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Breaking up with Mark Darcy leaves Bridget Jones over 40 and single again.

ng that she has everything under control, Jones decides to focus on her career a
s a top news producer. Suddenly, her love life comes back from the dead when she
meets a dashing and handsome American named Jack. Things couldn t be better, unti
l Bridget discovers that she is pregnant. Now, the befuddled mom-to-be must figu
re out if the proud papa is Mark or Jack.In the early 1890s, Hungarian officials
announced plans for a Budapest Millennium Exhibition to be held in 1896; it was
intended to mark the 1,000th anniversary of the Hungarian conquest of the Carpa
thian Basin, reaffirm Hungary's "national and territorial legitimacy" and the Hu
ngarian people's "natural and historical right in the areas they inhabited."[10]
The Exhibition was to be held at Budapest's City Park. Exhibits were to be divi
ded into twelve distinct areas, one of which was visual art.[11] The showpiece o
f the art exhibit was to be a painting by Hungary's foremost history painter, Mi
hly Munkcsy, titled The Founding of the Hungarian State.[12] Several pavilions dis
playing the cultural and industrial achievements of non-Hungarians living in the
Hungarian-administered territories of Austria-Hungary were also built, includin
g one for the Serbs.[13]
In 1895, on the orders of the Patriarch of Karlovci, Georgije I, the Congress Bo
ard of Sremski Karlovci commissioned the young realist Paja Jovanovi to compose M
igration of the Serbs, intending for it to be displayed as part of the Serb pavi
lion.[14][b] The painting was one of two works that Jovanovi was hired to paint f
or the Exhibition, the other being the Vr ac triptych, which was commissioned by t
he Vr ac city council.[16] In the eyes of the clergy, Migration of the Serbs would
help legitimize Serb claims to religious autonomy and partial self-administrati
on in Austria-Hungary.[10] The official Church narrative held that Leopold had r
equested that the Serbs of Kosovo, Macedonia and the Sand ak settle the Ottoman Habs
burg frontier to create a buffer against further Ottoman encroachment, and Churc
h officials intended for Jovanovi's painting to reflect this view.[10][17] Hence,
the painting had significant political implications.[18] Habsburg Serbs asserte
d that the agreement between Arsenije and Leopold legitimized their claim to the
lands they inhabited, while Croatian nationalists decried the Serbs as "uninvit
ed guests" who only acquired Leopold's pledge of autonomy after they had migrate
d to the Habsburg lands.[19] Migration of the Serbs was thus intended to challen
ge the historical and political narratives being forwarded by the Croatian and H
ungarian painters whose works were also going to be displayed.[16][c]
The commission offered Jovanovi the opportunity to make a name for himself as a s
erious history painter, given that the subject of the work was an event of inter
national significance and the painting was to be displayed in a foreign capital.
[20] To ensure Migration of the Serbs was historically accurate, Jovanovi studied
authentic medieval weapons, costumes and other objects, later incorporating the
m into the composition.[21] He also studied medieval histories, collected ethnog
raphical evidence and consulted historians.[20] Notably, the Church asked the hi
storian and Orthodox priest Ilarion Ruvarac to consult Jovanovi on the historical
details of the migration and accompany him on a visit to the monasteries of Fru k
a Gora, where the young artist examined a number of contemporary sources and obj
ects from the time.[22][23]
The art historian Lilien Filipovitch-Robinson notes that Jovanovi incorporated mo
dern techniques into the work and emulated the naturalistic approach of contempo
rary landscape painters, showing he was "at ease with the art of the past and th
at of his own time".[20] The composition marked a significant departure for Jova
novi, who up until that point had painted mostly Orientalist pieces as opposed to
ones that depicted specific moments from Serbian history.[24]

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