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Date of Completion: November 2, 2015

Date of Submission: November 9, 2015

Title of Artifact: Math Lesson Plan
Standard: Standard One: Subject Matter Knowledge - Teachers shall understand the central
concepts, tools of inquiry, structures of the discipline, especially as they relate to the New Jersey
Core Curriculum COntent standards (CCCS). And design developmentally appropriate learning
experiences making the subject matter accessible and meaningful to all students. (New Jersey
Board of Education, 2016)
I am placing my Math Lesson Plan under Standard One, Subject Matter Knowledge as evidence
of continues mastery. This lesson plan shows that i am starting to understand central concepts,
tools and structures needed to create a lesson plan. It also shows my understanding of the
Common Core Standards and New Jersey Core Curriculum Content Standards, which are vital
importance when creating a lesson plan. I am ensuring that my students will be able to establish a
full and complete understanding of the content associated with the lesson.

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