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Amanda Juarez
Due Date: 11/13/2016 Submitted Date 11/13/2016
Amy Toulouse
French II

Coherence and

/20 (4



Austin High School- Austin I.S.D

RECAP: My lesson objectives and the steps I took to teach the lesson.
My lesson objectives were for the students to review the differences between
the verbs connaitre and savoir by asking and answering questions in pairs. The
theme of the lesson was friendship so for my engagement I used a short video with
two French men talking about what makes their friendship successful. While the video
was playing the students followed along with a transcript focusing on the bolded text
to help them understand the main argument from the video which was good friends
know how to argue with each other. After, I used this opportunity to ask the students
work in pairs to see if they agreed or disagreed. Then I asked them to fill in the blank
using the phrase Un bon ami sait _____. Then we moved on to the review activity
where students needed to ask 5 different questions to 5 different classmates while
choosing between connaitre and savoir. During the activity, I found out that some
of the students had not been present during the lesson on Savoir and Connaitre. I
then interrupted the students and ask them in their own words to share the
differences between connaitre and savoir. Because, I was having problems
connecting my laptop to the school Wi-Fi I had to begin class with this activity. Then,
we continued with the activity and all the students sat back down at their desks. The
students then played a vocabulary review in which they threw a dice, and depending
in the number they needed to act, draw, or write a sentence. Originally, this activity
was planned a whole class activity but I split the students into four teams, which a
student suggested. During the activity, there was a fire drill, so the entire school had
to evacuate the building. When everyone returned to classroom we began to
continue with the game. My CT handed her students a quiz which they took the rest
of the class time to complete. I was unable to get to the new material I had planned

for the students which was using object pronouns to ask and answers questions
about what makes a good friend and teacher.

PACING: How well I planned my time.

I think the pacing for the class was good. The students were able to get
through the engagement, and two review activities as planned. If I wasnt having
problems with my Wi-Fi and if there hadnt been a fire drill, we may have reached the
final activity.

SUCCESSES: What I consider to be successful about the lesson?

I think one of the biggest successes in this lesson was keeping my composure
even though I was frustrated and anxious from being in a car accident earlier that
day. I continued to keep my head up, smile, and continue with the lesson. When I
teach I tend to stay in one spot, but now Ive made it a habit to constantly keep
walking around the classroom.

CHALLENGES: What I consider to be unsuccessful about the lesson?

My biggest challenge was keeping the students engaged. It felt like the entire
lesson dragged which surprised me because I thought they would have enjoyed the
review activities much more. During the vocabulary activity some of the students
didnt want to participate but because I asked them to or told them I needed 100%
participation the students went through with the activity. Im not sure if its the
energy Im bringing into the classroom or the fact that I was still shaken up from the

Amanda Juarez


car accident earlier that morning, that the kids were just not as engaged as I wanted
them to be even though I had them stand up and walk around.

TEACHER PERSONA: Techniques I used to present my teacher persona.

Im still developping my teacher persona. One thing that Im doing well is

crossing my arms only when I need the students to know Im being serious. For
instance, when students were talking and I needed to make an announcement I said
Ecoutez sil vous plait once. Then from the I wait and look at all the students until I
have their full attention which worked. Ive noticed that Im perceived as a sweet and
caring teacher and Im concerned that students will take advantage of that. Im
slowly becoming more and more comfortable redirecting students to get back to work
or having to tell students to put their phones away.

THE FUTURE: What I plan on doing differently.

In the future I plan on making sure that each activity I create makes each
participant accountable for their work. During the vocabulary game, because I walked
around and asked students to show me their drawings and sentences I knew they
were participating. However, I think finding a way to make each student accountable
would be a better way to know that everyone is participating. Because I find myself
constantly having technological issues, I going to create a set of questions to always
have as a warm up for students as a backup plan. Another issue I need to work on is
transitioning from one activity to the next. The 5 E lesson plan makes these
transitions easier for me when I have it with me as I teach.

Amanda Juarez


Amanda Juarez


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