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Victoria Pethrus has produced a reasonable set of photographs to promote Mens

fashion in magazines. She has composed her pictures using different
compositional techniques such as rule of thirds, balance in pictures, space and
perspective. She has used rule of thirds in a good way, because her pictures if
you imagine an image has two lines, with equal space between them, two going
across, and two going down on the image, her subjects line up with the lines
well, and have them balanced in the image, for example the pictures with just
one model, theyre placed in the middle, and with the pictures where two models
are used, they are on each side of the image. This fills up the whole image,
making the picture look balanced. She has used a plain white background, which
makes her subjects (models) stand out more and adds interest to the picture,
and adds a stronger emphasis on the subject and the attention on the clothes
that are being promoted. She has used a good form of juxtaposition, for instance
in the photographs with the two models, they are placed close together, and in
two of the photographs, the models contrast with each other, one wearing a
black suit and the other one wearing just the white shirt, and with the plain white
background, it makes them stand out. Pethrus has constructed her images very
well. They are in colour, catching the eyes of the viewer.
Pethrus photographs dont require any sort of age restrictions. They seem to be
aimed at older teens and young adults. The clothing that is being promoted is
more for the middle class group. This is quite clear by the models used theyre
older teens/ young adults, and the brands that are being promoted, such as
Puma and Reebok are two brands that are mainly aimed at teens/ young adults.
The suit & tie photographs are quite relaxed and not too formal, and one of the
male models are wearing a white shirt under the suit, whilst the other is wearing
a more casual shirt. These photographs are clearly trying to promote male
clothing for men. In the photographs using the two male models, they look quite
casual and relaxed and friendly with one another, which shows clearer that it is
for younger adult rather than adults in their 30s.
The application Pethrus has used is that it is advertising and promotional. As
these are photographs for a magazine, they are promoting the brands, especially
if it would be used for magazines such as ASOS. Some of these photographs
(especially the ones using just one model) look like they could make a good front
cover as they have enough space round the edges of the model, where youd put
the text. These were clearly taken in a studio, with the plain white background,
making the subjects stand out and make the viewer focus on the clothes. I like
how there are different brands being used, because it shows clearly that Pethrus
has thought about her target audience and application and contexts, and what
mens magazine these photographs would fit in well with (ASOS or GQ).
To sum up the final thoughts of Pethrus photographs, I think that she has made a
stunning performance with the use of lighting, the background and making the
subjects stand out, colour control is very well done, and I like that it is in colour
as it is for mens clothing magazine, you want to be able to see what the colour
the clothes are. With black and white photographs, it might be harder to promote
as people want to know what colour theyre going to get. She used simple but
sensible camera angles - as it is for clothing, you want to see the full length or at
least mid-length of the photograph. If there was a close-up of the models face, it

would be hard to think it was the clothing being promoted. The printing quality
seems good and sharp, as would come out very clear. Theres no blur.

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