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Week 3 journal:

6 November to Wednesday 9th November 2016.


Student name: Noora Hamad Alketbi

ID number: H00277980
Journal title: Activity Types


Journal body
During my teaching practice, I see many types of class activities and how
the students communicate with each other.
Class activities, in general, are helpful for the students. It leads to new
lessons if it is given at the beginning of the class "warm up." Furthermore,
it associates to support students if they noticed stagnation during the
course. It's frolicking anyway and beneficial for them dependent on the
kind of the activity and its goal.
From my observing, I notice that the teacher was substantiated her
activities as much as she can, and endeavor not to recur her ideas; she
was so inventive on this. One of the activities was to use airship on
subtractions lesson, she escort these airship and then when she said to
take out for example 5 from the whole number of balls, the students hold
those air had to blow up them, then ask them to calculation the rest
number. In my opinion, I think that was so fun and helpful at the same
There was other models of activities, which is worksheets, drawing and

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