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Personal Speech Reflection

Wow the first speech! This one was very tough for me to do. I was so nervous, and I was
shaking during the whole presentation. That was the first time that I ever had to perform a speech
in front of an audience; let alone an entire class.
I remember reading our entire textbook front to back to help me 1. Write the speech, and
2. To find a way to calm my nerves. I started writing and planning out my speech on the back
page of the book. I tried everything to make sure that the speech was perfect.
I volunteered to be one of the first to perform because I just wanted to get it over with. I
was so scared of blanking out, but then I told myself, Davina you will not blank out. Its just 5
minutes of your time. I went out there, and I did it! I remembered my entire speech. I was
nervous, but I pushed through. Best of all, I had received a 4.25 on the speech!
Most importantly, what I learned is that the techniques written out in the book could
really help. The breathing exercises were key to calming me down, and actually remembering
my speech. I learned that it is important to get organized from the beginning. It is important to
create a unique point that could relate to the whole audience. It is very important that the content
is remembered. Rehearsal is crucial!! I highly recommend trying out your material in front of an
audience of family or friends; especially if this is the first time youre ever giving a speech.

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