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Ans 1 : As p/q + q/r + r/s + s/q > 4

Here p = 100, q= 101, r= 1011 and s= 121

So the correct answer is D.
Ans2 . As (p^2)q + (q^2)r + (r^2)p >=3pqr
Here p= 11, q= 25 and r= 12
So the correct answer is d.
Ans 3. p^4 +q^4 + r^4 + s^4 >= 4pqrs
So the correct answer is d
Ans 4. The value of (1+ 1/x)^x) is between 2 and 3, both value
So the value of 2*(1+ 1/x)^x) will be between 4 and 6, both value
So the correct answer is c.
Ans 5. As (a+b+c)*(ab+bc+ca) > 9abc
So 3Z>9abc
so Z> 3abc, Correct answer is c.
Ans 6. As (b+c)(c+a)(a+b) > 8abc
So 4Z>8abc
hence Z>2abc
So correct answer is a.
Ans 7. As 2<= (1+1/n)^n <= 3
or 2<= ((n+1)/n)^n <=3
multiplying by (n+1)/n we get
2(n+1)/n <= ((n+1)/n)^n+1 <= 3(n+1)/n
let n+1= K, so we get
2K/(K-1) <= (K/(K-1))^K <= 3K/(K-1)
K/(K-1) = P
so we get 2P<= P^K <= 3P
so range of P^K is between 2P and 3P. So the correct answer is
Ans8. X/Y = P/Q
adding 1 to both sides :
(X+Y)/Y = (P+Q)/Q
Multiplying both sides by 2
(2X+2Y)/Y = (2P+2Q)/Q
so 1/Z = (2P+2Q)/Q
So Q/Z = 2P +2Q
Hence the correct answer is D.
Ans 9. As X/(2X+Y) = Y/(2Y+Z) = Z/(2Z+X) = Sum of the
Numerators / Sum of the denominators
= X+Y+Z/ ( 3X +3Y +3Z)
= 1/3
so X/(2X+Y) = 1/3
or 3X= 2X+Y
or X= Y
Similarly Y=Z and Z=X so X=Y=Z
So, 3X-2Y= X=Y=Z
So the correct answer = A.

Ans 10. As 2<= (1+1/n)^n <= 3

Multiplying by n^n
or 2(n^n)<= n^n*(1+1/n)^n <= 3(n^n)
or 2(n^n)<= (n+1)^n <= 3(n^n)
dividing by n
2*(n^(n-1))<= ((n+1)^n)/n <= 3*(n^(n-1))
So the correct choice = A.
Ans 11. As x^2 +y^2 +z^2 >= xy +yz+ xz
Here x= 175, y = 185 and z= 195
So the correct answer is d.
Ans 12. If product of X and Y is Z then X+Y is minimum when X=
So the minimum possible number of student occurs when B=G
or B^2= 10,000
so B= 100= G
So B+G= 100+100 = 200. S the correct answer is C.
Q13. There are 400 students in a school. Sweets are distributed
among them in such a way that each one of get X number of
sweets where X is equal to the maximum of B and G where B
and G are defined as following :
B= Number of Boys
G= Number of Girls.
What are the maximum number of sweets that can be distributed
A) 400,000 B) 800,000 C) 40,000 D) 80,000
NOTE : There was a typing error in this question the phrase " X is
equal to the maximum of B and G...." should be read as " X is
equal to the the minimum of B and G ". If the wording of the
question is not changed than the correct answer is as provided
by Dinu Gupta in the message below.
Ans 13. If X + Y = Z then the maximum value of X*Y occurs when
So the maximum number of sweets will be distributed when B=
So the number of boys and girls will be 200 each and each one
will get 200 sweets.
200*200 = 40,000
So the correct answer is C.

Ans 14. As (pq+rs-tv)/a = (pq-rs+tv)/b = (-pq+rs+tv)/c = Sum of

the Numerators / Sum of the denominators
= (pq+rs+tv)/ (a+b+c)
so (pq+rs+tv)/ (a+b+c) = 2(a+b+c)
or (pq+rs+tv) = 2*(a+b+c)^2
so a+b+c = ((pq+rs+tv)^0.5)/2
Hence the correct answer is B.
Ans 15. Ans 15. (pq+rs)/tv = (rs+tv)/pq = (pq+tv)/rs = Sum of the
numerator/ sum of the denominators

or 2( pq+rs+tv)/(pq+rs+tv) = 2
so 2= Z/2 of Z= 4
So Y>4. SO the correct answer is A.
Ans 16. As a^2 +b^2 +c^2 +d^2 < (a+b+c+d)^2
we get 2K< (a+b+c+d)^2
so K < ((a+b+c+d)^2)/2
So the correct answer is A.
Ans 17: The minimum value will occur when the absolute value
of a+b+c is nearest to zero or zero. The maximum value will
occur when the absolute value of a+b+c is furthest away from
Zero, be it in any direction.
Putting a= 0, b=0 and c= 0 we get a+b+c= 0 , so 0 is the
minimum possible value.
Putting a=-1,b=-2 and c= -3 we get a+b+c= -6 , sqaure of which
is 36. 36 is the highest possible value.
SO the correct answer is C.
Ans18 . (p^2)q + (q^2)r + (r^2)p >=3pqr
So we get 36pq >= 3pqr
or 12 >= r. SO the correct answer is a.
Ans 19= J, Ans 20= H, Ans 21= C, Ans 22= D, Ans 23= F, Ans
24= B

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