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Teyah Warren

December 5, 2016
Ms. Caldwell

Study Abroad
Starting the meeting I thought I knew almost a good amount about studying abroad.
Turns out I did NOT, I only knew about the places you can go like, Europe, Asia, Africa, The
Americas & Caribbean as well as Costa Rica and also how expensive it was. Something I learned
at this meeting that really caught my attention were a few things like, you must have a 2.5 gpa to
study abroad over the summer and study during the fall and spring you need a 2.7. You can study
for the summer, fall or spring or the whole academic year. One thing I really love about studying
abroad is that the pay can be just like college, if you dont have the money to pay for it you can
either get a scholarship up to 1,500 or finical ad will pay for it! Who doesnt love free money?
Most of the scholarships given require to maintain a certain GPA of 2.50. I noticed that the
higher the money given, the higher your GPA must be.
Not just anyone can study abroad, if you want to study over the summer you need 6
credits and to receive money from finical aid or it you must have a minimum of 12 credits. You
also must have the support of your department and prior approval for courses taken abroad, also
have at least sophomore standing during period abroad, you can NOT be in the final semester of
your degree program during abroad and lastly, you MUST have the approval of the Office of
International Affairs.
Study Abroad is something I want to do in the future, maybe my junior summer. Getting
scholarships will be my number one priority so I will not have to come out of pocket. This is a
good experience for anyone, I feel as if the pricing was better more students would take on this

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