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Leg Extended when hit

Foot moved when

Achilles was hit
The forearm flexed to
decrease the angle as a
result of the thumb
pressing in the tendon


Planter fascia
Bicep and forearm muscles
were aected

Elbow shifted and the tricep

crunched in reaction to the
hot on the bicep

The bicep muscle was


The toes curled and the

foot flexed

Muscles in the metatarsals

were aected by the plantar
being rubbed

The major events that occurred in the patellar reflex were the quad retractions and the
response of the ligament. The response of the patella ligament was due to the hammer
striking the patella and the kick was the reaction. The foot kicking was the normal response
to the hammer.

The reflexes all have to do with the muscles. When the patella was hit the quad muscles

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