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How did I choose my topic?

When thinking about what we were was going to do for my project the first 2 people that
had popped up in my head were Abraham Lincoln and of course John F Kennedy. Now
after careful consideration I went with JFK, reason why? As in thought these 2 great
presidents of America had something both in common, sadly they were both
assassinated. The reason why I went with JFK is because I thought he would be of a
more unique choice to go with.
Genre Choosing!
When choosing the type of genre after taking a slow though we went with a website.
Now for me I was really interested in website building. I wanted to expand my
knowledge of the internet, in addition I wanted to test out how well I would do.
How does our topic relate to the theme?
Now our topic on JFK, and how it was related to the theme. JFK took a stand in history
during the time of the Civil Rights Movement, during this time of frustration and
confusion JFK decided to send out The Civil Rights Bill. In this bill Blacks, Whites,
Mexicans, etc. would live with equal rights.
How did we conduct our research?
During the research process we decided to split up and look for online info and books
about JFK. This process worked well for us in our library we found not as much books
about JFK, but in the research online we found really interesting and for me some what
weird info on JFK and his assassination.

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