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Kate Ortiz
Lynn M. Raymond
UWRT 1104-004, Writing Prompt #8
November 5, 2016
Writing Prompt #8

Fig 1. Twenty four year trend in median income between whites (non-hispanic) and nonwhites
Data source: Income and Wealth Inequality.
In 1989 the median income of nonwhites was about less than half of what was received
by whites. While the trend for nonwhites increases overtime, in 2007 the median income begins

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to slowly decline. In 2013 the median income for nonwhites was about sixty percent of what was
made from whites.

Fig 2. Percentage of whites, black, and hispanics who graduate in a four, five, or six year-college
in 2006.
Data source: College and Beyond.
Of blacks who enroll in a four year-college only roughly twenty percent graduate in four
years versus the closely forty seven percent of white who graduate. Of blacks who enroll in a six
year-college only about fifty percent graduate compared to the closely seventy percent of whites
who graduate. While the percentage for hispanics who graduate in the four, five, or six yearcollege is higher than blacks, its percentages are still lower than whites. Those who are in the
lower class typically take longer to graduate than others in the more upper classes.

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Fig 3. Percentages of callbacks from an experiment from several samples.

Data source: Mean Call-Back Rates By Racial Soundingness of Names.
An experiment conducted for National Bureau of Economic Research. The conclusion
from this experiment was that those who sent out resumes with African American sounding
names did have a harder time getting callbacks compared to White names. Also found in this
experiment applicants with African American names find it hard to fight discrimination in
callbacks by improving their observable skills or credentials.

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Work Cited:
College and Beyond. U.S. Education: Still Separate and Unequal, Lindsey Cook, 2015,
d-unequal. Chart.
Income and Wealth Inequality. Racial Inequality, Colin Gordon, 2014, Chart.
Mean Call-Back Rates By racial Soundingness of Names. Are Emily and Greg more
employable than Lakisha and Jamal? A field experiment on labor market discrimination,
Abrams, Bede, et al., 2003, Table.

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