",,"Se produit lorsqu un
e nouvelle fentre est cre pour le WebBrowser.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"IWebBrowser2 get from the native ActiveX control did not succeed.",,"Impossible
d obtenir IWebBrowser2 du contrle ActiveX natif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ObjectForScripting s class must be visible to COM. Verify that the object is p
ublic, or consider adding the ComVisible attribute to your class.",,"La classe d
ObjectForScripting doit tre visible dans COM. Vrifiez si l objet est public ou aj
outez l attribut ComVisible votre classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an update to the progress of a download occurs.",,"Se produit lors
d une mise jour de la progression d une opration de tlchargement.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebBrowser control does not support the RightToLeft property.",,"Le contrle
WebBrowser ne prend pas en charge la proprit RightToLeft.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the WebBrowser control shows script errors in dialogs boxes."
,,"Spcifie si le contrle WebBrowser affiche des erreurs de script dans les botes de
dialogue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether the WebBrowser control should have scrollbars or not.",,"Spcif
ie si le contrle WebBrowser doit tre dot de barres de dfilement.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The level of security permissions the hosted documents are granted.",,"Le nivea
u des autorisations de scurit accordes aux documents hbergs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever the status text changes.",,"Se produit en cas de modification d
u texte d tat.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebBrowser control does not support the Text property.",,"Le contrle WebBrow
ser ne prend pas en charge la proprit Text.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the URL that the Web browser control has navigated to.",,"Spcifie l UR
L de destination du contrle de navigateur Web.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The WebBrowser control does not support the UseWaitCursor property.",,"Le contrl

e WebBrowser ne prend pas en charge la proprit UseWaitCursor.",,"Text",,"All",,".N

ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies whether some accelerator keys are enabled in the WebBrowser control."
,,"Spcifie si des touches acclrateur sont actives dans le contrle WebBrowser.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Width must be greater than MinWidth.",,"La largeur doit tre suprieure MinWidth.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault must be called before the first IWin32Window
object is created in the application.",,"SetCompatibleTextRenderingDefault doit t
re appel avant la cration du premier objet IWin32Window dans l application.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setting event {0} ",,"Dfinition de l vnement {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The border style of the control.",,"Le style de bordure du contrle.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever this collection s membership changes.",,"Se produit lorsque l a
ppartenance de cette collection change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Occurs whenever this collection s membership is about to change.",,"Se produit
lorsque l appartenance de cette collection est sur le point de changer.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever a particular item/area needs to be painted.",,"Se produit lorsq
u un lment/une zone spcifique doit tre peint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Occurs whenever a particular item s height needs to be calculated.",,"Se produi
t lorsque la hauteur d un lment spcifique doit tre calcule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the SelectedIndex property changes.",,"Se produit lors
que la valeur de la proprit SelectedIndex change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The index of the currently selected item.",,"Index de l lment actuellement slectio
nn.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when an item is chosen from the drop-down list and the drop-down list is
closed.",,"Se produit lorsqu un lment est choisi dans la liste droulante et que la
liste est ferme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alt",,"Alt",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Back",,"Prcdent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ctrl",,"Ctrl",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(default)",,"(par dfaut)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Del",,"Suppr",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End",,"Fin",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enter",,"Entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Home",,"Dbut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ins",,"Ins",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PgDn",,"PageSuiv",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"PgUp",,"PagePrc",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Shift",,"Maj",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Occurs when the value of the control changes.",,"Se produit lorsque la valeur d
u contrle change.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"UserControl TestContainer",,"Conteneur de test UserControl",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} could not be found. Ensure the path is correct.",,"L assembly
{0} est introuvable. Assurez-vous que le chemin d accs est correct.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} could not be loaded. \r\n\r\nThe error message was {1} \r\n\r\
n",,"Impossible de charger l assembly {0} . \r\n\r\nLe message d erreur tait {
1} \r\n\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) Visual Studio 2008 UserControl Test Container
Version {0}\n{1}
",,"Conteneur de test UserControl Microsoft (R) Visual Studio 2008
Version {0
}\n{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Dock Fill User Control",,"Appliquer la valeur Fill la proprit Dock au contrle util
isateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to create UserControl {0} \r\n\r\nThe error message was {1} \r\n\r\n",
,"Impossible de crer UserControl {0} \r\n\r\nLe message d erreur tait {1} \r\n\r
\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Load",,"Charger",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Executables (*.exe;*.dll)|*.exe;*.dll|All Files (*.*)|*.*",,"Excutables (*.exe;*
.dll)|*.exe;*.dll|Tous les fichiers (*.*)|*.*",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No UserControl selected",,"Aucun UserControl slectionn",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly {0} doesn t contain any UserControl types.",,"L assembly {0} ne co
ntient aucun type UserControl.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select User Control:",,"Slectionner un contrle utilisateur:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n\nUsage: Usercontroltestcontainer [assembly name] \n
The assembly must
contain at least one UserControl type.\n
\nThe command switch -? shows this
dialog.\n",,"\n\nUtilisation : Conteneur de test UserControl [nom assembly] \n
L assembly doit contenir au moins un type UserControl.\n
\nLe commutate
ur de commande -? affiche cette bote de dialogue.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework UserControl Test Container",,"Conteneur de test UserControl .NET
Framework",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets a value indicating whether the hosted element has a transparent ba
ckground. This property will not take effect at design time.",,"Obtient ou dfini
t une valeur indiquant si l lment hberg a un arrire-plan transparent. Cette proprit n
st pas prise en compte au moment du design.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"This ElementHost is currently not hosting any editable content.\n\nTo host edit
able content:\n\n1. Add a WPF UserControl to the solution.\n2. Build the solutio
n.\n3. In the Select Hosted Content drop-down list, select the new WPF UserContr
ol as the ElementHost s child.",,"Cet ElementHost n hberge actuellement aucun con
tenu modifiable.\n\nPour hberger un contenu modifiable:\n\n1. Ajoutez un UserContr
ol WPF la solution.\n2. Gnrez la solution.\n3. Dans la liste droulable de slection d
u contenu hberg, slectionnez le nouveau UserControl WPF comme enfant d ElementHost.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Contains No Editable Content",,"{0} Ne contient pas de contenu modifiable",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Gets or sets the WPF UserControl which is hosted by the ElementHost.",,"Obtient
ou dfinit le UserControl WPF qui est hberg par l ElementHost.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Currently hosting {0} from {1}.",,"Hberge actuellement {0} de {1}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Selecting a WPF UserControl hosts that control in the ElementHost, replacing pr
eviously hosted content.",,"Le fait de slectionner un UserControl WPF hberge ce co
ntrle dans ElementHost, en remplaant le contenu prcdemment hberg.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The namespace of the available WPF UserControls.",,"L espace de noms des UserCo
ntrols WPF disponibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clears any currently hosted content and sets the ElementHost s child to null.",
,""Supprime le contenu actuellement hberg et dfinit sur ""null"" l enfant d Element
Host."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add a new or existing WPF UserControl to your solution to begin.",,"Ajoutez un
UserControl WPF nouveau ou existant votre solution pour commencer.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a WPF UserControl to host in this ElementHost.",,"Slectionnez un UserCont
rol WPF hberger dans cet ElementHost.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cannot find the child project item in the solution.",,"Impossible de trouver l lm
ent de projet enfant dans la solution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Cannot find item",,"lment introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Edit Hosted Content",,"Modifier le contenu hberg",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Opens the currently hosted WPF UserControl in its default editor",,"Ouvre le Us
erControl WPF actuellement hberg dans son diteur par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to generate a preview for {0} due to an unhandled exception during its i
nitialization. Make sure that the hosted content contains no build errors.",,"I
mpossible de gnrer un aperu pour {0} cause d une exception non gre survenue lors de s
on initialisation. Assurez-vous que le contenu hberg ne contient pas d erreurs de
build.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the name used in code to identify the hosted WPF UserControl.",,"Indi
que le nom utilis dans le code pour identifier le UserControl WPF hberg.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Hosted Content:",,"Slectionner le contenu hberg:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select a WPF UserControl to host in the ElementHost",,"Slectionner un UserContro
l WPF hberger dans l ElementHost",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred trying to add references for type {0} , or finding the type.
Make sure the project references are correct.",,"Une erreur s est produite lor
s de la tentative d ajout de rfrences pour ce type {0} , ou pour trouver le type.
Assurez-vous que les rfrences du projet sont correctes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to add references",,"Impossible d ajouter des rfrences",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred trying to create an object of type {0} . Make sure the type
has a default constructor.",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de la tentative de
crer un objet de type {0} . Assurez-vous que le type a un constructeur par dfaut
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create object",,"Impossible de crer un objet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WPF Interoperability",,"Interoprabilit WPF",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Align",,"Aligner",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Resource Localization Editor",,"Windows Resource Localization Editor",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This AssemblyResourceFile has already been loaded.",,"Ce AssemblyResourceFile a
dj t charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly File(*.dll, *.exe)",,"Fichier d assembly (*.dll, *.exe)",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The filename provided for the AssemblyResourceFile is null.",,"Le nom de fichie
r fourni pour le AssemblyResourceFile est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attempt was made to save a resource that was not loaded.",,"Tentative d enre
gistrement d une ressource qui n tait pas charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find assembly {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver l assembly {0} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n\nUsage: Winres [resource file] \n
Winres supports resource files with the
following extensions:\n
.resx .resources .dll and .exe.\n
\nThe command
switch -? shows this dialog.\n",,"\n\nUtilisation: Winres [fichier de ressources
] \n
Winres prend en charge les fichiers de ressources ayant les extensions s
.resx .resources .dll et .exe.\n
\nLe commutateur de commande
-? affiche cette bote de dialogue.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Bottoms",,"Bases",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cascade",,"Cascade",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Horizontally",,"Horizontalement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Center In Form",,"Centrer sur le formulaire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,

"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vertically",,"Verticalement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Centers",,"Centres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Check HotKeys",,"Vrifiez les touches d accs rapide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) .NET Framework Windows Resource Localization Editor
Version {0
}\n(C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.",,"Microsoft (R) .NET Framewo
rk Windows Resource Localization Editor
Version {0}\n(C) Microsoft Corporatio
n. Tous droits rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Select Culture",,"Choisir la culture",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Single File Mode",,"Mode fichier unique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Visual Studio File Mode",,"Mode fichier Visual Studio",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Decrease",,"Diminuer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly Library(*.dll)",,"Bibliothque d assemblys (*.dll)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Would you like to save your changes?",,"Voulez-vous enregistrer vos modificatio
ns?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The values {0} contain the duplicate HotKey value {1} .",,"Les valeurs {0} con
tiennent la valeur de touche d accs rapide duplique {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version information not found.",,"Informations de version introuvables.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ZOrders Equal for the same parents.",,"ZOrders gaux pour les mmes parents.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly Executable(*.exe)",,"Excutable d assembly (*.exe)",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: Failed to load the type for component {0} .",,"Avertissement: impossib
le de charger le type pour le composant {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning: Failed to load the type for component {0} - using a place holder ins
tead.",,"Avertissement: impossible de charger le type pour le composant {0} - u
tilisation d un espace rserv la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"{0} is already open. ",,"{0} est dj ouvert. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"File Mode",,"Mode de Fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The file you specified: {0} was not found.\n",,"Le fichier que vous avez spcifi: {
0} est introuvable.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not open {0}: {1}",,"Impossible d ouvrir {0}: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File : ",,"Fichier: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Height",,"Hauteur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Horizontal Spacing",,"Espacement horizontal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Increase",,"Augmenter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing the Name of the component {0} .",,"Nom du composant {0} manquant.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing the Type of the component {0} .",,"Type du composant {0} manquant.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing the ZOrder of the component {0} .",,"ZOrder du composant {0} manquan
t.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The data name {0} is invalid. Valid data names must be of the form Component
.Property .",,"Le nom de donne {0} n est pas valide. Les noms de donne valides d
oivent tre de la forme Component.Property .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Error calling BeginLoad on the ResourcesLoader. The DesignerHost passed in was

null.",,"Erreur lors de l appel de BeginLoad sur le ResourcesLoader. Le Designer

Host pass tait null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Valid dialog or user control resource files must be generated by the Visual
Studio Form Designer and the Localizable property of the Form must be set to t
rue .",,"{0} La bote de dialogue valide ou les fichiers de ressources des contrles
utilisateur doivent tre gnrs par le Form Designer de Visual Studioet la proprit Local
zable du Form doit avoir la valeur true .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Missing the Name for the form or user control.",,"Nom manquant pour le formulai
re ou le contrle utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing the Type of the form or user control.",,"Type du formulaire du contrle u
tilisateur manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error instantiating ResourcesLoader, the stream passed in was null.",,"Erreur l
ors de l instanciation de ResourcesLoader, le flux pass tait null.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lefts",,"Cts gauches",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to load the resource due to the following error:",,"Impossible de charge
r la ressource cause de l erreur suivante:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Make Equal",,"galiser",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Make Same Size",,"Uniformiser la taille",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Middles",,"Milieux",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No components found containing HotKey values.",,"Aucun composant contenant des
valeurs de touche d accs rapide n a t trouv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"No duplicate HotKeys found.",,"Aucune touche d accs rapide duplique n a t trouve.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to locate resource loader.",,"Impossible de localiser le chargeur de res
source.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Version: {0} , File has incorrect version number. ",,"Version: {0} . Le fichie
r a un numro de version incorrect. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Open...",,"Ouvrir...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Order",,"Ordre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display Output Window",,"Afficher la fentre Sortie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output Window",,"Fentre Sortie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<Unknown Item>",,"<lment inconnu>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A null IFileFormat was passed to the constructor for the ProjectItem.",,"Un IFi
leFormat null a t pass au constructeur pour le ProjectItem.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unknown FileFormat was specified in the ProjectItem s SaveAs method.",,"Un F
ileFormat inconnu a t spcifi dans la mthode SaveAs du ProjectItem.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display Properties Window",,"Afficher la fentre Proprits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property Browser",,"Explorateur de proprits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Toggle Property Browser",,"Activer/Dsactiver l Explorateur de proprits",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ResX File(*.resx)",,"Fichier ResX (*.resx)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The default culture file for the current culture not found, Please add the defu
lt culture file.",,"Le fichier de culture par dfaut pour la culture actuelle est
introuvable. Ajoutez le fichier de culture par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The filename provided for the ResXFile is null.",,"Le nom de fichier fourni pou
r le ResXFile est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource Browser",,"Explorateur de ressources",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"

,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Toggle Resource Browser",,"Activer/Dsactiver l Explorateur de ressources",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resources File(*.resources)",,"Fichier de ressources (*.resources)",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The filename provided for the ResourcesFile is null.",,"Le nom de fichier fourn
i pour le ResourcesFile est null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Rights",,"Cts droits",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Save As...",,"Enregistrer sous...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Saving resources in an assembly is currently not supported.",,"L enregistrement
de ressources dans un assembly n est pas pris en charge actuellement.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Saving to culture: {0}\nAssembly FileName: {1}\nTarget FileName: {2}",,"Enregis
trement dans la culture: {0}\nNom de fichier d assembly: {1}\nNom de fichier cible:
{2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Snap To Grid",,"Aligner sur la grille",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Loading...",,"Chargement en cours...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Ready",,"Prt",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To Grid",,"Sur la grille",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tops",,"Sommets",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find type {0} .",,"Impossible de trouver le type {0} .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Files with the {0} extension are not supported.",,"Les fichiers avec l extensio
n {0} ne sont pas pris en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"\n\nUsage: Winres [resource file] \n
Winres supports resource files with the
following extensions:\n
.resx and .resources\n
\nThe command switch -?
shows this dialog.\n",,"\n\nUtilisation: Winres [fichier de ressources] \n
res prend en charge les fichiers de ressources ayant les extensions suivantes:\n
.resx et .resources\n
\nLe commutateur de commande -? affiche cette bote
de dialogue.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This file contains resources created in version {0}x. Opening this file in Win
res {1} will upgrade the resources permanently to the {1} format. Do you wish t
o continue? ",,"Ce fichier contient des ressources cres dans la version {0}x. Si v
ous ouvrez ce fichier dans Winres {1}, les ressources seront dfinitivement mises
niveau au format {1}. Voulez-vous continuer? ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Vertical Spacing",,"Espacement vertical",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
".NET Framework sample Windows forms designer",,".NET Framework - Exemple de Con
cepteur Windows Forms",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You do not have sufficient privileges to complete this operation for all users
of this computer. Log on as an administrator and rerun Setup.",,"Vous ne dispose
z pas de privilges suffisants pour effectuer cette opration pour l ensemble des ut
ilisateurs de cet ordinateur. Ouvrez une session en tant qu administrateur et rexc
utez le programme d installation.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Setup may not run properly, because Background Intelligent Transfer Service (BI
TS) is not available on this computer.",,"Le programme d installation peut ne pa
s s excuter correctement, car le service de transfert intelligent en arrire-plan (
BITS) n est pas disponible sur cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must install the #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) 2.0 SP2 OS component.",,"Vous dev
ez installer le composant de systme d exploitation #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx)2.0SP2."
,,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Same or higher version of #(loc.Branding_ProductName) has already been installe

d on this computer.",,"La mme version ou une version ultrieure de #(loc.Branding_P

roductName) est dj installe sur cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Same or higher version of #(loc.Branding_LPProductName) has already been instal
led on this computer.",,"La mme version ou une version ultrieure de #(loc.Branding
_LPProductName) est dj installe sur cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The setup cannot run in compatibility mode.",,"Le programme d installation ne p
eut pas s excuter en mode de compatibilit.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"The #(loc.Branding_LPProductName) requires the #(loc.Branding_ProductName). Ple
ase install the #(loc.Branding_ProductName) from the #(loc.Link_DownloadCenter)
and rerun Setup.",,"#(loc.Branding_LPProductName) requiert #(loc.Branding_Produc
tName). Installez #(loc.Branding_ProductName) depuis le #(loc.Link_DownloadCente
r), puis rexcutez le programme d installation.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup cannot run, because the Windows Installer Service is not available on thi
s computer.",,"Impossible d excuter le programme d installation car le service Wi
ndows Installer n est pas disponible sur cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot use this setup program to install the #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx).",,"I
mpossible d utiliser ce programme d installation pour installer #(loc.Branding_D
otNetFx).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot run the #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) setup program in safe mode. Please
restart your computer and let Windows start normally, and then run setup again."
,,"Impossible d excuter le programme d installation de #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) e
n mode sans chec. Redmarrez votre ordinateur, laissez votre ordinateur dmarrer norm
alement, puis rexcutez le programme d installation.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short) is already a part o
f this operating system, but it is currently turned off. To enable the #(loc.Br
anding_ProductName_Short), use Turn Windows features on or off in Control Panel.
",,"#(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short) est dj install sur
ce systme d exploitation, mais il est actuellement dsactiv. Pour activer #(loc.Bran
ding_ProductName_Short), utilisez l option Activer ou dsactiver des fonctionnalits
Windows du Panneau de configuration.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot install the #(loc.Branding_ProductName). Other applications on your comp
uter are not compatible with this program.",,"Impossible d installer #(loc.Brand
ing_ProductName). D autres applications installes sur cet ordinateur ne sont pas
compatibles avec ce programme.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot uninstall the #(loc.Branding_ProductName). Other applications on your co
mputer are dependent on this program.",,"Impossible de dsinstaller #(loc.Branding
_ProductName). D autres applications installes sur votre ordinateur dpendent de ce
programme.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short) is already a part o
f this operating system. You do not need to install the #(loc.Branding_ProductN
ame_Short) redistributable.",,"#(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_ProductN
ame_Short) est dj install sur ce systme d exploitation. Il n est pas ncessaire d inst
aller le composant redistribuable de #(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short).",,"AppDa
ta",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup may not run properly, because the Windows Modules Installer Service is no
t available on this computer.",,"Le programme d installation peut ne pas s excute
r correctement, car le programme d installation pour les modules Windows n est p
as install sur cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstalling #(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) may cause some
applications to cease to function.",,"La dsinstallation de #(loc.Branding_Microso
ft) #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) peut entraner le blocage de certaines applications."
,,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The #(loc.Branding_ProductName) is not supported on this operating system.",,"#

(loc.Branding_ProductName) n est pas pris en charge sur ce systme d exploitation.
",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Your computer is currently running a Server Core installation of the Windows Se
rver 2008 operating system. The #(loc.Branding_ProductName) requires a later rel
ease of the operating system. Please install Windows Server 2008 R2 SP1 or highe
r and rerun #(loc.Branding_ProductName) setup.",,"Votre ordinateur excute actuell
ement une installation ServerCore du systme d exploitation WindowsServer2008. #(loc.
Branding_ProductName) requiert une version ultrieure de ce systme d exploitation.
Installez Windows Server2008R2SP1 ou version ultrieure, puis rexcutez le programme d i
nstallation de #(loc.Branding_ProductName).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup cannot continue because a previous installation requires your computer to
be restarted. Please restart your computer and rerun Setup.",,"Impossible de po
ursuivre l installation, car une installation antrieure requiert le redmarrage de
l ordinateur. Redmarrez l ordinateur et rexcutez le programme d installation.",,"Ap
pData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup may not run properly, because the Windows Update Service is not available
on this computer.",,"Le programme d installation peut ne pas s excuter correctem
ent, car le service Windows Update n est pas disponible sur cet ordinateur.",,"A
ppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This setup program requires x64 or x86 computer. It cannot be installed on IA64
computer.",,"Impossible d excuter ce programme d installation sur un ordinateurIA
64. Le programme d installation requiert un ordinateurx64 oux86.",,"AppData",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This setup program requires an x86 computer. It cannot be installed on x64 or I
A64 computers.",,"Impossible d excuter ce programme d installation sur un ordinat
eurx64 ouIA64. Le programme d installation requiert un ordinateurx86.",,"AppData",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Close",,"&Fermer",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Co&ntinue",,"Co&ntinuer",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ENU",,"FRA",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Language Pack",,"Module linguistique",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"A layout of #(loc.Branding_ProductName) bits has not been created.",,"Aucune st
ructure de bits n a t cre pour #(loc.Branding_ProductName).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A layout of #(loc.Branding_LPProductName) bits has not been created.",,"Aucune
structure de bits n a t cre pour le #(loc.Branding_LPProductName).",,"AppData",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create Layout Did Not Succeed",,"chec de la cration de la structure",,"AppData",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File copy progress:",,"Progression de la copie de fichiers:",,"AppData",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copying %1!s!",,"Copie de %1!s!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Please wait while a layout of #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) setup is being created."
,,"Veuillez patienter pendant la cration d une structure pour le programme d inst
allation de #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Create Layout Progress",,"Progression de la cration de la structure",,"AppData",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A layout of #(loc.Branding_ProductName) bits has been created.",,"Une structure
de bits a t cre pour #(loc.Branding_ProductName).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A layout of #(loc.Branding_LPProductName) bits has been created.",,"Une structu
re de bits a t cre pour le #(loc.Branding_LPProductName).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create Layout Is Complete",,"Cration de la structure termine",,"AppData",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Layout has been successfully created.",,"La structure a t correctement cre.",,"AppD

ata",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"en",,"fr",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For information about the most current version of the #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx),
see #(loc.Link_WindowsUpdate).",,"Pour connatre la version la plus rcente de #(lo
c.Branding_DotNetFx), rendez-vous sur le site de #(loc.Link_WindowsUpdate).",,"A
ppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""For more information, read the <A HREF=""
d=249105"">Data Collection Policy</A>."",,""Pour plus d informations, consultez
notre <A HREF="""">procdure de colle
cte de donnes</A>."",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Download progress:",,"Progression du tlchargement:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Downloading %1!s!",,"Tlchargement de %1!s!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Download size estimate:",,"Estimation de la taille du tlchargement:",,"AppData",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All files were downloaded successfully.",,"Tous les fichiers ont t correctement tlc
hargs.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Broadband: $$DownloadTimeOverBroadband$$ minutes",,"Haut dbit: $$DownloadTimeOver
Broadband$$ minutes",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dial-Up: $$DownloadTimeOverDialup$$ minutes",,"Connexion distance: $$DownloadTim
eOverDialup$$ minutes",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Download time estimates:",,"Estimations du temps de tlchargement:",,"AppData",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"When you close this wizard, you will be prompted to send a problem report to #(
loc.Branding_Microsoft). For more information, see #(loc.Link_ErrorReportingServ
ice).",,"Au moment de quitter cet Assistant, vous serez invit envoyer un rapport
de problmes #(loc.Branding_Microsoft). Pour plus d informations, rendez-vous sur
le site du #(loc.Link_ErrorReportingService).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Install",,"&Installer",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please accept the license terms to continue.",,"Acceptez les termes du contrat
de licence pour continuer.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short) Setup",,"Programme d installation de #(loc.Br
anding_ProductName_Short)",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English #(loc.Branding_LanguagePack) Setup",,"Programme d installation du #(loc
.Branding_LanguagePack) - Franais",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""For more information about this problem, see the <A ID=""OpenLogFile"">log fil
e</A>. \r\n For information about the most current version of the #(loc.Branding
_DotNetFx), see #(loc.Link_WindowsUpdate). \r\n When you close this wizard, you
will be prompted to send a problem report to #(loc.Branding_Microsoft). For mor
e information, see #(loc.Link_ErrorReportingService)."",,""Pour plus d informati
ons sur ce problme, consultez le <A ID=""OpenLogFile"">fichier journal</A>. \r\n
Pour connatre la version la plus rcente de #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx), rendez-vous s
ur le site de #(loc.Link_WindowsUpdate). \r\n Au moment de quitter cet Assistant
, vous serez invit signaler tout problme #(loc.Branding_Microsoft). Pour plus d in
formations, consultez le site du #(loc.Link_ErrorReportingService)."",,"AppData"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File uncompression:",,"Dcompression des fichiers:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uncompressing %1!s!",,"Dcompression de %1!s!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All files were uncompressed successfully.",,"Tous les fichiers ont t correctement
dcompresss.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File security verification:",,"Vrification de la scurit des fichiers:",,"AppData",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verifying %1!s!",,"Vrification de %1!s!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"

"All files were verified successfully.",,"Tous les fichiers ont t correctement vrif
is.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""More information about <A HREF=""
"">blocked #(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short) installations</A>."",,""Plus d info
rmations sur les <A HREF="""">insta
llations #(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short) bloques</A>."",,"AppData",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cancelling",,"Annulation",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Examining computer configuration.",,"Examen de la configuration de l ordinateur
.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"C&lose",,"Fer&mer",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Continue",,"&Continuer",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Download failed. Please make sure this computer is connected to the internet. I
f the download still fails, consider obtaining the #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) stan
dalone installer from #(loc.Link_DownloadCenter). Error code ",,"chec du tlchargem
ent. Vrifiez que votre ordinateur est connect Internet. Si le tlchargement choue de n
ouveau, essayez de tlcharger le programme d installation en mode autonome de #(loc
.Branding_DotNetFx) depuis le #(loc.Link_DownloadCenter). Code d erreur ",,"AppD
ata",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup has detected that this computer does not meet the requirements to complet
e this operation. The following blocking issues must be resolved before you can
proceed.",,"Le programme d installation a dtect que cet ordinateur ne rpond pas aux
exigences relatives l excution de cette opration. Vous devez rsoudre les problmes m
ajeurs suivants avant de pouvoir continuer.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup has detected the following conditions on this computer. It is recommende
d that you address these warnings before continuing.",,"Le programme d installat
ion a dtect les problmes suivants sur cet ordinateur. Il est recommand de corriger c
es avertissements avant de continuer.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Blocking Issues:",,"Erreurs majeures:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"< &Back",,"< &Prcdent",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Finish",,"&Terminer",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Another installation process is running. Wait a moment, then click Retry. Or, i
f you are running any other installation process along with this one, close it n
ow, and then click Retry. If this message continues to appear, click Cancel to e
xit and rerun this package again.",,"Un autre processus d installation est en co
urs d excution. Patientez quelques instants, puis cliquez sur Ressayer. Sinon, si
vous excutez un autre processus d installation en mme temps que celui-ci, fermez-l
e, puis cliquez sur Ressayer. Si ce message continue de s afficher, cliquez sur A
nnuler pour quitter et rexcuter ce package.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Next >",,"&Suivant >",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Are you sure you want to cancel?",,"Voulez-vous vraiment annuler?",,"AppData",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Mi&nimize",,"R&duire",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Windows Installer version 3.1 or higher is required to perform this installatio
n. Please visit to obtain the appropri
ate version of Windows Installer 3.1 for your system.",,"Windows Installer versi
on3.1 ou suprieure est requis pour effectuer cette installation. Visitez http://su afin d obtenir la version approprie de Windows I
nstaller3.1 pour votre systme.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Another install of this package is already running. Please wait for the other i
nstall to finish before reinstalling this package.",,"Une autre installation de
ce package est dj en cours d excution. Attendez la fin de l autre installation avan
t de rinstaller ce package.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please wait.",,"Patientez.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Warnings:",,"Avertissements:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Download complete.",,"Tlchargement termin.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Download starting.",,"Dbut du tlchargement.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Download time remaining: %1!i!:%2!02i!:%3!02i!",,"Temps de tlchargement restant:
%1!i!:%2!02i!:%3!02i!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Restore",,"&Restaurer",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Your installation will not occur. See below for reasons why.",,"Impossible d ef
fectuer l installation. Consultez ci-dessous les raisons du problme.",,"AppData",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uncompression failed with error code ",,"chec de la dcompression avec le code d e
rreur ",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstalling #(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) may cause some
applications to cease to function. Click OK to proceed.",,"La dsinstallation de
#(loc.Branding_Microsoft) #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) peut entraner le blocage de ce
rtaines applications. Cliquez sur OK pour continuer.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Verification failed with error code ",,"chec de la vrification avec le code d err
eur ",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A layout of this software installation package %1!s! will be created at locatio
n %2!s!.",,"Une structure de ce package d installation de logiciel %1!s! sera cre
l emplacement %2!s!.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"%1!s! does not apply, or is blocked by another condition on your computer. Plea
se click the link below for more details.",,"%1!s! n est pas applicable ou est b
loqu par un autre problme sur votre ordinateur. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pou
r plus d informations.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) Setup has failed",,"chec de l installation de #(loc.
Branding_ProductName).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) has not been installed because:",,"#(loc.Branding_P
roductName) n a pas t install, car:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"#(loc.Branding_LPProductName) has not been installed because:",,"Le #(loc.Brand
ing_LPProductName) n a pas t install, car:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Installation Did Not Succeed",,"chec de l installation",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation progress:",,"Progression de l installation:",,"AppData",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installing %1!s!",,"Installation de %1!s!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please wait while the #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) is being installed.",,"Veuillez
patienter pendant l installation de #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx).",,"AppData",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation Progress",,"Progression de l installation",,"AppData",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) has been installed.",,"#(loc.Branding_ProductName)
a t install.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_LPProductName) has been installed.",,"Le #(loc.Branding_LPProduc
tName) a t install.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installation Is Complete",,"Installation termine",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The software has been installed successfully.",,"Le logiciel a t correctement ins
tall.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"0x409",,"0x40c",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"I have read and &accept the license terms.",,"&J ai lu les termes du contrat de
licence et je les accepte.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""<A HREF="""">Microsoft Download C

enter</A>"",,""<A HREF="""">Centre
de tlchargement Microsoft</A>"",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""<A HREF="""">Microsoft Error Repo
rting Service</A>"",,""<A HREF=""""
>service de rapport d erreurs Microsoft</A>"",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""<A HREF="""">Readme file</A>"",,"
"<A HREF="""">fichier Lisez-moi</A>
"",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""<A HREF="""">Windows Update</A>""
,,""<A HREF="""">Windows Update</A>
"",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Repair #(loc.Branding_ProductName) to its original state.",,"&Restaurer #(loc.
Branding_ProductName) son tat d origine.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"&Repair #(loc.Branding_LPProductName) to its original state.",,"&Restaurer #(lo
c.Branding_LPProductName) son tat d origine.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You can repair your installation or remove it from this computer.",,"Vous pouve
z rparer votre installation ou la supprimer de cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName_Short) Maintenance",,"Maintenance de #(loc.Branding_
ProductName_Short)",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"English #(loc.Branding_LanguagePack) Maintenance",,"Maintenance du #(loc.Brandi
ng_LanguagePack) - Franais",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Re&move #(loc.Branding_ProductName) from this computer.",,"Su&pprimer #(loc.Bra
nding_ProductName) de cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Re&move #(loc.Branding_LPProductName) from this computer.",,"Suppri&mer le #(lo
c.Branding_LPProductName) de cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please select one of the following options:",,"Slectionnez l une des options sui
vantes:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"necessary components for #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx)",,"composants ncessaires #(loc
.Branding_DotNetFx)",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No items need to be downloaded.",,"Aucun lment ne doit tre tlcharg.",,"AppData",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) does not apply",,"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) n est
pas applicable.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_LPProductName) does not apply",,"Le #(loc.Branding_LPProductName
) n est pas applicable.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Product does not apply",,"Produit non applicable",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""For more information about this problem, see the <A ID=""OpenLogFile"">log fil
e</A>."",,""Pour plus d informations sur ce problme, consultez le <A ID=""OpenLog
File"">fichier journal</A>."",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preparing for create layout.",,"Prparation de la cration de la structure.",,"AppD
ata",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preparing for download.",,"Prparation du tlchargement.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preparing for file uncompression.",,"Prparation de la dcompression des fichiers."
,,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preparing for file verification.",,"Prparation de la vrification des fichiers.",,
"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preparing for installation.",,"Prparation de l installation.",,"AppData",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preparing for repair.",,"Prparation de la rparation.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Preparing for removal.",,"Prparation de la suppression.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Restart &Later",,"Redmarrer u&ltrieurement",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,

"Blue 4.5.1"
"Restart &Now",,"&Redmarrer maintenant",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"You must restart your computer to complete the installation. If you choose Rest
art Later, applications dependent on #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) may stop working."
,,"Vous devez redmarrer votre ordinateur pour terminer l installation. Si vous cl
iquez sur le bouton Redmarrer ultrieurement, les applications qui dpendent de #(loc
.Branding_DotNetFx) risquent de ne plus fonctionner.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) has not been repaired because:",,"#(loc.Branding_Pr
oductName) n a pas t rpar, car:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_LPProductName) has not been repaired because:",,"Le #(loc.Brandi
ng_LPProductName) n a pas t rpar, car:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Repair Did Not Succeed",,"chec de la rparation",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Repair progress:",,"Progression de la rparation:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Repairing %1!s!",,"Rparation de %1!s!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Please wait while the #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) is being repaired.",,"Veuillez p
atienter pendant la rparation de #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx).",,"AppData",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Repair Progress",,"Progression de la rparation",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) has been repaired.",,"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) a
t rpar.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_LPProductName) has been repaired.",,"Le #(loc.Branding_LPProduct
Name) a t rpar.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Repair Is Complete",,"Rparation termine",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The software has been repaired successfully.",,"Le logiciel a t correctement rpar."
,,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rollback progress:",,"Progression de la restauration:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Rolling back %1!s!",,"Restauration de %1!s!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Yes, send information about my setup experiences to #(loc.Branding_Microsoft)
Corporation.",,"&Oui, envoyer des informations relatives mon installation #(loc.
Branding_Microsoft) Corporation.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"These programs must be closed:",,"Ces programmes doivent tre ferms:",,"AppData",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enough disk space must be available.",,"L espace disque disponible doit tre suff
isant.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Refresh",,"Actualise&r",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Drive %1!s!: Required - %2!s! MB, Available - %3!s! MB",,"Lecteur %1!s!: Requi
s - %2!s!Mo. Disponible - %3!s!Mo",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Resolve the conflicts, click Refresh to verify that the conflicts have been res
olved, and then click Next to continue with the installation.",,"Rsolvez les conf
lits, cliquez sur Actualiser pour vrifier que les conflits ont t rsolus, puis clique
z sur Suivant pour poursuivre l installation.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"These services must be stopped:",,"Ces services doivent tre arrts:",,"AppData",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup cannot continue until the following conflicts have been resolved.",,"Impo
ssible de poursuivre l installation tant que les conflits suivants n ont pas t rsol
us.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"System Requirements",,"Configuration requise",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewor

k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) has not been removed from this computer because:",,
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) n a pas t supprim de cet ordinateur, car:",,"AppData",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_LPProductName) has not been removed from this computer because:"
,,"Le #(loc.Branding_LPProductName) n a pas t supprim de cet ordinateur, car:",,"App
Data",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removal Did Not Succeed",,"chec de la suppression",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removal progress:",,"Progression de la suppression:",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removing %1!s!",,"Suppression de %1!s!",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Please wait while the #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) is being removed from this compu
ter.",,"Veuillez patienter pendant la suppression de #(loc.Branding_DotNetFx) de
cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removal Progress",,"Progression de la suppression",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_ProductName) has been removed from this computer.",,"#(loc.Brand
ing_ProductName) a t supprim de cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.Branding_LPProductName) has been removed from this computer.",,"Le #(loc.
Branding_LPProductName) a t supprim de cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removal Is Complete",,"Suppression termine",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The software has been successfully removed.",,"Le logiciel a t correctement suppr
im.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update #(loc.UIProductName) Uninstallation",,"Dsinstallation de la mise jour #(l
oc.UIProductName)",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Update #(loc.UIProductName) has not been removed from this computer because:",,
"La mise jour #(loc.UIProductName) n a pas t supprime de cet ordinateur, car:",,"App
Data",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstallation Did Not Succeed",,"chec de la dsinstallation",,"AppData",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"&Repair Update #(loc.UIProductName).",,"&Rparer la mise jour #(loc.UIProductName)
.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You can remove Update #(loc.UIProductName) from this computer.",,"Vous pouvez s
upprimer la mise jour #(loc.UIProductName) de cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Re&move Update #(loc.UIProductName)from this computer.",,"Suppri&mer la mise jo
ur #(loc.UIProductName) de cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please select Next to remove Update #(loc.UIProductName) from all products on t
his computer.",,"Slectionnez Suivant pour supprimer la mise jour#(loc.UIProductNam
e) de tous les produits sur cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"#(loc.UIProductName) does not apply",,"#(loc.UIProductName) non applicable",,"
AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstallation progress:",,"Progression de la dsinstallation:",,"AppData",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstalling #(loc.UIProductName) from all products",,"Dsinstallation de la mise
jour#(loc.UIProductName) de tous les produits",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please wait while Update #(loc.UIProductName) is Uninstalled.",,"Patientez pend
ant la dsinstallation de la mise jour #(loc.UIProductName).",,"AppData",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstallation Progress",,"Progression de la dsinstallation",,"AppData",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Update #(loc.UIProductName) has been removed from this computer.",,"La mise jou
r #(loc.UIProductName) a t supprime de cet ordinateur.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uninstallation Is Complete",,"Dsinstallation termine",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Waiting for another install to complete.",,"Une autre installation est en cours
, patientez.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Welcome to the #(loc.UIProductName) software update. See below for products upd
ated by this patch.",,"Bienvenue dans la mise jour logicielle de #(loc.UIProduct
Name). Les produits mis jour par ce correctif sont rpertoris ci-dessous.",,"AppDat
a",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Check for more recent versions on #(loc.Link_WindowsUpdate).",,"Recherchez des
versions plus rcentes sur #(loc.Link_WindowsUpdate).",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Yes, send information about my setup experiences to Microsoft Corporation.",,"O
ui, envoyer des informations relatives mon installation Microsoft Corporation.",
,"Check Box",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A reboot is required to complete this installation.",,"Un redmarrage est requis
pour terminer cette installation.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Retry",,"Ressayer",,"Button",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Some files that need to be updated are in use by the applications shown below."
,,"Certains fichiers qui doivent tre mis jour sont en cours d utilisation par les
applications indiques ci-dessous.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Close these applications and click Retry to continue the installation. Selectin
g Ignore will result in a reboot at the end of the installation. Select Cancel t
o exit setup.",,"Fermez ces applications et cliquez sur Ressayer pour continuer l
installation. Si vous slectionnez Ignorer, l ordinateur redmarrera la fin de l in
stallation. Slectionnez Annuler pour quitter le programme d installation.",,"Stat
ic Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Files in Use",,"Fichiers utiliss",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"sys link display text",,"texte d affichage du lien sys",,"Custom Control",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Title Here",,"Titre ici",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Dialog",,"Bote de dialogue",,"Dialog Title",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""<A ID=""idRefersh"">Refresh</A>"",,""<A ID=""idRefersh"">Actualiser</A>"",,"Cu
stom Control",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup has to update files that are being used by the following programs. Save
your work and click Yes to automatically close these programs. If you click No,
Setup may have to restart Windows after installation.",,"Le programmation d ins
tallation doit mettre jour des fichiers actuellement utiliss par les programmes s
uivants. Enregistrez votre travail et cliquez sur Oui pour fermer ces programme
s automatiquement. Si vous cliquez sur Non, le programmation d installation devr
a peut-tre redmarrer Windows aprs l installation.",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Programs to close:",,"Programmes fermer :",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do you want Setup to close your programs?",,"Voulez-vous que le programme d ins
tallation ferme vos programmes ?",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Disabled",,"Dsactiv",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Some command line switches are disabled for this package: %1!s!",,"Certains com
mutateurs de ligne de commande sont dsactivs pour ce package: %1!s!",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Next",,"Suivant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Setup Satellite Resource Dll",,"Setup Satellite Resource Dll",,"Version",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Setup has detected that the .NET Framework version 4.5 needs to be repaired. Do
not restart your computer until Setup is complete.",,"Le programme d installati
on a dtect que .NET Framework version4.5 doit tre rpar. Ne redmarrez pas votre ordinat
ur tant que le programme d installation n est pas termin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please restart your computer to complete the installation. If you choose Restar
t Later, applications that depend on .NET Framework may not function properly.",
,"Redmarrez votre ordinateur pour terminer l installation. Si vous choisissez Redm
arrer ultrieurement, les applications qui dpendent du .NET Framework pourront ne p
as fonctionner correctement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Restart now",,"Redmarrer maintenant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Restart later",,"Redmarrer ultrieurement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 Setup",,"Programme d installation de Microsoft .NE
T Framework4.5",,"Version",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5; Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, All rights r
eserved.",,"Microsoft .NET Framework4.5; Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, Tous
droits rservs.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5",,"Microsoft .NET Framework4.5",,"AppData",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework 4.5",,".NET Framework 4.5",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 JPN Language Pack; Copyright (C) Microsoft Corpora
tion, All rights reserved.",,"Module linguistique de Microsoft .NET Framework4.5
- FRA; Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, Tous droits rservs.",,"AppData",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 JPN Language Pack",,"Module linguistique de Micros
oft .NET Framework 4.5 - FRA",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework 4.5 JPN Language Pack",,"Module linguistique de .NET Framework 4
.5 - FRA",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To install this product please run Setup.exe",,"Pour installer ce produit, excut
ez Setup.exe",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A later version of [ProductName] is already installed.",,"Une version ultrieure
de [ProductName] est dj installe.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Microsoft .NET Framework 4.5 is already a part of this operating system, but it
is currently turned off. To enable the .NET Framework 4.5, use Turn Windows fe
atures on or off in Control Panel.",,"Microsoft .NET Framework4.5 est dj install sur
ce systme d exploitation, mais il est actuellement dsactiv. Pour activer .NET Fram
ework4.5, utilisez l option Activer ou dsactiver des fonctionnalits Windows du Pann
eau de configuration.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[ProductName] cannot be installed because it will affect other applications tha
t are installed. For more information, see
d=249112.",,"Impossible d installer [ProductName], car cela affectera d autres a
pplications installes. Pour plus d informations, consultez
m/fwlink/?LinkId=249112.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[ProductName] cannot be uninstalled because it will affect other applications t
hat are installed. For more information, see
kId=249112.",,"Impossible de dsinstaller [ProductName], car cela affectera d autr
es applications installes. Pour plus d informations, consultez http://go.microsof",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[ProductName] is not supported on this operating system. For more information,
see",,"[ProductName] n est pas pr
is en charge sur ce systme d exploitation. Pour plus d informations, consultez ht
tp://",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[ProductName] cannot be installed separately. It is included in Visual Studio a
nd similar products.",,"[ProductName] ne peut pas tre install sparment. Il est inclu
s dans Visual Studio et les produits similaires.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Frame

work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A later version of Multi-Targeting Pack is already installed.",,"Une version ul
trieure du pack multi-ciblage est dj installe.",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Used to help service the product",,"Sert la maintenance du produit",,"AppData",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Servicing",,"Maintenance",,"AppData",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Behavior when BOF is reached.",,"Comportement lorsque le dbut de fichier est att
eint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control s background color",,"Couleur d arrire-plan du contrle",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Returns or sets the number of rows to keep cached as navigating through the rec
ordset",,"Retourne ou dfinit le nombre de lignes conserver dans le cache au cours
de la navigation dans le recordset",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Indicates how long to wait while executing a command before terminating the att
empt and generating an error",,"Indique le dlai d attente lors de l excution d une
commande avant d abandonner la tentative et de gnrer une erreur",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies how a command argument should be interpreted.",,"Spcifie la manire dont
un argument de commande doit tre interprt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Indicates the information used to establish a connection to a data source.",,"I
ndique les informations utilises pour tablir une connexion une source de donnes.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates how long to wait while establishing a connection before terminating t
he attempt and generating an error.",,"Indique le dlai d attente lors de l tabliss
ement d une connexion avant d abandonner la tentative et de gnrer une erreur.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control s caption",,"Lgende du contrle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Indicates the location of the cursor service.",,"Indique l emplacement du servi
ce de curseur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the type of cursor used in a Recordset object.",,"Indique le type de
curseur utilis dans un objet Recordset.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Behavior when EOF is reached.",,"Comportement lorsque la fin de fichier est att
einte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the type of locks placed on records during editing.",,"Indique le typ
e des verrous placs sur les enregistrements au cours de la modification.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the maximum number of records to return to a Recordset from a query."
,,"Indique le nombre maximal d enregistrements retourner un Recordset partir d u
ne requte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indicates the available permissions for modifying data.",,"Indique les autorisa
tions disponibles pour la modification des donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control s orientation.",,"Orientation du contrle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Password to use when establishing connection with a database.",,"Mot de passe u
tiliser lors de l tablissement d une connexion une base de donnes.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source of the recordset (SQL query or table name).",,"Source du recordset (requt
e SQL ou nom de table).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User name to use when establishing connection with a database.",,"Nom d utilisa
teur employer lors de l tablissement d une connexion une base de donnes.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adodc1",,"Adodc1",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Error description unavailable)",,"(Description d erreur non disponible)",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Error |1: |2",,"Erreur |1: |2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Managed ADO Data Control",,"Contrle de donnes ADO manag",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control was already disposed",,"Le contrle a dj t supprim",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection is empty.",,"La collection est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First parameter to Add method cannot be null.",,"Le premier paramtre de la mthode
Add ne peut pas tre null.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data source initialization error: the row position object could not be advised.
",,"Erreur d initialisation de la source de donnes: l objet row position n a pas p
u tre dtermin.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data source initialization error: the rowset object could not be advised.",,"Er
reur d initialisation de la source de donnes: l objet rowset n a pas pu tre dtermin."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t obtain OLE DB accessor object.",,"Impossible d obtenir l objet accesse
ur OLE DB.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t create OLE DB accessor object for column named |1 .",,"Impossible de
crer l objet accesseur OLE DB pour la colonne nomme |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Row handles could not be compared.",,"Impossible de comparer les handles de lig
ne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property |1 could not be found.",,"La proprit |1 est introuvable.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the data field cannot be an empty string.",,"Le nom du champ de don
nes ne peut pas tre une chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid value. DataFormat property can only be set to NULL or an object that su
pports IDataFormat interface.",,"Valeur non valide. La proprit DataFormat peut uni
quement tre dfinie NULL ou un objet qui prend en charge l interface IDataFormat.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Database could not be updated because it is read-only.",,"La base de donnes n a
pas pu tre mise jour, car elle est en lecture seule.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"DataSource property must be set before calling MBindingCollection.Add().",,"La
proprit DataSource doit tre dfinie avant d appeler MBindingCollection.Add().",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Couldn t obtain IRowset interface from data source object.",,"Impossible d obte
nir l interface IRowset de l objet source de donnes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index value invalid.",,"Valeur d index non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First parameter to Add method must be a WinForms control.",,"Le premier paramtre
de la mthode Add doit tre un contrle WinForms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"The name of the data consumer property to be bound to data source cannot be an
empty string.",,"Le nom de la proprit du consommateur de donnes lier la source de d
onnes ne peut pas tre une chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Row position interface is currently unavailable.",,"L interface row position n
est pas disponible actuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Query result does not contain a column named |1 .",,"Le rsultat de la requte ne
contient pas de colonne nomme |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Formatting a value of type |1 is unsupported. Consider using Microsoft.Visua
lBasic.Format() instead.",,"Impossible de mettre en forme une valeur de type |1
. Utilisez la place Microsoft.VisualBasic.Format().",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument |1 is an incorrect control type.",,"Type de contrle incorrect pour l ar
gument |1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument |1 is an invalid value.",,"L argument |1 n est pas une valeur valide."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Control array already has a control at index |1.",,"Le tableau de contrles compo
rte dj un contrle l index |1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are no controls in this control array. Loading a new control requires an
existing control to clone.",,"Ce tableau de contrles ne contient aucun contrle. U
n nouveau contrle peut tre charg uniquement s il existe dj un contrle cloner.",,"Text
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to clone control array element",,"Impossible de cloner l lment du tableau
de contrles",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid control array index",,"Index du tableau de contrles incorrect",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control array element |1 doesn t exist.",,"L lment du tableau de contrles |1 n exi
ste pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t unload controls created at design time",,"Impossible de dcharger des contrl
es crs au moment du design",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control array element |1 has already been loaded.",,"L lment du tableau de contrle
s |1 a dj t charg.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object is not a member of a control array.",,"L objet n est pas un membre du ta
bleau de contrles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Device unavailable",,"Priphrique non disponible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Device unavailable: ""|1"""",,""Priphrique non disponible: ""|1"""",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""File not found: ""|1"""",,""Fichier introuvable: ""|1"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid procedure call or argument",,"Argument ou appel de procdure non valide",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid picture type",,"Type d image incorrect",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid property array index",,"Index de tableau de proprits non valide",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Subscript out of range",,"Indice hors limites",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Path not found",,"Chemin d accs introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Path not found: ""|1"""",,""Chemin d accs introuvable: ""|1"""",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid property value",,"Valeur de proprit non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type mismatch",,"Incompatibilit de type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Entry in Items array was not of a type supported by |1.",,"Une entre du tableau
d lments a un type non pris en charge par |1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource with identifier |1 not found",,"La ressource dont l identificateur e
st |1 est introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bitmaps, Cursors and Icons are not supported in LoadResData. Please use LoadRe
sPicture instead.",,"Les bitmaps, curseurs et icnes ne sont pas pris en charge pa
r LoadResData. Utilisez la place LoadResPicture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A menu item which is not part of a menu structure on a form does not support |1
.",,"Un lment de menu qui ne fait pas partie d une structure de menu dans un formu
laire ne prend pas en charge |1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to determine screen resolution settings",,"Impossible de dterminer les pa
ramtres de la rsolution d cran",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Control array has no members",,"Le tableau de contrles ne comporte aucun membre"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"New() Parameter ContainingClass is not optional.",,"New() Le paramtre Contain
ingClass n est pas optionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The requested event could not be found. Event methods need to be Public. The Ev

ent name is :",,"Impossible de trouver l vnement demand. Les mthodes Event doivent tr
e de type Public. Le nom de l vnement est:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"NextItem cannot be set to the currently executing WebItem.",,"NextItem ne peut
pas tre dfini au WebItem en cours d excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"<NextItem>_Respond could not be found. It needs be Public.",,"<NextItem>_Respon
d est introuvable. Il doit tre de type Public.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebClass New() Parameter UserWebClassName is not optional.",,"WebClass New()
Le paramtre UserWebClassName n est pas optionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebClass New() Parameter WebClassFileName is not optional.",,"WebClass New()
Le paramtre WebClassFileName n est pas optionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This WebItem does not exist. The WebItem name is :",,"Ce WebItem n existe pas.
Le nom du WebItem est:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebItem New() Parameter AssociatedWebClass is not optional.",,"WebItem New()
Le paramtre AssociatedWebClass n est pas optionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A matching closing tag could not be found in the template. The missing Tag is :
",,"Une balise de fermeture correspondante est introuvable dans le modle. La bali
se manquante est:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error attempting to load HTML template resource.",,"Erreur inattendu
e lors d une tentative de chargement d une ressource de modle HTML.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error attempting to load template file.",,"Erreur inattendue lors d
une tentative de chargement d un fichier modle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"WebItem New() Parameter Name is not optional.",,"WebItem New() Le paramtre Na
me n est pas optionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No HTML Template file was specified.",,"Aucun fichier de modle HTML n a t spcifi.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You cannot nest tags within tags to more than 20 levels.",,"Vous ne pouvez pas
imbriquer des balises dans des balises au-del de 20niveaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected error while reading from template file.",,"Erreur inattendue lors de
la lecture du fichier modle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Progress Dialog",,"Bote de dialogue Avancement",,"Static Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible overloaded {0} can be called with these arguments without a nar
rowing conversion: {1}",,"Aucun {0} surcharg accessible ne peut tre appel avec ce
s arguments sans conversion restrictive: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible overloaded {0} is most specific for these arguments: {1}",,"Auc
un {0} surcharg accessible ne prsente une plus grande spcificit pour ces arguments:
{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible overloaded {0} can be called with these arguments without a wid
ening conversion: {1}",,"Aucun {0} surcharg accessible ne peut tre appel avec ces
arguments sans conversion tendue: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Conversion from type {0} to type {1} is ambiguous.",,"La conversion du type
{0} en type {1} est ambigu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible overloaded {0} can be called without a narrowing conversion.",,
"Aucun {0} surcharg accessible ne peut tre appel sans conversion restrictive.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An unexpected error has occurred because an operating system resource required
for single instance startup cannot be acquired.",,"Une erreur inattendue s est p
roduite parce qu une ressource de systme d exploitation requise pour le dmarrage d
e l instance unique ne peut pas tre acquise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"A startup form has not been specified.",,"Un formulaire de dmarrage n a pas t spcif
i.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This single-instance application could not connect to the original instance.",,
"Impossible de connecter cette application instance unique l instance d origine.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Splash screen and main form cannot be the same form.",,"L cran de dmarrage et le
formulaire principal ne peuvent pas tre le mme formulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"BaseFileName cannot be Nothing or an empty String.",,"BaseFileName ne peut pas t
re Nothing ou un String vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value of {0} must be greater than or equal to 1000.",,"La valeur de {0} doi
t tre suprieure ou gale 1000.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to obtain a stream for the log. Potential file names based on {0} are a
lready in use.",,"Impossible d obtenir un flux pour le journal. Des noms de fich
iers ventuels fonds sur {0} sont dj utiliss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Unable to write to log file because writing to it would cause it to exceed the
MaxFileSize value.",,"Impossible d crire dans le fichier journal, car cette oprati
on entranerait un dpassement de la valeur MaxFileSize.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot determine the amount of available disk space.",,"Impossible de dterminer
la quantit d espace disque disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The value of {0} must be a positive number.",,"La valeur de {0} doit tre un nomb
re positif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to write to log file because writing to it would reduce free disk space
below ReservedSpace value.",,"Impossible d crire dans le fichier journal, car la
quantit d espace disque libre deviendrait alors infrieure la valeur ReservedSpace.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument matching parameter {0} cannot convert from {1} to {2} .",,"L argu
ment qui correspond au paramtre {0} ne peut pas tre converti de {1} en {2} ."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument matching parameter {0} cannot convert from {1} to {2} because th
e conversion is ambiguous.",,"L argument qui correspond au paramtre {0} ne peut
pas tre converti de {1} en {2} , car la conversion est ambigu.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ByRef parameter {0} cannot convert from {1} to {2} when assigning back to
the matching argument because the conversion is ambiguous.",,"Le paramtre ByRef
{0} ne peut pas tre converti de {1} en {2} lors de la rassignation l argumen
t correspondant, car la conversion est ambigu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ByRef parameter {0} cannot convert from {1} to {2} when assigning back to
the matching argument.",,"Le paramtre ByRef {0} ne peut pas tre converti de {1
} en {2} lors de la rassignation l argument correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument matching parameter {0} narrows from {1} to {2} .",,"L argument qu
i correspond au paramtre {0} passe de {1} {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ByRef parameter {0} narrows from {1} to {2} when assigning back to the ma
tching argument.",,"Le paramtre ByRef {0} passe de {1} {2} lors de la rassig
nation l argument correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} cannot be converted to a numeric value.",,"L argument {0} ne p
eut pas tre converti en valeur numrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Array dimensions do not match those specified by the VBFixedArray attribute."
,,"Les dimensions du tableau ne correspondent pas celles spcifies par l attribut
VBFixedArray .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot determine array type because it is Nothing.",,"Impossible de dterminer le
type du tableau, car sa valeur est Nothing.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,

"Blue 4.5.1"
"Collection index must be in the range 1 to the size of the collection.",,"L ind
ex de la collection doit tre compris entre1 et la taille de la collection.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be greater than or equal to -1.",,"L argument {0} doit tre
suprieur ou gal -1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be greater than or equal to 1.",,"L argument {0} doit tre
suprieur ou gal 1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be greater or equal to zero.",,"L argument {0} doit tre su
prieur ou gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be greater than zero.",,"L argument {0} doit tre suprieur zr
o.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loop control variable of type {1} does not implement the System.IComparable
interface.",,"La variable de contrle de boucle de type {1} n implmente pas l in
terface System.IComparable .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"VbStrConv.Katakana and VbStrConv.Hiragana cannot be combined.",,"Impossible de
combiner VbStrConv.Katakana et VbStrConv.Hiragana.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is a type in {1} and cannot be used as an expression.",," {0} est un t
ype dans {1} et ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu expression.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"VbStrConv.Wide and VbStrConv.Narrow cannot be combined.",,"Impossible de combin
er VbStrConv.Wide et VbStrConv.Narrow.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Argument {0} must be less than or equal to the length of argument {1} .",,"L
argument {0} doit tre infrieur ou gal la longueur de l argument {1} .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} cannot be converted to type Date .",,"L argument {0} ne peut
pas tre converti en type Date .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length of fixed length string cannot be zero.",,"La longueur d une chane de long
ueur fixe ne peut pas tre gale zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {1} has no parameter named {0} .",,"La mthode {1} n a aucun paramtre
nomm {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named arguments are not valid as array subscripts.",,"Les arguments nomms ne son
t pas valides en tant qu indices de tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is Nothing.",,"L argument {0} a la valeur Nothing.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument value {0} contains characters that are not valid in a path name.",,"
La valeur d argument {0} contient des caractres qui ne sont pas valides dans un
nom de chemin d accs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is not valid for the array.",,"L argument {0} n est pas valide
pour le tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arguments are not valid.",,"Les arguments ne sont pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is not a valid value.",,"L argument {0} n est pas une valeur v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} cannot be converted to type {1} .",,"L argument {0} ne peut p
as tre converti en type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument Conversion is not valid.",,"L argument Conversion n est pas valide
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This system does not contain support for the Japanese locale.",,"Ce systme n off
re pas de prise en charge des paramtres rgionaux pour le japonais.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Locale id {0} is not supported on this system.",,"L ID de paramtres rgionaux {
0} n est pas pris en charge sur ce systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Length of argument {0} must be greater than zero.",,"La longueur de l argumen
t {0} doit tre suprieure zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This system does not contain support for the Locale specified.",,"Ce systme n of

fre pas de prise en charge des paramtres rgionaux spcifis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr

amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be greater than 0 or equal to -1.",,"L argument {0} doit t
re suprieur 0 ou gal -1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of argument {0} is {1} , which is not numeric.",,"Le type de l argument
{0} est {1} , qui n est pas numrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Argument Path is Nothing or empty.",,"L argument Path a la valeur Nothing o
u est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} is Nothing or empty.",,"L argument {0} a la valeur Nothing ou
est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" FilePutObject of structure {0} is not valid.",," FilePutObject de la struc
ture {0} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be within the range 0 to 99.",,"L argument {0} doit tre co
mpris entre 0 et 99.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be within the range 1 to 255.",,"L argument {0} doit tre c
ompris entre 1 et 255.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be within the range of -32768 to 65535.",,"L argument {0}
doit tre compris entre -32768et65535.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Argument {0} cannot be a multi-dimensional array.",,"L argument {0} ne peut
pas tre un tableau multidimensionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"This system does not contain support for the Simplified Chinese locale.",,"Ce s
ystme n offre pas de prise en charge des paramtres rgionaux pour le chinois simplif
i.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"VbStrConv.SimplifiedChinese and VbStrConv.TraditionalChinese cannot be combined
.",,"Impossible de combiner VbStrConv.SimplifiedChinese et VbStrConv.Traditional
Chinese.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This system does not contain support for the Traditional Chinese locale.",,"Ce
systme n offre pas de prise en charge des paramtres rgionaux pour le chinois tradit
ionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array argument cannot have more than 2 dimensions.",,"Un argument de tableau ne
peut pas avoir plus de 2 dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"File I/O of a structure with field {0} of type {1} is not valid.",,"L E/S d
e fichier d une structure avec un champ {0} de type {1} n est pas valide.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File I/O with type {0} is not valid.",,"L E/S de fichier de type {0} n est
pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"VbStrConv.Wide and VbStrConv.Narrow are not applicable to the locale specified.
",,"VbStrConv.Wide et VbStrConv.Narrow ne s appliquent pas aux paramtres rgionaux
spcifis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReDim cannot change the number of dimensions.",," ReDim ne peut pas changer
le nombre de dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReDim can only change the rightmost dimension.",," ReDim ne peut changer que
la dimension la plus droite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator {0} is not defined for {1} and {2}.",,"L oprateur {0} n est pas dfin
i pour {1} et {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Before and After arguments cannot be combined.",,"Impossible de combiner le
s arguments Before et After .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Add failed. Duplicate key value supplied.",,"L ajout a chou. Une valeur de cl en d
ouble a t fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Dir function must first be called with a PathName argument.",,"La fonction
Dir doit d abord tre appele avec un argument PathName .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not obtain full operation system name due to internal error. This might b
e caused by WMI not existing on the current machine.",,"Impossible d obtenir le
nom complet du systme d exploitation en raison d une erreur interne. Ceci peut tre
d au fait que WMI est absent de l ordinateur actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram

ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not obtain memory information due to internal error.",,"Impossible d obte
nir des informations sur la mmoire en raison d une erreur interne.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Empty placeholder to adjust for 1-based array.",,"Espace rserv vide rgler pour un
tableau de base1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Environment variable is not defined: {0} .",,"Variable d environnement non dfin
ie: {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression {0} is not a procedure, but occurs as the target of a procedure ca
ll.",,"L expression {0} n est pas une procdure, mais elle intervient en tant qu
e cible d un appel de procdure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Substitution of type arguments failed.",,"La substitution des arguments de type
a chou.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String length exceeds maximum length of 32767 characters for FileSystem APIs.
",,"La chane dpasse la longueur maximale (32767caractres) autorise pour les API FileS
ystem .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is not opened for read access.",,"Le fichier n est pas ouvert pour un accs
en lecture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File is not opened for write access.",,"Le fichier n est pas ouvert pour un accs
en criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Drive {0} not found.",,"Le lecteur {0} est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File {0} cannot be deleted because it is open.",,"Impossible de supprimer le
fichier {0} , car il est ouvert.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"File {0} not found.",,"Fichier {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument Access is not valid. Valid values for Append mode are OpenAccess.Wr
ite and OpenAccess.Default .",,"L argument Access n est pas valide. Les vale
urs valides pour le mode Append sont OpenAccess.Write et OpenAccess.Default .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument Access is not valid. Valid values for Input mode are OpenAccess.Rea
d and OpenAccess.Default .",,"L argument Access n est pas valide. Les valeur
s valides pour le mode Input sont OpenAccess.Read et OpenAccess.Default .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument Access is not valid. Valid values for Output mode are OpenAccess.Wr
ite and OpenAccess.Default .",,"L argument Access n est pas valide. Les vale
urs valides pour le mode Output sont OpenAccess.Write et OpenAccess.Default .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Path {0} not found.",,"Le chemin d accs {0} est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be greater than or equal to zero.",,"L argument {0} doit t
re suprieur ou gal zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Division by zero.",,"Division par zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Cannot calculate number of periods using the arguments provided.",,"Impossible
de calculer le nombre de priodes l aide des arguments fournis.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot calculate rate using the arguments provided.",,"Impossible de calculer l
e taux l aide des arguments fournis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Argument Life cannot be zero.",,"L argument Life ne peut pas tre gal zro.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument Period must be less than or equal to argument Life .",,"L argument
Period doit tre infrieur ou gal l argument Life .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert start value of type {0} and step value of type {1} to a comm
on numeric type.",,"Impossible de convertir la valeur de dpart de type {0} et l
a valeur de pas de type {1} en type numrique rgulier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot convert start value of type {0} , limit value of type {1} , and step v
alue of type {2} to a common numeric type.",,"Impossible de convertir la valeu
r de dpart de type {0} , la valeur de limite de type {1} et la valeur de pas d
e type {2} en type numrique rgulier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cannot convert argument {0} of type {1} to type {2} .",,"Impossible de con
vertir l argument {0} de type {1} en type {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type {0} must define an operator {1} , with parameters of type {0} , to be
used in a For statement.",,"Le type {0} doit dfinir un oprateur {1} , avec de
s paramtres de type {0} , pour tre utilis dans une instruction For .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return and parameter types of {0} must be of type {1} to be used in a For
statement.",,"Les types de paramtres et de retour de {0} doivent tre de type {
1} pour tre utiliss dans une instruction For .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter types of {0} must be of type {1} to be used in a For statement.
",,"Les types de paramtres de {0} doivent tre de type {1} pour tre utiliss dans
une instruction For .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} cannot be an empty string or Nothing.",,"L argument {0} ne peu
t pas tre une chane vide ou avoir la valeur Nothing.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument cannot be Nothing.",,"L argument ne peut pas avoir la valeur Nothing."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} cannot be set to Nothing.",,"La proprit {0} ne peut pas avoir la val
eur Nothing.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This array is fixed or temporarily locked.",,"Ce tableau a une taille fixe ou e
st temporairement verrouill.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class {0} does not implement the System.Collections.ICollection interface.",,
"La classe {0} n implmente pas l interface System.Collections.ICollection.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Out of string space.",,"Espace de chane insuffisant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression too complex.",,"Expression trop complexe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t perform requested operation.",,"Impossible d effectuer l opration demande."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"User interrupt occurred.",,"Interruption par l utilisateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resume without error.",,"Reprendre sans gestion d erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Out of stack space.",,"Espace de pile insuffisant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This Error number is obsolete and no longer used.",,"Ce numro d erreur est obsolt
eet n est plus utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create necessary temporary file.",,"Impossible de crer le fichier tempora
ire ncessaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Format in resource file is not valid.",,"Format non valide dans le fichier de r
essources.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Feature not yet implemented.",,"Cette fonctionnalit n est pas encore implmente.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sub or Function not defined.",,"Sub ou Function non dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property array index is not valid.",,"L index de tableau de proprits n est pas va
lide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set not supported at runtime.",,"Set non pris en charge au moment de l excution.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Set not supported (read-only property).",,"Set non pris en charge (proprit en lec
ture seule).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Need property array index.",,"Index de tableau de proprits requis.",,"Text",,"All

",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Set not permitted.",,"Set non autoris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Get not supported at runtime.",,"Get non pris en charge au moment de l excution.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Get not supported (write-only property).",,"Get non pris en charge (proprit en cri
ture seule).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property not found.",,"Proprit introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Property or method not found.",,"Proprit ou mthode introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object required.",,"Objet requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot create ActiveX component.",,"Impossible de crer le composant ActiveX.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class does not support Automation or does not support expected interface.",,"La
classe ne prend pas en charge Automation ou l interface attendue.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name or class name not found during Automation operation.",,"Nom du fichie
r ou de la classe introuvable lors de l opration Automation.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object does not support this property or method.",,"L objet ne prend pas en cha
rge cette proprit ou mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Automation error.",,"Erreur Automation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Connection to type library or object library for remote process has been lost.
Press OK for dialog to remove reference.",,"La connexion la bibliothque de types
ou d objets pour le processus distant a t perdue. Choisissez OK pour afficher la b
ote de dialogue permettant de supprimer la rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Automation object does not have a default value.",,"L objet Automation n a pas
de valeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object does not support this action.",,"L objet ne prend pas en charge cette ac
tion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object does not support named arguments.",,"L objet ne prend pas en charge les
arguments nomms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object does not support current locale setting.",,"L objet ne prend pas en char
ge les paramtres rgionaux actuels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named argument not found.",,"Argument nomm introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument not optional.",,"Argument non facultatif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wrong number of arguments or property assignment was not valid.",,"Nombre d arg
uments incorrect ou assignation de proprit non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property let procedure not defined and property get procedure did not return an
object.",,"La procdure Property Let n est pas dfinie et la procdure Property Get n
a pas retourn d objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ordinal is not valid.",,"Nombre ordinal non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specified DLL function not found.",,"Fonction DLL spcifie introuvable.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code resource not found.",,"Ressource de code introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code resource lock error.",,"Erreur de verrouillage de ressource de code.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This key is already associated with an element of this collection.",,"Cette cl e
st dj associe un lment de cette collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Variable uses an Automation type not supported in Visual Basic.",,"Cette variab

le utilise un type Automation non pris en charge par Visual Basic.",,"Text",,"Al

l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object or class does not support the set of events.",,"L objet ou la classe ne
prend pas en charge le jeu d vnements.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Clipboard format is not valid.",,"Format de Presse-papiers non valide.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method or data member not found.",,"Mthode ou membre de donnes introuvable.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The remote server machine does not exist or is unavailable.",,"Le serveur dista
nt n existe pas ou n est pas disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Class not registered on local machine.",,"La classe n est pas inscrite sur l or
dinateur local.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many DLL application clients.",,"Trop de clients pour cette DLL.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error in loading DLL.",,"Erreur de chargement de la DLL.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Picture is not valid.",,"Image non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Printer error.",,"Erreur de l imprimante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Bad DLL calling convention.",,"Convention d appel de DLL incorrecte.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Procedure call or argument is not valid.",,"Argument ou appel de procdure non va
lide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad file name or number.",,"Nom ou numro de fichier incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad file mode.",,"Mode de fichier incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File already open.",,"Le fichier est dj ouvert.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Device I/O error.",,"Erreur d E/S de priphrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File already exists.",,"Le fichier existe dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad record length.",,"Longueur d enregistrement incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overflow.",,"Dpassement de capacit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Disk full.",,"Disque plein.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input past end of file.",,"L entre dpasse la fin du fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad record number.",,"Numro d enregistrement incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many files.",,"Trop de fichiers.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Device unavailable.",,"Priphrique non disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Permission denied.",,"Autorisation refuse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Disk not ready.",,"Disque non prt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot save file to TEMP.",,"Impossible d enregistrer le fichier dans TEMP.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot rename with different drive.",,"Impossible de renommer avec un lecteur d
iffrent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Search text not found.",,"Le texte recherch est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Replacements too long.",,"Remplacements trop longs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram

ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Path/File access error.",,"Erreur dans le chemin d accs/fichier.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Path not found.",,"Chemin d accs introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Subscript out of range.",,"Indice hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object variable or With block variable not set.",,"Variable objet ou variable d
un bloc With non dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For loop not initialized.",,"Boucle For non initialise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Pattern string is not valid.",,"Chane de masque non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Application-defined or object-defined error.",,"Erreur dfinie par l application
ou par l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to sink events of object because the object is already firing events to
the maximum number of event receivers that it supports.",,"Impossible de recevoi
r des vnements de l objet, car le nombre maximal de rcepteurs d vnements pris en char
ge est dj atteint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call friend function on object that is not an instance of defining class
.",,"Impossible d appeler une fonction Friend pour un objet qui n est pas une in
stance de la classe de dfinition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A property or method call cannot include a reference to a private object, eithe
r as an argument or as a return value.",,"Un appel une proprit ou une mthode ne peu
t pas utiliser de rfrence vers un objet priv, que ce soit comme argument ou comme v
aleur de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stop statement encountered.",,"Instruction Stop rencontre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument {0} must be a name, and not a relative or absolute path: {1} .",,"L
argument {0} doit tre un nom et non un chemin d accs relatif ou absolu: {1} .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not complete operation on some files and directories. See the Data proper
ty of the exception for more details.",,"Impossible d achever l opration sur cert
ains fichiers et rpertoires. Pour plus d informations, consultez la proprit des don
nes de l exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not complete operation since target directory is under source directory."
,,"Impossible d achever l opration, car le rpertoire cible se situe sous le rpertoi
re source.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given path is a Win32 device path. Don t use paths starting with \\.\ .",,
"Le chemin d accs spcifi est celui d un priphrique Win32. N utilisez pas de chemins d
accs commenant par \\.\ .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not complete operation since a directory already exists in this path {0}
.",,"Impossible d achever l opration, car un rpertoire figure dj dans ce chemin d a
ccs {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not complete operation since directory is a root directory: {0} .",,"Imp
ossible d achever l opration, car le rpertoire est un rpertoire racine: {0} .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find directory {0} .",,"Rpertoire {0} introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not complete operation since a file already exists in this path {0} .",,
"Impossible d achever l opration, car un fichier figure dj dans ce chemin d accs {0
} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The given file path ends with a directory separator character.",,"Le chemin d a
ccs de fichier spcifi se termine par un caractre de sparation de rpertoire.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One of the wildcards is Nothing or empty string.",,"L un des caractres gnriques a
la valeur Nothing ou est une chane vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Could not get parent path since the given path is a root directory: {0} .",,"I
mpossible d obtenir le chemin d accs parent, car le chemin d accs spcifi est celui d

un rpertoire racine: {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Could not complete operation since source directory and target directory are th
e same.",,"Impossible d achever l opration, car le rpertoire source est le mme que
le rpertoire cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find special directory {0} .",,"Rpertoire spcial {0} introuvable.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All users application data",,"Donnes d application de tous les utilisateurs",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Desktop",,"Bureau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"My Documents",,"Mes documents",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"My Music",,"Ma musique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"My Pictures",,"Mes images",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Program Files",,"Program Files",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Programs",,"Programmes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Temporary directory",,"Rpertoire temporaire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Current user s application data",,"Donnes d application de l utilisateur actuel"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry key {0} could not be created.",,"Impossible de crer la cl de Registre
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invocation of {0} on type {1} returned Nothing.",,"L appel de {0} sur le
type {1} a retourn la valeur Nothing.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Internal error in the Microsoft Visual Basic runtime.",,"Erreur interne dans le
runtime Microsoft Visual Basic.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Conversion from string ""{0}"" to type {1} is not valid."",,""La conversion
de la chane ""{0}"" en type {1} n est pas valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion from type {0} to type {1} is not valid.",,"La conversion du type
{0} en type {1} n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Argument {1} to method {0} has type {2} and cannot be converted to {3} .",
,"L argument {1} pour la mthode {0} a le type {2} et ne peut pas tre converti
en {3} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arguments to VBFixedArrayAttribute are not valid.",,"Les arguments pour VBFi
xedArrayAttribute ne sont pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Arguments to VBFixedStringAttribute are not valid.",,"Les arguments pour VBF
ixedStringAttribute ne sont pas valides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"No files found matching {0} .",,"Aucun fichier correspondant {0} n a t trouv.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Managed classes derived from a COM class cannot be called late bound.",,"Les cl
asses manages drives d une classe COM ne peuvent pas tre appeles liaison tardive.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" StrConv.LinguisticCasing requires StrConv.Lowercase or StrConv.Uppercase .
",," StrConv.LinguisticCasing requiert StrConv.Lowercase ou StrConv.Uppercas
e .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method invocation failed because {0} cannot be called with these arguments:{1
}",,"L invocation de la mthode a chou parce que {0} ne peut pas tre appel avec ces
arguments:{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error number must be within the range 0 to 65535.",,"Le numro d erreur doit tre c
ompris entre 0et65535.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} cannot be the target of an assignment.",,"La mthode {0} ne peut p
as tre la cible d une assignation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Public Let {0} on type {1} not found. Use CallByName function with Call
Type.Set .",,"Public Let {0} du type {1} introuvable. Utilisez la fonction
CallByName avec CallType.Set .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public member {0} on type {1} not found.",,"Le membre public {0} du type

{1} est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Public Set {0} on type {1} not found. Use CallByName function with Call
Type.Let .",,"Public Set {0} du type {1} introuvable. Utilisez la fonction
CallByName avec CallType.Let .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No default member found for type {0} .",,"Aucun membre par dfaut trouv pour le t
ype {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field {0} of type {1} is ReadOnly .",,"Le champ {0} de type {1} a la v
aleur ReadOnly .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No mouse is present.",,"Absence de souris.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"No mouse wheel is present.",,"Absence de roulette de souris.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter {0} of {1} already has a matching argument.",,"Le paramtre {0} d
e {1} a dj un argument correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Named argument {0} specified multiple times.",,"L argument nomm {0} a t spcifi p
lusieurs fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named arguments cannot match ParamArray parameters.",,"Les arguments nomms ne pe
uvent pas correspondre aux paramtres ParamArray.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named argument {0} cannot match a ParamArray parameter.",,"L argument nomm {0
} ne peut pas correspondre un paramtre ParamArray.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named argument {0} matches no parameter of {1} .",,"L argument nomm {0} ne
correspond aucun paramtre de {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"The ConnectionTimeout must be greater than 0.",,"Le ConnectionTimeout doit tre s
uprieur 0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"destinationFileName needs to include a file name.",,"destinationFileName doit i
nclure un nom de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" {0} is not a valid remote file address. A valid address should include a prot
ocol, a path and a file name.",," {0} n est pas une adresse valide de fichier d
istant. Une adresse valide doit inclure un protocole, un chemin d accs et un nom
de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to ping because a network connection is not available.",,"Impossible d e
xcuter la commande PING, car une connexion rseau n est pas disponible.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The address for UploadFile needs to include a file name.",,"L adresse de Upload
File doit inclure un nom de fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Overload resolution failed because no accessible {0} accepts this number of a
rguments.",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun {0} accessible n accepte
ce nombre d arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overload resolution failed because no Public {0} can be called with these arg
uments:{1}",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun {0} Public ne peut tre a
ppel avec ces arguments:{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} is WriteOnly.",,"La proprit {0} est WriteOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method {0} cannot be called with {1} argument(s).",,"La mthode {0} ne peut p
as tre appele avec {1} argument(s).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Overload resolution failed because no Public {0} is most specific for these a
rguments:{1}",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun {0} Public n est plus
spcifique pour ces arguments :{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Overload resolution failed because no Public {0} can be called without a narr
owing conversion:{1}",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun {0} Public ne
peut tre appel sans conversion restrictive:{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property {0} is ReadOnly.",,"La proprit {0} est ReadOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Overload resolution failed because no accessible {0} accepts this number of t
ype arguments.",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun {0} accessible n ac
cepte ce nombre d arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"type {0} ",,"type {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator is not defined for type {0} .",,"L oprateur n est pas dfini pour le typ
e {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""string ""{0}"""",,""chane ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Operator is not defined for {0} and {1}.",,"L oprateur n est pas dfini pour {0} e
t {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overload resolution failed because no {0} is Public.",,"La rsolution de surcha
rge a chou, car aucun {0} n est Public.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Not most specific.",,"Pas plus spcifique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Reference to non-shared member {0} requires an object reference.",,"Une rfrence
au membre non partag {0} requiert une rfrence d objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument not specified for parameter {0} .",,"Argument non spcifi pour le paramtr
e {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Omitted argument cannot match a ParamArray parameter.",,"L argument omis ne peu
t pas correspondre un paramtre ParamArray.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"On;On;Off",,"Actif;Actif;Inactif",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Argument Per is not valid.",,"L argument Per n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Process {0} was not found.",,"Le processus {0} est introuvable.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Downloading {0} to {1}",,"Tlchargement de {0} sur {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Downloading {0}",,"Tlchargement de {0} en cours",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uploading {0} to {1}",,"Transfert de {0} sur {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Uploading {0}",,"Transfert de {0} en cours",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Call to set property {0} requires at least one argument.",,"Appel pour dfinir
la proprit {0} ncessite au moins un argument.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Late-bound assignment to a field of value type {0} is not valid when {1} is
the result of a late-bound expression.",,"Assignation de liaison tardive un cha
mp de type valeur {0} non valide lorsque {1} reprsente le rsultat d une expres
sion de liaison tardive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument NPer must be greater than zero.",,"L argument NPer doit tre suprieur
zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Late bound calls to file system methods in the Visual Basic runtime are not per
mitted.",,"Les appels de liaison tardive aux mthodes de systme de fichiers du runt
ime Visual Basic ne sont pas autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Deserialization data is corrupt. The keys and values arrays have different siz
es.",,"Les donnes de dsrialisation sont endommages. Les tableaux de cls et de valeurs
sont de tailles diffrentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deserialization data is corrupt. The CultureInfo for this Collection is missin
g.",,"Les donnes de dsrialisation sont endommages. Le CultureInfo de cette Collectio
n est absent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Deserialization data is corrupt. The keys for this Collection are missing.",,"
Les donnes de dsrialisation sont endommages. Les cls de cette Collection sont absente

s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Deserialization data is corrupt. The values for this Collection are missing.",
,"Les donnes de dsrialisation sont endommages. Les valeurs de cette Collection sont
absentes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient security permissions to set the system date.",,"Autorisations de sc
urit insuffisantes pour dfinir la date systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Insufficient security permissions to set the system time.",,"Autorisations de sc
urit insuffisantes pour dfinir l heure systme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" SyncLock operand cannot be of type {0} because {0} is not a reference typ
e.",,"L oprande SyncLock ne peut pas tre de type {0} , car {0} n est pas un t
ype rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TextFieldParser is unable to complete the read operation because maximum buffer
size has been exceeded.",,"TextFieldParser ne peut pas achever l opration de lec
ture, car la taille maximale de la mmoire tampon a t dpasse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A delimiter cannot be Nothing or an empty String.",,"Un dlimiteur ne peut pas tre
Nothing ou un String vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to read delimited fields because Delimiters is Nothing or empty.",,"Impo
ssible de lire les champs dlimits, car Delimiters a la valeur Nothing ou est vide.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TextFieldParser does not support delimiters that contain end-of-line characters
.",,"TextFieldParser ne prend pas en charge les dlimiteurs qui contiennent des ca
ractres de fin de ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All field widths, except the last element, must be greater than zero. A field w
idth less than or equal to zero in the last element indicates the last field is
of variable length.",,"Toutes les largeurs de champs, l exception de celle du de
rnier lment, doivent tre suprieures zro. Une largeur de champ infrieure ou gale z
le dernier lment indique que le dernier champ a une longueur variable.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to read fixed width fields because FieldWidths is Nothing or empty.",,"I
mpossible de lire les champs de largeur fixe, car FieldWidths a la valeur Nothin
g ou est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to read delimited fields because a double quote is not a legal delimiter
when HasFieldsEnclosedInQuotes is set to True.",,"Impossible de lire les champs
dlimits, car un guillemet double ne constitue pas un dlimiteur conforme lorsque Ha
sFieldsEnclosedInQuotes a la valeur True.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"A double quote is not a valid comment token for delimited fields where HasField
sEnclosedInQuotes is set to True.",,"Les guillemets doubles ne constituent pas u
n jeton de commentaire valide pour les champs dlimits lorsque HasFieldsEnclosedInQ
uotes a la valeur True.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Line {0} cannot be parsed using the current Delimiters.",,"La ligne {0} ne peut
pas tre analyse l aide du Delimiters actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Line {0} cannot be parsed using the current FieldWidths.",,"La ligne {0} ne peu
t pas tre analyse l aide du FieldWidths actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Line Number:{0}",,"Numro de ligne:{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Line {0} cannot be read because it exceeds the maximum line size.",,"La ligne {
0} ne peut pas tre lue, car elle dpasse la taille de ligne maximale.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"NumberOfChars must be greater than zero.",,"NumberOfChars doit tre suprieur zro.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The stream passed to TextFieldParser cannot be read.",,"Le flux pass TextFieldPa
rser est illisible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TextFieldParser does not support comment tokens that contain white space.",,"Te
xtFieldParser ne prend pas en charge les jetons de commentaires qui contiennent

un blanc.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"True;True;False",,"True;True;False",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Type argument inference fails for argument matching parameter {0} .",,"chec de
l infrence d argument de type pour l argument correspondant au paramtre {0} .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator {0} is not defined for type {1} .",,"L oprateur {0} n est pas dfini
pour le type {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter {0} cannot be determined.",,"Impossible de dterminer le paramtre
de type {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use FilePutObject instead of FilePut when using argument of type Object ."
,,"Utilisez FilePutObject la place de FilePut quand l argument est de type
Object .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Current target framework does not support web operations.",,"Le Framework cible
actuel ne prend pas en charge les oprations Web.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The form referred to itself during construction from a default instance, which
led to infinite recursion. Within the Form s constructor refer to the form usin
g Me. ",,"Le formulaire s est autorfrenc au cours de la construction partir d une
instance par dfaut, ce qui a entran une rcurrence infinie. Dans le constructeur du f
ormulaire, faites rfrence au formulaire en utilisant Me .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An error occurred creating the form. See Exception.InnerException for details.
The error is: {0}",,"Une erreur s est produite lors de la cration du formulaire.
Pour plus d informations, consultez Exception.InnerException. L erreur est: {0}"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Yes;Yes;No",,"Oui;Oui;Non",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Basic Runtime Library",,"Bibliothque Runtime Visual Basic",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System Error H|1&",,"Erreur systme H|1&",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Building |1.\n",,"Gnration de |1 en cours.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Loading |1.\n",,"Chargement de |1 en cours.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Basic internal compiler error",,"Erreur interne du compilateur Visual Ba
sic",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<unrecognized type>",,"<type non reconnu>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"No information has been lost. Check the compiler output for possible ways to av
oid this error.",,"Aucune information n a t perdue. Recherchez dans les rsultats de
la compilation d ventuels moyens d viter cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<anonymous type>",,"<type anonyme>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"<anonymous type> (line |1)",,"<type anonyme> (ligne |1)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<expression>",,"<expression>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<anonymous method>",,"<mthode anonyme>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"<anonymous method> (line |1)",,"<mthode anonyme> (ligne |1)",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"compiler initialization failed unexpectedly: %s",,"chec inattendu de l initialis
ation du compilateur: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"file %s could not be found",,"le fichier %s est introuvable",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"out of memory",,"mmoire insuffisante",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"unable to open response file %s ",,"impossible d ouvrir le fichier rponse %s "
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"unrecognized option %s ; ignored",,"option %s non reconnue, ignore",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"no input sources specified",,"aucune source d entre spcifie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"option %s requires :%s ",,"l option %s requiert :%s ",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"response file %s included multiple times",,"fichier rponse %s inclus plusieu
rs fois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"source file %s specified multiple times",,"fichier source %s spcifi plusieurs
fois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"could not find library %s ",,"impossible de trouver la bibliothque %s ",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"can t open %s for writing",,"impossible d ouvrir %s en criture",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the value %s is invalid for option %s ",,"la valeur %s n est pas valide po
ur l option %s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the file %s is not a text file",,"le fichier %s n est pas un fichier texte"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"code page %s is invalid or not installed",,"la page de codes %s n est pas v
alide ou n est pas installe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"compilation failed : %s ",,"chec de la compilation: %s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"option %s can be followed only by + or - ",,"l option %s ne peut tre suiv
ie que de + ou - ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"unable to load international DLL: ",,"impossible de charger la DLL internationa
le: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the maximum number of errors has been exceeded",,"le nombre maximal d erreurs e
st dpass",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cannot specify both /win32icon and /win32resource",,"impossible de spcifier la f
ois /win32icon et /win32resource",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the default assembly reference %s has already been automatically added; ignor
ed",,"la rfrence de l assembly par dfaut %s a dj t automatiquement ajoute; ignor"
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ignoring /noconfig option because it was specified in a response file",,"Option
/noconfig ignore, car elle tait spcifie dans un fichier rponse",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"warning number %s for the option %s is either not configurable or not valid
",,"le numro d avertissement %s pour l option %s est non configurable ou non
valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cannot send error report automatically. Please visit %s to configure send err
or report settings.",,"impossible d envoyer le rapport d erreur automatiquement.
Visitez %s pour configurer les paramtres d envoi des rapports d erreurs.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"option %s cannot be followed by + or - ; ignored",,"l option %s ne peut
pas tre suivie par + ou - ; ignor",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"cannot infer an output file name from resource only input files; provide the /
out option",,"impossible de dduire le nom d un fichier de sortie partir de fichi
ers d entre de ressource uniquement; fournissez l option /out ",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the /moduleassemblyname option may only be specified when building a target of
type module ",,"l option /moduleassemblyname ne peut tre spcifie que lors de la gnra
tion d une cible de type module ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" %s is not a valid value for /moduleassemblyname",," %s n est pas une valeur
valide pour /moduleassemblyname",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error embedding Win32 manifest: Option /win32manifest conflicts with /nowin32ma
nifest.",,"Erreur d incorporation du manifeste Win32: l option /win32manifest est
en conflit avec /nowin32manifest.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.

"Option /win32manifest ignored. It can be specified only when the target is an a

ssembly.",,"Option /win32manifest ignore. Elle ne peut tre spcifie que lorsque la ci
ble est un assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error embedding Win32 manifest: Default manifest file cannot be accessed.",,"Er
reur d incorporation du manifeste Win32: le fichier manifeste par dfaut est inacce
ssible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"the value is invalid for option %s ",,"la valeur n est pas valide pour l optio
n %s ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The options /vbruntime* and /target:module cannot be combined.",,"Les options /
vbruntime* et /target:module ne peuvent pas tre combines.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) Visual Basic Compiler version %s\n",,"Compilateur Microsoft (R) V
isual Basic version%s\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n",,"Copyright (c) M
icrosoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Visual Basic Compiler Options\n",,"Options du compilateur Visual Basic\n",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Visual Basic Compiler Defect Report, created %s\n",,"### Rapport du compila
teur Visual Basic, cr %s\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Compiler version: %s\n",,"### Version du compilateur: %s\n",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Operating System: %s %d.%d.%d %s\n",,"### Systme d exploitation: %s %d.%d.%
d %s\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### User Name: %s\n",,"### Nom d utilisateur: %s\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Compiler command line\n",,"### Ligne de commande du compilateur\n",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Source file: %s \n",,"### Fichier source: %s \n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Compiler output\n",,"### Rsultats de la compilation\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Issue type: %s",,"### Type de problme: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"### User description\n",,"### Description de l utilisateur\n",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### User suggested correct behavior\n",,"### Comportement correct suggr par l uti
lisateur\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### .NET Framework version: %s\n",,"### Version du .NET Framework: %s\n",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A file is being created with information needed to\n",,"Un fichier est en cours
de cration avec les informations ncessaires pour\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"reproduce your compiler problem, including the\n",,"reproduire vos problmes de c
ompilation, y compris\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"contents of all source code files.\n",,"le contenu de tous les fichiers de code
source.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please describe the compiler problem (press Enter twice to finish):\n",,"Dcrivez
le problme de compilation (appuyez deux fois sur Entre pour terminer):\n",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Describe what you think should have happened (press Enter twice to finish):\n",
,"Dcrivez ce qui aurait d se passer (appuyez deux fois sur Entre pour terminer):\n",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding file %s \n",,"Ajout du fichier %s \n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding assembly reference %s \n",,"Ajout de la rfrence de l assembly %s \n",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding resource file %s as %s \n",,"Ajout du fichier de ressources %s en t
ant que %s \n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding import %s \n",,"Ajout de l importation %s \n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr

amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiling...\n",,"Compilation en cours...\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation successful\n",,"Compilation russie\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation failed: %u error\n",,"chec de la compilation: erreur %u\n",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation failed: %u errors\n",,"chec de la compilation: erreurs %u\n",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation successful: %u warning\n",,"Compilation russie: avertissement %u\n",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation successful: %u warnings\n",,"Compilation russie: avertissements %u\n"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation failed: %u error, %u warning\n",,"chec de la compilation: erreur %u,
avertissement %u\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation failed: %u error, %u warnings\n",,"chec de la compilation: erreur %u,
avertissements %u\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation failed: %u errors, %u warning\n",,"chec de la compilation: erreurs %u
, avertissement %u\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compilation failed: %u errors, %u warnings\n",,"chec de la compilation: erreurs %
u, avertissements %u\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding module reference %s \n",,"Ajout d une rfrence au module %s \n",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adding embedded assembly reference %s \n",,"Ajout de la rfrence d assembly incor
pore %s \n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- OUTPUT FILE -\n",,"- FICHIER DE SORTIE -\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- INPUT FILES -\n",,"- FICHIERS D ENTRE -\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"- RESOURCES -\n",,"- RESSOURCES -\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"- CODE GENERATION -\n",,"- GNRATION DE CODE -\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- LANGUAGE -\n",,"- LANGAGE -\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"- MISCELLANEOUS -\n",,"- DIVERS -\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"- ADVANCED -\n",,"- AVANC -\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<file_list>",,"<liste_fichiers>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<number>",,"<nombre>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<wildcard>",,"<gnrique>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<symbol_list>",,"<liste_symboles>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"<path_list>",,"<liste_chemins>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<class>",,"<classe>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<import_list>",,"<liste_importations>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"<path>",,"<chemin>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"<number_list>",,"<liste_nombres>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"<assembly_name>",,"<nom_assembly>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"<version>",,"<version>",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(Short form: /%s)",,"(Forme abrge: /%s)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Specifies the output file name.",,"Spcifie le nom du fichier de sortie.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Create a console application (default).",,"Crer une application console (par dfau

t).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a Windows application.",,"Crer une application Windows.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a library assembly.",,"Crer un assembly de bibliothque.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a module that can be added to an assembly.",,"Crer un module qui peut tre
ajout un assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a Windows application that runs in AppContainer.",,"Crer une application
Windows s excutant dans AppContainer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Create a Windows Metadata intermediate file",,"Crer un fichier intermdiaire de mta
donnes Windows",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Include all files in the current directory and subdirectories according to the
wildcard specifications.",,"Inclure tous les fichiers dans le rpertoire et les so
us-rpertoires actifs en fonction des spcifications de caractres gnriques.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the Class or Module that contains Sub Main. It can also be a Class th
at inherits from System.Windows.Forms.Form.",,"Spcifie la classe ou le module qui
contient Sub Main. Il peut galement s agir d une classe qui hrite de System.Windo
ws.Forms.Form.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference metadata from the specified assembly.",,"Rfrencer les mtadonnes partir de
l assembly spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Adds the specified file as an embedded assembly resource. resinfo:<file>[,<name
>[,public|private]]",,"Ajoute le fichier spcifi en tant que ressource d assembly i
ncorpore. resinfo:<fichier>[,<nom>[,public|private]]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Links the specified file as an external assembly resource. resinfo:<file>[,<nam
e>[,public|private]]",,"Lie le fichier spcifi en tant que ressource d assembly ext
erne. resinfo:<fichier>[,<nom>[,public|private]]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies a Win32 icon file (.ico) for the default Win32 resources.",,"Spcifie u
n fichier icne Win32 (.ico) pour les ressources Win32 par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies a Win32 resource file (.res).",,"Spcifie un fichier de ressources Win3
2 (.res).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Emit debugging information.",,"mettre des informations de dbogage.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enable optimizations.",,"Activer les optimisations.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the root Namespace for all type declarations.",,"Spcifie l espace de n
oms racine pour toutes les dclarations de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declare global Imports for namespaces in referenced metadata files. import_list
:namespace,...",,"Dclarer les importations globales pour les espaces de noms dans
les fichiers de mtadonnes rfrencs. import_list:namespace,...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declare global conditional compilation symbol(s). symbol_list:name=value,...",,
"Dclarer les symboles de compilation conditionnelle globaux. symbol_list:name=val
ue,...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remove integer checks. Default off.",,"Supprimer les contrles des entiers. Dsacti
v par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies binary-style string comparisons. This is the default.",,"Spcifie les c
omparaisons de chanes de style binaire. Valeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies text-style string comparisons.",,"Spcifie les comparaisons de chanes de
style texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Require explicit declaration of variables.",,"Dclaration explicite des variables
obligatoire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enforce strict language semantics.",,"Appliquer une syntaxe de langue stricte."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Allow type inference of variables.",,"Autorisez l infrence de type des variables
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Insert command-line settings from a text file.",,"Insrer les paramtres de ligne d
e commande partir d un fichier texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Do not display compiler copyright banner.",,"Ne pas afficher la bannire de copyr
ight du compilateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display this usage message.",,"Afficher ce message d utilisation.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create bug report file.",,"Crer un fichier de rapport de bogues.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display elapsed compilation time.",,"Afficher le temps de compilation coul.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display verbose messages.",,"Afficher des messages documents.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The base address for a library or module (hex).",,"L adresse de base pour une b
ibliothque ou un module (hex).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"List of directories to search for metadata references. (Semi-colon delimited.)"
,,"Liste des rpertoires dans lesquels rechercher les rfrences des mtadonnes. (Dlimite
ar des points-virgules.)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies a strong name key file.",,"Spcifie un fichier de cl de nom fort.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies a strong name key container.",,"Spcifie un conteneur de cl de nom fort.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Emit full debugging information (default).",,"mettre des informations de dbogage
compltes (par dfaut).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Emit PDB file only.",,"mettre uniquement le fichier PDB.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disable all warnings.",,"Dsactiver tous les avertissements.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Treat all warnings as errors.",,"Considrer tous les avertissements comme des err
eurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delay-sign the assembly using only the public portion of the strong name key.",
,"Diffrer la signature de l assembly en utilisant uniquement la partie publique d
e la cl de nom fort.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference metadata from the specified modules.",,"Rfrencer les mtadonnes partir des
modules spcifis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Emit compiler output in UTF8 character encoding.",,"mettre les rsultats de la com
pilation au format d encodage de caractres UTF8.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Quiet output mode.",,"Mode de sortie silencieux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Location of the .NET Framework SDK directory (mscorlib.dll).",,"Emplacement du
rpertoire du Kit de dveloppement .NET Framework SDK (mscorlib.dll).",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Target the .NET Compact Framework.",,"Cibler le .NET Compact Framework.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generates XML documentation file.",,"Gnre le fichier de documentation XML.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not auto-include VBC.RSP file.",,"Ne pas inclure automatiquement un fichier
VBC.RSP.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies the codepage to use when opening source files.",,"Spcifie la page de c
odes utiliser l ouverture des fichiers sources.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify the alignment used for output file sections.",,"Spcifier l alignement ut
ilis pour les sections du fichier de sortie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Generates XML documentation file to <file>.",,"Gnre le fichier de documentation X
ML dans <fichier>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Limit which platforms this code can run on; must be x86, x64, Itanium, arm, Any
CPU32BitPreferred or anycpu (default).",,"Limiter les plateformes sur lesquelles
ce code peut s excuter: x86, x64, Itanium, arm, AnyCPU32BitPreferred ou anycpu (v
aleur par dfaut).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies how to handle internal compiler errors; must be prompt, send, none, o
r queue (default).",,"Spcifie comment grer les erreurs internes du compilateur: pro
mpt, send, none ou queue (valeur par dfaut).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not reference standard libraries (system.dll and VBC.RSP file).",,"Ne pas rfre
ncer les bibliothques standard (system.dll et fichier VBC.RSP).",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disable a list of individual warnings.",,"Dsactiver une liste d avertissements i
ndividuels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Treat a list of warnings as errors.",,"Traiter une liste d avertissements comme
des erreurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warn when strict language semantics are not respected.",,"Avertir lorsque la sy
ntaxe de langue stricte n est pas respecte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Name of the assembly which this module will be a part of.",,"Nom de l assembly
dont ce module fera partie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The provided file is embedded in the manifest section of the output PE.",,"Le f
ichier fourni est incorpor dans la section de manifeste du PE de sortie.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The default manifest should not be embedded in the manifest section of the outp
ut PE.",,"Le manifeste par dfaut ne doit pas tre incorpor dans la section de manife
ste du PE de sortie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compile with/without the default Visual Basic runtime.",,"Compilez avec/sans le
runtime Visual Basic par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compile with the alternate Visual Basic runtime in <file>.",,"Compilez avec le
runtime Visual Basic de remplacement dans <fichier>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify language version: 9|10|11.",,"Spcifier la version de langage: 9|10|11.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embed metadata from the specified interop assembly.",,"Incorporez les mtadonnes p
artir de l assembly d interoprabilit spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Enable high-entropy ASLR.",,"Activer l ASLR de haute entropie.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify subsystem version of the output PE. version:<number>[.<number>]",,"Indi
quez la version de sous-systme du PE de sortie. version:<numro>[.<numro>]",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement is not valid in a namespace.",,"Instruction non valide dans un espace
de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 is not defined.",,"Type |1 non dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Next expected.",," Next attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Character constant must contain exactly one character.",,"Une constante caractre
doit contenir exactement un caractre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Reference required to assembly |1 containing the definition for event |2 . A
dd one to your project.",,"Une rfrence l assembly |1 contenant la dfinition de l vn
ement |2 est requise. Ajoutez-en une votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to module |1 containing the definition for event |2 . Add
one to your project.",,"Une rfrence au module |1 contenant la dfinition pour l vne
ment |2 est requise. Ajoutez-en une votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to assembly |1 containing the base class |2 . Add one to
your project.",,"Une rfrence l assembly |1 contenant la classe de base |2 est

requise. Ajoutez-en une votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"Reference required to module |1 containing the base class |2 . Add one to yo
ur project.",,"Une rfrence au module |1 contenant la classe de base |2 est req
uise. Ajoutez-en une votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Reference required to assembly |1 containing the implemented interface |2 .
Add one to your project.",,"Une rfrence l assembly |1 contenant l interface implm
ente |2 est requise. Ajoutez-en une votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to module |1 containing the implemented interface |2 . Ad
d one to your project.",,"Une rfrence au module |1 contenant l interface implmente
|2 est requise. Ajoutez-en une votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal compiler error: code generator received malformed input.",,"Erreur int
erne du compilateur: le gnrateur de code a reu une entre incorrecte.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #If block must end with a matching #End If .",,"Le bloc #If doit se termin
er par un #End If correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" #ElseIf , #Else , or #End If must be preceded by a matching #If .",," #Els
eIf , #Else ou #End If doit tre prcd d un #If correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #ElseIf must be preceded by a matching #If or #ElseIf .",," #ElseIf doit t
re prcd d un #If ou #ElseIf correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Inheriting from System.|1 is not valid.",,"Hriter de System.|1 n est pas val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Labels are not valid outside methods/multiline lambdas.",,"Les tiquettes ne sont
pas valides en dehors des mthodes ou des expressions lambda multiligne.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegates cannot implement interface methods.",,"Les dlgus ne peuvent pas implmente
r des mthodes d interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegates cannot handle events.",,"Les dlgus ne peuvent pas grer les vnements.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Is operator does not accept operands of type |1 . Operands must be reference
or nullable types.",,"L oprateur Is n accepte pas d oprandes de type |1 . Les
oprandes doivent tre de types rfrence ou Nullable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" TypeOf ... Is requires its left operand to have a reference type, but this op
erand has the value type |1 .",," TypeOf ... Is requiert un oprande gauche ayan
t un type rfrence, mais cet oprande a le type valeur |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Properties declared ReadOnly cannot have a Set .",,"Les proprits dclares ReadOn
ly ne peuvent pas avoir de Set .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Properties declared WriteOnly cannot have a Get .",,"Les proprits dclares Write
Only ne peuvent pas avoir de Get .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Statement is not valid inside a method/multiline lambda.",,"Instruction non val
ide dans une mthode ou une expression lambda multiligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property missing End Property .",," End Property manquant dans la proprit.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Sub expected.",," End Sub attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" End Function expected.",," End Function attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #Else must be preceded by a matching #If or #ElseIf .",," #Else doit tre p
rcd d un #If ou #ElseIf correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Derived classes cannot raise base class events.",,"Les classes drives ne peuvent
pas dclencher les vnements de la classe de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Try must have at least one Catch or a Finally .",,"Try doit utiliser au moin
s un Catch ou Finally .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fully qualified names for types in namespaces cannot be longer than |1 characte
rs.",,"Les noms qualifis complets pour les types dans les espaces de noms ne peuv
ent pas dpasser |1 caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Events cannot have a return type.",,"Les vnements ne peuvent pas avoir de type de
retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifier is too long.",,"Identificateur trop long.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bracketed identifier is missing closing ] .",,"Crochet fermant manquant ( ] )
pour l identificateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error.",,"Erreur de syntaxe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Character is not valid.",,"Caractre non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On prohibits operands of type Object for operator |1 .",,"Option
Strict On interdit les oprandes de type Object pour l oprateur |1 .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loop control variable cannot be a property or a late-bound indexed array.",,"Un
e variable de contrle de boucle ne peut pas tre une proprit ni un tableau index liais
on tardive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First statement of a method body cannot be on the same line as the method decla
ration.",,"La premire instruction du corps d une mthode ne peut pas se trouver sur
la mme ligne que la dclaration de la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Maximum number of errors has been exceeded.",,"Le nombre maximal d erreurs est
dpass.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is valid only within an instance method.",," |1 est valide uniquement dan
s une mthode d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid within a structure.",," |1 n est pas valide dans une structu
re.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute constructor has a parameter of type |1 , which is not an integral, f
loating-point or Enum type or one of Object, Char, String, Boolean, System.Type
or 1-dimensional array of these types.",,"Le constructeur d attribut a un paramtr
e de type |1 , qui n est pas un type intgral, virgule flottante ni Enum, ni enco
re Object, Char, String, Boolean, System.Type ou un tableau unidimensionnel de c
es types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method cannot have both a ParamArray and Optional parameters.",,"La mthode ne pe
ut pas comporter simultanment des paramtres ParamArray et Optional.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 statement requires an array.",,"L instruction |1 requiert un tableau.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ParamArray parameter must be an array.",,"Le paramtre ParamArray doit tre un tabl
eau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ParamArray parameter must be a one-dimensional array.",,"Le paramtre ParamArray
doit tre un tableau unidimensionnel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Array exceeds the limit of 32 dimensions.",,"Le tableau dpasse le nombre de 32 d
imensions autorises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays cannot be declared with New .",,"Les tableaux ne peuvent pas tre dclars av
ec New .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many arguments to |1 .",,"Arguments trop nombreux pour |1 .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statements and labels are not valid between Select Case and first Case .",,"
Instructions et tiquettes non valides entre Select Case et la premire occurrence
de Case .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Constant expression is required.",,"Une expression constante est requise.",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion from |1 to |2 cannot occur in a constant expression.",,"Une conv
ersion de |1 en |2 ne peut pas avoir lieu dans une expression constante.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Me cannot be the target of an assignment.",," Me ne peut pas tre la cible d u
ne assignation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReadOnly variable cannot be the target of an assignment.",,"Une variable Rea
dOnly ne peut pas tre la cible d une assignation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Exit Sub is not valid in a Function or Property.",," Exit Sub n est pas vali
de dans un Function ni un Property.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" Exit Property is not valid in a Function or Sub.",," Exit Property n est pas
valide dans un Function ni un Sub.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" Exit Function is not valid in a Sub or Property.",," Exit Function n est pas
valide dans un Sub ni un Property.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Expression is a value and therefore cannot be the target of an assignment.",,"C
ette expression est une valeur et ne peut donc pas tre la cible d une assignation
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"For loop control variable |1 already in use by an enclosing For loop.",,"Vari
able de contrle de boucle For |1 dj utilise par une boucle For englobante.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Next control variable does not match For loop control variable |1 .",,"La vari
able de contrle Next ne correspond pas la variable de contrle de boucle For |1 ."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Case Else can only appear inside a Select Case statement.",," Case Else ne
peut apparatre qu l intrieur d une instruction Select Case .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Case can only appear inside a Select Case statement.",," Case ne peut appa
ratre qu l intrieur d une instruction Select Case .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant cannot be the target of an assignment.",,"Une constante ne peut pas tre
la cible d une assignation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" If must end with a matching End If .",," If doit se terminer par un End If
correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" While must end with a matching End While .",," While doit se terminer par u
n End While correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Do must end with a matching Loop .",," Do doit se terminer par un Loop co
rrespondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" For must end with a matching Next .",," For doit se terminer par un Next
correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" With must end with a matching End With .",," With doit se terminer par un
End With correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Else must be preceded by a matching If or ElseIf .",," Else doit tre prcd d u
n If ou ElseIf correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" End If must be preceded by a matching If .",," End If doit tre prcd d un If c
orrespondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Select must be preceded by a matching Select Case .",," End Select doit
tre prcd d un Select Case correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" Exit Do can only appear inside a Do statement.",," Exit Do ne peut apparatr
e qu l intrieur d une instruction Do .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" End While must be preceded by a matching While .",," End While doit tre prcd d
un While correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Loop must be preceded by a matching Do .",," Loop doit tre prcd d un Do corre

spondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Next must be preceded by a matching For .",," Next doit tre prcd d un For cor
respondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End With must be preceded by a matching With .",," End With doit tre prcd d un
With correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Label |1 is already defined in the current method/multiline lambda.",,"L tique
tte |1 est dj dfinie dans la mthode ou l expression lambda multiligne actuelle.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Select Case must end with a matching End Select .",," Select Case doit se t
erminer par un End Select correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" Exit For can only appear inside a For statement.",," Exit For ne peut appa
ratre qu l intrieur d une instruction For .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" Exit While can only appear inside a While statement.",," Exit While ne peu
t apparatre qu l intrieur d une instruction While .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReadOnly property |1 cannot be the target of an assignment.",,"La proprit Re
adOnly |1 ne peut pas tre la cible d une assignation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Exit Select can only appear inside a Select statement.",," Exit Select ne
peut apparatre qu l intrieur d une instruction Select .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branching out of a Finally is not valid.",,"La cration d une branche en dehors
d un Finally n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" ! requires its left operand to have a type parameter, class or interface type
, but this operand has the type |1 .",," ! requiert un oprande gauche ayant un
type paramtre de type, classe ou interface, mais cet oprande a le type |1 .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of indices is less than the number of dimensions of the indexed array.",
,"Le nombre d index est infrieur au nombre de dimensions du tableau index.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number of indices exceeds the number of dimensions of the indexed array.",,"Le
nombre d index est suprieur au nombre de dimensions du tableau index.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is an Enum type and cannot be used as an expression.",," |1 est un type E
num et ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is a type and cannot be used as an expression.",," |1 est un type et ne p
eut pas tre utilis en tant qu expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" |1 is a class type and cannot be used as an expression.",," |1 est un type c
lasse et ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is a structure type and cannot be used as an expression.",," |1 est un ty
pe structure et ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is an interface type and cannot be used as an expression.",," |1 est un t
ype interface et ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is a namespace and cannot be used as an expression.",," |1 est un espace
de noms et ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not a valid name and cannot be used as the root namespace name.",," |1
n est pas un nom valide et ne peut pas tre utilis comme nom d espace de noms raci
ne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is an XML prefix and cannot be used as an expression. Use the GetXmlNames
pace operator to create a namespace object.",," |1 est un prfixe XML et ne peut
pas tre utilis comme expression. Utilisez l oprateur GetXmlNamespace pour crer un ob

jet namespace.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Inherits can appear only once within a Class statement and can only specify
one class.",," Inherits ne peut apparatre qu une seule fois dans une instructio
n Class et ne peut spcifier qu une classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" Stop statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions S
top ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions En
d ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property without a ReadOnly or WriteOnly specifier must provide both a Get
and a Set .",,"Une proprit sans spcificateur ReadOnly ou WriteOnly doit four
nir un Get et un Set .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" WriteOnly property must provide a Set .",,"Une proprit WriteOnly doit fourni
r un Set .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReadOnly property must provide a Get .",,"Une proprit ReadOnly doit fournir
un Get .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute |1 is not valid: |0",,"Attribut |1 non valide: |0",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security attribute |1 is not valid: |0",,"Attribut de scurit |1 non valide: |0
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly attribute |1 is not valid: |0",,"Attribut d assembly |1 non valide:
|0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module attribute |1 is not valid: |0",,"Attribut de module |1 non valide: |0
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security attribute |1 cannot be applied to a module.",,"L attribut de scurit |
1 ne peut pas tre appliqu un module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Label |1 is not defined.",,"L tiquette |1 n est pas dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" GoTo statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions G
oTo ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Labels are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les tiquettes ne sont pas valid
es dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error creating Win32 resources: |0",,"Erreur lors de la cration de ressources Wi
n32: |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error saving temporary Win32 resource file |1 : |0",,"Erreur lors de l enregis
trement du fichier de ressources Win32 temporaire |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create temp file in path |1 : |0",,"Impossible de crer le fichier tem
poraire dans le chemin d accs |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Error setting assembly manifest option: |0",,"Erreur lors de la dfinition de l o
ption du manifeste de l assembly: |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Error creating assembly manifest: |0",,"Erreur lors de la cration du manifeste d
e l assembly: |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create Assembly Linker object: |0",,"Impossible de crer l objet Assemb
ly Linker: |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to generate a reference to file |1 (use TLBIMP utility to reference CO
M DLLs): |0",,"Impossible de gnrer une rfrence au fichier |1 (utilisez l utilitair
e TLBIMP pour faire rfrence aux DLL COM): |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Unable to embed resource file |1 : |0",,"Impossible d incorporer le fichier de
ressources |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to link to resource file |1 : |0",,"Impossible de crer un lien vers le f
ichier de ressources |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to emit assembly: |0",,"Impossible de crer l assembly: |0",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unable to sign assembly: |0",,"Impossible de signer l assembly: |0",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Return statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions
Return ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First statement of this Sub New must be a call to MyBase.New or MyClass.Ne
w because base class |1 of |2 does not have an accessible Sub New that ca
n be called with no arguments.",,"La premire instruction de ce Sub New doit tre
un appel MyBase.New ou MyClass.New , car la classe de base |1 de |2 n a p
as de Sub New accessible qu il est possible d appeler sans argument.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 must implement |3 for interface |4 .",,"|1 |2 doit implmenter |3
pour l interface |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 must implement |3 for interface |4 . Implementing property must have
matching ReadOnly or WriteOnly specifiers.",,"|1 |2 doit implmenter |3 p
our l interface |4 . La proprit d implmentation doit avoir des spcificateurs ReadO
nly ou WriteOnly correspondants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Leading . or ! can only appear inside a With statement.",,"Un . ou !
de dbut ne peut apparatre que dans une instruction With .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create an instance of Module |1 .",,"Impossible de crer une instance de
Module |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 and |3 |4 , declared in |5 , conflict in |6 |7 .",,"|1 |2 et |3 |
4 , dclars dans |5 , sont en conflit dans |6 |7 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one of Public , Private , Protected , Friend , or Protected Friend c
an be specified.",,"Vous pouvez spcifier uniquement une instance de type Public
, Private , Protected , Friend ou Protected Friend .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one of NotOverridable , MustOverride , or Overridable can be specified
.",,"Vous pouvez spcifier uniquement une instance de type NotOverridable , Must
Override ou Overridable .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifier is duplicated.",,"Spcificateur en double.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 and |3 |4 conflict in |5 |6 .",,"|1 |2 et |3 |4 sont en conflit
dans |5 |6 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keyword does not name a type.",,"Le mot cl ne dsigne pas un type.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifiers valid only at the beginning of a declaration.",,"Les spcificateurs so
nt valides uniquement au dbut d une dclaration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type expected.",,"Type attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keyword is not valid as an identifier.",,"Mot cl non valide en tant qu identific
ateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Enum must be preceded by a matching Enum .",," End Enum doit tre prcd d un
Enum correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Enum must end with a matching End Enum .",," Enum doit se terminer par un
End Enum correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Using statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions
Using ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declaration expected.",,"Dclaration attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End of parameter list expected. Cannot define parameters after a paramarray par
ameter.",,"Fin de liste de paramtres attendue. Impossible de dfinir des paramtres a
prs un paramtre ParamArray.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifiers and attributes are not valid on this statement.",,"Les spcificateurs
et les attributs ne sont pas valides pour cette instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".

NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Expected one of Dim , Const , Public , Private , Protected , Friend , Sh
adows , ReadOnly or Shared .",," Dim , Const , Public , Private , Protect
ed , Friend , Shadows , ReadOnly ou Shared attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Comma expected.",,"Virgule attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" As expected.",," As attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ) expected.",," ) attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ( expected.",," ( attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" New is not valid in this context.",," New n est pas valide dans ce contexte.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression expected.",,"Expression attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Optional expected.",," Optional attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifier expected.",,"Identificateur attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Integer constant expected.",,"Constante Integer attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End of statement expected.",,"Fin d instruction attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Option must be followed by Compare , Explicit , Infer , or Strict .",," O
ption doit tre suivi de Compare , Explicit , Infer ou Strict .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Option Compare must be followed by Text or Binary .",," Option Compare do
it tre suivi de Text ou Binary .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" Compare expected.",," Compare attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On requires all variable declarations to have an As clause.",,"
Toutes les dclarations de variable de Option Strict On requirent une clause As ."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On requires all Function, Property, and Operator declarations to
have an As clause.",,"Toutes les dclarations Function, Property et Operator de
Option Strict On requirent une clause As .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On requires that all method parameters have an As clause.",,"To
us les paramtres de mthode de Option Strict On requirent une clause As .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Comma or ) expected.",,"Virgule ou ) attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub or Function expected.",," Sub ou Function attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String constant expected.",,"Constante de chane attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Lib expected.",," Lib attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Delegate class |1 has no Invoke method, so an expression of this type cannot
be the target of a method call.",,"La classe dlgue |1 n a pas de mthode Invoke, c
est pourquoi une expression de ce type ne peut pas tre la cible d un appel de mtho
de.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Is expected.",," Is attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Option |1 statement can only appear once per file.",,"Une instruction Option
|1 ne peut apparatre qu une seule fois par fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Inherits not valid in Modules.",," Inherits n est pas valide dans les module
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Implements not valid in Modules.",," Implements n est pas valide dans les mo
dules.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Implemented type must be an interface.",,"Le type implment doit tre une interface.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on a constant declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dans une
dclaration de constante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on a WithEvents declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dans un
e dclaration WithEvents.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on a member variable declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide da
ns une dclaration de variable membre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Parameter already declared with name |1 .",,"Paramtre dj dclar avec le nom |1 .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Loop cannot have a condition if matching Do has one.",," Loop ne peut pas
avoir de condition si le Do correspondant en a une.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Relational operator expected.",,"Oprateur relationnel attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Exit must be followed by Sub , Function , Property , Do , For , While ,
Select , or Try .",," Exit doit tre suivi de Sub , Function , Property ,
Do , For , While , Select ou Try .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Named argument expected.",,"Argument nomm attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on a method declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dans une dcl
aration de mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on an event declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dans une dcl
aration event.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on a Declare.",," |1 n est pas valide dans un Declare.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on a local constant declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dan
s une dclaration de constante locale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" |1 is not valid on a local variable declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dan
s une dclaration de variable locale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" If , ElseIf , Else , End If , Const , or Region expected.",," If , Else
If , Else , End If , Const ou Region attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" = expected.",," = attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 has no constructors.",,"Le type |1 n a aucun constructeur.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Interface must be preceded by a matching Interface .",," End Interface
doit tre prcd d un Interface correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" Interface must end with a matching End Interface .",," Interface doit se te
rminer par un End Interface correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
|1 inherits from |2 .",,"\n
|1 hrite de |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class |1 cannot inherit from itself: |2",,"La classe |1 ne peut pas hriter d
elle-mme: |2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Classes can inherit only from other classes.",,"Les classes ne peuvent hriter qu
e d autres classes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is already declared as |2 in this |3.",," |1 est dj dclar en tant que |2
dans ce |3.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because they have different access levels.",," |1 ne
peut pas se substituer |2 , car elles ont des niveaux d accs diffrents.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because it is declared NotOverridable .",," |1 ne p
eut pas se substituer |2 , car il est dclar NotOverridable .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" |1 has multiple definitions with identical signatures.",," |1 a plusieurs dfi

nitions comportant des signatures identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on an interface method declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide
dans une dclaration de mthode d interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
" |1 is not a parameter of |2 .",," |1 n est pas un paramtre de |2 .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on an interface property declaration.",," |1 n est pas valid
e dans une dclaration de proprit d interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Parameter |1 of |2 already has a matching argument.",,"Le paramtre |1 de
|2 a dj un argument correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" |1 is not valid on an interface event declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide d
ans une dclaration event d interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Type character |1 does not match declared data type |2 .",,"Le caractre de ty
pe |1 ne correspond pas au type de donnes dclar |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub or Function expected after Delegate .",," Sub ou Function attendu a
prs Delegate .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum |1 must contain at least one member.",,"Enum |1 doit contenir au moins
un membre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor call is valid only as the first statement in an instance constructo
r.",,"Un appel un constructeur est valide uniquement en tant que premire instruct
ion dans un constructeur d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" Sub New cannot be declared Overrides .",," Sub New ne peut pas tre dclar Over
rides .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 cannot be declared Overrides because it does not override a |1 in a b
ase |3.",,"|1 |2 ne peut pas tre dclar Overrides , car il ne se substitue pas un
|1 dans une |3 de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" . expected.",," . attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local variable |1 is already declared in the current block.",,"La variable lo
cale |1 est dj dclare dans le bloc actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Statement cannot appear within a method body. End of method assumed.",,"Cette i
nstruction ne peut pas apparatre dans le corps d une mthode. Elle est interprte comm
e la fin de la mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local variable cannot have the same name as the function containing it.",,"Une
variable locale ne peut pas avoir le mme nom que la fonction qui la contient.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
|1 contains |2 (variable |3 ).",,"\n
|1 contient |2 (variable
|3 ).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Structure |1 cannot contain an instance of itself: |2",,"La structure |1 ne
peut pas contenir une instance d elle-mme: |2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface |1 cannot inherit from itself: |2",,"L interface |1 ne peut pas hr
iter d elle-mme: |2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
|1 calls |2 .",,"|0\n
|1 appelle |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor |1 cannot call itself:",,"Le constructeur |1 ne peut pas s appe
ler lui-mme:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot inherit from |3 |2 because |2 is declared NotInheritable .",,"
|1 ne peut pas hriter de |3 |2 , car |2 est dclar comme NotInheritable .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because they differ only by optional p
arameters.",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mutuellement, car seuls
les paramtres optionnels les diffrencient.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because they differ only by return typ
es.",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mutuellement, car seuls les typ
es de retour les diffrencient.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type character |1 cannot be used in a declaration with an explicit type.",,"L
e caractre de type |1 ne peut pas tre utilis dans une dclaration avec un type expl
icite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type character cannot be used in a Sub declaration because a Sub doesn t re
turn a value.",,"Un caractre de type ne peut pas tre utilis dans une dclaration Sub
, car un Sub ne retourne pas de valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because they differ only by the defaul
t values of optional parameters.",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mu
tuellement, car seules les valeurs par dfaut des paramtres optionnels les diffrenci
ent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array subscript expression missing.",,"Expression d indice de tableau manquante
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because they differ by the default values of optional
parameters.",," |1 ne peut pas se substituer |2 , car seules les valeurs par
dfaut des paramtres optionnels les diffrencient.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because they differ by optional parameters.",," |1 n
e peut pas se substituer |2 , car les paramtres optionnels les diffrencient.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot refer to |1 because it is a member of the value-typed field |2 of cl
ass |3 which has System.MarshalByRefObject as a base class.",,"Impossible de
faire rfrence |1 , car il est membre du champ de valeurs |2 de la classe |3 ,
qui a System.MarshalByRefObject comme classe de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of type |1 cannot be converted to |2 .",,"Impossible de convertir une
valeur de type |1 en |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Case cannot follow a Case Else in the same Select statement.",," Case ne
peut pas suivre Case Else dans la mme instruction Select .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of type |1 cannot be converted to |2 because |3 is not derived from
|4 .",,"Impossible de convertir une valeur de type |1 en |2 , car |3 n es
t pas driv de |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of type |1 cannot be converted to |2 because |3 is not a reference
type.",,"Impossible de convertir une valeur de type |1 en |2 , car |3 n est
pas un type rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" For loop control variable cannot be of type |1 because the type does not su
pport the required operators.",,"La variable de contrle de boucle For ne peut p
as tre de type |1 , car le type ne prend pas en charge les oprateurs requis.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because they differ only by parameters
declared ByRef or ByVal .",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mutue
llement, car seuls les paramtres dclars ByRef ou ByVal les diffrencient.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface can inherit only from another interface.",,"Une interface ne peut hrit
er que d une autre interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Inherits statements must precede all declarations in an interface.",,"Les ins
tructions Inherits doivent prcder toutes les dclarations dans une interface.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Default can be applied to only one property name in a |1.",," Default ne peu
t tre appliqu qu un seul nom de proprit dans un |1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because only one is declared Default
.",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mutuellement, car seul l un d ent
re eux est dclar Default .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because they differ by ReadOnly or WriteOnly .",,"

|1 ne peut pas se substituer |2 , car ReadOnly ou WriteOnly les diffrencie

.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub New cannot be declared in an interface.",," Sub New ne peut pas tre dclar d
ans une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub New cannot be declared |1 .",," Sub New ne peut pas tre dclar |1 .",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because they differ only by ReadOnly
or WriteOnly .",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mutuellement, car
seul ReadOnly ou WriteOnly les diffrencie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class |1 cannot be indexed because it has no default property.",,"La classe
|1 ne peut pas tre indexe, car elle n a pas de proprit par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because they differ only by parameters
declared ParamArray .",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mutuellemen
t, car seuls les paramtres dclars ParamArray les diffrencient.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot refer to an instance member of a class from within a shared method or sh
ared member initializer without an explicit instance of the class.",,"Impossible
de faire rfrence un membre instance d une classe partir d une mthode partage ou d u
n initialiseur de membre partag sans une instance explicite de la classe.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" } expected.",," } attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module |1 cannot be used as a type.",,"Le module |1 ne peut pas tre utilis en
tant que type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" New cannot be used on an interface.",,"Impossible d utiliser New pour une i
nterface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" New cannot be used on class |1 because it contains a MustOverride member
that has not been overridden.",," New ne peut pas tre utilis pour la classe |1 ,
car elle contient un membre MustOverride qui n a pas t substitu.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Catch cannot appear after Finally within a Try statement.",," Catch ne p
eut pas apparatre aprs Finally dans une instruction Try .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Catch cannot appear outside a Try statement.",," Catch ne peut pas apparatr
e en dehors d une instruction Try .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" Finally can only appear once in a Try statement.",," Finally ne peut appar
atre qu une seule fois dans une instruction Try .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Finally cannot appear outside a Try statement.",," Finally ne peut pas app
aratre en dehors d une instruction Try .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
" End Try must be preceded by a matching Try .",," End Try doit tre prcd d un Tr
y correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Try must end with a matching End Try .",," Try doit se terminer par un End
Try correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on a Delegate declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dans une
dclaration Delegate.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class |1 must declare a Sub New because its base class |2 does not have a
n accessible Sub New that can be called with no arguments.",,"La classe |1 d
oit dclarer un Sub New , car sa classe de base |2 n a pas de Sub New accessi
ble qu il est possible d appeler sans argument.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not accessible in this context because it is |2 .",," |1 n est pas ac
cessible dans ce contexte, car il est |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" |1.|2 is not accessible in this context because it is |3 .",," |1.|2 n est
pas accessible dans ce contexte, car il est |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Catch cannot catch type |1 because it is not System.Exception or a class

that inherits from System.Exception .",," Catch ne peut pas intercepter le typ
e |1 , car il n est pas System.Exception ou une classe qui hrite de System.Ex
ception .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Exit Try can only appear inside a Try statement.",," Exit Try ne peut appa
ratre qu l intrieur d une instruction Try .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on a Structure declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dans une
dclaration Structure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on an Enum declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dans une dcla
ration Enum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid on an Interface declaration.",," |1 n est pas valide dans un
e dclaration Interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because they differ by a parameter that is marked as
ByRef versus ByVal .",," |1 ne peut pas se substituer |2 , car un paramtre m
arqu comme ByRef pour l une et ByVal pour l autre les diffrencie.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" MyBase cannot be used with method |1 because it is declared MustOverride .
",," MyBase ne peut pas tre utilis avec la mthode |1 , car il est dclar MustOverri
de .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot implement |2 because there is no matching |3 on interface |4 .",
," |1 ne peut pas implmenter |2 , car il n existe pas de |3 correspondant pour
l interface |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method |1 does not have the same signature as delegate |3 .",,"La mthode |1
n a pas la mme signature que le dlgu |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" WithEvents variables must have an As clause.",,"Les variables WithEvents
doivent comporter une clause As .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" WithEvents variables can only be typed as classes, interfaces or type paramet
ers with class constraints.",,"Les variables WithEvents peuvent seulement tre d
e type classe, interface ou paramtre de type avec des contraintes de classe.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of type |1 cannot be converted to |2 because the array types have dif
ferent numbers of dimensions.",,"Impossible de convertir une valeur de type |1
en |2 , car les types tableau ont des nombres de dimensions diffrents.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReDim cannot change the number of dimensions of an array.",," ReDim ne peut
pas changer le nombre de dimensions d un tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub Main was not found in |1 .",," Sub Main est introuvable dans |1 .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constants must be of an intrinsic or enumerated type, not a class, structure, t
ype parameter, or array type.",,"Les constantes doivent tre de type intrinsque ou n
umr, et non de type classe, structure, paramtre de type ou tableau.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Sub must be preceded by a matching Sub .",," End Sub doit tre prcd d un Su
b correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Function must be preceded by a matching Function .",," End Function doi
t tre prcd d un Function correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" End Property must be preceded by a matching Property .",," End Property doi
t tre prcd d un Property correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Methods in a Module cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les mthodes d un module ne peuve
nt pas tre dclares |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Events in a Module cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les vnements d un module ne peuven
t pas tre dclars |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Members in a Structure cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les membres d une structure
ne peuvent pas tre dclars |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Members in a Module cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les membres d un module ne peuv

ent pas tre dclars |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because they differ by their return types.",," |1 ne
peut pas se substituer |2 , car les types de retour les diffrencient.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constants must have a value.",,"Les constantes doivent avoir une valeur.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant expression not representable in type |1 .",,"L expression constante n
est pas reprsentable dans le type |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" Catch must end with a matching End Try .",," Catch doit se terminer par un
End Try correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Finally must end with a matching End Try .",," Finally doit se terminer par
un End Try correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Get is already declared.",," Get est dj dclar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Set is already declared.",," Set est dj dclar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Const declaration cannot have an array initializer.",,"Une dclaration Const ne p
eut pas avoir un initialiseur de tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. It may be inaccessible due to its protection level.",," |
1 n est pas dclar. Il peut tre inaccessible en raison de son niveau de protection.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 is not defined for types |2 and |3 .",,"L oprateur |1 n est p
as dfini pour les types |2 et |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Expression is not a method.",,"L expression n est pas une mthode.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument not specified for parameter |1 of |2 .",,"Argument non spcifi pour le
paramtre |1 de |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not a member of |2 .",," |1 n est pas un membre de |2 .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Types are not available in this context.",,"Les types ne sont pas disponibles d
ans ce contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Class must be preceded by a matching Class .",," End Class doit tre prcd d
un Class correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Classes cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les classes ne peuvent pas tre dclares |1 .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Imports statements must precede any declarations.",,"Des instructions Import
s doivent prcder toutes les dclarations.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" |2 for the Imports |1 does not refer to a Namespace, Class, Structure, Enum
or Module.",," |2 pour les Imports |1 ne fait pas rfrence un Namespace, Class,
Structure, Enum ou Module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type declaration characters are not valid in this context.",,"Les caractres de dc
laration de type ne sont pas valides dans ce contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference to a non-shared member requires an object reference.",,"Une rfrence un
membre non partag requiert une rfrence d objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
" MyClass cannot be used outside of a class.",," MyClass ne peut pas tre utilis
l extrieur d une classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression is not an array or a method, and cannot have an argument list.",,"L
expression n est pas un tableau ni une mthode et ne peut pas avoir de liste d arg
uments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" WithEvents variables cannot be typed as arrays.",,"Les variables WithEvents
ne peuvent pas tre de type tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Shared Sub New cannot have any parameters.",,"Un Sub New partag ne peut pas

avoir de paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Shared Sub New cannot be declared |1 .",,"Un Sub New partag ne peut pas tre
dclar |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Class statement must end with a matching End Class .",,"Une instruction Cla
ss doit se terminer par un End Class correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 is not defined for type |2 .",,"L oprateur |1 n est pas dfini po
ur le type |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Default cannot be combined with |1 .",," Default ne peut pas tre combin avec
|1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression does not produce a value.",,"Cette expression ne produit pas de vale
ur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor must be declared as a Sub, not as a Function.",,"Le constructeur do
it tre dclar en tant que Sub, et non Function.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Line is too long.",,"Ligne trop longue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Exponent is not valid.",,"Exposant non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub New cannot handle events.",," Sub New ne peut pas grer d vnements.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constant |1 cannot depend on its own value.",,"La constante |1 ne peut pas
dpendre de sa propre valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Shared cannot be combined with |1 on a method declaration.",," Shared ne p
eut pas tre combin avec |1 pour une dclaration de mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Shared cannot be combined with |1 on a property declaration.",," Shared ne
peut pas tre combin avec |1 pour une dclaration de proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Properties in a Module cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les proprits d un module ne pe
uvent pas tre dclares |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods or events that implement interface members cannot be declared Shared .
",,"Les mthodes ou vnements qui implmentent des membres d interface ne peuvent pas tr
e dclars Shared .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Handles clause requires a WithEvents variable defined in the containing type or
one of its base types.",,"La clause Handles requiert une variable WithEvents dfi
nie dans le type conteneur ou l un de ses types de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot expose type |2 in |3 |4 through |5 |6 .",," |1 ne peut pas ex
poser le type |2 dans |3 |4 travers |5 |6 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot inherit from |2 |3 because it expands the access of the base |2 t
o |4 |5 .",," |1 ne peut pas hriter de |2 |3 , car il tend l accs du |2 de base
|4 |5 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from |1 to |2 .",,"Option St
rict On interdit les conversions implicites de |1 en |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overload resolution failed because no accessible |1 accepts this number of ar
guments.",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun |1 accessible n accepte c
e nombre d arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overload resolution failed because no |1 is accessible.",,"La rsolution de sur
charge a chou, car aucun |1 n est accessible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overload resolution failed because no accessible |1 can be called with these
arguments:|2",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun |1 accessible ne peut
tre appel avec ces arguments:|2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overload resolution failed because no accessible |1 can be called without a n
arrowing conversion:|2",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun |1 accessib
le ne peut tre appel sans conversion restrictive:|2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Argument matching parameter |1 narrows from |2 to |3 .",,"L argument qui c

orrespond au paramtre |1 passe de |2 |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overload resolution failed because no accessible |1 is most specific for thes
e arguments:|2",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun |1 accessible n est
plus spcifique pour ces arguments:|2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Property |1 is WriteOnly .",,"La proprit |1 est WriteOnly .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property |1 is ReadOnly .",,"La proprit |1 est ReadOnly .",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1-dimensional array of |2",,"Tableau |1 dimension(s) de |2",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All parameters must be explicitly typed if any of them are explicitly typed.",,
"Tous les paramtres doivent tre explicitement typs, si l un d eux est explicitement
typ.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter cannot have the same name as its defining function.",,"Un paramtre ne
peut pas avoir le mme nom que sa fonction de dfinition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion from Date to Double requires calling the Date.ToOADate method.
",,"Pour convertir Date en Double , vous devez appeler la mthode Date.ToOADat
e .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion from Double to Date requires calling the Date.FromOADate metho
d.",,"Pour convertir Double en Date , vous devez appeler la mthode Date.FromO
ADate .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Division by zero occurred while evaluating this expression.",,"Une division par
zro s est produite lors de l valuation de cette expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method cannot contain both a Try statement and an On Error or Resume stat
ement.",,"Une mthode ne peut pas contenir la fois une instruction Try et une in
struction On Error ou Resume .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Property access must assign to the property or use its value.",,"Un accs la prop
rit doit assigner la proprit ou utiliser sa valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be indexed because it has no default property.",," |1 ne peut pas t
re index, car il n a pas de proprit par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Attribute |1 cannot be applied to an assembly.",,"L attribut |1 ne peut pas
tre appliqu un assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute |1 cannot be applied to a module.",,"L attribut |1 ne peut pas tre
appliqu un module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is ambiguous.",," |1 est ambigu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Default member |1 is not a property.",,"Le membre |1 par dfaut n est pas une
proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is ambiguous in the namespace |2 .",," |1 est ambigu dans l espace de no
ms |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is ambiguous, imported from the namespaces or types |2 .",," |1 est ambi
gu, import des espaces de noms ou des types |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is ambiguous between declarations in Modules |2 and |3 .",," |1 est am
bigu entre les dclarations dans les modules |2 et |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array initializer has too few dimensions.",,"L initialiseur de tableau n utilis
e pas suffisamment de dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Array initializer has too many dimensions.",,"L initialiseur de tableau utilise
trop de dimensions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array initializer is missing |1 elements.",,"Il manque |1 lments l initialiseur d

e tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Array initializer has |1 too many elements.",,"L initialiseur de tableau utilis
e |1 lment(s) de trop.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" New cannot be used on a class that is declared MustInherit .",," New ne peu
t pas tre utilis dans une classe dclare MustInherit .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Alias |1 is already declared.",,"L alias |1 est dj dclar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML namespace prefix |1 is already declared.",,"Le prfixe de l espace de noms
XML |1 est dj dclar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On disallows late binding.",,"Option Strict On rejette toute liai
son tardive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement does not declare a Get or Set method.",,"L instruction ne dclare p
as une mthode Get ou Set .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddressOf operand must be the name of a method (without parentheses).",,"L opr
ande AddressOf doit tre le nom d une mthode (sans parenthses).",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #End ExternalSource must be preceded by a matching #ExternalSource .",," #En
d ExternalSource doit tre prcd d un #ExternalSource correspondant.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #ExternalSource statement must end with a matching #End ExternalSource .",,"
L instruction #ExternalSource doit se terminer par un #End ExternalSource co
rrespondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #ExternalSource directives cannot be nested.",,"Les directives #ExternalSour
ce ne peuvent pas tre imbriques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddressOf expression cannot be converted to |1 because |1 is not a delega
te type.",,"Impossible de convertir l expression AddressOf en |1 , car |1 n
est pas un type dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" SyncLock operand cannot be of type |1 because |1 is not a reference type.
",,"L oprande SyncLock ne peut pas tre de type |1 , car |1 n est pas un type
rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1.|2 cannot be implemented more than once.",," |1.|2 ne peut pas tre implment
plus d une fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be inherited more than once.",," |1 ne peut pas tre hrit plus d une f
ois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Named argument cannot match a ParamArray parameter.",,"L argument nomm ne peut p
as correspondre un paramtre ParamArray.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Event |1 cannot be found.",,"L vnement |1 est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" WithEvents variable does not raise any events.",,"La variable WithEvents ne
dclenche aucun vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variables in Modules cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les variables des modules ne p
euvent pas tre dclares |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Events of shared WithEvents variables cannot be handled by non-shared methods."
,,"Les vnements des variables WithEvents partages ne peuvent pas tre grs par des mthod
s non partages.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" - expected.",," - attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface members must be methods, properties, events, or type definitions.",,"
Les membres d interface doivent tre des mthodes, des proprits, des vnements ou des dfi
itions de types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement cannot appear within an interface body.",,"L instruction ne peut pas
apparatre dans le corps d une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Statement cannot appear within an interface body. End of interface assumed.",,"
L instruction ne peut pas apparatre dans le corps d une interface. Elle est inter
prte comme la fin de l interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" NotInheritable classes cannot have members declared |1 .",,"Les classes Not
Inheritable ne peuvent pas avoir de membres dclars |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Class |1 must either be declared MustInherit or override the following inhe

rited MustOverride member(s): |2.",,"La classe |1 doit tre dclare MustInherit
ou se substituer aux membres MustOverride hrits suivants: |2.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array dimensions cannot have a negative size.",,"Les dimensions d un tableau ne
peuvent pas tre de taille ngative.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" MustOverride method |1 cannot be called with MyClass .",,"La mthode MustOv
erride |1 ne peut pas tre appele par MyClass .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End statement cannot be used in class library projects.",,"L instruction End
ne peut pas tre utilise dans les projets de bibliothque de classes.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variable |1 hides a variable in an enclosing block.",,"La variable |1 masqu
e une variable dans un bloc englobant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" Module statements can occur only at file or namespace level.",,"Les instructi
ons Module ne peuvent intervenir qu au niveau du fichier ou de l espace de nom
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Namespace statements can occur only at file or namespace level.",,"Les instru
ctions Namespace ne peuvent intervenir qu au niveau du fichier ou de l espace
de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement cannot appear within an Enum body. End of Enum assumed.",,"Cette inst
ruction ne peut pas apparatre dans le corps d un Enum. Elle est interprte comme la
fin de l Enum.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Option Strict can be followed only by On or Off .",," Option Strict ne pe
ut tre suivi que de On ou Off .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" End Structure must be preceded by a matching Structure .",," End Structure
doit tre prcd d un Structure correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" End Module must be preceded by a matching Module .",," End Module doit tre p
rcd d un Module correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Namespace must be preceded by a matching Namespace .",," End Namespace
doit tre prcd d un Namespace correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" Structure statement must end with a matching End Structure .",,"L instructio
n Structure doit se terminer par un End Structure correspondant.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Module statement must end with a matching End Module .",,"L instruction Mod
ule doit se terminer par un End Module correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Namespace statement must end with a matching End Namespace .",,"L instructio
n Namespace doit se terminer par un End Namespace correspondant.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Option statements must precede any declarations or Imports statements.",,"T
outes les dclarations et instructions Imports doivent tre prcdes d instructions Op
tion .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Structures cannot have Inherits statements.",,"Les structures ne peuvent pas
utiliser d instructions Inherits .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Structures cannot declare a non-shared Sub New with no parameters.",,"Les str
uctures ne peuvent pas dclarer un Sub New non partag sans paramtre.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Get must be preceded by a matching Get .",," End Get doit tre prcd d un Ge
t correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Get statement must end with a matching End Get .",,"Une instruction Get do
it se terminer par un End Get correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Set must be preceded by a matching Set .",," End Set doit tre prcd d un Se

t correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Set statement must end with a matching End Set .",,"Une instruction Set do
it se terminer par un End Set correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement cannot appear within a property body. End of property assumed.",,"Cet
te instruction ne peut pas apparatre dans le corps d une proprit. Elle est interprte
comme la fin de la proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReadOnly and WriteOnly cannot be combined.",,"Impossible de combiner ReadO
nly et WriteOnly .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" > expected.",," > attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly or Module attribute statements must precede any declarations in a file
.",,"Les instructions d attribut Assembly ou Module doivent prcder toutes les dclar
ations dans un fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array bounds cannot appear in type specifiers.",,"Les limites d index de tablea
u ne peuvent pas figurer dans les spcificateurs de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Properties cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les proprits ne peuvent pas tre dclares |1 .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Option Explicit can be followed only by On or Off .",," Option Explicit n
e peut tre suivi que de On ou Off .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" ByVal and ByRef cannot be combined.",,"Impossible de combiner ByVal et B
yRef .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Optional and ParamArray cannot be combined.",,"Impossible de combiner Opti
onal et ParamArray .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property |1 is of an unsupported type.",,"La proprit |1 est d un type non pri
s en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute |1 cannot be applied to a method with optional parameters.",,"L att
ribut |1 ne peut pas tre appliqu une mthode avec des paramtres optionnels.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Return statement in a Sub or a Set cannot return a value.",,"L instruction R
eturn dans un Sub ou un Set ne peut pas retourner de valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String constants must end with a double quote.",,"Les constantes de chane doiven
t se terminer par un guillemet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is an unsupported type.",," |1 est un type non pris en charge.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enums must be declared as an integral type.",,"Les enums doivent tre dclars en tan
t que type intgral.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 parameters cannot be declared ByRef .",,"Les paramtres |1 ne peuvent pas tre
dclars ByRef .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to assembly |1 containing the type |2 . Add one to your p
roject.",,"Une rfrence l assembly |1 contenant le type |2 est requise. Ajoutez
-en une votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to module |1 containing the type |2 . Add one to your pro
ject.",,"Une rfrence au module |1 contenant le type |2 est requise. Ajoutez-en
une votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Return statement in a Function, Get, or Operator must return a value.",,"L in
struction Return dans un Function, Get ou Operator doit retourner une valeur."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find required file |1 .",,"Le fichier requis |1 est introuvable.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Field |1 is of an unsupported type.",,"Le champ |1 est d un type non pris e
n charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 has a return type that is not supported or parameter types that are not su
pported.",," |1 a un type de retour ou des types de paramtres non pris en charge
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property |1 with no parameters cannot be found.",,"Impossible de trouver la p
roprit |1 sans paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property or field |1 does not have a valid attribute type.",,"La proprit ou le

champ |1 n utilise pas un type d attribut valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame

work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attributes cannot be applied to local variables.",,"Les attributs ne peuvent pa
s tre appliqus aux variables locales.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Field or property |1 is not found.",,"Le champ ou la proprit |1 est introuvab
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute |1 cannot be applied to |2 because the attribute is not valid on
this declaration type.",,"L attribut |1 ne peut pas tre appliqu |2 car il n es
t pas valide dans ce type de dclaration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Attribute |1 cannot be applied multiple times.",,"L attribut |1 ne peut pas
tre appliqu plusieurs fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Throw operand must derive from System.Exception .",,"L oprande Throw doit dr
iver de System.Exception .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Throw statement cannot omit operand outside a Catch statement or inside a
Finally statement.",,"L instruction Throw ne peut pas omettre l oprande en deh
ors d une instruction Catch ou dans une instruction Finally .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ParamArray parameters must be declared ByVal .",,"Les paramtres ParamArray doiv
ent tre dclars ByVal .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is obsolete: |2 .",," |1 est obsolte: |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReDim statements require a parenthesized list of the new bounds of each dimen
sion of the array.",,"Les instructions ReDim requirent une liste entre parenthse
s des nouvelles limites de chaque dimension du tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Explicit initialization is not permitted with multiple variables declared with
a single type specifier.",,"Une initialisation explicite n est pas autorise avec
plusieurs variables dclares avec un spcificateur de type unique.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Explicit initialization is not permitted for arrays declared with explicit boun
ds.",,"Une initialisation explicite n est pas autorise pour les tableaux dclars ave
c des limites explicites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End SyncLock must be preceded by a matching SyncLock .",," End SyncLock doi
t tre prcd d un SyncLock correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" SyncLock statement must end with a matching End SyncLock .",,"L instruction
SyncLock doit se terminer par un End SyncLock correspondant.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not an event of |2 .",," |1 n est pas un vnement de |2 .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddHandler or RemoveHandler statement event operand must be a dot-qualified
expression or a simple name.",,"L oprande d vnement d instruction AddHandler ou
RemoveHandler doit tre une expression qualifie par un point ou un nom simple.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End statement not valid.",,"Instruction End non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #End Region must be preceded by a matching #Region .",," #End Region doit tr
e prcd d un #Region correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" #Region statement must end with a matching #End Region .",,"L instruction #
Region doit se terminer par un #End Region correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Inherits statement must precede all declarations in a class.",,"L instruction
Inherits doit prcder toutes les dclarations dans une classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is ambiguous across the inherited interfaces |2 and |3 .",," |1 est am
bigu dans les interfaces hrites |2 et |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"

"Default property access is ambiguous between the inherited interface members |

1 of interface |2 and |3 of interface |4 .",,"L accs la proprit par dfaut est
ambigu entre le membre |1 de l interface hrite |2 et le membre |3 de l inter
face hrite |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Events in interfaces cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les vnements des interfaces ne p
euvent pas tre dclars |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement cannot appear outside of a method body/multiline lambda.",,"Cette ins
truction ne peut pas apparatre en dehors du corps d une mthode ou d une expression
lambda multiligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Structure |1 cannot be indexed because it has no default property.",,"La stru
cture |1 ne peut pas tre indexe, car elle n a pas de proprit par dfaut.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is a type in |2 and cannot be used as an expression.",," |1 est un type
dans |2 et ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 must be declared Shadows because another member with this name is dec
lared Shadows .",,"|1 |2 doit tre dclar Shadows , car un autre membre du mme nom
est dclar Shadows .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because they differ only by the types
of optional parameters.",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mutuellemen
t, car seuls les types des paramtres optionnels les diffrencient.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because they differ by the types of optional paramete
rs.",," |1 ne peut pas se substituer |2 , car les types des paramtres optionnel
s les diffrencient.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to write temporary file because temporary path is not available.",,"Impo
ssible d crire un fichier temporaire, car le chemin d accs temporaire n est pas di
sponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared or the module containing it is not loaded in the debugging
session.",," |1 n est pas dclar ou le module qui le contient n est pas charg dans
la session de dbogage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Because this evaluation could cause side effects, it will not be executed until
enabled by user.",,"Dans la mesure o cette valuation peut entraner des effets seco
ndaires, elle ne sera pas excute avant son activation par l utilisateur.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Index |1 for dimension |2 is out of range.",,"L index |1 pour la dimensio
n |2 est hors limites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced object |1 has a value of Nothing .",,"L objet rfrenc |1 a la valeu
r Nothing .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression or statement is not valid in debug windows.",,"L expression ou l ins
truction n est pas valide dans les fentres de dbogage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to evaluate expression.",,"Impossible d valuer l expression.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loop statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions de b
oucle ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End of expression expected.",,"Fin d expression attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Exit statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions E
xit ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Resume statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions
Resume ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Catch statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions
Catch ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Finally statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions
Finally ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra

mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Try statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions Tr
y ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Select statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions
Select ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Case statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions C
ase ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" On Error statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instruction
s On Error ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Evaluation of expression or statement stopped.",,"Arrt de l valuation de l expres
sion ou de l instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Evaluation of expression or statement timed out.",,"Dlai d attente dpass pour l val
uation de l expression ou de l instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" Error statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions
Error ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Throw statements are not valid in the Immediate window.",,"Les instructions
Throw ne sont pas valides dans la fentre Excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" With contexts and statements are not valid in debug windows.",,"Les contextes
et instructions With ne sont pas valides dans les fentres de dbogage.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods declared in structures cannot have Handles clauses.",,"Les mthodes dcla
res dans des structures ne peuvent pas comporter de clauses Handles .",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods declared Overrides cannot be declared Overridable because they are
implicitly overridable.",,"Les mthodes dclares Overrides ne peuvent pas tre dclares
Overridable , car elles sont implicitement substituables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Web methods cannot be evaluated in debug windows.",,"Impossible d valuer des mtho
des Web dans les fentres de dbogage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" |1 is already declared as a parameter of this method.",," |1 est dj dclar en tan
t que paramtre de cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type in a Module cannot be declared |1 .",,"Un type dans un module ne peut pas
tre dclar |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression cannot be evaluated at this time.",,"Impossible d valuer l expression
pour l instant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible Main method with an appropriate signature was found in |1 .",,
"Aucune mthode Main accessible avec une signature approprie n a t trouve dans |1 .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub Main is declared more than once in |1 : |2",," Sub Main est dclar plusieu
rs fois dans |1 : |2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value |1 cannot be converted to |2 .",,"Impossible de convertir la valeur |
1 en |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal compiler error.",,"Erreur interne du compilateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert to |1 .",,"Impossible de convertir en |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Information for the type of |1 has not been loaded into the runtime.",,"Les i
nformations pour le type de |1 n ont pas t charges dans le runtime.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to get type information for |1 .",,"Impossible d obtenir des informatio
ns de type pour |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" On Error statements are not valid within SyncLock statements.",,"Les instru

ctions On Error ne sont pas valides dans les instructions SyncLock .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On disallows implicit conversions from |1 to |2 ; the Visual B
asic 6.0 collection type is not compatible with the .NET Framework collection ty
pe.",,"Option Strict On interdit les conversions implicites de |1 en |2 ; le t
ype de collection de Visual Basic 6.0 n est pas compatible avec le type de colle
ction du .NET Framework.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" GoTo |1 is not valid because |1 is inside a Try , Catch or Finally sta
tement that does not contain this statement.",," GoTo |1 n est pas valide, car
|1 se trouve l intrieur d une instruction Try , Catch ou Finally qui ne co
ntient pas cette instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" GoTo |1 is not valid because |1 is inside a SyncLock statement that does
not contain this statement.",," GoTo |1 n est pas valide, car |1 se trouve l
intrieur d une instruction SyncLock qui ne contient pas cette instruction.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" GoTo |1 is not valid because |1 is inside a With statement that does not
contain this statement.",," GoTo |1 n est pas valide, car |1 se trouve l intri
eur d une instruction With qui ne contient pas cette instruction.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" GoTo |1 is not valid because |1 is inside a For or For Each statement t
hat does not contain this statement.",," GoTo |1 n est pas valide, car |1 se
trouve l intrieur d une instruction For ou For Each qui ne contient pas cette
instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute cannot be used because it does not have a Public constructor.",,"Impo
ssible d utiliser cet attribut, car il n a pas de constructeur Public.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced object has a value of Nothing .",,"L objet rfrenc a la valeur Nothing
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The targeted platform does not support latebinding.",,"La plateforme cible ne pr
end pas en charge la liaison tardive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The targeted platform does not support using the Ansi, Auto or Unicode modifier
.",,"La plateforme cible ne prend pas en charge l utilisation du modificateur Ans
i, Auto ou Unicode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The targeted platform does not support latebound overload resolution.",,"La pla
teforme cible ne prend pas en charge la rsolution de surcharge liaison tardive.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. File I/O functionality is normally available in the Micr
osoft.VisualBasic namespace, but the targeted platform does not support it.",,"
|1 n est pas dclar. La fonctionnalit d E/S de fichier est normalement disponible
dans l espace de noms Microsoft.VisualBasic , mais la plateforme cible ne la pre
nd pas en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Get statements are no longer supported. File I/O functionality is normally av
ailable in the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace, but the targeted platform does
not support it.",,"Les instructions Get ne sont plus prises en charge. La fon
ctionnalit d E/S de fichier est normalement disponible dans l espace de noms Mic
rosoft.VisualBasic , mais la plateforme cible ne la prend pas en charge.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Line statements are no longer supported. File I/O functionality is normally a
vailable as Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.LineInput , but the targeted platf
orm does not support it. The graphics functionality is available as System.Draw
ing.Graphics.DrawLine .",,"Les instructions Line ne sont plus prises en charge
. La fonctionnalit d E/S de fichier est normalement disponible en tant que Micro
soft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.LineInput , mais la plateforme cible ne la prend pas
en charge. La fonctionnalit graphique est disponible en tant que System.Drawing.
Graphics.DrawLine .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The targeted platform does not support the End statement.",,"La plateforme ci
ble ne prend pas en charge l instruction End .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event |1 specified by the DefaultEvent attribute is not a publicly accessib

le event for this class.",,"L vnement |1 spcifi par l attribut DefaultEvent n es

t pas un vnement accessible publiquement pour cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" NonSerialized attribute will not have any effect on this member because its c
ontaining class is not exposed as Serializable .",,"L attribut NonSerialized
n aura pas d effet sur ce membre, car sa classe conteneur n est pas expose comme
Serializable .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Continue must be followed by Do , For or While .",," Continue doit tre su
ivi par Do , For ou While .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Continue Do can only appear inside a Do statement.",," Continue Do ne peut
tre utilis qu l intrieur d une instruction Do .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Continue For can only appear inside a For statement.",," Continue For ne p
eut tre utilis qu l intrieur d une instruction For .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Continue While can only appear inside a While statement.",," Continue While
ne peut apparatre que dans une instruction While .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter specifier is duplicated.",,"Le spcificateur de paramtre est en double."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Declare statements in a Module cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les instructions
Declare dans un Module ne peuvent pas tre dclares |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Declare statements in a structure cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les instruction
s Declare dans une structure ne peuvent pas tre dclares |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" TryCast operand must be reference type, but |1 is a value type.",,"L oprande
TryCast doit tre un type rfrence, mais |1 est un type valeur.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" TryCast operands must be class-constrained type parameter, but |1 has no cl
ass constraint.",,"L oprande TryCast doit tre un paramtre de type contraint par c
lasse, mais |1 n a pas de contrainte de classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible |1 is most specific: |2",,"Aucun |1 accessible n est plus spci
fique: |2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-shared members in a Structure cannot be declared New .",,"Les membres non
partags dans une Structure ne peuvent pas tre dclars New .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"None of the accessible Main methods with the appropriate signatures found in
|1 can be the startup method since they are all either generic or nested in ge
neric types.",,"Aucune des mthodes Main accessibles avec les signatures appropr
ies ayant t trouves dans |1 ne peut tre la mthode de dmarrage, car elles sont toutes
gnriques ou imbriques dans des types gnriques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Error in project-level import |1 at |2 : |3",,"Erreur dans l importation au
niveau du projet |1 |2 : |3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |2 for the Imports alias to |1 does not refer to a Namespace, Class, Struct
ure, Interface, Enum or Module.",,"L alias |2 utilis pour l importation de |1
ne fait pas rfrence un Namespace, Class, Structure, Interface, Enum ou Module.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method arguments must be enclosed in parentheses.",,"Les arguments de mthode doi
vent tre mis entre parenthses.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Labels that are numbers must be followed by colons.",,"Les tiquettes qui sont de
s nombres doivent tre suivies du signe deux-points.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Type statements are no longer supported; use Structure statements instead."
,,"Les instructions Type ne sont plus prises en charge; utilisez les instructio
ns Structure la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Currency is no longer a supported type; use the Decimal type instead.",," C
urrency n est plus un type pris en charge; utilisez le type Decimal la place."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Variant is no longer a supported type; use the Object type instead.",," Var
iant n est plus un type pris en charge; utilisez le type Object la place.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array declarations cannot specify lower bounds.",,"Les dclarations de tableau ne
peuvent pas spcifier de limites infrieures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" Let and Set assignment statements are no longer supported.",,"Les instructi
ons d assignation Let et Set ne sont plus prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property Get/Let/Set are no longer supported; use the new Property declaration
syntax.",,"Property Get/Let/Set ne sont plus pris en charge; utilisez la nouvelle
syntaxe de dclaration Property.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Wend statements are no longer supported; use End While statements instead."
,,"Les instructions Wend ne sont plus prises en charge; utilisez les instructio
ns End While la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods cannot be declared Static .",,"Les mthodes ne peuvent pas tre dclares Sta
tic .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReDim statements can no longer be used to declare array variables.",,"Les ins
tructions ReDim ne peuvent plus tre utilises pour dclarer des variables tableau."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Optional parameters must specify a default value.",,"Les paramtres optionnels do
ivent spcifier une valeur par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" GoSub statements are no longer supported.",,"Les instructions GoSub ne sont
plus prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. File I/O functionality is available in the Microsoft.Vis
ualBasic namespace.",," |1 n est pas dclar. La fonctionnalit d E/S de fichier est
disponible dans l espace de noms Microsoft.VisualBasic .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. Debug object functionality is available in System.Diagno
stics.Debug .",," |1 n est pas dclar. Les fonctionnalits de l objet Debug sont dis
ponibles dans System.Diagnostics.Debug .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" On GoTo and On GoSub statements are no longer supported.",,"Les instruction
s On GoTo et On GoSub ne sont plus prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. Function has moved to the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespa
ce.",," |1 n est pas dclar. Cette fonction a t dplace dans l espace de noms Microsof
t.VisualBasic .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. Function has moved to the System.Math class and is name
d |2 .",," |1 n est pas dclar. Cette fonction a t dplace dans la classe System.Math
et s appelle |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. LSet statements are no longer supported; use Microsoft
.VisualBasic.LSet instead.",," |1 n est pas dclar. Les instructions LSet ne so
nt plus prises en charge; utilisez Microsoft.VisualBasic.LSet la place.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. RSet statements are no longer supported; use Microsoft
.VisualBasic.RSet instead.",," |1 n est pas dclar. Les instructions RSet ne so
nt plus prises en charge; utilisez Microsoft.VisualBasic.RSet la place.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not declared. Null constant is no longer supported; use System.DBNul
l instead.",," |1 n est pas dclar. La constante Null n est plus prise en charg
e; utilisez System.DBNull la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" |1 is not declared. Empty constant is no longer supported; use Nothing in
stead.",," |1 n est pas dclar. La constante Empty n est plus prise en charge; ut
ilisez Nothing la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" EndIf statements are no longer supported; use End If instead.",,"Les instru
ctions EndIf ne sont plus prises en charge; utilisez End If la place.",,"Text

",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" D can no longer be used to indicate an exponent, use E instead.",," D ne p
eut plus tre utilis pour indiquer un exposant; utilisez E la place.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" As Any is not supported in Declare statements.",," As Any n est pas pris e
n charge dans les instructions Declare .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" Get statements are no longer supported. File I/O functionality is available i
n the Microsoft.VisualBasic namespace.",,"Les instructions Get ne sont plus
prises en charge. La fonctionnalit d E/S de fichier est disponible dans l espace
de noms Microsoft.VisualBasic .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Line statements are no longer supported. File I/O functionality is available
as Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.LineInput and the graphics functionality i
s available as System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawLine .",,"Les instructions Line ne
sont plus prises en charge. La fonctionnalit d E/S de fichier est disponible en
tant que Microsoft.VisualBasic.FileSystem.LineInput et la fonctionnalit graphiq
ue en tant que System.Drawing.Graphics.DrawLine .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because they differ by parameters declared ParamArra
y .",," |1 ne peut pas se substituer |2 , car ils diffrent sur les paramtres dcla
rs ParamArray .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This inheritance causes circular dependencies between |1 |2 and its nested |3
|4 .",,"Cet hritage provoque des dpendances circulaires entre |1 |2 et son |3
|4 imbriqu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 cannot inherit from a type nested within it.",,"|1 |2 ne peut pas hrit
er d un type imbriqu dans celui-ci.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" |1 cannot expose type |2 outside the project through |3 |4 .",," |1 ne pe
ut pas exposer le type |2 en dehors du projet via |3 |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot inherit from |2 |3 because it expands the access of the base |2 o
utside the assembly.",," |1 ne peut pas hriter de |2 |3 , car il tend l accs du |
2 de base en dehors de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" |1 accessor of |2 is obsolete: |3 .",,"L accesseur |1 de |2 est obsolte:
|3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 accessor of |2 is obsolete.",,"L accesseur |1 de |2 est obsolte.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot expose the underlying delegate type |2 of the event it is impleme
nting to |3 |4 through |5 |6 .",," |1 ne peut pas exposer le type dlgu sous-jac
ent |2 de l vnement qu il implmente |3 |4 via |5 |6 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot expose the underlying delegate type |2 of the event it is impleme
nting outside the project through |3 |4 .",," |1 ne peut pas exposer le type dlg
u sous-jacent |2 de l vnement qu il implmente en dehors du projet via |3 |4 .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 is not supported because it either directly or indirectly inherits fr
om itself.",,"Le type |1 n est pas pris en charge, car il hrite directement ou
indirectement de lui-mme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class |1 must declare a Sub New because the |2 in its base class |3 is
marked obsolete.",,"La classe |1 doit dclarer un Sub New , car le |2 dans sa
classe de base |3 est marqu comme obsolte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Class |1 must declare a Sub New because the |2 in its base class |3 is
marked obsolete: |4 .",,"La classe |1 doit dclarer un Sub New , car le |2 d
ans sa classe de base |3 est marqu comme obsolte: |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First statement of this Sub New must be an explicit call to MyBase.New or
MyClass.New because the |1 in the base class |2 of |3 is marked obsolete.
",,"La premire instruction de ce Sub New doit tre un appel explicite MyBase.New

ou MyClass.New , car le |1 dans la classe de base |2 de |3 est marqu com

me obsolte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First statement of this Sub New must be an explicit call to MyBase.New or
MyClass.New because the |1 in the base class |2 of |3 is marked obsolete:
|4 .",,"La premire instruction de ce Sub New doit tre un appel explicite MyBa
se.New ou MyClass.New , car le |1 dans la classe de base |2 de |3 est ma
rqu comme obsolte: |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot inherit from |2 |3 because it expands the access of type |4 to
|5 |6 .",," |1 ne peut pas hriter de |2 |3 , car il tend l accs du type |4 en
|5 |6 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot inherit from |2 |3 because it expands the access of type |4 out
side the assembly.",," |1 ne peut pas hriter de |2 |3 , car il tend l accs du typ
e |4 en dehors de l assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot expose type |2 used in the underlying delegate type |3 of the e
vent it is implementing to |4 |5 through |6 |7 .",," |1 ne peut pas exposer
le type |2 utilis dans le type dlgu sous-jacent |3 de l vnement qu il implmente
|5 via |6 |7 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot expose type |2 used in the underlying delegate type |3 of the e
vent it is implementing outside the project through |4 |5 .",," |1 ne peut pas
exposer le type |2 utilis dans le type dlgu sous-jacent |3 de l vnement qu il imp
lmente en dehors du projet via |4 |5 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Specified access |1 for |2 does not match the access |3 specified on one
of its other partial types.",,"L accs spcifi |1 pour |2 ne correspond pas l accs
|3 spcifi pour l un de ses autres types partiels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" MustInherit cannot be specified for partial type |1 because it cannot be co
mbined with NotInheritable specified for one of its other partial types.",," M
ustInherit ne peut pas tre spcifi pour le type partiel |1 , car il ne peut pas tre
combin avec NotInheritable spcifi pour l un de ses autres types partiels.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" MustOverride cannot be specified on |1 because it is in a partial type that
is declared NotInheritable in another partial definition.",," MustOverride n
e peut pas tre spcifi pour |1 , car il est dans un type partiel dclar NotInheritabl
e dans une autre dfinition partielle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Base class |1 specified for class |2 cannot be different from the base clas
s |3 of one of its other partial types.",,"La classe de base |1 spcifie pour l
a classe |2 ne peut pas tre diffrente de la classe de base |3 de l un de ses a
utres types partiels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter name |1 does not match the name |2 of the corresponding type
parameter defined on one of the other partial types of |3 .",,"Le nom du paramt
re de type |1 ne correspond pas au nom |2 du paramtre de type correspondant df
ini pour l un des autres types partiels de |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraints for this type parameter do not match the constraints on the corresp
onding type parameter defined on one of the other partial types of |1 .",,"Les
contraintes pour ce paramtre de type ne correspondent pas aux contraintes du para
mtre de type correspondant dfini pour l un des autres types partiels de |1 .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Latebound overload resolution cannot be applied to |1 because the accessing i
nstance is an interface type.",,"La rsolution de surcharge liaison tardive ne peu
t pas tre applique |1 , car l instance d accs est un type interface.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion from |1 to |2 cannot occur in a constant expression used as an a
rgument to an attribute.",,"La conversion de |1 en |2 ne peut pas se produir
e dans une expression constante utilise en tant qu argument d un attribut.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member |1.|2 that matches this signature cannot be overridden because the cla
ss |1 contains multiple members with this same name and signature: |3",,"Le me

mbre |1.|2 qui correspond cette signature ne peut pas tre substitu, car la class
e |1 contient plusieurs membres avec le mme nom et la mme signature: |3",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member |1.|2 that matches this signature cannot be implemented because the in
terface |1 contains multiple members with this same name and signature: |3",,"
Le membre |1.|2 qui correspond cette signature ne peut pas tre implment, car l in
terface |1 contient plusieurs membres avec le mme nom et la mme signature: |3",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddressOf expression cannot be converted to |1 because type |1 is declare
d MustInherit and cannot be created.",,"Impossible de convertir l expression
AddressOf en |1 , car le type |1 est dclar MustInherit et ne peut pas tre cr.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Return statement in an AddHandler , RemoveHandler , or RaiseEvent method
cannot return a value.",,"L instruction Return dans une mthode AddHandler , R
emoveHandler ou RaiseEvent ne peut pas retourner une valeur.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic methods cannot be exposed to COM.",,"Les mthodes gnriques ne peuvent pas tr
e exposes COM.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error in cast operator; two arguments separated by comma are required.",
,"Erreur de syntaxe dans l oprateur de cast; deux arguments spars par une virgule so
nt requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 cannot implement interface |4 because it declares |3 which has a re
turn type.",,"|1 |2 ne peut pas implmenter l interface |4 , car il dclare |3
qui a un type de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Stop request is pending.",,"Une demande d arrt est en attente.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Suspend request is pending.",,"Une demande d interruption est en attente.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unscheduled Fiber.",,"Fibre non planifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Array initializer cannot be specified for a non constant dimension; use the emp
ty initializer {} .",,"Un initialiseur de tableau ne peut pas tre spcifi pour une
dimension non constante; utilisez l initialiseur vide {} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible method |1 has a signature compatible with delegate |2 :|3",,"A
ucune mthode accessible |1 n a de signature compatible avec le dlgu |2 :|3",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of type |1 cannot be converted to |2 . Type mismatch could be due to t
he mixing of a file reference with a project reference to assembly |3 . Try rep
lacing the file reference to |4 in project |5 with a project reference to |
6 .",,"Impossible de convertir une valeur de type |1 en |2 . L incompatibilit
de type peut rsulter de la combinaison d une rfrence de fichier et d une rfrence de p
rojet pour l assembly |3 . Essayez de remplacer la rfrence de fichier pour |4 d
ans le projet |5 par une rfrence de projet pour |6 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function evaluation is disabled because a previous function evaluation timed ou
t. To re-enable function evaluation, step again or restart debugging.",,"L valuat
ion de la fonction est dsactive, car une valuation de fonction prcdente a expir. Pour
ractiver l valuation de la fonction, effectuez nouveau le pas pas dtaill ou relancez
le dbogage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object created by Edit and Continue is not yet available for evaluation.",,"L o
bjet cr l aide de Modifier & Continuer n est pas encore disponible pour valuation."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 refers to type |2 in project |3 , but type |2 was not found in projec
t |3 .",," |1 fait rfrence au type |2 dans le projet |3 , mais le type |2 e
st introuvable dans le projet |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Value of type |1 cannot be converted to |2 . Type mismatch could be due to m
ixing a file reference to |3 in project |4 with a file reference to |5 in
project |6 . If both assemblies are identical, try replacing these references s

o both references are from the same location.",,"Impossible de convertir une val
eur de type |1 en |2 . L incompatibilit de type peut rsulter de la combinaison
d une rfrence de fichier pour |3 dans le projet |4 et d une rfrence de fichier p
our |5 dans le projet |6 . Si les deux assemblys sont identiques, essayez de
remplacer ces rfrences pour qu elles se situent dans le mme emplacement.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to assembly |1 containing type |2 , but a suitable refere
nce could not be found due to possible circular references: |3.",,"Une rfrence l a
ssembly |1 contenant le type |2 est requise, mais une rfrence approprie n a pas
t trouve en raison de rfrences circulaires possibles: |3.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n Assembly |1 references assembly |2 ",,"\n L assembly |1 rfrence l ass
embly |2 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n Assembly |1 references project |2 ",,"\n L assembly |1 rfrence le pro
jet |2 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n Project |1 references assembly |2 ",,"\n Le projet |1 rfrence l assem
bly |2 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\n Project |1 references project |2 ",,"\n Le projet |1 rfrence le proje
t |2 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to assembly |1 containing type |2 , but a suitable refere
nce could not be found due to ambiguity between assemblies |3 and |4 .",,"Une
rfrence l assembly |1 contenant le type |2 est requise, mais une rfrence approp
rie n a pas t trouve en raison de l ambigut entre les assemblys |3 et |4 .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to assembly |1 containing type |2 , but a suitable refere
nce could not be found due to ambiguity between |3 , which is referenced by pro
ject |4 , and |5 , which is referenced by project |6 . If both assemblies are
identical, try replacing these references so both references are from the same
location.",,"Une rfrence l assembly |1 contenant le type |2 est requise, mais
une rfrence approprie n a pas t trouve en raison de l ambigut entre |3 , qui est rf
r le projet |4 , et |5 , qui est rfrenc par le projet |6 . Si les deux assemblys
sont identiques, essayez de remplacer ces rfrences pour qu elles se situent dans
le mme emplacement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference required to assembly |1 containing type |2 , but a suitable refere
nce could not be found due to ambiguity between projects |3 and |4 .",,"Une rfr
ence l assembly |1 contenant le type |2 est requise, mais une rfrence approprie
n a pas t trouve en raison de l ambigut entre les projets |3 et |4 .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 This error could also be due to mixing a file reference to |2 in project
|3 with a file reference to |4 in project |5 . If both assemblies are ident
ical, try replacing these references so both references are from the same locati
on.",,"|1 Cette erreur peut rsulter de la combinaison d une rfrence de fichier pour
|2 dans le projet |3 et d une rfrence de fichier pour |4 dans le projet |5
. Si les deux assemblys sont identiques, essayez de remplacer ces deux rfrences p
our qu elles se situent dans le mme emplacement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 This error could also be due to mixing a file reference with a project refer
ence to assembly |2. In this case, try replacing the file reference to |3 in
project |4 with a project reference to |5 .",,"|1 Cette erreur peut rsulter d
e la combinaison d une rfrence de fichier et d une rfrence de projet pour l assembly
|2. Dans ce cas, essayez de remplacer la rfrence de fichier pour |3 dans le pr
ojet |4 par une rfrence de projet pour |5 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute StructLayout cannot be applied to a generic type.",,"L attribut St
ructLayout ne peut pas tre appliqu un type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A class used in the expression is not loaded during debugging session.",,"Une c
lasse utilise dans l expression n est pas charge pendant la session de dbogage.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" For loop control variable already in use by an enclosing For loop.",,"Varia

ble de contrle de boucle For dj utilise par une boucle For englobante.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Next control variable does not match For loop control variable.",,"La varia
ble de contrle Next ne correspond pas la variable de contrle de boucle For .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range variable |1 hides a variable in an enclosing block or a range variable
previously defined in the query expression.",,"La variable de porte |1 masque u
ne variable dans un bloc englobant ou une variable de porte prcdemment dfinie dans l
expression de requte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Option Infer can be followed only by On or Off .",," Option Infer ne peut
tre suivi que par On ou Off .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of |1 cannot be inferred from an expression containing |2 .",,"Le type
de |1 ne peut pas tre dduit partir d une expression contenant |2 .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 in class |2 cannot override |3 in class |4 because an intermediate c
lass |5 overrides |3 in class |4 but is not accessible.",," |1 dans la cl
asse |2 ne peut pas remplacer |3 dans la classe |4 , car une classe intermdi
aire |5 remplace |3 dans la classe |4 , mais n est pas accessible.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of |1 cannot be inferred because the loop bounds and the step clause do
not convert to the same type.",,"Le type de |1 ne peut pas tre dduit, car les li
mites de la boucle et la clause step ne sont pas converties en un mme type.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of |1 is ambiguous because the loop bounds and the step clause do not co
nvert to the same type.",,"Le type de |1 est ambigu, car les limites de la bou
cle et la clause step ne sont pas converties en un mme type.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" = expected (object initializer).",," = attendu (initialiseur d objet).",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name of field or property being initialized in an object initializer must start
with . .",,"Le nom du champ ou de la proprit initialis dans un initialiseur d obj
et doit commencer par . .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" { expected.",," { attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type or With expected.",,"Type ou With attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple initializations of |1 . Fields and properties can be initialized onl
y once in an object initializer expression.",,"Plusieurs initialisations de |1
. Les champs et les proprits ne peuvent tre initialiss qu une seule fois dans une ex
pression d initialiseur d objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member |1 cannot be initialized in an object initializer expression because i
t is not a field or property.",,"Le membre |1 ne peut pas tre initialis dans une
expression d initialiseur d objet, car il ne s agit pas d un champ ou d une pro
prit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member |1 cannot be initialized in an object initializer expression because i
t is shared.",,"Le membre |1 ne peut pas tre initialis dans une expression d ini
tialiseur d objet, car il est partag.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Property |1 cannot be initialized in an object initializer expression because
it requires arguments.",,"La proprit |1 ne peut pas tre initialise dans une expre
ssion d initialiseur d objet, car elle requiert des arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property |1 cannot be initialized in an object initializer expression because
all accessible overloads require arguments.",,"La proprit |1 ne peut pas tre ini
tialise dans une expression d initialiseur d objet, car toutes les surcharges acc
essibles ncessitent des arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Object initializer syntax cannot be used to initialize an instance of System.O
bject .",,"La syntaxe de l initialiseur d objet ne peut pas tre utilise pour initi
aliser une instance de System.Object .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Leading . or ! cannot appear in a constant expression.",," . ou ! de dbut

ne peut pas s afficher dans une expression constante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Initializer expected.",,"Initialiseur attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Line continuation character _ must be preceded by at least one white space an
d must be the last character on the line.",,"Le caractre de continuation de ligne
_ doit tre prcd d au moins un espace blanc et doit tre le dernier caractre de la li
gne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The embedded interop type |1 does not contain a definition for |2 since it
was not used in the compiled assembly. Consider casting to object or changing th
e Embed Interop Types property to true.",,"Le type interop incorpor |1 ne con
tient pas une dfinition pour |2 car il n tait pas utilis dans l assembly compil. C
astez en objet ou modifiez la proprit Incorporer les types interop en true.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event declarations that target WinMD must specify a delegate type. Add an As c
lause to the event declaration.",,"Les dclarations d vnement qui ciblent WinMD doiv
ent spcifier un type de dlgu. Ajoutez une clause As la dclaration d vnement.",,"Text
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Async and Iterator methods are not allowed in a [Class|Structure|Interface|Modu
le] that has the |1 attribute.",,"Les mthodes Async et Iterator ne sont pas aut
orises dans un [Classe|Structure|Interface|Module] qui possde l attribut |1 .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Security attribute |1 cannot be applied to an Async or Iterator method.",,"L
attribut de scurit |1 ne peut pas tre appliqu une mthode Async ou Iterator.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to open module file |1 : |0",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier de module
|1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load referenced library |1 : |0",,"Impossible de charger la bibliothq
ue rfrence |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to load DLL |1 : |0",,"Impossible de charger la DLL |1 : |0",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find entry point |1 in DLL |2 : |0",,"Impossible de trouver le poi
nt d entre |1 dans la DLL |2 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Unable to write to output file |1 : |0",,"Impossible d crire dans le fichier de
sortie |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to write output to memory.",,"Impossible d crire la sortie dans la mmoire.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Basic compiler is unable to recover from the following error: |0\nSave y
our work and restart Visual Studio.",,"Le compilateur Visual Basicn est pas en me
sure de rcuprer partir de l erreur suivante: |0\nEnregistrez votre travail et redmar
rez Visual Studio.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to open file |1 : |0",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier |1 : |0",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method |1 cannot handle event |2 because they do not have a compatible sign
ature.",,"La mthode |1 ne peut pas grer l vnement |2 , car sa signature n est pas
compatible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project-level conditional compilation constant |2 is not valid: |0",,"Constan
te de compilation conditionnelle au niveau du projet |2 non valide: |0",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project-level conditional compilation constant is not valid: |0",,"Constante de
compilation conditionnelle au niveau du projet non valide: |0",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface |1 can be implemented only once by this type.",,"L interface |1 n
e peut tre implmente qu une seule fois par ce type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface |1 is not implemented by this class.",,"L interface |1 n est pas
implmente par cette classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 exists in multiple base interfaces. Use the name of the interface that dec

lares |1 in the Implements clause instead of the name of the derived interfa
ce.",," |1 existe dans plusieurs interfaces de base. Utilisez le nom de l inter
face qui dclare |1 dans la clause Implements la place du nom de l interface dr
ive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement is not valid in an interface.",,"L instruction n est pas valide dans
une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub New cannot implement interface members.",," Sub New ne peut pas implmente
r des membres d interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays declared as structure members cannot be declared with an initial size.",
,"Les tableaux dclars en tant que membres de structures ne peuvent pas tre dclars ave
c une taille initiale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Events declared with an As clause must have a delegate type.",,"Les vnements dcl
ars avec une clause As doivent avoir un type dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Protected types can only be declared inside of a class.",,"Les types protgs ne pe
uvent tre dclars qu l intrieur d une classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Properties with no required parameters cannot be declared Default .",,"Les pro
prits sans paramtre requis ne peuvent pas tre dclares Default .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Initializers on structure members are valid only for Shared members and const
ants.",,"Les initialiseurs pour les membres de structure ne sont valides que pou
r les membres et constantes Shared .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Namespace or type |1 has already been imported.",,"L espace de noms ou le typ
e |1 a dj t import.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Modules cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les modules ne peuvent pas tre dclars |1 .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Implements statements must follow any Inherits statement and precede all de
clarations in a class.",,"Les instructions Implements doivent suivre toute ins
truction Inherits et prcder toutes les dclarations dans une classe.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conflicts with |1 , which is implicitly declared for |2 in |3 |4 .",,"Confl
it avec |1 qui est dclar implicitement pour |2 dans |3 |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 implicitly defines |3 , which conflicts with a member implicitly decla
red for |4 |5 in |6 |7 .",,"|1 |2 dfinit implicitement |3 , qui est en conf
lit avec un membre dclar implicitement pour |4 |5 dans |6 |7 .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 implicitly defines |3 , which conflicts with a member of the same name
in |4 |5 .",,"|1 |2 dfinit implicitement |3 , qui est en conflit avec un mem
bre portant le mme nom dans |4 |5 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"|1 |2 conflicts with a member implicitly declared for |3 |4 in |5 |6 .",,"
|1 |2 est en conflit avec un membre dclar implicitement pour |3 |4 dans |5 |6
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Set method cannot have more than one parameter.",,"La mthode Set ne peut pas
comporter plusieurs paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Set parameter must have the same type as the containing property.",,"Le paramt
re Set doit tre du mme type que la proprit conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Set parameter cannot be declared |1 .",,"Le paramtre Set ne peut pas tre dcla
r |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method in a structure cannot be declared Protected or Protected Friend .",,"
Une mthode dans une structure ne peut pas tre dclare Protected ni Protected Frien
d .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate in an interface cannot be declared |1 .",,"Un dlgu dans une interface ne
peut pas tre dclar |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum in an interface cannot be declared |1 .",,"Un enum dans une interface ne
peut pas tre dclar |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Class in an interface cannot be declared |1 .",,"Une classe dans une interface

ne peut pas tre dclare |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Structure in an interface cannot be declared |1 .",,"Une structure dans une in
terface ne peut pas tre dclare |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Warning treated as error : |1",,"Avertissement considr comme une erreur: |1",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate constructor for type |1 , necessary for the implementation of delegat
es, cannot be found.",,"Le constructeur dlgu pour le type |1 , ncessaire l implmenta
tion des dlgus, est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is obsolete.",," |1 est obsolte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" |1 is a module and cannot be referenced as an assembly.",," |1 est un module
et ne peut pas tre rfrenc en tant qu assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is an assembly and cannot be referenced as a module.",," |1 est un assemb
ly et ne peut pas tre rfrenc en tant que module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 is not defined for types |2 and |3 . Use Is operator to comp
are two reference types.",,"L oprateur |1 n est pas dfini pour les types |2 et
|3 . Utilisez Is pour comparer deux types rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not a local variable or parameter, and so cannot be used as a Catch v
ariable.",," |1 ne peut pas tre utilis en tant que variable Catch , car ce n est
ni une variable locale ni un paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Members in a Module cannot implement interface members.",,"Les membres d un mod
ule ne peuvent pas implmenter des membres d interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Events cannot be declared with a delegate type that has a return type.",,"Les vne
ments ne peuvent pas tre dclars avec un type dlgu ayant un type de retour.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Date constant is not valid.",,"Constante de date non valide.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because it is not declared Overridable .",," |1 ne
peut pas se substituer |2 , car il n est pas dclar Overridable .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array modifiers cannot be specified on both a variable and its type.",,"Impossi
ble de spcifier des modificateurs de tableau pour la variable et son type.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" NotOverridable cannot be specified for methods that do not override another m
ethod.",," NotOverridable ne peut pas tre spcifi pour les mthodes qui ne se substit
uent pas une autre mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Types declared Private must be inside another type.",,"Les types dclars Privat
e doivent se trouver l intrieur d un autre type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Import of type |2 from assembly or module |1 failed.",,"chec de l importatio
n du type |2 partir de l assembly ou du module |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"ParamArray parameters must have an array type.",,"Les paramtres ParamArray doive
nt avoir un type tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implementing class |1 for interface |2 cannot be found.",,"La classe d implm
entation |1 pour l interface |2 est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference to object under construction is not valid when calling another constr
uctor.",,"Toute rfrence un objet en construction n est pas valide lors de l appel
d un autre constructeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implicit reference to object under construction is not valid when calling anoth
er constructor.",,"Toute rfrence implicite un objet en construction n est pas vali
de lors de l appel d un autre constructeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"Property accessors cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les accesseurs de proprit ne peuve
nt pas tre dclars |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access modifier |1 is not valid. The access modifier of Get and Set shoul
d be more restrictive than the property access level.",,"Le modificateur d accs
|1 n est pas valide. Le modificateur d accs de Get et Set doit tre plus restr
ictif que le niveau d accs de la proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Access modifier can only be applied to either Get or Set , but not both.",,"
Le modificateur d accs ne peut tre appliqu qu Get ou Set , mais pas aux deux.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Set accessor of property |1 is not accessible.",,"L accesseur Set de la p
roprit |1 n est pas accessible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Get accessor of property |1 is not accessible.",,"L accesseur Get de la p
roprit |1 n est pas accessible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" WriteOnly properties cannot have an access modifier on Set .",,"Les proprits
WriteOnly ne peuvent pas avoir un modificateur d accs pour Set .",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReadOnly properties cannot have an access modifier on Get .",,"Les proprits R
eadOnly ne peuvent pas avoir un modificateur d accs pour Get .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property accessors cannot be declared |1 in a NotOverridable property.",,"L
es accesseurs de proprit ne peuvent pas tre dclars |1 dans une proprit NotOverridab
e .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property accessors cannot be declared |1 in a Default property.",,"Les acce
sseurs de proprit ne peuvent pas tre dclars |1 dans une proprit Default .",,"Text",
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property cannot be declared |1 because it contains a Private accessor.",,"L
a proprit ne peut pas tre dclare |1 , car elle contient un accesseur Private .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implementing class |1 for interface |2 is not accessible in this context be
cause it is |3 .",,"La classe d implmentation |1 pour l interface |2 n est p
as accessible dans ce contexte, car elle est |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arrays used as attribute arguments are required to explicitly specify values fo
r all elements.",,"Les tableaux utiliss en tant qu arguments d attribut sont requ
is pour spcifier explicitement des valeurs pour tous les lments.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Exit AddHandler , Exit RemoveHandler and Exit RaiseEvent are not valid. Us
e Return to exit from event members.",," Exit AddHandler , Exit RemoveHandler
et Exit RaiseEvent ne sont pas valides. Utilisez Return pour quitter les m
embres d vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement cannot appear within an event body. End of event assumed.",,"Cette in
struction ne peut pas apparatre dans le corps d un vnement. Elle est interprte comme
la fin de l vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement does not declare an AddHandler , RemoveHandler or RaiseEvent met
hod.",,"L instruction ne dclare pas une mthode AddHandler , RemoveHandler ou R
aiseEvent .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Custom Event must end with a matching End Event .",," Custom Event doit se
terminer par un End Event correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" AddHandler declaration must end with a matching End AddHandler .",,"La dclara
tion AddHandler doit se terminer par un End AddHandler correspondant.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" RemoveHandler declaration must end with a matching End RemoveHandler .",,"La
dclaration RemoveHandler doit se terminer par un End RemoveHandler correspon
dant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" RaiseEvent declaration must end with a matching End RaiseEvent .",,"La dclara
tion RaiseEvent doit se terminer par un End RaiseEvent correspondant.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" End AddHandler must be the first statement on a line.",," End AddHandler doi
t tre la premire instruction sur une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" End RemoveHandler must be the first statement on a line.",," End RemoveHandle
r doit tre la premire instruction sur une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End RaiseEvent must be the first statement on a line.",," End RaiseEvent doi
t tre la premire instruction sur une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" Custom modifier is not valid on events declared in interfaces.",,"Le modifica
teur Custom n est pas valide pour les vnements dclars dans les interfaces.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Custom modifier is not valid on events declared without explicit delegate typ
es.",,"Le modificateur Custom n est pas valide pour les vnements dclars sans types
dlgus explicites.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Event must be preceded by a matching Custom Event .",," End Event doit t
re prcd d un Custom Event correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" End AddHandler must be preceded by a matching AddHandler declaration.",," E
nd AddHandler doit tre prcd d une dclaration AddHandler correspondante.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End RemoveHandler must be preceded by a matching RemoveHandler declaration.
",," End RemoveHandler doit tre prcd d une dclaration RemoveHandler correspondante
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End RaiseEvent must be preceded by a matching RaiseEvent declaration.",," E
nd RaiseEvent doit tre prcd d une dclaration RaiseEvent correspondante.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddHandler is already declared.",," AddHandler est dj dclar.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" RemoveHandler is already declared.",," RemoveHandler est dj dclar.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" RaiseEvent is already declared.",," RaiseEvent est dj dclar.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddHandler definition missing for event |1 .",,"La dfinition AddHandler est
manquante pour l vnement |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" RemoveHandler definition missing for event |1 .",,"La dfinition RemoveHandle
r est manquante pour l vnement |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" RaiseEvent definition missing for event |1 .",,"La dfinition RaiseEvent est
manquante pour l vnement |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddHandler and RemoveHandler methods must have exactly one parameter.",,"Le
s mthodes AddHandler et RemoveHandler doivent avoir exactement un paramtre.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddHandler and RemoveHandler method parameters cannot be declared ByRef ."
,,"Les paramtres de mthode AddHandler et RemoveHandler ne peuvent pas tre dclars
ByRef .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifiers are not valid on AddHandler , RemoveHandler and RaiseEvent meth
ods.",,"Les spcificateurs ne sont pas valides pour les mthodes AddHandler , Remo
veHandler et RaiseEvent .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddHandler and RemoveHandler method parameters must have the same delegate
type as the containing event.",,"Les paramtres de mthode AddHandler et RemoveHa
ndler doivent avoir le mme type dlgu que l vnement conteneur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" RaiseEvent method must have the same signature as the containing event s dele
gate type |1 .",,"La mthode RaiseEvent doit avoir la mme signature que le type
dlgu de l vnement conteneur |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddHandler , RemoveHandler and RaiseEvent method parameters cannot be decl
ared |1 .",,"Les paramtres de mthode AddHandler , RemoveHandler et RaiseEvent
ne peuvent pas tre dclars |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot refer to itself through its default instance; use Me instead.",,"

|1 ne peut pas se rfrer lui-mme via son instance par dfaut; utilisez Me la place
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Custom modifier can only be used immediately before an Event declaration.",
,"Un modificateur Custom ne peut tre utilis qu immdiatement avant une dclaration
Event .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict Custom can only be used as an option to the command-line compiler
(vbc.exe).",,"Option Strict Custom ne peut tre utilis qu en tant qu option du com
pilateur de ligne de commande (vbc.exe).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
" System.ObsoleteAttribute cannot be applied to the AddHandler , RemoveHandle
r , or RaiseEvent definitions. If required, apply the attribute directly to th
e event.",," System.ObsoleteAttribute ne peut pas tre appliqu aux dfinitions AddH
andler , RemoveHandler ou RaiseEvent . Si ncessaire, appliquez directement l a
ttribut l vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method |1 does not have a signature compatible with delegate |2 .",,"La mthod
e |1 n a pas une signature compatible avec le dlgu |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML name expected.",,"Nom XML attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"XML namespace prefix |1 is not defined.",,"Le prfixe de l espace de noms XML
|1 n est pas dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate XML attribute |1|2|3 .",,"Attribut XML |1|2|3 en double.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"End tag </|1|2|3> expected.",,"Fin de balise </|1|2|3> attendue.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Element is missing an end tag.",,"Balise de fin manquante dans l lment.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML namespace prefix |1 is reserved for use by XML and the namespace URI cann
ot be changed.",,"Le prfixe de l espace de noms XML |1 est rserv pour une utilisa
tion par XML et l URI de l espace de noms ne peut pas tre chang.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required attribute version missing from XML declaration.",,"Attribut version
requis absent de la dclaration XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"XML declaration does not allow attribute |1|2|3 .",,"La dclaration XML n autori
se pas l attribut |1|2|3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embedded expression cannot appear inside a quoted attribute value. Try removin
g quotes.",,"Une expression incorpore ne peut pas s afficher l intrieur d une vale
ur d attribut entre guillemets. Supprimez les guillemets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML attribute version must be the first attribute in XML declaration.",,"L at
tribut XML version doit tre le premier attribut dans une dclaration XML.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML attribute |1 must appear before XML attribute |2 .",,"L attribut XML |1
doit apparatre avant l attribut XML |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Expected closing %> for embedded expression.",," %> fermant attendu pour une
expression incorpore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected closing ?> for XML processor instruction.",," ?> fermant attendu po
ur une instruction de processeur XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Expected closing --> for XML comment.",," --> fermant attendu pour un commen
taire XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected closing ]]> for XML CDATA section.",," ]]> fermant attendu pour une
section CDATA XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected matching closing single quote for XML attribute value.",,"Guillemet si
mple fermant correspondant attendu pour une valeur d attribut XML.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected matching closing double quote for XML attribute value.",,"Guillemet do
uble fermant attendu pour une valeur d attribut XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram

ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected beginning < for an XML tag.",," < ouvrant attendu pour une balise X
ML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected quoted XML attribute value or embedded expression.",,"Valeur d attribu
t XML entre guillemets ou expression incorpore attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected / for XML end tag.",," / attendu pour la balise de fin XML.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML axis properties do not support late binding.",,"Les proprits d axes XML ne pr
ennent pas en charge la liaison tardive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Character |1 (|2) is not allowed at the beginning of an XML name.",,"Un carac
tre |1 (|2) n est pas autoris au dbut d un nom XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Character |1 (|2) is not allowed in an XML name.",,"Un caractre |1 (|2) n es
t pas autoris dans un nom XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Character sequence -- is not allowed in an XML comment.",,"La squence de carac
tres -- n est pas autorise dans un commentaire XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An embedded expression cannot be used here.",,"Une expression incorpore ne peut
pas tre utilise ici.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing required white space.",,"Espace requis manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML processing instruction name |1 is not valid.",,"Le nom de l instruction d
e traitement XML |1 n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"XML DTDs are not supported.",,"Les DTD XML ne sont pas prises en charge.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"White space cannot appear here.",,"L espace ne peut pas s afficher ici.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected closing ; for XML entity.",," ; fermant attendu pour une entit XML."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected %= at start of an embedded expression.",," %= attendu au dbut d une
expression incorpore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML entity references are not supported.",,"Les rfrences d entit XML ne sont pas p
rises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute value is not valid; expecting |1 .",,"Valeur d attribut non valide;
|1 attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute value is not valid; expecting |1 or |2 .",,"Valeur d attribut non
valide; |1 ou |2 attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Prefix |1 cannot be bound to namespace name reserved for |2 .",,"Le prfixe |
1 ne peut pas tre li au nom d espace de noms rserv pour |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Namespace declaration with prefix cannot have an empty value inside an XML lite
ral.",,"Une dclaration d espace de noms avec prfixe ne peut pas avoir une valeur v
ide dans un littral XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" : is not allowed. XML qualified names cannot be used in this context.",," :
n est pas autoris. Les noms qualifis XML ne peuvent pas tre utiliss dans ce contexte
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Namespace declaration must start with xmlns .",,"Une dclaration d espace de nom
s doit commencer par xmlns .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Element names cannot use the xmlns prefix.",,"Les noms d lments ne peuvent pas
utiliser le prfixe xmlns .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML literals and XML axis properties are not available, as a required reference
was not provided.",,"Les littraux XML et les proprits d axes XML ne sont pas dispo
nibles car une rfrence obligatoire n a pas t fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error embedding Win32 manifest: |0 .",,"Erreur d incorporation du manifeste Wi
n32: |0 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error embedding Win32 manifest: Manifest File |1 cannot be found.",,"Erreur d

incorporation du manifeste Win32: le fichier manifeste |1 est introuvable.",,"

Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot convert |1 to |2 . You can use the Value property to get the string
value of the first element of |3 .",,"Impossible de convertir |1 en |2 . Vo
us pouvez utiliser la proprit Value pour obtenir la valeur de chane du premier lmen
t de |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Value of type |1 cannot be converted to |2 . You can use the Value propert
y to get the string value of the first element of |3 .",,"Impossible de convert
ir une valeur de type |1 en |2 . Vous pouvez utiliser la proprit Value pour o
btenir la valeur de chane du premier lment de |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 is not defined for types |2 and |3 . You can use the Value p
roperty to get the string value of the first element of |4 .",,"L oprateur |1
n est pas dfini pour les types |2 et |3 . Vous pouvez utiliser la proprit Value
pour obtenir la valeur de chane du premier lment de |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Full width characters are not valid as XML delimiters.",,"Les caractres pleine c
hasse ne sont pas valides en tant que dlimiteurs XML.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML literal cannot appear here unless it is enclosed in parentheses.",,"Un littr
al XML ne peut pas s afficher ici moins qu il ne soit mis entre parenthses.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
".NET Framework 2.0 update not found. The win32manifest will not be embedded.",,
"Mise jour .NET Framework 2.0 introuvable. Le win32manifest ne sera pas incorpor.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML literals and XML properties are not supported in embedded-code within ASP.N
ET. To use XML features, move the code to code-behind.",,"Les littraux XML et les
proprits XML ne sont pas pris en charge dans du code incorpor au sein d ASP.NET. P
our vous servir de fonctionnalits XML, utilisez une approche code-behind.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event |1 cannot implement event |2 on interface |3 because the parameters
of their RemoveHandler methods do not match.",,"L vnement |1 ne peut pas implm
enter l vnement |2 sur l interface |3 car les paramtres de leurs mthodes Remove
Handler ne correspondent pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event |1 cannot implement a Windows Runtime event |2 and a regular .NET eve
nt |3 ",,"L vnement |1 ne peut pas implmenter un vnement Windows Runtime |2 et u
n vnement .NET standard |3 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type of the AddHandler method s parameter must be the same as the type of
the event.",,"Le type du paramtre de la mthode AddHandler doit tre identique cel
ui de l vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"In a Windows Runtime event, the type of the RemoveHandler method parameter must b
e EventRegistrationToken ",,"Dans un vnement Windows Runtime, le type du paramtre
de la mthode RemoveHandler doit tre EventRegistrationToken ",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1.|2 from implements |3 is already implemented by the base class |4 . Reimplementation of Windows Runtime Interface |5 is not allowed",," |1.|2 issu
de implements |3 est dj implment par la classe de base |4 . Vous n tes pas autoris
rimplmenter l interface Windows Runtime |5 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" |1.|2 is already implemented by the base class |3 . Re-implementation of Win
dows Runtime Interface |4 is not allowed",," |1.|2 est dj implment par la classe
de base |3 . Vous n tes pas autoris rimplmenter l interface Windows Runtime Interfa
ce |4 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The value |1 is not a valid subsystem version. The version must be 6.02 or gr
eater for ARM or AppContainerExe, and 4.00 or greater otherwise.",,"La valeur |
1 n est pas une version de sous-systme valide. La version doit tre6.02 ou suprieure
pour ARM ou AppContainerExe, et4.00 ou suprieure dans les autres cas.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/platform:anycpu32bitpreferred can only be used with /t:exe, /t:winexe and /t:a
ppcontainerexe.",,"/platform:anycpu32bitpreferred peut uniquement tre utilis avec

/t:exe, /t:winexe et /t:appcontainerexe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
"Expression has the type |1 which is a restricted type and cannot be used to a
ccess members inherited from Object or ValueType .",,"L expression a le type
|1 , qui est un type restreint et qui ne peut pas tre utilis pour accder aux membr
es hrits de Object ou ValueType .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Expression of type |1 cannot be converted to Object or ValueType .",,"Impo
ssible de convertir l expression de type |1 en Object ou ValueType .",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type characters are not allowed in label identifiers.",,"Les caractres de type n
e sont pas autoriss dans les identificateurs d tiquette.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be made nullable, and cannot be used as the data type of an array e
lement, field, anonymous type member, type argument, ByRef parameter, or retur
n statement.",," |1 ne peut pas tre rendu Nullable ni tre utilis comme type de don
nes d un lment de tableau, champ, membre de type anonyme, argument de type, paramtre
ByRef ou instruction return.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type characters are not allowed on Imports aliases.",,"Les caractres de type ne
sont pas autoriss pour les alias Imports.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Class |1 has no accessible Sub New and cannot be inherited.",,"La classe |
1 n a pas de Sub New accessible et ne peut pas tre hrite.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local variables within methods of structures cannot be declared Static .",,"Le
s variables locales l intrieur des mthodes des structures ne peuvent pas tre dclares
Static .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static local variable |1 is already declared.",,"Une variable locale static
|1 est dj dclare.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Imports alias |1 conflicts with |2 declared in the root namespace.",,"L ali
as |1 pour Imports est en conflit avec |2 dclar dans l espace de noms racine."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot shadow a method declared MustOverride .",," |1 ne peut pas masque
r une mthode dclare MustOverride .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event |1 cannot implement event |3.|2 because its delegate type does not ma
tch the delegate type of another event implemented by |1 .",,"L vnement |1 ne p
eut pas implmenter l vnement |3.|2 , car son type dlgu diffre du type dlgu d un au
nt implment par |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot be combined.",,"Impossible de combiner |1 et |2 .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 must be declared Overloads because another |2 is declared Overload
s or Overrides .",,"|1 |2 doit tre dclare Overloads , car une autre |2 est dc
lare Overloads ou Overrides .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overloading methods declared in multiple base interfaces is not valid.",,"La su
rcharge de mthodes dclares dans plusieurs interfaces de base n est pas valide.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 must be declared MustInherit because it contains methods declared MustO
verride .",," |1 doit tre dclar MustInherit , car il contient des mthodes dclares M
ustOverride .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Handles in classes must specify a WithEvents variable, MyBase , MyClass
or Me qualified with a single identifier.",,"Dans les classes, Handles doit
spcifier une variable WithEvents , ou MyBase , MyClass ou Me qualifi par un
identificateur unique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 , implicitly declared for |2 |3 , cannot shadow a MustOverride method in
the base |4 |5 .",," |1 , dclar implicitement pour |2 |3 , ne peut pas masquer
une mthode MustOverride dans la |4 |5 de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 |2 cannot implement |3 because |3 is a reserved name.",," |1 |2 ne pe
ut pas implmenter |3 , car |3 est un nom rserv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" |1 cannot shadow a MustOverride method implicitly declared for |2 |3 in t

he base |4 |5 .",," |1 ne peut pas masquer une mthode MustOverride dclare impli
citement pour |2 |3 dans la |4 |5 de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot override |2 because it is not accessible in this context.",," |1
ne peut pas se substituer |2 , car il n est pas accessible dans ce contexte.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Handles in modules must specify a WithEvents variable qualified with a sing
le identifier.",," Handles dans les modules doivent spcifier une variable WithE
vents qualifie avec un unique identificateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" IsNot requires operands that have reference types, but this operand has the v
alue type |1 .",," IsNot requiert des oprandes qui ont des types rfrence, mais ce
t oprande a le type valeur |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 conflicts with the reserved member by this name that is implicitly declare
d in all enums.",," |1 est en conflit avec le membre rserv par ce nom qui est imp
licitement dclar dans tous les enums.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" |1 is already declared in this |2.",," |1 est dj dclar dans ce |2.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Void can only be used in a GetType expression.",," System.Void ne peu
t tre utilis que dans une expression GetType.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Event |1 cannot implement event |2 on interface |3 because their delegate
types |4 and |5 do not match.",,"L vnement |1 ne peut pas implmenter l vnement
|2 pour l interface |3 , car leurs types dlgus |4 et |5 ne correspondent pa
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 in assembly |2 has been forwarded to assembly |3 . Either a refere
nce to |3 is missing from your project or the type |1 is missing from assemb
ly |3 .",,"Le type |1 dans l assembly |2 a t transmis l assembly |3 . Soit u
ne rfrence |3 est absente du projet soit le type |1 est absent de l assembly
|3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 in assembly |2 has been forwarded to itself and so is an unsupported typ
e.",," |1 dans l assembly |2 a t transfr lui-mme et est donc un type non pris en c
harge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non-intrinsic type names are not allowed in conditional compilation expressions
.",,"Les noms de types non intrinsques ne sont pas autoriss dans les expressions d
e compilation conditionnelles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error in conditional compilation expression.",,"Erreur de syntaxe dans l
expression de compilation conditionnelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Arrays of type System.Void are not allowed in this expression.",,"Les tableau
x de type System.Void ne sont pas autoriss dans cette expression.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is ambiguous because multiple kinds of members with this name exist in |2
|3 .",," |1 est ambigu, car plusieurs genres de membres portant ce nom existen
t dans |2 |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression of type |1 can never be of type |2 .",,"L expression de type |1
ne peut jamais tre de type |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial methods must be declared Private instead of |1 .",,"Les mthodes parti
elles doivent tre dclares Private au lieu de |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial methods must be declared Private .",,"Les mthodes partielles doivent tre
dclares Private .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method |1 cannot be declared Partial because only one method |2 can be ma
rked Partial .",,"La mthode |1 ne peut pas tre dclare Partial , car une seule mth
ode |2 peut tre marque comme Partial .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Method |1 cannot implement partial method |2 because |3 already implement
s it. Only one method can implement a partial method.",,"La mthode |1 ne peut p

as implmenter de mthode partielle |2 , car |3 l implmente dj. Une seule mthode peut
implmenter une mthode partielle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial methods must have empty method bodies.",,"Les mthodes partielles doivent
avoir des corps de mthodes vides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" |1 cannot be declared Partial because partial methods must be Subs.",," |1
ne peut pas tre dclar Partial , car les mthodes partielles doivent tre des Subs.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method |1 does not have the same generic constraints as the partial method |
2 .",,"La mthode |1 n a pas les mmes contraintes gnriques que la mthode partielle
|2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Partial method |1 cannot use the Implements keyword.",,"La mthode partielle
|1 ne peut pas utiliser le mot cl Implements .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddressOf cannot be applied to |1 because |1 is a partial method.",," Add
ressOf ne peut pas tre appliqu |1 , car |1 est une mthode partielle.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method |1 must be declared Private in order to implement partial method |2
.",,"La mthode |1 doit tre dclare Private pour implmenter la mthode partielle |2
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter name |1 does not match the name of the corresponding parameter, |2
, defined on the partial method declaration |3 .",,"Le nom de paramtre |1 ne
correspond pas au nom du paramtre correspondant, |2 , dfini dans la dclaration de
mthode partielle |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name of type parameter |1 does not match |2 , the corresponding type paramet
er defined on the partial method declaration |3 .",,"Le nom du paramtre de type
|1 ne correspond pas |2 , le paramtre de type correspondant dfini dans la dclara
tion de mthode partielle |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Length of String constant exceeds current memory limit. Try splitting the stri
ng into multiple constants.",,"La longueur de la constante de chane dpasse la limi
te de mmoire actuelle. Essayez de fractionner la chane en plusieurs constantes.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is a MustOverride event in the base class |2 . Visual Basic does not supp
ort event overriding. You must either provide an implementation for the event in
the base class, or make class |3 MustInherit.",," |1 est un vnement MustOverri
de dans la classe de base |2 . Visual Basic ne prend pas en charge la substitut
ion des vnements. Vous devez fournir une implmentation de l vnement dans la classe de
base ou dclarer |3 en tant que classe MustInherit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Shared attribute property |1 cannot be the target of an assignment.",,"La p
roprit d attribut Shared |1 ne peut pas tre la cible d une assignation.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReadOnly attribute property |1 cannot be the target of an assignment.",,"La
proprit d attribut ReadOnly |1 ne peut pas tre la cible d une assignation.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource name |1 cannot be used more than once.",,"Le nom de ressource |1 n
e peut pas tre utilis plusieurs fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" |1 cannot be used as an attribute because it is not a class.",," |1 ne peut
pas tre utilis en tant qu attribut, car ce n est pas une classe.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be used as an attribute because it does not inherit from System.At
tribute .",," |1 ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu attribut, car il n hrite pas de
System.Attribute .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be used as an attribute because it does not have a System.Attribut
eUsageAttribute attribute.",," |1 ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu attribut, ca
r il n a pas un attribut System.AttributeUsageAttribute .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be used as an attribute because it is declared MustInherit .",," |
1 ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu attribut, car il est dclar MustInherit .",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" |1 cannot be used as an attribute because it has MustOverride methods that
have not been overridden.",," |1 ne peut pas tre utilis en tant qu attribut, car
il comporte des mthodes MustOverride qui n ont pas t substitues.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find .NET Framework directory: |0",,"Impossible de trouver le rpertoire .
NET Framework: |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to open resource file |1 : |0",,"Impossible d ouvrir le fichier de ress
ources |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute constant |1 cannot be the target of an assignment.",,"La constante
d attribut |1 ne peut pas tre la cible d une assignation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute member |1 cannot be the target of an assignment because it is not d
eclared Public .",,"Le membre d attribut |1 ne peut pas tre la cible d une ass
ignation, car il n est pas dclar Public .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
" System.STAThreadAttribute and System.MTAThreadAttribute cannot both be appl
ied to the same method.",,"Impossible d appliquer la fois System.STAThreadAttri
bute et System.MTAThreadAttribute la mme mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.STAThreadAttribute and System.MTAThreadAttribute cannot both be appl
ied to |1 .",,"Impossible d appliquer la fois System.STAThreadAttribute et S
ystem.MTAThreadAttribute |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project |1 makes an indirect reference to assembly |2 , which contains |3 .
Add a file reference to |4 to your project.",,"Le projet |1 tablit une rfrence
indirecte l assembly |2 , qui contient |3 . Ajoutez une rfrence de fichier pour
|4 dans votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in an attribute because it is not declared Public .",
,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 dans un attribut, car il n est pas dclar Pub
lic .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in an attribute because its container |2 is not decl
ared Public .",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 dans un attribut, car son c
onteneur |2 n est pas dclar Public .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Assembly |1 cannot be created because its path is longer than 259 characters.
",,"Impossible de crer l assembly |1 , car son chemin d accs excde 259caractres.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be referenced because it is not an assembly.",,"Impossible de rfrence
r |1 , car il ne s agit pas d un assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to apply security attribute(s) to |1 : |0",,"Impossible d appliquer des
attributs de scurit |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be applied more than once to an assembly.",," |1 ne peut pas tre ap
pliqu plusieurs fois un assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute cannot be applied to a Sub,
Function, or Operator with a non-empty body.",," System.Runtime.InteropServices
.DllImportAttribute ne peut pas tre appliqu un Sub, Function ou Operator avec un
corps non vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute cannot be applied to a Decl
are.",," System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute ne peut pas tre appli
qu un Declare.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute cannot be applied to a Get
or Set.",," System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute ne peut pas tre ap
pliqu un Get ou Set.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |2 is imported from different versions of assembly |1. Different versio
ns of the same strong-named assembly cannot be used in the same project.",,"Le t
ype |2 est import partir de diffrentes versions de l assembly |1. Il est impossi
ble d utiliser des versions diffrentes du mme assembly avec nom fort dans le mme pr
ojet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute cannot be applied to a meth

od that is generic or contained in a generic type.",," System.Runtime.InteropSer

vices.DllImportAttribute ne peut pas tre appliqu une mthode gnrique ou contenue dans
un type gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute cannot be applied to a class that is
generic or contained inside a generic type.",," Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAt
tribute ne peut pas tre appliqu une classe qui est gnrique ou contenue dans un type
gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indirect reference is being made to assembly |1 , which contains |2 . Add a f
ile reference to |3 to your project.",,"Une rfrence indirecte est tablie l assemb
ly |1 , qui contient |2 . Ajoutez une rfrence de fichier pour |3 dans votre pr
ojet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute cannot be applied to instan
ce method.",," System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute ne peut pas tre
appliqu une mthode d instance.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute cannot be applied to interf
ace methods.",," System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute ne peut pas t
re appliqu aux mthodes d interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute cannot be applied to AddHa
ndler , RemoveHandler or RaiseEvent method.",," System.Runtime.InteropServic
es.DllImportAttribute ne peut pas tre appliqu une mthode AddHandler , RemoveHand
ler ou RaiseEvent .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project |1 makes an indirect reference to project |2 , which contains |3 .
Add a project reference to |2 to your project.",,"Le projet |1 tablit une rfren
ce indirecte au projet |2 , qui contient |3 . Ajoutez une rfrence de projet pour
|2 dans votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Construct makes an indirect reference to project |1 , which contains |2 . Add
a project reference to |1 to your project.",,"La construction tablit une rfrence
indirecte au projet |1 , qui contient |2 . Ajoutez une rfrence de projet pour
|1 dans votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Friend assembly reference |1 is invalid. InternalsVisibleTo declarations cann
ot have a version, culture, public key token, or processor architecture specifie
d.",,"La rfrence d assembly Friend |1 n est pas valide. Les dclarations Internals
VisibleTo ne peuvent pas avoir une version, une culture, un jeton de cl publique
ou une architecture de processeur spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Friend assembly reference |1 is invalid. Strong-name signed assemblies must s
pecify a public key in their InternalsVisibleTo declarations.",,"La rfrence d asse
mbly Friend |1 n est pas valide. Les assemblys signs avec un nom fort doivent s
pcifier une cl publique dans leurs dclarations InternalsVisibleTo.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Friend access was denied to |1 . If you want the compiler to consider friend t
ypes in |1 , add the public key information in the project settings or through
a command-line switch to the compiler for the project |2 .",,"L accs Friend a t re
fus |1 . Si vous voulez que le compilateur considre les types friend dans |1 , a
joutez les informations de cl publique dans les paramtres du projet ou via un comm
utateur de ligne de commande au compilateur pour le projet |2 .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Friend declaration |1 is invalid and cannot be resolved.",,"La dclaration Frie
nd |1 n est pas valide et ne peut pas tre rsolue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member |1 cannot override member |2 defined in another assembly/project bec
ause the access modifier Protected Friend expands accessibility. Use Protecte
d instead.",,"Le membre |1 ne peut pas remplacer le membre |2 dfini dans un
autre assembly/projet, car le modificateur d accs Protected Friend tend l access
ibilit. Utilisez Protected la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Cannot find the interop type that matches the embedded type |1 . Are you missi
ng an assembly reference?",,"Impossible de trouver le type interop qui correspon
d au type incorpor |1 . Une rfrence d assembly est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All",

,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"The type |1 is not found. This type is required to embed interop types. Are y
ou missing an assembly reference?",,"Le type |1 est introuvable. Ce type est r
equis pour les types interop incorpors. Une rfrence d assembly est-elle manquante?",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference to class |1 is not allowed when its assembly is linked using No-PIA
mode.",,"Une rfrence la classe |1 n est pas autorise lorsque son assembly est li
en utilisant le mode No-PIA.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Embedded interop structure |1 can contain only public instance fields.",,"La
structure d interoprabilit incorpore |1 ne peut contenir que des champs d instanc
e publics.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interop type |1 cannot be embedded because it is missing the required |2 at
tribute.",,"Impossible d incorporer le type interop |1 , car il n a pas l attri
but |2 requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global namespace may not be nested in another namespace.",,"L espace de noms gl
obal ne peut pas tre imbriqu dans un autre espace de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interop type |1 cannot be embedded. Use the applicable interface instead.",,"
Impossible d incorporer le type interop |1 . Utilisez l interface applicable la
place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |0 error occurred when reading metadata from file |1 .",," |0 erreur s est
produite lors de la lecture des mtadonnes du fichier |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot embed interop types from assembly |1 because it is missing the |2 at
tribute.",,"Impossible d incorporer les types interop partir de l assembly |1 ,
car l attribut |2 est manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Cannot embed interop type |1 found in both assembly |2 and |3 . Consider s
etting the Embed Interop Types property to false.",,"Impossible d incorporer l
e type interop |1 trouv dans les assemblys |2 et |3 . Dfinissez la proprit Inc
orporer les types interop false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot embed interop types from assembly |1 because it is missing either the
|2 attribute or the |3 attribute.",,"Impossible d incorporer les types inter
op partir de l assembly |1 , car l attribut |2 ou |3 est manquant.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using events defined in an assembly that was referenced with Embed Interop Typ
es set to true requires a reference that was not provided.",,"L utilisation d vne
ments dfinis dans un assembly rfrenc avec Incorporer les types interop ayant la va
leur True requiert une rfrence qui n a pas t fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot embed interop type |1 because the source interface |2 referenced by
its ComEventInterfaceAttribute cannot be found.",,"Impossible d incorporer le ty
pe d interoprabilit |1 , car l interface source |2 rfrence par son attribut ComEve
ntInterfaceAttribute est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Interface |1 has an invalid source interface which is required to embed event
|2 .",,"L interface |1 a une interface source non valide qui est requise pou
r incorporer l vnement |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source interface |1 is missing method |2 , which is required to embed event
|3 .",,"L interface source |1 n a pas de mthode |2 , qui est requise pour inc
orporer l vnement |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interop type |1 is invalid and cannot be embedded.",,"Le type interop |1 n
est pas valide et ne peut pas tre incorpor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Local variable |1 cannot be referred to before it is declared.",,"Il ne peut
exister aucune rfrence la variable locale |1 tant que cette variable n est pas dc
lare.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not valid within a Module.",," |1 n est pas valide dans un module.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" |1 is valid only within a class.",," |1 n est valide que dans une classe.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is declared in project |2 , which is not referenced by project |3 . Add
a reference to |2 to your project |3 .",," |1 est dclar dans le projet |2 , q
ui n est pas rfrenc par le projet |3 . Ajoutez une rfrence pour |2 dans votre proj
et |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement cannot end a block outside of a line If statement.",,"L instruction
ne peut pas terminer un bloc en dehors d une instruction If .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Char values cannot be converted to |1 . Use Microsoft.VisualBasic.AscW to
interpret a character as a Unicode value or Microsoft.VisualBasic.Val to inter
pret it as a digit.",,"Impossible de convertir les valeurs Char en |1 . Utili
sez soit Microsoft.VisualBasic.AscW pour interprter un caractre comme une valeur
Unicode, soit Microsoft.VisualBasic.Val pour interprter le caractre comme un ch
iffre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 values cannot be converted to Char . Use Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW to
interpret a numeric value as a Unicode character or first convert it to String
to produce a digit.",,"Impossible de convertir les valeurs |1 en Char . Util
isez Microsoft.VisualBasic.ChrW pour interprter une valeur numrique en tant que
caractre Unicode ou convertissez-la d abord en String pour obtenir un chiffre."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate |1 requires an AddressOf expression or lambda expression as the on
ly argument to its constructor.",,"Le dlgu |1 requiert une expression AddressOf
ou une expression lambda en tant qu unique argument de son constructeur.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method declaration statements must be the first statement on a logical line.",,
"Une instruction de dclaration de mthode doit tre la premire instruction d une ligne
logique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be named as a parameter in an attribute specifier because it is not
a field or property.",," |1 ne peut pas tre nomm en tant que paramtre dans un spci
ficateur d attribut, car ce n est ni un champ ni une proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On disallows operands of type Object for operator |1 . Use the
Is operator to test for object identity.",,"Option Strict On n autorise pas les
oprandes de type Object pour l oprateur |1 . Utilisez l oprateur Is pour tester
l identit de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bounds can be specified only for the top-level array when initializing an array
of arrays.",,"Les limites ne peuvent tre spcifies que pour le tableau de premier n
iveau lors de l initialisation d un tableau de tableaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Assembly or Module expected.",," Assembly ou Module attendu.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 has no parameters and its return type cannot be indexed.",," |1 n a aucun
paramtre et son type de retour ne peut pas tre index.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Comma, ) , or a valid expression continuation expected.",,"Virgule, ) ou con
tinuation d expression valide attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" Resume or GoTo expected.",," Resume ou GoTo attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter |1 in |2 already has a matching omitted argument.",,"Un argument
omis correspond dj au paramtre |1 dans |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is an event, and cannot be called directly. Use a RaiseEvent statement t
o raise an event.",," |1 est un vnement. Il ne peut donc pas tre appel directement.
Utilisez une instruction RaiseEvent pour dclencher un vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression is of type |1 , which is not a collection type.",,"L expression est
du type |1 , qui n est pas un type de collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Default values cannot be supplied for parameters that are not declared Optiona
l .",,"Des valeurs par dfaut ne peuvent pas tre fournies pour des paramtres qui ne
sont pas dclars Optional .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #Region and #End Region statements are not valid within method bodies/multi
line lambdas.",,"Les instructions #Region et #End Region ne sont pas valides
dans le corps des mthodes ou les expressions lambda multiligne.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifiers and attributes are not valid on Namespace statements.",,"Les spcifi
cateurs et les attributs ne sont pas valides pour les instructions Namespace ."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" MyBase must be followed by . and an identifier.",," MyBase doit tre suivi d
e . et d un identificateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" MyClass must be followed by . and an identifier.",," MyClass doit tre suivi
de . et d un identificateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On disallows narrowing from type |2 to type |3 in copying the
value of ByRef parameter |1 back to the matching argument.",,"Option Strict
On interdit le passage du type |2 au type |3 lors de la recopie de la valeu
r du paramtre ByRef |1 dans l argument correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" #ElseIf cannot follow #Else as part of a #If block.",," #ElseIf ne peut
pas suivre #Else dans un bloc #If .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" End Sub must be the first statement on a line.",," End Sub doit tre la premire
instruction d une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Function must be the first statement on a line.",," End Function doit tre
la premire instruction d une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" End Get must be the first statement on a line.",," End Get doit tre la premire
instruction d une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Set must be the first statement on a line.",," End Set doit tre la premire
instruction d une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute specifier is not a complete statement. Use a line continuation to app
ly the attribute to the following statement.",,"Le spcificateur d attribut n est
pas une instruction complte. Utilisez un signe de continuation de ligne pour appl
iquer l attribut l instruction suivante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Class |1 must declare a Sub New because its base class |2 has more than o
ne accessible Sub New that can be called with no arguments.",,"La classe |1
doit dclarer un Sub New , car sa classe de base |2 comporte plusieurs Sub New
accessibles qu il est possible d appeler sans argument.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Next statement names more variables than there are matching For statements.
",,"L instruction Next nomme plus de variables qu il n existe d instructions
For correspondantes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First statement of this Sub New must be a call to MyBase.New or MyClass.Ne
w because base class |1 of |2 has more than one accessible Sub New that c
an be called with no arguments.",,"La premire instruction de ce Sub New doit tre
un appel MyBase.New ou MyClass.New , car la classe de base |1 de |2 a pl
usieurs Sub New accessibles qu il est possible d appeler sans argument.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array declared as for loop control variable cannot be declared with an initial
size.",,"Un tableau dclar en tant que variable de contrle de boucle for ne peut pas
tre dclar avec une taille initiale.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The |1 keyword is used to overload inherited members; do not use the |1 key
word when overloading Sub New .",,"Le mot cl |1 est utilis pour surcharger les
membres hrits; n utilisez pas le mot cl |1 lors de la surcharge de Sub New .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type character cannot be used in a type parameter declaration.",,"Le caractre de
type ne peut pas tre utilis dans une dclaration de paramtre de type.",,"Text",,"All

",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Too few type arguments to |1 .",,"Arguments de type insuffisants dans |1 .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many type arguments to |1 .",,"Arguments de type trop nombreux dans |1 ."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type argument |1 does not inherit from or implement the constraint type |2 .
",,"L argument de type |1 n hrite pas ou n implmente pas le type de contrainte
|2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 has no type parameters and so cannot have type arguments.",," |1 n a pas
de paramtres de type et donc ne peut pas avoir d arguments de type.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" New cannot be used on a type parameter that does not have a New constraint.
",," New ne peut pas tre utilis pour un paramtre de type qui n a pas de contrainte
New .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter |1 can only have one constraint that is a class.",,"Le paramtre
de type |1 ne peut avoir qu une seule contrainte qui est une classe.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type constraint |1 must be either a class, interface or type parameter.",,"La
contrainte de type |1 doit tre un paramtre de classe, d interface ou de type.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter already declared with name |1 .",,"Le paramtre de type est dj dclar
avec le nom |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter |1 for |2 cannot be inferred.",,"Le paramtre de type |1 pou
r |2 ne peut pas tre dduit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Is operand of type |1 can be compared only to Nothing because |1 is a t
ype parameter with no class constraint.",,"L oprande Is du type |1 ne peut tre
compar qu Nothing , car |1 est un paramtre de type sans contrainte de classe."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copying the value of ByRef parameter |1 back to the matching argument narro
ws from type |2 to type |3 .",,"La copie de la valeur du paramtre ByRef |1
dans l argument correspondant passe du type |2 au type |3 .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 has the same name as a type parameter.",," |1 porte le mme nom qu un paramt
re de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 cannot inherit from a type parameter.",,"|1 |2 ne peut pas hriter d un
paramtre de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter not allowed in Implements clause.",,"Le paramtre de type n est
pas autoris dans la clause Implements .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Type arguments cannot be applied to the expression |1 .",,"Les arguments de ty
pe ne peuvent pas tre appliqus l expression |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array lower bounds can be only 0 .",,"Les limites infrieures du tableau ne peuv
ent tre que 0 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type constraint cannot be a NotInheritable class.",,"La contrainte de type ne
peut pas tre une classe NotInheritable .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be used as a type constraint.",," |1 ne peut pas tre utilis en tant
que contrainte de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameters cannot be specified on this declaration.",,"Les paramtres de typ
e ne peuvent pas tre spcifis pour cette dclaration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type arguments are not valid because attributes cannot be generic.",,"Les argum
ents de type ne sont pas valides, car les attributs ne peuvent pas tre gnriques.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameters, generic types or types contained in generic types cannot be us
ed as attributes.",,"Les paramtres de type, les types gnriques ou les types contenu
s dans des types gnriques ne peuvent pas tre utiliss comme attributs.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local variables within generic methods cannot be declared Static .",,"Les vari

ables locales dans les mthodes gnriques ne peuvent pas tre dclares Static .",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 implicitly defines a member |3 which has the same name as a type para
meter.",,"|1 |2 dfinit implicitement un membre |3 qui porte le mme nom qu un p
aramtre de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraint type |1 already specified for this type parameter.",,"Le type de c
ontrainte |1 est dj spcifi pour ce paramtre de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot implement interface |1 because its implementation could conflict with
the implementation of another implemented interface |2 for some type arguments
.",,"Impossible d implmenter l interface |1 , car son implmentation pourrait tre e
n conflit avec l implmentation d une autre interface |2 implmente pour certains a
rguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Modules cannot be generic.",,"Les modules ne peuvent pas tre gnriques.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Classes that are generic or contained in a generic type cannot inherit from an
attribute class.",,"Les classes qui sont gnriques ou contenues dans un type gnrique
ne peuvent pas hriter d une classe d attributs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Declare statements are not allowed in generic types or types contained in ge
neric types.",,"Les instructions Declare ne sont pas autorises dans les types gnr
iques ou les types contenus dans des types gnriques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is a generic type and requires type arguments.",," |1 est un type gnrique e
t requiert des arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" |1 cannot override |2 because they differ by type parameter constraints.",,
" |1 ne peut pas se substituer |2 , car leurs contraintes de paramtre de type d
iffrent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot implement |2.|3 because they differ by type parameter constraints
.",," |1 ne peut pas implmenter |2.|3 , car les contraintes de paramtre de type
les diffrencient.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameters or types constructed with type parameters are not allowed in at
tribute arguments.",,"Les paramtres de type ou les types construits avec des para
mtres de type ne sont pas autoriss dans les arguments d attribut.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic methods cannot use Handles clause.",,"Les mthodes gnriques ne peuvent pa
s utiliser une clause Handles .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" New constraint cannot be specified multiple times for the same type parameter
.",,"La contrainte New ne peut pas tre spcifie plusieurs fois pour le mme paramtre
de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type argument |1 is declared MustInherit and does not satisfy the New con
straint for type parameter |2 .",,"L argument de type |1 est dclar MustInherit
et ne satisfait pas la contrainte New pour le paramtre de type |2 .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type argument |1 must have a public parameterless instance constructor to sat
isfy the New constraint for type parameter |2 .",,"L argument de type |1 do
it avoir un constructeur d instance sans paramtre public pour satisfaire la contr
ainte New pour le paramtre de type |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter |1 must have either a New constraint or a Structure constr
aint to satisfy the New constraint for type parameter |2 .",,"Le paramtre de t
ype |1 doit avoir une contrainte New ou une contrainte Structure pour sati
sfaire la contrainte New pour le paramtre de type |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Arguments cannot be passed to a New used on a type parameter.",,"Les argument
s ne peuvent pas tre passs un New utilis pour un paramtre de type.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic type |1 cannot be imported more than once.",,"Le type gnrique |1 ne p
eut pas tre import plus d une fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1

"Overload resolution failed because no accessible |1 accepts this number of ty
pe arguments.",,"La rsolution de surcharge a chou, car aucun |1 accessible n acce
pte ce nombre d arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Type arguments unexpected.",,"Arguments de type inattendus.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is already declared as a type parameter of this method.",," |1 est dj dclar e
n tant que paramtre de type de cette mthode.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter cannot have the same name as its defining function.",,"Un paramtr
e de type ne peut pas avoir le mme nom que sa fonction de dfinition.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 and |2 cannot overload each other because they could be identical for so
me type parameter substitutions.",," |1 et |2 ne peuvent pas se surcharger mu
tuellement, car ils peuvent tre identiques pour certaines substitutions de paramtr
e de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type or New expected.",,"Type ou New attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Of required when specifying type arguments for a generic type or method.",,"
Of requis lors de la spcification des arguments de type pour un type ou une mthod
e gnrique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ( unexpected. Arrays of uninstantiated generic types are not allowed.",," (
inattendu. Les tableaux de types gnriques non instancis ne sont pas autoriss.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" For Each on type |1 is ambiguous because the type implements multiple insta
ntiations of System.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) .",," For Each pour
le type |1 est ambigu, car le type implmente plusieurs instanciations de Syste
m.Collections.Generic.IEnumerable(Of T) .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
" IsNot operand of type |1 can be compared only to Nothing because |1 is
a type parameter with no class constraint.",,"L oprande IsNot de type |1 peut
tre compar uniquement Nothing , car |1 est un paramtre de type sans contrainte
de classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameters cannot be used as qualifiers.",,"Les paramtres de type ne peuven
t pas tre utiliss comme qualificateurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" As , comma or ) expected.",," As , virgule ou ) attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Class constraint cannot be specified multiple times for the same type paramet
er.",,"La contrainte Class ne peut pas tre spcifie plusieurs fois pour le mme para
mtre de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Structure constraint cannot be specified multiple times for the same type par
ameter.",,"La contrainte Structure ne peut pas tre spcifie plusieurs fois pour le
mme paramtre de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" New constraint and Structure constraint cannot be combined.",,"La contraint
e New et la contrainte Structure ne peuvent pas tre combines.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Class constraint and Structure constraint cannot be combined.",,"La contrai
nte Class et la contrainte Structure ne peuvent pas tre combines.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type argument |1 does not satisfy the Structure constraint for type paramet
er |2 .",,"L argument de type |1 ne satisfait pas la contrainte Structure p
our le paramtre de type |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type argument |1 does not satisfy the Class constraint for type parameter
|2 .",,"L argument de type |1 ne satisfait pas la contrainte Class pour le p
aramtre de type |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Class constraint and a specific class type constraint cannot be combined.",,"
Une contrainte Class et une contrainte de type classe spcifique ne peuvent pas t
re combines.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Structure constraint and a specific class type constraint cannot be combined.
",,"Une contrainte Structure et une contrainte de type classe spcifique ne peuv
ent pas tre combines.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indirect constraint |1 obtained from the type parameter constraint |2 confl
icts with the indirect constraint |3 obtained from the type parameter constrai
nt |4 .",,"La contrainte indirecte |1 obtenue de la contrainte de paramtre de
type |2 est en conflit avec la contrainte indirecte |3 obtenue de la contrai
nte de paramtre de type |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraint |1 conflicts with the indirect constraint |2 obtained from the t
ype parameter constraint |3 .",,"La contrainte |1 est en conflit avec la cont
rainte indirecte |2 obtenue de la contrainte de paramtre de type |3 .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Indirect constraint |1 obtained from the type parameter constraint |2 confl
icts with the constraint |3 .",,"La contrainte indirecte |1 obtenue partir de
la contrainte de paramtre de type |2 est en conflit avec la contrainte |3 .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
|1 is constrained to |2 .",,"\n
|1 est limit |2 .",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter |1 cannot be constrained to itself: |2",,"Le paramtre de type
|1 ne peut pas tre contraint par lui-mme: |2",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter with a Structure constraint cannot be used as a constraint.",,
"Un paramtre de type avec une contrainte Structure ne peut pas tre utilis en tant
que contrainte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Nullable does not satisfy the Structure constraint for type paramete
r |1 . Only non-nullable Structure types are allowed.",," System.Nullable ne
satisfait pas la contrainte Structure pour le paramtre de type |1 . Seuls les
types Structure non Nullable sont autoriss.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible non-generic |1 found.",,"Aucun |1 accessible non gnrique trouv."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No accessible |1 accepts this number of type arguments.",,"Aucun |1 accessi
ble n accepte ce nombre d arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constraint |1 conflicts with the constraint |2 already specified for type p
arameter |3 .",,"La contrainte |1 est en conflit avec la contrainte |2 dj spci
fie pour le paramtre de type |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot inherit interface |1 because it could be identical to interface |2 f
or some type arguments.",,"Impossible d hriter de l interface |1 , car elle peut
tre identique l interface |2 pour certains arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot inherit interface |1 because the interface |2 from which it inherits
could be identical to interface |3 for some type arguments.",,"Impossible d hr
iter de l interface |1 , car l interface |2 dont elle hrite peut tre identique
l interface |3 pour certains arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot inherit interface |1 because the interface |2 from which it inherits
could be identical to interface |3 from which the interface |4 inherits for
some type arguments.",,"Impossible d hriter de l interface |1 , car l interface
|2 dont elle hrite peut tre identique l interface |3 dont l interface |4 hri
te pour certains arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Cannot inherit interface |1 because it could be identical to interface |2 f
rom which the interface |3 inherits for some type arguments.",,"Impossible d hr
iter de l interface |1 , car elle peut tre identique l interface |2 dont l int
erface |3 hrite pour certains arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot implement |1.|2 because its implementation could conflict with the imp
lementation for |3.|2 for some type arguments.",,"Impossible d implmenter |1.|
2 car son implmentation peut tre en conflit avec l implmentation pour |3.|2 pour

certains arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Methods of System.Nullable(Of T) cannot be used as operands of the AddressOf
operator.",,"Les mthodes de System.Nullable(Of T) ne peuvent pas tre utilises e
n tant qu oprandes de l oprateur AddressOf .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" Is operand of type |1 can be compared only to Nothing because |1 is a n
ullable type.",,"L oprande Is du type |1 ne peut tre compar qu Nothing , car
|1 est un type Nullable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" IsNot operand of type |1 can be compared only to Nothing because |1 is
a nullable type.",,"L oprande IsNot du type |1 ne peut tre compar qu Nothing ,
car |1 est un type Nullable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum types cannot be nullable.",,"Les types Enum ne peuvent pas tre Nullable.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nullable types are not supported because the targeted platform does not define
the type Nullable(of T) .",,"Les types Nullable ne sont pas pris en charge, car
la plateforme vise ne dfinit pas le type Nullable(of T) .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be declared Shadows outside of a class, structure, or interface."
,," |1 ne peut pas tre dclar Shadows en dehors d une classe, d une structure ou
d une interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property parameters cannot have the name Value .",,"Les paramtres de proprit ne p
euvent pas porter le nom Value .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Event name length cannot exceed 1011 characters.",,"La longueur du nom de l vneme
nt ne peut pas dpasser 1011 caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"WithEvents variable name length cannot exceed 1019 characters.",,"La longueur d
u nom de la variable WithEvents ne peut pas dpasser 1019 caractres.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The project currently contains references to more than one version of |1, a dir
ect reference to version |4 and an indirect reference (through |3 ) to version
|2. Change the direct reference to use version |2 (or higher) of |1.",,"Le proje
t contient actuellement des rfrences plusieurs versions de |1, une rfrence directe l
a version |4 et une rfrence indirecte (via |3 ) la version |2. Modifiez la rfrence
directe pour utiliser la version |2 (ou suprieure) de |1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project already has a reference to assembly |1. A second reference to |2 cann
ot be added.",,"Le projet a dj une rfrence l assembly |1. Une seconde rfrence |2
peut pas tre ajoute.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project |1 requires a reference to version |2 of assembly |3 , but referen
ces version |4 of assembly |3 .",,"Le projet |1 requiert une rfrence la versi
on |2 de l assembly |3 , mais rfrence la version |4 de l assembly |3 .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal call expression or index expression.",,"Expression d appel ou expressio
n d index non conforme.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conflict between the default property and the DefaultMemberAttribute defined
on |1 .",,"Conflit entre la proprit par dfaut et le DefaultMemberAttribute dfini
pour |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class |1 could not be created: |0",,"Impossible de crer la classe |1 : |0",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be applied because the format of the GUID |2 is not correct.",,"I
mpossible d appliquer |1 , car le format du GUID |2 n est pas correct.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute and |1 cannot both be applied to th
e same class.",,"Impossible d appliquer la fois Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassA
ttribute et |1 la mme classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute cannot be applied to |1 because its
container |2 is not declared Public .",,"Impossible d appliquer Microsoft.V
isualBasic.ComClassAttribute |1 , car son conteneur |2 n est pas dclar Public
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute cannot be applied to |1 beca

use Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute reserves zero for the default prop
erty.",,"Impossible d appliquer System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute
|1 , car Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute rserve zro la proprit par dfaut
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute cannot be applied to |1 beca
use Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute reserves values less than zero.",,
"Impossible d appliquer System.Runtime.InteropServices.DispIdAttribute |1 , c
ar Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute rserve les valeurs infrieures zro.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" InterfaceId and EventsId parameters for Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttr
ibute on |1 cannot have the same value.",,"Les paramtres InterfaceId et Eve
ntsId pour Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute pour |1 ne peuvent pas a
voir la mme valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute cannot be applied to a class that is
declared MustInherit .",," Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute ne peut pas
tre appliqu une classe qui est dclare MustInherit .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute cannot be applied to |1 because it
is not declared Public .",," Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute ne peut p
as tre appliqu |1 , car il n est pas dclar Public .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultCharSetAttribute is not suppo
rted in this version.",,"L attribut System.Runtime.InteropServices.DefaultCharS
etAttribute n est pas pris en charge dans cette version.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator declaration must be one of: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, X
or, Not, <<, >>, =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, CType, IsTrue, IsFalse.",,"La dclaration d
oprateur doit tre l une des suivantes: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor,
Not, <<, >>, =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, CType, IsTrue ou IsFalse.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Widening and Narrowing cannot be combined.",," Widening et Narrowing ne
peuvent pas tre combins.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator is not overloadable. Operator declaration must be one of: +, -, *, \,
/, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor, Not, <<, >>, =, <>, <, <=, >, >=, CType, IsTru
e, IsFalse.",,"L oprateur n est pas surchargeable. La dclaration d oprateur doit tre
l une des suivantes: +, -, *, \, /, ^, , Like, Mod, And, Or, Xor, Not, <<, >>, =
, <>, <, <=, >, >=, CType, IsTrue ou IsFalse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Handles is not valid on operator declarations.",," Handles n est pas valide
pour les dclarations d oprateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Implements is not valid on operator declarations.",," Implements n est pas v
alide pour les dclarations d oprateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" End Operator expected.",," End Operator attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Operator must be the first statement on a line.",," End Operator doit tre
la premire instruction sur une ligne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" End Operator must be preceded by a matching Operator .",," End Operator doi
t tre prcd d un Operator correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" Exit Operator is not valid. Use Return to exit an operator.",," Exit Operat
or n est pas valide. Utilisez Return pour quitter un oprateur.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 parameters cannot be declared ParamArray .",,"Les paramtres |1 ne peuven
t pas tre dclars ParamArray .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 parameters cannot be declared Optional .",,"Les paramtres |1 ne peuvent
pas tre dclars Optional .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operators must be declared Public .",,"Les oprateurs doivent tre dclars Public ."

,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Operators must be declared Shared .",,"Les oprateurs doivent tre dclars Shared ."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operators cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les oprateurs ne peuvent pas tre dclars |1 .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 must have one parameter.",,"L oprateur |1 doit avoir un paramtre.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 must have two parameters.",,"L oprateur |1 doit avoir deux paramt
res.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 must have either one or two parameters.",,"L oprateur |1 doit av
oir un ou deux paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators must be declared either Widening or Narrowing .",,"Les
oprateurs de conversion doivent tre dclars Widening ou Narrowing .",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operators cannot be declared in modules.",,"Les oprateurs ne peuvent pas tre dclars
dans des modules.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only conversion operators can be declared |1 .",,"Seuls les oprateurs de conver
sion peuvent tre dclars |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter of this unary operator must be of the containing type |1 .",,"Le par
amtre de cet oprateur unaire doit tre du type conteneur |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"At least one parameter of this binary operator must be of the containing type
|1 .",,"Au moins un paramtre de cet oprateur binaire doit tre du type conteneur |1
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Either the parameter type or the return type of this conversion operator must b
e of the containing type |1 .",,"Le type de paramtre ou le type de retour de cet
oprateur de conversion doit tre du type conteneur |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 must have a return type of Boolean.",,"L oprateur |1 doit avoir
un type de retour Boolean.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators cannot convert from a type to the same type.",,"Les oprateu
rs de conversion ne peuvent pas convertir d un type en un type identique.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators cannot convert to an interface type.",,"Les oprateurs de co
nversion ne peuvent pas convertir en un type interface.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators cannot convert from a type to its base type.",,"Les oprateu
rs de conversion ne peuvent pas convertir d un type en son type de base.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators cannot convert from a type to its derived type.",,"Les opra
teurs de conversion ne peuvent pas convertir partir d un type en son type driv.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators cannot convert to Object.",,"Les oprateurs de conversion ne
peuvent pas convertir en Object.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Conversion operators cannot convert from an interface type.",,"Les oprateurs de
conversion ne peuvent pas convertir partir d un type interface.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators cannot convert from a base type.",,"Les oprateurs de conver
sion ne peuvent pas convertir partir d un type de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators cannot convert from a derived type.",,"Les oprateurs de con
version ne peuvent pas convertir partir d un type driv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion operators cannot convert from Object.",,"Les oprateurs de conversion
ne peuvent pas convertir partir d Object.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Matching |1 operator is required for |2 .",,"Un oprateur |1 correspondant e
st requis pour |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return and parameter types of |1 must be |2 to be used in a |3 expression

.",,"Les types de retour et de paramtres de |1 doivent tre |2 pour tre utiliss d

ans une expression |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 must define operator |2 to be used in a |3 expression.",,"Le type
|1 doit dfinir l oprateur |2 utiliser dans une expression |3 .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot copy the value of ByRef parameter |1 back to the matching argument b
ecause type |2 cannot be converted to type |3 .",,"Impossible de copier la va
leur du paramtre ByRef |1 dans l argument correspondant, car le type |2 ne
peut pas tre converti en type |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Type |1 must define operator |2 to be used in a For statement.",,"Le type
|1 doit dfinir l oprateur |2 utiliser dans une instruction For .",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return and parameter types of |1 must be |2 to be used in a For statement
.",,"Les types de retour et de paramtres de |1 doivent tre |2 pour tre utiliss d
ans une instruction For .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter types of |1 must be |2 to be used in a For statement.",,"Les ty
pes de paramtres de |1 doivent tre |2 pour tre utiliss dans une instruction For
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 must have a second parameter of type Integer or Integer? .",,"
L oprateur |1 doit avoir un second paramtre de type Integer ou Integer? .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nullable modifier cannot be specified on both a variable and its type.",,"Impos
sible de spcifier un modificateur autorisant les valeurs Null pour la variable et
son type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 must be a value type or a type argument constrained to Structure in
order to be used with Nullable or nullable modifier ? . ",,"Le type |1 doi
t tre un type valeur ou un argument de type limit Structure pour pouvoir tre util
is avec Nullable ou le modificateur autorisant les valeurs Null ? . ",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nullable modifier ? and array modifiers ( and ) cannot be specified on bo
th a variable and its type.",,"Impossible de spcifier le modificateur autorisant
les valeurs Null ? ainsi que les modificateurs de tableau ( et ) pour la v
ariable et son type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" If operator requires either two or three operands.",,"L oprateur If requiert
deux ou trois oprandes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" If operands cannot be named arguments.",,"Les oprandes If ne peuvent pas tre
des arguments nomms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First operand in a binary If expression must be nullable or a reference type.
",,"Le premier oprande d une expression binaire If doit tre de type Nullable ou
rfrence.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nullable modifier cannot be specified in variable declarations with As New .",
,"Impossible de spcifier un modificateur autorisant les valeurs Null dans les dcla
rations de variable avec As New .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Nullable types are not allowed in conditional compilation expressions.",,"Les t
ypes Nullable ne sont pas autoriss dans les expressions de compilation conditionn
elles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nullable modifier cannot be used with a variable whose implicit type is Object
.",,"Impossible d utiliser un modificateur autorisant les valeurs Null avec une
variable dont le type implicite est Object .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Requested operation is not available because the runtime library function |1
is not defined.",,"L opration demande n est pas disponible, car la fonction de la
bibliothque runtime |1 n est pas dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"The targeted version of the Visual Basic runtime library does not support modul
es.",,"La version cible de la bibliothque runtime Visual Basic ne prend pas en cha
rge les modules.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The targeted version of the Visual Basic runtime library does not support the O

ptionText attribute.",,"La version cible de la bibliothque runtime Visual Basic ne

prend pas en charge l attribut OptionText.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" Global must be followed by . and an identifier.",," Global doit tre suivi p
ar . et un identificateur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Global not allowed in this context; identifier expected.",," Global n est pa
s autoris dans ce contexte; identificateur attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Global not allowed in handles; local name expected.",," Global interdit dans
les handles; nom local attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ElseIf must be preceded by a matching If or ElseIf .",," ElseIf doit tre p
rcd d un If ou ElseIf correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Attribute constructor has a ByRef parameter of type |1 ; cannot use construc
tors with byref parameters to apply the attribute.",,"Le constructeur d attribut
a un paramtre ByRef de type |1 ; impossible d utiliser les constructeurs avec
des paramtres byref pour appliquer l attribut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" End Using must be preceded by a matching Using .",," End Using doit tre prcd d
un Using correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Using must end with a matching End Using .",," Using doit se terminer par u
n End Using correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" GoTo |1 is not valid because |1 is inside a Using statement that does not
contain this statement.",," GoTo |1 n est pas valide, car |1 se trouve dans
une instruction Using qui ne contient pas cette instruction.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Using operand of type |1 must implement System.IDisposable .",,"L oprande
Using de type |1 doit implmenter System.IDisposable .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Using resource variable must have an explicit initialization.",,"La variable
de ressource Using doit avoir une initialisation explicite.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Using resource variable type can not be array type.",,"Le type de variable de
ressource Using ne peut pas tre de type tableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" On Error statements are not valid within Using statements.",,"Les instructi
ons On Error ne sont pas valides dans les instructions Using .",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 has the same name as another type exposed in a My group. Rename the type
or its enclosing namespace.",," |1 porte le mme nom qu un autre type expos dans
un groupe My . Renommez le type ou son espace de noms englobant.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nested function does not have a signature that is compatible with delegate |1
.",,"La fonction imbrique n a pas une signature compatible avec le dlgu |1 .",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ByRef parameter |1 cannot be used in a query expression.",,"Le paramtre ByR
ef |1 ne peut pas tre utilis dans une expression de requte.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression cannot be converted into an expression tree.",,"Impossible de conver
tir l expression en une arborescence d expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance members and Me cannot be used within query expressions in structures
.",,"Les membres d instance et Me ne peuvent pas tre utiliss au sein d expressio
ns de requtes dans des structures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Variable cannot be initialized with non-array type |1 .",,"La variable ne peut
pas tre initialise avec un type autre qu un type tableau |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"References to ByRef parameters cannot be converted to an expression tree.",,"
Impossible de convertir les rfrences aux paramtres ByRef en une arborescence de l

expression.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Invalid object initializer value.",,"Valeur de l initialiseur d objet non valid
e.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type member or property |1 is already declared.",,"Le membre de typ
e anonyme ou la proprit |1 est dj dclar.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cannot convert anonymous type to an expression tree because a property of the t
ype is used to initialize another property.",,"Impossible de convertir le type a
nonyme en arborescence de l expression, car une proprit de ce type sert initialise
r une autre proprit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type property |1 cannot be used in the definition of a lambda expre
ssion within the same initialization list.",,"La proprit de type anonyme |1 ne p
eut pas tre utilise dans la dfinition d une expression lambda au sein de la mme list
e d initialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Extension attribute can be applied only to Module , Sub , or Function dec
larations.",,"L attribut Extension ne peut tre appliqu qu aux dclarations Module
, Sub ou Function .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension methods can be defined only in modules.",,"Les mthodes d extension ne
peuvent tre dfinies que dans des modules.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Extension methods must declare at least one parameter. The first parameter spec
ifies which type to extend.",,"Les mthodes d extension doivent dclarer au moins un
paramtre. Le premier paramtre spcifie le type tendre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Optional cannot be applied to the first parameter of an extension method. The
first parameter specifies which type to extend.",," Optional ne peut pas tre ap
pliqu au premier paramtre d une mthode d extension. Le premier paramtre spcifie le ty
pe tendre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ParamArray cannot be applied to the first parameter of an extension method. T
he first parameter specifies which type to extend.",," ParamArray ne peut pas tr
e appliqu au premier paramtre d une mthode d extension. Le premier paramtre spcifie l
e type tendre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type initializer is not valid or is circular.",,"Un initialiseur de t
ype anonyme n est pas valide ou est circulaire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type member name can be inferred only from a simple or qualified name
with no arguments.",,"Le nom du membre de type anonyme ne peut tre dduit qu parti
r d un nom simple ou qualifi sans argument.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not a member of |2 ; it does not exist in the current context.",," |1
n est pas membre de |2 ; il n existe pas dans le contexte actuel.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The custom-designed version of System.Runtime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttrib
ute found by the compiler is not valid. Its attribute usage flags must be set t
o allow assemblies, classes, and methods.",,"La version personnalise de System.R
untime.CompilerServices.ExtensionAttribute trouve par le compilateur n est pas v
alide. Ses indicateurs d utilisation d attribut doivent tre dfinis pour autoriser
les assemblys, les classes et les mthodes.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type member property |1 cannot be used to infer the type of another
member property because the type of |1 is not yet established.",,"La proprit du
membre de type anonyme |1 ne peut pas tre utilise pour dduire le type d une autr
e proprit de membre, car le type de |1 n est pas encore tabli.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type characters cannot be used in anonymous type declarations.",,"Les caractres
de type ne peuvent pas tre utiliss dans des dclarations de type anonymes.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension method |1 has type constraints that can never be satisfied.",,"La mt
hode d extension |1 a des contraintes de type qui ne peuvent pas tre satisfaite
s.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

Extension method |1 defined in |2 : |3",,"\n
Mthode d extension |1
dfinie dans |2 : |3",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method does not have a signature compatible with the delegate.",,"La mthode n a
pas de signature compatible avec le dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Type arguments could not be inferred from the delegate.",,"Impossible de dduire
les arguments de type partir du dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Parameter |1 already has a matching omitted argument.",,"Le paramtre |1 a dj u
n argument omis correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter |1 already has a matching argument.",,"Le paramtre |1 a dj un argume
nt correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not a method parameter.",," |1 n est pas un paramtre de mthode.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument not specified for parameter |1 .",,"Argument non spcifi pour le paramtre
|1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter |1 cannot be inferred.",,"Le paramtre de type |1 ne peut pas t
re dduit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Extension method |1 defined in |2 .",,"\n
Mthode d extension |1 dfi
nie dans |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type must contain at least one member.",,"Le type anonyme doit conten
ir au moins un membre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type member name must be preceded by a period.",,"Le nom du membre de
type anonyme doit tre prcd d un point.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Identifier expected, preceded with a period.",,"Identificateur attendu, prcd d un
point.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type initializers are not valid in debug windows.",,"Les initialiseur
s de type anonyme ne sont pas valides dans les fentres de dbogage.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too few type arguments.",,"Arguments de type insuffisants.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many type arguments.",,"Arguments de type trop nombreux.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension method |1 defined in |2 does not have the same signature as deleg
ate |3 .",,"La mthode d extension |1 dfinie dans |2 n a pas la mme signature q
ue le dlgu |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many arguments to extension method |1 defined in |2 .",,"Arguments trop
nombreux dans la mthode d extension |1 dfinie dans |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parameter |1 in extension method |2 defined in |3 already has a matching
omitted argument.",,"Le paramtre |1 de la mthode d extension |2 dfini dans |3
a dj un argument omis correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Parameter |1 of extension method |2 defined in |3 already has a matching
argument.",,"Le paramtre |1 de la mthode d extension |2 dfini dans |3 a dj un a
rgument correspondant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not a parameter of extension method |2 defined in |3 .",," |1 n est
pas un paramtre de la mthode d extension |2 dfinie dans |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Argument not specified for parameter |1 of extension method |2 defined in
|3 .",,"Argument non spcifi pour le paramtre |1 de la mthode d extension |2 dfini
e dans |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter |1 for extension method |2 defined in |3 cannot be inferre
d.",,"Le paramtre de type |1 pour la mthode d extension |2 dfinie dans |3 ne
peut pas tre dduit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too few type arguments to extension method |1 defined in |2 .",,"Arguments d
e type insuffisants dans la mthode d extension |1 dfinie dans |2 .",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many type arguments to extension method |1 defined in |2 .",,"Arguments

de type trop nombreux dans la mthode d extension |1 dfinie dans |2 .",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression of type |1 is not queryable. Make sure you are not missing an asse
mbly reference and/or namespace import for the LINQ provider.",,"L expression de
type |1 ne peut pas tre interroge. Vrifiez que vous n omettez pas une rfrence d as
sembly et/ou une importation d espace de noms pour le fournisseur LINQ.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Definition of method |1 is not accessible in this context.",,"La dfinition de
la mthode |1 n est pas accessible dans ce contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method which contains an On Error GoTo statement cannot contain an expression
which generates a lambda.",,"Une mthode contenant une instruction On Error GoTo
ne peut pas contenir une expression qui gnre une expression lambda.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" GoTo |1 is not valid because |1 is inside a scope that defines a variable t
hat is used in a lambda or query expression.",," GoTo |1 n est pas valide, car
|1 se trouve dans une porte qui dfinit une variable utilise dans une expression l
ambda ou une expression de requte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Instance of restricted type |1 cannot be used in a query expression.",,"Impos
sible d utiliser l instance du type restreint |1 dans une expression de requte.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range variable name can be inferred only from a simple or qualified name with n
o arguments.",,"Le nom de la variable de porte peut tre dduit uniquement partir d u
n nom qualifi ou d un nom simple sans arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range variable |1 is already declared.",,"La variable de porte |1 est dj dclare.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type characters cannot be used in range variable declarations.",,"Les caractres
de type ne peuvent pas tre utiliss dans des dclarations de variable de porte.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" ReadOnly variable cannot be the target of an assignment in a lambda expressio
n inside a constructor.",,"Une variable ReadOnly ne peut pas tre la cible d une
assignation dans une expression lambda au sein d un constructeur.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multi-dimensional array cannot be converted to an expression tree.",,"Impossibl
e de convertir un tableau multidimensionnel en une arborescence de l expression.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Late binding operations cannot be converted to an expression tree.",,"Impossibl
e de convertir les oprations liaison tardive en une arborescence de l expression.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" By expected.",," By attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range variable name cannot match the name of a member of the Object class.",,
"Le nom de la variable de porte ne peut pas correspondre au nom d un membre de la
classe Object .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" In expected.",," In attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The first From in a query cannot be followed immediately by an assignment.",,
"Le premier From dans une requte ne peut pas tre immdiatement suivi d une assigna
tion.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name |1 is either not declared or not in the current scope.",,"Le nom |1 n
est pas dclar ou ne se trouve pas dans la porte actuelle.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return type of nested function matching parameter |1 narrows from |2 to |3
.",,"Le type de retour de la fonction imbrique qui correspond au paramtre |1 pa
sse de |2 |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Anonymous type member name cannot be inferred from an XML identifier that is no
t a valid Visual Basic identifier.",,"Le nom du membre de type anonyme ne peut p
as tre dduit partir d un identificateur XML qui n est pas un identificateur Visual
Basic valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range variable name cannot be inferred from an XML identifier that is not a val

id Visual Basic identifier.",,"Le nom de la variable de porte ne peut pas tre dduit
partir d un identificateur XML qui n est pas un identificateur Visual Basic val
ide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Into expected.",," Into attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" Aggregate cannot be followed by an assignment.",," Aggregate ne peut pas tre
suivi d une assignation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Aggregate function name cannot be used with a type character.",,"Le nom d une f
onction d agrgation ne peut pas tre utilis avec un caractre de type.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" On expected.",," On attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Equals expected.",," Equals attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
" And expected.",," And attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" Equals cannot compare a value of type |1 with a value of type |2 .",," Equ
als ne peut pas comparer une valeur de type |1 une valeur de type |2 .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You must reference at least one range variable on both sides of the Equals op
erator. Range variable(s) |1 must appear on one side of the Equals operator, a
nd range variable(s) |2 must appear on the other.",,"Vous devez rfrencer au moins
une variable de porte des deux cts de l oprateur Equals . La ou les variables de po
rte |1 doivent apparatre d un ct de l oprateur Equals alors que la ou les variables
de porte |2 doivent apparatre de l autre ct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Lambda expression cannot be converted to |1 because |1 is not a delegate ty
pe.",,"Impossible de convertir l expression lambda en |1 , car |1 n est pas u
n type dlgu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lambda expression cannot be converted to |1 because type |1 is declared Mu
stInherit and cannot be created.",,"Impossible de convertir l expression lambda
en |1 , car le type |1 est dclar MustInherit et ne peut pas tre cr.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Evaluation of lambda expressions is not valid in the debugger.",,"L valuation d
expressions lambda n est pas valide dans le dbogueur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A nullable type cannot be inferred for variable |1 .",,"Impossible de dduire un
type Nullable pour la variable |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Nullable type inference is not supported in this context.",,"L infrence de type
Nullable n est pas prise en charge dans ce contexte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Join expected.",," Join attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Nullable parameters must specify a type.",,"Les paramtres Nullable doivent spcifi
er un type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range variable |1 hides a variable in an enclosing block, a previously define
d range variable, or an implicitly declared variable in a query expression.",,"L
a variable de porte |1 masque une variable dans un bloc englobant, une variable
de porte prcdemment dfinie ou une variable dclare implicitement dans une expression d
e requte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attributes cannot be applied to parameters of lambda expressions.",,"Des attrib
uts ne peuvent pas tre appliqus aux paramtres d expressions lambda.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lambda expressions are not valid in the first expression of a Select Case sta
tement.",,"Les expressions lambda ne sont pas valides dans la premire expression
d une instruction Select Case .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" AddressOf expressions are not valid in the first expression of a Select Case
statement. ",,"Les expressions AddressOf ne sont pas valides dans la premire
expression d une instruction Select Case . ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"

"The ? character cannot be used here.",,"Impossible d utiliser le caractre ?

ici.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance members and Me cannot be used within a lambda expression in structur
es.",,"Les membres d instance et Me ne peuvent pas tre utiliss au sein d une exp
ression lambda dans des structures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
" ByRef parameter |1 cannot be used in a lambda expression.",,"Le paramtre By
Ref |1 ne peut pas tre utilis dans une expression lambda.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance of restricted type |1 cannot be used in a lambda expression.",,"Impo
ssible d utiliser l instance du type restreint |1 dans une expression lambda."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lambda parameter |1 hides a variable in an enclosing block, a previously defi
ned range variable, or an implicitly declared variable in a query expression.",,
"Le paramtre lambda |1 masque une variable dans un bloc englobant, une variable
de porte prcdemment dfinie ou une variable dclare implicitement dans une expression d
e requte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On requires each lambda expression parameter to be declared with
an As clause if its type cannot be inferred.",,"Chaque paramtre d expression la
mbda de Option Strict On doit tre dclar avec une clause As si son type ne peut pa
s tre dduit.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array modifiers cannot be specified on lambda expression parameter name. They m
ust be specified on its type.",,"Impossible de spcifier des modificateurs de tabl
eau pour le nom de paramtre d une expression lambda. Ils doivent tre spcifis dans so
n type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments.
Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might correct this error.",,"Impossible d
e dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type partir de ces argume
nts. La spcification explicite du ou des types de donnes peut permettre de corrige
r cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method |2 cannot be inferred from th
ese arguments. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might correct this error."
,,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans
la mthode |2 partir de ces arguments. La spcification explicite du ou des types
de donnes peut permettre de corriger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method |2 defined in |3
cannot be inferred from these arguments. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly
might correct this error.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou
des paramtres de type dans la mthode d extension |2 dfinie dans |3 partir de ce
s arguments. La spcification explicite du ou des types de donnes peut permettre de
corriger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments."
,,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type parti
r de ces arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method |2 cannot be inferred from th
ese arguments.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtre
s de type dans la mthode |2 partir de ces arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method |2 defined in |3
cannot be inferred from these arguments.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types
de donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans la mthode d extension |2 dfinie dans |
3 partir de ces arguments.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments b
ecause more than one type is possible. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly mi
ght correct this error.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou de
s paramtres de type partir de ces arguments, car plusieurs types sont possibles.
La spcification explicite du ou des types de donnes peut permettre de corriger cet
te erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method |2 cannot be inferred from th

ese arguments because more than one type is possible. Specifying the data type(s
) explicitly might correct this error.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de
donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans la mthode |2 partir de ces arguments, ca
r plusieurs types sont possibles. La spcification explicite du ou des types de do
nnes peut permettre de corriger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method |2 defined in |3
cannot be inferred from these arguments because more than one type is possible.
Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might correct this error.",,"Impossible d
e dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans la mthode d exte
nsion |2 dfinie dans |3 partir de ces arguments, car plusieurs types sont pos
sibles. La spcification explicite du ou des types de donnes peut permettre de corr
iger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments b
ecause more than one type is possible.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de
donnes du ou des paramtres de type partir de ces arguments, car plusieurs types s
ont possibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method |2 cannot be inferred from th
ese arguments because more than one type is possible.",,"Impossible de dduire le
ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans la mthode |2 partir de ce
s arguments, car plusieurs types sont possibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method |2 defined in |3
cannot be inferred from these arguments because more than one type is possible."
,,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans
la mthode d extension |2 dfinie dans |3 partir de ces arguments, car plusieurs
types sont possibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments b
ecause they do not convert to the same type. Specifying the data type(s) explici
tly might correct this error.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du
ou des paramtres de type partir de ces arguments, car ils ne sont pas convertis
vers le mme type. La spcification explicite du ou des types de donnes peut permettr
e de corriger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method |2 cannot be inferred from th
ese arguments because they do not convert to the same type. Specifying the data
type(s) explicitly might correct this error.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les ty
pes de donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans la mthode |2 partir de ces argumen
ts, car ils ne sont pas convertis vers le mme type. La spcification explicite du o
u des types de donnes peut permettre de corriger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method |2 defined in |3
cannot be inferred from these arguments because they do not convert to the same
type. Specifying the data type(s) explicitly might correct this error.",,"Imposs
ible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans la mthode
d extension |2 dfinie dans |3 partir de ces arguments, car ils ne sont pas co
nvertis vers le mme type. La spcification explicite du ou des types de donnes peut
permettre de corriger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) cannot be inferred from these arguments b
ecause they do not convert to the same type.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les ty
pes de donnes du ou des paramtres de type partir de ces arguments, car ils ne sont
pas convertis vers le mme type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in method |2 cannot be inferred from th
ese arguments because they do not convert to the same type.",,"Impossible de ddui
re le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type dans la mthode |2 partir
de ces arguments, car ils ne sont pas convertis vers le mme type.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Data type(s) of the type parameter(s) in extension method |2 defined in |3
cannot be inferred from these arguments because they do not convert to the same
type.",,"Impossible de dduire le ou les types de donnes du ou des paramtres de type

dans la mthode d extension |2 dfinie dans |3 partir de ces arguments, car ils
ne sont pas convertis vers le mme type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between
the lambda expression and delegate |1 .",,"Option Strict On n autorise pas les
conversions restrictives lors des conversions de types implicites entre l expres
sion lambda et le dlgu |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between
method |1 and delegate |2 .",,"Option Strict On n autorise pas les conversion
s restrictives lors des conversions de types implicites entre la mthode |1 et l
e dlgu |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nesting of parentheses in lambda expression s parameter list exceeds maximum al
lowable depth.",,"L imbrication de parenthses dans la liste des paramtres de l exp
ression lambda dpasse la profondeur maximale autorise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not accessible in this context because the return type is not accessibl
e.",," |1 n est pas accessible dans ce contexte, car le type de retour n est pa
s accessible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1.|2 is not accessible in this context because the return type is not access
ible.",," |1.|2 n est pas accessible dans ce contexte, car le type de retour n
est pas accessible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variable |1 is already declared as a parameter of this or an enclosing lambda
expression.",,"La variable |1 est dj dclare en tant que paramtre de cet lment ou en
tant qu expression lambda englobante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" On Error and Resume cannot appear inside a lambda expression.",," On Error
et Resume ne peuvent pas tre utiliss dans une expression lambda.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Branching out of a multiline lambda is not valid.",,"La cration d une branche en
dehors d une expression lambda multiligne n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Nested sub does not have a signature that is compatible with delegate |1 .",,"
Un sub imbriqu n a pas une signature compatible avec le dlgu |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static local variables cannot be declared inside lambda expressions.",,"Les var
iables locales static ne peuvent pas tre dclares dans des expressions lambda.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiline lambda expression is missing End Sub .",,"L expression lambda multil
igne ne contient pas End Sub .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiline lambda expression is missing End Function .",,"L expression lambda m
ultiligne ne contient pas de End Function .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement lambdas cannot be converted to expression trees.",,"Des lambda-instru
ctions ne peuvent pas tre converties en arborescences de l expression.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attributes cannot be applied to return types of lambda expressions.",,"Les attr
ibuts ne peuvent pas tre appliqus aux types de retour des expressions lambda.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Group or an identifier expected.",," Group ou identificateur attendu.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Group not allowed in this context; identifier expected.",," Group n est pas
autoris dans ce contexte; identificateur attendu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On does not allow narrowing in implicit type conversions between
extension method |1 defined in |3 and delegate |2 .",,"Option Strict On n a
utorise pas les conversions restrictives lors des conversions de types implicite
s entre la mthode d extension |1 dfinie dans |3 et le dlgu |2 .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension Method |1 defined in |3 does not have a signature compatible with
delegate |2 .",,"La mthode d extension |1 dfinie dans |3 n a pas une signatu

re compatible avec le dlgu |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Argument matching parameter |1 narrows to |2 .",,"L argument qui correspond
au paramtre |1 passe |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto-implemented Properties contained in Structures cannot have initializers un
less they are marked Shared .",,"Les proprits implmentes automatiquement contenues
dans les structures ne peuvent pas avoir d initialiseurs, sauf si elles sont mar
ques comme Shared .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expanded Properties cannot be initialized.",,"Les proprits dveloppes ne peuvent pas
tre initialises.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Basic |2 does not support |1.",,"Visual Basic |2 ne prend pas en charge
|1.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer an element type. Specifying the type of the array might correct th
is error.",,"Impossible de dduire un type d lment. La spcification du type de tablea
u peut permettre de corriger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Cannot initialize the type |1 with a collection initializer because it is not
a collection type.",,"Impossible d initialiser le type |1 avec un initialiseu
r de collection, car il ne s agit pas d un type de collection.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot initialize the type |1 with a collection initializer because it does n
ot have an accessible Add method.",,"Impossible d initialiser le type |1 ave
c un initialiseur de collection, car il n a pas de mthode Add accessible.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An Object Initializer and a Collection Initializer cannot be combined in the sa
me initialization.",,"Un initialiseur d objet et un initialiseur de collection n
e peuvent pas tre combins dans la mme initialisation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An aggregate collection initializer entry must contain at least one element.",,
"Une entre d initialiseur de collection d agrgation doit contenir au moins un lment.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Keywords Out and In can only be used in interface and delegate declarations
.",,"Les mots cls Out et In peuvent uniquement tre utiliss dans des dclarations
Interface et Delegate.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enumerations, classes, and structures cannot be declared in an interface that h
as an In or Out type parameter.",,"Les numrations, les classes et les structur
es ne peuvent pas tre dclares dans une interface comportant un paramtre de type In
ou Out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in this context because |1 is an Out type paramete
r.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 dans ce contexte, car |1 est un paramt
re de type Out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in this context because |1 is an In type parameter
.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 dans ce contexte, car |1 est un paramtr
e de type In .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used for the |2 in |3 in this context because |1 is a
n Out type parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 pour le |2 dans
|3 dans ce contexte, car |1 est un paramtre de type Out .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used for the |2 in |3 in this context because |1 is a
n In type parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 pour le |2 dans
|3 dans ce contexte, car |1 est un paramtre de type In .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in |2 in this context because |1 is an Out type
parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 dans |2 dans ce contexte, car
|1 est un paramtre de type Out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Type |1 cannot be used in |2 in this context because |1 is an In type p
arameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 dans |2 dans ce contexte, car
|1 est un paramtre de type In .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Type |1 cannot be used for the |3 of |4 in |2 in this context because

|1 is an Out type parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 pour le |

3 de |4 dans |2 dans ce contexte, car |1 est un paramtre de type Out .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used for the |3 of |4 in |2 in this context because
|1 is an In type parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 pour le |3
de |4 dans |2 dans ce contexte, car |1 est un paramtre de type In .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in this context because both the context and the defin
ition of |1 are nested within interface |2 , and |2 has In or Out type
parameters. Consider moving the definition of |1 outside of |2 .",,"Impossibl
e d utiliser le type |1 dans ce contexte, car le contexte et la dfinition de |
1 sont tous les deux imbriqus dans l interface |2 et |2 a des paramtres de ty
pe In ou Out . Dplacez la dfinition de |1 en dehors de |2 .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used for the |3 in |4 in this context because both the
context and the definition of |1 are nested within interface |2 , and |2 ha
s In or Out type parameters. Consider moving the definition of |1 outside
of |2 .",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 pour le |3 dans |4 dans ce co
ntexte, car le contexte et la dfinition de |1 sont tous les deux imbriqus dans l
interface |2 et |2 a des paramtres de type In ou Out . Dplacez la dfinition
de |1 en dehors de |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer a return type because more than one type is possible. Consider add
ing an As clause to specify the return type.",,"Impossible de dduire un type de
retour, car plusieurs types sont possibles. Ajoutez une clause As pour spcifie
r le type de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in |3 in this context because both the context and t
he definition of |1 are nested within interface |2 , and |2 has In or Ou
t type parameters. Consider moving the definition of |1 outside of |2 .",,"I
mpossible d utiliser le type |1 dans |3 dans ce contexte, car le contexte et
la dfinition de |1 sont tous les deux imbriqus dans l interface |2 et |2 a
des paramtres de type In ou Out . Dplacez la dfinition de |1 en dehors de |2
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used for the |4 of |5 in |3 in this context because b
oth the context and the definition of |1 are nested within interface |2 , and
|2 has In or Out type parameters. Consider moving the definition of |1
outside of |2 .",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 pour le |4 de |5 dans
|3 dans ce contexte, car le contexte et la dfinition de |1 sont tous les deu
x imbriqus dans l interface |2 et |2 a des paramtres de type In ou Out . Dpl
acez la dfinition de |1 en dehors de |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Option Strict On does not allow implicit conversions from |1 to |2 because
the conversion is ambiguous.",,"Option Strict On n autorise pas les conversions
implicites de |1 en |2 , car la conversion est ambigu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Event definitions with parameters are not allowed in an interface such as |1
that has In or Out type parameters. Consider declaring the event by using a
delegate type which is not defined within |1 . For example, Event |2 As Action
(Of ...) .",,"Les dfinitions d vnement avec des paramtres ne sont pas autorises dans
une interface |1 qui a des paramtres de type In ou Out . Dclarez l vnement l ai
de d un type dlgu qui n est pas dfini dans |1 . Par exemple, Event |2 As Action(Of
...) .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 does not inherit the generic type parameters of its container.",,"Le
type |1 n hrite pas des paramtres de type gnrique de son conteneur.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in |2 because In and Out type parameters cannot
be made nullable, and |1 is an Out type parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser
le type |1 dans |2 , car les paramtres de type In et Out ne peuvent pas tre
rendus Nullable et |1 est un paramtre de type Out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in |2 because In and Out type parameters cannot

be made nullable, and |1 is an In type parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le

type |1 dans |2 , car les paramtres de type In et Out ne peuvent pas tre r
endus Nullable et |1 est un paramtre de type In .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used as a ByVal parameter type because |1 is an Out typ
e parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 en tant que type de paramtre B
yVal, car |1 est un paramtre de type Out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used as a return type because |1 is an In type paramete
r.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 en tant que type de retour, car |1 es
t un paramtre de type In .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used as a generic type constraint because |1 is an Out
type parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 en tant que contrainte de
type gnrique, car |1 est un paramtre de type Out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used as a ReadOnly property type because |1 is an In ty
pe parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 en tant que type de proprit Re
adOnly, car |1 est un paramtre de type In .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used as a WriteOnly property type because |1 is an Out
type parameter.",,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 en tant que type de proprit
WriteOnly, car |1 est un paramtre de type Out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used as a property type in this context because |1 is an
Out type parameter and the property is not marked ReadOnly.",,"Impossible d ut
iliser le type |1 en tant que type de proprit dans ce contexte, car |1 est un
paramtre de type Out et la proprit n est pas marque ReadOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used as a property type in this context because |1 is an
In type parameter and the property is not marked WriteOnly.",,"Impossible d ut
iliser le type |1 en tant que type de proprit dans ce contexte, car |1 est un
paramtre de type In et la proprit n est pas marque WriteOnly.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in this context because In and Out type parameters
cannot be used for ByRef parameter types, and |1 is an Out type parameter."
,,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 dans ce contexte, car les paramtres de type
In et Out ne peuvent pas tre utiliss pour les types de paramtres ByRef et |1
est un paramtre de type Out .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used in this context because In and Out type parameters
cannot be used for ByRef parameter types, and |1 is an In type parameter.",
,"Impossible d utiliser le type |1 dans ce contexte, car les paramtres de type
In et Out ne peuvent pas tre utiliss pour les types de paramtres ByRef et |1
est un paramtre de type In .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer a return type. Consider adding an As clause to specify the retu
rn type.",,"Impossible de dduire un type de retour. Ajoutez une clause As pour
spcifier le type de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No overload for method Add takes |1 arguments. Expected {|2} .",,"Aucune sur
charge pour la mthode Add ne prend d arguments |1. {|2} attendu.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |5 cannot be converted to |6 because |1 is not derived from |2 , as requ
ired for the Out generic parameter |3 in |4 .",,"Impossible de convertir |
5 en |6 , car |1 n est pas driv de |2 , comme le requiert le paramtre gnrique O
ut |3 dans |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |5 cannot be converted to |6 because |1 is not derived from |2 , as requ
ired for the In generic parameter |3 in |4 .",,"Impossible de convertir |5
en |6 , car |1 n est pas driv de |2 , comme le requiert le paramtre gnrique In
|3 dans |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be converted to |2 . Consider using |3 instead.",,"Impossible de
convertir |1 en |2 . Utilisez |3 la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" |1 cannot be converted to |2 . Consider changing the |3 in the definition

of |4 to an Out type parameter, Out |3 .",,"Impossible de convertir |1 en
|2 . Changez |3 dans la dfinition de |4 en paramtre de type Out, Out |3 .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be converted to |2 . Consider changing the |3 in the definition
of |4 to an In type parameter, In |3 .",,"Impossible de convertir |1 en |2
. Changez |3 dans la dfinition de |4 en paramtre de type In, In |3 .",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto-implemented properties cannot have parameters.",,"Les proprits implmentes auto
matiquement ne peuvent pas avoir de paramtres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using DirectCast operator to cast a floating-point value to the same type is no
t supported.",,"L oprateur DirectCast ne peut pas tre utilis pour effectuer un cast
d une valeur virgule flottante en un type identique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML elements cannot be selected from type |1 .",,"Les lments XML ne peuvent pas t
re slectionns partir du type |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML attributes cannot be selected from type |1 .",,"Les attributs XML ne peuve
nt pas tre slectionns partir du type |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"XML descendant elements cannot be selected from type |1 .",,"Les lments descenda
nts XML ne peuvent pas tre slectionns partir du type |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Errors occurred while compiling the Xml schemas in the project. Because of thi
s, Xml intellisense is not available.",,"Des erreurs se sont produites lors de l
a compilation des schmas Xml du projet. C est la raison pour laquelle Xml intelli
sense n est pas disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Extension method |1 defined in |2 is not generic (or has no free type param
eters) and so cannot have type arguments.",,"La mthode d extension |1 dfinie dan
s |2 n est pas gnrique (ou n a pas de paramtre de type libre) et ne peut pas avoi
r d arguments de type.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Late-bound extension methods are not supported.",,"Les mthodes d extension liais
on tardive ne sont pas prises en charge.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer a data type for |1 because the array dimensions do not match.",,
"Impossible de dduire un type de donnes pour |1 , car les dimensions du tableau n
e correspondent pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer a common type.",,"Impossible de dduire un type commun.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer a common type, and Option Strict On does not allow Object to be
assumed.",,"Impossible de dduire un type commun et Option Strict On n autorise pa
s l utilisation par dfaut de Object .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Cannot infer a common type because more than one type is possible.",,"Impossibl
e de dduire un type commun car plusieurs types sont possibles.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer an element type, and Option Strict On does not allow Object to b
e assumed. Specifying the type of the array might correct this error.",,"Impossi
ble de dduire un type d lment et Option Strict On n autorise pas l utilisation par
dfaut de Object . La spcification du type de tableau peut permettre de corriger c
ette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer an element type because more than one type is possible. Specifying
the type of the array might correct this error.",,"Impossible de dduire un type
d lment car plusieurs types sont possibles. La spcification du type du tableau peut
permettre de corriger cette erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cannot infer a return type. Consider adding an As clause to specify the retur
n type.",,"Impossible de dduire un type de retour. Ajoutez une clause As pour s
pcifier le type de retour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inappropriate use of |1 keyword in a module.",,"Utilisation inapproprie du mot

cl |1 dans un module.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Single-line statement lambdas must include exactly one statement.",,"Les lambda
-instructions sur une seule ligne doivent inclure exactement une instruction.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement is not valid inside a single-line statement lambda.",,"L instruction
n est pas valide au sein d une lambda-instruction sur une seule ligne.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This single-line statement lambda must be enclosed in parentheses. For example:
Call (Sub() <statement>) ()",,"Cette lambda-instruction sur une seule ligne doi
t tre mise entre parenthses. Par exemple: Call (Sub() <instruction>) ()",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This single-line statement lambda must be enclosed in parentheses. For example:
(Sub() <statement>).Invoke()",,"Cette lambda-instruction sur une seule ligne do
it tre mise entre parenthses. Par exemple: (Sub() <instruction>).Invoke()",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This single-line statement lambda must be enclosed in parentheses. For example:
(Sub() <statement>)!key",,"Cette lambda-instruction sur une seule ligne doit tre
mise entre parenthses. Par exemple: (Sub() <instruction>)!key",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be embedded because it has generic argument. Consider setting
the Embed interop Types property to false.",,"Le type |1 ne peut pas tre inco
rpor car il a un argument gnrique. Dfinissez la proprit Incorporer les types interop
false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used across assembly boundaries because it has a generic ty
pe parameter that is an embedded interop type.",,"Le type |1 ne peut pas tre ut
ilis au-del des limites de l assembly, car il a un paramtre de type gnrique qui est u
n type interop incorpor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 cannot be used across assembly boundaries because its base type has a
generic type parameter that is an embedded interop type.",,"Le type |1 ne peu
t pas tre utilis au-del des limites de l assembly, car son type de base a un paramtr
e de type gnrique qui est un type interop incorpor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Async methods cannot have ByRef parameters.",,"Les mthodes async ne peuvent pas
contenir de paramtres ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Iterator methods cannot have ByRef parameters.",,"Les mthodes Iterator ne peuven
t pas contenir de paramtres ByRef.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" Await may only be used in a query expression within the first collection expr
ession of the initial From clause or within the collection expression of a Jo
in clause.",," Await peut tre utilis uniquement dans une expression de requte au
sein de la premire expression de collection de la clause From ou au sein de l e
xpression de collection d une clause Join .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
" Await requires that the type |1 have a suitable GetAwaiter method.",," Awai
t ncessite que le type |1 contienne une mthode GetAwaiter adapte.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An expression tree may not contain the Await operator.",,"Une arborescence d
expression ne peut pas contenir l oprateur Await .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be used as a parameter type for an Iterator or Async method.",," |1
ne peut pas tre utilis comme type de paramtre pour une mthode Iterator ou Async.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot await Nothing. Consider awaiting Task.Yield() instead.",,"Impossible d
attendre Nothing. Attendez Task.Yield() la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Main method cannot be marked Async .",,"La mthode Main ne peut pas tre m
arque comme Async .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be declared Partial because it has the Async modifier.",," |1
ne peut pas tre dclar comme Partial car il contient le modificateur Async .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" Async and Iterator modifiers cannot be used together.",,"Les modificateurs

Async et Iterator ne peuvent pas tre utiliss ensemble.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Await can only be used when contained within a method or lambda expression ma
rked with the Async modifier.",," Await peut uniquement tre utilis lorsqu il es
t contenu dans une mthode ou une expression lambda marque avec le modificateur As
ync .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Iterator functions must return either IEnumerable(Of T), or IEnumerator(Of T),
or the non-generic forms IEnumerable or IEnumerator.",,"Les fonctions d itrateur
doivent retourner soit IEnumerable(Of T), ou IEnumerator(Of T), ou les formes no
n-gnriques IEnumerable ou IEnumerator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
" Yield cannot be used inside a Catch statement or a Finally statement.",,"
Yield ne peut pas tre utilis dans une instruction Catch ou une instruction Fi
nally .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Yield can only be used in a method marked with the Iterator modifier.",," Y
ield peut uniquement tre utilis dans une mthode marque avec le modificateur Iterat
or .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"To return a value from an Iterator function, use Yield rather than Return ."
,,"Pour retourner une valeur partir d une fonction d itrateur, utiliser Yield a
u lieu de Return .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Await cannot be used inside a Catch statement, a Finally statement, or a
SyncLock statement.",," Await ne peut pas tre utilis dans une instruction Catc
h , une instruction Finally , ou une instruction SyncLock .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Async modifier can only be used on Subs, or on Functions that return Task
or Task(Of T).",,"Le modificateur Async peut uniquement tre utilis sur des Subs
ou sur des fonctions qui retournent Task ou Task(Of T).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The implicit return variable of an Iterator or Async method cannot be accessed.
",,"La variable implicite de retour d une mthode Iterator ou Async est inaccessib
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Single-line lambdas cannot have the Iterator modifier. Use a multiline lambda
instead.",,"Les expressions lambda sur une seule ligne ne peuvent pas contenir
le modificateur Iterator . Utilisez une expression lambda multiligne la place."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot find all types required by the Async modifier. Are you targeting the w
rong framework version, or missing a reference to an assembly?",,"Tous les types
requis par le modificateur Async sont introuvables. Ciblez-vous une version i
ncorrecte du Framework ou vous manque-t-il une rfrence un assembly ?",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression is of type |1 , which is not awaitable.",,"L expression est de type
|1 , ce qui ne correspond pas l lment awaitable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Constructor must not have the Async modifier.",,"Le constructeur ne doit pas
contenir le modificateur Async .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Only the Async or Iterator modifier is valid on a lambda.",,"Seul le modifi
cateur Async ou Iterator est valide sur une expression lambda.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Return statements in this Async method cannot return a value since the return
type of the function is Task . Consider changing the function s return type to
Task(Of T) .",,"Les instructions Return de cette mthode Async ne peuvent pas
retourner de valeur car le type de retour de la fonction est Task . Modifiez le
type de retour de la fonction en Task(Of T) .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Auto-implemented properties cannot be declared |1 .",,"Les proprits implmentes aut
omatiquement ne peuvent pas tre dclares comme |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Await cannot be used in an expression containing the type |1 .",," Await ne

peut pas tre utilis dans une expression contenant le type |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static initializers cannot appear inside Async or Iterator methods.",,"Des init
ialiseurs statiques ne peuvent pas apparatre dans des mthodes Async ou Iterator.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" On Error and Resume cannot appear inside async or iterator methods.",," On
Error et Resume ne peuvent pas apparatre dans des mthodes async ou iterator.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 does not return a Task and cannot be awaited. Consider changing it to an A
sync Function.",," |1 ne retourne pas de Task et ne peut pas tre attendu. Modifi
ez-le en fonction Async.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lambdas with the Async or Iterator modifiers cannot be converted to express
ion trees.",,"Les expressions lambda contenant les modificateurs Async ou Ite
rator ne peuvent pas tre converties en arborescences d expression.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute cannot be applied to an Asy
nc or Iterator method.",," System.Runtime.InteropServices.DllImportAttribute ne
peut pas tre appliqu une mthode Async ou Iterator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variable of restricted type |1 cannot be declared in an Async or Iterator met
hod.",,"Une variable de type restreint |1 ne peut pas tre dclare dans une mthode A
sync ou Iterator.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Await requires that the return type |1 of |2.GetAwaiter() have suitable I
sCompleted, OnCompleted and GetResult members, and implement INotifyCompletion o
r ICriticalNotifyCompletion.",," Await ncessite que le type de retour |1 de |
2.GetAwaiter() contienne les membres appropris IsCompleted, OnCompleted et GetRe
sult, et implmente INotifyCompletion ou ICriticalNotifyCompletion.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" MethodImplOptions.Synchronized cannot be applied to an Async method.",," Meth
odImplOptions.Synchronized ne peut pas tre appliqu une mthode Async.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Since this is an async method, the return expression must be of type |1 rathe
r than Task(Of |1) .",,"S agissant d une mthode async, l expression de retour do
it tre de type |1 et non Task(Of |1) .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
" |1 does not implement |2 .",," |1 n implmente pas |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Await can only be used within an Async method. Consider marking this method w
ith the Async modifier and changing its return type to Task(Of |1) .",," Awai
t peut uniquement tre utilis dans une mthode Async. Marquez cette mthode avec le mo
dificateur Async et changez son type de retour en Task(Of |1) .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Await can only be used within an Async method. Consider marking this method w
ith the Async modifier and changing its return type to Task .",," Await peut
uniquement tre utilis dans une mthode Async. Marquez cette mthode avec le modificat
eur Async et changez son type de retour en Task .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Await can only be used within an Async lambda expression. Consider marking th
is lambda expression with the Async modifier.",," Await peut uniquement tre ut
ilis dans une expression lambda Async. Marquez cette expression lambda avec le mo
dificateur Async .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Loop control variable cannot include an Await .",,"La variable de contrle de bo
ucle ne peut pas inclure un Await .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"|1 |2 shadows an overloadable member declared in the base |3 |4 . If you wa
nt to overload the base method, this method must be declared Overloads .",,"|1
|2 masque un membre surchargeable dclar dans la |3 |4 de base. Si vous voulez
surcharger la mthode de base, vous devez dclarer cette mthode Overloads .",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 conflicts with |3 |2 in the base |4 |5 and should be declared Shad

ows .",,"|1 |2 est en conflit avec |3 |2 dans la |4 |5 de base et doit don

c tre dclar Shadows .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 shadows an overridable method in the base |3 |4 . To override the base
method, this method must be declared Overrides .",,"|1 |2 masque une mthode s
ubstituable dans la |3 |4 de base. Pour substituer la mthode de base, cette mtho
de doit tre dclare Overrides .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Default property |1 conflicts with the default property |2 in the base |3
|4 . |1 will be the default property",,"La proprit par dfaut |1 est en conflit
avec la proprit par dfaut |2 dans la |3 |4 de base. |1 sera la proprit par dfaut
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Possible problem detected while building assembly: |0",,"Problme possible dtect pe
ndant la gnration de l assembly: |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Possible problem detected while building assembly |1 : |0",,"Problme possible dt
ect pendant la gnration de l assembly |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute is specified for class |1 but |1
has no public members that can be exposed to COM; therefore, no COM interfaces a
re generated.",," Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute est spcifi pour la clas
se |1 , mais |1 n a pas de membres publics pouvant tre exposs COM; par consquent,
aucune interface COM n est gnre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 implicitly declares |3 , which conflicts with a member in the base |4
|5 , and so the |1 should be declared Shadows .",,"|1 |2 dclare implicitement
|3 , qui est en conflit avec un membre dans la |4 |5 de base; le |1 doit donc
tre dclar Shadows .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 conflicts with a member implicitly declared for |3 |4 in the base |5
|6 and should be declared Shadows .",,"|1 |2 est en conflit avec un membre
dclar implicitement pour |3 |4 dans la |5 |6 de base et doit donc tre dclar Shad
ows .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 implicitly declares |3 , which conflicts with a member implicitly decl
ared for |4 |5 in the base |6 |7 . |1 should be declared Shadows .",,"Le |1
|2 dclare implicitement |3 , qui est en conflit avec un membre implicitement dc
lar pour le |4 |5 dans la |6 |7 de base. Le |1 doit donc tre dclar Shadows .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 conflicts with |3 |2 in the base |4 |5 and so should not be declare
d Overloads .",,"|1 |2 est en conflit avec |3 |2 dans la |4 |5 de base et
ne doit donc pas tre dclar Overloads .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"|1 |2 implicitly declares |3 , which conflicts with a member in the base |4
|5 , and so the |1 should not be declared Overloads .",,"|1 |2 dclare implici
tement |3 , qui est en conflit avec un membre dans la |4 |5 de base; le |1 ne
doit donc pas tre dclar Overloads .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"|1 |2 conflicts with a member implicitly declared for |3 |4 in the base |5
|6 and so should not be declared Overloads .",,"|1 |2 est en conflit avec u
n membre dclar implicitement pour |3 |4 dans la |5 |6 de base et ne doit donc
pas tre dclar Overloads .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 implicitly declares |3 , which conflicts with a member implicitly decl
ared for |4 |5 in the base |6 |7 . So the |1 should not be declared Overload
s .",,"Le |1 |2 dclare implicitement |3 , qui est en conflit avec un membre im
plicitement dclar pour le |4 |5 dans la |6 |7 de base. Le |1 ne doit donc pas t
re dclar Overloads .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of member |1 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le type de membre |1 n est pas c
onforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not CLS-compliant because it derives from |2 , which is not CLS-compli
ant.",," |1 n est pas conforme CLS, car il drive de |2 , qui n est pas conforme
CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Return type of function |1 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le type de retour de la f
onction |1 n est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Type of parameter |1 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le type de paramtre |1 n est p

as conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" |1 is not CLS-compliant because the interface |2 it inherits from is not CL
S-compliant.",," |1 n est pas conforme CLS, car l interface |2 dont il hrite n
est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 cannot be marked CLS-compliant because its containing type |3 is not
CLS-compliant.",,"|1 |2 ne peut pas tre marqu comme conforme CLS, car son type c
onteneur |3 n est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Name |1 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le nom |1 n est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Underlying type |1 of Enum is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le type sous-jacent |1
d Enum n est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non CLS-compliant |1 is not allowed in a CLS-compliant interface.",,"Le |1
non conforme CLS n est pas autoris dans une interface conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Non CLS-compliant Mustoverride member is not allowed in a CLS-compliant |1 .
",,"Le membre Mustoverride non conforme CLS n est pas autoris dans un |1 conf
orme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 is not CLS-compliant because it overloads |2 which differs from it only
by array of array parameter types or by the rank of the array parameter types.",
," |1 n est pas conforme CLS, car il surcharge |2 dont il diffre uniquement pa
r un tableau de types de paramtres tableau ou par le rang des types de paramtres t
ableau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Root namespace |1 is not CLS-compliant.",,"L espace de noms racine |1 n est
pas conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name |1 in the root namespace |2 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le nom |1 de l
espace de noms racine |2 n est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generic parameter constraint type |1 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le type de cont
rainte de paramtre gnrique |1 n est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type |1 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le type |1 n est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type of optional value for optional parameter |1 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le
type de la valeur facultative pour le paramtre optionnel |1 n est pas conforme
CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"System.CLSCompliantAttribute cannot be applied to property Get or Set .",,"S
ystem.CLSCompliantAttribute ne peut pas tre appliqu la proprit Get ou Set .",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 and partial |3 |4 conflict in |5 |6 , but are being merged because o
ne of them is declared partial.",,"|1 |2 et |3 |4 partiel sont en conflit da
ns |5 |6 , mais sont fusionns, car l un d eux est dclar partiel.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 and partial |3 |4 declared in |5 conflict in |6 |7 , but are being
merged because one of them is declared partial.",,"|1 |2 et |3 |4 partiel dc
lars dans |5 sont en conflit dans |6 |7 , mais sont fusionns, car l un d eux es
t dclar partiel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type parameter |1 has the same name as a type parameter of an enclosing type.
Enclosing type s type parameter will be shadowed.",,"Le paramtre de type |1 a
le mme nom qu un paramtre de type d un type englobant. Le paramtre de type du type
englobant sera shadowed.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find standard library |1 .",,"La bibliothque standard |1 est introu
vable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate type |1 of event |2 is not CLS-compliant.",,"Le type dlgu |1 de l vne
ment |2 n est pas conforme CLS.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribute does not affect Get or Set when
applied to the Property definition. Apply the attribute directly to the Get a
nd Set procedures as appropriate.",,"System.Diagnostics.DebuggerHiddenAttribut
e n affecte pas Get ou Set lorsqu il est appliqu la dfinition Property. Appliq

uez l attribut directement aux procdures Get et Set , selon le cas.",,"Text",,

"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Range specified for Case statement is not valid. Make sure that the lower bou
nd is less than or equal to the upper bound.",,"La plage spcifie pour l instructio
n Case n est pas valide. Vrifiez que la limite infrieure est infrieure ou gale la
limite suprieure.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 method for event |2 cannot be marked CLS compliant because its containin
g type |3 is not CLS compliant.",,"La mthode |1 pour l vnement |2 ne peut pas
tre marque comme conforme CLS, car son type conteneur |3 n est pas conforme CLS
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 in designer-generated type |2 should call InitializeComponent method.",,
" |1 dans le type gnr par le concepteur |2 doit appeler la mthode InitializeCompo
nent.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Casing of namespace name |1 does not match casing of namespace name |2 in f
ile |3 .",,"La casse du nom de l espace de noms |1 ne correspond pas la casse
du nom de l espace de noms |2 dans le fichier |3 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Namespace or type specified in the Imports |1 doesn t contain any public memb
er or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defined and contai
ns at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name doesn t use a
ny aliases.",,"L espace de noms ou le type spcifi dans les Imports |1 ne contien
t aucun membre public ou est introuvable. Vrifiez que l espace de noms ou le type
est dfini et qu il contient au moins un membre public. Vrifiez que le nom de l lmen
t import n utilise pas d autres alias.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Namespace or type specified in the project-level Imports |1 doesn t contain a
ny public member or cannot be found. Make sure the namespace or the type is defi
ned and contains at least one public member. Make sure the imported element name
doesn t use any aliases.",,"L espace de noms ou le type spcifi dans les Imports
|1 au niveau du projet ne contient aucun membre public ou est introuvable. Vrifi
ez que l espace de noms ou le type est dfini et qu il contient au moins un membre
public. Vrifiez que le nom de l lment import n utilise pas d autres alias.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A reference was created to embedded interop assembly |1 because of an indirec
t reference to that assembly from assembly |2 . Consider changing the Embed In
terop Types property on either assembly.",,"Une rfrence a t cre pour l assembly d int
eroprabilit incorpor |1 en raison d une rfrence indirecte cet assembly partir de l
assembly |2 . Modifiez la proprit Incorporer les types interop pour l un des as
semblys.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute |1 cannot be specified more than once in this project, even with id
entical parameter values.",,"L attribut |1 ne peut pas tre spcifi plusieurs fois
dans ce projet, mme avec des valeurs de paramtre identiques.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class |1 should declare a Sub New because the |2 in its base class |3 i
s marked obsolete.",,"La classe |1 doit dclarer un Sub New , car le |2 dans
sa classe de base |3 est marqu comme obsolte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class |1 should declare a Sub New because the |2 in its base class |3 i
s marked obsolete: |4 .",,"La classe |1 doit dclarer un Sub New , car le |2
dans sa classe de base |3 est marqu comme obsolte: |4 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First statement of this Sub New should be an explicit call to MyBase.New or
MyClass.New because the |1 in the base class |2 of |3 is marked obsolet
e.",,"La premire instruction de ce Sub New doit tre un appel explicite MyBase.N
ew ou MyClass.New , car le |1 dans la classe de base |2 de |3 est marqu c
omme obsolte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"First statement of this Sub New should be an explicit call to MyBase.New or
MyClass.New because the |1 in the base class |2 of |3 is marked obsolet
e: |4 ",,"La premire instruction de ce Sub New doit tre un appel explicite MyB
ase.New ou MyClass.New , car le |1 dans la classe de base |2 de |3 est m

arqu comme obsolte: |4 ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Operator without an As clause; type of Object assumed.",,"Oprateur sans clause
As ; type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute Conditional is only valid on Sub declarations.",,"L attribut Con
ditional est valide uniquement dans les dclarations Sub .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use command-line option |1 or appropriate project settings instead of |2 .",
,"Utilisez l option de ligne de commande |1 ou les paramtres de projet appropris
plutt que |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Statement recursively calls the containing |1 for event |2 .",,"L instructio
n appelle de manire rcursive le |1 conteneur pour l vnement |2 .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implicit conversion from |2 to |3 in copying the value of ByRef parameter
|1 back to the matching argument.",,"Conversion implicite de |2 en |3 lor
s de la copie de la valeur du paramtre ByRef |1 dans l argument correspondant
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"|1 |2 conflicts with other members of the same name across the inheritance hi
erarchy and so should be declared Shadows .",,"|1 |2 est en conflit avec d au
tres membres portant le mme nom dans toute la hirarchie d hritage et doit donc tre dc
lar Shadows .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Class_Initialize event is no longer supported. Use Sub New to initialize a
class.",,"L vnement Class_Initialize n est plus pris en charge. Utilisez Sub Ne
w pour initialiser une classe.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Class_Terminate event is no longer supported. Use Sub Finalize to free reso
urces.",,"L vnement Class_Terminate n est plus pris en charge. Utilisez Sub Fin
alize pour librer des ressources.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Expression recursively calls the containing Operator |1 .",,"L expression appe
lle de manire rcursive l oprateur conteneur |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1.|2 from implements |3 is already implemented by the base class |4 . Reimplementation of |5 assumed.",," |1.|2 de implements |3 est dj implment par la c
lasse de base |4 . Rimplmentation de |5 attendue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1.|2 is already implemented by the base class |3 . Re-implementation of |4
assumed.",," |1.|2 est dj implment par la classe de base |3 . La rimplmentation de |
4 est prise par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Late bound resolution; runtime errors could occur.",,"Rsolution liaison tardive;
des erreurs d excution peuvent se produire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Operands of type Object used for operator |1 ; use the Is operator to test o
bject identity.",,"Oprandes de type Object utiliss pour l oprateur |1 ; utilisez l
oprateur Is pour tester l identit de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operands of type Object used for operator |1 ; runtime errors could occur.",,"
Oprandes de type Object utiliss pour l oprateur |1 ; des erreurs d excution peuvent
se produire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unused local variable: |1 .",,"Variable locale non utilise: |1 .",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Access of shared member, constant member, enum member or nested type through an
instance; qualifying expression will not be evaluated.",,"Accs d un membre parta
g, d un membre de constante, d un membre enum ou d un type imbriqu via une instanc
e; l expression qualifiante ne sera pas value.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression recursively calls the containing property |1 .",,"L expression appe
lle de manire rcursive la proprit conteneur |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Catch block never reached, because |1 inherits from |2 .",,"Le bloc Catch
n a jamais t atteint, car |1 hrite de |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"

"Variable |1 is passed by reference before it has been assigned a value. A nul

l reference exception could result at runtime.",,"La variable |1 est passe par
rfrence avant qu une valeur ne lui ait t assigne. Une exception de rfrence null peut s
produire au moment de l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" Catch block never reached; |1 handled above in the same Try statement.",,"B
loc Catch jamais atteint; |1 gr au-dessus dans la mme instruction Try.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operands of type Object used for operator |1 ; use the IsNot operator to tes
t object identity.",,"Oprandes de type Object utiliss pour l oprateur |1 ; utilisez
l oprateur IsNot pour tester l identit de l objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad checksum value, non hex digits or odd number of hex digits.",,"Valeur de ch
ecksum errone, pas de chiffre hexadcimal ou de nombre impair de chiffres hexadcimau
x.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name already declared with a different GUID and checksum value.",,"Le nom
de fichier est dj dclar avec un GUID et une valeur de checksum diffrents.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad GUID format.",,"Format de GUID incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operands of type Object used in expressions for Select , Case statements; ru
ntime errors could occur.",,"Oprandes de type Object utiliss dans les expressions
pour les instructions Select , Case ; des erreurs au moment de l excution peuven
t se produire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This expression will always evaluate to Nothing (due to null propagation from t
he equals operator). To check if the value is null consider using Is Nothing ."
,,"Cette expression sera toujours value en Nothing (en raison de la propagation nu
ll partir de l oprateur gal). Pour vrifier si la valeur est null, utilisez Is Noth
ing .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This expression will always evaluate to Nothing (due to null propagation from t
he equals operator). To check if the value is not null consider using IsNot Not
hing .",,"Cette expression sera toujours value en Nothing (en raison de la propaga
tion null partir de l oprateur gal). Pour vrifier si la valeur n est pas null, util
isez IsNot Nothing .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unused local constant: |1 .",,"Constante locale non utilise: |1 .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute on class |1 implicitly declares |2
|3 , which conflicts with a member of the same name in |4 |5 . Use Microsoft.
VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute(InterfaceShadows:=True) if you want to hide the n
ame on the base |5.",," Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute dans la classe
|1 dclare implicitement |2 |3 , qui est en conflit avec un membre portant le mm
e nom dans |4 |5 . Utilisez Microsoft.VisualBasic.ComClassAttribute(InterfaceS
hadows:=True) pour masquer le nom dans le |5 de base.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" |1 cannot be exposed to COM as a property Let . You will not be able to assi
gn non-object values (such as numbers or strings) to this property from Visual B
asic 6.0 using a Let statement.",," |1 ne peut pas tre expos COM en tant que pr
oprit Let . Vous ne serez pas en mesure d assigner des valeurs qui ne sont pas de
s objets (telles que des nombres ou des chanes) cette proprit partir de Visual Basi
c6.0 l aide d une instruction Let .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Variable |1 is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exc
eption could result at runtime.",,"La variable |1 est utilise avant qu une vale
ur ne lui ait t assigne. Une exception de rfrence null peut se produire au moment de
l excution.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function |1 doesn t return a value on all code paths. A null reference except
ion could occur at run time when the result is used.",,"La fonction |1 ne reto
urne pas une valeur pour tous les chemins de code. Une exception de rfrence null p
eut se produire au moment de l excution lorsque le rsultat est utilis.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Operator |1 doesn t return a value on all code paths. A null reference except
ion could occur at run time when the result is used.",,"L oprateur |1 ne retour
ne pas une valeur pour tous les chemins de code. Une exception de rfrence null peu
t se produire au moment de l excution lorsque le rsultat est utilis.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property |1 doesn t return a value on all code paths. A null reference except
ion could occur at run time when the result is used.",,"La proprit |1 ne retourn
e pas une valeur pour tous les chemins de code. Une exception de rfrence null peut
se produire au moment de l excution lorsque le rsultat est utilis.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variable |1 is passed by reference before it has been assigned a value. A nul
l reference exception could result at runtime. Make sure the structure or all th
e reference members are initialized before use",,"La variable |1 est passe par
rfrence avant qu une valeur ne lui ait t assigne. Une exception de rfrence null peut s
produire au moment de l excution. Vrifiez que la structure ou que tous les membre
s de rfrence sont initialiss avant de les utiliser",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variable |1 is used before it has been assigned a value. A null reference exc
eption could result at runtime. Make sure the structure or all the reference mem
bers are initialized before use",,"La variable |1 est utilise avant qu une vale
ur ne lui ait t assigne. Une exception de rfrence null peut se produire au moment de
l excution. Vrifiez que la structure ou que tous les membres de rfrence sont initial
iss avant de les utiliser",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type for variable |1 will not be inferred because it is bound to a field
in an enclosing scope. Either change the name of |1 , or use the fully qualifie
d name (for example, Me.|1 or MyBase.|1 ).",,"Le type pour la variable |1 n
e sera pas dduit, car il est li un champ d une porte englobante. Changez le nom de
|1 ou utilisez le nom qualifi complet (par exemple, Me.|1 ou MyBase.|1 ).",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static variable declared without an As clause; type of Object assumed.",,"Var
iable Static dclare sans clause As ; type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project |1 requires a reference to version |2 of assembly |3 , but referen
ces version |4 of assembly |3 . Reference to version |2 emitted.",,"Le proj
et |1 requiert une rfrence la version |2 de l assembly |3 , mais rfrence la ver
sion |4 de l assembly |3 . Une rfrence la version |2 a t mise.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly |1 references assembly |2 , which is ambiguous between |3 (refere
nced by project |4 ) and |5 (referenced by project |6 ). |3 will be used.
If both assemblies are identical, change the references to the same location.",,
"L assembly |1 rfrence l assembly |2 , ce qui cre une ambigut entre |3 (rfrenc p
le projet |4 ) et |5 (rfrenc par le projet |6 ). |3 sera utilis. Si les deux a
ssemblys sont identiques, remplacez les rfrences au mme emplacement.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly |1 references assembly |2 , which is ambiguous between |3 and |4
. |3 will be used.",,"L assembly |1 rfrence l assembly |2 , ce qui cre une am
bigut entre |3 et |4 . |3 sera utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Maximum number of warnings has been exceeded.",,"Le nombre maximal d avertissem
ents a t dpass.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment block must immediately precede the language element to which it app
lies. XML comment will be ignored.",,"Le bloc de commentaires XML doit prcder immdi
atement l lment de langage auquel il se rapporte. Le commentaire XML sera ignor.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one XML comment block is allowed per language element.",,"Un seul bloc de
commentaires XML est autoris par lment de langage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment must be the first statement on a line. XML comment will be ignored.
",,"Le commentaire XML doit tre la premire instruction sur une ligne. Le commentai
re XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"XML comment cannot appear within a method or a property. XML comment will be ig
nored.",,"Un commentaire XML ne peut pas figurer dans une mthode ou une proprit. Le
commentaire XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML documentation parse error: |1 XML comment will be ignored.",,"Erreur d anal
yse de la documentation XML: le commentaire XML |1 sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment tag |1 appears with identical attributes more than once in the sa
me XML comment block. XML comment will be ignored.",,"La balise de commentaire X
ML |1 s affiche avec des attributs identiques plusieurs fois dans le mme bloc d
e commentaires XML. Le commentaire XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment tag |1 is not permitted on a |2 language element. XML comment w
ill be ignored.",,"La balise de commentaire XML |1 n est pas autorise pour un lme
nt de langage |2 . Le commentaire XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment parameter |1 does not match a parameter on the corresponding |2
statement. XML comment will be ignored.",,"Le paramtre de commentaire XML |1 n
e correspond pas un paramtre pour l instruction |2 correspondante. Le commentai
re XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment parameter must have a name attribute. XML comment will be ignored
.",,"Le paramtre de commentaire XML doit avoir un attribut name . Le commentaire
XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment has a tag with a cref attribute |1 that could not be resolved.
XML comment will be ignored.",,"Le commentaire XML a une balise avec un attribut
cref |1 qui n a pas pu tre rsolu. Le commentaire XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment tag include must have a |1 attribute. XML comment will be ignor
ed.",,"La balise de commentaire XML include doit avoir un attribut |1 . Le co
mmentaire XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to create XML documentation file |1 : |0",,"Impossible de crer un fichie
r de documentation XML |1 : |0",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML documentation comments must precede member or type declarations.",,"Les com
mentaires de documentation XML doivent prcder les dclarations de membre ou de type.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment tag returns is not permitted on a WriteOnly Property. XML comme
nt will be ignored.",,"La balise de commentaire XML returns n est pas autorise
pour une proprit WriteOnly . Le commentaire XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment cannot be applied more than once on a partial |1. XML comments for
this |1 will be ignored.",,"Le commentaire XML ne peut pas tre appliqu plusieurs f
ois pour un |1 partiel. Les commentaires XML pour ce |1 seront ignors.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment tag returns is not permitted on a declare sub language element.
XML comment will be ignored.",,"La balise de commentaire XML returns n est pa
s autorise pour un lment de langage declare sub . Le commentaire XML sera ignor.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML documentation parse error: Start tag |1 doesn t have a matching end tag.
XML comment will be ignored.",,"Erreur d analyse de la documentation XML: la bali
se de dbut |1 n a pas de balise de fin correspondante. Le commentaire XML sera
ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment type parameter |1 does not match a type parameter on the correspo
nding |2 statement. XML comment will be ignored.",,"Le paramtre de type du comm
entaire XML |1 ne correspond pas un paramtre de type pour l instruction |2 co
rrespondante. Le commentaire XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment type parameter must have a name attribute. XML comment will be ig
nored.",,"Le paramtre de type de commentaire XML doit avoir un attribut name . L
e commentaire XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"XML comment exception must have a cref attribute. XML comment will be ignored
.",,"L exception de commentaire XML doit avoir un attribut cref . Le commentair

e XML sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Unable to include XML fragment |1 of file |2 .",,"Impossible d inclure le fr
agment XML |1 du fichier |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Badly formed XML. File |1 cannot be included.",,"Code XML incorrect. Impossib
le d inclure le fichier |1 .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Runtime errors might occur when converting |1 to |2 .",,"Des erreurs d excuti
on peuvent se produire lors de la conversion de |1 en |2 .",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using the iteration variable in a lambda expression may have unexpected results
. Instead, create a local variable within the loop and assign it the value of t
he iteration variable.",,"L utilisation de la variable d itration dans une expres
sion lambda peut provoquer des rsultats inattendus. Crez une variable locale dans
la boucle et assignez-lui la valeur de la variable d itration la place.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Lambda expression will not be removed from this event handler. Assign the lambd
a expression to a variable and use the variable to add and remove the event.",,"
L expression lambda ne sera pas supprime de ce gestionnaire d vnements. Assignez l
expression lambda une variable et utilisez cette dernire pour ajouter et supprime
r l vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using the iteration variable in a query expression may have unexpected results.
Instead, create a local variable within the loop and assign it the value of th
e iteration variable.",,"L utilisation de la variable d itration dans une express
ion de requte peut provoquer des rsultats inattendus. Crez une variable locale dans
la boucle et assignez-lui la valeur de la variable d itration la place.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The AddressOf expression has no effect in this context because the method arg
ument to AddressOf requires a relaxed conversion to the delegate type of the e
vent. Assign the AddressOf expression to a variable, and use the variable to a
dd or remove the method as the handler.",,"L expression AddressOf n a pas d ef
fet dans ce contexte, car l argument de la mthode pour AddressOf requiert une c
onversion souple en type dlgu de l vnement. Assignez l expression AddressOf une var
iable et utilisez la variable pour ajouter ou supprimer la mthode comme gestionna
ire.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conversion from |1 to |2 may be ambiguous.",,"La conversion de |1 en |2
peut tre ambigu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface |1 is ambiguous with another implemented interface |2 due to the
In and Out parameters in |3 .",,"La prsence des paramtres In et Out dans
|3 cre une ambigut entre l interface |1 et une autre interface |2 implmente.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer an element type; Object assumed.",,"Impossible de dduire un type
d lment; type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Data type of |1 in |2 could not be inferred. |3 assumed.",,"Impossible de
dduire le type de donnes de |1 dans |2 . |3 pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implicit conversion from |5 to |6 ; this conversion may fail because |1 is
not derived from |2 , as required for the Out generic parameter |3 in |4
.",,"Conversion implicite de |5 en |6 ; cette conversion peut chouer, car |1
n est pas driv de |2 , comme le requiert le paramtre gnrique Out
|3 dans |4 .",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implicit conversion from |5 to |6 ; this conversion may fail because |1 is
not derived from |2 , as required for the In generic parameter |3 in |4 .
",,"Conversion implicite de |5 en |6 ; cette conversion peut chouer car |1 n
est pas driv de |2 , comme le requiert le paramtre gnrique In |3 dans |4 .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer a common type; Object assumed.",,"Impossible de dduire un type co
mmun; type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot infer a common type because more than one type is possible; Object ass
umed.",,"Impossible de dduire un type commun car plusieurs types sont possibles; t

ype Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Cannot infer an element type because more than one type is possible; Object a
ssumed.",,"Impossible de dduire un type d lment car plusieurs types sont possibles;
type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot infer a return type; Object assumed.",,"Impossible de dduire un type de
retour; type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Cannot infer a return type because more than one type is possible; Object ass
umed.",,"Impossible de dduire un type de retour car plusieurs types sont possible
s; type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variable declaration without an As clause; type of Object assumed.",,"Dclarati
on de variable sans clause As ; type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function without an As clause; return type of Object assumed.",,"Fonction san
s clause As ; type de retour Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property without an As clause; type of Object assumed.",,"Proprit sans clause
As ; type Object pris par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using DirectCast operator to cast a value-type to the same type is obsolete.",,
"L oprateur DirectCast ne peut plus tre utilis pour effectuer un cast d un type val
eur en un type identique.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Implicit conversion from |1 to |2 .",,"Conversion implicite de |1 en |2 .
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local variable |1 is read-only and its type is a structure. Invoking its memb
ers or passing it ByRef does not change its content and might lead to unexpected
results. Consider declaring this variable outside of the Using block.",,"La v
ariable locale |1 est en lecture seule et son type est une structure. L appel
de ses membres ou le passage de ByRef ne modifie pas son contenu et peut provoqu
er des rsultats inattendus. Dclarez cette variable en dehors du bloc Using .",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Local variable |1 is read-only. When its type is a structure, invoking its me
mbers or passing it ByRef does not change its content and might lead to unexpect
ed results. Consider declaring this variable outside of the Using block.",,"La
variable locale |1 est en lecture seule. Lorsque son type est une structure,
l appel de ses membres ou le passage de ByRef ne modifie pas son contenu et peut
provoquer des rsultats inattendus. Dclarez cette variable en dehors du bloc Usin
g .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function |1 doesn t return a value on all code paths. Are you missing a Retu
rn statement?",,"La fonction |1 ne retourne pas une valeur pour tous les chem
ins de code. Une instruction Return est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operator |1 doesn t return a value on all code paths. Are you missing a Retu
rn statement?",,"L oprateur |1 ne retourne pas une valeur pour tous les chemin
s de code. Une instruction Return est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Property |1 doesn t return a value on all code paths. Are you missing a Retu
rn statement?",,"La proprit |1 ne retourne pas une valeur pour tous les chemins
de code. Une instruction Return est-elle manquante?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This async method lacks Await operators and so will run synchronously. Consid
er using the Await operator to await non-blocking API calls, or Await Task.Ru
n(...) to do CPU-bound work on a background thread.",,"Cette mthode async manque
d oprateurs Await et s excutera donc de manire synchrone. Utilisez l oprateur Aw
ait pour attendre des appels API non bloquants, ou Await Task.Run(...) pour e
ffectuer une tche utilisant le processeur de manire intensive sur un thread d arrir
e-plan.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Some overloads here take an Async Function rather than an Async Sub. Consider e
ither using an Async Function, or casting this Async Sub explicitly to the desir
ed type.",,"Certaines surcharges prennent ici une Fonction Async au lieu d un Su
b Async. Utilisez une Fonction Async, ou castez ce Sub Async de manire explicite

vers le type souhait.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Because this call is not awaited, execution of the current method continues bef
ore the call is completed. Consider applying the Await operator to the result of
the call.",,"Dans la mesure o cet appel n est pas attendu, l excution de la mthode
actuelle continue avant la fin de l appel. Envisagez d appliquer l oprateur Awai
t au rsultat de l appel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Task returned from this Async Function will be dropped, and any exceptions
in it ignored. Consider changing it to an Async Sub so its exceptions are propag
ated.",,"La tche retourne partir de cette fonction asynchrone sera supprime et tout
es les exceptions qu elle contient seront ignores. Envisagez de la transformer en
une procdure Sub asynchrone afin que ses exceptions soient propages.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"auto-implemented properties",,"proprits implmentes automatiquement",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"implicit line continuation",,"continuation de ligne implicite",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"this kind of lambda expression",,"ce genre d expression lambda",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"variance",,"Variance",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"collection initializers",,"initialiseurs de collections",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Sub lambda expressions",,"expressions lambda Sub ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"this kind of initialization",,"ce genre d initialisation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"async methods or lambdas",,"mthodes async ou expressions lambda",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"declaring a Global namespace",,"dclaration d un espace de noms global",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visual Basic Compiler Resources",,"Ressources du compilateur Visual Basic",,"Ve
rsion",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"duplicate resource. type:%s, name:%s, language:0x%04X",,"ressource en double.
Type: %s, nom: %s, langage: 0x%04X",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cannot open %s for reading",,"impossible d ouvrir %s pour lire",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"out of memory; %u bytes required",,"mmoire insuffisante; %u octets requis",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cannot read file",,"impossible de lire le fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cannot get location in file",,"impossible d obtenir l emplacement dans le fichi
er",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cannot seek in file",,"impossible de rechercher dans le fichier",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"cannot write to file",,"impossible d crire dans le fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %s is corrupt",," %s est endommag",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"cannot open %s for writing",,"impossible d ouvrir %s pour crire",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"target machine %s requires %s ",,"l ordinateur cible %s ncessite %s ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"resource type or name string exceeds limit of 65535",,"le type de la ressource
ou le nom de la chane dpasse la limite de 65535",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"machine type not specified; assumed %s",,"type d ordinateur non spcifi; type suppo
s: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"adding resource. type:%s, name:%s, language:0x%04X, flags:0x%X, size:%u\n",,"aj
out d une ressource. Type: %s, nom: %s, langage: 0x%04X, indicateurs: 0x%X, taille: %
u\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"converting %dbpp %s to %dbpp %s\n",,"conversion de %dbpp %s en %dbpp %s\n",,"Te

xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"CVTRES : fatal error CVT%04d:%c",,"CVTRES: erreur irrcuprable CVT%04d:%c",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CVTRES : warning CVT%04d:%c",,"CVTRES: avertissement CVT%04d:%c",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) Windows Resource To Object Converter Version %s\n",,"Microsoft (R
) Windows Resource To Object Converter Version %s\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\n",,"Copyright (C) M
icrosoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"usage: CVTRES [options] [files]\n\n",,"Utilisation: CVTRES [options] [fichiers]\
n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" options:\n\n",," options:\n\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
/DEFINE:symbole\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
/FOLDDUPS\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
/OUT:nomfichier\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) JScript Compiler version {0}",,"Compilateur Microsoft (R) JScript
version {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"for Microsoft (R) .NET Framework version {0}",,"pour Microsoft (R) .NET Framewo
rk version {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Compiling source file;;Compiling {0}",,"Compilation du fichier source;;Compilat
ion de {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No description available",,"Aucune description disponible",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source file too big",,"Fichier source trop grand",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Display help",,"Afficher l aide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Automatically reference assemblies based on imported namespaces and fully-quali
fied names (on by default)",,"Rfrencer automatiquement les assemblys partir des es
paces de noms imports et des noms complets (activ par dfaut)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use the specified code page ID to open source files",,"Utiliser l ID de page de
codes spcifi pour ouvrir les fichiers sources",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Disable language features to allow better code generation",,"Dsactiver les fonct
ionnalits de langue pour permettre une meilleure gnration du code",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use the specified lcid for messages and default code page",,"Utiliser le lcid s
pcifi pour les messages et la page de codes par dfaut",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Links the specified resource to this assembly",,"Lie la ressource spcifie cet ass
embly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not display compiler copyright banner",,"Ne pas afficher la bannire de copyri
ght du compilateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Do not import standard library (mscorlib.dll) and change autoref default to off
",,"Ne pas importer la bibliothque standard
(mscorlib.dll) et modifier l
a valeur par dfaut autoref en lui attribuant off",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify name of binary output file",,"Spcifier le nom d un fichier de sortie bin
aire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Limit which platforms this code can run on; must be x86, Itanium, x64, or any c
pu, which is the default",,"Limiter les plateformes sur lesquelles ce code peut
s excuter: x86, Itanium, x64 ou n importe quel UC. La valeur par dfaut est n import

e quel UC",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Provide print() function",,"Fournir une fonction print()",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Reference metadata from the specified assembly file",,"Rfrencer les mtadonnes parti
r du fichier
d assembly spcifi",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Embeds the specified resource",,"Incorpore la ressource spcifie",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a console application (default)",,"Crer une application console (par dfaut
)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a library assembly",,"Crer un assembly de bibliothque",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Create a windows application",,"Crer une application Windows",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Emit compiler output in UTF-8 character encoding",,"mettre les rsultats de la com
pilation au format d encodage de caractres UTF8",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specify default for members not marked override or hide ",,"Spcifier une vale
ur par dfaut pour les membres non marqus comme override ou hide ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Treat warnings as errors",,"Considrer les avertissements comme des erreurs",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Specifies Win32 resource file (.res)",,"Spcifie le fichier de ressources Win32 (
.res)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"jsc [options] <source files> [[options] <source files>...]",,"jsc [options] <fi
chiers sources> [[options] <fichiers sources>...]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"JScript Compiler Options",,"Options du compilateur JScript",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error",,"Erreur de syntaxe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Expected : ",," : attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected ; ",," ; attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected ( ",," ( attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected ) ",," ) attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected ] ",," ] attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected { ",," { attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected } ",," } attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected identifier",,"Identificateur attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected = ",," = attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid character",,"Caractre non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Unterminated string constant",,"Constante de chane inacheve",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unterminated comment",,"Commentaire inachev",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
" return statement outside of function",,"Instruction return en dehors de la
fonction",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t have break outside of loop",,"Impossible d utiliser une instruction br
eak en dehors d une boucle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t have continue outside of loop",,"Impossible d utiliser une instruction
continue en dehors d une boucle",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Expected hexadecimal digit",,"Chiffre hexadcimal attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected while ",," while attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Label redefined",,"tiquette redfinie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Label not found",,"tiquette introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

" default can only appear once in a switch statement",," default ne peut app
aratre qu une fois dans une instruction switch ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected identifier or string",,"Chane ou identificateur attendu",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected @end ",," @end attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Conditional compilation is turned off",,"La compilation conditionnelle est dsact
ive",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected constant",,"Constante attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Expected @ ",," @ attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected catch ",," catch attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Unmatched else ; no if defined",,"Instruction else non apparie; aucune instr
uction if dfinie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected , ",," , attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Visibility modifier already defined",,"Modificateur de visibilit dj dfini",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid visibility modifier",,"Modificateur de visibilit non valide",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing case or default statement",,"Instruction case ou default manqua
nte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unmatched @end ; no @if defined",,"Instruction @end non apparie; aucune instru
ction @if dfinie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unmatched @else ; no @if defined",,"Instruction @else non apparie; aucune in
struction @if dfinie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unmatched @elif ; no @if defined",,"Instruction @elif non apparie; aucune in
struction @if dfinie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expecting more source characters",,"Davantage de caractres sources sont attendus
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Incompatible visibility modifier",,"Modificateur de visibilit non compatible",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class definition not allowed in this context",,"Dfinition de classe non autorise
dans ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression must be a compile time constant",,"L expression doit tre une constant
e de compilation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Identifier already in use;; {0} is already defined",,"Identificateur dj utilis;;
{0} est dj dfini",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type name expected",,"Nom de type attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Only valid inside a class definition",,"Valide uniquement dans une dfinition de
classe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown position directive",,"Directive de position inconnue",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Directive may not be followed by other code on the same line",,"Une directive n
e doit pas tre suivie de code sur la mme ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Wrong debugger directive or wrong position for the directive",,"Directive de dbo
gueur ou directive de position incorrecte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Position directives cannot be nested",,"Les directives de position ne peuvent p
as tre imbriques",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Circular definition",,"Dfinition circulaire",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Deprecated;;Deprecated: {0}",,"Dconseill;;Dconseill: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is invalid to use this in current context",,"L utilisation de this n est

pas valide dans le contexte actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5

"Not accessible from this scope;; {0} is not accessible from this scope",,"Non
accessible partir de cette porte;; {0} n est pas accessible partir de cette porte
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only a constructor function can have the same name as the class it appears in",
,"Seule une fonction constructeur peut avoir le mme nom que la classe qui la cont
ient",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class must provide implementation;;No implementation provided for {0} ",,"La c
lasse doit fournir une implmentation;;Aucune implmentation fournie pour {0} ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interface name expected",,"Nom d interface attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Catch clause will never be reached",,"Impossible d atteindre la clause Catch",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type cannot be extended;;Type: {0} cannot be extended",,"Le type ne peut pas t
re tendu;;Le type {0} ne peut pas tre tendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Variable has not been declared;;Variable {0} has not been declared",,"La vari
able n a pas t dclare;;La variable {0} n a pas t dclare",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Leaving variables uninitialized is dangerous and makes them slow to use. Did yo
u intend to leave this variable uninitialized?;;Leaving variables uninitialized
is dangerous and makes them slow to use. Did you intend to leave {0} uninitial
ized?",,"Ne pas initialiser toutes les variables comporte un risque et rend leur
utilisation plus lente. Souhaitez-vous ne pas initialiser cette variable?;;Ne pa
s initialiser toutes les variables comporte un risque et rend leur utilisation p
lus lente. Souhaitez-vous ne pas initialiser {0} ?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This is a new reserved word and should not be used as an identifier;; {0} is a
new reserved word and should not be used as an identifier",,"Ce nouveau mot rser
v ne peut pas tre utilis comme identificateur;; {0} est un nouveau mot rserv et ne p
eut pas tre utilis comme identificateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Not allowed in a call to a base class constructor",,"Non autoris dans un appel u
n constructeur de classe de base",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This constructor or property getter/setter method is not meant to be called dir
ectly;; {0} is not meant to be called directly",,"Cette mthode d accesseur Get/S
et de proprit ou de constructeur ne peut pas tre appele directement;; {0} ne peut p
as tre appele directement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The get and set methods of this property do not match each other",,"Les mthodes
Get et Set de cette proprit ne correspondent pas l une l autre",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A custom attribute class must derive from System.Attribute",,"Une classe d attr
ibuts personnaliss doit driver de System.Attribute",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only primitive types are allowed in a custom attribute",,"Seuls les types primi
tifs sont autoriss dans un attribut personnalis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown custom attribute class or constructor",,"Classe ou constructeur d attri
buts personnaliss inconnu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There are too many arguments. The extra arguments will be ignored",,"Arguments
trop nombreux. Tous les arguments en trop seront ignors",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The with statement has made the use of this name ambiguous;;The with statement
has made the use of {0} ambiguous",,"L utilisation de ce nom est ambigu avec l
instruction with;;L utilisation de {0} est ambigu avec l instruction with",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The presence of eval has made the use of this name ambiguous;;The presence of e
val has made the use of {0} ambiguous",,"La prsence de eval rend l utilisation

de ce nom ambigu;;La prsence de eval rend l utilisation de {0} ambigu",,"Text",,"

All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object does not have such a member;;Objects of type {0} do not have such a me
mber",,"L objet ne possde pas ce membre;;Les objets de type {0} ne possdent pas
ce membre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot define the property Item on an Expando class. Item is reserved for the e
xpando fields",,"Impossible de dfinir la proprit Item dans une classe Expando. Cett
e proprit est rserve aux champs Expando",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Cannot define get_Item or set_Item on an Expando class. Methods reserved for th
e expando fields",,"Impossible de dfinir la mthode get_Item ou set_Item dans une c
lasse Expando. Ces deux mthodes sont rserves aux champs Expando",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Base class defines get_Item or set_Item, cannot create expando class. Methods r
eserved for the expando fields",,"La classe de base dfinit la mthode get_Item ou s
et_Item, mais elle ne peut pas crer une classe Expando. Ces deux mthodes sont rserve
s aux champs Expando",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A base class is already marked expando; current specification will be ignored",
,"Une classe de base est dj marque comme Expando; la spcification en cours sera ignore
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An abstract method cannot be private",,"Une mthode abstract ne peut pas tre priva
te",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Objects of this type are not indexable;;Objects of type {0} are not indexable
",,"Les objets de ce type ne sont pas indexables;;Les objets de type {0} ne so
nt pas indexables",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error. Use static classname {...} to define a class initializer",,"Err
eur de syntaxe. Utilisez static classname {...} pour dfinir un initialiseur de
classe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The list of attributes does not apply to the current context",,"La liste d attr
ibuts ne s applique pas au contexte actuel",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Only classes are allowed inside a package",,"Seules des classes sont autorises d
ans un package",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expando classes should not implement IEnumerable. The interface is implicitly d
efined on expando classes",,"Les classes Expando ne doivent pas implmenter IEnume
rable. L interface est dfinie implicitement dans les classes Expando",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified member is not CLS compliant",,"Le membre spcifi n est pas conforme
CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Member is not deleteable;; {0} is not deleteable",,"Le membre ne peut pas tre s
upprim;; {0} ne peut pas tre supprim",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Package name expected",,"Nom de package attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression has no effect. Parentheses are required for function calls",,"L expr
ession n a pas d effet. Les parenthses sont requises pour les appels de fonction"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Hides another member declared in the base class;;Base class member {0} is hid
den by this declaration",,"Masque un autre membre dclar dans la classe de base;;Le
membre {0} de la classe de base est masqu par cette dclaration",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot change visibility specification of a base method",,"Impossible de modifi
er la spcification de visibilit pour une mthode de base",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method hides abstract method in a base class;;Method {0} hides abstract metho
d in a base class",,"La mthode masque une mthode abstract dans une classe de base;
;La mthode {0} masque une mthode abstract dans une classe de base",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method matches a method in a base class. Specify override or hide to suppre
ss this message",,"La mthode est identique une autre mthode dans une classe de bas

e. Spcifiez override ou hide pour supprimer ce message",,"Text",,"All",,".NET

Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method matches a non-overridable method in a base class. Specify hide to supp
ress this message",,"La mthode correspond une mthode non substituable dans une cla
sse de base. Spcifiez hide pour supprimer ce message",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There is no member in a base class to hide",,"Il n y a aucun membre dans une cl
asse de base masquer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Method in base has a different return type;;Method {0} is already defined in
a base class with a different return type",,"La mthode dans une classe de base a
un type de retour diffrent;;La mthode {0} est dj dfinie dans une classe de base ave
c un type de retour diffrent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Clashes with property",,"Conflit avec la proprit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot use override and hide together",,"Impossible d utiliser conjointemen
t override et hide ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option",,"Option non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"There is no matching method in a base class to override",,"Il n y a aucune mthod
e correspondante dans une classe de base substituer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not valid for a constructor",,"Non valide pour un constructeur",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot return a value from a constructor or void function",,"Une fonction void
ou une fonction constructeur ne peut pas retourner de valeur",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More than one method or property matches this argument list",,"Plusieurs mthodes
ou proprits correspondent cette liste d arguments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More than one constructor matches this argument list",,"Plusieurs constructeurs
correspondent cette liste d arguments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Base class constructor is not accessible from this scope",,"Le constructeur de
classe de base n est pas accessible partir de cette porte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Octal literals are deprecated",,"Les littraux octaux sont dconseills",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Variable might not be initialized;;Variable {0} might not be initialized",,"L
a variable n est peut-tre pas initialise;;La variable {0} n est peut-tre pas init
ialise",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is not valid to call a base class constructor from this location",,"L appel
un constructeur de classe de base n est pas valide partir de cet emplacement",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is not valid to use the super keyword in this way",,"Cette utilisation du mo
t cl super n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"It is slow and potentially confusing to leave a finally block this way. Is this
intentional?",,"L tat actuel du bloc finally peut rendre son utilisation ambigu e
t lente. Est-ce voulu?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected , . Write identifier : Type rather than Type identifier to declar
e a typed parameter",," , attendu. Spcifiez identifier : Type au lieu de Type
identifier pour dclarer un paramtre typ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Abstract function cannot have body",,"Une fonction abstract ne peut pas avoir d
e corps",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected , or ) ",," , ou ) attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected , or ] ",," , ou ] attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected ; ",," ; inattendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too many errors. The file might not be a JScript file",,"Trop d erreurs. Le fic

hier n est peut-tre pas un fichier JScript",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error. Write var identifier : Type rather than Type identifier to de
clare a typed variable",,"Erreur de syntaxe. Spcifiez var identifier : Type au
lieu de Type identifier pour dclarer une variable type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error. Write function identifier(...) : Type{ rather than Type identi
fier(...){ to declare a typed function",,"Erreur de syntaxe. Spcifiez function
identifier(...) : Type{ au lieu de Type identifier(...){ pour dclarer une fonc
tion type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid property declaration. The getter must not have arguments and the setter
must have one argument",,"Dclaration de proprit non valide. L accesseur Get ne doi
t pas avoir d argument et l accesseur Set doit en avoir un seul",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expression does not have an address",,"Expression sans adresse",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not all required arguments have been supplied",,"Les arguments requis n ont pas
tous t fournis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assignment creates an expando property that is immediately thrown away",,"L ass
ignation cre une proprit Expando qui est immdiatement supprime",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Did you intend to write an assignment here?",,"Souhaitez-vous crire une assignat
ion ici?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Did you intend to have an empty statement for this branch of the if statement?"
,,"Souhaitez-vous conserver une instruction vide pour cette branche de l instruc
tion if?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified conversion or coercion is not possible",,"Impossible d excuter la
conversion ou la contrainte spcifie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"final and abstract cannot be used together",,"Les attributs final et abstract n
e peuvent pas tre utiliss conjointement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Must be an instance;;Must be an instance of type {0} ",,"Doit tre une instance;
;Doit tre une instance de type {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Cannot be abstract unless the declaring class is marked as abstract;; {0} cann
ot be abstract unless the declaring class is marked as abstract",,"Ne peut tre ab
stract que si la classe de dclaration est marque comme abstract;; {0} ne peut tre
abstract que si la classe de dclaration est marque comme abstract",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The base type of an enum must be a primitive integral type",,"Le type de base d
un enum doit tre un type intgral primitif",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"It is not possible to construct an instance of an abstract class",,"Impossible
de construire une instance d une classe abstraite",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Converting a JScript Array to a System.Array results in a memory allocation and
an array copy",,"La conversion d un tableau JScript un System.Array entrane une
allocation de mmoire et une copie du tableau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Static methods cannot be abstract",,"Les mthodes statiques ne peuvent pas tre abs
tract",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static methods cannot be final",,"Les mthodes statiques ne peuvent pas tre final"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static methods cannot override base class methods",,"Les mthodes statiques ne pe
uvent pas se substituer aux mthodes de la classe de base",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static methods cannot hide base class methods",,"Les mthodes statiques ne peuven
t pas masquer les mthodes de la classe de base",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Expando methods cannot override base class methods",,"Les mthodes Expando ne peu
vent pas se substituer aux mthodes de la classe de base",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A variable argument list must be of an array type",,"Une liste d arguments de v
ariables doit tre du type tableau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expando methods cannot be abstract",,"Les mthodes Expando ne peuvent pas tre abst
ract",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A function without a body should be abstract",,"Une fonction sans corps doit tre
de type abstract",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This modifier cannot be used on an interface member",,"Ce modificateur ne peut
pas tre utilis pour un membre d interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Variables cannot be declared in an interface",,"Les variables ne peuvent pas tre
dclares dans une interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interfaces cannot be declared in an interface",,"Les interfaces ne peuvent pas t
re dclares dans une interface",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum member declarations should not use the var keyword",,"Les dclarations de
membre enum ne doivent pas contenir le mot cl var ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The import statement is not valid in this context",,"L instruction import n est
pas valide dans ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Enum declaration not allowed in this context",,"Dclaration d enum non autorise da
ns ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attribute not valid for this type of declaration;;Attribute {0} is not valid
for this type of declaration",,"Attribut non valide pour ce type de dclaration;;L
attribut {0} n est pas valide pour ce type de dclaration",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Package declaration not allowed in this context",,"Dclaration de package non aut
orise dans ce contexte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A constructor function may not have a return type",,"Une fonction constructeur
ne peut pas avoir de type de retour",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Only type and package definitions are allowed inside a library",,"Seules des dfi
nitions de type et de package sont autorises dans une bibliothque",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid debug directive",,"Directive debug non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This type of attribute must be unique",,"Ce type d attribut doit tre unique",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A non-static nested type can only be extended by non-static type nested in the
same class",,"Un type imbriqu non static ne peut tre tendu que par un type non stat
ic imbriqu dans la mme classe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An attribute that targets the property must be specified on the property getter
, if present",,"Un attribut qui cible la proprit doit tre spcifi sur l accesseur Get
de la proprit, s il existe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A throw must have an argument when not inside the catch block of a try statemen
t",,"Une clause throw doit avoir un argument lorsqu elle ne se trouve pas dans l
e bloc catch d une instruction try",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"A variable argument list must be the last argument",,"Une liste d arguments de
variables doit tre le dernier argument",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
";;Type {0} could not be found, is an assembly reference missing?",,";;Le type
{0} est introuvable. Manque-t-il une rfrence d assembly?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Malformed octal literal treated as decimal literal",,"Un littral octal incorrect
est considr comme un littral dcimal",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A non-static member is not accessible from a static scope;;Non-static member {
0} is not accessible from a static scope",,"Un membre non static n est pas acce
ssible partir d une porte static;;Le membre non static {0} n est pas accessible

partir d une porte static",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"A static member must be accessed with the class name;;The static member {0} m
ust be accessed with the class name",,"Un membre static est accessible avec le n
om de la classe;;Le membre static {0} est accessible avec le nom de la classe"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A non-static member cannot be accessed with the class name;;The non-static memb
er {0} cannot be accessed with the class name",,"Un membre non static n est pa
s accessible avec le nom de la classe;;Le membre non static {0} n est pas acce
ssible avec le nom de la classe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type does not have such a static member;;Type {0} does not have such a static
member",,"Un type n a pas ce membre static;;Le type {0} n a pas ce membre sta
tic",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The loop condition is a function reference. Did you intend to call the functio
n?",,"La condition loop est une rfrence de fonction. Souhaitez-vous vraiment appel
er la fonction?",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expected assembly ",," assembly attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Assembly custom attributes may not be part of another construct",,"Les attribut
s personnaliss d assembly ne peuvent pas faire partie d une autre construction",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expando methods cannot be static",,"Les mthodes Expando ne peuvent pas tre static
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method has the same name and parameter types as another method in this cla
ss",,"Cette mthode a le mme nom et les mmes types de paramtres qu une autre mthode da
ns cette classe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class members used as constructors should be marked as expando functions",,"Les
membres de classe utiliss comme constructeurs doivent tre marqus comme fonctions e
xpando",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a valid version string. Expected format is major.minor[.build[.revision]]",
,"Chane de version non valide. Le format attendu est major.minor[.build[.revision
]]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Executables cannot be localized, Culture should always be empty",,"Les excutable
s ne peuvent pas tre localiss, la culture doit toujours tre vide",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The plus operator is a slow way to concatenate strings. Consider using System.T
ext.StringBuilder instead",,"L oprateur plus est une mthode lente de concatnation d
es chanes. Utilisez plutt System.Text.StringBuilder",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Conditional compilation directives and variables cannot be used in the debugger
",,"Les directives et les variables de compilation conditionnelle ne peuvent pas
tre utilises dans le dbogueur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Expando methods must be public",,"Les mthodes Expando doivent tre public",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegates should not be explicitly constructed, simply use the method name",,"L
es dlgus ne doivent pas tre construits de faon explicite; utilisez simplement le nom d
e la mthode",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A referenced assembly depends on another assembly that is not referenced or cou
ld not be found;;A referenced assembly requires you to also reference {0} ",,"U
n assembly rfrenc dpend d un autre assembly qui n est pas rfrenc ou qui est introuvabl
;;Un assembly rfrenc ncessite que vous rfrenciez galement {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This conversion may fail at runtime",,"Cette conversion peut chouer au moment de
l excution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Converting a string to a number or boolean is slow and may fail at runtime",,"L
a conversion d une chane en nombre ou en boolen est lente et peut chouer au moment
de l excution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not a valid .resources file;;{0} is not a valid .resources file",,"Fichier .res
ources non valide;;{0} n est pas un fichier .resources valide",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operator can only be used in a list of arguments",,"L oprateur & peut uniqu

ement tre utilis dans une liste d arguments",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"The specified type is not CLS compliant",,"Le type spcifi n est pas conforme CLS"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Class member cannot be marked CLS compliant because the class is not marked as
CLS compliant",,"Le membre de classe ne peut pas tre marqu comme conforme CLS, car
la classe n est pas marque comme conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type cannot be marked CLS compliant because the assembly is not marked as CLS c
ompliant",,"Le type ne peut pas tre marqu conforme CLS, car l assembly n est pas m
arqu conforme CLS",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced assembly targets a different processor;;Referenced assembly {0} ta
rgets a different processor",,"Un assembly rfrenc cible un processeur diffrent;;L as
sembly rfrenc {0} cible un processeur diffrent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly key file not found or contains invalid data;;Assembly key file {0} n
ot found or contains invalid data",,"Fichier de cl de l assembly introuvable ou c
ontient des donnes non valides;;Fichier de cl de l assembly {0} introuvable ou c
ontient des donnes non valides",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fully qualified type name must be less than 1024 characters;;Fully qualified ty
pe name {0} must be less than 1024 characters",,"Le nom de type qualifi complet
ne doit pas dpasser 1024 caractres;;Le nom de type qualifi complet {0} ne doit pa
s dpasser 1024 caractres",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A class member initializer cannot contain a function expression",,"Un initialis
eur de membre de classe ne peut pas contenir une expression de fonction",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type mismatch;;Value {0} is of the wrong type",,"Incompatibilit de type;;La va
leur {0} n est pas du bon type",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Out of stack space",,"Espace de pile insuffisant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object required",,"Objet requis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t create object",,"Impossible de crer l objet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object doesn t support this property or method",,"L objet ne prend pas en charg
e cette proprit ou mthode",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object doesn t support this action",,"L objet ne prend pas en charge cette acti
on",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Object is not a collection",,"L objet n est pas une collection",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot assign to this ",,"Assignation impossible this ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Number expected",,"Nombre attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Function expected",,"Fonction attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Cannot assign to a function result",,"Impossible d assigner un rsultat de foncti
on",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"String expected",,"Chane attendue",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Date object expected",,"Objet date attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Object expected;; {0} is null or not an object",,"Objet attendu;; {0} est nul
l ou n est pas un objet",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal assignment",,"Assignation non conforme",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Undefined identifier;; {0} is undefined",,"Identificateur non dfini;; {0} n es
t pas dfini",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Boolean expected",,"Boolen attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"VBArray expected",,"VBArray attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"Enumerator object expected",,"Objet numrateur attendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Regular Expression object expected",,"Objet expression rgulire attendu",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Syntax error in regular expression",,"Erreur de syntaxe dans l expression rgulire
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception thrown and not caught",,"Exception leve mais non intercepte",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function does not have a valid prototype object",,"Objet prototype non valide p
our la fonction",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The URI to be encoded contains an invalid character",,"L URI encoder contient u
n caractre non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The URI to be decoded is not a valid encoding",,"L encodage de l URI dcoder n es
t pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of fractional digits is out of range",,"Le nombre de chiffres fracti
onnaires est hors limites",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The precision is out of range",,"La prcision est hors limites",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array length must be zero or a positive integer",,"La longueur d un tableau doi
t tre zro ou un entier positif",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Array length must be assigned a positive integer or zero",,"Un entier positif o
u zro doit tre assign la longueur d un tableau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Array object expected;; {0} is not an Array object",,"Objet tableau attendu;;
{0} n est pas un objet tableau",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No such constructor",,"Constructeur inexistant",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Eval may not be called via an alias",,"Eval ne peut pas tre appel via un alias",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Not yet implemented",,"Pas encore implment",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot provide null or empty named parameter name",,"Le nom du paramtre nomm ne d
oit pas tre null ou vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate named parameter name",,"Le nom de paramtre nomm est dupliqu",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified name is not the name of a parameter",,"Le nom spcifi n est pas celu
i d un paramtre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Too few arguments specified. The number of parameter names cannot exceed the nu
mber of arguments passed in",,"Un nombre insuffisant d arguments a t spcifi. Le nomb
re de noms de paramtres ne peut pas dpasser celui des arguments passs",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The expression cannot be evaluated in the debugger",,"Impossible d valuer l expr
ession dans le dbogueur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assignment to read-only field or property;; {0} is read-only",,"Assignation un
champ ou une proprit en lecture seule;; {0} est en lecture seule",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The property can only be assigned to",,"La proprit peut uniquement tre assigne ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of indices does not match the dimension of the array",,"Le nombre d
index ne correspond pas au nombre de dimensions du tableau",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Methods with ref parameters cannot be called in the debugger",,"Les mthodes avec
des paramtres ref ne peuvent pas tre appeles dans le dbogueur",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The Deny, PermitOnly and Assert security methods cannot be called using late bi
nding",,"Les mthodes de scurit Deny, PermitOnly et Assert ne peuvent pas tre appeles
l aide d une liaison tardive",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"JScript does not support declarative security attributes",,"JScript ne prend pa
s en charge les attributs de scurit dclaratifs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"A target threw a non-CLS exception",,"Un lment cible a lev une exception non-CLS",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal error",,"Erreur interne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Function evaluation was aborted",,"Arrt de l valuation de la fonction",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function evaluation timed out",,"Expiration du dlai d valuation de la fonction",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function evaluation failed : the thread is suspended",,"chec de l valuation de la
fonction: le thread est suspendu",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function evaluation failed : the thread is sleeping, waiting on an object, or w
aiting for another thread to finish",,"chec de l valuation de la fonction: le threa
d est en tat de veille, en attente d un objet ou en attente de la fin d un autre
thread",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function evaluation failed : the thread is in a bad state",,"chec de l valuation
de la fonction: le thread est en tat incorrect",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function evaluation failed : the thread has not started",,"chec de l valuation de
la fonction: le thread n a pas dmarr",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Function evaluation aborted. To turn property evaluation on go to Tools - Optio
ns - Debugging",,"Arrt de l valuation de la fonction. Pour activer l valuation de l
a proprit, allez dans Outils - Options - Dbogage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Function evaluation cannot be done when stopped at this point in the program",,
"L valuation de fonction ne peut pas tre effectue cet endroit du programme",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot call a web method in the debugger",,"Impossible d appeler une mthode Web
dans le dbogueur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Static variable is not available",,"Une variable Static n est pas disponible",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The type object for this type is not available",,"L objet de type pour ce type
n est pas disponible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Exception thrown;;Exception from HRESULT : {0}",,"Exception leve;;Exception part
ir de HRESULT : {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This expression causes side effects and will not be evaluated",,"Cette expressi
on provoque des effets secondaires et ne sera pas value",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly not found;;Referenced assembly {0} could not be found",,"Assembly in
trouvable;;L assembly {0} rfrenc est introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Bad binding flags",,"Indicateurs de liaisons incorrects",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Name parameter must be specified unless BindingFlags.CreateInstance is set",,"L
e paramtre Name doit tre spcifi moins que BindingFlags.CreateInstance ne soit dfini."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2005. All rights reserved.",,"Copyrigh
t (C) Microsoft Corporation 1996-2005. Tous droits rservs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create JScript engine",,"Impossible de crer le moteur JScript",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command line to investigate with JSC",,"Ligne de commande explorer via JSC",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command line error;;Command line error: {0}",,"Erreur de ligne de commande;;Err
eur de ligne de commande: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot change value of compiler constant;;Cannot change value of compiler const
ant {0} ",,"Impossible de changer la valeur d une constante compiler;;Impossibl
e de changer la valeur d une constante compiler {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"File name is listed as both a source file and an imported assembly;;Duplicate f

ile name: {0} is listed as both a source file and an imported assembly",,"Le n
om de fichier est rpertori comme fichier source et comme assembly import;;Nom de fi
chier dupliqu: {0} est rpertori comme fichier source et comme assembly import",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate resource file reference;;Resource file {0} referenced more than onc
e",,"Rfrence de fichier de ressources duplique;;Le fichier de ressources {0} est
rfrenc plusieurs fois",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Duplicate resource name;;Resource name {0} is not unique",,"Nom de ressource
dupliqu;;Le nom de ressource {0} n est pas unique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name is listed as a source file more than once;;Duplicate file name: {0}
is listed as a source file more than once",,"Le nom de fichier est rpertori plusi
eurs fois comme fichier source;;Nom de fichier dupliqu: {0} est rpertori plusieurs
fois comme fichier source",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error: Could not save compiled state;;Error saving compiled state: {0}",,"Erreu
r: impossible d enregistrer l tat compil;;Erreur lors de l enregistrement de l tat c
ompil: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Include debug information",,"Inclure les informations de dbogage",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"CompilerParameters.GenerateExecutable and CompilerParameters.CompilerOptions sp
ecify incompatible target types;;The value of CompilerParameters.GenerateExecuta
ble is not compatible with {0} ",,"CompilerParameters.GenerateExecutable et Com
pilerParameters.CompilerOptions spcifient des types cibles incompatibles;;La vale
ur de CompilerParameters.GenerateExecutable n est pas compatible avec {0} ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Locale ID is invalid or not installed;;Locale ID {0} is invalid or not instal
led",,"L ID de paramtres rgionaux n est pas valide ou n est pas install;;L ID de pa
ramtres rgionaux {0} n est pas valide ou n est pas install",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid assembly reference;; {0} is not a valid assembly",,"Rfrence de l assembl
y non valide;; {0} n est pas un assembly valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File name contains invalid characters (wildcard characters are not supported);;
File name {0} contains invalid characters (wildcard characters are not support
ed)",,"Le nom de fichier contient des caractres non valides (les caractres gnriques
ne sont pas pris en charge);;Le nom de fichier {0} contient des caractres non v
alides (les caractres gnriques ne sont pas pris en charge)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Code page is invalid or not installed;;Code page {0} is invalid or not instal
led",,"La page de codes n est pas valide ou n est pas installe;;La page de codes
{0} n est pas valide ou n est pas installe",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Definitions must be assigned a boolean or integral value;;Definition {0} must
be assigned a boolean or integral value",,"Une valeur boolean ou integral doit t
re assigne aux dfinitions;;Une valeur boolean ou integral doit tre assigne la dfiniti
on {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid option in CompilerOptions field;;Options of the form {0} are not allo
wed in the CompilerOptions field",,"Option non valide dans le champ CompilerOpti
ons;;Les options de la forme {0} ne sont pas autorises dans le champ CompilerOp
tions",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Platform is invalid. Specify x86 , Itanium , x64 , or anycpu ;;Platform {0
} is invalid. Specify x86 , Itanium , x64 , or anycpu ",,"La plateforme n e
st pas valide. Spcifiez x86 , Itanium , x64 ou anycpu ;;La plateforme {0}
n est pas valide. Spcifiez x86 , Itanium , x64 ou anycpu ",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid source file;; {0} is not a valid source file",,"Fichier source non val
ide;; {0} n est pas un fichier source valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Target type is invalid. Specify exe , winexe , or library ;;Target {0} is

invalid. Specify exe , winexe , or library ",,"Le type cible n est pas valide
. Spcifiez exe , winexe , ou library ;;La cible {0} n est pas valide. Spcifie
z exe , winexe ou library ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid version argument;; {0} is not a valid version string ",,"Argument de v
ersion non valide;; {0} n est pas une chane de version valide ",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Invalid warning level;;Invalid warning level specified with option {0} ",,"Niv
eau d avertissement non valide;;Niveau d avertissement non valide spcifi avec l op
tion {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Line",,"Ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Managed resource not found;;Managed resource {0} was not found",,"Ressource m
anage introuvable;;La ressource manage {0} n a pas pu tre trouve",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing identifier for /define: command line option",,"Identificateur manquan
t pour l option de ligne de commande /define: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing file extension;; Missing file extension for {0} ",,"Extension de fichi
er manquante;;L extension de fichier est manquante pour {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing file specification for /lib: command line option",,"Spcification de fi
chier manquante pour l option de ligne de commande /lib: ",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing reference in argument list;;Missing reference in argument list {0} ",,
"Rfrence manquante dans la liste d arguments;;Rfrence manquante dans la liste d argu
ments {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing version info in /assembly.version option",,"Informations sur la version
manquante dans l option /assembly.version",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"Multiple output filenames specified",,"Plusieurs noms de fichiers de sortie spci
fis",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Multiple targets specified",,"Plusieurs cibles spcifies",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot specify more than one Win32 resource file",,"Impossible de spcifier plusi
eurs fichiers de ressources Win32",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Cannot process nested response files",,"Impossible de traiter les fichiers rpons
e imbriqus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No Locale ID is specified;;No Locale ID is specified with option {0} ",,"Aucun
ID de paramtres rgionaux spcifi;;Aucun ID de paramtres rgionaux n est spcifi avec l
ion {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No Source Context available",,"Aucun contexte source disponible",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No code page is specified;;No code page is specified with option {0} ",,"Aucun
e page de codes spcifie;;Aucune page de codes n est spcifie avec l option {0} ",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delegate declarations are not supported by JScript.",,"JScript ne prend pas en
charge les dclarations Delegate.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was an error creating or opening the output file. Here are details:",,"U
ne erreur s est produite lors de la cration ou de l ouverture du fichier de sorti
e. Consultez les informations suivantes:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"Event declarations are not supported by JScript.",,"Les dclarations event ne son
t pas prises en charge par JScript.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"JScript does not allow event references such as where foo is an event na
me.",,"JScript ne permet pas les rfrences d vnement du type, foo tant un nom d
vnement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No filename specified;;No filename specified with option {0} ",,"Aucun nom de
fichier spcifi;;Aucun nom de fichier n est spcifi avec l option {0} ",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Goto statements are not supported by JScript.",,"Les instructions Goto ne sont

pas prises en charge par JScript.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Indexer properties cannot be declared in JScript.",,"Les proprits Indexer ne peuv
ent pas tre dclares dans JScript.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No input sources specified",,"Aucune source d entre spcifie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Custom attributes on parameter declarations are not supported by JScript.",,"Le
s attributs personnaliss sur les dclarations de paramtres ne sont pas pris en charg
e par JScript.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Declaring parameters to be out or ref is not supported by JScript.",,"La dcl
aration de paramtres out ou ref n est pas prise en charge par JScript.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No warning level specified;;No warning level specified with option {0} ",,"Auc
un niveau d avertissement spcifi;;Aucun niveau d avertissement n est spcifi avec l o
ption {0} ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Interfaces can not contain delegates or fields.",,"Les interfaces ne peuvent pa
s contenir de dlgus ou de champs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Output name",,"Nom de sortie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Parsing error",,"Erreur d analyse",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Referenced assemblies",,"Assemblys rfrencs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Win32 resource not found;;Win32 resource {0} was not found",,"Ressource Win32
introuvable;;Une ressource Win32 {0} tait introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source file not found;;Could not find file {0} ",,"Fichier source introuvable;
;Fichier {0} introuvable",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Target",,"Cible",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Fewer arguments were passed in than expected",,"Moins d arguments que prvu ont t p
asss",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"More arguments were passed in than expected",,"Plus d arguments que prvu ont t pas
ss",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An enum may have at most one base type",,"Un enum ne peut avoir qu un type de b
ase",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown option;;Unknown option {0} ",,"Option inconnue;;Option inconnue {0} "
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning level",,"Niveau d avertissement",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Win32 resource",,"Ressource Win32",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"at call to",," l appel ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use encodeURI instead",,"Utilisez encodeURI la place",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use getFullYear instead",,"Utilisez getFullYear la place",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"in line",,"en ligne",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use setFullYear instead",,"Utilisez setFullYear la place",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use substring instead",,"Utilisez une sous-chane la place",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use toUTCString instead",,"Utilisez toUTCString la place",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Use decodeURI instead",,"Utilisez decodeURI la place",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Internal compiler error",,"Erreur interne du compilateur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File %1!ls! too big to open",,"Le fichier %1!ls! est trop grand et ne peut t
re ouvert",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Response file %1!ls! was already included",,"Le fichier rponse %1!ls! tait dj i

nclus",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Missing file specification for %1!ls! command-line option",,"Spcification de f
ichier manquante pour l option de ligne de commande %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Can t open %1!ls! for writing",,"Impossible d ouvrir %1!ls! en criture",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File %1!ls! is an executable file and cannot be opened as a text file",,"Le f
ichier %1!ls! est un fichier excutable qui ne peut pas tre ouvert en tant que fi
chier texte",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %2!ls! is not a valid setting for option %1!ls! ",," %2!ls! n est pas un pa
ramtre valide de l option %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Unrecognized command-line option: %1!ls! ",,"Option de ligne de commande non r
econnue: %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unexpected initialization error -- %1!ls! ",,"Erreur d initialisation inattend
ue -- %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No valid input files were specified",,"Aucun fichier d entre valide n a t spcifi",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No target filename was specified",,"Aucun nom de fichier cible n a t spcifi",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Required file %1!ls! could not be loaded",,"Impossible de charger le fichier
requis %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Metadata failure while creating assembly -- %1!ls!",,"chec de mtadonnes pendant la
cration de l assembly -- %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Ignoring included assembly %1!ls! ",,"L assembly inclus %1!ls! est ignor",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! : overriding previous setting",," %1!ls! : substitution du paramtre prcden
t",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading embedded resource %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Erreur lors de la lecture
de la ressource incorpore %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error embedding resource %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Erreur lors de l incorporation d
e la ressource %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"ComType record %1!X! points to an invalid file record %2!X! ",,"L enregistre
ment ComType %1!X! dsigne un enregistrement de fichier non valide %2!X! ",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The version specified %1!ls! is invalid",,"La version spcifie %1!ls! n est pa
s valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operating system specified %1!ls! is invalid",," %1!ls! spcifi par le systm
e d exploitation n est pas valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Key file %1!ls! is missing the private key needed for signing",,"Le fichier d
e cl %1!ls! ne comporte pas la cl prive ncessaire la signature",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The key container name %1!ls! does not exist",,"Le nom du conteneur de cl %1!
ls! n existe pas",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cryptographic service is not installed properly or does not have a suitable
key provider",,"Le service de chiffrement n est pas correctement install ou ne d
ispose pas d un fournisseur de cl appropri",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Error reading icon %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Erreur lors de la lecture de l icne %1
!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error generating resources for %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Erreur lors de la gnration d
e ressources pour %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Assembly custom attribute %1!ls! was specified multiple times with different
values",,"L attribut personnalis %1!ls! de l assembly a t spcifi plusieurs fois ave
c des valeurs diffrentes",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly %1!ls! cannot be copied or renamed.",,"L assembly %1!ls! ne peut p

as tre copi ou renomm.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Libraries cannot have an entry point",,"Les bibliothques ne peuvent pas avoir un
point d entre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Entry point required for executable applications",,"Point d entre requis pour le
s applications excutables",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unable to find the entry point method %1!ls! ",,"Impossible de trouver la mthod
e de point d entre %1!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Initialization of global assembly cache manager failed -- %1!ls!",,"chec de l in
itialisation du gestionnaire du Global Assembly Cache -- %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to install assembly into cache -- %1!ls!",,"chec de l installation de l a
ssembly dans le cache -- %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! cannot be the entry point because the signature or visibility is incor
rect, or it is generic",," %1!ls! ne peut pas tre le point d entre car la signature
ou la visibilit est incorrecte ou gnrique",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" %1!ls! : EXEs cannot be added modules",," %1!ls! : Les fichiers EXE ne peuvent
pas tre des modules ajouts",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Manifest filename %1!ls! cannot be the same as any modules",,"Le nom de fichi
er manifeste %1!ls! ne peut pas tre identique celui d un module",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error reading key file %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Erreur lors de la lecture du fichi
er de cl %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Filename %1!ls! is too long or invalid",,"Le nom de fichier %1!ls! est trop
long ou non valide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error importing file %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Erreur lors de l importation du fich
ier %1!ls! -- %2!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error importing module %2!ls! of assembly %1!ls! -- %3!ls!",,"Erreur lors d
e l importation du module %2!ls! de l assembly %1!ls! -- %3!ls!",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot auto-generate build and revision version numbers for dates previous to J
anuary 1, 2000",,"Impossible de gnrer automatiquement les numros de version de buil
d et de rvision pour les dates antrieures au 1er janvier 2000",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The feature you are using %1!ls! is no longer supported; please use %2!ls!
instead",,"La fonctionnalit %1!ls! que vous utilisez n est plus prise en charge
, utilisez plutt %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error emitting %1!ls! attribute -- %2!ls! ",,"Erreur lors de l mission de l at
tribut %1!ls! -- %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"File %1!ls! is not an assembly",,"Le fichier %1!ls! n est pas un assembly",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The version %2!ls! specified for the %1!ls! is not in the normal major.min format",,"La version %2!ls! spcifie pour %1!ls! n utilise p
as le format normal ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced assembly %1!ls! does not have a strong name",,"L assembly rfrenc %1!
ls! n a pas un nom fort",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced assembly %1!ls! has different culture setting of %2!ls! ",,"L ass
embly %1!ls! rfrenc a le paramtre de culture %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Executables cannot be satellite assemblies; culture should always be empty",,"L
es excutables ne peuvent pas tre des assemblys satellites; la culture doit toujours
tre vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" %1!ls! is an assembly and cannot be added as a module",," %1!ls! est un asse
mbly et ne peut pas tre ajout en tant que module",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Unknown error (%1!x!)",,"Erreur inconnue (%1!x!)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cryptographic failure while creating hashes -- %1!ls!",,"chec du chiffrement pen
dant la cration des hachages -- %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"Cannot set option %1!ls! because %2!ls! ",,"Impossible de dfinir l option %1
!ls! cause de %2!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module %1!ls! was specified multiple times; it will only be included once",,"
Le module %1!ls! a t spcifi plusieurs fois; il ne sera inclus qu une fois",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public type %1!ls! is defined in multiple places in this assembly: %2!ls! a
nd %3!ls! ",,"Le type public %1!ls! est dfini plusieurs endroits dans cet asse
mbly: %2!ls! et %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Module %1!ls! is already defined in this assembly. Each linked resource and m
odule must have a unique filename.",,"Le module %1!ls! est dj dfini dans cet asse
mbly. Chaque ressource et module lis doivent avoir un nom de fichier unique.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Agnostic assembly cannot have a processor specific module %1!ls! ",,"Un assemb
ly agnostique ne peut pas avoir un module spcifique au processeur %1!ls! ",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly and module %1!ls! cannot target different processors",,"L assembly e
t le module %1!ls! ne peuvent avoir des cibles divergentes",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Referenced assembly %1!ls! targets a different processor",,"L assembly rfrenc %
1!ls! cible un processeur diffrent",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Module name %2!ls! stored in %1!ls! must match its filename",,"Le nom du mo
dule %2!ls! enregistr dans %1!ls! doit correspondre son nom de fichier",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Delay signing was requested, but no key was given",,"Une signaturediffre a t demande,
mais aucune cl n a t fournie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Type %1!ls! is forwarded to multiple assemblies: %2!ls! and %3!ls! ",,"Le
type %1!ls! est transmis de multiples assemblys: %2!ls! et %3!ls! ",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Public type %1!ls! is defined in %2!ls! and forwarded to %3!ls! ",,"Le typ
e public %1!ls! est dfini dans %2!ls! et transmis %3!ls! ",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error signing assembly -- %1!ls!",,"Erreur lors de la signature de l assembly - %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The signature public key is too long.",,"La cl publique de signature est trop lo
ngue.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"/platform:anycpu32bitpreferred is not a valid setting for option /target:librar
y",,"/platform:anycpu32bitpreferred n est pas un paramtre valide pour l option /t
arget:library",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Usage: al [options] [sources]",,"Utilisation: al [options] [sources]",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Options: ( /out must be specified)",,"Options: ( /out doit tre spcifi)",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /? or /help
Display this usage message",," /? ou /help
Afficher ce message d utilisation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" @<filename>
Read response file for more options",," @<nomfichi
Lire le fichier rponse pour plus d options",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /algid:<id>
Algorithm used to hash files (in hexadecimal)",,"
Algorithme utilis pour hacher des fichiers\
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /base[address]:<addr>
Base address for the library",," /base[address]:<a
Adresse de base pour la bibliothque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /bugreport:<filename>
Create a Bug Report file",," /bugreport:<nomfich
Crer un fichier Rapport de bogue ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" /comp[any]:<text>
Company name",," /comp[any]:<texte>
Nom de la socit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /config[uration]:<text> Configuration string",," /config[uration]:<texte>
Chane de configuration",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" /copy[right]:<text>
Copyright message",," /copy[right]:<texte>
Message de copyright",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /c[ulture]:<text>
Supported culture",," /c[ulture]:<texte>
Culture prise en charge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
" /delay[sign][+|-]
Delay sign this assembly",," /delay[sign][+|-]
Diffrer la signature de cet assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /descr[iption]:<text>
Description",," /descr[iption]:<texte>
Description",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /e[vidence]:<filename>
Security evidence file to embed",," /e[vidence]:<n
Fichier de preuve de scurit incorporer",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /fileversion:<version>
Optional Win32 version (overrides assembly version)
",," /fileversion:<version>
Version Win32 facultative (se substi
tue \r\n
la version de l assembly)\r\n",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /flags:<flags>
Assembly flags (in hexadecimal)",," /flags:<indic
Indicateurs d assembly (hexadcimal)",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /fullpaths
Display files using fully-qualified filenames",,"
Afficher des fichiers l aide de noms \r\n
de fichiers complets\r\n",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /keyf[ile]:<filename>
File containing key to sign the assembly",," /keyf
Fichier contenant la cl qui permet de signer\r\n
l assembly\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /keyn[ame]:<text>
Key container name of key to sign assembly",," /ke
Nom du conteneur de la cl de signature de \r\n
l assembly\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /main:<method>
Specifies the method name of the entry point",," /
Spcifie le nom de mthode du point d entre",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /nologo
Suppress the startup banner and copyright message",
," /nologo
Supprimer la bannire de dmarrage et \r\n
le message de copyright",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /out:<filename>
Output file name for the assembly manifest",," /ou
Nom de fichier de sortie pour le manifeste\r\
de l assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /platform:<text>
Limit which platforms this code can run on; must be
",," /platform:<texte>
Limiter les plateformes sur lesquell
es \r\n
ce code peut s excuter; doit tre",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
one of x86, Itanium, x64, arm, anycpu32bitpreferred
x86, Itanium, x64, arm, anycpu32bitpreferred,",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
or anycpu (the default)",,"
ou anycpu (la valeur par dfaut)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" /prod[uct]:<text>
Product name",," /prod[uct]:<texte>
Nom de produit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

" /productv[ersion]:<text> Product version",," /productv[ersion]:<texte>

Version de produit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /subsystemversion:<version>",," /subsystemversion: <version>",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Specifies the subsystem version for the assembly",,
Indique la version de sous-systme pour l assembly",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /t[arget]:lib[rary]
Create a library",," /t[arget]:lib[rary]
Crer une bibliothque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /t[arget]:exe
Create a console executable",," /t[arget]:exe
Crer un fichier excutable console",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /t[arget]:win[exe]
Create a Windows executable",," /t[arget]:win[exe]
Crer un fichier excutable Windows",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /t[arget]:appcontainerexe Create a Windows executable that runs on AppContain
er",," /t[arget]:appcontainerexe Crer un fichier excutable Windows qui s excute su
r AppContainer",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /template:<filename>
Specifies an assembly to get default options from",
," /template:<nomfichier>
Spcifie un assembly partir duquel obten
les options par dfaut",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /title:<text>
Title",," /title:<texte>
tre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /trade[mark]:<text>
Trademark message",," /trade[mark]:<texte>
Message de marque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /v[ersion]:<version>
Version (use * to auto-generate remaining numbers)"
,," /v[ersion]:<version>
Version (utilisez * pour gnrer automati
les numros restants)",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /win32icon:<filename>
Use this icon for the output",," /win32icon:<nomfi
Utiliser cette icne pour la sortie",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /win32res:<filename>
Specifies the Win32 resource file",," /win32res:<n
Spcifie le fichier de ressources Win32",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Sources: (at least one source input is required)",,"Sources: (au moins une sourc
e doit tre entre)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" <filename>[,<targetfile>] add file to assembly",," <nomfichier>[,<fichiercib
le>] \r\n
ajouter le fichier l assembly",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /embed[resource]:<filename>[,<name>[,Private]]",," /embed[resource]:<nomfich
ier>[,<nom>[,Private]]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
embed the file as a resource in the assembly",,"
incorporer le fichier en tant que ressource dans l asse
mbly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /link[resource]:<filename>[,<name>[,<targetfile>[,Private]]]",," /link[resou
rce]:<nomfichier>[,<nom>[,<fichiercible>[,Private]]]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
link the file as a resource to the assembly",,"
lier le fichier l assembly en tant que ressource",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) Assembly Linker version %1!ls!",,"Microsoft (R) Assembly Linker v
ersion %1!ls!",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### Assembly Linker Defect Report, created %s",,"### Rapport de Assembly Linker
, cr %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### ALink version: %s",,"### ALink version: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"### ALink command line",,"### Ligne de commande ALink",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"### ALink output",,"### Rsultats de ALink",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"### .NET Common Language Runtime version: %s",,"### Version du Common Language
Runtime.NET: %s",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A file is being created with information needed to reproduce your compiler prob
lem. This information includes: software versions, the pathnames and contents of
source code files, referenced assemblies, and modules, compiler options, compil
er output, and any additional information you provide in the following prompts."
,,"Un fichier est cr avec les informations ncessaires pour reproduire le problme de
votre compilateur. Ces informations comprennent: les versions des logiciels, les
noms de chemins d accs et le contenu des fichiers de code source, les assemblys rfr
encs et les modules, les options du compilateur, les rsultats de la compilation et
toute information supplmentaire que vous fournissez dans les invites suivantes."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"title",,"titre",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"description",,"description",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"configuration",,"configuration",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"operating system",,"systme d exploitation",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"processor",,"processeur",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"culture",,"culture",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"version",,"version",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"company",,"socit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"product name",,"nom du produit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"product version",,"version du produit",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"copyright",,"copyright",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"trademark",,"marque",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"key file",,"fichier de cl",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"key container name",,"nom du conteneur de cl",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"hash algorithm",,"algorithme de hachage",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"assembly flags",,"indicateurs d assembly",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"delay sign",,"diffrer la signature",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"file version",,"version de fichier",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
gnatureKeyAttribute",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Assembly Linker Error/Warning Messages",,"Messages d erreur/avertissement de As
sembly Linker",,"Version",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK0001: could not attach tracking. %ls\r\n",,"FileTracker
: error FTK0001: impossible d attacher le suivi. %ls\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1003: could not write byte order marker to the new file
tracking log file. %ls\r\n",,"FileTracker : error FTK1003: impossible d crire le
marqueur d ordre d octet dans le fichier journal de suivi du nouveau fichier. %l
s\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1004: could not write command marker to the file trackin
g log file: %ls. %ls\r\n",,"FileTracker : error FTK1004: impossible d crire le ma
rqueur de commande dans le fichier journal de suivi de fichier: %ls. %ls\r\n",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1005: could not write rooting file marker to the file tr
acking log file: %ls. %ls\r\n",,"FileTracker : error FTK1005: impossible d crire
le marqueur de fichier racine dans le fichier journal de suivi de fichier : %ls.
%ls\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1006: could not write entry to the file tracking log fil
e: %ls. %ls\r\n",,"FileTracker : error FTK1006: impossible d crire une entre dans

le fichier journal de suivi de fichier : %ls. %ls\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra

mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1008: could not open the tracking log file: %ls. %ls\r\n
",,"FileTracker : error FTK1008: impossible d ouvrir le fichier journal de suivi
de fichier: %ls. %ls\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1009: could not construct tool chain\r\n",,"FileTracker
: error FTK1009: impossible de construire la chane de l outil\r\n",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1010: argument for /r was not found in the response file
. \r\n",,"FileTracker : error FTK1010: impossible de trouver l argument de /r da
ns le fichier rponse. \r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1011: could not create the new file tracking log file: %
ls. %ls\r\n",,"FileTracker : error FTK1011: impossible de crer le nouveau fichier
journal de suivi de fichier : %ls. %ls\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1012: could not find unicode byte order marker in the fi
le tracking log file: %ls. %ls.\r\n",,"FileTracker : error FTK1012: impossible d
e trouver le marqueur d ordre d octet unicode dans le fichier de suivi de fichie
r : %ls. %ls.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1013: could not find unicode byte order marker in the fi
le tracking log file: %ls. The tracking data is invalid.\r\n",,"FileTracker : er
ror FTK1013: impossible de trouver le marqueur d ordre d octet unicode dans le f
ichier de suivi de fichier : %ls. Les donnes de suivi ne sont pas valides.\r\n",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK2005: NULL is not a valid path for GetFullPathNameW \r\n
",,"FileTracker : error FTK2005: NULL n est pas un chemin d accs valide pour GetF
ullPathNameW \r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK2006: failed to get the buffer for the full path of %ls
\r\n",,"FileTracker : error FTK2006: impossible d obtenir le tampon pour le chem
in d accs complet de %ls \r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK2007: failed to allocate full path buffer for %ls \r\n",
,"FileTracker : error FTK2007: impossible d allouer le tampon de chemin d accs co
mplet pour %ls \r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK2008: failed to get the full path of %ls \r\n",,"FileTra
cker : error FTK2008: impossible d obtenir le chemin d accs complet pour %ls \r\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK2009: path is too long: %s \r\n",,"FileTracker : error F
TK2009: le chemin d accs est trop long: %s \r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tracker.exe: Response file %ls not found.\n",,"Tracker.exe: Impossible de trouv
er le fichier rponse %ls.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tracker.exe: Failed to get buffer for response file %ls.\n",,"Tracker.exe: Impo
ssible de trouver le tampon pour le fichier rponse %ls.\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tracker.exe: Failed to read response file %ls: seek failed.\n",,"Tracker.exe: I
mpossible de lire le fichier rponse %ls : chec de la recherche.\n",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker error code: 0x%x",,"Code d erreur FileTracker: 0x%x",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"FileTracker : error FTK1010: could not construct tool chain.\r\n",,"FileTracker
: error FTK1010: impossible de construire la chane de l outil.\r\n",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2013: The project-to-project reference with GUID {0} could not be converted
because a valid .SLN file containing all projects could not be found.",,"MSB2013
: Impossible de convertir la rfrence entre projets avec le GUID {0} car le fichier.
SLN valide qui contient tous les projets est introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2016: Found an empty .RESX file in the project ({0}). Removing it from the
converted project.",,"MSB2016: Fichier .RESX vide trouv dans le projet ({0}). Sup
pression de ce fichier dans le projet converti.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework

",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2015: Found an <Exclude> element in the original project file. This cannot
be converted to Visual Studio .NET and is being ignored.",,"MSB2015: lment <Exclud
e> trouv dans le fichier projet d origine. Sa conversion Visual Studio .NET tant i
mpossible, il est ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB2001: Element <{0}> does not contain the required attribute ""{1}""."",,""M
SB2001: L lment <{0}> ne contient pas l attribut ""{1}"" requis."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2002: The file name of the new project must be specified.",,"MSB2002: Le nom
de fichier du nouveau projet doit tre spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2003: The file name of the old project must be specified.",,"MSB2003: Le nom
de fichier de l ancien projet doit tre spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2004: Element <{0}> cannot contain more than one language node.",,"MSB2004:
L lment <{0}> ne peut pas contenir plusieurs nuds de langage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2005: Element <{0}> cannot contain attributes.",,"MSB2005: L lment <{0}> ne pe
ut pas contenir d attributs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2006: The project file does not contain the root element <{0}>.",,"MSB2006:
Le fichier projet ne contient pas l lment racine <{0}>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB2007: Visual Studio cannot find the project file ""{0}""."",,""MSB2007: Vis
ual Studio ne peut pas trouver le fichier projet ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2014: The project-to-project reference with GUID {0} cannot be converted bec
ause it is not listed in the file {1} .",,"MSB2014: Impossible de convertir la
rfrence entre projets avec le GUID {0}, car elle n est pas liste dans le fichier {
1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB2008: This Visual Studio project system cannot convert ""{0}"" projects. I
t can only be used to convert C#, VB, and VJ# client projects."",,""MSB2008: Ce
systme de projet Visual Studio ne peut pas convertir les projets ""{0}"". Il ne p
ermet de convertir que les projets clients C#, VB et VJ#."",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB2009: Attribute ""{0}"" of element <{1}> is not valid."",,""MSB2009: L attr
ibut ""{0}"" de l lment <{1}> n est pas valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2010: Child element <{0}> of element <{1}> is not valid.",,"MSB2010: L lment e
nfant <{0}> de l lment <{1}> n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2011: Element <{0}> is not valid.",,"MSB2011: L lment <{0}> n est pas valide."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB2012: Project-to-project references to web projects are no longer supported
and therefore cannot be converted. Please remove the reference to project {0} a
nd add it again.",,"MSB2012: Les rfrences entre projets aux projets Web ne sont pl
us prises en charge et ne peuvent donc pas tre converties. Supprimez la rfrence au
projet {0}, puis ajoutez-la nouveau.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"MSB4213: The specified request affinity {0} conflicts with a previous affinity
{1} specified for this project.",,"MSB4213: L affinit de requte spcifie {0} est en c
onflit avec une affinit prcdente {1} spcifie pour ce projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4001: The ""{0}"" task has more than one parameter called ""{1}""."",,""MSB
4001: La tche ""{0}"" a plusieurs paramtres appels ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4205: The website project in this solution is targeting the v2.0 runtime, bu
t it is not installed.",,"MSB4205: Le projet de site Web de cette solution cible
le runtime v2.0, mais il n est pas install.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4204: {0}: Invalid TargetFrameworkMoniker {1}. {2}.",,"MSB4204: {0}: TargetF

rameworkMoniker {1} non valide. {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

"MSB4203: {0}: Invalid TargetFrameworkMoniker {1}. The AspNetCompiler task only
supports targeting the .NET Framework.",,"MSB4203: {0}: TargetFrameworkMoniker {
1} non valide. La tche AspNetCompiler prend uniquement en charge le ciblage de .N
ET Framework.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""{0}: Defaulting .NET Framework v{1} to the .NET Framework v4.0 version of aspn
et_compiler.exe. To change the version of the tool used, please set the ""ToolPa
th"" parameter with the correct path to the tool."",,""{0}: Utilisation par dfaut
de la version .NET Framework v4.0 de aspnet_compiler.exe pour.NET Framework v{1}
. Pour changer la version de l outil utilis, affectez le chemin d accs l outil au
paramtre ""ToolPath""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4002: There was a failure retrieving the attributes for parameters in the "
"{0}"" task. {1}"",,""MSB4002: chec lors de l extraction des attributs des paramtr
es dans la tche ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4003: ""{0}"" is a reserved attribute of the <{1}> element, and must be spe
lled with the correct casing. This attribute cannot be used as a parameter to th
e ""{2}"" task."",,""MSB4003: ""{0}"" est un attribut rserv de l lment <{1}> et doit
tre orthographi avec la casse approprie. Impossible d utiliser cet attribut comme
paramtre de la tche ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4197: Build was canceled. {0}",,"MSB4197: La gnration a t annule. {0}",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build FAILED.",,"CHEC de la build.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Build succeeded.",,"La gnration a russi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"{0}{1,-3}{2}: {3:0.000}s
{5} ({6}) ",,"{0}{1,-3}{2}:
{5} ({6}) ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\r\n============================== Build Hierarchy (IDs represent configuration
s) =====================================================\r\nId
: Exclusive Time Total Time Path (Targets)\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",,"\r\n============================== Hirarchie de build (l
es ID reprsentent les configurations) ===========================================
: Temps exclusif Dure totale Chemin (Cibles
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation cannot be completed because a build is already in progress.",,"Im
possible d effectuer l opration car une gnration est dj en cours.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The build plan at {0} appears to be corrupt and cannot be used.",,"Le plan de b
uild {0} semble endommag et ne peut pas tre utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build started.",,"La gnration a dmarr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Build started {0}.",,"La gnration a dmarr {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Building target ""{0}"" completely."",,""Gnration complte de la cible ""{0}""."",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Input file ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""Le fichier d entre ""{0}"" n existe pas
."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Input file ""{0}"" is newer than output file ""{1}""."",,""Le fichier d entre "
"{0}"" est plus rcent que le fichier de sortie ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No input files were specified.",,"Aucun fichier d entre n a t spcifi.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Output file ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""Le fichier de sortie ""{0}"" n existe
pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Building target ""{0}"" partially, because some output files are out of date w
ith respect to their input files."",,""Gnration partielle de la cible ""{0}"", car
certains fichiers de sortie sont obsoltes par rapport aux fichiers d entre."",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Input file does not exist.",,"[{0}: Entre={1}, Sorti
e={2}] Le fichier d entre n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"[{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Input file is newer than output file.",,"[{0}: Entre
={1}, Sortie={2}] Le fichier d entre est plus rcent que le fichier de sortie.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[{0}: Input={1}, Output={2}] Output file does not exist.",,"[{0}: Entre={1}, Sort
ie={2}] Le fichier de sortie n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB4190: The reference to the built-in metadata ""{2}"" at position {1} is not
allowed in this condition ""{0}""."",,""MSB4190: La rfrence la mtadonne intgre ""{2}
" la position {1} n est pas autorise dans cette condition ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The MSBuild cache file ""{0}"" is inaccessible. Ensure you have access to the
directory and that this file is not deleted during the build. {1}"",,""Le fich
ier cache ""{0}"" de MSBuild n est pas accessible. Vrifiez que vous avez accs au
rpertoire et que ce fichier n est pas supprim lors de la gnration. {1}"",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The attribute ""{0}"" is a known MSBuild attribute, and cannot be accessed usi
ng this method."",,""L attribut ""{0}"" est un attribut MSBuild connu et n est p
as accessible avec cette mthode."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4023: Cannot evaluate the item metadata ""%({0})"". {1}"",,""MSB4023: Impos
sible d valuer la mtadonne d lment ""%({0})"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4117: The ""{0}"" item name is reserved, and cannot be used."",,""MSB4117:
Le nom de l lment ""{0}"" est rserv et ne peut pas tre utilis."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4118: The ""{0}"" item metadata name is reserved, and cannot be used."",,""
MSB4118: Le nom de mtadonnes de l lment ""{0}"" est rserv et ne peut pas tre utilis."
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4004: The ""{0}"" property is reserved, and cannot be modified."",,""MSB400
4: La proprit ""{0}"" est rserve et ne peut pas tre modifie."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4115: The ""{0}"" function only accepts a scalar value, but its argument ""
{1}"" evaluates to ""{2}"" which is not a scalar value."",,""MSB4115: La fonctio
n ""{0}"" n accepte qu une valeur scalaire, mais son argument ""{1}"" donne ""{2
}"", qui n est pas une valeur scalaire."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
""MSB4094: ""{0}"" is an invalid value for the ""{1}"" parameter of the ""{3}""
task. Multiple items cannot be passed into a parameter of type ""{2}""."",,""MSB
4094: ""{0}"" n est pas une valeur valide pour le paramtre ""{1}"" de la tche ""{3
}"". Impossible de passer plusieurs lments dans un paramtre de type ""{2}""."",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4095: The item metadata %({0}) is being referenced without an item name. Sp
ecify the item name by using %(itemname.{0}).",,"MSB4095: La mtadonne d lment %({0})
est rfrence sans nom d lment. Spcifiez le nom d lment l aide de %(itemname.{0}).",
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The build plan could not be read. Check that the build process has permissions
to read {0}.",,"Impossible de lire le plan de build. Vrifiez que le processus d
e build dispose des autorisations pour lire {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The build plan could not be written. Check that the build process has permissi
ons to write to {0}.",,"Impossible d crire le plan de build. Vrifiez que le proce
ssus de build dispose des autorisations pour crire {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4162: <{0}> is not valid. Child elements are not allowed below a item remove

element.",,"MSB4162: <{0}> n est pas valide. Les lments enfants ne sont pas autor
iss sous un lment item remove.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4166: Child node ""{0}"" exited prematurely. Shutting down. Diagnostic info
rmation may be found in files in the temporary files directory named MSBuild_*.f
ailure.txt."",,""MSB4166: Fin prmature du nud enfant ""{0}"". Arrt. Des informations
de diagnostic se trouvent dans le rpertoire de fichiers temporaires sous forme d
e fichiers MSBuild_*.failure.txt."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSB4085: A <Choose> must contain at least one <When>.",,"MSB4085: Un lment <Choos
e> doit contenir au moins un lment <When>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"MSB4114: <Choose> elements cannot be nested more than {0} levels deep.",,"MSB41
14: Impossible d imbriquer les lments <Choose> de plus de {0} niveaux.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4006: There is a circular dependency in the target dependency graph involvi
ng target ""{0}""."",,""MSB4006: Il existe une dpendance circulaire dans le graph
ique de dpendance cible qui implique la cible ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4086: A numeric comparison was attempted on ""{1}"" that evaluates to ""{2}
"" instead of a number, in condition ""{0}""."",,""MSB4086: La comparaison numriq
ue tente pour ""{1}"" donne ""{2}"" au lieu d un chiffre, dans la condition ""{0}
""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4130: The condition ""{0}"" may have been evaluated incorrectly in an earli
er version of MSBuild. Please verify that the order of the AND and OR clauses is
written as intended. To avoid this warning, add parentheses to make the evaluat
ion order explicit."",,""MSB4130: La condition ""{0}"" a peut-tre t value de manire in
correcte dans une version antrieure de MSBuild. Assurez-vous que l ordre des clau
ses AND et OR est correct. Pour viter cet avertissement, ajoutez des parenthses af
in de rendre l ordre d valuation explicite."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4087: Specified condition ""{0}"" does not evaluate to a boolean."",,""MSB4
087: La condition ""{0}"" spcifie ne correspond pas une valeur boolenne."",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4113: Specified condition ""{0}"" evaluates to ""{1}"" instead of a boolean
."",,""MSB4113: La condition ""{0}"" donne ""{1}"" au lieu d une valeur boolenne.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4136: Error reading the toolset information from the configuration file ""{
0}"". {1}"",,""MSB4136: Erreur lors de la lecture des informations relatives l e
nsemble d outils partir du fichier de configuration ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4142: MSBuildToolsPath is not the same as MSBuildBinPath for the ToolsVersi
on ""{0}"" defined at ""{1}"". If both are present they must have the same value
."",,""MSB4142: MSBuildToolsPath n est pas identique MSBuildBinPath pour le Tool
sVersion ""{0}"" dfini ""{1}"". Si les deux sont prsents, ils doivent avoir la mme
valeur."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4218: Failed to successfully launch or connect to a child MSBuild.exe proce
ss. Verify that the MSBuild.exe ""{0}"" launches successfully, and that it is lo
ading the same that the launching process loaded. If the loc
ation seems incorrect, try specifying the correct location in the BuildParameter
s object, or with the MSBUILD_EXE_PATH environment variable."",,""MSB4218: chec d
u lancement ou de la connexion un processus MSBuild.exe enfant. Vrifiez que le MS
Build.exe ""{0}"" se lance correctement et qu il charge le mme
l que celui charg par le processus de lancement. Si l emplacement semble incorrec
t, essayez de spcifier l emplacement correct dans l objet BuildParameters ou l ai
de de la variable d environnement MSBUILD_EXE_PATH."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4174: The task factory ""{0}"" could not be found in the assembly ""{1}""."
",,""MSB4174: La fabrique de tches ""{0}"" est introuvable dans l assembly ""{1}"
"."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4193: MSBuild.exe could not be launched as a child node as it could not be

found at the location ""{0}"". If necessary, specify the correct location in the
BuildParameters, or with the MSBUILD_EXE_PATH environment variable."",,""MSB419
3: Impossible de lancer MSBuild.exe en tant que nud enfant, car il est introuvabl
e l emplacement ""{0}"". Si ncessaire, spcifiez l emplacement correct dans les Bui
ldParameters, ou l aide de la variable d environnement MSBUILD_EXE_PATH."",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4191: The reference to custom metadata ""{2}"" at position {1} is not allow
ed in this condition ""{0}""."",,""MSB4191: La rfrence la mtadonne personnalise ""{2}
"" la position {1} n est pas autorise dans cette condition ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4097: The element <{0}> beneath element <{1}> may not have a custom XML name
space.",,"MSB4097: L lment <{0}> plac sous l lment <{1}> ne contient peut-tre pas un e
space de noms XML personnalis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"[default]",,"[par dfaut]",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4009: The default tasks file could not be successfully loaded. {0}",,"MSB400
9: Impossible de charger correctement le fichier de tches par dfaut. {0}",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4010: The ""{0}"" files could not be successfully loaded from their expecte
d location ""{1}"". Default tasks will not be available. {2}"",,""MSB4010: Impos
sible de charger correctement les fichiers ""{0}"" partir de l emplacement atten
du ""{1}"". Les tches par dfaut ne seront pas disponibles. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4133: A default tools version ""{0}"" was specified, but its definition cou
ld not be found."",,""MSB4133: Une version des outils par dfaut ""{0}"" a t spcifie m
ais sa dfinition est introuvable."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"Deferred Messages",,"Messages diffrs",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"\r\nDetailed Build Summary\r\n======================\r\n
",,"\r\nRsum dtaill de
la build\r\n======================\r\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB4011: ""{0}"" cannot be imported again. It was already imported at ""{1}"".
This is most likely a build authoring error. This subsequent import will be ign
ored. {2}"",,""MSB4011: impossible d importer ""{0}"" nouveau. Il a dj t import ""{1
"". Il s agit d une erreur de cration de build. Cette importation sera ignore. {2}
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4079: The <ProjectExtensions> element occurs more than once.",,"MSB4079: L lme
nt <ProjectExtensions> survient plusieurs fois.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4012: The expression ""{0}"" cannot be used in this context. Item lists can
not be concatenated with other strings where an item list is expected. Use a sem
icolon to separate multiple item lists."",,""MSB4012: Impossible d utiliser l ex
pression ""{0}"" dans ce contexte. Les listes d lments ne peuvent pas tre concatnes a
vec d autres chanes o une liste d lments est attendue. Utilisez des points-virgules
pour sparer plusieurs listes d lments."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"end of input",,"entre termine",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Environment at start of build:",,"Environnement au dbut de la gnration:",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The previous error was converted to a warning because the task was called with
ContinueOnError=true.",,"L erreur prcdente a t convertie en avertissement, car la tch
e a t appele avec ContinueOnError=true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"{0} Error(s)",,"{0} Erreur(s)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4159: Error creating the toolset ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB4159: Erreur lors de
la cration de l ensemble d outils ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4146: Cannot evaluate the property expression ""{0}"" found at ""{1}"". {2}
"",,""MSB4146: Impossible d valuer l expression de proprit ""{0}"" trouve ""{1}"". {
2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"({0} target) -> ",,"({0} cible) -> ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.

""The <{0}> tag is no longer supported as a child of the <Project> element. Plac
e this tag within a target, and add the name of the target to the ""InitialTarge
ts"" attribute of the <Project> element."",,""La balise <{0}> n est plus prise e
n charge comme enfant de l lment <Project>. Placez cette balise dans une cible et
ajoutez le nom de la cible l attribut ""InitialTargets"" de l lment <Project>."",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Launching task ""{0}"" from assembly ""{1}"" in an external task host with a r
untime of ""{2}"" and a process architecture of ""{3}""."",,""Lancement de la tch
e ""{0}"" depuis l assembly ""{1}"" dans un hte de tche externe avec un runtime de
""{2}"" et une architecture de processus de ""{3}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4100: Expected ""{0}"" to evaluate to a boolean instead of ""{1}"", in cond
ition ""{2}""."",,""MSB4100: ""{0}"" devrait donner une valeur boolenne au lieu d
e ""{1}"", dans la condition ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB4187: Failed to receive a response from the task thread in the timeout peri
od ""{0}"" ms. Shutting down."",,""MSB4187: chec de rception d une rponse du thread
de la tche dans le dlai de ""{0}"" ms. Arrt."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4028: The ""{0}"" task s outputs could not be retrieved from the ""{1}"" pa
rameter. {2}"",,""MSB4028: Impossible de rcuprer les sorties de la tche ""{0}"" par
tir du paramtre ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4014: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an internal failure.",,"MSB4
014: Arrt inattendu de la gnration cause d une dfaillance interne.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4015: The build stopped unexpectedly because the ""{0}"" logger failed unex
pectedly during shutdown."",,""MSB4015: Arrt inattendu de la gnration, car le journ
al ""{0}"" a chou de manire inattendue lors de l arrt."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4016: The build stopped unexpectedly because the ""{0}"" logger failed unex
pectedly during initialization."",,""MSB4016: Arrt inattendu de la gnration, car le
journal ""{0}"" a chou de manire inattendue lors de l initialisation."",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4017: The build stopped unexpectedly because of an unexpected logger failure
.",,"MSB4017: Arrt inattendu de la gnration cause d une dfaillance inattendue du jou
rnal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4018: The ""{0}"" task failed unexpectedly."",,""MSB4018: chec inattendu de
la tche ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Additional Properties for project ""{0}"":"",,""Proprits supplmentaires du projet
""{0}"":"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Global Properties:",,"Proprits globales:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB3100: Syntax for ""{0}"" parameter is not valid ({1}). Correct syntax is {0
}=""<name>=<value>""."",,""MSB3100: La syntaxe du paramtre ""{0}"" n est pas vali
de ({1}). La syntaxe correcte est {0}=""<nom>=<valeur>""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Overriding Global Properties for project ""{0}"" with:"",,""Substitution des p
roprits globales du projet ""{0}"" par:"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Removing Properties for project ""{0}"":"",,""Suppression des proprits du projet
""{0}"":"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Removing Properties:",,"Suppression des proprits:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4088: Condition ""{0}"" is improperly constructed."",,""MSB4088: La conditi
on ""{0}"" n est pas formule correctement."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB4105: Found an unexpected character {2} at position {1} in condition ""{0
}"". Did you intend to use ""==""?"",,""MSB4105: Un caractre inattendu {2} a t tr

ouv la position {1} dans la condition ""{0}"". Vouliez-vous l utiliser ""==""?"",,

"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4106: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition ""{0}"". Did you f
orget the closing parenthesis?"",,""MSB4106: Liste d lments attendue la position {
1} dans la condition ""{0}"". Avez-vous oubli la parenthse fermante?"",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4107: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition ""{0}"". Did you f
orget the opening parenthesis after the @ ? To use a literal @ , use %40 ins
tead."",,""MSB4107: Liste d lments attendue la position {1} dans la condition ""{0
}"". Avez-vous oubli la parenthse ouvrante aprs @ ? Pour utiliser un @ littral, ut
ilisez %40 la place."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4108: Expected an item list at position {1} in condition ""{0}"". Did you f
orget to close a quote inside the item list expression?"",,""MSB4108: Liste d lmen
ts attendue la position {1} dans la condition ""{0}"". Avez-vous oubli de fermer
un guillemet l intrieur de l expression de liste d lments?"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4109: Expected a property at position {1} in condition ""{0}"". Did you for
get the closing parenthesis?"",,""MSB4109: Proprit attendue la position {1} dans l
a condition ""{0}"". Avez-vous oubli la parenthse fermante?"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4110: Expected a property at position {1} in condition ""{0}"". Did you for
get the opening parenthesis after the $ ? To use a literal $ , use %24 inste
ad."",,""MSB4110: Proprit attendue la position {1} dans la condition ""{0}"". Avez
-vous oubli la parenthse ouvrante aprs $ ? Pour utiliser un $ littral, utilisez p
lutt %24 ."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4101: Expected a closing quote after position {1} in condition ""{0}""."",,
""MSB4101: Guillemet fermant attendu aprs la position {1} dans la condition ""{0}
""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Importing the file ""{0}"" into the file ""{1}"" results in a circular depende
ncy."",,""L importation du fichier ""{0}"" dans le fichier ""{1}"" produit une dp
endance circulaire."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4019: The imported project ""{0}"" was not found. Confirm that the path in
the <Import> declaration is correct, and that the file exists on disk."",,""MSB4
019: Le projet import ""{0}"" est introuvable. Vrifiez que le chemin d accs dans la
dclaration <Import> est correct et que le fichier existe sur le disque."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4089: Incorrect number of arguments to function in condition ""{0}"". Found
{1} argument(s) when expecting {2}."",,""MSB4089: Nombre d arguments incorrects
dans la condition ""{0}"". {1} arguments trouvs au lieu de {2}."",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Initializing task factory ""{0}"" from assembly ""{1}""."",,""Initialisation d
e la fabrique de tches ""{0}"" partir de l assembly ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Initializing task host factory for task ""{0}"" from assembly ""{1}"""",,""Ini
tialisation de la fabrique de l hte de tche pour la tche ""{0}"" depuis l assembly
""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An InternalLoggerException can only be thrown by the MSBuild engine. The public
constructors of this class cannot be used to create an instance of the exceptio
n.",,"Une exception InternalLoggerException ne peut tre leve que par le moteur MSB
uild. Impossible d utiliser les constructeurs publics de cette classe pour crer u
ne instance de l exception.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4208: Only an in-process affinity may be specified for projects which have r
egistered host objects.",,"MSB4208: seule une affinit in-process peut tre spcifie po
ur les projets qui ont des objets htes inscrits.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4020: The value ""{0}"" of the ""{1}"" attribute in element <{2}> is invali
d."",,""MSB4020: La valeur ""{0}"" de l attribut ""{1}"" dans l lment <{2}> n est
pas valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4102: The value ""{0}"" of the ""{1}"" attribute in element <{2}> is invali
d. {3}"",,""MSB4102: La valeur ""{0}"" de l attribut ""{1}"" dans l lment <{2}> n

est pas valide. {3}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSB4173: The element <{0}> beneath element <{1}> is invalid because a child ele
ment with that name already exists",,"MSB4173: L lment <{0}> situ sous l lment <{1}>
n est pas valide car un lment enfant au nom identique existe dj.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4021: The ""ContinueOnError"" attribute of the ""{0}"" task is not valid. {
1}"",,""MSB4021: L attribut ""ContinueOnError"" de la tche ""{0}"" n est pas vali
de. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4022: The result ""{0}"" of evaluating the value ""{1}"" of the ""{2}"" att
ribute in element <{3}> is not valid."",,""MSB4022: Le rsultat ""{0}"" aprs valuati
on de la valeur ""{1}"" de l attribut ""{2}"" dans l lment <{3}> n est pas valide.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4104: Failed to write to log file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB4104: Impossible d cr
ire dans le fichier journal ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""MSB4185: The function ""{0}"" on type ""{1}"" is not available for execution a
s an MSBuild property function."",,""MSB4185: La fonction ""{0}"" sur le type ""
{1}"" ne peut pas tre excute en tant que fonction de proprit MSBuild ."",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4184: The expression ""{0}"" cannot be evaluated. {1}"",,""MSB4184: impossi
ble d valuer l expression ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The parentheses were mismatched.",,"Les parenthses n taient pas apparies.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The quotes were mismatched.",,"Les guillemets n taient pas apparis.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The square brackets were mismatched.",,"Crochets non apparis.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4186: Invalid static method invocation syntax: ""{0}"". {1} Static method i
nvocation should be of the form: $([FullTypeName]::Method()), e.g. $([System.IO.
Path]::Combine(a, b)). "",,""MSB4186: syntaxe d appel de mthode statique non
valide: ""{0}"". {1}. L appel de mthode statique doit avoir le format: $([FullTypeN
ame]::Method()), par exemple $([System.IO.Path]::Combine(a, b)). "",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4212: Invalid static method invocation syntax: ""{0}"". The type ""{1}"" is
either not available for execution in an MSBuild property function or could not
be found."",,""MSB4212: Syntaxe d appel de mthode statique non valide: ""{0}"". L
e type ""{1}"" ne peut pas tre excut dans une fonction de proprit MSBuild ou est intr
ouvable."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4206: A non-null host object cannot be specified for a project which has an
affinity set to out-of-process.",,"MSB4206: impossible de spcifier un objet hte no
n-null pour un projet qui a une affinit hors processus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4024: The imported project file ""{0}"" could not be loaded. {1}"",,""MSB40
24: Impossible de charger le fichier projet import ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4198: The expression ""{0}"" cannot be evaluated on item ""{1}"". {2}"",,""
MSB4198: Impossible d valuer l expression ""{0}"" sur l lment ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4199: Invalid transformation syntax ""{0}"". An item function was not found
with that name and {1} parameters."",,""MSB4199: Syntaxe de transformation non
valide ""{0}"". Aucune fonction Item avec ce nom et {1} paramtres n a t trouve."",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MaxNodeCount may only be assigned a value greater than zero.",,"La valeur affec
te MaxNodeCount doit tre suprieure zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"MSB4177: Invalid property. {0}",,"MSB4177: Proprit non valide. {0}",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4147: The property ""{0}"" at ""{1}"" is invalid. {2}"",,""MSB4147: La prop
rit ""{0}"" ""{1}"" n est pas valide. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
""MSB4143: The registry expression ""{0}"" cannot be evaluated. {1}"",,""MSB4143
: Impossible d valuer l expression de Registre ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4026: The ""{0}={1}"" parameter for the ""{2}"" task is invalid."",,""MSB40
26: Le paramtre ""{0}={1}"" pour la tche ""{2}"" n est pas valide."",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" is an invalid value for the task host parameter ""{1}"". Valid values
are: ""{2}"", ""{3}"", ""{4}"", and ""{5}""; not specifying a value is also vali
d."",,""""{0}"" est une valeur incorrecte pour le paramtre ""{1}"" de l hte de tche
. Les valeurs valides sont : ""{2}"", ""{3}"", ""{4}"" et ""{5}""; une valeur non
spcifie est galement valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4027: The ""{0}"" task generated invalid items from the ""{1}"" output para
meter. {2}"",,""MSB4027: La tche ""{0}"" a gnr des lments non valides partir du param
e de sortie ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4029: The ""{0}"" task has an invalid output specification. The ""TaskParam
eter"" attribute is required, and either the ""ItemName"" or ""PropertyName"" at
tribute must be specified (but not both)."",,""MSB4029: La sortie spcifie de la tch
e ""{0}"" n est pas valide. L attribut ""TaskParameter"" est requis et l attribu
t ""ItemName"" ou ""PropertyName"" doit tre spcifi (mais pas les deux)."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4030: ""{0}"" is an invalid value for the ""{1}"" parameter of the ""{3}""
task. The ""{1}"" parameter is of type ""{2}""."",,""MSB4030: ""{0}"" n est pas
une valeur valide pour le paramtre ""{1}"" de la tche ""{3}"". Le paramtre ""{1}""
est de type ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4137: Invalid value specified in the configuration file at ""{0}"". Propert
y name or tools version name is an empty string."",,""MSB4137: Valeur non valide
spcifie dans le fichier de configuration ""{0}"". Le nom de la proprit ou le nom de
la version des outils est une chane vide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"MSB4163: <ItemDefinitionGroup> is not allowed inside a target.",,"MSB4163: <Ite
mDefinitionGroup> n est pas autoris dans une cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4096: The item ""{0}"" in item list ""{1}"" does not define a value for met
adata ""{2}"". In order to use this metadata, either qualify it by specifying %
({1}.{2}), or ensure that all items in this list define a value for this metadat
a."",,""MSB4096: L lment ""{0}"" de la liste d lments ""{1}"" ne dfinit aucune valeur
pour les mtadonnes ""{2}"". Pour utiliser ces mtadonnes, qualifiez-les en spcifiant
%({1}.{2}) ou assurez-vous que tous les lments de cette liste dfinissent une valeur
pour ces mtadonnes."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Initial Items:",,"lments initiaux:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4099: A reference to an item list at position {1} is not allowed in this co
ndition ""{0}""."",,""MSB4099: Une rfrence une liste d lments la position {1} n est
pas autorise dans cette condition ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB4033: ""{0}"" is a reserved item metadata, and cannot be redefined as a cus
tom metadata on the item."",,""MSB4033: ""{0}"" est une mtadonne d lment rserve qui ne
peut pas tre redfinie en tant que mtadonne personnalise pour l lment."",,"Text",,"All
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4224: KeepMetadata and RemoveMetadata are mutually exclusive.",,"MSB4224: Ke
epMetadata et RemoveMetadata s excluent mutuellement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB1021: Cannot create an instance of the logger. {0}",,"MSB1021: Impossible de
crer une instance du journal. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""MSB4180: The ""{0}"" logger could not be instantiated from the assembly ""{1}"
". Please verify the logger assembly has been built using the same version of th
e Microsoft.Build.Framework assembly as the one installed on your computer and t
hat your host application is not missing a binding redirect for Microsoft.Build.
Framework. {2}"",,""MSB4180: Impossible d instancier le journal ""{0}"" partir d

e l assembly ""{1}"". Assurez-vous que l assembly de journalisation a t cr l aide de

la mme version de l assembly Microsoft.Build.Framework que celle installe sur vo
tre ordinateur et qu il ne manque pas une redirection de liaison dans votre appl
ication hte pour Microsoft.Build.Framework. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB1020: The logger was not found. Check the following: 1.) The logger name sp
ecified is the same as the name of the logger class. 2.) The logger class is ""p
ublic"" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface. 3.) The
path to the logger assembly is correct, or the logger can be loaded using only t
he assembly name provided."",,""MSB1020: Le journal est introuvable. Vrifiez les
points suivants: 1.) Le nom du journal est le mme que celui de la classe de journa
lisation. 2.) La classe de journalisation est ""public"" et implmente l interface
Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger. 3.) Le chemin d accs l assembly de journalisa
tion est correct ou le journal peut uniquement tre charg avec le nom d assembly fo
urni."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3203: The output path ""{0}"" cannot be rebased. {1}"",,""MSB3203: Impossib
le de redfinir le chemin de sortie ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3205: SkipNonexistentProject can only accept values of ""True"", ""False""
and ""Build""."",,""MSB3205: SkipNonexistentProject accepte uniquement les valeu
rs ""True"", ""False"" et ""Build""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"StopOnFirstFailure will have no effect when the following conditions are all pr
esent: 1) The system is running in multiple process mode 2) The BuildInParallel
property is true. 3) The RunEachTargetSeparately property is false.",,"StopOnFir
stFailure sera sans effet si toutes les conditions suivantes sont runies: 1) Le sy
stme s excute en mode multiprocessus 2) La proprit BuildInParallel a la valeur true.
3) La proprit RunEachTargetSeparately a la valeur false.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Overriding the BuildingInParallel property by setting it to false. This is due
to the system being run in single process mode with StopOnFirstFailure set to tr
ue.",,"Remplacement de la proprit BuildingInParallel en lui attribuant la valeur f
alse. Ceci est d l excution du systme en mode de processus unique, StopOnFirstFailu
re ayant la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3202: The project file ""{0}"" was not found."",,""MSB3202: Le fichier proj
et ""{0}"" est introuvable."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Skipping project ""{0}"" because it was not found."",,""Le projet ""{0}"" est
ignor, car il est introuvable."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3204: The project file ""{0}"" is in the "".vcproj"" file format, which MSB
uild no longer supports. Please convert the project by opening it in the Visual
Studio IDE or running the conversion tool, or use MSBuild 3.5 or earlier to buil
d it."",,""MSB3204: Le fichier projet ""{0}"" utilise le format de fichier "".vc
proj"" qui n est plus pris en charge par MSBuild. Convertissez le projet en l ou
vrant dans Visual Studio IDE ou en excutant l outil de conversion, ou gnrez le proj
et l aide de MSBuild 3.5 ou version antrieure."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MSBuild task is skipping the remaining projects because the StopOnFirstFail
ure parameter was set to true.",,"La tche MSBuild va ignorer les projets restants
, car le paramtre StopOnFirstFailure a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The MSBuild task is skipping the remaining targets because the StopOnFirstFailu
re parameter was set to true.",,"La tche MSBuild va ignorer les cibles restantes,
car le paramtre StopOnFirstFailure a la valeur true.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4141: MSBuildToolsPath is not specified for the ToolsVersion ""{0}"" define
d at ""{1}"", or the value specified evaluates to the empty string."",,""MSB4141
: MSBuildToolsPath n est pas spcifi pour le ToolsVersion ""{0}"" dfini ""{1}"", ou
la valeur spcifie est une chane vide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""MSB4222: ToolsVersion ""{0}"", defined at ""{1}"", contains sub-toolset ""{2}"

" which sets MSBuildBinPath or MSBuildToolsPath. This is not supported in sub-to

olsets."",,""MSB4222: ToolsVersion ""{0}"", dfini sur ""{1}"", contient le sous-e
nsemble d outils ""{2}"" qui dfinit MSBuildBinPath ou MSBuildToolsPath. Cet attri
but n est pas pris en charge dans les sous-ensembles d outils."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4202: The request to build submission {0} cannot proceed because submission
{1} is already using the main thread.",,"MSB4202: La demande de gnration de la sou
mission {0} ne peut pas se poursuivre, car la soumission {1} utilise dj le thread
principal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4164: The value ""{0}"" of metadata ""{1}"" contains an item list expressio
n. Item list expressions are not allowed on default metadata values."",,""MSB416
4: La valeur ""{0}"" de la mtadonne ""{1}"" contient une expression de liste d lment
s. Les expressions de listes d lments ne sont pas autorises pour les valeurs de mtad
onnes par dfaut."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4035: The required attribute ""{0}"" is empty or missing from the element <
{1}>."",,""MSB4035: l attribut requis ""{0}"" est vide ou absent de l lment <{1}>.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4036: The ""{0}"" task was not found. Check the following: 1.) The name of
the task in the project file is the same as the name of the task class. 2.) The
task class is ""public"" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask inte
rface. 3.) The task is correctly declared with <UsingTask> in the project file,
or in the *.tasks files located in the ""{1}"" directory."",,""MSB4036: Tche ""{0
}"" introuvable. Vrifiez les points suivants: 1.) Le nom de la tche dans le fichier
projet est identique au nom de la classe de tche. 2.) La classe de tche est ""pub
lic"" et implmente l interface Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask. 3.) La tche est co
rrectement dclare avec <UsingTask> dans le fichier projet ou dans les fichiers *.t
asks stocks dans le rpertoire ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""MSB4145: Multiple definitions were found for the property ""{0}""."",,""MSB414
5: Plusieurs dfinitions ont t trouves pour la proprit ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4144: Multiple definitions were found for the toolset ""{0}"". "",,""MSB414
4: Plusieurs dfinitions ont t trouves pour l ensemble d outils ""{0}"". "",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4082: Choose has more than one <Otherwise> element.",,"MSB4082: L lment Choose
a plusieurs lments <Otherwise>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4150: Must initialize the console logger using the initialize method before
using ApplyParameter",,"MSB4150: Le journal de console doit tre initialis via la mt
hode initialize avant l utilisation de ApplyParameter",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation cannot be completed because BeginBuild has not yet been called.",
,"Impossible d effectuer l opration car la mthode BeginBuild n a pas encore t appele.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4039: No ""{0}"" element was found in the project file."",,""MSB4039: Aucun
lment ""{0}"" n a t trouv dans le fichier projet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4040: There is no target in the project.",,"MSB4040: Il n y a pas de cible d
ans le projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4038: The element <{0}> must be last under element <{1}>. Found element <{2}
> instead.",,"MSB4038: L lment <{0}> doit tre le dernier sous l lment <{1}>. lment <{2
> trouv la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} {1:0.000}s
{2:0.000}s {3}",,"{0} {1:0.000}s
{2:0.000}s {3}",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"\r\n============================== Node Utilization (IDs represent configuratio
ns) ====================================================\r\nTimestamp:
{0} Duration Cumulative\r\n---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",,"\r\n============================== Utilisation du nud (les ID reprsentent le
s configurations) ====================================================\r\nHoroda
teur :
{0} Dure cumule\r\n---------------------------------------------

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

} Average Utilization: {1:###.0}",,"---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\r\nUtilisation:
{0} Utilisation moyenne: {1:###.0}",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4138: Non-string data was specified at the registry location ""{0}""."",,""
MSB4138: Des donnes qui ne sont pas des chanes ont t spcifies l emplacement de Regist
e ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A null entry was found in the collection of loggers.",,"Une entre null a t trouve d
ans la collection de journaux.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All build submissions in a build must use project instances originating from th
e same project collection.",,"Toutes les soumissions de gnration d une build doive
nt utiliser des instances de projet provenant de la mme collection de projets.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This parent is not a valid parent for the item.",,"Ce parent n est pas un paren
t valide pour l lment.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" property name is reserved."",,""Le nom de proprit ""{0}"" est rserv.""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Elements of this type do not have a condition.",,"Les lments de ce type n ont pas
de condition.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot modify an evaluated object originating in an imported file ""{0}""."",,
""Impossible de modifier un objet valu provenant d un fichier import ""{0}""."",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot remove the metadata named ""{0}"" as it originates from an item definit
ion, rather than being directly defined on this item."",,""Impossible de supprim
er la mtadonne nomme ""{0}"", car elle provient d une dfinition d lment au lieu d tre
inie directement sur cet lment."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project or targets file ""{0}"" was loaded in read-only mode, and cannot be sa
ved."",,""Le projet ou fichier Targets ""{0}"" a t charg en lecture seule et ne peu
t pas tre enregistr."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The <{0}> element must have either the ""{1}"" attribute or the ""{2}"" attrib
ute but not both."",,""L lment <{0}> doit avoir l attribut ""{1}"" ou ""{2}"", mai
s pas les deux."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" property is a global property, and cannot be modified."",,""La pro
prit ""{0}"" est une proprit globale et elle ne peut pas tre modifie."",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" object specified does not belong to the correct ""{1}"" object."",
,""L objet ""{0}"" spcifi n appartient pas l objet ""{1}"" correct."",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An item not parented under a Target must have a value for Include and no value
for Remove.",,"Un lment non apparent sous Target doit avoir une valeur pour Include
et aucune valeur pour Remove.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""An equivalent project (a project with the same global properties and tools ver
sion) is already present in the project collection, with the path ""{0}"". To lo
ad an equivalent into this project collection, unload this project first."",,""U
n projet quivalent (un projet avec la mme version des proprits globales et des outil
s) et figure dj dans la collection de projets, avec le chemin d accs ""{0}"". Pour
charger un quivalent dans cette collection de projets, commencez par dcharger ce p
rojet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot create a relationship between nodes that were created from different pro
jects.",,"Impossible de crer une relation entre des nuds qui ont t crs partir de proj
ts diffrents.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project has not been given a path to save to.",,"Aucun chemin d accs n a t spcifi po
ur l enregistrement du projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project was not loaded with the ProjectLoadSettings.RecordDuplicateImports flag
.",,"Le projet n a pas t charg avec l indicateur ProjectLoadSettings.RecordDuplicat
eImports.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""The name ""{0}"" contains an invalid character ""{1}""."",,""Le nom ""{0}"" co

ntient un caractre non valide ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""The ""KeepDuplicates"" attribute is not permitted on an item outside of a <Tar
get>."",,""L attribut ""KeepDuplicates"" n est pas autoris sur un lment figurant en
dehors d un <Target>."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""KeepMetadata"" attribute is not permitted on an item outside of a <Targe
t>."",,""L attribut ""KeepMetadata"" n est pas autoris sur un lment figurant en deh
ors d un <Target>."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"An <Otherwise> element cannot be located before a <When> or <Otherwise> element
.",,"Un lment <Otherwise> ne peut pas se trouver avant un lment <When> ou <Otherwise
>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""RemoveMetadata"" attribute is not permitted on an item outside of a <Tar
get>."",,""L attribut ""RemoveMetadata"" n est pas autoris sur un lment figurant en
dehors d un <Target>."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""Remove"" attribute is not permitted on an item outside of a <Target>."",
,""L attribut ""Remove"" n est pas autoris sur un lment se trouvant en dehors d une
<Target>."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The node already has a parent. Remove it from its parent before moving it.",,"L
e nud a dj un parent. Supprimez-le de son parent avant de le dplacer.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The node is not parented by this object so it cannot be removed from it.",,"Le
nud n est pas apparent cet objet et il ne peut donc pas en tre supprim.",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This collection cannot convert from the specified value to the backing value.",
,"Impossible de convertir cette collection de la valeur spcifie en valeur de stock
age.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation is not allowed because currently this object is not parented.",,"
Cette opration n est pas autorise car cet objet n est pas apparent actuellement.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The parent node is not itself parented.",,"Le nud parent n est pas lui-mme appare
nt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Instance object was created as immutable.",,"L objet d instance a t cr comme immuab
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The project cannot be used as it is no longer loaded into a project collection.
",,"Impossible d utiliser le projet car il n est plus charg dans une collection d
e projets.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The project provided was not loaded in the collection.",,"Le projet fourni n a
pas t charg dans la collection.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The project XML file ""{0}"" cannot be unloaded because at least one project "
"{1}"" is still loaded which references that project XML."",,""Impossible de dcha
rger le fichier de projet XML ""{0}"", car au moins un projet ""{1}"" encore cha
rg fait rfrence ce fichier de projet XML."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The reference node is not a child of this node.",,"Le nud de rfrence n est pas un
enfant de ce nud.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" name is reserved, and cannot be used."",,""Le nom ""{0}"" est rserv
et il ne peut pas tre utilis."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot make a node or an ancestor of that node a child of itself.",,"Impossible
de convertir un nud ou un anctre de ce nud en son propre enfant.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using the MSBuild v3.5 solution wrapper generator because the tools version was
set to {0}.",,"Utilisation du gnrateur de wrapper de solution MSBuild v3.5, car l
a version des outils est {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using the MSBuild v3.5 solution wrapper generator with a tools version of {0} b
ecause the solution file format was version {1} and no tools version was supplie
d.",,"Utilisation du gnrateur de wrapper de solution MSBuild v3.5 avec une version
des outils {0}, car le format du fichier solution tait la version {1} et aucune
version des outils n a t fournie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The override tasks path ""{0}"" must not be a relative path and must exist on

disk. Default tasks will not be overridden."",,""Le chemin des tches de remplacem
ent ""{0}"" ne doit pas tre un chemin d accs relatif et doit exister sur le disque
. Les tches par dfaut ne seront pas remplaces."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""A problem occurred loading the override tasks path ""{0}"". {1}"",,""Un problme
s est produit lors du chargement du chemin des tches de remplacement ""{0}"". {1
}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4194: The override tasks file could not be successfully loaded. {0}",,"MSB41
94: Impossible de charger correctement le fichier de tches de remplacement. {0}",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4196: The ""{0}"" files could not be successfully loaded from their expecte
d location ""{1}"". Default tasks will not be overridden. {2}"",,""MSB4196: Impo
ssible de charger correctement les fichiers ""{0}"" partir de l emplacement atte
ndu ""{1}"". Les tches par dfaut ne seront pas remplaces. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Overriding target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}"" with target ""{2}"" from project
""{3}""."",,""Remplacement de la cible ""{0}"" du projet ""{1}"" par la cible ""
{2}"" du projet ""{3}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} ms {1} {2} calls",,"{0} ms {1} {2} appels",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"(* = timing was not recorded because of reentrancy)",,"(* = le minutage n a pas
t enregistr cause de la rentrance)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The request to build this submission cannot proceed because a project with the
same configuration is already building.",,"La demande de gnration de cette soumiss
ion ne peut pas se poursuivre, car un projet avec la mme configuration est dj en co
urs de gnration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The project file ""{0}"" was not found."",,""Le fichier projet ""{0}""est intr
ouvable."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done building project ""{0}"" -- FAILED."",,""Gnration du projet ""{0}"" termine
-- CHEC."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done Building Project ""{0}"" (default targets)."",,""Gnration du projet ""{0}""
termine (cibles par dfaut)."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done Building Project ""{0}"" (default targets) -- FAILED."",,""Gnration du proj
et ""{0}"" termine (cibles par dfaut) -- CHEC."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done Building Project ""{0}"" ({1} target(s))."",,""Gnration du projet ""{0}"" t
ermine ({1} cible(s))."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done Building Project ""{0}"" ({1} target(s)) -- FAILED."",,""Gnration du projet
""{0}"" termine ({1} cible(s)) -- CHEC."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Done building project ""{0}""."",,""Gnration du projet ""{0}"" termine."",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4209: The specified project instance conflicts with the affinity specified i
n the HostServices.",,"MSB4209: l instance du projet spcifie est en conflit avec l
affinit spcifie dans HostServices.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4041: The default XML namespace of the project must be the MSBuild XML name
space. If the project is authored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please add xmlns="
"{0}"" to the <Project> element. If the project has been authored in the old 1.0
or 1.2 format, please convert it to MSBuild 2003 format."",,""MSB4041: L espace
de noms XML par dfaut du projet doit tre l espace de noms XML MSBuild. Si le proj
et a t cr au format MSBuild 2003, ajoutez xmlns=""{0}"" l lment <Project>. S il a t
s des formats anciens comme 1.0 ou 1.2, convertissez-le au format MSBuild 2003."
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Project Performance Summary:",,"Rsum de performance des projets:",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" (default target) ({1}) ->"",,""""{0}"" (cible par dfaut) ({1}) ->"",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" ({1} target) ({2}) ->"",,""""{0}"" ({1} cible) ({2}) ->"",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project ""{0}"" is building ""{1}"" (default targets):"",,""Le projet ""{0}""

gnre ""{1}"" (cibles par dfaut):"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Project ""{0}"" is building ""{1}"" ({2} target(s)):"",,""Le projet ""{0}"" gnre
""{1}"" ({2} cibles):"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project ""{0}"" (default targets):"",,""Projet ""{0}"" (cibles par dfaut):"",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project ""{0}"" ({1} target(s)):"",,""Projet ""{0}"" ({1} cibles):"",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project ""{0}"" on node {1} (default targets)."",,""Projet ""{0}"" sur le nud {
1} (cibles par dfaut)."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project ""{0}"" on node {1} ({2} target(s))."",,""Projet ""{0}"" sur le nud {1}
({2} cible(s))."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project ""{0}"" ({1}) is building ""{2}"" ({3}) on node {4} (default targets).
"",,""Le projet ""{0}"" ({1}) gnre ""{2}"" ({3}) sur le nud {4} (cibles par dfaut)."
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project ""{0}"" ({1}) is building ""{2}"" ({3}) on node {4} ({5} target(s)).""
,,""Le projet ""{0}"" ({1}) gnre ""{2}"" ({3}) sur le nud {4} ({5} cible(s))."",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Task name cannot be empty.",,"Le nom de tche ne peut pas tre vide.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4075: The project file ""{0}"" must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and
converted to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild."",,""MSB4075:
Le fichier projet ""{0}"" doit tre ouvert dans Visual Studio IDE et converti dan
s la dernire version avant de pouvoir tre gnr par MSBuild."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4192: The project file ""{0}"" is in the "".vcproj"" file format, which MSB
uild no longer supports. Please convert the project by opening it in the Visual
Studio IDE or running the conversion tool, or use MSBuild 3.5 or earlier to buil
d it."",,""MSB4192: Le fichier projet ""{0}"" utilise le format de fichier "".vc
proj"", qui n est plus pris en charge par MSBuild. Convertissez le projet en l o
uvrant dans Visual Studio IDE ou en excutant l outil de conversion, ou gnrez le pro
jet l aide de MSBuild 3.5 ou version antrieure."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Initial Properties:",,"Proprits initiales:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
""MSB4148: The name of a property stored under the registry key ""{0}"" has zero
length."",,""MSB4148: La longueur du nom d une proprit stocke sous la cl de Registr
e ""{0}"" est gale zro."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The property ""{0}"" with value ""{1}"" is being overridden by another batch.
The property is now: ""{2}"""",,""La proprit ""{0}"" ayant la valeur ""{1}"" est s
ubstitue par un autre lot. prsent, la proprit est: ""{2}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4043: The item metadata reference ""{0}"" is invalid because it is qualifie
d with an item name. Item metadata referenced in transforms do not need to be qu
alified, because the item name is automatically deduced from the items being tra
nsformed. Change ""{0}"" to ""%({1})""."",,""MSB4043: La rfrence la mtadonne d lment
"{0}"" n est pas valide, car elle est qualifie par un nom d lment. La mtadonne d lment
rfrence dans les transformations ne ncessite pas de qualification, car le nom de l lme
nt est dduit automatiquement des lments transforms. Remplacez ""{0}"" par ""%({1})""
."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4135: Error reading the toolset information from the registry location ""{0
}"". {1}"",,""MSB4135: Erreur lors de la lecture des informations relatives l en
semble d outils partir de l emplacement de Registre ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4044: The ""{0}"" task was not given a value for the required parameter ""{
1}""."",,""MSB4044: La tche ""{0}"" ne s est pas vue assigner de valeur pour le p
aramtre requis ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4112: The targets in this project have been disabled by the host and theref
ore cannot be built at this time. This may have been done for security reasons.
To enable the targets, the host must set Project.BuildEnabled to ""true""."",,""
MSB4112: Les cibles dans ce projet ont t dsactives par l hte et ne peuvent donc pas tr

e gnres pour l instant. Cela pour des raisons de scurit. Pour activer les cibles, l ht
e doit affecter la valeur ""true"" Project.BuildEnabled."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4210: ""{0}"" is attempting to import itself, directly or indirectly. This
is most likely a build authoring error. The import will be ignored."",,""MSB4210
: ""{0}"" essaie de s importer lui-mme, directement ou indirectement. Il s agit d
une erreur de cration de build. L importation sera ignore."",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4093: The ""{0}"" parameter of the ""{1}"" task cannot be written to becaus
e it does not have a ""set"" accessor."",,""MSB4093: Impossible d crire le paramtr
e ""{0}"" de la tche ""{1}"", car il n a pas d accesseur ""set""."",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot dispose the build manager because it is not idle.",,"Impossible de dispo
ser du gestionnaire de build car il n est pas inactif.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Skipping target ""{0}"" because it has no inputs."",,""La cible est ignore ""{0
}"" car elle ne comporte pas d entre."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Though the target has declared its inputs, the input specification only referen
ces empty properties and/or empty item lists.",,"Bien que la cible ait dclar ses e
ntres, celles spcifies ne font rfrence qu des proprits vides et/ou des listes d lm
des.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Skipping target ""{0}"" because it has no outputs."",,""La cible est ignore ""{
0}"" car elle ne comporte pas de sortie."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Though the target has declared its outputs, the output specification only refer
ences empty properties and/or empty item lists.",,"Bien que la cible ait dclar ses
sorties, celles spcifies ne font rfrence qu des proprits vides et/ou des listes d l
s vides.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Skipping target ""{0}"" because all output files are up-to-date with respect t
o the input files."",,""La cible est ignore ""{0}"", car tous les fichiers de sor
tie sont jour par rapport aux fichiers d entre."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Input files: {0}",,"Fichiers d entre: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Output files: {0}",,"Fichiers de sortie: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""Building solution configuration ""{0}""."",,""Gnration de la configuration de so
lution ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4160: A circular dependency involving project ""{0}"" has been detected."",
,""MSB4160: Une dpendance circulaire impliquant le projet ""{0}"" a t dtecte."",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4126: The specified solution configuration ""{0}"" is invalid. Please speci
fy a valid solution configuration using the Configuration and Platform propertie
s (e.g. MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=""Any CPU"")
or leave those properties blank to use the default solution configuration."",,"
"MSB4126: La configuration de solution spcifie ""{0}"" n est pas valide. Spcifiez u
ne configuration de solution valide l aide des proprits Configuration et Platform
(exemple: MSBuild.exe Solution.sln /p:Configuration=Debug /p:Platform=""Any CPU""
) ou laissez ces proprits vides si vous voulez utiliser la configuration de soluti
on par dfaut."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4046: Error reading project file ""{0}"": {1}"",,""MSB4046: Erreur lors de
la lecture du fichier projet ""{0}"": {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""MSB4125: The project file name ""{0}"" is invalid. {1}"",,""MSB4125: Le nom du
fichier projet ""{0}"" n est pas valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4051: Project {0} is referencing a project with GUID {1}, but a project with
this GUID was not found in the .SLN file.",,"MSB4051: Le projet {0} fait rfrence
un projet ayant le GUID {1}, mais ce dernier est introuvable dans le fichier .SL

N.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""MSB4078: The project file ""{0}"" is not supported by MSBuild and cannot be bu
ilt."",,""MSB4078: Le fichier projet ""{0}"" n est pas pris en charge par MSBuil
d et ne peut pas tre gnr."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4054: The solution file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converte
d to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild.",,"MSB4054: Le fichie
r solution doit tre ouvert dans l IDE de Visual Studio et converti vers la dernire
version avant de pouvoir tre gnr par MSBuild.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB4121: The project configuration for project ""{0}"" was not specified in th
e solution file for the solution configuration ""{1}""."",,""MSB4121: La configu
ration du projet ""{0}"" n tait pas spcifie dans le fichier solution pour la config
uration de solution ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The project ""{0}"" is not selected for building in solution configuration ""{
1}""."",,""Le projet ""{0}"" n est pas slectionn dans le cadre d une gnration dans l
a configuration de solution ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""MSB4122: Scanning project dependencies for project ""{0}"" failed. {1}"",,""MS
B4122: chec de l analyse des dpendances du projet ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4149: The tools version ""{0}"" of the solution does not support building p
rojects with a different tools version."",,""MSB4149: La version des outils ""{0
}"" de la solution ne prend pas en charge la gnration de projets avec une autre ve
rsion d outils."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Web projects do not support the ""Clean"" target. Continuing with remaining p
rojects ..."",,""Les projets Web ne prennent pas en charge la cible ""Clean"". L
es projets restants seront utiliss..."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Web projects do not support the ""Publish"" target. Continuing with remaining
projects ..."",,""Les projets Web ne prennent pas en charge la cible ""Publish"
". Les projets restants seront utiliss..."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""Skipping because the ""$(AspNetConfiguration)"" configuration is not supported
for this web project. You can use the AspNetConfiguration property to override
the configuration used for building web projects, by adding /p:AspNetConfigurat
ion=<value> to the command line. Currently web projects only support Debug and R
elease configurations."",,""Opration ignore, car la configuration ""$(AspNetConfig
uration)"" n est pas prise en charge pour ce projet Web. Vous pouvez utiliser la
proprit AspNetConfiguration afin de substituer la configuration utilise pour la gnra
tion de projets Web en ajoutant /p:AspNetConfiguration=<valeur> la ligne de comm
ande. Actuellement, les projets Web ne prennent en charge que les configurations
Debug et Release."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The operation cannot be completed because the submission has already been execu
ted.",,"Impossible d effectuer l opration car la soumission a dj t excute.",,"Text",,"
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" skipped. Previously built unsuccessfully."",,""Cible ""{0}"" ig
nore. N avait pas t gnre correctement."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""Target ""{0}"" skipped. Previously built successfully."",,""Cible ""{0}"" igno
re. Avait t gnre correctement."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4116: The condition ""{1}"" on the ""{0}"" target has a reference to item m
etadata. References to item metadata are not allowed in target conditions unless
they are part of an item transform."",,""MSB4116: La condition ""{1}"" sur la c
ible ""{0}"" a une rfrence des mtadonnes d lment. Les rfrences des mtadonnes d
pas autorises dans les conditions cibles, sauf si elles font partie d une transf
ormation d lment."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4057: The target ""{0}"" does not exist in the project."",,""MSB4057: La ci
ble ""{0}"" n existe pas dans le projet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""The target ""{0}"" listed in an AfterTargets attribute at ""{1}"" does not exi

st in the project, and will be ignored."",,""La cible ""{0}"" rpertorie dans un at

tribut AfterTargets ""{1}"" n existe pas dans le projet et sera ignore."",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The target ""{0}"" listed in a BeforeTargets attribute at ""{1}"" does not exi
st in the project, and will be ignored."",,""La cible ""{0}"" rpertorie dans un at
tribut BeforeTargets ""{1}"" n existe pas dans le projet et sera ignore."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done building target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}"" -- FAILED."",,""Gnration de la c
ible ""{0}"" termine dans le projet ""{1}"" -- CHEC."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done building target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}""."",,""Gnration de la cible ""{0}
"" termine dans le projet ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""MSB4058: The ""{0}"" target is missing its output specification. If a target d
eclares inputs, it must also declare outputs."",,""MSB4058: La spcification des s
orties est manquante dans la cible ""{0}"". Si une cible dclare des entres, elle d
oit galement dclarer des sorties."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}: (TargetId:{1})",,"{0}: (IdCible:{1})",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"Target output items:",,"lments de sortie cible:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Target Performance Summary:",,"Rsum de performance cible:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" skipped, due to false condition; ({1}) was evaluated as ({2})."
",,""Cible ""{0}"" ignore en raison d une fausse condition; ({1}) a t value comme ({2}
)."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}"":"",,""Cible ""{0}"" dans le projet ""{1}"":""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in file ""{1}"" from project ""{2}"":"",,""Cible ""{0}"" dans l
e fichier ""{1}"" du projet ""{2}"":"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""Target ""{0}"" in file ""{1}"" from project ""{2}"" (designated to run after t
arget ""{3}""):"",,""Cible ""{0}"" dans le fichier ""{1}"" du projet ""{2}"" (dsi
gne pour s excuter avec la cible ""{3}""):"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in file ""{1}"" from project ""{2}"" (designated to run before
target ""{3}""):"",,""Cible ""{0}"" dans le fichier ""{1}"" du projet ""{2}"" (ds
igne pour s excuter avant la cible ""{3}""):"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in file ""{1}"" from project ""{2}"" (target ""{3}"" depends on
it):"",,""Cible ""{0}"" dans le fichier ""{1}"" du projet ""{2}"" (la cible ""{
3}"" en dpend):"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in file ""{1}"" from project ""{2}"" (entry point):"",,""Cible
""{0}"" dans le fichier ""{1}"" du projet ""{2}"" (point d entre):"",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in file ""{1}"":"",,""Cible ""{0}"" dans le fichier ""{1}"":"",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Target {0}:",,"{0} cible:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target {0} from project ""{1}"":"",,""{0} cible du projet ""{1}"":"",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}"" (designated to run after target ""{2}""):"",
,""Cible ""{0}"" du projet ""{1}"" (dsigne pour s excuter aprs la cible ""{2}""):"",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}"" (designated to run before target ""{2}""):""
,,""Cible ""{0}"" du projet ""{1}"" (dsigne pour s excuter avant la cible ""{2}""):"
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}"" (target ""{2}"" depends on it):"",,""Cible "
"{0}"" du projet ""{1}"" (la cible ""{2}"" en dpend):"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}"" (entry point):"",,""Cible ""{0}"" du projet

""{1}"" (point d entre):"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Build continuing because ""{0}"" on the task ""{1}"" is set to ""{2}""."",,""P
oursuite de la gnration, car ""{0}"" dans la tche ""{1}"" a la valeur ""{2}""."",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4060: The ""{0}"" task has been declared or used incorrectly, or failed dur
ing construction. Check the spelling of the task name and the assembly name."",,
""MSB4060: La tche ""{0}"" a t mal dclare ou mal utilise, ou a chou lors de la constr
ion. Vrifiez l orthographe du nom de la tche et de l assembly."",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4214: The ""{0}"" task has been defined, but cannot be used due to the fact
that the identity defined in the UsingTask declaration (Runtime=""{1}"", Archit
ecture=""{2}"") does not match the identity specified by the task invocation (MS
BuildRuntime=""{3}"", MSBuildArchitecture=""{4}"")."",,""MSB4214: La tche ""{0}""
a t dfinie, mais ne peut pas tre utilise car l identit dfinie dans la dclaration Usi
ask (Runtime=""{1}"", Architecture=""{2}"") ne correspond pas l identit spcifie par
l invocation de la tche (MSBuildRuntime=""{3}"", MSBuildArchitecture=""{4}"").""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4179: The task factory instance for the ""{0}"" task could not be instantia
ted from the task factory ""{1}"". {2}"",,""MSB4179: Impossible d instancier l i
nstance de fabrique de tches de la tche ""{0}"" partir de la fabrique de tches ""{1
}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4176: The ""{0}"" task factory could not be instantiated from the assembly
""{1}"". Please verify the task assembly has been built using the same version o
f the Microsoft.Build.Framework assembly as the one installed on your computer a
nd that your host application is not missing a binding redirect for Microsoft.Bu
ild.Framework. {2}"",,""MSB4176: Impossible d instancier la fabrique de tches ""{
0}"" partir de l assembly ""{1}"". Assurez-vous que l assembly de tche a t gnr l ai
de la mme version de l assembly Microsoft.Build.Framework que celle installe sur v
otre ordinateur et qu il ne manque pas une redirection de liaison dans votre app
lication hte pour Microsoft.Build.Framework. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4175: The task factory ""{0}"" could not be loaded from the assembly ""{1}"
". {2}"",,""MSB4175: Impossible de charger la fabrique de tches ""{0}"" partir de
l assembly ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4219: The TaskFactory ""{0}"" does not implement ITaskFactory2. The attribu
tes ""{1}"" and/or ""{2}"" on the UsingTask declaration for task ""{3}"" will be
be ignored."",,""MSB4219: Le TaskFactory ""{0}"" n implmente pas ITaskFactory2.
Les attributs ""{1}"" et/ou ""{2}"" de la dclaration UsingTask pour la tche ""{3}"
" seront ignors."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done executing task ""{0}"" -- FAILED."",,""Excution de la tche ""{0}"" termine - CHEC."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Done executing task ""{0}""."",,""Excution de la tche ""{0}"" termine."",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Using ""{0}"" task from assembly ""{1}""."",,""Utilisation de la tche ""{0}"" p
artir de l assembly ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Using ""{0}"" task from the task factory ""{1}""."",,""Utilisation de ""{0}""
partir de la fabrique de tches ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB4216: Could not run the ""{0}"" task because MSBuild could not create or co
nnect to a task host with runtime ""{1}"" and architecture ""{2}"". Please ensu
re that (1) the requested runtime and/or architecture are available on the machi
ne, and (2) that the required executable ""{3}"" exists and can be run."",,""MSB
4216: Impossible d excuter la tche ""{0}"" car MSBuild n a pas pu crer ou se connec
ter un hte de tche avec le runtime ""{1}"" et l architecture ""{2}"". Veuillez vrif
ier que (1) le runtime et/ou l architecture requise sont disponibles sur la mach
ine, et (2) que le fichier excutable ""{3}"" ncessaire existe et peut tre excut."",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4217: Task host node exited prematurely. Diagnostic information may be found
in files in the temporary files directory named MSBuild_*.failure.txt. {0}",,"M
SB4217: Fin prmature du nud de l hte de tche. Des informations de diagnostic se trouv

ent dans le rpertoire de fichiers temporaires sous forme de fichiers MSBuild_*.fa

ilure.txt. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4221: Could not run the ""{0}"" task because MSBuild could not create or co
nnect to a task host with runtime ""{1}"" and architecture ""{2}"". Please ensu
re that (1) the requested runtime and/or architecture are available on the machi
ne, and (2) that the required executable ""{3}"" exists and can be run. Error {4
} {5}."",,""MSB4221: Impossible d excuter la tche ""{0}"" car MSBuild n a pas pu c
rer ou se connecter un hte de tche avec le runtime ""{1}"" et l architecture ""{2}"
". Veuillez vrifier que (1) le runtime et/ou l architecture requise sont disponib
les sur la machine, et (2) que le fichier excutable ""{3}"" ncessaire existe et pe
ut tre excut. Erreur {4} {5}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A task requested launch of the .NET 3.5 version of the MSBuild task host, but .
NET 3.5 is not installed on this machine so the task host could not be launched.
To fix this error, please either install .NET 3.5 or retarget your project.",,
"Une tche a demand le lancement de la version .NET 3.5 de l hte de tche MSBuild, mai
s .NET 3.5 n est pas install sur cette machine et l hte de tche n a donc pas pu tre
lanc. Pour rsoudre cette erreur, veuillez installer .NET 3.5 ou recibler votre pro
jet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4061: The ""{0}"" task could not be instantiated from ""{1}"". {2}"",,""MSB
4061: Impossible d instancier la tche ""{0}"" partir de ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4127: The ""{0}"" task could not be instantiated from the assembly ""{1}"".
Please verify the task assembly has been built using the same version of the Mi
crosoft.Build.Framework assembly as the one installed on your computer and that
your host application is not missing a binding redirect for Microsoft.Build.Fram
ework. {2}"",,""MSB4127: Impossible d instancier la tche ""{0}"" partir de l asse
mbly ""{1}"". Assurez-vous que l assembly de tche a t gnr l aide de la mme version d
assembly Microsoft.Build.Framework que celle installe sur votre ordinateur et qu
il ne manque pas une redirection de liaison dans votre application hte pour Micr
osoft.Build.Framework. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4062: The ""{0}"" task could not be loaded from the assembly {1}. {2} Confi
rm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, that the assembly and all its de
pendencies are available, and that the task contains a public class that impleme
nts Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask."",,""MSB4062: Impossible de charger la tche
""{0}"" partir de l assembly {1}. {2} Assurez-vous que la dclaration <UsingTask>
est correcte, que l assembly et toutes ses dpendances sont disponibles et que la
tche contient une classe publique qui implmente Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITask.""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4215: The ""{0}"" task could not be loaded. ""{1}"" is an invalid value for
the task host parameter ""{2}"". Valid values are: ""{3}"", ""{4}"", ""{5}"",
and ""{6}""; not specifying a value is also valid."",,""MSB4215: Impossible de c
harger la tche ""{0}"". ""{1}"" est une valeur incorrecte pour le paramtre ""{2}""
de l hte de tche. Les valeurs valides sont : ""{3}"", ""{4}"", ""{5}"" et ""{6}""
; une valeur non spcifie est galement valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} (TaskId:{1})",,"{0} (IDTche:{1})",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""Task ""{0}"" will be run in a single-threaded apartment thread."",,""La tche ""
{0}"" sera excute dans un thread cloisonn."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Task Parameter:",,"Paramtre de tche :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""MSB4063: The ""{0}"" task could not be initialized with its input parameters.
{1}"",,""MSB4063: Impossible d initialiser la tche ""{0}"" avec ses paramtres d en
tre. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Task Performance Summary:",,"Rsum de performance des tches:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Task ""{0}"" skipped, due to false condition; ({1}) was evaluated as ({2})."",
,""Tche ""{0}"" ignore en raison d une fausse condition; ({1}) a t value comme ({2})."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Task ""{0}"""",,""Tche ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSB4195: There was an error gathering properties for tasks file evaluation. {0}
",,"MSB4195: Une erreur s est produite lors de la collecte des proprits pour l valu
ation du fichier de tches. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Time Elapsed {0}",,"Temps coul {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""Building with tools version ""{0}""."",,""Gnration l aide des outils version ""{
0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project file contains ToolsVersion=""{0}"". This toolset may be unknown or mis
sing, in which case you may be able to resolve this by installing the appropriat
e version of MSBuild, or the build may have been forced to a particular ToolsVer
sion for policy reasons. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion=""4.0"".
For more information, please see
"",,""Le fichier projet contient ToolsVersion=""{0}"". Cet ensemble d outils est
peut-tre inconnu ou manquant. Dans ce cas, vous pouvez rsoudre le problme en insta
llant la version approprie de MSBuild. Sinon, il est possible que la build ait t fo
rce vers un ToolsVersion spcifique pour des raisons lies une stratgie. Projet trait c
omme si ToolsVersion=""4.0"". Pour plus d informations, consultez http://go.micr"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MSB4201: The cancel operation was unable to complete because the currently exec
uting task is not responding.",,"MSB4201: Impossible d effectuer l opration d ann
ulation car la tche en cours d excution ne rpond pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4220: Waiting for the currently executing task ""{0}"" to cancel."",,""MSB4
220: En attente d annulation de la tche ""{0}"" actuellement en cours d excution."
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4223: A node of the required type {0} could not be created.",,"MSB4223: Impo
ssible de crer un nud du type requis {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB4091: Found a call to an undefined function ""{1}"" in condition ""{0}"".""
,,""MSB4091: Un appel une fonction ""{1}"" non dfinie a t trouv dans la condition ""
{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4090: Found an unexpected character {2} at position {1} in condition ""{0
}""."",,""MSB4090: Un caractre inattendu {2} a t trouv la position {1} dans la con
dition ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4064: The ""{0}"" parameter is not supported by the ""{1}"" task. Verify th
e parameter exists on the task, and it is a settable public instance property.""
,,""MSB4064: Le paramtre ""{0}"" n est pas pris en charge par la tche ""{1}"". Vrif
iez que le paramtre existe sur la tche et qu il reprsente une proprit d instance publ
ique dfinissable."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4131: The ""{0}"" parameter is not supported by the ""{1}"" task. Verify th
e parameter exists on the task, and it is a gettable public instance property.""
,,""MSB4131: Le paramtre ""{0}"" n est pas pris en charge par la tche ""{1}"". Vrif
iez que le paramtre existe sur la tche et qu il reprsente une proprit d instance publ
ique pouvant tre obtenue."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4092: An unexpected token ""{1}"" was found at character position {2} in co
ndition ""{0}""."",,""MSB4092: Un jeton inattendu ""{1}"" a t trouv la position de
caractre {2} dans la condition ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB4200: Unknown item transformation function ""{0}""."",,""MSB4200: Fonction
de transformation d lment inconnue ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB4065: The ""{0}"" parameter is not marked for output by the ""{1}"" task.""
,,""MSB4065: Le paramtre ""{0}"" n est pas marqu pour la sortie par la tche ""{1}""
."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4066: The attribute ""{0}"" in element <{1}> is unrecognized."",,""MSB4066:
L attribut ""{0}"" de l lment <{1}> n est pas reconnu."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4067: The element <{0}> beneath element <{1}> is unrecognized.",,""MSB4067:

L lment ""{0}"" situ sous l lment <{1}> n est pas reconnu."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr

amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4068: The element <{0}> is unrecognized, or not supported in this context.",
,"MSB4068: L lment <{0}> n est pas reconnu ou n est pas pris en charge dans ce con
texte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4189: <{1}> is not a valid child of the <{0}> element.",,"MSB4189: <{1}> n e
st pas un enfant valide de l lment <{0}>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB4069: The ""{0}"" type of the ""{1}"" parameter of the ""{2}"" task is not
supported by MSBuild."",,""MSB4069: Le type ""{0}"" du paramtre ""{1}"" de la tche
""{2}"" n est pas pris en charge par MSBuild."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4211: The property ""{0}"" is being set to a value for the first time, but
it was already consumed at ""{1}""."",,""MSB4211: la proprit ""{0}"" est dfinie une
valeur pour la premire fois, mais elle a dj t consomme ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4072: A <{0}> element must contain either the ""{1}"" attribute or the ""{2
}"" attribute (but not both)."",,""MSB4072: Un lment <{0}> doit contenir l attribu
t ""{1}"" ou ""{2}"" (mais pas les deux)."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"The operation cannot be completed because EndBuild has already been called but
existing submissions have not yet completed.",,"Impossible d effectuer l opration
car la mthode EndBuild a dj t appele, mais les soumissions existantes ne sont pas enc
ore termines.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} Warning(s)",,"{0} Avertissement(s)",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MSB4084: A <When> element may not follow an <Otherwise> element in a <Choose>."
,,"MSB4084: Un lment <When> ne peut pas suivre un lment <Otherwise> dans un lment <Cho
ose>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The log file path cannot be null or empty.",,"Le chemin d accs du fichier journa
l ne peut pas tre null ou vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4188: Build was canceled.",,"MSB4188: La gnration a t annule.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5022: The MSBuild task host does not support running tasks that perform IBu
ildEngine callbacks. If you wish to perform these operations, please run your ta
sk in the core MSBuild process instead. A task will automatically execute in th
e task host if the UsingTask has been attributed with a ""Runtime"" or ""Archite
cture"" value, or the task invocation has been attributed with an ""MSBuildRunti
me"" or ""MSBuildArchitecture"" value, that does not match the current runtime o
r architecture of MSBuild."",,""MSB5022: L hte de tche MSBuild ne prend pas en cha
rge les tches en cours d excution qui effectuent des rappels IBuildEngine. Si vous
souhaitez effectuer ces oprations, excutez plutt votre tche dans le processus MSBui
ld de base. Une tche s excutera automatiquement dans l hte de tche si le UsingTask a
t attribu avec une valeur ""Runtime"" ou ""Architecture"", ou si l invocation de l
a tche a t attribue avec une valeur ""MSBuildRuntime"" ou ""MSBuildArchitecture"", q
ui ne correspond pas au runtime ou l architecture actuelle de MSBuild."",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4008: A conflicting assembly for the task assembly ""{0}"" has been found a
t ""{1}""."",,""MSB4008: Un assembly en conflit pour l assembly de tche ""{0}"" a
t dtect dans ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find directory path: {0}",,"Chemin d accs au rpertoire introuvable: {0}"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Event type ""{0}"" was expected to be serializable using the .NET serializer.
The event was not serializable and has been ignored."",,""Le type d vnement ""{0}"
" devait tre srialisable l aide du srialiseur de .NET. L vnement n tait pas srialisa
et a t ignor."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unsupported .NET Framework version ""{0}""."",,""Version.NET Framework non pris
e en charge ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4025: The project file could not be loaded. {0}",,"MSB4025: Impossible de ch
arger le fichier projet. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""MSB4103: ""{0}"" is not a valid logger verbosity level."",,""MSB4103: ""{0}""

n est pas un niveau de commentaires de journal valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSBuild is expecting a valid ""{0}"" object."",,""MSBuild attend un objet ""{0
}"" valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Making the following modifications to the environment received from the parent
node before applying it to the task host:",,"Modifications suivantes en cours su
r l environnement reu du nud parent avant son application l hte de tche :",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" Setting {0} to {1} rather than the parent environment s value, {2} .",,"
Dfinition de {0} sur {1} plutt que sur la valeur de l environnement parent,
{2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5016: The name ""{0}"" contains an invalid character ""{1}""."",,""MSB5016:
Le nom ""{0}"" contient un caractre non valide ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This collection is read-only.",,"Cette collection est en lecture seule.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" is a reserved item metadata, and cannot be modified or deleted."",,"""
"{0}"" est une mtadonne d lment rserve qui ne peut tre ni modifie ni supprime."",,"T
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The string ""{0}"" cannot be converted to a boolean (true/false) value."",,""I
mpossible de convertir la chane ""{0}"" en valeur boolenne (true/false)."",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB5003: Failed to create a temporary file. Temporary files folder is full or i
ts path is incorrect. {0}",,"MSB5003: Impossible de crer un fichier temporaire. L
e dossier de fichiers temporaires est plein ou son chemin d accs est incorrect. {
0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5018: Failed to delete the temporary file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB5018: Imposs
ible de supprimer le fichier temporaire ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The item metadata ""%({0})"" cannot be applied to the path ""{1}"". {2}"",,""I
mpossible d appliquer la mtadonne d lment ""%({0})"" au chemin d accs ""{1}"". {2}"",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5019: The project file is malformed: ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB5019: Le fichier
projet est incorrect: ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSB5002: The task executable has not completed within the specified limit of {0
} milliseconds, terminating.",,"MSB5002: La tche excutable n a pas t termine dans le
dlai spcifi de {0} millisecondes, arrt.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""MSB5021: ""{0}"" and its child processes are being terminated in order to canc
el the build."",,""MSB5021: ""{0}"" et son processus enfant sont en cours d arrt
afin d annuler la gnration."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Parameter ""{0}"" cannot be null."",,""Le paramtre ""{0}"" ne peut pas tre null.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Parameter ""{0}"" cannot have zero length."",,""La longueur du paramtre ""{0}""
ne peut pas tre gale zro."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Parameters ""{0}"" and ""{1}"" must have the same number of elements."",,""Les
paramtres ""{0}"" et ""{1}"" doivent avoir le mme nombre d lments."",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5020: Could not load the project file: ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB5020: Impossibl
e de charger le fichier projet: ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""The resource string ""{0}"" for the ""{1}"" task cannot be found. Confirm that
the resource name ""{0}"" is correctly spelled, and the resource exists in the
task s assembly."",,""La chane de ressource ""{0}"" pour la tche ""{1}"" est intro
uvable. Vrifiez que le nom de ressource ""{0}"" est bien orthographi et que la res
source existe dans l assembly de la tche."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" task has not registered its resources. In order to use the ""TaskL

oggingHelper.FormatResourceString()"" method this task needs to register its res

ources either during construction, or via the ""TaskResources"" property."",,""L
a tche ""{0}"" n a pas inscrit ses ressources. Pour pouvoir utiliser la mthode ""T
askLoggingHelper.FormatResourceString()"", cette tche doit inscrire ses ressource
s durant la construction ou par le biais de la proprit ""TaskResources""."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5004: The solution file has two projects named ""{0}""."",,""MSB5004: Le fi
chier solution contient deux projets nomms ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5005: Error parsing project section for project ""{0}"". The project file n
ame ""{1}"" contains invalid characters."",,""MSB5005: Erreur lors de l analyse
de la section du projet ""{0}"". Le nom du fichier projet ""{1}"" contient des c
aractres non valides."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5006: Error parsing project section for project ""{0}"". The project file n
ame is empty."",,""MSB5006: Erreur lors de l analyse de la section du projet ""{
0}"". Le nom du fichier projet est vide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""MSB5007: Error parsing the project configuration section in solution file. The
entry ""{0}"" is invalid."",,""MSB5007: Erreur lors de l analyse de la section
de configuration de projet dans le fichier solution. L entre ""{0}"" n est pas va
lide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5008: Error parsing the solution configuration section in solution file. Th
e entry ""{0}"" is invalid."",,""MSB5008: Erreur lors de l analyse de la section
de configuration de solution dans le fichier solution. L entre ""{0}"" n est pas
valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB5009: Error parsing the nested project section in solution file.",,"MSB5009:
Erreur lors de l analyse de la section du projet imbriqu dans le fichier solutio
n.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5023: Error parsing the nested project section in solution file. A project
with the GUID ""{0}"" is listed as being nested under project ""{1}"", but does
not exist in the solution."",,""MSB5023: Erreur lors de l analyse de la section
du projet imbriqu dans le fichier solution. Un projet avec le GUID ""{0}"" est rpe
rtori comme tant imbriqu sous le projet ""{1}"", mais n existe pas dans la solution
."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB5010: No file format header found.",,"MSB5010: Aucun en-tte de format de fich
ier trouv.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5011: Parent project GUID not found in ""{0}"" project dependency section."
",,""MSB5011: GUID du projet parent introuvable dans la section de dpendance du p
rojet ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5012: Unexpected end-of-file reached inside ""{0}"" project section."",,""M
SB5012: Fin du fichier inattendue atteinte l intrieur de la section de projet ""{
0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB5013: Error parsing a project section.",,"MSB5013: Erreur lors de l analyse
d une section de projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB5014: File format version is not recognized. MSBuild can only read solution
files between versions {0}.0 and {1}.0, inclusive.",,"MSB5014: La version du fo
rmat du fichier n est pas reconnue. MSBuild ne peut lire que les fichiers soluti
on dont le format est compris entre les versions {0}.0 et {1}.0 (inclus).",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5015: The properties could not be read from the WebsiteProperties section o
f the ""{0}"" project."",,""MSB5015: Impossible de lire les proprits dans la secti
on WebsiteProperties du projet ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Schema validation",,"Validation de schma",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Solution file",,"Fichier solution",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""MSB4077: The ""{0}"" task has been marked with the attribute LoadInSeparateApp
Domain, but does not derive from MarshalByRefObject. Check that the task derives
from MarshalByRefObject or AppDomainIsolatedTask."",,""MSB4077: La tche ""{0}""

a t marque avec l attribut LoadInSeparateAppDomain, mais ne drive pas de MarshalByRe

fObject. Vrifiez que la tche drive de l attribut MarshalByRefObject ou AppDomainIso
latedTask."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"You do not have access to: {0}",,"Vous n avez pas accs : {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unrecognized solution version ""{0}"", attempting to continue."",,""Version de
solution non reconnue ""{0}"", tentative de poursuite."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4132: The tools version ""{0}"" is unrecognized. Available tools versions a
re {1}."",,""MSB4132: La version des outils ""{0}"" n est pas reconnue. Les vers
ions disponibles sont {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4081: The value ""{0}"" of the ""ItemName"" attribute in element <Output> c
ontains an ""@"" character. If you intended to use an item name then remove the
@( ) around the item name."",,""MSB4081: La valeur ""{0}"" de l attribut ""ItemN
ame"" dans l lment <Output> contient un caractre ""@"". Si vous souhaitiez utiliser
un nom d lment, supprimez l arobase et les parenthses @( ) autour du nom de l lment.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4153: A call is made on an inactive IBuildEngine interface corresponding to
a task that already finished execution.",,"MSB4153: Un appel est effectu sur une
interface IBuildEngine inactive correspondant une tche dont l excution est termine.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""REQUESTBATCHSIZE"" must be a number greater than 1. ""{0}"" is an invali
d value. The value 10 will be used instead."",,""""REQUESTBATCHSIZE"" doit tre un
nombre suprieur 1. ""{0}"" est une valeur non valide. La valeur10 sera utilise la pl
ace."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Build completed in {0}.",,"Gnration termine en {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Properties in persisted property groups cannot be accessed by name.",,"L accs au
x proprits de groupes de proprits persistantes ne peut se faire par nom.",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot execute a task not associated with a project object.",,"Impossible d excu
ter une tche qui n est pas associe un objet du projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The cache entry has already been set to a different value and cannot be modifie
d.",,"Une autre valeur a dj t affecte l entre de cache et elle ne peut pas tre modif
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" property comes from an environment variable, and cannot be modifie
d."",,""La proprit ""{0}"" provient d une variable d environnement et ne peut pas t
re modifie."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The ""{0}"" property is a global property, and cannot be modified through an e
valuated property group. Use ""{1}"" instead."",,""La proprit ""{0}"" est une prop
rit globale et ne peut pas tre modifie par le biais d un groupe de proprits values. U
isation de ""{1}"" la place."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Modifying the XML of an imported project file is not allowed. Open that project
file directly.",,"La modification XML d un fichier projet import n est pas autor
ise. Ouvrez le fichier projet directement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"The task is currently associated with a project object, and should not be added
to a different one.",,"La tche est actuellement associe un objet du projet et ne
doit pas tre ajoute un autre objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"The task is not associated with the specified target element collection, and sh
ould not be removed from it.",,"La tche n est pas associe la collection d lments cib
le spcifie et ne doit pas en tre supprime.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MSB4005: The current working directory could not be restored to {0}. {1}",,"MSB
4005: Le rpertoire de travail actif ne peut pas tre restaur {0}. {1}",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set a condition on an object not represented by an XML element in the pr
oject file.",,"Impossible de dfinir une condition sur un objet qui n est pas reprs

ent par un lment XML dans le fichier projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"Cannot set ContinueOnError on an object not represented by an XML element in th
e project file.",,"Impossible de dfinir ContinueOnError sur un objet qui n est pa
s reprsent par un lment XML dans le fichier projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4134: DefaultToolsVersion cannot be set after a project has been loaded into
the Engine.",,"MSB4134: Impossible de dfinir DefaultToolsVersion une fois qu un
projet a t charg dans le moteur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Assigning the ""{0}"" attribute on an item that has been evaluated is not allo
wed. This operation is only allowed on the original persisted item that came dir
ectly from the project file."",,""L assignation de l attribut ""{0}"" un lment qui
n a pas t valu n est pas autorise. Cette opration n est autorise que sur l lment pe
ant d origine directement issu du fichier projet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Assigning the ""{0}"" attribute of a virtual item is not allowed."",,""L assig
nation de l attribut ""{0}"" d un lment virtuel n est pas autorise."",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A property cannot be set while building.",,"Impossible de dfinir une proprit lors
de la gnration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A property cannot be set to null.",,""Une proprit ne peut pas avoir la valeur ""n
ull""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cannot get or set parameters on a task not associated with a project object.",,
"Impossible d obtenir ou de dfinir les paramtres sur une tche qui n est pas associe
un objet du projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4166: Child node ""{0}"" exited prematurely. Shutting down."",,""MSB4166: F
in prmature du nud enfant ""{0}"". Arrt."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""MSB4007: The clause ""{0}"", specified in the ""{1}"" attribute is invalid."",
,""MSB4007: La clause ""{0}"", spcifie dans l attribut ""{1}"", n est pas valide."
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0}, line {1}",,"{0}, ligne {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4140: Default tools version is specified in neither the registry nor the con
figuration file.",,"MSB4140: La version des outils par dfaut n est spcifie ni dans
le Registre, ni dans le fichier de configuration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Some messages did not display because they were not associated with any Project
Started events. Use diagnostic verbosity to view these messages.",,"Certains mes
sages ne se sont pas affichs, car ils n taient pas associs des vnements ProjectStarte
d. Utilisez les commentaires de diagnostic pour afficher ces messages.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4080: The value ""{0}"" of the ""PropertyName"" attribute in element <Outpu
t> contains a ""$"" character. If you intended to use a property name then remov
e the $( ) around the property name."",,""MSB4080: La valeur ""{0}"" de l attrib
ut ""PropertyName"" dans l lment <Output> contient un caractre ""$"". Si vous souha
itez utiliser un nom de proprit, supprimez le signe et les parenthses $( ) autour d
u nom de proprit."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4154: A forwarding logger is attempting to forward BuildFinished event",,"MS
B4154: Un journal de transfert tente de transfrer l vnement BuildFinished",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4156: A forwarding logger is attempting to forward BuildStarted event",,"MSB
4156: Un journal de transfert tente de transfrer l vnement BuildStarted",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4011: There is a circular reference involving the import of file ""{0}"". T
his file may have been imported more than once, or you may have attempted to imp
ort the main project file. All except the first instance of this file will be ig
nored."",,""MSB4011: Il existe une rfrence circulaire qui implique l importation d
u fichier ""{0}"". Ce dernier peut avoir t import plusieurs fois, ou vous avez tent
d importer le fichier projet principal. Tout sauf la premire instance de ce fichi
er sera ignor."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Need to specify the project file name.",,"Vous devez spcifier le nom du fichier
projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Event type ""{0}"" was expected to be serializable. The event was not serializ
able and has been ignored."",,""Le type d vnement ""{0}"" devait tre srialisable. L vn
ement n tait pas srialisable et a t ignor."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB4165: Failed to receive a response from the child node ""{0}"" in the timeo
ut period ""{1}"" ms. Shutting down."",,""MSB4165: chec de rception d une rponse du
nud enfant ""{0}"" dans le dlai de ""{1}"" ms. Arrt."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4014: The build was aborted because of an internal failure.",,"MSB4014: La gnr
ation a t abandonne suite une erreur interne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB4015: The build was aborted because the ""{0}"" logger failed unexpectedly
during shutdown."",,""MSB4015: La gnration a t abandonne car le journal ""{0}"" a chou
de manire inattendue lors de l arrt."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""MSB4152: An error occurred on the child node ""{0}"" and could not be passed t
o the parent node. {1}"",,""MSB4152: Une erreur s est produite sur le nud enfant
""{0}"" et n a pas pu tre passe au nud parent. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4016: The build was aborted because the ""{0}"" logger failed unexpectedly
during initialization."",,""MSB4016: La gnration a t abandonne car le journal ""{0}""
a chou de manire inattendue lors de l initialisation."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4017: The build was aborted because of an unexpected logger failure.",,"MSB4
017: La gnration a t abandonne suite une erreur inattendue du journal.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4110: Expected a property at position {1} in condition ""{0}"". Did you for
get the opening parenthesis after the $ ? To use a literal $ , use %24 inste
ad."",,""MSB4110: Proprit attendue la position {1} dans la condition ""{0}"". Avez
-vous oubli la parenthse ouvrante aprs $ ? Pour utiliser un $ littral, utilisez
plutt %24 ."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4139: Invalid value for default ToolsVersion is specified in registry key "
"{0}""."",,""MSB4139: Une valeur non valide pour le ToolsVersion par dfaut est spc
ifie dans la cl de Registre ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""""{0}"" is not a valid event category. To raise a custom event, use the ""{1}"
" category."",,""""{0}"" n est pas une catgorie d vnements valide. Pour dclencher un
vnement personnalis, utilisez la catgorie ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" is not a valid importance level for events."",,""""{0}"" n est pas un
niveau d importance valide pour les vnements."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4185: The function ""{0}"" on type ""{1}"" has not been enabled for executi
on."",,""MSB4185: La fonction ""{0}"" sur le type ""{1}"" n a pas t active pour l e
xcution."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4186: Invalid static method invocation syntax: ""{0}"". Static method invoc
ation should be of the form: $([FullTypeName]::Method()), e.g. $([System.IO.Path
]::Combine(a, b))"",,""MSB4186: syntaxe d appel de mthode statique non valide:
""{0}"". L appel de mthode statique doit avoir le format: $([FullTypeName]::Metho
d()), par exemple $([System.IO.Path]::Combine(a, b))"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4024: The imported project file could not be loaded. {0}",,"MSB4024: Impossi
ble de charger le fichier projet import. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation invalid for a persisted item group.",,"Opration non valide pour un gro
upe d lments persistants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Operation invalid for a virtual item group.",,"Opration non valide pour un group
e d lments virtuels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""MSB4071: The value Importance=""{0}"" in the <Message> element is invalid. Val

id values are: High, Normal and Low."",,""MSB4071: La valeur Importance=""{0}""
de l lment <Message> n est pas valide. Les valeurs valides sont: High, Normal et Lo
w."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" is an invalid ""ProjectFileEncoding"" value."",,""""{0}"" n est pas un
e valeur ""ProjectFileEncoding"" valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""MSB4143: The expression ""{0}"" cannot be evaluated. {1}"",,""MSB4143: Impossi
ble d valuer l expression ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB4070: The schema ""{0}"" is not valid. {1}"",,""MSB4070: Le schma ""{0}"" n
est pas valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified item does not belong to the current item group.",,"L lment spcifi n a
ppartient pas au groupe d lments actuels.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MSB1021: Cannot create an instance of the logger - {0}.",,"MSB1021: Impossible
de crer une instance du journal-{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""MSB1020: The logger {0} was not found. Check the following: 1.) The logger nam
e specified is the same as the name of the logger class. 2.) The logger class is
""public"" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger interface. 3.)
The path to the logger assembly is correct, or the logger can be loaded using on
ly the assembly name provided."",,""MSB1020: Le journal {0} est introuvable. Vrif
iez les points suivants: 1.) Le nom du journal est le mme que celui de la classe d
e journalisation. 2.) La classe de journalisation est ""public"" et implmente l i
nterface Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger. 3.) Le chemin d accs l assembly de jo
urnalisation est correct ou le journal peut uniquement tre charg avec le nom d ass
embly fourni."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4031: The ""MSBuildVersion"" attribute is deprecated. If the project is aut
hored in the MSBuild 2003 format, please remove the attribute from the <Project>
tag. If the project has been authored in the old 1.0 or 1.2 format, please conv
ert it to MSBuild 2003 format."",,""MSB4031: L attribut ""MSBuildVersion"" est dc
onseill. Si le projet a t cr au format MSBuild 2003, supprimez l attribut dans la bal
ise <Project>. S il a t cr dans des formats anciens comme 1.0 ou 1.2, convertissez-l
e au format MSBuild 2003."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4083: Expected a Condition attribute on element ""{0}""."",,""MSB4083: Attr
ibut Condition attendu sur l lment ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB4035: The required attribute ""{0}"" is missing from element <{1}>."",,""MS
B4035: L attribut requis ""{0}"" est absent de l lment <{1}>."",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This method is only valid for persisted <{0}> elements.",,"Cette mthode n est va
lide que pour les lments <{0}> persistants.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"This method is only valid for virtual property groups, not <{0}> elements.",,"C
ette mthode n est valide que pour les groupes de proprits virtuelles, pas pour les lm
ents <{0}>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4155: There was an error while communicating with a node.",,"MSB4155: Erreur
lors de la communication avec un nud.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Removing the ""{0}"" attribute of an item is not allowed."",,""La suppression
de l attribut ""{0}"" d un lment n est pas autorise."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The object passed in is not part of the project.",,"L objet pass ne fait pas par
tie du projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4167: The parent process unexpectedly exited. Shutting down child node ""{0
}""."",,""MSB4167: Fin prmature du processus parent. Arrt du nud enfant ""{0}""."",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This project object has been unloaded from the MSBuild engine and is no longer
valid.",,"Cet objet de projet a t dcharg du moteur MSBuild et n est plus valide.",,"

Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSB4042: Stopping because of syntax errors in project file.",,"MSB4042: Arrt en
raison d erreurs de syntaxe dans le fichier projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4075: The project file must be opened in the Visual Studio IDE and converted
to the latest version before it can be built by MSBuild.",,"MSB4075: Le fichier
projet doit tre ouvert dans l IDE de Visual Studio et converti vers la dernire ve
rsion avant de pouvoir tre gnr par MSBuild.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"The specified property does not belong to the current property group.",,"La pro
prit spcifie n appartient pas au groupe de proprits actuelles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The property names in the indexer and the ""{0}"" object do not match."",,""Le
s noms de proprits dans l indexeur et l objet ""{0}"" ne correspondent pas."",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4161: Project ""{0}"" was loaded and unloaded during the current build. Rel
oading a project during the build can result in errors or an inconsistent build
state. Either avoid unloading project ""{0}"" or cache the evaluation results of
target(s) ""{1}"" before unloading the project."",,""MSB4161: Le projet ""{0}""
a t charg et dcharg durant la gnration actuelle. Le rechargement d un projet durant l
gnration peut provoquer des erreurs ou un tat de gnration incohrent. vitez de dcharg
le projet ""{0}"" ou mettez en cache les rsultats d valuation des cibles ""{1}"" a
vant de dcharger le projet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4151: An error occurred while building project ""{0}"", target ""{1}"". Ple
ase see innerException for detailed information."",,""MSB4151: Erreur lors de la
gnration du projet ""{0}"", cible ""{1}"". Pour obtenir des informations plus dtai
lles, consultez innerException."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Please see inner exception for error information.",,"Consultez l exception inte
rne pour obtenir des informations sur l erreur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4056: The MSBuild engine must be called on a single-threaded-apartment. Cur
rent threading model is ""{0}"". Proceeding, but some tasks may not function cor
rectly."",,""MSB4056: Le moteur MSBuild doit tre appel sur un thread cloisonn (STA,
Single-Threaded Apartment). Le modle de thread actuel est ""{0}"". Excution en co
urs, mais certaines tches risqueront de ne pas fonctionner correctement."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Validating project using schema file ""{0}""."",,""Validation du projet l aide
du fichier de schma ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4045: Project is not valid. {0}",,"MSB4045: Le projet n est pas valide. {0}"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A shallow clone of this object cannot be created.",,"Impossible de crer un clone
superficiel de cet objet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Using solution cache file ""{0}"" for configuration ""{1}"" and tools version
""{2}""."",,""Utilisation du fichier solution cache ""{0}"" pour la configuratio
n ""{1}"" et les outils version ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""Solution cache file was created for a ""{0}"" value of ""{1}"" but the current
value is ""{2}"". Refreshing cache file."",,""Le fichier solution cache a t cr pour
""{0}"" avec la valeur ""{1}"" mais la valeur actuelle est ""{2}"". Actualisati
on du fichier cache."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Solution cache file has an internal version number ""{0}"" but the current val
ue is ""{1}"". Refreshing cache file."",,""Le fichier cache de la solution a un
numro de version interne ""{0}"" mais la valeur actuelle est ""{1}"". Actualisati
on du fichier cache."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Solution cache file is out of date. Refreshing cache file. {0}",,"Le fichier so
lution cache est obsolte. Actualisation du fichier cache. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Failed to read solution cache file ""{0}"". {1} Using solution file directly."
",,""Impossible de lire le fichier cache solution ""{0}"". {1} Utilisation du fi
chier solution directement."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Failed to write solution cache file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""Impossible d crire dans l

e fichier cache solution ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB4076: VC projects do not support the ""Publish"" target."",,""MSB4076: Les
projets VC ne prennent pas en charge la cible ""Publish""."",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4098: MSBuild is invoking VCBuild to build this project. Project-to-project
references between VC++ projects (.VCPROJ) and C#/VB/VJ# projects (.CSPROJ, .VBP
ROJ, .VJSPROJ) are not supported by the command-line build systems when building
stand-alone VC++ projects. Projects that contain such project-to-project refere
nces will fail to build. Please build the solution file containing this project
instead.",,"MSB4098: MSBuild demande VCBuild de gnrer ce projet. Les rfrences entre
des projets VC++ (.VCPROJ) et des projets C#/VB/VJ# (.CSPROJ, .VBPROJ, .VJSPROJ)
ne sont pas prises en charge par les systmes de gnration partir de la ligne de com
mande lors de la gnration de projets VC++ autonomes. Les projets qui contiennent d
e telles rfrences entre projets ne pourront pas tre gnrs. Gnrez le fichier solution q
contient ce projet la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4168: The item ""{0}"" of type ""{1}"" does not define a value for the meta
data in the expression ""{2}"". This expression is used in the target output for
target ""{3}"". If a target declares outputs that are transforms, all items in
the transform must have a value for the metadata in the transform."",,""MSB4168:
L lment ""{0}"" de type ""{1}"" ne dfinit aucune valeur pour les mtadonnes de l expr
ession ""{2}"". Cette expression est utilise dans la sortie de la cible ""{3}"".
Si une cible dclare des sorties qui sont des transformations, tous les lments conte
nus dans la transformation doivent dfinir une valeur pour les mtadonnes de la trans
formation."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Target ""{0}"" in project ""{1}"""",,""Cible ""{0}"" dans le projet ""{1}"""",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4061: The ""{0}"" task could not be instantiated from the assembly ""{1}"".
{2}"",,""MSB4061: Impossible d instancier la tche ""{0}"" partir de l assembly "
"{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4062: The ""{0}"" task could not be loaded from the assembly {1}. {2} Confi
rm that the <UsingTask> declaration is correct, and that the assembly and all it
s dependencies are available."",,""MSB4062: Impossible de charger la tche ""{0}""
partir de l assembly {1}. {2} Assurez-vous que la dclaration <UsingTask> est cor
recte et que l assembly et toutes ses dpendances sont disponibles."",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} (TaskId:{1})",,"{0} (TaskId:{1})",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Project file contains ToolsVersion=""{0}"". This toolset is unknown or missing
. You may be able to resolve this by installing the appropriate .NET Framework f
or this toolset. Treating the project as if it had ToolsVersion=""4.0""."",,""Le
fichier projet contient ToolsVersion=""{0}"". Cet ensemble d outils est inconnu
ou manquant. Vous pouvez rsoudre cela en installant le .NET Framework appropri po
ur cet ensemble d outils. Projet trait comme si ToolsVersion=""4.0""."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB4132: The tools version ""{0}"" is unrecognized."",,""MSB4132: La version d
es outils ""{0}"" n est pas reconnue."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Target Name: ""{0}"" Project Name: ""{1}"""",,""Nom de la cible: ""{0}""-Nom du p
rojet: ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Cycle trace:",,"Suivi du cycle:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4157: The array of project files needs to contain at least one value. ",,"MS
B4157: Le tableau de fichiers projet doit contenir au moins une valeur. ",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB4158: The project file name at element {0} is empty.",,"MSB4158: Le nom du f
ichier projet l lment {0} est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"File extension cannot be null or empty",,"L extension de fichier ne peut pas tre
null ou vide",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""""{0}"" is a reserved item meta-data, and cannot be modified or deleted."",,""

""{0}"" est une mtadonne d lment rserve; elle ne peut tre ni supprime, ni modifie."
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB5017: Cannot create directory ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB5017: Impossible de crer
le rpertoire ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Command:",,"Commande:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The item meta-data ""%({0})"" cannot be applied to the path ""{1}"". {2}"",,""
Impossible d appliquer la mtadonne d lment ""%({0})"" au chemin d accs ""{1}"". {2}""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Parameter ""{0}"" cannot contain null values."",,""Le paramtre ""{0}"" ne peut
pas contenir de valeurs null."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Out of process servers are not supported",,"Les serveurs hors processus ne sont
pas pris en charge",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry key {0} is missing value {1} .",,"Valeur {1} manquante pour la cl
de Registre {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No registered classes were detected for this component.",,"Aucune classe inscri
te n a t dtecte pour ce composant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Components under system file protection should not be isolated.",,"Les composan
ts sous protection de fichiers systme ne doivent pas tre isols.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry key {0} was not imported.",,"La cl de Registre {0} n a pas t importe."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not load type library.",,"Impossible de charger la bibliothque de types.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Registry value {0} was not imported.",,"La valeur de Registre {0} n a pas t i
mporte.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only certificates using RSA encryption are valid for signing ClickOnce manifest
s.",,"Seuls les certificats qui utilisent le chiffrement RSA sont valides pour l
a signature des manifestes ClickOnce.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"The file to be signed {0} could not be found.",,"Le fichier signer {0} est intr
ouvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Failed to sign {0}. {1}",,"Impossible de signer {0}. {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"SignTool.exe not found.",,"SignTool.exe introuvable.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Warning while signing {0}. {1}",,"Avertissement lors de la signature de {0}. {1
}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Timestamp URL server name or address could not be resolved.",,"Impossible de rso
udre l adresse ou le nom de serveur de l URL d horodatage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
UAC Manifest Options\r\n
If you want to change the Wind
ows User Account Control level replace the \r\n
node with one of the following.\r\n\r\n
<requestedExecutionLevel level=
""asInvoker"" uiAccess=""false"" />\r\n
<requestedExecutionLevel level="
"requireAdministrator"" uiAccess=""false"" />\r\n
l level=""highestAvailable"" uiAccess=""false"" />\r\n\r\n
If you want
to utilize File and Registry Virtualization for backward \r\n
ity then delete the requestedExecutionLevel node.\r\n
ions du manifeste de contrle de compte d utilisateur\r\n
Si vous souhait
ez modifier le niveau du contrle de compte d utilisateur Windows, remplacez le \r
nud requestedExecutionLevel par l une des propositions suivantes:\r\n\
<requestedExecutionLevel level=""asInvoker"" uiAccess=""false"" />\r
<requestedExecutionLevel level=""requireAdministrator"" uiAccess=""fa
lse"" />\r\n
<requestedExecutionLevel level=""highestAvailable"" uiAcces
s=""false"" />\r\n\r\n
Si vous souhaitez utiliser la virtualisation de f
ichiers et du Registre pour la \r\n
compatibilit descendante, supprimez l
e nud requestedExecutionLevel.\r\n
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"BindingRedirect is missing required field newVersion .",,"Le champ requis new

Version est manquant pour BindingRedirect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"

Blue 4.5.1"
"BindingRedirect is missing required field oldVersion .",,"Le champ oldVersion
obligatoire doit tre dfini pour BindingRedirect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Some attributes of the assemblyIdentity element are incorrect.",,"Certains attr
ibuts de l lment assemblyIdentity sont incorrects.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was a problem parsing the newVersion attribute. {0}",,"Un problme s est pr
oduit lors de l analyse de l attribut newVersion. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"There was a problem parsing the oldVersion attribute. {0}",,"Un problme s est pr
oduit lors de l analyse de l attribut oldVersion. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3461: The MetabasePath parameter cannot be combined with VirtualPath or Phys
icalPath.",,"MSB3461: Impossible de combiner le paramtre MetabasePath avec le par
amtre VirtualPath ou PhysicalPath.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MSB3462: Either MetabasePath or VirtualPath must be specified.",,"MSB3462: Le p
aramtre MetabasePath ou VirtualPath doit tre spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3464: The TargetPath parameter must be specified if the target directory nee
ds to be overwritten.",,"MSB3464: Le paramtre TargetPath doit tre spcifi si le rperto
ire cible est remplacer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3463: The TargetPath parameter must be specified if the application is updat
able.",,"MSB3463: Le paramtre TargetPath doit tre spcifi si l application peut tre mi
se jour.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3001: Cannot extract culture information from file name ""{0}"". {1}"",,""M
SB3001: Impossible d extraire les informations de culture partir du nom de fichi
er ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Culture of ""{0}"" was assigned to file ""{1}""."",,""La culture de ""{0}"" a t
assigne au fichier ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The platform mapping ""{0}"" in the platform mapping list ""{1}"" is malformed
. Please only pass in a semicolon-delimited list of constant string values sepa
rated by ""="", e.g., ""foo=bar;foo2=bar2""."",,""Le mappage de plateforme ""{0}
"" de la liste de mappage de plateforme ""{1}"" est incorrect. Passez uniquement
une liste de valeurs de chane constantes spares par un point-virgule, spares par ""=
"", par exemple, ""foo=bar;foo2=bar2""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
""Project reference ""{0}"" has been assigned the ""{1}"" configuration."",,""La
rfrence de projet ""{0}"" a t affecte la configuration ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project reference ""{0}"" has not been resolved."",,""La rfrence de projet ""{0}
"" n a pas t rsolue."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3656: No input file has been passed to the task, exiting.",,"MSB3656: Aucun
fichier d entre n a t pass la tche, abandon de l opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3646: Cannot specify values for both KeyFile and KeyContainer.",,"MSB3646: I
mpossible de spcifier les valeurs des paramtres KeyFile et KeyContainer.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3647: DelaySign parameter is true, but no KeyFile or KeyContainer was specif
ied.",,"MSB3647: Le paramtre DelaySign a la valeur true, mais aucun KeyFile ou Ke
yContainer n a t spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3649: The KeyFile path {0} is invalid. KeyFile must point to an existing f
ile.",,"MSB3649: Le chemin d accs KeyFile {0} n est pas valide. KeyFile doit po
inter vers un fichier existant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3650: Neither SDKToolsPath {0} nor ToolPath {1} is a valid directory. O
ne of these must be set.",,"MSB3650: Ni SDKToolsPath {0} , ni ToolPath {1} n
est un rpertoire valide. Un des deux doit tre dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSB3651: The key container {0} does not contain a public/private key pair.",,
"MSB3651: Le conteneur de cl {0} ne contient pas de paire de cls publique/prive."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3652: The key file {0} does not contain a public/private key pair.",,"MSB3
652: Le fichier de cl {0} ne contient pas de paire de cls publique/prive.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3654: Delay signing requires that at least a public key be specified. Pleas
e either supply a public key using the KeyFile or KeyContainer properties, or di
sable delay signing.",,"MSB3654: La signaturediffre ncessite qu au moins une cl publi
que soit spcifie. Indiquez une cl publique l aide des proprits KeyFile ou KeyContaine
r, ou dsactivez la signaturediffre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3653: AxTlbBaseTask is not an executable task. If deriving from it, please e
nsure the ToolName property was set.",,"MSB3653: AxTlbBaseTask n est pas une tche
excutable. Lors de la drivation partir de cette tche, assurez-vous que la proprit To
olName a t dfinie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3752: The ""{0}"" attribute has been set but is empty. If the ""{0}"" attri
bute is set it must not be empty."",,""MSB3752: l attribut ""{0}"" a t dfini mais i
l est vide. Si l attribut ""{0}"" est dfini, il ne doit pas tre vide."",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3751: The <Code> element is missing for the ""{0}"" task. This element is r
equired."",,""MSB3751: l lment <Code> est manquant pour la tche ""{0}"". Cet lment es
t requis."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3758: An error has occurred during compilation. {0}",,"MSB3758: Une erreur s
est produite lors de la compilation. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""MSB3755: Could not find reference ""{0}"". If this reference is required by yo
ur code, you may get compilation errors."""",,""MSB3755: impossible de trouver l
a rfrence ""{0}"". Si elle est requise par votre code, vous risquez d obtenir des
erreurs de compilation."""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The task name ""{0}"" could not be found."",,""Le nom de tche ""{0}"" est intro
uvable."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The source file for this compilation can be found at: ""{0}"""",,""Le fichier
source pour cette compilation se trouve l emplacement suivant: ""{0}"""",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The reference assembly ""{0}"" is a metadata only assembly."",,""L assembly de
rfrence ""{0}"" est un assembly de mtadonnes uniquement."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3756: The xml element ""{0}"" is not valid under the xml element ""{1}"".""
,,""MSB3756: l lment xml ""{0}"" n est pas valide sous l lment xml ""{1}""."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3757: Multiple Code xml elements have been found, this is not allowed. To fi
x this issue remove any additional Code xml elements from the task.",,"MSB3757:
plusieurs lments xml de code ont t trouvs, ce qui est interdit. Pour corriger ce prob
lme, supprimez les lments xml de code supplmentaires de la tche.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3753: The task could not be instantiated because it does not implement the I
Task interface. Make sure the task implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITas
k interface.",,"MSB3753: impossible d instancier la tche, car elle n implmente pas
l interface ITask. Assurez-vous que la tche implmente l interface Microsoft.Build
.Framework.ITask.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3754: The reference assembly ""{0}"" is invalid. ""{1}"""",,""MSB3754: l as
sembly de rfrence ""{0}"" n est pas valide. ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating directory ""{0}""."",,""Cration du rpertoire ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3024: Could not copy the file ""{0}"" to the destination file ""{1}"", beca
use the destination is a folder instead of a file. To copy the source file into
a folder, consider using the DestinationFolder parameter instead of DestinationF
iles."",,""MSB3024: Impossible de copier le fichier ""{0}"" vers le fichier de d
estination ""{1}"", car la destination est un dossier et non un fichier. Pour co

pier le fichier source dans un dossier, essayez plutt d utiliser le paramtre Desti
nationFolder au lieu de DestinationFiles."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""Did not copy from file ""{0}"" to file ""{1}"" because the ""{2}"" parameter w
as set to ""{3}"" in the project and the files sizes and timestamps match."",,"
"Impossible de copier le fichier ""{0}"" vers le fichier ""{1}"", car le paramtre
""{2}"" a la valeur ""{3}"" dans le projet, et la taille des fichiers et les ho
rodatages correspondent."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3021: Unable to copy file ""{0}"" to ""{1}"". {2}"",,""MSB3021: Impossible
de copier le fichier ""{0}"" vers ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3022: Both ""{0}"" and ""{1}"" were specified as input parameters in the pr
oject file. Please choose one or the other."",,""MSB3022: ""{0}"" et ""{1}"" son
t spcifis tous les deux comme paramtres d entre dans le fichier projet. Choisissez l
un ou l autre."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3027: Could not copy ""{0}"" to ""{1}"". Exceeded retry count of {2}. Faile
d."",,""MSB3027: Impossible de copier ""{0}"" vers ""{1}"". Nombre de tentatives
dpass de {2}. chec de l opration."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Copying file from ""{0}"" to ""{1}""."",,""Copie du fichier de ""{0}"" vers ""
{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating hard link to copy ""{0}"" to ""{1}""."",,""Cration d un lien physique
pour copier ""{0}"" vers ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSB3028: {0} is an invalid retry count. Value must not be negative.",,"MSB3028:
{0} n est pas un nombre de tentatives dpass valide. La valeur ne doit pas tre ngati
ve.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3029: {0} is an invalid retry delay. Value must not be negative.",,"MSB3029:
{0} n est pas un dlai entre reprises valide. La valeur ne doit pas tre ngative.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3023: No destination specified for Copy. Please supply either ""{0}"" or ""
{1}""."",,""MSB3023: Aucune destination spcifie pour l opration de copie. Indiquez
""{0}"" ou ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Removing read-only attribute from ""{0}""."",,""Suppression de l attribut de l
ecture seule de ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3026: Could not copy ""{0}"" to ""{1}"". Beginning retry {2} in {3}ms. {4}"
",,""MSB3026: Impossible de copier ""{0}"" vers ""{1}"". Dbut d une nouvelle tent
ative dans {2} in {3}ms. {4}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not use a hard link to copy ""{0}"" to ""{1}"". Copying the file instead
. {2}"",,""Impossible d utiliser un lien physique pour copier ""{0}"" vers ""{1}
"". Copie du fichier la place. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""MSB3030: Could not copy the file ""{0}"" because it was not found."",,""MSB303
0: Impossible de copier le fichier ""{0}"", car il est introuvable."",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3025: The source file ""{0}"" is actually a directory. The ""Copy"" task d
oes not support copying directories."",,""MSB3025: Le fichier source ""{0}"" est
en fait un rpertoire. La tche ""Copy"" ne prend pas en charge les rpertoires."",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3031: Could not set additional metadata. ""{0}"" is a reserved metadata nam
e and cannot be modified."",,""MSB3031: Impossible de dfinir d autres mtadonnes. ""
{0}"" est un nom de mtadonne rserv et il ne peut pas tre modifi."",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource file {0} gets manifest resource name {1} .",,"Le fichier de ressour
ces {0} obtient le nom de ressource de manifeste {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3042: A namespace or class definition was found within a conditional compil
ation directive in the file ""{0}"". This may lead to an incorrect choice for t
he manifest resource name for resource ""{1}""."",,""MSB3042: Un espace de noms
ou une dfinition de classe a t trouv dans une directive de compilation conditionnell
e du fichier ""{0}"". Cela peut entraner un choix incorrect du nom de ressource d

e manifeste pour la ressource ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"Resource file {0} depends on {1} .",,"Le fichier de ressources {0} dpend de
{1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Resource file {0} doesn t depend on any other file.",,"Le fichier de ressourc
es {0} ne dpend d aucun autre fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB3041: Unable to create a manifest resource name for ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB30
41: Impossible de crer un nom de ressource de manifeste pour ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Root namespace is empty.",,"L espace de noms racine est vide.",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Root namespace is {0} .",,"L espace de noms racine est {0} .",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3053: The assembly alias ""{1}"" on reference ""{0}"" contains illegal char
acters."",,""MSB3053: L alias de l assembly ""{1}"" sur la rfrence ""{0}"" contien
t des caractres non conformes."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3051: The parameter to the compiler is invalid. {0}",,"MSB3051: Le paramtre
du compilateur n est pas valide. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"MSB3052: The parameter to the compiler is invalid, {0}{1} will be ignored.",,
"MSB3052: Le paramtre du compilateur n est pas valide. {0}{1} sera ignor.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Deleting file ""{0}""."",,""Suppression du fichier ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3061: Unable to delete file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3061: Impossible de suppri
mer le fichier ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""File ""{0}"" doesn t exist. Skipping."",,""Le fichier ""{0}"" n existe pas. Ig
nor."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3071: All drive letters from A: through Z: are currently in use. Since the
working directory ""{0}"" is a UNC path, the ""Exec"" task needs a free drive le
tter to map the UNC path to. Disconnect from one or more shared resources to fre
e up drive letters, or specify a local working directory before attempting this
command again."",,""MSB3071: Toutes les lettres de lecteur de A: Z: sont actuell
ement utilises. Le rpertoire de travail ""{0}"" tant un chemin d accs UNC, la tche ""
Exec"" ncessite une lettre de lecteur disponible laquelle le chemin d accs UNC ser
a mapp. Dconnectez-vous d une ou de plusieurs ressources partages pour librer des le
ttres de lecteur ou spcifiez un rpertoire de travail local avant de rexcuter cette c
ommande."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3073: The command ""{0}"" exited with code {1}."",,""MSB3073: La commande "
"{0}"" s est arrte avec le code {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""MSB3075: The command ""{0}"" exited with code {1}. Please verify that you have
sufficient rights to run this command."",,""MSB3075: La commande ""{0}"" s est
arrte avec le code {1}. Assurez-vous que vous disposez de droits suffisants pour e
xcuter cette commande."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The command ""{0}"" exited with code {1}."",,""La commande ""{0}"" s est arrte a
vec le code {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3076: The regular expression ""{0}"" that was supplied is invalid. {1}"",,"
"MSB3076: L expression rgulire ""{0}"" fournie n est pas valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The working directory ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""Le rpertoire de travail ""{0
}"" n existe pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3072: The ""Exec"" task needs a command to execute."",,""MSB3072: La tche ""
Exec"" requiert une commande excuter."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Found ""{0}""."",,""""{0}"" trouv."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""""{0}"" is not a valid file name. {1}"",,""""{0}"" n est pas un nom de fichier
valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Comparison path is ""{0}""."",,""Le chemin de comparaison est ""{0}""."",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3541: {0} has invalid value ""{1}"". {2}"",,""MSB3541: {0} comporte la vale
ur non valide ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3102: Could not delete state file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3102: Impossible de
supprimer le fichier d tat ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Could not locate the assembly ""{0}"". Check to make sure the assembly exists
on disk."",,""Impossible de trouver l assembly ""{0}"". Vrifiez que l assembly ex
iste sur le disque."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3088: Could not read state file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3088: Impossible de li
re le fichier d tat ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not read state file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""Impossible de lire le fichier d tat
""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3081: A problem occurred while trying to set the ""{0}"" parameter for the
IDE s in-process compiler. {1}"",,""MSB3081: Un problme s est produit lors de la
tentative de dfinition du paramtre ""{0}"" pour le compilateur in-process de l IDE
. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3101: Could not write state file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3101: Impossible d cri
re le fichier d tat ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3105: The item ""{0}"" was specified more than once in the ""{1}"" paramete
r. Duplicate items are not supported by the ""{1}"" parameter."",,""MSB3105: L lm
ent ""{0}"" a t spcifi plus d une fois dans le paramtre ""{1}"". Les lments dupliqus
sont pas pris en charge par le paramtre ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3083: The item ""{0}"" was specified more than once in the ""{1}"" paramete
r and both items had the same value ""{2}"" for the ""{3}"" metadata. Duplicate
items are not supported by the ""{1}"" parameter unless they have different val
ues for the ""{3}"" metadata."",,""MSB3083: L lment ""{0}"" a t spcifi plusieurs fois
dans le paramtre ""{1}"". Les deux lments avaient la mme valeur ""{2}"" pour les mta
donnes ""{3}"". Les lments dupliqus ne sont pas pris en charge par le paramtre ""{1}"
" moins qu ils n aient des valeurs diffrentes pour les mtadonnes ""{3}""."",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3108: Error executing the {0} task. {1}",,"MSB3108: Erreur lors de l excution
de la tche {0}. {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Expected a file but got directory ""{0}""."",,""Fichier attendu mais rpertoire
""{0}"" reu."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Expected file ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""Le fichier attendu ""{0}"" n existe
pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3082: Task failed because ""{0}"" was not found, or the .NET Framework {1}
is not installed. Please install the .NET Framework {1}."",,""MSB3082: La tche a
chou, car ""{0}"" est introuvable ou le .NET Framework {1} n est pas install. Inst
allez le .NET Framework {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The format of this state file is not valid.",,"Le format de ce fichier d tat n e
st pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3087: An incompatible host object was passed into the ""{0}"" task. The ho
st object for this task must implement the ""{1}"" interface."",,""MSB3087: Un o
bjet hte incompatible a t pass la tche ""{0}"". L objet hte pour cette tche doit imp
ter l interface ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3095: Invalid argument. {0}",,"MSB3095: Argument non valide. {0}",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3097: File ""{0}"" is not a valid assembly."",,""MSB3097: Le fichier ""{0}"
" n est pas un assembly valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3099: Invalid assembly name ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3099: Nom d assembly ""{0}
"" non valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Item ""{0}"" has attribute ""{1}"" with value ""{2}"" that could not be conver
ted to ""{3}""."",,""L lment ""{0}"" a l attribut ""{1}"" avec la valeur ""{2}"",
qui n a pas pu tre convertie en ""{3}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"MSB3103: Invalid Resx file. {0}",,"MSB3103: Fichier Resx non valide. {0}",,"Tex

t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""MSB3098: ""{1}"" task received an invalid value for the ""{0}"" parameter."",,
""MSB3098: La tche ""{1}"" a reu une valeur non valide pour le paramtre ""{0}""."",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3106: Assembly strong name ""{0}"" is either a path which could not be foun
d or it is a full assembly name which is badly formed. If it is a full assembly
name it may contain characters that need to be escaped with backslash(\). Those
characters are Equals(=), Comma(,), Quote(""), Apostrophe( ), Backslash(\)."",,"
"MSB3106: Le nom fort de l assembly ""{0}"" est un chemin d accs introuvable ou e
st un nom complet d assembly qui n est pas formul correctement. S il s agit d un
nom complet d assembly, il se peut qu il contienne des caractres qui doivent tre p
rcds de la barre oblique inverse (\). Ces caractres sont gal(=), Virgule(,), Guilleme
t(""), Apostrophe( ), Barre oblique inverse(\)."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3107: The specified project reference metadata for the reference ""{0}"" is
missing or has an invalid value: {1}"",,""MSB3107: Les mtadonnes de rfrence de proj
et spcifies pour la rfrence ""{0}"" sont manquantes ou comportent une valeur non val
ide: {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The IDE s in-process compiler does not support the specified values for the ""
{0}"" parameter. Therefore, this task will fallback to using the command-line c
ompiler."",,""Le compilateur in-process de l IDE ne prend pas en charge les vale
urs spcifies pour le paramtre ""{0}"". Par consquent, cette tche utilisera le compila
teur de ligne de commande."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3091: Task failed because ""{0}"" was not found, or the correct Microsoft W
indows SDK is not installed. The task is looking for ""{0}"" in the ""bin"" subd
irectory beneath the location specified in the {1} value of the registry key {2}
. You may be able to solve the problem by doing one of the following: 1) Instal
l the Microsoft Windows SDK. 2) Install Visual Studio 2010. 3) Manually set th
e above registry key to the correct location. 4) Pass the correct location into
the ""ToolPath"" parameter of the task."",,""MSB3091: la tche a chou, car ""{0}""
est introuvable ou le Kit de dveloppement Microsoft Windows SDK correct n est pas
install. La tche recherche ""{0}"" dans le sous-rpertoire ""bin"" l emplacement spc
ifi par la valeur {1} de la cl de Registre {2}. Peut-tre pouvez-vous rsoudre le prob
lme en effectuant l une des oprations suivantes: 1.) Installer le Kit de dveloppemen
t Microsoft Windows SDK. 2.) Installer Visual Studio2010. 3) Configurer manuellem
ent la cl de Registre ci-dessus au bon emplacement. 4.) Passer le bon emplacement
au paramtre ""ToolPath"" de la tche."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""MSB3084: Task attempted to find ""{0}"" in two locations. 1) Under the ""{1}""
processor specific directory which is generated based on SdkToolsPath 2) The x8
6 specific directory under ""{2}"" which is specified by the SDKToolsPath proper
ty. You may be able to solve the problem by doing one of the following: 1) Set
the ""SDKToolsPath"" property to the location of the Microsoft Windows SDK."",,"
"MSB3084: La tche a tent de rechercher ""{0}"" deux emplacements. 1) Dans le rperto
ire spcifique au processeur ""{1}"", gnr en fonction de SdkToolsPath 2) Dans le rpert
oire spcifique x86 sous ""{2}"", spcifi par la proprit SDKToolsPath. Peut-tre pouvez-v
ous rsoudre le problme en effectuant l une des oprations suivantes: 1) Dfinir la val
eur de la proprit ""SDKToolsPath"" sur l emplacement du Kit de dveloppement Microso
ft Windows SDK."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3104: The referenced assembly ""{0}"" was not found. If this assembly is pr
oduced by another one of your projects, please make sure to build that project b
efore building this one."",,""MSB3104: Impossible de trouver l assembly rfrenc ""{0
}"". Si cet assembly est produit par l un de vos projets, assurez-vous de gnrer ce
projet avant de construire celui-ci."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB3666: The SDK tool ""{0}"" could not be found. {1}"",,""MSB3666: Impossible
de trouver l outil SDK ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Task attempted to find ""{0}"" using the SdkToolsPath value ""{1}"". Make sure
the SdkToolsPath is set to the correct value and the tool exists in the correct

processor specific location below it."",,""La tche a tent de trouver ""{0}"" l ai

de de la valeur SdkToolsPath ""{1}"". Vrifiez que la valeur de SdkToolsPath est c
orrecte et que l outil existe l emplacement spcifique au processeur appropri, au-d
essous de ce paramtre."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3086: Task could not find ""{0}"" using the SdkToolsPath ""{1}"" or the reg
istry key ""{2}"". Make sure the SdkToolsPath is set and the tool exists in the
correct processor specific location under the SdkToolsPath and that the Microsof
t Windows SDK is installed"",,""MSB3086: La tche n a pas pu trouver ""{0}"" l aid
e de SdkToolsPath ""{1}"" ou de la cl de Registre ""{2}"". Vrifiez que la valeur d
e SdkToolsPath est dfinie, que l outil existe l emplacement spcifique au processeu
r appropri, au-dessous de SdkToolsPath, et que le Kit de dveloppement Microsoft Wi
ndows SDK est install"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3093: The command exited with code {0}.",,"MSB3093: La commande s est arrte av
ec le code {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3094: ""{2}"" refers to {0} item(s), and ""{3}"" refers to {1} item(s). The
y must have the same number of items."",,""MSB3094: ""{2}"" fait rfrence {0} lment(s
) et ""{3}"" {1} lment(s). Ils doivent avoir le mme nombre d lments."",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3161: A circular dependency was detected between the following built package
s: {0}.",,"MSB3161: Une dpendance circulaire a t dtecte entre les packages gnrs suiva
{0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3142: An error occurred trying to copy {0} to {1} : {2}",,"MSB3142: Une e
rreur s est produite lors de la copie de {0} vers {1} : {2}",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3143: An error occurred trying to copy {0} for item {1} : {2}",,"MSB3143:
Une erreur s est produite lors de la tentative de copie de {0} pour l lment {1
} : {2}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3162: The {0} item selected requires {1} . Select the missing prerequisit
e in the Prerequisites Dialog Box or create a bootstrapper package for the missi
ng prerequisite.",,"MSB3162: L lment {0} slectionn ncessite {1} . Slectionnez le co
mposant requis manquant dans la bote de dialogue Composants requis ou crez un pack
age du programme d amorage pour le composant requis manquant.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3165: The value of the {0} attribute in {1} does not match that of file
{2} .",,"MSB3165: La valeur de l attribut {0} dans {1} ne correspond pas ce
lle du fichier {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3168: Duplicate item {0} will be ignored.",,"MSB3168: L lment dupliqu {0}
sera ignor.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3169: An error occurred generating a bootstrapper: {0}",,"MSB3169: Une erreu
r s est produite lors de la gnration d un programme d amorage: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3151: Item {0} already includes {1} .",,"MSB3151: L lment {0} inclut dj {1
} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3163: Build input parameter ComponentsLocation={0} is not valid. The value
must be one of HomeSite , Relative , or Absolute . Defaulting to HomeSite .
",,"MSB3163: Le paramtre d entre de gnration ComponentsLocation={0} n est pas vali
de. La valeur doit tre HomeSite , Relative ou Absolute . La valeur HomeSite
sera utilise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3144: Not enough data was provided to generate a bootstrapper. Please provid
e a value for at least one of the parameters: ApplicationFile or Bootstrapper
Items .",,"MSB3144: Pas assez de donnes fournies pour gnrer un programme d amorage.
Indiquez une valeur pour au moins l un des paramtres: ApplicationFile ou Bootst
rapperItems .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3145: Build input parameter {0}={1} is not a web url or UNC share.",,"MSB3
145: Le paramtre d entre de gnration {0}={1} n est ni une URL Web, ni un partage U
NC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3146: Item {0} is required by {1} , but was not included.",,"MSB3146: L lme
nt {0} est requis par {1} , mais il n a pas t inclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3696: One of the following items {0} is required by {1} , but none were i

ncluded.",,"MSB3696: Un des lments suivants {0} est requis par {1} , mais aucun
n a t inclus.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3147: Could not find required file {0} in {1} .",,"MSB3147: Impossible de
trouver le fichier requis {0} dans {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3141: No PublicKey or Hash attribute specified for file {0} in item {
1} .",,"MSB3141: Aucun attribut PubliKey ou Hash n est spcifi pour le fichier
{0} dans l lment {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3170: Item {0} could not find any of dependent items {1} .",,"MSB3170: L lm
ent {0} n a trouv aucun lment dpendant {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3148: No output path specified in build settings.",,"MSB3148: Aucun chemin
de sortie spcifi dans les paramtres de gnration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3149: No resources available for building a bootstrapper.",,"MSB3149: Aucun
e ressource disponible pour gnrer un programme d amorage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3150: No string resources available for building a bootstrapper with culture
{0} .",,"MSB3150: Aucune ressource de type chane disponible pour gnrer un program
me d amorage avec la culture {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSB3152: To enable Download prerequisites from the same location as my applica
tion in the Prerequisites dialog box, you must download file {0} for item {1
} to your local machine. For more information, see
nk/?LinkId=239883.",,"MSB3152: Pour activer Tlcharger les composants requis parti
r de l emplacement de mon application dans la bote de dialogue Composants requis
, vous devez tlcharger le fichier {0} pour l lment {1} sur l ordinateur local. P
our plus d informations, consultez
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3164: No HomeSite attribute has been provided for {0} , so the package wi
ll be published to the same location as the bootstrapper.",,"MSB3164: Aucun attr
ibut HomeSite n a t fourni pour {0} . Par consquent, le package sera publi dans l
e mme emplacement que le programme d amorage.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3166: Could not find required file {0} for item {1} .",,"MSB3166: Impossi
ble de trouver le fichier {0} requis pour l lment {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3153: Xml validation did not pass for item {0} located at {1} .",,"MSB315
3: La validation XML n a pas russi pour l lment {0} situ dans {1} .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3154: Could not find string resources for item {0} .",,"MSB3154: Impossibl
e de trouver les ressources de type chane pour l lment {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3155: Item {0} could not be located in {1} .",,"MSB3155: Impossible de tr
ouver l lment {0} dans {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3156: Xml validation did not pass for item {0} located at {1} .",,"MSB315
6: La validation XML n a pas russi pour l lment {0} situ dans {1} .",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3157: Could not match culture {0} for item {1} . Using culture {2} inst
ead.",,"MSB3157: Impossible de faire correspondre la culture {0} de l lment {1
} . La culture {2} sera utilise la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"MSB3158: Could not find resources for culture {0} . Using culture {1} instea
d.",,"MSB3158: Impossible de trouver des ressources pour la culture {0} . La cu
lture {1} sera utilise la place.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MSB3159: Xml Validation error in file {0} : {1}",,"MSB3159: Erreur de validati
on XML dans le fichier {0} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3160: Xml Validation warning in file {0} : {1}",,"MSB3160: Avertissement de
validation XML dans le fichier {0} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl

ue 4.5.1"
"MSB3177: Reference {0} does not allow partially trusted callers.",,"MSB3177:
La rfrence {0} n autorise pas les appelants dont le niveau de confiance n est pa
s suffisant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3178: Assembly {0} is incorrectly specified as a file.",,"MSB3178: L assem
bly {0} n est pas spcifi correctement comme fichier.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3179: Problem isolating COM reference {0} : {1}",,"MSB3179: Problme d isolem
ent de la rfrence COM {0} : {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3111: Use of app.config binding redirects requires full trust.",,"MSB3111:
L utilisation des redirections de liaison app.config requiert une confiance tota
le.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3112: Two or more assemblies have the same identity {0} .",,"MSB3112: Au mo
ins deux assemblys ont la mme identit {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB3180: COM component {1} is defined in both {3} and {4} , {0}=""{2}""."
",,""MSB3180: Le composant COM {1} est dfini la fois dans {3} et {4} , {0}="
"{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3181: Two or more files have the same target path {0} .",,"MSB3181: Au moin
s deux fichiers ont le mme chemin cible {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3133: The ExcludePermissions property is deprecated. The permission set requ
ested by the application has been set to the permissions defined in Internet or
Local Intranet zone. To continue using a custom Permission Set, define your cust
om permission set in the Security Page of the Project Designer.",,"MSB3133: La p
roprit ExcludePermissions est dconseille. Le jeu d autorisations requis par l applic
ation est dfini sur les autorisations dfinies dans la zone Internet ou Intranet l
ocal. Pour continuer utiliser un jeu d autorisations personnalis, dfinissez votre
jeu d autorisations personnalis dans la page Scurit du Concepteur de projets.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3127: The default icon {0} could not be found in the current file references
or is not part of the required download group. The default icon file name is ca
se sensitive so the file name referenced in the application manifest must exactl
y match the icon s file name.",,"MSB3127: L icne par dfaut {0} est introuvable dan
s les rfrences de fichier actuelles ou ne fait pas partie du groupe de tlchargement
requis. Le nom de fichier de l icne par dfaut respecte la casse; par consquent, le n
om de fichier rfrenc dans le manifeste d application doit correspondre exactement a
u nom de fichier de l icne.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3119: File association extensions must start with a period character (.).",,
"MSB3119: Les extensions des associations de fichiers doivent commencer par un p
oint (.).",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3120: File association extension {0} exceeds the maximum allowed length of
{1}.",,"MSB3120: L extension de l association de fichier {0} dpasse la longueu
r maximale autorise de {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3121: The file association element in the application manifest is missing on
e or more of the following required attributes: extension, description, progid,
or default icon.",,"MSB3121: Il manque l lment d association de fichiers du manife
ste d application un ou plusieurs des attributs requis suivants: extension, descr
iption, progID ou icne par dfaut.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3122: Use of file associations requires full trust.",,"MSB3122: L utilisatio
n d associations de fichiers requiert une confiance totale.",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3123: The number of file associations exceeds the limit of {0}.",,"MSB3123:
Le nombre d associations de fichiers dpasse la limite de {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3124: A file association has already been created for extension {0} .",,"MS
B3124: Une association de fichier a dj t cre pour l extension {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3125: The application is using file associations but has no EntryPoint build
parameter.",,"MSB3125: L application utilise des associations de fichiers mais

n a aucun paramtre de build EntryPoint.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue

"MSB3126: The application is using file associations but is not marked for insta
llation. File associations cannot be used for applications that are not installe
d such as applications hosted in a web browser.",,"MSB3126: L application utilis
e des associations de fichiers mais n est pas marque pour une installation. Les a
ssociations de fichiers ne peuvent pas tre utilises pour des applications qui ne s
ont pas installes, par exemple les applications hberges dans un navigateur Web.",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3171: Problem generating manifest. {0}",,"MSB3171: Problme lors de la gnration
du manifeste. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3176: Specified minimum required version is greater than the current publish
version. Please specify a version less than or equal to the current publish ver
sion.",,"MSB3176: La version minimale requise que vous avez spcifie est ultrieure c
elle de la version actuelle publie. Spcifiez une version antrieure ou gale la versio
n actuelle publie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3117: Application is set to host in browser but the TargetFrameworkVersion i
s set to v2.0.",,"MSB3117: L application est configure pour tre hberge dans le navig
ateur mais TargetFrameworkVersion a la valeur v2.0.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3116: Application is marked to host in browser but is also marked for online
and offline use. Please change your application to online only.",,"MSB3116: L a
pplication est marque pour tre hberge dans le navigateur mais elle est galement marque
pour une utilisation en ligne et hors connexion. Modifiez votre application pou
r une utilisation en ligne uniquement.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MSB3110: Assembly {0} has mismatched identity {1} , expected file name: {2}
.",,"MSB3110: L assembly {0} a une identit incompatible {1} , nom de fichier
attendu: {2} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3189: The update location for this application is a local path.",,"MSB3189:
L emplacement de mise jour de cette application est un chemin d accs local.",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3115: File {0} is not a valid entry point.",,"MSB3115: Le fichier {0} n
est pas un point d entre valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3184: Input manifest is invalid.",,"MSB3184: Le manifeste d entre n est pas v
alide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3175: Invalid value for {0} of item {1} .",,"MSB3175: Valeur non valide p
our {0} de l lment {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3190: ClickOnce does not support the request execution level {0} .",,"MSB31
90: ClickOnce ne prend pas en charge le niveau d excution de la demande {0} .",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3174: Invalid value for {0} .",,"MSB3174: Valeur non valide pour {0} .",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3134: The permission set requested by the application exceeded the permissio
ns allowed by the Internet or Intranet zones. Select Full Trust or to continue u
sing partial trust, define your custom permission set in the Security Page of th
e Project Designer.",,"MSB3134: Le jeu d autorisations requis par l application
a dpass les autorisations permises par les zones Internet ou Intranet. Slectionnez
Confiance totale ou, pour continuer utiliser la confiance partielle, dfinissez vo
tre jeu d autorisations personnalis dans la page Scurit du Concepteur de projets.",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3128: The ClickOnce manifests cannot be signed because they contain one or m
ore references that are not hashed.",,"MSB3128: Les manifestes ClickOnce ne peu
vent pas tre signs, car ils contiennent une ou plusieurs rfrences qui ne sont pas ha
ches.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3185: EntryPoint not specified for manifest.",,"MSB3185: Paramtre EntryPoint
non spcifi pour le manifeste.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3186: Unable to infer an assembly identity for generated manifest from task
input parameters.",,"MSB3186: Impossible de dduire l identit de l assembly d aprs l
es paramtres d entre de la tche dfinis pour le manifeste gnr.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F

amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3135: The PermissionSet for the target zone has not been defined for the fol
lowing version of the .NET Framework: {0}.",,"MSB3135: Le paramtre PermissionSet
de la zone cible n a pas t dfini pour la version suivante de .NET Framework: {0}.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3187: Referenced assembly {0} targets a different processor than the appli
cation.",,"MSB3187: L assembly rfrenc {0} cible un processeur diffrent de l applic
ation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3188: Assembly {0} must be strong signed in order to be marked as a prereq
uisite.",,"MSB3188: L assembly {0} doit tre sign avec une signature forte pour tr
e marqu comme composant requis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3172: Unable to read manifest {0} . {1}",,"MSB3172: Impossible de lire le m
anifeste {0} . {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3114: Could not find file {0} referenced by assembly {1} .",,"MSB3114: Im
possible de trouver le fichier {0} rfrenc par l assembly {1} .",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3113: Could not find file {0} .",,"MSB3113: Impossible de trouver le fichie
r {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3182: File name {0} exceeds {1} characters.",,"MSB3182: Le nom de fichier
{0} comprend plus de {1} caractres.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"MSB3183: Reference {0} is an interop assembly requiring full trust.",,"MSB318
3: La rfrence {0} est un assembly d interoprabilit ncessitant une confiance totale.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3173: Unable to write manifest {0} . {1}",,"MSB3173: Impossible d crire le m
anifeste {0} . {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Additional input ""{0}"" has been updated since the last build. Forcing regen
eration of all resources."",,""L entre supplmentaire ""{0}"" a t mise jour depuis la
dernire gnration. Rgnration force de toutes les ressources."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3574: Did not recognize ""{0}"" as a managed assembly."",,""MSB3574: ""{0}"
" n a pas t reconnu en tant qu assembly manag."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3816: Loading assembly ""{0}"" failed. {1}"",,""MSB3816: chec du chargement
de l assembly ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3575: GenerateResource cannot write assemblies, only read from them. Cannot
create assembly ""{0}""."",,""MSB3575: GenerateResource ne peut pas crire dans l
es assemblys, mais uniquement les lire. Impossible de crer l assembly ""{0}""."",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3554: Cannot write to the output file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3554: Impossible
d crire dans le fichier de sortie ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3570: Cannot write to the Strongly Typed Resource class file ""{0}"". {1}""
,,""MSB3570: Impossible d crire dans le fichier de la classe de ressource forteme
nt type ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3567: Could not generate property on class ""{0}""."",,""MSB3567: Impossib
le de gnrer la proprit dans la classe ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3555: Output file ""{0}"" is possibly corrupt."",,""MSB3555: Le fichier de
sortie ""{0}"" est peut-tre endommag."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Could not load type {0} which is used in the .RESX file. Ensure that the neces
sary references have been added to your project.",,"Impossible de charger le typ
e {0} utilis dans le fichier .RESX. Assurez-vous que les rfrences ncessaires ont t ajo
utes votre projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3576: Creating the CultureInfo failed for assembly ""{2}"". Note the set of
cultures supported is Operating System-dependent, and the Operating System has
removed some cultures from time to time (ie, some Serbian cultures are split up
in Windows 7). The culture may be a user-defined custom culture that we can t c
urrently load on this machine. Exception info: {0}: {1}"",,""MSB3576: chec de la

cration de CultureInfo pour l assembly ""{2}"". Notez que l ensemble de cultures

pris en charge est dpendant du systme d exploitation et que le systme d exploitati
on supprime certaines cultures de temps autre (par exemple, certaines cultures s
erbes sont divises dans Windows 7). La culture peut tre une culture personnalise df
inie par l utilisateur que nous ne chargeons pas actuellement sur cet ordinateur
. Infos sur l exception: {0}: {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""Creating strongly typed resources class ""{0}""."",,""Cration de la classe de r
essource fortement type ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3560: Could not delete the possibly corrupt output file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""M
SB3560: Impossible de supprimer le fichier de sortie ""{0}"" qui est peut-tre end
ommag. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3577: Two output file names resolved to the same output path: ""{0}"""",,""
MSB3577: Deux noms de fichier de sortie ont t rsolus vers le mme chemin de sortie: ""
{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3568: Duplicate resource name ""{0}"" is not allowed, ignored."",,""MSB3568
: Le nom de ressource dupliqu """"{0}"""" n est pas autoris et sera ignor."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3557: Error(s) generating strongly typed resources for file ""{0}""."",,""M
SB3557: Erreur(s) lors de la gnration des ressources fortement types pour le fichie
r ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3818: The GenerateResource task doesn t currently support simultaneously run
ning as an external tool and extracting ResW files from assemblies.",,"MSB3818:
La tche GenerateResource ne prend actuellement pas en charge simultanment l excutio
n en tant qu outil externe et l extraction de fichiers ResW partir d assemblys."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Extracting .ResW files from assembly ""{0}"" into ""{1}""."",,""Extraction de
fichiers .ResW partir de l assembly ""{0}"" dans ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3814: Main assembly ""{1}"" was built improperly. The manifest resource ""{
0}"" ends in .en-US.resources, when it should end in .resources. Either rename i
t to something like foo.resources (and consider using the NeutralResourcesLangua
geAttribute on the main assembly), or move it to a US English satellite assembly
."",,""MSB3814: L assembly principal ""{1}"" n a pas t correctement gnr. La ressource
de manifeste ""{0}"" se termine par .en-US.resources, alors qu elle devrait se
terminer par .resources. Renommez-la par exemple foo.resources (en utilisant Neu
tralResourcesLanguageAtribute sur l assembly principal) ou dplacez-la vers un ass
embly satellite Anglais (tats-Unis)."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""MSB3815: Satellite assembly ""{2}"" was built improperly. The manifest resourc
e ""{0}"" will not be found by the ResourceManager. It must end in ""{1}""."",,
""MSB3815: L assembly satellite ""{2}"" n a pas t correctement gnr. La ressource de m
anifeste ""{0}"" ne sera pas trouve par ResourceManager. Elle doit se terminer p
ar ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3566: Unsupported or invalid escape character in resource ""{0}"", char {1
} ."",,""MSB3566: Caractre d chappement ( {1} ) non pris en charge ou non valide d
ans la ressource ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3553: Resource file ""{0}"" has an invalid name. {1}"",,""MSB3553: Le nom d
u fichier de ressources ""{0}"" n est pas valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3569: Invalid hex value after \u in resource ""{0}"", value {1} ."",,""M
SB3569: Valeur hexadcimale (valeur {1} ) non valide aprs \u dans la ressource "
"{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3817: The assembly ""{0}"" does not have a NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribut
e on it. To be used in an app package, portable libraries must define a NeutralR
esourcesLanguageAttribute on their main assembly (ie, the one containing code, n
ot a satellite assembly)."",,""MSB3817: l assembly ""{0}"" n a pas de NeutralRes
ourcesLanguageAttribute. Pour une utilisation dans un package d application, les
bibliothques portables doivent dfinir un NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute sur le
ur assembly principal (en d autres termes, celui qui contient le code, et non un

assembly satellite)."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""MSB3819: Cannot find assembly ""{0}"", which may contain managed resources tha
t need to be included in this app package. Please ensure that this assembly exi
sts."",,""MSB3819: l assembly ""{0}"" est introuvable. Il contient peut-tre des r
essources manages qui doivent tre incluses dans ce package d application. Assurezvous que cet assembly existe."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3578: This assembly contains neutral resources corresponding to the culture
""{0}"". These resources will not be considered neutral in the output format as
we are unable to preserve this information. The resources will continue to corr
espond to ""{0}"" in the output format."",,""MSB3578: Cet assembly contient des
ressources neutres correspondant la culture ""{0}"". Ces ressources ne seront pa
s considres comme neutres dans le format de sortie, car nous ne sommes pas en mesu
re de conserver cette information. Les ressources continueront de correspondre "
"{0}"" dans le format de sortie."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""MSB3564: Resource line without an equals sign, ""{0}""."",,""MSB3564: Ligne d
e ressource sans signe gal, ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"MSB3565: Resource line without a name.",,"MSB3565: Ligne de ressource sans nom.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3579: Couldn t find the linked resources file ""{0}"" listed in the assembl
y manifest."",,""MSB3579: Le fichier de ressources lies ""{0}"" rpertori dans l ass
embly de manifeste est introuvable."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""No resources specified in ""Sources"". Skipping resource generation."",,""Aucu
ne ressource spcifie dans ""Sources"". La gnration des ressources sera ignore."",,"Te
xt",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No resources are out of date with respect to their source files. Skipping resou
rce generation.",,"Aucune ressource n apparat obsolte par rapport aux fichiers sou
rces. La gnration des ressources sera ignore.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB3562: The ""[strings]"" tag is no longer necessary in text resources; pleas
e remove it."",,""MSB3562: La balise ""[strings]"" n est plus ncessaire dans les
ressources texte. Supprimez-la."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3556: Only strings can be written to a .txt file, resource ""{0}"" is type
{1}."",,"MSB3556: Seules les chanes peuvent tre crites dans un fichier .txt; la ress
ource {0} est de type {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3820: The path needed to store build-related temporary files is too long.
Try your project in a shorter directory, or rename some of your resources. The
full path was ""{0}""."",,""MSB3820: Le chemin d accs ncessaire au stockage des fi
chiers temporaires lis la gnration est trop long. Essayez de placer votre projet da
ns un rpertoire plus court, ou renommez certaines de vos ressources. Le chemin co
mplet tait ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Processing resource file ""{0}"" into ""{1}""."",,""Traitement du fichier de r
essources ""{0}"" dans ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Processing {0} resources from file ""{1}""."",,""Traitement des ressources {0}
du fichier ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3552: Resource file ""{0}"" cannot be found."",,""MSB3552: Impossible de tr
ouver le fichier de ressources ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"MSB3572: StronglyTypedClassName, StronglyTypedNamespace, and/or StronglyTypedFi
leName parameters were passed in, but no StronglyTypedLanguage. If you want to c
reate a strongly typed resource class, please specify a language. Otherwise remo
ve all class, file name, and namespace parameters.",,"MSB3572: Les paramtres Stro
nglyTypedClassName, StronglyTypedNamespace, et/ou StronglyTypedFileName ont t passs
, mais pas StronglyTypedLanguage. Si vous voulez crer une classe de ressource for
tement type, spcifiez un langage. Sinon, supprimez tous les paramtres de classe, no
m de fichier et espace de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3559: The code DOM provider for the ""{0}"" language failed. {1}"",,""MSB35
59: chec du fournisseur de code DOM pour le langage ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All"

,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSB3573: The language for a strongly typed resource class was specified, but mo
re than one source file was passed in. Please pass in only one source file at a
time if you want to generate strongly typed resource classes.",,"MSB3573: Le lan
gage pour une classe de ressource fortement type a t spcifi, mais plusieurs fichiers
sources ont t passs. Passez uniquement un fichier source la fois si vous voulez gnrer
des classes de ressources fortement types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""MSB3811: The assembly ""{0}"" says it is a satellite assembly, but it contains
code. Main assemblies shouldn t specify the assembly culture in their manifest,
and satellites should not contain code. This is almost certainly an error in y
our build process."",,""MSB3811: L assembly ""{0}"" dit qu il est un assembly sa
tellite, alors qu il contient du code. Les assemblys principaux ne doivent pas s
pcifier la culture d assembly dans leur manifeste, et les satellites ne doivent p
as contenir de code. Il s agit trs probablement d une erreur dans votre processu
s de gnration."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3812: This assembly claims to be a satellite assembly, but doesn t contain a
ny properly named .resources files as manifest resources. The name of the files
should end in {0}.resources. There is probably a build-related problem with thi
s assembly.",,"MSB3812: Cet assembly prtend tre un assembly satellite, alors qu il
ne contient pas de fichiers .resources correctement nomms en tant que ressources
de manifeste. Le nom des fichiers dois se terminer par {0}.resources. Il exist
e probablement un problme de gnration avec cet assembly.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3580: The assembly in file ""{0}"" has an assembly culture, indicating it i
s a satellite assembly for culture ""{1}"". But satellite assembly simple names
must end in "".resources"", while this one s simple name is ""{2}"". This is e
ither a main assembly with the culture incorrectly set, or a satellite assembly
with an incorrect simple name."",,""MSB3580: L assembly dans le fichier ""{0}""
a une culture d assembly indiquant qu il s agit d un assembly satellite pour la
culture ""{1}"". Les noms simples d assembly satellite doivent se terminer par
"".resources"", or le nom simple de celui-ci est ""{2}"". Il s agit soit d un a
ssembly principal dont la culture n est pas correctement dfinie, soit d un assemb
ly satellite portant un nom simple incorrect."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating a separate AppDomain because ""NeverLockTypeAssemblies"" evaluated to
true ."",,""Cration d un AppDomain spar, car ""NeverLockTypeAssemblies"" a t valu
ue ."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating a separate AppDomain because while parsing ""{0}"" the serialized typ
e ""{1}"" on line {2} could not be loaded. {3}"",,""Cration d un AppDomain spar, ca
r lors de l analyse de ""{0}"" le type srialis ""{1}"" la ligne {2} n a pas pu tre
charg. {3}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating a separate AppDomain because of error parsing ""{0}"". {1}"",,""Cratio
n d un AppDomain spar suite une erreur lors de l analyse de ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating a separate AppDomain because of error parsing ""{0}"" on line {1}. {2
}"",,""Cration d un AppDomain spar suite une erreur lors de l analyse de ""{0}"" la
ligne {1}. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating a separate AppDomain because of resource ""{0}"" representing a seria
lized type ""{1}"" in ""{2}"" on line {3}."",,""Cration d un AppDomain spar, car la
ressource ""{0}"" reprsente un type srialis ""{1}"" dans ""{2}"" la ligne {3}."",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating a separate AppDomain because of resource ""{0}"" of type ""{1}"" in "
"{2}"" on line {3}."",,""Cration d un AppDomain spar en raison d une ressource ""{0
}"" de type ""{1}"" dans ""{2}"" la ligne {3}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3563: Unsupported square bracket keyword, ""{0}""."",,""MSB3563: Mot cl entr
e crochets non pris en charge, ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
""MSB3558: Unsupported file extension ""{0}"" on file ""{1}""."",,""MSB3558: Ext

ension de fichier ""{0}"" non prise en charge dans le fichier ""{1}""."",,"Text"

,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3813: Invalid or unrecognized UltimateResourceFallbackLocation value in the
NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute for assembly ""{1}"". Location: ""{0}"""",,""
MSB3813: Valeur UltimateResourceFallbackLocation non valide ou non reconnue dans
NeutralResourcesLanguageAttribute pour l assembly ""{1}"". Emplacement: ""{0}"""
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3441: Cannot get assembly name for ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3441: Impossible d
obtenir le nom d assembly de ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not locate the expected version of the Microsoft Windows SDK. Looked for
a location specified in the ""{0}"" value of the registry key ""{1}"". If your
build process does not need the SDK then this can be ignored. Otherwise you can
solve the problem by doing one of the following: 1) Install the Microsoft Windo
ws SDK. 2) Install Visual Studio 2010. 3) Manually set the above registry key
to the correct location."",,""Impossible de trouver la version attendue du Kit d
e dveloppement Microsoft Windows SDK. Recherche d un emplacement indiqu dans la va
leur ""{0}"" de la cl de Registre ""{1}"". Si votre processus de gnration n a pas b
esoin du Kit de dveloppement, cette erreur peut tre ignore. Dans le cas contraire,
vous pouvez rsoudre le problme en effectuant l une des oprations suivantes: 1.) Inst
aller le Kit de dveloppement Microsoft Windows SDK. 2.) Installer Visual Studio 2
010. 3) Configurer manuellement la cl de Registre ci-dessus au bon emplacement.""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found the Microsoft Windows SDK installed at ""{0}""."",,""Le Kit de dveloppeme
nt Microsoft Windows SDK a t trouv dans ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3786: There was a problem retrieving the installed SDKs on the machine. {0}"
,,"MSB3786: Un problme est survenu lors de l extraction des SDK installs sur la ma
chine. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found ""{0}"" SDKs."",,""""{0}"" SDK trouvs."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Installed SDKs:",,"SDK installs :",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MSB3785: No SDKs were found. SDKReference items will not be resolved. If your a
pplication requires these references there may be compilation errors.",,"MSB3785
: SDK introuvables. Les lments SDKReference ne seront pas rsolus. Si votre applicat
ion requiert ces rfrences, des erreurs de compilation peuvent se produire.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""SDK ""{0}"" is installed at ""{1}"""",,""Le SDK ""{0}"" est install ""{1}"""",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Searching for SDKs targeting ""{0}, {1}""."",,""Recherche de SDK ciblant ""{0}
, {1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3784: ""TargetPlatformVersion"" and ""TargetPlatformIdentifier"" cannot be
empty."",,""MSB3784: ""TargetPlatformVersion"" et ""TargetPlatformIdentifier"" n
e peuvent pas tre vides."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3642: The Target Framework Moniker ""{0}"" is invalid. ""{1}"""",,""MSB3642
: Le moniker du Framework cible ""{0}"" n est pas valide. ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3645: .NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1 was not found. In order to target
""{0}"", .NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1 or later must be installed."",,""MSB
3645: .NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1 est introuvable. Afin de cibler ""{0}""
, .NET Framework v3.5 Service Pack 1 ou version ultrieure doit tre install."",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3644: The reference assemblies for framework ""{0}"" were not found. To res
olve this, install the SDK or Targeting Pack for this framework version or retar
get your application to a version of the framework for which you have the SDK or
Targeting Pack installed. Note that assemblies will be resolved from the Global
Assembly Cache (GAC) and will be used in place of reference assemblies. Therefo
re your assembly may not be correctly targeted for the framework you intend."",,
""MSB3644: les assemblys de rfrence pour le framework ""{0}"" sont introuvables. P

our rsoudre ce problme, installez le SDK ou le Targeting Pack pour cette version d
e framework ou reciblez votre application vers une version du framework pour laq
uelle le SDK ou le Targeting Pack est install. Les assemblys seront rsolus partir
du Global Assembly Cache (GAC) et seront utiliss la place des assemblys de rfrence.
C est pourquoi votre assembly peut ne pas cibler correctement le framework souh
ait."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3643: There was an error generating reference assembly paths based on the T
argetFrameworkMoniker ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3643: Une erreur s est produite lors
de la gnration des chemins d assembly de rfrence bass sur le TargetFrameworkMoniker "
"{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Adding file ""{0}"" from redist folder with target path ""{1}""."",,""Ajout du
fichier ""{0}"" partir du dossier redist avec le chemin d accs cible ""{1}""."",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Adding reference ""{0}""."",,""Ajout de la rfrence ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3798: The targeted architecture for the resolved sdk reference ""{0}"" was
empty. Cannot find reference or redist files without a targeted architecture."",
,""MSB3798: L architecture cible pour la rfrence SDK rsolue ""{0}"" tait vide. Imposs
ible de trouver des fichiers de rfrence ou redist sans une architecture cible."",,"
Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3797: The targeted configuration for the resolved sdk reference ""{0}"" was
empty. Cannot find reference or redist files without a targeted configuration."
",,""MSB3797: La configuration cible pour la rfrence SDK rsolue ""{0}"" tait vide. Im
possible de trouver des fichiers de rfrence ou redist sans une configuration cible.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3796: There was a conflict between two files. {0}",,"MSB3796: Un conflit s e
st produit entre deux fichiers. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""There was a conflict between two files from the redist folder files going to t
he same target path ""{0}"" between the ""{1}"" and ""{2}"" SDKs. Choosing ""{3}
"" over ""{4}"" because it was resolved first."",,""Un conflit s est produit ent
re deux fichiers du dossier redist se dirigeant vers le mme chemin d accs cible ""
{0}"" entre les SDK ""{1}"" et ""{2}"". ""{3}"" est choisi plutt que ""{4}"" car
il a t rsolu en premier."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a conflict between two redist files going to the same target path ""
{0}"" within the ""{1}"" SDK. Choosing ""{2}"" over ""{3}"" because it was resol
ved first."",,""Un conflit s est produit entre deux fichiers redist se dirigeant
vers le mme chemin d accs cible ""{0}"" dans le SDK ""{1}"". ""{2}"" est choisi p
lutt que ""{3}"" car il a t rsolu en premier."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""There was a conflict between two references with the same file name between th
e ""{0}"" and ""{1}"" SDKs. Choosing ""{2}"" over ""{3}"" because it was resolve
d first."",,""Un conflit s est produit entre deux rfrences portant le mme nom de fi
chier entre les kits de dveloppement logiciel ""{0}"" et ""{1}"". ""{2}"" est cho
isi plutt que ""{3}"", car il a t rsolu en premier."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a conflict between two references with the same file name resolved w
ithin the ""{0}"" SDK. Choosing ""{1}"" over ""{2}"" because it was resolved fir
st."",,""Un conflit s est produit entre deux rfrences portant le mme nom de fichier
rsolues dans le kit de dveloppement logiciel ""{0}"". ""{1}"" est choisi plutt que
""{2}"", car il a t rsolu en premier."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"MSB3795: There was a problem in the GetSDKReferenceFiles task. {0}",,"MSB3795:
Un problme s est produit dans la tche GetSDKReferenceFiles. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Looking for redist files under ""{0}""."",,""Recherche de fichiers redist sous
""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Looking for references under ""{0}""."",,""Recherche de rfrences sous ""{0}"".""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Enumerating SDK Reference ""{0}"" from ""{1}""."",,""numration de la rfrence SDK "

"{0}"" de ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""The ""OriginalItemSpec"" metadata for the resolved SDK with path ""{0}"" was e
mpty. The ""OriginalItemSpec"" metadata must be set."""",,""Les mtadonnes ""Origin
alItemSpec"" pour le SDK rsolu avec le chemin d accs ""{0}"" taient vides. Les mtado
nnes ""OriginalItemSpec"" doivent tre dfinies."""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Not enumerating SDK Reference ""{0}"" because the ""ExpandReferences"" metadat
a is not true on the reference."",,""Aucune numration de la rfrence SDK ""{0}"" car
les mtadonnes ""ExpandReferences"" n ont pas la valeur true sur la rfrence."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a problem deleting the cache file ""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,""Un problme s
est produit lors de la suppression du fichier cache ""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a problem getting the time stamp of the current assembly ""{0}"". ""
{1}"""",,""Un problme s est produit lors de l obtention de l horodatage de l asse
mbly actuel ""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a problem getting the assembly metadata for ""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,""Un
problme s est produit lors de l obtention des mtadonnes d assembly pour ""{0}"". "
"{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a problem reading the cache file ""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,""Un problme s e
st produit lors de la lecture du fichier cache ""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a problem writing the cache file ""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,""Un problme s e
st produit lors de l criture du fichier cache ""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3191: Unable to create directory ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3191: Impossible de c
rer le rpertoire ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3511: ""{0}"" is an invalid value for the ""Importance"" parameter. Valid v
alues are: High, Normal and Low."",,""MSB3511: ""{0}"" n est pas une valeur vali
de pour le paramtre ""Importance"". Les valeurs valides sont: High, Normal et Low.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3676: Could not move the file ""{0}"" to the destination file ""{1}"", beca
use the destination is a folder instead of a file. To move the source file into
a folder, consider using the DestinationFolder parameter instead of DestinationF
iles."",,""MSB3676: Impossible de dplacer le fichier ""{0}"" vers le fichier de d
estination ""{1}"", car la destination est un dossier et non un fichier. Pour dpl
acer le fichier source vers un dossier, utilisez le paramtre DestinationFolder au
lieu de DestinationFiles."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3677: Unable to move file ""{0}"" to ""{1}"". {2}"",,""MSB3677: Impossible
de dplacer le fichier ""{0}"" vers ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3678: Both ""{0}"" and ""{1}"" were specified as input parameters in the pr
oject file. Only one must be provided."",,""MSB3678: ""{0}"" et ""{1}"" sont spci
fis tous les deux comme paramtres d entre dans le fichier projet. Utilisez l un ou
l autre."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Moving file from ""{0}"" to ""{1}""."",,""Dplacement du fichier de ""{0}"" vers
""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3679: No destination specified for Move. Please supply either ""{0}"" or ""
{1}""."",,""MSB3679: Aucune destination spcifie pour l opration de dplacement. Indiq
uez ""{0}"" ou ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3680: The source file ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""MSB3680: Le fichier sour
ce ""{0}"" n existe pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3681: The source file ""{0}"" is a directory. The ""Move"" task does not su
pport moving directories."",,""MSB3681: Le fichier source ""{0}"" est un rpertoir
e. La tche de dplacement ne prend pas en charge le dplacement de rpertoires."",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3501: Could not read lines from file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3501: Impossible
de lire les lignes dans le fichier ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3211: The assembly {0} is not registered for COM Interop. Please register

it with regasm.exe /tlb.",,"MSB3211: L assembly {0} n est pas inscrit pour CO

M Interop. Inscrivez-le avec regasm.exe /tlb.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3212: The assembly ""{0}"" could not be converted to a type library. {1}"",
,""MSB3212: Impossible de convertir l assembly ""{0}"" en bibliothque de types. {
1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3217: Cannot register assembly ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3217: Impossible d insc
rire l assembly ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3213: Cannot register type library ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3213: Impossible d
inscrire la bibliothque de types""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3214: ""{0}"" does not contain any types that can be registered for COM Int
erop."",,""MSB3214: ""{0}"" ne contient pas de types pouvant tre inscrits pour CO
M Interop."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3215: Cannot register assembly ""{0}"" - file doesn t exist."",,""MSB3215:
Impossible d inscrire l assembly ""{0}"" - le fichier n existe pas."",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Registering assembly ""{0}"" for COM Interop."",,""Inscription de l assembly "
"{0}"" pour COM Interop."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Exporting and registering type library ""{0}""."",,""Exportation et inscriptio
n de la bibliothque de types ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""Type library ""{0}"" is up to date, skipping regeneration."",,""La bibliothque
de types ""{0}"" est jour, rgnration ignore."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""MSB3216: Cannot register assembly ""{0}"" - access denied. Please make sure yo
u re running the application as administrator. {1}"",,""MSB3216: Impossible d in
scrire l assembly ""{0}"" - accs refus. Assurez-vous que vous excutez l application
en tant qu administrateur. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3231: Unable to remove directory ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3231: Impossible de s
upprimer le rpertoire ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""Removing directory ""{0}""."",,""Suppression du rpertoire ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Directory ""{0}"" doesn t exist. Skipping."",,""Le rpertoire ""{0}"" n existe p
as. Ignor."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3455: ResGen.exe may not run because the command line is {0} characters long
, which exceeds the maximum length of the command. To fix this problem, please e
ither (1) remove unnecessary assembly references, or (2) make the paths to those
references shorter.",,"MSB3455: ResGen.exe peut ne pas s excuter car la ligne de
commande contient {0} caractres, ce qui dpasse la longueur maximale de la command
e. Pour rsoudre ce problme, veuillez (1) supprimer les rfrences d assembly inutiles,
ou (2) raccourcir le chemin d accs ces rfrences.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""No resources specified in ""InputFiles"". Skipping resource generation."",,""A
ucune ressource spcifie dans ""InputFiles"". La gnration des ressources sera ignore."
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3452: StronglyTypedClassName, StronglyTypedNamespace, and/or StronglyTypedFi
leName parameters were passed in, but no StronglyTypedLanguage. If you want to c
reate a strongly typed resource class, please specify a language. Otherwise remo
ve all class, file name, and namespace parameters.",,"MSB3452: Les paramtres Stro
nglyTypedClassName, StronglyTypedNamespace, et/ou StronglyTypedFileName ont t passs
, mais pas StronglyTypedLanguage. Si vous voulez crer une classe de ressource for
tement type, spcifiez un langage. Sinon, supprimez tous les paramtres de classe, no
m de fichier et espace de noms.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3453: The language for a strongly typed resource class was specified, but mo
re than one source file was passed in. Please pass in only one source file at a
time if you want to generate strongly typed resource classes.",,"MSB3453: Le lan
gage pour une classe de ressource fortement type a t spcifi, mais plusieurs fichiers
sources ont t passs. Passez uniquement un fichier source la fois si vous voulez gnrer

des classes de ressources fortement types.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B

lue 4.5.1"
"MSB3451: Neither SDKToolsPath {0} nor ToolPath {1} is a valid directory. O
ne of these must be set.",,"MSB3451: Ni SDKToolsPath {0} , ni ToolPath {1} n
est un rpertoire valide. Un des deux doit tre dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3454: Tracker.exe is required to correctly incrementally generate resources
in some circumstances, such as when building on a 64-bit OS using 32-bit MSBuil
d. This build requires Tracker.exe, but it could not be found. The task is look
ing for Tracker.exe beneath the {0} value of the registry key {1}. To solve the
problem, either: 1) Install the Microsoft Windows SDK v7.0A or later. 2) Instal
l Microsoft Visual Studio 2010. 3) Manually set the above registry key to the co
rrect location. Alternatively, you can turn off incremental resource generation
by setting the ""TrackFileAccess"" property to ""false""."",,""MSB3454: Tracker.
exe est requis pour gnrer correctement de faon incrmentielle des ressources dans cer
tains cas, parexemple lors de la gnration sur un systme d exploitation 64bits l aide
de MSBuild 32bits. Cette build requiert Tracker.exe, mais il est introuvable. La
tche recherche Tracker.exe sous la valeur {0} de la cl de Registre {1}. Pour rsoudr
e ce problme, vous pouvez, au choix: 1) Installer Kit de dveloppement Microsoft Win
dows (SDK) v7.0A ou version ultrieure. 2) Installer Microsoft Visual Studio2010. 3
) Configurer manuellement la cl de Registre ci-dessus au bon emplacement. Vous po
uvez galement dsactiver la gnration de ressources incrmentielle en affectant la propr
it ""TrackFileAccess"" la valeur ""false""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""AssemblyFoldersEx location: ""{0}"""",,""Emplacement d AssemblyFoldersEx : ""{
0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Ignoring invalid Target Framework value ""{0}""."",,""Valeur du Framework cibl
e non valide ""{0}"" ignore."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3259: Invalid parameter combination. Can only set either subset or profile
parameters. Cannot set one or more subset parameters (""TargetFrameworkSubsets""
, ""InstalledAssemblySubsetTables"") and one or more profile parameters (""Profi
leName"", ""FullFrameworkFolders"", ""FullFrameworkAssemblyTables"") at the same
time. "",,""MSB3259: Combinaison non valide de paramtres. Seuls des paramtres de
sous ensemble ou des paramtres de profil peuvent tre dfinis. Impossible de dfinir un
ou plusieurs paramtres de sous-ensemble (""TargetFrameworkSubsets"", ""Installed
AssemblySubsetTables"") et un ou plusieurs paramtres de profil (""ProfileName"",
""FullFrameworkFolders"", ""FullFrameworkAssemblyTables"") simultanment. "",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3242: Conflict between mutually exclusive parameters. AutoUnify was true a
nd AppConfigFile was set.",,"MSB3242: Conflit entre des paramtres mutuellement e
xclusifs. Le paramtre AutoUnify avait la valeur true et AppConfigFile tait dfini.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a conflict between ""{0}"" and ""{1}""."",,""Conflit existant entre
""{0}"" et ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" was chosen because it had a higher version."",,""""{0}"" a t slectionn en
raison de sa version ultrieure."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""""{0}"" was chosen because it was primary and ""{1}"" was not."",,""""{0}"" a t
slectionn, car il tait de type primaire et ""{1}"" ne l tait pas."",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Consider app.config remapping of assembly ""{0}"" from Version ""{1}"" [{2}] t
o Version ""{3}"" [{4}] to solve conflict and get rid of warning."",,""Si possib
le, remappez app.config de l assembly ""{0}"" de la version ""{1}"" [{2}] vers l
a version ""{3}"" [{4}] pour rsoudre le conflit et ne plus recevoir l avertisseme
nt."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3243: No way to resolve conflict between ""{0}"" and ""{1}"". Choosing ""{0
}"" arbitrarily."",,""MSB3243: Impossible de rsoudre le conflit entre ""{0}"" et
""{1}"". Choix arbitraire de ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Considered ""{0}"", but its name ""{1}"" didn t match."",,""""{0}"" a t envisag,
mais son nom ""{1}"" ne correspond pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu

e 4.5.1"
""Considered ""{0}"", but it didn t exist."",,""""{0}"" a t envisag, mais il n exis
te pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Considered treating ""{0}"" as a file name, but it didn t exist."",,""""{0}""
aurait pu tre trait comme un nom de fichier, mais il n existe pas."",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Considered ""{0}"", which was not found in the GAC."",,""""{0}"" a t envisag, mai
s est introuvable dans le GAC."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Considered ""{0}"", which existed but didn t have a valid identity. This may n
ot be an assembly."",,""""{0}"" existe et a t envisag, mais ne comporte aucune iden
tit valide. Il ne s agit peut-tre pas d un assembly."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Dependency ""{0}""."",,""Dpendance ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3268: The primary reference ""{0}"" could not be resolved because it has an
indirect dependency on the framework assembly ""{1}"" which could not be resolv
ed in the currently targeted framework. ""{2}"". To resolve this problem, either
remove the reference ""{0}"" or retarget your application to a framework versio
n which contains ""{1}""."",,""MSB3268: impossible de rsoudre la rfrence primaire "
"{0}"", car elle a une dpendance indirecte sur l assembly Framework ""{1}"" qui n
a pas t rsolu dans le framework actuellement cibl. ""{2}"". Pour rsoudre ce problme,
supprimez la rfrence ""{0}"" ou reciblez votre application vers une version de fra
mework qui contient ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3258: The primary reference ""{0}"" could not be resolved because it has an
indirect dependency on the .NET Framework assembly ""{1}"" which has a higher v
ersion ""{2}"" than the version ""{3}"" in the current target framework."",,""MS
B3258: Impossible de rsoudre la rfrence primaire ""{0}"", car elle a une dpendance i
ndirecte sur l assembly.NET Framework ""{1}"" dont la version ""{2}"" est suprieur
e la version ""{3}"" du Framework cible actuel."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3275: The primary reference ""{0}"" could not be resolved because it has an
indirect dependency on the assembly ""{1}"" which was built against the ""{2}""
framework. This is a higher version than the currently targeted framework ""{3}
""."",,""MSB3275: Impossible de rsoudre la rfrence primaire ""{0}"" car elle a une
dpendance indirecte sur l assembly ""{1}"" qui a t cr avec le Framework ""{2}"". Cett
e version est suprieure celle du Framework cibl actuel ""{3}""."",,"Text",,"All",,
".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3253: The currently targeted framework ""{2}"" does not include ""{1}"" whi
ch the referenced assembly ""{0}"" depends on. This caused the referenced assemb
ly to not resolve. To fix this, either (1) change the targeted framework for thi
s project, or (2) remove the referenced assembly from the project."",,""MSB3253:
Le Framework cibl actuel ""{2}"" ne comprend pas ""{1}"" dont dpend l assembly rfre
nc ""{0}"". Cela a empch la rsolution de l assembly rfrenc. Pour rsoudre cela, (1) m
fiez le Framework cibl pour ce projet, ou (2) supprimez l assembly rfrenc du projet.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3244: Could not find dependent files. {0}",,"MSB3244: Impossible de trouver
les fichiers dpendants. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. {0} If this reference is required by
your code, you may get compilation errors.",,"MSB3245: Impossible de rsoudre cet
te rfrence. {0} Si elle est requise par votre code, vous risquez d obtenir des err
eurs de compilation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3251: Could not resolve assembly {0}. The target framework required by this
assembly ({1}) is higher than the project target framework. If this reference is
required by your code, you may get compilation errors.",,"MSB3251: Impossible d
e rsoudre l assembly {0}. Le Framework cible requis par cet assembly ({1}) est pl
us lev que le Framework cible du projet. Si cette rfrence est requise par votre code
, vous risquez d obtenir des erreurs de compilation.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3252: The currently targeted framework ""{1}"" does not include the referen
ced assembly ""{0}"". To fix this, either (1) change the targeted framework for

this project or (2) remove the referenced assembly from the project."",,""MSB325
2: Le Framework cibl actuel ""{1}"" ne comprend pas l assembly rfrenc ""{0}"". Pour
rsoudre cela, (1) modifiez le Framework cibl pour ce projet ou (2) supprimez l ass
embly rfrenc du projet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3246: Resolved file has a bad image, no metadata, or is otherwise inaccessib
le. {0}",,"MSB3246: Le fichier rsolu a une image incorrecte, ne comporte pas de mt
adonnes ou n est pas accessible. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""Path: ""{0}"""",,""Chemin d accs: ""{0}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""Found related file ""{0}""."",,""Fichier associ ""{0}"" trouv."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found satellite file ""{0}""."",,""Fichier satellite ""{0}"" trouv."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found embedded scatter file ""{0}""."",,""Fichier composite incorpor ""{0}"" tr
ouv."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3261: The FrameworkDirectory metadata must be set on all items passed to th
e FullFrameworkAssemblyTables parameter. The item ""{0}"" did not have the metad
ata set."",,""MSB3261: La mtadonne FrameworkDirectory doit tre dfinie pour tous les lm
ents passs au paramtre FullFrameworkAssemblyTables. L lment ""{0}"" n avait pas l en
semble de mtadonnes."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Ignoring ""{0}"" because it has a non-empty subtype ""{1}""."",,""""{0} ignor,
car son sous-type ""{1}"" n est pas vide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
""The ImageRuntimeVersion for this reference is ""{0}""."",,""L ImageRuntimeVers
ion pour cette rfrence est ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Invalid PE header found. The implementation file will not used.",,"En-tte PE non
valide dtect. Le fichier d implmentation ne sera pas utilis.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3249: Application Configuration file ""{0}"" is invalid. {1}"",,""MSB3249:
Le fichier de configuration de l application ""{0}"" n est pas valide. {1}"",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3254: The file ""{0}"" will be ignored because it cannot be read. This file
was either passed in to InstalledAssemblySubsetTables or was found by searching
the {1} folder in the TargetFrameworkDirectories. {2}"",,""MSB3254: Le fichier
""{0}"" sera ignor, car il est illisible. Ce fichier a t pass dans InstalledAssembl
ySubsetTables ou a t trouv lors de la recherche du dossier {1} dans TargetFramework
Directories. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3250: The file ""{0}"" will be ignored because it cannot be read. This file
was either passed in to InstalledAssemblyTables or was found by searching the {
1} folder in the TargetFrameworkDirectories. {2}"",,""MSB3250: Le fichier ""{0}"
" sera ignor, car il est illisible. Ce fichier a t pass dans InstalledAssemblyTables
ou a t trouv lors de la recherche du dossier {1} dans TargetFrameworkDirectories.
{2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3248: Parameter ""{0}"" has invalid value ""{1}"". {2}"",,""MSB3248: La val
eur ""{1}"" du paramtre ""{0}"" n est pas valide. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3263: The file ""{0}"" will be ignored because it cannot be read. This file
was either passed in to FullFrameworkAssemblyTables or was found by searching t
he ""{1}"" folder in the FullFrameworkFolders. {2}"",,""MSB3263: Le fichier ""{0
}"" sera ignor, car il est illisible. Ce fichier a t pass dans FullFrameworkAssembly
Tables ou a t trouv lors de la recherche du dossier ""{1}"" dans FullFrameworkFolde
rs. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"This reference is a WinMDFile.",,"Cette rfrence est un WinMDFile.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3270: There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the projec
t being built ""{0}"" and the processor architecture of the reference ""{1}"", "
"{2}"". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please consider changing the t
argeted processor architecture of your project through the Configuration Manager

so as to align the processor architectures between your project and references,

or take a dependency on references with a processor architecture that matches t
he targeted processor architecture of your project."",,""MSB3270: Il existe une
diffrence entre l architecture de processeur du projet en cours de gnration ""{0}""
et l architecture de processeur de rfrence ""{1}"", ""{2}"". Cette diffrence peut
entraner des problmes de runtime. Veuillez modifier l architecture de processeur c
ible de votre projet l aide du gestionnaire de configuration de faon aligner les a
rchitectures de processeur entre votre projet et les rfrences, ou prendre une dpend
ance sur les rfrences avec une architecture de processeur correspondant l architec
ture de processeur cible de votre projet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""MSB3271: There was a mismatch between the processor architecture of the projec
t being built ""{0}"" and the processor architecture, ""{1}"", of the implementa
tion file ""{2}"" for ""{3}"". This mismatch may cause runtime failures. Please
consider changing the targeted processor architecture of your project through th
e Configuration Manager so as to align the processor architectures between your
project and implementation file, or choose a winmd file with an implementation f
ile that has a processor architecture which matches the targeted processor archi
tecture of your project."",,""MSB3271: Il existe une diffrence entre l architectu
re de processeur du projet en cours de gnration ""{0}"" et l architecture de proce
sseur ""{1}"" du fichier d implmentation ""{2}"" pour ""{3}"". Cette diffrence peu
t entrainer des problmes de runtime. Veuillez modifier l architecture de processe
ur cible de votre projet l aide du gestionnaire de configuration de faon aligner l
es architectures de processeur entre votre projet et le fichier d implmentation,
ou choisissez un fichier winmd dont l architecture de processeur correspond l ar
chitecture de processeur cible de votre projet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3262: When targeting a profile the ProfileName parameter and one of FullFram
eworkFolders or FullFrameworkAssemblyTables must be set.",,"MSB3262: Lors du cib
lage d un profil, le paramtre ProfileName doit tre dfini, de mme que FullFrameworkFo
lders ou FullFrameworkAssemblyTables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""This reference is not ""CopyLocal"" because the CopyLocalDependenciesWhenParen
tReferenceInGac property is set to false and all the parent references for this
reference are found in the GAC."",,""Cette rfrence n est pas ""CopyLocal"", car la
proprit CopyLocalDependenciesWhenParentReferenceInGac a la valeur false et toutes
les rfrences parentes pour cette rfrence se trouvent dans le GAC."",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No TargetFramework subset exclusion list will be generated. IgnoreDefaultInstal
ledAssemblySubsetTables is true and no additional profile files were passed in t
o InstalledAssemblySubsetTables.",,"Aucune liste d exclusion de sous-ensemble Ta
rgetFramework ne sera gnre. IgnoreDefaultInstalledAssemblySubsetTables a la valeur
true et aucun fichier de profil supplmentaire n a t pass dans InstalledAssemblySubse
tTables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No TargetFramework profile exclusion list will be generated. No TargetFramework
Subsets were provided and no additional profile files were passed in to Installe
dAssemblySubsetTables.",,"Aucune liste d exclusion de profil TargetFramework ne
sera gnre. Aucun TargetFrameworkSubsets n a t fourni et aucun fichier de profil supplm
entaire n a t pass dans InstalledAssemblySubsetTables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""A TargetFramework profile exclusion list will not be generated. A full client
name ""{0}"" was found in the TargetFrameworkSubsetNames list."",,""Aucune liste
d exclusion de profil TargetFramework ne sera gnre. Un nom de client complet ""{0}
"" a t trouv dans la liste TargetFrameworkSubsetNames."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3260: Could not find any target framework profile redist files in the FullFr
ameworkFolders locations.",,"MSB3260: Impossible de trouver les fichiers de list
e de composants redistribuables de profil du Framework cible dans les emplacemen
ts FullFrameworkFolders.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3256: No assemblies were read in from the redist lists. A TargetFramework pr

ofile exclusion list could not be generated. ",,"MSB3256: Aucun assembly n a t lu

dans les listes de composants redistribuables. Impossible de gnrer une liste d exc
lusion de profil TargetFramework. ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""The redist list file ""{0}"" has a null or empty Redist name in the FileList e
lement. Make sure the Redist Name is not null or empty."",,""Le fichier de liste
de composants redistribuables ""{0}"" comporte une valeur Redist Name null ou v
ide dans l lment FileList. Assurez-vous que Redist Name n est pas null ou vide."",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3255: Could not find any Target Framework Subset files in the Target Framewo
rk Directories or at the locations specified in the InstalledAssemblySubsetTable
s.",,"MSB3255: Impossible de trouver des fichiers de sous-ensembles du Framework
cible dans les rpertoires du Framework cible ou aux emplacements spcifis dans Inst
alledAssemblySubsetTables.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This reference is not ""CopyLocal"" because it conflicted with another referen
ce with the same name and lost the conflict."",,""Cette rfrence n est pas ""CopyLo
cal"", car elle est en conflit avec une autre rfrence ayant le mme nom et a perdu l
e conflit."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This reference is not ""CopyLocal"" because its types will be embedded into th
e target assembly."",,""Cette rfrence n est pas ""CopyLocal"", car ses types seron
t incorpors dans l assembly cible."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""This reference is not ""CopyLocal"" because it s in a Frameworks directory."",
,""Cette rfrence n est pas ""CopyLocal"", car elle se trouve dans un rpertoire Fram
eworks."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This reference is not ""CopyLocal"" because at least one source item had ""Pri
vate"" set to ""false"" and no source items had ""Private"" set to ""true""."",,
""Cette rfrence n est pas ""CopyLocal"", car le paramtre ""Private"" d au moins un lm
ent source avait la valeur ""false"" et aucun lment source ne prsentait de paramtre
""Private"" dont la valeur tait ""true""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
""This reference is not ""CopyLocal"" because it s a prerequisite file."",,""Cet
te rfrence n est pas ""CopyLocal"", car il s agit d un fichier requis."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""This reference is not ""CopyLocal"" because it s registered in the GAC."",,""C
ette rfrence n est pas ""CopyLocal"", car elle est inscrite dans le GAC."",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Primary reference ""{0}""."",,""Rfrence primaire ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3267: The primary reference ""{0}"", which is a framework assembly, could n
ot be resolved in the currently targeted framework. ""{1}"". To resolve this pro
blem, either remove the reference ""{0}"" or retarget your application to a fram
ework version which contains ""{0}""."",,""MSB3267: impossible de rsoudre la rfrenc
e primaire ""{0}"", qui est un assembly framework, dans le framework actuellemen
t cibl. ""{1}"". Pour rsoudre ce problme, supprimez la rfrence ""{0}"" ou reciblez vo
tre application vers une version de framework qui contient ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3257: The primary reference ""{0}"" could not be resolved because it has a
higher version ""{1}"" than exists in the current target framework. The version
found in the current target framework is ""{2}""."",,""MSB3257: Impossible de rso
udre la rfrence primaire ""{0}"", car elle a une version ""{1}"" suprieure qui exis
te dans le Framework cible actuel. La version trouve dans le Framework cible actu
el est ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3274: The primary reference ""{0}"" could not be resolved because it was bu
ilt against the ""{1}"" framework. This is a higher version than the currently t
argeted framework ""{2}""."",,""MSB3274: Impossible de rsoudre la rfrence primaire
""{0}"" car elle a t cre avec le Framework ""{1}"". Cette version est suprieure celle
du Framework cibl actuel ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""Project file item includes which caused reference ""{0}""."",,""Item Include d

un fichier projet ayant gnr la rfrence ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,

"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3269: Could not determine if resolved references are part of the targeted f
ramework because of an error. ""{0}"""",,""MSB3269: impossible de dterminer si le
s rfrences rsolues font parties du framework cibl en raison d une erreur. ""{0}"""",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not find satellite assemblies for reference ""{0}"". {1}"",,""Impossible
de trouver des assemblys satellites pour la rfrence ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3272: There was a problem reading the implementation file ""{0}"". ""{1}"""
",,""MSB3272: Un problme est survenu lors de la lecture du fichier d implmentation
""{0}"". ""{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A TargetFramework profile exclusion list will be generated.",,"Une liste d excl
usion de profil TargetFramework sera gnre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""References which depend on ""{0}"" [{1}]."",,""Rfrences qui dpendent de ""{0}"" [
{1}]."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Due to a remapping entry in the currently targeted framework redist list, refe
rence ""{0}"" was remapped to ""{1}""."",,""En raison d une entre de remappage da
ns la liste des composants redistribuables du framework actuellement cibl, la rfren
ce ""{0}"" a t remappe en ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Required by ""{0}""."",,""Requis par ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Resolved file path is ""{0}""."",,""Le chemin de fichier rsolu est ""{0}""."",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Reference found at search path location ""{0}""."",,""Rfrence trouve dans l empla
cement du chemin d accs de recherche ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
""For SearchPath ""{0}""."",,""Pour SearchPath ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Considered AssemblyFoldersEx locations.",,"Emplacements d AssemblyFoldersEx env
isags.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3247: Found conflicts between different versions of the same dependent assem
bly.",,"MSB3247: Des conflits entre diffrentes versions du mme assembly dpendant on
t t rencontrs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Computed TargetFramework profile exclusion list assembly full names:",,"Noms co
mplets des assemblys de la liste d exclusion de profil du TargetFramework calcul:"
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Redist List File Paths:",,"Chemins d accs aux fichiers de listes de composants r
edistribuables:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TargetFramework Profile List Information:",,"Informations de listes de profil T
argetFramework:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"TargetFramework Profile List Paths:",,"Chemins d accs de listes de profil Target
Framework:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Considered ""{0}"", which existed but had a processor architecture ""{1}"" whi
ch does not match the targeted processor architecture ""{2}""."",,""""{0}"" envi
sag, qui existait mais avait une architecture de processeur ""{1}"" qui ne corres
pond pas l architecture de processeur cible ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unresolved primary reference with an item include of ""{0}""."",,""Rfrence prima
ire non rsolue avec un Item Include ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""Using this version instead of original version ""{0}"" in ""{2}"" because of a
binding redirect entry in the file ""{1}""."",,""Cette version sera utilise la p
lace de la version d origine ""{0}"" dans ""{2}"" en raison de la prsence d une e
ntre de redirection de liaison dans le fichier ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Using this version instead of original version ""{0}"" in ""{1}"" because Auto
Unify is true ."",,""Cette version sera utilise la place de la version d origine
""{0}"" dans ""{1}"", car le paramtre AutoUnify a la valeur true ."",,"Text",,"

All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Using this version instead of original version ""{0}"" in ""{1}"" because ther
e is a more recent version of this framework file."",,""Cette version sera utili
se la place de la version d origine ""{0}"" dans ""{1}"", car une version plus rce
nte de ce fichier du .NET Framework existe."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unified Dependency ""{0}""."",,""Dpendance unifie ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unified primary reference ""{0}""."",,""Rfrence primaire unifie ""{0}""."",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3273: Unknown processor architecture. The implementation file ""{0}"" for "
"{1}"" had an ImageFileMachine value of ""0x{2}"". If you wish to use this imple
mentation file make sure the ""ResolveAssemblyWarnOrErrorOnTargetArchitectureMis
match"" property in your project is set to ""Warning"" or ""None""."",,""MSB3273
: Architecture de processeur inconnue. Le fichier d implmentation ""{0}"" pour ""
{1}"" utilise la valeur ""0x{2}"" pour ImageFileMachine. Si vous voulez utiliser
ce fichier d implmentation, assurez-vous que la proprit ""ResolveAssemblyWarnOrErr
orOnTargetArchitectureMismatch"" de votre projet a la valeur ""Warning"" ou ""No
ne""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"A TargetFramework profile exclusion list will be generated. The exclusion list
is a list of assemblies not in the profile.",,"Une liste d exclusion de profil T
argetFramework sera gnre. Cette liste d exclusion contient les assemblys qui ne fig
urent pas dans le profil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Adding a matching tlbimp reference for the aximp reference ""{0}""."",,""Ajout
d une rfrence tlbimp correspondante pour la rfrence aximp ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3281: The assembly ""{0}"" is not a valid assembly file."",,""MSB3281: L as
sembly ""{0}"" n est pas un fichier d assembly valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3282: Cannot access type library name for library ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3282
: Impossible d accder au nom de la bibliothque de types pour la bibliothque ""{0}""
. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3283: Cannot find wrapper assembly for type library ""{0}"". Verify that (1
) the COM component is registered correctly and (2) your target platform is the
same as the bitness of the COM component. For example, if the COM component is 3
2-bit, your target platform must not be 64-bit."",,""MSB3283: Impossible de trou
ver l assembly de wrappers pour la bibliothque de type ""{0}"". Vrifiez que (1) le
composant COM est enregistr correctement et (2) que votre plateforme cible est l
a mme que le nombre de bits du composant COM. Par exemple, si le composant COM es
t de 32 bits, votre plateforme cible ne doit pas tre de 64 bits."",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3284: Cannot get the file path for type library ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}. {3
}"",,""MSB3284: Impossible d obtenir le chemin de fichier pour la bibliothque de
types ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}. {3}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"MSB3285: Cannot get type library attributes for a dependent type library!",,"MS
B3285: Impossible d obtenir les attributs d une bibliothque de types dpendante.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3286: Cannot load type library ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}. {3}"",,""MSB3286: I
mpossible de charger la bibliothque de types ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}. {3}"",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3287: Cannot load type library for reference ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3287: Imp
ossible de charger la bibliothque de types pour la rfrence ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3302: Cannot retrieve information about a dependent type.",,"MSB3302: Imposs
ible de rcuprer les informations relatives un type dpendant.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3300: Cannot specify values for both KeyFile and KeyContainer.",,"MSB3300: I
mpossible de spcifier les valeurs des paramtres KeyFile et KeyContainer.",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSB3301: DelaySign parameter is true, but no KeyFile or KeyContainer was specif

ied.",,"MSB3301: Le paramtre DelaySign a la valeur true, mais aucun paramtre KeyFi
le ou KeyContainer n a t spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3288: COM reference ""{0}"" conflicts with reference ""{1}"" - the project
references different type libraries with the same type library names. Ignoring r
eference ""{0}""."",,""MSB3288: La rfrence COM ""{0}"" est en conflit avec la rfrenc
e ""{1}"" - le projet fait rfrence des bibliothques de types diffrentes ayant le mme
nom. La rfrence ""{0}"" sera ignore."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
""MSB3290: Failed to create the wrapper assembly for type library ""{0}"". {1}""
,,""MSB3290: Impossible de crer l assembly de wrappers pour la bibliothque de type
s ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3291: Could not resolve dependent .NET assembly ""{0}"". Please make sure t
his assembly is included in the references section of the project file."",,"MSB3
291: Impossible de rsoudre l assembly .NET {0} dpendant. Assurez-vous que cet as
sembly est compris dans la section des rfrences du fichier projet.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3292: Failed to remap ADO reference version {0}.{1} to version 2.7 - ""{2}"
"."",,""MSB3292: Impossible de remapper la version {0}.{1} de la rfrence ADO la v
ersion 2.7 - ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3303: Could not resolve COM reference ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}. {3}"",,""MSB
3303: Impossible de rsoudre la rfrence COM ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}. {3}"",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3293: Could not resolve dependent COM reference ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}."",
,""MSB3293: Impossible de rsoudre la rfrence COM ""{0}"" dpendante, version {1}.{2}.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3294: Could not resolve dependent COM reference ""{0}""."",,""MSB3294: Impo
ssible de rsoudre la rfrence COM ""{0}"" dpendante."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3304: Could not determine the dependencies of the COM reference ""{0}"". {1
}"",,""MSB3304: Impossible de dterminer les dpendances de la rfrence COM ""{0}"". {1
}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3295: Failed to load an assembly. Please make sure you have disabled strong
name verification for your public key if you want to generate delay signed wrapp
ers. {0}",,"MSB3295: Impossible de charger un assembly. Assurez-vous d avoir dsac
tiv la vrification du nom fort pour votre cl publique si vous voulez gnrer des wrappe
rs signature diffre. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3296: The specified COM reference meta-data for the reference ""{1}"" is mi
ssing or has an invalid value: ""{0}""."",,""MSB3296: Les mtadonnes de rfrence COM s
pcifies pour la rfrence ""{1}"" sont manquantes ou ont une valeur non valide: ""{0}""
."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3297: No COM references have been passed into the task, exiting.",,"MSB3297:
Aucune rfrence COM n a t passe dans la tche, abandon de l opration.",,"Text",,"All",,
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating new cache file at ""{0}""."",,""Cration d un nouveau fichier cache l e
mplacement ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Remapping ADO reference version {0}.{1} to version 2.7.",,"Remappage de la vers
ion {0}.{1} de la rfrence ADO la version 2.7.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Processing COM reference ""{0}"" from path ""{1}"". {2}"",,""Traitement de la
rfrence COM ""{0}"" depuis le chemin d accs ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3305: Processing COM reference ""{0}"" from path ""{1}"". {2}"",,""MSB3305:
Traitement de la rfrence COM ""{0}"" depuis le chemin d accs ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Resolved COM reference dependency ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}: ""{3}"""",,""Dpendan
ce de la rfrence COM ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}: ""{3}"" rsolue"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Resolved COM reference dependency ""{0}"": ""{1}"""",,""Dpendance de la rfrence C
OM ""{0}"": ""{1}"" rsolue"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""Resolved COM reference for item ""{0}"": ""{1}""."",,""Rfrence COM rsolue pour l lm
ent ""{0}"": ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Resolving COM reference for item ""{0}"" with a wrapper ""{1}""."",,""Rsolution
de la rfrence COM pour l lment ""{0}"" avec un wrapper ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Resolving COM reference dependency ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}."",,""Rsolution de l
a dpendance de la rfrence COM ""{0}"" version {1}.{2}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Determining dependencies of the COM reference ""{0}""."",,""Dtermination des dpe
ndances de la rfrence COM ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MSB3298: The key container {0} does not contain a public/private key pair.",,
"MSB3298: Le conteneur de cl {0} ne contient pas de paire de cls publique/prive."
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3299: The key file {0} does not contain a public/private key pair.",,"MSB3
299: Le fichier de cl {0} ne contient pas de paire de cls publique/prive.",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"COM Reference {0} is the interop assembly for ActiveX control {1} but was m
arked to be linked by the compiler with the /link flag. This COM reference will
be treated as a reference and will not be linked.",,"La rfrence COM {0} est l as
sembly d interoprabilit pour le contrle ActiveX {1} mais tait marque comme tant lie
u compilateur avec l indicateur /link. Cette rfrence COM sera traite comme une rfrenc
e mais ne sera pas lie.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Using cache file at ""{0}""."",,""Utilisation du fichier cache l emplacement "
"{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3323: Unable to find manifest signing certificate in the certificate store."
,,"MSB3323: Impossible de trouver le certificat de signature de manifeste dans l
e magasin de certificats.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3324: Invalid key file name ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3324: Nom du fichier de cl
non valide ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3326: Cannot import the following key file: {0}. The key file may be passwor
d protected. To correct this, try to import the certificate again or import the
certificate manually into the current users personal certificate store.",,"MSB332
6: impossible d importer le fichier de cl suivant: {0}. Le fichier de cl est peut-tr
e protg par mot de passe. Pour corriger cela, essayez d importer de nouveau le cer
tificat ou d importer manuellement le certificat dans le magasin de certificats
personnel de l utilisateur actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSB3325: Cannot import the following key file: {0}. The key file may be passwor
d protected. To correct this, try to import the certificate again or manually in
stall the certificate to the Strong Name CSP with the following key container na
me: {1}",,"MSB3325: Impossible d importer le fichier de cl suivant: {0}. Le fichie
r de cl est peut-tre protg par mot de passe. Pour corriger ce problme, essayez d impo
rter de nouveau le certificat ou installez manuellement le certificat dans le fo
urnisseur de services de chiffrement de nom fort avec le nom de conteneur de cl s
uivant: {1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3321: Importing key file ""{0}"" was canceled."",,""MSB3321: L importation
du fichier de cl ""{0}"" a t annule."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
""MSB3322: Unable to get MD5 checksum for the key file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3322
: Impossible d obtenir le checksum MD5 pour le fichier de cl ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Error importing key",,"Erreur lors de l importation de la cl",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3331: Unable to apply publish properties for item ""{0}""."",,""MSB3331: Im
possible d appliquer les proprits de publication pour l lment ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Processing manifest file ""{0}""."",,""Traitement du fichier manifeste ""{0}""
."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3341: Could not resolve reference ""{0}"". If this reference is required by

your code, you may get compilation errors."",,""MSB3341: Impossible de rsoudre l

a rfrence ""{0}"". Si elle est requise par votre code, vous risquez d obtenir des
erreurs de compilation."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Attempting to resolve reference ""{0}"" on path(s):"",,""Tentative de rsolution
de la rfrence ""{0}"" sur les chemins d accs:"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3582: Could not resolve project reference ""{0}""."",,""MSB3582: Impossible
de rsoudre la rfrence de projet ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""Resolving project reference ""{0}""."",,""Rsolution de la rfrence de projet ""{0}
""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Project reference ""{0}"" resolved as ""{1}""."",,""La rfrence de projet ""{0}""
a t rsolue comme ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3773: The SDK ""{0}"" cannot be referenced alongside SDK(s) {1}, as they al
l belong to the same SDK product Family ""{2}"". Please consider removing refere
nces to other SDKs of the same product family."",,""MSB3773: Le Kit de dveloppeme
nt logiciel ""{0}"" ne peut pas tre rfrenc avec le(s) Kit(s) de dveloppement logiciel
{1}, car ils appartiennent tous la mme famille de Kits de dveloppement logiciel "
"{2}"". Veuillez supprimer les rfrences aux autres SDK appartenant la famille de p
roduits."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3780: The SDK ""{0}"" cannot be referenced alongside SDK(s) {1}, because on
ly one version of the SDK can be referenced from a project. Please consider remo
ving references to the other SDKs."",,""MSB3780: Le kit de dveloppement logiciel
""{0}"" ne peut pas tre rfrenc avec le(s) kit(s) de dveloppement logiciel {1}, car un
e seule version du kit de dveloppement logiciel peut tre rfrence partir d un projet.
Veuillez supprimer les rfrences aux autres kits de dveloppement logiciel."",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Could not find ""FrameworkIdentity"" attribute ""{0}"" in the SDK manifest. ""
,,""Attribut ""FrameworkIdentity"" ""{0}"" introuvable dans le manifeste SDK. ""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3774: Could not find SDK ""{0}""."",,""MSB3774: SDK ""{0}"" introuvable."",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was a problem reading the SDK manifest file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""Un problme
est survenu lors de la lecture du fichier du manifeste SDK ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3775: There was an error resolving the SDK ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3775: Une e
rreur s est produite lors de la rsolution du SDK ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found ""APPX"" location attribute ""{0}"" in the SDK manifest."",,""L attribut
d emplacement ""{0}"" de l ""APPX"" a t trouv dans le manifeste SDK."",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found ""FrameworkIdentity"" attribute ""{0}"" in the SDK manifest."",,""L attr
ibut ""FrameworkIdentity"" ""{0}"" a t trouv dans le manifeste SDK."",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Found at search location ""{0}""."",,""Trouv l emplacement de recherche ""{0}""
."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""No ""APPX"" attributes indicating app package locations were found in the SDK
manifest. If an app package is required at runtime the project may not run."",,"
Aucun attribut APPX indiquant des emplacements de package d application n a t trou
v dans le manifeste SDK. Si un package d application est requis au moment de l exc
ution, le projet ne s excutera peut-tre pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"No FrameworkIdentity attributes were found in the SDK manifest, treating this S
DK as a non-framework SDK.",,"Aucun attribut FrameworkIdentity n a t trouv dans le
manifeste SDK, ce SDK tant trait comme un SDK non Framework.",,"Text",,"All",,".NE
T Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3778: ""APPX"" attributes were found in the SDK manifest file ""{0}"" howev
er none of the attributes matched the targeted configuration and architecture ""
{1} | {2}"" and no ""APPX"" attribute without configuration and architecture cou
ld be found. If an app package is required then the project will fail at runtime

."",,""MSB3778: des attributs ""APPX"" ont t trouvs dans le fichier du manifeste SD

K ""{0}""; toutefois aucun de ces attributs ne correspond la configuration et l a
rchitecture cibles ""{1} | {2}"" et aucun attribut ""APPX"" sans configuration ni
architecture n a t trouv. Si un package d application est requis, le projet chouera
au moment de l excution."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3777: ""FrameworkIdentity"" attributes were found in the SDK manifest file
""{0}"", however none of the attributes matched the targeted configuration and a
rchitecture ""{1} | {2}"" and no ""FrameworkIdentity"" attribute without configu
ration and architecture could be found. If this project is to be packaged, packa
ging will fail."",,""MSB3777: Des attributs ""FrameworkIdentity"" ont t trouvs dans
le fichier du manifeste SDK ""{0}"", toutefois aucun des attributs ne correspon
d la configuration et l architecture cibles ""{1} | {2}"" et aucun attribut ""Fr
ameworkIdentity"" sans configuration ni architecture n a pu tre trouv. Si ce proje
t doit tre ajout au package, le package chouera."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot resolve ""SDKReference"" items because no installed SDK locations were
passed into the property ""InstalledSdks""."",,""Impossible de rsoudre les lments "
"SDKReference"" car des emplacements du SDK non install ont t passs dans la proprit ""
InstalledSdks""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Has a platform identity of ""{0}""."",,""A une identit de plateforme ""{0}"".""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3782: The ""{0}"" SDK does not support targeting a neutral architecture wit
h ""Prefer 32-Bit"" enabled for the project. Please go to the project properties
(Build tab for C# and Compile tab for VB) and disable the ""Prefer 32-bit"" opt
ion, or change your project to target a non-neutral architecture."",,""MSB3782:
Le kit de dveloppement logiciel ""{0}"" ne prend pas en charge comme cible une ar
chitecture neutre dont l option ""Prfrer 32 bits"" est active pour le projet. Accdez
aux proprits du projet (onglet Gnrer pour C# et Compiler pour VB) et dsactivez l opt
ion ""Prfrer 32 bits"" ou modifiez votre projet afin qu il cible une architecture
non neutre."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Reading SDK manifest file ""{0}""."",,""Lecture du fichier du manifeste SDK ""
{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Updating the ""{0}"" architecture ""APPX"" location from ""{1}"" to ""{2}"". "
",,""Mise jour de l emplacement ""APPX"" de l architecture ""{0}"" de ""{1}"" ve
rs ""{2}"". "",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3781: The SDK ""{0}"" depends on the following SDK(s) {1}, which have not b
een added to the project or were not found. Please ensure that you add these dep
endencies to your project or you may experience runtime issues."",,""MSB3781: Le
kit de dveloppement logiciel (SDK) ""{0}"" dpend des kits de dveloppement logiciel
suivants {1} qui n ont pas t ajouts au projet ou sont introuvables. Assurez-vous d
ajouter ces dpendances votre projet pour viter des problmes l excution."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3776: The SDK Reference ""{0}"" is incorrectly formatted. It must be in the
following format ""<SDKName>, Version=<SDKVersion>. For example: ""MySDK, Versi
on=2.0"""",,""MSB3776: La rfrence SDK ""{0}"" est formate de manire incorrecte. Elle
doit suivre le format suivant ""<Nom du SDK>, Version=<Version du SDK>. Par exe
mple : ""MySDK, Version=2.0"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Searching for SDK ""{0}"": "",,""Recherche de SDK ""{0}"" : "",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3779: The processor architecture of the project being built ""{0}"" is not
supported by the referenced SDK ""{1}"". Please consider changing the targeted p
rocessor architecture of your project (in visual studio this can be done through
the Configuration Manager) to one of the architectures supported by the SDK: ""
{2}""."",,""MSB3779: L architecture de processeur du projet en cours de gnration "
"{0}"" n est pas prise en charge par le kit de dveloppement logiciel rfrenc ""{1}"".
Veuillez remplacer l architecture de processeur cible de votre projet (dans Visu
al Studio, l aide du Gestionnaire de configuration) par l une des architectures
prises en charge par le kit de dveloppement logiciel: ""{2}""."",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Targeted configuration and architecture ""{0}|{1}"""",,""Configuration et arch

itecture cibles ""{0}|{1}"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""MSB3472: We were unable to delete the existing serializer ""{0}"" before creat
ing a new one: {1} "",,""MSB3472: Impossible de supprimer le srialiseur existant
""{0}"" avant d en crer un autre: {1} "",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB3473: Path for ""{0}"" is invalid. {1}"",,""MSB3473: Le chemin d accs de ""{
0}"" n est pas valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3471: Non-existent reference ""{0}"" passed to the SGen task."",,""MSB3471:
Rfrence ""{0}"" inexistante passe la tche SGen."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",
,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3481: The signing certificate could not be located. Ensure that it is in the
current user s personal store.",,"MSB3481: Impossible de trouver le certificat
de signature. Vrifiez qu il se trouve dans le magasin personnel de l utilisateur
actuel.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3482: An error occurred while signing: {0}",,"MSB3482: Une erreur s est prod
uite lors de la signature: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3483: A warning occurred while signing: {0}",,"MSB3483: Un avertissement s e
st produit lors de la signature: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"MSB3484: Signing target {0} could not be found.",,"MSB3484: Impossible de tro
uver la cible de signature {0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MSB3351: Unable to create a strong name key pair from key container {0} .",,"M
SB3351: Impossible de crer une paire de cls de nom fort partir du conteneur de cl
{0} .",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3352: The specified key file {0} could not be read.",,"MSB3352: Le fichier
de cl spcifi {0} n a pas pu tre lu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSB3353: Public key necessary for delay signing was not specified.",,"MSB3353:
La cl publique ncessaire la signature diffre n a pas t spcifie.",,"Text",,"All",,".
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3661: Invalid value {0} passed to the Transform property.",,"MSB3661: Une
valeur {0} non valide a t passe la proprit Transform.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3662: No input file has been passed to the task, exiting.",,"MSB3662: Aucun
fichier d entre n a t pass la tche, abandon de l opration.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3371: The file ""{0}"" cannot be created. {1}"",,""MSB3371: Impossible de c
rer le fichier ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3372: The file ""{0}"" cannot be made writable. {1}"",,""MSB3372: Impossibl
e de rendre le fichier ""{0}"" accessible en criture. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3373: The attributes on file ""{0}"" cannot be restored to their original v
alue. {1}"",,""MSB3373: Impossible de restaurer la valeur initiale des attributs
du fichier ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3374: The last access/last write time on file ""{0}"" cannot be set. {1}"",
,""MSB3374: Impossible de dfinir l heure du dernier accs/de la dernire criture pour
le fichier ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Creating ""{0}"" because ""{1}"" was specified."",,""Cration de ""{0}"", car ""
{1}"" a t spcifi."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3375: The file ""{0}"" does not exist."",,""MSB3375: Le fichier ""{0}"" n e
xiste pas."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3376: The syntax of the Time parameter is incorrect. {0}",,"MSB3376: La synt
axe du paramtre Time n est pas correcte. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Touching ""{0}""."",,""Mise jour de l horodatage ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3396: The ""{0}"" task needs either an assembly path or state file path."",
,""MSB3396: La tche ""{0}"" ncessite un chemin d assembly ou un chemin de fichier
d tat."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

""MSB3395: Cannot unregister assembly ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3395: Impossible d an

nuler l inscription de l assembly ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3391: ""{0}"" does not contain any types that can be unregistered for COM I
nterop."",,""MSB3391: ""{0}"" ne contient aucun type dont l inscription peut tre
annule pour COM Interop."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3392: Cannot unregister assembly ""{0}"" - access denied. Please make sure
you re running the application as administrator. {1}"",,""MSB3392: Impossible d
annuler l inscription de l assembly ""{0}"" - accs refus. Assurez-vous que vous exc
utez l application en tant qu administrateur. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3393: Cannot unregister assembly ""{0}"" - file doesn t exist."",,""MSB3393
: Impossible d annuler l inscription de l assembly ""{0}"" - fichier inexistant.
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3397: Cannot unregister type library ""{0}"" - cannot load file, check to m
ake sure it s a valid type library."",,""MSB3397: Impossible d annuler l inscrip
tion de la bibliothque de types ""{0}"" - chargement du fichier impossible, assu
rez-vous que la bibliothque de types est valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewor
k",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Cannot unregister type library ""{0}"" - file doesn t exist."",,""Impossible d
annuler l inscription de la bibliothque de types ""{0}"" - fichier inexistant.""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3394: Type library ""{0}"" is not registered, cannot unregister."",,""MSB33
94: La bibliothque de types ""{0}"" n est pas inscrite, impossible d annuler l in
scription."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unregistering assembly ""{0}"" for COM Interop."",,""Annulation de l inscripti
on de l assembly ""{0}"" pour COM Interop."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
""Unregistering type library ""{0}""."",,""Annulation de l inscription de la bib
liothque de types ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3402: There was an error creating the pdb file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3402: U
ne erreur s est produite lors de la cration du fichier pdb ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3401: ""{1}"" is an invalid value for the ""{0}"" parameter. The valid val
ues are: {2}"",,""MSB3401: ""{1}"" n est pas une valeur valide pour le paramtre "
"{0}"". Les valeurs valides sont: {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""""{1}"" is an invalid value for the ""{0}"" parameter."",,""""{1}"" n est pas
une valeur valide pour le paramtre ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3762: No references were passed to the task. References to at least mscorlib
and Windows.Foundation are required.",,"MSB3762: Aucune rfrence n a t passe la tche.
Les rfrences mscorlib et Windows.Foundation au moins sont requises.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Generated by the MSBuild WriteCodeFragment class on {0}.",,"Gnr par la classe MSBu
ild WriteCodeFragment sur {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3712: Code for the language ""{0}"" could not be generated. {1}"",,""MSB371
2: Impossible de gnrer le code pour la langue ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3713: The file ""{0}"" could not be created. {1}"",,""MSB3713: Impossible d
e crer le fichier ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Emitted specified code into ""{0}""."",,""Code spcifi mis dans ""{0}""."",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3711: At least one of OutputFile or OutputDirectory must be provided.",,"MSB
3711: Au moins un OutputFile ou OutputDirectory doit tre fourni.",,"Text",,"All",
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No output file was written because no code was specified to create.",,"Aucun fi
chier de sortie n a t crit, car aucun code n a t spcifi pour la cration.",,"Text",,"A
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3714: The parameter ""{0}"" was supplied, but not all previously numbered p

arameters."",,""MSB3714: Le paramtre ""{0}"" a t fourni, mais pas tous les paramtres

prcdemment numrots."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3491: Could not write lines to file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB3491: Impossible d
crire des lignes dans le fichier ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3693: Unable to execute Xaml task. The value ""{1}"" specified for task pa
rameter ""{0}"" is not valid."",,""MSB3693: Impossible d excuter la tche Xaml. La
valeur ""{1}"" spcifie pour le paramtre de tche ""{0}"" n est pas valide."",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3721: The command ""{0}"" exited with code {1}."",,""MSB3721: La commande "
"{0}"" s est arrte avec le code {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""MSB3722: The command ""{0}"" exited with code {1}. Please verify that you have
sufficient rights to run this command."",,""MSB3722: La commande ""{0}"" s est
arrte avec le code {1}. Assurez-vous que vous disposez de droits suffisants pour e
xcuter cette commande."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3691: Unable to create Xaml task. The root object was not of type ProjectSc
hemaDefinitions.",,"MSB3691: Impossible de crer la tche Xaml. L objet racine n est
pas de type ProjectSchemaDefinitions.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
""MSB3723: The parameter ""{0}"" requires missing parameter ""{1}"" to be set.""
,,""MSB3723: Le paramtre ""{0}"" ncessite la dfinition du paramtre manquant ""{1}"".
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3694: Unable to create Xaml task. The EnumValue ""{1}"" on EnumProperty ""
{0}"" is missing the SwitchValue attribute."",,""MSB3694: Impossible de crer la tc
he Xaml. La valeur EnumValue ""{1}"" sur EnumProperty ""{0}"" ne comporte pas d
attribut SwitchValue."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3692: Unable to create Xaml task. The <UsingTask> does not contain a <Task>
definition.",,"MSB3692: Impossible de crer la tche Xaml. <UsingTask> ne contient
pas de dfinition <Task>.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3688: Unable to create Xaml task. File not found: {0}.",,"MSB3688: Impossib
le de crer la tche Xaml. Fichier introuvable: {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3689: Unable to execute Xaml task. If the CommandLineTemplate task paramete
r is not specified, then the ToolName attribute must be specified in the Rule or
the ToolExe task parameter must be set.",,"MSB3689: Impossible d excuter la tche
Xaml. Si le paramtre de tche CommandLineTemplate n est pas spcifi, l attribut ToolNa
me doit tre spcifi dans la rgle ou le paramtre ToolExe doit tre dfini.",,"Text",,"All"
,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3690: Unable to create Xaml task. The Rule ""{0}"" was not found."",,""MSB
3690: Impossible de crer la tche Xaml. La rgle ""{0}"" est introuvable."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3687: Unable to parse Xaml rule. {0}",,"MSB3687: Impossible d analyser la rg
le Xaml. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3686: Unable to create Xaml task. Compilation failed. {0}",,"MSB3686: Impo
ssible de crer la tche Xaml. chec de la compilation. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3741: Unable to load arguments for the XmlPeek task. {0}",,"MSB3741: impossi
ble de charger les arguments pour la tche XmlPeek. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fra
mework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3742: Unable to process the Namespaces argument for the XmlPeek task. {0}",,
"MSB3742: impossible de traiter l argument Namespaces pour la tche XmlPeek. {0}",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The specified Namespaces attribute does not have attribute ""{0}""."",,""L att
ribut Namespaces spcifi n a pas d attribut ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified Namespaces attribute is not a well-formed XML fragment.",,"L attr
ibut Namespaces spcifi n est pas un fragment XML correct.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The specified XPath query did not capture any nodes.",,"La requte XPath spcifie n

a captur aucun nud.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSB3743: Unable to set XPath expression s Context. {0}",,"MSB3743: impossible d
e dfinir le contexte de l expression XPath. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One of XmlContent or XmlInputPath arguments must be set.",,"L un des arguments
XmlContent ou XmlInputPath doit tre dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Only one of XmlContent or XmlInputPath arguments can be set.",,"Seul l un des a
rguments XmlContent ou XmlInputPath peut tre dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3733: Input file ""{0}"" cannot be opened. {1}"",,""MSB3733: impossible d o
uvrir le fichier d entre ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
""MSB3734: XPath Query ""{0}"" cannot be loaded. {1}"",,""MSB3734: impossible de
charger la requte XPath ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Made {0} replacement(s).",,"{0} remplacement(s) effectu(s).",,"Text",,"All",,".N
ET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3731: Unable to process the Namespaces argument for the XmlPoke task. {0}",,
"MSB3731: impossible de traiter l argument Namespaces pour la tche XmlPoke. {0}",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The specified Namespaces attribute doesn t have attribute ""{0}""."",,""L attr
ibut Namespaces spcifi n a pas d attribut ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB3735: Error while executing poke operation with the Value parameter ""{0}""
. {1}"",,""MSB3735: erreur lors de l excution de l opration d criture en mmoire vive
avec le paramtre Value ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
""Replaced ""{0}"" with ""{1}""."",,""""{0}"" remplac par ""{1}""."",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3732: Unable to set XPath expression s Context. {0}",,"MSB3732: impossible d
e dfinir le contexte de l expression XPath. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3701: Unable to load arguments for the XslTransformation task. {0}",,"MSB370
1: Impossible de charger les arguments pour la tche XslTransformation. {0}",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""When specifying assembly ""{0}"", you must specify the type as well."",,""Lors
de la spcification de l assembly ""{0}"", vous devez galement indiquer le type.""
,,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3703: Unable to execute transformation. {0}",,"MSB3703: Impossible d excuter
la transformation. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One of XmlContent or XmlInputPaths arguments must be set.",,"Un argument XmlCon
tent ou XmlInputPaths doit tre dfini.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
"Only one of XmlContent or XmlInputPaths arguments can be set.",,"Vous pouvez dfi
nir uniquement un argument XmlContent ou XmlInputPaths.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3702: Unable to process the XsltParameters argument for the XslTransformatio
n task. {0}",,"MSB3702: Impossible de traiter l argument XsltParameters de la tch
e XslTransformation. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"One of XslContent, XslInputPath and XslCompiledDllPath arguments must be set.",
,"Un argument XslContent, XslInputPath ou XslCompiledDllPath doit tre dfini.",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Only one of XslContent, XslInputPath or XslCompiledDllPath arguments can be set
.",,"Vous pouvez dfinir uniquement un argument XslContent, XslInputPath ou XslCom
piledDllPath.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB3704: Unable to load the specified Xslt. {0}",,"MSB3704: Impossible de charg
er le paramtre Xslt spcifi. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The specified Xslt Parameter doesn t have attribute ""{0}""."",,""Le paramtre X
slt spcifi n a pas d attribut ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4

"The specified Xslt Parameter attribute is not a well-formed XML fragment.",,"L
attribut du paramtre Xslt spcifi n est pas un fragment XML bien form.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Unsupported .NET Framework version ""{0}""."",,""Version .NET Framework non pr
ise en charge ""{0}""."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" This class was generated by MSBuild using the GenerateResource task.",," Cet
te classe a t gnre par MSBuild l aide de la tche GenerateResource.",,"Text",,"All",,"
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" To add or remove a member, edit your .resx file then rerun MSBuild.",," Pour
ajouter ou supprimer un membre, modifiez votre fichier.resx, puis rexcutez MSBuild
.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB6001: Invalid command line switch for ""{0}"". {1}"",,""MSB6001: Commutateu
r de ligne de commande non valide pour ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Illegal quote passed to the command line switch named ""{0}"". The value was [
{1}]."",,""Guillemet non conforme pass au commutateur de ligne de commande nomm ""
{0}"". La valeur tait [{1}]."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Illegal quote in the command line value [{0}].",,"Guillemet non conforme dans l
a valeur de ligne de commande [{0}].",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"The value [{0}] contains an odd number of double-quote characters. Only even nu
mbers of literal double-quote characters are acceptable to command line tools.",
,"La valeur [{0}] contient un nombre impair de guillemets. Seuls les nombres pai
rs de guillemets littraux sont accepts par les outils en ligne de commande.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The command exited with code {0}.",,"La commande s est arrte avec le code {0}.",,
"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB6005: Task attempted to log before it was initialized. Message was: {0}",,"M
SB6005: La tche a tent d ouvrir une session avant d tre initialise. Le message tait l
e suivant: {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"".NET Framework version ""{0}"" is not supported. Please specify a value from t
he enumeration Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion."",,""La v
ersion ""{0}"" de .NET Framework n est pas prise en charge. Spcifiez une valeur d
e l numration Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion."",,"Text",,"
All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"".NET Framework version ""{0}"" is not supported when explicitly targeting the
Windows SDK, which is only supported on .NET 4.5 and later. Please specify a va
lue from the enumeration Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion
that is Version45 or above."",,""La version ""{0}"" de .NET Framework n est pas
prise en charge lors du ciblage explicite du kit de dveloppement Windows SDK, qui
n est pris en charge que par .NET 4.5 et versions ultrieures. Spcifiez une valeur
de l numration Microsoft.Build.Utilities.TargetDotNetFrameworkVersion qui soit Ve
rsion45 ou suprieure."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Visual Studio version ""{0}"" is not supported. Please specify a value from t
he enumeration Microsoft.Build.Utilities.VisualStudioVersion."",,""La version ""
{0}"" de Visual Studio n est pas prise en charge. Spcifiez une valeur de l numratio
n Microsoft.Build.Utilities.VisualStudioVersion."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB6002: The command-line for the ""{0}"" task is too long. Command-lines long
er than 32000 characters are likely to fail. Try reducing the length of the comm
and-line by breaking down the call to ""{0}"" into multiple calls with fewer par
ameters per call."",,""MSB6002: La ligne de commande de la tche ""{0}"" est trop
longue. Les lignes de commande de plus de 32000caractres risquent d chouer. Essayez
de rduire la longueur de la ligne de commande en divisant l appel ""{0}"" en plus
ieurs appels contenant moins de paramtres chacun."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB6003: The specified task executable ""{0}"" could not be run. {1}"",,""MSB6
003: Impossible d excuter la tche excutable spcifie ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Environment Variables passed to tool:",,"Variables d environnement passes l outi

l:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB6007: The ""{0}"" value passed to the Environment property is not in the fo
rmat ""name=value"", where the value part may be empty."",,""MSB6007: La valeur
""{0}"" passe la proprit Environment n utilise pas le format ""nom=valeur"", o le co
mposant de valeur peut tre vide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB6006: ""{0}"" exited with code {1}."",,""MSB6006: Arrt de ""{0}"" avec le co
de {1}."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB6004: The specified task executable location ""{0}"" is invalid."",,""MSB60
04: L emplacement de la tche excutable spcifie ""{0}"" n est pas valide."",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""The Framework at path ""{0}"" tried to include the framework at path ""{1}"" a
s part of its reference assembly paths but there was an error. {2}"",,""Le Frame
work l emplacement ""{0}"" a tent d inclure le Framework l emplacement ""{1}"" co
mme faisant partie de ses chemins d assembly de rfrence, mais une erreur s est pro
duite. {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""When attempting to generate a reference assembly path from the path ""{0}"" an
d the framework moniker ""{1}"" there was an error. {2}"",,""Une erreur s est pr
oduite lors de la tentative de gnration d un chemin d assembly de rfrence partir du
chemin d accs ""{0}"" et du moniker.NET Framework ""{1}"". {2}"",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""There was an error reading the redist list file ""{0}"". {1}"",,""Une erreur s
est produite lors de la lecture du fichier de liste de composants redistribuabl
es ""{0}"". {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"All outputs are up-to-date.",,"Toutes les sorties sont jour.",,"Text",,"All",,"
.NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No dependencies for output {0} were found in the tracking log; source compilati
on required.",,"Aucune dpendance pour la sortie {0} n a t trouve dans le journal de
suivi; compilation source requise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"File {0} was modified at {1} which is newer than {2} modified at {3}.",,"{0} a t
modifi au niveau de {1}, qui est plus rcent que {2} modifi au niveau de {3}.",,"Tex
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Source compilation required: input {0} is newer than output {1}.",,"Compilation
source requise: l entre {0} est plus rcente que la sortie {1}.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Inputs for {0}:",,"Entres pour {0}:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"Input details ({0} of them) were not logged for performance reasons.",,"Les dtai
ls sur les entres ({0} de celles-ci) n ont pas t enregistrs pour des raisons de perf
ormances.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tracking logs are not available, minimal rebuild will be disabled.",,"Les journ
aux de suivi ne sont pas disponibles, la rgnration minimale sera dsactive.",,"Text",,
"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing input files detected, minimal rebuild will be disabled.",,"Fichiers d e
ntre manquants dtects, la rgnration minimale sera dsactive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Missing output files detected, minimal rebuild will be disabled.",,"Fichiers de
sortie manquants dtects, la rgnration minimale sera dsactive.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} does not exist; source compilation required.",,"{0} n existe pas; compilatio
n source requise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"No output for {0} was found in the tracking log; source compilation required.",
,"Aucune sortie pour {0} n a t trouve dans le journal de suivi; compilation source r
equise.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Outputs for {0}:",,"Sorties pour {0}:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"Output details ({0} of them) were not logged for performance reasons.",,"Les dta
ils sur les sorties ({0} de celles-ci) n ont pas t enregistrs pour des raisons de p
erformances.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"Could not find {0} in the read tracking log.",,"{0} introuvable dans le journal
de suivi de lecture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using cached input dependency table built from:",,"Utilisation de la table des
dpendances d entre mise en cache gnre partir de:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"
lue 4.5.1"
"Read Tracking Logs:",,"Journaux de suivi de lecture:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSB6008: Forcing a rebuild of all sources due to an error with the tracking log
s. {0}",,"MSB6008: rgnration force de toutes les sources en raison d une erreur avec
les journaux de suivi. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSB6009: Forcing a rebuild of all source files due to the contents of ""{0}""
being invalid."",,""MSB6009: rgnration force de tous les fichiers sources en raison
d un contenu de ""{0}"" non valide."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Tracking log {0} is not available.",,"Le journal de suivi {0} n est pas disponi
ble.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} will be compiled as it was not found in the tracking log.",,"{0} sera compi
l, car il est introuvable dans le journal de suivi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framew
ork",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} will be compiled as not all outputs are available.",,"{0} sera compil, car l
es sorties ne sont pas toutes disponibles.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"B
lue 4.5.1"
"{0} will be compiled.",,"{0} sera compil.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"{0} will be compiled as the tracking log is not available.",,"{0} sera compil, c
ar le journal de suivi n est pas disponible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} will be compiled as {1} was modified at {2}.",,"{0} sera compil puisque {1}
a t modifi {2}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} will be compiled as dependency {1} was missing.",,"{0} sera compil puisque l
a dpendance {1} tait manquante.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"{0} will be compiled as output {1} does not exist.",,"{0} sera compil puisque la
sortie {1} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"The number of source files and corresponding outputs must match.",,"Les nombres
de fichiers sources et de sorties associes doivent correspondre.",,"Text",,"All"
,,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using cached dependency table built from:",,"Utilisation de la table des dpendan
ces mise en cache gnre partir de:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Write Tracking log not available, minimal rebuild will be disabled.",,"Journal
de suivi d criture non disponible, la rgnration minimale sera dsactive.",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Tracking Logs:",,"Journaux de suivi:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"Skipping task because it is up-to-date.",,"La tche est ignore, car elle est jour.
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Could not find {0} in the write tracking log.",,"{0} introuvable dans le journa
l de suivi d criture.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Using cached output dependency table built from:",,"Utilisation de la table des
dpendances de sortie mise en cache gnre partir de:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Write Tracking Logs:",,"Journaux de suivi d criture:",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Attempting to cancel the build...",,"Tentative d annulation de la gnration en cou
rs...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1011: Specify which project or solution file to use because
this folder contains more than one project or solution file.",,"MSBUILD : error
MSB1011: Spcifiez le fichier projet ou solution utiliser car ce dossier en contie
nt plusieurs.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1027: The /noautoresponse switch cannot be specified in the
MSBuild.rsp auto-response file, nor in any response file that is referenced by t

he auto-response file.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1027: Le commutateur /noautorespons

e ne peut pas tre spcifi dans le fichier rponse automatique MSBuild.rsp, ni dans auc
un autre fichier rponse rfrenc par le fichier rponse automatique.",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : Configuration error {0}: {1}",,"MSBUILD : Configuration - error {0}:
{1}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Microsoft (R) Build Engine version {0}\r\n[Microsoft .NET Framework, version {1
}]\r\nCopyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.\r\n",,"Microsoft
(R) Build Engine, version {0}\r\n[Microsoft .NET Framework, Version {1}]\r\nCop
yright (C) Microsoft Corporation. Tous droits rservs.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSBUILD : error MSB1048: Solution files cannot be debugged directly. Run MSBui
ld first with an environment variable MSBUILDEMITSOLUTION=1 to create a correspo
nding "".sln.metaproj"" file. Then debug that."",,""MSBUILD : error MSB1048: Imp
ossible de dboguer directement les fichiers solution. Excutez d abord MSBuild avec
une variable d environnement MSBUILDEMITSOLUTION=1 pour crer un fichier "".sln.m
etaproj"" correspondant. Procdez ensuite au dbogage."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1008: Only one project can be specified.",,"MSBUILD : error
MSB1008: Un seul projet peut tre spcifi.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"MSBUILD : error MSB1025: An internal failure occurred while running MSBuild.",,
"MSBUILD : error MSB1025: Une erreur interne s est produite lors de l excution de
MSBuild.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /property:<n>=<v> Set or override these project-level properties. <n> is\r\n
the property name, and <v> is the property value. Use a\r\n
semicolon or a comma to separate multiple properties, or\r\
specify each property separately. (Short form: /p)\r\n
Dir=bin\Debug\\r\n",," /property:<n>=<v> Dfinir ou substituer ces proprits au niv
eau du projet.\r\n
<n> est le nom de la proprit et <v> la vale
ur de la\r\n
proprit. Utilisez un point-virgule ou une virgule
sparer plusieurs proprits, ou spcifiez chacune d elles
sparment. (Forme abrge: /p)\r\n
",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /logger:<logger> Use this logger to log events from MSBuild. To specify\r\n
multiple loggers, specify each logger separately.\r\n
The <logger> syntax is:\r\n
[<logger class>
,]<logger assembly>[;<logger parameters>]\r\n
The <logger cl
ass> syntax is:\r\n
[<partial or full namespace>.]<logger
class name>\r\n
The <logger assembly> syntax is:\r\n
{<assembly name>[,<strong name>] | <assembly file>}\r\n
The <logger parameters> are optional, and are passed\r\n
to the logger exactly as you typed them. (Short form: /l)\r\n
Logger.dll;OutputAsHTML\r\n",," /logger:<journal> Utilisez ce journal pour co
nsigner des vnements propres\r\n
MSBuild. Pour spcifier plusieu
rs journaux, spcifiez\r\n
chacun d eux sparment. La syntaxe de
<journal> est:\r\n
[<classe de journalisation>,]<assembly
journalisation>[;<paramtres de journalisation>]\r\n
La syntaxe de <classe de journalisation> est:\r\n
[<espace de noms partiels ou complets.]<nom de\r\n
la classe de journalisation>\r\n
La syntaxe de <assem
bly de journalisation> est:\r\n
{<nom de l assembly>[,<nom
fort>] | <fichier\r\n
d assembly>}\r\n
Les <paramtres de journalisation> sont facultatifs\r\n
passs au journal exactement tels que vous les avez\r\n
taps. (
Forme abrge: /l)\r\n

ger:XMLLogger,C:\Loggers\MyLogger.dll;OutputAsHTML\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /verbosity:<level> Display this amount of information in the event log.\r\n
The available verbosity levels are: q[uiet], m[inimal],\r\n
n[ormal], d[etailed], and diag[nostic]. (Short form: /v)\r\n
/verbosity:<niveau> Afficher cette quantit d informations dans le journal\r\n
des vnements. Les niveaux de commentaires disponibles\r\n
sont: q[uiet], m[inimal], n[ormal], d[etailed]\r\n
et diag[nostic]. (Forme abrge: /v)\r\n
/verbosity:quiet\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" /consoleloggerparameters:<parameters>\r\n
Parameters to c
onsole logger. (Short form: /clp)\r\n
The available paramete
rs are:\r\n
PerformanceSummary--Show time spent in tasks,
and projects.\r\n
Summary--Show error and warning summary at the end.\r\n
NoSummary--Don t show error and warning summary at the\r\n
ErrorsOnly--Show only errors.\r\n
WarningsOnly--Show only warnings.\r\n
emAndPropertyList--Don t show list of items and\r\n
roperties at the start of each project build.
wCommandLine--Show TaskCommandLineEvent messages \r\n
owTimestamp--Display the Timestamp as a prefix to any\r\n
ShowEventId--Show eventId for started events, finished \r\n
events, and messages\r\n
ForceNoAlign--Does no
t align the text to the size of\r\n
the console buffe
DisableConsoleColor--Use the default console colors
for all logging messages.\r\n
DisableMPLogging-- Disable the multiprocessor\r\n
logging style of output when running in \r\n
ltiprocessor mode.\r\n
EnableMPLogging--Enable the multip
rocessor logging\r\n
style even when running in non-m
mode. This logging style is on by d
efault. \r\n
Verbosity--overrides the /verbosity setting
for this\r\n
Paramtres du journa
l de console. (Forme abrge: /clp)\r\n
Les paramtres disponibles
PerformanceSummary--Afficher la dure des tches,\r\
des cibles et des projets.\r\n
Summary_Afficher un rsum des erreurs et des avertissements \r\n
la fin\r\n
NoSummary--Ne pas afficher un rsum d
es erreurs et\r\n
des avertissements \r\n
la fin.\r\n
ErrorsOnly_Afficher uniquement le
s erreurs\r\n
WarningsOnly_Afficher uniquement les av
NoItemAndPropertyList--Ne pas affich
er une liste des\r\n
lments et des proprits au dbut de cha
que gnration de projet.\r\n
ShowCommandLine--Afficher les m
essages de\r\n
ShowTimestamp--Afficher l horodatage en tant que prfixe des messages.\
ShowEventId--Afficher eventId pour les vnements\r\n
dmarrs et termins, ainsi que les messages.\r\n
ForceNoAlign--Ne pas aligner le texte par rapport la taille de\r\n
la mmoire tampon\r\n
leColor--Utiliser les couleurs de la console par dfaut\r\n
pour tous les messages d enregistrement.\r\n

MPLogging-- Dsactiver le style d enregistrement\r\n

ltiprocesseur de sortie lors de l excution en \r\n
e non multiprocesseur.\r\n
EnableMPLogging--Activer le st
yle d enregistrement \r\n
multiprocesseur mme lors de
l excution en mode non \r\n
multiprocesseur. Ce style
d enregistrement est activ par dfaut. \r\n
le paramtre /verbosity pour ce journal\r\n
\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /noconsolelogger Disable the default console logger and do not log events\r
to the console. (Short form: /noconlog)\r\n",," /noconso
lelogger Dsactiver le journal de console par dfaut et ne\r\n
pas consigner d vnements dans la console.\r\n
(Forme abrge: /noc
onlog)\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /validate
Validate the project against the default schema. (Short\r\
form: /val)\r\n\r\n /validate:<schema> Validate the proje
ct against the specified schema. (Short\r\n
form: /val)\r\n
Schema.xsd\r\n",," /validate
Valider le projet par rapport au schma par
(Forme abrge: /val)\r\n\r\n /validate:<schma> Valide
r le projet par rapport au schma spcifi.\r\n
(Forme abrge: /val)\r
ldSchema.xsd\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
MSBuild MyApp.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release\
MSBuild MyApp.csproj /t:Clean \r\n
",,"Exemples :\r\n\r\n
MSBuild MyApp.sln /t:Rebuild /p:Configuration=Release\r\n
MSBuild MyApp
.csproj /t:Clean \r\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /maxcpucount[:n] Specifies the maximum number of concurrent processes to \r
build with. If the switch is not used, the default\r\n
value used is 1. If the switch is used without a value\r\n
MSBuild will use up to the number of processors on the \r\n
computer. (Short form: /m[:n])\r\n
",," /maxcpucount:n
Spcifie le nombre maximal de processus simultans \r\n
gnrer. Si
par dfaut util
le commutateur n est pas utilis, la valeur\r\n
ise est 1. Si le commutateur est utilis sans valeur\r\n
d utilisera tous les processeurs de \r\n
l ordinateur. (Form
e abrge : /m[:n])\r\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /distributedlogger:<central logger>*<forwarding logger>
Use this logger to log events from MSBuild, attaching a\
different logger instance to each node. To specify\r\n
multiple loggers, specify each logger separately. \r\n
(Short form /dl)\r\n
The <logger> syntax is:\r
[<logger class>,]<logger assembly>[;<logger parameters>
The <logger class> syntax is:\r\n
[<partial or full namespace>.]<logger class name>\r\n
<logger assembly> syntax is:\r\n
{<assembly name>[,<strong
name>] | <assembly file>}\r\n
The <logger parameters> are o
ptional, and are passed\r\n
to the logger exactly as you typ
ed them. (Short form: /l)\r\n
/dl:MyLogger,C:\My.dll*ForwardingLogger,C:\Logger.dll\r\n",," /distributed
logger:<journal central>*<journal de transfert>
Utilisez ce journal pour consigner des vnements propres\r\n
MSBuild, en attachant une instance de journal diffrente \r\n
chaque noeud. Pour indiquer plusieurs journaux,\r\n
spcifiez chacun d eux sparment. \r\n
(Forme abrge: /dl)\r\n
La syntaxe de <journal> est:\r\n
e de journalisation>,]<assembly de\r\n

paramtres de journalisation>]\r\n
La syntaxe de <classe de jo
urnalisation> est:\r\n
[<espace de noms partiels ou comple
ts.]<nom de\r\n
la classe de journalisation>\r\n
La syntaxe de <assembly de journalisation> est:\r\n
{<nom de l assembly>[,<nom fort>] | <fichier\r\n
Les <paramtres de journalisation> sont faculta
et passs au journal exactement tels que vous les ave
taps. (Forme abrge: /l)\r\n
n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /ignoreprojectextensions:<extensions>\r\n
List of extensi
ons to ignore when determining which \r\n
project file to bu
ild. Use a semicolon or a comma \r\n
to separate multiple ex
(Short form: /ignore)\r\n
",," /i
Liste d extensions i
gnorer au moment de dterminer le\r\n
fichier projet gnrer. Util
isez un point-virgule ou une\r\n
virgule pour sparer plusieur
s extensions.\r\n
(Forme abrge: /ignore)\r\n
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
MSBuild.exe [options] [project file]\r\n",,"Syntaxe:
MSBuild.exe [options] [fichier projet]\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"" /fileLogger[n]
Logs the build output to a file. By default\r\n
the file is in the current directory and named \r\n
""msbuild[n].log"". Events from all nodes are combined into\r\n
a single log. The location of the file and other\r\n
parameters for the fileLogger can be specified through \r\n
the addition of the ""/fileLoggerParameters[n]"" switch.\r\n
""n"" if present can be a digit from 1-9, allowing up to \r\n
10 file loggers to be attached. (Short form: /fl[n])\r\n
"",,"" /fileLogg
Enregistre la sortie de gnration dans un fichier.\r\n
Par dfaut, le fichier se trouve dans le rpertoire actif et \r\n
s appelle ""msbuild[n].log"". Les vnements de tous les noeuds \r\n
sont combins dans un unique journal. Vous pouvez spcifier\r\n
l emplacement du fichier et d autres paramtres pour fileLogger\r\n
en ajoutant le commutateur ""/fileLoggerParameters[n]"".Si ""n
est prsent il doit s agir d un chiffre entre 1 et 9, c
e qui permet \r\n
d attacher jusqu 10 fichiers journaux. (Fo
rme abrge: /fl[n])\r\n
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"" /distributedFileLogger
Logs the build output to multiple log files, one log f
per MSBuild node. The initial location for these fil
es is\r\n
the current directory. By default the files are ca
lled \r\n
""MSBuild<nodeid>.log"". The location of the files
other parameters for the fileLogger can be specifie
d \r\n
with the addition of the ""/fileLoggerParameters"" sw
If a log file name is set through the fileLogg
switch the distributed logger will use the
fileName as a \r\n
template and append the node id to this f
ileName to \r\n
create a log file for each node.\r\n
"" /distributedFileLogger
Enregistre la sortie de gnration dans plusieurs fichiers
journaux, avec un fichier journal par noeud MSBuild.\r\
L emplacement initial de ces fichiers est le rpertoire\r\n
actif. Par dfaut, les fichiers sont nomms\r\n
""MSBuild<idnoeud>.log"". Vous pouvez spcifier\r\n
l empl
acement des fichiers et d autres paramtres pour\r\n

r en ajoutant le commutateur\r\n
Si un nom de fichier journal est dfini via le commuta
fileLoggerParameters, le journal distribu utilise\r\
fileName comme modle et lui adjoint l ID du noeud afin de\r
crer un fichier journal pour chaque noeud.\r\n
t",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"" /fileloggerparameters[n]:<parameters>
Provides any extra parameters for file loggers.\r\n
The presence of this switch implies the \r\n
sponding /filelogger[n] switch.\r\n
""n"" if present can be
a digit from 1-9.\r\n
/fileloggerparameters is also used by
any distributed\r\n
file logger, see description of /distrib
(Short form: /flp[n])\r\n
The same parameters listed for the console logger are\r\n
available. Some additional available parameters are:\r\n
LogFile--path to the log file into which the\r\n
build log will be written.\r\n
Append--determines if the
build log will be appended\r\n
to or overwrite the lo
g file. Setting the\r\n
switch appends the build log
to the log file;\r\n
Not setting the switch overwrite
s the \r\n
contents of an existing log file. \r\n
The default is not to append to the log file.\r\n
Encoding--specifies the encoding for the file, \r\n
for example, UTF-8, Unicode, or ASCII\r\n
fault verbosity is Detailed.\r\n
/flp:Summary;Verbosity=minimal;LogFile=msbuild.sum \r\n
/flp1:warningsonly;logfile=msbuild.wrn \r\n
"",,"" /fileloggerparameters[n]:<paramtres>
La prsence de ce commutateur implique le commutateur\r\
/filelogger[n] correspondant. Si ""n"" est prsent, il doit
d un chiffre de 1 9. /fileloggerparameters est gal
s agir\r\n
utilis par tous les fichiers journaux distribus,\r\n
reportez-vous la description de /distributedFileLogger.\r\
(Forme abrge : /flp[n])\r\n
Les mmes para
mtres que ceux rpertoris pour le journal de\r\n
console sont d
isponibles. Les paramtres supplmentaires sont :\r\n
--Chemin du fichier journal sur lequel le\r\n
de gnration est crit.\r\n
Append -- Dtermine si le journal
de gnration est ajout\r\n
au fichier journal ou s
il le remplace.L utilisation \r\n
du commutate
ur permet d ajouter le journal\r\n
de gnration au
fichier journal;l absence\r\n
de commutateur en
trane le\r\n
remplacement du contenu d un fichie
r journal\r\n
existant. Par dfaut, le fichier jo
urnal est remplac.\r\n
Encoding -- Spcifie l encodage du fich
ier, \r\n
par exemple UTF-8, Unicode ou ASCII\r
Le niveau de commentaires par dfaut est Detailed.\r\n
Exemples :\r\n
mal;LogFile=msbuild.sum \r\n
build.wrn \r\n
"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /toolsversion:<version>\r\n
The version of the MSBuild To
olset (tasks, targets, etc.)\r\n
to use during build. This v
ersion will override the \r\n
versions specified by individu
al projects. (Short form: \r\n
/toolsversion:3.5\r\n ",," /toolsversion:<


Version de l ensemble d outils MSBuild (tches, c

etc.) utiliser durant la gnration. Cette version se
substitue aux versions spcifies par les projets\r\n
individuels. (Forme abrge: /tv)\r\n
/toolsversion:3.5\r\n ",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"

,,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /nodeReuse:<parameters>\r\n
Enables or Disables the reuse
of MSBuild nodes.\r\n
The parameters are:\r\n
True --Nodes will remain after the build completes\r\n
and will be reused by subsequent builds (default)\r\n
False--Nodes will not remain after the build completes\r\n
(Short form: /nr)\r\n
",," /nodeReuse:<paramtres>\r\n
Active ou dsac
tive la rutilisation des noeuds MSBuild.\r\n
True -- Les noeuds sont conservs la fin de la gnration\r\n
et sont rutiliss par les gnrations ultrieures (valeur par dfaut).\
False --Les noeuds ne sont pas conservs la fin de la gnratio
(Forme abrge: /nr)\r\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
" /preprocess[:file] \r\n
Creates a single, aggregated proj
ect file by\r\n
inlining all the files that would be importe
d during a\r\n
build, with their boundaries marked. This can
useful for figuring out what files are being importe
and from where, and what they will contribute to\r\n
the build. By default the output is written to\r\n
the console window. If the path to an output file \r\n
is provided that will be used instead.\r\n
(Short form:
",," /preprocess[:file] \r\n
Cre un seul fichier projet
agrg en\r\n
incluant tous les fichiers imports lors d une\r\n
gnration, avec leurs limites marques. Cela peut tre\r\n
utile pour dfinir les fichiers qui sont imports\r\n
et leur provenance, et leur participation la\r\n
gnration. Pa
r dfaut, la sortie est crite dans la\r\n
fentre de console. Si
le chemin d accs un fichier de sortie \r\n
est fourni, il ser
a utilis la place.\r\n
(Forme abrge: /pp)\r\n
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /detailedsummary \r\n
Shows detailed information at the e
nd of the build\r\n
about the configurations built and how t
hey were\r\n
scheduled to nodes. \r\n
hort form: /ds)\r\n
",," /detailedsummary \r\n
Affiche d
es informations supplmentaires la fin de la build\r\n
es aux configurations gnrs et la faon dont elles\r\n
taient plani
fies sur les nuds. \r\n
(Forme abrge: /ds)\r\n
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /debug\r\n
Causes a debugger prompt to appear immediately
so that \r\n
Visual Studio can be attached for you to debug
the \r\n
MSBuild XML and any tasks and loggers it uses.\r\n
",," /debug\r\n
Entrane l affichage immdiat d une invite d
e dbogueur de sorte que \r\n
Visual Studio peut tre attach auto
matiquement pour dboguer le \r\n
code XML MSBuild, ainsi que
l ensemble des tches et enregistreurs d vnements qu il utilise.\r\n ",,"Text",,"A
ll",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
Builds the specified targets in the project file. If\r\n
a project file is not specified, MSBuild searches the\r\n
current working directory for a file that has a file\r\n
extension that ends in ""proj"" and uses that file.\r\n"",,""Desc
Gnre les cibles spcifies dans le fichier projet. Si\r\n

aucun fichier projet n est spcifi, MSBuild recherche\r\n

dans le rpertoire de travail actif un fichier dont\r\n
l e
xtension se termine par ""proj"" et utilise ce dernier.\r\n"",,"Text",,"All",,".
NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Switches:\r\n",,"Commutateurs:\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
" /help
Display this usage message. (Short form: /? or /h)\r\n",,"
Afficher ce message d utilisation.\r\n
(Forme abrge: /? ou /h)\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /nologo
Do not display the startup banner and copyright message.\r
\n",," /nologo
Ne pas afficher la bannire de dmarrage ni\r\n
le message de copyright.\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
" /version
Display version information only. (Short form: /ver)\r\n",
," /version
Afficher uniquement les informations sur la version.\r\n
(Forme abrge: /ver)\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"" @<file>
Insert command-line settings from a text file. To specify
multiple response files, specify each response file\r\n
Any response files named ""msbuild.rsp"" are automatically \r\n
consumed from the following locations: \r\n
(1) the di
rectory of msbuild.exe\r\n
(2) the directory of the first pr
oject or solution built\r\n"",,"" @<fichier>
Insrer les paramtres de lign
e de commande partir d un\r\n
fichier texte. Pour indiquer p
lusieurs fichiers rponse, spcifiez\r\n
chacun d eux sparment.\r\
Tous les fichiers rponse nomms ""ms
build.rsp"" sont\r\n
automatiquement utiliss depuis les empla
cements suivants : \r\n
(1) le rpertoire de msbuild.exe\r\n
(2) le rpertoire du premier projet ou de la premire solution gnr(e
)\r\n"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /noautoresponse
Do not auto-include any MSBuild.rsp files. (Short form:\r\
/noautorsp)\r\n",," /noautoresponse
N inclure automati
quement aucun fichier MSBuild.rsp.\r\n
(Forme abrge: /noautorsp
)\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
" /target:<targets> Build these targets in this project. Use a semicolon or a\
comma to separate multiple targets, or specify each\r\n
target separately. (Short form: /t)\r\n
/target:Resources;Compile\r\n",," /target:<c
ibles> Gnre ces cibles dans ce projet. Utilisez un point-virgule\r\n
ou une virgule pour sparer plusieurs cibles, ou spcifiez\r\n
chaque cible sparment. (Forme abrge: /t)\r\n
/target:Resources;Compile\r\n",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Frame
work",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""For switch syntax, type ""MSBuild /help"""",,""Pour la syntaxe du commutateur,
tapez ""MSBuild /help"""",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : Configuration error MSB1043: The application could not start. {0}",,"
MSBUILD : Configuration error MSB1043: L application n a pas pu dmarrer. {0}",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSBUILD : error MSB1036: There is an invalid extension in the /ignoreprojectex
tensions list. Extensions must start with a period ""."", have one or more chara
cters after the period and not contain any invalid path characters or wildcards.
"",,""MSBUILD : error MSB1036: Il existe une extension non valide dans la liste
/ignoreprojectextensions. Les extensions doivent commencer par un point ""."" et
doivent comporter un ou plusieurs caractres aprs ce point; par ailleurs, elles ne
doivent pas contenir de caractres gnriques ni de caractres de chemin non valides."",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1019: Logger switch was not correctly formed.",,"MSBUILD : e
rror MSB1019: Le commutateur du journal est incorrect.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSBUILD : error MSB1030: Maximum CPU count is not valid. {0}",,"MSBUILD : error
MSB1030: Le nombre maximal d UC n est pas valide. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fr
amework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1032: Maximum CPU count is not valid. Value must be an integ
er greater than zero and no more than 1024.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1032: Le nombr
e maximal d UC n est pas valide. La valeur doit tre un entier suprieur zro et infrie
ur 1024.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1033: Node number is not valid. {0}.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1
033: Le numro du noeud n est pas valide. {0}.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,
"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1034: Node number is not valid. Value must be an integer gre
ater than zero.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1034: Le numro du noeud n est pas valide. L
a valeur doit tre un entier suprieur zro.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MSBUILD : error MSB1042: Node reuse value is not valid. {0}.",,"MSBUILD : error
MSB1042: La valeur de rutilisation du noeud n est pas valide. {0}.",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1047: File to preprocess to is not valid. {0}",,"MSBUILD : e
rror MSB1047: Le fichier prtraiter n est pas valide. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1006: Property is not valid.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1006: La
proprit n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSBUILD : MSB1046: The schema ""{0}"" is not valid. {1}"",,""MSBUILD : MSB1046
: Le schma ""{0}"" n est pas valide. {1}"",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blu
e 4.5.1"
"Switch: {0}",,"Commutateur:{0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1040: ToolsVersion is not valid. {0}",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1
040: ToolsVersion n est pas valide. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MSBUILD : error MSB1018: Verbosity level is not valid.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB10
18: Le niveau de commentaires n est pas valide.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework
",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1021: Cannot create an instance of the logger. {0}",,"MSBUIL
D : error MSB1021: Impossible de crer une instance du journal. {0}",,"Text",,"All
",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : Logger error {0}: {1}",,"MSBUILD : Journal - error {0}: {1}",,"Text",
,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : Logger error MSB1029: {0}",,"MSBUILD : Journal - error MSB1029: {0}",
,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1028: The logger failed unexpectedly.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB
1028: chec inattendu du journal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSBUILD : error MSB1020: The logger was not found. Check the following: 1.) Th
e logger name specified is the same as the name of the logger class. 2.) The log
ger class is ""public"" and implements the Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger int
erface. 3.) The path to the logger assembly is correct, or the logger can be loa
ded using only the assembly name provided."",,""MSBUILD : error MSB1020: Le jour
nal est introuvable. Vrifiez les points suivants: 1.) Le nom du journal est le mme
que celui de la classe de journalisation. 2.) La classe de journalisation est ""
public"" et implmente l interface Microsoft.Build.Framework.ILogger. 3.) Le chemi
n d accs l assembly de journalisation est correct ou le journal peut uniquement tr
e charg avec le nom d assembly fourni."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MSBUILD : error MSB1037: Specify one or more parameters for the console logger
if using the /consoleLoggerParameters switch",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1037: Spcifiez
un ou plusieurs paramtres pour le journal de console si vous utilisez le commuta
teur /consoleLoggerParameters",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1038: Specify one or more parameters for the file logger if
using the /fileLoggerParameters switch",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1038: Spcifiez un ou
plusieurs paramtres pour le journal fichier si vous utilisez le commutateur /fil
eLoggerParameters",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

"MSBUILD : error MSB1035: Specify the project extensions to ignore.",,"MSBUILD :

error MSB1035: Spcifiez les extensions de projet ignorer.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET
Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1007: Specify a logger.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1007: Spcifiez
un journal.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1031: Specify the maximum number of CPUs.",,"MSBUILD : error
MSB1031: Spcifiez le nombre maximal d UC.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Bl
ue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1041: Specify one or more parameters for node reuse if using
the /nodereuse switch",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1041: Spcifiez un ou plusieurs paramt
res pour la rutilisation du noeud si vous utilisez le commutateur /nodereuse",,"T
ext",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1003: Specify a project or solution file. The current workin
g directory does not contain a project or solution file.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1
003: Spcifiez un fichier projet ou solution. Le rpertoire de travail actif n en co
ntient aucun.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1005: Specify a property and its value.",,"MSBUILD : error M
SB1005: Spcifiez une proprit et sa valeur.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue
"MSBUILD : error MSB1012: Specify a response file.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1012: S
pcifiez un fichier rponse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1004: Specify the name of the target.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB
1004: Spcifiez le nom de la cible.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1
"MSBUILD : error MSB1039: Specify the version of the toolset.",,"MSBUILD : error
MSB1039: Spcifiez la version de l ensemble d outils.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1016: Specify the verbosity level.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB101
6: Spcifiez le niveau de commentaires.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4
"MSBUILD : error MSB1024: Only one schema can be specified for validation of the
project.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1024: Vous ne pouvez spcifier qu un seul schma pou
r la validation du projet.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""If MSBuild debugging does not work correctly, please verify that the ""Just My
Code"" feature is enabled in Visual Studio, and that you have selected the mana
ged debugger."",,""Si le dbogage MSBuild ne fonctionne pas correctement, vrifiez q
ue la fonctionnalit ""Uniquement mon code"" est active dans Visual Studio, et que
vous avez slectionn le dbogueur manag."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5
""Some command line switches were read from the auto-response file ""{0}"". To d
isable this file, use the ""/noautoresponse"" switch."",,""Certains commutateurs
de ligne de commande ont t lus partir du fichier rponse automatique ""{0}"". Pour
dsactiver ce fichier, utilisez le commutateur ""/noautoresponse""."",,"Text",,"Al
l",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""Building the projects in this solution one at a time. To enable parallel build
, please add the ""/m"" switch."",,""Gnration des projets individuellement dans ce
tte solution. Pour activer la gnration en parallle, ajoutez le commutateur ""/m""."
",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1009: Project file does not exist.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB100
9: Le fichier projet n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSBUILD : MSB1045: Stopping because of syntax errors in project file.",,"MSBUIL
D : MSB1045: Arrt en raison d erreurs de syntaxe dans le fichier projet.",,"Text"
,,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSBUILD : error MSB4192: The project file ""{0}"" is in the "".vcproj"" or "".
dsp"" file format, which MSBuild cannot build directly. Please convert the proje
ct by opening it in the Visual Studio IDE or running the conversion tool, or, fo
r "".vcproj"", use MSBuild to build the solution file containing the project ins
tead."",,""MSBUILD : error MSB4192: Le fichier projet ""{0}"" utilise le format
de fichier "".vcproj"" ou "".dsp"", que MSBuild ne peut pas gnrer directement. Con

vertissez le projet en l ouvrant dans l IDE de Visual Studio ou en excutant l out

il de conversion, ou, pour "".vcproj"", utilisez la place MSBuild pour gnrer le fi
chier solution contenant le projet."",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.
"MSBUILD : error MSB1023: Cannot read the response file. {0}",,"MSBUILD : error
MSB1023: Impossible de lire le fichier rponse. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framewo
rk",,"Blue 4.5.1"
""MSBUILD : error MSB1013: The response file was specified twice. A response fil
e can be specified only once. Any files named ""msbuild.rsp"" in the directory o
f MSBuild.exe or in the directory of the first project or solution built (which
if no project or solution is specified is the current working directory) were au
tomatically used as response files."",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1013: Vous avez spcifi
le fichier rponse deux fois. Il ne peut l tre qu une seule fois. Tous les fichiers
nomms msbuild.rsp dans le rpertoire de MSBuild.exe ou dans le rpertoire du premier pr
jet ou de la premire solution gnr(e) (qui, si aucun projet ni aucune solution n est
spcifi(e), est le rpertoire de travail actif) seront automatiquement utiliss comme f
ichiers rponse.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1022: Response file does not exist.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB10
22: Le fichier rponse n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSBUILD : error MSB1026: Schema file does not exist.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1026
: Le fichier de schma n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.
"MSBUILD : error MSB1026: Schema file {0} does not exist.",,"MSBUILD : error M
SB1026: Le fichier de schma {0} n existe pas.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework"
,,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : MSB1044: Project is not valid. {0}",,"MSBUILD : MSB1044: Le projet n
est pas valide. {0}",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1002: This switch does not take any parameters.",,"MSBUILD :
error MSB1002: Ce commutateur n accepte aucun paramtre.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET F
ramework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1001: Unknown switch.",,"MSBUILD : error MSB1001: Commutateu
r inconnu.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"MSBUILD : error MSB1015: MSBuild does not run on this version of the operating
system. It is only supported on Windows 2000, Windows XP, and later versions.",,
"MSBUILD : error MSB1015: MSBuild ne s excute pas sur cette version du systme d ex
ploitation. Il est uniquement pris en charge sur Windows2000, WindowsXP et les ver
sions ultrieures.",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Framework",,"Blue 4.5.1"
"Forcing load of Microsoft.Build.Engine because MSBUILDOLDOM=1...",,"Chargement
forc de Microsoft.Build.Engine, car MSBUILDOLDOM=1...",,"Text",,"All",,".NET Fram
ework",,"Blue 4.5.1"

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