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to develop the Will but we do need to develop our mental

machinery that we may use the Will to the best advantage.
That the development of the Will is a task worthy of the
best individuals of the race is acknowledged by the highest
authorities. In fact, the best advice of the race has been based
upon this fundamental idea. As Emerson said: The education
of the Will is the object of our existence. John Stuart Mill
said: A character is a completely fashioned Will. The best
writers on the subject of psychology strongly urge upon all the
importance of the cultivation of the Will. As one writer says:
Not infrequently a strong volitional power originally exists, but
lies dormant for want of being called into exercise, and here it
is that judicious training can work its greatest wonders. And
again: It is of the utmost importance that attention should be
directed to the improvement and strengthening of the Will; for
without this there can be neither independence nor firmness,
nor individuality of character. Without it we cannot give truth
its proper force, nor morals their proper direction, nor save
ourselves from being machines in the hands of worthless men.
The education of the Will is really of far greater importance in
shaping the destiny of the individual, than that of the intellect.
Theory and doctrine, and inculcation of laws and propositions
will never of themselves lead to the uniform habit of right action.
It is by doing that we learn to do; by overcoming, that we learn
to overcome; by obeying reason and conscience, that we learn
to obey; and every right action which we cause to spring out of
pure principles whether by authority, precept or example
will have a greater weight in the formation of character than all
the theory in the world.
Emerson says: The exercise of the Will, or the lesson of
power, is taught in every event. From the child s possession
of his several senses up to the hour when he saith, Thy will
be done! he is learning the secret, that he can reduce under
his Will, not only particular events, but great classes, nay
the whole series of events, and so conform all facts to his
Will Development

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