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Bryn O'Callaghan _____ www.longman.

- - 25- -

In the !9j Os every yc,u see med to bri ng a new war,

o r threat of war. somewhere in the wo rld . Lead ers The Issei and the Nisei
like th e: (;,..-r man dictator Hitler threatened and
builn-d. N atio ns bu ilt m o re tanks. wa rshi ps and In the carlv 1940s m or e th an 100 ,01,0 people o f
m ilitar y aircraft. Pn..-sjdc nr Roosevelt spoke to rhc japanese descent lived in the United States. T hese
Am erican peo ple in 1937 abo ut w ars being fo ug ht III japanese Am ericans we re either "I ssei" - th ose
Spa in and China. "I nn ocen t peoples. inn ocent born in japan-or " N isei" - A m erican-bo rn J ap-
nat io ns arc being cruel ly sacr ificed to J g reed fo r anese. Most lived in C alifornia . where th ey had
power and supn..-mac v." he warn ed . " If th ese things worked hard and been successful. By 11)-1 1, for
COIll \.' to P ;ISS [happ en ! in o the r parts of th e w orl d. let
example. Issei were prod uci ng half of C alifo rnia 's
no o ne ill1 ,l ~il1 c that America w ill escape." fruit and veget ables. O thers became successful
doctors, law yers. and businessmen .
13 m Spain and C hina seeme d far aw ay. Most
Americalls igno red Roosevelt 's wa rning. T hey After the attac k on Pear! Har bor white Americans
believed that th e best thin g to do \\' ,IS to let fo reigners began to see eve ry j apanese Am eri can as a
so lve their pro blems themselves. lsolaricnisrs fd t rhis pot ent ial spy o r saboteur. Both Issei and Ni sei
parricularlv strongly. These w ere peo ple w ho we re threat ened and treated badly. Sho ps refused
believed rhar Amc ricans should try to cu t olT, o r to sell th em food . Finally, in March 1942. the
"isola te." rhc U nited Stat es from rhc problems o f th e government sent soldie rs to cake them from their
Olltsid t' world. ho mes [Q be in terned in prison cam ps called
" relocation cente rs. "
Iso latio nist ide as were \Try strong in Congress
during rhc 19.30s. It passed a number o flaws called Most of th e mtcmmenr cdmps were III remo te.
N eutrality Acrs. Thcse said that Am er ican citizens desert areas of the countr y. O ver )IX),IX>O j apan es e
wo uld no t be allowed to sell m ilitar y equ ipme nt, o r Am erican men , women and children we re kept in
lend money, to any nations at w ar. Evennon- them lor the (es t of the w ar. In later yedrs the
m ilitary su pp lies suc h as foods tuff s would be sold to A merican C ivil Libemcs Union called th eir in-
w arr ing count ries o nly if th ey paid cash to r th em and tcm m cnr " the worst sing k- vi olati on of th e civil
collected them in their o wn ships. righ ts of American citizens III our histo ry ."

Then. in 1939, w ar broke o m in Europe. Uy th e The in ternmen t o f the Issei and the Ni sei was
summer of 19-10 Hitler's arm ies had overrun all of more than unj ust. All the e vidence seems to sho w
western Europe, O nly Urirain < c xbausrcd and sho rt that it wa s llllllt'cessdry. Tho usands o f Ni sei foug ht
of w eap on s - still de fied them. With Hitler the mas ter bravely in the American arm y. And not one
of Euro pe, and his ally. Ja pan, beco m ing ever j apanese Am eri can was con victed ofan act of dis-
stronger ill Asia, Am ericans saw a t las t the da ngerous loyalt y to th e United Stares during rhc whole of
pos ition of rhc U nit ed States, san d wiched between th e W J.T ,
the tw o .
Roosevelt had alread y per su aded Congress to Lend Lease gave Roosevelt the Tight to supply
ap pro vt' rhc Iirvt peace time mi litary conscription in mili tar y equi pme nt and o ther goods to Brnain
Am erican histo ry and to suspen d th e N cu rraliey wi tho ut paym ent . He could do the same fo r dny
Acts. N o w he scm Britain all the mil itary t'qu lpment co untry w hose defense he considered occcsserv (Q the
th at th e Un ited Stares co uld sparcc rifles. g Ulls. safet y 011ht, U ni ted Stares. Am erican gu ns, food and
ship s. Early ill 19-1 1 the British ran o ur o f mo ne y. In ~l ircraft crossed th e Atla nt ic Ocean in large quanti ties.
M arch Roosevelt persuaded Congress to acce pr his T he y played a viral pan in helpin g Britain to
Len d Lease PLIn. co nt inue to tight agamse Hitler. When I{itlcr attacked
"1,,,J~P"" t'Jt' ,111.1(1" 1m P""rl
Holrb.'r, H.z,,·~ii ,

the Sov iet U nion in june IY41, Roosevelt used rhc it-and must make it impossible for the Americans to
L\:m{ Lease scheme to send aid to the Russians, too. usc their Pacific battle Nl'l't to stop them .
Fightin g was also taking place in Asia at this time. ( ) II Decem bcr 7, 1941 , j apanese w arplanes roaredin
japanese forces had in vade d Man churia III 1931 and over Pearl I lnrbor. H aw aii, the A merica n navy's
C hina in )lJ37, In July 19·H, they also occu pied the main base in the Pacific Ocean. Their bombs and
French colony o flndoch ina. This alarmed th e torpedoes sank or badly damaged eight American
American government. h saw the growing power of battleships, blew up hund reds of aircraft and killed
ja pan as a threat both to peace in Asia and to over 1,000 men.
Am erican trading in terests. Ever since the 1937
Whcn the Pear l Har bor attack took place, the U nited
att ack on C hina the United States had been reducing
States and Japan w ere still at peace, T he United Stares
its t'xp ort~ to J apan ofgo ods tha t wert' useful in
declared war 0 11 December R. 194 1. Since Germ any
war - aircra ft and che micals. fo r exam ple. N ow , in
w asj apan 's ally. H itler then declar ed wa r on the
jul y IlJ4l , it sto pped all shipments o f oil.
U nited Scan-s. T he wa r in Eur ope and the wa r in Asia
j apan fared disaster . It imported 80 percent ofits o il became one wa r. Britain, the Soviet Union and the
fro m th o: U nited States, Witho ut this Americ:In oil its U nited States (t he Allies) were the mam count ries on
indu stries would be paralyzed . "japan IS like a tish III o ne side. Ge rmany and j apan (the Ax is) were the
a po nd fro m which the wan-t IS being drained awa y.' main countr ies on the other,
a senior naval officer told Em pero r l Iirohiro .
Th e U nited Stares govern ment orga nized the whole
In O ctober. Gener al Hido ki T oj o became j apan's Amer ican eco nom y to w ards winn ing the w ar. It
Prime Minister. T oj o was well know n for his belief placed controls on w ages and prices, and Int roduced
tha t a sharp USt' afforce W:IS often rhc bcsr way to high income taxes. Gasoline and some foods were
solve disag reements. This had earned him . rationed . Factories stopped producing consumer
nickname- the Razor. T he re was plen ty of oil in goods such as automobiles and wash ing machines.
Southeast Asia. Tojo decided that japan mus t seize and started making tanks, bombers and other wa r

failed. By the end ofJ uly Allied soldiers we re racm g

across France. Paris w as libe rated on August 24 and
by September Allied forces had crossed C cnuauy's
wcsrcru border.
Hut the Germ ans were not vcr beaten. In I )e(·t'mber
I(}44, they launched a last f ierce atta ck in till'
A rden nes region o f Ud gium. They punched back the
Allied fro nt line in a bul ge many miles deep. This
gav c rhe batt le its name -the Batt le ofthe Bulge. It
was a mo nth befo re the Allies could organize a
roun rcrartack and drivc back [he Germa ns.
T he Battle of the Bulge proved to be" the last German
o ffensive of the Second World War. On Ap ril 25.
1(}45, British and Am erican soldiers met ad vancin g
Soviet troops O il the ban ks of the River Elb c in the
IV"",,.,, IMi"j"t I,' b"ild ~;rmlJi dur;tls til.. "uo"d H'orld War, middle of Germ any. O n Apr il 30 Hitler shot himsel f.
German soldier s cvcrvwhcrc laid down th eir
supp lies. T he government also Spl'nt a vast \\·l'apons and o n May 5, 1945. Germany su r rende red .
amount- tw o thousand million dollars-on a top-
In the: Pacific j apanes e armed forces won so me
secret resea rch scheme. The scheme was code-named
str iking early victories. In only a few mo nt hs they
the Manhattan Project. By 1945 scientis ts working
o verran Southeast Asia and the Island s of [he w estern
0 11 rhc scheme had produced and tested th e world's
Pacific. By the: su m mer of 1942 [hey had co nque red
first atomic bomb,
over 1.5 million square mile s of land, rich in raw
Allied wa r planners agreed to co ncent rate 011 materials and inh abi ted by more than 100 m illion
dctc aring Germany fi rst, In 1942 the Sov iet U nio n peop le, Th e conq uered lands included rhc
was unde r heavy attack by the Ger ma ns . T o hel p the Philippines, w here thousand s of Am eric an troo ps
Russians, American generals reco mmended an early we re t rapped and forced to surrender,
invasion o f Ger man-occupicd France. Hut Winston
C hurchill, the Uritish Pri me Mi nis ter. persua ded
Roosevelt to attack the Germans first in the
Mediterranean region. Combined American and
British fo rces Landed III North Africa III N ove mber
1942, and joined orhcr British fo rces already figh ting
ther e, T ogcrhcr. the Allied ar mies defeat ed the
German genera l Ho mmel's Afrika Korps. In ]1)43
they in vad ed Sicily and the mainland of Italy . After
mont hs of bitter fighting. on J un e 4, 1944. they freed
Rome fro m Ger man control.
T w o days later. on June 6_ Allied troops invaded
Normandy in Ge rman-occupied Prance. Their
Supreme C omm and er was rhc American gene ral
Eisenhow er. The invasion was code -named
Oper atio n O verl ord. T he day it took place was
referr ed to as li-Dav - D for l Ichvcrancc. Fro m early
in the mor nm g o f I )- J.)ay hund reds of Allied landing
craft em ptied their loads o f men and wea po ns 0 11 to _.. -
..,. ....
..."" b' ttl«
the tla t Norma nd y beaches. Germ an soldiers fo ug ht
har d to push the invaders in to the sea. Bu t they
25 T H E AR ~EN .\l. Of 1h:.\\OCHACY

By J U Ill' 1'-)-13, the Pacific offensives had beg un .

Hiroshima 1945: right or wrong? Amer ican forces adv anced tow ard sJapan by "is land
hopping" -that is, they captu red Island s that w ere
At fifteen minutes past eight on the morn ing of
srr arcgicallv im po rta nt, but by passed others. In the
August 6, lIN:; , an American ll2'J bomber dropped
rem aind er of 1l)-1J and throughout 19-1-1, Allied
an atomic bomb on the city of Hiroshima. Forty-
forces fought their way closer to Japan itself. InJ line
five seconds later the bomb exploded ill a blinding
I'N-1. an enormo us Am eri can task force won cont rol
flash. A m ush roo m- shaped cloud climbed high
of the import ant Marian a Islands. In O ctober
into the sky above the city. Belew. where Hiro-
Am erican troops returned to the Philippines and
shima had been, burned a ball of fire. 11 was umo
cur offJapan from its conqucst s III Southeast Asia.
feet across and the temperanlrt' at its center w as
100 million degrees. " The war's o va!.. shou ted By 19-15Japan was w ithin ran ge o f air attacks .
one of the bomber's crew . " My Go d," said Ame rican bom bers made devastatin g raids on its
another, "what have we do ne?" cities. ln j unc the island o f Okinawa , less than 375
mi les from the Japanese coast, fell to the Americans.
President T rum an ordered the atomi c bo m b to be
Am er ican troops prepared to invade Japa n itself.
used. I II.' believe d that using it save d lives by
en din g the war quickly . At the rime. and since. But the invasion ne v er came. O n J ul y Ifl, 11)-15.
people haw argued fiercely about w hether he w as Alhed scientists at work o n the Ma nh att an Project
righ t. Some be lieve that he was. Wit hout l liro- tested the w orld's first atomic bo mb. Even they were
shima, they say, the Americans would have had to shocked by the result. T hey had inven ted the most
invade Japan to end the war. Ma ny mo re people destructive Wl..'apo n the world had ever seen . On
than died at H iroshim a and Nagasaki, both August 6 an Am eri can bomber dropped an atomic
Japanese and American, would eben havc been bomb ove r rhc japan csc cit y of HIroshima. A few
killed. Other people do not accept [his reaso ning. days late r, on August 9, a second ato mic bomb was
They argue that the Japanese government was dropped on rhc city of N agasaki . Both cines were
ready to surrender before the bombi ngs. More de vastated and nearly ~OO , OOO civi lians we re- killed.
than half a century after the destruction of On August 1-1 rhejapanese government surrendered .
Hiroshim a. the argument still continues. The Second Worl d War 'was o ver.

Japan 's first setback r-amo in May 1'J-12. In the Battle

of the C or al Sea. aircraft from Am er ican carr iers
drove back a big japanese invasion fleet that was
thrvnrcni ng Aust ralia. ln j unc rhcjapancsc sutf-red
all even wo rse defeat. T heir main bailie Ill-t,t attacked
an im po rtant American base called Mi dway Island.
Again American wa rplanes heat them off w ith heavy
losses. In the Battle of Midway the japanese lost lour
aircraft carriers and many of their best pilots.
By the beginning of 19-13 the Amcricnnv ami their
Australian and British allies had ag reed up on a long-
term plan to de feat the Jap anese. They decided on a
thr ee- pron ged att ack. Fro m Au stralia one prong
'would push northw ards towards Jap an th rough the
Philippines. From Hawaii another pron g w ould
strike wes twa rds through rhe islands o f rhc central
Pacific. Finall y, th e tWO Pacific offem in's would be
supported by a drive throu gh Hurma int o the lands
that thejapan ese had conq uered III Sou theas t Asia_

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