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the best way in which you can find

solutions for furniture

the history
Digjaya Berjaya berdiri atas inisiasi orangorang yang mempunyai perhatian dan
kebutuhan akan produk furniture yang
berkualitas dan bercitarasa sesuai dengan
konsep yang dibutuhkan di era yang selalu
bergerak dinamis dan tingkat kebutuhan
pasar yang sangat beragam.

Digjaya Berjaya mighty stand on the

initiation of the people who have a
concern and the need for quality
furniture products and flavors in
accordance with the concepts
necessary in an era of constantly
moving dynamic and needs of the
market are very diverse.

we not only make it

but we built it with heart

our activity at workshop

detail and comfortable is a must

and we have a qualified team of design
and production to make it happen

perpaduan dua material

kayu dan beton cor
menjadikan sebuah
produk meja yang
artistik dan fungsional

a blend of the two

materials wood and
concrete cast to make a
product table that is
artistic and functional

kombinasi antara hijau

yang diwakili oleh
tanaman dengan fungsi
tempat duduk yang
simpel dan nyaman

the combination
represented by the green
plants with the function
of seating that is simple
and convenient

the client


and many more...

Jl. Dieng No.12
Candi Baru, Semarang
Jl. Kalibata Utara XVIIB No.23
Kalibata, Jakarta

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