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Chester Reporter

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VOL. 1. NO. 10

Delehanty Mobilizes
Air Defense Forces
Calls For Further Expansion Of
Facilities in Industrial Area
Along Delaware River
"War with Japan implies immediate all-out war with

County Defense
Councils Ready
For Emergency
Forty-Seven Local
Groups Are Notified
To Await Orders

Delaware County's National De,,.-,, . . . . .

, ,
:/-,, - j , - r> -j j , fense Councils sprang into action
With that ringing declaration, Chief Air Raid Warden |,.e,terd ,

William F. Delehanty yesterday mobilized the defense forces
hours after news of the
on the industrial and civilian fronts in Delaware County hostilities in the Pacific became
known, William J. Enders, head
against air attacks.
Along the industrial front he called on leaders for im- of the Delaware County council.
sent telegrams to each of the 47
mediate expansion of defense forces.
local Defense Councils in the
"Expand the present fire, police, medical and engineer- countv, notifying them of the
ing services at once," he urged. "Establish look-outs and j emergency and asking them to
dual plant inter-communication systems.
j stand by for further instructions.
"Organize shop committees and personnel to meet with I The committees from each of the
county's 47 communities met in
management. The cooperation of management and workers is the Courthouse at Media last night
and formulated plans for Delaware

Volunteers are needed for air raid warning service in this area. Men are needed immediately to augment the force now in operation.
Since the declaration of war, the local watchers,
men of The Sergeant Stevenson Post, No. 190, American Legion, have been on 24-hour duty. There are 34
in the unit at the present time, but many more are
necessary to maintain constant watch.
Applications will be received at the post home,
227 West Seventh street, on Wednesday evening at
7:30 o'clock. All men are requested to be on hand for
this important national defense duty.
With the important industrial plants centered in
in this area, the station takes on particular importance, Ray Phillips, Legionnaire in charge of the program, said today.

40 Dolls Exhibited
At West End Library

Charity Group To
Discuss Plans

Jap Planes Contif

Attacks on Islan

- $,



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:OAL CO. world

The United States today prepared to meet the myriad tasks of a m
_ $9,
lowing- President Roosevelt's signing- of the declaration of .war againsv
-$8 . ...
, .
$f civilian
yesterday afternoon.
;h5. Bedws power
Attacks continued on Hawaii and the Philippines. Casualties in Ha^* chest 2-^,
the heaviest attacks have occurred, were estimated unoffically at more
hundreds of soldiers and civilians have been killed in the Philippines.
The declaration of war on the United States by Germany and It_
hourly. The Axis although they have made no formal statement as :
to consider the United States an "aggressor" and join in the attack againstss.Sf
terms of the Tri-Partite agreement.
''chMtithat s
The President will speak to the Nation tonight at 10 o'clock by radi
_;' .
to give a report on the hostilities and to call for a united front against
Although the
passed the Senat<'_
and there was but or.
it in the HousetL'
' be
Rankin who voted ey 5t*. "f
San FranciscoThis city underwent a test air raid trance int Wprld V. 6-9154'^
alarm at 6:20 p. m. Pacific time, Tuesday (9:20, EST). The consideralil
original flash warned of enemy planes a hundred miles off the



The Delaware County Group of

Miss Anna A. Hannum and Mrs.
Delehanty communicated with
County's protection in the present Lelia Ridgeway, of the West End the United Charities Campaign
the-various air raid zone wardens
Branch of the J. Lewis Crozer Li- will hold a dinner meeting on
throughout the county and arrangWhile working tirelessly coordi- brary, recently .. visited Philadel- tomorrow evening, at 6:30 p. m.,
ed for the re-testing of the raid
at Henri's, Upper Darby, to discuss
nating the various units, Enders phia to .witness a doll exhibit.
alarm system. Under this plan the
asked the 400,000 residents of the
For. the past year the Library further organization for the comtwo Delaware county centers
has been collecting dolls for a per- ing 1942 drive, which is being hold the coast. It was not revealed until nearly two hours later
60-Ton Monster Shows county to remain calm.
Chester and Upper Darbytelethat the alarm was to test air raid warning facilities.
"I appeal to the people of every manent exhibit. There are now January 25 to February 11.
phoned their sub-centers and the
Paces Before Army Men community to respond to any calls about 40 in the collection, each Invitations have been sent to all
sub-centers contacted their termiShanghiJapan has taken over complete control of this
from their local councils of defense doll dressed in the native costume division chairmen, district direcAT Eddystone Plantnal stations to prove the readiness
and maintain a calm attitude. In of a foreign country. Four of the tors, associate directors, vice chair- key Chinese city.
of the system.
America's first 60-ton tank was this emergency the responsibility dolls are dressed in costumes rep- men and secretaries.
The chief warden pointed out turned over to the Army yesterday | of every civilian in Delaware resenting a period of American
ManilaAir raid warnings were sounded here but until
Robert Dechert, Esq., General
that, now that war has been offi, _,,...
" . " , , . , * Countv is as 6great as that of a history, the latest doll added to the Chairman of the entire campaign, a late hour Tuesday there were no reports of bombs having
cially declared by both the United bv the Baldwin Locomotive Works, 1 soldier,
sailor or marine m our collection being a ".Baltimore Cava- will be the principal speaker. He fallen.
States and Japan, air raids in this Eddystone. Brigadier General G.[ forces_
lier" resplendent in a green velvet will be ably, assisted by. Louis H.
area are not only possible, but M. Barnes, of the Ordnance De- "Every citizen should be on suit with sword and a hat with red Beller, chairman of District "B,"
SingaporeJapanese air raids are said to have taken a
Frederick R. Drayton, Chairman of
partment, accepted the new weapon guard against,any act of sabotage .
60 dead and as many injured. The raidei-S'are^accused

^ '
l7--;--i3'-"P.ut yourself in.the enemy's po- from-."William- H. Harman,- Baldwin which'may hinder our
The- purpose of the exhibit Isio who is Chairman of Outlying Dis- of having used mustard gas during the raids.
sition," he said, "then you'll re- vice-president in charge of sales, gram. I wish to emphasize that
afford children an aid in studying tricts.
alize that aside from the New York- partment officials, prominent in- the civilian defense program is one
TokyoJapanese officials claim to have sunk the U. S.
the authentic costumes worn by
Long Island section, the Philadel- partment o....cials, prominent in- Of passive defense. No citizen will
the children of far-off countries, as
Oklahoma and West Virginia and four American at leasV
phia, Chester, Carnden, Wilming- dustrialists, and several thousand I be required'to do anything of a
Kiwan is Club To
well as the different periods of
destroyers as well as to have damaged several other ships. planes,
ton area is the most important Baldwin employes witnessed thej m nitary nature. That is a matter
View Color Film
ig, stove, nut; 59
from a military standpoint in the delivery, which was followed by a j f o r our government," Enders said. American history.
Three hundred planes are also claimed to have been destroyed mosa. 5.00. Buck $6.50.
ChilA technicolor film, "Deep HoriManila,
dramatic demonstration of thei jn a swift series of meetings
without the loss of a single vessel.
He urged, however, that the lo- i powers of the huge tank. The ex-1 TCith the heads of the key commit- dren's Book Week, a number of zons," prepared by the petroleum
teachindustry, will be presented to the
cal citizens remain calm under all | hibition was climaxed by a sham | tees yesterday, Enders laid the
WashingtonNaval officials admit the loss of one "old" was repor$3t
circumstances and co-operate to battle involving the heavy tank,! groundwork for county defense ac- ers from the West End schools Chester Kiwanis Club at their warship and several destroyers but do not confirm other planes bcai
luncheon meeting on Wednesday
Rising Sun
the fullest with the various agen- two medium tanks produced byjtion, crystallizing the "paper came to the doll collection.
The children were delighted with at the Y.W.C.A. building, Seventh Japanese claims.
Authorities "wwter
Baldwin's and three U. S. Army i plans" on which the County Councies set up for civilian defense.
evacuate 270.000 civilians
light tanks.
Alarm Setup
Icil has been working for the past the dolls, the boys conceding that and Sproul streets.
SingaporeBritish Army officials claim to have set fire Manila, which had had seve~
they were "nice."
James Banta, chairmsn, will
"Our country will soon surpass five months.
Delehanty described the workto
Japanese merchant ships carrying troops for in- raid alarms. President
For the coming holiday season sponsor the film. Plans will be disings of the aircraft warning sys- all others in production of weapons The first meeting was at 10
cussed at the meeting for the com- 'vasion of British positions here.
Quezon, who has been
tem as setup for the eastern sea- for modern warfare," General o'clock yesterday, when Enders
turning to the capital to
Barnes declared, in accepting the conferred with William J. Dele- of the Children's Library has plan- ing Christmas Party the service
( board.
BerlinThe German government announced that it would of civilian defense.
All warnings are flashed from tank.
hanty, the county air raid warden; ned a suitable Christmas exhibit, clubmen annually hold for underThe Japanese radio crackl
The Army's new military mon- Thomas J. Campbell, head of the ! which will include a gaily trimmed privileged children. J. Homer "act without warning" against any nation declaring war on
the chief interceptor station at
Graber is chairman of the commit- its Axis partner, Japan.
optimistic reports of the fig
Mitchell Field, L. I. For example, ster went through its paces on the county fire defense committee, and | tree.
The librarians extend to the pub- tee. He will be assisted by A. Lawso far. They claimed the ^
if enemy planes are heading this 100-acre test track field on the bank Stewart Robinson, chief of the
WashingtonSpecial guards have been placed inside tion of two American ba-.
way, the field notifies Philadelphia. of the Delaware. It ground down!countv police defense committee, lic an invitation to see the Christ- rence Baxter, J. Edward Buckley,
Philadelphia immediately- signals three telephone poles at once, An hour later he met with John mas display also the many new Joseph F. Chcrmol, Frank J. Kerr, the Japanese Embassy to prevent Ambassador Nomura and an aircraft carrier, destroys
the two Delaware county centers j churned through loose sand and Techton, of the Sun Shipbuilding books both for children and adults, Charles E. Lanyon, Edward A. MeBritish cruisers and succes:
which have recently been placed Cadden, John S. Miller, Jr., Donald Special Envoy Kurusu from comitting hari-kari, traditional where. Their losses, they s;
at Chester and Upper Darby.
| raced past the reviewing stand for
(Continued on Page 4)
on the shelves. Library hours are Neilson, William J. Steuhani and Nipponese form of "honorable" suicide.
In Chester, Zone Warden Fee- j a brake test, skidding to a stop in.
Experts discouni
from 9 a. m. to 9 p. m.
John C. Wakeling.
ney notifies sub-centers at Marcus ' a few feet on a concrete pavement.
i claims. It was admitted,b:
Hook, the Black Horse Barracks of
The mock combat was realistic, Vincent Gray, 14, of 634 Crosby j
! U. S. sources that an
the Pennsylvania Motor Police and
(Continued on Page 4)
The Ladies' Community Club of! ship probably the Oklah
Household Finance Corporation
street, was treated at Chester HosIn Friday's paper it was report- Henry "Bud" Miller, of Waliing- announced today that it has moved Parkside held its annual members j been hit and/capsized an,
the Sharon Hill and Swarthmore
pital for abrasions of the left leg
radio stations. Upper Darby notiHOLIDAY DECORATION'S - Sunday night after being knocked i ed that Mrs. Anna Cycyk, whose ford, returned from a hunting trip its office from the Croze!" Building Christmas party last night in lhc j stroyers
fies Haverford, Radnor and LansOne of the most attractive out- down by an automobile at Seventh! marriage was noted, was a widow. to Ogden Hi!!, Lycoming county, Fifth and Market streets, to OH
__J.ap troops attemptei
A business meeting,
- downe. All sub-centers contact theirfaoor Christmas displays yet to be and Crosbv streets. The driver, j This is incorrect, according to her yesterday, after bagging a 7-pointj Edgrnom avenue, above the
| in .Malaya about 200 miles
terminal points, assuring that every j seen in the downtown area is that i James B. Ward, of 2907 West daughter, Mrs. Anna Hinkle, of buck. Others in the party were j LinMln Storo _ T hc office is on the scheduled for t, o'clock, will pre-, Singaporc> but met ;strong Br Uar
Gaven Scherer, Tom Oewey and j sccond floor_ ln moving to the n>:\v ceded the party. Each member of j resistance. Hong Kong and Si es
community in the county is warn- j over the broad store front of Wein- j Twelfth street, told police that the 1140 Thomas street. Mrs. Cycyk
ed of the approach of the bombers, j berg's, 627 Edgmont avenue. The j youth darted into the side of his j was divorced last summer.
John Ruhl, of Chester.
building, the company has increas- the club participated in an ex-i pore were bombed.
1 ers
All have police radio coverage, he design consists in the main of two j car.
ed its office spac<; in an effort w change of gifts.
Washington Congress fare} By
said, with the exception of the x"i- life-size white deer, surrounded by j
| give the continued courteous serv(Continued <jn. Page/^4)
tally important Chester, Marcus large Christmas trees. The im-j
j ice that has made possible the conHook, Upland, Trainer, Eddystone j pressive Christmas lighting effects! Ben D. Wright II, of Springfield, i
-, ,
- ,
Stanley Gink, Jr., of 725 East SevCYCLIST INJURED
district, which must rely on tele-1 -ere placed under the supervisionj has volunteered for the Army and I
America IS at war. We stand united against
Xorris Gibson, of 602 Ke
; hold has 301 Offices located in 23 enth street, notified nolice that a
phone communication.
! Of John R. Loughead, local union | will report to Camp Meade, Md., to-! unprovoked aggression.
states and the Dominion of Can- thief had broken into his parked i street, suffered cuts of the f
"Suppose," Delehanty said, "that | electrical contractor.
I morrow morning.
Every resource of the Nation must be placed at the' a f l a .
early yesterday when he rodecar and stolen a S5 set of scales.
American Legion spotters in Deibicycle into a car driven by- Jt
Government's disposal. We must present a united front
aware county observe enemy i
Hefton, of 112G Walnut street."
against the foe across the Pacific.
planes nearby.
Seventh street and Edgmont s
The CHESTER REPORTER and the striking employes
"They note the number of planes, ;
nue. He was treated at Chr
types of bombers, direction of j
of the Chester Times, who are publishing the daily paper,
, \
flight, speed and height. Then they j
offer their unlimited services to the City, County, State
telephone the Philadelphia filter '.
and Nation to do what they can.
station, where course of the planes ; Sjx lhousand ,vorkm^a^offic~<T, the Safetv office; in the rear of the
George Bogonek, 60, of 2S26.
Only in America could it hap-,v;hieh v.-iH bo attended fay repreIn our first edition we said that we were publishing
is plotted on a large map. Th.s in- , cmployes
;;entaiives of every patriotic organl- Sixth street, collapsed at his
t l l i j J i U i - C3 of
\Jt lhe
U I C Sun
O L i J I Shipbuilding
d l l U U U l l U I l I K( m
i Ia
J l ic tnJ I J office
UiiiU'J building;
I J U U U K J K , the
I III; South!
iSUUUI i ,
i f
i _ *
j _ A l j _
formation is sent to Mitchell Field. >
^.^ Company ^ caltn.: Yard in front of thc fabrlcation j the REPORTER as a public service. We meant just that.
late yesterday morning. He
Eightv-two aliens from eleven xition.
and from there the alert is sound- j ly and quietly while the President. shop, and in the Wetherill plant.
We offer our nexvs columns, as we should, as a medium CDUn\ries winbe admitted to unit-! Tin? nov. citizens were given rushed to the Chester
ed to the districts affected."
of the United States before a joint j It was a quite throng that await- for the dissemination of information to the public.
Our ed States citizenship on December their "final papers" last week after pronounced dead. Deputy
He explained that observers spot- i session of Congress informed the led the radio preamble to the
en-j local defense groups can count on OUT cooperation in this 23 at a colorful ceremony in Court- they were questioned by an exam- George White said th^/If
ting planes on the outskirts of - nation that a state of war already! trance of the President. Workmen
en,! . T.
i room No. 1, at Media.
inei- from the United States Immi- parently came fr,otrfnatu
(Continued on Page 4)
H 110
oration Department. They will rei existed between this country and welders, shipfitters, ri\reters, lofts
newspaper IS the
pu b l l C n form iatlOn, t he anrj Rug ' sjan> Brill)n and Kalian, ceivc their naturalization certif
; the Japanese government.
; men, machinists, electricians and
In addition to small radio sets-all the other employes, in working! builder of public morale. The REPORTER, with the rest ] singing "God Bless America." The cates at. thc ceremonies on Decem-|
distributed about the office, there] togs and plastic helmets stood; of the Nation's press, will do its part.
\ words may betray thc accent of!ber 23.
I were five amplifiers distributed j silently smoking cigarettes, awaitDark days are ahead. In the future lie "blood, sweat j <-heir nativc !and but the music w i u l The new citizens and the coun-i
from thdr, hcartt
about the yard. Orders from John ing the Presidents voice.
. ' lrics of thcir birih arc: M . _'
and tears," and uVictory. In the meantime,, we must work i' comc
. Pew, president of the company,! As the group waited, quiet con-|
P rinci P al speaker will he| Great Britain Myle.s Martin, Esj and Strive together.
j Judge- Adrian Bonnelly of Philade!-|sington; Bessie Dewar, Media; Denis
! gave the men freedom to listen i versation v'/ heard.
Other speakers will be the j Callahan, Glen Riddle; John Dohiwithoull<
p hia.
-| urged to avail themselves of the j hope he g^JeSS
IT A f< tf C* ti Our Navy, the world's best, lies across the path of i four local judges, -W. Roger Froen- erty, Bryn Ma wr; 'Rowland "BT.- Hickequipment for the momentous oc-! remarked *
ackers. Our citizen-army is trained and ready. It field, Albert Dutton MacDade, Har- ling, Boothwyn; Thomas Johnscasion.
j ,A shiji/
old L. Ervin and John E. McDon-iton, Woodlyn; Elizabeth Hastings,)
ur duty to be prepared,
Amplifiers were located In the be crazy 24Ht St., Ck*ftr
Collingdale; Isabel.M. Barratt, Mar-i
'pledge to do our part in this hour of our country's iVervyn R- Turk, local attorney cus Hook; Mary vlli nger, 711
(north yard, nearla concrete co; laying *e^irtd
Witch for Hi*
m th* Winrf
^g I fcany office; in theVenter yard-ney
will be in charge

Test Big Tank

At Baldwin's

We Will Do Our Part

6000 Sun Ship Workers

Hear President Speak

Aliens From Warring

Nations Naturalized





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